Interview with Moskalkova Tatyana Nikolaevna, vice-chairman of the State Duma Committee on affairs of the CIS, Euroasian integration and communications with compatriots, Ph.D. in Law, Ph.D. in Philosophy, professor, militia major general
Perspectives of the arctic environmental and legal status
Unresolved issues of legal regulation of transboundary watercourses in the Central Asian region
Legal aspects of the organization of the state financial control at the stage of development of the Eurasian economic union
Formation of single alcoholic products market of the EAEU
International law on the principle of the nonuse of force or threat of force: Past and Present
State souvereignty in international law
The expediency of Russia’s accession to the WTO
Ensuring the rights of the child in the conditions of intercultural marriage: the approaches of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, the European Court of Human Rights, and the experiences of selected national states
African peacekeeping: the growing demand, experiences and the future prospects FaskhutdinovR.F.,SuleymanovM.R.
To the question of subjective elements of genocide within the international and national legislation
Some aspects of work of the Administrative Court of the Arab League
The contextual element of crimes against humanity: from the beginnings to the present
To the questions of certain problematic issues in the process of concluding and amending international agreements
The legal position of the European Court of Human Rights on the application of a preventive measure in the form of detention in Russia and Tajikistan
Features of legal regulation of cross-border non-contractual obligations in the legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan
Formation and development of the social rights of man and citizen in the Kyrgyz Republic
The only special law on extradition within the CIS – the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On extradition of persons committed crimes”
To the question of the devictimization situation of victims of violent crimes in foreign countries
Dismissal in Italian labour law
Problem of relationship between morality and law: historical aspect
The formation of the ancient Russian feudal law
Formation of Russian business law in 18th-19th centuries
Judicial supervision in the activity of district court prosecution during the latter half of 19th century
Emanuel Levy’s legal idealism: the problem of the sociological and psychological understanding of law and its grounds
Problems of the establishment of the Australian Federation in the second half of the 19th century, public opinion and political positions
The common principles of municipal control
The problem of determining subjects realizing powers in addressing local issues: the constitutional and legal aspects
Actual problems of prevention of administrative offenses committed by minors
Administrative and police legal relationships: the concept and essence
Actual problems of legal regulation of the rent institution
Collective labour agreement: procedure of its conclusion and typical errors made in its preparation
Dismissal due to loss of confidence: theory and practice
Controversial issues of legal regulation of labour protection of the employers carrying out activity in the territory of Sverdlovsk region
The development of civil law in the Russian Federation
The gaps in implementation of the rules on bankruptcy of individuals
Some problems of legal regulation of obligatory inheritance in civil law of Russia
To the issue of legal nature of the auditor’s civil and legal liability for nonperformance or improper performance of contractual obligations
On the compliance of the thesis with the established criteria. Legal errors of Regulations on awarding of academic degrees (2013)
Advertising as an object of intellectual property
Some aspects of the implementation of housing improvement mechanism in respect of police officers
About peculiarities of financial and legal regulation of the state (municipal) services
Objects which are the carriers of information about connections between subscribers
Legal regulation of contracts for the implementation of geological study of subsoil
Abdulmuslimova L.G.
The problem of devictimization of victims of murder and harm to human health
The characteristics of injuries caused in case of robberies and assaults
Criminal legal analysis of the subject of the illegal obtaining of the credit (Art. 176 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation)
Delegated mediation in Russian criminal law: prospects and proposals
Legal and other countermeasures to the activity of the criminal communities in the sphere of illicit trafficking of drugs
The child’s right to life and upbringing in the family (the experience of Russia and Finland)
The citizen`s participation in managing foreign policy of the Russian Federation by sending citizens’ appeals in the organizations of the Ombudsman for the Rights of the Child under the President of the Russian Federation
Some notes about the basis of the charge in criminal process
Issues of improvement of criminal procedural regulation of refusal procedure in initiating criminal proceedings concerning the deputy of the body of local self-government
Social security of family members of police officers: problems of legal regulation
Professional dignity of a judge and criteria of its valuation
Domestic violence as a social phenomenon: problems and prevention
Special criminological prevention of abuse of powers
Zhuravlenko N. I., Mikhailova Ya. S.
The mathematical modelling of criminological features of the persons committing economic crimes, which is carried out on the basis of equifinality principle
Nikolaev N. M., Bashirina E. N.
Criminological analysis of crimes committed in a state of alcohol or drug intoxication
Nadtachaev P. V.
Interpretation of the concept “residence” and its influence on application of norms on the weapon
Gadzhieva A. A., Damadaeva A. M.
Preventive measures of the illicit gambling and problems of its improvement
Shuvalov N. V., Kuzovlev V. Yu., Hapkin L. E., Gladyrev V. V., Kayrgaliev D. V., Vasiljev D. V.
Establishing the common source of origin of several samples of heroin as investigation task
Vasiljev D. V.
The possibility of using foreign experience of criminalistic characteristics of the oil thefts
Safonov D. A., Belousenko P. N.
Tactical and methodical aspects of special knowledge use for crime scene investigation in special conditions
Toropov S. A., Ponomarev A. V.
Tactics in the detection of caches conducting investigations
Ismailov Ch. M.
The circumstances surrounding the disappearance of individuals in Russia and measures to counter a traceless disappearance
Chikireva I. Р.
Problems of dismissal of the public civil and municipal servants due to the loss of trust for the violation of the law on corruption counteraction
Basistaya A. V.
The concept of affirmative action of state in context of equality and non-discrimination regarding persons with disabilities
Musaevа A. G. Azizovа P. M.
The concept of protection of human rights and freedoms
Kadymov А. А.
The formation of BASSR boxing in 20–40s of 20th century: historical and legal aspects
Sedankina T. E.
Specifics Islamic theology in contemporary Russian educational space
Fedotova Yu. G.
Legal basis and regularities of citizen participation in the Fatherland protection
Kiselev I. V.
Practical elements of the international cooperation in the sphere of higher education in the legislation on education of the Russian Federation
Ibragimovа A. Sh.
Problems of enjoyment of citizens’ rights to education in the Russian Federation
Semenova N. S.
The Church’s role in the enforcement of the right to education
Salnikova M. A., Protopopova T. V., Orlova S. V.
The idea of human dignity under the long range state program “Patriotic education of the people of the Russian Federation”
Andreev A. V., Morodumov R. N.
State-patriotic education in departmental universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
Abramova S. R.
National-regional component and problem of education in their native Russian language in Bashkortostan
Saifullin E. V.
The participation of citizens in the protection of public order and public safety as a civil society institution
Melnikov A. G.
The grounds and principles of modern parliamentarism
Efremova S. M., Kuznetsovа K. V.
Marketing research of labour market in Oryol city and Oryol Region
Valiakhmetov R. M.
Sociological approaches to the measurement and analysis of the social potential of the region
Khairullina N. G.
Policy in the sphere of provision of pensions of Russians
Gafurov A. I., Yarullin I. I.
The financial crisis and the economic security of Russia: analysis, problems and prospects
Safinа R. R., Khramova A. A.
Increase of economic and social efficiency of public catering
Sunteev A. N., Sevostyanova N. S.
Import substitution policies as basis for state economic and national security
Kurmanov A. S., Minnigulova D. B., Ishmuratov M. M.
On the political principle of “equality of rights and freedoms”
Evdokimov N. A., Salakhutdinova R. R., Aupov M. A., Gazizova L. I.
Main transformation aspects of the political system of Bashkortostan at the present stage
Minnigulova D. B., Salakhutdinova R. R., Utyashev M. M.
The policy of the state regarding the strike on the public civil service: experience of the Russian Federation
Kolobova G. A., Gallyamov R. R., Damindarova F. V.
Modern Russian political and organizational mechanisms of the economy regulation: the formal structures and the informal practices of functioning
Benina L. I.
Some Eurasian features of the political culture of Russian society
Bobkov A. E.
Legal support of patriotic education as a part of youth policy at the federal level
Gadzhiev Kh. А.
Political institutes: institutional and neoinstitutional approaches
Gorbachev A. A.
Modern approaches to the definition of threats to national security
Zlatanov B. G.
Features of political modernization in modern conditions
Makarevich E. F., Karpukhin O. I.
Political culture and ideology of mass communications
Nazarov A. V.
Forms of political activity among the youth political organizations
Nakashidze B. D.
Development prospects of the referendum institution in the subject of the Russian Federation
Nikiporets-Takigawa G. U.
Archetypal patterns of youth in Russia in the continuum of socio-political formations
Rozhkov G. A.
Functions of political parties in the context of national security
Shayakhmetov A. M.
The typology of political leadership of modern Russia
Vildanov R. R.
Emergence of representative authorities in Russia
Mustafa D. А.
The Islamic State as a result of the «Arab spring»: some causes and consequences of activity
Salakhutdinovа R. R., Nechiporenko O. V., Minnigulova D. B., Kurmanov A. S.
The role of local authorities in the preservation and development of local rural communities: a regional experience
Geleranskiy P. S.
Nature of public administration
Bondarenko G. V., Bondarenko A. V., Lukyanov M. Yu.
The value of law in the concept of moral development by L. Kolbere
Neganov F. V., Khaziev Z. A.
Legal axiological determination
Chernovitskaya Yu. V., Sevalnikov A. Yu.
Sociocultural origins of modern science
Lukiyanov M. Yu., Bondarenko A. V., Shalamberidze O. V.
Russian and soviet historiography of the philosophical and political heritage, N. Machiavelli
Kryukov V. V.
Deterrence as an aspect of general prevention
Romashov R. A.
Review of V. Yu. Panchenko`s monograph «Legal interaction as a type of social interaction»
Solntsev A. M.
Review of multi-authored monograph: Kopylov M. N., Kopylov S. M., Mohammad S. M. A.
Brief overview of the history of international environmental law. M., 2015. – 518 p.
Abashidze A. Kh., Gugunskiy D. A., Keburia K. O., Koneva A. Ye., Solntsev A. M.
International Seminar «Exchange of Experience in the Application of the 1980 Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction and the 1996 Convention on Jurisdiction, Applicable Law, Recognition, Enforcement and Cooperation in Respect of Parental Responsibility and Measures for the Protection of Children»
Korbut L. V.
Review of the work of the round table «The Nuremberg Trials and Contemporary International Law»
Umnova (Konyukhova) I. A.
The peace road of Vietnam and Russia
Biryukov P. N.
The police of Republic Korea: general provisions
Vnukov V. I., Kairgaliev D. V.
Organization and management of China police performance
Interview with Moskalkova Tatyana Nikolaevna, vice-chairman of the State Duma Committee on affairs of the CIS, Euroasian integration and communications with compatriots, Ph.D. in Law, Ph.D. in Philosophy, professor, militia major general
Perspectives of the arctic environmental and legal status
Unresolved issues of legal regulation of transboundary watercourses in the Central Asian region
Legal aspects of the organization of the state financial control at the stage of development of the Eurasian economic union
Formation of single alcoholic products market of the EAEU
International law on the principle of the nonuse of force or threat of force: Past and Present
State souvereignty in international law
The expediency of Russia’s accession to the WTO
Ensuring the rights of the child in the conditions of intercultural marriage: the approaches of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, the European Court of Human Rights, and the experiences of selected national states
African peacekeeping: the growing demand, experiences and the future prospects FaskhutdinovR.F.,SuleymanovM.R.
To the question of subjective elements of genocide within the international and national legislation
Some aspects of work of the Administrative Court of the Arab League
The contextual element of crimes against humanity: from the beginnings to the present
To the questions of certain problematic issues in the process of concluding and amending international agreements
The legal position of the European Court of Human Rights on the application of a preventive measure in the form of detention in Russia and Tajikistan
Features of legal regulation of cross-border non-contractual obligations in the legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan
Formation and development of the social rights of man and citizen in the Kyrgyz Republic
The only special law on extradition within the CIS – the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On extradition of persons committed crimes”
To the question of the devictimization situation of victims of violent crimes in foreign countries
Dismissal in Italian labour law
Problem of relationship between morality and law: historical aspect
The formation of the ancient Russian feudal law
Formation of Russian business law in 18th-19th centuries
Judicial supervision in the activity of district court prosecution during the latter half of 19th century
Emanuel Levy’s legal idealism: the problem of the sociological and psychological understanding of law and its grounds
Problems of the establishment of the Australian Federation in the second half of the 19th century, public opinion and political positions
The common principles of municipal control
The problem of determining subjects realizing powers in addressing local issues: the constitutional and legal aspects
Actual problems of prevention of administrative offenses committed by minors
Administrative and police legal relationships: the concept and essence
Actual problems of legal regulation of the rent institution
Collective labour agreement: procedure of its conclusion and typical errors made in its preparation
Dismissal due to loss of confidence: theory and practice
Controversial issues of legal regulation of labour protection of the employers carrying out activity in the territory of Sverdlovsk region
The development of civil law in the Russian Federation
The gaps in implementation of the rules on bankruptcy of individuals
Some problems of legal regulation of obligatory inheritance in civil law of Russia
To the issue of legal nature of the auditor’s civil and legal liability for nonperformance or improper performance of contractual obligations
On the compliance of the thesis with the established criteria. Legal errors of Regulations on awarding of academic degrees (2013)
Advertising as an object of intellectual property
Some aspects of the implementation of housing improvement mechanism in respect of police officers
About peculiarities of financial and legal regulation of the state (municipal) services
Objects which are the carriers of information about connections between subscribers
Legal regulation of contracts for the implementation of geological study of subsoil
Abdulmuslimova L.G.
The problem of devictimization of victims of murder and harm to human health
The characteristics of injuries caused in case of robberies and assaults
Criminal legal analysis of the subject of the illegal obtaining of the credit (Art. 176 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation)
Delegated mediation in Russian criminal law: prospects and proposals
Legal and other countermeasures to the activity of the criminal communities in the sphere of illicit trafficking of drugs
The child’s right to life and upbringing in the family (the experience of Russia and Finland)
The citizen`s participation in managing foreign policy of the Russian Federation by sending citizens’ appeals in the organizations of the Ombudsman for the Rights of the Child under the President of the Russian Federation
Some notes about the basis of the charge in criminal process
Issues of improvement of criminal procedural regulation of refusal procedure in initiating criminal proceedings concerning the deputy of the body of local self-government
Social security of family members of police officers: problems of legal regulation
Professional dignity of a judge and criteria of its valuation
Domestic violence as a social phenomenon: problems and prevention
Special criminological prevention of abuse of powers
Zhuravlenko N. I., Mikhailova Ya. S.
The mathematical modelling of criminological features of the persons committing economic crimes, which is carried out on the basis of equifinality principle
Nikolaev N. M., Bashirina E. N.
Criminological analysis of crimes committed in a state of alcohol or drug intoxication
Nadtachaev P. V.
Interpretation of the concept “residence” and its influence on application of norms on the weapon
Gadzhieva A. A., Damadaeva A. M.
Preventive measures of the illicit gambling and problems of its improvement
Shuvalov N. V., Kuzovlev V. Yu., Hapkin L. E., Gladyrev V. V., Kayrgaliev D. V., Vasiljev D. V.
Establishing the common source of origin of several samples of heroin as investigation task
Vasiljev D. V.
The possibility of using foreign experience of criminalistic characteristics of the oil thefts
Safonov D. A., Belousenko P. N.
Tactical and methodical aspects of special knowledge use for crime scene investigation in special conditions
Toropov S. A., Ponomarev A. V.
Tactics in the detection of caches conducting investigations
Ismailov Ch. M.
The circumstances surrounding the disappearance of individuals in Russia and measures to counter a traceless disappearance
Chikireva I. Р.
Problems of dismissal of the public civil and municipal servants due to the loss of trust for the violation of the law on corruption counteraction
Basistaya A. V.
The concept of affirmative action of state in context of equality and non-discrimination regarding persons with disabilities
Musaevа A. G. Azizovа P. M.
The concept of protection of human rights and freedoms
Kadymov А. А.
The formation of BASSR boxing in 20–40s of 20th century: historical and legal aspects
Sedankina T. E.
Specifics Islamic theology in contemporary Russian educational space
Fedotova Yu. G.
Legal basis and regularities of citizen participation in the Fatherland protection
Kiselev I. V.
Practical elements of the international cooperation in the sphere of higher education in the legislation on education of the Russian Federation
Ibragimovа A. Sh.
Problems of enjoyment of citizens’ rights to education in the Russian Federation
Semenova N. S.
The Church’s role in the enforcement of the right to education
Salnikova M. A., Protopopova T. V., Orlova S. V.
The idea of human dignity under the long range state program “Patriotic education of the people of the Russian Federation”
Andreev A. V., Morodumov R. N.
State-patriotic education in departmental universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
Abramova S. R.
National-regional component and problem of education in their native Russian language in Bashkortostan
Saifullin E. V.
The participation of citizens in the protection of public order and public safety as a civil society institution
Melnikov A. G.
The grounds and principles of modern parliamentarism
Efremova S. M., Kuznetsovа K. V.
Marketing research of labour market in Oryol city and Oryol Region
Valiakhmetov R. M.
Sociological approaches to the measurement and analysis of the social potential of the region
Khairullina N. G.
Policy in the sphere of provision of pensions of Russians
Gafurov A. I., Yarullin I. I.
The financial crisis and the economic security of Russia: analysis, problems and prospects
Safinа R. R., Khramova A. A.
Increase of economic and social efficiency of public catering
Sunteev A. N., Sevostyanova N. S.
Import substitution policies as basis for state economic and national security
Kurmanov A. S., Minnigulova D. B., Ishmuratov M. M.
On the political principle of “equality of rights and freedoms”
Evdokimov N. A., Salakhutdinova R. R., Aupov M. A., Gazizova L. I.
Main transformation aspects of the political system of Bashkortostan at the present stage
Minnigulova D. B., Salakhutdinova R. R., Utyashev M. M.
The policy of the state regarding the strike on the public civil service: experience of the Russian Federation
Kolobova G. A., Gallyamov R. R., Damindarova F. V.
Modern Russian political and organizational mechanisms of the economy regulation: the formal structures and the informal practices of functioning
Benina L. I.
Some Eurasian features of the political culture of Russian society
Bobkov A. E.
Legal support of patriotic education as a part of youth policy at the federal level
Gadzhiev Kh. А.
Political institutes: institutional and neoinstitutional approaches
Gorbachev A. A.
Modern approaches to the definition of threats to national security
Zlatanov B. G.
Features of political modernization in modern conditions
Makarevich E. F., Karpukhin O. I.
Political culture and ideology of mass communications
Nazarov A. V.
Forms of political activity among the youth political organizations
Nakashidze B. D.
Development prospects of the referendum institution in the subject of the Russian Federation
Nikiporets-Takigawa G. U.
Archetypal patterns of youth in Russia in the continuum of socio-political formations
Rozhkov G. A.
Functions of political parties in the context of national security
Shayakhmetov A. M.
The typology of political leadership of modern Russia
Vildanov R. R.
Emergence of representative authorities in Russia
Mustafa D. А.
The Islamic State as a result of the «Arab spring»: some causes and consequences of activity
Salakhutdinovа R. R., Nechiporenko O. V., Minnigulova D. B., Kurmanov A. S.
The role of local authorities in the preservation and development of local rural communities: a regional experience
Geleranskiy P. S.
Nature of public administration
Bondarenko G. V., Bondarenko A. V., Lukyanov M. Yu.
The value of law in the concept of moral development by L. Kolbere
Neganov F. V., Khaziev Z. A.
Legal axiological determination
Chernovitskaya Yu. V., Sevalnikov A. Yu.
Sociocultural origins of modern science
Lukiyanov M. Yu., Bondarenko A. V., Shalamberidze O. V.
Russian and soviet historiography of the philosophical and political heritage, N. Machiavelli
Kryukov V. V.
Deterrence as an aspect of general prevention
Romashov R. A.
Review of V. Yu. Panchenko`s monograph «Legal interaction as a type of social interaction»
Solntsev A. M.
Review of multi-authored monograph: Kopylov M. N., Kopylov S. M., Mohammad S. M. A.
Brief overview of the history of international environmental law. M., 2015. – 518 p.
Abashidze A. Kh., Gugunskiy D. A., Keburia K. O., Koneva A. Ye., Solntsev A. M.
International Seminar «Exchange of Experience in the Application of the 1980 Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction and the 1996 Convention on Jurisdiction, Applicable Law, Recognition, Enforcement and Cooperation in Respect of Parental Responsibility and Measures for the Protection of Children»
Korbut L. V.
Review of the work of the round table «The Nuremberg Trials and Contemporary International Law»
Umnova (Konyukhova) I. A.
The peace road of Vietnam and Russia
Biryukov P. N.
The police of Republic Korea: general provisions
Vnukov V. I., Kairgaliev D. V.
Organization and management of China police performance
Kopylov M. N., Kopylov S. M.
Perspectives of the arctic environmental and legal status
The article deals with the Arctic contemporary legal regime with a special emphasis on its ecological and legal component. Arguments in favor of inability to spread the regime of the high seas and the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea in a whole to the Arctic area. Preference in terms of prospects for the Arctic ecological and legal status of the Arctic is given to a regional basis.
The article deals with the Arctic contemporary legal regime with a special emphasis on its ecological and legal component. Arguments in favor of inability to spread the regime of the high seas and the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea in a whole to the Arctic area. Preference in terms of prospects for the Arctic ecological and legal status of the Arctic is given to a regional basis.
Keywords: Arctic, continental shelf, the national legislation, the high sea, the Commission on the
Limits of the Continental Shelf, Polar Environmental Code, the Arctic Council.
Work bibliographic list
1. Osnovy gosudarstvennoj politiki Rossijskoj Federacii v Arktike na period do 2020 goda i dal'nejshuju perspektivu. Utv. Prezidentom RF 18.09.2008 NPr-1969 // Ros. gaz. – 2009. – 27 marta. - #4877.
Work bibliographic list
1. Osnovy gosudarstvennoj politiki Rossijskoj Federacii v Arktike na period do 2020 goda i dal'nejshuju perspektivu. Utv. Prezidentom RF 18.09.2008 NPr-1969 // Ros. gaz. – 2009. – 27 marta. - #4877.
2. Postanovlenie Prezidiuma VCIK SSSR ot 15 aprelja 1926 g. «Ob ob"javlenii territoriej Sojuza SSR zemel' i ostrovov, raspolozhennyh v Severnom Ledovitom okeane» // Sobr. zakonodatel'stva SSSR. - 1926.- # 32.
3. Putin V. V. Ezhegodnoe poslanie Federal'nomu Sobraniju // Ros. gaz., - 2015. – 4 dek. - # 6550 (278).
4. Bekjashev K. A. FAO i pravovye voprosy ohrany zhivyh resursov otkrytogo morja. - M.: Pishh. prom-st', 1976. - 185 s.
5. Valeev R.M. Kontrol' v sovremennom mezhdunarodnom prave. - Kazan', 2003. - 320 s..
6. Vel'jaminov G. M. Mezhdunarodnoe jekonomicheskoe pravo i process (Akademicheskij kurs). — M.: Volters Kluver, 2004. — 496 s.
7. Veselov I. A. Mezhdunarodnye uchenija po poisku i spasaniju v Arktike «Grenlandskoe more 2012» // Arkticheskie vedomosti. – 2012. – # 4. – C. 50-51.
8. Kopylov M. N., Kopylov S. M., Mohammad S. M. A. Kratkij ocherk istorii mezhdunarodnogo jekologicheskogo prava / pod red. M. N. Kopylova. – M.: Jekon-Inform, 2015. – 518 s.
9. Kopylov M. N., Kopylov S. M., Mohammad S. M. A. JuNEP i mezhdunarodno-pravovaja zashhita morskoj sredy // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. - 2010. - # 11 (30). – S. 42-47.
10. Kopylov M. N., Jakusheva E. A. K 10-letiju Arkticheskogo soveta // Jekologicheskoe pravo. - 2006. - # 3. - S. 30-35.
11. Kopylov S. M. Mezhdunarodno-pravovye aspekty preduprezhdenija negativnyh jekologicheskih posledstvij hozjajstvennoj dejatel'nosti v Antarktike: dis.… kand. jurid. nauk: 12.00.10 / Kopylov Stanislav Mihajlovich. - M., 2011. – 312 s.
12. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo: uchebnik / pod red. A. N. Vylegzhanina. - M.: Vysshee obrazovanie, Jurajt-Izdat., 2009. – 1012 s.
13. Molchanov V. P., Akimov V. A., Sokolov Ju. I. Riski chrezvychajnyh situacij v arkticheskoj zone Rossijskoj Federacii. – M.: Izd-vo VNII GO i ChS MChS Rossii. – 2011. - 300 s.
14. Predlozhenija k dorozhnoj karte razvitija mezhdunarodno-pravovyh osnov sotrudnichestva Rossii v Arktike: rabochaja tetrad' / A. N. Vylegzhanin, S. A, Gureev, Ju. N. Maleev i dr.; gl. red. I. S. Ivanov. – M.:Speckniga, 2013. – 56 s.
15. Rostunova O. S. Zakonodatel'nye i mezhdunarodno-pravovye osobennosti ohrany okruzhajushhej sredy v Arkticheskoj zone Rossijskoj Federacii // Moskovskij zhurnal mezhdunarodnogo prava. – 2010. - # 4 (80). – S. 171-190.
Rajabov S. A.
Unresolved issues of legal regulation of transboundary watercourses in the Central Asian region
The article deals with international legal issues of transboundary water resources in the Central
The article deals with international legal issues of transboundary water resources in the Central
Asian region which have not been resolved yet. Debatable issues, the lack of elaboration of legal mechanisms, the need to develop new mechanisms for management of shared water resources of transboundary rivers, the need for close cooperation in water issues, important and relevant for the Central Asian countries are discussed.
Keywords: rules of international law, transboundary watercourses, water and energy resources, the mode of use of water resources, water-using mechanism, principles of international environmental law, water diplomacy.
Work bibliographic list
1. Abdullina A. Central'naja Azija razdelilas' na vodoobespechennuju dvojku i zhazhdushhuju trojku [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 15.04.2015 g.).
Work bibliographic list
1. Abdullina A. Central'naja Azija razdelilas' na vodoobespechennuju dvojku i zhazhdushhuju trojku [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 15.04.2015 g.).
2. Ahmetova T. A. Problemy i perspektivy jekonomicheskogo vzaimodejstvija gosudarstv v Srednej Azii i Kazahstana v ispol'zovanii transgranichnyh vodnyh resursov: Avtoref. diss. … kand. jekon. nauk. Moskva, 2007.
3. Valentini K. L., Orolbaev Je. Je., Abylgazieva A. K. Vodnye problemy Central'noj Azii. Bishkek: Mezhdunar. in-t strategicheskih issledovanij pri Prezidente Kyrgyzskoj Respubliki, 2004.
4. Vsemirnyj bank ocenit proekt tadzhikskoj Rogunskoj GJeS v interesah Uzbekistana// [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data poseshhenija: 14.04.2015 g.).
5. Konvencija OON po ohrane i ispol'zovaniju transgranichnyh vodotokov i mezhdunarodnyh ozer ot 18 sentjabrja 1992 goda [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 15.04.2015 g.).
6. Konvencija o prave ispol'zovanija mezhdunarodnyh vodotokov, prinjataja General'noj Assambleej OON 21 marta 1997 goda [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 15.04.2015 g.).
7. Potapenko D. Problemy vodnyh resursov Tadzhikistana [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 15.04.2015 g.).
8. Rech' Prezidenta RT Jemomali Rahmona na ceremonii prezentacii doklada JuNESKO o vodnom razvitii v Stambule 16 marta 2009 g. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: obrashhenija: 14.04.2015 g.).
9. Sasiev K. H. Tendencii progressivnogo razvitija i kodifikacii norm mezhdunarodnogo prava po voprosam ispol'zovanija transgranichnyh vodotokov (jekologicheskij aspekt) // Vestnik RUDN: serija juridicheskie nauki. M., 2008. # 1.
10. Sultonov A. Pora osoznavat' vodnye problemy i bit' v kolokola [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 15.04.2015 g.).
11. Tadzhikskie jeksperty potrebovali ne svodit' problemy vodnyh resursov v CA tol'ko k voprosu o Rogunskoj GJeS // (data obrashhenija: 15.04.2015 g.)
12. Transgranichnoe vodnoe sotrudnichestvo v novyh nezavisimyh gosudarstvah. M.- Zheneva: Evropejskaja Jekonomicheskaja Komissija OON, Ministerstvo prirodnyh resursov RF, 2003.
Maksimova D. A.
Legal aspects of the organization of the state financial control at the stage of development of the Eurasian economic union
The article is devoted to issues related to the legal framework for the establishment of the Eurasian
The article is devoted to issues related to the legal framework for the establishment of the Eurasian
Economic Union, the goal of the Eurasian Economic Union. The article analyzes the powers of the Eurasian Economic Commission as the permanent regulative authority. Also the article outlines the issues concerning legal aspects of the organization of state financial control over the activities of the Eurasian Economic Commission.
Keywords: Eurasian Economic Union, development, purpose of establishment, legal aspects, Eurasian Economic Commission, budget, control.
Work bibliographic list
1. Dogovor o Evrazijskom jekonomicheskom sojuze (Podpisan v g. Astane 29.05.2014) (red. ot 08.05.2015) //Spravochnaja sistema Konsul'tant Pljus; istochniki publikacii: Oficial'nyj sajt Evrazijskoj jekonomicheskoj komissii, 05.06.2014, Oficial'nyj internet-portal pravovoj informacii. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – rezhim dostupa:, 16.01.2015.
Work bibliographic list
1. Dogovor o Evrazijskom jekonomicheskom sojuze (Podpisan v g. Astane 29.05.2014) (red. ot 08.05.2015) //Spravochnaja sistema Konsul'tant Pljus; istochniki publikacii: Oficial'nyj sajt Evrazijskoj jekonomicheskoj komissii, 05.06.2014, Oficial'nyj internet-portal pravovoj informacii. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – rezhim dostupa:, 16.01.2015.
2. Reshenie Vysshego Evrazijskogo jekonomicheskogo soveta ot 10.10.2014 # 78 «O Polozhenii o bjudzhete Evrazijskogo jekonomicheskogo sojuza» // Spravonaja sistema Konsul'tant Pljus; istochnik publikacii: Oficial'nyj sajt Evrazijskoj jekonomicheskoj komissii, 13.10.2014.
3. Rasporjazhenie Kollegii Evrazijskoj jekonomicheskoj komissii ot 21.04.2015 # 37 «O Plane nauchno-issledovatel'skih rabot Evrazijskoj jekonomicheskoj komissii na 2015–2016 gody» // Spravochnaja sistema Konsul'tant Pljus; istochnik publikacii: Oficial'nyj sajt Evrazijskogo jekonomicheskogo sojuza. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – rezhim dostupa:, 22.04.2015.
4. Dogovor o prekrashhenii dejatel'nosti Evrazijskogo jekonomicheskogo soobshhestva (podpisan v g. Minske 10.10.2014) // Spravochnaja sistema Konsul'tant Pljus;istochnik publikacii: Oficial'nyj internet-portal pravovoj informacii,21.10.2014.
5. Dogovor o prisoedinenii Respubliki Armenija k Dogovoru o Evrazijskom jekonomicheskom sojuze ot 29 maja 2014 goda (podpisan v g. Minske 10.10.2014) //Spravochnaja sistema Konsul'tant Pljus; istochnik publikacii: Oficial'nyj internet-portal pravovoj informacii, 13.01.2015, Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF, 23.02.2015. # 8, st. 1107, Bjulleten' mezhdunarodnyh dogovorov, # 5, 2015.
6. Dogovor o prisoedinenii Kyrgyzskoj Respubliki k Dogovoru o Evrazijskom jekonomicheskom sojuze ot 29 maja 2014 goda (podpisan v g. Moskve 23.12.2014) // Spravochnaja sistema Konsul'tant Pljus; istochnik publikacii: Oficial'nyj internet-portal pravovoj informacii. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – rezhim dostupa:, 13.08.2015, Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF, 21.09.2015, # 38, st. 5213.
7. Kapustin A. Ja. Dogovor o Evrazijskom jekonomicheskom sojuze – novaja stranica pravovogo razvitija evrazijskoj integracii // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. 2014. # 12.
8. Mambetaliev N. Dogovor o Evrazijskom jekonomicheskom sojuze // Nalogovyj vestnik. 2015. # 1.
Fedorova S. I.
Formation of single alcoholic products market of the EAEU
Nowadays we can observe a fast and intensive development of the Eurasian Economic Union. On 29 May, 2014 a Treaty on Eurasian Economic Union was signed, which means integration of markets should take place in the nearest future. As a consequence, the market of alcoholic products should be also unified. The Treaty aims at eliminating barriers of free movement of goods and services, human resources, development of unified energy, pharmaceutical, financial market and others, including alcoholic market. However alcohol belongs to “vulnerable commodity group”, hence even though the Member States declare adherence to unified EAEU regulations and standards, free movement of goods and services, they are quite reluctant in refusing in protection to their domestic producers. Moreover, the features of national regulation of EAEU Member States impede successful formation of a unified alcoholic market. This article proposes to consider peculiarities of legal regulation concerning possibility of introducing monopoly in the field of production and turnover of alcoholic products as well as to consider peculiarities of licensing regime of its operation. It is supposed that only harmonization and unification of national regulation can be a way out in the given situation.
Nowadays we can observe a fast and intensive development of the Eurasian Economic Union. On 29 May, 2014 a Treaty on Eurasian Economic Union was signed, which means integration of markets should take place in the nearest future. As a consequence, the market of alcoholic products should be also unified. The Treaty aims at eliminating barriers of free movement of goods and services, human resources, development of unified energy, pharmaceutical, financial market and others, including alcoholic market. However alcohol belongs to “vulnerable commodity group”, hence even though the Member States declare adherence to unified EAEU regulations and standards, free movement of goods and services, they are quite reluctant in refusing in protection to their domestic producers. Moreover, the features of national regulation of EAEU Member States impede successful formation of a unified alcoholic market. This article proposes to consider peculiarities of legal regulation concerning possibility of introducing monopoly in the field of production and turnover of alcoholic products as well as to consider peculiarities of licensing regime of its operation. It is supposed that only harmonization and unification of national regulation can be a way out in the given situation.
Keywords: EAEU, Eurasian Economic Union, alcoholic products market, licensing regime, state monopoly, harmonization, unification.
Work bibliographic list
1. Dogovor o Evrazijskom jekonomicheskom sojuze (podpisan v g. Astane 29.05.2014) (red. ot 10.10.2014, s izm. ot 08.05.2015) // SPS «Konsul'tant Pljus», 2015.
Work bibliographic list
1. Dogovor o Evrazijskom jekonomicheskom sojuze (podpisan v g. Astane 29.05.2014) (red. ot 10.10.2014, s izm. ot 08.05.2015) // SPS «Konsul'tant Pljus», 2015.
2. Federal'nyj zakon ot 22.11.1995 # 171-FZ (red. ot 06.04.2015) «O gosudarstvennom regulirovanii proizvodstva i oborota jetilovogo spirta, alkogol'noj i spirtosoderzhashhej produkcii i ob ogranichenii potreblenija (raspitija) alkogol'noj produkcii» //SPS «Konsul'tant Pljus», 2015.
3. Federal'nyj zakon ot 31.12.2014 g. # 490-FZ «O vnesenii izmenenija v Federal'nyj zakon ot 22.11.1995 g. # 171-FZ “O gosudarstvennom regulirovanii proizvodstva i oborota jetilovogo spirta, alkogol'noj i spirtosoderzhashhej produkcii i ob ogranichenii potreblenija (raspitija alkogol'noj produkcii” i vnesenii izmenenij v otdel'nye zakonodatel'nye akty Rossijskoj Federacii» [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 29.05.2015).
4. Dogovor o zone svobodnoj torgovli (podpisan v g. Sankt-Peterburge 18.10.2011), vstupil v silu dlja Kyrgyzskoj Respubliki s 12.01.2014 g. Prilozhenie 2. // SPS «Konsul'tant Pljus», 2015.
5. Zakon Kyrgyzskoj Respubliki ot 13.10.2009 g. # 269 «O gosudarstvennom regulirovanii proizvodstva i oborota jetilovogo spirta i alkogol'noj produkcii» [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: http://cbd. (data obrashhenija: 27.05.2015). P. 1 st. 10.
6. Zakon Respubliki Belarus' «O gosudarstvennom regulirovanii proizvodstva i oborota alkogol'noj, nepishhevoj spirtosoderzhashhej produkcii i nepishhevogo jetilovogo spirta» ot 27 avgusta 2008 g. # 429- Z. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 27.05.2015).
7. Zakon Respubliki Kazahstan ot 16.07.1999 # 429 «O gosudarstvennom regulirovanii oborota jetilovogo spirta i alkogol'noj produkcii» [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 27.05.2015) P. 1-2. St. 10.
8. Zakonoproekt # 478206-6 «O vnesenii izmenenij v Federal'nyj zakon «O gosudarstvennom regulirovanii proizvodstva i oborota jetilovogo spirta, alkogol'noj i spirtosoderzhashhej produkcii i ob ogranichenii potreblenija (raspitija) alkogol'noj
produkcii» v chasti vvedenija gosudarstvennoj monopolii na proizvodstvo jetilovogo spirta na territorii Rossijskoj Federacii» ot 21.03.2014 [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa:
RN=478206-6&02 (data obrashhenija 27.05.2015).
9. Institut specimportera na alkogol'nom i tabachnom rynke Belarusi mozhet byt' otmenen v 2017 godu // NAVINY.BY, Jekonomika. 10.03.2015 [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 27.05.2015).
10. Kommentarij k Dekretu # 2 i Ukazu # 92 ot 20.04.2015. [Jelektronnyj resurs] // Oficial'nyj sajt Prezidenta Respubliki Belarus'. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 27.05.2015).
11. O vnesenii dopolnenij i izmenenij v nekotorye zakonodatel'nye akty KR (ob ogranichenii oborota alkogol'nyh napitkov) (v ZKR «O gosudarstvennom regulirovanii proizvodstva i oborota jetilovogo spirta i alkogol'noj produkcii, Kodeks KR ob administrativnoj otvetstvennosti, Ugolovnyj kodeks KR). 20.05.2015 g. prinjat v 1-m cht. P. 272. // Dvizhenie zakonoproektov, rassmotrennyh Zhogorku Keneshem Kyrgyzskoj Respubliki 5 sozyva v 2015 g. [Jelektronnyj resurs] // Oficial'nyj sajt Zhogorku Kenesh Kyrgyzskoj Respubliki. Rezhim dostupa: a k o n o p r o e k t o v _ r a s s m o t r e n n y x _ Z H o g o r k u _Keneshem_Kyrgyzskoj_Respubliki_5_sozyva_v_2015_godu_.aspx (data obrashhenija: 29.05.2015)
12. Polozhenie «O licenzirovanii otdel'nyh vidov dejatel'nosti», utverzhdeno Ukazom Prezidenta Respubliki Belarus' «O licenzirovanii otdel'nyh vidov dejatel'nosti» ot 01.09.2010 # 450 [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 28.05.2015). P. 281.
13. Polozhenie o porjadke kvotirovanija vvoza v Kyrgyzskuju Respubliku alkogol'noj produkcii i opredelenija importnoj kvoty. Utverzhdeno postanovleniem Pravitel'stva Kyrgyzskoj Respubliki ot 05.04.2004 g. # 227 [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 28.07.2015) P. 1.3 gl. I.
14. Proekt Soglashenija o regulirovanii alkogol'nogo rynka v ramkah Evrazijskogo jekonomicheskogo sojuza [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: http://www. (data obrashhenija: 26.05.2015).
15. Obshhestvo. 16.03.2015 [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 27.05.2015).
16. V Belarusi planirujut zapretit' prodazhu alkogolja posle 22 chasov // NAVINY.BY, Dekret Prezidenta Respubliki Belarus' ot 29.02.2008 # 3 «O nekotoryh voprosah gosudarstvennogo regulirovanija proizvodstva, oborota i reklamy piva, alkogol'noj produkcii i tabachnyh izdelij».
Farkhutdinov I. Z.
International law on the principle of the nonuse of force or threat of force: Past and Present
Non-use of force or threat of force as one of the basic principles in the international regulatory system was formed, since the XVII century. (the law of war (lat. Jus ad bellum) until the middle of the XX century. The United Nations Charter legally secured a ban on the use of force in international relations, except two valid cases – self-defense and the decision of the Security Council. An important role in the evolution of this principle have played the Hague Peace Conferences of 1899 and 1907, the Statute of the League of Nations 1920, the Paris Pact 1928.
Non-use of force or threat of force as one of the basic principles in the international regulatory system was formed, since the XVII century. (the law of war (lat. Jus ad bellum) until the middle of the XX century. The United Nations Charter legally secured a ban on the use of force in international relations, except two valid cases – self-defense and the decision of the Security Council. An important role in the evolution of this principle have played the Hague Peace Conferences of 1899 and 1907, the Statute of the League of Nations 1920, the Paris Pact 1928.
But the UN Charter entered in the modern international law principle of non-mandatory use of force and threat of force, which covers all types of armed violence, economic, political, etc.
However, after 1945 the world plunged repeatedly in various wars. And we, the contemporaries, as we see today, were not insured by the fate of millions murdered in the two world wars. After a relatively short period of detente in the turn of the century the international community has been split reckless foreign policy of the United States and its European vassals.
In essence, they have committed a coup in Kiev in February 2014, setting off a new military confrontation in the world. Islamic state, with global terrorism, appeared with the connivance of the United States. Convenient for the moment decided to take advantage of the ruling clique of Turkey Erdogan, has ambitious plans to transform the country into a regional power.
The undeniable success of Russia in the international arena eloquently that the unipolar world has sunk into oblivion was completely in 2015.
Keywords: the basic principles of international law, threat to peace and security, jus ad bellum, the Hague Peace Conference, the Statute of the League of Nations, the Paris Pact, the UN Charter, the peaceful resolution of disputes, the definition of aggression.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ashavskij B. M. Koncepcii i ih rol' v sovremennom mezhdunarodnom prave // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2014. # 12(79).
Work bibliographic list
1. Ashavskij B. M. Koncepcii i ih rol' v sovremennom mezhdunarodnom prave // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2014. # 12(79).
2. Bekjashev K. A. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo i gosudarstva //Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2013. # 5(61).
3. Birjukov P. N., Bur'janov S. A. Obespechenie mira i bezopasnosti v Evrazii (Mezhdunarodno-pravovaja ocenka sobytij v Sirii). Interv'ju s doktorom juridicheskih nauk, glavnym redaktorom Evrazijskogo juridicheskogo zhurnala Insurom Farhutdinovym// Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2015. # 10.
4. Guseva A. Ju. K 75-letiju podpisanija pakta Briana –Kelloga // Diplomaticheskij vestnik. 2003. # 8.
5. Talalaev A. N. Pakt o nenapadenii i mezhdunarodnoe pravo // Pravo i politika. 2001. # 1.
6. TJesup Ph. Modern law of Nations. N. Y., 1948.
Kozhemyakin N. V.
State souvereignty in international law
The article reveals the legal concept of sovereignty in modern international law. The analysis of the concepts, the history of its occurrence are given. The concept of sovereignty and its application in modern international law are disclosed.
The article reveals the legal concept of sovereignty in modern international law. The analysis of the concepts, the history of its occurrence are given. The concept of sovereignty and its application in modern international law are disclosed.
Keywords: state sovereignty, the history of international law, the principle of sovereign equality of states.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bol'shoj juridicheskij slovar' / Pod red. V. N. Dodonova, V. D. Ermakova, M. A. Krylovoj. M.: Infra-M,2001.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bol'shoj juridicheskij slovar' / Pod red. V. N. Dodonova, V. D. Ermakova, M. A. Krylovoj. M.: Infra-M,2001.
2. Grachev N. I. Gosudarstvennyj i narodnyj suverenitet vo «vneshnem» i «vnutrennem» vyrazhenii. M.: Zakon i pravo. 2007. # 3.
3. Deklaracija o principah mezhdunarodnogo prava, kasajushhihsja druzhestvennyh otnoshenij i sotrudnichestva mezhdu gosudarstvami v sootvetstvii s Ustavom OON. 1970 g. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija:
21.11.2015 g.).
4. Konstitucija Rossijskoj Federacii. Sobranii zakonodatel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii ot 26 janvarja 2009 g. # 4 . St. 445.
5. Marchenko M. N. Gosudarstvo i pravo v uslovijah globalizacii. M.: Prospekt. 2008.
6. Moiseev A. A. Sootnoshenie suvereniteta i nadgosudarstvennosti v sovremennom mezhdunarodnom prave (v kontekste globalizacii): Avtoref. … d-ra jurid. nauk. M., 2008.
7. Moiseev A. A. Suverenitet gosudarstva v sovremennom mire. M.: Nauchnaja kniga, 2006.
8. Levin I. D. Suverenitet.M.: Jurid. izd. Min. just. SSSR, 1948.
9. Smirnov S. V. Suverenitet sovremennogo gosudarstva v uslovijah globalizacii: voprosy teorii i praktiki: Avtoref. diss. … kand. jurid. nauk, Ul'janovsk, 2011.
10. Ukaz Prezidenta Rossijskoj Federacii ot 12 maja 2009 g. # 537 «O Strategii nacional'noj bezopasnosti Rossijskoj Federacii do 2020 goda» // Rossijskaja gazeta. 2009 . .ju. 19 maja . # 4912.
11. Ustav OON. N'ju-Jork. 1945 g. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 21.11.2015 g.).
12. Chernichenko S. V. Delim li gosudarstvennyj suverenitet // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2010. # 12 (31) [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 21.11.2015 g.).
Abakarova R. Sh.
The expediency of Russia’s accession to the WTO
Russia's accession to the WTO creates many problems related not only to awareness of the socioeconomic impact of the event, but with the development of mechanisms of adaptation of Russian economy to the new conditions.
Russia's accession to the WTO creates many problems related not only to awareness of the socioeconomic impact of the event, but with the development of mechanisms of adaptation of Russian economy to the new conditions.
The article describes the problems associated with the adaptation of the agricultural sector to world standards and conditions applied in the framework of the common economic space. Both positive and negative aspects of Russia's accession to the WTO are analyzed.
Keywords: WTO, food security, government regulation, government support, competitiveness, agricultural production.
Work bibliographic list
1. Abakarova R. Sh. Vozmozhnye posledstvija dlja APK Rossii pri globalizacii jekonomicheskih otnoshenij Vestnik Irkutskogo gosudarstvennogo tehnicheskogo universiteta. 2014 g. # 4(87). S. 159–161.
Work bibliographic list
1. Abakarova R. Sh. Vozmozhnye posledstvija dlja APK Rossii pri globalizacii jekonomicheskih otnoshenij Vestnik Irkutskogo gosudarstvennogo tehnicheskogo universiteta. 2014 g. # 4(87). S. 159–161.
2. Illarionova E. V. Prisoedinenie Rossii k VTO: vygody i riski // Obozrevatel'. 2014 g. # 7. S. 44–52
3. Starkova O. Ja. VTO i regulirovanie sel'skohozjajstvennogo proizvodstva // Nauchno-prakticheskij zhurnal Permskij agrarnyj vestnik. 2014 g. # 10. S. 68-73
4. Tihomirova Ju. A. K voprosu o transformacii mer gosudarstvennoj podderzhki agrarnogo sektora v svjazi s prisoedineniem Rossii k VTO // Altajskij vestnik gosudarstvennoj i municipal'noj sluzhby. 2013.# 10. S. 102–105.
5. Ushachev I., Serkov A., Siptic S., Chekalin V., Tarasov V. Konkurentosposobnost' sel'skohozjajstvennoj produkcii i prodovol'stvija Rossii v uslovijah prisoedinenija k VTO // APK: jekonomika, upravlenie. 2012. # 6. S. 159–161.
Riekkinen M. A.
Ensuring the rights of the child in the conditions of intercultural marriage: the approaches of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, the European Court of Human Rights, and the experiences of selected national states
From the perspective of human rights, compromise decision-making regarding upbringing of children inside the intercultural marriage can be summed up in several legal categories: due fulfillment of parental duties, choice of the name of the child, choice of the educational environment, choice of the language environment, choice of religion. This article analyses the main principles of decision-making with respect of all these categories considering the provisions of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights, and the practices of selected national states.
From the perspective of human rights, compromise decision-making regarding upbringing of children inside the intercultural marriage can be summed up in several legal categories: due fulfillment of parental duties, choice of the name of the child, choice of the educational environment, choice of the language environment, choice of religion. This article analyses the main principles of decision-making with respect of all these categories considering the provisions of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights, and the practices of selected national states.
Keywords: intercultural marriage, the rights of the child, UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, European Court of Human Rights.
Work bibliographic list
1. Augustin B. Marriage across Frontiers. England:Multilingual Matters, 1989.
Work bibliographic list
1. Augustin B. Marriage across Frontiers. England:Multilingual Matters, 1989.
2. Augustin B. Children at Stake in Divorce of Intercultural Couples. International Sociological Association, 1986.
3. Romano D. Intercultural Marriage.2nd Edition. Boston, London: Intercultural press, 2008.
4. Most popular names for children in Finland// Nordic Business Report. Oct 3, 2003.
5. Verheyde M. Article 28: The Right to Education// Alen A., Vande Lanotte J., Verhellen E., Ang F., Berghmans E., and Verheyde M. (Eds.) A Commentary on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. Leiden:Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2006.
6. Mishina-Mori S. A longitudinal analysis of language choice in bilingual children: The role of parental input and interaction// 43 Journal of Pragmatics. 2014. # 43.
7. Brems E. Article 14: The Right to Freedom of Thought, Conscience and Religion // Alen A., Vande Lanotte J., Verhellen E., Ang F., Berghmans E., and Verheyde M. (Eds.) A Commentary
on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2006.
Kurgat P. K., Njenga L. N.
African peacekeeping: the growing demand, experiences and the future prospects
The ongoing insecurity in complex environments can be better addressed by an African peacekeeping force model which allows a mission to adopt its posture between peacekeeping and peace enforcement. In early 2015 one hundred thousand uniformed peacekeepers were deployed in the African continent: South Sudan, Somalia, Mali etc. The mandate is increasingly broadening, including counter terror, civilian protection, intra state conflicts and operations depend on partnerships with the African Union and United Nations. This article seeks to indicate the connection between UN, AU and IGAD in peacekeeping and discusses the root cause of conflicts in the continent.
The ongoing insecurity in complex environments can be better addressed by an African peacekeeping force model which allows a mission to adopt its posture between peacekeeping and peace enforcement. In early 2015 one hundred thousand uniformed peacekeepers were deployed in the African continent: South Sudan, Somalia, Mali etc. The mandate is increasingly broadening, including counter terror, civilian protection, intra state conflicts and operations depend on partnerships with the African Union and United Nations. This article seeks to indicate the connection between UN, AU and IGAD in peacekeeping and discusses the root cause of conflicts in the continent.
Keywords: peacekeeping, peacemaking, peace enforcement, African Union.
Faskhutdinov R. F., Suleymanov M. R.
To the question of subjective elements of genocide within the international and national legislation
In the article the criminal and legal characteristic of subjective elements of structure of Art. 357 “Genocide” of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation is given. Various approaches on its realization are considered. The comparative analysis of the international and domestic legislation is carried out.
In the article the criminal and legal characteristic of subjective elements of structure of Art. 357 “Genocide” of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation is given. Various approaches on its realization are considered. The comparative analysis of the international and domestic legislation is carried out.
Keywords: crimes against the world and safety of mankind, genocide, tribunal, the Convention, the International Criminal Court, the subject, the subjective party.
Work bibliographic list
1. Arjamov A. A. Prestuplenija protiv mira i bezopasnosti chelovechestva: hrestomatijnyj kurs lekcij. M., 2012.
Work bibliographic list
1. Arjamov A. A. Prestuplenija protiv mira i bezopasnosti chelovechestva: hrestomatijnyj kurs lekcij. M., 2012.
2. Badamshin I. D. Genocid kak social'no-pravovoe javlenie // Otechestvennaja nauka v jepohu izmenenij:postulaty proshlogo i teorii novogo vremeni. Ekaterinburg: Nacional'naja associacija uchenyh, 2015.
3. Badamshin I. D. Genocid: ponjatie i soderzhanie //Simbioz nacional'nogo i mezhdunarodnogo prava. SPb.: Fond razvitija juridicheskoj nauki, 2015.
4. Badamshin I. D. K voprosu ob ob"ekte genocida // Sovremennye koncepcii nauchnyh issledovanij. M., 2015.
5. Vidus D. Je. Otvetstvennost' gosudarstv za genocid //Mezhdunarodnoe pravo i mezhdunarodnye organizacii. 2012. # 2 // SPS «Konsul'tant-Pljus».
6. Vozbuzhdeno ugolovnoe delo v otnoshenii rjada vysokopostavlennyh dolzhnostnyh lic vooruzhennyh sil Ukrainy [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija:13.11.2015).
7. Informacija ESPCh po delu «Vasiljauskas protiv Litvy» (zhaloba # 35343/05). Po delu obzhaluetsja osuzhdenie v 2004 g. za predpolagaemyj genocid politicheskoj gruppy v 1953 g. // SPS «Konsul'tant-Pljus».
8. Marochkin S. Ju. Dejstvie norm mezhdunarodnogo prava v pravovoj sisteme Rossijskoj Federacii. Tjumen', 2008.
9. Mezhdunarodnaja zashhita prav i svobod cheloveka. Sbornik dokumentov. M., 1990.
10. Mezhdunarodnyj tribunal po Ruande. Reshenie sudebnoj kamery po delu Akaezu ot 2 sentjabrja 1998 g., §523–524; Reshenie sudebnoj kamery po delu Kajshema i Ruzindana ot 21 maja 1999 g., § 93, 527; Reshenie sudebnoj kamery po delu Musema ot 27 janvarja 2007 g., § 166// Vestnik Mezhdunarodnogo Ugolovnogo Pravosudija. 2012 [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 10.11.2015).
11. Prezident Kenii predstanet pered mezhdunarodnym ugolovnym sudom [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa:
at-hague-court-charged-with-crimes-againsthumanity/(data obrashhenija: 13.11.2015).
12. Sbornik vazhnejshih dokumentov po mezhdunarodnomu pravu / pod red. M. V. Andreevoj. M., 2007.
13. Situacija v Respublike Kenija [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 10.11.2015).
14. SKP RF opublikoval novye dannye o genocide v Juzhnoj Osetii [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 13.11.2015).
Khalirakhmanov A. F.
Some aspects of work of the Administrative Court of the Arab League
This article deals with the structure and activities of international regional court – Administrative
This article deals with the structure and activities of international regional court – Administrative
Court of the Arab League. It analyses the origins and development of the court; the court’s jurisdiction, the status of judges, the remedial order, and judicial practice, the problem of correlation of international and domestic law.
Keywords: Administrative Court of the Arab League, Arab League Administrative Court, international public law, international private law, League of Arab States, international courts, judicial practice.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ahmed Abu al'-Vafa d.ju.n. zaved. kafedry mezhdunarodnogo prava Kairskogo universiteta, po sovmest.prepodavatel' Gaagskoj akademii mezhdunarodnogo prava. «Liga arabskih gosudarstv kak arabskaja mezhdunarodnaja regional'naja organizacija». Razdel:mezhdunarodnye administrativnye sudy // [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa:
Work bibliographic list
1. Ahmed Abu al'-Vafa d.ju.n. zaved. kafedry mezhdunarodnogo prava Kairskogo universiteta, po sovmest.prepodavatel' Gaagskoj akademii mezhdunarodnogo prava. «Liga arabskih gosudarstv kak arabskaja mezhdunarodnaja regional'naja organizacija». Razdel:mezhdunarodnye administrativnye sudy // [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa:
2. Hammad M. Administrativnyj sud LAG // Journal of Arab Affairs. June, 1989.
3. Statut Administrativnogo suda (Ligi Arabskih gosudarstv) ot 07.10.1965 g. Na arabskom: Al'-nizam lil'muhakkama al'-idarija (Al'-zhamigatul' daul' al' ‘rabija). [Jelektronnyj resurs] // Oficial'nyj sajt Ligi arabskih gosudarstv. Sektor po pravo-
vym voprosam [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 06.06.2015).
4. Polozhenie «Procedury administrativnogo suda Liga arabskih gosudarstv» ot 07.10.1965 g. Na arabskom: Al'-nizam al'-dahali al'mahkama al'-idarija (Al'-zhamigat daul' al'garabija). Al'-bjeb al'-aual' fi nizam al'-mahkama. [Jelektronnyj resurs] // Oficial'nyj sajt Ligi arabskih gosudarstv/ Sektor po pravovym voprosam Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 15.06.2015).
5. Sudebnaja praktika Administrativnogo suda Ligi arabskih gosudarstv za 2014 god.
6. Nachalo zasedanija juridicheskogo komiteta dlja obsuzhdenija reform arabskogo administrativnogo suda //Informacionnyj portal Arabskij centr politicheskih issledovanij. Data obnovlenija 24.02.2015. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 10.09.2015).
Malyarova E. A.
The contextual element of crimes against humanity: from the beginnings to the present
The article is devoted to the complex research of the contextual element in crime against humanity.
The article is devoted to the complex research of the contextual element in crime against humanity.
The author devotes considerable attention to the decisions of Nuremberg Military Tribunal and the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia. The author analyzes the provisions of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. The purpose of this article is to identify general trends in the development of the contextual element of crimes against humanity from the beginnings to the present.
Keywords: contextual element, widespread, systematic, crimes against humanity, Nuremberg Military Tribunal, International Tribunal for Former Yugoslavia.
Work bibliographic list
1. Dmitrievskij S. Mezhdunarodnoe ugolovnoe pravo [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: http://www.
Work bibliographic list
1. Dmitrievskij S. Mezhdunarodnoe ugolovnoe pravo [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: http://www.
2. Cherif Bassiouni M. Crimes Against Humanity in International Criminal Law . Martinus Nijhoff Publishers , 1999.
3. Cassese A. International Criminal Law. 2nd ed. Oxford, 2008.
4. Jon Heller K. A genealogy of International Criminal law [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa:
5. Jon Heller K. The Nuremberg Military Tribunals and the Origins of International Criminal Law. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2011.
6. The Theory and Practice of International Criminal Law: Essays in Honnor of M. Cherif Bassiouni / Ed. by Leila Nadia Sadat, Michael P. Scharf. Koninklijke Brill NV.,Leiden, Netherlands, 2008.
Valikaramov D. D., Konovalova E. A.
To the questions of certain problematic issues in the process of concluding and amending international agreements
The article deals with the problems of legal regulation of the process of concluding international
The article deals with the problems of legal regulation of the process of concluding international
agreements and the formation of reservations to them in the context of the polarization of the international community. Particular attention is paid to the lack of a uniform approach to the procedure for adopting the text of agreements, as well as the harmonization of conditions for multilateral arrangements.
Keywords: international treaty, reservation to a treaty, state sovereignty.
Work bibliographic list
1. Venskaja konvencija o prave mezhdunarodnyh dogovorov (zakljuchena v Vene 23.05.1969) // Vedomosti VS SSSR 10.09.1986, # 37, st. 772.
Work bibliographic list
1. Venskaja konvencija o prave mezhdunarodnyh dogovorov (zakljuchena v Vene 23.05.1969) // Vedomosti VS SSSR 10.09.1986, # 37, st. 772.
2. Vasechko A. A. Mezhdunarodnyj dogovor kak istochnik vnutrigosudarstvennogo prava: Dis. ... kand. jurid. nauk. 12.00.01. M., 2008.
3. Durdenevskij V. N. K voprosu ob ogovorkah v mezhdunarodnyh dogovorah // SgiP, 1956, # 4.
4. Zhivarev V.E. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo. M.: MIJeMP, 2010.
5. Kurashvili A. Ju. Polnomochija i stadii zakljuchenija mezhdunarodnyh dogovorov // Rossijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2010. # 6.
6. Talalaev A. N. Pravo mezhdunarodnyh dogovorov:istoriko-pravovoj ocherk // Sovetskij ezhegodnik mezhdunarodnogo prava, 1972. M., 1974
7. Filippov S. V. Ogovorki v teorii i praktike mezhdunarodnyh dogovorov. M., 1958.
Ruziev Yu. E.
The legal position of the European Court of Human Rights on the application of a preventive measure in the form of detention in Russia and Tajikistan
The article on the basis of the analysis of the decisions of the European Court of Human Rights covers current problems of application of such measure of restraint as detention. The ways of their solution are proposed. The author concludes that ECtHR judgments delivered against the Republic of Tajikistan and the Russian Federation and the legal positions on the application of a measure of restraint in form of detention are advisable to publish with appropriate translation into national languages of the states and post on the websites of the General Prosecutor's offices in order to take them into account in law-enforcement practice.
The article on the basis of the analysis of the decisions of the European Court of Human Rights covers current problems of application of such measure of restraint as detention. The ways of their solution are proposed. The author concludes that ECtHR judgments delivered against the Republic of Tajikistan and the Russian Federation and the legal positions on the application of a measure of restraint in form of detention are advisable to publish with appropriate translation into national languages of the states and post on the websites of the General Prosecutor's offices in order to take them into account in law-enforcement practice.
Keywords: The European Court of Human Rights, the Convention, the measure of restraint, arrest, deten
Work bibliographic list
1. Haliulin A. G. Polnomochija prokurora i rukovoditelja sledstvennogo organa // Vestnik Akademii General'noj prokuratury RF 2008. # 6 (8).
Work bibliographic list
1. Haliulin A. G. Polnomochija prokurora i rukovoditelja sledstvennogo organa // Vestnik Akademii General'noj prokuratury RF 2008. # 6 (8).
2. Shherba S. P., Erezhipaliev D. I. Pravovoj status v dosudebnom proizvodstve po ugolovnym delam: funkcii, pravovoj status, polnomochija: monografija / pod obshh. i nauch. red. prof. S. P. Shherby. M.: Jurlitinform, 2015.
Bodurova G. G.
Features of legal regulation of cross-border non-contractual obligations in the legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan
The article deals with the legal regulation of non-contractual obligations in private international law. Having conducted research in this field, the author concludes that the legislation of some countries regulate only legal relationships in private law tort aspect. In this regard, the author proposes to significantly expand the range of cross-border non-contractual obligations, to follow the path of unification and harmonization of private relations rather than contradiction of legislation in different countries.
The article deals with the legal regulation of non-contractual obligations in private international law. Having conducted research in this field, the author concludes that the legislation of some countries regulate only legal relationships in private law tort aspect. In this regard, the author proposes to significantly expand the range of cross-border non-contractual obligations, to follow the path of unification and harmonization of private relations rather than contradiction of legislation in different countries.
Keywords: cross-border non-contractual obligations, tort legal relations, obligations of unjust enrichment, unfair competition, civil law, Code on Private International Law.
Work bibliographic list
1. Pirchalava H. D. Pravovoe regulirovanie vnedogovornyh transgranichnyh objazatel'stv (na primere Rossijskoj Federacii i Ispanii): dis ... kand.jurid. nauk. M.,2013.
Work bibliographic list
1. Pirchalava H. D. Pravovoe regulirovanie vnedogovornyh transgranichnyh objazatel'stv (na primere Rossijskoj Federacii i Ispanii): dis ... kand.jurid. nauk. M.,2013.
2. Mengliev Sh. M. Mezhdunarodnoe chastnoe pravo. Dushanbe, 2013.
3. Zvekov V. P. Kollizii zakonov v mezhdunarodnom chastnom prave. M.: «VoltersKluver», 2007.
4. Boguslavskij M. M. Mezhdunarodnoe chastnoe pravo:uchebnik. M., 2005.
5. Get'man-Pavlova I. V. Mezhdunarodnoe chastnoe pravo: uchebnik. M.: Jeksmo, 2005.
6. Petrova G. V. Mezhdunarodnoe chastnoe pravo: Uchebnik/ Pod red. G. V. Petrovoj. M.: Izdatel'stvo Jurajt;ID Jurajt, 2011.
7. Koh X., Magnus U., Vinkler fon Morenfel's P. Mezhdunarodnoe chastnoe pravo i sravnitel'noe pravovedenie: Per. s nem. M.,2003.
8. Mezhdunarodnoe chastnoe pravo: Uchebnik / Pod red.G. K. Dmitrievoj. 3-e izd., pererab. i dop. M.: Prospekt, 2010.
9. Revcov Ju.I. Pravootnoshenie — raznovidnost' obshhestvennogo otnoshenija: avtoref. dis. … kand. jurid. nauk: 12.00.01. Leningrad, 1975.
10. Nikitina N. K. Rossijskoe zakonodatel'stvo v uslovijah globalizacii (voprosy teorii i praktiki): avtoref. dis.… kand. jurid. nauk: 12.00.01. M., 2008.
11. Tureckij kodeks «O mezhdunarodnom chastnom prave i mezhdunarodnom grazhdanskom processe» 27.11.2007 g. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 15.04.15).
12. Reglament (ES) # 864/2007 Evropejskogo parlamenta i Soveta ot 11 ijulja 2007 g. «O prave, podlezhashhem primeneniju k vnedogovornym objazatel'stvam» («Rim II»). [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 07.04.2015).
Vorobjev P. S.
Vorobjev P. S.
Formation and development of the social rights of man and citizen in the Kyrgyz Republic
Social rights are one of the foundations of successful development of a free and democratic state.
Social rights are one of the foundations of successful development of a free and democratic state.
These rights are a part of fundamental human rights and freedoms.
Kyrgyzstan is quite a young state, where there are still problems in the implementation of human
rights and freedoms, including social rights.
Keywords: social rights, Constitution, Pact, human rights, state, Kyrgyz Republic.
Work bibliographic list
1. Vseobshhaja Deklaracija Prav Cheloveka ot 10 dekabrja
Work bibliographic list
1. Vseobshhaja Deklaracija Prav Cheloveka ot 10 dekabrja
1948 g.
2. Mezhdunarodnyj pakt ob jekonomicheskih, social'nyh
i kul'turnyh pravah cheloveka ot 16 dekabrja 1966 g.
3. Konstitucija RSFSR ot 10 ijulja 1918 g.
4. Konstitucija SSSR ot 31 janvarja 1924 g.
5. Konstitucii SSSR ot 5 dekabrja 1936 g.
6. Konstitucii SSSR ot 7 oktjabrja 1977 g.
7. Konstitucija Kirgizskoj SSR ot 5 dekabrja 1936 g.
8. Konstitucija Kirgizskoj SSR ot 20 aprelja 1978 g.
9. Konstitucija Kyrgyzskoj Respubliki ot 5 maja 1993 g.
10. Konstitucija Kyrgyzskoj Respubliki ot 27 ijunja 2010 g.
11. Zakljuchenie # 582/2010 po proektu Konstitucii Kyrgyzskoj Respubliki, prinjatoj «Venecianskoj komissiej» 8 ijunja 2010 goda na 83 plenarnom zasedanii. (Italija, Venecija, 4 ijunja 2010 goda).
12. Arabaev A. A. Konstitucionnoe razvitie Kyrgyzstana. Bishkek, 1998.
13. Soodonbekov S. S., Ukushev M. K. Konstitucionnoe pravo KR: (Obshhaja i osobennaja chasti). Bishkek, 1999.
14. Ryskulov I. A., Ajdarkul K. Prava cheloveka. Bishkek, 1998.
15. Sheripov N. T. Konstitucionnoe razvitie kyrgyzskoj gosudarstvennosti: sovremennyj jetap // Sbornik statej konferencii «Problemy i mehanizmy ukreplenija kyrgyzskoj gosudarstvennosti», 12 ijunja 2014 g.
Naghdaliyev H. Z.
Naghdaliyev H. Z.
The only special law on extradition within the CIS – the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On extradition of persons committed crimes”
The article reveals the main features of the extradition process based on the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On extradition of persons committed crimes” of 2001, which is aimed at regulation of relations of Azerbaijan with foreign countries on extradition of criminals in case of the absence of relevant international treaty between the parties. The law takes the principle of mutual assistance as the basis of such relations. Special attention is paid to the conditions and principles of extradition, bases for refusing extradition, kinds of extradition, as well as deciding the problem of conflicts of requests for extradition of the same requested person, the protection of fundamental rights and freedoms of the person.
The article reveals the main features of the extradition process based on the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On extradition of persons committed crimes” of 2001, which is aimed at regulation of relations of Azerbaijan with foreign countries on extradition of criminals in case of the absence of relevant international treaty between the parties. The law takes the principle of mutual assistance as the basis of such relations. Special attention is paid to the conditions and principles of extradition, bases for refusing extradition, kinds of extradition, as well as deciding the problem of conflicts of requests for extradition of the same requested person, the protection of fundamental rights and freedoms of the person.
Keywords: extradition, the Law on extradition, non-extradition of own citizens, political crimes, aut dedere aut judicare, non bis in idem, double criminality, specialty rule, requesting foreign state, requested person, rights and freedoms.
Work bibliographic list
1. Konstitucija Azerbajdzhanskoj Respubliki 1995 g. Baku: Qanun, 2010.
Work bibliographic list
1. Konstitucija Azerbajdzhanskoj Respubliki 1995 g. Baku: Qanun, 2010.
2. Zakona Azerbajdzhanskoj Respubliki «O vydache lic, sovershivshih prestuplenija (jekstradicija)»2001 g. Baku: Qanun, 2009.
3. Parlament Azerbajdzhana prinjal popravki v zakon po jekstradicii [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa:
Abdulmuslimova L. G., Ibragimova Kh.А.
To the question of the devictimization situation of victims of violent crimes in foreign countries
This article discusses the experience of foreign countries in devictimization of victims of violent crimes in some foreign countries, various forms of implementation of this work in practice.
This article discusses the experience of foreign countries in devictimization of victims of violent crimes in some foreign countries, various forms of implementation of this work in practice.
Keywords: violent crime, lost profits, recovery of damages, restitution, state compensation.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ugolovnoe pravo Rossii. Obshhaja i Osobennaja chasti: Uchebnik dlja vuzov. / N. G. Ivanov. M.: Izdatel'stvo «Jekzamen», 2013.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ugolovnoe pravo Rossii. Obshhaja i Osobennaja chasti: Uchebnik dlja vuzov. / N. G. Ivanov. M.: Izdatel'stvo «Jekzamen», 2013.
2. Antonjan Ju. M. Kriminologija: Uchebnik dlja bakalavrov. M., 2012.
3. Deklaracija osnovnyh principov pravosudija dlja zhertv prestuplenija i zloupotreblenija vlast'ju. Utverzhdena rezoljuciej General'noj Assamblei OON 40/34 ot 29 nojabrja 1985 g. // Sovetskaja justicija. 1992.# 9/10.
4. Gilinskij Ja. I. Kriminologija. Teorija, istorija, jempiricheskaja baza, social'nyj kontrol'. SPb., 2002.
5. Dzhahbarov Ju. A. Kriminologicheskaja harakteristika i profilaktika nasil'stvennyh prestuplenij na viktimologicheskoj osnove. Dis. ... kand. jurid. nauk.
Rjazan', 2004.
6. Inshakov S. M. Zarubezhnaja kriminologija. M., 1997.
7. Kvashis V. E. Osnovy viktimologii. M., 2000.
8. Shnajder G. I. Kriminologija / per. s nem. M.,1994.
9. Jani P. S. Obespechenie prav poterpevshego v ugolovnom sudoproizvodstve: Dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. M.,1995.
Cenerelli A.
Dismissal in Italian labour law
Protection agaist unfair dismissal is one of the most controversial issues of the recent legal and
Protection agaist unfair dismissal is one of the most controversial issues of the recent legal and
political debate in Italy, as well as in other European countries. The article analyzes the evolution of dismissal regulation in Italian labour law.
Key words: Italian Republic, Italian law, dismissal, labour contract.
Work bibliographic list
1. Carinci F. Il tramonto dello Statuto dei lavoratori. //ADAPT Labour Studies e-Book Series. 2015. # 41 [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 21.11.2015 g.).
Work bibliographic list
1. Carinci F. Il tramonto dello Statuto dei lavoratori. //ADAPT Labour Studies e-Book Series. 2015. # 41 [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 21.11.2015 g.).
2. Carinci F., Cester C. (a cura di) Il licenziamento all’indomani del d.lgs. n. 23/2015 (contratto di lavoro a tempoindeterminato a tutele crescenti). // ADAPT Labour Studies e-Book Series. 2015. # 46 [Jelektronnyj resurs].Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 21.11.2015 g.).
3. Ghera E. Diritto del lavoro. Bari: Cacucci, 2007.
4. Tatarelli M. Il licenziamento individuale e collettivo.Padova: Cedam, 2006.
5. Vallebona A. Licenziamento: mezzo secolo di andirivieni.// Massimario di giurisprudenza del lavoro. 2015. # 4.
Shamrin M. Yu.
Problem of relationship between morality and law: historical aspect
The article investigates such categories as “law” and “morality”. The conclusion is made that the
The article investigates such categories as “law” and “morality”. The conclusion is made that the
essence of ethics as a science of morality is currently not fully discovered, which orients legal theorists and philosophers on continuation of studies in the field of relationship between law and morality.
Keywords: morality, law, philosophy of law, David Hume.
Work bibliographic list
1. Aminov I. I. Juridicheskaja jetika. M.: Juniti-Dana, 2010.
Work bibliographic list
1. Aminov I. I. Juridicheskaja jetika. M.: Juniti-Dana, 2010.
2. Berezhkova N. F., Dugenec A. S. Rol' jeticheskih norm v protivostojanii korrupcii v sisteme ispolnitel'noj vlasti // Administrativnoe pravo i process. 2011. # 3.
3. Berman G. Dzh. Zapadnaja tradicija prava: jepoha formirovanija. M., 1998.
4. Gegel' G. V. F. Filosofija prava. Akademija nauk SSSR, Institut filosofii. M.: Mysl', 1990.
5. Gel'vecij. Soch.: v 2 t. T. 1. M., 1974.
6. Gordienko V. V., Kolodkin L. M., Nechevin D. K. Policejskaja jetika: nauchno-pravovoj i istoricheskij aspekt // Trudy Akademii upravlenija MVD Rossii. 2013. # 3 (27).
7. Il'in I. A. Put' k ochevidnosti. M.: Izd-vo «Respublika», 1993.
8. Koblikov A. S. Juridicheskaja jetika. 3-e izd., izm. M.: Norma. Infra-M., 2012.
9. Koni A. F. Sobranie sochinenij: v 8 t. T.1. M.: Juridicheskaja literatura, 1968.
10. Marchenko M. N. Teoretiko-metodologicheskie problemy prava. Vyp. 2. M.: Izd-vo MGU, 2007.
11. Novgorodcev P. I. Nravstvennye problemy v filosofii Kanta. M., Izd-vo 1903.
12. Novgorodcev P. I. Sochinenija. M.: Raritet, 1995
13. Platon. Sobranie sochinenij: v 4 t. T. 1. M., 1994.
14. Professional'naja jetika: ucheb. posobie dlja bakalavrov / otv. red. V. M. Artjomov. M.: Prospekt, 2013.
15. Rossijskaja gazeta. 13.12.2012. # 287 (5960).
16. Rossijskaja gazeta. 2012. # 302 (5975).
17. Skvorcov A. A. Jetika. M.: Jurajt, 2012.
18. Solov'jov V. S. Pravo i nravstvennost'. M., 2001.
19. Chehov A. P. Sobranie sochinenij: v 12 t. T. 11. M., 1963.
20. Shvejcer A. Kul'tura i jetika. M.: Progress, 1973.
21. Jum D. Sochinenija: v 2 t. T. 2 / pod obshh. red. i s primech. I. S. Narskogo. M.: Mysl', 1965.
Bekishiev A.А.
The formation of the ancient Russian feudal law
This article, on the basis of a wide range of sources, deals with the problems of formation of the
This article, on the basis of a wide range of sources, deals with the problems of formation of the
ancient Russian feudal law, as far as the learning process of origin of law is not only purely cognitive, academic, but also political and practical. It allows a deeper understanding of the social nature of law, characteristics, gives the possibility to analyse the reasons and conditions of occurrence and development.
Keywords: Russia, Russkaya Pravda, the formation of the ancient Russian feudal law, custom, customary law, treaties, ecclesiastical statutes.
Work bibliographic list
1. Djuvernuan. Istochniki prava i sud v Drevnej Rossii. Opyty po istorii russkogo grazhdanskogo prava. / Spb.: Juridicheskij centr Press, 2004.
Work bibliographic list
1. Djuvernuan. Istochniki prava i sud v Drevnej Rossii. Opyty po istorii russkogo grazhdanskogo prava. / Spb.: Juridicheskij centr Press, 2004.
2. Petrov I. V. Gosudarstvo pravo Drevnej Rusi. 750-980gg. SPb.: Izdatel'stvo Mihajlova V. A., 2003.
3. Hachaturov R. P. Stanovlenie prava (Na materialah Kievskoj Rusi). Tbilisi, 1988 g.
4. Jushkov S. V. Russkaja Pravda: Proishozhdenie, istochniki, ee znachenie / Pod red. O.I. Chistjakova. M.: IKD «Zercalo-M», 2002.
Trofimova O. V.
Formation of Russian business law in 18th-19th centuries
The article analyzes legal bases of Russian business structure, which contributed to rapid economic and technological growth and gave our country an opportunity to become the 5th world economy (according to the total industry volume ranking) on the cusp between 19th and 20th centuries.
The article analyzes legal bases of Russian business structure, which contributed to rapid economic and technological growth and gave our country an opportunity to become the 5th world economy (according to the total industry volume ranking) on the cusp between 19th and 20th centuries.
Keywords: business activity, merchants, economy, commercial and industrial law, legislation, religious and social restrictions, pricing.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bohanov A. N. Rossijskoe kupechestvo v konce XIX-nachale XX veka // Istorija SSSR. 1995. # 4.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bohanov A. N. Rossijskoe kupechestvo v konce XIX-nachale XX veka // Istorija SSSR. 1995. # 4.
2. Guljaev A. I. Torgovlja i torgovye ustanovlenija. M.,1912.
3. Zakonodatel'stvo perioda rascveta absoljutizma T. 5 // Rossijskoe zakonodatel'stvo X–XX vekov. M., 1987.
4. Zakony grazhdanskie // Svod zakonov Rossijskoj imperii. T. X. SPb., 1893.
5. Zakony o sostojanijah // Svod zakonov Rossijskoj imperii. T. XI.SPb., 1893.
6. Istorija predprinimatel'stva v Rossii: kniga 2. M.,1999.
7. Laverychev V. A. Krupnaja burzhuazija v poreformennoj Rossii. M., 1974.
8. Mirzoev G. B. Juridicheskaja zashhita predprinimatel'stva v Rossii. Istoriko-pravovoj analiz. M, 1997.
9. Polnoe sobranie zakonodatel'stva Rossijskoj imperii. III sobr. T. 7. # 4286.
10. Polnoe sobranie zakonodatel'stva Rossijskoj imperii. III sobr. T. 13. # 10102.
11. Potkina I. V. Zakonodatel'noe regulirovanie predprinimatel'skoj dejatel'nosti v Rossii // Istorija predprinimatel'stva v Rossii: kniga 2. M., 1999.
12. Pros'bin S. A. Torgovo-promyshlennyj sbornik. SPb., 1907.
13. Ryndzjunskij P. G. Utverzhdenie kapitalizma v Rossii. M., 1978.
14. Ustav gornyj // Svod zakonov Rossijskoj imperii. T.VII. SPb., 1893.
15. Ustav o sluzhbe // Svod zakonov Rossijskoj imperii. T. XI. SPb., 1893.
16. Ustav torgovyj // Svod zakonov Rossijskoj imperii.T. XI. Ch. II. SPb., 1857.
17. CIAM. F. 143. Op. D. 166. L. 4 ob-5.
18. PSZ. II sobr. T. 7. # 5284.
19. Shepelev L. E. Carizm i burzhuazija vo vtoroj polovine XIX v. Problemy torgovo-promyshlennoj politiki. L., 1981.
20. Shershenevich G. F. Uchebnik torgovogo prava. M., 1994.
Makarchuk I. Yu.
Judicial supervision in the activity of district court prosecution during the latter half of 19th century
The article analyzes the key directions of district court prosecutors` supervision over criminal and
The article analyzes the key directions of district court prosecutors` supervision over criminal and
civil chambers, trial structuring, magistrates and countryside justice during the latter half of 19th century.
Keywords: criminal procedure, prosecution, judicial reform, judicial statutes, court department, prosecutors` supervision, magistrates, countryside justice.
Work bibliographic list
1. Vysochajshe utverzhdennye 25 maja 1874 g. «Pravila o licah, imejushhih pravo byt' poverennymi po sudebnym delam»
Work bibliographic list
1. Vysochajshe utverzhdennye 25 maja 1874 g. «Pravila o licah, imejushhih pravo byt' poverennymi po sudebnym delam»
2. Zakon ot 20 maja 1985 goda «O porjadke izdanija nakaza sudebnym ustanovlenijam i o disciplinarnoj otvetstvennosti chinov sudebnogo vedomstva» // Polnoe sobranie zakonov Rossijskoj imperii. Sobranie III. T.V. # 2959.
3. Koni A. F. Priemy i zadachi prokuratury. Sobr. soch. T. 4. M., 1967.
4. Polnoe sobranie zakonov Rossijskoj imperii. Sobranie II. T. 49. # 53573.
5. Polozhenie ot 12 ijulja 1889 g. «O zemskih uchastkovyh nachal'nikah» // Polnoe sobranie zakonov Rossijskoj imperii. Sobranie III. T. IX. # 6195.
6. Sluchevskij V. Uchebnik russkogo ugolovnogo processa. SPb., 1910.
7. Sobranie uzakonenij. 1892. 28 dekabrja. # 1296.
8. Sudebnye ustavy 20 nojabrja 1864 goda s izlozheniem rassuzhdenij, na koih oni osnovany. SPb., 1866. Ch. I.
9. Sudebnye ustavy 20 nojabrja 1864 goda s izlozheniem rassuzhdenij, na koih oni osnovany. SPb., 1867. Ch. II.
10. Ustav ugolovnogo sudoproizvodstva// Polnoe sobranie sushhestvujushhih uzakonenij, sostavlennoe po poslednim izdanijam II otdelenija Sobstvennoj ego imperatorskogo velichestva kanceljarii s izmenenijami i dopolnenijami i s izlozheniem v izvlechenii osnovnyh zakonov, izdanija 1857 goda / sobr. v sist. Porjadke A. D. Kapustinym. M., 1867. T. 2.
11. Shtejterfel'd K. N. Rechi obvinitelja i zashhitnika v teorii, v praktike i po proektu novoj redakcii Ustava ugolovnogo sudoproizvodstva. SPb., 1901.
12. Shheglovitov I. G. Prokuratura na predvaritel'nom sledstvii // Juridicheskij vestnik. 1887. # 9.
Puzhaev V. V.
Emanuel Levy’s legal idealism: the problem of the sociological and psychological understanding of law and its grounds
For the first time in Russian science of law the author of the article examines some peculiarities of
For the first time in Russian science of law the author of the article examines some peculiarities of
the sociological and psychological perception of law of Emanuel Levy who was a French jurist, sociologist, and socialist of the first half of the 20th century. The author brings to light the key stages of the French jurist’s life and makes an analysis of his views concerning the general grounds of law and mechanisms of its normative formation.
Keywords: grounds of law, sources of law, E. Levy, legal idealism, sociological school of law, collective beliefs, E. Durkheim.
Work bibliographic list
1. Gurvich G. D. Filosofija i sociologija prava: Izbrannye soch. / Perevod M. V. Antonova, L. V. Voroninoj. SPb.: Izd-j Dom SPbGU, Izd-vo jurid. f-ta SPbGU, 2004.
Work bibliographic list
1. Gurvich G. D. Filosofija i sociologija prava: Izbrannye soch. / Perevod M. V. Antonova, L. V. Voroninoj. SPb.: Izd-j Dom SPbGU, Izd-vo jurid. f-ta SPbGU, 2004.
2. Puzhaev V. V. Osobennosti rekonstrukcii teorii istochnikov prava v ramkah «svobodnogo nauchnogo poiska» Fransua Zheni // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2015. # 6.
3. Puzhaev V. V. Voprosy pravoobrazovanija v sociologo-pravovoj koncepcii Leona Djugi // Sovremennoe pravo. 2015. # 10.
4. Arnaud A.-J. et N. Le socialisme juridique à la «belle époque: visages d’une aberration // Quaderni fi orentini per la storia del pensiero giuridico moderno. 1974-75. # 3–4.
5. Audren F. Le droit au service de l’action. Éléments pour une biographie intellectuelle d’Emmanuel Lévy (1871-1944) // Droit et société. 2004/1. # 56–57.
6. Audren F., Karsenti B. Présentation – Emmanuel Lévy (1871-1944): juriste, socialiste et sociologue // Droit et société. 2004/1. # 56–57.
7. Cott errell R. Emmanuel Lévy and legal studies: A view from abroad // Droit et société. 2004/1. # 56–57.
8. Lévy E. La vision socialiste du droit. Paris: Marcel Giard Libraire-Éditeur, 1926.
9. Levy E. Les fondements du droit. Paris: F. Alcan, 1933.
10. Riper G. Le socialisme juridique d’Emmanuel Levy. A propos de «La Vision socialiste de Droit» // Revue critique de législation et de jurisprudence. 1928. T. 48.
Rozhnova Yu. A.
Problems of the establishment of the Australian Federation in the second half of the 19th century, public opinion and political positions
This article is devoted to different points of view of the public figures of Australia at the end of 19 th century on the question of the formation of the Union. The author explores different positions on the nature of the Federation, on the future distribution of powers between the States and the Federation, on the advantages and disadvantages of such a State Form as a Federation.The author gives the example of the position of the leading political and public figures of the late 19 th century in Australia, referring to their works.
This article is devoted to different points of view of the public figures of Australia at the end of 19 th century on the question of the formation of the Union. The author explores different positions on the nature of the Federation, on the future distribution of powers between the States and the Federation, on the advantages and disadvantages of such a State Form as a Federation.The author gives the example of the position of the leading political and public figures of the late 19 th century in Australia, referring to their works.
Keywords: federation, Australia, distribution of powers, state structure.
Work bibliographic list
1. Vajl' I. M. Avstralija: federalizm i vysshie organy vlasti. M.:Nauka, 1970.
Work bibliographic list
1. Vajl' I. M. Avstralija: federalizm i vysshie organy vlasti. M.:Nauka, 1970.
2. Malahovskij K. V. IstorijaAvstralii. Moskva, izdvo «Nauka», 1980.
3. Skorobogatyh N. S. Istorija Avstralii. M.: Institut stran Vostoka, 2011.
4. Rozhnova Ju. A. Stanovlenie federacii v Avstralii. Mir politiki i sociologii. 2015. #9.
5. Rozhnova Ju. A. StanovleniegosudarstvennyhorganovAvstralii v period s 1850 po 1915 gg. (istoriko-pravovoj analiz) // Juridicheskaja nauka i praktika: istorija i sovremennost': sbornik materialov I Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii, 5 ijunja 2013 g. Rjazan': Koncepcija, 2013, Vyp. 1.
6. Rozhnova Ju. A. Izmenenie gubernatorskoj vlasti v Avstralijskih kolonijah vo vtoroj polovine XIX veka i pervye shagi k federalizmu // Juridicheskaja nauka: istorija i sovremennost'. 2015. # 10.
7. Baker, Richard Chaffey, Sir. Federation. Adelaide. Scrymg our and Sons, Printers, 1897 [Jelektronnyjresurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 10.11.2012).
8. Barton E. Barton’s notes on the Critisisms Of the colonial Law Office, Barton Papers, MS 51/1001, Manuscript Room, ANL.
9. BennetS. C. D. ThemakingoftheCommonwealth, Melbourne, 1971.
10. Deakin A. The federal story, 1944 [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 10.11.2012).
11. Galligan B. A federal republic, Melbourne, 1995.
12. Garran R. The Federation Movement and the founding of the Commonwealth. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 1933 [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: obrashhenija:10.11.2012).
13. Garran R., Sir. The coming Commonwealth. An Australian Handbook of Federal Government. 1897. [Jelektronnyjresurs]. Rezhim dostupa:
14. Garran R., Sir. Prosper of the Commonwealth, Sydney, 1958.
15. Gilbs H. Federalism in Australia. Monash University Press, 1983.
16. Griffith, Sir Samuel. Successive Stages of the Constitution of the Common wealth of Australia. Griffith Papers MS Add.501 Dixon Library Sydney.
17. Griffith, Sir Samuel. Notes on Australian Federation: its Nature and Probable Effects. Brisbane. 1896, [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 10.11.2012)
18. Hudson. W. J. Australian independence. Colony to reluctant kingdom. Melbourne University Press. 1988.
19. Macintyre, Stuart. A concise History of Australia. Third Edition. Cambridge University Press, 2009.
20. Norris R. The emergent Commonwealth, Melbourne, 1975.
21. Parkes, Sir Henry. Fifty Years of the making Austarlian History. London, 1892.
22. Parkes, Sir Henry. The making of the Australian Commonwealth 1889–1900. London, 1913.
Byshkov P. A.
The common principles of municipal control
In this article the author discusses the basic principles of the municipal law governing the control
In this article the author discusses the basic principles of the municipal law governing the control
and powers of bodies and officials of municipalities. We study the question of the internal system of principles. The characteristic of the content of certain principles is given.
Keywords: municipal control, the principles, the principles of municipal control, self-government.
Work bibliographic list
1. Evropejskaja hartija mestnogo samoupravlenija // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF, 07.09.1998, # 36, st. 4466.
Work bibliographic list
1. Evropejskaja hartija mestnogo samoupravlenija // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF, 07.09.1998, # 36, st. 4466.
2. Konstitucija Rossijskoj Federacii (prinjata vsenarodnym golosovaniem 12.12.1993). // «Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF», 04.08.2014, # 31, st. 4398. (opublikovana na oficial'nom internet-portale pravovoj informacii. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:, 01.08.2014).
3. Zakon Rossijskoj Federacii ot 17 janvarja 1992 g. # 2202-1 «O prokurature Rossijskoj Federacii» (red. ot 28.11.2015) // Rossijskaja gazeta, # 39, 18.02.1992 (opublikovan na oficial'nom internet-portale pravovoj informacii ( 28 nojabrja 2014 g.).
4. Federal'nyj zakon ot 14 ijunja 1994 g. # 5-FZ «O porjadke opublikovanija i vstuplenija v silu federal'nyh konstitucionnyh zakonov, federal'nyh zakonov, aktov palat Federal'nogo Sobranija» (red. ot25.12.2012) // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF, 1994. # 8. St. 801.
5. Federal'nyj zakon ot 6 oktjabrja 2003 g. # 131-FZ «Ob obshhih principah organizacii mestnogo samoupravlenija v Rossijskoj Federacii» // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF, 2003. # 40. St. 3822; s posl. izm. i dop.: SZ RF. 2015. # 48. St. 6723 (opublikovan na
oficial'nom internet-portal pravovoj informacii. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:, 28 nojabrja .2015).
6. Federal'nyj zakon ot 21.07.2014 # 212-FZ «Ob osnovah obshhestvennogo kontrolja v Rossijskoj Federacii» // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF, 28.07.2014, N 30 (Chast' I), st. 4213 (opublikovan na oficial'nom internet-portal pravovoj informacii. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. –Rezhim dostupa:, 22.07.2014).
7. Konstitucija Respubliki Bashkortostan ot 24.12.1993 # VS-22/15 (red. ot 04.03.2014) // «Respublika Bashkortostan», # 236-237(25216-25217), 06.12.2002.
8. Reshenie Ekaterinburgskoj gorodskoj Dumy ot 30.06.2005 # 8/1 «O prinjatii Ustava municipal'nogo obrazovanija «gorod Ekaterinburg» (red. ot 22.09.2015) // Vestnik Ekaterinburgskoj gorodskoj Dumy, 15.07.2005, # 95.
9. Reshenie gorodskogo Soveta deputatov Kaliningrada ot 12.07.2007 # 257 «O prinjatii Ustava gorodskogo okruga «Gorod Kaliningrad» (red. ot 09.09.2015) // «Grazhdanin» (special'nyj vypusk), # 12, 21.07.2007.
10. Zakon Krasnodarskogo kraja ot 04.03.2015 # 3126-KZ «O porjadke osushhestvlenija organami mestnogo samoupravlenija municipal'nogo zemel'nogo kontrolja na territorii Krasnodarskogo kraja» (red. ot 25.06.2015) // opublikovan na oficial'nom sajte administracii Krasnodarskogo kraja. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. –Rezhim dostupa: , 25 ijunja 2015 g.
Teplyakov I. I.
The problem of determining subjects realizing powers in addressing local issues: the constitutional and legal aspects
The federal legislator significantly affects the competence of the local government and its separate elements: the powers, jurisdiction, etc. as a part of municipal reform in the Russian Federation. Redistribution of powers in addressing issues of local importance between the state authorities of the Russian Federation and local governments increases the relevance of the debate both as to guarantee of the independence of local government and identification of the subjects of public authorities, implementing powers in the field of municipal management.
The federal legislator significantly affects the competence of the local government and its separate elements: the powers, jurisdiction, etc. as a part of municipal reform in the Russian Federation. Redistribution of powers in addressing issues of local importance between the state authorities of the Russian Federation and local governments increases the relevance of the debate both as to guarantee of the independence of local government and identification of the subjects of public authorities, implementing powers in the field of municipal management.
Keywords: local government, competence, authority, local issues.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bjalkina T. M. Kompetencija mestnogo samoupravlenija: problemy teorii i pravovogo regulirovanija:monografija. Voronezh, 2006.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bjalkina T. M. Kompetencija mestnogo samoupravlenija: problemy teorii i pravovogo regulirovanija:monografija. Voronezh, 2006.
2. Vydrin I. V. Municipal'noe pravo Rossii. M., 2004.
3. Konstitucionnoe pravo. Jenciklopedicheskij slovar' / Otv. red. S. A. Avak'jan. M., 2001.
4. Poslanie Prezidenta RF Federal'nomu Sobraniju ot 12 dek. 2013 g. // Rossijskaja Gazeta. 2013. # 282.
5. Tepljakov I. I. Opredelenie upravlencheskih kompetencii municipal'nyh obrazovanij v Rossijskoj Federacii: teoretiko-pravovoj aspekt // Voprosy upravlenija. 2014. # 6.
Avdeeva E. Yu.
Actual problems of prevention of administrative offenses committed by minors
The article discusses the preventive measures implemented by the subjects of prevention, aimed
The article discusses the preventive measures implemented by the subjects of prevention, aimed
at the prevention and suppression of juvenile crime and delinquency. The basic directions of preventive work and interaction among its members are considered.
Keywords: minor, subjects of prevention, preventive measures, offenses, individual work.
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon ot 24.06.1999 # 120-FZ «Ob osnovah sistemy profilaktiki beznadzornosti i pravonarushenij nesovershennoletnih» // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii. 1999. # 26. St. 3177.
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon ot 24.06.1999 # 120-FZ «Ob osnovah sistemy profilaktiki beznadzornosti i pravonarushenij nesovershennoletnih» // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii. 1999. # 26. St. 3177.
2. Igbaeva G. R. Perspektivy vnesudebnyh sposobov zashhity v sfere objazatel'nogo strahovanija // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2014. # 1 (68). S. 151–153.
3. Usmanova D. R. Sovershenstvovanie pravovogo regulirovanija kontrol'no-nadzornoj dejatel'nosti v Rossijskoj Federacii // Sbornik statej Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii, posvjashhennoj 10-letiju zhurnala «Pravovoe gosudarstvo: teorija i praktika» «Pravovoe gosudarstvo: problemy ponimanija i realizacii». Ufa, 2015.
4. Fatkullin B. H., Sajfullin Je. V. Social'naja rol' uchastkovogo upolnomochennogo policii v individual'noj profilaktike pravonarushenij // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2014. # 11 (78). S. 160-161.
Evsikova E. V., Martynyuk A. G.
Administrative and police legal relationships: the concept and essence
The concept and essence of administrative legal relationships as well as their subspecies administrative and police legal relationshipsare are revealed in the article, correlation of such categories as “legal relationships”, “administrative legal relationships”, “administrative and police legal relationships” is investigated. Based on the conducted analysis the authors propose their own definition of “administrative and police legal relationships”.
The concept and essence of administrative legal relationships as well as their subspecies administrative and police legal relationshipsare are revealed in the article, correlation of such categories as “legal relationships”, “administrative legal relationships”, “administrative and police legal relationships” is investigated. Based on the conducted analysis the authors propose their own definition of “administrative and police legal relationships”.
Keywords: legal relationships, administrative legal relationships, administratively and police legal relationships, special legal relationships.
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon ot 7 fevralja 2011 g. # 3-FZ «O policii» s izmenenijami i dopolnenijami ot 13 ijulja 2015 g. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa:
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon ot 7 fevralja 2011 g. # 3-FZ «O policii» s izmenenijami i dopolnenijami ot 13 ijulja 2015 g. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa:
2. Agapov A.B.Administrativnoe pravo: uchebnik dlja bakalavrov.9-e izd., pererab. i dop. M.: Izdatel'stvo Jurajt, 2014 .
3. Alekseev S.S. Obshhaja teorija prava: V dvuh tomah. T. II. M.: Jurid. lit.,1982.
4. Administrativnoe pravo: uchebnik / D. N. Bahrah, B. V. Rossinskij, Ju. N. Starilov. 3-e izd., peresmotr.i dop. M.: Norma, 2008.
5. Bel'skij K. S.Policejskoe pravo: Lekcionnyj kurs/ Pod red. kand. jurid. nauk A.V. Kurakina. M.: Izdatel'stvo «Delo i Servis», 2004.
6. Matuzov N. I., Mal'ko A.V. Teorija gosudarstva i prava: Uchebnik. M.: Jurist", 2004.
7. Nikitin A. I. Policejskie pravootnoshenija i sposoby ih reformirovanija // Izvestija Tul'skogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Jekonomicheskie i juridicheskie nauki.2011.Vyp. # 1–2.
8. Zyrjanov S. M. Administrativnyj nadzor organov ispolnitel'noj vlasti: diss. … d-ra.jurid. nauk. M., 2010.
Rukhanov D. S.
Actual problems of legal regulation of the rent institution
The article considers actual problems of the rent institution. After analyzing the provisions of the
The article considers actual problems of the rent institution. After analyzing the provisions of the
Civil Code of the Russian Federation, provisions of other federal laws in the field of rent, as well as the case law concerning the rent institution, the author identifies several problems which exist in this field, offering to make changes to resolve problems and also to develop the rent institution in general.
Keywords: rent, leasing, rental contract, lease contract, legal regulation of rent, leaseback, operating leasing, the problems of rent contract, the problems of the lease institution, financial lease, the subject of lease, future thing rent, rental value, lease of non-isolated part of the building, parking spaces rental.
Work bibliographic list
1. Vavilin E. V. Arendnaja plata: voprosy pravoprimenitel'noj praktiki // Vestnik Permskogo Universiteta. 2014. # 1.
Work bibliographic list
1. Vavilin E. V. Arendnaja plata: voprosy pravoprimenitel'noj praktiki // Vestnik Permskogo Universiteta. 2014. # 1.
2. Kokoeva L. T. Osnovnye problemy grazhdansko-pravovogo regulirovanija arendnyh otnoshenij: diss. …d-ra jurid. nauk.12.00.03. Samara, 2004.
Kuznetsov R. N.
Collective labour agreement:procedure of its conclusion and typical errors made in its preparation
Today in development of projects of collective labour agreements different illegal provisions that
Today in development of projects of collective labour agreements different illegal provisions that
will not have legal force in law enforcement activity are included in them.
Keywords: collective labour agreement, contents, conclusion of treaty, error.
Magomedova A. G.
Dismissal due to loss of confidence: theory and practice
The article deals with the problems of dismissal due to loss of confidence in the Russian Federation. On the basis of enforcement practice there was made an attempt to identify typical mistakes of employer in the process of employee dismissal, who directly serves the financial and commodity values, commits culpable actions, giving the reasons for the loss of confidence to them. The relevance of the article is determined due to the fact that the ground of dismissal is a complex and problematic from the perspective of its implementation. In is noticed in the article, that there is no specific list of circumstances in the Employment Code, which can be considered by the employer as basis of confidence loss to the employee, that’s why the employer is free to qualify the employee’s actions, taking into account the personality of the latter, the circumstances in which they occur and so on. One can make conclusions that when dismissing on this ground it is necessary for the loss of confidence from employer’s side was based on objective evidence of worker’s guilt, and the reasons of illegal dismissals primarily are a lack of understanding of standards of the Employment Code by employers, and thereafter their violent interpretation.
The article deals with the problems of dismissal due to loss of confidence in the Russian Federation. On the basis of enforcement practice there was made an attempt to identify typical mistakes of employer in the process of employee dismissal, who directly serves the financial and commodity values, commits culpable actions, giving the reasons for the loss of confidence to them. The relevance of the article is determined due to the fact that the ground of dismissal is a complex and problematic from the perspective of its implementation. In is noticed in the article, that there is no specific list of circumstances in the Employment Code, which can be considered by the employer as basis of confidence loss to the employee, that’s why the employer is free to qualify the employee’s actions, taking into account the personality of the latter, the circumstances in which they occur and so on. One can make conclusions that when dismissing on this ground it is necessary for the loss of confidence from employer’s side was based on objective evidence of worker’s guilt, and the reasons of illegal dismissals primarily are a lack of understanding of standards of the Employment Code by employers, and thereafter their violent interpretation.
Keywords: loss of confidence, dismissal, employee, employer, financial and commodity values, employment contract
Work bibliographic list
1. Bolgert D. Utrata doverija: kak uvolit' rabotnika zakonno? // Trudovoe pravo. 2012. # 12.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bolgert D. Utrata doverija: kak uvolit' rabotnika zakonno? // Trudovoe pravo. 2012. # 12.
2. Efremov A.V. Uvol'nenie kak disciplinarnoe vzyskanie // Grazhdanin i pravo. 2014. # 7.
3. Moskaleva O. Uvol'nenie v svjazi s utratoj doverija //Trudovoe pravo. 2014. # 9.
4. Novikov E. A. Uvol'nenie v svjazi s utratoj doverija:osnovanija i posledstvija // Trudovoe pravo. 2007. # 5.
5. Presnjakov M. Uvol'nenie v svjazi s utratoj doverija:tipichnye oshibki rabotodatelja // Trudovoe pravo. 2012. # 12.
Trotsenko O. S.
Controversial issues of legal regulation of labour protection of the employers carrying out activity in the territory of Sverdlovsk region
The article deals with controversial issues of labour protection in connection with a duty of the employer to provide to executive authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation in the field of labour protection information and the documents necessary for implementation of the powers by them. The problems related to application of corresponding norm in practical activities of representatives of small and medium business are analysed.
The article deals with controversial issues of labour protection in connection with a duty of the employer to provide to executive authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation in the field of labour protection information and the documents necessary for implementation of the powers by them. The problems related to application of corresponding norm in practical activities of representatives of small and medium business are analysed.
Keywords: workers and employers, labour protection, small and medium business, public authorities.
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon ot 24 ijulja 2007 goda # 209-FZ «O razvitii malogo i srednego predprinimatel'stva v Rossijskoj Federacii» // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. 30.07.2007. # 31. St. 4006.
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon ot 24 ijulja 2007 goda # 209-FZ «O razvitii malogo i srednego predprinimatel'stva v Rossijskoj Federacii» // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. 30.07.2007. # 31. St. 4006.
2. Trudovoj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. 07.01.2002. # 1 (ch. 1). St. 3.
3. Zakon Sverdlovskoj oblasti ot 22 oktjabrja 2009 goda # 91-OZ «Ob ohrane truda v Sverdlovskoj oblasti»// Sobranie zakonodatel'stva Sverdlovskoj oblasti.
11.12.2009. # 10-1 (2009). St. 1238.
4. Postanovlenija Pravitel'stva Sverdlovskoj oblasti «Ob utverzhdenii Porjadka osushhestvlenija sbora, obrabotki i analiza informacii o sostojanii uslovij i ohrany truda u rabotodatelej, osushhestvljajushhih dejatel'nost' na territorii Sverdlovskoj oblasti»// Oblastnaja gazeta. # 139. 05.08.2015.
5. Lizvinskaja V. Ohrana truda: spory i analiz. Pervaja chast' // Trudovoe pravo. 2015. # 6.
6. Skachkova G. S. Ohrana truda i special'naja ocenka ego uslovij // Trudovoe pravo v Rossii i za rubezhom. 2014. # 2.
Vislinskiy M. D.
The development of civil law in the Russian Federation
The article discusses the reform of civil legislation in the Russian Federation. The focus is made on the major changes of 2015 in the Part 1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.
The article discusses the reform of civil legislation in the Russian Federation. The focus is made on the major changes of 2015 in the Part 1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.
Keywords: legal reform, civil code, law, act.
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon ot 08.03.2015 # 42-FZ «O vnesenii izmenenij v chast' pervuju Grazhdanskogo kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii» [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa:
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon ot 08.03.2015 # 42-FZ «O vnesenii izmenenij v chast' pervuju Grazhdanskogo kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii» [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa:
2. Alekseev S. S., Gongalo B. M., Murzin D. V. Grazhdanskoe pravo: uchebnik – Moskva: Prospekt; Ekaterinburg: Institut chastnogo prava, 2016.
3. Grazhdanskij kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii. Chast' pervaja [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa:;base=LAW;n=173467
4. S 1 sentjabrja izmenjatsja pravila dejatel'nosti juridicheskih lic [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa:
Igbaeva G. R.
The gaps in implementation of the rules on bankruptcy of individuals
The article presents a legal analysis of the amendments to the bankruptcy of individuals, identifies
The article presents a legal analysis of the amendments to the bankruptcy of individuals, identifies
the main gaps in implementation of the rules on bankruptcy of individuals, identifies positive and negative aspects of innovations, the legal consequences of restructuring citizen’s debt.
Keywords: bankruptcy, individuals, citizen, debtor, creditor, problems, borrower, lawsuit, bank,
debt, fictitious bankruptcy, deliberate bankruptcy, financial manager.
Work bibliographic list
1. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa:,1,
Work bibliographic list
1. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa:,1,
2. Bankrotstvo fizicheskih lic s 1 janvarja 2015 g.[Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa:
3. Rossijskaja gazeta. 2015. 19 oktjabrja.
4. Ignat'eva S. V., Igbaeva G. R. Pravovaja priroda valjutnyh pravootnoshenij // Bankovskoe pravo.2004. # 4. S. 59−63.
5. Postanovlenie Konstitucionnogo Suda RF ot 14.05.2012 # 11-P «Po delu o proverke konstitucionnosti polozhenija abzaca vtorogo chasti pervoj stat'i 446 Grazhdanskogo processual'nogo kodeksa RF v svjazi s zhalobami grazhdan F. H. Gumerovoj i Ju. A. Shikunova» // Vestnik Konstitucionnogo Suda RF. 2012. # 4.
6. Subhangulov R. R., Anfilatova A. Vyjavlenie i raskrytie prestuplenij, svjazannyh s kriminal'nym bankrotstvom // V sbornike: Aktual'nye problemy nauki. 2014.
Kurbanov D. A.
Some problems of legal regulation of obligatory inheritance in civil law of Russia
The article is devoted to research of various points of view of scientists concerning legal regulation of obligatory inheritance in civil law of Russia. The author reveals some problem directions of obligatory inheritance. The analysis of some theoretical sources, and also materials of law-enforcement practice is carried out. The author proceeds from a position according to which standard regulation of issues of the law of succession has to be kept up to date and constantly improved. In the article the thesis about the need of entering of corresponding changes and additions into the current legislation taking into account the developing judicial and notarial practice is determined.
The article is devoted to research of various points of view of scientists concerning legal regulation of obligatory inheritance in civil law of Russia. The author reveals some problem directions of obligatory inheritance. The analysis of some theoretical sources, and also materials of law-enforcement practice is carried out. The author proceeds from a position according to which standard regulation of issues of the law of succession has to be kept up to date and constantly improved. In the article the thesis about the need of entering of corresponding changes and additions into the current legislation taking into account the developing judicial and notarial practice is determined.
Keywords: legal regulation of the law of succession, right for an obligatory share in inheritance, legal definition of concept of forced heirs, notaries, court, dependent, disabled, testamentary refusal.
Work bibliographic list
1. But'ko L. V. K voprosu o razvitii konstitucionnoj reformy v sovremennoj Rossii // Politematicheskij setevoj jelektronnyj nauchnyj zhurnal Kubanskogo gosudarstvennogo agrarnogo universiteta. 2012. # 78.
Work bibliographic list
1. But'ko L. V. K voprosu o razvitii konstitucionnoj reformy v sovremennoj Rossii // Politematicheskij setevoj jelektronnyj nauchnyj zhurnal Kubanskogo gosudarstvennogo agrarnogo universiteta. 2012. # 78.
2. Gushhin V. V., Dmitriev Ju. A. Nasledstvennoe pravo i process. 2-e izd., pere- rab. i dop. M.: Jeksmo, 2007 (Rossijskoe juridicheskoe obrazovanie).
3. Igbaeva G. R. Perspektivy razvitija objazatel'nogo imushhestvennogo strahovanija chastnogo zhilogo fonda// Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2014. # 9 (76).C. 200-203.
4. Kamyshanskij V. P., Veter N. Ju. Obhod zakona i zloupotreblenie pravom: obshhee i osobennoe (voprosy sootnoshenija) // Vlast' i zakon. 2013. # 4.
5. Kamyshanskij V. P., Paraskevova S. A. i dr. Otvetstvennost' za narushenija akcionernogo soglashenija // Politematicheskij setevoj jelektronnyj zhurnal Kubanskogo gosudarstvennogo agrarnogo universiteta. 2012. # 80.
6. Korneeva I. L. Nasledstvennoe pravo Rossijskoj Federacii. M. : Jurajt, 2011.
7. Nasledstvennoe pravo / pod red. N. A. Volkovoj, A. N. Kuzbagarova, O. Ju. Il'inoj. 5-e izd., pererab. i dop. M.: Juniti-Dana; Zakon i pravo, 2010.
8. Orlovskij P. E. Praktika Verhovnogo Suda SSSR po grazhdanskim nasledstvennym delam. M., 1947.
9. Serebrovskij V. I. Izbrannye trudy po nasledstvennomu i strahovomu pravu. M., 2011.
10. Serova O. A. Teoretiko-metodologicheskie i prakticheskie problemy klassifikacii juridicheskih lic__sovremennogo grazhdanskogo prava Rossii: avtoref.dis. ... d-ra jurid. nauk. M., 2011.
11. Hismatullin O. Ju., Arutjunjan M. S. Aktual'nye voprosy sovershenstvovanija zakonodatel'stva v sfere realizacii zhilishhnyh prav sotrudnikov policii// Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2015. # 6 (85).C. 214-217.
12. Cybulenko Z. I. Nekotorye innovacii obshhih polozhenij v Grazhdanskom kodekse Rossijskoj Federacii // Modernizacija obshhih polozhenij Grazhdanskogo kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii: problemy i perspektivy : materialy «kruglogo stola» (Krasnodar, 13 marta 2013 g.). Krasnodar: Izd-vo Krasnodar.un-ta MVD Rossii, 2013.
Kurbanova Kh. Kh.
To the issue of legal nature of the auditor’s civil and legal liability for nonperformance or improper performance of contractual obligations
The author of the article dwells on one of the actual questions of modern science of civil law, the question of civil legal responsibility for nonperformance or improper performance of treaty obligations, on example of the agreement for rendering auditing services. The problem of the peculiarities of civil legal responsibility of auditors, resulting from rendering the audit services is considered. The peculiarities of applied regulatory acts in this area are analyzed.
The author of the article dwells on one of the actual questions of modern science of civil law, the question of civil legal responsibility for nonperformance or improper performance of treaty obligations, on example of the agreement for rendering auditing services. The problem of the peculiarities of civil legal responsibility of auditors, resulting from rendering the audit services is considered. The peculiarities of applied regulatory acts in this area are analyzed.
Particular attention is paid to the analyses of scientific doctrine on the issue under consideration. The author concentrates on scientific polemic on the matter of civil legal responsibilities for nonperformance or improper performance of the obligations under agreement on rendering of auditing services. The works of such scientists as O. S. Ioffe, V. P. Gribanov, V. A. Hohlov, V. V. Vitryansky, M. Z. Rahimov and others are used widely in the article.
Keywords: civil legal responsibility, auditor, agreement on rendering auditing services, nonperformance of the contractual obligations, improper performance of the contractual obligations.
Work bibliographic list
1. Abdullaeva R. A. Problemy pravovogo regulirovanija auditorskoj dejatel'nosti v Respublike Tadzhikistan: Diss. kand. jurid. nauk. Dushanbe, 2010.
Work bibliographic list
1. Abdullaeva R. A. Problemy pravovogo regulirovanija auditorskoj dejatel'nosti v Respublike Tadzhikistan: Diss. kand. jurid. nauk. Dushanbe, 2010.
2. Agarkov M. M. Objazatel'stvo po sovetskomu grazhdanskomu pravu. M., 1940 [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 23.09.2014 g.)
3. Zakon Respubliki Tadzhikistan «Ob auditorskoj dejatel'nosti» ot 22 ijulja 2013 g. // Ahbori Madzhlisi Oli Respubliki Tadzhikistan, 2013 g., # 993.
4. Braginskij M. I., Vitrjanskij V. V. Dogovornoe pravo. Kniga pervaja: Obshhie polozhenija: Izd. 2-e, ispr. M., 1999.
5. Braginskij M. I., Vitrjanskij V. V. Dogovornoe pravo. Kniga tret'ja. Dogovory o vypolnenii rabot i okazanii uslug. M.: Statut, 2000.
6. Bulgakova L. I. Audit v Rossii: mehanizm pravovogo regulirovanija. M., 2005.
7. Grazhdanskoe pravo. V 2-h tomah: Uchebnik. T. 1 / Beljakova A. M., Bessonova A. P., Gendzehadze E. N., Gribanov V. P., i dr.; Pod red.: Suhanov E. A. M.: BEK, 1993.
8. Grazhdanskoe pravo: Uchebnik. Chast' 1 / Pod red. Ju. K. Tolstogo, A. P. Sergeeva. M.: Izd-vo TEIS, 1996.
9. Grazhdanskoe pravo: Uchebnik. V 4 t. T. 1. / Otv. red. E. A. Suhanov. M., 2004.
10. Grazhdanskoe pravo: Uchebnik. T. 1. 6-e izd. / Pod red. A. P. Sergeeva, Ju. K. Tolstogo. M., 2002.
11. Grazhdanskoe pravo: Uchebnik. V 4 t. T. 1. / Otv. red. M. K. Sulejmenov. Ju. G. Basin. Almaty, 2000.
12. Gribanov V. P. Osushhestvlenie i zashhita grazhdanskih prav. M.: «Statut», 2000.
13. Ioffe O. S. Izbrannye trudy: V. 4. T. 1. SPb., 2003.
14. Ioffe O. S. Objazatel'stvennoe pravo. M., 1975. (data obrashhenija: 23.09.2014 g.)
15. Ioffe O. S. Otvetstvennost' po sovetskomu grazhdanskomu pravu / Ioffe O.S.; Otv. red. Jurchenko A. K. Izd-vo Leningrad. un-ta, 1955.
16. Krasavchikov O. A. Juridicheskie fakty v sovetskom grazhdanskom prave. M.: Gosjurizdat, 1958 [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija 23.09.2014 g.)
17. Lejst O. Je. Sankcii i otvetstvennost' po sovetskomu pravu. Teoreticheskie problemy. M.: Izd-vo Mosk.un-ta, 1981 [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija:23.09.2014 g.).
18. Malein N. S. Imushhestvennaja otvetstvennost' v hozjajstvennyh otnoshenijah. M.: Nauka, 1968.
19. Matveev G. K. Vina v sovetskom grazhdanskom prave /Matveev G. K.; Otv. red.: Nikolaev K. P. Kiev: Izd-vo Kiev. un-ta, 1955.
20. Matveev G. K. Osnovanija grazhdansko-pravovoj otvetstvennosti. M.: Jurid. lit., 1970.
21. Sulejmenov M. K. Grazhdansko-pravovaja otvetstvennost' po zakonodatel'stvu Respubliki Kazahstan //Otvetstvennost' v grazhdanskom prave: Materialy mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii v ramkah ezhegodnyh civilisticheskih chtenij). Almaty, 22-23 maja 2006g.
22. Tolstoj V. S. Ispolnenie objazatel'stv. M.: «Jurid.lit.», 1973.
23. Hohlov V. A. O grazhdansko-pravovoj otvetstvennosti // Pravovedenie. 1997. # 1.
24. Hohlov V. A. Otvetstvennost' za narushenie dogovora po grazhdanskomu pravu. Tol'jatti: Volzhskij un-t, 1997.
25. Chirkov A. A. Grazhdansko-pravovoe regulirovanie dejatel'nosti ispolnitelja (auditora) po dogovoru ob okazanii auditorskih uslug: Diss. … kand. jurid. nauk. Belgorod, 2006.
26. Chumakov A. A. Grazhdansko-pravovoe regulirovanie dogovora na okazanie auditorskih uslug: Diss. kand. jurid. nauk. M., 2005.
27. Cejtlin I. M. Mozhet li klient privlech' auditora k otvetstvennosti// Nalogovyj uchet dlja buhgaltera. 2005. # 5 [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija02.11.2015 g.)
28. Jaichkov K. K. Sistema objazatel'stv iz prichinenija vreda v sovetskom prave // Voprosy grazhdanskogo prava. M.: Izd-vo MGU, 1957.
Yakushev A. N.
On the compliance of the thesis with the established criteria. Legal errors of Regulations on awarding of academic degrees (2013)
The article deals with legal errors of Regulations on awarding of academic degrees.
The article deals with legal errors of Regulations on awarding of academic degrees.
Keywords: legal error, Regulations, award, degrees, criteria, evaluation, dissertations, academic
achievement, assessment criteria.
Kolybanova V. A.
Advertising as an object of intellectual property
The author reveals the distinctive features of advertising as an object of intellectual property and
The author reveals the distinctive features of advertising as an object of intellectual property and
justifies the need for a special legal regulation.
Keywords: intellectual property, legal regulation, advertising information.
Work bibliographic list
1. Grazhdanskij kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii (chast' pervaja) ot 30.11.1994 goda # 51-FZ (red. ot 13.07.2015 goda) (s izm. i dop., vstup. v silu s 01.09.20015 goda) [Jelektronnyj resurs] // Dostup iz sprav.-prav. sist.«Konsul'tantPljus».
Work bibliographic list
1. Grazhdanskij kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii (chast' pervaja) ot 30.11.1994 goda # 51-FZ (red. ot 13.07.2015 goda) (s izm. i dop., vstup. v silu s 01.09.20015 goda) [Jelektronnyj resurs] // Dostup iz sprav.-prav. sist.«Konsul'tantPljus».
2. Grazhdanskij kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ot 18.12.2006 goda #230-FZ – Chast' 4 (red. ot 13.07.2015 goda) [Jelektronnyj resurs] // Dostup iz sprav.-prav. sist. «Konsul'tantPljus».
3. Federal'nyj zakon ot 13.03.2006 # 38-FZ (red. ot 08.03.2015) «O reklame» (s izm. i dop., vstup. v silu s
25.05.2015) [Jelektronnyj resurs] // Dostup iz sprav.- prav. sist. «Konsul'tantPljus».
4. Postanovlenie Plenuma Verhovnogo Suda RF i Plenuma Vysshego Arbitrazhnogo Suda RF ot 26 marta 2009 g. # 5/29 «O nekotoryh voprosah, voznikshih v svjazi s vvedeniem v dejstvie chasti chetvertoj Grazhdanskogo kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii» [Jelektronnyj resurs] // Dostup iz sprav.-prav. sist. «Konsul'tantPljus».
5. Filosofija: Jenciklopedicheskij slovar' / Pod red. A. A. Ivina. M.: Gardariki, 2004.
Arutyunyan M. S.
Some aspects of the implementation of housing improvement mechanism in respect of police officers
This article discusses some changes in the mechanism of housing needs satisfaction of police officers by receiving a lump sum of social payment for the purchase or construction of residential
This article discusses some changes in the mechanism of housing needs satisfaction of police officers by receiving a lump sum of social payment for the purchase or construction of residential
premises, evaluates their relevance and effectiveness. The author has made an attempt to identify the effects of the legislation on social benefits, taking into account the adopted amendments.
Keywords: lump sum of social payment, improvement of living conditions, living accommodation, a police officer.
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon ot 19.07.2011 # 247-FZ (red. ot 27.05.2014) «O social'nyh garantijah sotrudnikam organov vnutrennih del Rossijskoj Federacii i vnesenii izmenenij v otdel'nye zakonodatel'nye akty Rossijskoj Federacii» // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF, 25.07.2011, # 30 (ch. 1), st. 4595.
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon ot 19.07.2011 # 247-FZ (red. ot 27.05.2014) «O social'nyh garantijah sotrudnikam organov vnutrennih del Rossijskoj Federacii i vnesenii izmenenij v otdel'nye zakonodatel'nye akty Rossijskoj Federacii» // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF, 25.07.2011, # 30 (ch. 1), st. 4595.
2. O vnesenii izmenenij v Pravila predostavlenija edinovremennoj social'noj vyplaty dlja priobretenija ili stroitel'stva zhilogo pomeshhenija sotrudnikam organov vnutrennih del Rossijskoj Federacii. Postanovlenie Pravitel'stva RF ot 11.06.2015
# 581 [Jelektronnyj resurs] // Oficial'nyj internet-portal pravovoj informacii. Rezhim dostupa:, 16.06.2015.
3. Opredelenie Verhovnogo Suda RF ot 01.03.2015 # 18-KG14-201 po trebovaniju ob osparivanii reshenija zhilishhnoj komissii GU MVD // SPS «Konsul'tant-Pljus».
4. Opredelenie Konstitucionnogo Suda RF ot 29.05.2014 # 1090-O «Ob otkaze v prinjatii k rassmotreniju zhaloby grazhdanina Hamova Stanislava Jur'evicha na narushenie ego konstitucionnyh prav podpunktom «B» punkta 19 Pravil predostavlenija edinovremennoj social'noj vyplaty dlja priobretenija ili stroitel'stva zhilogo pomeshhenija sotrudnikam organov vnutrennih del Rossijskoj Federacii».
5. Hismatullin O. Ju., Arutjunjan M. S. Otdel'nye aspekty sovershenstvovanija zakonodatel'stva o predostavlenii edinovremennoj social'noj vyplaty dlja priobretenija ili stroitel'stva zhilogo pomeshhenija sotrudnikam policii // Chernye dyry v Rossijskom zakonodatel'stve. 2015. # 2.
6. Igbaeva G. R. Konceptual'nye napravlenija sovershenstvovanija grazhdansko-pravovogo mehanizma objazatel'nogo strahovanija // V sbornike: Social'naja rol' sistemy strahovanija v uslovijah rynochnoj jekonomik Rossii. Sbornik trudov HV Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. Gafurov I. R. (otv.redaktor). Kazan', 2014. S. 86-89.
7. Igbaeva G. R. Perspektivy razvitija objazatel'nogo imushhestvennogo strahovanija chastnogo zhilogo fonda // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2014. # 9 (76). S. 200-203.
Nuriakhmetov N. M.
About peculiarities of financial and legal regulation of the state (municipal) services
The article attempts to study the mechanism of the financial and legal regulation of the state (municipal) services. The mandatry features of state (municipal) services as one of the areas of financial activity of the state and municipalities are revealed.
The article attempts to study the mechanism of the financial and legal regulation of the state (municipal) services. The mandatry features of state (municipal) services as one of the areas of financial activity of the state and municipalities are revealed.
Keywords: services, public authorities, financing, budget, state task.
Work bibliographic list
1. Nuriahmetov N. M. O ponjatii bjudzhetnoj dejatel'nosti gosudarstva // Finansovoe pravo. 2014. # 10.
Work bibliographic list
1. Nuriahmetov N. M. O ponjatii bjudzhetnoj dejatel'nosti gosudarstva // Finansovoe pravo. 2014. # 10.
2. Sattarova N. A. Finansovaja politika sovremennogo gosudarstva // Pravovoe gosudarstvo: teorija i praktika. 2012. # 3 (29).
3. Talapina Je. V. Gosudarstvennoe upravlenie v informacionnom obshhestve (pravovoj aspekt): monografija. M.: Jurisprudencija, 2015.
Kanbekova A. G.
Objects which are the carriers of information about connections between subscribers
This article examines the legal regulation of activities of law enforcement agencies on obtaining
This article examines the legal regulation of activities of law enforcement agencies on obtaining
and fixation of information transmitted via communication channels.
Keywords: information, secret of communication, channels of communication, mobile communication.
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon ot 12 avgusta 1995 g. # 144-FZ «Ob operativno-rozysknoj dejatel'nosti». Sistema «Konsul'tantPljus».
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon ot 12 avgusta 1995 g. # 144-FZ «Ob operativno-rozysknoj dejatel'nosti». Sistema «Konsul'tantPljus».
2. Postanovlenie Mezhparlamentskoj Assamblei gosudarstv – uchastnikov Sodruzhestva Nezavisimyh Gosudarstv ot 6 dekabrja 1997 goda # 10-12 o model'nom zakone «Ob operativno-rozysknoj dejatel'nosti».
3. Chechetin A. E. Pravovoj rezhim dostupa pravoohranitel'nyh organov k informacii operatorov svjazi // Vestnik Voronezhskogo instituta MVD Rossii.2014. # 3.
4. Proskurjakova M. I. Konstitucionno-pravovye osnovy zashhity personal'nyh dannyh v Rossii i Germanii v istolkovanii organov konstitucionnogo pravosudija // Sravnitel'no konstitucionnoe obozrenie. 2015. # 1. Sistema «Konsul'tantPljus».
5. Savel'ev A. I. Kommentarij k Federal'nomu zakonu ot 27 ijulja 2006 g. # 149-FZ «Ob informacii, informacionnyh tehnologijah i zashhite informacii» (postatejnyj). Statut. 2015. Sistema «Konsul'tantPljus».
6. Dubjagin Ju. P., Dubjagina O. P., Mihajlychev E. A. Kommentarij k federal'nomu zakonu ot 12 avgusta 1995 g. #144-FZ «Ob operativno-rozysknoj dejatel'nosti». Moskva. 2006 g.
Izyumov I. V.
Legal regulation of contracts for the implementation of geological study of subsoil
The article analyzes the contractual relations in the field of geological study, analyzes the place and role of civil agreement in the sphere of subsoil use, with reference to case law proves the effectiveness of this type of agreements in the economic relations.
The article analyzes the contractual relations in the field of geological study, analyzes the place and role of civil agreement in the sphere of subsoil use, with reference to case law proves the effectiveness of this type of agreements in the economic relations.
Кeywords: civil contract, geological survey, civil law, mineral resources.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bahtizin R. N., Vasserman A. A. Evrazijskaja truboprovodnaja geopolitika: sila sozidanija protiv sily razrushenija // "Neftegazovoe delo. – 2015. – Tom 13. – #1. – S. 86–89.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bahtizin R. N., Vasserman A. A. Evrazijskaja truboprovodnaja geopolitika: sila sozidanija protiv sily razrushenija // "Neftegazovoe delo. – 2015. – Tom 13. – #1. – S. 86–89.
2. Braginskij M. I., Vitrjanskij V. V. Dogovornoe pravo. Kniga pervaja. Obshhie polozhenija. Izd-ie 3-e, stereotipnoe // SPS Konsul'tant Pljus. Vkljuchena v informacionnyj bank otdel'nym materialom. M.: Izd-vo Statut, 2001.
3. Gajsina L. M. Arhitektura social'nyh prioritetov v rossijskih kompanijah neftegazovogo kompleksa //Vestnik Severnogo (Arkticheskogo) federal'nogo universiteta. Serija: Gumanitarnye i social'nye nauki. – 2011. – # 6. – S. 54–60.
4. Krasavchikov O. A. Voprosy sistemy Osobennoj chasti GK RSFSR / O.A. Krasavchikov // Voprosy kodifikacii sovetskogo zakonodatel'stva. Sbornik statej.Sverdlovsk, 1957.
5. Pribluda A. A. Dogovor na opytno-konstruktorskie raboty // Sovetskoe gosudarstvo i pravo. 1958. # 1.
6. Barash Ja. B. Dogovory na vypolnenie nauchno-issledovatel'skih i opytno-konstruktorskih rabot. M.:Gosjurizdat, 1962.
7. Postanovlenie Prezidiuma Vysshego Arbitrazhnogo suda # 7707/95 ot 19.03.1996 g. // Vestnik VAS RF. 1996. # 6.
8. Izjumov I. V., Hajrullina N. G. Pravovye osnovy gosudarstvennogo i municipal'nogo upravlenija. Kurs lekcij. Tjumen': TjumGNGU, 2015.
9. Izjumov I. V. Grazhdansko-pravovaja otvetstvennost' za narushenie zakonodatel'stva o nedrah // Izvestija vysshih uchebnyh zavedenij. Sociologija. Jekonomika. Politika. 2013. # 2.
Abdulmuslimova L. G.
The problem of devictimization of victims of murder and harm to human health
This article is devoted to the problems of devictimization of victims of murder and harm to human health, the need for timely actions not only social but also material, medical and other support to victims of crime by the state and society.
This article is devoted to the problems of devictimization of victims of murder and harm to human health, the need for timely actions not only social but also material, medical and other support to victims of crime by the state and society.
Keywords: devictimization, crime victim assistance, compensation, re-dress(reparation) of harm, restitution.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ugolovnoe pravo Rossii. Obshhaja i Osobennaja chasti:Uchebnik dlja vuzov. / N. G. Ivanov. M.: Izdatel'stvo«Jekzamen», 2013.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ugolovnoe pravo Rossii. Obshhaja i Osobennaja chasti:Uchebnik dlja vuzov. / N. G. Ivanov. M.: Izdatel'stvo«Jekzamen», 2013.
2. Avanesov G. A. Kriminologija. Prognostika. Upravlenie. Gor'kij, 1975.
3. Antonjan Ju. M. Kriminologija: Uchebnik dlja bakalavrov. M., 2012.
4. Deklaracija osnovnyh principov pravosudija dlja zhertv prestuplenija i zloupotreblenija vlast'ju. Utverzhdena rezoljuciej General'noj Assamblei OON 40/34 ot 29 nojabrja 1985 g. // Sovetskaja justicija. 1992. # 9/10.
5. Dzhahbarov Ju. A. Kriminologicheskaja harakteristika i profilaktika nasil'stvennyh prestuplenij na viktimologicheskoj osnove: Dis. ... kand. jurid. nauk.
Rjazan', 2004.
6. Zubkova V. I. Viktimologicheskie mery preduprezhdenija // Vestnik MGU. 1990, #3. Ser.11 «Pravo»
7. Isaev N. V. Viktimologicheskie napravlenie predupreditel'nogo vozdejstvija na prestupnost': Avto-ref. diss. … kand. jurid. nauk. N. Novgorod, 2003.
8. Inshakov S. M. Zarubezhnaja kriminologija. M., 1997
9. Kvashis V. E. Osnovy viktimologii. M., 2000.
10. Kvashis V. E. Problema zashhity zhertv prestuplenij // Latentnaja prestupnost': poznanie, politika, strategija. Sbornik materialov mezhdunarodnogo seminara. M.,1993.
Beybutova R. A., Beybutova A. M.
The characteristics of injuries caused in case of robberies and assaults
The article investigates the Russian criminal legislation concerning causing injuries. The medicolegal and criminalistic characteristics are given to injuries in case of robberies and assaults.
The article investigates the Russian criminal legislation concerning causing injuries. The medicolegal and criminalistic characteristics are given to injuries in case of robberies and assaults.
Keywords: injuries, forensic medical examination, robbery, assault, weight of harm to health.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ugolovnyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ot 13 ijunja 1996 g. # 63-FZ (UK RF) (s izmenenijami i dopolnenijami) [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa:
Work bibliographic list
1. Ugolovnyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ot 13 ijunja 1996 g. # 63-FZ (UK RF) (s izmenenijami i dopolnenijami) [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa:
2. h t t p : / / i v o . g a r a n t . r u / # / d o c u m e n t / 1 0 1 0 8 0 0 0 /paragraph/26654339
3. Pravila i opredelenija stepeni tjazhesti vreda, prichinennogo zdorov'ju cheloveka (utv. Postanovleniem Pravitel'stva RF ot 17 avgusta 2007 g. # 522) (s izmenenijami i dopolnenijami ot 24 marta, 17 nojabrja 2011 g.).
4. Aver'janova T. V., Belkin R. S., Koruhov Ju. G., Rossijskaja E. R. Kriminalistika. Uchebnik dlja vuzov / Pod red. zasluzhennogo dejatelja nauki Rossijskoj Federacii, professora R. S. Belkina. M.: Izdatel'stvo NORMA (Izdatel'skaja gruppa NORMA-INFRA-M), 2000.
5. Batychko V. T. Kriminalistika v voprosah i otvetah.Taganrog: TTI JuFU, 2009.
6. Volkov V. N., Datij A. V. Sudebnaja medicina: Ucheb.posobie dlja vuzov. / Pod red. prof. A. F. Volynskogo.M.: JuNITI-DANA, Zakon i pravo, 2000.
7. Dubovec P. A. Otvetstvennost' za telesnye povrezhdenija po sovetskomu ugolovnomu pravu. M.: Izd. «Juridicheskaja literatura», 1964.
8. Kriminalistika: Uchebnik. / Otv. red. N. P. Jablokov.2-e izd., pererab. i dop. M.: Jurist", 2001.
9. Makarov A. Ju. Ugolovno-pravovaja bor'ba s umyshlennymi menee tjazhkimi (srednej tjazhesti) telesnymi povrezhdenijami: Avtoref. diss. kand. jurid. nauk;Akademija MVD Rossii. M., 1995.
10. Jusupkadieva S. N. Metodika rassledovanija grabezhej i razboev: Po materialam Respubliki Dagestan:Avtoref. dis.... k. ju. n.; 12.00.09 / Nauch.-issled. in-t problem ukreplenija zakonnosti i pravoporjadka pri Gener. prokurature RF, 2006.
Garifullina R. F., Hakimova E. R.
Criminal legal analysis of the subject of the illegal obtaining of the credit (Art. 176 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation)
The scientific article contains discussion questions and addressed to all who are interested in topical issues of the fight against crimes in the sphere of lending. The questions of determination of the nature of an offense under Art. 176 of the Criminal Code in relation to the subject of crime are considered in more detail.
The scientific article contains discussion questions and addressed to all who are interested in topical issues of the fight against crimes in the sphere of lending. The questions of determination of the nature of an offense under Art. 176 of the Criminal Code in relation to the subject of crime are considered in more detail.
Keywords: the subject of crime, credit, preferential credit terms, credit agreement, trade credit, commercial credit, illegally obtaining of a loan.
Work bibliographic list
1. Konstitucija Rossijskoj Federacii. M.: Jurist,2015.
Work bibliographic list
1. Konstitucija Rossijskoj Federacii. M.: Jurist,2015.
2. Grazhdanskij kodeks RF. M.: Jurist, 2015.
3. Ugolovnyj kodeks RF. M.: Jurist, 2015.
4. Federal'nyj Zakon RF «O Central'nom banke RF (Banke Rossii) ot 10 ijulja 2002 g. # 86-FZ //Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. 2002. # 28. St. 2890.
5. Federal'nyj Zakon RF «O bankah i bankovskoj dejatel'nosti v RF» ot 2 dekabrja 1990g. # 395-1 // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. 1996. # 6. St. 492.
6. Federal'nyj Zakon «O bankah i bankovskoj dejatel'nosti». Tekst. Kommentarii. M.: «Bank. delo», 1998.
7. Ugolovnoe pravo Rossii. Osobennaja chast': uchebnik /otv. red. B. V. Zdravomyslov. M.: Jurist", 2009.
8. Kommentarij k UK RF / pod obshh. red. Ju. I. Skuratova i V. M. Lebedeva. M.: INFRA-M-NORMA, 2007.
9. Ugolovnoe pravo Rossii. Osobennaja chast': uchebnik /otv. red. B.V. Zdravomyslov. M.: Jurist", 2009.
10. Kommentarij k UK RF / otv. red. A. V. Naumov. M.:Jurist", 2013.
11. Aminov D. I., Revin V. P. Prestupnost' v kreditno-bankovskoj sfere v voprosah i otvetah. M.: «Brandes»,1997.
12. Abrosimov R. Ju., Akopjan O. A. i dr. Za narushenie finansovogo zakonodatel'stva: nauchno-prakticheskoe posobie / otv. red. I. I. Kucherov. M.: «IZiSP»,«INFRA-M», 2014.
13. Kondrat E. N. Pravonarushenija v finansovoj sfere Rossii. Ugrozy finansovoj bezopasnosti i puti protivodejstvija. M.: «Justicinform», 2014.
14. Nastol'naja kniga rukovoditelja organizacii: pravovye osnovy / otv. red. I. S. Shitkina. M.: «Justicin-form», 2015.
15. Shmonin A. V. Prestuplenija jekonomicheskoj napravlennosti: ponjatie i genezis ugolovnogo zakonodatel'stva: monografija / A. V. Shmonin, O. I. Semykina. M.: Jurlitinform, 2013.
Matveeva Ya. M.
Delegated mediation in Russian criminal law: prospects and proposals
The article analyzes the delegated model of mediation used in foreign legislation. The author assesses the prospects for the development of this model of mediation in the Russian criminal law. The study results in a theoretical proposal for the implementation of the delegated model of mediation in criminal cases in the Russian legislation.
The article analyzes the delegated model of mediation used in foreign legislation. The author assesses the prospects for the development of this model of mediation in the Russian criminal law. The study results in a theoretical proposal for the implementation of the delegated model of mediation in criminal cases in the Russian legislation.
Keywords: delegated model of mediation, mediation, conciliation with the victim, restorative justice.
Work bibliographic list
1. Arutjunjan A. A. Mediacija v ugolovnom processe: Diss. ... kand. jurid. nauk. M., 2012.
Work bibliographic list
1. Arutjunjan A. A. Mediacija v ugolovnom processe: Diss. ... kand. jurid. nauk. M., 2012.
2. Karnozova L. M. Vvedenie v vosstanovitel'noe pravosudie (mediacija v otvet na prestuplenie). M., 2014.
3. Kovach K. K. (Kimberli). Mediacija: kratkij kurs. M., 2013.
4. Kristi N. Predely nakazanija. M., 1985.
5. Shatihina N. S. Institut mediacii v rossijskom ugolovnom prave: Diss. ... kand. jurid. nauk. SPb., 2004.
Khvorova O. B.
Legal and other countermeasures to the activity of the criminal communities in the sphere of illicit trafficking of drugs
The present article is devoted to the problem of developing a comprehensive approach to combating the activities of criminal communities in the sphere of illicit trafficking of drugs, determines the main directions of such combating, analyzes criminal legal and other measures.
The present article is devoted to the problem of developing a comprehensive approach to combating the activities of criminal communities in the sphere of illicit trafficking of drugs, determines the main directions of such combating, analyzes criminal legal and other measures.
Keywords: criminal communities, illicit trafficking of drugs, countermeasures, anti-drug policy.
Work bibliographic list
1. Anisimov E. B. Osobennosti otmyvanija narkoformirovanijami prestupnyh dohodov // Vestn. Tom. gos.un-ta. 2011. # 344.
Work bibliographic list
1. Anisimov E. B. Osobennosti otmyvanija narkoformirovanijami prestupnyh dohodov // Vestn. Tom. gos.un-ta. 2011. # 344.
2. Zheleznjakov A. M. Organizacija prestupnogo soobshhestva v sfere nezakonnogo oborota narkotikov: regional'nyj kriminologicheskij analiz i protivodejstvie: dissertacija. Habarovsk, 2011.
3. Zheleznjakov A. M. K voprosu o preduprezhdenii narkoprestupnosti v regione jekstremal'no-kriticheskogo tipa // Rossijskij sledovatel'. 2009. # 22.
4. Kriminologija: Uchebnik dlja vuzov / pod red. prof. V. D. Malkova 4-e izd. pererab. i dop. M.: ZAO «Justicinform», 2011.
5. Nikolajchuk I. A. Sokrytie prestuplenij kak forma protivodejstvija rassledovaniju. M., 2000.
6. Osnovnye tehnologii profilaktiki narkomanii:Kurs lekcij / L. B. Gotchina, Ju. N. Kaniber, V. B. Korobov i dr. M., FSKN, 2008.
7. Smirnov P. K. Kriminologicheskie i ugolovno-pravovye mery protivodejstvija nezakonnomu oborotu narkoticheskih sredstv, psihotropnyh veshhestv ili ih analogov: dissertacija. M., 2008.
8. Fridman L., Fleming N., Roberte D. Narkologija / per. s angl. 2-e izd., ispr. M.: SPb.: BINOM, Nevskij Dialekt, 2000.
Teplyakova O. A., Stepanova S. M.
The child’s right to life and upbringing in the family (the experience of Russia and Finland)
The article is published with the support of the Russian Foundation for Humanities, project № 14-03-00524 “Protecting the rights of children in Russian-Finnish families: international standards, cultural differences, constitutional law foundations”. In the article the child's right to family environment is analyzed. Authors investigate the foundations of international regulation, and the regulation within the Russian Federation and Finland of the child’s right to live and grow up in a family. The authors come to the conclusion that there are considerable differences in the regulation in Russia and Finland. The authors propose to account the experience of Russia and Finland for the most complete provision of the rights of the child to a family environment.
The article is published with the support of the Russian Foundation for Humanities, project № 14-03-00524 “Protecting the rights of children in Russian-Finnish families: international standards, cultural differences, constitutional law foundations”. In the article the child's right to family environment is analyzed. Authors investigate the foundations of international regulation, and the regulation within the Russian Federation and Finland of the child’s right to live and grow up in a family. The authors come to the conclusion that there are considerable differences in the regulation in Russia and Finland. The authors propose to account the experience of Russia and Finland for the most complete provision of the rights of the child to a family environment.
Keywords: child's right to family environment, comparative law, Russian-Finnish relations.
Work bibliographic list
1. Detskij vopros: interv'ju Pavla Astahova [Jelektronnyj resurs] // Oficial'nyj sajt upolnomochennogo po pravam rebenka pri Prezidente Rossijskoj Federacii. Rezhim dostupa:
Work bibliographic list
1. Detskij vopros: interv'ju Pavla Astahova [Jelektronnyj resurs] // Oficial'nyj sajt upolnomochennogo po pravam rebenka pri Prezidente Rossijskoj Federacii. Rezhim dostupa:
2. Konvencija o pravah rebenka (vstupila v silu dlja SSSR 15.09.1990) // Sbornik mezhdunarodnyh dogovorov SSSR. Vyp. XLVI. 1993.
3. Neoficial'nyj perevod Zakona Finljandii «O zashhite detej» [Jelektronnyj resurs] // Oficial'nyj sajt ministerstva social'nyh del i zdravoohranenija Finljandii. Rezhim dostupa: htt p:// /documents/1271139/1467051/Lastensuojelulaki+ven%C3%A
4. Hazova O. A. Otobranie detej: mezhdunarodno-pravovye aspekty // Semejnoe i zhilishhnoe pravo. 2014. # 2.
5. Shunjaeva V. A. Juvenal'naja politika: zakonodatel'naja jekvilibristika // Voprosy juvenal'noj justicii. 2015. # 1.
Teplyakov D. O., Tkachenko N.A.
The citizen`s participation in managing foreign policy of the Russian Federation by sending citizens’ appeals in the organizations of the Ombudsman for the Rights of the Child under the President of the Russian Federation
This article was prepared at the expenses of the RGNF grant No. 15-03-00626 “Access of Individuals and Legal Entities to Implementing Russia's Foreign Policy towards the Nordic States”. The article describes the right of citizens to participate in managing state affairs in the foreign policy by sending citizens’ appeals in the organizations of the Ombudsman for the Rights of the Child under the President of the Russian Federation. The article researches the cases of complaints concerning the withdrawal of children from Russian families living abroad and provides a review of the measures, including the adjustment of foreign policy in relation to countries where cases of such children’s withdrawing are more often.
This article was prepared at the expenses of the RGNF grant No. 15-03-00626 “Access of Individuals and Legal Entities to Implementing Russia's Foreign Policy towards the Nordic States”. The article describes the right of citizens to participate in managing state affairs in the foreign policy by sending citizens’ appeals in the organizations of the Ombudsman for the Rights of the Child under the President of the Russian Federation. The article researches the cases of complaints concerning the withdrawal of children from Russian families living abroad and provides a review of the measures, including the adjustment of foreign policy in relation to countries where cases of such children’s withdrawing are more often.
Keywords: the citizens’ complaints, the right to take part in the conduct of public affairs, public
participation in international relations.
Work bibliographic list
1. Doklad o sluchajah iz"jatija detej iz semej v Shvecii sosednih skandinavskih stranah// Semejnaja politika RF: (data dostupa: 9.10.2015).
Work bibliographic list
1. Doklad o sluchajah iz"jatija detej iz semej v Shvecii sosednih skandinavskih stranah// Semejnaja politika RF: (data dostupa: 9.10.2015).
2. Semejnoe pravo v Finljandii// Prava sootechestvennikov Severnoj Evropy. 2014. #2.
3. Semejnoe pravo v Shvecii// Prava sootechestvennikov Severnoj Evropy. 2014. # 2.
4. Oficial'nyj sajt Upolnomochennogo pri Prezidente Rossijskoj Federacii po pravam rebenka [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa:
5. Tepljakov D. O. Sushhnost' i ponjatie prava grazhdan na obrashhenie // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2014. # 11 (78).
6. Shirobokov S. A. Probely dopustimosti uchastija grazhdan v upravlenii mezhdunarodnymi delami // Probely v rossijskom zakonodatel'stve. Juridicheskij zhurnal. 2012. # 5.
7. Lov om barn og foreldre (barnelova) [Jelektronnyj resurs] // LOVDATA: oficial'nyj sajt. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 8.10.2015).
Rzaev R. N.
Some notes about the basis of the charge in criminal process
Some notes about the basis of the charge in criminal process of Azerbaijan Republic are analyzed in the article in the context of changing of the charge, its foundations and terms; theoretical and practical issues. While analyzing the respective provisions of the Code of Criminal Procedure in force problems and the ways of their elimination are offered.
Some notes about the basis of the charge in criminal process of Azerbaijan Republic are analyzed in the article in the context of changing of the charge, its foundations and terms; theoretical and practical issues. While analyzing the respective provisions of the Code of Criminal Procedure in force problems and the ways of their elimination are offered.
Keywords: charge, public claim, change of charge, prosecution, criminal action, state charge.
Work bibliographic list
1. Fatkullin F. N., Zinatullin Z. Z, Avraham Y. S. The prosecution and defense in criminal cases / Ed. Kazan University 1976.
Work bibliographic list
1. Fatkullin F. N., Zinatullin Z. Z, Avraham Y. S. The prosecution and defense in criminal cases / Ed. Kazan University 1976.
2. CPC of ASSR. Baku, “Azerneshr”, 1988.
3. Jafarov Q. Some of the procedural issues of questioning of accused in new criminal procedural legislation of AR.Dissertations. Baku, 2003.
4. Qafarov M. S. Conseptual point of view to the application of coercive measures in criminal proceedings // The 10th scientific–practical conference on “The Urgent problems of the founding of the state and the law”. Baku 2010.
5. Qafarov M. S. Ensuring the defendant’s rights and legal interests in primary investigation by the investigator / Baku: Science, 1999.
6. Suleimanov D. I. Commentary on the paradoxes of Code of Criminal Procedure // Collection of scientific articles. Part 1, Baku Tefekkur, 2004.
7. Karneeva L. M. Bringing to justice. The legality and validity. M., 1971.
8. Stroykova A.S. On the question of the adequacy of the grounds for the charge. URL: article/n/k-voprosu-o-dostatochnosti-osnovaniy-dlyapredyavleniya-obvineniya
9. Harchikova V.S. Formation of charge .... dissertations. Kemerov 2004. p. 83–84. URL:
Zhurba О. L., Dorosinskaya А. М.
Issues of improvement of criminal procedural regulation of refusal procedure in initiating criminal proceedings concerning the deputy of the body of local self-government
The article deals with problems concerning the refusal procedure in initiation of the criminal case relating the deputy of the local self-government body. Special attention is paid to the subjects, authorized to make procedural decisions in relation to the refusal to initiate a criminal case concerning the aforesaid persons. Suggestions are made to reform the legal institution.
The article deals with problems concerning the refusal procedure in initiation of the criminal case relating the deputy of the local self-government body. Special attention is paid to the subjects, authorized to make procedural decisions in relation to the refusal to initiate a criminal case concerning the aforesaid persons. Suggestions are made to reform the legal institution.
Кeywords: refusal to initiate criminal case, deputies of local self-government organ, special category of persons.
Work bibliographic list
1. Rassmotrenie soobshhenija o prestuplenii: Uchebno-prakticheskoe posobie. M.: COKR MVD Rossii, 2009.
Work bibliographic list
1. Rassmotrenie soobshhenija o prestuplenii: Uchebno-prakticheskoe posobie. M.: COKR MVD Rossii, 2009.
2. Gir'ko S. I. Dejatel'nost' policii v ugolovnom sudoproizvodstve: Monografija / S.I. Gir'ko. M.: FGKU«VNII MVD Rossii»,2013.
3. Denisova L. Ju. K voprosu ob osnovanijah otkaza v vozbuzhdenii ugolovnogo dela: Aktual'nye problemy prava i pravoprimenitel'noj dejatel'nosti na sovremennom jetape: materialy Mezhdunar. Nauch.-praktich. Konf., 20–21 sentjabrja 2012 g. / M-vo vnutr.
Del RF, Krasnodar. Un-t MVD Rossii, Novoros. Fil.Krasnodar. Un-ta MVD Rossii. – Krasnodar: Izdatel'skij dom Jug, 2012.
4. Ugolovnyj process: uchebnik /kollektiv avtorov; pod red. V. A. Lazarevoj. M.: Justicija, 2015.
5. Doznanie v OVD: ucheb. Posobie dlja studentov vuzov, obuchajushhihsja po special'nosti «Jurisprudencija»/; pod red. F.K. Zinnurova. M.: Juniti-Dana: Zakon ipravo, 2013 g.
6. Kleshhina E. N. K voprosu o sisteme stadij ugolovnogo sudoproizvodstva // Vestnik Vserossijskogo instituta povyshenija kvalifikacii sotrudnikov MVD Rossii. Ezhekvartal'nyj nauchno-prakticheskij zhurnal. 2015. # 1 (33).
7. Predvaritel'noe rassledovanie po ugolovnomu delu:kurs lekcij / I. R. Harchenok, D. A. Natura. Krasnodar: KrU MVD Rossii, 2014.
8. Zeleneckij V. S. Vozbuzhdenie gosudarstvennogo obvinenija v sovetskom ugolovnom processe. Har'kov:Vysshaja shkola,1979.
9. Gapanovich N. N. Otkaz v vozbuzhdenii ugolovnogo dela. Minsk: Vysshaja shkola, 1967.
Sarankina Yu. A.
Social security of family members of police officers: problems of legal regulation
The article examines the theoretical and practical issues of social security of family members of
The article examines the theoretical and practical issues of social security of family members of
employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, in particular, pension payments on compulsory insurance, health care and health resort care.
Keywords: social security, police officer, family members of police officers, mandatory state insurance, a lump sum, pension, health care, health resort care.
Work bibliographic list
1. Konstitucija Rossijskoj Federacii, prinjata 12 dekabrja 1993 goda // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF, 04.08.2014, # 31, st. 4398.
Work bibliographic list
1. Konstitucija Rossijskoj Federacii, prinjata 12 dekabrja 1993 goda // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF, 04.08.2014, # 31, st. 4398.
2. Neljubina E. V., Dobrynin N. M. Social'noe gosudarstvo i social'nye prava cheloveka // Problemy stanovlenija social'nogo gosudarstva v Rossii. Tjumen', 2008.
3. Federal'nyj zakon ot 7 fevralja 2011 goda # 3-FZ «O policii». [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa:;base=LAW
4. Federal'nyj zakon ot 19 ijulja 2011 goda # 247-FZ «O social'nyh garantijah sotrudnikam organov vnutrennih del Rossijskoj Federacii i vnesenii izmenenij v otdel'nye zakonodatel'nye akty Rossijskoj Federacii» [Jelektronnyj resurs] Rezhim dostupa:
Vereschagin I. A., Protopopova T. V., Drobyshevskiy D. S.
Professional dignity of a judge and criteria of its valuation
The article considers the idea of professional dignity of a judge, content of this category and
The article considers the idea of professional dignity of a judge, content of this category and
criteria of its valuation. Several cases of undignified judges’ behavior and legal qualification of such cases are shown. Applied significance of the category of professional dignity for contemporary Russian judicial system is demonstrated.
Keywords: human dignity, professional dignity, dignity of a judge, judicial ethics, justice.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bukreev V. I., Rimskaja I. N. Jetika prava. M., 1998.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bukreev V. I., Rimskaja I. N. Jetika prava. M., 1998.
2. Vel' Gi De Jetika sud'i: posobie dlja sudej. M., 2002.
3. Drobyshevskij S. A., Protopopova T. V. Predstavlenie o chelovecheskom dostoinstve v politiko-juridicheskih doktrinah i prave M., 2015.
4. Koblikov A. S. Juridicheskaja jetika. M., 2007.
5. Lebedev V. M. Sudejskaja bespristrastnost' i social'nyj kontrol' za sudom // Rossijskaja justicija. 2001 # 7.
6. Lukojanov D. N. Progressiruet li ideal moral'nogo oblika rossijskogo sud'i (v preddverii ocherednogo vserossijskogo s"ezda sudej)? // Administrator suda. 2008. # 3.
7. Nehaev V. V., Nehaeva T. G. Kommentarij k Kodeksu sudejskoj jetiki. M., 2005.
8. Ozhegov S. I. Slovar' russkogo jazyka. M., 1978.
9. Radutnaja N. V. Jetika sud'i. M., 2002.
10. Senjakin N. N., Balashov A. N. Sud'ja i vnesluzhebnye otnoshenija (problemnye aspekty). 2009 [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa:
11. Sinel'shhikov Ju. P. Prokrustovo lozhe // Ugolovnoe pravo. 1998. # 1.
12. Cybulevskaja O. I. Nravstvennye osnovanija sovremennogo rossijskogo prava / pod. red. N. I. Matuzova. Saratov, 2004.
Ryabova O. S., Agzamov I. M.
Domestic violence as a social phenomenon: problems and prevention
The article reveals the problem of growth of domestic violence in Russia. In this context, some problems of statistical accounting of victims of domestic violence, the reasons for a high degree of victimization of women and juveniles, suffered from domestic violence are studied. The problems of a lack of legal protection of victims of domestic violence are considered. The authors substantiate the importance of early prevention in the fight against this type of crime.
The article reveals the problem of growth of domestic violence in Russia. In this context, some problems of statistical accounting of victims of domestic violence, the reasons for a high degree of victimization of women and juveniles, suffered from domestic violence are studied. The problems of a lack of legal protection of victims of domestic violence are considered. The authors substantiate the importance of early prevention in the fight against this type of crime.
Keywords: domestic violence, victim, women, juveniles, victimhood, prevention.
Work bibliographic list
1. Agapov E. P. Sem'evedenie: uchebnoe posobie / E. P. Agapov, O. A. Nor-Arevjan. M.: Izdatel'sko-torgovaja korporacija «Dashkov i K». 2010. 400 s.
Work bibliographic list
1. Agapov E. P. Sem'evedenie: uchebnoe posobie / E. P. Agapov, O. A. Nor-Arevjan. M.: Izdatel'sko-torgovaja korporacija «Dashkov i K». 2010. 400 s.
2. Bor'ba s domashnim nasiliem v SShA [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija:20.10.2015).
3. V Rossii umen'shaetsja chislo alkogolikov – issledovanie [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: obrashhenija: 15.10.2015).
4. V Rossii chislo besprizornikov dostiglo urovnja Grazhdanskoj vojny [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: obrashhenija: 20.10.2015).
5. General'naja prokuratura Rossijskoj Federacii. Portal pravovoj statistiki. Social'nyj portret prestupnosti [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija:20.10.2015).
6. Kodeks Respubliki Bashkortostan ob administrativnyh pravonarushenijah ot 23.06.2011 # 413-z //Vedomosti Gosudarstvennogo Sobranija – Kurultaja, Prezidenta i Pravitel'stva Respubliki Bashkortostan. 16.08.2011. # 16(358). St. 1151.
7. Nasilie protiv sem'i. Poborniki juvenal'noj justicii snova protalkivajut antisemejnyj zakon [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: obrashhenija: 20.10.2015).
8. Semejnoe nasilie [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 13.10.2015).
9. Sinel'nikov A. S. Vyuchennye uroki: podrostki i problema nasilija v sem'e / A. S. Sinel'nikov // Obyknovennoe zlo: issledovanija nasilija v sem'e / pod red. O. M. Zdravomyslovoj. M.: Editorial URSS, 2003.
10. Usmanova D. R. Nasilie v sem'e: prichiny i osobennosti // Vestnik Ufimskogo juridicheskogo instituta MVD Rossii. 1999. # 2.
Ibragimova Kh. А.
Special criminological prevention of abuse of powers
The article is devoted to some topical issues of special criminological prevention of abuse of powers, the need for more specific treatment of all offences for timely, proactive elimination of reasons and conditions of сommission of these crimes.
The article is devoted to some topical issues of special criminological prevention of abuse of powers, the need for more specific treatment of all offences for timely, proactive elimination of reasons and conditions of сommission of these crimes.
Keywords: special criminological prevention, strict targeting, specific features of manifestation of malfeasance, misconduct codification.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ugolovnoe pravo Rossii. Obshhaja i Osobennaja chasti:Uchebnik dlja vuzov / N. G. Ivanov. M.: Izdatel'stvo «Jekzamen», 2013.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ugolovnoe pravo Rossii. Obshhaja i Osobennaja chasti:Uchebnik dlja vuzov / N. G. Ivanov. M.: Izdatel'stvo «Jekzamen», 2013.
2. Alekseev A. I. Kriminologija: Kurs lekcij. M., 1999.
3. Kriminologija: Uchebnik dlja bakalavrov pod redakciej Ju. M. Antonjan. M., 2012.
4. Galahov A. V. Dolzhnostnye prestuplenija: Prestuplenija protiv gosudarstvennoj sluzhby i sluzhby v organah mestnogo samoupravlenija / Ros. Pravovaja akademija MJu RF, 1998.
5. Deneka V. I. Otvetstvennost' za dolzhnostnye prestuplenija po ugolovnomu pravu Rossii. M., 1998.
6. Petrozhickaja T. M. Ugolovnaja otvetstvennost' za zloupotreblenie vlast'ju ili sluzhebnym polozheniem po zakonodatel'stvu Respubliki Kazahstan: Dis. …kand. jurid. nauk. Karaganda, 1997.
7. Malkov V., Habibulin M. Ponjatie i kriterii sushhestvennogo vreda kak posledstvie dolzhnostnogo prestuplenija // Sov. justicija. 1974. # 12.
8. Malenin N. S. Ohranjaemyj zakonom interes // Sov.gosudarstvo i pravo. 1980. # 32.
9. Saharov A. B. Social'naja sistema preduprezhdenija prestuplenij // Sovetskoe gosudarstvo i pravo. 1972.# 1 1 .
10. Solov'ev V. I. Chto ponimat' pod sushhestvennym vre-dom // Sovetskaja justicija. 1970. # 9.
Zhuravlenko N. I., Mikhailova Ya. S.
The mathematical modelling of criminological features of the persons committing economic crimes, which is carried out on the basis of equifinality principle
In the course of operational and tactical forecasting of economic crimes one of the first tasks of the operational staff is to predict future behavior characteristics of suspects in these crimes. Psychological characteristics of perpetrators of economic crimes have always been one of the most difficult in the implementation of criminological analysis. To predict possible actions of criminals, equifinality principle can be used, based on mathematical apparatus of fuzzy sets and multi-attribute evaluation.
In the course of operational and tactical forecasting of economic crimes one of the first tasks of the operational staff is to predict future behavior characteristics of suspects in these crimes. Psychological characteristics of perpetrators of economic crimes have always been one of the most difficult in the implementation of criminological analysis. To predict possible actions of criminals, equifinality principle can be used, based on mathematical apparatus of fuzzy sets and multi-attribute evaluation.
Keywords: operational and tactical forecasting, economic crimes, indistinct sets, equifinality principle.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ponjatie lingvisticheskoj peremennoj i ego primenenie k prinjatiju priblizhennyh reshenij / L. Zade.M.: Izdatel'stvo «Mir», 1976.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ponjatie lingvisticheskoj peremennoj i ego primenenie k prinjatiju priblizhennyh reshenij / L. Zade.M.: Izdatel'stvo «Mir», 1976.
2. Prikladnye nechetkie sistemy: Per. s japon. / K. Asai,D. Vatada, S. Ivai i dr.; pod red. T. Tjerano, K. Asai,M. Sugjeno. M.: Mir, 1993.
3. Kolichestvennye metody v jekonomicheskih issledovanijah: Uchebnik dlja vuzov / pod red. M. V. Gracheva, L. N.Fadeeva, Ju. N. Cheremnyh. M.: JuNITI-DANA, 2004.
4. Pravovoe, tehnicheskoe i analiticheskoe obespechenie operativno-rozysknoj dejatel'nosti po bor'be s korrupcionnymi prestuplenijami: monografija. V chetyreh tomah. T.4. Analiticheskoe obespechenie operativno-rozysknoj dejatel'nosti / I. M. Daukaev, N. I. Zhuravlenko, A. N. Halikov, E. N. Jakovec. Ufa:RIC BashGU, 2013.
5. Operativno-rozysknaja informacija: monografija/ Ovchinskij S. S.; pod red. A. S. Ovchinskogo i V. S. Ovchinskogo. M.: INFRA-M, 2000.
Nikolaev N. M., Bashirina E. N.
Criminological analysis of crimes committed in a state of alcohol or drug intoxication
The article deals with the interrelation of alcoholism and drug addiction with crime, characteristics
The article deals with the interrelation of alcoholism and drug addiction with crime, characteristics
of criminal behavior of alcohol and drug abusers. The social and criminological characteristics of modern alcohol and drug situation in the country is given in the article.
Keywords: criminological situation, criminogenic factors, negative social phenomena, prevention
Work bibliographic list
1. Grishko A. Ja. Pravovye i kriminologicheskie problemy social'noj reabilitacii hronicheskih alkogolikov i narkomanov. Rjazan', 2010.
Work bibliographic list
1. Grishko A. Ja. Pravovye i kriminologicheskie problemy social'noj reabilitacii hronicheskih alkogolikov i narkomanov. Rjazan', 2010.
2. Petrova F.N. Antialkogol'naja politika v Rossii:istorija i sovremennost' SPb., 2011.
3. Kriminologija: Uchebnik dlja jurid. vuzov / Pod red. V.N. Burlakova, V.P. Sal'nikava, V.S. Stepashina. SPb., 2012.
Nadtachaev P. V.
Interpretation of the concept “residence” and its influence on application of norms on the weapon
The article analyzes some problems of improving the legislation, leading to limiting feasibility of
The article analyzes some problems of improving the legislation, leading to limiting feasibility of
the citizens’ rights. In particular, the problem of determining the place of residence for the possession of weapons in connection with the amendment of the Government Decree of 21.07.1998 № 814 is considered.
Keywords: residence, place of residence, stay place, personal non-property rights, weapon, place of weapon storage, freedom of movement.
Work bibliographic list
1. Kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ob administrativnyh pravonarushenijah ot 30.12.2001 # 195-FZ // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF, 07.01.2002, # 1 (ch. 1), st. 1.
Work bibliographic list
1. Kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ob administrativnyh pravonarushenijah ot 30.12.2001 # 195-FZ // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF, 07.01.2002, # 1 (ch. 1), st. 1.
2. Federal'nyj zakona ot 21 dekabrja 2013 g. # 376-FZ «O vnesenii izmenenij v otdel'nye zakonodatel'nye akty Rossijskoj Federacii» // Oficial'nyj internet-portal pravovoj informacii, 23.12.2013.
3. Postanovlenie Pravitel'stva RF ot 08.11.2014 #1178 «O vnesenii izmenenij v Pravila oborota grazhdanskogo i sluzhebnogo oruzhija i patronov k nemu na territorii Rossijskoj Federacii» [Jelektronnyj resurs] // Oficial'nyj internet-portal pravovoj informacii. Rezhim dostupa:, 15.10.2015.
4. Prikaz MVD Rossii ot 14.05.2012 # 508 «Ob utverzhdenii Administrativnogo reglamenta Ministerstva vnutrennih del Rossijskoj Federacii po predostavleniju gosudarstvennoj uslugi po vydache grazhdaninu Rossijskoj Federacii licenzii na priobretenie gazovyh pistoletov, revol'verov, signal'nogo oruzhija, holodnogo klinkovogo oruzhija, prednaznachennogo dlja noshenija s nacional'nymi kostjumami narodov Rossijskoj Federacii ili kazach'ej formoj» // Rossijskaja gazeta, # 209, 12.09.2012.
5. Igbaeva G. R. Perspektivy razvitija objazatel'nogo imushhestvennogo strahovanija chastnogo zhilogo fonda// Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2014. # 9 (76).S. 200-203.
6. Rossijanam razreshili nosit' oruzhie dlja samooborony [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija:15.10.2015).
7. V Rossii razresheno primenjat' oruzhie dlja samooborony [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija:15.10.2015).
8. Rossijanam razreshili pri nalichii licenzii nosit' grazhdanskoe oruzhie v celjah samooborony[Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 15.10.2015).
9. MVD oproverglo informaciju o legalizacii noshenija ljubogo oruzhija v Rossii [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 15.10.2015).
10. MVD oproverglo legalizaciju noshenija ljubogo oruzhija [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa:
Gadzhieva A. A., Damadaeva A. M.
Preventive measures of the illicit gambling and problems of its improvement
This article is devoted to the problems of combating crime of illegal organization of gambling. It is noted that the important direction of prophylaxis and prevention of illegal gambling is a further
This article is devoted to the problems of combating crime of illegal organization of gambling. It is noted that the important direction of prophylaxis and prevention of illegal gambling is a further
improvement of the criminal law. Much attention is paid to the analysis of the qualitative and quantitative indicators of crime in the sphere of illegal gambling business. Factors of latency of this type of crime are revealed. The author gives the evaluation of the effectiveness of measures preventing the illegal organization of gambling, and identifies its regional meaning in the republics of the North Caucasus Federal District. Ways of improving the efficiency of preventive influence on crime in the sphere of illegal gambling business are determined in the given article. The author concludes that the objective and comprehensive solution of the problems of the prevention of illegal gambling organization is possible as long as further improvement of responsibility for this crime, as well as dissemination of the ban on the activities of betting offices and totalizer out of gambling zones.
Keywords: combatting gambling business, gambling, illegal gambling, responsibility for gambling.
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon ot 29.12.2006 # 244-FZ (red. ot 22.07.2014) «O gosudarstvennom regulirovanii dejatel'nosti po organizacii i provedeniju azartnyh igr i o vnesenii izmenenij v nekotorye zakonodatel'nye akty Rossijskoj Federacii» (s izm. i dop., vstup. v silu s 22.08.2014) [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa:
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon ot 29.12.2006 # 244-FZ (red. ot 22.07.2014) «O gosudarstvennom regulirovanii dejatel'nosti po organizacii i provedeniju azartnyh igr i o vnesenii izmenenij v nekotorye zakonodatel'nye akty Rossijskoj Federacii» (s izm. i dop., vstup. v silu s 22.08.2014) [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa:
2. Federal'nyj zakon ot 20 ijulja 2011 g. N 250-FZ «O vnesenii izmenenij v otdel'nye zakonodatel'nye akty Rossijskoj Federacii» //
3. Zakon Respubliki Dagestan ot 9 marta 2007 g. # 8 «O zaprete na territorii Respubliki Dagestan dejatel'nosti po organizacii i provedeniju azartnyh igr» [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa:
4. Aktivisty trebujut ob"ektivnogo rassledovanija dela Jeduarda Salahutdinova [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa:
5. Kurbanov R. My ne sobiraemsja ostanavlivat'sja!..[Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa:
6. Mosechkin I. N. Ob"ektivnaja storona nezakonnyh organizacii i provedenija azartnyh igr // Fundamental'nye issledovanija. 2015. # 2.
7. Milicija predlagaet vvesti nakazanie za organizaciju azartnyh igr v Internete i sredstvah svjazi [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa:
8. Magomedov A. Obvinjat' vsju dagestanskuju miliciju v «kryshevanii» igornogo biznesa i prostitucii nedopustimo [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa:
9. Panov S. L. Latentnaja prestupnost', svjazannaja s funkcionirovaniem zalov igrovyh avtomatov // Pravo i politika. 2006. # 7.
10. Podpolkovnik policii «kryshevala» igornyj biznes za polmilliona rublej [Jelektronnyj resurs].Rezhim dostupa:
11. Statisticheskie dannye // Pojasnitel'naja zapiska k proektu federal'nogo zakona «O vnesenii izmenenij v otdel'nye zakonodatel'nye akty Rossijskoj Federacii» [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhimdostupa:
Shuvalov N. V., Kuzovlev V. Yu., Hapkin L. E., Gladyrev V. V., Kayrgaliev D. V., Vasiljev D. V.
Establishing the common source of origin of several samples of heroin as investigation task
Based on the chemical composition dependence of heroin on the region of origin of the raw material and on the basis of analysis of experimental data, the new technique is proposed for comparative study of samples on the relative quantitative content of the main alkaloid of opium and their acetylation products by gas-liquid chromatography, suitable to establish the common source.
Based on the chemical composition dependence of heroin on the region of origin of the raw material and on the basis of analysis of experimental data, the new technique is proposed for comparative study of samples on the relative quantitative content of the main alkaloid of opium and their acetylation products by gas-liquid chromatography, suitable to establish the common source.
Keywords: heroin, opium products acetylation, gas chromatography, establishing a single source of origin.
Work bibliographic list
1. Vigdergauz M. S. Raschety v gazovoj hromatografii.M.: Himija, 1978.
Work bibliographic list
1. Vigdergauz M. S. Raschety v gazovoj hromatografii.M.: Himija, 1978.
2. Karen Hajver, Beverli N'juton, Patrik Sandpa i dr. Vysokojeffektivnaja gazovaja hromatografija: Per. sangl. M.: Mir, 1993.
3. Rudenko B. A., Rudenko G. I. Vysokojeffektivnye hromatograficheskie processy: V 2 t./ T.1: Gazovaja hromatografija. M.: Nauka, 2003.
4. Savenko V. G., Semkin E. P., Sorokin V. I. i dr. Jekspertiza geroina i acetilirovannogo opija: metod.Rekomendacii. M.: VNKC MVD SSSR, 1991.
5. Simonov E. A., Najdenova L. F., Vornakov S. A. Narkoticheskie sredstva i psihotropnye veshhestva kontroliruemye na territorii Rossijskoj federacii:sprav. M.: Interlab, 2003.
6. Sorokin V. I., Orlova O. S., Ljubeckij G. V. i dr.Ustanovlenie obshhnosti istochnika proishozhdenija geroina: metod. rekomendacii. M.: GU JeKC MVD Rossii, 2002.
Vasiljev D. V.
The possibility of using foreign experience of criminalistics characteristics of the oil thefts
The article analyzes criminalistic characteristic of oil (oil products) theft, both during storage and
The article analyzes criminalistic characteristic of oil (oil products) theft, both during storage and
transportation, presents an integrated information model, aggregating systemically relevant information for the investigation of the theft (object (subject-matter) of the offence, circumstances, time, place, method, etc.). The following problems significantly complicate the adequate forensic characteristics of the oil (oil products) theft both abroad and in Russia: constantly organized nature of criminal activity; consistently growing adaptability of criminal assault; the use by criminals of professional expertise.
Keywords: oil, theft.
Work bibliographic list
1. Belkin R. S. Kriminalisticheskaja jenciklopedija. M.:Megatron XXI, 2000.
Work bibliographic list
1. Belkin R. S. Kriminalisticheskaja jenciklopedija. M.:Megatron XXI, 2000.
2. Bykov V. M. Kriminalisticheskaja harakteristika prestupnyh grupp. Tashkent: Vysshaja shkola MVD SSSR, 1986.
3. Glubina pererabotki neftjanogo syr'ja [Jelektronnyj resurs] // Rosstat. Oficial'nyj sajt. 2015. 3 sentjabrja. Rezhim dostupa:
4. Zajavlenie jekspertnoj gruppy OAO AK «Transneft'» «O hishhenijah nefti iz magistral'nyh nefteprovodov kak ugroze nacional'noj jekonomicheskoj bezopasnosti Rossii» [Jelektronnyj resurs] //IA INFOLine. Rezhim dostupa:
5. Ishhenko E. P., Koldin V. Ja. Tipovaja informacionnaja model' prestuplenija kak osnova metodiki rassledovanija // Pravovedenie. 2006. # 6.
6. Kriminalistika / Otv. red. N. P. Jablokov. 2-e izd.,pererab. i dop. M.: Jurist", 2001.
7. Perepelica O. Cena upala i otzhalas'. Neftjanaja otrasl' delaet stavku na importozameshhenie v dobyche i pererabotke // Rossijskaja gazeta. 2015. 20 aprelja.
8. Miljus A. I. K voprosu o kriminalisticheskoj harakteristike krazh nefti i nefteproduktov// Vestnik Kemerovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta.2014. # 2 (58).
9. Rossijskij obzor jekonomicheskih prestuplenij za 2014 god. PWC, 2015.
10. Toplivno-jenergeticheskij kompleks Rossii: 2000– 2009 gg. (spravochno-analiticheskij obzor) / Pod red. V. V. Bushueva, A. M. Mastepanova, A. I. Gromova. M.: IAC Jenergija, 2010.
Safonov D. A., Belousenko P. N.
Tactical and methodical aspects of special knowledge use for crime scene investigation in special conditions
The article deals with methodical and tactical aspects of the involvement of specialists from different specialities to conduct the scene search under conditions of mountainous-rocky terrain, cave space, river beds areas, etc. Attention is paid to the methods of obtaining and procedural consolidation of the investigative search results in special circumstances, gained with the specialist’s involvement.
The article deals with methodical and tactical aspects of the involvement of specialists from different specialities to conduct the scene search under conditions of mountainous-rocky terrain, cave space, river beds areas, etc. Attention is paid to the methods of obtaining and procedural consolidation of the investigative search results in special circumstances, gained with the specialist’s involvement.
Keywords: crime scene investigation, special knowledge, specialist, protocol of the crime scene search, mountaineering, diving operations.
Work bibliographic list
1. Aver'janova T. V., Belkin R. S., Koruhov Ju. G., Rossinskaja E. R. Kriminalistika: Ucheb. dlja vuzov / pod red. zasluzhenogo dejatelja nauki Rossijskoj Federacii, professora R. S. Belkina. M.: Izdatel'skaja gruppa NORMA-INFRA· M, 1999.
Work bibliographic list
1. Aver'janova T. V., Belkin R. S., Koruhov Ju. G., Rossinskaja E. R. Kriminalistika: Ucheb. dlja vuzov / pod red. zasluzhenogo dejatelja nauki Rossijskoj Federacii, professora R. S. Belkina. M.: Izdatel'skaja gruppa NORMA-INFRA· M, 1999.
2. Belousenko P. N. Problemy privlechenija specialista-kriminalista k osmotru mesta proisshestvija //Vestnik Krasnodarskogo universiteta MVD Rossii. 2015. # 2 (28).
3. Vasil'ev A. N. Osmotr mesta proisshestvija. Glava 1. M.: Izd. Jurid. literatury, 1960.
4. Merenov I. V., Smolin V. V. Spravochnik vodolaza. Voprosy i otvety. 2-e izd., pererab. i dop. L.: Sudostroenie, 1990.
5. Rozysk trupov ljudej v vodoemah: metod. Rekomendacii / sost.: R. G. Ardashev. Irkutsk: Izd-vo IrGTU, 2013.
6. Shherbakovskij M. G., Kravchenko A. A. Primenenie special'nyh znanij pri raskrytii i rassledovanii prestuplenij. Har'kov: Un-t vn.del, 1997.
Toropov S. A., Ponomarev A. V.
Tactics in the detection of caches conducting investigations
The article examines the tactical and psychological characteristics of the search actions in living
The article examines the tactical and psychological characteristics of the search actions in living
premises of person. We give suggestions and indications, which make is possible to identify the
proposed location of caches.
Keywords: cache, search operations, premises, means of detection.
Work bibliographic list
1. Oficial'nyj sajt Ministerstva vnutrennih del Rossijskoj Federacii [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data
Work bibliographic list
1. Oficial'nyj sajt Ministerstva vnutrennih del Rossijskoj Federacii [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data
obrashhenija: 06.12.2015 g.).
2. Denisjuk S. F., Shepit'ko V. Ju. Obysk v sisteme sledstvennyh dejstvij (Taktiko-kriminalisticheskij analiz): Nauchno-prakticheskoe posobie. Har'kov:Konsum, 1999.
3. Obnaruzhen tajnik na teplohode / Sahalinskaja tamozhnja / Tamozhennaja politika Rossii na dal'nem vostoke # 4(61) / 892012 [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa:
4. Safonov D. A., Toropov S. A. Metodicheskie aspekty osmotra, iz"jatija i upakovki predmetov, konstruktivno shozhih s holodnym oruzhiem (skladnyh nozhej) na meste proisshestvija// Krymskij nauchnyj vestnik. 2015. # 3 [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa:
Ismailov Ch. M.
The circumstances surrounding the disappearance of individuals in Russia and measures to counter a traceless disappearance
The article analyzes the typical circumstances of the disappearance of people in Russia. These factors are grouped depending on the range of measures needed for their search. Measures to counter the obscure disappearance are recommended, specifically the inclusion of measures on social protection of the rights of persons at risk in the list of indicators of an assessment of operation efficiency of executive authorities of subjects of the Russian Federation and bodies of local self-government. Proposals to improve legislation in the sphere of search of the disappeared persons are given.
The article analyzes the typical circumstances of the disappearance of people in Russia. These factors are grouped depending on the range of measures needed for their search. Measures to counter the obscure disappearance are recommended, specifically the inclusion of measures on social protection of the rights of persons at risk in the list of indicators of an assessment of operation efficiency of executive authorities of subjects of the Russian Federation and bodies of local self-government. Proposals to improve legislation in the sphere of search of the disappeared persons are given.
Keywords: circumstances, reasons and conditions for the disappearance of people, the purpose of criminal proceedings, the protection of the rights of disappeared persons, the criminal and forced disappearance.
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon ot 28.12.2013 # 442-FZ «Ob osnovah social'nogo obsluzhivanija grazhdan v Rossijskoj Federacii» // SPS Konsul'tantPljus.
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon ot 28.12.2013 # 442-FZ «Ob osnovah social'nogo obsluzhivanija grazhdan v Rossijskoj Federacii» // SPS Konsul'tantPljus.
2. Zakon RF ot 02.07.1992 # 3185-1 «O psihiatricheskoj pomoshhi i garantijah prav grazhdan pri ee okazanii»// SPS Konsul'tantPljus.
3. Mezhdunarodnyj pakt ot 16.12.1966 «O grazhdanskih i politicheskih pravah»// Bjulleten' Verhovnogo Suda RF. 1994. # 12.
4. Mezhdunarodnaja konvencija dlja zashhity vseh lic ot nasil'stvennyh ischeznovenij. Prinjata rezoljuciej 61/177 General'noj Assamblei ot 20 dekabrja 2006 g. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: disappearance.shtml.
5. Doklad Upolnomochennogo pri Prezidente RF po pravam rebenka Astahova P. na IX S"ezde Upolnomochennyh po pravam rebenka v sub"ektah RF na temu «O gosudarstvennoj politike sozdanija sistemy postinternatnogo soprovozhdenija vypusknikov gosudarstvennyh uchrezhdenij dlja detej-sirot i detej, ostavshihsja bez popechenija roditelej, i lic iz ih chisla dlja ih socializacii v obshhestve», kotoryj otkrylsja 28 .04.2014 v N. Novgorode [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa:
6. V Rossii v pomoshhi psihiatrov nuzhdaetsja 21 million chelovek [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa:
7. Dejstvujushhij arhiv prokuratury g. Mahachkaly za 2015 gg.
8. Ismailov Ch. M. Pravovoe regulirovanie voprosov priema, proverki i razreshenija soobshhenij o prestuplenijah, v tom chisle svjazannyh s bezvestnym ischeznoveniem grazhdan: problemy i puti sovershenstvovanija // Vestnik Akademii General'noj pro-
kuratury RF. 2014. # 5.
9. Ismailov Ch. M. Daktiloskopicheskaja i genomnaja informacija pri rozyske bezvestno ischeznuvshih lic: problemy raspoznanija i preodolenija // Sb. materialov Mezhd. nauch. praktich. konf.: «Sovershenstvovanie sistemy daktiloskopicheskoj registracii»,provedennoj na baze Gosudarstvennoj Dumy Federal'nogo Sobranija RF, 8 okt. 2015 g. Moskva.
10. Kondrat I. N. Zashhita prav cheloveka kak sistemoobrazujushhaja mera ugolovnogo sudoproizvodstva // Rossijskaja justicija. 2013. # 6.
11. Kucina S. Fondy zhilishhnye, problemy nasushhnye //JeZh-Jurist. 2012. # 40.
12. Lynev R. Gorod propavshih lic // Copyright © 2000 — 2009 Zhurnal «Rossijskaja Federacija segodnja». All rights reserved. Webmaster Last updated: 13.09.2009
13. Toropin Ju. V. O nekotoryh problemah pravovogo regulirovanija registracii prestuplenij // Rossijskij sledovatel'. 2011. # 16 // SPS Konsul'tant-Pljus.
14. OON i vopros o nasil'stvennyh ili nedobrovol'nyh ischeznovenijah [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: htt p:// www. un. org/ ru/ rights/ disappearances/wgeid. shtml
Chikireva I. Р.
Problems of dismissal of the public civil and municipal servants due to the loss of trust for the violation of the law on corruption counteraction
The article reveals the perspective of legal regulation of dismissal of public civil and municipal servants as a result of loss of trust for a violation of the law about corruption counteraction. Need for unification of types of disciplinary punishments applied to public and municipal servants for a violation of law on counteraction of corruption, duties of the public and municipal servants for compliance with the law about counteraction of corruption, and also the grounds for dismissal of municipal and public servants in connection with loss of trust for introduction of anti-corruption standards is substantiated.
The article reveals the perspective of legal regulation of dismissal of public civil and municipal servants as a result of loss of trust for a violation of the law about corruption counteraction. Need for unification of types of disciplinary punishments applied to public and municipal servants for a violation of law on counteraction of corruption, duties of the public and municipal servants for compliance with the law about counteraction of corruption, and also the grounds for dismissal of municipal and public servants in connection with loss of trust for introduction of anti-corruption standards is substantiated.
Keywords: corruption counteraction, legal regulation, duties of the public and municipal servants, types of disciplinary punishments applied to the public and municipal servants for a violation of the law about corruption counteraction, the grounds for dismissal of municipal and public servants in connection with loss of trust, anti-corruption standards.
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon ot 25 dekabrja 2008 goda N 273-FZ «O protivodejstvii korrupcii»: po sost. Na 05.10.2015 // Rossijskaja gazeta, # 266, 30.12.2008 //
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon ot 25 dekabrja 2008 goda N 273-FZ «O protivodejstvii korrupcii»: po sost. Na 05.10.2015 // Rossijskaja gazeta, # 266, 30.12.2008 //
2. Babkina E. V., Nevdah T. M., Hot'kina O. K. Sravnitel'no-pravovoj analiz protivodejstvija korrupcionnoj prestupnosti v Rossii i stranah blizhnego zarubezh'ja // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2015.# 9 (88). S. 23-24.
3. Federal'nyj zakon «O municipal'noj sluzhbe v Rossijskoj Federacii» po sost. na 05.10.2015 //Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF, 05.03.2007, # 10, st. 1152.
4. Federal'nyj zakon ot 27 ijulja 2004 g. N 79-FZ «O gosudarstvennoj grazhdanskoj sluzhbe Rossijskoj Federacii»: po sost. na 05.10.2015 // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF, 02.08.2004, # 31, st. 3215.
5. Federal'nyj zakon Rossijskoj Federacii ot 21 nojabrja 2011 g. # 329-FZ «O vnesenii izmenenij v otdel'nye zakonodatel'nye akty Rossijskoj Federacii v svjazi s sovershenstvovaniem gosudarstvennogo upravlenija v oblasti protivodejstvija korrupcii»:po sost. na 12.02.2015// Sobranie zakonodatel'stvaRF, 28.11.2011, # 48, st. 6730.
6. Kostennikov M. V., Kurakin A. V. Antikorrupcionnye standarty sluzhebnogo povedenija gosudarstvennyh grazhdanskih sluzhashhih // Monitoring pravo-primenenija, 2014, # 4 [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa:
Basistaya A. V.
The concept of affirmative action of state in context of equality and non-discrimination regarding persons with disabilities
This article is devoted to the concept of affirmative action in respect of persons with disabilities in
This article is devoted to the concept of affirmative action in respect of persons with disabilities in
international law and historical aspects of its emergence and development.
Keywords: human rights, persons with disabilities, affirmative action, reverse/positive discrimination, special measures, positive measures.
Work bibliographic list
1. Alisievich E. S. Pooshhrenie i zashhita prav ujazvimyh grupp v mezhdunarodnom prave: ucheb. posobie.M.: RUDN, 2012.
Work bibliographic list
1. Alisievich E. S. Pooshhrenie i zashhita prav ujazvimyh grupp v mezhdunarodnom prave: ucheb. posobie.M.: RUDN, 2012.
2. Kartashkin V. A. Prava cheloveka: mezhdunarodnaja zashhita v uslovijah globalizacii M.: Norma:INFRA-M, 2014.
3. Micik V. V. Prava ljudini u mіzhnarodnomu pravі. Mіzhnarodno-pravovі mehanіzmi zahistu: pіdruchnik dlja VUZіv / V.V. Micik. K.: Vidavnichij dіm «Promenі». – 2010.
4. Degener T. Disabled people, non-discrimination of [Tekst] // The Max Plank Encyclopedia of Public International law. - Print Edition. 2012. Vol. III.
5. Quinn G. A Short Guide to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities [Tekst] //European Yearbook of Disability Law. – Antwerpen –Oxford – Portland: Intersentia. 2009. Vol. 1.
6. Oosterom-Staples H. To What Extent Has Reverse Discrimination Been Reversed? // European Journal of Migration and Law. 2012. Vol. 14.
Musaevа A. G. Azizovа P. M.
The concept of protection of human rights and freedoms
The Article 2 of the Constitution of the RF claims, “Man, his rights and freedoms are the Supreme
The Article 2 of the Constitution of the RF claims, “Man, his rights and freedoms are the Supreme
value...” This suggests that Russia is a lawful state, and one of the most important features of such a state is the proclamation of the person, its rights and freedoms the supreme value expressed in this article. It is the only Supreme value as other social values didn’t receive such constitutional assessment being on the lower level in relation to it and compatible with it.
Keywords: Constitution of the RF, law, freedom, personality, the state.
Work bibliographic list
1. Sovremennye zarubezhnye Konstitucii. Moskva,2013.
Work bibliographic list
1. Sovremennye zarubezhnye Konstitucii. Moskva,2013.
2. Ljusher F. Konstitucionnaja zashhita prav i svobod lichnosti. Moskva, «Progress-Univers», 2009.
3. Hropanjuk V. N. Teorija gosudarstva i prava. Moskva, «Jurist», 2012.
Kadymov А. А.
The formation of BASSR boxing in 20–40s of 20th century: historical and legal aspects
The article is devoted to the history of the development of boxing in Bashkortostan in 20–40s of the 20th century, also the definition of boxing as a contact sport is given. The history of boxing in England and the first national laws on sports, physical training and sports activities, as well as the development of physical culture and sports in the first years of Soviet power are examined.
The article is devoted to the history of the development of boxing in Bashkortostan in 20–40s of the 20th century, also the definition of boxing as a contact sport is given. The history of boxing in England and the first national laws on sports, physical training and sports activities, as well as the development of physical culture and sports in the first years of Soviet power are examined.
Keywords: boxing, physical culture, sport, the Olympic games, the national laws on sport, fisticuffs.
Work bibliographic list
1. Boks [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 29.10.2015).
Work bibliographic list
1. Boks [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 29.10.2015).
2. Gus'kov S. I. Gosudarstvo i sport. M., 1996.
3. Kun L. Vseobshhaja istorija fizicheskoj kul'tury i sporta [per. s venger.]; / pod obshh. red. V. V. Stolbova.M.: Raduga, 1982.
4. Mokeev G., Shirjaev A. Vo vlasti boksa. Ufa: Slovo, 1996.
5. Professional'nyj boks. Istorija boksa. Pervye upominanija [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 29.10.2015).
6. Shhekina N. B. Fizicheskoe vospitanie uchashhihsja kak faktor formirovanija zdorov'ja (pervaja polovina HH veka) // Fizicheskoe vospitanie studentov. 2011. # 3.
Sedankina T. E.
Specifics Islamic theology in contemporary Russian educational space
The article considers the concept of theology, theological reflection, and also analyzes the specifics
The article considers the concept of theology, theological reflection, and also analyzes the specifics
of Islamic theology and its place in modern educational space, gives the answers to the questions
about who is a Muslim theologian and what are the main areas of professional activity of the Muslim theologian.
Keywords: theology, theology, theological reflection, Islamic theology, theologian profession.
Work bibliographic list
1. Krasnikov A. N. Metodologicheskie problemy religiovedenija: Uchebnoe posobie. M.: Akademicheskij Proekt, 2007.
Work bibliographic list
1. Krasnikov A. N. Metodologicheskie problemy religiovedenija: Uchebnoe posobie. M.: Akademicheskij Proekt, 2007.
2. Chernomorec Ju. Teologija kak nauka/ Bogoslovskij portal, 31-01-2012// [Jelektronnyj resurs].Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 4.06.2015).
3. Tejjar de Sharden P. Fenomen cheloveka. M.: Izdatel'stvo: «AST, Astrel', Poligrafizdat», 2011.
4. Antonov K. M. Teologija kak nauchnaja special'nost' //Voprosy filosofii 2012. # 6.
5. Radugin A. A. Teologichesko-bogoslovskaja refleksija kak specificheskaja forma racional'nosti i vozmozhnosti sotrudnichestva nauki i religii // Nauchnye vedomosti. 2009. # 8.
6. Fenomenologija duha. Per. s nem. Shpeta G. G., Kommentarij Selivanova Ju. R. M.: Akademicheskij Proekt, 2008.
7. Nabiev R. A. Musul'manskie uchebnye zavedenija v rossijskom obrazovatel'nom prostranstve: opyt Tatarstana / Novye kadry dlja novoj Rossii, 2.12.2009// [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 4.06.2015).
8. Nabiev R. A. Musul'manskie uchebnye zavedenija v rossijskom obrazovatel'nom prostranstve: opyt Tatarstana/ Novye kadry dlja novoj Rossii, 2.12.2009// [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 4.06.2015).
9. Muhametshin R. M. Teologicheskoe obrazovanie kak zalog budushhego Rossii / vystuplenie na kruglom stole «Teologija –uchenie o Boge i/ili konfessional'noe religiovedenie» (g. Kazan') 23.12 2014 // [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 1.06.2015).
10. Hajretdinov Damir. Teolog –professija budushhego. 28 aprelja 2014 // [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 1.06.2015).
11. Obshhaja harakteristika special'nosti 031901 –Teologija / Moskovskij gosudarstvennyj lingvisticheskij universitet // [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: obrashhenija: 2.07.2015).
12. Chernomorec Ju. Teologija kak nauka/ Bogoslovskij portal, 31-01-2012 // [Jelektronnyj resurs].Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 4.07.2015).
Fedotova Yu. G.
Legal basis and regularities of citizen participation in the Fatherland protection
The article reveals legal bases of citizen participation in the Fatherland protection. The author shows the unity of forms of citizen participation in national defence and state security, identifies regularities of participation and characterizes the activity of state bodies for securing it.
The article reveals legal bases of citizen participation in the Fatherland protection. The author shows the unity of forms of citizen participation in national defence and state security, identifies regularities of participation and characterizes the activity of state bodies for securing it.
Keywords: Fatherland protection, citizen participation, defence, security, law, state control.
Work bibliographic list
1. Kalinin A. E. Pravovye aspekty prohozhdenija voennoj sluzhby po kontraktu v Vooruzhennyh Silah Rossijskoj Federacii: monogr. M., 2002.
Work bibliographic list
1. Kalinin A. E. Pravovye aspekty prohozhdenija voennoj sluzhby po kontraktu v Vooruzhennyh Silah Rossijskoj Federacii: monogr. M., 2002.
2. Novaja paradigma razvitija Rossii (kompleksnye issledovanija problem ustojchivogo razvitija): jenciklopedich. monogr. / pod red. V. A. Koptjuga, V. M.
Matrosova, V. K. Levashova. M.: Izdatel'stvo «Akademija», Izdatel'stvo MGUK, 1999.
3. Fedotova Ju. G. Doktrinal'naja harakteristika uchastija grazhdan v obespechenii oborony strany i bezopasnosti gosudarstva // Sovremennoe pravo. 2015. # 9.
4. Fedotova Ju. G. Obespechenie bezopasnosti gosudarstva cherez obespechenie bezopasnosti lichnosti //Gosudarstvennaja vlast' i mestnoe samoupravlenie. 2015. # 8.
5. Kreml' finansiruet IGIL [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 21.11.2015 g.).
6. Direktoru FSB: Telekanal TNT ugrozhaet nacional'noj bezopasnosti Rossii [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: http://konceptual.rf/direktoru-fsbtelekanal-tnt-ugrozhaet-natsionalnoy-bezopasnosti-rossii (data obrashhenija: 03.09.2015 g.).
Kiselev I. V.
Practical elements of the international cooperation in the sphere of higher education in the legislation on education of the Russian Federation
In the article the main problems of legal regulation of the public relations in education are considered. The author analyzes the international legal standards in the sphere of higher education,
In the article the main problems of legal regulation of the public relations in education are considered. The author analyzes the international legal standards in the sphere of higher education,
and also considers specific questions of their legislative regulation.
Keywords: international cooperation, international standard, higher education.
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon # 273 – FZ ot 29 dekabrja 2012 goda «Ob obrazovanii v Rossijskoj Federacii» //SPS «Konsul'tant Pljus».
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon # 273 – FZ ot 29 dekabrja 2012 goda «Ob obrazovanii v Rossijskoj Federacii» //SPS «Konsul'tant Pljus».
2. Postanovlenie Pravitel'stva Respubliki Moldova ot 27 janvarja 2014 goda # 56 «Ob utverzhdenii Tipovogo polozhenija ob akademicheskoj mobil'nosti v vysshem obrazovanii». Baza dannyh zakonodatel'stva stran Sodruzhestva Nezavisimyh Gosudarstv [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 02.08.2015).
3. Konvencija o priznanii uchebnyh kursov, diplomov o vysshem obrazovanii i uchenyh stepenej v gosudarstvah Azii i Tihogo okeana ot 16 dekabrja 1983 goda; Lissabonskaja konvencija o priznanii kvalifikacij, otnosjashhihsja k vysshemu obrazovaniju v evropejskom regione ot 11 aprelja 1997 goda; Bolonskaja deklaracija ministerstv obrazovanija Evropy ot 19 ijunja 1999 goda // SPS «Garant».
4. Memorandum Organizacii Ob"edinennyh Nacij ot 25 ijulja 1994 goda «O vzaimodejstvii Rossijskoj Federacii i Organizacii Ob"edinennyh Nacij po voprosam obrazovanija, nauki i kul'tury».
5. Rekomendacija Organizacii Ob"edinennyh Nacij po voprosam obrazovanija, nauki i kul'tury ot 13 nojabrja 1993 goda «O priznanii uchebnyh kursov i svidetel'stv o vysshem obrazovanii».
6. Konvencija Organizacii Ob"edinennyh Nacij po voprosam obrazovanija, nauki i kul'tury ot 21 dekabrja 1979 goda «O priznanii uchebnyh kursov, diplomov o vysshem obrazovanii i uchenyh stepenej v gosudarstvah regionah Evropy» // SPS «Garant».
7. Soglashenie mezhdu Pravitel'stvom Rossijskoj Federacii i Pravitel'stvom Respubliki Uzbekistan o sotrudnichestve v oblasti vysshego obrazovanija ot 27 ijulja 1995 goda, Soglashenie mezhdu Ministerstvom obrazovanija i nauki Rossijskoj Federacii i Ministerstvom obrazovanija Turkmenistana o sotrudnichestve v oblasti obrazovanija 4 ijulja 2008 goda. // SPS «Konsul'tant Pljus».
8. Soglashenie uchastnikov Konsorciuma po sozdaniju Setevogo universiteta Sodruzhestva Nezavisimyh Gosudarstv o sovmestnoj podgotovke magistrov po napravleniju magistratury «Menedzhment» ot 11 ijunja 2009 goda [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: sng/agreement_management.pdf. (data obrashhenija: 31.07.2015).
9. Soglashenie uchastnikov Konsorciuma po sozdaniju Setevogo universiteta Sodruzhestva Nezavisimyh Gosudarstv o sovmestnoj podgotovke magistrov v oblasti mezhdunarodnogo prava ot 11 ijunja 2009 goda [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: Data obrashhenija: 31.07.2015.
10. Soglashenie uchastnikov universiteta ShOS po napravleniju magistratury «Jekonomika» ot 7 oktjabrja 2014 goda [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 31.07.2015).
11. Polozhenie ob akademicheskoj mobil'nosti Nacional'nogo issledovatel'skogo universiteta «Vysshaja shkola jekonomiki» # 6.18.1-01/2806-06 ot 28 ijunja 2013 goda [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 31.07.2015).
12. Polozhenie ob akademicheskoj mobil'nosti Permskogo gosudarstvennogo nacional'nogo issledovatel'skogo universiteta ot 28 maja 2014 goda [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: baza/base_nd/Polozhenie___ob_akademicheskoj_mobilnosti.pdf. (data obrashhenija:31.07.2015).
13. Polozhenie ob akademicheskoj mobil'nosti Kazanskogo (Privolzhskogo) federal'nogo universiteta[Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: %EB%FC%ED%EE%F1%F2%FC.pdf.(data obrashhenija: 31.07.2015).
14. Polozhenie o mezhdunarodnoj akademicheskoj mobil'nosti studentov, aspirantov, prepodavatelej i sotrudnikov Sankt-Peterburgskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta telekommunikacij im. prof. M. A.Bonch-Bruevicha ot 2013 goda. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa:
Fdoci%2Fregulations%2F2013_01_10_academic_mobility_regulatin.doc&name=2013_01_10_academic_mobility_regulatin.doc&c=55c83b2be4de (data obrashhenija:10.08.2015).
15. Polozhenie ob akademicheskoj mobil'nosti v Vjatskom gosudarstvennom gumanitarnom universitete ot 12 maja 2015 goda [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 10.08.2015).
16. Prikaz rektora Juzhnogo Federal'nogo Universiteta # 1224 ot 8 aprelja 2008 goda «Ob utverzhdenii Polozhenija o priznanii periodov obuchenija za granicej». [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 31.07.2015).
17. Rekomendacija # R (95) 8 Komiteta Ministrov Soveta Evropy (Strasburg, 2 marta 1995 g.) po akademicheskoj mobil'nosti. SPS // SPS «Garant».
18. Angelovskij A. A. Mezhdunarodnaja akademicheskaja mobil'nost' kak jeffektivnyj mehanizm mezhdunarodnoj integracii v obrazovatel'nom prostranstve // Nauka JuUrGU. Sekcii social'no-gumanitarnyh nauk: materialy 66-j nauch. konf. / otv. za vyp. S. D. Vaulin; Juzh.-Ural. gos. un-t. Cheljabinsk: Izdatel'skij centr JuUrGU, 2014.
19. Brinev N. S., Chujanov R. A. Akademicheskaja mobil'nost' studentov kak faktor razvitija obrazovanija //Puti razvitija vysshego obrazovanija v Rossii: materialy nauch.-prakt. konf. Omsk: OGPU, 2001.
20. Dmitrieva N. K. Akademicheskaja mobil'nost' kak lichnostnoe kachestvo sub"ektov obrazovatel'nogo processa // Nauchnyj jelektronnyj ezhekvartal'nyj zhurnal «Nepreryvnoe obrazovanie: XXI vek». Vypusk 4, 2013 [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 02.08.2015).
21. Martynenko O. O., Zhukova N. V. Upravlenie akademicheskoj mobil'nost'ju v vuzah // Universitetskoe upravlenie: praktika i analiz. 2008. # 1.
22. Oficial'nyj sajt evropejskogo prostranstva vysshego obrazovanija [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 06.08.2015).
23. Slepuhin A. Ju. Vysshaja shkola v uslovijah internacionalizacii // Vysshee obrazovanie v Rossii. 2004. # 6.
24. Tokmovceva M. V. Pravovye problemy Akademicheskoj mobil'nosti vysshih uchebnyh zavedenij //Kul'tura: upravlenie, jekonomika, pravo. 2014. # 2.
25. Tokmovceva M. V. Problemy akademicheskoj mobil'nosti v svete prinjatija novogo Federal'nogo zakona «Ob obrazovanii v Rossijskoj Federacii». Rabota vypolnena v ramkah meroprijatija 03G0600 Gosudarstvennoj programmy goroda Moskvy nasrednesrochnyj period (2012—2016 gg.) «Razvitie obrazovanija goroda Moskvy («Stolichnoe obrazovanie») [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 02.08.2015).
26. Juzhno-Rossijskij centr akademicheskoj mobil'nosti [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija:02.08.2015).
27. Programme Guide for the attention and information of future applicants and beneficiaries. Version 12/2012 Edited by EuropeanCommission.
28. Evropejskoe ispolnitel'noe agentstvo v sfere obrazovanija kul'tury i audiovizualizacii [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: glossary_en.php. (data obrashhenija:06.08.2015).
Ibragimovа A. Sh.
Problems of enjoyment of citizens’ rights to education in the Russian Federation
The article analyzes the current enforcement of one of the most important constitutional rights —
The article analyzes the current enforcement of one of the most important constitutional rights —
the right to education. The author reveals the problems of the right to education in modern Russia. The problems impeding the implementation of this law are considered.
Keywords: law, education, the constitution.
Work bibliographic list
1. Konstitucija Rossijskoj Federacii. M.: Pravo, 2015.Vseobshhaja deklaracija prav cheloveka Prinjata rezoljuciej 217 A (III) General'noj Assamblei OON ot 10 dekabrja 1948g.
Work bibliographic list
1. Konstitucija Rossijskoj Federacii. M.: Pravo, 2015.Vseobshhaja deklaracija prav cheloveka Prinjata rezoljuciej 217 A (III) General'noj Assamblei OON ot 10 dekabrja 1948g.
2. Federal'nyj Zakon o t29.12.2012 «Ob obrazovanii v RF» (s izm. i dopolnenijami, vstupiv v silu s 24.07.2015).
3. Gracheva T. V. Mehanizm realizacii prava na obrazovanie: ponjatie, struktura // Konstitucionnoe pravo i konstitucionnyj process. 2013. # 2.
4. Stul'nikova O. V. Konstitucionnoe pravo grazhdan na obrazovanie i problemy ego realizacii v sub"ektah Rossijskoj Federacii: diss. ... kand. jurid. nauk:12.00.02. Penza, 2008.
5. Voevodin L. D. Juridicheskij status lichnosti v Rossii. M., 1997.
6. Shiljuk T. O., Zhabin N. A. Pravo na obrazovanie i ego zashhita. // Aktual'nye problemy rossijskogo prava. 2013. # 6.
Semenova N. S.
The Church’s role in the enforcement of the right to education
The article is devoted to legal analysis of relations between the Church and the Russian state in the field of spiritual and moral upbringing and education in history and at the present stage. It explores the concept of the secular state, secular nature of education in public schools, as well as the principle of separation of Church and state.
The article is devoted to legal analysis of relations between the Church and the Russian state in the field of spiritual and moral upbringing and education in history and at the present stage. It explores the concept of the secular state, secular nature of education in public schools, as well as the principle of separation of Church and state.
Keywords: education, the right to education, traditional values, Church, secular state, separation
of Church and state, human rights.
Work bibliographic list
1. Gendernye aspekty i tradicionnye cennosti v svete mezhdunarodnogo prava: Materialy kruglyh stolov 12 aprelja i 10 oktjabrja 2014 g. v ramkah XII ezhegodnoj mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii «Aktual'nye problemy sovremennogo mezhdunarodnogo prava», posvjashhennoj pamjati professora I. P. Blishhenko / Pod red. A. H. Abashidze, N. S. Semenovoj, E. V. Kiselevoj, E. S. Alisievich. M.: Izdatel'skij dom «Pokrov PRO», 2015.
Work bibliographic list
1. Gendernye aspekty i tradicionnye cennosti v svete mezhdunarodnogo prava: Materialy kruglyh stolov 12 aprelja i 10 oktjabrja 2014 g. v ramkah XII ezhegodnoj mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii «Aktual'nye problemy sovremennogo mezhdunarodnogo prava», posvjashhennoj pamjati professora I. P. Blishhenko / Pod red. A. H. Abashidze, N. S. Semenovoj, E. V. Kiselevoj, E. S. Alisievich. M.: Izdatel'skij dom «Pokrov PRO», 2015.
2. Abashidze A. H., Solncev A. M. Problematika zashhity prav cheloveka i Pravoslavie // Duhovno-nravstvennaja kul'tura v vysshej shkole: materialy XXII Mezhdunarodnyh obrazovatel'nyh Rozhdestvenskih chtenij. Moskva, 29 janvarja 2014 g. M: RUDN, 2014.
3. Matvienko V. Rozhdestvenskie parlamentskie vstrechi dolzhny stat' reguljarnymi [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa:
4. Mezhdunarodno-pravovye osnovy prava na zdorov'e i duhovno-nravstvennoe vospitanie: Monografija / N. S. Semenova. M.: Izdatel'skij dom «Pokrov PRO», 2015.
5. Mitropolit Filaret (Drozdov). Prostrannyj Katehizis [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa:
6. Novikov A. M. Nacional'naja ideja Rossii (vozmozhnyj podhod). M., 1999.
7. Pravoslavie, samoderzhavie, narodnost'. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa:
8. Prot. Vladislav Cypin. Vzaimootnoshenija Cerkvi i gosudarstva. Kanonicheskie principy i istoricheskaja dejstvitel'nost' [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa:
9. Semenova N. S. Mezhdunarodno-pravovaja zashhita tradicionnyh cennostej: realizacija prava na obrazovanie // Obozrevatel'-Observer. 2014. # 7.
10. Semenova N. S. Pravo na obrazovanie v mezhdunarodnom prave. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo. 2010. # 3.
11. Semenova N. S. Sohranenie tradicionnyh cennostej i mezhdunarodnye objazatel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii v ramkah realizacii prava na obrazovanie // Ev-
razijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2014. # 5 (72).
12. Semenova N. Tradicionnye cennosti v mezhdunarodnom prave // Humanities and Social Sciences. HSS, Vol.XIX, 21 (3/2014), July-September, 2014.
13. Semenova N. S., Kiseleva E. V., Ilyashevich M. V., Alisievich E. S. Traditional values and human rights of LGBTI under the contemporary international law // Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, MCSER Publishing, Rome-Italy. Vol 6. No 5 September 2015.
Salnikova M. A., Protopopova T. V., Orlova S. V.
The idea of human dignity under the long range state program “Patriotic education of the people of the Russian Federation”
The article considers relation between the idea of patriotism, the idea of human dignity and dignity
The article considers relation between the idea of patriotism, the idea of human dignity and dignity
of the state. The state program of patriotic education is analyzed. The relation between patriotism and development of Russian statehood is revealed.
Key words: patriotism, human dignity, dignity of the state, program of patriotic education.
Work bibliographic list
1. Azarova A. V. K voprosu ob istorii razvitija ideologii patriotizma v Rossii // Vestnik Voennogo universiteta. 2010. # 3(23).
Work bibliographic list
1. Azarova A. V. K voprosu ob istorii razvitija ideologii patriotizma v Rossii // Vestnik Voennogo universiteta. 2010. # 3(23).
2. Bondarenko N. F., Kolpachev V. V. Patriotizm i patrioticheskoe vospitanie voinov: istorija, tradicii, sovremennost': uchebno-metodicheskoe posobie /Pod red. V. N. Kozlova. Stavropol': MORF, 1997.
3. Drobyshevskij S. A. Istorija politicheskih i pravovyh uchenij: osnovnye klassicheskie idei: ucheb. posobie. 2-e izd., dop. M.: Norma, 2007.
4. Drobyshevskij S. A., Protopopova T. V. Predstavlenija o chelovecheskom dostoinstve v politiko-juridicheskih doktrinah i prave. M., Prospekt, 2015.
5. Sentjurin Ju. P. Ob istoricheskom ponjatii «patriotizm»: politicheskie harakteristiki // Predstavitel'naja vlast' – XXI vek. 2007. # 4.
Andreev A. V., Morodumov R. N.
State-patriotic education in departmental universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
The article outlines the features of patriotic education in educational institutions of higher education of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the process of training of cadets and audience. The authors analyze the role of police officers in patriotic education in the educational institutions of higher education of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
The article outlines the features of patriotic education in educational institutions of higher education of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the process of training of cadets and audience. The authors analyze the role of police officers in patriotic education in the educational institutions of higher education of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
Keywords: patriotism, citizenship, education, professional qualities of law enforcement officers.
Work bibliographic list
1. Demidova A. I. Patriotizm sovetskogo naroda – vazhnejshij faktor Velikoj Pobedy // Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta. 2010. # 3.
Work bibliographic list
1. Demidova A. I. Patriotizm sovetskogo naroda – vazhnejshij faktor Velikoj Pobedy // Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta. 2010. # 3.
2. Efimov V. F. Istoriosofskie aspekty rossijskogo patriotizma // SOTIS – social'nye tehnologii, issledovanija. 2008. # 4.
3. Manina L. I. Otechestvennaja social'no-filosofskaja mysl' i pedagogicheskaja mysl' o patriotizme i patrioticheskom vospitanii // Obrazovanie i obshhestvo. 2009. # 5.
4. Pokida A. N. Specifika patrioticheskih chuvstv rossijan // Vlast'. 2010. # 12.
Abramova S. R.
National-regional component and problem of education in their native Russian language in Bashkortostan
The article describes the problems of ethnic and cultural Russians in Bashkortostan: nationalcultural problems of education in their native Russian language.
The article describes the problems of ethnic and cultural Russians in Bashkortostan: nationalcultural problems of education in their native Russian language.
Key words: ethno-sociological studies, ethnic and cultural aspects, ethnic and cultural needs, the
Bashkir language, Russian language, Federal law, state educational standards.
Work bibliographic list
1. Kuz'min M., Artemenko O., Petrova T. Ob"edinenie obrazovatel'nogo prostranstva // Jetnokul'turnoe obrazovanie. Metody social'noj orientacii rossijskoj shkoly (red. Stepanov V.V.). Vyp. 1. M.: IJeARAN, 2010.
Work bibliographic list
1. Kuz'min M., Artemenko O., Petrova T. Ob"edinenie obrazovatel'nogo prostranstva // Jetnokul'turnoe obrazovanie. Metody social'noj orientacii rossijskoj shkoly (red. Stepanov V.V.). Vyp. 1. M.: IJeARAN, 2010.
2. Voroncov V. S. Pomozhet li novyj federal'nyj zakon rodnomu jazyku? // Jetnokul'turnoe obrazovanie. Metody social'noj orientacii rossijskoj shkoly (red. Stepanov V. V.). Vyp. 1. M.: IJeA RAN, 2010.
3. Gorbachev A. A., Safin F. G., Fathutdinova A. I. Jazykovaja politika v Bashkortostane (1970-2010 gg.). Ufa: In-t jetnologicheskih issled. im. R. G. Kuzeeva, 2012.
4. Zvezda Povolzh'ja. 27 nojabrja – 3 dekabrja 2008 g. # 45.
5. Zugura Rahmatullina: «Shkol'niki Bashkortostana izuchajut russkij jazyk v polnom ob"eme». [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: Data obrashhenija 25 fevralja 2015 g.
6. Safin F. G. Nacional'no-regional'nyj komponent obrazovanija v regionah Rossijskoj Federacii//Jetnos. Obshhestvo. Civilizacija: II Kuzeevskie chtenija:Mat-ly Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii, posvjashhennoj 80-letiju R. G. Kuzeeva. Ufa, 2009. S. 310.
7. Tekushhij arhiv MO RB. «Ob utverzhdenii Bazisnogo uchebnogo plana obshheobrazovatel'nyh uchrezhdenij Respubliki Bashkortostan na 2008-2009 uch. god».
8. Jetnokul'turnoe obrazovanie. Metody social'noj orientacii rossijskoj shkoly / Pod red. V. V. Stepanova. Vyp.1. M.: IJeA RAN, 2010.
Saifullin E. V.
The participation of citizens in the protection of public order and public safety as a civil society institution
The paper analyzes the problems and constraints for the development of civil society in contemporary Russia, forms of interaction between institutions of the modern Russian state and the emerging civil society institutions, and perspectives of solving these problems.
The paper analyzes the problems and constraints for the development of civil society in contemporary Russia, forms of interaction between institutions of the modern Russian state and the emerging civil society institutions, and perspectives of solving these problems.
Keywords: civil society, non-governmental associations, non-profit organizations, state institutions, public order, public safety.
Work bibliographic list
1. Rasporjazhenie Pravitel'stva RF ot 17.11.2008 #1662-r «O Koncepcii dolgosrochnogo social'no-jekonomicheskogo razvitija Rossijskoj Federacii na period do 2020 goda» // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF, 24.11.2008, # 47, st. 5489.
Work bibliographic list
1. Rasporjazhenie Pravitel'stva RF ot 17.11.2008 #1662-r «O Koncepcii dolgosrochnogo social'no-jekonomicheskogo razvitija Rossijskoj Federacii na period do 2020 goda» // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF, 24.11.2008, # 47, st. 5489.
2. Zhernovoj M. V., Gluhov V. V. Vzaimodejstvie grazhdan i policii: sostojanie i perspektivy. M., 2013.
3. Igbaeva G. R., Igbaeva Z. R. Institucionalizacija mediacii v Respublike Bashkortstan. V sbornike: Teorija i praktika sovremennoj juridicheskoj nauki. Materialy Vserossijskoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii / otv. red. T. V. Sedleckaja. Sankt-Peterburg, 2013. S. 148–150.
4. Igbaeva G. R., Igbaeva Z. R., Vishnevskaja P. V. Perspektivy razvitija mediacii v Respublike Bashkortostan: obzor kruglogo stola // Evrazijskaja advokatura. 2013. # 2 (3). S. 9–11.
5. Usmanova D. R. O sovershenstvovanii gosudarstvennogo i municipal'nogo kontrolja (nadzora) v Rossijskoj Federacii // Pravovoe gosudarstvo: teorija i
praktika. 2015. T. 3. # 41. S. 74–76.
6. Shedij M. V. Antikorrupcionnyj potencial grazhdanskogo obshhestva: problemy razvitija v uslovijah modernizacii Rossii // Uchenye zapiski: jelektronnyj nauchnyj zhurnal Kurskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. 2013. # 2(26).
Melnikov A. G.
The grounds and principles of modern parliamentarism
The institution of modern parliamentarism promotes the development of models of powermanagement mechanism for government decision-making on the basis of the will of the majority of citizens. The author analyzes the methodological approaches to the definition of parliamentarism, to the assessment of its role in the modern political systems of different countries, the grounds and the stages of formation and functioning of the parliamentary system in the world political practice.
The institution of modern parliamentarism promotes the development of models of powermanagement mechanism for government decision-making on the basis of the will of the majority of citizens. The author analyzes the methodological approaches to the definition of parliamentarism, to the assessment of its role in the modern political systems of different countries, the grounds and the stages of formation and functioning of the parliamentary system in the world political practice.
Keywords: parliamentarism, parliament, representative bodies, the grounds of parliamentarism, principles of modern parliamentarism.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bulgakov O. N. Dvuhpalatnyj parlament Rossijskoj Federacii. SPb.: Juridicheskij centr Press, 2003.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bulgakov O. N. Dvuhpalatnyj parlament Rossijskoj Federacii. SPb.: Juridicheskij centr Press, 2003.
2. Gobbs T. Leviafan ili materija forma i vlast' gosudarstva cerkovnogo i grazhdanskogo. Sochinenija v 2-h tt. T. 2. M.: Mysl', 1991.
3. Dunjamalyev T. B., Dorozhkin Ju. N. Jetapy stanovlenija sistemy razdelenija vlastej v sovremennoj Rossii // Vlast'. 2013. # 10.
4. Il'in I. A. Sobr. soch. v 10 t. T.1. M.: Russkaja kniga, 1994.
5. Kerimov A. D. Ponimanie parlamentarizma i perspektivy ego razvitija v Rossii // Grazhdanskoe pravo. 2002. # 7-8.
6. Lokk D. Izbrannye filosofskie proizvedenija. V 2h t. T. 2. M.: Socjekgiz, 1960.
7. Lokk Dzh. Dva trakta o pravlenii. Sochinenie v 3-h tt. T. 3. M.: Mysl', 1988.
8. Mironov O. O. Istoki rossijskogo parlamentarizma // Predstavitel'naja vlast'. 1996. # 4-5.
9. Mishin A. A. Konstitucionnoe (gosudarstvennoe) pravo zarubezhnyh stran. M.: Juridicheskij Dom «Justicinform», 2003.
10. Montesk'e Sh.-L. O duhe zakonov. M.: Mysl', 1999.
11. Russo Zh.-Zh. Ob obshhestvennom dogovore. M.: KANON-press, 1998.
12. Parlamentskoe pravo Rossii / pod. red. I. M. Stepanova. M.: Jurist", 2000.
13. Romanov R. M. Parlamentarizm: istorija, teorija, sovremennost'. M.: Miros, 2002.
14. Seleznev L. I. Politicheskie sistemy sovremennosti: sravnitel'nyj analiz. SPB.: Petropolis, 1995.
15. Burdeau G. Traite de Science politigue. Librairie generale. De drait el de jutisprudence, 1977.
Efremova S. M., Kuznetsovа K. V.
Marketing research of labour market in Oryol city and Oryol Region
The article considers the practice of the organization of marketing research of the labour market
The article considers the practice of the organization of marketing research of the labour market
in the region. The results of market research of employers of Orel and Orel region are analysed. The demand for specialists of different professions and specialties in the labour market, and the employers’ requirements to professional skills, personal qualities and experience of specialists are studied in detail.
Keywords: marketing, labour market, labour force, demand of the employers, knowledge, abilities, skills.
Work bibliographic list
1. Kuznecova K. V. Analiz i prognoz rynka truda kak osnova dlja opredelenija struktury podgotovki kadrov// Materialy konferencii «Rynok truda, zanjatost', dohody: problemy i tendencii razvitija. – Orjol:OOO PF «Kartush», 2013.
Work bibliographic list
1. Kuznecova K. V. Analiz i prognoz rynka truda kak osnova dlja opredelenija struktury podgotovki kadrov// Materialy konferencii «Rynok truda, zanjatost', dohody: problemy i tendencii razvitija. – Orjol:OOO PF «Kartush», 2013.
2. Cherepkova K. V. Social'no-jekonomicheskaja rol' sistemy professional'nogo obrazovanija v vosproizvodstve chelovecheskogo kapitala. Orjol, 2005 [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: disserCat
3. Shevchenko D. A. Marketingovyj analiz molodezhnogo rynka truda i obrazovanija // Prakticheskij marketing. 2002. # 2. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa:
4. Jekspress-informacija 03000-1 «Balans trudovyh resursov za 2011 god (utverzhdennye dannye) po Orlovskoj oblasti. Orjol, 2012.
Valiakhmetov R. M.
Sociological approaches to the measurement and analysis of the social potential of the region
The article examines sociological approaches to measuring and assessment of social potential in Russian regions. It is actualized and justified that human development is the attribute characteristic
The article examines sociological approaches to measuring and assessment of social potential in Russian regions. It is actualized and justified that human development is the attribute characteristic
of the social development of a region. The author points out the necessity of taking into account sociological indicators reflecting feelings, interests and needs of people, opportunities for realization their human potential along with macroeconomic indicators of regional development.
Keywords: social capital, social well-being, the human potential.
Work bibliographic list
1. Aitov N. A. Social'noe razvitie regionov. M.:Mysl', 1985. 220 s.
Work bibliographic list
1. Aitov N. A. Social'noe razvitie regionov. M.:Mysl', 1985. 220 s.
2. Bondarenko G. I. Chelovecheskij kapital: vzaimodejstvie social'nyh institutov, vlasti i biznesa v uslovijah transformirujushhegosja rossijskogo obshhestva: dissertacija ... doktora sociologicheskih nauk:22.00.03 / Ufim. gos. aviac.-tehn. un-t.- Ufa, 2006.
3. Burd'e P. Formy kapitala. // Jekonomicheskaja sociologija. 2002.Tom 3. # 5. S. 66.
4. Valiahmetov R. M. Chelovecheskij kapital i chelovecheskoe razvitie v kontekste strategicheskih zadach gosudarstvennogo upravlenija //Jekonomika i upravlenienauchno-prakticheskij zhurnal. 2014. # 6. S.109.
5. Zaslavskaja T.I. Sovremennoe rossijskoe obshhestvo:Social'nyj mehanizm transformacii: Ucheb. posobie. M.: Delo, 2004.
6. Kargapolova E.V. Tridcatyj region: potencial social'nogo razvitija/ nauch. red. prof. N. V. Dulina.Volgograd, 2011. 75 s.
7. Lapin N. I., Beljaeva L. A. Programma i tipovoj instrumentarij «Sociokul'turnyj portret regiona Rossii» (Modifikacija -2010). M., 2010.
8. Nugaev M. A., Nugaev R. M. Social'nyj potencial regiona (konceptual'nye osnovy issledovanija): Sb. nauch. trudov. Kazan', 1995. T. 1.
9. Osobennosti ustojchivogo razvitija Respubliki Bashkortostan: Sb. nauchnyh trudov. / Red. Dzh. M. Giljazitdinov, F. S. Fajzullin i dr. Ufa: RIO BashGU, 2003. 260 s.
10. Problemy social'no-jekonomicheskogo razvitija regionov. /Otv. red. M.N. Isjanbaev, F.S. Fajzullin.Ufa; Gilem, 2001. 329 s.
11. Social'nyj kapital kak resurs modernizacii v regione: problemy formirovanija i izmerenija: materialy Mezhregional'noj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii, g. Cherepovec, 16–17 oktjabrja 2012 g.: v 2 ch. Ch. 1 / Otv. red. T. A. Guzhavina. Cherepovec: ChGU, 2012. 198 s.
12. Sociologicheskaja jenciklopedija: V 2 t. / Nacional'nyj obshhestvenno-nauchnyj fond / Rukovoditel' nauchnogo proekta G. Ju. Semigin; Glavnyj redaktor V.N. Ivanov. M.: Mysl', 2003.
13. Tihonova N.E. Social'nyj kapital kak faktor neravenstva/ Obshhestvennye nauki i sovremennost'. 2004. # 4. S. 25.
14. Shtompka P. Sociologija social'nyh izmenenij. Per. s angl. M., 1996.
Khairullina N. G.
Policy in the sphere of provision of pensions of Russians
The paper presented the results of a sociological survey conducted in the regions of the Ural Federal District devoted to the pension system.
The paper presented the results of a sociological survey conducted in the regions of the Ural Federal District devoted to the pension system.
Keywords: pensions, retirement age, a sociological survey.
Work bibliographic list
1. Social'noe obespechenie rossijan: teorija i praktika/Belonozhko M. L., Barbakov O. M., Hajrullina N. G.,Berinceva I. N., Kirsanov K. V., Baranova K. L. Tjumen': Izd-vo Tjumenskogo gosudarstvennogo neftegazovogo universiteta, 2013.
Work bibliographic list
1. Social'noe obespechenie rossijan: teorija i praktika/Belonozhko M. L., Barbakov O. M., Hajrullina N. G.,Berinceva I. N., Kirsanov K. V., Baranova K. L. Tjumen': Izd-vo Tjumenskogo gosudarstvennogo neftegazovogo universiteta, 2013.
2. Tjumenskaja oblast': obshhestvo i nauka (social'no-jekonomicheskoe i jetnokul'turnoe razvitie) /Pod red.V. K. Levashova, N. G. Hajrullina. Tjumen': Izd-vo TjumGNGU, 2005.
3. Hajrullina N. G., Baranova K. L. Pensionnyj vozrast rossijan: ocenki i mnenija. Tjumen': TjumGNGU,2012.
4. Shherbakov G. A. Regional'nye osobennosti formirovanija i realizacii social'noj politiki sub"ekta federacii v sovremennoj Rossii. Tjumen': Izd-vo TjumGNGU, 2007.
Gafurov A. I., Yarullin I. I.
The financial crisis and the economic security of Russia: analysis, problems and prospects
The article considers problems of Russian economy which it faced in 2014—2015, their causes, the measures, and proposes ways out of the economic crisis.
The article considers problems of Russian economy which it faced in 2014—2015, their causes, the measures, and proposes ways out of the economic crisis.
Keywords: economy, crisis, Russia, sanctions, oil prices, inflation, devaluation, crisis plan, ruble.
Work bibliographic list
1. Reuter, informacionnoe agentstvo [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa:
Work bibliographic list
1. Reuter, informacionnoe agentstvo [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa:
2. Jandeks. Kotirovki [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa:
3. Informacionnoe agentsva RosBiznesKonsalting[Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa:
4. Mezhdunarodnye zolotovaljutnye rezervy RF [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa:
5. Statistika [Jelektronnyj resurs] // Oficial'nyj sajt Banka Rossii. Rezhim dostupa:
6. Kudrin A. L. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Oficial'nyj sajt A. L. Kudrina Rezhim dostupa:
7. Rasporjazhenie Pravitel'stva RF ot 27 janvarja 2015 g.# 98-r [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa:
8. Jarullin I. I. Optimizacija nalogovoj nagruzki dlja platel'shhikov zemel'nogo naloga // Sovremennye tendencii v jekonomike i finansah. 2012.
9. Fridman M. M., stat'ja [Jelektronnyj resurs] // Mezhdunarodnaja delovaja gazeta FinancialTimes. Rezhim dostupa:
Safinа R. R., Khramova A. A.
Increase of economic and social efficiency of public catering
In the article questions of economic and social efficiency of activity of economic entities of public
In the article questions of economic and social efficiency of activity of economic entities of public
catering are considered. Ways to increase the commodity turnover by realization of a national system of targeted food aid are offered.
Keywords: public catering, profitability, grocery card, social food.
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'naja sluzhba gosudarstvennoj statistiki [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa:
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'naja sluzhba gosudarstvennoj statistiki [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa:
3. Federal'naja sluzhba gosudarstvennoj statistiki [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rossijskij statisticheskij sbornik 2014. Rezhim dostupa:
4. Zykova T. Karty iz prikupa. V Rossii pojavjatsja produktovye karty i social'noe pitanie // Rossijskaja gazeta, Stolichnyj vypusk # 6766 ot 2 sentjabrja 2015g.
5. Kartochnaja sistema. Vikipedija – svobodnaja jenciklopedija [Jelektronnyj resurs].Rezhim dostupa:
6. Tovarnyj deficit v SSSR. Vikipedija – svobodnaja jenciklopedija [Jelektronnyj resurs].Rezhim dostupa:
Sunteev A. N., Sevostyanova N. S.
Import substitution policies as basis for state economic and national security
The article deals with problems of raw material orientation of Russian economy and dependence
The article deals with problems of raw material orientation of Russian economy and dependence
on imports. Particular attention is paid to the policy of import substitution, and its importance to the economy. Cogent argumentation is brought forward that the development of national production is a basis for state economic and national security.
Keywords: import substitution policy, economic and national security, national production.
Work bibliographic list
1. Gamidullaev S. N., Kochergina T. E. Importozameshhenie v sisteme obespechenija jekonomicheskoj bezopasnosti Rossii. M.: Bibliodos'e, 2013.
Work bibliographic list
1. Gamidullaev S. N., Kochergina T. E. Importozameshhenie v sisteme obespechenija jekonomicheskoj bezopasnosti Rossii. M.: Bibliodos'e, 2013.
2. Zagasheili V. S. Jekonomicheskie interesy Rossii v uslovijah globalizacii. M.: Magistr, 2010.
3. Ivanov I. D. Import i importozameshhenie v Rossii // Mirovaja jekonomika i mezhdunarodnye otnoshenija. 2012. # 1.
4. Kulisher I. M. Osnovnye voprosy mezhdunarodnoj torgovoj politiki. M.: OOO «Socium», 2002.
5. Sunteev A. N., Gabiev R. R. Importozameshhenie v uslovijah jekonomicheskih sankcij, kak vazhnaja sostavljajushhaja razvitija jekonomiki strany // Sbornik VII Vserossijskoj nauchno-prakticheskaja konferencija «Innovacionnye tehnologii upravlenija social'no-jekonomicheskim razvitiem regionov Rossii», 2015.
Kurmanov A. S., Minnigulova D. B., Ishmuratov M. M.
On the political principle of “equality of rights and freedoms”
The article describes the legal basis of the principle of universal equality by the example of provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the universally recognized principles and norms of international law. It is argued that the principle of equality and prohibition of discrimination is an essential part of both national and international legal systems. As a core value it is incorporated in most modern constitutions, including the Constitution of Russia. The regulatory legal acts are stated, under which legal restrictions of the principle of equality are possible.
The article describes the legal basis of the principle of universal equality by the example of provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the universally recognized principles and norms of international law. It is argued that the principle of equality and prohibition of discrimination is an essential part of both national and international legal systems. As a core value it is incorporated in most modern constitutions, including the Constitution of Russia. The regulatory legal acts are stated, under which legal restrictions of the principle of equality are possible.
Keywords: political rights and freedoms, equality, equality of the rights and freedoms of man and
Work bibliographic list
1. Bondar' N. S. Konstitucionnoe izmerenie ravnopravija grazhdan Rossijskoj Federacii. – Rostov n/D:RostGU, 2002.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bondar' N. S. Konstitucionnoe izmerenie ravnopravija grazhdan Rossijskoj Federacii. – Rostov n/D:RostGU, 2002.
2. Bondar' N. S. Prava cheloveka i Konstitucija Rossii:trudnyj put' k svobode. – Rostov n/D, 1996.
3. Vseobshhaja deklaracija prav cheloveka (prinjata na tret'ej sessii General'noj Assamblei OON rezoljuciej 217 A (III) ot 10 dekabrja 1948 g.) // Rossijskaja gazeta.– 1998. – 10 dekabrja.
4. Diskriminacija po priznaku rasy i nacional'noj prinadlezhnosti. Sudebnaja praktika i metodologija dokazyvanija / Pod. red. A. K. Sobolevoj. – M., 2005.
5. Eremenko O. V. Realizacija konstitucionnogo principa ravnyh prav i ravnyh vozmozhnostej dlja muzhchin i zhenshhin v sfere trudovyh pravootnoshenij:nekotorye aspekty problemy // Problemy realizacii konstitucionno-pravovyh norm. – Cheljabinsk, 2004.
6. Konvencija o zashhite prav cheloveka i osnovnyh svobod ETS N 005 (Rim, 4 nojabrja 1950 g.) // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii. – 2001. – 8 janvarja. – # 2. – St. 163.
7. Koncepcija nacional'noj bezopasnosti RF. Utverzhdena Ukazom Prezidenta RF ot 17 dekabrja 1997 g. //Sobranie zakonodatel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii.– 1997. – # 52. – St. 5909.
8. Chirkin V. E. Konstitucionnoe pravo zarubezhnyh stran: uchebnik. – M., 2002.
9. Mezhdunarodnyj pakt o grazhdanskih i politicheskih pravah (N'ju-Jork, 19 dekabrja 1966 g.) // Vedomosti Verhovnogo Soveta SSSR. – 1976. – # 17(1831). – St. 291.
10. Postanovlenie Konstitucionnogo Suda RF ot 23 maja 1995 g. # 6-P «Po delu o proverke konstitucionnosti statej 2-1 i 16 Zakona RSFSR ot 18 oktjabrja 1991 goda «O reabilitacii zhertv politicheskih repressij» (v redakcii ot 3 sentjabrja 1993 goda) v svjazi s zhaloboj grazhdanki Z. V. Aleshnikovoj» // Vestnik Konstitucionnogo Suda Rossijskoj Federacii. –1995. – # 2-3.
11. Postanovlenie Konstitucionnogo Suda RF ot 24 ijunja 1997 g. po delu o proverke konstitucionnosti polozhenij statej 74 (chast' pervaja) i 90 Konstitucii Respubliki Hakasija // Vestnik Konstitucionnogo Suda Rossijskoj Federacii. – 1997. – # 5.
12. Postanovlenie Konstitucionnogo Suda RF ot 22 janvarja 2002 g. N 2-P «Po delu o proverke konstitucionnosti chasti vtoroj stat'i 69, chasti vtoroj stat'i 70 i stat'i 90 Konstitucii Respubliki Tatarstan, a takzhe punkta 2 stat'i 4 i punkta 8 stat'i 21 Zakona Respubliki Tatarstan «O vyborah narodnyh deputatov Respubliki Tatarstan» v svjazi s zhaloboj grazhdanina M. M. Saljamova» // Vestnik Konstitucionnogo Suda Rossijskoj Federacii. – 2002. – # 3.
13. Tiunov O. I. Mezhdunarodnoe gumanitarnoe pravo. – M., 1999.
14. Trudovoj kodeks RF ot 21 dekabrja (30 dekabrja) 2001 g. # 197-FZ // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii. – 2002. – # 1 (chast' I).
Evdokimov N. A., Salakhutdinova R. R., Aupov M. A., Gazizova L. I.
Main transformation aspects of the political system of Bashkortostan at the present stage
The article analyzes the political and transformational processes taking place in the Republic of Bashkortostan at the present stage of development of the region. The main directions of changes in the political system are identified, the main trends in government policy and the changes occurred in the political elite of Bashkortostan are specified.
The article analyzes the political and transformational processes taking place in the Republic of Bashkortostan at the present stage of development of the region. The main directions of changes in the political system are identified, the main trends in government policy and the changes occurred in the political elite of Bashkortostan are specified.
Keywords: political transformation processes, political system, regional power, regional political elite, public policy.
Minnigulova D. B., Salakhutdinova R. R., Utyashev M. M.
The policy of the state regarding the strike on the public civil service: experience of the Russian Federation
The article is devoted to the legal institute of a strike in public civil service. The author considers a strike in public civil service as an utmost form of collective labour disputes solution. Also, the researchers express their opinion on what they view as the main rules of strikes in public civil service.
The article is devoted to the legal institute of a strike in public civil service. The author considers a strike in public civil service as an utmost form of collective labour disputes solution. Also, the researchers express their opinion on what they view as the main rules of strikes in public civil service.
Keywords: public civil service, public civil officer, individual labour dispute, collective labour
dispute, strike in public civil service.
Work bibliographic list
1. Konstitucija Rossijskoj Federacii (prinjata vsenarodnym golosovaniem 12 dekabrja 1993 g.) (c uchetom popravok ot 30 dekabrja 2008 g.) // Ros. gaz. 1993. 25 dekabrja.
Work bibliographic list
1. Konstitucija Rossijskoj Federacii (prinjata vsenarodnym golosovaniem 12 dekabrja 1993 g.) (c uchetom popravok ot 30 dekabrja 2008 g.) // Ros. gaz. 1993. 25 dekabrja.
2. Trudovoj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii // Sobr. zakonodatel'stva Ros. Federacii. 2002. # 1. St. 3.
3. Federal'nyj zakon ot 27.07.2004 g. # 79-FZ O gosudarstvennoj grazhdanskoj sluzhbe Rossijskoj Federacii// Ros. gaz. 2004. 31 ijulja.
4. Pravovoe obespechenie gosudarstvennoj sluzhby Rossijskoj Federacii: uchebnik /pod obshh. red. I. N. Barcica. M.: RAGS, 2007.
Kolobova G. A., Gallyamov R. R., Damindarova F. V.
Modern Russian political and organizational mechanisms of the economy regulation: the formal structures and the informal practices of functioning
The article indicates important state institutions involved in the formulation and implementation of economic policy. The authors identify the key problems of their functioning and propose measures for improving the activity of state bodies participating in economy regulation. The researchers concluded that current problems of economic regulation are caused by features of the modern Russian political system.
The article indicates important state institutions involved in the formulation and implementation of economic policy. The authors identify the key problems of their functioning and propose measures for improving the activity of state bodies participating in economy regulation. The researchers concluded that current problems of economic regulation are caused by features of the modern Russian political system.
Keywords: public authorities, political and institutional arrangements, economic policy, the political regime.
Work bibliographic list
1. Moiseev A. Institut gosudarstvennoj grazhdanskoj sluzhby v rossijskoj politike // Vlast'. 2007. # 11.
Work bibliographic list
1. Moiseev A. Institut gosudarstvennoj grazhdanskoj sluzhby v rossijskoj politike // Vlast'. 2007. # 11.
2. Fomin O. N. Politicheskie mehanizmy regulirovanija obshhestvennyh otnoshenij: dis. … d-ra polit. nauk: 23.00.02. Saratov, 2002.
3. Merkel' V., Kruassan A. Formal'nye i neformal'nye instituty v defektnyh demokratijah (I) // PO-LIS. 2002. # 1.
4. Latypov R. F. Kadrovaja korrupcija kak ob"ekt administrativnoj reformy // Gosudarstvennaja sluzhba.2008. # 3.
5. Latypov R. F. Gosudarstvennaja kadrovaja politika v postsovetskoj Rossii: politicheskie funkcii, modeli, vozdejstvie na jeffektivnost' politicheskoj vlasti i upravlenija: avtoref. dis. … d-ra polit. nauk/ Rossijskaja akademija gosudarstvennoj sluzhby pri Prezidente Rossijskoj Federacii. Moskva. 2010.
6. Rouz-Akkerman S. Korrupcija i gosudarstvo. Prichiny, sledstvija, reformy. M., 2003.
7. Putin V. V. O nashih jekonomicheskih zadachah // Vedomosti. 2012. 30 janvarja.
Benina L. I.
Some Eurasian features of the political culture of Russian society
The article reveals some European and Asian features of the Russian political culture. The author
The article reveals some European and Asian features of the Russian political culture. The author
comes to a conclusion about existence in Russia of the specific Eurasian type of the political culture.
Keywords: political culture, Eurasian civilization, eastern and western features of the political culture.
Work bibliographic list
1. Berdjaev N. A. Russkaja ideja. Osnovnye idei russkoj mysli XIX veka i nachala XX veka // O Rossii i russkoj filosofskoj kul'ture. Filosofy russkogo posleoktjabr'skogo zarubezh'ja. M.: Nauka, 1990.
Work bibliographic list
1. Berdjaev N. A. Russkaja ideja. Osnovnye idei russkoj mysli XIX veka i nachala XX veka // O Rossii i russkoj filosofskoj kul'ture. Filosofy russkogo posleoktjabr'skogo zarubezh'ja. M.: Nauka, 1990.
2. Benina L. I. Chetyre plasta rossijskoj politicheskoj kul'tury: istoki formirovanija // Vestnik Bashkirskogo Instituta social'nyh tehnologij, serija «Obshhestvennye nauki». 2013. # 4 (20).
3. Gudimenko D. V. Politicheskaja kul'tura Rossii: preemstvennost' jepoh // Polis. 1994. # 2.
4. Trubeckoj N. S. My i drugie // Rossija mezhdu Evropoj i Aziej: Evrazijskij soblazn. Antologija. M.:Nauka, 1993.
Bobkov A. E.
Legal support of patriotic education as a part of youth policy at the federal level
The article examines the regulatory framework and its impact on the provision and implementation of patriotic education in the Russian Federation. The author deals with the process of formation and analyzes the basic legislative acts, their influence on the development of young people as patriots of their country.
The article examines the regulatory framework and its impact on the provision and implementation of patriotic education in the Russian Federation. The author deals with the process of formation and analyzes the basic legislative acts, their influence on the development of young people as patriots of their country.
Keywords: legal framework, the Federal Law, government decision, patriotism, patriotic education.
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon ot 28 ijunja 1995 g. #98-FZ «O gosudarstvennoj podderzhke molodezhnyh i detskih obshhestvennyh ob"edinenij» [Jelektronnyj resurs].Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 23.11.2015).
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon ot 28 ijunja 1995 g. #98-FZ «O gosudarstvennoj podderzhke molodezhnyh i detskih obshhestvennyh ob"edinenij» [Jelektronnyj resurs].Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 23.11.2015).
2. Ukaz Prezidenta Rossijskoj Federacii ot 12 maja 2009 g. # 537 «O Strategii nacional'noj bezopasnosti Rossijskoj Federacii do 2020 goda» // «RG» –Federal'nyj vypusk # 4912 [Jelektronnyj resurs].Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 23.11.2015).
3. Ukaz Prezidenta RF ot 20 oktjabrja 2012 g. #1416 «O sovershenstvovanii gosudarstvennoj politiki v oblasti patrioticheskogo vospitanija» (s izmenenijami i dopolnenijami) [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 23.11.2015).
4. Postanovlenie Pravitel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii ot 5 oktjabrja 2010 g. #795 g. Moskva «O gosudarstvennoj programme «Patrioticheskoe vospitanie grazhdan Rossijskoj Federacii na 2011–2015 gody»[Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 25.11.2015).
5. Bronnikov I. A., Burenko V. I., Gorbachev A. A., Grishin O. E. i dr. Modernizacija politicheskih institutov, processov i tehnologij v uslovijah globalizacii: monografija / Pod red. O. E. Grishina, A. K.Skovikova. M.: Izd-vo Mosk. gumanit. un-ta, 2012.
6. Konstitucija Rossijskoj Federacii // Konstitucija Rossijskoj Federacii [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: http:// (dataobrashhenija: 23.11.2015).
7. Nesterchuk O. A. Soprjazhenie mifologicheskogo obraza i politicheskoj real'nosti v politiko-kommunikacionnom prostranstve // Chelovecheskij kapital.2012. # 5(41).
Gadzhiev Kh. А.
Political institutes: institutional and neoinstitutional approaches
The article deals with genesis, essence, characteristic features of institutionalism and neoinstitutionalism. Fundamental interpretative models of institutional approach are revealed. The main theoretical directions of interpretation of institutes are given. In addition, the author offers own vision of institutes.
The article deals with genesis, essence, characteristic features of institutionalism and neoinstitutionalism. Fundamental interpretative models of institutional approach are revealed. The main theoretical directions of interpretation of institutes are given. In addition, the author offers own vision of institutes.
Keywords: institutionalism, neoinstitutionalism, institutionalization, institute, political institute, organization.
Work bibliographic list
1. Veber M. O nekotoryh kategorijah ponimajushhej sociologii // Izbrannye proizvedenija. M., 1990.
Work bibliographic list
1. Veber M. O nekotoryh kategorijah ponimajushhej sociologii // Izbrannye proizvedenija. M., 1990.
2. Dal' R. O Demokratii / Per. s angl. A. S. Bogdanova;pod red. O. A. Aljakrinskogo. M.: Aspekt Press, 2000.
3. Nort D. Instituty, institucional'nye izmenenija i funkcionirovanie jekonomiki / per. s angl. A. N. Nesterenko; pod red. B. Z. Mil'nera. M., 1997.
4. Patrushev S.V. Institucional'naja politologija v rossijskoj perspektive. Politicheskaja konceptologija. 2011. # 4. 2011.
5. Politicheskaja nauka: novye napravlenija. M.: Veche,1999.
6. Shabrov O.F. Modernizacija v uslovijah globalizacii: podhody, bar'er, potencial // PolitBook. 2014. # 4.
7. Hall P. A., Taylor R. R. Political Science and the Three New Institutionalisms // Political Studies Association. 1996.
Gorbachev A. A.
Modern approaches to the definition of threats to national security
Modern approaches to definition of threats of national security are considered. The problem of protection of national interests by the state is considered. The directions of the international corruption, information security and safety of communication channels, the international terrorism, cybercrime, economic and ecological security, safety from the national conflicts are emphasized. The attention is focused on the fact that the problem of ensuring national security is particularly acute for the majority of the sovereign states of the planet in modern post-industrial society. It is proved that the majority of modern threats to national security have supranational character and the solution of the questions related to ensuring this safety is difficult without extensive dialogue at the international level among both state institutes and non-state public organizations.
Modern approaches to definition of threats of national security are considered. The problem of protection of national interests by the state is considered. The directions of the international corruption, information security and safety of communication channels, the international terrorism, cybercrime, economic and ecological security, safety from the national conflicts are emphasized. The attention is focused on the fact that the problem of ensuring national security is particularly acute for the majority of the sovereign states of the planet in modern post-industrial society. It is proved that the majority of modern threats to national security have supranational character and the solution of the questions related to ensuring this safety is difficult without extensive dialogue at the international level among both state institutes and non-state public organizations.
Keywords: national security, cyber security, environmental security, international terrorism, ethnic conflicts.
Work bibliographic list
1. Arsenjan A. Z. Jevoljucija koncepcij «nacional'noj bezopasnosti» v sovremennyh mezhdunarodnyh otnoshenijah // Vestnik Rossijskogo gosudarstvennogo gumanitarnogo universiteta. 2012. # 19 (99).
Work bibliographic list
1. Arsenjan A. Z. Jevoljucija koncepcij «nacional'noj bezopasnosti» v sovremennyh mezhdunarodnyh otnoshenijah // Vestnik Rossijskogo gosudarstvennogo gumanitarnogo universiteta. 2012. # 19 (99).
2. Grishin S. E. Kiberbezopasnost' i problema povyshenija kachestva upravlenija informaciej // Vestnik Saratovskogo gosudarstvennogo social'no-jekonomicheskogo universiteta. 2012. # 1 (40).
3. Kazarin O. V., Tarasov A. A. Sovremennye koncepcii kiberbezopasnosti vedushhih zarubezhnyh gosudarstv // Vestnik Rossijskogo gosudarstvennogo gumanitarnogo universiteta. 2013. # 14.
4. Karatkevich A. G. Social'noe neravenstvo kak ugroza politicheskoj stabil'nosti i bezopasnosti obshhestva // PolitBook. 2014. # 4.
5. Klejner G. B. Tenevaja jekonomika i faktory nacional'noj bezopasnosti // Bezopasnost' Evrazii. 2004. #2.
6. Marova S. F. Trebovanija k jekologicheskomu monitoringu kak instrumentu gosudarstvennogo upravlenija bezopasnost'ju zhiznedejatel'nosti // Sborniki konferencij NIC Sociosfera. 2014. # 11.
7. Sangalov V. A. Ugrozy nacional'noj bezopasnosti Rossii v informacionnoj sfere // Istoricheskie, filosofskie, politicheskie i juridicheskie nauki, kul'turologija i iskusstvovedenie. Voprosy teorii i praktiki. 2015. # 8–3 (58).
8. Siucheva T. V. Metody kolichestvennoj ocenki urovnja nacional'noj bezopasnosti i ee vidov: Dis. ... kand. jekon. nauk: 08.00.05: Moskva, 2002.
9. Skovikov A. K. Formirovanie institutov grazhdanskogo obshhestva kak vazhnogo faktora nacional'noj bezopasnosti Ukrainy // Nacional'naja bezopasnost' / nota bene. 2012. # 1.
10. Tereshina E. A. Problemy bezopasnosti v vostochno-evropejskih gosudarstvah postsovetskogo prostranstva // PolitBook. 2012. # 3.
Zlatanov B. G.
Features of political modernization in modern conditions
Political modernization taking into account interests of ruling class in maintenance of political system in a steady condition is considered. It is proved that the main characteristics of political modernization are: increase of ability of political system to successfully come to terms with new social purposes; creation of new types of the institutions providing effective dialogue between power structures and population; rationalization of power and political bureaucracy; formation of new political culture of ruling class and citizens of the state; continuous improvement of standard and legal base taking into account democratic standards.
Political modernization taking into account interests of ruling class in maintenance of political system in a steady condition is considered. It is proved that the main characteristics of political modernization are: increase of ability of political system to successfully come to terms with new social purposes; creation of new types of the institutions providing effective dialogue between power structures and population; rationalization of power and political bureaucracy; formation of new political culture of ruling class and citizens of the state; continuous improvement of standard and legal base taking into account democratic standards.
Keywords: political modernization, ruling class, transformation, society.
Work bibliographic list
1. Burenko V. I. O politicheskoj modernizacii v sovremennoj Rossii v kontekste osobennostej ejo pravjashhego klassa // Vestnik universiteta. (Gosudarstvennyj universitet upravlenija). 2012. # 17.
Work bibliographic list
1. Burenko V. I. O politicheskoj modernizacii v sovremennoj Rossii v kontekste osobennostej ejo pravjashhego klassa // Vestnik universiteta. (Gosudarstvennyj universitet upravlenija). 2012. # 17.
2. Zlatanov B. G. Karatkevich Aleksandr Grigor'evich o sovremennom mire, postsovetskom regione i global'nyh transformacionnyh vyzovah // Youth World Politic. 2014. # 2.
3. Zlatanov B. G. Osobennosti modernizacii na postsocialisticheskom prostranstve // Znanie. Ponimanie. Umenie. 2015. # 1.
4. Skovikov A. K. Politicheskie protivorechija v postsovetskoj Rossii // Upravlenie megapolisom. 2010. # 6.
5. Shabrov O. F. Modernizacija v uslovijah globalizacii: podhody, bar'er, potencial // PolitBook. 2014. # 4.
Makarevich E. F., Karpukhin O. I.
Political culture and ideology of mass communications
The political culture and ideology of mass communications is considered. It is proved that mass communication realizes itself through a certain system of channels of mass communication, as carriers of critical and tool and rational knowledge. The attention on public, interactive, group and controlled communications is focused. Thus, reputation of institutes of mass communication – mass media institutes, promotion, arts education, advertising, mass culture, church, – determine trust degree to them, and hence efficiency of their influence on the person.
The political culture and ideology of mass communications is considered. It is proved that mass communication realizes itself through a certain system of channels of mass communication, as carriers of critical and tool and rational knowledge. The attention on public, interactive, group and controlled communications is focused. Thus, reputation of institutes of mass communication – mass media institutes, promotion, arts education, advertising, mass culture, church, – determine trust degree to them, and hence efficiency of their influence on the person.
Keywords: political culture, ideology, mass communications.
Work bibliographic list
1. Kastel's M. Informacionnaja jepoha: jekonomika, obshhestvo i kul'tura. 2000. T. 2. Mogushhestvo samobytnosti [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: htt p: // / books /inozemcev / page_1292.html [Arhivirovano v WebCite].
Work bibliographic list
1. Kastel's M. Informacionnaja jepoha: jekonomika, obshhestvo i kul'tura. 2000. T. 2. Mogushhestvo samobytnosti [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: htt p: // / books /inozemcev / page_1292.html [Arhivirovano v WebCite].
2. Sibert F., Shramm U., Piterson T. Chetyre teorii pressy. M.: Nacional'nyj institut pressy. Izdatel'stvo «Vagrius». 1998.
3. Smelzer N. Sociologija: per. s angl. M.: Feniks. 1994.
4. Sharkov F. I. Politicheskoe soznanie – politicheskaja praktika – politicheskaja kommunikacija // PolitBook. 2014. # 1 .
5. Giddens A. Beyond Left and Right: The Future of Radical Politics. Cambridge: Polity, 1994.
Nazarov A. V.
Forms of political activity among the youth political organizations
The most widespread forms of political activity of the youth political organizations are considered.
The most widespread forms of political activity of the youth political organizations are considered.
Thus the attention to legal oppositional structures is focused. Methods of formation of electoral behavior among youth are considered. The attention to participation in meetings, pickets, demonstrations, processions, marches and other forms is paid. It is proved that complex use of the specified means taking into account an ideological orientation, allows to carry out effective political socialization of youth, makes youth political associations an important element of the Russian political system.
Keywords: political interests, political process, political system, public organizations, youth.
Work bibliographic list
1. Grishin O. E. Politicheskie tehnologii v HHI veke:sushhnost', spektr, harakter // PolitBook. 2014. # 2.
Work bibliographic list
1. Grishin O. E. Politicheskie tehnologii v HHI veke:sushhnost', spektr, harakter // PolitBook. 2014. # 2.
2. Grishin O. E., Mitrofanova A. D. Politicheskoe shou kak tehnologija kommunikacii // PolitBook. 2015. # 3.
3. Zlatanov B. G. Flier Andrej Jakovlevich o kul'turnom razvitii mira i kul'turnoj politike // Youth World Politic. 2013. # 3.
4. Karatkevich A. G. Grazhdanskoe obshhestvo v uslovijah postsovetskih transformacij: problemy social'no-politicheskoj identifikacii // PolitBook. 2014.# 1.
5. Krupkin P. L. Politicheskie kollektivnye identichnosti v postsovetskoj Rossijskoj Federacii // Polit-Book. 2014. # 1.
6. Krjuchkov V. A., Moskalev A. E. Aktivizacija molodezhnyh obshhestvenno-politicheskih ob"edinenij v nachale HHI veka // PolitBook. 2014. # 2.
7. Loskutova E. Junaja politika. Istorija molodezhnyh politicheskih organizacij sovremennoj Rossii. M.:Panorama, 2008.
8. Matveenko Ju. I., Galaeva M. G. «Mjagkaja sila» kak faktor sovremennoj geopolitiki // PolitBook. 2015.# 1.
9. Pomazanova V. N. Politicheskaja socializacija molodezhi v sovremennoj Rossii (na materialah Stavropol'skogo kraja): Avtoref. … kand. polit. nauk. Stavropol', 2007.
10. Skovikov A. Youth and political parties: interaction and interests // Youth World Politic. 2013. # 1.
Nakashidze B. D.
Development prospects of the referendum institution in the subject of the Russian Federation
This article reveals the development prospects of the referendum institution of the subject of the Russian Federation. According to the authors, possibility of more extensive use of this institution of direct democracy depends on progressive development of federal relations in Russia, and, first of all, from definiteness and stability of decision making on differentiation of powers between public authorities of the Russian Federation and public authorities of subjects of the Russian Federation. In this regard, according to authors, an accurate legislative enactment is demanded by additional guarantees of independence of public authorities of subjects of the Russian Federation. The article shows the necessity of the further increase of democratic character of procedures of carrying out a regional referendum and with that end in view, detailed regulation of an order of realization of the initiative of carrying out a referendum from the federal legislator is considered
This article reveals the development prospects of the referendum institution of the subject of the Russian Federation. According to the authors, possibility of more extensive use of this institution of direct democracy depends on progressive development of federal relations in Russia, and, first of all, from definiteness and stability of decision making on differentiation of powers between public authorities of the Russian Federation and public authorities of subjects of the Russian Federation. In this regard, according to authors, an accurate legislative enactment is demanded by additional guarantees of independence of public authorities of subjects of the Russian Federation. The article shows the necessity of the further increase of democratic character of procedures of carrying out a regional referendum and with that end in view, detailed regulation of an order of realization of the initiative of carrying out a referendum from the federal legislator is considered
correct. The article also discusses variations of development of the legislation on referendum of a subject of the Russian Federation that could provide full realization of the given institution of direct democracy within the framework of the established constitutional differentiation of competence between the Russian Federation and its subjects.
Keywords: constitution, referendum, regional referendum, the federal legislation, the legislation of the subject of federation, differentiation of powers, institutions of direct democracy.
Work bibliographic list
1. Avak'jan S. A. Konstitucionnoe pravo Rossii: Uchebnyj kurs: V 2 t. T. 1. M.: Jurist", 2005.
Work bibliographic list
1. Avak'jan S. A. Konstitucionnoe pravo Rossii: Uchebnyj kurs: V 2 t. T. 1. M.: Jurist", 2005.
2. Vasil'ev V. I. Prjamaja demokratija: opyt Kalifornii // «Vertikal'» i «gorizontal'». Pravovye voprosy organizacii vlasti. M.: Jurist", 2006.
3. Izbiratel'noe pravo i izbiratel'nyj process:Ucheb. dlja vuzov / Otv. red. d.ju.n. A. V. Ivanchenko. M.: Izdatel'stvo NORMA, 1999.
4. Koncepcii razvitija konstitucionnogo zakonodatel'stva / Koncepcii razvitija rossijskogo zakonodatel'stva. M.: Jeksmo, 2010.
5. Lafitskij V. Konstitucionnyj stroj SShA. M.: Statut, 2011.
6. Levin N. I., Barinova N. F. Respublikanskij referendum – shag na puti reformirovanija gosudarstvennoj vlasti v Respublike Karelija // Zakonodatel'nye (predstavitel'nye) organy vlasti sub"ektov Rossijskoj Federacii. Praktika. Mnenija. Problemy. Informacionno-metodicheskij bjulleten'. Vypusk 4(18). Izdanie Gosudarstvennoj Dumy. M., 2000.
7. Postanovlenie Konstitucionnogo Suda Rossijskoj Federacii ot 24.01.1997 # 1-P po delu o proverke konstitucionnosti Zakona Udmurtskoj Respubliki ot 17 aprelja 1996 goda «O sisteme organov gosudarstvennoj vlasti v Udmurtskoj Respublike» // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii. 1997. # 5. St. 708.
8. Rossijskoe narodovlastie: razvitie, sovremennye tendencii i protivorechija. M.: Novoe izdatel'stvo, 2005.
9. Rudenko V. Pravo na uchastie v referendume: tendencii razvitija sovremennogo rossijskogo zakonodatel'stva // Sravnitel'noe konstitucionnoe obozrenie. 2004. # 3.
Nikiporets-Takigawa G. U.
Archetypal patterns of youth in Russia in the continuum of socio-political formations
This paper discusses the relation of the individual values and archetypical patterns in Jungian psychology. The comparative analysis of the archetypical patterns of Soviet youth is compared to those of Post-Soviet youth in Russia. The paper draws a conclusion that regardless of the political reform and challenges, Russian youth preserves traditional values as the core components of the identity which have no significant changes. Nevertheless, the hierarchy of the values have changed: the individualistic values prevail over the collectivist. Despite the fact that nowadays the changes concern the hierarchy more than the archetypes themselves, the second is influenced by the first and requires special attention in development of a national youth policy strategy.
This paper discusses the relation of the individual values and archetypical patterns in Jungian psychology. The comparative analysis of the archetypical patterns of Soviet youth is compared to those of Post-Soviet youth in Russia. The paper draws a conclusion that regardless of the political reform and challenges, Russian youth preserves traditional values as the core components of the identity which have no significant changes. Nevertheless, the hierarchy of the values have changed: the individualistic values prevail over the collectivist. Despite the fact that nowadays the changes concern the hierarchy more than the archetypes themselves, the second is influenced by the first and requires special attention in development of a national youth policy strategy.
Keywords: archetypes, values, identity, Russian youth, Soviet youth, post-Soviet youth, youth politics.
Work bibliographic list
1. Voevat' oni tochno ne sobirajutsja // The New Times. 2015. # 27 (376 [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 30.10.2015).
Work bibliographic list
1. Voevat' oni tochno ne sobirajutsja // The New Times. 2015. # 27 (376 [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 30.10.2015).
2. Gosudarstvennaja programma patrioticheskogo vospitanija grazhdan Rossijskoj Federacii [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 08.12.2015).
3. Grishin O. E., Ataev T. B. Politicheskaja videoreklama v Internete kak instrument vyrazhenija politicheskoj pozicii molodezhi // Youth.World. Politic.2013. # 2.
4. Diligenskij G. G. Kuda idet Rossija?.. Obshhee i osobennoe v sovremennom razvitii. M., 1997.
5. Diligenskij G. G. Kul'tura i social'naja dinamika sovremennoj Rossii // Obshhestvennye nauki i sovremennost'. 2001. # 5. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 23.11.2015).
6. Evtjuhin Ju. O raznosti molodogo i starshego pokolenij // Nezavisimaja gazeta. 2012. # 15 [Jelektronnyj resurs].Rezhim dostupa:
generations.html (data obrashhenija: 01.11.2015).
7. Zelenskij V. V. Slovar' Analiticheskoj psihologii. M.: Kogito-centr, 2008.
8. Karl Gustav Jung i posledovateli [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 18.10.2015).
9. Nesterchuk O. A. Soprjazhenie mifologicheskogo obraza i politicheskoj real'nosti v politiko-kommunikacionnom prostranstve // Chelovecheskij kapital.2012. # 5(41).
10. Osnovy Gosudarstvennoj molodezhnoj politiki na period do 2025 goda. # 2403-r. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 10.12.2015).
11. Richard Dzh., Margaret M. Braungart. Sovetskaja i amerikanskaja molodezh': sravnitel'nyj vzgljad // Polis (Politicheskie issledovanija). 1991. # 4.
12. Sokolov V. M. Sociologija nravstvennogo razvitija lichnosti. M.: Politizdat, 1986.
13. Cvetka R. Nas zhdet vymiranie ot passivnosti // Nezavisimaja gazeta. 2007. # 9 [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 30.10.2015).
14. Chernyh V. Ju. Sociologicheskij analiz izmenenij cennostnyh orientacij molodezhi // Sociologicheskie nauki. 2013. # 32.
15. Shangina L. Dva pokolenija pod kovrom // zerkalo nedeli. Ukraina. 2003. # 17.
16. Jung K. Arhetip i simvol. M.: Renaissance, 1991.
17. Jung K. Dusha i mif. Shest' arhetipov. Kiev: Gosudarstvennaja biblioteka Ukrainy dlja junoshestva, 1996.
18. Jung K. Soznanie i bessoznatel'noe. M.: Akademicheskij proekt, 2009.
19. Diuk Nadia M. The next generation in Russia, Ukraine, and Azerbaijan: youth, politics, identity, and change. Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, 2012.
20. Yurchak Alexei. Everything was forever until it was no more. Princeton University Press, 2005.
Rozhkov G. A.
Functions of political parties in the context of national security
The main functions of political parties in the context of national security are considered. The notion
The main functions of political parties in the context of national security are considered. The notion
of political party thus is taken in a narrow concept of the political organization participating in elections to public authorities and local government by promotion of candidates within party democracy. Realization by the management of parties of program courses can be to become the steady factor directed on maintenance in relative stability of political system.
Keywords: political parties, functions of parties, political system, political interests.
Work bibliographic list
1. Almond G., Paujell Dzh., Strom K., Dalton R. Sravnitel'naja politologija segodnja: Mirovoj obzor / nauch. red. M. V. Il'in, A. Ju. Mel'vil'. M.: Aspekt Press, 2002.
Work bibliographic list
1. Almond G., Paujell Dzh., Strom K., Dalton R. Sravnitel'naja politologija segodnja: Mirovoj obzor / nauch. red. M. V. Il'in, A. Ju. Mel'vil'. M.: Aspekt Press, 2002.
2. Burenko V. I., Predybajlov S. M. Parlamentarizm i politicheskoe predstavitel'stvo // PolitBook. 2013. # 3.
3. Dzhanda K. Sravnenie politicheskih partij: issledovanie i teorija // Politicheskaja nauka: sostojanie discipliny II. Vashington, Okrug Kolumbija: Amerikanskaja associacija politicheskoj nauki, glava. 7,1993.
4. Zotova Z. M. Politicheskie partii i izbiratel'nyj process. M.: RCOIT, 2002.
5. Merton R. Javnye i latentnye funkcii // Amerikanskaja sociologicheskaja mysl': teksty / Pod red. V. I. Dobren'kova. M.: Izd-vo MGU.
6. Salykov D. N. Transformacija rossijskih partij v kontest sovremennyh novacij // PolitBook. 2015. # 3.
7. Skovikov A. K. Politicheskie parii kak aktory grazhdanskogo obshhestva // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2014. # 10.
8. Skovikov A. K. Institucional'nye izmenenija v politicheskoj sisteme Rossii // Vіsnik Odes'kogo nacіonal'nogo unіversitetu. Socіologіja і polіtichnі nauki. 2009. T. 14. # 13.
9. Timoshenko V. I., Kokotkina E. M. Vozmozhnye perspektivy razvitija partijnoj sistemy v Rossii v kontekste liberalizacii partijnogo zakonodatel'stva // PolitBook. 2015. # 3.
10. Skovikov A. Youth and political parties: interaction and interests // Youth World Politic. 2013. # 1.
Shayakhmetov A. M.
The typology of political leadership of modern Russia
The article reveals the phenomenon of political leadership in Russia. The author made his typology
The article reveals the phenomenon of political leadership in Russia. The author made his typology
of Russian political leadership on the basis of the key parameters. In conclusion, the author analyzes the current situation in the political area, and underlines the main issues of the Russian political leadership at the present stage.
Keywords: political leadership, the classification of the Russian political leadership, political leadership functions.
Work bibliographic list
1. Tuleev A. M. Politicheskoe liderstvo v sovremennoj Rossii. M.: Mysl', 2000.
Vildanov R. R.
Emergence of representative authorities in Russia
In article the author argues what should be considered as a reference point of emergence of parliamentarism in Russia, whether the Boyar Duma and Veche are the representative bodies of the power. It is told how Zemsky Sobor established.
In article the author argues what should be considered as a reference point of emergence of parliamentarism in Russia, whether the Boyar Duma and Veche are the representative bodies of the power. It is told how Zemsky Sobor established.
Keywords: Veche, Boyar Duma, Zemsky Sobor, representative bodies of power.
Work bibliographic list
1. Achkasov V. A. Mesto instituta narodnogo predstavitel'stva v politicheskoj tradicii: Rossija i Zapad //PolitBook. 2013. # 3.
Work bibliographic list
1. Achkasov V. A. Mesto instituta narodnogo predstavitel'stva v politicheskoj tradicii: Rossija i Zapad //PolitBook. 2013. # 3.
2. Vladimirskij-Budanov M. F. Obzor istorii russkogo prava. Kiev, 1907.
3. Dmitriev Ju. A., Cherkashin E. Ju. Zakonodatel'nye organy Rossii: ot Novgorodskogo Veche do Federal'nogo Sobranija. M., 1995.
4. Zhil'cov S. V. Soslovno-predstavitel'naja monarhija v russkom edinom gosudarstve // Vestnik volzhskogo universiteta im. V. N. Tatishheva. 2009. # 70.
5. Kljuchevskij V. O. Russkaja istorija. Polnyj kurs lekcij v treh knigah. Kn. 1. M., 1993.
6. Kulakova I. P. Vzaimootnoshenija gosudarstva i soslovij v Rossii vtoroj poloviny XVI – nachala XVII veka (terminologicheskie zametki) // Mirovosprijatie i samosoznanie russkogo obshhestva (XI–XX vv.). M., 1994.
7. Orlov A. Ju. Problema vzaimodejstvija ispolnitel'nyh i predstavitel'nyh organov vlasti v politicheskoj sisteme Rossii (Teoretiko-metodologicheskij analiz): Dis. ... kand. polit. nauk: 23.00.01Moskva, 2005.
8. Predstavitel'naja vlast' v Rossii: Istorija i sovremennost' / Pod obshh. red. L. K. Sliski. M.: ROS-SPJeN, 2004.
9. Rossijskoe narodovlastie: razvitie, sovremennye tendencii i protivorechija / Pod obshh. red. A. V.Ivanchenko. M., 2005.
10. Titov S. A. Istorija parlamentarizma v Rossii. M. 2015.
11. Fortunatov V. Nulevoj cikl otechestvennogo parlamentarizma // Znanie i obshhestvo. SPb., 2006. # 2(17).
12. Haljavin N. V. Novgorodskie vechevye sobranija v otechestvennoj istoriografii novejshego vremeni //Vestnik UdGU. Serija «Istorija». 2005.
13. Cherepnin L. V. Zemskie sobory Russkogo gosudarstva v HVІ–HVІІ vv. M., 1978.
14. Shmidt S. O. U istokov Rossijskogo absoljutizma.M.,1996.
15. Janin V. L. Novgorodskie posadniki. M., 1962.
16. Janin V. L. Problemy social'noj organizacii Novgorodskoj respubliki // Rossija i Italija: Materialy IV konf. sovetskih i ital'janskih istorikov /Russkij i ital'janskij srednevekovyj gorod. Russko-ital'janskie otnoshenija v 1900–1914 gg. M., 1972.
Mustafa D. А.
The Islamic State as a result of the «Arab spring»:some causes and consequences of activity
The article describes some causes of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). The attention
The article describes some causes of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). The attention
is paid to the events taking place in the Middle East. The role of the Kurds in the Middle East conflict is designated. Tendencies of modern international relations in fight against terrorism are revealed.
Keywords: “Arab Spring”, ISIL, terrorism, the Kurds.
Work bibliographic list
1. Anohin M. G., Bochanov M. A., Vahovskij A. M., Glebov V. A., Grishin O. E., Davydov V. N., Matveenkov D. O., Molodchaja E. N. Politika. HHI vek. Innovacionnye tehnologii / pod obshh. red. M. G. Anohina, V. M. Platonova, O. E. Grishina. M.: RUDN, 2013.
Work bibliographic list
1. Anohin M. G., Bochanov M. A., Vahovskij A. M., Glebov V. A., Grishin O. E., Davydov V. N., Matveenkov D. O., Molodchaja E. N. Politika. HHI vek. Innovacionnye tehnologii / pod obshh. red. M. G. Anohina, V. M. Platonova, O. E. Grishina. M.: RUDN, 2013.
2. V Irake boeviki zahvatili vtoroj po velichine gorod Mosul [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: obrashhenija: 07.12.2015).
3. Vojna na Blizhnem Vostoke uzhe nachalas' [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 07.12.2015).
4. Demchenko A. V. «Arabskaja vesna» i politika Rossii v blizhnevostochnom regione [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 07.12.2015).
5. Ermolaeva N. Pravitel'stvo Sirii obvinilo syna Jerdogana v pokupke nefti u «IG» [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 07.12.2015).
6. Mustafa D. A. Rol' i vlijanie Rossii na Blizhnem Vostoke posle nastuplenija «arabskoj vesny» [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: obrashhenija: 07.12.2015).
7. Obama ustroil «terroristicheskuju perezagruzku» [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa:
2015/1285052-obama-0/ (data obrashhenija: 07.12.2015).
8. Smogut li kurdy protivostojat' nastupleniju IGIL na severe Iraka? [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: obrashhenija: 07.12.2015).
9. Francija odobrila postavki oruzhija irakskim kurdam [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija:07.12.2015).
Salakhutdinovа R. R., Nechiporenko O. V., Minnigulova D. B., Kurmanov A. S.
The role of local authorities in the preservation and development of local rural communities: a regional experience
The article reveals the problems of implementing municipal reform in rural regions of Russia (through the example of the Bashkortostan Republic) in the context of modernization of political system of Russian society. Special attention is paid to the assessment of the role of local governments in preserving local rural communities and to the identification of the main features of the emerging patterns of interaction between government and business.
The article reveals the problems of implementing municipal reform in rural regions of Russia (through the example of the Bashkortostan Republic) in the context of modernization of political system of Russian society. Special attention is paid to the assessment of the role of local governments in preserving local rural communities and to the identification of the main features of the emerging patterns of interaction between government and business.
Keyword: local self-government, Bashkortostan Republic, local rural communities.
Work bibliographic list
1. Mir v cifrah – 2015. Karmannyj spravochnik / Per. s angl. O. Lazutkinoj. M.: Izdatel'stvo «Olimp-biznes», 2015.
Work bibliographic list
1. Mir v cifrah – 2015. Karmannyj spravochnik / Per. s angl. O. Lazutkinoj. M.: Izdatel'stvo «Olimp-biznes», 2015.
Geleranskiy P. S.
Nature of public administration
The article examines the nature of public power and changing perceptions of it over time. In political science it confirmed the view that the government ensures stability and order in society, protects its citizens from internal and external attacks through the use of various methods, including state coercion and military means. It may be weak or strong, but lacks organization, it loses the quality of the government, as it becomes unable to carry out the will of the ruling of the subject to life, to ensure law and order in society.
The article examines the nature of public power and changing perceptions of it over time. In political science it confirmed the view that the government ensures stability and order in society, protects its citizens from internal and external attacks through the use of various methods, including state coercion and military means. It may be weak or strong, but lacks organization, it loses the quality of the government, as it becomes unable to carry out the will of the ruling of the subject to life, to ensure law and order in society.
Keywords: Public authorities, the system of regional government, regional government, parliamentary, representative democracy, democracy, public office, the regional political process.
Work bibliographic list
1. Antologija mirovoj politicheskoj mysli. T. 1. – M.,1997.
Work bibliographic list
1. Antologija mirovoj politicheskoj mysli. T. 1. – M.,1997.
2. Aristotel'. Politika. Afinskaja politika. – M.,1997.
3. Arthashstra, ili Nauka politiki. – M., 1993.
4. Begunov Ju. K., Lukashev A. V., Ponidelko A. V. 13 teorij demokratii. – SPb., 2002.
5. Ellinek G. Obshhee uchenie o gosudarstve. – SPb., 1908.
6. Kampanella T. Gorod Solnca. – M., 1954.
7. Makiavelli N. Gosudar'. – M., 1990.
8. Platon. Zakony / Poln. sobr. tvorenij Platona: V 15 t. – Pg., 1923. – T. 13.
9. Russo Zhan-Zhak. Ob obshhestvennom dogovore ili principy politicheskogo prava. – M., 1938.
10. Ciceron M. T. Dialogi o gosudarstve. O zakonah. – M.,1966.
11. Shan Czin' Shu. Kniga pravitelja oblasti Shan / Per. s kit. – M., 1993.
12. Montesquieu Esprit des lois, livre XI, chap. VI.
Bondarenko G. V., Bondarenko A. V., Lukyanov M. Yu.
The value of law in the concept of moral development by L. Kolberg
The article is devoted to the analysis of the L. Kohlberg's concept of moral development, it characterizes the place and importance of law in the process of moral development of man, markes its advantages and disadvantages, and directions for its further improvement. The relationship is observed between the assessment of the role of law and the characteristics of the prevailing thinking f the individual and the group. The L. Kohlberg's "moral dilemmas" technique is considered, which allows, from the point of view of the author, to diagnose the level of moral development and attitude towards value of law.
The article is devoted to the analysis of the L. Kohlberg's concept of moral development, it characterizes the place and importance of law in the process of moral development of man, markes its advantages and disadvantages, and directions for its further improvement. The relationship is observed between the assessment of the role of law and the characteristics of the prevailing thinking f the individual and the group. The L. Kohlberg's "moral dilemmas" technique is considered, which allows, from the point of view of the author, to diagnose the level of moral development and attitude towards value of law.
Keywords: value, stage of moral development, law, moral dilemma, rational thinking, mind.
Work bibliographic list
1. Kolberg L. The development of children’s orientations toward a moral order. Vita Humana. 1963. # 6. R. 11-35.[Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: poseshhenija: 15.11.2015 g.).
Work bibliographic list
1. Kolberg L. The development of children’s orientations toward a moral order. Vita Humana. 1963. # 6. R. 11-35.[Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: poseshhenija: 15.11.2015 g.).
2. Bondarenko V. N. O vzaimodejstvii filosofskoj metafiziki i prava (stat'ja tret'ja) // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2015. - #3 (82). - S. 253-255.
3. Kol'berg L. Moral'nye dilemmy. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data poseshhenija: 15.11.2015 g.).
4. Kon I. S. Otkrytie «Ja». – M.: Politizdat, 1978. –367 s.
5. Shafikova G. R., Bondarenko G. V. U istokov psihologii nravstvennosti. Religiozno-filosofskij aspekt (ot drevnosti do razvitija psihologii). – Ufa, Izd-vo OOO «Poligrafdizajn», 2007. – 330 s.
Neganov F. V., Khaziev Z. A.
Legal axiological determination
The article is devoted to the analysis of the essential characteristics of law as a values in the aspect
The article is devoted to the analysis of the essential characteristics of law as a values in the aspect
of axiological determination. The objective and subjective nature of legal values in various aspects of life are shown. An ideal component of value that serves as a universal reference point for the individuals in their life is revealed. The internal contradiction of legal values necessary for its adaptive existence in practice of human behavior and social relations are emphasized. The significance of freedom and the value categories in the mechanisms of implementation of legal axiological determination are analyzed.
Keywords: law, value, axiology, determination, freedom, choice, ideal affirmation.
Work bibliographic list
1. Neganov F. M., Rudkevich E. Ju. Nejekonomicheskie cennosti: kul'turno-istoricheskie osobennosti stanovlenija i razvitija. – Ufa: BashGU, 2008.
Work bibliographic list
1. Neganov F. M., Rudkevich E. Ju. Nejekonomicheskie cennosti: kul'turno-istoricheskie osobennosti stanovlenija i razvitija. – Ufa: BashGU, 2008.
2. Neganov F. M., Rudkevich E. Ju. Transformacija cennostej postindustrial'nogo obshhestva // Social'no-gumanitarnye znanija. – 2008. – # 7.
3. Neganov F. M., Haziev Z. Bytie i poznanie: filosofskie issledovanija. – Ufa: BashGU, 2014.
4. Neganov F. M., Jarullina L. H. Nonkonformizm i podlinnost' chelovecheskogo sushhestvovanija v koncepcii Zh.-P.Sartra // Vestnik BashGU. – 2009. – # 4.
5. Neganov F. M., Haziev Z. A.Ot drevnej mifologii k pravovoj sisteme gosudarstvennogo ustrojstva: filosofskie iskanija Platona // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. – 2014. – # 12.
6. Neganov F. M., Haziev Z. A. Obosnovanie prava i nravstvennosti v filosofii Gegelja: ontologicheskij i antropologicheskij aspekty // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. – 2015. – # 1.
Chernovitskaya Yu. V., Sevalnikov A. Yu.
Sociocultural origins of modern science
The article is devoted to genesis of science. The thesis about the formation and development of
The article is devoted to genesis of science. The thesis about the formation and development of
science as a technoscience from the very beginning and that it was never interfaced to search of true knowledge id disputed. It is claimed that sociocultural factors played the essential role in the science inception, first of all Christian theology and hermetic representations. They are connected with the use of mathematics in the description of the nature which is the key in a theoretical method of science of Modern time.
Keywords: genesis of science, technoscience, mathematics, Christian theology.
Work bibliographic list
1. Gajdenko P. P. Hristianstvo i genezis estestvoznanija // Filosofsko-religioznye istoki nauki. M., Martis. 1997.
Work bibliographic list
1. Gajdenko P. P. Hristianstvo i genezis estestvoznanija // Filosofsko-religioznye istoki nauki. M., Martis. 1997.
2. Gajdenko P. P. Jevoljucija ponjatija nauki. M. Nauka, 1980.
3. Galileo Galilej Probirnyh del master. M.: Nauka. 1987.
4. Kojre A. Ocherki istorii filosofskoj mysli. O vlijanii filosofskih koncepcij na razvitie nauchnyh teorij. M.: Editorial URSS, 2004.
5. Nikiforov A. L. Kakaja nauka nuzhna segodnja chelovechestvu? // Social'naja filosofija nauki. Rossijskaja perspektiva. K jubileju V. S. Stepina. Materialy konferencii. T. 7. Sekcija 6. Reformirovanie nauki; pod red. I. T. Kasavina, A. L. Nikiforova, S. V.
Pirozhkovoj. M.: Al'fa-M.2014 g.
Lukiyanov M. Yu., Bondarenko A. V., Shalamberidze O. V.
Russian and soviet historiography of the philosophical and political heritage, N. Machiavelli
The article examines Russian and Soviet historiography of philosophy-political heritage, N. Machiavelli. Presents the major approaches, interpretations of the writings of N. Machiavelli.
The article examines Russian and Soviet historiography of philosophy-political heritage, N. Machiavelli. Presents the major approaches, interpretations of the writings of N. Machiavelli.
Keywords: N. Machiavelli's historiography.
Work bibliographic list
1. Batkin L. M. Ital'janskoe Vozrozhdenie v poiskah individual'nosti. M., 1989.
Work bibliographic list
1. Batkin L. M. Ital'janskoe Vozrozhdenie v poiskah individual'nosti. M., 1989.
2. Bljumenkranc M. Makiavelli: uroki istorii // Makiavelli N. Gosudar'. Sochinenija. M.– Har'kov, 1998. S. 3.
3. Gukovskij M. A. Ital'janskoe Vozrozhdenie v trudah russkih uchenyh XIX veka // Voprosy istorii. 1945. #5–6. S. 97–118.
4. Kudrjavcev P. N. Lekcii. Sochinenija. Izbrannoe. M., 1991
5. Lukijanov M.Ju., Bondarenko A. V., Kojshe K. K. Aktualizacija filosofsko-politicheskoj mysli N. Makiavelli // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2015. # 9.S. 343-345.
6. Lukijanov M. Ju., Bondarenko A.V., Izjumov I. V. Filosofija "Gosudarja" N. Makiavelli // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2015. # 10. S. 343-344.
7. Ob"edinenie Italii v ocenke russkih sovremennikov. K 100–letiju ob"edinenija Italii. Sb. dokumentov i materialov. M., 1961.
8. Rutenburg V. I. Istorija srednevekovoj Italii v trudah russkih uchenyh XIX– nachala HH v. // Srednie veka. Vyp. 25. M., 1964. S. 264–271.
9. Sharkova N. S. «Anti–Makiavelli» Fridriha II i ego russkie perevody // Problemy kul'tury ital'janskogo Vozrozhdenija. L., 1979. S. 106–111.
10. Chernjak I. H. Problemy ideologii ital'janskogo Vozrozhdenija v trudah sovetskih uchenyh (1917–1977). // Problemy kul'tury ital'janskogo Vozrozhdenija. L., 1979. S. 4–17.
11. Jusim M. A. Makiavelli i osobennosti renessansnogo predstavlenija o vlasti // Kul'tura Vozrozhdenija i vlast'. M., 1999. S. 49-54.
Kryukov V. V.
Deterrence as an aspect of general prevention
This article seeks to review the process of deterrence as an aspect of general prevention. We consider the subjects that distribute massive fears as the elements of the mechanism of deterrence.
This article seeks to review the process of deterrence as an aspect of general prevention. We consider the subjects that distribute massive fears as the elements of the mechanism of deterrence.
Special attention is given to fear, its use in order to achieve general prevention, as well as the positive and negative effects of the use of deterrence. Conclusion is made about the need for a correct interpretation of fear, as well as the positive effect of such its feature as delayed reaction for general prevention. Noteworthy that the limits are set to use the fear for criminal punishment.
Keywords: punishment, the purpose of criminal punishment, penology, deterrence, general prevention, prevention.
Work bibliographic list
1. Baranov Ju. V. Stadii resocializacii osuzhdjonnyh v svete novyh sociologo-antropologicheskih vozzrenij i social'noj filosofii. SPb.: Juridicheskij centr Press, 2006.
Work bibliographic list
1. Baranov Ju. V. Stadii resocializacii osuzhdjonnyh v svete novyh sociologo-antropologicheskih vozzrenij i social'noj filosofii. SPb.: Juridicheskij centr Press, 2006.
2. Karimov Je. T. Obshhaja i special'naja prevencija kak cel' nakazanija // Vektor nauki TGU. 2012. # 3.
3. Klejmjonov M. P., Rozeenkevich M. A., Jur'ev V. S. Obshheugolovnaja neraskrytaja prestupnost' // Vestnik Omskogo universiteta. Serija «Pravo». 2010. # 4.
4. Mickevich A. F. Ugolovnoe nakazanie ponjatie, celi i mehanizmy dejstvija. SPb.: Juridicheskij centr Press, 2005.
5. Poljakova V. S. Ispol'zovanie straha kak social'no-kommunikativnogo fenomena v ubezhdajushhej massovoj kommunikacii: Diss. kand. jurid. nauk. M., 2003.
6. Ragimov I. M. Prestupnost' i nakazanie. M.: OLMA Media Grupp, 2012.
7. Reber A. S. Bol'shoj tolkovyj psihologicheskij slovar'. V 2-h tomah. T. 2. M.: Veche, AST, 2000.
8. Rejkovskij Ja. Jeksperimental'naja psihologija jemocij. M.: 1979.
9. Sitkovskaja O. D. Psihologija ugolovnoj otvetstvennosti. M.: Norma, 1998.
10. Chernavskij A. F. Sistemnoe issledovanie straha:Diss. … kand. jurid. nauk. Ekaterinburg, 2008.
11. Shherbatyh Ju. V. Psihologija straha. Populjarnaja jenciklopedija. M.: Jeksmo-Press, 2002.
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