Interview with M.N. Kopylov, Doctor of Law, Professor of the department of international law of the PFUR law faculty, head of the «Jurisprudence» course of the PFUR Institute of International Programs
An interview with the Dean of the Faculty of International law of the Diplomatic Academy of Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, doctor of law Alexey Alexandrovich Moiseev and the Head of the Department of trade law and legal support of foreign economic activities of the Diplomatic Academy of Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, candidate of legal sciences Anait Sergeyevna Smbatyan
Kazachkova Z.M., Pervishov E.A.
Customs Union in the framework of Eurasian Economic Community: challenges and perspectives
Pishchulin V.I.
Implementation features of the economic rights of citizens in the course of Eurasian integration
Ispolinov A.S.
An imposed monologue: the first preliminary ruling of the Court of the Eurasian Economic Community
Smbatyan A.S.
The concept of «specificity» of the Customs Union legal order in the EurAsEc Court judgment on mill rolls
Tolstykh V.L.
Recent judgments of the EurAsEc Court: an attempt to doctrinal analysis
Beglova O.A., Belov S.A., Kartsov A.S., Mishalchenko Yu.V.
Migration processes in legal context: review of research approaches
Sokolova N.A.
Non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and rule of law
Magomedov M.
Can the OECD initiative on automatic tax information exchange be turned to reality?
Zaytseva T.A.
The private security enterprises and international law. The real help in struggle against a piracy or favorable business?
Dzhantaev Kh.M.
The place and role of non-typical international law subjects in the globalizing world
Dyussyupova А.D.
On the land stakes and some aspects of consideration of the landed disputes in Russia and Kazakhstan
Podkopaev S.V.
Bodies of the public prosecutors’ community: Ukrainian experience of formation
Muradov A.A.
The organization and operation of the judicial panel on criminal cases of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Tajikistan
Melnik O.G.
The subjective composition of legal relations in the sphere of judiciary realization (on example of the Ukrainian legislation)
Bevzenko V.M.
Basic institutes of current administrative justice of Ukraine
Bayteeva M.V.
Law and structuralism
Treskov A.P.
Ideas on the structure of civil society in Russia
Semaszko A.G.
Orthodox Church in the relation system of State and Society in the Russian Empire of the first half of XIX century
Dolakova M.I.
Legislation as a source for studying the history of the financial policy of the Russian Empire
Alyohina E.L.
Features of the legal regulation of the Russian state activities in the economic sphere (second half of the хiх century)
Boychenko L.V.
Relationships of Soviet State and creative intelligentsia before 1930
Sattarov E.I., Sharipov I.I.
Information provision of the cooperation between the government power and public associations in achieving interethnic harmony
Tonkov E.N.
Judicial interpretation in England and Russia
Grabovets A.S.
The concept and characteristics of the corporation
Lukyanenko V.E., Gorshkov S.M.
Russia's legislation on insurance of agricultural crops and animals
Baranov A.А.
Information law as a branch of law
Hiltunov N.N.
Differentiation between a criminal violation of labour safety rules and other crimes
Kryukov A.Sh.
Review of the international conference on International humanitarian law (ihl ) «Martens readings»
Savchuk K.A., Melnichuk E.I.
Review of the monograph by V.I. Akulenko «Theory and practice of international law of cultural property protection» (К.: Yustynian, 2013. – 608 p.)
Smirnova E.S.
Review of the monograph by Yu. S. Romashev «The struggle with the piracy and the military robbery at sea (the legislative basis and the practice)» (М.: TRANSLIT, 2013. – 332 P)
Information for authors
About the author
Interview with M.N. Kopylov, Doctor of Law, Professor of the department of international law of the PFUR law faculty, head of the «Jurisprudence» course of the PFUR Institute of International Programs
An interview with the Dean of the Faculty of International law of the Diplomatic Academy of Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, doctor of law Alexey Alexandrovich Moiseev and the Head of the Department of trade law and legal support of foreign economic activities of the Diplomatic Academy of Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, candidate of legal sciences Anait Sergeyevna Smbatyan
Kazachkova Z.M., Pervishov E.A.
Customs Union in the framework of Eurasian Economic Community: challenges and perspectives
Pishchulin V.I.
Implementation features of the economic rights of citizens in the course of Eurasian integration
Ispolinov A.S.
An imposed monologue: the first preliminary ruling of the Court of the Eurasian Economic Community
Smbatyan A.S.
The concept of «specificity» of the Customs Union legal order in the EurAsEc Court judgment on mill rolls
Tolstykh V.L.
Recent judgments of the EurAsEc Court: an attempt to doctrinal analysis
Beglova O.A., Belov S.A., Kartsov A.S., Mishalchenko Yu.V.
Migration processes in legal context: review of research approaches
Sokolova N.A.
Non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and rule of law
Magomedov M.
Can the OECD initiative on automatic tax information exchange be turned to reality?
Zaytseva T.A.
The private security enterprises and international law. The real help in struggle against a piracy or favorable business?
Dzhantaev Kh.M.
The place and role of non-typical international law subjects in the globalizing world
Dyussyupova А.D.
On the land stakes and some aspects of consideration of the landed disputes in Russia and Kazakhstan
Podkopaev S.V.
Bodies of the public prosecutors’ community: Ukrainian experience of formation
Muradov A.A.
The organization and operation of the judicial panel on criminal cases of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Tajikistan
Melnik O.G.
The subjective composition of legal relations in the sphere of judiciary realization (on example of the Ukrainian legislation)
Bevzenko V.M.
Basic institutes of current administrative justice of Ukraine
Bayteeva M.V.
Law and structuralism
Treskov A.P.
Ideas on the structure of civil society in Russia
Semaszko A.G.
Orthodox Church in the relation system of State and Society in the Russian Empire of the first half of XIX century
Dolakova M.I.
Legislation as a source for studying the history of the financial policy of the Russian Empire
Alyohina E.L.
Features of the legal regulation of the Russian state activities in the economic sphere (second half of the хiх century)
Boychenko L.V.
Relationships of Soviet State and creative intelligentsia before 1930
Sattarov E.I., Sharipov I.I.
Information provision of the cooperation between the government power and public associations in achieving interethnic harmony
Tonkov E.N.
Judicial interpretation in England and Russia
Grabovets A.S.
The concept and characteristics of the corporation
Lukyanenko V.E., Gorshkov S.M.
Russia's legislation on insurance of agricultural crops and animals
Baranov A.А.
Information law as a branch of law
Hiltunov N.N.
Differentiation between a criminal violation of labour safety rules and other crimes
Kryukov A.Sh.
Review of the international conference on International humanitarian law (ihl ) «Martens readings»
Savchuk K.A., Melnichuk E.I.
Review of the monograph by V.I. Akulenko «Theory and practice of international law of cultural property protection» (К.: Yustynian, 2013. – 608 p.)
Smirnova E.S.
Review of the monograph by Yu. S. Romashev «The struggle with the piracy and the military robbery at sea (the legislative basis and the practice)» (М.: TRANSLIT, 2013. – 332 P)
Information for authors
About the author
Kazachkova Z.M., Pervishov E.A.
Customs Union in the framework of Eurasian Economic Community: challenges and perspectives
The article deals with important issues of development of Customs Union; the ways of legal regulation of integration, the instruments of harmonization of interests.
The article deals with important issues of development of Customs Union; the ways of legal regulation of integration, the instruments of harmonization of interests.
Keywords: customs union, sources of law, national and supranational regulation, taxes, investment environment.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bakaeva O.Ju. Tamozhennyj sojuz Rossii, Belorussii i Kazahstana: jetapy stanovlenija i organizacionno-pravovye osnovy// V sb.Tamozhennyj Sojuz Rossii, Belarusi i Kazahstana: problemy stanovlenija i perspektivy razvitija. Mezhdunarodnaja nauchno-prakticheskaja konferencija 26 maja 2011 goda.– S.5-14.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bakaeva O.Ju. Tamozhennyj sojuz Rossii, Belorussii i Kazahstana: jetapy stanovlenija i organizacionno-pravovye osnovy// V sb.Tamozhennyj Sojuz Rossii, Belarusi i Kazahstana: problemy stanovlenija i perspektivy razvitija. Mezhdunarodnaja nauchno-prakticheskaja konferencija 26 maja 2011 goda.– S.5-14.
2. Baliev A. Import s dushkom //Rossijskaja biznes-gazeta. –06.08.2013.
3. Kozyrin A.N. K voprosu o sootnoshenii nadnacional'nogo i nacional'nogo regulirovanija v Tamozhennom sojuze v ramkah EvrA-zJeS. V knige: Pravovye voprosy Evrazijskogo Tamozhennogo sojuza. Serija Germanskaja juridicheskaja literatura: sovremennyj podhod. Kniga 3. Sostavitel' i izdatel' serii professor Vil'frid Bermann.
15-ja konferencija po vneshnejekonomicheskomu pravu. – Mjunster, 2010. 4. Kozyrin A.N. Reshenija Evrazijskoj Jekonomicheskoj Komissii v sisteme istochnikov finansovogo prava //V sb.: Aktual'nye problemy administrativnogo, finansovogo i informacionnogo prava. Materialy Vserossijskoj konferencii. – Stavropol': Paragraf, 2013. – S.143.
5. Polujanova T. Bez granic poka ne poluchaetsja //Rossijskaja biznes-gazeta. – #798.
6. Putin V.V. Novyj integracionnyj proekt dlja Evrazii – budushhee, kotoroe rozhdaetsja segodnja //Izvestija. – 3 oktjabrja 2011 g.
7. Syryh V.M. SNG: v dal'nij put' na dolgie goda // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. –2011. – #6 (37).
Pishchulin V.I.
Implementation features of the economic rights of citizens in the course of Eurasian integration
The article highlights the role of the economic rights in modern world. The issue of the influence
The article highlights the role of the economic rights in modern world. The issue of the influence
of the Eurasian economic integration on implementation of the rights of the individual is analyzed.
Keywords: Eurasian integration, human rights, economic rights.
Ispolinov A.S.
An imposed monologue: the first preliminary ruling of the Court of the Eurasian Economic Community
This article provides a detailed analysis of the first preliminary ruling rendered by the Court of
the Eurasian Economic Community as regards its necessity and underlying reasoning, as well as
consequences which the ruling is likely to cause. Basing on the analysis of jurisprudence of other international courts the author examines justification of the viewpoints reflected in the ruling and those of the judges who rendered dissenting opinions.
Key words: Court of the EurAsEC, preliminary ruling, judgment, dissenting opinion, ECJ, ECtHR.
Work bibliographic list
1. Busch M., Pelc K. The Politics of Judicial Economy at the World Trade Organization // International Organization. – Vol. 64. – Spring 2010.
Work bibliographic list
1. Busch M., Pelc K. The Politics of Judicial Economy at the World Trade Organization // International Organization. – Vol. 64. – Spring 2010.
2. Helfer L., Alter K. The Andean Tribunal of Justice and Its Interlocutors: Understanding the Preliminary Ruling Reference Patterns in the Andean Community // NewYork University Journal of International law and policy. – 2009. – Vol. 42.
3. Mancini F. The making of a constitution for Europe // C.M.L.Rev. – 1989. – Vol. 26.
4. Nyikos S.A. The Preliminary Reference Process: National Court Implementation, Changing Opportunity Structures and Litigant Desistment // European Union Politics. – 2003. – # 4.
5. Palombino F. Judicial Economy and Limitation of the Scope of the Decision in International Adjudication // Leiden Journal of International Law. – 2010. – Vol. 23. – # 4.
6. Weiler J.H.H. Transformation of Europe // Yale Law Journal. – 1991. – Vol. 100.
Smbatyan A.S.
The concept of «specificity» of the Customs Union legal order in the EurAsEc Court judgment on mill rolls
On June 23, 2013 the EurAsEC Court delivered a judgment on compliance of the Customs Union Commission’s decision on imposition of antidumping duties on steel mill rolls of Ukrainian origin with the provisions of the international treaties signed within the context of the Customs Union and the World Trade Organization. This was the first case in the history of the Court admitted for hearing upon an application by a foreign company. In the text of the judgment the Court made a number of controversial statements which may have far reaching consequences within the context of the evolution of the Customs Union legal order, its correlation with the WTO regulation and establishment of the scope of obligations of the Russian Federation within the WTO.
On June 23, 2013 the EurAsEC Court delivered a judgment on compliance of the Customs Union Commission’s decision on imposition of antidumping duties on steel mill rolls of Ukrainian origin with the provisions of the international treaties signed within the context of the Customs Union and the World Trade Organization. This was the first case in the history of the Court admitted for hearing upon an application by a foreign company. In the text of the judgment the Court made a number of controversial statements which may have far reaching consequences within the context of the evolution of the Customs Union legal order, its correlation with the WTO regulation and establishment of the scope of obligations of the Russian Federation within the WTO.
Keywords: Court, EurAsEC, Customs Union, legal order, antidumping duty, lex specialis, systemic integration, WTO.
Work bibliographic list
1. Davletbaev M., Petrov A. Mozhet li pravo byt' suverennym //Vedomosti. – 2013. – 3 ijulja. – # 116 (3378).
Work bibliographic list
1. Davletbaev M., Petrov A. Mozhet li pravo byt' suverennym //Vedomosti. – 2013. – 3 ijulja. – # 116 (3378).
2. Doklad Komissii mezhdunarodnogo prava, Pjat'desjat sed'maja sessija (2 maja – 3 ijunja i 11 ijulja – 5 avgusta 2005 goda). General'naja Assambleja. Oficial'nye otchety. Shestidesjataja sessija. Dopolnenie # 10 (A/60/10).
3. Doklad rabochej gruppy po prisoedineniju Rossijskoj Federacii ko Vsemirnoj Torgovoj Organizacii. WT/ACC/ RUS/70, WT/MIN(11)/2. 16 nojabrja 2011 goda.
4. Ispolinov A.S. Pervye reshenija suda EvrAzJes: teoreticheskie i prakticheskie voprosy jurisdikcii // Rossijskoe pravosudie. –2013. – # 6 (86).
5. Ispolinov A.S. Reshenie Bol'shoj kollegii suda EvrAzJes po delu juzhnogo Kuzbassa: naskol'ko obosnovan sudejskij aktivizm? //Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. – 2013. – # 5 (60).
6. Smbatjan A.S. Pervoe reshenie Suda Evrazijskogo Jekonomicheskogo Soobshhestva – v kopilku avtoriteta // Pravo i politika. – 2012.– # 12 (156).
7. Smbatjan A.S. Reshenija organov mezhdunarodnogo pravosudija v sisteme mezhdunarodnogo publichnogo prava. – M.: Statut, 2012.
Tolstykh V.L.
Recent judgments of the EurAsEc Court: an attempt to doctrinal analysis
The author reviews and comments on some of the judgments of the EurAsEC Court. The author
The author reviews and comments on some of the judgments of the EurAsEC Court. The author
compares the Court's findings with those of other international courts and establishes some general trends in the development of the Court practice, including the focus on other international courts, judicial activism, etc.
Keywords: international law, international court, international court judgment, integration, international organization, the EurAsEC Court, EurAsEC law, WTO law.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ispolinov A.S. Reshenie bol'shoj kollegii suda EvrAzJeS po delu juzhnogo Kuzbassa: naskol'ko obosnovan sudejskij aktivizm? //Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. – 2013. – # 5. – S. 19–26.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ispolinov A.S. Reshenie bol'shoj kollegii suda EvrAzJeS po delu juzhnogo Kuzbassa: naskol'ko obosnovan sudejskij aktivizm? //Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. – 2013. – # 5. – S. 19–26.
2. Douglas-Scott S. Constitutional Law of the European Union. –Pearson Education, 2002.
Beglova O.A., Belov S.A., Kartsov A.S., Mishalchenko Yu.V.
Migration processes in legal context: review of research approaches
International migration is characterized as a global process that involves the majority of the world. One way to streamline the migration along with the national regulation is the international legal regulation, carried out both at the universal and regional levels. The article analyzes the causes and consequences of migration in the context of regulatory migration. The authors explore the problems of counteraction to illegal migration and propose to develop detailed provisions concerning the legal status of migrant workers in labor relations.
International migration is characterized as a global process that involves the majority of the world. One way to streamline the migration along with the national regulation is the international legal regulation, carried out both at the universal and regional levels. The article analyzes the causes and consequences of migration in the context of regulatory migration. The authors explore the problems of counteraction to illegal migration and propose to develop detailed provisions concerning the legal status of migrant workers in labor relations.
Keywords: international migration, the national regulation, the international legal regulation, counteraction to illegal migration, the legal status of migrant workers in labor relations.
Sokolova N.A.
Non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and rule of law
The article deals with the issues of the ban of production and application of weapons of mass destruction within the framework of rule of law. Special consideration is given to the problems of nonproliferation of nuclear weapons and perspectives of the framing of the treaty on prohibition of these weapons. The main provisions of the resolutions of the General Assembly of the UNO and materials of the review conferences (2000, 2005 and 2010) of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons are analyzed and summarized also.
The article deals with the issues of the ban of production and application of weapons of mass destruction within the framework of rule of law. Special consideration is given to the problems of nonproliferation of nuclear weapons and perspectives of the framing of the treaty on prohibition of these weapons. The main provisions of the resolutions of the General Assembly of the UNO and materials of the review conferences (2000, 2005 and 2010) of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons are analyzed and summarized also.
Keywords: weapons of mass destruction, disarmament, non-proliferation, interna-tional security, rule of law.
Work bibliographic list
1. Gospodstvo prava i pravosudie perehodnogo perioda v konfliktnyh i postkonfliktnyh obshhestvah. Doklad General'nogo sekretarja (S/2004/616) 2004 g. – URL: N04/395/31/PDF/N0439531.pdf?OpenElement
Work bibliographic list
1. Gospodstvo prava i pravosudie perehodnogo perioda v konfliktnyh i postkonfliktnyh obshhestvah. Doklad General'nogo sekretarja (S/2004/616) 2004 g. – URL: N04/395/31/PDF/N0439531.pdf?OpenElement
2. Deklaracija tysjacheletija Organizacii Ob"edinennyh Nacij. Prinjata rezoljuciej 55/2 General'noj Assamblei ot 8 sent. 2000 g. P. 9. – URL:
3. Doklad Pervogo komiteta na 67 sessii General'noj Assamblei OON. 19 nojab. 2012 g.
4. Zasedanie General'noj Assamblei vysokogo urovnja po jadernomu razoruzheniju (A/RES/67/39) ot 3 dek. 2102 g.
5. Konvencija o zapreshhenii primenenija jadernogo oruzhija (A/RES/67/64) ot 3 dek. 2012 g.
6. Konsul'tativnoe zakljuchenie Mezhdunarodnogo suda otnositel'no zakonnosti ugrozy jadernym oruzhiem ili ego primenenija ot 08 ijulja 1996 g. P. 73.
7. Koncepcija vneshnej politiki Rossijskoj Federacii ot 12 fev. 2013 g. – URL:
8. Malinin S. A. Koncepcija vseob"emljushhej sistemy mezhdunarodnoj bezopasnosti i mezhdunarodnoe pravo // Pravovedenie. – 1987. – # 4.
9. Meroprijatija v razvitie konsul'tativnogo zakljuchenija Mezhdunarodnogo Suda otnositel'no zakonnosti ugrozy jadernym oruzhiem ili ego primenenija (A/RES/67/33) ot 3 dekabrja 2012 g.
10. Mery po nedopushheniju priobretenija terroristami oruzhija massovogo unichtozhenija (A/RES/67/44) ot 3 dekabrja 2012 g.
11. Obzornaja konferencija 2000 g. Storon Dogovora o nerasprostranenii jadernogo oruzhija. Zakljuchitel'nyj dokument. – URL:
12. Osushhestvlenie Konvencii o zapreshhenii razrabotki, proizvodstva, nakoplenija i primenenija himicheskogo oruzhija i o ego unichtozhenii (A/RES/67/54) ot 3 dekabrja 2012 g.
13. Rezoljucija 1887 (2009), prinjataja Sovetom Bezopasnosti na ego 6191-m zasedanii 24 sentjabrja 2009 g.
14. Rezoljucija 1 General'noj Assamblei OON «Uchrezhdenie Komissii dlja rassmotrenija problem, voznikshih v svjazi s otkrytiem atomnoj jenergii» ot 24 janvarja 1946 g.
15. Rezoljucija 1540 (2004), prinjataja Sovetom Bezopasnosti na ego 4956-m zasedanii 28 aprelja 2004 g.
16. Suvorova V.Ja. Rol' obmena informaciej v obespechenii realizacii norm mezhdunarodnogo prava // Problemy realizacii norm mezhdunarodnogo prava: Mezhvuz. cb. nauch. tr. / Otv. red. G.V. Ignatenko. – Sverdlovsk, 1989.
17. Address to the East-West Institute: «The United Nations and Security in a Nuclear-Weapon-Free world» by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, New York (USA), 24 October 2008 – URL:
18. Dhanapala J. International Law, Security, and Weapons of Mass Destruction – URL:
19. Draft articles on Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts, with commentaries, 2001 // Yearbook of the International Law Commission. – 2001. – Vol. II. – P. Two.
Magomedov M.
Can the OECD initiative on automatic tax information exchange be turned to reality?
At Moscow meeting in July, 2013, G20 backed the OECD initiative on automatic exchange of
At Moscow meeting in July, 2013, G20 backed the OECD initiative on automatic exchange of
tax information among States as a new international standard. Nevertheless, there are a bundle of
obstacles on the way of the initiative: e.g. lack of overlapping of state interests, necessity to conclude a new international treaty, technical problems, and the issue of so-called «non-democratic states».
Key words: tax information exchange, OECD, bank secrecy, G20, international tax planning.
Work bibliographic list
1. Starbucks platit v Shvejcarii nalog s 0 frankov pribyli, 17.07.2013; < >;
Work bibliographic list
1. Starbucks platit v Shvejcarii nalog s 0 frankov pribyli, 17.07.2013; < >;
2. V nalogovom spore so Shvejcariej ES vyigral bitvu, no proigral vojnu, 8.08.2013; < >;
3. Shvejcarskij parlament postavil krest na «Lex USA», 11.07.2013; <>.
Zaytseva T.A.
The private security enterprises and international law. The real help in struggle against a piracy or favorable business?
This article deals with the features of the attraction of private security enterprises in order to prevent of attacks by pirates and other preventive methods of protection, the attitude the politicians and experts to the practice of private security enterprises usage.
This article deals with the features of the attraction of private security enterprises in order to prevent of attacks by pirates and other preventive methods of protection, the attitude the politicians and experts to the practice of private security enterprises usage.
Keywords: a piracy, the private security enterprise, preventive methods of protection, non-lethal weapon, armed guards, ship escort.
Dzhantaev Kh.M.
The place and role of non-typical international law subjects in the globalizing world
In this article the author, on the basis of a number of international legal acts, works of domestic
In this article the author, on the basis of a number of international legal acts, works of domestic
and foreign researchers and practice of the international organizations comes to a valid conclusion that non-governmental organizations, federal subjects, the indigenous small peoples and individuals in certain conditions act as legally competent subjects of the international public law. Their international legal capacity and contractual capacity is recognized by the states and helps strengthening the international law and order.
Keywords: international law, subjects of international law, non-governmental organizations, United Nations, specialized institutions of the UN, human rights, individuals.
Work bibliographic list
1. Abashidze A.H., Ursin D.A. Nepravitel'stvennye organizacii: mezhdunarodno-pravovye aspekty: Ucheb. posobie. – M.: Izd-voRUDN, 2002.
Work bibliographic list
1. Abashidze A.H., Ursin D.A. Nepravitel'stvennye organizacii: mezhdunarodno-pravovye aspekty: Ucheb. posobie. – M.: Izd-voRUDN, 2002.
2. Anna K. Obshhaja sud'ba – novaja reshimost'. – N'ju-Jork, OON, 2000.
3. Annan K. My narody: rol' OON v XXI veke. – N'ju-Jork, 2000.
4. Butros Butros Gali. Godovoj doklad o rabote Organizacii Ob"edinennyh Nacij, posvjashhennyj 50-j godovshhine OON. – N'ju-Jork, 1996.
5. Vitcum Vol'fgang Graf. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo = Völkerrecht.M., 2011.
6. Krjazhnov V.A. Korennye malochislennye narody Severa v rossijskom prave / V.A. Krjazhnov. – M.: NOrma, 2010.
7. Fedorov V.N. Organizacija Ob"edinennyh Nacij, drugie mezhdunarodnye organizacii i ih rol' v XXI veke. – M.: Logos, 2007.
8. Garner M. Ransnational alignment of non-governmental organizations for global environmental action // Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law. – 1991. – # 23(5).
9. Mezzalama F., Schumm S. Working with NGOs: Operational Activities of the United Nations Sistem with Non-Governmental Organizations and Governments at the Grassroots and National Levels // Geneva: Joint Inxpection Unit, 1993, document Jiu/REP/93/1.
10. Mozler N. Die Erveiterung des kreises der Völkerrechtss ubjekte, Zaö RV22 (1962)1.ff.
11. Simma B. The Charter of the United Nations. A Commentary. Oxford University Press. – Oxford, 1995.
12. Spiro P. New global communities // Washington Quarterly. – 1995.
# 18 (1).
13. Verdross K., Simma B. Universelles Völkerrecht.3. Aufl., 1984.
Dyussyupova А.D.
On the land stakes and some aspects of consideration of the landed disputes in Russia and Kazakhstan
In the article are analyzed some problems of consideration of the land disputes in the modern
terms of market on the example of judicial practice. The comparative analysis of the land stakes is made on the basis of legislation of Russian Federation, and conditional land stakes on the legislation of Republic of Kazakhstan.
Keywords: government control, agriculture, landed spores, judicial practice, earth, market, landed stake, conditional landed stake, land and agrarian legislation.
Podkopaev S.V.
Bodies of the public prosecutors’ community: Ukrainian experience of formation
The article analyzes fundamentally new provisions of the draft law of Ukraine «On the public prosecutor’s office» regarding formation of bodies of prosecutorial self-governance and qualification and disciplinary commissions of public prosecutors.
The article analyzes fundamentally new provisions of the draft law of Ukraine «On the public prosecutor’s office» regarding formation of bodies of prosecutorial self-governance and qualification and disciplinary commissions of public prosecutors.
Keywords: prosecutor’s office, guarantees for independence of the prosecutors, bodies of prosecutorial self-governance, qualification and disciplinary commissions.
Work bibliographic list
1. Lei n.º 47/86, de 15 de Outubro estatuto do Ministério Rúblico. URL:
Work bibliographic list
1. Lei n.º 47/86, de 15 de Outubro estatuto do Ministério Rúblico. URL:
2. Ordonnance n° 58-1270 du 22 décembre 1958 portant loi organique relative au statut de la magistrature. URL:
3. Ustawa z dnia 20 czerwca 1985 r. o prokuraturze. URL:
4. Zakon Respubliki Moldova # 294 ot 25 dekabrja 2008 goda «O prokurature» URL:
5. Zakon Ukrainy «O sudoustrojstve i statuse sudej» ot 7 ijulja 2010 goda # 2453-VI. URL:
6. Konstitucija Ukrainy // Verhovnaja Rada Ukrainy. Oficial'nyj veb-portal. URL:
7. Proekt Zakona Ukrainy «O prokurature» // Zakon і bіznes.URL:
8. Pshonka A. V. Disciplinarnaja otvetstvennost' prokurorov:Avtoref. Dis. ... kand. jurid. nauk: 12.00.10 / Nacіonal'na juridichna akademіja Ukraїni іm. Jaroslava Mudrogo. – Harkіv, 2006. – S. 6, 13.
9. Rol' prokuratury v sisteme ugolovnogo pravosudija: rekomendacija Komiteta Ministrov Soveta Evropy R (2000) 19 // Sovet Evropy. URL:
10. Rukovodjashhie principy, kasajushhiesja roli lic, osushhestvljajushhih sudebnoe presledovanie. Prinjaty vos'mym Kongressom OON po preduprezhdeniju prestupnosti i obrashheniju s pravonarushiteljami (Gavana, Kuba, 27 avgusta – 7 sentjabrja 1990 goda). URL:
11. Standarty professional'noj otvetstvennosti, osnovnye objazannosti i prava prokurorov, prinjaty Mezhdunarodnoj Associaciej Prokurorov 23 aprelja 1999 goda // Mezhdunarodnaja Associacija Prokurorov. URL:
12. Tolochko A., Podkopaev S. Usovershenstvovanie pravovogo regulirovanija disciplinarnoj otvetstvennosti prokurorov // Vіsnik prokuraturi. – 2006. – # 2.
Muradov A.A.
The organization and operation of the judicial panel on criminal cases of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Tajikistan
The article describes the organization and operation of the judicial panel on criminal cases of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Tajikistan, its powers with the use of the analysis of statistical figures on its activities during 1991–2012. Some problems in its organization and procedural powers are identified and ways of their solution are offered.
The article describes the organization and operation of the judicial panel on criminal cases of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Tajikistan, its powers with the use of the analysis of statistical figures on its activities during 1991–2012. Some problems in its organization and procedural powers are identified and ways of their solution are offered.
Keywords: Supreme Court, judicial panel on criminal cases of the Supreme Court, powers, activities, first instance, the court of cassation, reviewing authority, statistics.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ahbori Madzhlisi Oli Respubliki Tadzhikistan, Ugolovnyj kodeks RT. – Dushanbe,1998.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ahbori Madzhlisi Oli Respubliki Tadzhikistan, Ugolovnyj kodeks RT. – Dushanbe,1998.
2. Ahbori Madzhlisi Oli Respubliki Tadzhikistan v redakcii # 7 Zakon Respubliki Tadzhikistan «O priostanovlenii primenenija smertnoj kazni» ot 15 ijulja 2004 g. za # 45
3. Gusev L.N. Podsudnost' ugolovnyh del. – M., 1955.
4. Ljubavin A.A. Podsudnost' v sovetskom ugolovnom processe: Avtoref. diss. … kand. jurid. nauk. – M.,1958.
5. Radutnaja N.V. Obvinitel'nyj uklon i ego projavlenie v sudebnyh stadijah ugolovnogo sudoproizvodstva // Preduprezhdenie sudebnyh oshibok, obuslovlennyh obvinitel'nym uklonom v dejatel'nosti sudov pervoj i kassacionnoj instancii. – M., 1989.
6. Terehova L.A. Sistema peresmotra sudebnyh aktov v mehanizme sudebnoj zashhity. – M.: VoltersKluver, 2007.
Melnik O.G.
The subjective composition of legal relations in the sphere of judiciary realization (on example of the Ukrainian legislation)
The problem of the subjective composition of legal relations in the sphere of judiciary realization
The problem of the subjective composition of legal relations in the sphere of judiciary realization
is considered in the article. On the basis of the scientific works and provisions of current legislation of Ukraine the author has outlined not only the specific subject composition of aforementioned legal relations, but has proposed their classification as well.
Keywords: legal relations, subjects of legal relations, judiciary realization, legal relations subjects classification.
Work bibliographic list
1. Gurvich M.A. Lekcii po sovetskomu grazhdanskomu processu. –M., 1950. – 199 s.
Work bibliographic list
1. Gurvich M.A. Lekcii po sovetskomu grazhdanskomu processu. –M., 1950. – 199 s.
2. Evstifeeva T.I. Grazhdanskie processual'nye pravootnoshenija. – Saratov : SGSJeU, 2002. – 116 s.
3. Zavadskaja L.N. Realizacija sudebnyh reshenij. Teoreticheskie aspekty. – M. : Nauka, 1982. – 141 s.
4. Zejder N.B. Grazhdanskie processual'nye pravootnoshenija. –Saratov : Izd-vo Sarat. un-ta., 1965. – 74 s.
5. Il'inskaja I.M., Lesnickaja L.F. Sudebnoe predstavitel'stvo v grazhdanskom processe. – M. : Juridicheskaja literatura, 1964. – 163 s.
6. Kozlov A.F. Sub"ekty sovetskogo grazhdanskogo processual'nogo prava po Osnovam grazhdanskogo sudoproizvodstva i novym GPK sojuznyh respublik // Sovetskoe gosudarstvo i pravo. – 1965. - # 6. – S. 100–106.
7. Kozlov A.F. Sud pervoj instancii kak sub"ekt sovetskogo processual'nogo prava. – Tomsk : Izd-vo Tomskogo un-ta, 1983. – 165 s.
8. Luk'janova E.G. Teorija processual'nogo prava. – M. : Norma, 2003. – 243 s.
9. Mickevich A.V. Sub"ekty sovetskogo prava. – M. : Gosjurizdat, 1962. – 213 s.
10. Paskar A.L. Sub’єkti civіl'nih procesual'nih pravovіdnosin za novim civіl'nim procesual'nim kodeksom Ukraїni // Materіali Vseukraїns'koї naukovo – praktichnoї konferencії [«Suchasnij socіokul'turnij prostіr 2004»], (Kiїv, 20 – 25 grudnja 2004 r.) – K., 2004. – S. 76 – 80.
11. Paskar A.L. Sub’єkti civіl'nih procesual'nih pravovіdnosin:ponjattja ta vidi // Naukovij vіsnik Chernіvec'kogo unіversitetu : [zbіrnik nauk. prac'] ; [Pravoznavstvo]. – Vip. 282 – Chernіvcі : Ruta, 2005. – S. 54 – 58.
12. Paskar A.L. Sud jak osnovnij sub’єkt civіl'nogo procesu //Ukraїns'ke pravosuddja : zdobutki ta perspektivi : materіali vseukr.nauk.-prakt. konf., (m. Chernіvcі, 16 travnja 2008 r.) – Chernіvcі: Ruta, 2008. – S. 288-291.
13. Postanova Plenumu Verhovnogo Sudu Ukraїni vіd 12 kvіtnja 1996 roku # 4. «Pro zastosuvannja zakonodavstva, shho zabezpechuє nezalezhnіst' suddіv» (zі zmіnami vnesenimi postanovoju vіd 3 grudnja 1997 r. # 12.)// Postanovi Plenumu Verhovnogo Sudu Ukraїni іz zagal'nih pitan' sudovoї dіjal'nostі ta v civіl'nih spravah / Verhovnij Sud Ukraїni; Za zag. red. V.T. Maljarenka. – K. : Jurіnkom Іnter, 2004. – C. 11-20.
14. Rahunov D.R. Uchastniki ugolovno-processual'noj dejatel'nosti po sovetskomu pravu. – M. : Gosjurizdat, 1961. – 277 s.
15. Fursa S.Ja. Civіl'nij procesual'nij kodeks Ukraїni : naukovo – praktichnij komentar : u 2 t. / Fursa S. Ja. , Fursa Є. І., Shherbak S. V. ; za zag. red. S. Ja. Fursi. – T. 1. – K. : Vidavec' Fursa S. Ja. : KNT, 2006. – 912 s.
16. Shheglov V.N. Grazhdanskoe processual'noe pravootnoshenie. – M. : Juridicheskaja literatura, 1966. – 168 s.
17. Shheglov V.N. Sub"ekty sudebnogo grazhdanskogo processa. Tomsk : Izd-vo Tom. un-ta, 1979. – 72 s.
18. Gospodars'kij procesual'nij kodeks Ukraїni vіd 06.11.1991 r. // Vіdomostі Verhovnoї Radi Ukraїni. – Ofіc. vid. – 1992. – # 6. – St. 56.
19. Konstitucіja Ukraїni vіd 28.06.1996 r. // Vіdomostі Verhovnoї Radi Ukraїni. – Ofіc. vid. – 1996. – # 30. – St. 141.
20. Pro Konstitucіjnij sud Ukraїni: Zakon Ukraїni vіd 16.10.1996 r. (zі zm. і dop.) // Vіdomostі Verhovnoї Radi Ukraїni. – Ofіc. vid. – 1996. – # 49. – St. 272.
21. Civіl'nij procesual'nij kodeks Ukraїni vіd 18.03.2004 r. // Vіdomostі Verhovnoї Radi Ukraїni. – Ofіc. vid. – 2004. – # 40–42. – St. 492.
22. Kodeks admіnіstrativnogo sudochinstva Ukraїni vіd 06.07.2005 r. // Vіdomostі Verhovnoї Radi Ukraїni. – Ofіc. vid. – 2005. – # 35–37. – St. 446.
23. Pro sudoustrіj і status suddіv: Zakon Ukraїni vіd 07.07.2010 r. (zі zm. і dop.) // Vіdomostі Verhovnoї Radi Ukraїni. – Ofіc. vid. – 2010. – # 41–45. – St. 529.
24. Krimіnal'nij procesual'nij kodeks Ukraїni vіd 13.04.2012 r. // Vіdomostі Verhovnoї Radi Ukraїni. – Ofіc. vid. – 2013. – # 9–10. – St. 88.
Bevzenko V.M.
Basic institutes of current administrative justice of Ukraine
An analysis of current administrative justice of Ukraine is presented in the article. The institutes of administrative justice of Ukraine are considered in the context of national administrative, administrative procedural law. Attention is paid to such basic categories of administrative justice as powerful authority subjects (actors), administrative procedure, participants of the administrative procedure, administrative jurisdiction, suability.
An analysis of current administrative justice of Ukraine is presented in the article. The institutes of administrative justice of Ukraine are considered in the context of national administrative, administrative procedural law. Attention is paid to such basic categories of administrative justice as powerful authority subjects (actors), administrative procedure, participants of the administrative procedure, administrative jurisdiction, suability.
Keywords: administrative justice of Ukraine, institute, powerful authority subjects (actors), administrative procedure, administrative claim, judgment, the Code of the administrative procedure of Ukraine.
Work bibliographic list
1. Case of Kress v. France: Judgment of European Court of Human Rights. − Strasbourg, 7 June 2001{"languageisocode":["ENG"],"appno":["39594/98"],"documentcollectionid2":["GRANDCHAMBER"],"itemid":["001-59511"]}.
Work bibliographic list
1. Case of Kress v. France: Judgment of European Court of Human Rights. − Strasbourg, 7 June 2001{"languageisocode":["ENG"],"appno":["39594/98"],"documentcollectionid2":["GRANDCHAMBER"],"itemid":["001-59511"]}.
2. Osnovi admіnіstrativnogo sudochinstva ta admіnіstrativnogo prava / Navch. posіbnik / Za zag. redakcієju Kujbіdi R.O., Shishkіna V.І.– K.: Starij svіt, 2006. – 576 s.
3. Іstorіja ukraїns'koї Konstitucії / uporjad. A.G. Sljusarenko, M.V. T omenko; Ukraїns'ka pravnicha fundacіja. - K.: Pravo, 1997. – 464 s.
4. Kodeks admіnіstrativnogo sudochinstva Ukraїni vіd 6 lipnja 2005 roku # 2747-IV // Vіdomostі Verhovnoї Radi Ukraїni. − 2005. −# 35-36, # 37. − St. 446.
5. Konstitucіja Ukraїni vіd 28 chervnja 1996 roku // Vіdomostі Verhovnoї Radi Ukraїni. − 1996. − # 30. − St. 141.
6. Pro sudoustrіj і status suddіv: Zakon Ukraїni vіd 7 lipnja 2010 roku # 2453-VI // Vіdomostі Verhovnoї Radi Ukraїni. − 2010. − # 41-42, # 43, # 44-45. − St. 529.
7. Pro Vishhu radu justicії: Zakon Ukraїni vіd 15 sіchnja 1998 roku # 22/98-VR // Vіdomostі Verhovnoї Radi. − 1998. − # 25. − St. 146.
8. Ofіcіjnij vіsnik Ukraїni. – 2002. − # 40. − St. 29.
9. Urjadovij kur’єr vіd 24 nojabrja 2004 goda. − # 224.
10. Admіnіstrativne pravo Ukraїni: Akademіchnij kurs: Pіdruch.: U dvoh tomah: Tom 1. − Zagal'na chastina / Red. kolegіja: V.B. Aver’janov (golova) ta іn. − K.: TOV «Vidavnictvo «Juridichna dumka», 2007. − 592 s.; Mikolenko A.I. Administrativnyj process i administrativnaja otvetstvennost' v Ukraine: Uchebnoe posobie / Mikolenko A.I. – Har'-
kov: OOO «Odissej», 2007. – 360 s; Salishheva N.G. Administrativnyj process v SSSR / Salishheva N.G. − M.: Jurid. lit., 1964. – 158 c.
11. Problemy nauki grazhdanskogo processual'nogo prava / V.V. Komarov, V.A. Bigun, V.V. Barankova; Pod red. prof. V.V. Komarova. – Har'kov, 2002. – S. 194.
Bayteeva M.V.
Law and structuralism
The article covers problems of understanding of law from the position of structuralism. It discusses characteristics of poststructuralism and approach of P. Ricoeur, which invites to pool structuralism, phenomenology and hermeneutics resources for newly-designed methodological framework of legal texts understanding.
Keywords: structuralism and law, language and law, semantic of law, meaning and significance of text, approach of Paul Ricoeur to understanding.
Work bibliographic list
1. Burd'e P. Prakticheskij smysl. – M.: Izdatel'stvo «Aleteja»; SPb.: «Institut jeksperimental'noj sociologii», 2001.
Work bibliographic list
1. Burd'e P. Prakticheskij smysl. – M.: Izdatel'stvo «Aleteja»; SPb.: «Institut jeksperimental'noj sociologii», 2001.
2. Gadamer H.-G. Istina i metod: Osnovy filos. germenevtiki: Per. s nem. / Obshh. red. i vstup. st. B. N. Bessonova. – M.: Progress, 1988.
3. Gadzhiev G.A. Ontologija prava. – M.: Norma- Infra M, 2013.
4. Grjazin I.N. Pravo kak mif // Izvestija VUZov.: Pravovedenie. 2011. – # 5.
5. Kant I. Kritika chistogo razuma. – M., 2006.
6. Korkunov N.M. Lekcii po obshhej teorii prava. – SPBu: Juridicheskij centr Press, 2003.
7. Maksimov S.I. Pravovaja real'nost': opyt filosofskogo osmyslenija. – Har'kov, 2002.
8. Merlo-Ponti M. Oko i duh. – M., 1992.
9. Riker P. Konflikt interpretacij. Ocherki o germenevtike.– M., 2002.
10. Shhirova I. A., Goncharova E. A. Mnogomernost' teksta: ponimanie i interpretacija: Uchebnoe posobie. – SPb.: OOO «Knizhnyj Dom», 2007.
11. Slovar' filosofskih terminov. – M: Infora-M, 2004.
12. Cicero. De re publica. Von Gemeinseinwesen / hrg. K. Buechner-Stuttgart, 1995.
13. Binder J. Rechtsbegriff und Rechtsidee. Bemerkung zur Rechtsphilosophie Rudolf Stammler. – Leipzig, 1915.
14. Heineccius J. G. Elementa juris civilis // in: H. Coing. Der Rechtsbegriff der menschlichen Person und die Theorien der Menschenrechte. – Berlin-Tuebingen, 1950.
15. Hintze O. Das Das Beamtenstand. Soziologie und Geschichte. Bd II. – Goettingen, 1964.
16. Koch H.-J. Ueber juristisch-dogmatisches Argumentation im Staatsrecht. In: Koch H.-J. (Hrsg.) Seminar: Die juristische Methode im Staatsrecht. – Frankfurt am Main, 1977.
17. Kelsen H. Reine Rechtslehre. Mit einem Anhang: Das Problem der Gerechtigkeit. 2. Aufl. – Wien, 1960.
18. Klatt M. Theorie der Wortlautgrenze. Semantische Normativitaet in der juristischen Argumentation. – Baden-Baden, 2004.
19. Reflection and Imagination. A Ricoeur Reader, hrsg. Von Mario J. Valdés, – New York, 1991.
20. Ricoeur P. Der Text als Modell: hermeneutisches Verstehen /Seminar: Die Hermeneutik und die Wissenschaft / hrsg. H.-G. Gadamer, G.Boehm. –Frankfurt/M., 1978.
21. Ricoeur P. Interpretation Theory: Discourse and the Surplus of Meaning. – Fort Worth, 1976.
22. Ricoeur P. Hermeneutik und Strukturalismus. Konflikt der Interpretation I. – Muenchen, 1973.
23. Riedel M. Metaphysik und Metapolitik. Studien zu Aristoteles und zur politische Sprache der neuzeitlichen Philosophie. – Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 1975.
24. Prammer F. Die philosophische Hermenuetik Paul Ricoeur in ihrer Bedeutung fuer eine theologische Sprachtheorie. – Insbruck-Wien, 1988.
25. Ruessmann H. Sprache und Recht. Sprachtheoretische Bemerkung zum Gesetzbindungspostulat. In: Zimmermann J. (Hrsg.). Sprache und Welterfahrung. – Muenchen, 1978.
26. Stammler R. Theorie der Rechtswissenschaft. – Halle, 1911.
Treskov A.P.
Ideas on the structure of civil society in Russia
The article is devoted to the analysis of rather complicated internal structure of civil society. The
The article is devoted to the analysis of rather complicated internal structure of civil society. The
various components of this structure are also studied. Public formations and institutions are called to realize needs of every civil society’s members. Internal structure, diversity, the moving forces and trends of civil society’s development are also shown. The article is also concerned with the question of the autonomy and self-organization of civil society, as well as personality in the system of relations between civil society and the state. The positions of different authors on this subject are also compared.
Keywords: civil society, jural state, structure, autonomy, law, theory and history of state and law, political science.
Semaszko A.G.
Orthodox Church in the relation system of State and Society in the Russian Empire of the first half of XIX century
The article describes the most important aspects of church-state relations in the Russian Empire.
The place of Russian Orthodox Church in the machinery of government of the autocratic monarchy. Special attention is paid to the legal status of the Church.
Keywords: government, church, clergy, society, law.
Work bibliographic list
1. Aleksij, shiigumen. Vospominanija starca – osnovatelja. – Pg.,1915.
Work bibliographic list
1. Aleksij, shiigumen. Vospominanija starca – osnovatelja. – Pg.,1915.
2. Zyrjanov P.N. Russkie monastyri i monashestvo v XIX v. // Vestnik RGNF. – M., 1997.
3. Klochkov V.V. Zakon i religija. – M., 1982.
4. Dorskaja A.A. Cerkovnoe pravo Rossijskoj imperii HH – nachala HH veka kak otrasl' prava // Istorija gosudarstva i prava. – 2009. – # 9.
5. Pashencev D.A. Rol' religii v formirovanii rossijskoj pravovoj tradicii // Pravovedenie. – 2010. – # 6.
6. Rogacheva L.I. Vzaimodejstvie gosudarstva i obshhestva v uslovijah evrazijskoj integracii // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal.– 2013. – # 2.
Dolakova M.I.
Legislation as a source for studying the history of the financial policy of the Russian Empire
The article discusses legislation as a historical source. Using specific examples, the role of the
The article discusses legislation as a historical source. Using specific examples, the role of the
legislative sources in the study of the history of public policy of the authorities of the Russian Empire in the financial sector is shown.
Keywords: legislation, historical source, financial policy, the Russian Empire.
Work bibliographic list
1. Dorskaja A.A. Razvitie sistemy prava Rossii: problemy periodizacii // Vestnik Moskovskogo gorodskogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta. Serija «Juridicheskie nauki». – 2011. – # 2.
Work bibliographic list
1. Dorskaja A.A. Razvitie sistemy prava Rossii: problemy periodizacii // Vestnik Moskovskogo gorodskogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta. Serija «Juridicheskie nauki». – 2011. – # 2.
2. Istorija gosudarstva i prava Rossii / Pod red. S.A. Chibirjaeva. – M.: Bylina, 1998.
3. Istochnikovedenie: Teorija. Istorija. Metod. Istochniki rossijskoj istorii: Ucheb. posobie. – M.: RGGU, 1998.
4. Kochakov B.M. Russkij zakonodatel'nyj dokument HIH–HH vekov // Vspomogatel'nye istoricheskie discipliny. Sbornik statej.– M.-L., 1937.
5. Pashencev D.A. Osobennosti pravovogo regulirovanija denezhnogo obrashhenija v Rossijskoj imperii vtoroj poloviny HH – nachala HH veka // Istorija gosudarstva i prava. – 2009. – # 7.
6. Pashencev D.A. Osobennosti sistemy istochnikov prava Rossijskoj imperii // Istorija gosudarstva i prava. – 2009. – # 19.
7. Rogacheva L.I. Vzaimodejstvie gosudarstva i obshhestva v uslovijah evrazijskoj integracii // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal.– 2013. – # 2.
Alyohina E.L.
Features of the legal regulation of the Russian state activities in the economic sphere (second half of the хiх century)
The article describes the main areas of economic activity of the Russian state in the period of the empire. The role of law in the regulation of this activity is pointed out.
The article describes the main areas of economic activity of the Russian state in the period of the empire. The role of law in the regulation of this activity is pointed out.
Keywords: the state, the economy, legal rule, income, regalia, domains.
Work bibliographic list
1. Dolakova M.I. Osobennosti finansovoj politiki vo vtoroj polovine HIH veka // Pravo i zhizn'. – 2012. – # 165 (3).
Work bibliographic list
1. Dolakova M.I. Osobennosti finansovoj politiki vo vtoroj polovine HIH veka // Pravo i zhizn'. – 2012. – # 165 (3).
2. Dorskaja A.A. Razvitie sistemy prava Rossii: problemy periodizacii // Vestnik Moskovskogo gorodskogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta. Serija «Juridicheskie nauki». – 2011. – # 2.
3. Eroshkin N.I. Istorija gosudarstvennyh uchrezhdenij dorevoljucionnoj Rossii. – M.: Tretij Rim, 1997.
4. Komarov N.I., Pashencev D.A., Pashenceva S.V. Ocherki istorii prava Rossijskoj imperii (vtoraja polovina HIH – nachalo HH veka). – M.: Statut, 2006.
5. Pashencev D. A. Vlijanie recepcii na genezis pravovoj sistemy Rossii // Istorija gosudarstva i prava. – 2009. – # 7.
6. Rogacheva L.I. Vzaimodejstvie gosudarstva i obshhestva v uslovijah evrazijskoj integracii // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal.– 2013. – # 2.
7. Janzhul I.I. Osnovnye nachala finansovoj nauki. – M.: Statut, 2002.
Boychenko L.V.
Relationships of Soviet State and creative intelligentsia before 1930
The article discusses the features of the state's attitude toward the intelligentsia in the first stage
The article discusses the features of the state's attitude toward the intelligentsia in the first stage
of the Soviet regime. The reasons of repression against intellectuals, emphasizes the role of the intelligentsia in the development of public relations and democratic mechanisms.
Keywords: state, intellectuals, society, repression.
Work bibliographic list
1. Kazanin I.E. Zabytoe budushhee: Sovetskaja vlast' i rossijskaja intelligencija v pervoe posleoktjabr'skoe desjatiletie. – Volgograd, 2001.
Work bibliographic list
1. Kazanin I.E. Zabytoe budushhee: Sovetskaja vlast' i rossijskaja intelligencija v pervoe posleoktjabr'skoe desjatiletie. – Volgograd, 2001.
2. Pashencev D.A. Neskol'ko tezisov o pravah cheloveka // Vestnik Moskovskogo gorodskogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta. Serija «Juridicheskie nauki». – 2011. – # 1.
3. Rogacheva L.I. Vzaimodejstvie gosudarstva i obshhestva v uslovijah evrazijskoj integracii // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. – 2013. – # 2.
4. Rogacheva L.I. Sovremennye tendencii razvitija obshhestvennyh svjazej v rossijskom gosudarstve // Obrazovanie i pravo. – 2013. – # 8.
Sattarov E.I., Sharipov I.I.
Information provision of the cooperation between the government power and public associations in achieving interethnic harmony
The role of the state government and public associations in achieving an interethnic harmony is
The role of the state government and public associations in achieving an interethnic harmony is
being discussed in the article. A considerable importance is given to the cooperation between the
government and public associations. Acceptance of the State national policy strategy of the Russian Federation for the period till 2025 is emphasizing degree of the importance and strategical value of this problem.
Keywords: international harmony, information provision, the strategy of the state national policy of the Russian Federation.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bell D. Grjadushhee postindustrial'noe obshhestvo. Opyt social'nogo prognozirovanija. – M.: Academia, 1999. – C. 171.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bell D. Grjadushhee postindustrial'noe obshhestvo. Opyt social'nogo prognozirovanija. – M.: Academia, 1999. – C. 171.
2. Gabdrahmanova G.F., Musina R.N. 20 let reform v Tatarstane:dinamika mezhjetnicheskih otnoshenij i identchnostej / Stanovlenie novoj federativnoj Rossii: opyt konstitucionnogo zakonotvorchestva Respubliki Tatarstan: materialy Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. Kazan', 2-3 nojabrja 2012. – Kazan', Iz-vo «Fjen» AN RT, 2013. – S.288.
3. Gil'chenko L.V. Vystuplenie zamestitelja polnomochnogo predstavitelja Prezidenta Rossijskoj Federacii v Privolzhskom federal'nom okruge / Stanovlenie novoj federativnoj Rossii: opyt konstitucionnogo zakonotvorchestva Respubliki Tatarstan: materialy Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. Kazan', 2-3 nojabrja 2012. – Kazan', Izd-vo «Fjen» AN RT, 2013. – S.13.
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6. Informacionnaja bezopasnost' Rossii / Ju.S. Ufimcev, E.A. Erofeev i dr. – M.: Izdatel'stvo «Jekzamen», 2003. – 360 s.
7. Tavokin E.P. Sistemnye osnovy gosudarstvennoj informacionnoj politiki. Massovye informacionnye processy v sovremennoj Rossii: Ocherki / Otv. red. A.V. Shevchenko. M.: Izd-vo RAGS, 2002. – S. 42).
8. Tolerantnost' – osnova evrazijskoj mysli i praktiki. Interv'ju s pervym Prezidentom RT / Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. – #10. – 2010. – S.8.
Tonkov E.N.
Judicial interpretation in England and Russia
The article describes scientific and practical approaches that reflect the statutory interpretation
The article describes scientific and practical approaches that reflect the statutory interpretation
concepts in England and Russia, the author does the comparative analysis, actualizes the significance of the interpretation in statute application stage, reveals similar aspects and distinctions of approaches to judicial interpretation.
Keywords: statute, law, interpretation, construction, English statutory interpretation doctrine.
Grabovets A.S.
The concept and characteristics of the corporation
This article is devoted to the analysis of approaches to the understanding of the term «corporation» by Russian scientists and legal scholars. The main characteristics of corporation are defined. Author`s interest to the article caused by use of this concept in theory and practice, despite the absence of a legal definition in the Russian legislation.
This article is devoted to the analysis of approaches to the understanding of the term «corporation» by Russian scientists and legal scholars. The main characteristics of corporation are defined. Author`s interest to the article caused by use of this concept in theory and practice, despite the absence of a legal definition in the Russian legislation.
Keywords: corporation, joint-stock company, association, union, legal entity.
Work bibliographic list
1. Andreev Ju. Zashhita prav uchastnikov korporativnyh organizacij // Rossijskaja justicija. – 1997. – # 6.
Work bibliographic list
1. Andreev Ju. Zashhita prav uchastnikov korporativnyh organizacij // Rossijskaja justicija. – 1997. – # 6.
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Lukyanenko V.E., Gorshkov S.M.
Russia's legislation on insurance of agricultural crops and animals
The article gives the analysis of the normative grounds of the conclusion of contracts of insurance of animals and plants with state support and privately. Shown are the main subjects and objects of insurance relations for the insurance of plants and animals. Contents of the plan for agricultural insurance. Specific advantages and disadvantages of crop and animal insurance. Recommendations on improvement of the legislation on insurance of plants and animals.
The article gives the analysis of the normative grounds of the conclusion of contracts of insurance of animals and plants with state support and privately. Shown are the main subjects and objects of insurance relations for the insurance of plants and animals. Contents of the plan for agricultural insurance. Specific advantages and disadvantages of crop and animal insurance. Recommendations on improvement of the legislation on insurance of plants and animals.
Keywords: Rules of granting subsidies, standard (standard) rules and standard contracts of insurance, the objects of the insurance contract, insurance premiums and insurance claims.
Baranov A.А.
Information law as a branch of law
The article discusses the study of the general criteria for assignment to the branch of law, gives
The article discusses the study of the general criteria for assignment to the branch of law, gives
justification of the status of information law as an independent branch of law.
Keywords: information law, the branch of law, the principles, the institution, the terminology.
Work bibliographic list
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Work bibliographic list
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Hiltunov N.N.
Differentiation between a criminal violation of labour safety rules and other crimes
In this paper we consider the crime under the Art. 143 of the Criminal Code with the adjacent crime components. The results of the judicial practice generalization, common mistakes made in course of the classification of the offense are given.
In this paper we consider the crime under the Art. 143 of the Criminal Code with the adjacent crime components. The results of the judicial practice generalization, common mistakes made in course of the classification of the offense are given.
Keywords: violation of labour safety rules, labour safety, mining, construction, explosive objects, the offense qualification.
Work bibliographic list
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International scientific and practical law journal
Included in the VAK Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation list