International Law, WTO Law and Russia
Interview with Kovalyov Alexander Antonovych State Counselor of the Russian Federation, PhD of Law, professor
Valeev R.M.
The role of international law in the law schools of Russia
Zybailo A.I.
Place of the sources of EURASE C law in the legal systems of its member states
Bystrov G.E.
Food security of Russia and CIS: national and international legal as pects
Eurasian integration and russian world
Novikov O.A.
Spiritual foundation of eurasian integration
Korbut L.V.
Realization and protection of human rights in the European Union and Russia
Melkin A.S.
International legal problems of the temporary management of territories under international control in order to mainta in peace and security
Gulasarian A.S.
Responsibility of International Organisations and International Administrative Tribunals
Zhuravlev R.A.
Some aspects of the implementation of international standards in the field of fighting crime in the Russian legislation
Kopylov M.N., Kopylov S.M.
International environmental law: yesterday, today, tomorrow
Valeev R.M., Gilyazeva D.R.
The human right to a favorable environment protection in international law
Rylova M.A.
The issues of the environmental protection in the judgments of European Court of Human Rights
Shepenko M.R.
Legal regulation of counter vailing measures in the USA
Dontsov S.Ye.
Excuse of private property: equality, initiative (will), solidarity, social responsibility
Tlepina Sh.V.
The concept of National labour state
Ivanskiy V.P.
On a phenomenological approach to the «inner man». Legal matter research.
Nadyrova A.
Improvement of legal regulation of employment in Kazakhstan
Bakhrieva Z.R.
Termination of obligation and termination of contract in civil law of the Russian Federation and Ukraine
Rogachov M.A.
The concept of service and rating service in the civil law
Abdudzalilov A.
Legal status of electronic contract
Spiridonova N.Yu.
Educational relations as an object of civil legal regulation
Saliev I.R.
Problems of ensuring confidentiality in the sphere of implementation of electronic commercial activity
Shamrin M. Y.
Specific features of the draft law on public foster care and activity of child protection services: aspect of legal theory
Adu Ya.N.
Towards the question about «Law of Dima Yakovlev» and the necessity to establish juvenal justice in Russia
Tretiakova V.G.
To the establishment of international and national specialised bioethical courts
Trunov I.L.
Problems of road safety
Khaliullina L.G.
Migration risk in the context of the problem of trafficking in human beings in the Russian Federation
Burmistrov A.S.
Variety of subjects of the anti-corruption control in laws of subjects of the Russian Federation
Melnyk R.S.
A new view at the old article (to the analysis of the scientific heritage of the famous scientist in administrative law N.P. Karadje-Iskrov)
Zhivov A.A.
Legal regulation of civil defence (civil protection) and interstate cooperation of the CIS members in the field of protection during emergency situations
Khlestov О.N., Danelyan А.А.
Review of the monography of Doctor of Historical Sciences Belkovets Larysa Prokopevna and Ph.D. of Historical Sciences Belkovets Sergey Vladimirovich «From love to hate... German Diplomacy in Russia (USSR ) in 1918–1941»
Review of the scientific practical conference «The development of Russian Military Law in modern times (Results, problems and prospects)» (Moscow, May 16, 2013)
Information for authors
About the authors
International Law, WTO Law and Russia
Interview with Kovalyov Alexander Antonovych State Counselor of the Russian Federation, PhD of Law, professor
Valeev R.M.
The role of international law in the law schools of Russia
Zybailo A.I.
Place of the sources of EURASE C law in the legal systems of its member states
Bystrov G.E.
Food security of Russia and CIS: national and international legal as pects
Eurasian integration and russian world
Novikov O.A.
Spiritual foundation of eurasian integration
Korbut L.V.
Realization and protection of human rights in the European Union and Russia
Melkin A.S.
International legal problems of the temporary management of territories under international control in order to mainta in peace and security
Gulasarian A.S.
Responsibility of International Organisations and International Administrative Tribunals
Zhuravlev R.A.
Some aspects of the implementation of international standards in the field of fighting crime in the Russian legislation
Kopylov M.N., Kopylov S.M.
International environmental law: yesterday, today, tomorrow
Valeev R.M., Gilyazeva D.R.
The human right to a favorable environment protection in international law
Rylova M.A.
The issues of the environmental protection in the judgments of European Court of Human Rights
Shepenko M.R.
Legal regulation of counter vailing measures in the USA
Dontsov S.Ye.
Excuse of private property: equality, initiative (will), solidarity, social responsibility
Tlepina Sh.V.
The concept of National labour state
Ivanskiy V.P.
On a phenomenological approach to the «inner man». Legal matter research.
Nadyrova A.
Improvement of legal regulation of employment in Kazakhstan
Bakhrieva Z.R.
Termination of obligation and termination of contract in civil law of the Russian Federation and Ukraine
Rogachov M.A.
The concept of service and rating service in the civil law
Abdudzalilov A.
Legal status of electronic contract
Spiridonova N.Yu.
Educational relations as an object of civil legal regulation
Saliev I.R.
Problems of ensuring confidentiality in the sphere of implementation of electronic commercial activity
Shamrin M. Y.
Specific features of the draft law on public foster care and activity of child protection services: aspect of legal theory
Adu Ya.N.
Towards the question about «Law of Dima Yakovlev» and the necessity to establish juvenal justice in Russia
Tretiakova V.G.
To the establishment of international and national specialised bioethical courts
Trunov I.L.
Problems of road safety
Khaliullina L.G.
Migration risk in the context of the problem of trafficking in human beings in the Russian Federation
Burmistrov A.S.
Variety of subjects of the anti-corruption control in laws of subjects of the Russian Federation
Melnyk R.S.
A new view at the old article (to the analysis of the scientific heritage of the famous scientist in administrative law N.P. Karadje-Iskrov)
Zhivov A.A.
Legal regulation of civil defence (civil protection) and interstate cooperation of the CIS members in the field of protection during emergency situations
Khlestov О.N., Danelyan А.А.
Review of the monography of Doctor of Historical Sciences Belkovets Larysa Prokopevna and Ph.D. of Historical Sciences Belkovets Sergey Vladimirovich «From love to hate... German Diplomacy in Russia (USSR ) in 1918–1941»
Review of the scientific practical conference «The development of Russian Military Law in modern times (Results, problems and prospects)» (Moscow, May 16, 2013)
Information for authors
About the authors
Zybailo A.I.
Place of the sources of EURASE C law in the legal systems of its member states
The article examines the current issues of the implementation of sources of the founding EurAsEC law (international treaties, concluded within the framework of the Community, decisions of its bodies) in its member states, as well as points out existing collisions and gaps in the national legal regulations. This way, the legal force of the international treaty as a source of law differs significantly in EurAsEC member states. Furthermore, the mechanism of the implementation of decisions of the bodies of the Community has not yet been defined in the legislation of its member states. As a result, the author of the article comes to the conclusion that the single rules for the implementation of the international legal acts of the Community on the national level shall be established for their due realization.
The article examines the current issues of the implementation of sources of the founding EurAsEC law (international treaties, concluded within the framework of the Community, decisions of its bodies) in its member states, as well as points out existing collisions and gaps in the national legal regulations. This way, the legal force of the international treaty as a source of law differs significantly in EurAsEC member states. Furthermore, the mechanism of the implementation of decisions of the bodies of the Community has not yet been defined in the legislation of its member states. As a result, the author of the article comes to the conclusion that the single rules for the implementation of the international legal acts of the Community on the national level shall be established for their due realization.
Keywords: sources of EurAsEC law, legal system, mechanism of the implementation of the sources of law of the Community into the national legislation, acts of the interstate organizations, hierarchy of normative legal acts.
Work bibliographic list
1. Barkovskij, I.A. Problemy povyshenija jeffektivnosti pravotvorcheskoj dejatel'nosti Sodruzhestva Nezavisimyh Gosudarstv /I.A. Barkovskij // Jekonomicheskij Sud Sodruzhestva Nezavisimyh Gosudarstv [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – 2011. – Rezhim dostupa: – Data dostupa:18.07.2013.
Work bibliographic list
1. Barkovskij, I.A. Problemy povyshenija jeffektivnosti pravotvorcheskoj dejatel'nosti Sodruzhestva Nezavisimyh Gosudarstv /I.A. Barkovskij // Jekonomicheskij Sud Sodruzhestva Nezavisimyh Gosudarstv [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – 2011. – Rezhim dostupa: – Data dostupa:18.07.2013.
2. Vishnevskij, A.F. Obshhaja teorija gosudarstva i prava: kurs lekcij / A.F. Vishnevskij. – Minsk: Tesej, 2012. – 370 s.
3. Dogovor ob uchrezhdenii Evrazijskogo jekonomicheskogo soobshhestva ot 10 okt. 2000 g.: s izm. i dop., vnesennymi Protokolami ot 25 janv. 2006 g. i ot 6 okt. 2007 g. // Evrazijskoe jekonomicheskoe soobshhestvo [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – 2013. – Rezhim dostupa: – Data dostupa: 20.07.2013.
4. Dogovor o statuse Osnov zakonodatel'stva Evrazijskogo jekonomicheskogo soobshhestva, porjadke ih razrabotki, prinjatija i realizacii ot 18 ijunja 2004 g. // Evrazijskoe jekonomicheskoe soobshhestvo [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – 2013. – Rezhim dostupa: – Data dostupa: 20.07.2013.
5. Zybajlo, A.I. Sootnoshenie mezhdunarodnogo i vnutrigosudarstvennogo prava /A.I. Zybajlo. – Minsk: Pravo i jekonomika, 2007. – 175 s.
