G.P. Zhukov «Switches between Russian space law!»
Interview with the founder of the Russian international space law professor, doctor of law, Gennady Petrovich Zhukov
Iran: past and present
Our guest – Boris Vladimirovich Polyanskiy, Doctor of Geological Sciences, who has worked for many years in various countries around the world, including Iran
Yastrebova A.Y.
Modern tendencies of labour migration’ regulation: experience and priorities of the international integration units (EU, CIS, EurAsEC)
Ponamorenko V.E.
Сurrent state and prospects for harmonisation of banking legislation of Single Economic Space member states
Tarasevich N.P.
On the prospects of medicine circulation legal regulation in the Eurasian Economic Union
Azanov B.K.
President of the Republic of Kazakhstan as a founder of Neo-Eurasianism: scientific and practical grounds
Valeev R.M.
Conventional origin of the international humanitarian law (to the 150 years of adoption of the convention for the amelioration of the condition of the wounded in armies in the field of August 22, 1864)
Chernyadyeva N.A.
Concerning the origin and evolution of international terrorism
Adu Y.N.
International legal base for interfering into state maters for human rights protection purpose
Kiseleva E.V., Golovanov A.S.
Cooperation between the European Union and the African Union in the field of migration: three generations of agreements
Arabey E.A.
Procedural, collision and legal aspects of protection of consumers’ rights in the European Union law
Verbitskaya T.V.
To the issue of observance by the constitutional court of the Russian Federation of the exigencies of the European Court of human rights on fair judicial decision in the sphere of defence
Samake Awa
Implementation of international law in the field of women’s rights in the Republic of Mali
Kasenova M.B.
Contractual operating foundation for the root server system
G.P. Zhukov «Switches between Russian space law!»
Interview with the founder of the Russian international space law professor, doctor of law, Gennady Petrovich Zhukov
Iran: past and present
Our guest – Boris Vladimirovich Polyanskiy, Doctor of Geological Sciences, who has worked for many years in various countries around the world, including Iran
Yastrebova A.Y.
Modern tendencies of labour migration’ regulation: experience and priorities of the international integration units (EU, CIS, EurAsEC)
Ponamorenko V.E.
Сurrent state and prospects for harmonisation of banking legislation of Single Economic Space member states
Tarasevich N.P.
On the prospects of medicine circulation legal regulation in the Eurasian Economic Union
Azanov B.K.
President of the Republic of Kazakhstan as a founder of Neo-Eurasianism: scientific and practical grounds
Valeev R.M.
Conventional origin of the international humanitarian law (to the 150 years of adoption of the convention for the amelioration of the condition of the wounded in armies in the field of August 22, 1864)
Chernyadyeva N.A.
Concerning the origin and evolution of international terrorism
Adu Y.N.
International legal base for interfering into state maters for human rights protection purpose
Kiseleva E.V., Golovanov A.S.
Cooperation between the European Union and the African Union in the field of migration: three generations of agreements
Arabey E.A.
Procedural, collision and legal aspects of protection of consumers’ rights in the European Union law
Verbitskaya T.V.
To the issue of observance by the constitutional court of the Russian Federation of the exigencies of the European Court of human rights on fair judicial decision in the sphere of defence
Samake Awa
Implementation of international law in the field of women’s rights in the Republic of Mali
Kasenova M.B.
Contractual operating foundation for the root server system
Gordeeva Y.M.
New European Union framework for 2030 climate and energy policy
Zakirov A.V.
International law aspects of asteroid and comets monitoring (present state of the problem)
Dorskaya A.A.
Legal reforms of church-state relations: the European experience
Mitrokhina A.H.
Comparative analysis of agreements between European Space Agency and the government of the Russian Federation on cooperation in the exploration and use of outer space for peaceful purposes
Nutsalhanov G.N.
Legislation of Central Asian states concerning the legal status of regional nuclear-free zone
Chepus A.V.
Common and specific features of the mechanism of parliamentary responsibility of the government in Russia
and the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States
Klyachin V.M.
Methodological problems of law in the uncertainty sphere
Kozhevnikov V.V.
The problem of correlation of legal regulation and legal impact (on the basis of the academic literature on the theory of state and law analysis)
Romanov I.B.
Political ideology as kind of political factors of formation of the law in Russia
Minniahmetov R.A., Gaisina L.T.
«Mehr» as an instrument for regulation of property relations in the Muslim family law
Bikmaeva A.I.
The problems of legal education and civic consciousness formation in prerevolutionary Russia
Gabdullina A.R.
Changes in the property right state and legal provision in the conditions of Perestroika
Lantseva V.Y.
The forms of legal regulation of maritime trade in Russian Empire
Pashentsev D.A.
Development of performance criteria of legal reforms in Russia in 50-70-ies of the XIXth century
Saydumov D.H.
Incorporation of laws of the Chechens and the Ingush in legislation and imperial justice of Russia: some episodes of law and justice development in Terskaya oblast
Fokina L.V.
International legal policy of the Russian empire sovereign Nikolay II in the context of humanist ideals of Russia
Krupenya E.M. Komarov, M.A.
Human rights in the process of constitutional modernisation of Russia as the object of legal monitoring (expertise)
Abdudzhalilov A.
Civil obligations on the Internet
Kopylov M.N., Mishlanova V.A.
History of origin and formation of the legal responsibility for environmental violations in Russia
Krasnova I.O.
State and development of economic regulation in the field of environmental protection
Melyakyan Sh.
Conflict of law regulation issues of «pre-corporate» relations
Norin A.V.
Delegation of a sole executive body powers by the power of attorney: any limits?
Farkhutdinov A.M., Garifullina N.A.
Realization of investment activity in housing construction (legal aspect)
Khakimov T.I.
Topical issues of legal regulation of contractual relations in sports
Begichev A.V.
On the issue of the notice of persons involved into the procedure of evidence obtaining by notary
Krasnov A.V.
The content of sanctions of norms of the law in the context of the principle of respect for human rights
Mishlanova V.A.
On the legal meaning of the «pornography» concept
Azizyan V.G., Zhuravlenko N.I.
Information and information crimes as the objects of criminalistics
Gogoleva A.Y.
On the prevention of juvenile delinquency
Shamrin M.Y.
Ethical grounds of an ombudsman for children status
Bagmet M.A.
International experience of fighting corruption in the police
Kotova O.V.
Legal basis for the organisation and conduct of the referendum in Moscow
Bashirina E.N.
Modernisation of political system of Russia
Vildanov R.R.
The specificity of the political system of the Russian Empire in the beginning of the 20th century
Bondarenko G.V.
Personal characteristics of a wise man-ruler in the teachings of Lao-Tzu: the psychological and political aspects
Vishnevskaya V.P.
High level of anti-corrupt self-consciousness development – as an important psychological factor of corruption resistance
Bikmetov E.Yu., Kuznetsova E.V., Ruvenny I.Ya.
The sociological component of an intellectually-oriented educational environment as a condition of formation of managers’ social responsibility
Dadashov А.B. oglu
To the issue of preconditions of philosophical novelty in relation to preconditions of formation of legal consciousness
Dadashov M.B. oglu
Philosophical analysis of origin, formation and development of Azerbaijan national consciousness (legal aspects)
Urazakov R.R.
Culture and law (problem of correlation)
Abanina E.N., Wystorobets E.A.
Review of the monograph by B.Zh. Abdrayimov and Sh.A. Saimova «Legal regulation of a rent for the Earth» (Berlin: Lambert academic publishing, 2014. – 180 p.)
Yastrebova A.Y.
Modern tendencies of labour migration’ regulation: experience and priorities of the international integration units (EU, CIS, EurAsEC)
The article is devoted to some aspects of international legal regulation of the labour migration in the EU, CIS and EurAsEC, based on regional instruments. The perspectives of cooperation of states belonging to united economic area, in order to protect the rights of migrant-workers and to provide regional legal standards relating to freedom of migration, are specially examined.
The article is devoted to some aspects of international legal regulation of the labour migration in the EU, CIS and EurAsEC, based on regional instruments. The perspectives of cooperation of states belonging to united economic area, in order to protect the rights of migrant-workers and to provide regional legal standards relating to freedom of migration, are specially examined.
Key words: international legal regulation, migrant-workers, voluntary movement, migration exchange, regional legal systems, united economic area, national immigration legislation.
Work bibliographic list
1. Gafarov Z.M. Global'nyj, regional'nyj i dvustoronnij urovni sotrudnichestva gosudarstv v bor'be s mezhdunarodnym terrorizmom. // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. # 4 (47). 2012.
Work bibliographic list
1. Gafarov Z.M. Global'nyj, regional'nyj i dvustoronnij urovni sotrudnichestva gosudarstv v bor'be s mezhdunarodnym terrorizmom. // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. # 4 (47). 2012.
2. Zameshhenie naroda. / Argumenty nedeli ot 28 fevralja–6 marta 2013 g. #8 (350).
3. Migracija. Sojuz Belarus'-Rossija ot 16 avgusta 2012 g. # 30(562).
4. Osnovy prava Evropejskogo Sojuza. Uchebnoe posobie. Pod red. S.Ju. Kashkina. M., 1997.
5. Sbornik bazovyh dokumentov Evrazijskogo jekonomicheskogo soobshhestva. 2-e izd. M., 2008.
6. Chetverikov A.O. Pravovoj rezhim peresechenija ljud'mi vnutrennih i vneshnih granic gosudarstv-chlenov Evropejskogo Sojuza. Uchebnoe posobie. Pod red. S.Ju. Kashkina. M., Volters Kluver,
2010. Jelekt. inf.-pravovaja sistema «Garant-jekspert», 2012.
Ponamorenko V.E.
Сurrent state and prospects for harmonisation of banking legislation of Single Economic Space member states
The purpose of this article is to review the current status, problems and the prospects for harmonisation of banking legislation of Single Economic Space in the light of the European experience of banking integration.
Key words: Eurasian Economic Community, Single economic space, European Union, integration processes, harmonisation, banking sector, banking integration.
Work bibliographic list
1. Koncepcija Osnov bankovskogo zakonodatel'stva EvrAzJeS. Utv. Postanovleniem Bjuro MPA EvrAzJeS ot 06 aprelja 2010 g. # 8.
Work bibliographic list
1. Koncepcija Osnov bankovskogo zakonodatel'stva EvrAzJeS. Utv. Postanovleniem Bjuro MPA EvrAzJeS ot 06 aprelja 2010 g. # 8.
2. Rekomendacii po garmonizacii zakonodatel'stva gosudarstv - chlenov EvrAzJeS v sfere regulirovanija bankovskoj dejatel'nosti. Utv. Postanovleniem Bjuro MPA EvrAzJeS ot 14 aprelja 2005 g. # 10.
3. Soglashenie o sozdanii uslovij na finansovyh rynkah dlja obespechenija svobodnogo dvizhenija kapitala ot 9 dekabrja 2010 g.
4. Soglashenie o torgovle uslugami i investicijah v gosudarstvah - uchastnikah Edinogo jekonomicheskogo prostranstva ot 9 dekabrja 2010 g.
5. Rekomendacii po privedeniju zakonodatel'stva Respubliki Belarus', Respubliki Kazahstan, Rossijskoj Federacii v sootvetstvie s Soglasheniem o torgovle uslugami i investicijah v gosudarstvah – uchastnikah Edinogo jekonomicheskogo prostranstva (na osnove sravnitel'no-pravovogo analiza nacional'nyh zakonodatel'stv). Utv. Postanovleniem Bjuro MPA EvrAzJeS ot 15 maja 2011 g. # 10.
6. Rekomendacii po garmonizacii zakonodatel'stva i sozdaniju edinyh uslovij dostupa gosudarstv – chlenov Edinogo jekonomicheskogo prostranstva v razlichnyh sektorah uslug: finansovye uslugi (na osnove sravnitel'no-pravovogo analiza nacional'nyh zakonodatel'stv). Postanovlenie Mezhparlamentskoj assamblei EvrAzJeS ot 21 nojabrja 2012 g. # 11.
7. Soglashenie o trebovanijah k osushhestvleniju dejatel'nosti na finansovyh rynkah gosudarstv-uchastnikov Edinogo jekonomicheskogo prostranstva. Utv. Kollegiej EJeK 16 janvarja 2014 g.
8. Federal'nyj Zakon ot 10 ijulja 2002 g. # 86-FZ «O Central'nom banke Rossijskoj Federacii (Banke Rossii)».
9. Federal'nyj Zakon Rossijskoj Federacii ot 2 dekabrja 1990 g. # 395-I «O bankah i bankovskoj dejatel'nosti».
10. Zakon Respubliki Kazahstan ot 30 marta 1995 g. # 2155 «O Nacional'nom Banke Respubliki Kazahstan».
11. Zakon Respubliki Kazahstan ot 31 avgusta 1995 g. # 2444 «O bankah i bankovskoj dejatel'nosti v Respublike Kazahstan».
12. Bankovskij kodeks Respubliki Belarus' ot 25 oktjabrja 2000 g. # 441-3.
13. Investicionnaja strategija po upravleniju zolotovaljutnymi aktivami Nacional'nogo Banka Respubliki Kazahstan. Utv. Postanovleniem Pravlenija Nacional'nogo Banka Respubliki Kazahstan ot 27 oktjabrja 2006 g. # 105.
14. Pravila ob osnovnyh principah upravlenija zolotovaljutnymi aktivami Nacional'nogo Banka Respubliki Kazahstan. Utv. Postanovleniem Pravlenija Nacional'nogo Banka Respubliki Kazahstan ot 29 maja 2003 g. # 165.
15. Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 June 2013 on access to the activity of credit institutions and the prudential supervision of credit institutions and investment firms, amending Directive 2002/87/EC and repealing Directives 2006/48/EC and 2006/49/EC.
16. Regulation (EU) No 575/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 June 2013 on prudential requirements for credit institutions and investment firms and amending Regulation (EU) No 648/2012.
17. Direktiva #94/19/ES Evropejskogo parlamenta i Soveta Evropejskogo sojuza «O programmah po zashhite bankovskih vkladov».
18. Bratko A.G. Central'nyj bank v bankovskoj sisteme Rossii. – M., 2001.
19. Tosunjan G.A., Vikulin A.Ju. Postatejnyj kommentarij k Federal'nomu zakonu ot 10 ijulja 2002 g. «O Central'nom banke Rossijskoj Federacii (Banke Rossii)». – M., 2003.
– S. 12.
20. Ponamorenko V.E., Chetverikov A.O., Karpov L.K. Bankovskaja integracija v ES i EJeP: vozmozhnosti pravovoj transplantacii / Otv. red. prof. S.Ju. Kashkin. – M.:Justicinform, 2014.
Tarasevich N.P.
Tarasevich N.P.
On the prospects of medicine circulation legal regulation in the Eurasian Economic Union
In this article the legislation of the Eurasian Economic Community and the Customs Union regulating the medicine circulation is analysed. With the rule-making experience acquired within the scope of these interstate integration associations as an example, the prospective trends of legal regulation of this range of issues within the scope of the Eurasian Economic Union are determined.
Keywords: Eurasian Economic Union, Customs Union, Common Economic Space, Eurasian Economic Community, medicine, research, pharmaceutical inspections, pharmacovigilance.
Work bibliographic list
1. 10-e zasedanie Soveta po zdravoohraneniju pri Integracionnom Komitete EvrAzJeS [Jelektronnyj resurs]– Rezhim dostupa:
Work bibliographic list
1. 10-e zasedanie Soveta po zdravoohraneniju pri Integracionnom Komitete EvrAzJeS [Jelektronnyj resurs]– Rezhim dostupa:
2. Evrazijskij jekonomicheskij sojuz budet zapushhen 1 janvarja 2015 g. [Jelektronnyj resurs] – Rezhim dostupa:
3. Zakon Respubliki Belarus' «O ratifikacii Soglashenija o sotrudnichestve gosudarstv-chlenov Evrazijskogo jekonomicheskogo soobshhestva v sfere obrashhenija lekarstvennyh sredstv (lekarstvennyh preparatov), izdelij medicinskogo naznachenija i medicinskoj tehniki (medicinskih izdelij)» ot 12.07.2013 # 50-Z [Jelektronnyj resurs] –Rezhim dostupa:
4. Reshenie «O Plane meroprijatij po vzaimnomu priznaniju registracionnyh udostoverenij na lekarstvennye sredstva proizvoditelej gosudarstv – chlenov tamozhennogo sojuza, proizvedennye v uslovijah nadlezhashhej proizvodstvennoj praktiki (GMP)» ot 18 ijunja 2010 g. # 298 [Jelektronnyj resurs] – Rezhim dostupa: KTS/KTS17/Pages/R_298.aspx
5. Reshenie «O proekte Soglashenija o edinyh principah i pravilah regulirovanija obrashhenija lekarstvennyh sredstv v ramkah Tamozhennogo sojuza i Edinogo jekonomicheskogo prostranstva» ot 21 maja 2013 g. # 115 [Jelektronnyj resurs] – Rezhim dostupa:
6. Tipovoj proekt zakonodatel'nogo akta «O lekarstvennyh sredstvah» [Jelektronnyj resurs] – Rezhim dostupa:
Azanov B.K.
Azanov B.K.
President of the Republic of Kazakhstan as a founder of Neo-Eurasianism: scientific and practical grounds
The problems of contemporary Eurasianism have been researched. Identified The state of the question issue, the its birth and development of Eurasian integration were. Noted the special role of the Russia’sn president, who gave further impetus to the development and movement further evolution of the three states' of the Union is.The contribution of the Kazakh state and Kazakh President into the construction of the Eurasian Union is evaluated. The author's analysis of the post-Soviet integration processes is presented. The Article by Azanov’s B.K., different may be considered as fresh topical scientific view on the post-Soviet integration processes. Author first has proposed and designated defined the term «Union Government» in the time.
Кeywords: neo-eurasianism, the kazakh leader, the eurasian union, russian foreign policy, russian-kazakh cooperation, russia’s-kazakhstan-belarus union, common economic space, a customs union, the union state, united unified political entity organism.
Work bibliographic list
1. Azanov B.K. Jekonomicheskie prioritety uchastija Rossii v Edinom jekonomicheskom prostranstve i Tamozhennom sojuze // Materialy mezhdunar.nauch.-prakt. konf. «HHI vek: Rossija i mir v uslovijah kardinal'no menjajushhegosja obshhestva» (Moskva,15-17 aprelja 2013g.) – M., 2013 – S 5-11.
Work bibliographic list
1. Azanov B.K. Jekonomicheskie prioritety uchastija Rossii v Edinom jekonomicheskom prostranstve i Tamozhennom sojuze // Materialy mezhdunar.nauch.-prakt. konf. «HHI vek: Rossija i mir v uslovijah kardinal'no menjajushhegosja obshhestva» (Moskva,15-17 aprelja 2013g.) – M., 2013 – S 5-11.
2. Azanov B.K. Jekonomicheskij jeffekt dlja Rossii ot vhozhdenija v TS i EJeP // Rossijskij nauchnyj zhurnal Jekonomika i upravlenie. – 2012. – # 12(86). – S. 127-129.
3. Azanov B.K. Postsovetskoe prostranstvo vchera, segodnja, zavtra: raspad i vossoedinenie // Sbornik statej. Evrazijskogo nauchnogo foruma. Evrazijskij nauchnyj forum «Evrazijskaja integracija – stanovlenie i razvitie» sekcija «Evrazija i evrazijstvo: istorija, politika, socium, obrazovanie, kul'tura» (Sankt-Peterburg, 22-23 nojabrja 2012 g.). – SPb., 2012. – S. 5-14.
4. Azanov B.K. Edinoe jekonomicheskoe prostranstvo i Evrazijskij sojuz Respubliki Belarus', Kazahskoj Respubliki i Rossijskoj Federacii: edinye celi, edinoe budushhee //Sbornik statej. Evrazijskogo nauchnogo foruma. Evrazijskij nauchnyj forum «Evrazijskaja integracija stanovlenie i razvitie» sekcija «Nauchnoe tvorchestvo molodyh. Molodezh' Evrazii v processe Evrazijskoj integracii» (Sankt-Peterburg, 22–23 nojabrja 2012 g.). SPb., 2012. – S. 13-19.
5. Azanov B.K. Evrazijskij Sojuz i Sojuznoe gosudarstvo: sravnenie i metodologicheskij analiz // Doklad. Ochnoe uchastie Evrazijskij nauchnyj forum «Integracionnye processy na evrazijskom prostranstve: uspehi, problemy, perspektivy» seminar po istoricheskim, politicheskim, sociologicheskim, filosofskim naukam «Evrazijskie issledovanija v gumanitarnyh naukah: uspehi, problemy, perspektivy» (Sankt-Peterburg, 28-29 nojabrja 2013 g.). – SPb., 2013.
6. Evrazijskaja hronika. Vyp. VII. – Parizh, 1927.
7. Nashe nasledie. – 1991. – # 3. – S. 21.
8. Izvestija. 1988. – 13 aprelja.
9. Dugin A.G. Proekt «Evrazija». – M.: Jeksmo, Jauza, 2004. – 512 s.
10. Sadykov T.S. Rol' i mesto Kazahstana v sovremennoj Evrazijskoj integracii [Jelektronnyj resurs] – Rezhim dostupa:
11. Isakov V.B. Raschlenenka. – M.: Zakon i pravo, 1998. - 431 s.
12. Putin nazval Nazarbaeva otcom-osnovatelem Tamozhennogo sojuza [Jelektronnyj resurs] – Rezhim dostupa:
13. E. Ertysbaev: Politicheskij patent na Evrazijskij sojuz prinadlezhit Nazarbaevu [Jelektronnyj resurs] – Rezhim dostupa:
14. Suzdal'cev A. Smenit li Evrazijskij jekonomicheskij sojuz Sojuznoe gosudarstvo? 13 ijulja 2012. Zam. dekana fakul'teta mirovoj jekonomiki i mirovoj politiki NIU–VShJe, jekspert RSMD) [Jelektronnyj resurs] – Rezhim dostupa:
15. Mironov V.O. Sojuznoe gosudarstvo Rossii i Belorussii v sisteme form gosudarstvennogo ustrojstva: Problemy identifikacii i perspektivy razvitija. Avtoref.diss... dokt. jurid. nauk. – Vladimir, 2007.
Valeev R.M.
Conventional origin of the international humanitarian law (to the 150 years of adoption of the convention for the amelioration of the condition of the wounded in armies in the field of August 22, 1864)
The adoption history of the Convention for the amelioration of the condition of the wounded in armies in the field (1864) is analysed in the article as well as its impact to the international humanitarian law.
The adoption history of the Convention for the amelioration of the condition of the wounded in armies in the field (1864) is analysed in the article as well as its impact to the international humanitarian law.
Keywords: Geneva Convention, medical organisations, neutrality, emblem.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bjun'jan F. Krasnyj Krest, Krasnyj polumesjac i Krasnyj Kristall.– M.: MKKK, 2008.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bjun'jan F. Krasnyj Krest, Krasnyj polumesjac i Krasnyj Kristall.– M.: MKKK, 2008.
2. David Je. Principy prava vooruzhennyh konfliktov.MKKK. – M., 2012.
3. Djunan A. Vospominanija o bitve pri Sol'ferino. – M.:MKKK, 1995.
4. Kozik A.L. Setevye komp'juternye napadenija s tochki zrenija sovremennogo mezhdunarodnogo prava // Rossijskij ezhegodnik mezhdunarodnogo prava. – 2011. Spec. vy-
pusk. – SPb., 2012.
5. Marens F.F. Sovremennoe mezhdunarodnoe pravo civilizovannyh narodov: V 2 t. – T. II, – SPb., 1883.
6. Mezhdunarodnoe dvizhenie Krasnogo Kresta i Krasnogo Polumesjaca: Sbornik ustavov i drugih dokumentov. – M.:MKKK, 1995.
7. Obychnoe mezhdunarodnoe gumanitarnoe pravo. Normy. –T. I. – M.: MKKK, 2006.
8. OON. Doklad komissii mezhdunarodnogo prava, 65 sessija, 2013g. General'naja Assambleja. Oficial'nye otchety, 68 sessija, Dopolnenie # 10 (A/68/10).
9. Reppet Dzh. Mezhdunarodnoe gumanitarnoe pravo i kibervojna // Rossijskij ezhegodnik mezhdunarodnogo prava. – 2009. Spec. vypusk. – SPb., 2010.
10. Sassoli M., Buv'e A. Pravovaja zashhita vo vremja vojny: V 4 t. – T. 1. – M.: MKKK, 2008.
11. Sbornik dejstvujushhih traktatov, konvencij i soglashenij, zakljuchennyh Rossiej s drugimi gosudarstvami i kasajushhihsja razlichnyh voprosov chastnogo mezhdunarodnogo
prava. – T 2. – SPb.: Tipografija Trenke i Fjusno, 1890.
12. Jemblema: istorija i sovremennost'. – M.: MKKK, 1988.
Chernyadyeva N.A.
Concerning the origin and evolution of international terrorism
The article is devoted to a comprehensive and systematic study of the formation and genesis of international terrorism as a political and legal phenomenon of planetary scale. The terrorism as a phenomenon of the political and legal environment has historical background. Its occurrence is associated with the development of official policy and movement opposite to it. Transformation of terrorism in its international form has become a new challenge for the existing society, has set the right new tasks that cannot be solved by state legal methods. Particular attention is paid to the process of formation of international terrorism, its evolutionary forms, transformation of terrorist process into the global network. Finally the history periodisation of international terrorism is proposed, the stages of its development are stated in the article. In general, we note that despite the popularity of the theme of international terrorism in modern legal research the questions of its origin, evolution and determination have not yet found the full and expressed lighting. Typically, investigators emphasize the aspects of modern phenomenon. Universally recognized international terrorism critical challenge of our time, one of the most dangerous phenomena for human civilization at the present stage. Study of the historical roots and evolution process of this phenomenon will take a fresh look at its political and legal entity, find the right ways to counteract it.
Keywords: international terrorism, globalisation, the emergence of international terrorism, the stages of formation, international security.
Work bibliographic list
1. Atran S. The Moral Logic and Growth of Suicide Terrorism// The Washington Quarterly. Spring 2006. 29:2. R. 127–147.
Work bibliographic list
1. Atran S. The Moral Logic and Growth of Suicide Terrorism// The Washington Quarterly. Spring 2006. 29:2. R. 127–147.
2. Aubrey S.M The New Dimension Of International Terrorism Zurich: Vdf Hochschulverlag, 2004. 320 r.
3. Bergesen A.J., Lizardo O. International Terrorism and the World-System // Sociological Theory, Vol. 22, No. 1, Theories of Terrorism: A Symposium. (Mar., 2004). R. 38-52.
4. Bookchin M. The Spanish Anarchists: The Heroic Years, 1868—1936. New York, 1977. 330 r.
5. Burleigh M. Blood and Rage. A Cultural History of Terrorism. Harper Collins Publishers. 2010. 581 p.
6. Cahm. C.Kropotkin and the Rise of Revolutionary Anarchism, 1872—1886. Cambridge, 1989. P.231-269.
7. Country Reports on Terrorism 2012. 30.05.2013 // U.S. Department of State [Jelektronnyj resurs] – Rezhim dostupa: (data poslednego poseshhenija 13.01.2013).
8. Derian J. Critical practices of international theory. Selected essays. By Routledge. NY, 2009. 328 r.
9. Fridlund M. The industrialization of terrorism: The Second Industrial Revolution and the origins of modern terrorism // Aalto University [Jelektronnyj resurs] – Rezhim dostupa: (data poslednego poseshhenija 13.01.2013).
10. Gage B. Terrorism and the American Experience: A State of the Field. // Journal of American History, # 98. June 2011. R. 73-94.
11. Garcia J., Rodriguez A. Religious Freedom and Terrorism in Spanish Case Law // Journal of Church and State, published June 23, 2011. P. 2-17.
12. Global Al–Qaeda: Affiliates, Objectives, And Future Challenges Hearing Before The Subcommittee On Terrorism, Nonproliferation, And Trade Of The Committee On Foreign Affairs House Of Representatives One Hundred Thirteenth Congress. First Session. July 18, 2013. Serial No. 113–44. Printed For The Use Of The Committee On Foreign Affairs.
13. Habash George (1925–) - personal history, influences and contributions, biographical highlights, personal chronology // Online Encyclopedia [Jelektronnyj resurs] – Rezhim dostupa: (data poslednego poseshhenija 13.01.2013).
14. Juergensmeyer M. 2000. Terror in the Mind of God: The Global Rise of Religious Violence. Berkeley: University of California Press. 336 r.
15. Kronstadt K. A., Katzman K. Islamist Militancy in the Pakistan-Afghanistan Border Region and U.S. Policy. Order Code RL34763. November 21, 2008. CRS-3.
16. Naimark N. Terrorism and the Fall of Imperial Russia // Terrorism and Political Violence. Vol.2. Numb.2. Summer 1990. P. 170- 192.
17. Rapoport D. C. Before the Bombs There Were the Mobs: American Experiences with Terror // Terrorism and Political Violence. # 20. April 2008. R. 167–194.
18. Robbins T. Religious Movements and Violence: A Friendly Critique of the Interpretive Approach.// Nova Religio, 1 (Oct.1997). R. 13–29.
19. Shaoul J. Terrorism and the origins of Israel. Part 1. 21 June 2003 // World Socialist Web Site [Jelektronnyj resurs] –Rezhim dostupa: (data poslednego poseshhenija 13.01.2013).
20. Sinclair A. An Anatomy of Terror. A History of Terrorism. Macmillan Publishers. 2004. 416 p.
21. Aras Dzh. Terrorizm vchera, segodnja i naveki 2003 g. «SADA», Baku. 109 s.
22. Bobkov F.D. Kak borolsja s terrorom KGB SSSR // Rossijskij kto est' kto. M., 2005, N 1. S. 77-80.
23. Budnickij O.V. Terrorizm v rossijskom osvoboditel'nom dvizhenii: ideologija, jetika, psihologija (vtoraja polovina XIX - nachalo XX v.) M., 2000. ROSSPJeN. 339 s.
24. Gorbunov Ju.S. Globalizacija terrorizma // Istorija gosudarstva i prava. 2007. # 19. S. 5-7.
25. Gurov V.A. Mezhdunarodnyj terrorizm: Nekotorye aspekty problemy v istoricheskom kontekste // Izvestija Samarskogo nauchnogo centra rossijskoj akademii nauk. T. 12. # 6, 2010. S. 168-173.
26. Dushnikov A.V. Vzaimosvjaz' vnutrennih vooruzhennyh konfliktov i mezhdunarodnogo terrorizma // Vologdinskie chtenija. 2002. # 23. S. 35-38.
27. Egorov K. Osobennosti sovremennogo mezhdunarodnogo terrorizma// Vlast'. 08’2008. S. 93.
28. Ibatullin R.U. Intelligencija i terrorizm v Rossii v nachale HH veka // Istoricheskij Vestnik. Tom 2 (149). Dekabr' 2012. S. 48-65.
29. Isakov A. I. Terrorizm i vooruzhennaja bor'ba // Obozrevatel' – Observer, 2009. # 8. S. 19.
30. Kol'tjukov A.A. Mezhdunarodnyj terrorizm - ugroza global'noj i regional'noj bezopasnosti: osobennosti projavlenija i puti protivodejstvija // Pravo i bezopasnost'. 2002. # 2-3 (3-4) [Jelektronnyj resurs] – Rezhim dostupa: (data poslednego poseshhenija 13.01.2013).
31. Kulagin M.A. K voprosu o mezhdunarodnom vzaimodejstvii i protivodejstvii terrorizmu v uslovijah globalizacii // Jurist" - Pravoved". 2009. # 5. S. 70-74.
32. Ljahov E.G. Terrorizm i mezhgosudarstvennye otnoshenija. M., Mezhdunarodnye otnoshenija. 1991. 216 s.
33. Mitrofanova A.V. Religioznyj faktor v mirovoj politike i problema «civilizacij»// Vek globalizacii. #
1. 2008. S. 109-119.
34. Netan'jahu B. Vojna s terrorizmom. Kak demokratii mogut nanesti porazhenie seti mezhdunarodnogo terrorizma. M.: «Al'pina pablisher», 2002. 208s.
35. Skirda A. Individual'naja avtonomija i kollektivnaja sila. Obzor libertarnyh idej i praktik ot Prudona do 1939 g. Parizh. GROMADA, 2002. 224 s.
36. Sovremennye mezhdunarodnye otnoshenija. Uchebnik M.: «Rossijskaja politicheskaja jenciklopedija» (ROSSPJeN), 1999. 584 s.
37. SShA vveli sankcii protiv vozmozhnyh organizatorov terakta v Bengazi 10.01.2014 // RIA NOVOSTI [Jelektronnyj resurs] – Rezhim dostupa: (data poslednego poseshhenija 13.01.2013).
38. Chashhin V.V. Global'naja integracija i dezintegracija social'nogo mira – vosproizvodstvennye prichiny mezhdunarodnogo terrorizma// Izvestija Irkutskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Serija: Politologija. Religiovedenie. 2008. # 1. S. 146-158.
39. Chebotarev V.V. Terrorizm kak social'no-destruktivnoe javlenie (istoriko-filosofskij analiz) // Istoricheskie, filosofskie, politicheskie i juridicheskie nauki,
kul'turologija i iskusstvovedenie. Voprosy teorii i praktiki. Tambov: Gramota. 2013. # 5 (31): v 2-h ch. Ch. I. C. 191 -195.
40. Shubin A.V. Socializm. «Zolotoj vek» teorii. M. Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, 2007. 744 s.
41. Jahlov A.V. Terrorizm i mezhdunarodnye otnoshenija v pervoj polovine XX veka // Antropologija [Jelektronnyj resurs] – Rezhim dostupa: (data poslednego poseshhenija 13.01.2013).
Adu Y.N.
Adu Y.N.
International legal base for interfering into state maters for human rights protection purpose
The article deals with contradictory interpretations of the principles of the International Law such as the Principle of noninterference into State maters, the Principle of sovereignty of States opposite to the Principle of the promoting and the respect for human rights. The article analyses also theoretical, legal and institutional legal bases to interfere into State maters in order to protect human rights.
Keywords: human rights, sovereignty of States, noninterference into the State maters.
Work bibliographic list
1. Adu Ja.N. «Kot d-Ivuar i Rossija: analogija istoriko-politicheskih segmentov» // Pravovoe gosudarstvo: teorija i praktika, # 3 (33) 2013. – C. 121-124.
Work bibliographic list
1. Adu Ja.N. «Kot d-Ivuar i Rossija: analogija istoriko-politicheskih segmentov» // Pravovoe gosudarstvo: teorija i praktika, # 3 (33) 2013. – C. 121-124.
2. Adu. Ja. N. Mezhdunarodno-pravovye problemy obespechenija uvazhenija prav cheloveka, gosudarstvennogo suvereniteta i princip nevmeshatel'stva vo vnutrennie dela gosudarstva v uslovijah globalizacii. // Aktual'nye problemy sovremennogo mezhdunarodnogo prava. – Materialy ezhegodnoj mezhvuzovskoj nauchnoj prakticheskoj konferencii. Moskva 9-10 aprelja 2010, chast' 1. – M.: RUDN, 2010. – S.283-287.
3. Informacionnyj ofis Soveta Evropy v Rossii [Jelektronnyj resurs] – Rezhim dostupa:
4. Kartashkin V.A. Prava cheloveka: mezhdunarodnaja zashhita v uslovijah globalizacii. – M.: Izd-vo Norma, 2009. – 288 s.
5. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo: uchebnik / Pod obshh. red. A.Ja. Kapustina. – M.: Gardariki, 2008. – 617 s.
6. Mezhdunarodnoe gumanitarnoe pravo / Pod red. A.Ja. Kapustina. – M.: Vysshee obrazovanie, 2009. – 587 s.
7. UN document: A/RES/60/251. Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 15 March 2006: [Jelektronnyj resurs] –Rezhim dostupa:
Kiseleva E.V., Golovanov A.S.
Kiseleva E.V., Golovanov A.S.
Cooperation between the European Union and the African Union in the field of migration: three generations of agreements
Currently we can speak about three consecutively formed and simultaneously existing generations of agreements between the European Union and the African Union in the field of migration. The concept of three generations of agreements is put forward for systematizing the study and analyzing the outcomes of a high number of different level Euro-African summits and conferences, as well as documents adopted at these events.
Keywords: international law, migration, European Union, African Union, Lome conventions, Cotonou agreement, Rabat process, Cairo process, Barcelona process
Work bibliographic list
1. Abashidze A., Kiseleva E. Readmissija v otnoshenijah Rossii i ES // Obozrevatel'-Observer. 2004. # 2. S. 48-53.
Work bibliographic list
1. Abashidze A., Kiseleva E. Readmissija v otnoshenijah Rossii i ES // Obozrevatel'-Observer. 2004. # 2. S. 48-53.
2. Ivanov D.V. Mezhdunarodnoe sotrudnichestvo gosudarstv v oblasti zashhity prav lic, peremeshhennyh vnutri strany // Moskovskij zhurnal mezhdunarodnogo prava. 2011. #
1 (81). S. 15-30.
3. 3Kazhaeva O.S. Stanovlenie instituta readmissii v ramkah Evropejskogo Sojuza // Vestnik RUDN. Serija «Juridicheskie nauki». 2013. # 2. 265-274.
4. Kazhaeva O.S., Kiseleva E.V. Proekt Plana dejstvij Komissii Evropejskogo Sojuza i Komissii Afrikanskogo sojuza po Tematicheskomu partnerstvu v oblasti migracii, mobil'nosti i zanjatosti na 2011-2013 gg. // BRIKS i perspektivy social'no-jekonomicheskogo, politicheskogo i kul'turnogo razvitija Afriki. Materialy XII Vserossijskoj shkoly molodyh afrikanistov. Moskva, 7-8 nojabrja 2013 goda. M.: Institut Afriki RAN, S. 90-91.
5. Kiseleva E.V. Mezhdunarodno-pravovoe regulirovanie migracii: uchebnoe posobie. M.: RUDN, 2012.
6. Kiseleva E.V. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo o licah, peremeshhennyh vnutri strany: postanovka problemy i Kampal'skaja konvencija Afrikanskogo Sojuza 2009 g. // Aktual'nye problemy sovremennogo mezhdunarodnogo prava: Materialy ezhegodnoj mezhvuzovskoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. Moskva, 9-10 aprelja 2010 g. Chast' I. M: RUDN, 2011. S. 428-431.
7. Kiseleva E.V., Golovanov A.G. Voprosy mezhdunarodno-pravovogo regulirovanija migracii v dejatel'nosti Evro-Sredizemnomorskogo partnerstva // BRIKS i perspektivy
social'no-jekonomicheskogo, politicheskogo i kul'turnogo razvitija Afriki. Materialy XII Vserossijskoj shkoly molodyh afrikanistov. Moskva, 7-8 nojabrja 2013 goda. M.: Institut Afriki RAN. S. 30-32.
8. Kiseleva E.V., Golovanov A.G. Sotrudnichestvo Evropejskogo sojuza i Afrikanskogo sojuza po voprosam migracii i razvitija v ramkah Rabatskogo processa // Moldavskij zhurnal mezhdunarodnogo prava i mezhdunarodnyh otnoshenij. 2013. # 2. S. 36-41.
9. Kiseleva E.V., Golovanov A.S. Sotrudnichestvo Evropejskogo Sojuza i Afrikanskogo Sojuza po voprosam migracii v ramkah Kairskogo processa // Aktual'nye voprosy mezhdunarodnogo prava v Afrike: materialy kruglogo stola XI ezhegodnoj mezhvuzovskoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii «Aktual'nye problemy sovremennogo mezhdunarodnogo prava», posvjashhennoj pamjati professora I.P. Blishhenko. Moskva, 12-13 aprelja 2013 g. M., 2014. S. 68-75.
10. Klishas A.A., Kiseleva E.V. Global'nyj forum po migracii i razvitiju (Port-Lui, Mavrikij, 19-22 nojabrja 2012 g.) //Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2013. # 4. S. 43-46.
11. Kurs mezhdunarodnogo prava: Mezhdunarodno-pravovye formy integracionnyh processov v sovremennom mire. V 7-mi tomah. T. 7 / Otv. red. E.T. Usenko M.: Nauka, 1993. S. 57-75.
12. Meshherjakova O.M. «Sotrudnichestvo v podderzhku razvitija» kak osnova dlja realizacii interesov ES v Afrike // Aktual'nye voprosy mezhdunarodnogo prava v Afrike [Tekst]: materialy kruglogo stola X ezhegodnoj Vserossijskoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii «Aktual'nye problemy sovremennogo mezhdunarodnogo prava», posvjashhennoj pamjati professora I.P. Blishhenko. Moskva, 12 oktjabrja 2012 g. / Otv. red. A.H. Abashidze, E.V. Kiseleva, A.M. Solncev. – M.: RUDN, 2012. S. 102-107.
13. Petrova N.A. Mezhdunarodnaja zashhita prav lic, peremeshhennyh vnutri strany, na primere Afrikanskogo Sojuza // Shestye Vserossijskie Derzhavinskie chtenija
(Moskva, 10 dekabrja 2010 goda): sb. st.: v 7 kn. Kn. 2: Problemy mezhdunarodnogo, konstitucionnogo i municipal'nogo prava. M: RPA Minjusta Rossii, 2011. S. 163-167.
14. African common position on migration and development adopted by the Executive Council of the AU. 25 – 29 June, 2006. Banjul (Gambia). (Official site the IOM). URL.: http://www.iom.
int/jahia/webdav/shared/shared/mainsite /microsites/rcps/igad/african_common_position_md.pdf (last visit 06.07.2013).
15. Cairo declaration and plan of actions adopted at the First Africa- Europe Summit held under the aegis of the Organization of African Unity (OAU) and the European Union, in Cairo on 3-4 April 2000. (official site of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development). URL: (last visit 06.07.2013).
16. Soderbaum, F. Handbook of regional organizations in Africa. Uppsala, 1996.
Arabey E.A.
Arabey E.A.
Procedural, collision and legal aspects of protection of consumers’ rights in the European Union law
In this article the author examines the main laws of the European Union Law devoted to procedural, collision and legal aspects of protection of consumers' rights in the European Union.
In the article the author also pays special attention to extrajudicial means of settling disputes involving consumers and the mechanism of implementing such methods enshrined in EU legislation.
The alternative dispute resolution systems and interactive dispute resolution are out-of-court ways of settling disputes involving consumers.
The author studied the same aspect of the settlement of disputes in the Russian Federation and has concluded that Russian Law does not provided for an out-of-court mechanism of disputes settlement involving consumers. However, the author in his article also notes that Russian public organisations dealing with consumer protection play an important role in resolving similar disputes in Russia.
The author makes a general conclusion that specialised mechanism to protect the rights of consumers through procedural means is formed the EU. This mechanism includes unique components such as an interactive system of dispute resolution.
Keywords: consumer protection, European Union, Rome I, the Brussels Convention, procedural law, out-of-court settlement of disputes.
Verbitskaya T.V.
Verbitskaya T.V.
To the issue of observance by the constitutional court of the Russian Federation of the exigencies of the European Court of human rights on fair judicial decision in the sphere of defence
The author of the article considers the problem of searching of the balance of interests in the sphere of defence in the way that it has been reflected in judicial practice of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation with exigencies of the European Court of human rights. The author puts forward main problems, which must be solved for achieving noted purpose.
Key words: defence, judicial practice, human rights’ restrictions, balance of interests.
Work bibliographic list
1. Alexis R. Constitutional Rights, Balancing, and Rationality. -Ratio Juris. Vol. 16. 2003. No. 2. - S. 131–140, 135
Work bibliographic list
1. Alexis R. Constitutional Rights, Balancing, and Rationality. -Ratio Juris. Vol. 16. 2003. No. 2. - S. 131–140, 135
2. Tsakyrakis S. Proportionality: An Assault on Human Rights? International Journal of Constitutional Law. Vol. 7. – 2009. –#. 3. – S. 468-493.
3. Zor'kin V.D. Rossija i Evropejskij sud po pravam cheloveka: vzaimodejstvie vnutrigosudarstvennogo i mezhgosudarstvennogo pravosudija. – Sud'ja – 2013. – # 10. – S. 13.
4. Reshenie Evropejskogo suda po pravam cheloveka ot 27 dekabrja 1999 goda po delu Smit i Gredi protiv Soedinennogo korolevstva. [Jelektronnyj resurs] – Rezhim dostupa: (data poseshhenija 25.11.2013)
5. Reshenie Evropejskogo suda po pravam cheloveka ot 22 marta
2012 goda po delu Konstantin Markin protiv Rossii [Jelektronnyj resurs] – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija 25.11.2013)
6. Reshenie Suda Evropejskih Soobshhestv ot 15 ijulja 1964 goda, Costa/E.N.E.L., delo 6/64, Rec., 1964, S. 1141; ot 9 maja 1978 goda, Simmental', delo 106/77, Rec., 1978. S. 609.
7. Reshenie Suda Evropejskih Soobshhestv ot 11 janvarja 2000 goda, delo S-285/98, Krejl', Rec., 2000. S. I-69.
8. Reshenie Evropejskogo suda po pravam cheloveka po delu Surek protiv Turcii # 4 [GC], 24762/94, 8 ijulja 1999 [Jelektronnyj resurs] – Rezhim dostupa: (data poseshhenija 25.11.2013)
9. Reshenie Evropejskogo suda po pravam cheloveka ot 04 ijulja 2011 goda po delu I.B. protiv Grecii [Jelektronnyj resurs] – Rezhim dostupa: (data poseshhenija 25.11.2013)
10. Reshenie Evropejskogo suda po pravam cheloveka ot 23 sentjabrja 1994 goda po delu Hokkanen protiv Finljandii [Jelektronnyj resurs] – Rezhim dostupa: (data poseshhenija 25.11.2013)
11. Reshenie Evropejskogo suda po pravam cheloveka ot 03 ijulja 1999 goda po delu Animal Defenders Interneshional protiv Soedinennogo Korolevstva [Jelektronnyj resurs] – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija 25.11.2013)
Samake Awa
Samake Awa
Implementation of international law in the field of women’s rights in the Republic of Mali
This article examines current issues of women's rights through the prism of the recommenda-tions of the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW). CEDAW is the body of independent experts that monitors implementation of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women 1974.
This article examines current issues of women's rights through the prism of the recommenda-tions of the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW). CEDAW is the body of independent experts that monitors implementation of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women 1974.
Keywords: human rights, women's rights, international standards, the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, CEDAW.
Work bibliographic list
1. Constitution de la Republique du Mali 1992 [Jelektronnyj resurs] – Rezhim dostupa:
Work bibliographic list
1. Constitution de la Republique du Mali 1992 [Jelektronnyj resurs] – Rezhim dostupa:
2. Abashidze A.H. Dogovornye organy po pravam cheloveka:uchebnoe posobie. M.: RUDN, 2012.
3. Abashidze A.H., Solncev A.M. Jubilej afrikanskoj sistemy pravam cheloveka i narodov // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2012. #2 (45). S. 22-25.
4. Kiseleva E.V. Mezhdunarodno-pravovoe regulirovanie prav naibolee ujazvimyh grupp. Prava invalidov //Mezhdunarodnoe gumanitarnoe pravo: uchebnik / Pod red. A.Ja. Kapustina. – 2-e izd., ispr. i dop. – M.: ID Jurajt, 2011. – S. 166-180.
5. Konvencija o likvidacii vseh form diskriminacii v otnoshenii zhenshhin ot 18 dekabrja 1979 g. U.N.T.S. vol.1249, p. 13.
6. Koneva A., Solncev A. Juridicheskij status aktov dogovornyh organov po pravam cheloveka v nacional'nyh pravovyh sistemah // Mezhdunarodnoe pravosudie. 2013. # 4 (8). S. 82-93.
7. Solncev A.M., Samake A. Vklad mezhregional'nyh i subregional'nyh mezhdunarodnyh organizacij v zashhitu prav zhenshhin v Afrike // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. – M.: Evrazijskij nauchno-issledovatel'skij institut problem prava, 2013. # 5. - S. 48-51.
Kasenova M.B.
Contractual operating foundation for the root server system
The Root Server System is a key element in the technological infrastructure of the Internet and the basis for the integrity of its ad-dressing space, which is instrumental in the management of the Top Level Domain System. The article deals with issues encountered in the laying of a contractual foundation for Root Server operations.
Keywords: internet, internet governance, root servers, domain name system, cyberspace, stakeholders.
Gordeeva Y.M.
New European Union framework for 2030 climate and energy policy
In 2013, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released its latest scientific report on the state of the global climate. Annu-ally the global mean temperatures have been rising, the number and severity of dangerous climatic phenomena have been increased (such as, floods, draughts, forest fires, etc.). Such extremes cause economic losses, threaten biodiversity, human health and wellbeing. According to expert conclusion the anthropogenic input is a determinant among the factors causing climate change. To limit further changes each country should contribute to the global efforts on combating global warming.
In 2013, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released its latest scientific report on the state of the global climate. Annu-ally the global mean temperatures have been rising, the number and severity of dangerous climatic phenomena have been increased (such as, floods, draughts, forest fires, etc.). Such extremes cause economic losses, threaten biodiversity, human health and wellbeing. According to expert conclusion the anthropogenic input is a determinant among the factors causing climate change. To limit further changes each country should contribute to the global efforts on combating global warming.
Preventing dangerous climate change has been proclaimed the European Union's (EU) strategic priority since the 1980’s. At present various EU governmental institutions and organisations address climate change problem. The newly emerging legal discipline, the EU climate change law, has been developed rapidly in the past years. The concept of climate law comprises environmental, energy, transport law and other branches of law, which function under the umbrella of climate change. This article is intended to serve as an introduction to this complex and rapidly changing field, also providing the perspective of the EU climate change law and policy of its development until 2030.
Key words: European Union's environmental law and policy, climate change law, energy law, new European Union Climate framework Policy for 2030 Climate and Energy.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bekjashev K.A. Mezhdunarodnoe Publichnoe Pravo. – M.:Prospekt, 2008. – 997 s.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bekjashev K.A. Mezhdunarodnoe Publichnoe Pravo. – M.:Prospekt, 2008. – 997 s.
2. Valeev R.M. Mezhdunarodnoe Jekologicheskoe Pravo. – M.:Statut, 2012. – 639 s.
3. Kashkin S.Ju. Pravo Evropejskogo Sojuza. – M.: Jurajt, 2010. – 1119 s.
4. Semenihina V.A. Pravovoe Regulirovanie Ohrany Klimata: Sravnitel'no – Pravovoj Analiz, Avtoreferat na soiskanie uchenoj stepeni kandidata juridicheskih nauk. – M., 2010. – 26 s.
5. Decision 1600/2002/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 July 2002 laying down the Sixth Community Environmental Action Programme, O.J., 10.9.2002, L 242/1.
6. Dernback J.C., Kakde S., Climate Change Law: An Introduction, Energy Law Journal, Volume 29, No.1, 2008.
7. European Commission, A policy framework for climate and Energy in the period from 2020 to 2030, COM (2014) 15 final, Brussels, 22.1.2014.
8. European Parliament, Members of the European Parliament want binding 2030 goals for CO2 emissions, renewable and energy efficiency, Press Release, 2014.
9. Gordeeva Y.M., Recent Developments in EU Environmental Policy and Legislation, Journal for European Environmental and Planning Law, 11 (2014), pp. 77-82.
10. Hollo E., Kulovesti K., Mehling M., Climate Change and the Law, - Springer, 2013.- 714 pp.
11. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the Fourth Assessment Report, 2007.
12. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Working Group Contribution to the Fifth Assessment Report, 2013.
13. Jans J., Vedder H., European Environmental Law: After Lisbon, – Europa Law Publishing, 2012, - 560 pp.
14. Kulovesi K., Morega E., Munoz M., Environmental Legislation and Multifaceted International Dimensions of EU Law: Unpacking the EU’s 2009 Climate and Energy Package,
Common Market Law Review, 48, 2011.
15. Kyoto Protocol to the UNFCCC, adopted 11 December 1997, in force 16 February 2005.
16. Romppanen S., Regulating Better Biofuels for the European Union, European Energy and Environmental Law Review, 2012.
17. Shaw M.N., International Law, Fifth Edition, - Cambridge University Press, 2003.- 1287 pp.
18. Towards Sustainability, A European Community Program of Policy and Action in Relation to the Environment and Sustainable Development, O.J., 17.5.93, C 138/5.
19. United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, adopted 9 May 1992, in force 21 Marc 1994.
20. United Nations General Assembly Resolution, A/RES/43/53, 1998.
Zakirov A.V.
International law aspects of asteroid and comets monitoring (present state of the problem)
The problem of the asteroid and comets monitoring (and defence from the asteroid and comets' threat) became highly actual after the fall of Chelyabinsk asteroid in Russia in 2013. Leading specialists of non-legal profile pay special attention to it and propose to conclude universal international treaty on the issue. International law part of the problem needs to be more active.
The problem of the asteroid and comets monitoring (and defence from the asteroid and comets' threat) became highly actual after the fall of Chelyabinsk asteroid in Russia in 2013. Leading specialists of non-legal profile pay special attention to it and propose to conclude universal international treaty on the issue. International law part of the problem needs to be more active.
Keywords: asteroid and comets monitoring, liability, the role of the UN, special international organization, the system of detection, space law, state legislation, international cooperation.
Work bibliographic list
1. Adamov N.N. Perspektivy sozdanija Vsemirnoj kosmicheskoj organizacii // Zhurnal mezhdunarodnogo prava i mezhdunarodnyh otnoshenij. – 2011. – # 2. – S. 9-14.
Work bibliographic list
1. Adamov N.N. Perspektivy sozdanija Vsemirnoj kosmicheskoj organizacii // Zhurnal mezhdunarodnogo prava i mezhdunarodnyh otnoshenij. – 2011. – # 2. – S. 9-14.
2. Asteroidno-kometnaja opasnost': vchera, segodnja, zavtra. /Pod red. B.M. Shustova, L.V. Ryhlovoj. – koll. avtorov. –M.: FIZMATLIT, 2013. – 384 s.
3. Emel'janova N. N. Sovremennye problemy kosmicheskoj bezopasnosti // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. - # 4 (47) 2012. – S. 68-72.
4. Emel'janova N.N. Sovremennye vyzovy global'noj bezopasnosti i mezhdunarodnoe pravo. – M., ADS Grupp. 2012.– S. 125-126.
5. Zhukov G.P. Komu prinadlezhit Luna? / Naselennyj kosmos – M.: Nauka, 1972. – 372 s.
6. Zajcev A.V. Konceptual'nyj proekt Sistemy planetarnoj zashhity «Citadel'» // Mezhdunarodnaja konferencija «Kosmicheskaja zashhita Zemli – 2000». 11-15 sentjabrja 2000
g. Evpatorija, Krym, Ukraina. Tezisy.
7. Kolosov Ju.M. Bor'ba za mirnyj kosmos / Mezhdunarodnye otnoshenija. – M., 1968. – S. 29-30.
8. Konstantinovskaja L.V. Monitoring kometno-asteroidnoj opasnosti, Aktual'nye problemy jekologii i prirodopol'zovanija. Chast' Sbornik nauchnyh trudov, RUDN. – M., 2008.
9. Malkov S.P. Istorija pravovogo regulirovanija kosmicheskoj dejatel'nosti po issledovaniju i osvoeniju nebesnyh tel v Rossii // Dis... kand. jurid. nauk. – SPb., 2005. – 198 s. RGB OD, 61:06-12/142 .
10. Malkov S.P. Mezhdunarodno-pravovoe obespechenie sozdanija i funkcionirovanija sistemy zashhity Zemli ot asteroidno-kometnoj opasnosti // Juridicheskaja mysl'. – 2003 – # 4. – S. 72-77.
11. Rabochij dokument, predstavlennyj Rossijskoj Federaciej i Respublikoj Ukraina na pjatidesjatoj sessii Nauchno-tehnicheskogo podkomiteta Komiteta po ispol'zovaniju kosmicheskogo prostranstva v mirnyh celjah 11-12 fevralja 2013 g «Ohrana tehnologij v svjazi s sotrudnichestvom v oblasti issledovanija i ispol'zovanija kosmicheskogo prostranstva v mirnyh celjah i v sozdanii i jekspluatacii raketno-kosmicheskoj i raketnoj tehniki /A/AS. 105/S. 1/L.322.
12. Sistema zashhity ot asteroidov dolzhna byt' tol'ko mezhdunarodnoj // Izvestija. 2012. – 12 marta.
13. Soglashenie mezhdu Pravitel'stvom Rossijskoj Federacii i Pravitel'stvom Soedinennyh Shtatov Ameriki o merah po ohrane tehnologij v svjazi s dejatel'nost'ju v ramkah proekta «Morskoj Start», 21 marta 2006g. //Bjulleten' mezhdunarodnyh dogovorov. – 2006. – # 11. – S. 42.
14. Soglashenie mezhdu pravitel'stvom RF i pravitel'stvom Respubliki Jemen o sotrudnichestve v oblasti issledovanija i ispol'zovanija kosmicheskogo prostranstva v mirnyh celjah, 3 dekabrja 2007g. // Bjulleten' mezhdunarodnyh dogovorov. – 2007. – # 4. – S. 57-70.
15. Soglashenie mezhdu pravitel'stvom RF i pravitel'stvom Respubliki Ukraina o sotrudnichestve v oblasti issledovanii i ispol'zovanija kosmicheskogo prostranstva v mirnyh celjah, 27 avgusta 1966g. // Bjulleten' mezhdunarodnyh dogovorov. – 2011. – # 10. – S. 31.
16. Soglashenie mezhdu pravitel'stvom RF i pravitel'stvom Federativnoj Respubliki Brazilija o sotrudnichestve v oblasti issledovanija i ispol'zovanija kosmicheskogo prostranstva v mirnyh celjah, 27 avgusta 1997g. // Bjulleten' mezhdunarodnyh dogovorov. – 2003. – # 1. – S.34.
17. Hob S. Pervye pjat'desjat let mezhdunarodnogo kosmicheskogo prav // Sovremennye problemy mezhdunarodnogo kosmicheskogo prava / Pod red. G.P. Zhukova, A.Ja. Kapustina. – M.: RUDN, 2008.
18. Boris I. Semyonov, Vyacheslav V.Treckin and Anatoliy V. Zaitsev. The possible use of missile-space defense systems as part of the «Citadel» Planetary Defense System for neutralizing hazardous space bodies of decameter scale // International Conference «100 years since Tunguska phenomenon: Past, present and future». June 26-28, 2008, Moscow, Abstracts.
19. Horsford, C.E.S. – Is ICAO the Model for the International Space Agency? C.E.S. Horsford //Proceedings… Oslo, Norway, 1995.
20. Zaitsev A.V., Klapovsky A.A. About the Approach to Formation of International-Legal Bases of Ensuring Planetary Defense. «Protecting the Earth against collisions with asteroids and comet nuclei». Proceeding of the International Conference «Asteroid-Comet Hazard-2009». A. Finkelstein, W. Huebner, V. Shor (Eds). – St.-Petersburg, Nauka, Russia, 2010. – P. 396-401.
21. Zaitsev A.V., Klapovsky A.A. Scientific and Technical, Organizational-Legal and Moral Aspects of Ensuring of Defense of the Earth from Asteroid-Comet Dangers // International Conference «100 years since Tunguska phenomenon: Past, present and future». June 26-28, 2008, Moscow, Abstracts.
22. Zhukov G.P. Liability for Damage caused by Objects Launched into Outer Space // Memorandum 50 Tokyo Conference, 1964.
Dorskaya A.A.
Legal reforms of church-state relations: the European experience
This article analyses the legal reforms of the European countries in the regulation of church-state relations in recent decades. The author shows common and different problems of Western Europe and the former Soviet bloc countries. The examples of legal decisions of the transfer of property to religious organisations are given.
Keywords: legal reform, church-state relations, secular state, freedom of conscience.
Work bibliographic list
1. Konstitucija Rossijskoj Federacii (prinjata vsenarodnym golosovaniem 12 dekabrja 1993 g.) // Rossijskaja gazeta. 1993. # 237; 2009. # 7.
Work bibliographic list
1. Konstitucija Rossijskoj Federacii (prinjata vsenarodnym golosovaniem 12 dekabrja 1993 g.) // Rossijskaja gazeta. 1993. # 237; 2009. # 7.
2. Konstitucija Bolgarii 1991 g. [Jelektronnyj resurs] – Rezhim dostupa:
3. Osnovnoj zakon Federativnoj Respubliki Germanija ot 23 maja 1949 g. [Jelektronnyj resurs] – Rezhim dostupa:
4. Federal'nyj zakon Rossijskoj Federacii ot 26 sentjabrja 1997 g. # 125-FZ «O svobode sovesti i o religioznyh ob"edinenijah» (v red. Federal'nyh zakonov ot 26.03.2000 g. # 45-FZ, ot 21.03.2002 g. # 31-FZ, ot 25.07.2002 g. # 112-FZ, ot 08.12.2003 g. # 169-FZ, ot 29.06.2004 g. # 58- FZ, ot 06.07.2006 g. # 104-FZ, ot 28.02.2008 g. # 14-FZ, ot 23.07.2008 g. # 160-FZ, ot 30.11.2010 g. # 328-FZ, ot 01.07.2011 g.# 169-FZ, ot 07.06.2013 g. # 119-FZ, ot 02.07.2013 g. # 180-FZ, ot 02.07.2013 g. # 185-FZ) // Rossijskaja gazeta. 1997. # 190.
5. Federal'nyj Zakon Rossijskoj Federacii ot 30 nojabrja 2010 g. # 327-FZ «O peredache religioznym organizacijam imushhestva religioznogo naznachenija, nahodjashhegosja v gosudarstvennoj ili municipal'noj sobstvennosti» //Rossijskaja gazeta. 2010. 3 dekabrja. # 274.
6. Zakon o veroispovedanijah Respubliki Bolgarija ot 20 dekabrja 2002 g. / Per. s bolg. E.V. Timoninoj [Jelektronnyj resurs] – Rezhim dostupa: html [Data obrashhenija: 10 marta 2014 g.].
7. Astjer I.V. Juridicheskij status i jekonomicheskaja dejatel'nost' sovremennyh pravoslavnyh monastyrej v Rossii //Izvestija Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta. Serija «Social'no-jekonomicheskie nauki i iskusstvo». 2009. # 3 (37). S.96-101.
8. Baboshina E.V. Pravovaja politika stran Zapadnoj Evropy v sfere konfessional'nyh otnoshenij // Filosofija prava. 2010. # 1. S. 62-65.
9. Bazhan T.A., Starkov O.V. Religiovedenie dlja juristov: Uchebnik / pod obshh. Red. O.V. Starkova. SPb.: Izdatel'stvo R. Aslanova «Juridicheskij centr Press», 2007. 491 s.
10. Belling D.V., Bojko A.V., Serova N.B. Pravo cerkvej na samoopredelenie po zakonodatel'stvu Germanii // Gosudarstvo i pravo. 2008. # 11. S.61-70.
11. Bolgarija. Deputaty i ministr trebujut peresmotra Zakona o veroispovedanijah [Jelektronnyj resurs] – Rezhim dostupa:
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12. Vasilenko K. Pensija po-bozheski. Religioznuju dejatel'nost' pri Sovetah nachnut zaschityvat' v trudovoj stazh [Jelektronnyj resurs] – Rezhim dostupa: [Data obrashhenija: 10 marta 2014 g.].
13. Girjaeva V.N. Principy svobody veroispovedanija i otdelenija cerkvi ot gosudarstva v prave Francii (obzor) // Pravovye issledovanija vo Francii: Sbornik nauchny trudov / RAN. INION. Centr social'nyh nauchno-in-=formacionnyh issledovanij. Otdel pravovedenija; pod obshh. red. V.V. Maklakova. M., 2007. S.91-97.
14. Donkova Zh. Problema vozvrashhenija imushhestva cerkvi v Bolgarii / per. s bolg. F. Kalajdova [Jelektronnyj resurs] – Rezhim dostupa: orthodoxchurches/ 41364.htm [Data obrashhenija: 10 marta 2014 g.].
15. Dorskaja A.A. Evropejskaja integracija i problema svobody sovesti // Problemy evropejskoj integracii: pravovoj i kul'turologicheskij aspekty. Sbornik nauchnyh statej / Pod red. S.A. Goncharova, A.A. Dorskoj. SPb.:Asterion, 2007. S.92-98.
16. Meshherjakova A.F. Svetskoe gosudarstvo v sovremennoj Rossii: konstitucionno-pravovoj analiz. Avtoreferat dissertacii na soiskanie uchjonoj stepeni kandidata juridicheskih nauk. Saratov, 2009. 27 s.
17. Palinchak N.M. Modeli gosudarstvenno-cerkovnyh otnoshenij v stranah Central'no-Vostochnoj Evropy: osnovnye osobennosti i dinamika izmenenij // Nauchnyj dialog. 2013. # 12 (24). Obshhestvennye nauki. S. 157-167.
18. Pashencev D.A. Problemy sovershenstvovanija otnoshenij gosudarstva i cerkvi v sovremennoj Rossii // Juridicheskaja nauka: istorija i sovremennost'. 2010. # 1. S.7-11.
19. Ponkin I.V. Sovremennoe svetskoe gosudarstvo: konstitucionno-pravovoe issledovanie. M., 2005. 389 s.
20. Pchelincev A.V. i dr. Gosudarstvo i Cerkov': izmenenie struktury otnoshenij // Religija i pravo. 2010. # 2. S.3-6.
21. Stepanova E.A. Problema tolerantnosti v mezhkonfessional'nyh otnoshenijah. Kurs lekcij: V 2-h tt. Ekaterinburg: Izdatel'stvo Ural'skogo universiteta, 2008. T.1. 220 s.
22. Holopov I.A. Zashhita cerkovnyh cennostej Avstrii //Bor'ba s prestupnost'ju za rubezhom (po materialam inostrannoj pechati). Ezhemesjachnyj informacionnyj bjulleten'. M., 2006. # 10. S.16-18.
23. Shashkin P.A. Upravlenie cerkovnym imushhestvom: pravovye aspekty [Jelektronnyj resurs] – Rezhim dostupa: [Data obrashhenija: 10 marta 2014 g.]
24. Shul'ga A.V. Imushhestvo kak predmet prestuplenij protiv sobstvennosti i ego vlijanie na soderzhanie ob"ekta dannyh prestuplenij // Rossijskij sledovatel'. 2012.# 2. S.29-32.
Mitrokhina A.H.
Mitrokhina A.H.
Comparative analysis of agreements between European Space Agency and the government of the Russian Federation on cooperation in the exploration and use of outer space for peaceful purposes
This article is devoted to the analysis of bilateral international agreements between Russia and ESA, in particular, the legal analy-sis of agreements between ESA and the Government of the Russian Federation on cooperation in the exploration and use of outer space for peaceful purposes. The article shows the evolution in the development of relations between Russia and ESA in the exploration and use of outer space and the comparative analysis of agreements between ESA and the Government of the Russian Federation on cooperation in the exploration and use of outer space for peaceful purposes.
This article is devoted to the analysis of bilateral international agreements between Russia and ESA, in particular, the legal analy-sis of agreements between ESA and the Government of the Russian Federation on cooperation in the exploration and use of outer space for peaceful purposes. The article shows the evolution in the development of relations between Russia and ESA in the exploration and use of outer space and the comparative analysis of agreements between ESA and the Government of the Russian Federation on cooperation in the exploration and use of outer space for peaceful purposes.
Keywords: European Space Agency, European Union, Russia, European Space Policy, Russia and ESA, European Space Law, qu-asi-judicial agreements, international agreements in the field of space activities, space activities.
Work bibliographic list
1. Mezhdunarodnoe publichnoe pravo: uchebnik / Otv. redaktor Bekjashev K.A. M., 2005. – S. 579-595.
Work bibliographic list
1. Mezhdunarodnoe publichnoe pravo: uchebnik / Otv. redaktor Bekjashev K.A. M., 2005. – S. 579-595.
2. Kalinichenko P.A. Rossija i Evropejskij Sojuz: dvustoronnjaja normativnaja baza vzaimootnoshenij. M., 2011.S.112-120.
3. Kashkin S.Ju., Kalinichenko P.A., Chetverikov A.O. Vvedenie v pravo Evropejskogo Sojuza: uchebnik. M., 2010. 464 s.
4. Evropejskij Sojuz: osnovopolagajushhie akty v redakcii Lissabonskogo dogovora s kommentarijami. Otv. Redaktor Kashkin S. Ju. M., 2008. 698 s.
5. Koval'kova E.Ju. Sotrudnichestvo i partnerstvo mezhdu Rossijskoj Federaciej i Evropejskim Sojuzom (pravovye aspekty): Diss… kand. jurid. nauk. Kazan', 2001. 170 s.
6. Malysheva N.R. Kosmos kak prioritet evropejskoj politiki i prava //Zhurnal zarubezhnogo zakonodatel'stva i sravnitel'nogo pravovedenija. 2010. #5. S.143-154.
7. Shugurov M.V. Mezhdunarodno-pravovoj princip svobody nauchnyh issledovanij i globalizacija nauchno-tehnicheskogo progressa // Rossijskaja justicija. 2012. # 2. S. 17-21.
8. Vago J., Gardini B., Kminek G., Baglioni P. ExoMars // ESA bulletin 126, May 2006. P. 17-23.
Nutsalhanov G.N.
Legislation of Central Asian states concerning the legal status of regional nuclear-free zone
In this article, the author analyses the domestic law of the States Parties of the Central Asian nuclear-free zone. The key issues investigated in regulations involving the use of nuclear energy in the context of the implementation of the Semipalatinsk Treaty of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.
Keywords: nuclear-free zone, law, treaty, security, legislation.
Work bibliographic list
1. Brounli Ja. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo. Kniga pervaja. – M.,1977. – 535 s.
Work bibliographic list
1. Brounli Ja. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo. Kniga pervaja. – M.,1977. – 535 s.
2. Zakon Respubliki Tadzhikistan «O mezhdunarodnyh dogovorah Respubliki Tadzhikistan» 1999 g. [Jelektronnyj resurs] – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 23.03.2014 g.)
3. Zakon Respubliki Kirgizija «O normativnyh pravovyh aktah» 2009 g. [Jelektronnyj resurs] – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 22.03.2014 g.)
4. Zakon Respubliki Tadzhikistan «Ob ispol'zovanii atomnoj jenergii» 2004 g. [Jelektronnyj resurs] – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 23.03.2014 g.)
5. Zakon Respubliki Turkmenistan «O postojannom nejtralitet Turkmenistana» 1995 g. [Jelektronnyj resurs] – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 24.03.2014 g.)
6. Zakon Uzbekistana «Ob jeksportnom kontrole» 2004 g.[Jelektronnyj resurs] – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 22.03.2014 g.)
7. Zakon Uzbekistana «O radiacionnoj bezopasnosti» 2000 g. [Jelektronnyj resurs] – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 23.03.2014 g.)
8. Ibragimov A.M. Mezhdunarodno-pravovoe polozhenie bezhencev. – Mahachkala, 2000. – 192 s.
9. Ignatenko G.V. Mezhdunarodnoe i vnutrigosudarstvennoe pravo: problemy soprjazhjonnosti i vzaimodejstvija. – M., 2012. – 416 s.
10. Usenko E.T. Teoreticheskie problemy sootnoshenija mezhdunarodnogo i vnutrigosudarstvennogo prava // Sovetskij ezhegodnik mezhdunarodnogo prava 1977. – M., 1979.– S. 57-90.
11. Saidov A.H. Sravnitel'noe pravovedenie. Osnovnye pravovye sistemy sovremennosti / Pod red. V.A. Tumanova.– M., 2003. – 448 s.
Chepus A.V.
Chepus A.V.
Common and specific features of the mechanism of parliamentary responsibility of the government in Russia and the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States
This article explores the question of parliamentary responsibility of the Government of the Russian Federation and Executive authority in the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States. Important significance is given to the comparative analysis and identification of similarities and differences in the constitutional mechanism regulation of responsibility of the Government of the Russian Federation and in the CIS countries. Special attention is paid to the Executive authority, to the interaction between the Parliament and the President, as well as to the collective (solidary) and individual responsibility. A classification of types of parliamentary responsibility of the government on different criteria, both in Russia and the CIS is proposed. The features of parliamentary responsibility of the Executive power according to the legislation of the countries of the CIS and Russia are summarised.
This article explores the question of parliamentary responsibility of the Government of the Russian Federation and Executive authority in the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States. Important significance is given to the comparative analysis and identification of similarities and differences in the constitutional mechanism regulation of responsibility of the Government of the Russian Federation and in the CIS countries. Special attention is paid to the Executive authority, to the interaction between the Parliament and the President, as well as to the collective (solidary) and individual responsibility. A classification of types of parliamentary responsibility of the government on different criteria, both in Russia and the CIS is proposed. The features of parliamentary responsibility of the Executive power according to the legislation of the countries of the CIS and Russia are summarised.
Keywords: parliamentary responsibility, government, parliament, president, CIS, resignation, executive authorities.
Work bibliographic list
1. Arutjunjan A. Sh. Konstitucionno-pravovoj status Prezidenta Respubliki Armenija: Avtoref. dis. ... d-ra jurid. nauk. M., 1997. – 29.
Work bibliographic list
1. Arutjunjan A. Sh. Konstitucionno-pravovoj status Prezidenta Respubliki Armenija: Avtoref. dis. ... d-ra jurid. nauk. M., 1997. – 29.
2. BaglajM. V. Konstitucionnoe pravo Rossijskoj Federacii. M.: Norma. 2007. - 784 s.
3. Bezuglov A.A., Soldatov S. A. Konstitucionnoe pravo Rossii. T. 2. M.: Profobrazovanie, 2001. - 800 c.
4. Gadzhi-Zade Jel'nur Ahliman Konstitucionnye modeli formy pravlenija i institut prezidentstva v stranah SNG: [Jelektronnyj resurs]: Dis. ... kand. jurid. nauk: 12.00.02. – Volgograd: RGB, 2005. S.199.
5. Dubovshhkij V.N. Ponjatie i sistema organov ispolnitel'noj vlasti v zakonodatel'stve Respubliki Belarus' // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. 2004. # 2. S. 136-137.
6. Kotov A.K. Konstitucionalizm v Kazahstane: opyt stanovlenija i jeffektivnost' mehanizma vlasti. Almaty: Izd-vo Kaz-GA. 2000. – 378 s.
7. Krivenko L.T. Teoreticheskie problemy konstitucionnogo statusa Prezidenta Ukrainy // Problemy realizacii Konstitucii Ukraini: teorija i praktika. Kiev, 2003. S. 311-342
8. Luchin V.O. Konstitucija Rossijskoj Federacii. Problemy realizacii. M.: JuNITI-DANA, 2002. - 687 c.
9. Okun'kov L.A. Vvodnaja chast' k Konstitucii Respubliki Armenija // Konstitucii gosudarstv Evropy: V 3 t. T. 1. NORMA, IZDATEL''STVO, 2001 g. – 850 s.
10. Pilipenko A.N. Vstupitel'naja stat'ja k Konstitucii Francuzskoj Respubliki // Konstitucii gosudarstv Evropejskogo Sojuza. M. 2009. – 659 s.
11. Sapargaliev G.S. Konstitucionnoe pravo Respubliki Kazahstan. Almaty: Zheti zhargy. 1998. – 420 s.
12. Suvorov V.N. Prezident i Pravitel'stvo Rossijskoj Federacii: Konstitucionnye problemy vzaimootnoshenij // Trudy Mosk. gos. jurid. akad. M., 1999. S. 8-9
13. Shmavovjan G.A. Prezidentskaja vlast' i razdelenie vlastej v poluprezidentskoj respublike: opyt Armenii //Gosudarstvo i pravo. 2000. # 1.
14. Shejan A.N. Institut pravitel'stvennoj otvetstvennosti v Rossii. Dis... kand. jurid. nauk: Volgograd. 2007. - 177 s.
Klyachin V.M.
Methodological problems of law in the uncertainty sphere
The article deals with the uncertainty as scientific and methodological problem. On an exam-ple of man-made disasters it is shown that the regulation of social relations developed in these conditions – is a very special sphere of law, taking into account the specifics of uncertainty.
Keywords: uncertainty, disaster, catastrophism, fuzzy logic, security, uncertainty in law.
Work bibliographic list
1. Demidova L.A., Krakovskij V.V., Pyl'kin A.N. Prinjatie reshenij v uslovijah neopredelennosti. – M.: Gorjachaja linija – Telekom, 2012.
Work bibliographic list
1. Demidova L.A., Krakovskij V.V., Pyl'kin A.N. Prinjatie reshenij v uslovijah neopredelennosti. – M.: Gorjachaja linija – Telekom, 2012.
2. Nazarenko T.N. Neopredelennost' v rossijskom prave. Diss… kand. jurid. Nauk. – M., 2006. 227 s. RGB OD, 61:06-12/461.
3. Nechetkie mnozhestva v modeljah upravlenija i iskusstvennogo intellekta / Pod red. D.A. Pospelova.- M.: Nauka. Glavnaja redakcija fiziko-matematicheskoj literatury, 1986. – 312 s.
4. Madera A.G. Riski i shansy: Neopredelennnost', prognozirovanie i ocenka. – M.: KRASAND, 2014.
5. Novikova A.A. Prirodnaja katastrofa v Japonii i ee posledstvija (Fokusima-2011): Spec. Informacija / RAN INION. Centr nauch.-inf. obsled. global. i regional. probl. Otdelenie Azii i Afriki. – M., 2013. – 40 s
6. Rajfa G. Analiz reshenij (vvedenie v problemu vybora v uslovijah neopredelennosti): Per. s angl. — M.: Nauka, 1977. – 408 s.
7. Tjerano T., Asai K., Sugjeno M. Prikladnye nechetkie sistemy. – M.: Mir, 1993. – 368 s.
8. Hano J. Japonskaja katastrofa. Avarija na Fokusime i ee posledstvija: Per s nem. – SPb.: BHV-Peterburg, 2013.
9. Zadeh L.A. Fuzzy sets // Information and Control. – 1965. –Vol. 8 – N 3 – R. 338-353.
Kozhevnikov V.V.
The problem of correlation of legal regulation and legal impact (on the basis of the academic literature on the theory of state and law analysis)
The article discusses the problem of correlation of legal regulation and legal action. The author analyses the channels impact of on social relations.
Keywords: law, legal regulation, legal impact, correlation, level of impact, effect of law.
Work bibliographic list
1. Nersesjanc V.S. Obshhaja teorija prava i gosudarstva: Ucheb-
Work bibliographic list
1. Nersesjanc V.S. Obshhaja teorija prava i gosudarstva: Ucheb-
nik. – M., 2010.
2. Petrazhickij L. Psihologicheskoe vvedenie v teoriju prava. – M., 1908.
3. P'janov N.A. Konsul'tacii po teorii gosudarstva i prava: Uchebnoe posobie. – Irkutsk, 2010.
4. Spiridonov L.I. Teorija gosudarstva i prava: Uchebnik.– M., 1995.
5. Shagieva R.V. Dejstvie prava kak problema sistemnogo funkcionirovanija pravovoj sistemy //Aktual'nye problemy teorii gosudarstva i prava: Uchebnoe posobie. /Otv. red. R.V. Shagieva. – M.,2011.6. Chervonjuk V.I. Teorija gosudarstva i prava: Uchebnik. – M.,
Romanov I.B.
Romanov I.B.
Political ideology as kind of political factors of formation of the law in Russia
The influence of liberal ideological attitudes in a context of features of their national perception in the processes of formation of the law in Russia is considered in the article.
Keywords: formation of the law; law-making; sources of law; factors of formation of the law; law-making policy; political ideology; legal consciousness.
Work bibliographic list
1. Harri J. Legal Philosophies. Dublin, 1997. 261 p.
Work bibliographic list
1. Harri J. Legal Philosophies. Dublin, 1997. 261 p.
2. Mcleod I. Legal Theory. London, 1999. 372 p.
3. Kazakov D.V. Politicheskij faktor v zakonotvorchestve:Avtoref. diss… kand. juridicheskih nauk. M., 2010. 28 s.
4. Kalinin A.Ju. Vlijanie pravogo soznanija i pravovoj kul'tury na processy pravoobrazovanija // Rossijskoe pravosudie. 2009. #10. S. 25-28.
5. Kovalenko A. I. Pravovoe gosudarstvo: koncepcii i real'nost'. M.: Bek, 1993. 216 s.
6. Komarov S. A. Obshhaja teorija gosudarstva i prava. SPb.: Piter, 2001. 472 s.
7. Kurmanov N.I. Pravovaja ideologija i pravovaja politika sovremennogo Rossijskogo gosudarstva. M.: Jurist, 2007. 214 s.
8. Lancov S.A. Rossijskij istoricheskij opyt v svete koncepcij politicheskoj modernizacii // Polis. 2001. #3. S. 12-23.
9. Medushevskij A.N. Demokratija i avtoritarizm: rossijskij konstitucionalizm v sovremennoj perspektive. M.: Novyj hronograf, 1998. 386 s.
10. Medushevskij A.N. Ideja razdelenija vlastej // Vestnik Rossijskoj Akademii nauk. 1994. T. 64. # 1. S. 21-31.
11. Muhaev R.T. Politologija. M.: Nauka, 1997. 465 s.
12. Usanov V.E. Problemy obshhej teorii gosudarstva i prava. M.: Jelit, 2005. 542 s.
Minniahmetov R.A., Gaisina L.T.
Minniahmetov R.A., Gaisina L.T.
«Mehr» as an instrument for regulation of property relations in the Muslim family law
The property relations take one of the most important places in the Muslim justice system, formed in the period of early Middle Ages. In the framework of property relations the important value belongs to the form of material support, called «mehr», which is a one-time payment of fee in favour of married woman. The authors systematise the varieties of «mehr», give their general analysis and emphasize the importance of studying of «mehr» by the Russian specialists.
Keywords: mеhr, property relations, the Muslim law, the Arabic Caliphate, the law schools.
Work bibliographic list
1. Zykova N.N. Semejnaja politika v Rossii segodnja // Social'no-gumanitarnye znanija. – 2008. – # 5. – S.117-127.
Work bibliographic list
1. Zykova N.N. Semejnaja politika v Rossii segodnja // Social'no-gumanitarnye znanija. – 2008. – # 5. – S.117-127.
2. Islam: Jenciklopedicheskij slovar'. – M.: Nauka. Glavnaja redakcija vostochnoj literatury, 1991.
3. Kochkina O.N. Vlijanie semejnyh tradicij na pervichnuju socializaciju detej // Social'no-gumanitarnye znanija. – 2008. – #5. – S.128-140.
4. Minniahmetov R.A. K voprosu o svjazi islamskogo prava s drugimi pravovymi sem'jami // Evrazijskij gumanitarnyj forum. – 2013. - # 2. – S. 84-88.
5. Minniahmetov R.A., Nuriev B.D. Istorija musul'manskogo prava. – Ufa: RIC BashGU, 2014.
6. Momotov V.V., Svechnikova L.G. Osnovy islamskogo zakonodatel'stva: ucheb. posobie. – Krasnodar: Kubanskij gos. un-t, 2009.
7. Semejnoe pravo / Pod. red. E.A. Chefronovoj. – M.: Izdatel'stvo Jurajt, 2012.
8. Okur Gümrükçüoğlu S. İslam aile hukukunda kadının mehir hakkında toplumun bakış açısı üzerine bir değerlendirme // Gazi üniversitesi hukuk fakültesi dergisi. – 2013.
9. Yman A. İslam aile hukuku. – İstanbul: M.Ü. İlahiyat fakültesivakfı yayınları, 2009.
Bikmaeva A.I.
The problems of legal education and civic consciousness formation in prerevolutionary Russia
The article discusses the development of legal education in pre-revolutionary Russia. The special attention is paid to interaction of the concepts «legal education» and «civil education».
Keywords: legal education, civil education, pre-revolutionary period, legal and educational activity, education.
Work bibliographic list
1. Aksakov K.S. Polnoe sobranie sochinenij. T. 1. – M., 1861.
Work bibliographic list
1. Aksakov K.S. Polnoe sobranie sochinenij. T. 1. – M., 1861.
2. Dashkova E.R. O smysle slova «vospitanie» (v sokrashhenii) / E.R. Dashkova // Antologija pedagogicheskoj mysli Rossii XVIII v. / sost. I. A. Solovkov. – M.: Pedagogika, 1985. – 480 s.
3. Krasnovskij A.A. Pedagogicheskie idei N.I. Pirogova. – M., 1949.
4. Lazarev V.V. Rossijskij pravovoj nigilizm, pik kotorogo prishelsja na nashe vremja, takzhe imeet svoju istoriju./ Juridicheskaja nauka: sovremennoe sostojanie, vyzovy i
perspektivy (razmyshlenija i teoretika). / LEX RUSSICA. – 2013. – # 2. – S. 182.
5. Nigmatullin R.V. Rol' juridicheskoj nauki v razvitii sovremennoj Rossii. // Juridicheskij mir. – 2012. – # 3(183). – S. 17-18.
6. Novikov N.I. Pohvala zhenskomu polu // Masonstvo i russkaja kul'tura. – M., 1996.
7. O dolzhnostjah cheloveka i grazhdanina, kniga k chteniju opredelennaja v narodnyh uchilishhah Rossijskoj imperii, izdannaja po vysochajshemu poveleniju carstvujushhej imperatricy Ekateriny Vtoroj. – SPb.: Tip. Brejtkopfa, 1783.
8. Pnin I.P. Grazhdanin // Antologija mirovoj politicheskoj mysli. V 5 t. T. 3. Politicheskaja mysl' v Rossii. – M.:Mysl', 1997.
9. Radishhev A.N. Beseda o tom, chto est' syn Otechestva // Masonstvo i russkaja kul'tura / Sost. V.I. Novikov. – M.: Iskusstvo, 1996. – 495 s.
10. Radishhev A.N. O samoderzhavii // Antologija mirovoj politicheskoj mysli. V 5 t. T. 3. Politicheskaja mysl' v Rossii. – M.: Mysl', 1997.
11. Ryndak V.G., Alehina N.V. Pedagogika: uchebnoe posobie. – M.: Vysshaja shkola, 2006.
12. Solov'ev V.S. Sochinenija. V 2 t. Tom 2. Chtenie o bogochelovechestve. – M.: Pravda, 1989.
13. Uvarov S.S. Otchet «Desjatiletie ministerstva narodnogo prosveshhenija, 1833-1843 gg.» // Antologija mirovoj politicheskoj mysli. V 5 t. T. 3. Politicheskaja mysl' v Rossii. – M.: Mysl', 1997.
14. Fonvizin D.I. Rassuzhdenie o nepremennyh gosudarstvennyh zakonah // Antologija mirovoj politicheskoj mysli. V 5 t. T. 3. Politicheskaja mysl' v Rossii. – M.: Mysl', 1997.
15. Shelgunov N.V. Pis'ma o vospitanii. – M.: Politizdat,1989.
Gabdullina A.R.
Gabdullina A.R.
Changes in the property right state and legal provision in the conditions of Perestroika
The article deals with the forming of property relations in Russia in perestroika period. The main laws, problems of transformation of the relations of property during the considered period are analysed. The relationship between the role of private and state property in the country's economy is researched. The main points in the development of property relations on the way to a market economy and legal state are revealed.
The article deals with the forming of property relations in Russia in perestroika period. The main laws, problems of transformation of the relations of property during the considered period are analysed. The relationship between the role of private and state property in the country's economy is researched. The main points in the development of property relations on the way to a market economy and legal state are revealed.
Keywords: reorganization, private and state property; market economy.
Work bibliographic list
1. Gorbachev M.S. Vospominanija. M., 1992.
Work bibliographic list
1. Gorbachev M.S. Vospominanija. M., 1992.
2. Zakon SSSR «O gosudarstvennom predprijatii (ob"edinenii)» ot 30.06.1987 [Jelektronnyj resurs] – Rezhim dostupa:
3. Zakon SSSR «O kooperacii» ot 26 maja 1988 g. [Jelektronnyj resurs] – Rezhim dostupa:
4. Zakon SSSR «Ob obshhih nachalah predprinimatel'stva grazhdan v SSSR» ot 02.04.1991 N 2079-1 // Vedomosti SND SSSR i VS SSSR. 1991. N 16. St. 442.
5. Zakon RSFSR «O sobstvennosti v RSFSR» ot 24.12.1990 N 443-1// Vedomosti SND RSFSR i VS RSFSR.1990. N 30. St. 416.
6. Zakon RSFSR «O zemel'noj reforme» ot 23.11.1990 N 374-1 // Vedomosti SND i VS RSFSR. 1990. # 26. St. 327.
7. Zakon RSFSR «O privatizacii gosudarstvennyh i municipal'nyh predprijatij v RSFSR» ot 03.07.1991 N 1531-1// Vedomosti SND i VS RSFSR. 1991. # 27. St. 927.
8. Osnovy zakonodatel'stva Sojuza SSR i sojuznyh respublik ob arende (utv. VS SSSR 23.11.1989 N 810-1) // Vedomosti SND i VS SSSR. 1989. N 25. St. 481.
9. Osnovy Grazhdanskogo Zakonodatel'stva Sojuza SSR i respublik (utv. VS SSSR 31 maja 1991 g. N 2211-I) // SPS «Garant».
10. Ugolovnyj kodeks RSFSR (utv. VS RSFSR 27.10.1960) // Vedomosti VS RSFSR. 1960. N 40. St. 591.
11. Zakon SSSR «O zashhite prav potrebitelej» ot 22.05.1991 N 2184-1 // Vedomosti SND SSSR i VS SSSR. 1991. N 24. St. 689.
Lantseva V.Y.
The forms of legal regulation of maritime trade in Russian Empire
This article analyzes the mechanism of legal regulation of maritime trade in Russia in the empire period. The main legal acts in this area, as well as other forms of law and their scope of application are considered.
Keywords: source of law, maritime practices (custom law), legislation, maritime law (law of the sea), statute, judicial precedent.
Work bibliographic list
1. Badigin K.S. Po studenym morjam: ocherki po istorii ledovyh plavanij russkih pomorov. M. : Geografgiz, 1956. 424 s.
Work bibliographic list
1. Badigin K.S. Po studenym morjam: ocherki po istorii ledovyh plavanij russkih pomorov. M. : Geografgiz, 1956. 424 s.
2. Mejer D. Juridicheskij sbornik. Kazan', 1855. 582 s.
3. Morskie tradicii. – M.: Sluzhba morskogo flota, 1999.
8 Fedorov A.F. Morskoe pravo / A.F. Fedorov / Vstupit. Slovo Prezidenta Odesskoj nacional'noj juridicheskoj akademii, akademika S.V. Kivalova; sost. T.V. Averochkina, E.V. Dodin, S.A. Kuznecov. – Odessa: Feniks, 2008. S. 40.
4. Rasskazov L.P., Rasskazov O.L., Mantul G.A. Klassicheskoe ponimanie sudebnogo precedenta i otnoshenie k precedentnomu pravu v Rossijskom gosudarstve // Politematicheskij setevoj jelek-tronnyj nauchnyj zhurnal Kubanskogo gosudarstvennogo agrarnogo universiteta =Polythematic online scientific journal of Kuban State Agrarian University. 2012. # 77.
5. Fedorov A.F. Morskoe pravo / A.F. Fedorov / Vstupit. Slovo Prezidenta Odesskoj nacional'noj juridicheskoj akademii, akademika S.V. Kivalova; sost. T.V. Averochkina, E.V. Dodin, S.A. Kuznecov. – Odessa: Feniks, 2008. 332 c.
6. Citovich P.P. Trudy po torgovomu i veksel'nomu pravu: v 2 tomah. T. 1. Uchebnik torgovogo prava. K voprosu o slinii torgovogo prava s grazhdanskim. M.: Statut, 2005.
7. Shaskol'skij I.P. Russkaja morskaja torgovlja na Baltike v XVII v. : (Torgovlja so Shveciej) / I. P. Shaskol'skij; Ros. AN, In-t ros. istorii, Sankt-Peterburg. fil. – SPb. : Nauka : Sankt-Peterburg. izd. firma, 1994.
8. Shershenevich G.F. Kurs torgovogo prava: v 4-h tomah. Tom I: Vvedenie. Torgovye dejateli. SPb., 1908. 516 s.
Pashentsev D.A.
Pashentsev D.A.
Development of performance criteria of legal reforms in Russia in 50-70-ies of the XIXth century
This article discusses current approaches to assess the impact of legal reforms on the example of the reforms of Alexander II. It is concluded that the effectiveness of legal reforms needs the sense of justice of the country's population to be transformed.
This article discusses current approaches to assess the impact of legal reforms on the example of the reforms of Alexander II. It is concluded that the effectiveness of legal reforms needs the sense of justice of the country's population to be transformed.
Keywords: legal reform, the effectiveness of the reforms, law, the sense of justice (legal consciousness), society.
Work bibliographic list
1. Dorskaja A.A. Pravovye reformy v Rossii: problemy klassifikacii // Voprosy pravovedenija. 2013. # 3.
Work bibliographic list
1. Dorskaja A.A. Pravovye reformy v Rossii: problemy klassifikacii // Voprosy pravovedenija. 2013. # 3.
2. Efremova N.N. Ponjatie otechestvennogo pravosudija doreformennogo perioda v kontekste otechestvennoj istoriografii // Vestnik Moskovskogo gorodskogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta. Serija «Juridicheskie nauki». 2012. # 2.
3. Il'chenko T.Ju. Jetapy pravovoj reformy v Rossii // Sovremennoe pravo. 2013. # 2.
4. Kamenskih N.A. Konceptual'nye osnovy upravlenija social'no-jekonomicheskim razvitiem municipal'nogo obrazovanija v uslovijah innovacionnoj jekonomiki // Vestnik Akademii prava i upravlenija. 2013. # 33.
5. Pashencev D.A. Reformirovanie finansovoj sistemy v kontekste pravovyh reform v Rossii // vestnik Akademii prava i upravlenija. 2014. # 34.
6. Pishhulin V.I. Istoricheskie predposylki formirovanija grazhdanskogo obshhestva v Rossii // Obrazovanie i pravo. 2013. # 11.
7. Rogacheva L.I. Obshhestvennye svjazi kak faktor formirovanija grazhdanskogo obshhestva v Rossii // Social'naja politika i sociologija. 2009. # 2.
8. Uortman R. Vlastiteli i sudii. Razvitie pravovogo soznanija v imperatorskoj Rossii. M., 2004.
Saydumov D.H.
Incorporation of laws of the Chechens and the Ingush in legislation and imperial justice of Russia: some episodes of law and justice development in Terskaya oblast
The article examines the organisation of justice after the establishment of the tsar's administration in the region, which population was guided by the norms of adat (customary law) and Sharia for centuries.
The article examines the organisation of justice after the establishment of the tsar's administration in the region, which population was guided by the norms of adat (customary law) and Sharia for centuries.
Keywords: adat, law, crime, punishment, judgment, theft, sentence, Chechens, Ingush.
Work bibliographic list
1. Akty Kavkazskoj arheograficheskoj komissiej. Akty, sobrannye Kavkazskoj arheograficheskoj komissiej / Pod red. A.P. Berzhe: v 12 t.: v 27 kn. Reprintnoe izdanie 1866–1904 gg. T. 12. SPb: Al'faret, 2009.
Work bibliographic list
1. Akty Kavkazskoj arheograficheskoj komissiej. Akty, sobrannye Kavkazskoj arheograficheskoj komissiej / Pod red. A.P. Berzhe: v 12 t.: v 27 kn. Reprintnoe izdanie 1866–1904 gg. T. 12. SPb: Al'faret, 2009.
2. Ibragimova Z.H. Carskoe proshloe chechencev: politika i jekonomika. M., 2009.
3. Ivanenkov N.S. Gornye chechency – kul'turno-jekonomicheskoe issledovanie Chechenskogo rajona Nagornoj polosy
Terkoj oblasti / Terskij sbornik. Vyp. 7. Vladikavkaz, 1910.
4. Kaloev B.A. A.F. Koni o Kavkaze // Jetnograficheskoe obozrenie. M., 1997. #3. S. 149-156.
5. Liprandi A. P. Kavkaz i Rossija. Har'kov, 1911.
6. Ocherki istorii Checheno-Ingushskoj ASSR (s drevnejshih vremen po nastojashhee vremja). T. 1. Groznyj, 1967.
7. Peshehonov A.V. Kul'turnaja drama // Staraja Rossija i staraja Chechnja: nevyuchennye uroki (Izuchajushhim otechestvennuju istoriju). Jaroslavl', 2006.
8. Rejnke N.M. Gorskie i narodnye sudy Kavkazskogo kraja. SPb, 1912.
9. Hronika chechenskogo vosstanija 1877 g.// Terskij sbornik. Prilozhenie k Terskomu kalendarju na 1891 g. Vyp.1. Vladikavkaz, 1890.
10. Central'nyj gosudarstvennyj arhiv Respubliki Gruzija. F. «Kanceljarija namestnika Kavkaza». D. 206. Nachato 12 janvarja 1878 g. Okoncheno 21 marta 1878 g.
11. Curov M.M. Obychnoe pravo ingushej // Obychnoe pravo v Rossii: problemy teorii, istorii i praktiki. Rostov n/D, 1999.
Fokina L.V.
International legal policy of the Russian empire sovereign Nikolay II in the context of humanist ideals of Russia
The article examines the historical and legal experience of Russia in promoting peace and international cooperation. The special role of the last monarch of the Russian Empire, Nicholas II, who was the initiator of the Hague Peace Conferences of 1899, 1907 is noted. The role of international institutions in the struggle for peace in the context of contemporary realities is assessed. The vector of Russia's national interests is updated.
The article examines the historical and legal experience of Russia in promoting peace and international cooperation. The special role of the last monarch of the Russian Empire, Nicholas II, who was the initiator of the Hague Peace Conferences of 1899, 1907 is noted. The role of international institutions in the struggle for peace in the context of contemporary realities is assessed. The vector of Russia's national interests is updated.
Keywords: Nicholas' II international legal policy, the Hague conventions, Permanent Court of Arbitration, international arbitration, history of the international arbitration, system of the international arbitration, Russian humanist ideals, patriotic ideals, Russia's national interests.
Work bibliographic list
1. Gosudarstvo i pravo Rossii v HHI veke / Pod obshh. red. L.I. Rogachevoj. M., 2006.
Work bibliographic list
1. Gosudarstvo i pravo Rossii v HHI veke / Pod obshh. red. L.I. Rogachevoj. M., 2006.
2. Grishina L.V. Cennostnye harakteristiki pravovoj real'nosti// Uchjonye zapiski RGSU. # 3. 2008. S. 73-77.
3. Dokumenty po istorii mjunhenskogo sgovora 1937-1939. M: Politicheskaja literatura, 1979.
4. Krjazhev Ju.N. Voenno-organizatorskaja dejatel'nost' Nikolaja II kak glavy gosudarstva. Avtoref. diss... dokt. ist.nauk. Kurgan, 2000.
5. Mahnach V.L. Chelovek svoej jepohi. Stat'ja. Setevoj proekt «Russkogo mira». Russkij arhipelag. [Jelektronnyj resurs] – Rezhim dostupa:
6. Nizalova E.V. Konec dinasticheskoj diplomatii Rossii: zagranichnye poezdki imperatora Nikolaja II v 1896-1909 godah: po materialom rossijskoj i evropejskoj pressy. Diss. kand. ist. nauk. Sankt-Peterburg, 2007.
7. Poslanie Prezidenta Federal'nomu Sobraniju. 12 dekabrja 2013 goda, Moskva, Kreml'. [Jelektronnyj resurs]– Rezhim dostupa:
8. Pashencev D.A. Teoreticheskie i istoricheskie voprosy gosudarstvennogo upravlenija. M.: MGPU, 2011.
9. Pashencev D.A. Rol' religii v formirovanii rossijskoj pravovoj tradicii // Izv. vuzov. Pravovedenie.2010. # 6.
10. Starikov N. Kak predavali Rossiju. SPb.: Izd-vo «Piter», 2013.
11. Shishljannikova G.I. Politicheskie vzgljady i gosudarstvennaja dejatel'nost' Nikolaja II: 1981-feral' 1917. Avtoreferat diss… kand. ist. nauk. Voronezh. 2009.
12. Jenciklopedicheskij Slovar' F.A. Brokgauza i I.A. Efrona. Jelektronnaja biblioteka «Vehi» [Jelektronnyj resurs] – Rezhim dostupa:
13. Jakovleva I.Ju. Jekologicheskie problemy v kontekste osobennostej Rossijskogo mentaliteta // Mir nauki, kul'tury, obrazovanija. 2011. # 10. S. 412-415.
Krupenya E.M. Komarov, M.A.
Human rights in the process of constitutional modernisation of Russia as the object of legal monitoring (expertise)
The article presents the position of the authors to such objects of legal monitoring (scientific expertise) as human rights in the process of constitutional modernisation reform period 1990-1993. Authors, starting with the concept of legal expertise, cover in detail formal parameters of scientific and legal expertise chosen as the object of state-legal phenomenon. In the article there is detailed description of the method of legal monitoring along with the object, the subject matter and its purpose. The authors proceed on the basis that the methodology is presented at two levels: doctrinal and instrumental. It largely determines the ontological characteristics of the object of monitoring, which are proposed by the authors in the final part of the paper.
The article presents the position of the authors to such objects of legal monitoring (scientific expertise) as human rights in the process of constitutional modernisation reform period 1990-1993. Authors, starting with the concept of legal expertise, cover in detail formal parameters of scientific and legal expertise chosen as the object of state-legal phenomenon. In the article there is detailed description of the method of legal monitoring along with the object, the subject matter and its purpose. The authors proceed on the basis that the methodology is presented at two levels: doctrinal and instrumental. It largely determines the ontological characteristics of the object of monitoring, which are proposed by the authors in the final part of the paper.
Keywords: human rights, constitutional reform, constitutional modernisation, legal monitor-ing, scientific expertise, the requirements (indicators) of scientific expertise, the logic of scientific re-search, the object of the legal scientific expertise, the subject of legal expertise, the subject matter of legal expertise, the purpose of legal expertise.
Work bibliographic list
1. Mezhdunarodnye akty o pravah cheloveka. – M., 1999.
Work bibliographic list
1. Mezhdunarodnye akty o pravah cheloveka. – M., 1999.
2. Konstitucija Rossijskoj Federacii ot 12 dekabrja 1993 goda// Rossijskaja gazeta. – 1993 – # 327 – 25 dekabrja.
3. Deklaracija SND RSFSR «O gosudarstvennom suverenitete RSFSR» // Vedomosti S"ezda narodnyh deputatov RSFSR i Verhovnogo Soveta RSFSR. – 1990. – # 2. – St. 22.
4. Deklaracija prav i svobod cheloveka i grazhdanina ot 22.11.1991. # 1920-1 // Vedomosti SND RSFSR i VS RSFSR. – 1991. – # 52. – 26 dekabrja. – St. 1865.
5. Varlamova N.V. Tipologija pravoponimanija i sovremennye tendencii razvitija prava. Gosudarstvennyj universitet – Vysshaja shkola jekonomiki, IGP RAN. – M., 2010.– S. 82–120;
6. Gluhareva L.I. Deesposobnost' publichnoj vlasti v sfere prav cheloveka: mnenija i ocenki rossijan // Publichnaja vlast': problemy realizacii i otvetstvennosti. – Saratov, 2011. – S. 110-123.
7. Gluhareva L.I. Prava i objazannosti cheloveka v grazhdanskom obshhestve // Vzaimodejstvii grazhdanskogo obshhestva i gosudarstva v Rossii: pravovoe izmerenie / Pod red.O.I. Cibulevskoj. – Saratov, 2013. – S. 186-200.
8. Zor'kin V.D. Problemy konstitucionnogo razvitija Rossii (K 20-letiju Konstitucii RF) [Jelektronnyj resurs]– Rezhim dostupa: // (data obrashhenija: 26.11.2013).
9. Kistjakovskij B.A. Social'nye nauki i pravo. Ocherki po metodologii social'nyh nauk i obshhej teorii prava. –M.: Izd. M. i S. Sabashnikovyh, 1916 .
10. Konstitucija 20. [Jelektronnyj resurs] – Rezhim dostupa: obrashhenija: 05.12.2013).
11. Krupenja E.M. Statusnoe publichnoe pravo v sisteme pravovogo monitoringa // Monitoring zakonodatel'stva i pravoprimenitel'noj praktiki: ocenki, predlozhenija, prognozy. Materialy XIII Mezhdunarodnoj nauchnoj konferencii. – M., 2013. – S.79-87.
12. Krupenja E.M. Smolina I.G. Pravovaja kul'tura izbiratel'nogo processa: personocentristskij analiz. – M., Universitetskaja kniga, 2012.
13. Krupenja E.M. Smolina I.G. Publichno-pravovaja aktivnost' grazhdanina v strukture pravovoj kul'tury izbiratel'nogo processa // Pravo i kul'tura. Materialy mezhdunarodnoj nauchnoj konferencii / Pod red. T.A. Soshnikovoj. – M., Izdatel'stvo Moskovskogo gumanitarnogo universiteta, 2012. – S. 149-155.
14. Mal'cev G. V. Ponimanie prava. Podhody i problemy. – M.: Prometej, 1999.
15. Mitjukov M.A. Shtrihi k istorii Konstitucionnogo Suda RF // Istorija. Pravo. Politika. – 2011. – # 12. (Prodolzhenie. Nachalo sm. v N2 2010 - N2 2012); // Istorija. Pravo. Politika. # 3-4.
16. Mordovcev A.S. Prava cheloveka i otvetstvennost' dolzhnostnyh lic // Istorija. Pravo. Politika. – 2011. – # 12. – S. 301-324.
17. Muromcev S.A. Opredelenie i osnovnoe razdelenie prava – M.: Izd. A.I. Mamontova, 1879.
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19. Muromcev S.A. Sud i zakon v grazhdanskom prave // Juridicheskij Vestnik. – 1880. – # 11. – S. 378-391.
20. Muromcev S.A. Tvorcheskaja sila jurisprudencii // Juridicheskij vestnik. – 1887. – # 9. – S. 112-117.
21. Pravovoj monitoring [Jelektronnyj resurs] – Rezhim dostupa: ( data obrashhenija: 07.11.2012).
22. Rumjancev O.G. Konstitucija devjanosto tret'ego. Istorija javlenija. M., 2013.
23. Svoboda sovesti: problemy teorii i praktiki» / Pod redakciej S.A. Bur'janova i F.M. Rudinskogo. M., 2012.
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25. Syryh V.M. Sociologija prava. Uchebnoe posobie. Juridicheskij dom «Justicinform», 2012.
26. Shafirov V.M. Estestvenno-pozitivnoe pravo: Problemy teorii i praktiki: dis... doktora juridicheskih nauk. –Krasnojarsk, 2005.
27. Shafirov V.M. Obespechenie prava: chelovekocentristskij podhod. – Krasnojarsk: JuI KGU ANO «RUMC JuO», 2005.
28. Shishenina I.V. Prava cheloveka v rossijskih konstitucionnyh proektah (1990-1993). M., Izdatel'stvo «Prava cheloveka». 2010.
29. Shishenina I.V. Prava cheloveka v rossijskih konstitucionnyh proektah 1990-1993 gg.: Avtoref. dis... kand. jurid. nauk. – Volgograd, 2006.
30. Sheshenina I.V. Prava cheloveka v rossijskih konstitucionnyh proektah (1990-1993). – M.: Izdatel'stvo «Prava cheloveka», 2010.
31. Chestnov I.L. Pereosmyslenie predmeta teorii prava s pozicij postklassicheskoj jepistemologii // Nauka teorii i istorii gosudarstva i prava v poiskah novyh metodologicheskih reshenij. Kollektivnaja monografija / Otv. red. A.A. Dorskaja. SPb.: Asterion, 2012.
32. Chestnov I.L. Postklassicheskaja teorija prava. SPb.: Izdatel'skij dom «ALEF-PRESS». 2012.
33. Chirkin V.E. O bazovyh cennostjah rossijskoj Konstitucii (K 20-letiju Konstitucii Rossii) // Gosudarstvo i pravo. – 2013. – # 12. – S. 18-25.
34. Jebzeev B.S. Konstitucii Rossijskoj Federacii – 20 let:gosudarstvo, demokratija, lichnost' skvoz' prizmu prakticheskogo konstitucionalizma // Gosudarstvo i pravo. –2013. – #12. – S. 5-17.
Abdudzhalilov A.
Civil obligations on the Internet
The article analyzes the institutions of civil obligations in the virtual space of the Inter-net. The peculiarities of legal institutes within the Law of Obligations on the Internet as a kind of electronic relations are shown. In this study, the author's definition of the obligation and the online electronic contract are given. The contract on gratuitous provision of services on the Internet is described as new, not known in the theory of civil law bilateral, consensual, sinallagmatic and gratuitous contract. The author's definition of obligations on free provision of services on the Internet is proposed.
The article analyzes the institutions of civil obligations in the virtual space of the Inter-net. The peculiarities of legal institutes within the Law of Obligations on the Internet as a kind of electronic relations are shown. In this study, the author's definition of the obligation and the online electronic contract are given. The contract on gratuitous provision of services on the Internet is described as new, not known in the theory of civil law bilateral, consensual, sinallagmatic and gratuitous contract. The author's definition of obligations on free provision of services on the Internet is proposed.
Keywords: Internet, obligations, contract, gratuitousness.
Work bibliographic list
1. BBS Russian [Jelektronnyj resurs] – Rezhim dostupa:
Work bibliographic list
1. BBS Russian [Jelektronnyj resurs] – Rezhim dostupa:
3. Material iz Vikipedii — svobodnoj jenciklopedii [Jelektronnyj resurs] – Rezhim dostupa:>
4. Saturn online [Jelektronnyj resurs] – Rezhim
5. Alekseev S.S. Problemy teorii prava. V 2 t. – T.2. –Sverdlovsk, 1973.
6. Braginskij M.I., Vitrjanskij V.V. Dogovornoe pravo.Kniga pervaja. Obshhie polozhenija. – M.: Statut, 2000.
7. Grazhdanskoe pravo. V 3 t. / Pod red. A.P. Sergeeva. – T.1. –M.: Velbi, 2011.
8. Grazhdanskoe pravo. V 4 t. / Pod red. E.A. Suhanova. – T.1. Obshhaja chast'. – M.: Volters Kluver, 2004.
9. Grazhdanskoe pravo. V 4 t. / Pod red. E.A. Suhanova. – T.3. Objazatel'stvennoe pravo. – M.: Volters Kluver, 2005.
10. Grazhdanskoe pravo. V 4 t. / Pod red. E.A. Suhanova. – T.4. Objazatel'stvennoe pravo. – M.: Volters Kluver, 2006.
11. Dmitrik N.A. Osushhestvlenie sub"ektivnyh prav s ispol'zovaniem seti Internet. – M.: Volters Kluver. 2006.
12. Informacionnyj portal «» [Jelektronnyj resurs] – Rezhim dostupa:
13. Ioffe O.S. Izbrannye trudy. V 4 t. / Otv. red. I.V. Eliseev – T.Z. Objazatel'noe pravo. – SPb.: Juridicheskij centr Press, 2004.
14. Ismailov Sh.M., Nodirov F.M. Hukuki iktisodi (Jekonomicheskoe pravo). – Dushanbe, 2010.
15. Magaziner Ja.M. Ob"ekt prava // Ocherki po grazhdanskomu pravu. – Leningrad: Izd-vo Leningradskogo universiteta, 1957.
16. Nacional'nyj server sovremennoj prozy [Jelektronnyj resurs] – Rezhim dostupa:
17. Novickij I.B., Lunc L.A. Obshhee uchenie ob objazatel'stve. – M.: Gosjurizdat, 1950.
18. Petrovskij S.V. Pravovoe regulirovanie internet-uslug. Diss. kand. jur. nauk. – M., 2002.
19. Pokrovskij I.A. Osnovnye problemy grazhdanskogo prava. – M.: Statut, 2009.
20. Polozhenie o pravah i objazannostjah [Jelektronnyj resurs]– Rezhim dostupa:
21. Pol'zovatel'skij dogovor sajta «». <>
22. Savat'e R. Teorija objazatel'stv. Juridicheskij i jekonomicheskij ocherk. – M.: Progress, 1972.
23. Savel'ev A.I. Grazhdansko-pravovoe regulirovanie dogovorov mezhdu klientom i internet-provajderom v seti Internet. Diss. kand. jur. nauk. – M., 2008.
24. Sovetskoe grazhdanskoe pravo / Pod red. S.N. Bratusja. M.: Gosjurizdat, 1950.
25. Fejsbuk [Jelektronnyj resurs] – Rezhim dostupa:
Kopylov M.N., Mishlanova V.A.
History of origin and formation of the legal responsibility for environmental violations in Russia
The article deals with the analysis of the Russian legislation to the extent of responsibility for environmental violations starting with the Russian Truth till our days. A comparative legal study is made of the Criminal code of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic and Russian legislation that preceded its adoption.
The article deals with the analysis of the Russian legislation to the extent of responsibility for environmental violations starting with the Russian Truth till our days. A comparative legal study is made of the Criminal code of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic and Russian legislation that preceded its adoption.
Keywords: environment, criminal law, responsibility, conservation of nature, veteri-nary rules, violation of law, legal offence, punishment.
Work bibliographic list
1. Rossijskoe zakonodatel'stvo H-HH vekov: V 9-ti t. – M.,
Work bibliographic list
1. Rossijskoe zakonodatel'stvo H-HH vekov: V 9-ti t. – M.,
1985. – T. 1.
2. Rossijskoe zakonodatel'stvo H-HH vekov: V 9-ti t. – M., 1985. – T. 5.
3. Ugolovnoe pravo. Osobennaja chast' / Otv. red. I.Ja. Kozarenko, Z.A. Neznamova, G.P. Novoselov. – M., 2001.
4. Istochniki prava. Ser. Jurisprudencija / Sost. P.L. Hachaturov. – Tol'jatti, 2000. – Vyp. 13. – S. 3-40.
5. Ohrana okruzhajushhej prirodnoj sredy. Postatejnyj kommentarij k Zakonu Rossii / Pod. red. V.P. Varfolomeeva, V.V. Petrova. – M., 1993
6. Kommentarij k Zakonu RF «Ob ohrane okruzhajushhej prirodnoj sredy» / Pod red. S.A. Bogoljubova. – M., 1996.
Krasnova I.O.
Krasnova I.O.
State and development of economic regulation in the field of environmental protection
The Basics of state policy in the field of environmental development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030 require improvement of economic regulation in the field of environmental protection. Foreign experience is considered in the article. The author notes that the payment shall becomean incentive not only by increasing amounts for exceeding exposure limits, but also by reducing them while companies are reducing emissions and discharges.
The Basics of state policy in the field of environmental development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030 require improvement of economic regulation in the field of environmental protection. Foreign experience is considered in the article. The author notes that the payment shall becomean incentive not only by increasing amounts for exceeding exposure limits, but also by reducing them while companies are reducing emissions and discharges.
Keywords: improving of the legal institution of economic regulation, pollution charges, administrative method, addressed state support for innovations.
Work bibliographic list
1. Osnovy gosudarstvennoj politiki v oblasti jekologicheskogo razvitija Rossijskoj Federacii na period do 2030 goda, utverzhdeny Prezidentom Rossijskoj Federacii 30 aprelja 2012 goda. SPS «Konsul'tantPljus: VersijaProf».
Work bibliographic list
1. Osnovy gosudarstvennoj politiki v oblasti jekologicheskogo razvitija Rossijskoj Federacii na period do 2030 goda, utverzhdeny Prezidentom Rossijskoj Federacii 30 aprelja 2012 goda. SPS «Konsul'tantPljus: VersijaProf».
2. Federal'nyj zakon ot 27 ijulja 2010 g. # 226-FZ «O vnesenii izmenenij v otdel'nye zakonodatel'nye akty Rossijskoj Federacii v svjazi s prinjatiem Federal'nogo zakona «Ob objazatel'nom strahovanii grazhdanskoj otvetstvennosti vladel'ca opasnogo ob"ekta za prichinenie vreda v rezul'tate avarii na opasnom ob"ekte». SPS «Konsul'tantPljus: VersijaProf.
3. OECD Recommendation on Implementation of Polluter-Pays Principle, 1974. – C(74)223. [Jelektronnyjresurs] – Rezhim-dostupa:
4. OECD Recommendation on the Application of the Polluter Pays Principle to Accidental Pollution, 1989. – C(89)88. [Jelektronnyjresurs] – Rezhimdostupa:
5. Faure M. Instruments for Environmental Governance: What Works? Paper presented at the Annual Colloquium of the Academy of Environmental Law of the IUCN. China. 2009. [Jelektronnyjresurs] – Rezhimdostupa:
6. Buchanan J., Tullock G. Polluters profits and political response: direct control versus taxes // American Economic Review. – 1975. – Vol. 65. – P. 139-147.
7. Dewees D., Duff D., Trebilcock M. Exploring the Domain of Accident Law: Taking the Facts Seriously. – Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996. – P. 326-327.
8. Petrova T.V. Pravovye problemy jekonomicheskogo mehanizma ohrany okruzhajushhej sredy. – M.: Zercalo, 2000.
9. Petrova T.V. Finansirovanie v sfere ohrany okruzhajushhej sredy: novye i tradicionnye podhody // Jekologicheskoe pravo. – 2010. – # 6. – S. 28-33.
10. Ignat'eva I.A. Jekonomicheskoe regulirovanie v oblasti ohrany okruzhajushhej sredy i prirodopol'zovanija i instrumenty «zelenoj jekonomiki»: tochki peresechenija v prave // Jekologicheskoe pravo. – 2012. – # 4.
11. Ignat'eva I.A. Jekologicheskoe strahovanie: soderzhanie i vozmozhnosti pravovogo regulirovanija // Gosudarstvo i pravo. – 2005. – # 11. – S. 52-61.
12. Hludneva N.I. Pravovoe obespechenie jekonomicheskogo stimulirovanija v oblasti ohrany okruzhajushhej sredy //Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. – 2013. – # 2.
13. Perelet R.A. Platezhi za zagrjaznenie okruzhajushhej sredy. – M., 2010.
14. PigouArthurC. TheEconomicsofWelfare. 1920. – London:MacmillanandCo. [Jelektronnyjresurs] –
15. Pigpvian tax. [Jelektronnyj resurs] – Rezhim
Melyakyan Sh.
Conflict of law regulation issues of «pre-corporate» relations
The article proves the legitimacy of «pre-corporate» relations subdivision. The features of these relations are shown. The conclusion is made that the regulation of these relations during the establishment of the corporation with foreign participation has conflict of law's content.
The article proves the legitimacy of «pre-corporate» relations subdivision. The features of these relations are shown. The conclusion is made that the regulation of these relations during the establishment of the corporation with foreign participation has conflict of law's content.
Keywords: corporation, corporate relations, corporation law, civil law, foreign element.
Work bibliographic list
1. Grudcyna L.Ju., Pashencev D.A., Shleneva E.V. Osnovnye napravlenija formirovanija koncepcii pravovogo obespechenija kompleksnoj nacional'noj innovacionnoj sistemy // Obrazovanie i pravo. 2011. # 6.
Work bibliographic list
1. Grudcyna L.Ju., Pashencev D.A., Shleneva E.V. Osnovnye napravlenija formirovanija koncepcii pravovogo obespechenija kompleksnoj nacional'noj innovacionnoj sistemy // Obrazovanie i pravo. 2011. # 6.
2. Egorova M.A. Organizacionnoe otnoshenie i organizacionnye sdelki v grazhdansko-pravovom regulirovanii// Zakony Rossii: opyt, analiz, praktika. 2011. # 5.
3. Kommentarij k Grazhdanskomu kodeksu Rossijskoj Federacii, chasti tret'ej (postatejnyj) / M.P. Bardina, B.A. Bulaevskij, N.G. Vilkova i dr.; pod red. N.I. Maryshevoj, K.B. Jaroshenko. M.: KONTRAKT, INFRA-M, 2004.
4. Kommentarij k Grazhdanskomu kodeksu Rossijskoj Federacii, chasti tret'ej (postatejnyj) / T.E. Abova, A.V. Bankovskij, M.P. Bardina i dr.; Pod red. T.E. Abovoj,
M.M. Boguslavskogo, A.G. Svetlanova. M.: Jurajt, 2004.
5. Lomakin D.V. Akcionernoe pravootnoshenie. M.: Statut, 1997.
6. Nikologorskaja E.I. Dogovor o sozdanii akcionernogo obshhestva: teorija i praktika // Jurist. 2006. # 8.
7. Pashencev D.A. Modernizacija i pravo v sovremennoj Rossii // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2010. # 11 (30).
8. Petnikova O.V. Prava uchastnikov korporativnyh otnoshenij po pravu Velikobritanii: Diss… kand. jurid. nauk. M., 2007.
Norin A.V.
Delegation of a sole executive body powers by the power of attorney: any limits?
The article shows problems, existing in delegation of a Sole executive body powers by the power of attorney. The article tells about the powers of a Sole executive body often delegated in such a way and restrictions, which are important to consider. According to the author, Russian legislation allows to delegate any power of a Sole executive body to a third person, but not all of them at once.
The article shows problems, existing in delegation of a Sole executive body powers by the power of attorney. The article tells about the powers of a Sole executive body often delegated in such a way and restrictions, which are important to consider. According to the author, Russian legislation allows to delegate any power of a Sole executive body to a third person, but not all of them at once.
Keywords: Sole executive body, Power of attorney, delegation of powers, doubling of a Sole executive body.
Work bibliographic list
1. Grazhdanskij Kodeks RF. SPS «Konsul'tantPljus».
Work bibliographic list
1. Grazhdanskij Kodeks RF. SPS «Konsul'tantPljus».
2. Instrukcija CB RF ot 14 sentjabrja 2006 # 28-I. SPS «Konsul'tantPljus».
3. Pis'ma Rostruda ot 09 janvarja 2013 g. # 2-TZ, ot 23 janvarja 2013 g. # PG/10659-6-1, ot 14 fevralja 2013 g. # PG/1487-6- 1. SPS «Konsul'tantPljus».
4. Postanovlenie FAS MO ot 21 aprelja 2003 g. po delu # KG-A40/2129-03, Opredelenie VS RF ot 14 nojabrja 2008 g. # 5-V08-84. SPS «Konsul'tantPljus».
5. Postanovlenie FAS SZO ot 29 nojabrja 2010 g. po delu # A56-36126/2009. SPS «Konsul'tantPljus».
6. «Postatejnyj kommentarij k Nalogovomu kodeksu Rossijskoj Federacii» (Pod red. A.V. Kas'janova) («Gross-Media», «ROSBUH», 2013). SPS «Konsul'tantPljus».
7. Federal'nyj zakon ot 06 dekabrja 2011 g. # 402-FZ «O buhgalterskom uchete». SPS «Konsul'tantPljus»
8. Federal'nyj zakon ot 08 fevralja 1998 # 14-FZ «Ob obshhestvah s ogranichennoj otvetstvennost'ju». SPS «Konsul'tantPljus».
Farkhutdinov A.M., Garifullina N.A.
Realization of investment activity in housing construction (legal aspect)
Private persons shall conclude the contract of participation in share construction of block of flats by signing contracts for the purchase of a flat in the object under construction with the initiator or developer. The contract of participation in share construction of block of flats is described in detail in the Federal law № 214-FZ. Article 1, point 3 and article 2 of the Federal law № 214-FZ prohibits concluding of an investment agreement with the initiator (the developer) on purchase of a flat during the construction of an apartment house, if private persons are not individual entrepreneurs or legal persons.
Keywords: housing, the contract of investment, investment, financing of construction.
Work bibliographic list
1. Zijadullaev N.S. Mezhdunarodnaja bankovskaja reforma «Bazel'-3» i innovacionno-investicionnoe razvitie jekonomiki strany // Jekonomika stroitel'stva. – 2012. – # 4. – S. 45-56.
Work bibliographic list
1. Zijadullaev N.S. Mezhdunarodnaja bankovskaja reforma «Bazel'-3» i innovacionno-investicionnoe razvitie jekonomiki strany // Jekonomika stroitel'stva. – 2012. – # 4. – S. 45-56.
2. Federal'nyj zakon ot 25 fevralja 1999 g. # 39-FZ «Ob investicionnoj dejatel'nosti v Rossijskoj Federacii, osushhestvljaemoj v forme kapital'nyh vlozhenij» (red. ot 28.12.2013
3. Federal'nyj zakon ot 30 dekabrja 2004 g. # 214-FZ «Ob uchastii v dolevom stroitel'stve mnogokvartirnyh domov i inyh ob"ektov nedvizhimosti i o vnesenii izmenenij v nekotorye zakonodatel'nye akty Rossijskoj Federacii» (red. ot 28.12.2013).
Khakimov T.I.
Topical issues of legal regulation of contractual relations in sports
The article describes aspects of legal regulation of relations in sports. There is a comparative legal analysis of the application of the rules of civil and labour law. The author proposes the adoption of the Sporting Code of the Russian Federation.
The article describes aspects of legal regulation of relations in sports. There is a comparative legal analysis of the application of the rules of civil and labour law. The author proposes the adoption of the Sporting Code of the Russian Federation.
Keywords: sportsman, sports club, transfer, transfer agreement, labour contract, civil contract, Sporting Code of the Russian Federation
Work bibliographic list
1. Vavilin E.V. Mehanizmy osushhestvlenija grazhdanskih prav v oblasti professional'nogo sporta // Rossijskaja justicija. – 2007. – # 11. – S. 15-19.
Work bibliographic list
1. Vavilin E.V. Mehanizmy osushhestvlenija grazhdanskih prav v oblasti professional'nogo sporta // Rossijskaja justicija. – 2007. – # 11. – S. 15-19.
2. Vas'kevich V.P., Migunova E.S. Sistema dogovorov v sfere professional'nogo sporta.– Kazan': Kazan. gos. un-t, 2009.
3. Gusov K.N. Shevchenko O.A. Sportivnoe pravo. Pravovoj status sportsmenov, trenerov, sportivnyh sudej i inyh specialistov v oblasti fizicheskoj kul'tury i sporta: ucheb. posobie.– M.: Prospekt, 2010.
4. Margulis M.A. Pravootnoshenija v sfere professional'nogo sporta // Juridicheskaja mysl'. – 2004. – # 6. – S. 32-46.
5. Saraev V.V. Otdel'nye voprosy pravovogo regulirovanija kommercheskoj dejatel'nosti v professional'nom sporte//Sport: jekonomika, pravo, upravlenie. – 2010. – # 4. – S. 11-15.
6. Safin R.R. K probleme sootnoshenija grazhdansko-pravovogo i trudovogo dogovorov v sfere dogovornogo regulirovanija otnoshenij lichnogo najma // Sport: jekonomika, pravo, upravlenie. – 2008. – # 2. – S. 15-19.
Begichev A.V.
On the issue of the notice of persons involved into the procedure of evidence obtaining by notary
This article explores problematic issues of notification of persons involved in the procedure of evidence obtaining by notaries. The author analyses the methods and procedure for notification of the parties and stakeholders, especially of the notice of specified persons during the inspection evidence posted on the Internet. Particular attention is given to outstanding issues regarding the absence of witnesses and experts and their enforcement. Based on this study the author proposes his own conclusions and judgments on the subject.
This article explores problematic issues of notification of persons involved in the procedure of evidence obtaining by notaries. The author analyses the methods and procedure for notification of the parties and stakeholders, especially of the notice of specified persons during the inspection evidence posted on the Internet. Particular attention is given to outstanding issues regarding the absence of witnesses and experts and their enforcement. Based on this study the author proposes his own conclusions and judgments on the subject.
Keywords: notary, a witness, expert, the notice of persons, provision of evidence.
Work bibliographic list
1. Opredelenie Vysshego Arbitrazhnogo Suda Rossijskoj Federacii ot 17 ijulja 2007 g. # 8313/07 po delu Arbitrazhnogo suda goroda Moskvy # A40-79569/05-110-631 [Jelektronnyj resurs] – Rezhim dostupa: http://arbitration.
Work bibliographic list
1. Opredelenie Vysshego Arbitrazhnogo Suda Rossijskoj Federacii ot 17 ijulja 2007 g. # 8313/07 po delu Arbitrazhnogo suda goroda Moskvy # A40-79569/05-110-631 [Jelektronnyj resurs] – Rezhim dostupa: http://arbitration.
2. Pashencev D.A. Sudebnyj precedent kak istochnik prava v pravovoj sisteme Rossii // Sovremennoe pravo. – 2011.– # 4.
3. Rogacheva L.I. Obshhestvennye svjazi kak faktor formirovanija grazhdanskogo obshhestva v Rossii // Social'naja politika i sociologija. – 2009. – # 2.
4. Salogubova E.V. Pravovoe regulirovanie informacionnogo obespechenija uchastnikov grazhdanskogo processa //Grazhdanskij process: uchebnik. 3-e izd., pererab. i dop. / Pod red. M.K. Treushnikova. – M.: ID «Gorodec», 2010.
5. Sergeeva K.A. O predvaritel'nom obespechenii dokazatel'stv v rossijskom grazhdanskom processe // Notarial'nyj vestnik. – 2012. – # 5.
6. Federal'nyj arbitrazhnyj sud Moskovskogo okruga [Jelektronnyj resurs] – Rezhim dostupa:
Krasnov A.V.
The content of sanctions of norms of the law in the context of the principle of respect for human rights
The essence of the enforcement measures applied as sanctions, in a context of possible influence on those or other values important for the person is investigated in the article. The limitation of a set of corresponding measures by means of a principle of respect for human rights is marked. The most noticeable tendencies in development of sanctions in an investigated context are considered. The author underlines necessity of a variety for use of methods of research of a law reality, including sanctions of norms of the law as its component. The weak features of setting and application of a principle of respect for human rights in Russia are analysed. The conclusion is made that application and interpretation of the specified principle should be reasonable, professional and take into account really developed public relations.
Keywords: the sanction, norm of the law, human rights, value, legal reality, violation of law, principle of law, effectiveness of law, an interest.
Work bibliographic list
1. Epihin A.Ju. Osnovnye napravlenija ugolovnoj politiki Rossii na sovremennom jetape // Vestnik Udmurtskogo universiteta. Serija «Jekonomika i pravo». – 2012. – # 3.– S.140-145.
Work bibliographic list
1. Epihin A.Ju. Osnovnye napravlenija ugolovnoj politiki Rossii na sovremennom jetape // Vestnik Udmurtskogo universiteta. Serija «Jekonomika i pravo». – 2012. – # 3.– S.140-145.
2. Ershov V.V. Pravosudie, pravoponimanie i pravotvorchestvo v uslovijah globalizacii s pozicij legizma i «shirokogo» ponimanija prava // Rossijskoe pravosudie.– 2011. – # 12 (68). – S. 5-16.
3. Ershov V.V. Juridicheskaja priroda principov rossijskogo prava s pozicij legistskogo i integrativnogo pravo-ponimanija // Rossijskoe pravosudie. – 2010. – # 1 (45).– S. 12-22.
4. Kozlova N. Aleksandr Bastrykin predlagaet sozdat' nacional'nyj fond dlja postradavshih ot prestuplenij //Rossijskaja gazeta. – 2010. – 09 aprelja. – # 5154 (75).
5. Krasnov A.V. Pravovye sankcii v jekonomicheskoj sfere. Avtoreferat dissertacii na soiskanie uchjonoj stepeni kand. jurid. nauk. – Kazan': Izd-vo «Taglimat» IJeUP, 1999. – 26s.
6. Krasnov A.V. Soderzhanie sankcij norm prava v svete informacionno-psihologicheskogo podhoda k issledovaniju pravovyh javlenij // Aktual'nye problemy jekonomiki i prava. – 2013. – # 4. – S. 226.
7. Kudrjavcev Ju.V. Normy prava kak social'naja informacija. – M.: Jurlit., 1981. – 144 s.
8. Mal'ko A.V. Stimuly i ogranichenija v prave. – 2-e izd., pererab. i dop., nauch. – M.: Jurist", 2005. – S. 11, 13.
9. Mizerij A.I. Istorija bor'by s korrupciej v Rossii // Vestnik nizhegorodskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. – 2001. – # 2. [Jelektronnyj resurs] Rezhim dostupa:<, svobodnyj> (Data obrashhenija: 16.02.2014.)
10. Naryshkin S.E. Verhovenstvo prava i razvitie Rossii. K 20-letiju Osnovnogo Zakona i parlamenta Rossii // Rossijskaja gazeta.– 2013. – 12 nojabrja. – # 6230 (254).
11. Nemytina M.V. Problemy sovremennogo pravoponimanija. Sovremennye metody issledovanija v pravovedenii/ Pod red. N.I. Matuzova i A.V. Mal'ko. – Saratov: Nauch-
naja kniga, 2007. – S. 115.
12. Nyrkov V.V. Pooshhrenie i nakazanie kak parnye juridicheskie kategorii. Diss… kand. jurid. nauk. – Saratov, 2003. – 222 c.
13. Ol' P.A. Pravoponimanie: ot pljuralizma k dvuedinstvu. Monografija. – SPb.: Juridicheskij centr Press, 2005. – S. 171-181.
14. Orzih M.F. Lichnost' i pravo. – M.: Jurlit., 1975. – 112 s.
15. Prihod'ko I.M. Ogranichenija v rossijskom prave (problemy teorii i praktiki). Diss… kand. jurid. nauk. – Saratov, 2001. – 195 c.
16. Romashov R.A. Realisticheskij pozitivizm: Integrativnyj tip sovremennogo pravoponimanija //Pravovedenie.– 2005. – # 1. – S. 4-12.
17. Sajanov F.M. Vvedenie v pravovoe gosudarstvo. – Ufa, 1994.– S. 47.
18. Skorobogatov A.V. Metodologija issledovanija prava v sovremennom rossijskom pravovedenii // Juridicheskaja nauka. – 2012. – # 4. – S. 19-22.
19. Shherbakov V.V. Ugolovnaja otvetstvennost', ee osnovanie.Diss… kand. jurid. nauk. – Saratov, 1998. – S. 38.
20. Juridicheskaja sociologija: uchebnoe posobie / GlazyrinV.A. i dr. – Ekaterinburg: UrGJuA, 1999. – S. 121-123.
Mishlanova V.A.
On the legal meaning of the «pornography» concept
The article deals with certain legal problems which have developed in the field of restrictions of pornography trafficking. Detailed acquaintance with the domestic legislation of a number of Western European countries, Russia, and with acting international legal acts in this field, suggests that there is still no universally legal definition of «pornography», that makes it urgent to develop criteria for distinguishing between erotic and pornographic material.
Keywords: pornography, the production trafficking (and circulation), criminal legislation, erotic, artistic expertise, control, mentality, obscene content.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bulgakova O.A. Ugolovnaja otvetstvennost' za rasprostranenie pornograficheskih materialov ili predmetov. Avtoref. dis… kand. jurid. nauk. – Stavropol', 2003.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bulgakova O.A. Ugolovnaja otvetstvennost' za rasprostranenie pornograficheskih materialov ili predmetov. Avtoref. dis… kand. jurid. nauk. – Stavropol', 2003.
2. Dzhindzholija R.S. Ugolovnaja otvetstvennost' za nezakonnoe rasprostranenie pornograficheskih materialov ili predmetov. – M., 2001.
3. Dodonov V.N., Kapinus O.S. Otvetstvennost' za pornografiju v sovremennom ugolovnom prave // Pravo i politika. – 2006. - # 12. – S. 109-118.
4. Zhalinskij A.Je. Ugolovnoe pravo v ozhidanii peremen: teoretiko-instrumental'nyj analiz. – 2-e izd., pererab. i dop. – M., 2009.
5. Inogamova-Hegaj L.V. Mezhdunarodnoe ugolovnoe pravo.– SPb., 2003.
6. Kozachenko I.Ja., Novoselov G.P. Ugolovnoe pravo. Osobennaja chast'. – M.: Jurajt, 2014.
7. Mezhdunarodno-pravovye objazatel'stva i vnutrigosudarstvennoe ugolovnoe zakonodatel'stvo / Pod red. Je.M. Ametistova. – M., 1993.
8. Ugolovnoe pravo Rossijskoj Federacii. Osobennaja chast': uchebnik / Pod red. L.V. Inogamovoj-Hegaj, A.I. Raroga, A.I. Chuchaeva. – M., 2009.
9. Chuchaev A.I. Kommentarij k Ugolovnomu kodeksu Rossijskoj Federacii. – 2-e izd., ispr., pererab. i dop. – M.:Infra-M, 2010 .
10. Shmykov D.V. Protivodejstvie obrashheniju pornograficheskih materialov ili predmetov: ugolovno-pravovoj i kriminologicheskij analiz. Avtoref. dis… kand. jurid. nauk. – N.-Novgorod, 2011.
Azizyan V.G., Zhuravlenko N.I.
Information and information crimes as the objects of criminalistics
The article examines current problems of the development of criminological characteristics of computer crimes. It examines such elements of these crimes as «information» and «computer information», «machine-readable medium» and a mechanism to identify the computer information, data on method and mechanism of committing computer crimes, about the circumstances of committing a crime and the identity of the subject of crime. Knowledge of these elements will form an idea of the deed, other significant circumstances that ensure the success of the task of preventing, detecting and investigating computer crimes.
Keywords: information crime, computer crime, viruses, hackers, hacking, machine information, unauthorised access to computer information.
Work bibliographic list
1. Melik Je. Komp'juternye prestuplenija: Informacionno-analiticheskij obzor [Jelektronnyj resurs] – Rezhim dostupa:
Work bibliographic list
1. Melik Je. Komp'juternye prestuplenija: Informacionno-analiticheskij obzor [Jelektronnyj resurs] – Rezhim dostupa:
2. Kriminalisticheskaja harakteristika prestuplenij v sfere komp'juternoj informacii [Jelektronnyj resurs] – Rezhim dostupa:
3. Kriminalisticheskaja harakteristika komp'juternyh prestuplenij [Jelektronnyj resurs] – Rezhim dostupa:
Gogoleva A.Y.
On the prevention of juvenile delinquency
The article examines the timely prevention of juvenile delinquency and the problem of early prevention. The author considers the issues of prevention institute in Russia formation. The key role of family and school in the formation of law-abiding behaviour of teenagers is grounded.
The article examines the timely prevention of juvenile delinquency and the problem of early prevention. The author considers the issues of prevention institute in Russia formation. The key role of family and school in the formation of law-abiding behaviour of teenagers is grounded.
Keywords: crime, teenager, crime prevention, family, school.
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon ot 24.06.1999 N120-FZ (red. Ot 07.05.2013 g.) «Ob osnovah sistemy profilaktiki beznadzornosti i pravonarushenij nesovershennoletnih» // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. – 1999. – # 26. – st. 3177.
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon ot 24.06.1999 N120-FZ (red. Ot 07.05.2013 g.) «Ob osnovah sistemy profilaktiki beznadzornosti i pravonarushenij nesovershennoletnih» // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. – 1999. – # 26. – st. 3177.
2. Antonjan Ju.M. Preduprezhdenie prestupnosti nesovershennoletnih. – M., 1982.
3. Golodnjuk M.N., Zubkova V.I. Preduprezhdenie prestupnosti. – M., 1990.
4. Danilova S.I. Preduprezhdenie prestupnosti nesovershennoletnih // Rossijskij sledovatel'. – 2003. – # 6. – S. 15-17.
5. Kosevich N.R. Profilaktika prestupnosti nesovershennoletnih v malyh i krupnyh gorodah: Uchebnoe posobie.– M.: Izd-vo «Shhit-M», 2003
6. Krivonosov A.N. Istoricheskij opyt bor'by s besprizornost'ju // Gosudarstvo i pravo. – 2003. – # 7. – S. 92-98.
7. Kriminologija / Pod red. N.F.Kuznecovoj, V.V. Luneva 2-e izd., pererab. i dop. – M., 2004.
8. Lebedev S.Ja. Tradicionnoe i netradicionnoe v prestupnosti nesovershennoletnih: novaja ideologija preduprezhdenija // Rossijskij sledovatel'. – 2004. – # 2. – S. 33-35.
9. Lelekov V.A. Molodezh' v sfere kriminal'nogo «vzryva» v Rossii. – Voronezh: MOU VJePI, 2003.
10. Luneev V.V. Tendencii sovremennoj prestupnosti i bor'by s nej v Rossii // Gosudarstvo i pravo. – 2004. – # 1. – S. 5-19.
11. Min'kovskij G.M. Profilaktika pravonarushenij sredi molodezhi. – Kiev, 1985.
12. Min'kovskij G.M., Tuzov A.P. Profilaktika pravonarushenij sredi nesovershennoletnih. – Kiev, 1987 – 312 s.
13. Pankratov V.V., Cymbal E.I.. Gosudarstvennaja politika preduprezhdenija prestupnosti nesovershennoletnih: obshhie principy i regional'naja specifika. – M., 1997.
14. Popkova T.P. Mezhdunarodnye standarty i normy OON v oblasti preduprezhdenija pravonarushenij nesovershennoletnih // Rossijskij sledovatel'. – 2004. – #10. – S. 29-33.
15. Stumbina Je.Ja., Matveev K.K., Menberg G.G. i dr. Upravlenie profilaktikoj pravonarushenij nesovershennoletnih / Otv. red. Je.Ja. Stumbina. – Riga, 1989.
Shamrin M.Y.
Ethical grounds of an ombudsman for children status
The article presents the Code of Ethics of an Ombudsman (Commissioner) for Children developed by the author, which lists the ethical standards and principles of its legal status. The conclusion is made that an Ombudsman (Commissioner) for Children is seen as a key player and a coordinator in the system of human rights practices of a country and the Code of Ethics will enable him/her to conceive and understand what does the ethics mean for the human rights policy, and how to use its (ethics’) potential in restoration of violated rights of children and every particular child.
The article presents the Code of Ethics of an Ombudsman (Commissioner) for Children developed by the author, which lists the ethical standards and principles of its legal status. The conclusion is made that an Ombudsman (Commissioner) for Children is seen as a key player and a coordinator in the system of human rights practices of a country and the Code of Ethics will enable him/her to conceive and understand what does the ethics mean for the human rights policy, and how to use its (ethics’) potential in restoration of violated rights of children and every particular child.
Keywords: childhood, rights of children, Ombudsman for Children, human rights activity, Code of Ethics, ethical grounds, ethical categories.
Work bibliographic list
1. Sabinina M.V. David Jum. Ego zhizn' i filosofskaja dejatel'nost'. – S.-Peterburg, 1893.
Work bibliographic list
1. Sabinina M.V. David Jum. Ego zhizn' i filosofskaja dejatel'nost'. – S.-Peterburg, 1893.
2. Skirbekk G. Istorija filosofii: ucheb. Posobie dlja studentov vuzov / Per. s angl. V.I. Kuznecova; Pod red. S.B. Krymskogo. – M.: Gumanitar. izd. Centr VLADOS, 2008.
Bagmet M.A.
International experience of fighting corruption in the police
The article describes the experience of a number of foreign countries (the USA, Canada, UK, France, Germany, Spain, China, Japan, Indonesia and Israel) on fighting corruption in the police. The provisions on fighting corruption in the Russian police are formulated.
The article describes the experience of a number of foreign countries (the USA, Canada, UK, France, Germany, Spain, China, Japan, Indonesia and Israel) on fighting corruption in the police. The provisions on fighting corruption in the Russian police are formulated.
Keywords: Police, corruption, fighting corruption.
Kotova O.V.
Legal basis for the organisation and conduct of the referendum in Moscow
The article analyzes the legal rules governing the organisation and conduct of the referendum in Moscow. It is underlined that the referendum is a form of direct democracy. The proposals to improve the Moscow law on referendums are given.
The article analyzes the legal rules governing the organisation and conduct of the referendum in Moscow. It is underlined that the referendum is a form of direct democracy. The proposals to improve the Moscow law on referendums are given.
Keywords: referendum, direct democracy, legislation, democracy, the constituent entity of the Federation.
Work bibliographic list
1. Zakon g. Moskvy ot 28 ijunja 1995 g. «Ustav goroda Moskvy» (red. ot 19.12.2012) // Vedomosti Moskovskoj gorodskoj Dumy. 2001. # 8. st. 130.
Work bibliographic list
1. Zakon g. Moskvy ot 28 ijunja 1995 g. «Ustav goroda Moskvy» (red. ot 19.12.2012) // Vedomosti Moskovskoj gorodskoj Dumy. 2001. # 8. st. 130.
2. Zakon g. Moskvy ot 18 aprelja 2007 g. # 11 «O referendumah v g. Moskve» (v red. ot 11.12.2013) // Vedomosti Moskovskoj gorodskoj Dumy. 2007. # 6. st. 63.
3. Komarova V.V. Teoreticheskie osnovy neposredstvennoj demokratii v Rossijskoj Federacii // Vestnik Moskovskogo gorodskogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta. Serija «Juridicheskie nauki». 2012. # 1.
4. Pashencev D.A. Konstitucija Rossii: jetapy razvitija. M., 2008.
5. Pashencev D.A. Preambula Konstitucii Rossijskoj Federacii: normy prava ili politicheskie deklaracii? // Vestnik Akademii prava i upravlenija. 2013. # 33.
6. Rogacheva L.I. Sovremennye tendencii razvitija obshhestvennyh svjazej v rossijskom gosudarstve // Obrazovanie i pravo. 2013. # 8 (48).
7. Federal'nyj zakon ot 12 ijunja 2002 # 67-FZ «Ob osnovnyh garantijah izbiratel'nyh prav i prava na uchastie v referendume grazhdan Rossijskoj Federacii» (red. ot
14.06.2011) // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. 2002. # 2253.
Bashirina E.N.
Modernisation of political system of Russia
The article describes some of the features and trends of modernisation of Russia's political system. The purpose of modernisation of the political system of the Russian Federation is determined.
The article describes some of the features and trends of modernisation of Russia's political system. The purpose of modernisation of the political system of the Russian Federation is determined.
Keywords: modernisation, the state, political system.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bashirina E.N. K voprosu o politicheskoj sisteme obshhestva // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. – 2010. – # 7 (26).– S. 129-131
Vildanov R.R.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bashirina E.N. K voprosu o politicheskoj sisteme obshhestva // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. – 2010. – # 7 (26).– S. 129-131
Vildanov R.R.
The specificity of the political system of the Russian Empire in the beginning of the 20th century
The article analyses the reform of the bodies of State power in the Russian Empire in the beginning of the 20th century, the various approaches to the problem are under consideration.
The article analyses the reform of the bodies of State power in the Russian Empire in the beginning of the 20th century, the various approaches to the problem are under consideration.
Keywords: Constitution, the Parliament, the State Duma, monarchy.
Work bibliographic list
1. Demin V.A. Gosudarstvennaja Duma Rossii: mehanizm funkcionirovanija. – M.: Rossijskaja politicheskaja jenciklopedija, 1996.
Work bibliographic list
1. Demin V.A. Gosudarstvennaja Duma Rossii: mehanizm funkcionirovanija. – M.: Rossijskaja politicheskaja jenciklopedija, 1996.
2. Kustarev A.S. Maks Veber o modernizacii russkogo samoderzhavija// Polis. – 2006. – # 2. – S. 61-67.
3. Luzin V. V. K voprosu o forme pravlenija v Rossii v nachale XX v. // Vestnik MGU. Serija 11. Pravo. – 1994. – # 1.
4. Parlamentarizm v Bashkortostane. Istorija i sovremennost'. Kniga 1. – Ufa, 2005.
5. Paholenko N.B. Iz istorii konstitucionnyh proektov v Rossii: Ucheb. posobie / In-t gosudarstva i prava RAN, Akad. pravovoj un-t. – M., 2000.
6. Polnoe sobranie zakonov Rossijskoj imperii. Sobr. III. T. XHV. Otd-nie 1-e. – SPb., 1908. – St. 26803. – S. 754-755.
Bondarenko G.V.
Personal characteristics of a wise man-ruler in the teachings of Lao-Tzu: the psychological and political aspects
The article analyses the main provisions of the teachings of Lao-Tzu of a wise man-ruler: the features of personality of a wise leader of the state and the specificity of his political strategy governance are characterised; the main psychological and political principles of harmonisation of the state and society are considered.
Keywords: a wise man-ruler, naturalness, not-act (not-a-deed), natural goodness, heart.
Work bibliographic list
1. Alan V. Uots. Put' Dzjen. – Kiev: Sofija, 1993.
Work bibliographic list
1. Alan V. Uots. Put' Dzjen. – Kiev: Sofija, 1993.
2. Bol'shoj kitajsko-russkij slovar'. Sost. pod red. I.M. Oshanina. V 4-h t. T. 4– M., 1989.
3. Dao: garmonija mira. – M.: Jeksmo / Har'kov: Folio, 2002.
4. Lao-czy. Dao-dje czin. Per. s drevnekit. i posleslovie Ju. Kanchukova. [Jelektronnyj resurs] – Rezhim dostupa: (data poseshhenija: 20.03.2014 g.).
5. Lisevich I.S. Drevnekitajskaja filosofija // Chelovek: Mysliteli proshlogo i nastojashhego o ego zhizni, smerti i bessmertii. Drevnij mir — jepoha Prosveshhenija / Red-
kol.: I.T. Frolov i dr.; Sost. P.S. Gurevich. – M.: Politiz- dat, 1991. – S. 20-22.
6. Luk'janov A.E. Lao-czy i Konfucij: Filosofija Dao. - M.: Vostochnaja literatura, 2001.
7. Maljavin V.V. Chzhuan-czy. – M.: Nauka, 1985.
8. Pomeranceva L.E. Pozdnie daosy o prirode, obshhestve i iskusstve («Huajnan'czy» - II v. do - M.: Izd-vo MGU, 1979.
9. Russel' Je. Duhovnoe sovershenstvovanie v sovremennom daosizme // Chjen' Kajgo, Chzhjen' Shun'chao. Voshozhdenie k Dao. Zhizn' daosskogo uchitelja Van Lipina. [Jelektronnyj resurs] – Rezhim dostupa: (data poseshhenija: 20.03.2014 g.).
10. Semenov S.N. Osobennosti kitajskogo filosofstvovanija // Aktual'nye problemy sovremennosti. - Ufa, 1993. - S. 18-20.
11. Fromm Je. Imet' ili byt'? – M.: Ast, 2010.
12. Jan Hin-shun. Drevnekitajskij filosof Laoczy i ego uchenie. – M.-L.: AN SSSR, 1950.
Vishnevskaya V.P.
Vishnevskaya V.P.
High level of anti-corrupt self-consciousness development – as an important psychological factor of corruption resistance
A theoretical model of forming and functioning of a person’s anti-corrupt self-consciousness is described in the article. The attention is paid to the necessity of system perfectioning for agents involved in the process of anti-corrupt self-consciousness formation. The issues on the reasonability of special studies (rich in content and well-organised) concerning various high technologies application for public consciousness dynamics are considered.
A theoretical model of forming and functioning of a person’s anti-corrupt self-consciousness is described in the article. The attention is paid to the necessity of system perfectioning for agents involved in the process of anti-corrupt self-consciousness formation. The issues on the reasonability of special studies (rich in content and well-organised) concerning various high technologies application for public consciousness dynamics are considered.
Keywords: self-consciousness, person’s anti-corrupt self-consciousness, moral self-consciousness, «self-image», corruption, corrupt practice.
Work bibliographic list
1. Berns R. Razvitie «Ja – koncepcija» i vospitanie. – M., 1986.
Work bibliographic list
1. Berns R. Razvitie «Ja – koncepcija» i vospitanie. – M., 1986.
2. Bol'shaja Sovetskaja Jenciklopedija. – M., 1983.
3. Voenno-psihologicheskij slovar'-spravochnik / Pod Ju.P. Zinchenko. – M.: ID Kuprijanova / Obshhestvo psihologov silovyh struktur, 2010.
4. Vishnevskaja V.P. Razvitie antikorrupcionnogo samosoznanija lichnosti – odin iz faktorov obespechenija nacional'noj bezopasnosti //Nauchno-prakticheskij zhurnal «Problemy Upravlenija». – Mn.; izd-vo AU pri Prezidente Respubliki Belarus'. – 2010 – # 4 (37). – S. 142-146.
5. Vishnevskaja V.P. Razvitie samosoznanija lichnosti – odin iz dominirujushhih psihologicheskih faktorov protivodejstvija korrupcii //Nauchno-prakticheskij zhurnal
«Problemy Upravlenija». – Mn.; izd-vo AU pri Prezidente Respubliki Belarus'. – 2011. – # 1 (38). – S. 108-112.
6. Vygotskij L.S. Pedologija / Sobranie sochinenij. T. 4. – M., 1984.
7. Zinchenko V.P. Miry soznanija i struktura soznanija // Voprosy psihologii. – 1991. – # 2. – S. 15-36.
8. Kon I.S. Razvitie lichnosti. – M., 1978.
9. Majers D. Social'naja psihologija. – SPb., 1999.
10. Mjasishhev V.N. Soznanie kak edinstvo otrazhenija dejstvitel'nosti i otnoshenija k nej cheloveka / Problema soznanija. – M., 1966.
11. Olport G. Stanovlenie lichnosti: izbrannye psihologicheskie trudy. – M.: Smysl, 2002. – 462 s.
12. Rodzhers K. Vzgljad na psihoterapiju. Stanovlenie cheloveka: Per. s angl./ Obshh. red. i predisl. E.I. Iseninoj.
– M., 1994. – 480 s.
13. Rodzhers K. Neskol'ko vazhnyh otkrytij // Psihologija. – 1996. – Vyp. 3. – S. 100–110.
14. Sobchik L.N. Vvedenie v psihologiju individual'nosti.– M., 1997.
15. Sokolova E.T. Samosoznanie i samoocenka pri anomalijah lichnosti. – M., 1989.
16. Stolin V.V. Samosoznanie lichnosti. – M., 1983.
17. Chesnokova I.I. Problema samosoznanija v psihologii. –M., 1977.
18. Fel'dshtejn D.I. Psihologija razvitija lichnosti v ontogeneze. – M., 1989.
19. Jerikson Je. Identichnost': junost' i krizis. – M., 1996.
Bikmetov E.Yu., Kuznetsova E.V., Ruvenny I.Ya.
The sociological component of an intellectually-oriented educational environment as a condition of formation of managers’ social responsibility
The article is an attempt to show the role and the content of the sociological component of an intellectually-oriented environment of the university in the organisation of managers’ education. Modern management needs such a kind of managers whose type is exploratory and socially responsible. It makes active application of sociological knowledge in the educational process quite topical. The influence of an intellectually-oriented environment and a corporate culture of the university on the future manager’s social responsibility are proved. The importance of sociological part in the professional training is shown. The expediency of using the sociological approach in personnel management of the graduating sub-faculty in order to implement the idea of a learning organisation is being proved. The sociological approach to estimate the reputation of the graduating sub-faculty and the customer-orientation of teaching staff is proposed.
The article is an attempt to show the role and the content of the sociological component of an intellectually-oriented environment of the university in the organisation of managers’ education. Modern management needs such a kind of managers whose type is exploratory and socially responsible. It makes active application of sociological knowledge in the educational process quite topical. The influence of an intellectually-oriented environment and a corporate culture of the university on the future manager’s social responsibility are proved. The importance of sociological part in the professional training is shown. The expediency of using the sociological approach in personnel management of the graduating sub-faculty in order to implement the idea of a learning organisation is being proved. The sociological approach to estimate the reputation of the graduating sub-faculty and the customer-orientation of teaching staff is proposed.
Key words: an intellectually-oriented educational environment, the organisation of educational process of the managers in the universities, social responsibility, the role of sociology in the education of managers, personnel management of the graduating sub-faculty, reputation of the graduating sub-faculty, customer-orientation of teaching staff.
Work bibliographic list
1. D'jui Dzh. Demokratija i obrazovanie: Per. s angl. – M.: Pedagogika-Press, 2000.
Work bibliographic list
1. D'jui Dzh. Demokratija i obrazovanie: Per. s angl. – M.: Pedagogika-Press, 2000.
2. Nasibullin R.T., Bikmetov E.Ju., Sizonenko Z.L. Sociologija: uchebnoe posobie dlja studentov vuzov / Pod R.T. Nasibullina. – Ufa: UGATU, 2006.
3. Druker P., Mak'jarello Dzh. Menedzhment: Per s angl. –M.: Vil'jams, 2010.
4. Aitov N.A. Sociologija obrazovanija. – Almaty, 2000.
Dadashov А.B. oglu
To the issue of preconditions of philosophical novelty in relation to preconditions of formation of legal consciousness
The article discusses the prerequisites of novelty in philosophy, which is, according to the au-thor, connected to «crystallisation» of semantic, legal space of philosophy. The other prerequisites are associated with reflection on new theoretical and legal, moral worlds. The author analyses the perception processes of theoretical, legal and moral thinking, which allow overcoming the gaps of the being, which is often wedged by human desire itself that has not only rational but also irrational sort.
The article discusses the prerequisites of novelty in philosophy, which is, according to the au-thor, connected to «crystallisation» of semantic, legal space of philosophy. The other prerequisites are associated with reflection on new theoretical and legal, moral worlds. The author analyses the perception processes of theoretical, legal and moral thinking, which allow overcoming the gaps of the being, which is often wedged by human desire itself that has not only rational but also irrational sort.
Keywords: semantic space of philosophy, philosophical and legal novelty, linguistic novelty, legal thinking.
Work bibliographic list
1. Komarov S.V. Metafizika i fenomenologija sub"ektivnosti: Istoricheskie prolegomeny k fundamental'noj ontologii soznanija / S.V. Komarov. – SPb.: Aletejja, - 2007. – 736 s.
Work bibliographic list
1. Komarov S.V. Metafizika i fenomenologija sub"ektivnosti: Istoricheskie prolegomeny k fundamental'noj ontologii soznanija / S.V. Komarov. – SPb.: Aletejja, - 2007. – 736 s.
2. Lejbnic G.V. Novye opyty o chelovecheskom razumenii // G.V. Lejbnic. Sochinenija v 4-h tt. T.2. – M., 1983. – 686 s. - (Filos. nasledie).
Dadashov M.B. oglu
Philosophical analysis of origin, formation and development of Azerbaijan national consciousness (legal aspects)
The article provides socio-philosophical analysis of origin, formation and development of na-tional consciousness of Azerbaijan people in history and modernity. The author substantiates the idea that national consciousness of people generates its material, cultural and spiritual aspects of development. The law reflects existing national custom, in the future, perceiving society world values.
The article provides socio-philosophical analysis of origin, formation and development of na-tional consciousness of Azerbaijan people in history and modernity. The author substantiates the idea that national consciousness of people generates its material, cultural and spiritual aspects of development. The law reflects existing national custom, in the future, perceiving society world values.
Keywords: reflection over national consciousness, historical and cultural experience, historical and social memory, cultural tradition, national spirit, formation of legal system.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ahundov M.F. Izbrannye filosofskie proizvedenija. Baku:Izd-vo AN Azerbajdzhanskoj SSR God izdanija: 1953. – 380 s.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ahundov M.F. Izbrannye filosofskie proizvedenija. Baku:Izd-vo AN Azerbajdzhanskoj SSR God izdanija: 1953. – 380 s.
2. Mutallimov T.B. Osobennosti formirovanija nacional'nogo duha azerbajdzhanskogo jetnosa. – Avt-t diss. kand.filos. nauk. – Ufa. – 2007.
3. Rzaev A.K. Politicheskie vzgljady M.F. Ahundova. – Baku:Izd-vo AN Azerbajdzhanskoj SSR. – 1968.
Urazakov R.R.
Urazakov R.R.
Culture and law (problem of correlation)
The article deals with the question of the common and the different concepts of law and culture, based on several sources of law.
The article deals with the question of the common and the different concepts of law and culture, based on several sources of law.
Key words: culture, law, matching rights and culture.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bondarenko V.N. O mirovozzrencheskoj determinacii prava // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. – 2013. - #12(67) . – S. 178-180.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bondarenko V.N. O mirovozzrencheskoj determinacii prava // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. – 2013. - #12(67) . – S. 178-180.
2. Dorzhiev Zh.B. Teorija gosudarstva i prava. – Ulan-Udje: VSGTU, 2005.
3. Ionin L.G. Sociologija kul'tury. – M., 1996.
4. Oganesjan A. A. Konspekt lekcij. – M.: Prior, 2001.
5. Sorokin P. Chelovek. Civilizacija. Obshhestvo. – M., 1992.
6. Spiridonov L. I. Teorija gosudarstva i prava. – M., 2001.
7. Edward Burnett TylorPrimitive Culture. Researches into the Development of Mythology, Philosophy, Religion, Art, and Custom. Volume 1. – New York, 1871.
International scientific and practical law journal
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