Persona grata
The Investigative Committee of Russia: modernization of Investigative authorities in the Eurasian space.Interview with deputy head of the Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation on Yaroslavl region, Colonel of Justice, Hounored Lawyer of the Russian Federation Kaybyshev Sh.A.
Law of the CIS countries
Geta M.R.
Model of probation in the Republic of Kazakhstan: opportunities and prospects
Bayramova M.N.
About kinds of larceny of alien property under the criminal legislation of the Azerbaijan Republic
Law of the European Union
Klyuchnikov A.Yu.
Enquiry warrant and the EU countries courts’ execution decisions with punishment and money measures (Polish experience)
International law
Maleev Yu.N.
Derogation in contemporary international law
Abashidze A.Kh., Solntsev A.M.
Jubilee of the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights
Yastrebova A.Yu.
Modern international legal approaches to the process of forced migration and their implementation in the doctrine and practice of the Russian Federation
Akoev M.М.
The right to peace among the system of human rights of the third generation: specific features and content
Khalaphyan R.M.
Conception of international «soft law» in international legal doctrine
Adu Y.N.
Importance of international organs as guarantors in the field of human rights defense
Izhikov M.Yu.
A problem of «horizontal» application of international human rights law provisions
History of State and Law
Andreeva L.S.
Historical and legal aspects of implementation of parental rights
Miloserdova L.F.
Judicial reform of 1864 as a step in the process of democratization of Russia’s legal system
Tumanov D.Yu.
Development of the system of constitutional rights and freedoms of citizens in the Soviet state
Philosophy of Law
Galiev F.Kh.
Parameters of legal culture in figures
Constitutional law
Grudtsina L.Yu.
Economic basis of interaction of middle class and civil society
Mikheeva T.N.
Peculiarities of contemporary institution of local selfgovernment in the Russian Federation
Omarov S.M.
Federal Assembly and Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation in the separation of powers system
Hozeeva A.V.
Some theoretic aspects connected with declaration of independence of states
Gazizova L.M.
On the correlation of terms «object of competence» and «object of own legal regulation» of subject of federation
Zuban I.A.
The Constituent Assembly and its role in formation of a republican form of government in Russia
Civil law
Sinelnikova V.N., Dudurgov R.M.
Legal framework of selection achievements in the light of modernization of Russian civil law
Verdiyan G.V.
Principle of good faith as one of limits of realization of civil rights
Burtseva A.A.
Non-commercial organizations: status and activity kinds
Trubina M.V.
Legislation on affiliated persons as an element of legal mechanism for protection of economic subjects
Family law
Purge A.R.
Legal problems of paternity in Russia
Educational law
Dolgov K.A., Dolgov A.P., Skrypnikov A.V.
On separate aspects of legal regulation of educational process
Galieva A.Z.
Tendencies of development of the regional legislation of the Republic of Bashkortostan about formation and ways of its perfection
Criminal Law and Criminology
Ryabova A.Yu.
Criminal law protection of rights registration to securities
Tamazov I.A.
Legal protection of housing rights from frauds perpetrated under the guise of rental housing
Kharlamov V.S.
Prevalence in Russia of a brutal treatment of children in the light of family criminology
Efimova M.P.
Preventing violence in the sphere of family and household relations
Criminal process and criminalistics
Amrakhov N.I.
Forensic expertise in investigating crimes against free will expression
Makarova N.Yu.
The situation of fraud in low-rise building as a system formating element of criminalistic characteristicsAdministrative law
Yakovleva T.A.
About differentiation of administrative offences in the field of using of natural resources and in the field of environment protection
Public service
Minnigulova D.B.
Disciplinary responsibility of public civil servants in the Russian Federation: problems of regulation
Judicial system
Burdina E.V.
Examination commissions as bodies of judicial community: problems of organization and operation
Eurasian advocacy
Ragulin A.V.
Regulation of professional rights of the lawyer-defender and their maintenance under the Turkmenistan Republic legislation
Law enforcement practice
Trunov I.L.
«The value of human life»: economic and legal equivalent .
Anniversary of the St.-Petersburg school of international law
Review of the textbook «Mining law» (Mining law: the Textbook / I.V.Izyumov, V.I.Karasev, M.I.Kleandrov, I.R.Saliev, etc.; – М.: 2010. – 512. p. ISBN 978-5-903262-45-8) National legal system in the unity of temporal and subjective and personal characteristics. Review of E.Yu.Dogadaylo’s Monograph «Legal System of the Russian Federation (Analysis of Temporal Associations)» (М.: 2011. – 176 p.)
Name in science. To the jubilee of professor V.V.Luneev
To the memory of G.V.Ignatenko
Information for authors
About the author
The Investigative Committee of Russia: modernization of Investigative authorities in the Eurasian space.Interview with deputy head of the Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation on Yaroslavl region, Colonel of Justice, Hounored Lawyer of the Russian Federation Kaybyshev Sh.A.
Law of the CIS countries
Geta M.R.
Model of probation in the Republic of Kazakhstan: opportunities and prospects
Bayramova M.N.
About kinds of larceny of alien property under the criminal legislation of the Azerbaijan Republic
Law of the European Union
Klyuchnikov A.Yu.
Enquiry warrant and the EU countries courts’ execution decisions with punishment and money measures (Polish experience)
International law
Maleev Yu.N.
Derogation in contemporary international law
Abashidze A.Kh., Solntsev A.M.
Jubilee of the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights
Yastrebova A.Yu.
Modern international legal approaches to the process of forced migration and their implementation in the doctrine and practice of the Russian Federation
Akoev M.М.
The right to peace among the system of human rights of the third generation: specific features and content
Khalaphyan R.M.
Conception of international «soft law» in international legal doctrine
Adu Y.N.
Importance of international organs as guarantors in the field of human rights defense
Izhikov M.Yu.
A problem of «horizontal» application of international human rights law provisions
History of State and Law
Andreeva L.S.
Historical and legal aspects of implementation of parental rights
Miloserdova L.F.
Judicial reform of 1864 as a step in the process of democratization of Russia’s legal system
Tumanov D.Yu.
Development of the system of constitutional rights and freedoms of citizens in the Soviet state
Philosophy of Law
Galiev F.Kh.
Parameters of legal culture in figures
Constitutional law
Grudtsina L.Yu.
Economic basis of interaction of middle class and civil society
Mikheeva T.N.
Peculiarities of contemporary institution of local selfgovernment in the Russian Federation
Omarov S.M.
Federal Assembly and Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation in the separation of powers system
Hozeeva A.V.
Some theoretic aspects connected with declaration of independence of states
Gazizova L.M.
On the correlation of terms «object of competence» and «object of own legal regulation» of subject of federation
Zuban I.A.
The Constituent Assembly and its role in formation of a republican form of government in Russia
Civil law
Sinelnikova V.N., Dudurgov R.M.
Legal framework of selection achievements in the light of modernization of Russian civil law
Verdiyan G.V.
Principle of good faith as one of limits of realization of civil rights
Burtseva A.A.
Non-commercial organizations: status and activity kinds
Trubina M.V.
Legislation on affiliated persons as an element of legal mechanism for protection of economic subjects
Family law
Purge A.R.
Legal problems of paternity in Russia
Educational law
Dolgov K.A., Dolgov A.P., Skrypnikov A.V.
On separate aspects of legal regulation of educational process
Galieva A.Z.
Tendencies of development of the regional legislation of the Republic of Bashkortostan about formation and ways of its perfection
Criminal Law and Criminology
Ryabova A.Yu.
Criminal law protection of rights registration to securities
Tamazov I.A.
Legal protection of housing rights from frauds perpetrated under the guise of rental housing
Kharlamov V.S.
Prevalence in Russia of a brutal treatment of children in the light of family criminology
Efimova M.P.
Preventing violence in the sphere of family and household relations
Criminal process and criminalistics
Amrakhov N.I.
Forensic expertise in investigating crimes against free will expression
Makarova N.Yu.
The situation of fraud in low-rise building as a system formating element of criminalistic characteristicsAdministrative law
Yakovleva T.A.
About differentiation of administrative offences in the field of using of natural resources and in the field of environment protection
Public service
Minnigulova D.B.
Disciplinary responsibility of public civil servants in the Russian Federation: problems of regulation
Judicial system
Burdina E.V.
Examination commissions as bodies of judicial community: problems of organization and operation
Eurasian advocacy
Ragulin A.V.
Regulation of professional rights of the lawyer-defender and their maintenance under the Turkmenistan Republic legislation
Law enforcement practice
Trunov I.L.
«The value of human life»: economic and legal equivalent .
Anniversary of the St.-Petersburg school of international law
Review of the textbook «Mining law» (Mining law: the Textbook / I.V.Izyumov, V.I.Karasev, M.I.Kleandrov, I.R.Saliev, etc.; – М.: 2010. – 512. p. ISBN 978-5-903262-45-8) National legal system in the unity of temporal and subjective and personal characteristics. Review of E.Yu.Dogadaylo’s Monograph «Legal System of the Russian Federation (Analysis of Temporal Associations)» (М.: 2011. – 176 p.)
Name in science. To the jubilee of professor V.V.Luneev
To the memory of G.V.Ignatenko
Information for authors
About the author
Law of the CIS countries
Geta M.R.
Model of probation in the Republic of Kazakhstan: opportunities and prospects
The article deals with the national model of probation in the Republic of Kazakhstan in conditions of humanization and liberalization of criminal policy.
The article deals with the national model of probation in the Republic of Kazakhstan in conditions of humanization and liberalization of criminal policy.
Keywords: probation, humanization of criminal policy, post-criminal control, convict, resocialization.
1. Kovalev N.P. Penitenciarnye sistemy: sravnitel'nyj analiz organizacionno-pravovyh form // Ezhegodnik Centra issledovanija pravovoj politiki, 2008 g. – Almaty, 2009. – S. 204–205.
Law of the CIS countries
Bayramova M.N.
Bayramova M.N.
About kinds of larceny of alien property under the criminal legislation of the Azerbaijan Republic
In the article analyzed are kinds of larceny of alien property, provided in the acting Criminal Code of the Azerbaijan Republic, larceny in small size is offered to allocate, and also to provide grand larceny among special qualifying circumstances.
In the article analyzed are kinds of larceny of alien property, provided in the acting Criminal Code of the Azerbaijan Republic, larceny in small size is offered to allocate, and also to provide grand larceny among special qualifying circumstances.
Keywords: larceny, alien property, in small sizes.
1. Dodonov V.N., Kapinus O.S., Shherba S.P. Sravnitel'noe ugolovnoe pravo. Osobennaja chast'. – M.: Jurlitinform, 2010.
2. Ibaev R.A. O primenenii zakonodatel'stva o krazhe chuzhogo imushhestva s nezakonnym proniknoveniem v zhilishhe, pomeshhenie, na sklad ili inoe hranilishhe v sudebnoj praktike // Aktual'nye problemy gosudarstvennogo i pravovogo stroitel'stva v Azerbajdzhanskoj Respublike: Sbornik nauchnyh statej. – Baku, 2009 (na azerb.jaz.)
3. Ljapunov Ju.I. Material'nyj ushherb kak priznak hishhenija socialisticheskogo imushhestva // Sovetskaja justicija. – 1977. – # 1.
4. Pashkovskij V.A. Ugolovno-pravovaja ohrana socialisticheskoj sobstvennosti. – M.: Znanie, 1975.
5. Tel'nov P.F. Sootnoshenie formy, razmera i stadii hishhenija // Socialisticheskaja zakonnost'. – 1981. – # 1.
Law of the European Union
Klyuchnikov A.Yu.
Enquiry warrant and the EU countries courts’ execution decisions with punishment and money measures (Polish experience)
Considered in the article are the peculiarities of normative establishment and procedure of execution of judgments and requests of the EU state courts on punishment and money measures. Special attention is given to the correlation of state power bodies of participating states as well as to the realization of the reciprocity principle.
Considered in the article are the peculiarities of normative establishment and procedure of execution of judgments and requests of the EU state courts on punishment and money measures. Special attention is given to the correlation of state power bodies of participating states as well as to the realization of the reciprocity principle.
Keywords: Poland, European Union, Criminal Procedural Code, enquiry, money measures, confiscation.
1. Birjukov P.N. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo: Ucheb. posob. – 4-e izd.,pererab. i dop. –M.: Jurist", 2008.
1. Birjukov P.N. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo: Ucheb. posob. – 4-e izd.,pererab. i dop. –M.: Jurist", 2008.
2. Waltoś S. Proces karny (zarys systemu). Wydanie dziesiąte. –Warszawa, 2009
International law
Maleev Yu.N.
Derogation in contemporary international law
Analyzed in the article is the institute of derogation (right for derogation) in contemporary international law within the context of use of military force by states and international organizations.
Analyzed in the article is the institute of derogation (right for derogation) in contemporary international law within the context of use of military force by states and international organizations.
Keywords: use of military force, derogation, NATO, UN Charter.
1. Barabanov O.N. Obshhaja politika Evropejskogo Sojuza v oblasti oborony i bezopasnosti: jetapy stanovlenija i perspektivy razvitija // Evropejskie strany SNG: mesto v «Bol'shoj Evrope». – M.:Mezhdunar. otnoshenija, 2005.
2. Glotova S.V. Preventivnye udary v mezhdunarodnom prave: voprosy pravomernosti // Aktual'nye problemy sovremennogo mezhdunarodnogo prava. LIBER AMICORUM v chest' G.P.Zhukova: Materialy mezhvuzovskoj konferencii, posvjashhennoj 80-letiju professora G.P.Zhukova, 29 aprelja 2005 g. – M.: RUDN, 2005.
3. Gorshkova S.A. Derogacija po Evropejskoj konvencii i Rossija // Moskovskij zhurnal mezhdunarodnogo prava. – 1999. – # 4 (36).
4. Danilov A.A. Sotrudnichestvo Rossija – ES v sfere mezhdunarodnoj bezopasnosti: kurs na strategicheskoe partnerstvo // Evropejskie strany SNG: mesto v «Bol'shoj Evrope». – M.: Mezhdunar. otnoshenija, 2005.
5. Zagajnov E.T. Uprezhdajushhaja samooborona v zapadnoj doktrine mezhdunarodnogo prava // Moskovskij zhurnal mezhdunarodnogo prava. – 2006. – # 2 (62).
6. Zor'kin K.C. Projti po lezviju britvy // Rossijskaja gazeta. –2008. – 13 avgusta.
7. Kotljar V.S. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo i sovremennye strategicheskie koncepcii SShA i NATO: Avtoref. dis. … d-ra jurid. nauk. – M.,2007.
8. Maleev Ju.N. Reabilitacija adekvatnogo i proporcional'nogo primenenija sily // Moskovskij zhurnal mezhdunarodnogo prava. –2004. – # 3 (55).
9. Maleev Ju.N. Gumanitarnaja intervencija: «nel'zja, no nel'zja inache» // Osnovnye tendencii sovremennogo mezhdunarodnogo prava. Liber amicorum v chest' prof. G.I.Kurdjukova. – Kazan', 2010.
10. Maleev Ju.N. Novoe mezhdunarodnoe pravo? // Rossija i puti reshenija sovremennyh mezhdunarodno-pravovyh voprosov: Sbornik materialov nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii, posvjashhennoj 60-letiju kafedry mezhdunarodnogo prava MGIMO(U) MID Rossii / Pod red. prof. A.N.Vylegzhanina. – M.: Sputnik+, 2010.
11. Skotnikov L.A. Pravo na samooboronu i novye imperativy bezopasnosti // Mezhdunarodnaja zhizn'. – 2004. – # 9.
12. Tuzmuhamedov B. Predely samooborony. Naskol'ko jelastichno mezhdunarodnoe pravo v uslovijah global'noj vojny s terrorizmom //Nezavisimaja gazeta. – 2004. – # 210 (3323).
13. Cykalo V. OBSE v evropejskoj arhitekture bezopasnosti // Obozrevatel' – Observer. – 2008. – # 5 (220).
14. Chernichenko S.V. Sfera dejstvija principa neprimenenija sily // Osnovnye tendencii razvitija mezhdunarodnogo prava. LIBER AMICORUM v chest' professora G.I.Kurdjukova. – Kazan', 2010.
International law
Abashidze A.Kh., Solntsev A.M.
Abashidze A.Kh., Solntsev A.M.
Jubilee of the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights
The year 2011 marked the 30th anniversary of the adoption of the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights, the cornerstone of the African human rights system. It also marked 25 years since the African Charter entered into force. This article analyses all the elements of the African human rights system, first of all – the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights, African Commission and African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights. Advantages and disadvantages of the system are shown. The article also provides comparative analysis with European and inter-American human rights systems.
The year 2011 marked the 30th anniversary of the adoption of the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights, the cornerstone of the African human rights system. It also marked 25 years since the African Charter entered into force. This article analyses all the elements of the African human rights system, first of all – the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights, African Commission and African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights. Advantages and disadvantages of the system are shown. The article also provides comparative analysis with European and inter-American human rights systems.
Keywords: human rights, African Charter, regional system of human rights’ protection.
1. Abashidze A.H., Gol'tjaev A.O. Universal'nyj periodicheskij obzor situacii s pravami cheloveka v SShA: Vosprimet li Vashington spravedlivuju kritiku mirovogo soobshhestva? – M.: RUDN, 2011.
2. Abashidze A.H., Solncev A.M. Institucializacija zashhity i pooshhrenija prav i svobod cheloveka v Associacii gosudarstv Jugo-Vostochnoj Azii (ASEAN): Kommentarii k Polozheniju o Mezhpravitel'stvennoj Komissii po pravam cheloveka ASEAN // Moskovskij zhurnal mezhdunarodnogo prava. – 2010. – # 2.
3. Alisievich E.S. Reforma Evropejskogo suda po pravam cheloveka: novye puti reshenija staryh problem // Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. – 2011. – # 1 (14).
4. Alisievich E.S., Nikolaev A.M. Reforma Evropejskogo Suda po pravam cheloveka: slozhnyj put' k povysheniju jeffektivnosti kontrol'nogo mehanizma // Vestnik Rossijskogo universiteta druzhby narodov. – 2009. – # 5.
5. Regional'nye sistemy zashhity prav cheloveka: Ucheb. posob. /Otv. red. A.H.Abashidze. – M.: RUDN, 2012.
6. The African Regional Human Rights System. 30 Years after the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights / Ed. by Manisuli Ssenyonjo. –Martinus Nijhoff, 2011.
International law
Yastrebova A.Yu.
Yastrebova A.Yu.
Modern international legal approaches to the process of forced migration and their implementation in the doctrine and practice of the Russian Federation
The article examines some historical legal aspects of international regulation of migration, the assessment of basic intergovernmental documents on the forced displacement and the analysis of the Russian legislation to protect refugees and forced migrants and to provide political asylum in the Russian Federation.
The article examines some historical legal aspects of international regulation of migration, the assessment of basic intergovernmental documents on the forced displacement and the analysis of the Russian legislation to protect refugees and forced migrants and to provide political asylum in the Russian Federation.
Keywords: refugee, asylum-seeker, forced migrant, migration, international legal mechanisms of protection.
1. Doklad OON ob osushhestvlenii celej v oblasti razvitija, sformulirovannyh v Deklaracii tysjacheletija, za 2010 g. – N'ju-Jork, 2010.
1. Doklad OON ob osushhestvlenii celej v oblasti razvitija, sformulirovannyh v Deklaracii tysjacheletija, za 2010 g. – N'ju-Jork, 2010.
2. Gudvin-Gill G.S. Status bezhenca v mezhdunarodnom prave. – M.: JuNITI, 1997.
3. Konstitucija Rossijskoj Federacii: Doktrinal'nyj kommentarij (postatejnyj) / Pod red. Ju.A.Dmitrieva. – M.: Delovoj dvor, 2009.
4. Martens F.F. Sovremennoe mezhdunarodnoe pravo civilizovannyh narodov. – M., 1996. – T. 1.
5. Migracija vo vzaimosvjazannom mire: novye napravlenija dejatel'nosti: Doklad Global'noj komissii po mezhdunarodnoj migracii:Per. s angl. – M.: Orgservis, 2006.
6. Ozdoev M.D. Konstitucionno-pravovoj status vynuzhdennyh pereselencev i bezhencev v Rossijskoj Federacii: Dis. … kand.jurid. nauk. – M., 2004.
