Bernard Vanheusden:
Contemporary issues in international environmental law
An interview with Associate Professor of Environmental Law, Law Faculty, Hasselt University (Belgium), Ph.D. in Law Bernard Vanheusden

Gabdrakhmanova E. F.
Legal regulation of circulation of medicines in the Eurasian Economic Union

Nakashidze B. Dz.
Sovereignty and supranational regulation: current issues
Keshner M. V.
UN Security Council sanctions in the strategy fight against the financing of terrorism

Martynenko E. V., Bisultanov A. K.
Hybrid warfare and international humanitarian law

Masyagutova G. R.
Criminal liability for crimes aimed at inclining (engagement) to abuse of narcotics, psychotropic substances or their analogs under the Russian Federation legislation, some foreign countries and CIS member states
Trukhanova A. G.
Interaction to counter: prevention of crimes by the public groups in foreign countries

Nuraliev S. Sh.
Status of law enforcement officer under administrative law of the Republic of Tajikistan

Krivenko N. A.
The development of Spanish mortgage laws in the XIX-th century
Vazhenina I. V.
To a question about the preventive maintenance of corruption in the police of Great Britain
Bychkova K. M.
Extension of an insolvency procedure on the third parties: French experience

Ivanov I. V.
State regulation in the field of professional sports

Aibatov M. M.
Unfinished state and legal reforms 50-60-ies of XX century: experience and lessons
Belkovets L. Р.
Liquidation of diplomatic isolation of the USSR. From recognition de-facto to recognition de-jure
Popov M. Yu., Uporov I. V.
Influence of political and ideological factor in the formation of the housing policy of the Soviet government in the early period of its function conditioning
Akhmetshin R. A.
Some features of the activities of the soviet authorities on the food security of the population of Bashkiria in the transition to the New Economic Policy
Vagapov T. Kh.
Some issues of personnel policy of the separate corps of gendarmes
Muzafin R. R.
National values in the soviet period and in our time
Salakhova Zh. V.
Change of the legal status of the Afro-Americans as a result of civil war in the USA (on the example of the family law)

Usmanovа D. R., Kazamirov A. I.
The risk-oriented approach in control and oversight activities
Izyumova E. S.
Novels the rules of appointment of administrative punishment in the form of a warning

Parygina N. N.
Disinformation rebutment pursuant to the civil law of Russian Federation
Goryacheva N. Yu.
Evolution of legal regulation of civil and office firearms
Frolovskaya Yu. I., Yunusova K. V.
Some of the issues of social security of convicted women serving sentences in deprivation of liberty

Filimonova S. A.
To a question about the object relationship in mandatory social insurance

Kolodziej A.
Shared construction participation: acquisition of real estate in Saint-Petersburg

Belousov S. A., Abanina E. N.
The imbalance in the forest legislation:theory and practice questions
Petrov D. E., Sukhova E. A.
To a question of implementation of the main directions of a state policy of use of land fund for the purpose of counteraction to threats of ecological and economic safety in the Russian Federation

Kamenkov M. V.
The economic and factual circumstances of the activities of related parties for determination of tax consequences of interdependence
Tokmakov M. A.
Agreement of an escrow account as a type of promissory fulfilment
Kriger А. M.
History of the emergence and regulation of financial derivatives

Marfitsyn P. G., Timchenko V. A.
The use of economic information in proving legalization (laundering) of money received as a result of tax evasion
Vasilchenko A. V., Gareev A. M.
Issues of forensic diagnostics intentionally caused harm to health in the conditions in detention insulation
Korablev R. N., Divaeva I. R.
On the question of the formation and development of the institutions of the special part of criminal law in the second half of the XVIII century
Domovets S. S., Sinkevich V. V.
Criminally-legal characteristic of the crimes stipulated in article 151.1 of the Criminal Code
Manna A. A. K.
Qiyas as a source of Islamic criminal law
Nikolaeva T. V.
Questions differentiation and individualization of criminal responsibility for terrorism
Raush V. V.
The encroachment on life state or the public figure:objective and subjective signs

Proshchalygin R. A.
Conditions of attraction to responsibility of regressing of officials of preliminary investigation at compensation and indemnification with illegal criminal prosecution
Minigaleev R. R.
Organization and legal framework corrections criminal executive support system educational work with convicts
Dayanov I. S.
Organizational questions of carrying out of operatively-search actions with use of means in operatively-search activity of law-enforcement bodies

Zaitsev N. V.
Formation stress resistance at employees of police officers in service activity
Petchenko A. E.
Problems of legal and social protection of police officers

Ogryza A. V.
The appearance of the marks on cartridge cases automatic weapons

Ponomarenko S. I.
Suspect in the participants of criminal proceedings
Ovchinnikov E. O.
About the problems with prejudice in pre-trial proceedings on crimes in the sphere of economy
Noskova Yu. B.
Determination of the amount of compensation for violation of the right for criminal legal proceedings in reasonable time

Dorosinskaya A. M.
The prosecutor’s review to the proceeding investigation of criminal case against deputy of the legislative body of state power of subject of the Russian Federation

Kuchenev A. V.
The contents and the main directions of legal regulation of anti-corruption policy in the Russian Federation
Zelentsov A. A.
On conditionality crimes and corruption-related offenses
Baikova N. F.
On the issue of combating corruption in the bodies executing police powers in Russia of IX–beginning of the XVIII centuries

Nazarov A. Yu.
To the question of legal regulation of activities of units to ensure the safety of persons subject to state protection
Nikiforov P. V.
Questions for judges of the Russian Federation of firearms
Nyrkov V. G.
On some tactical aspects of the anti-terrorist over-shields objects with mass stay of people
Dashkov T. K.
Safety and prevention of exposure to harmful substances on the human body in a closed shooting gallery
Faskhutdinov R. F.
Problem aspects of fraud in the field of high technologies
Khristenko A. A.
Information security operatively-search information process: social engineering

Makayev Kh. F., Makayeva G. Z., Bikbova G. R.
Forming a foreign language professional communicative competence at a higher school on the base of entrance testing
Khlystova D. A., Tovysheva A. A., Popov K. G.
The security of personal data in the system of distance learning

Volkov O. E., Protopopova T. V., Orlova S. V.
Legal interpretation of interrelation between the categories of interpersonal trust, self-trust, self-autonomy and human dignity
Gadalov G. A., Protopopova T. V., Orlova S. V.
On the question about interrelation between person’s dignity and conduct

Krivenkiy A. I.
Directional impact of globalization process on the development of both contemporary world and national culture and protection of cultural diversity
Dzhabrailov A. A.
To the question about the individual restrictions of rights and freedoms of citizens in case of emergencies

Lyapin I. F.
Mechanisms and constitutional guarantees of the decentralization of state power
Kakupsheva M. M.
Extremism among young people as a social phenomenon in the North Caucasus
Teplyakov D. O., Savina E. N.
Federal and regional policies to preserve inter-ethnic harmony

Gerasimova M. V., Solovyeva I. A.
Methods of evaluating the activities of service of personnel management in the oil and gas company
Bayguzina L. Z., Galimova G. A.
Budgetary potential as factor of formation of region’s financial potential
Galimova A. Sh., Galina A. E.
Motives and factors of savings and investments of households
Musina D. R., Seidalin R. R.
Impact of taxation on the efficiency of gas field development
Farkhutdinov A. M.
The mechanism of improvement of investment management with consideration of time factor

Sabirov V. Sh.
The study of ethos as a social and cultural and ethico-legal problem of the era of information warfare
Iskhakov M. Z., Dallakyan K. A.
The identity in the space of a legal state
Neganov F. M., Khaziev Z. A.
Truth of discovery and truth of confirmation:comparative analysis
Yashin A. N.
Formation of philosophy of justice in Ancient Russia
Konopleva A. A.
Specific the genesis of culture in the modern city Simferopol(philosophical aspect)
Grachev M. V.
Features tectological methods

Zakharova L. I., Ilyinskaya O. I.
“Sumus ubi sumus. International law of the XXI century:Peace and security, cooperation and integration, human rights”
Umnova (Konyukhova) I. A.
International conference "Territorial disputes and the law of peace in the modern age of globalization"

In memory of professor Mikhail Nikolaevich Kopylov

Gabdrakhmanova E. F.
Legal regulation of circulation of medicines in the Eurasian Economic Union
In the article the analysis of legislation of the Eurasian economic Union in the field of regulation of circulation of medicines.
Keywords: Eurasian Economic Union, medicines.
Work bibliographic list
1. Dogovor o Evrazijskom jekonomicheskom sojuze ot 29.05.2014. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
2. Dogovor o prekrashhenii dejatel'nosti Evrazijskogo jekonomicheskogo soobshhestva (Podpisan v g. Minske 10.10.2014). Dannyj dokument vstupaet v silu v sootvetstvii so stat'ej 6 i vremenno primenjaetsja s 21 oktjabrja 2014 goda. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 21.10.2014)..
3. Reshenie Kollegii Evrazijskoj jekonomicheskoj komissii ot 21.04.2015 N 30 (red. ot 02.06.2016) «O merah netarifnogo regulirovanija» (vmeste s «Polozheniem o vvoze na tamozhennuju territoriju Evrazijskogo jekonomicheskogo sojuza i vyvoze s tamozhennoj territorii Evrazijskogo jekonomicheskogo sojuza narkoticheskih sredstv, psihotropnyh veshhestv i ih prekursorov»).
4. Poslanie Konstitucionnogo Suda RB «O sostojanii konstitucionnoj zakonnosti v Respublike Belarus' v 2014 godu» ot 20.01.2015. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
5. Postanovlenie Konstitucionnogo Suda RF po delu o proverke konstitucionnosti polozhenija stat'i 226.1 Ugolovnogo kodeksa RF v svjazi s zhalobami grazhdan Respubliki Kazahstan O. E. Nedashkovskogo i S. P. Jakovleva ot 16.07.2015 // [Jelektronnyjresurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: /KSRFDecision202352.pdf
6. Ob itogah raboty Ministerstva zdravoohranenija RF v 2015 godu i zadachah na 2016 god. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: C:/Users/User1/Downloads/preview.pdf
7. Postanovlenie Kurchatovskogo raj. suda g. Cheljabinska po delu ob administrativnom pravonarushenii ot 04 aprelja 2016 goda po delu # 5-118/2016. GAS RF «Pravosudie».
8. Postanovlenie Kjahtinskogo rajonnogo suda Respubliki Burjatija ot 13 janvarja 2016 goda po delu 5-6/2016.GAS RF «Pravosudie».
9. Reshenie Kostomukshskogo gorodskogo suda Respubliki Karelija ot 25 fevralja 2016 goda po delu # 12-23/2016. GAS RF «Pravosudie».
10. Reshenie Permskogo rajonnogo suda Permskogo kraja ot 10.02.2016 po delu Adm.12-40/2016. GAS RF «Pravosudie».
11. Koncepcija garmonizacii farmakopej gosudarstv-chlenov EAJeS. Utverzhdena resheniem Kollegii Evrazijskoj jekonomicheskoj komissii ot 22.09.2015 #119. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
12. Koncepcija…razdel V, Forum. S. 91.
13. Azanov B. K. Dogovor o Evrazijskom Jekonomicheskom Sojuze: kompleksnyj pravovoj analiz: zakljuchitel'naja chast' // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. – 2014. – # 10(77). – S. 11-24.
14. Bajl'dinov E. T. Dogovor o Evrazijskom Jekonomicheskom Sojuze: shag vpered, dva shaga nazad // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. – 2014. – # 10(77). – S. 25-33.
15. Bekjashev K. A. EAJeS: mezhdunarodnaja (mezhgosudarstvennaja) organizacija ili mezhdunarodnoe (mezhgosudarstvennoe) integracionnoe ob"edinenie? // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. — 2014. – # 11(78).– S. 14-16.
16. Vinokurov E. Ju. Evrazijskij jekonomicheskij sojuz budet sposobstvovat' importozameshheniju // Evrazijskaja Jekonomicheskaja Integracija. – 2015. – # 1(26). [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
17. Zadorina A. M. Evrazijskij jekonomicheskij sojuz funkcioniruet v novom formate: novye vektory i realii integracionnoj politiki i jekonomiki //Mezhdunarodnoe sotrudnichestvo evrazijskih gosudarstv: politika, jekonomika, pravo. – 2015. – # 1(2).
18. Kashirkina A. A., Morozov A. N. Mezhdunarodnopravovaja model' Evrazijskogo jekonomicheskogo sojuza: potencial integracionnogo vzaimodejstvija i riski // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. – 2015.– # 6(85). – S. 25-29.
19. Novosti i sobytija Evrazijskoj jekonomicheskoj komissii ot 23.06.2016: Dlja polnoformatnogo zapuska obshhego rynka lekarstv stranam EAJeS ostalos' dogovorit'sja tol'ko po vzaimozamenjaemosti. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
20. Novosti i sobytija EJeK ot 4.07.2016: Farmacevticheskie proizvoditeli budut objazany sledovat' novym pravilam obshhego rynka lekarstv EAJeS. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
21. Otvetstvennost' za narushenija v sfere obrashhenija lekarstvennyh sredstv. Bunjatjan N. D., Korobov N. V., Javorskij A. N., Kalinichev S. A., Merkulov V. A. //Vedomosti Nauchnogo centra jekspertizy sredstv medicinskogo primenenija. – 2014. – # 2. – S. 51-54.
22. Sokolova N. A. Evrazijskaja integracija: vozmozhnosti Suda Sojuza // Lex Russica. – 2015. – # 11. – S. 96-103.
23. Starodubov V. I., Kagramanjan I. N., Hohlov A. L.,Loshakova L. A., Borisenko O. V., Korobov N.V., Javorskij A.N. Ocenka medicinskih tehnologij. Mezhdunarodnyj opyt / pod red. akademika RAMN V. I.Starodubova i kandidata jekonomicheskih nauk I. N. Kagramanjana. – M., 2012.
24. Tarasevich N. P. O perspektivah pravovogo regulirovanija obrashhenija lekarstvennyh sredstv v Evrazijskom jekonomicheskom sojuze // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. – 2014. – # 3(70). – S. 26-29.
25. Farmacevticheskij forum stran EAJeS i SNG // Farmacevticheskaja otrasl'. – 2016. – # 2(55).
26. Farhutdinov I. Z. Interv'ju s doktorom juridicheskih nauk, professorom kafedry mezhdunarodnogo prava Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo juridicheskogo universiteta imeni O. E. Kutafina, pochetnym rabotnikom vysshego professional'nogo obrazovanija Rossijskoj Federacii Ljudmiloj Petrovnoj Anufrievoj: Pravo Evrazijskoj integracii v dejstvii //Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. – 2016. – # 5(96).– S. 12.
27. Kathleen Hancock and Alexander Libman. Eurasia. The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Regionalism Edited by Tanja A. Börzel and Thomas Risse Online Publication Date: Apr 2016. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. –Rezhim dostupa: oxfordhb/9780199682300. 001.0001/oxfordhb-9780199682300-e-11?rskey=wz7MqY&result=1
28. Thomas Risse. The Diffusion of Regionalism. The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Regionalism. Edited by Tanja A. Börzel and Thomas Risse. Online publication date: Apr 2016. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: 10.1093/ oxfordhb/9780199682300.001.0001/oxfordhb-9780199682300-e-6?rskey=aJwCI7&result=70
Nakashidze B. Dz.
Sovereignty and supranational regulation:current issues
This article discusses the various aspects of development of the state sovereignty in the framework
of modern international law.
Keywords: state sovereignty, international law, Constitution, United Nations, sustainable development.
Work bibliographic list
1. Adamishin A. Na puti k mirovomu pravitel'stvu // Rossija v global'noj politike. 2002. # 1. Nojabr'-dekabr'.
2. Dovgan' E. F. Princip nevmeshatel'stva vo vnutrennie dela. Minsk: «Pravo i jekonomika», 2009.
3. Ivanov I. S. Mezhdunarodnaja bezopasnost' v jepohu globalizacii // Rossija v global'noj politike. # 1.Janvar'-Mart 2003.
4. Kioko Ben. Pravo na vmeshatel'stvo v sootvetstvii s Uchreditel'nym aktom Afrikanskogo sojuza // Mezhdunarodnyj zhurnal Krasnogo Kresta 2003. Kazan':tipografija GUP PIK «Idel-Press». 2004. S. 407-427.
5. Kokoshin A. A. Real'nyj suverenitet. M.: Izdatel'stvo «Evropa», 2006.
6. Kommersant, 23 maja 2005 g. S.9. [Jelektronnyj resurs].– Rezhim dostupa:
7. Lavrov S. V. Demokratija, mezhdunarodnoe upravlenie i budushhee miroustrojstvo // Rossija v global'noj politike. 2004. T. 2. # 6. Nojabr'-dekabr'.
8. Maleev Ju. N. Preventivnaja samooborona v sovremennom formate. Rossija i mezhdunarodnoe pravo. Materialy mezhdunarodnoj konferencii, posvjashhennoj 100-letiju F. I. Kozhevnikova. Izd. MGIMO-Universitet, 2006. S. 46-64.
9. Moiseev A. A. Tendencii razvitija suvereniteta gosudarstv // Aktual'nye problemy sovremennogo mezhdunarodnogo prava. Materialy ezhegodnoj mezhvuzovskoj nauchno – prakticheskoj konferencii, 9-10aprelja 2010 g. Chast' 1. M. RUDN. 2011. S. 53-57.
10. Mohammad Sarvar Mohammad Anvar. Mezhdunarodnye rezhimy v mezhdunarodnom jekologicheskom upravlenii. M.: ADS Grupp, 2013.
11. Nakashidze B. D. OON: nekotorye aspekty reformirovanija // Zhurnal Vlast'. # 6. 2005. S. 56-64.
12. Putin menjaet doktrinu // Izvestija. 2002. 29 oktjabrja.
13. Sergunin A. A. Suverenitet: sovremennye diskussii v teorii mezhdunarodnyh otnoshenij // Zhurnal «Nauchnye vedomosti Belgorodskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta». Serija: Istorija. Politologija. Vypusk # 19 (90). Tom 16. 2010.
14. Solncev A. M. Sovremennoe mezhdunarodnoe pravo ob okruzhajushhej srede i jekologicheskih pravah cheloveka. M.: URSS, 2013.
15. Fedotov Ju. V. Sovremennye vyzovy mnogostoronnosti i OON // Mezhdunarodnaja zhizn'. Mart 2004.
16. Fukujama Frjensis. Stroitel'stvo gosudarstv: posobie dlja nachinajushhih Rossija v global'noj politike. Tom 2. # 3. Maj –Ijun'. 2004. S. 90.
Keshner M. V.
UN Security Council sanctions in the strategy fight against the financing of terrorism
In this present article author investigates the sanctions mechanism of the UN Security Council, acting in order to prevent the financing of terrorism, in the aspect of increasing the efficiency of its functioning. Analyzes the key problems of anti-terrorism sanctions regime of the UN Security Council and the trends of their implementation at both the international and national levels.
Keywords: international sanctions, financing of terrorism, freezing of terrorist assets, Resolution the UN Security Council, implementation of the sanctions of the UN Security Council regimes.
Work bibliographic list
1. Global'naja Kontrterroristicheskaja Strategija OON.A/RES/60/288ot 20 sentjabrja 2006 goda. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
2. Doklad General'nogo sekretarja ob ugroze dlja mezhdunarodnogo mira i bezopasnosti, kotoruju sozdaet IGIL (DAISh), i o masshtabah usilij Organizacii Ob"edinennyh Nacij po okazaniju podderzhki gosudarstvam-chlenam v bor'be s jetoj ugrozoj S/2016/501
31 May 2016. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
3. Ispolinov A. S. Kontrol' regional'nyh i nacional'nyh sudov nad reshenijami Soveta Bezopasnosti OON // Zakonodatel'stvo. 2016. # 1. S. 55.
4. FATF Methodology to assess the effectiveness of AML/CFT systems. 2013.
5. Procedures for the FATF Fourth Round of AML/CFTMutual Evaluations, updated October 2015. FATF.[Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
Martynenko E. V., Bisultanov A. K.
Hybrid warfare and international humanitarian law
The article is devoted to the problematic aspects caused by «hybrid warfares» that arise through
International Humanitarian Law.
Keywords: hybrid warfare, International Humanitarian Law, non-international armed conflict,
principles of International Law, armed conflict, liability.
Work bibliographic list
1. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo: Osobennaja chast' / Otv. red. A.H. Abashidze, E. M. Abajdel'dinov. Voronezh: Nauka-Junipress, 2013.
2. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo / Vitcum V. G. M.: Infortopik Media, 2011.
3. Blishhenko I. P., Doria Zh. Precedenty v mezhdunarodnom publichnom i chastnom prave. 2-e izd., dop. M.:Izdatel'stvo MNIMP, 1999.
4. Ostrouhov N. V. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo v period vooruzhennyh konfliktov (aktual'nye voprosy): Ucheb.Posobie. Voronezh: Voronezhskij gosudarstvennyj pedagogicheskij institut, 2013.
5. Smirnov M. G. Vooruzhennyj konflikt nemezhdunarodnogo haraktera: mezhdunarodno-pravovoj aspekt.M.: Norma: INFRA-M., 2014.
6. Sassoli M., Buv'e A. Pravovaja zashhita vo vremja vojny. V 4-h t. Tom I. M.: Mezhdunarodnyj Komitet Krasnogo Kresta, 2008.
7. Henkerts Zh.-M., Dosval'd-Bek L. Obychnoe mezhdunarodnoe gumanitarnoe pravo. Normy. M.: MKKK, 2006.
8. Blishchenko I. International humanitarian law. Progress Publishers, 1989.
9. Dinstein Y. War, Aggression and Self-Defence. 5th Edition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011.
10. Jean-Marie Henckaerts, Louise Doswald-Beck. Customary International Humanitarian Law. Vol. I: Rules. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2005.
Masyagutova G. R.
Criminal liability for crimes aimed at inclining (engagement) to abuse of narcotics, psychotropic substances or their analogs under the Russian Federation legislation, some foreign countries and CIS member states
The article analyzes Criminal Law of the Russian Federation, the CIS states and some foreign countries in the field of declination (engagement) counteracting of drug abuse, psychotropic substances or their analogues. The proposals to improve the Russian criminal law are formulated.
Keywords: drug crime, drug addiction, narcotics, psychotropic substances, inclining and involvement to drug abuse, psychotropic substances or their analogues, incitement, illegal drug trafficking.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bikkinin I. A. O novom urovne antinarkoticheskoj dejatel'nosti // Vestnik Severo-Kavkazskogo gumanitarnogo instituta. 2013. # 3 (7). S. 25-29.
2. Bikkinin I. A., Bikkinin Je. I. Informacionnye i pravovye problemy jeffektivnosti dejatel'nosti sub"ektov profilaktiki narkotizma // Vestnik BIST (Bashkirskogo instituta social'nyh tehnologij). 2010. # 2 (6). S. 116-123.
3. Knjazev V. V. Pravovoe regulirovanie protivodejstvija nezakonnomu oborotu narkotikov za rubezhom:Monografija / V. V. Knjazev, B. P. Celinskij, I. Ju. Sveshnikova. M.: FGKU «VNII MVD Rossii», 2012.
4. Kovalev M. I. Souchastie v prestuplenii. Ekaterinburg, 1999.
5. Kommentarij k Ugolovnomu kodeksu Rossijskoj Federacii: (postatejnyj) /Dujunov V. K. i dr.; otv. red. L. L. Kruglikov. M.: Volters Kluver, 2005.
6. Rossijskoe ugolovnoe pravo. Obshhaja chast': uchebnik / pod red. dokt. jurid. nauk., prof. N. A. Lopashenko. M.: Jurlitinform, 2012.
7. Sergeev A. N. Protivodejstvie nezakonnomu oborotu narkoticheskih sredstv i psihotropnyh veshhestv:uchebnoe posobie. M., 2013.
8. Ugolovnyj kodeks Respubliki Moldova. SPb.: Juridicheskij centr Press, 2003.
9. Ugolovnyj kodeks Latvijskoj respubliki. SPb.:Juridicheskij centr Press, 2001.
Trukhanova A. G.
Interaction to counter: prevention of crimes by the public groups in foreign countries
The article analyzes the experience of foreign countries by the example of Japan, France, Germany, Denmark , Belgium, the Czech Republic about the interaction of community groups and the police as the most effective mechanisms for prevention of crimes and offenses.
Keywords: social formation, the strategy of national security, crime prevention.
Work bibliographic list
1. Baranov A. V mode pain'ki. Komsomol'skaja pravda. 1999.
2. Egor J. Sovet po preduprezhdeniju prestupnosti v Shlezvig-Gol'shtejn. Kriminologicheskie issledovanija v mire. M., 1995.
3. Inshakov S. M. Zarubezhnaja kriminologija. M., 1997.
4. Miljavskaja S. Zagadochnaja Japonija – ispytatel'nyj poligon dlja sravnitel'nyh kriminologicheskih issledovanij. Kriminologicheskie issledovanija v mire. M., 1995.
5. Prihod'ko N. Ju. Preduprezhdenie organami vnutrennih del kontrabandy na zheleznodorozhnom transporte. M., 2015.
6. Uchastie policii zarubezhnyh stran v profilaktike prestupnosti. M.: VNII MVD Rossii. 2007.
7. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
8. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
Nuraliev S. Sh.
Status of law enforcement officer under administrative law of the Republic of Tajikistan
The author of the article analyses the administrative and legal status of the law-enforcement officer under administrative law of the Republic of Tadjikistan. The research is based on the novelty of the legal framework, regulating the legal status of law-enforcement officers of the Republic. Specification of theoretical structure of administrative and legal status will allow to identify the main ways of improving the work of internal affairs bodies.
Keywords: legal status, administrative and legal status of the law-enforcement officer, police officer of the Republic of Tadjikistan.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bahrah D. N. Administrativnoe pravo. M., 1993.
2. Vasil'ev F. P. Dokazyvanie po delu ob administrativnom pravonarushenii: Monografija. M.: JuNITI– DANA, 2005.
3. Vitruk N. V. Osnovy teorii pravovogo polozhenija lichnosti v socialisticheskom obshhestve. M., 1979.
4. Gorshenev V. M. Struktura pravovogo statusa grazhdanina v svete Konstitucii SSSR 1977 g. // Pravoporjadok i pravovoj status lichnosti v razvitom socialisticheskom obshhestve v svete Konstitucii SSSR 1977g. Saratov, 1980.
5. Gosudarstvennoe upravlenie i administrativnoe pravo. M., 1978.
6. Novoselov V. I. Pravovoe polozhenie grazhdan v sovetskom gosudarstvennom upravlenii. Saratov, 1976.
7. Pravovoj status lichnosti // Juridicheskij jenciklopedicheskij slovar'. M., 1987.
Krivenko N. A.
The development of Spanish mortgage laws in the XIX-th century
This article explores historical evolution of the Spanish system of mortgage legislation in the XIXth century. The objective of this article is to examine the reformulation of fundamental principles and rules of statutory regulation of mortgage over immovable property and registry system in Spain. It makes special reference to the historical background of modern Spanish Mortgage Law and Property Registry. The debate over the fundamental base of the system of mortgage laws has always been raged among Spanish jurists. The opposition of the principles of the Roman system on the one hand and of the German system on the other predetermined a chain of inevitably demanded statutory mortgage reforms. It was not until the latter half of the XIXth century that efficient innovations were introduced into the legal treatment of mortgage in Spain. The most significant innovations concerning the registry system and mortgage having been originally planned as an essential component of the Civil Code of Spain, the dynamics of the legal change in the realm of mortgage were delayed.
Keywords: mortgage reforms, mortgage laws, Property registry, mortgage over immovable property, land, Mortgage Law, Spain.
Work bibliographic list
1. Pokrovskij I. A. Osnovnye problemy grazhdanskogo prava. M.: Statut, 2013.
2. Pon'ka V. F. Polozhenija o zaloge imushhestva v zakonodatel'stve Rossii v XIX v. // Pravo i politika. M.:Nota Bene, 2010. # 4 (124). S. 781-788.
3. Sovetskoe i inostrannoe grazhdanskoe pravo. Problemy vzaimodejstvija i razvitija / Bezbah V. V., BlejG., Knapp V., Kulagin M. I., i dr.; Otv. red.: Mozolin V. P. M.: Nauka, 1989.
4. Castán Tobeñas, J. Derecho civil español, común y foral. Tomo I, Vol. I. Ideas generales. Teoría de la norma jurídica. (revisada y puesta al día por Antonio M. Román García). Madrid: Reus, S.A. 2005.
5. Luis Diez-Picazo Fundamentos del Derecho civil patrimonial. Vol. 3, Las relaciones jurídico-reales: El Registro de la Propiedad; La posesión. Madrid: Civitas, 2008.
6. García Goyena, F. Concordancias, motivos y comentarios del Código Civil español. Tomo IV. Madrid, 1852.
7. Gómez de la Serna, P. La ley hipotecaria: comentada y concordada con la legislación anterior española y extranjera, precedida de una introducción histórica y seguida de un diccionario y formularios. Tomo I. Madrid, Imprenta de la Revista de Legislación, 1862.
8. Sánches Román, F. La codificación civil en España en sus periodos de preparación y consumación. Estado del derecho civil de España, común y foral, antes y después de la promulgación del Código civil y trabajos preliminaries para la formación de algunos apéndices del derecho foral (1811 a 1890). Madrid: Establecimiento tipográfico «Sucesores de Rivadeneyra», 1890.
9. Merino-Blanco E. Spanish Law and Legal System. 2nd ed. London: Sweet & Maxwell, 2006.
10. Rodriguez de las Heras Ballell, T. Introduction to Spanish private law: facing the social and economic challenges. London: Routledge-Cavendish, 2010.
Vazhenina I. V.
To a question about the preventive maintenance of corruption in the police of Great Britain
In the article are examined basic directions, forms and methods of opposition to corruption among
the colleagues of the police in Great Britain.
Keywords: struggle against corruption, the police of Great Britain, the anti-corruption standards.
Work bibliographic list
1. Kacuba Ju. I. Sistema obespechenija vnutrennej bezopasnosti Soedinennogo Korolevstva Velikobritanii i Severnoj Irlandii. S. 134.
2. Knjazev V. V. Policija Velikobritanii (struktura i osnovnye funkcii). M., 1974. S. 65.
3. Latov Ju. V. Zarubezhnyj opyt protivodejstvija korrupcii v policii // Terra economicus. 2013. Tom 11.N 2.
4. Moiseev V. V. Evropejskij opyt bor'by s korrupciej // Chelovek i trud. 2011. # 10-11.
5. Sharifullin V. S. Osobennosti podrazdelenij sobstvennoj bezopasnosti Velikobritanii i SShA //Nauchnyj portal MVD Rossii. 2010. # 1 (9). S. 132.
6. Jakovlev K. L., Jakovleva E. I., Jakovleva O. N. Gosudarstvenno-pravovye osnovy organizacii pravoohranitel'nyh organov zarubezhnyh stran: Monografija. M.,INFRA-M, 2011. S. 56, 62, 102.
7. Ashton B. Inspectors Exam / Police review. L., 1994. # 8. P. 32.
8. Neyroud P., Beckley A. Policing, Ethics and Human Rights. Cullompton, 2001. P. 87.
Bychkova K. M.
Extension of an insolvency procedure on the third parties: French experience
In the article, the author provides an overview of the extension of an insolvency procedure on the third parties, a mechanism of the French insolvency law. The researcher carries out a study of the legal rules governing this procedure, determine statutory conditions of its application, highlights the procedural aspects (the holders of the right to bring a court action for extension of an insolvency procedure, the appeal order, creation of a unique bankruptcy estate). As part of the analysis, the author considers the impact of practice of Russian courts as to joinder of the insolvency proceedings of the spouses.
Keywords: insolvency, bankruptcy estate, debtor’s assets, extension of the procedure, household insolvency.
Work bibliographic list
1. Dictionnaire de droit privé de Serge Braudo. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 02.07.2016).
2. Le Corre P.-M. Droit des entreprises en difficulté / 6ème edition. – Dalloz. 2014. – 234 p.
3. Le Corre P.-M. Droit et pratique des procédures collectives./7ème édition. - Dalloz, 2013. – 2623 p.
Ivanov I. V.
State regulation in the field of professional sports
The article reveals the issues of state regulation of trade activities in Russia. Given the definition of a professional sport. State regulation is considered taking into account the self-regulation on the part of sports organizations and business interests. It is offered directions of perfection of state regulation of trade activities in Russia at the present stage.
Keywords: state regulation, professional sport, self-regulation of professional sport, target-oriented approach.
Work bibliographic list
1. Trudovoj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ot 04.12.2007 ot 30.12.2001 N 197-FZ (red. ot 30.12.2015).
2. Federal'nyj zakon ot 04.12.2007 N 329-FZ (red. ot 01.05.2016) «O fizicheskoj kul'ture i sporte v Rossijskoj Federacii».
3. Sportivnoe pravo Rossii / S. V. Alekseev; pod red. P. V. Krashennikova. – M.: JuNITI-DANA, 2015. – 695 s.
4. Lednev V. I. Rol' biznesa v razvitii industrii sporta // Sport i pravo. – 2013. # 3. C. 7-9. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – rezhim dostupa: Data obrashhenija 20.05.2016.
Aibatov M. M.
Unfinished state and legal reforms 50-60-ies of XX century: experience and lessons
The article notes that the interest in events of 50-60-ies of XX century is growing and becoming more visible, the deeper the processes of modernization of political and legal system of modern Russia. The author emphasizes that the significance of these reforms is that in this period was the first attempt of modernization of the political and economic system of the state, which should lead to a qualitatively new level of development of society, reveals the reasons and the danger of the emergence and growth of bureaucracy, the causes of inconsistency and incompleteness of these reforms. The author emphasizes that the principle of consistency to the implementation of reforms is of particular importance and reform of the 50-60-ies found serious contradictions in the aspirations of the centre and of the masses.
Keywords: reforms, modernization, political and legal system, progress, society, values, democratization, governance, voluntarism, the cult of personality, bureaucracy, centralization.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ajbatov M. M. Aktual'nye problemy vlasti i obshhestva v Rossii // Juridicheskij vestnik DGU. – T. 15. –2015. – # 3. – S. 7–11.
2. Gorbachjov M. S. Perestrojka i novoe myshlenie dlja nashej strany i dlja vsego mira. – M., 1987. – S. 40.
3. Lenin V. I. Poln. sobr. soch. – T. 37. – 747 s.
4. Lenin V. I. Poln. sobr. soch. – T. 45. – 729 s.
5. Murtazaliev A. M. Problemy protivodejstvija korrupcii i konceptual'nye podhody k ih resheniju //Juridicheskij vestnik DGU. – 2014. – # 4. – S. 22–25.
6. Obshhestvenno-politicheskaja zhizn' v seredine 1950–seredine 1960 gg. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 11.01.2016). 7. Reformy Hrushheva i ego politicheskaja dejatel'nost'. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: obrashhenija: 18.02.2016).
8. Chinovniki peregruzili Rossiju. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija:18.02.2016).
9. Jekonomicheskaja reforma 1965 goda v SSSR. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 11.01.2016).
Belkovets L.
Liquidation of diplomatic isolation of the USSR. From recognition de-facto to recognition de-jure
The article investigates the process of recognition of the USSR by the bourgeois countries in the first half of the 20th years. These countries rendered furious counteraction to formation of the Soviet power in Russia by means of the armed intervention, economic and diplomatic pressure. The firmness of the Soviet diplomacy has helped USSR to stand with this fight. The objective circumstances forcing the countries to development with it the economic relations have played a role. The evolution of regulations of ambassadorial law in international treaties of the Soviet Russia (USSR) from de-facto recognition to legal recognition (de-jure) was shown in the article.
Keywords: USSR, bourgeois countries, intervention, economic pressure, diplomatic pressure, international agreements, evolution of regulations, de-facto recognition, legal recognition (de-jure).
Work bibliographic list
1. Belkovec L. P., Belkovec S. V. Germanskaja diplomatija v Rossii (SSSR). 1918–1941. Novosibirsk, 2013. S.42-52.
2. Belkovec L. P., Belkovec S. V. Jekonomicheskaja politika Sovetskoj Rossii (SSSR). 1920-1930-e gg. //Genesis: istoricheskie issledovanija. 2015. # 6. S.560-691. DOI: 10.7256/2409-868X.2015.6.17476. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
3. B. R. Japonskie koncessii na Severnom Sahaline //Mezhdunarodnaja zhizn'. 1926. # 1. S. 150-151.
4. Vremennoe soglashenie mezhdu Rossijskoj Socialisticheskoj Federativnoj Sovetskoj Respublikoj i Germaniej, zakljuchjonnoe v Berline 6 maja 1921 g.// Sovetsko-germanskie otnoshenija ot peregovorov v Brest-Litovske do podpisanija Rapall'skogo dogovora (dalee SGO). T. 2. 1919–1922. M., 1968. S. 318–323.
5. Genis V. L. Grigorij Jakovlevich Sokol'nikov // Voprosy istorii. 1988. # 12. S. 59–86.
6. Gojhbarg A. Nacionalizacija bankov pered inostrannymi sudami // Ezhenedel'nik sovetskoj justicii. 1925. # 24. S. 859-861.
7. Dogovor SSSR s Norvegiej // Mezhdunarodnaja zhizn'. 1926. # 1.
8. Dopolnitel'noe soglashenie k zakljuchennomu 19 aprelja 1920 g. Soglasheniju mezhdu RSFSR i Germanskoj imperiej o vozvrashhenii na rodinu voennoplennyh i grazhdanskih internirovannyh obeih storon. 6 maja 1921 g. // SGO. T. 2. S. 323-326.
9. Mezhdunarodnaja politika RSFSR v 1922 g. Otchjot Narodnogo Komissariata po inostrannym delam. M.,1923.
10. Istorija diplomatii. V 3-h tomah. T. 3. Diplomatija v period podgotovki Vtoroj mirovoj vojny (1919–1939) Pod red. akad. V. P. Potjomkina. M.-L., 1945. Gl.11.
11. Istorija diplomatii. V 3-h tomah. T. 3. Diplomatija na pervom jetape obshhego krizisa kapitalisticheskoj sistemy. Pod red. A. A. Gromyko i dr. M., 1965.
12. Lenin i Vostok. Sb. statej. M., 1924.
13. Recenzija na kn. Thomas Millard. Conflict of policies in Asia. London. George Allen and Unwin. 1924 // Mezhdunarodnaja zhizn'. 1925. # 3.
14. Sabanin A. V. Posol'skoe i konsul'skoe pravo. M.,1930. 342 s.
15. Sovetsko-ital'janskij dogovor ot 7 fevralja 1924 g.// Ivanov L. E. Sovetsko-ital'janskie dogovory i soglashenija. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:Materialy sajta:
Popov M. Yu., Uporov I. V.
Influence of political and ideological factor in the formation of the housing policy of the Soviet government in the early period of its function conditioning
This article explores the origins of the housing policy council-ray power, which was formed in the
first years after the October Revolution of 1917 is determined in this process is a political-ideological factor, according to which home owners expropriated by the state and then partitioned between nuzdayuschimisya- users. This factor is not allowed to put a pretty bold projects for the construction of the cities (towns) -Garden and became the basis for the collapse of the cooperative housing construction and, accordingly, for the accelerated construction of houses under the guidance of the local Soviets.
Keywords: housing policy, the Soviet government, the political and ideological factor, cooperative, municipality, local councils.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bolotov N. A. Social'naja politika v Nizhnem Povolzh'e v 1920-1930-e gody. Volgograd, 2004.
2. Vysshie organy gosudarstvennoj vlasti i organy central'nogo upravlenija RSFSR (1917-1967): Spravochnik. M., 1971.
3. Grudcyna L. Ju. Zhilishhnaja politika v Rossii: proshloe i budushhee // Zakonodatel'stvo i jekonomika.2005. # 6. S. 28-33.
4. Iz istorii sovetskoj arhitektury. 1917-1925 gg. Dokumenty i materialy / Otv. red. K. N. Afanas'ev. M.:AN SSSR, 1963.
5. Izvestija. 1918. 2 marta.
6. Lenin V. I. Polnoe sobranie sochinenij. T. 54.
7. Lenin V. I. Tezisy zakona o konfiskacii domov so sdavaemymi vnaem kvartirami» ot 20 nojabrja 1917 g.// Dekrety sovetskoj vlasti. M., 1957. T. 1.
8. Makarovskaja N. V. Istorija goroda Ekaterinodara – Krasnodara v pervoj treti XX veka. Diss. … kand. ist. nauk. Krasnodar, 2004.
9. Meerovich M. G. Rozhdenie i smert' sovetskogo goroda-sada. M., 2007.
10. Meerovich M. G. Social'no-kul'turnye osnovy osushhestvlenija gosudarstvennoj zhilishhnoj politiki v RSFSR (1917-1941 gg.). Dis. … d-ra ist. nauk. Ulan-Udje, 2004.
11. Postanovlenie SNK RSFSR «O merah uluchshenija zhilishhnyh uslovij trudjashhegosja naselenija i o merah bor'by s razrusheniem zhilishh» ot 23.05. 1921 g.// Sobranie uzakonenij RSFSR. 1921. # 56. St. 355.
12. Pravda. 1918. 14 nojabrja.
13. RGAJe. F.2261. Op.1. D. 119. L. 4.
14. Chernyh A. I. Zhilishhnyj peredel: politika 20-h godov v sfere zhil'ja // Sociologicheskie issledovanija. 1995. # 10. S. 71-78.
Akhmetshin R. A.
Some features of the activities of the soviet authorities on the food security of the population of Bashkiria in the transition to the New Economic Policy
The article considers the peculiarities of the activities of the Soviet government on the food security of the population of Bashkiria in the transition to a new economic policy. Disclosed measures the Soviet authorities to implement the food security of the population of Bashkiria in the years of transition to a new economic policy.
Keywords: food, the Soviet authorities, the New Economic Policy, Bashkiria.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ganeev R. G. Sovety i Revkomy Bashkirii v gody grazhdanskoj vojny (po materialam Ufimskoj gubernii).– Ufa, 1961.
2. Davletshin R. A. Istorija krest'janstva Bashkortostana. 1917–1940 gody. – Ufa: Gilem, 2001.
3. Enikeev Z. I., Enikeev A. Z. Istorija gosudarstva i prava Bashkortostana. – Ufa, 2007.
4. Zhiromskaja V. B. Sovetskij gorod v 1921–1925 gg.: problemy social'noj struktury. – M., 1988.
5. Istorija Bashkortostana v HH veke: uchebnik dlja studentov vuzov / pod red. M. B. Jamalova, R. Z. Almaeva.– Ufa: Izd-vo BGPU, 2007.
6. Knurova V. A. Dejatel'nost' rossijskih i inostrannyh organizacij po likvidacii goloda 1921–1922 gg.:na materialah Nizhnego Povolzh'ja: avtoref. diss. ...kand. ist. nauk. – Astrahan', 2007
7. Ocherki po istorii Bashkirskoj ASSR / pod red. Ivankova V. P., Kuzeeva R. G., Sajranova H. S., Chugaeva D. A. – T. II. – Ufa: Bashk. kn. izd-vo, 1966.
8. SU RSFSR. – 1921. – # 26. – S. 148.
9. Subhangulov R. R., Galikeev R. N. K voprosu obespechenija prava cheloveka i obshhestva na pishhu // Aktual'nye problemy gosudarstva i obshhestva v oblasti obespechenija prav i svobod cheloveka i grazhdanina.– 2015. – # 18-2.
10. GARF. – R-1318. – Op. 3. – D. 41. – L. 378.
11. GARF. R-1318. – Op. 3. – D. 60. – L. 62, 66, 67.
12. CGIA RB. – F. R-101. – Op. 1. – D. 176. – L. 293.
13. CGIA RB. – F. R-394. – Op. 1. – D. 204. – S. 15.
14. CGIA RB. – F. R-394. – Op. 5. – D. 6. – L. 95-98, 376-378.
Vagapov T. Kh.
Some issues of personnel policy of the separate corps of gendarmes
This article discusses some of the issues of recruitment and training of police. As you know, in every historical epoch the effective and smooth functioning of any institution is directly dependent on proper selection, placement and training. At the same time, unified training of the gendarmerie officials did not exist. Great attention was paid to moral education that was supposed to compensate for the shortcomings of professional training.
Keywords: Provincial gendarmerie, the bodies of political investigation, the police Department, officer, training.
Work bibliographic list
1. Grigor'ev B. N., Kolokolov B. G. Povsednevnaja zhizn' Rossijskih zhandarmov. M., 2007.
2. Lavrik T. V. Kadry zhandarmskih upravlenij // Universitet im. V. I. Vernadskogo. Special'nyj vypusk.2012. # 38.
3. Pravila priema oficerov v Otdel'nyj korpus zhandarmov. Kazan', 1899.
4. Safonov D. A. Voprosy kadrovoj politiki gubernskih zhandarmskih upravlenij na Juzhnom Urale //Vestnik Orenburgskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta. 2013. # 3.
5. Seryh V. D. Voinskie ritualy. M., 1986.
Muzafin R. R.
National values in the soviet period and in our time
The article makes a comparison of national values of Russia's population in modern times with the
Soviet period. The material suggests that the state should pay more attention to the cultural education of its citizens, in order to build a moral, responsible, self-thinking, creative personality.
Keywords: national values, patriotism, culture, consuetude, tradition.
Work bibliographic list
1. Konstitucija Rossijskoj Federacii – jelektronnye dannye. – Programma informacionnoj podderzhki rossijskoj nauki i obrazovanija // Spravochnye pravovye sistemy Konsul'tant Pljus: Vysshaja shkola. –2015. – [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: http//
2. Poslanie Prezidenta V. V. Putina Federal'nomu Sobraniju. 12.12.2013 g. – [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
messages/17118 (data obrashhenija: 20.06. 2016 g.).
3. Ivanov I. Vneshnjaja politika Rossii v jepohu globalizacii. Stat'i i vystuplenija. – M., 2002.
4. Kortunov S. V. Konceptual'nye osnovy nacional'noj i mezhdunarodnoj bezopasnosti, 2007. – S. 90.
5. Krajnik V. L., Nikiforov P. V. Sushhnost' nacional'nyh cennostej v Rossijskoj Federacii // Mir nauki, kul'tury, obrazovanija. – 2015. – # 4 (53). – S.151-153.
6. Leont'ev D. A. Cennost' kak mezhdisciplinarnoe ponjatie: opyt mnogomernoj rekonstrukcii. // Voprosyfilosofii. - # 19(87). – S. 23.
7. Moskalenko I. V. K probleme izuchenija nravstvennyh cennostej: nravstvennye nacional'nye cennosti //Sborniki konferencij NIC Sociosfera. – 2011. –# 16. – S. 63-69.
8. Nostal'gija po sovetskomu / Otv. red. Rezanova Z. I.– Tomsk: Izdatel'stvo Tomskogo universiteta, 2011.– S. 36.
9. Fajzullin F. S., Vil'danov U. S., Vil'danov H. S. Gnoseologicheskij analiz cennostej i cennostnyh orientacij. – M.: Nauka, 2008. – S. 51.
10. Fajzullin F. S. Nacional'nye cennosti i cennostnye orientacii // Vestnik Bashkirskogo universiteta. – 2012. – T. 17. –# 1. – S. 324.
11. Fenenko Ju. V. Sushhnost' i obshhaja harakteristika nacional'nyh cennostej, interesov i celej Rossijskoj Federacii // Municipal'nyj mir. – 2009.– # 1-4.
12. Hesli V. L. Nacionalizm i puti razreshenija mezhjetnicheskih protivorechij // Politicheskie issledovanija. – 1996. – # 6. – S. 39-51.
Salakhova Zh. V.
Change of the legal status of the Afro-Americans as a result of civil war in the USA (on the example of the family law)
In article the author proves that in post-war time of restriction in a scope of the matrimonial legislation were defined not only decisions of judges and legislators of states, but also have been caused by the legal culture developing in the country decades.
Keywords: Afro-Americans, USA, marriage, family law, legislation, civil war, reconstruction, legal system, rights, women, status, North, South.
Work bibliographic list
1. Latypova N. S. Social'nye i politicheskie posledstvija grazhdanskoj vojny v SShA (1861-1865 gg.)// Juridicheskaja nauka i praktika: Vestnik Nizhegorodskoj akademii MVD Rossii. 2013. # 23. S. 187-190.
2. Miller R. M. The Great Task Remaining Before Us: Reconstruction as America’s Continuing Civil War. New York: Fordham University Press, 2010. P. 265.
3. Neff S. S. Justice in Blue and Grey: A legal history of the Civil war. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press. 2010. P. 350.
4. Samito C. G. Changes in law and society during the Civil war and Reconstruction. Souther Illinois University press. 2009. P. 212.
Usmanovа D. R., Kazamirov A. I.
The risk-oriented approach in control and oversight activities
The article substantiates the necessity of introduction of a differentiated approach to the implementation of control and supervision depending on the risk category. The legal basis for the implementation of risk-oriented model should become the Federal law "On fundamentals of state and municipal control (supervision) in the Russian Federation", the draft of which is currently being revised. In the new model of state control (supervision) shall be laid down by the national risk management system.
Keywords: state control (supervision), the risk-based model, risk management system, risk criteria, hazard class.
Work bibliographic list
1. Levonenkova T. A. Gosudarstvennyj i municipal'nyj kontrol' (nadzor): poisk jeffektivnyh reshenij// Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. 2014. # 9. S. 140-149.
2. Kazamirov A. I., Usmanova D. R. O ponjatijnom apparate kontrol'no-nadzornoj dejatel'nosti organov ispolnitel'noj vlasti // Pravovoe gosudarstvo: teorija i praktika. 2016. T. 1. # 43. S. 78-82.
3. Usmanova D. R. Kontrol'no-nadzornaja funkcija organov ispolnitel'noj vlasti: administrativno-pravovoj analiz: monografija. Ufa, 2015. S. 5.
Izyumova E. S.
Novels the rules of appointment of administrative punishment in the form of a warning
The article analyses the amendments to the Russian Code of administrative offences, introduced by Federal law of 03.07.2016 n 316-FZ, providing for the procedure of application of administrative punishment in the form of a warning. Based on the comparison of number of administrative of the offences with criminal offences, the author comes to the conclusion that serious consideration of such changes, with the aim of eliminating the threat of breach of fundamental principles of sentencing.
Keywords: administrative punishment, warning, confiscation, prevention of administrative offences, certainty, fairness, proportionality of administrative punishment
Work bibliographic list
1. Kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ob administrativnyh pravonarushenijah ot 30.12.2001 # 195-FZ (red. ot06.07.2016.) // Rossijskaja gazeta, # 256, 31.12.2001.
2. Ugolovnyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ot 13.06.1996 # 63-FZ (red. ot 06.07.2016) // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF, 17.06.1996, N 25, st. 2954.
3. Postanovlenie Konstitucionnogo Suda RF ot 25.04.2011 # 6-P «Po delu o proverke konstitucionnosti chasti 1 stat'i 3.7 i chasti 2 stat'i 8.28 Kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii ob administrativnyh pravonarushenijah v svjazi s zhaloboj obshhestva s ogranichennoj otvetstvennost'ju «Stroj Komplekt»» // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF, 09.05.2011, # 19.
4. Bahrah D. N. Rassmotrenie arbitrazhnymi sudami del ob administrativnyh pravonarushenijah: Kommentarii zakonodatel'stva. Obzor praktiki. Rekomendacii / Pod red. Je. N. Renova. M.: NORMA, 2003.- [jelektronnyj resurs]. Dostup iz SPS «Konsul'tant
Pljus» (20.07.2016).
5. Vitruk N. V. Obshhaja teorija juridicheskoj otvetstvennosti. 2-e izd., ispr. i dop. M.: NORMA, 2009.
6. Kurakin A. V., Kostennikov M. V., Tregubova E. V., Myshljaev N. P. Konceptual'nye osnovy administrativnoj deliktologii // Administrativnoe i municipal'noe pravo. 2015. # 6.
7. Majorov V. I. Ocenka jeffektivnosti administrativno-jurisdikcionnoj dejatel'nosti v sfere dorozhnogo dvizhenija // Vestnik ChelGU. – Serija «Pravo». - Vyp. # 44.
8. Osipov A. A. Pravila naznachenija administrativnogo nakazanija // Administrativnoe pravo. 2008. # 1.
Parygina N. N.
Disinformation rebutment pursuant to the civil law of Russian Federation
Author of the suggested study concerns one of the native special remedies for honour, dignity and business reputation of natural person and organization – publication of disinformation rebutment. Order of this remedy realization, which is enshrined in the current Russian legislation, is analyzed. Potential forms of disinformation rebutment are marked; distinction between disinformation rebutment and other remedies is made (counter-plea publication, document replacement or revocation of instruments, information removal, taking out fabricated for commercialization material mediums of such information and its liquidation without compensation). Authentic definition of the notion «rebutment» is stated. Classification of rebut-ments is carried out. The necessity of correcting norms of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, which are related to the legal regulation of disinformation rebutment publication, is sub-stantiated.
Keywords: non-material values, honour, dignity, business reputation, civil rights remedies, defamation, disinformation, publication of disinformation rebutment, counter-plea publication, document replacement or revocation of instruments.
Work bibliographic list
1. Alekseev S. V. Sportivnyj marketing. Pravovoe regulirovanie public relations v sfere fizicheskoj kul'tury i sporta // Sport: jekonomika, pravo, upravlenie. 2014. # 4.
2. Barsukova V. N. Pravo na chest' i dostoinstvo: osobennosti soderzhanija // Sovremennoe pravo. 2015. # 7.
3. Gavrilov E. V. Pravo na chest' i dostoinstvo // JeZh-Jurist. 2014. # 40.
4. Grazhdanskij kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii. Cennye bumagi. Zashhita chesti, dostoinstva i delovoj reputacii. Ohrana chastnoj zhizni. Postatejnyj kommentarij k glavam 6 - 8 / V. V. Andropov, B. M. Gongalo, P. V.Krasheninnikov i dr.; pod red. P. V. Krasheninnikova. M.: Statut, 2014.
5. Zashhita delovoj reputacii v sluchajah ee diffamacii ili nepravomernogo ispol'zovanija (v sfere kommercheskih otnoshenij): nauchno-prakticheskoe posobie / D. V. Afanas'ev, A. S. Vorozhevich, M. E. Glazkova i dr.; pod M. A. Rozhkovoj. M: Statut,2015.
6. Ivanova S. Zashhite - byt'! // JeZh-Jurist. 2016. # 16.
7. Ivanchak A. I. Grazhdanskoe pravo Rossijskoj Federacii: Obshhaja chast'. M.: Statut, 2014.
8. Kurbatov A. Ja. Zashhita prav i zakonnyh interesov v uslovijah «modernizacii» pravovoj sistemy Rossii.M.: Justicinform, 2013.
9. Peshkova O. A. Zashhita delovoj reputacii i drugih nematerial'nyh blag juridicheskih lic // Pravovye voprosy svjazi, 2005, # 1.
10. Rabec A. M., Hvatova M. A. Pravo grazhdanina na zashhitu chesti, dostoinstva i delovoj reputacii //Jurist. 2015. # 19.
11. Tihomirov M. Ju. Zashhita chesti, dostoinstva i delovoj reputacii: novye pravila. M.: Izdatel'stvo Tihomirova M. Ju., 2014.
Goryacheva N. Yu.
Evolution of legal regulation of civil and office firearms
In article evolution of formation of legal regulation of firearms in Russia, the standard and legal base regulating the mechanism of a turn of the civil and office weapon, and also an order of control of observance of provisions of regulations for the purpose of creation of the ordered system of possession, use and the order of the civil and office weapon is considered.
Keywords: the civil weapon, the office weapon, the legislation, legal regulation, a source of the increased danger
Work bibliographic list
1. Ob oruzhii: federal'nyj zakon ot 13 dekabrja 1996 g.# 150-FZ / Sobranie zakonodatel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii, 1996.
2. Majlis N. P. Kriminalisticheskaja tehnika: osnovy trasologii i kriminalisticheskogo issledovanija oruzhija: uchebnik dlja VUZov. – T. 1. – M.: Moskovskij psihologo-social'nyj institut, 2006.
3. Polozov V. P. Oruzhie v grazhdanskom obshhestve. Politiko-pravovoe issledovanie. Izdanie tret'e ispravlennoe i dopolnennoe. Prilozhenie # 2. Nekotorye svedenija o zakonodatel'nom obespechenii oborota oruzhija v nekotoryh stranah mira. – M., 2001.
Frolovskaya Yu. I., Yunusova K. V.
Some of the issues of social security of convicted women serving sentences in deprivation of liberty
The transformations in the political, social and economic spheres of the state and society, demanded greater attention to the implementation of the rights and duties of every citizen. Especially sharply the question of constitutional rights, freedoms and legitimate interests stands in isolation from the society, because the serving of a sentence of imprisonment, impose its imprint on the legal status of any citizen. Persons in correctional institutions, undergoing certain restriction and deprivation, which are difficult experienced by women, therefore, the problem of social support is the convicted women is quite relevant. The article discusses some forms of social security for women in conditions of isolation from society.
Keywords: state support of prisoners, social security, women prisoners, social benefits.
Work bibliographic list
1. Konstitucija Rossijskoj Federacii (prinjata vsenarodnym golosovaniem 12.12.1993) // Spravochnaja pravovaja sistema «Konsul'tantPljus». [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 23.07.2016).
2. Ugolovno-ispolnitel'nyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii // Spravochnaja pravovaja sistema «Konsul'tantPljus». [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 23.07.2016).
3. Rasporjazhenie Pravitel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii ot 14 oktjabrja 2010 g. # 1772-r «O Koncepcii razvitija ugolovno-ispolnitel'noj sistemy Rossijskoj Federacii do 2020 goda» // Spravochnaja pravovaja sistema «Konsul'tantPljus». [Jelektronnyj resurs].– Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 23.07.2016).
4. Postanovlenie Pravitel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii ot 15 oktjabrja 2001 g. # 727 «O porjadke obespechenija posobijami po objazatel'nomu gosudarstvennomu social'nomu strahovaniju osuzhdennyh k lisheniju svobody lic, privlechennyh k oplachivaemomu trudu»
// Spravochnaja pravovaja sistema «Konsul'tantPljus».[Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 23.07.2016).
5. Konstantinov Ju. V. Zhenshhiny, lishennye svobody:problemy i suzhdenija // Prestuplenie i nakazanie. 2006. # 10. S. 7-10.
6. Kratkaja harakteristika ugolovno-ispolnitel'noj sistemy. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: http://fsin.rf/structure/inspector/iao/statistika/Kratkaya%20har-ka%20UIS/. (data obrashhenija:23.07.2016).
7. Maljarova N. V., Nesmejanova M. I. Social'naja zashhita detstva: konceptual'nyj podhod // Sociologicheskoe issledovanie. 1991. # 4. S. 79-82.
8. Machul'skaja E. E. Pravo social'nogo obespechenija:Uchebnoe posobie. M., 1998. 132 s.
Filimonova S. A.
To a question about the object relationship in mandatory social insurance
On the basis of general theoretical approach substantiates the author's position on the relationship of the object of mandatory social insurance. The author suggests that the object of this relationship should be considered as fulfillment of its obligations under the employer mandatory social insurance. There is also a legal entity, related right to require the insured employee within the period and to the extent specified by law, the implementation of these obligations by the employer.
Keywords: the subject of labor law, legal relations on compulsory social insurance, legal facility for compulsory social insurance.
Work bibliographic list
1. Grazhdanskij kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii, chast' 1 ot 30 nojabrja 1994 g. N 51-FZ // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF ot 5 dekabrja 1994 g. N 32 st. 3301.
2. Trudovoj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ot 30 dekabrja 2001 g. N 197-FZ // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. 2002 g. N 1 (chast' I)
3. Federal'nyj zakon ot 24 ijulja 1998 g. N 125-FZ «Ob objazatel'nom social'nom strahovanii ot neschastnyh sluchaev na proizvodstve i professional'nyh zabolevanij»// Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF ot 3 avgusta 1998 g. N 31 St. 3803.
4. Federal'nyj zakon ot 16 ijulja 1999 g. N 165-FZ «Ob osnovah objazatel'nogo social'nogo strahovanija» //Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. 1999. N 29 St. 3686.
5. Federal'nyj zakon ot 15 dekabrja 2001 g. N 167-FZ «Ob objazatel'nom pensionnom strahovanii v Rossijskoj Federacii»// Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF ot 17 dekabrja 2001 g. N 51 St. 4832.
6. Federal'nyj zakon ot 30 ijunja 2006 g. N 90-FZ «O vnesenii izmenenij v Trudovoj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii, priznanii ne dejstvujushhimi na territorii Rossijskoj Federacii nekotoryh normativnyh pravovyh aktov SSSR i utrativshimi silu nekotoryh zakonodatel'nyh aktov (polozhenij zakonodatel'nyh aktov) Rossijskoj Federacii» // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. 2006 g. N 27. St. 2878.
7. Federal'nyj zakon ot 24 ijulja 2009 g. N 212-FZ «O strahovyh vznosah v Pensionnyj fond Rossijskoj Federacii, Fond social'nogo strahovanija Rossijskoj Federacii, Federal'nyj fond objazatel'nogo medicinskogo strahovanija» // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF ot 27 ijulja 2009 g. N 30 st. 3738.
8. Federal'nyj zakon ot 29 dekabrja 2006 g. N 255-FZ «Ob objazatel'nom social'nom strahovanii na sluchaj vremennoj netrudosposobnosti i v svjazi s materinstvom»// Sobranie Zakonodatel'stva RF 2007. # 1(chast' 1) St. 18.
9. Dudin A. P. Ob"ekt pravootnoshenija (voprosy teorii). Monografija. Saratov: Izd. Saratovskogo universiteta, 1980.
10. Ioffe O. S., Shargorodskij M. D. Voprosy teorii prava. M., 1961.
11. Marchenko M. N. Teorija gosudarstva i prava. 2 izd.M.: Prospekt, 2005
12. Marchenko M. N. Problemy obshhej teorii gosudarstva i prava. 2 izd. M.: Prospekt, 2010.
13. Tolstoj Ju. K. K teorii pravootnoshenija. Monografija. L.: Izd. Leningradskogo universiteta, 1959.

Kolodziej A.
Shared construction participation: acquisition of real estate in Saint-Petersburg
The article covers the topic of necessity to cancel shared construction participation. The author analyzes the procedure for the conclusion and performance of shared construction participation agreements, reveals positive distinctions in comparison with other procedures of acquisition of housing in the new construction and real estate markets.
Keywords: shared construction participation, participation agreements, construction procedure, shared construction, shared construction comparison, housing association, real estate markets, acquisition of housing, new construction.
Work bibliographic list
1. Konstitucija RF ot 12.12.1993 // Sobr. zakonodatel'stva RF. 2014. # 31.
2. Grazhdanskij Kodeks RF (chast' vtoraja) // Sobr. zakonodatel'stva RF. 1996. # 5.
3. Zhilishhnyj kodeks RF ot 29.12.2004 # 188-FZ // Parlamentskaja gazeta. 2005. # 7.Kodifikacija rossijskogo chastnogo prava 2015 / V. V. Vitrjanskij, S. Ju.Golovina, B. M. Gongalo i dr.; pod red. P. V. Krasheninnikova. M.: Statut, 2015. 447 s.
4. Ob uchastii v dolevom stroitel'stve mnogokvartirnyh domov i inyh ob"ektov nedvizhimosti i o vnesenii izmenenij v nekotorye zakonodatel'nye akty Rossijskoj Federacii: fed. zakon ot 30.12.2004 #214-FZ // Rossijskaja gazeta. 2004. # 292.
5. O vnesenii izmenenij v otdel'nye zakonodatel'nye akty Rossijskoj Federacii: fed. zakon ot 13.07. 2015 # 236-FZ // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. 2015. # 29.
6. Zakon RF ot 7 fevralja 1992 g. #2300-1 «O zashhite prav potrebitelej» // Rossijskaja gazeta. 1996. # 8.
7. Postanovlenie Prezidiuma VAS RF ot 9 dekabrja 2010 g. # 5441/10 po delu # A70-367/12-2008 // SPS«Konsul'tant Pljus».
8. Opredelenie VAS RF ot 13 ijulja 2012 g. # VAS-8969/12 po delu # A41-45565/10 // SPS «Konsul'tant Pljus» (01.10.2015).
9. Barinov N. A., Birjukova T. A., Grishina Ja. S., Kartashova Ju. A., Pisarjuk M. V. Kommentarij k Federal'nomu zakonu ot 21 ijulja 1997 g. # 122-FZ «O gosudarstvennoj registracii prav na nedvizhimoe imushhestvo i sdelok s nim» (postatejnyj) / pod red. N. A. Barinova // «Konsul'tant Pljus».
10. Belousov V. N. Perspektivy razvitija zakonodatel'stva o grazhdansko-pravovoj otvetstvennosti zastrojshhika // Notarius. 2013. # 7. S. 33-38.
11. Evstratova N. K. Dolevoe stroitel'stvo mnogokvartirnyh domov i inyh ob"ektov nedvizhimosti // Zakon. 2007. # 6.
12. Kozlova E. B. Sistema dogovorov, napravlennyh na sozdanie ob"ektov nedvizhimosti. M.: KONTRAKT,2013. 368 s.
13. Petruhin M. V. Dogovor uchastija v dolevom stroitel'stve ob"ektov nedvizhimosti: problemy pravovogo regulirovanija. M.: Infotropik Media, 2012. 208 s.
14. Poltorak G. V. O problemah rynka nedvizhimosti v Rossii i vozmozhnostjah ih razreshenija // Imushhestvennye otnoshenija v Rossijskoj Federacii. 2012.# 2. S. 6-11.
15. Potjarkin D. E. Novye dogovory v zhilishhnoj sfere //Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. 2002. # 12. S. 77-78.
16. Rodionova A. P., Shmakova S. V. Dogovor dolevogo uchastija v stroitel'stve: juridicheskaja klassifikacija, nalogooblozhenie i uchet // Buhgalterskij bjulleten'. 2003. # 3.
17. Romanec Ju. Kak kvalificirovat' dogovory dolevogo uchastija v stroitel'stve? // Hozjajstvo i pravo. 2000. # 3.
18. Rossijskoe grazhdanskoe pravo: uchebnik: v 2 t. / V. V. Vitrjanskij, V. S. Em, N. V. Kozlova i dr.; otv. red. E. A. Suhanov. 2-e izd., stereotip. M.: Statut, 2011. T. 2: Objazatel'stvennoe pravo. 1208 s.
19. Fomina E. V. Pravovaja priroda dogovora dolevogo uchastija v stroitel'stve // Pravovye voprosy nedvizhimosti. 2007. # 1.
Belousov S. A., Abanina E. N.
The imbalance in the forest legislation:theory and practice questions
The article deals with theoretical and practical problems arising in connection with the imbalance
in the forestry legislation and its practical application. Examples of various types of imbalance: the uncertainty of the wording of the text of the law, inconsistency of standards within a single law, the law of imbalance with the system adopted by the regulatory legal acts; presents solutions to problems in the form of law-making, judicial acts.
Keywords: imbalance, forestry legislation, forest fires, illegal logging.
Work bibliographic list
1. Abanina E. N. Ob ob"ektivnoj storone lesonarushenij // Novaja pravovaja mysl'. 2014. # 2. S. 55-60.
2. Baharev A. V., Ilij S. K. Faktory, determinirujushhie korrupcionnye processy / Korrupcija: priroda, projavlenija, protivodejstvie: Monografija / T.Ja. Habrieva. M., 2012.
3. Belousov S. A. Zakonodatel'nyj disbalans (doktrina, teorija, praktika): diss. … d-ra jurid. nauk. Saratov, 2015.
4. Bogoljubov S. A. Novyj Federal'nyj zakon «Ob ohrane okruzhajushhej sredy» // Jekologicheskoe pravo. 2002.# 2. S. 16-21.
5. Gizzatullin R. H. Rol' zakonotvorcheskoj dejatel'nosti v realizacii jekologicheskoj funkcii gosudarstva: teorija i praktika // Jekologicheskoe pravo. 2014.# 2. S. 7–14.
6. Ivlieva A. G. [Ne] dvazhdy za odno: osobyj harakter jekologicheskogo ushherba i obshhie principy juridicheskoj otvetstvennosti. Kommentarij k Postanovleniju Konstitucionnogo Suda RF ot 2 ijunja 2015 goda # 12-P // Sravnitel'noe konstitucionnoe obozrenie. 2015. # 4. S. 145-158.
7. Ignat'eva I. A. Jekologicheskoe zakonodatel'stvo Rossii i problemy ego razvitija. M., 2001.
8. Kommentarij k Grazhdanskomu kodeksu Rossijskoj Federacii, chasti pervoj (postatejnyj) / Pod red.S. P. Grishaeva, A. M. Jerdelevskogo. Podgotovlen dlja sistemy Konsul'tantPljus, 2006.
9. Konforkin I. A. Ugolovnaja otvetstvennost' za nezakonnuju rubku lesnyh nasazhdenij: Monografija //SPS Konsul'tantPljus, 2010.
10. Mal'ko A. V. Sudebnaja zhizn' obshhestva kak ob"ekt sudebnoj politiki // Pravovaja politika i pravovaja zhizn'. 2014. # 1.
11. Prohorov L. A., Prohorova M. L. Ugolovnoe pravo:Uchebnik. M., 1999.
12. Sokolov N. A. Kvalifikacija nezakonnoj rubki lesnyh nasazhdenij v razlichnyh regionah Rossii // Ugolovno-ispolnitel'naja sistema: pravo, jekonomika, upravlenie, 2008, # 4.
13. Falileev V. A., Garmaev Ju. P. Ugolovnaja otvetstvennost' za nezakonnuju rubku lesnyh nasazhdenij: voprosy teorii i sudebnoj praktiki // Rossijskij sud'ja. 2013. # 5. S. 30 - 33.
14. Hludeneva N. I. Korrupciogennye faktory v jekologicheskom zakonodatel'stve // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. 2015. # 6. S. 98-105.
15. Chervonjuk V. I. Kachestvo zakona: sovremennaja koncepcija i problemy demokratizacii // Juridicheskaja tehnika. Ezhegodnik. 2012. # 8 «Demokratizacija pravotvorchestva: doktrina, praktika, tehnika».
16. Shuplecova Ju. I. Perspektivy i napravlenija razvitija lesnogo zakonodatel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. 2015. # 3. S. 72-79.
Petrov D. E., Sukhova E. A.
To a question of implementation of the main directions of a state policy of use of land fund for the purpose of counteraction to threats of ecological and economic safety in the Russian Federation
In article the course of realization of the main directions of a state policy of use of land fund of
the Russian Federation for 2012 - 2020 from the point of view of compliance of the tasks proclaimed in Bases and the received results is estimated. The greatest attention is paid to the review of the land legislation adopted for the last four years and also the short stories approaching in 2017. Merits and demerits of modern legal support of land policy are noted.
Keywords: state land policy, land legislation, land plot, granting lands, management of land fund, state land supervision, municipal land control.
Work bibliographic list
1. Gavriljuk M. N. Pravovoe regulirovanie provedenija rabot po formirovaniju zemel'nogo uchastka // Pravo i jekonomika. 2005. # 5
2. Zheleznov D. Izmenenija v ZK RF za 2015 god // JeZh-Jurist. 2016. # 4.
3. Zaslavskaja N. M. Teorija i praktika osushhestvlenija gosudarstvennogo zemel'nogo nadzora: novye podhody i starye problemy // Jekologicheskoe pravo. 2015.# 3.
4. Narysheva N. G. Perehod ot delenija zemel' po celevomu naznacheniju na kategorii k territorial'nomu zonirovaniju: za i protiv // Jekologicheskoe pravo.2015. # 5.
5. Pravo i jekonomicheskaja dejatel'nost': sovremennye vyzovy: monografija / E. G. Azarova, A. A. Ajurova, M.K. Belobabchenko i dr.; otv. red. A. V. Gabov. M.: IZ-iSP, Statut, 2015. 400 s.
6. Sharapov V. V. O razreshennom ispol'zovanii zemel'nyh uchastkov // SPS Konsul'tantPljus. 2015.
Kamenkov M. V.
The economic and factual circumstances of the activities of related parties for determination of tax consequences of interdependence
The article is about the problem of identifying the signs of related parties for tax pur-poses. According to the author, for the purpose of identifying related parties and subsequent tax consequences is not enough to establish formal signs of interrelationship, stated in tax code – we should investigated the economic and factual circumstances, which are operated by associated individuals, without which it is impossible to identify the related parties. These circumstances are encouraged to call the objective side of interdependence.
Keywords: related parties, tax consequences, relationship connectivity.
Work bibliographic list
1. Postanovlenie VAS RF ot 11 oktjabrja 2011 g. N 5950/11.
2. Postanovlenie FAS Volgo-Vjatskogo okruga ot 18.08.2010 po delu # A79-12687/2009.
3. Postanovlenie FAS Vostochno-Sibirskogo okruga ot 25.10.2010 po delu # A19-2436/10.
4. Postanovlenie FAS Moskovskogo okruga ot 16.02.2010 po delu # A40-24674/09-90-78.
5. Bratus' S. N. Juridicheskie lica v sovetskom grazhdanskom prave. M., 1947. 392 s.
6. Gribanov V. P. Osushhestvlenie i zashhita grazhdanskih prav. M., 2001. 411 s.
7. Grimm D. D. Lekcii po dogme rimskogo prava. M., 2003. 496 s.
8. Gruzdev V. V. Volevaja priroda juridicheskogo lica //Konsul'tantPljus.
9. Demin A. V. Princip opredelennosti nalogooblozhenija: monografija. M., 2015. 368 s.
10. Dzhaarbekov S. M., Chernik I. D. Holdingi i kompanii s obosoblennymi podrazdelenijami // Konsul'tantPljus.
11. Ivolzhatov A. V. Osnovanija priznanija juridicheskih lic vzaimozavisimymi v kontekste sravnitel'nogo mezhotraslevogo issledovanija // Aktual'nye problemy rossijskogo prava. 2013. N 11. S. 1434 - 1441.
12. Kavelin K. D. Izbrannye proizvedenija po grazhdanskomu pravu. M., 2003. 722 s.
13. Klejmenova M. O. Nalogovoe pravo: uchebnoe posobie. M.: Moskovskij finansovo-promyshlennyj universitet «Sinergija», 2013 // Konsul'tantPljus.
14. Kommercheskoe (predprinimatel'skoe) pravo: ucheb.: v 2 t. T. 1. 4-e izd. Pererab. i dop. / pod red. V. F. Popondopulo. M., 2009. 592 s.
15. Kopina A. A. K voprosu o vzaimosvjazi rynochnoj ceny i vzaimozavisimosti lic // Konsul'tantPljus.
16. Korporativnoe pravo: uchebnik / E. G. Afanas'eva, V. Ju. Bakshinskas, E. P. Gubin i dr.; otv. red. I. S. Shitkina. 2-e izd., pererab. i dop. M.: KNORUS, 2015// Konsul'tantPljus.
17. Korporativnoe pravo: uchebnik i praktikum dlja bakalavriata i magistratury: O. A. Makarova: predislovie V. F. Popondopulo. M., 2015. 334 s.
18. Lomakin D. V. Korporativnye pravootnoshenija: obshhaja teorija i praktika ee primenenija v hozjajstvennyh obshhestvah // Konsul'tantPljus.
19. Medvedeva T. M. Kriterii vzaimozavisimosti kompanij: na chto sleduet obratit' vnimanie // Pishhevaja promyshlennost': buhgalterskij uchet i nalogooblozhenie. 2015. N 6. S. 52-57.
20. Mejer D. I. Russkoe grazhdanskoe pravo (v 2 ch). Po ispravlennomu i dopolnennomu 8-mu izd. 1902. M., 2000. 389 s.
21. Nalogovoe pravo Rossii. Obshhaja chast'. Uchebnik / otv. Red. N. A. Sheveleva. M., 2001. 397 s.
22. Osipenko O. V. Rossijskie holdingi. Jekspertnye problemy formirovanija i obespechenija razvitija / Konsul'tantPljus.
23. Pis'ma Minfina ot 18 oktjabrja 2012 g. N 03-01-18/8-145, ot 26.12.2012 # 03-02-07/1-316, ot 1 marta 2013 g.N 03-07-11/6175.
24. Polisjuk G. B., Il'jashik I. V. Analiz gosudarstvennogo regulirovanija transfertnogo cenoobrazovanija: puti razvitija mezhdunarodnogo i rossijskogo zakonodatel'stva // Mezhdunarodnyj buhgalterskij uchet. 2010. N 9. S. 32-38.
25. Tarasov I. T. Uchenie ob akcionernyh kompanijah. M., 2000. 666 s.
26. Cherepahin V. V. Trudy po grazhdanskomu pravu. M., 2001. 479 s.
27. Shitkina I. S. Holdingi: pravovoe regulirovanie i korporativnoe upravlenie: nauchno-prakt. izdanie. M., 2008. 648 s.
28. Shhekin D. M. Juridicheskie prezumpcii v nalogovom prave. M., 2002. 252 s.
29. Sullivan T. Note. The future of state unitary taxation of foreign- owned U. S. subsidiaries after Barciays Bank PLC v. Franshise Tax Board // Geo. Wash. J. Int’I L. &Econ, 1995.
Tokmakov M. A.
Agreement of an escrow account as a type of promissory fulfilment
The article studies the legal nature of escrow account for a possibility to type of promissory fulfillment. It also shows the evidence of security promissories. Conclusion is about impossibility of attributing an escrow account agreement to methods of enforcement promissories.
Keywords: agreement of an escrow account, way to secure promissory fulfillment, accessorial liability contributor, a beneficiary, a security interest.
Work bibliographic list
1. Braginskij M. I., Vitrjanskij V. V. Dogovornoe pravo. Kniga pervaja: Obshhie polozhenija. 3-e izd., ster.M.: Statut. 2011. 847 s.
2. Vasilevskaja L. Ju. Dogovor scheta jeskrou: problemy pravovoj kvalifikacii // Jelektronnoe prilozhenie k «Rossijskomu juridicheskomu zhurnalu». 2016. # 2. S. 37-49.
3. Gongalo B. M. Uchenie ob obespechenii objazatel'stv. Voprosy teorii i praktiki. M.: Statut, 2004. 222 s.
4. Grazhdanskoe pravo. Tom 1. Pod red. Sergeeva A. P., Tolstogo Ju. K. 4-e izd., pererab. i dop. M.: Prospekt,2005. 765 s.
5. Konevina Ju. L. Primenenie dogovora jeskrou // Jekonomika. Nalogi. Pravo. 2013. # 5. S. 146.
6. Rossijskoe grazhdanskoe pravo: V 2 t. Objazatel'stvennoe pravo: Uchebnik. Tom 2, 2-e izdanie, stereotipnoe. Otv. red. Suhanov E. A. M.: Statut. 2011. Spravochnaja pravovaja sistema Konsul'tant Pljus. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: obrashhenija: 02.06.2016).
7. Rudenko E. Ju. Dogovor scheta jeskrou: perspektivy primenenija i otdel'nye pravovye problemy //Sbornik nauchno-prakticheskih statej II Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii «Aktual'nye problemy predprinimatel'skogo i korporativnogo prava v Rossii i za rubezhom» (22 aprelja 2015 goda, g. Moskva)» pod obshh. red. S. D. Mogilevskogo, M. A. Egorovoj». RANHiGS pri Prezidente Rossijskoj Federacii. Juridicheskij fakul'tet im. M. M. Speranskogo. «Justicinform». 2015 // SPS «Konsul'tant Pljus».
8. Rudenko E. Ju. K voprosu ob ogranichenii prava rasporjazhat'sja denezhnymi sredstvami, nahodjashhimisja na schete jeskrou // Vlast' zakona. 2015. # 2 (22). S. 125-
9. Tokmakov M. A. K voprosu o pravovoj prirode dogovora scheta jeskrou // Pravovoe regulirovanie dejatel'nosti hozjajstvujushhego sub"ekta: materialy 14-j Mezhdunar. nauch.-prakt. konf. «Problemy razvitija predprijatija: teorija i praktika» 12 nojab. 2015. Samara, 2015. S. 68-71.
А. M.
History of the emergence and regulation of financial derivatives
Derivatives were invented more than four thousand years ago, but legal regulation of these contacts has started being developed only in the second half of XX century. This article examines early sources evidencing existence of derivatives contracts in commerce, the major milestones in the history of development of derivatives and particularities of modern derivatives legal regulation linked with their role in the world financial crisis of 2007-2009.
Keywords: derivatives, legal regulation, history, the world financial crisis, swap, futures, option.
Work bibliographic list
1. Aristotel'. Politika. Kniga Pervaja, p. 40.
2. Brook. J. Unregulable: Why Derivatives May Never Be Regulated, Brooklyn Journal of Corporate Financial & Commercial Law, vol. 4, Issue 2, 2010.
3. Chiara Oldani. Governing Global Derivatives: Challenges and Risks, Ashgate, 2008.
4. Don Chance. Essays in Derivatives, John Wiley & Sons,1998.
5. Edward J. Swan, Building the Global Market: A 4000 Year History of Derivatives Hardcover, Kluwer Law International Ltd., London, 2000.
6. Eric Benhamou. Global Derivatives: Products, Theory and Practices, Singapore, 2007.
7. Ernst Juerg Weber. A Short History of Derivative Security Markets, The University of Western Australia, Discussion Paper, 2008.
8. Geoffrey Poitras. The Early History of Financial Economics, 1478-1776, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd: Cheltenham, 2000.
9. John C. Hull Options, Futures and Other Derivatives, Global Edition, Pearson, 2012.
10. Laurent L. Jacque, Global Derivative Debacles: From Theory to Malpractice, Second edition, World Scientific, 2015.
11. Robert E. Whaley, Derivatives: Markets, Valuation, and Risk Management, John Wiley & Sons: Hoboken, New Jersey, Oktjabr' 2006.
12. Steve Kummer. The History of Derivatives: A Few Milestones, EFTA Seminar on Regulation of Derivatives Markets, Zurich, 3 maja 2012.
Marfitsyn P. G., Timchenko V. A.
The use of economic information in proving legalization (laundering) of money received as a result of tax evasion
The article discusses the use of economic information for Detect-supply and proof of legalization
(laundering) of money acquired by a person as a result of evasion of taxes or charges on an individual or organization. The aim of the article is to highlight creative approaches to solving this problem. Methodical guidelines for determining the amount of the legalization (laundering) of money received as a direct result of tax evasion, and their separation from the others available in the accounts in the banks money. Considered criminal procedural and organizational issues for special economic knowledge as applied to the subject in question.
Keywords: legalization of funds, tax evasion, economic information, finding proof.
Work bibliographic list
1. Kriminalisticheskaja diagnostika prestuplenij na osnove jekonomicheskoj informacii // Pod obshhej redakciej V. A. Timchenko. – N. Novgorod, 2007. – 176 s.
2. Timchenko V. A. Ispol'zovanie uchetno-jekonomicheskoj (buhgalterskoj) informacii dlja obnaruzhenija priznakov prestuplenij i dokazyvanija po ugolovnym delam. – N. Novgorod, Nizhegorodskaja pravovaja akademija, 2014. – 188 s.

Vasilchenko A. V., Gareev A. M.
Issues of forensic diagnostics intentionally caused harm to health in the conditions in detention insulation
This paper raises issues of development of modern diagnostic algorithms to promptly determine intentional harm to their health, presents an analysis of the concept of harm to their health, especially its manifestations, depending on the type of behavior chlenovrediteley, personal and social features.
Keywords: intentional damage to their health, forensic diagnostics, convicted.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ugolovno-ispolnitel'nyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii: Federal'nyj zakon ot 8 dekabrja 1997 g. # 1-FZ (red. ot 28.11.2015 g.) // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. – 1997. – # 2. St. 198. – [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: obrashhenija: 29.11.2015).
2. Vasil'chenko A. V., Gareev A. M., Lonshhakova A. R. Sudebno-medicinskie aspekty vyjavlenija faktov chlenovreditel'stva v mestah lishenija svobody //Vestnik Ufimskogo juridicheskogo instituta MVD Rossii. – 2015. – # 4. – S. 60-63.
3. Debol'skij M. G., Matveeva I. A. Suicidal'noe povedenie osuzhdennyh, podozrevaemyh i obvinjaemyh v mestah lishenija svobody // Psihologija i pravo. –2013. – # 3. – S. 1-10.
4. Kolkutin V. V., Sosedko Ju. I. Sudebno-medicinskaja jekspertiza pri podozrenii na chlenovreditel'stvo i simuljaciju. – M.: OOO Izd-vo «Jurlitinform»,2004. – 160 s.
5. Pol'skaja N. A. Prediktory i mehanizmy samopovrezhdajushhego povedenija (po materialam issledovanij) // Psihologicheskij zhurnal. – 2009. – # 1. – S. 96-105.
6. Shabanov V. B., Kashinskij M. Ju. Vlijanie sostojanija zdorov'ja na autodestruktivnoe povedenie lic, soderzhashhihsja v uchrezhdenijah ugolovno-ispolnitel'noj sistemy // Aktual'nye problemy penitenciarnoj mediciny. VICh/ SPID v mestah lishenija svobody:materialy 3-j Mezhdunar. nauch.-prakt. konf., Minsk, 23-24 nojab. 2006 g. / Departament ispolnenija nakazanij MVD Resp. Belarus'. – Minsk, 2006. – S. 186-193.
Korablev R. N., Divaeva I. R.
On the question of the formation and development of the institutions of the special part of criminal law in the second half of the XVIII century
The article deals with a particular historical period of development of domestic criminal law. Analysis of the current legislation in this period allows to conclude the existence of the prerequisites for the development of the institutions of the Special Part of the criminal law of Russia.
Keywords: criminal law, criminal law institutions, systematization of criminal law, the history of
criminal law.
Work bibliographic list
1. Belikov S. Ja. Znachenie Bekkaria v nauke i v istorii russkogo ugolovnogo zakonodatel'stva // Ch. Bekkaria.O prestuplenijah i nakazanijah. Har'kov, 1899.
2. Kamenskij A. B. «Pod seniju Ekateriny..» Vtoraja polovina XVIII v. SPb., 1992.
3. Latkin V. N. Uchebnik istorii Russkogo prava perioda Imperii (XVIII – XIX vv.). SPb., 1899.
4. Nakaz imperatricy Ekateriny II, dannyj Komissii o sochinenii proekta novogo Ulozhenija /Pod red. N. D. Chechulina. SPb., 1907.
5. Naumov A. V. Prestuplenie i nakazanie v istorii Rossii. V 2 ch. Ch.1. M., 2014.
6. Tagancev N. S. Russkoe ugolovnoe pravo: Lekcii. Chast' Obshhaja. V 2 t. T.1. M., 1994.
7. Fel'dshtejn G. S. Glavnye techenija v istorii nauki ugolovnogo prava v Rossii. Jaroslavl', 1909.
Domovets S. S., Sinkevich V. V.
Criminally-legal characteristic of the crimes stipulated in article 151.1 of the Criminal Code
This article examines a relatively "new" crime under article 151.1 of the criminal code – the retail sale of alcoholic products to minors.
Indicated by the relevance of this topic, based on data from the judicial and investigative practice, reveals a criminally-legal characteristic.
In this article the authors analyze the law enforcement practice with a view to identifying problems of criminal prosecution of individuals by the non-appearance of the minor to his actual age, is considered a legal and regulatory framework governing certain matters relating to the stated topic. The article also considers some aspects of the investigation of the retail sales of alcoholic products to minors.
Keywords: juvenile, the retail sale of alcoholic beverages, criminal law characteristics, crime.
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon ot 22 nojabrja 1995 g. N 171-FZ «O gosudarstvennom regulirovanii proizvodstva i oborota jetilovogo spirta, alkogol'noj i spirtosoderzhashhej produkcii i ob ogranichenii potreblenija (raspitija) alkogol'noj produkcii» (red. ot 21 ijulja 2011 g.) // SZ RF. 1995. N 48. St. 4553.
2. Prikaz Minpromtorga RF ot 15 aprelja 2011 g. N 524 «Ob utverzhdenii Perechnja dokumentov, udostoverjajushhih lichnost' i pozvoljajushhih ustanovit' vozrast pokupatelja alkogol'noj produkcii, kotorye prodavec vprave potrebovat' v sluchae vozniknovenija u nego somnenija v dostizhenii jetim pokupatelem sovershennoletija» // Rossijskaja gazeta. 2011. 10 ijunja. N 125.
3. Postanovlenie Plenuma Verhovnogo Suda Rossijskoj Federacii ot 1 fevralja 2011 g. # 1 «O sudebnoj
praktike primenenija otvetstvennosti i nakazanija nesovershennoletnih».
4. Artemenko N. V., Shimbareva N. G. Ustanovlenie ugolovnoj otvetstvennosti za prodazhu nesovershennoletnim alkogol'noj produkcii: opravdajutsja li nadezhdy? // Voprosy juvenal'noj justicii». 2012. N 4.
5. Kommentarij k Ugolovnomu kodeksu Rossijskoj Federacii / Otv. red. V. M. Lebedev. 12-e izd., pererab. i dop. M.: Jurajt, 2012.
6. Otchet o chisle osuzhdennyh po vsem sostavam prestuplenij Ugolovnogo kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 19.03.2016).
7. Rasporjazhenie Pravitel'stva RF ot 30.12.2009 N 2128-r «O Koncepcii realizacii gosudarstvennoj politiki po snizheniju masshtabov zloupotreblenija alkogol'noj produkciej i profilaktike alkogolizma sredi naselenija Rossijskoj Federacii na period do 2020 goda». Informacionno-pravovaja sistema Konsul'tant Pljus.
8. Kratkaja harakteristika sostojanija prestupnosti v Rossijskoj Federacii, v tom chisle v Krymskom federal'nom okruge za janvar' – dekabr' 2015 goda. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: / (data obrashhenija: 18.03.2016).
Manna A. A. K.
Qiyas as a source of Islamic criminal law
As one of the most important and quite controversialsources of Islamic criminal law should be considered the qiyas or inference made by analogy, the essence of which boils down to the comparison of the two models of cases aimed at the decision elimination in relation to a particular situation following the example already solved case. The analogy is used when law enforcer consider the case which can be solved by main sources of Islamic law.
Keywords: Qiyas, Islamic criminal law, sources of law, analogy, the application of law.
Work bibliographic list
1. Saml Zubaida. Law and Power in the Islamic World.New York, 2003.
2. Abu Amina Baljal' Filips. Zakony zhizni musul'man. Jevoljucija fikha. – M., 2002.
3. Alekseev S.S. Pravo. Opyt kompleksnogo issledovanija. – M., 1999.
4. Alizade A. Islamskij jenciklopedicheskij slovar'.– M.: Ansar, 2007.
5. Kerimov G. M. Shariat. Zakony zhizni musul'manina. – M., 1999.
6. Kirabaev N. S. Politicheskaja mysl' musul'manskogo srednevekov'ja. – M., 2005.
7. Medvedko L. I., Germanovich A.V. Imenem Allaha. – M.: Izd. polit. lit., 1988.
8. Muhammad Jusuf al' Kok - kozi. Muhtasar Il'mihal. – SPb., 2001.
9. Hachaturov R. L. Analogija v prave // Vektor nauki Tol'jattinskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. – 2009.– # 5.
10. Himmatzoda M. Zhizn' i tvorchestvo Imama Abu Hanify. – Hudzhand, 2004.
11. Shah ValiullahDehlevi. Al'-Insaaf fi bajan asbaab al'-ihtilaf. 2-e izd. – Bejrut: Dar an-Nafais, 1978.
Nikolaeva T. V.
Questions differentiation and individualization of criminal responsibility for terrorism
The article reveals the problematic aspects of differentiation and individualization of punishment of the perpetrators of a terrorist act, as well as other terrorist crimes. particular attention is paid to the problematic aspects of sentencing in the presence of mitigating circumstances and the purpose of a softer punishment, than is provided for the offense.
Keywords: differentiation of criminal responsibility, the individualization of criminal responsibility, sentencing, the degree of public danger, act of terrorism, terrorism-related crimes.
Work bibliographic list
1. Lopashenko N. A. Ugolovnaja politika. – M., 2009.
2. Lesnievski-Kostareva T. A. Differenciacija ugolovnoj otvetstvennosti. Teorija i zakonodatel'naja praktika. – M., 1998.
3. Ljapunov Ju. Principy ugolovnogo zakonodatel'stva// Socialisticheskaja zakonnost'. 1989. N 2.
4. Kuznecova N. F. Klassifikacija prestuplenij v Obshhej chasti Ugolovnogo kodeksa // Differenciacija formy i soderzhanija v ugolovnom sudoproizvodstve. Jaroslavl', 1995.
5. Kudrjavcev V. N. Ob"ektivnaja storona prestuplenija.- M., 1960. - S. 44.
6. Kashanina T. Usmotrenie sud'i pri naznachenii nakazanija // Sovetskaja justicija. 1986. # 13-14.
7. Rostokinskij A. V., Tolpekin K. A. Ocherednye «antiterroristicheskie» novelly ili vvedenie v «unikal'nuju» chast' Ugolovnogo kodeksa? // Rossijskij sledovatel'. 2014. N 18.
Raush V. V.
The encroachment on life state or the public figure: objective and subjective signs
This article examines controversial issues related to the characteristic of objective and subjective signs of structure of the encroachment on life state or the public figure. The author makes suggestions on the qualification under review the acts and to improve the criminal law in this area.
Keywords: violence to life, murder, attempted murder, the state or public figure.
Work bibliographic list
1. Aguzarov T. K. Posjagatel'stvo na zhizn' gosudarstvennogo ili obshhestvennogo dejatelja: spornye voprosy tolkovanija priznakov sostava // «Lex Russica». 2012.# 6.
2. Gercenzon A. A. Ponjatie prestuplenija. M., 1965.
3. Grishaev P. F., Zhuravlev M. P. Prestuplenija protiv porjadka upravlenija. M., 1963.
4. Kostyrev V. I. Ugolovnoe pravo. Obshhaja i Osobennaja chasti: Kurs lekcij. Ufa, 2000. S. 373.
5. Marshakova N. N. Posjagatel'stvo na zhizn' gosudarstvennogo ili obshhestvennogo dejatelja (st. 277 UK) //Rossijskij sledovatel'. 2012. # 14.
6. Nikolaeva Z. A. Ugolovno-pravovaja ohrana zhizni, zdorov'ja, dostoinstva lic, uchastvujushhih v ohrane obshhestvennogo porjadka: Avtoref. dis. ... kand. jurid.nauk. Sverdlovsk, 1986.
7. Nurkaeva T. N. Prestuplenija protiv lichnosti: problemy kvalifikacii i sovershenstvovanija zakonodatel'stva. Ufa, 2015.
8. Rossijskoe ugolovnoe pravo. Osobennaja chast' / pod red. A. I. Chuchaeva. M., 2012.
9. Sedyh A. V. Posjagatel'stvo na zhizn' gosudarstvennogo ili obshhestvennogo dejatelja po ugolovnom pravu RF: Avtoref. diss. … kand. jurid. nauk. Kazan', 2007.
10. Troickij B. B. Posjagatel'stvo kak kategorija rossijskogo ugolovnogo prava: Diss. ... kand. jurid. nauk. Rjazan', 2004.
11. Troshkin E., Tokmakov S. Ugolovnaja otvetstvennost' za posjagatel'stvo na zhizn' gosudarstvennogo ili obshhestvennogo dejatelja // Ugolovnoe pravo. 2009. # 5.
12. Ugolovnoe pravo Rossii. Osobennaja chast': ucheb. / R. A. Sabitov. Tjumen', 2013.
Proshchalygin R. A.
Conditions of attraction to responsibility of regressing of officials of preliminary investigation at compensation and indemnification with illegal criminal prosecution
In article the analysis of conditions of attraction to responsibility of regressing of officials of preliminary investigation is carried out, at compensation and indemnification done in connection with illegal criminal prosecution. Problems of realization of these conditions in practice are designated and versions of their solution, by improvement of the current legislation are proposed.
Keywords: responsibility of regressing, officials of preliminary investigation, compensation and indemnification, illegal criminal prosecution.
Work bibliographic list
1. Rehtina I. V. Voprosy pravoprimenenija v svjazi s prinjatiem Postanovlenija Plenuma Verhovnogo Suda RF ot 27 ijunja 2013 g. # 21 «O primenenii sudami obshhej jurisdikcii Konvencii o zashhite prav cheloveka i osnovnyh svobod ot 4 nojabrja 1950 g. i Protokolov k nej» // Mirovoj sud'ja. 2015. # 1. S. 9-15.
2. Suvorova I. M., Mirza L. S., Alimova Ju. V. Obespechenie jeffektivnoj otvetstvennosti gosudarstvennyh sluzhashhih za neispolnenie sudebnyh aktov //Gosudarstvennaja vlast' i mestnoe samoupravlenie. 2012. # 2. S. 18-21.
3. Strancov A. A. Pravovye posledstvija vreda, prichinennogo jekologicheskim pravonarusheniem: uchebnoe posobie. Barnaul: Barnaul'skij juridicheskij institut MVD Rossii, 2016. 67 s.
4. Jamshanov B. Prezumpcija nevinovnosti v dvuh variantah (Interv'ju s Predsedatelem Vysshego Arbitrazhnogo Suda RF A.A. Ivanovym) // Rossijskaja gazeta ot 25.02.2005.
Minigaleev R. R.
Organization and legal framework corrections criminal executive support system educational work with convicts
This article discusses the tools, reflected in the strategy, tactics, rules, techniques, ways and methods of organizing the educational process and activities relating to the prevention of crime penitentiary institutions and bodies executing criminal punishment in form of imprisonment.
Keywords: educational work, corrections, imprisonment.
Work bibliographic list
1. Kriminologija: Ucheb. dlja vuzov / Pod red. d-ra jurid.nauk, prof. A. I. Dolgovoj. M.: Norma, 2009.
2. Melent'ev M. P. Novyj jetap v razvitii rossijskogo penitenciarnogo zakonodatel'stva // Kommentarij k Ugolovno-ispolnitel'nomu kodeksu Rossijskoj Federacii i minimal'nym pravilam obrashhenija s zakljuchennymi / Pod red. P. G. Mishhenkova. M., 1997.
3. Ozhegov S. I., Shvedova N. Ju. Tolkovyj slovar' russkogo jazyka: 80 000 slov i frazeologicheskih vyrazhenij.M.: OOO «A Temp», 2006.
4. Problemy sobljudenija mezhdunarodnyh standartov i reshenij Evropejskogo suda po pravam cheloveka v dejatel'nosti ugolovno-ispolnitel'noj sistemy Rossii: Materialy «kruglogo stola», 18–19 dek. 2002 g. Vladimir, 2004. S. 7, 54–56.
5. Ugolovno-ispolnitel'nyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii # 1-FZ ot 08.01.1997 (v red. ot 03.05.2012) // Rossijskaja gazeta. # 9. 16.01.1997.
Dayanov I. S.
Organizational questions of carrying out of operatively-search actions with use of means in operatively-search activity of law-enforcement bodies
In article organizational questions of carrying out of operatively-search actions with use of means in operatively-search activity of lawenforcement bodies are considered.
Keywords: the organization, interaction, operatively-search activity, operatively-search actions.
Work bibliographic list
1. Baranov A. K., Novozhilov S. L., Sorokin V. G. Organizacionno-takticheskie osnovy primenenija operativno-tehnicheskih sredstv apparatami BHSS. –Nizhnij Novgorod, 1990.
2. Bobrov V. G. Operativno-takticheskoe planirovanie:Lekcija. – M.: Akademija MVD Rossii, 1994.
3. Ignatov S. V. Nauchnye i organizacionnye problemy vnedrenija i ispol'zovanija tehnicheskih sredstv v operativno-rozysknoj dejatel'nosti apparatov ugolovnogo rozyska: diss. ... kand. jurid. nauk. – M.: Akademija MVD SSSR, 1981.
4. Lukashov V. A. Nauchnye osnovy operativno-rozysknoj dejatel'nosti organov vnutrennih del. – M., 1989.
5. Olejnik P. A., Lukashov V. A. Osnovy organizacii i problemy sovershenstvovanija dejatel'nosti operativno-rozysknyh apparatov organov vnutrennih del.– Kiev, 1980.
6. Omelin V. N. Teoreticheskie osnovy ispol'zovanija dostizhenij nauki i tehniki v bor'be s jekonomicheskoj prestupnost'ju. – M.: Akademija MVD RF. 1993.
7. Penkin V. S. Pravovye i organizacionno-takticheskie osnovy ispol'zovanija zvuko- i videozapisi v operativno-rozysknoj dejatel'nosti organov vnutrennih del: diss. ... kand. jurid. nauk. – Omsk: VSh MVD SSSR, 1987.
8. Petuhov A. V. Pravovye i organizacionno-takticheskie osnovy primenenija operativnoj tehniki pri dokumentirovanii dejstvij razrabatyvaemyh lic (po materialam apparatov BHSS): diss. ... kand. jurid. nauk. – M., 1991.
9. Salahov S. B. Organizacionnye osnovy provedenija operativno-tehnicheskih meroprijatij po neglasnomu audio- i vizual'nomu kontrolju organami vnutrennih del. Lekcija. – Ufa: JuI MVD RF, 1998.
10. Sovetskij jenciklopedicheskij slovar'. – M., 1980.
11. Tumanov G. A. Organizacija upravlenija v sfere ohrany obshhestvennogo porjadka. – M.: Jurid. lit., 1972.
12. Tjaptin V. D. Pravovye, organizacionnye i takticheskie voprosy primenenija operativnoj tehniki v bor'be s jekonomicheskoj prestupnost'ju: diss. …kand. jurid. nauk. – M., 1993.

Zaitsev N. V.
Formation stress resistance at employees of police officers in service activity
Psychological stability of police officers is one of the main components for achievement of successful results by it in service, protection of the law and order in a society, as well as in prevention and suppression of made crimes. of made crimes. Sociopsychological and medical significance of stress resistance is determined by its direct connection with the well-being, individual's mental and physical health, the effectiveness of his or her activity and behaviour.
Keywords: psychological stability, police officers, law-enforcement activity, psychological maintenance, stress resistance, the psychological help.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bodrov V. A. Psihologija professional'noj prigodnosti: ucheb. posobie. M., 2001.
2. Smirnov V. N. Psihologija v dejatel'nosti sotrudnikov pravoohranitel'nyh organov. M., 2012.
3. Shherbatyh Ju. V. Psihologija stressa i metody korrekcii . SPb., 2006.
4. Shjeron Mel'nik. Stressoustojchivost'. Kak sohranjat' spokojstvie i vysokuju jeffektivnost' v ljubyh situacijah [Jelektronnyj resurs] / Shjeron Mel'nik– Jelektron. tekstovye dannye. M.: Mann, Ivanov i Ferber, 2014.
Petchenko A. E.
Problems of legal and social protection of police officers
The articles dwells on the problems of legal and social protection as civil servants as a whole and employees of law enforcement bodies as to a subject of research are considered (examined). The social and legal protection of the employees of law enforcement bodies is analyzed, as politics of the states directed on maintenance of social, economic, political and other rights and guarantees of the man irrespective of his (its) floor, to a nationality, age, residence and other circumstances the having purpose to compensate restrictions arising in соnnection with a service.
Keywords: social-legal protection, obligatory insurance, system of guarantees.
Work bibliographic list
1. Gorbachev M. Bol'she porjadka – bogache strana // Za rulem. 2008. # 4. S. 22.
2. Kerimov D. A. Social'noe gosudarstvo // Pravo i obrazovanie. 2007. # 5.
3. Kostennikov M. V., Kurakin A. V. Nauchno-prakticheskij kommentarij k Glave 8 Federal'nogo zakona ot 7 fevralja 2011 g.
4. Kostennikov M. V., Kurakin A. V., Mihajljuk P. A. Organizacija social'noj zashhity sotrudnikov organov vnutrennih del kak metod obespechenija zakonnosti i discipliny v sisteme MVD Rossii / Aktual'nye problemy obespechenija zakonnosti i protivodejstvija korrupcii v sisteme MVD RF. M., 2012. S. 127.
5. Kostyrja Ju. S. Jekonomicheskie aspekty upravlenija sistemoj social'noj zashhity sotrudnikov organov vnutrennih del v sovremennyh uslovijah: Dis. … kand. jekonom. nauk. M., 2004. S. 39.
6. Kochetkova N. D. Administrativno-pravovoe obespechenie social'noj zashhity sotrudnikov organov vnutrennih del: Avtoref. dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. M.,2006. S. 12.
7. Kruppo S. M. Pravovaja i social'naja zashhita sotrudnikov organov vnutrennih del: Dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. M., 2000. S. 3.
8. Matveev S. P. Social'naja zashhita gosudarstvennyh sluzhashhih: teoreticheskie osnovy postroenija sistemy, praktika osushhestvlenija i problemy administrativno-pravovogo regulirovanija: Avtoref. dis.… d-ra. jurid. nauk. Voronezh, 2012. S. 18.
9. Mironova T. K. Social'naja zashhita v Rossii: pravovye voprosy. M., 2004. S. 188.
10. Neljubina E. V., Dobrynin N. M. Social'noe gosudarstvo i social'nye prava cheloveka // Problemy stanovlenija social'nogo gosudarstvo v Rossii. Tjumen', 2008. S. 18.
11. Oficial'nyj sajt FJeD MVD Rossii. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 23.06.16).

Ogryza A. V.
The appearance of the marks on cartridge cases automatic weapons
The article discusses the specific designs of automatic fire arms affect the characteristic displayed
to shoot the sleeve.
Keywords: weapons, automatic fire, the sleeve, tracks, identification.
Work bibliographic list
1. Kolotushkin S. M. Osobennosti poluchenija sravnitel'nyh obrazcov gil'z pri strel'be iz avtomaticheskogo oruzhija. Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta MVD Rossii. 2015. # 3. S. 36-40.
2. Ogryza A. V. Kolotushkin S. M. Nekotorye osobennosti identifikacii avtomaticheskogo oruzhija // Aktual'nye problemy gosudarstva i obshhestva v oblasti obespechenija prav i svobod cheloveka i grazhdanina. 2016. # 19-4. S. 148-151.
Ponomarenko S. I.
Suspect in the participants of criminal proceedings
The authors investigated the current problems related to ensuring the rights and freedoms of the suspect in the criminal trial and determined the suspect's place in the system of other parties to the proceedings from the point of view of necessity and balance their rights and legitimate interests. The paper analyzes the basic laws affecting the content of the procedural status of the suspect with respect to the adversarial principle and the purpose of criminal proceedings, as well as aspects of their interaction with the principle of the protection of the suspect.
Keywords: the suspect, the rights and obligations of participants in criminal proceedings, the status of the adversarial principles.
Work bibliographic list
1. Anisimov P. V., Papichev N. V. Pravovoe regulirovanie zashhity prav cheloveka / Pod red. F. M.Rudinckogo, Volgograd, 2003. S. 17.
2. Budnikov V. L. // Ugolovnyj process. M.: Jurlitin-form, 2013. S. 108.
3. Bykov V. M. Podozrevaemyj kak uchastnik ugolovnogo sudoproizvodstva // Ros.justicija. 2003. # 8. S. 44.
4. Grazhdanskie prava cheloveka: sovremennye problemy teorii i praktiki / pod. red. F. M. Rudinskogo.3-e izd. M.: ZAO TF «Mir», 2010. S. 265-280.
5. Kussmaul' R. Diskriminacionnaja norma novogo UPK // Ros.justicija. 2002. # 9. S. 32.
6. Ponomarenko S. I. Processual'nye osnovy statusa podozrevaemogo // Jelektronnyj nauchnyj zhurnal:Sovremennye problemy nauki i obrazovanija». 2015.# 2 (chast' 2).
7. Ponomarenko S. I. Sovremennoe soderzhanie statusa podozrevaemogo v ugolovnom processe RF // Mezhdunarodnyj nauchno-prakticheskij zhurnal «Simvol nauki». # 9. Ch. 2. Ufa, 2015. S. 119-122.
8. Ugolovnyj process: uchebnik / Pod red. C. A. Kolosovicha, E. A. Zajcevoj. M., 2003. S. 3.
Ovchinnikov E. O.
About the problems with prejudice in pre-trial proceedings on crimes in the sphere of economy
This article discusses the application of prejudice in pre-trial proceedings in cases involving offences in the economic sphere on the basis of the analysis of criminal procedure legislation of the Russian Federation, information submitted by bodies of preliminary investigation, studying of criminal cases about crimes in sphere of economy, Supreme Court, constitutional Court, European Court of human rights and other materials.
Keywords: Criminal procedure code, the court, court, bodies of preliminary investigation, the prejudicial effect, the pre-trial proceedings on crimes in the sphere of economy.
Work bibliographic list
1. Pis'mo SU MVD po Respublike Saha (Jakutija) ot 18 marta 2015 g. # 7/656 «O predostavlenii informacii».
2. Pis'mo SU MVD Rossii po Vologodskoj oblasti ot 12 marta 2015 g. # 20/415 «O napravlenii informacionno-spravochnyh materialov po ugolovnym delam o prestuplenijah v sfere jekonomicheskoj dejatel'nosti».
3. Pis'mo GSU MVD po Respublike Tatarstan ot 13 marta 2015 g. # 28/1885 «O napravlenii informacionno-spravochnyh materialov».
4. Pis'mo GSU MVD Rossii po Krasnodarskomu kraju ot 13 marta 2015 g. # 6/16-956 «O napravlenii informacionno-spravochnyh materialov».
5. Pis'mo SU MVD Rossii po Arhangel'skoj oblasti ot 13 marta 2015 g. # 4/1766 «O predostavlenii informacii».
Noskova Yu. B.
Determination of the amount of compensation for violation of the right for criminal legal proceedings in reasonable time
The article analyzes some aspects arising from the violation of the right to criminal trial within a reasonable time, including stand criteria for determining the amount of compensation for the violation of the right to criminal proceedings within a reasonable time.
Keywords: reasonable term of criminal legal proceedings, determination of the amount of compensation, moral harm.
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon ot 30 aprelja 2010 g. # 68-FZ «O kompensacii za narushenie prava na sudoproizvodstvo v razumnyj srok ili prava na ispolnenie sudebnogo akta v razumnyj srok» // Rossijskaja gazeta», N94, 04.05.2010.
2. Postanovlenie Plenuma Verhovnogo Suda RF i Plenuma Vysshego Arbitrazhnogo suda RF #30/64 «O nekotoryh voprosah, voznikshih pri rassmotrenii del o prisuzhdenii kompensacii za narushenie prava na sudoproizvodstvo v razumnyj srok ili prava na ispolnenie sudebnogo akta v razumnyj srok» // «Rossijskoj gazeta». # 5. 14.01.2011.
3. Postanovlenie Plenuma Verhovnogo Suda RF ot 29 marta 2016 goda # 11 «O nekotoryh voprosah, voznikajushhih pri rassmotrenii del o prisuzhdenii kompensacii za narushenie prava na sudoproizvodstvo v razumnyj srok ili prava na ispolnenie sudebnogo akta v razumnyj srok» //Rossijskaja gazeta ot 6 aprelja 2016 goda #6940 (72).
4. Opredelenie Verhovnogo Suda Rossijskoj Federacii ot 25 janvarja 2011 goda #16-g10-64 //Bjulleten' Verhovnogo Suda RF. # 10. 2011 god.
5. Pis'mo Minfina RF ot 7 ijulja 2010. # 08-06-06/582 // [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
6. Nikitina A. V. Razumnyj srok sudebnogo razbiratel'stva i ispolnenija sudebnyh aktov: praktika poluchenija spravedlivoj kompensacii. M.: Norma, 2012. S. 104.
Dorosinskaya A. M.
The prosecutor’s review to the proceeding investigation of criminal case against deputy of the legislative body of state power of subject of the Russian Federation
The article discusses the problems of the order of the prosecutor's review over proceeding and investigation of the criminal case in respect of certain categories of persons, such as the deputy of the legislative body of state authority of the Russian Federation. Particular attention was given to the order of appealing the decision to institute criminal proceedings initiated in respect of the deputy.
Keywords: a public prosecutor's review, a prosecutor, an individual category of persons, the Investigative Committee, a criminal proceedings, the deputy of the legislative body of the government of the Russian Federation, a special proceeding in criminal cases.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ugolovno-processual'nyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii. Federal'nyj zakon ot 18.12.2001 # 174 – FZ.
2. O prokurature Rossijskoj Federacii. Federal'nyj zakon ot 17.11.1995 # 168 – FZ.
3. Ob organizacii prokurorskogo nadzora za processual'noj dejatel'nost'ju organov predvaritel'nogo sledstvija. Prikaz General'noj prokuratury RF ot 06.09.2007 # 136.
4. Ob organizacii prokurorskogo nadzora za ispolneniem zakonov pri prieme, registracii i razreshenii soobshhenij o prestuplenijah v organah doznanija i predvaritel'nogo sledstvija. Prikaz general'noj prokuratury RF ot 10.09.2007 #140.
5. Ugolovnyj process: uchebnik / kollektiv avtorov; pod red. V.A. Lazarevoj. – M.: Justicija, 2015. – S. 653.
6. Alekseev S. L., Votchel' N. R. Prokurorskij nadzor:Uchebnoe posobie / Pod redakciej doktora juridicheskih nauk, professora F. N. Bagautdinova. – Kazan':Informacionno-tehnologicheskij centr ASO, 2014.– 126 s.
7. Kurysheva N. S. Obzhalovanie dejstvij (bezdejstvija) i reshenij dolzhnostnyh lic, osushhestvljajushhih ugolovnoe sudoproizvodstvo: monografija. – M.:Jurlitinform, 2011. – 280 s.
8. Suprun S. V. Korrupcija i osobyj porjadok vozbuzhdenija ugolovnogo dela v otnoshenii otdel'nyh kategorij lic // Sledovatel'. – 2013. – #8. –S. 51-54.
9. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. –Rezhim dostupa:

Kuchenev A. V.
The contents and the main directions of legal regulation of anti-corruption policy in the Russian Federation
The article deals with current issues of anti-corruption in modern Russia. Existing today a high level of corruption puts the task of examining the characteristics and conditions of cor-ruption, disclosure of the characteristics of the existing anti-corruption measures.
Proposed measures with the system, comprehensive, aimed at improving the effectiveness of anti-corruption policy, paying attention to the fact that the country has a workable algorithm of anti-corruption policy, the directions of its implementation. The author comes to the conclusion about the impossibility of a positive anti-corruption policy without fundamental changes in the consciousness of society and every citizen, without major positive changes in the rules of be-havior of all walks of life.
Keywords: corruption, legal principles, the anti-corruption policies, public policy, anti-corruption policy.
Work bibliographic list
1. Konstitucija Rossijskoj Federacii: prinjata vsenarodnym golosovaniem 12 dekabrja 1993 g. (s izm. I dop.) // Ross. gazeta. 1993. 25 dek.
2. O ratifikacii Konvencii OON protiv korrupcii: Federal'nyj zakon ot 8 marta 2006 g. # 40-FZ //Sobr. zakonodatel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii. 2006.# 12. st. 1231.
3. Satarov G. A. Antikorrupcionnaja politika: Uchebnoe posobie dlja studentov fakul'teta gosudarstvennogo upravlenija. M., 2004.
4. Astanin V. V. Antikorrupcionnaja politika Rossii. Kriminologicheskie aspekty: monografija. M., 2012.
5. Dolgova A. I. Kriminologija: Uchebnik dlja vuzov. M.,2001.

Zelentsov A. A.
On conditionality crimes and corruption-related offenses
Prepared scientific article is devoted to analysis of social conditioning of corruption crimes in modern Russia, it contains discussion questions and addressed to all those interested in the activities for the prevention of crimes of corruption, in terms of the formation and implementation of state policy of the Russian Federation.
Keywords: corruption, corruption-related crimes, combating corruption, responsibility, punishment.
Work bibliographic list
1. Glava VS RF otmetil snizhenie tempa po bor'be s korrupciej v 2015 godu [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 26.03.2016).
2. Zajkov D. E. Protivodejstvie korrupcii: nesovershenstvo pravovogo regulirovanija i pravoprimenitel'noj praktiki // Pravo v Vooruzhennyh Silah.2014. # 2.
3. Zelencov A. A., Kolomijchenko E. V. Social'naja obuslovlennost' korrupcionnyh prestuplenij // Biznes v zakone. Jekonomiko-juridicheskij zhurnal. 2015.# 1. S. 101-104.
4. MVD Bashkirii: srednjaja vzjatka v respublike – 17000 rublej, a razmer podkupa – 79000 rublej [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 28.03.2016).
5. RIA Novosti: Transparency International: v Rossii snizilsja uroven' korrupcii [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 26 marta 2016 g.).
6. Jeksperty: razmer vzjatki v Rossii vyros v 2015 godu do 613000 rublej [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 26 marta 2016 g.).
Baikova N. F.
On the issue of combating corruption in the bodies executing police powers in Russia of IX–beginning of the XVIII centuries
The article examines the problems associated with the occurrence of corruption in Russia against the background of the activity of state structures, exercised governmental activities in the field of combating illegal phenomena. Considerable attention is paid to the development of the Russian legislation, affecting issues of combating corruption. At the same time, the legislator in medieval Russia created certain preconditions for the unlawful acts of officials. Such inconsistent government activity in many ways caused the difficulties in the fight against official malfeasances.
Keywords: volostel, governor, bribery, official malfeasances.
Work bibliographic list
1. Akty istoricheskie, sobrannye i izdannye arheologicheskoju komisseju: V 5 t. T. 1 (1334 – 1598). SPb., 1841– 1842.
2. Biblija. Vethij Zavet. Kniga proroka Isai. 1, 23; 5,22-23.
3. Zimin A. A. Rossija na rubezhe XV – XVI stoletij(ocherki social'no-politicheskoj istorii). M., 1982.
4. Kljuchevskij V. O. Kurs russkoj istorii. Ch. III. Pod red. V. L. Janina. M., 1988.
5. Man'kov A. G. Ulozhenie 1649 goda. Kodeks feodal'nogo prava Rossii.
6. Rossijskoe zakonodatel'stvo X – XX vv. / pod Chistjakova O. I. T. 1. M., 1992. Polnoe sobranie russkih letopisej («Nikonovskaja letopis'»). IX, X.SPb., 1862, 1885. S. 196, 197. (Chast' 7).
7. Rossijskoe zakonodatel'stvo X – XX vekov: v 9 t. / pod  red. O. I. Chistjakova. M., 1984 – 1994. T. 2.
8. Sudebniki XV-XVI vv. Leningrad, 1952.

Nazarov A. Yu.
To the question of legal regulation of activities of units to ensure the safety of persons subject to state protection
This article discusses some aspects of improving legal regulation of activities of units to ensure the safety of persons subject to state protection. The analysis of the changes in Federal legislation and regulations in the field of public protection measures on their improvement.
Keywords: legal regulation of state protection, security measures, improvement of legal norms.
Work bibliographic list
1. Informacionno-spravochnye materialy k Vserossijskomu soveshhaniju-seminaru s rukovoditeljami podrazdelenij gosudarstvennoj zashhity territorial'nyh organov MVD Rossii na regional'nom urovne «Voprosy sovershenstvovanija dejatel'nosti po obespecheniju bezopasnosti lic, podlezhashhih gosudarstvennoj zashhite»: M.: VIPK MVD Rossii, 2015.
2. O vnesenii izmenenij v otdel'nye zakonodatel'nye akty Rossijskoj Federacii: federal'nyj zakon ot 21 dekabrja 2013 g. # 377-FZ // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii. – 2013. – # 51. – St.6697.
3. O gosudarstvennoj tajne: zakon Rossijskoj Federacii ot 21 ijulja 1993 g. # 5485-1 (v red. Federal'nogo zakona ot 08.03.2015 # 23-FZ) // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii. – 2015. – # 10. – St.1393.
4. O vnesenii izmenenij v perechen' svedenij, otnesennyh k gosudarstvennoj tajne, utverzhdennyj Ukazom Prezidenta Rossijskoj Federacii ot 30 nojabrja 1995 g. N 1203: ukaz Prezidenta Rossijskoj Federacii ot 1 sentjabrja 2014 g. # 595 // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii. – 2014. – # 36. – St. 4825.
5. O vnesenii izmenenij v perechen' svedenij konfidencial'nogo haraktera, utverzhdennyj ukazom Prezidenta Rossijskoj Federacii ot 6 marta 1997 g.# 188: ukaz Prezidenta Rossijskoj Federacii ot 13 ijulja 2015 g. # 357 // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva
Rossijskoj Federacii. – 2015. – # 29 (chast' II). – St.4473.
6. O porjadke zashhity svedenij ob osushhestvlenii gosudarstvennoj zashhity, predostavlenija takih svedenij i osushhestvlenija mer bezopasnosti v vide obespechenija konfidencial'nosti svedenij o zashhishhaemom lice: postanovlenie Pravitel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii ot 14 ijulja 2015 g. # 705 // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii. – 2015. – # 29(chast' II). – St. 4503.
7. Ob utverzhdenii Pravil primenenija mery bezopasnosti v vide pereselenija zashhishhaemogo lica na drugoe mesto zhitel'stva v otnoshenii poterpevshih, svidetelej i inyh uchastnikov ugolovnogo sudoproizvodstva: postanovlenie Pravitel'stva Rossijskoj
Federacii ot 21 sentjabrja 2012 g. # 953 // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii. – 2012. – # 39. – St. 5290.
8. Nyrkov V. G. Nekotorye aspekty osushhestvlenija mery bezopasnosti «lichnaja ohrana» pri soprovozhdenii zashhishhaemyh lic na avtotransporte // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. – 2015. – # 6. – S. 284-285.
Nikiforov P. V.
Questions for judges of the Russian Federation of firearms
Тhe article discusses the issue of giving judges the right to possession and storage of service
firearms as a necessary measure aimed at ensuring their safety.
Keywords: security of judges, the Law on weapons, the procedure for issuance of service weapons, possession and carrying of weapons.
Work bibliographic list
1. Postanovlenie Pravitel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii ot 18 dekabrja 1997 g. #1575 «O porjadke vydachi organami vnutrennih del Rossijskoj Federacii sluzhebnogo oruzhija sud'jam» // SZ RF. 1997. #51. St. 5818.
2. Prikaz MVD Rossii ot 25 maja 2012 g. N 538 «Ob utverzhdenii Administrativnogo reglamenta Ministerstva vnutrennih del Rossijskoj Federacii po predostavleniju gosudarstvennoj uslugi po vydache otdel'nym kategorijam voennosluzhashhih i sotrudnikov gosudarstvennyh voenizirovannyh organizacij, nahodjashhihsja na pensii, a takzhe dolzhnostnym licam gosudarstvennyh organov, kotorym zakonom razresheno hranenie i noshenie oruzhija, razreshenija na hranenie i noshenie ognestrel'nogo korotkostvol'nogo oruzhija i patronov k nemu» // Rossijskaja gazeta. 14 sentjabrja 2012 g.
3. Pravila oborota grazhdanskogo i sluzhebnogo oruzhija i patronov k nemu na territorii Rossijskoj Federacii (utverzhdeny Postanovleniem Pravitel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii ot 21 ijulja 1998 g. N814 «O merah po regulirovaniju oborota grazhdanskogo i sluzhebnogo oruzhija i patronov k nemu na territorii Rossijskoj Federacii» // SZ RF. 1998. N 32.St. 3878).
4. Muzafin R. R. Pravovoe obespechenija oruzhiem kak garantija nezavisimosti i bezopasnosti sudej v Rossijskoj Federacii // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. #2. 2016. S. 348-349.
5. Ogryza A. V., Gorjacheva N. Ju. Slovar' special'nyh terminov po ognevoj podgotovke: slovar'. Ufa: UJuI MVD Rossii, 2013.
6. Noskov O. S., Ogryza A. V. Voprosy organizacii obuchenija zashhishhaemyh lic, kotorym vydaetsja oruzhie, ustrojstvu, pravilam hranenija, noshenija i primenenija oruzhija // Dejatel'nost' organov vnutrennih del po obespecheniju bezopasnosti lic, podlezhashhih gosudarstvennoj zashhite, v sovremennyh uslovijah: voprosy teorii i praktiki: materialy Vserossijskoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii, 19 ijunja 2014 g / [pod obshh. red. F. B. Muhametshina]. Ufa, 2014. S. 53-54.
Nyrkov V. G.
On some tactical aspects of the anti-terrorist over-shields objects with mass stay of people
The article discusses the tactical aspects of ensuring anti-terrorist protection of objects and places of mass stay of people. You specify the forces of anti-terrorist protection of the object (force of protection of object).
Keywords: terrorism, anti-terrorist protection of places of mass stay of people.
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon ot 14 aprelja 1999 g. # 77-FZ (red. ot 13.07.2015) «O vedomstvennoj ohrane» (s izm. i dop., vstup. v silu s 24.07.2015) // Oficial'nyj internet-portal pravovoj informacii. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 13.07.2015).
2. Federal'nyj zakon ot 2 aprelja 2014 g. # 44-FZ «Ob uchastii grazhdan v ohrane obshhestvennogo porjadka» //Oficial'nyj internet-portal pravovoj informacii. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 02.04.2014).
3. Zakon RF ot 11 marta 1992 g. # 2487-1 (red. ot 13.07.2015) «O chastnoj detektivnoj i ohrannoj dejatel'nosti v Rossijskoj Federacii» // Oficial'nyj internet-portal pravovoj informacii. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 13.07.2015).
4. Rasporjazhenie Pravitel'stva RF ot 27 avgusta 2005 g. # 1314-r «Ob odobrenii Koncepcii federal'noj sistemy monitoringa kriticheski vazhnyh ob"ektov i (ili) potencial'no opasnyh ob"ektov infrastruktury Rossijskoj Federacii i opasnyh gruzov».
5. Prikaz MVD Rossii ot 25 avgusta 2014 g. # 727 «Ob utverzhdenii tipovyh programm professional'nogo obuchenija dlja raboty v kachestve chastnogo ohrannika» (Zaregistrirovan v Minjuste Rossii 07.11.2014 # 34605).
6. P.p. 42, 95.5, 109.5 prikaza MVD Rossii ot 29 janvarja 2008 goda # 80 «Voprosy organizacii dejatel'nosti stroevyh podrazdelenij patrul'no-postovoj sluzhby policii» (zaregistrirovan v Minjuste Rossii 05.03.2008 # 11290) (red. 12.02.2015).
Dashkov T. K.
Safety and prevention of exposure to harmful substances on the human body in a closed shooting gallery
This article is devoted to an impact problem on a human body of harmful factors in case of production of firing practice from firearms in the conditions of the closed shooting gallery. The subject has special relevance as it is connected with harmful effects on human health.
Keywords: Nitric cellulose powder, noise, pollutants, lead, mercury, preventive measures, health, life.
Work bibliographic list
1. Azamatov D. M., Usmanov I. M. Zdorov'e molodezhi kak obshhestvennaja cennost' v sovremennom Rossijskom obshhestve. Ufa: RIC BashGU, 2010.
2. Barhatova E. Ju. Kommentarij k Konstitucii RF. M., 2010.
3. Gigiena truda pri vozdejstvii proizvodstvennogo shuma / Sost.: V. O. Krasovskij, G. G. Maksimov. – Ufa:Izd-vo GOU VPO BGM Roszdrava, 2008.
4. Dacenko I. I. Vozdushnaja sreda i zdorov'e. L'vov, 1981.
5. Dunaevskij G. A., Popik S. Ja. Ovoshhi i frukty v pitanii zdorovogo i bol'nogo cheloveka. Kiev, 1990.
6. Kaminskij S. L., Basmanov P. I. Sredstva individual'noj zashhity organov dyhanija. M., 1982.
7. Kahna H. A. Rannjaja diagnostika dejstvija toksicheskih veshhestv na organizm. Tallin, 1984.
8. Kostochko A. V., Kazban B. M. Poroha, raketnye tverdye topliva i ih svojstva. M., 2014.
9. Kupchina A. P. Metodicheskie rekomendacii po primeneniju sredstv individual'noj zashhity organov dyhanija. L., 1982.
10. Kucherov E. V., Lazareva D. N., Desjatkin V. K. Lekarstvennye rastenija Bashkirii: ih ispol'zovanie i ohrana. Ufa, 1990.
11. Levina Je. N. Obshhaja toksikologija metallov. L., 1972.
12. Lepestok. Legkie respiratory. /pod red. I. V. Petrjanova. M., 1984.
13. Murav'eva S. I., Bukovskij M. I., Prohorova E. K. Rukovodstvo po kontrolju vrednyh veshhestv v vozduhe rabochej zony: Sprav. izd.. M., 1991
14. Oksengendler G. I. Jady i protivojadija. L., 1982.
15. Popkov A. M. Zashhita rabotajushhih ot vozdejstvija vrednyh proizvodstvennyh faktorov. Ufa, 2008.
16. Professional'nye zabolevanija krovi ot vozdejstvija himicheskih veshhestv: metodicheskie rekomendacii / FBUN «Ufimskij NII mediciny i truda i jekologii cheloveka», GBOU VPO BGMU MZ RF. Ufa, 2012.
Faskhutdinov R. F.
Problem aspects of fraud in the field of high technologies
This article discusses the problematic aspects of information security, with the rapid development of telecommunication systems, and the use of the network by fraudsters. Making intruders such actions bring great losses as ordinary citizens, and the state as a whole. The practical significance of the work lies in the fact that they allow you to look at a specific life situation that requires law enforcement, not only with the legal position, but also in terms of other sciences, which undoubtedly increases the efficiency of the relevant solutions to these problems.
Keywords: ensuring information security, cybercrime high technology, information sphere, communication, telecommunication systems.
Work bibliographic list
1. <Mezhdunarodnaja konferencija «A#tiFraud Russia –2013» uspeshno zavershila svoju rabotu.> [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
2. <Obiravshih klientov krupnogo banka hakerov zaderzhali v Rossii.> [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
3. Reshenie # 475 Mezhgosudarstvennogo soveta Evrazijskogo jekonomicheskogo soobshhestva «O Koncepcii sozdanija Evrazijskoj innovacionnoj sistemy»(prinjato v g. Sankt-Peterburge 11.12.2009).
4. Stojanov R. V. Komp'juternyj fishing – sudebnyj prigovor // Pravo i kiberbezopasnost'. 2012. # 1. S. 27-29.
5. Tropina T. L. Kiberprestupnost': ponjatie, sostojanie, ugolovno-pravovye mery bor'by. Vladivostok,2007. S. 5.
6. Filimonov S. A. Nekotorye problemy bor'by s kiberprestupnost'ju kak samyh opasnyh transnacional'nyh prestuplenij // APRIORI. Serija: Gumanitarnye nauki. 2014. #. 1. S. 25.
Khristenko A. A.
Information security operatively-search information process: social engineering
The article deals with theoretical and practical aspects of information and psychological attacks against the criminal investigation department using the methods of social engineering as a means of unauthorized access to the protected data of operatively-search information process.
Keywords: оperatively-search activity, information security, security threats, information and psychological impact, social engineering, opposite reaction.
Work bibliographic list
1. Aleksencev A. I. Informacionnaja bezopasnost' // Bezopasnost' informacionnyh tehnologij. –# 1. – 1999.
2. Informacionnaja tehnologija. Kompleks standartov na avtomatizirovannye sistemy. Avtomatizirovannye sistemy. Terminy i opredelenija. GOST 34.003-90 // Izdatel'stvo standartov. 1991. – M., Standartin-form, 2009.
3. Popenko V. N. Sekretnye instrukcii CRU i KGB po sboru faktov, konspiracii i dezinformacii. – M.: AST, Kladez', 2014.
4. Social'naja inzhenerija. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 29.05.2016)
5. Haljavin V. Sekretnaja kniga internet-pirata. – M.: Martin, 2015.
6. Jakovec E. N. Osnovy informacionno-analiticheskogo obespechenija operativno-rozysknoj dejatel'nosti// Uchebnoe posobie. – M.: MosU MVD Rossii, izdatel'stvo «Shhit-M».
7. Granger S. Social engineering fundamentals Hacker Tactics,Part I, 2001-12-18. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 29.05.2016).
Makayev Kh. F., Makayeva G. Z., Bikbova G. R.
Forming a foreign language professional communicative competence at a higher school on the base of entrance testing
In the article the necessity of communicative competence of students in all spheres of life and labour is stated. Considered is the importance of defining the primary knowledge, abilities and skills of student’s professional oriented studying at previous institutions for further forming their professional communicative competence in a foreign language at a higher school. Effectiveness of a test for testing and increasing the knowledge by the principle of continuity is shown.
Keywords: entrance testing, communicative competence, testing, professional oriented teaching, continuity, increasing, teaching a foreign language.
Work bibliographic list
1. Komenskij Ja. A. Izbr. ped. soch.: V 2-h t. – M., 1982. – t.2.
2. Makaev H. F. Profilirovanie inojazychnoj podgotovki studentov kak faktor povyshenija motivacii k professional'nomu i kar'ernomu rostu: Monografija / Pod red. – Ufa: Ufimskij gosudarstvennyj neftjanoj tehnicheskij universitet, 2007. – 112 s.
3. Makaev H. F., Makaeva G. Z., Makaeva L. H. Formirovanie kommunikativnoj kompetentnosti kak faktor jeffektivnosti podgotovki kadrov dlja neftegazovoj otrasli / V sbornike: Sovremennye tehnologii v neftegazovom dele – 2014. Sbornik trudov mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-tehnicheskoj konferencii. Ufimskij gosudarstvennyj neftjanoj tehnicheskij universitet. 2014. S. 170-174.
4. Uglev V. A. Obuchajushhee komp'juternoe testirovanie // Teoreticheskie i prikladnye voprosy sovremennyh informacionnyh tehnologij: Materialy VIII Vserossijskoj nauchno-tehnicheskoj konferencii. –Ulan-Udje: VSGTU, 2007. – S. 312-316.
5. Makaev Kh. F., Makaeva G. Z. The Role of Communicative Competence in Training a Specialist. V sbornike: The First International Congress on Social Sciences and Humanities. Proceedings of the Congress. Vienna, 2013. S. 50-54.
Khlystova D. A., Tovysheva A. A., Popov K. G.
The security of personal data in the system of distance learning
The aim of the study is the analysis of the problem of personal data protection in educational institutions, especially in distance learning system. Accordingly, the subject of the study – security of personal data in the system of distance learning
The study identified possible vulnerabilities in the protection of personal data in the system of
distance learning and the anticipated organizational and technical solutions.
Key words: channels of information leakage, e-learning in distance learning system, data protection, and threat model.
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon ot 29.12.2012 N 273-FZ (red.ot 02.03.2016) «Ob obrazovanii v Rossijskoj Federacii»[Tekst]: [Jelektronnyj resurs] //Konsul'tantPljus: [web-sajt]. <> (24.04.2016)
2. Federal'nyj zakon ot 27 ijulja 2006 g. N 152-FZ (red. ot 21.07.2014) «O personal'nyh dannyh»[Tekst]:[Jelektronnyj resurs] // Konsul'tantPljus: [web-sajt]. (26.04.2016)
3. Institut razvitija obrazovanija. [Jelektronnyj resurs]:
4. Kazyhanov A. A., Popov K. G. Jeffektivnost' jekonomicheskih metodov obespechenija informacionnoj bezopasnosti // Simvol nauki. – 2016. – # 4-1. – S. 81-83.
5. Popov K. G., Majskij R. A. K voprosu ob opredelenii jekonomicheskoj jeffektivnosti obespechenija informacionnoj bezopasnosti predprijatija v uslovijah innovacionnoj jekonomiki // V sbornike: Problemy i tendencii razvitija innovacionnoj jekonomiki:mezhdunarodnyj opyt i rossijskaja praktika. Materialy IV mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. – 2016. – S. 175-179.
6. Popov K. G., Shamsutdinov R. R. Opredelenie jekonomicheskoj jeffektivnosti obespechenija informacionnoj bezopasnosti predprijatija // V knige:social'no-jekonomicheskie i pravovye osnovy razvitija jekonomiki: Kollektivnaja monografija. Pod red. I. V.Tropchenko. – Ufa, 2015. – S. 144-155.
7. Hlystova D. A., Popov K. G. K voprosu o modelirovanii ugroz personal'nym dannym pol'zovatelej v sistemah distancionnogo obuchenija obrazovatel'nyh organizacij // Mezhdunarodnyj studencheskij nauchnyj vestnik. – 2016. – # 3-1. – S. 96-97.
Volkov O. E., Protopopova T. V., Orlova S. V.
Legal interpretation of interrelation between the categories of interpersonal trust, self-trust, self-autonomy and human dignity
The article considers correlation between human dignity, interpersonal trust, self-trust and selfautonomy.
Interrelation between psychological and legal aspects of human conduct is demonstrated.
The conclusion about interdependence between human dignity and interpersonal trust is made.
Keywords: human dignity, self-trust, interpersonal trust, self-autonomy, personal qualities.
Work bibliographic list
1. Drobyshevskij S. A. Iz klassicheskih uchenij o politike i prave HH veka: aktual'nye idei G. Ellineka i D. Istona. M.: Norma: INFRA-M, 2014.
2. Drobyshevskij S. A. Politicheskaja organizacija obshhestva i pravo kak javlenija social'noj jevoljucii. M.: Prospekt, 2015.
3. Drobyshevskij S. A., Protopopova T. V. Predstavlenija o chelovecheskom dostoinstve v politiko-juridicheskih doktrinah i prave. M.: Prospekt, 2014.
4. Kozyreva P. M. Mezhlichnostnoe doverie v kontekste formirovanija social'nogo kapitala. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija:10.06.2016).
5. Ugolovnyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii: Federal'nyj zakon ot 13.06.1996 # 63-FZ. // SPS «Konsul'tantPljus».
6. Fukujama F. Doverie: social'nye dobrodeteli i put' k procvetaniju: per. s angl. M.: AST; Ermak, 2004.
7. Code L. 1990. What can she know? Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press. Shapter 4.
8. Dahl T. 1989. Working for love. New York: Delacorte Press.
9. Downie R. S. and E. Tefler. 1969. Respect for persons. London: George Allen and Unwin.
10. Easton D. An Approach to the Analysis of Politics //World Politics. Vol. 9. No. 3 (Apr., 1957).
11. Gambetta D. 1988. Tust: Making and breaking cooperative relations. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.
12. Govier T. 1992. An epistemology of trust. International Journal of Moral and Social Studies. Forthcoming.
13. Govier T. Self-Trust, Autonomy, and Self-Esteem //Hypatia. Vol. 8, # 1 (Winter 1993).
14. Jaggar A. 1985. Feminist politics and human nature. Totowa, NJ: Rowman and Allanheld.
15. Luhmann N. 1979. Trust and power. Trans. H. Davies, J, Rafman, and K. Rooney. London: John Willey and Sons. (Original German edition, 1973).
16. Meyers D. T. 1989. Self, society, and personal choice. New York: Columbia University Press.
17. Thomas L. 1991. Trust, affirmation, and moral character:A critique of Kantian morality. In Identity, character, and morality, eds Owen Flanagan and Amelie Oksenberg Rorty. Cambridge, Ma.: Bradford Books.
18. Shherbakov A.S. Mordovskoe naselenie Bashkirskogo Priural'ja: lokal'nye osobennosti subjetnicheskoj samoidentifikacii // VI Kongress jetnografov i antropologov Rossii, Sankt-Peterburg, 28 ijunja – 2 ijulja 2005 g.: Tezisy dokladov. – SPb.: MAJe RAN, 2005. S. 114.
19. Shherbakov A.S. Povolzhskie finny v sovremennom Bashkortostane: nekotorye jetnosocial'nye i jetnopsihologicheskie harakteristiki // Narody Rossii: istoriko-psihologicheskie aspekty mezhjetnicheskih i mezhkonfessional'nyh otnoshenij. – SPb., 2009. S. 31 – 36.
20. Shherbakov A.S. Osobennosti identichnosti russkogo naselenija Bashkortostana i nekotorye tendencii ejo transformacii // Nauchnye vedomosti Belgorodskogo universiteta. Serija «Istorija. Politologija. Jekonomika. Informatika». –2011. # 19 (114). Vypusk 20.S. 251 –257.
Gadalov G. A., Protopopova T. V., Orlova S. V.
On the question about interrelation between person’s dignity and conduct
The article considers correlation between human dignity and one’s conduct in society. Influence
of self-esteem and awareness of person’s dignity on person’s acts and social approval or disapproval of such acts. The conclusion about necessity of moral development of person for one’s successful activity, dignity increase and recognition of others is made.
Keywords: human dignity, self-esteem, conduct, ingratiation, recognition.
Work bibliographic list
1. Drobyshevskij S. A., Protopopova T. V. Predstavlenija o chelovecheskom dostoinstve v politiko-juridicheskih doktrinah i prave. M.: Prospekt, 2014.
2. Schroeder H. H. Self-Esteem and the Love of Recognition as Sources of Conduct // International Journal of Ethics. Vol. 19 # 2 (Jan., 1909).
Krivenkiy A. I.
Directional impact of globalization process on the development of both contemporary world and national culture and protection of cultural diversity
The regulation of global cultural structures and human and civil cultural rights within their frames, from the global legal system or mutually agreed legal systems is likely to become a reality quite soon. Being one of the centres of Eurasian culture, Russia plays a fundamentally important part in the formation of a global culture on the Eurasian territory. The article examines the means of spreading global culture (mainly, American mass one), and the ways of protecting culture and human and civil cultural rights by Eurasian states.
Keywords: globalization, culture, human and civil cultural rights, davos culture, club culture, mass culture, global centers.
Work bibliographic list
1. Vlasov G. P. Global'nye centry sovremennogo mira i ih geopoliticheskie doktriny // Lichnost' i kul'tura. – 2014. – # 3. – S. 12-15.
2. Klebanov L. R. Ohrana kul'turnyh cennostej: ugolovno-pravovoj i kriminologicheskij aspekty // Gosudarstvo i pravo. – 2012. – # 4. – S. 65-75.
3. Kuznecova T. V., Remizov V. A. Teorija i praktika sovremennyh kul'turnyh processov v Rossii // Vestnik Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta kul'tury i iskusstva. – 2014. – # 2 (38). – S. 15-23.
4. Linc G. V. Obsuzhdenie proekta «Osnov gosudarstvennoj kul'turnoj politiki» // Lichnost' i kul'tura. –2014. – # 5. – S. 23-27.
5. Mnogolikaja globalizacija. Kul'turnoe mnogoobrazie v sovremennom mire. // Pod red. P. Bergera i G. Hantintona. – M.: Aspekt- Press, 2004. – 278 s.
Dzhabrailov A. A.
To the question about the individual restrictions of rights and freedoms of citizens in case of emergencies
The article discusses the role of the Interior, while ensuring antiterrorist security, as well as the organization of the internal affairs bodies related to the need to limit the rights and freedoms of citizens.
Keywords: bodies of internal affairs, human rights and freedoms, state and public security.
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj konstitucionnyj zakon ot 30 maja 2001 g. # 3-FKZ «O chrezvychajnom polozhenii» // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii. 2001.# 23. st. 2277.
2. Federal'nyj zakon ot 06.03.2006 # 35-FZ «O protivodejstvii terrorizmu» (s izm.03.07.2016g.) // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii. 2006.# 11. St. 1146.
3. Butylin V. N., Goncharov I. V., Barbin V. V. Obespechenie prav i svobod cheloveka i grazhdanina v dejatel'nosti organov vnutrennih del (organizacionno-pravovye aspekty): Kurs lekcij. M., 2007.
4. Gom'en D., Harris D., Zvaak L. Evropejskaja Konvencija o pravah cheloveka i Evropejskaja social'naja hartija: pravo i praktika. M., 1998.
Lyapin I. F.
Mechanisms and constitutional guarantees of the decentralization of state power
This article discusses the mandatory and contractual mechanisms for the decentralization of state authority in the legal field of the Russian Federation, as well as the constitutional basis for their support. The author presents the theory and examples of enforcement actions mentioned mechanisms of decentralization, the classification of normative treaties, and constitutional guarantees of the process of decentralization of state power with regard to the subjects of the Russian Federation.
Keywords: the decentralization of state power, the imperative mechanism of decentralization, the contractual mechanism of decentralization; socio-economic, political and legal guarantees of the decentralization of state power.
Work bibliographic list
1. Alekseev S. S. Pravo: azbuka – teorija – filosofija: opyt kompleksnogo issledovanija. – M., 1999. – S. 370- 372.
2. Gadzhiev G. A. Konstitucionnye principy rynochnoj jekonomiki (Razvitie osnov grazhdanskogo prava v reshenijah Konstitucionnogo Suda Rossijskoj Federacii). – M.: Jurist, 2004. – 286 s.
3. Gosudarstvennoe pravo Rossijskoj Federacii: kurs lekcij dlja juridicheskih institutov i fakul'tetov/ pod red. O. E. Kutafina. – T. 1. – M.: B. i., 1993. – 235 s.
4. Ivanov V. V. K voprosu o teorii normativnogo dogovora // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. – 2000. – # 7. –S. 85-97.
5. Kozhevnikov S. N. Problemy teorii prava: kurs lekcij. – N. Novgorod: Izd-vo FGOU VPO «VGAVT», 2010.– 267 s.
6. Kozlova E. I., Kutafin O. E. Konstitucionnoe pravo Rossii: uchebnik. – M.: Prspekt, 2016. – 592 s.
7. Konstitucija Rossijskoj Federacii: nauchno-prakticheskij kommentarij / pod obshh. red. B. N. Topornina, Ju. M. Baturina, R. G. Orehova. – M.: Juridicheskaja literatura, 1997. – 623 s.
8. Kravec I. A. Rossijskaja Konstitucija i konstitucionalizacija pravovogo porjadka (nekotorye voprosy teorii i praktiki) // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. –2003. – # 11. – 113-124.
9. Parfenova T. A. Normativnyj dogovor kak istochnik rossijskogo prava: istorija i sovremennost': diss. ...kand. jur. nauk: 12.00.01. – Cheljabinsk: GOU VPO «Juzhno-Ural'skij gosudarstvennyj universitet», 2005. –178 s.
10. Postnikov A. E. Konstitucionnye principy i konstitucionnaja praktika // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. – 2008. – # 12. – S. 38-43.
11. Rukavishnikov I. V. Metod v sisteme pravovogo regulirovanija obshhestvennyh otnoshenij // Pravovedenie. – 2003. – # 1. – S. 217-222.
12. Starilov Ju. N. Glavnye napravlenija osushhestvlenija sovremennoj doktriny rossijskogo administrativnogo prava // Administrativnoe pravo na rubezhe vekov: mezhvuz. sb. nauch. trudov. – Ekaterinburg, 2003.– S. 52-108.

Kakupsheva M. M.
Extremism among young people as a social phenomenon in the North Caucasus
The article discusses the role of the Interior and other state institutions to combat extremism among young people, as well as the main directions of the organization of internal affairs bodies in the conditions of the emergence of inter-ethnic and inter-ethnic conflicts.
Keywords: internal Affairs bodies, extremism, youth environment, public organizations, international and interethnic conflicts, cooperation.
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon ot 06.10.2003 N 131-FZ (red. ot 15.02.2016) «Ob obshhih principah organizacii mestnogo samoupravlenija v Rossijskoj Federacii» // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF, 06.10.2003, N 40, st. 3822.
2. Federal'nyj zakon ot 25.07.2002 N 114-FZ (red. ot 23.11.2015) «O protivodejstvii jekstremistskoj dejatel'nosti» // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF, 29.07.2002, N 30, st. 3031.
3. Gadzhiev K. S. Geopolitika Kavkaza. M., 2003. S. 24
4. Oficial'nyj sajt MVD Rossii. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: http:// obrashhenija: 25.01.2016 g.).
5. Oficial'nyj sajt Agentstva konfliktnyh situacij. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija:25.06.2016 g.).
Teplyakov D. O., Savina E. N.
Federal and regional policies to preserve inter-ethnic harmony
This article was prepared at the expenses of the RGNF grant No. 15-03-00626 "Access of Individuals and Legal Entities to Implementing Russia's Foreign Policy towards the Nordic States". The article discusses the main national documents aimed at the formation of the policy of the Russian Federation on development of civil society, the preservation of civil unity and building inter-ethnic harmony. Special attention is paid to regional policy documents in this field, measures for the harmonization of interethnic relations is proposed.
Keywords: public policy, interethnic harmony, the peoples of Russia, multinational Russian people, development programs of civil society, harmonization of interethnic relations.
Work bibliographic list
1. Vasil'eva L. N. Garmonizacija sfery mezhjetnicheskih otnoshenij: konceptual'nye podhody // Gosudarstvennaja vlast' i mestnoe samoupravlenie. 2014.N 2. S. 18 - 26.
2. Vinogradova P. A. Uslovija realizacii vnutrennej migracii: pravovye aspekty // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. 2015. N 2. S. 35 - 43.
3. Trykanova S. A. Razvitie organizacionno-pravovoj osnovy realizacii migracionnoj politiki RF v sfere regulirovanija mezhnacional'nyh otnoshenij organami gosudarstvennoj i municipal'noj vlasti// Gosudarstvennaja vlast' i mestnoe samoupravlenie. 2014. N 9. S. 42 - 45.
4. Fedotova Ju. G. Ponjatie i jelementy religioznoj bezopasnosti // Juridicheskij mir. 2015. N 10. S. 56 - 60.

Gerasimova M. V., Solovyeva I. A.
Methods of evaluating the activities of service of personnel management in the oil and gas company
In article a methodical approach to an assessment of the activities of service of personnel management of oil and gas company is presented. The main stages of assessment are considered,
a system of levels of efficiency of personnel management service activities of oil and gas company is worked out, the key directions and assessment indicators assessment indicators are allocated, their ball scale is offered.
Keywords: assessment, efficiency, service of personnel management, oil and gas company, personnel, assessment indicators.
Work bibliographic list
1. Burenina I. V., Gerasimova M. V. Mehanizm opredelenija urovnja jekonomicheskogo potenciala sub"ekta jenergeticheskogo rynka // Neft', gaz i biznes. – 2008.– # 5 – 6. – S. 32-37.
2. Solov'eva I. A., Zakir'janov R. I. Razrabotka kompleksnoj mnogokriterial'noj modeli ocenki sistemy obuchenija i razvitija chelovecheskih resursov organizacii //Internet-zhurnal «Naukovedenie». – 2016. – Tom 8. – # 2.
3. Trufanov A. V. Vlijanie organizacionnoj kul'tury na dejatel'nost' organizacii // Jekonomika, upravlenie, finansy: materialy III mezhdunar. nauch. konf.(g. Perm', fevral' 2014 g.). – Perm': Merkurij, 2014.– S. 150-153.

Bayguzina L. Z., Galimova G. A.
Budgetary potential as factor of formation of region’s financial potential
The article discusses the importance of the budgetary potential in the formation of the region's financial potential. Structure of the budgetary potential is disposed, and the main directions of its
formation and regulation are educed.
The key words: financial potential, budgetary potential, fiscal system
Work bibliographic list
1. Adamesku A. A. Sovremennaja rol' regional'nyh programm // Regionologija. – 2005. – #13.
2. Bajguzina L. Z., Galimova G. A. Teoreticheskie osnovy sinergizma v formirovanii finansovogo potenciala regiona//Upravlenie jekonomicheskimi sistemami. –2015. –# 6 (78). [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
3. Zenchenko S. V. Finansovyj potencial regiona: metody i modeli ocenki. - Stavropol': SevKavGTU, 2008.
4. Klimova N. M. Bjudzhetno-nalogovyj potencial regiona//Finansy. Uchet. Audit –2003. - # 9.
Galimova A. Sh., Galina A. E.
Motives and factors of savings and investments of households
In the article there considered one of the most actual problems of the last time that is the influence
of a financial crisis on population’s savings. Presence and quantity of savings are important indexes of social-economic development of a country and a population’s level of life; also it is one of the main sources of credit and investment activities in the economics. A key target of the article is the research of existing methods of saving and investment behavior of households in a financial crisis period.
Keywords: motive, factor, savings, investment, household, income, financial crisis.
Work bibliographic list
1. Galimova A. Sh. Denezhnye sberezhenija naselenija kak istochnik investicij: Dissertacija na soisk. Uchenoj stepeni kand. jekon. nauk. – Ufa, 1998. – 168 s.
2. Zherebin V. Domashnie hozjajstva v perehodnoj jekonomike // Voprosy statistiki. – 1998. – # 1.
3. Shohin A. N. Sberezhenija kak jekonomicheskaja kategorija. – Preprint. – M., 1985.
4. Den'gi, bankovskoe delo i denezhno-kreditnaja politika / Pod redakciej V. Lukashevicha. – M.: Infra, 2009.
5. Bibikova E. A. Sberegatel'naja sistema: podhod k opredeleniju sostava i soderzhanija osnovnyh jelementov // Den'gi i kredit. – 2003. - # 6.
6. Makoveckij M.Ju. Rol' rynka cennyh bumag v investicionnom obespechenii jekonomicheskogo rosta //Rynok cennyh bumag. – 2004. – # 1.
7. Kashin Ju. I. Sberezhenija naselenija v SSSR. – M.: Finansy, 1979.
8. Chto delat' so sberezhenijami v 2015 godu. [Jelektronnyj resurs] – Rezhim dostupa:
9. Samanov R. Gde hranit' den'gi vo vremja krizisa v Rossii 2014-2015 gg.? // Rossijskaja gazeta. – 2014. – 25 nojabrja.
10. Kashin Ju. I. Sberezhenija naselenija v SSSR. – M.: Finansy, 1979.
11. Galimova A. Sh. Denezhnye sberezhenija naselenija kak istochnik investicij // Avtoreferat dissertacii na soiskanie uchenoj stepeni kandidata jekonomicheskih nauk. – Ufa, 1998. – 24 s.
12. Institut social'no-jekonomicheskih problem narodonaselenija RAN. – 2005-2014. [Jelektronnyj resurs]– Rezhim dostupa:
13. Lucenko A. Sberezhenija rabotajushhego naselenija:masshtaby, funkcii, motivy // Voprosy jekonomiki.– 1996. – # 1.
Musina D. R., Seidalin R. R.
Impact of taxation on the efficiency of gas field development
The article presents the results of assessments of the collection of the tax on mineral extraction (MET) for gas at the cost-effectiveness of gas production and government revenues. Calculations are compared for two options. The first option - the system of taxation of gas production, which operated until 2014, when all fields applied a single rate of mineral extraction tax. The second option – in the taxation system, in force since July 1, 2014 to the present, when the amount of the severance tax deductions become differentially calculated for each gas field. The calculations concluded that a differentiated approach to the determination of MET for gas will significantly improve the economic efficiency of gas production for a vertically integrated oil company.
Keywords: natural gas, taxes, gas field, mineral extraction tax, net present value, discounted income states.
Work bibliographic list
1. Gareeva Z. A. Ispol'zovanie zarubezhnogo opyta nalogovogo stimulirovanija innovacionnoj dejatel'nosti syr'evyh kompanij. V sbornike Problemy i tendencii razvitija innovacionnoj jekonomiki:mezhdunarodnyj opyt i rossijskaja praktika. Sbornik nauchnyh trudov po materialam 1 Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. Federal'noe gosudarstvennoe bjudzhetnoe obrazovatel'noe uchrezhdenie vysshego professional'nogo obrazovanija «Ufimskij gosudarstvennyj neftjanoj tehniche-
skij universitet». 2013. S. 44-46.
2. Gafarova Z. R., Gerasimova M. V., Solov'eva I. A. Osobennosti nalogooblozhenija predprijatij neftegazovogo sektora // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal.2016. # 2 (93). S. 217-219.
3. Mazitova A. R., Tasmuhanova A. E. Sistematizacija napravlenij restrukturizacii v neftegazodobyvajushhem komplekse // Austrian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences. 2014. # 11-12. S. 238-243.
4. Musina D. R. Vlijanie naloga na dobychu poleznyh iskopaemyh na jeffektivnost' razrabotki neftjanogo mestorozhdenija // Vestnik VJeGU. 2014. # 6 (74). S. 69-76.
5. Musina D. R. Cenoobrazovanie na rynke nefti i gaza / uchebnoe posobie, Ufimskij gosudarstvennyj neftjanoj tehnicheskij universitet. Ufa, 2009.
6. Musina D. R., Musalimov A. D., Tasmuhanova A. E. Vlijanie «bol'shogo nalogovogo manevra» na jeffektivnost' neftedobychi // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2016. # 4 (95). S. 187-189.
7. Muhametov R. R., Musina D. R. Faktory, opredeljajushhie sebestoimost' dobychi nefti. V sbornike: Innovacionnaja nauka: proshloe, nastojashhee, budushhee, sbornik statej Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii: v 5 chastjah. 2016. S. 108-111.
8. Solov'eva I. A., Makasheva A. M. Sovershenstvovanie jekonomicheskogo mehanizma gosudarstvennogo regulirovanija neftegazovogo kompleksa // Internet-zhurnal «Naukovedenie». 2015. # 2(7). S. 1-19.
9. Spravochno-pravovaja sistema «Konsul'tantPljus».[Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 06.05.16).
10. Halikova D. O., Halikova M. A. Problemy ocenki investicionnoj privlekatel'nosti neftegazovyh kompanij v uslovijah sovremennogo nalogooblozhenija //Audit i finansovyj analiz. 2015. # 5. S. 298-301.
11. Jenergeticheskaja strategija Rossii na period do 2035 goda. Proekt. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 01.06.2016).
Farkhutdinov A. M.
The mechanism of improvement of investment management with consideration of time factor
Тhe article identifies the value of losses from a freezing of capital investments in connection with the exceeding of construction time against the standard. The author comes to the conclusion that the difficulties with the investments related to the fact that the process of implementation of housing projects under construction is weak, resulting in slower circulation of money. Signing a contract for the purchase of an apartment under construction to individuals with a customer or a Builder, individuals accept equity participation in the construction of apartment buildings. Article 1, paragraph 3, and article 2 of the Law №214-FZ with physical persons the Law prohibits to conclude an investment contract with the customer (Builder) for the purchase of apartments in the construction of an apartment house, if individuals are not individual entrepreneurs or legal entity.
Keywords: the time factor, housing, Treaty, investment, investment, financing the construction.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ob investicionnoj dejatel'nosti v Rossijskoj Federacii, osushhestvljaemoj v forme kapital'nyh vlozhenij ot 25.02.1999 #39-FZ (red. ot 28.12.2013)[Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy «Konsul'tantPljus».
2. Ob uchastii v dolevom stroitel'stve mnogokvartirnyh domov i inyh ob"ektov nedvizhimosti i o vnesenii izmenenij v nekotorye zakonodatel'nye akty Rossijskoj Federacii ot 30.12.2004 # 214-FZ (red. ot 01.05.2016) [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Dostup iz
sprav.-pravovoj sistemy «Konsul'tantPljus».
3. Artamonova Ju. S. Formirovanie innovacionnoj strategii razvitija Regional'nyh stroitel'nyh kompleksov / Ju. S. Artamonova, B. B. Hrustalev, A. V. Savchenkov // Izvestija PGPU im. V. G. Belinskogo. – 2011.– # 24. – S. 168–170.
4. Pustoshkin V. V. Innovacionnye shemy finansirovanija ob"ektov zhilishhnogo stroitel'stva (na primere primenenija v finansovyh shemah instituta ZhSK) / V.V. Pustoshkin // Innovacionnaja dejatel'nost'. – 2010. –#2. – S. 43–48.
5. Farhutdinov A. M. Realizacija investicionnoj dejatel'nosti zhilishhnogo stroitel'stva (pravovoj aspekt) // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. – 2014.– # 3. S. 155 – 157.
Sabirov V. Sh.
The study of ethos as a social and cultural and ethico-legal problem of the era of information warfare
In the article, ethos is viewed as a behavior typical for a particular historical community or social group and includes a complex of motives: moral, legal, aesthetic, religious and mental being in relation to each other in the process of mutual determination. The meaning of ethos in this sense takes on a special heuristic and theoretical significance in the present time, in the era of uncompromising information war between geopolitical and civilizational adversaries, who tend to value destruction of the opposing community. Therefore, in order to avoid value destruction, requires detailed study of that ethos (national, ethnic, etc.), which is object by certain informational influences, and from which they emanate.
Keywords: ethos, the subject and the object ethos, "value viruses”, information warfare, information impact.
Work bibliographic list
1. Anchel E. Jetos i istorija. M., 1988..
2. Biblija. Knigi Svjashhennogo Pisanija Vethogo i Novogo zaveta
3. Ossovskaja M. Rycar' i burzhua. M., 1987.
4. Shubart V. Evropa i dusha Vostoka. M., 1987.
Iskhakov M. Z., Dallakyan K. A.
The identity in the space of a legal state
The article is devoted to philosophical reflection of a personal development in the rule of law space.
Liberty and Justice are fundamental values of the rule of law, aspiration to which is a base characteristic of a personality. Type of social organization is one of the personality space characteristics, which like social garment forming person. Social activity of personality, developed self-respect promotes forming the civil society, which controls government activity and transforms it to rule of law.
Keywords: personality, rule of law, Liberty, Justice, law, power, juridical consciousness, selfrespect.
Work bibliographic list
1. Alekseev S. S. Pravo na poroge novogo tysjacheletija.M.: Status, 2000.
2. Baturin Ju. M., Livshic R. Z. Socialisticheskoe pravovoe gosudarstvo: ot idei k osushhestvleniju. M.: Nauka, 1989.
3. Berdjaev N. A. Filosofija neravenstva. M.: IMA-Press, 1990.
4. Vygodskij L. S. Myshlenie i rech'. M.: AST, 2008.
5. Grafskij G. F. Obzor materialov «Osnovnye koncepcii prava i gosudarstva v sovremennoj Rossii» // Gosudarstvo i pravo. 2003. # 5.
6. Gete I. V. Stradanija junogo Vertera. M.: Jeksmo, 2012.
7. Il'enkov Je. V. Chto zhe takoe lichnost'? // S chego nachinaetsja lichnost'. M.: Politizdat, 1979.
8. Leont'ev A. N. Dejatel'nost'. Soznanie. Lichnost'. M.:Politizdat, 1975.
9. Losev A. F. Filosofija. Mifologija. Kul'tura. M.:Politizdat, 1991.
10. Orlov I. V. Pravovoe gosudarstvo: PRO ET CONTRA //Konstitucija Rossijskoj Federacii i sovremennoe zakonodatel'stvo: problemy realizacii i tendencii razvitija. Saratov. Ch. 2.
11. Poljakov A. V. Obshhaja teorija prava. Fenomenologo-kommunikativnyj podhod. SPb., 2003.
12. Petrovskij A. V. Psihologija i vremja. M.-SPb.: Piter, 2007.
13. Problemy obshhej teorii prava i gosudarstva. M.,1999.
14. Rabinovich P. M. Osnovy obshhej teorii prava i gosudarstva. Har'kov, 2005.
15. Rajanov F. M. Teorija pravovogo gosudarstva. Problemy modernizacii. Ufa: Galem, 2010.
16. Rubintejn S. L. Bytie i soznanie. SPb.: Piter, 2003.
17. Solov'ev Je. Ju. I. Kant: Vzaimodopolnitel'nost' morali i prava. M., 1993.
18. Stoljarenko L. D., Samygin S. I. Psihologija lichnosti. Rostov-na-Donu: Feniks, 2011.
19. Formirovanie pravovogo gosudarstva v Rossii: put' k spravedlivomu obshhestvu. Saratov, 2008.
Neganov F. M., Khaziev Z. A.
Truth of discovery and truth of confirmation: comparative analysis
The article presents a comparison of truths, or with the value of the results of knowledge, for the
discovery phase (they are called "true discoveries") and validation and verification ("truth confirmation"). Unlike truths in the stages of confirmation and the opening is expressed by the concepts of synthesis and resonance. Synthesis is understood as the act of thinking, which combines spatial the elements; and we show that the synthesized truth be reproducible. Resonance, associated with the moment of its opening, is interpreted by us as such an event that combines reproducible in the acts of thinking the elements of knowledge.
Keywords: science, truth, evidence, space, time, form, contents.
Work bibliographic list
1. Marsel' G. Opyt konkretnoj filosofii. – M.: Respublika, 2004.
2. Neganov F. M., Fajzullin F. S., Hanov I. N. Aksiologicheskaja determinacija. – Ufa: Gilem. – 2004.
3. Neganov F. M., Haziev Z. A. Ot drevnej mifologii k pravovoj sisteme gosudarstvennogo ustrojstva:filosofskie iskanija Platona // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. – 2014. – # 12.
4. Neganov F. M., Haziev Z. A. Obosnovanie prava i nravstvennosti v filosofii Gegelja: ontologicheskij i antropologicheskij aspekty // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. – 2015 – # 1.
5. Neganov F. M., Haziev Z. A. O nekotoryh prostranstvennyh aspektah mifa, tehniki i prava // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. – 2016. – # 3.
6. Neganov F. M., Haziev Z. A. Obrazovanie i cennosti: aksiologicheskij i pravovoj aspekty // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. – 2014. – # 10.
7. Neganov F. M., Haziev Z. A. Pravovaja aksiologicheskaja determinacija // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal.– 2015. – # 11.
8. Neganov F. M., Jarullina L. H. Nonkonformizm i podlinnost' chelovecheskogo sushhestvovanija v koncepcii Zh.-P. Sartra // Vestnik Bashkirskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. – 2009. – # 4.
9. Shopengaujer A. O chetverojakom korne zakona dostatochnogo osnovanija. Mir kak volja i predstavlenie.–T. I. – M.: Nauka, 1993.
10. Hajdegger M. Polozhenie ob osnovanii. Stat'i i fragmenty. – SPb., 2000.
Yashin A. N.
Formation of philosophy of justice in Ancient Russia
The paper examines the role and importance of the symbiosis of Russian pagan mentality and the Christian ethics in the formation of judicial philosophy of the ancient Russian state, it is ar-gued that the idea of Russian justice, based on the norms of public morality, democratic prin-ciples and humanism - is a radical idea, which was formed back in the pre-Christian period, as the idea of truth, not subject to the formal domination of law and justice is the basis of Russian philosophy.
Keywords: custom, power, law, law, court, justice, truth, guilt, punishment, justice, faith.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ampleeva T. Ju. Istorija ugolovnogo sudoproizvodstva v Rossii (IX – XIX vv): avtoref. diss. … d-ra.jurid. nauk. M., 2006.
2. Gartung N. Istorija ugolovnogo sudoproizvodstva i sudoustrojstva Francii, Anglii, Germanii i Rossii. SPb.: Tip. Je. Arngol'da, 1868. 206 s.
3. Il'in I. A. O russkoj idee // Russkaja ideja: [Sbornik/ Sost. i avt. vstup. st. M. A. Maslin; komment. R. K. Medvedevoj]. M.: Respublika, 1992. 443 s.
4. Istorija politicheskih i pravovyh uchenij / pod red. Je. Lejsta. M.: Zercalo, 2004. 436 s.
5. Knjaz'kov S. A. Iz proshlogo Russkoj zemli. Ch. 1. Ocherki iz istorii dopetrovskoj Rusi. Izd. 2-e, ispr. i dop. - Pg. : kn. mag. P. V. Lukovnikova, 1917. 640 s.
6. Platonov O. A. Svjataja Rus' (Jenciklopedicheskij slovar' russkoj civilizacii). M.: Pravoslavnoe izdatel'stvo «Jenciklopedija russkoj civilizacii», 2000. 968 s.
Konopleva A. A.
Specific the genesis of culture in the modern city Simferopol(philosophical aspect)
Research directed to the specificity of cultural genesis process, typical of the Simferopol city. The focus of the study is on the crosscultural character of the city's development, which determines the value of which have cultural awareness, sensitivity to external influences and exposure to stereotypes. Decision-making parameters explained labeled multiethnic city, development of tourism and historical features. Maturity of the parameters under consideration characterizes Simferopol as a city open to the implementation of contacts and high development of tolerance.
Keywords: genesis of culture, culture, city, Simferopol, intercultural interaction.
Work bibliographic list
1. Boas F. Jevoljucija ili diffuzija? // Antologija issledovanij kul'tury. Interpretacii kul'tury. –SPb.: Universitetskaja kniga, 1997. – S.343 – 348.
2. Butkevich S. A. Obespechenie obshhestvennoj bezopasnosti v Respublike Krym: problemy teorii i praktiki // Problemy perehodnogo perioda: adaptacija normativno-pravovyh aktov Krymskogo federal'nogo okruga k zakonodatel'stvu Rossijskoj Federacii.– 2015. – S. 185-191.
3. Butkevich S. A. Terrorizm i jekstremizm v Rossijskoj Federacii: real'nye i potencial'nye ugrozy/ Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. – 2016. – # 4(95). – S. 285-287.
4. Butkevich S. A. Organizacionno-pravovye aspekty ohrany obshhestvennogo porjadka (po materialam Respubliki Krym) // Vestnik Belgorodskogo juridicheskogo instituta MVD Rossii. – 2015. – # 1. – S. 87-95.
5. Konopleva A. A. Determinanty mezhkul'turnyh vzaimodejstvij v Respublike Krym // Istoricheskie, filosofskie, politicheskie i juridicheskie nauki, kul'turologija i iskusstvovedenie. Voprosy teorii i praktiki. – 2015. – # 8-3 (58). – S. 118-121.
6. Konopleva A. A. Osmyslenie processa razvitija kul'turnogo shoka v kontekste sovremennyh migracionnyh processov // Social'no-gumanitarnoe obozrenie. – 2016. – # 1. – S. 41-43.
7. Kravchenko N. A. Ocenka faktorov formirovanija i realizacii potenciala turistskoj otrasli Respubliki Krym // Krymskij nauchnyj vestnik. – 2015. – # 3. – S. 3-13.
8. Kostromickaja A. V. Transformacija simvolicheskogo prostranstv goroda (na materiale simferopolja) //Dissertacija na soiskanie nauchnoj stepeni kandidata kul'turologii / Krymskij federal'nyj universitet im. V. I. Vernadskogo. – Simferopol', 2013.– 216 s.
9. Lotman Ju. M. K postroeniju teorij vzaimodejstvija kul'tur (semioticheskij aspekt) // Izbrannye stat'i.– T. 1. – Tallinn, 1992. – 704 s.
10. Ljah V. I. Kul'turogenez kak koncept teorii i istorii kul'tury // Analitika kul'turologii. – 2011. –# 19. – [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 06.07.2016).
11. Macumoto D. Psihologija i kul'tura. – SPb.: Prajm-Evroznak, 2002. – 416 s.
12. Chudina-Shmidt N. V. Jekstremal'nye projavlenija sovremennogo rossijskogo obshhestva // Social'no-jekonomicheskie, psihologo-pedagogicheskie, filosofskie i pravovye aspekty razvitija obshhestva. – 2016.– S. 133-137.
13. Chudina-Shmidt N. V. Jekstremal'noe povedenie v perehodnyj period// Problemy perehodnogo perioda:adaptacija normativno-pravovyh aktov Krymskogo federal'nogo okruga k zakonodatel'stvu Rossijskoj Federacii. – 2015. – S. 166-170.
Grachev M. V.
Features tectological methods
The article discusses the features of tectological methods. The article deals with the specifics of tectological investigation procedure. Also in this article shows the unity of organizational methods.
Keywords: tectology, methods, organization.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bogdanov A. A. Tektologija: vseobshhaja organizacionnaja nauka / redkol.: L. I. Abalkin i dr.; Institut jekonomiki AN SSSR. – M.: Jekonomika, 1989.


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