6. Ivanenko, V.S. Pravo mezhdunarodnyh dogovorov Rossii / V.S. Ivanenko // Rossijskij ezhegodnik mezhdunar. prava. – 2006. – SPb.:CKF «Rossija-Neva», 2007. – S. 51-68.
7. Konstitucija Kyrgyzskoj Respubliki: prinjata na referendume 27 ijunja 2010 g. // Oficial'nyj sajt Pravitel'stva Kyrgyzskoj Respubliki [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – 2013. – Rezhim dostupa: – Data dostupa: 22.07.2013.
8. Konstitucija Respubliki Belarus', 15 marta 1994 g.: s izm. i dop., prinjatymi na resp. referendumah 24 nojab. 1996 g. i 17 okt. 2004 g. // Konsul'tant Pljus: Belarus'. Tehnologija prof. [Jelektronnyj resurs] / OOO «JurSpektr». – Minsk, 2013.
9. Konstitucija Respubliki Kazahstan: prinjata na resp. referendume 30 avg. 1995 g. (s izm. i dop. po sost. na 2 fevr. 2011 g.) // IS «Paragraf». Informacionnaja sistema «Jurist»: Bazovaja versija /TOO «Kompanija JurInfo». – Astana, 2012.
10. Konstitucija Respubliki Tadzhikistan: prinjata na vseobshhem referendume 6 nojabrja 1994 g. (s izm. i dop. v rezul'tate referendumov ot 26.09.1999 g., 22.06.2003 g.) // IPS «Zakonodatel'stvo stran SNG»:Versija 3.1 [Jelektronnyj resurs] / Kompanija «SojuzPravoInform». –M., 2013.
11. Konstitucija Rossijskoj Federacii: prinjata vsenar. golosovaniem 12 dek. 1993 g. (s uchetom popravok, vnes. Zakonami Ros. Federacii o popravkah k Konstitucii Ros. Federacii ot 30 dek. 2008 g., N 6-FKZ i ot 30 dek. 2008 g., N 7-FKZ) // Konsul'tant Pljus: Versija Prof. Tehnologija prof. [Jelektronnyj resurs] / OOO «JurSpektr». –M., 2013.
12. Kulmatov, T.Sh. Pravo EvrAzJeS: Problemy i perspektivy opredelenija pravovogo statusa reshenij organov EvrAzJeS / T.Sh. Kulmatov // Jekonomicheskij Sud Sodruzhestva Nezavisimyh Gosudarstv [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – 2013. – Rezhim dostupa: − Data dostupa: 18.07.2013.
13. O Konstitucionnom sude Respubliki Belarus': Zakon Resp.Belarus', 30 marta 1994 g., # 2914-XII: s izm. i dop. // Nacional'nyj pravovoj internet-portal Respubliki Belarus' [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – 2013. – Rezhim dostupa: - – Data dostupa: 20.07.2013.
14. O mezhdunarodnyh dogovorah Kyrgyzskoj Respubliki: Zakon Kyrgyzskoj Respubliki ot 22 ijunja 1999 goda (s izm. i dop. po sost. Na 21.07.2011) // IS «Paragraf Kyrgyzstan»: Versija 5.0 / TOO «Kompanija InfoTeh&Servis». – Almaty, 2013.
15. O mezhdunarodnyh dogovorah Respubliki Belarus': Zakon Resp. Belarus', 23 ijulja 2008 g., # 421-Z // Nacional'nyj pravovoj internet-portal Respubliki Belarus' [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – 2013. – Rezhim dostupa: – Data dostupa: 19.07.2013.
16. O mezhdunarodnyh dogovorah Respubliki Tadzhikistan: Zakon Resp. Tadzhikistan, 11 dek. 1999 g. # 908 (v red. Zakonov Respubliki Tadzhikistan ot 6 avgusta 2001 g., 28 dekabrja 2005 g. # 142) // IPS «Zakonodatel'stvo stran SNG»: Versija 3.1 [Jelektronnyj resurs] /Kompanija «SojuzPravoInform». – M., 2013.
17. O mezhdunarodnyh dogovorah Rossijskoj Federacii: feder.Zakon Ros. Federacii, 15 ijulja 1995 g., # 101-FZ: v red. Federal'nogo zakona ot 01.12.2007 g., # 318-FZ // Konsul'tant Pljus: Versija Prof. Tehnologija prof. [Jelektronnyj resurs] / OOO «JurSpektr». – M.,2013.
18. O normativnyh pravovyh aktah Respubliki Belarus': Zakon Resp. Belarus', 10 janv. 2000 g., # 361-Z: v red. Zakona Resp. Belarus' ot 02. 07. 2009 g. // Nacional'nyj pravovoj internet-portal Respubliki Belarus' [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: http://www.pravo. by/main.aspx?guid=3871&p0=h10000361&p2={NRPA}. – Data dostupa:
19. O normativnyh pravovyh aktah Kyrgyzskoj Respubliki: Zakon Kyrgyzskoj Respubliki, 20 ijulja 2009 g. # 241 (v red. Zakona KR ot 13.05.2011 g. # 23, 07.12.2012 g. # 195, 14.02.2013 g. # 17, 19.02.2013 g. # 22, 22.02.2013 g. # 30) // IS «Paragraf Kyrgyzstan»: Versija 5.0 /TOO «Kompanija InfoTeh&Servis». – Almaty, 2013.
20. O normativnyh pravovyh aktah Kyrgyzskoj Respubliki: Zakon Kyrgyzskoj Respubliki, 1 ijulja 1996 g. # 34 // Gosudarstvennoe Agentstvo Svjazi pri Pravitel'stve Kyrgyzskoj Respubliki [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – 2013. – Rezhim dostupa: – Data dostupa: 22.07.2013. 21. O normativnyh pravovyh aktah Respubliki Kazahstan: Zakon Resp. Kazahstan, 24 marta 1998 g., # 213 // IS «Paragraf». Informacionnaja sistema «Jurist»: Bazovaja versija / TOO «Kompanija JurInfo». – Astana, 2012.
22. O normativnyh pravovyh aktah Respubliki Tadzhikistan: Zakon Resp. Tadzhikistan, 26 marta 2009 g. # 506 (v red. Zakonov RT ot 11.03.2010 g. # 597, 28.06.2011 g. # 730) // IPS «Zakonodatel'stvo stran SNG»: Versija 3.1 [Jelektronnyj resurs] / Kompanija «SojuzPravoInform». – M., 2013.
23. O primenenii norm mezhdunarodnyh dogovorov: normativnoe postanovlenie Verhovnogo suda Respubliki Kazahstan ot 10 ijulja 2008 g. # 1 // IS «Paragraf». Informacionnaja sistema «Jurist»: Bazovaja versija / TOO «Kompanija JurInfo». – Astana, 2012.
24. Saleev, I. Sootnoshenie mezhdunarodnyh dogovorov i vnutrennego zakonodatel'stva Respubliki Belarus' / I. Saleev // Belorusskij zhurnal mezhdunar. prava i mezhdunar. otnoshenij. – 2000. – # 3. – S. 3-7.
Bystrov G.E.
Food security of Russia and CIS: national and international legal as pects
The article deals with the interrelation of the right to adequate nutrition of Russian citizens with economic, social, cultural, civil and political rights, the priorities for improving agricultural legislation providing the population of Russia clean and high-quality agricultural products are identified.
The article deals with the interrelation of the right to adequate nutrition of Russian citizens with economic, social, cultural, civil and political rights, the priorities for improving agricultural legislation providing the population of Russia clean and high-quality agricultural products are identified.
Keywords: food security, the right to adequate nutrition, food basket, import substitution, the liberal self-regulation, the greening of agriculture.
Eurasian integration and russian world
Novikov O.A.
Spiritual foundation of eurasian integration
The article explores the spiritual and civilizational aspects of present integration processes taking
The article explores the spiritual and civilizational aspects of present integration processes taking
place in the Eurasian «post-Soviet» space, based on the analysis of current political practices and
the characteristics of the state and legal traditions of Russia, the central element of which was the
Byzantine concept of a «symphony of powers».
Keywords: idea, concept, integration, Eurasia, church, state, tradition, union, values, society.
Work bibliographic list
1. Aleksandr Lukashenko vstretilsja s Patriarhom Moskovskim i vseja Rusi Kirillom i predstojateljami pomestnyh Pravoslavnyh Cerkvej // URL:
Work bibliographic list
1. Aleksandr Lukashenko vstretilsja s Patriarhom Moskovskim i vseja Rusi Kirillom i predstojateljami pomestnyh Pravoslavnyh Cerkvej // URL:
2. Vladimir Putin: «V kievskoj kupeli byl sdelan vybor dlja vsej Svjatoj Rusi» // URL:
3. Vizantija // URL:
4. Deklaracii o pravah i dostoinstve cheloveka H Vsemirnogo Russkogo Narodnogo Sobora 2006 goda // URL:
5. Leont'ev K.N. Vostok, Rossija i Slavjanstvo.— M., 2007. – S. 127.
6. Nikolin A. Cerkov' i gosudarstvo. Istorija pravovyh otnoshenij. – M., 1997. - S. 41-42.
7. Russkaja doktrina // URL:
8. Sergej Glaz'ev ukrainskomu izdaniju: «Vasha vlast' dvizhetsja po «oranzhevoj» traektorii» // URL:
9. Slovo Svjatejshego Patriarha Kirilla… 21 ijunja 2013 goda //URL:
10. Sorokin V.V. Ponjatie i sushhnost' prava v duhovnoj kul'ture Rossii. – M., 2007. – S. 128.
11. Tihomirov L.A. Monarhicheskaja gosudarstvennost'. – M.,2004. – S. 274.
12. Uspenskij F.I. Istorija Vizantijskoj imperii. – V 5 t. T. 5. – M., 2005. – S. 3.
13. Chichurov I.S. Politicheskaja ideologija srednevekov'ja. Vizantija i Rus'. – M., 1990. – S. 72.
14. Jelbakjan E.S. «Processy klerikalizacii v sovremennoj Rossii» (materialy Mezhdunarodnoj nauchnoj konferencii «Svoboda religii i demokratii: starye i novye vyzovy», Kiev, avgust 2010) //URL:
15. Judenich M. Slova Jurgensa otrazhajut podsoznanie nashih liberalov // URL:
Korbut L.V.
Realization and protection of human rights in the European Union and Russia
The article is devoted to the actual questions of implementation and protection of human rights
in the European Union and Russia.
Keywords: human rights, European Union, Russia.
Melkin A.S.
International legal problems of the temporary management of territories under international control in order to mainta in peace and security
The article deals with specific historical cases (from the Panama Canal (1903) to Kosovo (1999)
The article deals with specific historical cases (from the Panama Canal (1903) to Kosovo (1999)
of temporary management of territories under international control in order to maintain peace and security.
Keywords: international law, peace and security, UN Peacebuilding Commission, postconflict peacebuilding
Work bibliographic list
1. Abashidze A.H., Solncev A.M. Balkany – ahillesova pjata evroatlanticheskoj bezopasnosti // Obozrevatel'- Observer. 2010. # 8 (247).S. 57-65.
Work bibliographic list
1. Abashidze A.H., Solncev A.M. Balkany – ahillesova pjata evroatlanticheskoj bezopasnosti // Obozrevatel'- Observer. 2010. # 8 (247).S. 57-65.
2. Kutejnikov A., Masljak O. Ot stroitel'stva mira k gosudarstvo-stroitel'stvu. Opyt OON v razreshenii mezhdunarodnyh konfliktov// Mezhdunarodnye processy. 2013. tom 11. nomer 1 (32). janvar'-aprel'. url:
3. Mel'kin A.S. Komissija OON po mirostroitel'stvu // Obozrevatel' – Observer. – M: RAU-Universitet, 2011, #12. – S. 82–89.
4. Solncev A.M., Kljunja A.Ju. Voprosy razvitija instituta otvetstvennosti mezhdunarodnyh organizacij // Vestnik mezhdunarodnyh organizacij. – M: Nacional'nyj issledovatel'skij universitet "Vysshaja shkola jekonomiki", 2013, # 2. – S. 130–142
5. Boothby Derek. The UNTAES Experience. Weapons Buy-Back in Eastern Slavonia, Baranja, and Western Sirmium. Bonn: Bonn International Centre for Conversion, 1998.
6. Knoll Bernhard. The Legal Status of Territories Subject To Administration By International Organisations. Cambridge University Press, 2008.Shaw Malcolm N. International Law. 6th edn., Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008.
7. Steven R. Ratner. The New UN Peacekeeping: Building Peace in Lands of Conflict after the Cold War. New York: St Martin’s Press, 1995.
8. Verzijl J.H.W. International Law in Historical Perspective, vol. II. Leiden: A.W. Sythoff, 1969.
Gulasarian A.S.
Responsibility of International Organisations and International Administrative Tribunals
The article for the first time in the domestic doctrine of international law deals with the issues of
The article for the first time in the domestic doctrine of international law deals with the issues of
implementation of responsibility of international organisations in the international administrative tribunals. The extensive analysis of the jurisprudence of the UN and ILO Administrative Tribunals, whose jurisdiction is assumed by the majority of international organisations, is carried out.
Keywords: international organisations, international administrative tribunals, implementation of responsibility.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bekjashev D.K. Novaja sistema rassmotrenija trudovyh sporov v OON // Pravovaja politika: vyzovy sovremennosti (Kutafinskie chte-
Work bibliographic list
1. Bekjashev D.K. Novaja sistema rassmotrenija trudovyh sporov v OON // Pravovaja politika: vyzovy sovremennosti (Kutafinskie chte-
nija). Materialy IV Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii: Cb. tezisov. – M., 2012.
2. Bekjashev D.K. Mezhdunarodnoe trudovoe pravo (publichno-pravovye aspekty). – M., 2013.
3. Krivchikova Je.S. Osnovy teorii prava mezhdunarodnyh organizacij: Ucheb. posobie. – M., 1979.
4. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo: Uchebnik / Otv. red. Ju.M. Kolosov, Je.S. Krivchikova. – M., 2007.
5. Hadson M.O. Mezhdunarodnye sudy v proshlom i budushhem. –M., 1947.
6. Akehurst M. The Law Governing Employment in International Organizations. – Cambridge University Press, 1967.
7. Amerasinghe C.F. The Law of the International Civil Service: As Applied by International Administrative Tribunals. – Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1994. – Vol. I.
8. Amerasinghe C.F., Bellinger D. Main Points in Decisions of the World Bank Administrative Tribunal. – Washington, D.C., 1983. – Vol. I (1981–1983).
9. Amerasinghe C.F., Bellinger D. Main Points in Decisions of the World Bank Administrative Tribunal. – Washington, D.C., 1985. – Vol. II (1983–1985).
10. Cahier P. Le droit interne des organisations internationals. – Paris, 1963.
11. Charney J. Is International Law Threatened by Multiple Tribunals? // Recueil des cours de l'Académie de droit international de La Haye. – 1998. – Vol. 271.
12. de Vuyst B.M. Statutes and Rules of the Procedure of International Administrative Tribunals and International Organizations’ Appeals Boards. – Washington, D.C., 1981.
13. Documents on International Administrative Tribunals /C.F. Amerasinghe (ed.). – Oxford, 1989.
14. Elias O. The Development and Effectiveness of International Administrative Law: On the Occasion of the Thirtieth Anniversary of the World Bank Administrative Tribunal. – Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2012.
15. Encyclopedia of Public International Law / R. Bernhardt (ed.). – Amsterdam, 1981. – Vol. 1.
16. Gray C.D. Judicial Remedies in International Law. – Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996.
17. International Administration: Law and Management Practices in International Organizations / C. de Cooker (ed.). – Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2009.
18. Jenks C.W. The Proper Law of International Organizations. – London, 1962.
19. Liber Amicorum Professor Ignaz Seidl-Hohenveldern in Honour of his 80th Birthday / G. Hafner et al. (eds.). – Kluwer Law International, 1998.
20 Schermers H.G., Blokker N.M. International Institutional Law: Unity within Diversity. – Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2011.
21. Shelton D. Remedies in International Human Rights Law. –Oxford, 1999.
22. Verdross A. Völkerrect. – Wien, 1964.
23. Völkerrecht – Recht der Internationalen Organisationen –Weltwirtschaftsrecht. Festschrift für Ignaz Seidl-Hohenveldern / K.-H. Böckstiegel et al. (eds.). – Köln, 1988.
24. Wellens K. Remedies against International Organisations. –Cambridge University Press, 2004.
25. Zacklin R. Responsabilité des Organisations internationales // La Responsbilité dans le système international: Colloque du Mans / Société Française pour le Droit International (ed.). – Paris: Pedone, 1991.
Zhuravlev R.A.
Some aspects of the implementation of international standards in the field of fighting crime in the Russian legislation
The article considers general aspects of the implementation of international treaties provisions into national legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of fighting crime, including combating organized crime, illicit arms trafficking, violence against women, as well as unification of requirements to law enforcement officials.
The article considers general aspects of the implementation of international treaties provisions into national legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of fighting crime, including combating organized crime, illicit arms trafficking, violence against women, as well as unification of requirements to law enforcement officials.
Keywords: implementation, convention, compensation of damages, international law, violence, organized crime, weapons, ratification.
Work bibliographic list
1. Konstitucija (Osnovnoj Zakon) Sojuza Sovetskih Socialisticheskih Respublik (utv. Postanovleniem Chrezvychajnogo VIII S"ezda Sovetov SSSR ot 05.12.1936 // Izvestija CIK SSSR i VCIK. – # 283.– 06.12.1936.
Work bibliographic list
1. Konstitucija (Osnovnoj Zakon) Sojuza Sovetskih Socialisticheskih Respublik (utv. Postanovleniem Chrezvychajnogo VIII S"ezda Sovetov SSSR ot 05.12.1936 // Izvestija CIK SSSR i VCIK. – # 283.– 06.12.1936.
2. Zakljuchenie Komiteta konstitucionnogo nadzora SSSR ot 11.10.1991. – # 26 (2-1).
3. «O razreshitel'nom porjadke propiski grazhdan // Vedomosti SND i VS SSSR. 13.11.1991. – # 46. – St. 1307. – ch. 4. – st. 15 «Konstitucija Rossijskoj Federacii» (prinjata vsenarodnym golosovaniem 12.12.1993) (s uchetom popravok, vnesennyh Zakonami RF o popravkah k Konstitucii RF ot 30.12.2008 # 6-FKZ, ot 30.12.2008 # 7-FKZ) Vedomosti VS SSSR. – 10 sentjabrja 1986 g. – # 37. – St. 772.
4. Venskaja konvencija o prave mezhdunarodnyh dogovorov (Zakljuchena v g. Vene 23.05.1969) (SSSR prisoedinilsja k Konvencii 29.04.1986 g.) Sbornik mezhdunarodnyh dogovorov SSSR. Vyp. XLII.– M., 1988. – S. 171-197.
5. Kratkaja rossijskaja jenciklopedija. – T.1. – M., 2004.
6. Bol'shoj juridicheskij slovar'. – M. INFRA-M., 2002.
7. V chastnosti, v chisle takih nauchnyh rabot mozhno vydelit' Otchet «O nauchno-issledovatel'skoj rabote “Implementacija norm mezhdunarodnogo prava v rossijskoe zakonodatel'stvo”». – Institut zakonodatel'stva i sravnitel'nogo pravovedenija pri Pravitel'stve RF. – M., 2006; Problemy implementacii mezhdunarodnyh norm v oblasti protivodejstvija korrupcii v rossijskoe zakonodatel'stvo: sb. materialov [v 2 ch.] / pod red. O.S. Kapinus, A.V. Kudashkina; Akad. Gen. prokuratury Ros. Federacii. – M., 2011.
8. K sozhaleniju, sleduet otmetit', chto mnogie izmenenija zachastuju vnosjatsja bessistemno, lish' kak otvetnaja reakcija na otdel'nye sobytija. Nesluchajno tol'ko za 3 poslednih goda (2010-2012 gg.) prinjato 66 zakonov po dopolneniju, izmeneniju UPK RF i 124 zakona po
dopolneniju, izmeneniju KoAP RF. Po sostojaniju na ijul' 2013 goda, po dannym pravovoj sistemy Konsul'tant Pljus, my pol'zuemsja uzhe 107-oj redakciej Ugolovnogo kodeksa RF (vveden v dejstvie s 1 janvarja 1997 goda), 202-oj redakciej KoAP RF (vveden v dejstvie s 1 ijulja 2002 goda) i 102-oj redakciej UPK RF (vveden v dejstvie s 01.07.1997 goda).
9. Rossijane – o rabote organov vnutrennih del// Press-vypusk VCIOM #1867 ot 20.10.2011.
10. Press-vypusk #2147 24.10.2012 «Rabota policii: obshhestvennaja ocenka»
11. SShA mogut primenit' k Rossii sankcii za torgovlju ljud'mi. –20 ijunja 2013 // «».
12. Vtoroe oktjabrja 2012 g., Rosbalt.
Kopylov M.N., Kopylov S.M.
International environmental law: yesterday, today, tomorrow
The article presents the author's characteristic of the features of various stages of international environmental law development. The idea about the beginning of the «energy/climate era» in the history of international environmental law in the XXI century is put forward and three priority objectives for primary solutions are justified: formation of a catalog of specific international environmental law principles, codification of international environmental law, international cooperation in fight against global climate change.
Keywords: Stockholm era, Rio de Janeiro era, energy/climate era, special principles, draft International Covenant, conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity.
Valeev R.M., Gilyazeva D.R.
The human right to a favorable environment protection in international law
The paper analyzes the international legal protection of the human right to a favorable environment. There are emphasized four stages in the development of the human right to a favorable environment in international law. The main international mechanisms of the right protection are examined, and authors substantiate the thesis that the right to a favorable environment has a fundamental character and provides the basement for healthy and favorable existence of people.
The paper analyzes the international legal protection of the human right to a favorable environment. There are emphasized four stages in the development of the human right to a favorable environment in international law. The main international mechanisms of the right protection are examined, and authors substantiate the thesis that the right to a favorable environment has a fundamental character and provides the basement for healthy and favorable existence of people.
Keywords: Right to a Favorable Environment, Human Rights, Environmental Rights, Ecology, Environment.
Rylova M.A.
The issues of the environmental protection in the judgments of European Court of Human Rights
In the article the practice of European Court of Human Rights on the issues of the environmental
In the article the practice of European Court of Human Rights on the issues of the environmental
protection is analyzed.
Keywords: European Court of Human Rights, environmental protection.
Work bibliographic list
1. Kommentarij k Konvencii o zashhite prav cheloveka i osnovnyh svobod // Pod red. V.A.Tumanova, L. M. Jentina. – M., 2002.
Work bibliographic list
1. Kommentarij k Konvencii o zashhite prav cheloveka i osnovnyh svobod // Pod red. V.A.Tumanova, L. M. Jentina. – M., 2002.
2. Konvencija o zashhite prav cheloveka i osnovnyh svobod // Bjulleten' mezhdunarodnyh dogovorov. – 2001. – # 3.
3. Sokolova N.A. Mezhdunarodno-pravovye problemy v sfere ohrany okruzhajushhej sredy // Dissertacija na soiskanie uchenoj stepeni doktora juridicheskih nauk. – M., 2010.
4. Fadeeva protiv Rossii: Postanovlenie ot 9 ijunja 2005 goda //Bjulleten' Evropejskogo Suda po pravam cheloveka. – 2005. – # 11.
5. Arrêt de chambre Moreno Gomez c. Espagne 16.11.04 [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: URL:
6. Arrêt de chambre Dubetska et autres c. Ukraine 10.02.11 [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: URL:
7. Arrêt de chambre Zamit Maempel c. Malte 22.11.11 [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: URL:
8. Arrêt de chambre Tatar c. Roumanie 27.01.09 [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: URL:
9. Arrêt de chambre Di Sarno c. Italie 10.01.12 [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: URL:
10. Arrêt de chambre Hamer c. Belgique 27.11.07 [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: URL: /pages/search.aspx?i=001-83494.
11. Arrêt de Grande Chambre Öneryildiz c. Turquie 30.11.04 [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: URL:
12. Arrêt de Grande Chambre Hatton et autres c. Royaume-Uni 08.07.03 [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: URL:
13. Chamber judgment Mileva and Others v. Bulgaria 25.11.10[Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: URL:
14. Chamber judgment Deés v. Hungary 09.11.2010 [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: URL:
15. European Court of Human Rights. Powel and Rayner v. United Kindom. Judgment of 21 February 1990, Series A No.172.
16. European Court of Human Rights. Powel and Rayner v. United Kindom. Judgment of 21 February 1990, Series A No.172 Arret de Grand Chambre Oneryildiz c. Turquie 30.11.2004 [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: URL:
Shepenko M.R.
Legal regulation of counter vailing measures in the USA
WTO rules also regulate countervailing measures use. After Russian’s entry to WTO studying of other members’ legislation takes on a special significance. Provisional and final countervailing measures setting up during and at the end of countervailing investigation are included in term countervailing measures. Provisional countervailing measures can be subdivided into suspension of liquidation and cash deposit or bond. Final countervailing measures can be subdivided into suspension agreement and countervailing duty. In the given article legal regulation of countervailing measures is considered.
WTO rules also regulate countervailing measures use. After Russian’s entry to WTO studying of other members’ legislation takes on a special significance. Provisional and final countervailing measures setting up during and at the end of countervailing investigation are included in term countervailing measures. Provisional countervailing measures can be subdivided into suspension of liquidation and cash deposit or bond. Final countervailing measures can be subdivided into suspension agreement and countervailing duty. In the given article legal regulation of countervailing measures is considered.
Key words: subsidy, countervailing investigation, material injury, countervailing measures, provisional measures, suspension of liquidation, cash deposit, bond, countervailing duty, suspension agreement.
Dontsov S.Ye.
Excuse of private property: equality, initiative (will), solidarity, social responsibility
The article discusses the issues in dispute historical and philosophical aspects of the role and place of private property in the society and the state.
Keywords: property, social order, the equality of all before the law, civil law, market economy, justice.
Tlepina Sh.V.
The concept of National labour state
The article deals with the theory of National labour state of the State of Western European scientist and lawyer, statesman and public figure, Rector of the University of Vienna, one of the theorists of Socialist teachings Anton Menger. The teaching of National Labour State (NLS ) is revealed by a scientistpractitioner through individualist and socialist State; issues of law and morality, as well as the form of State sovereignty; separation of powers; religion. Throughout the work of A. Menger compares NLS theory with сommunist and anarchist ideas, referres to the works of M. Bakunin, P. Kropotkin.
The article deals with the theory of National labour state of the State of Western European scientist and lawyer, statesman and public figure, Rector of the University of Vienna, one of the theorists of Socialist teachings Anton Menger. The teaching of National Labour State (NLS ) is revealed by a scientistpractitioner through individualist and socialist State; issues of law and morality, as well as the form of State sovereignty; separation of powers; religion. Throughout the work of A. Menger compares NLS theory with сommunist and anarchist ideas, referres to the works of M. Bakunin, P. Kropotkin.
Keywords: national labour law, the theory of the State, individualistic State, Socialist state, sovereignty, the form of the State, anarchism, socialism, law and morality, property, working groups and associations.
Ivanskiy V.P.
On a phenomenological approach to the «inner man». Legal matter research
The paper is dedicated to the application of the special method which study specific attainment of the «inner man» legal essence generating natural rights of man. Special methods are called such cognitions, manners and principles ways which are particularly designed to the research of the externalism, and the internal. Phenomenological approach is one of them.
The paper is dedicated to the application of the special method which study specific attainment of the «inner man» legal essence generating natural rights of man. Special methods are called such cognitions, manners and principles ways which are particularly designed to the research of the externalism, and the internal. Phenomenological approach is one of them.
Keywords: method, approach, law, right, information, legal reality, «inner man», phenomenology.
Work bibliographic list
1. Agapov O.D. Germenevticheskij i fenomenologicheskij podhody k ponimaniju interpretacii // Vestnik TISBI. – 2003. – # 3.
Work bibliographic list
1. Agapov O.D. Germenevticheskij i fenomenologicheskij podhody k ponimaniju interpretacii // Vestnik TISBI. – 2003. – # 3.
2. Alekseev N.N. Osnovy filosofii prava. SPb, 1998. – S. 256.
3. Bezrodnaja O.A. Individual'noe pravosoznanie i personal'naja identichnost' // Sovremennye nauchnye issledovanija: teorija, metodologija, praktika. – 2011. – T.1. – # 1. – S. 162-167.
4. Gegel' G.-V.-F. Nauka logiki: V 3-h t. – M.: Mysl', 1970-1972.
5. Gusserl' Je. Idei k chistoj fenomenologii i fenomenologicheskoj filosofii. – T. 1. – M., 1999. – 486 s.
6. Dvorjanchikov N.V., Zhumagalieva M.Ju. Vzaimosvjaz' predstavlenij o gendernyh stereotipah i sklonnosti k agressii u nesovershennoletnih pravonarushitelej // Juridicheskaja psihologija. –2009. – # 3. – S. 42–46.
7. Diogen Lajertskij. O zhizni, uchenijah i izrechenijah drevnih filosofov. – M., 1979.
8. Ivanskij V.P. Fenomenologija prava na chastnuju zhizn' v jepohu postmoderna: filosofsko-pravovye aspekty // Vestnik RUDN. Serija juridicheskie nauki. – # 3. – 2011. – S. 52-59
9. Ivanskij V.P. «Ja»-obraz kak osobaja pravovaja real'nost' mezhsub"ektnyh vzaimodejstvij // Nauchnye vedomosti Belgorodskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Serija: Filosofija. Sociologija. Pravo. – 2013. – # 9. – S. 19-33.
10. Ivanskij V.P. «Ja»-obraz kak osobaja pravovaja real'nost' chelovecheskogo bytija // Globalizacija i publichnoe pravo: materialy Materialy I Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. Moskva, 26 nojabrja 2012 g. – M.: RUDN, 2013. – S.157-169.
11. Ivanskij V.P. «Ja»-obraz kak sub"ekt formirovanija pravovyh norm (Chast' I) // Vestnik Rossijskogo universiteta druzhby narodov. Serija: Juridicheskie nauki. – 2013. – # 1. – S. 63-74.
12. Katrechko S.L. Kak vozmozhna metafizika (v svete transcendental'noj perspektivy)? // Metafizika. – 2011. – # 1. – S. 31–55.
13. Kozlova N.V. Harakteristiki samoaktualizirujushhejsja lichnosti, nahodjashhejsja na jetape professional'nogo stanovlenija // Juridicheskaja psihologija. – 2012. – # 2. – S. 19–23.
14. Kommunikativnaja koncepcija prava: voprosy teorii: Obsuzhdenie monografii A.V. Poljakova / Vstup. slov. A.V. Poljakova. SPb.: Piter, 2003. – S. 11.
15. Korovina O.S. Fenomenologicheskij metod v strukture metodologii otechestvennogo pravovedenija: avtoref. dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. Cheljabinsk, 2007. – 26 s.
16. Kohanovskij V.P. Filosofija i metodologija nauki: Uchebnik dlja VUZov. – Rostov na/D., 1999. – S.141.
17. Kuz'min A.V. Pravovoe uchenie I.V. Mihajlovskogo: Jejdologicheskoe napravlenie rossijskoj filosofii prava: avtoref. dis. …kand. jurid. nauk. SPb., 1998. – 20 s.
18. Lebedeva N.Ju., Shironina E.M. Metodologicheskie voprosy izuchenija organizacionnoj kul'tury // Fundamental'nye issledovanija. – 2012. – # 9-3. – S. 729-733.
19. Lukojanov K.I. Koncepcija chastnogo prava v metafizike Immanuila Kanta: avtoref. dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. – SPb, 2004. – 24 s.
20. Morozova L.A. Teorija gosudarstva i prava: uchebnik. – M., 2011. – S. 25–32.
21. Petrazhickij L.I. Ocherki filosofii i prava. Vypusk pervyj. Osnovy psihologicheskoj teorii prava. Obzor i kritika sovremennyh vozzrenij na sushhestvo prava. – SPb, 1900. – 138 s.
22. Plahov V.D. Vozvrashhenie v metafiziku prava, ili shag vpered, dva shaga nazad v novom ispolnenii // Juridicheskaja mysl'. –2008. – T. 49. – # 5. – S. 87–95.
23. Poljakov A.V. Obshhaja teorija prava. Kurs lekcij. SPb., 2001. – 642 s.
24. Rajnah A. Apriornye osnovanija grazhdanskogo prava. – M., 1913. – S.153-326.
25. Svas'jan K.A. Rastozhdestvlenija. Rajnah A. Apriornye osnovanija grazhdanskogo prava. – M., 2006, 120–121.
26. Semashko L. M. Dialektika Platona i ejo interpretacija Gegelem // Filosofskie nauki. – 1971. – # 4.
27. Stovba A.V. A. Rajnah i N.N. Alekseev u istokov fenomenologii prava // Pravo i politika. – 2012. – # 2. – S. 371–376.
28. Sumenkov S.Ju. Dialekticheskij materializm kak metod poznanija iskljuchenij v prave// Vestnik Saratovskoj gosudarstvennoj juridicheskoj akademii. – 2010. – # 6. – S. 75-80.
29. Torchilin K.E. Materialisticheskaja dialektika kak metod pravovoj nauki // Sovremennye nauchnye issledovanija. – 2012. – # 11. – S. 12-12.
30. Tjunis L.Ju. Problema professional'nogo razvitija lichnosti v psihologo-pedagogicheskih issledovanijah // Juridicheskoe obrazovanie i nauka. – 2005. – # 3.
31. Filipson M. Fenomenologicheskaja filosofija i sociologija // Novye napravlenija v sociologicheskoj teorii. – M., 1978. – S. 217.
32. Car'kov I.I. Metafizika konstitucionnosti // Pravovedenie. – 2006. – # 5. – S. 216-228.
33. Shibakova E.A. Vechnye protivostojanie dialektiki i metafiziki, kak filosofskih metodov poznanija // Sbornik nauchnyh trudov Sworld po materialam mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. – 2010. – T. 28. – # 4. – S. 50-53.
Nadyrova A.
Improvement of legal regulation of employment in Kazakhstan
This article deals with the problem of improvement of legal regulation of employment in Kazakhstan. The types of employment, main theoretical approaches of Russian and Kazakh scientists to resolve the problem have been considered. The legal provisions of the Republic of Kazakhstan have been analysed at consideration of the above mentioned topic.
This article deals with the problem of improvement of legal regulation of employment in Kazakhstan. The types of employment, main theoretical approaches of Russian and Kazakh scientists to resolve the problem have been considered. The legal provisions of the Republic of Kazakhstan have been analysed at consideration of the above mentioned topic.
Keywords: employment, informal employment, ordinary employment, atypical employment, telecommuting, seasonal work, watch.
Work bibliographic list
1. Trudovoj kodeks Respubliki Kazahstan ot 15 maja 2007 goda # 251-III [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: URL:
Work bibliographic list
1. Trudovoj kodeks Respubliki Kazahstan ot 15 maja 2007 goda # 251-III [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: URL:
2. Zakon RK ot 23 janvarja 2001 goda # 149-II «O zanjatosti naselenija» [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: URL:
3. Postanovlenie Pravitel'stva Respubliki Kazahstan ot 31 marta 2011 goda # 316 «Ob utverzhdenii Programmy zanjatosti 2020» [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: URL:
4. Zhirunova M.K. Ponjatie i osobennosti distancionnogo truda v Respublike Kazahstan // Trudovoe pravo v Rossii i za rubezhom. – 2012. – # 2.
5. Morozov P.E. Sovremennye tendencii razvitija zarubezhnogo trudovogo prava v uslovijah globalizacii: Monografija. – M.: Prospekt, 2012.
6. Nurmagambetov A.M. Rynok truda: pravovye problemy i perspektivy. – Almaty: Baspa, 1998.
7. Orlovskij Ju. Pravovoe regulirovanie trudovyh otnoshenij v sovremennyh uslovijah // Hozjajstvo i pravo. – 2011. – # 2.
8. Sojfer V.G. Zanjatost' rabochih mest: nekotorye aktal'nye problemy // Zakonodatel'stvo i jekonomika. – 2011. – # 10.
9. Sulejmanova G.V. Pravovoe regulirovanie obespechenija zanjatosti naselenija: Ucheb. posobie. – M.: INFRA-M, 2011.
Bakhrieva Z.R.
Termination of obligation and termination of contract in civil law of the Russian Federation and Ukraine
The article is devoted to the study of the concepts of contract termination and termination of the obligation as well as analysis of different approaches to their interconnection. The article substantiates the conclusion that the use of the term «termination of contract» is inappropriate. A contract as a legal fact can’t be terminated, while as a regulator of civil relations it remains in force as long as the relationships exist.
The article is devoted to the study of the concepts of contract termination and termination of the obligation as well as analysis of different approaches to their interconnection. The article substantiates the conclusion that the use of the term «termination of contract» is inappropriate. A contract as a legal fact can’t be terminated, while as a regulator of civil relations it remains in force as long as the relationships exist.
Keywords: termination, contract, obligation, legal relationship, obligations legal relationship.
Rogachov M.A.
The concept of service and rating service in the civil law
The article from the perspective of modern civil law law science reveals the concept of services and rat. The author's approach to the understanding of the nature and characteristics of rating services is formulated.
Keywords: service, rating service, rating, contract.
Work bibliographic list
1. Braginskij M.I. Obshhee uchenie o hozjajstvennyh dogovorah. –Minsk, 1967.
Work bibliographic list
1. Braginskij M.I. Obshhee uchenie o hozjajstvennyh dogovorah. –Minsk, 1967.
2. Zhilinskij S.Je. Predprinimatel'skoe pravo: (pravovaja osnova predprinimat. dejatel'nosti). – M., 1999.
3. Rogacheva L.I. Vzaimodejstvie gosudarstva i obshhestva v uslovijah evrazijskoj integracii // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. –2013. – # 2. – S. 31.
4. Kabalkin A.Ju. Uslugi v sisteme otnoshenij, reguliruemyh grazhdanskim pravom // Gosudarstvo i pravo. – 1994. – # 8-9.
5. Kvanina V.V. Dogovor na okazanie vozmezdnyh uslug: Ucheb. posobie. – Cheljabinsk, 2002.
6. Lapach V.A. Sistema ob"ektov grazhdanskih prav: teorija i sudebnaja praktika. SPb., 2002. Lifshic I.M. Pravovoe regulirovanie rynka cennyh bumag v Evropejskom sojuze. – M.: Statut, 2012.
7. Sannikova L.V. Uslugi v grazhdanskom prave Rossii. – M.: Volters Kluver, 2006.
8. Sitdikova L.B. Istoricheskoe stanovlenie otnoshenij po vozmezdnomu okazaniju uslug // Istorija gosudarstva i prava. – 2007. – # 12.
9. Sitdikova L.B. Pravovoe regulirovanie otnoshenij po vozmezdnomu okazaniju uslug. – Naberezh. Chelny: izd-vo Kams. gos. politehn. in-ta, 2003.
10. Sitdikova L.B. Teoreticheskie i prakticheskie problemy pravovogo regulirovanija informacionnyh i konsul'tacionnyh uslug v grazhdanskom prave Rossii. – M., 2008.
11. Stepanov D. Zarozhdenie i razvitie uslug v rimskom chastnom prave // Rossijskoe pravo. – 2001. –# 3.
12. Haludorova S.V. Ponjatie «usluga» v rossijskom zakonodatel'stve // Grazhdanskoe pravo. – 2012. – # 4.
Abdudzalilov A.
Legal status of electronic contract
One of the underexplored legal problems today is the issue of electronic contract. Despite the prevalence of electronic contractual relationships, the modern civil law has no single conceptual approach to its legal regulation. This article examines the legal status of electronic contract, and offers legal means to regulate it.
One of the underexplored legal problems today is the issue of electronic contract. Despite the prevalence of electronic contractual relationships, the modern civil law has no single conceptual approach to its legal regulation. This article examines the legal status of electronic contract, and offers legal means to regulate it.
Keywords: electronic contract, transaction, Internet, legal regulation, virtual space.
Spiridonova N.Yu.
Educational relations as an object of civil legal regulation
The article deals with the specific of legal regulation of educational relations. As a result of this analysis the author formulates a number of principles of legal regulation of educational relations.
The article deals with the specific of legal regulation of educational relations. As a result of this analysis the author formulates a number of principles of legal regulation of educational relations.
Keywords: educational relations, complex institutes in the field of education, principles of legal regulation of educational relations.
Work bibliographic list
1. Belozerov A.V. Ponjatie i soderzhanie objazatel'stva po vozmezdnomu okazaniju obrazovatel'nyh uslug: Dis. kand. jurid. nauk. –M., 2000.
Work bibliographic list
1. Belozerov A.V. Ponjatie i soderzhanie objazatel'stva po vozmezdnomu okazaniju obrazovatel'nyh uslug: Dis. kand. jurid. nauk. –M., 2000.
2. Grazhdanskij kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii. Chast' pervaja: Federal'nyj zakon Rossijskoj Federacii ot 30 nojabrja 1994 g. # 51-FZ (s izm. i dop.) // SPS «Garant».
3. Zenkov V.N. Problemy pravovogo obespechenija publichnyh i chastnyh interesov v obrazovanii // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. – 2007.– # 6.
4. Maleina M.N. Pravovaja priroda i osnovanija pravootnoshenij «vuz-student» // Pravovedenie. – SPb.: Izd-vo S.-Peterburg. un-ta, 2002. – # 3.
5. Ob obrazovanii v Rossijskoj Federacii: Federal'nyj zakon Rossijskoj Federacii ot 29 dekabrja 2012 g. N 273-FZ // SPS «Garant».
6. Syryh V.M. Vvedenie v teoriju obrazovatel'nogo prava: Uchebnik. – M., 2002.
7. Shkatulla V.I. Obrazovatel'noe pravo: Ucheb. dlja vuzov. – M.:NORMA-INFRA-M, 2001.
8. Jagofarov D.A. Pravovoe regulirovanie sistemy obrazovanija: Ucheb. posobie. – M.: Norma, 2005.
Saliev I.R.
Problems of ensuring confidentiality in the sphere of implementation of electronic commercial activity
In the article the issues of legal support of confidentiality in the course of implementation of electronic commercial activity are considered. The problems of civil regulation in the considered
In the article the issues of legal support of confidentiality in the course of implementation of electronic commercial activity are considered. The problems of civil regulation in the considered
sphere of relations in light of the Russian legislation are noted, the examples of legal regulation in the international practice are given. Legal remedies for solving the problems of ensuring confidentiality in the course of implementation of electronic trading are offered.
Keywords: electronic commerce; confidentiality; principles of confidentiality.
Shamrin M. Y.
Specific features of the draft law on public foster care and activity of child protection services: aspect of legal theory
The article studies the Russian orphan statistics. The conclusion is made that the activity of child protection services aimed at establishing the public foster care is the activity in accordance with which the rights and freedoms of the child are the supreme value, and the protection thereof is the predominant task of the state. Some important amendments and supplements are proposed to the Federal law “On fundamentals of the juvenile abandonment and delinquency prevention system” in connection with the introduction of a brandnew European mechanism capable of preventing child abandonment – the public foster care – into the Russian child protection system.
Keywords: socially dangerous position of a family, a family in the socially dangerous position, public foster care.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bespalov Ju.F. Semejno-pravovoe polozhenie rebjonka v Rossijskoj Federacii: monografija. – 2-e izd., pererab. i dop. – Moskva:Prospekt, 2013.
1. Bespalov Ju.F. Semejno-pravovoe polozhenie rebjonka v Rossijskoj Federacii: monografija. – 2-e izd., pererab. i dop. – Moskva:Prospekt, 2013.
2. Brynceva G. Vojna v detskom mire (
3. Brynceva G. Sirotprom // Rossijskaja gazeta. – 30.01.2013. – #18 (5994).
4. Brynceva G. Uroven' opasnosti – «krasnyj» // Rossijskaja gazeta. – 2010. – # 117.
5. Ventcel' K.N. Detskij dom. Izdanie 2-oe. – M., 1917 (god Revoljucii).
6. Ventcel' K.N. Novye puti vospitanija i obrazovanija detej. Chast' I. Ideal'naja shkola budushhego i sposoby ejo osushhestvlenija. – M.:Tipografija tovarishhestva I.N. Kushnerev i Ko, 1910.
7. Ventcel' K.N. Jetika i Pedagogika tvorcheskoj lichnosti (Problemy nravstvennosti i vospitanija v svete teorii svobodnogo garmonicheskogo razvitija zhizni i soznanija). Tom II. Pedagogika tvorcheskoj lichnosti. – M.: Knigoizdatel'stvo K.I. Tihomirova, Kuzneckij Most, 1912.
8. Ventcel' K.N. I. Osvobozhdenie rebjonka. II. Deklaracija prav rebjonka. – Smolensk: Izdatel'stvo Gubernskogo Komissariata Narodnogo Prosveshhenija Smolenskoj gub., 1918.
9. Kurs mirovoj i rossijskoj kriminologii: uchebnik. V 2 t. T. II. Osobennaja chast' / V.V. Luneev. – M.: Izdatel'stvo Jurajt, 2011.
10. Kopeljanskaja S.E. Komplektovanie domov rebjonka. – M.: Gosudarstvennoe izdatel'stvo medicinskoj literatury, 1950.
11. Latuhina K. Roditel'skij kod // Rossijskaja gazeta. –11.02.2013. – # 28 (6004).
12. Matvienko V.I. Sem'ja ne ischezaet. Ona menjaetsja // Rossijskaja gazeta. – 26.06.2013. – # 136 (6112).
13. Ogonjok.– 25.02.2013. – # 7.
14. Pravovye i organizacionnye antikorrupcionnye jelementy administrativnoj otvetstvennosti za nezakonnyj oborot narkotikov: monografija / I.M. Mackevich, D.K. Nechevin, M.M. Poljakov; pod red. L.M. Kolodkina. – Moskva: Prospekt, 2012.
15. Rybinskij E. Sovremennoe polozhenie rossijskih detej – istochnik popolnenija budushhih prestupnikov i terroristov // Mirovoe soobshhestvo protiv globalizacii prestupnosti i terrorizma: mezhdunarodnaja konferencija. – M., 2002.
16. Federal'nyj zakon ot 24.04.2008 # 48-FZ (red. ot 01.07.2011) «Ob opeke i popechitel'stve» // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. – 28.04.2008. – # 17. – St. 1755.
17. Federal'nyj zakon ot 24.06.1999 # 120-FZ (red. ot 07.05.2013) «Ob osnovah sistemy profilaktiki beznadzornosti i pravonarushenij nesovershennoletnih» // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. – 28.06.1999. – # 26. – St. 3177.
18. Cifrovaja Statistika iz Doklada Pavla Astahova na seminare organov opeki i popechitel'stva. – 18.04.2013. (
19. Shamrin M.Ju. Zashhita prav detej: administrativno-pravovoj aspekt // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. – 2013. – # 3 (58).
20. Shamrin M.Ju. Reformirovanie sistemy administrativno- pravovogo regulirovanija zashhity prav rebjonka v Rossijskoj Federacii // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. – 2013. – # 4 (59).
21. §38, §43 Lastensuojelulaki 13.4.2007/417 (
Adu Ya.N.
Towards the question about «Law of Dima Yakovlev» and the necessity to establish juvenal justice in Russia
The article deals with the legal meaning of the «law of Dima Yakovlev» from the perspective of
The article deals with the legal meaning of the «law of Dima Yakovlev» from the perspective of
with national and international legal obligations on protection of children's rights and related issue of the necessity to establish juvenile justice in the Russian Federation.
Keyworlds: protection of human rights, children's rights, obligations on protection, juvenal justice.
Work bibliographic list
1. Abashidze A.H. «Zakon Dimy Jakovleva» – juridicheski pravomeren i moral'no legitimen // Obozrevatel' – Observer. – M: RAU-Universitet. – 2013. – # 2.
Work bibliographic list
1. Abashidze A.H. «Zakon Dimy Jakovleva» – juridicheski pravomeren i moral'no legitimen // Obozrevatel' – Observer. – M: RAU-Universitet. – 2013. – # 2.
2. Deklaracija o social'nyh i pravovyh principah, kasajushhihsja zashhity i blagopoluchija detej, osobenno pri peredache detej na vospitanie i ih usynovlenii na nacional'nom i na mezhdunarodnom urovnjah, prinjataja Rezoljuciej 41/85 General'noj Assamblei ot 3 de-
kabrja 1986 g.
3. Deklaracija prav rebenka, prinjataja Rezoljuciej 1386 (XIV) General'noj Assamblei ot 20 nojabrja 1959 g.
4. Konvencii o pravah rebenka 1989 g., prinjataja Rezoljuciej 44/25 General'noj Assamblei 1989 g.
5. Narushenie prav detej v Rossii [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: URL:
6. Soglashenie mezhdu Rossijskoj Federaciej i Soedinennymi Shtatami Ameriki o sotrudnichestve v oblasti usynovlenija (udocherenija) detej ot 13 ijulja 2011 g. (zakljucheno v Vashingtone).
7. Federal'nyj zakon # 138 ot 14 nojabrja 2002 g. «O Grazhdanskom processual'nom kodekse RF».
8. Federal'nyj zakon # 223-FZ ot 29 dekabrja 1995 g. «O Semejnym kodekse Rossijskoj Federacii».
9. Federal'nyj zakon # 272-FZ ot 28 dekabrja 2012 g. «O merah voz- dejstvija na lic, prichastnyh k narushenijam osnovopolagajushhih prav i svobod cheloveka, prav i svobod grazhdan Rossijskoj Federacii».
10. Federal'nyj zakon # 44-FZot 16 aprelja 2001 g. «O Gosudarstvennom banke dannyh o detjah, ostavshihsja bez popechenija roditelej».
11. Federal'nyj zakon # 62-FZ ot 31 maja 2002 g. «O grazhdanstve Rossijskoj Federacii».
12. 112 Congress, 2D Session. H.R. 4405 to impose sanctions on persons responsible for the detention, abuse, or death of Sergei Magnitsky, and for other gross violations of human rights in the Russian Federation, and for other purposes April 19, 2012.
Tretiakova V.G.
To the establishment of international and national specialised bioethical courts
The article discusses the issues related to the promotion and protection of human bioethical rights to life, health, physical and mental integrity, respect for personal dignity and autonomy. The author proves the urgent need to establish international and national specialised bioethical courts for effective protection of the human bioethical rights.
The article discusses the issues related to the promotion and protection of human bioethical rights to life, health, physical and mental integrity, respect for personal dignity and autonomy. The author proves the urgent need to establish international and national specialised bioethical courts for effective protection of the human bioethical rights.
Keywords: bioethical code, Bioethical Procedural Code, international and national bioethical specialized courts.
Trunov I.L.
Problems of road safety
The article deals with the safety of road users. Current law and law enforcement practice are analyzed. The author proposes a number of amendments and changes to the existing legislation.
The article deals with the safety of road users. Current law and law enforcement practice are analyzed. The author proposes a number of amendments and changes to the existing legislation.
Keywords: criminal violations of Traffic rules, presumption of guilt of a driver, defective impunity, equality before the law, the experience of foreign countries.
Khaliullina L.G.
Migration risk in the context of the problem of trafficking in human beings in the Russian Federation
The article analyzes the problem of human trafficking in the Russian Federation in the context of
The article analyzes the problem of human trafficking in the Russian Federation in the context of
a legitimate permit migration risk on the basis of judicial practice in criminal matters. Discrimination against migrants in the Russian Federation, including in the form of extremist crime, imperfection of immigration laws, the legal status of migrant workers actualize the problems set out in the area.
Keywords: human trafficking, immigration, legal status of migrants, extremist crimes, discrimination against migrants.
Work bibliographic list
1. A. Aronowitz, Measures to Combat Trafficking in Human Beings in Benin, Nigeria and Togo (Upravlenie OON po narkotikam i prestupnosti: Vena, 2006) // (
Work bibliographic list
1. A. Aronowitz, Measures to Combat Trafficking in Human Beings in Benin, Nigeria and Togo (Upravlenie OON po narkotikam i prestupnosti: Vena, 2006) // (
2. Heyzer N. Combating Trafficking in Women and Children: A Gender and Human Rights Framework / N.Hejzer, doklad na konferencii «Problemy prav cheloveka pri globalizacii Aziatsko-Tihookeanskogo regiona i SShA, Gonolulu, Gavaji», 2002 // ( global/projects_activities/Trafficking/Noeleen.pdf).
3. Aronovic A., Tojermann G., Tjurjukanova E. Analiz torgovli ljud'mi kak biznes modeli: put' k bolee jeffektivnomu predotvrashheniju prestuplenija. Avstrija.: Bjuro Special'nogo predstavitelja i koordinatora OBSE po bor'be s torgovlej ljud'mi. – Oktjabr' 2011. – S. 15–17.
4. Vertgejm Ju.B. Kriticheskie koncepcii sovremennogo obshhestva: ot «vosstanija mass» do «obshhestva riska» // Vestnik Novosibirskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. – Serija: Filosofija, 2008. –T. 6. – # 3. – S. 55, 56.
5. Glava Federal'noj migracionnoj sluzhby Rossii Konstantin Romodanovskij prizval kak mozhno skoree razrabotat' i prinjat' Migracionnyj kodeks RF // ( Internet-portal «Rossijskaja Gazeta» 20.05.2013.
6. Demograficheskij prognoz do 2030 g. (po itogam Vserossijskoj perepisi 2010 g.) // Oficial'nyj sajt Federal'noj sluzhby statistiki Rossijskoj Federacii (
7. Zakonoproekt # 161211-6 «O vnesenii izmenenij v stat'ju 25-6 Federal'nogo zakona "O porjadke vyezda iz Rossijskoj Federacii i v"ezda v Rossijskuju Federaciju" i v Federal'nyj zakon "O pravovom polozhenii inostrannyh grazhdan v Rossijskoj Federacii"» // Oficial'nyj sajt Gosudarstvennoj Dumy Rossijskoj Federacii. (http://
8. Itogi obshherossijskogo oprosa, oktjabr' 2011 g. «Otnoshenii k migrantam sosedjam i migrantam kollegam». –M.: Fond obshhestvennogo mnenija, 2012. –S. 3.
9. Koncepcija demograficheskoj politiki Rossijskoj Federacii do 2025 goda, utverzhdena Ukazom Prezidenta Rossijskoj Federacii ot 9 oktjabrja 2007 g. # 1351.
10. Ksenofobam zapretjat zanimat' gosudarstvennye dolzhnosti // Gazeta «Izvestija». –13.05.2013.
11. Prigovor 03.06.2010 v otnoshenii gr. F. po st. 127-1 ch.1 UK RF // Arhiv Gagarinskogo rajonnogo suda g. Moskva.
12. Prigovor ot 04.04.2012 v otnoshenii gr. V.A.V. po p. «a, zh, l» ch. 2 st. 105, ch. 4 st. 166, ch. 1 st. 226, st. 317 UK RF i v otnoshenii gr. V.R.V. po p. «a, zh, l» ch. 2 st. 105, ch. 1 st. 222, ch. 1 st. 158 UK RF // Arhiv Irkutskogo oblastnogo suda Irkutskoj oblasti.
13. Prigovor ot 08.02.2012 v otnoshenii gr. N.L.M. po st. 127.1 ch. 3 p. «v» UK RF (7 jepizodov) // Arhiv Kanavinskogo rajonnogo suda g.N. Novgoroda Nizhegorodskoj oblasti.
14. Prigovor ot 12.12.2012 v otnoshenii gr. Ch.G.V. i gr. Ch.N. po ch. 3 st. 30, p. «b, z» ch. 2 st. 127.1 UK RF // Arhiv Oktjabr'skogo rajonnogo suda g. Novosibirska Novosibirskaja oblast';
15. Prigovor ot 13.03.2012 v otnoshenii gr.M. po p. «b» ch.3 st.111 UK RF // Arhiv Belojarskogo rajonnogo suda Sverdlovskoj oblasti; prigovor ot 02.09.2010 v otnoshenii gr.P. po p. «a», «b» ch. 1 st. 213 UK RF // Arhiv Severobajkal'skogo gorodskogo suda Respubliki Burjatija.
16. Prigovor ot 28.07.2010 v otnoshenii gr. M. po st. 30 ch 3, 127-1 ch 1 UK RF // Arhiv Gagarinskogo rajonnogo suda g. Moskvy
17. Prigovor ot 28.12.2011 v otnoshenii gr. H.I.S. po p «e» ch. 2 st. 111 UK RF // Arhiv Privokzal'nogo rajonnogo suda g. Tuly Tul'skoj oblasti.
Burmistrov A.S.
Variety of subjects of the anti-corruption control in laws of subjects of the Russian Federation
In the light of the anti-corruption activity different types of control set out in subjects of the Russian Federation are pointed out in the article. As an examples of outstripping rulemaking of subjects of the federation the article examines public control, control functions and activity of the legislative (representative) bodies of subjects of the Russian Federation; control over the enforcement and execution of laws; state and municipal control. In the article it is analyzed the legal regulation of regional authorities on combat corruption in different spheres, attempts to define the place of the Commissioner for rights of entrepreneurs in the designated system of control and anticorruption activity.
In the light of the anti-corruption activity different types of control set out in subjects of the Russian Federation are pointed out in the article. As an examples of outstripping rulemaking of subjects of the federation the article examines public control, control functions and activity of the legislative (representative) bodies of subjects of the Russian Federation; control over the enforcement and execution of laws; state and municipal control. In the article it is analyzed the legal regulation of regional authorities on combat corruption in different spheres, attempts to define the place of the Commissioner for rights of entrepreneurs in the designated system of control and anticorruption activity.
Keywords: the outstripping rulemaking of subjects of the federation, subject and object control, anti-corruption efforts, prevention of corruption.
Melnyk R.S.
A new view at the old article (to the analysis of the scientific heritage of the famous scientist in administrative law N.P. Karadje-Iskrov)
The content of the unknown to many readers article «Das Verwaltungsrecht in der Sowjetunion
The content of the unknown to many readers article «Das Verwaltungsrecht in der Sowjetunion
(Rusland) seit 1917» (Administrative Law in Soviet Union (Russia) from 1917) by Karadje-Iskrov is analyzed in the article. Special attention is paid to the impugnment of the review which was prepared concerning this article by Soviet scientists in 1937.
Keywords: Karadje-Iskrov, administrative law, legal status of citizens, subjective public rights, trade unions, public agencies, state service, control after administration.
Work bibliographic list
1. B.R.S. Sovetskoe administrativnoe pravo v fashistskom izlozhenii // Sovetskoe gosudarstvo. – 1937. – # 3-4.
Work bibliographic list
1. B.R.S. Sovetskoe administrativnoe pravo v fashistskom izlozhenii // Sovetskoe gosudarstvo. – 1937. – # 3-4.
2. Karadsche-Iskrow Das Verwaltungsrecht in der Sowjetunion (Russland) seit 1917 // Jahrbuch des öffentlichen Rechts der Gegenwart. – 1936. – Band 23.
3. Bel'skij K.S. Idei i tragedija bol'shogo uchenogo-administrativista (K 100-letiju so dnja rozhdenija N.P. Karadzhe-Iskrova) // Gosudarstvo i pravo. – 1996. – # 3.
4. Doklad t. Skrypnika «O vzaimootnoshenijah sudebnyh i administrativnyh organov» // Vestnik sovetskoj justicii. – 1922. – # 5–7.
5. Evtihiev A.F. Osnovy sovetskogo administrativnogo prava. – H., 1925.
6. Karadzhe-Iskrov N.P. Novejshaja jevoljucija administrativnogo prava. – Irkutsk, 1927.
Zhivov A.A.
Legal regulation of civil defence (civil protection) and interstate cooperation of the CIS members in the field of protection during emergency situations
The article views the topical issues in the field of civil defense. Due to inheritance of the CIS Members legal framework of the USSR , compliance of legal acts adopted by the norms of international law, as well as the implementation of programs of model legislation of the CIS, there was a common system of approaches to the preparation and conduct of the Civil Defense (Civil Protection). The author of the article presents the analysis of experience in the field of legal regulation of civil defense (civil protection) and interstate cooperation from emergency situations and justifies the establishment of national systems of civil protection in the CIS Members.
The article views the topical issues in the field of civil defense. Due to inheritance of the CIS Members legal framework of the USSR , compliance of legal acts adopted by the norms of international law, as well as the implementation of programs of model legislation of the CIS, there was a common system of approaches to the preparation and conduct of the Civil Defense (Civil Protection). The author of the article presents the analysis of experience in the field of legal regulation of civil defense (civil protection) and interstate cooperation from emergency situations and justifies the establishment of national systems of civil protection in the CIS Members.
Keywords: legal regulation, civil defense, civil protection, the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), interstate cooperation, protection of the population, model law, national systems of civil protection.
Work bibliographic list
1. Grazhdanskaja zashhita. Jenciklopedija T.II / Pod obshh. red. S.K. Shojgu; MChS Rossii. – M.: ZAO FID «Delovoj jekspress», 2007. – 548 s.
Work bibliographic list
1. Grazhdanskaja zashhita. Jenciklopedija T.II / Pod obshh. red. S.K. Shojgu; MChS Rossii. – M.: ZAO FID «Delovoj jekspress», 2007. – 548 s.
2. Dopolnitel'nyj protokol k Zhenevskim konvencijam ot 12 avgusta 1949 g., kasajushhijsja zashhity zhertv mezhdunarodnyh vooruzhennyh konfliktov (Protokol I) (Zheneva, 8 ijunja 1977 g.) ( rus/resources/documents/misc/treaties-additional-protocol-1.htm).
3. Zherdev E. Kakaja raznica? Bol'shaja raznica (Grazhdanskaja oborona ili grazhdanskaja zashhita? Istorija voprosa) // Osnovy bezopasnosti zhiznedejatel'nosti. – 2010. – #10.
4. Zakon Azerbajdzhanskoj Respubliki ot 30 dekabrja 1997 goda #420-IG «O grazhdanskoj oborone» (
5. Zakon Kyrgyzskoj Respubliki ot 20 ijulja 2009 goda #239 «O grazhdanskoj zashhite» (
6. Zakon Respubliki Armenija ot 29 marta 2002 goda #ZR-309 «O grazhdanskoj oborone» ( show_doc.fwx?rgn= 26529).
7. Zakon Respubliki Belarus' ot 27 nojabrja 2006 goda #183-Z «O grazhdanskoj oborone» (
8. Zakon Respubliki Kazahstan ot 7 maja 1997 goda #100-I «O Grazhdanskoj oborone» (
9. Zakon Respubliki Moldova ot 9 nojabrja 1994 goda #271-XIII «O grazhdanskoj zashhite» (
10. Zakon Respubliki Tadzhikistan ot 28 fevralja 2004 goda #6 «O grazhdanskoj oborone» (http:// rgn= 8175).
11. Zakon Respubliki Uzbekistan ot 26 maja 2000 goda #80-II «O grazhdanskoj zashhite» (
12. Zakon Turkmenistana ot 29 nojabrja 2003 goda #206-II «O grazhdanskoj oborone» (
13. Zakon Ukrainy ot 3 fevralja 1993 goda #2974-XII «O grazhdanskoj oborone Ukrainy» (utratil silu s 01.07.2013 g.) (http://base.spinform. ru/ show_ doc.fwx?rgn=16969).
14. Zakon Ukrainy ot 24 ijunja 2004 goda #1859-IV «O pravovyh osnovah grazhdanskoj zashhity» (utratil silu s 01.07.2013 g.) (http://base.
15. Kodeks grazhdanskoj zashhity Ukrainy ot 2 oktjabrja 2012 goda #5403-VI ( show_doc.fwx?rgn=56032).
16. Mezhgosudarstvennoe vzaimodejstvie stran SNG po problemam chrezvychajnyh situacij / Materialy gosudarstv-uchastnikov SNG v oblasti preduprezhdenija i likvidacii chrezvychajnyh situacij: Sbornik. – M.: FGU VNII GOChS (FC), 2005. – 535 s.
17. Proekt Koncepcii pojetapnoj integracii RSChS i sistemy grazhdanskoj oborony v Rossijskuju sistemu grazhdanskoj zashhity. –M.: Sbornik materialov CSI GZ. – 1999 g. –#13.
18. Reshenie Prezidiuma Mezhgosudarstvennogo jekonomicheskogo Komiteta Jekonomicheskogo sojuza Sodruzhestva Nezavisimyh Gosudarstv ot 22 marta 1996 g. «O Polozhenii o Mezhgosudarstvennoj sisteme preduprezhdenija i likvidacii chrezvychajnyh situacij gosudarstv-uchastnikov Sodruzhestva Nezavisimyh Gosudarstv i Reestre formirovanij, vydeljaemyh ot gosudarstv –uchastnikov Sodruzhestva Nezavisimyh Gosudarstv v sostav korpusa sil Sodruzhestva Nezavisimyh Gosudarstv dlja likvidacii posledstvij chrezvychajnyh situacij prirodnogo i tehnogennogo haraktera» ( basic/text0010.htm).
19. Reshenie Soveta glav pravitel'stv gosudarstv –uchastnikov Sodruzhestva Nezavisimyh Gosudarstv ot 24 sentjabrja 1993 g. «Ob utverzhdenii Polozhenija o Mezhgosudarstvennom sovete po chrezvychajnym situacijam prirodnogo i tehnogennogo haraktera» (http://pravo. htm).
20. Reshenie Soveta glav pravitel'stv Sodruzhestva Nezavisimyh Gosudarstv ot 9 dekabrja 1994 g. «O Korpuse sil Sodruzhestva Nezavisimyh Gosudarstv dlja likvidacii posledstvij chrezvychajnyh situacij prirodnogo i tehnogennogo haraktera» (http://pravo.
21. Sovremennaja strategija grazhdanskoj zashhity / Pod. obshh. red. V.A. Puchkova; MChS Rossii. –M.: CSI MChS Rossii, 2008. –260 s.
22. Soglashenie Soveta glav pravitel'stv gosudarstv –uchastnikov Sodruzhestva Nezavisimyh Gosudarstv ot 22 janvarja 1993 g. «O vzaimodejstvii v oblasti preduprezhdenija i likvidacii posledstvij chrezvychajnyh situacij prirodnogo i tehnogennogo haraktera» ( megd4308.htm).
23. Federal'nyj zakon Rossijskoj Federacii ot 12 fevralja 1998 goda #28-FZ «O grazhdanskoj oborone» ( doc. fwx? rgn=1553).
International scientific and practical law journal
Included in the VAK Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation list