Persona grata
Migration policy in Eurasia.
Interview with First Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Labor, Social Policy and Veterans’ Affairs of the State Duma of the Russian Federation A.V. Kuzmina
Eurasian Integration: Expe rience and problems
Degtyarev K.O.
The role of transmission and distribution systems operators in the legal regulation of the European Union gas and electricity markets liberalization
Safargaleeva E.A.
Guarantees to workers at a conclusion of employment agreement in different countries – participants of EvrAzES (comparative law analysis)
Rumyantseva N.S.
Some features of alimony obligations of spouses and former spouses in connection with child care under the law of rf , ukraine, republic of belarus
Eurasian security
Efendiev O.F.
Once again on the South Caucasian security: international law issues
International law
Mingazov L.H.
Sources of contemporary international law (theoretical aspects of the problem)
Shvakin S.V.
Application of international law in internal law and order as the result of the international interaction of national legal systems
Philosophy of Law
Shevtsov S.G.
The dialectic of freedom and necessity in the aspect of the outer limits of the discretion
History of State and Law
Pirozhkova I.G.
Legal bases of protection of architectural monuments in the Russian empire
Fedorova A.N.
Concept of offence on the Cathedral Ulozhenie of 1649
Sherbakova E.V.
Legal regulation of the exchange of prisoners of the First World War (1917–1924)
Zalomov V.А.
Temporary regulation on notary of 1866 in the system of sources of law of the Russian Empire
Constitutional law
Eliseev S.G.
Topical problems of constitutional legal regulation and protection of social rights of the citizens of the Russian Federation
Safina S.B.
Constitution of the republic in the structure of the Russian Federation as basic law in the republican legislation system
Bady M.М.
Constitutional model of relationship of the Parliament and the Government of the Republic of Tuva: content, particularities, issues of improving
Civil law
Khalilova N.R.
Acquiring the status of individual entrepreneur by persons lacking full legal capacity
Bogdanov A.V.
The concept and types of civil liability of person carrying out functions of joint stock company sole executive body
Kosse A.A.
«Commercial demurrage» payment to a foreign counterpart under an international sales contract
Bogdanov D.V.
The concept and the legal nature of discharge from civil law liability and its exceptions
Tax law
Shepenko R.A.
Tax treaties purposes
Wystorobets E.A.
Concerning diversity of the sources of positive interecolaw
Criminal Law and Criminology
Garifullina R.F., Nikolaeva T.V., Khakimova E.R.
Questions of prescription of a penalty lighter than stipulated in the context of recent changes in criminal law
Uvarov V.V.
Criminal law sphere: essence, content, limits of action
Popov Yu.V.
Stages of development of legislation concerning attack on persons realizing justice or preliminary investigation
Bayburina R.R.
Blanket method of presenting the disposition of violations of fire safety requirements
Beshukova Z.M.
Object of the crime provided by the item 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation: debatable aspects
Criminal process and Criminalistics
Khatuaeva V.V.
Prospects of improving the legislative regulation of the activity of participants in the criminal legal procedure in the collection of proofs
Law and Politics
Gayduk V.V.
Political regions in the conditions of federal modernization
Bekbosynov M.B.
Features of regional policy in the conditions of Russian federalism
Eurasian advocacy
Ragulin A.V.
Regulation of the professional rights of the lawyer-defender and their maintenance under the Republic of Lithuania legislation
Polices of the world
Biryukov P.N.
Police оf Sweden
The review of the International scientific and practical conference «Juridical science as the basis of legal maintenance of innovative development of Russia» (III Kutafinsky readings). Work of section of international public law
The review of civil law section of the International scientific and practical conference «Actual problems of legislation perfection and law enforcement» (Eurasian Scientific Research Institute of Problems of Law, Ufa, February, 21st, 2011)
«Pontifik–2011» held!
The review of G.A.Pakerman’s book «Unification of legal regulation of foreign investments in the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States»
Pride of the Ukrainian jurisprudence. To the 75 anniversary of P.M.Rabinovich, the master of the Ukrainian theory of law
To the memory of A.D.Boikov
Information for authors
About the authors
Migration policy in Eurasia.
Interview with First Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Labor, Social Policy and Veterans’ Affairs of the State Duma of the Russian Federation A.V. Kuzmina
Eurasian Integration: Expe rience and problems
Degtyarev K.O.
The role of transmission and distribution systems operators in the legal regulation of the European Union gas and electricity markets liberalization
Safargaleeva E.A.
Guarantees to workers at a conclusion of employment agreement in different countries – participants of EvrAzES (comparative law analysis)
Rumyantseva N.S.
Some features of alimony obligations of spouses and former spouses in connection with child care under the law of rf , ukraine, republic of belarus
Eurasian security
Efendiev O.F.
Once again on the South Caucasian security: international law issues
International law
Mingazov L.H.
Sources of contemporary international law (theoretical aspects of the problem)
Shvakin S.V.
Application of international law in internal law and order as the result of the international interaction of national legal systems
Philosophy of Law
Shevtsov S.G.
The dialectic of freedom and necessity in the aspect of the outer limits of the discretion
History of State and Law
Pirozhkova I.G.
Legal bases of protection of architectural monuments in the Russian empire
Fedorova A.N.
Concept of offence on the Cathedral Ulozhenie of 1649
Sherbakova E.V.
Legal regulation of the exchange of prisoners of the First World War (1917–1924)
Zalomov V.А.
Temporary regulation on notary of 1866 in the system of sources of law of the Russian Empire
Constitutional law
Eliseev S.G.
Topical problems of constitutional legal regulation and protection of social rights of the citizens of the Russian Federation
Safina S.B.
Constitution of the republic in the structure of the Russian Federation as basic law in the republican legislation system
Bady M.М.
Constitutional model of relationship of the Parliament and the Government of the Republic of Tuva: content, particularities, issues of improving
Civil law
Khalilova N.R.
Acquiring the status of individual entrepreneur by persons lacking full legal capacity
Bogdanov A.V.
The concept and types of civil liability of person carrying out functions of joint stock company sole executive body
Kosse A.A.
«Commercial demurrage» payment to a foreign counterpart under an international sales contract
Bogdanov D.V.
The concept and the legal nature of discharge from civil law liability and its exceptions
Tax law
Shepenko R.A.
Tax treaties purposes
Wystorobets E.A.
Concerning diversity of the sources of positive interecolaw
Criminal Law and Criminology
Garifullina R.F., Nikolaeva T.V., Khakimova E.R.
Questions of prescription of a penalty lighter than stipulated in the context of recent changes in criminal law
Uvarov V.V.
Criminal law sphere: essence, content, limits of action
Popov Yu.V.
Stages of development of legislation concerning attack on persons realizing justice or preliminary investigation
Bayburina R.R.
Blanket method of presenting the disposition of violations of fire safety requirements
Beshukova Z.M.
Object of the crime provided by the item 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation: debatable aspects
Criminal process and Criminalistics
Khatuaeva V.V.
Prospects of improving the legislative regulation of the activity of participants in the criminal legal procedure in the collection of proofs
Law and Politics
Gayduk V.V.
Political regions in the conditions of federal modernization
Bekbosynov M.B.
Features of regional policy in the conditions of Russian federalism
Eurasian advocacy
Ragulin A.V.
Regulation of the professional rights of the lawyer-defender and their maintenance under the Republic of Lithuania legislation
Polices of the world
Biryukov P.N.
Police оf Sweden
The review of the International scientific and practical conference «Juridical science as the basis of legal maintenance of innovative development of Russia» (III Kutafinsky readings). Work of section of international public law
The review of civil law section of the International scientific and practical conference «Actual problems of legislation perfection and law enforcement» (Eurasian Scientific Research Institute of Problems of Law, Ufa, February, 21st, 2011)
«Pontifik–2011» held!
The review of G.A.Pakerman’s book «Unification of legal regulation of foreign investments in the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States»
Pride of the Ukrainian jurisprudence. To the 75 anniversary of P.M.Rabinovich, the master of the Ukrainian theory of law
To the memory of A.D.Boikov
Information for authors
About the authors
Eurasian Integration: Experience and problems
Degtyarev K.O.
The role of transmission and distribution systems operators in the legal regulation of the European Union gas and electricity markets liberalization
The present article is devoted to analysis of transmission and distribution systems operators role in the legal regulation of the European Union gas and electricity markets liberalization at different stages of development.
Keywords: European Union, liberalization, transmission system operator, distribution system operator, unbundling.
Work bibliographic list
1. Gudkov I.V. Gazovyj rynok Evropejskogo Sojuza. Pravovye aspekty sozdanija, organizacii i funkcionirovanija. – M.: OOO «Izdatel'stvo «Nestor Akademik», 2007.
Work bibliographic list
1. Gudkov I.V. Gazovyj rynok Evropejskogo Sojuza. Pravovye aspekty sozdanija, organizacii i funkcionirovanija. – M.: OOO «Izdatel'stvo «Nestor Akademik», 2007.
2. Evropejskoe pravo. Pravo Evropejskogo Sojuza i pravovoe obespechenie zashhity prav cheloveka: Uchebnik / Ruk. avt. kol. i otv. red.L.M.Jentin. – 2-e izd., peresmotr. i dop. – M.: Norma, 2008.
3. Cameron P. Competition in Energy Markets. Law and Regulation in the European Union. – Oxford University Press, 2002.
4. Energy Law in Europe. National, EU, and International Regulation. – Second Edition / Edited by M.Roggenkamp et al. – Oxford University Press, 2007.
5. Jones C., Webster W. EU Energy Law. – Vol. 1. The Internal Energy Market. – Second edition. – Claeys & Casteels, Leuven, Belgium, 2006.
6. Jones C. EU Energy Law. – Vol. 1. The Internal Energy Market. The third Liberalisation Package. – Third edition. – Claeys & Casteels, Leuven, Belgium, 2010.
Eurasian Integration: Experience and problems
Safargaleeva E.A.
Guarantees to workers at a conclusion of employment agreement in different countries – participants of EvrAzES (comparative law analysis)
In the article on the basis of the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Kazakhstan for the first time the complex comparative law research of norms of national labor legislation on guarantees and the role of guarantees in realization by workers of the labor law at the conclusion of labor contract is made. The author pays attention to similarities and distinctions of labor law in the given countries and makes proposals on progressive development regulation of labor relations.
In the article on the basis of the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Kazakhstan for the first time the complex comparative law research of norms of national labor legislation on guarantees and the role of guarantees in realization by workers of the labor law at the conclusion of labor contract is made. The author pays attention to similarities and distinctions of labor law in the given countries and makes proposals on progressive development regulation of labor relations.
Keywords: EvrAzES, Russian Federation, Republic of Belarus, Republic of Kazakhstan, Labour Code, labor contract, labor relations, guarantees.
Work bibliographic list
Work bibliographic list
1. Garantii i kompensacii po Trudovomu kodeksu Rossijskoj Federacii: Kommentarij k dejstvujushhemu zakonodatel'stvu /A.A.Gliskov i dr.; pod red. S.N.Baburina. – Rostov n/D: Feniks, 2007.
2. Gejhman V.L., Dmitrieva I.K. Trudovoe pravo: Uchebnik dlja vuzov. – M., 2002.
3. Kommentarij k Trudovomu kodeksu Rossijskoj Federacii /Otv. red. E.N.Sidorenko. – M.: Jurajt-Izdat, 2004.
4. Kommentarij postatejnyj k Trudovomu kodeksu Rossijskoj Federacii / Otv. red.: N.G.Gladkov, I.O.Snigireva. – M.: Profizdat, 2006.
5. Krivoj V.I. Trudovoj kodeks Respubliki Belarus': Postatejnyj kommentarij. – Mn., 2000.
6. Lobkov A.H. Prakticheskoe primenenie Trudovogo kodeksa Respubliki Kazahstan. – Almaty: TOO «Izdatel'stvo LEM», 2009.
7. Nurgalieva E.N. Kommentarij k Trudovomu kodeksu Respubliki Kazahstan. Obshhaja i Osobennaja chasti. – Almaty: Zheti zharfy, 2009.
8. Orlovskij Ju.P. Problemy sovershenstvovanija trudovogo zakonodatel'stva // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. – 2005. – # 9.
9. Tal' L.S. Trudovoj dogovor: Civilisticheskoe issledovanie. –M.: Statut, 2006.
10. Trudovoj kodeks Respubliki Kazahstan ot 15 maja 2007 g. # 251- III // Kazahstanskaja pravda. – 2007. – 22 maja. – # 76 125321.
Eurasian Integration: Experience and problems
Rumyantseva N.S.
Some features of alimony obligations of spouses and former spouses in connection with child care under the law of RF, Ukraine, republic of Belarus
The article is devoted to the problems of the mutual material maintenance of spouses and the former spouses in connection with a birth and education of the child. Comparative analysis of acting family codes of the Russian Federation, Ukraine, Belarus is carried out.
The article is devoted to the problems of the mutual material maintenance of spouses and the former spouses in connection with a birth and education of the child. Comparative analysis of acting family codes of the Russian Federation, Ukraine, Belarus is carried out.
Keywords: spouses, Code, family, law, equality, motherhood, paternity, childhood, wife, husband, physical inability, needs, pregnancy, education, maintenance, marriage, duration.
Work bibliographic list
Work bibliographic list
1. Antokol'skaja M.V. Semejnoe pravo: Uchebnik dlja vuzov. – M.:Jurist", 2003.
2. Kommentarij k Semejnomu kodeksu Rossijskoj Federacii /Otv. red. A.M.Nechaeva. – M.: Jurajt, 2009.
3. Kommentarij k Semejnomu kodeksu Rossijskoj Federacii /Pod red. I.M.Kuznecovoj. – M., 1996.
4. Pchelinceva L.M. Kommentarij k Semejnomu kodeksu Rossijskoj Federacii. – M.: NORMA – INFRA-M, 2009.
5. Rabec A.M. Juridicheskaja objazannost' suprugov i byvshih suprugov po predostavleniju soderzhanija / Pod red. B.L.Haskel'berga. –Tomsk: Izd-vo Tomskogo un-ta, 1992.
6. Rabec A.M. Pravo zheny v period beremennosti i posle rozhdenija rebenka na poluchenie soderzhanija ot muzha // Voprosy gosudarstva i prava. – Tomsk: Izd-vo Tomskogo un-ta, 1974.
7. Rabec A.M. Semejnoe pravo: Kurs lekcij. – Belgorod: Vezelica, 1998.
8. Chikvashvilli Sh.D. Imushhestvennye otnoshenija v sem'e. – M.:Jurid. lit., 1976.
Eurasian security
Efendiev O.F.
Once again on the South Caucasian security: international law issues
In the article some questions of actual international legal issues relating to the difficulties of forming not only universal, but regional (in this case the South Caucasian) security are considered. Justified is the necessity of an early settlement of South Caucasus conflicts and in other conflict regions, so that the security system there was not abstract but real.
In the article some questions of actual international legal issues relating to the difficulties of forming not only universal, but regional (in this case the South Caucasian) security are considered. Justified is the necessity of an early settlement of South Caucasus conflicts and in other conflict regions, so that the security system there was not abstract but real.
Keywords: armed conflict and war crimes, South Caucasus states, international terrorism, international cooperation and partnerships, new world order.
Work bibliographic list
Work bibliographic list
1. Abel's G. Lissabonskij dogovor kak kompas evropejskoj politiki (interv'ju) // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. – 2011. – # 4(35).
2. De Vaal T. Ugrozy bezopasnosti na Juzhnom Kavkaze // Vestnik Evropy. – 2002. – # 7–8.
3. Ivanov Je.A., Galafast O.V. Mezhdunarodno-pravovye problemy bor'by s terrorizmom // Novye vyzovy i mezhdunarodnoe pravo /Otv. red. A.G.Lisicin-Svetlanov. – M., 2010.
4. Korotkij T.R. Demokratizacija mezhdunarodnogo prava: popytka sistemnogo analiza // Rossijskij ezhegodnik mezhdunarodnogo prava, 2010. – SPb., 2011.
5. Lukashuk I.I. Koncepcija prava mezhdunarodnoj otvetstvennosti // Gosudarstvo i pravo. – 2003. – # 4.
6. Malysheva D. Central'naja Azija i Juzhnyj Kavkaz: regional'naja bezopasnost' v jepohu novogo miroporjadka // Central'naja Azija i Kavkaz. – 2004. – # 2 (32).
7. Mustafaev Ch.F. Terrorizm (na angl. jaz). – Baku: Chinar-kap., 2005.
8. Salimov K.N. Sovremennye problemy terrorizma. – M.: Shhit, 1999.
9. Sevdimaliev R. Mezhdunarodnyj terrorizm – global'naja problema sovremennosti. – Baku: Jelm. 2004.
10. Shumilov V.M. Mezhdunarodnoe jekonomicheskoe pravo v jepohu globalizacii. – M.: Mezhdunar. otnoshenija, 2003.
11. Jefendiev O.F. O problematike sotrudnichestva i partnerstva v mezhdunarodnom prave // Transportnoe pravo. – 2005. – # 4.
12. International Terrorism. Characteristics, chances, controls. Ed. By Ch.Kegley. – N.-Y., 1990.
International law
Mingazov L.H.
Sources of contemporary international law (theoretical aspects of the problem)
The article considers methodological and formal legal approaches to study of the sources of contemporary international law. Criteria (attributes) identifying the sources of international law are defined.
The article considers methodological and formal legal approaches to study of the sources of contemporary international law. Criteria (attributes) identifying the sources of international law are defined.
Keywords: source of international law, international law norms, contemporary international law, International Court of Justice, resolution, international treaty.
Work bibliographic list
Work bibliographic list
1. Danilenko G.M. Obychaj v sovremennom mezhdunarodnom prave. – M.: Mezhdunar. otnoshenija, 1988.
2. Dejstvujushhee mezhdunarodnoe pravo: V 3 t. – T. 1. – M.: Izdatel'stvo Moskovskogo nezavisimogo instituta mezhdunarodnogo prava, 1996.
3. Zimnenko B.L. Reshenija mezhdunarodnyh mezhpravitel'stvennyh organizacij i pravovaja sistema Rossijskoj Federacii //REMP–2006. – SPb., 2007.
4. Kalamkarjan R.A. Filosofija mezhdunarodnogo prava. – M.: Nauka, 2006.
5. Kerimov D .A. Metodologija prava. Predmet, funkcii, problemy filosofii prava. – M.: Avanta, 2007.
6. Lukashuk I.I.. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo. Obshhaja chast': Uchebnik dlja stud. jurid. fakul'tetov i vuzov. – M.: Volters Kluver, 2007.
7. Lukashuk I.I. Sovremennoe pravo mezhdunarodnyh dogovorov: V 2 t. – T. 2. – M.: Volters Kluver, 2004.
8. Lutkova O. Osnovnye koncepcii istochnikov mezhdunarodnogo prava: Avtoref. dis. ... kand. jurid. nauk. – M., 2004.
9. Marchenko M.N. Istochniki prava: Ucheb. posob. – M.: TK Velbi; Prospekt, 2006.
10. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo: Uchebnik / Otv. red.: Ju.M.Kolosov, Je.S.Krivchikova. – M.: Mezhdunar. otnoshenija: Jurajt, 2007.
11. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo: Uchebnik / Otv. red.: V.I.Kuznecov, B.R.Tuzmuhamedov. – M.: Norma, 2007.
12. Mezhdunarodnoe publichnoe pravo: Uchebnik / Otv. red. K.A.Bekjashev. – 5-e izd. – M.: Prospekt, 2010.
13. Muromcev G.I. Istochniki prava. Teoreticheskie problemy // Pravovedenie. – 1992. – # 1.
14. Minasjan N.M. Istochniki sovremennogo mezhdunarodnogo prava. – Rostov, 1960.
15. Mingazov L .H. Jeffektivnost' norm mezhdunarodnogo prava. – Kazan': Izd-vo KGU, 1990.
16. Moraveckij V. Funkcii mezhdunarodnyh organizacij. – M.: Progress, 1976.
17. Neshataeva T.N. Mezhdunarodnye organizacii i pravo. Novye tendencii v mezhdunarodno-pravovom regulirovanii. – M.: Delo, 1998.
18. Problemy obshhej teorii prava i gosudarstva: Uchebnik dlja vuzov / Pod red. V.S.Nersesjanca. – M.: Norma, 2006.
19. Talalaev A.N. Socialisticheskaja jekonomicheskaja integracija i voprosy teorii mezhdunarodnogo dogovora // Mezhvedomstvennye svjazi v uslovijah socialisticheskoj jekonomicheskoj integracii. Pravovoj aspekt / Pod red. E.T.Usenko. – M., 1973.
20. Tiunov O.I., Kashirkina A.A., Morozov A.N. Mezhdunarodnye mezhvedomstvennye dogovory Rossijskoj Federacii. – M.: Institut zakonodatel'stva i sravnitel'nogo pravovedenija pri Pravitel'stve RF: Jurid. firma «Kontrakt», 2008.
21. Tunkin G.I. Teorija mezhdunarodnogo prava. – M.: Mezhdunar. otnoshenija, 1970.
22. Ferdross A. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo. – M.: Izd-vo inostrannoj literatury, 1969.
23. Schachter O. What is a Decision of an International Organisation? // The Effectiveness of International Decisions. – N.Y., 1971.
24. Hubert Thierry, Serge Sur, Jean Combacau, Charle Vallee. Droit International Public. – Paris: Pedone, 1975.
International law
Shvakin S.V.
Application of international law in internal law and order as the result of the international interaction of national legal systems
In the article discused is the essence of the process of international interaction of national legal systems which is considered within the framework of the processes of legal globalization and the universalization of law. Substantiated is that the interaction of international and internal law and, accordingly, the process of application of international law into internal law and order must consider in the process of international interaction of national legal systems.
In the article discused is the essence of the process of international interaction of national legal systems which is considered within the framework of the processes of legal globalization and the universalization of law. Substantiated is that the interaction of international and internal law and, accordingly, the process of application of international law into internal law and order must consider in the process of international interaction of national legal systems.
Keywords: national legal system, international interaction of national legal systems.
Work bibliographic list
Work bibliographic list
1. Aver'janov A.N. Sistemnoe poznanie mira. Metodologicheskie problemy. – M.: Politizdat, 1985.
2. Bahin S.V. Sotrudnichestvo gosudarstv po sblizheniju nacional'nyh pravovyh sistem: Unifikacija i garmonizacija prava: Dis. ...d-ra jurid. nauk. – SPb., 2003.
3. Vasil'ev A.M. O sistemah sovetskogo i mezhdunarodnogo prava // Sovetskoe gosudarstvo i pravo. – 1985. – # 1.
4. Gavrilov V.V. Mezhdunarodnaja i nacional'nye pravovye sistemy: ponjatie i osnovnye napravlenija vzaimodejstvija: Dis. ... d-ra jurid. nauk. – Vladivostok, 2005.
5. Kerimov D.A. Metodologija prava: Predmet, funkcii, problemy filosofii prava. – 5-e izd. – SPb., 2009.
6. Lukashuk I.I. Globalizacija, gosudarstvo, pravo, XXI vek. – M.,2000.
7. Marchenko M.N. Gosudarstvo i pravo v uslovijah globalizacii. – M., 2011.
8. Nersesjanc V.S. Processy universalizacii prava i gosudarstva v globalizirujushhemsja mire // Gosudarstvo i pravo. – 2005. – # 5.
9. Pravovaja sistema socializma / Pod red. V.N.Kudrjavceva, A.M.Vasil'eva. – T. 1. – M., 1986.
10. Rubanov A.A. Teoreticheskie osnovy mezhdunarodnogo vzaimodejstvija nacional'nyh pravovyh sistem. – M., 1984.
11. Shvakin S.V. Sistemnyj podhod i ponjatie pravovoj sistemy // Vestnik Rossijskogo gosudarstvennogo torgovo-jekonomicheskogo universiteta. – 2010. – # 10(47).
12. Shherbakova N.V., Luk'janova E.G., Skurko E.V. Pravovaja sistema Rossii v uslovijah globalizacii i regional'noj integracii: Obzor materialov «kruglogo stola» // Gosudarstvo i pravo. –2004. –# 12.
Philosophy of Law
Shevtsov S.G.
The dialectic of freedom and necessity in the aspect of the outer limits of the discretion
In this article the author examines the question of the relationship between freedom and necessity.
In this article the author examines the question of the relationship between freedom and necessity.
Keywords: discretion, liberty, necessity, determinism, indeterminism, feasibility.
Work bibliographic list
Work bibliographic list
1. Gegel' G.V.F. Sobr. soch.: V 14 t. – T. IV. – M., 1939.
2. Gegel' G.V. F. Filosofija prava. – M., 1990.
3. Gobbs T. Soch.: V 2 t. – T. 1. – M., 1989.
4. Gol'bah P.A. Zdravyj smysl. – M., 1941.
5. Kanke V.A. Filosofija. Istoricheskij i sistematicheskij kurs:
Ucheb. dlja vuzov. – M., 2000.
6. Kant I. Soch.: V 6 t. – T. 3–5. – M., 1966.
7. Laplas. Opyt filosofii teorii verojatnostej. – M., 1908.
8. Losskij N.O. Svoboda voli. – Parizh, 1927.
9. Marks K., Jengel's F. Izbr. soch.: V 9 t. – T. 5. – M., 1998.
10. Nersesjanc V.S. Pravo i zakon. – M., 1983.
11. Pastushkova O.V. Ontologicheskoe prostranstvo svobody: Dis. …
kand. filos. nauk. – Voronezh, 2005.
12. Spinoza B. Izbr. proizv. – T. 2. – M., 1957.
13. Spirkin A.G. Filosofija: Uchebnik. – M., 2000.
14. Fihte I.G. Naznachenie cheloveka. – SPb., 1905.
15. Shelling F.V.I. Soch.: V 2 t. – T. 2. – M., 1989.
16. Jestetika Renessansa: Antologija. – T. 1. – M., 1981.
17. Wilson C. Introduction to the New Existentializm. – 1966.
History of State and Law
Pirozhkova I.G.
Legal bases of protection of architectural monuments in the Russian empire
The article is devoted to analysis of the factors defining formation of standard base of protection of monuments of architecture as a part of a town-planning policy of the state in the Russian empire. Four directions of this policy are allocated. Research sources are legislative and statutory acts of different level. In the article the conclusion about incompleteness and disproportion of considered area of rationing is made, the Synod role in formation of standard base is estimated.
Keywords: town-planning, protection of monuments, Synod, building legislation, Building charter, church architecture.
Work bibliographic list
Work bibliographic list
1. Komarova I.I. Zakonodatel'stvo po ohrane pamjatnikov kul'tury (istoriko-pravovoj aspekt). – M.: VNTO Strojindustrii, 1989.
2. O postroenii, perestrojke i pochinke cerkvej: Vysochajshe utverzhdennyj doklad Sinoda, # 1804, 1828 g. // PSZRI. – Sobr. 2. – T. 3.
3. Ob otpuske na soderzhanie pervyh treh moskovskih soborov riznicy, na pochinku cerkovnyh veshhej po 300 rub. v god na kazhdogo: Vysochajshe utverzhdennyj doklad, # 14336, 1775 g. // Polnoe sobranie zakonov Rossijskoj Imperii. – Sobr. 1. – T. HH .
4. Pirozhkova I.G. Kazennoe stroitel'stvo Rossijskoj Imperii: process formirovanija normativnoj bazy i problema opredelenija ponjatija // Istoricheskie, filosofskie, politicheskie i juridicheskie nauki, kul'turologija i iskusstvovedenie. Voprosy teorii i praktiki. – Tambov: Gramota, 2011. – # 2 (8). – Ch. 1.
5. Pirozhkova I.G. Normativnoe regulirovanie kul'tovogo stroitel'stva v Rossijskoj Imperii // Vestnik Tambovskogo universiteta. – Tambov: Izdatel'skij Dom TGU im. G.R.Derzhavina, 2010. – Vyp. 1 (81). – (Gumanitarnye nauki).
6. Pokrovskij N.V. Cerkovnaja arheologija v svjazi s istoriej hristianskogo iskusstva. – Pg., 1916.
7. Rabotkevich A.V. Gosudarstvennaja politika v oblasti ohrany pamjatnikov istorii i kul'tury v Rossii v XVIII – nachale XX veka: Dis. ... kand. kul'turol. nauk. – M., 1999.
8. Razgon A.M. Ohrana istoricheskih pamjatnikov v dorevoljucionnoj Rossii // Trudy NII muzeevedenija. – M., 1957. – Vyp. 1.
9. Russkoe gradostroitel'noe iskusstvo. Gradostroitel'stvo Rossii serediny XIX – nachala XX veka. – Kniga vtoraja / Pod red. E.I.Kirichenko. – M.: Progress-Tradicija, 2003.
10. Svod zakonov Rossijskoj Imperii. – T. XII. Ustavy gosudarstvennogo blagoustrojstva. Stroitel'nyj ustav. – SPb., 1913.
11. Chukova I.M. Gosudarstvenno-pravovaja ohrana cerkovnyh pamjatnikov stariny v dorevoljucionnoj Rossii: Dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. – N. Novgorod, 2006.
History of State and Law
Fedorova A.N.
Concept of offence on the Cathedral Ulozhenie of 1649
In the article the concept of offence on Cathedral Ulozhenie of 1649 is investigated. The author pays attention to plurality of terms with which the crime, among which «dashing business», «badly», «insult», «larceny» was designated in XVII-th century. The author, analyzing articles of the monument of law, reveals the maintenance of elements of legal structure of offense. So, it investigates the subject of a crime, the subjective element of a crime, the objective element of a crime and object of a crime.
Keywords: offense, dashing business, crime, subject of a crime, subjective element of a crime, objective element of a crime, object of a crime, Cathedral Ulozhenie of 1649.
Work bibliographic list
Work bibliographic list
1. Vladimirskij-Budanov M.F. Hrestomatija po istorii russkogo prava. – Vyp. 3. – Kiev, 1885.
2. Man'kov A.G. Ulozhenie 1649 goda – kodeks feodal'nogo prava Rossii. – L., 1980.
3.Rossijskoe zakonodatel'stvo X–XX vv. – T. 2–3. – M., 1985.
History of State and Law
Sherbakova E.V.
Legal regulation of the exchange of prisoners of the First World War (1917–1924)
In the article legislative bases are analyzed, and also features of the organization and realization
In the article legislative bases are analyzed, and also features of the organization and realization
of an exchange of prisoners of the First World War are considered.
Keywords: prisoners of war, repatriation, evacuation.
Work bibliographic list
Work bibliographic list
1. Abdrahmanov A.I. Rol' NKVD v regulirovanii migracionnyh processov v 1917 – nachale 1920-h godov // Istorija gosudarstva i prava. – 2009. – # 12.
2. Belkovec L.P. Pravovoe regulirovanie vyhoda iz sovetskogo grazhdanstva v 1920–1930-e gody // Migracionnoe pravo. – 2008. – # 1.
3. Belkovec L.P. Rossija na puti k diplomaticheskomu i konsul'skomu pravu (1917–1938). Istoriko-pravovoe issledovanie. – Novosibirsk, 2010.
4. Pashinskij A. Vyezd za granicu i v"ezd v SSSR. Pravovoe polozhenie inostrancev. – Rostov n/D, 1927.
5. Samodurov D.I. Mezhdunarodno-pravovoj status voennoplennyh // Voenno-juridicheskij zhurnal. – 2008. – # 7.
6. Sidorov A.L. Finansovoe polozhenie Rossii v gody Pervoj mirovoj vojny (1914–1917). – M., 1960.
History of State and Law
Zalomov V.А.
Temporary regulation on notary of 1866 in the system of sources of law of the Russian Empire
The paper considers the Temporary Regulation on notary of 1866, examines its place in the sources of law of the Russian Empire, as well as basic content. The features of this normative act are identified.
The paper considers the Temporary Regulation on notary of 1866, examines its place in the sources of law of the Russian Empire, as well as basic content. The features of this normative act are identified.
Keywords: notary, law, source of law, legal system
Work bibliographic list
Work bibliographic list
1. Ahmedov Ch.N. Polozhenie o notarial'noj chasti 1866 goda kak normativnoe osnovanie funkcionirovanija notariata vo vtoroj polovine XIX – nachale XX veka // Istorija gosudarstva i prava. – 2007. – # 8.
2. Baranovskij S. Pasynki Femidy // Notarial'nyj vestnik. – 1903. – # 2.
3. Gasman A. O predelah notarial'noj dejatel'nosti policii //Notarial'nyj vestnik. – 1903. – # 9.
4. Dorskaja A.A. Razvitie sistemy prava Rossii: problemy periodizacii // Vestnik Moskovskogo gorodskogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta. – 2011. – # 1, 2. – (Jurid. nauki).
5. Istorija gosudarstva i prava Rossii / Pod red. S.A.Chibirjaeva. –M.: Bylina, 1998.
6. Komarov N.I., Pashencev D.A., Pashenceva S.V. Ocherki istorii prava Rossijskoj Imperii (vtoraja polovina HIH – nachalo HH veka). – M.: Statut, 2006.
7. Pashencev D.A. Vlijanie recepcii na genezis pravovoj sistemy Rossii // Istorija gosudarstva i prava. – 2009. – # 7.
8. Pashencev D.A. Osobennosti sistemy istochnikov prava Rossijskoj Imperii // Istorija gosudarstva i prava. – 2009. – # 19.
9. Popovich M. Sluzhebnye prava i material'naja obespechennost' notariusa v Rossii // Notarial'nyj vestnik. – 1903. – # 4.
10. Cheremnyh I.G. Rossijskij notariat: proshloe, nastojashhee, budushhee. – M.: Manuskript, 1999.
Constitutional law
Eliseev S.G.
Topical problems of constitutional legal regulation and protection of social rights of the citizens of the Russian Federation
The article deals with current problems of constitutional legal regulation and protection of social
The article deals with current problems of constitutional legal regulation and protection of social
rights of the citizens of the Russian Federation.
Keywords: Constitution of the Russian Federation, social rights, social state.
Work bibliographic list
Work bibliographic list
1. Baev V.G., Shunjaeva A.E. Social'noe gosudarstvo: ponjatie, soderzhanie, konstitucionnoe zakreplenie // Konstitucionnoe i municipal'noe pravo. – 2008. – # 17.
2. Balashova G.V. Pravo na ohranu zdorov'ja i medicinskuju pomoshh' v Rossijskoj Federacii: Dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. – M., 2000.
3. Bondar' N. Konstitucionnoe pravosudie i social'noe gosudarstvo: Sbornik dokladov. – M., 2003.
4. Vygovskaja I.G. Pensionnoe obespechenie kak osnova social'noj politiki v Rossijskoj Federacii // Social'noe i pensionnoe pravo. – 2009. – # 1.
5. Gom'en D., Harris D., Zvaak L. Evropejskaja konvencija o pravah cheloveka i Evropejskaja social'naja hartija: pravo i praktika. –M., 1998.
6. Guseva T.S. K voprosu o neobhodimosti gosudarstvennyh standartov v oblasti social'nogo obespechenija // Social'noe i pensionnoe pravo. – 2007. – # 1.
7. Kashirina E. Osnovnye aspekty social'nogo obespechenija Germanii // Vlast'. – 2009. – # 10.
8. Konstitucija Rossijskoj Federacii: Nauchno-prakticheskij kommentarij / Pod red. Ju.A.Dmitrieva. – M.: Justicinform, 2007.
9. Korsanenkova Ju.B. Pravovaja zashhita sem'i, materinstva i detstva v social'nom obespechenii Rossii // Voprosy juvenal'noj justicii. – 2009. – # 6.
10. Malyshev V.A. Sistemnyj analiz zakonodatel'stva v oblasti ohrany i zashhity materinstva i detstva // Social'noe i pensionnoe pravo. – 2009. – # 2.
11. Snezhko O.A. Konstitucionnye osnovy zashhity grazhdan //Konstitucionnoe i municipal'noe pravo. – 2006. – # 7.
12. Solov'eva E.V. Social'noe obespechenie semej s det'mi kak jelement social'noj zashhity naselenija Rossii v perehodnyj k rynochnoj jekonomike period: Dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. – M., 1995.
Constitutional law
Safina S.B.
Constitution of the republic in the structure of the Russian Federation as basic law in the republican legislation system
In the article considered are constitutions of the republics in the structure of the Russian Federation basic laws in the republican legislation system, their constitutive properties, the highest juridical power features. Mentioned is that republican constitutions have derivative, secondary characteristic and should correspond to the federal constitution.
In the article considered are constitutions of the republics in the structure of the Russian Federation basic laws in the republican legislation system, their constitutive properties, the highest juridical power features. Mentioned is that republican constitutions have derivative, secondary characteristic and should correspond to the federal constitution.
Keywords: republic, constitution, basic law, state, highest juridical power.
Work bibliographic list
Work bibliographic list
1. Zhuchenko A.A. Sootnoshenie konstitucij respublik v sostave Rossijskoj Federacii s konstituciej Rossii: problemy teorii i praktiki. – M., 2001.
2. Chirkin V.E. Gosudarstvennaja vlast' sub"ekta federacii // Gosudarstvo i pravo. – 2000. – # 10.
Constitutional law
Bady M.М.
Constitutional model of relationship of the Parliament and the Government of the Republic of Tuva: content, particularities, issues of improving
In the presented article constitutional model of the Republic of Tyva is discussed. Interaction between the parliament and the government according to the Constitution of the Republic of Tyva is observed.
In the presented article constitutional model of the Republic of Tyva is discussed. Interaction between the parliament and the government according to the Constitution of the Republic of Tyva is observed.
Keywords: constitution, objects of competence, full powers, president, government, parliament.
Work bibliographic list
Work bibliographic list
1. Lebedev S.A. Filosofija nauki: Kratkaja jenciklopedija. – M.:Akadem. proekt, 2008.
Civil law
Khalilova N.R.
Acquiring the status of individual entrepreneur by persons lacking full legal capacity
The article describes features of acquiring the status of individual entrepreneur by persons under the age of majority, and limited capability. Examines the correspondence of individual business activities by those individuals featured business in general. The conclusion about the need to limit business activity by persons lacking full legal capacity is made.
The article describes features of acquiring the status of individual entrepreneur by persons under the age of majority, and limited capability. Examines the correspondence of individual business activities by those individuals featured business in general. The conclusion about the need to limit business activity by persons lacking full legal capacity is made.
Keywords: individual entrepreneur, limited capacity, emancipation, signs of business activity.
Work bibliographic list
1. Volgin V.V. Individual'nyj predprinimatel': Praktich. posob. – 6-e izd., pererab. i dop. – M.: Dashkov i Ko, 2003.
2. Guseva T.A. Kommentarij k Federal'nomu zakonu «O gosudarstvennoj registracii juridicheskih lic i individual'nyh predprinimatelej». – M.: Justicinform, 2005 // SPS «Konsul'tantPljus».
3. Zalesskij V.V. Kommentarij k Federal'nomu zakonu «O gosudarstvennoj registracii juridicheskih lic i individual'nyh predprinimatelej». – M.: Izd. Tihomirova M.Ju., 2003.
4. Kak gramotno rasstat'sja so statusom PBOJuL (Nachalo) // Predprinimatel' bez obrazovanija juridicheskogo lica. PBOJuL. – 2006. –# 9 // SPS «Konsul'tantPljus».
5. Maksimenko S.T., Ermolova O.N. Problemy pravosub"ektnosti individual'nyh predprinimatelej // Civilist. – 2008. – # 4 //SPS «Konsul'tantPljus».
6. Predprinimatel'skoe pravo Rossijskoj Federacii / E.P.Gubin, P.G.Lahno. – M.: Jurist", 2003.
7. Tarasova A.E. Pravosub"ektnost' grazhdan. Osobennosti pravosub"ektnosti nesovershennoletnih, ih projavlenija v grazhdanskih pravootnoshenijah. – M: Volters Kluver, 2008 // SPS «Konsul'tant-Pljus».
8. Tihomirov M.Ju. Individual'nyj predprinimatel': pravovoe polozhenie i vidy dejatel'nosti. – 3-e izd., dop. i izm. – M.: Izdatel'stvo Tihomirova M.Ju., 2009 // SPS «Konsul'tantPljus».
9. Semejnyj kodeks Respubliki Bashkortostan ot 2 marta 1994 g. # VS-22/34 // Vedomosti Verhovnogo Soveta i Pravitel'stva Respubliki Bashkortostan. – 1994. – # 8. – St. 355.
10. Federal'nyj zakon ot 8 avgusta 2001 g. # 129-FZ «O gosudarstvennoj registracii juridicheskih lic i individual'nyh predprinimatelej» // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. – 2001. – 13 avgusta. –# 33. – Ch. I. – St. 3431.
Civil law
Bogdanov A.V.
The concept and types of civil liability of person carrying out functions of joint stock company sole executive body
The article is devoted to the analysis of present legislature and scientific works on the problem of civil liability of the person carrying out the functions of the sole executive body of the joint stock company. In the article the classification of civil liability of the person carrying out the functions of the sole executive body is proposed.
The article is devoted to the analysis of present legislature and scientific works on the problem of civil liability of the person carrying out the functions of the sole executive body of the joint stock company. In the article the classification of civil liability of the person carrying out the functions of the sole executive body is proposed.
Keywords: joint stock company, sole executive body, negative liability, positive liability, intercorporate liability, intracorporate liability.
Work bibliographic list
Work bibliographic list
1. Grazhdanskoe pravo: Uchebnik: V 2 t. / Pod red. E.A.Suhanova. –2-e izd., pererab. i dop. – M.: BEK, 2000. – T. I.
2. Gribanov V.P. Otvetstvennost' za narushenie grazhdanskih prav i objazannostej. – M., 1973.
3. Ioffe O.S. Objazatel'stvennoe pravo. – L., 1975.
4. Busheva S.G. Organ juridicheskogo lica: pravovoj status i sootnoshenie so smezhnymi institutami // Zakonodatel'stvo. – 2005. – # 3.
5. Tychinskaja E.V. Dogovor o realizacii funkcij edinolichnogo ispolnitel'nogo organa hozjajstvennogo obshhestva: Avtoref. dis. …kand. jurid. nauk. – M., 2010.
6. Rubeko G.L. Pravovoj status organov upravlenija akcionernyh obshhestv. – M.: Statut, 2007.
7. Teljukina M.V. Kommentarij k Federal'nomu zakonu «Ob akcionernyh obshhestvah» (postatejnyj). – M.: Volters Kluver, 2005.
8. Teorija gosudarstva i prava: Uchebnik dlja vuzov / Pod red. V.M.Korel'skogo i V.D.Perevalova. – 2-e izd., izm. i dop. – M.: NOR-MAINFRA M, 2000.
Civil law
Kosse A.A.
«Commercial demurrage» payment to a foreign counterpart under an international sales contract
The present article is dealt with a question of a demurrage in international sales contracts legal
The present article is dealt with a question of a demurrage in international sales contracts legal
nature, and also to tax consequences of payment «commercial demurrage» by the Russian legal
entity to the foreign counterpart.
Keywords: commercial demurrage, deduction at a payment source.
Civil law
Bogdanov D.V.
The concept and the legal nature of discharge from civil law liability and its exceptions
The article is devoted to complex research of institutes of discharge from civil law liability and its exceptions.
The article is devoted to complex research of institutes of discharge from civil law liability and its exceptions.
Keywords: discharge from civil law liability, exclusion of civil law liability, civil law liability.
Work bibliographic list
Work bibliographic list
1. Andreev A.A. Osnovanija osvobozhdenija ot jeventual'noj otvetstvennosti // Grazhdanskoe pravo. – 2010. – # 1.
2. Braginskij M.I., Vitrjanskij V.V. Dogovornoe pravo: Obshhie polozhenija. – M.: Statut, 1997.
3. Vitruk N.V. Obshhaja teorija juridicheskoj otvetstvennosti. –M.: NORMA, 2009.
4. Kaplunova E.S. Nepreodolimaja sila i smezhnye s nej ponjatija: Avtoref. dis. …kand. jurid. nauk. – Tomsk, 2005.
5. Kommentarij k Grazhdanskomu kodeksu Rossijskoj Federacii. Chast' pervaja/ Pod red. A.P.Sergeeva. – M.: Prospekt, 2010.
6. Kommentarij k Ugolovnomu kodeksu Rossijskoj Federacii (postatejnyj) / pod red. A.V.Brilliantova. – M.: Prospekt, 2010.
7. Rozina S.V. Institut osvobozhdenija ot grazhdansko-pravovoj otvetstvennosti: Dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. – M., 2006.
8. Sverchkov V.V. Osnovanija osvobozhdenija ot ugolovnoj otvetstvennosti i (ili) nakazanija: sistema, zakonodatel'naja reglamentacija, jeffektivnost' primenenija: Avtoref. dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. –N.Novgorod, 1997.
9. Tihonenko I.N. Osnovanija osvobozhdenija ot juridicheskoj otvetstvennosti: Avtoref. dis. ... kand. jurid. nauk. – M., 1995.
Tax law
Shepenko R.A.
Tax treaties purposes
In the global world increases the role of international regulation of the taxation, which is carried out also through tax treaties. Tax treaties have principal and subsidiary purposes. The knowledge of purposes has practical value as they are taken into consideration by courts. In given article the attempt of briefly reviews of such purposes is undertaken.
Keywords: tax treaties, elimination of international double taxation, exchange of goods, prevention of tax avoidance and evasion, allocations of taxing rights, OECD Model, commentary, legislation, Pakistan, India.
Work bibliographic list
Work bibliographic list
1. Arnold B.J. Tax Treaties and Tax Avoidance: The 2003 Revisions to the Commentary to the OECD Model. – IBFD, 2004.
2. Arnold B.J., Sasseville J., Zolt E.M. Summary of the Proceedings of an Invitational Seminar on Tax Treaties in the 21st Century // BIFD. –2002. – Vol. 56.
3. Bertucci G. Manual for the Negotiation of Bilateral Tax Treaties between Developed and Developing Countries / ST/ESA/PAD/SER.E/37. –N.Y.: UN, 2003.
4. Borrego F.A.V. Limitation on Benefits Clauses in Double Taxation Conventions. – Kluwer Law Intern., 2006.
5. Daly M. The WTO and Direct Taxation // Discussion Paper # 9. –Geneva: WTO. June 2005.
6. Davis H.E. Pioneers in World Order: An American Appraisal of the League of Nations. – Columbia Un-ty Press, 1944.
7. Holmes K. International Tax Policy and Double Tax Treaties: an Introduction to Principles and Application. – IBFD, 2007.
8. International Tax Glossary / By B.Larking. – 4 ed. – Amsterdam:IBFD, 2001.
9. International Tax Law / By A.Amatucci. – Kluwer Law Intern., 2006.
10. Kodakia R., Modi N. The Law and Practice of Tax Treaties: An Indian Perspective. – New Delhi: Wolters Kluwer (India) Pvt Ltd, 2008.
11. Loomer G.T. Tax Treaty Abuse: Is Canada Responding Effectively? – Oxford Un-ty Centre for Business Taxation. WP 09/05.
12. Smith D.T. The Functions of Tax Treaties / R.P.Baker, R.Blough, A.V.Bodine, et al. Taxation and Operations Abroad. – Princeton, 1960.
13. Tax Law Design and Drafting / By V. Thuronyi. – IMF, 1998.
14. Thuronyi V. Comparative Tax Law. – Kluwer Law Intern., 2006.
15. Ward D.A. Access to Tax Treaty Benefits. Research Report Prepared for the Advisory Panel on Canada’s System of International Taxation. – Toronto, September 2008.
16. Weeghel S. The Improper Use of Tax Treaties: with Particular Reference to the Netherlands and the United States. – Kluwer Law Intern., 1998.
Wystorobets E.A.
Concerning diversity of the sources of positive Interecolaw
To protect nature, to prevent unlawful actions, harmful for its survival and development the Mankind elaborates legal values, instruments, totally of which represents International Environmental Law. Their recognition and implementation require systematisation of the kinds of sources. Generalisation of the norms and doctrine concerning the typology of written sources of nature protection by international law, enables to discover new peculiarities in understanding of the system of interecolaw, both general laws, and special properties of its elements of direct significance for nature protection. As a result of taking into account of Russian experience and introduction of the arguments of foreign scientists into a domestic scientific circulation the theory of interecolaw reflects its modern state more precisely, facilitates understanding of environmental protection by international law from environmental positions.
Keywords: environment, interecolaw, sources, forms.
Work bibliographic list
Work bibliographic list
1. Bekjashev K.A. i dr. Mezhdunarodnoe publichnoe pravo: Uchebnik / Otv. red. K.A.Bekjashev. – M., 2005.
2. Brinchuk M.M. Jekologicheskoe pravo (pravo okruzhajushhej sredy). – M.: Jurist", 1998, 2009.
3. Vel'jaminov G.M. Mezhdunarodnoe jekonomicheskoe pravo i process. – M.: Volters Kluver, 2004.
4. Vystorobec E.A. Atlas mezhdunarodnogo prirodoohrannogo sotrudnichestva. – M.: Gaaga, 2001.
5. Vystorobec E.A. Identifikacija istochnikov mezhdunarodnogo jekologicheskogo prava – fontes jus naturae gentium // Pravovedenie. –2010. – # 5.
6. Gizatullin T.I. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo okruzhajushhej sredy //Mezhdunarodnoe pravo. Osobennaja chast': Uchebnik dlja vuzov / Otv. R.M.Valeev i prof. G.I.Kurdjukov. – M.: Statut, 2010.
7. Dorzhiev Zh.B., Hamnaev I.V. Jekologicheskoe pravo: Ucheb.-metod. posob. – Ulan-Udje: Izd-vo VSGTU, 2006.
8. Kolbasov O.S. Jekologija: politika – pravo. – M.: Nauka, 1976.
9. Kolbasov O.S. Mezhdunarodno-pravovaja ohrana okruzhajushhej sredy. – M.: Mezhdunar. otnoshenija, 1982.
10. Konnova E.V. K voprosu o klassifikacii strogo odnostoronnih aktov gosudarstv // Belarus' v sovremennom mire: Materialy VII Mezhdunar. nauch. konferencii, posvjashhennoj 87-letiju obrazovanija Belorus. gos. un-ta, Minsk, 30.10.2008 / Redkol. V.G.Shadurskij i dr. – Minsk: Tesej, 2008.
11. Kopylov M.N. Vvedenie v mezhdunarodnoe jekologicheskoe pravo. – M.: RUDN, 2009.
12. Kravchenko S.M., Andrusevich A.O., Bonajn Dzh. Aktual'nі problemi mіzhnarodnogo prava navkolishn'ogo seredovishha: Pіdruchnik /Pіd zag. red. prof. S.M.Kravchenko. – L'vіv: Vid. centr LNU, 2002.
13. Lukashuk I.I. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo: osobennaja chast': Uchebnik dlja stud. jurid. fakul'tetov i vuzov. –3-e izd., pererab. i dop. – M.:Volters Kluver, 2005.
14. Marochkin S.Ju. Ponjatie i istochniki mezhdunarodnogo prava okruzhajushhej sredy // Mezhdunarodnoe pravo: Uchebnik dlja vuzov / Otv. red. G.V.Ignatenko, O.I.Tiunov. – 3-e izd., pererab. i dop. – M.:Norma, 2005.
15. Matveeva T.V. Rol' mezhdunarodnogo dogovora v mezhdunarodnom chastnom prave: Avtoref. … d-ra jurid. nauk. – M., 2006.
16. Muhin I.A. Principy mezhdunarodnogo prava v ohrane okruzhajushhej sredy i ih rol' v sisteme jekologicheskogo zakonodatel'stva Rossii // Mezhdunarodnoe publichnoe i chastnoe pravo. – 2006. – # 2 (29).
17. Postatejnyj kommentarij k Federal'nomu zakonu o mezhdunarodnyh dogovorah Rossijskoj Federacii / Pod red. V.P.Zvekova, B.I.Osminina. – M.: SPARK, 1996.
18. Principy jekvatora, prinjaty v Vashingtone 04.07.2003 desjat'ju global'nymi kreditnymi uchrezhdenijami: ABN AMRO Bank, N.V., Barclays plc, Citi, Crédit Lyonnais, Credit Suisse First Boston, HVB Group, Rabobank Group, The Royal Bank of Scotland, WestLB AG, and Westpac Banking Corporation.
19. Sokolova N.A. Razvitie principov mezhdunarodnogo jekologicheskogo prava i problemy ih implementacii (na primere zakonodatel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii): Avtoref. ... kand. jurid. nauk. – M.:MGJuA, 1998.
20. Timoshenko A.S. Formirovanie i razvitie mezhdunarodnogo prava okruzhajushhej sredy. – M.: Nauka, 1986.
21. Timchenko L.D. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo. – Har'kov, 1999.
22. Tipovoj zakon JuNSITRAL o mezhdunarodnom torgovom arbitrazhe, g. Vena, 21.06.1985, s izm., prinjatymi v g. N'ju-Jorke 07.07.2006.
23. Ushakov N.A. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo: Uchebnik. – M: Jurist, 2000.
24. Fajerstoun D.B., Rid F.S. Vvedenie v jekologicheskoe pravo /Per. s angl. pod red. A.L.Reznikova. – Petrozavodsk: Verso, 2002.
25. Chichvarin V.A. Ohrana prirody i mezhdunarodnye otnoshenija. – M.: Mezhdunar. otnoshenija, 1970.
26. Shajdullina A.A. O sisteme istochnikov mezhdunarodnogo jekologicheskogo prava, regulirujushhih sohranenie i ustojchivoe ispol'zovanie biologicheskogo raznoobrazija // EvrAzJuzh. – 2011. – # 8 (39).
27. D’Amato A. International Law Coursebook: To Accompany International Law Anthology. –Cincinnati (OH): Anderson Publishing Company, April 1994.
28. D’Amato A., Engel K. International Environmental Law Anthology/ Anthony D’Amato, Kirsten Engel (Eds). – Cincinnati (OH): Anderson Publishing Company, April 1997.
29. Heyvaert V. Hybrid Norms in International Law / London School of Economics and Political Science, Law Department; LSE Law, Society and Economy Working Papers. – 2009. – # 6.
30. International environmental law. Alexandre Charles Kiss, Dinah Shelton. – 3 ed. – Message by Klaus Toepfer. Foreword by Bakary Kante. UNEP. Nairobi: Transnational Publishers, 2004.
31. International Law Commission, Draft Articles on State Responsibility, Part 2, Art. 5(1), ‘Report of the ILC to the United Nations General Assembly’, UN Doc. A/44/10, 218 (1989).
32. Ott D.H. Public International Law in the Morden World 23-24 (1987) // Guruswamy L., Weston B., Palmer G., Carlson J.C. International Environmental Law and World Order: A Problem-Oriented Coursebook. – 2 ed. – St. Paul (Minn), 1999.
33. Sands P. Principles of International Environmental Law. – 2 ed. – University College London Cambridge University Press, 2003.
34. Sunkin M., Ong D. and Wight R. Environmental law. – 2 ed. – L.: Cavendish Publishing Ltd, 2002.
35. Timoshenko A.S. Ecological Security: Global Change Paradigm 1 Colo J. Int’l Envtl. Law & Pol’y 127, 135-45 (Summer 1990) // Guruswamy L., Weston B., Palmer G., Carlson J.C. International Environmental Law and World Order: A Problem-Oriented Coursebook. – 2 ed. – St. Paul (Minn), 1999.
36. Training manual on international environmental law / Ed. Lal Kurukulasuriya and Nicholas A. Robinson. – Division of Policy Development and Law, United Nations Environment Programme in Nairobi, Kenya, 2006.
37. Trubek D.M., Cottrell P., Nance M. «Soft Law», «Hard Law», and European Integration: Toward a Theory of Hybridity / University of Wisconsin- Madison / Scott & de Burca eds., New Governance and Constitutionalism (Hart 2005).
38. Wolf and Stanley on environmental law. – 5 ed. – L.: Routledge Cavendish, 2008.
39. Wystorobets E.A. Correlation of the Concepts of International Environmental Law on the Groups of Sources and their Basic Elements // Mіzhnarodne pravo navkolishn'ogo seredovishha: stan ta perspektivi rozvitku: Materіali Mіzhnarodnoї naukovo-praktichnoї konferencії. –K.: TOV «Vidavnictvo geografіchnoї lіteraturi «Obrії», 2010.
Criminal Law and Criminology
Garifullina R.F., Nikolaeva T.V., Khakimova E.R.
Questions of prescription of a penalty lighter than stipulated in the context of recent changes in criminal law
This article analyzes the reasons for prescription of a penalty lighter than stipulated for the crime.
This article analyzes the reasons for prescription of a penalty lighter than stipulated for the crime.
Keywords: punishment, prescription of a penalty, a penalty lighter than stipulated, changes in the Criminal Code.
Work bibliographic list
Work bibliographic list
1. Blagov E.V. Osnovy primenenija ugolovnogo prava. – Jaroslavl', 1992.
2. Brajnin Ja.M. Ugolovnyj zakon i ego primenenie. – M.: Jurid.lit., 1967.
3. Brajnin Ja.M. Principy primenenija nakazanija po sovetskomu ugolovnomu pravu // Nauchnye zapiski Kievskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. T.G.Shevchenko. – 1953. – T. XII. – Vyp. 1.
4. Grigor'ev V.A. Ocenochnye ponjatija v ugolovnom prave: problemy pravoprimenenija // Problemy nravstvennogo i professional'nogo vospitanija sotrudnikov organov vnutrennih del v sovremennyh uslovijah: Materialy mezhvuzovskoj nauchno-prakticheskoj
konferencii 24–25 nojabrja 1994 g. – Ufa: UVSh MVD RF, 1995.
5. Djad'kin D. Pravila ucheta iskljuchitel'nyh obstojatel'stv dlja naznachenija bolee mjagkogo nakazanija, chem predusmotreno za dannoe prestuplenie // Ugolovnoe pravo. – 2006. – # 2.
6. Karpec I.I. Otjagchajushhie i smjagchajushhie obstojatel'stva v ugolovnom prave. – M.: Gosjurizdat, 1959.
7. Kashanina T. Usmotrenie sud'i pri naznachenii nakazanija //Sovetskaja justicija. – 1986. – # 13–14.
8. Kruglikov K.L. Smjagchajushhie i otjagchajushhie obstojatel'stva v sovetskom ugolovnom prave. – Jaroslavl', 1977.
9. Medvedev A. Osnovanija naznachenija bolee mjagkogo nakazanija, chem predusmotreno zakonom // Sovetskaja justicija. – 1990. – # 15.
10. Pleshakov A.M. Primenenie bolee mjagkogo nakazanija, chem predusmotreno zakonom: Ucheb. posob. – M.: VNII MVD SSSR, 1982.
11. Piteckij V.V. Naznachenie nakazanija bolee mjagkogo, chem predusmotreno zakonom // Voprosy ugolovnoj otvetstvennosti i nakazanija. – Krasnojarsk: Krasnojarskij un-t, 1986.
12. Stanovskij M.N. Naznachenie nakazanija. – SPb.: Jurid. Centr Press, 1999.
13. Tkachenko V.I. Naznachenie nakazanija. – M.: Vsesojuznyj jurid.zaochnyj institut, 1985.
14. Tjutjugin V.I. Nekotorye voprosy naznachenija bolee mjagkogo nakazanija, chem predusmotreno zakonom // Problemy ugolovnogo i ispravitel'no-trudovogo prava: Trudy Rjazanskoj vysshej shkoly MVD SSSR. – Rjazan', 1975.
15. Shargorodskij M.D. Voprosy Obshhej chasti ugolovnogo prava. – L.: LGU, 1955.
16. Shumilina O.S. Ocenochnye ponjatija v Ugolovnom kodekse Rossijskoj Federacii i ih ispol'zovanie v pravoprimenitel'noj dejatel'nosti: Avtoref. dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. – M., 2002.
Criminal Law and Criminology
Uvarov V.V.
Criminal law sphere: essence, content, limits of action
The article examines the concept of «criminal law sphere» as the sum of its essential properties (aims, principles, penal-legal politics etc.), the competence of law enforcement bodies and external – the juridical form of expression of this sphere – the penal law (in the broad sense).
The article examines the concept of «criminal law sphere» as the sum of its essential properties (aims, principles, penal-legal politics etc.), the competence of law enforcement bodies and external – the juridical form of expression of this sphere – the penal law (in the broad sense).
Keywords: criminal law sphere, law enforcement bodies, penal law, legal entity.
Work bibliographic list
Work bibliographic list
1. Obshhaja teorija gosudarstva i prava: Akademicheskij kurs: V 2 t. / Otv. red. prof. M.N.Marchenko. – T. 1. Teorija gosudarstva. – M.: Zercalo, 1998
2. Ugolovnoe pravo. Obshhaja chast': Uchebnik dlja vuzov. – M., 1998.
3. Chirkin V.E. Osnovy sravnitel'nogo gosudarstvovedenija. – M.: Izdatel'skij dom «Artikul», 1997.
Criminal Law and Criminology
Popov Yu.V.
Stages of development of legislation concerning attack on persons realizing justice or preliminary investigation
In the article stages of development of legislation concerning attack on persons realizing justice or preliminary investigation.
In the article stages of development of legislation concerning attack on persons realizing justice or preliminary investigation.
Keywords: Russian truth, criminal law during the times of Peter I, Criminal Code.
Work bibliographic list
Work bibliographic list
1. Aguzarov T.K. Ugolovno-pravovaja ohrana vlasti (XI – nachalo XX v.): Istoricheskie ocherki. – M.: Prospekt, 2011.
2. Dvorjanskov I.V., Druzin A.I., Chuchaev A.I. Ugolovno-pravovaja ohrana otpravlenija pravosudija (istoriko-pravovoe issledovanie). –M., 2002. – S. 15.
3. Dzjuba V.T. Ugolovnaja otvetstvennost' za posjagatel'stvo na zhizn' rabotnika milicii ili narodnogo druzhinnika: Avtoref. dis. ... kand. jurid. nauk. – Kiev, 1985.
4. Karnshtejn D.N., Roginskij G.K., Strogovich M.S. Ugolovnyj kodeks RSFSR: Postatejnyj kommentarij. – 2-e izd. – M.: Gosjurizdat, 1929.
5. Rossijskoe zakonodatel'stvo H–HH vekov: V 9 t. – M.: Jurid.lit., 1985–1986.
6. Sbornik dokumentov po istorii otechestvennogo ugolovnogo prava i processa: Ucheb. posob. – Ekaterinburg, 1997.
7. Tihomirov N.N., Epifanov P.P. Sobornoe ulozhenie 1649 g. – M., 1961.
8. Titov Ju.P. Hrestomatija po istorii gosudarstva i prava Rossii. – M.: PROSPEKT, 1998.
Criminal Law and Criminology
Bayburina R.R.
Blanket method of presenting the disposition of violations of fire safety requirements
The paper considers the blanket method of presenting the disposition of violations of fire safety
The paper considers the blanket method of presenting the disposition of violations of fire safety
Keywords: Criminal Code, Federal Law «On Fire Safety», Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offences.
Work bibliographic list
Work bibliographic list
1. Beljaeva N.V. Blanketnye dispozicii v sovetskom ugolovnom prave i ih primenenie: Avtoref. dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. – M., 1984.
2. Gauhman L.D. Problemy UK: blanketnost', deklarativnost', kazuistichnost' // Ugolovnoe pravo v HH I veke: Materialy mezhdunarodnoj nauchnoj konferencii, sostojavshejsja na juridicheskom fakul'tete MGU im. M.V.Lomonosova 31 maja – 1 ijunja 2001 g. – M.: Leks-Jest, 2002.
3. Kljonova T.V. Struktura ugolovno-pravovoj normy i vyrazhenie ee predpisanij v zakonodatel'stve // Sovetskoe gosudarstvo i pravo. – 1988. – # 11.
4. Kovalev M.I. Pravil'noe postroenie ugolovno-pravovoj normy – odno iz neobhodimyh uslovij ee jeffektivnosti. – Sverdlovsk: Sverdlovskij juridicheskij institut im. R.A.Rudenko, 1974.
5. Kovalev M.M. Sovremennye tendencii razvitija ugolovnogo zakonodatel'stva i ugolovno-pravovoj teorii // Gosudarstvo i pravo. – 1994. – # 6.
6. Mickevich A.V. Akty vysshih organov Sovetskogo gosudarstva. Juridicheskaja priroda normativnyh aktov vysshih organov gosudarstvennoj vlasti i upravlenija SSSR. – M., 1967.
7. Shnejdlin V.V. Sushhnost' sovetskogo prava. – M.: MGU, 1959.
8. Jani P. Blanketnye «jekonomicheskie» stat'i ugolovnogo zakona // Sovetskoe gosudarstvo i pravo. – 1995. – # 11.
Criminal Law and Criminology
Beshukova Z.M.
Object of the crime provided by the item 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation: debatable aspects
In the article some debatable questions of definition of object of the crime provided by the item 282 of the Criminal Code of the
In the article some debatable questions of definition of object of the crime provided by the item 282 of the Criminal Code of the
Russian Federation are considered.
Keywords: criminal law, object of a crime, crime of an extremist orientation.
Work bibliographic list
Work bibliographic list
1. Abdullaeva Je.S. Vozbuzhdenie nenavisti libo vrazhdy, a ravno unizhenie chelovecheskogo dostoinstva: ugolovno-pravovoj i kriminologicheskij analiz: Avtoref. dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. – Mahachkala, 2004.
2. Beshukova Z.M. Reglamentacija otvetstvennosti za vozbuzhdenie nacional'noj, religioznoj ili rasovoj vrazhdy v ugolovnom zakonodatel'stve stran SNG: sravnitel'no-pravovoj analiz // Rossijskij sledovatel'. – 2009. – # 23.
3. Burkovskaja V.A. Kriminal'nyj religioznyj jekstremizm v sovremennoj Rossii. – M., 2005.
4. D'jakov S.V. Gosudarstvennye prestuplenija (protiv osnov konstitucionnogo stroja i bezopasnosti gosudarstva) i gosudarstvennaja prestupnost'. – M., 1999.
5. Ermakova L.D. Inye gosudarstvennye prestuplenija: Ucheb. po- sob. – M., 1987.
6. Zalihanova L.I. Ugolovno-pravovaja i kriminologicheskaja harakteristika vozbuzhdenija nacional'noj, rasovoj, religioznoj vrazhdy: Dis. ... kand. jurid. nauk. – Rostov n/D, 2003.
7. Kommentarij k Ugolovnomu kodeksu RF / Pod red. N.F.Kuznecovoj. – M., 1998.
8. Kurs Sovetskogo ugolovnogo prava: V 6 t. – M., 1970. – T. IV.
9. Lunev V.V. Prestupnost' v mezhnacional'nyh konfliktah. Sociologicheskoe issledovanie. – M., 1995.
10. Martynova T.V. Konfliktnost' mezhnacional'nyh otnoshenij kak faktor, determinirujushhij prestupnost' (po materialam Krasnodarskogo kraja): Avtoref. … dis. kand. jurid. nauk. – Krasnodar, 2005.
11. Naumov A.V. Kurs ugolovnogo prava: Osobennaja chast' / Pod red. G.I.Borzenkova, V.S.Komissarova. – M., 2002. – T. 5.
12. Ratinov A.R., Kroz M.V., Ratinova N.A. Otvetstvennost' za razzhiganie vrazhdy i nenavisti: psihologo-pravovaja harakteristika. –M., 2005.
13. Rossijskoe ugolovnoe pravo. Osobennaja chast' / Pod red. V.N.Kudrjavceva, A.V.Naumova. – M., 1997.
14. Shargorodskij M.D., Beljaev N.A. Kurs Sovetskogo ugolovnogo prava. – L., 1968.
15. Ugolovnoe pravo RF. Osobennaja chast' / Pod red. B.V.Zdravomyslova. – M., 1996.
16. Ugolovnoe pravo. Osobennaja chast' / Pod red. I.Ja.Kozachenko, Z.A.Neznamovoj, G.P.Novoselova. – M., 1998.
Criminal process and Criminalistics
Khatuaeva V.V.
Prospects of improving the legislative regulation of the activity of participants in the criminal legal procedure in the collection of proofs
In the article are examined the separate aspects of doctrinal interpretation and legislative regulation of the process of the collection of proofs in stages of production in the criminal case.
In the article are examined the separate aspects of doctrinal interpretation and legislative regulation of the process of the collection of proofs in stages of production in the criminal case.
Keywords: cognitive activity, molding of proofs, participants in the criminal legal procedure.
Work bibliographic list
Work bibliographic list
1. Baev O.Ja. Kriminalisticheskaja taktika i ugolovno-processual'nyj zakon. – Voronezh, 1977.
2. Balakshin V.S. Dokazatel'stva v teorii i praktike ugolovno-processual'nogo dokazyvanija (vazhnejshie problemy v svete UPK RF): Dis. … d-ra jurid. nauk. – Ekaterinburg, 2005.
3. Belkin A.R. Teorija dokazyvanija v ugolovnom sudoproizvodstve. – M., 2005.
Law and Politics
Gayduk V.V.
Political regions in the conditions of federal modernization
There are a lot of concepts defining self-sufficiency of local territory, proceeding from natural and geographical, administrative, cultural and ethnic features and other properties. The author is interested in the political and legal dimension of a region, mutual influence and interdependence of regional and national political transformation processes.
There are a lot of concepts defining self-sufficiency of local territory, proceeding from natural and geographical, administrative, cultural and ethnic features and other properties. The author is interested in the political and legal dimension of a region, mutual influence and interdependence of regional and national political transformation processes.
Keywords: political region, subject of federation, modernization, stagnation, federalism, political regionalism, ethno policy, decentralization, power vertical.
Work bibliographic list
1. Abdrahmanov D.M., Buranchin A.M. Transformacija gosudarstva i obshhestva v uslovijah globalizacii: model' Bashkortostana. –Ufa: RIO RUNMC MO RB, 2007.
1. Abdrahmanov D.M., Buranchin A.M. Transformacija gosudarstva i obshhestva v uslovijah globalizacii: model' Bashkortostana. –Ufa: RIO RUNMC MO RB, 2007.
2. Birjukov S. V. Region, regionalizacija, regionalizm: jevoljucija predstavlenij i sovremennye politicheskie koncepcii // Sovremennye problemy gumanitarnyh disciplin. – Kemerovo, 1996. – Vyp. 2.
3. Buranchin A.M. Respublika Bashkortostan v sisteme rossijskogo federalizma (konstitucionno-pravovoj i politologicheskij analiz). – Ufa: DizajnPoligrafServis, 2009.
4. Gajduk V.V. Ot «parada suverenitetov» k paradu demokratij // Respublika Bashkortostan. – 2011. – # 121 (23 ijunja).
5. Kosolapov N.A. Politiko-psihologicheskij analiz social'no-territorial'nyh sistem: Osnovy teorii i metodologii (na primere Rossii). – M., 1994.
6. Regiony Rossii: hronika i rukovoditeli. – T. 8. Respublika Bashkortostan / Pod red. K.Macuzato. – Ekaterinburg, 2003.
7. Turovskij R.F. Osnovy i perspektivy regional'nyh politicheskih izmenenij // Politicheskie issledovanija. – 2001. – # 1.
8. Filippov V.R. Ukreplenie vertikali vlasti i depolitizacija jetnichnosti v Rossii // Federalizm. – 2005. – # 4.
Law and Politics
Bekbosynov M.B.
Law and Politics
Bekbosynov M.B.
Features of regional policy in the conditions of Russian federalism
The author discusses the main directions of state regional policy of the Russian Federation. Analyzed are the current state of federal relations and regional policy. Examined are the principles of federal regional policy in accordance with the Strategy of socio-economic
development of the Russian Federation.
Keywords: regional policy, federal government, strategy of regional development, regions of the Russian Federation, state and federal interests, powers.
Work bibliographic list
Keywords: regional policy, federal government, strategy of regional development, regions of the Russian Federation, state and federal interests, powers.
Work bibliographic list
1. Stoljarov M.V. Teorija i praktika federalizma. – M., 2008.
Eurasian advocacy
Eurasian advocacy
Ragulin A.V.
Regulation of the professional rights of the lawyer-defender and their maintenance under the Republic of Lithuania legislation
In the article questions of regulation of the professional rights of the lawyer-defender and their
In the article questions of regulation of the professional rights of the lawyer-defender and their
maintenance under the Republic of Lithuania legislation in comparison to the Russian criminallyremedial legislation and normative provisions of Federal Legal Act «About advocacy activity and advocacy in the Russian Federation» are considered.
Keywords: legal profession, professional rights of the lawyer-defender, protection of the rights of the lawyer-defender.
Work bibliographic list
Work bibliographic list
1. Ansel' M. Metodologicheskie problemy sravnitel'nogo prava // Ocherki sravnitel'nogo prava. – M.: «Progress». – 1981.
2. Voronov A.A. Protivodejstvie dejatel'nosti advokata kak forma posjagatel'stva na ego nezavisimost' // Sovremennoe pravo. –2005. –# 7.
3. Kudrjavcev V.L. Garantii nezavisimosti advokata kak uslovie obespechenija kvalificirovannoj juridicheskoj pomoshhi v dejatel'nosti advokata (zashhitnika) v ugolovnom sudoproizvodstve // Advokat. –2008. – # 5.
4. Petrov D.V. Mehanizm ugolovno-pravovoj ohrany prav advokata po zakonodatel'stvu zarubezhnyh gosudarstv // Vestnik VJeGU: Nauchnyj zhurnal. – # 5 (49). Jurisprudencija – Ufa: Vostochnaja jekonomiko-juridicheskaja gumanitarnaja akademija. – 2010.
5. Ragulin A.V. Pravovye i organizacionnye sredstva obespechenija realizacii professional'nyh prav advokatov // Social'naja politika i sociologija. – # 8 (62) 2010.
6. Sergeev V.I. O problemah zashhity prav advokatov // Advokatskaja palata. – 2004. – # 10.
Polices of the world
Polices of the world
Biryukov P.N.
Police оf Sweden
In the article organizational and law questions of the police of Sweden are considered.
In the article organizational and law questions of the police of Sweden are considered.
Keywords: police, police of foreign counries.
International scientific and practical law journal
Included in the VAK Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation list