V.L. Tolstykh:

Winner of the prize F. F. Martens (2016)
Interview with the Head of International Law Department of the Novosibirsk State University; leading researcher of the Institute of Philosophy and Law of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences Tolstykh Vladislav Leonidovich

Farkhutdinov I. Z.

Mogherini strategy and military doctrine of trump:the challenges ahead Russia

Sodikov Sh. D., Mehdiev E. T.

Cooperation between Russia and Tajikistan under the collective security treaty organization in the fight against new challenges and threats in Central Asia
Koktych K. E., Renard-Koktych A. V.
Industrial growth in terms of external sanctions:the Iranian experience for the EEU

Shiyanov A. V.

The international legal aspects of application of protective measures and the rules of access on the markets in the energy sector
Emelyanova N. N.
Genetically modified organisms:Russian law and international law

Guliyev I. A.

The decision of OPEC to reduce oil production:problems and prospects

Guliyev I. A., Markin A. S.

Adjudication of pipeline oil spills damage disputes in Canada

Nurieva G. D.

Environmental rights of citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Gabdrakhmanova A. F.

Legal framework governing medicinal products in the European Union

Kulikov K. A.

Good faith principle (treu und glauben) in German civil law. General overwiew
Novikova O. I., Vasiljev P. A.
Contribution of Benjamin Franklin in shaping the constitutional foundations of the United States of America (part 1)

Kozhevnikova A. V.

Legal protection of inventions in the Russian Federation and Germany
Zhang X., Wang H.
Analytical comparative concept of the legal aspects of the constitution of the Russian Federation and the constitution of the United States of America
Yusupov T. I.
Comparative legal analysis of norms of Russian and foreign criminal legislation provides for liability for malicious evasion from payment of means for the maintenance of minor children and disabled parents

Gorbunov M. G.

Critical analysis to imperative theory of law in H. L. A. Hart’s legal conception
Khoroshko I. V.
General-theoretical and branch aspects of differentiation of the concepts of “source of law” and “form of law”
Chupanova A. Ch.
Sense of justice as condition of forming of legal competence of heads of the educational organizations
Vorobjev S. M., Tolchenkin D. A., Tolchenkina M. E.
Legal freedom as part of the overall freedom of the individual:the relationship between the concepts

Ryabchenko A. G.

Organization of the activities criminal procedure flow rate in the Moscow state XV-XVII centuries. Subjects and its implementation
Vildanov R. R., Bondarenko A. V., Lukijanov M. Yu.
Sobornost as Russia’s approach to national representation
Latypova N. S.
Influence of Civil war on development of the American federalism
Fedoseev V. I.
The farms of the samara province in the years of the NEP 1921-1928:organizational and legal aspect
Baklanova I. S.
White government and Cossack state establishments – the history of relationships: historiographic studies
Ishtuganov N. N.
Formation institutes of civil society in science of pre-revolutionary Russia
Shamsutdinov R. R.
Comparative analysis of state secrets legal remedy in Russian Federation and Great Britain

Fomichev M. N., Kolomeychenko E. A.

Institute of constitutional rights and freedoms as a guideline for the interaction between the individual and the state: the notion and properties o

Gladilina I. P., Arionchik A. A.

Procurement management based on the development of competition
Mashukova T. A.
On some problems of contestation of normative legal acts and of acts containing provisions and with regulatory properties
Ivanov A. D.
Responsibility in the field of genetic engineering activity:administrative aspect
Nikulinа E. M.
Examination by the customer the delivered goods, performed work, rendered services in accordance with the legislation of Russian Federation and other normative legal acts on the contract system in the procurement
Yusupova Z. G.
Organizing and obligations elements the right of operational management of the unitary enterprise

Konysheva E. G.

The question of the effectiveness of local self-government –the question of the definition of the levels of public authority
Gontar S. G.
Forming of local authorities in Orel region

Trapeznikov V. A.

Unilateral refusal: the disputed issues of law enforcement
Osmanov O. A.
Contract consumer credit (loans). Problems recovery of overdue debts
Puzina M. V.
Requirements for persons carrying out notarial activities
Krivusheva S. S.
The congregation as a civil law category, the interest participation in the meeting
Magomedova A.G.
Legal problems of military pensions
Yusifova R.T
Scope of application term «nationality» in relation to legal entity

Lomakina N. G., Volkova O. A.

To the question of the legal status of a specialist in the Russian procedural legislation

Demchenko M.V.

It guarantees the right of workers to training and continuing professional education
Malkerov V. B.
Regulation of relations in the field of pensions in the conditions of crisis phenomena in the Russian economy

Karavaev A. N.

Problems of insurance in Russia: prospects of development

Asmandiyarov V. M., Zarubin V. V., Sokolov N. A.

Housing subsidy as a social guarantee to the employees of the penal system

Vlasenko V. N., Abramov V. V.

Legal issues in implementation of basin principle at Russian water fund management

Alibekova P. M.

The evolution of the ecological functions of the state

Golubeva E. R., Yusupov T. I.

General social factors that contribute to the organization of illegal migration

Erezhipaliev D. I.

The exercise by the Prosecutor of criminal prosecution in pre-trial proceedings in criminal cases
Gadzhieva A. A., Musaev M. M.
Question of the unification of terminology in the crime associated with illicit trafficking in weapons

Sokolov Yu. N.

Electronic protocol of the procedural action in proving on criminal cases

Artemyev N. S., Titanov M. Yu., Kostramcov A. E.

Penal signs of latent crime in the penal institutions of deprivation of liberty
Epifanov O. S.
Legal regulation of the main directions and forms of educational work carried out by employees of criminal-executive inspections with prisoners sentenced to punishments and measures without isolation from society
Knyazeva O. V.
Probation and the problems of its application in the present period
Nuzhdin A. A.
Results of certain properties of personality entities corruption and factors contributing to delinquency and crime in the penal system
Chorny V. N.
Factors influencing the content of criminal-executive legislation and its development trends
Yakovleva V. M.
Сrimes convicts serving their non-custodial sentences
Mayorova E. O.
Setting goals penal legislation in international instruments, standards and defining the purpose of execution of criminal sanctions

Zhuravlenko N. I.

Application operatively-search activity rapid test for determination of drug
Sultanov A. V.
Forensic characterization of crimes committed in the field of computer technology
Shkabin G. S.
Detection of intent and crime provocation: problems with the legality of opera-tional-investigative activities

Matskevich I. M., Aminov I. I.

The problem of corruption risks in the penal system
Akayev D. K., Gadzhieva A. A.
The problem of criminalization of enforced disappearances
Malikov B. Z., Elizarjeva R.R.
Criminal and criminological aspects calls the “market” of Russia and incorporating their values at the institute of criminal convictions for resilience

Chernova G. Sh.

Legal aspects of civil proceedings in arbitration (arbitration court)
Akhmetova S. V.
Judicial document as a means of communication in judicial discourse
Ramazanova E. T., Agarabadanova N. R.
Some of the powers of the Prosecutor in the field of legislative activity
Shpak V. V.
Changing the subject or the base of the claim as a way to optimize civil proceedings
Cheryachukina E. A.
Conflicts can be resolved if there is a good will: a story of one «unresolved» construction
Erfurt A. B.
Understanding the category of “private interest” in criminal proceedings of Russia

Cherepanova I. V., Kiek T. Z.

Application of prosecutor administrative responsibility for violation of legislation on consumer credit (loans) in the commission of actions aimed at overdue payments

Zelik V. A., PozigunV. I.

The problem of assessing signs of ill-treatment of juveniles in the criminal legislation of Russia

Emelyanova N. N.

Agroecology, right to food and international law
Gadzhieva A. A., Latipov G. M.-S.
Viktimological aspect of theslave labor use

Maron A. I.

Information approach to definition of age structure of voters by results of elections
Mironova O. A.
Interaction of state and religious communities in realization of social function of the state
Pavlovskiy D. A.
Mechanism of interaction between state authorities of the subject of the Russian Federation with public associations
Bekishieva S. R., Daudov M. M.
State policy in the sphere of attracting foreign investments (legal aspect)

Skaridov A. S.

Legal regime of the Azov Sea and the Black Sea areas and regional security
Gadzhiev A. Sh.
The protection of public order, the constitutional principle activities of the Russian state
Kubiak M., Pushkina A. V.
Legal security as a type of social security
Ponomareva E. V.
Legal regulation of environmental security in Russia
Ramazanov T. B., Abukarova S. A.
Some legal measures preventing the financing of terrorism
Saifullin E. V.
On the question of the application of the federal law «On the participation of citizens in the protection of public order»

Azizova V. T.

To the question of legal competence of the head of educational institution
Murtazaliyev A. M., Mirzaev M. A.
Principles for the establishment of a system of continuing legal education
Titova O. Z.
The intensification of communicative skills of students of the FSEI OF HE SLI FSEP of Russia in the study of the discipline “Russian language in business documents”

Bykov V. N., Bykov K. V.

Mentality of the social group of the social movement of 1860s-1900s participants on the example of the herald groups in Moscow Duma
Murtazaliyev A. M., Bekishieva S. R.
Problems of increase of legal competence of employees of education: analysis of results of sociological research
Safin F. G.
Ethnosocial aspects of the adaptation of ethnic groups to the challenges of the market economy (based on the data of ethnosociological surveys in Bashkortostan)

Adukov R. H., Aydinova A. T., Zakharov R. V.

What hinders the development of consumer cooperation in Russia’s AIC?
Degtev G. V., Sergeev V. E., Tormozova E. D.
Modern management of the service contract as the foundation of effective procurement
Sergeeva S. A.
Professional statistical analysis of the scope of the procurement as the basis of efficiency of procurement activities
Stavtseva T. I.
Business Corruption factors on the base of institutional economics methodology
Maksimenko Z. V., Lackman I. A., ? Rozanova L. F., Popov D. V.
A model of probable sum of payment evaluation within the strategy of past due debts’ collection management
Musina D. R., Birukova V. V., Musalimov A. D.
The energy intensity of gross domestic product in the Russia
Redkina T. M.
Resource reorientation of Russia as a factor in the growth of its in-vestment attractiveness in the international market
Ipatjev I. R.
Regulation and supervision in the sphere of activity of unit investment funds and nongovernmental pension funds
Gaysina A. V., Suyundukova A. A.
Personnel potential of the oil companies as the basis economic growth of the country

Stoletov A. I.

Comparison of understanding creativity in ancient philosophy and Buddhism
Serebryakova Yu. A.
Buddhism as a formative factor in the national identity of the buryat people
Yanguzin A. R.
The transformation of the spiritual values of the youth
Belyakov N. S.
Irrational and rational in the modern cognition
Gulgenova A. T.
The genesis and development of historical and philosophical genre of “Siddhanta” in medieval Tibet
Ilyasov R. R.
Artificial intelligence and methodological preparedness of the student
Yanguzin A. R.
Evolution of spiritual values
Serebryakova Yu. A.
The influence of Tibetan Buddhism on the worldview of buryat people
Demichev I. V.
Archaisation as a crisis of modernization transit: sociocultural dynamics
Kadyrova G. F., Gindullin N. F., ?
Bondarenko A. V., Dallakyan G. R.
Objective and subjective conditions regulation industrial conflicts in a society undergoing transformation
Bigashev T. A.
«Friend or foe» in online communities: the problem of finding a collective identity
Ilyasov R. A.
The postmodern society as an element of the liberal model of social development
Rugal A. N.
The game in fiction: problems of identification and definition
Sizintsev P. V.
Overview of aesthetic aspects of the doctrine on the absolute to in article I. P. Chetverikov
Slock V. I.
The evolution of ideas about risk as a factor in the transformation of the social management system

Smirnov M. G.

“Discussions of theorists and practitioners of jurisprudence in Kazan: is it possible to effectively fight for improved rights in Russia in modern conditions?” Overview of the IV all-Russian scientific – practical conference “Improvement of implementation and application of law:General-theoretical and branch aspects” held on 28 October 2016, in the Kazan branch of Russian state University of justice
Solntzev A. M., Kuteinikov A. E., Golodova K. E., Yakulenko A. D.
Interdisciplinary approaches to the study of the UN discussed in the section of the RISA Convention

Anikin S. B.

Review of the monograph by E. Yu. Chmyhalo «State policy in the sphere of protection and use of the land: legal aspects»
Zalesny J.
Review of the monograph: «regulatory decisions specialized bodies of constitutional control in the Russian Federation, Belarus and the Republic of Kazakhstan: comparative law research» /G. A. Vasilevich, I. Yu. Ostapovich. – Minsk: «law and economy», 2016. 311 p. – (series «law review») ISBN 978-985-552-499-2

Farkhutdinov I. Z.
Mogherini strategy and military doctrine of trump: the challenges ahead Russia
In the article, which continues the cycle of articles of the author on international security strategies, the problems of European security are being discussed. February 7th 1992 the twelve member States of the European economic community (EEC) signed in Maastricht the Treaty on European Union (EU), which brought the European integration process launched in the 1950s to a qualitatively new level. The adoption in 2003 The European security strategy was the first attempt of the European Union to create a global policy document, which could match with the us national security strategy or other similar national documents.
If you compare the European security strategy and the Strategy of national security of the United States 2001 (as amended 2006), Europe and America as key to its security is essentially the same threats: international terrorism, proliferation of WMD, regional conflicts, expansion of the influence of religious fundamentalism, "incapacitated" state. Combines the strategy of the US and EU recognition of the fact that the factor of geographical distance has lost its protective property in the context of global threats that transcend borders. The new European security strategy (Strategy Mogherini) as a whole is based on the Strategy of 2003, but adopted with taking into account the new geopolitical reality (Brexit, the situation of refugees, the conflict in Ukraine, etc.). Also, under the new concept, Russia is a "strategic challenge for Europe".
In turn, the post of President of the United States, Donald Trump intends to concentrate on the defeat of ISIL, developing a new cybersecurity strategy and modernization of the armed forces. In relations with Russia, Trump declares possible cooperation on critical geopolitical issues (especially on the situation in Syria).
Work bibliographic list
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3. Prihod'ko O. V. Transatlanticheskie otnoshenija v sfere bezopasnosti i ih vlijanie na vneshnepoliticheskie pozicii Rossii. – M.,2004.
4. Rusakovich A. V. Obshhaja vneshnjaja politika i politika bezopasnosti evropejskogo sojuza: stanovlenie i osobennosti // Mezhdunarodnaja konferencija «Evropejskij Sojuz i Respublika Belarus': perspektivy sotrudnichestva» (International conference «The European
Union and Republic of Belarus: Getting Closer for Better Future»): sb. materialov. — Minsk: Izd. centr BGU, 2014. – C. 21-27.
5. Talajko T. Vojna v Irake i transatlanticheskie otnoshenija // Zhurnal mezhdunarodnogo prava i mezhdunarodnyh otnoshenij. – 2005. – # 2. —S. 55-61.
6. Alyson J. K. Bailes. The European Security Strategy An Evolutionary History. SIPRI Policy Paper No. 10. – Sweden, Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), 2005.
7. Bradford William C. «The duty to defend them»: a natural lawjustification for the bushdoctrine of preventive war // Notre Dame Law Rewiew. – Volume 79. – 7.1.2004. – P. 1365-1372.
8. Bendiek A., Kaim M. New European Security Strategy – The Transatlantic Factor. – June 2015.
9. Boniface P. European Security and Transatlanticism in the Twenty-first Century. In: NATO and European Security: Alliance Politics from the End of the Cold War to the Age of Terrorism. Ed. by Moens A., Cohen L., and Sens A. – Westport, Connecticut: Praeger Publishers, 2003.
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Sodikov Sh. D., Mehdiev E. T.
Cooperation between Russia and Tajikistan under the collective security treaty organization in the fight against new challenges and threats in Central Asia
Today, the world's attention is riveted to the confrontation between the West and Russia, which strengthened against the background of the Ukrainian crisis. It is important to pay attention to this
important in geopolitical terms, as well as from the standpoint of national interests of the Russian
Federation in the region of Central Asia, where the processes of formation of a new regional security system between regional and extra-regional actors occur.
Particular attention is paid to military cooperation between Russia and Tajikistan in the fight against new challenges and threats to security on the Tajik-Afghan border. One of the destabilizing factors in the region is to disseminate ideas LIH to Central Asia directly to Tajikistan.
Keywords: Tajikistan, Central Asia, the CSTO, international terrorism, Afghanistan.
Work bibliographic list
1. Babadzhanov A. Ja. Analiz voennyh doktrin gosudarstv-uchastnikov ODKB // Vestnik MGIMO Universiteta. 2008. # 3. S. 60-66.
2. Bordjuzha N. N. Bezopasnost' nadezhno obespechat koordinacija i sotrudnichestvo // Nacional'nye interesy: prioritety i bezopasnost'. 2007. # 10. S. 17-19.
3. Borishpolec K. P. Evrazijskij trend regional'nogo sotrudnichestva // V sbornike: Evrazijskaja integracija: perspektivy mezhgosudarstvennogo sotrudnichestva. Prilozhenie k periodicheskomu izdaniju «Ezhegodnik IMI». Moskovskij gosudarstvennyj institut mezhdunarodnyh otnoshenij (universitet) MID Rossii, Centr voenno-politicheskih issledovanij. Ser. Knigi i broshjury IMI. Tom 28. M., 2014. S. 8-20.
4. Kazancev A. A. Central'naja Azija: kompleksnyj krizis i scenarii budushhego / A. A. Kazancev // Ezhegodnik Instituta mezhdunarodnyh issledovanij Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo instituta mezhdunarodnyh otnoshenij (Universiteta) Ministerstva inostrannyh del Rossijskoj Federacii. 2015. # 3 (13). S. 34-56.
5. Kazancev A. A., Gusev L. Ju. Terroristicheskie organizacii v central'noaziatskom regione: puti protivodejstvija // Ezhegodnik Instituta mezhdunarodnyh issledovanij Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo instituta mezhdunarodnyh otnoshenij (Universiteta) Ministerstva inostrannyh del Rossijskoj Federacii. 2013. # 3. S. 141-153.
6. Mehdiev Je. T. Sovremennaja diplomatija: novye vyzovy // Aktual'nye problemy sovremennoj nauki. 2009. # 5 (49). S. 136-139.
7. Mehdiev Je. T., Guliev I. A. Ponjatie «mjagkoj sily» kak instrumenta global'nyh politicheskih tehnologij/ / Juvenis scientia. 2016. # 3. S. 49-52.
8. Mehdiev Je. T., Sodikov Sh. D. Znachenie ODKB v ukreplenii Rossijsko-Tadzhikskogo sotrudnichestva // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2016. # 8 (99).
9. Mehdiev Je.T., Son M. G. Strategija vneregional'nyh derzhav na prostranstve Juzhnogo Kavkaza // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2013. # 11 (66). S. 157-158.
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11. Rustamova L. R. «Mjagkaja sila» vo vzaimootnoshenijah FRG i musul'manskogo mira //Vestnik MGIMO Universiteta. 2015. # 4 (43). S. 144-151.
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13. Rustamova L. R. Osobennosti «Mjagkoj sily» vo vneshnej politike // Vestnik MGIMO Universiteta. 2016. # 1 (46). S. 118-128.
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Koktych K. E., Renard-Koktych A. V.
Industrial growth in terms of external sanctions: the Iranian experience for the EEU
Eurasian Economic Union is successfully broadening out, however, this process is mostly intensive, not extensive as the economy of the countries membering the EAEU are nor able to fully benefit from common free market space. One of the obvious reasons for that are the external sanctions hindering access to cheap loans to producers and thus restraining industrial projects for revival of the Eurasian space. However, as the Iranian experience shows, the external sanctions may also become a trigger discovering and implementing a proper time-tested tool for development – islamic banking. It has lain a foundation not only forindustrial growth, but also for the breakthrough development of Iran's engineering school, which appeared to be one of the best in the world. The article explores the abibility of using the same tools for the EAEU.
Keywords: сommenda, EAEU, garare, loan, industry, islamic banking, riba.
Work bibliographic list
1.         Bekkin R. I. Islamskaja jekonomika: universal'naja teorija razvitija ili odna iz modelej tret'ego puti? // Vostok (Oriens). # 5. 2012. S. 99-112.
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17.       Umarov H. S. Vozmozhnosti i perspektivy islamskoj modeli buhgalterskogo ucheta v Rossii / H.S. Umarov // Finansovyj biznes. 2016. # 1 (180). S. 27-32.
18.       Umarov H. S. K voprosu ob islamskom strahovanii «TAKAFUL» // Strahovoe delo. 2014. # 4 (253). S. 47-53.
19.       Filonik A. Musul'manskij biznes v Rossii: upushhennye vozmozhnosti ili zatjanuvshiesja smotriny? // Biznes i politika. 1997. # 11.
20.       Jakupov L. Islamskie banki budut orientirovany na malyj i srednij biznes // Mir rynka. 2009. # 1. S. 10-12.
21.       Bruce N. C. Islamic Banking moves east // Euromoney. July. 1986.
22.       Consolidated Financial Statements. Liquidity Management Centre. 2013. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
23.       David Oakley, Shannon Bond, Cynthia O’Murchu and Cleve Jones. Islamic finance explained. Financial Times. May 30. 2008. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: siteedition= intl#axzz3GxWAPuop.
24.       Kabir Hassan M., Mervyn K. Lewis (Eds.) Handbook of Islamic Banking. Edward Elgar Publishing Limited. 2007. P. 119.
25.       Islamic Funds Market Highlights – Q1-2013. Islamic Finance Gateway. Thomson Reuters. May 2013. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
26.       Potter S. Goldman Breaks Drought with Saudi Property Bond: Islamic Finance. Bloomberg, June 5, 2013. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: news/2013-06-05/ goldman-breaks-drought-with-saudi-property-bond-islamic-finance.html.
27.       McKenzie D. Islamic Finance Report 2010. London: International Financial Services. 2010.

Shiyanov A. V.
The international legal aspects of application of protective measures and the rules of access on the markets in the energy sector
Article completes a research of features of application of regulations of "the law of the WTO" to the international energy relations. It generalized legal bases of introduction in the energy sector of anti-dumping, countervailing and special protective measures. The legal basis of application by members of the WTO of technical barriers, import licensing, pre-shipment inspection, establishment of an origin and determination of customs value in this sphere of international cooperation are covered.
Keywords: dumping, subsidy, standards, license, cost, inspection, origin.
Work bibliographic list
1. Soglashenie ob uchrezhdenii VTO (Marrakesh, 15 aprelja 1994 g.) - [Jelektronnyj resurs] Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 15 nojabrja 2016 g.)
2. Vel'jaminov G. M. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo: opyty. M.,2015.
3. Canada – Certain Measures Affecting the Renewable Energy Generation Sector. AB-2013-1. WT/DS412/AB/R. Report of the Appellate Body. 6 May 2013.
4. European Union – Anti-Dumping Measures on Biodiesel from Argentina. AB-2016-4 Report of the Appellate Body WT/DS473/AB/R/Add.1. 6 October 2016.
5. Cossy M. Energy Trade and WTO Rules: Reflexions on Sovereignty over Natural Resources, Export Restrictions and Freedom of Transit. European Yearbook of International Economic Law 2012. Editors: C. Herrmann, J.Ph. Terhechte. Berlin, Heidelberg 2012.
6. Howse R. World Trade Law and Renewable Energy: The Case of Non-Tariff Barriers. UNCTAD/DITC/TED/2008/5. New York and Geneva, 2009.
7. Nedumpara J.J. Energy Security and the WTO Agreements. Trade, the WTO and Energy Security. Mapping the Linkages for India. Editor S. Mathur. Centre for WTO Studies (CWS), IIFT. New Delhi 2014.
8. Rubini L. The Subsidization of Renewable Energy in the WTO: Issues and Perspectives. Swiss National Center for Competence in Research (NCCR) Trade Regulation. Working paper, 2011.
9. Sakmar S. L., Bringing Energy Trade in to the WTO. International and Comparative Legal Revue. Vol. 18:1. 2008. R. 89-111.
10. Van den Bossche P. The Law and Policy of the World Trade Organization. Text, Cases and Materials. Cambridge. 2005.

Emelyanova N. N.
Genetically modified organisms:Russian law and international law
As part of this article deals with the use of GMOs, analyzes the Russian legislation and international law.
Keywords: GMO, international environmental law, food safety, the Aarhus Convention, the Cartagena Protocol.
Work bibliographic list
1. Abashidze A. H., Vasil'ev Ju. G., Solncev A. M. Mezhdunarodnoe jekologicheskoe pravo: Dokumenty i kommentarii. – M.: RUDN, 2010. – Vyp. III. Jekologicheskie prava cheloveka. – S. 81-85.
2. Kopejkina V., Saksina T. GMO: kontrol' nad obshhestvom ili obshhestvennyj kontrol'? – M.: JeK Jeremurus, 2005. – S. 45.
3. Kopylov M. N., Solncev A. M. Jekologicheskie prava v sisteme mezhdunarodno-priznannyh prav cheloveka // Gosudarstvo i pravo. – 2010. – # 3. – S. 23-32;
4. Kuznecov V. V., Kulikov A. M. Geneticheski modificirovannye riski i poluchennye iz nih produkty: real'nye i potencial'nye riski // Rossijskij himicheskij zhurnal. – 2005. – # 69 (4). – S. 71.
5. Solncev A. M., Petrova N. A. Kak zastavit' gosudarstva sobljudat' jekologicheskie prava cheloveka? //Mezhdunarodnoe pravo – International Law. – 2010. – #4 (44). – S. 41-49.
6. Shhegoleva A. M. Istorija razrabotki i prinjatija Kartahenskogo protokola po biobezopasnosti 2000 g.: Travaux Préparatoires // Vestnik Rossijskogo universiteta druzhby narodov. Serija: juridicheskie nauki. 2014. N 2. S. 300-310

Guliyev I. A.
The decision of OPEC to reduce oil production: problems and prospects
November 30, 2016 at the summit of the Organization of countries - exporters of oil for the first time in eight years, it was decided to cut oil production to 32.5 million barrels per day. One of the initiators of Venezuela. Thus, from January 1, 2017, the OPEC countries reduced the average daily production at 1.164 million barrels.
Keywords: OPEC, oil, reduction of oil production, the oil market.
Work bibliographic list
1.         Guliev I. A. Analiz posledstvij reshenija OPEK o sokrashhenii dobychi nefti // Jekologicheskij vestnik Rossii 2017. # 1.
2.         Guliev I. A. Jenergeticheskaja politika neftegazovyh kompanij Rossii v novejshih uslovijah vvedenija sankcij // Vestnik NGUJeU. 2015. # 2. S. 283-290.
3.         Guliev I. A., Litvinjuk I. I., Mehdiev Je. T. Novejshie tendencii mirovogo rynka szhizhennogo prirodnogo gaza: predposylki rasshirenija jeksportnogo potenciala Avstralii, Kanady, Rossii i SShA // SOCAR Proceedings. 2016. # 2.
4.         Guliev I. A., Hubaeva A. O., Litvinjuk I. I. Prognozirovanie dolgosrochnoj srednevzveshennoj ceny na neft' // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2016. #3 (94). S. 90-93.
5.         Mehdiev Je. T., Litvinjuk I. I. Perspektivy razvitija rossijsko-iranskogo jenergeticheskogo i torgovo-jekonomicheskogo sotrudnichestva v postsankcionnyj period // Konkurentosposobnost' v global'nom mire: jekonomika, nauka, tehnologii. 2016. # 5 (17). S. 68-73.
6.         Mustafinov R. K., Guliev I. A. Obzor prognozov dolgosrochnogo izmenenija srednevzveshennoj ceny na neft' // Uchenye zapiski Petrozavodskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Serija: Obshhestvennye i gumanitarnye nauki. 2015. # 7 (152). S. 113-116.
7.         OPEK «podygral» «Gazpromu». [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
8.         Salygin V. I. Mezhdunarodnoe jenergeticheskoe sotrudnichestvo – zalog ustojchivogo razvitija TJeK // Akademija jenergetiki. 2006. # 2 (10). S. 22.
9.         Salygin V. I., Litvinjuk I. I. Obzor scenariev razvitija jenergetiki mira // Vestnik MGIMO-Universiteta. 2016. # 2 (47).
Sdelka OPEK prineset rossijskomu bjudzhetu bolee 1 trln. rublej. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:

Guliyev I. A., Markin A. S.
Adjudication of pipeline oil spills damage disputes in Canada
The article is devoted to the analysis of special judicial disputes settlement mechanism in Canada,
established by the 2015 Amendments to the National Energy Board Act. Amendments provide a new adjudication mechanism – special tribunal, which is aimed at addressing particular disputes. The article presents the analysis of this new mechanism of Canadian legislation, of the process and judges status.
Keywords: Canada, judicial settlement of disputes, the National Energy Board, the pipelines, Canada.
Work bibliographic list
1. Kravchenko S. A., Salygin V. I. Riski magistral'nogo nefteprovodnogo transporta: vostrebovannost' opyta SShA i ES po upravleniju imi // Upravlenie riskom. 2015. # 3 (75). S. 41-48.
2. Kravchenko S. A., Salygin V. I. Uslozhnjajushhiesja opasnosti i riski sovremennogo magistral'nogo nefteprovodnogo transporta // Sociologicheskaja nauka i social'naja praktika. 2014. # 4 (08). S. 50-66.
3. Markin A. S. Mezhdunarodno-pravovoe regulirovanie promyshlennoj bezopasnosti // Nauka v sovremennom informacionnom obshhestve VIII Vol. I. North Charleston, SC, USA. 2016. P. 209-216.
4. Radionova C. G., Fridljand Ja. M., Hramcov R. A., Egorova N. A., Salygin V. I., Guliev I. A., Rjabova M. I. Osobennosti normativnogo pravovogo regulirovanija truboprovodnogo transporta v SShA i ego sravnenie s trebovanijami otechestvennyh normativnyh pravovyh dokumentov // Nauka i tehnologii truboprovodnogo transporta nefti i nefteproduktov.
2016. # 2 (22). S. 32-40.
5. Salygin V. I., Guliev I. A., Hubaeva A. O. Analiz tekushhego sostojanija i perspektiv razvitija nefteprovodnoj sistemy Kanady // V sbornike: Nauka v sovremennom informacionnom obshhestve. Materialy V mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. 2015. S. 219.
6. Guliev I. A., Litvinjuk I. I., Mehdiev Je. T. Novejshie tendencii mirovogo rynka szhizhennogo prirodnogo gaza: predposylki rasshirenija jeksportnogo potenciala Avstralii, Kanady, Rossii i SShA //SOCAR Proceedings. 2016. # 2.
7. Mehdiev Je. T., Guliev I. A. Analiz tehnologii posledovatel'noj perekachki po truboprovodam nefti i nefteproduktov, primenjaemoj v vedushhih stranah Evropy / Je. T. Mehdiev // Jekonomika i predprinimatel'stvo. # 10 (ch.2) (75-2) 2016 g. S. 679-684
8. Salygin V. I. Rol' standartov v tehnicheskom regulirovanii dejatel'nosti po transportirovke nefti i nefteproduktov / Salygin V. I., Guliev I. A., Litvinjuk I. I. // V sbornike: Nauka v sovremennom informacionnom obshhestve Materialy VII mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. n.-i.c.«Akademicheskij». North Charleston, SC, USA, 2015. S. 166-170.
9. Guliev I.A., Litvinjuk I.I. Aktual'nye voprosy dobychi, pererabotki i transportirovki nefti v Kanade // Vestnik MGIMO Universiteta. 2015. # 3 (42). S. 184-189.
10. Zakon Kanady o Federal'nyh Sudah 1985 g. (angl.Federal Courts Act 1985);
11. Salygin V. I., Kravchenko S. A. Jekologicheskie riski magistral'nogo nefteprovodnogo transporta: opyt Kanady po ih minimizacii // Poisk: politika, obshhestvovedenie, iskusstvo, sociologija, kul'tura. 2014. # 5 (46). S. 22-35.
12. Reglament Kanady o neftegazovyh sooruzhenijah 1996 goda. (angl Canada Oil and Gas Installations Regulations 1996);
13. Shevchenko L. I. Razvitie zakonodatel'stva, regulirujushhego otnoshenija po transportirovke nefti v sisteme magistral'nyh nefteprovodov, i ego vlijanie na teoreticheskie predstavlenija ob ih pravovoj sushhnosti // Juridicheskij mir. 2013. # 5. S. 14-19.
14. Guliev I. A., Litvinjuk I. I. Territorial'no-strukturnye sdvigi v global'noj neftepererabatyvajushhej promyshlennosti // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2016. # 3 (94). S. 82-85.
15. Salygin V. I., Guliev I. A., Litvinjuk I. I. Analiz perspektiv potreblenija dizel'nogo topliva v stranah, v kotorye osushhestvljaetsja postavka nefteproduktov cherez porty Chernomorskogo i Baltijskogo bassejnov // V sbornike: Nauka v sovremennom obshhe-
stve. Materialy V mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. 2015. S. 214.
16. Mehdiev Je. T., Guliev I. A. Analiz porjadka dostupa ob"ektov neftedobychi i neftepererabotki k sistemam truboprovodnogo transporta nefti i nefteproduktov v Velikobritanii // Naukovedenie Internet-zhurnal. Tom 8, #5 (sentjabr'-oktjabr' 2016).
17. Salygin V. I., Lisin Ju. V., Solovova Ju. V., Aralov O. V., Guliev I. A. Praktika gosudarstvennogo regulirovanija dejatel'nosti v sfere truboprovodnogo transporta nefti i nefteproduktov v Kanade // Nauka i tehnologii truboprovodnogo transporta nefti i nefteproduktov. 2015. # 4 (20). S. 106-112.
18. Zakon Kanady o promyshlennoj bezopasnosti truboprovodov 2015 g. (angl. Pipeline Safety Act 2015)
19. Zakon Kanady o Nacional'nom Jenergeticheskom Sovete 1985 g. (angl. National Energy Board Act 1985)
20. Rio-de-Zhanejrskaja deklaracija po okruzhajushhej srede i razvitiju 1992
21. Salygin V. I., Guliev I. A. O., Hubaeva A. O. Zarubezhnyj opyt primenenija principa «kachaj ili plati» v sfere truboprovodnogo transporta // Vestnik MGIMO Universiteta. 2015. # 4 (43). S. 46-52.
22. Mehdiev Je. T., Guliev I. A. Obzor infrastruktury truboprovodnogo transporta nefti i nefteproduktov v vedushhih stranah Evropy / Je. T. Mehdiev // Jekonomika i predprinimatel'stvo. # 11 (ch.1) 2016 g.
23. Reglament Kanady o bezopasnosti pri transportirovke 2004 goda (angl. Transportation Safety Board Regulations 2004)
24. Oficial'nyj Sajt Nacional'nogo Jenergeticheskogo soveta Kanady -
25. Delo Trejl Smelter (angl. Trail Smelter Case) [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:

Nurieva G. D.
Environmental rights of citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan
This article is dedicated to human ecological rights which are considered one of the main fundamental rights, having an exceptional definition in modern conditions. The legislation in the field of the environmental law of the Republic of Azerbaijan was analyzed, the concept of environmental rights, their weight and place in the overall system of human and citizen rights defined (provided).Particular attention is given to the classification of the principles of national environmental law, including the disclosure of the legislative provision of environmental human rights, guarantees and the mechanism of their implementation in the national and international law.
Keywords: Environmental Law, Azerbaijan, ecology, international law, the environment.
Work bibliographic list
1.         Alakbarov U. K. Osnovy ustojchivogo chelovecheskogo razvitija i jekologicheskoj civilizacii. Uchebnik. Baku, «Obrazovanie», 2013.
2.         Amantasheva A. T. Rol' i mesto mezhdunarodnyh organizacij v formirovanii edinyh principov zashhity okruzhajushhej sredy // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2015. # 12 (91). S. 49-52.
3.         Blinovskaja Ja. Ju. Morskaja jekologija i pribrezhno-morskoe prirodopol'-zovanie: Uchebnoe posobie. M.: Forum: NIC INFRA-M, 2013. 168 s.
4.         Vasil'eva, M. I. Publichnye interesy v jekologicheskom prave / M. I. Vasil'eva. M.: Izd-vo Mosk. gos. un-ta, 2003.
5.         Vishnjakov Ja. D. Ohrana okruzhajushhej sredy: uchebnik / Ja. D. Vish-njakov, P. V. Zozulja, A. V. Zozulja, S. P. Kiseleva. M.: Akademija, 2013. 285s.
6.         Vishnjakov Ja. D., Kiseleva S. P. Jekologo-orientirovannoe razvitie nacional'noj jekonomiki. M.: «CNITI «Tehnomash», 2009. 297 s.
7.         Losev K. S. Problema okruzhajushhej sredy: chto proishodit, kto vinovat, chto delat' // Geograficheskie problemy ustojchivogo razvitija prirodnoj sredy i obshhestva. M., 1996.
8.         Mehdiev Je. T. Jenergeticheskij faktor vo vneshnej politike Azerbajdzhana // Problemy postsovetskogo prostranstva. 2016. # 1. S. 47-54.
9.         Piskunova N. A. Jekologija i globalizacija: monografija /MGIMO (U) MID Rossii, Kaf. Mezhdunarodnyh jekonomicheskih otnoshenij i vneshnih jekonomicheskih svjazej. M.: MGIMO-Universitet 2010.
10.       Ahmadov E. N. (2013) Azerbaijan in the context of competitiveness, sustainable development and green economy. Materials of the Baku International Humanitarian Forum. R. 257-262.
11.       Alakbarov Urhan “Sustainable development is a priority of humanity, and Azerbaijan is making steady progress in this direction” New Baku Post # 75 (127). 07.10.2013.

Gabdrakhmanova A. F.
Legal framework governing medicinal products in the European Union
This article analyzes the legislation of the Eurasian Economic Union in the field of regulation of
drug circulation.
Keywords: European Union, drug circulation.
Work bibliographic list
1. Direktiva 2011/62 / ES Evropejskogo parlamenta i Soveta ot 8 ijunja 2011 g. o vnesenii popravok v Direktivu 2001/83 / ES o svode zakonov Soobshhestva v otnoshenii lekarstvennyh sredstv dlja cheloveka, v otnoshenii profilaktiki vstuplenija v pravovoj cepi postavok fal'sificirovannyh lekarstvennyh sredstv (OJ L 174, 1.7.2011, str. 74-87).
2. Direktiva Evropejskogo parlamenta i Soveta Evropejskogo Sojuza 2001/82/EC ot 6 nojabrja 2001 g. «O Kodekse Soobshhestva v otnoshenii veterinarnyh lekarstvennyh sredstv». – [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija:
3. Direktiva Soveta 65/65 / EEC ot 26 janvarja 1965 goda o sblizhenii polozhenij, predusmotrennyh zakonami, reglamentirujushhie polozhenija ili administrativnye dejstvija, kasajushhiesja zapatentovannyh lekarstvennyh sredstv. Official Journal. – 022, 09/02/1965. – P.0369.
4. Reglament (EC) # 726/2004 Evropejskogo parlamenta i Soveta ot 31.03.2004, ustanavlivajushhij procedury Soobshhestva dlja vydachi razreshenij i kontrolja lekarstvennyh sredstv dlja cheloveka i primenenija v veterinarii i sozdanie Evropejskogo agentstva po lekarstvennym sredstvam (Tekst EJeZ) Oficial'nyj Journal. – L 136, 30/04/2004. – P. 0001 – 0033.
5. Cozykina E. Je. Istoriko-jekonomicheskij kontekst stanovlenija kompetencii Evropejskogo Sojuza po regulirovaniju nauchno-tehnologicheskogo razvitija // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. - 2016. - # 3 (94).- S. 76-81.
6. Vyrovshhikova A. V., Javorskij A. N. Zarubezhnyj opyt organizacii jekspertizy lekarstvennyh sredstv //Himiko-farmacevticheskij zhurnal. - 2004. - 1. - S.45-49.
7. Loshakov L. A., Hohlov A. L., Miroshnikov A. E., Kajgorodova T. V. Ocenka medicinskih tehnologij kak progressivnyj jelement reformirovanija zdravoohranenija v Germanii// Zdravoohranenie Rossijskoj Federacii. – 2012. – # 5. – S. 42-45.
8. Starodubov V. I., Kagramanjan I. N., Hohlov A. L., Loshakov L. A., Borisenko O. V., Korobov N. V., Javorskij A. N. Ocenka medicinskih tehnologij: mezhdunarodnyj opyt / Pod red. V. I. Starodubova i I. N. Kagramanjana. – M.: 2012. – 104 s.
9. Terehov A. Ju. Aktual'nye voprosy mezhdunarodno-pravovogo regulirovanija predotvrashhenija oborota fal'sificirovannyh lekarstvennyh sredstv v ramkah regional'nyh mezhpravitel'stvennyh organizacij // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. - 2011. - # 4 (35). - S. 24-29.
10. Council Directive 65/65/EEC of 26 January 1965 on the approximation of provisions laid down by Law, Regulation or Administrative Action relating to proprietary medicinal products (Article 3) Official Journal 022, 09/02/1965. – P. 0369 – 0373.
11. Draft presentation. – [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: / (data obrashhenija: 30.10.2016).
12. Drugs between Research and Regulations: Proceedings of the 5th International Meeting of Pharmaceutical Physicians Munich, October 14–17, 1984. Steichele, U. Abshagen, J. Koch-Weser Springer Science & Business Media. – R. 167.
13. EU Pharmaceutical Regulation: The Politics of Policy-Making – By G. Permanand. ALASDAIR BLAIR. – 2006.– P. 49.
14. GMP Oversight of Medicines Manufacturers in the EuropeanUnion. by: Riccardo Luigetti, EMA, Emer Cooke, EMA, Brendan Cuddy, EMA, Sebastien Goux, European Commission, and Ian Rees, MHRA. – Nov 14, 2016. –[Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: article/gmp-oversight-of-medicines-manufacturers-in-the-european-union union (data obrashhenija: 29.10.2016).

Kulikov K. A.
Good faith principle (treu und glauben) in German civil law. General overwiew
The article containes an overwiew of a good faith (Treu und Glauben) principle in german civil law. In paricular, the nature, the scope and the main funktions of this legal institute. Primary focus is placed on the similarities and differences in interpretation of the good faith in russian and german civil law. The article privedes insight into the genaral clause principle, which is unknown in russian civil law.
Keywords: good faith principle, bona fides, Treu und Glauben, german civil law, misuse of right.
Work bibliographic list
1. Beknazar-Juzbashev G. T. Zloupotreblenie pravom i princip dobroj sovesti v grazhdanskom prave Rossii i Germanii: Dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. – M., 2010.
2. Zhalinskij A., Rjoriht A. Vvedenie v nemeckoe pravo.– M.: Spark, 2001
3. Brox H., W-D.Walker. Allgemeiner Teil des BGB. 33. Aufl.– Köln: Carl Hezmanns Verlag, 2009.
4. Musielak H.-J., Hau. W. Grundkurs BGB. 14. Aufl. – München, C.H.Beck Verlag, 2015.
5. Neue Juristische Wochenschrift: 1981, 1986, 1994, 2002.
6. Prütting/Wegen/Weinreich BGB Kommentar 5. Auflage. –Köln, Luchterhand Verlag, 2010.
7. Palandt/Bearbeiter Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch 68., neubearbeitete Auflage. – München, C. H. Beck Verlag, 2009.
8. Staudinger J. v. Kommentar zum Bürgerlichen Gesetzbuch mit Einführungsgesetz und Nebengesetzen 10./11. Neubearb. Auflage. – Berlin, Sweitzer Verlag, 1992

Novikova O. I., Vasiljev P. A.
Contribution of Benjamin Franklin in shaping the constitutional foundations of the United States of America (part 1)
The article analyzes the political philosophy of Benjamin Franklin, which became the ideological
basis of the development of capitalism and formation on its basis of the socio-political system of the American state in the form of a Federal democratic Republic.
Key words: business ethics, the theory of natural human rights, the concept of home rule, the principle of separation of powers, constitutional system of "checks and balances", political guarantees of civil rights and liberties.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bill' o pravah 1791 goda (pervye desjat' popravok k Konstitucii SShA) // Sbornik dokumentov po istorii novogo vremeni stran Evropy i Ameriki (1640- 1870). M: Vysshaja shkola, 1990. S. 146-147.
2. Burstin D. Amerikancy: kolonial'nyj opyt. M.: Progress, 1993.S. 78.
3. Druzhinina I.A., Druzhinin A.V. Filosofskaja mysl' Bendzhamina Franklina // Filosofskij vek. Al'manah. Vyp. 31. Bendzhamin Franklin i Rossija: k 300-letiju so dnja rozhdenija. Chast' 1. Otv. redaktory T.V. Artem'eva, M.I. Mikeshin. SPb.: Sankt-Peterburgskij Centr istorii idej, 2006. S. 240.
4. Iz pis'ma B.Franklina perevodchiku ego sochinenij na francuzskij jazyk Djuburu (2 oktjabrja 1770 g.) // Sbornik dokumentov po istorii novogo vremeni stran Evropy i Ameriki (1640-1870). M: Vysshaja shkola, 1990. S. 100.
5. Iz pis'ma T. Dzheffersona D. Medisonu. Parizh, 30 janvarja 1787 g. // Praktikum po novoj istorii stran Evropy i Ameriki / V.B. Kuznecov. Ufa: Vostochnyj universitet, 2004. Ch. 1. S. 53.
6. Istorija gosudarstva i prava zarubezhnyh stran: ucheb./ N.V. Mihajlova, V.F. Kalina, A. A. Ivanov i dr.; pod red. N. V. Mihajlova. M.: Juniti-Dana, 2015. S. 365.
7. Istorija politicheskih i pravovyh uchenij: ucheb. Dlja vuzov / pod obshh. red. akad. RAN, d.ju.n., prof. V. S. Nersesjanca. M.: Norma, 2006. S. 477, 481-483.
8. Nikolaeva A. N. Predstavlenija o sovershennom gosudarstvennom ustrojstve v ideologii patrioticheskogo dvizhenija v 1775-1783 gg. // Vestnik Tambovskogo universiteta. Serija: Gumanitarnye nauki. 2014. # 2 (130). S. 165.
9. Novaja istorija stran Evropy i Ameriki: ucheb. Dlja vuzov : v 2 t. / pod red. E. E. Jurovskoj i I. M. Krivoguza. M.: Vysshaja shkola, 1997. T. 1. S. 37.
10. Sal'nikov M. V. Zapadnaja tradicija prava: politiko-pravovye cennosti i idealy // Mir politiki i sociologii. 2013. # 10. S. 179.
11. Sogrin V. V. Ideologija v amerikanskoj istorii: ot otcov osnovatelej do konca XX v. M.: Nauka, 1995. S. 10.
12. Tokvil' Aleksis de. Demokratija v Amerike: per. s franc. / predisl. Garol'da Dzh. Laski. M.: Progress, 1992. S. 82.

Kozhevnikova A. V.
Legal protection of inventions in the Russian Federation and Germany
This article is devoted comparative legal to the analysis of some aspects of protection of inventions in Russia and Germany. Approaches to an interpretation of the concept "invention", the main characteristics of this object are studied, the difference in approaches to implementation of judicial protection of inventions is analysed.
Keywords: intellectual property, inventions to the Russian Federation, inventions in Germany, Intellectual Property Rights Court, federal patent court of Germany.
Work bibliographic list
1. Konstitucija Rossijskoj Federacii ot 12.12.1993 //Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. – 26.01.2009. – #4. –St. 445.
2. Federal'nyj konstitucionnyj zakon «Ob arbitrazhnyh sudah v Rossijskoj Federacii» ot 28.04.1995 #1-FKZ // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. – 01.05.1995.– # 18. – St. 1589.
3. Grazhdanskij kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii (chast' chetvertaja) ot 8.12.2006 # 230-FZ // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. – 25.12.2006. – #52. – St. 5496.
4. Konvencija po ohrane promyshlennoj sobstvennosti ot 20.03.1883 // Zakon. – 1999. – # 7.
5. Dogovor o patentnoj kooperacii ot 19.06.1970 //Sbornik dejstvujushhih zakonov, soglashenij i konvencij, zakljuchennyh SSSR s inostrannymi gosudarstvami. Vyp. XXXIV. – M., 1980. – S. 55-89.
6. Prikaz Minobrnauki RF ot 29.10.2008 # 325 «Ob utverzhdenii Administrativnogo reglamenta ispolnenija Federal'noj sluzhboj po intellektual'noj sobstvennosti, patentam i tovarnym znakam gosudarstvennoj funkcii po organizacii priema zajavok na promyshlennyj obrazec i ih rassmotrenija, jekspertizy i vydachi v ustanovlennom porjadke patentov Rossijskoj Federacii na promyshlennyj obrazec»// Bjulleten' normativnyh aktov federal'nyh organov ispolnitel'noj vlasti. – 15.12.2008. – # 50
7. Borovskij D. A. Izuchaem germanskij opyt // Patentnyj poverennyj. – 2016. – # 1. – S. 8-15.
8. Kozhevnikova A. Voprosy dejatel'nosti specializirovannyh sudov po intellektual'nym pravam (sravnitel'no-pravovoe issledovanie) / A. Kozhevnikova// Aktual'nye problemy pravotvorchestva i pravo-primenitel'noj dejatel'nosti v Rossijskoj Federacii: materialy Mezhdunar. stud. nauch.-prakt. konf.,posvjashh. pamjati dekana jurid. fak. Irkut. gos. un-ta, prof. N. I. Trofimova. Irkutsk, 13-14 apr. 2012 g. /[otv. red. N. Je. Shishkina]. – Irkutsk, 2012. – S. 267-270.
9. Kuz'mina O. M. Ob"ekty, ne priznavaemye izobretenijami v Germanii // Patenty i licenzii – 2002
10. Orehov D. V., Pavlova Ja. N. Zashhita patentnyh prav:opyt zarubezhnyh stran // Izobretatel'stvo. – 2014. –T. 14. – # 8. – S. 29-42.
11. Patentgesetz [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
12. Russlis Sh., Tkachev D. Obshhie aspekty sudoproizvodstva v sfere zashhity intellektual'noj sobstvennsti v Germanii // Zhurnal Suda po intellektual'nym pravam. – Oktjabr' 2013 g. – # 1. – S. 42-46.

Zhang X., Wang H.
Analytical comparative concept of the legal aspects of the constitution of the Russian Federation and the constitution of the United States of America
The emergence and development of constitutionalism in different countries is characterized as common features and the differences caused by features of historical development. The recognition of the Constitution as the highest law of the country, designed to regulate the fundamental legal and political processes and to establish key provisions of the law, is common to most modern States. The rest of the country's legislation and administrative law-making, should not contradict the norms of the basic law. In this way, the Constitution is the legal basis for the existence of constitutionalism, one of the key components of which are the rights and freedoms of citizens, the principle of separation of powers and representative government. This article presents the experience of a brief analysis of the constitutions of the Russian Federation and the United States of America. For a better understanding of the reasons for the similarities and differences in the structure and in the substantive constituent of these acts, you must understand historical, cultural and political context in which they were born and received their development of these, without exaggeration, epoch-making documents.
Key words: Constitution, constitutionalism, Russian Federation, United States of America.
Work bibliographic list
1. Konstitucija Rossijskoj Federacii // SZ RF. 2009.# 4.
2. Konstitucija SShA Kommentarij L. V. Smorgunova.SPb, 1992
3. Konstitucii zarubezhnyh gosudarstv. Uchebnoe posobie. M.: Izdatel'stvo BEK, 1997.
4. Konstitucionnoe (gosudarstvennoe pravo) zarubezhnyh stran: v 4 t. Toma 1-2. Chast' obshhaja: Uchebnik / prof. B. A. Strashun. – 3-e izd., obnovl. – M., 2000.
5. Vinogradov V. N., Guseva N. M., Zverev A. M., Shpotov B. M. Novaja istorija stran Evropy i Ameriki. Pervyj period. M.: izd-vo «Vysshaja shkola», 1998.
6. Chirkin V. E. «Konstitucionnoe pravo zarubezhnyh stran». M.: izd-vo «Jurist"», 1999.
7. Kozlova E. I., Kutafin O. E. Konstitucionnoe pravo Rossijskoj Federacii: uchebnik. M., Jurist", 1995.
8. Seleznev L.I. Politicheskaja sistema SShA. SPb,1995.
9. Fridmen L. Vvedenie v amerikanskoe pravo. M.,1993.
10. Chernilovskij Z.M. Vseobshhaja istorija gosudarstva i prava. M., 1999.
11. Kovler A. I. Konstitucija «formal'naja» i «real'naja» //Politicheskie issledovanija. 1998. # 6. S. 26-31.

Yusupov T. I.
Comparative legal analysis of norms of Russian and foreign criminal legislation provides for liability for malicious evasion from payment of means for the maintenance of minor children
and disabled parents
The material of this article presents a comparative legal analysis of norms of Russian and foreign criminal legislation provides for liability for malicious evasion from payment of means for the maintenance of minor children and disabled parents.
Keywords: criminal liability, willful refusal, failure parents.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ugolovnyj kodeks Ukrainy (s izm. i dop. po sostojaniju na 20 ijunja 2003 goda). Har'kov, 2003. S. 85–86.
2. Ugolovnyj kodeks Respubliki Belarus'. Ugolovno-processual'nyj kodeks Respubliki Belarus'. Minsk: Nac. Centr pravovoj informacii Respubliki Belarus', 2007. S. 153.
3. V redakcii zakonov Respubliki Belarus' ot 8 maja 2002 g., 22 ijulja 2003 g. i 19 ijulja 2005 g. // Nacional'nyj reestr pravovyh aktov Respubliki Belarus'. 2002. # 55. 2/847; 2003. # 83. 2/974; 2005. # 120. 2/1134.
4. V redakcii zakonov Respubliki Belarus' ot 22 ijulja 2003 g. // Nacional'nyj reestr pravovyh aktov Respubliki Belarus'. 2003. # 83. 2/974.
5. Stat'ja 110 UK RM izmenena zakonom # 205-14 ot 25.11.1998 g.
6. Stat'ja 111 UK RM izmenena zakonom # 205-14 ot 25.11.1998 g.
7. Stat'ja 112 UK RM izmenena zakonom # 205-14 ot 25.11.1998 g.
8. Lozovickaja G. P. Obshhij sravnitel'no-pravovoj kommentarij i sravnitel'nye tablicy ugolovnyh kodeksov gosudarstv-uchastnikov Sodruzhestva Nezavisimyh Gosudarstv (SNG): v 2 ch. / pod red. P. G. Ponomareva. Saratov: Izdatel'stvo Saratovskoj gosudarstvennoj akademii prava, 2002. Ch. 2.

Gorbunov M. G.
Critical analysis to imperative theory of law in H. L. A. Hart’s legal conception
The article deals with the H. L. A. Hart criticism against J. Austin’s theory of law. A central aspect of consideration is the thesis, formulated in the framework of the classical dogma of positivism, according to which the law is treated as sovereign general orders backed by threats which are generally obeyed. The evaluation of this provision and its accompanying argument presents.
Keywords: legal thinking, legalism, the concept of orders, sovereignty, legal rules.
Work bibliographic list
1. Baranov P. P. Pozitivistskoe pravoponimanie v juridicheskoj nauke, praktike i povsednevnoj zhizni sovremennoj Rossii // Rossijskij zhurnal pravovyh issledovanij. 2015. # 4 (5). S. 7-14.
2. Hart G. L. A. Ponjatie prava / Per. s angl.; pod obshh. red. E. V. Afonasina i S. V. Moiseeva. SPb.: Izd-voS.-Peterb. un-ta, 2007.
3. Austin J. The Province of Jurisprudence Determined.
4. Hart H. L. A. Signs and Words. The Philosophical Quarterly.II.
5. Hart H. L. A. Theory and Definition in Jurisprudence. II.
6. Marshall G. Parliamentary Sovereignty and the Commonwealth.
7. Morison W. L. Some Myth about Positivism. II.
8. Winch P. Rules and Habits. II.
9. Winch P. The Idea of a Social Science.

Khoroshko I. V.
General-theoretical and branch aspects of differentiation of the concepts of “source of law” and “form of law”
The article deals with one of the most controversial issues relating to the use of theoretical and applied law of identity (identity) of the concepts of "form" and "source" of law. In this regard, the author discusses the already established ideas about the forms and sources of law within the common legal theories, and scientific points of view, the existence of different legal systems and families as each legal system of the world predominate their highly specific generally established sources of law.
Keywords: source of law, form of law, form of legal, outward expression.
Work bibliographic list
1. Boshno S. V. Doktrinal'nye i drugie netradicionnye formy prava // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. 2003. # 1.
2. Gegel' G. V. Jenciklopedija filosofskih nauk. T. 1. M., 1974.
3. Marchenko M. N. Istochniki prava: ucheb. posobie. M.:TK Velbi, izd-vo Prospekt, 2007.
4. Petrazhickij L. I. Teorija prava i gosudarstva v svjazi s teoriej nravstvennosti. Sp-b., 1910.
5. Polishhuk N. I. Jevoljucija idei prava i pravovye otnoshenija: voprosy teorii i praktiki SPb., 2005.
6. Problemy teorii gosudarstva i prava: / Pod red. S.S. Alekseeva. M.: Jurid. lit., 1987.
7. Sergeevich V. I. Lekcii i issledovanija po drevnej istorii russkogo prava Pod redakciej i s predisloviem V. A. Tomsinova. M.: Zercalo, 2004.
8. Nersesjanc V. S. Obshhaja teorija prava i gosudarstva. Uchebnik dlja juridicheskih vuzov i fakul'tetov. M.:Izdatel'skaja gruppa. NORMA – INFRA-M, Moskva,1999.
9. Sas D. V. istochniki prava v rimskoj pravovoj tradicii i ih sovremennoe razvitie: Avtoref. dis. …kand. jurid. nauk. M., 2006.

Chupanova A. Ch.
Sense of justice as condition of forming of legal competence of heads of the educational organizations
The article discusses issues related to the study of the role of legal consciousness in the process of formation of legal competence of heads of educational organizations.
Keywords: Sense of justice, legal competence, head, educational organization.
Work bibliographic list
1. Azizova V. T. Normativnye osnovy pravovoj kompetentnosti rabotnikov obrazovanija // Juridicheskij vestnik DGU. 2016. # 3.
2. Bekishieva S. R. Pravovaja kompetentnost' pedagoga kak predmet juridicheskih issledovanij // Juridicheskij vestnik DGU. 2016. # 2.
3. Mikailov D. A. Sushhnost' formirovanija pravovoj kompetentnosti budushhego bakalavra pedagogiki //Vestnik Kostromskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. N. A. Nekrasova. ser.: pedagogika,psihologija. Social'naja rabota. Juvenologija. Sociokinetika. 2016. T. 22. # 1.
4. Murtazaliev A. M., Bekishieva S. R. Normativno-pravovaja kompetentnost' rabotnikov obrazovanija //Juridicheskij vestnik DGU. 2016. # 4.
5. Mjagkova S. V. Formirovanie pravovoj kompetentnosti direktora shkoly v sovremennyh uslovijah //Mirnauki, kul'tury, obrazovanija. 2009. # 5 (17).
6. Nuriahmetova N. R. Formirovanie normativno-pravovoj kompetentnosti pedagogov kak uslovie kadrovoj podderzhki modernizacii sovremennoj shkoly:avtoref. dis. ... kand. ped. nauk. Tomsk, 2012.
7. Chernikova S.V. Formirovanie pravovoj kompetentnosti v oblasti upravlenija kachestvom obrazovanija //Chelovek i obrazovanie. 2009.# 3 (20).

Vorobjev S. M., Tolchenkin D. A., Tolchenkina M. E.
Legal freedom as part of the overall freedom of the individual: the relationship between the concepts
In the scientific article, devoted to problems of legal freedom, deals with the concept of legal freedom as a theoretical and legal category in conjunction with existing varieties of the understanding of freedom through the use of modern scientific and special methods of cognition: analysis, synthesis, historic-legal, structural-functional, normative, logical, complex. Scientific novelty of the work consists in the consideration of problems in the functioning of legal freedom as a part of General individual freedom.
Keywords: legal freedom, political freedom, social freedom, external freedom, internal freedom,
liberty, personality, state.
Work bibliographic list
1. Agarkov M. M. Izbrannye trudy po grazhdanskomu pravu. T. 1. M.: «CentrJurinfor», 2002. 490 s.
2. Avrutin Ju. E., Kikot' V. Ja., Sydoruk I. I. Pravoporjadok: organizacionno-pravovoe obespechenie v Rossijskoj Federacii. Teoreticheskoe administrativno-pravovoe issledovanie: monografija. M.: «Zakon i pravo», 2003. 456 s.
3. Didenko N. G., Selivanov V. N. Pravo i svoboda //Pravovedenie. 2001. # 3. S. 4–27.
4. Kartashov V. N. Fundamental'naja juridicheskaja nauka v XXI veke // Materialy vserossijskoj konferencii:«Gosudarstvo i pravo na rubezhe vekov. Problemy teorii i istorii». M., 2001. S. 143–146.
5. Kratkij filosofskij slovar' / Pod red. A. P. Alekseeva. M.: «Prospekt», 2004. 492 s.
6. Kudrjavcev V. N. Pravovye grani svobody // Sovetskoe gosudarstvo i pravo. 1989. # 11. S. 3-9.
7. Mal'ko A. V. Stimuly i ogranichenija v prave: monografija. M.: «Jurist"», 2005. 250 s.
8. Martyshin O. V. Metafizicheskie koncepcii prava// Gosudarstvo i pravo. 2006. # 2. S. 64–71.
9. Matuzov N. I. Aktual'nye problemy teorii prava. Saratov, 2004. 512 s.
10. Orlova O. V. Avtonomija lichnosti i avtonomija grazhdanskogo obshhestva // Gosudarstvo i pravo. 2006. # 1.S. 12-18.
11. Petruhin I. L. Chelovek kak social'no-pravovaja cennost' // Gosudarstvo i pravo. 1999. # 10. S. 83-90.
12. Pokrovskij I. A. Osnovnye problemy grazhdanskogo prava. M.: «Statut», 2001. 351 s.
13. Sorokina Ju. V. Pravo i svoboda // Jurist. 2002. # 2. S. 2-3.
14. Teorija gosudarstva i prava: kurs lekcij / Pod red. N. I. Matuzova i A. V. Mal'ko. M.: «Jurist"», 2000. 776 s.
15. Trubeckoj E. N. Jenciklopedija prava / E. N. Trubeckoj. SPb.: «Lan'», 1998. 183 s.
16. Filosofija prava: uchebnik / Pod red. O. G. Danil'jana. M.: «Jeksmo», 2005. 416 s.
17. Chicherin B. N. Filosofija prava. M., 1900. 656 s.
18. Chuhvichev D. V. Svoboda i pravo: dis. …kand. jurid.nauk: 12.00.01. M., 2001. 158 s.

Ryabchenko A. G.
Organization of the activities criminal procedure flow rate in the Moscow state XV-XVII centuries. Subjects and its implementation
The article deals with the problems of formation of subjects of powers in the field of criminal
procedure in the Moscow state XV-XVII centuries.
Keywords: magistrates, orders, offense, Conciliar code, investigative activities.
Work bibliographic list
1. Akty Moskovskogo gosudarstva / Izd. imperskoj Akademiej nauk. SPb., 1894. T.2.
2. Veretennikov V. I. Istorija tajnoj kanceljarii petrovskogo vremeni. Har'kov, 1910.
3. Vysshie organy gosudarstvennoj vlasti i upravlenija Rossii IH-HH vv. / Pod obshh. red. A. S. Turgaeva.SPb: Obrazovanie-Kul'tura, 2000.
4. Kotoshihin G. O. O Rossii v carstvovanie Alekseja Mihajlovicha. SPb., 1909.
5. Leont'ev A. K. Obrazovanie prikaznoj sistemy upravlenija v Russkom gosudarstve. M., 1961.
6. Novombergskij N. Slovo i delo gosudarevy. Processy do izdanija Ulozhenija Alekseja Mihajlovicha. 1649g. M., 1911. T. 1.
7. Panejah V. M. / Kommentarij k Gl. H Sobornogo ulozhenija // Sobornoe ulozhenie 1649 goda. L.: Nauka, 1987.
8. Rjabchenko A. G., Rudenko K. I. Politika Moskovskogo gosudarstva v sfere ugolovnogo sudoproizvodstva vo vtoroj polovine XVII-XVIII vv. //Obshhestvo i pravo.2013. # 3(45).
9. Rjabchenko A. G., Gish M. R. Ugolovno-pravovoe regulirovanie sostavov prestuplenij protiv gosudarstva i otvetstvennosti za ih sovershenie v samoderzhavnoj Rossii XVII vv. // Pravo i gosudarstvo: problemy metodologii, teorii i istorii Materialy III Vserossijskoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. 2013.
10. Chtenija v Obshhestve istorii i drevnostej rossijskih pri Moskovskom universitete. Kn. 1. M., 1887.

Vildanov R. R., Bondarenko A. V., Lukijanov M. Yu.
Sobornost as Russia’s approach to national representation
The article describes the specific Russian model representation - Sobornost. Sobornost was to unite the people. It is based on a symphony of secular and spiritual power. The author examines the history of the Zemsky Sobor in Muscovy.
Keywords: Sobornost, Zemsky Sobor, Slavophiles, popular representation.
Work bibliographic list
1. Vil'danov R. R. Vozniknovenie predstavitel'nyh organov vlasti v Rossii // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. # 11, 2015
2. Vil'danov R. R. Teoretiko-metodologicheskie osnovy analiza roli i mesta parlamenta v politicheskoj sisteme gosudarstva// Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal.# 10, 2015
3. Mordovina S. P. Harakter dvorjanskogo predstavitel'stva na zemskom sobore 1598 g. // Voprosy Istorii. 1971. # 2, s. 55-63
4. Pavlov A.P. Gosudarev dvor i politicheskaja bor'ba pri Borise Godunove. -SPb., 1992. - S. 36-37.
5. Predstavitel'naja vlast' v Rossii: Istorija i sovremennost' / Pod obshh. red. L. K. Sliski. M.: ROS-SPJeN, 2004. S.49
6. Solov'ev S. M. Istorija Rossii s drevnejshih vremen: Kn. IV (t. 7-8). - M.,1960. - S. 194.
7. Homjakov A. S. O starom i novom // Russkaja ideja. – M.:Respublika, 1992. S.54.
8. Cherepnin L. V. Zemskie sobory Russkogo gosudarstva v HVI-HVII vv. - M 1978. S. 125-129.
9. Chernousova L. N. Institualizacija grazhdanskogo obshhestva: sobornyj aspekt// Istoricheskie, filosofskie, politicheskie i juridicheskie nauki, kul'turologija i iskusstvovedenie. Voprosy teorii i praktiki. Tambov: Gramota, 2012. # 3 (17): v 2-h ch. Ch. I. C. 189-191.

Latypova N. S.
Influence of Civil war on development of the American federalism
Article represents a complex research of the American theories of federalism dominating in legal science of the USA since the moment of formation of the American state prior to Civil war, their influence on split of political parties, and then and all state. In a research the role and further influence of Civil war on development of the American federalism is analyzed, the conceptual direction in which after the end of war the government at determination of the status has followed and the volume of powers of states is outlined.
Keywords: Civil war, USA, states, federalism, rights of states, sovereignty of states, Constitution, A. Linkoln, elections, concept, secession, nullification, state system.
Work bibliographic list
1. Azarov M. B. Problemy vzaimootnoshenij federacii i shtatov v SShA na sovremennom jetape: dis. …kand. jurid. nauk. M., 2006. S. 43.
2. Konstitucija SShA 1787 goda // Konstitucija SShA i drugie zakonodatel'nye akty / pod red. V.I. Lafitinskogo. M., 1993. S. 39.
3. Rozhdestvenskaja T. Je. Jevoljucija amerikanskogo federalizma: dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. M., 1994. S. 122.
4. Story J. Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States. N.Y., 1891. Sec. 317.
5. States’ rights and American federalism: a documentary history / ed. by Frederick D. Drake, Lynn R. Nelson. Primary documents in American. Greenwood Press, 1999.R. 97.

Fedoseev V. I.
The farms of the samara province in the years of the NEP 1921-1928: organizational and legal aspect
Abstract. In the article the legal aspects of the Samara region considers the peculiarities of state farms in the period of the new economic policy (1921-1928 years).
Key words: farms, new economic policy, economic accountability, trust, credit, cooperation.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bogdenko M.L. Sovhozy SSSR: kratkij ist. ocherk(1917-1975) / M. L. Bogdenko, I. E. Zelenin / pod red. I. M. Volkova ; AN SSSR, In-t istorii SSSR. - M. :Politizdat, 1976. - 279 s.
2. Direktivy KPSS i Sovetskogo pravitel'stva po hozjajstvennym voprosam. T.1 (1917-1927 gg.). - M.: Gospolitizdat, 1957.
3. Zelenin I.E. Sovhozy SSSR v gody dovoennyh pjatiletok.1928 – 1941. – M., Nauka, 1982. – 289 s.
4. Kovalenko N.I. Pravovoe polozhenie sovhozov na razlichnyh jetapah stroitel'stva kommunisticheskogo obshhestva v SSSR: Avtoref. diss…kand. jurid. nauk. -M., 1963. – 17 s.
5. KPSS v rezoljucijah i reshenijah s"ezdov, konferencij i plenumov CK. – Izd. 9-e. – T. 1. - – M.: Politizdat, 1983.
6. Sobranie uzakonenij i rasporjazhenij rabochego i krest'janskogo pravitel'stva RSFSR.- 922. - ## 41, 68.
7. Sobranie uzakonenij i rasporjazhenij rabochego i krest'janskogo pravitel'stva RSFSR.- 925. - # 18.

Baklanova I. S.
White government and Cossack state establishments – the history of relationships: historiographic studies
The article discusses various interpretations of the relationship of the Russian Cossacks and the Bolsheviks and White movement during the Civil War. During the Soviet period, this conflict was not a popular topic and has not been under extensive studying from the ideological positions of the Communist Party. All the forms of civil confrontation were explained as class motives, and anti-Bolshevik attitude to the Cossack territories was interpreted as a consequence of the large number of kulak class.
Keywords: civil war, white movement, Cossack state establishments, national and state construction.
Work bibliographic list
1. Antropov O. O. Astrahanskoe kazachestvo. Na perelome jepoh. M., 2008.
2. Buldakov V. P. Krasnaja smuta. Priroda i posledstvija revoljucionnogo nasilija. M., 1997.
3. Vereshhagin A. S. Otechestvennaja istoriografija grazhdanskoj vojny na Urale (1917¬1921 gg.). Ufa, 2001.
4. Golovin N. N. Rossijskaja kontrrevoljucija v 19171918 gg.: v 12 kn. Ch. 2. Kn. 3. Bol'shevistskij perevorot prevrashhaet kontrrevoljuciju v protivobol'shevistskoe dvizhenie. Parizh, 1937.
5. Golovin N. N. Rossijskaja kontrrevoljucija v 19171918 gg.: v 12 kn. Ch. 2. Kn. 4. Obrazovanie oblastnyh protivobol'shevistskih dvizhenij. Parizh, 1937.
6. Denikin A. I. Ocherki russkoj smuty: v 5 t. T. 2. Bor'ba generala Kornilova (avgust 1917 g. – aprel' 1918 g.). Parizh, 1922.
7. Denikin A. I. Ocherki russkoj smuty: v 5 t. T. 4. Vooruzhennye sily juga Rossii. Oktjabr' 1918 janvar'1919 g. Berlin, 1925.
8. Denikin A. I. Ocherki russkoj smuty: v 5 t. T. 5. Vooruzhennye sily juga Rossii. Pohod na Moskvu. 1919–1920 gg. Berlin, 1926.
9. Zajcev A. A. 1918 god. Ocherki po istorii russkoj grazhdanskoj vojny. Parizh, 1934.
10. Kakurin N. Kak srazhalas' revoljucija: v 2 t. T. 1.1917¬1918 g. M.-L., 1925.
11. Kin D. Denikinshhina na Ukraine. Har'kov, 1927.
12. Lenin V. I. Russkaja revoljucija i grazhdanskaja vojna// Poln. sobr. soch.: v 55 t. T. 34. M., 1969.
13. Miljukov P. Rossija na perelome: Bol'shevistskij period russkoj revoljucii: v 2 t. T. 2. Antibol'shevistskoe dvizhenie. Parizh, 1927.
14. Plehanov A. A., Plehanov A. M. Kazachestvo na rubezhah Otechestva. M., 2009.
15. Pokrovskij G. Denikinshhina. God politiki i jekonomiki na Kubani: 1918–1919 gg. Berlin, 1923.
16. Posevin S. S. Grazhdanskaja vojna. 1918¬1920/22 gg.Sravnitel'naja ocenka voenno-grazhdanskoj taktiki i priemov upravlenija. Riga, 1936.
17. Rybnikov V. V., Slobodin V. P. Beloe dvizhenie v gody grazhdanskoj vojny: sushhnost', jevoljucii i nekotorye itogi. M., 1993.
18. Sokolov K. N. Pravlenie generala Denikina. Sofija, 1922.
19. Spirin L. M. Klassy i partii v grazhdanskoj vojne v Rossii (1917–1920 gg.). M., 1967.

Ishtuganov N. N.
Formation institutes of civil society in science of pre-revolutionary Russia
In this article forming of institutes of civil society in science of pre-revolutionary Russia, creation of various societies and public organizations, their role and value in development civil society are studied. During studying of the matter, it is necessary to pay special attention to the fact that in many respects the historical way of development of Russia differed from Western European, in this regard nature, forming of institutes of civil society had the features.
Object of a research are features of forming of institutes of civil society in pre-revolutionary Russia.
The purpose – detection of features of forming of institutes of civil society in pre-revolutionary Russia.
The subject is urgent thanks to the fact that forming of institutes of civil society – is the most important component of formation of the constitutional state, those conditions and features in which they arose, in many respects determined subsequent development of institutes of civil society, and also the relation of society and state to their purpose.
Thus, after studying of features of forming of institutes of civil society in pre-revolutionary Russia, it is possible to determine common and private features of the studied phenomenon.
Keywords: forming of civil society, constitutional state, state, right.
Work bibliographic list
1. Lopata P., Porohnjuk E. Problemy stanovlenija grazhdanskogo obshhestva v Rossii // Dialog. 2014. # 1. S. 8-21.
2. Galkin A., Krasin Ju. Grazhdanskoe obshhestvo i demokratija // Obozrevatel'. 2015. # 10. S. 15-23.
3. Volodin A. G. Grazhdanskoe obshhestvo i politika v Rossii: smena paradigmy // Polit. issled. 2013. #
6. S. 92-102.
4. Lejkina-Svirskaja, V. R. Intelligencija v Rossii vo vtoroj polovine XIX veka. M.: Mysl', 2015. 368 s.
5. Chicherin B. N. Rossija nakanune dvadcatogo stoletija// Novoe vremja. 2012 # 4. S. 41-42.

Shamsutdinov R. R.
Comparative analysis of state secrets legal remedy in Russian Federation and Great Britain
This article covers and studies principal legislative acts within state secrets legal remedy in Russian Federation and Great Britain. Weak and strong aspects of this area were determined. Recommendations on legislation improvement of reviewed states were suggested.
Keywords: state secret, Russian Federation, Great Britain, Confidential Information, Secret information.
Work bibliographic list
1. Zhuravlenko N. I. Organizacija zashhity informacii v razvityh zarubezhnyh stranah: uchebnoe posobie. Ufa : RIC BashGU, 2014.

Fomichev M. N., Kolomeychenko E. A.
Institute of constitutional rights and freedoms as a guideline for the interaction between the individual and the state: the notion and properties of
Not all of the rights and freedoms possessed by the person, and only the basic or fundamental, reveal the condition of legal capacity of the person in society that determine the legal status of citizens of Russia.The work explores interpretations of "rights and freedoms". The conclusion is made about the problems of the rights and freedoms of the individual. Disclosed gaps in the charters of subjects of the Russian Federation rights and freedoms of the individual
Keywords: The Constitution, rights, freedoms, individual, citizen, violation, issues, legislation of
subjects, the degree of legality.
Work bibliographic list
1. Grigorjan D. K. Politicheskie prava lichnosti kak osnova politicheskoj vlasti // Filosofija prava. –2008. – # 4. – S. 89-91.
2. Kozlova E. I., Kutafin O. E. Konstitucionnoe pravo Rossii: uchebn. posobie – M.: Jurist, 2003.
3. Pravo i prava cheloveka v uslovijah globalizacii (materialy nauchnoj konferencii) // Gosudarstvo i pravo. – 2006. – # 2. – S. 109.
4. Protasov V. N. Teorija prava i gosudarstva: konspekt lekcij. – M.: Jurajt-Izdat, 2008.
5. Uporov I. V., Starkov O. V., Rasskazov L. P. Teorija gosudarstva i prava. Kurs lekcij: uchebn. posobie. – M.:Izd-vo «Jekzamen», 2007.
6. Halipov V. F. Jenciklopedija vlasti. – M.: Akademicheskij proekt, 2005.

Gladilina I. P., Arionchik A. A.
Procurement management based on the development of competition
From the point of view of managing business processes procurement is a process implemented by the entity (organizational unit) responsible for the acquisition of resources, required quality, quantity at right time at an affordable price. Procurement is the process to ensure timely delivery of required quality and quantity of resources in the form of various products (materials, goods, equipment, services and other) in a competitive environment. In recent decades, institutional development and improvement of the contract system in Russia has prioritized the implementation of the principle of ensuring competition aimed at creation of equal conditions among participants in procurement activities and enables improved efficiency of use of budgetary funds to meet public needs. And Russian and world experience suggest that significant existing practice restrictions achieve a fair price and non-price competition among suppliers for government needs.
Despite the conceptual transformation of the public procurement system, increasing the transparency and openness of tender procedures, currently, there remains a number of shortcomings of organizational and methodical nature that impede the achievement of the goals and objectives of the legislative basis of the contract system. In modern conditions of aggravation of the political situation, cost of loans, reduction of foreign capital inflows to a greater extent state funds help to diversify and to ensure economic growth, increase of competitiveness of Russian manufacturers. Given the above factors, the issues of formation of competitive environment in public procurement and its influence on the development and success of entrepreneurial activity, of course, is of considerable scientific and methodological and practical interest.
Keywords: procurement, contract system, competition, management
Work bibliographic list
1. Afanas'ev M. P. Bjudzhetirovanie, orientirovannoe na rezul'tat (novye tendencii) // Voprosy jekonomiki. – 2011. – # 9. – S. 130-139.
2. Zagorskij V. S., Lipencev A. V. Jevoljucija podhodov k issledovaniju sovremennyh koncepcij gosudarstvennogo upravlenija // Voprosy teorii i metodologii upravlenija. – 2013. – # 2.
3. Zibzeeva E. V. Finansovye instrumenty jeffektivnogo ispol'zovanija bjudzhetnyh sredstv pri razmeshhenii gosudarstvennogo zakaza – Dis. kand. jekon. nauk:08.00.10. – Rostov-na-Donu, 2013 – 229 s.
4. Safiullin A. R. Metodologija upravlenija konkurentnymi preimushhestvami na mezourovne / Monografija. – Kazan': Izd-vo JuGU, 2010. – 256 s.
5. Sergeeva S. A. Upravlenie kachestvom v sfere zakupok na osnove statisticheskogo analiza // Fundamental'nye issledovanija. – 2016. - #5 (chast' 2).
6. Sergeeva S. A., Arionchik A. A. Statistical Studies of Nonprice Competition in the Structure of Public Procurement in the Russian Federation// Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce. – 2016. – vol. 21. – no. S 4.
7. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:

Mashukova T. A.
On some problems of contestation of normative legal acts and of acts containing provisions
and with regulatory properties
The code of administrative legal proceedings of the Russian Federation provides a possibility of contest of regulations and since 2016– the acts containing explanations of the legislation and having standard properties. But the legislator does not open fully these concepts what broad court practice testifies to. It is possible to carry letters and other acts of explanatory nature of Federal Tax Service, Federal antimonopoly service, Federal Customs Service to the acts containing explanations of the legislation and having standard properties, etc.
Keywords: Code of administrative legal proceedings of the Russian Federation; regulatory legal act; the act containing explanations of the legislation and having standard properties.
Work bibliographic list
1. Vlasov A. A. Grazhdanskoe processual'noe pravo:Uchebnik. M.: TK Velbi, 2003. S. 85.
2. Egorova O. A., Mareev Ju. L., Labygin A. N. Grazhdanskij process: uchebnik dlja studentov vuzov // O. A.Egorova, Ju. L. Mareev, A. N. Labygin. M.: JuNITI-DANA, 2011. S. 201.
3. Nikitin S. V. Sudebnyj kontrol' za normativnymi pravovymi aktami v grazhdanskom i arbitrazhnom processe. M., 2010. 349 s.
4. Popova Ju. A. Predmet dokazyvanija v proizvodstve po delam, voznikajushhim iz publichnyh pravootnoshenij // Sovremennaja doktrina grazhdanskogo, arbitrazhnogo processa i ispolnitel'nogo proizvodstva:Teorija i praktika. Krasnodar-SPb., 2004. 498 s.
5. Treushnikov M. K. Sudebnye dokazatel'stva. M., 2005. 234 s.

Ivanov A. D.
Responsibility in the field of genetic engineering activity:administrative aspect
In this article the author considers the question of the appointment of the administrative responsibility in the field of genetic engineering in the Russian Federation, at the same time, pointing out the international legal experience in the solution of this problem. The author studied
and analyzed various doctrinal point of view, which, in turn, emit a rather extensive range of issues, the solution of which is mandatory, namely the problem of the conceptual apparatus, in the absence of the Administrative Code of administrative offenses of specific products associated with the violation of legislation in the field of genetic engineering activity.
Keywords: genetic engineering activities, administrative responsibility, Amman resolution, the Convention on Biological Diversity, the Cartagena Protocol, the EU Directive, GMO (genetically modified organisms), Federal Law N 358.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bystrov G. E. Problemy sovershenstvovanija zakonodatel'stva o genno-inzhenernoj dejatel'nosti v uslovijah innovacionnogo razvitija agrarnoj jekonomiki// Pravovoe obespechenie innovacionnogo razvitija jekonomiki Respubliki Belarus': materialy Mezhdunar. nauch.-prakt. konf. (21-22 okt. 2010 g., g. Minsk).Minsk, 2010. S. 426-428.
2. Dubovik O. L. Jevoljucija razvitija instituta administrativnoj otvetstvennosti za jekologicheskie pravonarushenija // Administrativnoe pravo i process.2015. # 9. S. 66-70.
3. Krasovskij O. A. Pravovye problemy gennoj inzhenerii: Avtoref. dis. ... kand. jurid. nauk: 12.00.06. M., 1997.
4. Krasovskij O. A. Pravovye problemy gennoj inzhenerii: Avtoreferat dissertacii na soiskanie uchenoj stepeni kandidata juridicheskih nauk. S.17
5. Ljakisheva Ju. A. Pravovoe regulirovanie genno-inzhenernoj dejatel'nosti: avtoref. dis. ... kand. jur.nauk / Ju. A. Ljakisheva. M., 2010.
6. Ljakisheva Ju. A. Ugolovno-pravovaja otvetstvennost' v oblasti genno-inzhenernoj dejatel'nosti // Aktual'nye problemy rossijskogo prava. 2008. # 4. S. 290-296.
7. Jekologicheskoe pravo. Krassov O. I. 3-e izd., pere-smotr. M.: 2014. 624 s.

а E. M.
Examination by the customer the delivered goods, performed work, rendered services in accordance with the legislation of Russian Federation and other normative legal acts on the contract system in the procurement
This article describes the key issues that confront our customers after the execution of suppliers, contractors, implementing their commitments, namely how to properly and competently carry out the requirements of Federal Law Article 94 on 4.5.2013 number 44-FZ "About contract system in the procurement of goods, works and services for state and municipal needs " related to the examination by the customer themselves.
Keywords: examination, the Law on the contract system acceptance commission, the customer opinion.

Yusupova Z. G.
Organizing and obligations elements the right of operational management of the unitary enterprise
The article deals with the legal nature of the right of operational management of the unitary enterprise. The author emphasizes the heterogeneous nature of the right that allows you to highlight the organizational and Obligations of the analyzed elements of the proprietary right design and confirms put forward in the civil law science thesis about the existence of the category of mixed relationships.
Keywords: оrganizational relations, government enterprise, the right of operational management, relationship of obligation.
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon ot 13 dekabrja 1994 g. # 60-FZ (s izm. ot 13 ijulja 2015 g.) «O postavkah produkcii dlja federal'nyh gosudarstvennyh nuzhd» // Rossijskaja gazeta. – 1994. - 21 dekabrja; 2015. – 15 ijulja.
2. Alekseev S. S., Gongalo B. M., Murzin D. V. Grazhdanskoe pravo: ucheb. / pod obshh. red. S. S. Alekseeva. – M.:TK Velbi; Ekaterinburg: Institut chastnogo prava,2007.
3. Dozorcev V. A. Principial'nye cherty prava sobstvennosti v grazhdanskom kodekse // Grazhdanskij kodeks Rossii. Problemy. Teorija. Praktika: sbr. pamjati S. A. Hohlova / otv. red. A. L. Makovskij. – M.:Izd-vo Mezhdunarodnogo centra finansovo-jekonomicheskogo razvitija, 1998. – S. 243-258 i dr.
4. Kozlova N. V. Pravosub"ektnost' juridicheskogo lica. – M.: Statut, 2005.
5. Krasavchikov O. A. Grazhdanskie organizacionno-pravovye otnoshenija // Sovetskoe gosudarstvo i pravo. – 1966. – # 10.
6. Sverdlyk G. A. Struktura grazhdansko-pravovogo organizacionnogo objazatel'stva po zakljucheniju planovogo dogovora postavki // Grazhdanskie pravo-otnoshenija i ih strukturnye osobennosti. Sbornik uchenyh trudov. Vypusk 39. – Sverdlovsk: Sverdlovskij juridicheskij institut, 1975. – 150 s.
7. Seleckaja S. B. Pravo hozjajstvennogo vedenija i pravo operativnogo upravlenija kak jelement pravovogo polozhenija unitarnogo predprijatija. – Kazan': «Master Lajn», 2006.
8. Suhanov E. A. Pravo hozjajstvennogo vedenija, pravo operativnogo upravlenija // Hozjajstvo i pravo. –1995. – # 7.

Konysheva E. G.
The question of the effectiveness of local self-government –the question of the definition of the levels of public authority
The author examines the problem of efficiency of local government in conjunction with the optimal determination of the levels of public authority, arguing the need to improve the current legislation.
Keywords: local government, state government, centralization, the model of "uniform" administration, territorial levels of public authority, urban agglomeration.
Work bibliographic list
1. Aktual'nye problemy municipal'nogo prava: uchebnik dlja magistrov, obuchajushhihsja po napravleniju podgotovki «Jurisprudencija» / [P. A. Byshkov i dr.]; pod red. L. T. Chihladze, E. N. Hazova. M.: JuNITI-DANA, 2016.
2. Andrichenko L. V., Postnikov A. E. Pravovye osnovy sozdenija edinoj administracii poselenija i municipal'nogo rajona // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava.2013. # 7.
3. Alpatov Ju. M. Rossijskij federalizm i mestnoe samoupravlenie. Monografija. M.: JuRKOMPANI, 2010.
4. Babun R. V. Aglomeracija gorodov kak ob"ekt upravlenija // Mestnoe samoupravlenie: tendencii i perspektivy: sbornik nauchnyh trudov, posvjashhennyj jubileju avtora. Kemerovo: Kuzbassvuzizdat, 2014.
5. Babun R. V. Itogi municipal'noj reformy i problemy razvitija mestnogo samoupravlenija v Rosii //Mestnoe samoupravlenie: tendencii i perspektivy:sbornik nauchnyh trudov, posvjashhennyj jubileju avtora. Kemerovo: Kuzbassvuzizdat, 2014.
6. Babun R. V. K voprosu o voprosah: mestnyh i gosudarstvennyh // Mestnoe samoupravlenie: tendencii i perspektivy: sbornik nauchnyh trudov, posvjashhen-
nyj jubileju avtora. Kemerovo: Kuzbassvuzizdat,2014. S. 63.
7. Brezhnev O. V., Popov D. V., Tokmakov I. V. Mestnoe samoupravlenie v Rossii: teoretiko-pravovye aspekty. Monografija. M.: NU OAOU, 2013.
8. Viktorov V. V. Vybor puti razvitija mestnogo samoupravlenija: tradicionnyj ili innovacionnyj //Mestnoe samoupravlenie v Rossii i Germanii. Istorija i sovremennost': sb. st. / pod obshh. red. Ja. A Pljajsa, N. M. Muharjamova. M.: Rossijskaja politicheskaja jencikopedija (ROSSPJeN), 2012.
9. Gruzdeva I. V. Mestnoe samoupravlenie v period 1995-2002 gg.: stanovlenie i problemy razvitija (po materialam Vologodskoj oblasti): monografija /Gruzdeva I. V.; M-vo obrazovanija i nauki RF, Mosk.gos. jurid. un-t im. O. E. Kutafina (MGJuA), (Filial) un-ta im. O. E. Kutafina (MGJuA). Vologda: IP Valeeva V. N., 2014.
10. Dolgov V.M., Dolgova G.N. Ot sovetov k municipal'nym obrazovanijam: ispol'zovanie politicheskogo opyta // Ot zemskih uchrezhdenij k mestnomu samoupravleniju v Rossii: tradicii, opyt, perspektivy (k 150-letiju Zemskoj reformy): sb. nauch. trudov. Saratov: Povolzhskij institut upravlenija imeni P.A. Stolypina, 2014.
11. Zhukovskaja L. P. Zadachi reformirovanija mestnogo samoupravlenija na territorii Saratovskoj oblasti v ramkah realizacii poslanija Prezidenta RF V. V. Putina Federal'nomu Sobraniju 12 dekabrja 2013 goda // Ot zemskih uchrezhdenij k mestnomu samo-
upravleniju v Rossii: tradicii, opyt, perspektivy(k 150-letiju Zemskoj reformy): sb. nauch. trudov. Saratov: Povolzhskij institut upravlenija imeni P.A. Stolypina, 2014.
12. Ivanova K. N. Poisk jeffektivnoj formy organizacii mestnogo samoupravlenija: opyt Saratovskoj oblasti // Ot zemskih uchrezhdenij k mestnomu samoupravleniju v Rossii: tradicii, opyt, perspektivy (k 150-letiju Zemskoj reformy): sb. nauch. trudov. Saratov: Povolzhskij institut upravlenija imeni P.A. Stolypina, 2014.
13. Kislicyn S. A., Kumov K. G., Fomin A. V. Mestnoe samoupravlenie v sisteme partijno-politicheskih otnoshenij // Mestnoe samoupravlenie v Rossii: itogi reformy i perspektivy razvitija. Materialy nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii, 5 aprelja 2013 g. Ro-
stov n/D.: Izd-vo JuRIF RANHiGS, 2013.
14. Kurochkin V. I. Mestnoe samoupravlenie v gorodah-megapolisah: teoretiko-pravovoe issledovanie: av-toref. … dis. kand. jurid. nauk: 12.00.02. M., 2012.
15. Musinova N. N. Upravlenie gorodskimi aglomeracijami: organizacionnyj aspekt // Upravlencheskie nauki v sovremennom mire = Management Sciences in U 677 the Modern World: Sb. dokl. nauch. konf.: V 2 t. /Finansovyj universitet pri Pravitel'stve Rossij-
skoj Federacii; nauch.‑prakt. zhurnal «Jeffektivnoantikrizisnoe upravlenie». SPb.: ID «Real'naja jekonomika», 2015. T. 1.
16. Nekrasov V.N. Publichnoe upravlenie i perspektivy ego razvitija v Rossii // Mestnoe samoupravlenie v Rossii: itogi reformy i perspektivy razvitija. Materialy nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii, 5 aprelja 2013 g. Rostov n/D.: Izd-vo JuRIF RANHiGS, 2013.
17. Petrova E. V. Mestnoe samoupravlenie v Respublike Burjatija v processe reformirovanija: problemy funkcionirovanija i razvitija (na materialah sociologicheskih issledovanij) / otv. red. S.P. Tatarova. Ulan-Udje: Izd-vo Burjatskogo gosuniversiteta, 2014.
18. Petuhov R. V. Territorial'nye predely osushhestvlenija mestnogo samoupravlenija // Doklad o sostojanii mestnogo samoupravlenija v Rossijskoj Federacii /pod red. E.S. Shugrinoj. 2-e izd. pererab. i dop., M.: Izd-vo «Prospet», 2015.
19. Pljajs Ja. A. Teorii i modeli mestnogo samoupravlenija v interpretacijah otechestvennyh i zarubezhnyh politologov (Obzor dissertacionnyh issledovanij rossijskih politologov) // Mestnoe samoupravlenie v Rossii i Germanii. Istorija i sovremennost': / pod obshh. red. Ja.A Pljajsa, N.M. Muharjamova. M.: Rossijskaja politicheskaja jencikopedija (ROSSPJeN), 2012.
20. Razvitie megapolisa: problemy i perspektivy. Analiticheskij vestnik Gosudarstvennoj Dumy Federal'nogo Sobranija Rossijskoj Federacii. # 2 (319). M., 2007.
21. Rosstat podvel itogi perepesi naselenija // Rossijskaja gazeta. 2011. 28 marta. # 5440 (64).
22. Sangadieva I. G. Mestnoe samoupravlenie i programmno-celevoj podhod k razvitiju sel'skih territorij: monografija / I. G. Sangadieva, Ch. Z. Zherbanova, T. M. Shadonova; FGBOU VPO BGSHA im. V.
R. Filippova; FGBNU «Burjatskij nachno-issledovatel'skij institut sel'skogo hozjajstva». Ulan-Udje:Izd-vo BGSHA im. V. R. Filippova, 2014.
23. Solodkaja A. A. Sovetskaja model' mestnogo samoupravlenija: problemy i perspektivy razvitija //Mestnoe samoupravlenie v Rossii: itogi reformy i perspektivy razvitija. Materialy nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii, 5 aprelja 2013 g. Rostov n/D.: Izdvo JuRIF RANHiGS, 2013.
24. Sultanov E. B. O sootnoshenii principov gosudarstvennogo upravlenija s principami mestnogo samoupravlenija // Uchenye zapiski Kazanskogo un-ta. Serija «Gumanitarnye nauki». 2007. # 6.
25. Trufanov A. A. Protivorechija municipal'noj reformy v Rossijskoj Federacii // Mestnoe samoupravlenie v Rossii i Germanii. Istorija i sovremennost': sb. st. / pod obshh. red. Ja. A Pljajsa, N. M. Muharjamova. M.: Rossijskaja politicheskaja jencikopedija (ROSSPJeN), 2012.
26. Fomicheno M. P. Rossija kak federativnoe gosudarstvo: osobennosti formirovanija, pravovoe regulirovanie: dis. ... kand. jurid. nauk: 12.00.02. M., 2002.
27. Haritonova E. L., Banchin S. V. Optimizacija organov mestnogo samoupravlenija v sovremennoj jekonomike v kontekste sistemy gosudarstvennogo i municipal'nogo upravlenija // Mestnoe samoupravlenie v Rossii: itogi reformy i perspektivy razvitija. Materialy nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii, 5 aprelja 2013 g. Rostov n/D.: Izd-vo JuRIF RANHiGS, 2013.
28. Chihladze L. T. Modeli vzaimootnoshenij gosudarstvennoj vlasti i mestnogo samoupravlenija (municipal'noj vlasti) // Vestn. Ros. un-ta druzhby narodov. 2012. # 3.
29. Shajhullin M. S. Konstitucionno-pravovye garantii mestnogo samoupravlenija v Rossijskoj Federacii: monografija. M.: Jurlitinform, 2016.

Gontar S. G.
Forming of local authorities in Orel region
The article discusses the new procedure of forming of local authorities in Orel region.
Keywords: election commission, election system, local authorities.
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon ot 6 oktjabrja 2003 goda # 131-FZ «Ob obshhih principah organizacii mestnogo samoupravlenija v Rossijskoj Federacii» [Tekst] // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii. 2003. # 40. St. 3822. (s izm. i dop.).
2. Federal'nyj zakon ot 27 maja 2014 goda # 136-FZ «O vnesenii izmenenij v stat'ju 26.3 Federal'nogo zakona «Ob obshhih principah organizacii zakonodatel'nyh (predstavitel'nyh) i ispolnitel'nyh organov gosudarstvennoj vlasti sub"ektov Rossij-
skoj Federacii» i Federal'nyj zakon «Ob obshhih principah organizacii mestnogo samoupravlenija v Rossijskoj Federacii» [Tekst] // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii. 02.06.2014. # 22.St. 2770. (s izm. i dop.).
3. Zakon Orlovskoj oblasti ot 30 ijunja 2010 goda #1087-OZ «O regulirovanii otdel'nyh pravootnoshenij, svjazannyh s vyborami v organy mestnogo samoupravlenija Orlovskoj oblasti» (v redakcii ot 4 maja 2016 goda) [Jelektronnyj resurs] // V dannom vide dokument opublikovan ne byl. Razmeshhen v jelektronnoj pravovoj sisteme «Konsul'tant Pljus».
4. Zakon Orlovskoj oblasti ot 10 nojabrja 2014 goda #1685-OZ «O porjadke formirovanija organov mestnogo samoupravlenija municipal'nyh obrazovanij Orlovskoj oblasti» (v redakcii ot 4 maja 2016 goda) [Jelektronnyj resurs] // V dannom vide dokument opublikovan ne byl. Razmeshhen v jelektronnoj pravovoj sisteme «Konsul'tant Pljus».

Trapeznikov V. A.
Unilateral refusal: the disputed issues of law enforcement
The article considers some of the viewsof the legal regime of payments made in connection and the legal consequences of these actions. The conclusion that the refusal is a right hand, which mandatorily enshrined in the civil code of the Russian Federation and for the exercise of this right, the customer may not be subject to civil liability.
In the article the analysis of law enforcement practice and the conclusion about possibility of compensation of losses at withdrawal from the agreement for the participants of business relations.
Keywords: payment made in connection with the termination of the contract, penalty,
Work bibliographic list
3. Postanovlenie Sed'mogo arbitrazhnogo apelljacionnogo suda ot 15.04.2014 po delu # A27-17274/2013
4. Postanovlenie AS Zapadno-Sibirskogo okruga ot 10.07.2014 po delu # A27-17274/2013
5. Postanovlenie Arbitrazhnogo suda Ural'skogo okruga ot 02.06.2014 # F09-2951/14 po delu # A76-11311/2013.
6. Postanovlenie FAS Povolzhskogo okruga ot 12.05.2010 po delu # A57-20634/2009
7. Reshenie Nikulinskogo rajonnogo suda g. Moskvy ot 13.06.2013 po grazhdanskomu delu # 2-3971/13.
8. Apelljacionnoe opredelenie Moskovskogo gorodskogo suda ot 16.01.2013 po delu # 11-1201
9. Postanovlenie FAS Ural'skogo okruga ot 05.10.2010 # F09-7902/10-S1 po delu # A47-2301/2010.
10. Obzor sudebnoj praktiki po grazhdanskim delam Krasnojarskogo kraevogo suda ot 01.05.2008 .
11. Postanovlenie Arbitrazhnogo suda Moskovskogo okruga ot 07.10.2016 N F05-14028/2016 po delu # A40-213306/2015.
12. Zhuzhzhalov M. B. Neustojka za otkaz ot dogovora (kommentarij k Postanovleniju Prezidiuma VAS RF ot 7 sentjabrja 2010 g. N 2715/10) // Jurist. 2011. # 24. S. 3 - 8.
13. Ioffe O. S. Izbrannye trudy: V 4 t. SPb.: Jurid. Centr Press, 2004. T. III. Objazatel'stvennoe pravo. S. 202.
14. Karapetov A. G., Fetisova E. M. Praktika primenenija arbitrazhnymi sudami Postanovlenija Plenuma VAS RF ot 14.03.2014 # 16 «O svobode dogovora i ee predelah» // Vestnik jekonomicheskogo pravosudija Rossijskoj Federacii. 2015. # 12. S. 146-191.
15. Grazhdanskij kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii. Postatejnyj kommentarij k razdelu III «Obshhaja chast' objazatel'nogo prava» / A. V. Barkov, A. V. Gabov, M. N. Iljushina i dr.; pod red. L. V. Sannikovoj. M.: Statut, 2016. 622 s.
16. Belov V.A. Rastorzhenie dogovora arendy v uslovijah finansovogo krizisa // Pravo i jekonomika. 2016. # 2. S. 22-27.
17. Neznamov A. V. Platezh v svjazi s rastorzheniem dogovora v odnostoronnem porjadke // Zakon. 2015. # 7.S. 158-174.

Osmanov O. A.
Contract consumer credit (loans). Problems recovery of overdue debts
Recovery of overdue debts is one of the most urgent problems in the consumer credit market. The paper attempts to identify the main ways of alienation of "bad debts". This article underwent the study collection services market state, the basic problems of its development, present a proposal to improve the system of forced debt recovery, protection of rights and interests of the parties to the credit agreement.
Keywords: consumer credit, the problem of enforcement of debt, and rights and obligations of collection agencies.
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon ot 27.07.2006 g. # 152-FZ «O personal'nyh dannyh» // SZ RF. 2006. # 31 (chast' 1). St.3451.
2. Federal'nyj Zakon ot 30.12.2004 g. # 218-FZ «O kreditnyh istorijah» // SZ RF. 2005. # 1 (chast' 1). St. 44.
3. Federal'nyj zakon ot 21.12.2013 g. # 353-FZ «O potrebitel'skom kredite (zajme)» // SZ RF. 2013. # 51.St. 6673.
4. Federal'nyj zakon ot 03.07.2016 # 230-FZ «O zashhite prav i zakonnyh interesov fizicheskih lic pri osushhestvlenii dejatel'nosti po vozvratu prosrochennoj zadolzhennosti i o vnesenii izmenenij v Federal'nyj zakon «O mikrofinansovoj dejatel'nosti i mikrofinansovyh organizacijah» // SZ RF. 2016. #27 (Chast' I). St. 4163.
5. Averchenko D. G. Aktual'nye problemy pravovogo regulirovanija kreditnogo dogovora (na primere dogovora potrebitel'skogo kredita) // Sistemnye tehnologii. 2013. # 3.
6. Informacionnoe pis'mo VAS RF ot 13.09.2011 # 146«Obzor sudebnoj praktiki po nekotorym voprosam, svjazannym s primeneniem k bankam administrativnoj otvetstvennosti za narushenie zakonodatel'stva o zashhite prav potrebitelej pri zakljuchenii kreditnyh dogovorov». [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 05.06.2016).
7. Kazakova E. B. Dejatel'nost' kollektorskih agentstv po vzyskaniju prosrochennoj zadolzhennosti zaemshhika pered bankom: problemy pravovogo regulirovanija // Koncept. 2014. Specvypusk # 27.
8. Kukushkin V. M. O nekotoryh problemah novogo federal'nogo zakona «O potrebitel'skom kredite (zajme)» // Pravo i jekonomika. 2014. # 5.
9. Magomedov Sh. B., Magomedov M. M., Jah'jaeva M. G. Institut monitoringa prava kak instrument gosudarstvennogo upravlenija // Juridicheskij vestnik DGU.2014. # 4.
10. Mokeeva N. N., Harina P. A. Potrebitel'skoe kreditovanie v sovremennoj Rossii: tendencii i ozhidanija // Mezhdunarodnyj zhurnal jeksperimental'nogo obrazovanija. 2014. # 5–2.
11. Novoselova L. A. Sdelki ustupki prava (trebovanija)v kommercheskoj praktike. Faktoring. M., 2003.
12. OKB: v avguste 2016-go ob"emy vydannyh kreditov uvelichilis' pochti na chetvert' po sravneniju s 2015-m. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 17.11.2016).
13. OKB: ob"emy kreditov v Rossii v 2015 godu upali pochti v 2 raza. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 05.06.2016).
14. Pavlodskij E. A. Dogovory organizacij i grazhdan s bankami. M.: Status, 2000.
15. Popkova L. A. Zashhita prav zaemshhikov pri potrebtel'skom kreditovanii // Juridicheskaja rabota v kreditnoj organizacii. 2013. # 1.
16. Postanovlenie FAS Severo-Kavkazskogo okruga ot 4 ijulja 2015 g. po delu #A15-11305/2015. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. –Rezhim dostupa: obrashhenija: 07.06.2016).
17. Postanovlenie FAS Severo-Kavkazskogo okruga ot 21.03.2014 g. # F08-1903/14-S1 po delu #A15-29873/13. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. –Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 03.06.2016).
18. Solomin Ju. K. Ustupka prava trebovanija predostavlenija kredita // Hozjajstvo i pravo. 2008. # 3.
19. Stepanova O. A., Orlova S. A., Shportova T. V. Potrebitel'skoe kreditovanie v Rossii: problemy i puti reshenija // Fundamental'nye issledovanija. 2015. # 2-13.
20. Sytnik M. M. Rynok bankovskogo kreditovanija v RF: analiticheskij aspekt // Mezhdunarodnyj nauchno-issledovatel'skij zhurnal. # 5-3. (36). 2015.

Puzina M. V.
Requirements for persons carrying out notarial activities
The article deals with the basic requirements for those who commit notarial acts in post-Soviet
countries today and in Soviet times. There is analyzed the requirements for those who commit notarial acts in the Russian Federation at the present time.
Keywords: notary, notarial acts, notaries.
Work bibliographic list
1. Osnovy zakonodatel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii o notariate ot 11 fevralja 1993 goda # 4462-1.
2. Zakon Respubliki Kazahstan «O notariate» ot 14 ijulja 1997 goda # 155-I.3.Zakon Respubliki Moldova o notariate ot 08 nojabrja 2002 goda # 1453-XV.
3. Zakon Jestonskoj Respubliki o notariate ot 06 dekabrja 2000 goda.
4. Zakon SSSR ot 19 ijulja 1973 g. «O gosudarstvennom notariate» (utratil silu).
5. Zakon RSFSR ot 2 avgusta 1974 g. «O gosudarstvennom notariate» (utratil silu).
6. Zakon Ukrainskoj Sovetskoj Socialisticheskoj Respubliki o gosudarstvennom notariate, prinjatyj Verhovnym Sovetom USSR 22 dekabrja 1974 goda (utratil silu).
7. Zakon Respubliki Belarus', prinjatyj Verhovnym Sovetom Belorusskoj SSR ot 30 aprelja 1974 g. # 216-VIII «O gosudarstvennom notariate» (utratil silu).

Krivusheva S. S.
The congregation as a civil law category, the interest participation in the meeting
In article the author the concept of meetings with which decisions the law connects civil consequences, the essence of interest of participation of the person in a meeting reveals. It is represented that interest of participation in a meeting is defined by the legislator in this connection restriction of the right for participation in a meeting is possible not differently, as on the basis of the law or in the cases provided by the law. On category of interest justification of a possibility of contest of the decision of a meeting by the beneficiary – the person exercising the actual control and to which benefit the nominal participant of the meeting acts is based. The author considers various approaches to understanding of category "right for participation in a meeting", considers the possibility of its recognition by the sekundarny right, the subjective right or an element of legal personality.
Keywords: meeting, decision of a meeting, civil community, interest of participation in a meeting, right for participation in a meeting, sekundarny right, beneficiary.
Work bibliographic list
1. SZ RF, 1996. # 1, t. 1.
2. SZ RF, 16.02.1998, # 7, st. 785.
3. SZ RF, 03.01.2005, # 1 (chast' 1), st. 14.
4. SZ RF, 05.12.1994, # 32, st. 3301 (chast' pervaja); SZ RF, 29.01.1996, # 5, st. 410 (chast' vtoraja); SZ RF, 03.12.2001,
# 49, st. 4552 (chast' tret'ja); SZ RF, 25.12.2006, # 52 (1 ch.), st. 5496.
5. SZ RF, 28.10.2002, # 43, st. 4190.
6. Agarkov M. M. Uchenie o cennyh bumagah (po izdaniju 1927 g.) // V izd.: Agarkov M. M. Osnovy bankovogo prava. Uchenie o cennyh bumagah. M., 1994.
7. Babaev A. B. Problema korporativnyh pravootnoshenij // Grazhdanskoe pravo: aktual'nye problemy teorii i praktiki / Pod obshh. red. V. A. Belova. M.:Jurajt-Izdat, 2007.
8. Babaev A. B. Problema sekundarnyh prav v rossijskoj civilistike: avtoref. dis. … kand. jurid. nauk.M., 2006.
9. Batyrshina K. A. Teoreticheskie aspekty «snjatija korporativnoj vuali»: poznanie pravovoj prirody dannogo javlenija // Jurist. 2016. # 4.
10. Egorov A. V., Usacheva K. A. Doktrina «snjatija korporativnyh pokrovov» kak instrument raspredelenija riskov mezhdu uchastnikami korporacii i inymi sub"ektami oborota // Vestnik grazhdanskogo prava. 2014. # 1.
11. Kaminka A. I. Ocherki torgovogo prava (po izd. 1912 g.). M., 2002.
12. Kanashevskij V. A. Koncepcija beneficiarnoj sobstvennosti v rossijskoj sudebnoj praktike // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. 2016. # 9.
13. Korporativnoe pravo: Aktual'nye problemy teorii i praktiki / pod obshh. red. V. A. Belova. – M.: Izdatel'stvo Jurajt, 2009. 678 s. S. 211, avtor ocherka – V.A. Belov.
14. Lomakin D. V. Akcionernoe pravootnoshenie. M.,1997.
15. Majfat A. V. Grazhdansko-pravovye konstrukcii investirovanija: monografija. M., Volters Kluver, 2006.
16. Mihajlov V. K. Status obshhego sobranija sobstvennikov pomeshhenij v mnogokvartirnom dome v svete reshenij Konstitucionnogo Suda RF // Zhilishhnoe pravo. 2009. # 9.
17. Podshivalov T. P. Doktrina snjatija korporativnoj vuali v sudebnoj praktike po sporam s ofshornymi kompanijami // Mezhdunarodnoe pravo i mezhdunarodnye organizacii. 2015. # 1.
18. Podshivalov T. P. Osnovanija primenenija doktriny snjatija korporativnoj vuali v rossijskoj sudebnoj praktike // Hozjajstvo i pravo. 2015. # 2.
19. Sirota E. G. Akty podnormativnogo regulirovanija korporativnyh otnoshenij v hozjajstvennyh obshhestvah: Dis. ... kand. jurid. nauk: 12.00.03: Ekaterinburg, 2004.
20. Stepanov D. I. Interesy juridicheskogo lica i ego uchastnikov. // Vestnik jekonomicheskogo pravosudija Rossijskoj Federacii. 2015. # 1.
21. Upravlenie i korporativnyj kontrol' v akcionernom obshhestve: prakticheskoe posobie / Pod red. E. P. Gubina. M., Jurist". 1999.
22. Haritonov A. S. Sekundarnye prava upravlenija i kontrolja v korporativnom pravootnoshenii // Sobstvennost', pravo sobstvennosti, tovarno-denezhnye otnoshenija. Sbornik dokladov. Rostov-na-Donu. Jeverest, 2007.
23. Shitkina I. S. «Snjatie korporativnoj vuali» v rossijskom prave: pravovoe regulirovanie i praktika primenenija // Hozjajstvo i pravo. 2013. # 2.
24. Bjulleten' Verhovnogo Suda RF. # 8. avgust. 2015

Magomedova A.G.
Legal problems of military pensions
The article analyzes the problems of military pensions. It consists examples of judicial practice on the matters related to the appointment of two pensions simultaneously, that is legally possible for military in many cases, as well as the matters concerning with the size of pension for loss of breadwinner. Measures on enhancement of military pensions, their widows and parents are offered in the article. Among the most important conclusions is a provision stating that it is necessary to form a single legal foundation for setting the appointment and payment of pensions to various categories of servicemen and for fixing a clear definition of military pension in the legislation.
Keywords: military pension, servicemen, military service, disability, pensions, military legislation, judicial practice.
Work bibliographic list
1. Romanova Ju. V. Osobennosti pensionnogo obespechenija voennosluzhashhih, prozhivajushhih za predelami RF (soglasno rossijskomu zakonodatel'stvu) // Nauchnyj poisk. 2016. # 1.3. S. 27-30.
2. Serpilin A. N. Osnovy realizacii social'noj politiki v vooruzhennyh silah Rossijskoj Federacii// Jekonomika i socium: sovremennye modeli razvitija. 2015. # 10.
3. Tjutjunov N. V. Sushhnost' i specifika pensionnogo obespechenija rossijskih voennosluzhashhih // Biznes v zakone. 2012. # 3.
4. Gacko M. F. Social'no-pravovye problemy pensionnogo obespechenija voennosluzhashhih // Strategicheskaja stabil'nost'. 2015. # 2. S. 12-25.
5. Sulejmanova G. V. Razvitie rossijskogo zakonodatel'stva o pensionnom obespechenii voennosluzhashhih i chlenov ih semej: dostizhenija i problemy //Severo-Kavkazskij juridicheskij vestnik. 2012. # 3.S. 42-46.
6. Ermakov D. N., Hmelevskaja S. A. Pensionnoe obespechenie voennosluzhashhih: problemy i vozmozhnye reshenija // Probely v rossijskom zakonodatel'stve. 2012. # 3. S. 273-279.
7. Mironova T. K. Pravo social'nogo obespechenija. M.:Izd-vo «KnoRus», 2014.
8. Efremov A. V. Nekotorye pravovye voprosy, voznikajushhie v sfere social'no-pensionnogo obespechenija invalidov iz chisla veteranov podrazdelenij osobogo riska i chlenov semej umershih veteranov takih podrazdelenij // Pravo v Vooruzhennyh Silah. 2012. # 11.
9. Tjutjunov N. V. Osnovnye napravlenija sovershenstvovanija pensionnogo obespechenija voennosluzhashhih //Social'no-politicheskie nauki. 2012. # 3. S. 97-102.
10. Vasil'eva N. V. Juridicheskie i nejuridicheskie sredstva v sisteme pravovogo regulirovanija: dis. … kand.jurid. nauk. Omsk, 2014.

Yusifova R.T
Scope of application term «nationality» in relation to legal entity
The article deals with approaches to determination of the term "nationality" in relation to the legal entity in the doctrine. The author analyzes the debatable moments of distribution of the term "nationality" on legal entities by analogy with physical. Distinctions between the terms "lex societatis" of the legal entity and his "nationality" are distinguished.
Keywords: "nationality", legal entities, citizenship, lex societatis.
Work bibliographic list
1. Asoskov A. V. Pravovye formy uchastija juridicheskih lic v mezhdunarodnom kommercheskom oborote. – M.:Statut, 2003.
2. Kashkin S. Ju., Zhupanov A. V. Juridicheskie lica v prave Evropejskogo Sojuza: organizacionno - pravovye aspekty regulirovanija korporativnyh otnoshenij // LEX RUSSICA (RUSSKIJ ZAKON). – 2013. – #7. – S. 718-734.
3. Mezhdunarodnoe chastnoe pravo: uchebnik /otv. Red.G. K. Dmitrieva. - 3-e izd.,pererab i dop. – M.: Prospekt, 2012.
4. Havanova I. A. Mezhdunarodnye dogovory Rossijskoj Federacii ob izbezhanii dvojnogo nalogooblozhenija / Pod red. d. ju. n., prof. I. I. Kucherova. – M.:Institut zakonodatel'stva i sravnitel'nogo pravo-vedenija pri Pravitel'stve Rossijskoj Federacii.– Jurisprudencija, 2016.
5. Savickij A. I. Kontroliruemye inostrannye kompanii: zarubezhnyj opyt i perspektivy v Rossii //Zakon. – 2015. – # 2. – S. 33-43.
6. Schreuer C. H. The ICSID Convention. – Cambridge University Press, 2001.
7. Lukashuk I. I. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo. Obshhaja chast':Ucheb. dlja studentov jurid. fakul'tetov i vuzov. - 3-e izd., pererab. i dop. – M., 2005.
8. Volkova M. S. Konstitucionnaja osnova diplomaticheskoj zashhity, osushhestvljaemoj Rossijskoj Federaciej // Konstitucionnoe i municipal'noe pravo. –2012. – # 6. – S. 65-70.
9. Shashkova A. V. Dohod kak faktor stolknovenija interesov gosudarstva i korporacij na primere FATCA// Konsul'tant Pljus. – 2015.

Lomakina N. G., Volkova O. A.
To the question of the legal status of a specialist in the Russian procedural legislation
This article examines the legal position of specialist in various procedural areas of Russian law.
The authors come to the conclusion about the need for more clear legal regulation of the status of the person in civil proceedings.
Keywords: civil litigation, expert, specialist advice.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ugolovno-processual'nyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ot 18.12.2001 # 174-FZ (red. ot 06.07.2016) (s izm. i dop., vstup. v silu s 01.09.2016) // SZ RF. 2001. # 52 (ch. I). St. 4921.
2. Kodeks administrativnogo sudoproizvodstva Rossijskoj Federacii ot 08.03.2015 # 21-FZ (red. ot 03.07.2016) // SZ RF. 2015. # 10. St. 1391.
3. Arbitrazhnyj processual'nyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ot 24.07.2002 # 95-FZ (red. ot 23.06.2016) (s izm. i dop., vstup. v silu s 01.09.2016) // SZ RF. 2002. # 30. St. 3012.
4. Grazhdanskij processual'nyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ot 14.11.2002 # 138-FZ// SZ RF. 2002. #46. St. 4532.
5. Kondratovskaja S. N., Uskova T. V. Otdel'nye aspekty pravovoj reglamentacii sudebnoj jekspertizy v grazhdanskom processe // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2016. # 9 (100). S. 188.
6. Zinin A. M. Nekotorye osobennosti vzaimodejstvija advokata-zashhitnika, predstavitelja po delu so specialistom v svjazi s naznacheniem jekspertizy i ee ocenkoj. // Jurist. 2012. # 23. S. 30.

Demchenko M.V.
It guarantees the right of workers to training and continuing professional education
The article analyzes the problematic issues of guarantees for the realization of the right of workers to training and continuing professional education. It provided theoretical basis and disclose the content of the notion of rights guarantees, including in labor relations. The characteristics of a legal provision implementing the rights of workers to training and further vocational training, including general guarantees of labor rights and special additional guarantees. The article highlights some gaps and shortcomings of the existing labor legislation and made proposals to change it.
Keywords: warranty rights, labor rights, further professional education, apprenticeship contract, apprenticeship.
Work bibliographic list
1. Brjuhina E. R., Novikova N. V. Uchenicheskij dogovor s licom, ishhushhim rabotu, kak al'ternativa trudovomu dogovoru s ispytatel'nym srokom // Vestnik Permskogo Universiteta. Juridicheskie nauki. 2013. # 3. S. 45.
2. Voevodin L. D. Konstitucionnye prava i objazannosti sovetskih grazhdan. M., 1972. S. 25.
3. Volkova O. N. Juridicheskie garantii trudovyh prav grazhdan SSSR pri prieme na rabotu v kachestve rabochih i sluzhashhih. Dis... kand. jurid. nauk. M., 1979.S. 21.
4. Volkova O. N., Jaroshenko D. N. Juridicheskie garantii prava na trud: teoreticheskij analiz // Trudovoe pravo v Rossii i za rubezhom. 2014. # 4. S. 26.
5. Glebov V. G. Uchenicheskij dogovor. Monografija. M., 2006. S. 78.
6. Kommentarij k Trudovomu kodeksu Rossijskoj Federacii (postatejnyj) / pod red. A. M. Kurennogo, S. P. Mavrina, V. A. Safonova, E. B. Hohlova. M., 2015.(Kommentarij k stat'e 205).
7. Kommentarij k Trudovomu kodeksu Rossijskoj Federacii (postatejnyj) / pod red. A. M. Kurennogo, S. P. Mavrina, V. A. Safonova, E. B. Hohlova. M., 2015. (Kommentarij k stat'e 205).
8. Lushnikov A. M. Rossijskoe trudovoe pravo: vyzovy XXI veka // Lex russica. 2014. # 3. S. 288.
9. Orlova O. V. Social'no-pravovoj mehanizm realizacii i zashhity prav i svobod lichnosti v grazhdanskom obshhestve // Gosudarstvo i pravo. 2008. # 7. S. 72.
10. Pis'mo Minzdravsocrazvitija RF ot 25.05.2009 # 23-3/10/2-4032 «O realizacii regional'nyh programm, predusmatrivajushhih dopolnitel'nye meroprijatija, napravlennye na snizhenie naprjazhennosti na rynke truda sub"ektov Rossijskoj Federacii» // Spravochnaja pravovaja sistema «Konsul'tantPljus».
11. Simonov V. I. Ponjatie garantij i kompensacij v trudovyh otnoshenijah // Trudovoe pravo v Rossii i za rubezhom. 2011. # 4. S. 51.
12. Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. 2000. # 26. St. 2729.
13. Statut o rabotnikah Ispanii pp. «g» p. 2 st. 11 1995 g.
14. Tarasenkova A. N. Ot uvol'nenija do trudoustrojstva: prakticheskie sovety i rekomendacii. Bibliotechka «Rossijskoj gazety». Vyp. 19. M., 2013. S. 143.
15. Trudovoe pravo / pod red. O. V. Smirnova. M., 2003. S. 75.
16. Federal'nyj zakon ot 02.06.2016 # 164-FZ «O vnesenii izmenenija v stat'ju 1 Federal'nogo zakona «O minimal'nom razmere oplaty truda» // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. 2016. # 23. St. 3288.
17. Bundesgesetz üer individuelle Föderung der Ausbildung (Bundesausbildungsföderungsgesetz) //BGBl. 1983. I S. 645, 1680.
18. Code du traval. Paris: Prat, 1995.

Malkerov V. B.
Regulation of relations in the field of pensions in the conditions of crisis phenomena in the Russian economy
The article is devoted to the study of complex system developments in the regulation of relations connected with the citizens' pension provision. The aim of the study was to identify trends in this area to regulate relations federal laws, subordinate legislation, jurisprudence. The study used an analytical method and comparative analysis, technical and legal method. This study makes it possible to state as a result of the fact that the federal legislation uses different approaches in determining the pension rights of various groups of citizens. By-laws often reduce pensions relative to federal laws. Litigation often acts a regulator of social relations in the field of pensions and produces differentiation of citizens according to various criteria with regard to their pension rights. As conclusions we can say the possibility of strengthening these trends in times of economic difficulties, leading to increased social tensions. The author proposes to use the same principles for different groups of pensioners in determining their pension rights in the context of diminishing opportunities of the state. The reduction of pension rights for all categories of pensioners, but with the preservation of the principle of social justice, will contribute to greater social stability than the reduction of pension rights to certain categories of pensioners.
Keywords: pensions, budget reduction, social stability.
Work bibliographic list
1. Grigor'eva E. A. Rol' social'noj sfery v obespechenii jekonomicheskoj bezopasnosti // Vestnik jekonomiki, prava i sociologii. 2011. # 2.
2. Grjanchenko T. V. Osnovnye problemy pensionnoj sistemy RF i orientiry ee sovershenstvovanija //Trud i social'nye otnoshenija. 2015. # 1.
3. Sidorov V. E. Pravo social'nogo obespechenija. Uchebnoe posobie. M: RIOR: INFRA-M; 2016.
4. Marchenko M.N. Istochniki prava; uchebnoe posobie.M., Moskva, 2014.
5. Moskalev A.V. Pravo gosudarstvennyh sluzhashhih na vkljuchenie v stazh vremeni nahozhdenija na voennoj sluzhbe // Vestnik Permskogo universiteta. 2013. # 4.
6. Holostova E.I. Social'naja rabota i social'naja splochennost' obshhestva. Uchebnoe posobie. M.: «Dashkov i K», 2015.

Karavaev A. N.
Problems of insurance in Russia: prospects of development
The Modern Russian insurance market is at a very delicate stage of its development. Many important components are still not sufficiently developed, the difficulties overcome at the time in the development of foreign insurance markets, are still significant obstacles to the continued functioning of the insurance market in Russia. A prerequisite for the existence of the insurance market is the presence of public needs for insurance services and the insurers capable to satisfy these needs.
Keywords: Insurance. Insurance market. Share capital. Form holdings. Participants of the insurance market. Financial guarantees. The types of risk. Tax status.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ahvlediani Ju. T. Razvitie strahovogo rynka Rossii// Finansy. – 2012. – # 11
2. Belyh B. C., Krivosheev I. V. Strahovoe pravo. M., 2011.
3. Galaganov V. P. Strahovoe delo. 2-e izdanie Izdatel'stvo: Akademija, 2012.
4. Galaganov V. P. Strahovoe delo. 1-e izd. Izd-vo: Akademija, 2010.
5. Evdokimova Ju. V. Osnovnye napravlenija razvitija strahovanija v RF // Sovremennye nauchnye issledovanija i innovacii. 2013. # 10
6. Interv'ju s A. P. Kovalem, rukovoditelem Rosstrahnadzora // Zhurnal «Finans» 2010. # 3 (334).
7. Mery gosudarstvennogo regulirovanija strahovoj dejatel'nosti. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija 04.05.2014).
8. Metelica E. Strahovshhiki gotovjatsja osvaivat' Krym. Ezhednevnaja delovaja gazeta RBK daily. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija 26.04.2015).
9. Sillaste G. Rynok strahovyh uslug i ego potrebitel'// Finansy. – 1997. – # 10.
10. Smirnova M. B. Strahovoe pravo. – M., 2009.
11. Strahovanie/pod red. T. A. Fedorovoj. – M.: Jekonomist", 2010.
12. Strahovanie zhizni v Rossijskoj Federacii v 2012-2013 godah. Godovoj otchet. [Jelektronnyj resurs].– Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija 26.04.2015).
13. Sujunova M. M. Rossijskij rynok strahovyh uslug i ego gosudarstvennoe regulirovanie v uslovijah transformiruemoj jekonomiki: Avtoref. dis. – M., 2001.
14. Himicheva N. I. Finansovoe pravo. – M., 2010.
15. Hudjakov A. I. Teorija strahovanija. – M.: Statut, 2010.
16. Shahov V. V. Strahovanie. – M., 2010.
17. Shahov V. V. Grigor'ev V. N. Arhipov A. P. Strahovoe pravo. Izd. 2. Infra-M, 2012.
18. Shehovceva S. Ju. Strategija perestrahovshhika – kak obespechit' spokojnoe i postupatel'noe razvitie / Resursy internet: – (data obrashhenija 04.05.2015).
19. Jekonomicheskij slovar' / E. G. Bagudina. – M.: TK Velbi, Izd-vo Prospekt, 2006.

Asmandiyarov V. M., Zarubin V. V., Sokolov N. A.
Housing subsidy as a social guarantee to the employees of the penal system
The article considers some aspects in the provision of existing housing subsidies to the employees
of the penal system. Indicated some problems faced by special commissions in making decisions
about grants for the acquisition or construction of the dwelling.
Keywords: employee criminally-executive system, the lump-sum social payment for acquisition
or construction of a dwelling, public housing certificate, housing subsidy, housing commission, family member, place of residence.
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon ot 30.12.2012 # 283-FZ «O social'nyh garantijah sotrudnikam nekotoryh federal'nyh organov ispolnitel'noj vlasti i vnesenii izmenenij v otdel'nye zakonodatel'nye akty Rossijskoj Federacii» // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii. 2013. # 27. St. 3477.
2. Postanovlenie Plenuma Verhovnogo Suda RF ot 2 ijulja 2009 g. # 14 «O nekotoryh voprosah, voznikshih v sudebnoj praktike pri primenenii Zhilishhnogo
kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii» // Bjulleten' Verhovnogo Suda Rossijskoj Federacii. 2009. # 9.
3. Postanovlenie Pravitel'stva RF ot 26 fevralja 2010 g. # 96 «Ob antikorrupcionnoj jekspertize normativnyh pravovyh aktov i proektov normativnyh pravovyh aktov» // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii. 2010. # 10. St. 1084.
4. Postanovlenie Pravitel'stva RF ot 17.12.2010 #1050 (red. ot 25.08.2015) «O federal'noj celevoj programme «Zhilishhe» na 2015 - 2020 gody» // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. 2011. # 5. St. 739.
5. O Federal'noj celevoj programme «Zhilishhe» na 2011-2015 gody: Postanovlenie Pravitel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii ot 17 dekabrja 2010 g. # 1050 //Sobranie zakonodatel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii.2013. # 20. St. 2485.
6. Opredelenie Permskogo kraevogo suda ot 5 avg. 2013 g. po delu # 33-7091 // Oficial'no dokument opublikovan ne byl. SPS «Konsul'tantPljus» 27.04.2016.
7. Opredelenie Permskogo kraevogo suda ot 27 marta 2013 g. po delu # 33-2930 // Oficial'no dokument opublikovan ne byl. SPS «Konsul'tantPljus»17.05.2016.
8. Apelljacionnoe opredelenie Kirovskogo oblastnogo suda ot 3 maja 2012 g. po delu # 33-1163 // Oficial'no dokument opublikovan ne byl. SPS «Konsul'tant- Pljus» 15.03.2016.
9. Ob utverzhdenii Instrukcii o porjadke okazanija sotrudnikam UIS bezvozmezdnoj finansovoj pomoshhi po oplate stoimosti kooperativnogo zhil'ja i pogasheniju kredita banka na individual'noe zhilishhnoe stroitel'stvo: Prikaz Minjusta Rossii ot 5 sentjabrja
2006 g. # 281 // Bjulleten' normativnyh aktov federal'nyh organov ispolnitel'noj vlasti. 2006. # 38.
10. Vorob'ev E. G. O pravilah zhilishhnogo obespechenija voennosluzhashhih i grazhdanskih gosudarstvennyh sluzhashhih: naskol'ko dopustimy krajnosti v diversifikacii pravovogo regulirovanija // «Voenno-juridicheskij zhurnal». 2009. # 4.
11. Dolgopolov P. S. Imeet li gosudarstvennyj grazhdanskij sluzhashhij pravo na poluchenie edinovremennoj subsidii na priobretenie zhil'ja v sluchae, esli dlja postanovki na uchet v federal'nom gosudarstvennom organe dlja poluchenija ukazannoj subsidii on vmeste s sem'ej pereehal v kommunal'nuju kvartiru, uhudshiv pri jetom svoi zhilishhnye uslovija?// Oficial'no dokument opublikovan ne byl. SPS«Konsul'tantPljus» 13.02.2016.
12. Ivanova O. A., Telegin A. S. Edinovremennaja social'naja vyplata dlja priobretenija zhilogo pomeshhenija gosudarstvennym sluzhashhim: analiz praktiki primenenija zakonodatel'stva // Vestnik Permskogo universiteta. Juridicheskie nauki. 2014. # 3. S. 59-72.
13. Ob itogah raboty po uluchsheniju zhilishhnyh uslovij rabotnikov i pensionerov ugolovno-ispolnitel'noj sistemy v 2015 godu: analit. obzor FSIN Rossii ot 10 dek. 2015 g. # 04-6566
14. Rossijskaja gazeta. # 275. 03.12.2014.

Vlasenko V. N., Abramov V. V.
Legal issues in implementation of basin principle at Russian water fund management
The article analyses actual problems of water protection in the view of basin approach implementation at the management of Russian water fund. Nowadays the most urgent issue is water protection against depletion and pollution caused by uncontrolled construction of waterworks and the negative impact of dispersed wastewater. The authors formulate a new approach to determination of the basin districts structure as the basis for the effective implementation of basin approach to water
fund management.
Keywords: water body, legislation, basin principle, legal mechanism, depletion, pollution, environment protection.

Alibekova P. M.
The evolution of the ecological functions of the state
The article is devoted to topical issues of implementation of environmental functions of the state in contemporary Russia, the peculiarities of its content, environmental protection, provision of environmental policies and improving environmental legislation. Methodological basis of research are the general and specific scientific methods of scientific cognition: dialectical, logical, historical and legal, system, functional, comparative, etc.
Keywords: environment, ecological function of the state, environmental management, environmental legislation, environmental policy.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bekishieva S. R. Innovacionnoe razvitie jekonomiki kak funkcional'naja zadacha sovremennogo rossijskogo gosudarstva // Juridicheskij vestnik DGU. 2013. # 3. S. 16.
2. Bekishieva S. R. Jevoljucija social'noj funkcii gosudarstva // Vestnik Dagestanskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Serija 2: Obshhestvennye nauki. 2014. # 2. S. 30.
3. Gizzatullin R. H. Jekologicheskaja funkcija gosudarstva i Konstitucija Rossii // Pravovoe gosudarstvo:teorija i praktika. 2012. # 3 (29). S. 57.
4. Gosudarstvennaja programma RF «Ohrana okruzhajushhej sredy na 2012-2020 gody». S. 8. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
5. Knac Ju. A. Soderzhanie i znachenie jekologicheskoj funkcii gosudarstva // Vestnik TGU. 2015. # 9. S. 149.
6. Koncepcii razvitija rossijskogo zakonodatel'stva /Andrichenko L. V., Akopjan O. A., Vasil'ev V. I. i dr.;otv. red. T. Ja. Habrieva, Ju. A. Tihomirov. M.: Institut zakonodatel'stva i sravnitel'nogo pravovedenija pri Pravitel'stve Rossijskoj Federacii; ID«Jurisprudencija», 2014. S. 93-95.
7. Murtazaliev A. M. Problemy jeffektivnosti Konstitucii kak pravovoj osnovy jekologicheskoj politiki Rossii // Vestnik Dagestanskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Serija 2: Obshhestvennye nauki. 2014. # 2. S. 9.
8. Othody v Rossii: musor ili cennyj resurs? Scenarii razvitija sektora obrashhenija s tverdymi kommunal'nymi othodami: Itogovyj otchet Mezhdunarodnoj finansovoj korporacii (IFC, Gruppa Vsemirnogo banka). C. 53. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostu-
9. Hludeneva N. I. Osnovnye napravlenija sovershenstvovanija sistemy jekologicheskogo zakonodatel'stva// Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. # 4. 2010. S. 23.

Golubeva E. R., Yusupov T. I.
General social factors that contribute to the organization of illegal migration
The article deals with general social factors contributing to the organization of illegal migration, the analysis of which will allow to develop a set of measures to neutralize them.
Keywords: illegal migration, fighting, crime, social factors, migrant unemployment.
Work bibliographic list
1. Vasil'ev V. S. Prichiny social'noj determinacii prestupnosti v rossijskom obshhestve // Vestnik MGU.Ser. 18. Sociologija i politologija. 2003. #3.
2. Voronin Ju. A. Kompleksnaja programma bor'by s prestupnost'ju. Voprosy bor'by s prestupnost'ju.Vyp. #7. M.: Jurid. lit., 1988.
3. Gilinskij Ja. I. Kriminologija: kurs lekcij. SPb., 2002.
4. Dolgova A. Izmenenija prestupnosti v reformiruemoj Rossii i bor'ba s prestupnost'ju // Ugolovnoe pravo. 1999. #. 3.
5. Korolev Ju. P. Reformy i problemy dekriminalizacii obshhestva // Materialy nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii «Duhovnost'. Porjadok. Prestupnost'»,28 marta 1996.
6. Kriminologija: kurs lekcij / pod red. I. Sh. Borchashvili. Karaganda, 2002.
7. Kriminologija: slovar' / pod obshh. red. V. P. Sal'nikova. SPb.: Lan', 1999.
8. Kriminologija: uchebnik / pod red. akad. V. N. Kudrjavceva, prof. V. E. Jeminova. M.: Jurist", 1997.
9. Kriminologija: uchebnik / pod red. V. N. Kudrjavceva i V. E. Jeminova. 3-e izd. pererab. i dop. M., 2004.
10. Kuznecova N. F. Problemy kriminologicheskoj determinacii. M., 1984. Kriminologija: uchebnik / pod red. V. N. Kudrjavceva i V. E. Jeminova. 3-e izd. pere-rab. i dop. M., 2004.
11. Luneev V. V. Motivacija prestupnogo povedenija. M.,1991.
12. Slovar' inostrannyh slov. 15-e izd., ispr. M.: Russkij jazyk, 1998.

Erezhipaliev D. I.
The exercise by the Prosecutor of criminal prosecution in pre-trial proceedings in criminal cases
The article reveals the essence of criminal prosecution, carried out by the Prosecutor at the pretrial stages of the criminal process, the content of the activities carried out by the delimitation of the Prosecutor's supervision over the procedural activities of preliminary investigation bodies and the activities of the Prosecutor in a criminal prosecution in pre-trial stages of criminal process on the basis of criteria such as subject and object of activity. Discusses issues concerning the legal regulation of criminal prosecution, carried out by the Prosecutor in pretrial proceedings, given the repeated changes of the criminal procedural law governing its procedural status.
Keywords: criminal proceedings, prosecutors, pre-trial criminal proceedings, the functions and powers of the Prosecutor, the criminal case.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bulanova N. V. Prokuror v dosudebnyh stadijah ugolovnogo sudoproizvodstva Rossijskoj Federacii:monografija. – M.: Jurlitinform, 2015.
2. Bulanova N. V., Erezhipaliev D. I. Dejatel'nost' prokurora po osushhestvleniju ugolovnogo presledovanija. Posobie/Moskva, 2011. Ser. Biblioteka prokurora.
3. Gorjunov V. V., Makarov K.A. Prokuror kak sub"ekt ugolovnogo presledovanija // Zakonnost'. 2013.
4. Gubin S. A. Oznakomlenie s materialami ugolovnyh del o dejatel'nosti organizovannyh prestupnyh formirovanij // Zakonnost'. 2011. # 6. S. 38 – 43.
5. Daev V. G., Marshunov M. N. Osnovy teorii prokurorskogo nadzora. L.: Izd-vo LGU, 1990.
6. Erezhipaliev D. I. Pravovye mehanizmy ugolovnogo presledovanija, osushhestvljaemogo prokurorom //Vestnik Akademii Gen. prokuratury Ros. F. 2010. #6 (10), 2010.
7. Erezhipaliev D. I. Prokuror kak uchastnik ugolovnogo sudoproizvodstva so storony obvinenija v dosudebnyh stadijah: dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. M., 2013. S. 57;
8. Kuznecov O. Ju. Perevodchik v rossijskom ugolovnom sudoproizvodstve: Monografija. M.: Izdatel'stvo MPI FSB Rossii, 2006. 256 s.;
9. Mahov V.N. Rol' prokurora v ugolovnom presledovanii v Rossii i v zarubezhnyh gosudarstvah // Zakonnost'. 2014. # 8;
10. Ozhegov S. I. Slovar' russkogo jazyka. M., 1975. S. 532;
11. Prokuror v dosudebnom proizvodstve po ugolovnym delam: funkcii, pravovoj status, polnomochija Shherba S.P., Erezhipaliev D. I. Monografija / Pod obshhej i nauchnoj redakciej S.P. Shherby. Moskva, 2015. Ser. Ugolovnyj process;
12. Sostojanie zakonnosti i pravoporjadka v Rossijskoj Federacii i rabota organov prokuratury. 2013 god: informacionno-analiticheskaja zapiska/pod obshh. red. O. S. Kapinus. -M.: Akademija General'noj prokuratury Rossijskoj Federacii, 2015.
13. Ugolovnyj process: Uchebnik / Pod red. K.F. Gucenko. S. 28, 140; Ugolovno-processual'noe pravo Rossijskoj Federacii: Uchebnik / Pod obshh. red. P.A. Lupinskoj.
14. Churikova A. Ju. Pravovaja model' dejatel'nosti prokurora v dosudebnom proizvodstve (rossijskij opyt i mezhdunarodnaja praktika). Dis. na soiskanie uchen. step. k.ju.n. Saratov, 2010.
15. Chel'cov M. A. Ugolovnyj process. M.: Jurid. izd-vo MJu SSSR, 1948.
16. Shalumov M. Prokuratura v sovremennom Rossijskom gosudarstve. Kostroma, 2001.
17. Jastrebov V. B. Uchebnik prokurorskogo nadzora. 2-e izd. M., 2005.

Gadzhieva A. A., Musaev M. M.
Question of the unification of terminology in the crime associated with illicit trafficking in weapons
The author of the article gives a systematic and comparative analysis of terminology that characterize the crime in the trafficking of arms, raises the questions of necessity of unification of categorical scientific apparatus. Noting the actuality and the importance of unification the author comes to conclusion that the difficulty in interpreting the definition of «arms» requires a common approach, both in the criminal law, and the Federal Law «On weapons». This aspect marks discrepancies in separate groups of criminal law, which essentially consists in the illegal trafficking of weapons, though located in other sections of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. On the basis of the study the author gives some suggestions on the improvement of the studied groups of criminal law.
Keywords: arms trafficking, unification of terms, explosives, explosives, heavy weapons.
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon «O vnesenii izmenenij v Federal'nyj zakon «Ob oruzhii» ot 10.07.2012 # 113-FZ (dejstvujushhaja redakcija, 2016). [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 13.11.2016).
2. Zajceva E. V. Ugolovno-pravovye sredstva protivodejstvija nezakonnomu oborotu oruzhija i ego primeneniju pri sovershenii prestuplenij. Diss. kand.jurid. nauk. Omsk, 2014.
3. Koreckij D. A. Ugolovno-pravovoj rezhim sredstv samooborony: speckurs po kriminal'noj armalogii. Moskva-Rostov-na-Donu, 2002.
4. Kruglikov L. L, Smirnova L. E. Unifikacija v ugolovnom prave. SPb.: Izd-vo «Juridicheskij centr Press», 2008.
5. Sharapov S. N. Ponjatie oruzhija v voenno-ugolovnom zakonodatel'stve //Rossijskij voenno-pravovoj sbornik. # 1. 2004. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 13.12.2016).

Sokolov Yu. N.
Electronic protocol of the procedural action in proving on criminal cases
The article describes transition from the written protocol of the procedural action in criminal proceedings in the form of an electronic document. Introduced in the scientific turnover and specified information – technological model of understanding proof, which is the basic category of the criminal process, as indivisible, system, information product. The article presents the author's vision of the possibility of the creation of the protocol procedural actions in electronic form, its isolation from other electronic information contained on a corresponding electronic device, by which it was created, its storage, transmission, protection. The analysis of permissible information technology for the retrieval, storage, reproduction and protection of criminal procedure information contained on electronic media with the purpose of proving of a crime. Recommendations that have theoretical and practical value to enforcers.
Keywords: criminal procedure, information, evidence, electronic medium, electronic protocol, the criminal proceedings.
Work bibliographic list
1. Aleksandrov A. S., Bostanov R. A. Ispol'zovanie proizvodnyh dokazatel'stv v ugolovnom processe.M.: «Jurlitinform», 2013. 320 s.
2. Balakshin V. S. Dokazatel'stva v teorii i praktike ugolovno-processual'nogo dokazyvanija. Ekaterinburg: OOO Izd-vo UMC UPI, 2004. 316 s.
3. Golovnenkov P. V., Spica N., Hell'mann U. Ugolovnoe ulozhenie (Ugolovnyj kodeks) Federativnoj Respubliki Germanija. Nauchno-prakticheskij kommentarij i perevod teksta zakona. M.: Prospekt 2-e izd., 2012. 312 s.
4. Dorohov V. Ja. Ponjatie dokazatel'stva v sovetskom ugolovnom processe // Sovetskoe gosudarstvo i pravo. 1964. # 9. S. 108-117.
5. Orlov Ju. K. Osnovy teorii dokazatel'stv v ugolovnom processe. M.: Prospekt, 2000. 144 s.
6. Pastuhov P. S. «Jelektronnye dokazatel'stva» v sostjazatel'noj sisteme ugolovno-processual'nyh dokazatel'stv // Obshhestvo i pravo. 2015. # 1 (51). S. 192-196.
7. Pashin S. A. Dokazatel'stva v rossijskom ugolovnom processe. M.: Kompleks-Progress, 1999. 104 s.
8. Peshkov M. A. Proslushivanie i jelektronnoe nabljudenie v ugolovnom processe SShA // Rossijskaja justicija. 1997. # 4. S. 55-56.

Artemyev N. S., Titanov M. Yu., Kostramcov A. E.
Penal signs of latent crime in the penal institutions of deprivation of liberty
The article highlights the criminal penitentiary signs crime, taking into account its latent component of the peculiarities of the notion of "crime" in the domestic criminal law defines crimes committed in places of detention, taking into account those who for various reasons were never registered, describes their characteristics. Determine the latency of each delicti specific to places of deprivation of liberty.
Keywords: Criminal-Executive system (MIS), legal and criminal signs, crime, prison, crime, prison latency crime law enforcement.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ugolovnyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii (red. ot 08.12.2003 g. s izm. i dop., vstupajushhimi v silu s 12.03.2004 g.) // SZ RF. 1996. # 25. St. 2954.
2. Artem'ev N. S. Profilaktika recidivnoj prestupnosti (voprosy teorii i praktiki): dis. dokt. jur. nauk. – M.: 2009. – S. 16.
3. Artem'ev N. S., Titanov M. Ju. Princip neotvratimosti nakazanija, kak odin iz jelementov profilaktiki pravonarushenij, sovershaemyh osuzhdennymi v mestah lishenija svobody // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. – 2016. – # 8 (99). – S. 198.
4. Aksenov A. A. Problemy upravlenija v ugolovno-ispolnitel'noj sisteme Rossii. Sostojanie i perspektivy (organizacionno-pravovoj aspekt): Avtoref dis. dokt. jur. nauk. – M.: 2007. – S. 11.
5. Voloshin N. P. Prestuplenija osuzhdennyh, otbyvajushhih nakazanie v tjur'mah. – M.: Triada, 2013. – C. 127.
6. Kommentarij k ugolovno-ispolnitel'nomu kodeksu RF i minimal'nym standartnym pravilam obrashhenija s zakljuchennymi / Sost.: Mishhenkov P. G., Melent'ev M. P., Ponomarev S. N. – M.: Slovo, 1997. – S. 117.
7. Kommentarii k Ugolovno-ispolnitel'nomu kodeksu Rossijskoj Federacii / Pod red. A. I. Zubkova. – M.:INFRA-M-NORMA, 1997. – S. 128.
8. Kommentarij k Ugolovno-ispolnitel'nomu kodeksu RF / Pod obshh. red. S. V. Stepashina. – M.: Triada, 2009. – S. 92.
9. Penitenciarnaja kriminologija: uchebnik / pod red. Ju. M. Antonjana, A. Ja. Grishko, A. P. Fil'chenko. – Rjazan': Akademija FSIN Rossii, 2009. – S. 51-55.
10. Titanov M. Ju. Vlijanie nezaregistrirovannyh pravonarushenij na realizaciju celej i zadach ugolovno-ispolnitel'nogo zakonodatel'stva i na ustanovlennyj porjadok ispolnenija i otbyvanija nakazanija (rezhim) v mestah lishenija svobody // Vestnik Permskogo instituta FSIN Rossii. – 2016. – # 2(21). – S.48-55.

Epifanov O. S.
Legal regulation of the main directions and forms of educational work carried out by employees of criminal-executive inspections with prisoners sentenced to punishments and measures without isolation from society
Тhe article examines the legal regulation of the main directions and forms of educational work with prisoners sentenced to punishments and measures without isolation from society, which are held by employees of criminal-executive inspections.
Keywords: educational work, the employee of criminal-executive inspection, sentenced to punishment and measures without isolation from society.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bushuev I. A. Ispravitel'nye raboty. M., 1968.
2. Malikov B. Z. Ispolnenie nakazanija v vide ispravitel'nyh rabot: Fondovaja lekcija. Samara: Iz-vo Samarsk. jurid. in-ta, 2002.
3. Metodicheskie rekomendacii po organizacii vospitatel'noj raboty s osuzhdennymi k ispravitel'nym rabotam i lisheniju prava zanimat' opredelennye dolzhnosti ili zanimat'sja opredelennoj dejatel'nost'ju // Dejatel'nost' ugolovno-ispolnitel'nyh inspekcij po ispolneniju nakazanij i inyh ugolovno-pravovyh mer, ne svjazannyh s izoljaciej ot obshhestva. Metodicheskoe posobie / Pod red. O. V. Filimonova.M.: PRI, 2001.
4. Metodicheskie rekomendacii po provedeniju besed s osuzhdennymi bez izoljacii ot obshhestva (ORUU UIN Minjusta Rossii po Tul'skoj oblasti) // Dejatel'nost' ugolovno-ispolnitel'nyh inspekcij po ispolneniju nakazanij i inyh ugolovno-pravovyh mer, ne svjazannyh s izoljaciej ot obshhestva. Metodicheskoe posobie / Pod red. O. V. Filimonova. M.: PRI, 2001.
5. Organizacija vospitatel'no-profilakticheskoj raboty s osuzhdennymi, otbyvajushhimi nakazanija, ne svjazannye s lisheniem svobody: Ucheb. posobie. Pod obshh. red. S. N. Ponomarjova. Rjazan': Akademija prava i upravlenija Minjusta Rossii, 2002.
6. Smirnova I. N. Problemy vospitatel'noj raboty s osuzhdennymi k nakazanijam, ne svjazannym s izoljaciej ot obshhestva // Chelovek: prestuplenie i nakazanie. 2009. # 4.
7. Ugolovno-ispolnitel'noe pravo: uchebnik: Osobennaja chast' / pod obshh. red. G. A. Kornienko; nauch. red.
A. Ja. Grishko, V. N. Chornyj. 3-e izd., ispr. i dop. Rjazan': Akademija FSIN Rossii, 2013.

Knyazeva O. V.
Probation and the problems of its application in the present period
Modern domestic punitive practice tends to increase the use of measures of criminal law to convicted persons, not related to the isolation of the individual from society. Practice shows that it is not always the punitive elements influence on the identity of the perpetrator reaches the goals of criminal responsibility and punishment. Their use, particularly in respect of persons who are guilty of crimes that do not present a great danger to society, often fraught with serious negative consequences, because it is not the cruelty of the punishment and its inevitability.
Probation is free from such a shortage, but apply it only to a narrow circle of people whose crimes are not classified as serious.
Keywords: crime, punishment, the prison inspectorate, probation, trial period, conditionally sentenced.
Work bibliographic list
1. Konstitucija Rossijskoj Federacii. M.: Jurist, 2016.
2. Ugolovnyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii. M.: Jurist, 2016.
3. Kommentarij k UK RF / otv. red. A. V. Naumov. M.: Jurist", 2013.
4. Postanovlenie Prezidiuma Soveta sudej RF ot 23 maja 2011 goda # 262 «O razrabotke koncepcii federal'noj celevoj programmy «Razvitie sudebnoj sistemy Rossii» na 2013-2017 gody». [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
5. Otchjoty o dejatel'nosti Sudebnogo departamenta pri Verhovnom Sude Rossijskoj Federacii. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data poseshhenija: 01.08.2016).
6. Koncepcija razvitija ugolovno-ispolnitel'noj sistemy Rossijskoj Federacii do 2020 goda, utv. rasporjazheniem Pravitel'stva RF ot 14.10.2010 # 1772-r «O Koncepcii razvitija ugolovno-ispolnitel'noj sistemy Rossijskoj Federacii do 2020 goda» // SZ RF. 2010. # 43. St. 5544.

Nuzhdin A. A.
Results of certain properties of personality entities corruption and factors contributing to delinquency and crime in the penal system
The article presents the results of empirical research on the issue of corruption in correctional institutions.
Keywords: correctional institution employee, corruption, factors, offense, offense, personality.
Work bibliographic list
1. Grishin D. A. Pravovye osnovy ugolovno-processual'noj dejatel'nosti // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2016. # 8 (99). S. 213-214.
2. Krasnikova E. V. Kriminologicheskaja harakteristika i preduprezhdenie korrupcii v sfere ispolnenija ugolovnogo nakazanija v vide lishenija svobody:dis. … kand. jurid. M., 2016. S. 5.
3. Nuzhdin A. A. O merah preduprezhdenija prestupnosti v ispravitel'nyh uchrezhdenijah // The Genesis of Genius. 2015. # 4-1. S. 139-141.
4. Peremolotova L. Ju. Osobennosti lichnosti osuzhdennyh, sovershivshih prestuplenija v mestah lishenija svobody // Aktual'nye problemy ugolovnogo prava, kriminologii, ugolovnogo processa i ugolovno-ispolnitel'nogo prava: teorija i praktika. 2015. S. 410-414.

Chorny V. N.
Factors influencing the content of criminal-executive legislation and its development trends
The article discusses the peculiarities of the criminal-Executive in-law, the factors influencing its
maintenance and development, taking into account shortcomings of the Penal code of Russia that have surfaced over the years of its application.
Keywords: legislation, Economics, politics, legislation, standards, law Institute, scientific and theoretical model of civil society.
Work bibliographic list
1. Antipov A. N., Golik N. M., Kudrjashov O. V., Pervozvanskij V. B. O vozmozhnosti i celesoobraznosti implementacii nekotoryh polozhenij evropejskih tjuremnyh pravil v Rossijskoe zakonodatel'stvo //Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Pravo. 2015. #1 (15).
2. Zor'kin V. D. Rossija i Konstitucija v XXI veke: Vzgljad s Il'inki. M.: Norma, 2007.
3. Obshhaja chast' novogo Ugolovno-ispolnitel'nogo kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii: Rezul'taty teoreticheskogo modelirovanija. Pod nauchnoj redakciej V.I. Seliverstova. M.: «Izdatel'skij dom «Jurisprudencija», 2016.
4. Seliverstov V. I. Novyj ugolovno-ispolnitel'nyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii: soderzhanie i perspektivy prinjatija // Vestnik Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo lingvisticheskogo universiteta. 2014. # 2.
5. Syryh V. M. Kompleksnye instituty kak komponenty sistemy rossijskogo prava // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. 2002. # 10.
6. Tihomirov Ju. A. Administrativnoe pravo i process: polnyj kurs. M., 2005.

Yakovleva V. M.
Сrimes convicts serving their non-custodial sentences
The criterion for achieving the goal of preventing non-criminal behavior is condemned while serving their sentences, since it involves the creation of conditions for re-convicted of committing crimes while serving their sentence, or even a well-organized punishment does not solve the problem of relapse prevention by the convicts.
Keywords: punishment, crime prevention, recidivism, criminal behavior, the causes and conditions of crimes, the penal process.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ugolovnoe pravo Rossii. Chasti Obshhaja i Osobennaja:uchebnik / V. A. Blinnikov, A. V. Brilliantov, O. A. Vagin i dr.; pod red. A. V. Brilliantova. 2-e izd., pererab. i dop. – M.: Prospekt, 2015.
2. Borisenko I. V. Organizacija i pravovye osnovy dejatel'nosti ugolovno- ispolnitel'nyh inspekcij v sfere preduprezhdenija povtornyh prestuplenij osuzhdennyh, sostojashhih na ih uchete. Avtoref. dis. ...kand. jurid.nauk. – Pskov, 2012.
3. Valeev T. A. Organizacija i pravovye osnovy dejatel'nosti ugolovno-ispolnitel'nyh inspekcij po vozdejstviju na osuzhdennyh, zlostno uklonjajushhihsja ot otbyvanija nakazanij i inyh mer ugolovno-pravovogo haraktera bez izoljacii ot obshhestva. Avtoref. dis. kand. jurid. nauk. – Pskov, 2012.
4. Lazutkin A. V. Organizacionno-pravovye problemy profilaktiki povtornoj prestupnosti nesovershennoletnih, osuzhdennyh k nakazanijam bez lishenija svobody // Vestnik Dagestanskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. – 2013. – # 2.

Mayorova E. O.
Setting goals penal legislation in international instruments, standards and defining the purpose of execution of criminal sanctions
This article describes a brief description of the penal goals in key international documents defining the standards and purpose of execution of criminal penalties. The author presents a comparative analysis of the purposes of penal legislation of the Russian Federation with the objectives of international standards in the field of execution of criminal penalties. The paper paid attention to the different approaches of determining the priority goal in domestic law and international legal standards in the area of execution of criminal penalties. The paper traces the conclusion that similar objectives penal law objectives of international standards in the field of penal evidence of improvement of national legislation, practices in the area of execution of criminal sanctions in the framework of cooperation of the international community in the fight against crime.
Keywords: goals penal law, international legal standards in the area of execution of criminal sanctions, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Rules Mandela, the European Prison Rules, the Tokyo Rules.
Work bibliographic list
1. Emel'janova E. V. Realizacija mezhdunarodnyh standartov v otechestvennom ugolovno-ispolnitel'nom zakonodatel'stve // Mezhdunarodnyj penitenciarnyj zhurnal. 2016. # 1 (5).
2. Zarubezhnaja tjuremnaja hronika // Prestuplenie i nakazanie. 2015. # 6.
3. Obshhaja chast' novogo Ugolovno-ispolnitel'nogo kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii: rezul'taty teoreticheskogo modelirovanija / Pod red. V. I. Seliverstova.M., 2016.
4. Ponomarev P. G. Mezhdunarodno-pravovye standarty obrashhenija s zakljuchennymi i nacional'nye varianty ih realizacii. Rjazan', 1994.
5. Sizyj A. F. Mezhdunarodno-pravovye standarty obrashhenija s zakljuchennymi i problemy ih realizacii. Rjazan', 1996.
6. Ugolovno-ispolnitel'noe pravo. Uchebnik v 2 t. T. 1: Obshhaja chast' / Pod obshh. red. Ju. I. Kalinina. -2-e izd., ispr. i dop. M.; Rjazan': Logos; Akademija FSIN Rossii, 2006.
7. Utkin V. A. Mezhdunarodno-pravovye standarty obrashhenija s zakljuchennymi i problemy ih realizacii. Tomsk. 1998.

Zhuravlenko N. I.
Application operatively-search activity rapid test for determination of drug
The article discusses the possibility of using the operational-search activities rapid tests to determine the drug. With their help, you can get the necessary operational information to confirm or refute the version of the involvement of the suspect in the crime. Due to rapid tests do not waste time on lengthy forensic investigation, which allows more efficient to carry out operational-search activities.
Keywords: forensic diagnostics, rapid tests, immunochemical diagnostic tools, drugs.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ahmedov R. M., Zhuravlenko N. I., Korneljuk O. V., Korzhik M. M., Mashkovceva E. B., Nigamedzjanov Je. A., Nurkaeva T. N., Polikarpov I. S., Chernikova Ju. P. Profilaktika nezakonnogo potreblenija i oborota narkoticheskih sredstv i psihotropnyh veshhestv:Metodicheskie rekomendacii. – Ufa: Vostochnyj universitet, 2005.
2. Ganshin V. M., Chebyshev A. V., Fesenko A. V. Analiz narkoticheskih sredstv vo vnelaboratornyh uslovijah// Special'naja tehnika. – 1998. – # 1. – S. 32-38.
3. Zhuravlenko N. I. Ispol'zovanie metodik kriminalisticheskogo diagnosticheskogo issledovanija predmetov i dokumentov dlja osushhestvlenija analiza operativnoj obstanovki i diagnosticheskogo analiza prestupnogo dejanija // Evrazijskij juridicheskijzhurnal. – 2015. # 3. – S. 205-210.
4. Skvorchenko P. T. Proizvodstvo predvaritel'nogo issledovanija kriminalisticheskih ob"ektov na stadii provedenija pervonachal'nyh sledstvennyh dejstvij// Rossijskij sledovatel'. – 2012. – # 12. – S. 7-9.
5. Suchkov A. V. K voprosu o neobhodimosti naznachenija sudebnoj jekspertizy na stadii vozbuzhdenija ugolovnogo dela // Jekspert-kriminalist. 2012. # 3. S. 8-11;
6. Jashin A. A. Kriminalisticheskoe issledovanie narkoticheskih sredstv i psihotropnyh veshhestv medicinskogo naznachenija // Nauchno-metodicheskij jelektronnyj zhurnal «Koncept». –2016. –T. 15. –S.1111–115. –[Jelektronnyj resurs]. –Rezhim dostupa:

Sultanov A. V.
Forensic characterization of crimes committed in the field of computer technology
The article reveals the identity of the offender committing computer crimes and the characteristics of the perpetrators of crimes in the sphere of computer technologies. Special attention is paid to some problems of investigation of economic crimes in sphere of computer technologies and the ways of their resolution.
Keywords: computer information, identity of the perpetrator, committing computer crimes, the characteristics of the perpetrators of crimes in the sphere of computer technologies the analysis of the current cybersecurity risks and threats to internal and external cyber fraud.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bol'shaja juridicheskaja jenciklopedija. M.: Izdatel'stvo Jeksmo, 2010. 688 s.
2. Konjavskij V. A. Komp'juternaja prestupnost'. M.: Izdatel'stvo RFK-ImidzhLab, 2010. 560 s.
3. Kriminalisticheskij analiz lichnosti prestupnika. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
4. Prestuplenija v sfere komp'juternoj informacii:kriminologicheskij analiz lichnosti prestupnika. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
5. Rassolov I. M. Uchebnik «Informacionnoe pravo».M.: Izdatel'stvo JuRAJT, 2013. 412 s.
6. Fillipova A. G. Kriminalistika. M.: Izdatel'stvo JuRAJT, 2011. 800 s.

Shkabin G. S.
Detection of intent and crime provocation: problems with the legality of opera-tional-investigative activities
The article deals with the problems of delimitation of crime provocation from the op-erational-investigative activities. The focus is on the concept of intent detection, its relation with the preparation for the crime.
Keywords: operational-investigative activities, crime provocation, detection of intent, preparation for a crime.
Work bibliographic list
1. Vagin O. A., Isichenko A. P., Chechetin A. E. Kommentarij k Federal'nomu zakonu «Ob operativno-rozysknoj dejatel'nosti» (postatejnyj). M., 2009. SPS Konsul'tantPljus.
2. Kuznecova N. F. Otvetstvennost' za prigotovlenie k prestupleniju i pokushenie na prestuplenie po sovetskomu ugolovnomu pravu. M.: Izd-vo Mosk. un-ta, 1958.
3. Radachinskij S. N. Provokacija prestuplenija kak kompleksnyj institut ugolovnogo prava: problemy teorii i praktiki: avtoref. dis. ... d-ra jurid. nauk. N. Novgorod, 2011.
4. Slovar' po ugolovnomu pravu / otv. red. A. V. Naumov. M.: Bek, 1997.
5. Ugolovnoe pravo Rossii. Obshhaja i Osobennaja chasti: uchebnik / pod red. I.M. Mackevicha, N.G. Kadnikova. M.: Sojuz kriminalistov i kriminologov, Krimino-logicheskaja biblioteka, Rossijskij kriminologicheskij vzgljad, 2015.
6. Hromov I. L. Protivodejstvie prestupnosti v uchrezhdenijah, ispolnjajushhih nakazanija. Kriminologicheskie i operativno-rozysknye aspekty. M.: Jurisprudencija, 2011.
7. Shumilov A. Ju. Kurs osnov operativno-rozysknoj dejatel'nosti. M.: Izd-vo Shumilovoj I. I., 2006.

Matskevich I. M., Aminov I. I.
The problem of corruption risks in the penal system
The article analyzes the organizational and legal problems of combating corruption in the penal system of the Russian Federation; discusses trends steady growth of crimes and offences of corruption among officials of bodies and institutions executing punishment; the necessity to develop effective mechanisms to counter corruption risks inherent in the implementation of the employees UIS of their official duties and official authority system.
Keywords: corruption, corruption risks, correctional system, crime, bribery, authority, officer, official, abuse of official position
Work bibliographic list
1. Ukaz Prezidenta RF ot 01.04.2016 # 147 «O Nacional'nom plane protivodejstvija korrupcii na 2016-2017 gody»// Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. 04.04.2016. # 14. st.1985.
2. Ukaz Prezidenta RF ot 31.12.2015 # 683 «O Strategii nacional'noj bezopasnosti Rossijskoj Federacii»// Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. 2016. # 1 (ch. II). St. 212.
3. Gosudarstvennaja programma Rossijskoj Federacii«Justicija», Utverzhdena Postanovleniem Pravitel'stva RF ot 15 aprelja 2014 g. # 312 (red. ot 23.04.2016) «Ob ut-
verzhdenii gosudarstvennoj programmy Rossijskoj Federacii «Justicija»» // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF 05.05.2014. # 18 (chast' II). st. 2158.
4. Rasporjazhenie Pravitel'stva RF ot 14.10.2010 # 1772-r (red. ot 23.09.2015) «O Koncepcii razvitija ugolovno-ispolnitel'noj sistemy Rossijskoj Federacii do 2020 goda». [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:,0&rnd=0.7029951126754492#0 (data obrashhenija 12.10.2016 g.).
5. Perechen' korrupcionno-opasnyh funkcij Federal'noj sluzhby ispolnenija nakazanij / Utverzhden rasporjazheniem FSIN Rossii ot 5 sentjabrja 2014 g.# 178-r.
6. Plan protivodejstvija korrupcii Federal'noj sluzhby ispolnenija nakazanij na 2016-2017 gody (utv. FSIN Rossii 13.05.2016) (s izm. ot 11.08.2016). [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija 10.11.2016).
7. Metodicheskie rekomendacii po provedeniju ocenki korrupcionnyh riskov, voznikajushhih pri realizacii funkcij // Prilozhenie k Pis'mu Ministerstva truda i social'noj zashhity Rossijskoj Federacii ot 25 dekabrja 2014 g. # 18-0/10/V-8980 «O provedenii federal'nymi gosudarstvennymi organami ocenki korrupcionnyh riskov». Punkt 3 razdela I.
8. Pasport podprogrammy 3 «Regulirovanie gosudarstvennoj politiki v sfere ispolnenija ugolovnyh nakazanij» gosudarstvennoj programmy Rossijskoj Federacii «Justicija» [Jelektronnyj resurs].– Rezhim dostupa:
5c4495413a24/ (data obrashhenija 10.11.2016).
9. Bor'ba s korrupciej kak prezumpcija privilegirovannosti // Oficial'nyj sajt NAS RF. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija 10.11.2016).
10. Guneev S. Chajka v doklade oboznachil osnovnye problemy sobljudenija pravoporjadka v RF // RIA Novosti. 27 aprelja 2016 g. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
11. Ivanova E. Finansovye dela sotrudnikov FSIN nastol'ko plohi, chto oni nachinajut «tjanut'» vzjatki drug s druga//The Moscow Post. 07.11.2016. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: http://www.moscowpost. com/politics/kornienko_poshel_po_stopam_rejmera22774/
12. Ilij S. K., Pavlovskaja N. V. Sostojanie i osnovnye problemy protivodejstvija korrupcii v pravoohranitel'nyh organah // Korrupcija: sostojanie protivodejstvija i napravlenija optimizacii bor'by. Pod redakciej professora Dolgovoj A. I. M., Rossij-
skaja kriminologicheskaja associacija, 2015. S. 179-190.
13. Korrupcija v Rossii: Nezavisimyj godovoj doklad Vserossijskoj antikorrupcionnoj obshhestvennoj priemnoj «Chistye ruki»: 01 sentjabrja 2015 g. –31 avgusta 2016 g. M. 21 sentjabrja 2016 g. Associacija Advokatov Rossii za Prava Cheloveka. S. 11-12. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. –Rezhim dostupa:
14. Krasnikova E. V. Kriminologicheskaja harakteristika i preduprezhdenie korrupcii v sfere ispolnenija ugolovnogo nakazanija v vide lishenija svobody /Avtoref. dis… kand. jurid. nauk. M., 2015. –35 s.
15. Kratkaja harakteristika ugolovno-ispolnitel'noj sistemy. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. –Rezhim dostupa: http://fsin.rf/structure/inspector/iao/statistika/Kratkaya%20har-ka%20UIS/
16. Po dannym «Otchet o sostojanii zakonnosti i prestuplenijah sredi sotrudnikov UIS Rossii». Forma3-PR za 2011-2015 gg.
17. Po dannym Svodnogo otcheta po Rossii «Svedenija o rezul'tatah raboty pravoohranitel'nyh (pravoprimenitel'nyh) organov po bor'be s prestuplenijami korrupcionnoj napravlennosti». Forma 599 GIAC MVD Rossii.
18. Po dannym formy Svodnogo otcheta po Rossii «Nadzor za ispolneniem zakonodatel'stva o protivodejstvii korrupcii i rezul'taty rassledovanija ugolovnyh del o prestuplenijah korrupcionnoj napravlennosti» za 2011-2015 g. Forma 501 General'noj prokuratury Rossijskoj Federacii.
19. Poslanie Prezidenta RF Federal'nomu Sobraniju ot 03.12.2015 «Poslanie Prezidenta Rossijskoj Federacii» // Rossijskaja gazeta. 04.12.2015. # 275.
20. Prokof'ev V. Genprokuratura: Za polugodie ushherb ot korrupcionnyh prestuplenij dostig 28,5 mlrd rub. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija 10.11.2016).
21. Tashina K. M., Pustovalova I. N. K voprosu o ponja-ii korrupcionnyh riskov // Uspehi sovremennogo estestvoznanija. –2012. –# 4. –S. 212-213.
22. FSIN stala liderom po kolichestvu obnaruzhennyh Schetnoj palatoj narushenij// RBK 22 maja 2015 g. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. –Rezhim dostupa:

Akayev D. K., Gadzhieva A. A.
The problem of criminalization of enforced disappearances
The article is devoted to actual issues related to an enforced disappearances. This problem states its global and regional dimension, the question of the necessity of filling gaps in the national legislation of the Russian Federation, gives a distinction between the concepts of "abduction" and "enforced disappearance of persons, and assessment of their social danger. On the basis of the study raises the question of the need for self-criminalization of enforced disappearances as a crime of an international character.
Keywords: forced disappearance, kidnapping, human security, criminalization of enforced disappearance.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bekjashev K. A., Hodakov A. G. Mezhdunarodnoe publichnoe pravo. Sbornik dokumentov. – Tom 2. – M.: Izdatel'stvo BEK, 1996.
2. Guzeeva O. S., Skuratova A. Ju. Problema kvalifikacii nasil'stvennyh ischeznovenij v mezhdunarodnom prave i rossijskom ugolovnom zakonodatel'stve / O. S. Guzeeva, A. Ju. Skuratova // Rossijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. – 2011. – # 4. – [Jelektronnyj resurs].
3. Delo «Aslahanova i drugie protiv Rossii». – [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: http://www.echr.
4. Kartashkin V. A., Saakjan S. G. Mezhdunarodnaja konvencija dlja zashhity vseh lic ot nasil'stvennyh ischeznovenij i razvitie sotrudnichestva gosudarstv po pravam cheloveka //Jurist-mezhdunarodnik. – 2007. – #1. – S. 11 – 21.
5. Mezhdunarodnye akty o pravah cheloveka: sb. dokumentov / sost. i avt. vstup. st. V. A. Kartashkin, E. A. Lukasheva. – 2-e izd., dop. – M.: Norma; INFRA-M, 2002.
6. Human Rights Watch: Vojna bez vojny. Narushenija prav cheloveka v hode bor'by rossijskih vlastej s vooruzhennym podpol'em v Dagestane. – [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:

Malikov B. Z., Elizarjeva R.R.
Criminal and criminological aspects calls the “market” of Russia and incorporating their values at the institute of criminal convictions for resilience
The importance of the studied problems due to the fact that modern criminogenic factors and crime challenges have a significant impact on the nature and effectiveness of a number of institutions of criminal law. Didn't stay away from a certain exposure of negatives "new" time of post-Soviet capitalism, and the legal institution of a criminal record. Its provisions are designed to provide criminal legal effect as a deterrent to possible manifestations of criminal conduct in General and particular recidivism. In this paper reflect the status of crime in modern Russia, and in particular new factors driving resistance relapse in its structure.
Keywords: modern crime calls, market relations and crime in Russia, "criminal", lifts corrupt traffic, criminal liability, criminal history, Institute of criminal convictions, the recurrent criminality.
Work bibliographic list
1. Grigor'ev L. Interv'ju «Ogon'ku» o doklade Analiticheskogo centra (AC) pri pravitel'stve Rossii «Chelovecheskoe razvitie v uslovijah spada jekonomiki» // Mediazona: Russkaja zima. Krizis. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: Data obrashhenija:03.11.2016.
2. Monografija: problemy sovremennoj latentnoj prestupnosti i neobhodimosti ee ucheta v ocenke kriminal'noj situacii v Rossii dostatochno vsestoronne issledovany kollektivom uchenyh i obobshheny pod obshhej redakciej professora Inshakova S. M. v rabote: Inshakov S. M. Teoreticheskie osnovy issledovanija i analiza latentnoj prestupnosti: JuNITI-DANA, 2011.
3. Serkova T. V. Neodnokratnoe prestupnoe povedenie:teoretiko-prikladnoe issledovanie. Dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. N. Novgorod: Nizhegorod. akademija MVD Rossii, 2016.
4. Statistika Ministerstva vnutrennih del Rossijskoj Federacii. Inshakova S. M. https://xn--b1aew.xn--p1ai/reports/item/7087734/ Data obrashhenija: 05.11.2016.
5. Osoboe mnenie sud'i Konstitucionnogo Suda Rossijskoj Federacii A. L. Kononova. Inshakova S. M. Data obrashhenija: 26.11.2016.
6. Osoboe mnenie sud'i Konstitucionnogo Suda Rossijskoj Federacii N. V. Vitruka. Tam zhe.

Chernova G. Sh.
Legal aspects of civil proceedings in arbitration (arbitration court)
The adjudication can be done not only by the courts of general jurisdiction, and arbitration courts (arbitration). The advantage of this production is the processing times, the procedure for forming the composition of the court and others. The need for a new law was due to the presence of the control functions of the state, and therefore the increased interaction of courts of general jurisdiction and arbitration courts.
Keywords: arbitration, arbitration.
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon ot 29.12.2015 # 382-FZ «Ob arbitrazhe (tretejskom razbiratel'stve) v Rossijskoj Federacii» // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF, 04.01.2016, # 1 (chast' I), st. 2.
2. Federal'nyj zakon ot 24.07.2002 # 102-FZ «O tretejskih sudah v Rossijskoj Federacii» // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF, 29.07.2002, # 30, st. 3019.
3. Grazhdanskij processual'nyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ot 14.11.2002 # 138-FZ // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF, 18.11.2002, # 46, st. 4532.
4. Arbitrazhnyj processual'nyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ot 24.07.2002 # 95-FZ // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF, 29.07.2002, # 30, st. 3012.
5. Gin-Barisjavichene K. Reforma tretejskih sudov: njuansy i novshestva // JeZh-Jurist. 2016. # 4. S. 5.
6. Bodrova O. Reforma tretejskogo zakonodatel'stva // JeZh-Jurist. 2016. # 11. S. 8.
7. Igbaeva G. R., Shakirova Z. R. Dosudebnye nejurisdikcionnye procedury uregulirovanija sporov i mediacija // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2015. # 1 (80). S. 185-186.
8. Leont'eva N. V. Primenimoe pravo pri arbitrazhnom (tretejskom) razbiratel'stve // Arbitrazhnyj i grazhdanskij process. 2016. # 5. S. 52 - 58.
9. Vorob'ev Ju. Zakonodatel'nye novelly dlja razreshenija sporov //JeZh-Jurist, 2016. # 38. S. 4.
10. Rajzberg B. A., Lozovskij L. Sh., Starodubceva E. B. Sovremennyj jekonomicheskij slovar'. 6-e izd., pere- rab. i dop. M.: INFRA-M, 2011. S. 12.
Akhmetova S. V.
Judicial document as a means of communication in judicial discourse
The article focuses on the communicative function of judicial documents. The trial is described as a discourse, where documents represent a means of communication. The research has been conducted in the framework of discourse analysis. It discusses the composition of judicial discourse, determines the meaning and role of judicial documents, examines its main features, and provides the definition. Close attention is paid to the problem of the interpretation of judicial documents by the participants to the discourse. The author comes to conclusion about the dominant value of judicial documents at each development stage of any judicial discourse.
Keywords: judicial document, legal document, legal discourse, judicial discourse, judicial communication, text of judicial document.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bahtin M. M. Jestetika slovesnogo tvorchestva. M.: Iskusstvo, 1986.
2. Kartashov V. N. Ponjatie i struktura juridicheskoj dejatel'nosti // Juridicheskaja dejatel'nost': sushhnost', struktura, vidy: sb. nauch. tr. Jarosl. gos. un-t: otv. red. V. N. Kartashov. Jaroslavl': JarGU, 1989.
3. Panchenko V. Ju. O strukturah pravovogo vzaimodejstvija //Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2014. # 7.
4. Panchenko V. Ju. Tipologija pravovyh vzaimodejstvij// Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. – 2014. – # 12.
5. Farman I. P. Model' kommunikativnoj racional'nosti (na osnove social'no-kul'turnoj koncepcii Ju. Habermasa) // Racional'nost' na pereput'e. Kn. 1. M., 1999.
6. Fillips L., Jorgenson M. V. Diskurs-analiz. Teorija i metod. Har'kov: Izd-vo Gumanitarnyj Centr, 2004.
7. Hramcova N. G. Teorija pravovogo diskursa: bazovye idei, problemy, zakonomernosti: monografija. Kurgan: Izd-vo Kurganskogo gos. un-ta, 2010.
8. Perelman Ch. Justice, Law and Argumentum // Essays on Moral and Legal Reasoning. Dordrecht: Holland /Boston: USA / London: England, 1978.

Ramazanova E. T., Agarabadanova N. R.
Some of the powers of the Prosecutor in the field of legislative activity
The article deals with the problematic issues in the field of law-making activities.Attention is paid to the importance of the implementation of the law-making function of the prosecutor, which makes it possible to prevent the adoption contrary to federal law the normative legal acts of the Russian Federation on the example of the Republic of Dagestan.
Keywords: The Constitution, laws, attorney, law, consequence, activity, justice, law-making, the legality, terrorism.
Work bibliographic list
1. Materialy Komiteta po zakonodatel'stvu, zakonnosti, gosudarstvennomu ustrojstvu i mestnomu samoupravleniju Narodnogo sobranija RD. Mahachkala. 2015.
2. Oficial'nyj sajt Prokuratury Respubliki Dagestan. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 28.11.2016).
3. Ramazanova Je. T. Rol' prokuratury v sovershenstvovanii regional'noj pravotvorcheskoj dejatel'nosti// Vestnik DGU. # 2. 2010.

Shpak V. V.
Changing the subject or the base of the claim as a way to optimize civil proceedings
This article is devoted to research of regulatory powers of the court and the parties involved in the case. We investigate the law enforcement practice of courts on this topic. Proposed changes to the existing legislation with a view to optimization.
Keywords: civil procedure, optimization, court activity, regulatory actions of the parties.
Work bibliographic list
1. Kommentarij k Grazhdanskomu processual'nomu kodeksu Rossijskoj Federacii (postatejnyj) / T. T.Aliev, S. F. Afanas'ev, A. N. Balashov i dr.; Pod red.M. A. Vikut. M.: Jurajt, 2014.
2. Postatejnyj kommentarij k Grazhdanskomu processual'nomu kodeksu Rossijskoj Federacii / A. V. Ar-gunov, V. V. Argunov, A. V. Demkina i dr.; Pod red. P.V. Krasheninnikova. M.: Statut, 2012.
3. Ievlev P. A. Izmenenie iska v sudebnoj i sudebno– arbitrazhnoj praktike: Dis. … kand. jurid. nauk.M., 2004.
4. Postanovlenie Plenumov Verhovnogo Suda Rossijskoj Federacii i Vysshego Arbitrazhnogo Suda Rossijskoj Federacii ot 29.04.2010 g. # 10/22 «O nekotoryh voprosah, voznikajushhih v sudebnoj praktike pri razreshenii sporov, svjazannyh s zashhitoj prava sobstvennosti i drugih veshhnyh prav» // Vestnik VAS RF. 2010. # 6.
5. Postanovlenie Plenuma Verhovnogo Suda Rossijskoj Federacii ot 23.06.2015 g. # 25 «O primenenii sudami nekotoryh polozhenij razdela I chasti pervoj Grazhdanskogo kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii» // Rossijskaja gazeta. 20.06.2015. # 140.
6. Petrjaev A. V. Priznanie prava otsutstvujushhim // JeZh– Jurist. 2014. # 1.
7. Krasnova S. A. Pravo poterpevshego na vybor sposoba zashhity i pravo suda na juridicheskuju kvalifikaciju: voprosy sootnoshenija // Jurist. 2012. # 19.
8. Klepikova M. A. Sudebnyj kontrol' za rasporjaditel'nymi dejstvijami storon v grazhdanskom i arbitrazhnom processe // Arbitrazhnyj i grazhdanskij process. 2005. # 9.
9. Kuznecov S. A. O prave suda izmenit' osnovanie trebovanija sobranija kreditorov ob otstranenii konkursnogo upravljajushhego i po sobstvennoj iniciative otstranit' ego // Vestnik VAS RF. 2014. # 3.
10. Chistjakova O. P. Problema aktivnosti suda v grazhdanskom processe Rossijskoj Federacii: Dis. …kand. jurid. nauk. M., 1997.
11. Glazkova M. E. Predely aktivnosti suda v sostjazatel'nom processe // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. 2014.# 2.
12. Reshetnikova I. V. Konkurencija principov v civilisticheskom processe // Vestnik grazhdanskogo processa. 2013. # 5.
13. Nenashev M. M. Sposob zashhity prava: processual'nye voprosy // Arbitrazhnyj i grazhdanskij process. 2011. # 8.
14. Postanovlenie Konstitucionnogo Suda Rossijskoj Federacii ot 30.11.2012 # 29 – P «Po delu o proverke konstitucionnosti polozhenij chasti pjatoj st. 244. 6 i chasti vtoroj st. 333 GPK RF v svjazi s zhalobami grazhdan A. G. Kruglova, A. V. Margina, V. A. Martynova i Ju. S. Shardyko» // SZ RF. 17.12.2012. # 51.

Cheryachukina E. A.
Conflicts can be resolved if there is a good will: a story of one «unresolved» construction
The article examines the topical issue of the trials between landholders and nearby localities residents – those which are typical and practically important for solving the cases of this kind.
Keywords: stead, landholders, statement of claim, appeal, objections.
Work bibliographic list
1. Konstitucija Rossijskoj Federacii (prinjata vsenarodnym golosovaniem 12.12.1993) (s uchetom popravok, vnesennyh Zakonami RF o popravkah k Konstitucii RF ot 30.12.2008 N 6-FKZ, ot 30.12.2008 N 7-FKZ, ot 05.02.2014 N 2-FKZ, ot 21.07.2014 N 11-FKZ/ Sobranii zakonodatel'stva RF», 04.08.2014, N 31, st. 4398.
2. Grazhdanskij kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii (chast' pervaja)» ot 30.11.1994 N 51-FZ (red. ot 03.07.2016) (s izm. i dop., vstup. v silu s 02.10.2016) / Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF, 05.12.1994, N 32, st. 3301.
3. Grazhdanskij processual'nyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii» ot 14.11.2002 N 138-FZ (red. ot 19.12.2016)/ Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF», 18.11.2002, N 46, st. 4532
4. Vodnyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii» ot 03.06.2006 N 74-FZ (red. ot 31.10.2016) / Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF», 05.06.2006, N 23, st. 2381
5. Gradostroitel'nyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii» ot 29.12.2004 N 190-FZ (red. ot 03.07.2016) (s izm. I dop., vstup. v silu s 01.09.2016) / Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF», 03.01.2005, N 1 (chast' 1), st. 16
6. Zemel'nyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii» ot 25.10.2001 N 136-FZ (red. ot 03.07.2016) (s izm. i dop.,vstup. v silu s 01.09.2016) / Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF», 29.10.2001, N 44, st. 4147

Erfurt A. B.
Understanding the category of “private interest” in criminal proceedings of Russia
The lack of legislative regulation of the various categories of variations in interest has led to the existence of multiple points of view on this issue. The author promoted the analysis and interpretation of the proposed own private interests in the criminal trial of Russia. Thus, under the private interest should be understood self-interest party to the criminal proceedings (as a specific individual, social group or legal entity), expressed the need (desire, desire, motivation) to implement, protect and defend their rights under the law of criminal procedure.
Outlined the main features of private interests. In the text of the work of scientists uncovered the key positions of the criminal process to the named topic.
Keywords: interest, private interest, criminal procedure, personal interest, the interest in the law, signs of interest.
Work bibliographic list
1. Aleksandrov D. D. Nekotorye osobennosti sootnoshenija publichnyh i chastnyh nachal v ugolovnom sudoproizvodstve Rossii na sovremennom jetape // Vestnik JuUrGU. Serija: Pravo. 2010. # 5 (181). S.33-36.
2. Apostolova N. N. Jeffektivnaja zashhita chastnyh interesov v ugolovnom sudoproizvodstve // Severo-Kavkazskij juridicheskij vestnik. 2013. # 3. S. 57-59.
3. Bagautdinov F. N. Publichnye i lichnye interesy v rossijskom ugolovnom sudoproizvodstve i garantii ih obespechenija na predvaritel'nom sledstvii: Dis. .. d-ra jurid. nauk. M., 2004.
4. Bakaeva O. Ju., Pogodina N. A. O sootnoshenii chastnyh i publichnyh interesov // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. 2011. # 4 (172). S. 36-47.
5. Dujshenbiev T. A. Interesy v ugolovnom sudoproizvodstve (po materialam Kyrgyzskoj Respubliki i Rossijskoj Federacii): dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. M., 1999.
6. Kosarenko N. N. Kategorija «Interes» v sisteme publichnogo i chastnogo prava // ZPU. 2007. # 3. S. 153-162.
7. Kozlova V. N. Ponjatie publichnyh i chastnyh interesov i ih sootnoshenie // «Gosudarstvennaja vlast' i mestnoe samoupravlenie». 2011. # 7. S. 35-38.
8. Tarasov A. A. O publichnom interese v delah chastnogo obvinenija // Mirovoj sud'ja. M.: Jurist, 2012. # 4. S. 20-23.
9. Tolkovyj slovar' sovremennogo russkogo jazyka, pod red. D. N. Ushakova. M.: “Adelant”, 2014.
10. Tolkovyj slovar' russkogo jazyka: 80 000 slov i frazeologicheskih vyrazhenij, pod red. S. I. Ozhegova i
N. Ju. Shvedovoj // Rossijskaja akademija nauk. Institut russkogo jazyka im. V.V. Vinogradova. – 4-e izd., dopolnennoe. – M.: OOO «A TEMP», 2006.
11. Hatuaeva V. V. Sootnoshenie publichnogo i chastnogo (dispozitivnogo) nachal v sovremennom ugolovnom sudoproizvodstve // Obshhestvo i pravo. 2008. #2 (20). S. 207-211

Cherepanova I. V., Kiek T. Z.
Application of prosecutor administrative responsibility for violation of legislation on consumer credit (loans) in the commission of actions aimed at overdue payments
The article is devoted to the application of the prosecutor granted the authority to use administrative responsibility in the exercise of return of arrears of activity.
Keywords: Attorney, administrative liability, consumer credit, collection activities, the authority of the prosecutor.
Work bibliographic list
1. Boldyrev V. A., Shmakov V. N. Kollektorskaja dejatel'nost' kak sovremennyj jekonomiko-pravovoj fenomen // Imushhestvennye otnoshenija v Rossijskoj Federacii. 2015. # 6. S. 94-104.
2. Vinokurov A. Ju. Administrativnoe presledovanie kak funkcija prokuratury Rossijskoj Federacii //Administrativnoe i municipal'noe pravo. 2012. # 10. S. 52 - 56.
3. Vinokurov A. Ju., Vinokurov Ju. E. O novom vzgljade na polnomochija prokurora, svjazannye s primeneniem Kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii ob administrativnyh pravonarushenijah // Administrativnoe i municipal'noe pravo. 2012. # 5.
4. Palamarchuk A. Prokurorskij nadzor za ispolneniem zakonov o bankah i bankovskoj dejatel'nosti // Zakonnost'. 2008. # 1.

Zelik V. A., PozigunV. I.
The problem of assessing signs of ill-treatment of juveniles in the criminal legislation of Russia
The article reveals the problems of assessing signs of ill-treatment nesovershennoletnie, examines the scientific and the judicial interpretation of the signs of child abuse.
Keywords: the abuse of minors, qualification of crimes.
Work bibliographic list
1. Konstitucija RF. M., 2016.
2. Ugolovnyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ot 13.06.1996 N 63-FZ (red. ot 15.10.2016).
3. «Konvencija o pravah rebenka» (odobrena General'noj Assambleej OON 20.11.1989) (vstupila v silu dlja SSSR 15.09.1990).
4. Postanovlenie Plenuma Verhovnogo Suda SSSR ot 07.12.1979 N 9 (red. ot 30.11.1990, s izm. ot 04.07.1997) «O praktike primenenija sudami zakonodatel'stva pri razreshenii sporov, svjazannyh s vospitaniem detej».
5. Volkov K. A. Prestuplenija protiv lichnoj svobody cheloveka v ugolovnom prave Rossii i Kitaja // Mezhdunarodnoe ugolovnoe pravo i mezhdunarodnaja justicija. 2016. N 3.
6. Pristanskaja O. V. Problemy primenenija ugolovno-pravovyh norm, napravlennyh na preduprezhdenie zhestokogo obrashhenija s nesovershennoletnimi // Voprosy organizacii nadzora za ispolneniem zakonov o nesovershennoletnih. Met. posob. T. 2: Ispolnenie zakonodatel'stva ob ohrane zhizni i zdorov'ja nesovershennoletnih. Arhangel'sk, 2006.
7. Pudovochkin Ju. E. Otvetstvennost' za prestuplenija protiv nesovershennoletnih po rossijskomu ugolovnomu pravu / Nauchn. red. G. N. Chechel'. SPb.: Izd. «Juridicheskij centr Press», 2002.
8. Soonets R., Loko T. i dr. Nedostojnoe obrashhenie s det'mi. Tartu, 2000.
9. Cymbal E., D'jachenko A. Aktual'nye problemy zashhity detej ot zhestokogo obrashhenija v sovremennoj Rossii. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: http//

Emelyanova N. N.
Agroecology, right to food and international law
Agroecology involves the use of ecological science to the study sustainable agro-ecosystems and their management. The development of agroecology based on international law is a significant contribution to the maintenance of international food safety and protection of the human right to food. Today, international legal regulation of agroecology is reflected in a number of international legal documents as a universal and regional nature.
Keywords: agroecology, international environmental law, FAO, UNEP, EU agricultural policy, right to food.
Work bibliographic list
1. Abashidze A. H., Meshherjakova O. M., Solncev A. M. Obshhaja sel'skohozjajstvennaja politika Evropejskogo Sojuza // Pravo Evropejskogo Sojuza: uchebnik i praktikum dlja bakalavriata i magistratury / pod red. A. H. Abashidze, A. O. Inshakovoj. – M: Izdatel'stvo Jurajt, 2016. – S. 234-244.
2. Abashidze A. H., Koneva A. E. Sostojanie nishhety —narushenie prav i svobod cheloveka // Vestnik Rossijskogo universiteta druzhby narodov. Serija: juridicheskie nauki. – 2011. – # 4. – S. 129-139
3. Radzhon'eri M.P., Valetta M. Agrojekologicheskoe pravo Evropejskogo sojuza i Italii / otv. red. D. O. Tuzov. – M.: Statut, 2006.
4. The environment’s role in averting future food crises / C. Nellemann, M. MacDevette, T. Manders, B. Eickhout, B. Svihus, A.G. Prins, B.P. Kaltenborn (eds). – UNEP, 2009.
5. World Agriculture: towards 2030/2050. Interim Report. – Rome: FAO, 2006.

Gadzhieva A. A., Latipov G. M.-S.
Viktimological aspect of theslave labor use
The article deals with the problems related to a victim of crime in the form of the usage of slave labor, gives an assessment of its role in the mechanism of victimization, examines issues of determination of the crime taking into account the factor of the victim. With account of the existing evidence of crime victims in the form of the use of slave the author carries out their typology, describes exemplary portrait data of each type of sacrifice. These typological characteristics allow to develop and propose a series of measures of victimological prevention of the use of slave labor.
Keywords: slave labor, trafficking victims, the victimization of the use of slave labor, the prevention of victimization.
Work bibliographic list
1. Gadzhieva A. A. Problemy obshhej teorii viktimologii. – Mahachkala, 2012.
2. Burjak M. Ju. Torgovlja ljud'mi i bor'ba s nej (kriminologicheskie i ugolovno-pravovye aspekty)». –Dis. kand. jurid. nauk. – Vladivostok, 2005.
3. Kirpichnye zavody Dagestana — strojploshhadka dlja rabov iz Central'noj Rossii. – [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 13.11. 2016).
4. Rabotorgovlja – realii nashej zhizni. – [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 13.11. 2016).
5. Skorlukova O. G. Rabstvo i rabotorgovlja. Kriminologicheskij i ugolovno-pravovoj aspekty issledovanija. – Dis. kand. jurid. nauk. – M., 2005.
6. Frank L. V. Poterpevshie ot prestuplenija i problemy sovetskoj viktimologii. – Dushanbe, Izd-vo «Irfon», 1977.
7. Jeksperty: Dlja jeffektivnogo protivodejstvija torgovle ljud'mi u Rossii dolzhen byt' obshhenacional'nyj plan.– [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 13.11. 2016).

Maron A. I.
Information approach to definition of age structure of voters by results of elections
The research urgency caused by the fact that data on distribution on age structure of the voters who took part in the elections are important for the organization of further work of campaign headquarters of parties. At the same time direct definition of these data often or not possible, or is connected with large volume of expensive routine work. The purpose of article is in offering a reasonable calculation method for the solution of this actual task. The Jaynes’ information principle can become the main theoretical approach to creation of such method. Because it allows determine the most objective distribution of voters by age, based of their preferences revealed during preelection sociological polls and the actual results of elections. In article the method of calculation of the most objective distribution of voters for age structure on the basis of the data stated above is offered, for a case when elections are alternative (the choice from two applicants),
and voters on age are carried to one of three groups. Materials of article can be useful to the persons organizing work of the campaign headquarters of parties or independent candidates and for heads of the companies providing services in carrying out sociological polls – for an assessment of quality of work of employees. Besides, materials can be useful to supervisory authorities for identification of suspicious divergences between the predicted and actual results of elections.
Keywords: information approach, supervisory authorities, elections.
Work bibliographic list
1. Dobren'kov V. I., Kravchenko A. I. Mezhdisciplinarnaja matrica sociologii // Sociologija. 2016. # 1. S. 148-161.
2. Itiuridze L. A., Agapov P. V. Sovremennyj politiko – upravlencheskij menedzhment // Social'naja politika i sociologija. 2008. # 2. S. 278-288.
3. Kotler F., Andreasen A. Strategicheskij marketing nekommercheskih organizacij. M.: Feniks, 2007.
4. Maron M. A. Opredelenie razmera reprezentativnoj vyborki i ee real'noe primenenie // V kn.: Statisticheskie metody analiza jekonomiki i obshhestva:Tezisy dokladov Mezhvuzovskoj studencheskoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii (13-14 maja 2010 g.). M.: Vysshaja shkola jekonomiki, 2010. S. 58-59.
5. Maron V. I. Statisticheskie modeli na osnove informacionnogo podhoda Dzhejnsa. M.: Maks Press, 2011. 156 s.
6. Filonovich S. R. Liderstvo kak integral'naja problema nauk o povedenii // Rossijskij zhurnal menedzhmenta. 2007. # 4. T. 5. S. 91-100.
7. Cipes G. L., Tovb A. S. Proekty i upravlenie proektami v sovremennoj kompanii. M.: Olimp-Biznes, 2009.
8. Jaynes E. T. Probability theory: The logic of science. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003. 727 p.

Mironova O. A.
Interaction of state and religious communities in realization of social function of the state
The article deals with the questions concerning interaction of state and religious communities to realize social state function.
It also highlights issues dealing with necessity to attract civil society institutions: public organizations, religious communities to implement this function.
Keywords: social state, secular state, religious communities, charity organizations.
Work bibliographic list
1. Konstitucija RF. – [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 05.09.2016).
2. O svobode sovesti i o religioznyh ob"edinenija: Federal'nyj zakon ot 26.09.1997 # 125-FZ. – [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija:05.09.2016).
3. O blagotvoritel'noj dejatel'nosti i blagotvoritel'nyh organizacijah: Federal'nyj zakon ot 11.08.1995 # 135-FZ. – [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
4. O nekommercheskih organizacija: Federal'nyj zakon ot 12.01.1996 # 7-FZ. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 05.09.2016).
5. Dremanova M. A. Rossija social'noe gosudarstvo? //Teorija i praktika obshhestvennogo razvitija. – 2012.– # 12. – [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: obrashhenija: 05.09.2016).

Pavlovskiy D. A.
Mechanism of interaction between state authorities of the subject of the Russian Federation with public associations
The article deals with theoretical questions of the mechanism of interaction between authorities of the Russian Federation with public associations. We studied some basic concepts ("legal mechanism", "interaction") and their relationship with adjacent concepts used to describe the relationship between the authorities of subjects of federation with public associations. The content
of the main elements of the mechanism of interaction between au thorities of subjects of federation with public associations.
Keywords: legal framework, the interaction, the authorities of the Russian Federation, public associations, mechanism elements.
Work bibliographic list
1. Vengerov A. B. Teorija gosudarstva i prava. M., 1999.
2. Komarov S. A. Analiticheskoe obespechenie pravovogo vzaimodejstvija gosudarstva i grazhdanskogo obshhestva // Trudy juridicheskogo fakul'teta Severo-Kavkazskogo gosudarstvennogo tehnicheskogo universiteta. Sbornik nauchnyh trudov (Posvjashhajutsja 10-letiju juridicheskogo fakul'teta Severo-Kavkazskogo gosudarstvennogo tehnicheskogo universiteta). Stavropol': Izdatel'stvo SevKavGTU, 2005, Vyp. 10.
3. Komarov S. A. Pravovye aspekty sootnoshenija lichnosti, gosudarstva grazhdanskogo obshhestva // Lichnost', pravo, vlast' v sovremennoj Rossii: sbornik materialov VIII Vserossijskoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii (11 dekabrja 2010 goda): v 2 t. T. 1. Kostroma: KGU im. N. A. Nekrasova, 2011.
4. Obshhaja teorija prava i gosudarstva/ Pod red. V. V. Lazareva. M., 1996.
5. Ozhegov S. I. Slovar' russkogo jazyka/ Pod red. K. Ju. Shvedovoj. M., 1989.
6. Social'no-juridicheskij mehanizm obespechenija prav cheloveka i grazhdanina / Mordovec A. S.; Pod red.: Matuzov N. I. Saratov: Izdatel'stvo Sarat. VSh MVD RF, 1996.
7. Shugrina E. S. Regional'noe zakonodatel'stvo ob uchastii obshhestvennyh ob"edinenij v municipal'nyh vyborah // Gosudarstvennaja vlast' i mestnoe samo-upravlenie. 2015. # 4.

Bekishieva S. R., Daudov M. M.
State policy in the sphere of attracting foreign investments (legal aspect)
This article describes the main aspects of legal regulation of foreign investment in the Russian Federation. Analyzed the legal framework governing the investment activities of foreign investors. Disclosed proposals to increase the level of state policy in the sphere of attracting foreign investments in the Russian Federation. The main methods of achievement are formally-legal, system, functional, comparative legal, statistical, logical analysis and synthesis techniques.
Keywords: investments, investment activity, foreign investments, legal regulation, state policy.
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon «Ob inostrannyh investicijah v Rossijskoj Federacii» ot 09.07.1999 # 160-FZ (dejstvujushhaja redakcija, 2016) // (data obrashhenija: 21.11.2016)
2. Gimadieva L. Sh. Dinamika i perspektivy ispol'zovanija prjamyh inostrannyh investicij v jekonomike regiona // Nauchnyj zhurnal KubGAU. 2016. # 115.
3. Grudinin I. A. Privlechenie inostrannyh investicij v jekonomiku Rossii kak strukturnaja sostavljajushhaja jekonomicheskoj bezopasnosti gosudarstva //«Uchenye zametki TOGU». 2015. Tom 6. # 4.
4. Krasil'nikova A.D. Inostrannye investicii v RF v uslovijah sankcij // Nauchnyj al'manah. 2016. # 3.
5. Petushenko D. E., Sjupova M. S. Investicii kak jekonomicheskaja kategorija // Uchenye zametki TOGU. 2015. Tom 6. # 4.
6. Salimzjanov A. I. Pravovoj rezhim inostrannyh investicij v aspekte mezhdunarodnogo i rossijskogo zakonodatel'stva // UVO «Akademija upravlenija«TISBI». 2016. # 3.
7. Shafikova L. I. Sravnenie pravovogo regulirovanija privlechenija inostrannyh investicij v Rossijskoj Federacii i Cheshskoj respublike // Juridicheskie nauki: problemy i perspektivy: materialy III mezhdunar. nauch. konf. (g. Kazan', maj 2015 g.). - Kazan': Buk, 2015.

Skaridov A. S.
Legal regime of the Azov Sea and the Black Sea areas and regional security
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan at a meeting of heads of general staff of Balkan nations in Istanbul on May 11, 2016 said: «… the Black Sea should be turned into the sea of stability. I told the NATO secretary general (Jens Stoltenberg) that you are absent in the Black Sea and that is why it has nearly become a Russian lake. We should perform our duty as we are the countries
with access to the Black Sea. If we do not take action, history will not forgive us». Of course, we can recall the history, as well as to remind the what was the ends of the most naval battles? Or can remind Moskova Anlaşması - Russian-Turkish treaty of "friendship and brotherhood" signed in 1921 and its role in the establishment of the Turkish state. But historical forgetfulness is not the subject of this article.
Because of the new territorial title of the Crimea and Abkhazia, the legal regime of the Azov-Black Sea basin has changed. In this connection, the author analyzes the legal relations connected with the maritime delimitation of the Azov and Black Seas, revised national legislation of the Black Sea states and international agreements, including the Montreux Convention 1936 as one of the basic agreements defining the legal regime of the Black Sea. Judgments about the legal status of the Azov-Black Sea spaces are compared with the current regional security.
Keywords: Black Sea, the Sea of Azov, the legal regime, international security, delimitation, maritime boundaries, the Montreux Convention.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ana G. López Martín. International Straits: Concept, Classification and Rules of Passage. Springel, 2010.
2. For the 80th year of Montreux Turkish straits Convention (1936). The Turkish straits almanac 2016. BAU.2016. 621 p.
3. Marine Issues from a scientific, political and legal perspective / P. Ehlers, R. Wolfrum. Hugue, London, NY: Kluwer Law International, 2002. 334 p.
4. Maritime Boundaries and ocean resources / G. Blake. Totowa, New Jersey: BARNES&NOBLE BOOKS, 1987. 284 p.
5. Maritime Law / F. L. Marist, T. C. Galligan, Jr., C. M. Maraist. Thomson West, 2003. 839 p.
6. Navigating Straits. Challenges for International Law/ David D. Caron, Nilufer Oral. Leiden. Boston: Brill NIJHOFF, 2014. 366 p.
7. Nihan Ünlü. The Legal Regime of the Turkish Straits. International Straits of the World. Volume 13. Brill, 2002.
8. Nulifer Oral and Bayram ÖZTÜRK. The Turkish straits maritime safety, legal and environmental aspects //Turkish Marine research foundation. Türk Deniz Araş tırmaları Vakfı (TÜDAV). Publication No: 25, 2007.
9. Dremliuga R. The Development of the Black Sea Straits Regulation of International Navigation // Asian Social Science; Vol. 11. No. 12. 2015.
10. Yüksel İnan. The current regime of the Turkish straits/ Journal of International affairs. March - May 2001. Volume VI - Number 1.

Gadzhiev A. Sh.
The protection of public order, the constitutional principle activities of the Russian state
In his article the author gives a deep analysis of the activities of internal Affairs bodies and bodies of local self-government in the field of law enforcement, considering local government as a political and legal Institute in the system of governance and government, and the protection of public order as a constitutional principle of the Russian state. The author mentions the problems of protection of public order and public security in the framework of the tasks of law enforcement, also reveals some theoretical aspects of the protection of public order as a constitutional principle of the Russian state.
Keywords: local government, public order, public security, law enforcement, society, bodies of internal Affairs.
Work bibliographic list
1. Veremeenko I. I. Sushhnost' i ponjatie obshhestvennogo porjadka // Sovetskoe gosudarstvo i pravo. – 1982. – # 3.
2. Verozubov A. V., Levakin A. S. Rol' i mesto organov mestnogo samoupravlenija v osushhestvlenii ohrany obshhestvennogo porjadka // Aktual'nye problemy pravoprimenitel'noj i pravoohranitel'noj dejatel'nosti v sovremennyh uslovijah: Materialy Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii, 28 marta 2003 g., g. Novocherkassk. – Novocherkassk, 2003.
3. Gorbunova O. N. K voprosu ob opredelenii ponjatija «obshhestvennyj porjadok» v sovetskoj nauke administrativnogo prava // Trudy Irkutskogo gosuniversiteta. T. XIX. Serija juridicheskaja. – Vyp. 8. – Ch. 2. – Irkutsk, 1967.
4. David R. Razlichnye koncepcii obshhestvennogo porjadka i prava // Otechestvennye zapiski. – M., 2003. – # 2.
5. Eropkin M. I. Upravlenie v oblasti ohrany obshhestvennogo porjadka. – M., 1951.
6. Lazarev V. V., Popov L. L., Rozin L. M. Pravovye osnovy obespechenija obshhestvennogo porjadka. – M., 1967.
7. Makushin A. A. Organizacionnye i pravovye osnovy dejatel'nosti organov mestnogo samoupravlenija po ohrane obshhestvennogo porjadka: Dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. – Cheljabinsk, 2000.
8. Seregin A. V. Sovetskij obshhestvennyj porjadok i administrativno-pravovye sredstva ego ukreplenija.– M., 1975.
9. Sydoruk I. I. Gosudarstvenno-pravovoe obespechenie pravoporjadka v Rossijskoj Federacii: Teoretiko-prikladnye problemy. – M.: Zakon i pravo, 2003.
10. Jacenko S. S. Otvetstvennost' za prestuplenija protiv obshhestvennogo porjadka. – Kiev, 1976.

Kubiak M., Pushkina A. V.
Legal security as a type of social security
The article is devoted to issues of legal security as a type of social security, analyzing approaches
to the concepts of social and legal security, indicating characteristics of legal security and giving a definition to these terms. The authors note that in order to achieve legal security it is necessary not only to protect individuals and society from possible threats, but also to create a set of instruments that provide a full enjoyment of human rights and freedoms. Legal security is vital to achieve a sustainable development of legal system, since it establishes a level at which various factors cannot adversely affect such legal system, regardless of their social nature and severity.
Keywords: security, social security, legal security.
Work bibliographic list
1. Barbakova K. G., Barbakov O. M., Gavrin A. S., Kostko N. A. Iskusstvo upravlenija gorodom: social'nye jeksperimenty na virtual'nom prostranstve. Kurgan: Zaural'e, 2005.
2. Dal' V. Tolkovyj slovar' zhivogo velikorusskogo jazyka. T 1. M., 1989.
3. Drejshev B. V. Pravovaja bezopasnost' i problemy ee obespechenija // Pravovedenie. – 1998. – # 2.
4. Zelinski Ja. Realizacija prav invalidov na dostupnuju sredu v Respublike Pol'sha: sostojanie i problemy // Pravo na dostupnuju sredu: ocenka sostojanija i mehanizmy zashhity: materialy Kruglogo stola (Krasnojarsk, 20 maja 2016 g.) / sost. A. A. Petrov. Krasnojarsk: ANPO «Pravovoj modus», 2016.
5. Kolotkina O. A. Pravo lichnosti na bezopasnost': ponjatie i mehanizmy obespechenija v Rossijskoj Federacii (teoretiko-prikladnoe issledovanie): dis. …kand. jurid. nauk. Saratov, 2009.
6. Liga M. B. Social'naja bezopasnost' i kachestvo zhizni: konceptual'nyj analiz // Uchenye zapiski Zabajkal'skogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Serija:Filosofija, sociologija, kul'turologija, social'naja rabota. – 2013. – # 4.
7. Panchenko V. Ju., Petrov A. A. Klassifikacija juridicheskih prepjatstvij v realizacii prav i zakonnyh interesov // Pravo i gosudarstvo: teorija i praktika.– 2013. – # 9.
8. Panchenko V. Ju. O ponjatii social'noj pomoshhi // Sociologicheskie issledovanija (SOCIS). – 2012. – # 5.
9. Panchenko V. Ju. O ponjatii juridicheskih prepjatstvij v realizacii i zashhite prav i zakonnyh interesov //Akademicheskij juridicheskij zhurnal. – 2013. – # 3.
10. Panchenko V. Ju. Preodolenie juridicheskih prepjatstvij v realizacii zakonnyh interesov // Pravo i gosudarstvo: teorija i praktika. – 2015. – # 11.
11. Ter-Akopov A. A. Bezopasnost' cheloveka. Social'nye i pravovye osnovy. M., 2005.
12. Tkacheva N. A. Social'naja bezopasnost' i problemy stanovlenija social'nogo partnerstva v sfere trudovoj migracii // Vestnik Cheljabinskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. – 2008. – # 32.
13. Tjurina T. B. Pravovaja bezopasnost' lichnosti v sovremennom Rossijskom gosudarstve (voprosy teorii i praktiki): avtoref. dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. Saratov, 2005.
14. Fomin A. A. Juridicheskaja bezopasnost' i pravovaja zashhishhennost' sootnoshenie i vzaimosvjaz' // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. – 2005. – # 11.
15. Fomin A. A. Juridicheskaja bezopasnost' sub"ektov rossijskogo prava (voprosy teorii i praktiki): dis.… d-ra jurid. nauk. – Saratov, 2008.
16. Frolova N. A., Panchenko V. Ju., Mihaleva A. E. Juridicheskoe strahovanie kak sredstvo obespechenija social'noj bezopasnosti // Agrarnoe i zemel'noe pravo. – 2016. – # 1.
17. Humboldt W. Ideen zu einem Versuch, die Grenzen der Wirksamkeit des Staates zu bestimmen. Stuttgart: Reclam, 2002.

Ponomareva E. V.
Legal regulation of environmental security in Russia
In this article it is spoken about finding ways to improve legal regulation in the sphere of ensuring ecological safety in Russia in order to preserve the constitutional order and security of the country as a whole, stability in society, not violations of rights and lawful interests of individuals and legal entities.
Keywords: environmental safety, legal regulation, normative legal act, requirements for environmental safety.
Work bibliographic list
1. Dogovor mezhdu RF i Respublikoj Belarus' ot 08.12.1999 «O sozdanii Sojuznogo gosudarstva» // SZ RF. 2000. # 7. St. 786.
2. Konstitucija RF ot 12.12.1993 // SZ RF. 2014. # 31. St. 4198.
3. Federal'nyj zakon ot 10.01.2002 # 7-FZ «Ob ohrane okruzhajushhej sredy» // SZ RF. 2002. # 2. St. 133.
4. Federal'nyj zakon ot 23 nojabrja 1995 # 174-FZ «Ob jekologicheskoj jekspertize» // SZ RF. 1995. # 48. St. 4556.
5. Kodeks vnutrennego vodnogo transporta Rossijskoj Federacii ot 07.03.2001 # 24-FZ // SZ RF. 2001. # 11. St. 1001.
6. Ukaz Prezidenta RF ot 04.02.1994 # 236 «O gosudarstvennoj strategii Rossijskoj Federacii po ohrane okruzhajushhej sredy i obespecheniju ustojchivogo razvitija» // Rossijskaja gazeta. # 26. 1994 (09 fevralja).
7. Ukaz Prezidenta RF ot 04.02.1994 # 236 «O gosudarstvennoj strategii Rossijskoj Federacii po ohrane okruzhajushhej sredy i obespecheniju ustojchivogo razvitija» // Rossijskaja gazeta. # 26. 1994 (09 fevralja).
8. Rasporjazhenie Pravitel'stva RF ot 07.02.2011 # 165-r «Ob utverzhdenii Strategii social'no-jekonomicheskogo razvitija Privolzhskogo federal'nogo okruga do 2020 goda» // SZ RF. 2011. # 8. St. 1142.
9. Programma dejstvij Rossijskoj Federacii i Respubliki Belarus' po realizacii polozhenij Dogovora o sozdanii Sojuznogo gosudarstva ot 08.12.1999 // Bjulleten' mezhdunarodnyh dogovorov. # 3. 2000.
10. Ponomareva E. V. Istochniki ugrozy jekologicheskoj bezopasnosti // Agrarnoe i zemel'noe pravo. 2016. # 2 (134). S. 102-104.
11. Chernova G. Sh., Ponomareva E. V. Pravovoj analiz polnomochij Rossijskoj Federacii v sfere zemel'nyh otnoshenij // Agrarnoe i zemel'noe pravo. 2015. # 12 (132). S. 98-100.
12. Jernst V. V. Konstitucionno-pravovoe obespechenie jekologicheskoj bezopasnosti // Rossijskij sledovatel'. 2016. # 2. S. 51 - 55.

Ramazanov T. B., Abukarova S. A.
Some legal measures preventing the financing of terrorism
In the scientific article the financing of terrorism is considered as a material and technical base of the terrorist activities, with examples from judicial practice reveal some of the sources and mechanisms of the crimes. On this basis, the financing of terrorism is supposed to allocate separate category of crimes under the Criminal Code st. 2051 (facilitating terrorist activity).
Keywords: terrorism, the financing, the crime, аwarning, activity.
Work bibliographic list
1. Boevoj raschet. Na Juge Rossii bandformirovanija rabotajut po biznes-planam // Izvestija. 2011. 13 aprelja.
2. Przhezdomskij A. S. V jepicentre protivostojanija ideologii smerti // // Nacional'nyj antiterroristicheskij komitet [Oficial'nyj sajt]. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: «Publikacii».
3. Ramazanov T. B. Aktual'nye voprosy bor'by s jekstremizmom i terrorizmom v Dagestane // Vestnik Dagestanskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. 2011. # 2.S. 10-16.
4. Ramazanov T. B., Alibekova E. A. Znachenie ugolovno-pravovyh priznakov prestuplenija dlja ugolovno-processual'nogo dokazyvanija po delam o terrorizme // Vestnik Dagestanskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. 2013. # 2. S. 159-164.
5. Sushhij S. Ja. Terroristicheskoe podpol'e na vostoke Severnogo Kavkaza (Chechnja, Dagestan, Ingushetija). Rostov n/D: Izd-vo JuNC RAN, 2010. S. 33-34.
6. Tekushev I. Imarat Kavkaz kak osobaja islamskaja «jetno-fundamentalistskaja model'». [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: //

Saifullin E. V.
On the question of the application of the federal law
«On the participation of citizens in the protection of public order»
The article deals with the problems of citizens' participation in the protection of public order. It makes a number of proposals for further development of the Institute of citizens to participate in managing state affairs in the field of internal affairs.
Keywords: voluntary national teams, associations of law enforcement focus, public control, public order, public safety.
Work bibliographic list
1. Igbaeva G. R., Sajfullin Je. V. Razvitie mehanizma uchastija grazhdan v ohrane obshhestvennogo porjadka kak jelement sovershenstvovanija sistemy gosudarstven- nogo upravlenija // Materialy mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii «Aktual'nye problemy prava i gosudarstva v XXI veke». 2015. # 7-5.S. 189-194.
2. Novikov S. V. Osobennosti processa podgotovki dobrovol'nogo narodnogo druzhinnika v Tambovskom gosudarstvennom universitete imeni G. R. Derzhavina // Social'no-jekonomicheskie javlenija i processy.2014. # 12. S. 317-321.
3. Sajfullin Je. V. Obespechenie uchastija grazhdan v ohrane obshhestvennogo porjadka kak uslovie razvitija institutov grazhdanskogo obshhestva // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2015. # 11 (90). S. 256-257.
4. Fatkullin B. H. Nekotorye voprosy kontrol'no-nadzornoj dejatel'nosti uchastkovogo upolnomochennogo policii // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2016. # 5 (96). S. 265-266.
5. Jamaletdinova N. V. Teoreticheskie, metodologicheskie i organizacionnye osnovy social'nogo audita pravoohranitel'noj dejatel'nosti // Evrazijskaja advokatura. 2016. # 4 (23). S. 88-91.

Azizova V. T.
To the question of legal competence of the head of educational institution
The purpose of this article is the analysis of features of legal competence of heads of educational institutions. The main methods of achievement of results are legallistic, system, comparative and legal, separate logical receptions, ways of interpretation of normative documents. Article has theoretical character and investigates separate aspects of contents and functions of legal competence of heads of educational institutions.
Keywords: legal competence, education, regulations, professional standard, poll of heads of educational institutions.
Work bibliographic list
1. Azizova V. T. Osobennosti soderzhanija pravovoj kompetentnosti rabotnikov obrazovanija v professional'nyh standartah // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2016. # 8.
2. Il'kovskaja I. M. Professional'naja kompetentnost' rukovoditelja obrazovatel'noj organizacii: opredelenie i osobennosti // Vestnik Saratovskogo gosudarstvennogo tehnicheskogo universiteta. 2014. # 1.
3. Mjagkova S. V. Formirovanie pravovoj kompetentnosti direktora shkoly v sovremennyh uslovijah // Mir nauki, kul'tury, obrazovanija. # 5 (17) 2009.
4. Spasskaja V. V. Problemy pravovogo regulirovanija otnoshenij v sfere obrazovanija // Stanovlenie i tendencii razvitija rossijskogo obrazovatel'nogo prava v kontekste otechestvennyh tradicij, evropejskih i mirovyh tendencij: Materialy nauch.‐praktich. seminara 20 fevralja 2007 g. – M.: Issledovatel'skij centr problem kachestva podgotovki specialistov, 2007.
5. Chernikova S. V. Formirovanie pravovoj kompetentnosti v oblasti upravlenija kachestvom obrazovanija //Akademicheskij vestnik Instituta obrazovanija vzroslyh Rossijskoj akademii obrazovanija. 2009. # 3.

Murtazaliyev A. M., Mirzaev M. A.
Principles for the establishment of a system of continuing legal education
In this article the authors reveal the existing problems of the organization of continuing legal education in the Russian Federation, paying particular attention to the modern legal culture and legal education of young people, and discusses the possible ways of improving the system of continuing legal education in Russia.
Keywords: legal education, rule of law, legal culture, pravovozzrenie, awareness, civic education.
Work bibliographic list
1. Konstitucii RF, 1993 g.
2. Baranov V. N. Pravosoznanie, pravovaja kul'tura i pravovoe vospitanie. M.: Lan', 2013.
3. Kirsanov I. V. Priroda pravovogo vospitanija //SPS «Konsul'tant-pljus». [Jelektronnyj resurs] (po sost. na 20.09.2016).
4. Pevcova E. A. Pravovoe vospitanie kak sredstvo formirovanija pravovoj kul'tury // Sovremennoe pravo. # 10. 2013.
5. Rabovskaja O. S., Shirshov V. D. Opyt modernizacii pravovogo vospitanija v obrazovatel'noj shkole //Pedagogicheskoe obrazovanie v Rossii. 2012. # 2.
6. Smolenskij M. B. Pravo i pravovaja kul'tura kak bazovaja cennost' grazhdanskogo obshhestva // SPS «Konsul'tant-pljus». [Jelektronnyj resurs] (po 19.09.2016).
7. Jurasjuk N. V. Formirovanie pravovoj kompetentnosti menedzhera na primere prepodavanija discipliny «Pravovoe obespechenie dejatel'nosti menedzhera organizacii» // Specialist. 2010. # 10. S. 10.

Titova O. Z.
The intensification of communicative skills of students of the FSEI OF HE SLI FSEP of Russia in the study of the discipline “Russian language in business documents”
The article examines the activatization of cadets’ communicative skills in the process of teaching the discipline "Russian language and culture of speech." The author proves the necessity of speech culture formation of the future staff of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia.
Keywords: communicative skills, formation, teaching, activatization, saying.
Work bibliographic list
1. Arypbekova D. D. Formirovanie kljuchevyh kompetencij studentov na zanjatijah po russkomu jazyku //Molodoj uchenyj. – 2016. – # 20.1. – S. 3-6.
2. Busygina A. L. Sovershenstvovanie professional'noj kompetentnosti sotrudnikov pravoohranitel'nyh organov // Izvestija Samarskogo nauchnogo centra RAN. – 2012. – # 2-6. – S. 175-177.
3. Goldovanskaja I. B. Formirovanie kommunikativnyh kompetencij kak odin iz vedushhih principov podgotovki vysokokvalificirovannyh specialistov dlja sistemy FSIN Rossii // Istorija i sovremennost' penitenciarnoj sistemy Rossii: materialy Mezhdunar. nauch.-prakt. konf. (18 maja 2006 g.) – Pskov: Pskov. jurid. in-t FSIN Rossii, 2006. – S. 308-315.
4. Grekov V. F. i dr. Posobie dlja zanjatij po russkomu jazyku. – M.: Prosveshhenie, 2008. – 285 s.
5. Maksimov V. I. Russkij jazyk i kul'tura rechi. – M.: Gardariki, 2002. – 357 s.
6. Petrushevskaja L. S. Lingvisticheskie skazochki. – M.: Jeksmo, 2006.
7. Selevko G. K. Sovremennye obrazovatel'nye tehnologii. – M.: Narodnoe obrazovanie, 1998. – 290 s.
8. Fedosova E. A. Povyshenie urovnja rechevoj kul'tury studenta posredstvom vypolnenija nestandartnyh zadanij po russkomu jazyku. [Jelektronnyj resurs]/ E. A. Fedosova // Metodika prepodavanija jazyka // Lingua mobilis. – 2011.– # 3 (29). – S. 184.

Bykov V. N., Bykov K. V.
Mentality of the social group of the social movement of 1860s-1900s participants on the example of the herald groups in Moscow Duma
The article considers some of the views on the dynamics of the development of legislation on self-government in Russia during the reform of regional governance; also it reveals the specifics of the interaction of social consciousness and mentality of herald social groups in representative body of self-government; the possibility of the social stratification applying in the analysis of power elites is demonstrated.
Key words: public figures, social cohort, regional institute of public authority, heralds of the city Duma, prosopographic approach, interpersonal relationships analysis, system of mental values.

Murtazaliyev A. M., Bekishieva S. R.
Problems of increase of legal competence of employees of education: analysis of results of sociological research
The purpose of this article is to analyze the results of sociological research problems of formation and increase of legal competence of employees of education at the present stage. The main methods of achievement are sociological, formal-legal, system, comparative legal, logical analysis and synthesis techniques. The article is of an applied nature and examines the results of a poll of employees of educational institutions of the Republic of Dagestan.
Keywords: legal competence, professional competence, education, legal education, educational legislation.
Work bibliographic list
1. Poslanie Prezidenta Rossijskoj Federacii Federal'nomu Sobraniju Rossijskoj Federacii. 1 dekabrja 2016 goda. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
2. Korochkova L. N. Problema professional'noj kompetentnosti pedagoga v kontekste sovremennogo obrazovanija // Vestnik Bashkirskogo universiteta. 2006.T. 11. # 4.
3. Murtazaliv A. M., Mirzaev M. A. Pravovaja kompetentnost' budushhego pedagoga // Juridicheskij vestnik DGU. 2016. # 3.
4. Bekishieva S. R. Pravovaja kompetentnost' pedagoga kak predmet juridicheskih issledovanij // Juridicheskij vestnik DGU. 2016. # 2.
5. Bortnikova Ju. A., Naumenko O. N., Naumenko E. A. Gosudarstvennoe obrazovanie kak sistema bor'by protiv islamskogo jekstremizma // Vestnik Kemerovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. 2015. # 3-1.
6. Gershunskij B. S. Filosofija obrazovanija dlja XXI veka. M.: Sovershenstvo, 1998.
7. Ippolitova N. V. Lichnostnyj aspekt realizacii principa nepreryvnosti v professional'nom obrazovanii // Vestnik Juzhno-Ural'skogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Serija: Obrazovanie. Pedagogicheskie nauki. 2015. T. 7. # 1.
8. Moskovcev D. V. Teoretiko-metodologicheskij podhod k formirovaniju pravovoj kompetentnosti u budushhih pedagogov professional'nogo obrazovanija// Vestnik Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo oblastnogo universiteta. Serija: Pedagogika. 2015. # 3.
9. Nesterova A. Ju. Kognitivnaja dejatel'nost', professional'naja kompetentnost' i identichnost' pedagoga// Nauka i shkola. 2014. # 3.

Safin F. G.
Ethnosocial aspects of the adaptation of ethnic groups to the challenges of the market economy (based on the data of ethnosociological surveys in Bashkortostan)
Based on the data of ethnosociological research held in 1990-2014 in the Republic of Bashkortostan, this article makes an attempt to show social bases of the adaptation of ethnic groups to the challenges of the market economy. The integration into the market was different among the ethnic groups. It depended on their place of habitation, their involvement into the commercial production or commercial-service maintenance.
Keywords: ethnic groups, market economy, social mood, level of life, social structure.

Adukov R. H., Aydinova A. T., Zakharov R. V.
What hinders the development of consumer cooperation in Russia’s AIC?
This article sets out the basic obstacles to the establishment of consumer cooperatives in Russia’s
agriculture. It has been shown that one of the most appropriate directions of its development is the
organization of agricultural production on the procurement contract on the basis of the establishment of production and economic relations between the small forms of managing in the industry, includingpeasant farms and smallholdings and large agribusinesses, processing and trading enterprises.
Keywords: consumer cooperation, agriculture, public administration, local self-government in rural areas, agricultural production by contracting agreements, small forms of management, large
enterprises of agro-industrial complex.
Work bibliographic list
1. Miloserdov V.V. Kooperacija - zveno, vzjavshis' za kotoroe mozhno vytjanut' vsju cep' // Jekonomika sel'skogo hozjajstva Rossii. 2014.#1. S. 66-74.
2. Kooperativy v processe social'nogo razvitija i provedenie Mezhdunarodnogo goda kooperativov / Doklad General'nogo sekretarja OON na 66 sessii General'noj Assamblei 13 ijulja 2011 goda [Jelektronnyj resurs] – Rezhim dostupa:URL:
3. Zalchik Z., Vashkovski K. Nauchnyj doklad «Finansirovanie pol'skogo sel'skogo hozjajstva v ramkah agrarnoj politiki ES». – M.: RASHN, 2011.
4. Adukov R.H. Upravlencheskaja priroda faktorov razvitija sel'skohozjajstvennoj potrebitel'skoj kooperacii // Jekonomika sel'skogo hozjajstva Rossii. 2016. # 11. S. 85-90.
5. Adukov R.H., Adukova A.N. Novye podhody k razvitiju strategii upravlenija sel'skimi territorijami// Jekonomika sel'skohozjajstvennyh i pererabatyvajushhih predprijatij. 2016. # 12. S. 40-43.

Degtev G. V., Sergeev V. E., Tormozova E. D.
Modern management of the service contract as the foundation of effective procurement
In the activity the contract service is guided by the principles and precepts of law of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Civil and Budgetary codes of the Russian Federation, provisions of the Federal law "About Contract System in the Sphere of Purchases of Goods, Works, Services for Ensuring the State and Municipal Needs" No. 44-FZ, the order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation of October 29, 2013 N 631 "About the adoption of the Standard provision (regulations) on contract service" and other regulations about contract system in the sphere of purchases. Employees of contract service, the contract managing director have to have the higher education or additional professional education in the sphere of purchases. The question of need of training and professional development of employees is solved the customer independently (the letter of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation of 29.04.2016 of N D28i-1129).
Keywords: purchases, contract system, contract service, modern management, effective purchases.
Work bibliographic list
1. Gladilina I. P. Kriterii ocenki jeffektivnosti dejatel'nosti rabotnikov kontraktnyh sluzhb stolichnogo megapolisa // Aktual'nye voprosy razvitija professionalizma zakazchikov v sisteme zakupok goroda Moskvy. – M. - Chehov, Centr obrazovatel'nogo i nauchnogo konsaltinga, 2016. – S. 16-19.
2. Gladilina I. P. Metodologicheskoe soprovozhdenie razvitija professionalizma zakazchikov kak problema kadrovogo obespechenija sfery zakupok // Pravo i obrazovanie. - 2016. - # 9.
3. Isaevich A. I. Mezhvedomstvennoe vzaimodejstvie v ramkah sistemy gorodskih zakupok na jetape planirovanija (na primere goroda Moskvy) // Uspehi sovremennoj nauki i obrazovanija, 2016. - T. 2. - # 8. - S. 54-57.
4. Postanovlenie RF ot 06.05.2008 g. # 362 «Ob utverzhdenii gosudarstvennyh trebovanij k professional'noj perepodgotovke, povysheniju kvalifikacii i stazhirovke gosudarstvennyh grazhdanskih sluzhashhih Rossijskoj Federacii». – [Jelektronnyj resurs]. –Rezhim dostupa: Konsul'tantPljus.
5. Federal'nyj zakon #44-FZ «O kontraktnoj sisteme v sfere zakupok tovarov, rabot, uslug dlja obespechenija gosudarstvennyh i municipal'nyh nuzhd». – [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: Konsul'tantPljus.

Sergeeva S. A.
Professional statistical analysis of the scope of the procurement as the basis of efficiency of procurement activities
Purchases did not find due reflection in system of the statistical analysis today. In many respects it is explained by a fragmentariness of statistical search and justification of the obtained data which are traditionally applied in this segment of economic statistics. Formation of contract system in the sphere of purchases of goods, works, services for ensuring the state and municipal needs demanded new administrative approaches to all stages of a purchasing cycle. Adoption of the reasonable administrative decision at implementation of each particular procurement demands from the customer of the analysis of many factors including statistical data. To build reasonable dynamics (positive or negative) development of purchases of goods, works, services without reliable statistical information are not possible. The data which are in a complex reflecting its development are necessary for effective management of system of purchases of the country, the region.
Lack of modern criteria and indicators of the statistical analysis of purchases is the serious obstacle which is not allowing to fulfill deeply a national objective of an effective expenditure of budgetary funds, achievements of qualitative result at all stages of a purchasing cycle.
Development of a complex of techniques of the modern statistical analysis and tools reflecting specifics, evolution and prospects not only the sphere of purchases, but also socially – economic statistics per se is necessary. Development of a complex of criteria and indicators of the statistical analysis which is based on the quantitative characteristic of a state and development of purchases will allow to define and prevent the main risks both from customers, and from suppliers that, in turn, will promote adoption of the administrative decisions directed to growth of quality of the government, municipal and corporate procurement.
Keywords: purchases, statistical analysis, efficiency, professionalism.
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon ot 05.04.2013 N 44-FZ (red. ot 03.07.2016) «O kontraktnoj sisteme v sfere zakupok tovarov, rabot, uslug dlja obespechenija gosudarstvennyh i municipal'nyh nuzhd». [Jelektronnyj resurs].– Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 29.11.2016).
2. Gladilina I. P. Upravlencheskaja kompetentnost' v strukture professionalizma zakazchika // Fundamental'nye issledovanija. 2015. # 2 –5. S. 1013-1016. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
3. Djogtev G. V., Akimov N. A., Gladilina I. P. Professionalizm zakazchikov kak prioritetnyj faktor razvitija kontraktnoj sistemy v sfere zakupok// Sovetnik prezidenta. 2014. # 125. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: http://sovetnikprezidenta.
4. Karmanov M. V. Statistika i korrupcija v sovremennoj Rossii // Voprosy statistiki. 2013. # 2.
5. Oficial'nyj sajt Departamenta goroda Moskvy po konkurentnoj politike. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:

Stavtseva T. I.
Business Corruption factors on the base of institutional economics methodology
The paper attempts to analyze the factors of business corruption from the point of institutional economics methodology based on transaction cost theory and tools of the principal-agent model. Corruption is presented as a part of the institutional environment, which determines the efficiency of economic behavior.
Key words: business corruption, corruption factors, transaction costs, imperfect information, opportunism.
Work bibliographic list
1. Gladilina I. P. Kriterii ocenki jeffektivnosti dejatel'nosti rabotnikov kontraktnyh sluzhb stolichnogo megapolisa // Aktual'nye voprosy razvitija professionalizma zakazchikov v sisteme zakupok goroda Moskvy. – M. - Chehov, Centr obrazovatel'nogo i nauchnogo konsaltinga, 2016. – S. 16-19.
2. Gladilina I. P. Metodologicheskoe soprovozhdenie razvitija professionalizma zakazchikov kak problema kadrovogo obespechenija sfery zakupok // Pravo i obrazovanie. - 2016. - # 9.
3. Isaevich A. I. Mezhvedomstvennoe vzaimodejstvie v ramkah sistemy gorodskih zakupok na jetape planirovanija (na primere goroda Moskvy) // Uspehi sovremennoj nauki i obrazovanija, 2016. - T. 2. - # 8. - S. 54-57.
4. Postanovlenie RF ot 06.05.2008 g. # 362 «Ob utverzhdenii gosudarstvennyh trebovanij k professional'noj perepodgotovke, povysheniju kvalifikacii i stazhirovke gosudarstvennyh grazhdanskih sluzhashhih Rossijskoj Federacii». – [Jelektronnyj resurs]. –Rezhim dostupa: Konsul'tantPljus.
5. Federal'nyj zakon #44-FZ «O kontraktnoj sisteme v sfere zakupok tovarov, rabot, uslug dlja obespechenija gosudarstvennyh i municipal'nyh nuzhd». – [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: Konsul'tantPljus.

Maksimenko Z. V., Lackman I. A.,
Rozanova L. F., Popov D. V.
A model of probable sum of payment evaluation within the strategy of past due debts’ collection management
Collection services market currently needs analytical products that allow organizing effective past due debts’ management: identify perspectives, determine the sum and the period of payments and also to choose the most effective strategy for working with each debtor.
The offered model allows estimating collection financial flows and optimizing the work with the debtor based on the obtained results.
Keywords: collection scoring, debt collection, Heckman model
Work bibliographic list
1. Maksimenko Z. V., Rozanova L. F., Askarova A. A., Fedorova K. A. About one method of collection financial flows estimation// CSIT’2015. Proceedings of the 17th International Workshop on Computer Science and Information Technologies, 2015. S. 167-172.
2. Agirregabirija V. Zametki o modeljah s samootborom vyborki // Kvantil'. 2009. # 7. S. 21-26.
3. Grigorchuk T. I., Maksimenko Z. V., Rozanova L. F., Bikbulatova G. R. Skoringovoe modelirovanie finansovyh potokov ot vzyskanija // Jelektronnyj nauchnyj zhurnal Neftegazovoe delo. 2015. # 5. S. 630-655.
4. Lakman I. A., Maksimenko Z. V., Grigorchuk T. I., Rezvanova Je. R. Optimizacija rabot po vzyskaniju problemnoj zadolzhennosti dlja upravlenija dejatel'nost'ju kollektorskogo podrazdelenija agentstva //Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2015. # 4 (83). S. 139-142.
5. Maksimenko Z. V., Rozanova L. F., Bikbulatova G. R., Fjodorova K. A. Ocenka finansovyh potokov ot vzyskanija v ramkah kollektorskogo skoringa // Information Technologies for Intelligent Decision Making Support (ITIDS’2015). Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference, 2015. S. 195-200.
6. Maksimenko Z. V., Fedorova K. A., Medvedeva E. V. Razrabotka kompleksnoj strategii upravlenija vzyskaniem zadolzhennosti // Informacionnye tehnologii i sistemy. Trudy Pjatoj Mezhdunarodnoj nauchnoj konferencii. FGBOU VPO «Cheljabinskij gosudarstvennyj universitet», 2016. S. 255-260.
7. NAPKA – nacional'naja associacija professional'nyh kollektorskih agentstv. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. –Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 01.10.2016)
8. Rozanova L. F., Lakman I. A., Maksimenko Z. V. Informacionnaja podderzhka formirovanija strategii vzyskanija prosrochennoj zadolzhennosti na osnove kollektorskogo skoringa // Informacionnye tehnologii i sistemy. Trudy Chetvertoj Mezhdunarodnoj nauchnoj konferencii. Otvetstvennye redaktory: Ju. S. Popkov, A. V. Mel'nikov, 2015. S. 139-140

Musina D. R., Birukova V. V., Musalimov A. D.
The energy intensity of gross domestic product in the Russia
The article presents the targets of state energy efficiency program, energy intensity of gross domestic product (GDP) and hydrocarbon resource economy are compared with the target levels.
The energy consumption in relation to gross domestic product for the Russian Federation and the
United States in dynamic is analyzed. Specific energy consumption and per capita consumption are calculated. To assess the closeness of the connection between the parameters the linear correlation coefficient is estimated. The conclusions are made.
Keywords: energy consumption, gross domestic product, per capita energy consumption, the
Work bibliographic list
1. Gosudarstvennaja programma jenergosberezhenija i povyshenija jenergeticheskoj jeffektivnosti na period do 2020 g. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 01.12.2016).
2. Avdeeva L. A., Asadullina M. V. Ob osnovnyh napravlenijah i faktorah snizhenija jenergoemkosti valovogo regional'nogo produkta Respubliki Bashkortostan // V sbornike «Problemy i tendencii razvitija innovacionnoj jekonomiki: mezhdunarodnyj opyt  i rossijskaja praktika». Materialy III Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. Ufimskij gosudarstvennyj neftjanoj tehnicheskij universitet, Institut jekonomiki. 2015. S. 7-10.
3. Birjukova V. V. Upravlenie sbalansirovannym razvitiem predprijatij neftjanoj promyshlennosti // Vestnik Sibirskoj gosudarstvennoj avtomobil'nodorozhnoj akademii. 2016. # 1 (47). S. 87-94.
4. Birjukova V. V., Valeeva Je. N. Analiz podhodov k ocenke konkurentosposobnosti neftjanoj kompanii na mezhdunarodnom rynke// Jelektronnyj nauchnyj zhurnal «Neftegazovoe delo». 2015. # 4. S. 538-548.
5. Burenina I. V., Battalova A. A., Gamilova D. A., Alekseeva S. V. Mirovaja praktika upravlenija jenergojeffektivnost'ju // Internet-zhurnal «Naukovedenie». 2014. # 3 (22).
6. Burenina I. V., Gafarova Z. R., Karpov V. G., Kotov D. V., Pozdeeva N. R., Solov'eva I. A., Halikova M. A. Jekonomicheskie osnovy proizvodstva v truboprovodnom transporte nefti i gaza: uchebnik. Ufa: Izd-vo «Ufimskij gosudarstvennyj neftjanoj tehnicheskij universitet», 2011.
7. Irkabaeva R. I., Mutalov S. V., Musina D. R. Kosvennyj metod ocenki jeffektivnosti zatrat na ohranu truda i promyshlennuju bezopasnost'// Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2016. # 8 (99). S. 348-350.
8. Musina D. R. Mezhdunarodnyj neftegazovyj biznes/uchebnoe posobie, Ufimskij gosudarstvennyj neftjanoj tehnicheskij universitet. Ufa, 2009.
9. Musina D. R. Cenoobrazovanie na rynke nefti i gaza/uchebnoe posobie, Ufimskij gosudarstvennyj neftjanoj tehnicheskij universitet. Ufa, 2009.
10. Nizamova G. Z., Musina D. R. Prognozirovanie innovacionnoj dejatel'nosti neftegazovyh kompanij//Naukovedenie. 2016. # 4. Tom 8.
11. Tasmuhanova A. E. Jekonomika predprijatij: uchebnoe posobie / Ufimskij gosudarstvennyj neftjanoj tehnicheskij universitet. Ufa, 2010.

Redkina T. M.
Resource reorientation of Russia as a factor in the growth of its in-vestment attractiveness in the international market
The article discusses the prospects of Russia's transition from energy to other types of resources with the purpose of expansion of interaction of Russia as a strategic partner on the international market.
Keywords: regional disparities, competitiveness, strategic investment partner, international market, energy.
Work bibliographic list
1. Brykina N. V. Formirovanie kadrovogo potenciala sel'skogo hozjajstva. Dissertacija na soiskanie uchenoj stepeni kandidata jekonomicheskih nauk po special'nosti 08.00.05 – Jekonomika i upravlenie narodnym hozjajstvom (jekonomika truda). – Ul'janovsk,
2014. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data poseshhenija:17.10.2016 g.).
2. Inozemcev V. Bezvrednye sankcii: pochemu ih otmena ne prineset pol'zy Rossii [Jelektronnyj resurs]. –Rezhim dostupa (data poseshhenija: 18.10.2016 g.).
3. Lossan A. Zarjadka dlja jekonomiki [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa (data poseshhenija: 18.10.2016 g.).
4. Motivirovannost' protiv proizvoditel'nosti[Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa (data poseshhenija: 19.10.2016 g.).
5. Na VJeF Japonija i Rossija podpisali 20 soglashenij [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa (data poseshhenija: 19.10.2016 g.).
6. Novikov V.G. Trudovoj potencial sel'skih territorij: ego vosproizvodstvo i regulirovanie. – M.:FGBOU VPO RGAZU, 2011.
7. Prezidenty Rossii i Korei obsudili voprosy evrazijskoj integracii [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa (data poseshhenija: 19.10.2016 g.).
8. Problemy razvitija jekonomiki i obshhestva. Monografija / Ermolina M. A., Kir'janov I. V., Kochegarova E. D., Ksenofontova T. Ju., Lysochenko A. A., Mingaleva Zh. A., Klochko E. N., Novikov V.S., Danilov G.V., Rochev K.V. St. Louis, 2013. – 256 s.
9. Putin otkazalsja verit' v zakat jery uglevodorodov [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data poseshhenija: 18.10.2016 g.).
10. Rossijskih fermerov nachnet finansirovat' Kitaj [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa kitaj.html (data poseshhenija: 19.10.2016 g.).
11. Trillion dlja samyh jenergichnyh [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa
delegacij.html (data poseshhenija: 19.10.2016 g.).
12. Tumanov V. Vybor istochnika: mozhno li govorit' o konce neftegazovoj jenergetiki [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa (data poseshhenija: 18.10.2016 g.).
13. Farhutdinov I. Z. Pravovye osnovy i tendencii razvitija Evrazijskoj jekonomicheskoj integracii:sravnitel'nyj analiz mezhdisciplinarnogo vzaimodejstvija specialistov i uchenyh v oblasti prava gosudarstv – chlenov Evrazijskogo jekonomicheskogo sojuza i SNG (na osnove dejatel'nosti evrazijskogo juridicheskogo zhurnala v 2007-2016 godah) // Evrazijskaja jekonomicheskaja perspektiva: sb.dokladov / Pod red. I. A. Maksimceva. – 2016. – S. 156-166.
14. Hirosigje Sjeko: potencial RF i Japonii mozhet privlech' bol'she kompanij na Dal'nij Vostok [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa (data poseshhenija: 19.10.2016 g.).
15. Jeksperty VShJe nazvali tri varianta finansirovanija obrazovanija i mediciny [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: 8/10/2016/580621ce9a794757551744b8 (data poseshhenija:18.10.2016 g.).

Ipatjev I. R.
Regulation and supervision in the sphere of activity of unit investment funds and nongovernmental pension funds
In article an attempt of comparison of various forms and methods of regulation and control of activity of such funds of collective investment as mutual investment funds and the non-state pension funds in respect of their efficiency and safety in the sphere of investment of private accumulation is made.
Advantages and shortcomings of functioning of participants of collective investment as financial intermediaries are exposed, ways of increase in efficiency of this activity are considered.
Advantages of mutual investment funds before other forms of collective investment are shown. The formation of standard and legal base of mutual funds is almost completed and now is the fullest and developed. It in many respects determines growth of popularity of mutual investment funds, especially among small investors.
Keywords: investments, regulation, supervision, share funds, pension non-state funds, collective investment, risks of investment.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ob investicionnyh fondah: Federal'nyj zakon: ot 29.11. 2001 g. # 156-FZ: [v red. ot 23.07.2013 g.].
2. O negosudarstvennyh pensionnyh fondah: Federal'nyj zakon: ot 07.05.1998 g. # 75-FZ: [v red. ot 23.07.2013 g.].
3. O regulirovanii dejatel'nosti specializirovannyh depozitariev akcionernyh investicionnyh fondov, paevyh investicionnyh fondov i negosudarstvennyh pensionnyh fondov: postanovlenie Pravitel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii ot 10.02.2004 g. # 04-3/ps: [v red. ot 15.04.2008 g.].
4. Ob investirovanii sredstv dlja finansirovanija nakopitel'noj chasti trudovoj pensii v Rossijskoj Federacii: Federal'nyj zakon ot 24.07.2002 g. # 111-FZ: [v red. ot 23.07.2013 g.].
5. Abramov A. E. Investicionnye fondy. Dohodnost' i riski, strategii upravlenija portfelem, ob"ekty investirovanija v Rossii / A. E. Abramov. M.: Al'pina Biznes Buks, 2005. 416 s.
6. Erygina N. S. Normativno-pravovaja baza raboty paevyh investicionnyh fondov v Rossijskoj Federacii // Juvenis scientia. 2016. # 2.
7. Mal'cev D. B. Investirovanie sredstv pensionnyh nakoplenij v sovremennyh uslovijah // Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. 2014. # 4.

Gaysina A. V., Suyundukova A. A.
Personnel potential of the oil companies as the basis economic growth of the country
The article deals with the main theoretical concepts of economic growth, concept of sanctions,
their reasons and consequences. In the last two years Russia faced with serious shocks for economy:fall in the world oil price, weakening of national currency, economic and political sanctions. This is a serious check of Russian economic durability. It should be stressed that EU and the USA sanctions against Russia is one of the most discussed subjects around the world, because it can have greate consequences. The sanctions can affect national economy of the country or become the reason of
financial crisis.
Key words: Russia, human resources, oil prices, the ruble, strategy, model of economic development and growth.
Work bibliographic list
1. Hisamutdinova I. A. Kurs jekonomiki i teorii rynka // Uchebnoe posobie. 2009. S. 25-67.
2. Gajsina A. V. Povyshenie konkurentosposobnosti vuzov kak faktor rosta chelovecheskogo potenciala strany. Harisova A. Z., Gajsina A. V. Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2016. # 3 (94). S. 334-335.
3. Gajsina A. V., Chelovecheskij kapital v strukture nacional'nogo bogatstva // Regional'naja jekonomika vkontekste sovremennosti VI: mezhvuz. sb. nauch. trudov: v 2 kn. / redkol.: I. A. Hisamutdinov i dr. Ufa: Izd-vo UGNTU, 2013. Vyp. 6. C. 130-135.
4. Ponomareva T. K., Vavilova N. T. Gazovyj kontrakt Rossija-Kitaj: problemy i perspektivy // Problemy sbora, podgotovki i transporta nefti i nefteproduktov: nauchn.-tehnich. Zhurnal / UGNTU. 2016. # 2. S. 84-96.

Stoletov A. I.
Comparison of understanding creativity in ancient philosophy and Buddhism
Particularities of the western and eastern approaches to the essence of the creative process are compared in the article by using the comparative method. Based on the works of Plato, Aristotle, and works of experts on Buddhism and a number of specialized concepts, it shows that the essence of creativity has a predominantly extroverted character lies in the development of the world, filling it with things, passing from nothingness into being from the point of view of Western thinkers. The scientific and technical kinds of creative activity are actualized in that way. The essence of creativity has introverted character and is directed to the person seeking to enter into the true reality
beyond the illusory material world from the viewpoint of oriental culture. The artistic kind of creativity are actualized in that way. Similarities in the eastern and western approaches are revealed during the comparison. Conditions of the subject of creativity, which make possible the creative process, have similarity in the West and in the East. Catharsis refers to the satori which means freedom from material dependence.
The spontaneity and nondifferentiability "black box" of the creative process is common to them. It enables access to the fundamental levels of existence, to the area of pure forms, which is identified with emptiness in the East.
Keywords: creativity, Comparative method, catharsis, satori, being, nothingness, Buddhism, Antiquity.
Work bibliographic list
1. Antologija daosskoj filosofii/ Sost. V. V. Maljavin, B. B. Vinogrodskij. M.: Tovarishhestvo «Klyshnikov-Komarov i Ko», 1994.
2. Aristotel'. Pojetika. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 30.04.2016).
3. Vygotskij L. S. Psihologija iskusstva. Rostov-na-Donu: Izd-vo «Feniks», 1998. 480 s.
4. Dolin A. Istorija novoj japonskoj pojezii. V 4 tt.SPb.: «Giperion», 2007. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 30.04.2016).
5. D'jakonova E. M. O vozmozhnom i nevozmozhnom v japonskoj pojezii // Jestetika Bytija i jestetika Teksta v kul'turah srednevekovogo Vostoka. M.: Izdatel'skaja firma «Vostochnaja literatura» RAN, 1995. S. 262-283.
6. Kassirer Je. Opyt o cheloveke. Vvedenie v filosofiju chelovecheskoj kul'tury // Kassirer Je. Izbrannoe.Opyt o cheloveke. M.: Gardarika, 1998. S. 440-722.
7. Kipling R. Ballada o Vostoke i Zapade/ Per. E. Polonskoj // Kipling R. Rasskazy; Stihotvorenija: Per.s angl. L. Hud. lit., 1989. 368 s. [Jelektronnyj resurs].– Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 26.04.2016).
8. Koval' S. N., Holin Ju. E. Duh voina/ S. N. Koval', Ju. E. Holin. Izd. 2-e. Rostov n/D: Feniks, 2006. 448 s.
9. Lukmanova R. H., Stoletov A. I. O daossko-buddijskoj traktovke sushhnosti tvorchestva // Uchenye zapiski Kazanskogo universiteta. Serija: gumanitarnye nauki. 2014. T. 156. # 1. S. 94-105.
10. Luri D. D. Vosem' Vrat Dzjen: Programma praktiki dzjen / Perev. s angl. M.: OOO Izdatel'stvo «Sofija», 2007. 320 s.
11. Mariten Zh. Tvorcheskaja intuicija v iskusstve i pojezii / Per. s franc. M.: «Rossijskaja politicheskaja jenciklopedija» (ROSSPJeN), 2004. 400 s.
12. Platon. Fedon, Pir, Fedr, Parmenid / Obshh. red. A.F. Loseva, V. F. Asmusa, A. A. Taho-Godi; per. s drev- negrech. M.: Izd-vo «Mysl'», 1999.
13. Platon. Fileb, Gosudarstvo, Timej, Kritij. M.:Mysl', 1999.
14. Radhakrishnan S. Indijskaja filosofija: V 2-h tt./ Per. s angl. M.: «Mif», 1993. T. I. S. 156.
15. Sudzuki D. Lekcii o dzjen-buddizme // Je. Fromm, D. Sudzuki, R. de Martino. Dzjen-buddizm i psihoanaliz/ Per. s angl. M.: Izd-vo «Ves' Mir», 1997. S. 6-96.
16. Sudzuki D. T. Osnovy Dzjen-Buddizma // Dzjen-Buddizm / Per. s angl. Bishkek: MP «Odissej», Gl. red. KJe, 1993. S. 3-468.
17. Torchinov E. A. Filosofija buddizma Mahajany. Spb.:«Peterburgskoe Vostokovedenie», 2002. 320 s.
18. Uots Alan V. Put' Dzjen/ Per. s angl. Kiev: “Sofija”, Ltd., 1993. 320 s.
19. Fisher Robert E. Iskusstvo buddizma. M.: SLOVO/SLOVO, 2001. 224 s.
20. Jung K.-G. O psihologii vostochnyh religij i filosofij. M.: Moskovskij filosofskij fond, «Medium», 1994. S. 91-222.

Serebryakova Yu. A.
Buddhism as a formative factor in the national identity of the buryat people
This article examines the impact of Buddhism to the national identity of the Buryat people. Buddhism, being a unique phenomenon in the modern world is seen in different forms whether it be religion, philosophy, ideology, or lifestyle. In this regard, the study of Buddhism is an important element in understanding social, political, ethical and cultural systems not only Buryat people, but also of the peoples of Central Asia. Currently, the Buddhist religion of the Buryat population is a synthesis of different views, since historically embedded in the national consciousness of the Buryat people. The leading role of Buddhism in the cultural and spiritual life manifested in the national Buryat rites.
Great importance in the formation and strengthening of national identity drilled had and continue to have traditions and customs passed on from generation to generation.
Keywords: national identity, Buddhist worldview, traditions, customs, rites, oboo, Burhan.
Work bibliographic list
1. Angaeva S. P. Vlijanie buddizma na razvitie narodnogo obrazovanija v Burjatii // European social science journal. – M.: AKO «Mezhdunarodnyj issledovatel'skij institut». – # 12-1 (28). – 2012. – S. 225-231.
2. Galsanova I. B., Serebrjakova Ju. A. Jetnicheskaja kul'tura sovremennogo zabajkal'skogo burjatskogo sela:monografija. – Ulan-Udje: Izd-vo BGSHA im. V. R. Fillipova, 2010. – 132 s.
3. Gerasimova K. M. Tradicionnaja kul'tura burjat:Uchebnoe posobie / K. M. Gerasimova, G. R. Galdanova, G. N. Ochirova. – Ulan-Udje: Bjelig, 2000. – 144 s.
4. Zhukovskaja N. L. Burjatija: predposylki jetnicheskoj naprjazhennosti // Social'nye konflikty: jekspertiza, prognozirovanie, tehnologija razreshenija. – Vyp. 3. – 1993. – S. 35-38.
5. Zhukovskaja N. L. Religija v istorii i kul'ture mongolojazychnyh narodov Rossii. – M.: Vostochnaja literatura, 2008. – S. 9-36.
6. Istorija i kul'tura burjatskogo naroda / T. M. Mihajlov, D. D. Nimaev, K. D. Basaeva, V. T. Mihajlova. Pod red. d-ra ist. nauk T. M. Mihajlova. – Ulan-Udje: Bjelig, 1999. – 248 s.
7. Lubsanov D. D. Nekotorye voprosy izuchenija obychaev i tradicij burjatskogo naroda // (Materialy nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. 22-26 nojabrja 1966 g.). –Vyp. 1. – Ulan-Udje, 1968. – S. 33.
8. Manzanov G. E. Sovremennoe sostojanie buddizma v jetnicheskoj Burjatii // Vestnik Burjatskogo gosuniversiteta. - # SB. – 2012. – S. 54-57.
9. Nesterkin S. P. Obrazovanie v buddijskih monastyrjah // V kn.: Burjaty / Otv. red. L. L. Abaeva, N. L. Zhukovskaja. Institut jetnologii i antropologii im. N. N. Mikluho-Maklaja. – M.: Nauka, 2004. – 633 s.
10. Serebrjakova Ju. A. Filosofskie problemy nacional'nogo samosoznanija i nacional'noj kul'tury.– Ulan-Udje : Burjatskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1996. – 185 s.
11. Sovremennyj byt i jetnokul'turnye processy v Burjatii / K. D. Basaeva, B. R. Zorigtuev, T. M. Mihajlov i dr. – Novosibirsk: Nauka, 1984. – 208 s.

Yanguzin A. R.
The transformation of the spiritual values of the youth
The article examines the aspects, nature and inner dynamics of the process of transformation of
the spiritual values of young people in modern Russia.
Keywords: spirituality, values, spiritual values, moral-value sphere.
1. Kulinichenko V. A. O duhovno-kul'turnyh osnovanijah
modernizacii Rossii // Polis. 2003. # 2.

Belyakov N. S.
Irrational and rational in the modern cognition
The paper examines the role of irrational and rational in the modern cognition. It is alleged that
the irrational and rational elements are common to all types of cognitions, each of which is equivalent to in terms of the epistemological significance. Much attention is paid to the role of faith as a necessary element of cognition. It is demonstrated that irrational and rational are closely related, and their interaction is done by non-rational.
Keywords: irrational, rational, non-rational, cognition, science, truth, faith.
Work bibliographic list
1. Illich I. Osvobozhdenie ot shkol. Proporcional'nost' i sovremennyj mir, M.: Prosveshhenie, 2006. 160 s.
2. Lukmanova R. H. Otkrytie ili tvorenie? // Uchenye zapiski Kazanskogo universiteta. Serija: Gumanitarnye nauki. 2009. # 1. T. 151. S. 35-43.
3. Mah Je. Poznanie i zabluzhdenie. Ocherki po psihologii issledovanija. M.: BINOM, Laboratorija issledovanij, 2003. 456 s.
4. Mudragej N. S. Racional'noe – irracional'noe: vzaimodejstvie i protivostojanie //Istoricheskie tipy racional'nosti / Otv. red. V. A. Lektorskij. T. 1. M.: IF RAN, 1995. S. 60-74.
5. Pankratova O. A. Racional'noe i irracional'noe kak vzaimodopolnjajushhie komponenty poznanija // Teorija i praktika obshhestvennogo razvitija. 2013. # 11.
S. 52-55.
6. Popper K. R. Predlozhenija i oproverzhenija: Rost nauchnogo znanija/ per s angl., M.: OOO «Izdatel'stvoAST»: ZAO NPP Ermak, 2004. 638 s.
7. Stepin V. S. Samorazvivajushhiesja sistemy i postne-klassicheskaja racional'nost'. [Jelektronnyj resurs].– Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija 21.11.2016).
8. Fejerabend P. Protiv metoda. Ocherk anarhistskoj teorii poznanija / Per. s angl. A. L. Nikiforova. M.:AST; Hranitel', 2007. 413 s.
9. Haziev V. S. O ponjatii «ob"ektivnaja istina // Filosofija i obshhestvo. 2013. # 2 (70). S. 47-64.
10. Hjubner K. Istina mifa. M.: Respublika, 1996. 448 s.
11. Jarcev R. A. O nauchnom i nenauchnom poznanii // Vestnik Severo-Vostochnogo federal'nogo universiteta im. M. K. Ammosova. 2010. # 2. S. 161-166.

Gulgenova A. T.
The genesis and development of historical and philosophical genre of “Siddhanta” in medieval Tibet
The article is devoted to Tibetan historical and philosophical genre of "Siddhanta", which re-veals the causes, historical, political and religious-philosophical background of the Genesis of a unique genre. A statement by the Tibetan authors in the Siddhanta views of different schools and doctrines particularly relevant to modern Buddhist studies, as it allows you to set certain adjustments relating to religiousphilosophical views of early Buddhist and non-Buddhist schools.
Keywords: Genesis, Siddhanta, religious schools, doubt, Gelugpa.
Work bibliographic list
1. Vasil'ev V. P. Buddizm, ego dogmaty, istorija i literatura. Sankt-Peterburg, Ch. 1, 1869. 353 s.
2. Gulgenova A. C. Osnovnye predposylki napisanija buddijskih pamjatnikov zhanra siddhanty // Vestnik BGU. # 14. Ulan-Udje, 2013. S. 55-61.
3. Gulgenova A. C. Religiozno-filosofskie vozzrenija vajbhashikov v tvorchestve Kunchen Zham'jan Shadpa Dorzhe (1648-1722) / Otv. red. L. E. Jangutov. Ulan-Udje: Izd-vo Burjatskogo gosuniversiteta, 2015. 166 s.
4. Gulgenova A. C. Tibetojazychnye istochniki (siddhanty) po istorii filosofskoj shkoly vajbhashika :dis. … kand. ist. nauk : 07.00.09. / Inst-t MBT SO RAN. Ulan-Udje, 2006. 190 s.
5. Donec A. M. Principy dacanskoj sistemy obrazovanija // Buddijskaja kul'tura: istorija, istochnikovedenie, jazykoznanie i iskusstvo: Vtorye dorzhievskie chtenija. SPb.: Peterburgskoe Vostokovedenie, 2008. S. 169 - 170.
6. Donec A. M. Doktrina zavisimogo vozniknovenija v tibeto-mongol'skoj sholastike Ulan-Udje: Izd-vo BNC SO RAN, 2004. 265 s.
7. Pubaev R. E. Istorija buddijskoj siddhanty v osveshhenii Sumba-hambo v sochinenii «Pagsam-chzhonsan»// Buddizm i srednevekovaja kul'tura narodov Central'noj Azii. Novosibirsk: Nauka, 1980.
8. Hadalov P. I., Jampilov L. Zh., Dandaron B. D. Opi-sanie sochinenij Gunchen-Chzham'jan-Shadpa-Dorchzhe. Ulan-Udje: Izd-vo BKNII SO AN, 1962. 126 s.
9. Cozort D., Preston G. Buddist philosophy: Losang Gonchok҆ʼs short commentary to Jamyang Shadba ҆s Root text on tenets. NY : Snow Lion, 2003.
10. Hopkins P. J. Maps of the profound (Jam-yang-Shay-baʼs Great exposition of Buddhist and Non-buddhist views on the Nature of reality) Itaka. N.Y. 2003.

Ilyasov R. R.
Artificial intelligence and methodological preparedness of the student
The main obstacle to effective mastering of educational material in the University is the low level of methodological training of the student. We investigate the conditions under which naturally accumulating ability of the subject to the active interaction with information systems. Methodological unpreparedness prevents active development and reproduction of educational, science and research of the array.
Traditional gaming practices can be used as an effective model of organization of cognitive activity with the subsequent use of electronic educational resources. Provides for the return of the number of didactic means of outreach – tutoring.
Keywords: education, information systems, knowledge, verification, a traditional game, criteria of truth, methodology.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ahtjamov N. T., Il'jasov R. R. Student v vuze: razmyshlenija praktikov / Aktual'nye problemy sociokul'turnogo znanija sbornik nauchnyh trudov. Vyp. HI. – Ufa: RIC BashGU, 2015.
2. Gebel' E. S. Adaptacija pervokursnikov k uchebno-vospitatel'nomu processu // Vysshee obrazovanie v Rossii. – 2016. – # 10.
3. Il'in G. L. Proektivnoe obrazovanie kak rabota s informaciej // Vysshee obrazovanie v Rossii. – 2016. – # 7.
4. Il'jasov R. R. Slozhnosti formirovanija kommunikativnoj sposobnosti: zametki na poljah // Vestnik vysshej shkoly. – 2014. – # 7.
5. Roditeli i deti / Pod red. E. I. Volkovoj. – M.: Izdatel'stvo APN RSFSR, 1961.

Yanguzin A. R.
Evolution of spiritual values
The article examines the aspects of the character, the internal and external dynamics of the evolution of spiritual values in contemporary Russia.
Keywords: spirituality, spiritual values, nihilism, values.
1. Tronina L. A. Transformacija cennostej: tradicija i sovremennost'. – SGU, 2004. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
2. Fedotova V. Kriminalizacija Rossii // Svobodnaja mysl'. Teoreticheskij i politicheskij zhurnal. - # 2 (1492) – 2000.

Serebryakova Yu. A.
The influence of Tibetan Buddhism on the worldview of buryat people
This article discusses the place and role of Buddhist doctrine in the life of the Buryat people, and the Buddhist influence on his Outlook.
The analysis, coupled with the sociological survey revealed that the history of Buddhist culture and culture of the Buryat people over several centuries was to erase existing faces gradually merging into a single whole. As a result, in the course of the study it was clearly shown the influence of Buddhism in all spheres of life and interests drilled. In this regard, it was reasonable regularity the fact that Buddhism in modern conditions has become an important element of the spiritual culture of the Buryat people.
Keywords: Tibetan Buddhism, philosophy, tradition, ritual, panmongolism, the Buddhist Pantheon, social space.
Work bibliographic list
1. Banzarov D. Chernaja vera, ili shamanstvo u mongolov.– Sankt-Peterburg: Tip. Imp. Akad. Nauk, 1891. – 129s.
2. Budaeva C. B. Jekologicheskie tradicii korennogo naselenija Bajkal'skogo regiona (na primere Respubliki Burjatija). – Ulan-Udje: Izd-vo BNC SO RAN, 1999. – S. 9.
3. Buddizm v istorii i kul'ture burjat / kol. monografija; pod red. I. R. Garri. – Ulan-Udje: Burjaad-Mongol Nom, 2014. – 417 s.
4. Burjatija, istorija rasprostranenija buddizma. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
5. Galsanova I. B., Serebrjakova Ju. A. Jetnicheskaja kul'tura sovremennogo zabajkal'skogo burjatskogo sela:
monografija. – Ulan-Udje: Izd-vo BGSHA im. V. R. Fillipova, 2010. – 132 s.
6. Gerasimova K. M., Galdanova G. R., Ochirova G. N. Tradicionnaja kul'tura burjat: Uchebnoe posobie. – Ulan-Udje: Bjelig, 2000. – 144 s.
7. Zhukovskaja N. L. Burjatija: predposylki jetnicheskoj naprjazhennosti // Social'nye konflikty: jekspertiza, prognozirovanie, tehnologija razreshenija. – Vyp. 3. – 1993. – S. 35-38.
8. Istorija i kul'tura burjatskogo naroda / T. M. Mihajlov, D. D. Nimaev, K. D. Basaeva, V. T. Mihajlova. Pod red. d-ra ist. nauk T. M. Mihajlova. – Ulan-Udje: Bjelig, 1999. – S. 151.
9. Serebrjakova Ju. A. Filosofskie problemy nacional'nogo samosoznanija i nacional'noj kul'tury.– Ulan-Udje: Burjatskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1996. – 185 s.
10. Sutra o pochitanii otca i materi. Ullambana sutra. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:

Demichev I. V.
Archaisation as a crisis of modernization transit: sociocultural dynamics
The article reviews the phenomenon of archaisation as a specific consequence of social transformations during the modernization transit which originates on the one hand from the destruction of the existing and on the other hand - from the insufficiency of the new institutional
discursive structures of the community.Appeal to archaism and reconstruction of pre-modern traditions define the overall degradation of the discursive space of the community’s culture and with the repression of the innovative mind sets leads to a collapse of the core structures - identities, discursive space, institutions and technosphere, making the disintegration of the social system inevitable.
Keywords: institution, discourse, technosphere, modernisation transit, sociocultural community, sociocultural dynamics, archaism, innovation, legitimacy, S-shaped logistic curve.
Work bibliographic list
1. Antipova A. V. Vmeshhajushhij landshaft (geograficheskij smysl i jekologo-resursnoe soderzhanie) // Istorija i sovremennost'. # 2. 2006. S. 3-23.
2. Berdin A. T. Tradicionalizm v sovremennoj istoriosofii Bashkortostana. Osnovnye cherty javlenija// Sovremennye problemy nauki i obrazovanija. # 2.
2015. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 08.02.2016).
3. Buranchin A. M., Vahitov R. R., Demichev I. V. Socio-kul'turnye aspekty modernizacionnyh processov v Respublike Bashkortostan. Ufa: Dizajn-Press, 2014. 240 s.
4. Vol'skij A. N., Nechiporenko O. V., Jentrena F. Renaturalizacija hozjajstva kak jeffekt rynochnyh reform // Socis. # 10. 2000. S. 22–26.
5. Karamyshev R. D. Jetnoreligioznaja situacija v Respublike Bashkortostan (na primere islamskoj ummy):problemy, tendencii, perspektivy. Ufa: Mir pechati, 2014. 194 s.
6. Kirshin I. A., Titov A. V. Modelirovanie dinamiki innovacionnogo cikla // Jekonomicheskie nauki. 2011. # 6 (79). S. 31-35.
7. Lamazhaa Ch. K. Arhaizacija obshhestva v period social'nyh transformacij // Znanie. Ponimanie. Umenie. 2011. # 3. S. 35-41.
8. Hachaturjan V. M. «Vtoraja zhizn'» arhaiki: arhaizirujushhie tendencii v civilizacionnom processe. M.:Academia, 2009.
9. Jusupov Ju. M. Tradicionnye islamskie techenija v obshhestvennoj zhizni sovremennogo Bashkortostana.// Rossija i musul'manskij mir. 2012.# 7. S. 44-50.

Kadyrova G. F., Gindullin N. F.,
Bondarenko A. V., Dallakyan G. R.
Objective and subjective conditions regulation industrial conflicts in a society undergoing transformation
In the article the problems of determining the causes of industrial action in the form of the struggle for the distribution of material and spiritual resources or capital. Particular attention is paid to identifying the factors in the organization, leading directly to the conflict.
Key words: industrial dispute, the causes of industrial conflicts, the specificity of industrial conflicts, problematic field of industrial conflicts.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bogdanov A. A. Vseobshhaja organizacionnaja nauka (tektologija). Ch.1. L., M., Kniga, 1925.S.26.
2. Burd'e P. Sociologija politiki. M., 1996.
3. Giddens Je. Jelementy teorii strukturacii// Sovremennaja sociologicheskaja teorija. Novosibirsk. 1997.
4. Klimova S. G. Strategii storon trudovyh konfliktov // Obshhestvennye nauki i sovremennost'. 1997. # 2. S. 62.
5. Prigozhin A. I. Novovvedenija: stimuly i prepjatstvija. M., 1989. S. 179.
6. Santo B. Innovacija kak sredstvo jekonomicheskogo razvitija. M., 1990.
7. Social'nye konflikty v sovremennom obshhestve. M.,1993. S. 60.
8. Kadyrova G. F., Gindullin N. F., Dallakjan G. R. Proizvodstvennyj konflikt kak neot"emlemaja sostavljajushhaja sovremennogo obshhestva//Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2015. # 10 (89). S. 278-280.

Bigashev T. A.
«Friend or foe» in online communities:the problem of finding a collective identity
The article discusses the problem of separation of "friend or foe" in online communities as a form of strengthening collective identity.
Demonstrates the effect of the technology astroturfing existing separation system "friend or foe" and explores the consequences of this influence. The author comes to the conclusion that a diverse network can transform from open to closed, from which "strangers" will be banned forever.
Keywords: Internet community, social networking, social aggregation, group identity, "friend or foe", a socio-cultural code, markers of identity, astroturfing, myths.
Work bibliographic list
1. Gadzhiev K. S. Nacional'naja identichnost': konceptual'nyj aspekt // Voprosy filosofii. 2011. # 10.C. 3-16.
2. Zinov'eva N.A. Vozdejstvie Internet-memov na Internet-pol'zovatelej: tipologija Internet-memov //Vestnik jekonomiki, prava i sociologii. - 2015. - #1. - S. 195-200.
3. Zinnatullina Ju.Sh., Pozdjaeva S.M. Mifotvorchestvo v Rossii (social'no-filosofskij analiz): Monografija. Ufa: RIC BashGU, 2016. 152 s.
4. Iliopolova K. S. Protivorechie «Svoj-Chuzhoj» v sociokul'turnoj kommunikacii: social'no-filosofskij analiz: avtoreferat dis. ... kandidata filosofskih nauk: 09.00.11 / Iliopolova Kristina Sergeevna;[Mesto zashhity: Don. gos. tehn. un-t]. Rostov-na-Donu,
2010. 23 s.
5. Rejngol'd G. Umnaja tolpa: novaja social'naja revoljucija / Per. s angl. A. Gar'kavogo. M.: FAIR PRESS,2006. 416 s.
6. Vasil'ev A. D., Podsohin F. E. Informacionnaja vojna: lingvisticheskij aspekt // Politicheskaja lingvistika. # 2 (56). 2016. S. 10-16.
7. Kathleen Hall Jamieson, Joseph N. Cappella, Echo Chamber:Rush Limbaugh and the Conservative Media Establishment, Oxford University Press, 2008.
8. Thomas P. Lyon and John W. Maxwell, Astroturf: Interest Group Lobbying and Corporate Strategy. Journal of Economics & Management Strategy Volume 13, Issue 4, December 2004, P. 561-597.
9. Levine D. Simmel at a distance: on the history and systematics of the sociology of the Stranger // Sociological Focus Vol. 10, No. 1 1977, P. 15-29.
10. The Real Paranoia-Inducing Purpose of Russian Hacks. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija:17.12.16)
11. Revealed: US spy operation that manipulates social media. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 17.12.16)
12. Google vet’s new Candid app for anonymous sharing puts trolls in their place. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 17.12.16)
13. ICT Facts and Figures 2016. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. –Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 17.12.16)

Ilyasov R. A.
The postmodern society as an element of the liberal model of social development
The article discusses the position that the model of postmodern society, in the form in which we
are seeing today is a logical continuation of the liberal model of social development.
Key words: postmodern society, the liberal model of social development.
Work bibliographic list
1. Arendt H. O revoljucii. M.: Izdatel'stvo «Evropa», 2011. – 464 s.
2. Bodrijjar Zh. Simvolicheskij obmen i smert' / Zh. Bodrijjar per. s fr. i predisl. S. N. Zenkina. M.: Dobrosvet, iz-vo KDU, 2011. 392 s.
3. Dugin A. G. Geopolitika Postmoderna. M., Amfora, 2007.
4. Inozemcev V. Sovremennoe postindustrial'noe obshhestvo – priroda, protivorechija, perspektivy. M., 2000.
5. Kuc G. M. Klassicheskij i sovremennyj liberalizm:sravnitel'nyj analiz // Politbook. # 4. 2013.
6. Radugin A. A., Gurina E. M. Harakteristika obshhestva postmoderna // Omskij nauchnyj vestnik. # 5. S. 88-91.
7. Savka A. V. Chelovek i obshhestvo v filosofii postmoderna // Uchenye zapiski RGSU. 2006. # 2.
8. Fushe M. Evropejskaja respublika. Istoricheskie i geograficheskie kontury. M.: Mezhdunarodnye otnoshenija, 1999.

Rugal A. N.
The game in fiction: problems of identification and definition
The author engages in a study gaming issues unexplored the classical Russian literary tradition. While the weekly accent presenterthey had attention to the variety of modes of play as much on social Genesis of the subject, giving a significant increment to the generated meanings and values of its objective world. Even a simple game requires the active transcending of the subject in the prepared space of the infinite for him is the thought of choice.
Keywords: literature, traditional games, and the increment of being, the subject and the transcending gaming.
Work bibliographic list
1. Gor'kij M. Zhizn' Klima Samgina (sorok let). Sobranie sochinenij v 16 tomah. T. 14. M.: «Pravda», 1979.
2. Kant I. Lekcii po jestetike. M.: Respublika, 2000.
3. Krestovskij V. V. peterburgskie trushhoby: Kn. o sytyh i golodnyh: Roman v 2-h. kn. Kn.2 Ch. 4. Mn.: Polymja; Smolensk: Rusich, 1994.

Sizintsev P. V.
Overview of aesthetic aspects of the doctrine on the absolute to in article I. P. Chetverikov
The article is devoted to philosophical understanding of the moral issues in the context of religious monistic worldview, which bring new ideas about the origins of morality and personal qualities of the absolute as a Divine being in the ratio of their personality. The author reveals the ontological and aesthetic value of freedom, unity, creativity. The purpose of this article is to explore the philosophical basis of the doctrine of a personal Absolute psychology Professor of the Kiev Theological Academy I. P. Chetverikova. The originality of the research has the maximum degree, as the research of a philosophical heritage I. P. Chetverikova in Russian and world scientific community to date is scarce.
Keywords: Absolute, personality, ethics, truth, aesthetics, creativity, spiritual strength, freedom.
Work bibliographic list
1. Vasilij Velikij. Tvorenija izhe vo svjatyh otca nashego Vasilija Velikogo, Arhiepiskopa Kesarii Kappadokijskija: v 7 Ch. Ch. 1. Sergiev Posad, 1900.
2. Gavrjushin N. K. Premudraja svjataja dialektika. Nizhnij Novgorod: RI Begemot, 2003.
3. Dzikevich S. A. Jestetika: Nachala klassicheskoj teorii: Uchebnoe posobie dlja vuzov. M.: Izdatel'stvo Akademicheskij proekt, Fond Mir, 2011.
4. K'erkegor S. Garmonicheskoe razvitie v chelovecheskoj lichnosti jesteticheskih i jeticheskih nachal Naslazhdenie i dolg. Rostov-na-Donu: Feniks, 1998.
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7. Feofan Govorov. Mysli na kazhdyj den' goda. M., 1890.

Slock V. I.
The evolution of ideas about risk as a factor in the transformation of the social management system
Author examines the peculiar features of risk perceptions in the stages of development of human society from ancient times to the present day. The evolution of ideas about risks depends on a growing human individualization possibilities.From these positions author explaines the foundations of risk classification on the traditional, modernizational and demodernizational, as well as the development of the awareness of civilizational and global risks at the present stage of development of human subjectivity.
Keywords: social management, civilizational risks, global risks, individualization, modernizational risks.
Work bibliographic list
1. Giddens Je. Sud'ba, fatalizm, risk i bezopasnost' //Thesis. 1994. #5. S. 107-134.
2. Zubkov V. I. Sociologicheskaja teorija riska. M.: Izdvo RUDN, 2003.
3. Makiavelli N. Gosudar'. Rassuzhdenija o pervoj dekade Tita Livija. SPb.: Azbuka, 2011.
4. Mozgovaja A. V., Shlykova E. V. Neravenstvo v raspredelenii riskov: resursy i strategii adaptacii //Rossija reformirujushhajasja. 2016. # 14. S. 353-378.
5. Pozdjaeva S. M. Rossijskoe obshhestvo v uslovijah modernizacii (social'no-filosofskij analiz). Ufa:Izd-vo BashGU, 1998.
6. Sirazetdinova M. F. Manipuljacija soznaniem: poisk osnovanij // Vestnik Novosibirskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Novosibirsk: Novosibirskij nacional'nyj issledovatel'skij gosudarstvennyj universitet, 2014. #3. T. 12. S. 48-52.
7. Stoletov A. I. Sushhnost' kreativnosti i ee tipy //Mezhdunarodnyj zhurnal issledovanij kul'tury.2014. #4 (17). S. 43-52.
8. Stoletov A. I., Lukmanova R. H. Universal'noe i lokal'noe (jetnicheskoe) v mirovozzrenii // Regionologija. 2009. # 1. S. 275-284.
9. Cheshkov M. A. Ideja mirovogo razvitija v kontekste mirovedcheskogo znanija // Mirovaja jekonomika i mezhdunarodnye otnoshenija. 2013. # 7. S. 95-103.
10. Jengel's F. Rol' truda v processe prevrashhenija obez'jany v cheloveka // Marks K., Jengel's F. Sochinenija. T. 20. M.: Politizdat, 1961.
11. Ackoff R. A brief guide to interactive planning and design. May31, 2001. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 18.01.2016)


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