Shtanski N. V.

Interview with Nina Shtanski, Deputy Chairperson of the Government of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic for International Cooperation, Foreign Minister

Azanov B. K.

The treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union: a comprehensive legal analysis (the final part)
Bayldinov E. T.
The treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union: one step forward and two steps backward
Vasilevich G. A., Vasilevich S. G.
Direct action acts Eurasian Economic Commission

Ghonjakulyan K. М.

Practical and theoretical suggestions to improve the activities of the governments of the Russian Federation and Armenia (the comparative legal analysis through the example of Russia and Armenia)
Rakhmatulayev A. A.
Criminal liability for commercial bribery according to legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Shumilov V. M.

On periodization of international law in the context of the civilization approach: Russia and West
Lazutin L. A.
Revisiting the notion of «confidence and security building measures»
Mustafayeva N. I.
Problems of the United Nations Security Council reformation
Filippov O. A.
Collective security as a system of maintaining international peace
Oskina I. Yu., Lupu A. A.
Relation of the international criminal and national law
Kabanov V. L.
Conceptual content of the principle of best interests of the child in the international law
Biarjomandi H.
Principles of space law the 21st century
Malichenko V. S.
International legal mechanisma ensuring security of medicines circulation

Kopylov M. N., Mensah C. M.

ECOWAS authority in the protection of the environment in the historical retrospective
Zakharova L. I.
Human rights and environmental protection: an interplay between the concepts, actual problems (part 2))

Amirov R. Z.

The issue of state security: conceptual-categorical apparatus and support entities
Gorbachev S. B.
On the role of the rule-of-law state as a social regulator

Beznosova J. V., Romanovskaya V. B.,
Romanovskaya L. R., Feduyshkina A. I.

Non-traditional religions in Russia and their role in interfaith dialogue (historical and legal aspects)
Lantseva V. Yu.
The legal regime of sea-going merchant ships in the Russian Empire
Savchenko I. V.
Sources of church law in the Russian Empire
Amirkhanov A. Z.
V. N. Tatishchev and his relationship with Ural private factory owners: legal contradictions

Derkho D. S.

Constitutional monitoring in mechanism of constitutional law-making
Safina S. B.
Constitutional regulation of competences of republics in the Russian Federation
Kondrashev A. A., Pikuleva I. V.
Legal regimes of a constitutional right to free legal aid: approaches to understanding and evaluation technique
Teplyakova O. A.
The constitutional right to free legal aid in the light of international law standards
Ivanova K. A.
Decentralization as a method of civil initiatives developing

Lukin M. M.

The legal status of central banks in the federal states on the example of the Russian Federation, the Republic of Austria and the Federal Republic of Germany
Khusainova M. V.
Current problems of judicial interpretation in law enforcement practice of courts in Russia and Germany

Morin A. V.

Improving the organization and implementation of business trips of employees of internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation
Nazarova N. L., Solovyeva S. V., Filipov V. V.
Interests deconfliction at civil service: mediative approach
Posulikhina N. S.
Medical ethics: the administrative and legal aspects

Rakishev K. Kh.

Object and target of criminal infringement of copyright and related rights on the Internet

Balaniuk L. L.

Electronic banknote payment system as a stage of development of national payment system

Babichev A. G.

Responsibility for murder under certain extenuating circumstances in the post-Soviet space

Kharitonov A. N.

Demand for equity in federal penal service activity

Grigoreva M. A.

Some specific features of teaching the discipline «Financial law» in English
Korotun A. V.
Trial pedagogical expertise of family law in criminal proceedings

Safronova L. V., Bulgakova L. F.

Christian personality pattern as an important guideline in the moral education of the individual
Minenko S. V.
Conversion to orthodoxy as a factor of imperial Russia’s integration in the 18th and 19th centuries
Ketsba B. I.
The influence of Christianity on the law of the Byzantine Empire

Gazizova L. I., Dautova A. R.

Role of the Russian state historical policy in setting a positive image of ethnic relations
Nazarov A. V.
Features of state youth policy in modern Russia
Skovikov A. K.
Political parties as actors of civil society philosophy and law

Bondarenko V. N.

The ontological limits of the law (problem statement)
Neganov F. V., Haziev Z. A.
Education and values: the axiological and legal aspects
Bondarenko A. C., Lukiyanov M. Yu.
Evolution of anti-corruption legislation in Russia (socio-philosophical analysis)

Shuvanov S. A.

Review of the conference «BRICS: the place and role in a changing world», (Moscow, October 21, 2014)
Korbut L. V.
Review of the 57th annual meeting of the Russian international law association (June 25–27, 2014)


Azanov B. K.
The treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union: a comprehensive legal analysis (the final part)
Scientific work is the final article of a series of studies on the integrated legally adequate research and scientific analysis of EEU Treaty. The author has developed and recommended the new scientific propositions. The author considers it necessary to proceed from the principles of higher legal force and direct effect of the EEU Treaty.
According to the results of the final research the author developed the definition of the term «Union State». It is proved that the currency, foreign trade and macroeconomic policies are the prerogative of sovereign states, in the context of foreign policy only the state (rather than integration association or international organization) legislatively establishes certain rules of foreign trade, which are subject to both residents (exporters and importers) and related non-resident partners, thereby EEU is identified not only as a confederation, but also as a union state. It is clarified that EEU can be described as the Union State and a loose federation, where the participants retain the political independence and sovereign immunity. Also it is found that the Eurasian Economic Union has state immunity, economic sovereignty, which, no doubt, defines the EEU as the Union State. It is said that objective a social society of Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus needed official transition to a political union, according to the author, the people of these countries have lived and still live
in the economic union — CIS, EurAsEC, Customs Union and the Common Economic Space and deeply in need of political and civil union. EAEC as a union state like the internationally recognize d state is registered in the United Nations.
Noting the negative dynamics of the development of the project «The Union State of Belarus-Russia (SG)» analyzing the sharp criticism of Russian and Belarusian government officials, and not being sure of the potential of this association, the author, however, considers important for Kazakhstan to apply for participation in the Union State of Belarus and Russia, to work more closely with Russia and Belarus. In some books the author also presented reasonable arguments about the ineffectiveness of the SG compared with EAEC. Russian political circles, understanding the role and contribution of Kazakhstan and its national leader in the development of the Eurasian union and developing local yummy SG — RF/RB, seem to push aside and restrict the republic from a close relationship with Russia and Belarus.
Keywords: social and civil society EAEC, the Eurasian Economic Union, the Union State, Principles of higher legal force and direct effect of the Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union, is «political guile» political union refreshed union republics «Union of Sovereign States», a chaotic collapse of a single federal state, politica l field of the Eurasian Economic Union.
Work bibliographic list
1. Dogovor o Evrazijskom jekonomicheskom sojuze, g. Astana ot 29.05. 14 g.
2. Dogovor o sozdanii Sojuznogo gosudarstva ot 08.12.1999 g., Moskva.
3. Soglashenie mezhdu Pravitel'stvom Respubliki Belarus', Pravitel'stvom Respubliki Kazahstan i Pravitel'stvom Rossijskoj Federacii ot 24.11.1998 «O vzaimnom predostavlenii grazhdanam Respubliki Belarus', Respubliki Kazahstan i Rossijskoj Federacii ravnyh prav v poluchenii skoroj i neotlozhnoj medicinskoj pomoshhi».
4. Soglashenie Pravitel'stv gosudarstv — uchastnikov stran SNG ot 27.03.1997 «Ob okazanii medicinskoj pomoshhi grazhdanam gosudarstv — uchastnikov Sodruzhestva Nezavisimyh Gosudarstv».
5. Dogovor o pravovom statuse grazhdan odnogo gosudarstva, postojanno prozhivajushhih na territorii drugogo gosudarstva (prinjat resheniem Mezhgosudarstvennogo Soveta Respubliki Belarus', Respubliki Kazahstan i Rossijskoj Federacii ot 28.04.1998, Moskva).
6. Dogovor mezhdu Rossijskoj Federaciej i Respublikoj Kazahstan o pravovom statuse grazhdan RF, postojanno prozhivajushhih na territorii Respubliki Kazahstan, i grazhdan Respubliki Kazahstan, postojanno prozhivajushhih na territorii Rossijskoj Federacii (Moskva, 20 janvarja 1995 g.).
7. Soglashenie mezhdu Pravitel'stvom RF i Pravitel'stvom Respubliki Belarus' ot 24.01.2006 «O porjadke okazanija medicinskoj pomoshhi grazhdanam Rossijskoj Federacii v uchrezhdenijah zdravoohranenija Respubliki Belarus' i grazhdanam Respubliki Belarus' v uchrezhdenijah zdravoohranenija Rossijskoj Federacii».
8. Petition calls for German language boost (angl.), Euractiv (11 April 2008). «The three procedural languages of the EU are English, French and German».
9. Farkhutdinov I. International Law and Russian Law concerning Nationalization of Foreign Investments // Mark Boguslawskij, Alexander Trunk (Hrsg). Pravovoe regulirovanie polozhenija inostrannyh investicij v stranah s perehodnoj jekonomikoj. Na nem., angl.,
russk. jazykah. Osteuropaforschung. Schriftenreiheder Deutschen Geselschaftfur Osteuropakunde. — Band 47. BWW. — Berliner. Wissenschafts-Verlag.
10. Aleksandr Lukashenko o Sojuznom Gosudarstve. STV [Jelektronnyj resurs] . — Rezhim dostupa:
11. Dmitrij Medvedev nazval uroven' integracii mezhdu Rossiej i Belarus'ju orientirom dlja EAJeS [Jelektronnyj resurs] . — Rezhim dostupa:
12. Informacionno-analiticheskij portal Sojuznogo gosudarstva [Jelektronnyj resurs] . — Rezhim dostupa:
13. Lukashenko: «My ne poshli na referendum i ne sozdali glavnoj osnovy nashego Sojuznogo gosudarstva» [Jelektronnyj resurs] . — Rezhim dostupa:
14. Medvedev zadumalsja o sovmeshhenii Sojuznogo gosudarstva i Evrazijskogo sojuza [Jelektronnyj resurs] . — Rezhim dostupa:
15. Lukashenko: «Rossija sama «poherila» Sojuznyj dogovor» [Jelektronnyj resurs] . — Rezhim dostupa:
16. Sojuznoe gosudarstvo: itogi i perspektivy [Jelektronnyj resurs] . — Rezhim dostupa:
17. Farhutdinov I. Z. Mezhdunarodnoe investicionnoe pravo i process. — M., Prospekt, 2013.
18. Farhutdinov I. Z. Jekonomicheskij suverenitet gosudarstva v uslovijah globalizacii // Pravo i bezopasnost'. —2008. — # 3.
19. Farhutdinov I. Z. EvrAzJeC… Da zdravstvuet EAJeS! Evrazijskij jekonomicheskij sojuz nachinaet dejstvovat' v 2015 godu // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. — 2014. — # 9 (76).

Bayldinov E. T.
The treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union: one step forward and two steps backward
The article is dedicated to the analysis of the Treaty on Eurasian Economic Union concluded
on May 29, 2014 in Astana (Kazakhstan). The author argues that the new legal model of Eurasian
integration formed according to the Treaty is not appropriate and would not promote a formation of an effective integration union.
Keywords: Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union, Supreme Eurasian Economic Council, Eurasian Inter-Government Council, Eurasian Economic Commission, Regulation on Eurasian Economic Commission, Commission Council, Commission Board, Court of the Union, Court of the Eurasian Economic Community.
Work bibliographic list
1. Dogovor o Evrazijskom jekonomicheskom sojuze [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa: ru
2. Dogovor o Evrazijskom jekonomicheskom sojuze (proekt) [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa: ru
3. Polozhenie o Evrazijskoj jekonomicheskoj komissii (Prilozhenie # 1 k Dogovoru o Evrazijskom jekonomicheskom sojuze) [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim ru
4. Statut Suda Evrazijskogo jekonomicheskogo sojuza (Prilozhenie # 2 k Dogovoru o Evrazijskom jekonomicheskom sojuze) [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim ru
5. Statut Suda EvrAzJeS [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa:
6. Akulov D. M. Evrazijskaja jekonomicheskaja integracija v ramkah SNG (mezhdunarodno-pravovye aspekty) //Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. — 2012. — # 5.
7. Bajl'dinov E. T. Evrazijskaja integracija: problemy i orientiry razvitija // Obshhestvo i jekonomika. — 2011. — # 4–5.
8. Pravo Evropejskogo Sojuza / Pod red. S. Ju. Kashkina. — M.: Jurajt, 2010.
9. Jaryshev S. N. Edinoe jekonomicheskoe prostranstvo v sisteme mezhdunarodnogo jekonomicheskogo prava. — M., 2010.

Vasilevich G. A., Vasilevich S. G.
Direct action acts Eurasian Economic Commission
This article discusses the relation of acts of national legislation and acts of interstate formations, in particular, the Eurasian Economic Commission. Makes proposals for legislative support direct
application at the national level acts of this Commission.
Keywords: inter-state organizations, the Eurasian Economic Commission, acts of interstate formations.
Work bibliographic list

1. Nacional'nyj reestr pravovyh aktov Respubliki Belarus'. 05.01.1999. # 1. 1/0.
2. Nacional'nyj reestr pravovyh aktov Respubliki Belarus'. 21.01.2000. # 7. 2/136.
3. Nacional'nyj reestr pravovyh aktov Respubliki Belarus'. 2011. # 141. 2/1876.
4. Nacional'nyj pravovoj Internet-portal Respubliki Belarus'. 14.10.2014. 2/2191.
5. Vasilevich G. A. Proekty konstitucii Respubliki Belarus': poisk optimal'noj modeli (1990–1994 gg.)/ G. A. Vasilevich; Belorusskij gosudarstvennyj universitet. — Minsk: Pravo i jekonomika, 2014. — 308 s.
6. Vasilevich G. A. O realizacii reshenij i rekomendacij evrazijskoj jekonomicheskoj komissii na nacional'nom urovne. — Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal.2013. — # 9 (64) — S. 37–40.
7. Kashirkina A. A., Morozov A. N. Mezhdunarodno-pravovye modeli Evropejskogo Sojuza i Tamozhennogo sojuza: sravnitel'nyj analiz: monografija / otv. red A.Ja Kapustin. — M.: Institut zakonodatel'stva i sravnitel'nogo pravovedenija pri Pravitel'stve RF; juridicheskaja firma «Kontrakt», 2012.
8. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo i nacional'noe zakonodatel'stvo / Institut zakonodatel'stva i sravnitel'nogo pravovedenija pri Pravitel'stve Rossijskoj Federacii. — M.: Jeksmo, 2009.
9. Pravovoe prostranstvo i chelovek: monografija / (N. V. Vlasova, S. A. Gracheva, M. A. Meshherjakova i dr.:otv. red. Ju. A. Tihomirov, E. V. Puljaeva, N. I. Hludenova). — M.: Institut zakonodatel'stva i sravnitel'nogo pravovedenija pri Pravitel'stve Rossijskoj Federacii, ID «Jurisprudencija», 2012.
10. Pravovye problemy formirovanija mezhgosudarstvennyh ob"edinenij (na primere Zony svobodnoj torgovli I Tamozhennogo sojuza EvrAzJeS): monografija / otv. red. V. Ju. Luk'janova. — M.: Institut zakonodatel'stva i sravnitel'nogo pravovedenija pri Pravitel'stve Rossijskoj Federacii; Ankil, 2012.
11. Sravnitel'noe pravovedenie v uslovijah integracii gosudarstv: Materialy II Mezhdunarodnogo kongressa sravnitel'nogo pravovedenija (Moskva, 3 dekabrja 2012 goda) / Otv. red. Ju. A. Tihomirov, V. I. Lafitskij. — M.: Institut zakonodatel'stva i sravnitel'nogo pravovedenija pri Pravitel'stve Rossijskoj Federacii; Infra-M, 2013.

Ghonjakulyan K. М.
Practical and theoretical suggestions to improve the activities of the governments of the Russian Federation and Armenia (the comparative legal analysis through the example of Russia and Armenia)
In the article some institutional and functionality aspects of the government in the Russian Federation and Republic of Armenia were
analyzed. In this article author’s theoretical and practical suggestion for perfection functionality characteristic governments are offered.
Keywords: institutionalism, government, comparative legal analysis, problems, perfection.
Work bibliographic list

1. Arutjunjan A. R. Institucional'nye i funkcional'nye harakteristiki pravitel'stv Rossijskoj Federacii i Respubliki Armenija (sravnitel'no-pravovoe issledovanie): Avtoref. dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. — M.:RANHiGS, 2013.
2. Volkov A. M., Kondzhauljan K. M. O meste i roli administracii prezidentov Rossijskoj Federacii i Respubliki Armenija // Vestnik Evropejskoj akademii administrativnyh nauk. — 2012. — # 2.
3. Zakon Respubliki Armenija ot 3 aprelja 2002 g. # ZR- 13-N «O pravovyh aktah» (s izm. i dop. ot 15 janvarja 2012) // Vedomosti Respubliki Armenija. — 2012. — # 3 (669). — St. 50.
4. Kondzhakuljan K. M. Bicefal'naja sistema ispolnitel'noj vlasti: Sravnitel'no-pravovoe issledovanie //Zakon i pravo. — 2014. — # 4.
5. Kondzhakuljan K. M. Institut prezidentstva i ispolnitel'naja vlast': voprosy vzaimosvjazi i vzaimodejstvija (na primere Rossijskoj Federacii i Respubliki Armenija) // Zakon i pravo. — 2010. — # 1 (13).
6. Kondzhakuljan K. M. Ispolnitel'naja vlast' v Respublike Armenija (kollizii, probely i pravovye mehanizmy sovershenstvovanija) // Gosudarstvennaja vlast' i mestnoe samoupravlenie. — 2012. — # 1.
7. Kondzhakuljan K. M. Ispolnitel'naja vlast' i institut prezidentstva: voprosy sootnoshenija (administrativno-pravovoe issledovanie na primere Rossijskoj Federacii i Respubliki Armenija): Dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. — M., OPTM RAGS, 2010.
8. Kondzhakuljan K. M. Ispolnitel'naja vlast' i institut prezidentstva: voprosy sootnoshenija. M.: Jurlitinform, 2013.
9. Kondzhakuljan K. M. Kadrovye otnoshenija Prezidenta i dolzhnostnyh lic organov ispolnitel'noj vlasti v Rossijskoj Federacii i Respublike Armenija // Konstitucionnoe i municipal'noe pravo. —2012. — # 1.
10. Kondzhakuljan K. M. Nekotorye kadrovye polnomochija prezidentov Rossijskoj Federacii i Respubliki Armenija v mehanizme gosudarstvennoj vlasti // Konstitucionnoe i municipal'noe pravo. — 2011. — # 6.
11. Kondzhakuljan K. M. Polnomochija prezidentov Rossijskoj Federacii i Respubliki Armenija po naznacheniju predsedatelja pravitel'stva i prem'er-ministra (sravnitel'no-pravovoj analiz) // Trudy molodyh issledovatelej po sravnitel'nomu pravu. — 2010. — # 2 (7).
12. Kondzhakuljan K. M. Pravovye osnovy vlijanija na gosudarstvennoe upravlenie i edinonalichie vlasti v Rossijskoj Federacii i Respublike Armenija. Cennosti i interesy sovremennogo obshhestva Mezhdunarodnaja nauchno-prakticheskaja konferencija. — M.: MJeSI, 2014.
13. Kondzhakuljan K. M. Prezident v sisteme i strukture organov ispolnitel'noj vlasti i (sravnitel'no-pravovoj analiz na primere Rossii i Armenii) // Konstitucionnoe i municipal'noe pravo. — 2010. — # 5.
14. Kondzhakuljan K. M. Sushhnost' instituta prezidentstva v Rossijskoj Federacii i Respublike Armenija v kontekste ispolnitel'noj vlasti // Konstitucionnoe i municipal'noe pravo. — 2010. — # 10,
15. Konstitucija Respubliki Armenija. Prinjata vsenarodnym golosovaniem 5 ijulja 1995 g. (s izm. i dop. ot 27 nojabrja 2005) // Vedomosti Respubliki Armenija. — 2005. —# 65 (437). — St. 1227.
16. Rozhdestvenskij N. Rassuzhdenija o merah pravitel'stva k sohraneniju zhizni i zdorov'ja naroda. — SPb.: Universitet, 1836.
17. Starilov Ju. N. Kurs obshhego administrativnogo prava. — M.: Norma, 2002.

Rakhmatulayev A. A.
Criminal liability for commercial bribery according to legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan
The article discusses the issue of criminal liability for commercial bribery under the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The author gives a comparative analysis of the criminal legislation of Kazakhstan and Russia on this issue.
Keywords: crime, criminal liability, commercial bribery, Model Penal Code of the CIS states,
prosecutors, regulatory decision of the Supreme Court.
Work bibliographic list

1. Informacionnyj bjulleten' Mezhparlamentskoj Assamblei gosudarstv — uchastnikov SNG. — 1996. —# 10. — Prilozhenie.
2. Borchashvili I. Sh., Rahmetov S. M. Problemy protivodejstvija korrupcii po ugolovnomu zakonodatel'stvu Respubliki Kazahstan: Monografija. — Almaty: TOO «Izdatel'stvo «Norma-K», 2012.
3. Volzhenkin B. V. Sluzhebnye prestuplenija. — M., 2000.
4. Zenkin A. Kommercheskij podkup: predely dokazyvanija // Zakonnost'. —2011. — # 9.
5. Kommentarij k Ugolovnomu kodeksu Respubliki Kazahstan, V dvuh knigah. Kniga 2 (stat'i 189–393). / Pod red. I. I. Rogova i S. M. Rahmetova. — Almaty: TOO «Izdatel'stvo «Norma-K», 2012.
6. Krasnousov S. D. Kommercheskij podkup kak forma korrupcii v chastnom sektore: ponjatie i protivodejstvie. Avtoref. diss. … kand. jurid. nauk. — Vladivostok, 2012.
7. Makarov S. D. Ugolovnaja otvetstvennost' za kommercheskij podkup: Avtoref. diss. … kand. jurid. nauk. —Irkutsk, 1999.
8. Model'nyj UK // Sm.: Lozovickaja G. P. Obshhij sravnitel'no-pravovoj kommentarij i sravnitel'nye tablicy ugolovnyh kodeksov gosudarstv — uchastnikov Sodruzhestva Nezavisimyh Gosudarstv (SNG): v 2 ch. Ch. 2. / pod red. P. G. Ponomareva. — Saratov: Izdatel'stvo Saratovskoj gosudarstvennoj akademii prava, 2002.
9. Monastyrskij Ju. Je. Osobennosti ponimanija termina «kommercheskij podkup» v prave Rossijskoj Federacii. Moskovskij zhurnal mezhdunarodnogo prava. — 2011. — # 1.
10. Oficial'nyj sajt Komiteta po pravovoj statistike i special'nym uchetam General'noj prokuratury Respubliki Kazahstan [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa: http://service.
11. Shalygina E. S. Kommercheskij podkup: ugolovno-pravovye i kriminologicheskie aspekty. Dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. — Cheljabinsk, 2010.

Shumilov V. M.
On periodization of international law in the context of the civilization approach: Russia and West
The author makes a brief view on the history of the international relations and international law in
connection with stages/periods of development of international law. The theory and philosophy of
civilization approach are used. On this basis the periodization of international law accepted by the Russian international legal doctrine is critically comprehended. The author exposes his subjective view on the role of the western civilization in the world order, and also on common part of international law as creation of the West.
Keywords: common part of international law, civilization approach, the western states, the West, international law, periodization of international law.
Work bibliographic list
1. Akimov M. Prestuplenija SShA. — M.: AST, 2013
2. Vladimirskij-Budanov M. F. Obzor istorii russkogo prava. — R-na-D., 1995.
3. Gugo Grocij. O prave vojny i mira. — M., 1994.
4. Diplomaticheskij slovar' / Pod red. A. A. Gromyko. — M., 1985.
5. Dugin A. G. Proekt «Evrazija». — M.: Jeksmo, Jauza, 2004.
6. Dugin A. G. «Teorija mnogopoljarnogo mira». — M.: Eraz.dvizhenie, 2013.
7. Zinov'ev A. A. Zapad. — M.: Ast, 2008.
8. Zinov'ev A. A. Russkaja tragedija. — M.: Algoritm, 2002.
9. Ivanjan Je. A. Jenciklopedija rossijsko-amerikanskih otnoshenij XVIII–XX veka. — M.: Mezhdunarodnye otnoshenija, 2001.
10. Kjonigsberger G. G. Srednevekovaja Evropa, 400–1500 gody / Per. s angl. — M.: Ves' mir, 2001.
11. Kozhevnikov F. I. Russkoe gosudarstvo i mezhdunarodnoe pravo (do HH veka) / Pod red. L. N. Shestakova. — M.:MGU, Zercalo, 2006.
12. Lukashuk I. I. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo. Obshhaja chast'. —M., 1996.
13. Martens F. F. Sovremennoe mezhdunarodnoe pravo civilizovannyh narodov. — T. 1. — M., 1996.
14. Martens F. F. Sovremennoe mezhdunarodnoe pravo civilizovannyh narodov: V 2-h tomah. — T. 2. / Pod red. V. A. Tomsinova. — M.: Zercalo, 2008.
15. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo / Pod red. L. A. Modzhorjan, N. T. Blatovoj. — M., 1970
16. Oppengejm L. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo: Per. s angl. — T. I, polutom I. — M., 1948.
17. Pechatnov V. O., Manykin A. S. Istorija vneshnej politiki SShA. — M.: Mezhdunarodnye otnoshenija, 2012.
18. Pravovye sistemy stran mira. Jenciklopedicheskij spravochnik / Pod red. A. Ja. Suhareva. — M., 2000.
19. Russkie / Otv. red. V. A. Aleksandrov, I. V. Vlasova, N. S. Polishhuk. — M.: Nauka, 2005.
20. Sidorov A. Ju., Klejmjonova N. E. Istorija mezhdunarodnyh otnoshenij. 1918–1939 gg.: Uchebnik. — M.: MGI-MO, Centrpoligraf, 2008.
21. Savickij P. N. «Kontinent Evrazija». — M.: Agraf, 1997.
22. Sadykova Je. L. Konceptual'nye voprosy modeli mezhcivilizacionnogo dialoga v sovremennyh mezhdunarodnyh otnoshenijah: Monografija. — M.: Orbita-M, 2012.
23. Semigin G. Ju. Rossijskie politiko-pravovye doktriny / Otv. red. N. M. Zolotuhina, I. A. Isaev. — M.:Mysl', 2005.
24. Sergeeva A. V. Russkie: stereotipy povedenija, tradicii, mental'nost' / 3-e izdanie. — M.: Flinta, Nauka, 2005.
25. Sistemnaja istorija mezhdunarodnyh otnoshenij. V 2-h t. / Pod red. A. D. Bogaturova. — M.: Kul'turnaja revoljucija, 2006–2007.
26. Sovremennye mezhdunarodnye otnoshenija i mirovaja politika: Uchebnik / Otv. red. A. V. Torkunov. — M.: MGIMO, Prosveshhenie, 2004.
27. SShA v 2000 godu / Otv. red. S. M. Rogov, M. G. Nosov. —M.: Nauka, 2001.
28. Usenko E. T. Ocherki teorii mezhdunarodnogo prava. —M.: Norma, 2008.
29. Cygankov P. A. Teorija mezhdunarodnyh otnoshenij: Ucheb. posobie. — M.: Gardariki, 2002.
30. Shafarevich I. R. Rusofobija. — M.: Agoritm, 2011.
31. Shumilov V. M. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo. — M., IMO, 2012.
32. Shumilov V. M. Mezhdunarodnoe jekonomicheskoe pravo. — M., Jurajt, 2014.
33. Shumilov V. M. Pravo VTO. — M., Jurajt, 2014.
34. Shumilov V. M. Mezhdunarodnoe finansovoe pravo. —M., IMO, 2012.
35. Shumilov V. M. Pravovedenie: uchebnik dlja bakalavrov. — 3-e izdanie. — M.: Jurajt, 2014.
36. Jakovec Ju. V. Istorija civilizacij. — 2-e izdanie. —M.: Vlados, 1997.

Lazutin L. A.
Revisiting the notion of «confidence and security building measures»
The article is devoted to the question of confidence and security building measures, entrenched in different treaties and CSCE-OSCE acts. The article also deals with measures, accepted by the Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia (CICMA) and gives legal
characteristics of these measures.
The author defines the term «confidence and security building measures’ and settles the place of this institute in the system of international law.
Keywords: confidence-building measures, international security, military activity, disarmament.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bor'ba SSSR za mir i razoruzhenie. — M.: Politizdat, 1982.
2. Shvecov V. L. Voennaja razrjadka i mery doverija. — M.,1984.
3. Hripunov I. A. Mery doverija: problemy i perspektivy // Diplomaticheskij vestnik. — 1984. — # 3.
4. Diplomaticheskij vestnik. — 2004. —# 11.
5. Diplomaticheskij slovar': v 3 t. — M.: Nauka, 1985. —T. 2.
6. Dok. OON A/36/44.
7. Dok. OON. A/36/474.
8. Dok. OON. Voprosy razoruzhenija. — 1989. — Vyp. 64.
9. Dokument Komissii po razoruzheniju. General'naja Assambleja. Oficial'nye otchety. 38-ja sessija. Dop. # 42 (A/38/42). — N. Y., 1983.
10. Kafka A. Rossija i osnovnye instituty bezopasnosti v Evrope: vstupaja v XX vek / Pod red. D. Trenina. —M.: Centr Karnegi, 2000.Kratkij politicheskij slovar'. 6-e izd., dop. / Sost. i obshh. red. L. A. Onakova, N. V. Shishkina. — M.: Politizdat, 1989.
11. Malinin S. A. Aktual'nye problemy mezhdunarodnoj bezopasnosti v svete reshenij XXVI s"ezda KPSS// Sovetskij ezhegodnik mezhdunarodnogo prava. —1981. — M.: Nauka, 1982.
12. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo: Uchebnik / Pod red. G. I. Tunkina. — M.: Jurid. lit., 1982.
13. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo: Uchebnik. — 2-e izd., pererab. i dop. / Otv. red. Ju. M. Kolosov, Je. S. Krivchikova. — M.: Mezhdunarodnye otnoshenija; Jurajt-Izdat, 2007.
14. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo: Uchebnik. — 2-e izd., pererab. i dop. / Otv. red. V. I. Kuznecov, B. R. Tuzmuhamedov. —M.: Norma, 2007.
15. Malinin S. A. Aktual'nye problemy mezhdunarodnoj bezopasnosti v svete reshenij XXVI s"ezda KPSS.
16. Petrovskij V. F. Ot imperii — k otkrytomu miru: o vneshnej politike Rossii perehodnogo perioda. —M.: Rossijskaja politicheskaja jenciklopedija (ROS-SPJeN), 2007.
17. Skakunov Je. I. Mezhdunarodno-pravovye garantii bezopasnosti gosudarstv. — M.: Mezhdunarodnye otnoshenija, 1983.
18. Shherbak I. N. Mezhdunarodnaja bezopasnost' i problemy doverija v voennoj oblasti. — M.: Znanie, 1987.
19. Avoiding War in the Nuclear Age: Confidence-Building Measures for Crisis Stability / Ed. by J. Borawski. — L., 1986.
20. Disarmament Negotiations and Treaties 1946–1971. Keesing’s Research report 7. N.Y., 1972.
21. George B. The Negotiations on Confidence — and Security-Building Measures: the Vienna Agreement and Beyond // NATO Review. — 1991. — # 1.
22. Holst J. J. Confidence — Building Measures: a Conceptual Framework // Survival. — 1983. January — February. — Vol. XXV. — # 1.
23. Larrabee S., Lynch A. CBMs and US-Soviet Relations. — N.Y., 1986.
24. Vienna Document 1999. Of the Negotiations On Confidence — and Security — Building Measures, adopted at the 269th Plenary Meeting the OSCE Forum for Security Cooperation in Istanbul on 16 November 1999 (FSC.JOUR/275)

Mustafayeva N. I.
Problems of the United Nations Security Council reformation
The issue of reforming the UNO, particularly the reform of the UN Security Council as the main body responsible for maintaining the peace and security is examined in this article. The possible models for the improvement of the Security Council’s activity, specifically the issue of expansion of the permanent membership, problems of working methods, the institute of right of veto, as well as the necessity of improving the sanctions mechanism of the UN Security Council are analyzed by the author in this article.
Keywords: UN Security Council, reforms, permanent members, non-permanent members, right of veto, sanctions.
Work bibliographic list
1. Fragile peace: state failure, violence, and development in crisis regions / Ed. by T. Debiel, A. Klein. — New York, 2002.
2. Zaemskij V. F. Komu nuzhna reforma OON: v interesah vseh i kazhdogo. — M., 2011.
3. Lukashuk I. I. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo. Osobennaja chast'. — M., 2005.
4. Makili-Aliev K., Mustafaeva N. Iniciativa Azerbajdzhanskoj Respubliki v Sovete Bezopasnosti OON// Pravo i Politologija. — 2013. — # 23.
5. Mustafaeva N. I. Sovet Bezopasnosti OON: «relikvija» ili politika dvojnyh standartov. Materialy VIII Konventa Rossijskoj associacii mezhdunarodnyh issledovanij (RAMI) na temu «Metamorfozy postkrizisnogo mira: novyj regionalizm i scenarii global'nogo upravlenija». — M.: MGIMO, 25–26 aprelja 2014 g

Filippov O. A.
Collective security as a system of maintaining international peace
The article is devoted to the factors that may cause damage to international peace and security.
Author evaluates the current system of maintaining international peace.
Keywords: international security, international security threat, aggression or direct threat of aggression, international terrorism.
Work bibliographic list

1. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo: Uchebnik /Otv. red. A. A. Kovalev, S. V. Chernichenko — 3-e izd., pererab. i dop. — M.: TK Velbi; Izd-vo «Prospekt», 2008.
2. Shumilov V. M. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo: Uchebnik. — M.: RG-Progress, 2013.

Oskina I. Yu., Lupu A. A.
Relation of the international criminal and national law
The question on relation of the international criminal and national law is rather new in the legal theory and practice. However, the problem of relation and interaction of the international criminal
and national (interstate) law represents one of the most important modern problems of jurisprudence having not only theoretical, but also practical value. So, for example, the prevailing part of fundamental rights and freedoms of the person at first had been fixed in international legal statutes, and with the lapse of time was embodied in the legislation of many countries.
Keywords: international criminal law, state sovereignty, international legal cooperation of the States, the fight against crime.

Kabanov V. L.
Conceptual content of the principle of best interests of the child in the international law
The article analyzes the development of the principle of the best interests of the child in international law. During the review of the provisions of international instruments of universal and regional character, it is concluded that the most complete embodiment of this principle is found in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and its Optional Protocols. An analysis of the provisions of these international instruments revealed the conceptual content of the principle of the best interests of the child, and describes the duties of the states in this area.
Keywords: human rights, international treaties for the protection of children's rights, the rights of vulnerable groups, the principle of the best interests of the child, the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child of 1989.
Work bibliographic list

1. Freeman M. Article 3: The Best Interests of the Child. A commentary on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. — Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2007.
2. Abashidze A. H. Dogovornye organy po pravam cheloveka v sisteme pravozashhitnyh mehanizmov Organizacii Ob"edinennyh Nacij: uchebno-metodicheskij kompleks. — M.: RUDN, 2012.
3. Deklaracija prav rebenka prinjata rezoljuciej 1386 (HIV) General'noj Assamblei OON ot 20 nojabrja 1959 goda [Jelektronnyj resurs] . — Rezhim dostupa:
4. Kabanov V. L. Otmena usynovlenija (udocherenija) detej i problemy ih interesov: social'no-gumanitarnye aspekty // Semejnoe i zhilishhnoe pravo. — 2012. — # 4.
5. Rasporjazhenie Pravitel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii ot 25 avgusta 2014 g. # 1618 r.
6. Ukaz Prezidenta RF ot 1 ijunja 2012 g. N 761 «O Nacional'noj strategii dejstvij v interesah detej na 2012–2017 gody».

Biarjomandi H.
Principles of space law the 21st century
Principles of international space law are enshrined in the Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and other celestial bodies, adopted on 19 December 1966, which entered into force on October 10th, 1967, generally are binding to all states. In addition, it should be noted that these principles have become customary international law for all subjects of the ISL. Undoubtedly, the violation of these principles in the twenty-first century is likely to endanger the maintenance of international peace and security.
Keywords: space, international space law, the Outer Space Treaty, the principles of the MCP.
Work bibliographic list

1. Chertok B. Kosmonavtika XXI veka. Popytka prognoza razvitija do 2101 goda. — M., 2010.
2. Valeev R. M., Kurdjukov G. I. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo. Osobennaja chast': Uchebnik dlja vuzov. — M.: Statut, 2010.
3. Ivanov D. V., Glikman O. V. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo: osnovnye ponjatija: shemy, tabl., dokumenty: ucheb. posobie. — M., 2010.
4. Francis Lyall and Paul B. Larsen. — Space law: a treatise, 2009.
5. Zhukov G. P. Mezhdunarodnoe kosmicheskoe pravo i vyzovy XXI stoletija // Kosmonavtika XXI veka. Popytka prognoza razvitija do 2101 goda. — M: RTSoft, 2010.
6. Shapovalova N. N. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo. — M.: Moskovskaja finansovo-promyshlennaja akademija, 2004.

Malichenko V. S.
International legal mechanisma ensuring security of medicines circulation
In the context of radically new demographic situation characterized by an increase in the elderly population and the spread of chronic non-communicable diseases there is an increased need for health services, including safe and effective medicines. Ensuring the safety of medicines has a direct impact on the reduction of the economic burden of the state from many diseases and reduces the cost and extra health care costs. Currently medicines regulation at the international level is very fragmented. Existing international legal mechanisms, in most cases based on «soft law» and cover only the separate stages of the circulation of medicines, which does not ensure a proper degree of control of safety, quality and efficacy of products sold in different regions of the world. Radical solutions of manifested problems require structural changes with the active collaboration of all participants of the pharmaceutical and related industries.
Keywords: human security, the right to health, medicines circulation, harmonization of international regulations
Work bibliographic list

1. Malichenko V. S. Obrashhenie lekarstvennyh sredstv —jelement strategii nacional'noj bezopasnosti SShA. Obozrevatel' # 7. — 2013. — C.80–91
2. Rago L. Drug regulation: History, Present and Future. Drug Benefits and Risks: International Textbook of Clinical Pharmacology, revised 2nd edition. Chapter 6. — 2008.
3. Seuba X. International Regulation of Pharmaceuticals: Codification by Means of Legal Transplantation. ICTSD Programme on Innovation, Technology and Intellectual Property. July 2014. P. 2–18
4. Pierre-Louis Lezotre. International cooperation, convergence, and harmonization of pharmaceutical relations. — USA: Elsevier, 2014 — P. 331.

Kopylov M. N., Mensah C. M.
ECOWAS authority in the protection of the environment in the historical retrospective
The article deals with the analyses of the provisions of the 1975 Lagos agreement and the 1993 Cotonou Agreement, which founded the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), in order to clarify environmental competence of this Organization as well as of its governing bodies. The conclusion that the ECOWAS environmental competence is direct and basic is made.
Keywords: ECOWAS, environmental competence, sustainable development, sustainable use, the
Addis Ababa Principles.
Work bibliographic list

1. Kopylov M. N. Mezhdunarodnye organizacii i ohrana okruzhajushhej sredy // Mezhdunarodnye organizacii / pod red. I. P. Blishhenko. — M.: Izd-vo RUDN, 1994.
2. Kopylov M. N. Jekologicheskaja kompetencija OON:vchera, segodnja, zavtra // Mezhdunarodnoe pravo — International Law. — 2005. — # 3 (23).
3. Musa A. Ukreplenie mira v Zapadnoj Afrike, SB OON, S/PV.6723 ot 27 fevralja 2012 g. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa: documents/ods.asp?m=S/PV.6723 (data obrashhenija: 01.09.2014).
4. Tunkin G. I. Teorija mezhdunarodnogo prava. — M.: Mezhdunar. otnoshenija, 1970.

Zakharova L. I.
Human rights and environmental protection: an interplay between the concepts, actual problems (part 2))
In Part 2 of the article the author focuses on the latest and the most logical in her opinion of the three approaches that gradually developed in search of an answer to the question of how the right to an ecologically sound environment should be laid down. Soft law documents adopted at the international level, the 1981 African Charter on human and people's rights, the 1988 San Salvador protocol to the American convention on human rights in the area of economic, social and cultural rights as well as a number of national constitutions establish the right of everyone to an ecologically sound environment in the form of a separate collective or individual right. The author also points out the main topical problems that remain: the absence of common standards in determining the scope of obligations corresponding to the right to an ecologically sound environment, the vulnerability of ecological migrants, placing the obligations in the ecological sphere exclusively on states and the insufficient participation of transnational corporations and individuals in the process of their implementation, the formation of new rights — the right to food and the right to water — the realization of which is impossible without ensuring decent quality of the environment.
Keywords: the right to an ecologically sound environment, the 1981 African Charter on human and people's rights, the African commission on human and people's rights, Ogoni people, the Inter-American commission on human rights, Maya indigenous community, principles of the 1992 Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, sustainable development, the 1994 draft Principles on Human Rights and the Environment, the Сommittee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the UN Human Rights Commission, the UN Human Rights Council, transnational corporations, ecological migrants, the right to food, the right to water.
Work bibliographic list

1. Vasak K. Human Rights: A Thirty-Year Struggle: the sustained efforts to give force of law to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights // UNESCO Courier. —1977. — # 11. Paris: UNESCO, 1977 [Jelektronnyj resurs] . — Rezhim dostupa:
2. Coomans F. The Ogoni case before the African commission on human and peoples’ rights // International & Comparative Law Quarterly. — 2003. — Vol. 52.
3. Solncev A. M. Afrikanskaja sistema zashhity prav cheloveka // Regional'nye sistemy zashhity prav cheloveka / Otv. red. A. H. Abashidze. — M.: RUDN, 2012.
4. Vasil'eva M. I. Realizacija prav grazhdan v sfere ohrany okruzhajushhej sredy i prirodopol'zovanija: metodologija analiza // Mezhdunarodno-pravovoe i nacional'noe regulirovanie jekologicheskoj sfery obshhestva / Sost. Ju. S. Shemshuchenko, S. A. Bogoljubov. — M.: Institut zakonodatel'stva i sravnitel'nogo pravovedenija pri Pravitel'stve Rossijskoj Federacii, 2012.
5. Tret'jakova A. A. Ponjatie jekologicheskih prav grazhdan po zakonodatel'stvu stran-chlenov Evropejskogo Sojuza // Jekologicheskoe pravo. — 2002. —# 1.
6. Kopylov M. N., Solncev A. M. Jekologicheskie prava v sisteme mezhdunarodno-priznannyh prav cheloveka // Gosudarstvo i pravo. — 2010. — # 3.
7. Kozlova E. I., Kutafin O. E. Konstitucionnoe pravo Rossii. — M.: Jurist", 2001.
8. Boyle A. Human Rights and the Environment:A R e a s s e s s m e n t , 2 0 1 0 [ Je l e k t r o n n y j r e surs]. — Rezhim dostupa:
9. Bogoljubov S. A. Pravotvorchestvo v sfere jekologii. —M.: Jeksmo, 2010.
10. Westra L. Environmental Justice and the Rights of Ecological Refugees. — London: Earthscan, Sterling, VA, 2009.
11. Tejmurov Je. S. Obespechenie prava na vodu: pozicii Jekonomicheskogo i Social'nogo Soveta OON, Evropejskogo suda po pravam cheloveka i nacional'nyh sudov Indii i Juzhno-Afrikanskoj Respubliki // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. — 2014. — # 4 (71).
12. Dennis M. J., Stewart D. P. Justiciability of Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights: Should There Be an International Complaints Mechanism to Adjudicate the Rights to Food, Water, Nousing, and Health? // American Journal of International Law. — 2004. — # 3.

Amirov R. Z.
The issue of state security: conceptual-categorical apparatus and support entities
The article analyzes the concept of state security in its relation to the categories of national security, security of the person and society. The problems of legal regulation of the armed forces activities in the sphere of providing internal security of the Russian Federation are considered.
Keywords: state security, national security, internal security, security system, the armed forces.
Work bibliographic list

1. O protivodejstvii terrorizmu: Federal'nyj zakon ot 06 marta 2006 g. # 35-FZ// Sobranie zakonodatel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii. — 2006. — # 11. — St.
2. O Voennoj doktrine Rossijskoj Federacii: Ukaz Prezidenta Rossijskoj Federacii ot 5 fevralja 2010 g. # 146 // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii. — # 7. — St. 724.
3. Postanovlenii Konstitucionnogo Suda Rossijskoj Federacii ot 31 ijulja 1995 g. po delu o proverke konstitucionnosti rjada podzakonnyh normativno-pravovyh aktov, prinjatyh v svjazi s uregulirovaniem vooruzhennogo konflikta v Chechenskoj Respublike // Vestnik Konstitucionnogo Suda Rossijskoj Federacii. — 1995. — # 5.
4. O bor'be s terrorizmom: Federal'nyj zakon ot 25 ijulja 2002 g. # 130-FZ // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii. — 2002. — # 31. — St.3808 (utratil silu).
5. Ob Osnovnyh polozhenijah voennoj doktriny: Ukaz Prezidenta RF ot 2 nojabrja 1993 g. # 1833 // Sobranie aktov Prezidenta i Pravitel'stva RF. — # 45. — St. 4329 (utratil silu).
6. Ob utverzhdenii Voennoj doktriny Rossijskoj Federacii: Ukaz Prezidenta Rossijskoj Federacii ot 21 aprelja 2000 g. # 706 // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii. — # 17. — St. 1852 (utratil silu).
7. Baluev D. G. Lichnostnaja i gosudarstvennaja bezopasnost': sovremennoe mezhdunarodno-politicheskoe izmerenie: Dis. … dokt. polit. nauk. — N. Novgorod, 2004.
8. Barsegjan S. G. Pravoohranitel'nye organy kak faktor vnutrennej bezopasnosti obshhestva (social'no-filosofskij analiz): Dis. … kand. filos. nauk. — M., 2001.
9. Vishnjakov V. G. i dr. Nacional'naja bezopasnost' Rossijskoj Federacii: problemy ukreplenija gosudarstvenno-pravovyh osnov // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. — 2005. — # 2.
10. Vozzhenikov A. V. Nacional'naja bezopasnost' Rossii: metodologija kompleksnogo issledovanija i politika obespechenija: Monografija. — M.: RAGS, 2002.
11. Vozzhenikov A. V., Prohozhev A. A. Bezopasnost' Rossii: sovremennoe ponimanie, obespechenie. — M., 1998.
12. Gegel' G. V. F. Raboty raznyh let. — T. 2. — M., 1971.
13. Gobbs T. Sochinenija v 2 t. — T. 2. — M., 1991.
14. Gosudarstvennaja bezopasnost' Rossii: Istorija i sovremennost': Monografija / Pod red. Bajguzina R. N. — M.: ROSSPJeN, 2004.
15. Dmitriev Ju. A., Petrov S. M., Idrisov R. F. Gosudarstvo kak sub"ekt obespechenija nacional'noj bezopasnosti Rossii // Pravo i politika. — 2001. — # 11.
16. Ellinek G. Obshhee uchenie o gosudarstve. — SPb, 1903.
17. Zemljanskih T. N. Nacional'nye cennosti Rossii kak ob"ekt destruktivnogo informacionnogo vozdejstvija// Strategija nacional'noj bezopasnosti Rossijskoj Federacii do 2020 goda: problemy realizacii: Monografija. — M.: Izd. Dom ATISO, 2011.
18. Kardashova I. B. MVD Rossii v sisteme obespechenija nacional'noj bezopasnosti Rossijskoj Federacii: Avtoref. dis… dokt. jurid. nauk. — M., 2006.
19. Korkunov N. M. Russkoe gosudarstvennoe pravo. — Tom I. — Vvedenie i obshhaja chast'. Izd. 6-e / Pod red.M. B. Gorenberga. — SPb, 1909.
20. Mamut L. S. Gosudarstvo kak publichnovlastnym obrazom organizovannyj narod // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. — 2000. — # 3.
21. Rudakov A. V., Strel'chenko V. V. Problemy vneshnej i vnutrennej bezopasnosti: teorija i praktika: Monografija / Pod obshh. red. A. V. Vozzhenikova. — M.: RAGS, 2005.
22. Serebrjannikov V. V., Derjugin Ju. I., Efimov N. N.,  Kovalev V. I. Bezopasnost' Rossii i armija. — M., 1995.
23. Fukujama F. Sil'noe gosudarstvo: Upravlenie i mrovoj porjadok v XXI veke: [per. s angl.]. — M., 2010.
24. Hripkov M. P. Vnutrennie ugrozy nacional'noj bezopasnosti Rossii: sushhnost', struktura, social'nye posledstvija (sociologicheskij analiz): Dis. … d-ra sociol. nauk. — M., 2004.
25. Jenciklopedicheskij slovar' Brokgauza i Efrona [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa:

Gorbachev S. B.
On the role of the rule-of-law state as a social regulator
This article analyzes the role of the rule-of–law state in society. The author believes that the main feature of the universal rule-of-law state is the rule of law in relation to other social regulators. On this basis it is concluded that this rule must, however, have its limits, as suppression and future disappearance of other regulators of society leads to totalitarianism. The presence in society of other, nonlegal social regulators, especially morality, enhances the effectiveness of the rule of law.
Keywords: society, rule of law, law, morality, religion.
Work bibliographic list
1. Osnovy politicheskoj nauki / Pod red. V. P. Pugacheva. Ch. 1. — M.: Znanie, 1993.
2. Kuraev A. O nashem porazhenii. — SPb.: Svetlojar, 1999.
3. Lokk D. Sochinenija. — T. 3. — M.: Mysl', 1988.
4. Gorbachev S. B. Rol' gosudarstva v politicheskih processah sovremennosti (sistemno-politologicheskij analiz): Dis. … kand. polit. nauk. — Ufa, 2002.
5. Vallerstajn I. Mirosistemnyj analiz: Vvedenie /Per. N. Tjukinoj. — M.: Territorija budushhego, 2006.
6. Makarychev M. Nakazhut za nedetskie igry [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 21.09.2014).
7. Zinov'ev A. A. Zapad. — M.: Centrpoligraf, 2000.

Beznosova J. V., Romanovskaya V. B.,
Romanovskaya L. R., Feduyshkina A. I.
Non-traditional religions in Russia and their role in interfaith dialogue (historical and legal aspects)
The article is devoted to problems of interfaith dialogue, which is necessary to carry on with mutual respect and recognition on the basis of knowledge and understanding of various religious teachings and respect for their followers. The article provides a summary of the teachings and practices of Bahá'í Faith and Krishnaism, with examples of respect towards them among representatives of the Orthodox faith.
Keywords: religious tolerance, Bahá'í Faith, Vaishnava, Krishnaism, Bhagavad-Gita, the Kitab-i-Aqdas, the book of Aqdas.
Work bibliographic list

1. Federal'nyj zakon ot 26 sentjabrja 1997 g. # 125-FZ «O svobode sovesti i o religioznyh ob"edinenijah» (v red. ot 2 ijulja 2013 g.) // Rossijskaja gazeta. — # 190 ot 01.10.1997.
2. Bahaula. Sokrovennye slova. — SPb., 1998.
3. Bahaula. Kitab-i-Agdas. Naisvjataja kniga. — SPb., 2001.
4. Bondarenko G. V. Pravovye cennosti v sisteme cennostnyh orientacij lichnosti // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. — 2014. — # 7 (74).
5. Dvorkin A. L. Sektovedenie. Totalitarnye sekty. Opyt sistematicheskogo issledovanija. — N. Novgorod, 2003.
6. Zhukovskij V. A. Rossijskij imperatorskij konsul F. A. Bakulin v istorii izuchenija babizma // ZVO-RAO. — T. 24. — Pg., 1917.
7. Ivanenko S. I. Vajshnavskaja tradicija v Rossii. — M.: Filosofskaja kniga, 2008.
8. Ioannesjan Ju. A. Vera bahai. — SPb: Azbuka-klassika, Serija «Mir Vostoka». — Peterburgskoe Vostokovedenie, 2003.
9. Litvinchuk V. G. Vera bahai: istorija verouchenija i praktika. — M., 2010.
10. Men' A. U vrat molchanija. — M.: Jeksmo, 2005.
11. Romanovskaja V. B. Bhagavat-Gita kak istochnik indusskogo prava i ee recepcija v pravovom prostranstve HH veka //Materialy konferencii «Istochniki prava i istochniki poznanija prava». — Ekaterinburg, 2013.
12. Romanovskaja V. B. Vozrozhdenie vedicheskih znanij ob obshhestve v sovremennom mire // Vestnik nizhegorodskogo universiteta im. N. I. Lobachevskogo. — 2014. — # 1 (33).
13. Romanovskaja L. R. Inovercy v Rossijskoj Imperii (istoriko-pravovoe issledovanie): Diss. … kand. jur.nauk. — N. Novgorod, 2006.
14. Serebrjanyj S. D. Pozornyj process. Specialist-indolog ob iske protiv «Bhagavat-Gity kak ona est'» //[Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija:05.10.2014)
15. Trubeckoj N. S. Religii Indii i hristianstvo // Pravoslavie i religii Vostoka: sb. statej. — M.: Leptapress, 2005.
16. Browne E. G. Babiism — Religious Sistems of the World: A Contribution to the Study of Comparative Religion. — New York: Dutton and Co, 1902.
17. Karma Capitalism. The McGraw-Hill Companies Inc, 30 October 2006 // [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa: stories/2006–10–29/karma-capitalism (data obrashhenija: 05.10.2014)

Lantseva V. Yu.
The legal regime of sea-going merchant ships in the Russian Empire
The article discusses the features of the legal status of the merchant ship as an object of property rights in Russia in the period of the empire. The analysis of the marine documents fixing identity and nationality of the vessel is carried out. Also the ways of acquiring ownership of seagoing merchant ships in terms of civil rights are reflected, but taking into account the features which are a consequence of the specificity of merchant shipping.
Keywords: sea-going merchant ships, patent for shipping, sea trade, marine documents, naval fortress, merchant shipping.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ulozhenie o torgovom moreplavanii (proekt s ob"jasnenijami). — T. I. — SPb., 1911.
2. Fedorov A. F. Morskoe pravo. — Odessa, 1913.
3. Citovich P. P. Ocherki po teorii torgovogo prava. — Vyp. III. Morskoe Pravo. — SPb., 1902.
4. Chislov P. I. Posobie k lekcijam po grazhdanskomu pravu, torgovomu pravu i torgovomu sudoproizvodstvu.— M., 1900.
5. Shershenevich G. F. Kurs torgovogo prava. — T. III: Veksel'noe pravo. Morskoe pravo. — Izd. 4. — SPb., 1909.

Savchenko I. V.
Sources of church law in the Russian Empire
This article is devoted to the study of the sources of canon law and their evolution in the Russian
Empire, the study of influence of the state of the church. The article presents the author's classification of the sources of canon law, their evolution. A special place in the article is given interaction between the state and the church in the regulation of social relations, the formation of public consciousness.
Keywords: canon law, the source of law, the state and the church.
Work bibliographic list

1. Garashhenko A. Ju. Jurisdikcija i ustrojstvo cerkovnyh sudov v dopetrovskij period rossijskoj istorii: Avtoref. dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. — Volgograd, 2006.
2. Dorskaja A. A. Cerkovnoe sudoustrojstvo i sudoproizvodstvo v dorevoljucionnoj Rossii // Nauchnye trudy Rossijskoj akademii juridicheskih nauk. — Vyp. 5. — T.1. — M., 2005.
3. Zaozerskij M. Nomokanon Ioanna Postnika v ego redakcijah: gruzinskoj, grecheskoj i slavjanskoj. — M., 1902.
4. Nevolin K. A. O prostranstve cerkovnogo suda v Rossii do Petra Velikogo // Polnoe sobranie sochinenij. — T.6. — SPb, 1859.
5. Pavlov A. S. Kurs cerkovnogo prava. Svjato-Troickaja Sergieva lavra, 1902.
6. Romanovskaja V. B. Duhovnost' i pravosoznanie (sootnoshenie fenomenov). Vestnik Nizhegorodskogo universiteta im. N. I. Lobachevskogo. — 2001. — # 1.
7. Romanovskaja L. R. Inovercy v Rossijskoj Imperii (istoriko-pravovoe issledovanie): Dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. — N. Novgorod, 2006.
8. Romanovskaja V. B., Danilova E. V. Pravovoe regulirovanie imushhestvennyh prav russkoj pravoslavnoj cerkvi v imperskij period // «Chernye dyry» v rossijskom zakonodatel'stve. — 2006. — # 1.
9. Suvorov N. S. Sledy zapadno-katolicheskogo cerkovnogo prava v pamjatnikah drevnego russkogo prava. -Jaroslavl', 1888.
10. Ugolovnoe Ulozhenie i ob"jasnenie k nemu. — T. IV. — SPb, 1897.
11. Filippov M. A. Sudebnaja reforma v Rossii. — T. 2. — SPb, 1875.
12. Shhapov Ja. N. Drevnerusskie knjazheskie ustavy XI–XV vv. — M., 1976.
13. Jasevich-Borodaevskaja V. I. Bor'ba za veru. Istoriko-bytovye ocherki i obzor zakonodatel'stva po staroobrjadchestvu i sektantstvu v ego posledovatel'nom razvitii. — SPb: Gosudarstvennaja tipografija, 1912.

Amirkhanov A. Z.
V. N. Tatishchev and his relationship with Ural private factory owners: legal contradictions
The article is devoted to the establishment and development history of the mining industry in the
Urals. The factory owner Demidov’s private interests faced with the public interest, the spokesman of which was Tatischev. Resolving conflicts between Demidov and Tatischev was being held in extralegal field, bypassing government agencies (primarily special body for the management of the mining industry of Russia — the Collegium of Mining), which indicates the priority of personal relationships and previous agreements between Demidov and Peter the Great.
Keywords: V. N. Tatishchev, N. Demidov, Collegium of Mining, Peter the Great.
Work bibliographic list

1. Gennin V. Opisanie ural'skih i sibirskih zavodov: 1735/ Predisl. akademika M. A. Pavlova. Reprintnoe izdanie 1937 g. SPb.: Al'faret, 2009.
2. Mezenin N. A. Dinastija Demidovyh. Istoricheskie ocherki (2-e izdanie, dopolnennoe), Nizhnij Tagil, 2003.
3. Pavlenko N. I. Aleksandr Danilovich Menshikov / Pavlenko N. I. — M.: Nauka, 1983.
4. Rozhkov V. I. Dejatel'nost' artillerii kapitana V. N. Tatishheva na ural'skih zavodah v carstvovanie Petra Velikogo // Gornyj Zhurnal. 1884.
5. Shandra A. V. Administrativnaja i organizatorskaja dejatel'nost' V. I. Gennina. Ekaterinburg: izdatel'stvo UJuI MVD, 2007.
6. Juht A. I. Gosudarstvennaja dejatel'nost' V. N. Tatishheva v 20 h — nachale 30 h godov 18 veka. M.: Nauka, 1985.

Derkho D. S.
Constitutional monitoring in mechanism of constitutional law-making
In this article the author reveals the notion and essence of constitutional monitoring, indicates the need for the development of scientific understanding of the legal phenomenon as an independent category of constitutional law, examines its relationship with the more general umbrella term (legal monitoring) and the statutory system of monitoring of law enforcement in the Russian Federation which was put into effect. The author has formulated a number of proposals for a system of constitutional monitoring, the general parameters of its mechanism, information sources, subject composition, goals, objectives and principles of functioning.
Keywords: constitutional law-making, law-constitutional factors, legal monitoring, constitutional monitoring, monitoring of enforcement.
Work bibliographic list

1. Kireev V. V. «Teoreticheskie problemy reformirovanija Konstitucii Rossijskoj Federacii»: Dis. …d-ra jurid. nauk. — Cheljabinsk, 2010.
2. Derho D. S. Nekotorye osobennosti strukturirovanija processa konstitucionnogo pravotvorchestva v Rossijskoj Federacii //Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. — 2014. — # 7.
3. Konstitucionnyj monitoring: Koncepcija, metodika i itogi jekspertnogo oprosa v marte 2013 goda / Pod red. A. N. Medushevskogo. — M.: Institut prava i publichnoj politiki. — 2014.
4. Pravovoj monitoring: nauchno-prakticheskoe posobie/ A. N. Andrianov [i dr.]; pod red.: Ju. A. Tihomirova, D. V. Gorohova; Institut zakonodatel'stva i sravnitel'nogo pravovedenija pri pravitel'stve Rossijskoj Federacii. — M.: Jurisprudencija, 2009.
5. Gorohov D. B., Spektor E. I., Glazkova M. E. Pravovoj monitoring: koncepcija i organizacija // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. — 2007. — # 5.
6. Tihomirov Ju. A., Pavlushkin A. V., Gorohov D. B., Chesnokova M. D., Cherepanova E. V., Glazkova M. E. Ob organizacii i provedenii pravovogo monitoringa //Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. — 2010. — # 6.
7. Gorohov D. B. Pravovoj monitoring: koncepcija, napravlenija institualizacii, sostojanie zakonodatel'stva i perspektivy // Zakonodatel'stvo i jekonomika. — 2009. — # 7.
8. Gorohov D. B., Glazkova M. A. Organizacija pravovogo monitoringa v sisteme federal'nyh organov ispolnitel'noj vlasti // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. —2008. — # 4.
9. Bibichkova S. Pravovoj monitoring // Jekspertiza normativnyh pravovyh aktov. Monitoring zakonodatel'stva i pravoprimenitel'naja praktika. Al'manah. — 2010. — # 2. — S. 18.
10. Bekishieva S. R. Rol' pravovogo monitoringa v realizacii funkcij pravovoj sistemy // Istorija gosudarstva i prava. — 2011. — # 12.
11. Cherepanova E. V. Obespechenie planirovanija pravovogo monitoringa // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. —2013. — # 4.
12. Damaskin O. V. Monitoring zakonodatel'stva i pravoprimenitel'noj praktiki: strategija pravovogo razvitija // Nauchno-prakticheskij zhurnal «Sovremennoe pravo». — 2006. — # 6.
13. Cherepanova E. V. Voprosy pravovogo monitoringa v postanovlenijah Verhovnogo Suda RF // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. — 2010. — # 8.
14. Cherepanova E. V. Pravovoj monitoring — v dejstvii// Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. — 2009. — # 9.
15. Cherepanova E. V. Formirovanie modeli otraslevogo pravovogo monitoringa // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. — 2011. — # 3.

Safina S. B.
Constitutional regulation of competences of republics in the Russian Federation
In the article the legal strengthening of division of competence between the Russian Federation and its subjects is considered as well as strengthening of competence of a republic of the Russian
Federation in the federal constitution and a republican constitution. Different ways of strengthening of division of competence of a republic in constitutions of different republics are researched.
Keywords: competence of the Russian Federation, joint competence, competence of a republic, division of competence, powers of state agencies.
Work bibliographic list

1. Konjuhova I. A. Sovremennyj rossijskij federalizm i mirovoj opyt: itogi stanovlenija i perspektivy razvitija. — M.: Gorodec, 2004.
2. Safina S. B. Konstitucionnoe zakonodatel'stvo respubliki v sostave Rossijskoj Federacii kak osnova sistemy respublikanskogo zakonodatel'stva //Pravovoe gosudarstvo: voprosy teorii i praktiki. —2014. — # 3 (37).
3. Konstitucii i ustavy sub"ektov Rossijskoj Federacii [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa: (data poseshhenija 12 oktjabrja 2014 g.)

Kondrashev A. A., Pikuleva I. V.
Legal regimes of a constitutional right to free legal aid: approaches to understanding and evaluation technique
Different approaches to the conception of legal regimes of exercising of a constitutional right to
free legal aid are considered in the article. The authors come to the conclusion about insufficiency of the normative conception of legal regimes, necessity in realistic conception of free legal aid’s legal regimes as a law-factual characteristic of the real state of rights and legitimate interests provision, legal instruments to satisfy different interests of subjects of law in the mentioned scope. The authors offer an assessment technique for the legal regime of free legal aid enabling not only to reflect the peculiarity of legislative regulation of constitutional right for free legal assistance but law-factual and organizing-factual conditions of its realization and the actual state of affairs in the mentioned scope of social relations in an established time period as well; criteria, indicators and the source of measuring of legal regime favorableness (unfavorableness) degree are determined; the methodological guidelines of exact value calculation of free legal assistance legal regime rates both in legal sense and in common sense are given. The obtained results determine the degree of
realization favorableness of the mentioned constitutional right which gives occasion to dividing legal regimes into favorable, satisfactory and unfavorable.
Keywords: free legal aid, legal regime, legal regulation, legal life, legal policy, legal theory.
Work bibliographic list

1. Avtonomov A. S., Gavrilova I. N. Kriterii ocenki prav cheloveka dlja upolnomochennyh po pravam cheloveka: Metodicheskie rekomendacii po monitoringu prav cheloveka na dostup k sudu, na miting i na dostup k obrazovaniju) . — M.: Izdatel'stvo «Jurist», 2011.
2. Avtonomov A. S., Hananashvili N. L. Ocenka social'nyh proektov: Ucheb. posobie. — M.: Izdatel'skaja gruppa «Jurist», 2014.
3. Alekseev S. S. Voshozhdenie k pravu. Poiski i reshenija. — M.: NORMA, 2002.
4. Alekseev S. S. Obshhie dozvolenija i obshhie zaprety v sovetskom prave. — M.: Juridicheskaja literatura, 1989.
5. Alekseev S. S. Obshhie dozvolenija i obshhie zaprety v sovetskom prave // Sobranie sochinenij. — T. 2: Special'nye voprosy pravovedenija. — M.: Statut, 2010.
6. Beljaeva G. S. Pravovoj rezhim: obshheteoreticheskoe issledovanie: Avtoref. dis. … d-ra jurid. nauk. —Kursk, 2013.
7. Beljaeva G. S. Pravovoj rezhim: problema opredelenija ponjatija i ustanovlenija priznakov // Vestnik Vladimirskogo juridicheskogo instituta. — 2012. — # 1.
8. Zakon g. Moskvy ot 4 okt. 2006 g. # 49 «Ob okazanii advokatami besplatnoj juridicheskoj pomoshhi grazhdanam Rossijskoj Federacii v gorode Moskve» //Vedomosti Moskovskoj gorodskoj Dumy. — 2006. —# 10. — St. 240.
9. Zakon g. Sankt-Peterburga ot 11 oktjabrja 2012 g. # 474–80 «O besplatnoj juridicheskoj pomoshhi v Sankt-Peterburge» // Vestnik Zakonodatel'nogo Sobranija  Sankt-Peterburga. — 2012. — # 31.
10. Zakon Kaliningradskoj oblasti ot 26 dek. 2012 g. # 194 «O besplatnoj juridicheskoj pomoshhi v Kaliningradskoj oblasti» // Kaliningradskaja pravda (vkladysh «Oficial'nyj vestnik Pravitel'stva Kaliningradskoj oblasti») . — 2012. — # 241.
11. Zakon Karachaevo-Cherkesskoj Respubliki ot 15 nojabrja 2012 g. # 79-RZ «O nekotoryh voprosah okazanija besplatnoj juridicheskoj pomoshhi v Karachaevo-Cherkesskoj Respublike» // Den' Respubliki. — 2012. —# 243–245 (18666) .
12. Zakon Krasnojarskogo kraja ot 19 dek. 2013 g. # 5–1990 «O besplatnoj juridicheskoj pomoshhi v Krasnojarskom krae». Dostup iz spravochnoj pravovoj sistemy «Konsul'tantPljus».
13. Zakon Neneckogo avtonomnogo okruga ot 29 dekabrja 2012 g. # 119-OZ «O besplatnoj juridicheskoj pomoshhi v Neneckom avtonomnom okruge» // Sbornik normativnyh pravovyh aktov Neneckogo avtonomnogo okruga. — 2012. — # 45 (2 chast') .
14. Zakon Nizhegorodskoj oblasti ot 2 nojabrja 2012 g. # 144-Z «O besplatnoj juridicheskoj pomoshhi v Nizhegorodskoj oblasti» // Pravovaja sreda. — 2012. — # 125 (1536) (prilozhenie k gazete «Nizhegorodskie novosti». — 2012. — # 207 (5060)) .
15. Zakon Penzenskoj oblasti ot 10 aprelja 2012 g. # 2222-ZPO «O realizacii na territorii Penzenskoj oblasti Federal'nogo zakona «O besplatnoj juridicheskoj pomoshhi v Rossijskoj Federacii» // Penzenskie gubernskie vedomosti. — 2012. — # 23.
16. Zakon Primorskogo kraja ot 5 maja 2012 g. # 31-KZ «Ob obespechenii okazanija juridicheskoj pomoshhi na territorii Primorskogo kraja» // Vedomosti Zakonodatel'nogo Sobranija Primorskogo kraja. —2012. — # 12.
17. Zakon Respubliki Altaj ot 26 marta 2013 g. # 10-RZ «O besplatnoj juridicheskoj pomoshhi otdel'nym kategorijam grazhdan Rossijskoj Federacii na territorii Respubliki Altaj» // Zvezda Altaja. —2013. — # 75.
18. Zakon Respubliki Tatarstan ot 2 nojabrja 2012 g. # 73- ZRT «Ob okazanii besplatnoj juridicheskoj pomoshhi grazhdanam v Respublike Tatarstan» // Vedomosti Gosudarstvennogo Soveta Tatarstana. — 2012. — # 11 (I chast') . — St. 1667.
19. Zakon Samarskoj oblasti ot 13 ijunja 2012 g. # 51- GD «O besplatnoj juridicheskoj pomoshhi v Samarskoj oblasti» // Volzhskaja kommuna. — 2012. — # 206 (28134).
20. Zakon Sverdlovskoj oblasti ot 5 okt. 2012 g. # 79-OZ «O besplatnoj juridicheskoj pomoshhi v Sverdlovskoj oblasti» // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva Sverdlovskoj oblasti. — 2012. — # 10–2 (2012) . — St. 1708.
21. Zakon Habarovskogo kraja ot 28 nojab. 2012 g. # 237 «O realizacii otdel'nyh polnomochij Habarovskogo kraja v oblasti obespechenija grazhdan besplatnoj juridicheskoj pomoshh'ju» // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva Habarovskogo kraja. — 2012. — # 12 (125) (chast'
II (tom 1)) .
22. Zakon HMAO — Jugry ot 16 dek. 2011 g. # 113-oz «O besplatnoj juridicheskoj pomoshhi v Hanty-Mansijskom avtonomnom okruge — Jugre» // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva Hanty-Mansijskogo avtonomnogo okruga — Jugry. — 2011. — # 12 (chast' II, tom 1) . —St. 1212.
23. Zakon Cheljabinskoj oblasti ot 22 fevr. 2012 g. # 279-ZO «Ob okazanii besplatnoj juridicheskoj pomoshhi v Cheljabinskoj oblasti». Dostup iz spravochnoj pravovoj sistemy «Garant».
24. Zverev D. S. Pravovoj rezhim naimenovanij lekarstvennyh sredstv: Avtoref. dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. —M., 2004.
25. Maksimov R. A. Konstitucionno-pravovoj rezhim obespechenija bezopasnosti v chrezvychajnyh situacijah // Izvestija Penzenskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta im. V. G. Belinskogo. —2012. — # 28.
26. Matuzov N. I., Mal'ko A. V. Pravovye rezhimy: Voprosy teorii i praktiki // Pravovedenie. — 1996. — # 1.
27. Mihina I. N. Mezhdunarodno-pravovoj rezhim morskih prostranstv Arktiki: avtoref. dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. — M., 2003.
28. Mordovceva T. V. Pravovoj rezhim svobody sovesti v sovremennoj Rossii: teoreticheskie osnovy // Filosofija prava. — 2012. — # 8.
29. Panchenko V. Ju. Pravovye rezhimy juridicheskoj pomoshhi // Pravovye rezhimy: obshheteoreticheskij__i otraslevye aspekty: monografija / A. V. Mal'ko, I. S. Barzilova. — M.: Jurlitinform, 2012.
30. Panchenko V. Ju. Publichnye formy juridicheskogo sodejstvija realizacii prav i zakonnyh interesov. —M.: Prospekt, 2014.
31. Panchenko V. Ju. Juridicheskaja pomoshh' lichnosti: obshheteoreticheskij aspekt: avtoref. dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. — Krasnojarsk, 2004.
32. Panchenko V. Ju., Pikuleva I. V. Regional'nyj pravovoj rezhim okazanija besplatnoj juridicheskoj pomoshhi // Istoricheskie, filosofskie, politicheskie i juridicheskie nauki, kul'turologija i iskusstvovedenie. Voprosy teorii i praktiki. — 2014. — # 10.
33. Paprygin E. S. Ponjatie i sushhnost' osobyh pravovyh rezhimov // Istorija gosudarstva i prava. —2008. — # 16.
34. Peshkova H. V. Pravovoj rezhim finansovoj pomoshhi:Avtoref. dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. — Voronezh, 2005.
35. Pomerljan A. N. Chrezvychajnyj pravovoj rezhim: problema interpretacii i pravovogo regulirovanija //Juridicheskij mir. — 2008. — # 8.
36. Pchelincev S. V. Predely ogranichenija prav i svobod cheloveka v uslovijah osobyh pravovyh rezhimov: sovremennye podhody // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. —2005. — # 8.
37. Reshenie Permskogo Kraevogo suda ot 17 marta 2014 g. po delu N 3–1, 2–2014 // Dostup iz spravochnoj pravovoj sistemy «Konsul'tantPljus».
38. Rubchenko S. O. Pravovoj rezhim: ponjatie i priznaki// Vektor nauki Tol'jattinskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Serija: Juridicheskie nauki. —2010. — # 2.
39. Sitnikov A. P. Teoretiko-metodologicheskie podhody k ponimaniju kategorii «pravovoj rezhim» // Izvestija vysshih uchebnyh zavedenij. Ural'skij region. — 2009. — # 1.
40. Federal'nyj zakon ot 21 nojab. 2011 g. # 324-FZ «O besplatnoj juridicheskoj pomoshhi v Rossijskoj Federacii». Dostup iz spravochnoj pravovoj sistemy «Konsul'tantPljus».
41. Shanin A. A. Pravovoj rezhim v strukture rezhima politicheskogo // Aktual'nye problemy rossijskogo prava. — 2009. — # 3.
42. Shepelev A. N. Ponjatie pravovogo rezhima i ego svjaz' s juridicheskim jazykom // Vestnik Tambovskogo universiteta. Serija: Gumanitarnye nauki. — 2014. — # 1.

Teplyakova O. A.
The constitutional right to free legal aid in the light of international law standards
This work discusses international standards of the provision of free legal aid, established by the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. It also studies the development of the relevant provisions in the decisions of the UN Commission on Human Rights and the European Court of Human Rights. Finally, this article establishes if Russian legislation is compatible with international standards of free legal aid provision.
Keywords: free legal aid, international standards of free legal aid, the decisions of the European Court of Human Rights.
Work bibliographic list
1. The Access to Justice Act // The official home of revised enacted UK legislation 1267-present [Jelektronnyj resurs] . — Rezhim dostupa:
2. Dzhejkobs F., Uajt R. Evropejskaja konvencija po pravam cheloveka. — Oksford: Kljerendon press.
3. Evropejskij sud po pravam cheloveka. Izbrannye reshenija. — T. 1. — M., 2000.
4. Konvencija o zashhite prav cheloveka i osnovnyh svobod ot 04.11.1950 g. (zakljuchena v g. Rime) // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii. — 2001. — # 2(8 janv.).
5. Mezhdunarodnyj pakt o grazhdanskih i politicheskih pravah, prinjat rezoljuciej 2200 A (HHI) General'noj Assamblei OON 16.12.1966 g. // Vedomosti VS SSSR. —1976. — # 17. — St. 291.
6. Nasonov S. A. Pravo osuzhdennogo na peresmotr prigovora vyshestojashhim sudom // Voprosy ugolovno-processual'nogo prava v praktike Evropejskogo suda po pravam cheloveka (normy, reshenija, publikacii) [Jelektronnyj resurs] . — Rezhim dostupa:
7. Reshenija Komiteta OON po pravam cheloveka (rezjume) / Public Interest Law Institute (PILI), Open Society Justice Initiative // Fond razvitija pravovyh tehnologij [Jelektronnyj resurs] . — Rezhim dostupa:
8. Ugolovno-processual'nyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ot 18.12.2001 g. # 174-FZ // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii. — 2001. — # 52 (ch.1) . — St. 4921.
9. Ukaz Prezidiuma VS SSSR ot 18.09.1973 g. # 4812-VIII «O ratifikacii Mezhdunarodnogo pakta ob jekonomicheskih, social'nyh i kul'turnyh pravah i Mezhdunarodnogo pakta o grazhdanskih i politicheskih pravah» // Vedomosti VS SSSR. — 1973. — # 40. — St. 564.
10. Federal'nyj zakon ot 21.11.2011 g. # 324-FZ «O besplatnoj juridicheskoj pomoshhi v Rossijskoj Federacii» // Rossijskaja gazeta. — 2011. — # 263–23 nojabrja.
Ivanova K. A.
Decentralization as a method of civil initiatives developing
In this article the question of application of decentralization method as a method increasing the activity of the population and the development of social initiatives of citizens is investigated. The author also examines current issues of applying the method of decentralization in foreign countries.
Keywords: social initiatives of citizens, decentralization, method of subsidiarity, personal federalism.
Work bibliographic list
1. Goncharuk V. A. Gosudarstvennoe ustrojstvo i gosudarstvennyj stroj. — Ekaterinburg: UrAGS, 2004.
2. Otchet v ramkah programmy razvitija OON «Decentralizacija: Obobshhenie podhodov» Podhody i metodologii razrabotki osnov i principov jeffektivnogo gosudarstvennogo upravlenija po principu «snizu vverh»:primer ocenki organizacionnoj dejatel'nosti ishodja iz ustanovlennyh kriteriev, 2005 [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa:
3. Jelazar D. Problemy sootnoshenija prav grazhdan i federalizma [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa:
4. Constitution de la République française (Konstitucija Francuzskoj Respubliki) [Jelektronnyj resurs]. —Rezhim dostupa:
5. Dawn B. — A. Decentralization in the world [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa:
6. Delazar J. Federalism. A View from the States. — Oxford: Oxford University Press Inc, 2004.
7. Schmidt V. A., Democratizing France: The Political and Administrative History of Decentralization. — Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009.
8. Tifine P. Droit administrative français. — EJFA Edition juridiques franco-allemandes: Saarbrucken, 2012.

Lukin M. M.
The legal status of central banks in the federal states on the example of the Russian Federation, the Republic of Austria and the Federal Republic of Germany
The article provides analysis of the legal status of central banks in 3 Federal States. It analyzes the legal status of 3 central banks in the Federal States. According to the study, recommendations for the adjustment of the individual elements of the legal status of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia) were made.
Keywords: central banks, Central Bank of the Russian Federation, Bank of Russia, Central banks of foreign States, Central banks in the Federal States, Federal States, the Austrian National Bank, German Federal Bank, Deutsche Bundesbank, legal status of the Deutsche Bundesbank, Österreichische Nationalbank, legal status of the Österreichische Nationalbank.
Work bibliographic list

1. Konstitucija Rossijskoj Federacii (prinjata vsenarodnym golosovaniem 12.12.1993) (s uchetom popravok, vnesennyh Zakonami RF o popravkah k Konstitucii RF ot 30.12.2008 # 6-FKZ, ot 30.12.2008 # 7-FKZ, ot 05.02.2014 # 2-FKZ, ot 21.07.2014 # 11-FKZ) // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii. —04.08.2014. — # 31. — Ct. 4398.
2. Federal'nyj zakon ot 10.07.2002 # 86-FZ «O Central'nom banke Rossijskoj Federacii (Banke Rossii)» //Sobranie zakonodatel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii. —15.07.2002. — # 28. Ct. 2790.
3. Ukaz Prezidenta Rossijskoj Federacii ot 11.01.1995 # 32 «O gosudarstvennyh dolzhnostjah Rossijskoj Federacii» // Rossijskaja gazeta. — # 11–12. — 17.01.1995.
4. «Polozhenie o territorial'nyh uchrezhdenijah Banka Rossii» ot 29.07.1998 # 46-P (utv. Sovetom direktorov Banka Rossii 10.04.1998, protokol # 15) (red. ot 30.11.2009) Ukaz Prezidenta Rossijskoj Federacii ot 11.01.1995 # 32 «O gosudarstvennyh dolzhnostjah Rossijskoj Federacii» // Rossijskaja gazeta. —17.01.1995. — # 11–12.
5. Postanovlenie Verhovnogo Soveta Rossijskoj Federacii ot 22.05.1992 # 2815–1 «O vstuplenii Rossijskoj Federacii v Mezhdunarodnyj valjutnyj fond, Mezhdunarodnyj bank rekonstrukcii i razvitija i Mezhdunarodnuju associaciju razvitija» // Rossijskaja gazeta. —# 122. — 29.05.1992.
6. Bundesbank Act (Gesetz über die Deutsche Bundesbank)//Federal Law Gazette I (Bundesgesetzblatt I), page 1782 as last amended by article 23 of the Act implementing Directive 2011/61/EU on Alternative Investment Fund Managers (Gesetz zur Umsetzung der Richtlinie 2011/61/EU über die Verwalter alternative Investmenfonds (AIFMUmsetzungsgesetz— AIFM-UmsG)) of 4 July 2013//Federal Law Gazette I. — Rage 1981.
7. Consolidated versions of the Treaty on European Union and the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union//OJC 326. — 26.10.2012. — P. 1.
8. Federal Act on the Österreichische Nationalbank (Nationalbankgesetz 1984 — NBG) //BGBI. //Federal Law Gazette. — # 50/1984 as amended by BGBI // Federal Law Gazette. — Part 1. —# 184/2013.
9. Konstitucii zarubezhnyh gosudarstv: Velikobritanija, Francija, Germanija, Italija, Evropejskij sojuz, Soedinennye Shtaty Ameriki, Japonija: ucheb. posobie/, per., avt. vved. i vstup. st. V. V. Maklakov. — 8-e izd., ispravl. i dop. — M.: Infotropik Media, 2012. — 640 s.
10. Moiseev S. R. Vozniknovenie i stanovlenie central'nyh bankov: nauchno-populjarnoe izdanie / S. R. Moiseev. — M.: KNORUS, 2013. — 312 s.
11. «Pravo Evropejskogo sojuza» [Jelektronnyj resurs]. —Rezhim dostupa: (Protokol ob Ustave Evropejskoj sistemy central'nyh bankov i Evropejskogo central'nogo banka (v redakcii Lissabonskogo dogovora ot 13 dekabrja 2007 g.)).
12. Federativnoe gosudarstvo [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa:

Khusainova M. V.
Current problems of judicial interpretation in law enforcement practice of courts in Russia and Germany
The courts face certain difficulties in the interpretation of legal norms, to tackle most of which it’s insufficient to use point regulation only. They require theoretical and legal studies. The activity of courts at all levels, both in Russia and in Germany, in interpretation is constantly increasing. This requires the theoretical and legal basis of content and scope of judicial interpretation and judicial lawmaking, their delimitation, definition of conditions and ways of participation of the courts in the lawmaking process. Courts participation in lawmaking can be direct (immediate) only in cases where it is imposed by law. In the absence of legal regulation the powers of the courts on legal norms interpretation are reduced to judicial interpretation, and their participation in the legislative process can only be indirect. In indirect judicial lawmaking high courts participate in lawmaking process, implemented by the legislature through the application of legal mechanisms provided for by law, for example, the right of legislative initiative. The basis for depreciation values of judicial interpretation are absent because recommendations developed by the courts and the proposed interpretation of legal norms are based on repeatedly encountered similar situations, repeated application of the system of legal rules developed to ensure the uniformity of judicial practice in the consideration of similar cases.
Keywords: law-making, interpretation, court, law, rule of law, the norm of law, judicial act, judicial practice, interpretation, legal position, clarification.
Work bibliographic list

1. Aranovskij K. V., Knjazev S. D. Sud'ba sudebnogo precedenta v romano-germanskom prave // Zhurnal konstitucionnogo pravosudija. — 2013. — # 4.
2. Belkin M. L. Rol' sudebnogo precedenta v realizacii principov pravovogo gosudarstva // Mirovoj sud'ja. —2010. — # 3.
3. Belov A. P. Pravotvorcheskaja dejatel'nost' sudov pravo i sudebnaja praktika v Rossii i za rubezhom [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija 29.10.2014).
4. Bibik O. N. Istochniki ugolovnogo prava Rossijskoj Federacii: Diss… kand. jurid. nauk. — Omsk, 2005.
5. Gavrilov D. A. Pravoprimenitel'noe tolkovanie: Avtoref. dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. — Saratov, 2000.
6. Guk P. A. Sudebnyj precedent: teorija i praktika. —M., 2009;
7. Guk P. A. Sudebnyj precedent kak istochnik prava:Diss. kand. jurid. nauk. — Saratov, 2002.
8. Zhujkov V. M. K voprosu o sudebnoj praktike kak istochnike prava // Sudebnaja praktika kak istochnik prava. — M., 2000.
9. Zakon FRG ot 27.01.1877 «O sudoustrojstve» (Gerichtsverfassungsgesetz) // Reichsgesetzblatt vom 27 Januar 1877 (RGBI.S. 41), Bundesverfassungsgerichtsgesetz in der Fassung der Bekanntmachung vom 9 May 1975 (BGBI.IS. 1077), Bundesverfassungsgerichtsgesetz in der Fassung der Bekanntmachung vom 23 April 2014 (BGBI.
IS. 410,411).
10. Zekker F. Ju. Obshhie osnovy chastnogo prava / Problemy grazhdanskogo i predprinimatel'skogo prava Germanii. — M., 2001.
11. Informacionnye pis'ma Prezidiuma VAS RF: Sistema arbitrazhnyh sudov Rossijskoj Federacii [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija 29.10.2014).
12. Kartoteka arbitrazhnyh del [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa:, (data obrashhenija 29.10.2014).
13. Kondratenko N. A. Znachenie informacionnyh pisem Prezidiuma Vysshego Arbitrazhnogo Suda Rossii dlja rossijskoj arbitrazhnoj praktiki // Arbitrazhnye dela. — 2010. — # 149 (11).
14. Kuchin M. V. Sudebnyj precedent kak istochnik prava (diskussionnye voprosy) // Rossijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. — 1999. — # 4.
15. Lezhe R. Velikie pravovye sistemy sovremennosti. — M.: VoltersKluver, 2010.
16. Mad'jarova A. V. Raz"jasnenija Verhovnogo Suda Rossijskoj Federacii v mehanizme ugolovno-pravovogo regulirovanija. — SPb, 2002.
17. Manukjan A. G. Tolkovanie norm prava: vidy, sistema, predely dejstvija: Dis. kand. jurid. nauk. — SPb, 2006.
18. Markin S. V. Sudebnyj precedent kak istochnik mezhdunarodnogo chastnogo prava: Avtoref. diss.kand. jurid. nauk. — Volgograd,2005.
19. Mihaleva N. V. Sudebnaja praktika sudov obshhej jurisdikcii kak istochnik prava (rol' sudebnyh postanovlenij po konkretnym delam i raz"jasnenij Plenuma Verhovnogo Suda Rossijskoj Federacii v formirovanii i obespechenii edinstva sudebnoj praktiki) // Sudebnaja praktika kak istochnik prava. — M., 2000.
20. Mkrtumjan A. Ju. Sudebnaja praktika kak istochnik grazhdanskogo prava Rossii. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa:, (29.10.2014);
21. Nersesjanc V. S. U rossijskih sudov net pravotvorcheskih polnomochij // Sudebnaja praktika kak istochnik prava. — M.: Jurist, 2000.
22. Petrushev V. A. Juridicheskaja priroda aktov sudebnogo tolkovanija prava // Akademicheskij juridicheskij zhurnal. # 1. — 2000.
23. Pigolkin A. S. Tolkovanie norm prava i pravotvorchestvo: problemy sootnoshenija // Zakon: sozdanie i tolkovanie. — M., 1998.
24. Postanovlenie Konstitucionnogo Suda RF ot 21.01.2010 # 1-P «Po delu o proverke konstitucionnosti polozhenij chasti 4 stat'i 170, punkta 1 stat'i 311 i chasti 1 stat'i 312 Arbitrazhnogo processual'nogo kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii v svjazi s zhalobami zakrytogo akcionernogo obshhestva «Proizvodstvennoe ob"edinenie «Bereg», otkrytyh akcionernyh obshhestv «Karbolit», «Zavod «Mikroprovod» i «Nauchno-proizvodstvennoe predprijatie «Respirator» // SZ RF. — 08.02.2010. —# 6.
25. Postanovlenie Plenuma VAS RF ot 14.02.2008 # 14 «O vnesenii dopolnenij v Postanovlenie Plenuma Vysshego Arbitrazhnogo Suda Rossijskoj Federacii ot 12.03.2007 # 17 «O primenenii Arbitrazhnogo processual'nogo kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii pri peresmotre vstupivshih v zakonnuju silu sudebnyh aktov po vnov' otkryvshimsja obstojatel'stvam» // Vestnik VAS RF. —2008. — # 3.
26. Postanovlenie Plenuma Verhovnogo Suda RF # 13, Plenuma VAS RF # 14 ot 08.10.1998 g. «O praktike primenenija polozhenij Grazhdanskogo kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii o procentah za pol'zovanie chuzhimi denezhnymi sredstvami» // Vestnik VAS RF. — 1998. — # 11.
27. Postanovlenija VAS. RF [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa: obrashhenija 29.10.2014).
28. Rajanov F. M. Problemy teorii gosudarstva i prava (jurisprudencii): Uchebnyj kurs. — M.: Pravo i gosudarstvo, 2003.
29. Saidov A. H. Sravnitel'noe pravovedenie (osnovnye pravovye sistemy sovremennosti). — M.: Jurist",2003.
30. SZ RF. — 01.05.1995. — # 18.
31. SZ RF. — 01.05.1995. — # 18.
32. SZ RF. — 06.01.1997. — # 1.
33. SZ RF. — 14.02.2011. — # 7.
34. SZ RF. — 2014. — # 6.
35. SZ RF. — 27.12.2010. — # 52 (ch. 1).
36. Shapp Ja. Osnovy grazhdanskogo prava Germanii. — M.,1996.
37. Bundesverfassungsgerichtsgesetz in der Fassung der Bekanntmachung vom 11. August 1993 (BGBl. I S. 1473), Bundesverfassungsgerichtsgesetz in der Fassung der Bekanntmachung vom 29. August 2013 (BGBl. IS. 3463).
38. BVerfG, 14.02.1973, 1 BvR 112/65.
39. Das Bundesgesetzblatt (BGBl.) — Bundesanzeiger Verlag [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija 29.10.2014).
40. Der Bundesgerichtshof — Startseite [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija 29.10.2014).
41. Hohl/Leible/Sosnitza, Domains, Frames und Links —technische Gestaltungsmoglichkeiten zwischen Wildwuchs und Reglementierung.

Morin A. V.
Improving the organization and implementation of business trips of employees of internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation
The article considers the methods of evaluating the effectiveness of secondments of employees of internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation. The author draws attention to the notion of efficiency in the organization of business trips and examines the principles, factors and conditions of effectiveness.
Keywords: efficiency of secondments, principles, factors, conditions of effectiveness, internal affairs bodies.
Work bibliographic list
1. Djurjagin I. Ja. Pravo i upravlenie. — M., 1981.
2. Prikaz MVD RF ot 15.11.2011 # 1150 «Ob organizacii sluzhebnyh komandirovok sotrudnikov organov vnutrennih del i voennosluzhashhih vnutrennih vojsk Ministerstva vnutrennih del Rossijskoj Federacii na territorii Rossijskoj Federacii» // Bjulleten' normativnyh aktov federal'nyh organov ispolnitel'noj vlasti. — 2012. — 2 aprelja. — # 14.
3. Granat N. L., Makuev R. H. Professional'naja kul'tura v pravoprimenitel'noj dejatel'nosti organov vnutrennih del. — M., 1994.

Nazarova N. L., Solovyeva S. V., Filipov V. V.
Interests deconfliction at civil service: mediative approach
The article discusses the possibility of settling disputes in favor of civil servants’ interests using mediation. Mediation is a method which focuses on identifying and maximum realization of the interests of the parties involved in the conflict, which contributes to a culture of reconciliation in society.
Keywords: civil service, civil servants, mediation, mediative approach, conflict of interests.
Work bibliographic list

1. Abramova L. Kurs lekcij po jetike [Jelektronnyj resurs] . — Rezhim dostupa: http://
2. Atamanchuk G. V. Sushhnost' gosudarstvennoj sluzhby:istorija, teorija, zakon i praktika: Monografija. — M.,Izd-vo RAGS, 2003.
3. Buravlev Ju. M. Upravlenie gosudarstvennoj sluzhboj v sovremennoj Rossii: dis. … d-ra jurid. nauk. — M., 2003.
4. Denisov A. P. Gosudarstvennoe upravlenie i gosudarstvennaja sluzhba: vzaimosvjaz', problemy i perspektivy//Pravo: istorija, teorija, praktika: materialy mezhdunar. nauch. konf. (g. Sankt-Peterburg, ijul', 2011 g.). — SPb: Renome, 2011.
5. Doklad Mezhdunarodnoj antikorrupcionnoj organizacii [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa:
6. Krajnc V., Okma S. Besspornye vygody. Mediacija v gollandskoj nalogovoj sisteme// Mediacija i pravo. Posrednichestvo i primirenie. — 2009. — # 2 (12).
7. Merkur'ev A. V. Izmenenija lichnostnyh i professional'nyh kachestv gosudarstvennogo sluzhashhego v hode ego professional'noj dejatel'nosti. Sb.materialov mezhdunarodnoj konferencii. — V 2 h t. — Tom 2 /Pod obshhej redakciej prof. Z. H Saralievoj. — N. Novgorod: Izdatel'stvo NISOC, 2006.
8. Nazarova N. L. Innovacionnyj podhod k regulirovaniju ugolovno-pravovyh otnoshenij // Vestnik Nizhegorodskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. N. I. Lobachevskogo. Chast' 2. — 2013. — # 3.
9. Ortloff K. Idushhij pervym — dolzhen poroj ogljadyvat'sja // Mediacija i pravo. Posrednichestvo i primirenie. — 2007. — # 3 (5).
10. Rahmanina T. N. Aktual'nye voprosy kodifikacii rossijskogo zakonodatel'stva // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. — 2008. — # 4.
11. Samsonova N. V. Konfliktologicheskaja kul'tura specialista i tehnologija ee formirovanija v sisteme vuzovskogo obrazovanija: Monografija. — Kazan': Izd-vo KGU, 2002.
12. Solov'eva S. V. Mediativnyj podhod k dogovorosposobnosti rossijskogo obshhestva// Vestnik Nizhegorodskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. N. I. Lobachevskogo. Chast' 2. — 2013. — # 3.
13. Stalberg D., Lav L. Tretij golos. Uspeshnaja mediacija konflikta. — M., 2014.
14. Turchinov A. Gosudarstvo i kadrovyj potencial Rossii // Gosudarstvennaja sluzhba. 2004. — # 4.
15. Fomichev E. V. «Trudovaja motivacija gosudarstvennyh sluzhashhih v uslovijah reformirovanija rossijskoj gosudarstvennoj sluzhby»». Avtoref. dis… kand. soc. nauk. — Rostov-na-Donu, 2011.
16. Shamlikashvili C. A. Mediacija kak mezhdisciplinarnaja nauka. — Psihologija i pedagogika: sovremennye metodiki i innovacii, opyt prakticheskogo primenenija. Sbornik materialov III-j obshherossijskoj nauchno-prakticheskoj distancionnoj konferencii s mezhdunarodnym uchastiem (g. Lipeck, 27 sentjabrja 2013 g.) / Otv. red. E. M. Mosolova. — Lipeck: «Kvatro», 2013.
17. Shamlikashvili C. A. Slovo redaktora // Mediacija i pravo. — 2009. — # 4 (14) .

Posulikhina N. S.
Medical ethics: the administrative and legal aspects
The article discusses the model of interacting legal and ethical aspects of conferring legal personality of the medical professional, studies the legal basis for the licensing medical activity in the Russian Federation.
Keywords: license, the ethical aspects, medical activity.
Work bibliographic list

1. Badmaev P. Osnovy vrachebnoj nauki Tibeta Zhud-shi. —M., 1991.
2. Poslanie Prezidenta RF V. V. Putina Federal'nomu Sobraniju RF ot 12 dekabrja 2013 g. // Rossijskaja gazeta. — 13.12.2013. — # 282.
3. Postanovlenie Pravitel'stva RF ot 16 aprelja 2012 g. # 291 «O licenzirovanii medicinskoj dejatel'nosti (za iskljucheniem ukazannoj dejatel'nosti, osushhestvljaemoj medicinskimi organizacijami i drugimi organizacijami, vhodjashhimi v chastnuju sistemu zdravoohranenija, na territorii innovacionnogo centra «Skolkovo»)»// SZ RF. — 23.04.2012. — # 17. —St. 1965.
4. Sergeev Ju. D. Medicinskoe pravo: uchebnyj kompleks v 3 tomah. — M.: GJeOTAR-MEDIA, 2008.
5. Shamrin M. Ju. Osobennosti zakonoproekta o social'nom patronate i dejatel'nosti organov opeki i popechitel'stva: teoretiko-pravovoj aspekt // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. — 2013. — # 7.
6. Jel'shtejn N. V. Medicina i vremja. — Tallin, 1990.
7. Jarovinskij M. Ja. Lekcii po kursu «Medicinskaja jetika» (biojetika). — M.: Medicina, 2004.
Rakishev K. Kh.
Object and target of criminal infringement of copyright and related rights on the Internet
The paper is devoted to consideration of the object and target of a criminal infringement of copyright and related rights on the Internet. The author gives an analysis of the different viewpoints of Kazakh and Russian scientists on this issue.
Keywords: object of infringement of copyright and related rights, target of a crime, attacks on copyright, copyright and related rights, result of creative work.
Work bibliographic list

1. Voshhinskij M. V. Ugolovno-pravovye mery protivodejstvija narusheniju avtorskogo i smezhnyh prav: Dis.… kand. jurid. nauk. — M., 2005.
2. Dolotov P. O. Mehanizm ugolovno-pravovogo regulirovanija v sfere prestupnyh posjagatel'stv na ob"ekty intellektual'noj sobstvennosti: Avtoref. dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. — Saratov, 2009.
3. Kasenova M. B. K voprosu formirovanija mezhdunarodno-pravovoj modeli upravlenija internetom. Chast'2 // Moskovskij zhurnal mezhdunarodnogo prava. —2013. — # 3.
4. Kovalenko A. A. Ugolovno-pravovaja ohrana avtorskih i smezhnyh prav: Dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. — M., 2001.
5. Kommentarij k Ugolovnomu kodeksu Respubliki Kazahstan. Obshhaja i Osobennaja chasti / Pod obshh. red. I. Sh. Borchashvili. — Izd. 2-e. Almaty: Zheti zhargy, 2007.
6. Koshhegulov B. B. Ugolovno-pravovaja harakteristika narushenija avtorskih i smezhnyh prav: Avtoref. dis. …kand. jurid. nauk. — Karaganda, 2009.
7. Krylova K. N. Ugolovno-pravovaja ohrana rezul'tatov intellektual'noj dejatel'nosti vo Francii. Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta. Serija Pravo.-2012. — # 4.
8. Pritulin R. V. Ugolovnaja otvetstvennost' za narushenie avtorskih i smezhnyh prav: problemy teorii i praktiki: Dis. … kand. jurid nauk. — M., 2010.
9. Tolstaja E. V. Posjagatel'stva na avtorskie i smezhnye prava v rossijskom segmente seti Internet: ugolovno-pravovaja harakteristika: Dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. —M., 2011.
10. Ugolovnoe pravo Rossijskoj Federacii. Osobennaja chast' / Pod red. A. I. Raroga. — M., 2000.
11. Shul'ga A. V. Intellektual'naja sobstvennost' kak predmet hishhenija // Gosudarstvo i pravo. — 2012. — # 7.
12. Shul'ga A. V. Ob"ekt i predmet prestuplenij, posjagaju-shhih na sobstvennost' v uslovijah rynochnyh otnoshenij i informacionnogo obshhestva: Avtoref. dis. … d-ra jurid. nauk. — Krasnodar, 2009.
13. Jurkov S. A. Social'naja obuslovlennost' ugolovno- pravovoj ohrany avtorskih i smezhnyh prav: Avtoref.dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. — M., 2013.

Balaniuk L. L.
Electronic banknote payment system as a stage of development of national payment system
The article explains the necessity of reforming the payment system and the issuance of electronic banknotes. The features of the electronic banknotes as a new form of money are induced and the structure and mechanisms of the electronic banknote payment system are revealed.
Keywords: payment system, bank money, electronic money, electronic banknotes, electronic banknote payment system.
Work bibliographic list
1. O nacional'noj platezhnoj sisteme: Federal'nyj zakon ot 27 ijunja 2011 goda # 161-FZ.
2. O bankah i bankovskoj dejatel'nosti: Federal'nyj zakon ot 02 dekabrja 1990 goda # 395–1;
3. Direktiva Evropejskogo Sojuza 2000/46/ES o dejatel'nosti v sfere jelektronnyh deneg i prudencial'nogo nadzora nad institutami, zanimajushhimisja jetoj dejatel'nost'ju.
4. Polozhenie ob jelektronnyh den'gah v Ukraine: Postanovlenie Pravlenija NBU ot 04 nojabrja 2010 goda # 481;
5. Afonina S. V. Jelektronnye den'gi. — SPb: Piter, 2001. (Serija Nauka delat' den'gi).
6. New Technologies in Payments: A Challenge to Monetary Policy: Professor Otmar Issing Lecture to be delivered at the Center for Financial Studies, Frankfurt am Main 28 June 2000

Babichev A. G.
Responsibility for murder under certain extenuating circumstances in the post-Soviet space
The article analyzes the legislation of the states emerged on the territory of the former Soviet Union
on issues concerning the responsibility for the murder with extenuating circumstances reflected in
articles 106 and 108 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
Keywords: murder, newborn, stressful situation, exceeding the limits of necessary defense, assault, detention, the degree of public danger, clearly excessive harm.
Work bibliographic list
1. Volzhenkin B. V. Model'nyj ugolovnyj kodeks i ego vlijanie na formirovanie ugolovnogo zakonodatel'stva gosudarstv — uchastnikov Sodruzhestva Nezavisimyh Gosudarstv. Sbornik nauchnyh statej. / Pod red.L. L. Kruglikova, N. F. Kuznecovoj. — M., 2002.
2. Ozhegov S. I. i Shvedova N. Ju. Tolkovyj slovar' russkogo jazyka. — M., 1997.
3. Sidorov B. V., Babichev A. G. Ubijstvo: ponjatija, osnovnoj i kvalificirovannyj vidy (voprosy primenenija i sovershenstvovanija ugolovnogo zakonodatel'stva). Chast' pervaja. / Pod obshh. red.B. V. Sidorova. — Kazan', 2013.

Kharitonov A. N.
Demand for equity in federal penal service activity
In this article, the demand for implementation of the principle of equity in the institutions and bodies, enforcing criminal penalties, is considered as a factor contributing to the further development of the penal system in Russia.
Keywords: justice, law, principle, the correctional system, rule of law, reform, law enforcement.

Grigoreva M. A.
Some specific features of teaching the discipline «Financial law» in English
The article reveals the problems of application of some teaching methods in the process of teaching the discipline «Financial law» in English to Russian-speaking students of economic faculties. The article also analyses important aspects of the influence of studying core disciplines within the framework of modern CLIL system.
Keywords: teaching, educational process, methods, financial law, legal disciplines

Korotun A. V.
Trial pedagogical expertise of family law in criminal proceedings
The article provides a rationale for the appointment of trial pedagogical expertise, a description
of the object of study of pedagogical expertise. The paper presents the structure and the expert's
conclusion for trial pedagogical expertise of family law, which was considered in criminal proceedings.
Keywords: pedagogical expertise, family law, underage, criminal proceedings.
Work bibliographic list

1. Korotun A. V., Orlov V. B. Povyshenie professional'noj kompetentnosti roditelej — social'nyh pedagogov v sfere normativno-pravovogo i finansovogo obespechenija detej, 2013.
2. Mardahaev L. V. Social'naja pedagogika: polnyj kurs.M.: Jurajt, 2011.
3. Naznachenie pedagogicheskoj jekspertizy. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa:
4. Pischikov V. A. Semejnye otnoshenija. M.: Jurajt, 2007.
5. Semejnyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii.
6. Semejnyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii. Kommentarii.
7. Ugolovnyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii. Kommentarii.
8. Federal'nyj zakon ot 29 dekabrja 2012 g. # 274-FZ (v red. ot 7 maja 2013 g.) «Ob obrazovanii v Rossijskoj Federacii».

Safronova L. V., Bulgakova L. F.
Christian personality pattern as an important guideline in the moral education of the individual
The article deals with the analysis of a Christian personality pattern as an important guideline in the moral education of the individual, its educational significance for students prompting the latter to self-development and self-improvement.
Keywords: personal pattern, education, personality traits.
Work bibliographic list
1. Antonov V. V. Ob «Iisusovoj molitve» // Metodologija jogi. Sb. st. / Pod red. V. V. Antonova. — M., 1993.
2. Vinogradov V. P. Iisus Hristos v ponimanii Renana i Garnaka. — Sergiev Posad, 1908.
3. Gurevich P. S. Filosofija: uchebnik dlja psihologov. —M., 2004.
4. Gusejnov A. A. Velikie moralisty. — M.: Respublika, 1995.
5. Gusejnov A. A. Jetika dobroj voli // Kant I. Lekcii po jetike. — M., 2000.
6. Pivovarov D. V., Medvedev A. V. Istorija i filosofija religii: Ucheb. posobie. — Ekaterinburg, 2000.
7. Safronova L. V., Rahmatullin T. R. Vizualizacija nauchnogo znanija: didakticheskij aspekt. — Ufa, 2008.
8. Jang Dzh. Hristianstvo / Per. s angl. K. Savel'eva. — M., 2000.

Minenko S. V.
Conversion to orthodoxy as a factor of imperial Russia’s integration in the 18th and 19th centuries
The article is devoted to the complex task of ensuring social stability of the Russian State in the context of multiculturalism and a large number of religions through the establishment of confessional system and gradual «Russification» of society at the expense of distribution of orthodoxy.
Keywords: diversity, multi-religionism, religious tolerance, religious system, missionary activity.
Work bibliographic list

1. Zapiski o tom, kak bylo sohraneno v Belorussii Obshhestvo Iisusa // Evropejskij al'manah: Istorija. Tradicii. Kul'tura. — M., 1991.
2. Krasnozhen M. Inovercy na Rusi. — Jur'ev, 1903. — T. 1.
3. Moroshkin M. Ja. Iezuity v Rossii, s carstvovanija Ekateriny II i do nashego vremeni. — SPb.: Tip. Vtorogo otd-ja Sobstvennoj E. I.V. Kanceljarii, 1867. — Ch. 1.
4. Rozhkov V., protoierej. Ocherki po istorii Rimsko-katolicheskoj cerkvi: Kurs lekcij, prochitannyj dlja studentov 3 kursa Moskovskoj Duhovnoj Akademii. —M., 1994. — Ch. 1.
5. Romanovskaja V. B. Duhovnost' i pravosoznanie (sootnoshenie fenomenov) // Vestnik Nizhegorodskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta imeni N. I. Lobachevskogo. Serija: pravo. — 2001. — # 1.
6. Romanovskaja L. R. Osobennosti i jevoljucija veroispovednoj politiki pravitel'stva Rossijskoj imperii v XIX veke // Vestnik Kostromskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta imeni N. A. Nekrasova. — 2005. — # 12.

Ketsba B. I.
The influence of Christianity on the law of the Byzantine Empire
The article concerns analysis of relationship of the canon and secular law with taking into consideration different interaction models of the State and the Christian Church. The Byzantine legal heritage — the new research subject which arose at the joint researches of the international political and cultural ties in Europe, on the one hand, and political and legal development of Byzantium on the other. The statement of this issue is connected with the present stage of jurisprudence development, after the works devoted to disclosure of a social and political system of the Byzantine Empire.
Key words: interaction, Church, state, canon law, secular law, emperor, Ecumenical council, Byzantium.
Work bibliographic list

1. Velichko A. M. Cerkov' i imperator v vizantijskoj i russkoj istorii (istoriko-pravovye ocherki). —SPb, 2006.
2. Vizantijskaja civilizacija v osveshhenii rossijskih uchjonyh: (Sb. st.) / RAN, 1999.
3. Gobbs T. Bogovo i kesarevo. Podchinenie religii gosudarstvennoj vlasti. — M., 1996.
4. Istorija politicheskih i pravovyh uchenij / Pod red.O. A. Zhidkova, N. A. Krasheninnikova, V. A. Savel'eva — M.: Jekstra, 2008.
5. Knutov A. D. Juridicheskij analiz struktury nomokanona XIV titulov v kontekste sistematizacii Cerkovnogo prava Vizantii: Avtoreferat dissertacii na soiskanie uchenoj stepeni kandidata bogoslovija. —Sergiev Posad, 2012.
6. Krivushin I. V. Rannevizantijskaja cerkovnaja istoriografija. — SPb, 1998.
7. Kostogryzova L. Ju. Simfonija vlastej v Vizantii: opyt vzaimodejstvija gosudarstva i Cerkvi. — Ekaterinburg, 2007.
8. Lipshic E. Je. Zakonodatel'stvo i jurisprudencija v Vizantii v IX–XI vv., 1960.
9. Pereterskij I. S. Digesty Justiniana. Ocherki po istorii sostavlenija i obshhaja harakteristika. —M., 1956.
10. Uspenskij F. I. Istorija Vizantijskoj imperii. —M.: «Mysl'», 1996.
11. Hrestomatija po vseobshhej istorii gosudarstva i prava / Pod red. K. I. Batyra, E. V. Polikarpovoj. — M., 2007.
12. Cypin V., protoierej. Kurs cerkovnogo prava. Klin Fond «Hristianskaja zhizn'», 2002.
13. Ahrweiler H. L’ideologie politique de l’empire byzantin. —
Paris, 1975.
14. Corpus juris civilis. — Vol. III. — Novell. // Rec. E. Scholl. — Dublin-Zürich, 1972.

Gazizova L. I., Dautova A. R.
Role of the Russian state historical policy in setting a positive image of ethnic relations
The article explains the significance of the role of the state historical politics in supporting Russian
institutions of intercultural dialogue and a balanced ethnic integration. The authors represent basic
principles and criteria of the effectiveness of state programs for the prevention of ethnic conflicts and ethnic and political extremism in the field of education of Russian youth.
Keywords: Russian civic nation, multi-ethnicity, intercultural dialogue, historical policy, ethnopolitical relations, prevention of extremism, cultural and educational upbringing of Russian youth.
Work bibliographic list

1. Antonjan Ju. M. Psihologija terrorizma // Voprosy psihologii i pedagogiki. — # 3. — 2012. — S. 106–111.
2. Achkasov V. A. Rol' politicheskih i intellektual'nyh jelit v proizvodstve politiki pamjati // Simvolicheskaja politika: Vyp.1: Konstruirovanie predstavlenij o proshlom kak vlastnyj resurs / Otv. red. Malinova O. Ju. — M.: INION, — 2012. — S. 126–148.
3. Achkasova V. V. Politicheskoe mifotvorchestvo kak sposob vyrazhenija regional'nyh interesov // Zhurnal sociologii i social'noj antropologii. — 2002. — # 3.— T. 5. — S. 96–107.
4. Beljaev E. A. Municipal'nye uchrezhdenija kul'tury kak aktory mezhjetnicheskoj integracii // Municipal'naja vlast' v sovremennom mire: poisk otvetov na vyzovy vremeni: mater. Mezhdunar. nauch. — prakt. konf. —Ufa: BAGSU, — 2013. — T. 1. — 257 s.
5. Buskunov A. M., Kul'sharipov M. M., Murzabaev I. S. Na sluzhbe narodu. Bashkirskomu narodnomu centru «Ural» — 10 let. — Ufa: Izd-vo BGU, — 2000. — 365 s.
6. Vlast' v sovremennoj Rossii i Respublike Bashkortostan: politologicheskie i social'no-jekonomicheskie aspekty. — Ufa: BAGSU, — 2013. — 246 s.
7. Gazizova L. I. Tolerantnost' kak sostavljajushhaja politicheskoj kul'tury mnogonacional'nogo gosudarstva // Nacionalizm i nacional'no-gosudarstvennoe ustrojstvo Rossii: istorija i sovremennaja praktika:sbornik nauchnyh statej Mezhregional'noj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. — Ufa: IJeI UNC RAN,— 2011. — S. 151–154.
8. Dautova A. R. Nacional'no-kul'turnye osobennosti politicheskoj socializacii bashkirskoj molodjozhi v uslovijah rossijskogo federalizma // Social'naja politika i sociologija. — 2009. — # 8. — S. 143–149.
9. Dautova A. R. Rossijskaja nacional'naja kul'tura: konceptual'nye osnovy izuchenija // Vestnik Volzhskogo universiteta im. V. N. Tatishheva. Gumanitarnye nauki i obrazovanie. — 2012. — # 3 (10). — S. 258–266.
10. Dvorcy i doma pionerov i shkol'nikov // Bol'shaja sovetskaja jenciklopedija. [Jelektronnyj resurs]: Rezhim dostupa: _enciklopediya_dv/read_10/ (Data obrashhenija 30.10.14 g.)
11. Zdravomyslov A. G. Racional'nost' i vlastnye otnoshenija // Voprosy sociologii. — 1996. — # 6. — S. 7–71.
12. Zubkova E. Ju., Kuprijanov A. I. «Vozvrashhenie k «russkoj istorii»: krizis identichnosti i nacional'naja istorija// Otechestvennaja istorija. — 1999. — # 5.— S.4–28.
13. Imperskaja bolezn'. Dlja chego «Russkij Marsh» na bashkirskoj zemle? // Bashkirskoe obshhestvennoe dvizhenie. [Jelektronnyj resurs]: Rezhim dostupa: (Data obrashhenija 29.10.14 g.)
14. Kara-Murza S. G. Demontazh naroda. — M.: «Algoritm», — 2007. — 704 s.
15. Lubskij A. V. Neoklassicheskaja model' istoricheskogo issledovanija v kul'turno-jepistemologicheskom kontekste nachala XXI veka // Obshhestvennye nauki i sovremennost'. — 2009. — # 3. — S. 158–168.
16. Monitoring istoricheskoj politiki: o proekte // Urok istorii XX vek. [Jelektronnyj resurs]: Rezhim dostupa: (Data obrashhenija
29.10.14 g.) .
17. O problemah prepodavanija istorii v rossijskih uchebnyh zavedenijah. Doklad Centra politicheskoj informacii // Centr politicheskoj informacii. [Jelektronnyj resurs]: Rezhim dostupa: (Data obrashhenija 27.10.14 g.) .
18. Pisigin V. Hroniki bezvremen'ja // Zhurnal'nyj zal. [Jelektronnyj resurs]: Rezhim dostupa: (Data obrashhenija 28.10.14 g.)
19. Rikjor P. Pamjat', istorija, zabvenie: per. s fr. — M.: Izdatel'stvo gumanitarnoj literatury, — 2004. —416 s.
20. Sbornik itogovyh materialov nauchno-prakticheskih seminarov, provedennyh v g. Moskva, g. Rostov-na-Donu,__ g. Stavropol', g. Sochi, «Formy i metody protivodej-
stvija rasprostraneniju ideologii jekstremizma i terrorizma sredi molodezhi. Rol' i zadachi municipal'nyh obrazovanij». — M.: NEFT'' i GAZ, — 2012. — 226 s.
21. Skvorcova E. E. Formirovanie obshherossijskoj identichnosti shkol'nikov na urokah istorii // Rossija: Predposylki preodolenija sistemnogo krizisa. Social'naja i social'no-politicheskaja situacija v Rossii v 2006 godu. — M.: RIC ISPI RAN, — 2007. — 561 s.
22. Tolstikova S. N. Mezhjetnicheskie konflikty i ih profilaktika v studencheskoj srede // Vestnik Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo gumanitarnogo universiteta im. M. A. Sholohova. Pedagogika i psihologija. — 2012. —# 2. — S.95–102.
23. T'ess A. — M. Ispol'zovanie nacional'noj istorii v politicheskih celjah na primere sovremennoj Francii // Sociologicheskij zhurnal. — 2010. — # 1.— S. 92–103.
24. Frolova I. V. Jetnosocial'nye processy vzgljad s pozicii social'nogo konstruktivizma // Sovremennye jetnopoliticheskie i jetnosocial'nye processy v Rossii: model' Respubliki Bashkortostan. — Ufa: Informreklama, — 2004. — S.312–317.
25. Fromm Je. Begstvo ot svobody. M.: Progress, 1990. 272 s.
26. Hal'bvaks M. Social'nye ramki pamjati. — M.: Novoe izdatel'stvo, — 2007. — 348 s.
27. Hjubner K Nacija ot zabvenija k vozrozhdeniju. — M.:Kanon+, — 2001. — 396 s.
28. Shestopal E. B. Psihologicheskij profil' rossijskoj politiki 1990 h. Teoreticheskie i prikladnye problemy politicheskoj psihologii. M.: ROSSPJeN, 2000. 431 s.

Nazarov A. V.
Features of state youth policy in modern Russia
The question of the formation and implementation of state youth policy in modern Russia. The attention is focused on the interests of youth and civil society institutions in the current geopolitical realities. Proved the position of the author of the patriotic youth oriented metropolis. The basic approaches to youth policy. The basic forms of political participation of young people, including taking into account the legal and regulatory framework. The expediency of the use of domestic and European experience in the formation and implementation of youth policy, both at the state and among the various institutions of civil society.
Keywords: government, civil society, suffrage, political parties, political participation, youth policy.
Work bibliographic list

1. Anisimova D. V. Razvitie i realizacija potenciala molodezhi v interesah Rossii // Youth World Politic. 2014. # 1. S. 107–110.
2. Burenko V. I. Gruppy interesov i lobbizm v politicheskom processe (zarubezhnyj opyt i rossijskaja praktika) // Vestnik universiteta (GUU). — 2012. —# 4. — S. 5–10.
3. Burenko V. I., Shumilov A. V. Politicheskij klass sovremennoj Rossii v kontekste instrumental'nogo podhoda //PolitBook. 2012. # 4. S. 9–18.
4. Grishin O. E., Sokolova A. Je. Formirovanie reputacionnogo kapitala gosudarstva: innovacionnye informacionno-kommunikativnye tehnologii // PolitBook. 2013. # 2. S. 106–116
5. Korjakovceva O. A., Klimov O. A. Tendencii vzaimodejstvija vlasti i obshhestva v aspekte razvitija grazhdanskoj identichnosti molodezhi // Youth World Politic. 2013. # 1. S. 74–80.
6. Krjuchkov V. A., Skovikov A. K., Titova O. N. Politicheskaja jelita: teoreticheskij aspekt // Fundamental'nye issledovanija. 2013. # 11–8. S. 1736–1740.
7. Lapin D. V. Mul'tikul'turnoe informacionno-kommunikativnoe prostranstvo molodezhi: strukturno-funkcional'nyj podhod // Youth World Politic. 2014.# 1. S. 24–27
8. Pastuhova L. S. Problemy politicheskogo uchastija molodezhi // Vlast'. 2011. # 6. S. 58–60.
9. Skovikov, A. K. Aktivizacija tradicionnyh i novyh aktorov grazhdanskogo obshhestva v sovremennoj Rossii //Upravlenie megapolisom. — 2011. — # 6. — S. 151–154.
10. Skovikov A. Youth and political parties: interaction and interests // Youth World Politic. 2013. # 1. P. 4–10.

Skovikov A. K.
Political parties as actors of civil society philosophy and law
The specific features of one of the institutions of civil society — political parties are considered.
The emphasis is made on the uniqueness of socio-political organizations as the liaison between civil society and government. The evolution of party development in Russia, with regard to international practices and the interests of the ruling class is shown. The position on the «addiction» of the electorate to «traditional» parties received its argumentation, while it is pointed out that the crisis period may bring changes in preferences that allow new political forces to get the opportunity to reach the level of decision making.
Keywords: state, civil society, law, political power, political parties, political participation, political elite, electorate.
Work bibliographic list

1. Burenko V. I., Bronnikov I. A. Jelektronnoe grazhdanskoe obshhestvo: illjuzija ili real'nost'? (Zarubezhnyj opyt i otechestvennaja praktika. Politicheskij aspekt) // Znanie. Ponimanie. Umenie. — 2012. — # 1.
2. Burenko V. I. Gruppy interesov i lobbizm v politicheskom processe (zarubezhnyj opyt i rossijskaja praktika) // Vestnik Universiteta (Gosudarstvennyj universitet upravlenija). — 2012. — # 4.
3. Burenko V. I., Predybajlov S. M. Parlamentarizm i politicheskoe predstavitel'stvo // PolitBook. —2013. — # 3.
4. Gorelov A. A., Gorelova T. A. Predposylki stanovlenija grazhdanskogo obshhestva // PolitBook. — 2012. — # 2.
5. Grishin O. N. Tehnologicheskij podhod v rossijskoj politicheskoj nauke: sushhnost', stanovlenie, problemy// PolitBook. — 2014. — # 4.
6. Kamnev D. G. SMI v processe politicheskoj socializacii molodezhi v Rossii: fokus sravnitel'nogo analiza roli Interneta // PolitBook. — 2014. — # 4.
7. Krukova V. G. Vlijanie Interneta na processy samoorganizacii molodezhi v sovremennom obshhestve // Youth World Politic. — 2014. — # 1.
8. Kuc G. M. Klassicheskij i sovremennyj liberalizm: sravnitel'nyj analiz // PolitBook. — 2014. — # 4.
9. Ljadjaev V. G., Ledjaeva O. M. Osnovanija legal'nogo avtoriteta: manipuljacija i ubezhdenie // PolitBook. —2014. — # 4.
10. Mart'janov D. S. Internet i politicheskaja kommunikacija: nauchnoe osmyslenie // PolitBook. — 2014. — # 4.
11. Mihaleva G. M. Jevoljucija administrativnyh partij v sovremennoj Rossii // Vestnik Rossijskogo gosudarstvennogo gumanitarnogo universiteta. — 2009. — # 1.
12. Politologija / Pod red. V. N. Larinenko. — M.: Izdatel'stvo Jurajt, 2013.
13. Shabrov O. F. Neodnoznachnyj potencial «russkoj matricy» // Vlast'. — 2014. — # 2.
14. Shashkova Ja. Ju. Rossijskij partogenez kak institucional'naja lovushka // PolitBook. — 2014. — # 4.
15. Shumilov A. V. Mnimye i real'nye issledovanija jelektoral'noj statistiki: vlijanie na jelektoral'nye processy// Vestnik Chuvashskogo universiteta. — 2013. — # 2.

Bondarenko V. N.
The ontological limits of the law (problem statement)
This article examines the main ontological limits of the law, taking into account their different bases (the limitation of the law being with its not-being and nothingness), how they manifest themselves in modern human society and the community and relate to the right of being, the right of not-being and nothingness right.
Keywords: ontological limits of the law, law being, law non-being, law nothingness, the right of
being, the right of non-being, nothingness right.

Neganov F. V., Haziev Z. A.
Education and values:the axiological and legal aspects
The article analyzes the modern problems of development of the education system in axiological
and legal aspects. Special attention is paid to issues of quality of education. Reasons of adverse changes which has happened in the higher education system of the country are examined. The possible ways out of the crisis in the policy of the state and its legal institutions in the field of education are proposed.
Keywords: education, values, law, knowledge, information, quality of education, technocratism, legal relations.
Work bibliographic list

1. Viner N. Kibernetika ili upravlenie i svjaz' v zhivotnom i mashine / Per. s angl. 2-e izd. — M., 1968.
2. Viner N. Kibernetika i obshhestvo // Tvorec i Budushhee/ Per. s angl. — M., 2003.
3. Jaspers K. Smysl i naznachenie istorii / Per. s nem. 2-e izd. — M., 1994.

Bondarenko A. C., Lukiyanov M. Yu.
Evolution of anti-corruption legislation in Russia (socio-philosophical analysis)
The purpose of this article is the analysis of the evolution of anti-corruption legislation in relation to the socio-political reality that has developed in Russia at different historical stages.
Key words: anti-corruption legislation, history, social philosophy.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ugolovnyj kodeks RSFSR 1960 goda / Osobennaja chast'. Glava 7. St. 173 i 174.
2. Ivanova E. Korrupcija v Rossii. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa: community/5101/content/2152333
3. Istorija otechestvennogo gosudarstva i prava (v 2 tomah; tom 1) / pod redakciej O. I. Chistjakova. M.: Jurist", 2003.
4. Lepehin V. Lobbizm v Rossii i problemy ego pravovogo regulirovanija. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. —
5. Meshalkin V. Istorija korrupcii v Rossii i bor'by s nej // Promyshlennye vedomosti. 2012. # 3–4. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa:
6. Romanov B. Korrupcija v carskoj Rossii. istorija problemy. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa:
7. Hrestomatija po istorii otechestvennogo gosudarstva i prava. 1917–1991 gg. / Sost. O. I. Chistjakov. M.: Zercalo, 2004.
8. Hrestomatija po istorii otechestvennogo gosudarstva i prava. X vek — 1917 god / sost. V. A. Tomsinov. M.: Zercalo, 2004.
9. Shejhetov S. V. Njepmany, kak social'naja gruppa: samosoznanie, samoorganizacija, vzaimodejstvie s vlastjami // Sibirskaja zaimka. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa:


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