The evolution of international law in russia
An interview with B.I. Nefedov, Doctor of Law, professor of the Omsk branch of the Financial University at the Government of the Russian Federation
Grenada as an ambassador of peace in buenos aires
Interview with T.L. Vladimirskaja, doctor of History (candidate), senior researcher of the Latin America Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the artistic chief of national ensemble Grenada, member of the Counsel for the Russian Peace service
Kalisz Ya.I.
The reasoning on eurasian law: classics and present
Sazonova K.L.
Coercive measures, countermeasures, sanctions in international law: terminological aspects
Kasenova M.B.
2015: outlook for transborder internet governance
Ovchinnikov S.N.
International legal regulation of customs relations in cooperation council for the arab states of the gulf
Danelyan A.A.
Nationalisation institute in international legal system
Volova L.I.
Evaluation of the essence of the international financial (currency) law in the works of publicists
Naghdaliyev H. Z.
Institute of extradition . Theoretical and practical aspects of international legal cooperation of the states
Aliyev Kh.M.
Fragmentation of the international law and its consequences for consular –diplomatic institute
Shablov I.A.
Hard and soft power of Beijing
Smyrnova K.V.
The role of the soft law in European integration development
Baideldinov D.L.
Problems of development of environmental policy and law in the republic of Kazakhstan
Altybaev M.K.
Police for the common economic space
Koch E.V.
Integration vectors of ukraine: the features of legal regulation
Lizan I.A.
Elite and law-making: procedures of avoidance of mistakes when developing the allied legislation
Olenina T.Yu.
Comparative and legal aspects of forest legislation of Russia, Finland, and Norway
Minakov P.A.
Great britain and afghanistan: past and present
Adjelou C.A.
The legal status of the workers of trade enterprises declared insolvent in the ohada
Aznagulova G. M.
The position of court law-making within the system of russian law sources
Bayldinov E.T.
Looking for a model of a more sustainable global legal order: the conception of a universal law
Minniahmetov R. A.
The «period of modernization » in the history of islamic law
Akhmedov I. D.
N. N. Alekseev’s euroasian ideas about the state and the law and modern time
Demyanenko Y.A.
Transformation of the territorial structure of the Russian Federation in the conditions of political modernization
Komarova V.V.
Features of direct democracy at the local level, the public authorities
Kirichek E.V.
Some modern problems in the functioning of the legal mechanism of ensuring the constitutional rights and freedoms of man and citizen in the russian federation
Wystorόbets E.A., Turbaba A.S.
Myths by Edith Brown Weiss as the sources of interecolaw understanding: 9–13 (conclusion)
Koroed S.A.
The limits of the procedural activity of the court in civil litigation and its impact on the effectiveness of judicial protection
Shpelin I.V.
The statement of offence: historical overview of the study of the issue starting with the russian truth to our days
Andryukhina O.V.
Anti-corruption monitoring as one of the elements of combating corruption in Russia. The results of the chamber’s of commerce and industry of the Nizhny Novgorod oblast of anti-corruption monitoring in 2012
N. N. Hiltunov
Qualification of the penal violations of labour protection
Kudryavtsev V.L.
Some issues the establishment and implementation of adversarial principle to pre-trial procedure
Ilona A. Makarenko
Criminal studies as the basis for crime clearance, a science and an academic subject
Lushnikov AM, Lushnikova M.V.
The limits of international borrowing and foreign experience of legal regulation of labor relations in the russian federation: the theoretical and practical problems
Shakirova D.I.
Legal basis for technical regulation in the Russian Federation
Gorodilova U.L.
The order of change of the type of budgetary institution
Pashentsev D.A.
The interaction of public and private elements in the finance law
Neminushchaya N.E.
The features of tax planning optimization of knowledge – based enterprises in the conditions of legal regulation of special economic zones
Yanbukhtin R. M.
Sound aspects of the formation of russian police (organisational and legal, managerial and social)
Sadykova E., Sergeeva G.
The legal basis of interaction between state and civil society as a factor of the strategy of state stability. The experience of tatarstan
Guliyev A. A.
Non-governmental organizations as important element of political system of a society during modernization
Begichev A.V.
Subjects of legal relations related to a non -judicial (notary) evidence provision
Mekhdiev E.N., Son Min Gi
The strategy of extra-regional powers in the south caucasus
Eshba E.D.
The circassian diaspora at the present stagе
Nigmatullina T.A.
Children’s public (civic) legal chamber as innovative personnel resource of modern russia
Lushnikov O. V.
Political and legal aspects of the eurasian idea in the works of classics of 1920–1930s.
Ternovaya L.O., Fonarev M.A.
Eurasian idea in comparison with the idea of Europe: grounds and capacities for the implementation
Korbut L.V.
Overview of the 56th annual meeting of russian association of international law, 26–28 june 2013
Gumerov L.A., Krasnov A.V., Smirnov M.G.
The review of the international scientific and practical conference «tendencies of development of protective function of the law at the present stage » (kazan , the 25th of october, 2013)
Umnova I.А.
Review of educational manual by kovaleov A.A. «International protection of human rights». – Moscow: statut, 2013. – 591 р.
Resolution of round table «interconfessional dialog and universal values»
The evolution of international law in russia
An interview with B.I. Nefedov, Doctor of Law, professor of the Omsk branch of the Financial University at the Government of the Russian Federation
Grenada as an ambassador of peace in buenos aires
Interview with T.L. Vladimirskaja, doctor of History (candidate), senior researcher of the Latin America Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the artistic chief of national ensemble Grenada, member of the Counsel for the Russian Peace service
Kalisz Ya.I.
The reasoning on eurasian law: classics and present
Sazonova K.L.
Coercive measures, countermeasures, sanctions in international law: terminological aspects
Kasenova M.B.
2015: outlook for transborder internet governance
Ovchinnikov S.N.
International legal regulation of customs relations in cooperation council for the arab states of the gulf
Danelyan A.A.
Nationalisation institute in international legal system
Volova L.I.
Evaluation of the essence of the international financial (currency) law in the works of publicists
Naghdaliyev H. Z.
Institute of extradition . Theoretical and practical aspects of international legal cooperation of the states
Aliyev Kh.M.
Fragmentation of the international law and its consequences for consular –diplomatic institute
Shablov I.A.
Hard and soft power of Beijing
Smyrnova K.V.
The role of the soft law in European integration development
Baideldinov D.L.
Problems of development of environmental policy and law in the republic of Kazakhstan
Altybaev M.K.
Police for the common economic space
Koch E.V.
Integration vectors of ukraine: the features of legal regulation
Lizan I.A.
Elite and law-making: procedures of avoidance of mistakes when developing the allied legislation
Olenina T.Yu.
Comparative and legal aspects of forest legislation of Russia, Finland, and Norway
Minakov P.A.
Great britain and afghanistan: past and present
Adjelou C.A.
The legal status of the workers of trade enterprises declared insolvent in the ohada
Aznagulova G. M.
The position of court law-making within the system of russian law sources
Bayldinov E.T.
Looking for a model of a more sustainable global legal order: the conception of a universal law
Minniahmetov R. A.
The «period of modernization » in the history of islamic law
Akhmedov I. D.
N. N. Alekseev’s euroasian ideas about the state and the law and modern time
Demyanenko Y.A.
Transformation of the territorial structure of the Russian Federation in the conditions of political modernization
Komarova V.V.
Features of direct democracy at the local level, the public authorities
Kirichek E.V.
Some modern problems in the functioning of the legal mechanism of ensuring the constitutional rights and freedoms of man and citizen in the russian federation
Wystorόbets E.A., Turbaba A.S.
Myths by Edith Brown Weiss as the sources of interecolaw understanding: 9–13 (conclusion)
Koroed S.A.
The limits of the procedural activity of the court in civil litigation and its impact on the effectiveness of judicial protection
Shpelin I.V.
The statement of offence: historical overview of the study of the issue starting with the russian truth to our days
Andryukhina O.V.
Anti-corruption monitoring as one of the elements of combating corruption in Russia. The results of the chamber’s of commerce and industry of the Nizhny Novgorod oblast of anti-corruption monitoring in 2012
N. N. Hiltunov
Qualification of the penal violations of labour protection
Kudryavtsev V.L.
Some issues the establishment and implementation of adversarial principle to pre-trial procedure
Ilona A. Makarenko
Criminal studies as the basis for crime clearance, a science and an academic subject
Lushnikov AM, Lushnikova M.V.
The limits of international borrowing and foreign experience of legal regulation of labor relations in the russian federation: the theoretical and practical problems
Shakirova D.I.
Legal basis for technical regulation in the Russian Federation
Gorodilova U.L.
The order of change of the type of budgetary institution
Pashentsev D.A.
The interaction of public and private elements in the finance law
Neminushchaya N.E.
The features of tax planning optimization of knowledge – based enterprises in the conditions of legal regulation of special economic zones
Yanbukhtin R. M.
Sound aspects of the formation of russian police (organisational and legal, managerial and social)
Sadykova E., Sergeeva G.
The legal basis of interaction between state and civil society as a factor of the strategy of state stability. The experience of tatarstan
Guliyev A. A.
Non-governmental organizations as important element of political system of a society during modernization
Begichev A.V.
Subjects of legal relations related to a non -judicial (notary) evidence provision
Mekhdiev E.N., Son Min Gi
The strategy of extra-regional powers in the south caucasus
Eshba E.D.
The circassian diaspora at the present stagе
Nigmatullina T.A.
Children’s public (civic) legal chamber as innovative personnel resource of modern russia
Lushnikov O. V.
Political and legal aspects of the eurasian idea in the works of classics of 1920–1930s.
Ternovaya L.O., Fonarev M.A.
Eurasian idea in comparison with the idea of Europe: grounds and capacities for the implementation
Korbut L.V.
Overview of the 56th annual meeting of russian association of international law, 26–28 june 2013
Gumerov L.A., Krasnov A.V., Smirnov M.G.
The review of the international scientific and practical conference «tendencies of development of protective function of the law at the present stage » (kazan , the 25th of october, 2013)
Umnova I.А.
Review of educational manual by kovaleov A.A. «International protection of human rights». – Moscow: statut, 2013. – 591 р.
Resolution of round table «interconfessional dialog and universal values»
Kalisz Ya.I.
The reasoning on Eurasian law: classics and present
The article is devoted to a reasoning on classical Eurasian law doctrine, on combination of a theory of «The Truth State» with idea of «Constitutional state». The author treats the Eurasian concept of human rights as the only one eurocentristic concept in present time.
key words: Truth state, Constitutional state, ideocracy, Eurasian Union.
Work bibliographic list
1. Istorija politicheskih i pravovyh uchenij. Pod red.V.S. Nersesjanca. — M.: INFRA-M, 1998. S. 532.
Work bibliographic list
1. Istorija politicheskih i pravovyh uchenij. Pod red.V.S. Nersesjanca. — M.: INFRA-M, 1998. S. 532.
2. D ugin A. Predislovie. Teorija evrazijskogo gosudarstva //Russkij narod i gosudarstvo. M., 2003. S. 13.
3. Nazmutdinov B. V. Vozzrenija klassikov evrazijstva na pravo i gosudarstvo // Rossijskaja justicija. 2010. # 8. S. 55-60.
4. Alekseev N.N. Na putjah k budushhej Rossii (sovetskij stroj i ego politicheskie vozmozhnosti) // Russkij narod i gosudarstvo. M.,1998. S. 317.
5. Evrazijstvo (formulirovka 1927). Kollektivnyj trud pervyh evrazijcev // Evrazijstvo. M., 2002. S. 172.
6. Karsavin L.P. Osnovy politiki // Osnovy evrazijstva. M.,2002, S. 406
7. Il'in V.N. K vzaimootnosheniju prava i nravstvennosti //Evrazijskij vremennik. Kn. IV Berlin, 1925 g. S. 306.
8. Alekseev H.H. Na putjah budushhej Rossii (Sovetskij stroj i ego politicheskie vozmozhnosti). Parizh, 1927;
9. Ahmatov A.V. Filosofija prava evrazijstva. Istoriko-filosofskij analiz, dissertacija, MGU im. Lomonosova, M., 2009
10. Busurmanov Zh.D. Evrazijskaja koncepcija prav cheloveka: novyj vzgljad na problemu // Evrazijskaja Integracija, # 11 (18) 2009).
Sazonova K.L.
Coercive measures, countermeasures, sanctions in international law: terminological aspects
Nowadays in domestic and foreign doctrine of international law there are numerous differences in the terminology and substantive aspects of one the most important concepts of international law of responsibility as «coercive measures», «countermeasures» and «sanctions». The author considers the applicability of each of these terms and analyzes the current views and opinions on the subject.
Nowadays in domestic and foreign doctrine of international law there are numerous differences in the terminology and substantive aspects of one the most important concepts of international law of responsibility as «coercive measures», «countermeasures» and «sanctions». The author considers the applicability of each of these terms and analyzes the current views and opinions on the subject.
key words: responsibility, sanctions, enforcement, countermeasures, international law
Work bibliographic list
1. Baginjan K.A. Mezhdunarodnye sankcii po ustavam Ligi Nacij i OON i praktika ih primenenija. – M., 1948.
Work bibliographic list
1. Baginjan K.A. Mezhdunarodnye sankcii po ustavam Ligi Nacij i OON i praktika ih primenenija. – M., 1948.
2. Boguslavskij M.M. Mezhdunarodnoe jekonomicheskoe pravo. –M., 1985.
3. Vasilenko V.A. Mezhdunarodno-pravovye sankcii. – K., 1982.
4. Vorob'eva E.A. K voprosu o kodifikacii prava mezhdunarodnoj otvetstvennosti: Proekt statej ob otvetstvennosti mezhdunarodnyh organizacij // Zhurnal mezhdunarodnogo prava i mezhdunarodnyh otnoshenij. – 2006. – # 3 [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
5. Gali B.B. Povestka dnja dlja mira. Preventivnaja diplomatija, mirotvorchestvo i podderzhanie mira. – N'ju-Jork, 1992.
6. D oklad Komissii mezhdunarodnogo prava. Shestidesjataja sessija, 2008 g. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
8. Ezhegodnik Komissii mezhdunarodnogo prava. – N'ju-Jork,1979.
9. Ezhegodnik Komissii mezhdunarodnogo prava. – 1991. – T. II. –Ch. 1. Dokumenty
43-ej sessii. – N'ju-Jork - Zheneva, 1994.
10. Zhdanov Ju.N. Prinuditel'nye mery v mezhdunarodnom prave: Dis d-ra jurid. nauk. – M., 1998.
11. Kuris P.M. Mezhdunarodnye pravonarushenija i otvetstvennost' gosudarstva. – Vil'njus, 1973.
12. Levin D.B. Otvetstvennost' gosudarstv v sovremennom mezhdunarodnom prave. – M., 1966.
13. Lukashuk I.I. Kodifikacija prava mezhdunarodnoj otvetstvennosti // Moskovskij zhurnal mezhdunarodnogo prava. – 2002. –#3.
14. Lukashuk I.I. Pravo mezhdunarodnoj otvetstvennosti. –M.,2004.
15. Neshataeva T.N. Sankcii sistemy OON. Mezhdunarodno-pravovoj aspekt. –M.,1992.
16. Povyshenie jeffektivnosti sankcij Soveta Bezopasnosti Organizacii Ob"edinennyh Nacij. Simpozium 30 aprelja 2007 g. Organizacija Ob"edinennyh Nacij, N'ju-Jork [Jelektronnyj resurs]. –Rezhim dostupa:
17. Proekt statej ob otvetstvennosti gosudarstv za mezhdunarodno-protivopravnye dejanija 2001 g. // Doklad Komissii mezhdunarodnogo prava o rabote ee pjat'desjat tret'ej sessii: dok. OON A/56/10.N'ju-Jork, OON, 2001.
18. Reshetov Ju.A. Bor'ba s mezhdunarodnymi prestuplenijami protiv mira i bezopasnosti. –M., 1983.
19. Slovar' mezhdunarodnogo prava. –M., 1982.
20. Flejshic E.A. Obshhie nachala otvetstvennosti po osnovam grazhdanskogo zakonodatel'stva Sojuza SSR i sojuznyh respublik //Sovetskoe gosudarstvo i pravo. –1962.
21. H lestov O.N. Zakon Rossii ob uchastii v operacijah po podderzhaniju mira // Moskovskij zhurnal mezhdunarodnogo prava. – 1995. –# 3.
22. Juridicheskij slovar' [Jelektronnyj resurs]. –Rezhim dostupa:
23. Cavare L. Le sanction dans le cadre de l’O.N.U. // Recueil des cours. –Paris, 1953.
24. Doxey M.P. International Sanctions in Contemporary Perspective. –L., 1987.
25. Kunz G.L. Sanctions in the international law // The American Journal of International Law. –1960. –Vol. 54. –# 2.
26. Leyton-Brown D. The Utility of International Economic Sanctions. –L., 1980.
27. Mitrany D. The problem of international sanctions. –Oxford, 1985.
Kasenova M.B.
2015: outlook for transborder internet governance
The author analyzes the reasons why the year of 2015 may be of fundamental importance when it comes to Transborder Internet Governance.
The author analyzes the reasons why the year of 2015 may be of fundamental importance when it comes to Transborder Internet Governance.
key words: Internet, Internet governance, self-regulation, cyberspace, international law, cooperation of states, World Summit on the Information Society, Golden Book of the World Summit on the Information Society, multistakeholderism.
Ovchinnikov S.N.
International legal regulation of customs relations in cooperation council for the arab states of the gulf
The work is devoted to the problem of the international legal regulation of customs relations in the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf (GCC). Author analyzes concrete examples of the regulation of the international customs cooperation, such as multilateral agreements, Free Trade Area, the Common Customs Law of the GCC States. It considers the organizational forms of customs cooperation.
The work is devoted to the problem of the international legal regulation of customs relations in the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf (GCC). Author analyzes concrete examples of the regulation of the international customs cooperation, such as multilateral agreements, Free Trade Area, the Common Customs Law of the GCC States. It considers the organizational forms of customs cooperation.
key words: Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf (GCC), international customs law, international customs cooperation, customs union.
Danelyan A.A.
Nationalisation institute in international legal system
The article examines the basic doctrines of international law on the issue of nationalization. The
The article examines the basic doctrines of international law on the issue of nationalization. The
conclusion is that the right of a state to nationalize refers to its internal competence. The questions of property become the subject of international law, when there are legal relations between the states concerning the protection of private property of citizens and legal persons.
key words: nationalization, private property, foreign investment, international law.
Work bibliographic list
1. Baratashvili D.I. Novye gosudarstva Azii i Afriki i mezhdunarodnoe pravo. – M., 1968.
Work bibliographic list
1. Baratashvili D.I. Novye gosudarstva Azii i Afriki i mezhdunarodnoe pravo. – M., 1968.
2. Boguslavskij M.M. Mezhdunarodnoe chastnoe pravo. – M.,Jurist". 2004.
3. Vilkov G. E. Nacionalizacija i mezhdunarodnoe pravo. – M.,1962.
4. Ibragim, A. H. Pravovye voprosy nacionalizacii inostrannoj sobstvennosti: avtoref. dis. … kand. jurid. nauk: 12.00.10 /A. H. Ibragim. – M., 1972.
5. Konteh Je. Mezhdunarodno-pravovye aspekty nacionalizacii: avtoref. dis. … kand. jurid. nauk: 12.00.10 / Je. Konteh. – Kiev,1973.
6. Pokrytaja A.K. Proizvodstvennye otnoshenija i jekonomicheskie zakony socializma. – M. 1971.
7. Farhutdinov I.Z. Inostrannye investicii v Rossii i mezhdunarodnoe pravo. – Ufa, 2001.
8. H amza M. M. Mezhdunarodno-pravovye problemy nacionalizacii inostrannoj neftjanoj sobstvennosti v arabskih gosudarstvah: avtoref. dis. … kand. jurid. nauk: 12.00.10 / M. M. Hamza. – M.,1983.
9. International Investment Agreements: Key Issues / U.N.Conference on Trade and Development. – N.Y.; Geneva, 2004. – Vol. 1.
10. Takings of Property / UNCTAD Series on Issues in International Investment Agreements. – N.Y.; Geneva, 2000.
Volova L.I.
Evaluation of the essence of the international financial (currency) law in the works of publicists
The article deals with the position of various Russian and foreign scientists on determination of the essence of the International Financial (Currency) Law. It contains the evaluations of the arguments of both the supporters of the broad and narrow interpretation of International Financial Law. The author analyzes the international legal instruments regulating international financial relations. He notes that just only some of the international legal instruments relating to the activities of international credit and financial institutions are regulated by multilateral agreements. The article notes that the process of the constitution of the principles of International Financial Law is in progress. It is indicated that the regulation of international financial (currency) relations is carried out not only by public international law, but also by the rules of private international law.
The article deals with the position of various Russian and foreign scientists on determination of the essence of the International Financial (Currency) Law. It contains the evaluations of the arguments of both the supporters of the broad and narrow interpretation of International Financial Law. The author analyzes the international legal instruments regulating international financial relations. He notes that just only some of the international legal instruments relating to the activities of international credit and financial institutions are regulated by multilateral agreements. The article notes that the process of the constitution of the principles of International Financial Law is in progress. It is indicated that the regulation of international financial (currency) relations is carried out not only by public international law, but also by the rules of private international law.
key words: International Financial Law, financial markets, international credit and financial institutions, international currency arrangements; turnover of global finance, financial control, monetary unions.
Work bibliographic list
1. Petrova G.V. Mezhdunarodnoe finansovoe pravo. Uchebnik dlja vuzov. M., JuRAJT , 2009, s.16. Mezhdunarodnoe chastnoe pravo. Uchebnik. Pod red. Dmitrievoj. M. Prospekt, 2011; Mezhdun. Chastn. Pr. Uchebnik . Pod red. N.I. Maryshevoj . M. Stautut, 2006g.
Work bibliographic list
1. Petrova G.V. Mezhdunarodnoe finansovoe pravo. Uchebnik dlja vuzov. M., JuRAJT , 2009, s.16. Mezhdunarodnoe chastnoe pravo. Uchebnik. Pod red. Dmitrievoj. M. Prospekt, 2011; Mezhdun. Chastn. Pr. Uchebnik . Pod red. N.I. Maryshevoj . M. Stautut, 2006g.
2. Vel'jaminov G.M. Mezhdunarodnoe jekonomicheskoe pravo i process M. Volters Kluver , 2006, Popondopulo V.F. Mezhdunarodnoe kommercheskoe pravo. SPB, 2004.
3. G. V. Petrova. Ukaz soch. , s. 17.
4. Pan E.J. Challenge of International Cooperation and Institutional Design in Financial Supervision Beyond Transgovermertal Works II Chicago journal of International Law, #7,2010, p. 244
5. Volova L.I. Sootnoshenie mezhdunarodnogo valjutnogo prava s valjutnym pravom Rossijskoj Federacii. Rostov-na-Donu., izdvo «Jeverest», 2002, s. 30-31
6. Rovinskij E.A. Mezhdunarodnye finansovye otnoshenija i ih pravovoe regulirovanie // Sovetskoe gosudarstvo i pravo, 1965, # 2, s. 60, 66
7. Lukashuk I.I. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo. Osobennaja chast'. M., BEK, 1997, s. 199
8. Vel'jaminov G.M. ukaz. soch. s.244-245.
9. Shumilov V.M. Mezhdunarodnoe finansovoe pravo. Uchebnik. M.: Mezhdunarodnye otnoshenija. 2005 g. S. 220-221.
10. Shumilov V.M. Mezhdunarodnoe jekonomicheskoe pravo v jepohu globalizacii. M. Mezhdunarodnye otnoshenija. 2003 g. S. 151.
11. Uchebno-metodicheskij kompleks po kursu «Mezhdunarodnoe finansovoe pravo dlja studentov instituta mezhdunarodnogo chastnogo prava na 2009/10, 2010/11, 2011/12 uchebnye gody. Avtor d.ju.n., prof. L.P. Anufrieva. M.: 2009, s. 8, s. 19–20
12. Safina O.A. Mezhdunarodno-pravovoe regulirovanie kreditno-denezhnyh i raschetnyh otnoshenij na universal'nom urovne. Avtoref. kandid. dis. M.: 2005, s. 19
13. Ivanova E.E. Mezhdunarodnoe finansovoe pravo // Mezhduna-rodnoe publichnoe i chastnoe pravo, 2004, #1 s. 20–1.
14. Al'tshuler A.B. Mezhdunarodnoe valjutnoe pravo. M.: mezhdunarodnye otnoshenija, 1984, s. 35, s. 38.
15. Karro D., Zhjujar P., Mezhdunarodnoe jekonomicheskoe pravo., Per. s franc.M., 2002, s. 455
16. Jebke Verner Mezhdunarodnoe valjutnoe pravo. Perevod s nemeckogo. M.: Mezhdunarodnye otnoshenija, 1997, s. 15–6
17. International Financial Law. Lending capital transfers and institutions. Ed. Robert Rendell. Eurmoney Publications , London,1980, p. 5
18. Norton J.J. International Financial Law, an increasingly important Somponent of International Economic Law // Michigan Journal of International Law. Winter 1999. P. 133
19. Sm. Kudrjashov V.V. Zarubezhnaja doktrina mezhdunarodnogo finansovogo prava: problema identifikacii// Rossijskaja justicija , #9, 2012, s. 2-6.
20. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo. Uchebnik. Otv. red. Kolosov Ju.M., Kuznecov V.I. M.: 1994 s. 108,.
21. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo. Pod red. Ignatenko G.V., Tiunov O.I. M.: 1999, s. 450.
22. D orofeev B.Ju., Zemcov N.N., V.A. Pushin. Valjutnoe pravo Rossii. Uchebnoe posobie Pod obshh. red. B.Ju. Dorofeeva. M.: Izd-vo NORMA, s. 17–8.
23. T am zhe, s. 18
24. D avlieva V.I. Evropejskij jekonomicheskij i valjutnyj sojuz v sisteme mezhdunarodnyh valjutnyh otnoshenij. Avtoref. kand.dis. Kazan', s. 30.
25. Smirnikova Ju.L. Valjutnye pravootnoshenija kak jelement mehanizma finansovo-pravovogo regulirovanija / Mezhdunarodnoe publichnoe i chastnoe pravo, # 5., 2006, s. 18
26. Artjomov N.M. Valjutnoe regulirovanie v Rossijskoj Federacii. Dissertacija na soiskanie uchjonoj stepeni doktora juridicheskih nauk. –M., 2002.
27. Gejvandov Ja.A. O budushhem mezhdunarodnoj valjutno-finansovoj sistemy//RFBS.RU: sajt. –URL: obrashhenija: 04.06.2010).
28. Broveckij V. Banki i bankovskie sistemy v sfere jelektronnyh deneg// Bankovskoe delo. –1995. –# 3, s. 12–7
Naghdaliyev H. Z.
Institute of extradition . Theoretical and practical aspects of international legal cooperation of the states
The article is devoted to one of the urgent problems of international legal cooperation of the States -institute of extradition of persons accused of committing a crime or convicted for execution of a punishment. The author considers the theoretical and methodological aspects of the interaction between international and domestic regulations in the field of extradition in the context of common doctrinal approaches to the correlation of international and national law.
The article is devoted to one of the urgent problems of international legal cooperation of the States -institute of extradition of persons accused of committing a crime or convicted for execution of a punishment. The author considers the theoretical and methodological aspects of the interaction between international and domestic regulations in the field of extradition in the context of common doctrinal approaches to the correlation of international and national law.
key words: institute of issue, international law, transnational criminality, co-operation of the states, the ratio of international and national law, fighting crime, political crime
Work bibliographic list
1. D ogovor o Evropejskom Sojuze. (Maastriht, 7fevralja 1992 g. v redakcii Lissabonskogo Dogovora 2007 g.);base=INT;n=43211
Work bibliographic list
1. D ogovor o Evropejskom Sojuze. (Maastriht, 7fevralja 1992 g. v redakcii Lissabonskogo Dogovora 2007 g.);base=INT;n=43211
2. Evropejskaja konvencija o vydache ot 13 dekabrja 1957 g.;base=LAW;n=121346/data obrashhenija 7.10. 2013
3. Zimnenko B.L. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo i pravovaja sistema Rossijskoj Federacii. Obshhaja chast': Kurs lekcij.- Rossijskaja akademija pravosudija; Statut, 2010.
4. Konvencija o pravovoj pomoshhi i pravovyh otnoshenijah po grazhdanskim, semejnym i ugolovnym delam (Minsk, 22 janvarja 1993 g.),;base=LAW;n=5942/data obrashhenija 7.10 2013
5. Konvencija Organizacii Ob"edinennyh Nacij protiv transnacional'noj organizovannoj prestupnosti, prinjata rezoljuciej 55/25 General'noj Assamblei OON ot 15 nojabrja 2000 g.
6. Konstitucija RF data obrashhenija 7.10.2013
7. Koncepcija vneshnej politiki RF, Ukaz Prezidenta RF ot 12 fevralja 2013 g., 303-18-02-2013, osndoc.nsf/e2f289bea62097f9c325787a0034c255/c32577ca0017434944257b160051bf7
Aliyev Kh.M.
Fragmentation of the international law and its consequences for consular – diplomatic institute
The article deals with two main problems important for the fate of contemporary international relations and law. The first is so called fragmentation of the international law is due to the fact that now it has too many different branches and, besides, there are a lot of various international
The article deals with two main problems important for the fate of contemporary international relations and law. The first is so called fragmentation of the international law is due to the fact that now it has too many different branches and, besides, there are a lot of various international
organizations which are hardly manageable by any international authorities. Hence we come to a conclusion that the international law should be reformed. The second problem is connected with the first. They think that if the direct attack against the international law fails it is possible to achieve the aim by breaking the law institutions one by one. To this end in the UN International Law Commission the draft articles on Diplomatic Protection were drawn. The present article has a good portion of proper criticism of the draft articles.
key words: fragmentation, diplomat, consul, international law, commission, protection, article, United Nations.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bobylev G.V. Konsul'skoe pravo. Uchebnik. – M.: Jurlitform, 2010.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bobylev G.V. Konsul'skoe pravo. Uchebnik. – M.: Jurlitform, 2010.
2. Bol'shoj juridicheskij slovar' // Pod red. A.Ja. Suhareva, V.E. Krutskih. – M., 2002.
3. Zor'kin V.D. Vyzovy globalizacii i pravovaja koncepcija miroustrojstva // URL: http // www.Rg. ru / 2010/09/10 Zorkin html.
4. Il'in N.Ju. Evropejskij sojuz: pravovoe regulirovanie integracionnyh processov. – M., 2006.
5. Lukashuk I.I. Sovremennoe pravo mezhdunarodnyh dogovorov: v 2-h t. – M., 2004.
6. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo: Uchebnik / Pod red. G. I. Tunkina, –M., 1979.
7. Oficial'nye otchety General'noj Assamblei OON, shest'desjat pervaja sessija, Dopolnenie # 10 (A/61/10). Tekst vosproizveden v prilozhenii k rezoljucii 61/35 GA OON ot 4 dekabrja 2006 g.
8. Plotnikov A.V. Izmenenie balansa sil na mezhdunarodnoj arene v XXI veke: posledstvija dlja mezhdunarodnogo prava. – M., 2010. –T. 2.
9. Reshenie Postojannoj Palaty Mezhdunarodnogo Pravosudija po delu Mavromatisa // PCIJ. – 1924. – Ser. A. – # 2.
10. Sanchov V.L. Uchebnik konsul'skogo prava. – M. – L., 1925.
11. Sessija KMP, Dopolnenie # 10 (A/59/10), punkty 303–358.
12. Farhutdinov I.Z. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo v XXI veke // Pravo i politika. – 2003. – # 1.
13. Shetilova O.N. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo pri izmenenii balansa sil na mezhdunarodnoj arene v XXI veke // Mir prava. – 2012.– 4 oktjabrja.
14. Alvarez J. International Organizations as Law- Makers. – Oxford University Press, 2005.
15. Berman P.S. The Globalization of International Law. – Aldershot:Ashgate, 2005.
16. Folk R. Revitalizing International Law. – N.Y., Ames, 1988.
17. Geek W.K. Diplomatic Protection in Encyclopedia of International Law // EPIL. – 1992.
18. Glenon M. The Rule of Law is Breaking Down // International Herald Tribune. – 2002. – 22 November.
19. ICJ Reports, Advisory Opinion, Series B. – 1923. – # 4.
20. ICJ Reports. – 1970.
21. International Herald Tribune. – 2002. –2 December.
22. Weatherill S. Law and Integration in the European Union. –Oxford; Clarendon, 1995.
Shablov I.A.
Hard and soft power of Beijing
In this article the author studies how China’s military and so called soft power are integrated for gaining of its foreign policy objectives. The author of the article depicts the ways of the People’s
In this article the author studies how China’s military and so called soft power are integrated for gaining of its foreign policy objectives. The author of the article depicts the ways of the People’s
Liberation Army modernization in combination with active promotion of its state achievements and national values. It is also emphasized that the above mentioned is possible by means of China’s soft power continuous application targeted at creation of positive image of the country abroad.
key words: China, People’s Republic of China, soft power, culture, ideology, diplomacy, army, the People’s Liberation Army.
Work bibliographic list
1. Gabuev A. Spinoj k Vostoku // Kommersant Vlast'. 28.01.2013
Work bibliographic list
1. Gabuev A. Spinoj k Vostoku // Kommersant Vlast'. 28.01.2013
2. Inozemcev V. Nado snachala vojti v VTO, a potom diktovat' svoi uslovija. Otechestvennye chinovniki ne umejut opredeljat' prioritety jekonomicheskogo razvitija // Moskovskie novosti. 27.01.2012
3. Mosjakov D. Novye dilemmy v Juzhno-Kitajskom more. Sajt RSMD. 27.06.2013
4. Bazhanov E. Ne bojtes' kitajskogo drakona // Nezavisimaja gazeta. 02.08.2013
5. Czin'min' U. Konec jepohi vojn i revoljucij. Vzgljad Kitaj na dvadcat' let bez SSSR // Rossija v global'noj politike. 15.12.2011
6. Wayne Morrison, Marc Labonte. China’s Holdings of U.S. Securities. Implications for the U.S. Economy.Congressional Research Service.06.12.2012
7. KashinV. Vyjtiizteni. Kitaj v poiskah novoj vneshnej politiki // Rossija v global'noj politike. 03.05.2012
8. H ramchihin A. Kitaj gotov k vojne // Moskovskie novosti. 13.12.2011
9. Kaplan Robert. Center Stage for the Twenty-first Century //Foreign Affairs. March-April 2009
10. Thomas Barnett. Leadership Fatigue Puts U.S., and Globalization, at Crossroads // World Politics Review. 07.03.2011
11. Nye Joseph. Project Syndicate. 2011.
12. Sun'-czy. Iskusstvo strategii. M. Jeksmo. 2007. S.82.
13. Mishina S. Pekinskij variant «mjagkoj sily». Azija i Afrika segodnja. # 3. 2011. S.23
14. Ezhegodnik IMJeMO 2008.
15. BergerJa. InnovacionnyeperspektivyKitaja // Otechestvennyezapiski. N3. 2008
16. Kurlantzick Joshua. Charm Offensive: How Chine`s Soft Power Is Transforming the World // Yale Univ.Press. 2007
17. Luk'janov V. Publichnaja politika – ne rabota uzkoj gruppy ljudej. Sajt RSMD. 01.08.2013
18. Zonova T. Publichnaja diplomatija i ee aktory. Sajt RSMD. 07.08.2012
Smyrnova K.V.
The role of the soft law in European integration development
The article analyzes the doctrine and practice of the concept of soft law application in the European Union. The author presents an analysis of the concepts of soft law in the theory of international law, the basic concepts are classified into groups. The basic concepts of the soft law in the European Union are identified. The article identifies practical ways for implementation of the soft law in internal and foreign policy of the European Union. The examples of the practical application of the soft law are presented in areas such as the EU competition law, EU employment and social law.
key words: soft law, the European Union, legal acts of the European Union.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bahin S. V. Subpravo: novye tendencii v unifikacii mezhdunarodnogo prava // Izvestija vysshih uchebnyh zavedenij. Pravovedenie. – 2002. – # 1.
The article analyzes the doctrine and practice of the concept of soft law application in the European Union. The author presents an analysis of the concepts of soft law in the theory of international law, the basic concepts are classified into groups. The basic concepts of the soft law in the European Union are identified. The article identifies practical ways for implementation of the soft law in internal and foreign policy of the European Union. The examples of the practical application of the soft law are presented in areas such as the EU competition law, EU employment and social law.
key words: soft law, the European Union, legal acts of the European Union.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bahin S. V. Subpravo: novye tendencii v unifikacii mezhdunarodnogo prava // Izvestija vysshih uchebnyh zavedenij. Pravovedenie. – 2002. – # 1.
2. Bolomatov A.V. Vlijanie koncepcii «mjagkogo» prava na mezhdunarodnyj kommercheskij arbitrazh // Problemy prava. – 2011. –# 2.
3. Vishnjakov O.K. Іdentifіkacіja prava Єvropejs'kogo Sojuzu //Єvropejs'ke pravo. – 2012. – # 1.
4. Lukashuk I.I. Mezhdunarodnoe «mjagkoe» pravo // Gosudarstvo i pravo. – 1994. – # 8–9.
5. T erlec'kij D. Fenomen «m’jakogo prava» v kontekstі polozhen' stattі 18 Konstitucії Ukraїni // Juridichnij vіsnik. –– 2009. –# 2.
6. Borchardt G., Wellens K. Soft Law in European Community law // European Law Review. – 1989. – # 5. Burgess J.P. What’s so European about European Union? Legitimacy between Institution and Identity // European Journal of Social Theory. –2002. – Vol. 5. – # 4.
7. D’Amato A. Softness in International Law: A Self-Serving Quest for New Legal Materials: A Reply to Jean d’Aspremont // The European Journal of International Law – 2009. – Vol. 20. – #. 3.
8. Gold J. Strengthening the Soft International Law of Exchange Arrangements // American Journal of International Law. – 1983. – Vol. 77. –# 3.
9. Hillgenberg H.A. Fresh Look at Soft Law // European Journal of International Law. – 1999. – Vol. 10. – # 3.
10. Hillion C. A new framework for the relation between the Union and its East-European Neighbours // The European Neighbourhood Policy: A framework for Modernization, EUI Working Papers / eds. M. Cremona, G.Meloni. – 2007/21.
11. Mörth U. Soft law in governance and regulation: an interdisciplinary analysis – Edward Elgar Publishing, 2004.
12. Senden L. Soft Law in European Community Law. – Hart publishing, 2004.
13. Snyder F. Soft Law & Institutional Practice in the European Community // European University Institute Working Paper, LAW. –Florence, 1993. – # 93/5.
14. Trubek D.M., Cottrell P., Nance M. «Soft Law», «Hard Law» and European Integration: Toward a Theory of Hybridity // Jean Monnet Working Paper. – 2005. – # 02/05. – Rezhim dostupa:
15. Wallace R. International Law. – London: Sweet & Maxwell, 2009.
16. Zemanek K. Is the Term ‘Soft Law’ Convenient? // Liber Amicorum Professor Ignaz Seidl Hohenveldern / Eds. G.Hafner, G.Loibi, A. Rest, L. Sucharipabergmann, K. Zemanek. – The Hague, 1998.
Baideldinov D.L.
Problems of development of environmental policy and law in the republic of Kazakhstan
Since independence kazakhstan devote much attention to environmental protection and rational use of natural resources. Environmental legislation of kazakhstan in its development had three stages. This article discusses the main acts, codes, laws passed since 1991 till today. The article also discusses issues related to the development of environmental policy and law of the Republic of kazakhstan.
Since independence kazakhstan devote much attention to environmental protection and rational use of natural resources. Environmental legislation of kazakhstan in its development had three stages. This article discusses the main acts, codes, laws passed since 1991 till today. The article also discusses issues related to the development of environmental policy and law of the Republic of kazakhstan.
key words: Environmental Code, environmental legislation, interstate integration.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ukaz Prezidenta Respubliki Kazahstan ot 3 dekabrja 2003 «O koncepcii jekologicheskoj bezopasnosti» // Kazahstanskaja pravda. – 2004. – 5 janvarja.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ukaz Prezidenta Respubliki Kazahstan ot 3 dekabrja 2003 «O koncepcii jekologicheskoj bezopasnosti» // Kazahstanskaja pravda. – 2004. – 5 janvarja.
2. Zakon Respubliki Kazahstan ot 15 ijulja 1997 goda «Ob ohrane okruzhajushhej sredy» // Kazahstanskaja pravda. – 1997. – 27 ijulja.
3. Zakon Respubliki Kazahstan ot 18 marta 1997 g. «Ob jekologicheskoj jekspertize» // Kazahstanskaja pravda. – 1997. – 27 ijulja.
4. Zakon Respubliki Kazahstan ot 15 ijulja 1997 goda «Ob osobo ohranjaemyh prirodnyh territorijah» // Kazahstanskaja pravda. –1997. – 29 ijulja.
5. Zakon Respubliki Kazahstan ot 11 marta 2002 «Ob ohrane atmosfernogo vozduha» // Kazahstan pravdy. – 2003. – 4 maja.
6. Zakon Respubliki Kazahstan ot 26 janvarja 1996 «O nedrah i nedropol'zovanii» // Kazahstanskaja pravda. – 1996. – 1 fevralja.
7. Jekologicheskij kodeks Respubliki Kazahstan ot 9 janvarja 2007 // Kazahstanskaja pravda. – 2007. – 23 janvarja.
8. Brinchuk M. Jekologicheskoe pravo v Rossii. – M., 2003.
Altybaev M.K.
Police for the common economic space
The article discusses the problems of establishing Police for the Common Economic Space.
The article discusses the problems of establishing Police for the Common Economic Space.
One of the main reasons of establishing of Eurasian police (Euraspol) is the reinforcement of struggle against transnational organised criminality.
key words: transnational organized criminality, the Common Economic Space, international law enforcement organisations.
Koch E.V.
Integration vectors of Ukraine: the features of legal regulation
The legal basis of Ukraine’s integration strategies and their influence on the formation of the state policy are considered in the article. The legal regulatory documents of regional and international importance are analyzed. It demonstrates the level and features of cooperation of the Ukraine with the states of European and Eurasian spaces.
The legal basis of Ukraine’s integration strategies and their influence on the formation of the state policy are considered in the article. The legal regulatory documents of regional and international importance are analyzed. It demonstrates the level and features of cooperation of the Ukraine with the states of European and Eurasian spaces.
keywords: integration, the principle of neutrality, the principle of multi-vector, border security, free trade zone.
Work bibliographic list
1. D eklaracija o evrazijskoj jekonomicheskoj integracii ot 18.11.2011 g. // [Jelektronnyj resurs]. / Oficial'nyj sajt Prezidenta RF. – Rezhim dostupa:
Work bibliographic list
1. D eklaracija o evrazijskoj jekonomicheskoj integracii ot 18.11.2011 g. // [Jelektronnyj resurs]. / Oficial'nyj sajt Prezidenta RF. – Rezhim dostupa:
2. D ogovor pro zonu svobodnoj torgovli: SNG, Mezhdunarodnyj dokument ot 18.10.2011 g., ratificirovan Zakonom # 5193-VI ot 30.07.2012 g. // VVR, Dokument 997_n25.
3. Konstitucіja Ukraїni: Verhovna Rada Ukraїni; Konstitucіja, Zakon ot 28.06.1996 # 254k/96-VR // VVR. – 1996. – #30. – St. 141.
4. Memorandum o vzaimodejstvii EJeK i Ispolnitel'nogo komiteta SNG ot 17.12.2012 g. // [Jelektronnyj resurs]. /Oficial'nyj sajt EJeK. – Rezhim dostupa:
5. Memorandum pro sotrudnichestvo po voprosam tehnicheskogo regulirovanija mezhdu EJeK i Kabinetom Ministrov Ukrainy ot 10.09.2012 g. // [Jelektronnyj resurs]/ Oficial'nyj sajt EJeK. – Rezhim dostupa:
6. Memorandum pro sotrudnichestvo po voprosam torgovli mezhdu EJeK i Kabinetom Ministrov Ukrainy ot 10.09.2012 g. // [Jelektronnyj resurs] / Oficial'nyj sajt EJeK. – Rezhim dostupa: http: //
7. Plan dіj «Ukraїna – ЄS»: Mezhdunarodnyj dokument ot 12.02.2005 g. // VVR, Dokument 994_693.
8. Polozhenie o statuse nabljudatelej pri Evrazijskom jekonomicheskom soobshhestve: Mezhdunarodnyj dokument ot 13.05.2002 r. #46 // [Jelektronnyj resurs] / Oficial'nyj sajt ЄvrAzES. – Rezhim dostupa:
9. Porjadok dennij asocіacії Ukraїna – ЄS // [Jelektronnyj resurs] / Sajt Urjadovogo portalu Ukraїni. – Rezhim dostupa:
10. Porjadok dennij asocіacії Ukraїna – ЄS dlja pіdgotovki ta sprijannja іmplementacії Ugodi pro asocіacіju: Mezhdunarodnyj dokument ot 20.11.2009 g. // VVR, Dokument 994_990.
11. Pres-sluzhba Prezidenta Ukraїni: Stattja vіd 01.03.2013 r. //[Jelektronnyj resurs] / Ofіcіjne Іnternet-predstavnictvo Prezidenta Ukraїni. – Rezhim dostupa:
12. Pres-sluzhba Prezidenta Ukraїni: Stattja vіd 04.03.2013 //[Jelektronnyj resurs] / Ofіcіjne Іnternet-predstavnictvo Prezidenta Ukraїni. – Rezhim dostupa:
13. Pres-sluzhba Prezidenta Ukraїni: Stattja vіd 16.04.2013 // //[Jelektronnyj resurs] / Ofіcіjne Іnternet-predstavnictvo Prezidenta Ukraїni. – Rezhim dostupa:
14. Pro zagal'nі principi uchastі Ukraїni v programmah Spіvtovaristva: Ukraїna, ЄS: Protokol do Ugodi pro partnerstvo і spіvrobіtnictvo mіzh Ukraїnoju ta ЄS; Mіzhnarodnij dokument vіd 22.11.2010 r. // VVR, Dokument 994_a41.
15. Pro zasadi vnutrіshn'oї і zovnіshn'oї polіtiki: Zakon Ukraїni vіd 01.07.2010 # 2411-VI // VVR. – 2010. – #40. –St.527.
16. Pro partnerstvo іspіvrobіtnictvo mіzh Ukraїnoju і ЄS ta їh derzhavami-chlenami: Ugoda, Protokol, Mіzhnarodnij dokument vіd 14.06.1994 // VVR, Dokument 998_012.
17. Reshenie pro Dogovor pro zonu svobodnoj torgovli: SNG; Mezhdunarodnyj dokument ot 18.10.2011 r. // VVR, Dokument 997_p01.
18. Ustav Sodruzhestva Nezavisimyh Gosudarstv: Mezhdunarodnyj dokument ot 22.01.1993 // VVR, Dokument 997_033.
19. Stvorennja zoni vіl'noї torgіvlі mіzh Ukraїnoju ta ЄS // [Jelektronnyj resurs] / Sajt Urjadovogo portalu Ukraїni. Rezhim dostupa:
20. Ugoda mіzh Kabіnetom Mіnіstrіv Ukraїni ta Urjadom Respublіki Bіlorus' pro bezvіzovі poїzdki gromadjan: Mіzhnarodnij dokument vіd 12.06.2009 r. // VVR, Dokument 112_160.
21. Ugoda mіzh Ukraїnoju ta ЄS pro vnesennja zmіn do Ugodi mіzh Ukraїnoju ta ЄS pro sproshhennja oformlennja vіz: Mіzhnarodnij dokument vіd 23.07.2012 r., ratifіkovano Zakonom # 157-VII vіd 22.03.2013 //VVR, Dokument 994_b15.
22. Ugoda mіzh Ukraїnoju ta ЄS pro sproshhennja oformlennja vіz:Mіzhnarodnij dokument vіd 18.06.2007 r. // VVR, Dokument 994_850.
23. Soglashenie mezhdu Pravitel'stvom Rossijskoj Federacii i Pravitel'stvom Ukrainy o bezvizovyh poezdkah grazhdan Rossijskoj Federacii i Ukrainy ot 16.01.1997 g. // VVR, Dokument 643_083.
24. Ugoda pro vіl'nu torgіvlju mіzh Ukraїnoju ta derzhavami ЄAVT: Mіzhnarodnij dokument vіd 24.06.2010 r., ratifіkovano Zakonom #4091-VI vіd 07.12.2011 r. // VVR, Dokument 998_456.
25. Ugoda pro partnerstvo і spіvrobіtnictvo mіzh Ukraїnoju і ЄS ta їh derzhavami-chlenami: Mіzhnarodnij dokument vіd 14.06.1994 r.;ratifіkovano Zakonom #237/94-VR vіd 10.11.94 r. // VVR, Dokument 998_012.
26. Soglashenie o sozdanii zony svobodnoj torgovli: SNG, Mezhdunarodnyj dokument ot 15.04.1994, ratificirovano Zakonom Ukrainy ot #1125-XIV vіd 06.10.99 g. // VVR, Dokument 997_051.
27. Soglashenie o sozdanii Sodruzhestva nezavisimyh gosudarstv: Mezhdunarodnyj dokument ot 10.12.1991 g. // VVR, Dokument 997_077.
Lizan I.A.
Elite and law-making: procedures of avoidance of mistakes when developing the allied legislation
In the article the attention to law-making errors of the national republics of the former USSR is
In the article the attention to law-making errors of the national republics of the former USSR is
focused. The author states the theory of a reconstruction of the Soviet Union in the form of the Eurasian Union that will allow to settle the public relations on the former Soviet Union’s space and to strengthen a position of the member-states of the EAS.
key words: Customs Union, State department, USSR.
Work bibliographic list
1. Krimіnal'ne pravo Ukraїni / Kuznecov V.V., Savchenko A.V. /Navch. posіb. / Za zag. red. O.M. Dzhuzhi. – Kiїv: Atіka, 2011. – 392 s.
Work bibliographic list
1. Krimіnal'ne pravo Ukraїni / Kuznecov V.V., Savchenko A.V. /Navch. posіb. / Za zag. red. O.M. Dzhuzhi. – Kiїv: Atіka, 2011. – 392 s.
2. Sbornik bazovyh dokumentov Evrazijskogo jekonomicheskogo soobshhestva: EvrAzJeS – 10 let : 2000–2010 / Evraz. jekon. soobshhestvo. –3-e izd. – M. : Rus. raritet, 2010. – 700 s.
3. Bazarova, G.T. Tamozhennyj sojuz EvrAzJeS: vozmozhnosti i perspektivy / G.T. Bazarova // Evraz. integracija: jekonomika, pravo, politika. – 2009. – # 6. – S. 32–35.
4. Voroncova, N.A. Evrazijskoe jekonomicheskoe soobshhestvo kak mezhdunarodnaja organizacija / N.A. Voroncova // Vneshnejekon. bjul. – 2004. – # 6. – S. 3–11.
Olenina T.Yu.
Comparative and legal aspects of forest legislation of Russia, Finland, and Norway
In the article comparative-legal analysis of forest legislation of Russia, Finland and Norway is carried out with the aim to improve legal norms in this area. To save the forests and plants, the modern forestry legislation is required. Issues of legal regulation of forests are relevant to many developed countries. Forestry legislation of Finland and Norway is significant to many countries, including Russia, so in this article the author investigates legal standards for the protection and use of forests.
In the article comparative-legal analysis of forest legislation of Russia, Finland and Norway is carried out with the aim to improve legal norms in this area. To save the forests and plants, the modern forestry legislation is required. Issues of legal regulation of forests are relevant to many developed countries. Forestry legislation of Finland and Norway is significant to many countries, including Russia, so in this article the author investigates legal standards for the protection and use of forests.
key words: forestry legislation, forest code, law on forest.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bogoljubov S.A. Kak realizujutsja osnovnye principy lesnogo zakonodatel'stva // Aktual'nye problemy ispol'zovanija i ohrany lesov : Sb. st. – Petrozavodsk: Izd-vo PetrGU, 2013. – S. 8.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bogoljubov S.A. Kak realizujutsja osnovnye principy lesnogo zakonodatel'stva // Aktual'nye problemy ispol'zovanija i ohrany lesov : Sb. st. – Petrozavodsk: Izd-vo PetrGU, 2013. – S. 8.
2. Lesnoe hozjajstvo i lesnaja promyshlennost' Norvegii. 6.04.2013. Rezhim dostupa:
3. Lesnoj sektor Finljandii. 23.03.2013 [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
4. Pravovoj rezhim lesov po zakonodatel'stvu Rossii i zarubezhnyh stran: monografija / pod red. Ju.I. Shuplecovoj. – M.: Juristinform, 2011. – S. 27.
5. Sravnitel'naja harakteristika lesnoj promyshlennosti Finljandii i Rossijskoj Federacii. 20.03.2013 [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: Norwegian Forest Policy. 12.05.2013 [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
Minakov P.A.
Great britain and afghanistan: past and present
The article deals with the history of relations between the Great Britain and Afghanistan. The author notes historic significance of colonial policy of the British Empire in the latter half of the 20th century for Central Asian region and specifically for Afghan state. A parallel between the past and the present is drawn.
The article deals with the history of relations between the Great Britain and Afghanistan. The author notes historic significance of colonial policy of the British Empire in the latter half of the 20th century for Central Asian region and specifically for Afghan state. A parallel between the past and the present is drawn.
key words: territory, agreement, sphere of influence, geopolitical factor, buffer-country, state, empire, semicolony, negotiations, Anglo-Afghan wars, traditional society, zone of the tribes.
Work bibliographic list
1. Rossija i Vostok: Ucheb. posobie / Pod red. S.M. Ivanova, B.N. Mel'nichenko. – SPb. Izd-vo S.-Peterb.un-ta, 2000.
Work bibliographic list
1. Rossija i Vostok: Ucheb. posobie / Pod red. S.M. Ivanova, B.N. Mel'nichenko. – SPb. Izd-vo S.-Peterb.un-ta, 2000.
2. Bushev P.P. Gerat i anglo-iranskaja vojna 1856–1857 gg.M.,1959.
3. Afghanistan. Correspondence respecting the relations between the British Government and that of Afghanistan since the accession of the Ameer Sher Ali Khan. London, 1878.
4. Politicheskie sistemy i politicheskie kul'tury Vostoka /pod red. prof. A.D. Voskresenskogo. – M.: AST:Vostok-Zapad, 2007.
Adjelou C.A.
The legal status of the workers of trade enterprises declared insolvent in the ohada
The article deals with the protection of the rights and interests of the workers in the course of insolvency in member-countries within the OHADA (Organisation for the Harmonisation of Business Law in Africa). The author came to the conclusion that, a regulatory framework that exists within the OHADA, and national legislation aimed to protect the rights and interests of the
The article deals with the protection of the rights and interests of the workers in the course of insolvency in member-countries within the OHADA (Organisation for the Harmonisation of Business Law in Africa). The author came to the conclusion that, a regulatory framework that exists within the OHADA, and national legislation aimed to protect the rights and interests of the
workers in the event of insolvency may be strengthened by the creation of a guarantee fund and the ratification of two important international conventions on the protection of workers and wages, in the case of insolvency within the ILO.
key words: OHADA – employees, insolvency, wage, protection of the interests, ILO conventions.
Work bibliographic list
1. Issa–Sayegh, Joseph. Le sort des travailleurs dans les entreprises en difficultés droit / Joseph Issa Sayegh // Revue Penant – 2010. – # 870 janv.mars. – P. 80-102.
Work bibliographic list
1. Issa–Sayegh, Joseph. Le sort des travailleurs dans les entreprises en difficultés droit / Joseph Issa Sayegh // Revue Penant – 2010. – # 870 janv.mars. – P. 80-102.
2. Acte uniforme relatif au droit des procédures collectives d’apurement du passif:[adopté le 10 avril 1998]: Yaoundé: Journal official de l’OHADA. – 1998. – 1er juillet. – # 7.
3. D irektiva ES 80/897 o zashhite prav rabotnikov v sluchae bankrotstva rabotodatelja, izmenennaja Direktivoj ES 2002/74 Evropejskogo parlamenta i Soveta 23 sentjabrja 2002 goda. – Sm.:
4. Zakon # 95/15 ot 12 janvarja 1995 goda o prinjatii Trudovogo kodeksa // Oficial'nyj vestnik. – 1995. – 23 fevralja. – # 8. – S. 153-177.
5. Convention C-173 sur la protection des créances des travailleurs en cas d’insolvabilité de leur employeur: [adoptée a la 79eme session CIT 23 juin 1992] [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
6. Convention C-095 sur la protection du salaire: [adoptée a la 32 eme session CIT 01 juillet 1949]: – [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
Aznagulova G. M.
The position of court law-making within the system of Russian law sources
General issues of the legal status of the court’s decisions of different levels as well as the positioning of court law-making in the hierarchy of Russian law sources are being discussed in the paper. The author points out and analyses the problems of impact that court’s decisions have on norm-making. Special emphasis is laid upon the relevance to practice of the explanations from higher court bodies and their influence on the legal system of paternal country. The author comes to a conclusion that the role of court and judicial practice has greatly increased in current time. The higher court bodies in the Russian Federation have ceased being just bodies for individual disputes solution, their competence embraces norm creation as well.
key words: sources of law, the legal system of Russia, court’s (judicial) decisions, a court precedent, acts of judge-made law.
Work bibliographic list
1. Konstitucija i zakon: stabil'nost' i dinamizm. – M., 1998.
Work bibliographic list
1. Konstitucija i zakon: stabil'nost' i dinamizm. – M., 1998.
2. Gadzhiev G.A. Fenomen sudebnogo precedenta v Rossii // Sudebnaja praktika kak istochnik prava. – M., 2000.
3. Smolenskij M.B. Kommentarij k Konstitucii Rossijskoj Federacii (postatejnyj) – 2-e izd. – Rostov n/D.: Feniks, 2012.
4. Anishina V.I. Pravovaja priroda aktov sudebnogo pravo-tvorchestva: voprosy teorii i praktiki // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. – 2010. – # 10.
Bayldinov E.T.
Looking for a model of a more sustainable global legal order: the conception of a universal law
In the article the author`s conception of the Universal Law is considered. The author argues that
In the article the author`s conception of the Universal Law is considered. The author argues that
the Universal Law is the basic precondition for global sustainable development. The Universal Law is considered by him as basic law sources, ideas and principles applicable for any legal system, including international law as well.
key words: Universal Law, all-human moral values, sustainability of social development.
Work bibliographic list
1. Adamishin A. Na puti k mirovomu pravitel'stvu // Rossija v global'noj politike. 2002. – # 1. – Nojabr'-dekabr'.
Work bibliographic list
1. Adamishin A. Na puti k mirovomu pravitel'stvu // Rossija v global'noj politike. 2002. – # 1. – Nojabr'-dekabr'.
2. Bahin S.V. Sotrudnichestvo gosudarstv po sblizheniju nacional'nyh pravovyh sistem (unifikacija i garmonizacija prava): diss.… d-ra jurid. nauk. – SPb., 2003.
3. Bahmin V.I. Vtoraja Vsemirnaja konferencija po pravam cheloveka // Moskovskij zhurnal mezhdunarodnogo prava. – 1994. – # 1.
4. Gavrilov V.V. Razvitie koncepcii pravovoj sistemy v zarubezhnoj pravovoj doktrine vo vtoroj polovine HH – nachale HH I vekov // Moskovskij zhurnal mezhdunarodnogo prava. – 2004. – # 4.
5. D mitrieva G.K., Lukashuk I.I. Mezhdunarodnyj princip demokratii // Mezhdunarodnaja zhizn'. – 1992. – Nojabr'-dekabr'.
6. Evmenov L.F. Problemy mezhdunarodnoj ideologii prav cheloveka: principy i imperativy // Mezhdunarodnoe pravo. Belorusskij zhurnal mezhdunarodnogo prava i mezhdunarodnyh otnoshenij. –1998. – # 5.
7. Evropejskoe pravo. Uchebnik / Pod red. L.M. Jentina. – M.:NORMA – INFRA – M., 2000.
8. Kalamkarjan R.A. Koncepcija gospodstva prava v sovremennom mezhdunarodnom prave // Gosudarstvo i pravo. – 2003. – # 6.
9. Kartashkin V.A. Prava cheloveka v mezhdunarodnom i vnutri-gosudarstvennom prave. – M., 1995.
10. Kolotova N.V. Pravo i prava cheloveka v uslovijah globalizacii // Gosudarstvo i pravo. – 2006. – # 2.
11. Kochetov Je.G. Globalistika: teorija, metodologija, praktika. – M.: NORMA, 2002.
12. Lebedeva M.M. Izmenenija politicheskoj struktury mira na rubezhe vekov // Mezhdunarodnye otnoshenija v HH I veke: novye dejstvujushhie lica, instituty i processy: Materialy mezhdunarodnoj konferencii RAMI, MGIMO (U) MID RF, ISI NNGU. 29-30 sentjabrja 2000 g. / Pod obshh. red. Akademika O.A. Kolobova). – M.: MGIMO (U) MID RF, 2001.
13. Lejst O.Je. Sushhnost' prava: problemy teorii i filosofii prava. – M.: Zercalo, 2002.
14. Lukashuk I.I. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo. Obshhaja chast'. – M.: Volters Kluver, 2005.
15. Maleev Ju.N. Perspektivy mezhdunarodnogo upravlenija // Vestnik MGOU. – 2007. – #4(29).
16. Maleev Ju.N. Sovet Bezopasnosti OON i voprosy mezhdunarodnogo upravlenija // Mezhdunarodnoe pravo. – 2006. – # 1(25).
17. Maleev Ju.N. 60 let Organizacii Ob"edinennyh Nacij. Skol'ko eshhe? // Mezhdunarodnoe pravo. – 2005. – # 3.
18. Narochinskaja N.A. Prava cheloveka i mirovaja politika: koncepcii i real'nost' [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
19. Nersesjanc V.S. Processy universalizacii prava i gosudarstva v globalizirujushhemsja mire // Gosudarstvo i pravo. – 2005. – # 5.
20. Oppengejm L. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo: per. s angl. – M.,1948. – T. 1 (polutom 1).
21. Farhutdinov I.Z. Mezhdunarodnoe ili global'noe pravo //Jurist-mezhdunarodnik. – 2004. – # 4.
22. H abarov S.A. Parlament OON: politiko-pravovye koncepcii [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: www. niiss. ru / mag12_parlam.shtml
23. Civadze N.A. Zadachi mezhdunarodnogo prava v globalizirujushhemsja mire. (Po materialam Moskovskogo juridicheskogo foruma «Globalizacija, gosudarstvo, pravo, HH I vek») // Gosudarstvo i pravo. –2003. – # 10.
24. Chernichenko S.V. Ocherki po filosofii i mezhdunarodnomu pravu. – M.: Nauchnaja kniga, 2009.
25. Shahnazarov G.H. Mirovoe soobshhestvo upravljaemo // Izvestija. – 1988. – 15 janvarja.
26. Shumilov V.M. Koncepcija Global'noj pravovoj sistemy //Jurist-mezhdunarodnik. – 2003. – # 3.
27. Shumilov V.M. Globalizacija mirovoj jekonomiki i global'naja pravovaja sistema // Vneshnejekonomicheskij bjulleten'. –2002. – # 9. – S. 73.
28. Jerkkart B., Chajlders Je. Mir nuzhdaetsja v rukovodstve: zavtrashnij den' OON // Mirovaja jekonomika i mezhdunarodnye otnoshenija. – 1990. – ## 10, 11.
29. Javich L.S. O filosofii prava na HH I vek // Pravovedenie. –2004. – # 4.
30. Jaspers K. Itogi istorii i ee cel'. – M., 1991.
31. Cheng B. General Principles of Law as Applied by International Courts and Tribunals. – London, 1953.
32. Clark G., Sohn L. World Peace Through World Law. – Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1985.
33. Hoffe O. Demokratie im Zeitalter der Globalisierung. – Munchen, 1999.
34. Leyton C. Une seule Europe. – Paris, 1998.
35. Suganami H. The Domestic Analogy And World Order Proposals. – Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989.
Minniahmetov R. A.
The «period of modernization » in the history of Islamic law
The article analyzes the so-called «period of modernization» in the history of Islamic law, which
The article analyzes the so-called «period of modernization» in the history of Islamic law, which
began in 1839, and ended with the defeat of the Ottoman Empire in the WW-I. The author systematizes the main directions, in which the transformation of the Ottoman legislation took place, defined the key events of the legal life of the Ottoman society during considered period of time, as well as analysis of the causes of the failure of the initiatives on modernization of justice.
key words: modernization of the law system, law-making, the codification of law norms, the justice system, law education, jurisprudence.
Work bibliographic list
1. Korjakov V.P., Starostina S.A. Istorija musul'manskogo gosudarstva i prava: Ucheb. posobie. – Ch. I: Arabskij halifat. Osmanskaja imperija. – Kaliningrad: KJuI MVD Rossii, 2002.
Work bibliographic list
1. Korjakov V.P., Starostina S.A. Istorija musul'manskogo gosudarstva i prava: Ucheb. posobie. – Ch. I: Arabskij halifat. Osmanskaja imperija. – Kaliningrad: KJuI MVD Rossii, 2002.
2 Mamotov V.V., Svechnikova L.G. Osnovy islamskogo zakonodatel'stva: Ucheb. posobie. – Krasnodar: Kubanskij gos. un-t, 2009.
3. Minniahmetov R. A., Nuriev B. D. Gosudarstvo i pravo v ilamskoj pravovoj doktrine. – Ufa: RIC BashGU, 2013.
4. Samigullin V. K. Islam i pravo: opyt postizhenija. – Ufa:Gilem, 2006.
5. Ekinci E. İslam hukuku tarihi. – İstanbul: Arı sanat yayınevi, 2006.
Akhmedov I. D.
N. N. Alekseev’s euroasian ideas about the state and the law and modern time
The characteristic of idea of the Eurasian state is presented in the article. The analysis of the doctrines on the Eurasian state of prominent lawyers, such as N. N. Alekseev, N. S. Trubetskoy, P. N. Savitsky, A.I. Scherbinin is given. The author substantiates reflection of the principles of the doctrine on the Eurasian state in the acting Constitution of the Russian Federation, as preservation of updating of the works by scientists-statesmen of the XXI century.
The characteristic of idea of the Eurasian state is presented in the article. The analysis of the doctrines on the Eurasian state of prominent lawyers, such as N. N. Alekseev, N. S. Trubetskoy, P. N. Savitsky, A.I. Scherbinin is given. The author substantiates reflection of the principles of the doctrine on the Eurasian state in the acting Constitution of the Russian Federation, as preservation of updating of the works by scientists-statesmen of the XXI century.
keywords: Eurasian state, demotiya, the Commonwealth of Independent States, Union of the peoples.
Work bibliographic list
1. Alekseev N.N. Russkij narod i gosudarstvo. – M., «Agraf», 1998.
Work bibliographic list
1. Alekseev N.N. Russkij narod i gosudarstvo. – M., «Agraf», 1998.
2. Martyshin O.V. O nekotoryh osobennostjah rossijskoj pravovoj i politicheskoj kul'tury// Gosudarstvo i pravo. – 2003. – #10. –S. 24.
3. Velichko A.M. Gosudarstvennye idealy Rossii i Zapada. Paralleli pravovyh kul'tur. – SPb, 1999. – S. 220.
4. Tarasenko F.P. Prikladnoj sistemnyj analiz (Nauka i iskusstvo reshenija problem): Uchebnik. –Tomsk, 2004. – S.40.
5. Shherbinin A.I., Shherbinina N.G. Politicheskij mir Rossii. – Tomsk, 1996. – S. 210.
6. D egtev G.V. Nekotorye teoreticheskie zakonomernosti stanovlenija instituta prezidentstva na sovremennom jetape// Gosudarstvo i pravo. – 2005. – #2. – S. 7.
Demyanenko Y.A.
Transformation of the territorial structure of the Russian federation in the conditions of political modernization
This article discusses the alternative scenarios of the future TRANS-formation of the subject composition of the Russian Federation.
This article discusses the alternative scenarios of the future TRANS-formation of the subject composition of the Russian Federation.
key words: Federation, the list of subjects of transformation, asymmetry, the district principle.
Work bibliographic list
1. Medvedev N.P. Politicheskaja regionalistika i jetnopolitika: problemy centralizacii / Pod obshhej red. N. P. Medvedeva. –M.: Izdatel'skij Dom MISiS, 2010. – Vyp. 8.
Work bibliographic list
1. Medvedev N.P. Politicheskaja regionalistika i jetnopolitika: problemy centralizacii / Pod obshhej red. N. P. Medvedeva. –M.: Izdatel'skij Dom MISiS, 2010. – Vyp. 8.
2. Boltenkova L.F. Kommentarii k rekomendacijam rossijsko-kanadskoj konferencii «Sovremennyj federalizm: opyt i perspektivy» // Panorama-forum. – 1996. – # 4.
3. Buhval'd E. Federalizm. Inogo puti Rossii ne dano//Vlast'. – # 3. – 1997.
4. T agirov I. Rossijskij federalizm: problemy simmetrii i asimmetrii// Sovremennyj federalizm: opyt i perspektivy. – Kazan', 1996.
5. Chirkin V.E. Modeli sovremennogo federalizma: sravnitel'nyj analiz // Gosudarstvo i pravo. – 1994. – # 8.
6. Boltenkova L.F. Rossijskaja Federacija i status ejo sub"ektov// Rossijskaja gosudarstvennost': sostojanie i perspektivy razvitija. –M., 1995. – S. 48.
Komarova V.V.
Features of direct democracy at the local level, the public authorities
The article examines the variety of forms of direct democracy within the implementation of local
The article examines the variety of forms of direct democracy within the implementation of local
government. The author calls fourteen features that, in his opinion, characterize the current state of democracy at the municipal level. Identified areas of difficulty in securing and implementing forms of direct democracy in the exercise of public authority at the municipal level.
key words: local government, the forms of direct democracy, the inhabitants of the municipality, especially local democracy.
Work bibliographic list
1. Komarova V.V. Konstitucionnoe zakreplenie mehanizma narodovlastija (nekotorye voprosy) // Vestnik Moskovskogo gorodskogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta. Serija «Juridicheskie nauki». – 2008. –# 1.
Work bibliographic list
1. Komarova V.V. Konstitucionnoe zakreplenie mehanizma narodovlastija (nekotorye voprosy) // Vestnik Moskovskogo gorodskogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta. Serija «Juridicheskie nauki». – 2008. –# 1.
2. Komarova V.V.Uchreditel'naja vlast': teorija i mehanizm ee realizacii // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. – 2011. – # 4.
3. Kutafin O.E. Rossijskij konstitucionalizm. – M.: NORMA, 2008.
4. Pashencev D.A. Konstitucija Rossii: jetapy razvitija. – M.:Gotika, 2008.
5. Rogacheva L.I. Vzaimodejstvie gosudarstva i obshhestva v uslovijah evrazijskoj integracii // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. – 2013. – # 2.
Kirichek E.V.
Some modern problems in the functioning of the legal mechanism of ensuring the constitutional rights and freedoms of man and citizen in the Russian federation
The article considers the current problems of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen and the
The article considers the current problems of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen and the
mechanism for their support in the Russian Federation, led to the conclusions and deductions of the author on the most important aspects of the study.
key words: rights, freedoms, man, citizen, mechanism, the Russian Federation.
Work bibliographic list
1. Veretennikova S.N. Mery samozashhity v rossijskom grazhdanskom prave: dis. ... kand. jurid. nauk. – Ekaterinburg, 2004.
Work bibliographic list
1. Veretennikova S.N. Mery samozashhity v rossijskom grazhdanskom prave: dis. ... kand. jurid. nauk. – Ekaterinburg, 2004.
2. Gorbacheva S.V. Samozashhita prav po rossijskomu zakonodatel'stvu: dis. ... kand. jurid. nauk. – Nizhnij Novgorod, 2005.
3. Kazakova E.B. Aktual'nye voprosy samozashhity // Juridicheskaja gazeta. – 2011. – # 6.
4. Kirichjok E.V. Organizacionno-pravovoj mehanizm obespechenija konstitucionnyh prav i svobod cheloveka i grazhdanina v Rossijskoj Federacii: juridicheskoe obosnovanie ponjatija // Pravovaja kul'tura. – 2013. – # 1(14).
5. Kirichjok E.V. Specifika struktury organizacionno-pravovogo mehanizma obespechenija konstitucionnyh prav i svobod cheloveka i grazhdanina v Rossijskoj Federacii // Vestnik Juzhno-Ural'skogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Serija «PRAVO». – 2013. – T. 13. – # 1.
6. Lenin V.I. Polnoe sobranie sochinenij. – T. 32.
7. Osipov Ju.K. Podvedomstvennost' juridicheskih del. –Sverdlovsk, 1973.
8. Poslanie Prezidenta Rossijskoj Federacii Federal'nomu Sobraniju ot 12 dekabrja 2012 g. // Rossijskaja gazeta. – 2012. – 13 dekabrja.
9. Putin V.V. Rossija sosredotachivaetsja – vyzovy, na kotorye my dolzhny otvetit' // Izvestija. – 2012. – 16 janvarja.
10. Sitdikova L.B., Saharova Ju.V. Sposoby samozashhity grazhdanskih prav zaemshhikov v dogovore potrebitel'skogo kreditovanija //Juridicheskij mir. – 2010. – # 4.
11. Hachaturjan Ju. Ispol'zovanie prava na samozashhitu trudovyh prav v sootvetstvii so st. 142 TK RF: teorija i praktika // Trudovoe pravo. – 2010. – # 4.
12. Juristy vyhodjat v narod // Rossijskaja gazeta. – 2007. –15 marta.
Wystorόbets E.A., Turbaba A.S.
Myths by Edith Brown Weiss as the sources of interecolaw understanding: 9–13 (conclusion)
Conclusion of the discussion about ideal sources of interecolaw is devoted to the myths from the
Conclusion of the discussion about ideal sources of interecolaw is devoted to the myths from the
ninth to the thirteenth by Professor Edith Brown Weiss (Understanding compliance with international environmental agreements: the baker’s dozen myths, Richmond, 1999). Overall conclusions are summarized in the final section of the article. See beginning and continuation of the article: Eurasian Law Journal. 2013. №№ 4, 5.
key words: Edith Brown Weiss, interecolaw, international environmental law, international law of the environment, NGOs, formal procedures, coercive measures, free markets, compliance strategies, 13 myths
Work bibliographic list
1. Weiss E. B. Understanding Compliance with International Environmental Agreements: The Baker’s Dozen Myths // University of Richmond Law Review. 1999 (January). # 32. - P. - 1555-1585.
Work bibliographic list
1. Weiss E. B. Understanding Compliance with International Environmental Agreements: The Baker’s Dozen Myths // University of Richmond Law Review. 1999 (January). # 32. - P. - 1555-1585.
2. Ursin D.A. Mezhdunarodnye nepravitel'stvennye organizacii i progressivnoe razvitie mezhdunarodnogo prava : Avtoref. …k.ju.n. 12.00.10. Nauch. ruk. A. H. Abashidze. – M.: RUDN, 2000. – 16 s.;Introduction to ECOSOC Consultative Status. URL: (08.09.2013).
3. Chayes Abram & Chayes Antonia “Toni” Hendler. The New Sovereignty: Compliance with International Regulating Agreements, supra note 16, at 250-70 // Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1995.
4. Charnovitz Steve. Two Centuries of Participation: NGOs and International Governance, 18 MICH. J. INT’L. L. 183 (1997).
5. Raustiala Kai. The «Participatory Revolution» in International Environmental Law, 21 HARV. ENVTL. L. REV. 537 (1997).
6. Tarlock Dan. The Role of Non-Governmental Organizations in the Development of International Environmental Law, 68 CHI.-KENT L. REV. 61 (1992).
7. Spiro Peter J. New Global Communities: Nongovernmental Organizations in International Decision-Making Institutions, 18 WASH. Q. 45 (1995).
8. Protokol po ohrane okruzhajushhej sredy k Dogovoru ob Antarktike 1991 goda (Madrid 4 oktjabrja 1991 g.) i dopolnenie k protokolu Arbitrazh, ratificirovan Rossiej // SZ RF. 1998 (17.08). – # 33. –St. 3956.
9. Bazel'skaja konvencija o kontrole za transgranichnoj perevozkoj opasnyh othodov i ih udaleniem 1989 goda (Bazel', 22 marta 1989 g.) i Prilozhenie VI Arbitrazh // BMD. – 1996. – # 7. – S. 3–33.
10. Venskaja konvencija ob ohrane ozonovogo sloja 1985 goda (Vena, 22 marta 1985 g.) // Dejstvujushhee mezhdunarodnoe pravo. T. 3. – M.:Moskovskij nezavisimyj institut mezhdunarodnogo prava, 1997. – S. 692–700.
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Koroed S.A.
The limits of the procedural activity of the court in civil litigation and its impact on the effectiveness of judicial protection
The issue of the limits of procedural activity of court in civil litigations is studied in the article it in order to ensure the effectiveness of judicial protection. The passive character of a court in adversarial proceedings is criticised and the positive aspects of the active authorities of the court as necessary factor in achieving of goals and objectives of justice in civil cases is revealed. Procedural activity of court is considered in relation to the principle of discretionary and adversarial principle. On the examples the author justifies the need for the court to intervene in the dispositive and adversarial rights of the parties in order to fulfil its jurisdictional functions and to enforce the rights of the parties for an effective remedy.
The issue of the limits of procedural activity of court in civil litigations is studied in the article it in order to ensure the effectiveness of judicial protection. The passive character of a court in adversarial proceedings is criticised and the positive aspects of the active authorities of the court as necessary factor in achieving of goals and objectives of justice in civil cases is revealed. Procedural activity of court is considered in relation to the principle of discretionary and adversarial principle. On the examples the author justifies the need for the court to intervene in the dispositive and adversarial rights of the parties in order to fulfil its jurisdictional functions and to enforce the rights of the parties for an effective remedy.
key words: justice, civil litigation, procedural activity of the court, limits, efficiency of the protection, principles.
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Shpelin I.V.
The statement of offence: historical overview of the study of the issue starting with the Russian truth to our days
The article presents the major historical stages of formation, revision and improvement of domestic legislation governing the order of the applications of the citizens’ submission concerning committed and planned the crime. The ways of radical transformation of the Criminal procedure code of the Russian Federation in above mentioned area are identified.
The article presents the major historical stages of formation, revision and improvement of domestic legislation governing the order of the applications of the citizens’ submission concerning committed and planned the crime. The ways of radical transformation of the Criminal procedure code of the Russian Federation in above mentioned area are identified.
Key words: cause for bringing up a criminal action, statement, Court, Prosecutor, investigator, Judge, the body conducting preliminary inquiry, the complainant, the institution of criminal proceedings, the language of the proceedings, an interpreter
Andryukhina O.V.
Anti-corruption monitoring as one of the elements of combating corruption in Russia. The results of the chamber’s of commerce and industry of the Nizhny Novgorod oblast of anti-corruption monitoring in 2012
The article is devoted to the topical problem of the phenomenon of corruption in Russia with Nizhny Novgorod oblast as a case study. The author reveals the experience of the anti-corruption monitoring of the Chamber of commerce and industry of the Nizhny Novgorod oblast, whichhas interviewed more than 15 thousand of respondents since 2007, including adult citizens, entrepreneurs and municipal employees. The aim of the survey is to identify the attitude of the society towards corruption and its changes in the course of time. 7 522 of the respondents were interviewed in 2012. The results obtained in the course of several years, allow us to compare not only the percentage data, but also to identify certain trends.
The article is devoted to the topical problem of the phenomenon of corruption in Russia with Nizhny Novgorod oblast as a case study. The author reveals the experience of the anti-corruption monitoring of the Chamber of commerce and industry of the Nizhny Novgorod oblast, whichhas interviewed more than 15 thousand of respondents since 2007, including adult citizens, entrepreneurs and municipal employees. The aim of the survey is to identify the attitude of the society towards corruption and its changes in the course of time. 7 522 of the respondents were interviewed in 2012. The results obtained in the course of several years, allow us to compare not only the percentage data, but also to identify certain trends.
key words: corruption, anti-corruption monitoring.
N. N. Hiltunov
Qualification of the penal violations of labour protection
In the article on the basis of jurisprudence some of the issues arising in connection with the qualification of violations of labour protection are reviewed. Decriminalization of negligently causing moderate damage to health as a result of violation of labour protection determined the scientific debate about social dangerous consequences of this act.
In the article on the basis of jurisprudence some of the issues arising in connection with the qualification of violations of labour protection are reviewed. Decriminalization of negligently causing moderate damage to health as a result of violation of labour protection determined the scientific debate about social dangerous consequences of this act.
key words: violation of safety rules, socially dangerous consequences, a special subject, safety
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Kudryavtsev V.L.
Some issues the establishment and implementation of adversarial principle to pre-trial procedure
The article describes some of the issues of establishment and implementation of competition in the pre-trial procedure. In the context of competition the essence of the investigator’s activity is studied. It is considered if the point of view on the correctness of investigator’s referring to the party of prosecution by legislator and if the provision of the principle of universality, completeness and comprehensiveness (objectivity) in the Criminal procedure code of the Russian Federation may completely neutralize the «accusatory inclination» in the work of the investigator.
The article describes some of the issues of establishment and implementation of competition in the pre-trial procedure. In the context of competition the essence of the investigator’s activity is studied. It is considered if the point of view on the correctness of investigator’s referring to the party of prosecution by legislator and if the provision of the principle of universality, completeness and comprehensiveness (objectivity) in the Criminal procedure code of the Russian Federation may completely neutralize the «accusatory inclination» in the work of the investigator.
key words: pre-trial procedure, the principle of criminal procedure, the investigator, competitiveness, accusatory inclination, universality, completeness and comprehensiveness (objectivity), objective truth.
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12. Konin V.V. Ugolovno-processual'nye funkcii: diskussija ne zakonchena // Ugolovnoe sudoproizvodstvo. – 2008. – # 2.
13. Koncepcija sudebnoj reformy v RSFSR // Sost. S.A. Pashin. – M.: Respublika, 1992.
14. Kudrjavcev V.L. «Obvinitel'nyj uklon» v dejatel'nosti sledovatelja: problema li tol'ko zakonodatel'nogo uregulirovanija? //Advokatskaja praktika. – 2008. – # 1.
15. Kudrjavcev V.L. «Obvinitel'nyj uklon» v dejatel'nosti sledovatelja: problema tol'ko zakonodatel'nogo uregulirovanija? // Ugolovnoe sudoproizvodstvo. – 2008. – # 2.
16. Kudrjavcev V.L. Ugolovnoe sudoproizvodstvo kak sfera osoboj zashhity konstitucionnyh prav i zakonnyh interesov cheloveka i grazhdanina // Advokat. – 2008. – # 9.
17. Kudrjavcev V.L. Nekotorye problemy sovershenstvovanija processual'noj formy predvaritel'nogo rassledovanija v kontekste sostjazatel'nyh nachal ugolovnogo sudoproizvodstva // Materialy mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. Sankt-Peterburg. 6-8 oktjabrja 2010 g. – SPb, 2011 // Jelektronnyj resurs / sajt MASP. – Rezhim dostupa:
18. Kuznecova O.D. Problemy realizacii principa sostjazatel'nosti pri rassmotrenii ugolovnyh del v sude pervoj instancii: Avtoref. dis. …kand. jurid. nauk. –Kaliningrad, 2004.
19. Kurs sovetskogo ugolovnogo processa: Obshhaja chast'. –M.:Jurid. lit., 1989.
20. Luk'janchenko V.V. Obvinitel'nyj uklon pri primenenii ugolovnogo zakonodatel'stva (soderzhanie, tipichnye projavlenija, posledstvija, prichiny i puti preodolenija):Avtoref. dis. kand. jurid.nauk. –Stavropol', 2000.
21. Mizulina E.B. Monitoring kak sposob prognozirovanija i korrektirovki posledstvij prinjatija zakonov // Uroki reformy ugolovnogo pravosudija v Rossii (po materialam raboty Mezhvedomstvennoj rabochej gruppy po monitoringu UPK RF i v svjazi s pjatiletiem so dnja ego prinjatija i vvedenija v dejstvie) // Sbornik statej i materialov / Pod red. E.B. Mizuliinoj i V.N. Pligina / Nauchn. red.E.B. Mizulina. –M.: Jurist", 2006.
22. Mihajlovskaja I.B. Nastol'naja kniga sud'i po dokazyvaniju v ugolovnom processe. –M.: TK Velbi, Izd-vo Prospekt, 2006.
23. Motovilovker Ja.O. Osnovnye ugolovno-processual'nye funkcii. –Jaroslavl', 1976.
24. Nazarov A.D. Sledstvennye oshibki v dosudebnyh stadijah ugolovnogo processa. –Krasnojarsk, 2000.
25. Obespechenie sledovatelem vsestoronnego, polnogo i ob"ektivnogo issledovanija obstojatel'stv dela. –M.: Izd-vo VNII MVD SSSR, 1977.
26. Poljanskij N.N. Ocherk razvitija sovetskoj nauki ugolovnogo processa. –M., 1960.
27. Ravenko N.I. Obespechenie sledovatelem vsestoronnosti, polnoty i ob"ektivnosti issledovanija obstojatel'stv dela pri osushhestvlenii ugolovnogo presledovanija: Avtoref. dis. kand. jurid.nauk. –Omsk, 2006.
28. Solov'jov A.B. Dokazyvanie po Ugolovno-processual'nomu kodeksu Rossijskoj Federacii (dosudebnye stadii). Nauchno-prakticheskoe posobie. –M.: Izd-vo «Jurlitinform», 2003.
29. Strogovich M.S. Priroda sovetskogo ugolovnogo processa i princip sostjazatel'nosti. –M., 1939.
30. Strogovich M.S. Kurs sovetskogo ugolovnogo processa. –M.:Nauka, 1968. –T. 1.
31. Tarasov A.A. Eshhjo raz ob istine v ugolovnom sudoproizvodstve // Novyj Ugolovno-processual'nyj kodeks Rossii v dejstvii: Materialy kruglogo stola, 13 dekabrja 2003 g., Moskva / Otv. red.I.F. D emidov. –M.: TK Velbi, Izd-vo Prospekt, 2004.
32. Ugolovnyj process: Uchebnik dlja juridicheskih vuzov i fakul'tetov. –M.: Zercalo, TEIS, 1996.
33. Ugolovnyj process Rossii: Obshhaja chast': Uchebnik dlja studentov juridicheskih vuzov i fakul'tetov /A.I. Aleksandrov, S.A. Velichkin, N.P. Kirillova i dr.; Pod red. V.Z. Lukashevicha. –SPb.: Izdatel'skij Dom S.-Peterb. gos. un-ta, 2004.
34. Ugolovnyj process: Uchebnik dlja studentov vuzov, obuchajushhihsja po special'nosti «Jurisprudencija» / Pod red. V.P. Bozh'eva. 4-e izd., pererab. i dop. –M.: Spark, 2004.
35. H arakter, prichiny i sposoby ustranenija oshibok v stadii predvaritel'nogo sledstvija. –M., 1990.
36. H imicheva G.P. Dosudebnoe proizvodstvo po ugolovnym delam: koncepcija sovershenstvovanija ugolovno-processual'noj dejatel'nosti. –M.: Izd-vo «Jekzamen», 2003.
37. Shejfer S.A. Kuda dvizhetsja rossijskoe sudoproizvodstvo? (Razmyshlenija po povodu vektorov razvitija ugolovno-processual'nogo zakonodatel'stva) // Gosudarstvo i pravo. –2007. –# 1.
38. Shejfer S.A. Funkcija rossijskogo sledovatelja –issledovanie obstojatel'stv dela ili ugolovnoe presledovanie? // Ohrana prav i svobod cheloveka i grazhdanina v ugolovnom sudoproizvodstve. Materialy mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. –M.:MAJeP, 2011.
Ilona A. Makarenko
Criminal studies as the basis for crime clearance, a science and an academic subject
The paper discusses the relevance of criminal studies for practical work. The author offers her
The paper discusses the relevance of criminal studies for practical work. The author offers her
own approach to the status and role of criminal studies as a science and an academic subject, its correlations with other subjects of the penal cycle.
key words: criminal studies as a science and an academic subject, correlations of criminal studies with other subjects of the penal cycle.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ishhenko E.P. K voprosu o pervoistokah kriminalistiki //Vestnik kriminalistiki. — Vyp. 4(32). — M., 2009.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ishhenko E.P. K voprosu o pervoistokah kriminalistiki //Vestnik kriminalistiki. — Vyp. 4(32). — M., 2009.
2. Torval'd Ju. Vek kriminalistiki. – M.: Prospekt, 2009.
3. Jeksarhopulo A.A. Predmet i sistema kriminalistiki: problemy razvitija na rubezhe XX–XXI vekov. – SPb, 2004.
4. T elegina T.D. Razvitie predstavlenij o predmete kriminalistiki kak nauki i uchebnoj discipliny // Vestnik kriminalistiki. — Vyp. 4(36). – M.: Spark, 2010.
Lushnikov AM, Lushnikova M.V.
The limits of international borrowing and foreign experience of legal regulation of labor relations in the Russian federation: the theoretical and practical problems
The article considers problems associated with determining the limits of international borrowing
The article considers problems associated with determining the limits of international borrowing
and foreign experience of legal regulation of labor relations in the Russian Federation. It is concluded that its main internal terminators are the principles of law and mandatory law of law.
key words: borrowing limit, reception, implementation, international labor law, foreign experience.
Work bibliographic list
1. Gusov K.N., Ljutov N.L. Mezhdunarodnoe trudovoe pravo. –M.: Prospekt, 2012.
Work bibliographic list
1. Gusov K.N., Ljutov N.L. Mezhdunarodnoe trudovoe pravo. –M.: Prospekt, 2012.
2. Kiselev I.Ja. Novyj oblik trudovogo prava stran Zapada (proryv v postindustrial'noe obshhestvo). – M.: Biznes shkola, 2003.
3. Kiselev I.Ja. Sravnitel'noe trudovoe pravo. – M.: Prospekt, 2005.
4. Kiselev I.Ja., Lushnikov A.M. Trudovoe pravo. – M.: Jeksmo,2011.
5. Koncepcija pravovogo regulirovanija zaemnogo truda // Hozjajstvo i pravo. – 2004. – # 2. – S. 52–60; # 3. – S. 40–48.
6. Lushnikova M.V., Lushnikov A.I. Ocherki teorii trudovogo prava. – SPb.: Juridcentr press, 2006.
7. Lushnikov A.M., Lushnikova M.V. Kurs trudovogo prava. V 2 t. – T. 1., T. 2 – M.: Statut, 2009.
8. Lushnikova M.V., Lushnikov A.M. Mezhdunarodnoe i sravnitel'noe trudovoe pravo i pravo social'nogo obespechenija. – M.: Jurlitinform, 2011.
9. Lushnikov A.M. Edinstvo chastnyh i publichnyh nachal v pravovom regulirovanii netipichnyh trudovyh otnoshenij // Sochetanie gosudarstvennogo i dogovornogo regulirovanija v sfere truda i social'nogo obespechenija. – M.: Prospekt, 2012.
10. Lushnikova M.V., Lushnikov A.M. Zaemnyj trud: istoricheskij opyt i perspektivy pravovogo regulirovanija // Chelovek i trud. – 2004. – # 7. – S. 85–89.
11. Problemy sravnitel'nogo pravovedenija. – L'vov-Kiev, 2011.
12. Rynok truda v HH I veke: v poiskah gibkosti i zashhity. Sb. Vil'njus, 2011 (na russk., angl. i lit.)
13. T eoreticheskie problemy sovremennogo trudovogo prava i prava social'nogo obespechenija: mezhdunarodnye i nacional'nye aspekty. – Vil'njus, 2009.
14. T rudovye otnoshenija. Mezhdunarodnaja konferencija truda, 95-ja sessija 2006 g. Doklad V(1). – MBT, Zheneva, 2005.
15. H ouverzejl M. Pravovoe regulirovanie zaemnogo truda v Niderlandah // Trudovoe pravo Rossii i Evrosojuza. – M., 2012. –S. 246–265.
16. Chernjaeva D.V. Nekotorye problemy zarubezhnoj teorii trudovogo prava //Aktual'nye problemy trudovogo zakonodatel'stva v uslovijah modernizacii jekonomiki. – M., 2012.
17. Chernjaeva D.V. Trudovye otnoshenija v stranah anglo- saksonskogo prava. – M.: Volters Kluver, 2010.
18. Labour Law in the Post-industrial Era. – Aldershot, 1994.
Shakirova D.I.
Legal basis for technical regulation in the Russian Federation
This article is devoted to the WTO Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade as one of the main documents in the field of technical regulation taking into account its special role in WTO law system. The research has following structure: at first goes analysis of terminology and objects of the Agreement, further goes consistent analysis of the elements of technical regulation (technical regulations, standards, conformity assessment) which includes their system and interconnection to each other. Article consist author’s interpretation of certain terms like «relevant standards» or «justification for technical regulation», etc. Besides that the principles for conformity assessment procedures based on appropriate analysis of the Agreement provisions are listed. Particular emphasis is made on the measures of environmental protection especially on environmental unsafe products. Article is supplemented by practical examples of Russian legislation and international disputes.
This article is devoted to the WTO Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade as one of the main documents in the field of technical regulation taking into account its special role in WTO law system. The research has following structure: at first goes analysis of terminology and objects of the Agreement, further goes consistent analysis of the elements of technical regulation (technical regulations, standards, conformity assessment) which includes their system and interconnection to each other. Article consist author’s interpretation of certain terms like «relevant standards» or «justification for technical regulation», etc. Besides that the principles for conformity assessment procedures based on appropriate analysis of the Agreement provisions are listed. Particular emphasis is made on the measures of environmental protection especially on environmental unsafe products. Article is supplemented by practical examples of Russian legislation and international disputes.
key words: technical regulation, standards, conformity assessment, environmental protection, WTO Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade.
Work bibliographic list
1. Soglashenie o tehnicheskih bar'erah v torgovle, Prilozhenie 1A Soglashenija ob uchrezhdenii VTO (Marrakeshskogo soglashenija) [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
Work bibliographic list
1. Soglashenie o tehnicheskih bar'erah v torgovle, Prilozhenie 1A Soglashenija ob uchrezhdenii VTO (Marrakeshskogo soglashenija) [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
2. Bogoljubov S.A. Jekologo-pravovye prioritety – M.: ID «Jurisprudencija», 2010.
3. Shumilov V.M. Fenomen prava VTO i zakonodatel'stvo Rossii // Sovremennyj jurist. – 2013. – # 2 (3) (aprel'-ijun').
Gorodilova U.L.
The order of change of the type of budgetary institution
This article describes how to modify an existing type of institution in accordance with the provisions of the civil law. The has author noted that, the procedure of change of the government (municipal) institution is not defined on legislative level, especially it is not fully resolved for the case when an existing institution has payables – money borrowed and still due.
This article describes how to modify an existing type of institution in accordance with the provisions of the civil law. The has author noted that, the procedure of change of the government (municipal) institution is not defined on legislative level, especially it is not fully resolved for the case when an existing institution has payables – money borrowed and still due.
key words: budgetary institution, the type of institutions, reorganisation, accounts payable
Work bibliographic list
1. Grazhdanskij kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii (chast' 1) ot 30.11.1994 g. # 51-FZ (prinjat GD FS RF 21.10.1994 g.) (red. Ot 14.11.2013 g.).
Work bibliographic list
1. Grazhdanskij kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii (chast' 1) ot 30.11.1994 g. # 51-FZ (prinjat GD FS RF 21.10.1994 g.) (red. Ot 14.11.2013 g.).
2. Federal'nyj zakon ot 8 avgusta 2001 g. # 129-FZ «O gosudarstvennoj registracii juridicheskih lic i individual'nyh predprinimatelej» // Rossijskaja gazeta. – 10.08.2001 – # 153-154.
3. Federal'nyj zakon ot 12 janvarja 1996 g. # 7-FZ «O nekommercheskih organizacijah» // SZ RF. – 1996. – # 3. – St. 145.
4. Postanovlenie Pravitel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii ot 26 ijulja 2010 g. # 539 «Ob utverzhdenii porjadka sozdanija, reorganizacii, izmenenija tipa i likvidacii federal'nyh gosudarstvennyh uchrezhdenij, a takzhe utverzhdenija ustavov federal'nyh gosudarstvennyh uchrezhdenij i vnesenija v nih izmenenij» // SZ RF. – 2010. –# 31. – St. 4238.
5. Rasporjazhenie Pravitel'stva RF ot 7 sentjabrja 2010 g.
# 1505-r «Ob utverzhdenii metodicheskih rekomendacij po opredeleniju kriteriev izmenenija tipa gosudarstvennyh uchrezhdenij sub"ektov Rossijskoj Federacii i municipal'nyh uchrezhdenij s uchetom sfery ih dejatel'nosti i rekomendacij po vneseniju izmenenij v trudovye dogovory s rukovoditeljami bjudzhetnyh uchrezhdenij sub"ektov Rossijskoj Federacii i municipal'nyh bjudzhetnyh uchrezhdenij» // SZ RF. – 2010. – # 37. – # 4776.
6. D ekret SNK RSFSR ot 2 janvarja 1923 g. «O merah k regulirovaniju torgovyh operacij gosudarstvennyh uchrezhdenij i predprijatij» // SU RSFSR. – 1923. – # 34–35. – St. 376.
Pashentsev D.A.
The interaction of public and private elements in the finance law
The article raises the question of the convergence of public and private law in the regulation of
The article raises the question of the convergence of public and private law in the regulation of
financial relations. It shows the penetration of private elements in the scope of financial law.
key words: Private Law, Public Law, finance, banking, taxes, the budget.
Work bibliographic list
1. Garaev I.G. Perehod na administrirovanie naloga na pribyl' po konsolidirovannoj gruppe kak novoe napravlenie nalogovoj politiki gosudarstva // Finansovoe pravo. – 2013. – # 2.
Work bibliographic list
1. Garaev I.G. Perehod na administrirovanie naloga na pribyl' po konsolidirovannoj gruppe kak novoe napravlenie nalogovoj politiki gosudarstva // Finansovoe pravo. – 2013. – # 2.
2. Karaseva M.V. Bjudzhetnoe i nalogovoe pravo Rossii (politicheskij aspekt). – M.: Jurist, 2003.
3. Sm.: Koncepcija chastnogo i publichnogo prava Rossii. – M.:JuNITI-DANA, 2013.
4. Korshunov N.M. Konvergencija chastnogo i publichnogo prava:problemy teorii i praktiki. – M.: Norma: INFRA-M, 2011.
5. Krohina Ju.A. Princip sochetanija chastnyh i publichnyh interesov v finansovom prave // Finansovoe pravo. – 2012. – # 5.
6. Publichnye i chastnye interesy v finansovom prave: monografija / ruk. avt koll. E.I. Spektor. – M.: In-t zak-va i sravnit. pravoved., 2011.
7. Rodionova O.M. Istochniki grazhdanskogo prava: istorija i sovremennost'. – M.: Jurlitinform, 2009.
8. Sattarova N.A. Sovremennye aspekty mezhotraslevyh svjazej finansovogo prava // Finansovoe pravo. – 2012. – # 5.
Neminushchaya N.E.
The features of tax planning optimization of knowledge – based enterprises in the conditions of legal regulation of special economic zones
The article discusses tax planning optimization of knowledge-based enterprises. The author studies the conditions of the legal regulation of special economic zones. The changes in tax laws relating to the procedure for taxation of the residents of special economic zones are analysed.
The article discusses tax planning optimization of knowledge-based enterprises. The author studies the conditions of the legal regulation of special economic zones. The changes in tax laws relating to the procedure for taxation of the residents of special economic zones are analysed.
key words: optimization of tax planning, special economic zones, knowledge-based enterprises, taxation of residents of special economic zones, tax law, Skolkovo.
Yanbukhtin R. M.
Sound aspects of the formation of russian police (organisational and legal, managerial and social)
The article deals with the problem of the formation of Russian police in terms of organisational and legal, managerial and social aspects, presented from the perspective of the institutional approach. Based on acting legislation, it discusses possible variants of the organizational structure of Russian police, identifies the tasks related to improvement of the management in the police and the adoption of new normative and legal acts regulating its activity. Understanding of the functional role of the police in society allows us to solve the problem of forming the highly efficient police.
The article deals with the problem of the formation of Russian police in terms of organisational and legal, managerial and social aspects, presented from the perspective of the institutional approach. Based on acting legislation, it discusses possible variants of the organizational structure of Russian police, identifies the tasks related to improvement of the management in the police and the adoption of new normative and legal acts regulating its activity. Understanding of the functional role of the police in society allows us to solve the problem of forming the highly efficient police.
key words: police, police as a social institution, organisation of the police, improvement of the management in police, functional role of the police in society, rendering assistance to citizens.
Work bibliographic list
1. O policii: Federal'nyj zakon ot 7.02.2011 g. #3-FZ // SZRF. – 2011. – #7. – St. 900.
Work bibliographic list
1. O policii: Federal'nyj zakon ot 7.02.2011 g. #3-FZ // SZRF. – 2011. – #7. – St. 900.
2. Voprosy Ministerstva vnutrennih del Rossijskoj Federacii: Ukaz Prezidenta RF ot 1 marta 2011 g. #248 // SZ RF. 2011. #10.St. 1334.
3. Voprosy organizacii policii: Ukaz Prezidenta RF ot 1 marta 2011 g. # 250 // SZ RF. # 250. St. 1336.
4. O nekotoryh organizacionnyh voprosah i strukturnom postroenii territorial'nyh organov MVD Rossii: Prikaz MVD Rossii ot 30 aprelja 2011 g. # 333.
5. O predel'noj shtatnoj chislennosti organov vnutrennih del Rossijskoj Federacii: Ukaz Prezidenta RF ot 1 marta 2011 g. # 252 // SZ RF. 2011. # 10. St. 1338.
6. O razrabotke normativov chislennosti: Rasporjazhenie MVD Rossii ot 15 ijunja 2011. # 1/1484.
7. Ob utverzhdenii Tipovogo polozhenija o territorial'nom organe Ministerstva vnutrennih del Rossijskoj Federacii po sub"ektu Rossijskoj Federacii: Ukaz Prezidenta RF ot 1 marta 2011 g.# 249. St. 1335.
8. Avrutin Ju.E. Policija i milicija v mehanizme obespechenija gosudarstvennoj vlasti v Rossii: teorija, istorija, perspektivy. –SPb.: Juridicheskij centr «Press», 2003.
9. Borisov A.V., Dugin A.N., i dr. Policija i milicija Rossii: stranicy istorii. – M.: Nauka, 1995.
10. Gir'ko S.I. Organy vnutrennih del Rossii. – T.1,2. – M., 2002.
11. Goncharov I.V. Sozdanie v Rossii policii: pereimenovanie ili izmenenie soderzhanija // Rossijskaja justicija. –2010. –# 12. –S. 60–61.
12. «Dorozhnaja karta» dal'nejshego reformirovanija organov vnutrennih del Rossijskoj Federacii // Professional. – 2013. –# 1. – S. 12–13.
13. Zahvatov I.Ju. O zarubezhnom opyte vzaimodejstvija central'nyh organov otraslevogo upravlenija pravoohranitel'nymi silami s organami mestnogo samoupravlenija i obshhestvennost'ju po voprosam organizacii dejatel'nosti territorial'nyh policejskih formirovanij // Problemy vzaimodejstvija organov vnutrennih del s obshhestvennymi ob"edinenijami po ohrane pravoporjadka i obespecheniju obshhestvennoj bezopasnosti: Materialy «kruglogo stola» 27 janvarja 2006 goda v Akademii upravlenija MVD Rossii. – M.: Akademija upravlenija MVD Rossii, 2006. – S. 124–125.
14. Ipakjan A.P. Ocenka jeffektivnosti dejatel'nosti organov vnutrennih del v mehanizme ih reformirovanija // Trudy Akademii upravlenija MVD Rossii. 2007. – # 7. – S. 47–.53.
15. Kikot' V.Ja., Nauka upravlenija. Osnovy organizacii i upravlenija v pravoohranitel'noj dejatel'nosti: nauch. izdanie / V.Ja. Kikot', S. S. Mailjan, D. I. Grjadovoj. – M.: JuNITI – DANA, 2010.
16. Kisilev A.K. Transformirovat'sja, a ne reformirovat'sja (chemu rossijskuju miliciju mozhet nauchit' zarubezhnyj opyt) // Policejskoe pravo. – 2006. – # 3. – S. 22-25.
17. Knjazev V.V., Sazonova N.I., Zhmyhov A.A., Zamorina T.Ju. Policejskie sistemy zarubezhnyh gosudarstv. – M.: VNII MVD Rossii, 2004.
18. Kondrashov B.P., Solovej Ju.P., Chernikov V.V. Konceptual'nye idei rossijskogo zakona «O milicii» // Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta MVD Rossii. –2006. –# 3. –S. 16-23.
19. Kononov A.M. Aktual'nye problemy organizacii policii v sisteme MVD Rossii // Trudy Akademii upravlenija MVD Rossii. – 2012. –# 1 (21). –S. 50–4.
20. Kudin V.A. Ot policii Rossijskoj imperii k policii Rossijskoj Federacii: dva veka istorii // Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo universiteta MVD Rossii. –# 2. –2011. –S.4–0.
21. Oganjan R. Je., Kisilev A.K. Podgotovka policejskih v stranah Evrosojuza. M.: VNII MVD Rossii, 2006.
22. Petrov A.V., Devjatov V.Ju. Obshhestvennyj porjadok v Rossii i ego ohrana v nachale XX veka // Istorija gosudarstva i prava. 2010. # 7. S. 16.
23. Popugaev Ju.I. Specifika organizacionnogo postroenija policii i principov ee dejatel'nosti // Policija –novyj institut sovremennoj gosudarstvennoj pravoohranitel'noj sistemy: mat-ly vseros. nauch.-prakt. konf. (15–6 sentjabrja 2011 g.). –Omsk: Omskaja akademija MVD Rossii, 2012. –S. 35–7.
24. Solovej Ju.P. Federal'nyj zakon «O policii» kak osnovnoj istochnik otechestvennogo policejskogo prava // Policija –novyj institut sovremennoj gosudarstvennoj pravoohranitel'noj sistemy: mat-ly vseros. nauch.-prakt. konf. (15–6 sentjabrja 2011 g.). –Omsk:Omskaja akademija MVD Rossii, 2012. –S. 17–4.
25. Strategija reformirovanija organov vnutrennih del // Jekonomicheskij vestnik MVD Rossii. –2010. –# 3. –S. 52–3.
26. T runcevskij Ju.V. Reforma organov vnutrennih del: nauka i praktika ob ih modernizacii // Rossijskij sledovatel'. 2010. – # 4. –S. 32–4.
27. Chernikov V.V. Zakon Rossijskoj Federacii «O milicii»: opyt osmyslenija // Policejskoe pravo. –2006. –# 3. –S. 5–5
28. Janbuhtin R.M. Institut policii: social'no-upravlencheskie osnovy povyshenija jeffektivnosti dejatel'nosti : monografija. – Ufa : UJuI MVD RF, 2012.
Sadykova E., Sergeeva G.
The legal basis of interaction between state and civil society as a factor of the strategy of state stability. The experience of Tatarstan
The article is devoted to legal regulation of support and development of civil society institutions in the Russian Federation in the context of the role of internal regions in strengthening the stability of the state. Analyzing the problems of interaction between state and society, the authors examine the practical experience of the Republic of Tatarstan in creation of conditions for civil initiatives formation at the regional level.
The article is devoted to legal regulation of support and development of civil society institutions in the Russian Federation in the context of the role of internal regions in strengthening the stability of the state. Analyzing the problems of interaction between state and society, the authors examine the practical experience of the Republic of Tatarstan in creation of conditions for civil initiatives formation at the regional level.
key words: state, civil society, legal regulation, regional policy, sustainable development
Work bibliographic list
1. Koncepcija perehoda Rossijskoj Federacii k ustojchivomu razvitiju. Utverzhdena Ukazom Prezidenta Rossijskoj Federacii ot 1 aprelja 1996 g. # 440 [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: /
Work bibliographic list
1. Koncepcija perehoda Rossijskoj Federacii k ustojchivomu razvitiju. Utverzhdena Ukazom Prezidenta Rossijskoj Federacii ot 1 aprelja 1996 g. # 440 [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: /
2. Osnovy gosudarstvennoj politiki Rossijskoj Federacii v sfere razvitija pravovoj gramotnosti i pravosoznanija grazhdan. Utverzhdeny Prezidentom RF 4 maja 2011 g. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. –Rezhim dostupa:
Guliyev A. A.
Non-governmental organizations as important element of political system of a society during modernization
The role of non-governmental organizations is analyzed in article. By means of comparative methods the dynamics of logical development of this process in the Azerbaijani society which is democratized at the present stage is studied. Сonsecutive political activities of the national leader of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev for finding civil forms of regulation of the relations of NGO-society, NGO-state is acclaimed.
The role of non-governmental organizations is analyzed in article. By means of comparative methods the dynamics of logical development of this process in the Azerbaijani society which is democratized at the present stage is studied. Сonsecutive political activities of the national leader of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev for finding civil forms of regulation of the relations of NGO-society, NGO-state is acclaimed.
key words: modern society, democracy, the non-governmental organizations, a society during modernization, civil society, political system.
Work bibliographic list
1. Mamedzade I. «Modernizacija kak put' k sovremennosti», zhurnal «Azerbajdzhan segodnja i zavtra» # 1, 1 ijun', 2007. 67 s.
Work bibliographic list
1. Mamedzade I. «Modernizacija kak put' k sovremennosti», zhurnal «Azerbajdzhan segodnja i zavtra» # 1, 1 ijun', 2007. 67 s.
2. Kochetkov A. Grazhdanskoe obshhestvo: problemy issledovanija i perspektivy razvitija. // Vestn. Mosk. un-ta. Ser. 12. Politicheskie nauki. 1998, # 4.
3. Mehtiev R. Idei otkryvajushhie puti k grazhdanskomu obshhestvu, Baku: Izdatel'stvo gazety «Azerbajdzhan», 2006, 583 s.
4. Politologija, tolkovyj slovar' «Sharg-Garb» Baku, 2007 Akademija Gosudarstvennogo Upravlenija pri Prezidente Azerbajdzhanskoj Respubliki. 352 str.
5. Popper K. R. Otkrytoe obshhestvo i ego vragi. V 2-h tt. T. 1.Moskva: Feniks 1992, 448 c 6. Dahl R. “O demokratii”. Baku, Centr Jekonomicheskih i Politicheskih Issledovanij. 2004. 248 str.
6. Schopflin George. The political traditions of Eastern Europe. Cambridge, MA, 1990.
7. International Center for Not-for-Profit Law. Political Activities of NGOs: International Law and Best Practices. The International Journal of Not-for-Profit Law. Volume 12, Issue 1, November 2009.23.
8. OSCE, MCIC and ECNL. Comparative Overview of European Standards and Practices in Regulating Public Participation. 2010.32.
9. The International Center for Not-for-Profit Law. National Funds to Support Civil Society Organizations. July 2010.47.
Begichev A.V.
Subjects of legal relations related to a non -judicial (notary) evidence provision
This article discusses the subjects of legal relations associated with the provision of non-judicial
This article discusses the subjects of legal relations associated with the provision of non-judicial
evidence. The author has revealed the issues concerning the competence of the persons authorized to commit the notarial act to provide evidence. The characteristic of the bodies, where the evidence provided by the notary is submitted to is given.
key words: notary, court, evidence, the provision of evidence, the parties, interested persons.
Work bibliographic list
1. Vergasova R.I. Notariat v Rossii: ucheb. posobie. 2-e izd., pererab. i dop. - M.: Jurist". 2006.
Work bibliographic list
1. Vergasova R.I. Notariat v Rossii: ucheb. posobie. 2-e izd., pererab. i dop. - M.: Jurist". 2006.
2. Grazhdanskij process: uchebnik. 3-e izd., pererab. i dop./Pod red. M.K. Treushnikova. - M.: ID «Gorodec», 2010.
3. Kalinichenko T.G. Notarial'noe pravo i process v Rossijskoj Federacii: teoreticheskie voprosy razvitija. – M.: Norma:INFRA-M. 2010.
4. Nastol'naja kniga notariusa: ucheb.-metod. posobie: v 2 t. T. 2. 2-e izd., ispr. i dop. - M.: Volters Kluver, 2004.
5. Repin V.S. Nastol'naja kniga notariusa (teorija i praktika). – M.: Jurid. lit., 1994.
6. Rogacheva L.I. Vzaimodejstvie gosudarstva i obshhestva v uslovijah evrazijskoj integracii //Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal.2013. # 2.
Mekhdiev E.N., Son Min Gi
The strategy of extra-regional powers in the south Caucasus
The article presents an overview of the geopolitical strategy of the South Caucasus in the global
The article presents an overview of the geopolitical strategy of the South Caucasus in the global
context and provides a detailed description of the karabakh conflict, and evaluation of the West’s interests in its solution. The author is positioning the South Caucasus as a transit and economic foothold and provides forecasts of possible occurrence of an imbalance in the case of the karabakh issue resolution.
key words: South Caucasus, NATO, the karabakh issue, geopolitics
Eshba E.D.
The circassian diaspora at the present stagе
It is known that abroad, especially in the states of accommodation of descendants of Caucasian
It is known that abroad, especially in the states of accommodation of descendants of Caucasian
Muhajirs, it is accepted to call Circassians representatives of all people of the North Caucasus, so in the Middle East the term «ash-sharakis» call not only actually Circassians, but also Abkhazians, karachays, Chechens, etc. In article will consider the Circassian Diaspora in its collective meaning, and also about all North Caucasian Diaspora and its importance in geopolitical space.
key words: Middle East, Circassians, Syria, genocide, Caucasus.
Work bibliographic list
1. Prokopij Kesarijskij. Vojna s gotami. – M., 1950. – str.383.
Work bibliographic list
1. Prokopij Kesarijskij. Vojna s gotami. – M., 1950. – str.383.
2. Fadeev A.V. Kratkij ocherk istorii Abhazii. – M., 1934 g. –Ch. 1. – str. 122.
3. Jelektronnyj resurs / Sajt: Internet-portal Kavkazskij uzel. – Rezhim dostupa:' 24, 2013 g.).Chirikba V. Abhazskaja diaspora vo vnutrennej i vneshnej politike Abhazii// Jelektronnyj resurs / Sajt: Abhazskaja virtual'naja biblioteka. – Rezhim dostupa: (aprel' 24, 2013 g.).
4. Jelektronnyj resurs / Sajt: Oficial'nyj sajt IA «Rosbalt». – Rezhim dostupa: (ijun' 10, 2013 g.)
5. Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Cumhurbaşkanliği Makamina// Kafkas Dernekleri Federasyonu
6. Jelektronnyj resurs. – Rezhim dostupa:, April 27).
7. Burcu Gültekin Punsmann Questioning the embargo on Abkhazia: Turkey’s role in integrating in to the Black Sea Region // Turkish policy quarterly. – Vol. 8. – #4. – p. 86 (2013, April 29).
8. D avutoglu vstrechaet sirijskih cherkesov//Adygje Hjeku aktual'nye materialy cherkesskogo mira // Jelektronnyj resurs / Sajt «Aheku». – Rezhim dostupa: // (ijun' 13, 2013 g.).
9. Sufian Zhemukhov The influence of the arab spring on the circassian world// PONARS Eurasia Policy Memo. – September 2011. –# 180. // Institute for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies. – Elliott School of International Affairs, The George Washington University //
Jelektronnyj resurs / Sajt «Ponarseurasia». – Rezhim dostupa:
10. Zakon o Grazhdanstve Respubliki Abhazija, Stat'ja 5 // Jelektronnyj resurs / Oficial'nyj sajt Prezidenta RA. – Rezhim dostupa:
11. V Abhaziju iz Sirii vernulos' 467 sootechestvennikov//Jelektronnyj resurs / Sajt Gosudarstvennogo informacionnogoagentstva Respubliki Abhazija Apsnypress. – Rezhim dostupa: (ijul' 12, 2013 g.).
Nigmatullina T.A.
Children’s public (civic) legal chamber as innovative personnel resource of modern Russia
The present article describes the experience of project activities of the Bashkir Institute of social
technologies (branch) of the Educational institution of trade unions of higher professional education “Academy of Labour and Social Relations” with the statuses of the UNESCO-UNEVOC Centre in the Russian Federation, the Resource scientific and educational centre for UNESCO in the Republic of Bashkortostan and the status of experimental site of the Federal Institute of Education Development on innovative maintenance and implementation of youth’s initiatives at local level.
key words: youth, youth policy, innovation, universities, technology, projects, up-bringing, Children’s Chamber, the local level.
Work bibliographic list
1. Kuprijanova G.V. Gosudarstvennaja molodjozhnaja politika v sovremennoj Rossii: sociologo-upravlencheskij analiz: avtoref.dis. … kand. sociol. nauk. – M., 2003.
Work bibliographic list
1. Kuprijanova G.V. Gosudarstvennaja molodjozhnaja politika v sovremennoj Rossii: sociologo-upravlencheskij analiz: avtoref.dis. … kand. sociol. nauk. – M., 2003.
2. Gajfullin A.Ju. Innovacionno-professional'nyj potencial sovremennoj molodjozhi // Innovacionnye tehnologii v formirovanii molodjozhnogo potenciala sovremennogo obshhestva: Materialy Vserossijskoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii 21-22 oktjabrja 2010 g. / V 2-h chastjah. Chast' I. –Ufa: ISJeI UNC RAN, 2010.
3. Alekseeva E. Novye podhody i tehnologii v rabote s molodezh'ju. – M.: Fond social'nogo razvitija i ohrany zdorov'ja «FOKUS-MEDIA», 2010.
5. Il'in I.A. O sushhnosti pravosoznanija. – M., 2000.
Lushnikov O. V.
Political and legal aspects of the Eurasian idea in the works of classics of 1920–1930s
The author treats in the article various visions of Eurasianism, as the isolated doctrines not subject to comparison each with another. The works of Eurasians concerning issues of the statehood, are presented in article in the form of two groups: collections of articles and monographic researches. The ideas of Eurasianism developed in the 1920–1930s have remained as ideological movements having impact on the present.
The author treats in the article various visions of Eurasianism, as the isolated doctrines not subject to comparison each with another. The works of Eurasians concerning issues of the statehood, are presented in article in the form of two groups: collections of articles and monographic researches. The ideas of Eurasianism developed in the 1920–1930s have remained as ideological movements having impact on the present.
key words: westerners (occidentalists), slavophiles, democracy, state, Eurasianism, ideology.
Ternovaya L.O., Fonarev M.A.
Eurasian idea in comparison with the idea of Europe: grounds and capacities for the implementation
The article presents the author’s vision of political, economic and humanitarian prerequisites of
The article presents the author’s vision of political, economic and humanitarian prerequisites of
incarnation of regional ideas in regional integration project. The comparison of institutional capacities for realisation of the idea of Europe and Eurasian idea is undertaken. Necessary steps to strengthen the infrastructure and humanitarian foundations of Eurasian integration are shown.
key words: the idea of Europe, Eurasian idea, region, integration, geopolitics.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bolaev A.V. Predvaritel'naja ocenka vlijanija zavershenija stroitel'stva Manychskogo sudohodnogo kanala (kanala «Evrazija») na social'no-jekonomicheskoe razvitie Juga Rossii // Vestnik Instituta kompleksnyh issledovanij aridnyh territorij. - 2008. - # 2.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bolaev A.V. Predvaritel'naja ocenka vlijanija zavershenija stroitel'stva Manychskogo sudohodnogo kanala (kanala «Evrazija») na social'no-jekonomicheskoe razvitie Juga Rossii // Vestnik Instituta kompleksnyh issledovanij aridnyh territorij. - 2008. - # 2.
2. Valovaja T.D. Zaveshhanie poslednego evrazijca // Nezavisimaja gazeta. 2012. 10 oktjabrja.
3. Zhdanov A., Popov A. «Nashi interesy svjazany s Aziej» //Jekspert Sibir'. – 2012. - # 21 (333). – 28 maja.
4. Zarifullin P. Geopolitika Evrazijskih transportnyh koridorov (New Silk Road & Babur’s Order) //
5. Zjuzin S. Vuzy smotrjat na Vostok // Rossijskaja gazeta. –2012. – 2 ijulja.
6. Kradin N.N., Skrynnikova T.D. Imperija Chingishana. – M.:Vostochnaja literatura, 2006.
International scientific and practical law journal
Included in the VAK Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation list