The meaning of higher legal education in the eurasian integration process
Interview with V.V. Stroev, rector of the First Moscow institute of law, doctor of economic sciences, professor

Saliyeva R.N.
Legal requirements to the technical projects of the development of oil fields under the russian legislation and the legislation of the cis statess
Bogolyubov S.A.
Practical importance and value of the ecological-legal studies on the Eurasian space
Bekyashev D.K.
Prospects of legal regulation of labour migration in Eurasian Economic Union
Dorskaya A.A.
The legislation of EurAsec member-states on freedom of conscience: a comparative legal analysis
Muharyamov M.R.
The legislation on servitudes of the Eurasian Economic Community member-states
Kurtzer K.M.
Problems of the Tax Law unification in the context of Eurasian integration

International law
Krylov N.B.
Humanitarian intervention: criteria for the legitimate use of military force
Ashavskiy B.M.
Concepts concerning the duty to protect in the International Law context
Yakovleva A.G.
International legal aspects of sovereign debts settlement

Kopylov M.N., Solntsev A.M.
International Environmental Law in front of contemporary challenges (Environmental Constitution of the Earth)
Shakirov A.D.
Protection of human rights in International Investment Law in the frame work of sustainable development

European Law
Ispolinov A.S.
EU charter of fundamental rights: lessons of the first three years in application
Alisievich E.S., Goka A.
European Union Access to the 1950 European Convention on Human Rights: problems and prospects
Panteleyeva K.A.
European Court of Human Rights: on the eve of changes

Law of foreign states
Shilova N.P.
Sources of the legal regulation of cooperation (review of the foreign legislation)

History of Law
Begichev E.V.
Promissory charters in the system of sources of law of the Russian Empire
Gabinet D.A.
Views of representatives of nationalist trend of Ukrainian political and legal thought in the interwar period on the form of state regime

Theory of Law
Bayteeva M.V.
The motive and the law: on the problem of the legal assessment of mental phenomena
Dontsov S.E.
Justification of private property: the way to recognition, approval, adoption(liberty, justice, morality)

Constitutional Law
Minasyan A.A.
Features of the interpretation of laws in the implementation of constitutional justice
Bochkarev S.V.
Peculiarities of the French Constitutionalism: on the example of constitutional and legal institutions of the Third Republic

Сivil Law
Bystrov G.E.
Legal regulation of transactions of citizens with rights to a land share of agricultural lands

Civil society
Tomash L.V.
Civil society – the social basis of state, power and democracy

Public regulation
Iskuzhin R.K.
The role of public regime in transformation of the Russian Federalism
Hannanov R.A., Hannanova T.R.
Clustering of the economy and state cluster policy: the theoretical basis and social and economic prerequisites
Ishchenko N.S.
Increase of efficiency of the anticorruption efforts
Burenina V.I.
Scientific and technical activities as an ob ject of state administration
Nikolskiy D.S.
Improvement of normative legal regulation of contracts conclusion for the supply of goods, works and services for state and municipal needs
Vagarshyan A.G.
Defense capacity as a principle of organisation and activity of the state apparatus

Gutsulyak V.V.
Problems of the legal regime of small size vessels on inland waterways of the Russian Federation

Human rights
Temchenko V.I.
Human rights as a natural way of being social and moral phenomena
Ignatieva M.V.
State-confessional relations and legal status of a man: theoretical and legal aspect

Law and politics
Valiullin V.R.
Principles of interethnic cooperation in Russia: tolerance and political correctness
Gusov K.V.
Leon Dion: quebec nationalism in «vague identity»

Administrative Law
Butorina L.S.
Certain problems of administrative and legal regulation of placement of juvenile offenders in detention centers and the ways to improve it

Ryauzova G.N.
Investigation of minors involvement in crimes commitment and anti-social actions

Popovych Е.V.
The influence of psychological determinants of criminal subculture on the person‘s criminalisationn

Korbut L.V.
Overview of reports and presentations, delivered at the 55th annual meeting of the Russian Association of international law 27–29 June 2012

75 years to ukrainian scientist v.n. denisov is (Kresin A.V., Savchuk K.A. «V.N. Denisov’s contribution to the development of the problems of comparative law and international law»)

Information for authors

About the authors
Saliyeva R.N.
Legal requirements to the technical projects of the development of oil fields under the Russian legislation and the legislation of the CIS states
The standards, norms, rules governing the technical projects of oil field exploitation, practice of their application are considered from the point of view of ensuring the rational subsoil use and ensuring the modernization and technological development in the article. The definition of rational use of subsoil is presented in the article in accordance with the Model Code on subsoil and using of subsoil for the States-participants of the CIS . Recommendations for the further development and improvement of normative-technical regulation in the sphere of innovative project, ensuring the rational use of subsoil resources, are given.
Keywords: standards, norms, rules, technical project of the development of oil fields, rational subsoil use, innovative project.
Work bibliographic list
1. Postanovlenie Mezhparlamentskoj Assamblei gosudarstv-uchastnikov Sodruzhestva Nezavisimyh Gosudarstv ot 07.12.2002 # 20-8 «O model'nom Kodekse o nedrah i nedropol'zovanii dlja gosudarstv-uchastnikov SNG» //
2. Terminy i ponjatija otechestvennogo nedropol'zovanija (slovar'-spravochnik) / A.I. Krivcov, B.I. Benevol'skij, V.M. Minakov, I.V. Morozov (Pod red. B.A. Jackevicha) / ZAO
«Geoinformmark». – M., 2000. – S. 90, 115.

Bogolyubov S.A.
Practical importance and value of the ecological-legal studies on the Eurasian space
The article deals with the problems of topicality, place, practical importance and value of ecologicallegal science, and its social role in the life of societies on the Eurasian space.
Key words: ecological-legal studies, their practical importance and value in juridical science.

Bekyashev D.K.
Prospects of legal regulation of labour migration in Eurasian Economic Union
The article deals with the rules on the labor migration of the 2011 Treaty on the eurasian economic commission and the 2011 Declaration on the eurasian economic integration. Roles of the European Union regulating the freedom of labor movement and labor migration from not-member states are analyzed. Forecasts and recommendations are given as to further development of legal regulation of labour migrationin future Eurasian Economic Union.
Keywords: Eurasian economic commission, Eurasian economic union, European Union, labour migration, legal regulation.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bekjashev D.K. Mezhdunarodnoe trudovoe pravo (publichno-pravovye aspekty). M., 2013.
2. Kunc Ja., Lejnonen M. Evropa bez granic: ritorika, real'nost' ili Utopija? // JuNESKO. Migracija bez granic. Jesse o svobodnom peredvizhenii ljudej pod red. A. Peku i P. de Gjushtenera. M., 2009.
3. Birjukov M.M. Evropejskoe pravo do i posle Lissabonskogo dogovora. M., 2009.
4. Vandamme F. Labour mobility within the European Union:findings, stakes and prospects. International Labour Review, N 4.

Dorskaya A.A.
The legislation of EurAsec member-states on freedom of conscience: a comparative legal analysis
The article is devoted to a comparative legal analysis of the EurAsEC member-states legislation
on freedom of conscience (Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan).Common and deferent processes in the regulation of the freedom of conscience in these countries are shown.
Keywords: EurAsEC , freedom of conscience, secular state, international legal standards.
Work bibliographic list
1. Konstitucija Rossijskoj Federacii, prinjata vsenarodnym golosovaniem 12.12.1993 g. // Rossijskaja gazeta. –2009. – 21 janvarja. – # 7.
2. Konstitucija Respubliki Belarus' ot 15 marta 1994 g.(
3. Konstitucija Respubliki Kazahstan, prinjata na vsenarodnom referendume 30 avgusta 1995 g. (
4. Konstitucija Kyrgyzskoj Respubliki, prinjata vsenarodnym golosovaniem 27 ijunja 2010 g. (
5. Konstitucija Respubliki Tadzhikistan ot 6 nojabrja 1994 g. (
6. Vseobshhaja deklaracija prav cheloveka ot 10 dekabrja 1948 g.// Mezhdunarodnoe publichnoe pravo. Sbornik dokumentov / Sost.K.A Bekjashev, D.K. Bekjashev. – M.: Prospekt, 2009. S. 221–224.
7. Deklaracija o likvidacii vseh form neterpimosti i diskriminacii na osnove religii ili ubezhdenij ot 25 nojabrja 1981 g. // Religioznye ob"edinenija. Svoboda sovesti i
veroispovedanij. Normativnye akty. Sudebnaja praktika /Sost. A.V. Pchelincev, V.V. Rjahovskij. – M.: Jurisprudencija,2001. S. 23–25.
8. Federal'nyj zakon Rossijskoj Federacii ot 26 sentjabrja 1997 g. # 125-FZ «O svobode sovesti i o religioznyh ob"edinenijah» (v red. Federal'nyh zakonov ot 26.03.2000 g. # 45-FZ, ot 21.03.2002 g. # 31-FZ, ot 25.07.2002 g. # 112-FZ, ot 08.12.2003 g. # 169-FZ, ot 29.06.2004 g. # 58-FZ, ot 06.07.2006 g. # 104-FZ, ot 28.02.2008 g. # 14-FZ, ot 23.07.2008 g. # 160-FZ, ot 30.11.2010 g. # 328-FZ, ot 01.07.2011 g. # 169-FZ) // Rossijskaja gazeta. – 1997. – # 190.
9. Federal'nyj Zakon Rossijskoj Federacii # 327-FZ «O peredache religioznym organizacijam imushhestva religioznogo naznachenija, nahodjashhegosja v gosudarstvennoj ili municipal'noj sobstvennosti» // Rossijskaja gazeta. –2010. – 3 dekabrja. –# 274.
10. Zakon Kyrgyzskoj Respubliki # 282 «O svobode veroispovedanija i religioznyh organizacijah v Kyrgyzskoj Respublike» ot 31 dekabrja 2008 g. (
11. Zakon Respubliki Tadzhikistan # 489 «O svobode sovesti i religioznyh ob"edinenijah» ot 26 marta 2009 g. (
12. Zakon Respubliki Belarus' # 137-3 «O svobode sovesti i religioznyh organizacijah» ot 31 oktjabrja 2002 g. (
13. Zakon Respubliki Kazahstan # 483-IV «O religioznoj dejatel'nosti i religioznyh ob"edinenijah» ot 11 oktjabrja 2011 g. (
14. Arinin E.I. Filosofija religii. Principy sushhnostnogo analiza. Monografija. –Arhangel'sk: Izdatel'stvo Pomorskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. M.V. Lomono-
sova, 1998. 295 s.
15. Varlamova N.V. Tret'e pokolenie prav cheloveka kak forma juridizacii otnoshenij mezhdu social'nymi obshhnostjami // Istorija gosudarstva i prava. – 2009. – # 14. S. 46–48;
# 15. S. 44–47; # 16. S. 41–45.
16. Gegel' G.-V. F. Filosofija religii: V 2-h t. Izdanie 2-e,ispr. – M.: Rossijskaja politicheskaja jenciklopedija, 2007. T. 1. 415 s.
17. Gluhareva L.I. Sub"ektivnye prava, osnovnye prava,prava cheloveka: edinstvo i razlichija // Vestnik RGGU. Nauchnyj zhurnal. Serija «Juridicheskie nauki». – 2009. – # 11/09. S. 50–61.
18. Il'inskij M. Perspektivy Belarusi v Sovete Evropy (
19. Kravchuk V.V. Gosudarstvenno-cerkovnye otnoshenija v stranah Zapadnoj Evropy: filosofsko-pravovoj aspekt. Avtoreferat dissertacii na soiskanie uchjonoj stepeni kandidata filosofskih nauk. – M., 1999. 22 s.
20. Meshherjakova A.F. Svetskoe gosudarstvo v sovremennoj Rossii: konstitucionno-pravovoj analiz. Avtoreferat dissertacii na soiskanie uchjonoj stepeni kandidata juridicheskih nauk. –Saratov, 2009. 23 s.
21. Mchedlov M.P. Religiovedcheskie ocherki. Religija v duhovnoj i obshhestvenno-politicheskoj zhizni sovremennoj Rossii. – M.: Izd-vo «Nauchnaja kniga», 2005. – 447 s.
22. Pashencev D.A. Problemy sovershenstvovanija otnoshenij gosudarstva i cerkvi v sovremennoj Rossii // Juridicheskaja nauka: istorija i sovremennost'. – 2010. – # 1. S. 7–11.
23. Ponkin I.V. Sovremennoe svetskoe gosudarstvo: konstitucionno-pravovoe issledovanie. – M.: Institut gosudarstvenno-konfessional'nyh otnoshenij i prava, 2005. – 389 s.
24. Svoboda veroispovedanija v Kyrgyzskoj Respublike:prinjatie zakonov dolzhno obespechivat' realizaciju konstitucionnyh garantij (http://
25. Stepanova E.A. Problema tolerantnosti v mezhkonfessional'nyh otnoshenijah. Kurs lekcij: V 2-h t. – Ekaterinburg: Izdatel'stvo Ural'skogo universiteta, 2008. – T. 1. 220 s.
26. Sebencov A.E. Protivorechija v zakonodatel'stve o svobode sovesti // Preodolevaja gosudarstvenno-konfessional'nye otnoshenija. Sbornik statej / pod red. S.N. Gradirov-
skogo. – Nizhnij Novgorod: Izdatel'stvo Volgo-Vjatskoj akademii gosudarstvennoj sluzhby, 2003. S. 85–89.
27. Sebencov A.E. Federal'nyj Zakon «O svobode sovesti i o religioznyh ob"edinenijah»: soderzhanie i sushhnost' (kommentarij) // Svoboda sovesti i gosudarstvenno-cerkovnye otnoshenija v Rossijskoj Federacii. Dokumenty i materialy.
–M.: Komitet po telekommunikacijam i sredstvam massovoj informacii Pravitel'stva Moskvy, 1998. S. 43–33.
28. SShA prizyvajut Prezidenta Tadzhikistana ne podpisyvat' novyj zakon o svobode sovesti (http://www.patriarchia.
29. Vasak K. Human Rights: A Thirty-Year Struggle: the Sustained Efforts to Give Force of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights // UNESCO Courier. –aris: UNESCO, 1977. –November.
30. Oficial'nyj sajt Evrazijskogo jekonomicheskogo soobshhestva (
31. Oficial'nyj sajt Mezhparlamentskoj assamblei gosudarstv –uchastnikov Sodruzhestva Nezavisimyh Gosudarstv (

Muharyamov M.R.
The legislation on servitudes of the Eurasian Economic Community member-states
The article deals with the analysis of the Eurasian Economic Community member-states legislation on limited proprietary rights (Servetus) to identify common legislative approaches and patterns in the regulation of relations connected with establishment of servitudes as well as problems of regulation of servitude relations
Keywords: EurAsEC , public servitude, private servitude, servitude rights, right of passage (personal servitude).
Work bibliographic list
1. Grazhdanskij kodeks RF ot 30 nojabrja 1994 g. # 51-FZ (v red. ot 3 dekabrja 2012 g.) // SPS «Konsul'tant-pljus». 2012.
2. Zemel'nyj kodeks RF. Federal'nyj zakon ot 25 oktjabrja 2001 g. # 136-FZ (v red. ot 19 ijulja 2011 g.) // SPS «Konsul'tant-pljus». 2012.
3. Gradostroitel'nyj kodeks RF ot 29 dekabrja 2004 g.# 190-FZ (v red. 12 nojabrja 2012 g.) // SPS «Konsul'tant-pljus».2012.
4. Nalogovyj kodeks RF ot 5 avgusta 2000 g. # 117-FZ (v red. ot 3 dekabrja 2012 g.) // SPS «Konsul'tant-pljus». 2012.
5. Lesnoj kodeks RF ot 4 dekabrja 2006 g. # 200-FZ (v red. ot 28 ijulja 2012 g.) // SPS «Konsul'tant-pljus». 2012.
6. Federal'nyj zakon «O gosudarstvennoj registracii prav na nedvizhimoe imushhestvo i sdelok s nim» ot 21 ijulja 1997 g. # 122-FZ (v red. ot 19 ijulja 2011g.) // SPS «Konsul'tant-pljus». 2012.
7. Federal'nyj zakon «O privatizacii gosudarstvennogo i municipal'nogo imushhestva» ot 21 dekabrja 2001 g. # 178-FZ (v red. ot 6 dekabrja 2011 g.) // SPS «Konsul'tant-pljus». 2012.
8. Federal'nyj zakon «O svjazi» ot 7 ijulja 2003 g. #126-FZ (v red. ot 28 ijulja 2012 g.) // SPS «Konsul'tant-pljus». 2012.
9. Proekt Federal'nogo zakona # 47538-6 «O vnesenii izmenenij v chasti pervuju, vtoruju, tret'ju i chetvertuju Grazhdanskogo kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii, a takzhe v otdel'nye zakonodatel'nye akty Rossijskoj Federacii» (red., prinjataja GD FS RF v I chtenii 27.04.2012). Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy «Konsul'tantPljus».
10. Federal'nyj zakon «Ob ipoteke (zalog nedvizhimosti)» ot 16 ijulja 1998 g. # 102-FZ (v red. ot 6 dekabrja 2011 g.) //SPS «Konsul'tant-pljus». 2012.
11. Grazhdanskoe pravo: V 2 t. Tom I: Uchebnik. / Otv. Suhanov E. A. –2-e izd. –M.: Izd. BEK, 2000. –S. 593.
12. Grazhdanskoe pravo: ucheb. posobie dlja vuzov. V 3 t. T. 1 /Ju.K. Tolstoj. –M.: Prospekt, 2011. –S.784.
13. Rimskoe chastnoe pravo: Uchebnik / Pod red. prof. I.B.Novickogo i prof. I.S. Pereterskogo. –M.: Jurisprudencija, 2000. –448 s.
14. Alenova A.H. Zemel'nye servituty: Osnovanija vozniknovenija i juridicheskogo oformlenija // Notarial'nyj vestnik. M., 2008. #7. S. 29–3.
15. Anan'ev A.G. K voprosu ob opredelenii servitutnogo prava po dejstvujushhemu zakonodatel'stvu // Juridicheskaja nauka. –Rjazan', 2012, # 2. –S. 41-46.
16. Man'ko E.A. Priznaki ogranichennyh veshhnyh prav. //Vestnik VGU. Serija «Pravo». –Voronezh: Izd-vo Voronezh. unta, 2008, # 2 (5). –S. 70–9.
17. Ostapenko A.G. Dogovor ob ustanovlenii chastnogo servituta // Obshhestvo i pravo, #5, 2010. –S. 73–5.
18. Salieva R.N. Pravovye osnovy ustanovlenija servitutov // Aktual'nye problemy grazhdanskogo prava i processa. Sbornik materialov Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. Vyp. 1. –Moskva, 2006. –S. 166–72.
19. Zakon Respubliki Armenija «O nedvizhimom imushhestve» ot 22 janvarja 1996 g. # 3R-29 (Prinjat nacional'nym sobraniem Respubliki Armenija 27 dekabrja 1995 g.).
20. Zakon Respubliki Kyrgyzstan «O nedrah» ot 2 ijulja 1997 g. # 42 (v red. ot 17 oktjabrja 2008 g.) //
21. Zakon Respubliki Kyrgyzstan«O gosudarstvennoj registracii prav na nedvizhimoe imushhestva i sdelok s nim» ot 22 dekabrja 1998 g. # 153 (v red. ot 30 marta 2009 g.) //
22. Zemel'nyj kodeks Respubliki Kyrgyzstan ot 2 ijunja 1999 g. # 45 (v red. ot 11 marta 2009 g.) //
23. Grazhdanskij kodeks Respubliki Kyrgyzstan ot 8 maja 1996 g. # 15 (v red. ot 12 oktjabrja 2009 g.) //
24. Grazhdanskij kodeks Respubliki Kazahstan ot 27 dekabrja 1994 g. # 269-XII (v red. ot 26 nojabrja 2012 g.) //
25. Ukaz Prezidenta Respubliki Kazahstan ot 22 dekabrja 1995 g. # 2717 «O zemle» //
26. Zemel'nyj kodeks Respubliki Kazahstan ot 20 ijunja2003 g. # 442-II(v red. 10. ijulja 2012 g.) //
27. Grazhdanskij kodeks Moldavskoj Respubliki ot 6 ijunja 2002 g. # 1107-XV (v red. ot 10 maja 2012 g.) //
28. Zemel'nyj kodeks Moldavskoj Respubliki ot 19 ijulja 2002 g. # 159-Z-III (v red. ot 9 ijulja 2012 g.) //
29. Pis'mo Gosudarstvennogo komiteta RF po stroitel'stvu i zhilishhno-kommunal'nomu kompleksu ot 20 marta 2000 g. N NM-1082/2 "O naibolee chasto vstrechajushhihsja v gradostroitel'noj dejatel'nosti vidov ogranichenij (obremenenij) i servitutov, ustanavlivaemyh v otnoshenii ob"ektov nedvizhimosti".

Kurtzer K.M.
Problems of the Tax Law unification in the context of Eurasian integration
It is noted in the article that unification of tax law gets important significance in the process of Eurasian integration. The main directions of such unification and prospects of such process are studded.
Keywords: unification, tax law, Eurasian integration, double taxation.

International law
Krylov N.B.
Humanitarian intervention: criteria for the legitimate use of military force
The article analyses the main criteria of the use of military force by a state to protect citizens of another state. The emphasis is made on such criteria as massive and serious violations of human rights, the necessity to use force, humanitarian goals of military actions and proportionality. The author comes to the conclusion about the necessity to develop the criteria of using military force as the only possibility to delineate the legitimate use of military force to prevent massive violations of human rights in compliance with the Charter of the United Nations from the abuse of such right and as the pretext for military intervention.
Key words: the Charter of the United Nations, humanitarian intervention, necessity, proportionality, massive violations of human rights.
Work bibliographic list
1. Institut Aktual'nyh Mezhdunarodnyh Problem. Kruglyj stol na temu: «Problemy gumanitarnoj intervencii i zashhity grazhdan za rubezhom» (26 marta 2009 g.).
2. Sinjakin I.I. Pravomernost' gumanitarnoj intervencii: sovremennye mezhdunarodno-pravovye aspekty. Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. # 10 (53) 2012.
3. Adjei E. The Legality of Humanitarian Intervention. Georgia Law, 2005 -5.
4. Bazyler M. Reexamining the Doctrine of Humanitarian Intervention in Light of the Atrocities in Kampuchea and Ethiopia.Stanford Journal of International Law. Vol. 23, 1987.
5. British Yearbook of International Law 1992.
6. Brown Bertram S. Humanitarian Intervention at a Crossroads. William and Mary Law Review. Vol. 41, 2000.
7. Case Concerning Legality of Use of Force (Serbia and Montenegro v. Belgium), 1999 ICJ, Oral Pleadings, Verbatim Record, 10 May 1999, CR 99/15.
8. D’Angelo J. Resort to Force by States to Protect Nationals: The U.S. Rescue Mission to Iran and Its Legality Under International Law. Vanderbilt Journal of International Law. Vol. 21, 1981.
9. Davids J., Would Intervention in Syria Violate International Law. The New International Law. September 2012.
10. Department of State Bulletin, 1964. Washington, DC.
11. Eichensehr K. Defending Nationals Abroad: Assessing the Lawfulness of Forcible Hostage Discus. Virginia Journal of International Law, Vol. 482, 2008.
12. Evans G. From Humanitarian Intervention to the Responsibility to Protect. Wisconsin International Law Journal. Vol. 24, No. 3, 2006.
13. Humanitarian Intervention: A History. Cambridge, 2010.
14. Humanitarian Intervention: Ethical, Legal and Political Dilemmas. Cambridge, 2003.
15. Frank T. and Rodley N. After Bangladesh: The Law of Humanitarian Intervention by Military Force. American Journal of International Law. Vol. 67, 1973.
16. Gardam J. Proportionality and Force in International Law. American Journal of International Law. Vol. 87, 1993.
17. Goodman R. Humanitarian Intervention and Pretexts for War. American Journal of International Law. Vol. 100, 2006.
18. Krylov N. Humanitarian Intervention: Pros and Cons. Loyola of Los Angeles International and Comparative Law Review. Vol. 17, 1995.
19. Luard E. Collective Intervention, in Intervention in World Politics. Hudley, 1985.
20. McDougal M. et Al. Human Rights and World Public Order. New Haven, 1980.
21. Military and Paramilitary Activities. (Nicaragua v U.S.) 1986 ICJ.
22. Powers G. Humanitarian Intervention in Syria: A Classic Just War? Huffington Post. June 26, 2012.
23. Protection of Human Rights, 1976 Dig. §6. Washington, DC.
24. Restatement (Third) of the Foreign Relations Law of the United States, § 903 cmt. E, Reporter’s note 3, 1986.
25. Schachter O. The Right of States to Use Armed Force, Michigan Law Review, Vol. 83, 1984.
26. Schachter O. General Course in Public International Law. Recueil Des Cours. The Hague. Vol. 189, 1982.
27. Shaw M. International Law. London, 2008.
28. Simma B. NATO, the UN and the Use of Force: Legal Aspects. The European Journal of International Law. 1999.
29. Stanilova M. Has Humanitarian Intervention Become an Exception to the Prohibition of the Use of Force in Article 2(4) of the UN Charter? The University of Edinburgh Paper.
30. Steward P. Libya and the Future of Humanitarian Intervention, Foreign Affairs, August 2011.
31. Tsagourias N. Necessity and the Use of Force: A Special Regime. Netherlands Yearbook of International Law, Vol. 41, 2010.

International law
Ashavskiy B.M.
Concepts concerning the duty to protect in the International Law context
The article shows the causes of emergence of the concept of «responsibility to protect» – «R2P», analyzes its contents and it link to the notion of «humanitarian intervention». An attempt is made to compare the declared goals of the concept with the real intentions of those who began applying it in practice. The main theses of Brazilian concept of «responsibly while protecting» – «RWP» and Chinese concept of «responsible protection» are described. Proposals are formulated for shaping up Russian concept of «the duty to protect». All problems and notions are considered in the international law context.
Keywords: humanitarian intervention, responsibility to protect, responsibility while protecting, responsible protection, the duty to protect.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ashavskij B.M. Objazannost' zashhishhat': putem gumanitarnyh intervencij ili v sootvetstvii s mezhdunarodnym pravom? – Pravo i kul'tura/ T.A. Soshnikova: materialy mezhdunarodnoj nauchnoj konferencii. – M.: Izd-vo Mosk. Gumanit. Un-ta, 2012, S. 44–50.
2. Vypolnenie objazannosti zashhishhat'. Doklad General'nogo sekretarja. 12 January 2009. A/63/677.
3. Kartashkin V.A. Gumanitarnaja intervencija v globalizirujushhemsja mire. – Jurist-mezhdunarodnik. International Lawyer. – 2003. – # 3, S. 2–10.
4. Kartashkin V. Zashhita prav cheloveka: ot gumanitarnoj intervencii k ispol'zovaniju mehanizmov OON. – Obozrevatel' – Observer. 2012, # 9, S. 12–25.
5. Kotljar V.S. Koncepcija otvetstvennosti za zashhitu kak proekt kodeksa provedenija gumanitarnyh intervencij. – Mezhdunarodnoe publichnoe i chastnoe pravo. 2005, # 3,
S. 44–48, # 4, S. 53–55.
6. Kotljar V.S. «Otvetstvennost' pri zashhite i arabskaja vesna». – Mezhdunarodnaja zhizn', Sentjabr', 2012, S. 99–113.
7. Kofi A.Annan. Problema vmeshatel'stva. Vystuplenija General'nogo sekretarja OON. Departament obshhestvennoj informacii OON. 1999.
8. Krylov N.B. Gumanitarnaja intervencija: pravo ili bespravie? – Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal, 2012, # 10 (53).
9. Problemy gumanitarnoj intervencii i zashhity grazhdan za rubezhom. «Kruglyj stol» «Mezhdunarodnoj zhizni». – «Mezhdunarodnaja zhizn'», 2009, # 7, s. 16 –33.
10. Sinjakin I.I. Pravomernost' gumanitarnoj intervencii: sovremennye mezhdunarodno-pravovye aspekty. –Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal, 2012, # 10 (53), s. 50–8.
11. Hil'pol'd P. Livija i mezhdunarodnoe pravo: prezident dlja Sirii? [Jelektronnyj resurs] –Internet-portal:
12. Hlestov O.N. Gumanitarnaja intervencija: politicheskie i mezhdunarodno-pravovye aspekty. –Jurist-mezhdunarodnik. –2005, # 3, S. 35–0.
13. Chernichenko S.V. Gumanitarnaja intervencija: mezhdunarodnaja protivopravnost'. –Aktual'nye mezhdunarodnopravovye i gumanitarnye problemy. Sbornik statej. –M.:DA MID Rossii, 2001. –Vyp. 2. –S. 134–47.
14. Jengdal' U.F. Gumanitarnyj neokolonializm: frejming Livii i refrejming vojny kak «sozidatel'nogo unichtozhenija». –Global Recearch, 4 maja 2011 g.
15. Evans G and Sahnoun M., The Responsibility to protect. – Foreign AffairsVol.81, no.6, November/December 2002, PP. 99–10.
16. Oxford A. International Authority and the Responsibility to Protect. Cambridge University Press. 2011.
17. Statement by Ms.Patricia O′Brien, Under-Secretary General for Legal Affairs, The Legal Councel. International Law Comission. Geneva, 22 May 2012.

International law
Yakovleva A.G.
International legal aspects of sovereign debts settlement
The legal regulation of the sovereign debt problem, the search for legal mechanisms of its settlement are currently widely discussed in the international community. Despite an enough prolong period of sovereign debts accumulation, they started to discuss the necessity to regulate the existing debt and to prevent accumulation of new debts in the future in the period of the world financial crises of crisis of 2008–2012 due to the real problem of default in particular sovereign debtors. The process of settlement of sovereign debts is complicated by the peculiarities of the legal status of sovereign debtors, in particular by inapplicability in practice of the sovereign bankruptcy construction by jurisdictional immunity of the state and its property. The abeyance in sovereign debt regulation causes substantial problem of sovereign risks such as reputational loses, capital outflow, stricter conditions for granting new loans, tightening of the fiscal policy and moral risks. The existing ways of sovereign debt settlement may be classified as statutory approaches, such as foundation of special international debt restructuring authority, and non-statutory approaches, such as debt restructuring, or changes to the existing legal instruments
to include clauses collective action in the credit agreement, or the protection of debtors from legal punishment through legislative changes at the level of individual states. However, none of the proposed concepts has been recently implemented in full scale. The present article deals with international legal aspects of proposed mechanisms of sovereign debts settlement and with associated risks.
Key words: sovereign debt, sovereign risks, jurisdictional immunity, sovereign debt restructuring, international debt restructuring authority, deferral of payments, collective actions clause.
Work bibliographic list
1. Prikaz Federal'noj sluzhby po finansovym rynkam «Ob utverzhdenii Polozhenija o vidah proizvodnyh finansovyh instrumentov» ot 04.03.2010 g. # 10-13/pz-n.
2. Rezoljucija GA OON A/RES/59/38, 2004 g.
3. Rezoljucija GA OON A/RES/56/83, 2002 g.
4. Finansy i Razvitie. Vashington: MVF, mart 2007 g.
5. Finansy i Razvitie. Vashington: MVF, sentjabr' 2006 g.
6. Finansy i Razvitie. Vashington: MVF, sentjabr' 2004 g.
7. Federal'nyj zakon RF «O rynke cennyh bumag» ot 22.04.1996 g. # 39-FZ.
8. Shumilov V.M. Mezhdunarodnoe jekonomicheskoe pravo: v 2-h tomah. – M., 2002. – T. 2.
9. Allied Bank International v. Banco Credito Agricola de Cartago. United States Court of Appeals, Second Circuit. – 757 F. 2d 516. Argued Oct. 17, 1984, Decided March 18, 1985.
10. Barnett B.C., Galvis S. J. and Gouraige G. On Third World Debt. Harvard: Harvard International Law Journal, 1984. – Vol. 25.
11. Cline W.R. International Debt: Systemic Risk and Policy Response. 2-nd ed. Institute for International Economics. –Washington, DC, 1986.
12. Cline W.R. The Case for a Lender-of-Last-Resort Role for the IMF. Center for Global Development and Institute for International Economics. Paper prepared for the Conference on
IMF Reform, Institute for International Economics. – Washington, September 23, 2005.
13. Cohen B.J., Developing Country Debt: A Middle Way, Princeton: Princeton Essay in International Finance. – 1989. – No. 173.
14. Das U.S., Papaioannou M.G., Trebesch C. Restructuring Sovereign Debt: Lessons from Recent History. August 2012.
15. Goderis B. and Wagner W. Credit Derivatives And Sovereign Debt Crisis. –Cambridge, 2005. – Working Paper No. 23.
16. Ohlin G. Debts, Development and Default in a World Divided: The Less Developed Countries in the International Economy / edited by Helleiner G. K. NY, 1976.
17. Rogoff K. and Zettelmeyer J. Bankruptcy procedure for sovereigns: A History of ideas 1976-2001. – Washington, 2002. – IMF Working paper, WP/02/133.
18. Chun J. H. ‘Post-Modern’ Sovereign Debt Crisis: Did Mexico Need an International Bankruptcy Forum? Fordham Law Review, May 1996. Vol. 64 // (data poslednego poseshhenija – 01.09.2012).
19. Eichengreen B., Kletzer K., Mody A. Crisis Resolution:Next Steps. Cambridge, November 2003 // (data poslednego poseshhenija – 02.09.2012).
20. Krueger A. A New Approach to Sovereign Debt Restructuring. Washington: IMF, April 2002 // (data poslednego
poseshhenija – 12.09.2012).
21. Panizza U., Sturzenegger F. and Zettelmeyer J. The Economics and Law of Sovereign Debt and Default, Journal of Economic Literature, vol. XLVII, September 2009 // http://r0.unctad. org/dmfas/docs/DMconf09/Panizza_TheEconomics_and_Law_Sovereign_Debt.pdf (data poslednego poseshhenija – 02.09.2012).
22. Sachs J. Do We Need an International Lender of Last Resort.Frank D. Graham Lecture. Princeton University, April 20, 1995 // (data poslednego poseshhenija – 30.08.2012).
23. Taylor J. B. Sovereign Debt Restructuring: A US Perspective Speech at the conference «Sovereign Debt Workouts: Hopes and Hazards». Institute for International Economics, Washington, DC, April 2002 // (data poslednego poseshhenija – 14.08.2012).
24. The Resolution of Sovereign liquidity crisis, Group of Ten, A report to the Ministers and Governors prepared under the auspices of the Deputies. Washington D.C., May 1996 // http:// (data poslednego poseshhenija – 08.08.2012).

Kopylov M.N., Solntsev A.M.
International Environmental Law in front of contemporary challenges (Environmental Constitution of the Earth)
The current state of international legal regulation of international environmental relations, when
rapidly augmenting normative array does not lead to real improvement of ecological situation in the world urgently calls for the need of serious reform of international environmental law, especially with regard to enhancing the effectiveness of existing mechanisms of environmental cooperation among states and the establishment of new mechanisms for such cooperation. In this paper the authors justify the need to establish a World environmental organization, to work out a unified international legal ecological act (World Environmental Constitution) and to found an International environmental court to solve urgent ecological issues.
Key words: International environmental law, environmental security, World environmental organization, World Environmental Constitution, International environmental court.

Shakirov A.D.
Protection of human rights in International Investment Law in the frame work of sustainable development
In the article on the bases of human rights protection in international investment law, the relationship among three components of sustainable development is studied: economic and social
development, and environmental protection.
Key words: international investment law, sustainable development, human rights protection.

European Law
Ispolinov A.S.
EU charter of fundamental rights: lessons of the first three years in application
This article deals with the history of drafting and enactment of the EU Charter of Fundamental
Rights, reasons for its initial lack of formal legal force, as well as its scope of application. Unclear ormcontentious provisions of the Charter are analysed through the prism of the past three years of its application, including in the EC J case-law. At the end of this article the author states that in the hands of the EC J the Charter will play a role similar to that of the Bill of Rights in the hands of the U.S. Supreme Court, in what relates to the further development of the Union.
Keywords: European law – Charter of Fundamental Rights – European Court of Justice – EC tHR.

European Law
Alisievich E.S., Goka A.
European Union Access to the 1950 European Convention on Human Rights: problems and prospects
The article deals with the analysis of the negotiation process between the Council of Europe and the European Union on the EU accession to one of the fundamental European treaty on human rights – the 1950 Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, as
well as of its major outcome – the draft agreement worked out by the CoE and the EU . The problems which have arisen in relation with the participation of the EU to the Convention are discussed in the article, as well as the ways to overcome them.
Keywords: Human Rights, Council of Europe, the European Union, the 1950 Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, the European Court of Human Rights, the European Court of Justice, the Treaty of Lisbon, the draft agreement on the EU 's accession to the ECHR , the Institute of co-respondent.
Work bibliographic list
1. Alisievich E.S. Mezhdunarodno-pravovoe sotrudnichestvo Soveta Evropy i Evropejskogo Sojuza v oblasti prav cheloveka // Aktual'nye problemy sovremennogo mezhdunarodnogo prava. Materialy ezhegodnoj mezhvuzovskoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii kafedry mezhdunarodnogo prava. 20–21 aprelja 2007 g. M. RUDN. – S. 219–237.
2. Evropejskij Sojuz: Osnovopolagajushhie akty v redakcii Lissabonskogo dogovora s kommentarijami / Otv. red. S.Ju. Kashkin. M.: Infra-M., 2008 – S. 406.
3. Surodejkina I.V. Problema prisoedinenija Evropejskogo Sojuza k Evropejskoj konvencii o zashhite prav cheloveka i osnovnyh svobod // Moskovskij zhurnal mezhdunarodnogo prava. 2009. # 3. – S. 281–293.
4. Sionaidh Douglas-Scott. The European Union and Human Rights after the Treaty of Lisbon // Human Rights Law Review. 2011 11(4) – P. 645–682

European Law
Panteleyeva K.A.
European Court of Human Rights: on the eve of changes
The article deals with the measures taken to reduce the caseload of the European Court of Human Rights. New admissibility criteria and the reform of the consideration of cases by the Court are analyzed in connection with entering into force of the Protocol 14 to the Convention on the protection of Human Rights. In addition, the article highlighted the main decisions reached by the of the Council of Europe Member States in the course of the Conference on the Future of the European Court.
Keywords: European Court of Human Rights, Protocol 14, the reform of the EC tHR , admissibility criteria, pilot judgment, Intergovernmental Conferences on the future of the European Court.

Law of foreign states
Shilova N.P.
Sources of the legal regulation of cooperation (review of the foreign legislation)
The sources of legal regulation of cooperation in foreign countries, international legal regulation
of cooperation, cooperative legislation, models of legal regulation to set up cooperatives in foreign countries and their functioning are analyzed in the article.
Keywords: cooperation, cooperative, cooperative legislation, sources of legal regulation of cooperation.

History of Law
Begichev E.V.
Promissory charters in the system of sources of law of the Russian Empire
The paper analyzes the sources of exchange law of the Russian Empire. The content of the 1729,
1832 and 1902 statuses of bill is studded.
Keywords: instrument, source of law, bills of exchange regulations, the rule of law.
Work bibliographic list
1. Dobrovol'skij A. Ustav o vekseljah. – Pg., 1916.
2. Kaminka A.I. Ustav o vekseljah. – SPb., 1913.
3. Komarov N.I., Pashencev D.A., Pashenceva S.V. Ocherki istorii prava Rossijskoj imperii (vtoraja polovina HIH –nachalo HH veka). M.: Statut, 2006.
4. Marchenko M.N. Istochniki prava. M.: Prospekt, 2005.
5. Obshhaja teorija prava i gosudarstva/ Pod red. V.V. Lazareva. – M.: Jurist, 1996.
6. Pashencev D.A. Osobennosti sistemy istochnikov prava Rossijskoj imperii // Istorija gosudarstva i prava. 2009. # 19.
7. Citovich P. Kurs veksel'nogo prava. – Kiev, 1887.

History of Law
Gabinet D.A.
Views of representatives of nationalist trend of Ukrainian political and legal thought in the interwar period on the form of state regime
The article deals with the views of the ideologists of Ukrainian nationalism D. Dontsov and N.
Stsyborsky on the form of the state regime. Based on the analysis of the scientists’ research papers their relation to the role and place of democracy, totalitarianism, and authoritarianism in the future independent Ukrainian state is highlighted.
Key words: Dontsov, Stsyborsky, the Ukrainian state, the form of the state regime, democracy, totalitarianism, authoritarianism.
Work bibliographic list
1. Vdovichin І.Ja. Svoboda osobi v pravіj ukraїns'kіj polіtichnіj dumcі (20−30 rr. HH st.). − Іvano-Frankіvs'k, 2010.
2. Gorєlov M. Іstorichnі sprobi modeljuvannja ukraїns'koї derzhavnostі v HH stolіttі (nacіokratichnі koncepcії) //Polіtichna dumka. – 1994. – # 4.
3. Gorєlov M.Є. Dmitro Doncov: shtrihi do polіtichnogo portreta // Ukraїns'kij іstorichnij zhurnal. – 1994. − # 6.
4. Doncov D. Bellua sine capite (Z nagodi pjatilіtnіh rokovin progoloshennja nezalezhnosti Ukraїni) // Lіteraturno-Naukovij Vіstnik. – 1923. − T. LXXIX. − Kn. І.
5. Doncov D. Agonіja odnієї doktrini // Lіteraturno-Naukovij Vіstnik. – 1924. − T. LXXXIІІ. − Kn. ІІІ.
6. Doncov D. Nacіonalіzm. – L'vіv, 1926.
7. Doncov D. Pіdstavi nashoї polіtiki. – Vіden'0, 1921.
8. Doncov D. Cerkva і nacіonalіzm // Lіteraturno-Naukovij Vіstnik. – 1924. − T. LXXXIІІ. − Kn. V.
9. Єremenko L. Rozvitok polіtichnih pogljadіv D. Doncova v pershіj polovinі 20-h rokіv // Іdejno-teoretichna spadshhina Dmitra Doncova і suchasnіst': materіali naukovo-teoretichnoї
konferencії. – Zaporіzhzhja: «Prosvіta», 1998.
10. Zajcev O. Ukraїns'kij nacіonalіzm і fashizm (1920–30-tі roki) // Ukraїns'kі varіanti. – 1998. − # 1.
11. Kas'janov G.V. Ukraїns'kij nacіonalіzm: problema naukovogo pereosmislennja / G. V. Kas'janov // Ukraїns'kij іstorichnij zhurnal. – 1998. − # 2.
12. Kucher V., Obushnij M. Derzhavotvorchі pogljadi Mikoli Scіbors'kogo // Rozbudova derzhavi. − 1998. − # 5−6.
13. Maneljuk Ju. Pogljadi na formi polіtichnogo rezhimu v suspіl'no-polіtichnіj dumcі Ukraїni // Vіsnik Ukraїns'koї akademії derzhavnogo upravlіnnja pri Prezidentovі Ukraїni. –1998. − # 3.
14. Panchenko P.P. Dejakі aspekti retrospektivi іdeї samostіjnoї Ukraїni і problemi derzhavotvorennja v umovah nezalezhnostі // Іdejno-teoretichna spadshhina Dmitra Donco-
va і suchasnіst': materіali naukovo-teoretichnoї konferencії. –Zaporіzhzhja, 1998.
15. Rebert L. Svіtla і tіnі OUN. – Mjunhen, 1964.
16. Sosnovs'kij M. Dmitro Doncov: polіtichnij portret. Z іstorії rozvitku іdeologії ukraїns'kogo nacіonalіzmu. –N'ju-Jork, Toronto, 1974.
17. Scіbors'kij M. Demokratіja. – Praga, 1941.
18. Scіbors'kij M. Nacіokratіja. – Parizh, 1935.
19. Central'nyj gosudarstvennyj arhiv vysshih organov vlasti i upravlenija Ukrainy. F. 3833. Op. 1. D. 7. L. 1−9.
20. Shlіhta І. V. Dmitro Doncov jak іdeolog і teoretik ukraїns'kogo nacіonalіzmu: Avtoref. dis. … kand. іst. nauk. –K., 2005.

Theory of Law
Bayteeva M.V.
The motive and the law: on the problem of the legal assessment of mental phenomena
The article covers problems of legal treatment of the mental phenomenon. Criteria of assessment
of internal motives from the view point of classical science and postclassical science are compared. Characteristic features of Jacques Lacan and Paul Ricoeur approaches to understanding hermeneutics are discussed.
Keywords: understanding of law, language and law, psychology and law, interdisciplinary research of law, communication, dialogue, Jacques Lacan, Paul Ricoeur.

Theory of Law
Dontsov S.E.
Justification of private property: the way to recognition, approval, adoption (liberty, justice, morality)
The author continues in the third issue of our journal his conceptual understanding of the real value of private property: «The right of ownership and property rights: absolute, integrity, holiness» – № 9-2012; «Justification of Private Property: Holiness, Spirituality, Search for Ethic Ground» – № 11-2012.
Keywords: private property, the right of ownership, the Russian Pravda, the Code of Justinian, the Civil code, justice, tsivilitarnoe law.

Constitutional Law
Minasyan A.A.
Features of the interpretation of laws in the implementation of constitutional justice
The article considers the issue of delimitation of jurisdiction between the Constitutional Court and ordinary courts in interpreting laws. Presenting the main criteria concerning the noted issue, the author emphasizes that the goal of the mentioned organs and circumstances underlying self-restraint of the discussed bodies activities should be the initial one. The Author also states that it is expedient to form a uniform decision-making practice of the Constitutional Court in case of existence of various interpretations, applying the «principle of interpretation of law in conformity with the Constitution» and recognizing the norm contradicting the Constitution only in circumstances, when it can’t be interpreted in the context of constitutional requirements.
Keywords: interpretation of laws; constitutional justice; legal positions of the Constitutional Court; Constitutional Court of the Republic of Armenia.
Work bibliographic list
1. Guerra L. Latent and Manifest Functions of Constitutional Courts // Al'manah (Konstitucionnoe pravosudie v novom tysjacheletii). Erevan, 2011
2. CDL-JU (99) 26, Effects, Enforceability and the Execution of the Decisions of the Constitutional Court – the Hungarian Experience // Report by Mr Peter Paczolay (Secretary General of the Constitutional Court), Budapest (
3. CDL-JU(2006)047, The decisions of the German Federal Constitutional Court and their binding force for ordinary courts //Report by Rainer A. (
4. CDL-AD(2010)039rev, Study on Individual Access to Constitutional Justice, Adopted by the Venice Commission at its 85th Plenary Session (Venice, 17-18 December 2010) (http://www.
5. The Relations between the Constitutional Courts and the Other National Courts, including the Interference in this Area of the Action of the European courts // Report of the Constitutional
Court of Republic of Hungary prepared for the XIIth Congress of the Conference of European Constitutional Courts (
6. The relations between the Constitutional Courts and the'other national courts, including the interference in this area of the action of the European courts // Report of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Slovenia prepared for the XIIth Congress of the Conference of European Constitutional Courts (
7. Doklady, predstavlennye v ramkah 12-ogo Kongressa Konferencii evropejskih konstitucionnyh sudov (
8. ՀՀ 1995թ. հուլիսի 5-ի Սահմանադրություն (2005թ.նոյեմբերի 27-ի փոփոխություններով) // ՀՀ Պաշտոնական տեղեկագիր, Հատուկ թողարկում, 5 դեկտեմբերի 2005թ., Հոդ. 1426
9. ՀՀ քաղաքացիական դատավարության օրենսգիրք // ՀՕ-247, 17.06.1998, ՀՀՊՏ 1998.09.09/20(53)
10. ՀՀ քրեական դատավարության օրենսգիրք // ՀՕ-248, 01.07.1998, ՀՀՊՏ 1998.09.21/22(55)
11. «Սահմանադրական դատարանի մասին» 2006թ. հունիսի 1-ի ՀՕ-58-Ն ՀՀ օրենք // ՀՀ Պաշտոնական տեղեկագիր, N 32(487), 21 հունիսի 2006թ., Հոդ. 645

Constitutional Law
Bochkarev S.V.
Peculiarities of the French Constitutionalism: on the example of constitutional and legal institutions of the Third Republic
The article deals with peculiarities of French constitutionalism of the last quarter of the XIX-th
century. The author analyzes the basic constitutional and legal institutions of the Third republic, theirs legal and actual status.
Keywords: constitutionalism, the 1875 Constitution, constitutional development, National assembly, President.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ardan F. Francija: gosudarstvennaja sistema. M.: Juridicheskaja literatura, 1994. – 175 s.
2. Baglaj M.V. Konstitucionalizm i politicheskaja sistema v sovremennoj Rossii // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. –2003. – # 11. – S. 10–19.
3. Berman G.Dzh. Zapadnaja tradicija prava: jepoha formirovanija. M.: INFRA M – NORMA, 1998. – 624 c.
4. Volkov A.K. Mnimaja konstitucija v pravovoj sisteme Francii v 1852-1870 gg. // Pravovaja sistema obshhestva: problemy teorii i praktiki. Trudy mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. SPb.: Izdatel'skij dom SPbGU, 2011.S. 391–395.
5. Grafskij V.G. Konstitucionalizm kak predmet izuchenija // Pravo. Zhurnal Vysshej shkoly jekonomiki. – 2009. –# 3. – S. 3–13.
6. Kutafin O.E. Rossijskij konstitucionalizm. M.:Norma, 2008. – 544 S.
7. Maklakov V.V. Parlament Francii. Nacional'noe sobranie. M.: RAN. INION, 2008. Ch. 1. – 190 S.
8. Prelo M. Konstitucionnoe pravo Francii. M.: Inostrannaja literatura, 1957. – 671 s.
9. Francuzskaja Respublika: Konstitucija i zakonodatel'nye akty. M.: Progress, 1989. – 448 s.
10. Chirkin V.E. Vyzovy sovremennosti i rossijskij konstitucionalizm: obshhee, osobennoe, edinichnoe // Konstitucionnyj vestnik. – 2008. – # 1 (19). – S. 34–47.
11. Jesmen A. Obshhie osnovanija konstitucionnogo prava.SPb.: K.T. Soldatenkov, 1898. – 449 s.
12. Baumont M. Gloires et tragédies de la III République.Paris: Hachette, 1956. P. 93 – 94.
13. Bulletin des lois de la République française. Paris:Imprimerie Nationale, 1875. T. 11. # 275. – 1396 p.
14. Bulletin des lois de la République française. Paris:Imprimerie Nationale, 1884. T. 29. # 861. – 556 p.
15. Constantinesco V., Pierré-Caps S. Droit constitutionnel. Paris: Presses universitaires de France, 2011. – 556 p.
16. Dupriez L. Les ministres dans les principaux pays ďEurope et ďAmerique. Paris: J. Rothschild, 1893. T. 2. – 544 p.
17. Esmein A. Éléments de droits constitutionnel français et comparé. Paris: Librairie de la sociéte du recueil général de lois, 1903. – 912 p.
18. Franck Cl. Droit constitutionnel. Paris: Presse univ. de France, 1978. – 371 p.
19. Gueudan B. Les rois de la République. T. 1. Paris: A. Cotillon, 1925. – 148 p.
20. Hauriou M. Précis de droit constittutionnel. Paris: Recueil Sirey, 1923. – 741 p.
21. Hélie M. Les constitutions de la France. Paris: Libr. De jurisprudence, 1880. – 1467 p.
22. Lamy F. Quatre ans de provisoire (1871 – 1875). Paris: E. Dentu, 1876. – 655 p.
23. Lebon A. Cent ans ďHistoire intérieure (1789 – 1895). Paris: A. Colin, 1898. – 339 p.
24. Marichy J.-P. La deusième chambre dans la vie politique française. Paris: R. Pichon et R. Durand-Auzias, 1969. – 728 p.
25. Morabito M. Histoire constitutionnelle de la France (1789-1958). Paris: Montchrestien, 2008. – 431 p.
26. Ollée-Laprune J. La stabilitée des ministres sous le Troisième République 1874 – 1940. Paris: Libr. General de droit et de jurisprudence, 1962. – 376 p.
27. Redslob R. Le régime parlementaire. Paris: Giard, 1924. –356 p.
28. Seighobos Ch. Le declin de ľEmpire et ľétablissement de la 3-e République (1854 – 1875). Paris: Hachette, 1921. – 426 p.

Сivil Law
Bystrov G.E.
Legal regulation of transactions of citizens with rights to a land share of agricultural lands
The article considers problems of realization by citizens of their rights to a land share from agricultural lands, kinds of civil-law transactions with land shares, a legal regime of unclaimed land shares, formation of land areas allocated on account of a land share or land shares, being in the municipal property, the state registration of the rights to the land area allotted on account of a share in the right of the common property to the land area.
Keywords: transactions, land areas, land shares, common property, land survey, the state registration.

Civil society
Tomash L.V.
Civil society – the social basis of state, power and democracy
The article deals with the analysis of the phenomenon of civil society as a result of political and
social modernization, as well as the mechanisms of its interaction with the legal state via institutions of power.
Key words: civil society, state, power, social bases of the state, legal state, the interaction of state and law, civil society subjects, public relations, personality as a dominant of the civil society.
Work bibliographic list
1. Jakovlev A.M. Rossijskaja gosudarstvennost' (istoriko-sociologicheskij aspekt) / A.M. Jakovlev // Obshhestvennye nauki i sovremennost'. – 2002. – # 5. – S. 78–93.
2. Kokorina L.A. Sociokul'turnyj aspekt stanovlenija grazhdanskogo obshhestva, rol' intelligencii / L.A. Kokorina // Ukraїns'ka derzhavnіst': stanovlennja, dosvіd, problemi: zbіrnik naukovih statej (za materіalami XII Harkіvs'kih polіtologіchnih chitan') / Nacіonal'na juridichna akademіja Ukraїni іm. Jaroslava Mudrogo. – Xarkіv: Pravo, 2001. – S. 13–15.
3. Gegel' Ґ.V.F. Osnovi fіlosofії prava, abo Prirodne pravo і derzhavoznavstvo / Ґ.V.F. Gegel'; per. z nіm. R. Osadchuka, M. Kushnіra. – Kiїv: Junіvers, 2000. – 336 s.
4. Osnovy politologii: kurs lekcij: uchebnoe posobie /pod red. N. Sazonova. – Xar'kov: Osnova, 1993. – 448 s.
5. Polubіns'kij V. Spіvvіdnoshennja derzhavi j gromadjans'kogo suspіl'stva v Ukraїnі / V. Polubіns'kij // Aktual'nі problemi derzhavnogo upravlіnnja. – 2002. – # 2 (8). – S. 76–81.
6. Manov G.N. Pravovoe gosudarstvo i global'nye problemy sovremennosti / G.N. Manov // Grazhdanskoe obshhestvo i pravovoe gosudarstvo: predposylki formirovanija / otv. red.
G.N. Manov. – Moskva: IGP RAN, 1991. – S. 10–19.
7. Ljubchenko P.M. Gromadjans'ke suspіl'stvo: aspekti novoї paradigmi / P.M. Ljubchenko // Problemi zakonnostі:respublіkans'kij mіzhvіdomchij naukovij zbіrnik / vіdp. red.
V.Ja. Tacіj. – Harkіv: Nacіonal'na juridichna akademіja Ukraїni, 2006. – Vip. 78. – S. 38–47.
8. Skripnjuk O.V. Socіal'na, pravova derzhava v Ukraїnі: problemi teorії і praktiki: monografіja / O.V. Skripnjuk;Іnstitut derzhavi і prava іm. V. M. Korec'kogo NAN Ukraїni.
– Kiїv: Іnstitut derzhavi і prava іm. V. M. Korec'kogo NAN Ukraїni, 2000. – 599 s.
9. Petrishin O.V. Gromadjans'ke suspіl'stvo і derzhava u formuvannі suchasnoї pravovoї polіtiki / O.V. Petrishin //Konflіkti v suspіl'stvah, shho transformujut'sja: zbіrnik naukovih statej (za materіalami XI Harkіvs'kih polіtologіchnih chitan') / Nacіonal'na juridichna akademіja Ukraїni іm. Jaroslava Mudrogo. – Xarkіv: Pravo, 2001. – S. 63–65.
10. Knjazєv V. Derzhava і gromadjans'ke suspіl'stvo:evoljucіja stosunkіv ta їh osmislennja / V. Knjazєv, F. Kanak //Formuvannja gromadjans'kogo suspіl'stva v Ukraїnі: stan, problemi, perspektivi: zbіrnik naukovih prac' / Ukraїns'ka akademіja derzhavnogo upravlіnnja pri Prezidentovі Ukraїni.– Kiїv: UADU, 2001. – S. 3–25.
11. Pirozhkov S. Peredumovi j naprjami reformuvannja polіtichnoї sistemi Ukraїni / S. Pirozhkov // Suspіl'nі reformi ta stanovlennja gromadjans'kogo suspіl'stva v Ukraїnі:materіali naukovo-praktichnoї konferencії za mіzhnarodnoju uchastju (30 travnja 2001 r., Kiїv) / za zag. red. V.І. Lugovogo, V.M.Knjazєva; Ukraїns'ka akademіja derzhavnogo upravlіnnja pri Prezidentovі Ukraїni. – Kiїv: UADU, 2001. – T. 1. – 2001. – S. 3–7.
12. Petrishin O.V. Gromadjans'ke suspіl'stvo: osoblivostі formuvannja koncepcії ta stanovlennja / O.V. Petrishin // Problemi zakonnostі: respublіkans'kij mіzhvіdomchij naukovij zbіrnik / vіdp. red. V.Ja. Tacіj. – Harkіv: Nacіonal'na juridichna akademіja Ukraїni, 2001. – Vip. 50. – S. 6–13.
13. Ljubchenko P.M. Gromadjans'ke suspіl'stvo: aspekti novoї paradigmi / P.M. Ljubchenko // Problemi zakonnostі:respublіkans'kij mіzhvіdomchij naukovij zbіrnik / vіdp. red.
V.Ja. Tacіj. – Harkіv: Nacіonal'na juridichna akademіja Ukraїni, 2006. – Vip. 78. – S. 38–47.
14. Todika O. Koncepcіja «vіdkritoї derzhavi» : problemi zdіjsnennja narodovladdja / O. Todika // Vіsnik Akademії pravovih nauk Ukraїni. – 2006. – # 2 (45). – S. 43–51.

Public regulation
Iskuzhin R.K.
The role of public regime in transformation of the Russian Federalism
Today in the world there are 193 states, which differ in social and economic characteristics, in established political institutions, and many other parameters. Modern states also differ by strong
diversification of political regimes, among which «classical» democratic and authoritarian, and hybrid political regimes are stand out.
Keywords: federalism, regime, hybridity, democracy, authoritarianism, structure, administrative and territorial unit, the transformation.

Public regulation
Hannanov R.A., Hannanova T.R.
Clustering of the economy and state cluster policy: the theoretical basis and social and economic prerequisites
State cluster policy of Russia, aimed at developing new, effective and sustainable forms of business, needs serious scientific support. The article deals with the concept foundations of doctrine support of the mentioned policy.
Keywords: society, relationships, state, politics, agglomeration, cluster, law, doctrine, a concept.
Work bibliographic list
1. Otchet pravitel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii pered Gosudarstvennoj Dumoj Rossii o rezul'tatah svoej dejatel'nosti za 2009 god // Rossijskaja gazeta. – 2011. – 20 apr.
2. Batishheva E.A., Vashhenko A.A. Analiz faktorov processov klasterizacii v regional'noj jekonomike // Upravlenie jekonomicheskimi sistemami (jelektron. nauchn. zhurnal). – 2012. –# 2. (http://www.uecs-38-820/item/1088-2012-02-29-05-33-55).
3. Voronin A.V. Ispol'zovanie klasternogo analiza jekonomiki dlja vybora lokal'nyh strategij ( – 6. Htm).
4. Vagizova V.I. Jekonomicheskie problemy regionov i otraslevyh kompleksov // Problemy sovremennoj jekonomiki. –2009. –#4 (320). Komp'juternyj variant.
5. Karnap Rudol'f. Znachenie i neobhodimost'. – M.: LKI, 1959. S. 55.
6. Kormakova E.S., Mokichev S.V. Aglomeracii – strategicheskaja sostavljajushhaja ustojchivogo razvitija regional'noj jekonomicheskoj sistemy. // Jekonomicheskie nauki. – 2011. –# 8. S. 99–103.
7. Mitin A.N. Ob"ektivnaja neobhodimost' razvitija gosudarstvennogo regulirovanija i gosudarstvennoj podderzhki sel'skogo hozjajstva // Agrarnyj vestnik Urala. – 2012. – # 3. S. 74–77.
8. Putin V.V. O nashih jekonomicheskih zadachah // Vedomosti. – 2012. – 30 janvarja.
9. Chernjaev A., Serdobincev D. Organizacionno-jekonomicheskij mehanizm formirovanija agropromyshlennyh klasterov v Povolzh'e // APK: jekonomika, upravlenie. – 2012. –
# 2. S. 3–8.
10. Hannanov R.A. Priroda, obshhestvo, juridicheskie sobytija // Pravo i politika. – 2009. – # 5. S. 1123–1133.
11. Hannanov R.A. Uchenie o social'nyh sobytijah kak nauchnaja osnova vzaimodejstvija prirody, obshhestva, gosudarstva i prava // Pravo i politika. – 2010. – # 3. S. 384–397.
12. Hannanov R.A. Zakon samoreguljacii prirody i ego zakonomernosti: teoretiko-jempiricheskij i pravovoj aspekty // Pravo i politika. – 2010. – # 9. S. 1637–1652.
13. Hannanov R.A. Novaja paradigma sobstvennosti: teoretiko-pravovye osnovy // Pravo i politika. – 2011. – # 4. S. 694–708.
14. Hannanov R.A. Gosudarstvennoe regulirovanie jekonomik: obosnovanie novogo ponimanija i soderzhanija // Pravo i politika. – 2011. – # 6. S. 918–934.
15. Hannanov R.A. Ustojchivost' sel'skohozjajstvennogo proizvodstva: teoretiko-pravovoe obespechenie // Pravo i politika. – 2011. – # 11. S. 1828–1854.
16. Hannanov R.A., Hannanova T.R. Sobytija v sisteme pravovogo obespechenija modernizacii social'no-jekonomicheskogo razvitija Rossii: teorija i praktika. – Ufa: AN RB, Bashkirskij GAU, 2012. S. 95–144.
17. Hannanov R.A. Konceptual'nye podhody k ustojchivomu razvitiju sel'skohozjajstvennogo proizvodstva // Pravo i politika. – 2012. – # 5. S. 842–866.
18. Hannanov R.A., Hannanova T.R. Novye konceptual'nye osnovy obespechenija ustojchivosti agrarnogo proizvodstva //Agrarnyj vestnik Urala. – 2012. – # 6. S. 81–89.
19. Hannanov R.A. Konceptual'nye osnovy sistemnogo razvitija tvorchestva: teoreticheskie podhody // Politika i obshhestvo. – 2012. – # 11.

Public regulation
Ishchenko N.S.
Increase of efficiency of the anticorruption efforts
In this article, corruption is viewed as one of the global problems of mankind. The main threat
outgoind from it is the undermining of the principles of state governing, equality of all before the law and social justice. Algorithms how to increase the efficiency of the fight against corruption are given.
Keywords: corruption, the Prosecutor's office, law-enforcement bodies, the principles of state governing, social justice, anti-corruption examination.

Public regulation
Burenina V.I.
Scientific and technical activities as an ob ject of state administration
The author identifies and covers the basics and the peculiarities of legal regulation of scientific and technical activities in the article. The question of state regulation in a broad sense is disclosed, with the specification and prediction of its use. The author defines the basis of legislation within the framework of the subject, and identifies the main directions of the state policy for the coming years. Specific features of the state regulation of scientific and technical activities are derived.
Key words: management, regulation, object, scientific and technical activities, innovative activity.
Work bibliographic list
1. Rajzberg B.A., Lozovskij L.Sh., Starodubceva E.B. Sovremennyj jekonomicheskij slovar'. – M.: INFRA – M, 2006.
2. Sm.: Lebedev ML. Problemy jeffektivnosti gosudarstvennoj vlasti i upravlenija v Rossii // Vestnik rossijskogo gumanitarnogo nauchnogo fonda, 1997. # 1. S. 76; Sajmon G.,Smitburg D., Tomison V. Menedzhment v organizacijah. – M.,1995. S. 25–26;. Atamanchuk G.V. Teorija gosudarstvennogo upravlenija. – M., 2002. S. 38; Alehin A.P., Karmolickij A.A., Kozlov Ju.M. Administrativnoe pravo Rossijskoj Federacii. –M.: «Zercalo», 1996. S. 21.
3. Zerkin D. Osnovy konfliktologii. Rostov n/D: «Feniks», 1998. S. 164.
4. Rajzberg B.A., Lozovskij L.Sh., Starodubceva E.B. Sovremennyj jekonomicheskij slovar'. – M.: INFRA – M, 2006.
5. Glava 3 Upravlenie obshhestvom — osnovnaja funkcija gosudarstva /
6. Murav'ev A.A. Razvitie sistemy upravlenija Rossijskim federativnym gosudarstvom. – M.: Oazis – Dizajn, 2007.S. 475–476.
7. Gordej V.N. Gosudarstvenno-pravovoe regulirovanie nauchnoj dejatel'nosti v uslovijah stanovlenija rynochnoj jekonomiki v Rossii: Avtoreferat dis. ... kandidata juridicheskih
nauk. – M.: IGPAN, 2005. S. 14.
8. Rassudovskij V.A., Rassohin V.P. Pravo i upravlenie nauchnymi organizacijami. – M.: Nauka, 1980. S. 7.
9. Konin N.M. Administrativnoe pravo Rossii: Uchebnik. – M.: Prospekt, 2006. S. 285.
10. Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. 1996. # 35. St. 4137.
11. The National Science Foundation. Its Present and Furure. 89-th Congress, 2-d Session. House document, 378. Wash., 1966.P. 19.
12. Gordej B.H. Gosudarstvenno-pravovoe regulirovanie nauchnoj dejatel'nosti v uslovijah stanovlenija rynochnoj jekonomiki v Rossii: Avtoreferat dis. ... kandidata juridicheskih nauk. – M.: IGPAN, 2005. S. 15–16.
13. Veger L.L. Jekonomicheskij jeffekt i upravlenie NIOKR. – M.: Nauka, 1985.
14. Prokoshin V.A. Mir juridicheskoj innovatiki – sluzhashhim: Konsensusnoe i upravlencheskoe pravo. – M., 2006. S. 17.
15. St. 2 Osnovnyh napravlenij politiki Rossijskoj
Federacii v oblasti razvitija innovacionnoj sistemy na period do 2010 goda» (utv. Pis'mom Pravitel'stva RF ot 5 avgusta 2005 g. # 2473 p-p. 7)
16. Innovacii: teorii, mehanizm i gosudarstvennoe regulirovanie : Uchebnoe posobie/ Pod red. Ju.V. Jakovca. – M., 2000. S. 52.

Public regulation
Nikolskiy D.S.
Improvement of normative legal regulation of contracts conclusion for the supply of goods, works and services for state and municipal needs
The article discloses the sources of legal regulation of contracts for goods, works and services
for state and municipal needs. The draft Federal Law «On the federal contract system in the procurement of goods, works and services» is analyzed.
Keywords: public order, public contract, state needs, the law, draft law.

Public regulation
Vagarshyan A.G.
Defense capacity as a principle of organisation and activity of the state apparatus
The Author justifies a new principle of organization and activities of state apparatus – Defense-
Capability. This principle proposes such features of state apparatus, as self-preservation, self-reproduction and self-improvement. Such ability of the state apparatus should be introduced and through the establishment of special state and legal institutions.
Key concepts: function, principle, defense-capability, lessons of history, organizational and structural vacuum, legal monitoring, patriotism.
Work bibliographic list
1. Istina .. i tol'ko istina ! Pjat' besed o sudebno pravovoj reforme, M., 1990.
2. Vracjan S., Respublika Armenija, Erevan, «Ajastan», 1993 (na arm. jazyke).

Gutsulyak V.V.
Problems of the legal regime of small size vessels on inland waterways of the Russian Federation
This article deals with the problems of the legal regime of small size vessels on the inland waterways of the Russian Federation in the light of recent changes in the Russian legislation. A compative analysis of the legal regimes of inland and sea routes is conducted. Special attention is paid to the state technical supervision of small size vessels and access for foreign sports, sailing and pleasure vessels in inland waterways of the Russia Federation.
Keywords: legal regime of small size vessels, the legal regime of inland waterways, the legal regime of domestic sea routes.

Human rights
Temchenko V.I.
Human rights as a natural way of being social and moral phenomena
This article considers the problems of the notion and content of the rights and freedoms in the context of regularities of nature and social being of a person. Also attention is paid to justification of the essence of human rights and freedoms by a moral idea as a natural and inalienable moral and value human capacity to self-determination.
Keywords: human rights, rule of law, legal communication, balance of individual and public interests, legal expectations, legal certainty.
Work bibliographic list
1. Gluhareva L. I. Prava cheloveka v sovremennom mire (social'no-filosofskie osnovy i gosudarstvenno-pravovoe regulirovanie). Monografija. – M.: Jurist". 2003. – 303 s.
2. Dobrjans'kij S. P. Aktual'nі problemi zagal'noї teorії prav ljudini // Pracі L'vіvs'koї laboratorії prav ljudini і gromadjanina Naukovo-doslіdnogo іn-tu derzh. bud-va ta mіsc.samovrjaduv. Akad. prav. nauk Ukraїni. Serіja І. Doslіdzhennja ta referati / Golov. redkol. P. M. Rabіnovich. – L'vіv: Astron, 2006. – Vip. 10. – 120 s.
3. Lapaeva V.V Sociologija prava: istorija i sovremennost' // Sociologicheskie issledovanija. – 2008. – #6. S. 145–154.
4. Maksimov S. Neobhіdnіst' fіlosofs'kogo obґruntuvannja prav ljudini // Vіsnik Akademії pravovih nauk Ukraїni. –2009. – # 1. S. 31–40.
5. Maslou A. Motivacija i lichnost' / Per. s angl. – SPb.:Piter, 2006. – 352 s.
6. Matuzov N. I. Teorija i praktika prav cheloveka v Rossii // Pravovedenie. – 1998. – # 4. S. 23–35.
7. Prava ljudini: socіal'no-antropologіchnij vimіr. Kolektivna monografіja. Pracі L'vіvs'koї laboratorії prav ljudini і gromadjanina Naukovo-doslіdnogo іnstitutu derzhavnogo budіvnictva ta mіscevogo samovrjaduvannja Akademії pravovih nauk Ukraїni. / Redkol.: P.M. Rabіnovich (golov. red.) ta іn. –Serіja І. Doslіdzhennja ta referati. Vip.13. – L'vіv: Svіt, 2006. –280 s.
8. Problemi realіzacії prav і svobod ljudini ta gromadjanina v Ukraїnі: Monografіja/ NAN Ukraїni; Іnstitut derzhavi і prava іm. V.M. Korec'kogo Za red. N.M. Onіshhenko, O.V. Zaj-
chuk. – K.: «Juridichna dumka», 2007. – 424 s.
9. Poljakov A. V. Postklassicheskoe pravovedenie i ideja kommunikacii // Pravovedenie. – 2006. – # 2. S. 26–43.
10. Rabіnovich P. Osnovnі prava ljudini: ponjattja, klasifіkacії, tendencії // Ukraїns'kij chasopis prav ljudini. –1994. – # 4. S. 14–22.
11. Reshenie «Dadzhen protiv Soedinennogo Korolevstva» ot 22 oktjabrja 1981 goda // Evropejskij Sud po pravam cheloveka: Izbrannye reshenija: V 2 t. – M.: Norma, 2001. – T. 1. – 808 s.
12. Reshenie «Institut Otto-Preminger protiv Avstrii» ot 20 sentjabrja 1994 goda // Evropejskij Sud po pravam cheloveka: Izbrannye reshenija: V 2 t. – M.: Norma, 2001. – T. 2. – 856 s.

Human rights
Ignatieva M.V.
State-confessional relations and legal status of a man: theoretical and legal aspect
The interconnection of state-confessional relations and human rights’ realization is shown in this article. Such basic notions as «freedom of conscience», «tolerance», are analyzed.
Keywords: state-confessional relations, freedom of conscience, tolerance.

Law and politics
Valiullin V.R.
Principles of interethnic cooperation in Russia: tolerance and political correctness
Political correctness is the reverse side of tolerance in interethnic relations. It sets a formal basis
of interethnic cooperation. However, the principles of tolerance and political correctness, sometimes come into contradiction. This article deals with the problem of compatibility of the principles of tolerance and political correctness in modern Russia.
Keywords: tolerance, political correctness, dialogue, cooperation, ethnicity, federative relations, culture, crisis, self-destruction, ideology, democracy, liberalism.
Work bibliographic list
1. Deklaracija principov tolerantnosti. Utverzhdena rezoljuciej General'noj konferencii JuNJeSKO 16 nojabrja 1995 g. //
2. Panin V.V. Politicheskaja korrektnost' kak kul'turno-povedencheskaja i jazykovaja kategorija. Avtoref. dis. na soisk.uch.step. kandid.filol.n. – Tjumen', 2004.
3. Ter-Minasova S.G. Jazyk i mezhkul'turnaja kommunikacija. – M.: Slovo, 2000.
4. Kiseleva T.V. Ukaz. soch.
5. Lind W.S. Political Correctness Roots Unearthed // Blue Eagle Commentary: American Online Columnists,
6. Lobanova L.P. Ostorozhno: Politkorrektnost'! // Glagol. 2004. # 9.
7. Korti M. Stolknovenie kul'tur i politicheskaja korrektnost' // Nezavisimaja gazeta, 24.03.2003.
8. Shljapentoh V.Je. Problema kachestva sociologicheskoj informacii: dostovernost', reprezentativnost', prognosticheskij potencial. – M.: Centr social'nogo prognozirovanija, 2006.

Law and politics
Gusov K.V.
Leon Dion: quebec nationalism in «vague identity»
The article describes the views of the Quebec, political analyst on the features of nationalism
and nationalist policy in the society with a defective national identity. The largest Canadian province of Quebec is presented as an example. Cited works were translated into Russian language for the first time.
Keywords: Leon Dion, Quebec, nationalism, national identity, French Canada.
Work bibliographic list
1. Léon Dion. Nationalismes et politique au Québec. Montréal:Hurtubise HMH, 1975.
2. Léon Dion. Une identité incertaine. Québec: Les Presses de l'Université Laval et l'IQRC, 1995.
3. Léon Dion. La Révolution Déroutée 1960–1976. Montréal:Les Éditions du Boréal, 1998.
4. Baujer O. Nacional'nyj vopros i social-demokratija.SPb., 1909.
5. Melkumov A.A. Kanadskij federalizm: konceptual'nyj aspekt. Dis. d.polit.n. M.: IMJeMO RAN, 2003.

Administrative Law
Butorina L.S.
Certain problems of administrative and legal regulation of placement of juvenile offenders in detention centers and the ways to improve it
The article considers the reasons, the order and the existing problems of the law enforcement practice of placing of the juvenile offenders into the detention centers of enforcement bodies; some recommendations how to improve the normative regulation in this field are suggested.
Keywords: minors, detention center, administrative enforcement, enforcement bodies, child neglect, homelessness.
Work bibliographic list
1. Konstitucija Rossijskoj Federacii (prinjata vsenarodnym golosovaniem 12 dekabrja1993 goda) // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. 2009. # 4. St. 445.
2. Konvencija OON o pravah rebenka (prinjata Rezoljuciej 44/25 General'noj Assamblei OON ot 20 nojabrja 1989 goda //SPS «Konsul'tant pljus».
3. Kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ob administrativnyh pravonarushenijah ot 30 dekabrja 2001 goda # 195-FZ // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. 2002. # 1 (ch. 1). St. 1.
4. Ugolovno-processual'nyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ot 18 dekabrja 2001goda # 174-FZ // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. 2001. # 52 (ch. I). St. 4921.
5. Prikaz MVD RF 2.04.04. # 215 «O merah po sovershenstvovaniju dejat-ti centrov vremennogo soderzhanija» //Bjulleten'.

Ryauzova G.N.
Investigation of minors involvement in crimes commitment and anti-social actions
The article deals with the main forms and types of interaction of internal affairs units in the investigation of minors involvement in crimes commitment and anti-social actions. The actual problems of interaction and their solutions are reflected.
Keywords: involvement of minor; involvement in crimes commitment, investigation, interaction.
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon ot 12.08.1995 # 144-FZ (red. Ot 10.07.2012) «Ob operativno-rozysknoj dejatel'nosti» // Rossijskaja gazeta. – 1995. – # 160. – 18 avgusta.
2. Federal'nyj zakon ot 30.11.2011 # 342-FZ «O sluzhbe v organah vnutrennih del Rossijskoj Federacii i vnesenii izmenenij v otdel'nye zakonodatel'nye akty Rossijskoj Federacii» // Rossijskaja gazeta. – 2011. – # 275. – 07 dekabrja.
3. Prikaz MVD Rossii ot 29.01.2008 # 80 (red. Ot 11.03.2012) «Voprosy organizacii dejatel'nosti stroevyh podrazdelenij patrul'no-postovoj sluzhby policii» (vmeste s
«Ustavom patrul'no-postovoj sluzhby policii») // Bjulleten' normativnyh aktov federal'nyh organov ispolnitel'noj vlasti. – 2008. – # 27. – 07 ijulja.

Popovych Е.V.
The influence of psychological determinants of criminal subculture on the person‘s criminalisationn
The article deals with the analysis of the «social face» of a person who committed a crime and be the product of the socio-cultural and psycho-biological forces that are formed in various kinds of social activities.
Key words: criminal subculture, criminal action, the interpretation of the crime, the criminal ideology, the subject of a criminal subculture, consciousness of the offender, social environment, value-normative system of the person, lawful behavior.
Work bibliographic list
1. Lombrozo Ch. Prestupnyj chelovek: per. s ital. / Chezare Lombrozo. – Moskva: Jeksmo, 2005. – 880 s. – (Giganty mysli).
2. Ferri Je. Prestuplenie kak social'noe javlenie / Jenriko Ferri // Problemy prestupnosti. – Kiev: Gosizdat Ukrainy, 1924. – Sb. 2-j. – S. 9–26.
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