G. M. Velyaminov: About time and about himself
Interview with Dr of Law, professor, chief researcher of the Institute of State and Law of the RAS Velyaminov George Mikhailovich
Kashkin S. Yu., Iskakova J. T.
Eurasian idea as the concept of formation and functioning of the Eurasian Economic Union
Ragimov T. S., Uteubayeva Ye. Ye.
Legal regulation of international tourism in the framework of the CIS
Nechevin D. K., Kolodkin L. M., Gordienko V. V.
70 years to the United Nations charter: a new interpretation or application crisis?
Nazaretyan S. R.
On the economic competition of BRICS with the Euro-Atlantic Union
Smbatyan A. S.
Evolutionary interpretation in WTO dispute settlement jurisprudence
Nemzorova R. Yu.
Some international legal aspects of assessment and realization of priorities of prosecutor’s activity
Shilina M. G.
International legal regulation of economic cooperation within the SCO: characteristics, problems, prospects
Huseynov O. R.
International legal regulation of foreign investments in the ASEAN countries
Ananidze F. R., Hussein Ahmed Kadhim
League of Arab States on the cross time
Salikhov Kh. M.
International standards in public-private partnership
Zanibekov M. M.
Currently important problems of international trade’s globalization
Ischenko N. G.
EU insurance law: system, sources, main development directions
Larichev A. A.
The role of sectoral legislation in legal regulation of local government in the Russian Federation and Canada
Ananidze F. R.
The legal status of the Eskimos — the indigenous peoples of the Greenland Island
Barlybaev Kh. A.
Legislation as function of morality in the struggle for truth and justice
Eliseeva E. G.
On history of evolution and essence of trust
Zhdanov P. S.
The crisis of the western legal tradition in the light of semiotic methodology
Gadzhieva H. I., Kerimhanova A. B.
The reforms in the state governance structure of the North Caucasus at the turn of the 21st century
Chekunov S. A.
The issue of dual dimension (two aspects) of the ratification of international treaties — international and domestic
Gabdrakhmanov F. V.
Genesis of criminal record in Soviet Russia
Dibirova A. I.
Establishment and strengthening of the Soviet state apparatus in Dagestan in 1920–1930
Kondratyeva A. N.
Revisiting the prohibition of simony and the violation of the celibacy rules in medieval canon law of Western Europe
Ovchinnikova Yu. S.
On admissibility of intervention under the Covenant of the League of Nations
Kerimhanova A. B., Saidova M.Z, Emirova M. N.
Position of deputies from North Caucasus to I State Duma (April — July, 1906) on development of projects of agrarian reforms in Russia
Buharov M. Ya.
The legal nature of cash, non-cash and electronic money as a subject of banking transactions on the Internet
Takmakova E. V., Firsova O. N.
Legislative and regulatory framework for the regulation of household incomes in the Russian Federation
Fetyukov F. V.
Reconciling the interests of state power with private and corporate interests of citizens as a condition for the functioning of state and civil society interaction mechanism
Alekseeva T. V.
Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) institutions in modern non-governmental public organizations in Russia
Svalova N. A., Noskova Yu. B.
The relationship between the concepts of «family members of the officer of internal affairs bodies’ and «family members of the owner of the premises and tenant of dwellings under a contract of social rent» in the provision of the one-off social payment for the purchase or construction of residential premises to employees of internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation
Leonteva E. V.
Sources of legal regulation of agricultural production cooperation in Russia
Mkrtchyan M. K.
The concept and features of housing corresponding to the conditions for classification as low-income dwelling
Mishalchenko Yu. V., Tarando Ye. Ye., Pruel N. A.
Allocation of copyright in the field of publication of scientific articles: international and national legal and sociological aspects
Makarova S. N.
Institutional forms and legal bases of security of intellectual property rights (by the example of infocommunication services)
Galushkin A. A.
Cyberespionage in the conditions of globalization at the present stage
Lackman I. A., Maksimenko Z. V., Grigorchuk T. I., Rezvanova E. R.
Optimization of work with past due debts for collection department/agency management
Polyakova O. I., Kozlovа O. A.
Legal aspects of mortgage lending with state support
Fatkina E. V.
Legal aspects of information security of bank secrecy
Evsikova E. V.
Systematization of basic approaches to definition of concept of «tax legal relationships»
Abdulgamidova D. A.
Unemployment problem in Russia and ways of its solution
Yusupov R. M.
Universal (general human) values and the constitutional embodiment of international standards in the field of human rights
Izumov I. V.
Legal issues of differentiation of powers between the Federal bodies of state power, bodies of state power of the Russian Federation subjects and bodies of local self-government in the field of subsoil use
Ibragimova Kh. A.
The development analysis of object of a crime in the form of abuse of office in criminal law of Russia
Zaidova M. U.
The principle of fairness in criminal law of Russia
Abdulmuslimova L. G.
Some topical victimization issues through the example of the Republic of Dagestan
Hajiyev D. M.
About the regional approach to combating crime
Ilyasov R. M., Sukhanov G. V.
Actual problems of forensic support to criminal justice in modern conditions
Aminev F. G.
About activity of the non-state judicial and expert establishments in the Russian Federation
Gasanova Z. G.
Independence as a fundamental principle of advocate activity in the Russian Federation
Kozhina Yu. A., Frolovskaya Yu. I.
Protection of family rights of the child: boon and bane
Rivkina N. N., Polyakova N. G.
Economic and legal aspects of introduction of new technologies preventing environmental damage
Khayrullin V. A.
Economic and legal analysis of the state’s social investment policy in construction
Karaeva E. N.
The state mechanism of regulation of regional labor markets: economic and legal aspects
Spasskaya N. V.
The legal framework for operation of the Russian investment fund
Khairullina N. G.
Sustainable social and political development of the Tyumen region: dynamics of indicators
Scherbakov G. A., Sadykova H. N., Konova T. M.
Regional social policy and development of federalism in Russia
Gabov A. A.
Centralization and decentralization in politically organized society
Ibragimov U. F.
System of formation and development of human potential in local government (by the example of the Republic of Bashkortostan)
Grishin O. E.
Relationship of state and political system: theoretical aspect
Bondarenko V. N.
The interaction of philosophicalи metaphysics and law (article four)
About Eugene Anatoljevich Wystorobets – the person and scientist
Bogolyubov S. A.
Initiative and performance Eugene Wystorobets
Farkhutdinov I. Z.
About light Person and the Scientist
Abanina E. N.
About our Friend
Wystorobets А. N.
«I do not regret anything. E.A. Wystorobets»
Ermolina M. A.
In memory of Founder of the Interecolaw School - E.A. Wystorobets
Rajabov S.A.
My Friend Eugene Anatoljevich Wystorobets
Sivakov D. O.
In memory of deceased Friend
Shishkina E. A.
The huge Man with a small letter
Krasnova I. O., Vlasenko V.N.
The memories of Eugene Anatoljevich Wystorobets
Gavrilova Ju. A.
In memory of E.A. Wystorobets
Kichigin N. V., Ponomarev M. V.
Eugene Anatoljevich Wystorobets – Scientist, Teacher, Enthusiast and Ascetic of Science
Proshin V. A.
Eugene Anatoljevich Wystorobets – Person, Scientist, Teacher, Friend
Solntsev A. M.
Eugene Wystorobets as a Scientist
Alimov A. A.
The memories of the First Schools Interecolaw
Kodolova A. V.
Sore bereavement
Savonina L. V.
In memory of Eugene Wystorobets
Mukasheva A. A., Sharapatova G. S.
The memories of Eugene Wystorobets
Samusenko L. A.
The memories of Eugene Anatoljevich Wystorobets
Koshovskaya V. S.
In memory of E. А. Wystorobets
Larionov A. A., Yаshkov I. A.
Thinking about a colleague
Shaikhullin M. S.
The words of memory of Friend
The team Eugene Wystorobets was, is and will be!
Wystorobets Е.А., Abanina Е.N.
Guidelines for the systematic Study of cognitive (accessary) Sources of Law
Timofeev L.A., Sorokina Y.V.
Instructional design E.A.Wystorobets
List of scientific publications of E. A Wystorobets
Shishkina E.A.
Internatonal environmtntal crime as a subject of criminological analysis
Alimov А.А.
The concept of sustainable development and socio-environmental ways of its realization
Gavrilova Ju. A.
The role and place of international norms «soft law» in the system of national environmental legislation
Konnova E.V.
On the role of consultations and inquiry in international environmental disputes settlement and in prevention of environmental damage
Abashidze A. Kh., Gugunskiy D. A., Kiseleva E. V., Soltcev A. M.
XIII International Congress commemorating Professor I. Blischenko (Moscow, April 11, 2015)
Our celebrator — Bathiev Rashid Huseinovich, judge of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation in honorable retirement, Honored lawyer of Russia
G. M. Velyaminov: About time and about himself
Interview with Dr of Law, professor, chief researcher of the Institute of State and Law of the RAS Velyaminov George Mikhailovich
Kashkin S. Yu., Iskakova J. T.
Eurasian idea as the concept of formation and functioning of the Eurasian Economic Union
Ragimov T. S., Uteubayeva Ye. Ye.
Legal regulation of international tourism in the framework of the CIS
Nechevin D. K., Kolodkin L. M., Gordienko V. V.
70 years to the United Nations charter: a new interpretation or application crisis?
Nazaretyan S. R.
On the economic competition of BRICS with the Euro-Atlantic Union
Smbatyan A. S.
Evolutionary interpretation in WTO dispute settlement jurisprudence
Nemzorova R. Yu.
Some international legal aspects of assessment and realization of priorities of prosecutor’s activity
Shilina M. G.
International legal regulation of economic cooperation within the SCO: characteristics, problems, prospects
Huseynov O. R.
International legal regulation of foreign investments in the ASEAN countries
Ananidze F. R., Hussein Ahmed Kadhim
League of Arab States on the cross time
Salikhov Kh. M.
International standards in public-private partnership
Zanibekov M. M.
Currently important problems of international trade’s globalization
Ischenko N. G.
EU insurance law: system, sources, main development directions
Larichev A. A.
The role of sectoral legislation in legal regulation of local government in the Russian Federation and Canada
Ananidze F. R.
The legal status of the Eskimos — the indigenous peoples of the Greenland Island
Barlybaev Kh. A.
Legislation as function of morality in the struggle for truth and justice
Eliseeva E. G.
On history of evolution and essence of trust
Zhdanov P. S.
The crisis of the western legal tradition in the light of semiotic methodology
Gadzhieva H. I., Kerimhanova A. B.
The reforms in the state governance structure of the North Caucasus at the turn of the 21st century
Chekunov S. A.
The issue of dual dimension (two aspects) of the ratification of international treaties — international and domestic
Gabdrakhmanov F. V.
Genesis of criminal record in Soviet Russia
Dibirova A. I.
Establishment and strengthening of the Soviet state apparatus in Dagestan in 1920–1930
Kondratyeva A. N.
Revisiting the prohibition of simony and the violation of the celibacy rules in medieval canon law of Western Europe
Ovchinnikova Yu. S.
On admissibility of intervention under the Covenant of the League of Nations
Kerimhanova A. B., Saidova M.Z, Emirova M. N.
Position of deputies from North Caucasus to I State Duma (April — July, 1906) on development of projects of agrarian reforms in Russia
Buharov M. Ya.
The legal nature of cash, non-cash and electronic money as a subject of banking transactions on the Internet
Takmakova E. V., Firsova O. N.
Legislative and regulatory framework for the regulation of household incomes in the Russian Federation
Fetyukov F. V.
Reconciling the interests of state power with private and corporate interests of citizens as a condition for the functioning of state and civil society interaction mechanism
Alekseeva T. V.
Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) institutions in modern non-governmental public organizations in Russia
Svalova N. A., Noskova Yu. B.
The relationship between the concepts of «family members of the officer of internal affairs bodies’ and «family members of the owner of the premises and tenant of dwellings under a contract of social rent» in the provision of the one-off social payment for the purchase or construction of residential premises to employees of internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation
Leonteva E. V.
Sources of legal regulation of agricultural production cooperation in Russia
Mkrtchyan M. K.
The concept and features of housing corresponding to the conditions for classification as low-income dwelling
Mishalchenko Yu. V., Tarando Ye. Ye., Pruel N. A.
Allocation of copyright in the field of publication of scientific articles: international and national legal and sociological aspects
Makarova S. N.
Institutional forms and legal bases of security of intellectual property rights (by the example of infocommunication services)
Galushkin A. A.
Cyberespionage in the conditions of globalization at the present stage
Lackman I. A., Maksimenko Z. V., Grigorchuk T. I., Rezvanova E. R.
Optimization of work with past due debts for collection department/agency management
Polyakova O. I., Kozlovа O. A.
Legal aspects of mortgage lending with state support
Fatkina E. V.
Legal aspects of information security of bank secrecy
Evsikova E. V.
Systematization of basic approaches to definition of concept of «tax legal relationships»
Abdulgamidova D. A.
Unemployment problem in Russia and ways of its solution
Yusupov R. M.
Universal (general human) values and the constitutional embodiment of international standards in the field of human rights
Izumov I. V.
Legal issues of differentiation of powers between the Federal bodies of state power, bodies of state power of the Russian Federation subjects and bodies of local self-government in the field of subsoil use
Ibragimova Kh. A.
The development analysis of object of a crime in the form of abuse of office in criminal law of Russia
Zaidova M. U.
The principle of fairness in criminal law of Russia
Abdulmuslimova L. G.
Some topical victimization issues through the example of the Republic of Dagestan
Hajiyev D. M.
About the regional approach to combating crime
Ilyasov R. M., Sukhanov G. V.
Actual problems of forensic support to criminal justice in modern conditions
Aminev F. G.
About activity of the non-state judicial and expert establishments in the Russian Federation
Gasanova Z. G.
Independence as a fundamental principle of advocate activity in the Russian Federation
Kozhina Yu. A., Frolovskaya Yu. I.
Protection of family rights of the child: boon and bane
Rivkina N. N., Polyakova N. G.
Economic and legal aspects of introduction of new technologies preventing environmental damage
Khayrullin V. A.
Economic and legal analysis of the state’s social investment policy in construction
Karaeva E. N.
The state mechanism of regulation of regional labor markets: economic and legal aspects
Spasskaya N. V.
The legal framework for operation of the Russian investment fund
Khairullina N. G.
Sustainable social and political development of the Tyumen region: dynamics of indicators
Scherbakov G. A., Sadykova H. N., Konova T. M.
Regional social policy and development of federalism in Russia
Gabov A. A.
Centralization and decentralization in politically organized society
Ibragimov U. F.
System of formation and development of human potential in local government (by the example of the Republic of Bashkortostan)
Grishin O. E.
Relationship of state and political system: theoretical aspect
Bondarenko V. N.
The interaction of philosophicalи metaphysics and law (article four)
About Eugene Anatoljevich Wystorobets – the person and scientist
Bogolyubov S. A.
Initiative and performance Eugene Wystorobets
Farkhutdinov I. Z.
About light Person and the Scientist
Abanina E. N.
About our Friend
Wystorobets А. N.
«I do not regret anything. E.A. Wystorobets»
Ermolina M. A.
In memory of Founder of the Interecolaw School - E.A. Wystorobets
Rajabov S.A.
My Friend Eugene Anatoljevich Wystorobets
Sivakov D. O.
In memory of deceased Friend
Shishkina E. A.
The huge Man with a small letter
Krasnova I. O., Vlasenko V.N.
The memories of Eugene Anatoljevich Wystorobets
Gavrilova Ju. A.
In memory of E.A. Wystorobets
Kichigin N. V., Ponomarev M. V.
Eugene Anatoljevich Wystorobets – Scientist, Teacher, Enthusiast and Ascetic of Science
Proshin V. A.
Eugene Anatoljevich Wystorobets – Person, Scientist, Teacher, Friend
Solntsev A. M.
Eugene Wystorobets as a Scientist
Alimov A. A.
The memories of the First Schools Interecolaw
Kodolova A. V.
Sore bereavement
Savonina L. V.
In memory of Eugene Wystorobets
Mukasheva A. A., Sharapatova G. S.
The memories of Eugene Wystorobets
Samusenko L. A.
The memories of Eugene Anatoljevich Wystorobets
Koshovskaya V. S.
In memory of E. А. Wystorobets
Larionov A. A., Yаshkov I. A.
Thinking about a colleague
Shaikhullin M. S.
The words of memory of Friend
The team Eugene Wystorobets was, is and will be!
Wystorobets Е.А., Abanina Е.N.
Guidelines for the systematic Study of cognitive (accessary) Sources of Law
Timofeev L.A., Sorokina Y.V.
Instructional design E.A.Wystorobets
List of scientific publications of E. A Wystorobets
Shishkina E.A.
Internatonal environmtntal crime as a subject of criminological analysis
Alimov А.А.
The concept of sustainable development and socio-environmental ways of its realization
Gavrilova Ju. A.
The role and place of international norms «soft law» in the system of national environmental legislation
Konnova E.V.
On the role of consultations and inquiry in international environmental disputes settlement and in prevention of environmental damage
Abashidze A. Kh., Gugunskiy D. A., Kiseleva E. V., Soltcev A. M.
XIII International Congress commemorating Professor I. Blischenko (Moscow, April 11, 2015)
Our celebrator — Bathiev Rashid Huseinovich, judge of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation in honorable retirement, Honored lawyer of Russia
Kashkin S. Yu., Iskakova J. T.
Eurasian idea as the concept of formation
and functioning of the Eurasian Economic Union
The article is devoted to the formation of the Eurasian idea from its first scholars to the creators of the Eurasian Economic Union. Its development and modern interpretation as well as implementation in real life in the form of Eurasian Economic Union are analyzed.
The article is devoted to the formation of the Eurasian idea from its first scholars to the creators of the Eurasian Economic Union. Its development and modern interpretation as well as implementation in real life in the form of Eurasian Economic Union are analyzed.
Keywords: history, Eurasianism, Eurasian, national, supranational, nationalism, integration, politics, globalization.
Work bibliographic list
1. Auanasova K. A. Perspektivy i razvitie idei evrazijstva v sovremennoj istorii Kazahstana [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa:›look/3300858.html (data obrashhenija: 22.03.15 g.).
Work bibliographic list
1. Auanasova K. A. Perspektivy i razvitie idei evrazijstva v sovremennoj istorii Kazahstana [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa:›look/3300858.html (data obrashhenija: 22.03.15 g.).
2. Vernadskij G. V. Nachertanie russkoj istorii [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa: http:›… vernadskiy/nachertanie (data obrashhenija:25.03.15 g.)
3. Gricaj M., Stepanov D. Evrazijstvo: istorija i sovremennost' [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 25.03.15 g.)
4. Gumilev L. Jetnogenez i jetnosfera. — M.: 1970.
5. Evrazijskij Sojuz: Ot idei k istorii budushhego // Izvestija-Kazahstan. — 2011. — 26 oktjabrja.
6. Kashkin S. Ju., Chetverikov A. O. Pravo Evropejskogo Sojuza. — T. 1. Obshhaja chast'. Uchebnik dlja bakalavrov /Pod red. S. Ju. Kashkina. — M.: Jurajt, 2013.
7. Lamanskij V. I. Tri mira Azijsko-Evropejskogo materika [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa:» (data obrashhenija: 21.03.15 g.)
8. Putin V. V. Novyj integracionnyj proekt dlja Evrazii — budushhee, kotoroe rozhdaetsja segodnja // Izvestija. — 2011. — 3 oktjabrja.
9. Savickij P. N. Evrazijstvo [Jelektronnyj resurs]. —Rezhim dostupa: http: (data obrashhenija: 27.03.15 g.).
10. Savickij P. N. Step' i osedlost' [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa: http: obrashhenija: 28.03.15 g.).
11. Trubeckoj N. S. Obshheevrazijskij nacionalizm [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 29.03.15 g.).
Ragimov T. S., Uteubayeva Ye. Ye.
Legal regulation of international tourism in the framework of the CIS
The article deals with peculiarities of legal regulation of tourism in the framework of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) in the light of existing legal acts. In the sphere of legal regulation of international tourism, it emphasizes the special role of the Inter-Parliamentary Assembly of States (IPA), the main objective of which is the elaboration and approximation of the CIS countries legislation.
The article deals with peculiarities of legal regulation of tourism in the framework of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) in the light of existing legal acts. In the sphere of legal regulation of international tourism, it emphasizes the special role of the Inter-Parliamentary Assembly of States (IPA), the main objective of which is the elaboration and approximation of the CIS countries legislation.
Keywords: international tourism, regional tourism, Tourism Board, the development of tourism relations, the Commonwealth of Independent States.
Work bibliographic list
1. Inshakova A. O., Kiseleva E. V. Osnovy shengenskogo prava // Pravo Evropejskogo Sojuza: Ucheb. dlja vuzov /Pod red. A. Ja. Kapustina. — M: Izdatel'stvo Jurajt, 2013.
Work bibliographic list
1. Inshakova A. O., Kiseleva E. V. Osnovy shengenskogo prava // Pravo Evropejskogo Sojuza: Ucheb. dlja vuzov /Pod red. A. Ja. Kapustina. — M: Izdatel'stvo Jurajt, 2013.
2. Konvencija o Mezhparlamentskoj Assamblee gosudarstv — uchastnikov Sodruzhestva Nezavisimyh Gosudarstv ot 26 maja 1995 g. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa:
3. Kodolova A. V., Solncev A. M. Kompetencija SNG v sfere sotrudnichestva po issledovaniju i ispol'zovaniju kosmosa // Mezhdunarodnoe kosmicheskoe pravo: Uchebnik
/ Pod red. G. P. Zhukova, A. H. Abashidze. — M: RUDN, 2014.
4. Maksimenko S. V. Turistskaja dejatel'nost': mezhdunarodno-pravovye aspekty. — Odessa: Latstar, 2001.
5. Problemy zakonodatel'nogo obespechenija bezopasnosti turistov v Rossijskoj Federacii // Analiticheskij vestnik # 2 (486) Serija: Osnovnye problemy social'nogo razvitija Rossii — 132 [Jelektronnyj resurs]. —Rezhim dostupa:
6. Reshenie ot 20 nojabrja 2013 goda o Strategii razvitija sotrudnichestva gosudarstv — uchastnikov Sodruzhestva Nezavisimyh Gosudarstv v oblasti turizma na period do 2020 g. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa:
7. Soglashenie o Sovete po turizmu gosudarstv — uchastnikov Sodruzhestva Nezavisimyh Gosudarstv ot 23 dekabrja 1993 goda [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa:
8. Solncev A. M. Sovremennoe mezhdunarodnoe pravo ob okruzhajushhej srede i jekologicheskih pravah cheloveka. — M.: URSS, 2013.
9. Strigulina A. V. Mezhdunarodno-pravovye osnovy sotrudnichestva v oblasti mezhdunarodnogo turizma s uchastiem Rossijskoj Federacii: Avtoref. diss. … kand. jurid. nauk. — Kazan', 2008.
Nechevin D. K., Kolodkin L. M., Gordienko V. V.
70 years to the United Nations charter: a new interpretation or application crisis?
This scientific article is devoted to some acute problems of the UN Charter. This study is based on the analysis of the world practice, international cooperation and some political and legal cases.
This scientific article is devoted to some acute problems of the UN Charter. This study is based on the analysis of the world practice, international cooperation and some political and legal cases.
Keywords: UN Charter, League of Nations, Secretary General, international cooperation.
Work bibliographic list
1. Valerij Zor'kin. Krizis mezhdunarodnogo prava: sovremennyj kontekst // Rossijskaja gazeta. — 20 ijunja 2014. — # 136. — S. 17.
Work bibliographic list
1. Valerij Zor'kin. Krizis mezhdunarodnogo prava: sovremennyj kontekst // Rossijskaja gazeta. — 20 ijunja 2014. — # 136. — S. 17.
2. Versal'skij mirnyj dogovor. Per. s francuzskogo. — M.: Litizdat NKID, 1925.
3. Portugal'skij R. M., Alekseev P. D., Runov V. A. Pervaja mirovaja v zhizneopisanijah russkih voenachal'nikov. —M.: «Jelakos», 1994.
4. Sbornik dejstvujushhih dogovorov, soglashenij i konvencij, zakljuchjonnyh SSSR s inostrannymi gosudarstvami. Vyp. XII. — M., 1956.
5. SSSR i mezhdunarodnoe sotrudnichestvo v oblasti prav cheloveka. Dokumenty i materialy. — M.: «Mezhdunarodnye otnoshenija», 1989.
Nazaretyan S. R.
On the economic competition of BRICS with the Euro-Atlantic Union
The article is devoted to the analysis of problems and prospects of economic integration in the BRICS in terms of economic competition of the BRICS with the new integration blocks: the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).
The article is devoted to the analysis of problems and prospects of economic integration in the BRICS in terms of economic competition of the BRICS with the new integration blocks: the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).
Keywords: integration, BRICS, FDI, NAFTA, MERCOSUR, TTIP, TPP.
Work bibliographic list
1. «Amerikancy, my molodcy». Barak Obama rasskazal ob uspehah i strategii SShA [Jelektronnyj resurs]. —Rezhim dostupa:
Work bibliographic list
1. «Amerikancy, my molodcy». Barak Obama rasskazal ob uspehah i strategii SShA [Jelektronnyj resurs]. —Rezhim dostupa:
2. Fortalezskaja deklaracija [Jelektronnyj resurs]. —Rezhim dostupa: obrashhenija: 25.01.2014).
3. JeKA stran BRIKS ob"edinjajut usilija po prodvizheniju jeksporta [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa:
4. Cai Songfeng, Zhang Yaxiong, Meng Bo. The Impact Analysis of TTIP on BRICs — based on dynamic GTAP model considering GVC [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 25.01.2014).
5. Draper P., Lacey S., Ramkolowan Y. Mega-regional Trade Agreements: Strategic Implications for the African, Caribbean, and Pacific Countries, a report submitted to the ACP MTS Programme, 2014.
Smbatyan A. S.
Evolutionary interpretation in WTO dispute settlement jurisprudence
Interpretation is more than just a clarification of the meaning of the content embedded in an international treaty by its participants. Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties answers the questions of «what» and «how», but does not answer the question of «when». The choice of a particular method of interpretation, including the evolutionary interpretation is always for the judges.
Interpretation is more than just a clarification of the meaning of the content embedded in an international treaty by its participants. Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties answers the questions of «what» and «how», but does not answer the question of «when». The choice of a particular method of interpretation, including the evolutionary interpretation is always for the judges.
Key words: WTO; Dispute Settlement Body; interpretation; intention; International Court of Justice; international treaty; in dubio mutis.
Work bibliographic list
1. Smbatjan A. S. Mezhdunarodnye torgovye spory v GATT/ VTO: izbrannye reshenija (1952–2005 gg.). — M.: Volters Kluver, 2006
Work bibliographic list
1. Smbatjan A. S. Mezhdunarodnye torgovye spory v GATT/ VTO: izbrannye reshenija (1952–2005 gg.). — M.: Volters Kluver, 2006
2. Smbatjan A. S. Reshenija organov mezhdunarodnogo pravosudija v sisteme mezhdunarodnogo publichnogo prava. — M.: Statut, 2012.
3. A Conversation with Judge Richard A. Posner // Duke Law Journal. — 2009. — Vol. 58. — P. 1807–1823.
4. Born G. A New Generation of International Adjudication // Duke Law Journal. — 2012, January. — Vol. 61. — No. 4. — P.775–879.
5. Brown C. A common Law of International Adjudication. — Oxford University Press, 2007. — 303 p.
6. Dworkin R. Judicial Discretion // The Journal of Philososhy. —1963, Oct. 10. — Vol. 60. — No. 21. — P. 624–638.
7. Dworkin R. Hard Cases // Harvard Law Review. — 1975, April. — Vol. 88. — No. 6. — P. 1057–1109.
8. Guillaume G. The Use of Precedent by International Judges and Arbitrators // Journal of International Dispute Settlement. — 2011 — Vol. 2. — No. 1. — P. 5–23.
9. Lauterpacht H. The Development of International Law by the International Court. — Stevens and Sons Limited, 1958. — 408 p.
10. Rosenne S. The Law and Practice of the International Court, 1920–1996. 3d ed. — Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1997. — 1960 p.
Nemzorova R. Yu.
Some international legal aspects of assessment and realization of priorities of prosecutor’s activity
The article is devoted to some international legal aspects of assessment and realization of priorities
The article is devoted to some international legal aspects of assessment and realization of priorities
of prosecutor’s activity, which are directly applicable to organization and activity of the Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation. They also demonstrate practical experience of foreign countries in that sphere.
Keywords: international legal cooperation of prosecutor’s offices, priorities of prosecutor’s activity.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ashurbekov T. A. Osnovy teorii prioritetov organizacii i dejatel'nosti prokuratury // Zakonnost', 2009. — # 5. — SPS «Konsul'tantPljus».
Work bibliographic list
1. Ashurbekov T. A. Osnovy teorii prioritetov organizacii i dejatel'nosti prokuratury // Zakonnost', 2009. — # 5. — SPS «Konsul'tantPljus».
2. Bykova E. V., Parfenova M. V. Sovremennye zadachi rossijskoj prokuratury // Rossijskaja justicija, 2013. — # 11. SPS «Konsul'tantPljus».
3. V Dushanbe sostojalos' zasedanie Koordinacionnogo soveta general'nyh prokurorov gosudarstv — uchastnikov Sodruzhestva Nezavisimyh Gosudarstv. 25.09.2014 // [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa: http://genproc. (data obrashhenija 03.02.2015).
4. General'nyj prokuror Rossijskoj Federacii Jurij Chajka prinjal uchastie v pervom zasedanii Mezhgosudarstvennogo soveta po protivodejstviju korrupcii, kotoroe sostojalos' v g. Minske. 29.01.2015 [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa: ru/smi/news/genproc/news-578060/ (data obrashhenija 03.02.2015).
5. Gerasimov S. I., Rjabcev V. P. Model'nyj zakon o prokurature (proekt). — M.: NII problem ukreplenija zakonnosti i pravoporjadka pri General'noj prokurature Rossijskoj Federacii. 2000. S. 15.
6. Egorov Ju. V., Kitrova E. V., Kuz'min V. A. Kommentarij k Federal'nomu zakonu ot 17 janvarja 1992 g. # 2202-I «O prokurature Rossijskoj Federacii». — Special'no dlja sistemy GARANT, 2011 g.
7. Zimin V. 18-ja ezhegodnaja konferencija Mezhdunarodnoj associacii prokurorov // Zakonnost'. — 2013. —# 10. — SPS «Konsul'tantPljus».
8. Lakeev A. E. Mezhdunarodno-pravovye standarty kak osobyj istochnik rossijskogo prava: diss… kand. jur. nauk: 12.00.01 / NOU VPO «Juridicheskij institut». — SPb, 2011.
9. Malov A. Sotrudnichestvo general'noj prokuratury RF s kompetentnymi organami zarubezhnyh gosudarstv v voprosah jekstradicii // Zakonnost'. — # 12. dekabr'2012 g. — SPS «Garant».
Shilina M. G.
International legal regulation of economic cooperation within the SCO: characteristics, problems, prospects
The article reveals the problems of international legal regulation of economic cooperation within the framework of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO). Special attention is paid to identification of the obstacles to the development of economic integration.
The article reveals the problems of international legal regulation of economic cooperation within the framework of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO). Special attention is paid to identification of the obstacles to the development of economic integration.
Keywords: international law, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, SCO, regional economic integration.
Work bibliographic list
1. Blishhenko I. P., Abashidze A. H. Pravo mezhdunarodnyh organizacij. — M.: RUDN, 2013.
Work bibliographic list
1. Blishhenko I. P., Abashidze A. H. Pravo mezhdunarodnyh organizacij. — M.: RUDN, 2013.
2. Torkunov A. V., Lukin A. V. ShOS podoshla k rasshireniju [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa:
3. Programma mnogostoronnego torgovo-jekonomicheskogo sotrudnichestva gosudarstv-chlenov Shanhajskoj organizacii sotrudnichestva, 23.09. 2003.
4. Deklaracija o sozdanii Shanhajskoj organizacii sotrudnichestva, 15.06.2001, Shanhaj.
5. Hartija Shanhajskoj organizacii sotrudnichestva, 07.06.2002, Sankt-Peterburg.
6. Soglashenie mezhdu pravitel'stvami gosudarstv — chlenov Shanhajskoj organizacii sotrudnichestva o sotrudnichestve i vzaimopomoshhi v tamozhennyh delah ot 02.11.2007.
7. Soglashenie mezhdu pravitel'stvami gosudarstv — chlenov Shanhajskoj organizacii sotrudnichestva o sotrudnichestve v oblasti sel'skogo hozjajstva ot 11.06.2010.
8. Soglashenie mezhdu pravitel'stvami gosudarstv — chlenov Shanhajskoj organizacii sotrudnichestva o sotrudnichestve v sfere zdravoohranenija ot 15.06.2011.
9. Soglashenie mezhdu pravitel'stvami gosudarstv — chlenov Shanhajskoj organizacii sotrudnichestva o sozdanii blagoprijatnyh uslovij dlja mezhdunarodnyh avtomobil'nyh perevozok ot 12.09.2014.
10. Sovmestnoe zajavlenie Rossijskoj Federacii i Kitajskoj Narodnoj Respubliki o novom jetape otnoshenij vseob"emljushhego partnerstva i strategicheskogo vzaimodejstvija ot 20.05. 2014, Shanhaj.
11. Shilina M. G. Shanhajskaja organizacija sotrudnichestva kak format politicheskogo i jekonomicheskogo vzaimodejstvija gosudarstv: realii i perspektivy //Biznes. Obshhestvo. Vlast'. — 2014. — # 21 [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa:–21/141402169.html
12. Guchan Li. Pervye 5 let ShOS // Diplomat. — 2006. —# 6.
13. Vinokurov E. Ju., Libman A. M. Evrazijskaja kontinental'naja integracija — Sankt-Peterburg, 2012.
14. Memorandum ob osnovah partnerskih otnoshenij mezhdu Mezhbankovskim ob"edineniem Shanhajskoj organizacii sotrudnichestva i Evrazijskim bankom razvitija,28.08.2008, Dushanbe.
15. Polozhenie o Delovom sovete gosudarstv — chlenov Shanhajskoj organizacii sotrudnichestva, 14.06.2006, Shanhaj.
16. Soglashenie o sotrudnichestve mezhdu Mezhbankovskim ob"edineniem i Delovym sovetom ShOS, 16.09.2007, Bishkek.
17. Lukin A. V. Nuzhno li rasshirjat' ShOS? // Rossija v global'noj politike. — 2011. — # 3.
18. Gabuev A. T. Priruchit' drakona // Rossija v global'noj politike. — 2015. — # 1.
19. Kosyrev D. Jekonomicheskoe pole ShOS: izbavlenie ot illjuzij [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa:
20. Aris S. Eurasian Regionalism: The Shanghai Cooperation Organization. — Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan, 2011.
Huseynov O. R.
International legal regulation of foreign investments in the ASEAN countries
ASEAN, international regional organization, thanks to many years of prudent investment policies, has become a centre of economic integration in Southeast Asia. Interstate investment cooperation acts as a catalyst of integration processes in the region. The framework agreement on the establishment of the ASEAN Investment Area (AIA) is one of the main tools to attract domestic and foreign investment with the provision of national treatment to foreign investors, tax incentives, the abolition of restrictions on the share of foreign capital, etc. Additional legal mechanism to liberalize the movement of capital in the region of Southeast Asia is the Agreement on the establishment of the ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA), Industrial Cooperation Scheme (AIKO).
ASEAN, international regional organization, thanks to many years of prudent investment policies, has become a centre of economic integration in Southeast Asia. Interstate investment cooperation acts as a catalyst of integration processes in the region. The framework agreement on the establishment of the ASEAN Investment Area (AIA) is one of the main tools to attract domestic and foreign investment with the provision of national treatment to foreign investors, tax incentives, the abolition of restrictions on the share of foreign capital, etc. Additional legal mechanism to liberalize the movement of capital in the region of Southeast Asia is the Agreement on the establishment of the ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA), Industrial Cooperation Scheme (AIKO).
Keywords: the Bangkok Declaration, ASEAN, APEC, international investment law, the Framework Agreement on ASEAN Investment Area, AFTA, most favoured nation treatment, national treatment.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bahin S. V. Investicionnoe pravo i investicionnaja politika // Boguslavsky M., Trunk A. Legal Issues of Foreign Investment in Transition Countries. Osteuroforshund. 2007. — Band 47. — P. 18.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bahin S. V. Investicionnoe pravo i investicionnaja politika // Boguslavsky M., Trunk A. Legal Issues of Foreign Investment in Transition Countries. Osteuroforshund. 2007. — Band 47. — P. 18.
2. Bogatyrev A. G. Investicionnoe pravo. — M., 1992.
3. Bogatyrev A. G. O regulirovanii inostrannyh investicij v nacional'nom i mezhdunarodnom prave //Sovetskoe gosudarstvo i pravo. — 1992. — # 1.
4. Vel'jaminov G. M. Mezhdunarodnoe jekonomicheskoe pravo i process (Akademicheskij kurs): Uchebnik. — M.:Volters Kluver, 2004.
5. Gusejnov O. R. Mezhdunarodno-pravovoe regulirovanie vzaimnyh investicij v NAFTA // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. — 2015. — # 2.
6. Gusejnov O. R. Mezhdunarodno-pravovoe regulirovanie inostrannyh investicij: Avtoref. dis. … kand. jurid. nauk: 12.00.10. — M., 1998.
7. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo: Uchebnik / Otv. red. G. V. Ignatenko, O. I. Tiunov. — 3-e izd. — M.: Norma, 2006.
8. Neshataeva T. N. Sud i obshhepriznannye principy i normy mezhdunarodnogo prava // Hozjajstvo i pravo. — 2004. — # 5.
9. Farhutdinov I. Z. Mezhdunarodnoe investicionnoe pravo: teorija i praktika primenenija. — M.: Volters Kluver, 2005.
10. Guiguo Wang, Priscilla Leung. International Investment Law in the Globalized World // Boguslavsky M., Trunk A. Legal Issues of Foreign Investment in Transition Countries. Osteuroforshund. 2007. — Band 47.
11. Legal Framework for the Treatment of Foreign Direct Investment. — Washington, 1992. — Vol. 1.
12. National Treatment / UNCTAD Series on Issues in International Investment Agreements. — N.Y.; Geneva, 1999.
13. Farkhutdinov Insur. Foreign Investor and Host State: Need for Balance Interests // Czech Yearbook of International Law. — 2011. — Vol. 2.
Ananidze F. R., Hussein Ahmed Kadhim
League of Arab States on the cross time
The article is dealing with the process of creation and development of the league of the Arab States
The article is dealing with the process of creation and development of the league of the Arab States
(LAS), which is one of the most important regional and international organizations with a broader
competence. Particular attention is paid to the international cooperation between the state members
in terms of regional security.
Keyworlds: League of the Arab States, The Pact of the LAS, Arab states, Middle East, Arab regional cooperation.
Work bibliographic list
1. Abd al'-Hamid Muhammad al'-Muafi. Izmenenie Pakta Ligi arabskih gosudarstv (na arabskom jazyke) // Al'Mustakbal' al'-Arabij. Bejrut. — 1979. — # 5.
Work bibliographic list
1. Abd al'-Hamid Muhammad al'-Muafi. Izmenenie Pakta Ligi arabskih gosudarstv (na arabskom jazyke) // Al'Mustakbal' al'-Arabij. Bejrut. — 1979. — # 5.
2. Ali Mahafza. Ogranichennaja demokratija, na primere Iordanii (na arabskom jazyke). — Bejrut, 2001.
3. Ananidze F. R., Hussein A. Liga arabskih gosudarstv: mezhdu proshlym i budushhim // Aktual'nye problemy sovremennogo mezhdunarodnogo prava. Materialy XII ezhegodnoj mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii, posvjashhennoj pamjati professora I. P. Blishhenko v 2-h chastjah. Chast' I. Moskva, 12–13 aprelja 2014 goda / Otv. redaktor A. H. Abashidze. — M.: RUDN, 2015.
4. Dzhamil' Matar, Ali ad-Din Hiljal'. Arabskaja regional'naja sistema — issledovanie mezharabskih politicheskih otnoshenij (na arabskom jazyke). — Bejrut, 2001.
5. Ibrahim as-Sajjad. LAG mezhdu reformirovaniem i obnovleniem (na arabskom jazyke) [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa:
6. Imran L. Liga arabskih gosudarstv: vozniknovenie, razvitie i perspektivy (na arabskom jazyke). // Shuun Arabijja. Kair. — 1995. — # 84.
7. Isaev L. M. Liga arabskih gosudarstv: istorija sozdanija // Vostok. — 2011. — # 2.
8. Politicheskij fon popytok reformirovat' Pakt Ligi arabskih gosudarstv (na arabskom jazyke) // Al'Mustakbal' al'-Arabij. — Bejrut, 1993. — # 174.
9. Ramadan as-Sejid. Reformy v arabskom mire (na arabskom jazyke) // Shuun Arabijja. Kair. — 2004. — # 117.
10. Jazid Saig, Azmat al'-halidzh. Krizis v Zalive (na arabskom jazyke) // Al'-Mustakbal' al'-Arabij. — Bejrut, 1991. — # 149.
Salikhov Kh. M.
International standards in public-private partnership
The article reveals the problems of Sustainable development goals being achieved in the context
The article reveals the problems of Sustainable development goals being achieved in the context
of the development and adoption of international standards on PPP. Special attention has been paid
to the interaction of the various governments and the business community, and mutually beneficial
conditions in the implementation of PPP projects after the adoption of the standards.
Keywords: international standards on PPP, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, sustainable development goals, public-private partnership.
Work bibliographic list
1. Jan van Schoonhoven. Executive Program Leader UNECE PPP Center of Excellence. Public Private Partnerships Strategic Heritage Plan. — UNECE, 2012 [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 10.04.2015).
Work bibliographic list
1. Jan van Schoonhoven. Executive Program Leader UNECE PPP Center of Excellence. Public Private Partnerships Strategic Heritage Plan. — UNECE, 2012 [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 10.04.2015).
2. UNECE. Report of the Team of Specialists on Public-Private Partnerships on its sixth session [Jelektronnyj resurs]. —Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija:10.04.2015).
3. UNECE, ICoE. Draft Work Plan 2015 — International PPP Best Practices and Standards to Achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
4. Ministerstvo jekonomicheskogo razvitija Rossijskoj Federacii. Rejting regionov Rossii po urovnju razvitija gosudarstvenno-chastnogo partnerstva 2014–2015. —Moskva, 2015 g.
5. Sessija Gruppy Vsemirnogo banka i Mezhdunarodnogo valjutnogo fonda. Doklad direktora investicionnoj politiki i razvitija chastno-gosudarstvennogo partnerstva Minjekonomrazvitija Rossi I. Kovalja [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 22.04.2015)
6. UNECE, CECI, PPP. Process for developing international standards in PPPs [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa: C E - C E C I - P P P - 2 0 1 4 – 2 % 2 0 R e p o r t - A n n e x - I -ProcessForDevelopingInternationalStandardsInPPPs.pdf?version=1&modificationDate=1407926057438&api=v2 (data obrashhenija: 05.04.2015).
Zanibekov M. M.
Currently important problems of international trade’s globalization
The article reveals currently important problems of international trade’s globalization on the example of the enforcement of retaliatory economic sanctions in the Russian Federation on August 6, 2014, as well as its legal nature. Based on this analysis the author makes suggestions to improve the mechanisms of legal regulation of this sphere of business relations.
The article reveals currently important problems of international trade’s globalization on the example of the enforcement of retaliatory economic sanctions in the Russian Federation on August 6, 2014, as well as its legal nature. Based on this analysis the author makes suggestions to improve the mechanisms of legal regulation of this sphere of business relations.
Keywords: international trade, globalization, economic sanctions, force majeure, superimperative rules, public policy, the Vienna Convention of 1980, UNIDROIT, UNCITRAL, WTO.
Work bibliographic list
1. Arsen'ev I. A. Fenomen globalizacii i mezhdunarodnoe pravo. — M.: RUDN, 2010.
Work bibliographic list
1. Arsen'ev I. A. Fenomen globalizacii i mezhdunarodnoe pravo. — M.: RUDN, 2010.
2. Ermak T. A. Sankcii kak fors-mazhor. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 08.04.2015 g.).
3. Lukashuk I. I. Globalizacija, gosudarstvo, pravo, XXI vek. — M.: SPARK, 2000.
4. Omae K. Myshlenie stratega. Iskusstvo biznesa po-japonski — M.: Al'pina Pablisher, 2007.
5. Sadchikov I. I. Organizacija vneshnejekonomicheskoj dejatel'nosti. — M.: Dobroe slovo, 2006.
6. Sineckij B. I. Vneshnejekonomicheskie operacii: organizacija i tehnika. — M.: Delo, 2005.
7. Tunkin G. I. Teorija mezhdunarodnogo prava. Uch. posobie. — M.: Zercalo, 2009.
8. Ushakov D. N. Bol'shoj tolkovyj slovar' russkogo jazyka. — M.: AST, 2007.
9. Himchenko A. I. Informacionnoe obshhestvo: pravovye problemy v uslovijah globalizacii. Dis. — M.:Institut gosudarstva i prava Rossijskoj akademii nauk, 2014.
10. Beck U. What is Globalization? — Cambridge: Polity Press, 2000.
11. McLuhan M. Letters of Marshall McLuhan. — Oxford University Press, 1987.
12. Held D., McGrew A., Goldblatt D., Perraton J., Global Transformations: Politics, Economics, and Culture. —Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1999.
13. Michaels R. Globalization and Law: Law Beyond the State [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 08.04.2015 g.).
14. Robinson W. I. Theories of Globalization. — Blackwell, 2007.
15. Vorobyev Y., Ovcharova E., Spasennov S., Lysenko E. Legal implications of Russia imposing retaliatory sanctions. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 08.04.2015 g.).
Ischenko N. G.
EU insurance law: system, sources, main development directions
The main issue set up by the author of this article is to analyze the main aspects of the European Union insurance law system, its sources and to define its development directions. The conclusion
The main issue set up by the author of this article is to analyze the main aspects of the European Union insurance law system, its sources and to define its development directions. The conclusion
made by the author as a result of investigation is that EU insurance law is in the process of development and is going to expand the area of its implementation.
Keywords: insurance law, European Union, insurance, reinsurance, insurance intermediary, directive.
Work bibliographic list
1. Grigor'ev V. N., Kuzbagarov A. N., Shahova V. V. Strahovoe pravo: Ucheb. dlja studentov vuzov. — M.: Juniti-Dana, 2014.
Work bibliographic list
1. Grigor'ev V. N., Kuzbagarov A. N., Shahova V. V. Strahovoe pravo: Ucheb. dlja studentov vuzov. — M.: Juniti-Dana, 2014.
2. Ivanova M. V. Analiz sistem ocenki t regulirovanija platezhesposobnosti strahovyh kompanij v stranah ES i Rossii. — M.: Ankil, 2010.
3. Kormanovskaja M. Ju. Regulirovanie platezhesposobnosti strahovoj kompanii // Upravlenie v strahovoj kompanii. — 2008. — # 1.
4. Rajher V. K. Obshhestvenno-istoricheskie tipy strahovanija. — L.: Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1947.
5. Turbina K. E. Tendencii razvitija mirovogo rynka strahovanija. — M.: Ankil, 2000.
6. Evolving Insurance regulation, March 2013 [Jelektronnyj resurs] // KPMG. — Rezhim dostupa:
7. Gordon-Hart Sh. Movements toward the Globalization of Insurance regulation [Jelektronnyj resurs] //J. P. Morgan. — Rezhim dostupa:…/is_globalisationofinsurance.pdf
Larichev A. A.
The role of sectoral legislation in legal regulation of local government in the Russian Federation and Canada
The legislative basis of local government is a major part of local government’s legal framework, through which the parameters of its organization and implementation within a state are defined. An important role in this area is played not only by the basic and specialized legislation on local government, but also the one relating to other areas of law. This article provides an analysis of the composition and content of the provisions of sectoral legislation relating to local government in two large federal states — the Russian Federation and Canada. The conclusion is made that there appears to be strengthening of the federal component of the relevant legal regulation.
The legislative basis of local government is a major part of local government’s legal framework, through which the parameters of its organization and implementation within a state are defined. An important role in this area is played not only by the basic and specialized legislation on local government, but also the one relating to other areas of law. This article provides an analysis of the composition and content of the provisions of sectoral legislation relating to local government in two large federal states — the Russian Federation and Canada. The conclusion is made that there appears to be strengthening of the federal component of the relevant legal regulation.
Keywords: local government, sectoral legislation, experience of Russia and Canada.
Work bibliographic list
1. Vasil'ev V. I. O nekotoryh ponjatijah municipal'nogo prava // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. — 2013. — # 12.
Work bibliographic list
1. Vasil'ev V. I. O nekotoryh ponjatijah municipal'nogo prava // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. — 2013. — # 12.
2. Canada Infrastructure Program: Lessons Learned.1996 November Report of the Auditor General of Canada [Jelektronnyj resurs] // Canadian Home Builders Association. — Rezhim dostupa: Infrastructure.pdf (data obrashhenija: 10.04.2015).
3. Local government in a global world: Australia and Canada in comparative perspective / Ed. by E. Brunet-Jailly, J. F. Martin. — Toronto, 2010.
4. Young W. R. et al. Municipalities, the Constitution and the Canadian Federal System / Canada’s Library of Parliament Research Branch, 2006.
Ananidze F. R.
The legal status of the Eskimos — the indigenous peoples of the Greenland Island
In the article has been analyzed the legal status of the Eskimos of the Greenland as the indigenous peoples of the Island. The analyze is done on the base of the Denmark's legislation that provides the legal status of the Greenland and its population. Particular attention is paid to historic facts and events that provide such status of the Eskimos of the Greenland.
In the article has been analyzed the legal status of the Eskimos of the Greenland as the indigenous peoples of the Island. The analyze is done on the base of the Denmark's legislation that provides the legal status of the Greenland and its population. Particular attention is paid to historic facts and events that provide such status of the Eskimos of the Greenland.
Key words: Eskimos, Greenland, Denmark, the Greenland's Committee for self-governance, the Denmark and the Greenland common Commission for self-governance, the referendum of 1979 on self-governance of the Greenland, the referendum of 2008 on self-governance of the Greenland, the Denmark's law on self-governance of the Greenland of the 20th of the May of 2009.
Work bibliographic list
1. UN Documents E/CN4/Sub.2/1992/32. P. 58
Work bibliographic list
1. UN Documents E/CN4/Sub.2/1992/32. P. 58
2. Ananidze F. R. Pravovoe polozhenie korennyh narodov Skandinavii. // Jurist-mezhdunarodnik. 2003. # 3. S. 39–45.
3. Narody i religii mira. Jenciklopedija. Glavnyj redaktor V. A. Tishkov. Institut jetnologii i antropologii im. N. N. Mikluho-Maklaja. M., 1998.
4. Referendum v Grenlandii po voprosu samoupravlenija (2008). Material iz Vikipedii — svobodnoj jenciklopedii. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa: v Grenlandii po voprosu samoupravlenija (2008).
5. Dahl J. The Greenland version of self-government. L., 2003.
6. Veiter Th. Die Autonomie Gronlands vom 21 November 1978 und ihre seitherige Entwicklung. F. Riedl // Th. Veiter (eds.) Foderalismus, Regionalismus und Volksgruppenrecht. Wien, 1989.
Barlybaev Kh. A.
Legislation as function of morality in the struggle for truth and justice
Interrelations and ratio between morals and the legislation as the most important elements of public consciousness and instruments of social management are considered. The transcendental morals as a subject of philosophy come to reality through the legislation which is a jurisprudence’s subject. The legislation serves as the highest, concretized and effective functional form of the morals aimed at realization in the society of norms of truth and justice. Definitions of the specified values as general categories of philosophy and law are given. Problems of realization of truth and justice in the Russian society are opened. Pointed out that without appropriate knowledge, development and realization of these values the mankind is doomed to degradation and the premature termination of the activity on Earth.
Interrelations and ratio between morals and the legislation as the most important elements of public consciousness and instruments of social management are considered. The transcendental morals as a subject of philosophy come to reality through the legislation which is a jurisprudence’s subject. The legislation serves as the highest, concretized and effective functional form of the morals aimed at realization in the society of norms of truth and justice. Definitions of the specified values as general categories of philosophy and law are given. Problems of realization of truth and justice in the Russian society are opened. Pointed out that without appropriate knowledge, development and realization of these values the mankind is doomed to degradation and the premature termination of the activity on Earth.
Keywords: morals, legislation, philosophy, law, truth, justice, values, anti-values.
Work bibliographic list
1. Gusejnov A. A. Filosofskie zametki // Filosofija —mysl' i postupok. SPbGUP, 2012.
Work bibliographic list
1. Gusejnov A. A. Filosofskie zametki // Filosofija —mysl' i postupok. SPbGUP, 2012.
2. Gusejnov A. A. Vvedenie. O predmete jetiki // Jetika:Uchebnik. M., 2006.
3. Kant I. Kritika chistogo razuma. M.: Izd-vo Jeksmo, 2006.
4. Kant I. Soch.: v 6-ti tomah. T. 2. M., 1964.
5. Kosenko E. V. Spravedlivost': filosofskij i juridicheskij aspekt // Mir cheloveka: normativnoe izmerenie — 3. Racional'nost' i legitimnost'. Saratov.2013.
6. Rolz Dzhon. Teorija spravedlivosti. M.: Izdatel'stvo LKI, 2010.
7. Sycheva L. Vlast' pomeshannyh na den'gah // Moskovskij komsomolec. 30.03.2013 g.
8. Samoe prekrasnoe, chto tol'ko mozhet vypast' nam na dolju, — jeto tajna. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa:
Eliseeva E. G.
On history of evolution and essence of trust
The article describes the brief history of evolution and essence of trust as a unique institution of the common law, which was shaped by virtue of peculiar historical circumstances associated with the social structure of England. The article also reveals the existing classifications of trusts, conditions of their operation, as well as their potential usage in countries with continental legal system.
The article describes the brief history of evolution and essence of trust as a unique institution of the common law, which was shaped by virtue of peculiar historical circumstances associated with the social structure of England. The article also reveals the existing classifications of trusts, conditions of their operation, as well as their potential usage in countries with continental legal system.
Keywords: trust, common law, beneficiary, trustee, trust administration of property.
Zhdanov P. S.
The crisis of the western legal tradition in the light of semiotic methodology
This article touches upon the methodology problem of crisis processes in contemporary Western legal systems’ research. Author points out the necessity of crisis phenomenons’ comprehension in the context of scale cultural process, linked with the change of worldview paradigms. The perspective of semiotic methodology usage is considered. In the framework of this approach legal tradition is analysed as a sign system, which functions inside the semiotic space of culture, what enables to research the changes of relation between them during the crisis period.
This article touches upon the methodology problem of crisis processes in contemporary Western legal systems’ research. Author points out the necessity of crisis phenomenons’ comprehension in the context of scale cultural process, linked with the change of worldview paradigms. The perspective of semiotic methodology usage is considered. In the framework of this approach legal tradition is analysed as a sign system, which functions inside the semiotic space of culture, what enables to research the changes of relation between them during the crisis period.
Keywords: Western legal tradition, crisis, culture, worldview, the Modern era, language, semiotics.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bahtin M. M. Tvorchestvo Fransua Rable i narodnaja kul'tura srednevekov'ja i Renessansa. — M., 2014.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bahtin M. M. Tvorchestvo Fransua Rable i narodnaja kul'tura srednevekov'ja i Renessansa. — M., 2014.
2. Berman G. Dzh. Zapadnaja tradicija prava: jepoha formirovanija. — M., 1998.
3. Lotman Ju. M. Semiosfera. — SPb., 2010.
4. Sorokin P. A. Krizis nashego vremeni. Social'nyj i kul'turnyj obzor. — M., 2009.
Gadzhieva H. I., Kerimhanova A. B.
The reforms in the state governance structure of the North Caucasus at the turn of the 21st century
The article deals with the reform of the state governance structure of the North Caucasus at the
The article deals with the reform of the state governance structure of the North Caucasus at the
turn of the century, held in the post-perestroika period. The article emphasizes the common features and peculiarities of the formation of the new republican state structures.
Keywords: reform, management structure, federal act, authority, republic, North Caucasus.
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon # 184 ot 6 oktjabrja 1999 g. «Ob obshhih principah organizacii zakonodatel'nyh (predstavitel'nyh) i ispolnitel'nyh organov vlasti sub"ektov Rossijskoj Federacii» // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii. — 1999. — # 42. —St. 5005.
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon # 184 ot 6 oktjabrja 1999 g. «Ob obshhih principah organizacii zakonodatel'nyh (predstavitel'nyh) i ispolnitel'nyh organov vlasti sub"ektov Rossijskoj Federacii» // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii. — 1999. — # 42. —St. 5005.
2. Federal'nyj zakon ot 8 fevralja 2001 # 3 «O vnesenii dopolnenij v Federal'nyj zakon «Ob obshhih principah organizacii zakonodatel'nyh (predstavitel'nyh) organov gosudarstvennoj vlasti sub"ektov Rossijskoj Federacii» // Rossijskaja gazeta. — 2001. — 10 fevralja.
3. Belousov V., Belousov M. Aktual'nye problemy realizacii politiki federal'nogo Centra na Severnom Kavkaze // Vlast'. — 2001. — # 2.
4. Kryshtanovskaja O. Anatomija rossijskoj jelity. — M.: Zaharov, 2005.
5. Stroev E. Ne navredi: razmyshlenija o reforme gosudarstvennogo ustrojstva Rossii // Nezavisimaja gazeta. — 2000. — 6 ijunja.
Chekunov S. A.
The issue of dual dimension (two aspects) of the ratification of international treaties — international and domestic
In this article the author describes the development of the concept of dual dimension (two aspects)
In this article the author describes the development of the concept of dual dimension (two aspects)
of ratification institute, different views of foreign and domestic lawyers. The author, on the basis of analysis of scientific literature formulates the most complete new modern concept of two aspects and requirements to the process of ratification of treaties in Russia and foreign countries.
Keywords: ratification, the law of treaties, international law, international treaties, international affairs, Vienna Convention on the law of treaties, Russia, Russian Federation.
Work bibliographic list
1. Abashidze A. H., Solncev A. M. Kamo grjadeshi?.. K 60-letiju Komissii mezhdunarodnogo prava OON //Moskovskij zhurnal mezhdunarodnogo prava. — 2009. —# 1 (73).
Work bibliographic list
1. Abashidze A. H., Solncev A. M. Kamo grjadeshi?.. K 60-letiju Komissii mezhdunarodnogo prava OON //Moskovskij zhurnal mezhdunarodnogo prava. — 2009. —# 1 (73).
2. Abashidze A. H. Pravo mezhdunarodnyh dogovorov //Mezhdunarodnoe pravo / Pod obshh. red. A. Ja. Kapustina. — M: Gardariki, 2008.
3. Belousova A. A. Pravo na zdorov'e, zakreplennoe v mezhdunarodnyh dogovorah po pravam cheloveka i ponimaemoe Konstitucionnym Sudom Kolumbii // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. — 2014. — # 12 (79).
4. Karandashov I. I. Vremennoe primenenie mezhdunarodnyh dogovorov v Rossijskoj Federacii // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. — 2014. — # 7 (74).
5. Kolosov Ju. M. Dva izmerenija instituta ratifikacii // Moskovskij zhurnal mezhdunarodnogo prava. —2004. — # 1.
6. Lukashuk I. I. Sovremennoe pravo mezhdunarodnyh dogovorov. — M., 2004.
7. Talalaev A. N. Venskaja konvencija o prave mezhduna- rodnyh dogovorov. Kommentarij. — M.: Izdatel'stvo «Juridicheskaja literatura», 1997.
8. Aust A. Modern Treaty Law. — Cambridge University Press, 2007.
9. Hiller T. Soucebook on public International law. — London, Sydney, 1988.
10. Kaczorowska A. Public International Law. — 3rd ed., 2010.
11. Oppenheim L. International Law. — Vol. I. — 8th ed., 1922.
Gabdrakhmanov F. V.
Genesis of criminal record in Soviet Russia
In the article based on the analysis of post-revolutionary law and the first scientific publications the content of the criminal record in Soviet Russia, its component parts and the effect of pre-revolutionary law are disclosed.
In the article based on the analysis of post-revolutionary law and the first scientific publications the content of the criminal record in Soviet Russia, its component parts and the effect of pre-revolutionary law are disclosed.
Keywords: criminal law, criminal record, cancellation of previous conviction, general legal consequences of conviction, Criminal Statute.
Work bibliographic list
1. Gabdrahmanov F. V. Posledstvija sudimosti v zakonodatel'nyh aktah dorevoljucionnoj Rossii (po materialam amnistii Vremennogo pravitel'stva) // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. —2015. — # 1 (80).
Work bibliographic list
1. Gabdrahmanov F. V. Posledstvija sudimosti v zakonodatel'nyh aktah dorevoljucionnoj Rossii (po materialam amnistii Vremennogo pravitel'stva) // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. —2015. — # 1 (80).
2. Golina V. V. Pogashenie i snjatie sudimosti po sovetskomu ugolovnomu pravu. — Har'kov: Vishha shkola, 1979.
3. Dekret Vserossijskogo Central'nogo Ispolnitel'nogo Komiteta ot 30 nojabrja 1918 g. «O Narodnom Sude Rossijskoj Socialisticheskoj Federativnoj Sovetskoj Respubliki (Polozhenie)» [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 2.10.2014).
4. Dekret Vserossijskogo Central'nogo Ispolnitel'nogo komiteta ot 7 marta 1918 g. «O sude» [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 2.10.2014).
5. Dekret VCIK ot 21 oktjabrja 1920 g. «Polozhenie o narodnom sude Rossijskoj Socialisticheskoj Federativnoj Sovetskoj Respubliki» // SU RSFSR. — 1920. — # 83. — St. 407 [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 2.02.2013).
6. Dekret Soveta Narodnyh Komissarov ot 20.07.1918 «O sude» [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 2.10.2014).
7. Dekret Soveta Narodnyh Komissarov RSFSR ot 16.12.1917 «Ob uravnenii v pravah vseh voennosluzhashhih» [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa: ussr/ussr_100.htm (data obrashhenija:15.03.2015).
8. Dekret Soveta Narodnyh Komissarov RSFSR ot 24 nojabrja 1917 g. «O sude» (p. 5) [Jelektronnyj resurs]. —Rezhim dostupa:; Dekret Vserossijskogo Central'nogo Ispolnitel'nogo Komiteta ot 7 marta 1918 g. # 2 «O sude» (p. 8) [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija:9.04.2015).
9. Eraksin V. V., Pomchalov L. F. Pogashenie i snjatie sudimosti v sovetskom ugolovnom prave. — M.: Izdatel'stvo Moskovskogo Universiteta, 1963.
10. Instrukcija Komissijam po delam o nesovershennoletnih, utverzhdennaja postanovleniem ot 30 ijulja 1920 g. (p. 10) [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa: http:// (data obrashhenija 25.03.2015).
11. Instrukcija Narkomjusta RSFSR ot 19 dekabrja 1917 g. «O Revoljucionnom Tribunale, ego sostave, delah, podlezhashhih ego vedeniju, nalagaemyh im nakazanijah i o porjadke vedenija ego zasedanij» [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa: ussr/ussr_114.htm (data obrashhenija 8.04.2015).
12. Ispravitel'no-Trudovoj Kodeks (ITK) RSFSR, utverzhdennyj postanovleniem Vserossijskogo Central'nogo Ispolnitel'nogo Komiteta ot 16 oktjabrja 1924 g. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 2.10.2014).
13. Kistjakovskij A. F. Jelementarnyj uchebnik obshhego ugolovnogo prava. T. 1. Chast' obshhaja. — Kiev, 1875.
14. Malkov V. P. Sovokupnost' prestuplenij. Voprosy kvalifikacii i naznachenija nakazanija / Malkov V. P.; Nauch. red.: Volkov B. S. — Kazan': Izd-vo Kazan. un-ta, 1974.
15. Nikiforov B. S. O recidive i sudimosti // Sovetskoe gosudarstvo i pravo. — 1957. — # 5.
16. Osinskij M. Amnistija i sudimost' // Ezhenedel'nik sovetskoj justicii. — 1924. — # 43. Shautaeva G. H. Sudimost' v ugolovnom prave i ee pravovoe znachenie: Avtoref. disser. na soiskanie uchenoj stepeni kandidata juridicheskih nauk; Nauch. ruk. V. P. Malkov. — Izhevsk, 2000.
17. Postanovlenie Narkomjusta RSFSR ot 15.11.1920 «Polozhenie ob obshhih mestah zakljuchenija R.S.F.S.R.». [Jelektronnyj resurs]. —Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 3.04.2012).
18. Postanovlenie Narodnogo Komissariata Justicii R. S.F.S.R. ot 15 nojabrja 1920 g. «Polozhenie ob obshhih mestah zakljuchenija RSFSR» [Jelektronnyj resurs]. —Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 2.10.2014).
19. Postanovlenie Narodnogo komissariata justicii RSFSR ot 24 janvarja 1918 g. «O tjuremnyh rabochih komandah» [Jelektronnyj resurs]. —Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 2.10.2014).
20. Postanovlenie NKVD RSFSR, Narkomjusta RSFSR ot 13.10.1918 «Ob organizacii Sovetskoj Raboche-Krest'janskoj Milicii (Instrukcija)» (pp.18, 19). [Jelektronnyj resurs]. —Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 9.04.2015).
21. Sbornik vysochajshe-utverzhdennyh mnenij Gosudarstvennogo soveta, raz"jasnjajushhih primenenie na praktike mnogih statej Ulozhenija o Nakazanijah i Ugolovnogo Sudoproizvodstva (T. XV, Kn. I i II) / Sost.N. Mejer. —B.m., 1862.
22. Sbornik dokumentov po istorii ugolovnogo zakonodatel'stva SSSR i RSFSR 1917–952 gg. / Pod red. I. T. Goljakova. —M., Gosjurizdat. —1953.
23. Tagancev N. S. Ugolovnoe pravo (Obshhaja chast'). Chast' 2. Po izdaniju 1902 g. 2003 g. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. —Rezhim dostupa: /instrum106/item1113.html (data obrashhenija: 3.01.2015).
24. Ugolovno-processual'nyj kodeks RSFSR, utverzhdennyj postanovleniem Vserossijskogo Central'nogo Ispolnitel'nogo Komiteta ot 25 maja 1922 g. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. —Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 2.10.2014).
25. Janchevskij B. Pogashenie sudimosti // Ezhenedel'nik sovetskoj justicii. —1924. —# 50. —24 dekabrja.
Dibirova A. I.
Establishment and strengthening of the Soviet state apparatus in Dagestan in 1920–1930
The paper considers the problem of formation and strengthening of the Soviet state apparatus in
The paper considers the problem of formation and strengthening of the Soviet state apparatus in
the first third of the twentieth century.
Keywords: the state apparatus, local authorities, Councils, zoning, district, political system.
Kondratyeva A. N.
Revisiting the prohibition of simony and the violation of the celibacy rules in medieval canon law of Western Europe
After the falling of the Roman Empire the Western Church came out of the circle, in which the imperial will was the law, and got interstate situation, as the uniform spiritual organism which isn't becoming isolated borders of the certain state. In process of evolution of religious and legal views ideas of illegality of acts changed too. In particular, such phenomenon of church life as simony and violation of the rules of celibacy, which promoted moral decay of clergy, were subjected to strong criticism. In this regard, measures on fight against the specified phenomena the adoption of measures to combat these phenomena began to occur long before gregoriani. However, it was succeeded to achieve certain results only during an era the classical Middle Ages when with the advent of Gratsian's “Decree” in the XII century there was an official simony recognition as crimes, but not as sinful act.
After the falling of the Roman Empire the Western Church came out of the circle, in which the imperial will was the law, and got interstate situation, as the uniform spiritual organism which isn't becoming isolated borders of the certain state. In process of evolution of religious and legal views ideas of illegality of acts changed too. In particular, such phenomenon of church life as simony and violation of the rules of celibacy, which promoted moral decay of clergy, were subjected to strong criticism. In this regard, measures on fight against the specified phenomena the adoption of measures to combat these phenomena began to occur long before gregoriani. However, it was succeeded to achieve certain results only during an era the classical Middle Ages when with the advent of Gratsian's “Decree” in the XII century there was an official simony recognition as crimes, but not as sinful act.
Keywords: Bible, Gratsian's “Decree”, holy order, Gregorian reform, sin, corruption, crime, sim Work bibliographic list
1. Kondrat'eva A. N. So otnoshenie ponjatij «greh» i «prestuplenie» v srednevekovom kanonicheskom prave Zapadnoj Evrope // Vestnik Kostromskogo Gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. N. A. Nekrasova. — 2014. —# 6. — S. 208–211.
1. Kondrat'eva A. N. So otnoshenie ponjatij «greh» i «prestuplenie» v srednevekovom kanonicheskom prave Zapadnoj Evrope // Vestnik Kostromskogo Gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. N. A. Nekrasova. — 2014. —# 6. — S. 208–211.
2. Kondrat'eva A. N., Romanovskaja V. B., Fedjushkina A. I. Stanovlenie universitetskogo obrazovanija kak katalizator razvitija kanonicheskogo prava v srednevekovoj Evrope // Juridicheskaja nauka: istorija i sovremennost'. — 2013. — # 12. — S. 41–45.
3. Moiseev V. V. Gosudarstvennaja politika protivodejstvija korrupcii v sovremennoj Rossii. — M.: Direkt- Media, 2014. — 505 s.
4. Muhina O. A. Bor'ba s korrupciej: uroki istorii // Uspehi sovremennogo estestvoznanija. — 2011. — # 8. —S. 243.
5. Romanovskaja V. B. Period Vysokogo Srednevekov'ja —vek innovacij v juridicheskom obrazovanii // Vestnik Nizhegorodskogo universiteta im. N. I. Lobachevskogo. — 2013. — # 3–2. — S. 174–176
6. Romanovskaja L. R., Ostroumov S. V., Fomichev M. N., Solov'jov S. A. Ohrana religii v zapadnoevropejskih gosudarstvah v period rannego srednevekov'ja //Genesis: istoricheskie issledovanija. — 2015. — # 1. —S.82–95.
7. Sal'nikov V. P. Institualizacija korrupcionnyh otnoshenij // Zashhita i bezopasnost'. — 2013. — # 1 (64). — S. 13–15;
8. Tolkovaja Biblija, ili Kommentarij na vse knigi Svjashhennogo Pisanija Vethogo i Novogo Zaveta. V 11 tt. / Pod redakciej A. P. Lopuhina (t. 1); izdanie preemnikov A. P. Lopuhina (tt. 2–11). — Peterburg, 1904–1913.
9. Brandt J. Das Reformpapsttum und die Bekämpfung der Simonie und des Nikolaitismus. — München, GRIN Verlag GmbH., 2007.
10. Gratianus. Concordia discordantium canonum // Patrologiae cursus completus… Series latina / Ed. J. P. Migne. — Vol. 187.
11. Eisermann F., Schlotheuber E., Honemann V. Studien und Texte zur literarischen und materiellen Kultur der Frauenklèoster im spèaten Mittelalter: Ergebnisse eines Arbeitsgesprèachs in der Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbèuttel. — 1999.
12. Der Investiturstreit. Quellen und Materialien (Lateinisch-Deutsch), hrsg. von Johannes Laudage und Matthias Schrör. — Köln, 2006.
13. Kempf F. Die mittelalterliche Kirche. Erster Halbband: Vom kirchlichen Frühmittelalter zur gregorianischen Reform, in: Handbuch der Kirchengeschichte III,1, Freiburg. — 1966.
14. Landau P. Europäische Rechtsgeschichte und kanonisches Recht im Mittelalter. Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Bachmann. — Badenweiler, 2013.
15. Welcker M. Die Simonie im frühen Mittelalter. Begriff und Erscheinung in ihrer Entwicklung von der Spätantike bis zum Investiturstreit, Diss. Tübingen. — 1952.
Ovchinnikova Yu. S.
On admissibility of intervention under the Covenant of the League of Nations
In anticipation of 100-year anniversary of the League of Nations establishment, and in view of the
In anticipation of 100-year anniversary of the League of Nations establishment, and in view of the
current world events, it is very important to remember the lessons learned during activities period of this organization. The detailed legal analysis of separate provisions of the League of Nations Covenant in which possibility of military intervention of this organization in the international conflict with the purpose of its settlement was directly or indirectly provided is presented in the present article.
Keywords: League of Nations, international organization, intervention, principles of international law, resolving of international conflicts.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bezopasnost' Evropy: Monografija / Otv. red. V. V. Zhurkin. — M.: «Ves' mir», 2011. — 748 c.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bezopasnost' Evropy: Monografija / Otv. red. V. V. Zhurkin. — M.: «Ves' mir», 2011. — 748 c.
2. Bismillah M. Koncepcija «gumanitarnoj intervencii» i suverenitet gosudarstv // Moskovskij zhurnal mezhdunarodnogo prava. — 2013. — # 4. — S. 179–188.
3. Ivanov L. N. Liga Nacij. — M.: Moskovskij rabochij, 1929. — 181 s.
Kerimhanova A. B., Saidova M.Z, Emirova M. N.
Position of deputies from North Caucasus to I State Duma (April — July, 1906) on development of projects of agrarian reforms in Russia
An attempt to trace work of deputies from North Caucasus in I State Thought in decision of one of the most difficult for Russia questions is undertaken in this article. An exactly open agrarian question came into to itself a notice and caused stormy debates of all political parties and factions. Forms of landownership and land-tenure during a few the century were and remain the basic factors of socioeconomic development of Russia. Not a single landed reform (1861, 1906, 1917, 1991) on earth did not decide the problem of propert complex. And in this plan experience of development of the landed reform causes interest in the walls of State Thought, where deputies, including from North Caucasus, from a thought tribune tried to decide legal a way that problem which peasants already began to decide independently, elemental a way, not hoping on a government.
An attempt to trace work of deputies from North Caucasus in I State Thought in decision of one of the most difficult for Russia questions is undertaken in this article. An exactly open agrarian question came into to itself a notice and caused stormy debates of all political parties and factions. Forms of landownership and land-tenure during a few the century were and remain the basic factors of socioeconomic development of Russia. Not a single landed reform (1861, 1906, 1917, 1991) on earth did not decide the problem of propert complex. And in this plan experience of development of the landed reform causes interest in the walls of State Thought, where deputies, including from North Caucasus, from a thought tribune tried to decide legal a way that problem which peasants already began to decide independently, elemental a way, not hoping on a government.
Key words: agrarian question, peasants, Thought, cadets, trudoviki, North Caucasian deputies,
projects of reforms.
Work bibliographic list
1. Agrarnyj vopros v I Gosudarstvennoj Dume. — Kiev, 1906.
Work bibliographic list
1. Agrarnyj vopros v I Gosudarstvennoj Dume. — Kiev, 1906.
2. Bulatov B. B. Dagestan na rubezhe XIX — XX vv. — Mahachkala. 1996. — 284 s.
3. Gosudarstvennaja Duma 1906–1917. Stenograficheskie otchety. 1.Sozyv I Cessija III. — SPb. 1908.
4. Gosudarstvennaja Duma. Stenograficheskie otchety. Sozyv II. Sessija II. Zasedanie XIX. — SPb. 1908.
5. Kerimhanova (Gamzaeva) A. B. Dejatel'nost' deputatov ot Severnogo Kavkaza v I — IV Gosudarstvennyh Dumah po resheniju agrarnogo voprosa (1906–1917 gg.). — Mahachkala, 2007. — 174s.
6. Spirin L. M. Rossija 1917 g. Iz istorii bor'by politicheskih partij. — M.: Nauka, 1987. —333 s.
7. Tan. Deputaty vtoroj Dumy // «Russkoe bogatstvo», aprel' 1907, # 4.
Buharov M. Ya.
The legal nature of cash, non-cash and electronic money as a subject of banking transactions on the Internet
The article presents a comprehensive economic and legal analysis of cash, non-cash and electronic money categories’ relationships as a matter of banking transactions on the Internet. The conclusion about expediency of the legislative delineation of electronic money into legitimate and not
The article presents a comprehensive economic and legal analysis of cash, non-cash and electronic money categories’ relationships as a matter of banking transactions on the Internet. The conclusion about expediency of the legislative delineation of electronic money into legitimate and not
legitimate is made.
Keywords: cash, non-cash money, electronic money, banking transactions on the Internet.
Work bibliographic list
1. Rossijskaja Federacija. Konstitucija (1993). Konstitucija Rossijskoj Federacii [Tekst] // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. — 2014. — # 31. — Ct. 4398.
Work bibliographic list
1. Rossijskaja Federacija. Konstitucija (1993). Konstitucija Rossijskoj Federacii [Tekst] // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. — 2014. — # 31. — Ct. 4398.
2. Rossijskaja Federacija. Zakony. Grazhdanskij kodeks RF (chast' pervaja) [Tekst]: [feder. zakon RF: ot 30 nojabrja 1994 g. # 51-FZ (v red. ot 11 fevralja 2013 g.) prinjat Gos. Dumoj Feder. Sobr. Ros. Federacii 21 oktjabrja 19994 g. // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. — 1994. —# 32. — St. 3301.
3. Rossijskaja Federacija. Zakony. O bankah i bankovskoj dejatel'nosti [Tekst]: [feder. zakon: ot 02 dekabrja 1990 g. # 395–1-FZ (v red. ot 29 dekabrja 2014 g.)]: pri-njat Gos. Dumoj Feder. Sobr. Ros. Federacii 18 nojabrja 2011 g.: odobren Sovetom Federacii Feder. Sobr. Ros.Federacii 29 nojabrja 2011 g. // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. — 2011. — # 6. — Ct. 492.
4. Rossijskaja Federacija. Zakony. O valjutnom regulirovanii i valjutnom kontrole [Tekst]: [feder. Zakon ot 10 dekabrja 2003 g. # 173-FZ (v red. ot 04 nojabrja 2014 g.)]: prinjat Gos. Dumoj Feder. Sobr. Ros. Federacii 21 nojabrja 2003 g.: odobren Sovetom Federacii Feder. Sobr. Ros. Federacii 26 nojabrja 2003 g. // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. — 2003. — # 50. — St. 4859.
5. Rossijskaja Federacija. Zakony. O Central'nom banke Rossijskoj Federacii (Banke Rossii) [Tekst]: [feder. zakon: ot 10 ijulja 2002 g. # 86-FZ (v red. ot 29 dekabrja
2014 g.)]: prinjat Gos. Dumoj Feder. Sobr. Ros. Federacii 4 marta 1998 g.: odobren Sovetom Federacii Feder. Sobr. Ros. Federacii 12 marta 1998 g. // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. — 2002. — # 28. — St. 2790.
6. Rossijskaja Federacija. Zakony. O nacional'noj platezhnoj sisteme [Tekst]: [feder. zakon: ot 27 ijunja 2011 g. # 161-FZ (v red. ot 29 dekabrja 2014 g.)]: prinjat Gos. Dumoj Feder. Sobr. Ros. Federacii 14 ijunja 2011 g.: odobren Sovetom Federacii Feder. Sobr. Ros. Federacii 22 ijunja 2011 g. // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. — 2011. — # 27. — St. 3872.
7. Rossijskaja Federacija. Zakony. Ob ispolnitel'nom proizvodstve [Tekst]: [feder. zakon: ot 02 oktjabrja 2007 g. # 229-FZ (v red. ot 06 aprelja 2015 g.)]: prinjat Gos. Dumoj Feder. Sobr. Ros. Federacii 14 sentjabrja 2007 g.: odobren Sovetom Federacii Feder. Sobr. Ros.
Federacii 19 sentjabrja 2007 g. // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. — 2007. — # 41. — St. 4849.
8. A glossary of terms used in payments and settlement systems. CPSS BIS // Bank for International Settlements. March 2003 [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa:
9. Direktiva Evropejskogo Parlamenta i Soveta Evropejskogo Sojuza 2000/46/ES ot 18 sentjabrja 2000 g. ob uchrezhdenii i dejatel'nosti organizacij, jemitirujushhih jelektronnye den'gi, i o prudencial'nom nadzore za ih dejatel'nost'ju // Oficial'nyj Zhurnal Evropejskogo Soobshhestva L 275, 27.10.2000.
10. Doklad Evropejskogo Central'nogo banka «Ob jelektronnyh den'gah», avgust 1998 g/ European Central Bank, 1998, Postfach 16 03 19, D-60066 Frankfurt am Main Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa:
11. Postanovlenie Pravitel'stva RF ot 30.03.2013 # 285 «O trebovanijah k juridicheskim licam, otvetstvennym za postuplenie na schet Federal'nogo kaznachejstva i (ili) na schet, opredelennyj mezhdunarodnym dogovorom gosudarstv — chlenov Tamozhennogo sojuza, denezhnyh sredstv, uplachennyh s ispol'zovaniem jelektronnyh terminalov, platezhnyh terminalov i bankomatov, a takzhe obespechivajushhim nadlezhashhee ispolnenie prinimaemyh na sebja objazatel'stv v sootvetstvii s zakonodatel'stvom Rossijskoj Federacii putem predostavlenija bankovskih garantij i (ili) vnesenija denezhnyh sredstv (deneg) na schet Federal'nogo kaznachejstva, i porjadke organizacii vzaimodejstvija mezhdu nimi, platel'shhikami tamozhennyh poshlin, nalogov i federal'nym organom ispolnitel'noj vlasti, upolnomochennym v oblasti tamozhennogo dela» [Tekst]: [postanovlenie Pravitel'stva RF ot 30 marta 2013 g. # 285] // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. — 2013. —
# 14. — St. 1702.
12. Postanovlenie Plenuma Verhovnogo Suda RF ot 28.06.2012 # 17 «O rassmotrenii sudami grazhdanskih del po sporam o zashhite prav potrebitelej» // Bjulleten' Verhovnogo Suda RF. —# 9. —Sentjabr', 2012.
13. Rossijskaja Federacija. Central'nyj Bank. Polozhenie o pravilah osushhestvlenija perevoda denezhnyh sredstv [Tekst]: [prikaz CB RF: ot 19 ijunja 2012 g. # 383-P (v red. ot 29 aprelja 2014 g.)] // Vestnik Banka Rossii. — 2012. —# 34.
14. Rossijskaja Federacija. Central'nyj bank. Pis'mo o predostavlenii klientam —fizicheskim licam informacii ob osobennostjah okazanija uslug po perevodu jelektronnyh denezhnyh sredstv Banka Rossii [Tekst]:[pis'mo CB RF: ot 20 dekabrja 2013 g. # 249-T] // Vestnik Banka Rossii. — 2014. — # 2.
15. Rossijskaja Federacija. Central'nyj Bank. Ukazanie Banka Rossii o porjadke vydachi registracionnyh svidetel'stv kreditnym organizacijam — rezidentam na osushhestvlenie jemissii predoplachennyh finansovyh produktov [Tekst]: [ukazanie CB RF: ot 03 marta 1998 # 277-U (utratilo juridicheskuju silu) // Vestnik Banka Rossii. — 1998. — # 46.
16. Proekt Federal'nogo zakona «O vnesenii izmenenij v otdel'nye zakonodatel'nye akty Rossijskoj Federacii» (podgotovlen Minfinom Rossii) (ne vnesen v GD FS RF, tekst po sostojaniju na 07.11.2014) [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa: Spravochno-pravovaja sistema Konsul'tant.
17. Proekt Federal'nogo zakona «O vnesenii izmenenij v otdel'nye zakonodatel'nye akty Rossijskoj Federacii» (podgotovlen Minfinom Rossii) (ne vnesen v GD FS RF, tekst po sostojaniju na 11.03.2015) [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa: Spravochno-pravovaja sistema Konsul'tant.
18. Informacionnoe soobshhenie Rosfinmonitoringa «Ob ispol'zovanii kriptovaljut» [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa:
19. «Jekspertnoe zakljuchenie po proektu Federal'nogo zakona «O vnesenii izmenenij v otdel'nye zakonodatel'nye akty Rossijskoj Federacii» (prinjato na zasedanii Soveta pri Prezidente RF po kodifikacii i sovershenstvovaniju grazhdanskogo zakonodatel'stva
24.11.2014 # 136–8/2014) [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa: Spravochno-pravovaja sistema Konsul'tant.
20. Agapova I. I. Istorija jekonomicheskih uchenij: ucheb. posobie. — M.: Jekonomist", 2005.
21. Aksenov V. S., Nesterenko Ju. N., Osipovskaja A. V. i dr. Banking v informacionnoj jekonomike: Uchebnoe posobie / Pod obshh. red. V. S. Aksenova; RGGU. — Moskva: Jekonomika, 2012. — 351 s. — (Vysshee obrazovanie.)
22. Andreev A. F., Kuznecov V. A., Mamuta M. V., Martynov V. G., Paramonov L. S., Puhov A. V., Shamra-A. V. Jelektronnye den'gi. Internet-platezhi.: Market DS, CIPSiR; 2010.
23. Belousov V. D., Birjukov V. A., Kashirin V. V., Nesterov A. A. Rossijskie denezhnye reformy: Monografija pod red. dokt. jekon. nauk, prof. V. V. Kashirina. — M.: Izdatel'sko-torgovaja korporacija «Dashkov i Ko», 2014.
24. Genkin A. S. Planeta Web-deneg v XXI veke: uchebnoe posobie. — M.: KNORUS, 2008.
25. Genkin A. Jelektronnye platezhi: Budushhee nastupaet segodnja / Artem Genkin, Ekaterina Suvorova. — M.: Al'pina Pablisherz, 2011.
26. Gribov A. Ju. Institucional'naja teorija deneg: sushhnost' i pravovoj rezhim deneg i cennyh bumag. — M.:RIOR, 2013.
27. Dzhevons U. St. Den'gi i mehanizm obmena / Uil'jam Stenli Dzhevons; per. s angl. — Cheljabinsk: Socium, 2006 (Serija: «Biblioteka GVL: Jekonomika»).
28. Efimova L. G. Bankovskie sdelki: Akutal'nye problemy: dis. … dokt. jurid.nauk: 12.00.03 / Efimova Ljudmila Georgievna. — Moskva, 2000.
29. Ioffe O. S. Izbrannye trudy: V 4 t. T. II. Sovetskoe grazhdanskoe pravo. — SPb.: Izdatel'stvo «Juridicheskij centr Press», 2004.
30. Krivoruchko S. V. Nacional'naja platezhnaja sistema:struktura, tehnologii, regulirovanie. Mezhdunarodnyj opyt, rossijskaja praktika / S. V. Krivoruchko, V. A. Lopatin. — M.: KNORUS: CIPSiR, 2013.
Takmakova E. V., Firsova O. N.
Legislative and regulatory framework for the regulation of household incomes in the Russian Federation
The article deals with the essence of the mechanism of formation and regulation of household income, as well as questions of development of its legal and regulatory framework.
The article deals with the essence of the mechanism of formation and regulation of household income, as well as questions of development of its legal and regulatory framework.
Keywords: household, household income, household incomes policy, the mechanism of formation and regulation of household income.
Work bibliographic list
1. Konstitucija Rossijskoj Federacii. — M.: AST, Astrel', 2009.
Work bibliographic list
1. Konstitucija Rossijskoj Federacii. — M.: AST, Astrel', 2009.
2. Trudovoj kodeks RF [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa:
3. Butova L. M. Dohody naselenija v sisteme blagosostojanija i mehanizmy ih regulirovanija: Diss. … kand. jekon. nauk: 08.00.01. — Voronezh, 2006.
4. Takmakova E. V., Stecenko A. V. Politika raspredelenija dohodov kak faktor jekonomicheskogo i social'nogo razvitija obshhestva // Internet-zhurnal «Naukovedenie». — 2013. — # 3 [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa:
Fetyukov F. V.
Reconciling the interests of state power with private and corporate interests of citizens as a condition for the functioning of state and civil society interaction mechanism
The article deals with private, corporate interests and the interests of the state power, consistency
The article deals with private, corporate interests and the interests of the state power, consistency
of which is essential for the functioning of the interaction mechanism between the state and civil
Keywords: the interests of the government, public interest, private interest, the consistency of the mechanism of interaction between government and civil society.
Work bibliographic list
1. Aubakirova I. U. K voprosu o sootnoshenii publichnyh i chastnyh interesov v kontekste predelov gosudarstvennogo upravlenija // Gosudarstvennaja vlast' i mestnoe samoupravlenie. — 2014. — # 10.
Work bibliographic list
1. Aubakirova I. U. K voprosu o sootnoshenii publichnyh i chastnyh interesov v kontekste predelov gosudarstvennogo upravlenija // Gosudarstvennaja vlast' i mestnoe samoupravlenie. — 2014. — # 10.
2. Gegel' G. V. F. Filosofija prava. / Per. s nem.: red. i sost. D. A. Kerimov i V. S. Nersesjanc. — M.: Mysl', 1990.
3. Gosudarstvo, obshhestvo, lichnost': problemy sovmestimosti / Pod obshh. red. R. A. Romashova, N. S. Nizhnik. —M.: Jurist". 2005.
4. Grazhdanskoe obshhestvo: istoki i sovremennost' / Nauch. red. prof. I. I. Kal'noj, doc. I. N. Lopushanskij. —3-e izd., pererab. i dop. — SPb.: Izdatel'stvo R. Aslanova «Juridicheskij centr Press», 2006.
5. Zavadskaja L. N. Mehanizm realizacii prava. — M.: Nauka, 1992.
6. Iering R. Cel' v prave. T. 1. — Sankt-Peterburg: Izdanie N. V. Murav'eva, 1881.
7. Isaev I. A. Gosudarstvennyj interes i gosudarstvennoe upravlenie // Istorija gosudarstva i prava. —2014. — # 9.
8. Maslakova N. Ju. Gosudarstvennyj interes // Vestnik JuUrGU. — 2008. — # 18.
9. Haliulin V. E. Soglasovanie interesov sub"ektov prava kak predposylka formirovanija grazhdanskogo obshhestva v Rossijskoj Federacii: monografija. — S.: «Izdatel'stvo «Nauchnaja kniga», 2010.
10. Tihomirov Ju. A. Publichnoe pravo: padenie i vzlety // Gosudarstvo i pravo. — M.: Nauka. — 1996. — # 1.
11. Cybulevskaja O. I. Gosudarstvo i grazhdanskoe obshhestvo: metodologicheskij aspekt vzaimodejstvija // Otvetstvennost' vlasti pered grazhdanskim obshhestvom: mehanizmy kontrolja i vzaimodejstvija: sbornik nauchnyh statej. — Saratov: Izd-vo Povolzh. in-ta P. A. Stolypina, 2014.
Alekseeva T. V.
Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) institutions in modern non-governmental public organizations in Russia
The article deals with a number of modern Russian civil society development issues focused on
The article deals with a number of modern Russian civil society development issues focused on
the practice of certain alternative dispute resolution institutions.
Keywords: alternative dispute resolution institutions, non-governmental public organizations,
arbitration, mediation.
Work bibliographic list
1. Vlast' sovetov. — 1929. — # 47.
Work bibliographic list
1. Vlast' sovetov. — 1929. — # 47.
2. Pravda. — 1927. — 14 sent.
3. Lagovner N. Narodnyj sud. Lekcii zaochnyh kursov sovetskogo stroitel'stva. — M., 1930.
4. Poljakov A. I. O tendencijah formirovanija nepravitel'stvennyh obshhestvennyh organizacij osushhestvljajushhih dejatel'nost' po ohrane interesov grazhdan v Rossii vo vtoroj polovine XIX veka // Pravo i obrazovanie. — 2015. — # 2.
5. Cherdakov O. I. O nekotoryh aspektah dejatel'nosti negosudarstvennyh organizacij v bol'shevistskoj pravoohranitel'noj sisteme (v period stanovlenija Sovetskoj vlasti v 20–30-e gody) // Pravovaja politika: federal'nye i regional'nye problemy. Materialy
nauchnoj konferencii, 22–23 ijunja 2000 g. — Tol'jatti: VolGU, 2001.
Svalova N. A., Noskova Yu. B.
The relationship between the concepts of «family members of the officer of internal affairs bodies’ and «family members of the owner of the premises and tenant of dwellings under a contract of social rent» in the provision of the one-off social payment for the purchase or construction of residential premises to employees of internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation
The scientific relevance of the article’s topic is determined by a number of legal order factors.
The scientific relevance of the article’s topic is determined by a number of legal order factors.
In connection with the reform of the police it is adopted a new law on social guarantees for the
employees of internal affairs bodies, one of which is one-off social benefit for the purchase or
construction of residential premises. Legal norms regulating the procedure for the provision of the
specified one-time welfare payments in some cases do not meet the formal criteria of certainty, and therefore do not provide adequate regulation of relations arising during implementation of a police officer’s right to housing.
Keywords: social guarantee, the right to housing, family members of the police officer, family members of the owner of the residential premises, family members of the tenant under the contract
of social rent.
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nogo zakona ot 07.02.2011 # 3-FZ «O policii» // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii. — 2011. — # 30 (ch. 1). — St. 4595.
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nogo zakona ot 07.02.2011 # 3-FZ «O policii» // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii. — 2011. — # 30 (ch. 1). — St. 4595.
2. Federal'nyj zakon ot 19.07.2011 # 247-FZ «O social'nyh garantijah sotrudnikam organov vnutrennih del Rossijskoj Federacii i vnesenii izmenenij v otdel'nye zakonodatel'nye akty Rossijskoj Federacii» //SZ RF. — 2011. — # 30 (ch. 1). — St. 4595.
3. Zhilishhnyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ot 29.12.2004 # 188-FZ // SZ RF. — 2005. — # 1 (chast' 1). — St. 14.
4. Postanovlenie Pravitel'stva RF «O predostavlenii edinovremennoj social'noj vyplaty dlja priobretenija ili stroitel'stva zhilogo pomeshhenija sotrudnikam organov vnutrennih del Rossijskoj Federacii» ot 30 dekabrja 2011 g. # 1223 // SZ RF. — 2012. — # 3. —St. 430.
Leonteva E. V.
Sources of legal regulation of agricultural production cooperation in Russia
This article considers the notion of sources of the agricultural cooperative law. It provides classification of the legal sources with the breakdown into specific types depending on their legal
This article considers the notion of sources of the agricultural cooperative law. It provides classification of the legal sources with the breakdown into specific types depending on their legal
force, contents of the regulatory legal acts, adoption procedure of the latter with regard to the bodies adopting the regulatory legal act.
Keywords: constitution of the Russian Federation, type of ownership, commercial corporations, production cooperatives, consumer cooperatives, non-commercial corporations, agrarian reform, land reform, agricultural cooperation, unified and diversified legal norms.
Work bibliographic list
1. Agrarnaja politika i agrarnoe pravo ES, Ukrainy, Belorussii i Kazahstana, Kurs lekcij / Nauch. red. d. ju.n., prof. Bystrov G. E., d. ju.n., prof. Voronin B. A. — Ekaterinburg, 2013.
Work bibliographic list
1. Agrarnaja politika i agrarnoe pravo ES, Ukrainy, Belorussii i Kazahstana, Kurs lekcij / Nauch. red. d. ju.n., prof. Bystrov G. E., d. ju.n., prof. Voronin B. A. — Ekaterinburg, 2013.
2. Bystrov G. E. Sovershenstvovanie kooperativnogo zakonodatel'stva i koncepcija proekta Federal'nogo zakona «O kooperacii v Rossijskoj Federacii» // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. — 2014. — # 6 (73).
3. Bystrov G. E. Kooperativnoe zakonodatel'stvo Rossii i gosudarstv ES. — Lambert Academic Publishing, 2012.
4. Bystrov G. E. Gosudarstvennoe regulirovanie sel'skogo hozjajstva. // Agrarnoe pravo, Kniga 1. Chast' obshhaja. Uchebnik. / Nauch. red. d. ju.n., prof. Bystrov G. E., d. ju.n.,prof. Voronin B. A. — Ekaterinburg, 2013.
5. Bajtenova A. A. Kommentarij k Federal'nomu zakonu ot 8 dekabrja 1995 g. # 193-FZ «O sel'skohozjajstvennoj kooperacii» (postatejnyj) — M.: Justicinform, 2010.
6. Gosudarstvennoj programmy razvitija sel'skogo hozjajstva i regulirovanija rynkov sel'skohozjajstvennoj produkcii, syr'ja i prodovol'stvija na 2013–2020 gg. — M., 2012.
7. Dem'janenko V. N., Dem'janenko V. V. Sel'skohozjajstvenno-kooperativnoe pravo. — Saratov, 2005.
8. Doklad ob ustojchivom razvitii sel'skih territorij Rossijskoj Federacii. — M.: Kreml', 2014.
9. Nazarenko V. I. Sel'skohozjajstvennaja kooperacija. — M., 2012.
10. Informacionnye materialy po opytu Germanii v oblasti agrarnoj politiki / Red. I. D. Rudaj — Rukovoditel' apparata Komiteta Gosudarstvennoj Dumy po agrarnym voprosam, Gosudarstvennyj sovetnik Rossijskoj Federacii 1 klassa. — M., 1999.
11. Papcov A. G. Jekonomika agrarnogo sektora razvityh stran v uslovijah mirovogo prodovol'stvennogo krizisa. — M., 2009.
12. Pravovoe obespechenie organizacii i dejatel'nosti kooperativov v sferah proizvodstva i uslug. AN SSSR. IGP. — M., 1989.
13. Pravovoe obespechenie razvitija sel'skogo hozjajstva v Rossii. / d. ju.n. prof., zasl. dejatel' nauki RF Bogoljubov S. A. — M., 2005.
14. Pravovoe obespechenie razvitija sel'skohozjajstvennoj kooperacii. / Otv. red. d. ju.n. prof. Beljaeva Z. S. — M., 2005.
15. Proizvodstvennye kooperativy v Rossii na poroge HHI veka. — M.,1996.
16. Churilova T. N., Shilova N. P. Pravovoe regulirovanie otnoshenij v sel'skohozjajstvennyh obsluzhivajushhih kooperativah Ukrainy i Rossii: Monografija. — Vologda, 2011.
Mkrtchyan M. K.
The concept and features of housing corresponding to the conditions for classification as low-income dwelling
The article proposes the definition of dwelling corresponding to the conditions for classification
The article proposes the definition of dwelling corresponding to the conditions for classification
as low-income dwelling to be enshrined in article 15 of the Housing code of Russia. The author draws special attention to the extension of the basic features of housing to the price index in the context of the problem and proposed mechanism for its calculation.
Keywords: low-income dwelling, price index, citizen, Housing code.
Work bibliographic list
1. Vishnevskaja I. S., Selivanova E. S. Zhilishhnoe pravo Rossijskoj Federacii. — Rostov n/D.: Feniks, 2007.
Work bibliographic list
1. Vishnevskaja I. S., Selivanova E. S. Zhilishhnoe pravo Rossijskoj Federacii. — Rostov n/D.: Feniks, 2007.
2. Grazhdanskoe pravo. Chast' vtoraja / Otv. red. V. P. Mozolin. — M.: Jurist", 2007.
3. Kachalova I. V. Pravo sobstvennosti i inye veshhnye prava grazhdan na zhilye pomeshhenija: Avtoref. diss.… kand. jurid. nauk. — M., 2006.
4. Kornilova N. V. Zhiloe pomeshhenie: ponjatie, priznaki i vidy. — M.: Intel-Sintez, 2007. — Vyp. # 3.
5. Narodnye kvartiry: prelesti i iz"jany [Jelektronnyj resurs] // Gazeta o nedvizhimosti «Dom.Stroj». — Re-
zhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 22.04.2015 g.).
6. Zhilishhnyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii. [Jelektronnyj resurs] // Oficial'nyj internet-portal pravovoj informacii. — Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 22.04.2015 g.).
7. Federal'nyj zakon ot 21.07.2014 # 224-FZ «O vnesenii izmenenij v Gradostroitel'nyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii i otdel'nye zakonodatel'nye akty Rossijskoj Federacii» [Jelektronnyj resurs] // Oficial'nyj internet-portal pravovoj informacii. — Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija:20.04.2015 g.).
8. Ukaz Prezidenta Rossijskoj Federacii ot 07.05.2012 # 600 «O merah po obespecheniju grazhdan Rossijskoj Federacii dostupnym i komfortnym zhil'em i povysheniju kachestva zhilishhno-kommunal'nyh uslug» [Jelektronnyj resurs] // Oficial'nyj internet-portal pravovoj informacii. — Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 20.04.2015 g.).
9. Postanovlenie Pravitel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii ot 05.05.2014 # 404 «O nekotoryh voprosah realizacii programmy «Zhil'e dlja rossijskoj sem'i» v ramkah gosudarstvennoj programmy Rossijskoj Federacii «Obespechenie dostupnym i komfortnym zhil'em i kommunal'nymi uslugami grazhdan Rossijskoj Federacii”» [Jelektronnyj resurs] // Oficial'nyj internet-portal pravovoj informacii. — Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija:20.04.2015 g.).
10. Prikaz Ministerstva regional'nogo razvitija Rossijskoj Federacii ot 28.06.2010 # 303. Zhurnal «Informacionnyj bjulleten' o normativnoj, metodicheskoj i tipovoj proektnoj dokumentacii». — 2010. — Vyp.# 10.
11. Prikaz Ministerstva stroitel'stva i zhilishhno-kommunal'nogo hozjajstva Rossijskoj Federacii ot 05.05.2014 # 223/pr. // Rossijskaja gazeta. — 2014. —# 148 [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija:22.04.2015 g.).
12. Prikaz Ministerstva stroitel'stva i zhilishhno-kommunal'nogo hozjajstva Rossijskoj Federacii ot 14.01.2015 # 5/pr. // Rossijskaja gazeta. — 2015. — # 27 [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa: http:// (data obrashhenija:22.04.2015 g.).
Mishalchenko Yu. V., Tarando Ye. Ye., Pruel N. A.
Allocation of copyright in the field of publication of scientific articles: international and national legal and sociological aspects
In the article on the basis of international and national legal and sociological research the features of real allocation of copyright when publishing scientific articles are analyzed. The features of author’s fee and the cases of its payment are investigated. The main violations of copyright on the part of authors are exposed.
In the article on the basis of international and national legal and sociological research the features of real allocation of copyright when publishing scientific articles are analyzed. The features of author’s fee and the cases of its payment are investigated. The main violations of copyright on the part of authors are exposed.
Keywords: copyright, sociological analysis of copyright, allocation of copyright, author’s fee, violations on the part of authors.
Work bibliographic list
1. Volynkina M. Pravo intellektual'noj sobstvennosti v svete poslednih izmenenij: korotko o glavnom // Intellektual'naja sobstvennost'. Avtorskoe pravo i smezhnye prava. — 2014. — # 8.
Work bibliographic list
1. Volynkina M. Pravo intellektual'noj sobstvennosti v svete poslednih izmenenij: korotko o glavnom // Intellektual'naja sobstvennost'. Avtorskoe pravo i smezhnye prava. — 2014. — # 8.
2. Dobrjakova N. I. Nekotorye voprosy ogranichenija avtorskih prav v otnoshenii nauchnyh i uchebnyh proizvedenij // Pravo intellektual'noj sobstvennosti. —2012. — # 1.
3. Zenin I. A. Lichnye neimushhestvennye intellektual'nye prava avtora // Pravo intellektual'noj sobstvennosti. — 2012. — # 6.
4. Zenin I. A. Sub"ekty i ob"ekty intellektual'nyh avtorskih prav // Pravo intellektual'noj sobstvennosti. — 2012. — # 4.
5. Zimin V. A. Sootnoshenie ponjatij «intellektual'naja sobstvennost'» i «intellektual'nye prava» po zakonodatel'stvu Rossijskoj Federacii // Pravo intellek-
tual'noj sobstvennosti. — 2014. — # 5.
6. Zimin V. Ob"ekty intellektual'nyh prav i ih klassifikacija // Intellektual'naja sobstvennost'. Avtorskoe pravo i smezhnye prava. — 2014. — # 7.
7. Zimin V. Sistema intellektual'nyh prav: postanovka problemy // Intellektual'naja sobstvennost'. Avtorskoe pravo i smezhnye prava. — 2014. — # 4.
8. Linet O. Priobretenie i prodazha avtorskih prav na literaturnye proizvedenija. — M.: Aspekt-Press, 2000.
9. Mahonina L. Ponjatie i priznaki rezul'tatov intellektual'noj dejatel'nosti // Intellektual'naja sobstvennost'. Avtorskoe pravo i smezhnye prava. —2014. — # 7.
10. Nikitina A. Avtorskih dogovor s uchastiem inostrannyh lic // Intellektual'naja sobstvennost'. Avtorskoe pravo i smezhnye prava. — 2014. — # 3.
11. Semiletov S. I. Informacija kak osobyj nematerial'nyj ob"ekt prava // Gosudarstvo i pravo. — 2000. — # 5.
12. Skopincev I. V. Pravovye osnovy zashhity ob"ektov intellektual'noj sobstvennosti. — M.: MGUIJe, 2008.
13. Sudarikov S. A. Pravo intellektual'noj sobstvennosti. — M.: Prospekt, 2009.
14. Arnesen Ch. P. Protection of traditional cultural expressions: an EU perspective // Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice. — 2014. — # 5.
15. Bently L., Sherman B. Intellectual Property Law. Copyright. — Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001.
16. Blanco White T. A., Jacob R. Patents, trademarks, copyright and industrial designs. — London: Sweet & Maxwell, 1986.
17. Burfitt B., Heathcote M. Valuing footsteps — towards a valuation model of indigenous knowledge and culture expression for the sustainability of indigenous people’s culture // Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice. — 2014. — # 5.
18. Carruthers B. G., Ariovich L. The Sociology of Property Rights // Annual Review of Sociology. — 2004. August.
19. Geider Ch., Izyumenko E. Copyrights on the Human Rights’ Trial: Redefining the Boundaries of Exclusivity Through Freedom of Expression // International Review of Intellectual Property & Competition Law. — 2014. — # 3.
20. Gervais D. J. Feist Goes Global: A Comparative Analysis of The Notion of Originality in Copyright Law // The Journal of the Copyright Society of the USA. — 2002. — # 4.
21. Harding I., Sweetland E. Moral rights in the modern world: is it time for a change? // Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice. — 2012. — # 8.
22. Kazi I. The Cost of IP protection: Making Europe More Competitive // European Intellectual Property Review. — 2011. — # 3.
23. Kozinski A. I Licensed Nimmer // The Journal of the Copyright Society of the USA. — 2013. — # 2.
24. Kunstadt R. M. IP jury trials — trouble ahead? // Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice. — 2014. — # 8.
25. Lavik E., van Gompel S. On the Prospects of Raising the Originality Requirement in Copyright Law: Perspective from the Humanities // The Journal of the Copyright Society of the USA. — 2013. — # 3.
26. Malyshev V. A., Pruel N. A. Institutional problems of Bolonsky process: calls for social management // Paper presented at Sixth International scientific conference «Applied Sciences and technologies in the Unites States and Europe: common challenges and scientific findings». — New York: Cibunet Publishing, 2014.
27. North D. C. Institutions, transaction costs, and economic growth // Economic Inquiry. — 1987. — # 3.
28. Pallante M. A. Saluting Nimmer on Copyright // The Journal of the Copyright Society of the USA. — 2013. — # 2.
Makarova S. N.
Institutional forms and legal bases of security of intellectual property rights (by the example of infocommunication services)
The article considers the problems of security of intellectual property rights in modern economy
The article considers the problems of security of intellectual property rights in modern economy
by the example of infocommunication services. The special attention is focused on the existing forms and legal bases of security of intellectual property rights in Russia and abroad.
Keywords: intellectual property rights, objects of intellectual property, infocommunication services, security.
Work bibliographic list
1. Grazhdanskij kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii (chast' chetvertaja) ot 18.12.2006 # 230-FZ (red. ot 31.12.2014) [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija:02.02.2015 g.).
Work bibliographic list
1. Grazhdanskij kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii (chast' chetvertaja) ot 18.12.2006 # 230-FZ (red. ot 31.12.2014) [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija:02.02.2015 g.).
2. Kamil Idris. Intellektual'naja sobstvennost' —moshhnyj instrument jekonomicheskogo rosta [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 23.08.2014 g.)
3. Chulok A. A. Zashhita prav na intellektual'nuju sobstvennost' v Rossii i za rubezhom: problemy izmerenija i mezhdunarodnye sopostavlenija // Rossijskij zhurnal menedzhmenta. — 2006. — # 2.
Galushkin A. A.
Cyberespionage in the conditions of globalization at the present stage
In the present article the concept of cyberespionage, questions of cyberespionage in the conditions
In the present article the concept of cyberespionage, questions of cyberespionage in the conditions
of information technologies and development of the global information and telecommunication Internet network are considered by the author. On the basis of the available information author proves how actual this problem is.
Keywords: Internet, cyberespionage, networks, communications, Internet, perspective.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bejsli-Uoker B., Bommelaer K., Vasil'ev V. L., Veber R., Kummer M., Orlov V. A., Ponder Ja., Rid U., Jakushev M. V. Mezhdunarodnaja informacionnaja bezopasnost' i global'noe upravlenie internetom: vzgljad iz Zhenevy glazami rossijskih i mezhdunarodnyh jekspertov // Indeks bezopasnosti. — 2013. — # 1 (104).
Work bibliographic list
1. Bejsli-Uoker B., Bommelaer K., Vasil'ev V. L., Veber R., Kummer M., Orlov V. A., Ponder Ja., Rid U., Jakushev M. V. Mezhdunarodnaja informacionnaja bezopasnost' i global'noe upravlenie internetom: vzgljad iz Zhenevy glazami rossijskih i mezhdunarodnyh jekspertov // Indeks bezopasnosti. — 2013. — # 1 (104).
2. Kasenova M. B. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo i Internet. Mezhdunarodnye iniciativy SShA v otnoshenii kiberprostranstva // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. — 2011. — # 10 (41).
3. Chesnokov N. A. Pravovye osnovy informacionnoj bezopasnosti v sovremennyh uslovijah // Pravovaja iniciativa. — 2013. — # 4.
4. Chopra R., Sushila M. Testing Websites by P3R2 Model //International Journal of Computer Science. — 2012. — Vol.9. — Iss. 4.
5. Lakomy M. Red Teaming the Red Team: Utilizing Cyber Espionage to Combat Terrorism // Journal of Strategic Security. — 2013. — Vol. 6. — Iss. 3.
Lackman I. A., Maksimenko Z. V., Grigorchuk T. I., Rezvanova E. R.
Optimization of work with past due debts for collection department/agency management
Implementation of collection scoring system involves the construction of an effective system for working with past due debts, as well as a significant reduction of costs and their optimization. The proposed collection scoring model allows evaluation of possibility that the debtor will make payments and also the most likely amount that he will pay. The obtained results allow analyzing the debts’ portfolio and choosing effective collection methods for each debtor.
Implementation of collection scoring system involves the construction of an effective system for working with past due debts, as well as a significant reduction of costs and their optimization. The proposed collection scoring model allows evaluation of possibility that the debtor will make payments and also the most likely amount that he will pay. The obtained results allow analyzing the debts’ portfolio and choosing effective collection methods for each debtor.
Keywords: collection scoring, debt collection, Heckman model
Work bibliographic list
1. Heckman J. J. Sample Selection Bias as a Specification Error. Econometrica, 1979, 47 (1), 153–161.
Work bibliographic list
1. Heckman J. J. Sample Selection Bias as a Specification Error. Econometrica, 1979, 47 (1), 153–161.
2. Logisticheskaja regressija i ROC-analiz - matematicheskij apparat. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:, svobodnyj. – Zagl. s jekrana.
3. Maksimenko Z.V., Lakman I.A., Rozanova L.F. Informacionnaja podderzhka formirovanija strategii vzyskanija prosrochennoj zadolzhennosti na osnove kollektorskogo skoringa // Informacionnye tehnologii i sistemy [Jelektronnyj resurs]: tr. Chetvertoj Mezhdunar. nauch. konf., Bannoe, Rossija, 25 fevr. - 1 marta 2015 g. (ITiS – 2015) : nauch. jelektron. izd. / otv. red. Ju. S. Popkov, A. V. Mel'nikov. Cheljabinsk : Izd-vo Cheljab.gos. un-ta, 2015. – S. 131–132.
4. Mihmel' P.S., Dovgij N.V. Kollektorskij skoring (collection scoring) // Bankovskoe delo. 2013. # 2. S. 65-71.
5. Podlesnyj S.Ju. Obzor metodov upravlenija strategiej vzyskanija prosrochennoj zadolzhennost'ju //Analiticheskij zhurnal «Upravlenie v kreditnoj organizacii», 2008 # 5 [Jelektronnyj resurs] – M.: Izdatel'skij dom «Reglament», 2008.- Rezhim dostupa:,svobodnyj. – Zagl. s jekrana.
6. Sorokin A.S. K voprosu validacii modeli logisticheskoj regressii v kreditnom skoringe // Internet-zhurnal «Naukovedenie», 2014 #2 (21) [Jelektronnyj resurs]-M.: Naukovedenie, 2014.- Rezhim dostupa:, svobodnyj. – Zagl. s jekrana.
Polyakova O. I., Kozlovа O. A.
Legal aspects of mortgage lending with state support
The article discusses the legal aspects of mortgage lending with state support –social mortgage:
The article discusses the legal aspects of mortgage lending with state support –social mortgage:
features, options, advantages and lending conditions.
Keywords: state support, state program, mortgage lending, social mortgage.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ipoteka s gosudarstvennoj podderzhkoj: osobennosti i varianty poluchenija — Pomoshh' zaemshhiku [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 03.04.2015 g.).
Work bibliographic list
1. Ipoteka s gosudarstvennoj podderzhkoj: osobennosti i varianty poluchenija — Pomoshh' zaemshhiku [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 03.04.2015 g.).
2. Programma Sberbanka «Ipoteka s gosudarstvennoj podderzhkoj» [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 03.04.2015 g.).
3. Ipoteka s gosudarstvennoj podderzhkoj — chto takoe i kak poluchit' v Sberbanke i VTB v 2014 godu [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa: http://creditzzz. ru/fizicheskim-licam/ipoteka/ipoteka-s-gosudarstvennojpodderzhkoj.html (data obrashhenija: 03.04.2015 g.).
Fatkina E. V.
Legal aspects of information security of bank secrecy
Development of social relations in the financial and credit sector is currently going particularly fast. However, the current legislation on banking secrecy is contradictory and collision, which also creates problems in law enforcement. In this connection it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive study of the legal regulation of banking secrecy taking into account dynamics of social relations development, affecting institute of bank secrecy, to reveal the contradictions and gaps in the legislation, and to develop evidence-based proposals for improving the legal regulation of bank secrecy.
Development of social relations in the financial and credit sector is currently going particularly fast. However, the current legislation on banking secrecy is contradictory and collision, which also creates problems in law enforcement. In this connection it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive study of the legal regulation of banking secrecy taking into account dynamics of social relations development, affecting institute of bank secrecy, to reveal the contradictions and gaps in the legislation, and to develop evidence-based proposals for improving the legal regulation of bank secrecy.
Key words: banking secrecy, information, a credit institution, bank payment agents (subagents), electronic cash.
Work bibliographic list
1. Grazhdanskij kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii (chast' vtoraja) ot 26.01.1996 # 14-FZ // SZ RF. — 1996. — # 5. — St. 410. SZ RF. — 2014. — # 30 (chast' I). — St. 4225.
Work bibliographic list
1. Grazhdanskij kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii (chast' vtoraja) ot 26.01.1996 # 14-FZ // SZ RF. — 1996. — # 5. — St. 410. SZ RF. — 2014. — # 30 (chast' I). — St. 4225.
2. Federal'nyj zakon «O bankah i bankovskoj dejatel'nosti» ot 02.12.1990 # 395–1 // SZ RF. — 1990. — # 27. —St. 357. SZ RF. — 2014. — # 40 (chast' II). — St. 5320.
3. Bankovskoe pravo / Otv. red. L. G. Efimova, D. G. Alekseeva: Ucheb. dlja bakalavrov. — M.: Prospekt, 2014.
Evsikova E. V.
Systematization of basic approaches to definition of concept of «tax legal relationships»
The basic approaches to definition of concept of «tax legal relationships’ worked out in a scientific
The basic approaches to definition of concept of «tax legal relationships’ worked out in a scientific
environment are revealed in the article, the analysis of legislation of Belorussia, Kazakhstan, Russia, Ukraine is conducted in the field of settlement and legislative consolidation of concept of «tax legal relationships», on the basis of which an own concept of «tax legal relationships’ is offered.
Keywords: tax law, tax legal relationships, relations arising in the field of taxation, legal relations in dispute, relations governed by legislation on taxes and levies.
Work bibliographic list
1. Parygina V. A. Problemy ponjatija i mehanizma normativno-pravovogo regulirovanija nalogovyh pravootnoshenij v Rossijskoj Federacii: Dis. … kand. jurid. nauk: 12.00.14. — M., 2004.
Work bibliographic list
1. Parygina V. A. Problemy ponjatija i mehanizma normativno-pravovogo regulirovanija nalogovyh pravootnoshenij v Rossijskoj Federacii: Dis. … kand. jurid. nauk: 12.00.14. — M., 2004.
2. Jagovkina V. A. Nalogovoe pravootnoshenie (teoretiko-pravovoj aspekt): Avtoref. dis. … kand. jurid. nauk:12.00.14. — M., 2003.
3. Ivanov A. V. Dokazatel'stva na stadii dosudebnogo uregulirovanija spornyh nalogovyh pravootnoshenij: Av-toref. dis. … kand. jurid. nauk: 12.00.14. — M., 2012.
4. Kostin D. A. Obespechenie zakonnosti v nalogovyh pravootnoshenijah: Dis. … kand. jurid. nauk: 12.00.01, 12.00.14. — M., 2003.
5. Lebedinskij N. A. Individual'nyj predprinimatel' kak sub"ekt nalogovyh pravootnoshenij: Avtoref. dis.… kand. jurid. nauk: 12.00.14. — M., 2006.
Abdulgamidova D. A.
Unemployment problem in Russia and ways of its solution
The employment and unemployment problem is one of main around the world. In this article current unemployment rate in Russia is given. The main causes of unemployment and ways of its reduction are revealed.
The employment and unemployment problem is one of main around the world. In this article current unemployment rate in Russia is given. The main causes of unemployment and ways of its reduction are revealed.
Keywords: unemployment, engagement, employment, staff, professional growth, economy.
Work bibliographic list
1. Zakon RF ot 19 aprelja 1991 g. # 1032–1 «O zanjatosti naselenija v Rossijskoj Federacii».
Work bibliographic list
1. Zakon RF ot 19 aprelja 1991 g. # 1032–1 «O zanjatosti naselenija v Rossijskoj Federacii».
2. Vasil'eva E. V., Makeeva T. V. Jekonomicheskaja teorija: Konspekt lekcij. — M.: Jurajt, 2009.
3. Medvedev D. Vremja prostyh reshenij proshlo [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa:
Yusupov R. M.
Universal (general human) values and the constitutional embodiment of international standards in the field of human rights
The article is about the relation of universal (general human) values and the constitutional embodiment of international standards in the field of human rights. Increased attention is paid to
The article is about the relation of universal (general human) values and the constitutional embodiment of international standards in the field of human rights. Increased attention is paid to
such universal value, which is equality.
Keywords: international law, human rights, universalization, universal values, general human values, equality, constitution.
Work bibliographic list
1. Deklaracija tysjacheletija Organizacii Ob"edinennyh Nacij [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
Work bibliographic list
1. Deklaracija tysjacheletija Organizacii Ob"edinennyh Nacij [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
2. Kartashkin V. A. Organizacija Ob"edinennyh Nacij i mezhdunarodnaja zashhita prav cheloveka v HHI veke:monografija. – M.: Norma: INFRA-M, 2015.
3. Kartashkin V. A. Universalizacija prav cheloveka i tradicionnye cennosti chelovechestva // Sovremennoe pravo. – 2012. – # 8.
4. Konstitucii burzhuaznyh gosudarstv / Sost. V. V. Maklakov. – M.: Jurid. lit., 1982.
5. Mezhdunarodnye akty o pravah cheloveka: Sbornik dokumentov / Sost. d. ju.n., prof. V. A. Kartashkin, d. ju.n., prof.E. A. Lukasheva. 2-e izd., dop. – M.: Izdatel'stvo NORMA (Izdatel'skaja gruppa NORMA – INFRA — M), 2002.
6. Obshhaja teorija prav cheloveka. Rukovoditel' avtorskogo kollektiva i otvetstvennyj redaktor d. ju.n. E. A. Lukasheva. – M.: Izdatel'stvo NORMA, 1996.
7. Ul'jashina L. Universal'nye standarty prav cheloveka i nekotorye voprosy ih realizacii v Respublike Belarus' // Vestnik prav cheloveka. – 2010. – # 1.
8. Hvan G. S. Prava cheloveka v sovremennom mire // Vlast'.– 2008. – # 12.
9. Hannum H. Status Vseobshhej deklaracii prav cheloveka vo vnutrennem i mezhdunarodnom prave [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: b11/Chapter8.htm
Izumov I. V.
Legal issues of differentiation of powers between the Federal bodies of state power, bodies of state power of the Russian Federation subjects and bodies of local self-government in the field of subsoil use
The questions of jurisdictional subjects’ delimitation and powers between the Federal bodies of state power and bodies of state power of subjects of the Russian Federation are considered, the place and role of powers of state power bodies and local self-government in the sphere of subsoil use are analyzed, the issues of legislation improvement are examined with reference to case law deals.
The questions of jurisdictional subjects’ delimitation and powers between the Federal bodies of state power and bodies of state power of subjects of the Russian Federation are considered, the place and role of powers of state power bodies and local self-government in the sphere of subsoil use are analyzed, the issues of legislation improvement are examined with reference to case law deals.
Keywords: separation of powers, rule of law, subsoil use, the public authorities.
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon ot 6 oktjabrja 1999 g. # 184-FZ «Ob obshhih principah organizacii zakonodatel'nyh (predstavitel'nyh) i ispolnitel'nyh organov gosudarstvennoj vlasti sub"ektov Rossijskoj Federacii (s izm. i dop. po sostojaniju na 03.02.2015) // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii. — 1999. —# 42. — St. 5005.
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon ot 6 oktjabrja 1999 g. # 184-FZ «Ob obshhih principah organizacii zakonodatel'nyh (predstavitel'nyh) i ispolnitel'nyh organov gosudarstvennoj vlasti sub"ektov Rossijskoj Federacii (s izm. i dop. po sostojaniju na 03.02.2015) // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii. — 1999. —# 42. — St. 5005.
2. Zakon RF ot 21.02.1992 # 2395–1 (red. ot 29.12.2014) «O nedrah» (s izm. i dop., vstup. v silu s 01.03.2015) // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF, 06.03.1995. — # 10. —Ct. 823.
3. Federal'nyj zakon ot 06.10.2003 # 131-FZ (red. ot 29.12.2014) «Ob obshhih principah organizacii mestnogo samoupravlenija v Rossijskoj Federacii» (s izm. i dop., vstup. v silu s 01.03.2015) // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF, 06.10.2003. — # 40. — St. 3822.
4. Gornoe pravo: Uchebnik / I. V. Izjumov, V. I. Karasev, M. I. Kleandrov, I. R. Saliev (i dr.); otv. red. I. A. La- rochkina, R. N. Salieva. — M.: OOO «PravoTJeK», 2010.
5. Hajrullina N. G., Ustinova O. V. Professional'noe razvitie municipal'nyh sluzhashhih, uchebnoe posobie. — Tjumen': Izd-vo TjumGNGU, 2005. — 88 s.
Ibragimova Kh. A.
The development analysis of object of a crime in the form of abuse of office in criminal law of Russia
This article is devoted to the analysis of the object of the crime in the form of abuse of office in criminal law of Russia and its development on different stages of development of the state.
This article is devoted to the analysis of the object of the crime in the form of abuse of office in criminal law of Russia and its development on different stages of development of the state.
Keywords: object of a crime, abuse of powers of office, Functioning of the government, interests of public service, service in local governments, normal activity of a concrete link of the government, constitutional rights and freedoms of the citizen and person.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ugolovnyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ot 13.06.1996 g.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ugolovnyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ot 13.06.1996 g.
2. Zhuravlev M. P. Ugolovnoe pravo. Obshhaja i osobennaja chast'. — M.: Norma, 2008.
3. Kudrjavcev V. N. Kriminologija: Uchebnik. — M.: Norma, 2009.
4. Saharov A. B. Otvetstvennost' za dolzhnostnye zloupotreblenija po sovetskomu ugolovnomu pravu. — M., 1956.
5. Deneka V. I. Otvetstvennost' za dolzhnostnye zloupotreblenija po ugolovnomu pravu Rossii. — M., 1998.
6. Zhizhilenko A. A. Dolzhnostnye (sluzhebnye) prestuplenija. — M., 1927.
7. Utevskij B. S. Obshhee uchenie o dolzhnostnyh prestuplenijah. — M., 1948.
8. Trajnin A. N. Uchebnik ugolovnogo prava. Osobennaja chast'. — M., 1939.
9. Durmanov N. D. Ponjatie prestuplenija. — M., 1948.
10. Tagancev N. S. Russkoe ugolovnoe pravo. Lekcii. Obshhaja chast'. V 2-h t. — T. 1. — M., 1994.
Zaidova M. U.
The principle of fairness in criminal law of Russia
Abstract: one of the basic principles of criminal law is the principle of Justice. Fair should be and
Abstract: one of the basic principles of criminal law is the principle of Justice. Fair should be and
penalty, and the criminal law. In practice, however, there are some problems associated with the
implementation of this principle.
Keywords: crime, justice, punishment, the criminal code, the nature and degree of danger.
Work bibliographic list
1. Digesty Justiniana. Kniga pervaja, titul 1-Slova Ul'piana privedeny v klassicheskom perevode I. S. Pereterskogo s utochnenijami, predlozhennymi V. S. Nersesjancom i P. G. Redkinym // Lafitskij V. I. Pojezija prava. Stranicy pravotvorchestva ot drevnosti do nashih dnej. — M., 2003. — S.63.
Work bibliographic list
1. Digesty Justiniana. Kniga pervaja, titul 1-Slova Ul'piana privedeny v klassicheskom perevode I. S. Pereterskogo s utochnenijami, predlozhennymi V. S. Nersesjancom i P. G. Redkinym // Lafitskij V. I. Pojezija prava. Stranicy pravotvorchestva ot drevnosti do nashih dnej. — M., 2003. — S.63.
2. Lastochkina V. N. Javnaja nespravedlivost' nakazanija kak osnovanija k otmene ili izmeneniju prigovora: avtoref. dis. kand. jurid. nauk. — Kazan', 1983. — S.8.
3. Nepomnjashhaja T. V. O principah naznachenija nakazanija // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. —2003. —# 9. — S.77.
4. Spravka ob avtore: Zaidova Manarsha Usmahanovna, starshij prepodavatel' kafedry «Ugolovnoe pravo» Dagestanskogo Gosudarstvennogo instituta narodnogo hozjajstva.
Abdulmuslimova L. G.
Some topical victimization issues through the example of the Republic of Dagestan
The article is devoted to some aspects of the victims who have suffered criminal trespass from violent crimes. Increase of such crimes in the modern world creates the need for full and complete investigation of victimization aspects of these crimes, the development of measures of special prevention.
The article is devoted to some aspects of the victims who have suffered criminal trespass from violent crimes. Increase of such crimes in the modern world creates the need for full and complete investigation of victimization aspects of these crimes, the development of measures of special prevention.
Keywords: crime victim, criminological violence, latency, lucre enhancement, victimological prevention.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bogomolov G. A. Kriminologicheskaja harakteristika umyshlennyh ubijstv i pravovye problemy ih preduprezhdenija. — M., 1997.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bogomolov G. A. Kriminologicheskaja harakteristika umyshlennyh ubijstv i pravovye problemy ih preduprezhdenija. — M., 1997.
2. Kriminologija: Ucheb. dlja bakalavrov / Pod red. Ju. M. Antonjan. — M., 2012.
3. Lunev V. V. Tendencii sovremennoj prestupnosti i bor'by s nej v Rossii // Gosudarstvo i pravo. —2004. — # 1.
4. Ugolovnoe pravo Rossii. Obshhaja i Osobennaja chasti: Uchebnik dlja vuzov / N. G. Ivanov. — M.: Jekzamen, 2013.
5. Frenk L. V. Klassifikacija zhertv prestuplenij. — Dushanbe, 1978. — Vyp. # 2.
Hajiyev D. M.
About the regional approach to combating crime
Study of regional crime reveals the historical trajectory of the causes, conditions, characteristics
Study of regional crime reveals the historical trajectory of the causes, conditions, characteristics
of crime at the application level and contributes to the development of adequate countermeasures.
This is one of the most important components of fighting crime, which would lead to further significant results in both regions, as well as in the whole of Russia.
Key words: Regional criminology, the causes of crime, measures against crime at the level of the
Work bibliographic list
1. Rostov K. T. Metodologija regional'nogo analiza prestupnosti v Rossii. Avtoref. na soisk. uchen. step. dokt.jur. nauk, SPb, 1998 g. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: http: obrashhenija 22.03.2014 g.)
Work bibliographic list
1. Rostov K. T. Metodologija regional'nogo analiza prestupnosti v Rossii. Avtoref. na soisk. uchen. step. dokt.jur. nauk, SPb, 1998 g. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: http: obrashhenija 22.03.2014 g.)
2. Burlakov V. Kriminologija XX vek [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija 30 marta 2014 g.)
3. Suharev A. Fenomen rossijskoj prestupnosti: zakonomernost' ili atrofija vlasti? // Rossijskaja Federacija. — 1995. — # 13. — S.46.
4. Pjat' prestuplenij v minutu //«Nezavisimaja gazeta», 2003, 12 fevr //http: (data obrashhenija 26.03.2014 g.)
5. Interv'ju nachal'nika GU MVD po SKFO S. Chenchika 30.06.2011 // RIA «Novosti Dagestan»
6. Federalizm vlasti i vlast' federalizma. — M.: TOO «IntelTeh», 1997. — S.41.
7. Poslanie Glavy Dagestana Ramazana Abdulatipova Narodnomu Sobraniju respubliki [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: http: (data obrashhenija 05.03.2014 g.)
8. Ramazan Abdulatipov prinjal uchastie v diskussii « Preodolenie turbulentnosti na krizisnyh territorijah» RIA Dagestan [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija 23.06.2013 g.)
9. R. Abdulatipov: federal'naja vlast' otdala Dagestan v ruki mafii. 28.06.2013 g. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija 24.03.2014 g.)
10. Vystuplenie Prezidenta Respubliki Dagestan Magomedova M. M. na III S"ezde narodov Dagestana –Mahachkala: Izdatel'stvo «Lotos», 2011 —S.36–4.
11. Ahmedov Ahmed. Gimrinskoe Soglashenie: otvetstvennost' vlasti i obshhestva // Dagestanskaja pravda. 2014.11 fevr. — S. 2.
Ilyasov R. M., Sukhanov G. V.
Actual problems of forensic support to criminal justice in modern conditions
Forensic support to criminal proceedings is a complex, multi-step, multi-faceted, constantly evolving process. Its essence is to provide officials of law enforcement agencies, professional fighting crime with developed in forensic science research products, development and implementation of which contributes to the effectiveness of the legal problems solving by users of such products. In this paper the authors try to identify actual problems of criminalistic support of criminal justice in modern conditions and to show the way to their eventual resolution.
Forensic support to criminal proceedings is a complex, multi-step, multi-faceted, constantly evolving process. Its essence is to provide officials of law enforcement agencies, professional fighting crime with developed in forensic science research products, development and implementation of which contributes to the effectiveness of the legal problems solving by users of such products. In this paper the authors try to identify actual problems of criminalistic support of criminal justice in modern conditions and to show the way to their eventual resolution.
Keywords: criminal justice, forensics, forensic software, forensic techniques.
Aminev F. G.
About activity of the non-state judicial and expert establishments in the Russian Federation
In article problems of activity of non-state judicial and expert establishments and improvement of
In article problems of activity of non-state judicial and expert establishments and improvement of
the legislation on judicial and expert activity in the Russian Federation are considered; ways of their decision are shown; definitions of a number of key concepts of judicial and expert activity are given; offers on modification of the draft of the Federal law «About judicial and expert activity» are formulated.
Keywords: judicial examination, judicial and expert establishment, expert, certification, competence, qualification.
Work bibliographic list
1. Dubrovin O. V., Nikitin S. G., Pominov A. V. Prioritetnaja jekspertnaja sistema i samoreguliruemaja organizacija kak mehanizmy upravlenija urovnem kvalifikacii sudebnyh jekspertov v Rossijskoj Federacii //Evrazijskaja advokatura. 2013. # 5 (6). S. 70–73.
Work bibliographic list
1. Dubrovin O. V., Nikitin S. G., Pominov A. V. Prioritetnaja jekspertnaja sistema i samoreguliruemaja organizacija kak mehanizmy upravlenija urovnem kvalifikacii sudebnyh jekspertov v Rossijskoj Federacii //Evrazijskaja advokatura. 2013. # 5 (6). S. 70–73.
2. Macun E. A. Dostatochnost' special'nyh poznanij, neobhodimyh dlja uchastija specialista v rassledovanii ugolovnogo dela // Evrazijskaja advokatura. 2013. # 2(3). S. 98–99.
3. Rossinskaja E. R., Galjashina E. I. Nastol'naja kniga sud'i: sudebnaja jekspertiza. M., 2012.
4. Jeksarhopulo A. A. Kriminalistika: uchebnik. SPb., 2009.
Gasanova Z. G.
Independence as a fundamental principle of advocate activity in the Russian Federation
In the article independence as fundamental principle of advocate activity along with guarantees of
In the article independence as fundamental principle of advocate activity along with guarantees of
its government control and provision in the Russian Federation are examined and analyzed.
Keywords: principle of independence, independence of advocate activity, guarantees of independence, advocacy.
Work bibliographic list
1. Gasanova Z. G. Uchastie advokata-zashhitnika v dokazyvanii po ugolovnym delam v otnoshenii nesovershennoletnih: Avtoref. dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. — M., 2012.
Work bibliographic list
1. Gasanova Z. G. Uchastie advokata-zashhitnika v dokazyvanii po ugolovnym delam v otnoshenii nesovershennoletnih: Avtoref. dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. — M., 2012.
2. Grudnicyna L. Ju. Pravovoe obespechenie garantij nezavisimosti, samoupravlenija i finansirovanija advokatskoj dejatel'nosti // Evrazijskaja advokatura. —2013. — # 2.
3. Zablockij R. A. Dejatel'nost' advokata v kachestve predstavitelja. — M., 2012.
4. Kolesnikova N. V. Pravovye i nravstvennye aspekty dejatel'nosti advokata pri zashhite prav i zakonnyh interesov detej // Zakon i pravo. — 2013. — # 8.
5. Pilipenko Ju. Kodeks professional'noj jetiki advokata: Nauchno-prakticheskij kommentarij. — M.: Inform-Pravo, 2012.
6. Ragulin A. V. O neobhodimosti sovershenstvovanija reglamentacii instituta professional'nyh prav advokata-zashhitnika v Rossii // Advokatskaja praktika. —2014. — # 2.
7. Ragulin A. V. Osnovnye polozhenija sovershenstvovanija reglamentacii instituta professional'nyh prav advokata-zashhitnika // Zakon i pravo. — 2013. — # 8.
8. Ragulin A. V. Pravovye i organizacionnye sredstva obespechenija realizacii professional'nyh prav advokata-zashhitnika v Rossii i puti ih sovershenstvovanija// Evrazijskaja advokatura. — 2013. — # 4.
9. Suvorova K. Ju. Garantii advokatskoj dejatel'nosti //Advokatskaja praktika. — 2014. — # 4.
10. Federal'nyj zakon «Ob advokatskoj dejatel'nosti i advokature v Rossijskoj Federacii» # 63-FZ ot 31 maja 2002 // SPS Konsul'tantPljus.
11. Frolov D. V. Konstitucionno-pravovoe regulirovanie dejatel'nosti advokatury v Rossijskoj Federacii i v sub"ektah Rossijskoj Federacii: Avtoref. dis. …kand. jurid. nauk. — M., 2013.
Kozhina Yu. A., Frolovskaya Yu. I.
Protection of family rights of the child: boon and bane
The article investigates the problems of fulfillment of a child's right to a defense. With the achievement of a certain age the child achieves a number of powers, including the right to defense,
The article investigates the problems of fulfillment of a child's right to a defense. With the achievement of a certain age the child achieves a number of powers, including the right to defense,
which it can implement on its own. Before reaching by a child the legal age, protection of the rights and legitimate interests of the child is carried out by a certain circle of authorized persons, among them a special place is occupied by the legal representatives of the child, the guardianship authorities, the prosecutor, the Commissioner for Children's Rights. Often one can observe situations in which persons called upon by law to represent and protect the rights of children, violate them themselves.
The article analyzes the reasons for such misconduct, among which is the absence in Russian family law of the permissibility of a single criterion, which inevitably leads to an ambiguous understanding of the limits of their rights fulfillment, including in the implementation of the right to defense. This paper investigates offenses occurring in this area, and suggests ways to prevent them.
Keywords: protection of children's rights, guardianship authorities, the court, prosecutor, juvenile
justice, domestic violence, family policy, a difficult situation, the Commissioner for Children's Rights, the abuse of rights.
Work bibliographic list
1. Abramov V. I. Zakonodatel'noe zakreplenie prav rebenka v sovremennoj Rossii // Zakon i pravo. — 2004. —# 9.
Work bibliographic list
1. Abramov V. I. Zakonodatel'noe zakreplenie prav rebenka v sovremennoj Rossii // Zakon i pravo. — 2004. —# 9.
2. Antokol'skaja M. V. Semejnoe pravo. — M.: Jurist,2002.
3. B'et, znachit ljubit? Interv'ju psihologa-jeksperta ob uzhestochenii nakazanija za domashnee nasilie [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa:'et-znachit-ljubit-interv'ju-psihologa (data obrashhenija: 09.04.2015).
4. Gribanov V. P. Predely osushhestvlenija i zashhita grazhdanskih prav. — M.: Statut, 2000.
5. Doklad Pavla Astahova na H s"ezde Upolnomochennyh po pravam rebenka v sub"ektah Rossijskoj Federacii [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa: obrashhenija: 10.04.2015).
6. Malinovskij A. A. Zloupotreblenie pravom. — M.:MZ Press, 2002.
7. Rjasina A. S. Ocenochnye kategorii kak priem juridicheskoj tehniki // Vestnik Juzhno-Ural'skogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Serija: Pravo. — Vyp. 40
(257). — 2011.
8. Solov'eva G. Juvenalka uzhe davno sredi nas [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 10.04.2015).
Rivkina N. N., Polyakova N. G.
Economic and legal aspects of introduction of new technologies preventing environmental damage
A process of adjustment of legislation with international law becomes an actual trend in the Russian Federation. The Russian Federation has signed a number of international conventions and
A process of adjustment of legislation with international law becomes an actual trend in the Russian Federation. The Russian Federation has signed a number of international conventions and
agreements with commitments to reduce the actual and future negative impact of economic activity
on the environment, which can be achieved using new technologies. Operation of pumping stations, even with optimal selection of energy-efficient pumping equipment, is associated with large power consumption and a negative impact on the environment. When the strongly marked terrain relief with large height differences, it is proposed to use the «continuity of the jet», which will lead to short pump connection. This method will increase the time between overhauls of pumps and save energy costs.
Keywords: law, convention, electricity, sewage, effluent gravity flow movement.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bondarenko A. V., Lukijanov M. Ju. Protivodejstvie korrupcii: pravovye normy i moral'no-jeticheskie aspekty problemy // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. — 2014. — # 9.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bondarenko A. V., Lukijanov M. Ju. Protivodejstvie korrupcii: pravovye normy i moral'no-jeticheskie aspekty problemy // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. — 2014. — # 9.
2. Detlaf A. A., Javorskij B. M., Milkovskaja L. B. Kurs Fiziki: V 3 tomah. — T. I. Mehanika. Osnovy molekuljarnoj fiziki i termodinamiki. — Izd. 4-e. pererab. — M.: Vysshaja shkola, 1973.
3. Hajrullin V. A. Social'naja norma diskonta pri osvoenii investicij v social'nye proekty toplivno-jenergeticheskogo kompleksa RB / Shakirova Je. V. // Neftegazovoe delo. — 2012. — # 3.
4. Hajrullin V. A. Gosudarstvennoe regulirovanie kachestva konechnoj stroitel'noj produkcii / V. A. Hajrullin, M. S. Shibirkina // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. — 2014. — # 9 (76).
5. Hajrullin V. A. Sovershenstvovanie rascheta ozhidaemogo chistogo diskontirovannogo dohoda pri ocenke jeffektivnosti innovacionnyh proektov realizuemyh v avtodorozhnom komplekse / V. A. Hajrullin, N. N. Rivkina // Internet-zhurnal «Naukovedenie». —2013. — # 2 (15).
6. Hajrullina N. G., Ustinova O. V. Professional'noe razvitie municipal'nyh sluzhashhih, uchebnoe posobie. — Tjumen': Izd-vo TjumGNGU, 2005. — 88 s.
Khayrullin V. A.
Economic and legal analysis of the state’s social investment policy in construction
This article focuses on the question of the extent to which methodological support of the assessment process of efficiency of state’s social investment policy is currently designed and implemented. The Russian Federation, corresponding to the norms of international law, and following the obligations of the state to carry out a social policy aimed at ensuring a decent life to every Russian, obviously should be provided with the necessary methodological framework to assess the impact of policies. The article examines the integrity and fairness of the framework.
This article focuses on the question of the extent to which methodological support of the assessment process of efficiency of state’s social investment policy is currently designed and implemented. The Russian Federation, corresponding to the norms of international law, and following the obligations of the state to carry out a social policy aimed at ensuring a decent life to every Russian, obviously should be provided with the necessary methodological framework to assess the impact of policies. The article examines the integrity and fairness of the framework.
Keywords: social impact, social discount rate, fiscal effect, intertemporal preferences.
Work bibliographic list
1. Hajrullin V.A., Salov A.S., Shakirova Je.V. Ocenka bjudzhetnogo jeffekta po investicionnomu proektu rekonstrukcii uchastka federal'noj avtomobil'noj dorogi M-5 «Ural» // Internet-zhurnal «Naukovedenie».— 2013.— # 3 (16).
Work bibliographic list
1. Hajrullin V.A., Salov A.S., Shakirova Je.V. Ocenka bjudzhetnogo jeffekta po investicionnomu proektu rekonstrukcii uchastka federal'noj avtomobil'noj dorogi M-5 «Ural» // Internet-zhurnal «Naukovedenie».— 2013.— # 3 (16).
2. Hajrullin V. A., Shakirova Je. V.Social'naja norma diskonta pri osvoenii investicij v social'nye proekty toplivno-jenergeticheskogo kompleksa RB //Neftegazovoe delo.— 2012.— # 3
Karaeva E. N.
The state mechanism of regulation of regional labor markets: economic and legal aspects
The article reveals the problems of functioning of regional labour markets and the peculiarities of
The article reveals the problems of functioning of regional labour markets and the peculiarities of
their legal and economic regulation. Special attention is paid to the results of the implementation of a number of Government programs and Regulations governing labor relations and employment individual socially vulnerable groups of the population.
Keywords: region, the labour market, the state policy in the labour market, employment, unemployment, the efficiency of public administration.
Work bibliographic list
1. Karaeva E. N., Tomilina Ju. V. Social'no-jekonomicheskie predposylki formirovanija razvitija regional'nyh klasterov // Gumanitarnye, social'no-jekonomicheskie i obshhestvennye nauki — # 6–2014.
Work bibliographic list
1. Karaeva E. N., Tomilina Ju. V. Social'no-jekonomicheskie predposylki formirovanija razvitija regional'nyh klasterov // Gumanitarnye, social'no-jekonomicheskie i obshhestvennye nauki — # 6–2014.
2. Monitoring registriruemogo rynka truda, okazanija gosudarstvennyh uslug v sfere zanjatosti naselenija Orlovskoj oblasti [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
3. Osnovnye rezul'taty raboty Ministerstva truda i social'noj zashhity Rossijskoj Federacii v 2014 godu //Oficial'nyj sajt Ministersta truda i social'noj zashhity RF [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
4. Oficial'nyj sajt Pravitel'stva RF [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
5. Oficial'nyj sajt Upravlenija truda i znjatosti Orlovskoj oblasti [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
6. Oficial'nyj sajt Federal'noj sluzhby gosudarstvennoj statistiki [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
Spasskaya N. V.
The legal framework for operation of the Russian investment fund
The article defines the institutional framework of budgetary investments at the expense of the Investment Fund of the Russian Federation, the selection criteria, the procedure to control and monitor the implementation of projects carried out on a public-private partnership.
The article defines the institutional framework of budgetary investments at the expense of the Investment Fund of the Russian Federation, the selection criteria, the procedure to control and monitor the implementation of projects carried out on a public-private partnership.
Keywords: budget investments, the Investment Fund of the Russian Federation, the effectiveness
of the projects implemented by the Russian Investment Fund.
Work bibliographic list
1. Takmakova E. V. Rol' social'noj standartizacii v realizacii social'noj politiki i razvitii otraslej social'noj sfery// Uchenye zapiski Orlovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Serija: Gumanitarnye i social'nye nauki. — 2011. — # 6. — S. 41–46.
Work bibliographic list
1. Takmakova E. V. Rol' social'noj standartizacii v realizacii social'noj politiki i razvitii otraslej social'noj sfery// Uchenye zapiski Orlovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Serija: Gumanitarnye i social'nye nauki. — 2011. — # 6. — S. 41–46.
2. Postanovlenie Pravitel'stva RF ot 1 marta 2008 g. # 134
3. «Ob utverzhdenii Pravil formirovanija i ispol'zovanija bjudzhetnyh assignovanij Investicionnogo fonda Rossijskoj Federacii» s izmenenijami i dopolnenijami ot 26 dekabrja 2014 g.
4. Postanovlenie Pravitel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii # 647 ot 23 avgusta 2010 g. «O vnesenii izmenenij v Pravila formirovanija i ispol'zovanija bjudzhetnyh assignovanij Investicionnogo fonda Rossijskoj Federacii»
Khairullina N. G.
Sustainable social and political development of the Tyumen region: dynamics of indicators
In the article based on data from the monitoring study «How do you live, Russia?» the author analyzes the factors of sustainable development of the Tyumen region. In 2003, 2006 and 2013 the questionnaires were carried out among residents of the Tyumen region. This made it possible to trace the dynamics of indicators characterizing the social processes in the life of the region’s population under study. The author's analysis of the various aspects of life of the Tyumen region’s residents suggests that the socio-political situation in the Tyumen region, compared to Russia, looks more favorable. This allows us to formulate a conclusion on the sustainable development of
In the article based on data from the monitoring study «How do you live, Russia?» the author analyzes the factors of sustainable development of the Tyumen region. In 2003, 2006 and 2013 the questionnaires were carried out among residents of the Tyumen region. This made it possible to trace the dynamics of indicators characterizing the social processes in the life of the region’s population under study. The author's analysis of the various aspects of life of the Tyumen region’s residents suggests that the socio-political situation in the Tyumen region, compared to Russia, looks more favorable. This allows us to formulate a conclusion on the sustainable development of
the region.
Keywords: Tyumen region, sustainable development, social and political situation, economic transition, economic reforms.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bondarenko A.V., Lukijanov M.Ju. Jevoljucija antikorrupcionnogo zakonodatel'stva v Rossii (social'no-filosofskij analiz): pravovye normy i moral'no-jeticheskie aspekty problemy // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. — 2014. — # 10.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bondarenko A.V., Lukijanov M.Ju. Jevoljucija antikorrupcionnogo zakonodatel'stva v Rossii (social'no-filosofskij analiz): pravovye normy i moral'no-jeticheskie aspekty problemy // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. — 2014. — # 10.
2. Koptjug V. A. Vozmozhn a li razrabotka strategii ustojchivogo razvitija Rossii v nastojashhee vremja? // Nauka na grani tysjacheletij. — Vyp. 1. — Novosibirsk: NGU, 1997.
3. Levashov V. K. Social'no-politicheskie aspekty koncepcii ustojchivogo razvitija (na primere Rossii 90-h gg.) / Dissertacija v vide nauchnogo doklada na soiskanie stepeni doktora sociologicheskih nauk. — M.,1997.
4. Turchenko V . N., Shafranov-Kucev G. F. Rossija: ot jekstensivnosti k ustojchivosti «metodologija ustojchivosti razvitija». — Tjumen': Izd-vo TjumGU, 2000.
5. Hajrullina N. G. Tjumenskaja oblast': obshhestvo i nauka (social'no-jekonomicheskoe i jetnokul'turnoe razvitie) / Pod red. V. K. Levashova, N. G. Hajrullinoj. — Tjumen': Izd-vo TjumGNGU, 2005.
6. Hajrullina N. G., Vorob'ev E. M. Mezhjetnicheskie otnoshenija v Tjumenskoj oblasti: dinamika i tendencii. — Tjumen': TjumGNGU, 2014.
Scherbakov G. A., Sadykova H. N., Konova T. M.
Regional social policy and development of federalism in Russia
It is shown that modern Russia as a federal state has its own specifics regarding its nature, mechanism of powers distribution between the Federation and its subjects, forms of cooperation
It is shown that modern Russia as a federal state has its own specifics regarding its nature, mechanism of powers distribution between the Federation and its subjects, forms of cooperation
between them as part of the Federation, the organization of local government, forms of government
and the type of political system. It is noted that the domestic science lacks a uniform position on
the social aspects of Russian federalism, and the process of acquiring of the status of the Russian
Federation’s subject by regions has its issues. In conclusion it is stated that the policies of the Centre are considering the role of the Tyumen region in ensuring the strategic interests of the Russian state in the near and distant future.
Keywords: federalism, social federalism, social policy, the government, Tyumen region.
Work bibliographic list
1. Kakuju Rossiju my stroim: Poslanie Prezidenta RF V. V. Putina Federal'nomu sobraniju RF ot 8 ijulja 2000 g. // Rossijskaja gazeta. — 2000. — 11 ijulja.
Work bibliographic list
1. Kakuju Rossiju my stroim: Poslanie Prezidenta RF V. V. Putina Federal'nomu sobraniju RF ot 8 ijulja 2000 g. // Rossijskaja gazeta. — 2000. — 11 ijulja.
2. Mamsurov T. D. Regiony — Centr: problemy soglasovanija interesov: monografija. — M.: Izd-vo RUDN, 2000. — 280 s.
3. Pjal'chenkov V. A., Korneev V. I. Regional'nye issledovanija social'nogo razvitija zhitelej Tjumenskoj oblasti // Sborniki konferencij NIC Sociosfera. — 2013. — # 47.
4. Umnova I. A. Razvitie federativnyh otnoshenij v Rossii: problemy i perspektivy (Skvoz' prizmu tendencij federal'nogo i regional'nogo zakonotvorchestva) / Rossijskaja Federacija i ee sub"ekty: problemy garmonizacii otnoshenij. (Problemno-tematicheskij
sbornik). — M.: INION RAN, 1998.
5. Hajrullina N. G. Pravovye osnovy upravlenija personalom, uchebnoe posobie. — Tjumen': TjumGNGU, 2014.
6. Hajrullina N. G. Jekonomicheskie aspekty social'nogo obespechenija grazhdan // Izvestija vysshih uchebnyh zavedenij. Sociologija. Jekonomika. Politika. — 2012. — # 3.
7. Hajrullina N. G., Shherbakov G. A. Rol' sociologicheskih tehnologij v dejatel'nosti organov vlasti, obrazovanija i biznesa // Izvestija vysshih uchebnyh zavedenij Sociologija. Jekonomika. Politika. — 2008. — # 4.
Gabov A. A.
Centralization and decentralization in politically organized society
Based on the definition of the environment required for correlation of political centralization and decentralization to arise, the article states politically organized societies lacking this problem. Moreover it is shown that the correlation of centralization and decentralization cannot be tracked directly in a particular relationship in a society of individual right and public law. Based on the conclusions we criticize some modern interpretations of this problem.
Based on the definition of the environment required for correlation of political centralization and decentralization to arise, the article states politically organized societies lacking this problem. Moreover it is shown that the correlation of centralization and decentralization cannot be tracked directly in a particular relationship in a society of individual right and public law. Based on the conclusions we criticize some modern interpretations of this problem.
Keywords: political centralization and decentralization, individual right and public law, prestate politically organized society, state, types or echelons of authorities of politically organized society as a whole.
Work bibliographic list
1. Agarkov M. M. Cennost' chastnogo prava // Pravovedenie. — 1992. — # 1.
Work bibliographic list
1. Agarkov M. M. Cennost' chastnogo prava // Pravovedenie. — 1992. — # 1.
2. Drobyshevskij S. A. Iz klassicheskih uchenij o politike i prave HH veka: aktual'nye idei G. Ellineka i D. Istona: Monografija. — M.: Norma: INFRA-M, 2014.
3. Drobyshevskij S. A. Politicheskaja organizacija obshhestva i pravo: istoricheskoe mesto i nachalo jevoljucii. — Krasnojarsk: Izd-vo Krasnojar. un-ta, 1991.
4. Drobyshevskij S. A. Politicheskaja organizacija obshhestva i pravo kak javlenija social'noj jevoljucii / Krasnojar. gos. un-t. — Krasnojarsk, 1995.
5. Drobyshevskij S. A. Politicheskaja organizacija obshhestva i pravo kak javlenija social'noj jevoljucii. — M.:Prospekt, 2015.
6. Ellinek G. Obshhee uchenie o gosudarstve. — SPb, 1908.
7. Iering R. Bor'ba za pravo. — SPb: Izd-vo «Vestnika znanija», 1912.
8. Kashanina T. V. Sootnoshenie centralizovannogo i decentralizovannogo pravovogo regulirovanija // Pravovedenie. — 1991. — # 4.
9. Javich L. S. Socializm: pravo i obshhestvennyj progress. — M.: Jurid. lit., 1990.
10. Hoebel E. A. Anthropology: The Study of Man. — N. Y.: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1966.
11. Hoebel E. A. The Law of Primitive Man. A Study in Comparative Legal Dynamics. — Cambridge, Mass.:Harvard University Press, 1954.
12. Kelsen H. The Pure Theory of Law. Berkeley, Los Angeles etc. — University of California Press, 1970.
Ibragimov U. F.
System of formation and development of human potential in local government (by the example of the Republic of Bashkortostan)
Today the local government needs a balance of experienced and young staff capable because of their age to active work, which is especially important in the initial period of formation of a new system of local government. The significance of this balance is determined be the features of professional activities of local government staff.
Today the local government needs a balance of experienced and young staff capable because of their age to active work, which is especially important in the initial period of formation of a new system of local government. The significance of this balance is determined be the features of professional activities of local government staff.
Keywords: human resources, human resources, professional activity, public administration.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ibragimov U. F. Transformacija jekonomiko-stoimostnyh otnoshenij v novyh proizvodstvennyh sistemah //Vestnik Bashkirskogo universiteta. — 2006. — T. 11. —# 4.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ibragimov U. F. Transformacija jekonomiko-stoimostnyh otnoshenij v novyh proizvodstvennyh sistemah //Vestnik Bashkirskogo universiteta. — 2006. — T. 11. —# 4.
2. Kulagin D. V. Sovershenstvovanie instituta mestnogo samoupravlenija — zalog uspeshnoj dejatel'nosti vseh urovnej vlasti v gosudarstve // Mestnoe pravo. —2001. — # 7.
3. Matirko V. I. Problemy kadrovoj politiki v gosudarstvennom apparate. — M.: Delo, 1996.
4. Muhametlatypov F. U., Ibragimov U. F. Jekonomiko-stoimostnaja model' truda: problemy metodologii i kategorial'nogo analiza: Ucheb. posobie / F. U. Muhametlatypov, U. F.; Federal'noe agentstvo po obrazovaniju, BashGU. — Ufa, 2006.
5. Mustafina L. I., Bogatyreva M. R. Sovershenstvovanie professional'noj podgotovki gosudarstvennyh i municipal'nyh sluzhashhih // Internet-zhurnal Naukovedenie. — 2014. — # 2.
6. Bogatyreva M. R. Development of labor migration management // European Social Science Journal. — 2014. —# 4. — Vol. 2.
Grishin O. E.
Relationship of state and political system: theoretical aspect
The article deals with the transformation of the traditional role of the state as a key element of the
The article deals with the transformation of the traditional role of the state as a key element of the
political system. Changes in subjective and objective measurements are outlined. The analysis of
some theoretical approaches to understanding the essence of the political system was conducted.
The focus is made on the theoretical platforms underlying systemic approach.
Keywords: government, political system, political science.
Work bibliographic list
1. Anohin M. G. Politicheskaja sistema: perehodnye processy. — M.: RIC ISPI RAN, 1996.
Work bibliographic list
1. Anohin M. G. Politicheskaja sistema: perehodnye processy. — M.: RIC ISPI RAN, 1996.
2. Vlast'. Politika. Tehnologii // Pod obshh. red. Matveenko Ju. I., Mizulina M. Ju. — M.: DiAr, 2002.
3. Orlova V. A. Osobennosti stanovlenija grazhdanskogo obshhestva v Rossii // Politbook. — 2012. — # 2.
4. Sedov L. A. Parsons, Tolkott // Sovremennaja zapadnaja sociologija: Slovar'. — M.: Politizdat, 1990.
5. Tolochko A. V. Innovacionnye mehanizmy social'no-politicheskogo vzaimodejstvija gosudarstva i institutov grazhdanskogo obshhestva v sovremennoj Rossii //Politbook. — 2012. — # 2.
6. Almond G. Comparative Politics. — New York, 1993.
7. Hartmann J. Politikwissenschaft. Eine problemorientierte Einführung in Grundbegriffe und Teilgebiete. — Chur,1995.
8. Holtmann E. Politisches System // E. Holtmann (Hrsg.). Politik-Lexikon. — München, Wien, 1991.
9. Kondrakiewicz D. Państwo // Międzynarodowe stosunki polityczne / Ed.: M. Pietraś. — Lublin: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej, 2006.
10. Nohlen D., Thibaut B. Politisches System // D. Nohlen, R. — O. Schultze. Lexikon der Politikwissenschaft. Band 2. — München, 2002.
11. Pilz F., Ortwein H. Das politische System Deutschlands. — München, Wien, 1995.
12. Rohe K. Politik. Begriff und Wirklichkeiten. — 2. Auflage. — Stuttgart, Berlin, Köln, 1994.
13. Rudzio W. Das politische System der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. — Opladen, 2000.
Bondarenko V. N.
The interaction of philosophical metaphysics and law (article four)
The article discusses the idea both as the content and the logical form of interaction between philosophical metaphysics and law, in which the previous linear logic (question, problem, hypothesis, concept, theory) and linear-nonlinear (paradigm, syntagm, research program, philosophical topic) levels of this interaction are ultimately overcome (withdrawn), the specifics of its manifestation in the relationship between modern philosophy and jurisprudence is stydied.
The article discusses the idea both as the content and the logical form of interaction between philosophical metaphysics and law, in which the previous linear logic (question, problem, hypothesis, concept, theory) and linear-nonlinear (paradigm, syntagm, research program, philosophical topic) levels of this interaction are ultimately overcome (withdrawn), the specifics of its manifestation in the relationship between modern philosophy and jurisprudence is stydied.
Keywords: philosophical metaphysics, law, logic level interaction of philosophical metaphysics and law, idea.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bondarenko V. N. O vzaimodejstvii filosofskoj metafiziki i prava (stat'ja pervaja) //Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. — 2015. — # 1 (80).
Work bibliographic list
1. Bondarenko V. N. O vzaimodejstvii filosofskoj metafiziki i prava (stat'ja pervaja) //Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. — 2015. — # 1 (80).
2. Bondarenko V. N. O vzaimodejstvii filosofskoj metafiziki i prava (stat'ja vtoraja) //Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. — 2015. — # 2 (81).
3. Bondarenko V. N. O vzaimodejstvii filosofskoj metafiziki i prava (stat'ja tret'ja) //Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. — 2015. — # 3 (82).
4. Platon. Sobranie sochinenij v 4 t.: T. 1 /Obshh. Red. A. F. Loseva i dr.; Avt. vstupit. stat'i A. F. Losev; Primech. A. A. Taho-Godi; Per. s drevnegrech. — M.: Mysl', 1990.
5. Platon. Sobranie sochinenij v 4 t. T. 2 /Obshh. red. A. F. Loseva, V. F. Asmusa, A. A. Taho-Godi; Primech. A. F. Loseva i A. A. Taho-Godi; Per. s drevnegrech. — M.: Mysl', 1993.
6. Berdjaev N. A. Filosofija svobody. Smysl tvorchestva. — M.: Izdatel'stvo «Pravda», 1989.
7. Kant I. Kritika chistogo razuma. Perevod s nemeckogo N. O. Losskogo (pechataetsja po izdaniju: S-Pb, 1907 g.). — S. — Peterburg: IKA «TAJM-AUT», 1993.
8. Gegel' G. V.F. Jenciklopedija filosofskih nauk. T. 1–3. — M.: «Mysl'», 1975, 1977.Marks K., Jengel's F. Nemeckaja ideologija // Soch. — 2-e izd. — T. 3.
9. Mannhajm K. Ideologija i utopija // Novoe vremja. — 1990. — # 14.
10. Marksistskaja filosofija v H1H veke. V dvuh knigah. Kniga vtoraja. Razvitie marksistskoj filosofii vo vtoroj polovine H1H veka. — M.: Izdatel'stvo «Nauka», 1979.
11. Lenin V. I. Tri istochnika i tri sostavnyh chasti marksizma // Poln. Sobr. Soch. — T. 23.
12. Loginov L. I. Nauchnaja ideja v sisteme znanija. — Krasnojarsk: Izd-vo Krasnojars. un-ta, 1992.
13. Val'kov A. A. Ideja nacii: social'no-filosofskoe ponimanie. 09.00.11 — social'naja filosofija. Avtoreferat dissertacii na soiskanie uchjonoj stepeni doktora filosofskih nauk. — Ufa: RIC BashGU, 2000.
14. Popper K. R. Predpolozhenija i oproverzhenija: Rost nauchnogo znanija: Per. s angl. / K. R. Popper. — M.: OOO«Izdatel'stvo AST»: ZAO NPP «Ermak», 2004.
15. Lakatos I. Fal'sifikacija i metodologija nauchno-issledovatel'skih programm // Kun T. Struktura nauchnyh revoljucij: Per. s angl. / T. Kun; Sost. V. Ju. Kuznecov. — M.: OOO «Izdatel'stvo AST», 2003.
About Eugene Anatoljevich Wystorobets – the person and scientist
March 18, 2015 died an outstanding scientist and a wonderful person Eugene Anatoljevich Wystorobets.
March 18, 2015 died an outstanding scientist and a wonderful person Eugene Anatoljevich Wystorobets.
Graduate of the Moscow State Pedagogical University, The International Independent University of Environmental and Political Sciences, PhD, coordinator of the Moscow Initiative on International Environmental Law Development (MIELD), a member of the board of the international contest amongst the works in the field of Environmental Law and International Environmental Law «InterECOlegal PETITabc», member of the Central Council of the of the Russian environmental union.
Awarded the Medal of Russian Academy of Sciences in «World Economy and International Relations’ competition for young scientists (2002), Diploma of the Governor of the Moscow region in the direction of «Development of international and inter-regional environmental cooperation» with the rank of «Environmentalist of the Year near Moscow» (2005), an honorary diploma of I degree and the Medal of the Council of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on issues of sustainable development of Russia Board of the Russian environmental union, the Council of the Association «Rosecopress’ for the development of environmental education in the Russian Federation.
The best known book of E. A. Wystorobets: Environmental law — motivations in International Co-operation (2006), Environmental provisions of the constitutions (2011), Anthology of interecolaw (2014).
The section of the journal is devoted to the memory of famous lawyer-environmentalist E. A. Wystorobets — the founder of the Interecolaw (Interekopravo) school. Published memories of friends and colleagues to work together and projects. A special focus is given to his scientific views and creative ideas related to the formation of Interecolaw ideas.
Keywords: E. A. Wystorobets, Centre of interecolaw, environment, interecolaw, School of interecolaw, EurAzNIIPP (EurAzSRIPL), international cooperation
Bogolyubov S. A.
Initiative and performance Eugene Wystorobets
Farkhutdinov I. Z.
About light Person and the Scientist
Abanina E. N.
About our Friend
Wystorobets А. N.
«I do not regret anything. E.A. Wystorobets»
Ermolina M. A.
In memory of Founder
of the Interecolaw School - E.A. Wystorobets
Rajabov S.A.
My Friend Eugene Anatoljevich Wystorobets
Sivakov D. O.
In memory of deceased Friend
Shishkina E. A.
The huge Man with a small letter
Krasnova I. O., Vlasenko V.N.
The memories of Eugene Anatoljevich Wystorobets
Gavrilova Ju. A.
In memory of E.A. Wystorobets
Kichigin N. V., Ponomarev M. V.
Eugene Anatoljevich Wystorobets – Scientist, Teacher, Enthusiast and Ascetic of Science
Work bibliographic list
1. Vystorobec, Evgenij Anatol'evich. Jekologicheskoe zakonodatel'stvo Rossii, Velikobritanii, Kanady i Niderlandov: Sravnitel'no-pravovoj analiz: dissertacija … kandidata juridicheskih nauk: 12.00.06 Moskva, 2003 263 c.: 61 03–12/1166–1
Work bibliographic list
1. Vystorobec, Evgenij Anatol'evich. Jekologicheskoe zakonodatel'stvo Rossii, Velikobritanii, Kanady i Niderlandov: Sravnitel'no-pravovoj analiz: dissertacija … kandidata juridicheskih nauk: 12.00.06 Moskva, 2003 263 c.: 61 03–12/1166–1
2. Vystorobec E. A. Jekologicheskoe pravo — motivacii v mezhdunarodnom sotrudnichestve / E. A. Vystorobec; [predisl. Ju. E. Vinokurova]. — 2-e izd., pererab. i dop. — M.: Nauka, 2006. — XL, 383 s.: 27 il. + tabl.
3. Vystorobec E. A. Interjekopravo i radio // Pravovoe regulirovanie ispol'zovanija prirodnyh resursov:kompleksnyj podhod: tezisy dokladov mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii (Moskva, 11 aprelja 2014 g.) / sost. S. A. Bogoljubov, E. A. Galinovskaja, A. P. Ushakova. — M.: Institut zakonodatel'stva i sravnitel'nogo pravovedenija pri Pravitel'stve RF: INFRA-M, 2015. S. 126–130.
4. Vystrobec E. A. Zhivotnyj mir i pravo na blagoprijatnuju okruzhajushhuju sredu. Inform. — metod. Materialy i spravochnyj kompleks. Ucheb. — metod. Posobie po kursu: «Jekologija, ohrana prirody, jekologicheskaja bezopasnost'». MIRmpOS. — M: Odna vos'-
maja, 2005, 151 s. 11 ill., bibl. 140 nazv. (Zeljonaja kniga Podmoskov'ja; Vyp. 2, serija osn. v 2004 g.). Podmoskov'ja; Vyp. 2, serija osn. v 2004 g.).
Proshin V. A.
Eugene Anatoljevich Wystorobets – Person, Scientist, Teacher, Friend
Solntsev A. M.
Eugene Wystorobets as a Scientist
Alimov A. A.
The memories of the First Schools Interecolaw
Kodolova A. V.
Sore bereavement
Savonina L. V.
In memory of Eugene Wystorobets
Mukasheva A. A., Sharapatova G. S.
The memories of Eugene Wystorobets
Samusenko L. A.
The memories of Eugene Anatoljevich Wystorobets
Koshovskaya V. S.
In memory of E. А. Wystorobets
Larionov A. A., Yаshkov I. A.
Thinking about a colleague
Shaikhullin M. S.
The words of memory of Friend
The team Eugene Wystorobets was, is and will be!
Wystorobets Е.А., Abanina Е.N.
Guidelines for the systematic Study of cognitive (accessary) Sources of Law
These guidelines are developed because of the need of educational and scientific policy aimed at
These guidelines are developed because of the need of educational and scientific policy aimed at
the system study of cognitive (subsidiary) sources of law and represent its instrument. Guidelines are brought into action to facilitate the organization and optimization work on the preparation and conduct of study and scientific research, based on the systematic study of cognitive (auxiliary) sources of law.
Keywords: guidelines, study, cognitive (subsidiary) sources of law, science, ecologichnost, sustainability.
Work bibliographic list
1. Sostavlenie bibliograficheskih posobij: metod. rek./ JaOUNB im. N. A. Nekrasova, IBO; sost. A. V. Zhuravleva. — Jaroslavl', 2011. — 25 s. URL:
Work bibliographic list
1. Sostavlenie bibliograficheskih posobij: metod. rek./ JaOUNB im. N. A. Nekrasova, IBO; sost. A. V. Zhuravleva. — Jaroslavl', 2011. — 25 s. URL:
2. Briskman M. A. Sostavlenie bibliograficheskih posobij: prakt. rukovodstvo / M. A. Briskman, M. P. Bronshtejn. — M.: Kniga, 1964. — 299 s.
3. Burakova E. Letnij marafon knigocheja. Sostavlenie bibliograficheskogo posobija / E. Burakova, T. Kruglik // Bibliopole. — 2010. — # 8. — S. 21–24.
4. GOST 7.0–99. Informacionno-bibliograficheskaja dejatel'nost', bibliografija. Terminy i opredelenija. — Vved. 01.07.2000 // Biblioteka i zakon: jurid. spravochnik / red. O. R. Borodin. — M., 2001. — Vyp. 10. — S. 307–329.
5. Organizacija i tehnologija sostavlenija nauchno-vspomogatel'nyh i rekomendatel'nyh ukazatelej // Kogotkov D. Ja. Bibliograficheskaja dejatel'nost' biblioteki: organizacija, tehnologija, upravlenie: uchebnik / D. Ja. Kogotkov. — SPb: Professija, 2003. — Razd. III:
Organizacija i tehnologija bibliografirovanija, Gl. 10. — S. 154–185.
6. Sozdanie bibliograficheskoj produkcii // Spravochnik bibliografa / nauch. red. A. N. Vaneev, V. A. Minkina. — 2-e izd., pererab. i dop. — SPb: Professija, 2003. — S. 388–440.
7. Sostavlenie rekomendatel'no-bibliograficheskogo posobija: metod. rek. / Gos. b-ka SSSR im. V. I. Lenina, Otd. rek. bibliografii. — M., 1987. — 12 s.
8. Tehnologija sostavlenija bibliograficheskogo posobija. Jetapy sostavlenija rekomendatel'nogo bibliograficheskogo posobija. Tehnologija sostavlenija bibliogra-ficheskih posobij s pomoshh'ju sredstv avtomatizacii: diplom. rabota // Jekonomicheskoe razvitie SSSR cherez prizmu reform i kontrreform: bibliogr. ukazatel' /avt. — sost. A. N. Serebrjakova; red. A. V. Zhuravleva. —Jaroslavl': JaOUNB im. N. A. Nekrasova, 2007. — Gl. 1–3. — S. 2–55.
9. GOST 7.60–2003 SIBID. Izdanija. Osnovnye vidy. Terminy i opredelenija. Prinjat Mezhgosudarstvennym sovetom po standartizacii, metrologii i sertifikacii (protokol # 23 ot 22 maja 2003 g.). Vveden v dejstvie Postanovleniem Gosudarstvennogo komiteta Rossijskoj Federacii po standartizacii i metrologii ot 25 nojabrja 2003 g. # 331.
10. Metodicheskie rekomendacii po formirovaniju kul'tury raboty so slovarjami shkol'nikov i pedagogov obshheobrazovatel'nyh uchrezhdenij v celjah realizacii polozhenij FGOS ot 25 marta 2013 g. # 777–347 / Institut russkogo jazyka im. V. V. Vinogradova RAN; podpisany Direktorom Institura, akademikom A. M. Moldovanom. — M.: IRJa RAN, 2013. — 10 s.
11. Metodicheskie rekomendacii po vypolneniju kontrol'noj raboty // Rossijskij novyj universitet (Volokolamskij filial). — 3 s. — URL:'noj%20raboty.pdf (05.05.2013);
12. Polozhenie o samostojatel'noj rabote obuchajushhihsja v federal'nom gosudarstven-nom bjudzhetnom obrazovatel'nom uchrezhdenii vysshego professional'nogo obrazovanija «Saratovskaja gosudarstvennaja juridicheskaja akademija» ot 31 avgusta 2011 g. URL: (05.05.2013);
13. Rukovodstvo po razrabotke bibliotechnyh programm gramotnosti: neskol'ko prakticheskih predlozhenij /Mezhdunarodnaja federacija bibliotechnyh associacij i uchrezhdenij (IFLA); sekcija chtenija. — Gaaga: IFLA, ne ukazan. — 8 s. = Guidelines for Library-based literacy programmes: some practical suggestions / International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions; IFLA section on reading. — The Hague: IFLA, uncpecified. — 12 p. — URL: (05.05.2013);
14. Rukovodstvo IFLA/JuNESKO po razvitiju sluzhby publichnyh bibliotek. CI-2001/WS/01 / Mezhdunarodnaja federacija bibliotechnyh associacij i uchrezhdenij; Sekcija publichnyh bibliotek. — Gaaga: IFLA, 2001. — 106 s. — URL: (05.05.2013);
15. Guidelines for performing Systematic Literature Reviews in Software Engineering. Version 2.3. EBSE Technical Report / Software Engineering Group; School of Computer Science and Mathematics, Keele University; Department of Computer Science, University of Durham. — Keele, Durham, 2007 (9 July). — 65 p. — © Kitchenham, 2007. — URL: (05.05.2013).
16. Postanovlenie Glavnogo gosudarstvennogo sanitarnogo vracha RF ot 10.04.2003 N 39 «O vvedenii v dejstvie Sanitarnyh pravil i normativov SanPiN 1.2.1253–03»(vmeste s «SanPiN 1.2.1253–03. 1.2. Gigiena, toksikologija, sanitarija. Gigienicheskie trebovanija k izdanijam knizhnym dlja vzroslyh. Sanitarnye pravila i normativy», utv. Glavnym gosudarstvennym sanitarnym vrachom RF 30.03.2003) (Zaregistrirovano v Minjuste RF 29.04.2003 N 4463) // BNA FOIV. — 2003 (11.08). — N 32.
17. Postanovlenie Glavnogo gosudarstvennogo sanitarnogo vracha RF ot 20.11.2002 N 38 «O vvedenii v dejstvie Sanitarnyh pravil i normativov» (vmeste s «San-PiN–02. 2.4.7. Gigiena detej i podrostkov. Gigienicheskie trebovanija k izdanijam uchebnym dlja obshhego i nachal'nogo professional'nogo obrazovanija. Sanitarnye pravila i normativy», utv. Glavnym gosudarstvennym sanitarnym vrachom RF 07.10.2002) (Zaregistrirovano v Minjuste RF 19.12.2002 N 4046) //BNA FOIV. — 2003 (27.01). — N 4.
18. Reshenie Komissii Tamozhennogo sojuza ot 23.09.2011 N 797 (red. ot 27.11.2012) «O prinjatii tehnicheskogo reglamenta Tamozhennogo sojuza «O bezopasnosti produkcii, prednaznachennoj dlja detej i podrostkov» (vmeste s «TR TS 007/2011. Tehnicheskij reglament Tamozhennogo sojuza. O bezopasnosti produkcii, prednaznachennoj dlja detej i podrostkov») <Izdatel'skaja (knizhnaja i zhurnal'naja produkcija> // Sajt Evrazijskoj jekonomicheskoj komissii. — URL: http://www.eurasiancommission. org/ru/act/texnreg/deptexreg/tr/Documents/P_797_1.pdf (05.05.2013).
Timofeev L.A., Sorokina Y.V.
Instructional design E.A.Wystorobets
The article reveals the contribution of E. A. Wystorobets in the development of guidelines for the
The article reveals the contribution of E. A. Wystorobets in the development of guidelines for the
systematic study of cognitive (auxiliary) sources of law of all types and categories. Particular attention is paid to assessing the relevance and usefulness of his works devoted to Anthology of Interecolaw.
Keywords: interecolaw, Anthology of Interecolaw, guidelines, cognitive (auxiliary) sources of law.
Work bibliographic list
1. Efimova E. I. Jekologicheskoe pravo Rossii. Bibliografija (1958–2004 g.): uchebnoe posobie dlja vuzov / pod red. d. ju.n., professora A. K. Golichenkova. M.: Gorodec, 2007. 432 s.
Work bibliographic list
1. Efimova E. I. Jekologicheskoe pravo Rossii. Bibliografija (1958–2004 g.): uchebnoe posobie dlja vuzov / pod red. d. ju.n., professora A. K. Golichenkova. M.: Gorodec, 2007. 432 s.
2. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo: Bibliografija. 1991–2005 / otv. red. L. N. Galenskaja, G. I. Kurdjukov, S. V. Bahin. SPb.: SKF «Rossija — Neva», 2010. 600 s.
3. «Antologija interjekoprava»: uchebnoe posobie, tematicheskij katalog, ssylki na skachivanie polnyh tekstov, istochnikovedcheskie obzory, interv'ju i stat'i / pod red. E. A. Vystorobca. 2-e izd. M. — Ufa, MIRm- pOS, Centr interjekoprava EvrAzNIIPP, 2014. S. 636–643.
4. Metodicheskie rekomendacii Evrazijskogo NII problem prava ot 5 maja 2013 g. Obrazovanie i nauka. Pravo. Poznavatel'nye (vspomogatel'nye) istochniki prava. Obshhie trebovanija k sistemnomu izucheniju. Forma, soderzhanie i porjadok vypolnenija rabot. M. — Ufa, MIRmpOS, Centr interjekoprava EvrAzNIIPP, 2014. 25 s.
5. «Antologija interjekoprava»: uchebnoe posobie, tematicheskij katalog, ssylki na skachivanie polnyh tekstov, istochnikovedcheskie obzory, interv'ju i stat'i / pod red. E. A. Vystorobca. 2-e izd. M. — Ufa, MIRm-pOS, Centr interjekoprava EvrAzNIIPP, 2014. S.
List of scientific publications of E. A Wystorobets
Shishkina E.A.
Internatonal environmtntal crime as a subject of criminological analysis
International environmental crime is one of the most malignant criminal phenomena, largerly unaffected by the influence of environmental legislation, attempts of state and public organizations to create reliable mechanisms for the protection of natural resources from the different-scale assaults of criminal communities and ordinary citizens. The complexity of the prevention and detection of environmental crimes at international level is determined by multiplicity, interpenetration, totality of objective and subjective factors, includingthe crisis of economic, political and legal institutions, as well as the deformation of social consciousness and sense of justice as a moral indicator of socio-natural relations.
International environmental crime is one of the most malignant criminal phenomena, largerly unaffected by the influence of environmental legislation, attempts of state and public organizations to create reliable mechanisms for the protection of natural resources from the different-scale assaults of criminal communities and ordinary citizens. The complexity of the prevention and detection of environmental crimes at international level is determined by multiplicity, interpenetration, totality of objective and subjective factors, includingthe crisis of economic, political and legal institutions, as well as the deformation of social consciousness and sense of justice as a moral indicator of socio-natural relations.
Keywords: environmental crime, criminal behavior, international crime, environmental justice.
Work bibliographic list
1. Vzryv neftjanoj platformy Deepwater Horizon. URL: (dataposeshhenija: 14.04.2015)
Work bibliographic list
1. Vzryv neftjanoj platformy Deepwater Horizon. URL: (dataposeshhenija: 14.04.2015)
2. BP predstavila otchet o prichinah vzryva v Meksikanskom zalive (rus.). (9 sentjabrja 2010 goda). Provereno 1 janvarja 2012. Arhivirovano iz pervoistochnika 24 aprelja 2012. URL: (data poseshhenija: 14.04.2015)
3. Interpol prosit sodejstvija v rassledovanii jekologicheskih prestuplenij. URL: (data poseshhenija: 08.02.2015).
4. Kletneva E. G. Professionalizacija jekologicheskoj prestupnosti // Vestnik TISBI. — 2004, # 4, S. 17.
5. Kozlova O. N. Politika v sociokul'turnoj dinamike // Social'no-gumanitarnye znanija, 2004, # 5, S.175–176.
6. Kriminologija. Pod red. Kudrjavceva V. N. i Jeminova V. E. — M.: JuRIST"",2004, S. 523.
7. Kudrjavcev V. N., Kazimirchuk V. P. Sovremennaja sociologija prava — M.: Jurist, 1995, S.299.
8. K u k u sh k i n a V . A . Je k o l o g i ch e s k i e z a b o l e v a nija naselenija. URL: (data poseshhenija: 07.05.12)
9. Lopashenko N. A. Jekologicheskie prestuplenija: Nauchno-prakticheskij kommentarij — SPb., 2002.
10. Omigov V. I. Jekologicheskaja prestupnost' // SOCIS, # 7, 2005, s. 104, 105.
11. Pribyl' ot jekologicheskih prestuplenij ocenivaetsja v 15–20 milliardov v god. URL: (data poseshhenija: 08.02.2015)
12. R I A N o v o s t i . U R L : h t t p : / / r i a . r u /spravka/20130418/933253431.html#ixzz3XwUqPhcF (data poseshhenija: 14.04.2015)
13. Tangiev, B. B. Mezhdunarodnaja jekologicheskaja kriminologija. URL: poseshhenija: 12.12.2011)
14. Held D., Gol'dblatt D., Makgrju Je., Perraton D. Global'nye transformacii — M.: Praksis, 2004.S. 442.
15. Cherkasskij, B. L. Global'naja jepidemiologija. — M.:Prakticheskaja medicina, 2008.
16. Shelli L. Transnacional'naja prestupnost' — vyzov dlja vseh / Journal USA «Partnerstva protiv korrupcii», 11.07.12. URL: http// (data poseshhenija: 20.07.2011)
17. Shherbakov S. Gorbachev predlagaet uchredit' mezhdunarodnyj tribunal za sovershenie jekologicheskih prestuplenij. ITAR-TASS, Parizh, 13.03.12. URL: (data poseshhenija:20.05.2012)
18. Jekologicheskaja prestupnost' v dejstvujushhem rossijskom zakonodatel'stve. URL: (data poseshhenija: 02.01.2012).
19. 2010–2012 Cetacean Unusual Mortality Event in Northern Gulf of Mexico (angl.). NOAA Fisheries Office of Protected Resources (18 marta 2012 goda). Provereno 25 marta 2012. Arhivirovano iz pervoistochnika 21 maja 2012. URL: (data poseshhenija: 14.04.2015)
Alimov А.А.
The concept of sustainable development and socio-environmental ways of its realization
The main content of the article is aimed at consideration of the problem of formation and realization of the Sustainable Development Concept (SDC). The author proposes his own understanding of approaches and ways using of which makes it possible to solve socio-environmental problem.
The main content of the article is aimed at consideration of the problem of formation and realization of the Sustainable Development Concept (SDC). The author proposes his own understanding of approaches and ways using of which makes it possible to solve socio-environmental problem.
Keywords: sustainable development, environmental law, state environmental policy, socioecological problem.
Work bibliographic list
1. Nashe obshhee budushhee. Doklad Mezhdunarodnoj komissii OON po okruzhajushhej srede i razvitiju. M.,1989.
Work bibliographic list
1. Nashe obshhee budushhee. Doklad Mezhdunarodnoj komissii OON po okruzhajushhej srede i razvitiju. M.,1989.
2. Vystorobec E. A. Jekologicheskoe pravo. Motivacii v mezhdunarodnom sotrudnichestve. M., 2006.
Gavrilova Ju. A.
The role and place of international norms «soft law» in the system of national environmental legislation
The article examines the relationship between international «soft» environmental law and national environmental law (the Republic of Kazakhstan is taken as an example). The author concludes that in spite of the non-binding nature of the rules of international «soft» environmental law, it affects the formation and development of the rules of national environmental law. This effect manifests itself as follows: first, despite formally enshrined declarative norms «soft» law found a place in the environmental legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan; second, their origin, which is the result of globalization, expands forms of international ecological and legal cooperation of the states; third, the norms of «soft environmental law» affect the improvement of the national system of environmental law being reflected in the acts of
The article examines the relationship between international «soft» environmental law and national environmental law (the Republic of Kazakhstan is taken as an example). The author concludes that in spite of the non-binding nature of the rules of international «soft» environmental law, it affects the formation and development of the rules of national environmental law. This effect manifests itself as follows: first, despite formally enshrined declarative norms «soft» law found a place in the environmental legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan; second, their origin, which is the result of globalization, expands forms of international ecological and legal cooperation of the states; third, the norms of «soft environmental law» affect the improvement of the national system of environmental law being reflected in the acts of
legislation, as well as in the creation of new institutions of environmental law; fourth, the norms of «soft environmental law» that can adapt to any historical realities, are the basis for the development and adoption of international environmental treaties.
Keywords: international environmental law, «soft law», natural environment.
Work bibliographic list
1. Velizhanina M. Ju. «Mjagkoe pravo»: ego sushhnost' i rol' v regulirovanii mezhdunarodnyh otnoshenij. —Avtoreferat diss. na soisk. uchenoj stepeni k. ju.n…Moskva, 2007.
Work bibliographic list
1. Velizhanina M. Ju. «Mjagkoe pravo»: ego sushhnost' i rol' v regulirovanii mezhdunarodnyh otnoshenij. —Avtoreferat diss. na soisk. uchenoj stepeni k. ju.n…Moskva, 2007.
2. Venskaja konvencija ob ohrane ozonovogo sloja. Prinjata 22 marta 1985 goda //
3. Vseobshhaja deklaracija prav cheloveka. Prinjata rezoljuciej 217 A (III) General'noj Assamblei OON ot 10 dekabrja 1948 goda//
4. Vystorobec E. A. O raznoobrazii istochnikov pozitivnogo interjekoprava//Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. — 2012. — # 1. — S.84–91.
5. Deklaracija Konferencii Organizacii Ob"edinennyh Nacij po problemam okruzhajushhej cheloveka sredy ot 16 ijunja 1972 goda //
6. Kanaeva L. A. Sistema istochnikov evropejskogo jekologicheskogo prava. — Avtoreferat dissertacii na soisk. uch. stepeni k. ju.n… 12.00.10 — Mezhdunarodnoe pravo, Evropejskoe pravo. — Kazan', 2005 //
7. Konvencii o zapreshhenii voennogo ili ljubogo inogo vrazhdebnogo ispol'zovanija sredstv vozdejstvija na prirodnuju sredu (1977 g.) // //
8. Konvencija o biologicheskom raznoobrazii//
9. Konvencija Sodruzhestva Nezavisimyh Gosudarstv o pravah i osnovnyh svobodah cheloveka (Minsk, 26 maja 1995 g.) // Sistema GARANT:
10. Konstitucija Respubliki Kazahstan ot 30 avgusta 1995 goda//
11. Kopylov M. N. K voprosu ob jeffektivnosti norm «mjagkogo» mezhdunarodnogo jekologicheskogo prava //Jekologicheskoe pravo. —2006. —# 6. —S.30–2.
12. Kopylov M. N. Mezhdunarodnoe jekologicheskoe pravo kak otrasl' sovremennogo mezhdunarodnogo prava //Gosudarstvo i pravo. —2007. —# 1. —S.54–3.
13. Lukashuk I. I. Kodifikacija i progressivnoe razvitie mezhdunarodnogo prava v XXI veke // Rossijskij ezhegodnik mezhdunarodnogo prava. — SPb., 2001.
14. Malinovskij O. N. Normy aktov mezhgosudarstvennyh organizacij o pravah cheloveka v mezhdunarodnoj normativnoj sisteme // Mezhdunarodnoe publichnoe i chastnoe pravo. — 2009. — # 2 (50). — S. 26–28.
15. Mezhdunarodnyj pakt ob jekonomicheskih, social'nyh i kul'turnyh pravah. Prinjat rezoljuciej 2200 A (XXI) General'noj Assamblei ot 16 dekabrja 1966 goda//
16. Ramochnaja konvencija Organizacii Ob"edinennyh Nacij ob izmenenii klimata. Prinjata 9 maja 1992 goda//
17. Rio-de-Zhanejrskaja deklaracija po okruzhajushhej srede i razvitiju. Prinjata Konferenciej OON po okruzhajushhej srede i razvitiju, Rio-de-Zhanejro, 3–14 ijunja 1992 goda //
18. Jekologicheskij kodeks Respubliki Kazahstan ot 9 janvarja 2007 goda # 212. Informacionno-pravovaja sistema normativnyh pravovyh aktov Respubliki Kazahstan //
Konnova E.V.
On the role of consultations and inquiry in international environmental disputes settlement and in prevention of environmental damage
Interinstitutional nature of consultations and inquiry in international environmental law is investigated in the article. In the author’s opinion, this nature is reflected in the fact, that these means act as means of international environmental dispute settlement, as well as means of ensuring compliance with international obligations and of prevention of environmental damage. The conclusion is made, that the necessity to conduct consultations regarding activities capable of causing environmental damage is now comprised in international customary law. It is also stated that there is an emerging customary norm, binding states to provide an opportunity for exercise of inquiry for establishment of facts on their territory.
Interinstitutional nature of consultations and inquiry in international environmental law is investigated in the article. In the author’s opinion, this nature is reflected in the fact, that these means act as means of international environmental dispute settlement, as well as means of ensuring compliance with international obligations and of prevention of environmental damage. The conclusion is made, that the necessity to conduct consultations regarding activities capable of causing environmental damage is now comprised in international customary law. It is also stated that there is an emerging customary norm, binding states to provide an opportunity for exercise of inquiry for establishment of facts on their territory.
Keywords: consultations, inquiry, on-site inspections, international environmental disputes, environmental damage.
Work bibliographic list
1. Anisimov L. N. Mezhdunarodno-pravovye sredstva razreshenija mezhgosudarstvennyh sporov (konfliktov). —L.: Izd-vo LGU, 1975. — 164 s.
Work bibliographic list
1. Anisimov L. N. Mezhdunarodno-pravovye sredstva razreshenija mezhgosudarstvennyh sporov (konfliktov). —L.: Izd-vo LGU, 1975. — 164 s.
2. Blishhenko I. P., Ladyzhenskij A. M. Mirnye sredstva razreshenija sporov mezhdu gosudarstvami. — M.: Gosjurizdat, 1962. — 175 s.
3. Pushmin Je. A. Mirnoe razreshenie mezhdunarodnyh sporov (mezhdunarodno-pravovye voprosy). — M.: Mezhdunar. otnoshenija,1974. — 173 s.
4. Samatov O. Mirnoe razreshenie sporov v ramkah SNG // Sovremennoe pravo. — 2004. — # 12. — S. 44–49.
5. Karpovich O. Mirnoe razreshenie mezhdunarodnyh sporov v ramkah OBSE // Jurist. — 1998. — # 8. — S.36–46.
6. Vasilenko V. A., Jentin M. L. Mirnye sredstva razreshenija mezhdunarodnyh sporov // Kurs mezhdunarodnogo prava v 7 t. — T. 3. — M.: Nauka, 1989. — Gl. 5. — S.145–188.
7. Rezoljucija General'noj Assamblei OON «Vopros o metodah vyjasnenija faktov». — Dok. OON: A/RES/1967(XVIII).
8. Deklaracija ob ustanovlenii faktov OON v oblasti podderzhanija mezhdunarodnogo mira i bezopasnosti. Dok. OON: A/RES/46/59.
9. Permanent Court of Arbitration Optional Rules on for Fact-Finding Commissions of Inquiry. <Permanent Court of Arbitration> [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa: URL: poseshhenija: 25.04.2015 g.).
10. Sokolova N. A. Voprosy ohrany okruzhajushhej sredy v dejatel'nosti mezhdunarodnyh sudebnyh uchrezhdenij// Rossijskij ezhegodnik mezhdunarodnogo prava. —SpB.: «Rossija-Neva», 2003. —S.99–12.
11. Strochuk V. M. Kodifikacionnyj process v oblasti mezhdunarodnoj otvetstvennosti za vrednye posledstvija dejstvij, ne zapreshhennyh mezhdunarodnym pravom // Belorusskij zhurnal mezhdunarodnogo prava i mezhdunarodnyh otnoshenij, 2001. — # 4. — C.12– 17.
12. Bilder R. Settlement of Disputes in Field of International Law of Environment // Recueil des cours de l'Académie de droit international de La Haye, 1975. — V. I. — P. 140–239.
13. Lake Lanoux Arbitration (France v. Spain) (1957). — 12 R.I.A.A. 281; 24 I.L.R. 101. <Ecolex> [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa: URL: poseshhenija: 25.04.2015 g.).
14. Compendium of judicial decisions on matters related to environment. International Decisions. — V. 1. December, 1998. <UNEP> [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Rezhim dostupa: URL: (Int%20.pdf ) (data poseshhenija: 14.03.2010 g.).
15. Predotvrashhenie transgranichnogo vreda ot opasnyh vidov dejatel'nosti. — Dok. OON: A/62/452. — C.7.
16. Reshenie 10 CP/4. Doklad Konferencii Storon o rabote ee chetvertoj sessii, sostojavshejsja v Bujenos-Ajrese 2–14 nojabrja 1998 goda. Ch. 2. — Dok. OON: FCCC/CP/1998/16/Add.1. — 148 s.
17. Konvencija po bor'be s opustynivaniem. Konferencija storon. Devjataja sessija. Bujenos-Ajres, 21 sentjabrja — 2 oktjabrja 2009 g. — Dok. OON: ICCD/COP (9) /13. — C.21–25.
18. Dispute Avoidance and Dispute Settlement in International Environmental Law. Conclusions by the International Group of Experts // Environmental Policy and Law, 1999. —29/2–3. — C.143–144.
19. Pervyj doklad o predotvrashhenii transgranichnogo ushherba ot opasnyh vidov dejatel'nosti, podgotovlennyj Special'nym dokladchikom g-nom Pemmaradzhu Srinivasa Rao. — Komissija mezhdunarodnogo prava. Pjatidesjataja sessija. — Dok. OON: A/CN.4/487.
20. Okowa Ph. N. Responsibility for transboundary air pollution in International Law. — Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000. — 285 p.
International scientific and practical law journal
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