Persona grata
Russia should develop on federal principles. Interview with the first President of the Republic of Bashkortostan M.G. Rakhimov
Eurasian Integration: Experience and problems
Mishalchenko Yu.V., Tkachenko S.L.
The Eurasian Economic Union: prospects for construction of economic and monetary union (on example of the European Union)
Danelyan A.A., Esedov D.T.
The foreign investor and state in the Eurasian space
Altynbasov B.O.
Kazakhstan education system in the Eurasian space
Abdikadirova A.A.
State support of agro-industrial complex in the conditions of accession of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the WTO and the Common Economic Space
Murzagaliev E.Ch.
The responsibility of transnational corporations (TNC) in international tax law: theory and practice
Pashentsev D.A.
System and principles of organization of financial control in the European countries
International law
Nikolaev A.N., Rostunova O.S.
Legal regime of conservation and rational management of fish and other living resources in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation
Law of foreign cuontries
Verdiyan G.V.
The concept of kind conscience and institute of abusing the right in the foreign legislation
Galushko D.V.
Some aspects of a parity of international law and the law of Ireland
Abdullaev Е.
Peculiarities of regulating rights of minors and punishment execution in penitentiary institutions of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Ogannisyan V.A.
International law instruments and modern concept of criminal justice principles
Brovko A.N.
International custom in the context of international lawmaking process. Correspondence between general and local customary rules
Hagush A.R.
Military and technical cooperation in the sphere of international economic law
Chela E.
Principles of consideration of dispute by international investment arbitration tribunals
Theory and History of State and Law
Grechkina O.V.
Formation and development of customs in the soviet period: historical and legal aspects
Varmund V.V.
Еvolution of the institute of legal personality in the context of the legal system of the Russian state
Philosophy of Law
Popov E.A.
Corruption and culture of a person
Hatmullina A.F.
Student’s self-management: questions of philosophy and legal practice
Olejnik V.S.
To a question on influence of transformation of perception of justice by the population of Russia on extremist expressions
Iskhakov M.Z.
Law-governed state problem in the works of K.S. and I.S.Aksakov and N.N.Alekseev
Constitutional law
Grudtsyna L.Yu., Petrov S.M.
Middle class formation and the civil society in russia: economic and legal aspect
Mayorov V.I.
On the provision of transport needs of the person and society: theoretical and legal aspects
Frolenkov Yu.O.
The constitutional legal status of the population as the subject of local self-government: determination and essential content
Ilyina O.Yu.
Bowels as the object of constitutional legal regulation: basic directions
Kanunnikov K.S.
The normative legal acts of the state youth policies on the federal level
Sultanova S.S.
Realization of human right to sufficient standard of living in the Russian Federation
Civil law
Bystrov G.E.
Cooperative legislation of Russia: prospects of development and improvement
Tolstaya E.V.
The personal non-property right: criteria of definition
Trofimova J.A.
Notarially certified facts as the bases of occurrence of the subjective civil rights
Zarubin A.S.
Some questions of legal regulation of relations arising when placing orders for goods, works and services for state and municipal needs
Miroshnikova N.G.
The legal nature of servitude
Labour law
Zakharov K.V.
On legal regulation of the tripartite commissions at the present stage of development of Russian legislation
Criminal law and criminal executive law
Baumshteyn A.B.
Changes in sanctions of economic crimes: error or thoroughly thought over course?
Predein P.Yu.
The correspondence of concepts «crime» and «crime structure» within the limits of the doctrine about a compound and complicated crime
Criminal process and Criminalistics
Bagmet A.M.
Some aspects of definition of investigative jurisdiction of the crimes made during mass riots
Komissarova Yа.V.
Subject-matter of expert in criminal judicial proceedings
Makarova N.Yu.
Methods of fraud committed in the field of low-rise building
Eurasian advocacy
Tokmakov I.S.
On the sides of the agreement on legal assistance
Educational law
Kolodkin L.M., Nechevin D.K.
Formation and development of legal institute of certification of scholars and pedagogical staff (historical aspects)
Social and law researches
Galiev G.T.
The role of social audit in optimization of social and labor relations
Gimaev I.Z.
Public opinion as the factor of increase of efficiency of the state administrating in modern Russia
Law and Politics
Alekseev R.A.
Centrifugal and centripetal trends in federal russia (1991–2011)
Book review: International economic law: the textbook for masters /V.M.Shoumilov. – the fifth edition. – Moscow. Urait, 2011. – 612 p.
Accession of Russia to the Hague Convention on Kidnapping and family law issues
To the jubilee of academician O.F.Skakun
Information for authors
Аbout the authors
Russia should develop on federal principles. Interview with the first President of the Republic of Bashkortostan M.G. Rakhimov
Eurasian Integration: Experience and problems
Mishalchenko Yu.V., Tkachenko S.L.
The Eurasian Economic Union: prospects for construction of economic and monetary union (on example of the European Union)
Danelyan A.A., Esedov D.T.
The foreign investor and state in the Eurasian space
Altynbasov B.O.
Kazakhstan education system in the Eurasian space
Abdikadirova A.A.
State support of agro-industrial complex in the conditions of accession of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the WTO and the Common Economic Space
Murzagaliev E.Ch.
The responsibility of transnational corporations (TNC) in international tax law: theory and practice
Pashentsev D.A.
System and principles of organization of financial control in the European countries
International law
Nikolaev A.N., Rostunova O.S.
Legal regime of conservation and rational management of fish and other living resources in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation
Law of foreign cuontries
Verdiyan G.V.
The concept of kind conscience and institute of abusing the right in the foreign legislation
Galushko D.V.
Some aspects of a parity of international law and the law of Ireland
Abdullaev Е.
Peculiarities of regulating rights of minors and punishment execution in penitentiary institutions of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Ogannisyan V.A.
International law instruments and modern concept of criminal justice principles
Brovko A.N.
International custom in the context of international lawmaking process. Correspondence between general and local customary rules
Hagush A.R.
Military and technical cooperation in the sphere of international economic law
Chela E.
Principles of consideration of dispute by international investment arbitration tribunals
Theory and History of State and Law
Grechkina O.V.
Formation and development of customs in the soviet period: historical and legal aspects
Varmund V.V.
Еvolution of the institute of legal personality in the context of the legal system of the Russian state
Philosophy of Law
Popov E.A.
Corruption and culture of a person
Hatmullina A.F.
Student’s self-management: questions of philosophy and legal practice
Olejnik V.S.
To a question on influence of transformation of perception of justice by the population of Russia on extremist expressions
Iskhakov M.Z.
Law-governed state problem in the works of K.S. and I.S.Aksakov and N.N.Alekseev
Constitutional law
Grudtsyna L.Yu., Petrov S.M.
Middle class formation and the civil society in russia: economic and legal aspect
Mayorov V.I.
On the provision of transport needs of the person and society: theoretical and legal aspects
Frolenkov Yu.O.
The constitutional legal status of the population as the subject of local self-government: determination and essential content
Ilyina O.Yu.
Bowels as the object of constitutional legal regulation: basic directions
Kanunnikov K.S.
The normative legal acts of the state youth policies on the federal level
Sultanova S.S.
Realization of human right to sufficient standard of living in the Russian Federation
Civil law
Bystrov G.E.
Cooperative legislation of Russia: prospects of development and improvement
Tolstaya E.V.
The personal non-property right: criteria of definition
Trofimova J.A.
Notarially certified facts as the bases of occurrence of the subjective civil rights
Zarubin A.S.
Some questions of legal regulation of relations arising when placing orders for goods, works and services for state and municipal needs
Miroshnikova N.G.
The legal nature of servitude
Labour law
Zakharov K.V.
On legal regulation of the tripartite commissions at the present stage of development of Russian legislation
Criminal law and criminal executive law
Baumshteyn A.B.
Changes in sanctions of economic crimes: error or thoroughly thought over course?
Predein P.Yu.
The correspondence of concepts «crime» and «crime structure» within the limits of the doctrine about a compound and complicated crime
Criminal process and Criminalistics
Bagmet A.M.
Some aspects of definition of investigative jurisdiction of the crimes made during mass riots
Komissarova Yа.V.
Subject-matter of expert in criminal judicial proceedings
Makarova N.Yu.
Methods of fraud committed in the field of low-rise building
Eurasian advocacy
Tokmakov I.S.
On the sides of the agreement on legal assistance
Educational law
Kolodkin L.M., Nechevin D.K.
Formation and development of legal institute of certification of scholars and pedagogical staff (historical aspects)
Social and law researches
Galiev G.T.
The role of social audit in optimization of social and labor relations
Gimaev I.Z.
Public opinion as the factor of increase of efficiency of the state administrating in modern Russia
Law and Politics
Alekseev R.A.
Centrifugal and centripetal trends in federal russia (1991–2011)
Book review: International economic law: the textbook for masters /V.M.Shoumilov. – the fifth edition. – Moscow. Urait, 2011. – 612 p.
Accession of Russia to the Hague Convention on Kidnapping and family law issues
To the jubilee of academician O.F.Skakun
Information for authors
Аbout the authors
Eurasian Integration: Experience and problems
Mishalchenko Yu.V., Tkachenko S.L.
The Eurasian Economic Union: prospects for construction of economic and monetary union (on example of the European Union)
The article discusses the prospects for economic and monetary union.
The article discusses the prospects for economic and monetary union.
Keywords: economic union, monetary union perspectives.
Eurasian Integration: Experience and problems
Danelyan A.A., Esedov D.T.
The foreign investor and state in the Eurasian space
The effective state investment policy of the CIS states needs good correlation of public and private intrests of a state-recipient and of a foreign investor.
The effective state investment policy of the CIS states needs good correlation of public and private intrests of a state-recipient and of a foreign investor.
Keywords: foreign investments, economic sovereignty, international arbitration practice.
1. Bogatyrev A.G. Gosudarstvenno-pravovoj mehanizm regulirovanija investicionnyh otnoshenij. – M., 1996.
2. Voznesenskaja N.N. Process globalizacii jekonomiki i inostrannye investicii (pravovye aspekty) // Gosudarstvo i pravo. –2006. – # 5.
3. Volova L.I. Realizacija gosudarstvami mezhdunarodnoj pravosub"ektnosti v mezhdunarodnyh investicionnyh otnoshenijah posredstvom mnogostoronnego mezhdunarodno-pravovogo regulirovanija // ZhMChP. – SPb., 2001.
4. Karro D., Zhjuar P. Mezhdunarodnoe jekonomicheskoe pravo. –M., 2002.
5. Lukashuk I.I. Pravo mezhdunarodnoj otvetstvennosti. – M.:Volters Kluver, 2004.
6. Mosej G. Processy globalizacii i regionalizacii v mirovoj jekonomike // Jekonomist. – 2002. – # 9.
7. Pjejsli B., Nazargalina D. Inostrannye investicii: mezhdunarodnaja perspektiva // Sovetnik. – 2009. – Sentjabr'.
8. Red'ko T.I. Mezhdunarodno-pravovoe sotrudnichestvo gosudarstv v oblasti nedropol'zovanija: Avtoref. dis. ... kand. jurid.nauk. – M., 2007.
9. Farhutdinov I.Z. Mezhdunarodnoe investicionnoe pravo. Teorija i praktika primenenija. – M.: Volters Kluver, 2005.
10. Anne van Aaken and Juargen Kurtz. The Global Financial Crisis:Will State Emergency Measures Trigger International Investment Disputes?// Perspective on topical direct investment issues by the Vale Columbia Center on Sustainable International Investment. – # 3. – March 23, 2009.
Eurasian Integration: Experience and problems
Altynbasov B.O.
Altynbasov B.O.
Kazakhstan education system in the Eurasian space
In the article some features of integration of the Kazakhstan education system in world educational space are considered.
In the article some features of integration of the Kazakhstan education system in world educational space are considered.
Keywords: education, educational standards, education in the CIS countries.
Eurasian Integration: Experience and problems
Abdikadirova A.A.
Abdikadirova A.A.
State support of agro-industrial complex in the conditions of accession of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the WTO and the Common Economic Space
This research paper is devoted to state support of agriculture in the context of Republic of Kazakhstan’s accession to the WTO and the Common Economic Space.
