Shevchuk Ye. V.:
«Strong Russia - the pledge of regional stability and security»
Stepanov V. P., Bobkova E. M.
Protection of the rights of Russian compatriots in Transniestria and Moldova
Palamarchuk D. N.
Economic clockwork. On the necessity of recognition of the PridnestrovianMoldavian Republic as a separate entity in international economic relations
Lysenko V. V.
Development of civil society in Transdniestria in the framework of the Moldovan-Transdniestrian conflicts ettlement
Moiseev E. G.
Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union — the next integration stage in the post-Soviet space
Talimonchik V. P.
Role of international treaties in regulation of exchange of information on the Eurasian space
Levshin V. V.
Analysis of currency legislation of the Republic of Belarus, Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation
Bayldinov E. T.
USSR: Union of Sovereign Social Republics. A сoncept of integration of the post-Soviet States
Provolotckii V. V.
Legal assessment of use of force against a sovereign state for humanitarian purposes in doctrine and practice of Russia
Tolstykh V. L.
Summary of the awards of 18 July 2014 «Hulley Enterprises Limited», «Yukos Universal Limited», «Veteran Petroleum Limited» and the Russian Federation and a comment on them
Mingazov L. Kh.
The right to access to justice in international law (in the context of restriction of human rights during the state of emergency)
Davletgildeev R. Sh.
International legal cooperation on labour migration issues in the ASEAN
Bekyashev D. K., Avanesova L. V.
Peculiarities of legal regulation of the international organizations personnel’s labour (on example of the United Nations)
Zakharova L. I.
Legal status and elements of the international legal personality of the IOC
Karandashov I. I.
Provisional application of treaties in the Russian Federation
Raymond J. P.
Historical and legal review of Russian-Indonesian cooperation
Sennikov S. A.
Treaties of the Russian Federation as legal basis for fisheries in the maritime area of the Spitsbergen archipelago
Volkova A. I.
Influence of female genital mutilations on the human rights of girls and women
Chernysh A. V.
ECrHR, Court of Justice and human rights in antitrust investigations in the European Union
Bogoleubov S. A.
Foreign and international environmental law in the works of the institute of legislation and comparative law
Salamakha E. V.
The place of the international environmental law in the works of the publicists of Belorusian State University
Panchenko V. Yu.
On the structures of legal interaction
Tsyganov V. I., Romanovskaya V. B.
Ideological origins of Eurasianism
Gorodezky M. V.
Refutation of liberalism
Zinovieva T. N.
The state-legal regulation of land ownership and land use of non-Russian peoples of the Northern Caucasus
at the end of the 18th — at the beginning of the 20th centuries
Ozdoev T. H.
The formation of political-legal system in modern Ingushetia: historical aspect
Podlobnikova E. V.
On the approaches to the concept of the legal regime
Vorontsova M. A.
Issues of ensuring legal safety of the child in the Russian Federation: theoretical and legal approach
Nechkin A. V.
Concept and structure of the constitutional and legal status of the supreme body of the executive power of the Russian Federation
Shishenina I. V.
On the history of adoption of the Russian Constitution of 1993
Derho D. S.
Some features of structuring of constitutional law-making process in the Russian Federation
Semivelichenko E. A.
The impact of modernization of civil law on a system of contracts which ensure entity management
Ibragimova A. I.
Some important issues of compensation of harm and losses
Alisova Yu. A.
Legal regulation property and land relations agricultural production cooperatives
Bugaev K. V.
Course of criminalistics of R. S. Belkin: the most quoted authors
Minyazeva T. F.
How to implement the reform of the criminal law?
Babichev A. G.
Victimological signs of a murder under the Criminal Сode of the Russian Federation
Askerova M. P.
Some questions of the execution time-limits of requests on criminal cases for legal aid between states
Ismailova G. S.
Institutionalization of family relationships as a factor of sociopolitical stability of the country
Podolskiy A. L.
Peace supporting factor of economic integration
Yusupov T. Z.
Financial legal aspects of implementing the agro-food policy in Russia
Muzakaev D. A.
Soviet period of transformation of the Chechen traditional culture
Bondarenko G. V.
Legal values in the system of value orientations of the person
Kozyreva L. V.
Legal view on the realities of escapismo subject
Abdullin A. I.
Review of the textbook: International space law: textbook / ed. G. P. Zhukov, A. Kh. Abashidze. — M.: People’s Friendship University of Russia, 2014. — 524 p.
Nechevin D. K.
Review of the textbook of Doctor of Philology (candidate), lecturer E. V. Komoltseva and Doctor of Philology (candidate), associate professor L. B. Perepelkina «Deutsch fűr Juristen» (Moscow, 2013. — 84 p.)
Shevchuk Ye. V.:
«Strong Russia - the pledge of regional stability and security»
Stepanov V. P., Bobkova E. M.
Protection of the rights of Russian compatriots in Transniestria and Moldova
Palamarchuk D. N.
Economic clockwork. On the necessity of recognition of the PridnestrovianMoldavian Republic as a separate entity in international economic relations
Lysenko V. V.
Development of civil society in Transdniestria in the framework of the Moldovan-Transdniestrian conflicts ettlement
Moiseev E. G.
Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union — the next integration stage in the post-Soviet space
Talimonchik V. P.
Role of international treaties in regulation of exchange of information on the Eurasian space
Levshin V. V.
Analysis of currency legislation of the Republic of Belarus, Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation
Bayldinov E. T.
USSR: Union of Sovereign Social Republics. A сoncept of integration of the post-Soviet States
Provolotckii V. V.
Legal assessment of use of force against a sovereign state for humanitarian purposes in doctrine and practice of Russia
Tolstykh V. L.
Summary of the awards of 18 July 2014 «Hulley Enterprises Limited», «Yukos Universal Limited», «Veteran Petroleum Limited» and the Russian Federation and a comment on them
Mingazov L. Kh.
The right to access to justice in international law (in the context of restriction of human rights during the state of emergency)
Davletgildeev R. Sh.
International legal cooperation on labour migration issues in the ASEAN
Bekyashev D. K., Avanesova L. V.
Peculiarities of legal regulation of the international organizations personnel’s labour (on example of the United Nations)
Zakharova L. I.
Legal status and elements of the international legal personality of the IOC
Karandashov I. I.
Provisional application of treaties in the Russian Federation
Raymond J. P.
Historical and legal review of Russian-Indonesian cooperation
Sennikov S. A.
Treaties of the Russian Federation as legal basis for fisheries in the maritime area of the Spitsbergen archipelago
Volkova A. I.
Influence of female genital mutilations on the human rights of girls and women
Chernysh A. V.
ECrHR, Court of Justice and human rights in antitrust investigations in the European Union
Bogoleubov S. A.
Foreign and international environmental law in the works of the institute of legislation and comparative law
Salamakha E. V.
The place of the international environmental law in the works of the publicists of Belorusian State University
Panchenko V. Yu.
On the structures of legal interaction
Tsyganov V. I., Romanovskaya V. B.
Ideological origins of Eurasianism
Gorodezky M. V.
Refutation of liberalism
Zinovieva T. N.
The state-legal regulation of land ownership and land use of non-Russian peoples of the Northern Caucasus
at the end of the 18th — at the beginning of the 20th centuries
Ozdoev T. H.
The formation of political-legal system in modern Ingushetia: historical aspect
Podlobnikova E. V.
On the approaches to the concept of the legal regime
Vorontsova M. A.
Issues of ensuring legal safety of the child in the Russian Federation: theoretical and legal approach
Nechkin A. V.
Concept and structure of the constitutional and legal status of the supreme body of the executive power of the Russian Federation
Shishenina I. V.
On the history of adoption of the Russian Constitution of 1993
Derho D. S.
Some features of structuring of constitutional law-making process in the Russian Federation
Semivelichenko E. A.
The impact of modernization of civil law on a system of contracts which ensure entity management
Ibragimova A. I.
Some important issues of compensation of harm and losses
Alisova Yu. A.
Legal regulation property and land relations agricultural production cooperatives
Bugaev K. V.
Course of criminalistics of R. S. Belkin: the most quoted authors
Minyazeva T. F.
How to implement the reform of the criminal law?
Babichev A. G.
Victimological signs of a murder under the Criminal Сode of the Russian Federation
Askerova M. P.
Some questions of the execution time-limits of requests on criminal cases for legal aid between states
Ismailova G. S.
Institutionalization of family relationships as a factor of sociopolitical stability of the country
Podolskiy A. L.
Peace supporting factor of economic integration
Yusupov T. Z.
Financial legal aspects of implementing the agro-food policy in Russia
Muzakaev D. A.
Soviet period of transformation of the Chechen traditional culture
Bondarenko G. V.
Legal values in the system of value orientations of the person
Kozyreva L. V.
Legal view on the realities of escapismo subject
Abdullin A. I.
Review of the textbook: International space law: textbook / ed. G. P. Zhukov, A. Kh. Abashidze. — M.: People’s Friendship University of Russia, 2014. — 524 p.
Nechevin D. K.
Review of the textbook of Doctor of Philology (candidate), lecturer E. V. Komoltseva and Doctor of Philology (candidate), associate professor L. B. Perepelkina «Deutsch fűr Juristen» (Moscow, 2013. — 84 p.)
Stepanov V. P., Bobkova E. M.
Protection of the rights of Russian compatriots in Transniestria and Moldova
The article describes the main aspects and problems of human rights issues in Moldova and Transnistria in conditions of a frozen conflict.
The article describes the main aspects and problems of human rights issues in Moldova and Transnistria in conditions of a frozen conflict.
Keywords: compatriots, human rights, legal culture, Transniestria.
Work bibliographic list
1. Gosudarstvennaja programma po okazaniju sodejstvija dobrovol'nomu pereseleniju v Rossijskuju Federaciju sootechestvennikov, prozhivajushhih za rubezhom [Jelektronnyj resurs] — Rezhim dostupa:
Work bibliographic list
1. Gosudarstvennaja programma po okazaniju sodejstvija dobrovol'nomu pereseleniju v Rossijskuju Federaciju sootechestvennikov, prozhivajushhih za rubezhom [Jelektronnyj resurs] — Rezhim dostupa:
2. Interv'ju S. Lavrova (21.12.2013) V Vashingtone stali ponimat', chto otnoshenija s Moskvoj vazhnee, chem vzaimnye obidy [Jelektronnyj resurs] — Rezhim dostupa:
3. Issledovanie «Pravoprimenenie v otnoshenii rossijskih sootechestvennikov v Moldove i Pridnestrov'e v 2013 godu» organizovano Fondom podderzhki i zashhity prav sootechestvennikov, prozhivajushhih za rubezhom, pri podderzhke Kongressa russkih obshhin Moldovy i NCAI «Novyj Vek. 2013 g.
4. Koncepcija vneshnej politiki Rossijskoj Federacii. Utverzhdena Prezidentom Rossijskoj Federacii V. V. Putinym 12 fevralja 2013 g.
5. Obrashhenie Prezidenta RF V. V. Putina k delegatam Vsemirnogo kongressa sootechestvennikov. Oktjabr' 2013 g. Sankt-Peterburg.
6. Statisticheskij ezhegodnik Pridnestrovskoj Moldavskoj Respubliki — 2012 g. // Statisticheskij sbornik (za 2008–2012 gg.) / Gosudarstvennaja sluzhba statistiki Pridnestrovskoj Moldavskoj Respubliki. Tiraspol', 2013.
7. Sootechestvenniki: informacionno-spravochnyj sajt [Jelektronnyj resurs] — Rezhim dostupa:–96
8. Jaskevich Ja. S. Filosofija i metodologija nauki. Minsk, 2007.
Palamarchuk D. N.
Economic clockwork. On the necessity of recognition of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic as a separate entity in international economic relations
The present article is devoted to the actual economic situation in the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic with ratification of the Association Agreement between the European Union and the Republic of Moldova and crisis developments in Ukraine on the background. The author studies the issue of worsening of economic relations between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Moldova and consequences of these actions for Pridnestrovie.
Keywords: Transniestria, economic blockade, Association Agreement, DCFTA, sanctions, economic subject.
Work bibliographic list
1. Vneshnjaja torgovlja PMR po osnovnym stranam za janvar'-ijun' 2014 g. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa:
Work bibliographic list
1. Vneshnjaja torgovlja PMR po osnovnym stranam za janvar'-ijun' 2014 g. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa:
2. Dogovor o zone svobodnoj torgovli [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa:
3. Glava gosudarstva prinjal uchastie v rasshirennom zasedanii prezidiuma Respublikanskogo Sojuza zashhitnikov Pridnestrov'ja [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa:–07–07/glavagosudarstva-prinyal-uchastie-v-rasshirennom-zasedanii
4. Medvedev: Moldova izmenila pravovuju osnovu dlja vzaimootnoshenij s RF [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa:
5. Moldove grozit torgovyj karantin. Strany mogut iskljuchit' iz zony svobodnoj torgovli SNG. [Jelektronnyj resurs] — Rezhim dostupa:
6. Peregovornyj process mezhdu Pridnestrovskoj Moldavskoj Respublikoj i Respublikoj Moldova v dokumentah. Izdanie vtoroe, pererabotannoe, dopolnennoe/ Pod red. N. V. Shtanski — Bendery: Poligrafist,2014.
7. Rabochaja tetrad' «Blokada Pridnestrov'ja: vyzhivanie vmesto razvitija. Ves' put' mezh dvuh ognej» Analiticheskaja zapiska, avtory: N. V. Shtanski, D. N. Palamarchuk, D. N. Kambur [Jelektronnyj resurs] — Rezhim dostupa:
8. Shuvalov: Moldavija mozhet byt' iskljuchena iz dogovora o Zone svobodnoj torgovli stran SNG [Jelektronnyj resurs] — Rezhim dostupa:
Lysenko V. V.
Lysenko V. V.
Development of civil society in Transdniestria in the framework of the Moldovan-Transdniestrian conflicts ettlement
Comprehensive analysis and forecast of development of unrecognized state formations as a factor of world development are of particular interest and importance for stable development and integrity of the world. The article examines the practice of ensuring human rights and freedoms, development of civil society institutes and nongovernmental organizations in the unrecognized Transdniestria.
Keywords: Transniestria, unrecognized states, human rights, civil society, non-governmental organizations.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bobkova E. Grazhdanskoe obshhestvo i demokratizacija v Pridnestrov'e v zerkale obshhestvennogo mnenija //Materialy mezhdunarodnoj konferencii «Sovremennost' — Postmodern — Grazhdanskoe obshhestvo v Central'noj i Vostochnoj Evrope». — Kishinev, 2014.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bobkova E. Grazhdanskoe obshhestvo i demokratizacija v Pridnestrov'e v zerkale obshhestvennogo mnenija //Materialy mezhdunarodnoj konferencii «Sovremennost' — Postmodern — Grazhdanskoe obshhestvo v Central'noj i Vostochnoj Evrope». — Kishinev, 2014.
2. Bocan I. Peregovornyj process kak otkladyvanie reshenija // Moldova–Pridnestrov'e: obshhimi usilijami — k uspeshnomu budushhemu. — Kishinev, 2009.
3. Volkova A. Z. Referendumy v Pridnestrovskoj Moldavskoj Respublike (1989–2006 gg.). — Tiraspol', 2006.
4. Galinskij I. S Evrazijskogo regiona «Pridnestrov'e» mozhet nachat'sja vozrozhdenie Velikoj Rossii //Oko planety. — 2012.
5. Dirun A. V. K voprosu uregulirovanija pridnestrovskogo konflikta, ili pochemu tak trudno dostich' soglasija // Vіsnik Odes'kogo nacіonal'nogo unіversitetu. —2003. — # 8.
6. Ljakin A. A. Upravlenie politicheskimi processami. Teorija i praktika. — M., 2005.
7. Moldavskie shkoly s latinskoj grafikoj v Pridnestrov'e. Otchet Missii OBSE v Moldove i Verhovnogo komissara OBSE po delam nacional'nyh men'shinstv. 2013 g. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa:
8. Samovich Ju. V. Mezhdunarodnyj mehanizm zashhity prav i svobod cheloveka: Universal'nyj i evropejskij aspekty. — Ekaterinburg, 1999.
9. Otchet o sostojanii NPO sektora v Pridnestrov'e. NPO «Nezavisimyj Institut prava i grazhdanskogo obshhestva». — Tiraspol', 2014.
10. Hammarberg T. Otchet o pravah cheloveka v Pridnestrovskom regione Respubliki Moldova. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa:
12. Hrustalev M. A. Analiz mezhdunarodnyh situacij i politicheskaja jekspertiza: ocherki teorii i metodologii. — M., 2008.
13. Haritonova N. I. Pridnestrovskij konflikt i problema nepriznannyh gosudarstv na postsovetskom prostranstve v konce XX — nachale XXI vv.: Dis. … kand. istor. nauk. — M., 2008.
14. Shornikov I. P. Evrazijskaja integracija Pridnestrov'ja: teorija, praktika i perspektivy. Media Centr «Evrazijskoe Pridnestrov'e». —Tiraspol', 2014 [Jelektronnyj resurs]. —Rezhim dostupa:
15. Shtanski N. V. Politika Rossii v processe normalizacii moldavsko-pridnestrovskih otnoshenij: analiz jekspertnyh ocenok // Problemy nacional'noj strategii. —2012. —# 4.
Moiseev E. G.
Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union —the next integration stage in the post-Soviet space
This article refers to the stages of integration and cooperation within the Commonwealth of Independent States: the Free Trade Area, the Customs Union, the Common Economic Space and the Eurasian Economic Union. This whole process lasted for more than 20 years. It should be continued and developed.
This article refers to the stages of integration and cooperation within the Commonwealth of Independent States: the Free Trade Area, the Customs Union, the Common Economic Space and the Eurasian Economic Union. This whole process lasted for more than 20 years. It should be continued and developed.
Keywords: Commonwealth of Independent States, Free Trade Area, Customs Union, Common Economic Space, Eurasian Economic Union.
Work bibliographic list
1. Soglashenie o sozdanii Sodruzhestva Nezavisimyh Gosudarstv ot 8 dekabrja 1991 g. // Mezhdunarodnoe publichnoe pravo. Sbornik dokumentov v 2 ch. Ch. 1 / sost. i avt. vstup. stat'i K. A. Bekjashev i D. K. Bekjashev. — M.:TK Velbi, Izd-vo Prospekt, 2006.
Work bibliographic list
1. Soglashenie o sozdanii Sodruzhestva Nezavisimyh Gosudarstv ot 8 dekabrja 1991 g. // Mezhdunarodnoe publichnoe pravo. Sbornik dokumentov v 2 ch. Ch. 1 / sost. i avt. vstup. stat'i K. A. Bekjashev i D. K. Bekjashev. — M.:TK Velbi, Izd-vo Prospekt, 2006.
2. Sodruzhestvo Nezavisimyh Gosudarstv: portret na fone peremen / Pod red. I. M. Korotcheni. — Mn:PANGRAF, 1996.
3. Vedomosti S"ezda narodnyh deputatov i Verhovnogo soveta RSFSR. — 1991. — 3 51. — St. 1798
4. Moiseev E. G. Glava 2. Mezhdunarodno-pravovye voprosy jekonomicheskoj integracii v SNG // Desjatiletie Sodruzhestva: mezhdunarodno-pravovye aspekty. — M.:Kniga i biznes: Rossijskaja gazeta, 2001.
5. Nazarbaev N. A. Evrazijskij jekonomicheskij sojuz: teorija ili real'nost'. // Izvestija. — 2009. — 19 marta.
6. Nazarbaev N. A. Evrazijskij Sojuz: ot idei k istorii budushhego // Izvestija. — 2011. — 25 oktjabrja.
7. Zajavlenija dlja pressy po itogam zasedanija Vysshego Evrazijskogo jekonomicheskogo soveta. 29 maja 2014 goda, Astana [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa:
8. Nazarbaev N. A. o evrazijskoj integracii. Lekcija v Moskovskom gosudarstvennom universitete imeni M.V Lomonosova // Sajasat. Izbrannoe [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa:
9. Zajavlenija dlja pressy Prezidenta Kazahstana N. A. Nazarbaeva po itogam zasedanija Vysshego Evrazijskogo jekonomicheskogo soveta. 29 maja 2014 goda, Astana [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa:
10. Zajavlenija dlja pressy Prezidenta Rossijskoj Federacii V. V. Putina po itogam zasedanija Vysshego Evrazijskogo jekonomicheskogo soveta. 29 maja 2014 goda, Astana [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa:
11. Deklaracija o evrazijskoj jekonomicheskoj integracii. 18 nojabrja 2011 goda [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa:
Talimonchik V. P.
Talimonchik V. P.
Role of international treaties in regulation of exchange of information on the Eurasian space
The article considers the international treaties within the CIS and the Annex No. 2 to the Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union which led to radical changes in information regulation on the Eurasian space. Creation of the integrated information system of the Union is for the first time provided. Fixing of bases of the Eurasian information security in the international treaty also is new.
Keywords: the Eurasian Economic Union, the Eurasian Economic Commission, the integrated system, exchange of information, the international information security.
Work bibliographic list
1. Evropejskaja konvencija ob informacii otnositel'no inostrannogo zakonodatel'stva ot 7 ijunja 1968 g.// Bjulleten' mezhdunarodnyh dogovorov.— 2005.—# 10.
Work bibliographic list
1. Evropejskaja konvencija ob informacii otnositel'no inostrannogo zakonodatel'stva ot 7 ijunja 1968 g.// Bjulleten' mezhdunarodnyh dogovorov.— 2005.—# 10.
2. Kop'ev V. V. Sredstva massovoj kommunikacii v kontekste globalizacii mirovoj jekonomiki i razvitie informacionnogo prostranstva Rossii.— M., 2005.
3. Mezhamerikanskaja konvencija o podtverzhdenii i informacii ob inostrannom prave ot 8 maja 1979 g. [Jelektronnyj resurs].— Rezhim dostupa:
4. Soglashenie o principah i formah vzaimodejstvija gosudarstv — uchastnikov SNG v oblasti ispol'zovanija arhivnoj informacii ot 4 ijunja 1999 g. // Bjulleten' mezhdunarodnyh dogovorov.— 2000.— # 12.
5. Soglashenie ob informacionnom sotrudnichestve v oblasti jekologii i ohrany okruzhajushhij sredy ot 11 sentjabrja 1998 g. // Bjulleten' mezhdunarodnyh dogovorov.—2003.— # 7.
6. Soglashenie ob obmene informaciej v oblasti vneshnejekonomicheskoj dejatel'nosti ot 24 sentjabrja 1993 g. // Bjulleten' mezhdunarodnyh dogovorov.—1994.— # 1.
7. Soglashenie ob obmene informaciej v sfere obrazovanija gosudarstv — uchastnikov Sodruzhestva Nezavisimyh Gosudarstv ot 31 maja 2001 g. // Bjulleten' mezhdunarodnyh dogovorov.— 2002.— # 3.
8. Soglashenie ob obmene informaciej o chrezvychajnyh situacijah prirodnogo i tehnogennogo haraktera, ob informacionnom vzaimodejstvii pri likvidacii ih posledstvij i okazanii pomoshhi postradavshemu naseleniju ot 18 sentjabrja 2003 g. // Bjulleten' mezhdunarodnyh dogovorov.— 2005.— # 10.
9. Soglashenie ob obmene pravovoj informaciej ot 21 oktjabrja 1994 g. // Bjulleten' mezhdunarodnyh dogovorov.— 1995.— # 2.
10. Soglashenie ob obmene jekonomicheskoj informaciej ot 26 ijunja 1992 g. // Bjulleten' mezhdunarodnyh dogovorov.— 1993.— # 6.
Levshin V. V.
Levshin V. V.
Analysis of currency legislation of the Republic of Belarus, Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation
The article reveals the problems of integration processes within the Eurasian Economic Union. The analysis of the currency legislation in countries outside the Eurasian Economic Union is carried out, which is extremely important in terms of keeping the integration process. Harmonization of monetary policy, harmonization of currency legislation and the subsequent unification of the currency legislation of the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Russian Federation evokes a need of preliminary analysis.
Keywords: currency legislation, integration, harmonization, analysis.
Work bibliographic list
1. Zakonodatel'stvo Respubliki Kazahstan — Spravochnaja sistema JuRIST [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa:
Work bibliographic list
1. Zakonodatel'stvo Respubliki Kazahstan — Spravochnaja sistema JuRIST [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa:
2. Nacional'nyj pravovoj internet-portal Respubliki Belarus' [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa:
3. Sobranie zakonodatel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii
Bayldinov E. T.
Bayldinov E. T.
USSR: Union of Sovereign Social Republics. A сoncept of integration of the post-Soviet States
The article is the author’s vision of post-Soviet reintegration on the basically new ideological and international law ground. The author proposes to create within the post-Soviet space a more effective integration union than existing ones on the basis of the author-elaborated conception of social republic, which essence is discovered in the article. The author considers such an integration form as regional international state and proposes to name it as the Union of Sovereign Social Republics. Also is proposed the proper vision of the Union government system structure: Eurasian Council, Council of Heads of Member States, Eurasian Assembly, Central Executive Committee, Eurasian Court, Union Public Prosecutor Office, Supreme Law Council.
The article is the author’s vision of post-Soviet reintegration on the basically new ideological and international law ground. The author proposes to create within the post-Soviet space a more effective integration union than existing ones on the basis of the author-elaborated conception of social republic, which essence is discovered in the article. The author considers such an integration form as regional international state and proposes to name it as the Union of Sovereign Social Republics. Also is proposed the proper vision of the Union government system structure: Eurasian Council, Council of Heads of Member States, Eurasian Assembly, Central Executive Committee, Eurasian Court, Union Public Prosecutor Office, Supreme Law Council.
Keywords: USSR, regional international state, sustainable development, social republic, ideology, post-Soviet states, Eurasian Council, Council of Heads of Member States, Eurasian Assembly, Central Executive Committee, Eurasian Court, Union Public Prosecutor Office, Supreme Law Council.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bajl'dinov E. T. K voprosu o sushhnosti social'nogo gosudarstva: koncepcija social'noj respubliki // Sovremennoe pravo.— 2010.— # 1.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bajl'dinov E. T. K voprosu o sushhnosti social'nogo gosudarstva: koncepcija social'noj respubliki // Sovremennoe pravo.— 2010.— # 1.
2. Bajl'dinov E. T. Osobennosti evrazijskogo pravoporjadka // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal.— 2012.—# 10.— S.18–23.
3. Vishnjakov V. G. Pravovye problemy stanovlenija Evrazijskogo jekonomicheskogo soobshhestva // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava.— 2001.— # 10.
4. Voroncova N. A. Pravovye osnovy stanovlenija i funkcionirovanija mezhgosudarstvennogo mehanizma integracionnyh processov v Evrazijskom jekonomicheskom soobshhestve: Diss. … d. ju.n.— M., 2004.
5. Dogovor o sozdanii Sojuznogo gosudarstva Belarusi i Rossii ot 8 dekabrja 1999 g. // Bjulleten' mezhdunarodnyh dogovorov.— 2000.— # 3.
6. Dogovor ob uchrezhdenii Evrazijskogo jekonomicheskogo soobshhestva ot 10 oktjabrja 2000 g. // Informacionnyj bjulleten' EvrAzJeS.— Almaty.— 2001.— # 1.
7. Evropejskoe pravo: Uchebnik / Pod red. L. M. Jentina.— M.: NORMA — INFRA — M, 2000.
8. Isingarin N. K. 10 let SNG. Problemy, poiski, reshenija.— Almaty, 2001.
9. Kapustin A. Ja. Mezhdunarodno-pravovye problemy prirody i dejstvija prava Evropejskogo Sojuza: Diss.… d. ju.n.— M., 2001.
10. Koncepcija social'nogo gosudarstva Rossijskoj Federacii: materialy nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii «Koncepcija social'nogo gosudarstva» i mezhdunarodnogo kruglogo stola «Social'noe gosudarstvo: opyt, problemy», 20 janvarja 2004 goda / Pod obshh. red. N. N. Gricenko.—M.: Akad. truda i social. otn., 2004.
11. Protasov V. N. Teorija gosudarstva i prava.—M., 1999.
12. Skuratov Ju. I. Rossijskaja koncepcija social'nogo gosudarstva // Materialy nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii «Koncepcija social'nogo gosudarstva» i mezhdunarodnogo kruglogo stola «Social'noe gosudarstvo: opyt, problemy».—2004.—20 janvarja / Pod obshh. red. N. N. Gricenko.—M.: Akad. truda i social. otn., 2004.
13. Cygankov P. A. Teorija mezhdunarodnyh otnoshenij.— M.: Gardariki, 2003.
Provolotckii V. V.
Legal assessment of use of force against a sovereign state for humanitarian purposes in doctrine and practice of Russia
The article analyzes the position of Russia on legal grounds of use of armed force against a sovereign state for humanitarian purposes. With regard to the procedure of formation of customary rules, special attention is paid to the analysis of both Russia’s legal position on this issue, and Russia’s legal assessment of practices of other states.
Keywords: humanitarian intervention, use of force, the responsibility to protect, foreign policy practice of Russia, Foreign Policy Concept of the Russian Federation.
Work bibliographic list
1. Grohotova V. V. Stanovlenie i razvitie koncepcii «gumanitarnoj intervencii» // Istorija gosudarstva i prava. — 2010. — # 5.
Work bibliographic list
1. Grohotova V. V. Stanovlenie i razvitie koncepcii «gumanitarnoj intervencii» // Istorija gosudarstva i prava. — 2010. — # 5.
2. Grocij G. O prave vojny i mira. — M., 1994.
3. Doklad General'nogo sekretarja OON ot 21.03.2005, A/59/2005. p. 125–126 [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa:
4. Doklad Gruppy vysokogo urovnja po ugrozam, vyzovam i peremenam A/59/565 ot 02.12.2004, p. 199–209 [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa:
5. Doklad Mezhdunarodnoj komissii po voprosam vmeshatel'stva i gosudarstvennogo suvereniteta A/57/303 ot 14.08.2002 [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa:
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7. Zajavlenie General'nogo sekretarja NATO 18.03.2011 [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa: 71640.htm
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11. Kartashkin V. A. Gumanitarnaja intervencija v globalizirujushhemsja mire // Jurist-Mezhdunarodnik. —2005. — # 3.
12. Kommentarij Departamenta informacii i pechati MID Rossii po povodu uchrezhdenija Sovetom Bezopasnosti OON Missii mezhdunarodnyh nabljudatelej v Sirii ot 21.04.2012. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa: C907F95DFB442579E7005504F0? OpenDocument
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14. Kommentarij Departamenta informacii i pechati MID Rossii otnositel'no vozmozhnoj silovoj akcii SShA protiv Sirii ot 04.09.2013 [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa:
15. Kommentarij oficial'nogo predstavitelja MID Rossii v svjazi s zasedaniem «Gruppy druzej Sirii» v Parizhe ot 06.07.2012 [Jelektronnyj resurs]. —Rezhim dostupa:
16. Koncepcii vneshnej politiki Rossijskoj Federacii// Rossijskaja gazeta. —11.07.2000. —# 133.
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30. Suhodolov N. V. Ponjatie i priznaki gumanitarnoj intervencii // Aktual'nye problemy rossijskogo prava. —2009. —# 3.
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Tolstykh V. L.
Tolstykh V. L.
Summary of the awards of 18 July 2014 «Hulley Enterprises Limited», «Yukos Universal Limited», «Veteran Petroleum Limited» and the Russian Federation and a comment on them
Summary of awards contains a brief overview of the facts of the case and the motives which guided the Court. Submissions of the parties and witnesses and the formula for calculating compensation are omitted. Summary is accompanied by a short comment.
Keywords: international law, international arbitration, investment disputes, expropriation, privatization.
Mingazov L. Kh.
Mingazov L. Kh.
The right to access to justice in international law (in the context of restriction of human rights during the state of emergency)
The article addresses the following issues: the concepts of state of emergency, restriction of rights and states retreat from their international obligations, as well as norms of international law in the area of human rights protection relating limitations on human rights; the right to access to justice and role of the judiciary in a state of emergency; rights and obligations which cannot be derogated from in any circumstances.
The article addresses the following issues: the concepts of state of emergency, restriction of rights and states retreat from their international obligations, as well as norms of international law in the area of human rights protection relating limitations on human rights; the right to access to justice and role of the judiciary in a state of emergency; rights and obligations which cannot be derogated from in any circumstances.
Keywords: access to justice, absolute and relative rights, guarantees of legal proceedings, the restriction of human rights, the retreat of the state from its obligations, the scope of exercise of the rights, a state of emergency.
Work bibliographic list
1. Anna — Lena Svenson-McCarthy, International Law of Human Right and States of Exception — With Special Reference to the Travaux preparatoires and Case –Law of International Monitoring Organs (The Hague /Boston/London/ Martinus Nijhoff Publisher,1998). (International Studies in Human Rights, vol.54). — P. 49 and 721.
Work bibliographic list
1. Anna — Lena Svenson-McCarthy, International Law of Human Right and States of Exception — With Special Reference to the Travaux preparatoires and Case –Law of International Monitoring Organs (The Hague /Boston/London/ Martinus Nijhoff Publisher,1998). (International Studies in Human Rights, vol.54). — P. 49 and 721.
2. General Comment N 20: Replaces General Comment 7 concerning prohibition of torture and cruel treatement or punishement (Art.7) 10/03/92 Genera Comment N20. (General Comments). (forty-fourth session,1992) paras.3–4.
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6. Zhenevskaja konvencija ob obrashhenii s voennoplennymi.12 avgusta 1949 g. // Tekst v kn.: Dejstvujushhee mezhdunarodnoe pravo. V 3-h tomah. Sostaviteli Ju. M. Kolosov i Je. S. Krivchikova. Tom 2. — M.: Izd-vo Moskovskogo nezavisimogo instituta mezhdunarodnogo prava, 1992. — S. 668–671.
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18. Pchelincev S. V. Ogranichenija prav i svobod grazhdan v uslovijah osobyh pravovyh rezhimov: metodologija, teorija, praktika: Diss. d-ra jurid. nauk. — M., 2006.
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20. Hesse K. Osnovy konstitucionnogo prava FRG. — M., 1981.
Davletgildeev R. Sh.
Davletgildeev R. Sh.
International legal cooperation on labour migration issues in the ASEAN
This article discusses the main directions of international legal cooperation among member states of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) in the field of labour migration: promoting and protecting the rights of migrant workers and ensuring regional mobility of skilled labour. These directions are individually localized in three ASEAN Communities: if the rights of migrant workers are covered by the Socio-cultural Сommunity and the Political-Security Сommunity, regional professional mobility comes under the jurisdiction of Economic Community. Both directions are developed in parallel, each has its own sources of regulation: in relation to the rights of migrant workers the ASEAN Declaration on the Protection and Promotion of the Rights of Migrant Workers was adopted in 2007, a special body was created: ASEAN Committee on the Implementation of the ASEAN Declaration on the Protection and Promotion of the Rights of Migrant Workers, its activities are coordinated by the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights. Institute of free movement of labour in the ASEAN was formed under the strong influence of the General Agreement on Trade in Services, its 4th mode of supply services and regulated by the Agreement on the movement of natural persons adopted in 2012.
Keywords: ASEAN, international labor migration, migrant workers’ rights, regional human rights instruments, regional professional mobility, free movement of labour, GATS mode 4.
Work bibliographic list
1. Abashidze A. H., Solncev A. M. Institucializacija zashhity i pooshhrenija prav i svobod cheloveka v Associacii gosudarstv Jugo-Vostochnoj Azii (ASEAN):kommentarij k Polozheniju o Mezhpravitel'stvennoj komissii po pravam cheloveka ASEAN // Moskovskij zhurnal mezhdunarodnogo prava. — 2010. — # 2 (78). —S. 187–191.
Work bibliographic list
1. Abashidze A. H., Solncev A. M. Institucializacija zashhity i pooshhrenija prav i svobod cheloveka v Associacii gosudarstv Jugo-Vostochnoj Azii (ASEAN):kommentarij k Polozheniju o Mezhpravitel'stvennoj komissii po pravam cheloveka ASEAN // Moskovskij zhurnal mezhdunarodnogo prava. — 2010. — # 2 (78). —S. 187–191.
2. Doklad Vsemirnoj komissii po social'nym aspektam globalizacii: «Spravedlivaja globalizacija: sozdanie vozmozhnostej dlja vseh». Mezhdunarodnaja organizacija truda, Zheneva, 2004. URL:
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13. Chia, S. Y. Free Flow of Skilled Labor in the AEC, in Urata, S. and M. Okabe (eds.), Toward a Competitive ASEAN Single Market: Sectoral Analysis. ERIA Research Project Report 2010–03. Jakarta: ERIA. P. 205.
14. Dawson L. R. Labour Mobility and the WTO: the Limits of GATS Mode 4 // International Migration. Vol.51 (1). 2013. pp. 1–23. doi:10.1111/j.1468–2435.2012.00739.x.
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16. Flanagan, Robert J. and William B. Gould IV (Eds.) International Labor Standards — Globalisation, Trade, and Public Policy. Stanford: Stanford University Press, pp.15–59.
17. Flanagan, Robert J. Labor Standards and International Competitive Advantage, paper, Internal Seminar Series Tjalling C. Koopmans Institute, the Utrecht University, 2003. pp. 37–39. URL: onderzoek/seminarserie/previousseminars/extfeb04jun04/Documents/27%20april%20paper%20Flanagan.pdf.
18. Maloni B. Migrant Workers in ASEAN. Presentation paper on ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly Seminar: The Role of Parliamentarians in the Protection and Promotion of the Rights of Migrant Workers in ASEAN, 3–6 April, 2011, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Url: http://www.aipasecretariat. org/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/IOM-ASEAN-Migration- Overview_v_03.pdf.
19. Muntarbhorn, V. Development of the ASEAN Human Rights Mechanism. Briefing Paper of the Policy Department, Directorate General for External Policy of the Union // EXPO/B/DROI/2012/05, September 2012.
20. Pasadilla, G. O. Social Security and Labor Migration in ASEAN // ADB Institute Research Policy Bref # 34. Asian Development Bank Institute, 2011. pp. 5–6.
21. Sana, E., Abano R. A. Labor Migration in Southeast Asia //On the Move. Migration Challenges in the Indian Ocean Littoral, Laipson, E., Pandya, A. (Eds.). Stimson, 2010. P.63.
22. Serrano, M.R., Marasigan, M.L.C., Palafox, J.A.F. Ia a Social Charter Possible in the ASEAN? Exploring the Chances of an ASEAN Social Charter in Six ASEAN Member States, Final Report. Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Office for Regional Cooperation in Southern Asia, 2004. Url:
23. 23. Terms of Reference of the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights. Jakarta, ASEAN Secretariat, 2009. URL:
24. 24. Tripartite Action for the Protection and Promotion of the Rights of Migrant Workers in the ASEAN Region (ASEAN TRIANGLE project), URL: — en/index.htm.
25. 25. Vientiane Action Programme (VAP) 2004–2010, Vientiane, Laos, 29 November 2004 // ASEAN Documents Series 2004. The ASEAN Secretariat. Jakarta ASEAN Secretariat, January 2005. pp. 20–50. URL: http://www.
26. 27. Wah, Joseph. Is ASEAN Closer to Legal Protection of the Rights of Migrant Workers? // ASEAN Civil Society Conference/ ASEAN People's Forum 2014, 22 March, 2014. URL:
27. 28. Work Plan of the ASEAN Committee on the Implementation of the ASEAN Declaration on the Protection and Promotion of the Rights of Migrant Workers (ACMW), 16.09.2008. URL:
28. 29. Yeoh, Brenda S. A., Lin, W. Rapid Growth in Singapore's Immigrant Population Brings Policy Challenges // Migration Information Source, April 2012. URL:
Bekyashev D. K., Avanesova L. V.
Peculiarities of legal regulation of the international organizations personnel’s labour (on example of the United Nations)
The article deals with the problems of jurisdiction on regulation of the international civil servants
labour, the UN activities on regulation of its staff members labour, the norms on the rights and duties of the UN Secretariat’s’ staff and some other international organizations, peculiarities of labor disputes settlement between the personnel and administration of the international organizations.
Keywords: legal regulation of labour, international organization, personnel of the international organization, the United Nations, UN specialized agencies, staff regulations and rules, administrative tribunals.
Work bibliographic list
1. Doklad General'nogo sekretarja OON «Sostav Sekretariata: demograficheskie harakteristiki personala»[A/66/347].
Work bibliographic list
1. Doklad General'nogo sekretarja OON «Sostav Sekretariata: demograficheskie harakteristiki personala»[A/66/347].
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4. Krivchikova Je. S. Osnovy teorii prava mezhdunarodnyh organizacij: Ucheb. posobie. — M., 1979.
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11. Shermers H. G., Blokker N. M. International Institutional Law. — 4th revised ed. — Leiden, 2003.
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13. The American Journal of International Law. — 2011. — # 3.
Zakharova L. I.
Zakharova L. I.
Legal status and elements of the international legal personality of the IOC
The International Olympic Committee (IOC) is an international non-governmental organization that rules the Olympic movement and the legal status of which is characterized by an increasing number of the international legal personality elements recognized by the Federal Council of Switzerland as well as by the United Nations (UN) specialized agencies and programmes.
The International Olympic Committee (IOC) is an international non-governmental organization that rules the Olympic movement and the legal status of which is characterized by an increasing number of the international legal personality elements recognized by the Federal Council of Switzerland as well as by the United Nations (UN) specialized agencies and programmes.
Keywords: International Olympic Committee (IOC), legal status, international legal personality, Olympic movement, Olympic Charter, United Nations (UN), UN specialized agencies, United Nations Education, Science and Culture Organization (UNESCO), World Health Organization (WHO), World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC).
Work bibliographic list
1. Alekseev S. S. Obshhaja teorija prava. — M., 1982. — T. 2.
Work bibliographic list
1. Alekseev S. S. Obshhaja teorija prava. — M., 1982. — T. 2.
2. Bjun'on F. Mezhdunarodnyj komitet Krasnogo Kresta i zashhita zhertv vojny. — M.: MKKK, 2005.
3. Zaharova L. I. «O sport, ty — mir!». Rol' mezhdunarodnogo prava, lex sportiva i lex olympica v regulirovanii mezhdunarodnyh sportivnyh otnoshenij. — M.:GI «Central'naja tipografija», 2013.
4. Kljajn Je. Mezhdunarodnye i nadnacional'nye organizacii // Mezhdunarodnoe pravo. V. Graf Vitctum i dr. / Per. s nem. Sost. V. Bergmann. — M.: Infotropik Media, 2011.
5. Shapple Zh. — L., Kjubler-Mabott B. Mezhdunarodnyj olimpijskij komitet i Olimpijskaja sistema. Upravlenie mirovym sportom. Per. s angl. — M.: «Rid Media» (Biblioteka Rossijskogo mezhdunarodnogo olimpijskogo universiteta), 2012.
6. Cassese A. International Law. — 2nd ed. — Oxford, New York: OxfordUniversityPress, 2005.
7. Herdegen M. Völkerrecht. 12 Auflage. — München: Verlag C. H. Beck, 2013.
8. Mestre A. M. The Law of the Olympic Games. — The Hague: T.M.C. Asser Institute, 2009.
9. Peters A. Völkerrecht: AllgemeinerTeil, 2 Auflage. — Zürich, SchulthessMedien AG, 2008.
Karandashov I. I.
Karandashov I. I.
Provisional application of treaties in the Russian Federation
In this article author examines questions of: 1) regulation of provisional application of treaties in Russian law; 2) how Russian courts apply provisionally applicable treaties; 3) solving collisions between rules of provisionally applicable treaties and rules of Russian law. Author considers that provisionally applicable treaties of RF, consent to be bound by which should not be expressed in a form of Federal Act, should have an application priority over regulations of an executive authority which decided to sign such treaty (in situation when a rule which is a basis for provisional application had been included in the treaty) or decided to apply such treaty provisionally (if agreement on provisional application of the treaty had been reached in another way). Provisionally applicable treaties of RF, consent to be bound by which should be expressed in a form of Federal Act, should have an application priority over the Federal Acts if such treaties were submitted to State Duma within the period, provided by par. 2 art. 23 of Federal Act «On international treaties of Russian Federation»; if such treaties were submitted beyond this period, they should lose their application priority over Federal Acts. Author also suggests to amend art. 23 of Federal Act «On international treaties of Russian Federation» to provide principle of separation of powers observation by executive and judiciary during the provisional application period.
Keywords: provisional application, international law, treaty, Russian law system, Constitution of Russian Federation.
Work bibliographic list
1. Butkevich V. G. Sovetskoe pravo i mezhdunarodnyj dogovor. — Kiev: Vishha shkola, 1977.
Work bibliographic list
1. Butkevich V. G. Sovetskoe pravo i mezhdunarodnyj dogovor. — Kiev: Vishha shkola, 1977.
2. Venskaja konvencija o prave mezhdunarodnyh dogovorov ot 23 maja 1969 g. // Vedomosti Verhovnogo Soveta Sojuza Sovetskih Socialisticheskih Respublik. ‒ 1986. ‒ # 37. ‒ St. 772.
3. Vylegzhanin A. N. 20 let «vremennogo primenenija» So- glashenija mezhdu SSSR i SShA o linii razgranichenija morskih prostranstv // Vestnik MGIMO-Universiteta. ‒ 2010. ‒ # 1.
4. Dogovor o vzaimodejstvii upolnomochennyh organov gosudarstv ‒ uchastnikov Soglashenija o soglasovannyh principah valjutnoj politiki ot 9 dekabrja 2010 goda, osushhestvljajushhih valjutnyj kontrol' ot 15 dekabrja 2011 g.// Bjulleten' mezhdunarodnyh dogovorov. ‒ 2012. ‒ # 5.
5. Zakonoproekty, zaregistrirovannye s 12.12.2013 po 17.07.2014, gde naimenovanie ili kommentarij soderzhit «O ratifikacii», otsortirovannye po date vnesenija v GD (po ubyvaniju) [Jelektronnyj resurs] //Oficial'nyj sajt Gosudarstvennoj Dumy. ‒ Rezhim dostupa:®istration-start=12.12.2013®istration-end=17.07.2014&sort=date#results
6. Zvekov V. P., Lukashuk I. I., Osminin B. I., Hlestova I. O. Hodakov A. G. Kommentarij k federal'nomu zakonu «O mezhdunarodnyh dogovorah Rossijskoj Federacii». ‒ M.: Spark, 1996.
7. Konstitucija Rossijskoj Federacii. Kommentarij/ Pod obshh. red. B. N. Topornina, Ju. M. Baturina, R. G. Orehova. — M.: Juridicheskaja literatura, 1994.
8. Konstitucija Rossijskoj Federacii ot 12 dekabrja 1993 g. // Rossijskaja gazeta. ‒ 1993. ‒ # 237. ‒ 25 dek.
9. Marusin I. S. O porjadke vremennogo primenenija mezhdunarodnyh dogovorov Rossijskoj Federacii //Izvestija vysshih uchebnyh zavedenij. Pravovedenie.‒ 1998. ‒ # 3.
10. Marchenko M. N. Teorija gosudarstva i prava: Uchebnik. — 2-e izd., pererab. i dop. — M.: Prospekt, 2011.
11. Nauchno-prakticheskij kommentarij k Konstitucii Rossijskoj Federacii / pod red. V. V. Lazareva. — 3-e izd., dop. i pererab. — M.: Spark, 2004.
12. Zakonoproekt # 234494–6 «O ratifikacii Dogovora o vzaimodejstvii upolnomochennyh organov gosudarstv ‒ uchastnikov Soglashenija o soglasovannyh principah valjutnoj politiki ot 9 dekabrja 2010 goda, osushhestvljajushhih valjutnyj kontrol'» [Jelektronnyj resurs] // Oficial'nyj sajt Gosudarstvennoj Dumy. ‒ Rezhim dostupa: OpenAgent&RN=234494–6
13. Osminin B. I. Vremennoe primenenie mezhdunarodnyh dogovorov: praktika gosudarstv // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. ‒ 2013. ‒ # 12.
14. Osminin B. I. Zakljuchenie i implementacija mezhdunarodnyh dogovorov i vnutrigosudarstvennoe pravo. —M.: Infotropik Media, 2010.
15. Postanovlenie Gosudarstvennoj Dumy Federal'nogo Sobranija Rossijskoj Federacii ot 20 fevralja 1998 g. # 2211-II GD «O Federal'nom zakone «O ratifikacii Dogovora mezhdu Rossijskoj Federaciej i Respublikoj Kazahstan o voennom sotrudnichestve”» // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii. ‒ 1998. ‒ # 9.‒ St. 1091.
16. Postanovlenie Gosudarstvennoj Dumy Federal'nogo Sobranija Rossijskoj Federacii ot 15 sentjabrja 2000 g. # 622-III GD «O Federal'nom zakone «O ratifikacii Soglashenija mezhdu Pravitel'stvom Rossijskoj Federacii i Pravitel'stvom Respubliki Kazahstan o vzaimodejstvii pravoohranitel'nyh organov v obespechenii pravoporjadka na territorii kompleksa «Bajkonur”» // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii. ‒2000. ‒# 39. ‒St. 3849.
17. Postanovlenie Konstitucionnogo Suda Rossijskoj Federacii ot 27 marta 2012 g. # 8-P «Po delu o proverke konstitucionnosti punkta 1 stat'i 23 Federal'nogo zakona «O mezhdunarodnyh dogovorah Rossijskoj Federacii» v svjazi s zhaloboj grazhdanina I. D. Ushakova» // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii. —2012. —# 15. —St. 1810.
18. Postanovlenie Federal'nogo arbitrazhnogo suda Severo-zapadnogo okruga ot 27 avgusta 2013 g. po delu # A21–10157/2012 [Jelektronnyj resurs] // SPS «Konsul'tantPljus».
19. Postanovlenie Chetvertogo arbitrazhnogo apelljacionnogo suda ot 09 sentjabrja 2009 g. po delu # A19–8970/09 [Jelektronnyj resurs] // SPS «Konsul'tantPljus».
20. Postanovlenie Chetvertogo arbitrazhnogo apelljacionnogo suda ot 28 aprelja 2010 g. po delu # A19–8970/2009 [Jelektronnyj resurs] // SPS «Konsul'tantPljus».
21. Postanovlenie Chetvertogo arbitrazhnogo apelljacionnogo suda ot 28 oktjabrja 2009 g. po delu # A19–13282/09 [Jelektronnyj resurs] // SPS «Konsul'tantPljus».
22. Protokol mezhdu Pravitel'stvom Rossijskoj Federacii i Pravitel'stvom Respubliki Belarus' o prodlenii dejstvija Soglashenija o porjadke uplaty i zachislenija vyvoznyh tamozhennyh poshlin (inyh poshlin, nalogov i sborov, imejushhih jekvivalentnoe dejstvie) pri vyvoze s territorii Respubliki Belarus' za predely tamozhennoj territorii Tamozhennogo sojuza nefti syroj i otdel'nyh kategorij tovarov, vyrabotannyh iz nefti, ot 9 dekabrja 2010 goda ot 13 dekabrja 2013 g. [Jelektronnyj resurs] // Oficial'nyj internet-portal pravovoj informacii. ‒ 2013. ‒ 31 dek. ‒ Rezhim dostupa:
23. Reshenie Arbitrazhnogo suda Irkutskoj oblasti ot 11 fevralja 2010 g. po delu # A19–8970/09–66–5 [Jelektronnyj resurs] // SPS «Konsul'tantPljus».
24. Talalaev A. N. Pravo mezhdunarodnyh dogovorov. ‒ T. 2. Dejstvie i primenenie dogovorov. Dogovory s uchastiem mezhdunarodnyh organizacij / Otv. red. L. N. Shestakov. — M.: Zercalo, 2011.
25. Talalaev A. N. Sootnoshenie mezhdunarodnogo i vnutrigosudarstvennogo prava i Konstitucija Rossijskoj Federacii // Moskovskij zhurnal mezhdunarodnogo prava. — 1994. — # 4.
26. Tereshkova V. V. Primenenie norm mezhdunarodnogo prava v sudebnoj sisteme Rossijskoj Federacii: Avtoref. dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. — Kazan', 1998.
27. Federal'nyj zakon ot 15 ijulja 1995 g. # 101-FZ (v red. ot 25 dekabrja 2012 g.) «O mezhdunarodnyh dogovorah Rossijskoj Federacii» // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii. — 1995. — # 29. —St. 2757.
28. Federal'nyj konstitucionnyj zakon ot 21 ijulja 1994 g. # 1-FKZ (v red. ot 04 ijunja 2014 g.) «O Konstitucionnom Sude Rossijskoj Federacii» // Rossijskaja gazeta. ‒ 1994. ‒ # 138‒139. ‒ 23 ijulja.
29. Lefeber R. The Provisional Application of Treaties // Essays on the Law of Treaties: A Collection of Essays in Honour of Bert Vierdag / Ed. by J. Klabbers, R. Lefeber. ‒ Hague: Kluwer Law International, 1998.
30. Villiger M. E. Commentary on the 1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties. ‒ Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2009.
31. Yearbook of The International Law Commission. — 1966. — Vol. II.
Raymond J. P.
Raymond J. P.
Historical and legal review of Russian-Indonesian cooperation
This article focuses on international legal issues of Russian-Indonesian cooperation. The author
analyzes the international documents, which form the basis of the Russian-Indonesian international legal cooperation.
Keywords: Indonesia, sovereignty, recognition, international cooperation.
Work bibliographic list
1. Abashidze A. H., Solncev A. M. Mirnoe razreshenie mezhdunarodnyh sporov: sovremennye problemy: Monografija 2-e izd. — M: RUDN, 2012.
Work bibliographic list
1. Abashidze A. H., Solncev A. M. Mirnoe razreshenie mezhdunarodnyh sporov: sovremennye problemy: Monografija 2-e izd. — M: RUDN, 2012.
2. Blishhenko I. P. Diplomaticheskoe pravo. — M.: «Vysshaja shkola», 1990.
3. Gugunskij D. A., Zhukov G. P., Koneva A. E., Solncev A. M. Specializirovannye uchrezhdenija OON i MAGATJe // Mezhdunarodnoe kosmicheskoe pravo:Uchebnik / Pod red. G. P. Zhukova, A. H. Abashidze. — M:RUDN, 2014.
4. Dzhuana M. Gosudarstvennyj stroj Indonezii. — M., 1959.
5. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo: Obshhaja chast' / Otv. red. A. H. Abashidze, E. M. Abajdel'dinov. — Voronezh: Nauka-Junipress, 2013.
6. Mezhdunarodnoe kosmicheskoe pravo: Uchebnik / Pod red. G. P. Zhukova, A. H. Abashidze. — M: RUDN, 2014.
7. Panitia Penulisan Sejarah Diplomasi Indonesia, Sejarah Diplomasi Indonesia Dari Masa ke Masa Periode 1945– 1950. — Jakarta: Upakarya Sentosa Sejahtera, 2004.
8. Susanto Pudjomartono. Buku Panduan Penulisan Sejarah Hubungan Luar Negeri Indonesia. Ciptamedia, Jakarta: 2004.
Sennikov S. A.
Sennikov S. A.
Treaties of the Russian Federation as legal basis for fisheries in the maritime area of the Spitsbergen archipelago
The author of the article analyses treaties of Russia as legal basis for fisheries in the maritime area of Spitsbergen archipelago considering different standpoints of Russia and Norway regarding legal status of this area. A focus is made on issues related to the legal regime of this maritime area assuming that the Spitsbergen Treaty and the provisions of the Law of the Sea Conventions shall be applied to this area.
Keywords: Spitsbergen archipelago, fisheries, fisheries protection zone, treaties.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bjulleten' mezhdunarodnyh dogovorov. — 1999. — # 12.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bjulleten' mezhdunarodnyh dogovorov. — 1999. — # 12.
2. Vylegzhanin A. N., Zilanov V. K. Shpicbergen: pravovoj rezhim prilegajushhih morskih rajonov — M.: SOPS, 2006.
3. Dekanozov R. V. Dogovor 1920 goda o mirnom jekonomicheskom i nauchnom ispol'zovanii Shpicbergena // Uchenye zapiski VJuZI. Voprosy sovremennogo mezhdunarodnogo prava. — M.: RIO VJuZI, 1968. — Vyp. 16.
4. Zilanov V. K. Rossija terjaet Arktiku? — M.: Algoritm, 2013.
5. Issledovanija PINRO v rajone arhipelaga Shpicbergen. — Murmansk: Izd-vo PINRO, 2004.
6. Krajnij A. A., Bekjashev K. A. Rossija zainteresovana v sovmestnoj ohrane i racional'nom upravlenii zhivymi resursami v vodah Shpicbergena // Rybnoe hozjajstvo. — 2012. — # 1.
7. Sennikov S. A. Pravovoj status morskogo rajona arhipelaga Shpicbergen s pozicij Rossii i Norvegii //Rybnoe hozjajstvo. — 2014. — # 2.
8. Fife R. Je. Predmet i celi dogovora o Shpicbergene (Sval'barde) s tochki zrenija mezhdunarodnogo morskogo prava // Moskovskij zhurnal mezhdunarodnogo prava. — 2004. — # 4 (56).
9. Carl August Fleischer Folkerett, 8 utgave, Universitetsforlaget. — Oslo, 2005.
10. Carl August Fleischer Rettskilder og juridisk metode. — AIT Gjøvik AS, 1998.
11. Ulfstein G. The Svalbard Treaty: from terra nullius to Norwegian sovereignty. — Oslo: Scandinavian University Press, 1995.
12. Yngve Næss Kristensen Torsk, «pirater» ogkaldegranater. StridenmellomNorgeog Island om Fiskevernsonenved Svalbard 1993. IFS Info nr. 5/2005.
Volkova A. I.
Volkova A. I.
Influence of female genital mutilations on the human rights of girls and women
Female genital mutilation/cutting becomes a specific area of gender studies in the framework of the protection of human rights of girls and women. The international community is paying close attention to the specific aspects of women's health due to the aftermaths that influence psychological, reproductive and sexual health. The article investigates the practice of female genital mutilation/cutting, which is a violation of human rights of girls and women, because it represents an extreme form of discrimination against women and inequality between the sexes. Legislation of such countries as Norway, Austria, Benin, Eritrea, Egypt, United Kingdom, etc is analyzed. The article points to need for legal regulation of medical professionals, as well as bringing to justice those who commit such operations.
Keywords: harmful traditional practices, female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C), violation of the rights of girls and women, global strategy, discrimination, gender inequality.
Work bibliographic list
1. Dopolnenie k posobiju DJeSV dlja razrabotki zakonodatel'stva po voprosam nasilija v otnoshenii zhenshhin. «Vrednaja praktika» v otnoshenii zhenshhin». 2011 g. ST/ESA/331.
Work bibliographic list
1. Dopolnenie k posobiju DJeSV dlja razrabotki zakonodatel'stva po voprosam nasilija v otnoshenii zhenshhin. «Vrednaja praktika» v otnoshenii zhenshhin». 2011 g. ST/ESA/331.
2. DJeSV OON. Zhenshhiny mira v 2010 godu. ST/ESA/STAT/SER.K/19
3. KLDZh OON. Rekomendacija # 14 — Obrezanie u zhenshhin. 27 maja 2008 g. HRI/GEN/1/Rev.9
4. KLDZh OON. Obshhaja rekomendacija # 24 (stat'ja 12 —Zhenshhiny i zdravoohranenie), Podborka zamechanij obshhego porjadka OON, str. 338, punkt 15 d.
5. Nasilie i ego vlijanie na zdorov'e. Doklad o situacii v mire / Pod red. Je. G. Kruga i dr./ Per. s angl. — M: Izdatel'stvo «Ves' Mir», 2003.
6. Pan Gi Mun. Poslanie General'nogo sekretarja po sluchaju Mezhdunarodnogo dnja neterpimogo otnoshenija k kalechashhim operacijam na zhenskih polovyh organah [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa:
7. Polenina S. V. Prava zhenshhin v sisteme prav cheloveka:mezhdunarodnyj i nacional'nyj aspekt. — M., 2000.
8. Punkt 5 predvaritel'noj povestki VOZ. Voprosy, vytekajushhie iz rezoljucij i reshenij Vsemirnoj assamblei zdravoohranenija i Ispolnitel'nogo komiteta. 28 ijulja 2008 g. EUR/RC58/6.
9. Rezoljucija VAZ. Nanesenie uvechij zhenskim genitalijam. 24 maja 2008 g. WHA/61/16.
10. Rezoljucija GA OON. Aktivizacija global'nyh usilij v celjah iskorenenija praktiki kalechashhih operacij na zhenskih polovyh organah. 20 dekabrja 2012 g. A/ RES/67/146.
11. Rezoljucija Evropejskogo parlamenta 2001/2035 (INI).
12. JeKOSOS OON. Devjatyj i zakljuchitel'nyj doklad o razvitii situacii v oblasti likvidacii tradicionnoj praktiki, zatragivajushhej zdorov'e zhenshhin i devochek, podgotovlennyj special'nym dokladchikom g-zhoj Halimoj Jembarek Varzari. Tradicionnaja praktika, zatragivajushhaja zdorov'e zhenshhin i devochek. 11 ijulja 2005 g. E/CN.4/Sub.2/2005/36
13. CEDAW/ C/DJI/CO/1–3, para. 6.
14. UNICEF. Changing a harmful social convention: Female genital mutilation/cutting, 2005.
15. United Nations. Eliminating female genital mutilation: an interagency statement UNAIDS, UNDP, UNECA, UNESCO, UNFPA, UNHCHR, UNHCR, UNICEF, UNIFEM, WHO. 2008.
16. United Nations Children’s Fund, Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting: A statistical overview and exploration of the dynamics of change, UNICEF, New York, 2013.
17. UNICEF. Changing a harmful social convention: Female genital mutilation/cutting. 2005
Chernysh A. V.
ECrHR, Court of Justice and human rights in antitrust investigations in the European Union
The article is intended to reveal the issue of relationship between the European Court of Human
The article is intended to reveal the issue of relationship between the European Court of Human
Rights and the European Court of Justice to fundamental rights interpretation towards antitrust
investigations conducted by the European Union. Particular attention is paid to the divergence between the ECrHR and the Court of the EU in the interpretation of human rights.
Keywords: European Union, European Union Competition Law, human rights, Court of Justice, ECrHR, European convention on human rights, Charter of fundamental rights of the European Union.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ispolinov A. S. Hartija osnovnyh prav ES: opyt pervyh treh let primenenija. Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal, # 12, Str. 61–68.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ispolinov A. S. Hartija osnovnyh prav ES: opyt pervyh treh let primenenija. Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal, # 12, Str. 61–68.
2. Protokol # 7 k Konvencii o zashhite prav cheloveka i osnovnyh svobod (Strasburg, 22 nojabrja 1984 g.) (s izmenenijami ot 11 maja 1994 g.).
3. Bas van Bockel. The Ne Bis in Idem Principle in EU Law. 2010. P. 79.
4. ECHR. Case A. Menarini Diagnostics S.r.l. v. Italy # 43509/08. Judgment 27 September 2011.
5. ECHR. Case Bosphorus Airways v Ireland # 45036/98. Judgment of 30 June 2005.
6. ECHR. Case Connolly v 15 Member States of the European Union # 73274/01. Judgment of 9 December 2008.
7. ECHR. Case Fischer v. Austria. # 16922/90.
8. ECHR. Case Funke v. France. # 10828/84. Judgment of 25 February 1993.
9. ECHR. Case Matthews v. The United Kingdom # 24833/94. Judgment of 18 February 1999. Par. 32.
10. ECHR. Niemietz v. Federal Republic Germany # 13710/88. Judgment of 16 December 1992.
11. ECHR. Case Saunders v. The United Kingdom, # 19187/91. Judgment of 17 December 1996.
12. ECHR. Case Societe Colas Est SA and others v. France # 37971/97. Judgment of 16 December 16 April 2002.
13. Case 14/86 Wilhelm and Others v. Bundeskartellamt [1969].
14. Case C-17/10 Toshiba Corporation and Others v Úřad pro ochranu hospodářské soutěže [2012].
15. Case 136/79 National Panasonic (UK) Limited v Commission.
16. Case C-137/92 P Commission v BASF and Others (PVC I) [1994].
17. Case C-301/04 P Commission v SGL Carbon AG. Par. 43.
18. Case C-375/09 Tele 2 Polska.
19. Case C-617/10 Åklagaren v. Hans Åkerberg Fransson [2013].
20. Case T-112/98 Mannesmannröhren-Werke.
21. Joined Cases 46/87 & 227/88, Hoechst AG v. Commission 1989 E.C.R. 2859 Par. 19.
22. Joined Cases C-204/00 P, C-205/00 P, C-211/00 P, C-213/00 P, C-217/00 P and C-219/00 P, Aalborg Portland A/S and Others v Commission, [2004] E.C.R. I-123.
23. Joined Cases C-238/99 P, C-244/99 P, C-245/99 P, C-247/99 P, C-250/99 P to C-252/99 P and C-254/99 P, Limburgse Vinyl Maatschappij (LVM) and Others v. Commission. Judgment of 15 October 2002. Par. 61–62.
24. Maciej Bernatt, Convergence of Procedural Standards in the European Competition Proceedings, The Competition law review, vol.8, iss. 3, P.259
25. Przemysław Rosiak, The Ne Bis in Idem Principle in Proceedings Related to Anti-Competitive Agreements in EU Competition Law, Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies, 2012. Vol. 5, No. 6, pp. 124–127.
26. Rincón-Eizaga L. Sm. takzhe Human rights in the European Union. Conflict between The Luxembourg and Strasbourg courts regarding interpretation of Article 8 of the European Convention on human rights PP. 139–144.
27. Wouter P. J. Wils. The Principle of «Ne Bis in Idem» in EC Antitrust Enforcement: A Legal and Economic Analysis. World Competition, Vol 26, No 2, 2003, pp. 131–148.
Bogoleubov S. A.
Foreign and international environmental law in the works of the institute of legislation and comparative law
This article is about contribution of the scientific school into research of international and foreign Environmental Law. The author expresses support to the idea that the introduction to positive and negative environmental and legal expertise of foreign countries and
This article is about contribution of the scientific school into research of international and foreign Environmental Law. The author expresses support to the idea that the introduction to positive and negative environmental and legal expertise of foreign countries and
the international community shall cause the readiness and willingness of Russians to understand it, to interpret it creatively, to consider in constructive way, to adopt it professionally and to introduce it regularly taking into account domestic traditions, economic opportunities, with continuous monitoring what goes on, and continuous analysis, synthesis of reality.
Keywords: Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law at the Government of the Russian Federation, International Environmental Law, environmental protection.
Work bibliographic list
1. Environmental law in Russia: ecological legislation – the part of environmental law – European Environmental Law. – Sammelband. Institut Kepler. Linz University. Austria.
Work bibliographic list
1. Environmental law in Russia: ecological legislation – the part of environmental law – European Environmental Law. – Sammelband. Institut Kepler. Linz University. Austria.
2012. – S. 283–292.
2. Agrarnoe zakonodatel'stvo zarubezhnyh stran i Rossii / Pod red. E.L.Mininoj. – M.: Justicinform, 2011.
3. Aparova T.V. Zakonodatel'stvo SShA i Velikobritanii ob ugolovnoj otvetstvennosti za jekologicheskie prestuplenija // Materialy Mezhrespublikanskoj nauchnoj konferencii «Problemy sovershenstvovanija jekologicheskogo zakonodatel'stva i jeffektivnost' ego realizacii». – M.: IZiSP, 1993. – S. 155–159.
4. Artamonov A. Zakonodatel'stvo i jekonomika. 2013. # 10.
5. Bogoljubov S.A. i dr. Instituty jekologicheskogo prava. – M.: IZiSP, Jeksmo, 2010. – S. 345–362.
6. Bogoljubov S.A. Pravotvorchestvo v sfere jekologii. –M. IZiSP-JeKSMO, 2010. – S. 146–178.
7. Bogoljubov S.A. Razvitie jekologicheskogo prava v Rossii. Formirovanie, sostojanie i sistema. Monografija. – Saarbrucken, Germany: LAP LAMBERT. Academic Publishing, 2012. – S. 154–169.
8. Bogoljubov S.A. Jekologija: problemy ispol'zovanija mezhdunarodnogo opyta // Moskovskij zhurnal mezhdunarodnogo prava. – 1992. – # 1.
9. Vodnoe zakonodatel'stvo i jekologicheskie vyzovy. Sb. materialov nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii / Sost. S.A. Bogoljubov, D.O. Sivakov, O.A. Zolotova. Moskva,
15 ijunja 2012 g. – M.: IZiSP, Izd-vo «Ankil», 2012. – C. 305–309.
10. Garmonizacija i razvitie jekologicheskogo zakonodatel'stva Kazahstana i Rossii. Sb. statej. Sost. I red. S.A. Bogoljubov, B.Zh. Abdraim, A.A. Mukasheva. – Astana-Moskva: Master Po. Evrazijskij nacional'nyj universitet im. L.N.Gumileva, IZiSP,
2013. – 350 s.
11. Zemel'nyj uchastok: sobstvennost', arenda i inye prava v RF i inostrannyh gosudarstvah / Pod red. V.V.Zalesskogo. – M.: Izd. Tihomirova M.Ju, 2005.
12. Kasatkina N.M. Sblizhenie zakonodatel'stva stran evropejskih soobshhestv po ohrane okruzhajushhej sredy ot zagrjaznenija // Problemy sovershenstvovanija sovetskogo zakonodatel'stva. Trudy 24. – 1982. – S. 194–204.
13. Kljukin B.D. Gornye otnoshenija v stranah Zapadnoj Evropy i Ameriki / IZiSP. – M.: Gorodec, 2000. – 443 s.
14. Kljukin B.D. Zakonodatel'stvo o regulirovanii nedropol'zovanija stran Zapadnoj Evropy i SShA // Zakonodatel'stvo i jekonomika. – 1995. – # 17. – S. 77–83.
15. Kolbasov O.S. Ohrana prirody po sovetskomu zakonodatel'stvu. – M.: Jurizdat, 1961. – 72 s.
16. Kolbasov O.S. Ohrana prirody. Sb. dokumentov. – M.:Jurizdat, 1961. – 384 s.
17. Korneeva I. On veril v to, chto dolzhno byt' na svete //Rossijskaja gazeta. – 2013 (28 fevralja). – S. 9.
18. M. Minleshoz RSFSR - VNIISZ. – M.: Juridicheskaja literatura, 1973. – 487 s. 32 pech. l. 2 tys. jekz. V rabote uchastvovali sotrudniki VNIISZ T.A. Merkulova, I.S. Vlasov, D.A. Kovachev, N.I. Marysheva i dr.
19. Makovskij A.L. Problemy otvetstvennosti za zagrjaznenie poberezh'ja neft'ju v mezhdunarodnom morskom prave // Problemy morskogo prava. – 1971. – Vyp. 31. – S. 130–133.
20. Mezhdunarodno-pravovoe i nacional'noe regulirovanie jekologicheskoj sfery obshhestva (sost. Ju.S. Shemshuchenko, S.A.Bogoljubov). Sb. statej. Nauchnoe izdanie. – M.: IZiSP, Institut gosudarstva i prava im. V.M. Koreckogo Nacional'noj akademii nauk Ukrainy, ID Jurisprudencija, 2011. – 320 c.
21. Mezhdunarodno-pravovoe i nacional'noe regulirovanie jekologicheskoj sfery obshhestva (sost. Ju.S. Shemshuchenko, S.A. Bogoljubov). Sb. statej. Nauchnoe izdanie. – M. IZiSP, Institut gosudarstva i prava im. V.M.Koreckogo Nacional'noj akademii nauk Ukrainy, ID Jurisprudencija, 2011. – 320 s.
22. Men'shih A.A. Ohrana okruzhajushhej sredy vo Francii. Ugolovno-pravovye aspekty // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. – 2000. – # 10. – S. 141.
23. Minina E.L. Tema dissertacii: jekologicheskoe pravo SShA // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. – 1997. – # 8. – S. 172.
24. Monitoring zakonodatel'stva o lesah i zhivotnom mire: nauchno-prakticheskoe posobie / Sostaviteli S.A. Bogoljubov, D.B. Gorohov, D.O. Sivakov. IZiSP. – M.: ID. «Jurisprudencija», 2011. – C. 268–272.
25. Pankratov I.F., Zaslavskaja L.A. Problemy pravovoj ohrany okruzhajushhej sredy v SSSR. L.: LGU, 1979. – 197 s.
26. Pravovoj rezhim lesov po zakonodatel'stvu Rossii i zarubezhnyh stran / Pod red. Ju.I. Shuplecovoj. – M.: Jurisprudencija, 2011.
27. Ushakova A.P. Agrarnoe i zemel'noe pravo. 2013. # 11.
28. Jekologicheskie zakony i realii v Rossii i SShA (Recenzija na knigu Broslavskogo L.I. «Jekologija i ohrana okruzhajushhej sredy. Zakony i realii SShA i Rossii») // Zhurnal zarubezhnogo zakonodatel'stva i sravnitel'nogo pravovedenija. –2013. –# 2.
Salamakha E. V.
The place of the international environmental law in the works of the publicists of Belorusian State University
This article presents an analytical review of studies of the members of the International Law subfaculty within the Faculty of International Relations of the Belarusian State University targeted to identification of the place of international environmental law in the writings of the publicists of the Republic of Belarus.
This article presents an analytical review of studies of the members of the International Law subfaculty within the Faculty of International Relations of the Belarusian State University targeted to identification of the place of international environmental law in the writings of the publicists of the Republic of Belarus.
Keywords: Interecolaw, International Environmental Law, environmental protection, the right for a favourable environment, environmental human rights.
Work bibliographic list
1. Antologija interjekoprava: uchebnoe posobie, tematicheskij katalog, ssylki na skachivanie polnyh tekstov, istochnikovedcheskie obzory, interv'ju i stat'i / E. A. Vystorobca; [predisl. V. I. Danilova-Danil'jana, k chitateljam A. D. Buriana, prolog R. M. Valeeva]. — 2-e izd. — M. — Ufa: MIRmpOS, Centr interjekoprava EvrAzNIIPP, 2014 // Moskovskaja iniciativa v razvitie mezhdunarodnogo prava okruzhajushhej sredy
Work bibliographic list
1. Antologija interjekoprava: uchebnoe posobie, tematicheskij katalog, ssylki na skachivanie polnyh tekstov, istochnikovedcheskie obzory, interv'ju i stat'i / E. A. Vystorobca; [predisl. V. I. Danilova-Danil'jana, k chitateljam A. D. Buriana, prolog R. M. Valeeva]. — 2-e izd. — M. — Ufa: MIRmpOS, Centr interjekoprava EvrAzNIIPP, 2014 // Moskovskaja iniciativa v razvitie mezhdunarodnogo prava okruzhajushhej sredy
[Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa:–10
2. Dejkalo E. A. Znachenie mezhdunarodno-pravovoj otvetstvennosti v kontekste ustojchivogo razvitija // Pravo v sovremennom belorusskom obshhestve: sb. nauch. tr. / Nac. centr zakonodatel'stva i pravovyh issledovanij Resp. Belarus'; redkol.: V. I. Semenkov (gl. red.)[i dr.]. — Mn.: Biznesofset, 2012. — Vyp. 7.
3. Dejkalo E. A. Obshhie preventivnye mehanizmy vzaimodejstvija gosudarstv v sluchae vozniknovenija opasnosti jekologicheskogo ushherba: mezhdunarodno-pravovoe regulirovanie // Nauchno-prakticheskij zhurnal «». — 2011. — # 2.
4. Dovgan' E. F. Kompensacija transgranichnogo ushherba v mezhdunarodnom jekologicheskom prave // Nauchno-prakticheskij zhurnal «». — 2010. — # 3.
5. Dovgan' E. F. Pravo cheloveka na blagoprijatnuju okruzhajushhuju sredu: mezhdunarodnye i nacional'nye mehanizmy zashhity // Nauchno-prakticheskij zhurnal «». — 2012. — # 6. — S. 109–114;
6. Dovgan' E. F. Sredstva mirnogo razreshenija mezhdunarodnyh jekologicheskih sporov // Mezhdunarodnoe publichnoe pravo. Osobennaja chast': ucheb. posobie / pod red. Ju. P. Brovki, Ju. A. Lepeshkova [i dr.]. — Mn.:Amalfeja, 2011.
7. Dovgan' E. F. Jekologicheskie prava cheloveka: mezhdunarodnye mehanizmy zashhity // Jekologija: sintez estestvenno-nauchnogo, tehnicheskogo i gumanitarnogo znanija: materialy III Vseros. nauch. — prakt. Foruma (Saratov, 10–12 oktjabrja 2012 g.) i I Shkoly interjeko-
prava (Saratov, 11–12 oktjabrja 2012 g.). — Saratov: Izdvo EvrAzNIIPP, 2012.
8. Dovgan' E. F., Konnova E. V. Uchebno-metodicheskij kompleks po discipline «Mezhdunarodnoe jekologicheskoe pravo» dlja special'nosti 1–24 01 01 «Mezhdunarodnoe pravo» // Jelektronnaja biblioteka Belorusskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa:
9. Dubrovnik E. V. Implementacija mezhdunarodnyh objazatel'stv v oblasti zashhity okruzhajushhej sredy v period vooruzhennogo konflikta v zakonodatel'stve Respubliki Belarus' // Belarus' v sovremennom mire:materialy X Mezhdunar. nauch. konf., posvjashh. 90-letiju obrazovanija Belorus. gos. un-ta, Minsk, 28 okt. 2011 g./ redkol.: V. G. Shadurskij [i dr.]. — Mn.: Tesej, 2011.
10. Dubrovnik E. V. Osobennosti kvalifikacii ser'eznyh narushenij mezhdunarodnogo gumanitarnogo prava na primere instituta mezhdunarodno-pravovoj zashhity okruzhajushhej sredy v period vooruzhennogo konflikta // Mezhdunarodnye otnoshenija: istorija, teorija, praktika: materialy I nauch. — prakt. konf. molodyh uchenyh fak. mezhdunar. otnoshenij BGU, Minsk, 4 fevr. 2010 g. / redkol.: V. G. Shadurskij [i dr.]. — Mn.:Izd. Centr BGU, 2010.
11. Dubrovnik E. V. Osobennosti mezhdunarodno-pravovoj otvetstvennosti za vred, prichinjaemyj okruzhajushhej srede v period vooruzhennogo konflikta // Aktual'nye problemy mezhdunarodnogo publichnogo i mezhdunarodnogo chastnogo prava: sb. nauch. tr. Vyp. 3 / redkol.:E. V. Babkina [i dr.]. — Mn.: BGU, 2011.
12. Zybajlo A. I. K voprosu o ponjatii «ustojchivoe razvitie» // Belarus' v sovremennom mire: materialy X Mezhdunar. nauch. konf., posvjashh. 90-letiju obrazovanija Belorus. gos. un-ta, Minsk, 29 okt. 2011 g. / redkol.: V. G. Shadurskij [i dr.]. — Mn.: BGU, 2011.
13. Zybajlo A. I. Formirovanie koncepcii ustojchivogo razvitija i ee otrazhenie v mezhdunarodnom prave (poslevoennyj period — do Konferencii Rio-de-Zhanejro po okruzhajushhej srede i razvitiju 1992 g.) // Nauchno-prakticheskij zhurnal «». — 2012. — # 2.
14. Zybajlo A. I. Formirovanie koncepcii ustojchivogo razvitija i ee otrazhenie v mezhdunarodnom prave (ot Konferencii v Rio-de-Zhanejro 1992 g. do Sammita v Johannesburge 2002 g.) // Nauchno-prakticheskij zhurnal «». — 2012. — # 3.
15. Zybajlo A. I. Formirovanie koncepcii ustojchivogo razvitija i ee otrazhenie v mezhdunarodnom prave (ot Sammita v Johannesburge 2002 g. po nastojashhee vremja) // Nauchno-prakticheskij zhurnal «». —2012. — # 5.
16. Konvencija po ohrane i ispol'zovaniju transgranichnyh vodotokov i mezhdunarodnyh ozer ot 17 mar. 1992 g. // Evropejskaja jekonomicheskaja komissija OON [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa:
17. Konnova E. V. K voprosu o primenenii peregovorov i konsul'tacij dlja uregulirovanija mezhdunarodnyh sporov v sfere ohrany okruzhajushhej sredy // Gumanitarno-jekonomicheskij vestnik. — 2010. — # 4.
18. Lepeshkov Ju. A. 15-letie Konvencii OON o prave nesudohodnyh vidov ispol'zovanija mezhdunarodnyh vodotokov: sovremennoj sostojanie i perspektivy // Belarus' v sovremennom mire: materialy XI Mezhdunar. nauch. konf., posvjashh. 91-letiju obrazovanija Belorus.gos. un-ta, Minsk, 30 okt. 2012 g. / redkol.: V. G. Shadurskij [i dr.]. — Mn.: Tesej, 2011.
19. Lepeshkov Ju. A. K voprosu o vzaimodejstvii gosudarstv-uchastnikov SNG v oblasti racional'nogo ispol'zovanija i ohrany transgranichnyh vodnyh ob"ektov // Aktual'nye problemy sovremennogo mezhdunarodnogo prava: materialy ezhegodnoj mezhvuzovskoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. Moskva, 9–10 aprelja 2010 g. / pod red. A. H. Abashidze [i dr.].Chast' II. — Moskva: RUDN, 2011.
20. Lepeshkov Ju. A. Spravedlivoe i racional'noe ispol'zovanie mezhdunarodnyh vodotokov (pravovye aspekty)// Trudy fakul'teta mezhdunarodnyh otnoshenij 2012:nauchnyj sbornik. Vypusk 3. — 2012. —
21. Lepeshkov Ju. A. Jekologicheskij aspekt ustojchivogo razvitija: ponjatie i soderzhanie // Trudy fakul'teta mezhdunarodnyh otnoshenij BGU: nauch. sb. Vyp. II /redkol.: V. G. Shadurskij (gl. red.) [i dr.]. — Mn.: BGU, 2011.
22. Fironova I. N. Liberalizacija mezhdunarodnoj tor govli i ohrana okruzhajushhej sredy v mezhdunarodnom prave: istorija i vzaimodejstvie // Mezhdunarodnye otnoshenija: istorija, teorija, praktika: materialy II nauch. — prakt. konf. molodyh uchenyh fak. mezhdunar.otnoshenij BGU, Minsk, 2 apr. 2012 g. / redkol.: V. G. Shadurskij [i dr.]. — Mn.: Izd. Centr BGU, 2010.
23. Fironova I. N. Mezhdunarodno-pravovye aspekty sootnoshenija liberalizacii torgovli i ohrany okruzhajushhej sredy: istorija razvitija // Nauchno-prakticheskij zhurnal «». —2013. —# 1.
24. Fironova I. N. Problema kollizij mezhdunarodnogo prava v oblasti ohrany okruzhajushhej sredy // Belarus' v sovremennom mire: materialy X Mezhdunar. nauch. konf., posvjashh. 90-letiju obrazovanija Belorus. gos. un-ta, Minsk, 28 okt. 2011 g. / redkol.: V. G. Shadurskij [i dr.]. —Mn.: Tesej, 2011.
Panchenko V. Yu.
On the structures of legal interaction
The article analyzes the structural levels of legal interaction. The author substantiates the conclusions that individual specific legal activities of the subjects involved in the interaction are the elements of legal interaction, and the connection between them at various levels is the structure; that there is a need to abandon the subject approach to the structure of the legal activities. The following levels are distinguished and characterized: legal production; mutual legal effect; exchange of legal activities, including legal co-production and creation of legal means as the types; level of relations between the legal interests and legal objectives of the participants of legal cooperation.
Keywords: legal interaction, structural analysis, legal activities, legal assistance to the implementation of the rights and legitimate interests, legal interests, legal objectives, legal means.
Work bibliographic list
1. Alekseev P. V., Panin A. V. Filosofija: Uchebnik.— 3-e izd., pererab. i dop. — M.: TK Velbi, Izd-vo Prospekt, 2005.
Work bibliographic list
1. Alekseev P. V., Panin A. V. Filosofija: Uchebnik.— 3-e izd., pererab. i dop. — M.: TK Velbi, Izd-vo Prospekt, 2005.
2. Vershinin A. P. Sootnoshenie kategorij «pravovoe povedenie» i «pravovaja dejatel'nost'» // Juridicheskaja dejatel'nost': sushhnost', struktura, vidy: Sb. nauch. tr. — Jaroslavl': JarGU, 1989.
3. Vitruk N. V. O ponjatijah v juridicheskoj nauke // Pravovye sostojanija i vzaimodejstvija: istoriko-teoreticheskij, otraslevoj i mezhotraslevoj analiz. Pravovye sostojanija i vzaimodejstvija: istoriko-teoreticheskij, otraslevoj i mezhotraslevoj analiz: materialy VII mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-teoreticheskoj konferencii (Sankt-Peterburg, 1–2 dek. 2006 g.). — Ch. I. — SPb.: Sankt-Peterburgskij un-t MVD Rossii, 2006.
4. Voronov A. A. Advokatskaja kibernetika: podhody i analiz // Evrazijskaja advokatura. 2013. # 5 (6). — S. 101–107.
5. Danakin N. S. Tehnologii sotrudnichestva i protivoborstva: Materialy mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii «Konflikty, mnogoobrazie, puti i sposoby preodolenija» / Danakin N. S., Djatchenko L. Ja.; Belgorodskij Centr social'nyh tehnologij. — Belgorod: BGU, 1993.
6. Dehanov S. A. Isk kak universal'noe sredstvo zashhity grazhdanskih prav // Evrazijskaja advokatura. 2013. — # 6 (7). — S. 73–77.
7. Zhalinskij A. Je. Osnovy professional'noj dejatel'nosti jurista. — Smolensk: SGU, 1995.
8. Kagan M. S. Chelovecheskaja dejatel'nost' (Opyt sistemnogo analiza). — M.: Politizdat, 1974.
9. Kartashov V. N. Juridicheskaja dejatel'nost': ponjatie struktura cennost'. — Saratov: SGU, 1989.
10. Mal'ko A. V. Stimuly i ogranichenija v prave. — 2-e izd., pererab. i dop. — M.: Jurist", 2004.
11. Mal'ko A. V. Teorija pravovoj politiki. — M.: Jurlitniform, 2012.
12. Nikolov L. Struktury chelovecheskoj dejatel'nosti. — M.: Nauka, 1984.
13. Obrazcov V. A. Kriminalistika: parnye kategorii. — M.: Izdatel'stvo «Jurlitinform», 2007.
14. Panchenko V. Ju. Pravootnoshenie i pravovoe vzaimodejstvie: aspekty sootnoshenija // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. — 2014. — # 4.
15. Sorokin P. Sistema sociologii: V 2 t. — T. 1. — M.: Nauka, 1993.
16. Tarbagaeva E. B. Mesto pravovyh kooperativov v sfere okazanija juridicheskih uslug naseleniju // Pravovedenie. — 1992. — # 3.
17. Fatkullin F. N. Problemy obshhej teorii socialisticheskoj pravovoj nadstrojki. — Kazan': Izd-vo Kazan. un-ta, 1980. — T. 1.
18. Filippova S. Ju. Instrumental'nyj podhod v nauke chastnogo prava. — M.: Statut, 2013.
Tsyganov V. I., Romanovskaya V. B.
Tsyganov V. I., Romanovskaya V. B.
Ideological origins of Eurasianism
The article is devoted to the establishment of the Eurasian theory of the state at the beginning of
the 20th century and the role of Russian philosophers-immigrants in creating this movement. Particular attention is paid to the role of religious and moral bases as spiritual bonds of Russian society.
Keywords: Eurasianism, spiritual bonds, religious and moral bases, Turanian psychological type.
Work bibliographic list
1. Azanov B. K. Evrazijskij sojuz Belorussii, Kazahstana, Rossii — kakoe budushhee? // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa:
Work bibliographic list
1. Azanov B. K. Evrazijskij sojuz Belorussii, Kazahstana, Rossii — kakoe budushhee? // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa:
2. Zhdanov P. S. Voprosy prava v rabotah russkih religioznyh filosofov konca XIX — pervoj poloviny XX veka: Diss… kand. jurid. nauk. — N. Novgorod, 2010.
3. Krymov A. V. Evrazijskoe pravoponimanie // Izvestija vysshih uchebnyh zavedenij. Pravovedenie.— 2009.— # 6.
4. Krymov A. V., Romanovskaja V. B. «Evrazijskaja doktrina gosudarstva i prava». — N. Novgorod: Izd-vo Nizhegorodskogo gosuniversiteta, 2010.
5. Narochnickaja N. A., Mjalo K. G. Eshhjo raz o «evrazijskom soblazne» // Nash sovremennik. — 1995. — # 4.
6. Panarin A. S. Rossija v Evrazii: geopoliticheskie vyzovy i civilizacionnye otvety // Voprosy filosofii. — 1994. — # 12.
7. Panarin A. S. Evrazijstvo: za i protiv, vchera i segodnja // Voprosy filosofii. — 1995. — # 6.
8. Romanovskaja V. B. Duhovnost' i pravosoznanie (sootnoshenie fenomenov). Vestnik Nizhegorodskogo universiteta im. N. I. Lobachevskogo. Serija: Pravo. — 2001. — # 1.
9. Trubeckoj N. S. O turanskom jelemente v russkoj kul'ture // Evrazijskij vremennik. — Berlin: Evrazijskoe knigoizdatel'stvo, 1925.
10. Cyganov V. I. Ideja russkogo samoderzhavija v trudah K. N. Leont'eva, K. P. Pobedonosceva, D. A. Homjakova // Vestnik Nizhegorodskogo universiteta im. N. I. Lobachevskogo. — 2013. — # 3–2.
11. Cyganov V. I. K. P. Pobedonoscev ob opasnostjah parlamentarizma v Rossii // Vestnik Nizhegorodskogo universiteta im. N. I. Lobachevskogo. — 2003. —# 2.
Gorodezky M. V.
Gorodezky M. V.
Refutation of liberalism
The author criticizes the ideology of liberalism in three directions: legal, social and metaphysical. In legal direction he criticizes the notion of human rights on the basis of natural law concept. In social direction he criticizes the concept of a civic nation as a project of enlightenment, which turned out to be historically untenable. In metaphysical direction he postulates and describes the structure of choice as a transcendental foundation of liberalism that has basic ideological and political meaning.
Keywords: human rights, natural law, commonwealth, civic nation, the social contract, the system of objects, the consumption, structure of choice, concept of article, abstraction, nominalism, categorical level of language, clipping.
Work bibliographic list
1. Agamben Dzh. Grjadushhee soobshhestvo / Per. s it. Dm. Novikova. — M.: Tri kvadrata, 2008.
Work bibliographic list
1. Agamben Dzh. Grjadushhee soobshhestvo / Per. s it. Dm. Novikova. — M.: Tri kvadrata, 2008.
2. Bodrijjar Zh. Sistema veshhej / Per. s fr. S. Zenkina. —M.: Rudomino, 1995.
3. Gugo Grocij. O prave vojny i mira: Reprint. S izd. 1956 g. — M.: Ladomir, 1994.
4. Debor G. Obshhestvo spektaklja / Per. s fr. S. Ofertas i M. Jakubovich. Red. B. Skuratov. Posleslovie A. Kefal. — M.: Izdatel'stvo «Logos» 2000.
5. Konstan B. O svobode u drevnih v ee sravnenii so svobodoj u sovremennyh ljudej. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. —Rezhim dostupa:–2-Konstan-O_svobode.pdf.
6. Lokk Dzh. Sochinenija: V 3 t. — T. 3. — M.: Mysl', 1988.
7. Ciceron Mark Tullij. O gosudarstve. O zakonah. O starosti. O druzhbe. Ob objazannostjah. Rechi. Pis'ma / Predisl. E. I. Temnova. — M.: Mysl', 1999.
Zinovieva T. N.
Zinovieva T. N.
The state-legal regulation of land ownership and land use of non-Russian peoples of the Northern Caucasus at the end of the 18th — at the beginning of the 20th centuries
The article deals with the study of historic experience of state-legal regulation of land relations of nomadic and highland peoples of the Northern Caucasus at the end of the 18th — beginning of the 20th centuries. The author pays attention to the peculiarities of these relations being connected with colonization and settlement of the specified territories by the Russian Empire at that period of history. The normative legal documents of imperial and local importance valid for that territory and regulating the land ownership and land use of non-Russian peoples of the Northern Caucasus are considered.
Keywords: land law policy, non-Russian peoples, land ownership, land use right, common law, land regulations, supply of land.
Work bibliographic list
1. Statisticheskogo Komiteta / Pod red. L. T. Sokolova. —T. 15. — Ekaterinodar, 1910.
Work bibliographic list
1. Statisticheskogo Komiteta / Pod red. L. T. Sokolova. —T. 15. — Ekaterinodar, 1910.
2. Polnoe sobranie zakonov Rossijskoj imperii. Sobranie pervoe (1649–1825). / Pod red. M. M. Speranskogo. T. XIX. SPb.: Tip. II Otdelenija Sobstvennoj Ego Imperatorskogo Velichestva Kanceljarii, 1830.
3. Polnoe sobranie zakonov Rossijskoj imperii. Sobranie pervoe (1649–1825). / Pod red. M. M. Speranskogo. T. XL. SPb.: Tip. II Otdelenija Sobstvennoj Ego Imperatorskogo Velichestva Kanceljarii, 1830.
4. Polnoe sobranie zakonov Rossijskoj imperii. Sobranie vtoroe (1825–1881). T. X. Ch. 2. SPb.: Tip. II Otdelenija Sobstvennoj Ego Imperatorskogo Velichestva Kanceljarii, 1835.
5. Polnoe sobranie zakonov Rossijskoj imperii. Sobranie vtoroe (1825–1881). T. XII. Ch. 2. SPb.: Tip. II Otdelenija Sobstvennoj Ego Imperatorskogo Velichestva Kanceljarii, 1837.
6. Polnoe sobranie zakonov Rossijskoj imperii. Sobranie vtoroe (1825–1881). T. XXI. Ch. 2. SPb.: Tip. II Otdelenija Sobstvennoj Ego Imperatorskogo Velichestva Kanceljarii, 1846.
7. Polnoe sobranie zakonov Rossijskoj imperii. Sobranie vtoroe (1825–1881). T. XXII. Ch. 1. SPb.: Tip. II Otdelenija Sobstvennoj Ego Imperatorskogo Velichestva Kanceljarii, 1847.
8. Polnoe sobranie zakonov Rossijskoj imperii. Sobranie vtoroe (1825–1881). T. XXVIII. Ch. 1. SPb.: Tip. II Otdelenija Sobstvennoj Ego Imperatorskogo Velichestva Kanceljarii, 1853.
9. Polnoe sobranie zakonov Rossijskoj imperii. Sobranie vtoroe (1825–1881). T. XXXVII. Ch. 1. SPb.: Tip. II Otdelenija Sobstvennoj Ego Imperatorskogo Velichestva Kanceljarii, 1862.
10. Polnoe sobranie zakonov Rossijskoj imperii. Sobranie vtoroe (1825–1881). T. XLIII. Ch. 2. SPb.: Tip. II Otdelenija Sobstvennoj Ego Imperatorskogo Velichestva Kanceljarii, 1868.
11. Polnoe sobranie zakonov Rossijskoj imperii. Sobranie tret'e (1881–1913). T. III. SPb. 1886.
12. Shackij P. A. Russkaja kolonizacija territorii Karachaevo-Cherkesii// Istorija gorskih i kochevyh narodov Severnogo Kavkaza. Vyp.1. Stavropol', 1975.
Ozdoev T. H.
Ozdoev T. H.
The formation of political-legal system in modern Ingushetia: historical aspect
The article analyzes the factors that contributed to the formation of the political and legal framework for the establishment of the Republic of Ingushetia within Post-Soviet Russia. Conflict potential of social and political instability which contributes to the stagnation in the development of the country is revealed.
Keywords: Republic of Ingushetia, the Ossetian-Ingush conflict, social and political stability, politico-legal system.
Work bibliographic list
1. Normativno-pravovye akty novejshej istorii / Sost. A. Mal'sagov. Postojannoe predstavitel'stvo Respubliki Ingushetija pri Prezidente RF. – Moskva-Nazran', 1997.
Work bibliographic list
1. Normativno-pravovye akty novejshej istorii / Sost. A. Mal'sagov. Postojannoe predstavitel'stvo Respubliki Ingushetija pri Prezidente RF. – Moskva-Nazran', 1997.
2. Konstitucija Respubliki Ingushetija. – Nazran', 1994.
3. Gudkov L. Radikalizm na Kavkaze budet tol'ko usilivat'sja // Vlast'. – 2006. – 18 sentjabrja.
4. Degoev V. Bol'shaja igra na Kavkaze. – M.: Russkaja panorama, 2001.
5. Likvidacija ochagov mezhnacional'nyh konfliktov // Nacional'naja doktrina Rossii (problemy i prioritety). – M., 1994.
6. Mihajlov V.A. O nekotoryh strategicheskih podhodah k dostizheniju social'no-politicheskoj stabil'nosti na «Rossijskom Kavkaze» v novyh uslovijah. // Voprosy nacional'nyh i federativnyh otnoshenij. – 2011. –#1 (1).
7. Oficial'nyj sajt Respubliki Ingushetija [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
8. Medvedev R. Vojna v Chechne i vojna na stranicah pechati [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
9. Tuzov N.V. Severnyj Kavkaz: jetnos, religija, politika.– M.: Moskovskij dom nacional'nostej, 2003.
Podlobnikova E. V.
Podlobnikova E. V.
On the approaches to the concept of the legal regime
The article discusses the concept of regime in the non-legal sense, as well as analysis of the main
approaches to the determination of the legal regime of different authors. On this basis, the author
identified signs of legal regime.
Key words: regime, legal regime, concept and sign of legal regime, the main approaches to the definition.
Work bibliographic list
1. Avdeev M. Ju., Grudcyna L. Ju. Demokratija, narod i grazhdanskoe obshhestvo v Rossii // Evrazijskaja advokatura. 2013. # 5 (6). — S. 87–93.
Work bibliographic list
1. Avdeev M. Ju., Grudcyna L. Ju. Demokratija, narod i grazhdanskoe obshhestvo v Rossii // Evrazijskaja advokatura. 2013. # 5 (6). — S. 87–93.
2. Alekseev S. S. Pravo. Azbuka. Teorija. Filosofija. Opyt kompleksnogo issledovanija. — M.: Izdatel'skaja gruppa NORMA — INFRA-M., 1998.
3. Alekseev S. S. Teorija prava. — M., 2000.
4. Beljaev V. P., Beljaeva G. S. K voprosu o ponjatii i sushhnosti processual'nogo pravovogo rezhima// Vserossijskij nauchnyj zhurnal «Voprosy pravovedenija». —2013. — # 2.
5. Beljaeva G. S. Pravovoj rezhim v obshheteoreticheskom izmerenii: Monografija. — M.: Jurlitinform, 2013.
6. Bol'shoj tolkovyj medicinskij slovar' [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa:
7. Borisov A. B. Bol'shoj jekonomicheskij slovar'. — M.: Knizhnyj mir, 2003.
8. Golovnja E. V. Pravovoj rezhim jelektrojenergetiki: Avtoref. dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. — M., 2013.
9. Iljushina M. N. Pravovoj rezhim sdelok v kommercheskom oborote i v oborote dolej hozjajstvennyh obshhestv: obshhee i osobennoe: Avtoref. dis. … d-ra jurid. nauk. — M., 2012.
10. Isakov V. B. Mehanizm pravovogo regulirovanija i pravovye rezhimy // Problemy teorii gosudarstva i prava. — M., 1987.
11. Mal'ko A. V., Rodionov O. S. Pravovye rezhimy v rossijskom zakonodatel'stve // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. — 2001. — # 9.
12. Matuzov N. I. Mal'ko A. V. Pravovye rezhimy: voprosy teorii i praktiki // Izvestija vuzov «Pravovedenie». — 1996. — # 4.
13. Matuzov N. I., Mal'ko A. V. Teorija gosudarstva i prava. — M., 2004.
14. Mir slovarej [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa:
15. Morozova L. A. Konstitucionnoe regulirovanie v SSSR. — M., 1985.
16. Mustafaeva A., Mamedov V. Medicinskoe pravo — sostavnaja chast' biojetiki i novoe napravlenie juridicheskoj nauki // Evrazijskaja advokatura. 2013. # 6 (7). —S. 78–86.
17. Nesterchuk Ju. N. Pravovoj rezhim nefti kak ob"ekt jekonomicheskogo oborota: Avtoref. dis. … kand. jurid.nauk. — M., 2012.
18. Ozhegov S. I. Slovar' russkogo jazyka 70000 slov / Pod red. N. Ju. Shvedovoj. — 22 izd., ster. — M.: Rus. jaz., 1990.
19. Pravovye rezhimy: obshheteoreticheskij i otraslevoj aspekty: Monografija / Pod. red. A. V. Mal'ko, I. S. Barzilovoj. — M.: Jurlitinform, 2012.
20. Problemy teorii gosudarstva i prava / Pod. red. M. N. Marchenko. — M: Jurist", 2001.
21. Rostunova O. S. Pravovoj rezhim arkticheskoj zony RF: Avtoref. dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. — M., 2012.
22. Rubchenko S. O. Processual'no-pravovoj rezhim juridicheskoj dejatel'nosti: voprosy teorii i praktiki:Avtoref. dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. — Kazan', 2012.
23. Seliverstova O. I. Mezhdunarodno-pravovoj rezhim voennyh baz RF za rubezhom: Avtoref. dis. … kandidat juridicheskih nauk. — M., 2012.
24. Slovar' russkih sinonimov i shodnyh po smyslu vyrazhenij [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa:
25. Sovremennaja rossijskaja pravovaja politika v sfere juridicheskoj pomoshhi / Pod red. V. Ju. Panchenko: Monografija. — M.: RIOR, INFRA-M, 2013.
26. Teorija gosudarstva i prava: Ucheb. dlja jurid. vuzov i fakul'tetov / Pod red. S. S. Alekseeva. — M.: Norma.
27. Fundamental'naja jelektronnaja biblioteka «Russkaja literatura i fol'klor» [Jelektronnyj resurs]. —Re-zhim dostupa:
28. Habibullina A. Sh. Grazhdansko-pravovoj rezhim upravlenija juridicheskim licom, nahodjashhimsja na stadii likvidacii: Avtoref. dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. — M., 2013.
29. Chuprina L. V Rezhim ispytanij pri uslovno-dosrochnom osvobozhdenii: Avtoref. dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. —Tomsk, 2012.
30. Shabaeva O. A. Naznachenie i funkcii pooshhritel'nyh pravovyh rezhimov v pravovoj sisteme Rossii // Rol' mezhdunarodnyh i vnutrigosudarstvennyh rekomendatel'nyh aktov v pravovoj sisteme Rossii: materialy «kruglogo stola» s mezhdunarodnym uchastiem (Irkutsk, 26 aprelja 2013 g). —Irkutsk, 2013.
31. Shafirov V. M. Chelovekocentrijskij podhod k poni- maju prava // Pravo Ukrainy. —2011. —# 1.
Vorontsova M. A.
Issues of ensuring legal safety of the child in the Russian Federation: theoretical and legal approach
Article is devoted to issues of legal safety of the child in Russia. Process of formation and specifics of legal safety of children in the Russian Federation is considered. The main and special subjects of ensuring legal safety of the child are designated.
Keywords: legal safety, minor, safety, rights, freedoms.
Work bibliographic list
1. Konvencija o pravah rebenka (N'ju-Jork, 20.11.1989) [Jelektronnyj resurs] // SPS «Konsul'tant pljus».
Work bibliographic list
1. Konvencija o pravah rebenka (N'ju-Jork, 20.11.1989) [Jelektronnyj resurs] // SPS «Konsul'tant pljus».
2. Konstitucija Rossijskoj Federacii (prinjata vsenarodnym golosovaniem 12.12.1993) (s uchetom popravok, vnesennyh zakonami RF o popravkah k Konstitucii RF
ot 30.12.2008 # 6-FKZ, ot 30.12.2008 # 7-FKZ) // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF.— 26.01.2009.— # 4.— St. 445.
3. Semejnyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ot 29.12.1995 # 223-FZ (red. ot 25.11. 2013) // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF.— 01.01.1996.— # 1.— St. 16.
4. Federal'nyj zakon ot 28.12.2010 # 390-FZ «O bezopasnosti»// Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF.— 03.01.2011.—# 1.— St. 2.
5. Ukaz Prezidenta RF ot 12.05.2009 # 537 «O Strategii nacional'noj bezopasnosti Rossijskoj Federacii do 2020 goda» // Rossijskaja gazeta.— 19.05.2009.—# 88.
6. Ukaz Prezidenta RF ot 01.06.2012 # 761 «O Nacional'noj strategii dejstvij v interesah detej na 2012–2017 gody» // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF.— 04.06.2012.—# 23.— St. 2994.
7. Abramov V. I. Prava rebenka v Rossii (teoreticheskij aspekt) / Pod red. N. I. Matizova.— Saratov: Izd-vo GOU VPO «Saratovskaja gosudarstvennaja akademija prava», 2005.
8. Antokol'skaja M. V. Semejnoe pravo: Uchebnik.— 3-e izd., pererab. i dop.— M.: Norma: Infra-M, 2010.
9. Kalina E. S. Gosudarstvenno-pravovoj mehanizm obespechenija prava na bezopasnost' lichnosti v Rossijskoj Federacii: teoreticheskoe administrativno-pravovoe issledovanie: Dis. … kand. jurid. nauk.— Cheljabinsk, 2004.
10. Kolotkina O. V. Prava lichnosti na bezopasnost': ponjatie i mehanizm obespechenija v Rossijskoj Federacii: teoretiko-pravovoe issledovanie: Dis. … kand. jurid. nauk.— Ekaterinburg, 2009.
11. Kombarov N. V. Konstitucionno-pravovoj status nesovershennoletnego.— Gatchina: LOIJeF, 2008.
12. Maslou A. G. Motivacija i lichnost'.— SPb.: Evrazija, 1999.
13. Osipov V. A. Pravovaja bezopasnost' v sisteme nacional'noj bezopasnosti // Rossijskaja justicija.— 2008.— # 11.
14. Sarapulov V. N. Ugrozy juridicheskoj bezopasnosti cheloveka v sfere jurisprudencii.— Naberezhnye Chelny:Izd-vo Kamskoj gosud. inzh.— jekon. akad., 2006.
15. Terehova N. N. Gosudarstvenno-pravovye osnovy bezopasnosti lichnosti v Rossii Federacii.— M.: Nauka, 2009.
16. Shiro S. V. Zashhita prav rebenka v Rossijskoj Federacii: Ucheb. posobie.— Volgograd: Peremena, 2004.
17. Children's Rights. International Encyclopedia of Marriage and Family. 2003 [Jelektronnyj resurs].— Rezhim dostupa:–3406900073.html
Nechkin A. V.
Concept and structure of the constitutional and legal status of the supreme body of the executive power of the Russian Federation
The article considers the correlation of the concepts of constitutional status and legal personality.
The definition of the concept of constitutional status is formulated and some of its elements were
Keywords: constitutional status, legal personality, the Russian Government.
Work bibliographic list
1. Avak'jan S. A. Konstitucionnoe pravo Rossii: V 2 t.—M., 2010.— T. 1.
Work bibliographic list
1. Avak'jan S. A. Konstitucionnoe pravo Rossii: V 2 t.—M., 2010.— T. 1.
2. Alekseev S. S. Pravo: azbuka — teorija — filosofija:opyt kompleksnogo issledovanija.— M., 1999.
3. Arhipov S. I. Sub"ekt prava: teoreticheskoe issledovanie.— SPb., 2004.
4. Baboshin O. A. Sistema otrasli konstitucionnogo prava: voprosy formirovanija i strukturnogo soderzhanija // Rossijskij juridicheskij zhurnal.— 2000.—# 3.
5. Bahrah D. N. Administrativnoe pravo Rossii.— M., 2010.
6. Bogdanova N. A. Kategorija statusa v konstitucionnom prave // Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta. Serija 11. Pravo.— 1998.— # 3.
7. Gabrichidze B. N. Konstitucionnyj status organov Sovetskogo gosudarstva.— M., 1982.
8. Grazhdanskij kodeks RF (chast' pervaja) ot 30.11.1994 # 51-FZ (v red. ot 02.07.2013) // SZ RF.— 1994.— # 32.—St. 3301.
9. Dzidzoev R. M. Pravitel'stvennaja vlast': rossijskoe izmerenie.— Krasnodar, 2010.
10. Dolinskaja V. V. Pravovoj status i pravosub"ektnost'// Zakony Rossii: opyt, analiz, praktika.— 2012.—# 2.
11. Kokotov A. N. Konstitucionnoe pravo kak otrasl' rossijskogo prava // Problemy nauki konstitucionnogo prava / Otv. red. A. N. Kokotov, M. I. Kukushkin.— Ekaterinburg, 1998.
12. Konstitucionnoe pravo Rossijskoj Federacii / Pod red. M. I. Kukushkina.— Ekaterinburg, 1995.
13. Konstitucionnoe pravo Rossii / Otv. red. A. N. Kokotov, M. I. Kukushkin.— M., 2010.
14. Konstitucionnoe (gosudarstvennoe) pravo zarubezhnyh stran: V 4 t. / Otv. red. B. A. Strashun.— M., 2000.— T. 1–2.
15. Konstitucija RF ot 12 dekabrja 1993 g. (s uch. Popravok vnesennyh Zakonami Rossijskoj Federacii o popravkah k Konstitucii RF ot 30.12.2008 # 6-FKZ, ot 30.12.2008 # 7-FKZ, ot 05.02.2014 # 2-FKZ) // Rossijskaja gazeta.— 1993.— 25 dekabrja — # 237; SZ RF.—2014.— # 9.— St. 851.
16. Kutafin O. E. Predmet konstitucionnogo prava.— M., 2001.
17. Luchin V. O. Konstitucionnye normy i pravootnoshenija.— M., 1997.__ 18. Meshherjakov A. N. Konstitucionnye sposoby vozdejstvija Prezidenta RF na ispolnitel'nuju vlast' i svjazannye s nimi osobennosti rossijskoj formy pravlenija // Konstitucionnoe i municipal'noe pravo.— 2005.— # 5.
19. Nesmejanova S. Je. Ponjatie i struktura konstitucionno-pravovogo statusa organa gosudarstvennoj vlasti (na primere Konstitucionnogo Suda RF) // Konstitucionnoe i municipal'noe pravo.— 2010.— # 7.
20. Nehajchik V. K. Prakticheskoe ispol'zovanie pravovyh konstrukcij «sub"ekty prava», «pravovoj status», «juridicheskoe lico» v sovremennyh uslovijah rossijskoj gosudarstvennosti // Garmonizacija chastnyh i publichnyh interesov. Vyp. 2.— Saratov, 2005.
21. Postanovlenie Konstitucionnogo Suda RF ot 27 janvarja 1999 g. # 2-P «Po delu o tolkovanii statej 71 (punkt «g»), 76 (chast' 1) i 112 (chast' 1) Konstitucii RF» // SZ RF.— 1999.— # 6.— St. 866.
22. Postanovlenie Pravitel'stva RF «O Reglamente Pravitel'stva RF i Polozhenii ob Apparate Pravitel'stva RF» ot 01.06.2004 # 260 (v red. ot 18.09.2013) // SZ RF.— 2004.— # 23.— St. 2313.
23. Problemy obshhej teorii prava i gosudarstva / Pod red. V. S. Nersesjanca.— M., 2004.
24. Tihomirov Ju. A. Teorija kompetencii.— M., 2001.
25. Ukaz Prezidenta RF ot 9 marta 2004 g. # 314 (red. ot 22.06.2010) «O sisteme i strukture federal'nyh organov ispolnitel'noj vlasti» // SZ RF.— 2004.—# 11.— St. 945.
26. Federal'nyj konstitucionnyj zakon «O Pravitel'stve RF» ot 17.12.1997 # 2-FKZ (v red. ot 07.05.2013) //SZ RF.— 1997.— # 51.— St. 5712.
Shishenina I. V.
Shishenina I. V.
On the history of adoption of the Russian Constitution of 1993
This article is dedicated to the study of the complex and contradictory period in the history of the Russian state — constitutional reform period (1990–1993), namely, the issue of adoption of the Russian Constitution of 1993. The article researches the stages of constitutional reform, the activity of the Constitutional Commission and the Constitutional Council on the drafting of the Constitution of the Russian Federation of 1993.
Keywords: constitutional reform, constitutional reform stages, drafts of the Constitution, the Constitutional Commission, the Constitutional Council.
1. Avak'jan S. A. Konstitucija Rossii: priroda, jevoljucija, sovremennost'. — 2-e izd. — M., 2000.
1. Avak'jan S. A. Konstitucija Rossii: priroda, jevoljucija, sovremennost'. — 2-e izd. — M., 2000.
2. Baglaj M. V. Konstitucionnoe pravo Rossijskoj Federacii: Ucheb. dlja vuzov. — 3-e izd., izm. i dop. — M., 2002.
3. But'ko L. V. Konstitucionnaja reforma: Teoretikopravovoj analiz: Dis. d-ra jurid. nauk. — SPb., 1998.
4. Gosudarstvennoe pravo Rossijskoj Federacii: Uchebnik / Pod red. O. E. Kutafina. — M., 1996.
5. Deklaracija S"ezda narodnyh deputatov RSFSR ot 12.06.1990 g. # 22–1 «O gosudarstvennom suverenitete RSFSR» // Vedomosti S"ez-da narodnyh deputatov i Verhovnogo Soveta RSFSR. — 1990. — # 2. — St. 22.
6. Doklad Prezidenta RF B. El'cina na otkrytii Konstitucionnogo soveshhanija 5 ijunja 1993 goda // Konstitucionnoe soveshhanie: Informacionnyj bjulleten' /Administracija Prezidenta RF; Otv. red. I. Shablinskij. — M., 1993. — # 1: Avgust, 1993.
7. Zor'kin V. Konstitucija — jeto kompromiss interesov // Analiticheskie materialy k proektam Konstitucii Rossijskoj Federacii. — M.: Verhovnyj Sovet Rossijskoj Federacii, 1993.
8. Otchet o rabote Konstitucionnoj komissii (ijun' 1990 g. — nojabr' 1992 g.) // Proekt Konstitucii Rossijskoj Federacii. Dopolnitel'nye materialy k sborniku «Proekt Konstitucii RF». — M., 1992.
9. Postanovlenie Verhovnogo Soveta RF ot 04.06.1993 g. # 5110–1 «O porjadke soglasovanija i prinjatija proekta Konstitucii RF» // Vedomosti S"ezda narodnyh deputatov RF i Verhovnogo Soveta RF. —17.06.1993. — # 24. —St. 875.
10. Postanovlenie Verhovnogo Soveta RF ot 20.07.1993 g. # 5469– «O rabote nad proektom Konstitucii RF» //Vedomosti S"ezda narodnyh deputatov RF i Verhovnogo Soveta RF. —12.08.1993. —# 32. — St. 1260.
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12. Postanovlenie Verhovnogo Soveta RF ot 24.04.1993 g. # 4907–1 «O zavershenii raboty nad proektom Konstitucii RF» // Vedomosti S"ezda narodnyh deputatov RF i Verhovnogo Soveta RF. — 13.05.1993. — # 19. — St. 696.
13. Postanovlenie Verhovnogo Soveta RF ot 25.06.1993 g. # 5241–1 «O rabote nad proektom novoj Konstitucii RF» // Vedomosti S"ezda narodnyh deputatov RF i Verhovnogo Soveta RF. — 08.07.1993. — # 27. — St. 1025.
14. Postanovlenie S"ezda narodnyh deputatov RSFSR ot 02.11.1991 g. # 1837–1 «O proekte Konstitucii RF i dal'nejshej rabote Konstitucionnoj komissii» //Vedomosti S"ezda narodnyh deputatov i Verhovnogo Soveta RSFSR. — 14.11.1991. — # 46. — St. 1556. 15. Postanovlenie S"ezda narodnyh deputatov RSFSR ot 16.06.1990 g. «Ob obrazovanii Konstitucionnoj komissii» // Vedomosti S"ezda narodnyh deputatov RSFSR i Verhovnogo Soveta RSFSR. —1990. —# 3. —St. 24.
16. Postanovlenie S"ezda narodnyh deputatov RF ot 09.12.1992 g. # 4062– «O dal'nejshej rabote nad proektom novoj Konstitucii RF» // Vedomosti S"ezda narodnyh deputatov RF i Verhovnogo Soveta RF. — 24.12.1992. —# 51. —St. 3007.
17. Postanovlenie S"ezda narodnyh deputatov RF ot 18.04.1992 g. # 2697– «O proekte Konstitucii RF i porjadke dal'nejshej raboty nad nim» // Vedomosti S"ezda narodnyh deputatov i Verhovnogo Soveta RF. — 07.05.1992. —# 18. —St. 979.
18. Pravo i politika sovremennoj Rossii / G. V. Mal'cev., E. A. Lukasheva, V. S. Nersesjanc, G. I. Muromcev, N. V. Varlamova; Kol. avt. NII pravovoj politiki
i problem pravoprimenenija. —M., 1996.
19. Proekt Konstitucii (Osnovnogo Zakona) RF, podgotovlennyj po iniciative Prezidenta RF // Proekty Konstitucii RF. —M.: Verhovnyj Sovet Rossijskoj Federacii, 1993.
20. Rasporjazhenie Prezidenta RF ot 12.05.1993 g. # 334-rp «O sostave rabochej komissii po dorabotke proekta Konstitucii RF» // Sobranie aktov Prezidenta i Pravitel'stva RF. —17.05.1993. —# 20. —St. 1828.
21. Rasporjazhenie Prezidenta RF ot 24.06.1993 g. # 461-rp «O komissii konstitucionnogo arbitrazha Konstitucionnogo soveshhanija» // Konstitucionnoe soveshhanie: Informacionnyj bjulleten' / Administracija Prezidenta RF; Otv. red. I. Shablinskij. —M., 1993. —# 1: Avgust, 1993.
22. Rumjancev O. Proekt sverknul kak molnija // Rodina. — 1991. —# 8.
23. Ruckoj A. Kakaja-libo speshka v otnoshenii Konstitucii prosto nedopustima // Analiticheskie materialy k proektam Konstitucii Rossijskoj Federacii. —M.:Verhovnyj Sovet Rossijskoj Federacii, 1993.
24. Strashun B. A. O «smeshannoj» forme pravlenija v proekte Konstitucii RF // Konstitucionnoe soveshhanie: Informacionnyj bjulleten' / Administracija Prezidenta RF; Otv. red. I. Shablinskij. —M., 1993. —# 2:Oktjabr', 1993.
25. Ukaz Prezidenta RF ot 12.05.1993 g. # 660 «O merah po zaversheniju podgotovki novoj Konstitucii RF»// Sobranie aktov Preziden-ta i Pravitel'stva RF. — 17.05.1993. —# 20. —St. 1757.
26. Ukaz Prezidenta RF ot 20.05.1993 g. # 718 «O sozyve Konstitucionnogo soveshhanija i zavershenii podgotovki proekta Konstitucii RF» (s izmen. ot 31.05.1993) // Sobranie aktov Prezidenta i Pravitel'stva RF. — 24.05.1993. —# 21. —St. 1903.
27. Ukaz Prezidenta RF ot 21.09.1993 g. # 1400 «O pojetapnoj konstitucionnoj reforme v RF» // Sobranie aktov Prezidenta i Pravitel'stva RF. —27.09.1993. — # 39. —St. 3597.
28. Chirkin V. E. Konstitucionnoe pravo v Rossijskoj Federacii: Uchebnik. —M., 2002.
29. Shishenina I. V. Prava cheloveka v rossijskih konstitucionnyh proektah (1990–993 gg.): Monografija. —M.,2010.
Derho D. S.
Derho D. S.
Some features of structuring of constitutional law-making process in the Russian Federation
In this article the author reveals some peculiarities of structuring of constitutional law-making process in the Russian Federation as an independent legal phenomenon and category of constitutional law, analyzes the ratio of constitutional law-making structure with the structure of its generic concept. The author proposes to consider the mechanism of constitutional law-making in the form of a set of sequentially successive stages, united in two stages — preliminary (during which the constitutional monitoring is performed and possible options for the subsequent legislative decisions are identified), and a primary (which is equated to the official procedure of the legislative process). The article noted the existing gaps and other defects of the normative regulation of the process of constitutional law-making in the Russian Federation at the present stage, the ways of their elimination with the purpose of formation and further development of the
In this article the author reveals some peculiarities of structuring of constitutional law-making process in the Russian Federation as an independent legal phenomenon and category of constitutional law, analyzes the ratio of constitutional law-making structure with the structure of its generic concept. The author proposes to consider the mechanism of constitutional law-making in the form of a set of sequentially successive stages, united in two stages — preliminary (during which the constitutional monitoring is performed and possible options for the subsequent legislative decisions are identified), and a primary (which is equated to the official procedure of the legislative process). The article noted the existing gaps and other defects of the normative regulation of the process of constitutional law-making in the Russian Federation at the present stage, the ways of their elimination with the purpose of formation and further development of the
category of constitutional law-making, as of the effective mechanism of bringing the Constitution of the Russian Federation in accordance with the changing realities of social life.
Keywords: constitutional law-making, the structure of constitutional law-making, the stages of the constitutional law-making stage of the constitutional law, constitutional monitoring, amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the revision of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.
Work bibliographic list
1. Vengerov A. B. Teorija gosudarstva i prava: uchebnik. —M.: Jurisprudencija. — 2000. — 528 s.
Work bibliographic list
1. Vengerov A. B. Teorija gosudarstva i prava: uchebnik. —M.: Jurisprudencija. — 2000. — 528 s.
2. Teorija gosudarstva i prava / uchebnik pod red. A. S. Pigolkina, Ju. A. Dmitrieva. — M.: Jurajt. — 2010. — 744 s
3. Syryh V. M. Teorija gosudarstva i prava: uchebnik. —M.: ZAO «Juridicheskij dom «Justicinform». —2002. — 592 s.
4. Trofimov V. V. Struktura pravoobrazovatel'nogo processa (opyt teoreticheskogo analiza) // Jurist"-Pravoved". — Rostov-na-Donu: Izd-vo Rost. jurid. in-ta MVD Rossii. — 2010. — # 2.
5. Deev S. V. Mehanizm pravotvorcheskogo processa: osnovnye stadii i dinamika razvitija // Izvestija Rossijskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta im. A. I. Gercena. — 2008. — # 58.
6. Sapun V. A. Mehanizm pravoobrazovanija i pravotvor- chestva: problemy sootnoshenija i demokratizacii //Juridicheskaja tehnika. — 2014. — # 8.
7. Syryh V. M. Social'nyj mehanizm pravovogo regulirovanija: ponjatie, sostav i struktura // Leningradskij juridicheskij zhurnal. — 2005. — # 2.
8. Shevchenko N. D. Konstitucija Rossijskoj Federacii:problemnyj kommentarij / otv. red. VA. Chetvernin. —M:1997. — 702 s.
9. Kravec I. A. Pravo na konstitucionnuju modernizaciju v konstitucionnom i mezhdunarodnom prave:perspektivy regulirovanija i realizacii / Problemy primenenija norm prava v uslovijah modernizacii rossijskogo obshhestva i gosudarstva: sbornik statej Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii, posvjashhennoj 20-letiju Juridicheskogo fakul'teta Cheljabinskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Cheljabinsk, 24 maja 20j1 goda / pod red. V. A. Lebedeva, E. V. Kunc. —Cheljabinsk Poligraf-Master. — 2011. — 288 s
Semivelichenko E. A.
The impact of modernization of civil law on a system of contracts which ensure entity management
The present work is devoted to the analysis of the treaty system, mediating management of legal persons, the prospects for further improvement and development of these agreements in the light of the civil legislation of the Russian Federation. It reflects the influence of the key points of the reform of the national civil legislation on the studied system of the contracts.
Keywords: modernization of the civil law system of contracts, management of a legal person, a civil contract, employment contract, a mixed contract, unnamed contract.
Work bibliographic list
1. Vas'kevich V. P. O dogovornom regulirovanii professional'noj sportivnoj dejatel'nosti // Zakony Rossii: opyt, analiz, praktika. — 2009. — # 1.
Work bibliographic list
1. Vas'kevich V. P. O dogovornom regulirovanii professional'noj sportivnoj dejatel'nosti // Zakony Rossii: opyt, analiz, praktika. — 2009. — # 1.
2. Gin'ko S. A. Upravlenie v hozjajstvennyh obshhestvah: pravovye aspekty: Avtoref. diss. … kand. jurid. nauk. — SPb, 2009.
3. Kozlova N. V. Pravosub"ektnost' juridicheskogo lica. — M.: Statut, 2005.
4. Kytmanova A. A. Pravosub"ektnost' juridicheskogo lica i ee osushhestvlenie upravljajushhej organizaciej (upravljajushhim): Avtoref. diss. … kand. jurid. nauk. — M., 2008.
5. Mutovina E. V. Pravovaja priroda i sushhestvennye uslovija dogovora o peredache polnomochij edinolichnogo ispolnitel'nogo organa hozjajstvennogo obshhestva upravljajushhej organizacii (upravljajushhemu) // Predprinimatel'skoe pravo. — 2008. — # 3.
6. Pahomova N. N. Polozhenie edinolichnogo ispolnitel'nogo organa v sisteme organov juridicheskogo lica// Jurist. — 2007. — # 2.
7. Petrova E. N. Pravovoe regulirovanie otnoshenij mezhdu hozjajstvennym obshhestvom i ego upravljajushhej organizaciej: Avtoref. diss. … kand. jurid. nauk. Ekaterinburg, 2008.
8. P'jankova A. Budem znakomy: hozjajstvennoe partnerstvo // JeZh-Jurist. — 2012. — # 11
9. Rassol S. Dogovor s upravljajushhej kompaniej: nalogovyj aspekt // Korporativnyj jurist. — 2007. — # 8.
10. Sviridova N. Problemy otraslevoj prinadlezhnosti dogovora s rukovoditelem juridicheskogo lica // Hozjajstvo i pravo. — 2010. — # 4.
11. Serova O. A. Problemy adaptacii hozjajstvennogo partnerstva k sisteme juridicheskih lic Rossijskoj Federacii // Predprinimatel'skoe pravo. Prilozhenie «Biznes i pravo v Rossii i za rubezhom». — 2013. — # 3.
12. Suhanov E. A. Ocherk sravnitel'nogo korporativnogo prava // Problemy razvitija chastnogo prava: Sbornik statej k jubileju V. S. Ema. M., 2011.
13. Tychinskaja E. V. Dogovor o realizacii funkcij edinolichnogo ispolnitel'nogo organa hozjajstvennogo obshhestva: Avtoref. diss. … kand. jurid. nauk. M., 2010.
14. Frolovskij N. G. Upravlenie predprinimatel'skimi korporacijami v Rossijskoj Federacii (pravovoj aspekt): Avtoref. diss. … kand. jurid. nauk. Belgorod, 2004.
15. Habibullina A. Sh. Grazhdansko-pravovoj rezhim upravlenija juridicheskim licom, nahodjashhimsja na stadii likvidacii: Avtoref. diss. … kand. jurid. nauk. M., 2013.
16. Habibullina A. Sh. Zakon «O hozjajstvennyh partnerstvah» kak novella rossijskogo korporativnogo zakonodatel'stva // Izmenenija v Grazhdanskom kodekse Rossijskoj Federacii: novelly grazhdanskogo zakonodatel'stva 2012: sbornik materialov Vserossijskoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii (g. Kazan', 15 ijunja 2012 g.)
17. Haritonova Ju. S. Upravlenie v grazhdanskom prave: problemy teorii i praktiki. — M.: Norma, 2011
18. Chelyshev M. Ju. O juridicheskih konstrukcijah v proekte izmenenij i dopolnenij v Grazhdanskij kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii // Grazhdanskoe pravo. — 2013. — # 1
19. Shitkina I. Voprosy korporativnogo prava v proekte federal'nogo zakona o vnesenii izmenenij v Grazhdanskij kodeks RF // Hozjajstvo i pravo. — 2012. — # 6.
20. Shitkina I. S. Novelly rossijskogo korporativnogo zakonodatel'stva // Hozjajstvo i pravo. — 2012. — # 4.
Ibragimova A. I.
Ibragimova A. I.
Some important issues of compensation of harm and losses
In her article the author considers the most important questions on compensation of the harm caused by different offences which become sources of physical, material and moral harm. Special attention is addressed to the decision of problems of civil-law essence and definition of notions of «harm» and «losses», distinctions of illegal and harming acts as offensive sources, as well as corresponding lawful ways of fair compensation of caused harm and losses.
In her article the author considers the most important questions on compensation of the harm caused by different offences which become sources of physical, material and moral harm. Special attention is addressed to the decision of problems of civil-law essence and definition of notions of «harm» and «losses», distinctions of illegal and harming acts as offensive sources, as well as corresponding lawful ways of fair compensation of caused harm and losses.
Keywords: questions on compensation of harm and losses caused by different offences, which are sources of physical, material and moral harm, offences as sources of harm, lawful ways of fair compensation of harm and losses.
Work bibliographic list
1. Postanovlenie Plenuma Verhovnogo Suda RF # 3 ot 24 fevralja 2005 goda «O sudebnoj praktike po delam o zashhite chesti i dostoinstva grazhdan, a takzhe delovoj reputacii grazhdan i juridicheskih lic» // Rossijskaja gazeta. — 1995. — 8 fevralja.
Work bibliographic list
1. Postanovlenie Plenuma Verhovnogo Suda RF # 3 ot 24 fevralja 2005 goda «O sudebnoj praktike po delam o zashhite chesti i dostoinstva grazhdan, a takzhe delovoj reputacii grazhdan i juridicheskih lic» // Rossijskaja gazeta. — 1995. — 8 fevralja.
2. Postanovlenie Plenuma Verhovnogo Suda RF # 8 ot 31 oktjabrja 1995 goda «O nekotoryh voprosah primenenija sudami Konstitucii RF pri osushhestvlenii pravosudija» // Bjulleten' VS RF. — 1996. — # 2.
3. Ababkov A. Zashhitit' prava poterpevshego //Rossijskaja justicija. — 1997. — # 3.
4. Aleksandrov S. A. Razreshenie grazhdanskogo iska pri rassledovanii ugolovnogo dela. — Gor'kij, 1978.
5. Bagautdinov F. N. Obespechenie imushhestvennyh prav lichnosti pri rassledovanii prestuplenij. — M., 2002.
6. Braginskij M. I., Vitrjanskij V. V. Dogovornoe pravo. Obshhie polozhenija. — Izd. 2-e, Kniga pervaja. — M., 2005.
7. Beljakova A. M. Vozmeshhenie prichinennogo vreda. — M., 1972.
8. Beljakova A. M. Grazhdansko-pravovaja otvetstvennost' za prichinenie vreda. Teorija i praktika. — M.: MGU, 1986.
9. Beljackin S. A. Vozmeshhenie moral'nogo (neimushhestvennogo) vreda. — M., 1996.
10. Volkov A. V. Vozmeshhenie ubytkov po grazhdanskomu pravu Rossii: Dissertacija kandidata juridicheskih nauk. — Volgograd, 2000.
11. Vorob'ev A. V. Institut kompensacii moral'nogo vreda v rossijskom grazhdanskom prave. — SPb, 2008. — S. 5–7.
12. Dobrachev D. V. Razvitie instituta vozmeshhenija ubytkov v svete modernizacii rossijskogo grazhdanskogo zakonodatel'stva. — M., 2012.
13. Doklad Upolnomochennogo po pravam cheloveka v Rossijskoj Federacii za 2008 god // Rossijskaja gazeta. —2008. — 14 marta.
14. Ibragimov I. M. Pravomernye vozmozhnosti zashhity prav poterpevshego v rossijskom ugolovnom processe. — M.: Jurisprudencija, 2008.
15. Ibragimov I. M. Konceptual'nye i pravovye osnovanija zashhity prav poterpevshego. — Mahachkala, 2007.
16. Kirsanov P. V. Kompensacija moral'nogo vreda: mnogoaspektnost' problemy // Jurist. — 2003. — # 12.
17. Kolomiec A. Problemy otvetstvennosti po trudovomu dogovoru (kontraktu) za razglashenie informacii, sostavljajushhej kommercheskuju tajnu // Hozjajstvo i pravo. — 1998. — # 6.
18. Koreckij A. D. Teoretiko-pravovye osnovy uchenija o dogovore. — Rostov na/D., 2001.
19. Koreckij A. D. Dogovornoe pravo. — M. — Rostov n/D., 2004.
20. Korshunov Ju. N. Pravila vozmeshhenija vreda, prichinennogo pri ispolnenii trudovyh objazannostej // Hozjajstvo i pravo. — 1996. — # 5–6.
21. Kurbanov Ju. V. Obespechenie prav grazhdanskogo istca pri rassmotrenii ugolovnyh del sudami: Dissertacija kandidata juridicheskih nauk. — M., 2003.
22. Levi A. A. Poterpevshij v ugolovnom processe. — M., 2007.
23. Peshkova O. A. Otvetstvennost' i zashhita pri prichinenii vreda neimushhestvennym pravam i blagam grazhdan i juridicheskih lic: Diss. kand. jurid. nauk. — Volgograd, 1997.
24. Rogaleva G. A. Material'naja otvetstvennost' rabotnika za ushherb, prichinennyj organizacii // Trudovoe pravo. — 1997. — # 1.
25. Romanec Ju. V. O vosstanovitel'noj prirode grazhdanskoj otvetstvennosti // Zakonodatel'stvo. — 2011. —# 4.
26. Ryzhakov A. P. Vozmeshhenie vreda, prichinennogo prestupleniem. — M., 2011.
27. Sinenko V. S. Grazhdansko-pravovaja zashhita lichnyh neimushhestvennyh prav: Avtoreferat dissertacii kandidata juridicheskih nauk. — Belgorod, 2002.
28. Tolstaja E. V. Sposoby zashhity lichnyh neimushhestvennyh prav po grazhdanskomu zakonodatel'stvu: Avtoref.diss. kand. jurid. nauk. — M., 2002.
29. Tomsinov A. V. Dogovornye ubytki v prave Anglii i SShA: Avtoref. diss. kand. jurid. nauk. — M., 2011.
30. Hohlov V. A. Otvetstvennost' za narushenie dogovora po grazhdanskomu pravu. — Tol'jatti, 1997.
31. Jerdelevskij A. O razmere vozmeshhenija moral'nogo vreda // Rossijskaja justicija. — 1994. — # 10.
32. Jani P. S. Moral'nyj vred kak osnovanie dlja priznanija poterpevshim // Sovetskaja justicija. — 1993. — # 8.
33. Apelljacionnoe opredelenie Sudebnoj kollegii po grazhdanskim delam Verhovnogo suda RD ot 23 janvarja 2013 goda ob udovletvorenii iskovogo zajavlenija grazhdanina M. o vozmeshhenii vreda zdorov'ju, prichinennogo v rezul'tate neschastnogo sluchaja na proizvodstve i kompensacii moral'nogo vreda // Arhiv VS RD — delo # 33–582/2013 goda. Apelljacionnoe opredelenie Sudebnoj kollegii po grazhdanskim delam Verhovnogo suda RD ot 14 avgusta 2012 goda # 33–2279 o vozmeshhenii material'nogo vreda, prichinennogo zdorov'ju i imushhestvu dorozhno-transportnym proisshestviem // Arhiv VS RD.
Alisova Yu. A.
Legal regulation property and land relations agricultural production cooperatives
This article examines the main features of the property of agricultural production cooperatives, especially agricultural production cooperatives ownership right, the ratio of ownership and limited real rights, kinds of limited real rights on land, the legal regime of buildings, construction in progress of the cooperative, the organization and holding of legal ayctions.
This article examines the main features of the property of agricultural production cooperatives, especially agricultural production cooperatives ownership right, the ratio of ownership and limited real rights, kinds of limited real rights on land, the legal regime of buildings, construction in progress of the cooperative, the organization and holding of legal ayctions.
Keywords: agricultural production cooperative property, detached property, fixed and current assets, mutual fund, legal regime for individual types of property, property rights to property, share contribution, the reserve fund, land auction.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bystrov G. E. Istochniki agrarnogo prava / Agrarnoe pravo. Kniga 1. Chast' obshhaja. Uchebnik dlja studentov, magistrov, aspirantov / Nauchnye redaktory d.ju.n., prof. Bystrov G.E., d.ju.n., prof. Voronin B. A. Ekaterinburg: Ural'skoe agrarnoe izdatel'stvo, 2013.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bystrov G. E. Istochniki agrarnogo prava / Agrarnoe pravo. Kniga 1. Chast' obshhaja. Uchebnik dlja studentov, magistrov, aspirantov / Nauchnye redaktory d.ju.n., prof. Bystrov G.E., d.ju.n., prof. Voronin B. A. Ekaterinburg: Ural'skoe agrarnoe izdatel'stvo, 2013.
2. Bystrov G. E. Kooperativnoe zakonodatel'stvo Rossii i gosudarstv ES // Monografija. Izdatel'stvo: Lambert Academic Publishing. – Deutschland, 2012.
3. Bystrov G. E. Pravovoj rezhim zemel' sel'skohozjajstvennogo naznachenija / Agrarnoe pravo. Kniga 2. Chast' osobennaja. Uchebnik dlja studentov, magistrov, aspirantov. Nauchnye redaktory d.ju.n., prof. Bystrov G. E., d.ju.n., prof. Voronin B. A. – Ekaterinburg: Ural'skoe agrarnoe izdatel'stvo, 2013.
4. Dihtjar A. I. Pravovoj rezhim imushhestva sel'skohozjajstvennyh organizacij / Agrarnoe pravo. Kniga 2. Chast' osobennaja. Uchebnik dlja studentov, magistrov, aspirantov. Nauchnye redaktory d.ju.n., prof. Bystrov
G. E., d.ju.n., prof. Voronin B. A. Ekaterinburg: Ural'skoe agrarnoe izdatel'stvo, 2013.
5. Dihtjar A. I. Juridicheskaja otvetstvennost' za narushenie agrarnogo zakonodatel'stva / Agrarnoe pravo. Kniga 2. Chast' osobennaja. Uchebnik dlja studentov, magistrov, aspirantov. Nauchnye redaktory d.ju.n., prof. Bystrov G. E., d.ju.n., prof. Voronin B. A. – Ekaterinburg: Ural'skoe agrarnoe izdatel'stvo. 2013.
6. Zinchenko S. A., Lapach V. A., Shapsugov D. Ju. Problemy ob"ektov grazhdanskih prav. – Rostov n/D, 2001.
7. Kutlijarova R. F. Pravovoj rezhim imushhestva sel'skohozjajstvennyh kooperativov v Rossii. Avtoref. kand. jurid nauk. – Kazan', 2008. – S. 7.
8. Latyev A. N. Problema veshhnyh prav v grazhdanskom prave. – Ekaterinburg, 2003.
9. Ustjukova V. V. Zashhita prav prodavca i pokupatelja pri realizacii preimushhestvennogo prava pokupki zemel'nyh uchastkov sel'skohozjajstvennogo naznachenija / Aktual'nye problemy zashhity social'no-jekonomicheskih prav cheloveka v Rossii, SNG i stranah Evropejskogo Sojuza. Mezhdunarodnaja nauchnaja konferencija. – Tom 1. – Volgogradskij institut biznesa. – Volgograd, 2014.
10. Ustjukova V. V. Pravovoe polozhenie sel'skohozjajstvennyh kooperativov / Agrarnoe pravo. Kniga 1. Chast' obshhaja. Uchebnik dlja studentov, magistrov, aspirantov / Nauchnye redaktory d.ju.n., prof. Bystrov G. E., d.ju.n., prof. Voronin B. A. – Ekaterinburg: Ural'skoe agrarnoe izdatel'stvo, 2013.
11. Shhennikova L. V. Veshhnoe pravo: Uchebnoe posobie. – Perm', 2001.
Bugaev K. V.
Course of criminalistics of R. S. Belkin: the most quoted authors
Ten most quoted scientists were found in the work «Course of сriminalistics» (1997) of professor R. S. Belkin. Citing density reflects priorities of the studied author in citing more precisely, than simple quantity of mentions of other scientists. Quoted authors with which R. S. Belkin has correlation communications with self-citing are defined. Authors with the greatest and smallest regularity of their citings are found. The indicators showing degree of uniformity of mentions of the quoted author are found.
Ten most quoted scientists were found in the work «Course of сriminalistics» (1997) of professor R. S. Belkin. Citing density reflects priorities of the studied author in citing more precisely, than simple quantity of mentions of other scientists. Quoted authors with which R. S. Belkin has correlation communications with self-citing are defined. Authors with the greatest and smallest regularity of their citings are found. The indicators showing degree of uniformity of mentions of the quoted author are found.
Keywords: R. S. Belkin, criminalistics, scientometrics, bibliometrics, science of science, quoting.
Work bibliographic list
1. Belkin R. S. Kurs kriminalistiki v 3-h tomah. — M.: Jurist", 1997.
Work bibliographic list
1. Belkin R. S. Kurs kriminalistiki v 3-h tomah. — M.: Jurist", 1997.
2. Gerasimov S. V., Kurynin R. V., Mashechkin I. V., Petrovskij M. I., Carjov D. V., Shestimerov A. A. Instrumental'nye sredstva ocenki kachestva nauchno-tehnicheskih dokumentov // Trudy Instituta sistemnogo programmirovanija RAN. — 2013. — T. 24.
3. Grezneva O. Ju. Nauchnye shkoly (pedagogicheskij aspekt). — M., 2003.
4. Dezhina I. G., Kiseleva V. V. Tendencii razvitija nauchnyh shkol v sovremennoj Rossii. — M.: IJePP, 2009.
5. Mitina O. V., Evdokimenko A. S. Formalizovannye metody issledovanija tekstov: opyt primenenija k analizu tehnicheskoj dokumentacii // Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Filologija. — 2010. —T. 9. — # 1.
6. Mihajlov S. N., Hotynjuk S. S., Potapenko A. M. Tehnologii interaktivnogo vyjavlenija smyslovogo soderzhanija tekstov v celjah organizacii informacionno-analiticheskogo obespechenija nauchnyh issledovanij/ Izvestija Jugo-Zapadnogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Serija: Upravlenie, vychislitel'naja tehnika, informatika. Medicinskoe priborostroenie. —2013. — # 4.
7. Nalimov V. V., Mul'chenko Z. M. Naukometrija. Izuchenie razvitija nauki kak informacionnogo processa. Fiziko-matematicheskaja biblioteka inzhenera. Izd. «Nauka», Glavn. red. fiz. — mat. liter., 1969.
8. Prajs D. Sistema nauchnyh publikacij. — UFN, 1966.
9. Rossinskaja E. R. Znachenie nauchnogo nasledija professora R. S. Belkina dlja sovremennoj kriminalistiki i teorii sudebnoj jekspertizy // Teorija i praktika sudebnoj jekspertizy. — 2012. — # 4 (28).
10. Hajtun S. D. Naukometrija. Sostojanie i perspektivy. — M.: «Nauka», 1983.
Minyazeva T. F.
How to implement the reform of the criminal law?
The article deals with the improving of the current Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Considering the basic principles of Russian criminal law, legal doctrine, and conception of law, the study presents a strategy and tactics of the amendments to the Criminal Code of the Russian
The article deals with the improving of the current Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Considering the basic principles of Russian criminal law, legal doctrine, and conception of law, the study presents a strategy and tactics of the amendments to the Criminal Code of the Russian
Keywords: legislation, strategy, tactics, sanctions, criminal policy, crime, punishment.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ajupova Z. K., Kusainov D. U. Pravovaja politika kak instrument sovershenstvovanija pravovoj sistemy respubliki Kazahstan // Evrazijskaja advokatura. —2013. — # 1 (2).
Work bibliographic list
1. Ajupova Z. K., Kusainov D. U. Pravovaja politika kak instrument sovershenstvovanija pravovoj sistemy respubliki Kazahstan // Evrazijskaja advokatura. —2013. — # 1 (2).
2. Vishnevskaja E. A. K istokam mezhdunarodno-pravovogo protivodejstvija vzjatochnichestvu // Evrazijskaja advokatura. — 2013. — # 3 (4).
3. Koncepcija ugolovnogo zakonodatel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii // Gosudarstvo i pravo. — 1992. — # 8.
Babichev A. G.
Victimological signs of a murder under the Criminal Сode of the Russian Federation
The article analyses the issues related to medical and legal aspects of beginning and end of life, features of mediocre murder, examines legislation of other countries on the topic concerned.
The article analyses the issues related to medical and legal aspects of beginning and end of life, features of mediocre murder, examines legislation of other countries on the topic concerned.
Keywords: murder, the beginning of life, newborn child, viable fetus, the moment of occurrence of the right to life, the termination of life, mediocre murder, suicide, the final moment of life.
Work bibliographic list
1. Babichev A. G. Ubijstvo: problemy, teorija, praktika. —M., 2008.
Work bibliographic list
1. Babichev A. G. Ubijstvo: problemy, teorija, praktika. —M., 2008.
2. Borodin S. V. Kvalifikacija ubijstv po sovetskomu ugolovnomu pravu. — M., 1963.
3. Grozdinskij M. M. Prestuplenija protiv lichnosti. — M., 1924.
4. Grozdinskij M. M. Prestuplenija protiv lichnosti. —M., 1927.
5. Zagorodnikov N. I. Prestuplenija protiv zhizni po sovetskomu ugolovnomu pravu. — M., 1961.
6. Kurs sovetskogo ugolovnogo prava: V 6 t. — T. 5. — M., 1971.
7. Mokrinskaja V. I. Konstitucionnye nachala nacional'nogo, mezhdunarodnogo i zarubezhnogo zakonodatel'stva v oblasti ohrany prava na zhizn' i obespechenija bezopasnosti lichnosti: Avtoref. dis… kand. jurid nauk. — M., 2006.
8. Mokrinskij S., Natanson V. Prestuplenija protiv lichnosti. — Har'kov, 1928.
9. Ozhegov S. I., Shvedova N. Ju. Tolkovyj slovar' russkogo jazyka. — M., 1997.
10. Piontkovskij A. A. Kurs ugolovnogo prava. — M.,1971. — T. 5.
11. Pobegajlo Je. F. Izbrannye trudy. — SPb., 2008.
12. Romanovskij G. B. Pravo na zhizn'. — Arhangel'sk, 2002.
13. Tagancev N. S. O prestuplenijah protiv zhizni. — T.1. — SPb., 1904.
14. Ugolovnoe pravo Rossii. Chasti Obshhaja i Osobennaja /Pod red. A. I. Raroga. — M., 2004.
15. Filosofskij jenciklopedicheskij slovar'. — M., 1989.
16. Shargorodskij M. D. Izbrannye trudy. — SPb., 2004.
17. Shargorodskij M. D. Nakazanie, ego celi i jeffektivnost'. — M., 1973.
Askerova M. P.
Some questions of the execution time-limits of requests on criminal cases for legal aid between states
In the article the question of timely execution of court requests in criminal cases for legal aid reasoning from requirements of a reasinability of legal procedure time-limits is investigated. The legislation of the Azerbaijan Republic and the international documents on rendering legal aid in criminal cases is analyzed. The author offers introduction of concrete changes to improve the legislation on rendering legal aid in criminal cases.
In the article the question of timely execution of court requests in criminal cases for legal aid reasoning from requirements of a reasinability of legal procedure time-limits is investigated. The legislation of the Azerbaijan Republic and the international documents on rendering legal aid in criminal cases is analyzed. The author offers introduction of concrete changes to improve the legislation on rendering legal aid in criminal cases.
Keywords: legal aid, requests, reasinability, guarantee speedy, legal procedure, time-limits.
Work bibliographic list
1. «Komingersoll' S. A.» protiv Portugalii (Comingersoll S. A. v. Portugal), zhaloba # 35382/97, § 19, ECHR 2000-IV) // [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa:
Work bibliographic list
1. «Komingersoll' S. A.» protiv Portugalii (Comingersoll S. A. v. Portugal), zhaloba # 35382/97, § 19, ECHR 2000-IV) // [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa:
2. «Letel'e (Letellier) protiv Francii» Sudebnoe reshenie ot 26 ijunja 1991 g. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. —Rezhim dostupa:
3. Volynec K. V. Nekotorye problemy v pravovom regulirovanii principa «razumnyj srok ugolovnogo sudoproizvodstva» //Vestnik Udmurtskogo Universiteta. Jekonomika i Pravo. —2013. — Vyp. 1.
4. Zakon Azerbajdzhanskoj Respubliki «O pravovoj pomoshhi po ugolovnym delam» ot 29 ijunja 2001 g., # 163-IIQ [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa:
5. Zakon Azerbajdzhanskoj Respubliki «O sudah i sud'jah» ot 10 ijunja 1997 goda # 310-IQ// // [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa:–1q.html
6. Kalinovskij K. B., Ahmedov M. M. Mezhdunarodnye standarty srochnosti ugolovnogo processa v praktike Evropejskogo suda po pravam cheloveka // Pravovye problemy ukreplenija rossijskoj gosudarstvennosti: Sb. statej. — Ch. 3. / Pod red. M. K. Sviridova. — Tomsk:Izd-vo Tom. un-ta, 2006.
7. Konvencija o zashhite prav cheloveka i osnovnyh svobod// Oficial'nyj sajt Soveta Evropy [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa:
8. Konvencija o pravovoj pomoshhi i pravovyh otnoshenijah po grazhdanskim, semejnym i ugolovnym delam. Kishinev, 7 oktjabrja 2002 goda // Oficial'nyj sajt Ispolnitel'nogo Komiteta SNG [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa: php?id=614
9. Konstitucija Azerbajdzhanskoj Respubliki // Oficial'nyj sajt Prezidenta Azerbajdzhanskoj Respubliki [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa:
10. Kormacheva protiv Rossii (Zhaloba # 53084/99)/ / e u r o p e a n c o u r t . r u / … / E C H R _ K o r m a c h e va _ v _Russia_29_01_2004.doc (data poseshhenija 19.07.2014 g.).
11. Kuznecova N. F. Problemy kvalifikacii prestuplenij: Lekcii po speckursu «Osnovy kvalifikacii prestuplenij» / Nauch. red. i predisl. Akademika V. N. Kudrjavceva. —M.: Izdatel'skij Dom «Gorodec», 2007. —336 s.
12. Mezhdunarodnyj pakt o grazhdanskih i politicheskih pravah // Oficial'nyj sajt OON [Jelektronnyj resurs]. —Rezhim dostupa: decl_conv/conventions/pactpol.shtm
13. Novaja filosofskaja jenciklopedija. Internet-versijaizdanija: v 4 t. >
14. / In-t filosofii RAN; Nac. obshhestv. —nauch. fond;Preds. nauchno-red. soveta V. S. Stepin. —M.: Mysl', 2000. —T. 1–. —2659 s.; 2-e izd., ispr. i dopol. —M.:Mysl', 2010. —T. 1–. —2816 s. // [Jelektronnyj resurs]. —Rezhim dostupa:
15. Plenum Verhovnogo Suda Azerbajdzhanskoj Respubliki ot 30 marta 2006 g. # 5 «O primenenii polozhenij Evropejskoj Konvencii «O zashhite prav cheloveka i osnovnyh svobod» i precedentnogo prava Evropejskogo suda po pravam cheloveka pri osushhestvlenii pravosudija» (na Azerbajdzhanskom jazyke) // Oficial'nyj sajt Verhovnogo Suda Azerbajdzhanskoj Respubliki [Jelektronnyj resurs]. —Rezhim dostupa:
16. Poluhin V. M. Realizacija razumnogo sroka v ugolovnom processe kak provavaja problema ukreplenija Rosssijskoj gosucdarstvennosti// Nauka i obrazovanie: hozjajstvo i jekonomika; predprinimatel'stvo; pravo i upravlenie, 2012, aprel' [Jelektronnyj resurs]. —Rezhim dostupa:
17. Prikaz General'nogo Prokurora Azerbajdzhanskoj Respubliki ot 14.02.2007 za # 10/13 «O zadachah prokurorskih organov v svjazi s vypolneniem voprosov, opredelennyh v mezhdunarodnyh dogovorah, podpisannyh Azerbajdzhanskoj Respublikoj i usilenii jeffektivnosti mezhdunarodnogo sotrudnichestva» //Oficial'nyj sajt General'noj Prokuratury Azerbajdzhanskoj Respubliki [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa:
18. Rjabceva E. V. Realizacija principa razumnosti v ugolovnom processe Rossii // Doklady i soobshhenija na konferencii «Ugolovnaja justicija: svjaz' vremen» // [Jelektronnyj resurs]. —Rezhim dostupa:
19. Sbornik dvustronnih mezhdunarodnyh dogovorov Azerbajdzhanskoj Respubliki v oblasti pravovoj pomoshhi, 2014 (na azerbajdzhanskom jazyke) // Oficial'nyj sajt Minjusta Azerbajdzhanskoj Respubliki [Jelektronnyj resurs]. —Rezhim dostupa:
20. Semencov V. A., Sheremet'ev A. P. Nachalo i okonchanie razumnogo sroka v ugolovnom sudoproizvodstve // Obshhestvo i pravo. —2010. —# 5 (32).
21. Ugolovno-processual'nyj kodeks Azerbajdzhanskoj Respubliki// Oficial'nyj sajt UNODC [Jelektronnyj resurs]. —Rezhim dostupa:
22. Ugolovno-processual'nyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii [Jelektronnyj resurs]. —Rezhim dostupa:
23. Urban V. V. Realizacija principa razumnogo sroka ugolovnogo sudoproizvodstva. Avtoref. dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. —M.: Akademija upravlenija MVD Rossii, 2013.
24. Fedorov i Fedorova protiv Rossii (Zhaloba # 31008/02) [Jelektronnyj resurs]. —Rezhim…/ECHR_Fedorov_and_Fedorova_v_Russia_13_10_2…
Ismailova G. S.
Institutionalization of family relationships as a factor of sociopolitical stability of the country
The article offers an analysis of the role of family both in society and state, as an institution, which impacts the stable and gradual state development of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Also, the
The article offers an analysis of the role of family both in society and state, as an institution, which impacts the stable and gradual state development of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Also, the
author reviews the issue of the self-governance bodies and their role in the strengthening of family сonnections.
Keywords: family, self-governance bodies, marriage, nuptial contract.
Work bibliographic list
1. Gendernaja statistika Uzbekistana [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa:
Work bibliographic list
1. Gendernaja statistika Uzbekistana [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa:
2. Departament juridicheskoj pomoshhi [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa:
3. Otegenova L. Zh. Brachnyj dogovor po semejnomu zakonodatel'stvu Respubliki Uzbekistan: Diss. … kand.jurid. nauk. — T., 2012.
4. Oficial'nyj otvet Komiteta zhenshhin Respubliki Uzbekistan ot 8 fevralja 2013 goda # 04/11–88, na zapros Demokraticheskoj partii «Millij tiklanish» ot 15 janvarja 2013 goda # 01–32.
5. Oficial'nyj otvet Ministerstva Justicii Respubliki Uzbekistan ot 28 fevralja 2014 goda # 7–2232/6, na zapros Akademii Gosudarstvennogo Upravlenija pri Prezidente Respubliki Uzbekistan ot 11 fevralja 2014 goda. — # 07/1–233.
6. Sobranie zakonodatel'stva Respubliki Uzbekistan. —2013. — 29 aprelja. — # 17. — St. 219.
7. Fitrat A. Tanlangan asarlar. Oila eki boshқarish tartiblari. (Izbrannye sochinenija. Sem'ja ili pravila upravlenija) — T.: Ma"navijat, 2006.
8. Shorahmetova U. Sh. Nikoҳ tuzish shartlariga rioja қilmaslik oқibatlarini belgilovchi қonunchilikni takomillashtirish muammolari (Problemy usovershenstvovanija zakonodatel'stva, ustanavlivajushhego posledstvija nevypolnenija uslovij zakljuchenija braka):Diss. … kand. jurid. nauk. — T., 2009.
Podolskiy A. L.
Peace supporting factor of economic integration
The participants of the proposed by Russian Tsar Nicholas II Hague peace conferences could hardly realize the scale of devastating consequences for the humanity because of the World Wars and the further evolution of adopted documents. Nowadays, hundred years after the catastrophe of 1914, UN members try to choose peaceful means of settling international disputes with the use of regional courts and arbitrages. Since the New International Economic Order is in action, the process of economic integration assumes prominence by promoting cooperation in the world. This article is devoted to peace supporting factor of economic integration; various dispute settlement mechanisms in large integration associations, in particular with the participation of Russia are also set out.
Keywords: economic integration, economic disputes, international security, peaceful settling of international disputes.
Work bibliographic list
1. Gaagskaja konvencija o mirnom reshenii mezhdunarodnyh stolknovenij 1907 g. // Mezhdunarodnoe pravo v dokumentah / Sost. Blatova N. T. — M.: Mezhdunarodnye otnoshenija, 1997.
Work bibliographic list
1. Gaagskaja konvencija o mirnom reshenii mezhdunarodnyh stolknovenij 1907 g. // Mezhdunarodnoe pravo v dokumentah / Sost. Blatova N. T. — M.: Mezhdunarodnye otnoshenija, 1997.
2. Dogovor ob otkaze ot vojny v kachestve orudija nacional'noj politiki (Parizh, 27 avgusta 1928 goda) //Sbornik dejstvujushhih dogovorov, soglashenij i konvencij, zakljuchjonnyh SSSR s inostrannymi gosudarstvami. — M., 1930. — V. V.
3. Ustav Organizacii Ob"edinennyh Nacij ot 26 ijunja 1945 g. // Mezhdunarodnoe publichnoe pravo. Sbornik dokumentov / Sost. i predisl. K. A. Bekjashev, D. K. Bekjashev. — M.: Prospekt, 2009.
4. Lissabonskij dogovor ob izmenenii Dogovora o Evropejskom sojuze i Dogovora ob uchrezhdenii Evropejskogo soobshhestva Lissabon, 13.12.2007, 01 S306/1;
5. Treaty establishing the European Coal and Steel Community (1951).
6. Treaty establishing the European Economic Community (1957).
7. Treaty on European Union (1992) // OJ S 191, 29.07.1992.
8. Treaty of Nice // OJ S 80, 10.03.2001.
9. Hartija Organizacii central'noamerikanskih gosudarstv ot 12 dekabrja 1962 g.
10. Asuns'onskij dogovor 26 marta 1991 g. — Tratado de Asuncion, de fedia 26.03.1991. V. O. de la Nacion. # 27.218, 12.09.1991. Buenos Aires. Argentina.
11. Dopolnitel'nyj protokol k Asuns'onskomu dogovoru ob institucional'noj strukture Merkosura (Protokol Ouro Preto) [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa:
12. Protokol de Olivos o razreshenii sporov v Merkosur ot 18 fevralja 2002 g. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa: http: //
13. Dogovor ob uchrezhdenii Suda spravedlivosti Andskogo soobshhestva ot 10 marta 1996 g. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa: http: //
14. North American Free Trade Agreement // ILM, vol.32, 1992.
15. Vashingtonskaja konvencija o porjadke razreshenija investicionnyh sporov mezhdu gosudarstvami i fizicheskimi ili juridicheskimi licami drugih gosudarstv Vashington, 18.03.1965;
16. Dogovor ob uchrezhdenii Evrazijskogo jekonomicheskogo soobshhestva ot 10 oktjabrja 2000 g. // Informacionnyj bjulleten' EvrAzJeS. — Almaty, 2001. — # 1.
17. Dogovor o Evrazijskom jekonomicheskom sojuze ot 29 maja 2014 g. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa:
18. Soglashenie o Statuse Jekonomicheskogo Suda Sodruzhestva Nezavisimyh Gosudarstv ot 6 ijulja 1992 g. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa:
19. Reglament Jekonomicheskogo Suda Sodruzhestva Nezavisimyh Gosudarstv (utverzhden postanovleniem Plenuma Jekonomicheskogo Suda SNG ot 10 ijulja 1997 g. # 2)[Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa: Statut Suda Evrazijskogo jekonomicheskogo soobshhestva (utverzhden Resheniem Mezhgossoveta EvrAzJes ot 27 aprelja 2003 g. # 122) [Jelektronnyj resurs]. —Rezhim dostupa:
21. Soglashenie mezhdu EvrAzJes i SNG o vypolnenii Jekonomicheskim sudom SNG funkcij Suda EJeS ot 3.03.2004[Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa:
22. Alimbekov M. T. Ev razijskoe jekonomicheskoe soobshhestvo i ego Sud — kak platforma dlja dal'nejshej vseob"emljushhej integracii (Die Eurasische Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft und ihr Gericht — Plattform einer umfassender Integration) // Neues Jahrbuch, Institut für Ostrecht, München, 2012. — # 2.
23. Baturina A. N. Sravnitel'naja harakteristika Suda Evropejskogo sojuza i Jekonomicheskogo suda SNG. Perspektivy razvitija // Integracionnoe pravo: opyt Evropy
dlja postsovetskogo prostranstva: Mezhdunarodnaja nauchno-prakticheskaja konferencija. — M.: RosNOU, 2011.
24. Birjukov M. M. Evropejskoe pravo do i posle Lissabonskogo dogovora: Ucheb. posobie. — M.: Statut, 2013.
25. Voroncova N. A. Pravovye osnovy stanovlenija i funkcionirovanija mezhgosudarstvennogo mehanizma integracionnyh processov v Evrazijskom jekonomicheskom soobshhestva: Diss. d-ra jurid. nauk, 2004.
26. Vylegzhanin A. N., Labin D. K., Shumilov V. M. Mezhdunarodnoe jekonomicheskoe pravo: Ucheb. posobie / Pod red. A. N. Vylegzhanina. — M., Knorus, 2012.
27. Kostjunina G. M. Integracionnye gruppirovki v Afrike [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa:
28. Labin D. K. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo po zashhite i pooshhreniju inostrannyh investicij. — Wolters Kluwer Russia, 2008.
29. Labin D. K. Mezhdunarodno-pravovoe obespechenie mirovogo jekonomicheskogo porjadka: Diss. … d-ra jurid. nauk, 2005.
30. Ryzhov V. B. Mezhdunarodno-pravovye modeli regional'nyh integracionnyh ob"edinenij (na primere Evropejskogo Sojuza, MERKOSUR i EvrAzJeS): Diss. kand. jurid. nauk. — M., 2007.
31. Torkunov A. V. Sovremennye mezhdunarodnye otnoshenija: Uchebnik / Pod red. A. V. Torkunova, A. V. Mal'gina — M.: Aspekt Press, 2012.
32. Shumilov V. M. Mezhdunarodnoe jekonomicheskoe pravo:Ucheb. dlja magistrov. — M.: Izdatel'stvo Jurajt, 2011.
Yusupov T. Z.
Yusupov T. Z.
Financial legal aspects of implementing the agro-food policy in Russia
The paper discusses the financial legal issues of food security in Russia. The State food security doctrine of the Russian Federation in the global financial and economic crisis is analyzed. Tools for legal regulation of agro-food sector, state farm insurance are presented. The paper summarizes the principles, objectives, guidelines and measures for the implementation of the state agro-food policy.
Keywords: financial legal support, food security, agro-food sector, state farm insurance.
Work bibliographic list
1. Galinovskaja E. A., Minina E. L., Koncepcii razvitija agrarnogo zakonodatel'stva // Koncepcii razvitija rossijskogo zakonodatel'stva / Pod red. T. Ja. Habrievoj, Ju. A. Tihomirova, Ju. P. Orlovskogo. — M:, 2004.
Work bibliographic list
1. Galinovskaja E. A., Minina E. L., Koncepcii razvitija agrarnogo zakonodatel'stva // Koncepcii razvitija rossijskogo zakonodatel'stva / Pod red. T. Ja. Habrievoj, Ju. A. Tihomirova, Ju. P. Orlovskogo. — M:, 2004.
2. Gosbuk. Dmitrij Medvedev: Jembargo na jeksport zernovyh kul'tur mozhet byt' otmeneno posle podvedenija itogov uborochnoj kampanii [Jelektronnyj resurs] —Rezhim dostupa:
3. Morskaja doktrina Rossijskoj Federacii na period do 2020 goda: utv. Prezidentom RF 27.07.2001 g. // SPS «Konsul'tant pljus». — 2012.
4. Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. — 2007. — # 1 (1 ch.). — St. 27.
5. Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. — 2008. — # 25. — St. 2981.
6. Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. — 2009. — # 20. — St. 2444.
7. Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. — 2010. — # 5. — St. 502.
8. Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. — 2011. — # 31. — St. 4700.
9. Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. — 2011. — # 49 (ch. 5). —St. 7049.
10. Sharafutdinova Z.A. Rejtingovaja ocenka regionov RF po urovnju razvitija agroprodovol'stvennogo kompleksa // Problemy vostokovedenija. - 2013. – # 2. – S. 18-23.
11. Sharykina T. A. Obespechenie jekonomicheskoj i nalogovoj bezopasnosti prodovol'stvennyh rynkov // Nalogi (zhurnal). — 2008. — # 3 (2). — S. 2
Muzakaev D. A.
Soviet period of transformation of the Chechen traditional culture
The article contemplates the process of transformation of the Chechen traditional culture during the first dozens of the Soviet power’s years as a part of the modernization process of the Chechen society that resulted in the formation of a different social and professional structure similar to the society of an industrial type.
The article contemplates the process of transformation of the Chechen traditional culture during the first dozens of the Soviet power’s years as a part of the modernization process of the Chechen society that resulted in the formation of a different social and professional structure similar to the society of an industrial type.
Keywords: Chechen traditional culture, the way of life, the Soviet power, transformation, society.
Work bibliographic list
1. Avtorhanov A. R. Dostizhenija i nedochety kul'turnogo stroitel'stva v Chechne // Revoljucija i gorec.—1929.— # 5.
Work bibliographic list
1. Avtorhanov A. R. Dostizhenija i nedochety kul'turnogo stroitel'stva v Chechne // Revoljucija i gorec.—1929.— # 5.
2. Bokov H. H. Razvitie duhovnoj kul'tury trudjashhihsja Checheno-Ingushetii i problemy preodolenija nacionalisticheskih i religioznyh perezhitkov // Sociologija, ateizm, religija.— T. 3.— Vyp. 1.— Groznyj, 1976.
3. GARO. F R-1441.— Op. 1.— D. 3.— L. 12.
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9. Gorod Groznyj. Populjarnye ocherki istorii.— Groznyj, 1984.
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13. Losev I. K. Trudjashhiesja Groznogo v bor'be za postroenie socializma v nashej strane // Groznyj za 40 let Sovetskoj vlasti.— Groznyj, 1957.
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Bondarenko G. V.
Legal values in the system of value orientations of the person
The article presents an attempt of introduction to the study of the place and significance of legal values in the structure of value orientations of the person. The impact of social medium, moral and spiritual development of man on relation to legal values is analyzed.
The article presents an attempt of introduction to the study of the place and significance of legal values in the structure of value orientations of the person. The impact of social medium, moral and spiritual development of man on relation to legal values is analyzed.
Keywords: value, orientation, legal values, value orientations.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bakunin M. A. Filosofija. Sociologija. Politika. — M.:«Pravda», 1989 [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa:http://
Work bibliographic list
1. Bakunin M. A. Filosofija. Sociologija. Politika. — M.:«Pravda», 1989 [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa:http://
2. Balajanc M. S. Fundamental'nye pravovye cennosti sovremennogo obshhestva: Avtoref. dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. — M., 2007.
3. Berdjaev N. A. Priroda cheloveka [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa:
4. Kiekbaev M.Dzh., Abdrahmanov D.M. Destruktivnye faktory v transformirujushhemsja obshhestve: problema i protivodejstvie // Problemy vostokovedenija. - 2013.– # 4. – S. 13.
5. Kondakov I. M. Psihologicheskij slovar'. — M.: SGI, 2000.
6. Mihajlov S. V. Pravovye cennosti: teoretiko-pravovoj aspekt: Avtoref. dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. — Volgograd, 2011.
7. Novejshij filosofskij slovar' / Sost. A. A. Gricanov. — Mn.: Izd. V. M. Skakun, 1998.
8. Fromm Je. Imet' ili byt'. — M.: AST, 2009.
9. Fromm Je. Iskusstvo ljubit' [Jelektronnyj resurs]. —Rezhim dostupa:
10. Harris T. A. Ja — O’kej, ty — O’kej. — M.: Akademicheskij proekt, 2006.
Kozyreva L. V.
Legal view on the realities of escapismo subject
Escapism is becoming a significant social phenomenon affecting the ideological foundation of the life arrangement of the subject. Thus there is a relationship between escapism and traditional forms of spirituality. The author substantiates the thesis that the escapism is not directly connected with informatization and virtualization of social contacts. Escapism has its own ontological foundations, their identification and subsequent studying allows comprehending the life-world of the subject from the new perspective.
Escapism is becoming a significant social phenomenon affecting the ideological foundation of the life arrangement of the subject. Thus there is a relationship between escapism and traditional forms of spirituality. The author substantiates the thesis that the escapism is not directly connected with informatization and virtualization of social contacts. Escapism has its own ontological foundations, their identification and subsequent studying allows comprehending the life-world of the subject from the new perspective.
Keywords: escapism, normative and moral grounds, world view, alienation.
Work bibliographic list
1. Zalygin S. P. Juzhnoamerikanskij variant. — M.: Sovremennik, 1974.
Work bibliographic list
1. Zalygin S. P. Juzhnoamerikanskij variant. — M.: Sovremennik, 1974.
2. Krestovskij V. V. Peterburgskie trushhoby: Knigi o sytyh i golodnyh: Roman v 2-h kn. — Kn. 2. — Ch. 4 (prodolzhenie). — Minsk: Polymja; Smolensk: Rusich, 1994.
International scientific and practical law journal
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