The importance of Far East in the Eurasian geopoliti cs of Russia
Interview with E.P. Bazhanov, Rector of the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor

Zakharova L.I., Ilyinskaya O.I.

Work of the International Law section in the course of the IV International scientific and practical conference «Legal policy: contemporary challenges» (Kutafin readings)

Semyonov D.V.

Legal regime of the Eurasian transport corridors
Fomin S.A.
International legal contractual and institutional bases of investment co-operation in CIS

Alisievich E.S.

To the issue on the definition of «vulnerable groups» in international human rights law
Trikoz E.N.
Normative structure of «Internal law» in the International Criminal Court
Gulasarian A.S.
Some aspects of international responsibility of international organizations in a light of the 2011 draft articles on the responsibility of international organizations (DAR IO)

Danelyan A.A.

Corporate disputes with participation of foreign investors
Nadirova A.K.
To the issue of relationship between International Labor Law and Private International Law

Bayldinov E.T.

Treaty of Lisbon amending EU law: Aims (Values) of the EU and the mechanisms for their implementation

Kopylov M.N., Solntsev A.M.

International Environmental Law in front of contemporary challenges (World Environmental Organization)
Skripnik I.I.
To the issue of the Eurasian transboundary natural objects and their international legal regime
Boklan D.S., Janusz-Pawletta B.
International legal regime of the use and protection of natural resources of the Caspian sea
Nguyen Ngoc Anh
The problem of waste in Southeast Asia and the developing countries’ environmental security (International Law aspect)

Timonin A.N.

On the main directions of the historical-materialist theory of the State origin
Boyko Y.P.
Federalism as a principle of a state government: issues of theory
Ayupova Z.K., Kussainov D.U.
The principles and legal grounds of the theory of constitutionalism creation in the Republic of Kazakhstan

Amirov R.Z.

Certain issues of legal regulation of the interaction of the armed forces and organs of internal affairs in the fight against the resistance in the period of the Soviet state evolvement
Borisova N.E.
The evolution of the legal status of a minor (historical and legal aspects)
Stepanova S.O.
Comparative legal analysis of the piece justice in central Russia and Siberia
Nakokhova M.I.
The evolution of the mortgage law in the Soviet Russia.
Ibraghimov Zh.I.
Features of the regulation of controversial relations in the biy court in Kazakhstan

Letuta T.V.

Arbitrability of corporate trial according to the legislation in Russia and Kazakhstan
Misinkevich A.L.
Legal problems of Ukrainian legislation for realization the legal basis and the conditions of carrying into the land of reclamation
Chuchkova N.A.
Peculiarities of participation of foreign persons in the civil process of Ukraine

Shashkina E.Yu.

«Agenda for the XXI century» and human rights: the right to participate

Kolodkin L.M., Nechevin D.K.

Formation and development of the legal institute of certification of scholars and pedagogical staff

Vinokurov A.Yu.

The State land supervision: problems of legal regulation

Zavgorodniy A.V., Akhmatshin V.V.

Some forms of material stimulation of the employees: labor stimulating payments and optional programmes

Mukhortov V.V.

Modernization policy of modern Russia: trajectories, crossroads, deadlocks

Ragulin A.V.

Regulation and implementation of the professional right of a defence attorney to have special conditions for prosecution complied with

Biriukov P.N.

Police of the United Arab Emirates

Sokolova N.A.

Fishing must be legal, reported and regulated. The Review A.A. Krayniy and K.A. Bekyashev «International problems of combating IUU fishing: policy and law». – Moscow. Vniro Publishing House, 2012. – 360 p.)
Farkhutdinov I.Z.,Galeev F.H.
To the Idea of the State of Law for Russia and not only for it. Review of the F.M. Rayanov monography «The essence of the state of law: basic concepts of the state of law and their analysis»
Anisimov А.Р.
Review on the book: Environmental provisions of the Constitutions. Edited by E.A. Wystorobets. – М. – Ufa: MIeLD – Moscow Initiative on International Environmental Law Development, Centre of interecolaw,
2012. – 385 p.
Baglaeva E.E., Gorshkova A.A.
The first international competition «WTO Model» as reaction of educational community to Russia’s accession to the world trade organization (article-reporting from the All-Russian foreign trade academy)
«Oscar» for the pontiffs

Jubilee of Professor Irina Olegovna Krasnova

About the author
Semyonov D.V.
Legal regime of the Eurasian transport corridors
The article is devoted to the definitions of the international transport corridors, concepts and types of legal regimes for international transport corridors. The legal regime of the Eurasian transport corridors passing through the territory of Russia is analyzed – «NSR », «North-South» and «Transsib».
Keywords: Eurasian transport corridor, international transport corridor, transport corridor, «Northern Sea Route», «North-South», «Transsib».
Work bibliographic list
1. Anufrieva L.P., Spektor A.A. Princip nacional'nogo rezhima v regulirovanii mezhdunarodnoj torgovli // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. – 2007. – # 10.
2. Evplanov A. Sevmorput' stanet platnym. Skol'ko stoit morskaja milja v Arktike, podschitali v novom zakonoproekte // Rossijskaja Biznes-gazeta. – 2009. – 3 marta. – # 692. S. 33.
3. Evropejsko-Aziatskij pravovoj kongress. Prioritetnye pravovye proekty sodejstvija jeffektivnosti Evrazijskogo Jekonomicheskogo Soobshhestva, Shanhajskoj Organizacii sotrudnichestva i realizacii soglashenij o partnerstve s ES / Koll. avtorov. – Ekaterinburg, 2008.
4. Leont'ev R.G., Hmel' V.A. Mezhdunarodnye transportnye koridory: transformacii regional'noj infrastruktury: Nauchnoe izdanie. – M.: VINITI RAN, 2003.
5. Lisicyn A.L., Nagovicyn V.S. Problemy osushhestvlenija zheleznodorozhnyh perevozok na napravlenii Evropa – Azija // Transport. Jekspedirovanie i logistika. – 2001. – 19–20 janvarja.
6. Mezhdunarodnoe publichnoe pravo: ucheb. / Otv. red. K.A. Bekjashev. – 5-e izd., pererab. i dop. – M.: Prospekt, 2009.
7. Mezhdunarodnoe publichnoe pravo: ucheb. /Otv. red. K.A. Bekjashev. – 4-e izd., pererab. i dop. – M.: Prospekt, 2006.
8. Ovlashhenko A.V. Mezhdunarodnaja politika v oblasti jenergetiki i morskoe pravo // Ezhegodnik morskogo prava 2003. – M.: Sojuz-morniiproekt, 2004.
9. Pravila plavanija po trassam Severnogo morskogo puti (utverzhdeny Ministerstvom morskogo flota SSSR 14.09.1990 g.) [Jelektronnyj resurs] // SPS Konsul'tantPljus.
10. Rezer S.M. Problemy razvitija mezhdunarodnogo tranzita po Rossii na osnove sovershenstvovanija tarifov i tamozhennyh uslug //Transport. Nauka, tehnika, upravlenie. Nauchno-informacionnyj sbornik. – 2007. – # 4.
11. Semjonov D.V. Evrazijskie transportnye koridory, prohodjashhie po territorii RF: problemy mezhdunarodno-pravovogo regulirovanija // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. – 2011. – # 2 (33).
12. Sjomin P.A. K voprosu o soglasovannom razvitii instituta mezhdunarodnyh koridorov v SNG // Transport. Nauka, tehnika, upravlenie. Nauchno-informacionnyj sbornik. – 2008. – # 1.
13. Sjomin P.A. Organizacionno-pravovoe obespechenie mezhgosudarstvennogo regulirovanija v sfere transporta v SNG. – 2007. – # 5.
14. Sjomin P.A. Organizacionno-pravovoe obespechenie mezhgosudarstvennogo regulirovanija v sfere transporta v SNG // Transport. Nauka, tehnika, upravlenie. Nauchno-informacionnyj sbornik. –2007. – # 5.
15. Soglashenie o provedenii soglasovannoj politiki po formirovaniju i razvitiju transportnyh koridorov Evrazijskogo jekonomicheskogo soobshhestva 2005 g. [Jelektronnyj resurs] // SPS Konsul'tantPljus.
16. Suvorov K. Otechestvennaja transportnaja sistema: perspektivy i puti razvitija // Transportnye potoki. – 2000. – # 3.
17. Shema zheleznodorozhnyh soobshhenij gosudarstv Sodruzhestva na period do 2010 goda s uchjotom formiruemym mezhdunarodnyh transportnyh koridorov [Jelektronnyj resurs] // SPS Konsul'tantPljus.
18. Federal'nyj zakon ot 31.07.1998 N 155-FZ (red. ot 27.12.2009) «O vnutrennih morskih vodah, territorial'nom more i prilezhashhej zone Rossijskoj Federacii» // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF, 3.08.1998, N 31, st. 3833.
19. Sheptunov A. Filippinskij jekipazh zastrjal v Arhangel'ske // Nevskoe vremja v Vologde i Cherepovce. – 18.02.2011.
20. Girijesh Pant India, the emerging energy player. – Pearson Education India. – 2008.

Fomin S.A.
International legal contractual and institutional bases of investment co-operation in CIS
Problem issues of investment cooperation questions within the framework of CIS are considered in the present article. The main problem is to shape a unified international-legal mechanism of
the regulation of the investment relations. The other aspect is to create an institutional structure of the provision of warranty for investor within the framework of CIS, including settlement of investment disputes.
Key words: international investment law, investments, investment activity, investment cooperation in CIS.

Alisievich E.S.
To the issue on the definition of «vulnerable groups» in international human rights law
The article deals with the category of vulnerability in the contemporary international human rights law. The author propose a definition of «vulnerability», name the factors influencing the vulnerability of individuals, analyze a number of international treaties and documents where the notion «vulnerability» is used, introduce the category «multivulnerability», provide examples of groups that may be considered as vulnerable.
Keywords: international law; human rights; vulnerability; vulnerable groups; vulnerable; multivulnerability; globalization; environmental disasters; climate change; poverty.
Work bibliographic list
1. Abashidze A.H., Koneva A.E. Sostojanie nishhety – narushenie prav i svobod cheloveka // Vestnik Rossijskogo universiteta druzhby narodov. – 2011. – # 4.
2. Alisievich E.S. Pooshhrenie i zashhita ujazvimyh grupp v mezhdunarodnom prave. – M., 2012.
3. Vihterih K. Zhenshhiny v uslovijah globalizacii. – M., 2005.
4. Vystuplenie General'nogo sekretarja OON Pan Gi Muna na Sammite po probleme izmenenija klimata 22 sentjabrja 2009 g. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: URL:
5. Doklad General'nogo sekretarja OON Pan Gi Muna «Celi razvitija tysjacheletija: doklad za 2012 god» [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: URL:
6. Doklad MOT o periodicheski obsuzhdaemyh voprosah po problemam zanjatosti, 2010 god «Politika v sfere zanjatosti vo imja social'noj spravedlivosti i spravedlivoj globalizacii» (Doklad VI).
7. Doklad General'nogo sekretarja OON «O vtorom obzore i ocenke osushhestvlenija Najrobijskih perspektivnyh strategij v oblasti uluchshenija polozhenija zhenshhin, stavshih osnovoj dlja Pekinskoj platformy dejstvij», p. 1. JeKOSOS OON, # E/CN.6/1995/3/Add ot 1995.
8. Doklad Special'nogo dokladchika po voprosu nasilija v otnoshenii zhenshhin «Jekonomicheskaja i social'naja politika i ejo vozdejstvie na nasilie v otnoshenii zhenshhin». (Dokument Jekonomicheskogo i Social'nogo Soveta OON # E/CN.4/2000/68Add.5 jn 24. 02.2000 g.)
9. Kartashkin V.A. Prava cheloveka: mezhdunarodnaja zashhita v uslovijah globalizacii. – M., 2011.
10. Social protection and Social inclusion Glossary. DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion. < > (data poslednego obrashhenija 14.01.2013)

Trikoz E.N.
Normative structure of «Internal law» in the International Criminal Court
This article deals with the nature and elements of international legal capacity of the International Criminal Court, with the analyzes of «Internal law» in narrow and broad senses. Two groups of sources and corresponding types of lawmaking activity of the ICC are allocated. «Internal law» of the ICC is compared with «applicable law» of the Court. The acts of «the first level» and the sources of subsidiary «applicable law» based on these acts are equated to the ICC «internal law». the ICC cooperation agreements and the new documents accepted at the first Review Conference of the Rome Statute are considered as a special block of «internal law».
Keywords: international organization, international lawmaking, sources of law, international criminal law, the International Criminal Court.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ambos K. International Criminal Law at the crossroads: From ad hoc imposition to a treaty based universal system // Future perspectives on international criminal justice / Ed. by C. Stahn. – The Hague, 2010.
P. 161–177.
2. Ambos K. Toward a Universal System of Crime: Comments on George Fletcher’s ‘Grammar of Criminal Law’ // Cardozo Law Review. – 2007. – Vol. 28. P. 2647–2673.
3. Boyle A.E. Some Reflections on the Relationship of Treaties and Soft Law // The International and Comparative Law Quarterly. – 1999. – Vol. 48. – #. 4. R. 901-913.
4. Cryer R. Elements of Crimes (in the ICC) // The Oxford Companion to International Criminal Justice / Ed. by A. Cassese. – Oxford, 2009.
5. Gold J. Strengthening the Soft International Law of Exchange Arrangements // American Journal of International Law. – 1983. – Vol. 77. – #. 3. R. 443-489.
6. Jescheck H.-H. The General Principles of International Criminal Law set out in Nuremberg as mirrored in the ICC Statute // Journal of International Criminal Justice. – 2004. – Vol. 38. P. 44–45.
7. Jia Bing Bing. Multiculturalism and the Development of the System of International Criminal Law // Multiculturalism and International Law / Ed. by S. Yee, J.-Y. Morin. – Leiden, 2009. P. 629–648.
8. Pellet A. Applicable Law // The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. A Commentary / Ed. by A. Cassese, P. Gaeta, J.RW.D. Jones. – Oxford, 2002. Vol. II.
9. Schermers G., Blokker H. International Institutional Law. The Hague-London-Boston, 1995.
10. Sunga L.S. The Emerging System of International Criminal Law: Developments in Codification and Implementation. – The Hague; Boston, 1997.
11. Barkovskij I.A. Pravotvorcheskaja dejatel'nost' mezhdunarodnyh organizacij: teoreticheskie aspekty i sovremennye tendencii // Belorusskij zhurnal mezhdunarodnogo prava i mezhdunarodnyh otnoshenij. – 2003. – # 2.
12. Bogush G.I. «Jelementy prestuplenij» v sisteme primenimogo prava Mezhdunarodnogo ugolovnogo suda // Ugolovnoe pravo: Strategija razvitija v XXI veke / Otv. red. A.I. Rarog. – M., 2010.
13. Valeev P.M. O pravosub"ektnosti Mezhdunarodnogo ugolovnogo suda // Rossijskij ezhegodnik mezhdunarodnogo prava. Specvypusk. – SPb, 2003. S. 51–60.
14. Velizhanina M.Ju. «Mjagkoe pravo»: ego sushhnost' i rol' v regulirovanii mezhdunarodnyh otnoshenij: Avtoref. dis. ...kand. jurid. nauk. – M., 2007.
15. Druzhkov M.P. Zakljuchenie mnogostoronnih dogovorov v ramkah i pod jegidoj mezhdunarodnyh organizacij. – Kiev, 1986.
16. Zemljanskaja V.V. Aktual'nye voprosy mezhdunarodnogo sotrudnichestva Mezhdunarodnogo ugolovnogo suda // Mezhdunarodnoe ugolovnoe pravosudie: Sovremennye problemy / Pod. red. G.I. Bogusha, E.N. Trikoz. – M., 2009. S. 409–419.
17. Ignatenko G.V. Mezhdunarodnyj ugolovnyj sud kak sub"ekt mezhdunarodnogo prava // Rossijskij ezhegodnik mezhdunarodnogo prava. Specvypusk. – SPb, 2003. S. 12–17.
18. Ignatenko G.V., Malinin S.A. Novye tendencii v mezhdunarodnom normotvorchestve // Sovetskij ezhegodnik mezhdunarodnogo prava. 1986. – M., 1987.
19. Kapustin A.Ja. Pravovoj status Mezhdunarodnogo ugolovnogo suda // Rossijskij ezhegodnik mezhdunarodnogo prava. Specvypusk. – SPb, 2003. S. 17-26.
20. Kovaleva T.M. Pravotvorchestvo mezhgosudarstvennyh organizacij i ee vidy. Kaliningrad, 1999.
21. Kolodkin R.A. Mezhdunarodnye rekomendatel'nye normy: Na primere rezoljucij-rekomendacij General'noj Assamblei OON: Avtoref. dis. ...kand. jurid. nauk. – M., 1986.
22. Krylov N.B. Pravotvorcheskaja dejatel'nost' mezhdunarodnyh organizacij. – M., 1988.
23. Malinin S.A., Kovaleva T.M. Dogovornaja pravosposobnost' mezhdunarodnyh organizacij // Pravovedenie. – 1988. – # 4. S. 72–77.
24. Malinin S.A., Kovaleva T.N. Pravovaja priroda administrativno-reglamentacionnyh aktov, izdavaemyh mezhdunarodnymi organizacijami // Pravovedenie. – 1999. – # 2. S. 213–220.
25. Malinovskij A.A. Sistema mezhdunarodnogo ugolovnogo prava // Mezhdunarodnoe ugolovnoe pravosudie: Sovremennye problemy / Pod red. G.I. Bogusha, E.N. Trikoz. – M., 2009. S. 47–55.
26. Mitrofanov M.V. O vnutrennem prave mezhdunarodnyh organizacij // Vestnik MGU. – Ser. 11. Pravo. –1977. – # 6.
27. Morozov G.I. O prave mezhdunarodnyh organizacij // Sovetskoe gosudarstvo i pravo. – 1971. –# 11. S. 56.
28. Neshataeva T.M. Mezhdunarodnye organizacii i pravo. Novye tendencii mezhdunarodno-pravovogo regulirovanija. – M., 1999.
29. Podporinova A.S. Mezhdunarodnyj ugolovnyj sud v sravnitel'no-pravovom analize organov mezhdunarodnogo ugolovnogo pravosudija // Sovremennoe pravo. – 2004. – # 11. S. 47–50.
30. Sarviro Ju.A. Juridicheskaja priroda vnutrennego prava mezhdunarodnyh organizacij // Vestnik MGU. – Ser. 11. Pravo. – 2005. – # 4. S. 90–98.
31. Talalaev A.N. Pravo mezhdunarodnyh dogovorov: dogovory s uchastiem mezhdunarodnyh organizacij. – M., 1989.
32. Chernichenko S.V. Juridicheskaja priroda vnutrennego prava mezhdunarodnyh organizacij // Sovetskij ezhegodnik mezhdunarodnogo prava. 1971. – M., 1973.
33. Shibaeva E.A., Potochnyj M. Pravovye voprosy struktury i dejatel'nosti mezhdunarodnyh organizacij. – M., 1988.
Gulasarian A.S.
Some aspects of international responsibility of international organizations in a light of the 2011 draft articles on the responsibility of international organizations (DAR IO)
In 2011 the UN International Law Commission adopted the Draft Articles on the Responsibility of International Organizations (DAR IO) which marked an important step towards the codification and progressive development of the law of international responsibility. The article analyses the features of the international legal responsibility of international organizations, indicates advantages and disadvantages of the Draft Articles. The article also provides comparative analysis of this Draft with the 2001 Articles on State Responsibility for Internationally Wrongful Acts (ASR ).
Keywords: international responsibility, international organizations, Draft Articles on the Responsibility of International Organizations (DAR IO), 2001 Articles on State Responsibility for Internationally Wrongful Acts (ASR).
Work bibliographic list
1. Alvarez J. International Organizations: Accountability and Responsibility? // American Society of International Law. URL: CCILspeech061102.pdf (data obrashhenija 10 ijunja 2012 g.).
2. Boon K.E. Assessing the ILC's Draft Articles on Responsibility of International Organizations // Yale Journal of International Law. 2011. Vol. 37.
3. Crawford J., Pellet A., Olleson S. The Law of International Responsibility. Oxford University Press. 2010.
4. Dupuy P.M. Reviewing the difficulties of Codification: on Ago’sclassification of obligations of means and obligations of result in relation to state responsibility // European Journal of International Law. 1999. Vol. 10.# 2.
5. Hirsch M. The Responsibility of International Organizations toward third parties. Dordrecht; London: Nijhoff, 1995.
6. Wood M., Vicien-Milburn M. Legal Responsibility of International Organisations in International Law. Chatham House. 2011.

Danelyan A.A.
Corporate disputes with participation of foreign investors
Current Russian legislation defines national treatment of foreign investors in the Russian Federation and foreign investors enjoy the guarantee of legal protection. Resolution of corporate disputes between enterprises with foreign investments is characterized by a foreign element and is made with the specifications established by the procedural law, in particular Chapter 32 of the Arbitration Procedure Code.
Keywords: international law, investments, foreign investor, international treaty, corporate dispute, national treatment, legal defense, Court of Arbitration.

Nadirova A.K.
To the issue of relationship between International Labor Law and Private International Law
This paper addresses the problem of determination of co-relation between international labor law and private international law. The basic theoretical approaches of the Russian and Kazakh scientists to resolve the problem are disclosed. In covering this topic the legal provisions of the Republic of Kazakhstan legislation are examined.
Keywords: International labor law, private international law, the subject and method of legal regulation, branch of law.

Bayldinov E.T.
Treaty of Lisbon amending EU law: Aims (Values) of the EU and the mechanisms for their implementation
Implementation the EU aims (values) following the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty and according to the EU legal procedures is analyzed in the article.
Keywords: EU aims (values), mechanism of implementation, European Council, European Parliament, European Commission, European Central Bank, EU Court of Justice, European Court of Auditors.
Work bibliographic list
1. Kurdjukov G.I. Gosudarstvo v sisteme mezhdunarodno-pravovogo regulirovanija. – Kazan', 1979.
2. Pravo Evropejskogo Sojuza / Pod red. S.Ju. Kashkina. – M., 2010.
3. Tunkin G.I. Pravo i sila v mezhdunarodnoj sisteme. – M., 1983.
4. Tunkin G.I. Teorija mezhdunarodnogo prava. – M., 1970.
5. Chambliss W., Saidman R. Law, Order and Power. Reading (Mass.), 1982.
6. Kelsen H. General Theory of Law State. – N-Y., 1974.

Kopylov M.N., Solntsev A.M.
International Environmental Law in front of contemporary challenges (World Environmental Organization)
The current state of international legal regulation of international environmental relations, when
rapidly augmenting normative array does not lead to real improvement of ecological situation in the world urgently calls for the need of serious reform of international environmental law, especially with regard to enhancing the effectiveness of existing mechanisms of environmental cooperation among states and the establishment of new mechanisms for such cooperation. Following an article published in № 12 of Eurasian Law Journal for 2012, which analyzed the acceptance of Environmental Constitution of the Earth, the authors of this article justify the need for the World environmental organization.
Key words: International environmental law, environmental security, World environmental organization, World Environmental Constitution, International environmental court.
Work bibliographic list
1. Aktual'nye problemy dejatel'nosti mezhdunarodnyh organizacij: teorija i praktika / Pod red. G.I. Morozova. – M., 1982.
2. Dvojnyh A.V. Aktual'nye mezhdunarodno-pravovye voprosy avtomobil'nyh soobshhenij po marshrutu «Rossija – Evropa»: Avtoref. dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. – M., 2012.

Skripnik I.I.
To the issue of the Eurasian transboundary natural objects and their international legal regime
The article deals with the features of the international legal regime of transboundary natural objects as ecological systems. Its overall tendency is to establish a common encumbrances and restrictions for certain types of economic activities, and the implementation of the rights of subjects of cross-border cooperation within transboundary natural objects.
Keywords: transboundary natural object, legal regime, legal means of regime, regime rules, tlegal status of parties of the legal regime.

Boklan D.S., Janusz-Pawletta B.
International legal regime of the use and protection of natural resources of the Caspian sea
The Caspian Sea is unique in many respects – environmentally, economically and geopolitically.
At the same time it is the cause of disputes concerning the legal regime of the use and protection
of natural resources and other legal disputes. This article deals primarily with the analysis of international legal regulation of the use and protection of natural resources of the Caspian Sea by Caspian states.
Keywords: natural resources, Caspian littoral states, transboundary harm, delimitation, median line.
Work bibliographic list
1. Kolodkin A. L. «Ne zhdat' u morja pogody» // Izvestija. – 2002. –5 nojabrja.
2. Lukashuk I.I. Sovremennoe pravo mezhdunarodnyh dogovorov. – Tom 1. – M., 2004.
3. Shumilov V.M. Mezhdunarodnoe jekonomicheskoe pravo. –Rostov-na-Donu, 2003.
4. Brownlee I., Principles of Public International Law. – Oxford:Oxford University Press, 2008.
5. Conca K., Dabelko G. Environmental Peacemaking. –Washington DC: Woodrow Wilson Center Press, 2002.

Nguyen Ngoc Anh
The problem of waste in Southeast Asia and the developing countries’ environmental security (International Law aspect)
The article analyzes the international legal cooperation of the Southeast Asian nations in wastes management (their movement, production, disposal). It is concluded that more effective ensuring of the regional environmental security needs ratification of the Basel Convention on the control of transboundary movement of hazardous wastes and their disposal, and Ban amendment by all states of the region.
Keywords: wastes management, Southeast Asia, regional environmental security, developing countries’ environmental security, Basel Convention, Ban amendment, Basel Convention regional centre for Southeast Asia, ASEAN.
Work bibliographic list
1. Boklan D.S. Global'naja i regional'naja jekologicheskaja bezopasnost' (mezhdunarodno-pravovoj aspekt) // Gosudarstvo i pravo. –2009. – # 8. – S. 39–45.
2. Kopylov M.N., Solncev A.M. Utilizacija morskih sudov –ugroza mezhdunarodnoj jekologicheskoj bezopasnosti // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. – 2010. – #10 (29). – S. 106–114.
3. Kopylov S.M. Mezhdunarodno-pravovye aspekty preduprezhdenija negativnyh jekologicheskih posledstvij hozjajstvennoj dejatel'nosti v Antarktie. Dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. – M., 2001.
4. ASEAN Working Group on Multilateral Environmental Agreements (
5. Environmentally sustainable cities in ASEAN (
6. Fourth ASEAN State of Environment Report, 2009 (
7. Framework agreement between the government of the republic of Indonesia and the secretariat of the Basel Convention on the control of transboundary movements of hazardous wastes and their disposal on the establishment of a Basel Conventrion regional centre for training and technology transfer for Southeast Asia. Geneve, 29 October 2004 (
8. Global environment outlook 5. Environment for the future wewant. – United Nations Environment Programme, 2012. – P. 175 (
9. Hong Kong International Convention for the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships, adopted on 15 May 2009 under the auspices of the International Maritime Organization.

Timonin A.N.
On the main directions of the historical-materialist theory of the State origin
The article deals with the main directions of the historical-materialist theory of the state origin.
Having analyzed modern scientific literature and text-books the author critically reviews the arguments of supporters as well as of opponents of this or that interpretation of the Marxist-Leninist theory of the state origin. In the article you may find an attempt to reveal the complex nature of the Marxist theory of the state origin.
Keywords: the Marxist (historical-materialist) theory of the state origin, «old class theory», «new class theory», the theory of pre-class of the state origin.
Work bibliographic list
1. Vasil'ev L.S. Problemy genezisa kitajskogo gosudarstva(formirovanie osnov social'noj struktury i politicheskoj administracii). – M., 1983.
2. Vengerov A.B. Znachenie arheologii i jetnografii dlja juridicheskoj nauki //Sovetskoe gosudarstvo i pravo. – 1983. – # 3.
3. Danilova L.V. Sel'skaja obshhina v srednevekovoj Rusi. – M., 1994.
4. Iljushechkin V.P. Soslovno-klassovoe obshhestvo v istorii Kitaja (opyt sistemno-strukturnogo analiza). – M., 1986.
5. Kovler A.I. Istoricheskie formy demokratii: problemy politiko-pravovoj teorii. – M., 1990.
6. Komarov S.A., Mal'ko A.V. Teorija gosudarstva i prava. Uchebno-metodicheskoe posobie. Kratkij uchebnik dlja vuzov. – M., 2003.
7. Lenin V.I. O gosudarstve. Lekcija v Sverdlovskom universitete 11 ijulja 1919 g. – M., 1985.
8. Ljubashic V.Ja., Mordovcev A.Ju., Timoshenko I.V., Shapsugov D.Ju. Teorija gosudarstva i prava: Uchebnik. – M., Ros-tov n/D., 2003.
9. Marks K., Jengel's F. Manifest Kommunisticheskoj partii. –M., 1981.
10. Masson V.M. Poselenie Dzhejtun. – M., 1971.
11. Pavlenko Ju.V. Ranneklassovye obshhestva (genezis i puti razvitija) /AN USSR. In-t arheologii; Otv. red. E.P. Bunjatjan. – Kiev, 1989.
12. Perevalov V.D. Teorija gosudarstva i prava: Uchebnik dlja vuzov. – M., 2004.
13. Pershic A.I. Problemy normativnoj jetnografii //Issledovanija po obshhej jetnografii. – M., 1979.
14. Teorija gosudarstva i prava. Ch.I. Teorija gosudarstva /Pod obshhej red. A.B. Vengerova. – M., 1996.
15. Jengel's F. Anti-Djuring //Marks K., Jengel's F. Soch. – T. 20.
16. Jengel's F. Proishozhdenie sem'i, chastnoj sobstvennosti i gosudarstva //Marks K., Jengel's F. Soch. 2-e izd. – T. 21.
17. Chajld G. Drevnejshij Vostok v svete novyh raskopok. – M., 1956.
18. Chernyh E.N. Chelovek – metall – vremja. – M., 1972.
19. Chilkot Ronal'd H. Teorii sravnitel'noj politologii. V poiskah paradigmy / Per. s angl. – M., 2001.
20. Service E.R. Origins of the State. The Process of Cultural Evolution.– New York, – London. 1975.

Boyko Y.P.
Federalism as a principle of a state government: issues of theory
The article deals with the basic theoretical aspects of federalism, interest to which in the modern
actual policy of the states amplifies as a result of the influence of global processes. The federation based on principles of federalism, corresponds the requirements of the democratic way of progress of a society and the state. Having analyzed a number of the important scientific approaches to a problem of federalism, the author comes to a conclusion that the study of such state-political phenomena as federalism and federation needs the use of an interdisciplinary method of research.
Keywords: federalism, form of a state system, features of federalism, principles of federalism, ways of distribution of powers between different levels of authority.
Work bibliographic list
1. Abdullatipov R.G., Boltenkova L.F., Jarov Ju.F. Federalizm v istorii Rossii. – M., 1992.
2. Avak'jan S.A. Konstitucionnoe pravo Rossii: Uchebnyj kurs. – 3-e izd., pererab. i dop.: V 2-h t. – T. 1 i 2. – M., 2010.
3. Aver'janov A.A. Federalizm v rossijskom i zarubezhnom zakonodatel'stve // Zhizn' nacional'nostej. – 2000. – # 3–4.
4. Avramenko S.L. Shvejcarskij federalizm na rubezhe tysjacheletij. – M., 2003.
5. Bojko Ju.P. Osnovy nacio-gosudarstvennogo stroitel'stva (Mirovoj opyt i rossijskie realii): V 2-h t. – M., 2008.
6. Bojko Ju.P. Nacional'naja gosudarstvennost' i federalizm: Monografija. – M., 2009.
7. Burnasov A.S. Reforma nemeckogo federalizma v nachale XXI veka // Federalizm. – 2008. – # 1 (49).
8. Busygina I., Filippov M. Problema vynuzhdennoj federalizacii [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: URL:
9. Bjudzhetnyj federalizm: Rossijsko-kanadskij proekt «Federalizm v sotrudnichestve». – M., 1998.
10. Vvedenskij V.G., Gorohov A.Ju. Rossija: ispytanie federalizmom. Teorija i praktika otechestvennogo i zarubezhnogo opyta. – M., 2002.
11. Gajduk V.V. Institut federalizma: ponjatie, sushhnost' i metodologija // Pravo i politika. – 2008. – # 4.
12. Gligich-Zolotareva M.V. Pravovye osnovy federalizma. – M., 2006.
13. Gligich-Zolotareva M.V., Dobrynin N.M. Federativnoe pravo: pro et contra // Gosudarstvo i pravo. – 2008. – # 11.
14. Gligich-Zolotareva M.V. Teorija i praktika federalizma: sistemnyj podhod. – Novosibirsk, 2009.
15. Golubeva L.A., Chernookov A.Je. Sravnitel'noe gosudarstvovedenie. – SPb., 2009.
16. Danilov S.Ju. Jevoljucija kanadskogo federalizma // Federalizm. – 2008. – # 1 (49).
17. Dobrynin N.M. Novyj federalizm. Model' budushhego gosudarstvennogo ustrojstva Rossijskoj Federacii. – Novosibirsk, 2003.
18. Dobrynin N.M. Novyj rossijskij federalizm i konstitucionnaja reforma kak neizbezhnost' peremen // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. – 2004. – # 3.
19. Dobrynin N.M., Gligich-Zolotareva M.V. Sistemnye svojstva federacii // Federalizm. – 2010. – # 4 (60).
20. Iz mirovogo opyta federalizma (federalizm po-latino-amerikanski). // Obshhestvennye nauki i sovremennost'. – 1994. – # 1.
21. Karapetjan L.M. Federativnoe ustrojstvo Rossijskogo gosudarstva. – M.: Norma, 2001.
22. Kim Ju.V. «Federalizm», «avtonomija», «samoupravlenie»: smysly i traktovka // Pravo i politika. – 2008. – # 6. – S. 129.
23. Konstitucionnoe pravo Rossii: Jenciklopedicheskij slovar'. – M., 2002.
24. Konjuhova I.A. Sovremennyj rossijskij federalizm i mirovoj opyt: Itogi stanovlenija i perspektivy razvitija. – M., 2004.
25. Koroleva–Borsodi N.V. Osnovy konstitucionnogo prava Shvejcarii. – K., 2009.
26. Krylov B.S. i dr. Problemy suvereniteta v Rossijskoj Federacii. – M., 1994.
27. Marchenko M.N. Problemy obshhej teorii gosudarstva i prava. – T. 1: Gosudarstvo. – 2-e izd. – M., 2007.
28. Rodionova A.K. Modeli federalizma kak otrazhenie processa politicheskogo stroitel'stva // Pravo i politika. – 2008. – # 11.
29. Turovskij R.F. Politicheskaja regionalistika. Izdatel'skij dom GU VShJe. – M., 2006. – S. 94.
30. Umnova I.A. Konstitucionnye osnovy sovremennogo rossijskogo federalizma. – M., 2000.
31. Federalizm: Jenciklopedicheskij slovar'. – M., 1997.
32. Federalizm: Jenciklopedija / Pod red. K.S. Gadzhieva, Je.G. Kovalenko. – M., 2000.
33. Chistjakov O.I. Stanovlenie Rossijskoj Federacii. – M., 1966.
34. Jebzeev B.S., Ajbazov R.U., Krasnorjadcev S.L. Globalizacija i gosudarstvennoe edinstvo Rossii. – M., 2006. – S. 136.
35. Jelejzer D.Dzh. Sravnitel'nyj federalizm // Polis. – 1995. – # 5.
36. Gunlicks A.B. The Lander and German Federalism. – Manchester, 2003.
37. Filippov M., Ordeshook P., Shvetsova O., Designing Federalism: A Theiry of Self-Sistainable Federal Institutions. – Cambridge, 2004.

Ayupova Z.K., Kussainov D.U.
The principles and legal grounds of the theory of constitutionalism creation in the Republic of Kazakhstan
In this article the principles and legal bases of the creation of the theory of constitutionalism in the Republic of Kazakhstan are studied. The opinions of the famous scholars-lawyers of the CIS
states on the examined questions are proposed. Especial attention is paid to the influence of the mechanism of the legal defense of the constitution – the system of the juridical institutions and procedures.
Keywords: Constitution, the theory of constitutionalism, division of powers, the system of checks and balances, state authority, unitarianism, legal defense, legal mechanism, legal order, constitutional process, constitutional justice.
Work bibliographic list
1. Istorija burzhuaznogo konstitucionalizma HIH v. – M.: Nauka, 1986.
2. Tam zhe.
3. Vlasihin V.A. Konstitucionalizm zrelyj i razvityj // Izvestija. – 1994. – 29 sent. – S. 4.
4. Istorija burzhuaznogo konstitucionalizma HIH v. – M.: Nauka, 1986.
5. Teoreticheskie osnovy Sovetskoj Konstitucii / B.N. Topornin. – M.: Nauka, 1981.
6. Paholenko N.B. Iz istorii konstitucionnyh proektov v Rossii: Ucheb.posobie. – M.: IGP RAN, 2000.
7. Kokoshkin F.F. Lekcija po obshhemu gosudarstvennomu pravu. – SPb., 1912. 8.Stepanov I.M. Uroki i paradoksy rossijskogo konstitucionalizma. – M.: Manuskript, 1996.
9. Stepanov I.M. Prava cheloveka v koncepcii konstitucionalizma (Rossijskij opyt) /Prava cheloveka i politicheskoe reformirovanie. – M.: IGP RAN, 1997.
10. Chernuha G.V. Vnutrennjaja politika carizma s serediny 50-h nachala 80-h godov HIH v. – L., 1978.
11. Skripilev E.A. Konstitucionnye idei i proekty v Rossii //Istorija burzhuaznogo konstitucionalizma HIH v. – M.: Nauka, 1986.
12. Alekseev A.S. Nachalo verhovenstva prava v sovremennom gosudarstve // Voprosy prava. 1910. – Kn.II.
13. Gessen V.M. Teorija pravovogo gosudarstva // Politicheskij stroj sovremennyh gosudarstv. – M., 1909. – T.1.
14. Romashov R.A. Konstitucionnoe gosudarstvo (istorija, sovremennost', perspektivy razvitija): Nauchnoe izdanie. Krasnojarskij gos. un-t, 1997. 15.Tiunova L.B. Pravovoe gosudarstvo i konstitucionalizm (vzaimosvjaz' idej) // Vestnik LGU. Ser 6. Pravo. 1991. – Vyp. 3. – # 20. – S. 10–15.
16. Konstitucionnoe pravo: Spravochnik / Pod red. V.I. Lafitskogo. – M.: Jurist, 1995.
17. Kotov A.K. Konstitucija i konstitucionalizm //Pravovaja reforma v Kazahstane. – 2000. – # 2. – S. 14–17.
18. Chernjakov A.A. Spravochnik po konstitucionnomu pravu. – Almaty.: Interligal, 2000.
19. Pastuhov V.B. Rossija na konstitucionnom perekrestke // Konstitucija kak faktor social'nyh izmenenij: Sb. dokl. – M.: Centr konstitucionnyh issledovanij MON RF, 1999.
20. Kravec V. Konstitucionalizm i konstitucionnyj patriotizm – novoe ili staroe? // Rossijskij konstitucionalizm: problemy i reshenija. – M.: IGP RAN, 1999. – S. 59–60.
21. Zinov'ev A., Utkin N. Konstitucionalizm i prichiny ego narushenij //Pravo i zhizn'. – 1999. – # 18. – S. 17.
22. Avak'jan S.A. Konstitucija Rossii: priroda, jevoljucija, sovremennost': 2-e izd. – M.: RJuID «Sashko», 2000.
23. Avtonomov A.S. Metodologicheskie aspekty issledovanija sistemy kategorij konstitucionnogo prava // Teoreticheskie problemy rossijskogo konstitucionalizma. – M.: IGP RAN, 2000.
24. Bogdanova N.A. Ponjatie nauki konstitucionnogo prava: opyt analiticheskogo i sinteticheskogo podhodov k postroeniju ih sistemy // Vestn. MGU. Ser. Pravo. – 1999. – # 5. – S. 37.
25. Konstitucija Respubliki Kazahstan. – Almaty, 1995.

Amirov R.Z.
Certain issues of legal regulation of the interaction of the armed forces and organs of internal affairs in the fight against the resistance in the period of the Soviet state evolvement
The article deals with the issues of interaction between organs of internal affairs and the armed forces in struggling anti-governmental armed groups in the period of establishment of the Soviet state and the legal regulation of such activity.
Keywords: internal security, the police, the GPU , the Red Army, anti-governmental armed groups, banditry, inter-agency cooperation.
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon # 61-FZ ot 31 maja 1996 g. «Ob oborone» //Sobranie zakonodatel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii. – 1996. – # 23. –St. 2750.
2. Federal'nyj zakon # 35-FZ ot 6 marta 2006 g. «O protivodejstvii terrorizmu» // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii. – 2006. – # 11. – St. 1146.
3. Ukaz Prezidenta Rossijskoj Federacii # 146 ot 5 fevralja 2010 g. «O Voennoj doktrine Rossijskoj Federacii» // Rossijskaja gazeta. – 2010. – 10 fevralja.
4. Polozhenie o chrezvychajnyh merah ohrany revoljucionnogo porjadka: dekret VCIK, SNK RSFSR ot 8 marta 1923 g. // Sobranie uzakonenij RSFSR. – 1923. – # 21. – St. 249.
5. O chrezvychajnyh merah ohrany revoljucionnogo porjadka:dekret VCIK, SNK RSFSR ot 10 maja 1926 g. // Sobranie uzakonenij RSFSR. – 1926. – # 29. – St. 225.
6. Svod zakonov Rossijskoj imperii.– SPb., 1912. – T.2. Obshhee uchrezhdenie gubernskoe. Prilozhenie k st. 316 (prim.).
7. Basmachestvo. – M., 2005.
8. Jablochkina N. V. Antigosudarstvennoe vooruzhennoe vystuplenie i povstancheskoe dvizhenie v Sovetskoj Rossii (1921–1925 gg.): Dis.... dokt. ist. nauk. – M., 2000.
9. Fondy Rossijskogo gosudarstvennogo voennogo arhiva.

Borisova N.E.
The evolution of the legal status of a minor (historical and legal aspects)
The article deals with the peculiarities of the legal status of minor at different stages of Russian
history. Evolution of the idea of juvenile courts is investigated.
Keywords: a child, minor, correctional institutions, juvenile justice.
Work bibliographic list
1. Abramenkova V. Detskaja svjatost' // Pedagogija, novyj vek. –2001. – # 1 (5) (mart).
2. Mel'nikova Je.B. Juvenal'naja justicija: problemy ugolovnogo prava, ugolovnogo processa i kriminologii: Ucheb. posob. – M.: Delo, 2000.
3. Nechaeva A.M. Rossija i ee deti (rebenok, zakon, gosudarstvo). –M., 2000.
4. Platon. Sobr. soch.: V 3 t. / Perevod A.N. Egunova. – M., 1971.
5. Plutarh. Moralii: Soch. – M.: Har'kov, 1999.
6. Pustoroslev A. Istoricheskij ocherk pokrovitel'stva osvobozhdennym iz zakljuchenija // Juridicheskij vestnik. – 1890. – # 12.
7. Sabinin L.H. Prestupnye deti i ispravitel'nye zavedenija. –Rovno: Tipografija Meersona, 1898.
Stepanova S.O.
Comparative legal analysis of the piece justice in central Russia and Siberia
This article covers two models of peace justice: peace justice in the central region of Russian Empire, based on the 1864 Judicial statutes and of the peace justice in Siberia, based on Judicial statutes as well as on the 1896 Temporary rules.
Key words: judicial reform, peace justice, magistrate's court, Siberia.

Nakokhova M.I.
The evolution of the mortgage law in the Soviet Russia
The article explores the evolution of lien in Soviet Russia under two Civil Codes of 1922 and 1964. It is marked that the lien has features of both property law and law of obligation. It is underling that in the soviet literature the lien was recognized as the most effective method of implementation of the commitments.
Key words: Institute of bail, commitment, mortgager, mortgagee, lien, property law, pledged property, soviet civil law, Civil Code of 1922, Civil Code of 1964.
Work bibliographic list
1. Braginskij M. Zalog i zakon o zaloge //Hozjajstvo i pravo. –1993. – # 1.
2. Vishnevskij A. A. Zalogovoe pravo. – Moskva, 1995.
3. Gantover L.V. Zalogovoe pravo. – SPb., 1890.
4. Grazhdanskij kodeks RSFSR 1922 g. // Sobranie uzakonenij RSFSR. – 1922. – # 71.
5. Grazhdanskij kodeks RSFSR 1964 g. // Vedomosti VS RSFSR. –1964. – # 24.
6. Majer D. Drevnerusskoe pravo zaloga. – Kazan', 1855.
7. Novickij I.B. Grazhdanskoe zakonodatel'stvo SSSR i sojuznyh respublik. – M., 1957.
8. Shershenevich G.F. Uchebnik russkogo grazhdanskogo prava. – M., 1912.

Ibraghimov Zh.I.
Features of the regulation of controversial relations in the biy court in Kazakhstan
The article deals with the peculiarities of legal regulation of controversial relations in the court of
biy. The author notes that the honor and dignity, access to justice, honesty, integrity, which did not yield valid written lawcodes, prevailed over the process of regulating the controversial relationship.
Keywords: common law, dispute, biy court, law, code, honor and dignity, justice, conscientiousness, compromise.
Work bibliographic list
1. Busurmanov Zh.D. Evrazijskaja koncepcija prav cheloveka:Monografija. – 2-e izd. – Astana, 2010.
2. Gejns A. K. Sobranie literaturnyh trudov. – Spb.,1897. – T. 1.
3. Zimanov S.Z. Spasenie sudebnoj vlasti – spasenie demokratii // Materialy nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii, posvjashhennoj 30-letiju Almatinskogo gorsuda. – Almaty, 2000.
4. Kenzhaliev Z.Zh. Tradicionnaja pravovaja kul'tura v kochevom kazahskom obshhestve. – Almaty, 1997.
5. Konstitucinnoe pravo Respubliki Kazahstan: Uchebnik /Sost. A.T. Ashheulov. – Almaty, 2001.
6. Hartli T.K. Osnovy prava Evropejskogo soobshhestva. –M., 1998.
7. Ualihanov Sh. Zapiska o sudebnoj reforme. – A., 1985. –T. 5.

Letuta T.V.
Arbitrability of corporate trial according to the legislation in Russia and Kazakhstan
The article presents a comparative legal research of the legislation on courts of arbitration in Russia and Kazakhstan on the resolution of corporate trials. the method of a system of interpretation of law is used. The legal of higher courts is analyzed. The view points on the subject of Russian and Kazakhstan lawyers: theorists and practitioners – are summarized. A conclusion about the arbitrability of corporate trials, under the laws of Russia, and under the laws of Kazakhstan is formed; a formula of arbitrability is suggested, which can be a set of specific conditions under which the trial may be considered by the court of arbitration.
Keywords: corporate trials, court of arbitration, the arbitration process.

Misinkevich A.L.
Legal problems of Ukrainian legislation for realization the legal basis and the conditions of carrying into the land of reclamation
The article deals with legal relations of land restoration under the norms of the land legislation of the Ukraine and doctrinal science of land law. The main legal basis and the conditions for realization of land restoration works in disturbed and degraded lands after industrial use is defined. Rules of applicable land legislation of the Ukraine are analyzed. Legal conflicts and gaps that currently exist in the legal relations of land restoration are disclosed.
Key words: legal relations of land restoration, legal basis and the conditions for realization of land restoration works in disturbed and degraded lands, rules of land legislation of the Ukraine, legal gaps and conflicts of land legislation, parcel, land use, working draft land surveying for land restoration.
Work bibliographic list
1. Balakіrs'kij V.B., Pavlovs'kij A.M., Roganіn Ju.V. Dejakі problemi ohoroni ґruntіv pіd chas provedennja geologorozvіduval'nih robіt // Vіsnik HNAU. – 2009. – # 3.
2. Barabash N.P. Pravovij rezhim zemel', nadanih dlja koristuvannja nadrami: Dis. … kand. jur. nauk. – L., 2012.
3. Vіvcharenko O.A. Pravova ohorona zemel' v Ukraїnі: monografіja. – K., 2010.
4. Zakon Ukraїni «Pro zemleustrіj» [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: URL:
5. Zakon Ukraїni «Pro ohoronu zemel'» [Jelektronnyj resurs]. –Rezhim dostupa: URL:
6. Zemel'nij kodeks Ukraїni [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: URL:
7. Zemel'ne pravo Ukraїni: pіdruch. dlja stud. jurid. spec. vishh.navch. zakl. / V.І. Semchik, P.F. Kulinich, M.V. Shul'ga. – K., 2008.
8. Kodeks Ukraїni pro nadra [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: URL: D0% B2%D1% 80.
9. Kulinich P.F. Pravovі problemi ohoroni і vikoristannja zemel' sіl's'kogospodars'kogo priznachennja v Ukraїnі: monografіja. – K.,2011.
10. Mandrik V.O. Ekonomіchne reguljuvannja rekul'tivacії zemel', porushenih dіjal'nіstju pіdpriєmstv vugіl'noї promislovostі: Dis. …kand. ekon. nauk. – L., 2008.
11. Mandrik V.O. Vіdtvorennja porushenih zemel': zarubіzhnij dosvіd, mehanіzm fіnansuvannja // Naukovij vіsnik: Zbіrnik naukovo-tehnіchnih prac'. – L., 2005.
12. Mіroshnichenko A.M. Zemel'ne pravo Ukraїni: Pіdruchnik. –K., 2009.
13. Muntjan V.L. Pravovі problemi racіonal'nogo prirodokoristuvannja: Monografіja. – K., 1973.
14. Nosіk V.V. Pravo vlasnostі Ukraїns'kogo narodu: Monografіja. –K., 2006.

Chuchkova N.A.
Peculiarities of participation of foreign persons in the civil process of Ukraine
Legal status of foreign persons in the civil process of Ukraine and civil proceedings with such persons is investigated in this article. A comparative analysis of civil proceedings not burdened with a foreign element with civil proceedings involving foreign persons is developed. As a result a list of essential features of civil proceedings involving foreign persons is summarized.
Keywords: foreign person, civil process, national legal regime, judicial immunity, international jurisdiction, consular legalization, apostille, court orders for legal assistance.
Work bibliographic list
1. Grazhdanskoe processual'noe pravo: [ucheb.] / [Alehina S.A., Blazheev V.V., Bonner A.T. i dr.] ; pod red. M.S. Shakarjan. – M.:TK Velbi, Prospekt, 2004. – 584 s.
2. Mіzhnarodnij civіl'nij proces Ukraїni: [navch. posіb., praktikum] / [Fursa S.Ja., Pritika Ju.D., Karmaza O.O. ta іn.]; za red.S.Ja. Fursi. – K.: Vid. Fursa S.Ja.: KNT, 2010. – 328 s.
3. Chuchkova N.O. Pravovij rezhim civіl'nogo processual'nogo statusu іnozemnih osіb v Ukraїnі // Aktual'nі pitannja zahistu prav ljudini v kontekstі Konvencії pro zahist prav ljudini і osnovopolozhnih svobod: vseukr. nauk.-prakt. konf. (m. Kiїv, 4 list. 2011 r.) // Chasopis Akademії advokaturi Ukraїni. – 2011. – # 4. – S. 42–43 (
4. Chuchkova N.O. Konsul jak sub’єkt zahistu prav, svobod ta іnteresіv іnozemnih osіb u civіl'nomu procesі Ukraїni // Vіsnik Akademії advokaturi Ukraїni. – 2012. – # 3 (25). – S. 53–59.

Shashkina E.Yu.
«Agenda for the XXI century» and human rights: the right to participate
The article deals with one of ecological human rights – the right to participate in environmentallysignificant decision-making. The notion of terms «dominant social paradigm» and «new ecological paradigm» are disclosed. On the bases of the analyses of international treaties in force, that fix the right to participate, the principals of this right and of its drawbacks are shown.
Keywords: dominant social paradigm, new ecological paradigm, the right to participate, EIA, NGO , environmental program, lake Vostok.

Kolodkin L.M., Nechevin D.K.
Formation and development of the legal institute of certification of scholars and pedagogical staff
In the article the retrospective analysis of development of legal regulation of certification of scientific staff in the Western Europe and pre-revolutionary Russia is given. The detailed regulation procedure of award of scientific degrees and ranks on an example of outstanding scientists is given.
Keywords: certification, scholars and pedagogical staff, science history, university, teaching corps.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bibik I.E. Modernizacija sistemy attestacii nauchnyh kadrov v uslovija reformirovanija sistemy organov upravlenija podgotovki i attestacii nauchnyh kadrov. Zhurn.: Publichnoe i chastnoe pravo. – M., 2012. – # 2.
2. Vernadskij V.I. Vysshaja shkola v Rossii // Ezhegodnik «Rechi» na 1914 god. – M., 1915.
3. Vishnjak M.V. Vserossijskoe Uchreditel'noe sobranie. – Parizh, 1931; Vserossijskoe Uchreditel'noe sobranie. – M., L., 1930.
4. Zhurnal «Jekonomist», 1922. – # 4–5.
5. Ivanov A.E. Uchenye stepeni v Rossijskoj imperii XVIII v. 1917 g. – M., 1991.
6. Kelle V.Zh. Nauka kak komponent social'noj sistemy. – M., 1988.
7. Kuzin F.A. Pravila oformlenija. Porjadok zashhity: Dissertacija. – M., 2000.
8. Lejkina-Svirskaja V.R. Russkaja intelligencija v 1900–1917 godah. – M., 1981.
9. Lenin V.I. Poln. sobr. soch. – T. 38.
10. Lenin V.I. Poln. sobr. soch. – T. 54.
11. Lihachev D.S. Razdum'ja o Rossii. – SPb., 2001.
12. Mel'gunov S.P. Krasnyj terror v Rossii 1918–1923. – M., 1990.
13. Mironov G.E. Zagovor, kotorogo ne bylo. – M., 2001.
14. Osorgin M. Kak nas uehali: Jubilejnoe // Sociologicheskie issledovanija. – 1990. – # 3. Polozhenie «O sovete po zashhite dissertacij na soiskanie uchenoj stepeni kandidata nauk, na soiskanie uchenoj stepeni doktora nauk», utverzhdennoe prikazom Minobrnauki Rossii ot 12 dekabrja 2011 g. # 2817.
15. Rogov E.N. Atlas istorii kul'tury Rossii konca XVII nachalo HH vv. – M., 1993.
16. Suhanov E.A., Tomsinov V.A. Predislovie k knige: Hvos-tov V.M. Sistema rimskogo prava: Uchebnik. – M., 1996.
17. Front nauki i tehniki. – 1936. – # 7.
18. Jakushev A.N. Razvitie zakonodatel'stva o prisuzhdenii uchenyh stepenej v Rossii i Zapadnoj Evrope (XII–XX vv.): Materialy Nauchnoj konferencii. – M., 1998.

Vinokurov A.Yu.
The State land supervision: problems of legal regulation
This article examines the current state of legal regulation of the function of the state land supervision.
The author on the basis of the comparison of the provisions of the Land code of the Russian Federation, Code of the Russian Federation on administrative offences and the acting by-law normative legal acts comes to the conclusion about the uncertainty of the current implementation of the considered function, especially regarding the implementation by the officials of the authorised federal bodies of executive authority of the measures of administrative prosecution.
Keywords: state land supervision, conflicts of laws, competence (jurisdiction), empowerments, administrative prosecution.
Work bibliographic list
1. Vinokurov A.Ju. Administrativno-pravovoe regulirovanie gosudarstvennogo jekologicheskogo kontrolja // Administrativnoe i municipal'noe pravo. – 2009. – # 5.

Zavgorodniy A.V., Akhmatshin V.V.
Some forms of material stimulation of the employees: labor stimulating payments and optional programmes
There dual understanding of the salary structure exists in the literature. Some authors include in
it a strict notion of the salary: the basic and its additional parts. The others suppose, that the additional (indirect) payments, which are to a certain extend effective for stimulating of an employee’s labor and increasing of his/her welfare, should be also including. In case of rigorous approach to the issue, the first view point should be considered as more correct. Such position is stipulated by the content of such a category as a salary (it is guaranteed and exists due to the definite system).
Keywords: salary, stimulating payments, bonuses, options, safety stocks.
Work bibliographic list
1. Mezhdunarodnaja organizacija truda: konvencii, dokumenty, materialy. – M., 2011.
2. Salikova N.M. Trudovoe pravo Rossii / Pod red. S.Ju. Golovinoj, M.V. Molodcova. – M., 2008.
Mukhortov V.V.
Modernization policy of modern Russia: trajectories, crossroads, deadlocks
In the article an attempt is undertaken to examine certain features of the development of Russia's modernization in some historical retrospective.
Keywords: modernization, privatization, post-Soviet space, etakratiya, globalism, statehood, the collapse, transformation, reflection, federalism.
Work bibliographic list
1. Veber M. Protestantskaja jetika i «duh kapitalizma».Izbrannye proizvedenija. M.: Progress, 1990.
2. Veber M. Hozjajstvo i obshhestvo. M.: Izd-vo GU VShJe, 2010.
3. Veber M. Politicheskie raboty, 1895 1919. M.: Praksis, 2003.
4. Veber M. Izbrannoe. Obraz obshhestva. M.: Jurist, 1994.
5. Vystuplenie V. Putina na vstreche so svoimi storonnikami v Moskve 01.12.2011 goda. Cit. po ITAR-TASS //
6. Gorbatova A. Modernizacija v umah // Obzor materialov disputa Associacii nezavisimyh centrov jekonomicheskogo analiza. Interv'ju s A. Auzanom i B. Dubinym. 21.11.2011 g. Jelektronnoe izdanie «Nauka i tehnologii Rossii» //
7. Djurkgejm Je., Moss M. O nekotoryh pervobytnyh formah klassifikacii. K issledovaniju kollektivnyh predstavlenij // Moss M. Obshhestvo. Obmen. Lichnost': Trudy po social'noj antropologii / Per. s franc. M.: RAN, 1996.
8. Inozemcev V. Modernizacija: kto i chem oplatit? // Rossijskaja Federacija segodnja. Nojabr' 2010. # 22.
9. Pljajs Ja.A. Politologija v kontekste perehodnoj jepohi v Rossii. M.: Rossijskaja politicheskaja jenciklopedija
(ROSSPJeN), 2009.
10. Shtompka P. Sociologija social'nyh izmenenij. M.:Aspekt Press, 1996.
11. Jacenko N.E. Tolkovyj slovar' obshhestvovedcheskih terminov. SPb.: Lan', 1999.

Ragulin A.V.
Regulation and implementation of the professional right of a defence attorney to have special conditions for prosecution complied with
The article deals with questions of a legal regulation and practical realization of the professional
right of the defense attorney on observance of a special order of criminal prosecution.
Keywords: defense attorney rights, criminal prosecution, special order of criminal prosecution.
Work bibliographic list
1. Anufriev V.P. Pravovoj status Sledstvennogo komiteta pri prokurature Rossijskoj Federacii, sledovatelej i drugih prokurorskih rabotnikov ego sledstvennyh organov : Avtoref. dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. M., 2009.
2. Volodina L.M. Obespechenie konstitucionnyh prav v ugolovnom processe // Konstitucija Rossii 10 let: Materialy Vserossijskoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. Tjumen', 2003.
3. Dobrovljanina O.V. Osobennosti proizvodstva po ugolovnym delam v otnoshenii otdel'nyh kategorij lic: Avtoref. dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. Ekaterinburg, 2010.
4. Epihin A.Ju. Obespechenie bezopasnosti lichnosti v ugolovnom sudoproizvodstve. – SPb.: Izdatel'stvo R. Aslanova «Juridicheskij centr Press», 2004.
5. Kommentarij k Ugolovno-processual'nomu kodeksu Rossijskoj Federacii (postatejnyj). 2-e izd., pererab. / Pod red. A.Ja. Suhareva. M., 2004.
6. Korneeva O.A. O neravenstve grazhdan-chinovnikov pered zakonom i sudom // Obshhestvo i pravo, 2010 # 3(30).
7. Kochemin Ju., Golubeva I., Elisov A. Postradavshie za gostajnu. Na neugodnyh advokatov vse chashhe okazyvajut davlenie ljudi v pogonah // Novye Izvestija. 2007. 4 ijulja.
8. Maljasov R.A. Konstitucionnye principy ravenstva cheloveka i grazhdanina pered sudom v sovremennoj Rossii. Dis... kand. jurid. nauk. Saratov, 2005.
9. Mamaev I.N. Osobennosti proizvodstva ugolovnyh del v otnoshenii prokurora, sledovatelja i advokata // Obespechenie zakonnosti v rossijskom ugolovnom sudoproizvodstve: Materialy Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. Saransk: Mordovskoe knizhnoe izdatel'stvo, 2006.
10. Nauchno-prakticheskij kommentarij k Ugolovno-processual'nomu kodeksu RF / pod obshh. red. V. M. Lebedeva. M., 2009.
11. Pilipenko Ju.S. Advokatskaja tajna: Zakonodatel'nyj, jeticheskij, pravoprimenitel'nyj aspekty. – M.: «Inform – Pravo», 2009.
12. Pilipenko Ju.S. Nekotorye aspekty vzaimootnoshenij advokatov s pravoohranitel'nymi organami i sudom // Advokatskaja praktika, 2007, # 2.
13. Poljakov S.B. Uslovija rossijskoj pravovoj sistemy dlja zakaznyh ugolovnyh del // Advokat. 2009. # 5.
14. Sannikova E. Politzakljuchennyj Mihail Trepashkin. M., 2007.
15. Stecovskij Ju.I. Zashhita advokata ot ugolovnogo presledovanija // Advokat, 2007, # 9.
16. Stecovskij Ju.I. Rasprava? // Advokat. 2008.# 5.
17. Fadeeva E.I. Proizvodstvo po ugolovnym delam v otnoshenii advokatov // Advokat. 2008. # 5.
18. Homenja A.V. K voprosu ob osnovnyh napravlenijah razvitija rossijskoj advokatury // Zakonodatel'stvo i jekonomika. 2007. # 1.
19. Chelishheva V. Prigovor. Sud otkazal Aleksanjanu v lechenii i ostavil ego umirat' v SIZO // Novaja gazeta. 2008. 4–6 fevr.
20. Shlejnov R. Byvshego sotrudnika FSB Mihaila Trepashkina ne mogut tolkom ni posadit', ni vypustit' // Novaja gazeta. 2005. 19–21 avgusta.

Biriukov P.N.
Police of the United Arab Emirates
The article deals with organizational and legal issues of the United Arab Emirates police using emirate of Dubai as an example.
Keywords: police, police of foreign countries.


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