This research paper is devoted to state support of agriculture in the context of Republic of Kazakhstan’s accession to the WTO and the Common Economic Space.
Keywords: states, agriculture, Republic of Kazakhstan, World Trade Organization.
1. Aparin I.V. Organizacionno-jekonomicheskij mehanizm gosudarstvennogo regulirovanija APK regiona: Dis. … kand. jekon. nauk. –Barnaul, 2000.
2. Gosudarstvennaja podderzhka agropromyshlennogo kompleksa na 2011 god. Putevoditel' tovaroproizvoditelja / KazAgroMarketing. – Astana, 2011.
3. Kotenjov A.D. Gosudarstvennaja podderzhka i regulirovanie agropromyshlennogo kompleksa pri vstuplenii Rossii vo vsemirnuju torgovuju organizaciju: Dis. … kand. jekon. nauk. – Stavropol', 2006.
Eurasian Integration: Experience and problems
Murzagaliev E.Ch.
The responsibility of transnational corporations (TNC) in international tax law: theory and practice
This article discusses some questions of liability of transnational corporations for tax evasion in
This article discusses some questions of liability of transnational corporations for tax evasion in
International tax law.
Keywords: accountability, international tax law, transnational corporations.
1. Vel'jaminov G.M. Osnovy mezhdunarodnogo jekonomicheskogo prava. – M., 1994.
2. Konvencija SNG ot 6 marta 1998 g. «O transnacional'nyh korporacijah» // Sodruzhestvo: Informacionnyj vestnik Soveta glav gosudarstv i Soveta glav pravitel'stv SNG. – 1998. – # 1.
3. Naumov A.V. Ugolovnyj zakon v uslovijah perehoda k rynochnoj jekonomike // Sovetskoe gosudarstvo i pravo. – 1991. – # 2.
4. Pravovoj status inostrannyh, sovmestnyh i transnacional'nyh korporacij. – Almaty: Daneker, 2000.
Eurasian Integration: Experience and problems
Pashentsev D.A.
System and principles of organization of financial control in the European countries
This article discusses features of the organization of financial control in foreign countries. Particular
This article discusses features of the organization of financial control in foreign countries. Particular
attention is paid to financial control in the U.S., Germany, the European Union.
Keywords: financial control, Accounting Chamber, budget legislation, regulatory authorities.
1. Gracheva E.Ju. Problemy pravovogo regulirovanija gosudarstvennogo finansovogo kontrolja. – M.: Jurisprudencija, 2000.
2. Il'in Ju.D. Lekcii po istorii i pravu Evropejskogo Sojuza. – M.: Spark, 2002.
3. Konstitucii zarubezhnyh gosudarstv / Sost. V.V.Maklakov. –5-e izd. – M., 2006.
4. Parygina V. Pravovye modeli postroenija sistem bjudzhetnogo kontrolja v evropejskih stranah // Pravo i zhizn'. – 2006. – # 101.
5. Pollard A. i dr. Bankovskoe pravo SShA. – M., 1992.
6. Prokof'ev S.E. Bjudzhetnoe administrirovanie v Germanii //Finansy. – 2002. – # 9.
7. Stiglitz J., Schoenfelder B. Finanzwissenschaft. – Muenchen, 1989.
International law
Nikolaev A.N., Rostunova O.S.
Legal regime of conservation and rational management of fish and other living resources in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation
The article is devoted to legal peculiarities of conservation and rational management of marine living resources in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation.
The article is devoted to legal peculiarities of conservation and rational management of marine living resources in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation.
Keywords: The Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, marine living resources, Central part of the Arctic Ocean, international regional fisheries organizations.
1. Arktika: zona mira i sotrudnichestva / Otv. red. A.V.Zagorskij. – M.: IMJeMO RAN, 2011.
2. Bekjashev K.A. FAO i pravovye voprosy ohrany zhivyh resursov otkrytogo morja. – M., 1976.
3. Volkov A.A., Bekjashev K.A. i dr. Morskoe i rybolovnoe pravo /Pod red. A.A.Volkova. – M., 1986.
4. Vylegzhanin A.N. Morskie prirodnye resursy (mezhdunarodno-pravovoj rezhim) // Predisl. akad. RAN A.G.Granberga. – M.: SOPS, 2001.
5. Vylegzhanin A.N. Utochnenie predelov jurisdikcii Rossii v Arktike na osnove obshhego mezhdunarodnogo prava // Mezhdunarodnye sudy: aktual'nye problemy mezhdunarodnogo prava: Mezhvuzovskij sbornik nauchnyh trudov. – Vyp. 2 (6) / Otv. red. G.V.Ignatenko, L.A.Lazutin. – Ekaterinburg, 2010.
6. Vylegzhanin A.N., Zilanov V.K. Mezhdunarodno-pravovye osnovy upravlenija morskimi zhivymi resursami. Teorija i dokumenty. – M., 2000.
7. Maleev Ju.N. Jekologicheski opasnaja Arktika – ugroza vsemu miru // Mezhdunarodnoe pravo – International law. – 2004. – # 4 (20).
8. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo / Predisl. S.V.Lavrova; red. koll.: A.N.Vylegzhanin, Ju.M.Kolosov, Ju.N.Maleev, R.A.Kolodkin. – M., 2009.
9. Molodcov S.V. Pravovoj rezhim morskih vod. – M., 1982.
10. Rossijskaja Arktika: Spravochnik dlja gosudarstvennyh sluzhashhih. – M.: Drofa, 2001.
11. Willock A. and Lack M. Follow the leader. – WWF, 2006.
Law of foreign countries
Verdiyan G.V.
The concept of kind conscience and institute of abusing the right in the foreign legislation
The term «conscientiousness» and concepts similar to it can be met in the earliest monuments of law. Conscientiousness formation as legal concept traditionally contacts the Roman law which got a strict formalism at an early stage of its development: acting is not needed but told.
The term «conscientiousness» and concepts similar to it can be met in the earliest monuments of law. Conscientiousness formation as legal concept traditionally contacts the Roman law which got a strict formalism at an early stage of its development: acting is not needed but told.
Keywords: conscientiousness, civil law principle, justice, rationality, Civil Code, diligent purchaser, possession, property.
1. Adygezalova G.Je. Sootnoshenie prava i morali: kritika istoricheskoj shkoly prava Rosko Paundom // Aktual'nye problemy prava: teorija i praktika: Sbornik nauchnyh rabot. – Krasnodar: Izd-vo Kubanskogo gosudarstvennogo un-ta, 2004.
2. Brounli Ja. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo: V 2 kn. – Kn. 2 / Pod red. G.I.Tunkina. – M.: Progress, 1977.
3. Grazhdanskij kodeks Francii 1804 g. // Hrestomatija po istorii gosudarstva i prava zarubezhnyh stran (Novoe i Novejshee vremja) / Sost. N.A.Krasheninnikova. – M.: Zercalo, 2000.
4. Grazhdanskoe ulozhenie Germanii 1896 g. // Hrestomatija po istorii gosudarstva i prava zarubezhnyh stran (Novoe i Novejshee vremja). – M.: Zercalo, 2000.
5. Dmitrieva G.K. Stanovlenie principa nedopustimosti zloupotreblenija pravom v mezhdunarodnom prave // Sovetskij ezhegodnik mezhdunarodnogo prava, 1987. – M.: Nauka, 1988.
6. Kalamkarjan R.A. K voprosu o juridicheskom osnovanii instituta jestoppel' // Gosudarstvo i pravo. – 2000. – # 5.
7. Kalamkarjan R.A. Konceptual'noe vosprijatie instituta jestoppel' v nauke sovremennogo mezhdunarodnogo prava // Gosudarstvo i pravo. – 1999. – # 12.
8. Kalamkarjan R.A. Koncepcija gospodstva prava i trebovanie o sobljudenii gosudarstvami mezhdunarodnyh objazatel'stv (vne zavisimosti ot ih vozniknovenija) na osnove principa dobrosovestnosti // Gosudarstvo i pravo. – 1995. – # 9.
9. Kalamkarjan R.A. Princip dobrosovestnosti v sovremennom mezhdunarodnom prave. – M.: Nauka, 1991.
10. Krasnova S.A. Opredelenie ponjatija «dobrosovestnost'» v rossijskom grazhdanskom prave // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. – 2003. –# 3.
11. Novikova T.V. Ponjatie dobrosovestnosti v rossijskom grazhdanskom prave: Dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. – Krasnodar, 2008.
12. Novickij I.B. Rimskoe pravo: Uchebnik. – M.: Zercalo, 2003.
13. Popova A.V. Ponjatie principa dobrosovestnosti v objazatel'stvennom prave: evropejskie i rossijskie podhody // Jurist. – 2005. –# 9.
14. Ferdross A. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo / Pod red. G.I.Tunkina. –M.: Izd-vo inostr. lit., 1959.
15. Hrestomatija po istorii gosudarstva i prava zarubezhnyh stran (Drevnost' i Srednie veka) / Sost. V.A.Tomsinov. – M.: Zercalo, 2001.
16. Hutyz M.X. Rimskoe chastnoe pravo: Kurs lekcij. – M.: Bylina, 1997.
17. Farnsworth A. Duties of good faith and fair dealing under the UNIDROIT principles, relevant international conventions and national laws. – Tulane, 1995.
18. Goode R. The concept of good faith in English law. – Rome, 1992.
19. Lando O., Beale N. The principles of European contract law. – Part I: performance, nonperformance and remedies. – London, 1999.
20. MacQueen N. Good faith in the Scots law of contract: an undisclosed principle? // Good faith in contract and property law. – Oxford, 1999.
Law of foreign countries
Galushko D.V.
Some aspects of a parity of international law and the law of Ireland
The general question of the relationship between International law and the legal system of Ireland is analyzed in the article. The specific dualistic view of Ireland to the problem is also examined. Irish case law is analyzed, confirming the dualistic conception of the relations between the two systems of law in the country.
The general question of the relationship between International law and the legal system of Ireland is analyzed in the article. The specific dualistic view of Ireland to the problem is also examined. Irish case law is analyzed, confirming the dualistic conception of the relations between the two systems of law in the country.
Keywords: ratio of international and domestic law, Ireland, international law, dualistic conception.
1. Ancilotti D. Kurs mezhdunarodnogo prava. – M.: Inostr. lit., 1961. – T. 1.
2. Birjukov P.N. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo: Ucheb. posob. – M.: Jurist", 2009.
3. Kalamkarjan R.A., Migachev Ju.I. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo: Uchebnik. — M.: Jeksmo, 2004.
4. Levin D.B. Aktual'nye problemy teorii mezhdunarodnogo prava. – M.: Nauka. 1974
5. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo: Ucheb. dlja stud. vuzov, obuchajushhihsja po special'nosti «Jurisprudencija» / Pod red. A.A.Kovaljova, S.V.Chernichenko. – M.: Omega-L, 2011.
6. Mironov N.V. Sootnoshenie mezhdunarodnogo dogovora i vnutrigosudarstvennogo zakona // Sovetskij ezhegodnik mezhdunarodnogo prava. 1963. – M.: Nauka, 1965.
7. Mjullerson R.A. Sootnoshenie mezhdunarodnogo i nacional'nogo prava. – M.: Mezhdunar. otnoshenija, 1982.
8. Oppengejm L. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo. – M.: Inostr. lit., 1948. – T. 1. – Polutom 1.
9. Besson S. The Reception Process in Ireland and the United Kingdom. – Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008.
10. Casey J. Constitutional Law in Ireland. – Dublin: Round Hall Sweet & Maxwell, 2000.
11. Constitution Of Ireland (irl. Bunreacht Na hÉireann) 1937. The All-Party Oireachtas Committee on the Constitution. – Dublin, Stationery Office, 2011.
12. Forde M. Constitutional Law. – Dublin: First Law, 2004.
13. Hogan G. EU Law and National Constitutions Questionnaire for FIDE 2002: The Irish Constitution and the European Union. – London: British Institute of International and Comparative Law, 2002.