7. Pomoshh' bezhencam. Predstavljaem UVKB OON. – Zheneva, 2000.
8. Judina T.N. Migracija: Slovar' osnovnyh terminov. – M., 2007.
9. Chernichenko S.V. Teorija mezhdunarodnogo prava: V 2 t. – M.,1999. – T. 1.
10. Jastrebova A.Ju. Mezhdunarodno-pravovaja zashhita bezhencev:Dis.… kand. jurid. nauk. – M., 1991.
11. Migration in the Russian Federation: A Country Profile 2008. –IOM, Geneva, October 2008.
International law
Akoev M.М.
Akoev M.М.
The right to peace among the system of human rights of the third generation: specific features and content
The author considers the right to peace in the context of the third generation right, reveals the prevailing scientific views and his own position with respect to its features and content.
The author considers the right to peace in the context of the third generation right, reveals the prevailing scientific views and his own position with respect to its features and content.
Keywords: human rights, third generation of human rights, right to peace, protection of the right to peace.
1. Azarov A., Rojter V., Hjufner K. Prava cheloveka. Mezhdunarodnye i rossijskie mehanizmy zashhity. – M., 2003.
1. Azarov A., Rojter V., Hjufner K. Prava cheloveka. Mezhdunarodnye i rossijskie mehanizmy zashhity. – M., 2003.
2. Antonovich B.A., Antonovich E.K. Prava i svobody cheloveka i grazhdanina v sovremennom mire // Administrativnoe i municipal'noe pravo. – 2009. – # 10.
3. Bahin S.V. O klassifikacii prav cheloveka, provozglashennyh v mezhdunarodnyh soglashenijah // Pravovedenie. – 1991. – # 2.
4. Borozdina Ja.A. Klassifikacija prav i svobod cheloveka //Mezhdunarodnoe publichnoe i chastnoe pravo. – 2007. – # 6.
5. Varlamova N.V. Tret'e pokolenie prav cheloveka? // Rossijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. – 2011. – # 2.
6. Gluhareva L .I. Prava cheloveka v sovremennom mire (social'no-filosofskie osnovy i gosudarstvenno-pravovoe regulirovanie). –M., 2003.
7. Golovistikova A.N., Grudcyna L.Ju. Prava cheloveka. – M., 2006.
8. Zolotuhin S.V. K voprosu o koncepcii «tret'ego pokolenija prav cheloveka», ili «prav solidarnosti» // Sovetskij ezhegodnik mezhdunarodnogo prava 1989–1991 gg. – SPb., 1992.
9. Kalen R. Prava cheloveka: problemy ostajutsja // Prava cheloveka: nelegkaja bor'ba. Mnenija gosudarstvennyh dejatelej i uchenyh SShA. – M., 1997.
10. Lukasheva E.A. Prava cheloveka. – M., 2001.
11. Lukovskaja D.I. Klassifikacija prav i svobod cheloveka i grazhdanina // Istorija gosudarstva i prava. – 2007. – # 15.
12. Malevich Ju.I. Prava cheloveka v global'nom mire. – M., 2004.
13. Mamchenko N.V. Stanovlenie principa prezjumirovanija prav cheloveka: tri pokolenija // Juridicheskie nauki. – 2006. – # 4 (20).
14. Mjullerson R.A. Prava cheloveka: idei, normy, real'nost'. –M., 1991.
15. Obshhaja teorija prav cheloveka / Pod red. E.A.Lukashevoj. – M.,1996.
16. Polenina S.V. Prava zhenshhin v sisteme prav cheloveka: mezhdunarodnyj i nacional'nyj aspekt. – M., 2000.
17. Polenina S.V. Prava cheloveka i ih zashhita // Gosudarstvo i pravo. – 1996. – # 10.
18. Prava cheloveka i vooruzhennye konflikty: Uchebnik dlja vuzov / Red. V.A.Kartashkin. – M., 2001.
19. Prava cheloveka: Ucheb. / Pod red. E.A.Lukashevoj. – M., 2009.
20. Teorija i praktika zashhity prav cheloveka. – M., 2004.
21. Tuzmuhamedov R.A. Prava i svobody narodov po mezhdunarodnomu pravu // Rossijskij ezhegodnik mezhdunarodnogo prava. 1993–94. – SPb., 1995.
22. Umnova I.A.Pravo mira. – M.: JeKSMO, 2010.
23. Umnova I.A. Pravo na mir: voprosy teorii i pravovogo regulirovanija // Obshhepriznannye principy i normy mezhdunarodnogo prava i mezhdunarodnye dogovory v praktike konstitucionnogo pravosudija. – M.: MO, 2004.
24. Fomichenko M.P. Zashhita prav narodov v Rossijskoj Federacii. – M.: RGSU, 2005.
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26. Rich R. The Right to Development: A Right of Peoples? // The Rights of Peoples / Ed. by J.Crawford. – Oxford, 1988.
27. Vasak K. Human Rights: A Thirty-Year Struggle: the Sustained Efforts to Give Force of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights // UNESCO Courier, 1977. Nov.
28. Vasak K. Pour une troisieme generation des droits de l’homme // Studies and Essays on International Humanitarian Law and Red Cross Principles / Ed. by C.Swinarski. – Hague, 1984.
nternational law
Khalaphyan R.M.
nternational law
Khalaphyan R.M.
Conception of international «soft law» in international legal doctrine
Absence of validity allows to combine diverse international non-legal (recommendatory and political) norms within the concept of «soft law». The comparative legal analysis of international legal and «soft law» norms facilitates more detailed explanation of «soft law» features. At the same time, reference to the reflection of international non-binding norms in various forms, taking into account of their action`s peculiarities allows to draw more accurate distinction between them. Thus the identification between legal obligations and nonlegal commitments is completely excluded.
Absence of validity allows to combine diverse international non-legal (recommendatory and political) norms within the concept of «soft law». The comparative legal analysis of international legal and «soft law» norms facilitates more detailed explanation of «soft law» features. At the same time, reference to the reflection of international non-binding norms in various forms, taking into account of their action`s peculiarities allows to draw more accurate distinction between them. Thus the identification between legal obligations and nonlegal commitments is completely excluded.
Keywords: international «soft law», non-binding norms, international treaties, «model law», decisions of the International Court of Justice, documents of the UN International Law Commission.
1. Abashidze A.H., Solncev A.M. Kamo grjadeshi... K 60-letiju dejatel'nosti Komissii mezhdunarodnogo prava OON // Moskovskij zhurnal mezhdunarodnogo prava. – 2009. – # 1.
1. Abashidze A.H., Solncev A.M. Kamo grjadeshi... K 60-letiju dejatel'nosti Komissii mezhdunarodnogo prava OON // Moskovskij zhurnal mezhdunarodnogo prava. – 2009. – # 1.
2. Bahin S.V. Subpravo (mezhdunarodnye svody unificirovannogo kontraktnogo prava). – SPb.: Jurid. centr Press, 2002.
3. Bahin S.V. Mezhdunarodnaja sostavljajushhaja pravovoj sistemy Rossii // Pravovedenie. – 2007. – # 6; 2008. – # 1.
4. Bezborodov Ju.S. Mezhdunarodnye model'nye normy. – M.:Volters Kluver, 2008.
5. Velizhanina M.Ju. «Mjagkoe pravo»: ego sushhnost' i rol' v regulirovanii mezhdunarodnyh otnoshenij: Dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. –M., 2007.
6. Vel'jaminov G.M. Pravovoe regulirovanie mezhdunarodnoj torgovli. Opyt JuNKTAD. – M.: Mezhdunar. otnoshenija, 1972.
7. Vlasov D.N. Pravovaja pozicija Mezhdunarodnogo Suda OON: ponjatie, priroda i varianty projavlenija: Dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. –Ekaterinburg, 2006.
8. Dogovor o nerasprostranenii jadernogo oruzhija ot 1 ijulja 1968 // Dejstvujushhee mezhdunarodnoe pravo. Dokumenty: Ucheb. posob.: V 2 t. – T. 1 / Sost.: Ju.M.Kolosov, Je.S.Krivchikova. – M.: Mezhdunarodnye otnoshenija, Jurajt, 2007.
9. Zimnenko B.L. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo i pravovaja sistema Rossijskoj Federacii. – M.: RAP; Statut, 2006.
10. Lukashuk I.I. Mezhdunarodnye politicheskie normy v uslovijah razrjadki naprjazhennosti // Sovetskoe gosudarstvo i pravo. – 1976. –# 8.
11. Lukashuk I.I. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo v sudah gosudarstv. –SPb.: SKF «Rossija-Neva», 1993.
12. Lukashuk I.I. Normy mezhdunarodnogo prava v pravovoj sisteme Rossii: Ucheb.-praktich. posob. – M.: Spark, 1997.
13. Lukashuk I.I. Normy mezhdunarodnogo prava v mezhdunarodnoj normativnoj sisteme. – M.: Spark, 1997.
14. Marochkin S.Ju. Dejstvie i realizacija norm mezhdunarodnogo prava v pravovoj sisteme Rossijskoj Federacii: Monografija. – M.:Norma – Infra-M, 2011.
15. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo: Uchebnik / Otv. red. G.V.Ignatenko, O.I.Tiunov. – 5-e izd., pererab. i dop. – M.: Norma – Infra-M, 2010.
16. Talalaev A.N. Juridicheskaja priroda mezhdunarodnogo dogovora. – M.: Izd-vo IMO, 1963.
17. Shatunovskij S.V. Organizacionno-pravovoj mehanizm razvitija mezhdunarodnogo prava // Moskovskij zhurnal mezhdunarodnogo prava. – 1997. – # 2.
18. Baxter R.R. International law in «her infinite variety» // The international and comparative law quarterly. – 1980. – Vol. 29. – # 4.
19. Fitzmaurice M., Elias O. Contemporary issues in the law of treaties.– Utrecht: Eleven International Publishing, 2005.
20. Gabriel H.D. The advantages of soft law in international commercial law: the role of UNIDROIT, UNCITRAl, and the Hague conference //Brooklyn journal of international law. – 2009. – Vol. 34. – # 3.
21. Guzman A.T. and Meyer T.L. International common law: the soft law of international tribunals // Chicago journal of international law. –2009. – Vol. 9. – # 2.
22. Henkin L. Resolutions of international organizations in American courts // Essays on the development of the international legal order: in memory of Haro F. van Panhuys / Ed. by F.Kalshoven, P.J.Kuyper, J.G.Lammers. – Alphen aan den Rijn/Rockville: Sijthoff & Noordhoff, 1980.
23. Hoof G.J.H. Rethinking the sources of international law. – Deventer:Kluwer Law and Taxation Publishers, 1983.
24. Kaufmann-Kohler G. Soft law in international arbitration: codification and normativity // Journal of international dispute settlement. – 2010. –Vol. 1. – Issue 2.
25. Kunig P. Relevance of resolutions and declarations of international organizations for municipal law // International law and municipal law: proceedings of the German-Soviet Colloquy on Internat. Law at the Inst. für Internat. Recht an d. Univ. Kiel, 4 to 8 May 1987 / Ed. by Grigory I. Tunkin, Rüdiger Wolfrum. – Berlin: Duncker u. Humblot, 1988.
26. Malanczuk P. Akehurst`s Modern Introduction to International law. – Seventh revised edition. – London and New York, Routledge, 1997.
27. Neuhold H. Variations on the theme of «soft international law» // International law between universalism and fragmentation: festschrift in honour of Gerhard Hafner / Ed. by Isabelle Buffard et. al. – Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2008.
28. Schreuer Ch. The relevance of United Nations decisions in domestic litigation // International and comparative law quarterly. – 1978. –Vol. 27. – # 1.
29. Skubiszewski K. Recommendations of the United Nations and Municipal Courts // British yearbook of international law. 1972–73. – London:Oxford University Press, 1975. – Vol. 46.
30. Szasz P.C. General law-making processes // The United Nations and international law / Ed. by Christopher C.Joyner. – Cambridge, New York, Melbourne: Cambridge University Press, 1997.
31. Thirlway H. The law and procedure of the International Court of Justice 1960–1989 (part four) // British yearbook of international law. 1992. –New York: Oxford University Press, 1993. – Vol. 63.
32. Tomuschat C. International law: ensuring the survival of mankind on the eve of a new century // Recueil des cours: Hague Academy of International Law. 1999. – Maubeuge: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2001. – Vol. 281.
International law
Adu Y.N.
Adu Y.N.
Importance of international organs as guarantors in the field of human rights defense
The article deals with the importance of international organs in the field of defense of human rights in order to avoid arbitrary acts of states inside the countries. These organs help physical persons to reach justice and act as guarantors in the field of human rights defense.
The article deals with the importance of international organs in the field of defense of human rights in order to avoid arbitrary acts of states inside the countries. These organs help physical persons to reach justice and act as guarantors in the field of human rights defense.
Keywords: international organs, human rights defense, arbitrary act, justice, guaranty, state.
1. Kartashkin V.A. Prava cheloveka: mezhdunarodnaja zashhita v uslovijah globalizacii. – M.: Norma, 2009.
2. Regional'nye sistemy zashhity prav cheloveka: Ucheb. posob. /Otv. red. A.H.Abashidze. – M.: RUDN, 2012.
International law
Izhikov M.Yu.
Izhikov M.Yu.
A problem of «horizontal» application of international human rights law provisions
This article is devoted to «horizontal» effect of norms of international human rights law. The author highlights a definition of such norms, forms of their intermediate application and horizontal relations. The article contains a review of international and domestic sources of horizontal understanding of human rights, which includes special rules worked out by the UN Commission on Human Rights. The author attempts to provide his own vision with respect to horizontal human rights theory.
This article is devoted to «horizontal» effect of norms of international human rights law. The author highlights a definition of such norms, forms of their intermediate application and horizontal relations. The article contains a review of international and domestic sources of horizontal understanding of human rights, which includes special rules worked out by the UN Commission on Human Rights. The author attempts to provide his own vision with respect to horizontal human rights theory.
Keywords: international human rights law, horizontal rights, horizontal relations, direct application of international law.
1. Corrin Jennifer. From Horizontal and Vertical to Lateral: Extending the Effect of Human Rights in Post Colonial Legal Systems of the South Pacific. Queensland, 2008 //
1. Corrin Jennifer. From Horizontal and Vertical to Lateral: Extending the Effect of Human Rights in Post Colonial Legal Systems of the South Pacific. Queensland, 2008 //
2. Kay Richard. The European Convention on Human Rights and the Control of Private Law // European Human Rights Law Review. –Knox John. Horizontal Human Rights Law. Winston-Salem, 2007 //
3. Leigh Ian. Horizontal Rights, the Human Rights Act and Privacy: Lessons from the Commonwealth? // International and Comparative law quarterly. – Volume 48 / Issue 01.
History of State and Law
Andreeva L.S.
Historical and legal aspects of implementation of parental rights
The article analyzes the history of formating of the institute of implementation of parental rights and responsibilities. The author considers parental right to raise their children as a measure of constitutionally permissible conduct and supposes multiple aspects of interpretation of the Article 38
The article analyzes the history of formating of the institute of implementation of parental rights and responsibilities. The author considers parental right to raise their children as a measure of constitutionally permissible conduct and supposes multiple aspects of interpretation of the Article 38
of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.
Keywords: rights and duties of parents, institute of parental authority, equal rights of parents, education, family life of ancient people, implementation of parental rights in Russia.
1. Antokol'skaja M.V. Semejnoe pravo. – M.: Jurist, 2002.
1. Antokol'skaja M.V. Semejnoe pravo. – M.: Jurist, 2002.
2. Gojhbarg A.G. Brachnoe, semejnoe i opekunskoe pravo sovetskoj respubliki. – M., 1920.
3. Grafskij V.G. Vseobshhaja istorija prava i gosudarstva: Uchebnik dlja vuzov. – M.: NORMA, 2007.
4. Ershova N.M. Pravovye voprosy vospitanija detej v sem'e. –M., 1971.
5. Osipjan B.A. Processy vzaimodejstvija obychaja i prava // Sovremennoe pravo. – 2006. – # 4.
6. Pergament A.I. Roditel'skie prava // Sovetskaja justicija. –1982. – # 21.
7. Posse E.A. Pravovoe regulirovanie neimushhestvennyh otnoshenij po sovetskomu semejnomu pravu: Avtoref. dis. … kand. jurid.nauk. – L., 1953.
8. Tarusina N.N. Semejnoe pravo. – M., 2001.
9. Sherstneva N.S. Principy semejnogo prava, obespechivajushhie prava i interesy nesovershennoletnih detej. – Tver', 2003.
History of State and Law
Miloserdova L.F.
Judicial reform of 1864 as a step in the process of democratization of Russia’s legal system
The article discusses the role of judicial reform of 1864 in democratization of judicial system of the Russian Empire. The essence of the concept of «democratization» in relation to the judicial system is disclosed.
The article discusses the role of judicial reform of 1864 in democratization of judicial system of the Russian Empire. The essence of the concept of «democratization» in relation to the judicial system is disclosed.
Keywords: democratization, judicial system reform, magistrate, jury.
1. Efremova N.N. Pravovoe obshhenie i pravosudie kak kategorii jurisprudencii: problemy teorii i istorii // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. – 2011 – # 7.
2. Kostin S.P. Grazhdansko-processual'noe zakonodatel'stvo Rossijskoj imperii (vtoraja polovina HIH veka). – M.: Knigodel, 2009.
3. Minnikes I.V. Struktura kursa istorii otechestvennogo gosudarstva i prava: problemy prepodavanija // Pravovedenie. – 2010. –# 6.
4. Pashencev D.A. Rol' religii v formirovanii rossijskoj pravovoj tradicii // Pravovedenie. – 2010. – # 6.
5. Pobedonoscev K.P. Sochinenija. – SPb.: Nauka, 1996.
6. Uortman R. Vlastiteli i sudii. Razvitie pravovogo soznanija v imperatorskoj Rossii. – M., 2004.
7. Shheglovitov I.G. K sorokaletiju sudebnyh ustavov 20 nojabrja 1864 g. //Vestnik prava. – 1904. – # 9.
History of State and Law
Tumanov D.Yu.
Tumanov D.Yu.
Development of the system of constitutional rights and freedoms of citizens in the Soviet state
The article is devoted to analysis of the essence of constitutions of the Soviet state from the point of view of development of the system of rights and freedoms of citizens, starting from the Constitution
The article is devoted to analysis of the essence of constitutions of the Soviet state from the point of view of development of the system of rights and freedoms of citizens, starting from the Constitution
of RSFSR of 1918 and finishing the Constitution of the USSR of 1977. The ideological basis of the Soviet constitutions in the quality of which the Marxist-Leninist doctrine about class struggle was acting is characterized. Features of formation of the Soviet system of rights and freedoms are also mentioned.
Keywords: rights and freedoms of citizens, constitution, system of rights and freedoms, Soviet state, class approach.
1. Avak'jan S.A. Konstitucija Rossii: priroda, jevoljucija, sovremennost'. – M.: RJuID, 1997.
1. Avak'jan S.A. Konstitucija Rossii: priroda, jevoljucija, sovremennost'. – M.: RJuID, 1997.
2. Gosudarstvennoe pravo SSSR. – M.: Jurid. lit., 1967.
3. Zor'kin V.D. Rossija i Konstitucija v HH I veke. Vzgljad s Il'inki. – M.: Norma, 2007.
4. Konstitucija SSSR: Politiko-pravovoj kommentarij / A.E.Bovin i dr.; obshh. red. i vved. B.N.Ponomareva. – M.: Politizdat, 1982.
5. Lepeshkin A.I. Kurs sovetskogo gosudarstvennogo prava. –T. 1. – M.: Gosjurizdat, 1961.
6. Pravo i kommunizm / Pod red. D.A.Kerimova. – M.: Jurid. lit.,1965.
7. Topornin B.N. Konstitucionnaja reforma v SSSR: predposylki i osnovnye napravlenija // Konstitucionnaja reforma v SSSR:aktual'nye problemy: Sbornik statej / AN SSSR, Int gosudarstva i prava; redkol.: E.K.Glushko i dr. – M.: IGPAN, 1990.
8. Farber I.E. Svoboda i prava cheloveka v Sovetskom gosudarstve. – Saratov: Izd-vo Sarat. un-ta, 1974.
Philosophy of Law
Galiev F.Kh.
Parameters of legal culture in figures
The article shows public opinion poll results which reflect the general state of specific legal culture of modern society.
The article shows public opinion poll results which reflect the general state of specific legal culture of modern society.
Keywords: legal culture, legal relations, legal consciousness, social regulation.
1. Galiev F.H. Pravovaja kul'tura i obshhestvennoe mnenie / F.H.Galiev, S.A.Larceva, R.R.Japparova. – Ufa: DizajnPoligrafServis, 2011.
Constitutional law
Grudtsina L.Yu.
Economic basis of interaction of middle class and civil society
In the article basic aspects of interaction of middle class and civil society are considered.
In the article basic aspects of interaction of middle class and civil society are considered.
Keywords: economic relations, middle class, civil society.
1. Abdulatipov R.G. Nacional'nyj vopros i gosudarstvennoe ustrojstvo Rossii. – M.: Slavjanskij dialog, 2000.
2. Afanas'ev V.G. Obshhestvo: sistemnost', poznanie i upravlenie. – M.: Politizdat, 1981.
3. Gegel' G.V.F. Filosofija prava. – M., 1990.
4. Dzodziev V. Problema stanovlenija demokraticheskogo gosudarstva v Rossii. – M., 1996.
5. Marks K. K evrejskomu voprosu // Marks K., Jengel's F. Soch. –T. 1.
6. Marks K. Jekonomichesko-filosofskie rukopisi 1844 goda i drugie rannie filosofskie raboty. – M.: Akademicheskij Proekt, 2010.
7. Shibutani T. Social'naja psihologija. – M.: Progress. 1969.
8. Jadov V.A. Social'nye i social'no-psihologicheskie mehanizmy formirovanija social'noj identichnosti lichnosti // Mir Rossii. – 1995. – # 3–4.
Constitutional law
Mikheeva T.N.
Mikheeva T.N.
Peculiarities of contemporary institution of local selfgovernment in the Russian Federation
In the article the institute of local selfgovernment is explored as an independent level of public authority in Russia. Shown are its similarities and differences with the state power.
In the article the institute of local selfgovernment is explored as an independent level of public authority in Russia. Shown are its similarities and differences with the state power.
Keywords: local government, state power, public authority, municipality, nation.
1. Knjazev S.D. Mestnoe samoupravlenie v Rossijskoj Federacii: konstitucionnaja priroda i znachenie dlja municipal'nogo prava // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. – 2008. – # 6.
2. Laborakina M.I. Problemy i perspektivy mestnogo samoupravlenija: nezavisimaja jekspertiza reformy. – M., 2003.
3. Pravovoe obespechenie mestnogo samoupravlenija. Sfera vedenija predstavitel'nogo organa municipal'nogo obrazovanija: Ucheb.posob. / Pod red. M.A.Jakutovoj. – M.: ANH, 2007.
4. Solov'ev S.G. Municipal'no-vlastnye instituty v mestnom samoupravlenii Rossijskoj Federacii. – SPb.,2003.
5. Habrieva T.Ja. Municipal'naja reforma v pravovom izmerenii // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. – 2005. – # 3.
6. Chirkin V.E. Territorial'nyj publichnyj kollektiv i vlast' naroda // Grazhdanin i pravo. – 2006. – # 5.
7. Jaroshenko A.A. Mestnoe samoupravlenie v sisteme vlasti v gosudarstve // Gosudarstvennaja vlast' i mestnoe samoupravlenie. –2002. – # 4.
Constitutional law
Omarov S.M.
Omarov S.M.
Federal Assembly and Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation in the separation of powers system
In the article the author analyses theoretical issues of the constitutional concept of separation of powers. He investigates: the separation of power authorizations between different branches of government and balancing an eqilibrium; a position of Federal Assembly and Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation in the separation of powers system; securing of the concept of separation of powers and monitoring of compliance with it by all authorities. The author defines the concept of separation of powers in relation to Constitutional Court decisions.
In the article the author analyses theoretical issues of the constitutional concept of separation of powers. He investigates: the separation of power authorizations between different branches of government and balancing an eqilibrium; a position of Federal Assembly and Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation in the separation of powers system; securing of the concept of separation of powers and monitoring of compliance with it by all authorities. The author defines the concept of separation of powers in relation to Constitutional Court decisions.
Analysing issues stated above, the author concludes Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation have defined legal propositions relating to problem solving in developing state legal relations and rise of the government authority.
Keywords: Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, concept of separation of powers, court decisions, legal proposition of Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation.
1. Aristotel'. Politika. Soch.: V 4 t. – M., 1984. – T. 4.
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3. Kuris Je. Doktrina razdelenija vlastej v praktike Konstitucionnogo Suda Litvy // Konstitucionnyj Sud kak garant razdelenija vlastej: Sbornik dokladov. – M., 2004.
4. Lokk Dzh. O gosudarstvennom pravlenii // Izbr. filos. proizvedenija: V 2 t. – M., 1960. – T. 2.
5. Mazurkevich M. Konstitucionnyj Tribunal i ego rol' v ocenke konstitucionnosti dejatel'nosti zakonodatel'nyh organov Pol'shi // Konstitucionnyj Sud kak garant razdelenija vlastej: Sbornik dokladov. – M., 2004.
6. Razdelenie vlastej i parlamentarizm / Institut gosudarstva i prava RAN. – M., 1992.
7. Socialisticheskoe pravovoe gosudarstvo: koncepcija i puti realizacii. – M., 1990.
Constitutional law
Hozeeva A.V.
Hozeeva A.V.
Some theoretic aspects connected with declaration of independence of states
The article analyses issues, which are connected with declaration of independence of states and recognition by other states. Different approaches to the definition of «unrecognized states» and the correlation of the principles of territorial integrity and the peoples` right to self-determination are
The article analyses issues, which are connected with declaration of independence of states and recognition by other states. Different approaches to the definition of «unrecognized states» and the correlation of the principles of territorial integrity and the peoples` right to self-determination are
considered in the article.
Keywords: unrecognized states, self-declared states, territorial integrity, peoples` right to self-determination.
1. Gadzhiev F. Nezavisimost' de-fakto: Tureckaja Respublika Severnogo Kipra. – M.: REGNUM, 2008.
1. Gadzhiev F. Nezavisimost' de-fakto: Tureckaja Respublika Severnogo Kipra. – M.: REGNUM, 2008.
2. Dadajan D. Nepriznannye gosudarstva Zakavkaz'ja: mify i realii // Azija i Afrika segodnja. – 2006. – # 11.
3. Karapetjan M.L. Gosudarstvo, konflikty i prava narodov. –M.: Gumanitarij, 2009.
4. Nikolaev D.G. Fenomen nepriznannyh gosudarstv v mirovoj politike // Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta. – 2010. – # 1. – (Serija 25. Mezhdunarodnye otnoshenija i mirovaja politika).
5. Reshetov A.Ju. Pravo na samoopredelenie i otdelenie // Moskovskij zhurnal mezhdunarodnogo prava. – 1994. – # 1.
6. Chernichenko S.V. Soderzhanie principa samoopredelenija narodov (sovremennaja interpretacija): Ucheb. posob. – M.: DA MID RF,
7. James Crawford. The creation of States in international law. –Oxford, 2007.
Constitutional law
Gazizova L.M.
Gazizova L.M.
On the correlation of terms «object of competence» and «object of own legal regulation» of subject of federation
The article discloses the results of investigation of terms correlation – «object of competence» and «object of own legal regulation» of the subject of federation.
The article discloses the results of investigation of terms correlation – «object of competence» and «object of own legal regulation» of the subject of federation.
Keywords: object of competence of subject of federation, object of own legal regulation of subject of federation, object of legal regulation of subject of federation, subject of federation.
1. Azmi D.M. Ob osnovanijah vydelenija otraslej prava // Advokat. – 2010. – # 7.
2. Aleksandrov N.G. Zakonnost' i pravootnoshenija v sovetskom obshhestve. – M.: Gosjurizdat, 1955.
3. Alekseev S.S. Voshozhdenie k pravu. Poiski i reshenija. – M.:Norma, 2001.
4. Arzhanov M.A. O principah postroenija sistemy sovetskogo socialisticheskogo prava // Sovetskoe gosudarstvo i pravo. – 1939. –# 3
5. Bratus' S.N. O predmete sovetskogo grazhdanskogo prava // Sovetskoe gosudarstvo i pravo. –1940. – # 1.
6. Dobrynin N.M. K voprosu o razgranichenii predmetov sovmestnogo vedenija Rossijskoj Federacii i ee sub"ektov // Gosudarstvo i pravo. – 2004. – # 5.
7. Dorzhiev Zh.B. Teorija gosudarstva i prava. – Ulan-Udje: Izd-vo VSGTU, 2005.
8. Karapetjan L.M. Federativnoe ustrojstvo Rossijskogo gosudarstva. – M.: NORMA, 2001.
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12. Lazarev B.M. Gosudarstvennoe upravlenie na jetape perestrojki. – M., 1988.
13. Litovkin V.N. Koncepcija razvitija zhilishhnogo zakonodatel'stva // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. – 2000. – # 5–6.
14. Lysenko V.N. Razvitie Federacii i Konstitucija Rossii (Konstitucionnye izmenenija kak nazrevshaja potrebnost' razvitija federativnyh otnoshenij) // Gosudarstvo i pravo. – 1997. – # 8.
15. Grazhdanskij process: Uchebnik / Pod red. A.G.Kovalenko, A.A.Mohova, P.M.Filippova. – M.: KONTRAKT: INFRA-M, 2008.
16. Marchenko M.N. Teorija gosudarstva i prava: Uchebnik. – 2-e izd., pererab. i dop. – M.: TK «Velbi»: Prospekt, 2004.
17. Marchenko R.A. Administrativno-pravovoj rezhim obespechenija tamozhennogo dela // Administrativnoe pravo i process. – 2009. –# 1.
18. Maslennikov M.Ja. Perspektivy formirovanija pravovoj otrasli «Rossijskoe administrativno-processual'noe pravo» // Administrativnyj process: teorija i praktika / Otv. red. A.S.Dugenec. – M.: NOU Shkola specpodgotovki «Vitjaz'u187 », 2008.
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20. Obshhaja teorija gosudarstva i prava / Pod red. V.V.Lazareva. – M.: Jurist', 2001.
21. Pavlov I.I. O sisteme sovetskogo socialisticheskogo prava // Sovetskoe gosudarstvo i pravo. – 1958. – # 11.
22. Popova A.V. Neoliberal'naja traktovka social'nyh prav i ih zakonodatel'noe zakreplenie v parlamentskoj dejatel'nosti nachala XX v. // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. – 2010. – # 4.
23. Purjaeva A.Ju. Chelovek v sisteme ob"ektov ohrany okruzhajushhej sredy // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. – 2007. – # 5.
24. Rajanov F.M. Problemy teorii gosudarstva i prava (Jurisprudencija): Ucheb. kurs. – M.: Pravo i gosudarstvo, 2003.
25. Svechnikova I.V. Avtorskoe pravo: Ucheb. posob. – M.: Dashkov i K, 2009.
26. Syryh V.M. Teorija gosudarstva i prava: Uchebnik dlja vuzov. – M.: Bylina, 1998.
27. Teoreticheskie voprosy sistematizacii sovetskogo zakonoda-tel'stva / Pod red. S.N.Bratusja, I.S.Samoshhenko. – M., 1962.
28. Tihomirov Ju.A. Teorija kompetencii. – M.: Izdanie g-na Tihomirova M.Ju., 2001.
29. Cherepanov V.A. Konstitucionno-pravovye osnovy razdelenija gosudarstvennoj vlasti mezhdu Rossijskoj Federaciej i ee sub"ektami: Monografija. – M.: MZ-PRESS, 2003.
30. Chernjakov I.V. Porjadok obzhalovanija reshenij, dejstvij (bezdejstvija) tamozhennyh organov i ih dolzhnostnyh lic // Tamozhennoe delo. – 2010. – # 1.
Constitutional law
Zuban I.A.
Zuban I.A.
The Constituent Assembly and its role in formation of a republican form of government in Russia
The article describes features of preparation and convening of the Constituent Assembly in Russia after deposition of the autocracy. The causes of dissolution of the Constituent Assembly are discovered.
The article describes features of preparation and convening of the Constituent Assembly in Russia after deposition of the autocracy. The causes of dissolution of the Constituent Assembly are discovered.
Keywords: constitutionalism, Constituent Assembly, elections, electoral law, political parties.
1. Avak'jan C.A. Konstitucija Rossii: priroda, jevoljucija, sovremennost'. – M.: RJuID, 1997.
2. Znamenskij O.K. Vserossijskoe Uchreditel'noe sobranie:istorija sozyva i politicheskoe krushenie. – L.: Nauka, 1976.
3. Lenin V.I. Proletarskaja revoljucija i renegat Kautskij //Poln. sobr. soch. – T. 37.
4. Pashencev D.A. Istorija gosudarstva i prava Rossii. – M.: Jeksmo, 2010.
5. Razgon A.I. VCIK Sovetov v pervye mesjacy diktatury proletariata. – M.: Nauka, 1977.
6. Skripilev E.A. Vserossijskoe Uchreditel'noe sobranie. Istoriko-pravovoe issledovanie. – M.: Nauka, 1982.
Civil law
Sinelnikova V.N., Dudurgov R.M.
Legal framework of selection achievements in the light of modernization of Russian civil law
The article deals with theoretical and practical aspects of creation and use of selection achievements
The article deals with theoretical and practical aspects of creation and use of selection achievements
as intellectual property, which, according to the authors, need to be improved.
Keywords: breeding, achievements, new variety, new breed, introduction, result of intellectual activity.
1. Antimonov B.S., Flejshic E.A. Izobretatel'skoe pravo. – M.,1960.
2. Baru M.I. Ohrana prav avtorov, izobretatelej, racionalizatorov. – Kiev: Vishha shkola, 1984.
3. Gavrilov K.M. Sroki dejstvija iskljuchitel'nyh prav: Avtoref. dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. – M., 2011.
4. Gavrilov Je.P. O lichnyh neimushhestvennyh pravah izobretatelej i racionalizatorov // Voprosy izobretatel'stva. – 1979. – # 3.
5. Gavrilov Je.P. O pravovoj ohrane selekcionnyh dostizhenij //Hozjajstvo i pravo. – 2011. – # 1.
6. Gavrilov Je.P., Gorodov O.A., Grishaev S.P. Kommentarij k Grazhdanskomu kodeksu Rossijskoj Federacii (postatejnyj). – Chast' chetvertaja. – M.: Prospekt, 2009.
7. Dudurgov R.M. Selekcionnye dostizhenija kak ob"ekt intellektual'noj sobstvennosti v Rossijskoj Federacii: Dis. ... kand.jurid. nauk. – M., 2007.
8. Ioffe O.S. Osnovy avtorskogo prava. – M.: Znanie, 1969.
9. Kaljatin V.O. Intellektual'naja sobstvennost' (iskljuchitel'nye prava): Ucheb. dlja vuzov. – M., 2000.
10. Lebedev V.Ju. Problemy pravovoj ohrany selekcionnyh dostizhenij v Respublike Moldova: Avtoref. dis. ... d-ra jurid. nauk. –SPb., 2001.
11. Levchenko V.I. Pravovaja ohrana selekcionnyh dostizhenij. –M.: Nauka, 1983.
12. Mamiofa Je.P. Ohrana prav izobretatelej i racionalizatorov. – L.: Lenizdat, 1982.
13. Namengenov K.N. Absoljutnye i otnositel'nye izobretatel'skie pravootnoshenija. – Alma-Ata: Nauka, 1978.
14. Rassohin V.P. Izobretatel'skoe pravo dlja izobretatelej. –M.: Moskovskij rabochij, 1974.
15. Sergeev A.P. Pravo intellektual'noj sobstvennosti v Rossijskoj Federacii. – M.: 1996.
16. Sergeev V.M. Pravo na imja i special'noe nazvanie. – L.: Lenizdat, 1983.
17. Sinel'nikova V.N. Problemy selekcionnogo zakonodatel'stva. – M.: Izd-vo MSHA, 1991.
18. Tret'jakova V.G. Osobennosti izobretatel'skoj raboty v sel'skom hozjajstve. – Kiev: Znanie, 1983.
19. Shevernozhuk R. Nuzhny li Rossii lesnaja genetika i selekcija? // Rossijskaja lesnaja gazeta. – 2007. – 4 ijunja.
Civil law
Verdiyan G.V.
Principle of good faith as one of limits of realization of civil rights
In modern civil law the concept of good faith is investigated, as a rule, in connection with consideration of separate civil legal relationship. There is a number of civil legal relations where value of good faith wasn’t investigated properly, for example, in obligations owing to superficial enrichment or in relations by recognition of transactions void.
In modern civil law the concept of good faith is investigated, as a rule, in connection with consideration of separate civil legal relationship. There is a number of civil legal relations where value of good faith wasn’t investigated properly, for example, in obligations owing to superficial enrichment or in relations by recognition of transactions void.
Keywords: good faith, civil law principle, justice, rationality, Civil Code, diligent purchaser, possession, property.
1. Baron Ju. Sistema rimskogo grazhdanskogo prava. – Kn. 5. –3-e izd. – SPb., 2010.
1. Baron Ju. Sistema rimskogo grazhdanskogo prava. – Kn. 5. –3-e izd. – SPb., 2010.
2. Bogdanov E.V. Kategorija «dobrosovestnosti» v grazhdanskom prave // Rossijskaja justicija. – 1999. – # 9.
3. Garajmovich D.A. Ocenochnye ponjatija v sovremennom grazhdanskom prave // Civilisticheskie zapiski: Mezhvuzovskij sbornik nauchnyh trudov. – M.: Statut, 2001.
4. Dormidontov G.O. Sistema rimskogo prava. Veshhnoe pravo. –Kazan', 1913.
5. Drozdova T.Ju. Dobrosovestnost' v rossijskom grazhdanskom prave: Dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. – Irkutsk, 2004.
6. Zelenskaja L.A. Institut priobretatel'noj davnosti v grazhdanskom prave: Dis. ... kand. jurid. nauk. – Krasnodar, 2002.
7. Krasnova S.A. Opredelenie ponjatija «dobrosovestnost'» v rossijskom grazhdanskom prave // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. – 2003. –# 3.
8. Novickij I.B. Princip dobroj sovesti v proekte objazatel'stvennogo prava // Vestnik grazhdanskogo prava. – 1916. – # 6.
9. Pokrovskij I. A. Osnovnye problemy grazhdanskogo prava. –M., 2009.
10. Poljanskaja G.N., Sapir R.D. Eshhe raz o sootnoshenii ob"ektivnogo i sub"ektivnogo v prave // Pravovedenie. – 1972. – # 4.
11. Popovich L.V. Opravdanie davnosti i davnost' vladenija v drevnerimskom grazhdanskom prave. – Varshava, 2011.
12. Sanfilippo Chezare. Kurs rimskogo chastnogo prava: Uchebnik /Pod red. D.V.Dozhdeva. – M., 2002.
13. Chiladzh K.F. Uchebnik Institucij rimskogo prava / Per.O.K.Gaveman. – M., 1901.
14. Shagova V.V. Titul'noe vladenie po rossijskomu grazhdanskomu pravu: Dis. ... kand. jurid. nauk. – M., 2002.
Civil law
Burtseva A.A.
Burtseva A.A.
Non-commercial organizations: status and activity kinds
In the article actual questions of expansion of organizational and legal forms of non-commercial organizations and new kinds of their activity caused by perfection of system of civil legislation of the Russian Federation are considered.
In the article actual questions of expansion of organizational and legal forms of non-commercial organizations and new kinds of their activity caused by perfection of system of civil legislation of the Russian Federation are considered.
Keywords: non-commercial organizations, social business, non-commercial partnership, institutions, consumer cooperative societies.
1. Golovnev M.N. Uchenicheskij dogovor v sisteme okazanija grazhdansko-pravovyh uslug: Dis. ... kand. jurid. nauk. – M., 2011.
1. Golovnev M.N. Uchenicheskij dogovor v sisteme okazanija grazhdansko-pravovyh uslug: Dis. ... kand. jurid. nauk. – M., 2011.
2. Grazhdanskoe pravo: Uchebnik: V 3 t. – T. 1. / E.N.Abramova i dr.;pod red. A.P.Sergeeva. – M.: RG Press, 2010.
3. Kozhevnikov O.A., Zaharova N.A. Kommentarij k Federal'nomu zakonu ot 12 janvarja 1996 g. # 7-FZ «O nekommercheskih organizacijah» // Sistema GARANT, 2011 g.
4. Social'noe predprinimatel'stvo v Rossii i v mire: praktika i issledovanija / Otv. red. A.A.Moskovskaja. – M.: Vysshaja shkola jekonomiki, 2011.
5. Trachuk O.V. Grazhdansko-pravovoe regulirovanie prinosjashhej dohod dejatel'nosti obrazovatel'nogo uchrezhdenija: Avtoref. dis. ...kand. jurid. nauk. – M., 2012.
Civil law
Trubina M.V.
Trubina M.V.
Legislation on affiliated persons as an element of legal mechanism for protection of economic subjects
Corruption is a major problem in Russia. Using the relations of affiliation in economic activity damages interests of subjects of economy and country as a whole. The article deals with the problems of legal regulation of the category of «affiliate» and suggests some solutions to these problems.
Corruption is a major problem in Russia. Using the relations of affiliation in economic activity damages interests of subjects of economy and country as a whole. The article deals with the problems of legal regulation of the category of «affiliate» and suggests some solutions to these problems.
Keywords: legislation, business management, affiliates
Family law
Purge A.R.
Legal problems of paternity in Russia
This article is addressed to the issues of paternity in the Russian Federation. The article gives the concept of paternity and characterizes the order of establishment of paternity. Special attention is paid to problem aspects of determination of paternity and proposals to overcome them.
This article is addressed to the issues of paternity in the Russian Federation. The article gives the concept of paternity and characterizes the order of establishment of paternity. Special attention is paid to problem aspects of determination of paternity and proposals to overcome them.
Keywords: fatherhood, motherhood, voluntary procedure for establishing paternity, filiation, presumption of partenity.
1. Bespalov Ju. Razbiratel'stvo del ob ustanovlenii otcovstva //Rossijskaja justicija. – 2000. – # 6.
1. Bespalov Ju. Razbiratel'stvo del ob ustanovlenii otcovstva //Rossijskaja justicija. – 2000. – # 6.
2. Makarenko G.N. Pravovoe regulirovanie otnoshenij ustanovlenija otcovstva i materinstva //
3. Hudjakova O.Ju. Ustanovlenie proishozhdenija detej po zakonodatel'stvu RF i SShA: sravnitel'noe issledovanie: Avtoref. dis. …kand. jurid. nauk. – M., 2009.
Educational law
Dolgov K.A., Dolgov A.P., Skrypnikov A.V.
On separate aspects of legal regulation of educational process
The article is devoted to analysis of separate positions of modern legislation on education. The authors compare the last years draft laws devoted to education system and pay attention to contradictions in them. Special attention is given to the new draft law «On Education».
The article is devoted to analysis of separate positions of modern legislation on education. The authors compare the last years draft laws devoted to education system and pay attention to contradictions in them. Special attention is given to the new draft law «On Education».
Keywords: law, educational standard, normative sample, federal state educational standard, basic (estimated) curriculum, estimated programs of training courses, basic general educational program.
1. Vengerov A.B. Teorija gosudarstva i prava. – M.: Norma, 2000.
1. Vengerov A.B. Teorija gosudarstva i prava. – M.: Norma, 2000.
2. Kaz'min I.F., Polenina S.V. Zakon o zakonah: problemy izdanija i soderzhanija // Sovetskoe gosudarstvo i pravo. – 1989. –# 12.
3. Lazarev V.V., Lipen' S.V. Teorija gosudarstva i prava: Uchebnik. – M., 1998.
4. Mihal'cova L.F. Sovremennye tendencii razvitija professional'nogo obrazovanija: Kollektivnaja monografija / A.D.Kopytov i dr. – Tomsk: Tomskij CNTI, 2009.
5. Nadeev R.K. Zakonotvorcheskie oshibki // Rossijskaja justicija. – 2001. – # 5.
6. Dolgov A.P. Social'naja pedagogika. Osnovy teorii i praktiki: Ucheb.-metod. posob. – Penza: PGTA, 2006.
7. Dolgov A.P., Skrypnikov A.V. Nastol'naja kniga rukovoditelja obrazovatel'nogo uchrezhdenija: Ucheb. posob. – Ch. 1–2. – M.: Novokuzneck: KuzGPA, 2006.
8. Skrypnikov A.V. Rossijskaja derevnja v gody novoj jekonomicheskoj politiki. – M.: Penza, 2006.
9. Pashencev D.A. Modernizacija i pravo v sovremennoj Rossii // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. – 2010. – # 11.
10. Senjakin I.N. Problemy specializacii i unifikacii rossijskogo zakonodatel'stva // Gosudarstvo i pravo. – 1993. – # 5.
11. Tihomirov Ju.A., Pigolkin A.S, Rahmanina T.N. Kak gotovit' zakony: Nauch.-praktich. posob. – M., 1993.
12. Terent'eva A. I. Obrazovatel'nyj process sovremennogo vuza kak resurs razvitija politicheskoj kul'tury studentov: Monografija. – SPb.: Lema, 2010.
Educational law
Galieva A.Z.
Galieva A.Z.
Tendencies of development of the regional legislation of the Republic of Bashkortostan about formation and ways of its perfection
In the article the basic tendencies of development of the regional legislation of the Republic of Bashkortostan about formation and a way of its perfection are considered.
In the article the basic tendencies of development of the regional legislation of the Republic of Bashkortostan about formation and a way of its perfection are considered.
Keywords: educational law, legislation of subjects of federation on formation, perfection of legislation on formation.
The article is dedicated to analysis of violation of order of accounting of the right on the securities as socially dangerous act. The research reveals problems of article 185.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. It extends the criminal law prohibition and punishment. Elimination of the identified problems will give viability to researched prohibition.
Keywords: order of accounting of the right on securities, maintenance of the registry, activity of depositories, social danger, crimes committed against the order of accounting of the right on securities, punishment.
Criminal Law and Criminology
Ryabova A.Yu.
Criminal law protection of rights registration to securities
The article is dedicated to analysis of violation of order of accounting of the right on the securities as socially dangerous act. The research reveals problems of article 185.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. It extends the criminal law prohibition and punishment. Elimination of the
The article is dedicated to analysis of violation of order of accounting of the right on the securities as socially dangerous act. The research reveals problems of article 185.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. It extends the criminal law prohibition and punishment. Elimination of the
identified problems will give viability to researched prohibition.
Keywords: order of accounting of the right on securities, maintenance of the registry, activity of depositories, social danger, crimes committed against the order of accounting of the right on securities, punishment.
1. Galkina V.I. Prestuplenija v sfere jemissii i obrashhenija cennyh bumag: Dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. – Rostov n/D, 2009.
1. Galkina V.I. Prestuplenija v sfere jemissii i obrashhenija cennyh bumag: Dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. – Rostov n/D, 2009.
2. Gracheva Ju.V., Esakov G.A., Knjaz'kina A.K. Kommentarij k Ugolovnomu kodeksu Rossijskoj Federacii (postatejnyj) / Pod red.G.A.Esakova. – M.: Prospekt, 2011.
3. Doklad o konceptual'nyh podhodah k mestu i roli depozitarnoj dejatel'nosti na sovremennom rynke cennyh bumag // Vestnik Banka Rossii. – 1997. – # 47.
4. Kommentarij k Kodeksu RF ob administrativnyh pravonarushenijah / Pod red. N.G.Salishhevoj. – M.: Prospekt, 2009.
5. Lopashenko N.A. Novye prestuplenija v otnoshenii ucheta prav na cennye bumagi // Sledovatel'. – 2010. – # 9 (149).
6. Luneev V.V. Prestupnost' HH veka: mirovye, regional'nye i rossijskie tendencii. – 2-e izd., pererab. i dop. – M.: Volters Kluver, 2005.
7. Rusanov G.A. Prestuplenija na rynke cennyh bumag. – M.: JuR-KOMPANI, 2011.
8. Talan M.V. Otvetstvennost' za prestuplenija na rynke cennyh bumag po ugolovnomu pravu Rossii // Uchenye zapiski Kazanskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. – 2010. – T. 152. – # 4. – (Gumanitarnye nauki).
9. Fedorov A.Ju. Sovershenstvovanie ugolovno-pravovogo mehanizma protivodejstvija nezakonnoj dopolnitel'noj jemissii akcij // Rossijskij sledovatel'. – 2010. – # 12.
10. Chuchaev A.I. Usilenie ugolovno-pravovoj ohrany rynka cennyh bumag // Ugolovnoe pravo. – 2010. – # 2.
Criminal Law and Criminology
Tamazov I.A.
Legal protection of housing rights from frauds perpetrated under the guise of rental housing
Maintenance of the housing rights of citizens should be carried out by various means of lawenforcement character, including criminally-legal measures. Most often these rights are broken at fulfillment swindle. The considerable number swindle, breaking the housing rights, occurs under the pretext of commercial hiring of premises.
Maintenance of the housing rights of citizens should be carried out by various means of lawenforcement character, including criminally-legal measures. Most often these rights are broken at fulfillment swindle. The considerable number swindle, breaking the housing rights, occurs under the pretext of commercial hiring of premises.
Keywords: housing rights, swindle, realtor activity, licensing.
Criminal Law and Criminology
Kharlamov V.S.
Prevalence in Russia of a brutal treatment of children in the light of family criminology
In the article the geography of prevalence in Russia of a brutal treatment of children is presented, the analysis of criminal statistics is given and judiciary practice is reflected.
In the article the geography of prevalence in Russia of a brutal treatment of children is presented, the analysis of criminal statistics is given and judiciary practice is reflected.
Keywords: criminal statistics, family relations, encroachment, victim, latent crime.
1. Brynceva G. 300 stranic boli. Detskij ombudsmen otchitalsja pered Prezidentom // Rossijskaja gazeta. – 2011. – 12 aprelja (# 5453(77)).
1. Brynceva G. 300 stranic boli. Detskij ombudsmen otchitalsja pered Prezidentom // Rossijskaja gazeta. – 2011. – 12 aprelja (# 5453(77)).
2. Vdovenkov V., Shirokov V. Neispolnenie objazannostej po vospitaniju nesovershennoletnego: kriminologicheskij analiz i predely ugolovnoj otvetstvennosti // Rossijskaja justicija. – 2003. – # 12.
3. Larkina E.V. Fakty prezhdevremennogo vozbuzhdenija ugolovnyh del i ih vlijanie na prekrashhenie ugolovnyh del // Informacionnyj bjulleten' GUVD po g. SPb i LO. – 2010. – # 4 (49).
4. Latentnaja prestupnost' v Rossijskoj Federacii: 2001–2006 /Pod red. S.M.Inshakova. – M.: NII problem ukreplenija zakonnosti i pravoporjadka pri General'noj prokurature RF, 2007.
5. Museibov A.G. Kvalifikacija i rassledovanie neispolnenija objazannostej po vospitaniju nesovershennoletnego (st. 156 UK RF):Metod. rek. – M.: VNII MVD Rossii, 2008.
6. Sharov. A. Pytochnaja dlja pasynka // Rossijskaja gazeta. – 2007. –22 ijunja.
Criminal Law and Criminology
Efimova M.P.
Efimova M.P.
Preventing violence in the sphere of family and household relations
Violent crimes committed in the sphere of family and household relations are the most frequently committed crimes. These crimes include murder, causing damage to health, beating, torture. Most of
Violent crimes committed in the sphere of family and household relations are the most frequently committed crimes. These crimes include murder, causing damage to health, beating, torture. Most of
these crimes are committed while alcohol intoxication.
Keywords: violence in the sphere of family and household relations, causing damage to health, beating, torture.
1. Kriminologija: Ucheb. posob. / G.I.Bogush i dr.; pod red.N.F.Kuznecovoj. – M.: Prospekt, 2008.
1. Kriminologija: Ucheb. posob. / G.I.Bogush i dr.; pod red.N.F.Kuznecovoj. – M.: Prospekt, 2008.
2. Serdjuk L.V. Nasilie: kriminologicheskoe i ugolovno-pravovoe issledovanie / Pod red. S.P.Shherby. – M.: Jurlitinform, 2002.
3. Gilinskij Ja. Kriminologija: Kurs lekcij. – SPb.: Piter, 2002.
Criminal process and Criminalistics
Amrakhov N.I.
Forensic expertise in investigating crimes against free will expression
The article treats some features of forensic expertise in cases involving the illegal obstruction of religious organizations and other violations of Russian Criminal Code (Art. 148).
The article treats some features of forensic expertise in cases involving the illegal obstruction of religious organizations and other violations of Russian Criminal Code (Art. 148).
Keywords: constitutional rights, obstruction of the activities of religious organizations, obstruction of journalists professional activities, forensic expertise.
1. Tihonravov Ju.V. Sudebnoe religiovedenie. – M.: Intel-Sintez, 1998.
1. Tihonravov Ju.V. Sudebnoe religiovedenie. – M.: Intel-Sintez, 1998.
2. Lapin E. Sudebno-religiovedcheskaja jekspertiza // Rossijskaja justicija. – 2001. – # 5.
3. Kommentarij k Ugolovnomu kodeksu Rossijskoj Federacii (postatejnyj) / Pod red. A.A.Chekalina, V.T.Tomina, V.V.Sverchkova. – 4-e izd., pererab. i dop. – M.: Jurajt-Izdat, 2007.
4. Panteleev B.N. Rol' jekspertov v obespechenii pravosudija po delam o presechenii jekstremizma i diskriminacii // Jekspert-kriminalist. – 2009. – # 1.
Criminal process and Criminalistics
Makarova N.Yu.
Makarova N.Yu.
The situation of fraud in low-rise building as a system formating element of criminalistic characteristics
The paper considers the situation of fraud in low-rise building. Information about the situation of fraud in low-rise building is one of the most important. This is sort of the pivotal information that cements the information on other elements of criminological characteristics and serves as a kind of a system formating start of its framework.
The paper considers the situation of fraud in low-rise building. Information about the situation of fraud in low-rise building is one of the most important. This is sort of the pivotal information that cements the information on other elements of criminological characteristics and serves as a kind of a system formating start of its framework.
Keywords: fraud, scope of low-rise building, criminalistic characteristic, Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
1. Annenkov S.I. Kriminalisticheskie sredstva i metody bor'by s hishhenijami gosudarstvennogo ili obshhestvennogo imushhestva, sovershennymi putem moshennichestva: Avtoref. dis. … kand. jurid.nauk. – Saratov, 1981.
2. Butyrin A.Ju. Sudebnaja stroitel'no-tehnicheskaja jekspertiza v rassledovanii neschastnyh sluchaev i avarij. – M., 2003.
3. Vasil'ev A.N., Jablokov N.P. Predmet, sistema i teoreticheskie osnovy kriminalistiki. – M.: Izd-vo Mosk. un-ta, 1984.
4. Larichev V.D. Kak uberech'sja ot moshennichestva v sfere biznesa: Praktich. posob. – M.: Jurist, 1996.
Administrative law
Yakovleva T.A.
About differentiation of administrative offences in the field of using of natural resources and in the field of environment protection
In the article the questions on differentiation of administrative offenses in the field of using of natural resources and in the field of environment protection are considered.
In the article the questions on differentiation of administrative offenses in the field of using of natural resources and in the field of environment protection are considered.
Keywords: administrative offences, using of natural resources, environment protection.
1. Bogoljubov S.A. Jekologicheskoe pravo: Uchebnik dlja vuzov. – M.:NORMA-INFRA M, 1999.
2. Brinchuk M.M. Jekologicheskoe pravo (pravo okruzhajushhej sredy): Uchebnik dlja vyssh. jurid. ucheb. zaved. – M.: Jurist", 2002.
3. Dubovik O.L. Jekologicheskie prestuplenija: Kommentarij k glave 26 Ugolovnogo kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii. – M.: Spark, 1998.
4. Dubovik O.L., Zhalinskij A.Je. Prichiny jekologicheskij prestuplenij. – M., 1988.
Public service
Minnigulova D.B.
Disciplinary responsibility of public civil servants in the Russian Federation: problems of regulation
The specific issues of the application of disciplinary responsibility to public civil servants are considered in the article. The specific of disciplinary responsibility of public civil servants is revealed. The structure of the disciplinary offense of the public civil servant is analyzed.
The specific issues of the application of disciplinary responsibility to public civil servants are considered in the article. The specific of disciplinary responsibility of public civil servants is revealed. The structure of the disciplinary offense of the public civil servant is analyzed.
Keywords: public civil servant, disciplinary responsibility of public civil servant, structure of the disciplinary offense.
1. Presnjakov M.V., Channov S.E. Disciplinarnaja otvetstvennost' grazhdanskih sluzhashhih: problemy normativnoj opredelennosti i spravedlivoj differenciacii // Trudovoe pravo. – 2009. – # 8–9.
1. Presnjakov M.V., Channov S.E. Disciplinarnaja otvetstvennost' grazhdanskih sluzhashhih: problemy normativnoj opredelennosti i spravedlivoj differenciacii // Trudovoe pravo. – 2009. – # 8–9.
2. Sergeev A.V. Aktual'nye voprosy otvetstvennosti gosudarstvennyh grazhdanskih sluzhashhih po administrativnomu pravu:Dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. – M., 2005.
3. Christensen J.G., Gregory R. Public personnel policies and personnel administration // The State at Work: Comparative Public Service Systems By Hans-Ulrich Derlien, B.Guy Peters Cheltenham, UK Northampton, MA, USA. – Publisher: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2009.
Judicial system
Burdina E.V.
Examination commissions as bodies of judicial community: problems of organization and operation
The article contains an analysis of legal status of new judicial community bodies in the mechanism
The article contains an analysis of legal status of new judicial community bodies in the mechanism
of formation of personnel of judiciary. ln this connection problematic aspects of organization of judicial bodies and their activities are denoted. This research work includes proposals relating to establishment of uniform standard of qualification of candidates for the position of judge and to methodological work of examination commisions.
Keywords: judicial authority, judicial community, judicial community bodies, examination commisions, qualification exam.
1. Ershov V.V. Dejatel'nost' jekzamenacionnyh komissij: voprosy teorii i praktiki // Rossijskoe pravosudie. – 2009. – # 12.
2. Lebedev V.M. Jekzamen pered dolzhnost'ju // Rossijskaja gazeta. – 2009. – 30 sentjabrja.
3. Maklakov V.V. Sudebnaja vlast' vo Francii: novoe zakonodatel'stvo. Perevod. – M.: INION RAN, 2007.
4. Modernizacija statusa sud'i: sovremennye mezhdunarodnye podhody / Otv. red. T.N.Neshataeva. – M.: Norma: INFRA-M, 2011.
5. Pankratov V.V. Kommentarij k Kodeksu sudejskoj jetiki. – M.:Novaja justicija, 2005.
6. Pejsikov V.V. Sud'ja v Rossii i za rubezhom: Monografija. – M.:Jelit, 2008.
7. Principy transgranichnogo grazhdanskogo processa / Per. s angl. E.A.Vinogradova, M.A.Filatova. – M.: Infotropik Media, 2011.
Eurasian advocacy
Ragulin A.V.
Regulation of professional rights of the lawyer-defender and their maintenance under the Turkmenistan Republic legislation
ln the article questions of regulation of the professional rights of the lawyer-defender and their maintenance under the Turkmenistan Republic legislation in comparison to the Russian criminallyremedial legislation and normative provisions of the Federal Law «About advocacy activity and advocacy in the Russian Federation» are considered.
ln the article questions of regulation of the professional rights of the lawyer-defender and their maintenance under the Turkmenistan Republic legislation in comparison to the Russian criminallyremedial legislation and normative provisions of the Federal Law «About advocacy activity and advocacy in the Russian Federation» are considered.
Keywords: legal profession, professional rights of the lawyer, protection of the rights of the lawyer.
Law enforcement practice
Trunov I.L.
«The value of human life»: economic and legal equivalent
In the article the definition problem of «the value of human life» in economic and legal aspect
In the article the definition problem of «the value of human life» in economic and legal aspect
is considered.
Keywords: compensation of moral harm, «value of human life», compensation of property harm.
1. Gorbunova N.A. Vlijanie transplantologii na razvitie ugolovnogo zakonodatel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii // Medicinskoe pravo. – 2008. – # 3.
2. Urlanis B.C. Problemy dinamiki naselenija SSSR. – M.: Nauka, 1974.
3. Chernilovskij Z.M., Sadikov V.N. Hrestomatija po vseobshhej istorii gosudarstva i prava. – 1996.
International scientific and practical law journal
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