L.P. Anufrieva:
Law of Eurasian integrationin action
Interview with Liudmila P. Anufrieva, Ph.D. in Law, Professor of International Law sub-faculty of O. E. Kutafin Moscow State Law University, Honorary Associate of Higher Professional Education of Russian Federation
The sovereignty of states in terms of membership in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization
The formation of a single digital space of the Eurasian Economic Union and ensuring the state sovereignty in the information sphere
China and Eurasian integration: international legal aspects
Extraterritorial application of national law: the experience of collective reaction of Latin American integration associations
The issue of improvement of legal regulation of international cooperation in the field of physical culture and sports
The role of the International Court of Justice in resolving territorial conflicts (on example of Africa)
Criminal evasion from tax payments by the legislation of the common law countries (on the example of the USA, Great Britain and Canada)
The arbitration rules UNCITRAL 1976 and the rules of the International Commercial Arbitration Court at the Chamber of Commerce and industry of the Russian Federation in the redaction 2013: general and special
The role of customs administration in the system of state regulation of foreign trade activities of the Russian Federation
Space debris safety and mitigation: some international legal aspects
The European system of human rights protection
Principles of the private international law
Review of European and Russian court practice in the sphere of technical regulation
The highest courts of Russia and England: problems of legal regulation in the conditions of reforming judicial systems
Comparative legal analysis of criminal legislation of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan on the responsibility for committing theft
The problems of extremism in the virtual space of the Central Asi
About civil-legal responsibility in the field of entrepreneurship and its characteristics in accordance with the legislation of Tajikistan and Russia
The legal status of the people saami in Sweden
Forms of guilt in the criminal law of the Republic of Yemen
The notion «legal regime» as a part of publications’ titles: between the «chimera» and «metaphor»
Law enforcement relationship
Unambiguity of perception: fundamental weaknesses and possible solutions on the example of the phenomena of “repress” in the legal environment
On the role of moral-norms in regulation of public relations of peoples of the North Caucasus: history and contemporaneity
PCIA against the Abvehr: the Crimean vector
Ideologists of education about private property sources: on the example of creativity ofJ. Lock and J.-J. Rousseau
The formation of the basic principles of international law in the nineteenth century
Experience of agrarian transformations in the territory of the White Crimea (1920)
The religious policy of Peter the Great and its influenceт on the formation of the right to freedom of religious in Russia
Some issues of state regulation of food security of the population of Bashkiria in the period of the New Economic Policy (1921-1927)
History of marriage and family law in the area of custody and guardianship from 1917 to the current time
Amendments to the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Australia (historical and theoretical analysis)
The concept and social development of human rights as constitutional in the Russian Federation
To the study of electronic alternative dispute resolution technologies
About public control over activity of bodies of the executive power, including over establishments and bodies of criminal and executive system
Features of the Russian model of corporate management
On particular aspects of exercising the powers of Moscow local self-government authorities in the sphere of capital repair of apartment building common property in the city of Moscow
The problem of regulatory consolidation and systematization of the competence of the representative body of a municipal formation in the Russian Federation
The interest as a variety of legal means enforce basic obligation with the condition of commercial lending
On the procedure for the preparation of materials for making a decision on the undesirability of stay (residence) of foreign citizens or stateless persons in the Russian Federation
Gabdrakhmanova E. F.
Family as an object of constitutional legal regulation
Zabotkin A. O.
On the problem of enforcing community property partition agreements and marriage contracts
Igbaeva G. R., Shakirova Z. R.
Some aspects of bankruptcy of individuals
Lomov A. N.
Some aspects of the legal regulation of the transition of football players on terms of «lease»
Mazanaev M. Sh.
Contemporary trends in the development of the Institute for the protection of property rights
Noskova Yu. B.
Some questions of inheritance of vacant property
Tordiya I. V., Savchenko S. A.
State legal problems in the field of public health of the Russian Federation
Timerbulatov I. A.
Requirements for employees of the state civil service
Tkach A. V.
Legal consequences of invalidity of decision of the meeting and problems of their application
Yagunova E. E.
The hired house is a single real estate complex
Sadrieva I. A.
Quality gasoline supply contract
Pryazhennikov M. O.
By-law acts in organizations as a measure of legal liability in employment relations
Lysenko E. S., Mingaleev R. R.
On the freedom of entrepreneurial activity and its limits
Spanagel F. F.
Legal and other risks in the activities of an individual entrepreneur in the Russian Federation
Garifullina R. F.
Issues of qualification of deliberate bankruptcy (article 196 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation)
Kojka K. A.
To the question about the effectiveness of merger and acquisitions
Zadorozhnaya A. I.
Transfer pricing tax control rules as tax law institution in Russia
Aliev Kh. O.
The value of work of the prosecution authorities with proposals, applications and complaints of citizens in the system to strengthening the law and order activities
Popov K. G., Khlystova D. A.
Modernization of the protection of objects of related rights in modern Russia
Kurmanov A. S.
To the question about the subjective side of poaching
Begova D. Ya., Begova I. B.
Stage of excitation of criminal case as a necessary stage of pretrial proceedings
Kapitonova O. S.
To the question of the ratio of banditry and criminal community(criminal organization)
Manna A. A. K.
The Quran as source of Islamic criminal law
Susoeva T. V.
Problems of qualification of murder, committed in the heat of passion
Danilov D. A., Martynov V. A.
Definite aspects of fraud detection, committed by organized groups in the crediting sphere
Magomedov M. Ch.
Abuse of authority: genesis and current status (on example of the Republic of Dagestan)
Gamidov A. M., Surhaev M. Sh.
The execution of the sentence as an independent stage of the criminal process
Gamidov A. M., Surhaev M. Sh.
The procedure for resolution of issues related to the execution of the sentence
Galyautdinov R. F.
The basis of the operational-search activity in combating crime in the global computer networks
Dorosinskaya A. M.
The topics of the study of enhancement of criminal procedure regulation for the submission to identify the corpse
Sergeev A. L.
Tactical peculiarities of document examination in criminal cases involving malfeasance committed in the sphere of activity of local government
Yusupkadieva S. N.
Algorithm of actions of the investigator in the typical investigative situations in the investigation of robberies
Minigaleev R. R.
The concept of the regime in penal institutions, forms of its expression and function
Huseynov A. A.
Ways of increase of efficiency of activity of police in conditions of optimization of human resources
Lukoyanov Ya. N.
Realization of the principle of publicity in activity of investigative committee of the Russian Federation
Nazarov A. Yu.
The legal status of the Federal service of National Guard troops of the Russian Federation
Poziy V. S., Romanovskaya I. V.
Problems of professional competence of operational divisions’ officers
Zaitsev N. V.
Personal safety ATS when off duty
Kutsenko S. O., Magrupov I. R.
Law enforcement service as a subsystem (view) of the state service of the Russian Federation
Faskhutdinov R. F.
Problematic aspects constructive interaction between the employees of the traffic police with the participants of traffic as a factor in increasing road safety
Fatkullin B. Kh.
Some questions of control and supervision of divisional commissioner of police
Gadzhieva A. A, Ibragimova A. M, Sardarova D. F
Problems of allocation of penalty to minors for the further their improvement
Pisarevskaya E. A.
Prospects of development of juvenile justice in the Russian Federation
Gayday M. K.
Features criminological characteristics of persons held in correctional colonies of strict regime for former employees of courts and law enforcement agencies
Astakhova E. S.
Criminological characteristic of the identity of conditionally condemned
Antonov V. V.
Objects of ballistic research
Zubairova A. B.
The identity of the victim as one of the main elements of criminalistics characteristics of the encroachment on life of law enforcement officer
Imaeva Yu. B.
On some problems of appointment forensic examination of portraiture in the investigation of the theft, committed with the use of bank cards
Kolotushkin S. M., Ogryza A. V.
The technology of spent cartridges in an open area
Safonov D. A., Smolina M. M.
The method of committing a crime as a basic element of criminalist trait of crimes under article 244 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation
Glyanko O. A.
Legal prerequisites for the formation of the concept of the investigating judge in criminal proceedings of Russia
Asmandiyarova N. R.
Quantitative and quality indicators of extremist and terrorist crime in Russia
Valeev A. Kh.
Features of the organization of the investigation of crimes related to extremist activities
Zhuravlenko N. I., Konopleva A. A.
Understanding the phenomenon of information war
Klyzbayeva V. A.
Ensuring personal security of staff of department of internal affairs in situations with application of a service weapon and special means
Popov K. G., Borisova E. A.
The specificity of the organization of protection of information constituting a commercial secret
Popov K. G., Borisova E. A.
The problem of the protection of personal data on the Internet
Khusainov R. R.
On the need to prevent terrorism at an early stage
Solovjeva L. V., Solovjeva V. I.
Formation of the market of educational services in the higher school structure
Manzhula V. G., Morozova O. A., Stativka A. K.
Updating of the regulatory framework governing the performance of the project improve the global competitiveness of Russian universities among the world’s leading research and education centres
Smirnova M. I.
Formation of information competence of future interior officers in the course of foreign language
Sokolov V. V.
Diagnosis victimization of human behaviour and methods of its elimination as a way to prevent the development of criminal tendencies
Morozova A. S.
The improvement of the institution of human rights ombudsman in the subjects of the Russian Federation and their authorities in cooperation with the governing institutions and civil society
Alieva M. N.
The right to euthanasia and the right to life: the ratio of questions
Voronova E. Yu.
The influence of the religious factor in Islamic accounting model
Gerasimova M. V., Solovjeva I. A., Gafarova Z. R.
Main directions of the assessment of efficiency of activity of the personnel management service of oil and gas company
Uskov I. V.
Fight against economic criminality in the Republic of Crimea
Gareeva Z. A., Ganieva L. I., Nazirova E. F.
Features of the organization of budgeting in oil service companies
Spasskaya N. V.
Dynamics of the major parameters of the federal targeted investment program of the Russian Federation
Khamidullina Z. Ch.
Presentation and disclosure of financial statements in Islamic investment funds
Valinurova L S., Kazakova O. B., Kuzminykh N. A.
Investment attractiveness of the municipalities of the Republic of Bashkortostan
Brezhneva O. V.
Current problems rundown tangible assets socio-economic region subsystems
Chernenkov I. V.
Structural and staffing deficiencies of mechanical engineering
Murtazakulov D. S., Miraliyon Q. A.
Politological aspects of the normative legal base of the state policy for youth in Tajikistan: problems and perspectives
Verbitskaya G. Ya
The Hegelian tradition in philosophical-aesthetic reflection of the conflict
Ibragimova S. H.
Ethic issues in “Pandname” of Maturidi
Sirazetdinova M. F., Lukmanova R. Kh.
Specifics of consciousness manipulation in the legal sphere
Biishev I. R.
Materialized objectivity and its deobjectivation in the ritual action
Murzagulov R. R.
Co-creation as a political technology: a methodology of resolving social conflicts
Magomedova M. Z.
Confessional tolerance in the North Caucasus
Urunova H. U.
System forming components of the national mentality in traditional societies
Abanina E. N., Ermolina M. A., Farkhutdinov I. Z.
Review the results of the second creative competition for young scientists dedicated to the 90th anniversary of I. I. Lukashuk
Ilyinskaya O. I., Teymurov E. S.
Scientific and practical conference «The future of international law» at the O. E. Kutafin Moscow state law university (MSAL)
In memory of professor Veniamin Konstantinovich Gavlo
L.P. Anufrieva:
Law of Eurasian integrationin action
Interview with Liudmila P. Anufrieva, Ph.D. in Law, Professor of International Law sub-faculty of O. E. Kutafin Moscow State Law University, Honorary Associate of Higher Professional Education of Russian Federation
The sovereignty of states in terms of membership in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization
The formation of a single digital space of the Eurasian Economic Union and ensuring the state sovereignty in the information sphere
China and Eurasian integration: international legal aspects
Extraterritorial application of national law: the experience of collective reaction of Latin American integration associations
The issue of improvement of legal regulation of international cooperation in the field of physical culture and sports
The role of the International Court of Justice in resolving territorial conflicts (on example of Africa)
Criminal evasion from tax payments by the legislation of the common law countries (on the example of the USA, Great Britain and Canada)
The arbitration rules UNCITRAL 1976 and the rules of the International Commercial Arbitration Court at the Chamber of Commerce and industry of the Russian Federation in the redaction 2013: general and special
The role of customs administration in the system of state regulation of foreign trade activities of the Russian Federation
Space debris safety and mitigation: some international legal aspects
The European system of human rights protection
Principles of the private international law
Review of European and Russian court practice in the sphere of technical regulation
The highest courts of Russia and England: problems of legal regulation in the conditions of reforming judicial systems
Comparative legal analysis of criminal legislation of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan on the responsibility for committing theft
The problems of extremism in the virtual space of the Central Asi
About civil-legal responsibility in the field of entrepreneurship and its characteristics in accordance with the legislation of Tajikistan and Russia
The legal status of the people saami in Sweden
Forms of guilt in the criminal law of the Republic of Yemen
The notion «legal regime» as a part of publications’ titles: between the «chimera» and «metaphor»
Law enforcement relationship
Unambiguity of perception: fundamental weaknesses and possible solutions on the example of the phenomena of “repress” in the legal environment
On the role of moral-norms in regulation of public relations of peoples of the North Caucasus: history and contemporaneity
PCIA against the Abvehr: the Crimean vector
Ideologists of education about private property sources: on the example of creativity ofJ. Lock and J.-J. Rousseau
The formation of the basic principles of international law in the nineteenth century
Experience of agrarian transformations in the territory of the White Crimea (1920)
The religious policy of Peter the Great and its influenceт on the formation of the right to freedom of religious in Russia
Some issues of state regulation of food security of the population of Bashkiria in the period of the New Economic Policy (1921-1927)
History of marriage and family law in the area of custody and guardianship from 1917 to the current time
Amendments to the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Australia (historical and theoretical analysis)
The concept and social development of human rights as constitutional in the Russian Federation
To the study of electronic alternative dispute resolution technologies
About public control over activity of bodies of the executive power, including over establishments and bodies of criminal and executive system
Features of the Russian model of corporate management
On particular aspects of exercising the powers of Moscow local self-government authorities in the sphere of capital repair of apartment building common property in the city of Moscow
The problem of regulatory consolidation and systematization of the competence of the representative body of a municipal formation in the Russian Federation
The interest as a variety of legal means enforce basic obligation with the condition of commercial lending
On the procedure for the preparation of materials for making a decision on the undesirability of stay (residence) of foreign citizens or stateless persons in the Russian Federation
Gabdrakhmanova E. F.
Family as an object of constitutional legal regulation
Zabotkin A. O.
On the problem of enforcing community property partition agreements and marriage contracts
Igbaeva G. R., Shakirova Z. R.
Some aspects of bankruptcy of individuals
Lomov A. N.
Some aspects of the legal regulation of the transition of football players on terms of «lease»
Mazanaev M. Sh.
Contemporary trends in the development of the Institute for the protection of property rights
Noskova Yu. B.
Some questions of inheritance of vacant property
Tordiya I. V., Savchenko S. A.
State legal problems in the field of public health of the Russian Federation
Timerbulatov I. A.
Requirements for employees of the state civil service
Tkach A. V.
Legal consequences of invalidity of decision of the meeting and problems of their application
Yagunova E. E.
The hired house is a single real estate complex
Sadrieva I. A.
Quality gasoline supply contract
Pryazhennikov M. O.
By-law acts in organizations as a measure of legal liability in employment relations
Lysenko E. S., Mingaleev R. R.
On the freedom of entrepreneurial activity and its limits
Spanagel F. F.
Legal and other risks in the activities of an individual entrepreneur in the Russian Federation
Garifullina R. F.
Issues of qualification of deliberate bankruptcy (article 196 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation)
Kojka K. A.
To the question about the effectiveness of merger and acquisitions
Zadorozhnaya A. I.
Transfer pricing tax control rules as tax law institution in Russia
Aliev Kh. O.
The value of work of the prosecution authorities with proposals, applications and complaints of citizens in the system to strengthening the law and order activities
Popov K. G., Khlystova D. A.
Modernization of the protection of objects of related rights in modern Russia
Kurmanov A. S.
To the question about the subjective side of poaching
Begova D. Ya., Begova I. B.
Stage of excitation of criminal case as a necessary stage of pretrial proceedings
Kapitonova O. S.
To the question of the ratio of banditry and criminal community(criminal organization)
Manna A. A. K.
The Quran as source of Islamic criminal law
Susoeva T. V.
Problems of qualification of murder, committed in the heat of passion
Danilov D. A., Martynov V. A.
Definite aspects of fraud detection, committed by organized groups in the crediting sphere
Magomedov M. Ch.
Abuse of authority: genesis and current status (on example of the Republic of Dagestan)
Gamidov A. M., Surhaev M. Sh.
The execution of the sentence as an independent stage of the criminal process
Gamidov A. M., Surhaev M. Sh.
The procedure for resolution of issues related to the execution of the sentence
Galyautdinov R. F.
The basis of the operational-search activity in combating crime in the global computer networks
Dorosinskaya A. M.
The topics of the study of enhancement of criminal procedure regulation for the submission to identify the corpse
Sergeev A. L.
Tactical peculiarities of document examination in criminal cases involving malfeasance committed in the sphere of activity of local government
Yusupkadieva S. N.
Algorithm of actions of the investigator in the typical investigative situations in the investigation of robberies
Minigaleev R. R.
The concept of the regime in penal institutions, forms of its expression and function
Huseynov A. A.
Ways of increase of efficiency of activity of police in conditions of optimization of human resources
Lukoyanov Ya. N.
Realization of the principle of publicity in activity of investigative committee of the Russian Federation
Nazarov A. Yu.
The legal status of the Federal service of National Guard troops of the Russian Federation
Poziy V. S., Romanovskaya I. V.
Problems of professional competence of operational divisions’ officers
Zaitsev N. V.
Personal safety ATS when off duty
Kutsenko S. O., Magrupov I. R.
Law enforcement service as a subsystem (view) of the state service of the Russian Federation
Faskhutdinov R. F.
Problematic aspects constructive interaction between the employees of the traffic police with the participants of traffic as a factor in increasing road safety
Fatkullin B. Kh.
Some questions of control and supervision of divisional commissioner of police
Gadzhieva A. A, Ibragimova A. M, Sardarova D. F
Problems of allocation of penalty to minors for the further their improvement
Pisarevskaya E. A.
Prospects of development of juvenile justice in the Russian Federation
Gayday M. K.
Features criminological characteristics of persons held in correctional colonies of strict regime for former employees of courts and law enforcement agencies
Astakhova E. S.
Criminological characteristic of the identity of conditionally condemned
Antonov V. V.
Objects of ballistic research
Zubairova A. B.
The identity of the victim as one of the main elements of criminalistics characteristics of the encroachment on life of law enforcement officer
Imaeva Yu. B.
On some problems of appointment forensic examination of portraiture in the investigation of the theft, committed with the use of bank cards
Kolotushkin S. M., Ogryza A. V.
The technology of spent cartridges in an open area
Safonov D. A., Smolina M. M.
The method of committing a crime as a basic element of criminalist trait of crimes under article 244 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation
Glyanko O. A.
Legal prerequisites for the formation of the concept of the investigating judge in criminal proceedings of Russia
Asmandiyarova N. R.
Quantitative and quality indicators of extremist and terrorist crime in Russia
Valeev A. Kh.
Features of the organization of the investigation of crimes related to extremist activities
Zhuravlenko N. I., Konopleva A. A.
Understanding the phenomenon of information war
Klyzbayeva V. A.
Ensuring personal security of staff of department of internal affairs in situations with application of a service weapon and special means
Popov K. G., Borisova E. A.
The specificity of the organization of protection of information constituting a commercial secret
Popov K. G., Borisova E. A.
The problem of the protection of personal data on the Internet
Khusainov R. R.
On the need to prevent terrorism at an early stage
Solovjeva L. V., Solovjeva V. I.
Formation of the market of educational services in the higher school structure
Manzhula V. G., Morozova O. A., Stativka A. K.
Updating of the regulatory framework governing the performance of the project improve the global competitiveness of Russian universities among the world’s leading research and education centres
Smirnova M. I.
Formation of information competence of future interior officers in the course of foreign language
Sokolov V. V.
Diagnosis victimization of human behaviour and methods of its elimination as a way to prevent the development of criminal tendencies
Morozova A. S.
The improvement of the institution of human rights ombudsman in the subjects of the Russian Federation and their authorities in cooperation with the governing institutions and civil society
Alieva M. N.
The right to euthanasia and the right to life: the ratio of questions
Voronova E. Yu.
The influence of the religious factor in Islamic accounting model
Gerasimova M. V., Solovjeva I. A., Gafarova Z. R.
Main directions of the assessment of efficiency of activity of the personnel management service of oil and gas company
Uskov I. V.
Fight against economic criminality in the Republic of Crimea
Gareeva Z. A., Ganieva L. I., Nazirova E. F.
Features of the organization of budgeting in oil service companies
Spasskaya N. V.
Dynamics of the major parameters of the federal targeted investment program of the Russian Federation
Khamidullina Z. Ch.
Presentation and disclosure of financial statements in Islamic investment funds
Valinurova L S., Kazakova O. B., Kuzminykh N. A.
Investment attractiveness of the municipalities of the Republic of Bashkortostan
Brezhneva O. V.
Current problems rundown tangible assets socio-economic region subsystems
Chernenkov I. V.
Structural and staffing deficiencies of mechanical engineering
Murtazakulov D. S., Miraliyon Q. A.
Politological aspects of the normative legal base of the state policy for youth in Tajikistan: problems and perspectives
Verbitskaya G. Ya
The Hegelian tradition in philosophical-aesthetic reflection of the conflict
Ibragimova S. H.
Ethic issues in “Pandname” of Maturidi
Sirazetdinova M. F., Lukmanova R. Kh.
Specifics of consciousness manipulation in the legal sphere
Biishev I. R.
Materialized objectivity and its deobjectivation in the ritual action
Murzagulov R. R.
Co-creation as a political technology: a methodology of resolving social conflicts
Magomedova M. Z.
Confessional tolerance in the North Caucasus
Urunova H. U.
System forming components of the national mentality in traditional societies
Abanina E. N., Ermolina M. A., Farkhutdinov I. Z.
Review the results of the second creative competition for young scientists dedicated to the 90th anniversary of I. I. Lukashuk
Ilyinskaya O. I., Teymurov E. S.
Scientific and practical conference «The future of international law» at the O. E. Kutafin Moscow state law university (MSAL)
In memory of professor Veniamin Konstantinovich Gavlo
Kamolov T. M.
The sovereignty of states in terms of membership in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization
The article is devoted to topical issues arising sovereignty of the countries of the Shanghai
The article is devoted to topical issues arising sovereignty of the countries of the Shanghai
Cooperation Organization
Keywords: State, sovereignty, Shanghai Cooperation Organization, Eurasia membership.
Work bibliographic list
1. Komarov S. A. Obshhaja teorija gosudarstva i prava: Uchebnik. 8-e izd., ispravlennoe i dopolnennoe. M.-SPb.: Izdatel'stvo Juridicheskogo instituta, 2012.
Work bibliographic list
1. Komarov S. A. Obshhaja teorija gosudarstva i prava: Uchebnik. 8-e izd., ispravlennoe i dopolnennoe. M.-SPb.: Izdatel'stvo Juridicheskogo instituta, 2012.
2. Popova A. V. Teorija gosudarstva i prava M., Piter,2010.
3. Levin I. D. Suverenitet. M.: Juridicheskoe izdatel'stvo Ministerstva Justicii SSSR, 1948.
4. Matveeva T. D. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo: uchebnik dlja akademicheskogo bakalavriata / T. D. Matveeva. M.,Izdatel'stvo Jurajt, 2014.
5. Churov V. E, Jebzeev B. S. Globalizacija. Mezhdunarodnye gumanitarnye standarty. Suverenitet Rossii. M.: RCOIT, 2015.
6. Prokopovich G. A. Kurs lekcij po discipline «Teorija gosudarstva i prava». M.: JuI MIIT, 2013.
7. Central'nyj internet-portal Shanhajskoj organizacii sotrudnichestva (ShOS). [Jelektronnyj resurs].– Rezhim dostupa:
Efremov A. A.
The formation of a single digital space of the Eurasian Economic Union and ensuring the state sovereignty in the information sphere
The article describes the trend of international legal regulation of the process of forming a single digital space of the Eurasian Economic Union and the issues of national sovereignty in the field of information.
The article describes the trend of international legal regulation of the process of forming a single digital space of the Eurasian Economic Union and the issues of national sovereignty in the field of information.
Keywords: Eurasian Economic Commission; Eurasian Economic Union; single digital space; sovereignty
Work bibliographic list
1. Cancún Ministerial Declaration on the Digital Economy// OECD [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija:01.07.2016).
Work bibliographic list
1. Cancún Ministerial Declaration on the Digital Economy// OECD [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija:01.07.2016).
2. Digital Single Market // European Commission [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija:01.07.2016).
3. Recommendation CM/Rec(2016)5 of the Committee of Ministers to member States on Internet freedom //Council of Europe [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija:01.07.2016).
4. Konvencija OON ob ispol'zovanii jelektronnyh soobshhenij v mezhdunarodnyh dogovorah 2005 g. // OON [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 01.07.2016).
5. Tipovoj zakon JuNSITRAL ob jelektronnoj torgovle 1996 g. // JuNSITRAL [Jelektronnyj resurs].Rezhim dostupa: obrashhenija: 01.07.2016).
6. Okinavskaja hartija global'nogo informacionnogo obshhestva 2000 g. // JuNESKO [Jelektronnyj resurs].Rezhim dostupa:
ru.doc (data obrashhenija: 01.07.2016).
7. Tipovoj zakon JuNSITRAL ob jelektronnyh podpisjah 2001 g. // JuNSITRAL [Jelektronnyj resurs].Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 01.07.2016).
8. Rasporjazhenie Soveta EJeK # 6 ot 17 marta 2016 g. «O sozdanii rabochej gruppy po vyrabotke predlozhenij po formirovaniju cifrovogo prostranstva Evrazijskogo jekonomicheskogo sojuza» // Pravovoj portal EAJeS [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 01.07.2016).
9. Perechen' poruchenij Prezidenta RF po itogam pervogo rossijskogo foruma «Internet jekonomika» ot 29.01.2016 //;
10. Postanovlenie SF FS RF ot 20.04.2016 N 154-SF «O razvitii informacionnyh tehnologij v Rossijskoj Federacii i merah podderzhki otechestvennoj IT-otrasli» // Spravochnaja pravovaja sistema «Konsul'tant Pljus»
11. Prikaz Minkomsvjazi Rossii ot 01.04.2015 N 96 «Ob utverzhdenii plana importozameshhenija programmnogo obespechenija» // Spravochnaja pravovaja sistema «Konsul'tant Pljus»
12. Doklad Vsemirnogo banka o mirovom razvitii 2016 g. «Cifrovye dividendy» // World Bank [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 01.07.2016).
13. V Kazahstane vpervye obsudili cifrovuju povestku EAJeS // Evrazijskaja jekonomicheskaja komissija [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 01.06.2016).
14. Efremov A.A. Novye informacionnye tehnologii v praktike Evropejskogo Suda po pravam cheloveka //Precedenty Evropejskogo Suda po pravam cheloveka. 2016. # 6. S. 10-15.
15. Efremov A.A. Problemy realizacii gosudarstvennogo suvereniteta v informacionnoj sfere // Vestnik UrFO. Bezopasnost' v informacionnoj sfere.2016. # 2. S. 54-60.
16. Efremov A.A. Jelektronnoe pravitel'stvo i mezhdunarodnoe pravo // Internet i sovremennoe obshhestvo:Sbornik nauchnyh statej. Materialy XIV Vserossijskoj ob"edinennoj konferencii «Internet i sovremennoe obshhestvo». Sankt-Peterburg, 12 -14 oktjabrja2011 g. SPb:, 2011. S. 190-196.
17. Efremov A.A. Jelektronnoe gosudarstvo v mezhdunarodnom prave: formirovanie novogo mezhotraslevogo instituta // Mezhdunarodno-pravovye chtenija.Vyp. 10 / Otv. red. P.N. Birjukov. - Voronezh: Izd.-poligraf. centr Voronezh. gos. un-ta, 2012. S. 82-92.
18. Rossija onlajn? DOGNAT'' NEL''ZJa OTSTAT''. The Boston Consulting Group (BCG), 2016.
Shilina M. G.
China and Eurasian integration: international legal aspects
The article deals with questions of connecting of the new integration projects of Russia and China. Effective development of projects on the basis of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) is optimal. A mechanism of international legal regulation of economic cooperation, entailing a gradual economic unification of Eurasia is proposed.
The article deals with questions of connecting of the new integration projects of Russia and China. Effective development of projects on the basis of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) is optimal. A mechanism of international legal regulation of economic cooperation, entailing a gradual economic unification of Eurasia is proposed.
Key words: international law, the Eurasian Economic Union, the Silk Road Economic Belt, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, regional economic integration.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bordachjov T. V. Novoe evrazijstvo // Rossija v global'noj politike. #5. 2015.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bordachjov T. V. Novoe evrazijstvo // Rossija v global'noj politike. #5. 2015.
2. Vinokurov E. Ju., Libman A. M. Evrazijskaja kontinental'naja integracija. SPb, 2012.
3. Vorob'ev V. Ja. Novyj shelkovyj kurs // Rossija v global'noj politike. #3. 2014.
4. Vorob'ev V. Ja. O kitajskoj idee postroenija «jekonomicheskogo prostranstva Velikogo Shelkovogo puti»// Rossija v global'noj politike. #3. 2014.
5. General'noe soglashenie po tarifam i torgovle. 1994 g.
6. Doklad Mezhdunarodnogo diskussionnogo kluba «Valdaj» «K VELIKOMU OKEANU 3. Jekonomicheskij pojas Shelkovogo puti i prioritety sovmestnogo razvitija evrazijskih gosudarstv». M., 2015.
7. EAJeS i Shelkovyj put': Kitaj idet v obhod interesov SShA. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
8. EAJeS i jekonomicheskij pojas Velikogo shelkovogo puti vzaimodopolnimy. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
9. Kitaj vystupil za sozdanie zony svobodnoj torgovli v ramkah ShOS. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
10. Kitajskij «Jekonomicheskij pojas Velikogo shelkovogo puti» ne javljaetsja konkurentom EAJeS. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
11. Medvedev prizval ShOS uchastvovat' v sozdanii finansovoj sistemy bez dollara. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
12. Novyj Shelkovyj put' obeshhaet vygodu vsem uchastnikam proekta. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
13. Rossija-Kitaj: torgovo-jekonomicheskoe sotrudnichestvo i kontrakt veka. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
14. Sovmestnoe zajavlenie RF i KNR o novom jetape otnoshenij vseob"emljushhego partnerstva i strategicheskogo vzaimodejstvija. 20 maja 2014. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
15. Sovmestnoe zajavlenie RF i KNR o sotrudnichestve po soprjazheniju stroitel'stva Evrazijskogo jekonomicheskogo sojuza i Jekonomicheskogo pojasa Shelkovogo puti. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
16. Timofeev I., Alekseenkova E. Geojekonomika Evrazii:vzgljad iz Rossii. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
17. Tokarev A. Mezhdu velikimi. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
18. Hujej L. Vzaimnaja vygoda i sovmestnoe stremlenie k razvitiju. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
19. Shilina M. G. Novejshie mehanizmy jekonomicheskogo vzaimodejstvija Rossii i Kitaja: Shanhajskaja organizacija sotrudnichestva i «Jekonomicheskij pojas Velikogo shelkovogo puti» // Biznes. Obshhestvo. Vlast'. 2015. # 22. S. 1-14. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
20. Shilina M. G. Shanhajskaja organizacija sotrudnichestva kak real'nost' i budushhee Rossii. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
21. Shilina M. G. Shanhajskaja organizacija sotrudnichestva kak format politicheskogo i jekonomicheskogo vzaimodejstvija gosudarstv: realii i perspektivy //Biznes. Obshhestvo. Vlast'. 2014. # 21. S. 41–61. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
22. ShOS i EAJeS gotovjat soglashenie ob jekonomicheskom kontinental'nom partnerstve. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
23. Full Text: Vision and actions on jointly building Belt and Road. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
Pashentsev E. N.
Extraterritorial application of national law: the experience of collective reaction of Latin American integration associations
The issue of extraterritorial jurisdiction is a subject matter not only of scientific discussions, but also, at times, serves as a reason of serious complication of interstate relations. On the one hand the national jurisdiction often possesses extraterritorial action on the basis of existing norms of international law, and with another, can be used unilaterally with infringement of the established international legal norms. The «extraterritorial expansion» of the national law of the USA meets growing repulse in various regions of the world including Latin America. However for today no one Latin American integration association has developed uniform and, especially, system approach to the practice of extraterritorial application of the national legislation though some important manifestations of a uniform position are observed.
The issue of extraterritorial jurisdiction is a subject matter not only of scientific discussions, but also, at times, serves as a reason of serious complication of interstate relations. On the one hand the national jurisdiction often possesses extraterritorial action on the basis of existing norms of international law, and with another, can be used unilaterally with infringement of the established international legal norms. The «extraterritorial expansion» of the national law of the USA meets growing repulse in various regions of the world including Latin America. However for today no one Latin American integration association has developed uniform and, especially, system approach to the practice of extraterritorial application of the national legislation though some important manifestations of a uniform position are observed.
The article focuses on the experience of collective reaction of the Latin American integration associations on unilateral sanctions of the USA against Cuba and Venezuela as well as extraterritorial application of the national law in the field of the international economic relations.
Keywords: extraterritorial jurisdiction, international, national law, international sanctions, the USA, Latin America, integration associations.
Work bibliographic list
1. Borodaev V. A. Kubinskaja revoljucija i stanovlenie novoj politicheskoj sistemy. 1953-2006. – M., Izdatel'stvo MGU, 2007.
Work bibliographic list
1. Borodaev V. A. Kubinskaja revoljucija i stanovlenie novoj politicheskoj sistemy. 1953-2006. – M., Izdatel'stvo MGU, 2007.
2. Borodaev V. A. Politika SShA na Kube. // Mezhdunarodnaja zhizn'. – 2001. – # 6.
3. Vystuplenie Ministra justicii Rossijskoj Federacii A. V. Konovalova na Konferencii Ministrov justicii gosudarstv-chlenov MERKOSUR «Ideja verhovenstva prava v juridicheskih sistemah gosudarstv:itogi i budushhee». 13.11.2014.
4. Kalinin A. V. Jekonomicheskie sankcii OON i odnostoronnie jekstraterritorial'nye mery jekonomicheskogo prinuzhdenija: sravnitel'nye analiz // Jurist-mezhdunarodnik. – 2005. – # 4. – S. 30-37.
5. Lukashuk I. I. Jekstraterritorial'noe dejstvie ugolovnogo zakona i mezhdunarodnoe pravo // Rossijskij ezhegodnik mezhdunarodnogo prava, 1993-1994. –SPB.,1995. – S. 102-127.
6. Maduro: Venesujela ne namerena napadat' na SShA //Argumenty i fakty. 18.03.2014.
7. Abrahams M. The Extraterritorial Effects of US Legislation FCPA// Journal of Globalization and Busineess Management. 2015. #.1.
8. An Act to seek international sanctions against the Castro government in Cuba, to plan for support of a transition government leading to a democratically elected government in Cuba, and for other purposes. Note: Mar.12, 1996 – [H.R. 927]. Pub. L. 104–114, 110 Stat. 785, 22 U.S.C. §§ 6021–6091. // The U.S. Government Publishing Office (GPO). [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija 12.03.2016).
9. Anderson P. American Foreign Policy and Its Thinkers. Verso, London – New York, 2015.
10. Are Vulture Funds A US Tool Against Argentina In An Energy War With Russia? // Mint Press News. 24.10.2014.[Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (accessed 12.03.2016).
11. Boast M. S., Pennington H. M. Extraterritorial Application of U.S. Antitrust Laws. An Overview. Debevoise &Plimpton LLP. – New York, 2015.
12. Central American Leaders Back Canada in Opposition to Helms-Burton Cuba Law // International Trade Reporter (BNA) #21, at 841 (May 22, 1996).
13. Comunicado de la Unión de Naciones Suramericanas sobre el Decreto Ejecutivo del Gobierno de los Estados Unidos sobre Venezuela. Quito, 14 de marzo de 2015.
14. Cuba Renews WTO Attack on U.S. Bill Aimed at Curbing Foreign Investment // International Trade Reporter(BNA) #16, at 647-48 (Apr. 17, 1996)
15. Declaración de la IV Reunión extraordinaria del consejo político del Alba-TCP. Miércoles. Caracas 12 Agosto 2015.[Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (accessed 12.03.2016).
16. Declaración de la IV Reunión extraordinaria del consejo político del Alba-Tcp. Miércoles. Caracas 12 Agosto 2015.[Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (accessed 09.12.2015).
17. Doyle Ch. Extraterritorial Application of American Criminal Law Novinka Books, 2007.
18. Entrevista a Javier Biardeau sobre la situación en Venezuela. // Aporea. 26.03.2015. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (accessed 12.03.2016).
19. EU – CELAC Summit 2015. Brussels Declaration “Shaping our common future: working together for prosperous, cohesive and sustainable societies for our citizens”. Brussels, 2015.
20. EU Protests Helms-Burton Law, Asks U.S. to Delay Implementation // International Trade Reporter (Bloomberg Bureau of National Affairs – BNA) #17, at 682-83 (Apr. 24, 1996).
21. EU Urges European Firms to Ignore Threat of U.S. Sanctions for Cuba Trade // International Trade Reporter (BNA) #28, at 1128 (July 10, 1996); U.S. Info. Agency, U.S. Sanctions Against Cuba: ‘Beating a Dead Horse?’ (Apr. 1, 1996).
22. Garten J. E. American Trade Law in a Changing World Economy // The International Lawyer. Vol. 29. #. 1.Spring 1995. P. 15-41.
23. Halverson Cross K. The Extraterritorial Reach of Sovereign Debt Enforcement // Berkeley Business Law Journal. 2015. Volume 12. Issue 1.
24. Lange D. The Extraterritorial Application of National Laws (ICC Publication, 442) 1st Edition. – Springer, 1989.
25. Langford M., Vandenhole W. Global Justice, State Duties. The Extraterritorial Scope of Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights in International Law. Cambridge University Press;Reprint edition, 2014.
26. Maury Guerrero M. Cronología de votaciones contra el bloqueo de EE.UU. a Cuba.28 Octubre 2014. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: 09.12.2015).
27. Milanovic M. Extraterritorial Application of Human Rights Treaties: Law, Principles, and Policy (Oxford Monographs in International Law). – Oxford University Press; reprint edition, 2013.
28. Parlasur approved declaration against the vulture funds //Embassy of Argentina in the United States. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: funds.html (accessed 09.12.2015).
29. President Clinton Signs into Law Legislation to Punish Foreign Firms Investing in Iran, Libya, 13 Int’l Trade Rep. (BNA). #32 (Aug. 7, 1996).
30. Principios de Territorialidad y Extraterritorialidad de las Leyes. Aplicables dentro y fuera del territorio Hondureño. Universidad tecnológica de Honduras, 2015.
31. Roberts B. (ed.) Order and Disorder after the Cold War. MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1995.
32. S.2142 – Venezuela Defense of Human Rights and Civil Society Act of 2014113th Congress (2013-2014). [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
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33. Sparrow T. ¿Por qué las leyes de EE.UU. se pueden aplicar en el extranjero? // BBC Mundo, Washington.[Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (accessed 12.03.2016).
34. Study. The Extraterritorial Effects of Legislation and Policies in the EU and US. Directorate – General for External Policies of the Union. – Brussels, 2012.
35. Sumner B. A. Due Process and True Conflicts: The Constitutional Limits on Extraterritorial Federal Legislation and the Cuban Liberty and Democratic Solidarity (Libertad) Act of 1996, 46 Cath. U. L. Rev. 907 (1997). [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim (data obrashhenija 12.03.2016).
36. The President’s power to impose economic sanctions is authorized under the International Emergency Economic Powers Act. // 50 The Code of Laws of the United States of America §§1701 – 1702 (1994).
37. U.S. Info. Agency, U.S.-Cuba Tensions: Unhappiness From Allies About Helms-Burton (Mar. 6, 1996).
38. U.S. Sanctions Venezuela Officials, Calls Country a Threat // NBC News. 09.03.2015. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (accessed 09.12.2015).
39. Vallejo M. J. Aplicacion Extraterritorial del Derecho Penal:Jurisdiccion Universal? Fabian J. Di Placido Editor, 2007.
Dzhioev S. Kh.
The issue of improvement of legal regulation of international cooperation in the field of physical culture and sports
The article considers ways of improving international legal cooperation of States in the field of physical culture and sports. Offers more concepts and definitions, the development of international cooperation in the field of physical culture and sports. The author proposes to allocate the direction of development of international cooperation of the Russian Federation in the field of physical culture and sports. These areas are considered in the article. It is noted that international cooperation in the field of physical culture and sport, is a form of integration and cooperation. It seems relevant in light of intensified integration of the development of international and regional organizations with participation of the Russian Federation. The basis of international cooperation should become an international legal policy, the definition of which offers readers. Attention is drawn that the active position in the implementation of this policy must take all-Russian sports federations as subjects of physical culture and sports. In light of that, the author believes that their activities should not be limited to interaction with international sports federations. In considering international cooperation in the field of sports, the author refers to the history of the issue, the cooperation of organizations such as the international labour organization and the international Olympic Committee, and later the UN, UNESCO, EU, COE and other regional organizations. It is noted that the international sports cooperation contributes to the stabilization of peace and tranquility in all continents, the creation of healthy and safe working conditions and training of workers, improving the quality of life. The Foundation for international cooperation in sport should be not only professional sports and sport for all, to enable the participation of all groups, and especially youth, persons with disabilities, women. The author proposes to develop programmes not only in international cooperation in the field of sports, but also in various national level where the key should be the role of organizations of workers, employers and local authorities and administration, NGOs, various sports organizations.
The article considers ways of improving international legal cooperation of States in the field of physical culture and sports. Offers more concepts and definitions, the development of international cooperation in the field of physical culture and sports. The author proposes to allocate the direction of development of international cooperation of the Russian Federation in the field of physical culture and sports. These areas are considered in the article. It is noted that international cooperation in the field of physical culture and sport, is a form of integration and cooperation. It seems relevant in light of intensified integration of the development of international and regional organizations with participation of the Russian Federation. The basis of international cooperation should become an international legal policy, the definition of which offers readers. Attention is drawn that the active position in the implementation of this policy must take all-Russian sports federations as subjects of physical culture and sports. In light of that, the author believes that their activities should not be limited to interaction with international sports federations. In considering international cooperation in the field of sports, the author refers to the history of the issue, the cooperation of organizations such as the international labour organization and the international Olympic Committee, and later the UN, UNESCO, EU, COE and other regional organizations. It is noted that the international sports cooperation contributes to the stabilization of peace and tranquility in all continents, the creation of healthy and safe working conditions and training of workers, improving the quality of life. The Foundation for international cooperation in sport should be not only professional sports and sport for all, to enable the participation of all groups, and especially youth, persons with disabilities, women. The author proposes to develop programmes not only in international cooperation in the field of sports, but also in various national level where the key should be the role of organizations of workers, employers and local authorities and administration, NGOs, various sports organizations.
Keywords: sports, international cooperation, globalization, integration, physical culture, sports federations, legal policy, Eurasian economic Union, the Commonwealth of independent States, UNESCO, the international labour organization, principles, international Treaty, international sports activities.
Work bibliographic list
1. Shevchenko O. A. Pravovaja doktrina regulirovanija truda v sfere professional'nogo sporta i puti ee realizacii v Rossii. Monografija. - M.: Prospekt.2015. – 244 s.