14. Hogan G., Whyte G. JM Kelly: The Irish Constitution. – Dublin, 2003.
15. Symmons C. ‘Irlande Ireland’ in Eisemann PM (ed) L’Integration du droit international et communautaire dans l’ordre juridique nationale: Etude de la practique en Europe. – Hague: Kluwer Law International, 1996.
16. Triepel N. Volkerrecht und Landesrecht. – Leipzig, 1899.
Law of foreign countries
Abdullaev Е.
Abdullaev Е.
Peculiarities of regulating rights of minors and punishment execution in penitentiary institutions of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Considered in the article are the changes in criminal executive legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Considered in the article are the changes in criminal executive legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Keywords: Constitution of Azerbaijan, Executive Labour Code, Execution of a punishment Code.
1. Abdullaev Je.A. Osobennosti osushhestvlenija spravedlivogo osuzhdenija pri naznachenii nakazanij licam, ne dostigshim sovershennoletija. – Baku, 2006.
2. Gumbatov M.G. Spravochnik dlja osuzhdennyh. – Baku, 2003.
3. Sozdanie samostojatel'nyh organizacij osuzhdennyh i prava na ih dejatel'nost'. – Baku, 2002.
Law of foreign countries
Ogannisyan V.A.
International law instruments and modern concept of criminal justice principles
The article examines the importance of international legal instruments in the development of modern concept of principles of criminal justice.
The article examines the importance of international legal instruments in the development of modern concept of principles of criminal justice.
Keywords: principles of criminal justice, procedural guarantees, states discretion, arrested person, detained person.
Law of foreign countries
Brovko A.N.
International custom in the context of international lawmaking process. Correspondence between general and local customary rules
The article presents an analysis of formation of international custom through the lens of consideration of its basic components and features. The article also suggests comparative characteristics of international and local custom, the essense of which is disclosed on the basis of opinions of the International Court of Justice.
The article presents an analysis of formation of international custom through the lens of consideration of its basic components and features. The article also suggests comparative characteristics of international and local custom, the essense of which is disclosed on the basis of opinions of the International Court of Justice.
Keywords: custom, usage, general practice, opinio juris, opinio necessitatis, codification, incorporation, principle of equidistance, instant custom, local custom, particular custom.
1. Brounli Ja. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo. – Kn. pervaja i vtoraja. – M.: Progress, 1977.
2. Vasilenko V.A. Osnovy teorii mezhdunarodnogo prava. – Kiev: Vyssh. shk., 1988.
3. Lukashuk I.I. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo. Obshhaja chast'. – M., 2005.
4. Ushakova N.A. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo: Uchebnik. – M.: Jurist, 2000.
5. Antonio Cassese. International Law. – Second edition. – Oxford University Press, 2005.
6. Christian Tomuschat. International law: ensuring the survival of mankind on the eve of the new century. – Martinus Nijhoff. – The Hague: Boston: London, 2001.
7. Malcolm N. Show. International law. – Sixth edition. – Cambridge University Press, 2008.
8. Marti Koskenniemi. From Apology to Utopia. The structure of International Legal Argument. – Cambridge University Press, 2005.
9. Timothy Hiller. Principles of International law. – Leiden: Boston, 2005.
Law of foreign countries
Hagush A.R.
Military and technical cooperation in the sphere of international economic law
In contemporary conditions states and another subjects realizing military and technical cooperation should follow the basic principles and special principles of the Law of international cooperation. Military and technical cooperation of the Russian Federation with foreign states is also regulated by international economic law.
In contemporary conditions states and another subjects realizing military and technical cooperation should follow the basic principles and special principles of the Law of international cooperation. Military and technical cooperation of the Russian Federation with foreign states is also regulated by international economic law.
Keyword: military and technical cooperation, principles and norms of international law, international economic law.
1. Vel'jaminov G.M. Mezhdunarodnoe jekonomicheskoe pravo. – M.: Volters Kluver, 2002.
2. Voenno-tehnicheskoe sotrudnichestvo Rossii na rubezhe vekov / Pod obshh. red. d-ra jurid. nauk S.V.Stepashina. – M., 2002.
3. Karro D., Zhjuar P. Mezhdunarodnoe jekonomicheskoe pravo: Per.s franc. / Nauch. red. V.M.Shumilov. – M., 2002.
4. Kudashkin V.V. Gosudarstvennoe regulirovanie torgovli produkciej voennogo naznachenija s inostrannymi gosudarstvami. – M.: Jurid. centr PRESS, 2003.
Law of foreign countries
Chela E.
Principles of consideration of dispute by international investment arbitration tribunals
This article deals with key principles of consideration of investment disputes by mixed arbitral tribunals, analyzes development, current status and possibilities of increase of effectiveness of each
This article deals with key principles of consideration of investment disputes by mixed arbitral tribunals, analyzes development, current status and possibilities of increase of effectiveness of each
of them.
Keywords: investment disputes, mixed arbitration, principles of dispute consideration.
1. Fahrutdinov I.Z. Mezhdunarodnoe investicionnoe pravo: teorija i praktika primenenija. – M., 2005.
2. Shinkareckaja G.G. Mezhdunarodnaja Sudebnaja Procedura. – M.,1992.
3. A.H.A. Soons (ed.) International Arbitration: Past and Prospects, Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands. 1990.
4. Alfred Redfern, Law and practice of International commercial arbitration. 2004.
5. Alexis Mourre, Castaldi Mourre & Partners // Arbitral Jurisprudence in International Commercial Arbitration: The Case For A Systematic Publication Of Arbitral Awards In 10 Questions…2009.
6. Bin Cheng. General principles of law as applied by international courts and tribunals. 2006.
7. Collier John, Vaughan Lowe. The settlement of disputes in international law: institutions and procedures. 2000.
8. Ch. Schreuer. The ICSID Convention: A Comentary, Cambridge University Press. 2001.
9. Elizabeth Whitsitt. An ICSID Tribunal splits over whether to hear ancillary claims in dispute over unpaid gas deliveries, 2010.
10. Handbook of ICC arbitration: commentary, precedents, materials., Michael W. Bühler, Thomas H. Webster. 2005.
11. Ian Brownlie, Principles of Public International Law, 6th Ed. 2003.
12. ICSID Reports: James Crawford, Karen Lee, Elihu Lauterpacht. 2005.
13. Jean-François Poudret,Sébastien Besson. Comparative law of international arbitration. 2007.
14. Julian D.M., Lew Loukas A. Mistelis, Stefan Kröll. Comparative international commercial arbitration 2003.
15. John O’Brien. International Law. 2002.
16. Malcolm N. Shaw. International Law. – 6 Ed. – Cambridge, 2008.
17. Susan D. Franck. The Legitimacy Crisis in Investment Treaty Arbitration: Privatizing Public International Law through Inconsistent Decisions. Vol. 73, FORDHAM L. REV. 2005.
18. Taida Begic. Applicable law in international investment disputes. 2005. ICSID Rep. – Vol. 6.
19. United Stated, Dept. of State Charles Irving Bevans. Treaties and other International Agreements of the United States of America 1776–1949. 1971.
20. Vandevelde J. Kenneth, The grouth of bilateral invesment treaties and their impact on foreign investment in developing countries // Int’l Law.1990.
21. WTO Appellate Body Report on United States – Import prohibition of certain shrimp products, WT/DS58/AB/RW (Oct. 22, 2001)
22. Waibel M. The backlash against investment arbitration: perceptions and reality, 2010.
Theory and History of State and Law
Grechkina O.V.
Formation and development of customs in the soviet period: historical and legal aspects
The author examines the problem of formation of customs in Russia during the Soviet period, highlights the stages of development of customs legislation, analyzes the most significant provisions
The author examines the problem of formation of customs in Russia during the Soviet period, highlights the stages of development of customs legislation, analyzes the most significant provisions
of legal acts, which determined the main directions of regulation of customs relations.
Keywords: customs authorities in the Soviet period, customs legislation in the Soviet period, customs relations in the Soviet period.
1. Anuchina Ja.A., Zabuhin D.N., Skljarov A.G. Gosudareva sluzhba. Voronezhskaja tamozhnja: istorija i den' segodnjashnij. – Voronezh:Tvorcheskoe ob"edinenie «Al'bom», 2006.
1. Anuchina Ja.A., Zabuhin D.N., Skljarov A.G. Gosudareva sluzhba. Voronezhskaja tamozhnja: istorija i den' segodnjashnij. – Voronezh:Tvorcheskoe ob"edinenie «Al'bom», 2006.
2. Gabrichidze B.N., Zobov V.E. Tamozhennaja sluzhba v Rossijskoj Federacii. – M.: Jurid. lit., 1993.
3. Mitin A.N., Osincev D.V. Upravlenie v tamozhennyh organah (organizacionno-pravovoj aspekt): Ucheb. posob. – Ekaterinburg, 2007.
4. Novikov A.V. Obrashhenija grazhdan: Monografija. – Voronezh, 2007.
5. Osnovy tamozhennogo dela: Ucheb. posob. – Vyp. 1. – M., 1996.
Theory and History of State and Law
Theory and History of State and Law
Varmund V.V.
Еvolution of the institute of legal personality in the context of the legal system of the Russian state
In this article the question of evolution of legal personality in the legal system of the Russian state is disclosed.
In this article the question of evolution of legal personality in the legal system of the Russian state is disclosed.
Keywords: legal system of the Russian state, evolution of the institute of legal personality, political and legal development of the state.
1. Asknazij S.I. Ocherki hozjajstvennogo prava SSSR. – L., 1926.
1. Asknazij S.I. Ocherki hozjajstvennogo prava SSSR. – L., 1926.
2. Vitruk N.V. Status lichnosti v politicheskoj sisteme obshhestva // Politologija: Kurs lekcij. – M., 1993.
3. Mihajlova I.A. Differenciacija deesposobnosti grazhdan v sovremennyh pravovyh sistemah // Bjulleten' notarial'noj praktiki. – 2006. – # 6.
4. Phaladze B.V. Juridicheskie formy polozhenija lichnosti v sovetskom obshhestve. – Tbilisi, 1968.
5. Skorobogatova V.V. Pravosub"ektnost' grazhdan v rossijskom grazhdanskom prave: Avtoref. dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. – Ekaterinburg, 2010.
Philosophy of Law
Popov E.A.
Corruption and culture of a person
The article is devoted to consideration of corruption in conjunction with culture of a person. Emphasis is placed on the possibilities of counteraction to this phenomenon through the value and normative guidelines, formed by the culture.
The article is devoted to consideration of corruption in conjunction with culture of a person. Emphasis is placed on the possibilities of counteraction to this phenomenon through the value and normative guidelines, formed by the culture.
Keywords: corruption, culture, society, person.
1. Artanov V.M. Destruktivnye realii sovremennosti v sociologicheskom izmerenii. – SPb., 2008.
2. Barsukova S.Ju. Korrupcija: nauchnye debaty i rossijskaja real'nost' // Obshhestvennye nauki i sovremennost'. – 2008. – # 5.
3. Vedernikova O.N. Antikorrupcionnaja politika v Rossii: s chego nachat'? // Obshhestvennye nauki i sovremennost'. – 2005. – # 3.
4. Golovachev E.I. Korrupcija: pravovoe opredelenie i konceptualizacija v sovremennoj nauke // Aktual'nye voprosy razvitija social'no-gumanitarnogo znanija v Rossii / Pod red. S.I.Administratova. – M., 2008.
5. Ivanovskij V.F. Chelovecheskoe lico korrupcii: protivodejstvie i protivostojanie // Social'naja real'nost' nachala novogo tysjacheletija: pravo i politika v gosudarstve: Sb. statej / Otv. red. V.I.Safronov. – Krasnojarsk, 2008.
6. Kurakin A.V., Kostennikov M.V. Administrativno-pravovye sredstva protivodejstvija korrupcionnym riskam i vzjatochnichestvu v dejatel'nosti gosudarstvennyh i municipal'nyh sluzhashhih (kommentarij) // Pravo i politika. – 2009. – # 7.
7. Maksimov S.V. Korrupcija. Zakon. Otvetstvennost'. – 2-e izd.,pererab i dop. – M., 2008.
8. Okunev S.P. Vozmozhnosti gosudarstva v reshenii politicheskih i pravovyh problem // Pravovye mehanizmy v gosudarstvovedenii: Sb. nauchnyh statej i normativnyh pravovyh dokumentov / Nauch. red. prof. S.A.Efimov. – SPb., 2008.
9. Okunev S.P. Integracija obshhestva i gosudarstva: formy i metody institucionalizacii. – Krasnojarsk, 2008.
10. Suramov I. Direktivy kul'turnogo: proshloe i nastojashhee, cennosti i anticennosti: Monografija. – Irkutsk, 2009.
11. Tolpegin P.V., Maksimov D.A. Obshhestvo i gosudarstvo v Rossii: puti razvitija v HH I veke // Pravo i politika. – 2008. – # 12.
12. Trunov I.L. Antikorrupcionnaja politika v Rossii // Pravo i politika. – 2006. – # 11.
13. Shhedrin N.V. O sovershenstvovanii zakonodatel'nogo opredelenija korrupcii // Pravo i politika. – 2009. – # 7.
14. Jakovlev A.A. Pravovye instituty v Rossii v 2000–2007 godah: vzgljad so storony biznesa // Obshhestvennye nauki i sovremennost'. – 2008. – # 4.
Philosophy of Law
Hatmullina A.F.
Student’s self-management: questions of philosophy and legal practice
In the given article concepts «responsibility», «freedom» are considered and estimated is their roles in formation of the personality of the young man, particularly the student, by participation in activity of student’s self-management.
In the given article concepts «responsibility», «freedom» are considered and estimated is their roles in formation of the personality of the young man, particularly the student, by participation in activity of student’s self-management.
Keywords: responsibility, freedom, the social status, self-management, student’s self-management.
1. Apresjan R.G., Gusejnov A.A. Jetika: Jenciklopedicheskij slovar'. – M.: Gardariki, 2001.
2. Kommentarij k Konstitucii Rossijskoj Federacii / Pod obshh. red. L.V.Lazareva. – M., 2009 //
3. Ozhegov S.I., Shvedova N.Ju. Tolkovyj slovar' russkogo jazyka. – 4-e izd., dop. – M.: Azbukovnik, 1999.
4. Psihologicheskij leksikon: Jenciklopedicheskij slovar': V 6 t. / Red.-sost. L.A.Karpenko; pod obshh. red. A.V.Petrovskogo. – M.: PER SJe, 2006.
5. Spirkin. A.G. Filosofija: Uchebnik. – 2-e izd. – M.: Gardariki, 2010.
Philosophy of Law
Olejnik V.S.
Olejnik V.S.
To a question on influence of transformation of perception of justice by the population of Russia on extremist expressions
The article deals with the problem of emerging in the society of negative social processes, justified by the necessity of violent action to achieve universal justice.
The article deals with the problem of emerging in the society of negative social processes, justified by the necessity of violent action to achieve universal justice.
Keywords: justice, morality, liberalism, ideology of violence, extremist manifestations.
1. Bol'shoj juridicheskij slovar' / Pod red. A.Ja.Suhareva, V.D.Zor'kina, V.E.Krutskih. – M.: INFRA-M, 1998.
2. Denisov Ju.D. Protivodejstvie jekstremizmu v seti Internet // Zakonnost'. – 2009. – # 6
Philosophy of Law
Iskhakov M.Z.
Iskhakov M.Z.
Law-governed state problem in the works of K.S. and I.S. Aksakov and N.N. Alekseev
The author considers ideas of K.S.Aksakov, I.S.Aksakov and N.N.Alekseev about construction of the Russian statehood. Russia will be a new cultural historical type, on K.S.Aksakov, which will reconcile both the East and the West on the basis of Orthodoxy Slavic culture.
The author considers ideas of K.S.Aksakov, I.S.Aksakov and N.N.Alekseev about construction of the Russian statehood. Russia will be a new cultural historical type, on K.S.Aksakov, which will reconcile both the East and the West on the basis of Orthodoxy Slavic culture.
Keywords: K.S.Aksakov, I.S.Aksakov, N.N.Alekseev, law-governed state, morals.
1. Aksakov I.S. Poln. sobr. soch. – M., 1885–1887. – T. 1, 2, 5, 7.
1. Aksakov I.S. Poln. sobr. soch. – M., 1885–1887. – T. 1, 2, 5, 7.
2. Aksakov I.S. Soch. – T. 1–7. – M., 1886–1887.
3. Aksakov K.S. O vnutrennem sostojanii Rossii // Rannie slavjanofily: Sbornik / Sost. N.L.Brodskij. – M., 1910.
4. Alekseev N.N. Teorija gosudarstva. Teoreticheskoe gosudarstvovedenie. Gosudarstvennoe ustrojstvo. Gosudarstvennyj ideal. – Parizh, 1931.
5. Alekseev N.N. O garantijnom gosudarstve // Russkij narod i gosudarstvo. – M., 1998.
6. Alekseev N.N. Osnovy filosofii prava. – SPb.: Lan', 1999.
7. Brodskij N.L. Rannie slavjanofily. A.S.Homjakov, I.V.Kireevskij, K.S. i I.S.Aksakovy. – M., 1910.
8. Motin S.V. Rossija i slavjanskij vopros v trudah I.S.Aksakova // Sud'ba Rossii v jepohu globalizacii: Materialy Vserossijskoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. – Ufa, 2009.
9. Rannie slavjanofily: Sbornik / Sost. N.L.Brodskij.– M., 1910.
10. Tomsinov V.A. Pravovaja mysl' russkoj poslerevoljucionnoj jemigracii. Stat'ja chetvertaja. «Evrazijskaja» teorija gosudarstva N.N.Alekseeva // Zakonodatel'stvo. – 2002. –# 4.
11. Fridrih fon Bodenshtedt. Vospominanija // Russkaja starina. – 1887. – # 9.
Constitutional law
Grudtsyna L.Yu., Petrov S.M.
Middle class formation and the civil society in Russia: economic and legal aspect
The state is the necessary factor of creation and the fact of existence of a civil society. In case there will be no force and the state will (compulsion) in certain questions of public and economic life – everything will roll down to disorders and chaos. Not in the last instance it concerns middle class and a civil society, self-adjustable economic force and the difficult system needing constant control from the state.
Keywords: state, civil society, human rights, family, private interest, law and order, democracy, economic crisis, people, nation, population.
1. Abdulatipov R.G. Nacional'nyj vopros i gosudarstvennoe ustrojstvo Rossii. – M.: Slavjanskij dialog, 2000.
1. Abdulatipov R.G. Nacional'nyj vopros i gosudarstvennoe ustrojstvo Rossii. – M.: Slavjanskij dialog, 2000.
2. Afanas'ev V.G. Obshhestvo: sistemnost', poznanie i upravlenie. – M.: Politizdat, 1981.
3. Baglaj M.V., Tumanov V.A. Malaja jenciklopedija konstitucionnogo prava. – M.: BEK, 1998.
4. Baujer O. Nacional'nyj vopros i social-demokratija. – SPb.,1909.
5. Gegel' G.V.F. Filosofija prava. – M., 1990.
6. Grudcyna L.Ju. Chastnaja sobstvennost' i grazhdanskoe obshhestvo v Rossii // Advokat. – 2009. – # 8.
7. Dzodziev V. Problema stanovlenija demokraticheskogo gosudarstva v Rossii. – M., 1996.
8. Kautskij K. Nacionalizm i internacionalizm. – Pg., 1918.
9. Konstitucionnoe pravo: Slovar' / Otv. red. V.V.Maklakov. –M.: Jurist", 2001.
10. Lenin V.I. Poln. sobr. soch. – T. 24.
11. Mamut L.S. Grazhdanskoe obshhestvo i gosudarstvo: problemy sootnoshenija // Obshhestvennye nauki i sovremennost'. – 2002. – # 5.
12. Marks K. K evrejskomu voprosu // Marks K., Jengel's F. Soch. –T. 1.
13. Marks K. Jekonomichesko-filosofskie rukopisi 1844 goda i drugie rannie filosofskie raboty. – M.: Akademicheskij Proekt, 2010.
14. Orlova O.V. Grazhdanskoe obshhestvo i lichnost': politiko-pravovye aspekty. – M., 2005.
15. Pozdnjakov Je.A. Rossijskoe grazhdanskoe obshhestvo. Illjuzii i real'nost' // Politicheskij klass. – 2006. – # 22.
16. Renan Je. Chto takoe nacija? – SPb., 1888.
17. Sorokin V.V. Problemy tolkovanija prava v sovremennom grazhdanskom obshhestve // Grazhdanin i pravo. – 2010. – # 6.
18. Sociologicheskij slovar'. – M., 2009.
19. Stalin I.V. Marksizm i nacional'no-kolonial'nyj vopros. – M., 1939.
20. Tishkov V.A. O nacii i nacionalizme // Svobodnaja mysl'. – 1996. – # 3.
21. Filosofskij slovar'. – M., 2008.
22. Francuzskaja burzhuaznaja revoljucija. – M., 1941.
23. Hantington S. Kto my? Vyzovy amerikanskoj nacional'noj identichnosti / Per. s angl. A.Bashkirova. – M., 2004.
24. Chetvernin V.A. Obshhestvo i gosudarstvo // Fenomenologija gosudarstva. – M., 2004. – Vyp. 2.
25. Shibutani T. Social'naja psihologija. – M.: Progress, 1969.
26. Jadov V.A. Social'nye i social'no-psihologicheskie mehanizmy formirovanija social'noj identichnosti lichnosti // Mir Rossii. – 1995. – # 3–4.
27. Anthony D. Smith, National Identity. – Reno: University of Nevada Press, 1991.
28. Isaiah Berlin. Nationalism: Past Neglect and Present Power //Partisan Review, 46. – 1979. – # 3.
29. Wilbur Zelinsky. Nation into State: The Shifting Symbolic Foundations of American Nationalism. – Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1988..
Constitutional law
Mayorov V.I.
Mayorov V.I.
On the provision of transport needs of the person and society: theoretical and legal aspects
The paper considers the problems of providing state transportation needs of the person and society, questions of relation of this activity with the function of ensuring the public order. The author analyzes the specifics of legal regulation of the road safety problem, the values of technical and legal standards.
The paper considers the problems of providing state transportation needs of the person and society, questions of relation of this activity with the function of ensuring the public order. The author analyzes the specifics of legal regulation of the road safety problem, the values of technical and legal standards.
Keywords: public order, law and order, transport needs of the individual and society.
1. Aktual'nye problemy teorii gosudarstva i prava: Ucheb. posob. / Otv. red. R.V.Shagieva. – M.: Norma: INFRA-M, 2011.
2. Majorov V.I. K voprosu o bezopasnosti v sfere dorozhnogo dvizhenija // Transportnoe pravo. – 2009. – # 4.
3. Frolov I.G., Arab-Ogly Je.A., Aref'eva G.S. i dr. Vvedenie v filosofiju: Uchebnik dlja vuzov: V 2 ch. – M., 1990.
Constitutional law
Frolenkov Yu.O.
Frolenkov Yu.O.
The constitutional legal status of the population as the subject of local self-government: determination and essential content
The article deals with the issues of determination and essential content of constitutional legal status of the population as the subject of local self-government. It points out the basic elements of the status: the principles of local self-government, the competence of population as the subject of local self-government, the guarantees of population, responsibility of population.
The article deals with the issues of determination and essential content of constitutional legal status of the population as the subject of local self-government. It points out the basic elements of the status: the principles of local self-government, the competence of population as the subject of local self-government, the guarantees of population, responsibility of population.
Keywords: constitutional legal status, population, local self-government, principles of local self-government, authorities of population, guarantees of local self-government, responsibility of population.
1. Alekseev S.S. Obshhaja teorija prava: V 2 t. – M., 1982. – T. 2.
1. Alekseev S.S. Obshhaja teorija prava: V 2 t. – M., 1982. – T. 2.
2. Baranchikov V.A. Municipal'noe pravo. – M., 2000.
3. Bahrah D .N. Sistema sub"ektov sovetskogo administrativnogo prava // Sovetskoe gosudarstvo i pravo. – 1986. – # 2.
4. Bogdanova N.A. Sistema nauki konstitucionnogo prava. – M., 2001.
5. Butusova N.V. Konstitucionno-pravovoj status rossijskogo gosudarstva: ponjatie, soderzhanie, struktura // Konstitucionnoe i municipal'noe pravo. – 2006. – # 4.
6. Butusova N.V. Rossijskoe gosudarstvo kak sub"ekt konstitucionno-pravovyh otnoshenij. – Voronezh, 2005.
7. Vitruk N.V. Osnovy teorii pravovogo polozhenija lichnosti v socialisticheskom obshhestve. – M., 1979.
8. Voevodin L.D. Ponjatie pravovogo polozhenija lichnosti i osobennosti statusa razlichnyh kategorij lic v SSSR // Sov. Gosudarstvo i pravo / Pod red. S.S.Kravchuka. – M., 1985.
9. Voevodin L.D. Juridicheskij status lichnosti v Rossii. – M., 1997.
10. Vydrin I.V. Municipal'noe pravo Rossii. – M., 2004.
11. Vydrin I.V. Mestnoe samoupravlenie v Rossijskoj Federacii: ot idei k praktike (Konstitucionno-pravovoj aspekt): Dis. …d-ra jurid. nauk. – Ekaterinburg, 1998.
12. Dmitriev Ju.A. Ponjatie, principy, predmet i metody municipal'nogo prava // Municipal'noe pravo RF / Pod red. Ju.A.Dmitrieva. – M.: Profobrazovanie, 2000.
13. Ivanec G.I., Kominskij I.V., Chervonjuk V.I. Konstitucionnoe pravo Rossii: Jenciklopedicheskij slovar' / Pod obshh. red. V.I.Chervonjuka. – M.: Jurid. lit., 2002.
14. Il'in M.V. Slova i smysly. Opyt opisanija kljuchevyh politicheskih ponjatij. – M., 1997.
15. Karabasov S.Ju. Obshhie principy organizacii mestnogo samoupravlenija // Administrativnoe i municipal'noe pravo. – 2009. – # 3.
16. Kolesnikov A.V. Administrativno-pravovoj status ispolnitel'nyh organov mestnogo samoupravlenija: Dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. –Saratov, 2003.
17. Koljushin E.I. Konstitucionnoe (gosudarstvennoe) pravo Rossii: Kurs lekcij. – M., 1999.
18. Kondrashev A.A. Pravovoj status sub"ekta Rossijskoj Federacii: opyt doktrinal'nogo issledovanija // Izvestija vuzov. Pravovedenie. – 2003. – # 6.
19. Konstitucionnoe pravo: Uchebnik / Otv. red. A.E.Kozlov. –M., 1997.
20. Konstitucionnyj status lichnosti v SSSR. – M., 1980.
21. Kutafin O.E., Fadeev V.I. Municipal'noe pravo RF. – M., 2006.
22. Kuchinskij V.A. Lichnost', svoboda, pravo. – M., 1979.
23. Lebedev A.N. Status sub"ekta Rossijskoj Federacii (osnovy koncepcii, konstitucionnaja model', praktika). – M., 1999.
24. Matuzov N.I. Sub"ektivnye prava grazhdan SSSR. – Saratov, 1996.
25. Municipal'noe pravo RF / Pod red. Ju.A.Dmitrieva. – M.: Profobrazovanie, 2000.
26. Nudnenko L .A. Konstitucionno-pravovoj status deputata zakonodatel'nogo organa gosudarstvennoj vlasti v Rossijskoj Federacii. – SPb., 2004.
27. Ovchinnikov I.I. Mestnoe samoupravlenie v sisteme narodovlastija. – M., 1999.
28. Podsumkova u1040 A.A., Channov S.E. Gosudarstvennoe i municipal'noe upravlenie: Slovar'-spravochnik. – Saratov, 2005.
29. Pozdnjakov P.N. Pravovoe polozhenie kollektivnyh sub"ektov prava: Dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. – Samara, 2003.
30. Sultanov E.B. Ierarhija konstitucionnyh principov mestnogo samoupravlenija v Rossijskoj Federacii // Konstitucionnoe i municipal'noe pravo. – 2009. – # 5.
31. Teorija gosudarstva i prava: Kurs lekcij / Pod red. N.I.Matuzova, A.V.Mal'ko. – M.: Jurist", 1997.
32. Usmanova R.M. Naselenie kak sub"ekt mestnogo samoupravlenija // Konstitucionnoe i municipal'noe pravo. – 2006. – # 5.
33. Fadeev V.I. Municipal'noe pravo Rossii. – M., 1994.
34. Cabrija D.D. Status organov upravlenija // Sovetskoe gosudarstvo i pravo. – 1978. – # 2.
35. Sheremet K.F. Stanovlenie pravovoj bazy mestnogo samoupravlenija v RF // Mestnoe samoupravlenie: sovremennyj rossijskij opyt zakonodatel'nogo regulirovanija. – M., 1998.
36. Sheremet K.F. Sistema i soderzhanie obshhih principov organizacii mestnogo samoupravlenija // Mestnoe samoupravlenie: sovremennyj rossijskij opyt zakonodatel'nogo regulirovanija. – M., 1998.
37. Shevchenko N.V. Zakonodatel'noe opredelenie mestnogo samoupravlenija trebuet konstitucionnoj korrektirovki // Probely i defekty v konstitucionnom prave i puti ih ustranenija: Materialy Mezhdunarodnoj nauchnoj konferencii. Juridicheskij fakul'tet
MGU im. M.V.Lomonosova. Moskva, 28–31 marta 2007 goda / Pod red. prof. S.A.Avak'jana. – M., 2008.
Constitutional law
Ilyina O.Yu.
Ilyina O.Yu.
Bowels as the object of constitutional legal regulation: basic directions
In the article on the basis of analysis of various approaches to definition of a concept of constitutional law subject three basic directions of constitutional and legal regulation of bowels are identified.
In the article on the basis of analysis of various approaches to definition of a concept of constitutional law subject three basic directions of constitutional and legal regulation of bowels are identified.
The author made a conclusion that all three directions are closely connected and cooperate among
themselves: insufficiency and illegibility of such regulation on one direction immediately affect other directions.
Keywords: protection and use of bowels, constitutional law subject.
1. Avak'jan S.A. Konstitucionnoe pravo Rossii. – Ucheb. kurs: V 2 t. – 2-e izd. – M., 2005–2006.
2. Alekseev A.S. Russkoe gosudarstvennoe pravo. – M., 1897.
3. Andreevskij I. Russkoe gosudarstvennoe pravo. – SPb., 1886.
4. Baglaj M.V. Konstitucionnoe pravo Rossijskoj Federacii. – 6-e izd., izm. i dop. – M., 2007.
5. Barsegov Ju.G. Territorija v mezhdunarodnom prave. – M.: Gosjurizdat, 1958.
6. Bogdanova N.A. Konstitucionnoe pravo (obshhaja chast'): Ucheb.posob. – M., 1994. – Ch. 1.
7. Bogdanova N.A. Sistema nauki konstitucionnogo prava. – M., 2001.
8. Gradovskij A.D. Obshhee gosudarstvennoe pravo. – SPb., 1885.
9. Koveshnikov E.M. Konstitucionnoe pravo Rossijskoj Federacii. – M., 1998.
10. Kozlova E.I., Kutafin O.E. Konstitucionnoe pravo Rossii. –M., 2006.
11. Koljushin E.I. Konstitucionnoe pravo Rossii: Kurs lekcij. – M., 2006.
12. Konstitucionnoe pravo Rossii: Ucheb. – 3-e izd., peresmotr. I dop. / Otv. red. A.N.Kokotov, M.I.Kukushkin. – M.: Norma, 2008.
13. Korkunov N.M. Russkoe gosudarstvennoe pravo. – SPb., 1909.
14. Kotok V.F. Voprosy sovetskogo gosudarstvennogo prava. – M., 1959.
15. Kukushkin M.I. Konstitucionnoe pravo Rossijskoj Federacii. – Ekaterinburg, 1995.
16. Kutafin O.E. Predmet konstitucionnogo prava. – M.: Jurist, 2001.
17. Lazarevskij N.I. Lekcii po russkomu gosudarstvennomu pravu. – 2-e izd. – T. I. – SPb, 1910.
18. Lepeshkin A.I. Kurs sovetskogo gosudarstvennogo prava. – T. I. – M., 1961.
19. Mezhdunarodnoe kosmicheskoe pravo / Otv. red. G.P.Zhukov, Ju.M.Kolosov. – M.: Mezhdunar. otnoshenija, 1999.
20. Mezhdunarodno-pravovye osnovy nedropol'zovanija / Pod red. A.N.Vylegzhanina. – M.: NORMA, 2007.
21. Minjaev A.O. Jekologicheskoe pravo: konstitucionnye osnovy: Ucheb. posob. dlja vuzov. – M., 2004.
22. Pokatova V.P. Konstitucionno-pravovye osnovy vodnyh otnoshenij: Dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. – Ekaterinburg, 2009.
23. Ravvin S.M. Osnovnye osobennosti sovetskogo gosudarstvennogo prava // Pravovedenie. – 1961. – # 1. – S. 9–10.
24. Smirnjagin L.V. Rossijskij federalizm: paradoksy, protivorechija, predrassudki. – M.: Moskovskij obshhestvennyj nauchnyj fond, 1998. – # 63. – (Nauch. doklady).
25. Umnova I.A. Sovmestnoe vedenie Rossijskoj Federacii i ee sub"ektov kak predmet konstitucionnogo regulirovanija // Zhurnal rossijskogo u1087 prava. – 1999.
26. Usmanskij Ja.N. Sovetskoe gosudarstvennoe pravo. – M., 1970.
27. Chervonjuk V.I. Konstitucionnoe pravo Rossii. – M., 2004.
Constitutional law
Kanunnikov K.S.
Kanunnikov K.S.
The normative legal acts of the state youth policies on the federal level
In modern Russia there has been developed a wide legal base of regulatory relations in the sphere of state youth policies. But the principal item of this normative base is absent. It is still not agreed upon passing the basic federal law that would set the legal framework for adjusting the status of the young, for development and implementation of the youth policies. The article covers the basic normative legal acts regulating the state youth policies on the federal level.
In modern Russia there has been developed a wide legal base of regulatory relations in the sphere of state youth policies. But the principal item of this normative base is absent. It is still not agreed upon passing the basic federal law that would set the legal framework for adjusting the status of the young, for development and implementation of the youth policies. The article covers the basic normative legal acts regulating the state youth policies on the federal level.
Keywords: youth, youth policies, legislation, federal law, concept, state youth policies, bodies of state power system.
Constitutional law
Sultanova S.S.
Sultanova S.S.
Realization of human right to sufficient standard of living in the Russian Federation
The article is devoted to the actual problem of realization of the right to sufficient standard of living the elements of which are the rights to sufficient food, clothes, water and housing. Today it is impossible to deny existence of social problems. Their decisions should be found in close contact of the public and the state where creation of conditions of worthy development of the person in a society becomes an ultimate goal.
The article is devoted to the actual problem of realization of the right to sufficient standard of living the elements of which are the rights to sufficient food, clothes, water and housing. Today it is impossible to deny existence of social problems. Their decisions should be found in close contact of the public and the state where creation of conditions of worthy development of the person in a society becomes an ultimate goal.
Keywords: adequate standard of living in the Russian Federation, Constitution, right to water, right to adequate housing, right to adequate clothing.
1. Baturin A.K. Sostojanie pitanija naselenija Rossii i puti preduprezhdenija narushenij pitanija // IJePP, 2001.
2. Berlin I. Dve koncepcii svobody // Sovremennyj liberalizm: Rolz, Berlin, Dvorkin, Kimlika, Sjendel, Tejlor, Uoldron. –M., 2001.
3. Zor'kin V.D. Standart spravedlivosti // Rossijskaja gazeta. – 2007. – # 4385.
4. Prava cheloveka v dialoge gosudarstvennoj vlasti i grazhdanskogo obshhestva: Materialy obshherossijskoj konferencii molodyh uchenyh, aspirantov i studentov, posvjashhennoj Vsemirnomu Dnju prav cheloveka. 2–3 dekabrja 2011 g. – Ufa: RIC BashGU, 2011.
5. Rudinskij F.M., Gavrilova Ju.V., Krikunova A.A., Soshnikova T .A. Jekonomicheskie i social'nye prava cheloveka i grazhdanina: sovremennye problemy teorii i praktiki / Pod obshh. red. F.M.Rudinskogo. – M.: Prava Cheloveka, 2009.
Civil law
Bystrov G.E.
Cooperative legislation of Russia: prospects of development and improvement
In the article defined are the main ways of improving of cooperative legislation in Russia, which is designed to take into account not only domestic but also foreign experience in development of cooperation based on the principles of cooperative identity set out by the ICA.
In the article defined are the main ways of improving of cooperative legislation in Russia, which is designed to take into account not only domestic but also foreign experience in development of cooperation based on the principles of cooperative identity set out by the ICA.
Keywords: cooperative, industrial, consumer cooperative, cooperative company, cooperative movement, legal entity, cooperative principles, improvement of cooperative legislation.
Civil law
Tolstaya E.V.
Tolstaya E.V.
The personal non-property right: criteria of definition
In the article the criteria allowing to include certain rights into personal non-property ones are analyzed as well as a conflict question of definition of concepts «autonomy of will» and «subjective right».
In the article the criteria allowing to include certain rights into personal non-property ones are analyzed as well as a conflict question of definition of concepts «autonomy of will» and «subjective right».
Keywords: personal non-property rights, nonmaterial values, autonomy of will, subjective right, subjective duty.
1. Agarkov M.M. Predmet i sistema sovetskogo grazhdanskogo prava (V porjadke obsuzhdenija) // Sovetskoe gosudarstvo i pravo. –1940. – # 8–9.
1. Agarkov M.M. Predmet i sistema sovetskogo grazhdanskogo prava (V porjadke obsuzhdenija) // Sovetskoe gosudarstvo i pravo. –1940. – # 8–9.
2. Andreev Ju.N. Lichnye neimushhestvennye otnoshenija kak predmet grazhdanskogo prava // Antologija nauchnoj mysli: K 10-letiju Rossijskoj akademii pravosudija: Sb. statej. – M., 2008.
3. Golubev K.I., Narizhnij S.V. Kompensacija moral'nogo vreda kak sposob zashhity neimushhestvennyh blag lichnosti. – 2-e izd., dop. –SPb., 2001.
4. Drobyshevskaja T.V. Lichnye neimushhestvennye prava grazhdan i ih grazhdansko-pravovaja zashhita. – Krasnojarsk, 2001.
5. Ioffe O.S. Izbrannye trudy po grazhdanskomu pravu. – M.:Statut, 2000.
6. Ioffe O.S. Zashhita chesti i dostoinstva // Sov. gosudarstvo i pravo. – 1962. – # 7.
7. Krasavchikov O.A. Grazhdanskie organizacionno-pravovye otnoshenija // Sov. gosudarstvo i pravo. – 1966. – # 10.
8. Krasavchikov O.A. Ohrana interesov lichnosti i Svod zakonov Sovetskogo gosudarstva // Grazhdansko-pravovaja ohrana interesov lichnosti v SSSR. – M., 1977.
9. Krasavchikova L.O. Recenzija na kn.: Maleina M.N. Lichnye neimushhestvennye prava grazhdan: ponjatie, osushhestvlenie, zashhita. M., 2000 // Gosudarstvo i pravo. – 2002. – # 11.
10. Krasavchikova L.O. Ponjatie i sistema lichnyh neimushhestvennyh prav grazhdan (fizicheskih lic) v grazhdanskom prave Rossijskoj Federacii. – Ekaterinburg, 1994.
11. Maleina M.N. Lichnye neimushhestvennye prava grazhdan: ponjatie, osushhestvlenie, zashhita. – M., 2000.
12. Rjasencev V.A. Neimushhestvennyj interes v sovetskom grazhdanskom prave // Uchenye zapiski Moskovskogo juridicheskogo in-ta. –M., 1939. – Vyp. 1.
13. Tolstoj V.S. Sistema grazhdanskogo prava i sistema obshhestvennyh otnoshenij // Social'nye problemy prava: Sb. statej. –Vyp. 1. – M.: Sojuz, 2000.
14. Tolstoj V.S. Lichnye neimushhestvennye pravootnoshenija. – M.,2009.
15. Flejshic E.A. Lichnye prava v grazhdanskom prave SSSR i kapitalisticheskih stran. – M., 1941.
16. Jaroshenko K.B. Zhizn' i zdorov'e pod ohranoj zakona. Grazhdansko-pravovaja zashhita lichnyh neimushhestvennyh prav grazhdan. –M., 1990.
Civil law
Trofimova J.A.
Trofimova J.A.
Notarially certified facts as the bases of occurrence of the subjective civil rights
The article grows out of scientifical and practical research of notarially certified facts as bases of occurrence of the civil rights.
The article grows out of scientifical and practical research of notarially certified facts as bases of occurrence of the civil rights.
Keywords: notarial certificate, legal fact, property right registration.
1. Bakirova E.Ju. Juridicheskie fakty v zhilishhnyh otnoshenijah: Dis. ... kand. jurid. nauk. – Saratov 2003.
2. Gambarov Ju.S. Grazhdanskoe pravo. Obshhaja chast'. – CPb., 1911.
3. Zernin N.V. Juridicheskie fakty v sovetskom avtorskom prave:Dis. ... kand. jurid. nauk. – Sverdlovsk, 1984.
4. Markosjan A.V. Juridicheskie fakty v semejnom prave Rossijskoj Federacii: Dis. ... kand. jurid. nauk. – M., 2007.
5. Mahieva A.H. Juridicheskie fakty v grazhdanskom prave Kyrgyzskoj Respubliki: Avtoref. dis. ... kand. jurid. nauk. – Dushanbe, 2011.
6. Shahbazjan A.A. Zashhita grazhdanskih prav v notarial'nom proizvodstve: Avtoref. dis. ... kand. jurid. nauk. – M., 2011.
7. Jarkov V.V. Juridicheskie fakty v mehanizme realizacii norgrazhdanskogo processual'nogo prava: Dis. ... kand. jurid. nauk. – Ekaterinburg, 1992.
Civil law
Zarubin A.S.
Zarubin A.S.
Some questions of legal regulation of relations arising when placing orders for goods, works and services for state and municipal needs
The article deals with regulation of relations arising from the placing of orders for goods, works
The article deals with regulation of relations arising from the placing of orders for goods, works
and services for state and municipal needs.
Keywords: legislation on placing orders, trades, state and municipal contract.
1. Beljaeva O.A. «Sovershenstvovanie» zakonodatel'stva o razmeshhenii zakazov dlja publichnyh nuzhd // Zakonodatel'stvo. – 2009. –# 11.
2. Blinov V.G. Pravovoe regulirovanie chastnyh i publichnyh otnoshenij pri postavke tovarov dlja gosudarstvennyh nuzhd: Avtoref.dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. – Kazan', 2009.
3. Gapanovich A.V. Sfera primenenija Federal'nogo zakona ot 21.07.2005 # 94-FZ «O razmeshhenii zakazov na postavki tovarov, vypolnenie rabot, okazanie uslug dlja gosudarstvennyh i municipal'nyh nuzhd» // Pravo i jekonomika. – 2009. – # 8.
4. Shihova S.S. Porjadok rastorzhenija gosudarstvennogo ili municipal'nogo kontrakta na postavku tovarov, vypolnenie rabot, okazanie uslug dlja gosudarstvennyh i municipal'nyh nuzhd // Pravo i jekonomika. – 2010. – # 2.
Civil law
Miroshnikova N.G.
Miroshnikova N.G.
The legal nature of servitude
In the given article the legal nature of servitude, their classification, the comparative analysis of differences between the private servitude from public one are presented. Identified also are perspective directions on a way of construction of the new mechanism of legal regulation of servitude in connection with development of the Concept of development of civil legislation of the Russian Federation on servitude.
In the given article the legal nature of servitude, their classification, the comparative analysis of differences between the private servitude from public one are presented. Identified also are perspective directions on a way of construction of the new mechanism of legal regulation of servitude in connection with development of the Concept of development of civil legislation of the Russian Federation on servitude.
Keywords: servitude, ground area, property right, real rights, real estate, Civil Code, Land Code.
1. Koncepcija razvitija grazhdanskogo zakonodatel'stva RF / Vstup. st. A.L.Makovskogo. – M., 2009.
2. Puhta G.F. Kurs Rimskogo grazhdanskogo prava. – M., 1874. – T. 1.
3. Rimskoe chastnoe pravo: Uchebnik / Pod red. I.B.Novickogo, I.S.Pereterskogo. – M.: Jurist, 2004.
Labour law
Zakharov K.V.
On legal regulation of the tripartite commissions at the present stage of development of Russian legislation
The paper analyzes the main sources of law governing the operation of the tripartite commissions. It is concluded that, at all levels of social partnership now established the necessary legal acts, but the process of their application needs to be improved.
The paper analyzes the main sources of law governing the operation of the tripartite commissions. It is concluded that, at all levels of social partnership now established the necessary legal acts, but the process of their application needs to be improved.
Keywords: commissions for the regulation of social-labor relations, social partnership.
1. Aleshkova N.P. Konstitucionno-pravovye osnovy municipal'nogo pravotvorchestva v Rossijskoj Federacii: Avtoref. dis. …kand. jurid. nauk. – Ekaterinburg, 2010.
2. Bezina A.K. Sudebnaja praktika v mehanizme pravovogo regulirovanija trudovyh otnoshenij. – Kazan', 1989.
3. Bugrov L .Ju. K diskussii o trudovom dogovore kak istochnike prava // Trudovoe pravo v Rossii i za rubezhom. – 2011. – # 2.
4. Kommentarij k Trudovomu kodeksu Rossijskoj Federacii /Pod red. Ju.L.Orlovskogo. – M., 2009.
5. Lushnikova M.V., Lushnikov A.M. Social'noe partnerstvo v sfere truda. – Jaroslavl', 2008.
6. Marchenko M.N. Istochniki prava. – M., 2006.
7. Prava rabotodatelej v trehstoronnih otnoshenijah / Pod red. A.F.Nurtdinovoj i L.A.Chikanovoj. – M., 2009.
8. Social'naja politika v Rossii. – M., 1992.
9. Teorija gosudarstva i prava / Pod red. V.M.Korel'skogo, V.D.Perevalova. – M., 2000.
10. Hropanjuk V.N. Teorija gosudarstva i prava / Pod red. V.G.Strekozova. – M., 2000.
11. Chucha S.Ju. Social'noe partnerstvo v sfere truda: stanovlenie i perspektivy razvitija pravovogo regulirovanija v Rossijskoj Federacii: Avtoref. dis. ... d-ra jurid. nauk. – M., 2005.
Criminal law and criminal executive law
Baumshteyn A.B.
Changes in sanctions of economic crimes: error or thoroughly thought over course?
In the article the question of criminal and legal estimation of absence of the bottom limit of the sanction in corpus delicti in economic activities sphere is considered.
In the article the question of criminal and legal estimation of absence of the bottom limit of the sanction in corpus delicti in economic activities sphere is considered.
Keywords: crimes in economic activities sphere, bottom limit of sanction, changes in criminal legislation.
1. Komisarov V.S. Harakteristika sostojanija i osnovnye tendencii ugolovnogo zakonodatel'stva Rossii // Aktual'nye voprosy gosudarstva i prava v Rossijskoj Federacii i v Respublike Makedonii:Sb. nauch. st. – Vyp. 1 / Otv. red. A.E.Sherstobitov. – M., 2006.
2. Kriminologija: Uchebnik / Pod red. V.N.Kuprijanova i V.Je.Jeminova. – 2-e izd., pererab. i dop. – M.: Jurist", 2000.
3. Rarog A.I. Nuzhen li Rossii novyj ugolovnyj kodeks? // Ugolovnoe pravo: strategija razvitija v XXI veke: Materialy IX mezhdunar.nauch.-praktich. konf. – M., 2012.
4. Solov'ev O.G. Liberalizacija ugolovno-pravovyh zapretov v sfere jekonomicheskoj dejatel'nosti: protivorechija zakonodatel'noj tehniki // Ugolovnoe pravo: istoki, realii, perehod k ustojchivomu razvitiju: Materialy VI Rossijskogo kongressa ugolovnogo prava (26–27 maja 2011 goda). – M.: Prospekt, 2011.
5. Shahkeldov F.G. Vse ravno sud'e za jeto nichego ne budet // Administrator suda. Jurist. – 2010. – # 4.
Criminal law and criminal executive law
Predein P.Yu.
The correspondence of concepts «crime» and «crime structure» within the limits of the doctrine about a compound and complicated crime
The article is devoted to problems of correspondence between concepts «crime» and «crime structure», between concepts «complicated crime», «complicated crime structure» and «compound crime». The history of development of concept of structure of a crime is analyzed. The author makes own classification of crimes among which along with a simple and complicated crime allocates a compound crime, and gives their definitions.
The article is devoted to problems of correspondence between concepts «crime» and «crime structure», between concepts «complicated crime», «complicated crime structure» and «compound crime». The history of development of concept of structure of a crime is analyzed. The author makes own classification of crimes among which along with a simple and complicated crime allocates a compound crime, and gives their definitions.
Keywords: crime, crime structure, individual crime, complicated crime, compound crime, complicated crime structure.
1. Brajnin Ja.M. Osnovnye voprosy obshhego uchenija o sostave prestuplenija. – Kiev, 1964.
1. Brajnin Ja.M. Osnovnye voprosy obshhego uchenija o sostave prestuplenija. – Kiev, 1964.
2. Gontar' I.Ja. Prestuplenie i sostav prestuplenija kak javlenija i ponjatija v ugolovnom prave: Voprosy teorii i pravotvorchestva. –Vladivostok, 1997.
3. Demin V.F. Social'naja obuslovlennost' zakonodatel'nogo konstruirovanija edinogo slozhnogo prestuplenija i kvalifikacija:Dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. – M., 1989.
4. Durmanov N.D. Ponjatie prestuplenija. – M.: L., 1948.
5. Zherebkin V.E. Logicheskij analiz ponjatij prava. – Kiev, 1976.
6. Karpushin M.P., Kurljandskij V.I. Ugolovnaja otvetstvennost' i sostav prestuplenija. – M.: Jurid. lit., 1974.
7. Kistjakovskij A.F. Jelementarnyj uchebnik obshhego ugolovnogo prava. – T. I. Obshhaja chast'. – Kiev, 1875.
8. Kovalev M.I. Ponjatie i priznaki prestuplenija i ih znachenie dlja kvalifikacii. – Sverdlovsk, 1977.
9. Kruglikov L.L., Smirnova L.E. Unifikacija v ugolovnom prave. – SPb., 2008.
10. Kurs ugolovnogo prava. – T. 1. Obshhaja chast'. Uchenie o prestuplenii / Pod red. N.F.Kuznecovoj, I.M.Tjazhkovoj. – M.: IKD«Zercalo-M», 2002.
11. Kurs sovetskogo ugolovnogo prava. Chast' obshhaja. – T. 2 / Pod red. N.A.Beljaeva, M.D.Shargorodskogo. – L., 1970.
12. Kurs ugolovnogo prava. Obshhaja chast'. – T. 1. Uchenie o prestuplenii / Pod red. N.F.Kuznecovoj i I.M.Tjazhkovoj. – M., 2002.
13. Levickij G.A. Kvalifikacija prestuplenij (Obshhie voprosy) // Pravovedenie. – 1962. – # 1.
14. Lekcii po ugolovnomu pravu, chitannye N.S.Tagancevym. Obshhaja chast'. – Vyp. I. – SPb., 1888.
15. Losev S.G. K voprosu o klassifikacii sostavov prestuplenija v otechestvennom ugolovnom prave // Sovershenstvovanie dejatel'nosti pravoohranitel'nyh organov po bor'be s prestupnost'ju v sovremennyh uslovijah: Materialy Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. 3–4 nojabrja 2011 g. – Vyp. 8. – Tjumen', 2011.
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19. Nazarenko G.V. Vina v ugolovnom prave. – Orel, 1996.
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21. Piteckij V.V. Sostavnye normy v ugolovnom prave Rossii: Dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. – Krasnojarsk, 2004.
22. Pudovochkin Ju.E. Uchenie o sostave prestuplenija: Ucheb. posob. – M.: Jurlitinform, 2009.
23. Rarog A.I. Nastol'naja kniga sud'i po kvalifikacii prestuplenij. – M., 2008.
24. Tagancev N.S. Russkoe ugolovnoe pravo: Lekcii. Chast' obshhaja:V 2 t. – T. 1. – M.: Nauka. 1994.
25. Trajnin A.N. Krizis burzhuaznoj demokratii i razvitie uchenija o sostave prestuplenija // Sovetskoe gosudarstvo i pravo. – 1941. – # 1.
26. Trajnin A.N. Obshhee uchenie o sostave prestuplenija. – M., 1957.
27. Trajnin A.N. Sostav prestuplenija po sovetskomu ugolovnomu pravu. – M.: Gosjurizdat, 1951.
28. Troickij V.V. Posjagatel'stvo kak kategorija rossijskogo ugolovnogo prava: Avtoref. dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. – Rjazan', 2004.
29. Truncevskij Ju. Obshhaja harakteristika sostavov prestuplenij, soprjazhennyh so st. 146 UK RF, v audiovizual'noj sfere // Ugolovnoe pravo. – 2011. – # 1.
30. Ugolovnoe pravo. Obshhaja chast': Uchebnik / Otv. red. I.Ja.Kozachenko. – 4-e izd., pererab. i dop. – M.: Norma, 2008.
31. Jushkov Ju.N. Naznachenie nakazanija po sovokupnosti prestuplenij i prigovorov. – M.: Jurid. lit., 1975.
Criminal process and Criminalistics
Bagmet A.M.
Some aspects of definition of investigative jurisdiction of the crimes made during mass riots
In the article on the basis of analysis of investigative practice some features of definition of investigative jurisdiction are considered at investigation of criminal cases about the crimes made during mass riots.
In the article on the basis of analysis of investigative practice some features of definition of investigative jurisdiction are considered at investigation of criminal cases about the crimes made during mass riots.
Keywords: investigative jurisdiction, mass riots, investigation of crimes.
Criminal process and Criminalistics
Komissarova Yа.V.
Subject-matter of expert in criminal judicial proceedings
The article considers the process of proof in categories of theory of perception, theory of information and general psychological theory of activity.
The article considers the process of proof in categories of theory of perception, theory of information and general psychological theory of activity.
Keywords: criminal judicial proceedings, evidence, forensic expertise, object and subject-matter of perception, activity of expert.
1. Aver'janova T.V. Sudebnaja jekspertiza: Kurs obshhej teorii. –M.: Norma, 2006.
1. Aver'janova T.V. Sudebnaja jekspertiza: Kurs obshhej teorii. –M.: Norma, 2006.
2. Alekseev N.S., Daev V.G., Kokorev L.D. Ocherk razvitija nauki sovetskogo ugolovnogo processa / Nauch. red. N.S.Alekseev. – Voronezh:Izd-vo Voronezh. un-ta, 1980.
3. Arsen'ev V.D., Zablockij V.G. Ispol'zovanie special'nyh znanij pri ustanovlenii fakticheskih obstojatel'stv ugolovnogo dela. – Krasnojarsk, 1986.
4. Belkin A.R. Teorija dokazyvanija: Nauch.-metod. posob. – M.:NORMA, 1999.
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6. Butyrin A.Ju. Stroitel'no-tehnicheskaja jekspertiza v sudoproizvodstve Rossii: Dis. … d-ra jurid. nauk. – M., 2005.
7. Volcheckaja T.S. Osnovy sudebnoj jekspertologii: Ucheb. posob. – Kaliningrad: Izd-vo Kaliningradskogo gos. un-ta, 2004.
8. Gorskij G.F., Kokorev L.D., Jel'kind P.S. Problemy dokazatel'stv v sovetskom ugolovnom processe. – Voronezh: Izd-vo Voronezhskogo un-ta, 1978.
9. Zabrodin Ju.M. Ocherki teorii psihicheskoj reguljacii povedenija. – M.: Magistr, 1997.
10. Kudrjavceva A.V. Sudebnaja jekspertiza kak institut ugolovno-processual'nogo prava: Dis. … d-ra jurid. nauk. – SPb., 2001.
11. Leont'ev A.N. Izbrannye psihologicheskie proizvedenija: V 2 t. – T. II. – M.: Pedagogika, 1983.
12. Marjutina T.M., Ermolaev O.Ju. Vvedenie v psihofiziologiju. – 2-e izd., ispr. i dop. – M.: Moskovskij psihologo-social'nyj institut: Flinta, 2001.
13. Mirskij D.Ja. Predmet i sistema fototehnicheskoj jekspertizy // Teoreticheskie voprosy sudebnoj jekspertizy: Sbornik nauch.trudov. – M., 1981. – Vyp. 48.
14. Organizacionno-pravovye osnovy sudebnoj jekspertizy: Ucheb.posob. dlja jekspertov / Otv. red. V.D.Arsen'ev. – M.: VNIISJe, 1979.
15. Orlov Ju.K. Problemy teorii dokazatel'stv v ugolovnom processe. – M.: Jurist", 2009.
16. Orlov Ju.K. Proizvodstvo jekspertizy v ugolovnom processe: Ucheb. posob. / Otv. red. P.A.Lupinskaja. – M.: Izd-vo VJuZI, 1982.
17. Orlov Ju.K. Sudebnaja jekspertiza kak sredstvo dokazyvanija v ugolovnom sudoproizvodstve: Nauch. izd. – M.: In-t povyshenija kvalifikacii Rossijskogo federal'nogo centra sudebnoj jekspertizy,
18. Petruhin I.L. Jekspertiza kak sredstvo dokazyvanija v sovetskom ugolovnom processe. – M.: Jurid. lit., 1964.
19. Rostov M.N. O soderzhanii ponjatij, oboznachaemyh terminami «ob"ekt (jekspertizy, jekspertnogo issledovanija)», «kachestvo», «svojstvo» i «priznak» // Metodologija sudebnoj jekspertizy: Sbornik nauch. trudov. – M.: Izd. VNIISJe, 1986.
20. Selivanov N.A. Spornye voprosy sudebnoj jekspertizy // Socialisticheskaja zakonnost'. – 1978. – # 5.
21. Solov'ev A u1041 B. Dokazyvanie po Ugolovno-processual'nomu kodeksu Rossijskoj Federacii (dosudebnye stadii): Nauch.-praktich. posob. – M.: Jurlitinform, 2003.
22. Steputenkova V.K. Predmet sudebnoj jekspertizy i jekspertnoe issledovanie obstojatel'stv, obrazujushhih osnovanie ugolovnoj otvetstvennosti // Aktual'nye teoreticheskie i obshhemetodicheskie problemy sudebnoj jekspertizy: Sb. nauch. tr. – M., 1975. – Vyp. 16.
23. Strelkov Ju.K. Inzhenernaja i professional'naja psihologija:Ucheb. posob. dlja stud. vyssh. ucheb. zavedenij. – M.: Izdat. centr «Akademija»: Vysshaja shkola, 2001.
24. Strogovich M.S. Kurs sovetskogo ugolovnogo processa: Osnovnye polozhenija nauki sovetskogo ugolovnogo processa. – T. 1. – M.: Nauka, 1968.
25. Teorija dokazatel'stv v sovetskom ugolovnom processe / N.V.Zhogin. – 2-e izd., ispr. i dop. – M.: Jurid. lit., 1973.
26. Teorija sudebnoj jekspertizy: Uchebnik / E.R.Rossinskaja, E.I.Galjashina, A.M.Zinin; pod red. E.R.Rossinskoj. – M.: Norma, 2009.
27. Tradicii i perspektivy dejatel'nostnogo podhoda v psihologii: shkola A.N.Leont'eva / Pod red. A.E.Vojskunskogo, A.N.Zhdan, O.K.Tihomirova. – M.: Smysl, 1999.
28. Holopova E.N. Sudebno-psihologicheskaja jekspertiza v ugolovnom sudoproizvodstve: Dis. ... d-ra jurid. nauk. – M., 2006.
29. Chel'cov M.A. Sovetskij ugolovnyj process. – M.: Gosjurizdat, 1962.
30. Shakirov K.N. Problemy teorii sudebnoj jekspertizy: metodologicheskie aspekty: Dis. … d-ra jurid. nauk. – Almaty, 2003.
31. Shejfer S.A. Metodologicheskie i pravovye problemy sobiranija dokazatel'stv v sovetskom ugolovnom processe: Dis. … d-ra jurid. nauk. – Kujbyshev, 1981.
32. Shljahov A.R. Sudebnaja jekspertiza: organizacija i provedenie. – M.: Jurid. lit., 1979.
33. Jenciklopedija sudebnoj jekspertizy / Pod red. T.V.Aver'janovoj, E.R.Rossinskoj. – M.: Jurist", 1999.
Criminal process and Criminalistics
Makarova N.Yu.
Makarova N.Yu.
Methods of fraud committed in the field of low-rise building
The article deals with specific of preparation of fraud in the field of low-rise building.
The article deals with specific of preparation of fraud in the field of low-rise building.
Keywords: fraud, field of low-rise construction, fraudulent deception.
1. Vaksjan A.Z. Antiaferist. Kak izbezhat' riska byt' obmanutym. – M., 1998.
1. Vaksjan A.Z. Antiaferist. Kak izbezhat' riska byt' obmanutym. – M., 1998.
2. Dubrovskij D.I. Obman. Filosofsko-psihologicheskij analiz. – M., 1994.
Eurasian advocacy
Tokmakov I.S.
On the sides of the agreement on legal assistance
The author considers the questions of provision of legal services by different persons, content of competent legal assistance as well as analyses of problems relating to regulation this matter in practice.
The author considers the questions of provision of legal services by different persons, content of competent legal assistance as well as analyses of problems relating to regulation this matter in practice.
Keywords: agreement on provision of legal services, attorney-at-law, parties of an agreement, competent legal assistance, «advocatory monopoly».
1. Advokat: navyki professional'nogo masterstva / Pod red. L.A.Voskobitovoj, I.N.Luk'janovoj, L.P.Mihajlovoj. – M.: Volters Kluver, 2006.
2. Astahov S. Advokaty-monopolisty // JeZh-Jurist. – 2010. – # 20.
3. Barenbojm P.D., Burobin V.N. O putjah razvitija rossijskoj advokatury // Advokat. – 2009. – # 3.
4. Belov V.A. Grazhdanskoe pravo: Obshhaja i Osobennaja chasti: Uchebnik. – M., 2003.
5. Braginskij M.I., Vitrjanskij V.V. Dogovornoe pravo. – Kniga pervaja: Obshhie polozhenija. – M.: Statut, 2001.
6. Burobin V.N. Kommercializacija advokatury – blago dlja ee razvitija // Rossijskaja justicija. – 2002. – # 5.
7. Burobin V. Ne prjatat' golovu v pesok // Rossijskij advokat. – 2009. – # 1.
8. Burobina E., Burobin V. Juridicheskaja pomoshh' naznachennomu licu // JeZh-Jurist. – 2010. – # 21.
9. Voronov A.A. Nekotorye problemy realizacii rossijskoj advokaturoj funkcii po okazaniju kvalificirovannoj juridicheskoj pomoshhi // Advokatura. Gosudarstvo. Obshhestvo: Sbornik materialov III Vserossijskoj konferencii / Otv. red. S.I.Volodina, Ju.S.Pilipenko. – M., 2006.
10. Gordon A. Predstavitel'stvo v grazhdanskom prave. – SPb., 1897.
11. Grazhdanskoe pravo: V 4 t. – T. III. Objazatel'stvennoe pravo / Pod red. E.A.Suhanova. – 3-e izd., pererab. i dop. – M.: Volters Kluver, 2005.
12. Zajceva T.I. Notarial'naja praktika: otvety na voprosy. – M.: Volters Kluver, 2007.
13. Zakony grazhdanskie s raz"jasnenijami Pravitel'stvujushhego Senata i kommentarijami russkih juristov / Sost. I.M.Tjutrjumov. – Kn. 4. – M.: Statut, 2004.
14. Kratenko M.V. Dogovor ob okazanii juridicheskoj pomoshhi v sovremennom grazhdanskom zakonodatel'stve. – M.: Statut, 2006.
15. Krohmaljuk A. Edinye standarty dlja juridicheskoj pomoshhi // Novaja advokatskaja gazeta. – 2008. – # 10 (27).
16. Kujanova L. Predstavitel'stvo i doverennost' // Bjulleten' notarial'noj praktiki. – 2003. – # 5.
17. Mel'nichenko R. Nuzhna li advokatam monopolija? // Rossijskij advokat. – 2008. – # 5.
18. Mirzoev G. A problemy ostalis' // Rossijskij advokat. – 2007. – # 5.
19. Muzjukin D.V. Pravovoe obespechenie rynka juridicheskih uslug: Avtoref. dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. – Tomsk, 2007.
20. Muranov A.I. Principial'naja dopustimost' tak nazyvaemoj advokatskoj monopolii v svete aktov Konstitucionnogo Suda RF i Konstitucii RF. Velikij mif o Postanovlenii KS RF ot 16.07.2004 # 15-P // Vestnik Federal'noj palaty advokatov RF. – 2010. – # 2.
21. Pepeljaev S. Advokat ne ravno jurist // Advokatskie vesti. – 2008. – # 9–10.
22. Pilipenko Ju.S. Advokatskaja tajna: teorija u1080 i praktika. – M.,2009.
23. Pleten' A.S. K voprosu o soderzhanii ponjatija «kvalificirovannaja juridicheskaja pomoshh'» // Konstitucionnoe i municipal'noe pravo. – 2008. – # 23.
24. Pospelov O.V. Formy advokatskih obrazovanij v Rossii. – M.: Rossijskaja akademija advokatury, 2008.
25. Reznik G.M. K voprosu o konstitucionnom soderzhanii ponjatija «kvalificirovannaja juridicheskaja pomoshh'» // Advokat. – 2007. –# 4.
26. Reshetnikova O.M. K voprosu o ponimanii kvalificirovannoj juridicheskoj pomoshhi v grazhdanskom processe // Uchenye zapiski Juridicheskogo instituta Krasnojarskogo gosuniversiteta. – Vyp. 2. – 2001.
27. Sannikova L.V. Objazatel'stva ob okazanii uslug v rossijskom grazhdanskom prave. – M.: Volters Kluver, 2007.
28. Tret'jakova V.P. Objazatel'stva vozmezdnogo okazanija juridicheskih uslug: Dis. ... kand. jurid. nauk. – Tomsk, 2009.
29. Cheremnyh G.G. Nekotorye voprosy notarial'nogo udostoverenija doverennostej // Notarius. – 2009. – # 1.
30. Sharov G.K. Komu doverit' predstavitel'stvo v sude? // Rossijskij advokat. – 2008. – # 6.
Educational law
Kolodkin L.M., Nechevin D.K.
Formation and development of legal institute of certification of scholars and pedagogical staff (historical aspects)
In the article the retrospective analysis of development of legal regulation of certification of scholars and pedagogical staff in Western Europe and Pre-revolutionary Russia is given. The detailed regulation of procedure of award of scientific degrees and ranks on an example of outstanding scientists is resulted.
In the article the retrospective analysis of development of legal regulation of certification of scholars and pedagogical staff in Western Europe and Pre-revolutionary Russia is given. The detailed regulation of procedure of award of scientific degrees and ranks on an example of outstanding scientists is resulted.
Keywords: certification, scholars and pedagogical staff, science history, university, teaching case.
1. Azimov A. Jazyk nauki. – M.: Mir, 1985.
2. Antologija srednevekovoj mysli: Teologija i filosofija evropejskogo srednevekov'ja. – T. 1. – SPb.: RHGI: Amfora, 2008.
3. Borisov A.V., Kolodkin L.M. Stanovlenie i razvitie juridicheskogo obrazovanija v dorevoljucionnoj Rossii. – M.: Akademija MVD Rossii, 1994.
4. Zipunnikova N.N. Pravovoe regulirovanie universitetskogo obrazovanija v Rossii v XVIII – pervoj polovine XIX veka: Dis. … d-ra jurid. nauk. – Ekaterinburg, 1998.
5. Kodan S.V. Iz istorii juridicheskogo obrazovanija v Rossii pervoj poloviny XIX veka // Pravovoe vospitanie i juridicheskoe obrazovanie v uslovijah demokratizacii sovetskogo obshhestva. – Sverdlovsk, 1991.
6. Kodan S.V. Juridicheskaja nauka v Rossii v kontekste pravoprimenitel'noj politiki po modernizacii gosudarstva (XVIII – pervaja polovina XIX v.) // Razum vlasti prirastaet naukoj. – Ekaterinburg: UAGS, 2011.
7. Kolodkin L.M. Pravovoj status prepodavatelej vuzov dorevoljucionnoj Rossii (XIX – nachalo XX veka) // MVD Rossii 200 let. Istorija, razvitie, perspektivy: Trudy Akademii upravlenija. – M., 2003.
8. Korkunov M.N. Istorija filosofii prava. – SPb., 1908.
9. Kulomzin A.N. Opytnyj podschet sovremennogo sostojanija nashego narodnogo obrazovanija. – M., 1912.
10. Lejkina-Svirskaja V.R. Intelligencija v Rossii vo vtoroj polovine XIX veka. – M., 1976.
11. Polozhenie ob ispytanijah na zvanie dejstvitel'nogo studenta i na uchenye stepeni ot 4 janvarja 1864 g. // SP po MNP 1850–1864 gg. –SPb., 1867. – T. 3.
12. Jakushev A.N. Porjadok prisuzhdenija uchenyh stepenej v Rossii (1747–1918): razvitie i realizacija pravovyh idej, proektov, zakonoproektov i normativnyh pravovyh aktov (na opyte nauchnogo napravlenija): Dis. … d-ra jurid. nauk. – Nevinnomyssk, 2001.
Social and law researches
Galiev G.T.
The role of social audit in optimization of social and labor relations
The article examines the role of social audit in optimization of social and labor relations.
The article examines the role of social audit in optimization of social and labor relations.
Keywords: labor relations, social audit, internal audit, external audit.
Social and law researches
Gimaev I.Z.
Public opinion as the factor of increase of efficiency of the state administrating in modern Russia
The article is devoted to reconsideration of the role of public opinion at the present stage of public administration development.
The article is devoted to reconsideration of the role of public opinion at the present stage of public administration development.
Keywords: public opinion, public administration, social phenomena.
1. Bojkov V.Je. Vlast' i narod v Rossii 1990-h godov i v nastojashhee vremja. – M., 2008.
2. Komarovskij V.S. Gosudarstvennaja sluzhba i SMI. – Voronezh: Izd-vo VGU, 2003.
3. Lapaeva V.V. Obshhestvennoe mnenie i zakonodatel'stvo. Teorija. Metodologija. – M., 1997.
Law and Politics
Alekseev R.A.
Centrifugal and centripetal trends in federal Russia (1991–2011)
The collapse of the Soviet Union – is the event in the world history. The crisis of the political system, the national question being not resolved by the state , «perestroika» of Mikhail Gorbachev marked this event. But with the collapse of the Soviet Union and formation of new independent states the problem of preserving the integrity of Russia became actual since separatist tendencies gained a momentum and the process of territorial fragmentation could continue.
Keywords: Institute of Federalism, collapse of the Soviet Union, Russian Federation, Constitution of 1993, the President of Russia, centrifugal tendencies, centripetal tendencies.
International scientific and practical law journal
Included in the VAK Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation list