

«Wolf»of the Soviet and Russian cosmonautics
Our interlocutor – Igor Petrovich Volk, pilot-cosmonaut, Hero of the Soviet Union, Honored test pilot of the USSR, President of the international Association «Earth and Space»


The World Trade Organization and the Eurasian Economic Union: ratio of obligations of the member states


Fisheries and conservation of marine biodiversity in the high sea: problems and prospects of international legal regulation


Trends in development of new warfare instrument –“Transhuman weapon”. Ways and questions of it’s regulation


International law as basis of the World Trade Organization law
The reasons, conditions and consequences of Russia’s accession to theWTO
To the question of reforming of the international monetary fund
Self-execution of international treaties in the context of WTO accession
The results of the Beijing APEC summit: international legal aspects of integration processes


Intellectual property disputes in the practice of the London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA)


The supranational legal instruments for the European Union’s mental health
Russia and the Congress of local and regional authorities of the Council of Europe: twenty years together


Conciliatory and other forms of punishment in a common law of Kazakhs
About the legal aspects of education in modern conditions of the development of civil society in the Republic of Tajikistan
Asymmetry of constitutional and legal status of Yerevan as an example of asymmetry of subjects in the unitary states


Imperfect judge Veles and his approaches to the law interpretation
AbdullabekovaA.E., ErzievR.E
Interaction of the Federal Assembly and the government of the Russian Federation in the legislative process
General concepts of the law theory
Discretion as the quality of law, its relationship with the imperative
Connect between Legal development and the technological progress


Law, legal rule and justice in the natural law theory of J. Finnis
Peculiarities of legal regulation of fur raw materials and fur products trade in the pre-revolutionary period
Administrative activities of Crimean militia on preservation of republican records (february-december 1921)


Subjects of Constitutional liability: concept, species and characteristics
Expansion and constitutional consolidation of subjects of legislative initiative
Responsibility for violations of constitutional rights of citizens
Legal content of the border area concept: theory and history of the question


Employment contract: theoretical and applied problems


Internet and civil law: common ground
Limitation of the freedom of contract principle in adhesion contracts in view of legislative amendments
Security payment
The concept and correlation of rights and obligations of private and public character
Uncertainty of the legal interpretation of the term «Bus route»
Informed voluntary consent: civil aspect
Settlement services as part of the implementation of the monetary obligation, expressed in the form of electronic payment
Current problems of civil law in the field of remote banking


Transactions in Russian family law: some questions of interpretation and application of legal rules
Social and legal description proceedings in cases of dissolution of marriage
Fictitious marriage of sentenced persons
Legal regulation of application of artificial methods of a human reproduction: family legal aspect
Legal problems of the Russian child protection abroad


Development of the institute of mediation in Russia: problems and prospects
Vaneeva L. A., Sklizkov M. N.
Individual civil law legal regulation: dependence of legal consciousness conflicting of civil circulation participants

Karpel I. V.

Lack of effective management of results of intellectual activity as one of the constituent of financial and economic problems of the legal entity and its bankruptcy risk
Kuznetsova O. A.
Some questions of legal regulation of the relationship developing with participation of the telecommunication companies and broadcast organizations

Samorodova E. M., Altynnikova L. A.

The use of outsourcing in state and municipal administration

Antsiferov S. A., Andreev S. A.

Pre-check analysis of control objects
Musina D. R., Musalimov A. D., Tasmukhanova A. E.
The influence of “Big tax maneuver” on the oil production efficiency
Migda N. S., Shvets O. V., Bykovskiy I. G.
Analysis of the taxation peculiarities of the religious associations in the national and foreign tax legislation

Igonin E. I., Salieva R. N., Fatkudinov Z. M.

Legislative support of environmental management and public environmental oversight in the implementation of economic and other activities: problems and ways of solution

Petyukova O. N.

Problematic aspects of state regulation of energy saving and energy efficiency in the Russian Federation

Niyazova A. N.

Understanding the “land” category for the realization of rights on the land
Ternovaya Yu. E.
The problem of the legal nature and essence of the public easement by the legislation of the Russian Federation

Alikumova G. Yu.

Features of criminal law prevention of crimes committed while intoxicated
Astashov M. A., Bogomolov A. N.
Problematic issues in determining the signs of the organizer of a criminal association (criminal organization)
Badamshin I. D.
Selling alcoholic products to minors (art. 1511 of the Criminal Code of Russian Federation): questions of legal regulation
Malikov B. Z., Elizarjieva R. R.
Institutes of criminal records and repeated offence in mechanism of the criminal law
Nugumanov A. R.
Theft or extortion of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances and narcotic plants with application of violence not dangerous to life or health, or with threat of such violence
Semiglazov A. G.
Terminological aspects of the crime, provided article 174 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation
Khamitov A. R.
On the issue of the object of infringement on life of the law enforcement officer
Chechet N. M.
The penalty in the system of crime prevention measures
Yusupkadieva S. N., Magomedova Z. M.
The mechanism of commission of murder for hire

Muratshina S. N.

Definition of corruption crime

Ibragimova Kh. А.

The particular interrogation of the suspect, accused
Kravets E. G., Domovets S.S.
Natural and scientific knowledge as the base of production of investigative actions in the mode of remote connection
Sarkisyan V. G.
Problems of differentiation of penalties for incitement to commit a crime
Tokareva E. V., Trishkina E. A.
The issue of implementation of the individual features of the adversarial principle, in the stage of preliminary investigation
Khataev I. E., Temiraev A. V., Margieva M. S.
Some value orientations in criminal procedure and criminal low
Khanmirzaev I. Sh.
Validation of the criminal-relevant information at the stages of initiation and preliminary investigation in criminal process

Galimov R. R.

The grounds and conditions of realization of the deferred sentence

Sizintseva V. O.

Psychological methods of identification of false testimonies during interrogation

Kireeva E. V.

The instructions of the investigator to the body of inquiry as a form of interaction between investigative and inquiry bodies

Begova D. Ya., Begova D. M.

The responsibility of the defense attorney for the poor quality of legal assistance

Dajanov I. S.

Observance of rights and freedoms of the person and citizen when using the information relating to operational investigation received as a result of actions relating to operational investigation in evidence
Turova K. D.
Legal development: development of legal ideas of humanism and human society

Alekseev Yu. G.

Procedural problems of application of security measures in relation to victims, witnesses and other participants in the USP and solutions
Asmandiyarova N. R.
Quantitative and quality indicators of extremist and terrorist crime in Russia
Butkevich S. A.
Terrorism and extremism in the Russian Federation:real and potential threats
Gazizova O. V., Chernenko I. N.
The use of special tools (CDS) in the performance of operational and service tasks
Lopatin E. Yu.
Russian oil and gas complex as a basis for ensuring energy security
Nyrkov V. G.
Legal aspects of providing anti-terrorist protection of objects and their improvements
Poziy V. S., Tikhomirova T. O.
Some tactical features of scene inspection in terrorist acts during the initial stage of investigation
Tabakov A. R.
About some aspects of activity of divisions of internal affairs bodies on ensuring security of persons subject to state protection

Ivanova S. V., Ezhova O. N.

Competence of law school students in the field of management as a condition of effectiveness of their professional activities
Kasimova E. G.
General conditions of inclusive education arrangement
Timerbulatov I. A., Fayzullin N. M.
TRP as promotion of interest in physical culture and sports of the cadets of the MIA of Russia

Zhuravlenko N. I.

Political extremism and terrorism as social and legal phenomenon
Bayniyazova Z. S.
The issue of interdependence of legal system and legal policy in modern Russia
Ogneva E. A., Kravchenko V. V.
Actual problems of modern migration policy of the Russian Federation in respect of foreign nationals
Nasyrova E. V.
Specifics of public relations in regional political organizations (on the example of the Public Chamber of the Republic of Bashkortostan)

Construction and law
Farhutdinov R. D., Egorov K. V.

Selected issues of law enforcement practice in the field of selfregulated construction activities

Burenina I. V.

The economic approach to the management of the fund of oil wells, taking into account environmental factors
Agaphonov I. A., Tolstonogov A. A.
Assessment of the prospects of nuclear energetic development for the Russian economy
Akhunov R. R.
The formation of the strategic priorities of the regional development based on the interaction of the subject-functional components
Brezhneva O. V.
Mechanism of estimation of tangible assets of social and economic subsystems of the region
Battalov A. M.
Theoretical features of formation of the concept of “Lean manufacturing”
Bakhitova R. Kh., Polupanov D. V., Islamov I. Ya.
“Soft” methods and tools for assessment of regional television content
Irkabaeva R. I., Musina D. R., Mutalov S. V.
Cost analysis for protection of labour and industrial security in the Russian oil and gas companies in 2012-2014
Khayrullin V. A., Khafizova E. N., Domman E. R.
Technical and economic feasibility of using modern methods of strengthening of reinforced concrete structures during the reconstruction of industrial facilities
Yuldasheva O. N., Sizonenko Z. L., Galimullina N. A.
Economic security of regions
Ryskalieva Yr. O.
Mechanism of managing filling station networks

Abrarova Z. F., Salichov G. G.

Visualization as method of scientific knowledge development
Bondarenko V. N.
Three approaches in correlation of philosophical psychology and metaphysical ontology
Verbitskaya G. Ya.
Philosophical reflection of catharsis
Davletshina A. M.
Non-classical understanding of experience and legal experience in positivist theory
Stol A. B.
Ontological and epistemological aspects of understanding
Suleymanov A. R.
Sistemogenez the Russian national idea in conditions of federalism
Grachev M. V.
A. A. Bogdanov tectology as a forerunner of synergetics
Verbitskaya G. Ya.
Artistic conflict as a model for philosophical exploration of reality: to the question
Bondarenko A. V., Bondarenko G. V., Lukiyanov M. Yu.
The political philosophy of Plato (article the first)

Korbut L. V.

Review of the meeting of the scientific advisory council on international law under the ministry of justice of Russian Federation on the topic of «sanctions in international law (the legal basis, the practice of applying sanctions against individuals and companies)»
Gordeeva Ye. M.
The effectiveness of environmental law: third European environmental law forum conference

Chupris O. I.

Book review of E. S. Smirnova “Citizenship of the Union State of Belarus and Russia: history, politics, law”. M.: Border, 2015


Kim E. A.
The World Trade Organization and the Eurasian Economic Union:ratio of obligations of the member states
The ways of improvement of international integration in the article are considered through the ratio of the obligations of the EAEU member states and their obligations as WTO members. The general features of the WTO and its legal instruments: implementation of WTO rules at the domestic level, possibility of collective membership, necessity for harmonization of legal regulation as one of the basic principles are specified and considered in the article. Used research methods allowed the author to formulate a number of proposals to improve the legal regulation and institutional basis of the EAEU.
Keywords: the World Trade Organization, the Eurasian Economic Union, economic integration, most favored nation treatment, national treatment.
Work bibliographic list
1. Abdykadyrov M. K voprosu o kollektivnom vhozhdenii v VTO // Zakon i vremja. 2012. # 8.
2. Alibekov S. T. Kratkij obzor Kodeksa «O tamozhennom dele v RK» i pervyj opyt tamozhennogo sojuza EvrAzJeS // Vestnik Instituta zakonodatel'stva RK. 2010. # 4.
3. Al'bert Ju. Osobennosti perehoda ot tamozhennogo sojuza k edinomu jekonomicheskomu prostranstvu //Mezhdunarodnaja jekonomika. 2014. # 2.
4. Vel'jaminov G. M. Tamozhennyj sojuz v pravovom rakurse // Gosudarstvo i pravo. 2010. # 2.
5. Vinnickij D. V. Evrazijskoe jekonomicheskoe soobshhestvo: pravovye instrumenty formirovanija tamozhennogo sojuza i edinogo jekonomicheskogo prostranstva // Zanger. 2009. # 9.
6. General'noe Soglashenie po tarifam i torgovle 1947 goda [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data poseshhenija 12.01.2016 g.).
7. Dogovor o Evrazijskom jekonomicheskom sojuze ot 29 maja 2014 goda (v red. ot 8 maja 2015 goda [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija:12.01.2016 g.).
8. Zhunusova B. N. Tamozhennyj sojuz: problemy i perspektivy // Izvestija NAN RK. Serija obshhestvennye i gumanitarnye nauki. 2011. # 6.
9. Import tovarov v Kazahstane stanet deshevle [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 12.01.2016 g.).
10. Kembaev Zh. Tamozhennyj sojuz Belorussii, Kazahstana i Rossii // Jurist. 2011. # 1.
11. Kishkembaev A. B. Sovremennye tendencii evrazijskoj integracii // Pravo i gosudarstvo. 2013. # 2.
12. Lokteva Ju. S. Mezhdunarodno-pravovye aspekty vzaimodejstvija gosudarstv-uchastnikov tamozhennogo sojuza i politiko-pravovye preobrazovanija v RK //Izvestija NAN RK. 2011. # 5.
13. Muhamedzhanova D. Sh. Kazahstan i VTO: preimushhestva i protivorechija // Kazahstan spektr. 2013. # 3.
14. adviser - Starozhilova N.P.)
Bekyashev D. K., Bekyashev K. A.
Fisheries and conservation of marine biodiversity in the high sea:problems and prospects of international legal regulation
The article deals with the legal concept of biodiversity; the main elements of the UN Strategic Plan
for Biodiversity 2011–2020; the regime of marine genetic resources exploitation; the basic content of international treaties on biodiversity management; the activities of international organizations in this field. For the first time in Russian literature focuses on the results of the first session of the Preparatory Committee to develop of international legally binding instrument on the conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity of areas beyond national jurisdiction. In order to protect the interests of the Russian Federation the recommendations on the structure and content of such document are prepared.
Keywords: marine biodiversity; High Sea; conservation; fisheries; UN; FAO; international treaties.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bekjashev D. K. Nazrela li neobhodimost' izmenenija Konvencii OON po morskomu pravu 1982 g. v otnoshenii sohranenija zhivyh resursov otkrytogo morja?// Sovremennye problemy mezhdunarodnogo kosmicheskogo, vozdushnogo i morskogo prava: materialy kruglogo stola XIII Mezhdunarodnogo kongressa «Blishhenkovskie chtenija». Moskva, 11 aprelja 2015 g. / A. H. Abashidze, A. M. Solncev. – Moskva: RUDN, 2015. S. 38-50.
2. Bekjashev K. A. FAO i pravovye voprosy ohrany zhivyh resursov otkrytogo morja. M., 1976. 185 s.
3. Bekjashev D. K., Bekjashev K. A. Mezhdunarodno-pravovye problemy bor'by s nezakonnym rybolovstvom:monografija. – M.: Prospekt, 2016. - 448 s.
4. Vylegzhanin A. N. Morskie prirodnye resursy (mezhdunarodno-pravovoj rezhim). M., 2001. 298 s.
5. Vylegzhanin A. N. Bioraznoobrazie morskoj sredy i mezhdunarodnoe pravo // Gosudarstvo i pravo. - 2001.- #3. - S. 69-81.
6. Sokolova N. A. Morskie geneticheskie resursy – novyj ob"ekt mezhdunarodnoj ohrany i upravlenija //Morskoe pravo i praktika. - 2007. - # 4. - S.11-19.
7. Sokolova N. A. Mezhdunarodno-pravovye problemy upravlenija v sfere ohrany okruzhajushhej sredy. – M.,2010.– 317 s.
8. Greiber Th. Access and benefit sharing in Relation to Marine Genetic Resources from Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction A Possible Way Forward. Bonn. 2011. 53 p.
9. Report of the Workshop on Bioprospecting in the High Seas. University of Otago Dunedin. New Zealand 27-29 November 2003. 18 p.
10. 1Salvatore A., Charlotte S. Bioprospecting of Genetic Pesources in the Deep Seabed: Scientific, Legal and Policy Aspect. UN University, Institute of Advanced Studies, June 2005. 72 p.
11. Tladi D. Marine genetic resources on the «Deep Seabed»: The Continuing Search for a Legally Sound Interpretation of UNCLOS // International Environmental Law-making and Diplomacy Review. Ed. by Ed Couzens and Tuula Honkonen. University of Joensuu-UNEP Course series,
2008. P. 68.
12. UNEP Regional Seas Reports and Studies.#178 (UNEP/ IUCN. Switzerland 2006). 60 p.
13. Leonard L. International Regulation of Fisheries. Washington. 1944. 280 p.9. Doc.FAO.CGRFA-14/13/18 February 2013.P.10

Gontar’ L. O.
Trends in development of new warfare instrument –“Transhuman weapon”. Ways and questions of it’s regulation
This article highlights the theoretical issue which stands in many international disciplines, like law of international security, international humanitarian law, international human rights law, international criminal law. Key advantages of such object like transhuman weapon are it’s difficult nature (legal understanding). The warfare instruments and weapons as the object of regulation are actual and practice-oriented topics, as lead to three questions. First – “where is the limitation of using international law and it’s power?” Second – “is there any sense?” In the other words, how can we understand the future results of this? Third – “what is this weapon like? Can we know more about?” (it’s the most difficult question). The main answers to these questions are in this article.
Keywords: transhuman weapon, transhuman philosophy, exoskeleton, chip marking, DARPA, military doctrine, technical documents in law.
Work bibliographic list
1. “Strategic Doctrine – Israel”. Federation of American Scientists. 25 May 2000. Retrieved 1 March 2014.
2. Bostrom N. History of transhumanist thought // Journal of Evolution and Technology. Vol. 14 Issue 1. April 2005.
3. Cherian G. New Military Doctrine: America is “Looking for Enemies”: Threatening China//Global Research, January 29, 2012.
4. Dr Jai Galliott, DrMiannaLotz Super Soldiers: The Ethical, Legal and Social Implications Ashgate Publishing, Ltd., 2015
5. Falconer B. Defense research agency seeks to create supersoldiers//National Journal / Government Executive Magazine 10 November 2003.
6. George Casey .Future Soldier 2030 Initiative GEN. 2009.
7. Kunz J. Lacrise et les transformations du droit des gens// Rdc.Vol.88 (1955)
8. Military Doctrine: A Reference Handbook ABC-CLIO, 2009.
9. Pentagon Rethinking Old Doctrine on 2 Wars- The New York Times, March 14, 2009.
10. Program Overview DARPA// Defense sciences Office. 1997.
11. Quadrennial Defense Review Report. September 30, 2001.
12. Roco C. Converging Technologies for Improving Human Performance // Nanotechnology, biotechnology, information technology and cognitive science. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003.
Saliya M. R.
International law as basis of the World Trade Organization law
The article reveals the problem of relation between International law and the WTO law that is thought to be a «closed system». The author tries to consider whether it is insofar isolated from international law.
Key words: WTO law, international law, autonomous regime, World Trade Organization.
Work bibliographic list
1. Anufrieva L. P. Otvetstvennost' gosudarstv za dejstvija, ne zapreshhennye mezhdunarodnym pravom: voprosy teorii i praktiki mezhdunarodnogo jekonomicheskogo prava (na primere dejatel'nosti v sfere osvoenija kosmosa i mezhdunarodnyh vozdushnyh soobshhenij i perevozok) // Lex Russica – Russkij zakon. 2012. # 5.
2. Kozheurov Ja. S. Implementacija mezhdunarodnoj otvetstvennosti v praktike Organa po razresheniju sporov Vsemirnoj torgovoj organizacii // Vzaimodejstvie pravovyh sistem: sovremennye mezhdunarodno-pravovye diskursy: Mezhvuzovskij sbornik nauchnyh trudov. Ekaterinburg: Izdatel'skij dom «Ural'skij gosudarstvennyj juridicheskij universitet», 2014. Vyp. 6 (10).
3. Kozheurov Ja. S. Mezhdunarodnaja otvetstvennost' za narushenija «prava VTO»: sootnoshenie s obshhim mezhdunarodnym pravom // Aktual'nye problemy rossijskogo prava. 2013. # 10 (35)
4. Kuz'min Je. L. Mezhdunarodnoe torgovoe pravo. Vsemirnaja torgovaja organizacija (VTO) // Mezhdunarodnoe publichnoe pravo: uchebnik dlja bakalavrov / otv.
red. K. A. Bekjashev. 5-e izd., pererab. i dop. Moskva: Prospekt, 2013.
5. Smbatjan A. S. Vsemirnaja torgovaja organizacija: unikal'nost' i adekvatnost' // Pravo VTO. 2012. # 1.
6. Lamy P. The Place of the WTO and Its Law in the International Legal Order // European Journal of International Law, 2007 [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija:05.01.2016).
7. Pauwelyn J. The Role of Public International Law in the WTO: How Far Can We Go? // The American Journal of International Law. 2001. # 3. Vol. 95.
8. Trachtman J. The Domain of WTO Dispute Resolution // Harvard International Law Journal. 1999. Vol. 40.
A. S., Popkova J. G, Rodionova Yu. V.
The reasons, conditions and consequences of Russia’s accession to the WTO
The article is devoted to the assessment of Russia's accession to the WTO. On the basis of studied
normative-legal acts of the World Trade Organization, statistics and scientific litera-ture the Russian accession to the WTO is described, the causes of the conditions of accession to the WTO and the possible positive and negative economic consequences for the country's economy are analyzed.
Keywords: WTO, GATT, Russia, foreign trade, international trade, national economy, customs
Work bibliographic list
1. Kislovskij Ju. G. Istorija tamozhennogo dela i tamozhennoj politiki Rossii. M., 2004.
2. Loginova A. S. Vstuplenie Rossii v VTO v kontekste sotrudnichestva so stranami Tamozhennogo sojuza //Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2014. # 5 (72).S.55-58
3. Loginova A. S. Pravovoe regulirovanie tamozhennyh otnoshenij v Rossii: istorija i sovremennost'. Monografija. N. Novgorod. 2013.
4. Loginova A. S. Problemy adaptacii Rossii k uslovijam VTO (jekonomiko-pravovoj aspekt) // Juridicheskaja nauka i praktiki: Vestnik Nizhegorodskoj akademii MVD Rossii. 2014. # 2 (26). S. 108-113
5. Loginova A. S., Travina L. A. Sravnitel'no-pravovoe issledovanie dejatel'nosti Soveta jekonomicheskoj vzaimopomoshhi, Evropejskogo jekonomicheskogo sojuza i Evrazijskogo jekonomicheskogo sojuza // Pravo i sovremennoe gosudarstvo. 2015. # 16. S. 43-48
6. Mutalimov V.A. Ob"ektivnye i sub"ektivnye faktory dolgogo vstuplenija Rossii v VTO // Narodnoe hozjajstvo. Voprosy innovacionnogo razvitija.
Vserossijskij nauchnyj zhurnal. M.: Izdatel'stvo«MII Nauka», 2011. #3. S.319-326
7. Putin V.V. Vstupitel'noe slovo na soveshhanie po voprosam vyrabotki pozicii Rossii pri vstuplenii vo Vsemirnuju torgovuju organizaciju 9 ijunja 2011 goda. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data poseshhenija:
8. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija 11.10 2015g.).
9. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
10. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
11. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
12. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
13. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
14. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: rdf.
15. Hoekman B. The WTO: Functions and Basic Principles. 44.
N. Kh., Belukhina E. O.
To the question of reforming of the international monetary fund
This article raises the issue of reforming certain aspects of the activities of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). We analyze the criticism of the IMF in the settlement of international financial crises, the question of the US role in the Fund's governance system. The conclusion is drawn about the high dependence of the IMF on US national interests.
Keywords: International Monetary Fund, reforming, US influence, the main problems, the control
system, the redefinition of quotas.
Work bibliographic list
1. Kredit MVF otkryvaet rynok Ukrainy dlja GMO-produktov: doklad. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: http://www.vz.rU/news/2014/8/25/702045.html(data obrashhenija: 05.03.2016).
2. Mezhdunarodnyj Valjutnyj Fond. 2015. Perspektivy razvitija mirovoj jekonomiki: neravnomernyj rost — kratkosrochnye i dolgosrochnye faktory. Vashington (Aprel').
3. Mezhdunarodnyj valjutnyj fond. Godovoj otchet 2013// MVF. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: http://www. imf. org/external/russian/pubs/ft/ar/2013/pdf/ar13_rus. Pdf. (data obrashhenija: 27.12.2015).
4. Romanova T. Delit'sja nado // [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 15.01.2016).
5. Chuvahina L. G. Mezhdunarodnyj valjutnyj fond kak instrument politiki SShA // Izvestija TulGU. Jekonomicheskie i juridicheskie nauki. 2014. #4-1. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 1.02.2016).
6. IMF Quotas // International Monetary Fund. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija:17.11.2015)
7. Martin A. Weiss CRS Report R42019. International Monetary Fund: Background and Issues for Congres //CRS Report R42019s. -July10, 2014. R. 8.
8. Roberts James M. The Heritage Foundation. Congress Should Block the Morally Hazardous IMF “Reform” Package. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: obrashhenija: 29.12.2015).
9. Truman E. M. The Congress Should Support IMF Governance Reform to Help Stabilize the World Economy //Policy Brief, Peterson Institute for International Economics.– March 2013. R. 6.
A. Yu.
Self-execution of international treaties in the context of WTO accession
The article is devoted to the high important at present time question of application of WTO law by national courts from the point of view of its division into self-executing and non-self-executing. The author comprehensively analyses various doctrinal positions regarding the concept and features of self-executing international treaties, considers the nature of the interaction between international and national law and the methods of implementation of international treaties in the national legal system.
Keywords: WTO law, self-execution, international treaty, international law, national law, national legal system, implementing legislation.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ashavskij B. M. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo. M.: Izdatel'stvo «Omega-L», 2011.
2. Brounli Ja. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo (v dvuh knigah). Kniga pervaja. M.: PROGRESS, 1977.
3. Ispolinov A. S. Voprosy prjamogo primenenija prava VTO v pravoporjadke Rossii // «Zakonodatel'stvo».– 2014, fevral'. – # 2.
4. Lukashuk I. I. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo. Obshhaja chast'. M.: VoltersKluver, 2010.
5. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo / Otv. red. S.A. Egorov. M.:Statut, 2016.
6. Osminin B. I. «Samoispolnimost'» – uslovie neposredstvennogo primenenija mezhdunarodnyh dogovorov Rossijskoj Federacii // «Jurist-mezhdunarodnik». – 2005. – # 2.
7. Osminin B. I. Prinjatie i realizacija gosudarstvami mezhdunarodnyh dogovornyh objazatel'stv: Monografija. M.: VoltersKluver, 2006.
8. Osminin B. I. Zakljuchenie i implementacija mezhdunarodnyh dogovorov i vnutrigosudarstvennoe pravo:Monografija. M.: Infotropik Media, 2010.
9. Osminin B. I. Voprosy samoispolnimosti mezhdunarodnyh dogovorov (na primere SShA, Niderlandov i Rossii) // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. – 2012. – # 6.
10. Osminin B. I. Mezhdunarodnye dogovory i ierarhija istochnikov vnutrigosudarstvennogo prava // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. – 2012. – # 11.
11. Osminin B. I. Razreshenie kollizij mezhdu vnutrigosudarstvennym pravom i mezhdunarodnymi dogovorami // Zhurnal zarubezhnogo zakonodatel'stva i sravnitel'nogo pravovedenija. – 2013. – # 1 (38).
12. Pavlova L. V. Samoispolnimye normy v mezhdunarodnom prave // Mezhdunarodnoe publichnoe i chastnoe pravo: Problemy i perspektivy / Pod red. S.V. Bahina. SPb.: Izd-vo jur.fak-ta S.-Peterburgskogo gos. un-ta, 2007.
13. Usenko E. T. Teoreticheskie problemy sootnoshenija mezhdunarodnogo i vnutrigosudarstvennogo prava // Sovetskij ezhegodnik mezhdunarodnogo prava 1977. M.: Nauka, 1979.
14. Bohne Eberhard. The World Trade Organization. Institutional Development and Reform. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010.

T. S.
The results of the Beijing APEC summit: international legal aspects of integration processes
In modern conditions development of world economy, the Asia-Pacific region (APR) plays an important role. The increasing interest in this region today is due to some factors, in particular, the dynamic development of economic processes in the region, the emergence of new powerful States (China, USA, Russia, Japan), as well as the prospects of mixing in the region of the centers of international financial and business activity. Russia in all these processes is prepared for a significant role that puts the state before taking further action on the development of its Eastern regions and to make this area a priority. This article focuses on the Beijing summit of the Asia-Pacific economic cooperation (APEC), the results of which were adopted by the basic documents determining the goals and main directions of future cooperation in the Asia – Pacific region is the Declaration of the member countries of APEC and the Statement on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of APEC. Of particular importance is the approved "Road map for promoting the free trade area of the Asia-Pacific region, which has become an important event in the history of APEC.
Keywords: Asia-Pacific region, the APEC forum, Declaration, statement, free trade area, road map, and economic integration.
Work bibliographic list
1. Deklaracija po itogam 22-j vstrechi liderov jekonomik-uchastnic foruma ATJeS. Pekin, Kitaj, 11 nojabrja 2014 goda (po materialam vebsajta Prezidenta RF). [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
2. Zajavlenie po sluchaju 25-letija ATJeS. Put' v budushhee cherez partnerstvo v Aziatsko-Tihookeanskom regione. Pekin, Kitaj. 11 nojabrja 2014 goda (po materialam vebsajta Prezidenta RF. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
3. Interv'ju Predsedatelja KNR Si Czin'pinja ob itogah 22-j neoficial'noj vstreche liderov stran-chlenov sammita ATJeS gazete Zhen' min' zhibao. Pekin, 12 nojabrja 2014 g. (tekst na russkom jazyke). [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
4. Lju In. Itogi 22-j neoficial'noj vstrechi stran-chlenov ATJeS // Zhurnal «Pravo Kitaja», Pekin, 2014.S. 132-141.
5. Mezhdunarodnoe jekonomicheskoe pravo: uchebnik dlja magistrov / V. M. Shumilov. – 5-e izd., pererab. i dop. M.: Izdatel'stvo Jurajt, 2011g.
6. Ju Shan'jan'. Forum ATJeS – novaja stranica v istorii // Zhurnal «Mezhdunarodnoe pravo». Pekin, 2014.S. 14-22.
Kupchina E. V.
Intellectual property disputes in the practice of the London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA)
The article provides a brief analysis of the dispute resolution proceedings by the London Court of International Arbitration, analyzes the main provisions of LCIA Arbitration Rules.
Keywords: intellectual property, London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA), arbitration rules, the emergency arbitrator, accelerated arbitration.
Work bibliographic list
1. Dmitrieva G. K. Mezhdunarodnoe chastnoe pravo: uchebnik dlja bakalavrov – 3-e izd. – M.: Prospekt, 2013.
2. Ermakova E. P. Al'ternativnoe uregulirovanie sporov v sfere intellektual'noj sobstvennosti // Moskovskij jurist. – 2012. – # 1(5). – S. 74-82.
3. Rusakova E. P. Procedura rassmotrenija kommercheskih sporov Londonskim Mezhdunarodnym Arbitrazhnym Sudom Indii // Advokat. – 2012. – # 8. – S.55-60.
4. Dannye oficial'nogo sajta Londonskogo Mezhdunarodnogo Arbitrazhnogo Suda (London Court of International Arbitration – LCIA) [Jelektronnyj resurs] /Rezhim dostupa: htt p://
5. Dannye oficial'nogo sajta Londonskogo Mezhdunarodnogo Arbitrazhnogo Suda (London Court of International Arbitration – LCIA) [Jelektronnyj resurs]/ Rezhim dostupa: htt p://
6. G. Born, International Commercial Arbitration. 2nd edn (The Hague: Kluwer Law International, 2001), 8.
7. Redfen A. and Hunter M. Law and Practice of International Commercial Arbitration, 4th edn (London: Sweet and Maxwell, 2014), 27.
Pazyna E. O.
The supranational legal instruments for the European Union’smental health
In this article the development of the European Union’s legal instruments for mental health are analyzed. Author investigates the role of the different acts and initiatives of the European Union in setting of the priority areas for the member states action in this sphere. The advisability of the use of the European mental health experience in the Eurasian Economic Union is noted.
Keywords: European Union, mental health, European pact for mental health and well-being, deinstitutionalisation, community care, the EU-Compass for Action on Mental Health and Well-being, the Joint Action for Mental Health and Well-being.
Work bibliographic list
1. 2013/770/EU: Commission Implementing Decision of 17 December 2013 establishing the Consumers, Health and Food Executive Agency and repealing Decision 2004/858/EC // OJ L 341, 18/12/2013.
2. 2512th Council meeting – Employment, Social policy, Health and Consumers affairs: Conclusions on Mental health – Luxembourg, 2 June 2003 [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 12.01.2016).
3. Conferences [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 22.01.2016).
4. Consolidated version of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union // OJ C 326, 26/10/2012.
5. Council conclusions of 15 November 2001 on combating stress and depression-related problems // OJ C 006, 09/01/2002.
6. Council Conclusions of 2 June 2003 on combating stigma and discrimination in relation to mental illness // OJ C 141, 17/06/2003.
7. Council conclusions of 3 June 2005 on a Community Mental Health Action [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: life_style/mental/docs/ev_20050602_en.pdf (data obrashhenija: 12.01.2016).
8. Council Conclusions of 5 June 2001 on a Community strategy to reduce alcohol-related harm // OJ C 175, 20/06/2001.
9. Council conclusions on the European Pact for Mental Health and Well-being: results and future action // OJ C 202, 08/07/2011.
10. Council resolution of 18 November 1999 on the promotion of mental health // OJ C 086, 24/03/2000.
11. Council resolution of 29 June 2000 on action on health determinants // OJ C 218, 31/07/2000.
12. Decision No 1350/2007/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2007 establishing a second programme of Community action in the field of health (2008-13) (Text with EEA relevance ) // OJ L 301, 20/11/2007.
13. EU-Compass for Action on Mental Health and Wellbeing [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 22.01.2016).
14. European Framework for Action on Mental Health and Wellbeing / EU Joint Action on Mental Health and Wellbeing:Final Conference - Brussels, 21 - 22 January 2016 [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 23.01.2016).
15. European pact for mental health and well-being established by the EU high-level conference ‘Together for Mental Health and Well-Being’ held in Brussels on 13 June 2008 [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 12.01.2016).
16. European Parliament resolution of 19 February 2009 on Mental Health (2008/2209(INI)) [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 20.01.2016).
17. Fundamental Facts About Mental Health 2015 // Mental Health Foundation. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 11.01.2016).
18. Green Paper – Improving the mental health of the population. Towards a strategy on mental health for the European Union COM(2005) 484 final / Commission of the European Communities. – Brussels, 14.10.2005. 25 p.
19. Joint Action No 20122202 under EU Health Programme 2008-2013 Mental health and well-being (MH-WB) [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 22.01.2016).
20. Mental health and Well-being – Support Statements [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 20.01.2016).
21. Report of Ad Hoc Expert Group on the Transition from Institutional to Community-based Care [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: obServlet?docId=4017&langId=en (data obrashhenija:21.01.2016).
22. Standing Committee of European Doctors (CPME) position paper «Mental Health in workplace settings. Fit and healthy at work» (CPME 2009/024 final EN/Fr) [Jelektronnyj resurs] / Sajt Postojannogo komiteta evropejskih vrachej. Rezhim dostupa: http://cpme.dyndns. org:591/adopted/2009/CPME_AD_Brd_140309_024_final_en.pdf (data obrashhenija: 20.01.2016).
23. The Joint Action [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 22.01.2016).
A. S.
Russia and the Congress of local and regional authorities of the Council of Europe: twenty years together
The article deals with the formation and activities of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe, the monitoring of local and regional democracy in Russia and modifications of Russian legislation to that end, the contribution of the Russian delegation to the alignment of imbalance in Congress` monitoring mechanism as well as its politization due to the crisis in Ukraine. The author highlights a significant contribution of the Congress to the development of local and regional democracy in modern Russia and its increasing role in the European dialogue after the Russian delegation to the PACE left it in 2014.
Keywords: Council of Europe, Congress of Local and Regional Authorities, local and regional democracy, Ukraine.

Ibragimov Zh. I.
Conciliatory and other forms of punishment in a common law of Kazakhs
In article features of legal regulation of lawsuits are considered. The author notes that all lawsuits and the most difficult conflicts were considered civil, involved the property, non-property, dishonoring, conciliatory and other forms of punishment. The truth and justice, aspiration to their comprehension were fundamental bases of legal proceedings and the passed judgments.
Keywords: common law, dispute, biy court, law, code, honor and dignity, justice, honesty, compromise.
Work bibliographic list
1. CGA RK fond 369, 1 spisok, 1 delo, 124 s.
2. CGA RK fond 4, 1 spisok, 23 82 delo, 103 s.
3. Bolғanbajұly Ә. Қara қyldy қaқ zharғan Қazybek bi// Drevnij mir kazahov. V 10-ti tomah. T. 1. – Almaty:Zhetі zharғy, 2004. – 632 s.
4. Edіgenің tүje dauyn sheshuі // Drevnij mir kazahov. V 10-ti tomah. T. 1. – Almaty: Zhetі zharғy, 2004. – 632 s.
5. Kenzhaliev Z. Zh. Dәstүrlі қazaқ қoғamyndaғy sot bilіgі // Drevnij mir kazahov. V 10-ti tomah. T. 2. –Almaty: Zhetі zharғy, 2004. – 672 s.
6. Құrbanғali H. Tauarih hamsa: bes tarih. – Almaty:Қazaқstan, 1992. – 304 s.
7. Mamashәrіptegі Ә. Atalar salғan daңғyl zhol // Drevnij mir kazahov. V 10-ti tomah. T. 1. – Almaty: Zhetіzharғy, 2004. – 642 s.
8. Nazarbaev N. A. Novyj Kazahstan v novom mire Poslanie Prezidenta Respubliki Kazahstan narodu Kazahstana. – Astana, 2007. – 6 s.

B. O.
About the legal aspects of education in modern conditions of the development of civil society in the Republic of Tajikistan
This article considers some of the legal aspects in the sphere of education as one of the most important factors in the development of the individual, humanity as a whole, which establish the concept of education. Based on the legal analysis in the sphere of education, the article revealed a number of laws of Tajikistan that govern the education system.
Key words: legal norms, law, education, state regulation, legal regime, development.
Work bibliographic list
1. Rahmon Je. Vystuplenie Prezidenta Respubliki Tadzhikistan Jemomali Rahmon po sluchaju Dnja znanija, 1 sentjabrja 2015 g. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa:
2. Zakon Respubliki Tadzhikistan # 1004 ot 22 ijulja 2013 goda «Ob obrazovanii» // Ahbori Madzhlisi Oli Respubliki Tadzhikistan, 2013. # 7. St. 532; 2014. # 3. St. 156; Zakon RT ot 26.07.2014 g., # 1125.
3. Zakon Respubliki Tadzhikistan «O vysshem i poslevuzovskom professional'nom obrazovanii» // Ahbori Madzhlisi Oli Respubliki Tadzhikistan. 2009.# 5. St. 338.
4. Zakon Respubliki Tadzhikistan «O nauke i gosudarstvennoj nauchno-tehnicheskoj politike» // Ahbori Madzhlisi Oli Respubliki Tadzhikistan. 1998. # 10. St. 94; 2004. # 5. St. 336; 2007. # 7. St. 697; 2008. # 12, chast' 2, st. 1011. 5. Zakon Respubliki Tadzhikistan «O nauchnoj i nauchno-tehnicheskoj jekspertize» // Ahbori Madzhlisi Oli Respubliki Tadzhikistan. 2010. # 1. St. 17.
6. Odinaev A. Sh. Pravovye aspekty postroenija grazhdanskogo obshhestva v Respublike Tadzhikistan // Zakon i pravo. M., 2007, # 12.
7. Samadov B. O. Pravovye problemy obrazovanija kak odin iz vazhnejshih faktorov razvitija chelovecheskogo potenciala // Razvitie chelovecheskogo potenciala v jekonomike Tadzhikistana: sostojanie i tendencii rosta. Materialy respublikanskogo kruglogo stola
(26 nojabrja 2014 g.). Dushanbe, 2014.
8. Husejnov B. A., Sanginova D. N. Voprosy povyshenija kachestva obrazovanija // Tendencii razvitija jekonomiki i vysshego obrazovanija v uslovijah globalizacii. Materialy vtoroj mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. Dushanbe: «Sumani kudrat», 2014.
Asymmetry of constitutional and legal status of Yerevan as an example of asymmetry of subjects in the unitary states
In the science of constitutional law asymmetry as a sort of constitutional and legal mat-ter is inherent in a federal state. However, if we go deeper into the essence of the term of asymmetry, it becomes clear that it involves an imbalance in the status of two formally equal subjects. This implies that the territorial units of the unitary states can also have asymmetry. The author in the article sets forth above point of view, reveals one of the features of the constitutional and legal status of Yerevan (asymmetry) and explains what asymmetry of the Armenian capital is evident.
Keywords: asymmetry, federalism, unitary form, asymmetry of the constitutional and legal status of the city of Yerevan.
Work bibliographic list
1. Durov A. I., Mochalov A. N.: Asimmetrija v federativnom ustrojstve Rossii i princip ravnopravija sub"ektov RF. Vestnik Ural'skogo instituta jekonomiki, upravlenija i prava. Vserossijskij nauchno-analiticheskij zhurnal. # 7, Iz. Ural'skij institut jekonomiki, upravlenija i prava. Ekaterinburg, 2009.
2. Solov'eva E. A. Konstitucionno-pravovoj status sub"ektov Rossijskoj Federacii (problema asimmetrii). Avtoreferat dissertacii na soiskanie uchenoj stepeni kandidata juridicheskij nauk. M., 2006
3. Jebzeev B. S., Karapetjan L. M.: Rossijskij federalizm: Ravnopravie i asimmetrija konstitucionnogo statusa sub"ektov //Gosudarstvo i pravo. M., 1995 # 3.
4. Ivanov A. M.: Asimmetrija kak fenomen federativnogo ustrojstva Rossii. Vestnik Severnogo (ARKTIChESKOGO) Federal'nogo Universiteta. Serija: Gumanitarnye i Social'nye nauki. # 5. Izd. SFU im. M. V. Lomonosova. Arhangel'sk, 2011
5. Ivanov A. M.: Asimmetrija v federativnom ustrojstve Rossii. Zhurnal filosofija prava. # 6, RostovnA- Donu, 2009.
6. Chirkin V. E. Modeli sovremennogo federalizma: sravnitel'nyj analiz // Gosudarstvo i pravo. 1994. # 8.
Tonkov E. N.
Imperfect judge Veles and his approaches to the law interpretation
The article substantiates the necessity of introducing into the scientific circulation legal fiction "imperfect judge Veles", describes his typical features and his approaches to the law interpretation, which are entrenched in the Russian judicial practice and legal reality.
Keywords: laws, law, interpretation, approaches to the law interpretation, legal fiction, imperfect judge Veles, judiciary practice, legal reality.
Work bibliographic list
1. Gadzhiev G. A. Ontologija prava: (kriticheskoe issledovanie juridicheskogo koncepta dejstvitel'nosti): monografija. M., 2013.
2. Dvorkin R. O pravah vser'ez. M., 2004.
3. Poljakov A.V. Jazyk normotvorchestva i voprosy juridicheskoj tehniki // Poljakov A. V. Kommunikativnoe pravoponimanie: Izbrannye trudy. SPb., 2014.
4. Dworkin R. Law’s Empire. Oxford, 1998.
5. Dworkin R. Justice in Robes. London, 2006.
A. E., Erziev R. E
Interaction of the Federal Assembly and the government of the Russian Federation in the legislative process
The authors carried out a generalization of practice of application of the constitutional rules governing the interaction of the Russian Federation Government as the highest executive authority
with the chambers of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation in the legislative process, the development of proposals and recommendations aimed at improving the legislative framework.
Keywords: Constitution, the Federal Assembly, the State Duma, the Government, the legislative
Work bibliographic list
1. Postanovlenie Pravitel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii ot 21 dekabrja 1996 g. # 1536 «O sovershenstvovanii vzaimodejstvija Pravitel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii s palatami Federal'nogo Sobranija Rossijskoj Federacii».
2. Postanovlenie Pravitel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii ot 1 fevralja 2000 g. # 94 «O polnomochnyh predstaviteljah Pravitel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii v palatah Federal'nogo Sobranija Rossijskoj Federacii».
3. Izhutkina I. V. Vzaimodejstvie Pravitel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii i palat Federal'nogo Sobranija v zakonodatel'nom processe [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa:
4. Habrieva T. Ja., Sivickij V. A. Federal'noe Sobranie v 2003 godu: vklad zakonodatelej v razvitie federalizma i mestnogo samoupravlenija // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. 2003. # 12.
5. Shuvalov I. I. Shuvalov I. I. Vzaimodejstvie Pravitel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii s drugimi uchastnikami zakonotvorcheskogo processa // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. 2004. # 6.
K. V.
General concepts of the law theory
Current article explains modern approaches to the law, the analysis of already known theories of law, as well as the development of new concepts of law. As an alternative to existing concepts of
law, author defines the concept that will help to implement the modern legal (in this case juridical)
Keywords: approach to law, the concept of rights, humanization of the legal system.
Work bibliographic list
1. Antologija mirovoĭ pravovoĭ mysli: v 5 t. T. 3: Evropa. Amerika. XVII–XX vv. / ruk. nauch. proekta G. Ju.Semigin. M., 1999.
2. Bobylev A. I. K voprosu ob integrirovannom podhode k opredeleniju prava // Trudy MGJuA: Sbornik stateĭ # 10. M., 2003. S. 152-153.
3. Varlamova N. V. Integrativnaja jurisprudencija i «chistoe» uchenie o prave // Trudy MGJuA: Sbornik stateĭ # 10. M., 2003. S. 147.
4. Evdeeva N. V. Integrativnye teorii pravoponimanija v sovremennoĭ Rossii: avtoref. diss. ... kand.jurid. nauk: 12.00.01. Nizhniĭ Novgorod, 2005. 26 c.
5. Kostin Ju. V. Problema opredelenija ponjatija prava v sovremennoĭ juridicheskoĭ nauke // Sovremennoe pravo. 2007.# 6. S. 72-77.
6. Lapaeva V. V. Integral'noe pravoponimanie v rossiĭskoĭ teorii prava: istorija i sovremennost'// Zakonodatel'stvo i jekonomika. 2008. # 5. S. 5-13.
7. Livshic R. Z. Sovremennaja teorija prava: krat. ocherk. M., 1992. 224 c.
8. Lysov S. I. Tipy pravoponimanija: problema filosofsko-pravovogo obosnovanija // Vestnik TjumGU. 2009. # 2. S. 156-161.
9. Martyshin O. V. Sovmestimy li osnovnye tipy ponimanija prava? // Gosudarstvo i pravo. 2003. # 6. S. 13-21.
10. Matjuhin A. A. Gosudarstvo v sfere prava (Institucional'nyĭ podhod): dis. ... d-ra jurid. nauk: 12.00.01. Almaty, 2001. 352 s.
11. Mozolin V. P. Sistema rossiĭskogo prava (Tezisy doklada na Vserossiĭskoĭ konferencii 14 nojabrja 2001 g. v Moskovskoĭ gosudarstvennoĭ juridicheskoĭ akademii) // Pravo i politika. 2002. # 2. S. 5
12. Murashova S. A. Antologija sovremennoĭ pravovoĭ mysli: problemy pravoponimanija. Krasnodar, 2003. 470 c.
13. Poljakov A. V. Vvedenie v obshhuju teoriju gosudarstva i prava. Pravovedenie / pod red. M. I. Abdullaeva. SPb., 2004.
14. Ponomarenko E. V. Sovremennaja teorija prava: sistema nauki (analiz strukturnyh jelementov // Vestnik Tjumenskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. 2007. # 2. S. 145-154.
15. Ponomarenko E. V. Aktual'nost' i znachimost' kategorii pravovoe osvoenie dlja razvitija sovremennoj teorii prava // Sovremennoe pravo. Moskva. 2014. # 5. S. 5-6.
16. Ponomarenko E.V. K voprosu o sushhnosti sovremennogo rossijskogo prava: ot prava potrebnostej k pravu intellekta// Sovremennoe pravo. Moskva. 2015. # 2. S. 5.
17. Filosofija prava / pod red. O. G. Danil'jana. M., 2005.
18. Filosofija prava v Rossii: istorija i sovremennost': materialy tret'ih filosof.-pravovyh chteniĭ pamjati akad. V.S. Nersesjanca / otv. red. V. G. Grafskiĭ. M.:Norma, 2009. 320 c.
P. A.
Discretion as the quality of law, its relationship with the imperative
This article discusses the discretion as one of the qualities of law. Approaches to understanding this category are provided. Dispositive method of legal regulation and dispositive rules of law in their relation to imperative norms and method are considered.
Keywords: imperativeness, imperative method, imperative norms, discretion, dispositive method, dispositive provisions.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bernada E. V. Dispozitivnost' i primenenie posledstvij nedejstvitel'nosti sdelki // Nauka. Obshhestvo. Gosudarstvo. 2013. # 4 (4).
2. Boshno S.V. Sposoby i metody pravovogo regulirovanija // Pravo i sovremennye gosudarstva. 2014. # 3.
3. Bratchikov D. A. Chastnoe nachalo v ugolovnom processe Rossii // Teoreticheskie i prikladnye aspekty sovremennoj nauki. 2015. # 7-5.
4. Valieva A. R. Osnovanija dualizma dispozitivnosti v jurisdikcionnom processe // Uchenye zapiski kazanskogo universiteta. Serija: Gumanitarnye nauki. 2014. # 4.
5. Genrih N. V. Imperativnye i dispozitivnye sposoby regulirovanija ugolovno-pravovyh otnoshenij //Obshhestvo i pravo. 2010. # 3.
6. Gluhova O. Ju. Institut dispozitivnosti v prave: avtoref. dis. … kand. jurid. nauk: Tambov, 2009.
7. Demin A. V. Neopredelennost' v nalogovom prave i pravovye sredstva ee preodolenija: avtoref. … diss. dokt. jurid. nauk: M., 2014.
8. Zheltova E. V. Grazhdansko-pravovaja iniciativa i dispozitivnost': sravnitel'no-pravovoj analiz // Vestnik omskogo universiteta. Serija: Pravo. 2012. # 3 (32).
9. Krasnoslobodceva N. K. Dispozitivnost' kak instrument zakreplenija svobody lichnosti v zakonodatel'stve // Juridicheskaja nauka. 2011. # 2.
10. Kornev A. V. Dispozitivnost' prava kak mezhotraslevaja problema // Vestnik Akademii prava i upravlenija. 2012. # 29.
11. Mashovec A. O. Dispozitivnost' sudebnogo sledstvija po ugolovnomu delu //Vestnik Tverskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Serija: Pravo. 2013. # 35.
12. Mechetin D. V. Predely pravovogo regulirovanija dogovornyh otnoshenij // Juridicheskaja nauka. 2015. # 4.
13. Petruhin I. L. Publichnost' i dispozitivnost' u ugolovnom processe // Rossijskaja justicija. 1999. # 3.
14. Prohorko T. M. Dispozitivnost' kak princip grazhdanskogo prava: diss. …kand. jurid .nauk: Perm', 2010.
15. Sidorenko Je. L. Dispozitivnost' kak rezhim ugolovno-pravovogo regulirovanija: diss. … dokt. jurid.nauk: M., 2013.
16. Sidorenko Je. L., Karabut M. A. Chastnye nachala v ugolovnom prave. M.: Juridicheskij centr Press. M., 2007.
17. Sumachev A. V. Dispozitivnost' v ugolovnom prave //Juridicheskaja nauka i pravoohranitel'naja praktika. 2008. # 1 (4).
18. Tulinov R. Dispozitivnost' v arbitrazhnom processe // Sovremennoe pravo.2008. # 7.
M. N.
Connect between Legal development and the technological progress
The author of the article raises questions: is legal development associated with scientific and technological progress, what is the relationship between legal development and the socio-economic and spiritualmoral development of society, what are the differences in legal policy in Western countries and in the Russian Federation. The author reflects on the theme: what is social progress and how it is reflected in legal regulations of States of the Eastern and Western world, which must reflect the legal policy of the state.
Keywords: progress, law, legal policies, value foundations of law, human rights.
Work bibliographic list
1. Gadzhiev G. A. Predmet konstitucionnoj jekonomiki// Ocherki konstitucionnoj jekonomiki. 23 oktjabrja 2009 g. / Pod red. G. A. Gadzhieva. M., 2009.
2. Gadzhiev G. A. Jekonomicheskaja jeffektivnost', pravovaja jetika i doverie k gosudarstvu // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. 2012. # 1.
3. Globa P. Zhivoj ogon'. M: Jeksmo, Jauza, 2008.
4. Zhdanov P. S., Romanovskaja V. B. Neklassicheskaja racional'nost' i problema cennostej v prave // Rossijskij zhurnal pravovyh issledovanij. 2015. # 3.
5. Maite G. Legalizacija odnopolyh brakov po francuzskomu zakonodatel'stvu // Lex Russica. 2014. T.XCVI. # 7.
6. Matuzov N. I., Ponjatie i osnovnye prioritety rossijskoj pravovoj politiki //Pravovedenie. 1997. # 4.
7. Pozner R. A. Jekonomicheskij analiz prava: V 2-h t.Per. s angl. V. L. Tambovceva. SPb. 2004. T. 1.
8. Timofeev E. A. Kratkij istoricheskij ocherk po jekonomike prava // Mir politiki i sociologii. 2015. # 1.
9. Mackaay E. History of Law and Economics //Encyclopedia of Law and Economics / B. Bouckaert, G. De Geest. UK. 2000.
10. Mercuro N., Medema S.G. Economics and the Law: From Posner to Post-Modernism and Beyond. Princeton. 2006.
11. Pearson H. Origins of Law and Economics – The Economists New Science of Law, 1830–1930. Cambridge. 1997.
12. Habrieva T. Ja. Jekonomiko-pravovoj analiz: metodologicheskij podhod // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. 2010. # 12.
Didikin A. B.
Law, legal rule and justice in the natural law theory of J. Finnis
The paper contains the study of main notions and discussion questions, which constitute the essence of natural law theory of J. Finnis.
Critical arguments about natural law and legal rule, law and justice distinction as well as methodological aspects of the ways of knowledge of the legal reality are considered.
Keywords: J. Finnis, natural law, legal rule, the common good, morality, justice, legal reality.
Work bibliographic list
1. Denikina Z. D. Protivostojanie neklassicheskoj i postneklassicheskoj filosofsko-pravovyh paradigm// Pravo i obrazovanie. 2005. # 4.
2. Didikin A. B. Koncepcija material'nogo estestvennogo prava Dzh. Finnisa // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2015. # 10.
3. Zazaeva N. B. Sootnoshenie prava i nravstvennosti v svete integrativnogo podhoda // Nauchnyj vestnik Omskoj akademii MVD Rossii. 2008. # 2.
4. Nevvazhaj I. D. Normogenez v processe kommunikacii // Problemy metodologii i filosofii prava. Sb. statej. Samara, Izd-vo SamGA, 2015.
5. Ogleznev V. V. G. L. A. Hart i formirovanie analiticheskoj filosofii prava: Monogr. Tomsk, Izd-vo TGU, 2012.
6. Ostin Dzh. Opredelenie oblasti jurisprudencii //Antologija mirovoj pravovoj mysli. T. 3. M., 1999.
7. Platon. Sobranie sochinenij v 3-h tt. T. 3. M., Mysl',1971.
8. Hart G. Ponjatie prava. Per. s angl. E. V. Afonasina, A. B. Didikina, S. V. Moiseeva. SPb, Izdatel'stvo Sankt-Peterburgskogo universiteta, 2007.
9. Austin J. The Province of Jurisprudence Determined.London, 1832.
10. Hart H. L. A. Are there any natural rights? // The Philosophical Review. 1955. Vol. 64. Issue 2.
11. Finnis J. Law as Co-ordination // Ratio Juris. 1989. Vol. 2. # 1.
12. Finnis J. Legal Philosophy: Roots and Recent Themes //Finnis J. Philosophy of Law. Collected Essays. Vol. IV. Oxford, 2011.
I. A.
Peculiarities of legal regulation of fur raw materials and fur products trade in the pre-revolutionary period
The article discusses the peculiarities of legal regulation of fur raw materials and fur products trade in the period before the revolution of 1917. The system of legal sources, the basic control method, and the text of the Trade Statute norms of 1857 are characterized. As a result, consideration of this issue gives the conclusion about the primitive nature of the legal regulation that is expressed in the insufficient amount of legal norms and their complementarity, the priority of the customs of trade turnover unauthorized by the state.
Keywords: raw materials, fur products, the government monopoly in the trade, Trade Statute of 1857, administrative and directive methods.
Work bibliographic list
1. RGIA, f. 1265, op. 4, d. 109, l. 54.
2. RGIA, f. 1265, op. 4, d. 287, l. 165.
3. RGIA, f.1265, op. 1, d. 287, l. 164.
4. Ustav Torgovyj. Svod zakonov Rossijskoj Imperii.T. 11, Ch. II. SPb., 1903.
5. Dronova I., Shestakov A. Promysel kak zhizn': prirodoohrannye i social'no-jekonomicheskie aspekty pushnogo promysla na Dal'nem Vostoke i torgovli pushninoj v Rossii. M.: TRAFFIC, 2005.
6. Kushnareva M. D. Pushnaja torgovlja kak faktor organizacii pushnogo promysla korennogo naselenija severo-vostochnoj Sibiri vo II polovine XIX – nachale XX vv.: diss. … kand. istor. nauk. Irkutsk, 2005.
7. Chapaev M. R. Gosudarstvenno-pravovoe regulirovanie mehovoj torgovli v Rossii v XVII v. // Izvestija Samarskogo nauchnogo centra Rossijskoj akademii nauk. 2011. T. 13. # 3(2).
V. V.
Administrative activities of Crimean militia on preservation of republican records (february-december 1921)
The work deals with the administrative activities of bodies of workers and peasants militia of the Crimea on storing the republican records in 1921. The main reasons that caused the creation of the state record fund in the Crimea are shown. The tasks of militia bodies to find out and withdraw records are specified. The basic directions of Crimean militia’s activities on fighting the illegal turnover of records of the peninsular are highlighted.
Key words: records, bodies of workers-peasants militia, administrative activities, revcoms.
Work bibliographic list
1. Gosudarstvennyj arhiv Respubliki Krym (GARK). F.
1188. Op. 3. D. 52.
2. GARK. F. 1176. Op. 1. D. 5.
3. GARK. F. 415. Op. 1. D. 2.
4. GARK. F. 4093. Op. 2. D. 18.
5. Kalinin M. I. Voprosy Sovetskogo stroitel'stva. Stat'i i rechi (1919–1946). M.: Politicheskaja literatura, 1958.
6. Prohorov V. V. Organizacionnoe stanovlenie raboche-krest'janskoj milicii Kryma: monografija /Vstup. slovo V. Ju. Gankevicha. Kiev: OOO «Izdatel'stvo «Telesik», 2007.
Kondrashev A. A.
Subjects of Constitutional liability:concept, species and characteristics
The author analyzes the concept of the subject of the constitutional and legal responsibility, the subject of constitutional violations, as well as the characteristics and types of subjects of constitutional and legal responsibility. The paper discusses the features of the incurrence of constitutional and legal responsibility in relation to certain types of constitutional and legal responsibility of subjects. The author argues and disputes the claims of scientists, who do not include individuals without governmental powers in the subjects of constitutional and legal re-sponsibility (public associations and citizens, foreigners, the election candidates) and argues with the researchers who believe that state, nation or other social communities can be the subjects of responsibility.
Keywords: constitutional and legal responsibility, the subjects of constitutional and legal responsibility, constitutional offense, legal capacity, delictual dispositive capacity.
Work bibliographic list
1. Avak'jan S. A. Aktual'nye problemy konstitucionno-pravovoj otvetstvennosti // Konstitucionno-pravovaja otvetstvennost': problemy Rossii, opyt zarubezhnyh stran. Nauchnoe izdanie. – M.: Izd-vo MGU, 2001. – S. 9-32.
2. Avak'jan S. A. Gosudarstvenno-pravovaja otvetstvennost' // Sovetskoe gosudarstvo i pravo. – 1975. – # 10.– S. 36.
3. Avak'jan S. A. Sankcii v sovetskom gosudarstvennom prave // Sovetskoe gosudarstvo i pravo. – M.: Nauka, 1973. – # 11. – S. 29-36.
4. Avdeenkova M. P., Dmitriev Ju. A. Konstitucionnoe pravo Rossijskoj Federacii. – M., 2002. – 332 c.
5. Baglaj M. V. Konstitucionnoe pravo Rossijskoj Federacii. — M.: Norma, 2007. – 784 s.
6. Bogdanova N. A. Konstitucionnoe pravo: programma kursa, tezisy lekcij i metodicheskie ukazanija k seminaram. Obshhaja chast': ucheb. posobie. – M.: Jurid. kolledzh MGU, 1994. – 84 c.
7. Bojcov V. Ja. Sistema sub"ektov sovetskogo gosudarstvennogo prava. – Ufa: Bashk. kn. izd-vo, 1972. – 160 s.
8. Bratus' S. N. Juridicheskaja otvetstvennost' i zakonnost'. – M.: Gorodec-izdat, 2001. – 208 c.
9. Vinogradov V. A. Otvetstvennost' v mehanizme ohrany konstitucionnogo stroja. Monografija. – M.: Institut prava i publichnoj politiki, 2005. – 420 c.
10. Vinogradov V. A. Konstitucionnaja otvetstvennost':voprosy teorii i pravovoe regulirovanie. – M., 2000. – 287 c.
11. Denisov Ju. A. Obshhaja teorija pravonarushenija i otvetstvennosti. Sociologicheskij i juridicheskij aspekty. – L.: Izd-vo Leningr. un-ta, 1983. – 142 c.
12. Eskina L. B. K voprosu ob obosnovanii instituta konstitucionno-pravovoj otvetstvennosti v rossijskoj pravovoj sisteme // Konstitucionnoe i municipal'noe pravo. – 2012. – # 8. – S. 4-15.
13. Zhogin O. V. Konstitucionnaja otvetstvennost' kak ob"ekt teoretiko-pravovogo issledovanija: avtoref. dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. 12.00.01. – Saratov,2008. -18 s.
14. Zhogin O. V. Teoretiko-pravovye problemy definicii sub"ektov konstitucionno-pravovoj otvetstvennosti // Rossijskij sud'ja». –2006. –# 10. –S. 39-42.
15. Zrazhevskaja T. D. Otvetstvennost' po sovetskomu gosudarstvennomu pravu. –Voronezh: Izd-vo Voronezhskogo un-ta, 1980. –158 s.
16. Ioffe O. S. Sovetskoe grazhdanskoe pravo –M.:Jurid. lit., 1967. –494 c.
17. Eremenko Ju. L., Rzhevskij V. A. Sovetskaja Konstitucija i zakonnost'. –Saratov: Izd-vo Sarat. un-ta, 1982. –164 c.
18. Kisluhin V. A. K voprosu o sovremennom ponimanii juridicheskoj otvetstvennosti i ee vidah // Tezisy dokladov nauchnoj konferencii Permskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, Juridicheskogo instituta MVD RF, Juridicheskogo fakul'teta Permskogo voennogo instituta VV MVD RF «Sostojanie i perspektivy razvitija rossijskogo obshhestva, gosudarstva i prava» –Perm', 1998. –S. 91.
19. Knjazev S. D. Konstitucionnaja otvetstvennost' v municipal'nom prave: voprosy teorii i praktiki //Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. –2005. –# 6. –S. 85-86.
20. Kolosova N. M. Konstitucionnaja otvetstvennost' v Rossijskoj Federacii. –M.: Gorodec, 2000. –192 c.
21. Kolosova N. M. Teorija konstitucionnoj otvetstvennosti: priroda, osobennosti, struktura: diss. ... dokt. jurid. nauk. –M., 2006. –368 s.
22. Kondrashev A. A. Konstitucionno-pravovaja otvetstvennost' v rossijskom konstitucionnom prave. Uchebnoe posobie. –Krasnojarsk: SFU, 2011. –466 s.
23. Kudrjashova O. V. Federativnaja otvetstvennost' kak institut konstitucionnogo prava: ponjatie i osobennosti // Konstitucionno-pravovaja otvetstvennost':problemy Rossii, opyt zarubezhnyh stran: nauch. izdanie -M.: Izd-vo Moskovskogo universiteta, 2001. – S. 251-257.
24. Kutafin O. E. Predmet konstitucionnogo prava. – M.: Jurist", 2001 –444 s.
25. Lejst O. Je. Sankcii i otvetstvennost' po sovetskomu pravu (teoreticheskie problemy). –M.: Izd-vo Mosk.un-ta, 1981. –240 c.
26. Lipinskij D. A., Hachaturov R. L. Problemy juridicheskoj otvetstvennosti. Monografija –S.-Pb.: Jurid.centr Press, 2003. –387 c.
27. Luchin V. O. Konstitucionnye normy i pravootnoshenija: Uchebnoe posobie. —M.: Juniti, 1997. —159 c.
28. Luchin V. O. Konstitucija Rossijskoj Federacii. Problemy realizacii. –M.: JuNITI-DANA, 2002.–687 c.
29. Mironov O. O., Farber I. E. Sub"ekty sovetskogo gosudarstvennogo prava –Saratov: Izd-vo Sarat. un-ta,1975. –80 c.
30. Mamut L. S. Problema otvetstvennosti naroda // Voprosy filosofii. –1999. –# 8. –S. 19-28.
31. Nudnenko L. A. Konstitucionno-pravovoj status deputata zakonodatel'nogo organa gosudarstvennoj vlasti v Rossijskoj Federacii –SPb.: Juridicheskij centr Press, 2004. –610 s.
32. Ovsepjan Zh. I. Cub"ekty konstitucionno-pravovoj otvetstvennosti (konstitucionnoj deliktosposobnosti) v sisteme sudebnoj vlasti // Severo-Kavkazskij juridicheskij vestnik. –2011. –# 2. –S. 39-52.
33. Samoshhenko I. S. Ponjatie pravonarushenija po sovetskomu zakonodatel'stvu –M.: Jurid. lit., 1963. –286 c.
34. Serkov P. P. Konstitucionnaja otvetstvennost' v Rossijskoj Federacii: sovremennaja teorija i praktika –M.: Norma, 2014. –464 s.
35. Syrovatskaja L.A. Otvetstvennost' po sovetskomu trudovomu pravu –M. :Jurid. lit.,1974. –184 s.
36. Filatov E. Ju. Ponjatie instancii konstitucionnoj otvetstvennosti // Vestnik Omskogo universiteta. Serija «Pravo». - Omsk: Izd-vo OmGU, 2008. –# 2(15).
–S. 19-23
37. Shon D. T. Konstitucionnaja otvetstvennost' // Gosudarstvo i pravo. –1995. –# 7. –S. 35 –43.
38. Jaroshenko N. I. Normokontrol': konstitucionno-pravovye osnovy i rol' v mehanizme realizacii konstitucionno-pravovoj otvetstvennosti: avtoref.disc. … kand. jurid. nauk.–Cheljabinsk, 2006. –240 s.
A. E.
Expansion and constitutional consolidation of subjects of legislative initiative
In this article the author examines the legal possibility of expanding the range of subjects of legislative initiative at the federal level. The conclusion about the need to enshrine in the Constitution the right of legislative initiative for the Ombudsman of the Russian Federation, the
Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation and the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation is made.
Keywords: RF Constitution, the legislative initiative, the bill, the Ombudsman, the State Duma, the Prosecutor General, the Public Chamber.
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj Zakon ot 17 janvarja 1992 g. # 2202-1 «O Prokurature Rossijskoj Federacii».
2. Doklad Upolnomochennogo po pravam cheloveka v Rossijskoj Federacii za 2015 g. [Jelektronnyj resurs].Rezhim dostupa:
3. Ivanov K. K. Pravo zakonodatel'noj iniciativy i osobennosti ee realizacii deputatami Gosudarstvennoj Dumy // Juridicheskaja nauka. 2012. # 2.
4. Obshhestvennuju palatu nadeljat zakonodatel'noj iniciativoj [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa:
5. Prioritet – obshhestvennyj kontrol' zakonodatel'nyh iniciativ [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa:
6. Statistika zakonodatel'nogo processa [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa:
7. Shobuhin V. Ju. K voprosu o zakonodatel'noj iniciativy prokurora // Vestnik Omskogo universiteta. Serija «Pravo». 2009. # 4(21).
D. V., Pomazan S. V.
Responsibility for violations of constitutional rights of citizens
The article deals with the problems of the implementation of administrative and criminal liability for violation of certain constitutional rights and freedoms of man and citizen.
Keywords: protection of human rights and freedoms, freedom of conscience, freedom of religion,
insulting the religious feelings of believers.
Work bibliographic list
1. Konstitucija RF.
2. Konvencija o zashhite prav cheloveka i osnovnyh svobod (Rim, 4 nojabrja 1950 g.) /
3. Kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ob administrativnyh pravonarushenijah ot 30.12.2001 N 195-FZ (red. ot 09.03.2016) -
4. Ugolovnyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ot 13.06.1996 N 63-FZ (red. ot 30.12.2015) /
5. Federal'nyj zakon ot 26 sentjabrja 1997 g. N 125-FZ «O svobode sovesti i o religioznyh ob"edinenijah». / Sobranie zakonodatel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii ot 29 sentjabrja 1997 g. N 39 st. 4465.
6. Postanovlenie Plenuma Verhovnogo Suda Rossijskoj Federacii ot 28 ijunja 2011 g. N 11 «O sudebnoj praktike po ugolovnym delam o prestuplenijah jekstremistskoj napravlennosti» // Rossijskaja gazeta -Federal'nyj vypusk #5518 (142).
A. A.
Legal content of the border area concept: theory and history of the question
The article analyzes the main stages of historical and legal development of the «border area» concept in the context of evolving legal policy on the border area issues in Russia. The author comes to conclusion that border area has various environmental, social, economic, etc. conditions in its different zones; represents the basis for state border functions implementation; undergoes general state policy; determines the limits of border area actors` participation in ensuring vital interests of individuals, society and state; falls under federal and regional legislation, international treaties of the Russian Federation; enjoys special methods of local authorities organization and functioning; constitutes a part of borderline area; bears the status of diversified hazards spot.
Keywords: border area, national frontier, borderline area, legal regulation, legal policy, theory of law.
Work bibliographic list
1. Busygina I. M. Politicheskaja geografija. Formirovanie politicheskoj karty mira: uchebnik. M.: Prospekt, 2001.
2. Vystuplenie Prezidenta Rossijskoj Federacii V. V. Putina na otkrytii Foruma prigranichnyh oblastej Rossii i Kazahstana. Omsk, 15.04.2003 // Informacionnyj bjulleten' Departamenta informacii i pechati MID Rossii ot 16.04.2003.
3. Istorija otechestvennogo gosudarstva i prava. Ch. II: uchebnik / pod red. prof. O.I. Chistjakova. M.: Izdatel'stvo BEK, 1999.
4. Kljuchevskij V. O. Russkaja istorija. Polnyj kurs lekcij v treh knigah. Kn. I. M.: Mysl', 1993.
5. Na strazhe granic Otechestva. Istorija pogranichnoj sluzhby. Kratkij ocherk. M.: Granica, 1998.
6. Panfilova M. R. Pravovoj rezhim zemel' prigranichnyh territorij: avtoref. diss. ... kand. jurid. nauk. Moskva, 2008.
7. Plehanov A. M. Otdel'nyj korpus pogranichnoj strazhi Rossii. Kratkij istoricheskij ocherk. M.: Granica, 1993.
8. Pogranichnyj slovar'. M.: Izdatel'stvo PA FSB Rossii, 2006.
9. Pravda Russkaja: V 3 t. / pod red. B. D. Grekova. M.-L.: Izdat. Akademii nauk SSSR, 1940. T. 1.
10. Sreznevskij I. I. Materialy dlja slovarja drevne-russkogo jazyka po pis'mennym pamjatnikam. SPb., 1902. T. 2.
11. Handozhko V. Je. Teoretiko-pravovye aspekty ustanovlenija pogranichnyh zon i pogranichnyh rezhimov v Rossijskoj Federacii: diss. ... kand. jurid. nauk.Moskva, 2002.
12. Shafirov P. P. Rassuzhdenie, kakie zakonnye prichiny Petr I, car' i povelitel' vserossijskij, k nachatiju vojny protiv Karla XII, korolja shvedskogo, v1700 godu imel / pod red. i s predisl. V. A. Tomsinova. M.: «Zercalo», 2007.

Ismailova H. Ch.
Employment contract: theoretical and applied problems
The article studies the problems of the employment contract and the definition of the subject taking into account its complex nature, the provisions of which are contained in various federal laws and regulations, grounds for concluding a fixed term employment contract issues employment contracts with the persons sentenced to correctional labor, justified proposals for the improvement of labour legislation.
Keywords: subject of contract labor, inter-industry rule of regulation, civil-law contract, the employment contract with the persons sentenced to correctional labour.
Work bibliographic list
1. Boldyrev V. A. Dolzhnostnaja instrukcija – osnovnoe sredstvo ustranenija bespredmetnosti otnoshenij naemnogo truda // Zakonodatel'stvo i jekonomika. 2015. # 12.
2. Gevorgjan M. A. Nekotorye teoreticheskie aspekty samozashhity kak sposoba zashhity semejnyh prav //Vestnik Permskogo Universiteta. Juridicheskie nauki. 2014. # 4.
3. Gluhov A. V. Dogovornyj porjadok vyplaty vyhodnyh posobij pri uvol'nenii // Juridicheskaja nauka. 2013. #1.
4. Drachuk M. A. Pravila vnutrennego trudovogo rasporjadka – bazovyj dokument dlja zakreplenija upravlencheskih reshenij rabotodatelja // Vestnik Omskogo universiteta. Ser. «Pravo», 2013. # 3.
5. Presnjakov M. Samozashhita trudovyh prav //Trudovoe pravo. 2013. # 5 Konsul'tantPljus
6. Otchet o chisle privlechennyh k ugolovnoj otvetstvennosti i vidah ugolovnogo nakazanija [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa:
7. Rahmaev Je. S. Ispravitel'nye raboty kak vid ugolovnogo nakazanija: Avtoref. dis. ... kand. jurid. nauk. Rjazan', 2005.
8. Harakteristika lic, sostojashhih na uchete v ugolovno-ispolnitel'nyh inspekcijah. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: http://fsin.rf/structure/inspector/iao/statistika/Xar-ka%20v%20YII.
9. Hudojkina T. V. Juridicheskij konflikt: dinamika, struktura, razreshenie: Avtoref. dis. ... kand. jurid. nauk. Saransk, 1996.
Abdujalilov A.
Internet and civil law: common ground
The problem of determining sectoral division of public relations in the sphere of the Internet in recent years in the science of law has been the subject of lively debate. Multifunctional parameters of Internet do not fit into the traditional canons of existing branches of law. In the article the social relations in the sphere of the Internet are analyzed using the methods of civil law and scientific apparatus. The author substantiates the proposition that the further development of the Internet theory must be based on civil law provisions.
Keywords: Internet, civil law, private law, information law, Internet law, branch of law.
Work bibliographic list
1. Abdudzhalilov A. Teoreticheskie problemy pravovogo regulirovanija Interneta: grazhdansko-pravovye problemy. Monografija. Dushanbe, Jer-graf, 2014.
2. Abdudzhalilov A. Osnovnye polozhenija teorii ambivalentnosti Interneta // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2016. # 1.
3. Azmi D. M. Znachenie otraslevogo delenija prava.Kriterii vydelenija i ierarhija otraslej prava //Gosudarstvo i pravo. 2011. # 2.
4. Arhipov V. V. Internet-pravo. Uchebnik i praktikum.M.: Jurajt, 2016.
5. Grazhdanskij kodeks Respubliki Tadzhikistan. Chast' pervaja. Dushanbe, 2009.
6. Grazhdanskoe pravo / Pod red. E. A.Suhanova. M.: Volters Kluver. 2006. T. 1.
7. Didenko A. G. Teorija grazhdanskogo prava: vyzovy vremeni. Almaty: Raritet, 2013.
8. Egorov N. D. Ponjatie grazhdanskogo prava // Vestnik grazhdanskogo prava. 2012. # 4. Tom 12.
9. Ershova I. V. Predprinimatel'skoe pravo. M.: Jurisprudencija, 2009.
10. Ioffe O. S. Izbrannye trudy. SPb.: Juridicheskij Centr Press. 2004. T. 2.
11. Kastel's Manujel'. Informacionnaja jepoha: jekonomika, obshhestvo i kul'tura / Pod red. O. I. Shkaratana. M.: GU VShJe, 2000.
12. Kostjuk I. V. Grazhdansko-pravovoe regulirovanie jelektronnoj torgovli: Diss. kand. jurid. nauk. Kazan', 2007.
13. Livshic R. Z. Otrasl' prava – otrasl' zakonodatel'stva. M.: Sovetskoe gosudarstvo i pravo, 1984. # 2.
14. Mozolina O. V. Publichno-pravovye aspekty mezhdunarodnogo regulirovanija otnoshenij v Internete:dis... kand. jurid. nauk. M., 2008.
15. Mochenov V. Ju. Pravovoe regulirovanie jelektronnoj torgovli: diss. … kand. jurid. nauk. M., 2006.
16. Neznamov A. V. Osobennosti kompetencii po rassmotreniju internet-sporov: nacional'nyj i mezhdunarodnyj aspekty: dis. ... kand. jurid. nauk. Ekaterinburg, 2010.
17. Pokrovskij I. A. Osnovnye problemy grazhdanskogo prava. M.: Statut, 2009.
18. Rassolov I. M. Pravo i Internet. Teoreticheskie problemy: dis. ... d-ra jurid. nauk. M., 2008.
19. Rassolov I. M. Informacionnoe pravo. Uchebnik. M.: Jurajt, 2013.
20. Sergo A. I. Pravovoj rezhim domennyh imen i ego razvitie v grazhdanskom prave: dis. … dokt. jurid. nauk. M., 2011.
21. Sitdikova L. B. Pravovoe regulirovanie otnoshenij v sfere okazanija informacionnyh i konsul'tacionnyh uslug v Rossijskoj Federacii: dis. … dokt. jurid. nauk. M., 2009.
22. Talapina Je. V. O predmete informacionnogo prava. M.: Gosudarstvo i pravo, 2013. # 5.
23. Tedeev A. A. Informacionnoe pravo (pravo Internet). M.: Jeksmo, 2005.
E. N., Firsova N. V.
Limitation of the freedom of contract principle in adhesion contracts in view of legislative amendments
The article deals with the key principle of the civil law – the principle of the freedom of contract
through the example of the adhesion contract.
Keywords: civil law, freedom of contract principle, adhesion contract.
Work bibliographic list
1. Grazhdanskij kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii (chast' pervaja) ot 30.11.1994 # 51-FZ (red. ot 31.01.2016) //Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. 1994. # 32. St. 3301.
2. Bashirina E. N. Modernizacija politicheskoj sistemy Rossii // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2014. # 3 (70).
3. Mustafin R. F. Perspektivy razvitija dogovora prisoedinenija v ramkah reformirovanija Rossijskogo grazhdanskogo prava // Biznes v zakone. Jekonomiko-juridicheskij zhurnal. 2012 [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 13.11.2015).
4. Firsova N. V. Obshhaja dolevaja sobstvennost' kak institut grazhdanskogo prava: dis. … kand. jurid. nauk.M., 2010.
5. Postanovlenie Konstitucionnogo Suda RF ot 23 fevralja 1999 g. # 4-P «Po delu o proverke konstitucionnosti polozhenija chasti vtoroj stat'i 29 Federal'nogo zakona ot 3 fevralja 1996 goda «O bankah i bankovskoj dejatel'nosti» v svjazi s zhalobami grazhdan O. Ju. Veseljashkinoj, A. Ju. Veseljashkina i N. P. Lazarenko».
6. Postanovlenie Plenuma VAS RF ot 14.03.2014 # 16 «O svobode dogovora i ee predelah» // Vestnik VAS RF. 2014. # 5.
7. Informacionnoe pis'mo ot 13.09.2011 g. # 147 «Obzor sudebnoj praktiki razreshenija sporov, svjazannyh s primeneniem polozhenij Grazhdanskogo kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii o kreditnom dogovore» // Vestnik VAS RF. 2011. # 11.
V. N.
Security payment
This article analyzes the changes in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation in the area of liability
law – introduction of a security payment. The author examines some theoretical and practical aspects of the new method of enforcement obligations.
Keywords: payment security, ensuring the fulfillment of obligations, liability law.
Work bibliographic list
1. Grazhdanskij kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii (chast' pervaja) ot 30.11.1994 # 51-FZ (red. ot 31.01.2016).
2. Federal'nyj zakon ot 08.03.2015 # 42-FZ «O vnesenii izmenenij v chast' pervuju Grazhdanskogo kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii».
3. Opredelenie VS RF ot 26.06.2015 # 307-JeS15-4456 po delu # A56-49422/2013.
4. Postanovlenie FAS Volgo-Vjatskogo okruga ot 09.12.2009 po delu # A43 7902/2009 21-242.
5. Postanovlenie FAS Volgo-Vjatskogo okruga ot 15.08.2013 po delu # A43- 24042/2012.
6. Postanovlenie FAS Zapadno-Sibirskogo okruga ot 15.08.12 po delu # A54 5706/2012.
7. Postanovlenie FAS Moskovskogo okruga ot 02.02.15 po delu # A41-25273/14.
8. Postanovlenie FAS Moskovskogo okruga ot 24.01.11 po delu A40-119557/09-45-771.
9. Postanovlenie FAS Ural'skogo okruga ot 27.06.2011 # F09-3618/11 po delu # A60- 41585/2010-S12.
10. Reshenie MKAS pri TPP RF ot 30.10.2003 po delu # 15/2003.
11. Beljaev A. B. Obespechitel'nyj platezh [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa:
12. Brazhnikov V. Obespechenie ispolnenija objazatel'stv:vtoroe dyhanie // JeZh-Jurist. 2015. # 16.
13. Vserossijskij sputnikovyj onlajn-seminar na temu: «Novelly GK o dogovorah. Kommentarij k Federal'nomu zakonu ot 8 marta 2015 g. # 42-FZ “O vnesenii izmenenij v chast' pervuju Grazhdanskogo kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii”».
14. Grazhdanskoe pravo. V 3-h tomah. Tom I / Pod red. Sergeeva A. P., Tolstogo Ju. K. M.: Prospekt, 2005.
15. Karapetov A. G. Obespechitel'nyj platezh: kommentarij k stat'jam 381.1–381.2 novoj redakcii GK [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa:
16. Rossijskoe grazhdanskoe pravo: V 2 t. Objazatel'stvennoe pravo: Uchebnik / Pod red. Suhanova E. A. M.: Statut, 2011.
17. Sergeev A. P., Tereshhenko T. A. Reforma Grazhdanskogo kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii: obshhij kommentarij novell objazatel'stvennogo prava / Arbitrazhnye spory. 2015. # 3.
T. A.
The concept and correlation of rights and obligations of private and public character
The article analyzes the specificity of private and public rights and private and public obligations. The author, referring to the identified characteristics, formulates definitions of private right, private obligation, public right, public obligation.
Keywords: right; obligation; private right; private obligation; public right; public obligation.
Work bibliographic list
1. Alekseev S. S. Obshhaja teorija prava. T. 2. – M.: Jurid.lit, 1982.
2. Bratus' S. N. Sub"ekty grazhdanskogo prava. – M.: Gos. izd-vo jurid. lit-ry, 1950.
3. Vavilin E. V. Problemy osushhestvlenija sub"ektivnyh grazhdanskih prav v sovremennoj Rossii // Gosudarstvo i pravo. – 2008. – # 2.
4. Vitruk V. N. Obshhaja teorija pravovogo polozhenija lichnosti. – M.: Norma, 2008.
5. Grudcyna L. Ju., Ivanova S. A. Chastnoe i publichnoe pravo: vvedenie v problemu (pamjati doktora juridicheskih nauk, professora Nikolaja Mihajlovicha Korshunova) // Sovremennoe pravo. – 2012. – # 4.
6. Ioffe O. S., Shargorodskij M. D. Voprosy teorii prava. – M.: Jur. literatura, 1961.
7. Marchenko M. N. Teorija gosudarstva i prava: uchebnik. – M.: Prospekt, 2012.
8. Muromcev S. A. Opredelenie i osnovnoe razdelenie prava. – SPb.: Izdat. Dom SPb un-ta. Izd-vo jurid. fak-ta SPbGU, 2004.
9. Smirnov A. P. Juridicheskie sredstva zashhity sub"ektivnyh prav: diss. … kand. jurid. nauk: 12.00.01. –Omsk, 2015.
10. Solodovnichenko T. A. Kriterii razgranichenija prava na chastnoe i publichnoe // Vestnik Omskogo universiteta. Serija Pravo. – 2015. – # 2.
11. Tolstoj Ju. K. K teorii pravootnoshenija. – L.: Izdvo Leningradskogo Un-ta, 1959.
12. Fedosenko V. A. Sub"ektivnye prava v publichnoj sfere: avtoref. diss. … kand. jurid. nauk: 12.00.01. –Moskva, 2007.
13. Haritonova Ju. S. Osnovy razdelenija sistemy prava Rossii na chastnoe i publichnoe // Obrazovanie ipravo. – 2012. – # 12.
14. Hohlova E. M. Sub"ektivnoe pravo i juridicheskaja objazannost' v mehanizme pravovogo regulirovanija:diss. … kand. jurid. nauk: 12.00.01. – Saratov, 2008.
15. Jeriashvili N. D. Zakonodatel'stvo kak osnova edinstva chastnyh i publichnyh zakonov // Obrazovanie i pravo. – 2012. – # 12.
E. S., Petrov A. I.
Uncertainty of the legal interpretation of the term «Bus route»
Transformation of planed economy system into market economy system requires revision of regulatory framework in all spheres of activity, including the transport services organization process. Frequently, the legislation reformation can cause contradictions between the requirements of different regulations that results in uncertainty of its practical implementation. The question of «bus route» term definition unconformity according to Federal law from July 13, 2015 № 220-FZ «About organizationof the regularpassenger and luggage transportation by means of automobile transportand above-ground city electric transport in Russian Federation and changes introduction
to regulations in Russian Federation», and Federal law from November 8, 2007 № 259-FZ «The charter of automobile transport and aboveground city electric transport», is taken into consideration in this article. The way to prevent the ambiguities of this term interpretation is also proposed.
Keywords: Bus route, public city transport, routeslist, transport services organization parameterson the route.
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon # 220-FZ «Ob organizacii reguljarnyh perevozok passazhirov i bagazha avtomobil'nym transportom i gorodskim nazemnym jelektricheskim transportom v Rossijskoj Federacii i o vnesenii izmenenij v otdel'nye zakonodatel'nye akty Rossijskoj Federacii».
2. Federal'nyj zakon ot 8 nojabrja 2007 g. # 259-FZ «Ustav avtomobil'nogo transporta i gorodskogo nazemnogo jelektricheskogo transporta».
3. Ustav avtomobil'nogo transporta RSFSR, utverzhdennyj Postanovleniem Soveta Ministrov RSFSRot 8 janvarja 1969 g. # 12
4. Pravila organizacii passazhirskih perevozok na avtomobil'nom transporte, utverzhdennye Prikazom Ministerstva avtomobil'nogo transporta RSFSR ot 31 dekabrja 1981 g. # 200.
5. Pravila perevozok passazhirov i bagazha avtomobil'nym transportom v RSFSR, utverzhdennye Prikazom Ministerstva avtomobil'nogo transporta RSFSR ot 24 dekabrja 1987 g. # 176.
6. Pravila perevozok passazhirov i bagazha avtomobil'nym transportom i gorodskim nazemnym jelektricheskim transportom, utverzhdennye Postanovleniem Pravitel'stva RF ot 14 fevralja 2009 g. # 112.
7. Dedjukin V. V., Petrov A. I., Karnauhov V. N. Gorodskoj passazhirskij transport. – Tjumen': TjumGNGU, 2008.
8. Petrov A. I. Konceptual'nye osnovy sovershenstvovanija upravlenija gorodskim passazhirskim obshhestvennym transportom na osnove vlijanija vneshnej sredy // Transport: nauka, tehnika, upravlenie. –2011. – # 4.
9. Petrov A. I., Tashlanov E. S. Sravnitel'nyj analiz razvitija i ustojchivosti infrastruktury sistem obshhestvennogo transporta v gorodah Rossijskoj Federacii // Avtotransportnoe predprijatie. – 2015. –# 3.
Informed voluntary consent: civil aspect
The article reveals the problems of the institute of the informed voluntary consent together with relation of the legislation on health care and civil law. Special attention is given to such categories as "the responsibility of the patient" to transmit the adequate information about the medical condition to determine of the contractual commitments.
Keywords: medical law, medical service, the contract of paid medical services, patient, medical organization, commitments, informed voluntary consent.
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon ot 21.11.2011 # 323-FZ (red. ot 26.04.2016) «Ob osnovah ohrany zdorov'ja grazhdan v Rossijskoj Federacii» // Sobr. Zakonodatel'stva Ros. Federacii. 2011. # 48. St. 6724.
2. Postanovlenie Pravitel'stva RF ot 04.10.2012 # 1006 «Ob utverzhdenii Pravil predostavlenija medicinskimi organizacijami platnyh medicinskih uslug» // Sobr. zakonodatel'stva Ros. Federacii. 2012. # 41. St. 5628.
3. Postanovlenie Pravitel'stva RF ot 13.01.1996 # 27 «Ob utverzhdenii Pravil predostavlenija platnyh medicinskih uslug naseleniju medicinskimi uchrezhdenijami» // utratilo silu.
4. Bazhenov N. O., Ivanenko N. S. Mediko-pravovye aspekty informirovannogo dobrovol'nogo soglasija // Zdravoohranenie Rossijskoj Federacii. 2012. # 6.
5. Bazarov S. B. Optimizacija dejatel'nosti medicinskih organizacij po informirovaniju pacientov pri okazanii medicinskoj pomoshhi: avtoref. dis.… kand. med. nauk. M., 2009.
6. Nagornaja I. I. Informirovannoe dobrovol'noe soglasie na medicinskoe vmeshatel'stvo i otvetstvennost' medicinskih rabotnikov // Juridicheskie issledovanija. 2014. # 10. S. 74–88.
7. Pogodina T. G. K voprosu o dobrovol'nom informirovannom soglasii na medicinskoe vmeshatel'stvo kak neot"emlemom prave pacienta // Juridicheskaja nauka i praktika: Vestnik Nizhegorodskoj Akademii MVD Rossii. 2015. # 2 (30).
(Kolodkina) M. V.
Settlement services as part of the implementation of the monetary obligation, expressed in the form of electronic payment
In the present article the author analyzes the legal nature of money transfer by commission of electronic payments. The conclusion about legal essence of electronic money and electronic calculation is drawn.
Keywords: electronic money, electronic funds transfer, electronic payment, calculation service, money obligation, calculation, cashless settlement, payment services.
Work bibliographic list
1. Belov V. A. Grazhdanskoe pravo: Osobennaja chast': Uchebnik. M.: AO «Centr JurInfoR», 2004.
2. Belov V. A. Denezhnye objazatel'stva. M.: AO «Centr JurInfoR», 2001.
3. Vestnik Banka Rossii. 2012. # 56-57.
4. Vestnik Banka Rossii. 2013. # 43.
5. Grazhdanskoe pravo v 4-h tomah. Tom 4 / Pod red. Suhanova E.A. 3-e izd., pererab. i dop. M.: Volters Kluver, 2008.
6. Efimova L. G. Dogovory ob okazanii raschetov: ponjatie, vidy, sistema, pravovaja priroda // Grazhdanskoe pravo i sovremennost': sbornik statej, posvjashhennyj pamjati M.I. Braginskogo / Pod red. V. N. Litovkina, K. B. Jaroshenko. M.: Statut, 2013.
7. Krasavchikov O. A. Kategorii nauki grazhdanskogo prava. Izbrannye trudy: v 2 t. T. 2. M.: Statut, 2005.
8. Lavrov D. G. Denezhnye objazatel'stva v rossijskom grazhdanskom prave: avtoref. dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. Special'nost' 12.00.03. SPb., 2000.
9. Lunc L. A. Den'gi i denezhnye objazatel'stva v grazhdanskom prave. M.: Statut, 1999.
10. Rajzberg B. A., Lozovskij L. Sh., Starodubceva E. B. Sovremennyj jekonomicheskij slovar'. 5-e izd., pererab. i dop. M.: INFRA-M, 2006.
11. Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. 2011. # 27. St. 3872;2015. # 1 (ch. 1). St. 14.
12. Filippov P. M., Shestakov V. A., Cirul'nikov V. N. Pravovaja priroda cessii. Volgograd: Izdatel'stvo instituta jekonomiki, sociologii i prava, 2003.
M. Ya.
Current problems of civil law in the field of remote banking
The article describes a number of problems in the field of civil-law regulation of electronic transactions in general, and in the implementation of e-banking activities in particular. The analysis of the civil law, as well as the regulations of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation
in the field of remote transactions and operations of credit institutions. Recommendations for improvement of the Russian civil legislation based on european regulations.
Keywords: electronic transactions, remote banking, civil liability, cross-border transfer of bank secrecy, protection of consumer rights.
Work bibliographic list
1. Andronova T. A. Bankovskaja tajna: avtoref. diss. …kand.jurid.nauk: 12.00.03. M., 2008. – 22 s.
2. Bobrickij F. G. Grazhdansko-pravovoe regulirovanie ispol'zovanija jelektronnoj cifrovoj podpisi pri osushhestvlenii bankovskih sdelok: avtoref.diss. … kand.jurid.nauk: 12.00.03. M., 2005. – 26 s.
3. Bova I. A. Finansovo-pravovye osnovy instituta bankovskoj tajny v Rossijskoj Federacii: problemy teorii i praktiki: avtoref. diss. … kand.jurid.nauk: 12.00.04. – Saratov, 2013. – 22 s.
4. Gorshkova L. V. Pravovye problemy regulirovanija chastnopravovyh otnoshenij mezhdunarodnogo haraktera v seti Internet: avtoref. diss. … kand.jurid.nauk: 12.00.03. – M., 2005. – 30 s.
5. Danilenko S. A. Pravovoe regulirovanie bankovskoj tajny: avtoref. diss. … kand.jurid.nauk: 12.00.03. – M., 2007. – 26 s.
6. Dmitrik N. A. Sposoby osushhestvlenija sub"ektivnyh grazhdanskih prav i ispolnenija objazannostej s ispol'zovaniem seti Internet: avtoref. diss. …kand.jurid.nauk: 12.00.03. M., 2007. – 30 s.
7. Krasikova A. V. Grazhdansko-pravovoe regulirovanie jelektronnyh sdelok: avtoref. diss. … kand.jurid. nauk: 12.00.03. – Volgograd, 2005. – 22 s.
8. Kovaleva N. N. Informacionnoe pravo Rossii: Uchebnoe posobie. M.: Dashkov i K. – 2007. – 360 s.
9. Kulik T. Problema razgranichenija ponjatij «podlinnik» i «kopija» jelektronnogo dokumenta // Hozjajstvo i pravo. –2008. - # 5. –S. 88-91
10. Lisicina N. V. Bankovskaja tajna kak ob"ekt pravovogo regulirovanija: avtoref. diss. … kand.jurid.nauk:12.00.03. –M., 2003. –25 s.
11. Petrovskij S. Pravovoj status jelektronnyh dokumentov: vozniknovenie i sovremennoe razvitie // Hozjajstvo i pravo. –2001. - # 12. –S. 19-26
12. Poljakova T. A., Himchenko A. I. Aktual'nye organizacionno-pravovye voprosy transgranichnoj peredachi personal'nyh dannyh // Pravo. Zhurnal Vysshej shkoly jekonomiki. - # 1. –2013. –S. 113-122
13. Saliev I. R. Grazhdansko-pravovoe regulirovanie jelektronnoj torgovli v Rossii: sovremennaja pravovaja model': diss. … kand.jurid.nauk: 12.00.03. –Sankt-Peterburg, 2013. –198 s.
14. Solovjanenko N. Sovershenie sdelok putem jelektronnogo obmena dannymi // Hozjajstvo i pravo. –1997. -# 6. –S. 53-60.
15. Fabrichnov A. Tradicionnye i jelektronnye dokumenty // Hozjajstvo i pravo. –2008. - # 10. –S. 98-107.
16. 16. Internet Banking and the Law in Europe. Regulation, Financial Integration and Electronic Commerce, Apostolos Gkoutzinis. Cambridge university press. – 2006. –354 pages

Galaganova N. P., Zabotkin A. O.
Transactions in Russian family law: some questions of interpretation and application of legal rules
The article is devoted to some topical issues of interpretation and application of the rules of Family Code of the Russian Federation concerning administration of the community property of spouses and community property partition agreements. The authors examine the problems of applying the rules concerning administration of the community property of spouses to former spouses and also consider the issues of execution of marriage contracts and community property partition agreements.
Keywords: marriage contract, administration of community property, family law, communal ownership, community property partition agreement.
Work bibliographic list
1. Apelljacionnoe opredelenie Jaroslavskogo oblastnogo suda ot 25 ijunja 2012 g. po delu # 33-3205/2012 //Arhiv Jaroslavskogo oblastnogo suda za 2012 g.
2. Galaganova N. P. Zloupotreblenie pravom v semejnyh otnoshenijah. Sposoby zashhity // Pravovye problemy ukreplenija rossijskoj gosudarstvennosti:cb. st. Ch. 60. Tomsk: Izd-vo Tom. un-ta, 2014.
3. Grazhdanskij kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii (chast' pervaja) ot 30 nojabrja 1994 g. # 51-FZ (red. ot 31 janvarja 2016 g.) // SPS «Konsul'tantPljus», 2016.
4. Grazhdanskij processual'nyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ot 14 nojabrja 2002 g. # 138-FZ (red. ot 30 dekabrja 2015 g.) // SPS «Konsul'tantPljus», 2016.
5. Kommentarij k Semejnomu kodeksu Rossijskoj Federacii (postatejnyj) / Z. A. Ahmet'janova, E. Ju. Koval'kova, O. N. Nizamieva (i dr.); otv. red. O. N. Nizamieva. M.: Prospekt, 2011.
6. O vnesenii izmenenij v otdel'nye zakonodatel'nye akty Rossijskoj Federacii: feder. zakon ot 29 dekabrja 2015 g. # 391-FZ // SPS «Konsul'tantPljus»,2016.
7. Opredelenie Moskovskogo gorodskogo suda ot 25 marta 2013 g. # 4g/8-2202 // SPS «Konsul'tantPljus»,2016.
8. Opredelenie Sudebnoj kollegii po grazhdanskim delam Verhovnogo Suda Rossijskoj Federacii ot 14 janvarja 2005 g. # 12-VO4-8 // SPS «Konsul'tant-Pljus», 2016.
9. Opredelenie Sudebnoj kollegii po grazhdanskim delam Verhovnogo Suda Rossijskoj Federacii ot 16 aprelja 2013 g. # 5-KG13-13 // SPS «Konsul'tant-Pljus», 2016.
10. Postanovlenie Plenuma Verhovnogo Suda Rossiskoj Federacii ot 5 nojabrja 1998 g. # 15 «O primenenii sudami zakonodatel'stva pri rassmotrenii del o rastorzhenii braka» (red. ot 6 fevralja 2007 g.) //SPS «Konsul'tantPljus», 2016.
11. Semejnyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ot 29 dekabrja 1995 g. # 223-FZ (red. ot 30 dekabrja 2015 g.) //SPS «Konsul'tantPljus», 2016.
A. M., Azizov S. D.
Social and legal description proceedings in cases of dissolution of marriage
The paper analyzes the social and legal aspects of divorce. We study the statistics of divorce, the factors affecting these indicators, the most common reasons of dissolution of marriage in contemporary Russia. Therefore, conclusions about the need to consider the impact of these standards on the family and the legal regulation are made. The opinion that the divorce in court made enough social function of the state to protect and preserve the family is substantiated. The authors defend the point of view of the need to create specialized family courts.
Based on analysis of the practice of mediation procedures in cases of divorce, the author proposes to amend the existing legislation by introducing mandatory mediation in cases of divorce, as well as the introduction of an optional basis for the suspension of the proceedings on divorce mediation application.
Keywords: prevalence of divorce, court order of divorce, family law regulation, mediation.
Work bibliographic list
1. V razvodah vinovaty izmeny i bednost'. VCIOM uznal, pochemu raspadajutsja sem'i // Rossijskaja gazeta.2013. # 6132 (156).
2. Kazhdyj vtoroj brak v Rossii k razvodu [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 21.05.2015).
3. Medvedev D. A. Ideju o povyshenii gosposhliny za razvod nuzhno eshhe obsudit' [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 21.05.2015).
4. Spravka o praktike primenenija sudami Federal'nogo zakona ot 27 ijulja 2010 g. # 193-FZ «Ob al'ternativnoj procedure uregulirovanija sporov s uchastiem posrednika (procedure mediacii)» za period s 2013 po 2014 god: utv. Prezidiumom Verhovnogo Suda
RF 01.04.2015 g. // Solidarnost'. 22.04.2015. # 15.
5. Statistika razvodov, osnovnye prichiny rastorzhenija brakov [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 21.05.2015).
6. Sudebnaja zashhita semejnyh prav: ucheb. pos. / nauch. red. d-r jurid. nauk, prof. N. M. Kostrova. M.: Izd. dom. «Gorodec», 2008.
7. Tjulegenova D. G. Perspektivy semejnoj mediacii v sub"ektah Rossijskoj Federacii // Semejnoe i zhilishhnoe pravo. 2012. # 1.
A. I., Ayubova Sh. I., Karimullaeva E. M.
Fictitious marriage of sentenced persons
The article is devoted to such kind of fictitious family law States that as a marriage. The history of formation of institute of marriage in Russian family law is analyzed, there are advantages and disadvantages of legal regulation of this fictitious state.
Keywords: fake marriage, abuse of family law, a fictitious family and legal status, legal liability.
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon ot 24 oktjabrja 1997 g. # 134-FZ «O prozhitochnom minimume v Rossijskoj Federacii» (s izmenenijami i dopolnenijami).
2. Semejnyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ot 29 dekabrja 1995g. # 223-FZ (red. ot 5 maja 2014g.) // 1996. # 1. St. 16.
3. Grazhdanskij processual'nyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ot 14.11.2002 # 138-FZ (red. ot 30.12.2015) (s izm. i dop., vstup. v silu s 01.01.2016).
4. Kodeks o brake i sem'e RSFSR ot 30 ijulja 1969g. (red. ot 29 dekabrja 1990g.) // Vedomosti VS RSFSR. 1969. # 32. St.1397.
5. Kameneckaja M. S. Priznaki fiktivnogo braka // Zakony Rossii: opyt, analiz, praktika. 2009. # 9.
6. Kiminchizhi E. N. Zakljuchenie braka iz korystnyh pobuzhdenij i ego pravovye posledstvija // Semejnoe i zhilishhnoe pravo. 2010. # 6.
7. Pchelinceva L. M. Semejnoe pravo Rossii: Uchebnik. 6-e izd., pererab. M.: Norma, 2009.
I. F.
Legal regulation of application of artificial methods of a human reproduction: family legal aspect
The article is devoted to the research of problems of legal regulation, using auxiliary reproductive technologies for the birth of a man, for the purpose of overcoming of infecundity of one or both spouses.
Keywords: artificial methods of a reproduction of a man, surrogacy, artificial insemination, implantation of an embryo, acyetic married couple, genetic parents, donor.
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon ot 15.11.1997 «Ob aktah grazhdanskogo sostojanija» // SZ RF. 1997. # 47. St. 5340
2. Federal'nyj zakon ot 21.11.2011 «Ob osnovah ohrany zdorov'ja grazhdan RF» (V redakcii ot 06.04.2015). //SZ RF. 2011. # 48. St. 6724
3. Grazhdanskij processual'nyj kodeks RF. Prinjat FZ ot 14.11.2002 // SZ RF. 2002. # 46. St.4532
4. Semejnyj kodeks RF. Prinjat FZ ot 29.12.1995 // SZ RF. 1996. #1. St. 16.
5. Aleksandrov I. F. Osnovnye celi i principy gosudarstvennoj semejnoj politiki v sovremennyh uslovijah // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. – 2016.- # 3. – S. 304-306.
6. Analiticheskoe obozrenie. – M.: Jurid. lit., 1992.
7. Afanas'eva E. G. Pravovoe regulirovanie okazanija kommercheskih medicinskih uslug v SShA. – M.:Jurid. lit., 1995. – 189 s.
8. Grigorovich E. V. Surrogatnoe materinstvo: za i protiv // Jurist. – 1999. – # 4.
9. Drgonec Ja., Hollender. P. Sovremennaja medicina i pravo. – M.: Jurid. lit., 1991. – 256 s.
10. Dronova Ju. A. Chto nuzhno znat' o surrogatnom materinstve. – M.: Izdatel'stvo «Gorodec»,2007. – 112 s.
11. Medicina i prava cheloveka. – M.: Jurid. lit., 1992
12. Nechaeva A. M. Semejnoe pravo: Uchebnik. 6-e izdanie.– M.: Izdatel'stvo «Jurajt», 2013. – 303 s.
13. Sviridonova T. I. Grazhdansko-pravovoe regulirovanie surrogatnogo materinstva: Diss. …kand. jurid.nauk. – SPB, 2006.
14. Tarusina N. N. Semejnoe pravo: Ocherki iz klassiki i moderna. – Jaroslavl', 2009. – 616 s.
15. Hazova O. A. Pravovye aspekty primenenija vspomogatel'nyh reproduktivnyh tehnologij v Rossii //Sovremennoe medicinskoe pravo v Rossii i za rubezhom. – M.: Jurid. lit., 2003.
T. V.
Legal problems of the Russian child protection abroad
The article deals with the question of international adoption, its legal framework and legal problems of child’s rights protection abroad.Special attention is paid to the question of Russian citizenship of the child, his preservation until the child reaches 18 years of age, regardless of the will of the adoptive parents.As a conclusion, the author makes a proposal on amendments to the Law On citizenship and bilateral treaties on adoption.
Keywords: child, children, abuse, protection, adoption, international adoption, a bilateral agreement
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon ot 31.05.2002 # 62-FZ (red. ot 31.12.2014) «O grazhdanstve Rossijskoj Federacii» //Rossijskaja gazeta. # 100. 05.06.2002.
2. Pravila postanovki na uchet konsul'skimi uchrezhdenijami RF detej, javljajushhihsja grazhdanami RF i usynovlennyh inostrannymi grazhdanami ili licami bez grazhdanstva, utverzhdeno Postanovleniem Pravitel'stva RF ot 29.03.2000 # 275 (red. ot 10.09.2015)
// Rossijskaja gazeta. # 72. 13.04.2000
3. Obzor praktiki rassmotrenija v 2015 godu oblastnymi i ravnymi im sudami del ob usynovlenii detej inostrannymi grazhdanami ili licami bez grazhdanstva, a takzhe grazhdanami Rossijskoj Federacii, postojanno prozhivajushhimi za predelami territorii Rossijskoj Federacii (Utv. Prezidiumom Verhovnogo Suda RF 27.04.2016)
4. Ivleva T. V., Baeva R. R., Lobanova Ju. V. Sistema zashhity prav detej v Rossii: kljuchevye problemy i perspektivy // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal.– 2011.– # 2(33).
5. Lukijanov M. Ju., Bondarenko A. V. Problemy adaptacii detej-sirot i detej, ostavshihsja bez popechenija roditelej v postinternatnyj period (social'no-pravovoj aspekt) // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. – 2015. – # 7(86).
6. Podpisano postanovlenie o postanovke na uchet rossijskih detej, usynovlennyh inostrannymi grazhdanami. Oficial'nyj sajt Upolnomochennogo pri Prezidente RF po pravam rebenka. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
7. Rossijskih sirot ne dolzhny lishat' grazhdanstva pri usynovlenii. Oficial'nyj sajt chlena Soveta Federacii Eleny Mizulinoj. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
Volkova E. A.
Development of the institute of mediation in Russia: problems and prospects
The article deals with the problems of implementation of mediation as an alternative dispute settlement procedure. The necessity of development of mediation in Russia, as an opportunity to relieve the courts from a large number of court cases, is substantiated.
Keywords: mediation, alternative dispute resolution tools, conflict, court, mediator, intermediate agent, civil process.
Work bibliographic list
1. Postanovlenie Soveta sudej Krasnodarskogo kraja 03 ijulja 2015 g. g. Krasnodar «Ob organizacii v Krasnodarskom krae mediacii kak procedury vnesudebnogo uregulirovanija sporov» [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa:
2. Spravka o praktike primenenija sudami Federal'nogo zakona ot 27 ijulja 2010 g. # 193-FZ «Ob al'ternativnoj procedure uregulirovanija sporov s uchastiem posrednika (procedure mediacii)» za period s 2013 po 2014 god (utv. Prezidiumom Verhovnogo Suda
RF 01.04.2015).
3. Tolkovyj slovar' russkogo jazyka: V 4 t. / Sost. V. V. Vinogradov, G. O. Vinokur, B. A. Larin i dr. / Pod red. D. N. Ushakova. M.: Russkie slovari, 1994.
4. Rogaleva M. A. Procedura mediacii – al'ternativa sudebnomu razbiratel'stvu // Rossijskij sud'ja. 2014.# 10.
5. Lisicyn V. V. K voprosu o sudebnom primirenii //Administrator suda. 2015. # 4.
6. Abolonin V. O. Sudebnaja mediacija: teorija, praktika, perspektivy (kniga 6): InfotropikMedia., 2014.
7. Sil'vestri Je. Mediacija po predpisaniju suda: ital'janskij opyt // Vestnik grazhdanskogo processa.2015. # 3.
Vaneeva L. A., Sklizkov M. N.
Individual civil law legal regulation: dependence of legal consciousness conflicting of civil circulation participants
Increasing the role of the court in the modern civillegal regulation is a real phenomenon. Its theoretical understanding and the assessment of significance is impossible without due regard to the factors of an objective need for the participation of the court in the legal regulation of the relations of civil circulation sphere. This article is devoted to one of them.
Keywords: legal regulation, the court decision, legal consciousness, legal uncertainty, concretization.
Work bibliographic list
1. Alekseev S. S. Pravo: azbuka – teorija – filosofija:opyt kompleksnogo issledovanija. M: Statut. 1999.
2. Ershov V. V. Pravovoe i individual'noe regulirovanie obshhestvennyh otnoshenij kak parnye kategorii// Rossijskoe pravosudie. 2013. # 4.URL:http://www.sent..(data obrashhenija: 15.03. 2016).
3. Zrjachkin A. N. K voprosu o sootnoshenii prichin i istochnikov pravovogo nigilizma //Novaja pravovaja mysl'. 2006. # 2.
4. Krasnojaruzhskij S. G. Individual'noe pravovoe regulirovanie // Gosudarstvo i pravo. 1993. # 7.
5. Minnikes A. I. Individual'noe pravovoe regulirovanie: Teoretiko-pravovoj analiz: avtoref. dis…dokt. jurid. nauk. Ekaterinburg, 2009.
6. Pojasnitel'naja zapiska «K proektu Federal'nogo zakona «O vnesenii izmenenij v chast' pervuju, vtoruju, tret'ju i chetvertuju Grazhdanskogo kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii, a takzhe v otdel'nye zakonodatel'nye akty Rossijskoj Federacii». Dostup iz SPS «Konsul'tantPljus».
7. Ruzakova O. A. Kommentarij st.166-168 GK RF // Grazhdanskij kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii. Sdelki. Reshenija sobranij. Predstavitel'stvo doverennost'. Sroki. Iskovaja davnost'. Postatejnyj kommentarij glavam 9-12. / Pod red. P. V. Krasheninnikova. M.: Statut, 2013.
8. Tuzov D. O. Obshhee uchenie teorii nedejstvitel'nosti sdelok i problemy ih vosprijatija v rossijskoj doktrine i sudebnoj praktike: avtoref. dis. … dokt.jurid. nauk. Tomsk,2006.
9. Chegovadze L. A. Sistema i sostojanie grazhdanskogo pravootnoshenija: avtoref. dis. … dokt. jurid. nauk. M., 2005.
10. Jakovlev V. F. Rossija: jekonomika, grazhdanskoe pravo(Voprosy teorii i praktiki). M.: RIC ISPI RAN, 2001.
Karpel I. V.
Lack of effective management of results of intellectual activity as one of the constituent of financial and economic problems of the legal entity and its bankruptcy risk
The article deals with the results of research of management problems of intellectual activity results where the owners are the legal entities which are in a stage of bankruptcy or approaching it. One of the reasons of low efficiency of the use of results of intellectual activity in the sphere of business is repeated understating or on the contrary overestimating of actual cost of results of intellectual work as costs of their creation often don't correspond to the cost of actual market potential of results of such activity. In order to establish the balance of expenses and estimated effect of use the author offers a number of actions.
Keywords: results of intellectual activity, bankruptcy, commercialization of intellectual property.
Work bibliographic list
1. Grazhdanskij kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ot 30 nojabrja 1994 g. N 51-FZ (pervonachal'naja redakcija) // SZ RF. 1994. # 32. St. 3301.
2. Nalogovyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii (NK RF) ot 31 ijulja 1998 g. N 146-FZ (pervonachal'naja redakcija)// SZ RF. 1998. # 31. St. 3824.
3. Federal'nyj zakon ot 26 oktjabrja 2002 g. # 127-FZ «O nesostojatel'nosti (bankrotstve)» // SPS «Konsul'tantPljus».
4. Postanovlenie Pravitel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii ot 14 janvarja 2002 g. # 7 «O porjadke inventarizacii i stoimostnoj ocenke prav na rezul'taty nauchno-tehnicheskoj dejatel'nosti» // SPS «Konsul'tantPljus».
5. Strategija innovacionnogo razvitija Rossijskoj Federacii na period do 2020 goda. M.: Minjekonomrazvitija, 2010. // SPS «Konsul'tantPljus».
6. Prikaz Minfina RF ot 27 dekabrja 2007 g. N 153n «Ob utverzhdenii Polozhenija po buhgalterskomu uchetu«Uchet nematerial'nyh aktivov» (PBU 14/2007)» // Rossijskaja gazeta. # 22. 2 fevralja 2008 g.
7. Mezhdunarodnye standarty ocenki MSO. T. 1. M.:Rossijskoe obshhestvo ocenshhikov, 1995.
8. Borohovich L., Monastyrskaja A., Trohova M. Vasha intellektual'naja sobstvennost'. SPb: Piter, 2001.
9. Bulanichev V. A. Ocenka i upravlenie intellektual'noj sobstvennost'ju (jekonomicheskie i organizacionnye aspekty) / V. A. Bulanichev, L. A. Serkov; pod red. A. V. Zyrjanova. Evropejsko-Aziatskij institut upravlenija i predprinimatel'stva. Ekaterinburg: Izd-vo AMB, 2012.
10. Stoimostnaja ocenka i upravlenie intellektual'noj sobstvennost'ju: Uchebnoe posobie / A. I. Popesko, Ju. G. Kabaldin, A. V. Stupin, S. A. Chesnokov, B. N. Mar'in, V. P. Kotljarov, I. V. Bolotin. M.: ROO «Rossijskoe obshhestvo ocenshhikov», 2004. (Ser. «Jenciklopedija ocenki»).
11. Shatrakov A. Ju. Upravlenie intellektual'noj sobstvennost'ju i iskljuchitel'nymi pravami promyshlennyh predprijatij / A. Ju. Shatrakov, A. A. Mersijanov, V. M. Aldoshin, S. K. Kolganov. M.: ZAO «Izdatel'stvo «Jekonomika», 2007.
Kuznetsova O. A.
Some questions of legal regulation of the relationship developing with participation of the telecommunication companies and broadcast organizations
The article deals with Russian legislation in force regulating issues of interaction of the organization of telecommunication and the broadcast organization when rendering communication services to subscribers for an on air/cable broadcasting, questions of the need to sign the telecommunication contract for providing services to the broadcast organization. The author argues that in cases when the telecommunication organization does not carry out activities for relaying, it is not necessary to conclude the license contract between the telecommunication organization and the broadcast organization.
Keywords: telecommunication, telecommunication company, broadcast organization, license contract, relaying.
Work bibliographic list
1. Danilina I. V. Sredstva massovoj informacii: izmenenija v zakonodatel'stve // Civilist. 2012. # 1.
2. Dunaev P. K. Novoe v zakonodatel'stve Rossijskoj Federacii o sredstvah massovoj informacii i o svjazi // SPS «Konsul'tantPljus», 2012.
3. Zenin I. A. Pravo intellektual'noj sobstvennosti:Uchebnik. M., 2011.
4. Ivanenko V. S., Prokof'eva M. V., Loginov I. S. Osobennosti pravovogo statusa goroda Bajkonura i pravovye problemy veshhanija programm obshherossijskih telekanalov na ego territorii // Rossijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2010. # 4.
5. Kolobaeva N. E. Pravovoe regulirovanie licenzirovanija teleradioveshhatel'noj dejatel'nosti na territorii Rossijskoj Federacii kak sposob garantirovanija svobody massovoj informacii // Biznes, menedzhment i pravo. 2011. # 2.
6. Prokof'eva M. V. Mobil'noe i internet-televidenie: pravovye problemy organizacii veshhanija //Informacionnoe pravo. 2009. # 4.
7. Strigunova D. P. Ob"ekty i soderzhanie smezhnyh prav v rossijskom zakonodatel'stve // Sovremennoe pravo. 2011. # 9.
8. Uvarov A. A. Sredstva massovoj informacii kak institut grazhdanskogo obshhestva (pravovye aspekty) //Informacionnoe pravo. 2014. # 1.
Samorodova E. M., Altynnikova L. A.
The use of outsourcing in state and municipal administration
The article discusses the features of these market technologies such as outsourcing, which allows
to reduce costs, save resources and improve the internal efficiency of functioning of the organization.
The use of outsourcing can be seen as clearly defined trend of the management of organizations in
many industries and sectors, including in the field of public administration.
Keywords: outsourcing, intercompany transactions, external transaction, transaction costs, state
and municipal administration, public authorities.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bardovskij V. P., Rudakova O. V., Samorodova E. M. Jekonomik: uchebnik. – M.: ID «Forum»: INFRA-M, 2015. – 672 s.
2. Materialy HV nauchnoj konferencii studentov i aspirantov: sb. statej. Samara, 28 marta - 4 aprelja 2014 g. Samara: SAGMU, 2014. 264 s.
3. Spasskaja N. V. Sovershenstvovanie kompensacionnogo paketa kompanii kak faktor povyshenija jeffektivnosti investicij v chelovecheskij kapital// Internet-zhurnal Naukovedenie. – 2013. – # 3(16). – S.28.
4. Uchenye trudy fakul'teta gosudarstvennogo upravlenija. Vyp. 8. Posvjashhaetsja 300-letiju so dnja rozhdenija M. V. Lomonosova. – M.: Izdatel'stvo Moskovskogo universiteta, 2012.
5. Shestoperov A. M. Autsorsing delovyh processov v gosudarstvennom upravlenii
Antsiferov S. A., Andreev S. A.
Pre-check analysis of control objects
The article deals with the analysis of the necessary pre-check activities carried out by officials of
the Federal Treasury before the control action.
Keywords: pre-сheck analysis, control measures, risk-based approach, the object of control.

Musina D. R., Musalimov A. D., Tasmukhanova A. E.
The influence of “Big tax maneuver” on the oil production efficiency
The article presents the results of evaluation of the influence of "big tax maneuver" on the economic efficiency of oil production on the example of one of the oil fields. Effectiveness evaluation was conducted in four variants. The tax rate on mining of oil and the export duty value were varied. And the first option – it is a situation without a tax maneuver, the second, third and fourth options – a phased introduction of a large tax maneuver. According to the results of calculations it made by the conclusion that the introduction of the "big tax maneuver" significantly worsen the economic efficiency of oil production for the investor.
Keywords: oil production, field, economic efficiency, taxation, the "big tax maneuver", tax on the
mineral extraction, oil export duty.
Work bibliographic list
1. Gafarova Z. R., Gerasimova M. V., Solov'eva I. A. Osobennosti nalogooblozhenija predprijatij neftegazovogo sektora, Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2016. # 2 (93). S. 217-219.
2. Devlikamova G. V. Analiz sistemy nalogooblozhenija predprijatij neftjanoj otrasli // Neft', gaz i biznes. 2001. N 2. S. 52-54.
3. Devlikamova G. V. Vozdejstvie fiskal'noj zadolzhennosti predprijatija kak projavlenie nalogovoj nagruzki // Neftjanoe hozjajstvo. – 2005. – N 12. – S. 16-19.
4. Mazitova A. R., Tasmuhanova A. E. Sistematizacija napravlenij restrukturizacii v neftegazodobyvajushhem komplekse. Austrian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences. 2014. # 11-12. S. 238-243.
5. Musina D. R. Vlijanie naloga na dobychu poleznyh iskopaemyh na jeffektivnost' razrabotki neftjanogo mestorozhdenija // Vestnik VJeGU. 2014. # 6 (74). S. 69-76.
6. Musina D. R., Solov'eva I. A. Analiz jeksportnoj politiki RF v sfere sbyta nefteproduktov. Problemy i tendencii razvitija innovacionnoj jekonomiki: mezhdunarodnyj opyt i rossijskaja praktika: sb. nauch. tr. po mater. 1-j Mezhdunar. nauch.-prakt.konf. / redkol. L. I. Vanchuhina i dr.; pod obshh. L. I. Vanchuhinoj. – T.1 – Ufa: Izd-vo UGNTU, 2013. S. 131-133.
7. Musina D. R., Solov'eva I. A. Gosudarstvennoe regulirovanie cenoobrazovanija na nefteprodukty v Rossijskoj Federacii. Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2015. #8(87). S. 304-306.
8. Muhametov R. R., Musina D. R. Faktory, opredeljajushhie sebestoimost' dobychi nefti. V sbornike:Innovacionnaja nauka: proshloe, nastojashhee, budushhee, sbornik statej Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii: v 5 chastjah. 2016. S. 108-111.
9. Muhametov R. R., Musina D. R. Faktory, opredeljajushhie sebestoimost' dobychi nefti. V sbornike: Jevoljucija sovremennoj nauki, sbornik statej Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii: v 4-h chastjah. 2016. S. 198-201.
10. Solov'eva I. A., Makasheva A. M. Sovershenstvovanie jekonomicheskogo mehanizma gosudarstvennogo regulirovanija neftegazovogo kompleksa. Internet-zhurnal «Naukovedenie». 2015. # 2(7). S. 1-19.
11. Solov'eva I. A., Musina D. R. Ocenka vlijanija «Bol'shogo nalogovogo manevra» na jeffektivnost' neftepererabatyvajushhego segmenta neftjanyh kompanij (na primere Ufimskoj gruppy NPZ) // Jelektronnyj nauchnyj zhurnal «Neftegazovoe delo». 2015. #6. S. 587-610.
12. Spravochno-pravovaja sistema «Konsul'tantPljus». [Jelektronnyj resurs] / Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija 06.05.16)
Migda N. S., Shvets O. V., Bykovskiy I. G.
Analysis of the taxation peculiarities of the religious associations in the national and foreign tax legislation
В данной статье авторы проводят анализ применения налогового законодательства к религиозным объединениям в различных странах мира. Особое внимание уделено национальным нормам права. Авторы определили особенности налогового законодательства Российской Федерации.
Ключевые слова: налоговое законодательство, религиозные объединения, конфессии, Российская православная церковь, государственная политика.
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon ot 26.09.1997 N 125-FZ (red. ot 30.03.2016) «O svobode sovesti i o religioznyh ob"edinenijah»// «Rossijskaja gazeta», N 190, 01.10.1997.
2. Nalogovyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii (chast' pervaja) ot 31.07.1998 # 146-FZ (red. ot 26.04.2016) (s izm. i dop., vstup. v silu s 05.05.2016) // Rossijskaja gazeta. # 148-149, 06.08.1998
3. Bekkin R. I. Islamskij zakjat i svetskij nalog, istorija voprosa, fakty i vyvody // Nalogovaja politika i praktika. – 2013.
4. Marchenko M. N. Teorija gosudarstva i prava. M.: Prospekt, 2016.
5. Filatov S. B., Lunkin R. N. Statistika rossijskoj religioznosti: magija cifr i neodnoznachnaja real'nost' // Sociologija religii. M., 2006.
6. National Catholic Reporter. Jelektronnyj resurs:
Igonin E. I., Salieva R. N., Fatkudinov Z. M.
Legislative support of environmental management and public environmental oversight in the implementation of economic and other activities: problems and ways of solution
This article analyzes the law and practice of the normative legal acts in the implementation of environmental management and governmental environmental supervision. The authors develop proposals to improve the management of natural resources and governmental environmental supervision: the main provisions for the development and adoption of the Law "On State Policy in the field of nature and the environment"; the directions of the reorganization of public administration in the field of nature conservation and the environmental protection; the goals and objectives of the organization of management in the study area.
Keywords: management, environmental management, environmental supervision, environmental protection, environmental policy.
Work bibliographic list
1. Gosudarstvennyj doklad «O sostojanii i ob ohrane okruzhajushhej sredy Rossijskoj Federacii v 2012 godu» [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa:
2. Zakon RF ot 21.02.1992 # 2395-1 «O nedrah» // Vedomosti S"ezda narodnyh deputatov RF i Verhovnogo Soveta RF. 1992. 16 aprelja. # 16. St. 834.
3. Konstitucija Rossijskoj Federacii // Rossijskaja gazeta. 1993. 25 dekabrja. # 237.
4. Kashkin S. Ju., Chetverikov A. O., Kalinichenko P. A. i dr. Pravo Evropejskogo Sojuza: uchebnoe posobie (otv. red. S. Ju. Kashkin). 3-e izd., pererab. i dop. M.: Prospekt, 2011.
5. Opredelenie Verhovnogo Suda RF ot 14.05.2008 #8-G08-4 // Bjulleten' Verhovnogo Suda RF. 2009. # 6.
6. Obzor zakonodatel'stva i sudebnoj praktiki Verhovnogo Suda Rossijskoj Federacii za pervyj kvartal 2010 goda (utv. Postanovleniem Prezidiuma Verhovnogo Suda Rossijskoj Federacii ot 16.06.2010) (red. ot 08.12.2010) // Bjulleten' Verhovnogo Suda RF.2010. # 9.
7. Obzor zakonodatel'stva i sudebnoj praktiki Verhovnogo Suda Rossijskoj Federacii za pervyj kvartal 2010 goda (utv. Postanovleniem Prezidiuma Verhovnogo Suda RF ot 16.06.2010) (red. ot 08.12.2010) //Bjulleten' Verhovnogo Suda RF. 2010. # 9.
8. Opredelenie Verhovnogo Suda Rossijskoj Federacii F ot 14.05.2008 # 8-G08-4 // Bjulleten' Verhovnogo Suda Rossijskoj Federacii. 2009. # 6.
9. Opredelenie Verhovnogo Suda Rossijskoj Federacii ot 12.04.2002 # 50-G02-6 // SPS «Konsul'tant-Pljus».
10. Opredelenie VAS Rossijskoj Federacii ot 28.06.2010 # VAS-7949/10 po delu # A05-10879/2008 //SPS «Konsul'tant Pljus».
11. Postanovlenie Pravitel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii ot 05.06.2013 # 476 (red. ot 24.03.2014) «O voprosah gosudarstvennogo kontrolja (nadzora) i priznanii utrativshimi silu nekotoryh aktov Pravitel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii» (vmeste s «Polozheniem o federal'nom gosudarstvennom nadzore v oblasti svjazi», «Polozheniem o gosudarstvennom nadzore v oblasti ohrany atmosfernogo vozduha», «Polozheniem o gosudarstvennom nadzore v oblasti ispol'zovanija i ohrany vodnyh ob"ektov», «Polozheniem o federal'nom gosudarstvennom nadzore v oblasti ohrany, vosproizvodstva i ispol'zovanija ob"ektov zhivotnogo mira i sredy ih obitanija», «Polozheniem o federal'nom gosudarstvennom pozharnom nadzore v lesah», «Polozheniem o federal'nom gosudarstvennom sanitarno-jepidemiologicheskom nadzore») // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii. 17.06.2013. # 24. St. 2999.
12. Postanovlenie Pravitel'stva RF ot 12.05.2005 # 293 «Ob utverzhdenii Polozhenija o gosudarstvennom nadzore za geologicheskim izucheniem, racional'nym ispol'zovaniem i ohranoj nedr» // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. 16.05.2005. # 20. St. 1885.
13. Rasporjazhenie Pravitel'stva RF ot 17.11.2008 # 1662-r «O Koncepcii dolgosrochnogo social'no-jekonomicheskogo razvitija Rossijskoj Federacii na period do 2020 goda» (vmeste s «Koncepciej dolgosrochnogo social'no-jekonomicheskogo razvitija Rossijskoj Federacii na period do 2020 goda») // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. 24.11.2008. # 47. St. 5489.
14. Federal'nyj zakon ot 10.01.2002 # 7-FZ «Ob ohrane okruzhajushhej sredy» // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. 14.01.2002. # 2. St. 133.
15. Federal'nyj zakon ot 06.10.1999 # 184-FZ «Ob obshhih principah organizacii zakonodatel'nyh (predstavitel'nyh) i ispolnitel'nyh organov gosudarstvennoj vlasti sub"ektov Rossijskoj Federacii» // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii. 18.10.1999. # 42. St. 5005.
16. Federal'nyj zakon ot 26.12.2008 # 294-FZ «O zashhite prav juridicheskih lic i individual'nyh predprinimatelej pri osushhestvlenii gosudarstvennogo kontrolja (nadzora) i municipal'nogo kontrolja»// Sobranie zakonodatel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii. 29.12.2008. # 52 (ch. 1). St. 6249.
17. Federal'nyj zakon ot 14.03.1995 # 33-FZ (red. ot 12.03.2014, s izm. ot 23.06.2014) «Ob osobo ohranjaemyh prirodnyh territorijah» // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii. 20.03.1995. # 12. St. 1024.
18. Federal'nyj zakon ot 04.05.1999 # 96-FZ «Ob ohrane atmosfernogo vozduha» // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. 03.05.1999. # 18. St. 2222.
19. Federal'nyj zakon ot 24.06.1998 # 89-FZ «Ob othodah proizvodstva i potreblenija» // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii. # 26. 29.06.1998. St. 3009.
20. Ukaz Prezidenta RF ot 04.02.1994 # 236 «O gosudarstvennoj strategii Rossijskoj Federacii po ohrane okruzhajushhej sredy i obespecheniju ustojchivogo razvitija» // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. 1994. # 6.St. 436.
Petyukova O. N.
Problematic aspects of state regulation of energy saving and energy efficiency in the Russian Federation
The article deals with some controversial issues related to the ways of state regulation in the sphere of energy saving and energy efficiency, such as: ensuring energy efficiency at the back of the goods, as well as providing the energy efficiency of buildings and structures.
The scientific article is based on the analysis of laws and regulations, statistical data presented in the Report of the Ministry of Energy for 2014, law enforcement materials, scientific publications on the issues under consideration.
By analyzing the judicial practice, the author notes that in some cases there are contradictions of the federal and regional legislation in the sphere of energy saving.
Keywords: energy saving, energy efficiency, state regulation, the fuel and energy complex, energy

Niyazova A. N.
Understanding the “land” category for the realization of rights on the land
The article examines, first of all, the economic essence of the "land" category, provides a historical analysis of the process of approaches’ formation to the understanding and definition of this category. The nature and content of such approaches, the author notes, is inextricably linked with the process of the actual development of the land and its use as a means of production in order to maintain human life.
The author points out the importance of a balanced policy in relation to land, providing private and public interests of present and future generations.
Land as a natural object / resource, as real estate is subject to the impact of law and the key features of the land, in author opinion, affect the change in legal regime.
Keywords: land, natural resourceсe, land rent, land ownership, the land market, the private interest, the public interest.
Work bibliographic list
1. Krasnov A. V. Osobennosti razvitija zemel'nogo rynka i ih realizacija v Respublike Tatarstan // Zemleustrojstvo, kadastr i monitoring zemel'. – 2009. – #2.
2. Krohta A. V., Gabov V. M. Gosudarstvennoe regulirovanie zemel'nyh otnoshenij // Zemleustrojstvo, kadastr i monitoring zemel'. – 2010. – # 4.
3. Ladanov V. I., Rudakova O. V. Nacional'noe bogatstvo v sisteme obshhestvennogo blagosostojanija [jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa:
4. Lebedeva O. I. Zemlja i stanovlenie zemel'nyh otnoshenij // Problemy sovremennoj jekonomiki. – 2013. – # 2.
5. Oganesjan L. O., Fedjunina E. N. Specifika funkcionirovanija rynka zemli kak faktora proizvodstva //Vestnik Altajskogo gosudarstvennogo agrarnogo universiteta. – 2012. – # 5.
6. Titova N. G. Rynok zemli i ego rol' v povyshenii konkurentosposobnosti jekonomiki //Vestnik Nizhegorodskogo universiteta im. M. I. Lobachevskogo.– 2010. – # 3.
Ternovaya Yu. E.
The problem of the legal nature and essence of the public easement by the legislation of the Russian Federation
In article the short analysis of the legal nature and essence of a public easement according to the existing civil and land legislation of the Russian Federation is offered. As a result of the conducted research the author offers arguments in favor of modification of regulation of the considered relations at the legislative level.
Keywords: land easement, public easement, property right, restriction of the property right.
Work bibliographic list
1. Grazhdanskoe pravo / pod red. A. G. Kalpina, A. I. Masljaeva. M., 2011.
2. Kommentarij k Zemel'nomu kodeksu Rossijskoj Federacii/Pod red. G. V. Chubukova, M. Ju. Tihomirova. M., 2011.
3. Svit Ju. P. Ogranichennye veshhnye prava na zemlju //Zakon. 2004. # 2.
4. Timonina Ju. V. Ogranichennye veshhnye prava na zemlju (sravnitel'naja harakteristika norm Grazhdanskogo kodeksa RF i Zemel'nogo kodeksa RF) // Juridicheskij mir. 2002. # 1.
5. Shejnin L. B. Publichnye servituty // Pravo i jekonomika. 2004. # 8.

Alikumova G. Yu.
Features of criminal law prevention of crimes committed while intoxicated
This article analyzes the features of criminal law prevention of crimes committed while intoxicated. The basic directions of improvement of the Russian legislation are revealed.
Keywords: crimes committed in a state of intoxication, criminal law prevention of crimes, combating crimes committed while intoxicated.
Work bibliographic list
1. Zelik V. A. Narkotizacija nesovershennoletnih –ugroza nacional'noj bezopasnosti // Sovremennye problemy ugolovnoj politiki. Materialy V mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii /Pod red. A. N. Il'jashenko. Krasnodar, 2014.
2. Zelik V. A. Osnovnye tendencii vlijanija nezakonnogo potreblenija narkoticheskih sredstv i psihotropnyh veshhestv na prestupnost' // Politematicheskij setevoj jelektronnyj nauchnyj zhurnal Kubanskogo gosudarstvennogo agrarnogo universiteta. 2014. # 104.
3. Zelik V. A., Jablochkin A. E. K voprosu o napravlenijah pravovoj prevencii semejno-bytovyh prestuplenij, sovershennyh v sostojanii op'janenija // Politematicheskij setevoj jelektronnyj nauchnyj zhurnal Kubanskogo gosudarstvennogo agrarnogo universiteta. 2014. # 104.
4. Zelik V. A., Jablochkin A. E. Osobennosti semejno-bytovyh prestuplenij, sovershaemyh v sostojanii op'janenija // Obshhestvo i pravo. 2014. # 4 (50).
5. Ivanov N. G. Anomal'nyj sub"ekt prestuplenija. M.,1998.
6. Malaja medicinskaja jenciklopedija. T. 2. M.: Medicinskaja jenciklopedija, 1991–96. v 2 t.
7. Nazarenko G. V. Nemenjaemost': ugolovno-relevantnye psihicheskie sostojanija. SPb, 2002. Ugolovnoe pravo RF. T. 1 / Pod red. L. V. Inogamovoj-Hegaj. M., 2002.
8. P'janstvo i prestupnost': istorija, problemy// A. D. Popov. M., 1989.
9. Sitkovskaja O. D. Psihologija ugolovnoj otvetstvennosti. M., 1998.
10. Spasennikov B. A., Spasennikov S. B. Sostojanie op'janenija i ego ugolovno-pravovoe znachenie. M., 2011.
11. Tarnovskij E. M. Vlijanie alkogolizma na prestupnost' // Zhurnal Ministerstva justicii. 1913. # 2.
12. Jelektronnaja medicinskaja jenciklopedija [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa:
Astashov M. A., Bogomolov A. N.
Problematic issues in determining the signs of the organizer of a criminal association (criminal organization)
The article deals with problems of qualification of organizing a criminal community (criminal organization) and participation in it (her). The authors noted that the legislator and the Plenum of the Supreme Court do not indicate a con-cific signs of a crime under part of the subject. 4 Art. 210 of the Criminal Code, which in practice may lead to a considerable number of Board the investigative and judicial errors. In order to eliminate duplication in the current wording of Art. 210 of the Criminal Code Part 1 and 4 proposed new wording h. 4 Art. 210 of the Criminal Code.
Keywords: criminal responsibility, the perpetrator, the organizer of a criminal association.
Work bibliographic list
1. Arutjunov A. A. Organizator prestuplenija // Pravo i politika. – 2002. – # 4. – S.91-98.
2. Galiakbarov R. R. Bor'ba s gruppovymi prestuplenijami: Voprosy kvalifikacii. – Krasnodar, 2000. – 200 s.
3. Grishaev P. I. Kriger G. A. Souchastie po sovetskomu ugolovnomu pravu. – M., 1959. – 256 s.
4. Dzhekebaev U. S., Vajsberg L. M., Sudakova R. N. Souchastie v prestuplenii. Kriminologicheskie i ugolovno-pravovye problemy. – Alma-Ata: «Nauka», Kaz. SSR, 1981. – 147 s.
5. Kovalev M. I. Souchastie v prestuplenii. Uchenye trudy Sverdl. jurid. in-ta. Ser. Pravo. – Vyp. 3. – Ch. 2. – Sverdlovsk, 1962. – 273 s.
6. Kommentarij k Ugolovnomu kodeksu Rossijskoj Federacii. 9-e izd., pererab. i dop. / Otv. red. A. I. Rarog. – M.: Prospekt, 2013. – 888 s.
7. Mazunin Ja. M. O ponjatii organizatora prestupnogo soobshhestva. Specifika pravovogo regulirovanija v period stanovlenija rynochnyh social'no-jekonomicheskih otnoshenij: Mezhvuzovskij sbornik nauchnyh trudov. – Omsk: Izd-vo Om. jurid. in-ta MVD Rossii, 1996. – S. 114-118.
8. Meshkova V. S., Popov V. L. Kriminalisticheskaja harakteristika lidera (organizatora) prestupnoj dejatel'nosti // Trudy Krasnodarskogo juridicheskogo instituta MVD Rossii. Vyp. 2: Ch. 1. – Krasnodar:Izd-vo Krasnodar. jurid. in-ta, 1997. – S. 152-163.
9. Organizovannaja prestupnost' / Pod red. A. I. Dolgovoj, S. V. D'jakova. – M., 1989. – 352 s.
10. Pokamestov A. V. Ugolovno-pravovaja i kriminologicheskaja harakteristika organizatora prestupnoj dejatel'nosti: dis. … kand. jurid. nauk: 12.00.08 / Pokamestov Andrej Viktorovich. – M., 2000. – 263 s.
11. Slovar' inostrannyh slov. 18-e izd., stereotip. – M., 1989. – 606 s.
12. Slovar' russkogo jazyka. – 3-e izd., stereotip. / Pod red. A. P. Evgen'evoj.– T. 2. – M., 1986. – 736 s.
13. Ugolovnoe pravo Rossii. Chasti Obshhaja i Osobennaja:uchebnik / Pod red. A. V. Brilliantova. – M.: Prospekt, 2015. – 1184 s.
14. Ugolovnoe pravo: Osobennaja chast'.: uchebnik / Podred. A. I. Chuchaeva. – M.: Prospekt, 2015. – 552 s.
15. Caregorodcev A. M. Otvetstvennost' organizatorov prestuplenij. Ucheb. pos. – Omsk, 1978. – 72 s.
Badamshin I. D.
Selling alcoholic products to minors (art. 1511 of the Criminal Code of Russian Federation): questions of legal regulation
The article deals with criminal responsibility for the sale of alcoholic beverages to minors. The problematic aspects of the formulation and changes in Art. 1511 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation are analysed. The author’s vision of further improvement of the considered norm is express.
Keywords: crimes against minors, alcoholic beverages, criminal liability, punishment.
Work bibliographic list
1. Galimov R. R., Klyzbaeva V. A. Spornye voprosy primenenija st. 1511 UK RF // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. #3 (82). 2015.
2. Galimov R. R. K voprosu ob ugolovnoj otvetstvennosti za roznichnuju prodazhu nesovershennoletnim alkogol'noj produkcii // Aktual'nye problemy gosudarstva i obshhestva v oblasti obespechenija prav i svobod cheloveka i grazhdanina. 2015. # 18-3.
3. Zhernovoj M. V. Protivodejstvie alkogolizacii nesovershennoletnih v Rossii // Administrativnoe pravo i process. 2016. # 1.
4. Divaeva I. R., Nugumanov A. R. Voprosy zakonodatel'noj reglamentacii ugolovnoj otvetstvennosti za roznichnuju prodazhu nesovershennoletnim alkogol'noj produkcii (st. 1511 UK RF) // Aktual'nye problemy prava i gosudarstva v XXI veke: materialy IV Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii, g. Ufa, 19-20 aprelja 2012 goda: v 5 ch. Ch. IV / pod obshh. red. F.B. Muhametshina. Ufa: Ufimskij JuI MVD RF, 2012.
5. Kupirova Ch. Sh. Roznichnaja prodazha nesovershennoletnim alkogol'noj produkcii: zakon i problemy ego primenenija // Juridicheskaja nauka i pravoohranitel'naja praktika. 2014. # 2 (28).
6. Poezzhalov V. B. Kvalificirujushhie priznaki sostavov prestuplenij, svjazannye s vozrastom poterpevshego // Aktual'nye problemy prava i gosudarstva v XXI veke. 2015. # 7-4.
7. Prestuplenija protiv lichnosti: problemy kvalifikacii i sovershenstvovanija zakonodatel'stva: monografija / T. N. Nurkaeva. Ufa: Ufimskij JuI MVD Rossii, 2015.
8. Sytnikov V. O. Pravovye problemy konstrukcii ob"ektivnoj storony sostava prestuplenija, predusmotrennogo st. 1511 UK RF // Probely v rossijskom zakonodatel'stve. Juridicheskij zhurnal. 2013. # 6.
9. Ubijstvo pri smjagchajushhih otvetstvennost' obstojatel'stvah (voprosy primenenija i sovershenstvovanija ugolovnogo zakonodatel'stva) / B. V. Sidorov, A. G. Babichev; pod obshh. red. B. V. Sidorova. Kazan':Centr innovacionnyh tehnologij, 2015. Ch. 2.
10. Ugolovnoe pravo Rossii. Chasti Obshhaja i Osobennaja:uchebnik / V. A. Blinnikov, A. V. Brilliantov, O. A. Vagin i dr.; pod red. A. V. Brilliantova. 2-e izd., pererab. i dop. M.: Prospekt, 2015.
Malikov B. Z., Elizarjieva R. R.
Institutes of criminal records and repeated offence in mechanism of the criminal law
The material of this article reflects the theoretical aspects of institutions of criminal records and relapse of their Codependence in the mechanisms of criminal liability and criminal law. The authors see convictions in the Institute not only legal status, reflecting the presence of actual criminal relations but insisted on the need to treat it as a circumstance increasing responsibility, as well as aggravating the punishment in cases of premeditated crime new convicts while serving their sentences, probation, deferment of serving the sentence. Convict in a court verdict execution mode must be equated to the categories of persons with increased responsibility as retidivirovania person (ch. 1 of the CCRF, art. 18) therefore, article presents the idea of equal value during the execution of the punishment of a criminal record and probationary period defined by the verdict of the Court, on the one hand, as well as criminal convictions, social-with the other hand.
Keywords: criminal records, relapse, recurrence types, convict, sentence, preventing recidivism.
Work bibliographic list
1. Postanovlenie Konstitucionnogo Suda RF ot 19 marta 2003 goda «Po delu o proverke konstitucionnosti polozhenij UK RF, reglamentirujushhih pravovye posledstvija sudimosti lica, neodnokratnosti i recidiva prestuplenij, a takzhe punktov 1-8 Postanovlenija Gosudarstvennoj Dumy ot 26 maja 2000 goda «Ob ob"javlenii amnistii v svjazi s 55-letiem Pobedy v Velikoj Otechestvennoj vojne 1941—1945 godov» v svjazi s zaprosom Ostankinskogo mezhmunicipal'nogo (rajonnogo) suda g. Moskvy i zhalobami rjada grazhdan» // Rossijskaja gazeta ot 02 aprelja 2003 goda. – S. 11.
2. Abdurahmanov A. A. Problemy instituta sudimosti v ugolovnom prave Rossii. – Mahachkala, 2004.
3. Malikov B. Z., Salimova A. M. Mera gosudarstvennogo prinuzhdenija – pravovoe svojstvo nakazanija //Vestnik Kuzbasskogo instituta: nauchnyj zhurnal. –2016. – # 1(26). – S. 30-36.
4. Osnovy ugolovnogo zakonodatel'stva Sojuza SSR i sojuznyh respublik. Osnovy ugolovnogo sudoproizvodstva Sojuza SSR i sojuznyh respublik. – M.:Jurid. lit., 1984.
5. Rossijskoe ugolovnoe pravo. Obshhaja chast'. M., 2012.– S.172, 173.
6. Tagancev N. S. Ugolovnoe pravo. Obshhaja chast'. Chast' 2. – S.-Peterburg, 1902.
Nugumanov A. R.
Theft or extortion of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances and narcotic plants with application of violence not dangerous to life or health, or with threat of such violence
In the present work we consider the qualification, providing responsibility for theft or extortion of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances and narcotic plants with application of violence not dangerous to life or health, or with threat of such violence.
Keywords: theft, extortion, narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, violence.
Work bibliographic list
1. Postanovlenie Plenuma Verhovnogo Suda RF ot 27.12.2002 # 29 (red. ot 03.03.2015) «O sudebnoj praktike po delam o krazhe, grabezhe i razboe» // Bjulleten' Verhovnogo Suda RF. 2003. # 2.
2. Postanovlenie Plenuma Verhovnogo Suda RF ot 17.12.2015 # 56 «O sudebnoj praktike po delam o vymogatel'stve (stat'ja 163 Ugolovnogo kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii)» // Bjulleten' Verhovnogo Suda RF. 2016. # 2.
3. Gauhman L. D. Bor'ba s nasil'stvennymi posjagatel'stvami. M., 1969.
4. Gauhman L. D. Kvalifikacija prestuplenij: zakon, teorija, praktika. 3-e izd., pererab i dopoln. M.: AO «Centr JurInfoR», 2005.
5. Derbok Z. G. Zakonodatel'noe opisanie ob"ektivnoj storony special'nyh vidov hishhenija i vymogatel'stva: problema ego sovershenstvovanija // Rossijskij sledovatel'. 2014. # 13.
6. Klimenko T. M. Hishhenie libo vymogatel'stvo: nekotorye voprosy kvalifikacii s uchetom specifiki predmeta prestuplenija // Vektor nauki Tol'jattinskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Serija: Juridicheskie nauki. 2015. # 1(20).
7. Mal'kov S. M., Tokmancev D. V. Nekotorye voprosy kvalifikacii hishhenija narkoticheskih sredstv po sub"ektivnym priznakam // Vestnik Sibirskogo juridicheskogo instituta FSKN Rossii. 2016. # 1. S. 25-30.
8. Naumov A. V. Ugolovno-pravovoe znachenie nasilija // Nasil'stvennaja prestupnost' / pod red. V. N. Kudrjavceva i A. V. Naumova. M.: Spark, 1997.
9. Serdjuk L. V. Nasil'niki i ih zhertvy. Kriminologicheskoe i ugolovno-pravovoe issledovanie. Ufa:Ufimskij juridicheskij institut MVD Rossijskoj Federacii, 2002.
10. Tishkevich I. S. Uslovija i predely neobhodimoj oborony. M., 1969.
11. Sharapov R. D. Fizicheskoe nasilie v ugolovnom prave. SPb.: «Juridicheskij centr Press», 2001.
Semiglazov A. G.
Terminological aspects of the crime, provided article 174 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation
The author attempts to formulate his own vision of such concepts as "money laundering obtained by criminal means" on the basis of studying of opinions of various representatives of the criminal-legal science. The study of the offences stipulated by articles 174 and 174.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation is made. The need to clarify this terminological aspects the author determines that in recent years the fight against money laundering was included into number of priorities that are considered during the formation of anti-crime policy by an overwhelming majority of countries, because the increasing scale of this negative phenomenon not only undermine the stability of their financial and economic systems, but also directly threaten the national security of States.
Keywords: illegal legalization; the money laundering, proceeds of crime; illicit financial transactions.
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon ot 30 oktjabrja 2002 g. # 131-FZ O vnesenii izmenenij i dopolnenij v Federal'nyj zakon «O protivodejstvii legalizacii (otmyva-
niju) dohodov, poluchennyh prestupnym putem»» //Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. 2002 # 44. St. 4296.
2. V redakcii Federal'nogo zakona ot 30 oktjabrja 2002 g. # 131-FZ stal imenovat'sja Federal'nym zakonom «O protivodejstvii legalizacii (otmyvaniju) dohodov, poluchennyh prestupnym putem, i finansirovaniju terrorizma» // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. 2002. # 30. St. 3029.
3. Postanovlenie Plenuma Verhovnogo Suda RF ot 18 nojabrja 2004 g. # 23 «O sudebnoj praktike po delam o nezakonnom predprinimatel'stve i legalizacii (otmyvanii) denezhnyh sredstv ili inogo imushhestva, priobretennyh prestupnym putem» // Bjulleten' Verhovnogo Suda RF. 2005. #1.
4. Aliev V. M. Legalizacija (otmyvanie) dohodov, poluchennyh nezakonnym putem. Ugolovno-pravovoe i kriminologicheskoe issledovanie: monografija. M., 2001.
5. Aliev V. M. Teoreticheskie osnovy i prikladnye problemy bor'by s legalizaciej (otmyvaniem) dohodov, poluchennyh nezakonnym putem: avtoref. diss.… dokt. jurid. nauk. M., 2001.
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8. Volzhenkin B.V. Prestuplenija v sfere jekonomicheskoj dejatel'nosti (jekonomicheskie prestuplenija).SPb., 2002. S. 220.
9. Gribakin A. V. Jekonomicheskie pravonarushenija kak problema novoj social'noj real'nosti // Rossijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2002. # 1 (33).
10. Drobot S. A. Ugolovno-pravovaja i kriminologicheskaja harakteristika priobretenija ili sbyta imushhestva, zavedomo dobytogo prestupnym putem: diss.… kand. jurid. nauk. M., 2000.
11. Ivanov Je. A. Formirovanie v Rossii sistemy bor'by s legalizaciej (otmyvaniem) dohodov, poluchennyh prestupnym putem // Zakonomernosti prestupnosti, strategija bor'by i zakon. M., 2001.
12. Kocharjan A. M. Ugolovno-pravovye i kriminologicheskie mery protivodejstvija legalizacii («otmyvaniju») denezhnyh sredstv ili inogo imushhestva, priobretennyh prestupnym putem: avtoref. diss. … kand. jurid. nauk. M., 2003.
13. Krepysheva S. K. Formirovanie prognosticheskoj metodiki rassledovanija prestuplenij, svjazannyh s legalizaciej (otmyvaniem) prestupnyh dohodov:diss. … kand. jurid. nauk. N. Novgorod, 2001.
14. Kuzhikov V. N. Ugolovnaja otvetstvennost' za legalizaciju (otmyvanie) dohodov, poluchennyh prestupnym putem: diss. … kand. jurid. nauk. M., 2002.
15. Novoselov G. L. Aktual'nye voprosy uchenija ob ob"ekte prestuplenija: metodologicheskie aspekty: dis.… dokt. jurid. nauk. Ekaterinburg, 2001. S. 56.
16. Novyj tolkovo-slovoobrazovatel'nyj slovar' russkogo jazyka / pod red. T. F. Efremovoj. M., 2000.
17. Slovar' inostrannyh slov / pod red. I. V. Lehina, F.N. Petrova i dr. Izd. 18-e. M., 1989.
18. Jekonomicheskij slovar' / E. G. Bagudin, A. K. Bol'shakov i dr.; otv. red. A.I. Arhipov. M., 2004.
19. Jem V. Ju. Ugolovno-pravovaja i kriminologicheskaja harakteristika legalizacii (otmyvanija) denezhnyh sredstv ili inogo imushhestva, priobretennyh prestupnym putem: avtoref. diss. … kand. jurid. nauk.Rostov n/D, 2004.
20. Jakimov O. Ju. O nedostatkah zakonodatel'nogo regulirovanija protivodejstvija legalizacii (otmyvaniju) prestupnyh dohodov // Ugolovnoe pravo. 2003.# 1. S. 100-102.
21. Jani P. S. Sovershenstvovanie norm ob otvetstvennosti za jekonomicheskie prestuplenija // Jekonomicheskaja bezopasnost' Rossii: Vestnik Nizhegorodskoj akademii MVD Rossii. 2001. # 1. S. 64-65.
Khamitov A. R.
On the issue of the object of infringement on life of the law enforcement officer
It appears that with the development of society the role and importance of the individual as the primary creator and producer of material goods and spiritual values will grow. This necessitates not only the improvement of criminal legislation and practice of its application, but also further theoretical studies of the problems of criminal-legal protection of the individual against various types of attacks. In this regard, the increasing importance of investigation of specific crimes and the development of the doctrine about object of a crime under Article 317 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
In this article the authors present the views of various representatives of the criminal-legal science and finally try to formulate their own conclusions about the concept of the object of the specified crime.
Keywords: the law enforcement officer, the object of infringement, the life of the employee, a legal activity.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bobrakov I. A. Ugolovnaja otvetstvennost' za posjagatel'stvo na zhizn' lica, osushhestvljajushhego pravosudie ili predvaritel'noe rassledovanie // Rossijskij sledovatel'. 2006. # 3.
2. V Achite nachal'niku uchastkovyh nakanune dnja rozhdenija postavili sinjak na lice [Jelektronnyj resurs] /Novost' ot 04.03.2016. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 05.03.2016).
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11. Suhorukov S. I. K voprosu o neposredstvennom ob"ekte posjagatel'stva na zhizn' sotrudnika pravoohranitel'nyh organov // Aktual'nye problemy bor'by s prestupnost'ju v Sibirskom regione: sbornik materialov mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii: v 2 ch. / otv. red. S.D. Nazarov. Krasnojarsk: Sibirskij juridicheskij institut MVD Rossii, 2006. Ch. 1.
Chechet N. M.
The penalty in the system of crime prevention measures
The article is devoted to problems of determining the place of "punishment" in the system of measures for the prevention of crime and problematic aspects of the use of "punishment." The author concludes that the "punishment" should be understood not only as a "punishment" or "way of state responding" to criminal conduct of a person, but as a measure to prevent such behavior, having a deterrent. In addition to the above, the author points to the need to revise the so-called "ladder of punishments".
Keywords: punishment, crime, profit motive, counteraction to crime, crime prevention measure, "a ladder of punishments".
Work bibliographic list
1. Ponjatie i priznaki nakazanija // [Jelektronnyj resurs] — 2015. — Rezhim dostupa: — Data poseshhenija:02.12.2015.
2. Ponjatie i celi nakazanija v rossijskom ugolovnom prave (teoreticheskie aspekty) // [Jelektronnyj resurs] — 2015. — Rezhim dostupa: — Data poseshhenija: 02.12.2015.
3. Rukovodjashhie nachala po ugolovnomu pravu R.S.F.S.R.: postan. Narkomjusta RSFSR ot 12.12. 1919 // [Jelektronnyj resurs] — 2015. — Rezhim dostupa:;n=4859;req=doc — Data poseshhenija: 05.12.2015.
4. Ugolovnyj kodeks Respubliki Belarus' ot 9 ijulja 1999 g. # 275-Z // [Jelektronnyj resurs] — 2015. — Rezhim dostupa:— Data poseshhenija: 05.12.2015.
5. Ugolovnyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ot 13. 06.1996 g. ijunja1996goda N63-FZ // [Jelektronnyj resurs] —2015. — Rezhim dostupa:— Data poseshhenija: 05.12.2015.
Yusupkadieva S. N., Magomedova Z. M.
The mechanism of commission of murder for hire
The authors of the article reveal the concept and essence of murder for hire and determine the content of the mechanism of commission of murder for hire, which includes preparing to commit murder, the act of murder and the activities after the murder.
Keywords: murder, murder for hire, method of murder, criminalistic characteristic of the crime, the mechanism of the murders.
Work bibliographic list
1. Arhipova A. Problemy dokazyvanija i kvalifikacii ubijstv pri otsutstvii trupa // Ugolovnyj process. 2011. # 1.
2. Bahin V. P. Osobennosti rassledovanija zakaznyh ubijstv. Kiev, 1999.
3. Borodulin A. I. Ubijstva po najmu. Kriminalisticheskaja harakteristika. Metodika rassledovanija. M.:Novyj jurist, 1997.
4. Borodulin A. I. Osnovy metodiki rassledovanija ubijstv, sovershaemyh naemnymi licami // Kriminalisticheskoe obespechenie dejatel'nosti kriminal'noj milicii i organov predvaritel'nogo rassledovanija. M.: Novyj jurist, 1997.
5. Glazyrin F. V. Rassledovanie zakaznyh ubijstv na nachal'nom jetape: Avtoref. diss. … kand. jurid. nauk. Saratov, 1998.
6. Demin K. E., Dudnik A. G. K voprosu o ponjatii i strukture kriminalisticheskoj harakteristiki ubijstv, sovershennyh naemnymi licami // Sledovatel'. 2004. # 1.
7. Kommentarij k Ugolovnomu Kodeksu Rossijskoj Federacii // pod redakciej N. F. Kuznecovoj. M.: Zercalo, 1998.
8. Kriminalistika: informacionnye tehnologii dokazyvanija. Uchebnik / Pod red. V. Ja. Koldina. M.: Zercalo, 2007.
9. Osobennosti rassledovanija zakaznyh ubijstv / Pod red. V. P. Bahina. Kiev, 1999.
10. Timonina I. V. Mehanizm sovershenija zakaznyh ubijstv // Sledovatel'. 2004. # 7.
Muratshina S. N.
Definition of corruption crime
The article discusses various definitions of corruption-related crimes for the formation of criminological characteristics of crime of corruption. We analyzed the characteristics of corruption
crimes. Revealed their latency. On the basis of research produced a definition of «corruption crime».
Keywords: corruption, corruption crime, criminological characteristics of abuse, official, latent crime.
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon Rossijskoj Federacii ot 25 dekabrja 2008 g. # 273-FZ «O protivodejstvii korrupcii» (s posl. izm. i dop. 22.12.2014) // Rossijskaja gazeta. 2008. # 266.
2. Ukazanie Genprokuratury RF # 65/11, MVD RF # 1 ot 1 fevralja 2016 g. «O vvedenii v dejstvie Perechnej statej Ugolovnogo kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii, ispol'zuemyh pri formirovanii statisticheskoj otchetnosti»
3. Postanovlenie Plenuma Verhovnogo Suda RF # 24 ot 9 ijulja 2013 g. «O sudebnoj praktike po delam o vzjatochnichestve i ob inyh korrupcionnyh prestuplenijah» // Rossijskaja gazeta. Federal'nyj vypusk # 6130. 2013. 17 ijulja.
4. Poslanie Prezidenta RF Federal'nomu Sobraniju RF 3 dekabrja 2015 goda. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija 15.04.2016).
5. Alferova V. A. Rassledovanie korrupcionnyh prestuplenij sledovateljami prokuratury: diss. …kand. jurid. nauk. Tula.2006.
6. Bor'ba s nalogovoj i korrupcionnoj prestupnost'ju / pod red. P. I. Ivanova. M.: Zakon i pravo. 2012.
7. Budatarov S. M. Ponjatie korrupcii v rossijskom zakonodatel'stve i juridicheskoj literature // Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. 2012. Vyp. 359.
8. Volodin A. E. Ponjatie korrupcionnoj prestupnosti // Vestnik TISBI. 2001. # 4. [Jelektronnyj resurs].– Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 20.04.2015).
9. Drapkin L. Ja., Zlochenko Ja. M. Rossijskaja korrupcija: sistemnyj podhod k issledovaniju problemy. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija 12.05.2016).
10. Informacionnyj centr MVD RB: sajt – [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (Data obrashhenija 31.01.2016).
11. Kanevskij L. L. Kriminalisticheskie problemy rassledovanija i profilaktiki prestuplenij nesovershennoletnih. Krasnojarsk. 1991. S. 74.
12. Kelina S. G. Korrupcija i ugolovnyj zakon // Preduprezhdenie organizovannoj i korrupcionnoj prestupnosti sredstvami razlichnyh otraslej prava. Sbornik materialov mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii (Moskva, IGP RAN, 2-3 nojabrja 2000 g.), kruglogo stola (Moskva, IGP RAN, 17 maja 2001 g.), nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii (Moskva, IGP RAN, 29-30 oktjabrja 2001 g.) / Pod red. Luneeva. M., 2002. S.122.
13. Lashko N. N. Kriminalisticheskaja harakteristika i pervonachal'nyj jetap rassledovanija vzjatochnichestva i korrupcii: diss. …kand. jurid. nauk. M., 2001.
14. Lopashenko N. A. Problemy ugolovnoj otvetstvennosti za korrupcionnye prestuplenija // Korrupcija v organah vlasti: priroda, mery protivodejstvija, mezhdunarodnoe sotrudnichestvo: Sbornik statej /Pod red. P. N. Panchenko, A. Ju. Chuprovoj, A. I. Mizerija. N. Novgorod, 2001. S. 93-94.
15. Lopashenko N. A. Korrupcija: soderzhanie, problemy pravovoj reglamentacii // Ugolovnoe pravo. 2001. # 2. S.101.
16. Luneev V. V. Prestupnost' XX veka: mirovye, regional'nye i rossijskie tendencii. M.: Volters Kluver, 2005.
17. Maksimov S. V. Korrupcija. Zakon. Otvetstvennost'. M., 2008.
18. Naumov A. V. Rossijskoe ugolovnoe pravo. Kurs lekcij. T. 3. Osobennaja chast' (glavy HI-HHI). M., 2007.
19. Sostojanie prestupnosti v Rossijskoj Federacii. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (Data obrashhenija 31.01.2016).
20. Transperensi Interneshnl: centr antikorrupcionnyh issledovanij i iniciativ [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija 25.03.2016).
21. Hindikajnen N. V. Korrupcionnaja prestupnost' v Rossijskoj Federacii: avtoref. diss. … kand. jurid. nauk. Rostov-na-Donu. 2004.
Ibragimova Kh. А.
The particular interrogation of the suspect, accused
The article considers the most topical issues of managing verbal investigative activities – interrogationof different categories of suspects and accused persons, analysis of the practice of application of different rules and techniques in the interviewing, studies the opinions of different researchers on this issue.
Keywords: interrogation, the investigator, the suspect, the accused, legal representative, psychological contact.
Work bibliographic list
1. Alekseev L. I. Kriminologija. Kurs lekcij. Moskva:Shhit. M., 2013.
2. Ishhenko E. P., Toporkov A. A. Kriminalistika: Uchebnik. 2-e izd. M.: INFRA-M, 2010.
3. Lazareva V. A. Ugolovno-processual'noe pravo. Aktual'nye problemy teorii i praktiki / Uchebnik dlja magistrov. 2-e izd. M., 2014.
4. Plahotnjuk Ju. I. Osobennosti doprosa nesovershennoletnego podozrevaemogo i obvinjaemogo // Juridicheskie nauki: problemy i perspektivy: materialy III mezhdunar. nauch. konf. (g. Kazan', maj 2015 g.). Kazan': Buk, 2015.
5. Rychkalova L. A. Problemy taktiki doprosa podozrevaemogo i obvinjaemogo. Obshhestvo i pravo. 2014.#4 (50) .
6. Shihancov G. G. Juridicheskaja psihologija. Uchebnik dlja vuzov. M.: Izdatel'stvo «Zercalo», 1998.
Kravets E. G., Domovets S.S.
Natural and scientific knowledge as the base of production of investigative actions in the mode of remote connection
In the paper patterns of occurrence and movement of information in the course of investigative actions have been extensively researched.
The factors for partial or complete loss of orienting and evidentiary information throughout translational chain have been analyzed. Data is considered from the standpoint of both procedurally fixed and based on the work of forensic tactics representations about the order of investigative actions. While determining the effectiveness of the information processes that occur during the investigation, it is necessary to take into account that the perception of each person depends on observation, the ability to perceive things of the world more or less acute; degree of remembering process effectiveness; attentiveness; prevailing thinking features; emotions that determine the mental state; volitional processes, developing a person's character.
Keywords: investigative action, information, information and communication technologies.
Work bibliographic list
1. Arhipova E. A. Primenenie videokonferenc-svjazi v ugolovnom sudoproizvodstve Rossii i zarubezhnyh stran: dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. M., 2013. S. 78.
2. Vehov V. B. Osnovy kriminalisticheskogo uchenija ob issledovanii i ispol'zovanii komp'juternoj informacii i sredstv ee obrabotki. Volgograd, 2008. S.275, 278.
3. Volevodz A. G. Pravovoe regulirovanie novyh napravlenij mezhdunarodnogo sotrudnichestva v sfere ugolovnogo processa. M., 2002. S. 390.
4. Gurtjakov A.S. Fraktal'naja kompetentnostnaja arhitektura korporativnyh sistem distancionnogo obrazovanija / A.S. Gurtjakov, A.G. Kravec, D.V. Judin,A.D. Kravec // Sovremennye problemy nauki i obrazovanija. 2012. # 3. S. 124.
5. Zinin A. M. Uchastie specialista v processual'nyh dejstvijah. M., 2012. S. 12.
6. Petrova I.Ju. Metodika proektirovanija mul'tiagentnyh sistem i modulej na osnove generatora mul'tiagentnyh sistem / I.Ju. Petrova, A.D. Kravec// Perspektivy razvitija stroitel'nogo kompleksa.2015. # S1. S. 79-85.
7. Rezvan A. P., Kolosov N. F., Petrova A. N. Kriminalisticheskaja taktika. Volgograd, 2012. S.112.
8. Savickaja I. G. Formy uchastija specialista v ugolovnom sudoproizvodstve: avtoref. dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. Vladimir, 2012. S. 21.
9. Sajt «». URL: obrashhenija: 26.04.2016).
10. Selina E. V. Primenenie special'nyh poznanij v rossijskom ugolovnom processe: avtoref. dis. ... d-rajurid. nauk. Krasnodar, 2003. S. 22.
11. Semencov V. A. Novoe sledstvennoe dejstvie – proverka pokazanij na poligrafe // Ros. jurid. zhurnal. 2010. # 5. S. 132
12. Fedjunin A. E. Teoreticheskie i prikladnye problemy ispol'zovanija tehnicheskih sredstv v raskrytii i rassledovanii prestuplenij: dis. ... d-ra jurid. nauk. Saratov, 2007. S. 24.

Sarkisyan V. G.
Problems of differentiation of penalties for incitement to commit a crime
In this work the author mentions difficult and, at the same time, the topical problems of differentiation of punishment for partnership in a crime. In article the points of view of different scientists are considered, and some ways of improvement of the criminal legislation in a question of differentiation of punishment for partnership in a crime in general, and for instigation to commission of crime in particular are also brought. The problem of differentiation of punishment for partnership in crimes is one of the most important in science of criminal law and the huge list of questions on some of which we will offer the answer includes itself.
Keywords: incitement, complicity, crime, differentiation, function, punishment.
Work bibliographic list
1. Galiakbarov R. R. Bor'ba s gruppovymi prestuplenijami. Voprosy kvalifikacii. Krasnodar, 2000. 200 s.
2. Zelik V. A. Ugolovno-pravovye i kriminologicheskie aspekty protivostojanija narkotizmu v Rossii. Dissertacija na soiskanie uchenoj stepeni kandidata juridicheskih nauk. Krasnodar, 2001.
3. Zelik V. A., Ustimenko R. G. Sootnoshenija sostava prevyshenija dolzhnostnyh polnomochij so smezhnymi sostavami prestuplenij. Social'no-jekonomicheskij ezhegodnik. Sbornik nauchnyh statej. Krasnodar, 2013. S. 87-92
4. Mirzojan V. G. Podstrekatel'stvo k soversheniju prestuplenija v rossijskom i zarubezhnom ugolovnom prave. Diss. … kand. jurid. nauk. Krasnodar, 2012. 208 c.
5. Rossijskoe zakonodatel'stvo H-HH vekov: V 9 t. T. 1. Zakonodatel'stvo Drevnej Rusi / Pod obshh. red. O. I. Chistjakova. M.: Jurid. lit., 1984. 432 s.
6. Rossijskoe zakonodatel'stvo X-XX vv. V 9 t. T. 6. Zakonodatel'stvo pervoj poloviny XIX veka. M.: Jurid. lit., 1988. 496 s.
7. Skljaro v S. V. Vina i motivy prestupnogo povedenija. SPb.: «Juridicheskij centr Press», 2004. 326 s.
8. Ugolovnoe pravo. Obshhaja chast'. Uchebnik dlja vuzov /Otv. red. I. Ja. Kozachenko i Z. A. Neznamova. M.: Infra M- Norma, 1997. 516 s.
9. Chugaev A. P., Veselov E. G. Naznachenie nakazanija. Nauchno-prakticheskoe posobie. M.: Jurlitinform, 2008. 328 s.
10. Chapurko T. M., Zelik V. A. O sovremennyh politiko-pravovyh napravlenijah transformacii antikorrupcionnyh dejstvij v Rossii. Korrupcija: sostojanie protivodejstvija i napravlenija optimizacii bor'by. Rossijskaja kriminologicheskaja associacija. M., 2015. S. 112-117.
Tokareva E. V., Trishkina E. A.
The issue of implementation of the individual features of the adversarial principle, in the stage of preliminary investigation
The article discusses the procedural problems associated with the implementation of the adversarial principle in the preliminary investigation stage. Сurrently the stage of preliminary investigation, in our opinion, really is not adversarial in the traditional understanding of this activity. Since, the competition is traditionally viewed as a set of attributes and each of them, by itself, does not mean the process of competition, and if it is abolished, then the existence of competition as this will not happen. However, it’s not necessary to talk about the lack of competition at the pretrial stages of criminal process. The individual elements of the adversarial system are implemented here, but this implementation has its procedural features. The beginning of the existence of the principle of adversarial proceedings and equality of the parties in the stage of preliminary investigation are moments of official detention of the suspect, the announcement of the protocol of detention or the decision on the application of a preventive measure in the form of detention and the date of the decision to prosecute as an accused.
Keywords: the proof, the principle of adversarial proceedings, criminal proceedings, a preliminary investigation, the prosecution, the defense, the court.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ugolovnyj process. Uchebnik. Chast' 1. Obshhie polozhenija ugolovnogo sudoproizvodstva. 4-e izdanie, perer. i dop. Pod red. V. G. Glebova, E. A. Zajcevoj. Volgograd, 2013.
2. Gorkina E. V., Pohlebaev I. V. Institut sokrashhennogo doznanija – novaja forma uproshhennogo proizvodstva v rossijskom ugolovnom processe // Vestnik Volgogradskoj akademii MVD Rossii # 4(27). Volgograd, 2013.
3. Gromov N. A., Lisovolenko V., Grishin A. Zashhita v sostjazatel'nom ugolovnom processe // Sledovatel'. 1999. # 6.
4. Grigor'eva N. V., Ugol'nikova N. V. Voprosy prokurorskogo nadzora za ispolneniem zakonov organami predvaritel'nogo sledstvija // Vestnik Volgogradskoj akademii MVD Rossii # 4(27). Volgograd, 2013.
5. Postnikov V. N. Problemy sudebnogo kontrolja za dejstvijami (bezdejstviem) i reshenijami organov predvaritel'nogo rassledovanija v stadii vozbuzhdenija ugolovnogo dela // Vestnik KJuI MVD Rossii. 2003. # 4.
Khataev I. E., Temiraev A. V., Margieva M. S.
Some value orientations in criminal procedure and criminal low
The paper indicates sloppiness in legal terminology, the violation of the principle of fairness by equating house arrest to detention, and smaller term for release after period of limitation.
Keywords: reasonable, alibi, limitation period.
Work bibliographic list
1. Konvencija o zashhite prav cheloveka i osnovnyh svobod. Zakljuchena v Rime 04.11.1950.
2. Besschasnyj S. A., Lubenec S. V. Issledovanie dokazatel'stv v sudebnom processe s uchastiem prisjazhnyh zasedatelej: kriterii dopustimosti demonstracii prisjazhnym foto- i videoizobrazhenijtrupov i issledovanija svedenij o lichnosti podsudimogo // Zakonnost'. 2016. # 1.
Khanmirzaev I. Sh.
Validation of the criminal-relevant information at the stages of initiation and preliminary investigation in criminal process
The article discusses issues related to the place of verbal information in criminal proceedings. A brief overview of views on the issue raised by domestic scholars specializing in criminal procedure law is given. The definition of verbal information and its classification for the criminal process is proposed.
Keywords: verbal information, relevant information, criminal trial, evidence, check criminal relevant information.
Work bibliographic list
1. Kruchinina N. V. Osnovy kriminalisticheskogo uchenija o proverke dostovernosti ugolovno-relevantnoj informacii: dis. ... d-ra jurid. nauk. M.: RGB, 2003.
2. Kruchinina N. V. Koncepcija i osnovy tehnologii proverki dostovernosti ugolovno-relevantnoj informacii [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa:
3. Pobedkin A. V. Teorija i metodologija ispol'zovanija verbal'noj informacii v ugolovno-processual'nom dokazyvanii: dis. ... d-ra jurid. nauk. M., 2005.
4. Semenov V. V. Processual'nye i kriminalisticheskie problemy ispol'zovanija neverbal'noj informacii pri rassledovanii prestuplenij: dis. ...kand. jurid. nauk. Saratov, 2003.
5. Finogenov N. A. Fiksacija verbal'noj informacii:processual'nyj i kriminalisticheskij aspekty: dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. Saratov, 2010.
6. Ugolovno-processual'nyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ot 18.12.2001 # 174-FZ v redakcii Federal'nogo zakona ot 23.05.2015 # 129.
Galimov R. R.
The grounds and conditions of realization of the deferred sentence
The article analyzes theoretical and practical issues of regulation of the institute of deferment of punishment, the measures aimed at achieving the goals of punishment are characterized, the basis and conditions of its application through the prism of public relations arising in the process of implementation of punishment in the criminal and penal aspects are considered.
Keywords: punishment, convicted, the parents, the child, the exemption from punishment, suspension of sentence, exemption, exemption criteria.
Work bibliographic list
1. Badamshin I. D. K voprosu o klassifikacii vidov osvobozhdenija ot otbyvanija nakazanija // Aktual'nye problemy bor'by s prestuplenijami i inymi pravo-narushenijami. 2014. # 12-2.
2. Badamshin I. D. O soderzhanii ponjatija ispravlenija osuzhdennyh kak celi ugolovnogo nakazanija // Vestnik Ufimskogo juridicheskogo instituta MVD Rossii. 2014. # 3 (65).
3. Badamshin I. D. Uslovno-dosrochnoe osvobozhdenie ot otbyvanija nakazanija v sisteme zakonodatel'stva Rossii: monografija. Ufa: Ufimskij JuI MVD Rossii, 2008.
4. Badamshin I. D., Cherepashkin A. S. K voprosu o ponjatii i uslovijah jeffektivnosti ugolovno-pravovyh norm // Problemnyj analiz i gosudarstvenno-upravlencheskoe proektirovanie. 2012. T. 5. # 3.
5. Reshenie po delu 1-173/2016 [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 28.04.2016).
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7. Reshenie po delu 22-428/2016 [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 28.04.2016).
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9. Ugolovno-pravovoe vozdejstvie: monografija / pod red. A. I. Raroga. M., 2012 // SPS «Konsul'tantPljus».
Sizintseva V. O.
Psychological methods of identification of false testimonies during interrogation
The article is devoted to the main psychological methods of identification of false testimonies during interrogation. The main techniques are listed and characterized, and also the signs of lie are considered. The author touches an interrelation issue like temperament of the personality and methods of influence on interrogated for identification of false testimonies. The scientific model allowing to make selection of the applied psychological techniques for interrogation depending on particular qualities of the temperament of interrogated person is proposed.
Keywords: psychological methods, lie, false testimonies, interrogations, crime procedure.
Work bibliographic list
1. Grjaznov S. A., Golubev A. G. Osobennosti i osnovnye napravlenija formirovanija predprinimatel'stva v ugolovno-ispolnitel'noj sisteme v lichnostnom aspekte // Ugolovno-ispolnitel'noe pravo. 2015. # 2.
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3. Ivanova S. V. Psihologo-pedagogicheskie uslovija formirovanija organizatorskih sposobnostej budushhih uchitelej nachal'nyh klassov v pedagogicheskom kolledzhe: dis. … kand. psih. nauk. Samara, 2013.
4. Ivanova S. V., Jangirova Z. Z. Sravnitel'nyj analiz soderzhanija obshhekul'turnyh kompetencij i cennostnogo otnoshenija k nim u studentov gumanitarnyh i tehnicheskih vuzov // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2015. # 5(84).
5. Konovalova V. E. O psihologicheskom vozdejstvii pri rassledovanii prestuplenij // Voprosy sudebnoj psihologii. M., 1971.
6. Pershin A. N., Efimkina N. V. Praktika opredelenija lzhi sledovatelem // Psihopedagogika v pravoohranitel'nyh organah. 2007. # 1.
Kireeva E. V.
The instructions of the investigator to the body of inquiry as a form of interaction between investigative and inquiry bodies
The article considers the issues of interaction, forms of interaction, types of instructions of the
investigator, body of inquiry. etc.
Key words: the interaction, the instructions of the investigator, the inquiry body.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ugolovno-processual'nyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii. M.: Omega-L, 2015.
2. Federal'nyj zakon «Ob operativno-rozysknoj dejatel'nosti». M.: JeKSMO, 2015.
3. Aver'janova T. V., Belkin R. S., Koruhov Ju. G., Rossijskaja E. R. Kriminalistika. Uchebnik dlja vuzov. Pod red. Zasluzhennogo dejatelja nauki Rossijskoj Federacii, professora R. S. Belkina / M.: Izdatel'stvo NORMA, 2000.
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5. Belozerov Ju. N., Gutkin I. M., Chuvilev A. A., Chutunov V. E. Organy doznanija i predvaritel'nogo sledstvija sistemy MVD i ih vzaimodejstvie. M., Jurid. lit, 1973.
6. Esina A. S. Kakim dolzhno byt' soderzhanie otdel'nogo poruchenija sledovatelja? // Rossijskij sledovatel'. # 2. 2002. S. 58.
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8. Krugljakov A. P. Postanovlenie sledovatelja, ispolnjaemye organami doznanija po ego poruchenijam // Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Serija
5: Jurisprudencija. 2011. T. 1. # 5-14. S. 204.
9. Ozhegov S. I., Shvedova N. Ju. Tolkovyj slovar' russkogo jazyka: 80000 slov i frazeologicheskih vyrazhenij / Ros. AN; Ros. fond kul'tury; 3-e izd., stereotip. M.: AZ"", 1995. S. 75.
10. Plesneva L. P. Uchebnoe posobie «Vzaimodejstvie sledovatelja s organami doznanija pri proizvodstve predvaritel'nogo sledstvija». Irkutsk, 2014.
Begova D. Ya., Begova D. M.
The responsibility of the defense attorney for the poor quality of legal assistance
The rules governing the status of the defense lawyers include provisions on legal responsibility, as part of these legal entities is not excluded non-performance or improper performance of duties. This paper investigates the problem of poorquality legal assistance, fair practice of defense counsel in criminal proceedings in connection with questions of responsibility for the poor quality of the legal aid of defense attorney.
Keywords: protector, qualified legal assistance, advocacy, procedural duties, responsibilities defender.
Work bibliographic list
1. Amel'kov N. S. Ponjatie kvalificirovannoj juridicheskoj pomoshhi v ugolovnom sudoproizvodstve Rossii // Molodoj uchenyj. 2013. #6.
2. Botnev V. K. Kvalificirovannaja juridicheskaja pomoshh' lichnosti v sisteme konstitucionnyh garantij (sravnitel'no-sopostavitel'nyj analiz ponjatija v rossijskoj i zarubezhnoj literature) // Ombudsmen. 2013. # 2.
3. Karakozov S. A. Uchastie advokata na stadii predvaritel'nogo rassledovanija // Advokatskaja praktika. 2009. # 5.
4. Loginov V. V. Otchet o konferencii «Aktual'nye problemy zashhity professional'nyh prav advokatov» ot 08.10.2015 g. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 18.02.2016).
5. Martynova S. I. Sostjazatel'nost' storon na dosudebnoj stadii ugolovnogo processa: teoretiko-prikladnye problemy // Advokat. 2011. # 4.
6. Obzor disciplinarnoj praktiki advokatskih palat sub"ektov Rossijskoj Federacii za 2014 god, podgotovlen Departamentom po advokature FPA RF// Vestnik Federal'noj palaty advokatov RF. 2015. # 3 (50).
7. Opredelenie Konstitucionnogo Suda RF ot 16.07.2015 # 1551-O «Ob otkaze v prinjatii k rassmotreniju zhaloby grazhdanina Volodina Jurija Nikolaevicha na narushenie ego konstitucionnyh prav chastjami pervoj i vtoroj stat'i 49, chast'ju vtoroj stat'i 50 i stat'ej 53 Ugolovno-processual'nogo kodeksa Rossijskoj federacii» [Jelektronnyj resurs] / Sajt Konstitucionnogo Suda. Rezhim dostupa: ksrf. ru (data obrashhenija 29.11.2015 g.).
8. Orlov A. A. Ocenka juridicheskoj pomoshhi, okazyvaemoj v processe poznanija advokatom // Advokatskaja praktika. 2014. # 5.
9. Postatejnyj nauchno-prakticheskij kommentarij / E. K. Antonovich, P. V. Volosjuk, L. A. Voskobitova i dr.; otv. red. L. A. Voskobitova. M.: Redakcija «Rossijskoj gazety», 2015. Vyp. V–VI.
10. Postanovlenie Plenuma Verhovnogo Suda RF ot 27.06.2013 # 21 «O primenenii sudami obshhej jurisdikcii Konvencii o zashhite prav cheloveka i osnovnyh svobod ot 4.11. 1950. i Protokolov k nej» // Rossijskaja gazeta. 2013. # 145.
11. Raduev R. K. Polnomochija zashhitnika na stadii predvaritel'nogo sledstvija// Pravo. 2015. # 3.
12. Federal'nyj zakon ot 31.05.2002 # 63-FZ (red. ot 13.07.2015) «Ob advokatskoj dejatel'nosti i advokature v Rossijskoj Federacii» // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. 10.06.2002. # 23. st. 2102.
13. Sheremetova G. S. Pravo na besplatnuju juridicheskuju pomoshh' v grazhdanskom processe. M.: Statut, 2015.
Dajanov I. S.
Observance of rights and freedoms of the person and citizen when using the information relating to operational investigation received as a result of actions relating to operational investigation in evidence
The questions of possibility of use of the data relating to operational investigation in criminally-remedial proving, legitimacy of actions relating to operational investigation and, as consequence, observance of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen in realisation of operational investigations are considered.
Keywords: observance of the rights and freedom of man and citizen, operational investigations, actions relating to operational investigation, criminally-remedial proving.
Work bibliographic list
1. Semencov V. A., Safonov V. Ju. Pravovye predposylki i jetapy realizacii rezul'tatov operativno-razysknoj dejatel'nosti v dosudebnom proizvodstve:monografija. Ekaterinburg, 2006.
2. Mezhdunarodnye akty o pravah cheloveka: sbornik dokumentov / sost. V. A. Kartashkin, E. A. Lukasheva. 2-e izd., dop. M., 2002.
3. Atmazhitov V. M., Bobrov V. G. O zakonodatel'nom regulirovanii operativno-razysknoj dejatel'nosti:nauchnyj doklad. M., 2003.
4. Znikin V. K. Ispol'zovanie operativno-razysknoj informacii v ugolovno- processual'nom dokazyvanii: dis. ...kand. jurid. nauk. Tomsk, 1998.
5. Operativno-razysknaja dejatel'nost' i ugolovnyj process: uchebno-prakticheskoe posobie / pod obshh. red. V. V. Chernikova, V. Ja. Kikotja. M.: INFRA. M., 2002.
6. Korenevskij Ju. V., Tokareva M. E. Ispol'zovanie rezul'tatov operativno-razysknoj dejatel'nosti po ugolovnym delam: metodicheskoe posobie. M., 2000.
7. Rukovodstvo po rassledovaniju prestuplenij: nauchno-prakticheskoe posobie / otv. red. A. V. Grinenko. 2-e izd., peresmotr, i dop. M., 2008.
8. Blinov Ju. S. Problemy obespechenija prav i svobod cheloveka i grazhdanina v operativno-razysknoj dejatel'nosti // Policejskoe pravo. 2007. # 2.
Turova K. D.
Legal development: development of legal ideas of humanism and human society
This article explains the concepts of legal development and of humanism. Preconditions of humanism origin, the stages of its development, targeted programs and features of humanism of each historical period of its development are also given in this article. The article reveals the ideas of humanism in the context of the legal development: consolidation at the legislative level in the standard acts, as well as in norms of morality. This article also affects the application of the ideas of humanism in the modern Russian state.
Keywords: the legal development, humanism, humanism of Renaissance, civic humanism, norm, exemption.
Work bibliographic list
1. Konstitucija Rossijskoj Federacii. Prinjata Vsenarodnym golosovaniem 12 dekabrja 1993 goda (red. ot 21.07.2014)// Rossijskaja gazeta. 25.12.1993. # 237.
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3. Abdulaev M. I. Problema teorii gosudarstva i prava. M.:Piter, 2013.
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22. Ugolovnyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii. Federal'nyj zakon ot 13.06.1996 # 63-FZ (red. ot 28.11.2015) // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. 17.06.1996. # 25. St. 2954.
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Alekseev Yu. G.
Procedural problems of application of security measures in relation to victims, witnesses and other participants in the USP and solutions
The literature reflected that "the scope of criminal procedure due to acute conflict of interests of the parties is an increased danger for participants USP, which requires the adoption of effective criminal law and criminal procedural measures for protection." One of the main problems of the entire world community, in addition to fighting crime, is the problem of the protection of persons, contributed to justice.
Keywords: state protection, witness protection, security, witness protection program.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ugolovno-processual'nyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii: Federal'nyj zakon ot 18 dekabrja 2001 goda # 174-FZ // SZ RF. 2001. # 52. St. 4921.
2. Federal'nyj zakon ot 20.08.2004 goda # 119-FZ «O gosudarstvennoj zashhite poterpevshih, svidetelej i inyh uchastnikov USP» // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. 23.08.2004. # 34. St. 3534.
3. Alekseev Ju. G. «Sovershenstvovanie fizicheskoj podgotovki sotrudnikov policii» // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. – 2016. – # 2.(93). –S. 343.
4. Terehova E. N. K voprosu ob ugolovno-pravovoj i ugolovno-processual'noj zashhite uchastnikov ugolovnogo sudoproizvodstva// Ugolovnoe pravo: strategija razvitija v XXI veke. – M., 2009. – S. 441.
Asmandiyarova N. R.
Quantitative and quality indicators of extremist and terrorist crime in Russia
The quantitative and quality indicators of extremism and terrorism in Russia are analyzed by the author in this article. Content is disclosed and legal definition of concepts of extremism and terrorism is given. Relevance of studying of these phenomena at the present stage is caused.
Keywords: extremism, terrorism, public danger, counteraction of ideology of violence.
Work bibliographic list
1. Konstitucija Rossijskoj Federacii // Rossijskaja gazeta. 1993. 25 dekabrja. # 237.
2. Federal'nyj zakon ot 25.07.2002 # 114-FZ «O protivodejstvii jekstremistskoj dejatel'nosti» // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. 2002. 29 ijulja. # 30. St.3031; 2008. 05 maja. # 18. St. 1939. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
3. Federal'nyj Zakon ot 06.03.2006 # 35-FZ «O protivodejstvii terrorizmu» // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. 2006. 13 marta. # 11. St. 1146; 2011. 14 nojabrja. # 46. St. 6407. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
4. Ugolovnyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ot 13.06.1996 goda # 63-FZ // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. 1996. 17 ijunja. # 25. St. 2954; [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
5. Antonjan Ju. M. Kriminologija: uchebnik dlja bakalavrov / Ju. M. Antonjan. 2-e izd., pererab. i dop. M.: Izdatel'stvo Jurajt, 2012. S. 379.
6. Luneev V. V. Kriminologija: uchebnik dlja bakalavrov / V. V. Luneev. M.: Izdatel'stvo Jurajt, 2014. S. 391.
7. Pokazateli prestupnosti v Rossii [Jelektronnyj resurs] Portal pravovoj statistiki General'noj Prokuratury Rossijskoj Federacii [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija 04.04.2016g.).
8. Jetnopoliticheskij jekstremizm v Rossii: social'no-kul'turnye istoki i prichiny nejeffektivnosti prinimaemyh mer protivodejstvija. // Jetnicheskaja situacija i konflikty v gosudarstvah SNG i Baltii. Ezhegodnyj doklad Seti jetnologicheskogo monitoringa i rannego preduprezhdenija konfliktov, 2004. / Pod red. V. Tishkova i E. Filippovoj. M., 2005. S. 19-30, 33, 37.
Butkevich S. A.
Terrorism and extremism in the Russian Federation: real and potential threats
The article analyzes the system of scientific views on the problems of counteraction to terrorism and extremism in the Russian Federation.
Given the real and potential, external and internal threats for state security and public safety, proposals on optimizing the activity of authorized entities in this area are developed.
Keywords: problems, opposition, counteraction, terrorism, perpetration, participation, extremism.
Work bibliographic list
1. O Strategii nacional'noj bezopasnosti Rossijskoj Federacii: Ukaz Prezidenta RF ot 31 dekabrja 2015 g. # 683 // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. 2016. # 1 (ch. II). St. 212.
2. Irzhanov A. S. O ponjatii terrorizma v mezhdunarodnom prave // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2013. # 3 (58).
3. Imangulova G. R. Nekotorye problemy opredelenija pravovogo statusa kombatantov // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2014. # 12 (79).
4. Salihov I. I. Tolerantnost' kak pravovaja kategorija i ejo mesto v sisteme jetiko-pravovyh svjazej chastnogo prava Rossii // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2013. # 12 (67).
5. Haliullina L. I. Prestuplenija jekstremistskoj napravlennosti: novye ugrozy obshhestvu i rossijskoj gosudarstvennosti (na osnove analiza materialov pravoprimenitel'noj praktiki) // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2013. # 5 (60).
6. Chernjad'eva N. A. K voprosu o proishozhdenii i jevoljucii mezhdunarodnogo terrorizma // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2014. # 3 (70).
7. Mironova O. A. Religioznyj i jetnoreligioznyj terrorizm kak odin iz vidov sovremennyh ugroz nacional'noj bezopasnosti gosudarstva // Obshhestvo: politika, jekonomika, pravo. 2015. # 4.
8. Zhuravlenko N. I., Tutova O. V., Shvedova L. E. Aktual'nye problemy bor'by s ispol'zovaniem informacionnyh tehnologij v terroristicheskih celjah //Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2015. # 7 (86).
9. Mamleev R. R. Osobennosti operativno-rozysknoj profilaktiki projavlenij jekstremizma v seti Internet // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2015.# 10 (89).
10. Skrebec E. S. Informacionnoe obespechenie protivodejstvija jekstremizmu // Vestnik Krasnodarskogo universiteta MVD Rossii. 2015. # 4 (30).
11. Konopljova A. A. Radikal'nye projavlenija v kul'ture// Sbornik statej Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii «Teoreticheskie i prakticheskie voprosy XXI veka». Ufa: OOO «Ajeterna», 2015.
12. Ponamorenko V. E. O putjah optimizacii POD/FT v bankovskoj sisteme Rossii v uslovijah evrazijskoj integracii // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2015. # 8 (87).
13. Nyrkov V. G. Voprosy antiterroristicheskoj zashhishhjonnosti ob"ektov s massovym prebyvaniem ljudej// Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2014. # 12 (79).
14. Migda N. S. K voprosu obespechenija antiterroristicheskoj bezopasnosti gosudarstva // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2015. # 12 (91).
15. FSB: svyshe 5 tysjach grazhdan iz Rossii i stran Central'noj Azii vojujut na storone «IGIL» [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
Gazizova O. V., Chernenko I. N.
The use of special tools (CDS) in the performance of operational and service tasks
The material of this article is considered cynology as the direction of law enforcement helped to allocate significant financial and human resources. The law enforcement system were people who
know dogs and a desire to work with them. With the help of dogs to solve crimes prevented the offense, and this experience still is an example of the effectiveness of this specific special tools such as a service dog.
Keywords: cynology, working dog, use and application of dogs, training dogs, special agent.
Work bibliographic list
1. O policii: federal'nyj zakon ot 07 fevralja 2011 g. # 3-FZ. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
2. Matychenko A. V., Sedov P. S. Primenenie sluzhebnyh sobak v dejatel'nosti patrul'no-postovyh sluzhb policii: metodicheskie rekomendacii. – Domodedovo, 2013.
3. Preobrazhenskij M. A. Special'naja podgotovka sotrudnikov organov vnutrennih del: uchebnoe posobie. Ch. 1, 2. – M., 2006.
Lopatin E. Yu.
Russian oil and gas complex as a basis for ensuring energy security
The article presents the author's view on the definition of energy security, a detailed analysis of the structure of energy security, the main threats to energy security, the analysis of the state of the oil and gas sector in Russia, the role of fiscal policy in this sector, prospects of oil and gas sector, as well as the ways to strengthen the energy security of Russia.
Keywords: energy security, the threat to energy security, transnational corporations, tax policy, oil and gas sector, mineral extraction tax.
Work bibliographic list
1. Baitov A. V., Velikorossov V. V., Karjakin A. M. Jenergeticheskaja bezopasnost' Rossii v uslovijah rynochnyh otnoshenij. M., 2012.
2. Baitov A. V., Velikorossov V. V., Karjakin A. M. Jenergeticheskaja bezopasnost' Rossii v uslovijah rynochnyh otnoshenij. M., 2012.
3. Guliev I. A. O., Ruzakova V. I. Znachenie uglevodorodnyh resursov Arktiki dlja jenergeticheskoj bezopasnosti Rossii // Gosudarstvennoe upravlenie. Jelektronnyj vestnik. 2015. # 49.
4. Guliev I. A. Osobennosti gosudarstvennoj podderzhki predprijatij v stranah postsovetskogo prostranstva // Vestnik MGIMO Universiteta. 2011. # 6.
5. Guliev I. A. Problemy i perspektivy nefteprovodnyh setej Evropy // Vestnik MGIMO Universiteta. 2014. # 4 (37).
6. Guliev I. A., Litvinjuk I. I. Jekonomicheskie aspekty osvoenija jenergeticheskih resursov Arktiki v kontekste ustojchivogo razvitija // Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta. Serija 21: Upravlenie (gosudarstvo i obshhestvo). 2015. # 3.
7. Guliev I., Litvinjuk I. Rol' Rossii v razvitii mirovoj neftepererabatyvajushhej promyshlennosti //Mirovoe i nacional'noe hozjajstvo. 2015. # 2 (33).
8. Zhiznin S. Z., Guliev I. A. O. Jenergeticheskaja diplomatija v Kaspijskom regione // Vestnik MGIMO Universiteta. 2012. # 1.
9. Nalogovyj kodeks RF (chast' vtoraja) ot 05.08.2000 # 117-FZ (red. ot 29.12.2015) (s izm. i dop., vstup. V silu s 29.01.2016) // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF, 07.08.2000, # 32, st. 3340.
10. Pashkovskaja I. G. Formirovanie jenergeticheskoj politiki ES v otnoshenii Rossii i novyh nezavisimyh gosudarstv: Avtoref. dis. … dokt. polit. nauk. M., 2013.
11. Proekt Federal'nogo zakona «O vnesenii izmenenij v Federal'nyj zakon “O bezopasnosti ob"ektov toplivno-jenergeticheskogo kompleksa” i otdel'nye zakonodatel'nye akty» (podgotovlen Minjenergo Rossii) (ne vnesen v GD FS RF, po sostojaniju na 01.09.2015).
12. Pyhov P. A. Diagnostika jenergeticheskoj bezopasnosti regionov Rossii // Fundamental'nye issledovanija. 2014. # 6–.
13. Rasporjazhenie Pravitel'stva RF ot 13.11.2009 # 1715-r «Ob Jenergeticheskoj strategii Rossii na period do 2030 goda» //Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF, 30.11.2009, # 48, st. 5836.
14. Rogov A. V. Zavisimost' dohodov bjudzheta Rossii ot jeksporta neftegazovogo sektora // Molodoj uchenyj. 2014. # 20.
15. Rossijskij nalogovyj kur'er [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa:
16. Salygin V. I. Mezhdunarodnoe jenergeticheskoe sotrudnichestvo –zalog ustojchivogo razvitija TJeK //Akademija jenergetiki. 2006. # 2 (10).
17. Salygin V. I. Jenergeticheskaja strategija Rossii. Puti realizacii // Burenie i neft'. 2006. # 1..
18. Salygin V. I., Guliev I. A. O., Litvinjuk I. I. Osobennosti osvoenija arkticheskih neftegazovyh resursov v kontekste ustojchivogo razvitija // V sbornike: Nauka v sovremennom informacionnom obshhestve Materialy V mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. 2015.
19. Salygin V. I., Guliev I. A., Litvinjuk I. I. Problemy sovremennoj jenergetiki v kontekste ustojchivogo razvitija // V sbornike: Nauka v sovremennom informacionnom obshhestve Materialy VII mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii . n.-i.c. «Akademicheskij». 2015.
20. Salygin V. I., Safarjan A. V. Jenergeticheskie problemy v mirovoj politike // V knige: Sovremennye mezhdunarodnye otnoshenija i mirovaja politika Torkunov A. V., Mel'vil' A. Ju., Alekseeva T. A. i dr.: Ucheb. dlja vuzov. Moskva, 2004.
21. Salygin V.I., Guliev I.A.O., Hubaeva A.O. Analiz tekushhego sostojanija i perspektivy razvitija nefteprovodov Kanady // V sbornike: Nauka v sovremennom informacionnom obshhestve Materialy V mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. 2015. S. 219.
22. Stat'ja 342 Nalogovogo kodeksa RF [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija 27.01.2016).
23. Strategija razvitija Arkticheskoj zony Rossijskoj Federacii i obespechenija nacional'noj bezopasnosti na period do 2020 goda (utv. Prezidentom RF) //Dokument opublikovan ne byl.
24. Strategija razvitija Arkticheskoj zony Rossijskoj Federacii i obespechenija nacional'noj bezopasnosti na period do 2020 goda (utv. Prezidentom RF) //Dokument opublikovan ne byl.
25. Ukaz Prezidenta RF ot 31.12.2015 # 683 «O Strategii nacional'noj bezopasnosti Rossijskoj Federacii» //Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF, 04.01.2016, # 1 (chast' II), st. 212.
26. Federal'nyj zakon ot 21.07.2011. # 256-FZ «O bezopasnosti ob"ektov toplivno-jenergeticheskogo kompleksa» // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF, 25.07.2011, # 30 (ch. 1), st. 4604.
27. Federal'nyj zakon ot 28.12.2010 # 390-FZ (red. ot 05.10.2015) «O bezopasnosti» //Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF, 03.01.2011, # 1, st. 2.
28. Fedorov M. P., Okorokov V. R. Jenergeticheskie tehnologii i mirovoe jekonomicheskoe razvitie: proshloe, nastojashhee, budushhee. SPb., 2010.
29. Fedorov M. P., Okorokov V. R. Jenergeticheskie tehnologii i mirovoe jekonomicheskoe razvitie: proshloe, nastojashhee, budushhee. SPb., 2010.
30. Chernjaev M. V. Napravlenija povyshenija funkcionirovanija neftegazovogo kompleksa kak osnova obespechenija jenergeticheskoj bezopasnosti Rossii: Dis. …kand. jekonom. nauk. M., 2014.
31. Chernjaev M. V. Napravlenija povyshenija funkcionirovanija neftegazovogo kompleksa kak osnova obespechenija jenergeticheskoj bezopasnosti Rossii: Avtoref. … kand. jekonom. nauk. M., 2014.
32. Shestopalov P. V. Jenergeticheskaja bezopasnost': ponjatie i sushhnost' // Biznes v zakone. 2012. # 5.
33. Jekonomicheskaja bezopasnost' Rossii: uroki krizisa i perspektivy rosta / A. I. Tatarkin, V. S. Bochko, A. A. Kuklin, A. L. Myzin, O. A. Romanova i dr. T. 1. Ekaterinburg: Institut jekonomiki UrO RAN, 2012.
Nyrkov V. G.
Legal aspects of providing anti-terrorist protection of objects and their improvements
The article considers legal and organizational issues of ensuring anti-terrorist protection of objects and places of mass stay of people.
Specifies basic objectives and principles (General rules) of the anti-terrorist protection of the object.
Key words: terrorism, anti-terrorist protection, object with mass stay of people, a terrorist threat.
Work bibliographic list
1. O protivodejstvii terrorizmu: Federal'nyj zakon ot 06.03.2006 g. # 35-FZ (red. ot 31.12.2014) // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF.2006. # 11. St. 1146.
2. Koncepcija protivodejstvija terrorizmu v Rossijskoj Federacii (utverzhdena Prezidentom Rossijskoj Federacii 05.10.2009 g.) // Rossijskaja gazeta. 20.10.2009. # 198.
3. Koncepcija obshhestvennoj bezopasnosti v Rossijskoj Federacii (utverzhdena Prezidentom Rossijskoj Federacii 14.11.2013 g. # Pr-2685) // Konsul'tantPljus.
4. Voprosy Ministerstva vnutrennih del Rossijskoj Federacii (vmeste s «Polozheniem o Ministerstve vnutrennih del Rossijskoj Federacii»): Ukaz Prezidenta Rossijskoj Federacii ot 01.03.2011 g. # 248 (v red. ot 20.01.2015 g.). // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii. 2011. # 10. St. 1334.
5. O policii: Federal'nyj zakon ot 07.02.2011 g. # 3-FZ (red. ot 13.07.2015 g.) // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii. 2011. # 7. St. 900.
6. Cukanov V. N. Administrativno-pravovye osnovy dejatel'nosti milicii po preduprezhdeniju i presecheniju terroristicheskih aktov (na materialah dejatel'nosti sluzhb i podrazdelenij milicii obshhestvennoj bezopasnosti): avtoref. dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. Omsk, 2006.
Poziy V. S., Tikhomirova T. O.
Some tactical features of scene inspection in terrorist acts during the initial stage of investigation
The article describes the features of the organization, the interaction of forces to implement the inspection of the scene after the attack. The emphasis is placed on attracting professionals from different fields of knowledge, the use of various technical means.
Keywords: inspection of the scene, terrorist act, specialist, anti-terrorist operation.
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon «O protivodejstvii terrorizmu» ot 06.03.2006 # 35-FZ (red. ot 28.06.2014) [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: obrashhenija: 13.03.2016).
2. Ugolovno-processual'nyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ot 18.12.2001 # 174-FZ (red. ot 30.12.2015, s izm.ot 25.02.2016) // SPS «Konsul'tantPljus» [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija:13.03.2016).
3. Antonov V. P. Osobennosti organizacii proizvodstva osmotra mesta proisshestvija po delam terroristicheskoj napravlennosti: Uchebno-metodicheskoe posobie. M.: Jurlitinform, 2006.
4. Doklad o rezul'tatah i osnovnyh napravlenijah dejatel'nosti Ministerstva vnutrennih del Rossijskoj Federacii [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 13.03.2016).
5. Zhuravlenko N. I., Kljuev A. V. Determinanty terrorizma i organizacija ego profilaktiki: monografija. Ufa: Ufimskij juridicheskij institut MVD Rossii, 2005.
6. Kozlov V. V. Osobennosti uchastija vooruzhennyh sil rossijskoj federacii v protivodejstvii terrorizmu. Moskva, 2015 g. [Jelektronnyj resurs].Rezhim dostupa:
html (data obrashhenija: 13.03.2016).
7. Sostojanie prestupnosti – janvar'–ijun' 2015 goda. Kratkaja harakteristika sostojanija prestupnosti v Rossijskoj Federacii, v tom chisle v Krymskom federal'nom okruge za janvar' – ijun' 2015 goda[Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija:13.03.2016).
8. Terrorizm i ego projavlenija [Jelektronnyj resurs].Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija:13.03.2016).
Tabakov A. R.
About some aspects of activity of divisions of internal affairs bodies on ensuring security of persons subject to state protection
In the article problems of the state protection, a private problem of the prevention and suppression of the heavy and especially heavy, qualified crimes which have double object of an encroachment, a problem of neutralisation of threat to the protected person, a problem of creation of appropriate conditions for administration of justice, struggle against crimes and other offences are considered.
Keywords: safety of the persons who are subject to the state protection, protection of life, health and property, operational search, investigative operations.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ugolovnyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ot 13.06.1996 # 63-FZ // Dostup iz spravochnoj pravovoj sistemy «Konsul'tantPljus».
2. Federal'nyj zakon ot 12.08.1995 g. # 144-FZ «Ob operativno-rozysknoj dejatel'nosti» // Dostup iz spravochnoj pravovoj sistemy «Konsul'tantPljus».
3. Federal'nyj zakon ot 20.08.2004 g. # 119-FZ «O gosudarstvennoj zashhite poterpevshih, sudej i inyh uchastnikov ugolovnogo sudoproizvodstva» // Dostup iz spravochnoj pravovoj sistemy «Konsul'tant-Pljus».
4. Federal'nyj zakon ot 20.04.1995 g. # 45-FZ «O gosudarstvennoj zashhite sudej, dolzhnostnyh lic pravoohranitel'nyh i kontrolirujushhih organov» //Dostup iz spravochnoj pravovoj sistemy «Konsul'tantPljus».
5. Prikaz MVD Rossii ot 19.06.2012 # 608 «O nekotoryh voprosah organizacii operativno-rozysknoj dejatel'nosti v sisteme MVD Rossii» // Dostup iz spravochnoj pravovoj sistemy «Konsul'tantPljus».
Ivanova S. V., Ezhova O. N.
Competence of law school students in the field of management as a condition of effectiveness of their professional activities
The article is devoted to the problems of formation of cadets’ competence in the field of organizational and management activities in specialized higher educational institutions of the FSIN of Russia.
Based on the theoretical provisions and judicial practice the elements of the principle of freedom
of appeal are investigated, as well as their effect in the inspection agency and their ratio with the principles of criminal procedure.
Keywords: competence, organization and management activity, social management, administrative and organizational control, system control, situational management, marketing management, cognitive management.
Work bibliographic list
1. Koncepcija razvitija ugolovno-ispolnitel'noj sistemy Rossijskoj Federacii do 2020 goda: Rasporjazhenie Pravitel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii ot 14 oktjabrja 2010 g. # 1772-r [Jelektronnyj resurs] // Materialy oficial'nogo sajta FSIN Rossii. Rezhim dostupa: http:/ www. (data obrashhenija: 11.12.15).
2. Vasil'eva T. S. FGOS novogo pokolenija o trebovanijah k rezul'tatam obuchenija // Teorija i praktika obrazovanija v sovremennom mire: materialy IV mezhdunar. nauch. konf. SPb.: Zanevskaja ploshhad', 2014.
3. Ezhova O. N. Osnovy upravlenija v pravoohranitel'noj dejatel'nosti: kurs lekcij. Samara: Samarskij juridicheskij institut FSIN Rossii, 2015.
4. Ezhova O. N. Formirovanie professional'no znachimyh kachestv u kursantov specializirovannyh vuzov //Voprosy jekonomiki i prava. 2015. # 11.
5. Ezhova O. N., Popov I. V. Bakalavriat v specializirovannyh vuzah: problemy i puti reshenija // v sb. nauchnyh trudov po itogam mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii «Pedagogika i psihologija: tendencii i perspektivy razvitija». Volgograd, 2015. # 2.
6. Emel'janov Ju. N. Social'no-psihologicheskie issledovanija organizatorskogo potenciala rukovoditelja: avtoref. diss. …kand. psihol. nauk. L., 1975.
7. Ivanova S. V. Psihologo-pedagogicheskie uslovija formirovanija organizatorskih sposobnostej budushhih uchitelej nachal'nyh klassov v pedagogicheskom kolledzhe: diss. … kand. psihol. nauk. Samara, 2013.
8. Koncepcii federal'nyh gosudarstvennyh obrazovatel'nyh standartov obshhego obrazovanija / Pod red. A. M. Kondakova, A. A. Kuznecova. M.: Prosveshhenie, 2008.
9. Osnovy upravlenija v organah vnutrennih del: uchebnik / pod obshh. red. V. P. Sal'nikova. 2-e izd., ispr. SPb.: Fond «Universitet», 2006.
10. Umanskij L. I. Psihologija organizatorskoj dejatel'nosti shkol'nika. M.: Prosveshhenie, 1980.
Kasimova E. G.
General conditions of inclusive education arrangement
The article is devoted to the general concepts of education, structural components of pedagogical activity serving as the basis of national education system. Special attention is given to the creation of required conditions for inclusive education arrangement for disabled persons.
Key words: education system, concepts of education, phased formation of mental efforts, defect structure, individual educational program, resource teacher specialists.
Work bibliographic list
1. Kasimova Je. G. Zakonodatel'naja osnova primenenija innovacionnyh obrazovatel'nyh tehnologij v obuchenii invalidov i lic s ogranichennymi vozmozhnostjami zdorov'ja // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. – 2014. – # 11(78). – S. 202-203.
2. Talyzina N. F. Pedagogicheskaja psihologija. – M.:Akademija, 2006. – 288 s.
3. Sharipov F. V. Pedagogika i psihologija vysshej shkoly: ucheb. posobie.— M. : Logos, 2012. – 448 s.
Timerbulatov I. A., Fayzullin N. M.
TRP as promotion of interest in physical culture and sports of the cadets of the MIA of Russia
This article focuses on the all-Russian sports complex "Ready for labor and defense" (TRP), its
revival and increased interest of the cadets of the MIA of Russia to this program.
Key words: TRP, WFSC, physical culture, physical training, sports, cadets.
Work bibliographic list
1. Astaf'ev N. V., Safonov D. E. Provedenie smotra-konkursa fizicheskoj podgotovlennosti s pomoshh'ju komp'juternoj programmy // Psihopedagogika v pravoohranitel'nyh organah. 2011. # 3. S. 16-20.
2. Ivanina L. I. Povyshenie interesa k sportu i fizicheskoj kul'ture s pomoshh'ju vnedrenija Kompleksa GTO // Aktual'nye problemy fizicheskoj kul'tury i sporta kursantov, slushatelej i studentov: sbornik statej. Orel: OrJuI MVD Rossii imeni V. V. Luk'janova, 2015. S. 26-30.
3. Kabachkov V. A., Petrov V. K., Perova E. I., Evstratova T. V. Kompleks GTO v XXI veke. Ocenka fizicheskoj podgotovlennosti uchashhihsja po rezul'tatam vypolnenija normativov kompleksa «Gotov k trudu i zashhite Otechestva» v 2008-2010 gg. // Vestnik sportivnoj na-
uki. 2010. # 2. S. 47-51.
4. Parfenova L. A. Predlozhenija po sovershenstvovaniju normativno-testirujushhej chasti kompleksa GTO/ L. A. Parfenova, G. A. Gordeeva // Uchenye zapiski universiteta im. P. F. Lesgafta. SPb.: NGU im. P. F. Lesgafta, 2014. #9(115). S. 45-49.
5. Pugachev V. F. Ot znachka GTO k vysotam masterstva. M., 1986. 96 s.
Zhuravlenko N. I.
Political extremism and terrorism as social and legal phenomenon
The article discusses various approaches to the definition of political extremism and terrorism, shows the differences of concepts of «terror» and «terrorism», describes the main features of this phenomenon.
Keywords: terror, terrorism, terrorist acts, terrorist activities, extremism.
Work bibliographic list
1. Avdeev Ju. I. Terrorizm kak social'no-politicheskoe javlenie // Sovremennyj terrorizm: sostojanie i perspektivy. M.: Jeditorial URSS, 2000.
2. Antonjan Ju. M. Terrorizm. Kriminologicheskoe i ugolovno-pravovoe issledovanie. M.: Shhit-M, 1998.
3. Butkevich S. A. Zakonodatel'nyj i doktrinal'nyj podhody k probleme protivodejstvija terrorizmu // Protivodejstvie jekstremizmu i terrorizmu v Krymskom federal'nom okruge: problemy teorii i praktiki: monografija / pod obshh. red. S. A. Butkevicha. Simferopol': Krymskij filial Krasnodarskogo universiteta MVD Rossii, 2015.
4. Zhuravlenko N. I., Kljuev A. V. Determinanty terrorizma i organizacija ego profilaktiki: Monografija. Ufa: ON i RIO UJuI MVD RF, 2005.
5. Zabroda D. G., Dubko Ju. V. Normativnoe regulirovanie protivodejstvija terrorizmu: regional'nyj aspekt // Protivodejstvie jekstremizmu i terrorizmu v Krymskom federal'nom okruge: problemy teorii i praktiki: monografija / pod obshh. red. S. A. Butkevicha. Simferopol': Krymskij filial Krasnodarskogo universiteta MVD Rossii, 2015.
6. Petrishhev V. E. Zametki o terrorizme. M.: Jeditorial URSS, 2001.
7. Potapova L. V. Jekstremizm kak osnovnaja prichina destabilizacii obshhestvennoj bezopasnosti v sovremennom obshhestve // Protivodejstvie jekstremizmu i terrorizmu v Krymskom federal'nom okruge: problemy teorii i praktiki: monografija / pod obshh. red. S. A. Butkevicha. Simferopol': Krymskij filial Krasnodarskogo universiteta MVD Rossii, 2015.
8. Sarankina Ju. A., Zaloznyj N. Ju. Religioznyj (islamskij) jekstremizm v Krymu // Protivodejstvie jekstremizmu i terrorizmu v Krymskom federal'nom okruge: problemy teorii i praktiki: monografija / pod obshh. red. S. A. Butkevicha. Simferopol': Krymskij filial Krasnodarskogo universiteta MVD Rossii, 2015.
9. Stepanov E. I. Terrorizm kak predmet konfliktogennoj jekspertizy // Sovremennyj terrorizm: sostojanie i perspektivy. M.: Jeditorial URSS, 2000.
10. Tkachenko A. G. Terrorizm: duhovno-nravstvennyj aspekt. Sovremennyj terrorizm: sostojanie i perspektivy. M.: Jeditorial URSS, 2000.
11. Kashkarov A. A. Ignatov A. N. Osnovnye prichiny sovershenija prestuplenij jekstremistskogo haraktera v Krymu v sovremennyh uslovijah // Protivodejstvie jekstremizmu i terrorizmu v Krymskom federal'nom okruge: problemy teorii i praktiki: monografija / pod obshh. red. S. A. Butkevicha. Simferopol':Krymskij filial Krasnodarskogo universiteta MVD Rossii, 2015.
12. Konopleva A. A. Prichiny razvitija jekstremizma v kommunikativnom prostranstve Respubliki Krym// Informacionnaja bezopasnost' i protivodejstvie ugrozam jekstremizma, terrorizma i organizovannoj prestupnosti: materialy mezhvuzovskoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii, 24 fevralja 2015 g. Krasnodar: Krasnodarskij universitet MVD Rossii, 2015.
13. Mironova O. A. Duhovnost' kak faktor protivodejstvija religioznomu jekstremizmu // Protivodejstvie jekstremizmu i terrorizmu v Krymskom federal'nom okruge: problemy teorii i praktiki:monografija / pod obshh. red. S. A. Butkevicha. Simferopol': Krymskij filial Krasnodarskogo universiteta MVD Rossii, 2015.
14. Chelpanova M. M. Jekonomiko-pravovye osnovy terroristicheskoj i jekstremistskoj dejatel'nosti// Protivodejstvie jekstremizmu i terrorizmu v Krymskom federal'nom okruge: problemy teorii i praktiki: monografija / pod obshh. red. S. A. Butkevicha. Simferopol': Krymskij filial Krasnodarskogo universiteta MVD Rossii, 2015.
15. Jushina Ju. V. O neispol'zovannyh vozmozhnostjah rjada statej glavy 31 UK RF dlja protivodejstvija terrorizmu i jekstremizmu // Protivodejstvie jekstremizmu i terrorizmu v Krymskom federal'nom okruge: problemy teorii i praktiki: monografija / pod obshh. red. S. A. Butkevicha. Simferopol': Krymskij filial Krasnodarskogo universiteta MVD Rossii, 2015.
Bayniyazova Z. S.
The issue of interdependence of legal system and legal policy in modern Russia
The article examines the issue of interdependence of the legal system and legal policy from the perspective of their common axiological basis. The author justifies the fact that interdependence of the legal system and legal policy is necessary for achieving common goals of development of Russia.
Keywords: legal system, legal policy, individual rights, legal regulation.
Work bibliographic list
1. Aliev H. O., Jusupkadieva S. N. Zashhita prav i svobod cheloveka i grazhdanina kak odno iz prioritetnyh napravlenij prokurorskogo nadzora // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2015. # 6 (85).
2. Lukasheva E. A. Pravo. Moral'. Lichnost'. M.: Nauka,1986.
3. Oksamytnyj V. V. Pravovye sistemy v komparativistskom izmerenii: istorija i sovremennost' //Vestnik Brjanskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. 2012. # 2.
4. Rybakov O. Ju. Pravovaja politika: ponjatie i prioritety // Aktual'nye problemy pravovedenija. 2004. # 1.
5. Strategii pravovogo razvitija Rossii / Bondar' N. S., Fadeev V. I., Komarova V. V., Komkova G. N., Pavlushina A. A., Skachkova O. S., Romanovskaja V. B., Zhdanov P. S., Syryh V. M., Gavrilova Ju. A., Sinjukov V. N., Sinjukova T. V., Sushkova Ju. N., Bajnijazova Z. S., Stepanenko R. F., Smykalin A. S., Rostova O. S., Tumanov D. Ju., Bijushkina N. I., Voplenko N. N. i dr. Kollektivnaja monografija / Pod redakciej O. Ju. Rybakova. Moskva, 2015.
6. Semitko A. P. Razvitie pravovoj kul'tury kak pravovoj progress. Ekaterinburg: Izd-vo Gumanitarnogo un-ta, 1996.
7. Rasporjazhenie Pravitel'stva RF ot 17 nojabrja 2008 # 1662-r «Ob utverzhdenii Koncepcii dolgosrochnogo social'no-jekonomicheskogo razvitija Rossijskoj Federacii na period do 2020 goda» // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. 2008. # 47.
8. Jebzeev B. S. Konstitucija, gosudarstvo i lichnost' v Rossii: filosofija rossijskogo konstitucionalizma // Konstitucionnoe i municipal'noe pravo. 2013. # 11.

Ogneva E. A., Kravchenko V. V.
Actual problems of modern migration policy of the Russian Federation in respect of foreign nationals
The study is an analysis of the current state of migration policy of Russia in the field of regulation
of the legal status of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation. Main development tendencies in the legal regulation of relations arising with the participation of foreign citizens in the territory of the Russian Federation are revealed.
Keywords: legal status of foreign citizens, migration registration, assistance in voluntary resettlement of compatriots.
Work bibliographic list
1. Vozdushnyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ot 19.03.1997 # 60-FZ (red. ot 13.07.2015) // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. 1997. # 12 (24 marta). St. 1383.
2. Federal'nyj zakon ot 28 dekabrja 2012 g. # 272-FZ (red. 23.05.2015) «O merah vozdejstvija na lic, prichastnyh k narushenijam osnovopolagajushhih prav i svobod cheloveka i grazhdanina, prav i svobod grazhdan Rossijskoj Federacii» // Rossijskaja gazeta. 2012. 29 dekabrja. # 302.
3. Federal'nyj zakon ot 25.07.2002 # 115-FZ (red. ot 13.07.2015) «O pravovom polozhenii inostrannyh grazhdan v Rossijskoj Federacii» // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. 2002. # 30 (29 ijulja). St. 3032.
4. Federal'nyj zakon ot 15 avgusta 1996g. # 114-FZ (red 13.07.2015) «O porjadke vyezda iz Rossijskoj Federacii i v"ezda v Rossijskuju Federaciju» // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. 1996. # 34 (19 avgusta). St. 4029.
5. Ukaz Prezidenta Rossijskoj Federacii ot 22 ijunja 2006 g. # 637 «O merah po okazaniju sodejstvija dobrovol'nomu pereseleniju v Rossijskuju Federaciju sootechestvennikov, prozhivajushhih za rubezhom» // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. 2006. # 26 (26 ijunja). St.
6. Ledeneva V. Ju. Neprestizhnaja nisha dlja «ponaehavshih» // Nezavisimaja gazeta. 2015. 21 aprelja [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa:
7. Svedenija po migracionnoj situacii v Rossijskoj Federacii za 12 mesjacev 2015 goda [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa:
8. Svedenija po migracionnoj situacii v Rossijskoj Federacii za 12 mesjacev 2014 goda [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa:
9. Svedenija po migracionnoj situacii v Rossijskoj Federacii za 12 mesjacev 2013 god [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa:
10. Svedenija po migracionnoj situacii v Rossijskoj Federacii za 2012 god [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa:
11. Statisticheskie svedenija v otnoshenii inostrannyh grazhdan, nahodjashhihsja na territorii Rossijskoj Federacii [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa:
Nasyrova E. V.
Specifics of public relations in regional political organizations (on the example of the Public Chamber of the Republic of Bashkortostan)
The article is devoted to the topical subject of the organization of public relations in regional political organizations. Studied in detail the features of the communication work of the Public Chamber of the Republic of Bashkortostan, and formulated recommendations to improve its effectiveness.
Keywords: government transparency, two-way communication model, feedback.
Work bibliographic list
1. Nigmatullin R. V. Sovremennye mezhdunarodnye otnoshenija i ugroza kiberprestupnosti // Globalizacija jekonomiki i obrazovanija: perspektivy Rossii i Germanii – Ufa: UI (f) RGTJeU, 2010.
2. Oficial'nyj sajt proekta «Otkrytaja respublika».[Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: obrashhenija 25.04.2016).
3. Sulejmanova R. R. Sociodinamika kommunikativnyh processov v sovremennom obshhestve // Diss. …kand. filos. nauk. – Ufa, 2005.
4. Sulejmanova R. R. Politicheskij imidzh Respubliki Bashkortostan: sostojanie i perspektivy // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. – 2014. – # 11(78).
5. Ustav gosudarstvennogo kazennogo uchrezhdenija Respubliki Bashkortostan «Apparat Obshhestvennoj palaty Respubliki Bashkortostan». [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: obrashhenija 25.04.2016).
Construction and law
Farhutdinov R. D., Egorov K. V.
Selected issues of law enforcement practice in the field of selfregulated construction activities
The article presents analysis of judicial practice on the basis of which the conclusion is made about the effectiveness of the rules governing the construction industry in self-regulation.
Keywords: building activity, self-regulation, efficiency of legal regulation, the compensation Fund SRO.
Work bibliographic list
1. Vinokurov T. «Kompensacionnyj fond-voz i nyne tam» // Cena voprosa. 2012. Mart.
2. Pashkov A. S., Javich L. S. Jeffektivnost' dejstvija pravovoj normy (k metodologii i metodike sociologicheskogo issledovanija) // Sovetskoe gosudarstvo i pravo. 1970. # 3. S. 41.
3. Uljukaeva D. Nekotorye voprosy sudebnoj praktiki, svjazannye s vyplatami iz kompensacionnogo fonda SRO. // 05.06.2014 // Institut Razvitija Grazhdanskogo Obshhestva. 2014.
4. Farhutdinov R. D. Pravovoe regulirovanie predprinimatel'skoj dejatel'nosti v stroitel'stve i ego jeffektivnost' v uslovijah samoregulirovanija /avto-ref. diss. kand. jurid. nauk. M., 2013.
5. Fatkullin F. N., Chuljukin L. D. Social'naja cennost' i jeffektivnost' pravovoj normy. Kazan':Izd-vo Kazanskogo universiteta, 1977. S. 23-24.
6. Chechot D. M., Pashkov A. S. Jeffektivnost' pravovogo regulirovanija i metody ee vyjavlenija // Sovetskoe
gosudarstvo i pravo. 1965. # 8. S. 3.
7. Jakovlev V. F. Rossija: jekonomika, grazhdanskoe pravo (voprosy teorii i praktiki). M: RIC ISPI RAN, 2000.
Burenina I. V.
The economic approach to the management of the fund of oil wells, taking into account environmental factors
The article deals with the current state of the oil and gas complex of Russia, showing the main problems and trends in the global oil and gas market. Classification and characteristics of the risks affecting the segment "Exploration and oil and gas production", in particular, on the main oil facilities – pool of oil wells. A scheme of management of the fund of oil wells.
Keywords: risk, oil and gas, environmental factors, management of the fund well.
Work bibliographic list
1. Problematika jenergetiki cherez prizmu torgovli i razvitija. Sovet po torgovle i razvitiju OON: 2008; Bajkov N. M. ,2009
2. Burenina I. V. Povyshenie jekonomicheskoj jeffektivnosti dejatel'nosti neftegazodobyvajushhego predprijatija (teorija i metodologija): Monografija / I. V.Burenina, V. V. Birjukova, S. A. Zac. – SPb: Nedra,2010. – 280 s.
3. Bujanov V. P. Upravlenie riskami (riskologija) / V.P. Bujanov, K.A. Kirsanov, L. A. Mihajlov. – M.: Jekzamen, 2002. – 384 s.
4. Volynskaja N. A. Jekonomicheskaja jeffektivnost' osvoenija neftjanyh resursov: ocenka i regulirovanie /N. A. Volynskaja, M. V. Plenkina, A. A. Sil'vanskij.– SPb: Nedra, 2009. – 152s.
5. Burenina I. V. Organizacija jekonomicheskogo mehanizma upravlenija riskami vybytija skvazhin pri ih
jekspluatacii v uslovijah obespechenija ustojchivogo razvitija neftegazovogo predprijatija // Jelektronnyj nauchnyj zhurnal «Neftegazovoe delo». – 2011. – #1. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:

Agaphonov I. A., Tolstonogov A. A.
Assessment of the prospects of nuclear energetic development for the Russian economy
Nuclear power is an important sector of the economy of any nuclear state. It allows to create energy systems that are independent of the traditional types of mineral resources. Nuclear power is knowledgebased and capital-intensive industry. In the years of crisis it especially needs governmental intensive support.
Keywords: nuclear power, development trends, economic crisis, import substitution.
Work bibliographic list
1. Agafonov I. A. Krivaja Hubberta i neftjanoj krizis// Vestnik Samarskogo gosudarstvennogo jekonomicheskogo universiteta. 2013. # 4 (10).
2. Agafonov I. A. Formirovanie novyh rynkov potreblenija toplivnyh jenergoresursov v uslovijah snizhenija mirovyh cen na neft' // Sovremennye tendencii razvitija nauki i tehnologij. 2016. # 2-6.
3. Tolstonogov A. A. Analiz planiruemyh ob"emov investicij v razvitie toplivno-jenergeticheskogo kompleksa Rossii // Vestnik Samarskogo gosudarstvennogo tehnicheskogo universiteta. Serija: Jekonomicheskie nauki. 2013. # 2 (8).

Akhunov R. R.
The formation of the strategic priorities of the regional development based on the interaction of the subject-functional components
The article is devoted to the management of the regional development, the formation of its strategic priorities by constructing interaction of three major subject-functional components: regional management system, business and population. To ensure this interaction it suggested the identification of the role of the stakeholders and their contribution to the regional economy, to identify the interests, needs and expectations of these key agents and implement the regulation of their interaction. In the adjustment stage it justified the application four models that may be located on the axis of the mutual influence of the regional management system and the other subject-functional components – informing (the passive exposure perception of the stakeholders); social learning (building a dialogue of the relatively small groups of the stakeholders with the regional government); joint planning (holding the active discussions with all interested parties); consensus (imparting maximum authority to all stakeholders).
Keywords: region, regional development, strategic priorities, intraregional cooperation, management system, business, people.
Work bibliographic list
1. Kurbatova M. V., Levin S. N. Deformalizacija pravil v sovremennoj rossijskoj jekonomike (na primere vzaimodejstvija vlasti i biznesa) // Jekonomicheskij vestnik Rostovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta.– 2010. – Tom 8. – #1. – S. 27-50.
2. Polterovich V. M. Regional'nye instituty modernizacii // Jekonomicheskaja nauka sovremennoj Rossii.– 2011. – # 4(55). – S. 17-29.
3. Hvostenko P. V. Metodika postroenija sistemy sbalansirovannyh pokazatelej na osnove ucheta interesa stejkholderov // Biznes. Obrazovanie. Pravo. Vestnik volgogradskogo instituta biznesa. – 2012. – #3(20). – S. 84-89.
4. Jusupov K. N., Jangirov A. V. Makrojekonomicheskij analiz regional'nogo produkta. M-vo obrazovanija
Ros. Federacii, Bashk. gos. un-t. – Ufa: RIO BashGU,2003. – 166 s.
5. Jangirov A. V., Jusupov K. N., Ahunov R. R. i dr. Problemy formirovanija vosproizvodstvennogo potenciala Respubliki Bashkortostan / Otvetstvennyj redaktor:A. V. Jangirov. – Ufa: RIC BashGU, 2013. – 120 s.
6. Jangirov A. V. Formirovanie mnogourovnevoj struktury vosproizvodstvennogo potenciala regiona //Regiony Evrazii: strategii i mehanizmy modernizacii, innovacionno-tehnologicheskogo razvitija i sotrudnichestva: trudy Pervoj Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. – M.: INION RAN, 2013. – S. 471-474.
7. Young, Charlotte. Decision-Making on Controversial Issues of Na-tional Scope: Models for Involving the Public / Charlotte Young, Marc Rose [Electronic resource]// http:// www. hardystevenson. com. - Hardy Stevensonand Associates Limited. - Electronic data. URL: http:// Articles/ Models%20of%20Public%20 Par-ticipation %20 (IAP 2% 20 Paper).pdf(Date of the application: 08.08.2015). - Title screen.
Brezhneva O. V.
Mechanism of estimation of tangible assets of social and economic subsystems of the region
The article deals with the research of estimation of tangible assets of regional social and economic subsystems, the theoretical aspects of methodology of analysis of effective management of tangible assets of enterprises are similarly examined, as presently there is not complex methodology of estimation of material assets management efficiency. This methodology will allow breaking barriers on the way of mechanisms shifting the economy of regions from the current situation, ease the shortage of tangible assets of managing subjects, which will let to treat the limit nature of financial resources and to find internal backlogs for the increase of efficiency of the use of tangible
Keywords: assets of enterprise, tangible assets, social and economic subsystem of region, evaluation cost of tangible assets.
Work bibliographic list
1. Akchurina A. M., Martirosjan G. V. Finansovyj menedzhment: Ucheb posobie dlja studentov jekonomicheskogo fakul'teta. Sterlitamak: RIC SF BAShGU, 2014.
2. Brezhneva O. V. Razvitie jekonomicheskih podsistem //Teorija i praktika sovremennoj nauki: jelektronnyj nauchno prakticheskij zhurnal. 2015. # 5(5).
3. Brezhneva O. V. Upravlencheskij analiz v otrasljah:uchebnoe posobie dlja studentov. Sterlitamak: RIC SF BashGU, 2014.
4. Nezamajkin V. N., Jurzinova I. L. Finansovyj menedzhment: uchebnik dlja akademicheskogo bakalavriata. M.: Izdatel'stvo Jurajt, 2015. Serija: Bakalavr. Akademicheskij kurs.

Battalov A. M.
Theoretical features of formation of the concept of “Lean manufacturing”
In today's world, the basis of success, given the economic conditions, the high level of organization of production. To achieve optimal and efficient level of production only allows a clear understanding and implementation by each employee of his area of responsibility in the overall chain of high-quality end-product value in accordance with the requirements of all stakeholders. Quality management systems and the concept of "Lean Production" is a tool to achieve this level of the production system, and thus to increase the efficiency of production.
Virtually all sectors of the leading countries of "lean manufacturing" concept is the accepted strategy of industrial development and gaining market leadership.
Keywords: Lean manufacturing, production system, the concept of added value, the success of philosophy.
Work bibliographic list
1. Vumek D., Dzhons D. Berezhlivoe proizvodstvo. Kak izbavit'sja ot poter' i dobit'sja procvetanija vashej kompanii. M.: Al'pina Biznes Buks, 2005.
2. Praktika postroenija Proizvodstvennoj sistemy na osnove filosofii berezhlivogo proizvodstva i prakticheskogo opyta OAO «KAMAZ», - prezentacija // Lean-academy [Jelektronnyj resurs] – Rezhimdostupa:, svobodnyj (data obrashhenija 5.04.2014);
3. Upravlenie proizvodstvom. M.: JaCP SJeR, 2001. 300 s;
4. Molodezhnyj nauchnyj forum [Jelektronnyj resurs] – Rezhim dostupa:, svobodnyj;
5. Vahrushev V. Principy japonskogo upravlenija. M: FOZB, 2002;
6. Toyota Global Site [Jelektronnyj resurs] – Rezhim dostupa:, svobodnyj;
7. Imai M. Gemba kajdzen. M.: Al'pina Pablisher,2014;
8. Okrepilov V. Upravlenie kachestvom: Uchebnik dlja VUZov. M.: Izdatel'stvo «Jekonomika», 1998;
9. Burenina I. V., Battalova A. A. Upravlenie, organizacija i planirovanie dejatel'nosti krupnyh kompleksov promyshlennosti. Ufa: izd-vo UGNTU, 2010. 105 s.
10. Battalova A. A. Problema vzaimodejstvija i upravlenija jelementami klastera // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2014. # 11(78).
Bakhitova R. Kh., Polupanov D. V., Islamov I. Ya.
“Soft” methods and tools for assessment of regional television content
The work is devoted to the development of preliminary analysis and evaluation methodsofcontent
for the release by regional broadcasting channels. Fuzzy approachesare usedto turn from qualitative descriptionof broadcast to quantitative estimates. Assignmentof content to a specific node of fuzzy decision tree is madeby the membership degree to several linguistic characteristics of the broadcasts. As a result of training sample grouping a fuzzy decision treeis formed. The proposed method allows estimating the preferences of TV viewers against broadcast channel.
Keywords: media market, fuzzy decision tree, content, membership function.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bahitova R.H., Islamov I.Ja. Regional'nye telekanaly: rol' i mesto v mediajekonomike (na primere Bashkirskogo sputnikovogo televidenija) // Vestnik UGUJeS. Nauka. Obrazovanie. Jekonomika. Serija: Jekonomika. 2014. # 2 (8). S. 70–74.
2. Vyrkovskij A.V., Makeenko M.I. Regional'noe televidenie Rossii na poroge cifrovoj jepohi. M.: MediaMir, 2014.
3. Kul'chin Ju.N., Kim A.Ju., Notkin B.S., Ljuhter A.B. Postroenie algoritma nechetkogo dereva reshenij na osnove jeksperimental'nyh dannyh pri obrabotke signalov RVOIS //Informatika i sistemy upravlenija. 2014. #3 (41).
4. Nedosekin A.O. Nechetko-mnozhestvennyj analiz riska fondovyh investicij. Sankt-Peterburg, 2002. S.29–30.
5. Chernov V.G. Nechetkie derev'ja reshenij (nechetkie pozicionnye igry) // Informacionno-upravljajushhie sistemy. 2010.#5.
6. Car'kovS.V. Nechetkie derev'ja reshenij[Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: fevral' 2016 g.).
7. Ukaz Prezidenta RF ot 24.06.2009 # 715 «Ob obshherossijskih objazatel'nyh obshhedostupnyh telekanalah i radiokanalah» // Rossijskaja gazeta.2009. # 114. 25 ijunja.
8. JanikowC.Z. FuzzyDecisionTrees: IssuesandMethods, 1996.
Irkabaeva R. I., Musina D. R., Mutalov S. V.
Cost analysis for protection of labour and industrial security in the Russian oil and gas companies in 2012-2014
The paper analyzes the regulatory, natural and cost parameters of the Russian oil and gas companies in the field of protection of labor and industrial security. It was covered the period of time for the 2012–2014. The absolute costs of companies were analyzed and the specific indicators of costs per person and as a share of the operating costs were calculated, the top companies were identified.
Keywords: protection of labor, industrial security, accident, injury, oil and gas company, costs.
Work bibliographic list
1. Musina D. R. Formirovanie sistemy logisticheskogo kontrollinga v burovoj kompanii// Jelektronnyj nauchnyj zhurnal «Neftegazovoe delo». 2015. # 4. S. 549-563.
2. Mutalov S. V., Musina D. R. Analiz zatrat na promyshlennuju bezopasnost' v inostrannyh neftjanyh kompanijah. Problemy i tendencii razvitija mezhdunarodnoj jekonomiki: mirovoj opyt i rossijskaja praktika:sb. nauch. tr. po mater. 2-j Mezhdunar.nauch.-prakt. konf.– Ufa: Izd-vo «Neftegazovoe delo», 2014. – S. 210-212.
3. Mutalov S. V., Musina D. R. Metodicheskij podhod k ocenke jekonomicheskih poter' v promyshlennoj bezopasnosti v neftegazovoj kompanii. Vestnik VJeGU. 2014. # 1. S. 70.
4. Mutalov S. V., Musina D. R. Otdel'nye aspekty kontrollinga v neftegazovoj promyshlennosti. Sbornik nauch. trudov VI Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakt.konferencii molodyh uchenyh «Aktual'nye problemy nauki i tehniki – 2013», tom II. – Ufa: UGNTU,
2013. S. 115-116.
5. Mutalov S. V., Musina D. R. Formirovanie sistemy kontrollinga promyshlennoj bezopasnosti v neftegazovoj kompanii. Jelektronnyj nauchnyj zhurnal Neftegazovoe delo. 2014. # 4. S. 341-352.
6. Oficial'nyj sajt PAO «Gazprom». [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
7. Oficial'nyj sajt PAO «Lukojl» [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
8. Oficial'nyj sajt PAO «NK «Rosneft'» [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
9. Oficial'nyj sajt PAO «Tatneft'» [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
10. Oficial'nyj sajt PAO ANK «Bashneft'» [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
Khayrullin V. A., Khafizova E. N., Domman E. R.
Technical and economic feasibility of using modern methods of strengthening of reinforced concrete structures during the reconstruction of industrial facilities
The work associated with restoring operational reliability of buildings and structures in the process of their reconstruction are expensive and complex. The problem of improving durability of reinforced concrete structures relevant both when designing new and reconstruction of old buildings with add-in, change of architectural and planning solutions increased the load on the structure. If there is no possibility to interrupt the technical operation of the facility, the most acute question of saving time, space and money. The article discusses the technical and economic feasibility of using new methods of strengthening of reinforced concrete structures.
Keywords: economic feasibility, reinforced concrete, carbon fiber, concise design.
Work bibliographic list
1. Hajrullin V. A., Shakirova Je. V. Pravovye aspekty processa vosproizvodstva osnovnyh fondov v stroitel'stve // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. -#8(75). - 2014.- S.20-21.
2. Hajrullin V. A. Jekonomiko-pravovoj analiz social'noj investicionnoj politiki gosudarstva v oblasti stroitel'stva // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. - 2015. - # 4 (83). - S. 188.
Yuldasheva O. N., Sizonenko Z. L., Galimullina N. A.
Economic security of regions
The purpose of the publication of this article is the application of the method of analysis of economic security of the region as a property complex. The authors substantiate the necessity and
timeliness of such a method.
Key words: economic analysis of the region's security, the assets of the region, financial-economic
state of the region.
Work bibliographic list
1. Azarskaja M. A. Sistema vnutrennego kontrolja v upravlenii organizaciej // Innovacionnoe razvitie jekonomiki. 2014. # 2(19). S. 111-118.
2. Gajnanov D. A., Burenina I. V., Musina D. R., Gerasimova M. V., Gamilova D. A., Petrova N. L. Proektirovanie sistemy logisticheskih centrov i optovyh skladov v Respublike Bashkortostan// ISJeI UNC RAN, UGATU. Ufa, 2013.
3. Gerasimova M. V. Ocenka proizvodstvennogo potenciala sub"ektov jenergeticheskogo rynka// Sbornik nauchnyh trudov po materialam I mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii: Problemy i tendencii razvitija innovacionnoj jekonomiki: mezhdunarodnyj opyt i rossijskaja praktika. FGBOU VPO UGNTU. 2013. S. 51-54.
4. Gizatullina V. G. Razvitie ucheta kak informacionnoj sistemy jekonomicheskoj bezopasnosti biznesstruktur// Sbornik nauchnyh trudov po materialam Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii: Perspektivy razvitija nauki i obrazovanija: v 8 chastjah. OOO «Ar-Konsalt». Moskva, 2015. S. 42-43.
5. Mironova O. A. Jekonomicheskaja bezopasnost': problemy i puti ee obespechenija// Jekonomika. Nalogi. Pravo. 2015. # 1. S.79-83.
6. Pozdeev V. L. Metody analiza jekonomicheskoj bezopasnosti predprijatija// Innovacionnoe razvitie jekonomiki. 2014. #6-1 (23). S. 47-51.
7. Safuanov R. M., Galimullina N. A. Optimiziruem uchet municipal'noj sobstvennosti. Uchet sobstvennosti municipal'nogo obrazovanija // Rossijskoe predprinimatel'stvo. 2011. # 2-2. S.22-29.
8. Ruseckij M. G., Instrumenty povyshenija jekonomicheskoj bezopasnosti sub"ektov sistemy dorozhnogo transporta [Tekst]. –M. - Berlin: Direct-Media, 2014.
9. Safuanov R. M., Galimullina N. A., Artamonova O. V. Buhgalterskij uchet i analiz imushhestva municipal'nogo obrazovanija. Nauchnoe izdanie. Ufa, Finansovyj universitet pri Pravitel'stve RF. 2014.
10. Samigullina A. F. Predprinimatel'stvo v sovremennoj Rossii. Monografija/ A.F. Samigullina, V. Z. Gataullin; GOU VPO UGATU. Ufa, 2007.
11. Cheremisina N. V. Jekonomicheskaja bezopasnost' regional'noj jekonomicheskoj sistemy: mehanizmy i instrumenty obespechenija [Tekst] // Social'no-jekonomicheskie javlenija i processy. 2010. - # 3(019). – S. 252-259.
Ryskalieva Yr. O.
Mechanism of managing filling station networks
This article discusses the question of managing gas station networks, such as a mechanism necessary for effective management of the development of gas station networks. This mechanism is built in the form of an algorithm consisting of not-how many steps, such as the choice of the location of the gas station, the determination of the type of the gas station and its equipment, implementation of the development plan. As a result, a mechanism that allows managers to make effective management decisions for the development of gas station networks.
Keywords: automotive gas station, a management mechanism, the development of filling stations.
Work bibliographic list
1. Efimenkov V. I., Surkova S. A., Rozenflanc I. V. Organizacionno – jekonomicheskij mehanizm restrukturizacii ranka nefteproduktov v regione // Jekonomika region» – 2007. – # 4.
2. Kotov D. V. Urazmetova, L. R. Sovremennoe sostojanie, perspektivy i problemy razvitija rynka gazomotornogo topliva v Rossii // Neftegazovoe delo – 2014.
– # 1.
3. Sokolova D. V. i Pogostinskoj N. N. Jetapy provedenija diversifikacii - Jekonomicheskaja kibernetika: sistemnyj analiz v jekonomike i upravlenii: Sbornik nauchnyh trudov. Vypusk #1. – SPb.: Izd-vo SPb GUJeF, 2012.
4. Jaskevich A. E. Analiz faktorov vlijanija na stoimost' avtomobil'noj zapravochnoj stancii// Imushhestvennye otnoshenija v Rossijskoj Federacii – 2010. – # 2
Abrarova Z. F., Salichov G. G.
Visualization as method of scientific knowledge development
In modern science and technological processes visualization is often used to represent originally not visual information (pressure, temperature, demographic situation, incomes, inflation, etc.). Now it has become an integral element in the processing of complex information about the structure of the studied objects. Visualization techniques evolved over the centuries and attained nowadays an unprecedented scale in connection with the development of computer technology. Visualization is the translation of knowledge in visual form. It is important to emphasize that this transformation of knowledge involves the active participation of the subject of cognition is a conscious and creative process.
Keywords: visualization, picture of the world, ontologization, a visualized image, scientific knowledge.
Work bibliographic list
1. Abushenko V. L. Razvitie // Vsemirnaja jenciklopedija: Filosofija. M.; Mn., 2001.
2. Aristotel'. Topika // Sochinenija: V 4 t. M., 1978. T. 2.
3. Asmus V. F. Istoriko-filosofskie jetjudy. M., 1981.
4. Bom D. Kvantovaja teorija. M., 1965. 727 s.
5. Born M. Fizika v zhizni moego pokolenija. M., 1963. 535 s.
6. Branskij V. P. Filosofskoe znachenie problemy nagljadnosti v sovremennoj fizike. L. 1962. 193 s.
7. Vedin Ju. P. Poznanie i znanie. Riga, 1983.
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28. Rahmatullin R. Ju. Ontologizirovannye obrazy v nauchnom poznanii: genezis i funkcii: dis. … d-ra. filos. nauk. Ufa, 2000. 276 s.
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34. Frege G. Osnovopolozhenija arifmetiki // Logiko-filosofskie trudy. Novosibirsk, 2008.
35. Shemjakinskij V. M. Konvencializm A. Puankare i sootnoshenie chuvstvennogo i racional'nogo v fizicheskom poznanii // Chuvstvennoe i racional'noe. Sverdlovsk. 1982.
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Bondarenko V. N.
Three approaches in correlation of philosophical psychology and metaphysical ontology
This article investigates the absolute, relative and situational approaches in understanding the correlation between philosophical psychology and metaphysical ontology as forms of the development of philosophical metaphysics. Discuss the main features inherent in them. Raises the problem of the foundations of these approaches.
Keywords: philosophical psychology, metaphysical ontology, the absolute approach, relative approach, situational approach.
Work bibliographic list
1. Anatomija mudrosti. 106 filosofov. Zhizn'. Sud'ba.Uchenie. Tom 1 / Avtor P. S. Taranov. – Simferopol':«Tavrija», 1995.
2. Bondarenko V. N. O vzaimodejstvii filosofskoj metafiziki i prava (stat'ja pervaja) //Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. – 2015. – # 1 (80).
3. Bondarenko V. N. O vzaimodejstvii filosofskoj metafiziki i prava (stat'ja vtoraja) // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. – 2015. – # 2 (81).
4. Bondarenko V. N. O vzaimodejstvii filosofskoj metafiziki i prava (stat'ja tret'ja) //Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. – 2015. – # 3 (82).
5. Bondarenko V. N. O vzaimodejstvii filosofskoj metafiziki i prava (stat'ja chetvjortaja) // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. – 2015. – # 4 (83).
6. Bondarenko V. N. O novoj metafizike // Bytie cheloveka: Sb. stat. / Pod red. V. S. Hazieva. – Ufa: Izd-vo BGPU, 2002.
7. Bondarenko V. N. O filosofskoj psihologii // Psihologicheskie chtenija. Chelovek v uslovijah social'nyh izmenenij: materialy Vserossijskoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii s mezhdunarodnym uchastiem. Vyp. 4. Chast' 1 /otv. za vyp. R. M. Fatyhova, M. V. Nuhova. – Ufa: Izd-vo BGPU, 2007.
8. Bondarenko V. N. Filosofskaja psihologija i metafizika (postanovka problemy) // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. – 2016. – # 3 (94).
9. Bjekon F. Sochinenija v dvuh tomah. 2-e ispr. i dop. izd. T. 1. Sost., obshh. red. i vstupit. stat'ja A.L. Subbotina.– M.: Mysl',1977.
10. Dzhems V. Mnogoobrazie religioznogo opyta. – Sankt-Peterburg: «Andreev i synov'ja», 1992.
11. Mah Je. Analiz oshhushhenij i otnoshenie fizicheskogo k psihicheskomu. –M.: Izdatel'skij dom «Territorija budushhego», 2005.
12. Piazhe Zh. Izbrannye psihologicheskie trudy. –M.:Prosveshhenie, 1969.
13. Platon. Sobranie sochinenij v 4 t.: T. 2 / Obshh. red. A. F. Loseva, V. F Asmusa, A. A. Taho-Godi; Primech. A. F. Loseva i A. A. Taho-Godi; Per. s drevnegrech. –M.: Mysl', 1993.
14. Uilber K. Odin vkus: Dnevniki Kena Uilbera / K. Uilber; Per. s angl. A. Kiseljova. –M.: OOO «Izdatel'stvo AST», 2004.
15. Frejd Z. Vvedenie v psihoanaliz: Lekcii. –M.: Nauka, 1989.
16. Jengel's F. Anti-Djuring // Marks K., Jengel's F. Soch. –2-e izd. –T 20.
17. Jengel's F. Dialektika prirody // Marks K., Jengel's F. Soch. –2-e izd. –T. 20.
18. Jung K. G. Analiticheskaja psihologija: Proshloe i nastojashhee. –M.: Martis, 1995.
19. Jung K. Psihologija bessoznatel'nogo. –M.: Kanon, 1994.
Verbitskaya G. Ya.
Philosophical reflection of catharsis
The philosophical role of catharsis is determined in the article. Grounds for this understanding consideration of drama became as artistic work as an esthetically-vivid model of conflict, that dialectical contradiction is the basis of, that simultaneously enriches understanding of drama in aesthetics and art studies, and actually philosophicallydialectical ideas.
Keywords: catharsis, philosophy, creativity, contradictions, conflict, model.
Work bibliographic list
1. Aristotel'. Pojetika // Aristotel'. Sochinenija: V 4-h t. T.4. M.: Mysl', 1984. 830 s.
2. Bahtin M. M. Jestetika slovesnogo tvorchestva. M.: Iskusstvo,1979. 423 s.
3. Bentli Je. Zhizn' dramy. M.: Iskusstvo, 1978. 368 s.
4. Vygotskij L. S. Psihologija iskusstva. M.: Pedagogika, 1987. 573 s.
5. Geraklit// Fragmenty rannih grecheskih filosofov. Chast' I. M.: Nauka, 1989. S. 176-257.
6. Gogol' N. V. Sobr. soch. v 8-mi tomah. T.4. M.: Pravda,1984. 432 s.
7. Losev A. F., Taho-Godi A.A. Platon. Aristotel'. M.:Mol. gvardija,1993. 383 s.
8. Mann Ju. V. V kruzhke Stankevicha. M.: Detskaja literatura, 1983. 319 s.
9. Nazlojan G. M. Maskoterapija. Metodika i tehnika. M.: 2005. 298 s.
10. Nazlojan G. M. Portretnyj metod v psihoterapii. M.: 2001. PER SJe, 2001. 144 s.
11. Nicshe F. Rozhdenie tragedii, ili jellinstvo i pessimizm// Nicshe F. Sochinenija v 2-h t.T.1. M.: Mysl', 1997. 830 s.
12. Rabinovich E. G. «Bezvrednaja radost'»: o tragicheskom katarsise u Aristotelja// Mathesis. Iz istorii antichnoj nauki i filosofii. M.: Nauka, 1991. S. 103-113.
13. Semenov S. N. Tvorcheskoe myshlenie (sushhnost', mehanizmy, puti optimizacii). Ufa: RIO BashGU, 2005. 144 s.
14. Stoletov A. I. Ontologija hudozhestvennogo tvorchestva. Avtoref. diss. … uchenoj stepeni doktora filos. nauk: 09.00.01 – Ontologija i teorija poznanija.Ufa, 2009. 34 s.
15. Stoletov A. I., Lukmanova R.H. Jesteticheskoe kak istok metafiziki Iosifa Brodskogo // Vestnik Bashkirskogo universiteta. 2015. T. 20. # 1. S. 242-249.
16. Frank S. L. Nepostizhimoe// Frank S.L. Sochinenija. M.: Pravda,1990. S. 183-555
Davletshina A. M.
Non-classical understanding of experience and legal experience in positivist theory
This article examines an understanding of experience and legal experience presented in empiriocriticism (Ernst Mach and Richard Avenarius) and Russian legal positivism (Lev Petrazhitsky and Pitirim Sorokin). The term of experience is commonly used as a synthesis of subjective and objective. Its ambiguity and ambivalence are asserted as well.
Keywords: experience, legal experience, non-classical interpretation, the ambivalence of experience, empiriocriticism, legal positivism.
Work bibliographic list
1. Zor'kin V. D. Pozitivistskaja teorija prava v Rossii. M.: Izdatel'stvo Moskovskogo universiteta, 1978.
2. Kojre A. Ocherki istorii filosofskoj mysli. M.: Progress, 1985.
3. Mah Je. Analiz oshhushhenij i otnoshenie fizicheskogo k psihicheskomu. M.: Izdatel'skij dom «Territorija budushhego», 2005.
4. Mah Je. Poznanie i zabluzhdenie. Ocherki po psihologii issledovanija. M.: BINOM. Laboratorija znanij, 2014.
5. Osipov V. I. Filosofija Jernesta Maha i pozitivizm. Arhangel'sk: Pomorskij universitet, 2010.
6. Petrazhickij L. I. Vvedenie v izuchenie prava i nravstvennosti: jemocional'naja psihologija. M.: Knizhnyj dom «LIBROKOM», 2011.
7. Sorokin P. A. Prestuplenie i kara, podvig i nagrada: sociologicheskij jetjud ob osnovnyh formah obshhestvennogo povedenija i morali. M.: Astrel', 2006.

Stol A. B.
Ontological and epistemological aspects of understanding
The article considers ontological and epistemological aspects of understanding. The article says that understanding is the condition for the reproduction of a holistic consciousness, the ability to have a complete knowledge, as well as the condition for the meaning existence.
Keywords: understanding, meaning, consciousness, knowledge, epistemology.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ruzavin G. I. Germenevtika i problema ponimanija i ob"jasnenija v nauchnom poznanii // V kn. Struktura i razvitie nauchnogo znanija. Sistemnyj podhod k metodologii nauki. – M., 1982. – S. 42-43.
2. Brudnyj A. A. Ponimanie i obshhenie. – M.: Znanie, 1989.
3. Gusev S. S., Tul'chinskij G. L. Problema ponimanija v filosofii: filosofsko-gnoseologicheskij analiz. M., 1985. – S. 42.
4. Riker P. Germenevtika. Jetika. Politika. M., 1995. – S. 3.
5. Gadamer H.-G. Dekonstrukcija i germenevtika // Germenevtika i dekonstrukcija. Pod red. Shtegmajera V.– SPb., 1999. – S. 234-254.
6. Vinogradova N. V., Bondarenko A. V. Chuvstvennyj obraz: sushhnost' i ego rol' v processe intuitivnogo poznanija // Vestnik Kostromskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. N.A. Nekrasova. 2009. T.15. #3.

Suleymanov A. R.
Sistemogenez the Russian national idea in conditions of federalism
The evolution of the national idea of Russia are inscrutable. The concept of system Genesis lies in the ontological "revival" of the idea of integration, which is based on the principles of the future, seeks to capture the destinies of peoples and States in world history. So it was with the core idea of Orthodoxy in the Imperial period, the construction of communism in the Soviet Union. Today we are witnessing the formation of a new phase of system Genesis of the national idea of Russia, due, in the opinion of the author, two complementary processes: attraction of the Eurasian post-Soviet world and the construction of democratic federalism in order to implement a socio-philosophical principle of "unity of diversity". This article attempts to identify the integration and the ideological essence of federalism for Russia (national federalism and post-Soviet countries of the region (Eurasian federalism). Federalism in the work is presented as a multilevel model of ideological cohabitation of like-minded socio-cultural and political communities. Eurasianism as the language of post-Soviet communications, supranational idea of the post-Soviet world. Moreover, the Eurasian federalism is not acting as a political project of Russia, is not a new variation of the Imperial or Soviet reincarnation of a common statehood. We are talking more about ideological and spiritual cooperation of the countries of the post-Soviet region, for the real need for the formation of supranational communication among themselves. It fits in with the Eurasian ideological construct of federalism and may serve the social purpose of the epigenesis of integration projects.
Keywords: sistemogenez, national idea, federalism, Eurasian federalism, the essence of democracy, civil society, social philosophy.
Work bibliographic list
1. Boltenkova L. F. Teorija i praktika federalizma.M.: Mezhdunarodnyj izdatel'skij centr «Jetnosocium», 2014. - 214 s.
2. Gajduk V. V., Sulejmanov A. R. Politicheskij tandem kak instrumentarij rossijskoj modernizacii:smena dekoracij // Vestnik BIST (Bashkirskogo instituta social'nyh tehnologij). 2012. # 1 (13). S.9-15.
3. Gubanenkova S. M. Nacional'naja identifikacija– vazhnejshee uslovie formirovanie i razvitija nacional'nyh kul'tur (v vozzrenijah N.S. Trubeckogo)// Uchjonye zapiski Orlovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Serija: Gumanitarnye i social'nye nauki. Nauchnyj zhurnal. Orjol: Izdatel'stvo GOU VPO «Orlovskij gosudarstvennyj universitet», 2011. # 2(40). S. 65-69.
4. Kalina V. F. Rossijskij federalizm kak istoricheskij fenomen // Vestnik Rossijskogo gosudarstvennogo gumanitarnogo universiteta. 2013. #3. S. 35–43.
5. Pishhik A. M. Koncepcija nacional'noj idei Rossii // Educatio. 2015. #5(12). S.69-72.
6. Rejsner M. A. Gosudarstvo burzhuazii i RSFSR. M.; Pg.,1923. S. 369.
7. Sulejmanov A. R. Nekotorye osobennosti razvitija unitarnoj i federativnoj tendencij v sovremennoj Rossii // Vestnik BIST (Bashkirskogo instituta social'nyh tehnologij). 2011. # 2. S. 82-87.
8. Sulejmanov A. R. Problema institucionalizacii nacional'noj idei v federativnoj Rossii //Voprosy politologii. 2014. # 1 (13). S. 96-106.
Grachev M. V.
A. A. Bogdanov tectology as a forerunner of synergetics
The article discusses A. A. Bogdanov’s tectology as a forerunner of synergetics. The relationship
between synergetics and tectology are drawn. Also the focus is made on the internal structure of tectology of A. A. Bogdanov where parallels between tectology and synergetics are drawn.
Keywords: tectology, synergetics, organization.
Work bibliographic list
1. Abalkin L. I. Tektologija A. A. Bogdanova: na puti k novoj paradigme // Voprosy filosofii. 1995. # 8.
2. Bogdanov A. A. Tektologija: vseobshhaja organizacionnaja nauka / redkol.: L. I. Abalkin i dr.; Institut jekonomiki AN SSSR. M.: Jekonomika, 1989.
3. Bogdanov A. A. Tektologija: vseobshhaja organizacionnaja nauka. Kn. 1. M., 1989.
4. Bogdanov A. A. Tektologija: vseobshhaja organizacionnaja nauka. Kn. 2. M., 1989.
5. Haken G. Tajny prirody, sinergetika: nauka o vzaimodejstvii. M.: Izhevsk, 2003.
6. Haken G. Tajny prirody, sinergetika: nauka o vzaimodejstvii. M.: Izhevsk, 2003.
7. Shalaev V. P. Sociosinergetika: istoki, teorija i praktika v sovremennom mire: Nauchnoe izdanie. Joshkar-Ola: MarGTU, 1999.
Verbitskaya G. Ya.
Artistic conflict as a model for philosophical exploration of reality:to the question
The paper deals with epistemological potential affinity of art and philosophy. Particular attention is paid to the artistic conflict as a model and method of philosophical understanding of reality.
The article shows that the understanding of the dialectical contradictions through the prism of art can be a methodological tool for understanding the specificity and resolution capabilities antinomical conflicts on the example of the display in the dramatic arts.
Keywords: conflict, contradiction, philosophy, creativity, art, knowledge, model.
Work bibliographic list
1. Alieva Je. R. Harakter i konflikt v lezginskom istoricheskom romane. Dissertacija na soiskanie uchenoj stepeni kandidata filologicheskih nauk. Mahachkala, 2009. 152 s.
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Bondarenko A. V., Bondarenko G. V., Lukiyanov M. Yu.
The political philosophy of Plato (article the first)
The article is devoted to analysis of political and philosophical views of the ancient Greek thinker
Plato, reflected in the treatise "the State".
Keywords: state, political system, ideal state, inequality.
Work bibliographic list
1. Istorija politicheskih i pravovyh uchenij. / Pod. obshh. red. prof. V.S. Nersesjanca. - M., 1998.
2. Koshelenko G. A. Gradostroitel'naja struktura «ideal'nogo polisa» polisa (po Platonu i Aristotelju).// VDI. - 1975. - # 1.
3. Platon. Gosudarstvo. – Rezhim dostupa: POEEAST/PLATO/gosudarstvo.txt
4. Chanyshev A.N. Kurs lekcij po drevnej filosofii. - M., 1981.


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