For the Eurasian Economic Union – the future!

Persona grata
The right to health in the Eurasian space. Interview with the president of the Eurasian Forum of Medical Associations, president of the National Medical Association of the Republic of Kazakhstan A.B. Sadykova

I Conference of the Moscow Anti-corruption Committee «Actual problems of legislation implementation about independent anti-corruption expertise»

Eurasian Integration: Experience and problems
Mishalchenko Yu.V., Farkhutdinov I.Z.

Realization of administrative legal norms and international standards in the Russian institute of suffrage: comparative legal analysis
Firsova A.A.

Comparative characteristics of prosecutor’s verification in the EvrAzES states
Danelyan A.A.
International legal sources of investment disputes settlement in the Eurasian space

Law of the CIS states

Baysalova G.T., Taytorina B.A.

Judicial review on appeal, protest against the decision in a case concerning an administrative offense
Ismailova B.S.
Problems of a parity of national and international law in the Azerbaijan Republic
Aliyev N.K.
Murder of two or more persons, re-murder in the Criminal Code of the Azerbaijan Republic: analysis of legislation and questions of its improvement
Bagirli К.
Amnesty as a form of discharge from criminal liability

International law
Bekyashev K.A., Bekyashev D.K.

International acts of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) on fisheries issues and its implementation in the Russian Federation
Maleev Yu.N., Malikova N.V.
Regional inter-state legal cooperation directions in the sphere of aviation security
Valeev R.M.
The institute of recognition in scientific works of professor David Feldman (to the 90 anniversary of the scientist)
Arkhipova M.F.
General agreement on trade in services (GATS): general approach to the scope of specific commitments
Gafarov Z.M.
Global, regional and bilateral cooperation among states in combating international terrorism
Yastrebova A.Yu.
International legal instruments to prevent the human trafficking and illegal labour migration
Emelyanova N.N.
Current issues of space security
Podshivalova O.I.
Influence of fragmentation of international law on legal system of the Russian Federation in the field of education

Theory and History of State and Law
Rybnikov A.V.

Theoretical and legal aspects of the crimes motivated by hatred based on ethnic, racial, religious identity or hostility
Abakacheva M.B.
Social and cultural determinants of legal behavior
Olenichenko E.N.
Problems of continuity and variability in legal regulation of relations of common property on premises in the soviet and modern Russia
Tumanov D.Yu.
«Powerlesses» as the social and legal category of the soviet citizens
Miloserdova L.F.
The development of judicial system in the second half of ХVIII century based on provincial reform of Catherine II
Varfolomeev Yu.V.
Legal support and organization of investigative activities of the Extraordinary Investigation Commission of the Temporary Government
Kasabyan S.V.
M.M. Speranskiy: contribution to modernization of Russia
Dolakova M.I.
Normative provision of financial and economic reforms of S.Yu.Witte

Constitutional law

Krivykh N.A.

Guilt as a subjective side of constitutional delict
Fomichevа O.A.
Problems of constitutional legal regulation of relations in the sphere of joint jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and its members at the questions of activity of law enforcement bodies and the legal system functioning

Civil law and criminal procedural law
Khismatullin R.S., Klimina K.R.

The influence of international law to improve consideration by the appeal instance of civil action for minors Krasnikov N.I.
Comments to the article regarding option contract proposed to be incorporated into the Civil code of the Russian Federation
Filikov D.A.

Presumption of guilt, relief from liability and exclusion
Gurjev V.N.
Joint-stock agreements as group of corporate contracts: offers on modernization of legal regulation

Land law
Arsanukayeva M.S.

Draft decision of the land question in the mountainous zone of Chechnya and Ingushetia (second half of XIX – early XX centuries)

Juvenile Law
Abdullaev E.A.

Serving of punishment by minors in Azerbaijan

Criminal law and criminal procedural law

Makarova Z.V.

Special function and role of investigator in the criminal process
Leveev Yu.E.
The role and value of international legal standards and principles in criminal proceedings of Russia

Family law
Tatarintseva E.A.

Legal consequenses of adoption for adoptive parents and their relatives in the Russian Federation and the common law countries
Purge A.R.
Problems of legal regulation of surrogate motherhood in the Russian Federation

Eurasian advocacy
Ragulin A.V.

The right of the lawyer-defender to demand an interdiction for intervention in the lawyer activity or preventing to it somehow: problems of a legislative regulation and practical realization

Law and Politics
Medvedev N.P.

To the 20th anniversary of the Federative Treaty: History of Russian statehood
Mardanov M.H.
Some features of political legal status of meshchersky tatars in conditions of federative transformation of Russia
Makogon B.V.
Globalization and transitional period of state and legal development of Russia


The speech of S.A.Ordzhonikidze in the Kutafin MSLA at the regular meeting of the Сlub of International Lawyer

The review of the monograph «Acting and realization of norms of international law in the legal system of the Russian Federation»: monograph / S.Yu. Marochkin. – M.: Norma: INFRA, 2011. – 288 p.

To the 60 anniversary of Fayzullin Gayaz Gabdelislamovich

Information for authors

Аbout the authors
Eurasian I ntegration: Expe rience and p roblems
Mishalchenko Yu.V., Farkhutdinov I.Z.
Realization of administrative legal norms and international standards in the Russian institute of suffrage: comparative legal analysis
In this article the analysis of realization of administrative constitutional legal norms and standards in the Russian electoral legislation is conducted. The legal mechanism and process of guarantee of complaints and statements on violations during election campaign in the process of presidential elections in March 4, 2012 confirm to international electoral standards, among them 2002 Convention of democratic election standards, electoral rights and liberties of CIS states-members. It creates the conditions for action of effective defense mechanism of electoral rights of Russian citizens.
Keywords: administrative legal norms and their sourses, international legal norms and their sourses, realization of administrative legal and international legal norms, legal status of subjects of administrative and constitutional law, currying out of the Russian Federation President elections, administrative infringement of the law administrative and criminal responsibility, administrative process.
Eurasian I ntegration: Expe rience and p roblems
Firsova A.A.
Comparative characteristics of prosecutor’s verification in the EvrAzES states
The author makes comparative analyses of such prosecutor’s legal instrument as prosecutor’s verification in EvrAzES states. The author shows similar features and differences of prosecutor’s
verification, interprets and evaluates reasons, timings, scope of the verification and the prosecutor’s credentials in making the verification, and also makes suggestions for improving the development of the institution of the prosecutor’s verification in EvrAzES states.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ergashev E.R. Prokurorskij nadzor v Rossijskoj Federacii.Uchebnik. M.: Jurajt, – 2011.
2. Vinokurov Ju. E. Prokurorskij nadzor. Kurs lekcij i praktikum. M.: Jekzamen, – 2003.
Eurasian I ntegration: Expe rience and p roblems
Danelyan A.A.
International legal sources of investment disputes settlement in the Eurasian space
Active international investment cooperation more involves CIS member-states into international arbitration procedures. Bilateral Investment Treaties (BIT) prefer international arbitration mechanism of investment dispute settlement between State and Foreign Investor.
Keywords: CIS, regional integration, foreign investments, BIT, international investment arbitration.
Work bibliographic list
1. Vel'jaminov E.G. Mezhdunarodnoe jekonomicheskoe pravo i process. – M., Volters Kluver, 2002.
2. Lebedev M.M. Mirovaja politika. Uchebnik. – M., 2003.
3. Moiseev E.G. Mezhdunarodno-pravovye osnovy sotrudnichestva stran SNG: ucheb. posobie / pod red. K.A. Bekjasheva. – M., 1997.
4. Remezova N.A. Mezhdunarodno-pravovye problemy sovershenstvovanija jekonomicheskoj integracii v ramkah SNG i EVRAZJeS.Diss. na soiskanie uch. st. k.ju.n. MGJuA. – 2008.
5. Pakerman G.A. Unifikacija pravovogo regulirovanija inostrannyh investicij v stranah Sodruzhestva Nezavisimyh Gosudarstv. – M., Jeksmo, 2009.
6. Shumilov V.M. Mezhdunarodnaja jekonomicheskaja sistema v XXI veke // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. – 2009. – # 7 (14).
7. Habibullin A.G., Chernobel' G.T. Interesy gosudarstva i ego ohranno-zashhitnaja funkcija // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. – 2008. –# 5.
8. Economic Integration Between Unequal Partners / Ed. By T. Georgakopoulos, G.G. Paraskevopoulos, J. Smithin. Brookfield, 1994.
9. Sapphire International Petroleums ltd. v. National Iranian Oil Company, 35 I.L.R. 136 – (1953).
10. Farkhutdinov Insur. Foreign Investor and Host State: Need for Balance Interests//Rights of the Host States within the System of International Investment Protection. Czech Yearbook of International Law.Volume 2. –2011.
Law of the CIS states
Baysalova G.T., Taytorina B.A.
Judicial review on appeal, protest against the decision in a case concerning an administrative offense
This article discusses the problem of intra-(hierarchical) judicial review, which is carried out by higher courts in relation to the subordinates concerning proceedings on administrative offenses. In particular, a detailed analysis of the issues of an appeal, a protest against the decision in a case concerning an administrative offense by judge or superior body is made.
Keywords: judicial review, administrative offense, protest against the decision.
Work bibliographic list
1.Dzhagarjan A.A. Konstitucionno-pravovye osnovy gosudarstvennogo kontrolja v Rossijskoj Federacii. – M.: Formula prava, 2008.
2. Kozlov A.E. Konstitucionnoe pravo. – M.: BEK, 1997.
3. Chepurnova N.M. Sudebnyj kontrol' v Rossijskoj Federacii:problemy metodologii, teorii i gosudarstvenno-pravovoj praktiki. – Rostov-na-Donu, 1999.
4. Lazareva V.A. Sudebnaja vlast'. Sudebnaja zashhita. Sudebnyj kontrol': ponjatie i sootnoshenie: lekcii-ocherki. – Samara, 2000.
Law of the CIS states
Ismailova B.S.
Problems of a parity of national and international law in the Azerbaijan Republic
In the given article the attempt is made to study only one of the aspects of a parity of sources of labor law, namely normative legal acts of the national labor legislation and international law acts, as labor law sources are varied and are in difficult interrelations among themselves, each of which demands detailed and attentive research.
Keywords: implementation, transformation, national legal system, interstate treaties, intergovernmental treaties.
Work bibliographic list
1. Konstitucija Azerbajdzhanskoj Respubliki. — Baku, 1995.
2. Usenko E.T. Sootnoshenie i vzaimodejstvie mezhdunarodnogo i nacional'nogo prava i Rossijskaja Konstitucija // Moskovskij zhurnal mezhdunarodnogo prava. – 1995. – # 2.
3. Zivs S.L. Istochniki prava. – M.: Nauka, 1981.
4. Kalugin V.Ju., Pavlova L.V., Fisenko I. V. Mezhdunarodnoe gumanitarnoe pravo. – Minsk: izd-vo «Tesej», 1999.
5. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo v dokumentah: Uchebnoe posobie // Sost.N.T. Blatova. – M.: Jurid. lit., 1982.
6. Brounli Ja. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo. – M., 1977. – Kn. 1–2.
7. Chernichenko S.V. Teorija mezhdunarodnogo prava. V 2-h tomah.Tom 1: Sovremennye teoreticheskie problemy. – M.: Izd. «NIMP», 1999.
8. Mjullerson R.A. O sootnoshenii mezhdunarodnogo publichnogo, mezhdunarodnogo chastnogo i nacional'nogo prava // Sov. gos-vo i pravo. – 1982. – # 2.
9. Gaverdovskij A.S. Implementacija norm mezhdunarodnogo prava. – Kiev, 1980.
10. Samedov M.N. Vypolnenie mezhdunarodnogo prava v jurisdikcii gosudarstva. – Baku: Elm ve hayat, 2002.
11. Zimnenko B.L. Soglasovanie norm vnutrigosudarstvennogo i mezhdunarodnogo prava i v pravovoj sisteme Rossii // Moskovskij zhurnal mezhdunarodnogo prava. – 2000. – # 4.
Law of the CIS states
Aliyev N.K.
Murder of two or more persons, re-murder in the Criminal Code of the Azerbaijan Republic: analysis of legislation and questions of its improvement
The article presents a comparative legal analysis of offenses provided by the articles 120.2.7 and 120.2.10 of the Criminal Code of the Azerbaijan Republic (murder of two or more persons, re-murder). Defined are the problems of offences qualification, noted are objective and subjective characters of considered offences and also suggestions of improvement of legislation are made.
Keywords: premeditated murder, qualifying characters, murder of two or more persons, re-murder, qualification of a crime.
Work bibliographic list
1. Agazade M.A. Razmyshlenija sud'i ob ugolovnom i ugolovno-processual'nom zakonah (na azerb. jazyke). – B.: Juridicheskaja literatura, 2009.
2. Gasymzade R.A. Voprosy kvalifikacii slozhnyh prestuplenij. Avtoref. dis. … kand. jur. nauk (na azerb. jazyke). – B., 2010.
3. Kurs ugolovnogo prava. Osobennaja chast'. Tom 3. Uchebnik dlja vuzov. Pod red. doktora juridicheskih nauk, professora G.N. Borzenkova i kandidata juridicheskih nauk, professora V.S. Komissarova. – M.:IKD Zercalo-M, 2002.
4. Samandarov F.Ju. Ugolovnoe pravo. Obshhaja chast'. Uchebnik dlja vuzov. – B.: Juridicheskaja literatura (na azerb. jazyke), 2002.
5. Sbornik postanovlenij Plenuma Verhovnogo Suda Azerbajdzhanskoj Respubliki (1991–2008) (na azerb. jazyke). – B.: Juridicheskaja literatura, 2008.
6. Ugolovnoe pravo Rossii: Uchebnik dlja vuzov. V 2 t. T. 2. Osobennaja chast'. Pod red. A.N. Ignatova i Ju.A. Krasikova. – M.: Izdatel'stvo NORMA, 2000.
7. Ugolovnyj kodeks Respubliki Uzbekistan. – SPb.: Izd-vo «Juridicheskij centr Press», 2001.
8. Ugolovnyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii. – M.: TK Velbi, U 26 2004.
9. Shirvanov A. Povtornost' v ugolovnom prave i ee juridicheskaja sushhnost' (na azerb. jazyke) // Nauchno-juridicheskij zhurnal «Zakon». – 2011. – # 03 (203).
10. Jefendiev Je.M. Usovershenstvovanie UK Azerbajdzhanskoj Respubliki (predlozhenija i osnovy ih realizacii) (na azerb. jazyke). –B.: Juridicheskaja literatura, 2010.
Law of the CIS states
Bagirli К.
Amnesty as a form of discharge from criminal liability
The article considers questions of discharge from criminal liability according to the act on amnesty, consequences of adoption of such an act, terms of application of the amnesty, stages of implementation, some issues concerning necessity of amnesty are also analyzed.
Keywords: amnesty, criminal liability, stages of application of the amnesty, conditions of amnesty, guilty.
Work bibliographic list
1. Kelina S.G. Teoreticheskie voprosy osvobozhdenija ot ugolovnoj otvetstvennosti. – M.: Nauka, 1974.
2. Naumov A.V. Rossijskoe ugolovnoe pravo. Obshhaja chast': Kurs lekcij. – M.: Bek, 1996.
3. Amnistija: Blago ili zlo? // Juridicheskij vestnik. – 1992. –# 5.
4. Alikperov H.D. Osvobozhdenie ot ugolovnoj otvetstvennosti. – M.: NPO «MODJeK», 2001.
5. Sabanin S.N. Amnistija i pomilovanie v ugolovnom zakonodatel'stve Rossii // Gosudarstvo i pravo. – 1995. – # 11.
International law
Bekyashev K.A., Bekyashev D.K.
International acts of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) on fisheries issues and its implementation in the Russian Federation
The FAO approved dozen of Codes and Guidelines on the fisheries management and the prevention of illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing. Though these documents are not
legally binding, they codify universal practice and determine the manner of responsible fishing in the World Ocean.
Keywords: FAO, Committee on Fisheries (COFI), responsible fishing, ecosystem approach, IUU fishing.
Work bibliographic list
1. D.L. Alverson, M.H. Freeberg, S.A. Murawski and J.G. Pope. 1994. A global assessment of fisheries bycatch and discard FAO Fisheries Technical Paper # 399. – Rome. FAO.
2. International Plan of Action for Management of Fishing Capacity. FAO. – Rome. 1999.
3. K. Kelleher. 2005. Discards in the world’s marine fisheries. An update FAO Fisheries Technical Paper # 407. – Rome.FAO.
4. Bekjashev K.A. Desjat' let Soglasheniju 1995 g. o TRZ i DMR: imejutsja li vozmozhnosti dlja bolee jeffektivnogo ispol'zovanija ee norm i principov // Morskoe pravo i praktika. – 2006. – # 4 (12).
5. Bekjashev K.A. Pravovoj status Komiteta po rybolovstvu FAO i dejatel'nost' po sovershenstvovaniju norm rybolovnogo prava // Rybnoe hozjajstvo. – 2010. – # 5.
6. Bekjashev K.A. Regulirovanie rybolovnogo usilija – vazhnaja mera racional'nogo ispol'zovanija vodnyh bioresursov // Morskoe pravo i praktika. – 2008. – # 2 (18).
7. Bekjashev K.A. Rossija dolzhna byt' uchastnikom «Soglashenija FAO o flage» // Rybnoe hozjajstvo. – 2009. – # 5.
8. Bekjashev K.A., Bekjashev D.K. Itogi 29-j sessii Komiteta po rybolovstvu FAO // Ezhegodnik morskogo prava. – 2010.
9. Bekjashev K.A., Bekjashev D.K. Kodeks vedenija otvetstvennogo rybolovstva i vozmozhnosti ego primenenija v Rossijskoj Federacii //Rybnoe hozjajstvo. – 2009. – # 4.
10. Shuvalova T.V., Orlov A.M. Glubokovodnyj promysel v otkrytyh chastjah Mirovogo okeana: problemy, sovremennoe sostojanie i perspektivy // Rybnoe hozjajstvo. – 2008. – # 4.
International law
Maleev Yu.N., Malikova N.V.
Regional inter-state legal cooperation directions in the sphere of aviation security .....50
Based on current state of inter-state regional cooperation analyses this article reviews capabilities
of their efforts consolidation with a purpose of common problems solving and working-out solutions of civil aviation security advancement, as well as issues regarding realization in ICAO European/North Atlantic Region of ICAO Aviation Security Declaration, adopted during 37th session of ICAO Assembly, with regards to fighting against acts of unlawful interference.
Keywords: acts of unlawful interference, civil aviation, aviation security, fighting against terrorism, regional cooperation, ICAO European / North Atlantic Region
International law
Valeev R.M.
The institute of recognition in scientific works of professor David Feldman (to the 90 anniversary of the scientist)
The subject of this article is a research of institute of recognition in scientific works of professor David Feldman, the beginning of which was laid in his Ph.D. thesis “The Recognition of Governments of the People Democracy Countries”. Continuation of his research in this area was the preparation and defense of doctoral dissertation “The Problem of Recognition in Modern International Law” and participation in the edition of the International Law Course in 7 volumes.
Keywords: institute of recognition, types and forms of recognition, modern theories of recognition.
Work bibliographic list
1. Fel'dman D.I. Priznanie pravitel'stv stran narodnoj diplomatii. Avtoreferat dissertacii na soiskanie uchenoj stepeni kandidata juridicheskih nauk. – M., 1949.
2. Fel'dman D.I. Aktual'nye voprosy metodologii sovetskoj nauki mezhdunarodnogo prava. – Kazan', Izd-vo KGU, 1970.
3. Fel'dman D.I., Kurdjukov G.I. Novye tendencii razvitija mezhdunarodnoj pravosub"ektnosti. – Kazan', Izd-vo KGU, 1974.
4. Baskin Ju.Ja., Fel'dman D.I. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo: problemy metodologii (Ocherki metodov issledovanija). – M., 1971.
5. Baskin Ju.Ja., Fel'dman D.I. Uchenija Kanta i Gegelja o mezhdunarodnom prave i sovremennost'. —Kazan', Izd-vo KGU, 1977.
6. Fel'dman D.I. Sistema mezhdunarodnogo prava. – Kazan', Izvo KGU, 1983.
7. Baskin Ju.Ja., Fel'dman D.I. Istorija mezhdunarodnogo prava. – M., 1990.
8. Korovin E.A. Mezhdunarodnoe priznanie SSSR i juridicheskie ego posledstvija // Sovetskoe pravo, 1924, # 3.
9. Bobrov R.L. Mezhdunarodno-pravovoe priznanie Sovetskogo gosudarstva // Uchenye zapiski Leningradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, 1948, serija juridicheskih nauk, vyp. I.
10. Lagard Je. Priznanie Sovetskogo pravitel'stva. – M., 1925.
11. Tjurina N.E. Vydajushhiesja uchenye Kazanskogo universiteta. David Isaakovich Fel'dman. – Kazan', KGU, 2005.
12. Fed'dman D.I. Priznanie pravitel'stv v mezhdunarodnom prave. – Kazan', KGU, 1961.
13. Fel'dman D.I. Sovremennye teorii mezhdunarodno-pravovogo priznanija. – Kazan', KGU, 1963.
14. Mingazov L.H. Chlenstvo v OON i problema priznanija novyh gosudarstv. Avtoreferat kandidatskoj dissertacii. – M, 1972.
15. Gasymov F.R. Priznanie gosudarstv i pravitel'stv. Sovremennaja mezhdunarodno-pravovaja teorija i praktika. Avtoreferat dissertacii kand. jur. nauk. – Kazan', 2005.
16. Fel'dman D.I. Problema priznanija v sovremennom mezhdunarodnom prave. Avtoreferat dissertacii doktora juridicheskih nauk. – Kazan', 1965.
17. Bobrov R.L. Shag, prodiktovannyj istoriej mezhdunarodno-pravovogo priznanija chelovechestva. – M, «Mezhdunarodnye otnoshenija», 1982.
18. Lazarev M.I. Dvorcovye perevoroty v stranah Latinskoj Ameriki (Mezhdunarodno-pravovoe priznanie novyh pravitel'stv) – S., Juridicheskaja literatura, 1967.
19. Olenev S. Mezhdunarodnoe priznanie SSSR. –M., Izd-vo «Social'no-jekonomicheskoj literatury», 1962.
20. Kazarovec E.M. Voprosy priznanija novyh gosudarstv i pravitel'stv v sovremennom mezhdunarodnom prave –M., izdatel'stvo MGU, 1958.
21. Fel'dman D.I. Problema priznanija v sovremennom mezhdunarodnom prave. Avtoreferat doktorskoj dissertacii. –Kazan', 1965.
22. Tjurina N.E. Vydajushhiesja uchenye Kazanskogo universiteta. D.I. Fel'dman. –Kazan', Izdatel'stvo KGU, 2005.
23. Zhizn', otdannaja nauke. Posvjashhaetsja pamjati prof. Fel'dmana D.I. –Kazan', 2004.
International law
Arkhipova M.F.
General agreement on trade in services (GATS): general approach to the scope of specific commitments
This article represents theoretical interpretation of the legal aspects of the essence of specific commitments under GATS.
Keywords: WTO, GATS, specific commitments, modes of supply, restrictive measures, market access, national treatment, additional commitments, MFN (most-favoured-nation treatment).
Work bibliographic list
1.Zenkin I.V. Mezhdunarodnoe torgovoe pravo. – M.: Central'nyj izdatel'skij dom, 2010.
International law
Gafarov Z.M.
Global, regional and bilateral cooperation among states in combating international terrorism
The content, peculiarities of different level international legal bases of state’s cooperation in the
struggle with international terrorism are discussed in this article.
Keywords: international terrorism, state’s cooperation levels, crime of international character, specialized UNO’bodies, globalization, state’s security.
International law
Yastrebova A.Yu.
International legal instruments to prevent the human trafficking and illegal labour migration
The article consists of analysis of international legal documents to prevent the human trafficking and illegal labour migration. The author offers some legal approaches to forming of international principles to protect individuals from forced conditions, to historical evolution of the states’ cooperation in the above area and to priorities of protection to such vulnerable groups as women and children are. The modern tendencies of international regulation of labour migration are considered regarding its legal basis.
Keywords: prevention of human trafficking, labour migration, international legal instruments of protection, women and children, ILO Conventions.
Work bibliographic list
1. Dzjaloshinskij I.M., Tjurjukanova E.V. Torgovlja ljud'mi: SMI kak resurs obshhestvennogo protivodejstvija sovremennomu rabstvu. – M.: MOM, 2008.
2. M. O’Konnor, G. Hili. Svjazi mezhdu prostituciej i torgovlej ljud'mi s cel'ju seksual'noj jekspluatacii. – Informacionnyj spravochnik. Perevod s angl., 2006.
3. Mizulina E.B. Torgovlja ljud'mi i rabstvo v Rossii. Mezhdunarodno-pravovoj aspekt. – M.: Jurist", 2006.
4. Obretenie novoj rodiny: mat' ili macheha? Problemy i perspektivy adaptacii zhenshhin-migrantok. Sbornik statej. – Barnaul, 2006.
5. Osobennosti predotvrashhenija i rassledovanija prestuplenij, svjazannyh s torgovlej ljud'mi. Uchebnoe posobie. Pod obshhej red. I.Ch. Shushkevicha – M.: Volters Kluver, 2008.
6. Postsovetskie transformacii: otrazhenie v migracijah. Zh.A. Zajonchkovskoj, G.S. Vitkovskoj. – M.: Centr migracionnyh issledovanij, 2009.
7. Prava cheloveka. Sbornik mezhdunarodnyh dokumentov. Sost.G.M. Melkov. – M.: Juridicheskaja literatura, 1998.
8. Prinuditel'nyj trud v sovremennoj Rossii: nereguliruemaja migracija i torgovlja ljud'mi. – M.: MOT, 2004.
9. Problemy zakonodatel'nogo obespechenija bor'by s nezakonnoj migraciej. – M.: Gosudarstvennaja Duma, 2007.
10. Protivodejstvie torgovle ljud'mi v Rossijskoj Federacii. Nauchnyj doklad. Pod red. V.S. Ovchinskogo, Ju.G. Torbina. – M., 2009.
11. Protivodejstvie torgovle ljud'mi: zakonodatel'stvo i social'naja pomoshh'. Proekt «Baltijskij monitoring». –Spb.: ROO INGO, 2003.
12. Profilaktika i protivodejstvie torgovle ljud'mi. Osobennosti dejatel'nosti organov vnutrennih del. –Rostov-na-Donu, 2005.
13. Torgovlja ljud'mi v Rossijskoj Federacii: kvalifikacija, preduprezhdenie, rassledovanie. –M.: Jurist", 2007.
14. Torgovlja ljud'mi v Rossijskoj Federacii. Obzor i analiz tekushhej situacii po probleme. –M.: MBT, JuNISEF, MOM, 2006.
15. E. Tjurjukanova. Prinuditel'nyj trud v sovremennoj Rossii: nereguliruemaja migracija i torgovlja ljud'mi. –Zheneva: MBT, 2006.
16. Holshhevnikova T.V. Migracija v aspekte zashhity zhertv torgovli ljud'mi, osobenno zhenshhin i detej. // Nacional'naja bezopasnost' i migracija. Rossijskij aspekt. –M., 2008.
17. Jastrebova A.Ju. Pravovye osnovy sovremennoj migracii i formirovanie immigracionnoj politiki RF. // Konstitucionnoe i municipal'noe pravo. –2008. –# 15
International law
Emelyanova N.N.
Current issues of space security
Recognition of the need for an expanded security paradigm has led to the appearance of its new element - space security. The goal of space security should consist of providing and supporting freedom of exploring and using outer space for everyone.
Keywords: international security, space security, Conference on Disarmament, militarization of space, draft treaty on the prevention of the weaponization of outer space, nuclear energy, international space organization.
Work bibliographic list
1. Abashidze A.H., Solncev A.M., Generalov V.L. Rukovodjashhie principy preduprezhdenija obrazovanija kosmicheskogo musora 2007 goda // Mezhdunarodnoe pravo – International Law. – 2009. – # 2 (38).
2. Emel'janova N.N. Realizacija prava cheloveka na pitanie kak osnova prodovol'stvennoj bezopasnosti // Mezhdunarodnoe pravo –International Law. – 2011. – # 1–2 (45–46).
3. Zhukov G.P. Global'naja problema predotvrashhenija asteroidnoj ugrozy zhizni na Zemle. Mezhdunarodno-pravovye aspekty //Mezhdunarodnoe pravo – International Law. – 2010. – # 4 (44).
4. Zhukov G.P. Mezhdunarodno-pravovye problemy predotvrashhenija razmeshhenija oruzhija v kosmose // Jurist-mezhdunarodnik – International Lawyer. – 2003. – # 2.
5. Zhukov G.P. Problema devjeponizacii i nejtralizacii kosmicheskogo prostranstva // Moskovskij zhurnal mezhdunarodnogo prava. –2009. – # 3 (75).
6. Zhukov G.P. Problema predotvrashhenija razmeshhenija oruzhija v kosmose // Mezhdunarodnoe pravo – International Law. – 2009. – # 1 (37).
7. Kameneckaja E.P. Kosmos i mezhdunarodnye organizacii: mezhdunarodno-pravovye problemy. – M.: Nauka, 1980.
8. Kopylov M.N. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo o bor'be s rabstvom i rabotorgovlej // Vestnik Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo otkrytogo universiteta. – 2011. – # 2 (44).
9. Mohammad S.A. Mezhdunarodno-pravovye aspekty bor'by s negativnymi jekologicheskimi posledstvijami kosmicheskoj dejatel'nosti // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. – 2010. – # 7 (26).
10. Simonjan A.S., Solncev A.M. Mezhdunarodnoe agentstvo po vozobnovljaemym istochnikam jenergii (IRENA) // Mezhdunarodnoe pravo – International Law. – 2010. – # 3 (43).
11. Solncev A.M. Mezhdunarodno-pravovye ramki obespechenija bezopasnogo ispol'zovanija jadernyh istochnikov jenergii v kosmicheskom prostranstve // Vestnik RUDN. – 2011. – # 2. – (Jurid. nauki).
12. Jakovenko A. Pochemu opasno razmeshhat' oruzhie v kosmose //«Ros. gazeta». –2005. –25 maja (#3778).
13. Courteix S. Towards a World Space Organization? // Outlook on Space Law over the Next 30 Years. –Leiden: Kluwer Law International, 1997.
14. Horsford C. E. S. Is I.C.A.O. the Model for an International Space Agency? // Proceedings of the Thirty-Eighth Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space, Oslo, Norway, 2– Oct. 1995. –Reston, 1995.
15. Yakovenko A. World Space Organization: pro et contra // Proceedings of 3rd ECSL Colloquium on International Organisations and Space Law, Perugia, 6– May 1999. –Paris: ESA, 1999.
International law
Podshivalova O.I.
Influence of fragmentation of international law on legal system of the Russian Federation in the field of education
In the article analyzed is the interaction of international and national legal systems in the field of
education and considered is the possibility of influence of fragmentation of international law on the Russian Federation legal system in the field of education.
Keywords: norms of international law, legal system of the Russian Federation; international law, fragmentation, education.
Work bibliographic list
1. Kislicyna N.V. Razvitie sistemy mezhdunarodnogo prava na sovremennom jetape: avtoref. dis. … kand. jurid. nauk / N.V. Kislicyna. – M., 2010. – S. 21.
2. Lukashuk I.I. Globalizacija, gosudarstvo, pravo XXI vek. – M.:Spark, 2000. – S. 68.
3. Marochkin S.Ju. Dejstvie norm mezhdunarodnogo prava v pravovoj sisteme Rossijskoj Federacii. – Tjumen': Izd-vo Tjumenskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, 1998, 2005. – S. 31.
4. Marochkin S.Ju. O mezhdunarodnoj sostavljajushhej pravovoj sistemy Rossii: osvoenie i razvitie praktikoj konstitucionnogo principa // Pravovedenie. – 2010. # 1. – S. 164.
5. Rogozhin S.L. Mify prava. Opyt paradoksal'nogo analiza mezhdunarodnogo publichnogo prava // Moskovskij zhurnal mezhdunarodnogo prava. – 2003. – # 3. S. 19–31.
6. Smbatjan A.S. Vlijanie konfliktujushhego tolkovanija i praktiki vybora «udobnogo suda» na edinstvo sistemy mezhdunarodnogo prava // Rossijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. – 2010. – # 1. – S. 50.
7. Hafner G. Risk fragmentacii mezhdunarodnogo prava, Oficial'nye otchety General'noj Assamblei, pjat'desjat pjataja sessija, Dopolnenie # 10 (A/55/10), prilozhenie.
Theory and History of State and Law
Rybnikov A.V.
Theoretical and legal aspects of the crimes motivated by hatred based on ethnic, racial, religious identity or hostility
In the article theoretical and legal aspects of struggle against the crimes motivated by hatred based on ethnic, racial, religious or hostility are considered.
Keywords: crimes, hatred, racism, nationalism, religion, human rights.
Work bibliographic list
1. Babichenko K.N. «Diskriminacija i prestuplenija na pochve nenavisti: kvalifikacija i preduprezhdenie». Diss. kand. jurid. nauk. –
SPb., 2005.
2. Gilinskij Ja.I. «Tolerantnost' v Rossii: vozmozhnost' i nevozmozhnost'. /Aktual'nye aspekty problemy tolerantnosti v sovremennom mire». – SPb., 2004.
3. Crawl H., Wall D. Redakcionnaja stat'ja. «Criminal Justice Matters». – 2006. – # 48.
4. Fox J., «Racist thugs condemned for weekend attacks on homes», gazeta «Belfast Telegraph». – 2007.
5. Guide J., «Agression en Belgique. Victime française. Indifférence générale». – 2007 g. Jacobs J., Potter K. «Hate Crimes. Criminal Law and Identity Politics», gazeta «Oxford University Press». – 2006.
6. Iganski P. «Hate Crimes Hurt More. Hate and Bias Crime: A reader». – 2007.
7. Sciolino E., «Night of Soccer Violence in France Reveals an Ugly Underside», gazeta «The New York Times». – 2006.
8. Ezhegodnyj Otchet Bjuro po demokraticheskim institutam i pravam cheloveka: «Bor'ba s prestuplenijami na pochve nenavisti v regione OBSE: Obzor statistiki, zakonodatel'stva i nacional'nyh iniciativ». – 2008.
9. Ezhegodnyj Doklad Agentstva ES po osnovnym pravam cheloveka. – 2010.
Theory and History of State and Law
Abakacheva M.B.
Social and cultural determinants of legal behavior
In actual functioning the legal culture exists in two basic active forms: first, theological, including social experience, legal traditions, legal orientations, installations and symbols, ways of expression of feelings; second, subject functional are the certain ways, forms, samples of organization of legal institutes, means of legal activity materializing the achievements of legal ideas, the form of social process.
These forms are closely interconnected and appear in social process in the form of certain samples of legal consciousness, behaviour and organization of legal institutes.
Keywords: legal culture, student’s youth, legal behaviour, social and cultural determinants.
Work bibliographic list
1. Volkov Ju.E. Teoretiko-metodologicheskie osnovy analiza obshhestvennyh sistem i processov. – M., 2001.
2. Voprosy metodologii i metodiki izuchenija obshhestvennogo mnenija studentov: Materialy resp. nauch.-metod. konf. Nojabr', 1990, Tver' / Otv. red. V.G. Ivanov. – Tver', 1991.
3. Vorob'ev A.M. Sredstva massovoj informacii kak faktor formirovanija grazhdanskogo obshhestva: process, tendencii, protivorechija. – Ekaterinburg: Izd-vo UrJuI MVD Rossii, 1998.
4. Gegel'. Soch., T. 8. – M., L., 1935.
5. Gel'vecij K.A. Ob ume. – M., 1938.
6. Gordienko A.A. Chelovek i nauka v regional'noj obshhnosti / In-t filosofii i prava SO RAN. – Novosibirsk: Nauka. SO, 1992.
7. Obshhestvenno-pravovaja mysl' evropejskogo Prosveshhenija /Pod. red. N.M. Meshherjakovoj – M.: Kn. dom «Universitet», 2002.
Theory and History of State and Law
Olenichenko E.N.
Problems of continuity and variability in legal regulation of relations of common property on premises in the soviet and modern Russia
The article is devoted to the problems of development of legal regulation of relations of common property on premises in Russia during more than 90 years. The comparative analysis of the Soviet and modern legislation on the right of common share and joint property to premises is carried out. Tendencies in the judiciary practice, traced in Soviet and during the modern period are also compared. The article may be useful to scientific researches of problems of law of common property.
Keywords: right, law, competences, possession, using, order, dwelling, premises, house, apartment, property.
Work bibliographic list
1. Rejhel' M. Obshheimushhestvennye otnoshenija suprugov v sovetskom prave // Sovetskoe gosudarstvo i pravo. – 1940. – # 8–9.
2. Shah M.G. Obshhaja sobstvennost' po sovetskomu grazhdanskomu pravu. Avtoreferat dis. kandid. jurid. nauk. – L., 1953,
3. Halfina P.O. Pravo lichnoj sobstvennosti grazhdan v SSSR. –M., 1955.
4. Sovetskoe grazhdanskoe pravo. T. 1: Uchebnik / Pod red. O.A. Krasavchikova. – M.: Vysshaja shkola, 1968.
5. Sbornik Postanovlenij Plenumov Verhovnogo Suda i Vysshego Arbitrazhnogo Suda RF po grazhdanskim delam. Izdanie vtoroe, pererabotannoe i dopolnennoe. – M.: PBOJuL Grachev S. – M., 2000.
6. Rabec A.M. Nekotorye problemy primenenija grazhdanskogo zakonodatel'stva k semejnym otnoshenijam // Problemy primenenija zakonodatel'stva v sudebnoj praktike / Materialy nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii MGU im. M.V. Lomonosova. – M.: Izd-vo MGU. – 2005.
Theory and History of State and Law
Tumanov D.Yu.
«Powerlesses» as the social and legal category of the soviet citizens
In the given article the analysis of constitutional legal regulation of the rights and freedom in the Soviet state from the point of view of the Marxist-Leninist doctrine about class struggle and establishments of dictatorship of proletariat that has caused an establishment of restrictions of constitutional laws for separate categories of the Soviet citizens is carried out.
Keywords: proletariat dictatorship, Soviet state, constitution, deprivation of the rights and freedom, class approach.
Work bibliographic list
1. Programma i ustav RSDRP s popravkami, prinjatymi na ob"edinitel'nom s"ezde 1906 g. – Peterburg.: Knigoizdatel'stvo «Zhizn' i znanie», – 1906.
2. Avak'jan S.A. Konstitucija Rossii: priroda, jevoljucija, sovremennost'. – M.: RJuID, 1997.
3. Deklaracija prav trudjashhegosja i jekspluatiruemogo naroda. Prinjata VCIK 3.01.1918 g. // Dekrety Sovetskoj vlasti, T. 1. – M.: Gos.izd-vo polit. literatury, – 1957.
4. Kukushkin Ju.S., Chistjakov O.I. Ocherk istorii Sovetskoj Konstitucii. – M.: Politizdat, 1987.
5. Portnov V.P., Slavin M.M. Stanovlenie i razvitie konstitucionnogo zakonodatel'stva Sovetskoj Rossii, 1917–1970 gg. – M.: Nauka, 1987.
6. Vert N. Istorija Sovetskogo gosudarstva: per. s fr. – 3-e ispr.izd. – M.: Izdatel'stvo «Ves' mir», – 2006.
7. Istorija otechestvennogo gosudarstva i prava. Ch II: Uchebnik /pod red. O.I. Chistjakova. – M.: Izdatel'stvo BEK, – 1997.
8. Ivanchenko A.V. Dejatel'nost' NKVD RSFSR po obespecheniju politicheskih prav i svobod trudjashhihsja. (1917–1930 gg.). Avtoref. dis. na soisk. uchenoj stepeni k.ju.n. / – M., 1984.
9. Chernaja kniga kommunizma. Prestuplenija. Terror. Repressii: Nauchnoe izdanie: per. s fr. / S. Kurtua, N. Vert, Zh.-L. Panne i dr., I.Ju. Beljakova. – M.: Tri veka istorii, 1999.
10. Stenograficheskij otchet VII Vsesojuznogo s"ezda Sovetov. – M.,1936.
11. Zhukov Ju.N. Repressii i Konstitucija SSSR 1936 goda. // Voprosy istorii, 2002. – # 1.
12. Materialy k itogam vsenarodnogo obsuzhdenija proekta Konstitucii SSSR. – 1936. – NA RT, R. 732. – Op. 1 – D. 2978. – L. 1–3.
Theory and History of State and Law
Miloserdova L.F.
The development of judicial system in the second half of ХVIII century based on provincial reform of Catherine II
Investigated in the article is the influence of provincial reforms of Catherine II on development of judicial system and legal proceedings in Russia. Contradictions in development of judicial system and their impact on liberalization of legal proceedings are shown.
Keywords: judicial system, judicial reform, judiciary, legal proceedings, liberalization of the court.
Work bibliographic list
1. Gajdidej Ju.M. Sudebnoe pravo: voprosy istorii // Istorija gosudarstva i prava. – 2010. – # 8.
2. Zhmurko I.M. Istorija razvitija sudejskogo soobshhestva i ego organov v Rossii // Administrator suda. – 2010. – # 4.
3. Zakonodatel'stvo Ekateriny II. V 2-h tt. Tom 1. – M.: Zercalo, 2000.
4. Zakonodatel'stvo imperatora Petra III: 1761–1762 gody. Zakonodatel'stvo imperatricy Ekateriny II: 1762–1782 gody / sostavitel' i avtor vstupitel'nyh statej V.A. Tomsinov. – M.: Zercalo, 2011.
5. Istorija sudebnoj sistemy v Rossii. 2-e izd. – M.: JuNITI-Dana: Zakon i pravo, 2011.
6. Kljuchevskij V.O. Kurs russkoj istorii. – M., 2009.
7. Migunova T.L. Osobennosti funkcionirovanija nadvornyh sudov (po materialam «Uchrezhdenija dlja upravlenija gubernij Vserossijskoj imperii») // Rossijskij sledovatel'. – 2008. – # 8.
8. Pashencev D.A. Istorija gosudarstva i prava Rossii. – M.: Jeksmo, 2010.
9. Chertkov A.N. Rossijskaja imperija i ee regiony: istoriko-pravovoj vzgljad // Gosudarstvennaja vlast' i mestnoe samoupravlenie.– 2011. – # 4.
10. Jaroslavcev V.G. Nravstvennoe pravosudie i sudejskoe pravo-tvorchestvo. – M., 2007.
Theory and History of State and Law
Varfolomeev Yu.V.
Legal support and organization of investigative activities of the Extraordinary Investigation Commission of the Temporary Government
On the basis of consideration of the legal status and organization of activity of the Extraordinary
Investigation Commission under the Temporary Government the investigation actions of the Commission are analyzed in the article.
Keywords: Extraordinary Investigation Commission, investigatory parts, investigation, higher officials, legal culture, investigators.
Work bibliographic list
1. Dem'janov A.A. Moja sluzhba pri Vremennom Pravitel'stve //Arhiv russkoj revoljucii: V 22 t. – T. 4. – M., 1991.
2. Zavadskij S.V. Na velikom izlome (Otchet grazhdanina o perezhitom v 1916–17 godah) // Arhiv russkoj revoljucii: V 22 t. – T. 11. – M., 1991.
3. Murav'ev N.K. «O rabote Chrezvychajnoj sledstvennoj komissii»: Doklad na Pervom Vserossijskom s"ezde Rabochih i Soldatskih deputatov // Izvestija Petrogradskogo Soveta Rabochih i Soldatskih deputatov. – 1917. – # 95. – 18 ijunja.
4. Rozental' I.S. Provokator. Roman Malinovskij: sud'ba i vremja. – M., 1996.
5. Romanov A.F. Imperator Nikolaj II i ego pravitel'stvo //Russkaja letopis'. – Parizh, 1922. – Kn. 2.
6. Rudnev V.M. Pravda o carskoj sem'e // Russkaja letopis'. – Parizh, 1922. – Kn. 2.
7. Sidorov A.L. Materialy o sverzhenii carizma v fonde Chrezvychajnoj sledstvennoj komissii // Issledovanija po otechestvennomu istochnikovedeniju. – M.: L., 1964.
Theory and History of State and Law
Kasabyan S.V.
M.M. Speranskiy: contribution to modernization of Russia
The article considers the question about M.M. Speranskiy’s contribution to development of Russia and main directions of reforms proposed by the outstanding reformer.
Keywords: reforms, modernization, development, heritage, legislation systemization.
Work bibliographic list
1. A.A. Aleksandrov. Filosofija reform v Rossii i zapadnoj Evrope: vzgljady M.M. Speranskogo. Novyj istoricheskij vestnik # 2. –M., 2001.
2. Speranskij M.M. Proekty i zapiski. – M.-L.: Izd. AN SSSR,1961.
3. M.V. Dovnar-Zapol'skij. Politicheskie idealy M.M. Speranskogo. Zemstvo. – Penza, 1995.
4. Sistematizacija zakonov Rossijskoj imperii M.M. Speranskim A.V. Mickevich, «Zhurnal rossijskogo prava». – 2001. – # 5.
Theory and History of State and Law
Dolakova M.I.
Normative provision of financial and economic reforms of S.Yu.Witte
This article considers the essence and content of financial and economic reforms of S.Yu.Witte.
Keywords: monetary reform, monetary policy, gold monometallism, decree.
Work bibliographic list
1. Vitte S.Ju. Vospominanija. T. 1. – M., 1994.
2. Gosudarstvennye finansy Rossii. – M., 2003.
3. Istorija finansovogo zakonodatel'stva Rossii. – M., 2003.
4. Komarov N.I., Pashencev D.A., Pashenceva S.V. Ocherki istorii prava Rossijskoj imperii (vtoraja polovina HIH – nachalo HH veka). – M.: Statut, 2006.
5. Murav'eva L.A. Zolotoj rubl' S.Ju. Vitte // Den'gi i kredit. –2003. – # 3.
6. Pashencev D.A. Osobennosti pravovogo regulirovanija denezhnogo obrashhenija v Rossijskoj imperii vtoroj poloviny XIX – nachala XX veka // Istorija gosudarstva i prava. – 2008. – # 7.
7. Shepelev L.E. Carizm i burzhuazija vo vtoroj polovine XIX v. –L., 1981.
Constitutional law
Krivykh N.A.
Guilt as a subjective side of constitutional delict
In this article author’s definition of subjective side of constitutional delict is denoted. The author also declares singularities of guilt of constitutional offence, differentiates the guilt of collective and individual subjects of liability.
Keywords: guilt, subjective side of constitutional delict, singularities of guilt.
Work bibliographic list
1.Goshuljak V.V. Teoretiko-pravovye problemy konstitucionno-pravovoj otvetstvennosti // Konstitucionnoe i municipal'noe pravo. – 2009. – # 24.
2. Koljushin E.I. Konstitucionnoe (gosudarstvennoe) pravo:Kurs lekcij. – M., 1999.
3. Poznjakov P.N. Ob otvetstvennosti sub"ektov publichnoj vlasti. // Vestnik VUiT. – Ser. «Jurisprudencija». – 2002. – Vyp. 22.
4. Lipinskij D.A. O konstitucionnoj otvetstvennosti // Vestnik Volzhskogo universiteta im. V. N. Tatishheva. – Ser. «Jurisprudencija». – 2003. – Vyp. 33.
5. Vinogradov V.A. Sostav konstitucionnogo delikta // Zakonodatel'stvo. – 2003. – # 10.
Constitutional law
Fomichevа O.A.
Problems of constitutional legal regulation of relations in the sphere of joint jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and its members at the questions of activity of law enforcement bodies and the legal system functioning
As problematic issues in the field of legal regulation of joint jurisdiction noted is the insufficiency of the settlement in the subiects of the Russian Federation of some issues of joint management, in particular concerning the activities of lawyers, notaries. Particular attention should be given to the joint determination of law enforcement personnel, the impossibility to resolve which is due to the lack of attachment to the federal list of agencies included in the law enforcement ones. The completeness of the legislative resolution of problematic issues will help to harmonize the legislation of the subjects of the Russian Federation with regard to their systemic nature and the relative independence of each.
Keywords: federal relations, joint management, advocacy, notaries, law enforcement agencies.
Work bibliographic list
1. Umnova I.A. Sovmestnoe vedenie Rossijskoj Federacii i ee sub"ektov kak predmet konstitucionnogo regulirovanija / I.A.Umnova // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. – 1999. – # 11.
2. Chertkov A.N. Kommentarij k Federal'nomu zakonu «Ob obshhih principah organizacii zakonodatel'nyh (predstavitel'nyh) i ispolnitel'nyh organov gosudarstvennoj vlasti sub"ektov Rossijskoj Federacii» Postatejnyj / A.N.Chertkov. – M.: Justicinform. – 2006.
Civil law and criminal procedural law
Khismatullin R.S., Klimina K.R.
The influence of international law to improve consideration by the appeal instance of civil action for minors
In the article on the base on analysis of international legal and legal norms of the Russian Federation considered are the problematic issues by the appeal instance of civil action for minors. The authors offer solutions to these problems.
Keywords: court of appeal instance, civil action, minors.
Work bibliographic list
1. Komsomol'skaja pravda, 5 marta 2010.
2. Mezhdunarodnye akty o pravah cheloveka. Sbornik dokumentov. – M.: Izdatel'stvo NORMA, 2000.
Civil law and criminal procedural law
Krasnikov N.I.
Comments to the article regarding option contract proposed to be incorporated into the Civil code of the Russian Federation
This article is dedicated to the article regarding option contract which, most likely, will be adopted by the State Duma in 2012. The author analyzes different practical considerations regarding practical application of option contracts (for example, in corporate law, management motivation programmes). In general, the author gives a positive evaluation of the novel.
Keywords: option contract, irrevocable offer, option premium, option programme, vested right.
Work bibliographic list
1. Eliseev I.V., Krotov M.V. Predvaritel'nyj dogovor v rossijskom grazhdanskom prave // Ocherki po torgovomu pravu. Vypusk 7 //Pod red. Krasheninnikova E.A. – Jaroslavl', 2000.
2. Grazhdanskoe pravo: ucheb.: v 3 t. T. 1. – 7-e izd., pererab. i dop. /V.V. Bajbak, N.D. Egorov, I.V. Eliseev [i dr.]; pod red. Ju.K. Tolstogo. –M.: Prospekt, 2009.
3. Gulieva E.Ja. Opciony i inye sposoby stimulirovanija sotrudnikov otechestvennyh i inostrannyh kompanij: pravovoj aspekt //Predprinimatel'skoe pravo. – 2011. – # 3.
4. Morozov S.Ju. Pokupka prav na zakljuchenie dogovora. //Jurist. – 2011. – # 2.
5. Anohina I., Amosova A. Realizacija programmy ESOP: kljuchevye aspekty i slozhnosti // Korporativnyj jurist. – 2010. – # 7.
6. Zhukov D.A. Pravovoe regulirovanie srochnyh sdelok na fondovom rynke: Avtoref. na soisk. uch. st. k.ju.n. – M.
7. Rajner G. Derivativy i pravo – M., 2005;
8. Krasnikov N. O koncepcii opcionnogo soglashenija kak predvaritel'nogo dogovora po rossijskomu pravu // Jurist. – 2009. – # 12.
Civil law and criminal procedural law
Filikov D.A.
Presumption of guilt, relief from liability and exclusion
The article is devoted to complex scientific research of interrelation of institutes of relief from civil law responsibility, exceptions of civil law responsibility and a guilt presumption. The conclusion that the bases of relief from civil law responsibility don’t influence action or a denial of presumption of guilt is drawn.
Keywords: relief from civil law responsibility, exception of civil law responsibility, guilt presumption, force majeure.
Work bibliographic list
1. Alekseev S.S. Problemy teorii prava. – Sverdlovsk, 1972. –T. 1. – S. 387.
2. Baktimirova T.V. Prezumpcija vinovnosti v grazhdanskom prave: dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. – M. S. 181.
3. Karhalev D.N. Grazhdansko-pravovye mery zashhity i mery otvetstvennosti: ucheb. posobie. – Ufa: RIO BashGU, 2004. S. 148.
Civil law and criminal procedural law
Gurjev V.N.
Joint-stock agreements as group of corporate contracts: offers on modernization of legal regulation
In article the author’s position on joint-stock agreements as groups of corporate contracts is stated definition of this type of agreements, in particular, is specified, the attention is paid to a subject, subject structure, the rights and duties, and also interim measures of the specified agreements.
Keywords: joint-stock agreements, corporate contracts, decisions of shareholders.
Work bibliographic list
1. Zankovskij S.S. Predprinimatel'skoe (hozjajstvennoe) pravo v XX veke: preemstvennost' i razvitie // Gosudarstvo na rubezhe vekov. Jekologicheskoe i prirodoresursnoe pravo, trudovoe pravo, predprinimatel'skoe pravo. – M., 2001.
2. Kirillovyh A.A. Korporativnoe pravo. Kurs lekcij. – M.:«Justicinform», 2009.
Land law
Arsanukayeva M.S.
Draft decision of the land question in the mountainous zone of Chechnya and Ingushetia (second half of XIX – early XX centuries)
The article describes the measures taken by the Russian government, the Caucasus and the local administration to resolve the agrarian relations in the mountainous regions of Chechnya and Ingushetia in the second half of XIX – early XX centuries.
Keywords: land tenure, land tenure, land use, right of land ownership, highlanders.
Work bibliographic list
1. Gricenko N.P. K voprosu o social'no-jekonomicheskih otnoshenijah v Checheno-Ingushetii v poreformennyj period (pozemel'nye otnoshenija) // Izvestija Checheno-Ingushskogo NII pri Sovete Ministrov ChIASSR. Materialy nauchnoj sessii po voprosam istorii. –T. IV. – Vyp. 1. Istorija.
2. Ortobaev B.H. Social'no-jekonomicheskij stroj narodov Tereka nakanune Velikogo Oktjabrja. – Ordzhonikidze, 1992.
3. Gorec. K zemel'nomu voprosu Nagornoj polosy // Terskie vedomosti. – 1914. – # 15. – 19 janvarja.
Juvenile Law
Abdullaev E.A.
Serving of punishment by minors in Azerbaijan
In this article the problems and tendencies of rise effectiveness serving under age prisoners in Azerbaijanian Republic
Keywords: Code of Criminal Procedure of Azerbaijan, public danger of the committed crime, serving of punishment by minor defendants.
Work bibliographic list
1. Abdullaev Je.A. Problemy primenenija k nesovershennoletnim nakazanija v vide lishenija svobody za sovershenie prestuplenija. – Baku, 2007.
2. Abdullaev Je.A. Osobennosti osushhestvlenija spravedlivogo osuzhdenija pri naznachenii nakazanij celym licam, ne dostigshim sovershennoletija. – Baku, 2006.
3. Ugolovnoe pravo zarubezhnyh gosudarstv. – Moskva, 1975.
4. Sovremennoe politicheskoe soznanie v SShA. – Moskva, 1980.
Criminal law and criminal procedural law
Makarova Z.V.
Special function and role of investigator in the criminal process
The article substantiates the conclusion of the author that the investigator fulfills not criminal procedural function of prosecution, but the criminal procedural function of investigation, in which the main is the comprehensiveness, completeness and objectivity of the investigation of all circumstances of the criminal case.
Keywords: criminal procedural function, investigator, comprehensiveness, completeness, objectivity, criminal prosecution, prosecution.
Work bibliographic list
1. Leont'ev A.N. Dejatel'nost'. Soznanie. Lichnost'. – M., 1977.
2. Ozhegov S.I. Slovar' russkogo jazyka. – M., 1989.
3. Rohlin V. Sledovatel': polozhenie i polnomochija. // Zakonnost'. – 2005. – # 10.
4. Jel'kind P.S. Sushhnost' sovetskogo ugolovno-processual'nogo prava. – M., 1963.
Criminal law and criminal procedural law
Leveev Yu.E.
The role and value of international legal standards and principles in criminal proceedings of Russia
The article considers the theoretical and practical questions relating to the effects of provisions of the basic international legal acts of the Russian criminal proceedings in the context of the modern stage of judicial reform.
Keywords: European Court of Human Rights, international and domestic law, international treaties, generally recognized principles of international law, rights and freedoms of the individual.
Work bibliographic list
1. Alekseev S.S. Voshozhdenie k pravu. Poiski i reshenija. – M.,2001.
2. Pchelincev S.V. Problemy ispol'zovanija zarubezhnogo opyta pri sovershenstvovanii rossijskogo zakonodatel'stva (vzgljady chlena-korrespondenta RAN E.A. Lukashevoj // Prava cheloveka i sovremennoe gosudarstvenno-pravovoe razvitie / otv. red. A.G. Svetlanov. –M.: RAN, 2007.
3. Fedorov S.V. Problemy primenenija obshheevropejskih principov ugolovnogo sudoproizvodstva v otechestvennoj praktike // Pravo: teorija i praktika. – 2002. – # 5.
Family law
Tatarintseva E.A.
Legal consequenses of adoption for adoptive parents and their relatives in the Russian Federation and the common law countries
In the article the legal consequences arising after the adoption for the adoptive parents and their relatives, provided by Russian law and common law countries such as England and the United States are analyzed. The conclusion is made about the need to expel from Russian legislation the norms establishing an unequal legal treatment for adoptive parents and their relatives as discriminatory as compared with standards regarding the legal consequences for the child’s parents.
Keywords: adoption, adoptive parents, relatives, legal consequences, maintenance, inheritance, stepfather (stepmother).
Work bibliographic list
1. Baturina N.I. Usynovlenie (udocherenie) detej po rossijskomu semejnomu pravu. Diss. … kand. jurid. nauk. – M., 2005.
2. Bahtiarov I.P. Fizicheskie lica kak sub"ekty semejnyh pravootnoshenij: monografija / I.P. Bahtiarov; pod red. O.Ju. Il'inoj. – M.: JuNITI-DANA: Zakon i pravo, 2011.
3. Kazanceva E.A. Nasledstvennoe pravo: ucheb. Posobie / A.E. Kazanceva. – M.: Norma, 2009.
4. Kommentarij k Ugolovnomu kodeksu Rossijskoj Federacii /Otv. red. V.I. Radchenko; Nauch. red. A.S. Mihlin. – M.: Spark, 2000.
5. Kuznecova I.M. Zakonodatel'stvo ob usynovlenii i praktika ego primenenija. Diss. … kand. jurid. nauk. – M., 1984.
6. Marysheva N.I. Semejnye otnoshenija s uchastiem inostrancev: pravovoe regulirovanie v Rossii / N.I. Marysheva. – M.: Volters Kluver, 2007.
7. Rjazancev V.V. Pravootnoshenija usynovlenija v rossijskom semejnom prave. Diss. … kand. jurid. nauk. – M., 2001.
8. Tereshhenko E.Je. Usynovlenie kak odna ih form realizacii prava rebenka zhit' i vospityvat'sja v sem'e. Diss. … kand. jurid. nauk. – M., 2003.
9. Tkachenko T.V. Usynovlenie po rossijskomu semejnomu pravu.Diss. … kand. jurid. nauk. – Rostov-na-Donu, 1999.
10. Cvetkov V.A. Usynovlenie: aktual'nye problemy teorii i praktiki. // Vestnik Omskogo universiteta. – Serija «Pravo». –2010.–# 3(24).
11. Shahmatov V.P. Usynovlenie, opeka i popechitel'stvo. –Krasnojarsk, 1979.
12. Bridge K., Swindells H. Adoption –The Modern Law. –Bristol: Family Law, 2003.
13. Hollinger J.H. Hollinger J.H. Adoption Law and Practice. –Vol. 3. – N.Y.: LexisNexis, 2010.

Family law
Purge A.R.
Problems of legal regulation of surrogate motherhood in the Russian Federation
The article reveals the problematic aspects of legal regulation of relations in surrogate maternity in accordance with legislation of the Russian Federation. The modern legislative consolidation of surrogacy in Russia is characterized, legal problems of surrogate maternity are disclosed, the need to adopt a special law on surrogacy in Russia is presented.
Keywords: assisted reproductive technologies, surrogacy, embryo implantation, biological parents, surrogate mother, state registration of the birth of a child, surrogacy contract.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ajvar L.K. Pravovoe polozhenie surrogatnogo materinstva v Rossii: Probely zakonodatel'stva // Juridicheskij mir. – 2006. – # 2.
2. Afanas'eva I.V. Surrogatnoe materinstvo [Jelektronnyj resurs] – Rezhim dostupa:
3. Zhuravleva S.P. Pravovoe regulirovanie dogovora o surrogatnom materinstve v Rossijskoj Federacii: dis. … kand. jurid. nauk:12.00.03. – Moskva, 2011.
4. Mitrjakova E.S. Pravovoe regulirovanie surrogatnogo materinstva v Rossii: dis. ... kand. jurid. nauk: 12.00.03. – Tjumen', 2006. –175 s.
5. Pestrikova A.A. Objazatel'stva surrogatnogo materinstva:dis. … kand. jurid. nauk: 12.00.03. – Krasnodar, 2007.
6. Svitnev K. Pravovye aspekty surrogatnogo materinstva[Jelektronnyj resurs] – Rezhim dostupa:
Eurasian advocacy
Ragulin A.V.
The right of the lawyer-defender to demand an interdiction for intervention in the lawyer activity or preventing to it somehow: problems of a legislative regulation and practical realization
In the article on the basis of analysis of the current legislation, scientific works and given poll spent by the author, the basic problems of legal regulation and practical realization of the professional right of the lawyer-defender on the requirement of an interdiction of intervention in lawyer activity or preventing to it somehow are considered.
Keywords: lawyer-defender, intervention into activity of the lawyer, preventing of activity of the lawyer, professional rights of the lawyer-defender.
Work bibliographic list
1. Avtonomov A.S. Konstitucionnoe (gosudarstvennoe) pravo zarubezhnyh stran: Uchebnik. – M.: TK Velbi: Prospekt, 2006.
2. Advokatskaja dejatel'nost' i advokatura: Sbornik normativnyh aktov i dokumentov / Pod obshh. red. E.V. Semenjako, Ju.S. Pilipenko. – M.: Inform-Pravo, 2010.
3. Advokatskaja dejatel'nost': Ucheb.-praktich. posob. / Pod kand. jurid. nauk V.N. Burobina. – 2-e izd., pererab. i dop. – M.:IKF «JeKMOS», 2003.
4. Advokatskaja tajna / Pod obshh. red. V.N. Burobina. – M.: Status,2006.
5. Astahov P.A. Sud nad advokaturoj // Novaja gazeta. – 2005.
6. Bardin L. O novacijah s pristrastiem (ili k voprosu o nekotoryh problemah zakonodatel'nogo regulirovanija advokatskoj dejatel'nosti) // Biznes-advokat. – 2005. – # 5.
7. Barenbojm P., Reznik G., Mozolin V. Pravovaja reforma XXI veka i advokatura. – M.: ZAO Justicinform, 2007.
8. Borodinova T.G., Demidov I.F. Obvinenie i zashhita: problema ravnyh vozmozhnostej // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. – 2005. – # 2.
9. Burger B.M. Garantii nezavisimosti advokata pri okazanii kvalificirovannoj juridicheskoj pomoshhi: Monografija / Pod nauch. red. d-ra jurid. nauk, prof., zasl. jurista RF A.A. Hmyrova. – M.: Jurlitinform, 2011.
10. Vorob'ev A.V., Poljakov A.V., Tihonravov Ju.V. Teorija advokatury. – M.: Grant', 2002.
11. Voronov A.A. Problemy disciplinarnoj otvetstvennosti advokatov // Advokatura. Gosudarstvo. Obshhestvo: Sb. materialov 3 Vserossijskoj nauch.-praktich. konf. / Otv. red.: S.I. Volodina, Ju.S. Pilipenko. – M., 2006.
12. Voronov A.A. Protivodejstvie dejatel'nosti advokata kak forma posjagatel'stva na ego nezavisimost' // Sovremennoe pravo. – 2005. – # 7.
13. Voronov A.A., Komarov A.I. O prokurorskom nadzore v praktike advokata, ili mozhet li unter-oficerskaja vdova sama sebja vysech' // Advokatskaja praktika. – 2005. – # 6.
14. Gorbunov O.A. Protivodejstvie zakonnoj dejatel'nosti advokata-zashhitnika v ugolovnom sudoproizvodstve (harakteristika, sredstva preduprezhdenija i nejtralizacii): Avtoref. dis. ... kand. jurid. nauk. – Voronezh, 2006.
15. Korobeev A., Kuleshov Ju. Ugolovno-pravovaja zashhita nezavisimosti pravosudija // Ugolovnoe pravo. – 2005. – # 5.
16. Kudrjavcev V.L. Garantii nezavisimosti advokata kak uslovie obespechenija kvalificirovannoj juridicheskoj pomoshhi v dejatel'nosti advokata (zashhitnika) v ugolovnom sudoproizvodstve // Advokat. – 2008. – # 5.
17. Kudrjavcev V.L. Realizacija konstitucionno-pravovogo instituta kvalificirovannoj juridicheskoj pomoshhi v dejatel'nosti advokata (zashhitnika) v ugolovnom sudoproizvodstve / Pod nauch. red. d-ra jurid. nauk, prof. V.N. Grigor'eva. – M: Jurlitinform, 2008.
18. Libanova S.Je. Advokatura Rossijskoj Federacii v mehanizme konstitucionnoj zashhity prav i svobod: Monografija. – Kurgan, 2009.
19. Medvedev M. Pravo na zashhitu – gladko na bumage // Biznes-advokat. – 2002. – # 23.
20. Namnjasev V.V. Vosprepjatstvovanie osushhestvleniju pravosudija i proizvodstvu predvaritel'nogo rassledovanija v rossijskom ugolovnom prave: Dis. ... kand. jurid. nauk. – Volgograd, 1999.
21. Nauchno-prakticheskij kommentarij k Federal'nomu zakonu ot 31 maja 2002 g. # 63-FZ «Ob advokatskoj dejatel'nosti i advokature v Rossijskoj Federacii» / Pod obshh. red. d-ra jurid. nauk, prof. A.G. Kuchereny. – M.: Delovoj dvor, 2009.
22. Nikitinskij L. ...I suda net (interv'ju s T.G. Morshhakovoj) //Novaja gazeta. – 2004. – 19–21 ijulja.
23. Pilipenko Ju.S. Advokatskaja tajna: Zakonodatel'nyj, jeticheskij, pravoprimenitel'nyj aspekty. – M.: Inform-Pravo, 2009.
24. Pilipenko Ju. S. Advokatskaja tajna: teorija i praktika. – M.:Inform-Pravo, 2009.
25. Pilipenko Ju.S. Nekotorye aspekty vzaimootnoshenij advokatov s pravoohranitel'nymi organami i sudom // Advokatskaja praktika. – 2007. – # 2.
26. Poljakov S.B. Uslovija rossijskoj pravovoj sistemy dlja zakaznyh ugolovnyh del // Advokat. – 2009. – # 5.
27. Prestuplenija protiv pravosudija / Pod red. A.V. Galahovoj. –M.: Norma, 2005.
28. Ragulin A.V. Advokatologija i uchenie o professional'noj zashhite po ugolovnym delam v rossijskoj juridicheskoj nauke: Monografija. – Ufa, 2009.
29. Ragulin A.V. Strategicheskie principy uchastija advokata-zashhitnika v ugolovnom processe // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. – 2009. – # 3 (10).
30. Ragulin A.V. Gil'dii Rossijskih Advokatov – 15 let. Interv'ju s Prezidentom Gil'dii Rossijskih Advokatov Gasanom Borisovichem Mirzoevym // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. – 2009. – # 10 (17).
31. Ragulin A.V. O neobhodimosti kriminalizacii posjagatel'stv na professional'nye prava advokatov // Advokatura. Gosudarstvo. Obshhestvo: Sbornik materialov VII ezhegodnoj nauch.-praktich.konferencii, 2010 g. / Otv. red.: S.I. Volodina, Ju.S. Pilipenko. – M.:Inform-Pravo, 2010.
32. Ragulin A.V., Petrov D.V. O neobhodimosti sovershenstvovanija ugolovno-pravovyh norm, obespechivajushhih ohranu interesov pravosudija // Problemy i perspektivy razvitija rossijskogo gosudarstva: Sbornik materialov Vserossijskoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii (g. H asavjurt, 5 dekabrja 2009 g.). – Hasavjurt, 2009.
33. Ragulin A.V., Shustikov E.N. Ugolovnoe pravo. Obshhaja chast': Ucheb. posob. – Ufa, 2008.
34. Rajkes B.S. Formy vosprepjatstvovanija osushhestvleniju pravosudija i proizvodstvu predvaritel'nogo rassledovanija (st. 294 UK RF) // Rossijskij sud'ja. – 2003. – # 9.
35. Sergeev V.I. O problemah zashhity prav advokatov // Advokatskaja praktika. – 2005. – # 1.
36. Sokolov N. Doprosy i obyski prodolzhajutsja // Novaja advokatskaja gazeta. – 2008. – # 10 (27).
37. Spravka o sostojanii sobljudenija professional'nyh i social'nyh prav advokatov v 2010 godu // Novaja advokatskaja gazeta. – 2011. – # 8.
38. Stecovskij Ju.I. Advokatura i gosudarstvo. – M.: Jurist', 2007.
39. Stecovskij Ju.I. Stanovlenie advokatury v Rossii. – M.: Volters Kluver, 2010.
40. Stecovskij Ju.I., Mirzoev G.B. Professional'nyj dolg advokata i ego status. – M., 2003.
41. Trunova L.K. Privilegii i immunitety v otnoshenii advokata v ugolovnom sudoproizvodstve // Dela sudebnye. Advokaty deljatsja opytom. – Vyp. 4 / Otv. red. A.D. Bojkov. – M, 2005.
42. Ugolovnoe pravo Rossijskoj Federacii: V 2 t. – T. 2. Osobennaja chast' / Pod red. L.V. Inogamovoj-Hegaj. – M., 2002.
43. Ugolovnoe pravo: Chast' Obshhaja. Chast' Osobennaja / Pod red.L.D. Gauhmana, L.M. Kolodkina, S.V. Maksimova. – M., 1999.
Law and Politics
Medvedev N.P.
To the 20th anniversary of the Federative Treaty: History of Russian statehood
The article focuses on the Federative Treaty, conditions of its signature. The author describes the events preceding the signing of this document. The article analyzes the role of the Federative Treaty in the development of Russian federalism.
Keywords: Federative Treaty, federalism, state, Declaration of State Sovereignty, authority, subjects of the Russian Federation.
Law and Politics
Mardanov M.H.
Some features of political legal status of meshchersky tatars in conditions of federative transformation of Russia
The analysis of process of formation and development of political legal status of meshchersky Tatars demonstrates that the federalism as the principle of the modern constitutional state has the objective reasons and has deep roots in the history of the different ethnoses forming the uniform Russian multinational and multiconfessional state. In this article some features of political legal status of meshchersky Tatars in the conditions of modern federalization of Russia are considered.
Keywords: Tatars, meshchersky Tatars, ethnos, ethnopolicy, political regionalistic, federative relations, transformation, noblemen, people, ethnosocial consent, culture, tradition, Russia.
Work bibliographic list
1. Abahov Ju.M., Zel'dner A.G., Mil'chakova N.A. i dr. Povyshenie dejstvennosti mehanizmov gosudarstvennogo upravlenija i regulirovanija // Gosudarstvennoe regulirovanie jekonomiki v sovremennyh uslovijah. Sb. statej. – M., 1997. – T.2.
2. Gumilev L.N. Drevnjaja Rus' i Velikaja step'. – M., 2006.
3. Enikeev S. Ocherk istorii tatarskogo dvorjanstva. – Ufa, 1999.
4. Konstitucija Rossijskoj Federacii: Nauchno-prakticheskij kommentarij / Pod red. akad. B.N. Topornina. – M., 1997.
5. Putin V.V. Rossija: nacional'nyj vopros. // Nezavisimaja gazeta. – 2012. – # 7.
6. Pol'skoj S.V. Razvitie predstavlenij o zakone v soznanii rossijskogo dvorjanstva XVIII v. // Filosofskij vek. Al'manah. Filosofija kak sud'ba: Rossijskij filosof kak sociokul'turnyj tip. –SPb., 1999.
7. Hakim R.S. Ternistyj put' k svobode. (Sochinenija 1989–2006). –Kazan', 2007.
Law and Politics
Makogon B.V.
Globalization and transitional period of state and legal development of Russia
The article covers aspects of peculiarities and problems of Russia’s development in the context of transitional period. The author analyses state and legal changes in Russia, makes conclusions concerning the new stage of development of the Russian Federation.
Keywords: globalization, transitional period, statehood, legislation, law.
Work bibliographic list
1. Globalizacija i razvitie zakonodatel'stva Ocherki / Otv. red.Ju.A. Tihomirov, A.S. Pigolkin. – M.: OAO «Izdatel'skij dom «Gorodec»», 2004.
2. Lukashuk I.I. Globalizacija, gosudarstvo, pravo, HH I vek. – M.:Spark, 2000.
3. Pravovaja sistema Rossii v uslovijah globalizacii i regional'noj integracii: teorija i praktika / Otv. red. S.V. Polenina. –M.: Formula prava, 2006.
4. Prava cheloveka v Rossii: deklaracii, normy i zhizn' (materialy mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii, posvjashhennoj 50-letiju vseobshhej deklaracii prav cheloveka) // Gosudarstvo i pravo. – 2000. – # 3.


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