Happy New Year 2012, Eurasia!

Struggle against narcocriminality in the Eurasian space. Interview with doctor of juridical sciences, professor of the Kutafin Moscow State Law Academy D.K.Nechevin

Maleev Yu.N., Yaryshev S.N.

The role of subjects of the Russian Federation in the system of the Common Economic Space
Mishalchenko Yu.V., Gudalov N.N., Belousov S.N.
Modern international political and legal theories of the European Integration
Dzhobirov R.F.
Social and criminology analysis of illegal migration in the Republic of Tajikistan

Kopylov M.N., Basyrova E.R.

«Debt-for-nature swaps»: are they a favour or a threat for inherent sovereignty over natural resources?
Kalinin E.A.
System of international law and ideology
Lutz O.N.
The legal essence of international electoral standards
Avkhadeev V.R.
The Consultative Meetings as management body in the Antarctic Treaty System
Magomedov A.M.
Islamic law as a factor influencing the development of universal concept of human rights

Ibragimov Zh.I.

Terms of dispute settlement and reconciliation in Kazakhs common law
Saymova Sh.A.
Legal regulation of payment for land in the Republic of Kazakhstan and the CIS countries

Lukinskaya M.P.

The home country control principal in the field of financial services provision under the law of the European Union

Tolkachev K.B.

The activities of the State Assembly – Kurultai of the Republic of Bashkortostan in the agrarian policy of the state in modern conditions: legal aspect
Safina S.B.
About the stability of republican constitutions in the structure of the Russian Federation
Akhmedov I.D.
Russian President’s personnel powers in relation to the governors of regions of the Federation and Eurasian political and law culture
Constitutional and legal peculiarities of the Russian parliament: prospects for development
Pushkarev S.V.
Untypical forms of republics with the parliament system of governing

Shaikhullin M.S.

Difference of tradition of local government from other adjacent legal concepts and categories
Khazieva R.R.
Guarantees of activity of the deputy of local government: definition and classification

Idrysheva S.K.

Public contract and public services of state: the problem of correlation and qualification
Gudimenko G.V., Samailov G.A.
The problem of choosing the law to be applied to the inheritance, complicated by the foreign element
Karnushin V.E.
Brief characteristic of property rights which are to be included into the Civil Code of the Russian Federation from the point of view of their obligation law nature
Kulik E.Yu.
History of formation and specific features of legal status of business partnerships in the Russian Federation
Svishcheva E.A.
Transfer of ownership under sale of goods contract in national legal systems: compative legal (conceptual) analysis
Dzhafarova D.D.
Ways of protection of the right to a domain name

Bogomolov A.N.

On the problems of qualifying crimes in non-cash payments
Musatov D.А.
On combating the sexual exploitation and child sexual abuse by criminal law and criminological tools

Golovkin A.В.

Legal aspects of reforming of the system of state control in the sphere of environmental protection in Ukraine
Yamaletdinov R.R.
On the improvement of legal regulation of subsoil audit

Rumyantsev P.A.

Place and role of the government authority in the transitional mechanism of Russia in post-soviet period
Bekbosynov M.B.
Political and legal problems of optimization of federal relations in modern Russia
Semenov I.S.
Corruption as a challenge to national security of Russia: objective and subjective aspects

Cherednikova A.O.

Legislative and legal bases of economic regulation of mortgage lending

Ragulin A.V.

Regulation of the professional rights of the lawyer-defender and their maintenance under the Estonian Republic legislation
Melnichenko R.G.
The comparative and historical analysis of structures of the professional offences directed on belittling of authority of jury and modern legal profession
Tokmakov I.S.
Admissibility of inclusion of result of performance of the commission into a condition about a subject of the agreement on legal aid rendering

Egorysheva N.V.

Social audit of police activity

Review of K.H. Rahimberdin’s monography «Civil society of Kazakhstan and its role in humanization of a criminal policy» (Ust-Kamenogorsk: Librus, 2010. – 256 p.)

Anniversary of academician of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine L.K.Voronova



Maleev Yu.N., Yaryshev S.N.
The role of subjects of the Russian Federation in the system of the Common Economic Space
Analyzed in the article are legal (international law) questions of activity of subjects of the Russian Federation in the Common Economic Space. Special attention is given to formation of economic regions by the subjects of the Russian Federation, to inter-regional legal relations. In this connection considered is the institute of federal interference. Pointed out are the reasons for transition from the Common Economic Space to the Eurasian Economic Union.
Keywords: Common Economic Space, subjects of federation, economic regions, inter-regional legal relations, federal interference, Eurasian Economic Union.
Work bibliographic list
1. Avdeev R.V., Vardomskij L.B., Ruzhanskaja L.A. Social'no-jekonomicheskie i politicheskie aspekty razvitija vneshnejekonomicheskih svjazej Rjazanskoj oblasti // Vneshnjaja politika Rossii na sovremennom jetape. Desjat' let vneshnej politiki Rossii: Materialy Pervogo Konventa Rossijskoj associacii mezhdunarodnyh issledovanij / Pod red. A.V.Torkunova. – M.: Ros. polit. jenciklopedija, 2003.
2. Alekseev M.Ju. Ob aktual'nosti issledovanija mezhdunarodno- pravovyh problem vneshnejekonomicheskih svjazej sub"ektov Federacii // Juridicheskij mir. – 1998. – # 4.
3. Birjukov P.N. O mezhdunarodnoj dogovornoj pravosposobnosti sub"ektov Rossijskoj Federacii // Izvestija vuzov. Pravovedenie. – 1998. – # 2.
4. Vel'jaminov G.M. Pravovoj status sub"ektov Rossijskoj Fede¬racii i problemy priznanija // Moskovskij zhurnal mezhdunarodnogo prava. – 1995. – # 2.
5. Gavrilov V.V. Mnenija regionov. Primorskij kraj kak samostojatel'nyj uchastnik mezhdunarodnyh svjazej (problemy pravovogo statusa) // Moskovskij zhurnal mezhdunarodnogo prava. – 1999. – # 1.
6. Galenskaja L.N. Pravovoe regulirovanie transnacional'nyh otnoshenij vlastnyh ne suverennyh sub"ektov // Osnovnye tendencii razvitija sovremennogo mezhdunarodnogo prava. LIBER AMICORUM v 17 Kovalev A.A. Ukaz. soch. – S. 119.
chest' prof. Gennadija Irinarhovicha Kurdjukova / Otv. red.: A.B.Mezjaev, N.E.Tjurina. – Kazan': Centr innovacionnyh tehnologij, 2010.
7. Evstigneeva L. Subfederal'nye aspekty globalizacii // Voprosy jekonomiki. – 2003. – # 5.
8. Ignatenko G.V. Mezhdunarodno-pravovoj status sub"ektov RF // Rossijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. – 1995. – # 1.
9. Kovalev A.A. Mezhdunarodnoe jekonomicheskoe pravo i pravo¬voe regulirovanie mezhdunarodnoj jekonomicheskoj dejatel'nosti. – M.: Nauch. kniga, 2007.
10. Ksenofontova M.V. Pravovye problemy uchastija sub"ektov Rossijskoj Federacii v mezhdunarodnom jekonomicheskom sotrudni¬chestve: Avtoref. dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. – M., 2004.
11. Mezhdunarodnoe jekonomicheskoe pravo: Ucheb. posob. / Koll. avt.; pod red. A.N.Vylegzhanina. – M.: KNORUS, 2012.
12. Mezhregional'noe i prigranichnoe sotrudnichestvo gosudarstv – uchastnikov SNG: problemy i perspektivy / A.A.Kutukov i dr.; Ispolnitel'nyj komitet SNG. – M.: VINITI, 2006.
13. Mihajlova M.Ju. Institut federal'nogo vmeshatel'stva v zarubezhnyh stranah: Avtoref. dis. … kand. jurid. nauk – M., 2005.
14. Nefedov B.I. Sootnoshenie mezhdunarodnogo i vnutrigosu¬darstvennogo prava: problema formirovanija mezhsistemnyh obrazovanij: Avtoref. dis. … d-ra jurid. nauk. – M., 2011.
15. Pustogarov V.V. Mezhdunarodnye svjazi sub"ektov Rossijskoj Federacii i ih pravovoe regulirovanie // Gosudarstvo i pravo. – 1994. – # 7.
16. Pustogarov V.V. Sub"ekty Federacii. Pravovye problemy mezhdunarodnoj dejatel'nosti. – Ufa, 1995.
17. Sorokin V.G. Pravovye aspekty koordinacii mezhdunarodnyh svjazej sub"ektov RF // Federalizm v Rossii i v Bel'gii. – M., 1998.
18. Starikov P.V. Globalizacija finansovogo prostranstva – vyzov suverenitetu gosudarstv // Obozrevatel'. – 2006. – # 3.
19. Suvorova V.Ja. FZ o koordinacii mezhdunarodnyh i vneshnejekonomicheskih svjazej sub"ektov RF // Rossijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. – 1999. – # 3.
20. Fedorov Ju.I. Sub"ekty Rossijskoj Federacii v mezhduna¬rodnoj zhizni // Panorama-forum. – 1995. – # 2.
21. Filippov N. Pravovoe regulirovanie mezhdunarodnyh i vneshnejekonomicheskih svjazej sub"ektov federacii // Rossijskaja Justicija. – 1998. – # 3.
22. Janjuk E.Je. Sub"ekty federacii i mezhdunarodnoe pravo: Avtoref. dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. – M., 2005.

Mishalchenko Yu.V., Gudalov N.N., Belousov S.N.
Modern international political and legal theories of the European Integration
The article examines political and legal theories of the European integration that analyze the issue of the institutional balance within the EU. The authors also consider historical concepts which tend to tackle predominantly political aspects. Attention is paid to the swift development of the non-traditional regimes and forms of regulation. The authors examine the most relevant, important and controversial issues relating to every specific institution. The changes brought by the Lisbon Treaty are taken into account.
Keywords: European Union, EU Law, institutions, institutional balance, Lisbon Treaty.
Work bibliographic list
1. Christiansen T. Intra-Institutional Politics and Inter-Institutional Relations in the EU: towards Coherent Governance // Journal of European Public Policy. – 2001. – Vol. 8. – # 5.
2. Cram L. Introduction to Special Issue on the Institutional Balance and the Future of EU Governance: The Future of the Union and the Trap of the «Nirvana Fallacy» // Governance. – 2002. – Vol. 15. – Iss. 3.
3. Devuyst Y. The European Union Institutional Balance after the Treaty of Lisbon: «Community Method» and «Democratic Deficit» Reassessed // Georgetown Journal of International Law. – 2008. – Vol. 39. – # 2.
4. Dinan D. Europe Recast: a History of European Union. – Bouldes: London: Lynne Rienner, 2004.
5. Gillingham J. European Integration. Superstate or New Market Economy? – Cambridge: CUP, 2003.
6. Hall P.A., Taylor R.C.R. Political Science and the Three New Institutionalisms // MPIFG Discussion Paper 96/6. June 1996.
7. Hix S. Elections, Parties and Institutional Design: a Comparative Perspective on European Union Democracy // West European Politics. – 1998. – Vol. 21. – # 3.
8. Judge D., Earnshaw D. The European Parliament and the Commission Crisis: a New Assertiveness? // Governance. – 2002. – Vol. 15. – Iss. 3.
9. Lang I. Institutional Changes in the EU after Lisbon: a Redistribution of Power among EU Leading Positions? // The Israeli Association for the Study of European Integration. Working Paper 03/08.
10. Lenaerts K., Verhoeven A. Institutional Balance as a Guarantee for Democracy in EU Governance // Good Governance in Europe’s Integrated Market / Ed. by C.Joerges, R.Dehousse. – Oxford: OUP, 2002.
11. Lobbying the European Union: Institutions, Actors, and Issues / Ed. by D.Coen, J.Richardson. – Oxford: OUP, 2009.
12. Majone G. The European Commission: the Limits of Centralization and the Perils of Parliamentarization // Governance. – 2002. – Vol. 15. – Iss. 3.
13. Monar J. The European Union’s Institutional Balance of Power after the Treaty of Lisbon. – 2007.
14. Petiteville F. La politique internationale de l’Union europeenne. – Paris: Presses de Sciences Po, 2006.
15. Policy-Making in the European Union / Ed. by H.Wallace, W.Wallace, M.Pollack. – Oxford: OUP, 2010.
16. Putnam R. Diplomacy and Domestic Politics: The Logic of Two- Level Games // IO. – 1988. – Vol. 42. – # 3.
17. Rasmussen A. Challenging the Commission’s Right of Initiative? Conditions for Institutional Change and Stability // West European Politics. – 2007. – Vol. 30. – # 2.
18. Rasmussen A. The Inter-Institutional Division of Power and Time Allocation in the European Parliament // West European Politics. – 2011. – Vol. 34. – # 1.
19. Sabel C.F., Zeitlin J. Learning from Difference: the New Architecture of Experimentalist Governance in the EU // European Law Journal. – 2008. – Vol. 14. – # 3.
20. Sbragia A.M. Conclusion to Special Issue on the Institutional Balance and the Future of EU Governance: The Treaty of Nice, Institutional Balance, and Uncertainty // Governance. – 2002. – Vol. 15. – Iss. 3.
21. Schmidt V.A. Taking Ideas and Discourse Seriously: Explaining Change through Discoursive Institutionalism as the Forth «New Institutionalism» // European Political Science Review. – 2010. – # 2. – Iss. 1.
22. Tallberg J. Explaining the Institutional Foundations of European Union Negotiations // Journal of European Public Policy. – 2010. – Vol. 17. – # 5.
23. Wallace H. The Council: an Institutional Chameleon? // Governance. – 2002. – Vol. 15. – Iss. 3.

Dzhobirov R.F.
Social and criminology analysis of illegal migration in the Republic of Tajikistan
This research is dedicated to one of the most actual and important problems of social and economic life in the Republic of Tajikistan. In the article, along with analysis of modern situation, connected with illegal emigration of citizens, immigration and illegal transit migra­tion of foreign citizens and persons without citizenship the attempt is made to identify some vectors to improve the migration situation in the Republic of Tajikistan.
Keywords: illegal migration, labor emigration, transit migration, social and economic situation, criminality, criminology analysis.
Work bibliographic list
1. Afganistan i bezopasnost' v Central'noj Azii. – Vyp. 2. –Bishkek: Ilim, 2005.
2. Zajonchkovskaja Zh. Tranzitnaja migracija v stranah SNG:sravnitel'nye perspektivy // Tranzitnaja migracija i tranzitnye strany: teorija, praktika i politika regulirovanija / Pod red. I.Molodikovoj, F.Djuvelja. – M., 2009.
3. Ioncev V.A. Mezhdunarodnaja migracija naselenija: teorija i istorija izuchenija. – Vyp. 3. – M., 1999.
4. Mahmadbekov M.Sh. Migracionnye processy: sushhnost', osnovnye tendencii i ih osobennosti v sovremennom obshhestve (opyt Tadzhikistana): Avtoref. dis. … kand. polit. nauk. – Dushanbe, 2010.
5. Podshivalov V.E. Nezakonnaja migracija: mezhdunarodno-pravovye problemy. – Irkutsk, 2006.
6. Stoker P. Rabota inostrancev: Obzor mezhdunarodnoj migracii rabochej sily. – M., 1996.
7. Trofimova T.I. Fenomen tranzitnoj migracii // Izvestija IGJeA. – 2010. – # 5 (73).
8. Ul'masov R.U. Razvitie gosudarstvennogo regulirovanija vremennoj trudovoj jemigracii iz Tadzhikistana v Rossijskuju Federaciju: Avtoref. dis. … d-ra jekon. nauk. – M., 2009.
9. Judina T.N. Migracija: slovar' osnovnyh terminov. – M., 2007.

Kopylov M.N., Basyrova E.R.
«Debt-for-nature swaps»: are they a favour or a threat for inherent sovereignty over natural resources?
This paper analyzes «Debt-for-Nature Swaps» concluded by the states of North America, Latin America, Europe, Africa and Southeast Asia.
Keywords: Debt-for-Nature Swap, World Wildlife Fund, principle of permanent sovereignty of states over their natural resources, operating fund, nature conservation organization, Charter of Eco­nomic Rights and Duties of States, reforestation, national park, nature reserve.
Work bibliographic list
1. Boklan D.S. Vzaimodejstvie otraslevyh principov mezhdunarodnogo jekologicheskogo i mezhdunarodnogo jekonomicheskogo prava //Mezhdunarodnoe pravo – International law. – 2009. – # 1 (37).
2. Kapustin A.Ja. Suverenitet gosudarstva nad svoimi prirodnymi resursami // Aktual'nye problemy sovremennogo mezhdunarodnogo prava: Materialy ezhegodnoj mezhvuzovskoj nauchno-prakticheskojkonferencii, Moskva, 9–10 aprelja 2010 g. / Pod red. A.H.Abashidze, M.N.Kopylova, E.V.Kiselevoj. – M.: RUDN, 2011. – Ch. I.
3. Kovalev A.A. Samoopredelenie i jekonomicheskaja nezavisimost' narodov. – M.: Mezhdunar. otnoshenija, 1988.
4. Kopylov M.N. Vvedenie v mezhdunarodnoe jekologicheskoe pravo. – M.: RUDN, 2007.
5. Kopylov M.N. Pravo na razvitie i jekologicheskaja bezopasnost' razvivajushhihsja stran (mezhdunarodno-pravovye voprosy). – M.:Jekon, 2000.
6. Kopylov M.N. Jekologo-pravovoj aspekt problemy vneshnego dolga razvivajushhihsja stran // Vneshnejekonomicheskij bjulleten'. – M.,2000. – # 2.
7. Kopylov M.N., Basyrova E.R. Mehanizm chistogo razvitija v sisteme gibkih mehanizmov Kiotskogo protokola 1997 g. // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. – 2011. – # 7 (38).
8. Meksi M. Jadernoe budushhee Zemli: vlijaet li na nego jetika? //Moskovskij zhurnal mezhdunarodnogo prava. – 1999. – # 2.
9. Nurmuhametova Je.F. Inspekcionnaja Komissija Vsemirnogo Banka: vklad v ustojchivoe razvitie // Moskovskij zhurnal mezhdunarodnogo prava. – 2006. – # 4(64).
10. Bolivia to Protest Lands in Swap for Lower Debt // New York Times. – 1987. – July 14.
11. Chambers C.M., Chambers P.E., Whitehead J.C. Environmental Preservation and Corporate Involvement: Green Products and Debt-for- Nature Swaps // Review of Business. – 1993. – Vol. 15.
12. Changing Paradigms in Development – South, East and West. A Meeting of Minds in Africa. – Uppsala: The Scandinavian Institute of African Studies, 1993.
13. Debt-for-Nature Swaps to Promote Natural Resource Conservation: FAO Conservation Guide / C.A.Quesada Mateo (ed.). – Rome, 1993.
14. Kopylov M.N. The goals of development and environmental security: Can they go together well in Africa // Changing Paradigms in Development – South, East and West. A Meeting of Minds in Africa. – Uppsala: The Scandinavian Institute of African Studies, 1993.
15. Lovejoy Th. Aid Debtor Nations’ Ecology // New York Times. – 1984. – Oct. 4.
16. Ward B., Dubos R. Only One Earth. – N.Y., 1972.
17. World Wildlife Fund and Ecuador Sign Largest Debt-for-Nature
Swap // World Wildlife Fund Press Release. – 1987. – December 14.

Kalinin E.A.
System of international law and ideology
The article is devoted to the issues related to the modern international law system and ideologi­cal background of its principles.
Keywords: foreign policy, ideology, globalism, globalization, international law, state sovereignty, humanitarian intervention, liberalism, principles of international law.
Work bibliographic list
1. Blishhenko I.P., Solnceva M.M. Mirovaja politika i mezhdunarodnoe pravo. – M., 1991.
2. Gugo Grocij. O prave vojny i mira. – M., 1956.
3. Dmitrieva G.K. Moral' i mezhdunarodnoe pravo. – M., 1991.
4. Ledjah I.A. Principy i normy mezhdunarodnogo gumanitarnogo prava – konsolidirujushhaja osnova zashhity prav cheloveka v vooruzhennyh konfliktah // Prava cheloveka i processy globalizacii sovremennogo mira / Pod red. E.A.Lukashevoj. – M., 2005.
5. Tunkin G.I. Vseob"emljushhaja sistema mezhdunarodnoj bezopasnosti i mezhdunarodnoe pravo. – M., 1987.
6. Tjurina N.E. Mezhdunarodnyj pravoporjadok. – Kazan', 1991.
7. Cherkasov G.K. Zhizn' chelovecheskaja: smysly i obrazy. – Syktyvkar, 2003.
8. Bouthoul G. Tgaite de polemologie. Sociologie des guerres. – Paris, 1970.
9. Carl Schmitt et. al. Die Tyrannei der Werte. Lutherisches Verlagshaus. – Namburh, 1979.
10. Carl Schmitt. Der neue Nomos der Erde in Staat, Groraum, Nomos: Arbeiten aus den Jahren 1916–1969 / Ed. by G.Maschke, Duncker & Humblot. –Berlin, 1995.
11. Francis Fukuyama. The End of History. Avon Books. – New York, 1992.
12. Martin R.-M. Introduction aux relations intemationales. – Toulouse, 1982.
13. Moreau Defarges Ph. Les relations internationales dans le monde d’aujourd’hui. Entre globalisation et fragmentation. – Paris, 1991.
14. Rosmary Abi-Saab. Human Rights and Humanitarian Law in Internal Conflicts // Human Rights and Humanitarian Law. – Kluwer, 1997.
15. Zbigniew Brzezinski. Out of Control. Collier Books. – New York, 1993.

Lutz O.N.
The legal essence of international electoral standards
The article presents a research of international electoral standards legal essence.
Keywords: international legal standards, international human rights standards, international electoral standards, respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms principle.
Work bibliographic list
1. Veshnjakov A.A. Izbiratel'nye standarty v mezhdunarodnom prave i ih realizacija v zakonodatel'stve Rossijskoj Federacii: Monograficheskoe issledovanie. – M.: Ves' Mir, 1997.
2. Dogovory v sfere truda, sem'i i social'nogo obespechenija: Ucheb. posob. / Pod red. A.M.Lushnikova, M.V.Lushnikovoj, N.N.Tarusinoj. – 2-e izd., pererab. i dop. – M.: Prospekt, 2010.
3. Izbiratel'noe pravo i izbiratel'nyj process v Rossijskoj Federacii / Otv. red. A.A.Veshnjakov. – M.: Norma, 2003.
4. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo: Uchebnik dlja vuzov / Pod red. G.V.Ignatenko, O.I.Tiunova. – M.: NORMA-INFRA, 1999.
5. Mjullerson R.A. Prava cheloveka: idei, normy, real'nost'. –M.: Jurid. lit., 1991.
6. Tiunov O.I. Mezhdunarodno-pravovye standarty kak faktor globalizacii pravovogo prostranstva // Moskovskij juridicheskij forum «Globalizacija, gosudarstvo, pravo, HHI vek» / Nauch. red. V.I.Blishhenko. – M.: Gorodec-izdat, 2004.

Avkhadeev V.R.
The Consultative Meetings as management body in the Antarctic Treaty System
In this article the description of the forms and procedures of the Consultative Meetings – the main management body of the Antarctic Treaty System is submitted. Brief information on general activity directions of this body, recommendations, measures and resolutions adopted by it is also given.
Keywords: Antarctic Region, Consultative Meetings, Antarctic Treaty, Antarctic Treaty System.
Work bibliographic list
1. Abashidze A.H., Solncev A.M. Usilenie jekologicheskoj otvetstvennosti v sisteme Dogovora ob Antarktike (na puti k mezhdunarodnomu poljarnomu godu (2007–2008)) // Gosudarstvo i pravo. – 2006. –# 10.
2. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo: Uchebnik / Otv. red. V.I.Kuznecov, B.R.Tuzmuhamedov. – M.: Norma, 2007.
3. Sistema Dogovora ob Antarktike: Pravovye akty, kommentarii / V.V.Lukin, V.D.Klokov, V.N.Pomelov. – SPb.: Gidrometeoizdat, 2002.
4. Developing the Antarctic Protected Area System / R.I.Lewis Smith, D.W.H.Walton, P.R.Dingwall. – Cambridge: SCAR, 1994.
5. Guide to the Preparation of Management Plans for Protected Areas. Report of Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting XXII, Norway. – Oslo, 1998.

Magomedov A.M.
Islamic law as a factor influencing the development of universal concept of human rights
The article deals with the Islamic law of human rights as a factor influencing the process of becoming universal concept of human rights. Creation of such a concept will have a significant impact on the development of mankind as a whole. In this case we have to keep in mind that the universal concept of human rights can be viable only in case it takes into account the way of life and the moral imperative of the Islamic part of mankind. Particular attention is paid to the most complicated aspects of Islamic law, such as: the system of its sources, the hierarchy of Islamic law, the ratio of the Islamic and international law.
Keywords: international law, Islamic law, comparative law, human rights and civil rights, universal concept of human rights.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bail'dinov E. Teoreticheskie osnovy ustojchivogo razvitija //Evrazijskoe soobshhestvo. – 2000. – # 2(30).
2. Beljakovich N.N. Prava cheloveka i politika. Filosofsko-pravovye osnovy. – Minsk, 2009.
3. Kitahara A. Real'nost' i ideal'nyj obraz obshhiny (Japonija i Tailand) // Filosofskie nauki. – 1996. – # 1–6.
4. Kovalev A.A. Koncepcija universal'nyh prav cheloveka kak obshhechelovecheskoj cennosti // Moskovskij zhurnal mezhdunarodnogo prava. – 2011. – # 1.
5. Kovalev S. Sny politicheskogo idealista, ili Kak nam obustroit' Evropu i mir // Novoe vremja. – 2000. – # 10.
6. Kon' G.I. Organizacionnaja struktura i porjadok funkcionirovanija Mezhamerikanskogo suda po pravam cheloveka: Dis. ... kand. jurid. nauk. – M., 2011.
7. Maleev Ju.N. Ostorozhno: mezhdunarodnyj dogovor // Mezhdunarodnoe pravo – International law. – 2009. – # 4(40).
8. Matjuhin A.A. Stanovlenie pravovoj kul'tury i geopoliticheskoe samoopredelenie kazahstanskoj gosudarstvennosti (postanovka problemy) // Problemy razvitija sravnitel'nogo pravovedenija v sisteme juridicheskogo obrazovanija: Materialy mezhdunarodnoj konferencii. – Alma-Aty, 1999.
9. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo: Uchebnik / Pod red. A.A.Kovaleva, S.V.Chernichenko. – M., 2008.
10. Nersesjanc V.S. Filosofija prava. – M., 1997.
11. Prava cheloveka: postojannaja zadacha Soveta Evropy: Per. s angl. – M.: Prava cheloveka, 1996.
12. Troshkin Ju.V. Prava cheloveka: Ucheb. posob. – M., 1997.
13. Udarcev S. Metapravo i pravoponimanie (o transformacii pravoponimanija na novom urovne pravovogo razvitija) // Nauchnye trudy «Adilet». – 2000. – # 1(7).
14. Fedotova V.G. Tipologija modernizacij i sposobov ih izuchenija // Voprosy filosofii. – 2000. – # 4.
15. Shalabaeva G.K. Duhovnaja kul'tura kazahskogo naroda i problemy stanovlenija nacional'nogo samosoznanija (social'no-filosofskij analiz): Avtoref. dis. … d-ra fil. nauk. – Almaty, 1997.
16. Shumilov V.M. Kategorija «gosudarstvennyj interes» v politike i prave (sistemno-teoreticheskie i mezhdunarodno-pravovye aspekty) // Pravo i politika. – 2000. – # 3.
17. Baderin M.A. International Human Rights and Islamic Law. – Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003.

Ibragimov Zh.I.
Terms of dispute settlement and reconciliation in Kazakhs common law
The article is devoted to basic forms and methods of dispute resolution among the Kazakhs.
Keywords: Consuetude, law, system, dispute, decision, reconciliation, agreement, trial, lawsuit.
Work bibliographic list
1. Abil' E. Istorija gosudarstva i prava Respubliki Kazahstan. –Astana: Foliant, 1998.
2. Zer H. Vosstanovitel'nye procedury: novyj vzgljad na prestuplenie i nakazanie. – M., 1998.
3. Zimanov S. Kazahskij sud biev – unikal'naja sudebnaja sistema. – Almaty: Atamura, 2008.
4. Izrazcov N. Obychnoe pravo «adat»kirgizov Semirechenskoj oblasti // Jetnograficheskoe obozrenie. – 1897. – # 4.
5. Kozlov I. Obychnoe pravo kirgizov. Materialy po kazahskomu obychnomu pravu. – Alma-Ata, 1948.
6. Kul'teleev T.M. Ugolovnoe obychnoe pravo kazahov. – Alma-Ata, 1955.
7. Norber R. Juridicheskaja antropologija. – M., 1999.
8. Halid Қ. Tauarih hamsa: (Bes tarih). – Astana: Altyn kіtap,2007.
9. Jetnografija i kul'tura drevnih kochevnikov. – Almaty, 2006.

Saymova Sh.A.
Legal regulation of payment for land in the Republic of Kazakhstan and the CIS countries
The article is devoted to theoretical and practical analysis of payment for land in foreign countries.
Keywords: land, land area, Land Code, payment for land, taxes, cadastral estimation, base rate, private property, state property.
Work bibliographic list
1. Abdraimov B.Zh. Vvedenie v zemel'nyj process, ili diskussii o processual'noj forme v juridicheskoj nauke // Agrarnoe, jekologicheskoe i zemel'noe pravo: problemy teorii i praktiki. – Vyp. 4. –A.: LEM, 2003.
2. Larionov G.N., Uljukaev V.H., Makarov O.N. Zemel'noe pravo Rossii. – M., 1997.
3. Kommentarij k Zemel'nomu kodeksu Rossijskoj Federacii /S.A.Bogoljubov i dr.; otv. red. S.A.Bogoljubov. – 7-e izd., pererab. I dop. – M.: Prospekt, 2011.
4. Kaval'chuk N.I. Pravovoe regulirovanie oborota zemel' sel'skohozjajstvennogo naznachenija v sub"ektah Rossijskoj Federacii //Jekologicheskoe pravo. – 2003. – # 6.
5. Jalbulganov A. Pravovoe regulirovanie zemel'nyh platezhej:opyt Tatarstana // Hozjajstvo i pravo. – 1996. – # 8.

Lukinskaya M.P.
The home country control principal in the field of financial services provision under the law of the European Union
The article reviews place and role in finance law of the European Union of the home country control principle related to operations of financial institutions in EU, as well as it discovers sources and legal grounds for such principle. Evolvement and development of a single market of EU financial services model centered with control of financial companies business by national authorities is being traced down hereunder. Therewith the article reviews the case-law of the Court of Justice of the European Union which has great impact on formation and development of the home country control concept.
Keywords: home country, host member state, financial services, harmonization, single market.
Work bibliographic list
1. Birjukov M.M. Evropejskoe pravo do i posle Lissabonskogo dogovora. – M.: Nauch. kniga, 2010.
2. Burenin A.N. Rynok cennyh bumag i proizvodnyh finansovyh instrumentov: Ucheb. posob. – 2-e izd., pererab. i dop. – M., 2002.
3. Vishnevskij A.A. Bankovskoe pravo Evropejskogo Sojuza:Ucheb. posob. – M.: Statut, 2000.
4. Vunsh E., Lashko N. Dopusk inostrannyh obshhestv k dejatel'nosti na territorii Germanii // Korporativnyj jurist. – 2007. – # 1.
5. Evropejskoe pravo. Pravo Evropejskogo Sojuza i pravovoe obespechenie zashhity prav cheloveka: Uchebnik / Ruk. avt. kol. i otv. red. L.M.Jentin. – 3-e izd., peresmotr, i dop. – M.: Norma: INFRA-M, 2011.
6. Zhuk E. Kvalificirovannye investory v Evrosojuze, SShA i RF: pravovye modeli // Rynok cennyh bumag. – 2005. – # 8.
7. Kas'janov R.A. Finansovoe pravo Evropejskogo Sojuza // Evropejskoe pravo. Pravo Evropejskogo Sojuza i pravovoe obespechenie zashhity prav cheloveka: Uchebnik / Ruk. avt. kol. i otv. red. L.M.Jentin. – 3-e izd., peresmotr. i dop. – M.: Norma: INFRA-M, 2011.
8. Kuznecov A.V., Chetverikova A.S. Vostochnoevropejskie strany EC: kuda idut ih investicii // Sovremennaja Evropa. – 2007. – # 4.
9. Romanova T.A. Inostrannye investicii v stanovlenii ES kak faktora na mirovoj arene // Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. – 2002. – Vyp. 2.
10. Titov K.V. Regional'naja jekonomicheskaja integracija v ES //Mirovaja jekonomika i mezhdunarodnye otnoshenija. – 2000. – # 10.
11. Farhutdinov I.Z. Investicionnoe sotrudnichestvo RF i ES:politiko-pravovye problemy i perspektivy // EvAzJuzh. – 2009. –# 18.
12. Farhutdinov I.Z. Mezhdunarodnoe investicionnoe pravo: teorija i praktika primenenija. – M.: Volters Kluver, 2005.
13. Finansovoe pravo: Uchebnik dlja vuzov / Pod red. E.Ju.Grachevoj, G.P.Tolstopjatenko. – M.: PROSPEKT, 2006.
14. Shelenkova N.B. Evropejskoe finansovoe pravo: V 3 t. – T. 1. –M.: Dobrosvet, 2003.
15. Shelenkova N.B. Edinyj evropejskij fondovyj rynok: voprosy regulirovanija // Rynok cennyh bumag. – 2003. – # 2.
16. Shumilov V.M. Mezhdunarodnoe finansovoe pravo: Uchebnik /Vseros. akademija vneshnej torgovli. – M.: Mezhdunar. otnoshenija, 2005.
17. Alexander K. The International Supervisory Framework for Financial Services: An Emerging Regime for Transnational Supervision. –JIBR, 2000.
18. Berry E. European Union Law. – Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007.
19. Cesarini. Economics of securities Markets Regulation: Some Current Issues // Ferrarini G. European Securities Markets: The Investments Services Directive and Beyond. – London: Kluwer, 1998.
20. Chalmers D., Szyszczak E. European Union Law. – Vol. II. Towards a European Policy? – Ashgate: Aldershot, 1998.
21. Dassesse M. EC Banking Law. – 2nd ed. – London, Lloyd’s Press., 1994.
22. Ford C., Kay J. Why Regulate Financial Services // The Future forthe Global Securities Markets. – Legal and Regulatory aspects. – Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996.
23. Goodhart C. Financial Regulation: Why, How and Where Now? – London: Routledge, 1998.
24. Gretschmann K. The Subsidiary Principle: Who is do what in an Integrated Europe? – Maastricht, 1991.
25. Horn N. The Monetary Union and the Internal Market for Banking and Investment Services // Norton J. Yearbook of Internal Financial and Economic Law. – London: Kluwer Law international, 1999.
26. Lee R. What is an Exchnage? The Automation, Management and regulation of Financial Markets. – Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998.
27. Llewellyn D. The Regulation and Supervision of Financial Institutions // Gilbart Lectures on Banking, 1986.
28. Lomnicka E. The Home Country Control Principal in the Financial Services Directives and the Case Law. – EBLR, 2000.
29. Majone G. Regulating Europe. – London: Routledge, 1996.
30. Schmidtchen D., Cooter R. Constitutional Law and Economics of the European Union. – Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 1997.
31. Wisbey G. The Challenge of Technology – Regulation of Electronic Financial Markets. – Cambridge, 2000.
32. Van Miert K. EU Competition Policy in the Banking Sector // Speech delivered to the foreign bankers in the Belgian bankers’ association. – Brussels, 1998.
33. Zavvos G. Banking Integration and Legal issues and Policy Implication // Harvard International Law Journal, 1990.

Tolkachev K.B.
The activities of the State Assembly – Kurultai of the Republic of Bashkortostan in the agrarian policy of the state in modern conditions: legal aspect
The article reviews the activities of the State Assembly - Kurultai of the Republic of Bashkorto­stan in the agrarian policy of the state in modern conditions.
Keywords: agricultural policy, Constitution of the Russian Federation, agriculture.

Safina S.B.
About the stability of republican constitutions in the structure of the Russian Federation
In the article considered is the sequence of changes in republican constitutional acts in the structure of the Russian Federation, constitutions are analyzed from the point of view of their rigidity.
Keywords: republic, constitution, articles, parliament, deputy, legislation, changes.

Akhmedov I.D.
Russian President’s personnel powers in relation to the governors of regions of the Federation and Eurasian political and law culture
The author analyzes Russian Federation President’s empowering authority (presenting candi­dates to a regional legislature, dismissal) in relation to Eurasian political and law culture of Russia.
Keywords: Constitution, Russian President’s Personnel powers, federalism, Eurasian culture, law and political culture.
Work bibliographic list
1. Gejmbuh N.G. Konstitucionno-pravovoe voploshhenie idei nemeckogo edinstva. – Tomsk, 2009.
2. Degtev G.V. Nekotorye teoreticheskie zakonomernosti stanovlenija instituta prezidentstva na sovremennom jetape // Gosudarstvo i pravo. – 2005. – # 2.
3. Kravec I.A. Formirovanie rossijskogo konstitucionalizma (problemy teorii i praktiki). – M.: Novosibirsk, 2002.
4. Martyshin O.V. O nekotoryh osobennostjah rossijskoj pravovoj i politicheskoj kul'tury // Gosudarstvo i pravo. – 2003. – # 10.
5. Medushevskij A.N. Razmyshlenija o sovremennom rossijskom konstitucionalizme. – M., 2007.
6. Smirnov Ja.Ju. Konstitucionnye osnovy vertikal'nogo razdelenija vlastej: opyt sravnitel'no-pravovogo analiza // Juridicheskij analiticheskij zhurnal. – 2005. –# 1–2.
7. Tagirov I.R. Istorija – uchitel'nica vseh vremen i narodov // Vysshaja shkola v XXI veke: usilenie vlijanija na nacional'noe i mirovoe razvitie. – Kazan': Idel'-Press, 2011.
8. Tarasenko F.P. Prikladnoj sistemnyj analiz (Nauka i iskusstvo reshenija problem): Uchebnik. – Tomsk, 2004.
9. Trubeckoj N.S. Vzgljad na russkuju istoriju ne s Zapada, a s Vostoka // Nasledie Chingishana. – M.: Agraf, 1999.
10. Shajo A. Samoogranichenie vlasti (kratkij kurs konstitucionalizma) / Per. s venger. A.P.Gus'kovoj, B.P.Sotina. – M.: Jurist", 1999.
11. Shherbinin A.I., Shherbinina N.G. Politicheskij mir Rossii. – Tomsk, 1996.

Constitutional and legal peculiarities of the Russian parliament: prospects for development
In the article in historical perspective the author considers the peculiarities of parliamentary development in post-Soviet Russia, a special emphasis on recent political and legal innovations in the electoral process is given.
Keywords: Parliament, parliamentary system, multiparty system, electoral system, political pluralism, President of Russia, «the party of power,» political tandem «Putin - Medvedev».
Work bibliographic list
1. Andrianov V.D. Bjurokratija, korrupcija i jeffektivnost' gosudarstvennogo upravlenija. – M., 2009.
2. Degtjarev S. Analiz prezidentskogo zakonoproekta «o politicheskih partijah». – M., 2001.
3. Gel'man V.Ja. Transformacija rossijskoj partijnoj sistemy:monopolizacija politicheskogo rynka // Obshhestvennye nauki i sovremennost'. – 2006. – # 1.
4. Ivanchenko A.V., Ljubarev A.E. Rossijskie vybory ot perestrojki do suverennoj demokratii. – M., 2007.
5. Pozdnjakov D.A. Sovremennaja rossijskaja mnogopartijnost':juridicheskie mehanizmy institucionalizacii. – Rostov n/D, 2004.
6. Shevcova L. Vybornoe samoderzhavie pri Putine. Perspektivy i problemy jevoljucii politicheskogo rezhima // Brifing moskovskogo Centra Karnegi. – 2001. – T. 3. – Vyp. 1.

Pushkarev S.V.
Untypical forms of republics with the parliament system of governing
The article is devoted to the research of group of European republics, in which in few resent decades prime–ministers were not just administrative heads of government or dependable from both the head of state and parliament compromise figures, but became lead­ing actors both on political arena and in formal system of state government. The author comes to the conclusion that untypical forms of government in some parliamentary republics are being formatted.
Keywords: untypical forms of government, presidential system of government, parliamentary system of government, presidentialism, semi-presidentialism.
Work bibliographic list
1. Zaznaev O.I. Atipichnye prezidentskie i poluprezidentskie sistemy // Uchenye zapiski Kazanskogo gosudarstvennoj universiteta. – 2005. – T. 147. – Kn. 1. – (Gumanitarnye nauki).
2. Feshhenko V. Pravitel'stvo Portugalii ne ubereglo stranu ot politicheskogo krizisa // Rossijskaja gazeta. – 2011. – # 63 (25 marta).
3. Araújo A. El Presidente de la República en la evoluciõn del sistema político de Portugal // Gõmez B., Barreto A., Magalhães P. (eds.) El Sistema Político de Portugal. – Madrid: Siglo XXI, 2003.
4. Bacalhau M. Atitudes, opiniões e comportamentos políticos dos portugueses: 1973–1993. – Lisboa: FLAD, 1993.
5. Calandra P. Il governo della Repubblica. – Bologna: Il Mulino, 2002.
6. Calise M. La Terza Repubblica. Partiti contro Presidenti. – Roma: Laterza, 2006.
7. Calise M. Presidentialization, Italian Style // The presidentialization of politics: a comparative study of modern democracies / Ed. By Thomas Poguntke and Paul Webb (Comparative politics). Published in the United States by Oxford University Press Inc. – New York, 2007.
8. Canotilho J.G. and Moreira V. Fundamentos da Constituição. – Coimbra, 1991.
9. Calandra P. Il governo della Repubblica. – Bologna: Il Mulino, 2002.
10. Cassese S. Is There a Government in Italy? Politics and Administration at the Top // Presidents and Prime Ministers / Ed. by R.Rose, E.Suleiman. – Washington: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, 1980.
11. Chimenti A. Storia dei referendum. Dal divorzio alla riforma elettorale. – Roma: Laterza, 1999.
12. Criscitiello A. La riforma di Palazzo Chigi: come cambia l’organizzazione ella Presidenza del Consiglio // Quaderni di Scienza Politica. – 1999. – # 6.
13. Diamanti I., Mannheimer R. Milano a Roma. Guida all’Italia elettorale del 1994. – Roma: Donzelli, 1994.
14. Duverger Maurice. A New Political System Model: Semi-presidential Government // European Journal of Political Research. – 1980. – Vol. 8.
15. Katzenstein P. Policy and Politics in West Germany. The Growth of a Semi sovereign State. – Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1987.
16. Linz J., Stepan A. The Politics of Democratic Consolidation. – Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1996.
17. Mene A. Cronache Costituzionali 1990–91 // Rivista Trimestrale di Diritto Pubblico. – 1993 – # 3.
18. Moreira A. O Presidencialismo do Primeiro-Ministro // Coelho M.B. (ed.) Portugal, o Sistema Político. – Lisboa: ICS, 1989.
19. Poguntke T. The German Party System: Eternal Crisis? / Padgett S., Poguntke T. (eds.); Continuity and Change in German Politics. Festschrift for Gordon Smith. – London: Frank Cass, 2001.
20. Smith G. Democracy in Western Germany: Parties and Politics in the Federal Republic. – London: Heinemann, 1982.
21. Stöss R. Parteikritik und Parteiverdrossenheit // Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte. – 1990.
22. Stöss R. Parteienstaat oder Parteiendemokratie? // Gabriel O.W., Niedermayer O., Stöss R. (eds.), Parteiendemokratie in Deutschland. – Bonn: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, 1997.

Shaikhullin M.S.
Difference of tradition of local government from other adjacent legal concepts and categories
In the article the author points out the question on necessity of differentiation of traditions of local government from other adjacent legal concepts and categories.
Keywords: tradition, local government, difference, law, custom, ethics, morality, norm, municipal legal relations.
Work bibliographic list
1. Abrosimova O.K. Vzaimodejstvie prava i morali v sovremennom rossijskom obshhestve: Avtoref. dis. ... kand. jurid. nauk. – Saratov, 2001.
2. Babaev V.K. Teorija gosudarstva i prava. – M., 2003.
3. Kutafin O.E., Fadeev V.I. Municipal'noe pravo Rossijskoj Federacii: Uchebnik. – 3-e izd., pererab. i dop. – M.: Prospekt, 2010.
4. Marchenko M.N. Istochniki prava: Ucheb. posob. – M.: TK Velbi: Prospekt, 2005.
5. Matuzov N.I., Mal'ko A.V. Teorija gosudarstva i prava: Uchebnik. – 2-e izd., pererab. i dop. – M.: Jurist", 2006.
6. Stanislovajtis R.I. Obychai i tradicii v mehanizme social'nogo dejstvija prava: Dis. … d-ra jurid. nauk. – Vil'njus, 1989.
7. Teorija gosudarstva i prava: Kurs lekcij / Pod red. N.I.Matuzova i A.V.Mal'ko. – 2-e izd., pererab. i dop. – M.: Jurist", 2001

Khazieva R.R.
Guarantees of activity of the deputy of local government: definition and classification
The author makes the definition of guarantees of deputy activity and classification of guarantees which the deputy of local government possesses while executing the powers.
Keywords: guarantees of deputy activity, deputy activity, inviolability of the deputy.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bezuglov A.A. Sovetskij deputat. Gosudarstvenno-pravovoj status. – M., 1971.
2. Novgorodcev P.I. Ob obshhestvennom ideale // Vlast' i pravo. Iz istorii russkoj pravovoj mysli. – L., 1990.
3. Kutafin O.E. Neprikosnovennost' v konstitucionnom prave RF. – M., 2004.
4. Prava cheloveka / Pod red. E.A.Lukashevoj. – M., 1999.
5. Prosvirnin Ju.G. Garantii deputatskoj dejatel'nosti v razvitom socialisticheskom obshhestve. – Voronezh, 1982.
6. Savenkov N.T. Deputat rajonnogo, gorodskogo Soveta. – M., 1974.
7. Fadeev V.I., Varlen M.V. Deputatskij mandat v Rossijskoj Federacii: konstitucionno-pravovye osnovy: Ucheb. posob. – M., 2008.
8. Fedorov R.V., Karasev A.T. Juridicheskie garantii v sisteme mer konstitucionno-pravovogo obespechenija deputatskoj dejatel'nosti: Monografija. – Ekaterinburg, 2008.

Idrysheva S.K.
Public contract and public services of state: the problem of correlation and qualification
The author considers issues of correlation of the categories «public contract in civil law» and «public service of state», provides examples of mixing of concepts in science and legislation, offers the author’s vision of bases for distinguishing between public contract and public services, and also suggests some improvement of the legislation.
Keywords: public contract, public interest, public service of state.
Work bibliographic list
1. Braginskij M.I., Vitrjanskij V.V. Dogovornoe pravo. – Kniga pervaja. Obshhie polozhenija. – 3-e izd. – M.: Statut, 2001.
2. Varlamova A.N. Pravovoe sodejstvie razvitiju konkurencii na tovarnyh rynkah: Avtoref. dis. … d-ra jurid. nauk. – M., 2008.
3. Dedov D.I. «Zolotaja akcija» i publichnye interesy // Jurist. – 2003. – # 9.
4. Klejn N.I. Princip svobody dogovora i osnovanija ogranichenija ego v predprinimatel'skoj dejatel'nosti // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. – 2008. – # 1.
5. Kalashnikova G.A. Publichnyj dogovor: Avtoref. dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. – Krasnodar, 2002.
6. Levchenko O.S. Konstrukcija publichnogo dogovora v rossijskom grazhdanskom prave: Avtoref. dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. – Krasnodar, 2008.
7. Mihajlov S.V. Kategorija interesa v rossijskom grazhdanskom prave. – M.: Statut, 2002.
8. Publichnye uslugi i pravo: Nauch.-praktich. posob. / Pod red. Ju.A.Tihomirova. – M.: Norma, 2007.
9. Putilo N.V. Publichnye uslugi: mezhdu doktrinal'nym ponimaniem i praktikoj normativnogo zakreplenija // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. – 2007. – # 6
10. Tereshhenko L.K. Uslugi: gosudarstvennye, publichnye, social'nye // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. – 2004. – # 10
11. Tihomirov Ju.A. Publichnoe pravo. – M.: BEK, 1995.
12. Hvoshhinskij A. Publichnyj dogovor: zashhita chastnogo interesa? // Biznes-advokat. –2004.

Gudimenko G.V., Samailov G.A.
The problem of choosing the law to be applied to the inheritance, complicated by the foreign element
Institute of inheritance is known for a long time. Inheritance is one of the most important guarantees of private property rights. Today, the regulations of genetic relationships, including those involving foreign elements, occupy a significant place in the structure of civil law. The high level of mobility of modern man confronts the national legal order finding the most appropriate means of regulating inheritance.
Keywords: legislation, inheritance law.
Work bibliographic list
1. Erbrecht: ein Lehrbuch / auf der Grundlage der Bearb. von Theodor Kipp. Fortgef. von Helmut Coing. 14. Bearb. – Tübingen: Mohr, 1990.
2. Entwurf eines Gesetzes zur Neuregelung des Internationalen Privatrechts Drucksache 10/504 vom 20.10.83.
3. Febres Pobeda, Apuntes de Derecho Internacional Privado. –
2 Edición. – Mérida – Venezuela 1962.
4. Goldschmidt W. American-Argentine private international law / by Werner Goldschmidt and José Rodriguez-Novás. – New York: Oceana Publ., 1966.

Karnushin V.E.
Brief characteristic of property rights which are to be included into the Civil Code of the Russian Federation from the point of view of their obligation law nature
This article presents a brief characteristic of property rights from the point of view of their relative character in relation to the proprietor. There is an attempt to find a criteria of classification of property rights. A short description of the list of property rights, presented in the Civil Code draft, is given.
Keywords: property right, law of obligation, limited property right, obligation nature of limited property rights.
Work bibliographic list
1. Baron Ju. Sistema rimskogo grazhdanskogo prava: V 6 kn. –SPb., 2005.
2. Grazhdanskij kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii (chast' pervaja) ot 30.11.1994 # 51-FZ (red. ot 06.04.2011).
3. Emel'kina I.A. Ponjatie i priznaki veshhnogo prava v rossijskoj i zarubezhnoj civilistike // Notarius. – 2010. – # 6.
4. Koncepcija razvitija grazhdanskogo zakonodatel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii (odobrena resheniem Soveta pri Prezidente RF po kodifikacii i sovershenstvovaniju grazhdanskogo zakonodatel'stva ot 07.10.2009) // Vestnik VAS RF. – 2009. – # 11 (nojabr').
5. Misnik N.N. «Svoj interes» kak «indikator» veshhnogo prava // Gosudarstvo i pravo. – 2005. – # 12.
6. Suhanov E.A. Stat'ja: O ponjatii i vidah veshhnyh prav v rossijskom grazhdanskom prave // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. – 2006. – # 12.

Kulik E.Yu.
History of formation and specific features of legal status of business partnerships in the Russian Federation
The article is dedicated to stages of formation and development of business partnership institute in Russia and specific features of legal regulation of the named institute. The article also discloses comparative law analysis of regulation of similar partnerships in legislation of foreign countries.
Keywords: commercial company, enterprise association, business partnership, partnership.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bpatuc' C.K. Jupidicheckie lica v sovetckom gpazhdanckom ppave. – M., 1993.
2. Vavin N.G., Vopmc A.Je. Tovapishhectva ppoctoe, polnoe i na vepe: Nauch.-ppaktich. kommentapij. – M., 2008.
3. Kozlova N.V. Uchpeditel'nyj dogovop o cozdanii kommepcheckix obshhectv i tovapishhectv. – M.: BEK, 2009.
4. Makcimov V.Ja. Zakony o tovapishhectvax. – M., 1911.
5. Novickij I.B. Pimckoe ppavo. – M., 2008.
6. Tot'ev K.Ju. Ppedppijatie i ego opganizacionno-ppavovaja fopma // Gocudapctvo i ppavo. – 2010. – # 10.
7. Shepshenevich G.F. Kupc topgovogo ppava. – CPb., 1908.
8. Uniform Partnership Act (UPA)// Mark Lee Levine. Business & Law. – SP.: West Publishing Co, 1976.

Svishcheva E.A.
Transfer of ownership under sale of goods contract in national legal systems: compative legal (conceptual) analysis
In this article the author proposes to consider significant features of legislation of the different countries concerning transfer of ownership in the sale of goods contract based on traditional conceptions of the regulation of ownership in the goods.
Keywords: ownership, transfer of ownership, sale of goods contract, conceptions of transfer of ownership.
Work bibliographic list
1. Grazhdanskoe i torgovoe pravo zarubezhnyh gosudarstv: Uchebnik: V 2 t. / Otv. red. E.A.Vasil'ev, A.S.Komarov. T. II. – M., 2008.
2. Zabelova L.B., Jastrebov D.A. Osnovy pravovogo regulirovanija dogovora mezhdunarodnoj kupli-prodazhi tovarov. – M., 2009.
3. Hajns D., Trescova E.V. Perehod prava sobstvennosti po zakonodatel'stvu Rossii i Germanii: pravovoe regulirovanie otnoshenij s uchastiem organizacij i grazhdan: Mezhvuz. sbornik nauch. trudov / Pod red. T.I.Larina. – Ivanovo, 1995
4. The International Sale of Goods. Law and Practice. – Second Edition. Michael Bridge. – Oxford, 2009.

Dzhafarova D.D.
Ways of protection of the right to a domain name
In the article some ways of protection of the right to a domain name are considered.
Keywords: domain name, right protection, Internet network.
Work bibliographic list
1. Braginskij M.I., Vitrjanskij V.V. Dogovornoe pravo. Kniga pervaja: Obshhie polozhenija. – 3-e izd., stereotip. – M.: Statut, 2008.
2. Nagornyj R.S. Domennoe imja kak ob"ekt grazhdanskogo prava // Zhurnal Rossijskogo prava. – 2008. – # 2.
3. Sergo A. Domennye imena v svete novogo zakonodatel'stva. – M.: GOU VPO RGIIS, 2010

Bogomolov A.N.
On the problems of qualifying crimes in non-cash payments
The paper considers the problem of qualifying crimes in non-cash payments. It is noted that the misuse of credit or payment cards, electronic documents, secure electronic signature act independent form of theft with the help of computer technology. On the basis of in­terpretation of Art. 187 of the Criminal Code of Russia, the author concludes that there is no question about the use, and the establishment of various technical assistance to credit or payment cards, electronic payment instruments and cashless payment instruments drawn up without the use of computer technology and physical alienation.
Work bibliographic list
Keywords: problems of qualification of crimes, bank transfer, computer technology.
1. Amel'chakov I.F., Osokin R.B. Hishhenie putem obmana ili zloupotreblenija doveriem (moshennichestvo): istorija, jelementy i priznaki sostava, kvalifikacija. – Tambov: Tambovskij filial MosU MVD Rossii, 2005.
2. Voroncova S.V. K voprosu o kvalifikacii prestuplenij v sfere jelektronnyh platezhej // Bankovskoe pravo. – 2009. – # 1.
3. Vatutin A.N. Poddelka deneg, cennyh bumag i inyh platezhnyh dokumentov: ugolovno-pravovye i kriminologicheskie aspekty: Avtoref. dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. – Rostov n/D, 2006.
4. Goncharov D. Kvalifikacija hishhenij, sovershaemyh s pomoshh'ju komp'juterov // Zakonnost'. – 2001. – # 11.
5. Grunin O. Jekonomicheskaja bezopasnost' organizacii. – SPb.: Piter, 2002.
6. Gauhman L.D., Maksimov S.V. Otvetstvennost' za prestuplenija protiv sobstvennosti. – M.: JurInfoR, 1997.
7. Dzhafarli V.F. ogly. Ugolovnaja otvetstvennost' za sovershenie hishhenij v bankovskoj sfere, svjazannyh s ispol'zovaniem jelektronnyh platezhnyh sredstv: Dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. – M., 2003.
8. Zhuravlev M., Zhuravleva E. Aktual'nye voprosy sudejskoj praktiki po ugolovnym delam o moshennichestve // Ugolovnoe pravo. – 2008. – # 3.
9. Kurs sovetskogo ugolovnogo prava / Pod red. A.A.Piontkovskogo. – M.: Nauka, 1971.
10. Klepickij I. Moshennichestvo i pravonarushenija grazhdansko-pravovogo haraktera // Zakonnost'. – 1995. – # 9.
11. Kaleshina O., Konjahin V. Poddel'nye dokumenty kak predmet prestuplenij, predusmotrennyh st. 186 i 187 UK RF (pravoprimenitel'nye i pravotvorcheskie aspekty) // Ugolovnoe pravo. – 2006. – # 5.
12. Potapenko N.S. Ugolovnaja otvetstvennost' za poddelku bankovskih kart // Rossijskij sud'ja. – 2004. –# 8.
13. Piljaeva V.V. Kommentarij k Grazhdanskomu kodeksu Rossijskoj Federacii (postatejnyj). Chast' pervaja. – M.: TK Velbi, 2004.
14. Potapenko N.S. Kvalifikacija prestuplenij, sovershaemyh v sfere vypuska i obrashhenija bankovskih kart: Avtoref. dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. – M., 2006.
15. Postatejnyj kommentarij k Ugolovnomu kodeksu Rossijskoj Federacii / Pod red. N.A.Gromova. – M.: GrossMedia, 2007.
16. Petrov S.V. Otvetstvennost' za izgotovlenie ili sbyt kreditnyh libo raschetnyh kart i inyh platezhnyh dokumentov: Avtoref. dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. – N. Novgorod, 2004.
17. Suslina E.V. Otvetstvennost' za moshennichestvo po Ugolovnomu kodeksu Rossijskoj Federacii: Dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. – M., 2007.
18. Skvorcova S.A. Ugolovno-pravovaja harakteristika prestuplenij, sovershaemyh s ispol'zovaniem bankovskih kart: Avtoref. dis.… kand. jurid. nauk. – M., 2000.
19. Ugolovnoe pravo. Obshhaja i Osobennaja chasti: Uchebnik / Pod red. V.Ju.Malahova. – M.: Jeksmo, 2011.
20. Fojnickij I.Ja. Moshennichestvo po russkomu pravu: sravnitel'noe issledovanie. – SPb., 1871.
21. Cenova T.L. Kommercheskoe moshennichestvo: ponjatie, sostav i vidy // Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta MVD Rossii. – 2011. – # 3.
22. Shmonin A.V. Formirovanie ponjatija prestuplenija, soprjazhennogo s bankovskimi tehnologijami // Bankovskoe pravo. – 2005. – # 6.
23. Jani P. Postanovlenie Plenuma Verhovnogo Suda o kvalifikacii moshennichestva, prisvoenija i rastraty: ob"ektivnaja storona prestuplenija // Zakonnost'. – 2008. – # 4.

Musatov D.А.
On combating the sexual exploitation and child sexual abuse by criminal law and criminological tools
The author investigates the questions of criminal law and criminology aspects of sexual exploitation and seduction of minors taking into account changes in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
Keywords: victimological character, Criminal Code, growth of criminal offenses.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ovchinskij V.S. Rossija pod vlast'ju pedofilov // Moskovskij Komsomolec # 5(655) ot 31 maja 2011

Golovkin A.В.
Legal aspects of reforming of the system of state control in the sphere of environmental protection in Ukraine
The article considers investigation of reform of the system of state control in the sphere of environmental protection in Ukraine.
Keywords: state control, environmental protection, reformation, administrative reform.
Work bibliographic list
1. Lazor O.Ja. Derzhavne upravlіnnja u sferі realіzacії ekologіchnoї polіtiki: organіzacіjno-pravovі zasadi: Monografіja. – L.: Lіga-Pres,
2. Ekologіchne pravo Ukraїni: Pіdruchnik / A.P.Get'man, M.V.Shul'ga, V.K.Popov ta іn. – H.: Pravo, 2005.

Yamaletdinov R.R.
On the improvement of legal regulation of subsoil audit
This article discusses the question of improvement of legal regulation of subsoil audit.
Keywords: audit, environmental and legal science, Federal Law «On Environmental Protection».
Work bibliographic list
1. Bajdakov S.L., Serov G.P. Jekologicheskij audit. Postatejnyj kommentarij k Federal'nomu zakonu «Ob auditorskoj dejatel'nosti». – M.: Os'-89, 2002.
2. Boeva A.A. Kodifikacija zakonodatel'stva o nedropol'zovanii v Rossijskoj Federacii: problemy i perspektivy razvitija //Juridicheskij mir. – 2009. – # 4.
3. Brinchuk M.M. Sootnoshenie jekologicheskogo prava s drugimi otrasljami: problemy teorii i praktiki // Jekologicheskoe pravo. – 2009. – # 5/6.
4. Brinchuk M.M. Jekologicheskoe pravo: Uchebnik // SPS «Konsul'tantPljus», 2008.
5. Vasil'eva M.I. Sudebnaja zashhita jekologicheskih prav. – M.: Centr jekologicheskoj politiki Rossii, 1996.
6. Makarov S.V., Shagarova L.B. Jekologicheskoe audirovanie promyshlennyh proizvodstv. – M.: NUMC, 1997.
7. Mar'in E.V. Pravovye problemy jekologicheskogo audita v Rossii // Jekologicheskoe pravo. – 2008. – # 1.
8. Tihomirov Ju.A. Publichno-pravovoe regulirovanie: dinamika sfer i metodov // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. – 2001. – # 5
9. Chikunova E.P. Jekologicheskij audit: problemy i perspektivy // Menedzher-jekolog. – 2006. – # 5.

Rumyantsev P.A.
Place and role of the government authority in the transitional mechanism of Russia in post-soviet period
Formed in the contemporary transitional period in Russia the systems of federal and regional government authorities are discussed in this article. Determined is their meaning and role in the mechanism of the transitional state. Particular attention is paid to the definition of powers of government authorities which allow to control the activities of other authorities and to restrict the limits of their power.
Keywords: government authority, state mechanism, transitional period, separation of powers, mechanism of «checks and balances», control activity.
Work bibliographic list
1. Baglaj M.V., Gabrichidze B.P. Konstitucionnoe pravo Rossijskoj Federacii: Uchebnik dlja vuzov. – M.: Jurist", 1996.
2. Baglaj M.V. Konstitucionnoe pravo Rossijskoj Federacii:Uchebnik dlja vuzov. – 3-e izd. izm. i dop. – M.: Norma, 2002.
3. Bajtin M.I. Mehanizm sovremennogo Rossijskogo gosudarstva // Pravovedenie. – 1996. – # 3.
4. Bezuglov A.A., Chebotarev G.N. Princip razdelenija vlastej v gosudarstvennom ustrojstve Rossijskoj Federacii. – Tjumen': Izd-vo Tjumenskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, 1997.
5. Varlamova N.V. Posttotalitarizm: problemy teorii // Politicheskie problemy teorii gosudarstva: Sbornik statej. – M., 1993.
6. Dzodziev V. Problemy stanovlenija demokraticheskogo gosudarstva v Rossii. – M., 1996.
7. Zlatopol'skij D.L. Gosudarstvennoe pravo zarubezhnyh stran Vostochnoj Evropy i Azii. – M., 1999.
8. Konkin I.I. Novyj mehanizm privedenija k vlasti glav sub"ektov Rossijskoj Federacii: problemy i somnenija // Konstitucionnoe i municipal'noe pravo. – 2005. – # 3.
9. Konstitucionnoe zakonodatel'stvo Rossii / Pod red. Ju.A.Tihomirova. – M., 1999.
10. Kopejchikov V.V. Mehanizm sovetskogo gosudarstva. – M., 1968.
11. Lebedev V.M. Sudebnaja vlast' v sovremennoj Rossii. Problemy stanovlenija i razvitija. – SPb., 2001.
12. Mel'nikov N.V. Prokurorskaja vlast' // Gosudarstvo i pravo. – 2002. – # 2.
13. Osaveljuk A.M. Vspomogatel'nye gosudarstvennye organy za- rubezhnyh stran: konstitucionno-pravovoj aspekt. – M., 1998.
14. Pogosjan N.D. Schetnaja palata Rossijskoj Federacii. – M., 1998.
15. Tarasov A.M. Gosudarstvennyj kontrol': sushhnost', soderzhanie, sovremennoe sostojanie // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. – 2002. – # 1.
16. Topornin B.N. Razdelenie vlastej i parlamentarizm: Sbornik statej. – M., 1992.
17. Ukaz Prezidenta RF ot 09.03.2004 # 314 «O sisteme i strukture federal'nyh organov ispolnitel'noj vlasti» // Rossijskaja gazeta. – 2004. – # 50.
18. Fedorov B.A. Jevoljucija avtoritarnyh rezhimov na Vostoke. –M., 1992.
19. Herbut R. Process demokratizacii politicheskoj sistemy –uslovija i ogranichenija // Processy demokratizacii v Vostochnoj Evrope: ozhidanija i real'nost': Sbornik statej. – M., 2002.
20. Chirkin V.E. Konstitucionnoe pravo: Rossija i zarubezhnyj opyt. – M., 1998.
21. Chirkin V.E. Kontrol'naja vlast' // Gosudarstvo i pravo. – 1993. – # 4.
22. Apter D. Political systems and development change. – L., 1970.

Bekbosynov M.B.
Political and legal problems of optimization of federal relations in modern Russia
In this paper the author attempts to analyze the main directions of optimization of federal relations, identify specific trends of the process and to explore ways to further improvement of federal structure of Russia.
Keywords: federal relations strategy, improvement of federal structure, problems and contradictions of Russian federalism.
Work bibliographic list
1. Leksin V.N. Federativnaja Rossija i ee regional'naja politika. – M., 2008.
2. Solov'ev V.R. Putin – Medvedev. Chto delat'? – M.: Jeksmo, 2010.
3. Cherepanov V. Federativnaja reforma v Rossii. – M., 2007.

Semenov I.S.
Corruption as a challenge to national security of Russia: objective and subjective aspects
In the article some problems of combating corruption are considered.
Keywords: corruption, state, national security, state apparatus, official misconduct.
Work bibliographic list
1. Afinogenov Ju.A. Ob"ekt vzjatochnichestva // Uchenye zapiski DVGU. Voprosy gosudarstva i prava. – Vladivostok, 1965. – Vyp. 12.
2. Borkov V.N. Poluchenie vzjatki: voprosy kvalifikacii: Avto- ref. dis. ... kand. jurid. nauk. – Omsk, 2002.
3. Damaskin O. Jekonomicheskaja prestupnost' i korrupcija // Zakonnost'. – 1996. – # 6.
4. Kirichenko V.F. Otvetstvennost' za dolzhnostnye prestuplenija po sovetskomu ugolovnomu pravu. – M., 1956.
5. Krasnopeeva E.V. Vzjatochnichestvo: ugolovno-pravovoj i kriminologicheskij aspekty: Avtoref. dis. ... kand. jurid. nauk. – M., 2002.
6. Kurs sovetskogo ugolovnogo prava. Chast' Osobennaja / Otv. red. prof. N.A.Beljaev. – L., 1978. – T. 4.
7. Lysov M.D. Otvetstvennost' dolzhnostnyh lic po sovetskomu ugolovnomu pravu. – Kazan', 1972.
8. Mel'nikova V.E. Dolzhnostnye prestuplenija. – M., 1985.
9. Men'shagin V.D., Vyshinskaja Z.A. Sovetskoe ugolovnoe pravo. – M., 1950.
10. Merkur'ev V.V., Pavlinov A.V., Polujektov A.P. Osobennaja chast' ugolovnogo prava Rossii: Uchebnik. – Novokuzneck, 2004.
11. Nikiforov B.S. Ob"ekt prestuplenija po sovetskomu ugolovnomu pravu. – M., 1960.
12. Saharov A.B. Otvetstvennost' za dolzhnostnye zloupotreblenija po sovetskomu ugolovnomu pravu. – M., 1956.
13. Cherkesova A.A. Vzjatochnichestvo i korrupcija: voprosy raskrytija i rassledovanija // Kriminalistika. – 2005. – # 8.
14. Jakovenko E.V. Ugolovno-pravovaja bor'ba so vzjatochnichestvom: Dis. ... kand. jurid. nauk. – Vladivostok, 2004.

Cherednikova A.O.
Legislative and legal bases of economic regulation of mortgage lending
In the article some questions of development of tradition of economic application and legal regulation of a mortgage in Russia are considered. Mortgage lending formation in Russia at the pres­ent stage deserves special attention.
Keywords: land, pledge, mortgage, property rights, mortgage certificates of participation.
Work bibliographic list
1. Astapov K.L. Ipotechnoe kreditovanie v Rossii i za rubezhom (zakonodatel'stvo i praktika) // Den'gi i Kredit. – 2004. – #4.
2. Zhid Sh., Rist Sh. Istorija jekonomicheskih uchenij. – M.: Jekonomika, 1994.
3. Kasatkin S.I. Jekonomicheskij mehanizm ipotechnogo kreditovanija zhilishhnogo stroitel'stva v municipal'nom obrazovanii: Dis. … kand. jekon. nauk. – Tomsk, 2004.
4. Smol'jannikov A.N. Ipoteka: teorija skvoz' prizmu zakonotvorchestva // Voprosy jekonomiki. – 1997. – # 7.

Ragulin A.V.
Regulation of the professional rights of the lawyer-defender and their maintenance under the Estonian Republic legislation
In the article questions of regulation of the professional rights of the lawyer-defender and their maintenance under the Estonian Republic legislation in comparison to the Russian criminally-reme­dial legislation and normative provisions of Federal Legal Act «About advocacy activity and advocacy in the Russian Federation» are considered.
Keywords: legal profession, professional rights of the lawyer-defender, protection of the rights of the lawyer-defender.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ansel' M. Metodologicheskie problemy sravnitel'nogo prava // Ocherki sravnitel'nogo prava. – M.: Progress, 1981.
2. Petrov D.V. Mehanizm ugolovno-pravovoj ohrany prav advokata po zakonodatel'stvu zarubezhnyh gosudarstv // Vestnik VJeGU: Nauchnyj zhurnal. – 2010. – # 5(49). – (Jurisprudencija).
3. Ragulin A.V. Gil'dii Rossijskih Advokatov – 15 let. Interv'ju s Prezidentom Gil'dii Rossijskih advokatov Gasanom Borisovichem Mirzoevym // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. – 2009. – # 10(17).
4. Ragulin A.V. O prave advokata na sobiranie predmetov i dokumentov, sluzhashhih osnovoj dlja formirovanija dokazatel'stv v ugolovnom processe // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. – 2010. – # 5(24).
5. Ragulin A.V. Pravovaja reglamentacija vzaimodejstvija advokata-zashhitnika i chastnogo detektiva nuzhdaetsja v sovershenstvovanii //Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. – 2010. – # 6(25).
6. Ragulin A.V. Pravovye i organizacionnye sredstva obespechenija realizacii professional'nyh prav advokatov // Social'naja politika i sociologija. – 2010. – # 8(62).

Melnichenko R.G.
The comparative and historical analysis of structures of the professional offences directed on belittling of authority of jury and modern legal profession
In the article with use of the comparative and historical analysis investigated is the group of professional offenses of the lawyers united by concept «attempt at authority of legal profession» which includes: employment by the lawyer of certain kinds of not lawyer activity, illegibility at acceptance of affairs, untidiness in private sphere.
Keywords: lawyer, jury legal profession, public service, estate.
Work bibliographic list
1. Vas'kovskij E.V. Osnovnye voprosy advokatskoj jetiki. – SPb., 1895.
2. Vtoroj otchet Soveta prisjazhnyh poverennyh okruga Odesskoj sudebnoj palaty za 1906–1907 g. – Odessa: Tipografija Juzhno-Russkogo Obshhestva Pechatnogo d"la, 1907.
3. Dzhanshiev D.A. Beglye zametki po povodu poslednego otcheta Moskovskogo Soveta prisjazhnyh poverennyh (1876–1877). – M., 1878.
4. Dzhanshiev D.A. Vedenie nepravyh del (Jetjud po advokatskoj jetike). – 2-e izd. – M., 1887.
5. Doklady po voprosu o sovmeshhenii zvanija prisjazhnogo poverennogo s drugimi dolzhnostjami i zanjatijami. – M.: Tipografija A.I.Mamontova i K, 1888.
6. Markov A.N. Pravila advokatskoj professii v Rossii. – M.: Tipografija O.L.Somovoj, 1913.
7. Mel'nichenko R.G. Ostanovka dlja advokata // Jezh-Jurist. –2008. – # 40.
8. Otchet o dejatel'nosti Soveta prisjazhnyh poverennyh okruga Har'kovskoj sudebnoj palaty za 1905–1906 g. (s 15 fevralja 1905 goda po 15 fevralja 1906 goda). – Har'kov: Tipografija Advol'fa Dare, 1906.
9. Otchet Soveta prisjazhnyh poverennyh okruga Odesskoj sudebnoj palaty za 1905–1906 g. – Odessa: Tipografija Juzhno-Russkogo Obshhestva Pechatnogo

Tokmakov I.S.
Admissibility of inclusion of result of performance of the commission into a condition about a subject of the agreement on legal aid rendering
The author considers problems of inclusion of provision of result of legal advice into the condition of subject of an agreement on provision of legal services as well as analyses problems relating regulation this matter in practice.
Keywords: agreement on provision of legal services, attorney-at-law, subject of an agreement, result of provision of legal services.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bykov A.G. Sistema hozjajstvennyh dogovorov // Vestnik MGU. Pravo. – 1974. – # 1.
2. Dozhdev D.V. Rimskoe chastnoe pravo / Pod red. V.S.Nersesjanca. – M.: Infra-M – Norma, 1996.
3. Kozlova N.V. Dogovor vozmezdnogo okazanija pravovyh uslug //Zakonodatel'stvo. – 2002. – # 3.
4. Kratenko M.V. Dogovor ob okazanii juridicheskoj pomoshhi v sovremennom grazhdanskom zakonodatel'stve. – M.: Statut, 2006.
5. Krotov M.V. Objazatel'stvo po okazaniju uslug v sovetskom grazhdanskom prave: Ucheb. posob. – L., 1990.
6. Rimskoe chastnoe pravo: Uchebnik / Pod red. prof. I.B.Novickogo i prof. I.S.Pereterskogo. – M.: Jurist", 1994.
7. Romanec Ju.V. Sistema dogovorov v grazhdanskom prave Rossii. – M., 2001.
8. Sannikova L.V. Uslugi v grazhdanskom prave Rossii. – M., 2006.
9. Stepanov D.I. Uslugi kak ob"ekt grazhdanskih prav // Rossijskaja justicija. – 2000. – # 2 // SPS «Konsul'tantPljus».
10. Stepanov D. Kto budet platit' i komu platit' ne budut (K voprosu o razrabotke porjadka oplaty juridicheskih uslug) // Hozjajstvo i pravo. – 2002. – # 1.
11. Tanchuk I.A., Efimochkin V.P., Abova T.E. Hozjajstvennye objazatel'stva. – M., 1970.
12. Shablova E.G. Grazhdansko-pravovoe regulirovanie otnoshenij vozmezdnogo okazanija uslug: Avtoref. dis. … d-ra jurid. nauk. – Ekaterinburg, 2003.
13. Sheshenin E.D. Obshhie problemy objazatel'stv po okazaniju uslug // Antologija ural'skoj civilistiki. 1925–1989: Sbornik statej. – M., 2001.

Egorysheva N.V.
Social audit of police activity
The article substantiates the necessity of putting into practice of social audit of forming institute of police, discloses the essence of the concept of “social audit” with reference to the police and shows its possibilities to increase the social effectiveness of its activity.
Keywords: social audit, social effectiveness, police authorities, sociological monitoring, func­tions of social audit, forms of social audit.
Work bibliographic list
1. Galiev G.T., Patrushev V.I. Social'nye tehnologii. Resursy. Audit: V 2 t. – T. 2. – Ufa, 2011.
2. Nurgaliev R. MVD Rossii: vchera, segodnja, zavtra // Shhit i mech. – 2009. – # 27 (1187).
3. Social'nyj audit: tehnologii, standarty, osnovnye ponjatija: Slovar'-spravochnik. – M.: Izd-vo AT i SO, 2007.
4. Toneeva D.S., Koloferov H.P., Toneeva K.P. Zarozhdenie i razvitie social'nogo audita // Vestnik VJeGU. Filosofija. Sociologija.


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