Persona Grata
SSAL: « … to be met by the mind and to be accompanied with honour» Interview with lieutenant-general Astapkin Igor Vasilievich

Eurasian Integration
Abdulloyev F.
About the International Centre for Dispute Resolution at the Economic Court of the Commonwealth of Independent States
Bakaeva O.Yu.
Legal questions of customs expert operation in the situation of formation of the customs union

Actual problem
Trunov I.L.
«Flasher» – a death symbol

Law of the CIS
Abdraimov B.J., Saymova Sh.A.
Functions and competence of state structures in the sphere of land legal relationship in the republic of Kazakhstan
Nikolyukin S.V.
Features of reconciliatory procedures in Russian and Belarus legislation
Rahimberdin K.H.
Priority directions of the criminal and criminal executive policy of the republic of Kazakhstan in modern conditions
Ashlarba L.T.
Features of the marriage contract under the laws of Georgia

International law
Bekyashev K.A., Bekyashev D.K.
The results of the united nations review conference on the control over the implementation of the 1995 un agreement on Transboundary Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks
Krivenky A.I.
The Constitution of the Russian Federation as a source of international private law
Hachirova V.S.
Cooperation models of the states with the International Criminal Court
Zenyakina A.G.
Cape town convention and Aircraft Protocol: legal analysis in the light of the Russian federation accession thereto

Law of the european union
Ispolinov A.S., Anufrieva A.A.
EU law and international law: effects of the ECJ new approach to agreements entered into by member states with third countries
Lutz O.N.
Council of Europe innovation legal standards on e-voting

Law of the foreign states
Sidorova G.М.
Legitimate power as a basis for security in central africa (the example of the democratic republic of Congo)

Constitutional law
Permyakov V.A.
The modern classification of the law sources of state property management: problems and perspectives of improvement

Civil law
Patyutko D.Yu.
Proposals to improve civil legal regulation objects of uncompleted construction

Housing law
Bakirova E.Yu.
The role of law in solving the housing problems

Family law
Sycheva O.A.
The problems of juvenile rights realization for getting the maintenance after alimony payer death

Criminal procedural law
Oken I.P.
To a question on necessity of preliminary judicial control at reception of samples for comparative research

Educational law
Avanesov E.Yu.
Education quality as the basic guarantee of rendering of educational services: civil law aspect

Information law
Abdudzalilov A.
Internet: the crisis of information model

Law of foreign investments
Guseinov O.R.
The legal status of foreign investments: basic tendencies of development

Advocacy and notary
Hodilina M.V.
Content and meaning of realization of the right to defense

Juvenile technologies
Borisova N.Е.
About legal status of minors and youth in the Russian Federation

Law enforcement activity
Fefelov V.V.
Legal principles of law enforcement activity in the Russian Federation
Mukhametshin A.F.
To a question on creation of detective branches in 1908

Medical law
Galeeva G.R.
Death ascertaining as the right to a removal of organs and (or) fabrics of a human body under the Russian legislation

Eurasian advocacy
Ragulin A.V.
Regulation of the professional rights of the lawyer-defender and their maintenance under the republic of Belarus legislation

Korbut L.V.
National and international aspects of legal status of family. The review of session of the Commissions on family law of the International Union of Lawyers and the Union of Lawyers of Moscow (Moscow, December 22, 2010)

Information for authors

About the authors
Eurasian Integration
Abdulloyev F.
About the International Centre for Dispute Resolution at the Economic Court of the Commonwealth of Independent States
The Economic Court of the Commonwealth of Independent States initiated the establishment of the International Centre for Dispute Resolution at CIS Economic Court in the framework of the measures being undertaken in the Commonwealth in order to modernize its sphere of activities. This initiative was approved by the CIS Interparliamentary Assembly (Resolution of 3 April 2008 № 15). According to the above resolution CIS Economic Court, the International Union of Lawyers and the Secretariat of the IPA CIS member states established the International Centre for Dispute Resolution at the Economic Court of the CIS.
Regulations of the International Centre defines its aims as settlement of disputes and conflicts; protection of rights and legitimate interests of citizens and organizations; legal assistance; realization of legal analysis and law enforcement. Structurally the International Centre consists of permanent Arbitration Court and the Chamber of Mediators.
The distinguishing feature of the Arbitration Court is its jurisdiction to resolve disputes arising from the implementation of international economic ties between the CIS member states and business entities of the designated States in terms of the arbitration agreement of the parties.
Office of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation in St. Petersburg and Leningrad region issued on 27 October 2008 State Registration Certificate of Non-Profit Partnership «The International Centre for Dispute Resolution at the Economic Court of the Commonwealth of Independent States». The seat of the International Centre is in St. Petersburg.
Keywords: International Center for Dispute Resolution, Economic Court of the CIS, Arbitration Court.

Eurasian Integration
Bakaeva O.Yu.
Legal questions of customs expert operation in the situation of formation of the customs union
The article is dedicated to legal base of the customs expert operation conducted by the customs organs of the states-members of the Customs Union. Defined are the types of the customs expert operations, the order of their fulfillment is under study. The author pays attention to consequences of the overset of the fulfillment of the customs expert operation.
Keywords: customs expert operation, Customs Union, expert conclusion.
Work bibliographic list
1. Andreeva E.I., Begisheva I.V. Pravovye voprosy klassifikacii tovarov v tamozhennoj sfere s uchetom primenenija special'nyh znanij // Vestnik Rossijskoj tamozhennoj akademii. –2009. – # 3
2. Metodicheskie rekomendacii o naznachenii jekspertiz dolzhnostnymi licami tamozhennyh organov i provedenii jekspertiz Central'nym jekspertno-kriminalisticheskim tamozhennym upravleniem i jekspertno-kriminalisticheskimi sluzhbami – regional'nymi filialami CJeKTU, inymi jekspertnymi organizacijami i jekspertami, utv. pis'mom FTS Rossii ot 18 aprelja 2006 g. # 01-06/ 13167 (v red. ot 18 nojabrja 2008 g.) // Tamozhennye vedomosti. – 2006. – # 7.
3. Metodicheskie rekomendacii po primeneniju norm zatrat vremeni na proizvodstvo jekspertiz dlja opredelenija norm jekspertnoj nagruzki jekspertov Central'nogo jekspertno-kriminalisticheskogo tamozhennogo upravlenija, utv. prikazom FTS Rossii ot 30 ijulja 2010 g. # 1427 // Dokument opublikovan ne byl. Soderzhitsja v spravochno-informacionnoj sisteme «Konsul'tant Pljus».
4. Pis'mo FTS Rossii ot 12 ijulja 2010 g. # 01-11/34096 «O vremennom vvedenii v dejstvie form dokumentov» // Tamozhennye vedomosti. – 2010. – # 9.

Actual problem
Trunov I.L.
«Flasher» – a death symbol
In the article the problem of use of light and sound signals and consequences of their use for road traffic is considered.
Keywords: flasher, special light and sound signals, road traffic.

Law of the CIS
Abdraimov B.J., Saymova Sh.A.
Functions and competence of state structures in the sphere of land legal relationship in the republic of Kazakhstan
The article is devoted to the theoretical analysis of land legal relations in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Special attention is given to analyses of current legislation in this field, to its disadvantages, to working out recommendations for its progressive development.
Keywords: land legal relations, Land Code, land rent, taxes, cadastral estimation, private property, state property.

Law of the CIS
Nikolyukin S.V.
Features of reconciliatory procedures in Russian and Belarus legislation
In the article specificity conciliatory is considered (reconciliatory, intermediary) procedures in which frameworks, the parties address to the third party (to the intermediary, a mediator) to help them in attempt peacefully to settle the arisen dispute.
Features of legal fastening of reconciliatory procedures in the Russian Federation and Byelorussia are investigated.
Keywords: intermediation, mediation, board of intermediaries, stages of reconciliatory procedure, termination of reconciliatory procedure.

Law of the CIS
Rahimberdin K.H.
Priority directions of the criminal and criminal executive policy of the republic of Kazakhstan in modern conditions
The article is devoted to research of the main ways of modernization of criminal and criminal executive policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the conditions of development of a civil society.
Keywords: humanization, policy, criminal executive system, punishment, condemned, human rights, law.
Work bibliographic list
1. Aleksandrov A.I. Ugolovnaja politika i ugolovnyj process v rossijskoj gosudarstvennosti: istorija, sovremennost', perspektivy, problemy / Pod red. V.Z.Lukashevicha. – SPb.: Izd-vo Sankt-Peterburgskogo gosudarstvennogo un-ta, 2003.
2. Bosholov S.S. Osnovy ugolovnoj politiki: konstitucionnyj, kriminologicheskij, ugolovno-pravovoj i informacionnye aspekty. – M.: Uchebno-konsul'tacionnyj centr «JurInfoR», 1999.
3. Zubkov A.I. Karatel'naja politika Rossii na rubezhe tysjacheletij. – M.: PRI, 2000.
4. Lopashenko N.A. Ugolovnaja politika. – M.: Volters Kluver, 2009.
5. Kovalev M.I. Sootnoshenie ugolovnoj politiki i ugolovnogo prava // Sovetskoe gosudarstvo i pravo. – 1978. – # 12.
6. Kudrjavcev V.N. Nauchnye predposylki kriminalizacii //Kriminologija i ugolovnaja politika. – M.: Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1985.
7. Min'kovskij G.M., Magomedov A.A., Revin V.P. Ugolovnoe pravo RF: Uchebnik / Pod red. V.P.Revina. – M.: Brandes: Al'jans, 1998.
8. Minjazeva T.F. Pravovoj status lichnosti osuzhdennyh v Rossijskoj Federacii. – M.: NORMA, 2001.
9. Permjakov Ju.E. Vvedenie v osnovy ugolovnoj politiki: Ucheb. posob. – Samara: Samarskij universitet, 1993.
10. Pobegajlo Je.F. Ugolovnaja politika sovremennoj Rossii: konceptual'nyj podhod // Protivodejstvie prestupnosti: ugolovno-pravovye, kriminologicheskie i ugolovno-ispolnitel'nye aspekty. – M., 2008.
11. Razgil'diev B.T. Ugolovno-pravovaja politika: ponjatie i soderzhanie // Pravovaja politika i pravovaja zhizn'. – 2000. – # 11.
12. Rossijskoe ugolovnoe pravo: Kurs lekcij. – T. I. Prestuplenie / Pod red. prof. A.I.Korobeeva. – Vladivostok: Izd-vo Dal'nevostochnogo universiteta, 1999.
13. Struchkov N.A. Ispravitel'no-trudovaja politika i ee rol' v bor'be s prestupnost'ju. – Saratov: Izd-vo Saratovskogo un-ta, 1970.
14. Ugolovno-ispolnitel'noe pravo Rossii: teorija, zakonodatel'stvo, mezhdunarodnye standarty, otechestvennaja praktika konca XIX–XXI veka: Uchebnik dlja vuzov / Pod red. A.I.Zubkova. – M.: Norma, 2002.
15. Ugolovno-ispolnitel'noe pravo: Uchebnik dlja vuzov / Pod red. V.I.Seliverstova. – M.: Norma, 2009.
16. Filimonov O.V. Predislovie k monografii Minjazevoj T.F. Pravovoj status lichnosti osuzhdennyh v Rossijskoj Federacii. – M.: NORMA, 2001.

Law of the CIS
Ashlarba L.T.
Features of the marriage contract under the laws of Georgia
The article deals with the institute of marriage contract; controversial issues related to  the legal nature of the marriage contract in Georgia, issues related to its conclusion, the problem of recognition of the marriage contract null and void are considered. The notion of the marriage contract is disclosed. The analysis of the contemporary Georgian law on marriage contract, and contradictions in its application is given.
Keywords: Georgian law, family law, marriage contract, family relations, property of spouses, marriage, parties, transaction, obligation.
Work bibliographic list
1. Grazhdanskij kodeks Gruzii (The civil code of Georgia) ot 26 ijunja 1997 g. Vveden v dejstvie s 25 nojabrja 1997 g. (s popravkami i izm. na 26 nojabrja 2001 g.) / Nauch. red. Z.K.Bigvava; Per. s gruz.: I.Meridzhanashvili, I.Chikovani. – SPb.: Jurid. centr Press, 2002.
2. Zarandija T., Lazareshvili L., Dzhanhoteli Sh. Tipovye obrazcy dogovorov. – Tbilisi, 2006.
3. Kommentarij k GK Gruzii / Pod red. L.Chanturija. – Tbilisi: Samartali, 2002. – Kn. 1.
4. Kommentarij k Semejnomu pravu Gruzii / Pod red.R.Shengelija. – Tbilisi: Samartali, 2002. – Kn. 1.
5. Maksimovich L.B. Brachnyj kontrakt. – M.: Os'-89, 1997.
6. Chanturija L. Vvedenie v obshhuju chast' grazhdanskogo prava. – Tbilisi, 1997.
7. Shengelija R., Shengelija E. Semejnoe pravo. Teorija i praktika. – Tbilisi, 2008.

International law
Bekyashev K.A., Bekyashev D.K.
The results of the united nations review conference on the control over the implementation of the 1995 un agreement on Transboundary Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks
The article is devoted to the history of the elaboration and adoption of the 1995 UN Agreement on Transboundary Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks, it studies the results of the 2010 Review Conference on the Control over the Implementation of the 1995 UN Agreement. The legal analysis of the decisions taken at the Conference is of the utmost importance for the authors. They pay most attention to the international legal aspects as well as the national legislation and the experience of foreign states in respect of the issues discussed at the Conference.
Keywords: the 1995 Agreement, the UN Review Conference, transboundary fish stocks, highly migratory fish stocks, Regional Fisheries Management Organizations (RFMOs).
Work bibliographic list
1. Bekjashev K.A. Desjat' let Soglasheniju 1995 g. o TRZ i DMR: imejutsja li vozmozhnosti dlja bolee jeffektivnogo ispol'zovanija ego norm i principov // Morskoe pravo i praktika. – 2006. –# 4 (12).
2. Sbornik mezhdunarodnyh konvencij i soglashenij Rossijskoj Federacii po voprosam rybolovstva / Pod obshh. red.A.A.Krajnego. – M., 2010.
3. Shevchenko V. Konvencija OON po morskomu pravu i okeanicheskoe rybolovstvo v izmenivshihsja mezhdunarodno-pravovyh uslovijah // Itogi chetvertoj sessii Konferencii OON po transgranichnym rybnym zapasam i zapasam daleko migrirujushhih ryb. – M., 1995.

International law
Krivenky A.I.
The Constitution of the Russian Federation as a source of international private law
In the article the problem of theoretical positions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation as the sources of international law regulating the relations, complicated by a foreign element is considered.
Keywords: Civil code, international private law, sources of conflict regulation, civil law branch.
Work bibliographic list
1. Brun I.I. Vvedenie v mezhdunarodnoe chastnoe pravo. – Peterburg, 1915.
2. Zvekov V.P. Mezhdunarodnoe chastnoe pravo. – M., 2004.
3. Kommentarij k Konstitucii Rossijskoj Federacii /E.N.Topornin i dr. – M., 1994.
4. Kommentarij k chasti tret'ej Grazhdanskogo kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii / Pod red. A.L.Makovskogo i E.A.Suhanova. –M., 2002.
5. Marochkin S.Ju. Dejstvie norm mezhdunarodnogo prava v pravovoj sisteme Rossijskoj Federacii. – M., 1996.
6. Martens F.F. Sovremennoe mezhdunarodnoe pravo civilizovannyh narodov. – SPb., 1882.
7. Mezhdunarodnoe chastnoe pravo: Uchebnik / Otv. red.G.K.Dmitrieva. – 2-e izd. – M., 2004.
8. Muranov A.I. Prava cheloveka i mezhdunarodnoe chastnoe pravo // Rossijskij ezhegodnik mezhdunarodnogo prava. – SPb., 2003.

International law
Hachirova V.S.
Cooperation models of the states with the International Criminal Court
In the article from theoretical and practical points of view considered are the duties to cooperate with the ICC both by statesmembers and non-members. The most suitable model of cooperation of the Russian Federation with the ICC is offered.
Keywords: international law, International Criminal Court, international criminal law.
Work bibliographic list
1. Abashidze A.H. Uchastie gosudarstv v Rimskom statute Mezhdunarodnogo ugolovnogo suda kak novyj vid objazatel'stva // Mezhdunarodnoe ugolovnoe pravosudie: sovremennye problemy. – M.,2009.
2. Van Sjumjej. O vlijanii jurisdikcii Mezhdunarodnogo ugolovnogo suda na neuchastvujushhie gosudarstva // Mezhdunarodnoe ugolovnoe pravosudie: sovremennye problemy. – M., 2009.
3. Gevorgjan K. Oficial'naja pozicija Rossii v svjazi s sozdaniem Mezhdunarodnogo ugolovnogo suda // Mezhdunarodnyj ugolovnyj sud i pozicija Rossii. – M., 2000.
4. Glotova S.V. Rimskij statut i objazatel'stva neuchastvujushhih gosudarstv // Mezhdunarodnoe ugolovnoe pravosudie: sovremennye problemy. – M., 2009.
5. Zhenevskie konvencii i Dopolnitel'nye protokoly k nim. MKKK. – M., 2005.
6. Zemljanskaja V.V. Aktual'nye voprosy mezhdunarodnogo sotrudnichestva Mezhdunarodnogo ugolovnogo suda // Mezhdunarodnoe ugolovnoe pravosudie: sovremennye problemy. – M., 2009.
7. Kibal'nik A.G. Rimskij statut Mezhdunarodnogo ugolovnogo suda i nacional'nye interesy Rossii // Mezhdunarodnoe ugolovnoe pravosudie: sovremennye problemy. – M., 2009.
8. Mihajlov N.G. Nekotorye vozmozhnye podhody gosudarstv k sotrudnichestvu s mezhdunarodnymi sudebnymi organami // Mezhdunarodnoe ugolovnoe pravosudie: sovremennye problemy. –M., 2009.
9. Safarov N.A. Sotrudnichestvo v oblasti ugolovnogo pravosudija: «gorizontal'naja» i «vertikal'naja» modeli // Mezhdunarodnoe ugolovnoe pravosudie: sovremennye problemy. – M., 2009.
10. Safarov N.A. Prestuplenija, podpadajushhie pol jurisdikciju Mezhdunarodnogo ugolovnogo suda i ugolovnoe zakonodatel'stvo stran Sodruzhestva Nezavisimyh Gosudarstv (Sravnitel'nyj analiz) // Gosudarstvo i pravo. – 2004. – # 7.
11. Tuzmuhamedov B.R. O nekotoryh problemah sootvetstvija Rimskogo statuta Konstitucii Rossijskoj Federacii // Mezhdunarodnoe ugolovnoe pravosudie: sovremennye problemy. – M.,2009.
12. Chzhu Vjen'ci. O sotrudnichestve s Mezhdunarodnym ugolovnym sudom gosudarstv, ne javljajushhihsja uchastnikami Statuta //Mezhdunarodnyj zhurnal Krasnogo kresta. – 2006. – T. 88. – # 861.
13. Arrfte federal relatii a la cooperation avec leslribunauxinternationaux charges de poursuivre les violations graves du droit inttrnalionalc humanitaire du 21 decembre 199o // RecueiIof-ficiel du droit federal. – 1996. – # 2.
14. CasseseA. International Criminal Law. – Oxford, 2003.
15. Flettcher G.P., Ohlin J.D. The ICC Two Courts in One? // Journal of International Criminal Jsnise. – Vol. 4. – Issue 3. – 2006.
16. Gallant K.S. Jurisdiction to Adjudicate and Jurisdiction to Prescribe in International Criminal Courts // Villanova Law Review. – Vol. 48. – 2003. – # 3.

International law
Zenyakina A.G.
Cape town convention and Aircraft Protocol: legal analysis in the light of the Russian federation accession thereto
The article covers the following issues: legal grounds for the international unification of the security transactions; legal analysis of the UN IDROIT Convention on international interests in mobile equipment and Protocol thereto on matters specific to aircraft equipment; proposed legal and economic assessment of the Russian Federation accession to the above-mentioned international documents.
Keywords: Cape Town Convention, Aircraft Protocol, security transactions, security interest, mobile equipment, international registry, international interests.
Work bibliographic list
1. Komarov A.S. Mezhdunarodnaja unifikacija pravovogo regulirovanija vneshnejekonomicheskoj dejatel'nosti // Zakonodatel'stvo. – 1999. – # 11 // SPS «Garant».
2. Konvencija o mezhdunarodnyh garantijah v otnoshenii podvizhnogo oborudovanija (Kejptaun, 16 nojabrja 2001 g.) // SPS «Garant».
3. Kuvshinov V.A. Kejptaunskaja Konvencija o mezhdunarodnyh imushhestvennyh pravah na podvizhnoe oborudovanie 2001 g. i protokol po aviacionnomu oborudovaniju k jetoj konvencii //Gosudarstvo i pravo. – 2003. – # 2.
4. Lazareva T.P. Mezhdunarodno-pravovoe regulirovanie obespechitel'nyh sdelok: Konvencija UNIDRUA o mezhdunarodnyh garantijah v otnoshenii podvizhnogo oborudovanija // SPS «Garant».
5. Cuming Ronald C.C. International Regulation of Aspects of Security Interests in Mobile Equipment. – Rome: Uniform Law Review 1990 (I).
6. Goode, Royston M. Transcending the Boundaries of Earth and Space: the Preliminary Draft Unidroit Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment. – Rome: Uniform Law Review 1998-1.
7. Goode, Royston M. Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment and Protocol thereto on Matters Specific to Aircraft Equipment: Official Commentary. – Rev. ed. – Rome: UNIDROIT, 2008.
8. Neil B. Cohen. Internationalizing the law of secured credit: perspectives from the U.S. experience // University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Economic Law. – 20 (1999).

Law of the European Union
Ispolinov A.S., Anufrieva A.A.
EU law and international law: effects of the ECJ new approach to agreements entered into by member states with third countries
This article deals with the new approach of the European Union institutions to the question of interrelation of the EU law and international law. The article is based on the analysis of current and previous jurisprudence of ECJ relating to entering into and performance of international treaties by EU member states as well as to the new criteria of finding them incompatible with EU law. Upon the analysis the authors evaluate the effects of the recent ECJ decisions on EU member states as well as on third countries.
Keywords: European law, very foundations of EU legal order, international treaties, actual incompatibility, hypothetical incompatibility, ECJ, bilateral investment treaties, movement of capitals.
Work bibliographic list
1. Lavranos N. Protecting European Law from International Law // European Foreign Policy Review. – 2010. – Vol. 5. – Issue 2.
2. Manzini P. The priority of the Pre-existing Treaties of the EC Member States within the Framework of International Law // European Journal of International Law. – 2001. – Vol. 12.
3. Potesta M. Bilateral Investment Treaties and the European Union. Recent development in Arbitration and before the ECJ // The Law and practice in International Courts and Tribunals. (2209). – Vol. 8.

Law of the European Union
Lutz O.N.
Council of Europe innovation legal standards on e-voting
The article is devoted to the evolution of the Council of Europe legal standards on electronic voting. It explores the e-voting history and e-election introduction within the CoE member-states, highlights the prerequisites for creation of the legal framework in this area, touches upon a problem of ensuring the basic principles of electoral law during e-voting procedure. The central part of the study includes a detailed analysis of the norms of the Recommendation Rec (2004)11 of the Committee of Ministers to member states on legal, operational and technical standards for e-voting.
Keywords: electronic voting, e-voting, Council of Europe legal standards, electronic voting machines, electronic ballot, e-voting system, remote e-voting, universal suffrage, equal suffrage, free suffrage, secret suffrage, voting channel, vote, casting of e-vote.

Law of the foreign states
Sidorova G.М.
Legitimate power as a basis for security in central Africa (the example of the democratic republic of Congo)
The article deals with the important transition period of history of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), connected with the preparation and conduct of the first democratic elections in the history of the country and the creation of the legitimate institutes of power in the post-conflict period. Using his own experience and practical field studies in the DRC, the author analyses the military and political issues which occurred in the country from 1998 to 2006.
Keywords: political process, constitution, legitimate power institutes, military and political situation, political parties, military forces.

Constitutional law
Permyakov V.A.
The modern classification of the law sources of state property management: problems and perspectives of improvement
This article is dedicated to the actual problems of state property management in the Russian Federation. Author analyses the modern condition of the law sources in this institute. The article classifies the law sources of state property management in the current period of progress of Russian state.
Кeywords: property, state management, sources, law regulation, Russian Federation.
Work bibliographic list
1. Alekseev S.S. Obshhaja teorija prava: V 2 t. – T. 2. – M., 1982.
2. Bahrah D.N. Predmet i istochniki administrativnogo prava Rossii // Administrativnoe pravo na rubezhe vekov: Mezhvuzovskij sbornik nauchnyh trudov. – Ekaterinburg, 2003.
3. Kononov P.I. O nekotoryh aktual'nyh problemah sovershenstvovanija administrativnogo zakonodatel'stva Rossii // Administrativnoe pravo i informacionnoe pravo (sostojanie i perspektivy razvitija). – M., 2003.
4. Mazaev V.D. Harakter pravovogo regulirovanija publichnoj sobstvennosti // Administrativnoe pravo: teorija i praktika: Materialy nauchnoj konferencii. – M., 2002.
5. Mickevich A.V. Akty vysshih organov Sovetskogo gosudarstva. Juridicheskaja priroda normativnyh aktov vysshih organov gosudarstvennoj vlasti i upravlenija SSSR. – M., 1967.
6. Talapina Je.V. Upravlenie gosudarstvennoj sobstvennost'ju. – M., 2002.
7. Hangel'dyev B.B. O nekotoryh izmenenijah v sisteme administrativnogo prava i v institutah, zakrepljajushhih upravlenie federal'noj sobstvennost'ju i sobstvennost'ju sub"ektov Rossijskoj Federacii // Zakonodatel'stvo Rossii v XXI veke: Po materialam nauchnoj konferencii 17 oktjabrja 2000 g. – M., 2002.

Civil law
Patyutko D.Yu.
Proposals to improve civil legal regulation objects of uncompleted construction
The article contains proposals aimed to improving of civil legal regulation of objects of uncompleted construction as civil legal category.
Keywords: objects of uncompleted construction, improving civil legislation, civil legal category, property complex.
Work bibliographic list
1. Abramova E.N. i dr. Kommentarij k Grazhdanskomu kodeksu Rossijskoj Federacii. Chast' pervaja: Ucheb.-praktich. kommentarij / Pod red. A.P.Sergeeva. – M.: Prospekt, 2010.
2. Artabaeva L.S. Nekotorye osobennosti predprijatija kak imushhestvennogo kompleksa // Advokat. – 2007. – # 4 // SPS GA- RANT.
3. Batueva Je.C. Grazhdansko-pravovoe regulirovanie otnoshenij, svjazannyh s ob"ektami nezavershennogo stroitel'stva kak nedvizhimym imushhestvom: Avtoref. dis. ... kand. jurid. nauk. – M.,2010.
4. Valeev R.A. Pravovoj rezhim ob"ekta nezavershennogo stroitel'stva: Dis. ... kand. jurid. nauk. – Ufa, 2007.
5. Lapteva A.M. Imushhestvennye kompleksy v kommercheskom oborote: Dis. ... kand. jurid. nauk. – SPb., 2010.
6. Nekrest'janov D.S. Grazhdansko-pravovoe regulirovanie oborota ob"ektov nezavershennogo stroitel'stva: Dis. ... kand.jurid. nauk. – SPb., 2005.
7. Shalaginov K.K. Pravovoj rezhim ob"ekta nezavershennogo stroitel'stva: teorija i praktika: Avtoref. dis. ... kand. jurid.nauk. – Rostov n/D, 2009.

Housing law
Bakirova E.Yu.
The role of law in solving the housing problems
The article reveals the dual nature of the home: on the one hand, it stands as one of the most important socio-economic benefits to be distributed through the social security system, on the other hand, being the property, it can freely participate in civil circulation. The author considers that it is necessary to develop a comprehensive theory of legal facts in the mechanism of legal housing regulation and their system.
Keywords: housing, right to housing, mechanism of regulation, legal fact.
Work bibliographic list
1. Alekseev S.S. Mehanizm pravovogo regulirovanija. – M.: Gosudarstvennoe izdatel'stvo juridicheskoj literatury, 1966.
2. Gorjunova E.N. Dialektika juridicheskih faktov v sisteme pravovyh norm. – Belgorod: Vezelica, 2002.
3. Grazhdanskoe pravo. – T. I: Uchebnik / Otv. red. E.A.Suhanov. – 3-e izd., pererab. i dop. – M.: Volters Kluver, 2010.
4. Danilin V.I., Reutov S.I. Juridicheskie fakty v sovetskom semejnom prave. – Sverdlovsk: Izd-vo Ural'skogo gosudarstvennogo un-ta, 1989.
5. Dudin A.P. Dialektika pravootnoshenij / Pod red. prof.V.O.Tennenbauma. – Saratov: Izd-vo Saratovskogo un-ta, 1983.
6. Isakov V.B. Juridicheskie fakty v sovetskom prave. – M.:Jurid. lit., 1984.
7. Isakov V.B. Pravovoe regulirovanie i juridicheskie fakty // Pravovedenie. – 1980. – # 5.
8. Kechek'jan S.F. Pravootnoshenija v socialisticheskom obshhestve. – M., 1958.
9. Kommentarij k zhilishhnomu zakonodatel'stvu Rossijskoj Federacii / Otv. red. V.B.Isakov. – M.: Norma – Infra-M, 2002.
10. Manankova R.P. Pravovye problemy chlenstva v sem'e. – Tomsk: Izd-vo Tomskogo un-ta, 1985.
11. Mezhdunarodnoe publichnoe pravo: Sbornik dokumentov. – T. 1. – M.: BEK, 1996.
12. Obshhaja teorija prava i gosudarstva: Uchebnik / Pod red. V.V.Lazareva. – M.: Jurist, 1994.
13. Plehanov G.V. Izbran. filos. proizv. – T. 2. – M.: Gospolitizdat, 1956.
14. Sinjukov V.N. Juridicheskie fakty v sisteme obshhestvennyh otnoshenij: Avtoref. dis. ... kand. jurid. nauk. – Sverdlovsk, 1984.
15. Teorija gosudarstva i prava: Kurs lekcij / Pod red. N.I.Matuzova i A.V.Mal'ko. – M.: Jurist", 2001.
16. Teorija prava i gosudarstva: Uchebnik dlja vuzov / Pod red. G.N.Manova. – M.: BEK, 1995.
17. Tihomirov Ju.A. Kollizionnoe pravo: Ucheb. i nauch.-praktich. posob. – M.: Izd-vo g-na Tihomirova Ju.A., 2000.
18. Halfina R.O. Obshhee uchenie o pravootnoshenii. – M.: Jurid. lit., 1974.
Family law
Sycheva O.A.
The problems of juvenile rights realization for getting the maintenance after alimony payer death
In the article the problem of necessary life means supply of minor alimony receivers after the payers’ death is considered. The cardinally different approaches to the right and interest protection of minor children in civil and family law and the problem of obligatory stake definition according to law in force are discussed.
Keywords: alimony responsibilities, juvenile inheritance, heritage transmission.
Work bibliographic list
1. Grazhdanskij kodeks RF, ch. 3 // Rossijskaja gazeta: Federal'nyj vypusk. – 2001. – # 2845 (28 nojabrja).
2. Kaminskaja Ja.A. Pravovye problemy nasledovanija po zaveshhaniju: Avtoref. dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. – M., 2007.
3. Musaev R.M. Nasledovanie po zaveshhaniju: Istorija i sovremennost': Avtoref. dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. – M., 2003.
4. Smol'kov N.S. Principy nasledstvennogo prava: Avtoref. dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. – Krasnodar, 2006.

Criminal procedural law
Oken I.P.
To a question on necessity of preliminary judicial control at reception of samples for comparative research
In the article the problem of maintenance of the rights of participants of criminal legal proceedings is considered at reception of samples for comparative research, its essence is opened, the modern scientific approach to the given problem is analysed.
The author’s approach to a solution of a problem – necessity of preliminary judicial control is presented at reception of samples for comparative research. Necessity of introduction of a position of «the investigatory judge» is considered.
Keywords: reception of samples for comparative research, remedial guarantees, judicial control.
Work bibliographic list
1. Voloshkina N.N. Obespechenie konstitucionnogo prava na neprikosnovennost' chastnoj zhizni pri proizvodstve predvaritel'nogo sledstvija: Dis. ... kand. jurid. nauk. – M.: Rostov n/D, 2000. – S. 165.
2. Gus'kova A.P. Lichnost' obvinjaemogo v ugolovnom processe (Problemy teorii i praktiki): Avtoref. dis. ... d-ra jurid. nauk. – Ekaterinburg, 1997. – S. 38–39.
3. Kudrjavceva A.V. Aktual'nye voprosy naznachenija i provedenija jekspertizy v ugolovnom processe Rossii // Teorija i praktika sudebnoj jekspertizy v sovremennyh uslovijah: Materialy mezhdunar. nauch.-prakt. konferencii. – M., 2007. – S. 60.
4. Muratova N.G. Processual'naja model' ugolovnoj sudebnoj jekspertizy // Teorija i praktika sudebnoj jekspertizy v sovremennyh uslovijah: Materialy mezhdunar. nauch.-prakt. konferencii. – M., 2007. – S. 81.
5. Nevskij S.A. Rassledovanie prestuplenij v Rossii vo vtoroj polovine XIX – nachale XX veka // Rossijskij sledovatel'. –2002. – # 6. – S. 5.
6. Peshkov M.A. Arest i obysk v ugolovnom processe SShA. –M., 1998. – S. 11.
7. Ragulin A.V. Tipichnye narushenija norm UPK RF, dopuskaemye pri naznachenii sudebnoj jekspertizy, i sposoby protivodejstvija jetim narushenijam so storony advokata // Teorija i praktika sudebnoj jekspertizy v sovremennyh uslovijah: Materialy mezhdunar. nauch.-prakt. konferencii. – M., 2007. – S. 169.
8. Tarasov A.V. Vzaimodejstvie sudebnyh sledovatelej i policii v hode sudebnoj reformy vtoroj poloviny XIX veka //Jurist"-Pravoved. – 2001. – # 2 (3). – S. 79.
9. Ugolovno-processual'noe zakonodatel'stvo Sojuza SSR i RSFSR. Teoreticheskaja model' / Pod red. V.M.Savickogo. – M.,1990. – S. 16.
10. Fokov A.P. Sudebnyj kontrol' i novyj UPK Rossijskoj Federacii // Jurist. – 2002. – # 4. – S. 9.
11. Jablokov V.A. Realizacija sudebnoj vlasti na dosudebnyh stadijah ugolovnogo processa Rossii: Dis. ... kand. jurid. nauk. –Samara, 2001. – S. 102.

Educational law
Avanesov E.Yu.
Education quality as the basic guarantee of rendering of educational services: civil law aspect
In the article the author considers the basic questions connected with education quality as a guarantee of educational services from the point of view of civil law regulation. Definition of the substantial characteristic of education quality and the factors influencing its estimation is given. Basic problems of quality of educational services within the limits of the civil law contract are investigated and ways of their decision are offered.
Keywords: educational service, civil law regulation, legislation, educational institutions, quality assurances of educational services, education quality, estimation of quality of services.
Work bibliographic list
1. Berdashkevich A.P. Potrebitel' obrazovatel'nyh uslug na rossijskom rynke // Jekonomika obrazovanija. – 2010. – # 1.
2. Kvanina V.V. Grazhdansko-pravovoe regulirovanie v sfere vysshego professional'nogo obrazovanija v Rossijskoj Federacii: Dis. … d-ra jurid. nauk. – M., 2006.
3. Kudrjashov A.V. Grazhdansko-pravovye otnoshenija v sfere obrazovatel'nyh uslug: Dis. ... kand. jurid. nauk. – M., 2008 // JeB RGB – Jelektronnaja biblioteka dissertacij.
4. Malein V.M. Rynok obrazovatel'nyh uslug: problema kachestva i rol' signal'noj funkcii obrazovanija // Molodoj uchenyj. – 2010. – # 1–2–1.
5. Sedel'nikov A.A. Platnye dopolnitel'nye obrazovatel'nye uslugi // Narodnoe obrazovanie. – 2010. – # 3.
6. Puljaeva E.V. Koncepcija razvitija zakonodatel'stva ob obrazovanii // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. – 2010. – # 8.
7. Puchkov E.A. Pravovoe regulirovanie dogovora vozmezdnogo okazanija uslug: Dis. ... kand. jurid. nauk. – M., 2006 // JeB RGB – Jelektronnaja biblioteka dissertacij.
8. Syryh V.M. Obrazovatel'nye uslugi i obrazovatel'nye pravootnoshenija: diskussionnye vzgljady i dejstvitel'noe soderzhanie // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. – 2010. – # 4.
9. Usova E.O., Ajurov V.D. Metod povyshenija kachestva obrazovatel'noj __________uslugi // Nauchnyj vestnik Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo gornogo universiteta. – 2010. – # 5.
Information Law
Abdudzalilov A.
Internet: the crisis of information model
The article gives the review of Internet information theory and the point of views of the basic representation of this theory.
Initially Internet was considered as a global information resource and it was explainable within those characteristics which had Internet at that time. While progressing Internet took on special type characteristics and qualities of self-organized system. It became impossible to give legal characteristics to these features in the framework of the information model. The basic reason of the lag of the normative comprehension of Internet and non-acceptance of the new legal rules of relations within Internet is the stabilized Internet theory model as a information resource instead as the new economic spaces. Therefore at the present time the science of Internet needs in the paradigm changes.
Keywords: Internet theory, self-organizing system, economic space, paradigm.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ageenko A.A. Sootnoshenie prav na domennoe imja i tovarnyj znak v SShA: Dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. – M., 2002.
2. Bol'shaja Jenciklopedija. – SPb.: Prosveshhenie, 1896.
3. Vedin N.V. K voprosu o genezise informacionnoj jekonomiki // Problemy sovremennoj jekonomiki. – 2002. – # 2.
4. Gribanov D.V. Pravovoe regulirovanie kiberneticheskogo prostranstva kak sovokupnosti informacionnyh otnoshenij:Dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. – Ekaterinburg, 2003.
5. Dashjan M.S. O nekotoryh aspektah pravovogo regulirovanija otnoshenij v seti Internet v Kanade. Sovremennoe pravo. –M., 2003.
6. Dashjan M.S. Pravo informacionnyh magistralej. Voprosy pravovogo regulirovanija Internet. – M.: Volters Kluver, 2007.
7. Dmitrik N.A. Osushhestvlenie sub"ektivnyh grazhdanskih prav s ispol'zovaniem seti Internet. – M.: Volters Kluver, 2006.
8. Kopylov V.A. Informacionnoe pravo. – M.: Jurist", 2004.
9. Kostjuk I.V. Grazhdansko-pravovoe regulirovanie jelektronnoj torgovli: Dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. – Kazan', 2007.
10. Malahov S.M. Grazhdansko-pravovoe regulirovanie otnoshenij v global'noj seti Internet: Dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. – M.,2001.
11. Makarova E.M. Problemy pravovogo regulirovanija ispol'zovanija Interneta v predprinimatel'skoj dejatel'nosti:Dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. – M., 2007.
12. Marchenko M.N. Ob osnovnyh tendencijah razvitija prava v uslovijah globalizacii // Gosudarstvo i pravo. – 2009. – # 6.
13. Mochenov V.Ju. Pravovoe regulirovanie jelektronnoj torgovli: Dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. – M., 2006.
14. Naumov V.B. Pravo i Internet: Ocherki teorii i praktiki. – M.: Knizhnyj dom «Universitet», 2002.
15. Nemec Ju.L. Naimenovanie domena v Internete – novyj ob"ekt prava sobstvennosti: Dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. – M., 2002.
16. Povedskaja E.V., Agustin D.M. Chelovek i novye informacionnye tehnologii. Zavtra nachinaetsja segodnja. – SPb.: Rech', 2007.
17. Petrovskij S.V. Pravovoe regulirovanie okazanija Internet-uslug: Dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. – M., 2002.
18. Rassolov I.M. Pravo i Internet. Teoreticheskie problemy: Dis. … d-ra jurid. nauk. – M., 2008.
19. Rassolov I.M. Pravo i Internet. – M.: Norma, 2009.
20. Sergo A.G. Pravovoj status sajta // Pravo i jekonomika. –2003. – # 10.
21. Sergo A.G. O putjah razreshenija konfliktov, svjazannyh s domennymi imenami // Pravo i jekonomika. – 2003. – # 4.
22. Stepanov O.A. Kljuchevye aspekty pravovogo regulirovanija ispol'zovanija i razvitija informacionno-jelektronnyh tehnologij // Gosudarstvo i pravo. – 2004. – # 4.
23. Stepin V.S. Filosofija nauki. Obshhie problemy. – M.:Gardariki, 2008.
24. Tedeev A.A. Informacionnoe pravo (pravo Interneta). –M.: Jeksmo, 2005.
Law of foreign investments
Guseinov O.R.
The legal status of foreign investments: basic tendencies of development
The peculiarities of legal regulation of foreign investments are discussed in this article. The international investment relations are regulated simultaneously by the international public level and international private level. The formation of favorable law field to foreign investments needs effective interaction of international and national legal norms.
Keywords: foreign investments, international public law, international private law, investment law.
Work bibliographic list
1. Arcishevskij L.N., Smolin M.V. Sistema zashhity prjamyh investicij ot nekommercheskih (politicheskih) riskov: mirovaja praktika i zadachi dlja Rossii. – M.: Institut makrojekonomicheskih issledovanij pri Minjekonomiki Rossii, 1994.
2. Bogatyrev A.G. Investicionnoe pravo. – M., 1992.
3. Voznesenskaja N.N. K voprosu o pravovom regulirovanii inostrannyh investicij v Rossii // Gosudarstvo i pravo. – 2001. – # 6.
4. Gashimov A. Regulirovanie investicionnoj dejatel'nosti na nacional'nom urovne i v ramkah dvustoronnih dogovorov / Pod red. prof. V.B.Buglaja. – M.: Ankil, 2001.

Advocacy and notary
Hodilina M.V.
Content and meaning of realization of the right to defense
In the article on the basis of the analysis of regulatory and legal acts and the scientific literature the content and value of the right to protection and its realization is considered.
Keywords: lawyer-defender, protection, legitimate interest, right to protection, self-defense, qualified legal aid.
Work bibliographic list
1. Adamenko V.D. Sushhnost' i predmet zashhity. – Tomsk, 1983.
2. Advokatskaja dejatel'nost': Ucheb.-praktich. posob. / Pod kand. jurid. nauk V.N.Burobina. – 3-e izd., pererab. i dop. – M.,2005.
3. Advokatura v Rossii: Uchebnik / Pod red. prof.L.A.Demidovoj. – M., 2004.
4. Aleev R.H. Juridicheskij jetimologicheskij slovar'. – M.,2002.
5. Arabuli D.T. Processual'noe polozhenie i dejatel'nost' advokata-zashhitnika v sudebnom razbiratel'stve po ugolovno-processual'nomu pravu Rossii: Dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. – Orenburg,2002.
6. Bogdanovskaja V.A. Konstitucionnoe pravo na zashhitu v sfere ugolovnogo sudoproizvodstva: problemy realizacii // Advokat. – 2005. – # 2.
7. Bojkov A.D. Jetika professional'noj zashhity po ugolovnym delam. – M., 1978.
8. Bojkov A.D., Kapinus N.I. Advokatura Rossii: Ucheb. posob. – M., 2000.
9. Bol'shoj juridicheskij slovar' / Pod red. A.V.Mal'ko. – M., 2009.
10. Bol'shoj juridicheskij slovar' / Pod red. prof. A.Ja.Suhareva. – 3-e izd., dop. i pererab. – M., 2009.
11. Bol'shoj juridicheskij jenciklopedicheskij slovar' /A.B.Barihin. – M., 2002.
12. Bondarenko A.N. Jetika obvinenija v sude: Avtoref. dis. …kand. jurid. nauk. – Saratov, 2004.
13. Vajpan V.A. Nastol'naja kniga advokata: Postatejnyj kommentarij k Federal'nomu zakonu ob advokatskoj dejatel'nosti i advokature, normativno-metodicheskie materialy. – M., 2006.
14. Gromov N.A., Kurushin S.A. Garantii prava na zashhitu obvinjaemogo v dosudebnyh stadijah po UPK RF: Ucheb.-praktich. posob. –M., 2005.
15. Grudcyna L.Ju. Advokatura, notariat i drugie instituty grazhdanskogo obshhestva v Rossii / Pod red. d-ra jurid. nauk, prof. N.A.Mihalevoj. – M., 2008.
16. Dikusar V.M. Problemy zakonodatel'nogo regulirovanija uchastija zashhitnika v ugolovnom sudoproizvodstve // Materialy mezhdunarodnoj nauch.-praktich. konferencii, posvjashhennoj prinjatiju novogo UPK RF. – M., 2002.
17. Zakomoldin A.V. Kvalificirovannaja juridicheskaja pomoshh' v ugolovnom processe Rossii: ponjatie, soderzhanie, garantii: Avtoref. dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. – Samara, 2007.
18. Kokorev L.D. Obshhestvennye i lichnye interesy v ugolovnom sudoproizvodstve. – Voronezh, 1984.
19. Kratenko M.V. Problemy grazhdansko-pravovoj (imushhestvennoj) otvetstvennosti advokata pered klientom // Otvetstvennost' advokata za nekachestvennuju juridicheskuju pomoshh': Sbornik statej. – M., 2004.
20. Kratkij juridicheskij slovar' / M.E.Volosov, V.N.Dodonov, V.P.Panov; pod obshh. red. prof. S.P.Shherby. – 2-e izd. – M., 2009.
21. Kupcova Je.F. Garantii prav lichnosti v sovetskom ugolovnom processe. – M., 1973.
22. Kucherena A.G. Advokatura: Uchebnik. – M., 2004.
23. Lazarev L.V. Pravovye pozicii Konstitucionnogo Suda Rossii. – M., 2006.
24. Lazarev L.V. Pravovye pozicii Konstitucionnogo Suda Rossii. – M., 2008.
25. Larin A.M. Rassledovanie po ugolovnomu delu: processual'nye funkcii. – M., 1986.
26. Metodicheskie materialy dlja trenerov v sisteme povyshenija kvalifikacii advokatov: Ucheb. posob. / Pod red. L.A.Voskobitovoj. – M., 2009.
27. Nauchno-prakticheskij kommentarij k Federal'nomu zakonu ot 31 maja 2002 g. # 63-FZ «Ob advokatskoj dejatel'nosti i advokature v Rossijskoj Federacii» / Pod obshh. red. d-ra jurid. nauk, prof. A.G.Kuchereny. – M., 2009.
28. Perlov I.D. Pravo na zashhitu. – M., 1969.
29. Slovar' osnovnyh terminov po ugolovnomu processu / Pod red. kand. jurid. nauk, docenta V.K.Bobrova. – M., 2001.
30. Strogovich M.S. Kurs sovetskogo ugolovnogo processa: Osnovnye polozhenija nauki sovetskogo ugolovnogo processa. – M., 1968.
31. Strogovich M.S. Pravo obvinjaemogo na zashhitu i prezumpcija nevinovnosti. – M., 1984.
32. Strogovich M.S. Priroda sovetskogo ugolovnogo processa i princip sostjazatel'nosti. – M., 1939.
33. Fojnickij I.Ja. Kurs ugolovnogo sudoproizvodstva: V 2 t. – SPb., 1996.
34. Cydenova O.G. Nravstvenno-pravovye osnovy dejatel'nosti advokata-zashhitnika na predvaritel'nom sledstvii v Rossijskom ugolovnom sudoproizvodstve: Dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. – Irkutsk, 2006.
35. Cypkin A.L. Pravo na zashhitu v sovetskom ugolovnom processe. – Saratov, 1959.
36. Chel'cov M.A. Sovetskij ugolovnyj process. – M., 1962.
37. Jel'kind P.S. Pravo obvinjaemogo na zashhitu v sovetskom ugolovnom processe // Voprosy zashhity po ugolovnym delam: Sbornik statej. – L., 1967.
Juvenile technologies
Borisova N.Е.
About legal status of minors and youth in the Russian Federation
The author analyses the legal status of minors and youth in Russia from the point of view of it’s conformity to basic norms of international law and human rights.
Keywords: minors, youth, juvenology, international law, human rights.
Work bibliographic list
1. Babaev M.M., Kruter M.S. Molodezhnaja prestupnost'. – M.:Jurist", 2006.
2. Dolgova S.V., Osipova E.V. Podrostkovo-molodezhnye gruppirovki (obshhestvennaja opasnost' i tipologija) // Organizovannaja prestupnost': ugolovno-pravovye i kriminologicheskie problemy: Sb. nauch. tr. – Kaliningrad, 1999.
3. Zankov L.V. Opyt psihologicheskogo izuchenija shkol'nikov v sostave pedagogicheskogo issledovanija // Voprosy psihologii. –1971. – # 2.
4. Kozlova E.I., Kutafin O.E. Konstitucionnoe pravo Rossii: Uchebnik. – 3-e izd., pererab. i dop. – M.: Jurist", 2002.
5. Poslanie Prezidenta RF Dmitrija Medvedeva Federal'nomu Sobraniju Rossijskoj Federacii // Rossijskaja gazeta: Federal'nyj vypusk. – 2010. – # 5350 (271) (1 dekabrja).
6. Juvenologija v HHI veke: kompleksnoe mezhdisciplinarnoe znanie o molodom pokolenii / Pod red. E.G.Sluckogo i V.V.Zhuravleva. – SPb.: OOO ID «Petropolis», 2007.

Law enforcement activity
Fefelov V.V.
Legal principles of law enforcement activity in the Russian Federation
The article presents the author’s viewpoint on the system of the normative acts connected with law enforcement activity.
Keywords: law enforcement bodies, law enforcement activity, legal regulation.
Work bibliographic list
1. Fefelov V.V. Pravovoe regulirovanie dejatel'nosti ispravitel'nyh uchrezhdenij v osobyh uslovijah: Avtoref. dis. …kand. jurid. nauk. – Rjazan': Akad. prava i upravlenija Minjusta RF, 2002.

Law enforcement activity
Mukhametshin A.F.
To a question on creation of detective branches in 1908
The article is devoted to consideration of preconditions of creation of the Law «About the organization of a detective unit» of 1908. The article shows as the public prosecutor of the Moscow District Court describes a criminal investigation department condition, and also practical precautions which should be accepted for search improvement.
Keywords: criminality, detective branch, criminal investigation department, prosecutor, Ministry of Justice.
Work bibliographic list
1. Kuricyn V.M. Istorija policii dorevoljucionnoj Rossii. – M., 1981.
2. Sizikov M.I., Borisov A.V., Skripilev A.E. Istorija policii Rossii. – M., 1992. – Vyp. 2.
3. Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. – 2000. – # 5/6.

Medical Law
Galeeva G.R.
Death ascertaining as the right to a removal of organs and (or) fabrics of a human body under the Russian legislation
Transplantation of organs or fabrics of the person are options needed for saving lives and restorations of health. Modern medical practice in most cases carries out withdrawal of organs and fabrics of the person from dead body rather than at alive human.
Probably given approach true because it is the only one opportunity to receive unpaired organ and probably health problem are excluded.
Keywords: transplantation of organs and fabrics of the person, Law of the Russian Federation of December 22, 1992 «About transplantation of organs and (or) fabrics of the person», donor, recipient, biological death, death of a brain, report of an establishment of death of a brain, withdrawal of bodies and (or) fabrics.
Work bibliographic list
1. Biomedicinskaja jetika / Pod red. V.I.Pokrovskogo. – M.:Medicina, 1997.
2. Savost'janov N.V. Aktual'nye voprosy pravovogo regulirovanija otnoshenij v sfere ohrany zdorov'ja cheloveka v sovremennoj Rossii // Materialy 2-j Vserossijskoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. Moskva, 26 marta 2004 g. – M., 2004.
3. Sergeev Ju.D., Pospelova S.I. Pravovye aspekty posmertnogo donorstva: sovremennoe sostojanie i problemy regulirovanija // Medicinskoe pravo. – 2006. – # 2 (14).
4. Silujanova I.V. Biojetika v Rossii: cennosti i zakony. –M., 2001.
5. Judin B.G., Tishhenko P.D. Vvedenie v biojetiku. – M., 1998.

Eurasian advocacy
Ragulin A.V.
Regulation of the professional rights of the lawyer-defender and their maintenance under the republic of Belarus legislation
In the article the questions of regulation of the professional rights of the lawyer-defender and their maintenance under the Republic of Belarus legislation in comparison to the Russian criminal procedure legislation and regulations of the Federal Law «On advocacy activity and the advocacy in the Russian Federation» are considered.
Keywords: legal profession, professional rights of the lawyer, protection of the rights of the lawyer.


International scientific and practical law journal
Included in the VAK Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation list

Eurasian Law Journal

International scientific and practical
law journal.