Work bibliographic list
1. Shevchenko O. A. Pravovaja doktrina regulirovanija truda v sfere professional'nogo sporta i puti ee realizacii v Rossii. Monografija. - M.: Prospekt.2015. – 244 s.
2. Shesterjakova I. V. Mezhdunarodnye trudovye normy i trudovoe pravo Rossii: ih sootnoshenie i kollizii:avtoref. dis. doktor. jurid. nauk. – M., 2011. – 25 s.
Frolova Yu. N.
The role of the International Court of Justice in resolving territorial conflicts (on example of Africa)
The article deals with the problem of the effectiveness of the International Court of Justice and its decision-making in territorial conflicts on the example of the African continent as a territory, a problem of which is often reflected in the ICJ advisory opinion. The conclusion is that the performance of its mission to address assigned to it disputes the UN International Court of Justice makes a significant contribution to the development of International law.
The article deals with the problem of the effectiveness of the International Court of Justice and its decision-making in territorial conflicts on the example of the African continent as a territory, a problem of which is often reflected in the ICJ advisory opinion. The conclusion is that the performance of its mission to address assigned to it disputes the UN International Court of Justice makes a significant contribution to the development of International law.
Keywords: International Court of Justice, the use of force, international law, state sovereignty, Africa.
Work bibliographic list
1. Dobronravin N. A. Zapadnaja Sahara, Somalilend, Azavad: problemy Suverenizacii // Uchenye zapiski Kazanskogo universiteta. Serija: Gumanitarnye nauki. 2013. T. 155. # 3-2.
Work bibliographic list
1. Dobronravin N. A. Zapadnaja Sahara, Somalilend, Azavad: problemy Suverenizacii // Uchenye zapiski Kazanskogo universiteta. Serija: Gumanitarnye nauki. 2013. T. 155. # 3-2.
2. Kalamkarjan R. A. Mezhdunarodnyj sud v miroporjadke na osnove gospodstva prava. M.: Nauka, 2012.
3. Lukashuk I. I. Mezhdunarodnaja bezopasnost' gosudarstva i mezhdunarodnoe pravo // Bezopasnost' Evrazii. 2003. #33 (13).
4. Lukashuk I. I. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo. Osobennaja chast': ucheb. dlja studentov jurid. fak. i vuzov / I. I. Lukashuk; Ros. akad. nauk, In-t gosudarstva i prava, Akadem. pravovoj un-t. M.: Volters Kluver, 2005.
5. Mezjaev A. Mezhdunarodnye Sudy i Afrika / Azija i Afrika segodnja [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 18.04.2016).
6. Orbeljan A. S. Pravovye voprosy primenenija sily v reshenijah Mezhdunarodnogo Suda OON // Moskovskij zhurnal mezhdunarodnogo prava. 2008. # 2.
7. Social'no-gumanitarnye problemy sovremennosti: politika, socium, kul'tura: monografija. Kn. 2 / M. A. Ermolina, A. I. Kagarmanova, E. V. Matveeva [i dr.]. Krasnojarsk: Nauchno-innovacionnyj centr, 2012.
8. Farhutdinov I. Z. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo o samooborone gosudarstv // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2016. #1 (92).
9. Gathii J. T. Geographical Hegelionism in Territorial Dispute Involving Non-European Land Relations: An Analysis of the Case Concerning Kasikili/Sedudu Islands (Botswana/Namibia) // “Leiden Journal of International Law”. Vol. 15. 2002. N 3. P. 582.
10. Military and Paramilitary Activities in and against Nicaragua, para 194. P. 103.
Salkazanov A. E.
Criminal evasion from tax payments by the legislation of the common law countries (on the example of the USA, Great Britain and Canada)
The article gives a complex analysis of legislation in common law countries, which regulates criminal liability for evasion of tax duties, duties and customs duties. On the example of the USA, Great Britain and Canada stand out features of criminal liability for tax crimes inherent common law family.
The article gives a complex analysis of legislation in common law countries, which regulates criminal liability for evasion of tax duties, duties and customs duties. On the example of the USA, Great Britain and Canada stand out features of criminal liability for tax crimes inherent common law family.
Keywords: criminal liability, tax crimes, evasion from payment, taxes, fees, customs duties, a family of a common law.
Work bibliographic list
1. Aparova T. V. SShA. Ugolovnaja otvetstvennost' za narushenija federal'nogo nalogovogo zakonodatel'stva// Nalogovye prestuplenija i prostupki. M., 1995.
Work bibliographic list
1. Aparova T. V. SShA. Ugolovnaja otvetstvennost' za narushenija federal'nogo nalogovogo zakonodatel'stva// Nalogovye prestuplenija i prostupki. M., 1995.
2. Banhaev F. E. Sravnitel'nyj analiz nalogovyh sistem i ego znachenie dlja sovershenstvovanija i reformirovanija nalogovogo zakonodatel'stva // Nalogovyj vestnik. 2008. # 7.
3. Elinskij A. A. Opyt Velikobritanii i SShA po razgranicheniju zakonnoj i nezakonnoj minimizacii nalogov i ego znachenie dlja sovershenstvovanija rossijskogo zakonodatel'stva // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. 2006. # 10.
4. Kalunc A. A. Ugolovno-pravovoe regulirovanie otvetstvennosti za prestuplenija v sfere nalogooblozhenija v stranah anglo-saksonskoj sistemy prava //Zhurnal pravovyh i jekonomicheskih issledovanij. 2015. # 1.
5. Kuznecov A. P. Zakonodatel'naja reglamentacija gosudarstvennoj politiki protivodejstvija nalogovym prestuplenijam v stranah dal'nego zarubezh'ja // Biznes v zakone. 2005. # 1.
6. Kucherov I. I. Nalogovoe pravo zarubezhnyh stran. Kurs lekcij. M.: AO «Centr JurInfoR», 2003.
7. Kucherov I. I. Nalogovoe administrirovanie i bor'ba s ukloneniem ot uplaty nalogov v Kanade // Nalogovyj vestnik. 2002. # 12.
8. Solov'ev O. G., Geshelin M. I. Osobennosti reglamentacii kvalificirovannyh sostavov jekonomicheskih prestuplenij v ugolovnom prave Anglii // Mezhdunarodnoe publichnoe i chastnoe pravo. 2011. # 3.
9. Cirit O. A., Soldatova L. N. Otvetstvennost' juridicheskih lic za nalogovye prestuplenija po zakonodatel'stvu Rossii i SShA // Vestnik Baltijskogo federal'nogo universiteta im. I. Kanta. 2012. # 3.
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17. Financial Act 1986. PGA, L., 1986.
18. Financal Service Act 1986. PGA, L., 1986.
19. Helvering v. Gregory, 69 F.2d 809, 810 (2d Cir. 1934), aff’d, 293 U.S. 465, 55 S. Ct. 266, 79. L. Ed. 596 (1935).
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23. Money Payment (Justices Procedure) Act 1935. PGA, L., 1935.
24. Tax time 2015: Why tax cheats in Canada are rarely jailed. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (poslednjaja data obrashhenija 15.04.2016 g).
25. Tax evasion offences—overview. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: 4 7 1 - F 1 8 8 - N1B B - 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 / Ta x% 2 0 e va s i o n % 2 0offences%E2%80%94overview (poslednjaja data obrashhenija 15.04.2016 g).
26. Tag Archives: IRC v. Dukeof Westminster. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: data obrashhenija 15.04.2016 g).
27. Tax evasion offences—overview. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: 4 7 1 - F 1 8 8 - N1B B - 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 / Ta x% 2 0 e va s i o n % 2 0offences%E2%80%94overview (poslednjaja data obrashhenija 15.04.2016 g).
28. Taxes Management Act 1970. PGA, L., 1970.
29. The Criminal Law Act 1967. PGA, L., 1967.
30. The Constitution of the United States of America: Analysis and Interpretation U.S. Government Printing Office. p. 25n.2.
31. United States Code 1986 edition. Title 26 – Internal Revenue Code>. (Text contains those laws in effect on April 12, 2016). [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (poslednjaja data obrashhenija
12.04.2016 g).
32. United States v. Shortt Accountancy Corp. 785 1448 F. 2d. 9 Cir. 1986. P. 1254.
Musaeva Kh. M.
The arbitration rules UNCITRAL 1976 and the rules of the International Commercial Arbitration Court at the Chamber of Commerce and industry of the Russian Federation in the redaction 2013:general and special
The article deals with topical issues of international commercial arbitration, international commercial regulations compared Court at the Chamber of Commerce of the Russian Federation in 2013 and the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules 1976 are allocated their common and specific features. Revealed the role of modern international commercial arbitration as an alternative form of consideration of international private law disputes, its relevance in cases where the national legal system of the state demonstrates a lag of modern requirements of international economic turnover. The article says that at the conclusion of an international contract the parties should pay attention to the fact that the choice of the regulations of the same arbitration body will change the order of the proceedings. Finally, conclusions are drawn about the need to improve the activity of the arbitration structure.
The article deals with topical issues of international commercial arbitration, international commercial regulations compared Court at the Chamber of Commerce of the Russian Federation in 2013 and the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules 1976 are allocated their common and specific features. Revealed the role of modern international commercial arbitration as an alternative form of consideration of international private law disputes, its relevance in cases where the national legal system of the state demonstrates a lag of modern requirements of international economic turnover. The article says that at the conclusion of an international contract the parties should pay attention to the fact that the choice of the regulations of the same arbitration body will change the order of the proceedings. Finally, conclusions are drawn about the need to improve the activity of the arbitration structure.
Keywords: international commercial arbitration, the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules, the rules of international commercial arbitration court, arbitration, foreign trade disputes.
Work bibliographic list
1. Aleshina A. V., Kosovskaja V. A. Mezhdunarodnyj kommercheskij arbitrazh kak sposob zashhity prav storon vneshnejekonomicheskoj sdelki // Aktual'nye problemy juridicheskogo obespechenija prav cheloveka: sb.nauch. st. po mat. mezhdunarodnogo kruglogo stola. Vitebskij gosudarstvennyj universitet im. P. M. Masherova / Red.: A. A. Bochkov (otv. red.), A. P. Petrov, E. F. Ivashkevich i dr. Vitebsk, 2015. S. 8−11.
Work bibliographic list
1. Aleshina A. V., Kosovskaja V. A. Mezhdunarodnyj kommercheskij arbitrazh kak sposob zashhity prav storon vneshnejekonomicheskoj sdelki // Aktual'nye problemy juridicheskogo obespechenija prav cheloveka: sb.nauch. st. po mat. mezhdunarodnogo kruglogo stola. Vitebskij gosudarstvennyj universitet im. P. M. Masherova / Red.: A. A. Bochkov (otv. red.), A. P. Petrov, E. F. Ivashkevich i dr. Vitebsk, 2015. S. 8−11.
2. Burlakov N. A. Jetapy razvitija instituta priznanija i ispolnenija reshenij mezhdunarodnogo kommercheskogo arbitrazha (mezhdunarodno-pravovoj aspekt regulirovanija) // Vestnik Vladimirskogo jurid. inta. 2012. # 3 (24).
3. Ivanova T. A. Osobennosti pravovoj prirody mezhdunarodnogo kommercheskogo arbitrazha // Vestnik nauchnyh konferencij. 2016. # 2-4 (6). S. 49−51.
4. Kabatov V. Primenimoe pravo pri razreshenii sporov v mezhdunarodnom kommercheskom arbitrazhnom sude pri torgovo-promyshlennoj palate RF. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 30.04.2016).
5. Kazachenok S. Ju. Nearbitrabel'nost' ob"ekta spora kak osobaja kategorija osnovanij vmeshatel'stva gosudarstva v mezhdunarodnyj kommercheskij arbitrazh //Vestnik Volgogr. gos. un-ta. Ser. 5: Jurisprudencija. 2014. # 3 (24).
6. Kazachenok S. Ju. Protivorechie publichnomu porjadku kak osobaja kategorija osnovanij vmeshatel'stva gosudarstva v mezhdunarodnyj kommercheskij arbitrazh// Vestnik Volgogradskogo gos. un-ta. Ser. 5: Jurisprudencija. 2014. # 2 (23).
7. Komarova A. S. Mezhdunarodnye investicionnye spory. 2009. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 30.04.2016).
8. Mezhdunarodnyj kommercheskij arbitrazh: opyt otechestvennogo regulirovanija/samoregulirovanija: sb.izbr. nauch., normat., arhiv., analit. i inyh mat. / predisl. A. I. Muranova. T.II. M., 2014.
9. Orlova G. Arbitrazhnyj reglament JuNSITRAL. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 30.04.2016).
10. Reglament Mezhdunarodnogo kommercheskogo arbitrazhnogo suda: s izmen. i dop. ot 2 nojab. 2013 goda.[Ofic. sajt MKAS pri TPP RF]. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: http:// (data obrashhenija: 30.04.2016).
11. Tevanmend M. Rol' tipovyh zakonov JuNSITRAL v mezhdunarodnom torgovom arbitrazhe // Vektor nauki TGU. Ser.: «Jekonomika i upravlenie». 2010. # 3 (3).
12. Utesheva L. R. Ponjatie i pravovaja priroda mezhdunarodnogo kommercheskogo arbitrazha // Science Time. 2015. # 6 (18). S. 519−525.
Marchenkova L. M., Samorodova E. M., Ilyukhina I. B.
The role of customs administration in the system of state regulation of foreign trade activities of the Russian Federation
The article discusses the activities of customs authorities and their development. Thus, the deepening and strengthening of foreign economic relations of Russia and after its entry into the WTO becomes very important activity of the customs authorities. The Customs Service is an effective tool of state regulation of activity and developing the public authority.
The article discusses the activities of customs authorities and their development. Thus, the deepening and strengthening of foreign economic relations of Russia and after its entry into the WTO becomes very important activity of the customs authorities. The Customs Service is an effective tool of state regulation of activity and developing the public authority.
Keywords: customs, customs regulations, customs duties, foreign trade, export, import.
Work bibliographic list
1. Tamozhennyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii [Tekst] ot 28.05.2003 #61-FZ (prinjat GD FS RF 25.04.2003). –Rezhim dostupa: SPS Konsul'tant-pljus.
Work bibliographic list
1. Tamozhennyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii [Tekst] ot 28.05.2003 #61-FZ (prinjat GD FS RF 25.04.2003). –Rezhim dostupa: SPS Konsul'tant-pljus.
2. Vneshnejekonomicheskaja dejatel'nost' predprijatija v uslovijah globalizacii mirovoj jekonomiki [Tekst]: monografija / N. I. Lygina, O. V. Rudakova, L. M. Marchenkova i dr. – Orel: Izdatel'stvo OrelGIJeT, 2011. – 200 s.
3. Mirovoj rynok: problemy i perspektivy rossijskoj jekonomiki: monografija / I. B. Iljuhina, E. M. Samorodova, L. M. Marchenkova i dr.; pod obshh. red. O. V. Rudakovoj. – Orel: Izdatel'stvo OrelGIJeT, 2012. – 244 s.
4. Spasskaya N.V. Efficiency of regional mechanisms for stimulating small business (based on materials from the orel region)// Studies on Russian Economic Development, 2013. – t. 24.– # 5. – S. 442-449.
Solntsev A. M., Shtyrkina Yu. V.
Space debris safety and mitigation: some international legal aspects
The article considered some international legal aspects of the prevention of the formation and removal of space debris. The authors analyzed provisions of universal and regional documents. Special attention paid to the implementation of space debris mitigation standards into national legislation.
The article considered some international legal aspects of the prevention of the formation and removal of space debris. The authors analyzed provisions of universal and regional documents. Special attention paid to the implementation of space debris mitigation standards into national legislation.
Keywords: space debris, international space law, national space law, technogenic pollution of
near space, space ecology.
Work bibliographic list
1. Abashidze A. H., Solncev A. M., Generalov V. L. Rukovodjashhie principy preduprezhdenija obrazovanija kosmicheskogo musora 2007 goda // Mezhdunarodnoe pravo. International Law, 2009. – N 2. – S. 283-295.
Work bibliographic list
1. Abashidze A. H., Solncev A. M., Generalov V. L. Rukovodjashhie principy preduprezhdenija obrazovanija kosmicheskogo musora 2007 goda // Mezhdunarodnoe pravo. International Law, 2009. – N 2. – S. 283-295.
2. Gugunskij D. A. Pravovye osnovy realizacii kosmicheskoj politiki Nigerii // Mezhdunarodno-pravovye voprosy osvoenija kosmosa: materialy kruglogo stola XI ezhegodnoj mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii «Aktual'nye problemy so-
vremennogo mezhdunarodnogo prava», posvjashhennoj pamjati professora I. P. Blishhenko. Moskva, 12–13 aprelja 2013 g. / otv. red. A. H. Abashidze, G. P. Zhukov, A. M. Solncev. – M: RUDN, 2014. – S. 94-99.
3. Mezhdunarodnoe kosmicheskoe pravo: uchebnik / pod red. G. P. Zhukova, A. H. Abashidze.
4. Mezhdunarodno-pravovye voprosy osvoenija kosmosa: materialy kruglogo stola X ezhegodnoj Vserossijskoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii «Aktual'nye problemy sovremennogo mezhdunarodnogo prava», posvjashhennoj pamjati professora I. P. Blishhenko. Moskva, 13–14 aprelja 2012 g. / otv. red. A. H. Abashidze, G. P. Zhukov, A. M. Solncev. – M: RUDN, 2012.
5. Cologne Commentary on Space Law: Volume III /Stephan Hobe, Bernhard Schmidt-Tedd. – Carl Heymanns Verlag, 2015.
Isaeva J. M.
The European system of human rights protection
The aim of this paper is to study the European human rights protection system. The main methods of achievement are formally-legal, system, comparative legal, separate logical techniques. The article is of a theoretical nature and explores some aspects of the regulatory and judicial protection of human rights in European Union law. The paper has consistently indicated the evolution of the normative human rights protection mechanisms in the EU, there is the problem of the current process. Applied aspect provides an analysis of the procedure for the protection of human rights of special bodies in the European Union.
The aim of this paper is to study the European human rights protection system. The main methods of achievement are formally-legal, system, comparative legal, separate logical techniques. The article is of a theoretical nature and explores some aspects of the regulatory and judicial protection of human rights in European Union law. The paper has consistently indicated the evolution of the normative human rights protection mechanisms in the EU, there is the problem of the current process. Applied aspect provides an analysis of the procedure for the protection of human rights of special bodies in the European Union.
Keywords: human rights, the European Union, the protection, the European Commission of Human Rights, European Court of Human Rights, Council of Europe Committee of Ministers.
Work bibliographic list
1. Gom'en D., Harris D., Zvaak L. Evropejskaja konvencija o pravah cheloveka i Evropejskaja Social'naja Hartija.M., 1998.
Work bibliographic list
1. Gom'en D., Harris D., Zvaak L. Evropejskaja konvencija o pravah cheloveka i Evropejskaja Social'naja Hartija.M., 1998.
2. Dzhenis M., Kjej R., Brjedli Je. Evropejskoe pravo v oblasti prav cheloveka. Praktika i kommentarii. M., 1997.
3. Evropejskaja konvencija o zashhite prav cheloveka i osnovnyh svobod // Mezhdunarodnye akty o pravah cheloveka.
4. Kashkina S. Ju. Pravo Evropejskogo sojuza. M.: Vysshee obrazovanie, 2012.
5. Luk'jancev G. Dve sistemy zashhity prav cheloveka – dva komissara po pravam cheloveka // MZhMP. 2000. # 2.
6. Rjabova V. O. Prisoedinenie Evropejskogo Sojuza k Evropejskoj konvencii o zashhite prav cheloveka i osnovnyh svobod: problemy i perspektivy // Zakony Rossii: opyt, analiz, praktika. 2015. # 5.
7. Sarsembaev M. A. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo. Almaty: Daneker, 1999.
8. Sbornik dokumentov. Evropejskij sojuz: Osnovopolagajushhie akty v redakcii Lissabonskogo dogovora s kommentarijami. M.: Infra-M, 2012.
9. Jentin M. L. O proekte Konstitucii Evropejskogo sojuza // Moskovskij zhurnal mezhdunarodnogo prava. M.: Mezhdunarodnye otnoshenija, 2004. #1.
Krivenkiy A. I.
Principles of the private international law
The analysis of the doctrine and the content of the private international law as a national area of law indicates that the principles of both the Russian civil law and a specific area law run within the scope of the private international law. They all occupy their own niche and fulfill their specific role in the course of regulation. The area law principles of the private international law have a broad interpretation. It is not limited to their application to the regulatory framework of the private international law but spreads to the financial and conflict-law regulation.
The analysis of the doctrine and the content of the private international law as a national area of law indicates that the principles of both the Russian civil law and a specific area law run within the scope of the private international law. They all occupy their own niche and fulfill their specific role in the course of regulation. The area law principles of the private international law have a broad interpretation. It is not limited to their application to the regulatory framework of the private international law but spreads to the financial and conflict-law regulation.
The area principles of the private international law reflect its originality as a conflict of laws that posses both a national private and an international public component.
Keywords: Ultimate principles, area law principles, normative content, scope of principles, interaction of principles, foreign element, legal regime, legal status, subjects, financially-legal regulation, conflict-law regulation.
Work bibliographic list
8. Brun M. I. Ocherki konfliktnogo prava. – M.: Tipografija Lessnera i D. Sobko, 1915.
Work bibliographic list
8. Brun M. I. Ocherki konfliktnogo prava. – M.: Tipografija Lessnera i D. Sobko, 1915.
9. Gavrilov V. V. Mezhdunarodnoe chastnoe pravo kak forma vzaimodejstvija mezhdunarodnyh i nacional'nyh pravovyh norm // Rossijskij ezhegodnik mezhdunarodnogo prava. 2006. – SPb., 2007.
10. Grazhdanskoe pravo. Pod red. E.A.Suhanova. T. 1. 3-eizd. – M.: Wolters Kluwer, 2010.
11. Erpyleva N. Ju. Mezhdunarodnoe chastnoe pravo.Uchebnik. «PROSPEKT». – M., 2005.
12. Zvekov V. P. Mezhdunarodnoe chastnoe pravo. Izd. 2-e.JuRIST"". –M., 2004.
13. Koreckij V. M. Ocherki anglo-amerikanskoj doktriny mezhdunarodnogo chastnogo prava. Juridicheskaja literatura. – M., 1948.
14. Kriven'kij A. I. Pravovoe regulirovanie mezhdunarodnyh jekonomicheskih otnoshenij. Uchebnik. Izdatel'sko-torgovaja kooperacija «Dashkov i K». – M., 2006.
15. Kriven'kij A. I. Mezhdunarodnoe chastnoe pravo. Uchebnik. Izdatel'sko-torgovaja korporacija «Dashkov I K». – M., 2014.
16. Kriven'kij A.I. Istoricheskie aspekty zarozhdenija mezhdunarodnogo chastnogo prava. (Stat'ja II. XIV v.) Obrazovanie i pravo. Nauchno-pravovoj zhurnal. 2011. # 9 (25).
17. Lesin A. V. Chastnye i publichnye nachala v mezhdunarodnom prave (na primere instituta mezhdunarodnoj pomoshhi). // Rossijskij ezhegodnik mezhdunarodnogo prava 2002. – SPb., 2002.
18. Mezhdunarodnoe chastnoe pravo. 3-e izd. // Otv. red. G. K. Dmitrieva. «PROSPEKT» – M., 2010.
19. Mezhdunarodnoe chastnoe pravo. Uchebnik // N. I. Marysheva. Izdatel'skij Dom «INFRA-M». –M., 2000.
20. Mezhdunarodnoe chastnoe pravo. Sovremennye problemy. Chast' pervaja // Pod red. M. M. Boguslavskogo.– M., 1994.
21. Pereterskij I. S., Krylov S. B. Mezhdunarodnoe chastnoe pravo. Juridicheskaja literatura. – M., 1959.
22. Sovremennoe mezhdunarodnoe chastnoe pravo v Rossii i Evrosojuze. Kniga pervaja // Pod red. M. M. Boguslavskogo, A. G. Lisicyna-Svetlanova, A. Trunka. NOR-MA. – M., 2013.
23. Ushakov N. A. Rezhim naibol'shego blagoprijatstvovanija v mezhdunarodnyh otnoshenijah. Mezhdunarodnye otnoshenija. – M., 1995.
24. Shumilov V. N. Mezhdunarodnoe jekonomicheskoe pravo. Kn. 1. OOO IKK «DeKA» – M., 2002.
Kropotova T. A.
Review of European and Russian court practice in the sphere of technical regulation
Court practice in the cases of technical regulation is actively developing in the national and regional levels. This article provides the review of court practice for quality of goods’ control of the European Union, European court practice of certain states and arbitrage practice of the Russian Federation.
Court practice in the cases of technical regulation is actively developing in the national and regional levels. This article provides the review of court practice for quality of goods’ control of the European Union, European court practice of certain states and arbitrage practice of the Russian Federation.
Keywords: technical regulation, European Union, court practice, standardization, quality of goods, European Court of Justice.
Work bibliographic list
1. Kalinichenko P. A. Evropeizacija rossijskoj sudebnoj praktiki (na primere vlijanija prava Evropejskogo sojuza na reshenija rossijskih sudov) / P. A. Kalinichenko – LEX RUSSICA (RUSSKIJ ZAKON). -2013. - #11. – S. 1224-1234.
Work bibliographic list
1. Kalinichenko P. A. Evropeizacija rossijskoj sudebnoj praktiki (na primere vlijanija prava Evropejskogo sojuza na reshenija rossijskih sudov) / P. A. Kalinichenko – LEX RUSSICA (RUSSKIJ ZAKON). -2013. - #11. – S. 1224-1234.
2. Rogozhin N. A. Sudebnaja praktika i ee rol' v predprinimatel'skoj dejatel'nosti / N. A. Rogozhin. —M.: Volters Kluver, 2004. – 240 s.
3. O’Keeffe David, Bavasso Antonio. Judicial Review in European Union Law (Vol 1) 1st Edition // Kluwer Law International, Jun 14, 2000. – 674 p.
4. Schepel Harm. Legal aspects of standardisation in the Member States of the EC and EFTA: Volume 2 Country Reports. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2000. –1005 p.
5. Venckute Asta. Leading Cases on Technical Specifications and Standards in EC Public Procurement / Papers of the 4th International Public Procurement Conference, Seoul, South Korea, August 26-28, 2010. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
Proceedings/01ComparativeProcurement/Paper1-17.pdf (date of entry: 08.03.2016). – 14 p.
Vladimirov D. G.
The highest courts of Russia and England: problems of legal regulation in the conditions of reforming judicial systems
The article considers some issues of activity of the Supreme courts of England and Russia in the conditions of reform the judicial system, investigated changes that have occurred in connection with the reforms.
The article considers some issues of activity of the Supreme courts of England and Russia in the conditions of reform the judicial system, investigated changes that have occurred in connection with the reforms.
Keywords: normative-legal provision, judicial power, court of justice of England and Russia, normative legal acts, legal regulation, judicial reform.
Work bibliographic list
1. Zakon Rossijskoj Federacii ot 5 fevralja 2014 g. # 2-FKZ «O popravke k Konstitucii Rossijskoj Federacii «O Verhovnom Sude Rossijskoj Federacii i prokurature Rossijskoj Federacii» // Rossijskaja gazeta. # 27. 07.02.2014 // Dokument predostavlen SPS Konsul'tant pljus
Work bibliographic list
1. Zakon Rossijskoj Federacii ot 5 fevralja 2014 g. # 2-FKZ «O popravke k Konstitucii Rossijskoj Federacii «O Verhovnom Sude Rossijskoj Federacii i prokurature Rossijskoj Federacii» // Rossijskaja gazeta. # 27. 07.02.2014 // Dokument predostavlen SPS Konsul'tant pljus
2. Zakon o konstitucionnoj reforme 2005 g. St. 59 (Constitutional Reform Act 2005 (S. 4), S. 59). [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: http://www.legislation. ukpga/2005/4/section/59
3. Nazarov I. V. Sudebnaja sistema Velikobritanii i ee reformirovanie v svjazi s chlenstvom v Evropejskom sojuze. // Problemy zakonnosti. 2011. # 115.[Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
Gabdrakhmanov F. V., Prygunova E. V.
Comparative legal analysis of criminal legislation of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan on the responsibility for committing theft
In the article the comparative analysis of criminal law on liability for theft of another's property in the criminal code of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan, studied jurisprudence. The analysis showed the similarity of legal regulation of responsibility for stealing someone else's property. Same concept, characteristics theft, qualifying and particularly qualifying
In the article the comparative analysis of criminal law on liability for theft of another's property in the criminal code of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan, studied jurisprudence. The analysis showed the similarity of legal regulation of responsibility for stealing someone else's property. Same concept, characteristics theft, qualifying and particularly qualifying
signs of theft by a group of persons upon a preliminary collusion; with illegal penetration into a premise or other storehouse, a dwelling; from pipeline, oil pipeline, gas pipeline; an organized group (in the criminal code – criminal group); in large or especially large size; the same end of the theft. Article 158 of the criminal code is reflected in the causing significant damage; the theft of clothing, bag or other hand Luggage, were at the victim. Article 188 of the criminal code provided for aggravating circumstances, which are not in the criminal code: repeatedly
trespassing into a vehicle, illegal access to the information system or change the information transmitted via telecommunication networks.
Keywords: criminal law, penal code, theft, penetration, group of persons, criminal record.
Work bibliographic list
1. Konstitucija Rossijskoj Federacii (prinjata na vsenarodnom golosovanii 12 dekabrja 1993 g.) (s popravkami ot 21 ijulja 2014 g.) / «Rossijskaja gazeta».1993. # 237.
Work bibliographic list
1. Konstitucija Rossijskoj Federacii (prinjata na vsenarodnom golosovanii 12 dekabrja 1993 g.) (s popravkami ot 21 ijulja 2014 g.) / «Rossijskaja gazeta».1993. # 237.
2. Ugolovnyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ot 13 ijunja 1996 g. # 63-FZ (s izm. ot 1.05.2016) / Sobranie zakonodatel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii. 1996. # 25.
3. Federal'nyj zakon ot 8 dekabrja 2003 g. N 162-FZ «O vnesenii izmenenij i dopolnenij v Ugolovnyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii» /Rossijskaja gazeta. 2003. # 252.
4. Postanovlenie Plenuma Verhovnogo Suda RF ot 24.05.2016 N 23 «O vnesenii izmenenij v otdel'nye postanovlenija Plenuma VS RF po ugolovnym delam»// RG. 2016. #117.
5. Postanovlenie Plenuma Verhovnogo Suda RF ot 27.12.2002 N 29 (s izm. 24 maja 2016 g. # 23) «O sudebnoj praktike po delam o krazhe, grabezhe i razboe». [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: http: //
6. Prigovor Petropavlovskogo gorodskogo suda v otnoshenii A. Turysbekovoj. Press-sluzhba Severo-Kazahstanskogo oblastnogo suda ot 15.10.2015. [[Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 31.05.2016).
7. Ugolovnyj Kodeks Respubliki Kazahstan ot 3 ijulja 2014 goda # 226-V ZRK. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: obrashhenija: 23.05.2016 ).
8. Normativnoe postanovlenie Verhovnogo Suda Respubliki Kazahstan ot 11 ijulja 2003 goda N 8 «O sudebnoj praktike po delam o hishhenijah» (s izm. Ot 21.04.2011). [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: obrashhenija: 31.05.2016).
9. Normativnoe postanovlenie Verhovnogo Suda RK ot 25.12.2006 # 11 «O kvalifikacii neodnokratnosti i sovokupnosti prestuplenij» (s izm. Ot 21.04.2011 #1s (p.14). [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 29.05.2016).
10. Abakina-Piljavskaja L. N. Prikosnovennost' k prestupleniju v ugolovnom zakonodatel'stve raznyh pravovyh sistem // Juridicheskaja nauka. 2014. #1.[Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
11. Abdrashev R. M. Provokacija vzjatki ili pravomernoe povedenie? // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal.201o. # 4 (23).
12. Bel'kova Ju. A., Gabdrahmanov F. M. Pravovoe regulirovanie instituta naznachenija nakazanija po sovokupnosti prigovorov v Rossijskoj Federacii i drugih gosudarstvah-uchastnikah Sodruzhestva Nezavisimyh Gosudarstv// Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal.
2015. 7 (86). S. 80-82.
13. Bogdanov V. V., Gabdrahmanov F. V., Korneeva O. V. Vidy nakazanij, naznachaemyh nesovershennoletnim, v Rossii, Belorussii i Kazahstane: sravnitel'no-pravovoj analiz // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2015. # 8 (87). S. 121-125.
14. Borchashvili I. Sh., Kommentarij k Ugolovnomu Kodeksu Respubliki Kazahstan. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data poseshhenija: 27.05.2014).
15. Gabdrahmanov F. V. Institut sudimosti v ugolovnom zakonodatel'stve stran byvshego Sojuza SSR:sravnitel'no-pravovoj analiz //Rossijskij sud'ja.2015. # 3. S. 35-38.
16. Gabdrahmanov F. V., Makarov R. V., Matveev S. A., Prygunova E. V. Ugolovnaja otvetstvennost' za moshennichestvo v sfere kreditovanija: problemy pravoprimenenija // Krymskij nauchnyj vestnik. 2016. # 2 (8).S. 39-52.
17. Gasanova Je. V. Differenciacija ugolovnoj otvetstvennosti nesovershennoletnih po ugolovnomu zakonu Rossii i stran SNG // Vestnik VUiT. 2012. # 2[76]. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
18. Irzhanov A. S. O zakonodatel'stve Respubliki Kazahstan v sfere bor'by s mezhdunarodnym terrorizmom//Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2010. # 8. S. 22– 25.
19. Kizdarbekova A. S. K probleme opredelenija termina «imushhestvo» v zakonodatel'stve Respubliki Kazahstan // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2010.# 1. S. 33 – 36.
20. Kolosova V. I. Administrativnaja prejudicija kak sredstvo preduprezhdenija prestuplenij i sovershenstvovanija ugolovnogo zakonodatel'stva // Vestnik NNGU. 2011. # 5-1.
21. Kommentarij k UK RF: v 2 t. (postatejnyj) / A. V.Brilliantov, G. D. Dolzhenkova, Je. N. Zhevlakov i dr.;pod red. A. V. Brilliantova. 2-e izd. M.: Prospekt,2015. T. 1.
22. Konjuhova (Umnova) I. A Konstitucionnoe razvitie gosudarstv evrazijskogo prostranstva: sovremennye tendencii i perspektivy // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2010. # 3 (22). S. 16-26.
23. Miljukov S. F., Dronova T. N. Novejshaja literatura ob ugolovnoj otvetstvennosti za neokonchennoe prestuplenie i normativnyh osnovanijah dobrovol'nogo otkaza ot nego // Leningradskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2007. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
24. Model'nyj ugolovnyj kodeks dlja gosudarstv – uchastnikov Sodruzhestva Nezavisimyh Gosudarstv ot 17.02.1996. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
25. Obzor sudebnoj praktiki po ugolovnym delam, rassmotrennym v apelljacionnom porjadke vo vtorom polugodii 2014 goda. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: http://oblsud. /modules.php?name=docum_sud&rid=6 (data obrashhenija:23.05.2016).
26. Otvety na voprosy Verhovnogo Suda RK «O nekotoryh voprosah kvalifikacii i naznachenii nakazanija po prestuplenijam protiv sobstvennosti // BVS RK. 2014. # 6.
27. Cremona M., Herring J. Criminal Law. Palgrave MacmillanUK, 1998.
Muhammad A. N., Mahmadov P. A.
The problems of extremism in the virtual space of the Central Asia
In this article the author, considering the problem of extremism in the information space of Central
In this article the author, considering the problem of extremism in the information space of Central
Asia, said that the media and information and communication technology (ICT) is a powerful tool for "brainwashing", that can significantly affect and redirect of potential users in the right direction. The author also analyzing the problem of ensuring information security aspects come to the conclusion that the instrument for countering extremism, radicalism and terrorism is the close
cooperation of the competent authorities of the Central Asian states in the filtering of information
Keywords: information security, virtual space, Central Asia, the challenges and threats, the media, information and communication technology, radicalism, extremism, cyber-terrorism, cyber-crime.
Work bibliographic list
1. Mahmadov A. N. Tadzhikistan v uslovijah nezavisimosti. Dushanbe: «Irfon», 2015.
Work bibliographic list
1. Mahmadov A. N. Tadzhikistan v uslovijah nezavisimosti. Dushanbe: «Irfon», 2015.
2. Muhammad Abdurahmon. Istiklolijati sijosi va tahkimi hudshinosii milli. Dushanbe, 2016.
3. Novaja stranica tadzhikskoj diplomatii / Pod H. Zarifi. Dushanbe: «Irfon», 2013.
Samadov B. O.
About civil-legal responsibility in the field of entrepreneurship and its characteristics in accordance with the legislation of Tajikistan and Russia
This article discusses some issues of civil liability in the sphere of business activity under the legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan and the Russian Federation. There are conclusions on improvement of the legislation in this field and proposes some changes to existing legislation.
This article discusses some issues of civil liability in the sphere of business activity under the legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan and the Russian Federation. There are conclusions on improvement of the legislation in this field and proposes some changes to existing legislation.
Keywords: responsibility, legal norms, law, state agency, authority, entrepreneurship, regulation.
Work bibliographic list
1. Konstitucija Rossijskoj Federacii (prinjata 12 dekabrja 1993 g.). - Novosibirsk, 2014.
Work bibliographic list
1. Konstitucija Rossijskoj Federacii (prinjata 12 dekabrja 1993 g.). - Novosibirsk, 2014.
2. Grazhdanskij kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii. Ch. 1, 2, 3,
4. Konsul'tant Pljus: Vysshaja shkola, 2015.
3. Federal'nyj zakon Rossijskoj Federacii «O licenzirovanii otdel'nyh vidov dejatel'nosti». Konsul'tant Pljus: Vysshaja shkola, 2015.
4. Konstitucija Respubliki Tadzhikistan (prinjata 6 nojabrja 1994 g.). - Dushanbe, Konunijat, 2014.
5. Grazhdanskij kodeks Respubliki Tadzhikistan. Oficial'nyj tekst. Ch. 1, 2, 3. – Dushanbe, Konunijat, 2014.
6. Zakon Respubliki Tadzhikistan «O licenzirovanii otdel'nyh vidov dejatel'nosti». [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
7. Samadov B. O. Otvetstvennost' v sfere predprinimatel'skoj dejatel'nosti: gosudarstvenno-pravovoe regulirovanie i ejo prakticheskaja realizacija. Monografija. – Hudzhand, 2014.
Ananidze F. R.
The legal status of the people saami in Sweden
The article analyzes the legal status of the Swedish Saami – the indigenous people of this State.
The article analyzes the legal status of the Swedish Saami – the indigenous people of this State.
The research has been carried out on the basis of the effective legislation of Sweden, which regulates the legal status of the Saami people. The article emphasizes the crucial issues of maintaining and developing of the Swedish Saami as the Native indigenous people of Scandinavian Peninsula.
Keywords: The Saami, The Laplanders, Sweden, The Saami Parliament, self-government.
Work bibliographic list
1. Abashidze A. H., Ananidze F. R., Solncev A. M. Mezhdunarodno-pravovye osnovy zashhity men'shinstv i korennyh narodov. Uchebnik. M., 2015.
Work bibliographic list
1. Abashidze A. H., Ananidze F. R., Solncev A. M. Mezhdunarodno-pravovye osnovy zashhity men'shinstv i korennyh narodov. Uchebnik. M., 2015.
2. Ananidze F.R. Pravovoe polozhenie korennyh narodov Skandinavii // Jurist-mezhdunarodnik.2003. # 3. S. 39-45.
3. Andreev K. Ju. Pravovoj status korennyh malochislennyh narodov v zarubezhnyh stranah. Spravochnik.M. 2006.
4. Gorbunov S. N, Mironov V. O., Molchanov B. A. Prava korennyh narodov na blagoprijatnuju okruzhajushhuju sredu. Vladimir, 2002.
5. Ocherki obshhej jetnografii // Pod red. S. P. Tolstogo, M. G. Levina, S. A. Tokareva, N. N. Cheboksarova. M.1966.
6. Sandvik G. Pravovoj status saami // Gosudarstvo i pravo. 1992. # 9. S. 110-111.
7. Petrillo J. Scarcity of Land Threatens Traditional Saami Pastoralism. March 31, 2004. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. –Rezhim dostupa: http://www.
Albaiti M. A. A.
Forms of guilt in the criminal law of the Republic of Yemen
This article discusses the two forms of guilt, intent and negligence, and reveals the essence of direct and indirect intent, then – negligence which are treated in the criminal law of the Republic of Yemen and in the laws of the Arab countries.
This article discusses the two forms of guilt, intent and negligence, and reveals the essence of direct and indirect intent, then – negligence which are treated in the criminal law of the Republic of Yemen and in the laws of the Arab countries.
Keywords: form of guilt, intent, negligence, direct intent of the first degree and second degree direct intent, indirect intent.
Work bibliographic list
1. Abd ar-Rahman Muhammad Jah"ja ad-Dahajani. Prestupnyj umysel v shariate i zakone. Sravnitel'noe issledovanie: diss. kand. nauk. – Bagdad, 1997. (na arab. jazyke).
Work bibliographic list
1. Abd ar-Rahman Muhammad Jah"ja ad-Dahajani. Prestupnyj umysel v shariate i zakone. Sravnitel'noe issledovanie: diss. kand. nauk. – Bagdad, 1997. (na arab. jazyke).
2. Voroshilin V E., Kriger G. A. Sub"ektivnaja storona prestuplenija. M., 1981.
3. Mahmud Nadzhib Husni. Kommentarii k Ugolovnomu kodeksu. Obshhaja chast'. –Kair, 1989. (na arab. jazyke).
4. Ma’mun Saljama. Kommentarii Ugolovnogo kodeksa. Obshhaja chast'. – Kair, 1990. (na arab. jazyke).
5. Ugolovnyj kodeks Livana 1943 g. − Bejrut, 1987.
6. Fahri Al'-Hadisi. Ob"jasnenie obshhih polozhenij Ugolovnogo kodeksa Iraka. Obshhaja chast'. – Bagdad,1992. (na arab. jazyke).
Petrov A. A.
The notion «legal regime» as a part of publications’ titles:between the «chimera» and «metaphor»
The article is devoted to the investigation of the usage of the category «legal regime» in the scientific works of the Russian jurists in theoretical and branch researches. The author has attempted to explain the growing popularity and mass usage of the category «legal regime» in the Russian law. The necessity of development of a new concept of the category «legal regime», for example, in the line of the realistic tradition in understanding of the law is proved.
The article is devoted to the investigation of the usage of the category «legal regime» in the scientific works of the Russian jurists in theoretical and branch researches. The author has attempted to explain the growing popularity and mass usage of the category «legal regime» in the Russian law. The necessity of development of a new concept of the category «legal regime», for example, in the line of the realistic tradition in understanding of the law is proved.
Keywords: legal regime, the theory of law.
Work bibliographic list
1. Grevcov Ju. I., Hohlov E. B. O juridiko-dogmaticheskih himerah v sovremennom rossijskom pravovedenii // Pravovedenie. 2006. # 5. S. 4–22.
Work bibliographic list
1. Grevcov Ju. I., Hohlov E. B. O juridiko-dogmaticheskih himerah v sovremennom rossijskom pravovedenii // Pravovedenie. 2006. # 5. S. 4–22.
2. Kerimov D. A. Filosofskie osnovanija politiko-pravovyh issledovanij. M.: Mysl', 1986. 332 s.
3. Kosak A. V., Mal'ko A. V. Osnovy teorii pravovyh rezhimov // Pravovye rezhimy: obshheteoreticheskij i otraslevye aspekty: monografija / A. V. Mal'ko, I. S.Barzilova. M.: Jurlitinform, 2012. 499 s.
4. Nevzorov A. G. Proishozhdenie lichnosti i intellekta cheloveka. Opyt obobshhenija dannyh klassicheskoj nejrofiziologii. M.: AST, 2013. 546 s.
5. Ogleznev V. V., Surovcev V. A. Opredelenie per genus proximum et differentiam specificam i juridicheskij jazyk // Scholae. Filosofskoe antikovedenie i klassicheskaja tradicija. 2015. T. 9. # 2. S. 228–240.
6. Permjakov Ju. E. Pacanskij razgovor: lagernaja strategija vyzhivanija // Vestnik Samarskoj gumanitarnoj akademii. Serija «Filosofija i filologija». 2012. # 1. S. 74–82.
7. Richards A. A. Filosofija ritoriki // Teorija meta-fory: Per. s ang., fr., nem., isp., pol'sk. jaz. /sost. N. D. Arutjunova; Pod obshh. red. N. D. Arutjunovoj i M. A. Zhurinskoj. M.: Progress, 1990. 521 s.
8. Rubanov A. A. Ponjatie istochnika prava kak projavlenie metaforichnosti juridicheskogo soznanija //Sudebnaja praktika kak istochnik prava. M.: Izd-vo IGiP RAN, 1997. 48 s.
Minyasheva G. I.
Law enforcement relationship
Relationship resulting from the use of legal techniques of communication between the participants are being explored in the article.
Relationship resulting from the use of legal techniques of communication between the participants are being explored in the article.
Technology training law enforcement is also associated with the emergence and implementation of legal relations. As legal activity, the application of the law is carried out within a special kind of legal relations – enforcement.
Keywords: enforcement, the enforcement act, law enforcement relations.
Work bibliographic list
1. Djurjagin I. Ja. Pravo i upravlenie. – M., 1981. – S.96–99.
Work bibliographic list
1. Djurjagin I. Ja. Pravo i upravlenie. – M., 1981. – S.96–99.
2. Zaharov A. A. Primenenie prava kak juridicheskij process // Istorija gosudarstva i prava. – 2009. – #8. – S. 35.
3. Kechek'jan S. F. Pravootnoshenija v socialisticheskom obshhestve. – M., 1958. – S. 6.
Treyakov A. V.
Treyakov A. V.
Unambiguity of perception: fundamental weaknesses and possible solutions on the example of the phenomena of “repress” in the legal environment
This article can be considered a continuation of an existing block of publications of the researcher (as in the text), but it can be considered as independent study, one of the fundamental, according to research signal, issues a strictly scientific interpretation and perception of an objective sense of the existence of a separate multivalued (many-sided) facts. We are talking about the "problem of uniqueness", as named by the researcher, perception (explanation, understanding, reading, commenting, etc.) and possible ways of re-solving "the problem of uniqueness", using a modern scientific Institute of tool (in addition to those already shown us in previous publications), the "axiom of ambiguity".
This article can be considered a continuation of an existing block of publications of the researcher (as in the text), but it can be considered as independent study, one of the fundamental, according to research signal, issues a strictly scientific interpretation and perception of an objective sense of the existence of a separate multivalued (many-sided) facts. We are talking about the "problem of uniqueness", as named by the researcher, perception (explanation, understanding, reading, commenting, etc.) and possible ways of re-solving "the problem of uniqueness", using a modern scientific Institute of tool (in addition to those already shown us in previous publications), the "axiom of ambiguity".
"The problem of uniqueness", you receive when using ongoing time-development (experiments, analyses, theories, evidence, etc.), regarded in different waystions in the terminology concerning the phenomena.
"Axiom of ambiguity", according to the researcher, summarizes under the "problem of uniqueness" necessary Foundation (gives it the necessary "scientific sound").
Keywords: metaphysical meaning, integrative building, uniqueness, perception.
Work bibliographic list
1. Boltanova E. S. Pravovoj rezhim v zemel'nom prave:teorija voprosa // Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. 2008. – Vypusk # 315. – S. 114-116.
Work bibliographic list
1. Boltanova E. S. Pravovoj rezhim v zemel'nom prave:teorija voprosa // Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. 2008. – Vypusk # 315. – S. 114-116.
2. Isakov V. B. Mehanizm pravovogo regulirovanija i pravovye rezhimy // Problemy teorii gosudarstva i prava: uchebnik / pod obshh. red. S. S. Alekseeva. - M.:Jurid. lit., 1987. – S. 258-259.
3. Titievskij A. N. Ponjatie i struktura grazhdansko-pravovogo rezhima veshhej s pozicij sistemnogo podhoda // Vestnik Tjumenskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. 2012. – # 3. – S. 128 – 132.
4. Tret'jakov A. V. Ideja «koncepcii integrativnyh postroenij»: perspektivy izuchenija i primenenija metafizicheskih smyslov i «universal'noj aksiomy pervoosnovy ponjatija», na primere «rezhimnyh kategorij» // Materialy II mezhdunarodnoj konferencii:«Global Science and Innovation». («Global'naja nauka i innovacii») Institut Strategicheskih Issledovanij (Chikago, SShA). – 2014. – 21 – 22 maja. – S. 156-162.
5. Tret'jakov A. V. Integrativnye postroenija «jadra struktury» otdel'nyh javlenij na primerah postroenija «jadra struktury» javlenij «rezhim» i juridicheskie «rezhimnye kategorii» // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. – 2014. – # 5. – S. 93-98.
6. Tret'jakov A. V. Integrativnye principy nachal osnov postroenija sovremennyh konceptual'nyh baz, na primere konceptual'noj bazy «teorii rezhimov» // Vestnik grazhdanskogo processa. – 2014. – # 1. – S. 176-187.
7. Tret'jakov A. V. Mnogogrannye javlenija juridicheskoj nauki: pervoprichiny pojavlenija «koncepcii integrativnyh postroenij» kak popytki reshenija problemy odnoznachnosti cherez issledovanie metafizicheskih smyslov javlenij // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. – 2014. – # 8. – S. 131-137.
8. Tret'jakov A. V. Javlenie «rezhim» kak predposylka sovremennogo tolkovanija novogo ponjatija: «rezhimnye kategorii» // Vestnik grazhdanskogo processa. –2013. – # 6. – S. 212-234.
9. Filosofskij slovar'. – [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija 27 sentjabrja 2014 g.).
Aibatov M. M.
On the role of moral-norms in regulation of public relations of peoples of the North Caucasus: history and contemporaneity
Discusses the problems associated with the role of morality and ethics in the regulation of social relations of the highlanders of Dagestan, as well as Ossetians, Kabardinians, Balkarians in the nineteenth century, examines the reasons for the devaluation of moral and ethical values in present but also an attempt to define the role of moral priorities in the development of civil society. In comparative aspect the specifics of the studied etiquette of the peoples of the North Caucasus region, and identifies educational opportunities etiquette norms of traditional culture, grounded methods, forms and techniques of Gorsky etiquette in the regulation of social relations.
Discusses the problems associated with the role of morality and ethics in the regulation of social relations of the highlanders of Dagestan, as well as Ossetians, Kabardinians, Balkarians in the nineteenth century, examines the reasons for the devaluation of moral and ethical values in present but also an attempt to define the role of moral priorities in the development of civil society. In comparative aspect the specifics of the studied etiquette of the peoples of the North Caucasus region, and identifies educational opportunities etiquette norms of traditional culture, grounded methods, forms and techniques of Gorsky etiquette in the regulation of social relations.
Keywords: morality, ethics, honor and dignity, social relations, conflicts, priorities, civil society.
Work bibliographic list
1. Alihanov M. V gorah Dagestana. Putevye vpechatlenija i rasskazy gorcev. – Mahachkala: Jepoha, 2005. – 414 s.
Work bibliographic list
1. Alihanov M. V gorah Dagestana. Putevye vpechatlenija i rasskazy gorcev. – Mahachkala: Jepoha, 2005. – 414 s.
2. Ahlakov A. A. Geroicheskie pesni i ballady avarcev.(Teksty, perevody, kommentarii). – Mahachkala, 2003.– 280 s.
3. Dzidzoev V. D. Narody Severnogo Kavkaza v XVIII-XIX vv. / V. D. Dzidzoev. – 2-e izd. – Nal'chik: KBGSHA,1995. – 95 s.
4. Kurbanova F. D. Tvorchestvo M.Alihanova v dagestanskoj russkojazychnoj publicistike. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: obrashhenija: 21.01.2016).
5. Magomedsalihov H. G. Konflikty v obshhestvennyh otnoshenijah gorcev Dagestana (HIH- 30-e gg. HH v.). [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: obrashhenija: 21.01.2016).
6. Magomedsalihov H. G. Tradicii ostrakizma v dagestanskom obshhestve // Vostok. – M.: Nauka, 2009. – #5. – S.57-62.
7. Magomedhanov M. M. Dagestancy: jetnojazykovoe mnogoobrazie i kul'turnaja identichnost'. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: obrashhenija: 21.01.2016).
8. Markov E. Ocherki Kavkaza. – SPb., M., 1887. – 600 s.
9. Pallas P. S. Zametki o puteshestvijah v juzhnye namestnichestva Rossijskogo gosudarstva v 1793-1794 gg. //Adygi, balkarcy i karachaevcy v izvestijah evropejskih avtorov (ABKIEA). – Nal'chik, 1974. – S. 221.
10. Runovskij A. Zapiski o Shamile. – M., 1989. – 176 s.
11. Samurskij N. (Jefendiev) Dagestan. – M., L., 1925. –150 s.
12. Tepcov V. Ja. Po istokam Kobani i Tereka // Sbornik materialov dlja opisanij mestnostej i plemen Kavkaza(SMOMPK). – Tiflis, 1892. – Vyp. 14. – S. 167.
13. Hrisanf. Svedenija ob Avarskom hanstve. 1828 g. // Istorija, geografija i jetnografija Dagestana (IGJeD). – M.,1958. – S. 265-276.
Prokhorov V. V.
PCIA against the Abvehr: the Crimean vector
The work deals with, the activity of the agencies of the Peoples Commissariat of Internal Affairs on liquidation of subdivisions of the German special services in North Caucasus and the Crimea. The basic tasks of German secret service and methods of its preparation are specified. The Activities of Soviet counterintelligence agencies on suppression of active work of hostile intelligence agencies on the peninsula are highlighted.
The work deals with, the activity of the agencies of the Peoples Commissariat of Internal Affairs on liquidation of subdivisions of the German special services in North Caucasus and the Crimea. The basic tasks of German secret service and methods of its preparation are specified. The Activities of Soviet counterintelligence agencies on suppression of active work of hostile intelligence agencies on the peninsula are highlighted.
Keywords: Peoples Commissariat of Internal Affair, Abvehr, operative measures, special department, agent, PCIA troops
Work bibliographic list
1. Arhiv Ministerstva vnutrennih del po Respublike Krym (Arhiv MVD po RK). F. 21. Op. 38. D. 95 v.
Work bibliographic list
1. Arhiv Ministerstva vnutrennih del po Respublike Krym (Arhiv MVD po RK). F. 21. Op. 38. D. 95 v.
2. Velikaja Otechestvennaja vojna 1941-1945 gg. Kampanii i strategicheskie operacii [Tekst]: v 2-h t. / M. Je. Morozov [i dr.]; pod red. M. Ju. Morukova. – M.: Ob"edinjonnaja redakcija MVD Rossii, 2010. – T.1. – 608 s.
3. Zajcev V. P., Tukov V. V. 85 let na strazhe pravoporjadka. Osnovnye vehi i pamjatnye sobytija v istorii organov vnutrennih del Rossii i Kubani (1917-2002 gg.). Hronologicheskij spravochnik [Tekst] / V. P. Zajcev, V. V. Tukov. – Krasnodar: «JeDVI», 2003. – 232 s.
4. Kommunisticheskaja partija v Velikoj Otechestvennoj vojne (ijun' 1941-1945 gg.): dokumenty i materialy[Tekst]. – M.: Politizdat, 1970. – 494 s.
5. Mitchem S. Fel'dmarshaly Gitlera i ih bitvy [Tekst]/ S. Mitchem; per. s angl. I. Sokolova [i dr.]. – Smolensk: «Rusich», 1998. – 576 s.
6. Prohorov V. V. Policejskie organy i ohrana obshhestvennogo porjadka na vremenno okkupirovannoj territorii Kryma v 1941-1944 gg. // Uchenye zapiski Tavricheskogo nacional'nogo universiteta im. V. I. Vernadskogo. Serija «Istorija». – 2005. – # 1., t. 18
(57). – S. 49-58.
7. Chuev S. G. Specsluzhby Tret'ego Rejha [Tekst]: v 2-h kn. / S. G. Chuev. – SPb.: Izdatel'skij Dom «Neva»; M.:«OLMA-PRESS obrazovanie», 2003. – Kn. 1. – 381 s.
8. Chuev S. G. Specsluzhby Tret'ego Rejha [Tekst]: v 2-h kn. / S.G. Chuev. – SPb.: Izdatel'skij Dom «Neva»; M.: «OLMA-PRESS obrazovanie», 2003. – Kn. 2. – 447 s.
Timonin A. N.
Ideologists of education about private property sources:on the example of creativity of J. Lock and J.-J. Rousseau
The article is dedicated to the critical analysis of the two directions educationistic to ideology in which frameworks John Lock and Jean-Jacques Rousseau had been developed the doctrine about private property sources. Having studied the scientific and educational literature, having revealed the basic conceptual provisions of these interpretations of genesis of a private property, the author has made an attempt to reveal the general and especial between them.
The article is dedicated to the critical analysis of the two directions educationistic to ideology in which frameworks John Lock and Jean-Jacques Rousseau had been developed the doctrine about private property sources. Having studied the scientific and educational literature, having revealed the basic conceptual provisions of these interpretations of genesis of a private property, the author has made an attempt to reveal the general and especial between them.
Keywords: origin of the private property, the Lockean doctrine about private property sources, the Rousseauistic doctrine about private property sources, feature Lockean and Rousseauistic doctrines origin of the private property.
Work bibliographic list
1. Lokk Dzh. Dva traktata o pravlenii // Soch.: V 3 t. /Per. s angl. i lat. T. Z. Kn. II / Red. i sost., avt. primech.A. L. Subbotin. M., 1988.
Work bibliographic list
1. Lokk Dzh. Dva traktata o pravlenii // Soch.: V 3 t. /Per. s angl. i lat. T. Z. Kn. II / Red. i sost., avt. primech.A. L. Subbotin. M., 1988.
2. Russo Zh.-Zh. Rassuzhdenie o proishozhdenii i osnovanijah neravenstva mezhdu ljud'mi // Traktaty / Izd.podgot. V. S. Alekseev-Popov, Ju. M. Lotman, N. A. Poltorackij, A. D. Hajutin; Otv. Manfred. M., 1969.
3. Stannard D. E. American Holocaust: The Conquest of the New World. New York, 1992. P. 236. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija 18.02.2016).
Tretyakova E. S.
The formation of the basic principles of international law in the nineteenth century
In the article the process of formation of basic principles of international law in the nineteenth century, who played a significant role in the development of international law in General and its different branches. On the basis of historical and legal analysis of primary sources (international instruments of the reporting period) and the scientific literature defined the principles that have legal registration in the specified period. It is concluded that the principles are legally enshrined the level of development of international law and identified common trends in the development of the cooperation of the States in the next phase of their interaction.
In the article the process of formation of basic principles of international law in the nineteenth century, who played a significant role in the development of international law in General and its different branches. On the basis of historical and legal analysis of primary sources (international instruments of the reporting period) and the scientific literature defined the principles that have legal registration in the specified period. It is concluded that the principles are legally enshrined the level of development of international law and identified common trends in the development of the cooperation of the States in the next phase of their interaction.
Keywords: the history of international law, principles of international law, XIX century, sovereignty, legitimism, the principle of peaceful settlement of international disputes.
Work bibliographic list
1. Akt Venskogo kongressa ot 28 maja / 9 ijunja 1815 g. //Polnoe sobranie zakonov Rossijskoj imperii. Sobranie 1. T. XXXIII. # 25863.
Work bibliographic list
1. Akt Venskogo kongressa ot 28 maja / 9 ijunja 1815 g. //Polnoe sobranie zakonov Rossijskoj imperii. Sobranie 1. T. XXXIII. # 25863.
2. Vysochajshe ratificirovannye: 1. Konvencii: A. O mirnom reshenii mezhdunarodnyh stolknovenij, B. O zakonah i obychajah suhoputnoj vojny i V. O primenenii k morskoj vojne nachal Zhenevskoj Konvencii 10(22) avgusta 1864 goda i 2. Tri Deklaracii o metatel'nyh snarjadah i vzryvchatyh veshhestvah ot 6 maja 1900 g. // Polnoe sobranie zakonov Rossijskoj imperii. Sobranie 3. T. XX. # 18540.
3. Vysochajshe ratificirovannaja konvencija «O mirnom reshenii mezhdunarodnyh stolknovenij» ot 21 oktjabrja 1909 g. // Polnoe sobranie zakonov Rossijskoj imperii. Sobranie 3. T. XXIX. # 32658.
4. Kamarovskij P. O mezhdunarodnom sude. M., 1880.
5. Kotljarevskij S. Venskij kongress // Kniga dlja chtenija po istorii novogo vremeni. T. IV . Ch.1. Istorija zapadnoj Evropy. M., 1913.
6. Martens F. F. Sovremennoe mezhdunarodnoe pravo civilizovannyh narodov. T1. SPb., 1883.
7. Nemirovskij M. O tretejskom mezhdunarodnom sude// Zhurnal Juridicheskogo obshhestva pri Imperatorskom S.-Peterburgskom Universitete. 1898. Kniga chetvertaja. Aprel'.
8. Palienko N. K. Suverenitet. Istoricheskoe razvitie idei suvereniteta i ee pravovoe znachenie. Jaroslavl', 1903g.
9. Razvitie russkogo prava v pervoj polovine XIX veka /Pod red. E. A. Skripileva. M.: Nauka, 1994.
10. Riv'e A. Uchebnik mezhdunarodnogo prava. Perevod P. Kazanskogo, pod red. L. Kamarovskogo. M., 1893.
11. Senatskij, po Vysochajshemu poveleniju. – O mirnom traktate, zakljuchennom mezhdu Rossieju, Avstrieju, Francieju, Velikobritanieju, Prussieju, Sardinieju i Turcieju, i o mirnyh konvencijah mezhdu temi zhe Derzhavami ot 19 aprelja 1856g. // Polnoe sobranie zakonov Rossijskoj imperii. Sobranie 2. T. XXXI. # 30411.
12. Traktat Bratskogo Hristianskago Sojuza ot 14/26 sentjabrja 1815 g. // Polnoe sobranie zakonov Rossijskoj imperii. Sobranie 1. T. XXXIII. #25943.
Dashin A. V., Kalugin M. M.
Experience of agrarian transformations in the territory of the White Crimea (1920)
The article deals with the problems of implementation of agrarian reform in the harsh conditions
The article deals with the problems of implementation of agrarian reform in the harsh conditions
of the civil war. Detailed analysis of the various projects and approaches in addressing one of the key problems of the Crimean White
Key words: agricultural policy, white Crimea, civil war, land reform, private property, agricultural
Work bibliographic list
1. Agrarnaja politika Vrangelja // Krasnyj arhiv, 1928.T. 26.
Work bibliographic list
1. Agrarnaja politika Vrangelja // Krasnyj arhiv, 1928.T. 26.
2. Bor'ba za sovetskuju vlast' v Krymu» Dokumenty i materialy. T. II. Simferopol', 1961.
3. Vrangel' P. N. Zapiski. Chast' vtoraja, M., 1995.
4. Grani. # 124. Frankfurt-na-Majne, 1982. S. 198-199.
5. Krivoshein K. A. Aleksandr Vasil'evich Krivoshein. Sud'ba rossijskogo reformatora. M., 1993.
6. Obolenskij V. A. Krym pri Vrangele. M-L., 1927.
7. Pechat' pri Vrangele // Antanta i Vrangel'. Vyp. 1. M., 1923.
8. Prikaz glavnokomandujushhego Vooruzhennymi Silami na Juge Rossii «O zemle» ot 20 maja 1920 g. So vsemi dopolnenijami. Konstantinopol', 1920.
9. Revoljucionnaja Rossija. # 1. Talin, 1920.
10. Ross N. Vrangel' v Krymu. Frankfurt-na-Majne, 1982.
11. Struve P. B. // Vozrozhdenie, 1971. # 231.
12. Tavricheskij golos. 1920. # 226 ot 26 maja.
13. Jaltinskij vecher. 1920. # 235. 27 maja.
14. GARF. F. 355. Op. 1. D. 24. L. 15.
15. RGVA. F. 39540. Op. 1. D. 186. L. 1-24 ob.
16. RGIA. F. 1571. On 1. D, 45. L. 16.
17. Hoover Institution Archives. P. Kusonskii Collection. Box 3. Folder 10.
Abolmasova Т. Е.
The religious policy of Peter the Great and its influence on the formation of the right to freedom of religious in Russia
Тhe article considers some issues of formation of the principle of toleration as the principle of state and religious policy of the Russian Empire during the reign of Peter the Great. In this regard, the author conducts an analysis of certain legislative acts of the Russian state in the sphere of regulation of the relations of Church and state, the legal status of representatives of non Orthodox Christian sects and non-Christian faiths.
Тhe article considers some issues of formation of the principle of toleration as the principle of state and religious policy of the Russian Empire during the reign of Peter the Great. In this regard, the author conducts an analysis of certain legislative acts of the Russian state in the sphere of regulation of the relations of Church and state, the legal status of representatives of non Orthodox Christian sects and non-Christian faiths.
Keywords: Church reform of Peter the Great, religious politics, religious tolerance, free-dom of religion.
Work bibliographic list
1. Gur'janova I. V. Vzaimootnoshenija Petra I i religii// Integracija obrazovanija. 2001. #1. S. 82-83.
Work bibliographic list
1. Gur'janova I. V. Vzaimootnoshenija Petra I i religii// Integracija obrazovanija. 2001. #1. S. 82-83.
2. Kljuchevskij V. O. Kurs russkoj istorii. Polnoe sobranie v odnom tome. Lekcija LXVIII. M., 2011. S. 885-889.
3. Lavrik V. P. Cerkov' i gosudarstvo: cerkovnaja reforma Petra i ee vlijanie na stanovlenie novogo kachestvennogo sostojanija russkoj gosudarstvennosti v XVIII v. // Al'manah sovremennoj nauki i obrazovanija. 2009. # 1 (20). Ch. 1. S. 105-107.
4. Litvinov P. P. Gosudarstvo i Islam v Russkom Turkestane (1865-1917) (po arhivnym materialam). Elec,1998.
5. Petr Velikij. Izbrannoe / Sostavitel' A. B. Kamenskij. M., 2010.
6. Polnoe sobranie zakonov Rossijskoj imperii. Sobranie pervoe (1640 – 12 dekabrja 1825 g.). SPb., 1826.T. 4. # 1910.
7. Reglament, ili Ustav Duhovnoj kollegii, izdannyj 25 janvarja 1721 g. // Polnoe sobranie zakonov Rossijskoj imperii. Sobranie pervoe (1640 – 12 dekabrja1825 g.). T.VI. # 3718.
8. Samsonov N. V. O pravovom polozhenii rossijskih musul'man v pravlenie Petra Velikogo // Nauka i obrazovanie: hozjajstvo i jekonomika; predprinimatel'stvo; pravo i upravlenie. 2013. # 1 (32). S. 75-80.
9. Solov'ev S. M. Istorija Rossii s drevnejshih vremen. Tom 16. Carstvovanie Petra I Alekseevicha. 1709-1722 gg. M., 1998.
10. Ukaz «Ob ustanovlenii dolzhnosti prokurorov v nadvornyh sudah i o predelah kompetencii nadvornyh sudov v delah po donosam fiskal'skim i prochih ljudej» ot 18 janvarja 1722 g. // Rossijskoe zakonodatel'stvo X — XX vekov: V 9 t. M., 1986. T. IV: Zakonodatel'stvo period. S. 182-185.
11. Ukaz «Ob obrashhenii raskol'nikov k pravoslavnoj vere» ot 3 aprelja 1722 g. // Polnoe sobranie zakonov Rossijskoj imperii. Sobranie pervoe (1640 – 12 dekabrja 1825 g.) T. VI. # 3925.
12. Cerkov' i gosudarstvo. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija 10.04.2016).
Akhmetshin R. R.
Some issues of state regulation of food security of the population of Bashkiria in the period of the New Economic Policy (1921-1927)
The article considers the peculiarities of the activities of the Soviet authorities on the food security of the population of Bashkiria during the New Economic Policy. Disclosed measures the Soviet authorities on the improvement of food security through the adoption of regulations aimed at stabilizing the economic situation of the population of Bashkiria.
The article considers the peculiarities of the activities of the Soviet authorities on the food security of the population of Bashkiria during the New Economic Policy. Disclosed measures the Soviet authorities on the improvement of food security through the adoption of regulations aimed at stabilizing the economic situation of the population of Bashkiria.
Keywords: state-legal regulation, the food, the Soviet authorities, the New Economic Policy, Bashkiria.
Work bibliographic list
1. SU BASSR. – 1923. – # 4. – St. 119.
Work bibliographic list
1. SU BASSR. – 1923. – # 4. – St. 119.
2. SU RSFSR. – 1921. – # 26. – St. 147; # 38. – St. 204; # 40. – St. 212; # 48. – St. 235, 239, 244; # 49. – St. 264; # 51. – St. 281; # 55. – St. 346; # 57. – S. 356; # 59. – S. 403; # 70. – St. 557; # 72.
3. GARF. R-1318. Op. 3. D. 60. L. 69.
4. Bol'shaja sovetskaja jenciklopedija. – T. 34. – M., 1950.
5. Galikeev R. N., Subhangulov R. R. Sostojanie i sposoby tehnicheskogo obespechenija sel'skogo hozjajstva //Jekonomika i upravlenie: nauchno-prakticheskij zhurnal. – 2014. – # 1 (117).
6. Desjat' let Sovetskoj Bashkirii. 1919–1929. – Ufa,1929
7. Ignat'eva S. V., Igbaeva G. R. Pravovaja priroda valjutnyh pravootnoshenij // Bankovskoe pravo. – 2004.– # 4.
8. Novickaja T. E. Grazhdanskij kodeks RSFSR 1922 goda.– M., 2002.
9. Ocherki istorii Bashkirskoj organizacii KPSS. –Ufa: Bashk. kn. izd-vo, 1973.
10. Ocherki po istorii Bashkirskoj ASSR. T. II. – Ufa:Bashk. kn. izd-vo, 1966.
11. Protokoly Desjatoj Vserossijskoj konferencii RKP (b). – M., 1933.
12. Chernomorec S. A. NJeP. Organizacionno–pravovoe regulirovanie processa material'nogo obespechenija naselenija v 1921–1927 godah. – Surgut, 2004.
13. Jedvard Karr. Istorija sovetskoj Rossii. – T. 2. – M.: Progress, 1990.
Morozova O. A.
History of marriage and family law in the area of custody and guardianship from 1917 to the current time
The article deals with one of the main stages of the historical development of one of the key institutions of family law and family law -custody and guardianship. As an important, comprehensive institution of family and civil law, guardianship is being researched enough. The
The article deals with one of the main stages of the historical development of one of the key institutions of family law and family law -custody and guardianship. As an important, comprehensive institution of family and civil law, guardianship is being researched enough. The
author analyzes the evolution of the state of legal guardianship and trusteeship studying the position of trustee rights starting in 1918. This period is interesting because it appeared to the desire of the Soviet authorities to improve the guardianship of minors without associating it with the principle of estates. At the heart of building relationships - public-public nature of the care and custody of the predominance of the individual over property management. The content of the article also includes advanced features aspects of family law relations in the sphere of guardianship and custody, indicate possible directions of development of legislation in this area.
Keywords: guardianship, custody, trustee assignment, property management, disability, public education.
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon ot 24.04.2008. # 48-FZ (red. ot 28.11.2015) «Ob opeke i popechitel'stve» //Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF, 28.04.2008, # 17, st. 1755.
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon ot 24.04.2008. # 48-FZ (red. ot 28.11.2015) «Ob opeke i popechitel'stve» //Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF, 28.04.2008, # 17, st. 1755.
2. Semejnyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ot 29.12.1995. # 223-FZ (red. ot 30.12.2015) // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF». 01.01.1996. # 1. st. 16.
3. Kodeks zakonov o brake, sem'e i opeke RSFSR, vvedennyj v dejstvie Postanovleniem VCIK ot 19.11.1926 //SU RSFSR. 1926. # 82. St. 612.
4. Kodeks o brake i sem'e RSFSR Utverzhden Verhovnym Sovetom RSFSR 30 ijulja 1969 g. // Vedomosti VS RSFSR. 1969. # 32. St. 1397.
5. Kodeks zakonov ob aktah grazhdanskogo sostojanija, Brachnom, Semejnom i Opekunskom prave ot 16 sentjabrja 1918 g. // Sobranie Uzakonenij i rasporjazhenij Rabochego i Krest'janskogo Pravitel'stva. 1918. # 76-77.
6. Postanovlenie SNK RSFSR ot 8 aprelja 1943 g. «O patronirovanii, opeke i popechitel'stve detej, ostavshihsja bez popechenija roditelej» // SP RSFSR. 1943.# 3.
7. Arifmetika sirotstva // Rossijskaja gazeta. 2013. 24 dekabrja.
8. Bezgin V. B. Opeka maloletnih i sirot v russkom sele (vtoraja polovina XIX veka) // Juridicheskij mir. 2009. # 2. S. 76-79.
9. Kuropackaja E. G. Ponjatie opeki i popechitel'stva nad nesovershennoletnimi // Sud'ja. 2014. # 7. S. 47-50.
10. Nechaeva A. M. Ohrana detej-sirot v Rossii (istorija i sovremennost'). M.: Dom, 1994. S. 52.
11. Pergament A. I. Opeka i popechitel'stvo. M.: Juridicheskaja literatura, 1966.
12. Sinajskij V. I. Russkoe grazhdanskoe pravo. M., 2002.
13. Tettenborn Z. R. Zadachi opekunskih uchrezhdenij po novomu pravu
Rozhnova Yu. A.
Amendments to the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Australia (historical and theoretical analysis)
This article analyzes the text of the amendments to the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Australia and the mechanism of their amendments. The scientific article contains controversial issues arising from the experience of holding referendums in Australia.
This article analyzes the text of the amendments to the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Australia and the mechanism of their amendments. The scientific article contains controversial issues arising from the experience of holding referendums in Australia.
Keywords: the Commonwealth of Australia, referendum, constitutional amendments, the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Australia
Work bibliographic list
1. Batler Djevid. Sravnitel'nyj analiz teorii i praktiki. Amerikanskij institut predprinimatel'stva obshhestvenno-politicheskih issledovanij. Vashington, 1978.
Work bibliographic list
1. Batler Djevid. Sravnitel'nyj analiz teorii i praktiki. Amerikanskij institut predprinimatel'stva obshhestvenno-politicheskih issledovanij. Vashington, 1978.
2. Vajl' I. M. Avstralija: federalizm i vysshie organy vlasti. M.: Nauka, 1970.
3. Malahovskij K. V. Istorija Avstralii. M.: Izd-vo«Nauka», 1980.
4. Rozhnova Ju. A. Problemy obrazovanija Avstralijskoj federacii vo vtoroj polovine XIX vek: obshhestvennoe mnenie i politicheskie pozicii // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2015. #11. S.97-100.
5. Rozhnova Ju. A. Stanovlenie gosudarstvennyh organov Avstralii v period s 1850 po 1915 gg. (istoriko-pravovoj analiz) // Juridicheskaja nauka i praktika: istorija i sovremennost': sbornik materialov I Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii, 5 ijunja 2013 g. Rjazan': Koncepcija, 2013. Vyp. 1.- S. 99-102.
6. Rozhnova Ju. A. Stanovlenie federacii v Avstralii// Mir politiki i sociologii. 2015. # 9. S. 52-57.
7. Rozhnova Ju. A. Izmenenie gubernatorskoj vlasti v Avstralijskih kolonijah vo vtoroj polovine XIX veka i pervye shagi k federalizmu // Juridicheskaja nauka: istorija i sovremennost', 2015. # 10. S. 175- 178.
8. Skorobogatyh N. S. Istorija Avstralii. M.: Institut stran Vostoka, 2011.
9. Bennet Scot. The making of the Commonwealth. Melbourne, 1971.
10. Bennet Scot. The Politics of Constitutional Amendment. Jelektronnaja biblioteka oficial'nogo sajta Parlamenta Avstralijskogo Sojuza. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: htt p://
11. Bennet Scot. White Politics and Black Australians, Allen and Unwin. Sydney, 1999.
12. Deakin Alfred. The federal story, 1944. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: htt p:// 10.11.2012
13. Dicey A. V. Introduction to the study of the Law of the Constitution, Macmillan. London, 8th ed. 1915.
14. Galligan Bryan. A federal republic. Melbourne, 1995.
15. Gilbs Harry. Federalism in Australia. 1983. Monash University Press.
16. Griffi th Sir Samuel. Successive Stages of the Constitution of the Common wealth of Austarlia. Griffi th Papers MS Add. 501 Dixon Library Sydney.
17. Hudson W. J. Australian independence. Colony to reluctant kingdom. Melbourne: University Press. 1988,p. 18-19
18. Macintyre Stuart. A concise History of Australia. Third Edition. Cambridge University Press, 2009.
19. Norris R. The emergent Commonwealth. Melbourne, 1975.
20. Parkes Sir Henry. Fifty Years of the making Austarlian History. London, 1892.
21. Whitlam E. G. The Cost of Federalism, in Allan Patience and Jeffrey Scott (ed.), Australian Federalism: Future Tense, Oxford University Press. Melbourne, 1983.
Ibragimova Z. N.
The concept and social development of human rights as constitutional in the Russian Federation
This article is about the social human and civil rights in the system of constitutional rights and freedoms. The types of social rights of citizens of Russia are analysed and revealed their features. The characteristics of social guarantees for citizens' rights in the Russian Federation and considers the problems of their implementation.
This article is about the social human and civil rights in the system of constitutional rights and freedoms. The types of social rights of citizens of Russia are analysed and revealed their features. The characteristics of social guarantees for citizens' rights in the Russian Federation and considers the problems of their implementation.
Keywords: social rights, the welfare state, constitutional state, social sphere of society and social guarantees.
Work bibliographic list
1. Aristov E. V. Social'nye prava cheloveka i grazhdanina v Rossijskoj Federacii: avtoref. disc. ... kand.jurid. nauk. – M., 2005.
Work bibliographic list
1. Aristov E. V. Social'nye prava cheloveka i grazhdanina v Rossijskoj Federacii: avtoref. disc. ... kand.jurid. nauk. – M., 2005.
2. Kabalkin A. Ju. Kritika i bibliografija // Sovetskoe gosudarstvo i pravo. –1989. – # 8. – S. 143-144.
3. Hrestomatija po Konstitucionnomu pravu Rossijskoj Federacii. – M.: JuRIST"", 1997.
Alekseeva T. V.
To the study of electronic alternative dispute resolution technologies
Тhe аrticle is focused on certain aspects of electronic alternative dispute resolution technologies. Problems of online dispute resolution in foreign and Russian practice are considered.
Тhe аrticle is focused on certain aspects of electronic alternative dispute resolution technologies. Problems of online dispute resolution in foreign and Russian practice are considered.
Keywords: alternative dispute resolution, online dispute resolution, information and communication dispute resolution technologies, online arbitrage, arbitration proceedings, electronic document management.
Work bibliographic list
1. Reglament Lipeckogo oblastnogo tretejskogo suda (v redakcii ot 8 janvarja 2015 goda Postanovlenie # 8, ot 11 avgusta 2015 goda). [Jelektronnyj resurs] – Rezhim dostupa: – Zagl. s jekrana (data obrashhenija: 07.03.2016).
Work bibliographic list
1. Reglament Lipeckogo oblastnogo tretejskogo suda (v redakcii ot 8 janvarja 2015 goda Postanovlenie # 8, ot 11 avgusta 2015 goda). [Jelektronnyj resurs] – Rezhim dostupa: – Zagl. s jekrana (data obrashhenija: 07.03.2016).
2. Avdyev M. A. Uregulirovanie sporov onlajn. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. - Rezhim dostupa: – Zagl. s jekrana (data obrashhenija 06.06.2016).
3. Avdyev M. A. Servisy razreshenija sporov onlajn:izbrannye kejsy // Sovremennye tehnologii upravlenija. – 2015. – # 8 (56).
4. Ivanova E. N. Mediacija kak al'ternativnyj sudu sposob razreshenija konfliktov // Razvitie al'ternativnyh sposobov razreshenija pravovyh konfliktov.Uchebno-metodicheskoe posobie. Chast' I / Pod red. M.V. Nemytinoj. – Saratov, 1999.
5. Kortes P. Evropejskij Juridicheskij vzgljad na potrebitelja. Uregulirovanie sporov Onlajn // Komp'juternyj Telekommunikacionnyj Juridicheskij zhurnal. – 2009. – #15 (4). – S. 90-100.
6. Onlajn spory. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: –Zagl. s jekrana (data obrashhenija: 02.03. 2016).
7. Reglament arbitrazha onlajn arbitrazhnoj associacii. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: – Zagl. s jekrana (data obrashhenija:06.03. 2015).
8. Rusakova E. P. Novye arbitrazhnye pravila Japonskoj kommercheskoj arbitrazhnoj associacii // Advokat. – 2014. – # 6. – S. 48-50.
9. Tajler M. Analiz ODR-sajtov. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: – Zagl. s jekrana (data obrashhenija:02.03.2016).
10. Hishhenko A. S. Novye tehnologii primirenija v rossijskom pravovom pole // Molodoj uchenyj. — 2013.– # 4. – S. 411-413.
11. Uregulirovanie sporov onlajn. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: – Zagl. s jekrana (data obrashhenija:06.03.2016).
12. Chupahin I. M. Onlajn-arbitrazh: osobennosti ispolnenija reshenij // Arbitrazhnyj i grazhdanskij process. – 2012. – #11. – S. 26-27.
13. Bygrave L. «Online Dispute Resolution – What it Means for Consumers». Paper presented at a conference entitled ‘Domain Name Systems and Internet Governance, Grace Hotel, Sydney, (7 May 2002). - R. 2.
Zverev A. V., Shmegelskaya Yu. A.
About public control over activity of bodies of the executive power, including over establishments and bodies of criminal and executive system
In article public control over activity of bodies of executive power, including over establishments
In article public control over activity of bodies of executive power, including over establishments
and bodies of criminal and executive system is analysed.
Keywords: public control, subjects and forms of public control, public monitoring commissions.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ob obshhestvennom kontrole za obespecheniem prav cheloveka v mestah prinuditel'nogo soderzhanija i o sodejstvii licam, nahodjashhimsja v mestah prinuditel'nogo soderzhanija: feder. zakon: ot 10 ijunja 2008 g. # 76-FZ // Sobr. zakonodatel'stva Ros. Federacii. –2008. – # 24. – St. 2789.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ob obshhestvennom kontrole za obespecheniem prav cheloveka v mestah prinuditel'nogo soderzhanija i o sodejstvii licam, nahodjashhimsja v mestah prinuditel'nogo soderzhanija: feder. zakon: ot 10 ijunja 2008 g. # 76-FZ // Sobr. zakonodatel'stva Ros. Federacii. –2008. – # 24. – St. 2789.
2. Ob osnovah obshhestvennogo kontrolja v Rossijskoj Federacii: feder. zakon: ot 21 ijulja 2014 g. # 212-FZ// Sobr. zakonodatel'stva Ros. Federacii. – 2014. – # 30 (chast' I). – St. 4213.
3. Grib V. V. Obshhestvennye sovety kak osnovnye jelementy sistemy obshhestvennogo kontrolja za dejatel'nost'ju organov gosudarstvennoj vlasti RF. // Ros.justicija. 2015. # 5. S. 2.
Medentseva E. V., Roshchupkin V. G., Tokmakov M. A.
Features of the Russian model of corporate management
The article deals with the Russian model of corporate governance of the public joint-stock company in comparison with the German and Anglo-American model. The changes, which came into force on September 1, 2014 in the fourth chapter of the first part of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation relating to problems of corporate governance are analyzed.
The article deals with the Russian model of corporate governance of the public joint-stock company in comparison with the German and Anglo-American model. The changes, which came into force on September 1, 2014 in the fourth chapter of the first part of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation relating to problems of corporate governance are analyzed.
Keywords: corporate governance, model of corporate governance, public company.
Work bibliographic list
1. Grazhdanskij kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii. Chast' pervaja. Spravochnaja pravovaja sistema Konsul'tant Pljus. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 07.08.2015).
Work bibliographic list
1. Grazhdanskij kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii. Chast' pervaja. Spravochnaja pravovaja sistema Konsul'tant Pljus. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 07.08.2015).
2. Federal'nyj zakon ot 26.12.1995 # 208-FZ «Ob akcionernyh obshhestvah». Spravochnaja pravovaja sistema Konsul'tant Pljus. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 07.08.2015).
3. Federal'nyj zakon ot 05.05.2014 # 99-FZ «O vnesenii izmenenij v glavu 4 chasti pervoj Grazhdanskogo kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii i o priznanii utrativshimi silu otdel'nyh polozhenij zakonodatel'nyh aktov Rossijskoj Federacii». Spravochnaja pravovaja sistema Konsul'tant Pljus. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: obrashhenija: 07.08.2015).
4. Pis'mo Banka Rossii ot 10.04.2014 # 06-52/2463 «O Kodekse korporativnogo upravlenija». Spravochnaja pravovaja sistema Konsul'tant Pljus. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 03.06.2015).
5. Direktiva Soveta Evropejskogo Sojuza 2001/86/ES ot 08.10.2001 «O dopolnenii statusa evropejskogo akcionernogo obshhestva pravilami, regulirujushhimi privlechenie rabotnikov k upravleniju». Spravochnaja pravovaja sistema Garant. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 05.06.2015).
6. Reglament Soveta Evropejskogo Sojuza 2157/2001 «O Statute Evropejskoj kompanii (SE)». Spravochnaja pravovaja sistema Garant. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija:05.06.2015).
7. Korporativnoe upravlenie v uslovijah krizisa (kruglyj stol v Institute sovremennogo razvitija - INSOR) // Voprosy jekonomiki. 2010. #3. S. 150-156.
8. Makarov D. A. Upravlenie akcionernymi obshhestvami: dics. ... kand. jurid. nauk. M., 2002. 201 s.
9. Prohorenko V. V. Sovet direktorov v sisteme organov akcionernogo obshhestva: disc. … kand. jurid. nauk. Ekaterinburg, 2006. 241 s.
10. Radevich E. Rukovoditel' v sisteme korporativnogo upravlenija: sravnenie britanskoj i rossijskoj modelej // Kadrovik. Trudovoe pravo dlja kadrovika. 2011. # 10. Spravochnaja pravovaja sistema Konsul'tant Pljus. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: http://www. (data obrashhenija: 29.07.2015).
11. Radygin A. Korporativnoe upravlenie v Rossii:ogranichenie i perspektivy // Voprosy jekonomiki. 2002. # 1. S. 101-124.
12. Suhanov E. A. Sravnitel'noe korporativnoe pravo. M.: Statut, 2014. Spravochnaja pravovaja sistema Konsul'tant Pljus. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 08.07.2015).
13. Hrabrova I. A. Korporativnoe upravlenie: voprosy integracii. M.: Al'pina, 2000. 198 s.
14. Cepov G. V. Akcionernye obshhestva: teorija i praktika. M.: Prospekt, 2006. 200 s.
Gadzhieva A. O.
On particular aspects of exercising the powers of Moscow local self-government authorities in the sphere of capital repair of apartment building common property in the city of Moscow
In the article the author examines the peculiarity of regulating the process of exercising the particular powers of the City of Moscow as a federal city in the sphere of capital repair of apartment building common property in the City of Moscow by local self-government authorities.
In the article the author examines the peculiarity of regulating the process of exercising the particular powers of the City of Moscow as a federal city in the sphere of capital repair of apartment building common property in the City of Moscow by local self-government authorities.
Keywords: powers of local self-government authorities, particular state powers, capital repair, unity of city economy.
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nogo zakona ot 6 oktjabrja 2003 goda # 131-FZ «Ob obshhih principah organizacii mestnogo samoupravlenija v Rossijskoj Federacii» // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii. 2003. # 40.St. 3822.
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nogo zakona ot 6 oktjabrja 2003 goda # 131-FZ «Ob obshhih principah organizacii mestnogo samoupravlenija v Rossijskoj Federacii» // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii. 2003. # 40.St. 3822.
2. Zakon goroda Moskvy ot 6 nojabrja 2003 goda # 56 «Ob organizacii mestnogo samoupravlenija v gorode Moskve» // Vedomosti Moskovskoj gorodskoj Dumy. 2002.# 12. St. 276.
3. Zakon goroda Moskvy ot 11 ijulja 2012 goda # 39 «O nadelenii organov mestnogo samoupravlenija municipal'nyh okrugov v gorode Moskve otdel'nymi polnomochijami goroda Moskvy» // Vestnik Mjera i Pravitel'stva Moskvy. 2012. # 39.
4. Gricenko E. V. «K voprosu o koncepcii organizacii publichnoj vlasti v gorodah federal'nogo znachenija» //Upravlencheskoe konsul'tirovanie. 2007. # 3. S. 40 – 49.
5. Kommentarij k Federal'nomu zakonu «Ob obshhih principah organizacii mestnogo samoupravlenija v Rossijskoj Federacii» (2-e izdanie, pererabotannoe i dopolnennoe) (pod red. I. V. Babicheva, E. S. Shugrinoj) («NORMA», «INFRA-M», 2015).
6. Avak'jan S. A. «A est' li v Rossii mestnoe samoupravlenie?» // Rossijskaja Federacija segodnja. 2009. #16. S. 3.
Teplyakov I. I.
The problem of regulatory consolidation and systematization of the competence of the representative body of a municipal formation in the Russian Federation
The article deals with the problem of regulatory consolidation and systematization of competence of the representative body of the municipality in the Russian Federation in the context of the ongoing municipal reform. The author identified common elements of competence of local governments are identified, as well as elements on which is based the distribution of powers of the representative body of local government from other local governments. Provides a detailed analysis of the norms of federal legislation, the legislation of subjects of the Russian Federation and municipal legal acts (within the Urals Federal District), in which the identified gaps and conflicts that prevent the consolidation of regulatory competence of the representative body of the municipality. Based on this analysis, the author formulated the definition of a representative body of local government and the classification of its authorities, proposes a universal mechanism for securing legal authority of the representative body at the municipal level.
The article deals with the problem of regulatory consolidation and systematization of competence of the representative body of the municipality in the Russian Federation in the context of the ongoing municipal reform. The author identified common elements of competence of local governments are identified, as well as elements on which is based the distribution of powers of the representative body of local government from other local governments. Provides a detailed analysis of the norms of federal legislation, the legislation of subjects of the Russian Federation and municipal legal acts (within the Urals Federal District), in which the identified gaps and conflicts that prevent the consolidation of regulatory competence of the representative body of the municipality. Based on this analysis, the author formulated the definition of a representative body of local government and the classification of its authorities, proposes a universal mechanism for securing legal authority of the representative body at the municipal level.
Keywords: representative body, local government, competence, authority, local issues.
Work bibliographic list
1. Avak'jan S. A. Municipal'noe pravo Rossii: uchebnik. – M., 2009. – 544 s.
Work bibliographic list
1. Avak'jan S. A. Municipal'noe pravo Rossii: uchebnik. – M., 2009. – 544 s.
2. Vydrin I. V., Kokotov A. N. Municipal'noe pravo Rossii. – M., 2004. – 313 s.
3. Kokotov A. N., Solomatkin A. S. Municipal'noe pravo Rossii: uchebnik. – M., 2005. – 383 s.
4. Miheeva T. N. Novelly v pravovom regulirovanii mestnogo samoupravlenija // Konstitucionnoe i municipal'noe pravo. – 2014. – # 9. – S. 65–68.
5. Tepljakov I. I. Opredelenie upravlencheskih kompetencii municipal'nyh obrazovanij v Rossijskoj Federacii: teoretiko-pravovoj aspekt // Voprosy upravlenija. – 2014. – # 6. – S. 250–259.
6. Shherbakov A.S. Predstavlenija o sovremennom mnogonacional'nom gorode: stereotipy i real'nost' // X Kongress jetnografov i antropologov Rossii: Tezisy dokladov. Moskva, 2–5 ijulja 2013 g. / redkol.: M.Ju. Martynova i dr. – M.: IJeA RAN, 2013. – S. 106 – 107.
7. Shherbakov A.S. Obzor dejatel'nosti organov mestnogo samoupravlenija Leningrada po realizacii social'noj politiki v gody Velikoj Otechestvennoj vojny i v poslevoennyj vosstanovitel'nyj period //Rossijskij gumanitarnyj zhurnal. – 2015. Tom 4. # 6. S. 546 – 555.
Alexandrova L. A.
The interest as a variety of legal means enforce basic obligation with the condition of commercial lending
The article discusses the alternative point of view on securing performance of obligations. The interest rates set by the commercial lending of civil obligations are offered as unconventional remedies stimulating the debtor to perform one’s obligations.
The article discusses the alternative point of view on securing performance of obligations. The interest rates set by the commercial lending of civil obligations are offered as unconventional remedies stimulating the debtor to perform one’s obligations.
Keywords: legal means, the interest – as a legal security instrument, ways of securing obligations performance, commercial credit.
Work bibliographic list
1. Grazhdanskij kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii (chast' 1, 2).
Work bibliographic list
1. Grazhdanskij kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii (chast' 1, 2).
2. Grazhdanskij kodeks RSFSR.
3. Grazhdanskij kodeks Respubliki Tadzhikistan (chast' 1, 2).
4. Aleksandrova L. A. Sub"ekty i ob"ekt kommercheskogo kreditovanija // Zakonodatel'stvo. 2013. # 2.
5. Braginskij M. I., Vitrjanskij V. V. Dogovornoe pravo. Kniga pjataja. V dvuh tomah. Tom 1: Dogovory o zajme, bankovskom kredite i faktoringe. M.: Statut, 2006.
6. Gongalo B. M. Uchenie ob obespechenii objazatel'stv.M.: Statut, 2002.
7. Grazhdanskoe pravo. Tom 2. Uchebnik. Izdanie vtoroe, pererabotannoe i dopolnennoe / Pod red. A. P. Sergeeva, Ju. K. Tolstogo. M.: «PBOJuL L. V. Rozhnikov», 2000.
8. Grazhdanskoe pravo. T. 1. Uchebnik. Izdanie pererabotannoe i dopolnennoe / Pod red. A. P. Sergeeva, Ju. K.Tolstogo. M.: «Prospekt», 2005.
9. Grazhdanskoe pravo v 2 tt. T. 2: Uchebnik / Pod red. E. A.Suhanova. M.: BEK, 1994.
10. Grazhdanskoe pravo. Chast' pervaja: Uchebnik / Pod red. A. G. Kalpina, A. P. Masljaeva. M.: Jurist", 1997.
11. Gribanov V.P. Predely osushhestvlenija i zashhity grazhdanskih prav. M., «Rossijskoe pravo», 1992.
12. Dal' V. I. Tolkovyj slovar' zhivogo velikorusskogo jazyka. V 4 t. T.2 I-O. SPb., 1996.
13. Ioffe O. S. Objazatel'stvennoe pravo. M.: «Jur.lit.», 1975.
14. Kommentarij k Grazhdanskomu kodeksu RSFSR / Otv. Red. Bratus' S. N., Sadikov O. N. M.: Jurid. lit., 1982.
15. Mejer D. I. Russkoe grazhdanskoe pravo (v 2 ch., Ch.2). Po ispravlennomu i dopolnennomu 8-mu izd., 1902.M.: Statut (v serii «Klassika Rossijskoj civilistiki»), 1997.
16. Novoselova L. A. Procenty po denezhnym objazatel'stvam. Izd. 2-e., ispr. i dop. M.: «Statut», 2003.
17. Ojgenziht V. A. Imushhestvennaja otvetstvennost' v hozjajstvennyh dogovorah (uchebnoe posobie). Dushanbe, 1980.
18. Pavlodskij E. A. Dogovory organizacij i grazhdan s bankami. M., 2000.
19. Pahman S. V. Obychnoe grazhdanskoe pravo v Rossii. Juridicheskie ocherki. T. 1. SPb., 1877.
20. Puginskij B. I. Pravovye sredstva obespechenija jeffektivnosti proizvodstva. M.: Jur. lit., 1980.
21. Puginskij B. I. Grazhdansko-pravovye sredstva v hozjajstvennyh otnoshenijah. M., 1984.
22. Rossijskaja juridicheskaja jenciklopedija. M.: Izdatel'skij Dom INFRA-M, 1999.
23. Sovetskoe grazhdanskoe pravo. Tom 1. Izd. 2-e. Uchebnik dlja vuzov. M.: «Vysshaja shkola», 1972.
24. Sbornik Postanovlenij Plenuma Vysshego Jekonomicheskogo Suda Respubliki Tadzhikistan 2004-2009 gg. Dushanbe, 2011.
25. Hametov R. Mironova O. Obespechenie ispolnenija objazatel'stv: dogovornye sposoby // Rossijskaja justicija. 1996. #5.
26. Shershenevich G. F. Uchebnik russkogo grazhdanskogo prava (po izdaniju 1907 g.). M.: SPARK, 1995.
Aleshin S. V.
On the procedure for the preparation of materials for making
a decision on the undesirability of stay (residence) of foreign citizens or stateless persons in the Russian Federation
The article deals with the preparation, submission and consideration of the Ministry of Interior of Russia and its territorial bodies of materials to make a decision on the undesirability of stay (residence) of foreign citizens or state-less persons in the Russian Federation.
The article deals with the preparation, submission and consideration of the Ministry of Interior of Russia and its territorial bodies of materials to make a decision on the undesirability of stay (residence) of foreign citizens or state-less persons in the Russian Federation.
Particular attention is paid to the fulfillment of the norms of international law with regard to the rights to respect for family life.
Keywords: a foreign citizen and a stateless person, decision preparation, presentation materials and a decision on the undesirability of stay (residence) of foreign citizens or stateless persons in the Russian Federation.
Work bibliographic list
1. Konvencija o zashhite prav cheloveka i osnovnyh svobod. Zakljuchena v g. Rime 4 nojabrja 1950 g. // Bjulleten' mezhdunarodnyh dogovorov. 2001. # 3.
Work bibliographic list
1. Konvencija o zashhite prav cheloveka i osnovnyh svobod. Zakljuchena v g. Rime 4 nojabrja 1950 g. // Bjulleten' mezhdunarodnyh dogovorov. 2001. # 3.
2. Mezhdunarodnaja konvencija o zashhite prav vseh trudjashhihsja-migrantov i chlenov ih semej ot 6 dekabrja 1990 g. // Mezhdunarodnoe publichnoe pravo. Sbornik dokumentov. T. 1. 1996. S. 492-515.
3. Postanovlenija Evropejskogo Suda po pravam cheloveka ot 6 dekabrja 2007 g. po delu «Lju i Lju (Liu and Liu) protiv Rossijskoj Federacii» (zhaloba N 42086/05)// Bjulleten' Evropejskogo Suda po pravam cheloveka. 2008. # 8.
4. Konstitucija Rossijskoj Federacii: prinjata vsenarodnym golosovaniem 12 dekabrja 1993 g. s uchetom popravok, vnesennyh Zakonom Ros. Federacii o popravkah k Konstitucii Ros. Federacii ot 21 ijulja 2014 g. # 11-FKZ // Sobr. zakonodatel'stva Ros. Federacii. 2014. # 31. st. 4398.
5. O porjadke vyezda iz Rossijskoj Federacii i v"ezda v Rossijskuju Federaciju: federal'nyj zakon Ros.Federacii ot 15 avgusta 1996 g. #114-FZ // SPS Konsul'tantPljus. 2016.
6. Ob utverzhdenii polozhenija o prinjatii reshenija o nezhelatel'nosti prebyvanija (prozhivanija) inostrannogo grazhdanina ili lica bez grazhdanstva v Rossijskoj Federacii i perechnja federal'nyh organov ispolnitel'noj vlasti, upolnomochennyh prinimat' reshenie o nezhelatel'nosti prebyvanija (prozhivanija) inostrannogo grazhdanina ili lica bez grazhdanstva v Rossijskoj Federacii: postanovlenie Pravitel'stva Ros.Federacii ot 7 aprelja 2003 g. #199 // SPS Konsul'tantPljus. 2016.
7. O porjadke predstavlenija i rassmotrenija v MVD Rossii i ego territorial'nyh organah materialov dlja prinjatija reshenija o nezhelatel'nosti prebyvanija (prozhivanija) inostrannogo grazhdanina ili lica bez grazhdanstva v Rossijskoj Federacii: prikaz MVD Ros. Federacii ot 10 oktjabrja 2012 g. #1024 // SPS Konsul'tantPljus. 2016.
Gabdrakhmanova E. F.
Family as an object of constitutional legal regulation
The article reveals the peculiarities of the constitutional legal regulation of the family institution in the Russian Federation. The conclusion is that the legislation of the Russian Federation that implemented the rules of international law does not define the concept of "family", and related phrases (young family, foster family, etc.). Whether disclosed the same for all branches of the law the concept of «family» – remains an open question. Many of the regulatory legal acts of Federal level and level of subjects of the Russian Federation, raznoexport this question make its solution challenging.
The article reveals the peculiarities of the constitutional legal regulation of the family institution in the Russian Federation. The conclusion is that the legislation of the Russian Federation that implemented the rules of international law does not define the concept of "family", and related phrases (young family, foster family, etc.). Whether disclosed the same for all branches of the law the concept of «family» – remains an open question. Many of the regulatory legal acts of Federal level and level of subjects of the Russian Federation, raznoexport this question make its solution challenging.
Key words: Constitution of Russian Federation
Work bibliographic list
1. Vseobshhaja deklaracija prav cheloveka (prinjata General'noj Assambleej OON 10.12.1948) [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: obrashhenija: 10.05.2016).
Work bibliographic list
1. Vseobshhaja deklaracija prav cheloveka (prinjata General'noj Assambleej OON 10.12.1948) [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: obrashhenija: 10.05.2016).
2. Konvencija o zashhite prav cheloveka i osnovnyh svobod (Rim, 4 nojabrja 1950 g.). [Jelektronnyj resurs].– Rezhim dostupa: /2540800/ (data obrashhenija: 13.05.2016).
3. Konvencija o pravah rebenka. Prinjata rezoljuciej 44/25 General'noj Assamblei ot 20.11.1989. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
4. Konvencija N 156 Mezhdunarodnoj organizacii truda «O ravnom obrashhenii i ravnyh vozmozhnostjah dlja trudjashhihsja muzhchin i zhenshhin: trudjashhiesja s semejnymi objazannostjami» (prinjata v g. Zheneve 23.06.1981) //SZ RF, 09.08.2004, N 32, st. 3284.
5. Opredelenie Konstitucionnogo Suda Rossijskoj Federacii ob otkaze v prinjatii k rassmotreniju zaprosa Kostromskoj oblastnoj Dumy o tolkovanii ponjatija «sem'ja», soderzhashhegosja v stat'e 38 (chast' 1) Konstitucii Rossijskoj Federacii ot 5 ijulja 2001 goda # 135-O. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
6. Opredelenie Konstitucionnogo Suda Rossijskoj Federacii ob otkaze v prinjatii k rassmotreniju zhaloby grazhdanina Rjazapova Nagima Gabdylahatovicha na narushenie ego konstitucionnyh prav polozhenijami punkta 1 stat'i 12 i stat'i 14 Semejnogo kodeksa RF ot 18 dekabrja 2007 goda. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. –Rezhim dostupa:
7. Opredelenie Konstitucionnogo Suda Rossijskoj Federacii ob otkaze v prinjatii k rassmotreniju zhaloby grazhdanina Sherstneva Sergeja Mihajlovicha na narushenie ego konstitucionnyh prav punktom 1 stat'i 28 Semejnogo kodeksa RF ot 23.06.2015. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
8. Opredelenie Konstitucionnogo Suda Rossijskoj Federacii ob otkaze v prinjatii k rassmotreniju zhaloby grazhdanina Pishhereva Maksima Evgen'evicha na narushenie ego konstitucionnyh prav punktom 2 stat'i 54, punktom 1 stat'i 55, punktom 1 stat'i 63, punktom 1 stat'i 66 i punktom 1 stat'i 68 Semejnogo kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii ot 16 ijulja 2015 goda. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
9. Postanovlenie Konstitucionnogo Suda Rossijskoj Federacii po delu o proverke konstitucionnosti abzaca desjatogo punkta 1 stat'i 127 Semejnogo kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii v svjazi s zhaloboj grazhdanina S. A. Anikieva ot 31 janvarja 2014 goda. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
10. Opredelenie Smidovichskogo rajonnyj sud Evrejskoj avtonomnoj oblasti ot 27 janvarja 2016 goda //GAS RF «Pravosudie».
11. Balajan Je. Ju. Konstitucionno-pravovye aspekty zashhity prav cheloveka v kontekste funkcij sovremennogo gosudarstva // Vestnik KemGU. 2015. #2-2(62). [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
12. Berezovaja A. Ju. Pravovoe regulirovanie instituta sem'i po rossijskomu zakonodatel'stvu // Gosudarstvennoe i municipal'noe upravlenie v XXI veke:teorija, metodologija, praktika. 2012. # 5. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
13. Bogdanova O.V. O nekotoryh problemah regulirovanija semejnyh otnoshenij v otechestvennom prave v svete zarubezhnogo opyta // Vektor nauki TGU. 2011. #2. S. 191-193. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: http://cyberleninka.
14. Bondarenko A. V., Lukijanov M. Ju. Problemy socializacii detej-sirot i detej, ostavshihsja bez popechenija roditelej v postinternatnyj period (social'no-pravovoj aspekt) // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. – 2015. – # 7. - S. 295-297.
15. Borisenkov V. P., Gukalenko O. V. Institut sem'i i semejnaja politika v sovremennoj Rossii: problemy, tendencii i perspektivy // Internet-zhurnal Naukovedenie. 2014. # 5 (24).
16. Ozhegov S. I., Shvedova N. Ju. Tolkovyj slovar' russkogo jazyka: 80 000 slov i frazeologicheskih vyrazhenij /RAN. Institut russkogo jazyka im. V.V. Vinogradova. – 4-e izd., dopolnennoe. – M.: OOO «ITI TEHNOLOGII», 2003.
17. Skakun O. S. Praktika Evropejskogo suda po pravam cheloveka po delam, svjazannym s zashhitoj prav i svobod rebenka // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2013. # 10 (65). S. 83-88.
18. Utjashev M. M. Prava i svobody cheloveka v sisteme obshhechelovecheskih cennostej // Vestnik Bashkirsk. un-ta. 2009. #3-1. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
19. Catharine A. Mackinnon (Nov 2012). Gender in Constitutions. The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Constitutional Law Edited by Michel Rosenfeld and András Sajó.
20. Michael O’ Boyle i Michelle Lafferty. General Principles and Constitutions as Sources of Human Rights Law. The Oxford Handbook of International Human Rights Law. October 2013. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: 10.1093/law/9780199640133.001.0001/law-9780199640133-e-9?rskey=kgQntv&result=329 (data obrashhenija: 13.05.2016).
Zabotkin A. O.
On the problem of enforcing community property partition agreements and marriage contracts
The article is devoted to the problem of enforcing community property partition agreements and
The article is devoted to the problem of enforcing community property partition agreements and
marriage contracts according to the rules of the Family Code of the Russian Federation. Special attention is given to the shortcomings of current law.
Keywords: marriage contract, family law, community property partition agreement.
Work bibliographic list
1. Antokol'skaja M. V. Semejnoe pravo: uchebnik. 3-e izd.,pererab. i dop. M.: Norma : INFRA-M, 2013.
Work bibliographic list
1. Antokol'skaja M. V. Semejnoe pravo: uchebnik. 3-e izd.,pererab. i dop. M.: Norma : INFRA-M, 2013.
2. Babkin S. A. Vladenie, pol'zovanie i rasporjazhenie imushhestvom, nahodjashhimsja v obshhej sovmestnoj sobstvennosti suprugov. M.: Centr JurInfoR, 2004.
3. Galaganova N. P. Otdel'nye voprosy dogovornogo regulirovanija imushhestvennyh otnoshenij v sem'e //Semejnoe i zhilishhnoe pravo. 2005. # 1.
4. Galaganova N. P., Zabotkin A. O. Sdelki v semejnom prave Rossii: nekotorye voprosy tolkovanija i primenenija norm zakonodatel'stva // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2016. # 4.
5. Zvenigorodskaja N. F. Nedejstvitel'nost' brachnogo dogovora: teorija i praktika // Rossijskaja justicija. 2009. # 5.
6. Zvenigorodskaja N. F. Problemy ispolnenija dogovorov, predusmotrennyh semejnym zakonodatel'stvom // Zakon. 2007. # 5.
7. Kommentarij k Semejnomu kodeksu Rossijskoj Federacii (postatejnyj) / Z. A. Ahmet'janova, E. Ju. Koval'kova, O. N. Nizamieva (i dr.); otv. red. O. N. Nizamieva. M.: Prospekt, 2011.
8. Kuznecova O. A. K voprosu o vybore sposoba zashhitygrazhdanskih prav // Rossijskaja pravovaja politika v sfere chastnogo prava: Materialy «kruglogo stola» zhurnalov «Gosudarstvo i pravo» i «Pravovaja politika i pravovaja zhizn'», g. Kazan', Kazanskij (Privolzhskij) federal'nyj universitet, 22 ijunja 2010 g. M.: Statut, 2011.
9. Pchelinceva L. M. Kommentarij k Semejnomu kodeksu Rossijskoj Federacii. 6-e izd., pererab. i dop. M.: Norma : INFRA-M, 2011.
10. Shemeneva O. N. Posledstvija zakljuchenija soglashenija ob uplate alimentov: processual'nyj aspekt //Semejnoe i zhilishhnoe pravo. 2012. # 2.
Igbaeva G. R., Shakirova Z. R.
Some aspects of bankruptcy of individuals
Some aspects of bankruptcy-related failures of financial managers from work on the personal bankruptcy, alternative bankruptcy procedures based on the analysis of law enforcement practice are analyzed in the article.
Some aspects of bankruptcy-related failures of financial managers from work on the personal bankruptcy, alternative bankruptcy procedures based on the analysis of law enforcement practice are analyzed in the article.
Keywords: bankruptcy citizens, insolvency, debt restructuring, the implementation of the property.
Work bibliographic list
1. Grazhdanskij kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii (chast' pervaja) ot 30.11.1994. # 51-FZ // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. 05.12.1994. # 32. st. 3301.
Work bibliographic list
1. Grazhdanskij kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii (chast' pervaja) ot 30.11.1994. # 51-FZ // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. 05.12.1994. # 32. st. 3301.
2. Federal'nyj zakon ot 26.10.2002 # 127-FZ «O nesostojatel'nosti (bankrotstve)» // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. 28.10.2002. # 43. st. 4190.
3. Igbaeva G. R. Probely realizacii norm o bankrotstve fizicheskih lic // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2015. # 11 (90). S. 125-127.
4. Igbaeva G. R. Osobennosti bankrotstva fizicheskih lic // Evrazijskaja advokatura. 2016. # 1 (20). S.92-94.
5. Kirillovyh A. A. Bankrotstvo fizicheskih lic: novacii zakonodatel'stva o nesostojatel'nosti // Zakonodatel'stvo i jekonomika. 2015. # 6. S. 7-22.
6. Negrebeckaja O. V. S 1 oktjabrja 2015 goda stanet vozmozhnym bankrotstvo fizicheskih lic // Zarplata.2015. # 8. S. 138 - 142.
7. Stepanov V. V. Nesostojatel'nost' (bankrotstvo) v Rossii, Francii, Anglii, Germanii, SShA. M., 1999.
8. Sergeev V. V. Problemy zakonodatel'nogo regulirovanija processa bankrotstva fizicheskih lic (iz Komissii po zakonodatel'stvu o finansovyh rynkah Associacii juristov Rossii) // Bankovskoe pravo. 2012. # 5.
Lomov A. N.
Some aspects of the legal regulation of the transition of football players on terms of «lease»
The present article deals with certain problematic issues in Russian football connected with temporary transition of athletes from one club to another on terms of «lease». For their coverage it is necessary to reveal some aspects of the legal regulation of relations in the transition of football players on terms of «lease».
The present article deals with certain problematic issues in Russian football connected with temporary transition of athletes from one club to another on terms of «lease». For their coverage it is necessary to reveal some aspects of the legal regulation of relations in the transition of football players on terms of «lease».
Keywords: transfer of football players, «lease», professional football club, sport, professional football.
Work bibliographic list
1. Zajcev Ju. V. Pravovaja priroda perehodov sportsmenov // Sport: jekonomika, pravo, upravlenie / Ju. V.Zajcev. - 2009. - # 4. - S.18-24.
Work bibliographic list
1. Zajcev Ju. V. Pravovaja priroda perehodov sportsmenov // Sport: jekonomika, pravo, upravlenie / Ju. V.Zajcev. - 2009. - # 4. - S.18-24.
2. Magdenko A. D., Eremeeva L. A. Filosofija prava: regulirovanie transfernyh otnoshenij v rossijskom sporte // Vestnik Cheljabinskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta / A. D. Magdenko, L. A. Eremeeva. - 2014.- # 17. – S. 126-129.
3. Ovchinnikova N. A. Aktual'nye problemy pravovogo regulirovanija professional'nogo sporta v RF: monografija / N.A. Ovchinnikova. - Vladimir: TranzitH, 2008.
4. Pencov D. A. Zashhita prav igrokov pri ih perehode(transfere) iz odnogo kluba v drugoj // Sport: jekonomika, pravo, upravlenie / D. A. Pencov. - 2010. - #2. - S. 10-16.
Mazanaev M. Sh.
Contemporary trends in the development of the Institute for the protection of property rights
In article author analyses development trends of civil institution of property right protection in terms of the latest devised changes to Civil Code of Russian Federation dealing with owner’s remedies.
In article author analyses development trends of civil institution of property right protection in terms of the latest devised changes to Civil Code of Russian Federation dealing with owner’s remedies.
The author explores the validity of the use of a particular method for protecting property rights, taking into account the specificity and limits of these rights. The task of the Civil law is to restore to the owner the possibility of the violation of property rights, in particular – the return to the owner of the violated possession of a thing, as well as the elimination of other violations of property rights, even if they were not connected with deprivation of possession. The aim of the article is to analyze the actual problems of protection of property rights and other proprietary rights.
Keywords: ownership, property rights, replevin, negatory claim, a claim for recognition of ownership rights, exclusion from the inventory, seizure of property, the recognition of property rights.
Work bibliographic list
1. Postanovlenie Prezidiuma VAS RF ot 29 maja 2007 g.# 2358/06 // SPS «Konsul'tant Pljus» (data obrashhenija 04.05.2016).
Work bibliographic list
1. Postanovlenie Prezidiuma VAS RF ot 29 maja 2007 g.# 2358/06 // SPS «Konsul'tant Pljus» (data obrashhenija 04.05.2016).
2. Postanovlenie FAS VSO ot 28 sentjabrja 2007 g. # A33-17999/06-F02-6733/07, A33-17999/06-F02-7191/07 po delu # A33- 17999/06; Postanovlenie FAS SKO ot 22 maja 1998 g. po delu # F08-749/97 // SPS «Konsul'tant Pljus» (data obrashhenija 29.04.2016).
3. Vavilin E. V. Problemy zashhity grazhdanskih prav // Pravovedenie. 2009. # 1.
4. Budneva O. G. K voprosu zashhity veshhnyh prav v RF // Notarius. 2013. # 1.
Noskova Yu. B.
Some questions of inheritance of vacant property
An associate professor of department of civil legal disciplines of the Ural Legal institute of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia candidate of legal sciences
An associate professor of department of civil legal disciplines of the Ural Legal institute of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia candidate of legal sciences
Keywords: vacant property, inheritance according to the will, inheritance under the law, ownerless property.
Work bibliographic list
1. Postanovlenie Plenuma Verhovnogo Suda RF ot 29.05.2012 # 9 «O sudebnoj praktike po delam o nasledovanii» // Rossijskaja gazeta. – 6 ijunja 2012 goda.– # 5800 (127).
Work bibliographic list
1. Postanovlenie Plenuma Verhovnogo Suda RF ot 29.05.2012 # 9 «O sudebnoj praktike po delam o nasledovanii» // Rossijskaja gazeta. – 6 ijunja 2012 goda.– # 5800 (127).
2. Abramenkov M. S. Problema vymorochnogo imushhestva v mezhdunarodnyh nasledstvennyh otnoshenijah //Gosudarstvo i pravo. – 2010. – # 9.
3. Grazhdanskoe pravo: ucheb.: v 3 t. T. 3. / E. N. Abramova, N. N. Averchenko, Ju. V. Bajgusheva [i dr.]; pod red. A. P. Sergeeva. – M.: TK Velbi,2009.
4. Zajceva T. I., Krasheninnikov P. V. Nasledstvennoe pravo. Kommentarij zakonodatel'stva i praktika ego primenenija. 6-e izd., pererab. i dop. – M.: Statut, 2009.
5. Kravchenko K. V. K voprosu o pravovoj prirode perehoda vymorochnogo imushhestva // Sibirskij juridicheskij vestnik. – 2009. – # 2
Tordiya I. V., Savchenko S. A.
State legal problems in the field of public health of the Russian Federation
The problems of providing free medical care to citizens of Russia at the expense of the state, insurance premiums and other revenues. Revealed problematic issues of development and implementation of market onerous health care provider noted lower the protection of consumer rights and the lack of effective competition among entities that provide health services.
The problems of providing free medical care to citizens of Russia at the expense of the state, insurance premiums and other revenues. Revealed problematic issues of development and implementation of market onerous health care provider noted lower the protection of consumer rights and the lack of effective competition among entities that provide health services.
The necessity of creating a common mechanism of contractual regulation, aimed at implementing
the constitutional rights of citizens to health care and medical assistance. Directions of scientific, theoretical and practical research, to create a single legal space, which allows to determine the rules of conduct and legal measures liable parties arising from the onerous provision of medical services.
Keywords: healthcare, responsibility, commitment, causingdamage.
Work bibliographic list
1. O rassmotrenii sudami grazhdanskih del po sporam o zashhite prav potrebitelej: Postanovlenie Plenuma Verhovnogo Suda RF ot 28.06.2012 N 17// Rossijskaja gazeta. 2012g. N 156.
Work bibliographic list
1. O rassmotrenii sudami grazhdanskih del po sporam o zashhite prav potrebitelej: Postanovlenie Plenuma Verhovnogo Suda RF ot 28.06.2012 N 17// Rossijskaja gazeta. 2012g. N 156.
2. Apelljacionnoe opredelenie Sverdlovskogo oblastnogo suda ot 22.01.2014 po delu N 33-581/2014 [Jelektronnyj resurs]. - Dokument opublikovan ne byl.– Dostup iz spravochno- pravovoj sistemy «Konsul'tantPljus» (data obrashhenija 26.05.2014).
3. Ob utverzhdenii Pravil predostavlenija medicinskimi organizacijami platnyh medicinskih uslug:postanovlenie Pravitel'stva RF ot 04.10.2012 N 1006// Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF.2012. # 41. St.5628.
4. Apelljacionnoe opredelenie Suda Jamalo-Neneckogo avtonomnogo okruga ot 11.11.2013 po delu N33-2454/2013 [Jelektronnyj resurs]. - Dokument opublikovan ne byl. – Dostup iz spravochno- pravovoj sistemy «Konsul'tantPljus» (data obrashhenija26.05.2014).
5. Apelljacionnoe opredelenie Vologodskogo oblastnogo suda ot 20.07.2012 N 33-2825/2012 [Jelektronnyj resurs]. - Dokument opublikovan ne byl. – Dostup iz spravochno- pravovoj sistemy «Konsul'tantPljus»(data obrashhenija 26.05.2014).
6. Opredelenie Moskovskogo gorodskogo suda ot 30.06.2011 po delu N 33-17835 [Jelektronnyj resurs].– Dostup iz spravochno-pravovoj sistemy «Konsul'tant Pljus» (data obrashhenija 10.12.2012).
7. Apelljacionnoe opredelenie Verhovnogo suda Respubliki Burjatija ot 04.02.2013 po delu N 33-344 [Jelektronnyj resurs]. - Dokument opublikovan ne byl.– Dostup iz spravochno- pravovoj sistemy «Konsul'tantPljus» (data obrashhenija 26.05.2014).
8. Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. 2001. # 23. St. 2291.
9. Braginskij M. I., Vitrjanskij V. V. Dogovornoe pravo. Kniga pervaja: Obshhie polozhenija. M.: Statut, 2011.
10. Grazhdanskoe pravo: v 2 t. Tom 1: Uchebnik / Otv. red. prof. E. A. Suhanova. M.: Izd-vo BEK, 2012.
11. Degtjarev S. L. Vozmeshhenie ubytkov v grazhdanskom i arbitrazhnom processe: Uchebno-prakticheskoe posobie. M., 2011.
12. Egorov K. V. Pravomernyj vred v medicine [Jelektronnyj resurs]. M.: Podgotovleno dlja «Konsul'tantPljus», 2011.
13. Klejn N. I. Kommentarij k glave 2 Grazhdanskogo kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii, chasti pervoj (postatejnyj) [Jelektronnyj resurs] / Pod red. O.N. Sadikova– Dostup iz spravochno–pravovoj sistemy «Konsul'tantPljus» (data obrashhenija: 25.12.2012).
14. Korneev S. M. Grazhdanskoe pravo. T. II. Polutom 2 / Pod red. E. A. Suhanova. M., 2003.
15. Malein N. S. Imushhestvennaja otvetstvennost' v hozjajstvennyh otnoshenijah. M., 2008.
16. Maleina M. N. Chelovek i medicina v sovremennom prave. Uchebnoe i prakticheskoe posobie. M.: Izd-vo BEK, 1995
17. Matveev G. K. Osnovanija grazhdansko-pravovoj otvetstvennosti. M., 2010.
18. Ozhegov S. I. Tolkovyj slovar' russkogo jazyka. M.,1998.
19. Sergeev Ju. D., Erofeev S. V., Kozyrev V. A. Nenadlezhashhee okazanie medicinskoj pomoshhi: social'no - pravovye aspekty problemy // Advokat. 1999. # 7.
20. Strahovanie otvetstvennosti medicinskih rabotnikov // Portal informacionnoj podderzhki specialistov LPU. - 29.08.2012. - [Jelektronnyj resurs]. –Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija 05.06.2015)
21. Tihomirov A. V. Medicinskoe pravo. Prakt. posobie. M.: Statut, 1998.
22. Supreme Court of Washington, 2008.99 Wash. 2d 609,664 P.2d474.
23. Health Law.Cases, materials and problems, p. 261-262.
24. Joseph King. Causation, Valuation and Chance in Personal Injury Torts Involving Pre-existing Conditions and Future Consequences. 90 YaleL.J. 1353. 1981.
Timerbulatov I. A.
Requirements for employees of the state civil service
This article discusses the qualification requirements and the requirements of modern employees
This article discusses the qualification requirements and the requirements of modern employees
of the state civil service on the basis of the law "On state civil service of the Russian Federation".
Keywords: civil servant, requirements, qualification requirements, state system.
Work bibliographic list
1. Konstitucija Rossijskoj Federacii: feder. zakon Ros. Federacii ot 12 dekabrja 1993 goda (red. ot 21.07.2014) [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy «Konsul'tantPljus».
Work bibliographic list
1. Konstitucija Rossijskoj Federacii: feder. zakon Ros. Federacii ot 12 dekabrja 1993 goda (red. ot 21.07.2014) [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy «Konsul'tantPljus».
2. O gosudarstvennoj grazhdanskoj sluzhbe Rossijskoj Federacii: feder. zakon Ros. Federacii ot 27 ijulja 2004 g. #79-FZ (v red. ot 14.12.2015 g.) [Jelektronnyj resurs] – Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy «Konsul'tantPljus».
3. O Kvalifikacionnyh trebovanijah k stazhu gosudarstvennoj grazhdanskoj sluzhbu (gosudarstvennoj sluzhby inyh vidov) ili stazhu raboty po special'nosti dlja federal'nyh gosudarstvennyh grazhdanskih sluzhashhih: Ukaz Prezidenta Rossijskoj Fede-
racii ot 27 sentjabrja 2005 goda # 1131 [Jelektronnyj resurs] – Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy «Konsul'tantPljus».
4. Onishhenko O. N. Konkursnyj podbor kadrov na gosudarstvennuju grazhdanskuju sluzhbu Rossijskoj Federacii // Politika i pravo. 2014. # 2. S. 136.
5. Rabinovich P. V. Trebovanija, pred"javljaemye k sovremennomu gosudarstvennomu sluzhashhemu // Gosudarstvennoe i municipal'noe upravlenie v XXI veke: teorija, metodologija, praktika. 2012. # 5. S. 232-236.
Tkach A. V.
Legal consequences of invalidity of decision of the meeting and problems of their application
The author describes the procedure of recognition of decisions of the meeting invalid and reveals
The author describes the procedure of recognition of decisions of the meeting invalid and reveals
the features of this procedure. Focuses attention on relevant procedural issues that arise when applying for recognition of the decision of the meeting invalid.
Keywords: the decision of the meeting, the invalidity, the recognition, the subject of the appeal, the appeal deadline, the appropriate defendant.
Work bibliographic list
1. Postanovlenie Plenuma Verhovnogo suda RF ot 23 ijunja 2015 goda # 25 «O primenenii sudami nekotoryh polozhenij razdela I chasti pervoj Grazhdanskogo kodeksa RF».
Work bibliographic list
1. Postanovlenie Plenuma Verhovnogo suda RF ot 23 ijunja 2015 goda # 25 «O primenenii sudami nekotoryh polozhenij razdela I chasti pervoj Grazhdanskogo kodeksa RF».
2. Postanovlenie Devjatnadcatogo Arbitrazhnogo apelljacionnogo suda ot 5 marta 2011 g. po delu # A48-3828/2009.
3. Postanovlenie Devjatogo Arbitrazhnogo apelljacionnogo suda ot 22 janvarja 2015 g. # 09AP-53601/2014.
4. Postanovlenie Devjatogo Arbitrazhnogo apelljacionnogo suda ot 22 janvarja 2015 g. # 09AP-53601/2014.
5. Andreev V. K. Reshenija sobranij // Civilist. 2013.# 3.
6. Belov V. A. Chto izmenilos' v Grazhdanskom kodekse:Prakticheskoe posobie // Jurajt, 2014
7. Dobrovol'skij V. I. Problemy korporativnogo prava v arbitrazhnoj praktike. M.: Volters Kluver, 2006.
8. Ignatov S. L. Kommentarij k podrazdelu 4 «Sdelki.Reshenija sobranij. Predstavitel'stvo», 2013.
9. Makarova O. A. Nedejstvitel'nost' reshenija obshhego sobranija akcionerov: do i posle izmenenij v GK RF// Zakony Rossii: opyt, analiz, praktika. 2014 # 1.
10. Makarova O. A. Moment nedejstvitel'nosti reshenij obshhih sobranij akcionerov v svete izmenenij v GK RF // Jurist. 2014. # 23.
11. Makovskaja A. A. Pravovye posledstvija nedejstvitel'nosti reshenij obshhego sobranija akcionerov i soveta direktorov akcionernogo obshhestva // Nedejstvitel'nost' v grazhdanskom prave: problemy, tendencii, praktika: Sb. statej / Otv. red. M. A. Rozhkova. M.: Statut, 2006.
12. Teljukina M. Problemy nedejstvitel'nosti reshenij sobranij akcionerov // JeZh-Jurist. 2005. # 41.
Yagunova E. E.
The hired house is a single real estate complex
In the article, taking into account recent changes in the civil and housing legislation, the author
In the article, taking into account recent changes in the civil and housing legislation, the author
examines the definition and features of the hired house in comparison with a single real estate complex. The author concludes that the hired house is a single real estate complex, therefore on it extend rule of civil code.
Keywords: the hired house; a single real estate complex; object of civil rights.
Work bibliographic list
1. Zhilishhnyj kodeks RF ot 29 dekabrja 2004 g # 188 FZ// SZ RF. - 2005. - # 1 (chast' I). - St. 14.
Work bibliographic list
1. Zhilishhnyj kodeks RF ot 29 dekabrja 2004 g # 188 FZ// SZ RF. - 2005. - # 1 (chast' I). - St. 14.
2. Gradostroitel'nyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ot 29.12.2004 # 190-FZ // SZ RF. - 2005. - # 1 (ch. 1). - St.16.
3. Federal'nyj zakon ot 21.07.1997 N 122-FZ «O gosudarstvennoj registracii prav na nedvizhimoe imushhestvo i sdelok s nim» // Rossijskaja gazeta - 1997 – 30 ijulja - # 145.
4. Federal'nyj zakon ot 30.12.2009 N 384-FZ «Tehnicheskij reglament o bezopasnosti zdanij i sooruzhenij» // Rossijskaja gazeta. - 2009. - 31 dekabrja. - # 255.
5. Federal'nyj zakon ot 02.07.2013 N 142-FZ «O vnesenii izmenenij v podrazdel 3 razdela I chasti pervoj Grazhdanskogo kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii» // Rossijskaja gazeta. - # 145.- 05.07.20103.
6. Federal'nyj zakon ot 21.07.2014 N 217-FZ «O vnesenii izmenenij v Zhilishhnyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii i otdel'nye zakonodatel'nye akty Rossijskoj Federacii v chasti zakonodatel'nogo regulirovanija otnoshenij po najmu zhilyh pomeshhenij zhilishhnogo fonda social'nogo ispol'zovanija» //Rossijskaja gazeta. - 2014. - 23 ijulja. - # 163.
7. Federal'nyj zakon ot 15 ijunja 1996 g. # 72-FZ «O tovarishhestvah sobstvennikov zhil'ja» (s 1 marta 2005 g. utratil silu).
8. Efimova O. V. Dohodnyj dom kak ob"ekt grazhdanskih pravootnoshenij // Pravovye voprosy nedvizhimosti - 2015 - # 2 - S. 18 - 21.
9. Levin Ju. A. Finansirovanie stroitel'stva dohodnyh domov: balans interesov gosudarstva i chastnogo predprinimatel'stva // Finansy - 2014 - # 11 - S. 25-28.
10. Jagunova E. E. K voprosu o strukture edinogo nedvizhimogo kompleksa // Vestnik Permskogo universiteta. Juridicheskie nauki - 2014 - # 3 (25) - S. 141-148.
Sadrieva I. A.
Quality gasoline supply contract
The article deals with the problems of the definition of "quality". Analyzes the regulations governing the quality of gasoline. Particular attention is paid to the jurisprudence on the application of GOST R 51866-2002 and GOST 51105-97. Recommendations parties to the contract of supply of gasoline in the formation conditions of the quality of the delivered gas.
The article deals with the problems of the definition of "quality". Analyzes the regulations governing the quality of gasoline. Particular attention is paid to the jurisprudence on the application of GOST R 51866-2002 and GOST 51105-97. Recommendations parties to the contract of supply of gasoline in the formation conditions of the quality of the delivered gas.
Keywords: quality of gasoline, fuel supply contract, government regulation of the quality of goods, national standard.
Work bibliographic list
1. Grazhdanskij kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii// Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. 29.01.1996. # 5. St. 410.
Work bibliographic list
1. Grazhdanskij kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii// Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. 29.01.1996. # 5. St. 410.
2. Federal'nyj zakon ot 27 dekabrja 2002 g. N 184-FZ O tehnicheskom regulirovanii // Rossijskaja gazeta ot 31 dekabrja 2002 g. # 245.
3. Postanovlenie Pravitel'stva RF ot 01.12.2009 # 982 (red. ot 03.09.2015) «Ob utverzhdenii edinogo perechnja produkcii, podlezhashhej objazatel'noj sertifikacii, i edinogo perechnja produkcii, podtverzhdenie sootvetstvija kotoroj osushhestvljaetsja».
4. Prikaz Minjenergo RF ot 19 ijunja 2003 g. # 232 «Ob utverzhdenii Pravil tehnicheskoj jekspluatacii neftebaz» // Rossijskaja gazeta ot 5 nojabrja 2003 g. # 224.
5. Gosudarstvennyj standart SSSR GOST 26098-84 «Nefteprodukty. Terminy i opredelenija» //vveden v dejstvie postanovleniem Gosstandarta SSSR ot 24 fevralja 1984 g. # 591.
6. Belyh V. S., Grazhdansko-pravovoe obespechenie kachestva produkcii, rabot, uslug: Sb. nauch. tr. / Otv. red., O. A. Gerasimov. Ekaterinburg, 2007.
7. Venskaja konvencija o mezhdunarodnoj kuple-prodazhe tovarov. Kommentarij. M.: Jurid lit., 1994.
8. Emel'janova M. B. Standarty i kachestvo produkcii.M., 1971.
9. Zadanie trebovanij bezopasnosti – kljuchevoj vopros tehnicheskogo regulirovanija // Standarty i kachestvo. 2004. # 5.
10. Kodeks goroda Moskvy ob administrativnyh pravonarushenijah ot 21 nojabrja 2007 g. # 45 // SPS Konsul'tant (data obrashhenija 3.05.2016).
11. Leonova G. B. Objazatel'nye trebovanija k kachestvu tovarov // Prakticheskij zhurnal dlja rukovoditelej i juristov Zakonodatel'stvo. 2013. # 3.
12. Maslova A. V. Pravovye aspekty dejatel'nosti po obespecheniju kachestva i bezopasnosti produkcii: diss…kand. jurid. nauk: 12.00.03 / A. V. Maslova. M., 2005.
13. Novickij I. B, Lunc L. A. Obshhee uchenie ob objazatel'stve. M., 1950.
14. Harchenko Je. Ju. Administrativno-pravovoe regulirovanie obespechenija bezopasnosti i kachestva produkcii: diss…. kand. jurid. nauk: 12.00.14. M., 2006.
Pryazhennikov M. O.
By-law acts in organizations as a measure of legal liability in employment relations
By-law acts in organizations is considered as a measure of legal liability in employment relations and realization of legal liability in employment relations in the scope of legal regulation in organization functions realization. Employer’s rulemaking limits in legal liability are determined.
By-law acts in organizations is considered as a measure of legal liability in employment relations and realization of legal liability in employment relations in the scope of legal regulation in organization functions realization. Employer’s rulemaking limits in legal liability are determined.
Keyword: by-law acts in organizations, collective agreement, legal liability, labour discipline.
Work bibliographic list
4. Batyrova A. A. Pravovoe regulirovanie otvetstvennosti lic, ne vhodjashhih v sostav organov upravlenija juridicheskogo lica // Perspektivy nauki. 2015. # 11(74). S. 225-228.
Work bibliographic list
4. Batyrova A. A. Pravovoe regulirovanie otvetstvennosti lic, ne vhodjashhih v sostav organov upravlenija juridicheskogo lica // Perspektivy nauki. 2015. # 11(74). S. 225-228.
5. Vishnepol'skaja I. Material'naja otvetstvennost' autstafferov i autsorserov: praktika, oshibki, rekomendacii [Jelektronnyj resurs] // Trudovoe pravo. 2014. # 7. S. 93-101. Dostup iz SPS «Konsul'tant Pljus».
6. Ganizhev A. Ja. Pravovaja priroda i vidy reshenija obshhego sobranija hozjajstvennogo obshhestva [Jelektronnyj resurs] // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. 2012. # 8. S. 112-120. Dostup iz SPS «Konsul'tant Pljus».
7. Glazyrin V. V., Nikitinskij V. I. Zakon i disciplina truda. M.: Moskovskij rabochij, 1980.
8. Drachuk M. A. O juridicheskoj prirode i predelah upravlencheskih reshenij rabotodatelja [Jelektronnyj resurs] // Rossijskij ezhegodnik trudovogo prava. 2009. # 5 / pod red. E. B. Hohlova. SPb.: Juridicheskaja kniga, 2010. S. 107-124. Dostup iz SPS
«Konsul'tant Pljus».
9. Eremina O. Ju. Jeffektivnost' dejatel'nosti obrazovatel'noj organizacii: kriterii, pokazateli, prognozy // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. 2015. # 10. S.73-85.
10. Zhil'cov M. A. Konkretizacija norm trudovogo prava // Rossijskij ezhegodnik trudovogo prava. 2008. # 4 / pod red. E. B. Hohlova. SPb.: Juridicheskaja kniga, 2008. S. 221-230.
11. Ivanov S. A., Livshic R. Z., Orlovskij Ju. P. Sovetskoe trudovoe pravo: voprosy teorii. M.: Izdatel'stvo «Nauka», 1978.
12. Lebedev V. M. Trudovoe pravo i akribologija (Osobennaja chast'). M.: Statut, 2008.
13. Osipova O. O. Pravovoe regulirovanie proslushivanija rabotodatelem sluzhebnyh peregovorov rabotnika [Jelektronnyj resurs] // Zakonodatel'stvo i jekonomika. 2014. # 12. Dostup iz SPS «Konsul'tant Pljus».
14. Stanskova U. M. Pravovoj analiz lokal'nyh norma tivnyh aktov rabotodatelja po zashhite informacii ogranichennogo dostupa [Jelektronnyj resurs] // Trudovoe pravo v Rossii i za rubezhom. 2011. # 2. S. 30- 32. Dostup iz SPS «Konsul'tant Pljus».
15. Tarasova E. Material'naja otvetstvennost' rabotnikov [Jelektronnyj resurs] // Trudovoe pravo. 2011. # 8. S. 11-17. Dostup iz SPS «Konsul'tant Pljus».
16. Hnykin G. V. Pravovye voprosy, svjazannye s kureniem na rabote [Jelektronnyj resurs] // Trudovoe pravo v Rossii i za rubezhom. 2013. # 1. S. 26-30. Dostup iz SPS «Konsul'tant Pljus».
17. Shevchenko O.A. O vzaimodejstvii trudovogo zakonodatel'stva i norm samoregulirovanija sportivnyh organizacij [Jelektronnyj resurs] // Zakony Rossii:opyt, analiz, praktika. 2014. # 9. S. 9-15. Dostup iz SPS «Konsul'tant Pljus».
18. Jeffektivnost' zakonodatel'stva v jekonomicheskoj sfere: nauch.-prakt. issledovanie / – prof. Ju. A. Tihomirov. M.: Volters Kluver, 2010.
Lysenko E. S., Mingaleev R. R.
On the freedom of entrepreneurial activity and its limits
The article discusses the indicated constitutional principle as the main guarantees of entrepreneurial activity. Exploring constitutional principle the authors examine the limits of economic freedom, the goal of establishing limits.
The article discusses the indicated constitutional principle as the main guarantees of entrepreneurial activity. Exploring constitutional principle the authors examine the limits of economic freedom, the goal of establishing limits.
Keywords: entrepreneurial activity, economic activity, freedom of economic activities, limits economic freedom, the guarantee of entrepreneurial activity.
Work bibliographic list
1. Belyh V. S. Pravovoe regulirovanie predprinimatel'skoj dejatel'nosti v Rossii: Monografija. M.:Prospekt, 2009.
Work bibliographic list
1. Belyh V. S. Pravovoe regulirovanie predprinimatel'skoj dejatel'nosti v Rossii: Monografija. M.:Prospekt, 2009.
2. Bochkov S. O. Pravoslavnoe otnoshenie k predprinimatel'stvu // Nedvizhimost' i investicii. Pravovoe regulirovanie. 2009. # 1 (38). S. 55.
3. Gadzhiev G. A. Zashhita osnovnyh jekonomicheskih prav i svobod predprinimatelej za rubezhom i v Rossijskoj Federacii (opyt sravnitel'nogo issledovanija). M., 1995.
4. Igbaeva G. R. Principy grazhdansko-pravovogo regulirovanija objazatel'nogo strahovanija // Zakon i pravo. 2008. #12. S. 9-10.
5. Konstitucionnaja jekonomika / otv. red. G. A. Gadzhiev. M.: Justicinform, 2010.
6. Lipsic I. V. Jekonomika: uchebnik. 3-e izd., ster. M.:KNORUS, 2013.
7. Predprinimatel'skoe pravo. Lysenko E. S., Iseev D.R., Latypova N. S. Kurs lekcij. Ufa, 2015.
8. Predprinimatel'skoe pravo RF: Uchebnik / Pod red. E. P. Gubina, P. G. Lahno. M., 2003.
9. Predprinimatel'skoe (hozjajstvennoe) pravo / Pod red. O. M. Olejnik. M., 1999. T. 1.
10. Predprinimatel'skoe (hozjajstvennoe) pravo: uchebnik / pod red. V. V. Lapteva, S. S. Zankovskogo. M.,2006.
11. Skvorcova T. A., Smolenskij M. B. Predprinimatel'skoe pravo: uchebnoe posobie / pod red. T. A. Skvorcovoj. M.: Justicinform, 2014.
12. Smagina I. A. Gosudarstvennoe regulirovanie predprinimatel'skoj dejatel'nosti: sovremennoe sostojanie, perspektivy razvitija // Biznes i pravo v Rossii i za rubezhom (Prilozhenie k zhurnalu «Predprinimatel'skoe pravo»). 2013. # 4. S. 4-7.
13. Shishkin S. N. Puti sovershenstvovanija pravovogo obespechenija gosudarstvennogo regulirovanija jekonomiki // Gosudarstvo i pravo. 2012. # 4. S. 76.
Spanagel F. F.
Legal and other risks in the activities of an individual entrepreneur in the Russian Federation
A comparative analysis of legal and other risks of individual entrepreneurs and other participants of entrepreneurial activity; regularities of impact of legal risks on the behavior of entrepreneurs; define the types of legal risks.
A comparative analysis of legal and other risks of individual entrepreneurs and other participants of entrepreneurial activity; regularities of impact of legal risks on the behavior of entrepreneurs; define the types of legal risks.
Keywords: legal risks of individual entrepreneurs, diagnosis of legal risks, legal risks.
Work bibliographic list
1. Mercalova A. Strojka poshla pod snos. Iz-za krizisa developery uhodjat s rynka // Gazeta «Kommersant"». #39 ot 10.03.2016. S. 1.
Work bibliographic list
1. Mercalova A. Strojka poshla pod snos. Iz-za krizisa developery uhodjat s rynka // Gazeta «Kommersant"». #39 ot 10.03.2016. S. 1.
2. Shpanagel' F. F., Perevalova N. V. Problemy vyjavlenija i analiza pravovyh i inyh riskov predprinimatel'skoj dejatel'nosti // Nauka XXI veka: Aktual'nye napravlenija razvitija nauki: Materialy Mezhdunarodnoj zaochnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii 20-21 aprelja 2015 g. Samara: Izd-vo: Samarskij gosudarstvennyj jekonomicheskij universitet, 2015. S. 1127-1128.
Garifullina R. F.
Issues of qualification of deliberate bankruptcy (article 196 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation)
The scientific article contains debatable questions and is addressed to all those interested in the problems of combating crimes in the sphere of criminal bankruptcy. The paper deals with the issues of qualification of deliberate bankruptcy, reveals the objective and subjective signs of structure of crimes, concept of insolvency.
The scientific article contains debatable questions and is addressed to all those interested in the problems of combating crimes in the sphere of criminal bankruptcy. The paper deals with the issues of qualification of deliberate bankruptcy, reveals the objective and subjective signs of structure of crimes, concept of insolvency.
Key words: bankruptcy, insolvency, fraudulent bankruptcy, qualification, monetary obligations, major damage.
Work bibliographic list
1. Konstitucija Rossijskoj Federacii. M.: Jurist.2016.
Work bibliographic list
1. Konstitucija Rossijskoj Federacii. M.: Jurist.2016.
2. Grazhdanskij kodeks RF. M.: Jurist. 2016.
3. Ugolovnyj kodeks RF. M.: Jurist. 2016.
4. Federal'nyj Zakon RF «O Central'nom banke RF (Banke Rossii) ot 10 ijulja 2002 g. # 86-FZ //Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. 2002. # 28. St. 2890.
5. Federal'nyj Zakon RF «O bankah i bankovskoj dejatel'nosti v RF» ot 2 dekabrja 1990g. # 395-1 // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. 1996. # 6. St. 492.
6. Aminov D. I., Revin V. P. Prestupnost' v kreditno-bankovskoj sfere v voprosah i otvetah. - M.: «Brandes». 1997.
7. Abrosimov R. Ju., Akopjan O. A. i dr. Za narushenie finansovogo zakonodatel'stva: nauchno-prakticheskoe posobie / otv. red. I. I. Kucherov. M.: «IZiSP»,«INFRA-M», 2014.
8. Garifullina R. F. Prestuplenija v sfere kreditnyh otnoshenij: ugolovno-pravovoj analiz. Monografija. Ufa: Ufimskij JuI MVD Rossii. 2015.
9. Tosunjan G. Bankovskoe delo i bankovskoe zakonodatel'stvo v Rossii: opyt, problemy, perspektivy. M.:Delo Ltd, 1995.
10. Kondrat E. N. Pravonarushenija v finansovoj sfere Rossii. Ugrozy finansovoj bezopasnosti i puti protivodejstvija. M.: «Justicinform», 2014.
11. Nastol'naja kniga rukovoditelja organizacii: pravovye osnovy / otv. red. I. S. Shitkina. M.: «Justicin-form», 2015.
12. Shmonin A. V. Prestuplenija jekonomicheskoj napravlennosti: ponjatie i genezis ugolovnogo zakonodatel'stva: monografija / A. V. Shmonin, O. I. Semykina. M.: Jurlitinform. 2013.
Kojka K. A.
To the question about the effectiveness of merger and acquisitions
The article reveals the problems associated with efficiency and merger and acquisitions. Special
The article reveals the problems associated with efficiency and merger and acquisitions. Special
attention is paid to the strategy of mergers and acquisitions, determining the level of strategic effects.
Keywords: mergers, acquisitions, banks, banking, transaction.
Work bibliographic list
1. Abduvahidov A. I. Ocenka jeffektivnosti operacij po slijanijam i pogloshhenijam // Molodoj uchenyj. ─2015. ─ # 8 (88). ─ Chast' V. ─ S. 449-452.
Work bibliographic list
1. Abduvahidov A. I. Ocenka jeffektivnosti operacij po slijanijam i pogloshhenijam // Molodoj uchenyj. ─2015. ─ # 8 (88). ─ Chast' V. ─ S. 449-452.
2. Ahmedov T. Je. Slijanija i pogloshhenija kak instrument restrukturizacii bankovskogo sektora: diss… kand. jekon. nauk. ─ SPb., 2010.
3. Baranov A. V. Soderzhanie i znachenie processov slijanij i pogloshhenij v SShA v uslovijah globalizacii:diss… kand. jekon. nauk. ─ M., 2005.
4. Bogdanova N. A. Jetapy i procedurnye osobennosti processov slijanija/prisoedinenija i pogloshhenija organizacij // Audit i finansovyj analiz. ─ 2011. ─ # 1. ─ S. 1-9.
5. Volkov V. V. Mezhdunarodnye slijanija i pogloshhenija bankov stran Evropejskogo Sojuza: diss… kand. jekon. nauk. ─ SPb., 2004.
6. Gorelov V. V. Konsolidacija i koncentracija bankovskogo kapitala: diss… kand. jekon. nauk. ─ M., 2004.
7. Grigor'eva E. N. Slijanie i pogloshhenie kompanij:vlijanie mirovogo jekonomicheskogo krizisa: diss…kand. jekon. nauk. ─ M., 2012.
8. Kulieva R. T. Slijanija i pogloshhenija v metodologii bankovskogo risk-menedzhmenta: diss… kand. jekon.nauk. ─ M., 2011.
9. Kulieva R. T. Slijanija i pogloshhenija v sisteme bankovskogo risk-menedzhmenta // Vestnik Rossijskoj jekonomicheskoj akademii im. G. V. Plehanova. ─ 2010. ─ # 4. ─ S. 13-18.
10. Kulieva R. T., Slepov V. A., Kulakova T. Ju. Slijanija i pogloshhenija v sisteme finansovogo rynka // Finansovaja analitika: problemy i reshenija. ─ 2009. ─ # 4. ─ S. 20-23.
11. Kurasov A. V. Slijanie i pogloshhenie: strukturirovanie sdelki // Mezhdunarodnye bankovskie operacii. ─ 2009.─ # 6. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data poseshhenija: 14.03.2016 g.).
12. Matjushok A. V. Sovremennye tendencii na mirovom rynke slijanij i pogloshhenij: diss… kand. jekon. nauk. – M., 2008.
13. Nazarjan V. A. Finansovaja rezul'tativnost' slijanij i pogloshhenij: diss… kand. jekon. nauk. – M., 2012.
14. Nedruzhestvennoe pogloshhenie: metody zashhity malogo i srednego biznesa. – Rostov na-Donu: Signal, 2009. – S. 6.
15. Rogal'skij K. G. Slijanija i pogloshhenija v bankovskom sektore Rossii: diss… kand. jekon. nauk. – SPb, 2007.
16. Rybin E. V. Tendencii razvitija slijanij i pogloshhenij kak put' koncentracii bankovskogo kapitala v Rossii: diss… kand. jekon. nauk. – M., 2006.
17. Sorokina I. O. Specificheskie riski processov slijanij i prisoedinenij // Finansy i kredit. –2009. – # 18. – S. 26-34.
18. Maximizing the Deal: A Toolkit for Managers – Fall. – 2005. – CAHRS Partner Conference White Paper Collection, Organizational Growth & HR Implications.
Zadorozhnaya A. I.
Transfer pricing tax control rules as tax law institution in Russia
The article considers content and specific of the current transfer pricing tax control rules in Russia from the perspective of a separate legal institution.
The article considers content and specific of the current transfer pricing tax control rules in Russia from the perspective of a separate legal institution.
The author analyses the conventional “legal institution” approaches, tax law institutions already recognized between scientists, and applies them to the current rules. As the result of the research, the author concludes, that rules of the Section V.1 of the Russian Tax Code on the transfer pricing tax control in Russia form a separate legal institution. It regulates specific public relationships between a taxpayer and a tax authority on tax control of the arm’s length principle compliance in transactions with related parties as well as recovery of the state material interest in case of the arm’s length principle incompliance.
Key words: transfer pricing, the arm’s length principle, legal institution, law institution, tax control, tax liability, related parties, tax base adjustment, group of companies, the Russian Federal Tax Office.
Work bibliographic list
1. Nalogovyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii (chast' pervaja) ot 31.07.1998 # 146-FZ (red. ot 13.07.2015) //SPS «Konsul'tant Pljus»
Work bibliographic list
1. Nalogovyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii (chast' pervaja) ot 31.07.1998 # 146-FZ (red. ot 13.07.2015) //SPS «Konsul'tant Pljus»
2. Pojasnitel'naja zapiska k zakonoproektu # 305289-5 «O vnesenii izmenenij v chast' pervuju i vtoruju Nalogovogo kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii, a takzhe priznanii utrativshimi silu otdel'nyh polozhenij Federal'nogo zakona «O vnesenii izmenenij i dopolnenij v chast' pervuju Nalogovogo kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii» v svjazi s sovershenstvovaniem principov opredelenija cen dlja celej nalogooblozhenija». [Jelektronnyj resurs]. –Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija 04.07.2016)
3. Bachurin D. G. Nalogovyj process kak vnutriotraslevoj institut nalogovogo prava. // Rossijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. Ekaterinburg, 2001.
4. Berezin M. Ju. Instituty nalogovogo prava v sisteme konstitucionnyh norm // Gosudarstvo i pravo. 2008. # 12.
5. Vengerov A. B. Teorija gosudarstva i prava: Uchebnik.M., 1997.
6. Vinnickij D. V. Rossijskoe nalogovoe pravo: problemy teorii i praktiki. SPb., 2003.
7. Gricenko E. V. Nalogovye l'goty kak institut nalogovogo prava. // Finansovoe pravo. 2003. # 3.
8. Guseva T. A. Nalogovoe planirovanie kak institut nalogovogo prava. // Nalogovye spory: Teorija i praktika: Praktikujushhim juristam; Specialistam po nalogam, buhuchetu i finansam; Sud'jam; Advokatam. # 11(47). M., 2007.
9. Demin A. V. Princip opredelennosti nalogooblozhenija: monografija. M., 2015. // SPS «Konsul'tant Pljus»
10. Kozlova E. I. Kutafin O. E. Konstitucionnoe pravo Rossii: Uchebnik. M., 2005.
11. Kozlova E. I., Kutafin O. E. Konstitucionnoe pravo Rossii. M., 2004.
12. Kolomeec D. S. Objazannosti nalogovyh agentov kak samostojatel'nyj institut nalogovogo prava // Trudy Instituta gosudarstva i prava Rossijskoj akademii nauk. 2010. # 6.
13. Kopina A. A. Institut vzaimozavisimyh lic nalogovogo prava kak ogranichenie principa svobody dogovora grazhdanskogo prava. // Finansovoe pravo. 2007. # 10.
14. Kopina A. A. K voprosu o ponjatii «nalogovaja advokatura» i sootnoshenii ego s institutom «predstavitel'stvo v otnoshenijah, reguliruemyh zakonodatel'stvom o nalogah i sborah» // Finansovoe pravo. 2007. # 4.
15. Krasnoperova O. A. Nalogovyj mehanizm kak komplementarnyj institut nalogovogo prava // Finansovoe pravo. 2012. # 5.
16. Kustova M. V., Nogina O. A., Sheveleva N. A. Nalogovoe pravo Rossii. Obshhaja chast': Uchebnik / Otv. red. N. A. Sheveleva. M., 2001.
17. Kucherov I.I. Nalogovoe pravo Rossii. Kurs lekcij. M., 2006.
18. Kucherjavenko N. P. Kurs nalogovogo prava: V 2 t. T. 1. Obshhaja chast' / Pod red. D. M. Shhekina. M., 2009.
19. Matuzov N. I., Mal'ko A. V. Teorija gosudarstva i prava: Uchebnik. M., 2004.
20. Nersesjanc V. S. Problemy obshhej teorii prava i gosudarstva. M., 1999.
21. Obshhaja teorija gosudarstva i prava. Akademicheskij kurs v 2-h tomah / Pod red. M. N. Marchenko. T. 2. Teorija prava. M., 1998.
22. Poljakov A. V. Obshhaja teorija prava: problemy interpretacii v kontekste kommunikativnogo podhoda: Kurs lekcij. SPb. 2004.
23. Chirkin V. E. Sovremennaja koncepcija gosudarstvovedenija. M., 2010.
24. Hropanjuk V. N. Teorija gosudarstva i prava: Uchebnoe posobie. M., 2003.
25. Shahmamet'ev A. A. Nalogooblozhenie nerezidentov kak special'nyj institut nalogovogo prava // Zakon. 2008. # 3.
26. Jakushev V. S. Ponjatie pravovogo instituta // Pravovedenie. 1970. # 6.
Aliev Kh. O.
The value of work of the prosecution authorities with proposals, applications and complaints of citizens in the system to strengthening the law and order activities
The author considers the essence, significance and objectives of the prosecution authorities with proposals, applications and complaints of citizens and officials, as well as groups in the current system to ensure the rights and freedoms of a man and citizen, as well as the strengthening of law and order throughout the territory of the Russian Federation.
The author considers the essence, significance and objectives of the prosecution authorities with proposals, applications and complaints of citizens and officials, as well as groups in the current system to ensure the rights and freedoms of a man and citizen, as well as the strengthening of law and order throughout the territory of the Russian Federation.
Keywords: the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, appeals, proposals, applications, complaints, public prosecutor's supervision, the prosecutor's offices, reception of citizens.
Work bibliographic list
1. Prikaz General'nogo prokurora RF ot 17.12.2007 g. # 200 «O vvedenii v dejstvie Instrukcii o porjadke rassmotrenija obrashhenij i priema grazhdan v sisteme prokuratury Rossijskoj Federacii» // Zakonnost'. 2008. # 4.
Work bibliographic list
1. Prikaz General'nogo prokurora RF ot 17.12.2007 g. # 200 «O vvedenii v dejstvie Instrukcii o porjadke rassmotrenija obrashhenij i priema grazhdan v sisteme prokuratury Rossijskoj Federacii» // Zakonnost'. 2008. # 4.
2. Instrukcija o porjadke rassmotrenija obrashhenij i priema grazhdan v sisteme prokuratury Rossijskoj Federacii, utverzhdennaja prikazom General'nogo prokurora RF ot 17 dekabrja 2007 g. # 200 //Oficial'nyj sajt General'noj prokuratury RF.[Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
3. Efremov I. A. O sovershenstvovanii porjadka i pravil rassmotrenija obrashhenij grazhdan po voprosam zashhity prav i svobod cheloveka i grazhdanina v organah prokuratury i v sude // Zakonodatel'stvo i jekonomika. # 2. 2011.
4. Kamyshov V. G. Rabota organov prokuratury s obrashhenijami grazhdan i ee rol' v zashhite prav i svobod cheloveka i grazhdanina // Sovremennoe pravo. # 1.2011.
5. Prokurorskij nadzor / pod red. d.ju.n., prof. Endol'cevoj A. V., d.ju.n., prof. Himichevoj O. V. M.:Jurisprudencija, 2014.
6. Trizno I. N. Prokurorskij nadzor za sobljudeniem zakonodatel'stva o trudovyh pravah grazhdan Rossijskoj Federacii: Dis. kand.jurid.nauk. M., 2009.
7. Ustimenko I. V. Prokurorskij nadzor za sobljudeniem social'nyh prav i svobod cheloveka i grazhdanina v Rossijskoj Federacii: Dis. …kand.jurid.nauk. M.,2009.
8. Caliev A., Kachmazov O. Pravozashhitnaja funkcija organov konstitucionnoj justicii i prokuratur // Zakonnost'. # 7. 2010.
Popov K. G., Khlystova D. A.
Modernization of the protection of objects of related rights in modern Russia
The aim of the study is the analysis of the problem of illegal use of objects of related rights.
The aim of the study is the analysis of the problem of illegal use of objects of related rights.
Accordingly, the object of research – modernization of the protection of objects of related rights in modern Russia.
In the result of the study, it was determined that the most common illegal use of objects of related
rights through the illegal acquisition, storage of counterfeit copies of works for the purpose of sale
committed on a large scale, as it is the most unprotected from objects of related rights. To solve this problem we need a comprehensive approach as it has acquired a national scale.
Keywords: related right, the author, the work, technical protection measures, falsification.
Work bibliographic list
1. Grazhdanskij kodeks RF, chast' chetvertaja, ot 18.12.2006 goda. # 230-FZ // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. 25.12.2006. # 52 (1 ch.). St. 5496.
Work bibliographic list
1. Grazhdanskij kodeks RF, chast' chetvertaja, ot 18.12.2006 goda. # 230-FZ // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. 25.12.2006. # 52 (1 ch.). St. 5496.
2. Abdulhakova E. M. Kollektivnoe upravlenie avtorskimi i smezhnymi pravami: Uchebnoe posobie. M.:Izd-vo MGOU, 2007.
3. Smezhnye prava // Vikipedija. [Jelektronnyj resurs].– Rezhim dostupa: (23.04.2016)
4. Kazyhanov A. A., Popov K. G. Jeffektivnost' jekonomicheskih metodov obespechenija informacionnoj bezopasnosti // Simvol nauki. 2016. # 4-1. S. 81-83.
5. Popov K. G., Majskij R. A. K voprosu ob opredelenii jekonomicheskoj jeffektivnosti obespechenija informacionnoj bezopasnosti predprijatija v uslovijah innovacionnoj jekonomiki // V sbornike: Problemy i tendencii razvitija innovacionnoj jekonomiki: mezhdunarodnyj opyt i rossijskaja praktika. Materialy IV mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. 2016. S. 175-179.
6. Popov K. G., Shamsutdinov R. R. Opredelenie jekonomicheskoj jeffektivnosti obespechenija informacionnoj bezopasnosti predprijatija // V knige: social'no-jekonomicheskie i pravovye osnovy razvitija jekonomiki: Kollektivnaja monografija. Pod red. I.V. Tropchenko. Ufa, 2015. S. 144-155.
7. Popov K. G., Shamsutdinov R. R. Sravnitel'nyj analiz avtorskogo prava i smezhnogo prava v Rossijskoj Federacii // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2015. # 10. S. 155-157.
8. Hlystova D. A., Popov K. G. K voprosu o modelirovanii ugroz personal'nym dannym pol'zovatelej v sistemah distancionnogo obuchenija obrazovatel'nyh organizacij // Mezhdunarodnyj studencheskij nauchnyj vestnik. 2016. # 3-1. S. 96-97.
Kurmanov A. S.
To the question about the subjective side of poaching
Тhe article is devoted to the subjective side of crime stipulated by article 258 of the criminal code. Based on the analysis of the viewpoints of scientists and practitioners, analysis of judicial practice the author concludes that poaching an intentional crime, may be committed both with direct and with indirect intention. Research motive and objectives of poaching showed that in most cases the Commission of this crime due to the profit.
Тhe article is devoted to the subjective side of crime stipulated by article 258 of the criminal code. Based on the analysis of the viewpoints of scientists and practitioners, analysis of judicial practice the author concludes that poaching an intentional crime, may be committed both with direct and with indirect intention. Research motive and objectives of poaching showed that in most cases the Commission of this crime due to the profit.
Keywords: criminal liability for poaching, wildlife protection, the subjective side of the crime.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bulatov G. G., Filimonov G. A. Brakon'era k otvetu.M.: Jurid. lit, 1966.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bulatov G. G., Filimonov G. A. Brakon'era k otvetu.M.: Jurid. lit, 1966.
2. Dubovik O. L. Jekologicheskie prestuplenija. M., 1998.
3. Dubovik O. L., Zhalinskij A. Je. Prichiny jekologicheskih prestuplenij. M., 1998.
4. Zhevlakov Je. N. Jekologicheskie prestuplenija: ponjatie, vidy, problemy otvetstvennosti: dis. … dokt.jurid. nauk. M., 1992.
5. Kommentarij k Ugolovnomu kodeksu RF / Pod red. S. V. D'jakova, N. G. Kadnikova. M., 2015.
6. Ljapunov Ju. I. Sootnoshenie jekologicheskih i smezhnyh sostavov prestuplenij // Sovetskaja justicija, 1984. # 11.
7. Nekipelov P. T. Hozjajstvennye prestuplenija po sovetskomu Ugolovnomu pravu: avtoref. diss. … dokt. jurid. nauk. K., 1967.
8. Ugolovnoe pravo Rossii. Osobennaja chast' / Pod. red. B. V. Zdravomyslova M., 1996.
9. Lopatin V. A. Brakon'erstvo kak projavlenie social'nogo parazitizma // Ugolovno – pravovye i kriminologicheskie aspekty bor'by s projavlenijami social'nogo parazitizma. Ivanovo, 1997.
Begova D. Ya., Begova I. B.
Stage of excitation of criminal case as a necessary stage of pretrial proceedings
In the paper Considers the question of the need and content of a stage of excitation of criminal case in the Russian criminal proceedings, presents an analysis of different opinions of scientists about the elimination, saving and reforming this stage.
In the paper Considers the question of the need and content of a stage of excitation of criminal case in the Russian criminal proceedings, presents an analysis of different opinions of scientists about the elimination, saving and reforming this stage.
Key words: criminal proceedings, pre-investigation checks, the investigator, the investigator, the stage.
Work bibliographic list
1. Voskobitova L. A. Vozbuzhdenie i prekrashhenie ugolovnogo dela: analiz sledstvennoj praktiki // Ugolovnoe sudoproizvodstvo. – M.: Izdatel'skaja gruppa «Jurist», 2010. – # 2.
Work bibliographic list
1. Voskobitova L. A. Vozbuzhdenie i prekrashhenie ugolovnogo dela: analiz sledstvennoj praktiki // Ugolovnoe sudoproizvodstvo. – M.: Izdatel'skaja gruppa «Jurist», 2010. – # 2.
2. Volevozd A. Uprazdnenie stadii vozbuzhdenija ugolovnogo dela: cena voprosa // Ugolovnyj process. –2014. – # 1. – S. 80-83.
3. Davletov A. A., Kravchuk L. A. Stadija vozbuzhdenija ugolovnogo dela- objazatel'nyj jetap sovremennogo otechestvennogo ugolovnogo processa // Rossijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. – 2010. – # 6.
4. Derishev Ju. V. Koncepcija ugolovnogo dosudebnogo proizvodstva v pravovoj doktrine sovremennoj Rossii. Monografija. – Omsk: Izd-vo Omsk. akad. MVD Rossii, 2004.
5. Makarkin A. I. Sostjazatel'nost' na predvaritel'nom sledstvii: diss. – SPb., 2001.
6. Petrov A. V. Znachenie i neobhodimost' stadii vozbuzhdenija ugolovnogo dela // Zakonnost'. – 2014. – # 5.
7. Serebrova S. P. Problemy racionalizacii dosudebnogo proizvodstva. – N. Novgorod, 1997.
8. Tarzimanov V. M., Darovskih S. M. Celesoobrazen li otkaz ot stadii vozbuzhdenija ugolovnogo dela // Vestnik JuUrGU. Serija «Pravo». – 2013. – T. 13. – # 1. – S. 48-51.
Kapitonova O. S.
Kapitonova O. S.
To the question of the ratio of banditry and criminal community (criminal organization)
The article is devoted to the issues of differentiation of banditry and criminal community (criminal organization). On the basis of the analysis of the legislation and science, the author makes a suggestion for improvement of the existing Criminal code of the Russian Federation.
The article is devoted to the issues of differentiation of banditry and criminal community (criminal organization). On the basis of the analysis of the legislation and science, the author makes a suggestion for improvement of the existing Criminal code of the Russian Federation.
Keywords: a gang, a criminal community (criminal organization), structured organized group.
Work bibliographic list
1. Brazhnik F., Tolkachenko A. Banditizm i ego otgranichenie ot smezhnyh sostavov // Ugolovnoe pravo. – 2000.– # 2.
Work bibliographic list
1. Brazhnik F., Tolkachenko A. Banditizm i ego otgranichenie ot smezhnyh sostavov // Ugolovnoe pravo. – 2000.– # 2.
2. Bykov V. Banda – osobyj vid organizovannoj vooruzhennoj gruppy // Rossijskaja Justicija. – 1999. – # 6.
3. Bychkov V. V. Ugolovno-pravovoe protivodejstvie banditizmu // avtoref. diss… kand. jurid. nauk. –Ekaterinburg, 2008.
4. Galiakbarov R. Razgranichenie razboja i banditizma. Oshibka v teorii lomaet sudebnuju praktiku // Rossijskaja Justicija. – 2001. – # 7.
5. Galiakbarov R. R. Bor'ba s gruppovoj prestupnost'ju sredstvami ugolovnogo zakona: uchebnoe posobie. – Saratov, 1999.
6. Galimov I. G., Sundurov F. R. Organizovannaja prestupnost': tendencii, problemy, reshenija / I. G. Galimov, F. R. Sundurov. – Kazan', 1998.
7. Gevorkjan M. V. Ugolovno-pravovaja harakteristika banditizma // avtoref. diss… kand. jurid. nauk. –SPb., 1997.
8. Dejnega N. V. Ugolovno-pravovaja harakteristika banditizma i otgranichenie ego ot smezhnyh sostavov prestuplenij // avtoref. diss… kand. jurid. nauk. –Tambov, 2007.
9. Ivanov V. D. Ugolovnoe zakonodatel'stvo Rossijskoj Federacii. Chast' Obshhaja. – T. 1. – Rostov-na-Donu, 1996.
10. Kozusev A. Banditizm: problemy dokazyvanija // Rossijskaja justicija. – 1998. – # 6.
11. Konovalova I. Ju. Otvetstvennost' za organizaciju i uchastie v prestupnom ob"edinenii (neobhodimoe souchastie) po rossijskomu ugolovnomu pravu // diss…kand. jurid. nauk. – Kazan', 2008.
12. Marinkin D. N., Marinkina Ju. A. Ugolovno-pravovaja harakteristika banditizma // Vestnik Permskogo Universiteta. Juridicheskie nauki. – 2014. – # 1. –Dostup iz SPS «Konsul'tant Pljus».
13. Mihajlov V. Banda: forma souchastija ili sgovor? //Ugolovnoe pravo. – 2004. –# 3.
14. Mondohonov A. Banda – forma souchastija v prestuplenii? // Zakonnost'. – 2002. – # 11.
15. Rarog A. I. Ugolovnoe pravo Rossii. Chasti Obshhaja i Osobennaja: Uchebnik. – M., 2004.
16. Rasshhupkina O. N. Ugolovnaja otvetstvennost' uchastnikov organizovannoj gruppy, sovershajushhih prestuplenija protiv obshhestvennoj bezopasnosti. // avtoref. diss… kand. jurid. nauk. – Omsk, 2004.
17. Rozenko S. V. Formy i vidy organizovannoj prestupnoj dejatel'nosti // avtoref. diss… kand. jurid.nauk. – Ekaterinburg, 2001.
18. Hadzegov A. V. Banda i sostav banditizma v ugolovnom prave Rossii // avtoref. … kand. jurid. nauk. –Rostov-na-Donu, 2004.
19. Hmelevskaja T. A. Vidy gruppovyh prestuplenij i ih kvalifikacija po UK Rossijskoj Federacii //diss… kand. jurid. nauk. – M., 2000.
20. Shutemova T. Osobennosti dokazyvanija sozdanija bandy // Zakonnost'. – 1999. – #9.
Manna A. A. K.
The Quran as source of Islamic criminal law
Islamic law is considered one of the most complicated and most interesting in the world. It organically intertwined religious beliefs, which the Muslims are ready to unquestioningly follow, ethical dogmas, the violation of which could cause legal liability, moral principles, which make to fear of punishment, and legal requirements that are contingent and fragmented. For a long time Muslims did not require the existence of criminal law as such, but, in fact, the Koran and so was warned about a possible outcome, if Allah's will is broken. In this article our focus is on the Qur'an as the primary source of Islamic criminal law, which is confirmed by its substantial and semantic aspects.
Islamic law is considered one of the most complicated and most interesting in the world. It organically intertwined religious beliefs, which the Muslims are ready to unquestioningly follow, ethical dogmas, the violation of which could cause legal liability, moral principles, which make to fear of punishment, and legal requirements that are contingent and fragmented. For a long time Muslims did not require the existence of criminal law as such, but, in fact, the Koran and so was warned about a possible outcome, if Allah's will is broken. In this article our focus is on the Qur'an as the primary source of Islamic criminal law, which is confirmed by its substantial and semantic aspects.
Keywords: The Quran, the Muslim criminal law, crime, punishment.
Work bibliographic list
1. Dzhalal ad-Din as-Sujuty. Sovershenstvo v koranicheskih naukah. V 2-h chastjah. M.: ID «Muravej», 2000.
Work bibliographic list
1. Dzhalal ad-Din as-Sujuty. Sovershenstvo v koranicheskih naukah. V 2-h chastjah. M.: ID «Muravej», 2000.
2. Kerimov G. N. Islam i ego vlijanie na obshhestvenno-politicheskuju mysl' narodov Blizhnego i Srednego Vostoka. M., 1983.
3. Koran. M., 2007.
4. Kryvelev I. A. Istorija religij. M., 1988.
5. Mahmud bin Ahmad bin Salih ad-Dusari. Velichie Svjashhennogo Korana / Per. s arab. A. Nirsha. M.: Izd-vo Mosk. islamskogo un-ta, 2007.
6. Muhammad Jusuf Musa. Al-Islam va hadzhat alinsan ilajhi. Kair, 1961.
7. Rasskazov L. P., Kengezov M. R. Musul'manskoe pravo kak raznovidnost' religioznogo prava // Obshhestvo i pravo. 2010. # 1 (28).
8. Subhi Mahmasani. Falsafat at-tashri fi-l-islam. Bejrut, 1952.
9. Sjukijajnen L. R. Musul'manskoe pravo: voprosy teorii i praktiki. M.: Nauka, 1986.
10. Turgumbaev M. E. Institut prestuplenija i nakazanija v musul'manskom prave: diss. … dokt. filosofii (PhD). Kazahstan, Almaty, 2014.
Susoeva T. V.
Problems of qualification of murder, committed in the heat of passion
This article is dedicated to one of the preferred types of homicide – murder in the heat of passion; the role of the experts ' findings in establishing such a strong emotion from the perpetrator – as the passion. The article is based on the latest research in this field, the author's generalization. The article features examples from judicial and investigative practice.
This article is dedicated to one of the preferred types of homicide – murder in the heat of passion; the role of the experts ' findings in establishing such a strong emotion from the perpetrator – as the passion. The article is based on the latest research in this field, the author's generalization. The article features examples from judicial and investigative practice.
Keywords: murder, affect, judgment.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ugolovnyj kodeks RF: tekst s izmenenijami i dopolnenijami na 20 oktjabrja 2015 g. M., Jeksmo, 2015. M.,Jekspo, 2015.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ugolovnyj kodeks RF: tekst s izmenenijami i dopolnenijami na 20 oktjabrja 2015 g. M., Jeksmo, 2015. M.,Jekspo, 2015.
2. Bjulleten' Verhovnogo Suda. #6. 2003 g.
3. Vologina Zh., Shafeev G. Izvinitel'noe ubijstvo ili ubijstvo, sovershennoe v sostojanii affekta // Zakonnost' i pravoporjadok v sovremennom obshhestve. 2011.# 7.
4. Prigovor Bilibinskogo suda Chukotskogo avtonomnogo okruga ot 21.03.2011goda. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. –Rezhim dostupa:
Danilov D. A., Martynov V. A.
Definite aspects of fraud detection, committed by organized groups in the crediting sphere
The article deals with the peculiarities of fraud detection in the crediting sphere, the groups of search indication of fraud.
The article deals with the peculiarities of fraud detection in the crediting sphere, the groups of search indication of fraud.
Keywords: primary information search, fraud in crediting sphere, operational search objects, members of an organized criminal group.
Work bibliographic list
1. Konstitucija Rossijskoj Federacii. M.: AST, Astrel',2009. Ct. 7.
Work bibliographic list
1. Konstitucija Rossijskoj Federacii. M.: AST, Astrel',2009. Ct. 7.
2. Federal'nyj zakon RF ot 12.08.1995 g. # 144-FZ «Ob operativno-rozysknoj dejatel'nosti» // SZ RF. 1995. # 33. St. 3349 (s izm. i dop.).
3. Federal'nyj zakon RF ot 7 fevralja 2011 g. # 3-FZ «O policii».
4. Gamza V. A., Tkachuk I. B. Osobennosti prestupnyh posjagatel'stv v sfere kreditovanija juridicheskih i fizicheskih lic // Upravlenie v kreditnoj organizacii, 2010. M., S. 91.
5. Kriminalistika. Pod red. I. F. Krylova. L.: LGU, 1976. S. 88.
6. Operativno-rozysknaja dejatel'nost' OVD: Uchebnik: Obshhaja chast' / Pod red. V. M. Atmazhitova. M., 1990. S. 365.
Magomedov M. Ch.
Abuse of authority: genesis and current status(on example of the Republic of Dagestan)
in article the current state of abusing by powers in commercial and other organizations is considered (on the Republic Dagestan example), gives analysis of the nature of criminogenic environment in the field under consideration, and also the statistical data about the registered crimes provided by chapter 23 of the Criminal Code of Russian Federation.
in article the current state of abusing by powers in commercial and other organizations is considered (on the Republic Dagestan example), gives analysis of the nature of criminogenic environment in the field under consideration, and also the statistical data about the registered crimes provided by chapter 23 of the Criminal Code of Russian Federation.
Keywords: abusing powers in commercial and other organizations, a crime, a criminality condition.
Work bibliographic list
1. Arhiv IC MVD RF po RD za 2006-2016 gody.
Work bibliographic list
1. Arhiv IC MVD RF po RD za 2006-2016 gody.
2. Arhiv Leninskogo rajonnogo suda g. Mahachkaly za 2012 god. / Ugolovnoe delo #1-56.
3. Arhiv Kirovskogo rajonnogo suda g. Mahachkaly za 2013 god. / Ugolovnoe delo #1-311.
4. Akutaev R. M. Problemy latentnoj prestupnosti:Uchebnoe posobie po speckursu. Mahachkala: IPC DGU, 2001.
5. Astemirov Z. A. Kriminologija: Kurs lekcij. Mahachkala: IPC DGU, 2002.
6. Izosimov S. V. Teoretiko-prikladnoj analiz sluzhebnyh prestuplenij, sovershaemyh v kommercheskih i inyh organizacijah (ugolovno-pravovoj i kriminologicheskij aspekty). Diss… dokt. jurid. nauk. Nizhnij Novgorod, 2004.
7. Karpec I. I. Kriminologija: Uchebnik / Pod red. V. N. Kudrjavceva i V. E. Jeminova. 4-e izd., pererab i dop. -M.: Norma, 2009.
8. Kriminologija: Uchebnik / Pod red. V. D. Malkova. 3-eizd., pererab. i dop. - M.: Justicinform, 2008.
9. Kriminologija: Uchebnik / Pod red. V. N. Kudrjavceva i V. E. Jeminova. 4-e izd., pererab i dop. - M.: Norma, 2009.
10. Ramazanov T. B. Problemy prestupnosti v Respublike Dagestan / Monografija. Izd. «Jupiter». Mahachkala, 1999.
11. Jekstremizm: social'nye, pravovye i kriminologicheskie problemy / Pod red. professora A. I. Dolgovoj. M.: Rossijskaja kriminologicheskaja associacija, 2010.
Gamidov A. M., Surhaev M. Sh.
The execution of the sentence as an independent stage of the criminal process
The article reveals the essence and importance of the stage of execution of the sentence as an independent stage of the criminal process having common features with other stages of the criminal process and their prominent features.
The article reveals the essence and importance of the stage of execution of the sentence as an independent stage of the criminal process having common features with other stages of the criminal process and their prominent features.
Keywords: sentencing, court, court decision, appeal of sentence to execution, execution of a sentence stage of the criminal process.
Work bibliographic list
1. Kamardina A. A. Ispolnenie prigovora kak stadija ugolovnogo sudoproizvodstva // Vestnik Orenburgskogo gosudarstvennyj universitet. # 3 (109), mart 2010.
Work bibliographic list
1. Kamardina A. A. Ispolnenie prigovora kak stadija ugolovnogo sudoproizvodstva // Vestnik Orenburgskogo gosudarstvennyj universitet. # 3 (109), mart 2010.
2. Nikoljuk V. V. Processual'nye reshenija v stadii ispolnenija prigovora: ponjatie, vidy, zakonodatel'nye novelly i tendencii // Dokazyvanie i prinjatie reshenij v ugolovnom processe: sb. mat-lov mezhdunar. nauch.-prakt. konf., posvjashhennoj pamjati P. A. Lupinskoj (17–18 marta 2011 g.). M.: Moskovskaja gosudarstvennaja juridicheskaja akademija, 2011.
Gamidov A. M., Surhaev M. Sh.
The procedure for resolution of issues related to the execution of the sentence
In the article the authors reveal some of the features of the hearing in the resolution of issues related to the execution of the sentence, and indicate the need for amendments to the Criminal procedure code of the Russian Federation regarding the timing of the hearing and of the requirement under appointment of the court session at the court session that is associated with the resolution of issues arising from the execution of the sentence.
In the article the authors reveal some of the features of the hearing in the resolution of issues related to the execution of the sentence, and indicate the need for amendments to the Criminal procedure code of the Russian Federation regarding the timing of the hearing and of the requirement under appointment of the court session at the court session that is associated with the resolution of issues arising from the execution of the sentence.
Keywords: performance of the sentence hearing, the convicted person, the purpose of the hearing, proof.
Work bibliographic list
1. Postanovlenie Plenuma Verhovnogo Suda RF ot 20.12.2011 g. # 21 «O praktike primenenija sudami zakonodatel'stva ob ispolnenii prigovora» // Rossijskaja gazeta. 2011. 30 dekabrja.
Work bibliographic list
1. Postanovlenie Plenuma Verhovnogo Suda RF ot 20.12.2011 g. # 21 «O praktike primenenija sudami zakonodatel'stva ob ispolnenii prigovora» // Rossijskaja gazeta. 2011. 30 dekabrja.
2. Aleksandrova O. P., Budanova L. Ju. Polnomochija uchrezhdenij i organov, ispolnjajushhih nakazanija pri rassmotrenii i razreshenii sudom voprosov, svjazannyh s ispolneniem prigovora // Chelovek: prestuplenie i nakazanie. 2013. # 1.
3. Shabalina L. A. Podgotovka i naznachenie sudebnogo zasedanija v proizvodstve po rassmotreniju i razresheniju voprosov, svjazannyh s ispolneniem prigovora // Vestnik Kuzbasskogo instituta. 2014. # 4 (21).
4. Ugolovnyj process: uchebnik / pod red. V. P. Bozh'eva.M.: Jurajt, 2016.
5. Ugolovnyj process: uchebnik dlja vuzov / pod red. B. B. Bulatova, A. M. Baranova. M.: Jurajt, 2014.
6. Smirnov A. V., Kalinovskij K. B. Ugolovnyj process: uchebnik dlja vuzov / Pod obshh. red. A. V. Smirnova. SPb.: Piter, 2004.
Galyautdinov R. F.
The basis of the operational-search activity in combating crime in the global computer networks
The object of the research paper is to analyze the causes of crime growth in computer and telecommunication systems, to evaluate the role and methods of struggle against them the operational divisions of internal affairs bodies. The basic types of network criminogenic facilities, as well as activities aimed at the Russian Interior Ministry system to their effective prevention, detection and suppression. Significant attention is paid to the places of concentration of important information quickly on the Internet. The work is to develop the main directions of implementation of the operational-search measures against computer crime.
The object of the research paper is to analyze the causes of crime growth in computer and telecommunication systems, to evaluate the role and methods of struggle against them the operational divisions of internal affairs bodies. The basic types of network criminogenic facilities, as well as activities aimed at the Russian Interior Ministry system to their effective prevention, detection and suppression. Significant attention is paid to the places of concentration of important information quickly on the Internet. The work is to develop the main directions of implementation of the operational-search measures against computer crime.
Keywords: global computer network, network computer crime, criminogenic types of network objects, operatively-search activity, methods and directions of the fight against computer crime, information security.
Work bibliographic list
1. Dvoreckij M. Ju. Prestuplenija v sfere komp'juternoj informacii: uchebnoe posobie. – Tambov: Izdatel'stvo TGU m. G. R. Derzhavina, 2013. – 407 s.
Work bibliographic list
1. Dvoreckij M. Ju. Prestuplenija v sfere komp'juternoj informacii: uchebnoe posobie. – Tambov: Izdatel'stvo TGU m. G. R. Derzhavina, 2013. – 407 s.
2. Luneev V. V. Prestupnost' HH veka: mirovye, regional'nye i rossijskie tendencii. – M.: Volters Kluver, 2005. – 912 s.
3. Ovchinskij A. S. Informacionnye vozdejstvija i organizovannaja prestupnost'. – M.: INFRA-M, 2007. – 176 s.
4. Ovchinskij A. S. Informacija i operativno-rozysknaja dejatel'nost': Monografija. – M.: INFRA-M, 2002. – 97 s.
Dorosinskaya A. M.
The topics of the study of enhancement of criminal procedure regulation for the submission to identify the corpse
The article discusses the problematics orders of the investigative action – a submission to identify the corpse. Special attention is given to the order of the identification of the corpse when there is a considera-tion of the report about crime and clearance of results with the proposals of reforming of the legal institution.
The article discusses the problematics orders of the investigative action – a submission to identify the corpse. Special attention is given to the order of the identification of the corpse when there is a considera-tion of the report about crime and clearance of results with the proposals of reforming of the legal institution.
Keywords: investigative actions, submission to identify the corpse, an identifier, interrogation of the identifier, a record of the investigative action, a consideration of report about crime.
Work bibliographic list
1. Sokolova O. A. Ispol'zovanie diagnosticheskoj informacii pri osvidetel'stvovanii i pred"javlenii dlja opoznanija zhivyh ljudej i trupov. – Lex Russica.2015. # 5. S. 75-84.
Work bibliographic list
1. Sokolova O. A. Ispol'zovanie diagnosticheskoj informacii pri osvidetel'stvovanii i pred"javlenii dlja opoznanija zhivyh ljudej i trupov. – Lex Russica.2015. # 5. S. 75-84.
2. Rassmotrenie soobshhenija o prestuplenii: Uchebno-prakticheskoe posobie. – M.: COKR MVD Rossii, 2009.S. 88.
3. Ginzburg A. Ja. Opoznanie v sledstvennoj, operativno-rozysknoj i jekspertnoj praktike: Uchebno-prakticheskoe posobie / Pod red. prof. R. S. Belkina. M., 1996.S. 40
4. Samoshina Z. G., Krylov V. V. Pred"javlenie dlja opoznanija na predvaritel'nom sledstvii: Uchebnoe posobie. M., 2001. S. 54.
5. Gir'ko S. I. Dejatel'nost' policii v ugolovnom sudoproizvodstve: Monografija / S. I. Gir'ko. – M.:FGKU «VNII MVD Rossii», 2013. – S. 224.
6. Ugolovnyj process: uchebnik /kollektiv avtorov; pod red. V. A. Lazarevoj. – M.: Justicija, 2015. – S. 653.
7. Doznanie v OVD: ucheb. Posobie dlja studentov vuzov, obuchajushhihsja po special'nosti «Jurisprudencija»/;pod red. F. K. Zinnurova. – M.: Juniti-Dana: Zakon i pravo, 2013 g. – S. 430.
8. Predvaritel'noe rassledovanie po ugolovnomu delu:kurs lekcij / I. R. Harchenok, D. A. Natura. – Krasnodar: KrU MVD Rossii, 2014. – S. 300.
Sergeev A. L.
Tactical peculiarities of document examination in criminal cases involving malfeasance committed in the sphere of activity of local government
The article deals with one of the main type of investigative survey conducted during the investigation of malfeasance committed in the sphere of activity of local government, the examination of documents. According to the author the tactics of document examination should
The article deals with one of the main type of investigative survey conducted during the investigation of malfeasance committed in the sphere of activity of local government, the examination of documents. According to the author the tactics of document examination should
depend on the specifics of the local government for providing comprehensive and qualified gathering of forensically important information. Based on identified characteristics the article provides recommendations to optimize the investigator to work with documents that, in the end, will provide evidence of the crime.
Keywords: malfeasance, examination of documents, the local authority, tactical peculiarities of proceeding.
Work bibliographic list
1. Klim A. M. Kriminalisticheskaja metodika rassledovanija zloupotreblenija vlast'ju ili sluzhebnymi polnomochijami. – Minsk, 2000.
Work bibliographic list
1. Klim A. M. Kriminalisticheskaja metodika rassledovanija zloupotreblenija vlast'ju ili sluzhebnymi polnomochijami. – Minsk, 2000.
2. Podol'nyj N. A., Shljapnikov Ju. V. Nekotorye problemy metodiki rassledovanija jekonomicheskih prestuplenij // Sledovatel'. – M., 2003. – # 9.
Yusupkadieva S. N.
Algorithm of actions of the investigator in the typical investigative situations in the investigation of robberies
The article describes the initial typical investigative situations arising at the initial stage of investigation of robberies and robberies, based on the presence and nature of the information on the persons who committed these crimes and investigate trends in them.
The article describes the initial typical investigative situations arising at the initial stage of investigation of robberies and robberies, based on the presence and nature of the information on the persons who committed these crimes and investigate trends in them.
Keywords: typical investigative situations, investigations, search operations, robbery.
Minigaleev R. R.
The concept of the regime in penal institutions, forms of its expression and function
In the framework of this article discusses the concept of mode in correctional institutions, the major forms of expression modes and their corresponding functions: punitive, educational, provision of treatment, preventive (social control function). Each function has its own specifics, which is expressed primarily in the purposes, means, methods of achieving these goals.
In the framework of this article discusses the concept of mode in correctional institutions, the major forms of expression modes and their corresponding functions: punitive, educational, provision of treatment, preventive (social control function). Each function has its own specifics, which is expressed primarily in the purposes, means, methods of achieving these goals.
Keywords: correctional institutions imprisonment.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ugolovno-ispolnitel'nyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ot 08.01.1997. – # 1-FZ.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ugolovno-ispolnitel'nyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ot 08.01.1997. – # 1-FZ.
2. Minimal'nye standartnye pravila obrashhenija s zakljuchennymi. – M., 1955.
3. Obespechenie rezhima i nadzora v ispravitel'nyh uchrezhdenijah UIS FSIN: Sb. materialov peredovogo opyta / Sostavitel' S. Ju. Smirnov i dr. – M.: NII
FSIN Rossii, 2009. – 118 s.
4. Organizacija rezhima i obespechenie nadzora za osuzhdennymi v IU: Sbornik materialov polozhitel'nogo opyta. – M.: NII FSIN Rossii, 2005. – 108 s.
5. Chekulaev S. Ju. Rezhim ispolnenija nakazanija // Zakonnost'. - 2009. - # 10.
Huseynov A. A.
Ways of increase of efficiency of activity of police in conditions of optimization of human resources
This article presents some directions of increase of efficiency of activity of police officers in terms
This article presents some directions of increase of efficiency of activity of police officers in terms
of optimizing human resources.
Keywords: efficiency, police, reform, comprehensive reform, human resource training, law, moral character.
Work bibliographic list
1. Arinin A. Reforma milicii: cel', zadachi i instrumenty. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 15.05.2016).
Work bibliographic list
1. Arinin A. Reforma milicii: cel', zadachi i instrumenty. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 15.05.2016).
2. Vladimir Putin prinjal uchastie v rasshirennom zasedanii kollegii Ministerstva vnutrennih del (15.05.2016 g.). [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: obrashhenija: 15.05.2016).
3. Makarova E. Intensivnyj put' razvitija. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 16.05.2016).
4. Ocenka reformy policii po versii grazhdan. Fond «Obshhestvennyj verdikt» publikuet rezul'taty obshherossijskogo oprosa (28 aprelja 2014 g.). [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 17.05.2016).
5. Vserossijskij centr izuchenija obshhestvennogo mnenija. Press-vypusk # 2449 ot 08 nojabrja 2013 g. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 17.05.2016).
Lukoyanov Ya. N.
Realization of the principle of publicity in activity of investigative committee of the Russian Federation
Article is devoted to research of the principles of the organization and activities of Investigative committee of the Russian Federation.
Article is devoted to research of the principles of the organization and activities of Investigative committee of the Russian Federation.
The author notes that legislative regulation of the specified principles is insufficiently exact and substantial. The special attention is paid to research of the principle of publicity which is ambiguously treated in scientific literature. It is noted that in spite of the fact that he has not received direct fixing in the Federal law "About Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation", nevertheless separate provisions demonstrate its implementation. A conclusion about feasibility of more accurate legislative fixing of the closed list of the principles of the organization and activities of Investigative committee of the Russian Federation became a result of the conducted research that will allow to exclude wrong idea of the real principles of the organization and activities of the specified law enforcement agency, and their ambiguous interpretation. The questions raised in article are of scientific and practical interest.
Keywords: law enforcement agencies, Investigative committee of the Russian Federation, principles of the organization and activity, publicity, openness, informing.
Work bibliographic list
1. Konstitucija Rossijskoj Federacii (prinjata vsenarodnym golosovaniem 12.12.1993) (s uchetom popravok, vnesennyh Zakonami RF o popravkah k Konstitucii RF ot 30.12.2008. # 6-FKZ, ot 30.12.2008. #7-FKZ, ot 05.02.2014. # 2-FKZ, ot 21.07.2014. # 11-FKZ) // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. 2014. # 31.St. 4398.
Work bibliographic list
1. Konstitucija Rossijskoj Federacii (prinjata vsenarodnym golosovaniem 12.12.1993) (s uchetom popravok, vnesennyh Zakonami RF o popravkah k Konstitucii RF ot 30.12.2008. # 6-FKZ, ot 30.12.2008. #7-FKZ, ot 05.02.2014. # 2-FKZ, ot 21.07.2014. # 11-FKZ) // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. 2014. # 31.St. 4398.
2. Ukaz Prezidenta Rossijskoj Federacii ot 04.08.2006 # 842 (red. ot 23.05.2013) «O porjadke obrazovanija obshhestvennyh sovetov pri federal'nyh ministerstvah, federal'nyh sluzhbah i federal'nyh agentstvah, rukovodstvo dejatel'nost'ju kotoryh osushhestvljaet Prezident Rossijskoj Federacii, pri federal'nyh
sluzhbah i federal'nyh agentstvah, podvedomstvennyh jetim federal'nym ministerstvam» // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. 2006. # 32. St. 3539.
3. Ugolovno-processual'nyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ot 18.12.2001 N 174-FZ (red. ot 30.12.2015, s izm.ot 25.02.2016) // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. 2001. # 52. St. 4921.
4. Federal'nyj zakon ot 03.04.1995 # 40-FZ (red. ot 30.12.2015) «O Federal'noj sluzhbe bezopasnosti» //Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. 1995. # 15. St. 1269.
5. Federal'nyj zakon ot 17.01.1992 # 2202-1 (red. ot 28.11.2015) «O prokurature Rossijskoj Federacii»// Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. 1995. # 47. St. 4472.
6. Federal'nyj zakon ot 28.12.2010 # 403-FZ (red. ot 30.12.2015) «O Sledstvennom komitete Rossijskoj Federacii» // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. 2011. # 1. St. 15.
7. Prikaz Sledstvennogo komiteta RF ot 11.08.2011 # 127 «Ob organizacii vzaimodejstvija Sledstvennogo komiteta Rossijskoj Federacii so sredstvami massovoj informacii i obshhestvennost'ju» // SPS «Konsul'tant Pljus».
8. Vereshhagina A. Neskol'ko zamechanij po povodu Federal'nogo zakona «O Sledstvennom komitete Rossijskoj Federacii» // Ugolovnoe pravo. 2011. # 3.
9. Egorov Ju. V., Sokolov D. V. Kommentarij k Federal'nomu zakonu ot 28 dekabrja 2010 g. # 403-FZ «O Sledstvennom komitete Rossijskoj Federacii» (postatejnyj) / pod red. R. Sh. Valieva // SPS «Konsul'tant Pljus».
10. Informacionno-analiticheskaja sistema «Medialogija». [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
11. Kozlov A. F. Prokurorskij nadzor v RF: Obshhaja chast': Ucheb. posobie. Ekaterinburg: Izd-vo UrGJuA, 1999. S. 58.
12. Ozhegov S. I., Shvedova N. Ju. Tolkovyj slovar' russkogo jazyka. M., 2010. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
Nazarov A. Yu.
The legal status of the Federal service of National Guard troops of the Russian Federation
This article examines the legal position of the Federal service of national guard troops of the Russian Federation. The analysis of normative legal acts in the sphere of activities of the Federal service of national guard troops of the Russian Federation.
This article examines the legal position of the Federal service of national guard troops of the Russian Federation. The analysis of normative legal acts in the sphere of activities of the Federal service of national guard troops of the Russian Federation.
Keywords: legal status, the national guard, regulations.
Work bibliographic list
1. Voprosy Federal'noj sluzhby vojsk nacional'noj gvardii Rossijskoj Federacii [Tekst]: ukaz Prezidenta Rossijskoj Federacii ot 5 aprelja 2016 goda # 157 // Sobr. zakonodatel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii.- 2016. - # 15. - St. 2072. Oficial'nyj internet-portal pravovoj informacii. [Jelektronnyj resurs].– Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 05.04.2016).
Work bibliographic list
1. Voprosy Federal'noj sluzhby vojsk nacional'noj gvardii Rossijskoj Federacii [Tekst]: ukaz Prezidenta Rossijskoj Federacii ot 5 aprelja 2016 goda # 157 // Sobr. zakonodatel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii.- 2016. - # 15. - St. 2072. Oficial'nyj internet-portal pravovoj informacii. [Jelektronnyj resurs].– Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 05.04.2016).
2. O direktore Federal'noj sluzhby vojsk nacional'noj gvardii Rossijskoj Federacii - glavnokomandujushhem vojskami nacional'noj gvardii Rossijskoj Federacii: ukaz Prezidenta Rossijskoj Federacii ot 5 aprelja 2016 goda # 158 Sobr. Zakonodatel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii. - 2016. - # 15. - St. 2077. Oficial'nyj internet-portal pravovoj informacii. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 05.04.2016).
3. O chrezvychajnom polozhenii: federal'nyj konstitucionnyj zakon ot 30 maja 2001 goda # 3-FKZ (red. ot 12.03.2014) // Sobr. zakonodatel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii. – 2001. – # 23. – St. 2277.
4. O protivodejstvii terrorizmu: federal'nyj zakon ot 6 marta 2006 goda # 35-FZ (red. ot 31.12.2014)// Sobr. zakonodatel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii. – 2006. – # 11. – St. 1146.
5. O protivodejstvii jekstremistskoj dejatel'nosti:federal'nyj zakon ot 25 ijulja 2002 goda # 114-FZ (red. ot 23.11.2015) // Sobr. zakonodatel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii. – 2002. – # 30. – St. 3031.
6. Ob oborone: federal'nyj zakon ot 31 maja 1996 goda # 61-FZ (red. ot 01.05.2016) // Sobr. Zakonodatel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii. – 1996. – # 23. – St. 2750.
7. Ob oruzhii: federal'nyj zakon ot 13 dekabrja 1996 goda # 150-FZ (red. ot 29.12.2015) // Sobr. zakonodatel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii. – 1996. – # 51. – St.5681.
8. O chastnoj detektivnoj i ohrannoj dejatel'nosti v Rossijskoj Federacii: zakon Rossijskoj Federacii ot 11 marta 1992 goda # 2487-1 (red. ot 13.07.2015) // Rossijskaja gazeta. 1992. 30 aprelja.
9. O perechne ob"ektov, podlezhashhih objazatel'noj ohrane policiej: rasporjazhenie Pravitel'stva RF ot 2 nojabrja 2009 goda # 1629-r (red. ot 07.03.2016) // Sobr. zakonodatel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii. – 2009. – # 45. – St. 5397.
10. Kikot' V. Ja., Kasatkina A. A. Harakternye cherty centralizovannoj modeli obespechenija vnutrennej bezopasnosti gosudarstva // Administrativnoe pravo i process. 2012. # 4. S. 11-14.
Poziy V. S., Romanovskaya I. V.
Problems of professional competence of operational divisions’ officers
Changes in political and economic nature occurring in Russia recently, have been accompanied
Changes in political and economic nature occurring in Russia recently, have been accompanied
by an increase in crime activities. Counteraction on the part of law enforcement agencies does not turn out to be always adequate owing to several reasons. One of the ways to solve this problem is to prepare professionally competent staff in the educational system of the Russian Interior Ministry.
Keywords: provocation, conflict, aggression, professional competence, communicative contact,
interpersonal communication.
Work bibliographic list
1. Aver'janova T. V., Belkin R. S., Koruhov Ju. G., Rossinskaja E. R. Kriminalistika: uchebnik dlja vuzov / Pod redakciej prof. Belkina R. S. – M.: Izdatel'stvo NORMA-INFRA-M, 1999. – S. 598-625.
Work bibliographic list
1. Aver'janova T. V., Belkin R. S., Koruhov Ju. G., Rossinskaja E. R. Kriminalistika: uchebnik dlja vuzov / Pod redakciej prof. Belkina R. S. – M.: Izdatel'stvo NORMA-INFRA-M, 1999. – S. 598-625.
2. Vojskunskij A. Kommunikativnyj kontakt i sredstva ego ustanovlenija // Optimizacija rechevogo vozdejstvija. – M.: Nauka, 1990. – S. 128-152.
3. Konovalova V. E. Dopros: taktika i psihologija. –Har'kov: Konsum, 1999. – 157 s.; Kriminalistika:uchebnik / N. P. Jablokov. 2-e izd., pererab. i dop.,2015. – 400 s.
4. Kudrjavcev V. N. Pravovoe povedenie. Norma i patologija. – M.: Nauka, 1982. – 287 s.
5. Nefedova A. V. Psihologija deviantnogo povedenija: kurs lekcij / A. V. Nefedova; Vladim. gos. un-t im.A. G. i N. G. Stoletovyh. ‒ Vladimir: Izd-vo VlGU, 2015. ‒ 76 s.
6. Pozіj V. S., Romanovs'ka І. V., Poshtaruk D. O. Socіal'no-psihologіchnij portret slіdchogo ta operupovnovazhenogo ochima osobi, shho pritjagalasja do krimіnal'noї vіdpovіdal'nostі // Navchal'no-іnformacіjnij posіbnik. – Sіmferopol', KJuІ ODUVS 2009. – S 5.
7. Ratinov A. R. Lichnost' prestupnika: psihologicheskie aspekty // Novaja Konstitucija i aktual'nye voprosy bor'by s prestupnost'ju. – Tbilisi, g. Mecniereba, 1979. – S. 162-179.
8. Spirkin N. G. Soznanie i samosoznanie. – M.: Politizdat, 1972. – 303 s.
9. Teoreticheskie osnovy issledovanija i analiza latentnoj prestupnosti: monografija / S. M. Inshakov, A. A. Korsantija, I. V. Maksimenko i dr.; Pod red. S. M. Inshakova. – M.: Juniti-Dana: Zakon i pravo, 2011.– 839 s.;
10. Juridicheskaja psihologija / Sost. i obshh. redakcija T. N. Kurbatovoj. – SPb.: Piter, 2001. – 480 s.: il. – (Serija «Hrestomatija po psihologii»).
Zaitsev N. V.
Personal safety ATS when off duty
Еnsuring the rights and legitimate interests of citizens from criminal attacks is one of the most important, but, then, same time challenges, the solution of which lie on the police officers. Federal Law of 07.02.2011, № 3-FZ «On Police» provides that a police officer at any time obliged to take measures to provide assistance to any person who has suffered as a result of unlawful acts and accidents in danger to life and health, on the basis of this public safety and private security personnel during off-duty time is of particular relevance, and requires staff development.
Еnsuring the rights and legitimate interests of citizens from criminal attacks is one of the most important, but, then, same time challenges, the solution of which lie on the police officers. Federal Law of 07.02.2011, № 3-FZ «On Police» provides that a police officer at any time obliged to take measures to provide assistance to any person who has suffered as a result of unlawful acts and accidents in danger to life and health, on the basis of this public safety and private security personnel during off-duty time is of particular relevance, and requires staff development.
Keywords: personal safety, action employee, extreme situation, psychological readiness, security risk, off-duty time.
Work bibliographic list
11. Aliullov R. R. O nekotoryh aspektah obespechenija lichnoj i obshhestvennoj bezopasnosti policiej //Vestnik Kazanskogo juridicheskogo instituta MVD Rossii. 2012. #4. S. 80-84.
Work bibliographic list
11. Aliullov R. R. O nekotoryh aspektah obespechenija lichnoj i obshhestvennoj bezopasnosti policiej //Vestnik Kazanskogo juridicheskogo instituta MVD Rossii. 2012. #4. S. 80-84.
12. Dejstvija sotrudnikov OVD po obespecheniju lichnoj psihologicheskoj bezopasnosti // Professional.2016. # 1. S. 22-25.
13. Pashuta V. L., Komov O. V. Psihologo-pedagogicheskie uslovija, neobhodimye dlja uluchshenija podgotovki kursantov k obespecheniju lichnoj bezopasnosti voinskih dolzhnostnyh lic // Uchenye zapiski universiteta Lesgafta. 2014. # 4 (110). S. 111-115.
14. Stepanov G. I., Raush V. V. Lichnaja bezopasnost' sotrudnikov policii v uslovijah ogranichennogo prostranstva // Vestnik Ufimskogo juridicheskogo instituta MVD Rossii. 2012. # 1. S. 81 - 84.
15. Fomina A. S. O principah gosudarstvenno-pravovogo mehanizma obespechenija lichnoj bezopasnosti // Leningradskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2014. # 4 (38). S. 153-159.
Kutsenko S. O., Magrupov I. R.
Law enforcement service as a subsystem (view) of the state service of the Russian Federation
The article is devoted to the public service system and its respective law enforcement service, which is a subsystem or civil service of the Russian Federation. Considered law enforcement and military service, for which there is a single concept of "militarized."
The article is devoted to the public service system and its respective law enforcement service, which is a subsystem or civil service of the Russian Federation. Considered law enforcement and military service, for which there is a single concept of "militarized."
Keywords: law enforcement, military, militarized service, civil servant.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ogorodnikov V. I. Mesto pravoohranitel'noj sluzhby v sisteme gosudarstvennoj sluzhby Rossijskoj Federacii // Chelovek: prestuplenie i nakazanie. 2009. # 1. S. 64-68.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ogorodnikov V. I. Mesto pravoohranitel'noj sluzhby v sisteme gosudarstvennoj sluzhby Rossijskoj Federacii // Chelovek: prestuplenie i nakazanie. 2009. # 1. S. 64-68.
2. Harchenko O. V. Mesto pravoohranitel'noj sluzhby v sisteme gosudarstvennoj sluzhby Rossijskoj Federacii //Izvestija Rossijskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta im. A. I. Gercena. 2009. # 114. S. 254-261.
3. Kanishhev D. K voprosu o formirovanii pravoohranitel'noj gosudarstvennoj sluzhby Rossijskoj Federacii. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
4. Bahrah D. N. Administrativnoe pravo Rossii. M.: Norma-Infra, 2003. 328 s.
Faskhutdinov R. F.
Problematic aspects constructive interaction between the employees of the traffic police with the participants of traffic as a factor in increasing road safety
Currently, the car is not a luxury item and is a mandatory attribute of nearly every adult citizen. Unfortunately, not all car owners comply with the traffic rules, because of what creates an emergency situation on the road for other drivers and pedestrians, and as a result – the commission of a road traffic accident. Employees of DPS traffic police frequently conducted raids and events dedicated to the prevention of accidents and road accidents, but that for unscrupulous drivers and pedestrians a little. To effectively control the traffic situation must be constructive interaction between the staff of DPS traffic police and road users.
Currently, the car is not a luxury item and is a mandatory attribute of nearly every adult citizen. Unfortunately, not all car owners comply with the traffic rules, because of what creates an emergency situation on the road for other drivers and pedestrians, and as a result – the commission of a road traffic accident. Employees of DPS traffic police frequently conducted raids and events dedicated to the prevention of accidents and road accidents, but that for unscrupulous drivers and pedestrians a little. To effectively control the traffic situation must be constructive interaction between the staff of DPS traffic police and road users.
Кeywords: constructive interaction, one-sided productive interaction, destructive inter-action, road users, psychological contact, psychological readiness.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ob utverzhdenii Porjadka organizacii podgotovki kadrov dlja zameshhenija dolzhnostej v organah vnutrennih del Rossijskoj Federacii: prikaz MVD Rossii # 663 ot 03.07.2012 g.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ob utverzhdenii Porjadka organizacii podgotovki kadrov dlja zameshhenija dolzhnostej v organah vnutrennih del Rossijskoj Federacii: prikaz MVD Rossii # 663 ot 03.07.2012 g.
2. Ob organizacii moral'no-psihologicheskoj podgotovki v organah vnutrennih del Rossijskoj Federacii: prikaz MVD Rossii # 777 ot 10.08.2012 g.
3. Andreeva G. M. Social'naja psihologija: uchebnik dlja vysshih uchebnyh zavedenij / G. M. Andreeva. M.:Aspekt Press, 2008. S. 100-115.
4. Gajnullina A. V. Psihologija vzaimodejstvija sotrudnikov DPS GIBDD s uchastnikami dorozhnogo dvizhenija Monografija. Ufa: UJuI MVD Rossii, 2012.
5. Gajnullina A. V. Praktika vzaimodejstvija sotrudnikov DPS GIBDD s uchastnikami dorozhnogo dvizhenija // Psihopedagogika v pravoohranitel'nyh organah. 2007. # 2. S. 7-11.
6. Shipilov A. I. Psihologicheskie osnovy vzaimodejstvija oficerov v trudnyh mezhlichnostnyh situacijah: dis. …d-ra psihol. nauk: 19.00.05. M., 2000.
Fatkullin B. Kh.
Some questions of control and supervision of divisional commissioner of police
Abstract. The article contains the questions of liability of persons subject to administrative supervision by the bodies of internal Affairs.
Abstract. The article contains the questions of liability of persons subject to administrative supervision by the bodies of internal Affairs.
Keywords: The district Commissioner of police, preventive care, under surveillance, criminal liability.
Work bibliographic list
1. Galikeeva L. A., Usmanova D. R. O ponjatii i soderzhanii administrativnogo nadzora, osushhestvljaemogo organami ispolnitel'noj vlasti // Vestnik VJeGU. – 2014. – # 1 (69). – S. 15-18.
Work bibliographic list
1. Galikeeva L. A., Usmanova D. R. O ponjatii i soderzhanii administrativnogo nadzora, osushhestvljaemogo organami ispolnitel'noj vlasti // Vestnik VJeGU. – 2014. – # 1 (69). – S. 15-18.
2. Igbaeva G. R., Sajfullin Je. V. Razvitie mehanizma uchastija grazhdan v ohrane obshhestvennogo porjadka kak jelement sovershenstvovanija sistemy gosudarstvennogo upravlenija // Aktual'nye problemy prava i gosudarstva v HHIveke: materialy VIIMezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii, g. Ufa, 23-24 aprelja 2015 goda: v 5 ch. Ch. 5. / pod obshh. red. F. B. Muhametshina. – Ufa: Ufimskij JuI MVD Rossii, 2015. S. 189-194.
3. Fatkullin B. H., Sadrislamov A. K. Social'naja rol' uchastkovyh upolnomochennyh policii v preduprezhdenii recidivnoj prestupnosti // Biznes v zakone. Jekonomiko-juridicheskij zhurnal. – 2012. – # 4. – S. 82-84.
4. Kosihin D. Byvshij osuzhdennyj, projdite na registraciju // JeZh-Jurist. – .–# 37. – S. 10.
Gadzhieva A. A, Ibragimova A. M, Sardarova D. F
Problems of allocation of penalty to minors for the further their improvement
The article deals with the problematic aspects of the imposition of penalty to minor. The effectiveness of certain types of appointment of punishments applied to the minors is evaluated, the author suggests various ways of its improving. Some recommendations of the inclusion of the new but more effective forms of penalty to the system of juvenile punishment are worked out by the author. A new concept of "substitute" penalties is introduced, which is also should be included to the Criminal Code in relation to juveniles.
The article deals with the problematic aspects of the imposition of penalty to minor. The effectiveness of certain types of appointment of punishments applied to the minors is evaluated, the author suggests various ways of its improving. Some recommendations of the inclusion of the new but more effective forms of penalty to the system of juvenile punishment are worked out by the author. A new concept of "substitute" penalties is introduced, which is also should be included to the Criminal Code in relation to juveniles.
Keywords: allocation of penalty to minors, the use of compulsory labor, juvenile correctional work, restriction of freedom of minors.
Work bibliographic list
1. Postanovlenie Plenuma Verhovnogo Suda Rossijskoj Federacii ot 1 fevralja 2011 g. # 1 «O sudebnoj praktike primenenija zakonodatel'stva, reglamentirujushhego osobennosti ugolovnoj otvetstvennosti i nakazanija nesovershennoletnih». [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:;base=LAW;n=144542 (data obrashhenija 23.04.2016 g.).
Work bibliographic list
1. Postanovlenie Plenuma Verhovnogo Suda Rossijskoj Federacii ot 1 fevralja 2011 g. # 1 «O sudebnoj praktike primenenija zakonodatel'stva, reglamentirujushhego osobennosti ugolovnoj otvetstvennosti i nakazanija nesovershennoletnih». [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:;base=LAW;n=144542 (data obrashhenija 23.04.2016 g.).
2. Altynbaeva L. M. Sovershenstvovanie zakonodatel'stva ob osobennostjah nakazanija nesovershennoletnih/ Vestnik tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. –2007. – # 305.
3. Gogoleva A. Ja. Ponjatie profilaktiki i bor'by s prestupnost'ju // Molodoj uchenyj. – 2014. — #6.1.– S. 3-7.
4. Ibragimova A. M. Problemy naznachenija nakazanija nesovershennoletnim (po materialam Respubliki Dagestan). Avtoref. diss. … kand. jurid. nauk: 12.00.08/ Ibragimova A. M. – Mahachkala, 2000.
5. Kriminologija: Uchebnik dlja vuzov / Pod red. V. N. Kudrjavceva, V. E. Jeminova. – M.: Jurist", 1997.
6. Oficial'nye dannye Federal'noj sluzhby gosudarstvennoj statistiki. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
Pisarevskaya E. A.
Prospects of development of juvenile justice in the Russian Federation
In the article prospects of formation of juvenile justice, creation of juvenile courts and application of juvenile technologies in courts in Russia are investigated. The author subjected to the critical analysis the last scientific publications on this subject, analyzes acts in the field of prevention of criminal and other deviant behavior of minors, the practician of application of juvenile technologies in regions of Russian Federation.
In the article prospects of formation of juvenile justice, creation of juvenile courts and application of juvenile technologies in courts in Russia are investigated. The author subjected to the critical analysis the last scientific publications on this subject, analyzes acts in the field of prevention of criminal and other deviant behavior of minors, the practician of application of juvenile technologies in regions of Russian Federation.
Keywords: juvenile justice, juvenile court, juvenile technologies, prevention of the crime of minors, prevention of deviant behavior of minors.
Work bibliographic list
1. O Nacional'noj strategii dejstvij v interesah detej na 2012–2017 gg.: Ukaz Prezidenta Rossijskoj Federacii ot 1 ijunja 2012 g. // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii. 2012. – # 23. – St. 2994.
Work bibliographic list
1. O Nacional'noj strategii dejstvij v interesah detej na 2012–2017 gg.: Ukaz Prezidenta Rossijskoj Federacii ot 1 ijunja 2012 g. // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii. 2012. – # 23. – St. 2994.
2. Koncepcija razvitija do 2017 goda seti sluzhb mediacii v celjah realizacii vosstanovitel'nogo pravosudija v otnoshenii detej, v tom chisle sovershivshih obshhestvenno opasnye dejanija, no ne dostigshih vozrasta, s kotorogo nastupaet ugolovnaja otvetstvennost': Rasporjazhenie Pravitel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii Rossijskoj Federacii ot 30 ijulja 2014 g. //Sobranie zakonodatel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii.– 2014. – # 32. – St. 4557.
3. O sudebnoj praktiki primenenija zakonodatel'stva, reglamentirujushhego osobennosti ugolovnoj otvetstvennosti i nakazanija nesovershennoletnih: Postanovlenie Plenuma Verhovnogo Suda RF ot 01 fevralja 2011 g. (red. ot 02.04.2013) // Rossijskaja gazeta. – 2011.
– 11 fevralja.
4. Borisevich G. Ja. O realizacii idej juvenal'noj justicii v ugolovnom sudoproizvodstve Rossii //Vestnik Permskogo Universiteta. Juridicheskie nauki. – 2015. – # 1. – S. 93-104.
5. Kramarov A. O. Perspektivy zakonodatel'nogo regulirovanija juvenal'noj justicii v Rossijskoj Federacii // Voprosy juvenal'noj justicii. - 2015. - # 2(56). - S. 24-27.
6. Chashin A. N. Sistema juvenal'noj justicii // Voprosy juvenal'noj justicii. – 2014. – # 2 (52). – S. 24-26.
7. Shuljaeva V. A. Juvenal'naja politika: zakonodatel'naja jekvilibristika // Voprosy juvenal'noj justicii. – 2015. – # 1 (55). – S. 20-24.
Gayday M. K.
Features criminological characteristics of persons held in correctional colonies of strict regime for former employees of courts and law enforcement agencies
The article presents characteristics of persons sentenced to deprivation of freedom from former law enforcement officers who are serving criminal sentences in correctional colonies of strict regime. The data on gender, age, education, marital status and other characteristics of these persons allowed to determine their characteristics.
The article presents characteristics of persons sentenced to deprivation of freedom from former law enforcement officers who are serving criminal sentences in correctional colonies of strict regime. The data on gender, age, education, marital status and other characteristics of these persons allowed to determine their characteristics.
Keywords: criminological characteristics; convicted; imprisonment; correctional facility.
Work bibliographic list
1. Antonjan Ju. M., Kudrjavcev V. N., Jeminov V. E. Lichnost' prestupnika. – SPB.: Izdatel'stvo «Juridicheskij centr Press», 2004. – 366 s.
Work bibliographic list
1. Antonjan Ju. M., Kudrjavcev V. N., Jeminov V. E. Lichnost' prestupnika. – SPB.: Izdatel'stvo «Juridicheskij centr Press», 2004. – 366 s.
2. Lysjagin O. B., Akimov S. K. Osuzhdennye v tjur'mah. Po materialam special'noj perepisi osuzhdennyh i lic, soderzhashhihsja pod strazhej, 12-18 nojabrja 2009 g. / pod red. d.ju.n., professora V. I. Seleverstova. Vyp. 3. – M.: ID «Jurisprudencija», 2011. – 56 s.
3. Kriminologicheskaja situacija i reagirovanie na nee /pod redakciej professora A. I. Dolgovoj. – M.: Rossijskaja kriminologicheskaja situacija, 2014. – 298 s.
4. Osinskij I. I., Gylykova Je. V. Burjatskaja gorodskaja sem'ja na rubezhe HH-HHI vekov. Sociologicheskij analiz. – Ulan-Udje: Izdatel'stvo burjatskogo gosuniversiteta, 2003. – 352 s.
5. Teorija gosudarstva i prava: kurs lekcij: v 2 chastjah. Chast' II / S. G. Aksenov [i dr.]; pod red. F. B. Muhametshina. – Ufa: UJuI MVD Rossii, 2009. – 281 s.
6. Federal'naja sluzhba gosudarstvennoj statistiki. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
Astakhova E. S.
Criminological characteristic of the identity of conditionally condemned
In article questions of the criminological characteristic of the identity of conditionally condemned
In article questions of the criminological characteristic of the identity of conditionally condemned
are considered. Signs of the personality which are considered at assignment of punishment are presented. Opinions of the famous criminologists on the matter are given.
Keywords: characteristic, personality, conditional condemnation, criminology, punishment, criminal, convict.
Work bibliographic list
1. Kriminologija. Pod red. V. N. Kudrjavceva. – M., 2002.
Work bibliographic list
1. Kriminologija. Pod red. V. N. Kudrjavceva. – M., 2002.
2. Veretennikova T. G. Uslovnoe osuzhdenie i ego znachenie v realizacii ugolovnogo zakona // Voprosy osushhestvlenija prav i objazannostej v razvitom socialisticheskom obshhestve / Pod red. V.A. Nazarova.– Kazan', 1983. – S. 64-65.
3. Gercepzop L. L. Predmet, metod i sistema sovetskoj kriminologii. – M., 1962.
4. Podchinok O. V. Kriminologicheskaja harakteristika i profilaktika prestuplenij, sovershaemyh uslovno osuzhdennymi: Diss. ... kand. jurid. nauk. – Rjazan',2005.
5. Juzhanin V. Ja. Optimizacija processa izuchenija lichnosti osuzhdennogo, primenenie prinuditel'nyh i vospitatel'nyh mer v ITU // Pedagogicheskoe nasledie A.S. Makarenko i problemy ispravlenija i perevospitanija osuzhdennyh: Materialy nauch.-prakt.konf. – Rjazan', 1988.
Antonov V. V.
Objects of ballistic research
The article discusses the tactical features of detection, removal and research of weapons and ammunition. Disclosed methods of comparative study and procedure design of the study.
The article discusses the tactical features of detection, removal and research of weapons and ammunition. Disclosed methods of comparative study and procedure design of the study.
Keywords: weapons, ammunition, crime scene examination, research, expert opinion.
Zubairova A. B.
The identity of the victim as one of the main elements of criminalistics characteristics of the encroachment on life of law enforcement officer
In his article the author made an attempt to reveal only some of the elements of criminalistics characteristics of encroachments on life of law enforcement officers, namely focused on the personality of the victim and the method of committing this type of crime.
In his article the author made an attempt to reveal only some of the elements of criminalistics characteristics of encroachments on life of law enforcement officers, namely focused on the personality of the victim and the method of committing this type of crime.
Keywords: forensic characterization of the offense, the identity of the victim, the process of committing a crime, a law enforcement officer.
Work bibliographic list
1. Belkin R. S. Kurs sovetskoj kriminalistiki. T. 3.Kriminalisticheskie sredstva, priemy i rekomendacii. M., 1979.
Work bibliographic list
1. Belkin R. S. Kurs sovetskoj kriminalistiki. T. 3.Kriminalisticheskie sredstva, priemy i rekomendacii. M., 1979.
2. Torbin Ju. G. Teoreticheskie i prikladnye problemy obnaruzhenija i ispol'zovanija v ugolovnom sudoproizvodstve sledov i osobyh primet na zhivyh licah. Avtorefer. diss. na soisk. uch. step. dokt.jurid. nauk. M., 2004.
3. Jusupkadieva S. N. Metodika rassledovanija grabezhej i razboev (po materialam respubliki Dagestan): Dis. …kand. jurid. nauk. M., 2006.
Imaeva Yu. B.
On some problems of appointment forensic examination of portraiture in the investigation of the theft, committed with the use of bank cards
The article discusses the features of the destination forensic portrait examinations in criminal cases of theft committed with the use of bank cards, as well as admissibility of evidence and their suitability for the study. Author offers criminalistics and procedural ways of solution identified problems.
The article discusses the features of the destination forensic portrait examinations in criminal cases of theft committed with the use of bank cards, as well as admissibility of evidence and their suitability for the study. Author offers criminalistics and procedural ways of solution identified problems.
Keywords: bank cards, theft, evidence, forensic portrait examinations, the objects of the study.
Work bibliographic list
1. Kolmykov A. N. Portretnaja jekspertiza // Rossijskaja justicija. 2006. # 9. S. 57.
Work bibliographic list
1. Kolmykov A. N. Portretnaja jekspertiza // Rossijskaja justicija. 2006. # 9. S. 57.
2. Rossinskaja E. R., Galjashina E. I. Nastol'naja kniga sud'i: sudebnaja jekspertiza. M.: Prospekt, 2011. Dostup iz spravochno-pravovoj sistemy «Konsul'tant Pljus». [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data poseshhenija: 05.03.2016).
Kolotushkin S. M., Ogryza A. V.
The technology of spent cartridges in an open area
In the article the questions of search spent shell casings in the area of their possible location.
In the article the questions of search spent shell casings in the area of their possible location.
Reveals the method of calculation of forces and means necessary for effective search depending on the nature of the terrain, ground cover, caliber, size and color cartridges.
Keywords: arms, cartridge case, search, sight, study.
Work bibliographic list
1. Kolotushkin S. M. Opredelenie linii poleta snarjadov ognestrel'nogo oruzhija po proboinam na pregradah //Zhurnal «Rossijskij sledovatel'». # 12. 2015. S. 7-11.
Work bibliographic list
1. Kolotushkin S. M. Opredelenie linii poleta snarjadov ognestrel'nogo oruzhija po proboinam na pregradah //Zhurnal «Rossijskij sledovatel'». # 12. 2015. S. 7-11.
2. Kolotushkin S. M. (v soavtorstve) Opredelenie napravlenie dal'nego vystrela po proboinam snarjadov ognestrel'nogo oruzhija // Vestnik akademii jekonomicheskoj bezopasnosti MVD Rossii. # 2. 2015. S. 20-24.
Safonov D. A., Smolina M. M.
The method of committing a crime as a basic element of criminalist trait of crimes under article 244 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation
The article deals with the problematic aspects of the understanding way of modus operandi committing as one of the key elements. It was included in the structure of forensic characteristics of crimes which is provided by the Article 244 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
The article deals with the problematic aspects of the understanding way of modus operandi committing as one of the key elements. It was included in the structure of forensic characteristics of crimes which is provided by the Article 244 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
The emphasis is made on the classification methods of the crime’s commission in particular to it’s the full-structure elements.
Keywords: a crime investigation, a forensic characteristic of crimes, modus operandi, a desecration of burial sites, a vandalism.
Work bibliographic list
1. Vvedenie v filosofiju: uchebnik: v 2 ch. Ch. 2. – M.: Politizdat, 1989. – 640 s.
Work bibliographic list
1. Vvedenie v filosofiju: uchebnik: v 2 ch. Ch. 2. – M.: Politizdat, 1989. – 640 s.
2. Ugolovnoe pravo: uchebnik dlja stud. jurid. spec.vyssh. uchebnyh zavedenij / Pod. red. M. I. Bazhanova, V. V. Stashisa, V. Ja. Cija. – K.; H.: Odissej - Pravo,2002. – 416 s.
3. Kriminalistika socialisticheskih stran / pod red. V. Ja. Koldina. – M.: Jurid. lit., 1986. – 512 s.
4. Belkin R. S. Kurs kriminalistiki: uchebnik: v 3 t. T.
3: Kriminalisticheskie sredstva, priemy i rekomendacii. – M.: Jurist", 1997. – 480 s.
5. Jablokov N. P., Samygin L. D. Informacionnye osnovy rassledovanija i kriminalisticheskaja harakteristika prestuplenij // Kriminalistika / pod red.N. P. Jablokova. – M.: BEK, 1996. – S. 34-45.
6. Kriminalistika / pod red. V. A. Obrazcova. – M.:Jurist", 1997. – 744 s.
7. Kriminalistika: uchebnik / pod red. I. F. Gerasimova, L. Ja. Drapkina. - 2-e izd., pererab. i dop. – M.:Vyssh. shk., 2000. – 672 s.
8. Vozgrin I. A. Vvedenie v kriminalistiku: Istorija, osnovy teorii, bibliografija. – SPb.: Jurid. centrPress, 2003. – 475 s.
9. Vozgrin I. A. Nauchnye osnovy kriminalisticheskoj metodiki rassledovanija prestuplenij: kurs lekcij: v 4 ch. Ch. 4. – SPb.: S.-Peterb. jurid. in-t MVD Rossii, 1993. – 79 s.
10. Dzhemelinskij V. A. Natura A. I. Pervonachal'nyj jetap rassledovanija nadrugatel'stv nad telami umershih i mestami ih zahoronenija: ucheb.-prakt. posobie.– M.: Jurlitinfo, 2001. – 320 s.
11. Utkin M. S. Nekotorye voprosy obshhej metodiki rassledovanija prestuplenij: lekcija. – Omsk: Vyssh. shkola milicii MVD SSSR, 1986. – 28 s.
Glyanko O. A.
Legal prerequisites for the formation of the concept of the investigating judge in criminal proceedings of Russia
This article discusses the legal prerequisites of the formation of the concept of the investigating
This article discusses the legal prerequisites of the formation of the concept of the investigating
judge in the modern criminal trial in Russia.
Keywords: investigative judge, judicial investigator, the legal prerequisites, adversarial process.
Work bibliographic list
1. Postanovlenie Verhovnogo Soveta RSFSR ot 24.10.1991 # 1801-1 «O Koncepcii sudebnoj reformy v RSFSR» // SPS «Konsul'tantPljus».
Work bibliographic list
1. Postanovlenie Verhovnogo Soveta RSFSR ot 24.10.1991 # 1801-1 «O Koncepcii sudebnoj reformy v RSFSR» // SPS «Konsul'tantPljus».
2. Aleksandrov A. S., Kovtun N. N. Doktrinal'naja model' ugolovno-processual'nogo dokazatel'stvennogo prava Rossijskoj Federacii. [Jelektronnyj resurs].– Rezhim dostupa: https:// (data poseshhenija: 26.05.2016)
3. Becukov A. Z. Processual'naja samostojatel'nost' sledovatelja i sudebnyj kontrol' za predvaritel'nym rassledovaniem // Nauchnyj zhurnal KubGAU. 2014. #103(09).
4. Volodina L. M. Mehanizm obespechenija prav lichnosti v rossijskom ugolovnom processe: diss… dok.jurid. nauk. Ekaterinburg,1999.
5. Danevskij V. Nashe predvaritel'noe sledstvie, ego nedostatki i reforma. M., 1895.
6. Zor'kin V. Konstitucija zhivet v zakonah // Rossijskaja gazeta. 2014. # 6560 (288).
7. Kantjukova I. T., Ragulin A. V., Kulagin A. V. K voprosu o vvedenii instituta sledstvennyh sudej v Rossii: zasedanie Komiteta grazhdanskih iniciativ (g. Moskva, 10 marta 2015 g.) // Evrazijskaja advokatura. 2015. # 2 (15).
8. Kogan V. Pochemu by ne byt' sledstvennomu sud'e? //Sovetskaja justicija. 1988. # 7.
9. Lazareva V. A. Zakon, kotoryj ne rabotaet / Aktual'nye problemy sovremennogo ugolovnogo processa Rossii: mezhvuz. sb. nauchnyh statej / pod red. prof. V. A. Lazarevoj; Federal'noe agentstvo po obrazovaniju. Samara: Izd-vo «Samarskij universitet», 2008.
10. Lazareva V. A. Prokuror v ugolovnom processe: ucheb. posobie dlja magistrov / V. A. Lazareva. – 2-e izd., pererab. i dop. M. : Izdatel'stvo Jurajt, 2012.
11. Maslennikova L. N. Faktory, opredeljajushhie razvitie ugolovnogo sudoproizvodstva v Rossii //Ugolovnaja justicija: svjaz' vremen. Izbrannye materialy mezhdunarodnoj nauchnoj konferencii. Sankt-Peterburg, 6-8 oktjabrja 2010 goda. M., 2012.
12. Morshhakova T. G. O kompetencii i porjadke formirovanija instituta sledstvennyh sudej v Rossijskoj Federacii. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim (data poseshhenija: 26.05.2016).
13. Petruhin I. L. Chastnaja zhizn' (pravovye aspekty) // Gosudarstvo i pravo. 1999. # 1.
14. Petruhin I. Ob jeffektivnosti sudebnogo kontrolja za sledstviem i operativno-rozysknoj dejatel'nost'ju // Ugolovnoe pravo. 2007. # 2.
15. Semencov V. A. Sudebnyj kontrol' pri proizvodstve sledstvennyh dejstvij // Sudebnaja vlast' v Rossii: zakon, teorija i praktika. M., 2005.
16. Smirnov A. V. Apparat vlasti sledstvennoj / pod obshh. red. N. A. Kolokolova. M.: Jurlitinform, 2016.
17. Shejfer S. A. Sledstvennaja vlast': istorija i sovremennost' // Ugolovnaja justicija: svjaz' vremen. Materialy konferencii. Spb., 2010.
18. Shherba S. P. Voprosy obespechenija processual'noj samostojatel'nosti sledovatelja // Informacionnyj bjulleten' Sledstvennogo komiteta MVD RF. 1993. # 2.
Asmandiyarova N. R.
Quantitative and quality indicators of extremist and terrorist crime in Russia
The quantitative and quality indicators of extremism and terrorism in Russia are analyzed by the author in this article. Content is disclosed and legal definition of concepts of extremism and terrorism is given. Relevance of studying of these phenomena at the present stage is caused.
The quantitative and quality indicators of extremism and terrorism in Russia are analyzed by the author in this article. Content is disclosed and legal definition of concepts of extremism and terrorism is given. Relevance of studying of these phenomena at the present stage is caused.
Keywords: extremism, terrorism, public danger, counteraction of ideology of violence.
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon ot 25.07.2002 # 114-FZ «O protivodejstvii jekstremistskoj dejatel'nosti» // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. 2002. 29 ijulja. # 30. St.3031; 2008. 05 maja. # 18. St. 1939. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon ot 25.07.2002 # 114-FZ «O protivodejstvii jekstremistskoj dejatel'nosti» // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. 2002. 29 ijulja. # 30. St.3031; 2008. 05 maja. # 18. St. 1939. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
2. Federal'nyj Zakon ot 06.03.2006 # 35-FZ «O protivodejstvii terrorizmu» // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. 2006. 13 marta. # 11. St. 1146; 2011. 14 nojabrja. # 46. St. 6407. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
3. Ugolovnyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ot 13.06.1996 goda # 63-FZ // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. 1996. 17 ijunja. # 25. St. 2954; [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
4. Luneev V. V. Kriminologija: uchebnik dlja bakalavrov /V. V. Luneev. M.: Izdatel'stvo Jurajt, 2014.
5. Antonjan Ju. M. Kriminologija: uchebnik dlja bakalavrov / Ju. M. Antonjan. 2-e izd., pererab. i dop. M.: Izdatel'stvo Jurajt, 2012. S. 379.
6. Pokazateli prestupnosti v Rossii. Portal pravovoj statistiki General'noj Prokuratury Rossijskoj Federacii. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija 04.04.2016g.).
Valeev A. Kh.
Features of the organization of the investigation of crimes related to extremist activities
Abstract: In order to combat crimes related to extremist activities, a high level of organization and activity of law enforcement agencies, the widespread introduction of the investigative practice of scientific investigation methods. In order to optimize the investigation of crimes related to extremist Dey-FAD is defined subject of proof, the groups of typical investigative situations initial stage of investigation, each of which proposed actions algorithms.
Abstract: In order to combat crimes related to extremist activities, a high level of organization and activity of law enforcement agencies, the widespread introduction of the investigative practice of scientific investigation methods. In order to optimize the investigation of crimes related to extremist Dey-FAD is defined subject of proof, the groups of typical investigative situations initial stage of investigation, each of which proposed actions algorithms.
Keywords: extremism, the investigation, the investigation situation.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ahmedov U. N. Dokazyvanie motiva nacional'noj ili rasovoj nenavisti ili vrazhdy po delam o prestuplenijah protiv zhizni i zdorov'ja. Avtoref. diss.... kand. jurid. nauk. Voronezh, 2008.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ahmedov U. N. Dokazyvanie motiva nacional'noj ili rasovoj nenavisti ili vrazhdy po delam o prestuplenijah protiv zhizni i zdorov'ja. Avtoref. diss.... kand. jurid. nauk. Voronezh, 2008.
2. Valeev A. H. Probely v rossijskom zakonodatel'stve.2014. # 5. S. 226-229.
3. Obzor praktiki rassledovanija organami predvaritel'nogo sledstvija MVD Rossii prestuplenij, predusmotrennyh stat'jami 282.1 i 282.2 Ugolovnogo kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii // Pis'mo Sledstvennogo departamenta MVD Rossii # 17/3-4037 ot 14.02.2014 «O napravlenii obzora i prinjatii dopolnitel'nyh mer, napravlennyh na protivodejstvie jekstremizmu.
4. Plesneva L. P. Pravovye i organizacionnye osnovy vzaimodejstvija sledovatelja s organami doznanija. Avtoref. diss. ... kand. jurid. nauk. Irkutsk, 2002.
Zhuravlenko N. I., Konopleva A. A.
Understanding the phenomenon of information war
Research is devoted to the study of the phenomenon of information war. Particular attention is paid to the development of information war. The mimesis and game as the main stages of the war are considered.
Research is devoted to the study of the phenomenon of information war. Particular attention is paid to the development of information war. The mimesis and game as the main stages of the war are considered.
Keywords: war, information war, game, mimesis, sacralization, agonality.
Work bibliographic list
1. Nikitina L. N. Komp'juternaja igromanija kak faktor pravonarushenij nesovershennoletnih // Aktual'nye problemy prava i pravoprimenitel'noj dejatel'nosti na sovremennom jetape Materialy Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii; pod obshhej redakciej V.A. Sosova. Krasnodar: Krasnodarskij universitet MVD Rossii, Novorossijskij filial Krasnodarskogo universiteta MVD Rossii, OOO«Izdatel'skij Dom - Jug». 2014. S. 628-631.
Work bibliographic list
1. Nikitina L. N. Komp'juternaja igromanija kak faktor pravonarushenij nesovershennoletnih // Aktual'nye problemy prava i pravoprimenitel'noj dejatel'nosti na sovremennom jetape Materialy Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii; pod obshhej redakciej V.A. Sosova. Krasnodar: Krasnodarskij universitet MVD Rossii, Novorossijskij filial Krasnodarskogo universiteta MVD Rossii, OOO«Izdatel'skij Dom - Jug». 2014. S. 628-631.
2. Borzunov K. K., Zhuravlenko N. I., V. E. Kadulin. Osnovy informacionnoj bezopasnosti: Uchebnoe posobie / Pod obshhej redakciej doktora tehnicheskih nauk, professora A.S. Ovchinskogo. – M.: Moskovskij universitet MVD Rossii, 2007. – 192 s.
3. Zhuravlenko N. I. Organizacionno-pravovaja zashhita informacii. Uchebnoe posobie. - Ufa: Vostochnyj universitet, 2003. - 108 c.
4. Hotinskaja G. A., Hotinskaja A. I. Igra kak fenomen kul'tury v kul'turologicheskih i semioticheskih opisanijah (Prolegomeny) [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: http:// [ /(data obrashhenija: 01.03.2016).
5. Hjojzinga J. Homo Ludens. Stat'i po istorii kul'tury. M.: Progress tradicii, 1997. 416 s..
6. Nikitina T. P. Lichnostnyj konflikt v informacionnom obshhestve // Vestnik russkoj hristianskoj gumanitarnoj akademii. 2012. # 4. T. 13. S.272-278.
7. Toffler Je., Toffler H. Vojna i antivojna: Chto takoe vojna i kak s nej borot'sja. Kak vyzhit' na rassvete HHІ veka. M.: Tranzitkniga, 2005. 412 s.
8. Butkevich S. A. Zakonodatel'nyj i doktrinal'nyjpodhody k probleme protivodejstvija terrorizmu // Protivodejstvie jekstremizmu i terrorizmu v Krymskom federal'nom okruge: problemy teorii i praktiki: monografija / pod obshh. red. S.A. Butkevicha. Simferopol': KF KrU MVD Rossii, 2015. – S. 5-31.
Klyzbayeva V. A.
Ensuring personal security of staff of department of internal affairs in situations with application of a service weapon and special means
Ensuring personal security of staff of law-enforcement bodies is the important factor promoting the qualified performance of its office tasks. In this article the concept ensuring personal security reveals, stage-by-stage actions in critical situations are described, the special attention is paid to formation of psychological readiness of the employee for actions in extreme situations. Also the bases of application of firearms and special means are given, instructions for use by the weapon and the ban connected with its use are provided.
Ensuring personal security of staff of law-enforcement bodies is the important factor promoting the qualified performance of its office tasks. In this article the concept ensuring personal security reveals, stage-by-stage actions in critical situations are described, the special attention is paid to formation of psychological readiness of the employee for actions in extreme situations. Also the bases of application of firearms and special means are given, instructions for use by the weapon and the ban connected with its use are provided.
Keywords: employee of Department of Internal Affairs, firearms, special means, ensuring personal security.
Work bibliographic list
1. O policii: Feder. zakon Ros. Federacii ot 07 fevralja 2011 g. # 3-FZ.
Work bibliographic list
1. O policii: Feder. zakon Ros. Federacii ot 07 fevralja 2011 g. # 3-FZ.
2. Aliullov R. R. O nekotoryh aspektah obespechenija lichnoj i obshhestvennoj bezopasnosti policiej //Vestnik Kazanskogo juridicheskogo instituta MVD Rossii. 2012. # 4. S. 80-84.
3. Kochetkova S. V., Taran A. N. Teoretiko-metodologicheskie osnovy sovershenstvovanija ognevoj podgotovki sotrudnikov OVD // Teorija i praktika obshhestvennogo razvitija. 2014. # 3. S. 137-140.
4. Tomilova A.E. Psihologicheskaja podgotovka i boevaja gotovnost' sotrudnikov OVD k dejstvijam v jekstremal'nyh situacijah // Psihopedagogika v pravoohranitel'nyh organah. 1998. # 1.
5. Toropov V. A. Psihologicheskaja podgotovka sotrudnikov OVD // Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo universiteta MVD Rossii. 2008. # 1. S. 147-152.
6. Ustinova L. G. Konstruirovanie tehnologij vospitanija sotrudnikov OVD // MNKO. 2014. # 1 (44). S. 71-73.
Popov K. G., Borisova E. A.
The specificity of the organization of protection of information constituting a commercial secret
The aim of the study is to analyze provisions of the Russian legislation on commercial secret and
The aim of the study is to analyze provisions of the Russian legislation on commercial secret and
development of measures to ensure the protection of trade secrets. Accordingly, the object of research– the specificity of the organization of protection of information constituting a commercial secret. The study determined that the effectiveness of legal protection of the interests of the owner of trade secrets depends on the effectiveness and completeness of measures taken to maintain secrecy of the information. In accordance with a direct indication of the law, the existence of such measures is a necessary condition of recognition of information as a trade secret.
Keywords: commercial secret, commercial secret regime, and measures to protect trade secrets.
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon «O kommercheskoj tajne» ot 29.07.2004 # 98-FZ (red. ot 12.03.2014). [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon «O kommercheskoj tajne» ot 29.07.2004 # 98-FZ (red. ot 12.03.2014). [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
2. Bushev A. Ju., Gorodov O. A., Kommercheskoe pravo / Bushev A. Ju., Gorodov O. A. M.: Jurist", 2004. 622 s.
3. Valjuzhenich N. M. Kommercheskaja tajna: sposoby dostupa i zashhity: Monografija / Valjuzhenich N. M.: Paleotip, 2005. 100 s.
4. Volchinskaja E. K. Zakonodatel'noe obespechenie zashhity kommercheskoj tajny / Volchinskaja E. K.// Informacionnaja bezopasnost' Rossii v uslovijah global'nogo informacionnogo obshhestva: Sb. materialov vseros. konf. M., 2001.
5. Kazyhanov A. A., Popov K. G. Jeffektivnost' jekonomicheskih metodov obespechenija informacionnoj bezopasnosti // Simvol nauki. 2016. # 4-1. S. 81-83.
6. Popov K. G., Majskij R. A. K voprosu ob opredelenii jekonomicheskoj jeffektivnosti obespechenija informacionnoj bezopasnosti predprijatija v uslovijah innovacionnoj jekonomiki // V sbornike: Problemy i tendencii razvitija innovacionnoj jekonomiki: mezhdunarodnyj opyt i rossijskaja praktika. Materialy IV mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. 2016. S. 175-179.
7. Popov K. G., Shamsutdinov R. R. Opredelenie jekonomicheskoj jeffektivnosti obespechenija informacionnoj bezopasnosti predprijatija // V knige: social'no-jekonomicheskie i pravovye osnovy razvitija jekonomiki: Kollektivnaja monografija. Pod red. I.V. Tropchenko. Ufa, 2015. S. 144-155.
8. Hlystova D. A., Popov K. G. K voprosu o modelirovanii ugroz personal'nym dannym pol'zovatelej v sistemah distancionnogo obuchenija obrazovatel'nyh organizacij // Mezhdunarodnyj studencheskij nauchnyj vestnik. 2016. # 3-1. S. 96-97.
Popov K. G., Borisova E. A.
The problem of the protection of personal data on the Internet
The purpose is the analysis of the legislation in the field of protection and processing of personal
The purpose is the analysis of the legislation in the field of protection and processing of personal
data on the Internet. Subject of research-the provisions of the legislation in the field of protection and processing of personal data.
In the result of the study determined that it is necessary to improve the legislation, to step through
all necessary measures to ensure the protection of and follow the legislation of the Russian Federation.
Keywords: personal data protection, personal data subjects, legislation of the Russian Federation
in the sphere of processing and personal data protection.
Work bibliographic list
1. «Delit'sja nado!» ili Zashhita personal'nyh dannyh rossijan ot inostrannyh specsluzhb // Sistema GA-RANT. Jenciklopedija Rossijskogo zakonodatel'stva,
Work bibliographic list
1. «Delit'sja nado!» ili Zashhita personal'nyh dannyh rossijan ot inostrannyh specsluzhb // Sistema GA-RANT. Jenciklopedija Rossijskogo zakonodatel'stva,
13 avgusta 2014. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
2. Zashhita personal'nyh dannyh»: balans mezhdu svobodoj i bezopasnost'ju // Zhurnal «Ipoteka i Kredit».[Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
3. Internet magazin i «Zakon o zashhite personal'nyh dannyh» // Forum russkoj podderzhki Joomla! CMS,10.05.2013. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
4. Kazyhanov A. A., Popov K. G. Jeffektivnost' jekonomicheskih metodov obespechenija informacionnoj bezopasnosti // Simvol nauki. 2016. # 4-1. S. 81-83.
5. Popov K. G., Majskij R. A. K voprosu ob opredelenii jekonomicheskoj jeffektivnosti obespechenija informacionnoj bezopasnosti predprijatija v uslovijah innovacionnoj jekonomiki // V sbornike: Problemy i tendencii razvitija innovacionnoj jekonomiki:mezhdunarodnyj opyt i rossijskaja praktika. Materialy IV mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. 2016. S. 175-179.
6. Popov K. G., Shamsutdinov R. R. Opredelenie jekonomicheskoj jeffektivnosti obespechenija informacionnoj bezopasnosti predprijatija // V knige: Social'no-jekonomicheskie i pravovye osnovy razvitija jekonomiki: Kollektivnaja monografija. Pod red. I. V. Tropchenko. Ufa, 2015. S. 144-155.
7. Hlystova D. A., Popov K. G. K voprosu o modelirovanii ugroz personal'nym dannym pol'zovatelej v sistemah distancionnogo obuchenija obrazovatel'nyh organizacij // Mezhdunarodnyj studencheskij nauchnyj vestnik. 2016. # 3-1. S. 96-97.
8. Chem nam grozit zakon «O personal'nyh dannyh» // ZAO «Gazeta.Ru» (1999-2015), 17.06.2013. [Jelektronnyj resurs].– Rezhim dostupa: Rezhim dostupa:
Khusainov R. R.
On the need to prevent terrorism at an early stage
The article considers some problems of the prevention of terrorism and the role of operational units of internal Affairs bodies in this area of activity.
The article considers some problems of the prevention of terrorism and the role of operational units of internal Affairs bodies in this area of activity.
Keywords: terrorism, prevention, operational-investigative activity, operational-investigative prevention.
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon «O protivodejstvii terrorizmu» ot 6.03.2006. – # 35-FZ.
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon «O protivodejstvii terrorizmu» ot 6.03.2006. – # 35-FZ.
2. Terrorizm. Pravovye aspekty protivodejstvija:normativnye i mezhdunarodnye pravovye akty s kommentarijami, nauchnymi stat'jami / pod red. I.L.Trunova. – M.: Jeksmo, 2007.
3. Operativno-rozysknaja dejatel'nost': Uchebnik / pod. red. I. A. Klimova. – M.: Juniti – M, 2014.
4. Sud i pravoohranitel'nye organy: Uchebnik / pod. red. V. V. Ershova. – M.: Jurajt, 2013.
5. Ozhegov S. I. Slovar' russkogo jazyka. – M.: Oniks 21 vek, 2005.
Solovjeva L. V., Solovjeva V. I.
Formation of the market of educational services in the higher school structure
Higher education in the conditions of market relations was transformed into the sphere of educational services. The article examines the stages of formation, and institutional features of the educational market in Russia. We investigate the impact of modern social and economic conditions on its development. Stand out the relations between higher education and entrepreneurship, the impact on employment of graduates. Analyzes the financial possibilities of family expenses for training students, the impact of demographic changes in the country on a quantitative and qualitative training of future specialists in the Russia.
Higher education in the conditions of market relations was transformed into the sphere of educational services. The article examines the stages of formation, and institutional features of the educational market in Russia. We investigate the impact of modern social and economic conditions on its development. Stand out the relations between higher education and entrepreneurship, the impact on employment of graduates. Analyzes the financial possibilities of family expenses for training students, the impact of demographic changes in the country on a quantitative and qualitative training of future specialists in the Russia.
Keywords: services' market, educational locality, high school, teaching management, teaching quality.
Work bibliographic list
1. Balyhin G. A. Aktual'nye voprosy social'no-jekonomicheskogo razvitija sistemy obrazovanija v Rossii //Jekonomika obrazovanija. – 2004. – # 3.
Work bibliographic list
1. Balyhin G. A. Aktual'nye voprosy social'no-jekonomicheskogo razvitija sistemy obrazovanija v Rossii //Jekonomika obrazovanija. – 2004. – # 3.
2. Gusev Ju. V., Polovova T. A. Problemy ustojchivoj traektorii razvitija // Jekonomicheskaja teorija, analiz i praktika. – 2009. – # 1. – S. 112–121.
3. Davydova E. A. Analiz rynka obrazovatel'nyh uslug v sovremennoj Rossii // Jekonomika obrazovanija. –2004. – # 5.
4. Djuzhikov S. A. Rynok obrazovanija i rynok truda v Rossii: funkcional'nye svjazi i otnoshenija // Nauchnyj zhurnal «Gumanitarnye, social'no-jekonomicheskie i obshhestvennye nauki». – 2013. – # 3.
5. Eroshin V. I. Jekonomika, pravo i upravlenie obrazovaniem: problemy, issledovanija, reshenija // Izvestija Rossijskoj Akademii obrazovanija. – 2002. – #2
6. Isaenko E. V. Povyshenie kachestva jekonomicheskogo obrazovanija v universitete // Modernizacija obrazovatel'noj sredy v uslovijah vzaimodejstvija nauki i praktiki: materialy mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-metodicheskoj konferencii professorsko-prepodavatel'skogo sostava i aspirantov. – Belgorod: Izd-voBUKJeP, 2014. – S. 11–19.
7. Kuz'menko R. V., Kolesnikova S. G., Cherevatova T. F. Problemy podgotovki studentov jekonomicheskih special'nostej v oblasti informacionnyh // Vestnik Belgorodskogo universiteta kooperacii, jekonomiki i prava. – 2015. – # 1(53) – S. 86–90.
8. Levchuk O. V. Formirovanie rynka obrazovatel'nyh uslug v Rossii // «Gazeta.Ru». – Glavnye novosti dnja. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: 2010/11/11/3436635.shtml
9. Prizhigalinskaja T. N., Kolos N. V., Banchuk G. G. Integracija vuzov v innovacionnuju infrastrukturu kak istochnik obespechenija ustojchivyh konkurentnyh preimushhestv // Vestnik Belgorodskogo universiteta kooperacii, jekonomiki i prava. – 2015. – # 1(53). –
S. 297-304.
10. Snitko L. T., Tarasova T. F., Gomonko Je. A., Vysochinenko A. S., Shlakaneva V. A. Pedagogicheskie innovacii v obrazovanii v sfere jekonomiki i menedzhmenta // Nauka i obrazovanie: vektory razvitija:materialy pervoj mezhdunarodnoj zaochnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii, 25 nojabrja, 2013 g. ( M. N. Nechaev). – Cheboksary: Jekspertno-metodicheskij centr, 2013. – S. 854–858.
11. Skripchenko P. V. Napravlenija razvitija innovacionnoj dejatel'nosti uchrezhdenij professional'nogo obrazovanija i problemy organizacii ee monitoringa // Akademicheskij vestnik: Tjumenskaja gosudarstvennaja akademija mirovoj jekonomiki, upravlenija i prava. – 2010. – # 1. – S. 100–106.
12. Solov'eva L. V. Stanovlenie rynka uslug v uslovijah perehoda k rynochnoj jekonomike: monografija. – M.:Socium, 1997. – 208 s.
13. Solov'eva L. V. Finansovo-jekonomicheskie aspekty obrazovatel'nogo rynka / L. V. Solov'eva, V. I. Solov'eva // Razvitie finansovoj sistemy v Pol'she i Tadzhikistane: materialy mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii, 20 dekabrja 2014 g. – Dushanbe: Sumani Kudrat, 2014. – S. 136–139.
14. Solov'eva L. V., Solov'eva V. I. Jeffektivnost' marketingovoj sostavljajushhej rynka obrazovatel'nyh uslug // Sovremennye tendencii jekonomiki, upravlenija i obrazovanija: materialy vserossijskoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii, 26 fevralja 2015 g.– Kursk: KIK BUKJeP, 2015. – S. 180–185.
15. Solov'eva L. V., Solov'eva V. I. Vozdejstvie jekonomicheskoj kul'tury na formirovanie rynka obrazovatel'nyh uslug // Tendencii innovacionnyh processov v nauke: materialy mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii, 20 marta 2015 g. –M.:RIO EFIR, 2015. – S. 28–30.
16. Solov'eva L. V., Solov'eva V. I. Teoreticheskie aspekty regional'nogo rynka obrazovatel'nyh uslug //Vestnik Belgorodskogo universiteta kooperacii, jekonomiki i prava. – 2015. – # 2(54). – S. 91–102.
17. Solov'eva L. V., Solov'eva V. I. Problemy globalizacii rynka obrazovatel'nyh uslug // Obrazovanie: tradicii i innovacii: materialy VIII mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii, 27 aprelja 2015 g.– Praga: Izd-vo WORLD PRESS s.r.o., 2015 – S. 475–479.
18. Solov'eva L. V., Solov'eva V. I. Innovacionnaja dejatel'nost' v sfere obrazovatel'nyh uslug // Opyt i perspektivy razvitija professional'nogo obrazovanija: materialy III mezhdunarodnoj nauchnoj konferencii, 29 oktjabrja 2015 g. – London: UK Akademy of Education, 2015. – S. 35–37.
19. Solov'eva V. I. Transformacija jekonomicheskih znanij v processe okazanija obrazovatel'nyh uslug //Fundamental'nye i prikladnye nauki segodnja: materialy V mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prikladnoj konferencii, 30–31 marta 2015 g. – USA: North Charieston,2015. – T. 3. – S. 203–208.
20. Tarasova E. E., Shein E. A. Ispol'zovanie instrumentarija internet-marketinga pri prodvizhenii obrazovatel'nyh uslug // Vestnik Belgorodskogo universiteta kooperacii, jekonomiki i prava. – 2012. – #2. – S. 5–14.
21. Teplov V. I. Problemy i napravlenija sovershenstvovanija podgotovki kadrov dlja kooperacii // Vestnik Belgorodskogo universiteta potrebitel'skoj kooperacii. – 2007. – # 2. – S. 3-6.
22. Usova A. V. Problemy reformirovanija sistemy obrazovanija // Izvestija Rossijskoj Akademii obrazovanija. – 2002. – # 2.
23. Shhetinin V. P., Hromenkov N. A., Rjabushkin B. S. Jekonomika obrazovanija: monografija. M.: MPU, 1995. – 201 s.
Manzhula V. G., Morozova O. A., Stativka A. K.
Updating of the regulatory framework governing the performance of the project improve the global competitiveness of Russian universities among the world’s leading research and education centres
The article analyzes the normative legal acts regulating the system of indicators of the project
The article analyzes the normative legal acts regulating the system of indicators of the project
enhance the global competitiveness of Russian universities. The main directions of its transformation, related: with the exception of the planning progress; using common metrics thresholds; avoiding duplication of information from official statements; conduct additional indicators characterizing the global level of quality of training of students and ongoing research; the creation of a unified hierarchical system of indicators and its binding normative legal act of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.
Keywords: legal and regulatory framework, indicator, university, ranking, order.
Work bibliographic list
1. Manzhula V. G. Sovershenstvovanie normativno-pravovoj bazy Proekta 5-100 v chasti ocenki kachestva obrazovanija // Politika, gosudarstvo i pravo. 2015. # 10 (46).S. 20-23.
Work bibliographic list
1. Manzhula V. G. Sovershenstvovanie normativno-pravovoj bazy Proekta 5-100 v chasti ocenki kachestva obrazovanija // Politika, gosudarstvo i pravo. 2015. # 10 (46).S. 20-23.
2. Manzhula V. G. Pokazateli rezul'tativnosti rossijskogo Proekta 5-100 i garantija kachestva vysshego obrazovanija // Novye tehnologii ocenki kachestva obrazovanija: sbornik materialov H Mezhdunarodnogo foruma/ pod obshhej redakciej d.p.n. G. N. Motovoj.M.: Gil'dija jekspertov v sfere professional'nogo obrazovanija, 2015.
3. Prikladnaja sociologija i menedzhment. Hrestomatija /Sost. i nauch. red. A. I. Kravchenko. M.: Izd-vo MGU, 1998.
4. Federkeil G. Rankings and Quality Assurance in Higher Education // Higher Education in Europe. Vol. 33. # 2/3. July-October 2008. R. 219-231.
5. Darryl S. L. Jarvis Regulating higher education: Quality assurance and neo-liberal managerialism in higher education – A critical introduction // Policy and Society. #33. 2014. R. 155–166.
Smirnova M. I.
Formation of information competence of future interior officers in the course of foreign language
The work deals with the problem of information competence formation of students and cadets of the Russian Ministry of Interior high schools. The structure of the concept of information competence, conditions of its formation in the process of a foreign language course by future interior officers are considered.
The work deals with the problem of information competence formation of students and cadets of the Russian Ministry of Interior high schools. The structure of the concept of information competence, conditions of its formation in the process of a foreign language course by future interior officers are considered.
Keywords: information, foreign language, competence, information competence.
Work bibliographic list
1. O prioritetnyh napravlenijah razvitija obrazovatel'noj sistemy Rossijskoj Federacii / Min-vo obrazovanija i nauki RF. M., 2005. 16s.
Work bibliographic list
1. O prioritetnyh napravlenijah razvitija obrazovatel'noj sistemy Rossijskoj Federacii / Min-vo obrazovanija i nauki RF. M., 2005. 16s.
2. Smirnova M. I. Osobennosti organizacii samostojatel'noj raboty po inostrannomu jazyku kursantov vysshih uchebnyh zavedenij sistemy MVD Rossii //Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. – 2016. – #3 (94).– S. 329-331.
3. Smirnova M. I. Formirovanie inojazychnoj kommunikativnoj kompetencii jurista v processe izuchenija inostrannogo jazyka v vuze // Aktual'ne problemy prava i pravoprimenitel'noj dejatel'nosti na sovremennom jetape: materialy Mezhdunar. nauch.-prakt konf., 25-26 sentjabrja 2014g. / M-vo vnutr. Del RF, Krasnodar. un-t MVD Rossii, Novoros. fil. Krasnodar. un-ta MVD Rossii [pod obshh. red. kand. soc. Nauk V. A. Sosova]. – Krasnodar: Izdatel'skijdom – Jug, 2014. – S. 572 – 576.
4. Trishina S. V. Informacionnaja kompetentnost' kak pedagogicheskaja kategorija // Internet-zhurnal «Jejdos». – 2005. – 10 sent. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: poseshhenija: 28.06.2016 g.)
5. Trishina S. V., Hutorskoj A. V. Informacionnaja kompetentnost' specialista v sisteme dopolnitel'nogo professional'nogo obrazovanija // Internet-zhurnal «Jejdos». – 2004. – 22 ijunja. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. –Rezhim dostupa: (data poseshhenija: 28.06.2016 g.)
6. Hutorskoj A. V. Stat'ja «Kljuchevye kompetencii kak komponent lichnostno-orientirovannogo obrazovanija» // Narodnoe obrazovanie. – 2003. – #2. – S. 58-64.
Sokolov V. V.
Diagnosis victimization of human behaviour and methods of its elimination as a way to prevent the development of criminal tendencies
The article analyzes the concept of "victimization". Considered diagnosis victimization of human behavior and methods for its elimination.
The article analyzes the concept of "victimization". Considered diagnosis victimization of human behavior and methods for its elimination.
Keywords: victimization, victimization behavior, diagnostics of aggression, a criminal offense.
Work bibliographic list
1. Malkina– Pyh I. G. Psihologija povedenija zhertvy.– M., 2006.
Work bibliographic list
1. Malkina– Pyh I. G. Psihologija povedenija zhertvy.– M., 2006.
2. Rivman D. V. Kriminal'naja viktimologija. – Piter,2002.
3. Frank L. V. Poterpevshie ot prestuplenija i problemy sovetskoj viktimologii. – Dushanbe, 1977.
4. Hristenko V. E. Psihologija zhertvy. Uchebnoe posobie. – Har'kov: Konsum, 2001.
Morozova A. S.
The improvement of the institution of human rights ombudsman in the subjects of the Russian Federation and their authorities in cooperation with the governing institutions and civil society
The article deals with the granting of regional ombudsmen powers, as well as issues of improving their performance, taking into account the prevailing legal practice.
The article deals with the granting of regional ombudsmen powers, as well as issues of improving their performance, taking into account the prevailing legal practice.
Keywords: human rights and freedoms, the Ombudsman, the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation
Work bibliographic list
1. Anisimova L. V. Osobennosti statusa i perspektivy razvitija instituta upolnomochennyh po pravam cheloveka v sub"ektah Rossijskoj Federacii // Ombudsmen. 2014. # 2. S. 18–24.
Work bibliographic list
1. Anisimova L. V. Osobennosti statusa i perspektivy razvitija instituta upolnomochennyh po pravam cheloveka v sub"ektah Rossijskoj Federacii // Ombudsmen. 2014. # 2. S. 18–24.
2. Vershinina I. F. Institut Upolnomochennogo po pravam cheloveka v sub"ektah Rossijskoj Federacii:konstitucionno-pravovoe issledovanie: avtoref.diss. … kand. jurid. nauk. M., 2009. 25 s.
3. Galickov V. A. Upolnomochennyj po pravam cheloveka v mehanizme obespechenija prav grazhdan // Vestnik Ural'skogo juridicheskogo instituta MVD Rossii.2015. #2. S. 30–33.
4. Gizdatov A. R. Institut Upolnomochennogo po pravam cheloveka: istorija stanovlenija i funkcionirovanija v sovremennoj Rossii // Aktual'nye voprosy fundamental'noj i prikladnoj nauki: sbornik nauchnyh trudov. Ekaterinburg: Ural'skij juridicheskij institut MVD Rossii, 2014. # 4. S. 13–16.
5. Komarova V. V. Upolnomochennyj po pravam cheloveka v Rossijskoj Federacii // Gosudarstvo i pravo. 1999.# 9. S. 21–31.
6. Komkova G. N., Lukashova N. F. Problemy vzaimodejstvija upolnomochennogo po pravam cheloveka v sub"ekte Rossijskoj Federacii s gosudarstvennymi organami i organami mestnogo samoupravlenija// Ombudsmen: gosudarstvo i zashhita prav cheloveka. 2012. # 1. S. 53–58.
7. Morozova A. S. Nekotorye voprosy realizacii prav i svobod cheloveka i grazhdanina v Rossijskoj Federacii: Materialy ezhegodnogo juridicheskogo foruma UrGI «Problemy obespechenija, realizacii, zashhity konstitucionnyh prav i svobod cheloveka». Ekaterinburg: UrGI, 2013. S. 58–67.
8. Sungurov A. Ju. Institut ombudsmena: jevoljucija tradicij i sovremennaja praktika (opyt sravnitel'nogo analiza). SPb.: Norma, 2005. 384 s.
Alieva M. N.
The right to euthanasia and the right to life: the ratio of questions
The issue of voluntary withdrawal from life occupies an important place among the medical, philosophical, legal and religious issues.
The issue of voluntary withdrawal from life occupies an important place among the medical, philosophical, legal and religious issues.
The world community has still not reached consensus on this problem. The author touches on the theoretical and practical aspects of euthanasia, as well as the question of the admissibility of its active and passive forms. The norms of the Russian legislation, establishing a direct prohibition on euthanasia in any form is also analyzed in the article.
Keywords: euthanasia, right to life, the right to death, human rights, health care.
Work bibliographic list
1. Andreeva A. A., Prihod'ko V. V. Problema jevtanazii v sovremennom obshhestve // Bjulleten' medicinskih internet-konferencij. Vyp. 11. T. 2. 2012.
Work bibliographic list
1. Andreeva A. A., Prihod'ko V. V. Problema jevtanazii v sovremennom obshhestve // Bjulleten' medicinskih internet-konferencij. Vyp. 11. T. 2. 2012.
2. Kapinus O. V. Jevtanazija kak social'no-pravovoe javlenie: Avtoref. diss… dokt. jurid. nauk. M., 2006.
3. Osnovy zakonodatel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii ob ohrane zdorov'ja grazhdan 1993 g. // Vedomosti S"ezda narodnyh deputatov RF i Verhovnogo Soveta RF ot 22 ijulja 1993. # 33. St. 1318.
4. Prava cheloveka: uchebnik / A. N. Golovistikova, L. Ju. Grudcyna. M.: Jeksmo, 2006.
5. Simonjan R. Z. Pravovye aspekty jevtanazii v Rossii // Uspehi sovremennogo estestvoznanija. # 1. 2015.
6. Jeticheskij kodeks rossijskogo vracha. M., 1995.
Voronova E. Yu.
The influence of the religious factor in Islamic accounting model
The article discusses the features of the Islamic accounting with emphasis on the influence of the religious factor. Attention is paid to the principles of Islamic accounting based on the ethical standards.
The article discusses the features of the Islamic accounting with emphasis on the influence of the religious factor. Attention is paid to the principles of Islamic accounting based on the ethical standards.
Keywords: accounting, Islam, institutional approach, accounting principles, social responsibility, zakat.
Work bibliographic list
1. Koran / Perevod smyslov i kommentarii Kulieva Je.– M.: Jeksmo, 2012. – 808 s.
Work bibliographic list
1. Koran / Perevod smyslov i kommentarii Kulieva Je.– M.: Jeksmo, 2012. – 808 s.
2. Pankov V. V. Vvedenie v institucional'nyj analiz problem ucheta // Institucional'nye aspekty buhgalterskogo ucheta i kontrolja: kollektivnaja monografija / [V.V. Pankov i dr.] / pod red. V. V. Pankova. – M.:GOU SPO «RJeA im G.V. Plehanova». – 2009.
3. Umarov H. S. Konvergencija islamskih standartov buhgalterskogo ucheta i MSFO // Finansovyj biznes.– 2013– # 3. – S. 68-71.
4. Umarov H. S. Osnovnye modeli buhgalterskogo ucheta i otchetnosti // Auditor. – 2013. – # 6. – S. 30-35.
5. Umarov H. S. Vozmozhnosti i perspektivy islamskoj modeli buhgalterskogo ucheta v Rossii // Finansovyj biznes. – 2016. – # 1. – S. 35-41.
6. Bushman R. M. Financial accounting information and corporate governance / R.M. Bushman, A.J. Smith // Journal of Accounting and Economics. – 2001. – No. 32. – P. 237-333.
7. Campbell J. L. Institutional analysis and paradox of corporate social responsibility // American Behavioral Scientist.– 2006. – Vol. 47. – No. 7. – P. 925-938.
8. Hamed S., Yaya R. The emerging issues on the objectives and characteristics of Islamic accounting for Islamic business organizations // Malaysian Accounting Review. – 2005. – Vol. 4. – No. 1. – P. 75-92.
9. Kamla R. Critical insights into contemporary Islamic accounting // Critical Perspectives on Accounting. – 2009.–No. 20. – P. 921-932.
Gerasimova M. V., Solovjeva I. A., Gafarova Z. R.
Main directions of the assessment of efficiency of activity of the personnel management service of oil and gas company
In the article the importance and usefulness of the evaluation of efficiency of activity of the personnel management service of oil and gas company in the current economic conditions is considered, the main directions of an assessment are allocated and in their framework the criteria basis of an assessment is presented.
In the article the importance and usefulness of the evaluation of efficiency of activity of the personnel management service of oil and gas company in the current economic conditions is considered, the main directions of an assessment are allocated and in their framework the criteria basis of an assessment is presented.
Keywords: evaluation, efficiency management, personnel, oil and gas company, evaluation criteria.
Work bibliographic list
1. Galljamova A. F. Pokazateli jeffektivnosti upravlenija personalom // Jekonomika i socium. – 2015. – #2(15). – S. 10-15.
Work bibliographic list
1. Galljamova A. F. Pokazateli jeffektivnosti upravlenija personalom // Jekonomika i socium. – 2015. – #2(15). – S. 10-15.
2. Gerasimova M. V., Avdeeva L. A. Metodicheskij podhod k ocenke sovokupnogo riska stroitel'nogo predprijatija // Internet-zhurnal «Naukovedenie». – 2015.– T. 7. – # 3 (28). – S. 18.
3. Solov'eva I. A., Musina D. R. Ocenka vlijanija «Bol'shogo nalogovogo manevra» na jeffektivnost' neftepererabatyvajushhego segmenta neftjanyh kompanij (na primere Ufimskoj gruppy NPZ) // Jelektronnyj nauchnyj zhurnal «Neftegazovoe delo». – 2015. – # 6. – S. 587-610.
4. Tokareva G. R. Vzaimodejstvie jekonomicheskogo rosta i kachestva trudovyh resursov // Predprinimatel'stvo. – 2014. – # 3. – S. 61-64.
5. Solov'eva I. A., Zakir'janov R. I. Razrabotka kompleksnoj mnogokriterial'noj modeli ocenki sistemy obuchenija i razvitija chelovecheskih resursov organizacii // Internet-zhurnal «Naukovedenie»,2016. – Tom 8. – # 2.
Uskov I. V.
Fight against economic criminality in the Republic of Crimea
In the article features and tendencies of fight are certain against economic criminality in Republics
In the article features and tendencies of fight are certain against economic criminality in Republics
of Crimea. Complex measures, sent to counteractions of economic criminality at the level of region, are offered.
Keywords: economic criminality, shadow economy, corruption, crimes against property, national safety.
Work bibliographic list
1. Avdijskij V. I., Dadalko V. A. Tenevaja jekonomika i jekonomicheskaja bezopasnost' gosudarstva: uchebnoe posobie. – 2-e izd., dop. – M.: Al'fa-M: INFRA-M, 2010.– 496 s.
Work bibliographic list
1. Avdijskij V. I., Dadalko V. A. Tenevaja jekonomika i jekonomicheskaja bezopasnost' gosudarstva: uchebnoe posobie. – 2-e izd., dop. – M.: Al'fa-M: INFRA-M, 2010.– 496 s.
2. Bekrjashev A. K., Belozjorov I. P. Tenevaja jekonomika i jekonomicheskaja prestupnost': jelektronnyj uchebnik – [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: http: //
3. Kal'kova N. N. Tenevaja jekonomika i jekonomicheskaja bezopasnost': ucheb. posobie. – Simferopol': «ARI-AL», 2014. – 180 s.
4. Kisun'ko G. A. Problemy jekonomicheskoj prestupnosti v Rossii // Problemy teorii i praktiki upravlenija. – 1997. – # 1. – S. 36-40.
5. Larichev V. D. Prestupnost' v sfere jekonomiki (teoreticheskie voprosy jekonomicheskoj prestupnosti).– M.: VNII MVD Rossii, 2003. – 298 s.
6. Latov Ju. V., Kovaljov S. N. Tenevaja jekonomika: uchebnoe posobie dlja vuzov. – M.: Norma, 2006. – 336 s.
7. Timofeev L. M. Tenevye jekonomicheskie sistemy sovremennoj Rossii: teorija- analiz modeli: uchebnik dlja vuzov. – M.: Izdat. Centr RGGU, 2008. – 322 c.
8. Jani P. S. Prestuplenie v sfere jekonomiki. – Krosna-Leks, 1997. – 290 s.
9. Statistika jekonomicheskoj prestupnosti za 2014-2015 goda (po dannym MVD RF). – [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
10. Operativnaja statisticheskaja informacija za 2014-2015 goda (po dannym IC MVD po Respublike Krym).– [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: http://
Gareeva Z. A., Ganieva L. I., Nazirova E. F.
Features of the organization of budgeting in oil service companies
The article discusses the features of the oilfield services companies that affect building budgets,
The article discusses the features of the oilfield services companies that affect building budgets,
describes the sequence of formation of budgets, the structure of the General budget of the oilfield
services companies.
Keywords: budgeting, management accounting, oilfield services company, statement of account,
the budget.
Work bibliographic list
1. Sheshukova T. G., Guljaeva E. L. Teorija i praktika kontrollinga. M.: Finansy i statistika, 2008.
Spasskaya N. V.
Dynamics of the major parameters of the federal targeted investment program of the Russian Federation
The article analyzes the national priorities of socio-economic development of the Russian Federation in the context of the complexes, industries, federal districts of the Russian Federation.
The article analyzes the national priorities of socio-economic development of the Russian Federation in the context of the complexes, industries, federal districts of the Russian Federation.
Keywords: federal targeted investment program, budget investments, priorities of state development.
Work bibliographic list
1. Postanovlenie Pravitel'stva RF ot 13.09.2010 # 716(red. ot 22.03.2016) «Ob utverzhdenii Pravil formirovanija i realizacii federal'noj adresnoj investicionnoj programmy». [Jelektronnyj resurs].– Rezhim dostupa:
Work bibliographic list
1. Postanovlenie Pravitel'stva RF ot 13.09.2010 # 716(red. ot 22.03.2016) «Ob utverzhdenii Pravil formirovanija i realizacii federal'noj adresnoj investicionnoj programmy». [Jelektronnyj resurs].– Rezhim dostupa:
2. Oficial'nyj sajt Federal'noj adresnoj investicionnoj programmy Rossii. [Jelektronnyj resurs].– Rezhim dostupa:
Khamidullina Z. Ch.
Presentation and disclosure of financial statements in Islamic investment funds
This article deals with Islamic investment funds and describes the requirements for the presentation of the financial statements of Islamic investment funds, according to the standard of AAOIFI
This article deals with Islamic investment funds and describes the requirements for the presentation of the financial statements of Islamic investment funds, according to the standard of AAOIFI
Keywords: Islamic funds, principles of Islamic finance, accounting policy, financial statements, AAOIFI.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bekkin R. I. Zakjat: nalogi ili religioznaja objazannost'? // Finansy. – 2008. – # 11. – S. 35-39.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bekkin R. I. Zakjat: nalogi ili religioznaja objazannost'? // Finansy. – 2008. – # 11. – S. 35-39.
2. Koran / Perevod smyslov i kommentarii Kulieva Je.– M.: Jeksmo, 2012. – 808 s.
3. Umarov H. S. Vozmozhnosti i perspektivy islamskoj modeli buhgalterskogo ucheta v Rossii // Finansovyj biznes. – 2016. – #1. – S. 35-41.
4. Umarov H. S. O buhgalterskoj otchetnosti v islamskih strahovyh kompanijah: Standart SFU 12 AAOIFI //Strahovoe delo. – 2013. – # 6. – S. 52-57.
5. Accounting, Auditing and Governance Standards for Islamic Financial Institutions, AAOIFI, 1432H. - Manama, Bahrain: Copyright AAOIFI # (834/2002) and Public Library registration # (2002/3356)/ – 2010. – 806 p.
6. Mervyn K. L. Islam and Accounting // Accounting Forum.– 2001. – Vol. 25. – No. 2. – R. 103-127.
Valinurova L S., Kazakova O. B., Kuzminykh N. A.
Investment attractiveness of the municipalities of the Republic of Bashkortostan
The article analyzes the investment activities of the Republic of Bashkortostan and its municipalities.
The article analyzes the investment activities of the Republic of Bashkortostan and its municipalities.
In the course of the analysis of the identified issue, revealing the current level of investment attractiveness of municipalities. The authors within the concept of effective management of investment processes on the basis of the revenue-risk approach assessed the investment attractiveness of municipalities of the Republic of Bashkortostan. As shown by the results of the analysis, the current low level of investment attractiveness due to the use of specific competitive advantages of the territory and shifting priorities on traditional sources of growth, high level of investment attractiveness – developed industrial base, presence of transportation hubs, infrastructure.
Keywords: investment attractiveness, municipal, education, investment, revenue-risk approach.
Work bibliographic list
1. Valinurova L. S., Kazakova O. B. Ocenka investicionnoj privlekatel'nosti regionov Privolzhskogo federal'nogo okruga: faktory i uslovija privlechenija investicij // Regional'naja jekonomika i upravlenie: jelektronnyj nauchnyj zhurnal. 2013. # 4 (36).S. 81-95.
Work bibliographic list
1. Valinurova L. S., Kazakova O. B. Ocenka investicionnoj privlekatel'nosti regionov Privolzhskogo federal'nogo okruga: faktory i uslovija privlechenija investicij // Regional'naja jekonomika i upravlenie: jelektronnyj nauchnyj zhurnal. 2013. # 4 (36).S. 81-95.
2. Kazakova O. B. Ocenka konkurentosposobnosti municipal'nyh obrazovanij // Municipal'naja vlast' v sovremennom mire: poisk otvetov na vyzovy vremeni materialy Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii: v 2-h tomah. Otv. red.: L. I. Gazizova, E. A. Beljaev. 2013. S. 81-86.
3. Kuz'minyh N. A. Upravlenie innovacionnym razvitiem municipal'nyh obrazovanij // Jekonomicheskie i gumanitarnye nauki. 2013. # 8 (259). S. 3-9.
Brezhneva O. V.
Current problems rundown tangible assets socio-economic region subsystems
This article presents the results of research questions share depreciation of tangible assets socio-economic sub-systems of the Republic of Bashkortostan in the main branches of the economy. The ways of solving urgent problems of the economy.
This article presents the results of research questions share depreciation of tangible assets socio-economic sub-systems of the Republic of Bashkortostan in the main branches of the economy. The ways of solving urgent problems of the economy.
Keywords: physical assets, region, socio-economic subsystem, fixed assets.
Work bibliographic list
1. Brezhneva O. V. Razvitie jekonomicheskih podsistem // Teorija i praktika sovremennoj nauki: jelektronnyj nauchno prakticheskij zhurnal. – 2015. - #5 (5). - S. 66-70.
Work bibliographic list
1. Brezhneva O. V. Razvitie jekonomicheskih podsistem // Teorija i praktika sovremennoj nauki: jelektronnyj nauchno prakticheskij zhurnal. – 2015. - #5 (5). - S. 66-70.
2. Brezhneva O. V. Vlijanie sistemy upravlenija na jeffektivnost' ispol'zovanija material'nyh aktivov regiona // Teorija i praktika sovremennoj nauki: jelektronnyj nauchno prakticheskij zhurnal. – 2015. -#3 (5). - S. 27-31.
3. Sajt federal'noj sluzhby gosudarstvennoj statistiki. – [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
Chernenkov I. V.
Structural and staffing deficiencies of mechanical engineering
This article discusses the basic problems of machine-building industry, associated with both the technical features of production, namely, the moral obsolescence, as well as shortcomings in human resources and personnel policy. Consider a typical "obstacles" that prevent the company to develop, according to the dynamics of the industry as a whole.
This article discusses the basic problems of machine-building industry, associated with both the technical features of production, namely, the moral obsolescence, as well as shortcomings in human resources and personnel policy. Consider a typical "obstacles" that prevent the company to develop, according to the dynamics of the industry as a whole.
Keywords: engineering, problems, staffing constraints, the need for change.
Work bibliographic list
1. Otgruzheno tovarov sobstvennogo proizvodstva, vypolneno rabot i uslug sobstvennymi silami (bez NDS, akcizov i drugih analogichnyh platezhej) po «chistym» vidam dejatel'nosti (mesjac), tysjacha rublej, krupnye, srednie i malye organizacii // Rosstat. 2015.
Work bibliographic list
1. Otgruzheno tovarov sobstvennogo proizvodstva, vypolneno rabot i uslug sobstvennymi silami (bez NDS, akcizov i drugih analogichnyh platezhej) po «chistym» vidam dejatel'nosti (mesjac), tysjacha rublej, krupnye, srednie i malye organizacii // Rosstat. 2015.
2. Uroven' zhizni naselenija // Rosstat. 2015.
3. Aktual'nye problemy predprijatij mashinostroenija. Strategicheskoe planirovanie i razvitie predprijatij
Murtazakulov D. S., Miraliyon Q. A.
Politological aspects of the normative legal base of the state policy for youth in Tajikistan: problems and perspectives
In the article is considered the process of formation legislative base of state policy for youth in condition of democratization and development of modern society. Researched the level of implementation identified norms, determined different problems and offered appropriate ways to solve for them.
In the article is considered the process of formation legislative base of state policy for youth in condition of democratization and development of modern society. Researched the level of implementation identified norms, determined different problems and offered appropriate ways to solve for them.
Keywords: youth, state policy for youth, legislation, normative legal base, norms, modern society, democratization, institutionalization.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ahbori Madzhlisi Oli Respubliki Tadzhikistan.2004 g. # 7. St. 459.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ahbori Madzhlisi Oli Respubliki Tadzhikistan.2004 g. # 7. St. 459.
2. Ahbori Madzhlisi Oli Respubliki Tadzhikistan.2006 g. # 3. St. 158.
3. Ahbori Madzhlisi Oli Respubliki Tadzhikistan.2008 g. # 12. ch. 2. St. 1016.
4. Ahbori Madzhlisi Oli Respubliki Tadzhikistan.2014 g. # 11. St. 642; 2015 g. # 4. St. 345; # 5. St. 589;# 6. St.642; St. 643; St. 644.
5. Postanovlenie Pravitel'stva Respubliki Tadzhikistan ot 2.11. 2012 g. # 620.
6. Postanovlenie Pravitel'stva Respubliki Tadzhikistan ot 4.10. 2011 g. # 480.
7. Postanovlenija Pravitel'stva Respubliki Tadzhikistan ot 3.06. 2006 g. # 228 i ot 2.12.2014 g. # 760.
8. Dzhuraev K. K., Miraliev K. A. Sbornik normativno-pravovyh aktov v sfere realizacii gosudarstvennoj molodezhnoj politiki v Tadzhikistane: Sbornik dlja organov po delam molodezhi. Dushanbe, 2011.
9. Dzhuraev K. K., Miraliev K. A. Strategija gosudarstvennoj molodezhnoj politiki v Respublike Tadzhikistan do 2020 goda: Sbornik dlja organov po delam molodezhi. Dushanbe, 2011.
10. Miraliev K. A. Razvitie molodezhnoj politiki v Tadzhikistane na rubezhe XXI veka. Dushanbe: Shuchoien, 2010.
11. Miralijon K. A. Rol' grazhdanskogo obshhestva v razvitii molodezhnoj politiki // Sino. 2014. #3/3(316).S. 195-200
12. O Nacional'noj Koncepcii molodezhnoj politiki v Respublike Tadzhikistan: Postanovlenie Pravitel'stva RT ot 3.06.2006, # 228. Dushanbe: 2006.
[Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
13. Poslanie Prezidenta Tadzhikistana Jemomali Rahmona Parlamentu strany. Dushanbe, 2010. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
14. Rynok truda v Respublike Tadzhikistan: Statisticheskij sbornik / Agentstvo po statistike pri Prezidente RT. Dushanbe: UOP GVC, 2014.
15. Social'no-jekonomicheskoe polozhenie Respubliki Tadzhikistan: Statisticheskij sbornik / Agentstvo statistiki pri Prezidente Respubliki Tadzhikistan. Dushanbe: UOP GVC, 2014.
Verbitskaya G. Ya
The Hegelian tradition in philosophical-aesthetic reflection of the conflict
In the article the questions of development of the Hegelian interpretation of the conflict theory: special attention is paid to the analysis of the Hegelian approach of the French philosophers-naegeliana and aesthetic studies of the conflict. The author concludes that philosophical and aesthetic dialogue with the Hegelian theory of the conflict is a kind of basis for a holistic perception, understanding and interpretation of artworks, and a twin-track process of creation-of knowledge.
In the article the questions of development of the Hegelian interpretation of the conflict theory: special attention is paid to the analysis of the Hegelian approach of the French philosophers-naegeliana and aesthetic studies of the conflict. The author concludes that philosophical and aesthetic dialogue with the Hegelian theory of the conflict is a kind of basis for a holistic perception, understanding and interpretation of artworks, and a twin-track process of creation-of knowledge.
Keywords: conflict, controversy, creativity, art, knowledge, dialogue, tradition.
Work bibliographic list
1. Alieva Je. R. Harakter i konflikt v lezginskom istoricheskom romane. Dissertacija na soiskanie uchenoj stepeni kandidata filologicheskih nauk. Mahachkala, 2009. 152 s.
Work bibliographic list
1. Alieva Je. R. Harakter i konflikt v lezginskom istoricheskom romane. Dissertacija na soiskanie uchenoj stepeni kandidata filologicheskih nauk. Mahachkala, 2009. 152 s.
2. Aristotel'. Pojetika. M.: Hudozhestvennaja literatura, 1957. 183 s.
3. Batishhev G. S. Vvedenie v dialektiku tvorchestva. SPb.: Izdatel'stvo Russkogo Hristianskogo Gumanitarnogo Instituta, 1997. 464 s.
4. Bahtin M. M. Jestetika slovesnogo tvorchestva. M.: Iskusstvo, 1979. 424 s.
5. Bahtin M. M. Fransua Rable i narodnaja kul'tura Srednevekov'ja i Renessansa. M.: Hudozhestvennaja literatura, 1990. 543 s.
6. Val' Zh. «Neschastnoe soznanie» v filosofii Gegelja. SPb.: Vladimir Dal', 2006. 334 s.
7. Gegel' G. V. F. Jestetika v 4-h t. T.1. M.: Iskusstvo, 1968. 330 s.
8. Gegel' G. V. F. Lekcii po jestetike v 2-h t. T.2. M.: Nauka, 2007. 608 s.
9. Gegel' G. V. F. Nauka logiki. M.: Mysl', 1998. 800 s.
10. Zingerman B. I. Ocherki po istorii dramy XX veka.M.: Nauka, 1979. 392 s.
11. Demina L. I. Jevoljucija konflikta v russkom literaturnom processe 50 - 60-h godov XX veka. Dissertacija na soiskanie uchenoj stepeni d-ra filol. nauk. Krasnodar, 2002. 367 s.
12. Ival'do M. Osnovnye cherty transcendental'noj teorii interpersonal'nosti v svete principov naukouchenija // Fihte i konec XX veka: «Ja» i «Ne - Ja».Ufa, 1992.
13. Kozhev A. Ideja smerti v filosofii Gegelja / Per. s fr. i posl. I. Fomin. M.: Izdatel'stvo “Logos”, 1998. 208 s.
14. Kulikova T. V. Filosofija granicy: fenomenologicheskij i jepistemologicheskij podhody. Avtoref. Diss. na soiskanie uchenoj stepeni d-ra filos. nauk. Nizhnij Novgorod, 2011. 33 s.
15. Hrapchenko M. B. Gorizonty hudozhestvennogo obraza. M.: Hudozhestvennaja literatura, 1982. 333 s.
16. Lihachev D. S., Panchenko A. M., Ponyrko N. V. Smeh v Drevnej Rusi. L.: Nauka, 1984. 295 s.
17. Lotman Ju. M. Kul'tura i vzryv. M.: Gnozis, 1992. 272s.
18. Patapenko S. N. Priroda konflikta v dramaturgii I. S. Turgeneva: Diss. na soiskanie uchenoj stepeni kand. filol. nauk. Vologda, 2002. 207 s.
19. Timofeev L. I. Osnovy teorii literatury. M.: Prosveshhenie, 1976. 448 s.
20. Halizev V. E. Teorija literatury M.: Vysshaja shkola, 2002. 438 s.
21. Chepurina V. V. Kul'turnaja obuslovlennost' dramaticheskogo konflikta (na materiale russkoj dramaturgii sovetskogo perioda). Diss. na soiskanie uchenoj stepeni kand. kul'turologi. Kemerovo, 2006. 244 s.
22. Shazzo K. G. Hudozhestvennaja struktura konfliktov jepohi i duhovno-filosofskie iskanija lichnosti / K. G. Shazzo. Majkop: Izdatel'stvo MGTU, 2005. 260 s.
Ibragimova S. H.
Ethic issues in “Pandname” of Maturidi
This article discusses one of the most important ethical issue more worthy of man. Matrudi tasks of ethic in society defines for that, sometimes its govern the relationships social groups to adjust to install it on basis of equity. Thinker appearance scientific ethics is determined by the error that even disadvantages people and sending them to the right path from the need to read one.
This article discusses one of the most important ethical issue more worthy of man. Matrudi tasks of ethic in society defines for that, sometimes its govern the relationships social groups to adjust to install it on basis of equity. Thinker appearance scientific ethics is determined by the error that even disadvantages people and sending them to the right path from the need to read one.
Keywords: Ethic, ethics virtues, ethics lack, justice, scientific ethics, direction, right way, society, action, social groups, necessary, human.
Work bibliographic list
1. Aristotel'. Sochinenija. T. 4. M.: Mysl', 1983.
Work bibliographic list
1. Aristotel'. Sochinenija. T. 4. M.: Mysl', 1983.
2. Gusejnov A. A., Apresjan R. G. Jetika. Moral' v zhizni cheloveka. M., 2000.
3. Koran. 91: 9,10.
4. Miskavejh. Tahzib-ul-ahlok. Bejrut, 1985.
5. Shamolov A. A. Kalomi Movarounnahr. Dushanbe: Do-nish, 2013.
6. Jeradzh Afshor. Pandname Maturidi // Farhangi jeronzamin.
Sirazetdinova M. F., Lukmanova R. Kh.
Specifics of consciousness manipulation in the legal sphere
Authors examine the peculiar features of legal consciousness manipulation as one of the factors contributing to the growth of crime. We suggest that one of the conditions for successful change of attitudes in the process of manipulation is an underdevelopment of legal consciousness, as well as an implementation of the positivist approach to law, in which it is considered to be the source of the law itself or the will of the legislator, without taking into account the socio-cultural specifics of a particular society. The implementation of the principles of legal intersubjectivism is an effective measure to overcome the manipulations in the field of law.
Authors examine the peculiar features of legal consciousness manipulation as one of the factors contributing to the growth of crime. We suggest that one of the conditions for successful change of attitudes in the process of manipulation is an underdevelopment of legal consciousness, as well as an implementation of the positivist approach to law, in which it is considered to be the source of the law itself or the will of the legislator, without taking into account the socio-cultural specifics of a particular society. The implementation of the principles of legal intersubjectivism is an effective measure to overcome the manipulations in the field of law.
Keywords: legal consciousness, consciousness manipulation, dialogue, destructive impact, legal
positivism, legal intersubjectivism, positive law, legal reality.
Work bibliographic list
1. Novodvorskaja V. I. Ne otdadim nashe pravo nalevo!// Demokraticheskij Sojuz. Arhiv zajavlenij i soobshhenij s 1988 g. 1993. – [Jelektronnyj resurs]. –Rezhim dostupa: (data poseshhenija: 21.11.2014).
Work bibliographic list
1. Novodvorskaja V. I. Ne otdadim nashe pravo nalevo!// Demokraticheskij Sojuz. Arhiv zajavlenij i soobshhenij s 1988 g. 1993. – [Jelektronnyj resurs]. –Rezhim dostupa: (data poseshhenija: 21.11.2014).
2. Grigor'ev O. Opredelenie ponjatija jelita. Kritika sushhestvujushhih podhodov // Nauchno-issledovatel'skij centr Olega Grigor'eva. 2011.– [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data poseshhenija:3.01.2015).
3. Lokk Dzh. Dva traktata o pravlenii / Lokk Dzh. Sochinenija: v 3 t. T. 3. – M.: Mysl', 1988. – S. 137-405.
4. Il'in I. A. O monarhii i respublike / Il'in I. A. Sobranie sochinenij: v 10 t. T. 4., red. N. P. Poltorackij. – M.: Russkaja kniga, 1994. – 622 s.
5. Fedotova V. G. Menjajushhajasja social'nost': novye formy modernizacii i progressa. – M.: IFRAN, 2010. – 274 s.
6. D'jakov A. A. Social'noe poznanie i obydennoe soznanie // Vestnik Voronezhskogo instituta MVD Rossii. 2007. # 4. – S. 55-61.
7. Giancarlo F. Frosio Open access publishing: a literature review. RCUK Centre for Copyright and New Business Models in the Creative Economy. – 2014. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data poseshhenija:14.12.2014).
8. Stoletov A. I., Lukmanova R. H. Universal'noe i lokal'noe (jetnicheskoe) v mirovozzrenii // Regionologija. 2009. – # 1. – S. 275-284.
9. Goran V. P. Chto takoe ponimanie? // Vestnik NGU. Serija: Filosofija. 2006. – # 2. T. 4. – S.18-27.
10. Sirazetdinova M. F. Manipuljacija soznaniem: poisk osnovanij // Vestnik NGU. Serija: Filosofija. 2014. – # 3. T. 12. – S. 48–52.
Biishev I. R.
Materialized objectivity and its deobjectivation in the ritual action
The article considers the social importance, features and functions of the material components of ritual as a social phenomenon.
The article considers the social importance, features and functions of the material components of ritual as a social phenomenon.
Analyzes point of view on this issue of classics of science and modern researchers. Accepted understanding of the rite as a symbolic act, transfer-ring certain sociocultural meanings by forming the respective emotional States of the participants. The items used in the ceremony and a specially designed environment for him, conceptualized as the carriers of a certain spiritual content, and they contain certain properties, and stimulating programming that organizes people's behavior so that were deobjectivation of spiritual meaning and guidance in ritual actions. These features are elements of the rite are of great importance in theory and practice.
Keywords: ritual, symbol, and material components of the rite, the spiritual content of the ceremony, the objectification, deobjectivation, spiritual values, emotional impact, programming of ritual action.
Work bibliographic list
1. Gnedovskij Ju. P., Limonad M. Ju. Tipologija i arhitektura obrjadovyh zdanij v SSSR // Socialisticheskaja obrjadnost' i formirovanie novogo cheloveka.– K.: Politizdat Ukrainy, 1979. S. 202-207.
Work bibliographic list
1. Gnedovskij Ju. P., Limonad M. Ju. Tipologija i arhitektura obrjadovyh zdanij v SSSR // Socialisticheskaja obrjadnost' i formirovanie novogo cheloveka.– K.: Politizdat Ukrainy, 1979. S. 202-207.
2. Knjazeva E. N. Telesnoe i jenaktivnoe poznanie: novaja issledovatel'skaja programma v jepistemologii // Jepistemologija: perspektivy razvitija/ Otv. Red.V. A. Lentorskij. – M.: «Kanon+» ROOI «Reabilitacija», 2012. S. 315-351.
3. Kozlova T. A. Material'nye komponenty tradicionnoj kul'tury v mordovskom fol'klore (istoriko-jetnograficheskoe issledovanie). Avtoref. diss… nauk. – Saransk, 2004. – 24s.
4. Kornishina G. A. Znakovye funkcii i simvolicheskie kategorii tradicionnoj mordovskoj odezhdy v
svadebnom cikle // Finno-ugorskij mir. – 2009. – #
3. – S. 66-77.
5. Krjukov V. M. Dary zemnye i nebesnye (k simvolike arhaicheskogo rituala v rannechzhouskom Kitae) //Jetika i ritual v tradicionnom Kitae. Sbornik statej. – M.: Glavnaja redakcija vostochnoj literatury izdatel'stva «Nauka», 1988. – S. 56-84.
6. Larina L. I. Terminologija svadebnogo obrjada Kurskogo regiona v jetnolingvisticheskom aspekte. Diss…kand. filol. nauk. – Kursk, 1990. – 241 s.
7. Mamardashvili M. K. Lekcii po antichnoj filosofii. Pod red. Ju. P. Senokosova. – M.: «Agraf», 1997.– 311 s.
8. Razmyshlenija o Bozhestvennoj Liturgii Gogolja N. V.: Reprintnoe izdanie. – M.: Sovremennik, 1990. –124 s.
9. Ramazanova Z. B. Simvolika i funkcija komponentov kalendarnoj obrjadnosti narodov gornogo Dagestana// Vestnik instituta IAJe. – 2014. – # 1. – S. 155-165.
10. Semenova A. N. Tekuchest' kadrov, trudovaja disciplina i tvorcheskaja aktivnost' – osnovnye pokazateli urovnja kul'tury agrarnogo truda // Aktual'nye problemy organizacii i oplaty truda na promyshlennyh predprijatijah: Mezhvuzovskij sbornik nauchnyh statej. – Ivanovo: RIO Ivanovskogo GU, 1984. – S.47-52.
11. Sidorskaja O. G. Svadebnaja obrjadnost' ukraincev Omskoj oblasti (1930-e-2000-e gody). Avtoref. diss…kand. ist. nauk. Omsk, 2013. – 33 s.
12. Struchkova A. V. Skifo-hunnskij komponent v pogrebal'nom obrjade tjurkojazychnyh narodov Sibiri //Vestnik Severo-Vostochnogo federal'nogo universiteta im. M. K. Ammosova. – #2. – Tom 12. – 2015. – S.61-65
13. Sultangareeva R. A. Zhizn' cheloveka v obrjade: fol'klorno-jetnograficheskoe issledovanie bashkirskih semejnyh obrjadov. – Ufa: Gilem, 2005. – S. 344 s.
14. Suhanov I. V. Obychai, tradicii, obrjady kak social'nye javlenija. – Gor'kij: Volgo-Vjatskoe kn. izd.,1973. – 256 s.
15. Tajlor Je. B. Pervobytnaja kul'tura: Per. s angl. – M.:Politizdat, 1989. – 573 s.
16. Tjerner V. Simvol i ritual. Sost. V. A. Bejlis i avtor predisl. – M.: Glavnaja redakcija vostochnoj literatury izdatel'stva «Nauka», 1983. – 277 s.
17. Ugrinovich D. M. Obrjady. Za i protiv. – M.: Politizdat, 1975. – 175 s.
18. Frjezer Dzh. Dzh. Zolotaja vetv': Issledovanie magii i religii. Per. s angl. – M.: Politizdat, 1980. – 831 s.
19. Jarkova E. N. Telesnaja praktika v tvorchestve aktera //Jepistemologija kreativnosti / Otv. red. E. N. Knjazeva. –M.: «Kanon+» ROOI «Reabilitacija», 2013. – 520 s.
Murzagulov R. R.
Co-creation as a political technology: a methodology of resolving social conflicts
The article discusses the possibility and application of the social conflict resolution technology "co-creation" used in the XXI century in the marketing. It is shown that the "freezing", "dialogue" and "tolerance" as a way of addressing the conflict they say is only temporary and superficial effects. Themselves to eliminate sources of social conflict and further social progress is to "co-creation" as a political technology based on the dialectical concept of creativity and providing a synthesis of incompatible positions by reaching a new level of existence of society, beneficial to all parties to the conflict.
The article discusses the possibility and application of the social conflict resolution technology "co-creation" used in the XXI century in the marketing. It is shown that the "freezing", "dialogue" and "tolerance" as a way of addressing the conflict they say is only temporary and superficial effects. Themselves to eliminate sources of social conflict and further social progress is to "co-creation" as a political technology based on the dialectical concept of creativity and providing a synthesis of incompatible positions by reaching a new level of existence of society, beneficial to all parties to the conflict.
Keywords: social conflict, conflict settlement, "freezing" of the conflict, dialogue, tolerance, co-creation, the combination of opposites, the resolution of contradictions.
Work bibliographic list
1. Batishhev G. S. Vvedenie v dialektiku tvorchestva.SPb.: Izd-vo RHGI, 1997. 464 s.
Work bibliographic list
1. Batishhev G. S. Vvedenie v dialektiku tvorchestva.SPb.: Izd-vo RHGI, 1997. 464 s.
2. Geraklit // Fragmenty rannih grecheskih filosofov.Chast' I. M.: Nauka, 1989. S. 176-257.
3. Zajcev A. V. Dialogika Jurgena Habermasa: ponjatie i sushhnost' // NB: Filosofskie issledovanija.2012. # 2. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa:htpp://e-notabene-ru/fr/arcticl_148.html (data obrashhenija 05.03.2014).
4. Levinas Je. Vremja i drugoj. Gumanizm drugogo cheloveka. Per. s franc. SPb.: Vysshaja religiozno-filosofskaja shkola. 1999. 264 s.
5. Murzagulov R. R. Dialogizm i sotvorchestvo v kommunikacii «vlast'-obshhestvo» // Filosofija. Tolerantnost'. Globalizacija. Vostok i Zapad – dialog mirovozzrenij: tezisy dokladov VII Rossijskogo filosofskogo kongressa (g. Ufa, 6-10 oktjabrja 2015g.)V 3-h t. T.II. – Ufa: RIC BashGU, 2015. 125s.
6. Murzagulov R. R., Semenov S. N. Kreativnost' i sotvorchestvo s svjazjah s obshhestvennost'ju // Sovremennyj PR: teorija, praktika, obrazovanie: Materialy VII Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii (26 aprelja 2011g., g. Ufa). Ufa: Izd-vo UGNTU, 2011. S. 104-105.
7. Semenov S.N. Razvitie tvorcheskih sposobnostej v processe obuchenija (filosofsko – metodologicheskie problemy). Ufa: Gilem, 1998. – 174s.
8. Semenov S.N. Tvorcheskoe myshlenie (sushhnost', mehanizmy puti optimizacii) – Ufa: RIO BashGU, 2005. 144s.
9. Semenov S.N. Tvorchestvo: sushhnost', kriterii, smysl/ Lichnost'. Kul'tura. Obshhestvo. 2011. Tom XIII. Vyp. 4. ## 67-68. S. 243-248.
10. Habermas Ju. Otnoshenija k miru i racional'nye aspekty dejstvija v chetyreh sociologicheskih ponjatijah dejstvija. per. s nem // Sociologicheskoe obozrenie. 2008. T. 7. # 1. S. 3-52.
11. Prahalad C. K., Vankatram Ramaswamy Co-opting Customer Competence // Harvard Business Review. January. 2000
12. Rothenberg A. Homospatial Process // Encyclopedia of Creativity. Volume 1 – San Piego – London – Boston – New York – Sydney – Tokyo – Toronto: Academic Press, 1999. R. 831-835.
Magomedova M. Z.
Confessional tolerance in the North Caucasus
This article analyzes the problems of confessional tolerance in the North Caucasus. The phenomenon of tolerance as well as factors it is based on, is one of the most urgent topics of the present day, attracting scientists from different fields. The survey of interconfessional relations for some decades shows that misunderstanding and conflicts often take place in multicultural society. The development of tolerance principles gets a special meaning in the conditions of North Caucasus, where live representatives of more than 100 nationalities, following Islam, Christianity and Judaism.
This article analyzes the problems of confessional tolerance in the North Caucasus. The phenomenon of tolerance as well as factors it is based on, is one of the most urgent topics of the present day, attracting scientists from different fields. The survey of interconfessional relations for some decades shows that misunderstanding and conflicts often take place in multicultural society. The development of tolerance principles gets a special meaning in the conditions of North Caucasus, where live representatives of more than 100 nationalities, following Islam, Christianity and Judaism.
Keywords: tolerance, harmony, conflict, globalization, regionalization, confessional, multiethnic, North Caucasus, extremism.
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon «O protivodejstvii jekstremistskoj dejatel'nosti». – M., 2005.
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon «O protivodejstvii jekstremistskoj dejatel'nosti». – M., 2005.
2. Asmolov A. G. Slovo o tolerantnosti // Vek tolerantnosti. – 2001. – # 1.
3. Gusaeva K. G. Mezhnacional'nye i mezhkonfessional'nye otnoshenija v Dagestane: ot konfliktnosti k stabil'nosti. Avtoref. diss. dok. nauk. – Mahachkala, 2006.
4. Soldatova G. U. Psihologija mezhjetnicheskoj naprjazhennosti. – M.: Smysl, 1998.
5. Tishkov V. A. Jetnicheskoe i religioznoe mnogoobrazie – osnova stabil'nosti i razvitija rossijskogo obshhestva: Stat'i i interv'ju. – M.: Akademija, 2008.
Urunova H. U.
System forming components of the national mentality in traditional societies
In this article the author analyzes the system forming factors of the national mentality. Making a gradation of these components the author directs her attention to identification of the meaning and the content of such components, as traditionalism and collectivism. The author confirms that these traditional values build the basic foundation of the Tajik mentality.
In this article the author analyzes the system forming factors of the national mentality. Making a gradation of these components the author directs her attention to identification of the meaning and the content of such components, as traditionalism and collectivism. The author confirms that these traditional values build the basic foundation of the Tajik mentality.
Keywords: traditionalism, collectivism, mentality, gender traditionalism, tradition, public opinion, counterrevolutionary ideas.
Work bibliographic list
1. Shamolov A. A. Sociokul'turnaja tradicija i modernizacija tadzhikskogo obshhestva // Materialy nauchnogo seminara. 21-22 ijunja 2010, Dushanbe. S. 14-16.
Work bibliographic list
1. Shamolov A. A. Sociokul'turnaja tradicija i modernizacija tadzhikskogo obshhestva // Materialy nauchnogo seminara. 21-22 ijunja 2010, Dushanbe. S. 14-16.
2. Urunova H. U. Osobennosti tadzhikskogo mentaliteta kak ob"ekt social'no-filosofskogo analiza // Vestnik TGUPBP. 2015. # 3 (64). S. 44
3. Ivin I. Tradicionalizm i antitradicionalizm //Filosofskij slovar'. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: http// (data poseshhenija - 25.06.2016g.)
4. Novejshij filosofskij slovar'. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: http// poseshhenija - 20.06.2016g.)
5. Filosofija: Jenciklopedicheskij slovar' / Pod red.A. A. Ivina. M.: Gardarini, 2004. 1074 s. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: http// (data poseshhenija – 20.06.2016g.)
6. Bleher L. I., Ljubarskij G. Ju. Glavnyj russkij spor:ot zapadnikov i slavjanofilov do globalizma i novogo srednevekov'ja. Glava «Obshhinnost' i kollektivizm». M., 2003. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: http// (data poseshhenija
- 15.06.2016g.)
7. Chaldini R., Kenrik D., Nejrberg S. Social'naja psihologija. Pojmi sebja, chtoby ponjat' drugih, v 2-h t.SPb., 2002. S. 77.
8. Zharova E. I. Osnovnye podhody k izucheniju individualizma – kollektivizma v zarubezhnoj psihologii// MGPU, Jetnospsihologija: voprosy teorii i praktiki. Vyp. #3,2010 http// (data poseshhenija-15.06.2016g.)
9. Bronfenbrenner U. «Dva mira-dva detstva». Deti v SShA i SSSR. Per. Pilipovskij V. M., 1976.[Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: http// (data poseshhenija - 18.06.2016g.)
10. Jetcioni A. Novaja global'naja arhitektura: mehanizmy perehoda// Publichnye lekcii, «». 04.04.2009.[Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: http// (data poseshhenija - 15.06.2016g.)
International scientific and practical law journal
Included in the VAK Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation list