M.Kh. Mataeva:
From constitutional ideas to th econstitutions of Kazakhstan and Central Asian countries
Interview with Mataeva Maigul Khafisovna, Ph.D. in Law,
Vice-rector for research and commercialization of new technologies of the Kazakh Humanitarian Law Innovative University, Semey
Shumeyko E.G., Mishalchenko Yu.V.
Public-private partnership analysis in the international and Russian legal frameworks
Bekyashev D.K.
The flag state’s role in combating illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing: international legal aspects
Abdulkader K.
Specificity of organs of the executive power in Syria
Alieva M.N., Makhmudov M.R.
The resolution of internal armed conflicts as an implementation of the principle of the peaceful settlement of international disputes in modern realities
Zyablitceva S.A., Kuzmenko Yu.A.
Expansion of the boundaries of a materic shelf
Isaeva M.Kh.
International l egal aspects against the smuggling of migrants within the United Nations
Andriyanov D.V.
Flag state responsibility for violation of human rights in the light of the practice of the European court of human rights
Kotlova A.V.
Legal analysis of the treaty between the Russian Federation and the Kingdom of Norway concerning maritime delimitation and cooperation in the Barents Sea and the Arctic Ocean
Kvachakhiya R.G.
The concept of forced migration
Rakhimov K.H.
The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) as an international intergovernmental organization
Begicheva K.Yu.
Record keeping by EU financial institutions: the regulation of activity
Maksurov A.A.
Coordination standards in the Charter of the Autonomy of Catalonia
Romanovskaya V.B., Gorylev A.I., Haddath E.
Implementation of the norms of Islam in the constitutions of Muslim States
Shamsutdinov R.R.
Information security legislative provision in the USA
Byrledianu D.V.
Specific of the admission to the bar in the United States
Grigorjeva M.A.
Countering corruption in Latin America
Makarenko A.K.
European systemic risk board
Haddath E.
The origin of the Amazigh: the early history of the Algerian state
Snetkov V.N., Mokhorova A.Yu.
Some aspects of implementation of migrant employment rights in CIS countries
Abrosimova E.A.
The concept of obligations in the law of Russia and foreign countries
Sarkisyan L.R.
The use of legal fiction in the laws of the United States and countries of the continental legal tradition
Abdujalilov A.
Conceptual approaches to general law paradigm of the internet
Jamborov A.A.
The concept of extremism and extremist activities in the Russian legislation and legal doctrine
Kuli-zade T.A.
Enforcement activities and models of decision-making in the legal sphere
Alekseev Yu.G.
The relationship and interaction between politics and morality
Kazanchyan L.A.
The concept of «personality» in the context of the legal status of the individual
Klimov I.P.
Anti-corruption regulations in the Czarist era
Aibatov M.M.
Land-legal relations in the North Caucasus in XIX century
Evseev I.V.
Concerning the formation of the soviet penal system in 1918–1930s, taking into account territorial peculiarities of the Urals
Migda N.S.
Normative and staffing support of government body in Moscow state
Petrenko M.N.
On theoretical bases and permissibility criteria of state-legal coercion
Safin A.Z.
Entry of the bashkir people into the Russian state: historical and legal aspects
Musayev S.A.
Features of the formation and development of Azerbaijani legislation in the Russian Empire
Yusupova Z.F.
Historical aspects of development of institute of inheritance of real estate in the russian civil law. (Part 1)
Temiraev A.V.
Problems of the direct effect of the Constitution of the Russian Federation
Zhamborov A.A.
Constitutional and legal bases of counteraction to extremism (by the example of the legislation of subjects of the Russian Federation)
Zlobina E.A.
The effectiveness and necessity of the state ideology
Bulaev M.A., Arslanbekova A.S.
Problems of legal regulation of the national payment system of the Russian Federation
Veretennikov N.N., Еkhokhina E.S.
The principles of equality and competition of parties during the consideration of the rulings (decisions) on cases of administrative offences
Kadyrov A.A.
The content of water relations
Komarova O.N.
Legal and administrative measures against illegal trafficking of drugs in the teenage environment
Sudakova O.V.
Codification of the transport legislation: problems and ways of solving them
Gornev R.V.
Principles of legal regulation of interaction between local governments and public associations
Shirshov K.A.
On the question of the effectiveness of the judicial protection of the rights of local self-government
Mehdiev E.T., Amantasheva A.T.
The main sources of environmental pollution in the activities of oil producing and refining enterprises
Tagaeva S. N., Alamova S. M.
Specifics of real estate as kinds of the contribution to authorized capital of limited liability company
Evstafjeva I. V., Rodionov L. A.
To the question of the conceptual apparatus of Art. 146 of the criminal code from the standpoint of civil law
Murtazaliev M. K., Osmanov O. A.
Ownership of religious organizations
Antonov V. F.
Moral issues of legal regulation
Galimov E. F.
The enforcement of the contract
Ochirov E. B.
Provision on the pledge of rights under bank account agreement in Civil Code of the Russian Federation
Papulov A. G.
The concept of the method of civil rights protection
Rustamov P. A.
Problems of civil rights in Russia and abroad
Malkerov V. B.
Some problems of development of science of labour law
Mokhorov D. A., Demidov V. P.
Some problems of labor migration in the conditions of development of the modern russian state
Shchennikov V. A.
Some problems category financial liability in the Russian labor law
Bayramov V. M., Bayramov S. V.
Professional standards in the field of physical culture and sports: controller-manager
Bagautdinov B. V.
Features of supervision over the activities of credit institutions
Korobova A. P., Azarkhin A. V., Kuzmina A. V.
To the question of financial responsibility in the system of legal liability
Proshin V. M.
Features of preventive work on tax crimes
Zatsepin A. M., Filippova O. V.
Delimitation of extortion from robbery, robbery and arbitrariness
Zaynullinа Z. F.
Features of the qualification of smuggling, stipulated by art. 200.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation by an official using his official position
Gadjeva A. A., Balachova A. D.
Responsibility for assault: a critical assessment of the latest changes
Levashova O. V., Goricheva V. L.
Forms and methods of social prevention of juvenile delinquency
Magomedov M. I.
Guilt in crimes in the sphere of currency treatment, provided for by art. 193, 193.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation
Yanovskiy R. S.
Legal regulation of additional checking of crime report
Gichibekov M. S.
To the question about the subject of crime
Gadjeva A. A., Magomedov M. I.
Problems of improving criminal liability for kidnapping:regional aspects
Fasolya P. V.
The use of the institute of community service in criminal law of foreign countries
Agasieva A. R.
On the concept of a suspect in the criminal process of Russia
Ivanova S. V., Burasheva D. K.
Psychology and pedagogical conditions of correction and resocialization of convicts as means of their future socialization
Korobova I. N., Davydova I. A.
Control over the activities of institutions and bodies executing punishment: problems of legal regulation
Strigin M. Yu.
The conditions for the deferment of serving the punishment for the addict
Baychorova F. Kh.
Criminological characteristics of the situative type of the personality of women-crimes
Vinogradov A. A.
Especially the disclosure of the stolen car in hot pursuit
Voevodina I. V.
Urgent investigative actions in the legislation of Russia and the Russian Federation: a retrospective comparative legal study
Bondar A. G.
Problematic issues in the field of detection of crimes and offences for suppression of illegal gambling activities
Radzabadieva M. G.
About criminalistic characteristics of tax crimes
Tatarinov R. A.
About problems of application of article 5 of the Federal law of 12.08.1995 No. 144-FZ “About operational search activity”, in part destruction of the phonograms and other materials received as a result of listening of telephone and other negotiations of persons at fight against corruption crimes
Adelgildina M. Z.
The investigator and a psychologist – procedural and non-procedural interactions during the investigation of crimes involving minors
Bagautdinova A. I.
Criminalistic characteristics of murders committed by juveniles with special cruelty
Davletov A. I.
Features of carrying out a search in the investigation of extremist crimes
Globa M. V.
On the structure of the judicial legal position
Marchenko S. V.
The expressive impact of laws logic in the speeches of trial orators
Podusovskaya V. V.
«Competition of claims» for the protection of property rights
Shalamova I. A.
Realization of the rights of citizens to an equitable proceeding
Tsyganova T. A.
The role of the Court of the Russian Federation in the legal policy of the state
Burenkova E. A.
Procedural hurdles in the decision-making system qualification collegiums of judges
Vlasov D. A.
On the effectiveness of measures to combat corruption crimes
Belotserkovich D. V., Banina V. S.
Legal analysis of the regional legislation of the far eastern federal district regulating the procedure of anti-corruption expertise
Sheriev A. M.
The role of the prosecutor’s office for the coordination of activities of subjects of combating extremism and terrorism (in the example of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic)
Aripshev A. M.
The danger of extremism for the society
Izotova A. N.
Certain issues of ensuring the secrecy of communication
Golubchikov S. V., Novikov V. K., Baranova A. V.
Legal framework for the protection of sensitive information
Mayorov V. I., Polyakova S. V.
Creation of the threatening situation as the risk of safety of road traffic participants
Gorovenko S. V.
Managing the risk of the incorrect first aid in traffic accident
Aripshev A. M.
Extremism as an element of terrorism
Kumysheva M. K.
The problem of motivating suicide bombers
Romanovskaya I. V.
Psychological and legal grounds for the manifestation of aggression by employees of operational units
Tomas A. V., Zhelonkin V. V., Vasilkova E. V.
Application of the functional all-around technology for the physical improvement of future police officers
Gedugoshev R. R.
Improvement of skills in possession of firearms by police officers
Golubev A. G.
Problems of teaching economy enrolled in the direction of preparation “jurisprudence”
Karimov Z. Sh., Karimova G. R.
On the essence of formation of cognitive motives in the conditions of modern federal state educational standards
Maremukov R. B.
Pedagogical workshop and its importance in the educational process of educational organizations of the MIA of Russia
Abramov S. G.
Ontological foundations of social norms and economic basis in the implementation of strategic public administration.(theoretical hypotheses of social systems development)
Akimov N. A., Yashchenko V. V., Konaykov M. A.
Development of normative legal regulation of the sphere of public procurement in the Russian Federation from the position of application of best international practices
Belocerkovich D. V., Vlasov V. A.
Problems of the institute of appeals of citizens to the public bodies of executive power and ways of their decision
Gabieva S. M., Abakarova Z. A.
The interaction of the State Duma and the legislative bodies of the Subjects of the Russian Federation
Kichalyuk O. N., Egorov A. O.
To the question of the legal status of the authorized representative of the president of the Russian Federation in the federal district
Lanovоy V. G.
Typology and classification of states: the concept, problems and value
Vildanov R. R., Fayzullina I. I.
The formation of the modern russian parliament –the Federal Assembly
Kravets Yu. A.
Application satellite navigation system “era-GLONASS”
Tolikova E. E., Zhuravlev M. S.
Cluster approach to innovative development of Eurasian Economic Union state members
Gorbova I. N., Karaeva E. N., Tomilina Yu. V.
Demographic and social factors of improve of competitiveness of the region
Gudyreva L. V.
Effective communication technologies as instrument of increase in competitiveness of the organizations of culture and leisure
Koreva O. V., Sinitsyna E. V.
Legal aspects of development of investment activities in the conditions of innovative development and formation of digital economy
Akchulpanov Yu. K.
Economic development of the region: theory and problems of evaluation of its level
Matveeva N. V.
Features of the customs procedure of customs transit at the present stage
Maksimova K. L.
The labor market of the Far East: changes from theperspective of the creation of “Territories of rapid socio-economic development” and free port “Vladivostok”
Ponomareva T. K., Vasiljeva Yu. P.
World oil prices and their impact on Russia’s monetary policy
Sergeeva O. Yu.
Bitcoin as a tool of the world payment system
Takmakova E. V.
Classification of social standards, norms and regulations
Gorlova I. R., Musina D. R., Boldyrev E. S.
Improvement of procurement procedures in oil and gas enterprise
Kamilyanova A. R.
Demographic policies: the case of the Republic of Bashkortostan
Bondarenko V. N.
Issues and problems of contemporary russian philosophy(article first)
Bondarenko G. V.
The principle of objectification of human being in the G. W. F. Hegel and Karl Marx’ theories in the light of onto-materialist conception of the world and the human being (Part 2)
Popov V. V., Muzyka O. A., Maksimova S. I.
Alternatively, future and social transformation
Lyashchenko M. N.
The phenomenon of loneliness of human development in the modern globalizing society: trends and “the future”
Khaziev Z. A., Neganov F. M.
Science as an organizer of a dialogue between man and nature
Gazizov R. R.
The power of emptiness and simplicity as a measure of progress towards the information universe
Evdokimenko M. V.
From the «pricelessness» of legal nihilism to the «value» of law
Galimova L. R.
Activity of the subject as a manifestation of the social dynamics of identity formation
Makartetskaya Yu. A.
The problem of subjective experience
Maksimova S. I.
Social transformation, instability of development and “service state»
Spartakyan N. S.
Personality development in terms of self-identification in the surrounding community
Shuralev A. V.
Modern methods of resolving conflicts between state and church, science and religion in the Russian Federation
Yakhin M. S.
Multi-ethnicity in terms of tolerance
Kirilenko V. P., Mishalchenko Yu. V., Alekseev G. V.
The american exceptionalism: from Monroe to Trump
Review for a monograph Farkhutdinov I. Z. “American doctrine of preventive strikes: from Monroe to Trump: international legal aspects”. - M.: EURASNIIP, 2017. - 338 p.
Gavrilov V. V., Dremlyuga R. I.
United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea: A Commentary /ed. By Alexander Proelss. C. H. Beck, Hart, Nomos, 2017. 2617 pp.
M.Kh. Mataeva:
From constitutional ideas to th econstitutions of Kazakhstan and Central Asian countries
Interview with Mataeva Maigul Khafisovna, Ph.D. in Law,
Vice-rector for research and commercialization of new technologies of the Kazakh Humanitarian Law Innovative University, Semey
Shumeyko E.G., Mishalchenko Yu.V.
Public-private partnership analysis in the international and Russian legal frameworks
Bekyashev D.K.
The flag state’s role in combating illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing: international legal aspects
Abdulkader K.
Specificity of organs of the executive power in Syria
Alieva M.N., Makhmudov M.R.
The resolution of internal armed conflicts as an implementation of the principle of the peaceful settlement of international disputes in modern realities
Zyablitceva S.A., Kuzmenko Yu.A.
Expansion of the boundaries of a materic shelf
Isaeva M.Kh.
International l egal aspects against the smuggling of migrants within the United Nations
Andriyanov D.V.
Flag state responsibility for violation of human rights in the light of the practice of the European court of human rights
Kotlova A.V.
Legal analysis of the treaty between the Russian Federation and the Kingdom of Norway concerning maritime delimitation and cooperation in the Barents Sea and the Arctic Ocean
Kvachakhiya R.G.
The concept of forced migration
Rakhimov K.H.
The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) as an international intergovernmental organization
Begicheva K.Yu.
Record keeping by EU financial institutions: the regulation of activity
Maksurov A.A.
Coordination standards in the Charter of the Autonomy of Catalonia
Romanovskaya V.B., Gorylev A.I., Haddath E.
Implementation of the norms of Islam in the constitutions of Muslim States
Shamsutdinov R.R.
Information security legislative provision in the USA
Byrledianu D.V.
Specific of the admission to the bar in the United States
Grigorjeva M.A.
Countering corruption in Latin America
Makarenko A.K.
European systemic risk board
Haddath E.
The origin of the Amazigh: the early history of the Algerian state
Snetkov V.N., Mokhorova A.Yu.
Some aspects of implementation of migrant employment rights in CIS countries
Abrosimova E.A.
The concept of obligations in the law of Russia and foreign countries
Sarkisyan L.R.
The use of legal fiction in the laws of the United States and countries of the continental legal tradition
Abdujalilov A.
Conceptual approaches to general law paradigm of the internet
Jamborov A.A.
The concept of extremism and extremist activities in the Russian legislation and legal doctrine
Kuli-zade T.A.
Enforcement activities and models of decision-making in the legal sphere
Alekseev Yu.G.
The relationship and interaction between politics and morality
Kazanchyan L.A.
The concept of «personality» in the context of the legal status of the individual
Klimov I.P.
Anti-corruption regulations in the Czarist era
Aibatov M.M.
Land-legal relations in the North Caucasus in XIX century
Evseev I.V.
Concerning the formation of the soviet penal system in 1918–1930s, taking into account territorial peculiarities of the Urals
Migda N.S.
Normative and staffing support of government body in Moscow state
Petrenko M.N.
On theoretical bases and permissibility criteria of state-legal coercion
Safin A.Z.
Entry of the bashkir people into the Russian state: historical and legal aspects
Musayev S.A.
Features of the formation and development of Azerbaijani legislation in the Russian Empire
Yusupova Z.F.
Historical aspects of development of institute of inheritance of real estate in the russian civil law. (Part 1)
Temiraev A.V.
Problems of the direct effect of the Constitution of the Russian Federation
Zhamborov A.A.
Constitutional and legal bases of counteraction to extremism (by the example of the legislation of subjects of the Russian Federation)
Zlobina E.A.
The effectiveness and necessity of the state ideology
Bulaev M.A., Arslanbekova A.S.
Problems of legal regulation of the national payment system of the Russian Federation
Veretennikov N.N., Еkhokhina E.S.
The principles of equality and competition of parties during the consideration of the rulings (decisions) on cases of administrative offences
Kadyrov A.A.
The content of water relations
Komarova O.N.
Legal and administrative measures against illegal trafficking of drugs in the teenage environment
Sudakova O.V.
Codification of the transport legislation: problems and ways of solving them
Gornev R.V.
Principles of legal regulation of interaction between local governments and public associations
Shirshov K.A.
On the question of the effectiveness of the judicial protection of the rights of local self-government
Mehdiev E.T., Amantasheva A.T.
The main sources of environmental pollution in the activities of oil producing and refining enterprises
Tagaeva S. N., Alamova S. M.
Specifics of real estate as kinds of the contribution to authorized capital of limited liability company
Evstafjeva I. V., Rodionov L. A.
To the question of the conceptual apparatus of Art. 146 of the criminal code from the standpoint of civil law
Murtazaliev M. K., Osmanov O. A.
Ownership of religious organizations
Antonov V. F.
Moral issues of legal regulation
Galimov E. F.
The enforcement of the contract
Ochirov E. B.
Provision on the pledge of rights under bank account agreement in Civil Code of the Russian Federation
Papulov A. G.
The concept of the method of civil rights protection
Rustamov P. A.
Problems of civil rights in Russia and abroad
Malkerov V. B.
Some problems of development of science of labour law
Mokhorov D. A., Demidov V. P.
Some problems of labor migration in the conditions of development of the modern russian state
Shchennikov V. A.
Some problems category financial liability in the Russian labor law
Bayramov V. M., Bayramov S. V.
Professional standards in the field of physical culture and sports: controller-manager
Bagautdinov B. V.
Features of supervision over the activities of credit institutions
Korobova A. P., Azarkhin A. V., Kuzmina A. V.
To the question of financial responsibility in the system of legal liability
Proshin V. M.
Features of preventive work on tax crimes
Zatsepin A. M., Filippova O. V.
Delimitation of extortion from robbery, robbery and arbitrariness
Zaynullinа Z. F.
Features of the qualification of smuggling, stipulated by art. 200.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation by an official using his official position
Gadjeva A. A., Balachova A. D.
Responsibility for assault: a critical assessment of the latest changes
Levashova O. V., Goricheva V. L.
Forms and methods of social prevention of juvenile delinquency
Magomedov M. I.
Guilt in crimes in the sphere of currency treatment, provided for by art. 193, 193.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation
Yanovskiy R. S.
Legal regulation of additional checking of crime report
Gichibekov M. S.
To the question about the subject of crime
Gadjeva A. A., Magomedov M. I.
Problems of improving criminal liability for kidnapping:regional aspects
Fasolya P. V.
The use of the institute of community service in criminal law of foreign countries
Agasieva A. R.
On the concept of a suspect in the criminal process of Russia
Ivanova S. V., Burasheva D. K.
Psychology and pedagogical conditions of correction and resocialization of convicts as means of their future socialization
Korobova I. N., Davydova I. A.
Control over the activities of institutions and bodies executing punishment: problems of legal regulation
Strigin M. Yu.
The conditions for the deferment of serving the punishment for the addict
Baychorova F. Kh.
Criminological characteristics of the situative type of the personality of women-crimes
Vinogradov A. A.
Especially the disclosure of the stolen car in hot pursuit
Voevodina I. V.
Urgent investigative actions in the legislation of Russia and the Russian Federation: a retrospective comparative legal study
Bondar A. G.
Problematic issues in the field of detection of crimes and offences for suppression of illegal gambling activities
Radzabadieva M. G.
About criminalistic characteristics of tax crimes
Tatarinov R. A.
About problems of application of article 5 of the Federal law of 12.08.1995 No. 144-FZ “About operational search activity”, in part destruction of the phonograms and other materials received as a result of listening of telephone and other negotiations of persons at fight against corruption crimes
Adelgildina M. Z.
The investigator and a psychologist – procedural and non-procedural interactions during the investigation of crimes involving minors
Bagautdinova A. I.
Criminalistic characteristics of murders committed by juveniles with special cruelty
Davletov A. I.
Features of carrying out a search in the investigation of extremist crimes
Globa M. V.
On the structure of the judicial legal position
Marchenko S. V.
The expressive impact of laws logic in the speeches of trial orators
Podusovskaya V. V.
«Competition of claims» for the protection of property rights
Shalamova I. A.
Realization of the rights of citizens to an equitable proceeding
Tsyganova T. A.
The role of the Court of the Russian Federation in the legal policy of the state
Burenkova E. A.
Procedural hurdles in the decision-making system qualification collegiums of judges
Vlasov D. A.
On the effectiveness of measures to combat corruption crimes
Belotserkovich D. V., Banina V. S.
Legal analysis of the regional legislation of the far eastern federal district regulating the procedure of anti-corruption expertise
Sheriev A. M.
The role of the prosecutor’s office for the coordination of activities of subjects of combating extremism and terrorism (in the example of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic)
Aripshev A. M.
The danger of extremism for the society
Izotova A. N.
Certain issues of ensuring the secrecy of communication
Golubchikov S. V., Novikov V. K., Baranova A. V.
Legal framework for the protection of sensitive information
Mayorov V. I., Polyakova S. V.
Creation of the threatening situation as the risk of safety of road traffic participants
Gorovenko S. V.
Managing the risk of the incorrect first aid in traffic accident
Aripshev A. M.
Extremism as an element of terrorism
Kumysheva M. K.
The problem of motivating suicide bombers
Romanovskaya I. V.
Psychological and legal grounds for the manifestation of aggression by employees of operational units
Tomas A. V., Zhelonkin V. V., Vasilkova E. V.
Application of the functional all-around technology for the physical improvement of future police officers
Gedugoshev R. R.
Improvement of skills in possession of firearms by police officers
Golubev A. G.
Problems of teaching economy enrolled in the direction of preparation “jurisprudence”
Karimov Z. Sh., Karimova G. R.
On the essence of formation of cognitive motives in the conditions of modern federal state educational standards
Maremukov R. B.
Pedagogical workshop and its importance in the educational process of educational organizations of the MIA of Russia
Abramov S. G.
Ontological foundations of social norms and economic basis in the implementation of strategic public administration.(theoretical hypotheses of social systems development)
Akimov N. A., Yashchenko V. V., Konaykov M. A.
Development of normative legal regulation of the sphere of public procurement in the Russian Federation from the position of application of best international practices
Belocerkovich D. V., Vlasov V. A.
Problems of the institute of appeals of citizens to the public bodies of executive power and ways of their decision
Gabieva S. M., Abakarova Z. A.
The interaction of the State Duma and the legislative bodies of the Subjects of the Russian Federation
Kichalyuk O. N., Egorov A. O.
To the question of the legal status of the authorized representative of the president of the Russian Federation in the federal district
Lanovоy V. G.
Typology and classification of states: the concept, problems and value
Vildanov R. R., Fayzullina I. I.
The formation of the modern russian parliament –the Federal Assembly
Kravets Yu. A.
Application satellite navigation system “era-GLONASS”
Tolikova E. E., Zhuravlev M. S.
Cluster approach to innovative development of Eurasian Economic Union state members
Gorbova I. N., Karaeva E. N., Tomilina Yu. V.
Demographic and social factors of improve of competitiveness of the region
Gudyreva L. V.
Effective communication technologies as instrument of increase in competitiveness of the organizations of culture and leisure
Koreva O. V., Sinitsyna E. V.
Legal aspects of development of investment activities in the conditions of innovative development and formation of digital economy
Akchulpanov Yu. K.
Economic development of the region: theory and problems of evaluation of its level
Matveeva N. V.
Features of the customs procedure of customs transit at the present stage
Maksimova K. L.
The labor market of the Far East: changes from theperspective of the creation of “Territories of rapid socio-economic development” and free port “Vladivostok”
Ponomareva T. K., Vasiljeva Yu. P.
World oil prices and their impact on Russia’s monetary policy
Sergeeva O. Yu.
Bitcoin as a tool of the world payment system
Takmakova E. V.
Classification of social standards, norms and regulations
Gorlova I. R., Musina D. R., Boldyrev E. S.
Improvement of procurement procedures in oil and gas enterprise
Kamilyanova A. R.
Demographic policies: the case of the Republic of Bashkortostan
Bondarenko V. N.
Issues and problems of contemporary russian philosophy(article first)
Bondarenko G. V.
The principle of objectification of human being in the G. W. F. Hegel and Karl Marx’ theories in the light of onto-materialist conception of the world and the human being (Part 2)
Popov V. V., Muzyka O. A., Maksimova S. I.
Alternatively, future and social transformation
Lyashchenko M. N.
The phenomenon of loneliness of human development in the modern globalizing society: trends and “the future”
Khaziev Z. A., Neganov F. M.
Science as an organizer of a dialogue between man and nature
Gazizov R. R.
The power of emptiness and simplicity as a measure of progress towards the information universe
Evdokimenko M. V.
From the «pricelessness» of legal nihilism to the «value» of law
Galimova L. R.
Activity of the subject as a manifestation of the social dynamics of identity formation
Makartetskaya Yu. A.
The problem of subjective experience
Maksimova S. I.
Social transformation, instability of development and “service state»
Spartakyan N. S.
Personality development in terms of self-identification in the surrounding community
Shuralev A. V.
Modern methods of resolving conflicts between state and church, science and religion in the Russian Federation
Yakhin M. S.
Multi-ethnicity in terms of tolerance
Kirilenko V. P., Mishalchenko Yu. V., Alekseev G. V.
The american exceptionalism: from Monroe to Trump
Review for a monograph Farkhutdinov I. Z. “American doctrine of preventive strikes: from Monroe to Trump: international legal aspects”. - M.: EURASNIIP, 2017. - 338 p.
Gavrilov V. V., Dremlyuga R. I.
United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea: A Commentary /ed. By Alexander Proelss. C. H. Beck, Hart, Nomos, 2017. 2617 pp.
Shumeyko E. G., Mishalchenko Yu. V.
Public-private partnership analysis in the international and Russian legal frameworks
The present research article provides an overview of the public-private partnership institute. Moreover, it concentrates on implementation and development of public-private partnership in the countries with different legal frameworks, in particular Russia, Brazil, USA, UK and France.
The present research article provides an overview of the public-private partnership institute. Moreover, it concentrates on implementation and development of public-private partnership in the countries with different legal frameworks, in particular Russia, Brazil, USA, UK and France.
Keywords: international law, public-private partnership, concession agreement, private finance initiative.
Bekyashev D. K.
Bekyashev D. K.
The flag state’s role in combating illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing: international legal aspects
The special role of the flag state in combating illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing is noted in the article. The international legal norms establishing of the flag state obligations to their fishing vessels, as well as voluntary acts are analyzed. Particular attention is paid to the history of development, adoption, consideration of the Voluntary Guidelines on Flag State Performance adopted by FAO in 2014. The problems with insufficient compliance by states with existing international legal norms with regard to the obligations of the flag state are emphasized, the negative role of the states providing "flags of convenience" in the combating illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing is underlined.
The special role of the flag state in combating illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing is noted in the article. The international legal norms establishing of the flag state obligations to their fishing vessels, as well as voluntary acts are analyzed. Particular attention is paid to the history of development, adoption, consideration of the Voluntary Guidelines on Flag State Performance adopted by FAO in 2014. The problems with insufficient compliance by states with existing international legal norms with regard to the obligations of the flag state are emphasized, the negative role of the states providing "flags of convenience" in the combating illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing is underlined.
Keywords: fisheries; flag state; obligation of the flag State; responsibility of the flag State; international law; Illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing (IUU); combating IUU fishing; «flags of convenience».
Work bibliographic list
1. Bekjashev D. K., Bekjashev K. A. Mezhdunarodno-pravovye problemy bor'by s nezakonnym rybolovstvom:monografija. – M.: Prospekt, 2016. – 480 s.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bekjashev D. K., Bekjashev K. A. Mezhdunarodno-pravovye problemy bor'by s nezakonnym rybolovstvom:monografija. – M.: Prospekt, 2016. – 480 s.
2. Bekjashev D. K., Bekjashev K. A. 2009. Kodeks vedenija otvetstvennogo rybolovstva i vozmozhnosti ego primenenija v Rossijskoj Federacii // Rybnoe hozjajstvo.– 2009. – # 4. – S. 57-62.
3. Ohanov A. A., Bekjashev D. K. V ramkah FAO razrabotan novyj mezhdunarodnyj dokument po bor'be s NNN-promyslom // Rybnoe hozjajstvo. – 2013. – # 3.– S. 24-28.
4. S nachala goda za brakon'erstvo na Dal'nem vostoke zaderzhano 60 sudov [Jelektronnyj resurs] – Rezhim dostupa: - Data obrashhenija 27.12.2017.
5. Sostojanie mirovogo rybolovstva i akvakul'tury. 2010. FAO. Rim. 2010. - 235 s.
6. Norway comments. Draft Criteria for Flag State Performance; Geographical Scope of Application –Norwegian Input [Jelektronnyj resurs] – Rezhim dostupa: - Data obrashhenija 28.12.2017.
7. The State on food and agriculture. FAO. Rome.2016. – 200 p.
Abdulkader K.
Specificity of organs of the executive power in Syria
The article is dedicated to the specifics of the executive power in Syria. The structure of the executive power, its components (central and local administration) are considered. Its role and functions are emphasized as well. Special attention is paid to the differences between the executive power in Syria and the executive power in a number of other states. A comparative analysis was conducted based on the examples of other states.
The article is dedicated to the specifics of the executive power in Syria. The structure of the executive power, its components (central and local administration) are considered. Its role and functions are emphasized as well. Special attention is paid to the differences between the executive power in Syria and the executive power in a number of other states. A comparative analysis was conducted based on the examples of other states.
Keywords: Syria, executive power, central administration, president, council of ministers, governor, local administration.
Work bibliographic list
1. Konstitucija Sirii 1973 goda. – [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: http://worldconstitutions. ru/?p=85
Work bibliographic list
1. Konstitucija Sirii 1973 goda. – [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: http://worldconstitutions. ru/?p=85
2. Konstitucija Sirii 2012 g. – [Jelektronnyj resurs]. –Rezhim dostupa:
3. Zakon # 15 o mestnoj administracii Sirii ot 1971 goda. – [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
4. Zakon # 107 o mestnoj administracii Sirii ot 2011 goda. – [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
5. Zakon # 5 o vseobshhih vyborah v Sirii ot 2014 goda. –[Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
6. Zakon # 20 ot 16.05.2017 «O rabote Soveta ministrov». – [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: -تايحالص/ 359ءارزولا-سلجم
7. Ukaz Prezidenta # 203 ot 03.07.2016 «O novoj strukture Soveta ministrov Sirii». – [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: ةيلاحلا-ةموكحلا/ 5774
8. Baranov D. A. Transformacija politicheskoj sistemy Sirijskoj Arabskoj Respubliki v uslovijah vooruzhennogo konflikta // Vestnik Finansovogo universiteta. – 2017. – # 1. – S. 80-85.
9. Gerasimov V. Po opytu Sirii // Voenno-promyshlennyj kur'er. – 2016. – # 9. – [Jelektronnyj resurs]. –Rezhim dostupa:
10. Nahili S. Administrativnoe pravo - obshhie principy. – 2012. – # 1. – S. 145-148. – [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
Alieva M. N., Makhmudov M. R.
The resolution of internal armed conflicts as an implementation of the principle of the peaceful settlement of international disputes in modern realities
The article deals with the problems of resolving internal armed conflicts as a mechanism for implementing the principle of peaceful settlement of international disputes. The aim of the article is to study the change in the concept and importance of the resolution of an internal armed conflict in the context of globalization with the economic, cultural and social integration of states. Considerable attention is paid to the reasons underlying the conflict and the problems of their elimination. The relevance of the article stems from the growing number of internal armed conflicts in the context of contemporary realities and their tendency to flow into international conflicts. The authors analyzed the most important issues of determining the status of the parties to an internal armed conflict and the problem of applying the norms of humanitarian law to armed groups. The result of the study is the formulation of conclusions and proposals for improving the mechanism for resolving internal armed conflicts.
The article deals with the problems of resolving internal armed conflicts as a mechanism for implementing the principle of peaceful settlement of international disputes. The aim of the article is to study the change in the concept and importance of the resolution of an internal armed conflict in the context of globalization with the economic, cultural and social integration of states. Considerable attention is paid to the reasons underlying the conflict and the problems of their elimination. The relevance of the article stems from the growing number of internal armed conflicts in the context of contemporary realities and their tendency to flow into international conflicts. The authors analyzed the most important issues of determining the status of the parties to an internal armed conflict and the problem of applying the norms of humanitarian law to armed groups. The result of the study is the formulation of conclusions and proposals for improving the mechanism for resolving internal armed conflicts.
Keywords: internal armed conflict, globalization, internationalized armed conflict, humanitarian law, economic integration, belligerent status, the principle of the peaceful settlement of international disputes.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ustav Organizacii Ob"edinennyh Nacij. San-Francisko, 26 ijunja 1945 goda. Oficial'nyj sajt OON. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 01.12.2017 g.).
Work bibliographic list
1. Ustav Organizacii Ob"edinennyh Nacij. San-Francisko, 26 ijunja 1945 goda. Oficial'nyj sajt OON. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 01.12.2017 g.).
2. Dopolnitel'nyj Protokol k Zhenevskim konvencijam ot 12 avgusta 1949 g., kasajushhijsja zashhity zhertv mezhdunarodnyh vooruzhennyh konfliktov nemezhdunarodnogo haraktera (Protokol II) ot 8 ijunja 1977 g. Informacionno-pravovoj portal «Garant». [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 03.12.2017 g.).
3. Alferova E. V. Vooruzhennyj konflikt nemezhdunarodnogo haraktera: mezhdunarodno-pravovoj aspekt //Social'nye i gumanitarnye nauki. Otechestvennaja i zarubezhnaja literatura. Serija 4: Gosudarstvo i pravo. Referativnyj zhurnal. 2014. # 3.
4. Vetrjuk M. S., Folomeev Ju. N., Makarov V. A. Vnutrennie vooruzhennye konflikty i vozmozhnye puti ih reshenija // Novaja nauka: Sovremennoe sostojanie i puti razvitija. 2017. # 3.
5. Grishhenko A. A. Transformacija sushhnosti gosudarstvennogo suvereniteta pod vlijaniem globalizacii/ Sb. trudov konf. «Prava cheloveka: istorija, teorija, praktika». Kursk, 2015.
6. Kal'chenko N. V. Nekotorye problemy pravovogo regulirovanija dejatel'nosti, soprjazhennoj s ogranicheniem prava na zhizn' uchastnikov vooruzhennyh konfliktov nemezhdunarodnogo haraktera // Vestnik Volgogradskoj Akademii MVD Rossii. 2015. # 2 (33).
7. Nikiforov A. A. Idei teorii globalizacii i vzgljady ee predstavitelej v oblasti jekonomiki i upravlenija // Nauchnyj zhurnal NIU ITMO. Serija: Jekonomika i jekologicheskij menedzhment. 2015. # 3.
8. Halliste O. V. Rol' istoricheskoj pamjati v «zashhitnom» jetnicheskom konflikte: aktualizacija travmy social'noj identichnosti // Truda Sankt-Peterburgskogo Gosudarstvennogo Instituta Kul'tury. 2015. Tom 208.
Zyablitceva S. A., Kuzmenko Yu. A.
Expansion of the boundaries of a materic shelf
The article deals with the relations that develop within the framework of the use of the continental
The article deals with the relations that develop within the framework of the use of the continental
shelf, as well as the representation of the Russian Federation on the expansion of the outer limits of the continental shelf in the Arctic Ocean.
Keywords: leasing, insurance business risks, insurance, leasing risks, protection of the interests
of the parties in the lease agreement.
Work bibliographic list
1. Konvencija Organizacii Ob"edinennyh Nacij po morskomu pravu [UNCLOS] [zakljuchena v g. Montego–Bee 10.12.1982]. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
Work bibliographic list
1. Konvencija Organizacii Ob"edinennyh Nacij po morskomu pravu [UNCLOS] [zakljuchena v g. Montego–Bee 10.12.1982]. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
2. Grechenkova O. Ju. Problema protivodejstviju jekocida kak prestupleniju protiv mira i bezopasnosti chelovechestva // ISOiP (filial) DGTU, 2014. 98 s.
3. Zjabliceva S. A., Shahverdieva O. Z. Pravovoj rezhim iskljuchitel'noj jekonomicheskoj zony i kontinental'nogo shel'fa // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2017. # 1 (104). S. 46-48
4. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
5. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
Isaeva M. Kh.
International legal aspects against the smuggling of migrants within the United Nations
The article presents the analysis of the current system of combating migrant smuggling, formed on the basis of the United Nations.
The article presents the analysis of the current system of combating migrant smuggling, formed on the basis of the United Nations.
Underlines the extreme urgency of the problem of illegal migration, describes the basic stages of the legal consolidation of countering it at the UN level. Special attention is paid to the Protocol against the smuggling of migrants by land, sea and air, supplementing the Convention United Nations against transnational organized crime, for which formal-legal method. Is characterized by the value of this document for international cooperation. Based on the analysis of the current situation identified problematic aspects on the basis of existing UN regulatory framework, the necessity of its further improvement, in order to optimize international cooperation to combat the illegal transportation of migrants.
Emphasizes without any alternative tools, created at the UN level for a constructive solution to the problem of this aspect.
Keywords: the smuggling of migrants the United Nations Protocol against the smuggling of migrants by land, sea and air, supplementing the Convention United Nations against transnational organized crime, international cooperation.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bekjashev D. K. Nezakonnyj vvoz migrantov po morju:mezhdunarodno-pravovye aspekty // LEX RUSSICA.2006. # 4. S. 770-780.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bekjashev D. K. Nezakonnyj vvoz migrantov po morju:mezhdunarodno-pravovye aspekty // LEX RUSSICA.2006. # 4. S. 770-780.
2. Bekjashev D. K., Ivanov D. V. Mezhdunarodno-pravovoe regulirovanie vynuzhdennoj i trudovoj migracii:monografija. M.: Prospekt, 2013. 392 s.
3. Bekjashev D. K., Isaeva M. H. Sotrudnichestvo gosudarstv po bor'be s nezakonnoj perevozkoj migrantov po Sredizemnomu morju: mezhdunarodno-pravovye aspekty // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2017.# 2 (105). S. 42-46.
4. Ivanov D. V., Bekjashev D. K. Jekologicheskaja migracija naselenija: mezhdunarodno-pravovye aspekty. M.:Aspekt Press, 2013. 176 s.
5. Materialy Konferencii uchastnikov Konvencii Organizacii Ob"edinennyh Nacij protiv transnacional'noj organizovannoj prestupnosti 18 ijulja 2017 g. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija 23.12.2017).
6. Pooshhrenie i zashhita prav cheloveka, vkljuchaja puti i sposoby pooshhrenija prav migrantov na 68-j sessii OON (3–4 oktjabrja 2013g.): doklad General'nogo sekretarja OON [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: migration/
resources.shtml (data obrashhenija 23.12.2017).
7. Romashev Ju. S., Ostrouhov N. V. Migracija na more: mezhdunarodno-pravovye i organizacionnye aspekty // Pravo. Zhurnal Vysshej shkoly jekonomiki. 2016.# 1. S. 149-165.
Andriyanov D. V.
Flag state responsibility for violation of human rights in the light of the practice of the European court of human rights
This article is concerned with the question of the Flag state responsibility for violation of international law in accordance with practice of the European court of human rights. The author highlights the peculiarities of this responsibility, concerns the problem of the territories, the extraterritorial jurisdiction, the genuine link to the vessel and the flag state.
This article is concerned with the question of the Flag state responsibility for violation of international law in accordance with practice of the European court of human rights. The author highlights the peculiarities of this responsibility, concerns the problem of the territories, the extraterritorial jurisdiction, the genuine link to the vessel and the flag state.
Keywords: international law of the sea, international responsibility, the flag state, human rights, ECHR, jurisdiction, genuine link, territoriality, ship.
Work bibliographic list
1. Arechaga Je. H. de. Sovremennoe mezhdunarodnoe pravo.Per. s isp. M., 1983. 480 c.
Work bibliographic list
1. Arechaga Je. H. de. Sovremennoe mezhdunarodnoe pravo.Per. s isp. M., 1983. 480 c.
2. Bekjashev K. A. Suda pod udobnymi flagami podryvajut osnovy racional'nogo ispol'zovanija vodnyh biologicheskih resursov // Mezhdunarodnoe morskoe pravo. Stat'i pamjati A. L. Kolodkina / Sost. R. A. Kolodkin, S. M. Punzhin. M.: Statut, 2014. S. 347-369.
3. Kovler A. I. Moral'nyj suverenitet pered licom «gosudarstvennogo suvereniteta» v evropejskoj sisteme zashhity prav cheloveka // Mezhdunarodnoe pravosudie. 2013. # 3. S. 52-63.
4. Kolodkin A. L. Nacional'nost' morskogo sudna i princip real'noj svjazi // Sovetskij ezhegodnik mezhdunarodnogo prava. 1961. M., 1962. C. 227-240.
5. Lukashuk I. I. Pravo mezhdunarodnoj otvetstvennosti. M., 2004. 432 s.
6. D’Andrea A. The «The genuine link» Concept in Responsible Fisheries: Legal Aspects and Recent Develop-ments // FAO Legal, Papers. 2006.
7. Myron H. Nordquist, Shabtai Rosenne, Satya N. Nandan. United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, 1982: A Commentary. Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1995.
Kotlova A. V.
Legal analysis of the treaty between the Russian Federation and the Kingdom of Norway concerning maritime delimitation and cooperation in the Barents Sea and the Arctic Ocean
The International Conference on the issues of the Arctic deployment and shelf projects, the role of Arctic world’s energy demands, legal framework in deployment of shelf projects, worldwide experience in geological exploration and drilling under the difficult conditions of the Arctic with the use of innovative technologies, transport and service infrastructure, environmental safety and international cooperation will be held in February 2018. The annual event organisation devoted to the Arctic issues emphasizes the extreme importance of such topic in the agenda of many states. In the lead-up to the scheduled Conference it is important to recall experience of two countries, namely the Russian Federation and the Kingdom of Norway, in dispute resolution and the most important questions due to the national interests of two states.
The International Conference on the issues of the Arctic deployment and shelf projects, the role of Arctic world’s energy demands, legal framework in deployment of shelf projects, worldwide experience in geological exploration and drilling under the difficult conditions of the Arctic with the use of innovative technologies, transport and service infrastructure, environmental safety and international cooperation will be held in February 2018. The annual event organisation devoted to the Arctic issues emphasizes the extreme importance of such topic in the agenda of many states. In the lead-up to the scheduled Conference it is important to recall experience of two countries, namely the Russian Federation and the Kingdom of Norway, in dispute resolution and the most important questions due to the national interests of two states.
In this article essential features of the Treaty concerning maritime delimitation and cooperation in the Barents Sea and the Arctic Ocean will be reviewed, the results achieved according to the signing of the Treaty along with the impact of economic sanctions in respect of Russia’s performance of the Treaty will be also analysed.
Keywords: international law of the Sea, the Arctic, sanctions, the Arctic states, the Arctic Ocean.
Work bibliographic list
1. Dogovor mezhdu Rossijskoj Federaciej i Korolevstvom Norvegija o razgranichenii morskih prostranstv i sotrudnichestve v Barencevom more i Severnom Ledovitom okeane ot 15.09.2010 g.
Work bibliographic list
1. Dogovor mezhdu Rossijskoj Federaciej i Korolevstvom Norvegija o razgranichenii morskih prostranstv i sotrudnichestve v Barencevom more i Severnom Ledovitom okeane ot 15.09.2010 g.
2. Soglashenie o sovmestnyh merah kontrolja za rybnym promyslom i regulirovanii rybolovstva v smezhnom uchastke Barenceva morja ot 11.01.1978 g.
3. Krivorotov A. K. Neravnyj razdel popolam: k podpisaniju rossijsko-norvezhskogo dogovora o razgranichenii v Arktike // Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta #2. Mezhdunarodnye otnoshenija i mirovaja politika. M., 2011.
4. Georges Labrecque. «A qui l’Arctique?: droit international des frontiers maritime». Edition Yvons Blais, une division de Thomas Reuters Canada Limitee, 2012
Kvachakhiya R. G.
The concept of forced migration
The article by summarizing such terms as «refugee», «displaced persons», «asylum» and also on the basis of consideration of basic migration issues the author brings the definition of forced migration issues the author deduces the definition of forced migration and proposes appropriate amendments to provisions of the Convention relating to the status of refugees 1951.
The article by summarizing such terms as «refugee», «displaced persons», «asylum» and also on the basis of consideration of basic migration issues the author brings the definition of forced migration issues the author deduces the definition of forced migration and proposes appropriate amendments to provisions of the Convention relating to the status of refugees 1951.
Keywords: forced migration, refugee, displaced person, asylum.
Work bibliographic list
1. Konstitucija Rossijskoj Federacii ot 12.12.1993 goda (s uchetom popravok, vnesennyh Zakonami RF o popravkah k Konstitucii RF ot 30.12.2008 goda #6-FKZ, ot 30.12.2008 goda # 7-FKZ, ot 05.02.2014 goda #2-FKZ, ot 21.07.2014 goda # 11-FKZ). // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. 2014. # 31. St. 4398.
Work bibliographic list
1. Konstitucija Rossijskoj Federacii ot 12.12.1993 goda (s uchetom popravok, vnesennyh Zakonami RF o popravkah k Konstitucii RF ot 30.12.2008 goda #6-FKZ, ot 30.12.2008 goda # 7-FKZ, ot 05.02.2014 goda #2-FKZ, ot 21.07.2014 goda # 11-FKZ). // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. 2014. # 31. St. 4398.
2. Vseobshhaja deklaracija prav cheloveka ot 10.12.1948 goda // Rossijskaja gazeta. 1995. # 67.
3. Konvencija o statuse bezhencev (Vmeste s «Kommentariem», «Obrazcom proezdnogo dokumenta») ot 28.07.1951 goda // Bjulleten' mezhdunarodnyh dogovorov. 1993. # 9. S. 6-28.
4. Deklaracija GA OON #2312 (XXII) «O territorial'nom ubezhishhe» ot 14 dekabrja 1967 goda. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija 10.12.2017g.).
5. Rukovodjashhie principy po voprosu o peremeshhenii lic vnutri strany Prinjaty v 1998 godu. Sostavleny Predstavitelem General'nogo sekretarja po voprosu o vnutrenne peremeshhennyh licah. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:: (data obrashhenija 10.12.2017g.). Federal'nyj zakon ot 19.02.1993 goda #4528-1 (red. ot 22.12.2014 goda) «O bezhencah». // Vedomosti SND i VS RF. 1993. # 12. St. 425.
6. Zakljuchenie Upravlenija Verhovnogo komissara OON po delam bezhencev ot 07.10.1994 g. # 75 (XLV)— 1994 god: Lica, peremeshhennye vnutri strany.[Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija 10.12.2017g.).
7. Doklad Verhovnogo komissara OON po delam bezhencev. Za period s 1 ijulja 2013 goda po 30 ijunja 2014 goda. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija 10.12.2017).
8. Doklad Verhovnogo komissara OON po delam bezhencev. Za period s 1 ijulja 2016 goda po 30 ijunja 2017 goda. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija 10.12.2017).
9. Doklad Predstavitelja General'nogo sekretarja po voprosu o pravah cheloveka vnutrenne peremeshhennyh lic Val'tera Kelina. 5 janvarja 2010 goda // A/HRC/13/21. P. 53.
10. Zorin N. A. Pravovoe regulirovanie vynuzhdennoj vneshnej migracii v Rossijskoj Federacii. Dis. ...kand. jurid. nauk. 12.00.01. M. 2002. 172c.
11. Kiseleva E. V. Mezhdunarodno-pravovoe regulirovanie migracii. Uchebnoe posobie. M. 2012.
12. Koncepcija gosudarstvennoj migracionnoj politiki Rossijskoj Federacii na period do 2025 goda //Dokument opublikovan ne byl. SPS «Konsul'tant pljus».
13. Lajtman V. I. Razgranichenie ponjatij «bezhenec» i «migrant» v mezhdunarodnom prave // Politika, jekonomika i social'naja sfera: problemy vzaimodejstvija. 2016. # 5. S. 25-29.
14. Motyzhev V. V. Problemy opredelenija kategorial'nogo apparata ponjatija «vynuzhdennyj migrant» //Obshhestvo i pravo. 2007. # 4. S. 69-72.
15. Narodonaselenie: jenciklopedicheskij slovar' //Pod. red. G. G. Melik'jan. M. Bol'shaja Rossijskaja jenciklopedija. 1994.
16. Rezoljucija GA OON ot 1946 goda «O bezhencah».[Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija 10.12.2017g.).
17. Pagulich R. Pereselency iz Donbassa stradajut ot problem, kotorye chetyre goda nikto ne reshaet. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija 10.10.2017g.).
18. Ovcharenko A. V. Problemy vnutrenne peremeshhennyh lic. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
peremeshchennykh-lits (data obrashhenija 10.12.2017 g.).
Rakhimov K. H.
The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) as an international intergovernmental organization
The establishment and the development of the SCO has created a new international security order in which such Principles like Common Trust, liquidation of destructive arms and cooperation among states members are enshrined. China and Russia have laid down a new form of international cooperation together with Central Asian countries in economical and security areas. The SCO has reached a high level of cooperation among the states members. That success has draw attention of the all international community to the SCO. Many of them are attempted to cooperate with SCO.
The establishment and the development of the SCO has created a new international security order in which such Principles like Common Trust, liquidation of destructive arms and cooperation among states members are enshrined. China and Russia have laid down a new form of international cooperation together with Central Asian countries in economical and security areas. The SCO has reached a high level of cooperation among the states members. That success has draw attention of the all international community to the SCO. Many of them are attempted to cooperate with SCO.
The article is dealing with the status and the international legal aspects of the SCO as an International Regional Organization. The article analyzes the complex legal basic instruments and mechanisms of the SCO. The process of the institutional development, the Principles and the particularity and the mode of international cooperation and security are highlighted.
Keywords: history of the creation of the SCO, SCO institutes, Regional security, international security, SCO Charter, Law of international organizations, economical and humanitarian cooperation.
Work bibliographic list
1. Akataeva A. A. Shanhajskaja organizacija Sotrudnichestva kak faktor regional'noj bezopasnosti // NATO i Central'naja Azija: regional'naja i nacional'naja bezopasnost' i strategicheskoe partnerstvo. – Almaty: KazNU im. Al'-Farabi, 2003. – S. 55-60.
Work bibliographic list
1. Akataeva A. A. Shanhajskaja organizacija Sotrudnichestva kak faktor regional'noj bezopasnosti // NATO i Central'naja Azija: regional'naja i nacional'naja bezopasnost' i strategicheskoe partnerstvo. – Almaty: KazNU im. Al'-Farabi, 2003. – S. 55-60.
2. Barskij K. ShOS: novoe slovo v mirovoj politike //Mezhdunarodnaja zhizn'. - 2014. – # 8.
3. Zholamanova G. E. Integracionnye processy v ramkah ShOS kak faktor stabil'nosti i bezopasnosti v Central'noaziatskom regione: avtoref. dis. … kand. polit. nauk: 23.00.04: KNU im. al'-Farabi. – Almaty:2013.
4. InfoShOS. Kompan'on": Shanhajskaja organizacija sotrudnichestva.
5. Kurylev K. P., Rahimov K. H. EAJeS kak novyj tip integracii na prostranstve SNG: problemy i perspektivy razvitija // Vestnik TNU (nauchnyj zhurnal).– 2016. – # 3/6(211). –S. 88-93.
6. Poteenko A. G. Shanhajskaja organizacija sotrudnichestva v regional'noj sisteme bezopasnosti central'no-aziatskih gosudarstv (politiko-pravovoj aspekt):avtoref. dis. ... kand. polit. nauk: 23.00.04: Ros. akad.nar. hoz-va i gos. sluzhby pri Prezidente RF. – M.,
7. Pravo mezhdunarodnyh organizacij: uchebnik / pod red. A. H. Abashidze. – M.: RUDN, 2016.
8. Rahimov K. H. Perspektivy integracii Tadzhikistana v EAJeS // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. – 2016. – #3 (94). – S. 31-33.
9. Streshnev R. Sammit – impul's sotrudnichestvu [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija 07.01.2018).
10. Troickij M. A. Mezhdunarodnaja i nacional'naja bezopasnost': sovremennaja koncepcija i praktika. –M.: MGIMO, 2016.
11. Cygankov A. P. Mezhdunarodnye otnoshenija: tradicii russkoj politicheskoj mysli. – M.: Al'fa-M;Infra-M, 2013.
12. Iskandarov A. Security and Integration in Central Asia: the CSTO and SCO // Central Asia and the Caucasus, 2013, no. 2. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. - Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija 01.12.2018).
Begicheva K. Yu.
Record keeping by EU financial institutions: the regulation of activity
In order to confirm compliance with legislative requirements, it is always necessary to provide information stored in a proper way. This requirement is especially relevant for the financial sector, where the activities of companies are constantly monitored by the competent authorities. The EU legislation follows the path of creating the same requirements for professional securities market participants throughout the Union. At first, the most common requirements are established, but later they become more specific. Such requirements include keeping of records. In this article the patterns of development of EU law in this area from the first acts to the MiFID II, which entered into force in 2018, are examined. At the earliest stages of the formation of the requirement to keep records, the EU indicated a range of issues that should be addressed to the competent authorities. Subsequently, the Member States of the EU no longer had the right to establish the requirement
In order to confirm compliance with legislative requirements, it is always necessary to provide information stored in a proper way. This requirement is especially relevant for the financial sector, where the activities of companies are constantly monitored by the competent authorities. The EU legislation follows the path of creating the same requirements for professional securities market participants throughout the Union. At first, the most common requirements are established, but later they become more specific. Such requirements include keeping of records. In this article the patterns of development of EU law in this area from the first acts to the MiFID II, which entered into force in 2018, are examined. At the earliest stages of the formation of the requirement to keep records, the EU indicated a range of issues that should be addressed to the competent authorities. Subsequently, the Member States of the EU no longer had the right to establish the requirement
for record keeping in full, discretion was possible only in some areas. MiFID II was adopted as the logical continuation of the previous acts, expanding both the scope of activities subject to regulation and the requirements themselves.
Keywords: record keeping, EU, MiFID, MiFID II, market in financial instruments, EU financial law.
Work bibliographic list
1. Kas'janov R. A. Obshhie tendencii pravovogo regulirovanija rynka cennyh bumag v Evropejskom sojuze //Zakony Rossii: opyt, analiz, praktika. 2013. # 4.
Work bibliographic list
1. Kas'janov R. A. Obshhie tendencii pravovogo regulirovanija rynka cennyh bumag v Evropejskom sojuze //Zakony Rossii: opyt, analiz, praktika. 2013. # 4.
2. Kas'janov R.A. Rynki finansovyh instrumentov v Evropejskom sojuze: pravovye osnovy regulirovanija //Zakony Rossii: opyt, analiz, praktika. 2015. # 9.
3. Semiljutina N. G. Rossijskij rynok finansovyh uslug (formirovanie pravovoj modeli). M.: Volters Kluver, 2005.
4. Ozjumenko M. V. Reforma direktivy «O rynkah finansovyh instrumentov» (MiFID) i ejo znachenie dlja finansovyh rynkov ES // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2014. # 1 (68).
5. Danny Busch, Guido Ferrarini. Regulation of the EU Financial Markets. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017.
6. Marcel C. A. Nieuwenhuijzen. Financial Law in the Netherlands. The Netherlands: Kluwer Law International BV, 2010.
7. Niamh Moloney. EU Securities and Financial Markets Regulation. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014.
8. Ed Sautter. FSA`s proposals on telephone recording: widening the horizon? // Journal of Securities Compliance. 2007. # 2.
Maksurov A. A.
Coordination standards in the Charter of the Autonomy of Catalonia
The article deals with the problems of fixing coordination norms in the constitution of one of the
The article deals with the problems of fixing coordination norms in the constitution of one of the
countries of Europe. The material is of interest as a positive foreign experience and the possibility of its use in Russia.
Keywords: coordination, constitutional norms, international cooperation, information, authorization.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ustav Avtonomii Katalonii. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
Work bibliographic list
1. Ustav Avtonomii Katalonii. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
Romanovskaya V. B., Gorylev A. I., Haddath E.
Implementation of the norms of Islam in the constitutions of Muslim States
Theocratic, clerical and secular state, whose population is Muslim, differ from other political
Theocratic, clerical and secular state, whose population is Muslim, differ from other political
regimes, the form of government, as specified in their basic laws - the status of religion. As the object of study selected States with different regimes and the degree of tolerance as Saudi Arabia, Iran, Bahrain, Pakistan, Jordan, Algeria. Fundamental differences in political life and however, the similarity in views on culture, art, education, science, family, inheritance, judicial matters, interpersonal relations and many other aspects of life allow us to unite these States in the framework of the civilizational approach, see General and special, and to examine diametrically different paths of development of Muslim countries.
Keywords: Constitution, basic law, Islam, Sharia, law, government.
Work bibliographic list
1. Gorylev A. I., Jashnov A. I. Osobennosti konstitucionnogo (gosudarstvennogo) prava v islamskih gosudarstvah // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2014. # 8 (75). S. 158-164.
Work bibliographic list
1. Gorylev A. I., Jashnov A. I. Osobennosti konstitucionnogo (gosudarstvennogo) prava v islamskih gosudarstvah // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2014. # 8 (75). S. 158-164.
2. Dannye CRU. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 17.01.2018 g.).
3. Konstans Zhorzhu. Novyj vzgljad na zhizn' Proroka (na arabskom jazyke). Dar al arabija lil' mausuad. Tom 1. 1983.
4. Konstitucii gosudarstv (stran) mira. Konstitucija gosudarstva Bahrejn. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 17.01.2018 g.).
5. Konstitucii gosudarstv (stran) mira. Konstitucija Iordanskogo Hashimitskogo korolevstva. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 17.01.2018 g.).
6. Konstitucii gosudarstv (stran) mira. Osnovnoj Nizam (polozhenie) korolevstva Saudovskaja Aravija. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija 17.01.2018 g.).
7. Konstitucija Islamskoj Respubliki Iran. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija 17.01.2018 g.).
8. Musa, Muhammad Jusuf. Sistema vlasti v Islame (na arabskom jazyke). Kair, b/g. S. 15-16. Izd-vo Dom arabskoj mysli (v perevode avtorov).
9. Rais, Muhammed Dajaaadin. Politicheskie islamskie teorii (na arabskom jazyke). Kair, 1980. S. 17-18. Izd-vo Biblioteka doma kul'tury (v perevode avtorov).
Shamsutdinov R. R.
Information security legislative provision in the USA
The article examines the information security legislative aspects in the United States of America.
The article examines the information security legislative aspects in the United States of America.
The state secrets security institute of the United States, commercial secrets legislative security provision as well as identity security provision in the US, are analyzed.
Keywords: information, information security, information security legislative provision, United States of America, state secrets, commercial secrets, identity.
Work bibliographic list
1. Averchenkov V. I. Sistemy zashhity informacii v vedushhih zarubezhnyh stranah: ucheb. posobie dlja vuzov /V. I. Averchenkov, M. Ju. Rytov, G. V. Kondrashin, M. V.Rudanovskij. – Brjansk: BGTU, 2007. – 225 s.
Work bibliographic list
1. Averchenkov V. I. Sistemy zashhity informacii v vedushhih zarubezhnyh stranah: ucheb. posobie dlja vuzov /V. I. Averchenkov, M. Ju. Rytov, G. V. Kondrashin, M. V.Rudanovskij. – Brjansk: BGTU, 2007. – 225 s.
2. Sistemy zashhity informacii v vedushhih zarubezhnyh stranah. Ch. 1: uchebnoe posobie v 2 ch. / K. K. Borzunov, N. I. Zhuravlenko, V. E. Kadulin, A. S. Ovchinskij. – M.: Mos. UMVD Rossii, 2013. – 161 s.
3. Turner S. Burn Before Reading: Presidents, CIA Directors, and Secret Intelligence. – New York City: Hyperion Books, 2006. – 320 p.
Byrledianu D. V.
Specific of the admission to the bar in the United States
This article is devoted to the issues of admission to the State bars and discussed the main requirements to the candidates and about the ability practice law in few states at the same time.
This article is devoted to the issues of admission to the State bars and discussed the main requirements to the candidates and about the ability practice law in few states at the same time.
Keywords: US Law, legal education, practice of law, American Bar Association, State bar, Reading the Law, Uniform Bar Examination.
Work bibliographic list
1. Delo Bates v. State Bar of Arizona, 433 U.S. 350 (1977).[Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
Work bibliographic list
1. Delo Bates v. State Bar of Arizona, 433 U.S. 350 (1977).[Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
2. Oficial'nyj sajt Nacional'nogo soveta jekzamenatorov SShA. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
3. Pravila priema v Associaciju juristov shtata Arizona. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
4. Pravila priema v Associaciju juristov shtata Virdzhinija. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
5. Pravila priema v Associaciju juristov shtata Dzhordzhija. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
6. Pravila priema v Associaciju juristov shtata Kalifornija. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
7. Pravila priema v Associaciju juristov shtata Michigan. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
8. Pravila priema v Associaciju juristov N'ju-Dzhersi [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
9. Pravila priema v Associaciju juristov shtata N'ju-Jork. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
10. Pravila provedenija programmy «Chtenie zakona» v shtate Virdzhinija. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
11. California Bar Examination: Information and History. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
12. Irwin R. Kramer. Common Character Concerns: Are You Fit to Admit? [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
13. Jonathan D. Glater. Finding Debt a Bigger Hurdle Than Bar Exam // New York Times. [Jelektronnyj resurs].– Rezhim dostupa: business/02lawyer.html?_r=1&scp=1&sq=lawyer%20debt%20character%20and%20fitness%20denied&st=cse
Grigorjeva M. A.
Countering corruption in Latin America
This article analyzes the possible causes of corruption in Latin American countries (Mexico, Colombia, Argentina), the current situation, as well as the legal and political measures taken by the governments of these countries to eradicate corruption and offset the negative consequences.
This article analyzes the possible causes of corruption in Latin American countries (Mexico, Colombia, Argentina), the current situation, as well as the legal and political measures taken by the governments of these countries to eradicate corruption and offset the negative consequences.
Keywords: corruption, national anti-corruption system, anti-corruption legislation, legal responsibility.
Work bibliographic list
1. Corruption and Oversight in Latin America / Juan ManuelGalán Pachón (S. 3). [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 20.01.2018 g.).
Work bibliographic list
1. Corruption and Oversight in Latin America / Juan ManuelGalán Pachón (S. 3). [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 20.01.2018 g.).
2. Decreto 202/2017 Publicado en el Boletín Oficial del 22-mar-2017. Número: 33590 (data obrashhenija: 24.01.2018 g.).
3. Ley General del Systema Nacional Anticorrupcion. Publicada en Diario Oficial de la Federacion 18-07-2016.\ articulo 3. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 20.01.2018 g.).
TRANSNACIONAL y SE DICTAN OTRAS DISPOSICIONES EN MATERIA DE LUCHA CONTRA LA CORRUPCiÓN. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: DEL%2002%20DE%20FEBRERO%20DE%202016.pdf (data obrashhenija: 20.08.2017 g.).
5. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:;jsessionid=4119A19A19173FA1974C07BE9AC1B6EF?id=272923 (data obrashhenija: 20.01.2018 g.).
6. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: obrashhenija: 20.01.2018 g.).
Makarenko A. K.
European systemic risk board
The article presents an overview of one of the bodies of the European Union system of financial supervision - European systemic risk Board (ESRB). ESRB was created as a result of the reform carried out by the European Commission in 2011, which, in turn, was caused by the financial crisis, which had a serious negative impact on the EU economy and revealed deficiencies in the financial control system of the Union.
The article presents an overview of one of the bodies of the European Union system of financial supervision - European systemic risk Board (ESRB). ESRB was created as a result of the reform carried out by the European Commission in 2011, which, in turn, was caused by the financial crisis, which had a serious negative impact on the EU economy and revealed deficiencies in the financial control system of the Union.
The author examines the mechanisms of prevention of risks, their potential consequences, as well as issues related to ESRB accountability. The article also presents evaluations by various experts of the ESRB activity results at the moment.
Keywords: European committee on system risks, European system of financial supervision, financial control, financial regulation, macroprudential risks.
Work bibliographic list
1. Kas'janov R. A. Organizacija dejatel'nosti finansovyh reguljatorov v Evropejskom sojuze // Vestnik MGIMO-Universiteta. 2012. # 6.
Work bibliographic list
1. Kas'janov R. A. Organizacija dejatel'nosti finansovyh reguljatorov v Evropejskom sojuze // Vestnik MGIMO-Universiteta. 2012. # 6.
2. Oficial'nyj sajt Evropejskogo komiteta po sistemnym riskam. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
3. Press-reliz ot 23 sentjabrja 2009 g. - «Novaja arhitektura finansovogo nadzora: voprosy i otvety po Evropejskomu komitetu po sistemnym riskam/makronadzor»// IP/09/1374.
4. Press-reliz ot 29 janvarja 2016 g. – «Sohranjaja finansovuju stabil'nost' v Evrope»// IP/04/136 [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
5. Reglament Evropejskogo parlamenta i Soveta # 1092/2010 ot 24.11.2010 po makroprudencial'nomu nadzoru za finansovoj sistemoj ES i uchrezhdajushhij EKPSR//
(franc. versija)
6. Reglament Soveta # 1096/2010 ot 17/11/2010, vozlagajushhij opredelennye zadachi na ECB otnositel'no funkcionirovanija EKSR. [Jelektronnyj resurs].– Rezhim dostupa: versija)
7. Stanislavishin P. Evropejskij sovet po sistemnym riskam – viden'e VS dejstvitel'nost' // Oficial'noe izdanie Opol'skogo Universiteta, Pol'sha
Haddath E.
The origin of the Amazigh: the early history of the Algerian state
The author reveals the untold story of the people of Amazon, which since prehistoric times to this day resides in the territory of North African States. The author refutes the theory of the origin of this nation from the Arabs and the Europeans, pointing out their political bias, and proving identity amaterskog people in the concrete historical facts.
The author reveals the untold story of the people of Amazon, which since prehistoric times to this day resides in the territory of North African States. The author refutes the theory of the origin of this nation from the Arabs and the Europeans, pointing out their political bias, and proving identity amaterskog people in the concrete historical facts.
Keywords: Berbers, Arabs, Amazigh, civilization Lybian, state.
Work bibliographic list
1. Abdul Rahman Mohammed al'-Dzhailali. Istorija Alzhira. T. 1. Dar al'-Umma, 2010.
Work bibliographic list
1. Abdul Rahman Mohammed al'-Dzhailali. Istorija Alzhira. T. 1. Dar al'-Umma, 2010.
2. Ali Imam Ibn Kasir. Tahkik Mustafa Abdel' Vahed. Biografija proroka T. 1. Bejrut: Dar Al'-Marefaa, 1976.
3. Ali Imam Ibn Kasir. Tahkik Mustafa Abdel' Vahed. Biografija. b/m, b/g.
4. Ali Imam Shamsaddin Izzahabi (1274 - 1348). Hussam addin il'-Kudsi. Biografija proroka. b/m, b/g. S. 1.
5. Alim Imam al'-Tabari, Tahkik d. Bashar Avuad Ma- aruf, Isam Fares al'-Harstani. Tolkovanie Korana. T.VII. Muassasat al'-Risala. 1994. S. 569.
6. Alim Imam ibn Kasir (700 - 774 po hidzhre). Nachalo i konec. T. 4. – S. 264-273.
7. Amina Shejh Sulejman Ahmed, Saleh Ali Jel'saleh. Iskonno arabskaja leksika. Jer-Rijad: 1401 (po hidzhre). S.67
8. Dzhamal' Abd Jel'hadi D. Otkryte Egipta. Dar al'-uafaa. 1999. S.14-32.
9. Koran Sura # 106
10. Muhammad ibn Abu Bakr, Abdulla Ibn Musa, Al'-Ansari Talmansani (izvesten kak al'-Barri, umer v 645 g. po hidzhre). Tahkik Muhammad al'-Tunzhi. Rodoslovnaja proroka Mohammeda i ego desjateryh druzej. Jer-Rijad: Dar Irifai. 1983. S. 7-8.
11. Omar Ibn Reda Ibn Mohammed Ragib Ibn Abd Il'gani Kuhala (umer v 1408 godu po hidzhre). Bejrut: 1994.549 s. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: ةليبق-ناليع-سيق/ثوحبلا (data obrashhenija 15.12.2017).
12. Osman al'-Saadi D. Alzhir v istorii. Dar al'-Uma, 2013.
13. Osman al'-Saadi D. Alzhir v istorii. Dar al'-Uma, 2013. 885 s.
14. Politicheskaja karta mira. [Jelektronnyj resurs].– Rezhim dostupa: obrashhenija 15.12.2017).
15. Saleh Farkus D. Istorija Alzhira: ot predystorii k nezavisimosti. Osnovnye jetapy. Dar al'-Ulum. 2005.
16. Safi al'-Rahman al'-Mubarkfuri. Zapechatannyj nektar. Dar Ih'jaaa Attoras. b/m, b/g.
17. Talal Mishaal'. Otkryvatel' Shama. 2017. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:ماشلا_دالب_حتاف_وه_نم (data obrashhenija 15.12.2017).
18. Tafsir al'-Tabari, Tafsir Ibn Kasir, Tafsir Il'bugi. Interpretacija sury kurajshitov. Proekt jelektronnogo Korana. Universitet Korolja Sauda. URL: QURAN.KSU (data obrashhenija 15.12.2017).
19. Hakim al'-Materi D. Otvet al'-Materi al'-Ansari. London: Dar Hakam. 1998. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija 15.12.2017).
20. Harun Jah'ja. Zaterjannye nacii. Perevod: Mejsun Nahlavi. Muassasat al'-Risala. b/m, b/g.
21. Amnesty Magazine. 2005. P. 51-53.
22. Dann Devine. How long is generation // Ancestry Magazine. Volume 23. Number 4. Sep-Oct 2005. P. 51-53.
Snetkov V. N., Mokhorova A. Yu.
Some aspects of implementation of migrant employment rights in CIS countries
The problems of regulating the processes of labor migration are very relevant in the territory of the CIS countries. There is a variety of legal methods of influencing migration flows between the states of the Commonwealth, objectively there are prohibitive methods and ways of influencing the performance of labor activity by citizens of foreign powers within the framework of this interstate association. The imperfection of the legal regulation of the rights of foreigners on the territory of other states aggravates a number of problems that negatively affect the results of economic activity of labor migrants.
The problems of regulating the processes of labor migration are very relevant in the territory of the CIS countries. There is a variety of legal methods of influencing migration flows between the states of the Commonwealth, objectively there are prohibitive methods and ways of influencing the performance of labor activity by citizens of foreign powers within the framework of this interstate association. The imperfection of the legal regulation of the rights of foreigners on the territory of other states aggravates a number of problems that negatively affect the results of economic activity of labor migrants.
Keywords: labor migration, rights of labor migrants, restrictions on labor migrants' rights, legal
status of migrants, state regulation of labor migration.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ermolina M. A., Kagarmanova A. I., Matveeva E. V., Nozdrunov A. V., Obojmova N. T. Social'no-gumanitarnye problemy sovremennosti: politika, socium, kul'tura. Krasnojarsk, 2012. - Tom 2. - S. 218-220.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ermolina M. A., Kagarmanova A. I., Matveeva E. V., Nozdrunov A. V., Obojmova N. T. Social'no-gumanitarnye problemy sovremennosti: politika, socium, kul'tura. Krasnojarsk, 2012. - Tom 2. - S. 218-220.
2. Mohorov D. A., Demidov V. P. Upravlenie chelovecheskimi resursami v uslovijah sozdanija innovacionnogo jekonomicheskogo prostranstva Rossii // Problemy jekonomiki i upravlenija v torgovle i promyshlennosti. - 2015. - # 3 (11). - S. 99-101.
3. Demidov V. P., Mohorova A. Ju. Ugolovnaja politika RF: teoretiko-metodologicheskij aspekt // Aktual'nye problemy nauki i praktiki. - 2016. - # 3 (004).- S. 18-27.
4. Mohorova A. Ju., Mohorov D. A. Pravovye aspekty konfliktologii // Problemy jekonomiki i upravlenija v torgovle i promyshlennosti. - 2013. -# 3. - S. 96-99.
5. Farhutdinov I. Z. Migracionnyj izlom Evrazii //Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. - 2017. - # 2 (105).- S. 8-9.
Abrosimova E. A.
The concept of obligations in the law of Russia and foreign countries
Author deals with the legal definition of obligations in the law of different foreign countries as well as back in the Roman law. Different definitions are compared to each other and to the Russian definition.
Author deals with the legal definition of obligations in the law of different foreign countries as well as back in the Roman law. Different definitions are compared to each other and to the Russian definition.
Keywords: obligations, nature of obligations, civil code, foreign civil law.
Sarkisyan L. R.
Sarkisyan L. R.
The use of legal fiction in the laws of the United States and countries of the continental legal tradition
The author holds comparative legal analysis of legal fictions in the legislation of the countries of the continental law and the United States. The application of the legal fiction takes its origin from the time of Hammurabi, Roman law, and to this day it is reflected in legislative acts of modern society, thereby influencing not only private law, but it is also involved in the development of certain legal institutions.
The author holds comparative legal analysis of legal fictions in the legislation of the countries of the continental law and the United States. The application of the legal fiction takes its origin from the time of Hammurabi, Roman law, and to this day it is reflected in legislative acts of modern society, thereby influencing not only private law, but it is also involved in the development of certain legal institutions.
Keywords: legal fiction, legal equipment, rule of law, legislative equipment the fiction in international law.
Work bibliographic list
1. Baranova E. A. K voprosu o ponjatii edinogo ob"ekta nedvizhimosti v grazhdanskom prave Germanii // Zakonodatel'stvo i jekonomika. 2004. # 12.
Work bibliographic list
1. Baranova E. A. K voprosu o ponjatii edinogo ob"ekta nedvizhimosti v grazhdanskom prave Germanii // Zakonodatel'stvo i jekonomika. 2004. # 12.
2. Grazhdanskoe Ulozhenie Germanii (Buergerliches Gesetzbuch Deutsches). M.: Volters Kluver, 2004.
3. Konstitucii zarubezhnyh gosudarstv. M.: Bek, 1997.
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Abdujalilov A.
Conceptual approaches to general law paradigm of the internet
The article is devoted to one of the most urgent problems of modern jurisprudence - the topic of theoretical Internet research. The author, on the basis of many years of research, scientifically substantiates the provision on the further theoretical inconsistency of the information paradigm of the Internet. According to the author, the existing paradigm of the theory of the Internet can not theoretically substantiate many phenomena occurring in virtual space, since the current level of development of the theory of the Internet is characterized by a huge accumulation of facts and their interpretation at a higher level. For these reasons, for the further theoretical study of the Internet, the so-called general legal paradigm is proposed.
The article is devoted to one of the most urgent problems of modern jurisprudence - the topic of theoretical Internet research. The author, on the basis of many years of research, scientifically substantiates the provision on the further theoretical inconsistency of the information paradigm of the Internet. According to the author, the existing paradigm of the theory of the Internet can not theoretically substantiate many phenomena occurring in virtual space, since the current level of development of the theory of the Internet is characterized by a huge accumulation of facts and their interpretation at a higher level. For these reasons, for the further theoretical study of the Internet, the so-called general legal paradigm is proposed.
Keywords: Internet, virtual space, theory, paradigm, private law, public law, information model, general legal paradigm.
Work bibliographic list
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Jamborov A. A.
The concept of extremism and extremist activities in the Russian legislation and legal doctrine
The author of this article on the basis of analysis of Russian legislation and special scientific literature and defines the theoretical concept and the contents of extremism and extremist activity in the Russian legislation and legal doctrine.
The author of this article on the basis of analysis of Russian legislation and special scientific literature and defines the theoretical concept and the contents of extremism and extremist activity in the Russian legislation and legal doctrine.
Keywords: the concept of extremism, terrorism, extremists proved, rotor activity, the essence of extremism.
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon ot 06.03.2006 # 35-FZ (red. ot 06.07.2016) «O protivodejstvii terrorizmu» (s izm. i dop., vstup. v silu s 01.01.2017).
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2. Borisov S. V. Prokurorskij nadzor za ispolneniem zakonov o protivodejstvii jekstremistskoj dejatel'nosti:avtoreferat dis. ... kand. jurid. nauk. Moskva, 2011. 23 s.
3. Zhamborov A. A. Sovremennoe rossijskoe zakonodatel'stvo kak instrument protivodejstvija prestuplenijam jekstremistskoj napravlennosti // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2017. # 7 (110). S. 247-249.
4. Hlebushkin A. G. Prestupnyj jekstremizm: ponjatie, vidy, problemy kriminalizacii i penalizacii:Avtoref. dis. ... kand. jurid. nauk. Saratov, 2007. 27 s.
5. Chattaev A. R. Jekonomicheskie i pravovye determinanty terrorizma, kak social'no-politicheskogo fenomena // Probely v rossijskom zakonodatel'stve. # 3 (2017).
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Kuli-zade T. A.
Enforcement activities and models of decision-making in the legal sphere
Abstract. This article considers basic models of decision-making in the legal sphere as the final phase of enforcement. The conclusion about the admissibility of the application of a General theory of managerial decisions in law enforcement.
Abstract. This article considers basic models of decision-making in the legal sphere as the final phase of enforcement. The conclusion about the admissibility of the application of a General theory of managerial decisions in law enforcement.
Keywords: law, law enforcement, decision procedural decision, the normative model a descriptive model, the intuition.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bahrah D. N. Administrativnoe pravo Rossii: ucheb.dlja vuzov. M., 2000.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bahrah D. N. Administrativnoe pravo Rossii: ucheb.dlja vuzov. M., 2000.
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Alekseev Yu. G.
The relationship and interaction between politics and morality
In this research work, the relationship between the two regulators of social relations is examined and disclosed, directly in the process of their existence. It is important to note that the interconnection of these two vital elements (politics and morality) is realized through the interweaving of the main principles into life. It can also be said that these components in the course of their existence have quite similar functions, which in turn are aimed at the moral education of individuals and society as a whole. Their difference lies in the sources of their management.
In this research work, the relationship between the two regulators of social relations is examined and disclosed, directly in the process of their existence. It is important to note that the interconnection of these two vital elements (politics and morality) is realized through the interweaving of the main principles into life. It can also be said that these components in the course of their existence have quite similar functions, which in turn are aimed at the moral education of individuals and society as a whole. Their difference lies in the sources of their management.
Keywords: morality and politics, morality of politics, the relationship, similarities and differences in politics and morality, the perception of politics in society.
Work bibliographic list
1. Gusejnov A. A. Moral' / Obshhestvennoe soznanie i ego formy. - M., 1986.
Work bibliographic list
1. Gusejnov A. A. Moral' / Obshhestvennoe soznanie i ego formy. - M., 1986.
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Kazanchyan L. A.
The concept of «personality» in the context of the legal status of the individual
In this scientific article the author examines in detail the features of the concept of «personality» in the context of the legal status of the individual. In particular, the biosocial features of the personality and its interdependence with the concept of «behavior» are revealed.
In this scientific article the author examines in detail the features of the concept of «personality» in the context of the legal status of the individual. In particular, the biosocial features of the personality and its interdependence with the concept of «behavior» are revealed.
Keywords: the legal status of the individual, the state, society, rights, behavior, bioethics, the biosocial essence of personality.
Work bibliographic list
1. Barzilova Ju. V. Pravovoj status lichnosti v svete sovremennyh realij // Novaja pravovoja zhizn'. M., 2005. # 3.
Work bibliographic list
1. Barzilova Ju. V. Pravovoj status lichnosti v svete sovremennyh realij // Novaja pravovoja zhizn'. M., 2005. # 3.
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Klimov I. P.
Anti-corruption regulations in the Czarist era
The present research explores the anti-corruption legal framework in pre-revolutionary Russia. It states that initially anti-corruption measures were of an episodic, local nature and were set out in separate articles of consolidated normative documents. Attempts at a system approach to fighting corruption began to be made only in the 18th century, when regulations began to be developed and complex measures of influence on corruption (criminal, administrative, moral and psychological) were introduced. The most significant sources of law are analyzed. The research arrives at conclusion about the degree of effectiveness of measures taken and the reasons for the persistence of corruption.
The present research explores the anti-corruption legal framework in pre-revolutionary Russia. It states that initially anti-corruption measures were of an episodic, local nature and were set out in separate articles of consolidated normative documents. Attempts at a system approach to fighting corruption began to be made only in the 18th century, when regulations began to be developed and complex measures of influence on corruption (criminal, administrative, moral and psychological) were introduced. The most significant sources of law are analyzed. The research arrives at conclusion about the degree of effectiveness of measures taken and the reasons for the persistence of corruption.
Keywords: corruption, bribery, venality, covetousness, extortion, favoritism, anti-corruption legislation, regulations.
Work bibliographic list
1. Akimova N. V. Istoki korrupcii i osobennosti bor'by s nej v Rossii XIV–XVII vekov // Istorija gosudarstva i prava. 2008. # 8.
Work bibliographic list
1. Akimova N. V. Istoki korrupcii i osobennosti bor'by s nej v Rossii XIV–XVII vekov // Istorija gosudarstva i prava. 2008. # 8.
2. Varfalomeeva N. P. Istoricheskij opyt bor'by s korrupciej // Osnovy jekonomiki, upravlenija i prava. 2013. # 5.
3. Zajonchkovskij P. A. Pravitel'stvennyj apparat samoderzhavnoj Rossii v XIX v. M., 1978.
4. Kallinskaja O. E. Osobennosti vozniknovenija i razvitija organizovannoj prestupnosti v dorevoljucionnoj Rossii // Jurisprudencija. T. 20. # 4.
5. Kachkina T. B., Kachkin A. V. Korrupcija i osnovnye jelementy strategii protivodejstvija ej: uchebnoe posobie. Ul'janovsk: Oblastnaja tipografija «Pechatnyj dvor», 2010.
6. Kurakin A. V. Administrativno-pravovye sredstva preduprezhdenija i presechenija korrupcii v sisteme gosudarstvennoj sluzhby (istorija i sovremennost')// Gosudarstvo i pravo. 2002. # 9.
7. Larina O. G., Sheveleva S. V. Pravovoj opyt Rossii v svete protivodejstvija korrupcii: istorija i sovremennost' // Kriminologicheskij zhurnal Bajkal'skogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta jekonomiki i prava. 2013. # 3.
8. Maksimov S. V. Korrupcija v Rossii. Ufa: Ufimskij filial Akademii nalogovoj policii FSNP RF, 2000.
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Aibatov M. M.
Land-legal relations in the North Caucasus in XIX century
The article analyzes the main forms of land ownership and land use, legal regulation of land relations among the peoples of the North Caucasus in XIX century It is noted that the main forms of land ownership and land use were feudal land tenure, private ownership of peasant land and communal ownership of land, where the dominant position has become customary ownership of land, which was the transition stage from family to individual ownership. A special form of feudal tenure, which existed mainly in Dagestan, was endowment land (land of mosques). The land use was regulated by the norms of ADAT, although separate Nations existed different interpretations of the land law, reflecting specific features of land ownership in individual companies.
The article analyzes the main forms of land ownership and land use, legal regulation of land relations among the peoples of the North Caucasus in XIX century It is noted that the main forms of land ownership and land use were feudal land tenure, private ownership of peasant land and communal ownership of land, where the dominant position has become customary ownership of land, which was the transition stage from family to individual ownership. A special form of feudal tenure, which existed mainly in Dagestan, was endowment land (land of mosques). The land use was regulated by the norms of ADAT, although separate Nations existed different interpretations of the land law, reflecting specific features of land ownership in individual companies.
Keywords: feudal land tenure, land use, community lands, tuhum, family, the community, the Jamaat, customary law, mulki, the endowment lands, enslaving rent, rents, feudal relations.
Work bibliographic list
1. Magomedov R. M. Obshhestvenno-jekonomicheskij i politicheskij stroj Dagestana v XVIII – nachale XIX v. Mahachkala, 1967. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 05.01.2017 g.).
Work bibliographic list
1. Magomedov R. M. Obshhestvenno-jekonomicheskij i politicheskij stroj Dagestana v XVIII – nachale XIX v. Mahachkala, 1967. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 05.01.2017 g.).
2. Materialy po obychnomu pravu kabardincev: pervaja polovina XIX v. / sost. B. A. Gardanov. Nal'chik, 1956. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 05.01.2017 g.).
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4. RGVIA. F. 13454. Op. 2. D. 282. L. 11-30.
5. RGVIA. F. 13454. Op. 2. D. 282. L. 25.
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7. Surovkina N. A. Stanovlenie i razvitie zemel'nyh otnoshenij na Severnom Kavkaze v HIH v.: avtoref. dis.… kand. jurid. nauk. SPb., 2003. [Jelektronnyj resurs].– Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 04.02.2017 g.).
8. CGA Respubliki Dagestan. F. 2. Op. 2. D. 18. L. 14.
9. CGA Respubliki Dagestan. F. 21. Op. 1. D. 100. L. 115,118-121.
10. CGA Kabardino-Balkarskoj Respubliki. F. 24. Op. 1.D. 153. L. 21.
11. CGA Kabardino-Balkarskoj Respubliki. F. 40. Op. 1.D. 4. L. 475.
12. CGA Respubliki Dagestan. F. 150. Op. 1. D. 2. L. 1-4.
13. CGA Respubliki Dagestan. F. 105. Op. 1. D. 13. L. 60.
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Evseev I. V.
Concerning the formation of the soviet penal system in 1918–1930s, taking into account territorial peculiarities of the Urals
The Soviet penal system of the Ural was developed on the basis of the former extensive system of agencies of the chief of the provincial prison administration. It was an extensive system of open pits, mines are factory specialized institutions, prisons and mission-specific prisons or camps.
The Soviet penal system of the Ural was developed on the basis of the former extensive system of agencies of the chief of the provincial prison administration. It was an extensive system of open pits, mines are factory specialized institutions, prisons and mission-specific prisons or camps.
The Special Contingent as well as in tsarist times were divided into special categories according to penal battalions, the forced labor camp. The Soviet government only developed the existing correctional system. Forced «shrubs» correctional work was organized on the basis of our experience across the Ural thus compensating for the shortage of workers in the beginning of industrialization.
Keywords: prison, transit points, travel, prodcos, penalty Roth, camp, Central prison Department, home detention, labor camp.
Work bibliographic list
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Work bibliographic list
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22. OGAChO. - R-271. - Op. 1. - D. 57.
23. OGAChO. - R-271. - Op. 1. - D. 5.
24. OGAChO. F. R-138. - Op. 1. - D. 110.
25. OGAChO. F. R-138. - Op. 1. - D. 136.
26. OGAChO. F. R-401 (istoricheskaja spravka).
27. Ot tjurem k vospitatel'nym uchrezhdenijam. Sbornik statej / Pod obshh. red.: Vyshinskij A. Ja.; Redkol.:Apeter I. A., Berman Ja. L., Volkov G. I., Roginskij G. K., Shestakova A. F., Shljapochnikov A. S., Jestrin A. Ja. - M.: Sov. zakonodatel'stvo, 1934. - 452 c.
28. Penitenciarnoe delo v RSFSR za 1923 god (Po otchetu Glavnogo upravlenija mestami zakljuchenija Respubliki XI S"ezdu Sovetov) / I.M. // Sovetskoe pravo. - M., 1924. - # 3. - S. 119–121.
29. Pindjurin N. A. Sobljudenie revoljucionnoj zakonnosti v ispravitel'no-trudovyh uchrezhdenijah (oktjabr'1917 g. – 1920 g.) // Trudy VSh MVD SSSR. - M., 1957. - 278 s.
30. Policija i milicija Rossii: stranicy istorii. –M., 1995. – 318 s.
31. RGAJe. - F. 7733. - Op. 36. - D. 221. - L. 113.
32. Sistema mest zakljuchenija v RSFSR i SSSR. 1917–1930gg. - M., 2004. - S. 4.
33. Sbornik osnovnyh prikazov, cirkuljarov i instrukcij NKJu i NKVD RSFSR za 1918–1928 gg. o dejatel'nosti mest lishenija svobody. - M., 1959. - 283 s.
34. Smykalin A. S. Kolonii i tjur'my Sovetskoj Rossii. - Ekaterinburg, 1997. - 368 s.
35. Sol'c A. Nasha karatel'naja politika (obsledovanie moskovskih tjurem) // Pravda. - 1923. - # 187.
36. SU RSFSR. - 1925. - # 25.
Migda N. S.
Normative and staffing support of government body in Moscow state
The article is devoted to the analysis of the normative basis for ensuring the activities of officials in orders in the Moscow State in the 16th-17th century. In accordance with the Code of Law of 1550 and the Council of Bishops of 1649, the daily routine is determined in administrative state bodies. The characteristic of office work in orders is given. The powers and responsibility of the clerks and clerks in state bodies are considered.
The article is devoted to the analysis of the normative basis for ensuring the activities of officials in orders in the Moscow State in the 16th-17th century. In accordance with the Code of Law of 1550 and the Council of Bishops of 1649, the daily routine is determined in administrative state bodies. The characteristic of office work in orders is given. The powers and responsibility of the clerks and clerks in state bodies are considered.
Keywords: clerk, order, clerical work, Sudebnik 1550, Cathedral ordinance 1649, punishment.
Work bibliographic list
1. Zimin A. A. O sostave dvoreckih uchrezhdenij Russkogo gosudarstva 15-16 vv. // Istoricheskie zapiski. Tom 69. – M., 1958.
Work bibliographic list
1. Zimin A. A. O sostave dvoreckih uchrezhdenij Russkogo gosudarstva 15-16 vv. // Istoricheskie zapiski. Tom 69. – M., 1958.
2. Kopanev A. I., Man'kov A. G. Istoriko-pravovoj obzor zakonodatel'stva o central'nom i mestnom upravlenii // Pamjatniki russkogo prava. – M., 1963.
3. Sobornoe Ulozhenie 1649 goda / pod red. M. N. Tihomirova, P. P. Epifanova. – M.: Izdatel'stvo Moskovskogo universiteta, 1961.
4. Tatishhev V. N. Istorija Rossijskaja. – M., 2005.
5. Toropov A. I. Istorija zakonodatel'stva ob otvetstvennosti za vzjatochnichestva v Rossijskoj imperii// Advokat. – 2008. – # 9.
Petrenko M. N.
On theoretical bases and permissibility criteria of state-legal coercion
The author made an attempt to determine the categories of admissibility of the application of state-legal coercion, its theoretical grounds and criteria. On the basis of the obtained theoretical results, the state of domestic regulation of the most stringent measures of state enforcement of administrative and criminal legislation is analyzed, and the results of which justify the incompleteness of measures taken by the legislator for a preliminary analysis of the intensity of the impact of state power on public relations.
The author made an attempt to determine the categories of admissibility of the application of state-legal coercion, its theoretical grounds and criteria. On the basis of the obtained theoretical results, the state of domestic regulation of the most stringent measures of state enforcement of administrative and criminal legislation is analyzed, and the results of which justify the incompleteness of measures taken by the legislator for a preliminary analysis of the intensity of the impact of state power on public relations.
Keywords: state-legal coercion, bases of coercion, permissibility criteria of coercion, validity of coercion, adequacy of coercion, permissibility of coercion, justice.
Work bibliographic list
1. Vershinina S. I. K voprosu o juridicheskoj klassifikacii fakticheskih osnovanij primenenija mer gosudarstvennogo prinuzhdenija // Vektor nauki Tol'jattinskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Serija:Juridicheskie nauki. – 2010. – # 2 (2).
Work bibliographic list
1. Vershinina S. I. K voprosu o juridicheskoj klassifikacii fakticheskih osnovanij primenenija mer gosudarstvennogo prinuzhdenija // Vektor nauki Tol'jattinskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Serija:Juridicheskie nauki. – 2010. – # 2 (2).
2. Evseev I. V. Penitenciarnyj i ispravitel'no-trudovoj komponent v istorii Sovetskoj ugolovno-ispolnitel'noj sistemy. Vestnik omskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Serija «Pravo». – Omsk, 2011.– S. 26-29.
3. Petrenko M. N. O ponimanii v nauke gosudarstvennogo prinuzhdenija kak formy realizacii gosudarstvennoj vlasti // Pravovoe gosudarstvo: teorija i praktika. – 2016. – # 4 (46).
4. Finnis Dzh. Estestvennoe pravo i estestvennye prava. – M.: IRISJeN, 2012.
5. Finogentova O. E. Sootnoshenie prava i zakona v svete problemy pravovogo gosudarstva // Pravovoe gosudarstvo: teorija i praktika. – 2017. – # 48.
Safin A. Z.
Entry of the bashkir people into the Russian state:historical and legal aspects
This article is devoted to the description of the historical process, reasons and conditions of entrance of the Bashkir people into the Russian state. The process of joining Bashkir tribes into the structure of the Russian state occurred gradually for four years. This is evidenced by the agreement between the Bashkirs and Ivan IV which are preserved in the Bashkir «shezhere» and in the Russian Chronicles. The final stage of process of inclusion was the trip of the Bashkir representatives to Moscow in 1556-1557 where formal registration of this act took place. The Bashkirs agreed to be a part of Russia only on the terms of preservation of the patrimonial rights. The letter of grant of Ivan IV is actually a legal document confirming the entry of Bashkiria into the Russian state on a contractual basis. In fact it is the beginning of formation of the Russian state as Federation.
This article is devoted to the description of the historical process, reasons and conditions of entrance of the Bashkir people into the Russian state. The process of joining Bashkir tribes into the structure of the Russian state occurred gradually for four years. This is evidenced by the agreement between the Bashkirs and Ivan IV which are preserved in the Bashkir «shezhere» and in the Russian Chronicles. The final stage of process of inclusion was the trip of the Bashkir representatives to Moscow in 1556-1557 where formal registration of this act took place. The Bashkirs agreed to be a part of Russia only on the terms of preservation of the patrimonial rights. The letter of grant of Ivan IV is actually a legal document confirming the entry of Bashkiria into the Russian state on a contractual basis. In fact it is the beginning of formation of the Russian state as Federation.
Keywords: the Bashkirs, tribe, legally, politics, economics, rights.
Work bibliographic list
1. Aznabaev B. A. Specifika integracii Bashkirii v administrativnuju strukturu Rossijskogo gosudarstva // Vostok v istoricheskih sud'bah narodov Rossii.Kn. 1. Ufa, 2006.
Work bibliographic list
1. Aznabaev B. A. Specifika integracii Bashkirii v administrativnuju strukturu Rossijskogo gosudarstva // Vostok v istoricheskih sud'bah narodov Rossii.Kn. 1. Ufa, 2006.
2. Hrestomatija po istorii Bashkortostana. Ch. 1. Dokumenty i materialy s drevnejshih vremen do 1917 goda. Ufa, 2005.
Musayev S. A.
Features of the formation and development of Azerbaijani legislation in the Russian Empire
The article is devoted to the legal system of Azerbaijan within the Russian Empire in the XIX century, which until found in the Empire was based, first of all, on the principles of Islam and was regulated by the norms of the Sharia. The accession process had a positive impact on various spheres of life in the society of Azerbaijan of that time and, in particular, on the development of the system of law.
The article is devoted to the legal system of Azerbaijan within the Russian Empire in the XIX century, which until found in the Empire was based, first of all, on the principles of Islam and was regulated by the norms of the Sharia. The accession process had a positive impact on various spheres of life in the society of Azerbaijan of that time and, in particular, on the development of the system of law.
Keywords: state regulation, Legislation, law, codification and classification, legal system, norms of legal relations.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ahundov M. F. Izbrannoe; tri pis'ma indijskogo princa Kemal-ud-Dovle k Persidskomu princu Dzhelal-ud-Dovle. Baku: izd. AN Azerbajdzhanskoj SSR, 1982.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ahundov M. F. Izbrannoe; tri pis'ma indijskogo princa Kemal-ud-Dovle k Persidskomu princu Dzhelal-ud-Dovle. Baku: izd. AN Azerbajdzhanskoj SSR, 1982.
2. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
3. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: – Pravo Azerbajdzhana v XIX veke.
4. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: https://www. z a k o n . k z / 2 1 0 2 6 3 - o b - i s t o k a k h - m e s t n o g o -samoupravlenija-v.html
Yusupova Z. F.
Historical aspects of development of institute of inheritance of real estate in the russian civil law. (Part1)
In article the author analysis of development of institute of inheritance of real estate in the Russian civil law. The analysis of development of institute of inheritance of real estate in Russia, showed, its interrelation with development of a private property institution which in the Soviet period was actually cancelled, and subsequently gained the new development in the Civil code of the Russian Federation. Nevertheless, this institute, despite numerous innovations in the law of succession, didn't gain due development and still needs the subsequent it`s reforming.
In article the author analysis of development of institute of inheritance of real estate in the Russian civil law. The analysis of development of institute of inheritance of real estate in Russia, showed, its interrelation with development of a private property institution which in the Soviet period was actually cancelled, and subsequently gained the new development in the Civil code of the Russian Federation. Nevertheless, this institute, despite numerous innovations in the law of succession, didn't gain due development and still needs the subsequent it`s reforming.
Keywords: the law of succession, inheritance, real estate, civil law, hereditary legal relationship, sources of legal regulation, development stages, the earth, the enterprises, the state, the property right, inheritance for the law, inheritance according to the will, sequence.
Work bibliographic list
1. Hansi D. V. Istoricheskie aspekty nasledovanija (v dorevoljucionnoj, sovetskoj i sovremennoj Rossii)// Molodoj uchenyj. 2014. # 12. S. 217-224.
Work bibliographic list
1. Hansi D. V. Istoricheskie aspekty nasledovanija (v dorevoljucionnoj, sovetskoj i sovremennoj Rossii)// Molodoj uchenyj. 2014. # 12. S. 217-224.
2. Grazhdanskij kodeks RSFSR ot 31 oktjabrja 1922 g. //SU RSFSR. 1922. # 71. St. 904. (utratil silu).
3. Grazhdanskij kodeks RSFSR ot 11 ijunja 1964 g. // Vedomosti VS RSFSR. 1964. # 24, st. 407. (utratil silu).
4. Grishaev S. P. Nasledstvennoe pravo: uchebnoe posobie. M.: Prospekt. 2011. 125 s.
5. Chistjakov O. I. Rossijskoe zakonodatel'stvo X-XX vekov. V 9 t. M.: Jurid. lit., 1984. V 9-ti tomah. T. 1. Zakonodatel'stvo Drevnej Rusi. 432 s.
6. Isaev I.A. Istorija gosudarstva i prava Rossii: ucheb.4-e izd., pererab. i dop. M.: Prospekt, 2009. 797 s.
7. Nersesjanc V. S. Razvitie russkogo prava v XV - pervoj polovine XVII vv. M.: Nauka, 1986. 288 s.
8. Chistjakov O. I. Istorija otechestvennogo gosudarstva i prava. V 2-h chastjah, 3-e izd., pererab. i dop. M.:Jurist", 2005. Ch.1. 430 s.
9. Dekret VCIK ot 27 aprelja 1918 g. «Ob otmene nasledovanija» // SU RSFSR. 1918. # 34, st. 456 (utratil silu).
10. Plehanova V. V. Voprosy teorii i istorii ispolnenija zaveshhanij // // Aktual'nye problemy grazhdanskogo prava. Sbornik statej. M.: Statut, 2002. Vyp. 5. S. 237-290.
11. Dekret «O zemle» // Izvestija CIK. 1917. # 209. 28 oktjabrja.
Temiraev A. V.
Problems of the direct effect of the Constitution of the Russian Federation
The Article deals with the issue of the direct effect of the provisions of the Constitution of Russian Federation. Articles 15 and 76 of the Constitution still raise debates in doctrine. Different points of view of famous lawyers and scientists on the very questionare reviewed.
The Article deals with the issue of the direct effect of the provisions of the Constitution of Russian Federation. Articles 15 and 76 of the Constitution still raise debates in doctrine. Different points of view of famous lawyers and scientists on the very questionare reviewed.
The position of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation is also discussed. The Author comes to the conclusion that provisions of the Constitution do not regulate social relations in detail. Thusit is necessary to determine the meaning of the term «direct effect» to avoid ambiguous form of interpretations.
Keywords: direct effect, Constitution, constitutional law, Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation.
Work bibliographic list
1. Vavilin E. V. Osushhestvlenie i zashhita grazhdanskih prav. M.: VolterKluver, 2009. S. 154.
Work bibliographic list
1. Vavilin E. V. Osushhestvlenie i zashhita grazhdanskih prav. M.: VolterKluver, 2009. S. 154.
2. Vengerov A. B. Teorija gosudarstva i prava: ucheb. Dlja jurid. vuzov. M.: Omega-L., 2008. S. 528.
3. Dostoinstvo cheloveka: ot filosofsko-pravovoj idei k konstitucionnomu principu sovremennogo gosudarstva: materialy mezhregion. nauch.-prakt. seminara / pod red. V. V. Nevinskogo. Barnaul: Izd-vo Altajs. un-ta, 1999. S. 12-42.
4. Kozhohin B. I. Nekotorye osobennosti realizacii rossijskoj Konstitucii // Vestn. S.-Peterb. un-ta. Ser. 6. Filosofija, politologija, sociologija, psihologija, pravo. SPb., 1996. Vyp. 2. S. 87-93.
5. Kommentarij k Konstitucii Rossijskoj Federacii /pod red. V. D. Zor'kina, L. V. Lazareva. M., 2010. S. 154.
6. Kommentarij k Konstitucii Rossijskoj Federacii/ pod obshh. red. L. V. Lazareva. M.: Nov. prav, kul'tura, 2009. S. 348.
7. Kravec I. A. Rossijskij konstitucionalizm: Problemy stanovlenija, razvitija i osushhestvlenija. SPb.:Jurid. centr Press, 2004. S. 360-365.
8. Kravec I. A. Razmyshlenija o verhovenstve Konstitucii: podhody i izmerenija // Problemy prava. 2008. # 1. S. 5-9.
9. Krasnov M. A. Tolkovyj slovar' konstitucionnyh terminov i ponjatij / M. A. Krasnov, V. A. Krjazhkov. SPb.: Jurid. centr Press, 2004. S. 318.
10. Nevinskij V. V. Konstitucija Rossijskoj Federacii: ispytanie mirovym opytom // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. 2003. # 11. S. 73-74.
11. Petrov A. A. Svojstvo objazatel'nosti reshenij Konstitucionnogo suda Rossijskoj Federacii // Rossijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2009. # 3. S. 56-60.
12. Primenenie sudami norm Konstitucii Rossijskoj Federacii: nauch.-prakt. komment. / pod red. M. V. Nemytinoj. Ser. Sudebnaja praktika po grazhdanskim delam. Saratov: SGAP, 2000. Vyp. 6. S. 127.
13. Jebzeev B. S. Prjamoe dejstvie Konstitucii Rossijskoj Federacii (nekotorye metodologicheskie aspekty) // Pravovedenie. 1996. # 1. S. 5-15.
Zhamborov A. A.
Constitutional and legal bases of counteraction to extremism (by the example of the legislation of subjects of the Russian Federation)
The author of this article on the basis of the analysis of the regional legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation determines the constitutional and legal basis for countering extremism.
The author of this article on the basis of the analysis of the regional legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation determines the constitutional and legal basis for countering extremism.
Keywords: regional legislation, state power, counteraction to extremism, sovereignty, counteraction to terrorism, North Caucasian Federal District, national policy.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ob utverzhdenii sostava Komissii pri Glave Kabardino-Balkarskoj Respubliki po okazaniju sodejstvija v adaptacii k mirnoj zhizni licam, prinjavshim reshenie o prekrashhenii terroristicheskoj i jekstremistskoj dejatel'nosti // Ukaz Glavy KBR ot 21 aprelja 2016 g. # 43-UG Oficial'n. Kabardino-Balkarija. # 13 (503) ot 7 aprelja 2017, v red. 29 marta 2017 #43-UG.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ob utverzhdenii sostava Komissii pri Glave Kabardino-Balkarskoj Respubliki po okazaniju sodejstvija v adaptacii k mirnoj zhizni licam, prinjavshim reshenie o prekrashhenii terroristicheskoj i jekstremistskoj dejatel'nosti // Ukaz Glavy KBR ot 21 aprelja 2016 g. # 43-UG Oficial'n. Kabardino-Balkarija. # 13 (503) ot 7 aprelja 2017, v red. 29 marta 2017 #43-UG.
2. Zakon Respubliki Dagestan ot 04.04.2016 # 20 “O profilaktike jekstremistskoj dejatel'nosti v Respublike Dagestan” (“Dagestanskaja pravda”, # 75-76, 06.04.2016, Oficial'nyj internet-portal pravovoj informacii). [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim
dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 08.04.2017 g.).
3. Zhamborov A. A. Nekotorye osobennosti konstitucionno-pravovyh osnov protivodejstvija jekstremizmu // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2017. # 7 (110). S. 97-99.
4. Reznikova A. V. Rol' «islamskogo» faktora v Severokavkazskom regione: Dis. … kand. soc.nauk. Rostov-na-Donu, 2005. S. 160.
5. Temiraev A. V. O sostojanii i problemah sovershenstvovanija konstitucionno-pravovogo regulirovanija protivodejstvija terrorizmu v rossijskoj federacii // Konstitucionnoe i municipal'noe pravo.2009. # 14. S. 13-17.
6. Chattaev A. R. Global'nyj terrorizm v mezhdunarodnom prave // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2017. # 8 (111).
7. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 05.01.2018 g.).
8. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija:04.01.2018 g.).
Zlobina E. A.
The effectiveness and necessity of the state ideology
In this article investigated the views of scientists about the importance of state ideology. Reviewed the provisions of the Constitution.
In this article investigated the views of scientists about the importance of state ideology. Reviewed the provisions of the Constitution.
The author substantiates the need for adequate state legal ideology. It is concluded that in Russia the ideology of the state is a significant factor. Author formulated the notion of ideology as not providing state coercion tool of regulation of social relations, which is a set of interrelated ideas and concepts regarding the interaction between the state, the individual and society.
Keywords: ideology, the state, the Constitution, social relationships, personality, society.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bart R. Izbrannye raboty: Semiotika. Pojetika. –M., 1994. – S. 384-391.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bart R. Izbrannye raboty: Semiotika. Pojetika. –M., 1994. – S. 384-391.
2. Berdjaev N. Sud'ba Rossii. – M., 1918.
3. Volkov Ju. G., Dobren'kov V. I., Nechipurenko V. N.,Popov A. V. Sociologija: Uchebnik / Pod red. prof. Ju. G. Volkova. – Izd. 2-e, ispr. i dop. – M.: Gardariki, 2003. – 512 s.
4. Gramshi A. Izbrannye proizvedenija: T. 1-3. — M., Izd. inostrannoj literatury, 1957-59.
5. Kuricyn V. M. Koncepcii istorii gosudarstva i prava. – M.: JuNITI-DANA, 2008.
6. Lukach Radomir. Metodologija prava. – M.: Progress,1984 – 327 s.
7. Manhejm K. Izbrannoe. Diagnoz nashego vremeni. —M.: Jurist", 1994. — 704 s.
8. Sartre J. P. L’Etreetleneant. – Paris, 1943.
Bulaev M. A., Arslanbekova A. S.
Problems of legal regulation of the national payment system of the Russian Federation
In the article the features of development of national payment system of the Russian Federation and the peculiarities of its legal regulation on the modern stage. Analysis of the legislation governing the national payment policy in the Russian Federation. Considers problems of legal regulation of the national payment system and proposed recommendations for its improvement.
In the article the features of development of national payment system of the Russian Federation and the peculiarities of its legal regulation on the modern stage. Analysis of the legislation governing the national payment policy in the Russian Federation. Considers problems of legal regulation of the national payment system and proposed recommendations for its improvement.
Keywords: national payment system, legal regulation, payment card, financial, politics, economics.
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon ot 27.06.2011 g. # 161-FZ «O nacional'noj platezhnoj sisteme» (red. ot 18.07.2017 g.) //Rossijskaja gazeta. 2011 . # 5515.
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon ot 27.06.2011 g. # 161-FZ «O nacional'noj platezhnoj sisteme» (red. ot 18.07.2017 g.) //Rossijskaja gazeta. 2011 . # 5515.
2. Badamshin S. K., Murtazina R. R., Maksjutova A. R. O pravovyh osnovah nacional'noj platezhnoj sistemy Rossijskoj Federacii // V sbornike: Bashkortostan – territorija rosta: predprinimatel'stvo, jekologija, jazyk i kul'tura (problemy, poiski, perspektivy).
Sbornik materialov Vserossijskoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. 2017. S. 242-244.
3. Eshina K. A. Sovremennoe sostojanie pravovogo regulirovanija jelektronnyh deneg v Rossijskoj Federacii // Materialy VIII Mezhdunarodnoj studencheskoj jelektronnoj nauchnoj konferencii «Studencheskij nauchnyj forum» (data obrashhenija: 23.01.2018 g.).
4. Zhukov D. Ju., Pereverzeva E. V. Nacional'naja platezhnaja sistema v Rossijskoj Federacii: pravovoj rezhim, perspektivy razvitija // V sbornike: Fundamental'nye i prikladnye nauchnye issledovanija:aktual'nye voprosy, dostizhenija i innovacii sbor-
nik statej pobeditelej V Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. 2017. S. 86-88.
5. Marceva T. G, Rzun I. G. Pravovoe regulirovanie rynka jelektronnyh deneg //Sbornik: 21 vek: fundamental'naja nauka i tehnologii. Materialy V mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii.2014. S. 211-221.
6. Naumenko A. I. Nacional'naja sistema platezhnyh kart: retrospektiva i perspektivy // Sibirskaja finansovaja shkola. 2017. # 2. S. 69-80.
7. Obuhova T. L., Cheperis A. V. Problemy pravovogo regulirovanija jelektronnyh deneg v Rossijskoj Federacii i perspektivy ih reshenija // Uchenye zapiski Nizhegorodskogo instituta upravlenija. Nizhnij Novgorod, 2015. S. 216-231.
8. Parasockaja N. N., Arhipova M. A. Jelektronnye den'gi: problemy i perspektivy // Buhgalterskij uchet v bjudzhetnyh i nekommercheskih organizacijah. 2014. # 14. S.38-42.
9. Savenko Ja. V., Fedchenko O. S. Razvitie i regulirovanie rynka «jelektronnyh deneg» v Rossijskoj Federacii // Juridicheskij vestnik rostovskogo gosudarstvennogo jekonomicheskogo universiteta. 2012. # 62. S. 9-10.
10. Hazova E. V. Pravovoj rezhim nacional'noj platezhnoj sistemy v Rossijskoj Federacii // Aktual'nye problemy rossijskogo prava. 2015. # 8 (57). S. 71-75.
Veretennikov N. N., Еkhokhina E. S.
The principles of equality and competition of parties during the consideration of the rulings (decisions) on cases of administrative offences
The article reveals the content of the principles of equality and the adversarial principle in the revision of rulings (decisions) on cases of administrative offences. The authors investigate the classification of the procedural guidelines, highlighted the actual problems of their application in the context of the procedure for consideration of the resolution (decision) on the case on administrative violation and proposed solutions for further consolidation in the Russian Code of administrative offences.
The article reveals the content of the principles of equality and the adversarial principle in the revision of rulings (decisions) on cases of administrative offences. The authors investigate the classification of the procedural guidelines, highlighted the actual problems of their application in the context of the procedure for consideration of the resolution (decision) on the case on administrative violation and proposed solutions for further consolidation in the Russian Code of administrative offences.
Keywords: the procedural principles, the adversarial principle, the principle of fairness, administrative offence, the rights of participants.
Work bibliographic list
1. Konstitucija Rossijskoj Federacii (prinjata vsenarodnym golosovaniem 12.12.1993). Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. 2014. # 31. St. 4398.
Work bibliographic list
1. Konstitucija Rossijskoj Federacii (prinjata vsenarodnym golosovaniem 12.12.1993). Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. 2014. # 31. St. 4398.
2. Opredelenie Konstitucionnogo Suda RF ot 12.04.2005 # 113-O «Po zhalobe grazhdanina Maslova A. I. na narushenie ego konstitucionnyh prav chastjami 1, 2 i 3 stat'i 30.11 KoAP RF». Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. 2005. # 22. St. 2195.
3. Postanovlenie Verhovnogo Soveta RSFSR # 1801-1 ot 24.10.1991 g. «O Koncepcii sudebnoj reformy v RSFSR». Vedomosti SND i VS RSFSR. 1991. # 44. St. 1435.
4. Postanovlenie Plenuma Verhovnogo Suda RF ot 31.10.1995 # 8 (red. ot 03.03.2015) «O nekotoryh voprosah primenenija sudami Konstitucii Rossijskoj Federacii pri osushhestvlenii pravosudija». Bjulleten' Verhovnogo Suda RF. 1996. # 1.
5. Postanovlenie Plenuma Verhovnogo Suda RF ot 24.03.2005 # 5 (red. ot 19.12.2013) «O nekotoryh voprosah, voznikajushhih u sudov pri primenenii Kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii ob administrativnyh pravonarushenijah». Bjulleten' Verhovnogo Suda RF. 2005. # 6.
6. Absaljamov A. V. Administrativnoe sudoproizvodstvo v arbitrazhnom sude: teoretiko-metodologicheskie aspekty: monografija. M.: Formula prava, 2009. 208 s.
7. Vasil'ev F. P. Dokazyvanie po delu ob administrativnom pravonarushenii: Avtoref. dis. ... d-ra jurid. nauk. M., 2005. S. 25.
8. Galligan D. Administrativnoe pravo: istorija razvitija i osnovnye sovremennye koncepcii / D. Galligan, V. V. Poljanskij, Ju. N. Starilov. M.: Jurist", 2002. 410 s.
9. Grazhdanskij process: uchebnik / pod red. V. V. Jarkova. M.: Infotropik Media, 2014. 784 s.
10. Greshnova N. A. Princip sostjazatel'nosti v juridicheskom processe Rossii (problemy teorii i praktiki): avtoref. dis. … kand. jur. nauk: 12.00.01 / Greshnova Natal'ja Alekseevna. Saratov, 2015. 30 s.
11. Grishkova T. A. Administrativno-pravovye principy proizvodstva po peresmotru postanovlenij i reshenij po delam ob administrativnyh pravonarushenijah // Vestnik associacii vuzov turizma i servisa. 2010. # 1. S. 33-36.
12. Evropejskij sud po pravam cheloveka. Delo «Samoshenkov i Strokov protiv Rossijskoj Federaciju. Postanovlenie ot 22 ijulja 2010 // Bjulleten' Evropejskogo Suda po pravam cheloveka. 2011. # 7.
13. Kommentarij k Konstitucii Rossijskoj Federacii(postatejnyj) (2-e izdanie, peresmotrennoe) (podred. V. D. Zor'kina) // Oficial'nyj sajt kompanii«Konsul'tantPljus». [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija:30.01.2018 g.).
14. Pankova O. V. Rassmotrenie v sudah obshhej jurisdikcii del ob administrativnyh pravonarushenijah:nauchno-prakticheskoe posobie / O. V. Pankova; podred. O. A. Egorovoj // Oficial'nyj sajt kompanii«Konsul'tantPljus». [Jelektronnyj resurs]. –Rezhim
dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 30.01.2018 g.).
15. Pravoohranitel'nye organy: uchebnik / pod red. N. A. Petuhova i G. I. Zagorskogo. M., 2005. 576 s.
16. Popov L. L., Shergin A. P. Upravlenie. Grazhdanin. Otvetstvennost'. L., 1975. 251 s.
17. Teorija juridicheskogo processa: monografija / I. V. Benedik [i dr.]; pod red. V. M. Gorsheneva. Har'kov:Vishha shk. Izd-vo pri Har'k. Un-te, 1985. 192 s.
18. Shevchuk G. A. Peresmotr postanovlenij i reshenij po delam ob administrativnyh pravonarushenijah:avtoref. dis. … kand. jur. nauk: / Shevchuk Gennadij Aleksandrovich. Saratov, 2003. 28 s.
Kadyrov A. A.
The content of water relations
The article deals with the problem of legal regulation of water relations, the limits and mechanism of public control over subjects of water legal relations, the ownership of water objects and water resources, the subject composition of participants in water legal relations.
The article deals with the problem of legal regulation of water relations, the limits and mechanism of public control over subjects of water legal relations, the ownership of water objects and water resources, the subject composition of participants in water legal relations.
Keywords: water legal relations; subjects of water legal relations; ownership of water in Kyrgyzstan; water users.
Work bibliographic list
1. Akimaliev Dzh. Broshenye zemli? // Obshhestvennyj rejting. Ot 14.10.2004. # 39.
Work bibliographic list
1. Akimaliev Dzh. Broshenye zemli? // Obshhestvennyj rejting. Ot 14.10.2004. # 39.
2. Vengerov A.B. Teorija gosudarstva i prava. Uchebnik.M.: «Omega-L», 2009. St. 458.
3. Ilebaev U. I. Pravovoj rezhim oroshaemyh zemel' v Kirgizskoj SSR v sovremennyj period. Frunze:«Juridicheskaja literatura», 1966.
4. Kalinichenko T. G. Formirovanie i razvitie vodnogo prava Rossii (publichnye i chastno-pravovye aspekty). M.: «Gorodec», 2010.
5. Kashanina T. V. Proishozhdenie gosudarstva i prava.Sovremennye traktovki i novye podhody. Uchebnoe posobie. M.: Vyssh. shk., 2004.
6. Kudajbergenov T. Chistaja voda – istochnik zdorovoj zhizni // AgroVesti ot 07.10.2009. # 10.
7. Marks K., Jengel's F. Soch. T.2. St. 208; T. 4.
8. Marchenko M. N. Problemy teorii gosudarstva i prava. Uchebnik. M., «Izdatel'stvo Prospekt», 2008.
9. Matuzov N. I. Teorija gosudarstva i prava. Kurs lekcij. M.: «Jurist», 2003.
10. Matuzov N. I., Mal'ko A. V. Teorija gosudarstva i prava. Kurs lekcij. M.: «Jurist», 2003.
11. Mickevich A. V. Pravovye otnoshenija. Teorija gosudarstva i prava: kurs lekcij. Pod red. Marchenko M. N. M.: «Jurist», 1996.
12. Mullakel'diev N., Isykeev O. Itogi realizacii proekta // AgroVesti ot 07.10.2009. # 10.
13. Ozhegov S. I. Slovar' russkogo jazyka. M., 1961. St. 245.
14. Sivakov D. O. Vodnoe pravo. Uchebno-prakticheskoe posobie. M., «Justicinform», 2009.
15. Sivakov D. O. O pravovom regulirovanii vodno-zemel'nyh otnoshenij // Zhurnal Rossijskogo prava. «Norma». 2002. # 1.
16. Chirkin V. E. Neobhodimo li ponjatie juridicheskogo lica publichnogo prava // Gosudarstvo i pravo. 2006. # 5.
17. Chirkin V. E. Juridicheskoe lico publichnogo prava //Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. 2005. # 5.
18. Shershenevich G. F. Uchebnik russkogo grazhdanskogo prava. Po izd. 1907 g. M., 1995. St. 9.
Komarova O. N.
Legal and administrative measures against illegal trafficking of drugs in the teenage environment
The massive involvement of teenagers in drug addiction, with the subsequent process of desocialization and turning them into drug addicts tend to commit crimes associated with drug trafficking is topical for the society and the state, because it is not possible today to completely stop the spread of drugs and the time of involvement of young people in narcotrade. For effective struggle against illegal circulation of drugs in the teenage environment proposed amendments to the legislation, improvement of preventive work and innovations in training and recruitment, working with adolescents and teenagers-addicts.
The massive involvement of teenagers in drug addiction, with the subsequent process of desocialization and turning them into drug addicts tend to commit crimes associated with drug trafficking is topical for the society and the state, because it is not possible today to completely stop the spread of drugs and the time of involvement of young people in narcotrade. For effective struggle against illegal circulation of drugs in the teenage environment proposed amendments to the legislation, improvement of preventive work and innovations in training and recruitment, working with adolescents and teenagers-addicts.
Keywords: drugs, teenage drug addict, narcotictramadol and prevention.
Work bibliographic list
1. Kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ob administrativnyh pravonarushenijah ot 30.12.2001 # 195-FZ (s izm. I dop.) // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. – 07.01.2002. – # 1 (ch. 1). – St. 2.3.
Work bibliographic list
1. Kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ob administrativnyh pravonarushenijah ot 30.12.2001 # 195-FZ (s izm. I dop.) // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. – 07.01.2002. – # 1 (ch. 1). – St. 2.3.
2. Ozhegov S. I. Slovar' russkogo jazyka / pod red. dokt. filol. nauk, prof. N. Ju. Shvedovoj. – 14-e izd., stereotip. – M.: Rus. jaz., 1982. – 816 s.
3. Ukaz Prezidenta RF ot 9 ijunja 2010 g. # 690 (s izm. i dop.) «Ob utverzhdenii Strategii gosudarstvennoj antinarkoticheskoj politiki Rossijskoj Federacii do 2020 goda» // Sobr. Zakonodatel'stva Ros. Federacii. – 2010. – # 24. – st.3015.
Sudakova O. V.
Codification of the transport legislation: problems and ways of solving them
In the article the problem of the codification of the transport legislation. The reasons causing
In the article the problem of the codification of the transport legislation. The reasons causing
necessity of systematization of transport legislation and considered possible alternatives to its codification.
Keywords: codification, transport legislation, Federal laws, statutes, ordinances, codes.
Work bibliographic list
1. Konstitucija Rossijskoj Federacii» (prinjata vsenarodnym golosovaniem 12.12.1993) (s uchetom popravok, vnesennyh Zakonami RF o popravkah k Konstitucii RF ot 30.12.2008 # 6-FKZ, ot 30.12.2008 # 7-FKZ, ot 05.02.2014 # 2-FKZ, ot 21.07.2014 # 11-FKZ).
Work bibliographic list
1. Konstitucija Rossijskoj Federacii» (prinjata vsenarodnym golosovaniem 12.12.1993) (s uchetom popravok, vnesennyh Zakonami RF o popravkah k Konstitucii RF ot 30.12.2008 # 6-FKZ, ot 30.12.2008 # 7-FKZ, ot 05.02.2014 # 2-FKZ, ot 21.07.2014 # 11-FKZ).
2. «Grazhdanskij kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii (chast' vtoraja)» ot 26.01.1996 # 14-FZ (red. ot 05.12.2017).
3. Ukaz Prezidenta RF ot 16.03.2010 # 321 «O merah po organizacii dvizhenija vysokoskorostnogo zhelezno-dorozhnogo transporta v Rossijskoj Federacii».
4. Konvencija o dogovore mezhdunarodnoj dorozhnoj perevozki gruzov (KDPG) (Zheneva, 19 maja 1956 g.) (s izmenenijami i dopolnenijami).
5. Anan'eva A. A. Otdel'nye problemy kodifikacii transportnogo zakonodatel'stva: [Jelektronnyj resurs]. - Rezhim dostupa:
6. Afanas'eva E. G. Predprinimatel'skoe pravo Rossijskoj Federacii: Uchebnik / E. G. Afanas'eva, A.V. Belickaja, V. A. Vajpan i dr.; otv. red. E. P. Gubin,P. G. Lahno. 3-e izd., pererab. i dop. – M.: NORMA, INFRA-M, 2017.
7. Koncepcija edinogo Transportnogo kodeksa Rossii:[Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
8. Mishina N. V. Jeffektivnost' gosudarstvennoj politiki Rossii v sfere upravlenija razvitiem zheleznodorozhnogo transporta: politologicheskij analiz: monografija. – Rostov n/D : Izd-vo SKAGS, 2011. – 420 s.
9. Osobennosti transportnogo zakonodatel'stva:[Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
10. Pigolkina A. S. Sistematizacija zakonodatel'stva kak sposob ego razvitija / pod red. A. S. Pigolkina. SPb.: Jurid. centr Press, 2003.
Gornev R. V.
Principles of legal regulation of interaction between local governments and public associations
In the article analyzes the principles of legal regulation of interaction between local governments and public associations. During the research, the author identified the following principles: publicity; inadmissibility of unlawful interference of local governments in the affairs of public associations and associations of citizens in the activities of municipal bodies; joint solution of local issues; the equal right of public associations to interact with local governments. In conclusion, it is proposed to consolidate these principles at the legislative level.
In the article analyzes the principles of legal regulation of interaction between local governments and public associations. During the research, the author identified the following principles: publicity; inadmissibility of unlawful interference of local governments in the affairs of public associations and associations of citizens in the activities of municipal bodies; joint solution of local issues; the equal right of public associations to interact with local governments. In conclusion, it is proposed to consolidate these principles at the legislative level.
Keywords: civil society, democracy, local governments, public associations, principles.
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon ot 19.05.1995 g. # 82-FZ «Ob obshhestvennyh ob"edinenijah» // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. 1995. # 21. St. 1930.
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon ot 19.05.1995 g. # 82-FZ «Ob obshhestvennyh ob"edinenijah» // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. 1995. # 21. St. 1930.
2. Gornev R. V., Miheeva T. N. Mestnoe samoupravlenie i grazhdanskoe obshhestvo: problemy vzaimosvjazi i sootnoshenija // Grazhdanskoe obshhestvo v Rossii i za rubezhom. 2017. # 3. S. 8-3.
3. Miheev D. S. Vzaimodejstvie grazhdan s municipal'nymi organami kak mehanizm osushhestvlenija principa glasnosti mestnogo samoupravlenija // Rossijskaja justicija. 2012. # 7. S. 17-19.
4. Teorija gosudarstva i prava: uchebnik / pod red. N. I.Matuzova, A. V. Mal'ko. M.: Jurist", 2004. 512 s.
5. Sher'jazova A. S. Principy vzaimootnoshenij gosudarstva i obshhestvennyh ob"edinenij // Vestnik Cheljabinskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. 2009. #21 (159). S. 20-22.
Shirshov K. A.
On the question of the effectiveness of the judicial protection of the rights of local self-government
In article positions of the Constitutional court of the Russian Federation on protection of the rights of local government are considered.
In article positions of the Constitutional court of the Russian Federation on protection of the rights of local government are considered.
The factors promoting adoption of the constitutional judicial acts on key questions of the organization of local government in Russia are analyzed.
Keywords: Constitution of the Russian Federation 1993., local government, municipality, constitutional court, protection of the rights, interests of the population.
Work bibliographic list
1. «Konstitucija Rossijskoj Federacii» (prinjata vsenarodnym golosovaniem 12.12.1993) (s uchetom popravok, vnesennyh Zakonami RF o popravkah k Konstitucii RF ot 30.12.2008 # 6-FKZ, ot 30.12.2008 #7-FKZ, ot 05.02.2014 # 2-FKZ, ot 21.07.2014 # 11-FKZ)// «Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF», 04.08.2014, N 31,st. 4398.
Work bibliographic list
1. «Konstitucija Rossijskoj Federacii» (prinjata vsenarodnym golosovaniem 12.12.1993) (s uchetom popravok, vnesennyh Zakonami RF o popravkah k Konstitucii RF ot 30.12.2008 # 6-FKZ, ot 30.12.2008 #7-FKZ, ot 05.02.2014 # 2-FKZ, ot 21.07.2014 # 11-FKZ)// «Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF», 04.08.2014, N 31,st. 4398.
2. Federal'nyj konstitucionnyj zakon ot 21.07.1994 # 1-FKZ (red. ot 28.12.2016) «O Konstitucionnom Sude Rossijskoj Federacii»
3. Postanovlenie Konstitucionnogo Suda RF ot 26.06.2014 # 19-P «Po delu o proverke konstitucionnosti polozhenij chasti 18 stat'i 35 Federal'nogo zakona «Ob obshhih principah organizacii mestnogo samoupravlenija v Rossijskoj Federacii»
4. Bondar' N. S. Sudebnyj konstitucionalizm: doktrina i konstitucionno-sudebnaja praktika. 2-e izd.,pererab. M., 2015.
5. Dzhagarjan A. A. Konstitucionnyj Sud RF — preobrazovatel' nacional'noj modeli mestnogo samoupravlenija // Nauka i obrazovanie: hozjajstvo i jekonomika; predprinimatel'stvo; pravo i upravlenie. 2010. # 4 (4).
Mehdiev E. T., Amantasheva A. T.
The main sources of environmental pollution in the activities of oil producing and refining enterprises
Oil producing companies have an extremely negative impact on the environment. In this connection, there is a need to minimize the negative impact through insurance of risks, unified international standards and agreements. And in order to ensure environmental safety, from the development and production process to the transportation and implementation process, various studies are conducted aimed at forecasting risks even before the project is implemented.
Oil producing companies have an extremely negative impact on the environment. In this connection, there is a need to minimize the negative impact through insurance of risks, unified international standards and agreements. And in order to ensure environmental safety, from the development and production process to the transportation and implementation process, various studies are conducted aimed at forecasting risks even before the project is implemented.
Keywords: ecological safety, oil industry, environmental risks, environmental insurance.
Work bibliographic list
1. Aliev R. A., Cheremisina V. A. Iniciativy mezhdunarodnyh organizacij po prodvizheniju koncepcii ustojchivogo razvitija v kompanijah neftegazovogo kompleksa // V sbornike: Aktual'nye voprosy jekonomiki, menedzhmenta i finansov v sovremennyh uslovijah Sbornik nauchnyh trudov po itogam mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. 2016. S. 159-162.
Work bibliographic list
1. Aliev R. A., Cheremisina V. A. Iniciativy mezhdunarodnyh organizacij po prodvizheniju koncepcii ustojchivogo razvitija v kompanijah neftegazovogo kompleksa // V sbornike: Aktual'nye voprosy jekonomiki, menedzhmenta i finansov v sovremennyh uslovijah Sbornik nauchnyh trudov po itogam mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. 2016. S. 159-162.
2. Amantasheva A. T. Rol' i mesto mezhdunarodnyh organizacij v formirovanii edinyh principov zashhity okruzhajushhej sredy // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2015. # 12 (91). S. 49-51.
3. Amantasheva A. T. Uchastie mezhdunarodnyh organizacij v formirovanii global'noj jekologicheski orientirovannoj jekonomiki // Internet-zhurnal Naukovedenie. 2016. T. 8. # 1 (32).
4. Amantasheva A. T. Jekonomicheskie mehanizmy obespechenija jekologicheskoj bezopasnosti v neftjanoj otrasli v kaspijskom regione na primere Azerbajdzhana// Konkurentosposobnost' v global'nom mire: jekonomika, nauka, tehnologii. 2016. # 5 (17). S. 19-21.
5. Bondarenko A. V., Lukijanov M. Ju. Persona grata znachenie neftegazovoj politiki Rossii dlja global'noj jekonomiki interv'ju s Ramilem Nazifovichem Bahtizinym, prezidentom akademii nauk Respubliki Bashkortostan, i. o. rektora ufimskogo gosudarstvennogo neftjanogo tehnicheskogo universiteta, doktorom fiziko-matematicheskih nauk, professorom //Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2014. # 11 (78). S. 8-11.
6. Guliev I. A., Mehdiev Je. T., Litvinjuk I. I. Sotrudnichestvo stran tamozhennogo sojuza i edinogo jekonomicheskogo prostranstva v jenergeticheskoj sfere //Juvenis scientia. 2016. # 4. S. 41-44.
7. Mehdiev Je. T., Amantasheva A. T. Strategicheskij harakter v voprosah obespechenija jenergeticheskoj bezopasnosti // Konkurentosposobnost' v global'nom mire: jekonomika, nauka, tehnologii. 2017. # 4.
Tagaeva S. N., Alamova S. M.
Specifics of real estate as kinds of the contribution to authorized capital of limited liability company
In article features of introduction of real estate as a contribution to authorized capital of limited liability company are considered.
In article features of introduction of real estate as a contribution to authorized capital of limited liability company are considered.
Investigating the matter, authors come to a conclusion that at the time of formation of authorized capital of the created legal entity, it has no legal capacity, therefore, there is no person to whom the rights for real estate can be transferred. In this regard the author notes that, the minimum size of authorized capital established in Art. 14 of the Federal law "About Limited Liability Companies" has to be paid only with money. The deposits exceeding the minimum size of authorized capital can be formed by other property and the rights.
Keywords: authorized capital; limited liability company; real estate; enterprise, uniform immovable complex.
Work bibliographic list
1. Belov V. A. Imushhestvennye kompleksy: Ocherk teorii i opyt dogmaticheskoj konstrukcii po rossijskomu grazhdanskomu pravu. M.: AO «Centr JuRIn-foR», 2004. 240 s.
Work bibliographic list
1. Belov V. A. Imushhestvennye kompleksy: Ocherk teorii i opyt dogmaticheskoj konstrukcii po rossijskomu grazhdanskomu pravu. M.: AO «Centr JuRIn-foR», 2004. 240 s.
2. Granova I. V. Ocenka nedvizhimosti. SPb.: Piter, 2001. 256 s.
3. Ioffe O. S. Izbrannye trudy po grazhdanskomu pravu. M., 2000. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
4. Kommentarij k Grazhdanskomu kodeksu RF, chasti pervoj (pod red. T. E. Abovoj i A. Ju. Kabalkina). M.:Jurajt-Izdat, 2004. 1069 s.
5. Nauchno-prakticheskij kommentarij k Grazhdanskomu kodeksu, chasti pervoj (postatejnyj)/ Pod red. V. P.Mozolina, M. N. Maleinoj. M.: NORMA, 2004. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
6. Sumskaja D. A. Status juridicheskih lic. M.: Justicinform, 2006.
7. Suhanov E. A. Aktual'nye voprosy grazhdanskogo prava // JeZh-Jurist. 1999. #40.S.27-31.
8. Filosofskij jenciklopedicheskij slovar'. M.: Sovetskaja jenciklopedija, 1989. 840 s.
9. Halfina R. O. Obshhee uchenie o pravootnoshenii. M.,1974. 348 c.
10. Shhennikova L. Nedvizhimost': zakonodatel'nye formulirovki i konceptual'nye podhody // Rossijskaja justicija. 2003. # 11. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
11. Jagunova E. E. K voprosu o strukture edinogo nedvizhimogo kompleksa // Vestnik Permskogo universiteta. Juridicheskie nauki. 2014. # 3 (25). S. 141-148.
Evstafjeva I. V., Rodionov L. A.
To the question of the conceptual apparatus of Art. 146 of the criminal code from the standpoint of civil law
Тhe article analyzes the provisions of article 146 of the criminal code «Violation of copyright and
Тhe article analyzes the provisions of article 146 of the criminal code «Violation of copyright and
related rights» and raises questions of conformity of the conceptual apparatus of civil and criminal
legislation, in terms of protection of violated copyrights. The authors emphasize the inadmissibility of the free circulation of criminal law terminology, borrowed from the civil law, and justify the need for harmonization of norms of article 146 of the criminal code in accordance with the civil law, in order to avoid ambiguity and dual interpretation for the purposes of enforcement.
Keywords: author, copyright, right of authorship, plagiarism, intellectual property, artwork, counterfeit goods, the exclusive right the right holder damages.
Work bibliographic list
1. Konstitucija RF prinjata vsenarodnym golosovaniem 12.12.1993 g. (v red. ot 30.12.2008 g. # 6-FKZ; 30.12.2008 g. # 7-FKZ; 05.02.2014 g. # 2-FKZ; 21.07.2014 g. # 11-FKZ) // SPS «Konsul'tantPljus».
Work bibliographic list
1. Konstitucija RF prinjata vsenarodnym golosovaniem 12.12.1993 g. (v red. ot 30.12.2008 g. # 6-FKZ; 30.12.2008 g. # 7-FKZ; 05.02.2014 g. # 2-FKZ; 21.07.2014 g. # 11-FKZ) // SPS «Konsul'tantPljus».
2. Grazhdanskij kodeks RF. Chast' pervaja ot 30.11.1994 g. # 51-FZ (v red. ot 29.07.017 g. # 259-FZ) // SZ RF. 1994. # 32. St. 3301.
3. Grazhdanskij kodeks RF. Chast' chetvertaja ot 18.12.2006g. # 230-FZ (v red. ot 01.07.2017 g. # 147-FZ) // SZ RF. 2006. # 52 (ch. 1). St. 5496.
4. Ugolovnyj kodeks RF ot 13.06.1996 g. # 63-FZ (v red. ot 29.07.2017 g. # 250-FZ) // SZ RF. 1996. # 25. St. 2954.
5. FZ RF ot 18.12.2006 g. # 231-FZ «O vvedenii v dejstvie chasti chetvertoj Grazhdanskogo kodeksa RF» (v red. ot 30.12.2015 g. # 431-FZ) // SPS «Konsul'tant-Pljus».
6. Postanovlenie Plenuma VS RF ot 26.04.2007 g. # 14 «O praktike rassmotrenija sudami ugolovnyh del o narushenii avtorskih, smezhnyh, izobretatel'skih i patentnyh prav, a takzhe nezakonnom ispol'zovanii tovarnogo znaka» // SPS «Konsul'tantPljus».
7. Obzor praktiki rassmotrenija sporov, svjazannogo s primeneniem Zakona Rossijskoj Federacii «Ob avtorskom prave i smezhnyh pravah» (prilozhenie k Informacionnomu pis'mu Prezidiuma Vysshego Arbitrazhnogo Suda RF ot 28.09.1998g. # 47 // Vestnik
VAS RF. 1999. # 11.
8. Brilliantov A. V., Dolzhenkova G. D., Ivanova Ja. E. Kommentarij k Ugolovnomu kodeksu Rossijskoj Federacii (postatejnyj) / Pod red. A. V. Brillianova.M.: Prospekt, 2010.
9. Gavrilov Je.P. Kommentarij k stat'e 146 «Narushenie avtorskih i smezhnyh prav» UK RF // SPS «Konsul'tantPljus».
10. Kaminskaja E. I. Lichnye neimushhestvennye prava avtora: otkaz ot nenuzhnyh illjuzij ili utrata cennostej? // Aktual'nye voprosy rossijskogo chastnogo prava: Sbornik statej, posvjashhennyj 80-letiju so dnja rozhdenija professora V. A. Dozorceva / Sost. E.
A. Pavlova, O. Ju. Shilohvost. M.: Statut, 2008.
11. Kommentarij k Grazhdanskomu kodeksu Rosiijskoj Federacii. Tom 1. Chasti pervaja i vtoraja GK RF. 4-e izd, pererab i dop. / Pod red. T. E. Abovoj, A. Ju. Kabalkina. M.: JuRAJT, 2010.
12. Martynov B. S. Prava avtorstva v SSSR / Uchenye zapiski Vsesojuznogo in-ta juridicheskih nauk. Vyp. IX. M.: Jurid. izd-vo MJu SSSR, 1947.
13. Naumov A. V. Praktika primenenija Ugolovnogo kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii: kommentarij sudebnoj praktiki i doktrinal'noe tolkovanie / Pod red. G. M. Reznika. M.: Volters Kluver, 2005.
14. Nevskaja M. A., Suharev E. E., Tarasova E. N. Avtorskoe pravo v izdatel'skom biznese i SMI: Prakticheskoe posobie. M.: «Dashkov i K», 2008.
15. Pankevich B. I. Ob"ekt avtorskogo prava // Zapiski Novorossijskogo universiteta. 1878.
16. Pobedonoscev K. P. Kurs grazhdanskogo prava. V treh tomah. T. 1 / Pod red. i s predisloviem V. A. Tomsinova. M.: Zercalo, 2003.
17. Serebrovskij V. I. Voprosy sovetskogo avtorskogo prava. M., 1956.
18. Sinajskij V. I. Russkoe grazhdanskoe pravo. M.: Statut, 2002.
Murtazaliev M. K., Osmanov O. A.
Ownership of religious organizations
This article discloses civil-law regulation of property of religious organizations. Common property issues and problems of differentiation are touched upon.
This article discloses civil-law regulation of property of religious organizations. Common property issues and problems of differentiation are touched upon.
Keywords: рroperty rights, religious organizations, ownership, Use, Order, Property, transfer of property, religious purpose, entity.
Work bibliographic list
1. Mazaev V. D. Razgranichenie sobstvennosti i publichnaja vlast' // Juridicheskij mir. 2012. # 12.
Work bibliographic list
1. Mazaev V. D. Razgranichenie sobstvennosti i publichnaja vlast' // Juridicheskij mir. 2012. # 12.
2. Opredelenie Verhovnogo Suda RF ot 19.12.2016 # 301-KG16-17117 po delu # A82-7611/2015.
3. Rybakov V. A. O sisteme sobstvennosti i meste v nej korporativnoj formy sobstvennosti // Sobstvennost' i pravo sobstvennosti sub"ektov Rossijskoj Federacii: sb. nauch. st. uchastnikov Mezhdunar. nauch.-prakt. konf., 16-17 maja 2008 g.
4. Ryzhenkov A. Ja., Chernomorec A. E. Pravo gosudarstvennoj sobstvennosti v krugoverti protivorechij// Novaja pravovaja mysl'. 2005. # 3.
5. Tarhov V. A. Sobstvennost' i pravo sobstvennosti. 3-e izd., dop. M.: Jurist, 2007.
6. Trauinn Je. Jekonomicheskoe povedenie i instituty.M.: Delo, 2001.
Antonov V. F.
Moral issues of legal regulation
The article is dedicated to moral aspects of legal regulations, as well as theoretical issues of the usage of moral and ethical categories in law enforcement. In author’s view in legal uncertainty law enforcement guidelines are based on the assumption of the priority of the declared values which determine the aim and the purpose of law regulation.
The article is dedicated to moral aspects of legal regulations, as well as theoretical issues of the usage of moral and ethical categories in law enforcement. In author’s view in legal uncertainty law enforcement guidelines are based on the assumption of the priority of the declared values which determine the aim and the purpose of law regulation.
Keywords: fairness, civil circulation, liability, legal restrictions, good temper, morality, legal requirement.
Work bibliographic list
1. Braginskij M. I., Vitrjanskij V. V. Dogovornoe pravo. M., 2003.
Work bibliographic list
1. Braginskij M. I., Vitrjanskij V. V. Dogovornoe pravo. M., 2003.
2. Grazhdanskij kodeks Francii (Kodeks Napoleona). M.: Infotropik Media, 2012.
3. Il'in I. A. Sobr. soch. T. 4. Obshhee uchenie o prave i gosudarstve. M., 1994.
4. Ojgenziht V. A. Moral' i pravo (vzaimodejstvie, regulirovanie, postupok). Dushanbe, 1987.
5. Jerdelevskij A. M. Sdelki. Iskovaja davnost'. Sistema GARANT, 2008 g.
6. Jan Shapp. Sistema germanskogo grazhdanskogo prava:uchebnik. M.: Mezhdunarodnye otnoshenija, 2006.
Galimov E. F.
The enforcement of the contract
Тhis paper examines the question of the legal nature of NS funds as security for performance of obligations under the Contract system.
Тhis paper examines the question of the legal nature of NS funds as security for performance of obligations under the Contract system.
Proved and analyzers judicial practice reflecting different approaches when considering legal cases. Reprint attempt to identify differences in the methods of enforcing liabilities in pain scan 44-FZ and the civil code.
Keywords: public procurement, government contract, Plate was special, collateral, hold.
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon ot 05.04.2013 # 44-FZ (red. ot 22.02.2017) «O kontraktnoj sisteme v sfere zakupok tovarov, rabot, uslug dlja obespechenija gosudarstvennyh i municipal'nyh nuzhd» GK RF.
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon ot 05.04.2013 # 44-FZ (red. ot 22.02.2017) «O kontraktnoj sisteme v sfere zakupok tovarov, rabot, uslug dlja obespechenija gosudarstvennyh i municipal'nyh nuzhd» GK RF.
2. Bogdan V. G. Novelly v obespechenii ispolnenija objazatel'stv storonami gosudarstvennogo kontrakta v ramkah Federal'noj kontraktnoj sistemy // «JeNI «Voennoe pravo». 2013. # 4.
3. Gongalo B. M. Uchenie ob obespechenii objazatel'stv. Voprosy teorii i praktiki. M.: Statut, 2004. 222 s.
4. Gurin O. Obespechenie ispolnenija kontrakta: kak zakazchiku sleduet im rasporjadit'sja // 2016. # 296.[Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
5. Dobrachev D. V. Denezhnye objazatel'stva: tendencii razvitija doktriny i sudebnoj praktiki. M.: Infotropik Media, 2015. 168 s.
6. Kartashkov P. Obespechenie goskontrakta / // «JeZh-Jurist». 2015. N 48.
7. Novoselova L. A. Procenty po denezhnym objazatel'stvam. M.: Statut, 2003.
Ochirov E. B.
Provision on the pledge of rights under bank account agreement in Civil Code of the Russian Federation
Author of this article analyzes a novel of pledge legislation – a pledge of rights under bank account agreement in civil code of the Russian Federation.
Author of this article analyzes a novel of pledge legislation – a pledge of rights under bank account agreement in civil code of the Russian Federation.
One of the conditions for the creation of a pledge of rights under bank account agreement is the opening of an assigned account. The author analyzes the scientific approaches to this requirement. On the one hand, this requirement serves to individualize the subject of a pledge, as well as to control the disposal of a subject of a pledge by the pledge. On the other hand, it creates a preclusion to the application of this type pledge.
Keywords: pledge of rights under bank account agreement, charge by court order.
Work bibliographic list
1. Mazaev V. D. Razgranichenie sobstvennosti i publichnaja vlast' // Juridicheskij mir. 2012. # 12.
Work bibliographic list
1. Mazaev V. D. Razgranichenie sobstvennosti i publichnaja vlast' // Juridicheskij mir. 2012. # 12.
2. Opredelenie Verhovnogo Suda RF ot 19.12.2016 #301-KG16-17117 po delu # A82-7611/2015.
3. Rybakov V. A. O sisteme sobstvennosti i meste v nej korporativnoj formy sobstvennosti // Sobstvennost' i pravo sobstvennosti sub"ektov Rossijskoj Federacii: sb. nauch. st. uchastnikov Mezhdunar. nauch.-prakt. konf., 16-17 maja 2008 g.
4. Ryzhenkov A. Ja., Chernomorec A. E. Pravo gosudarstvennoj sobstvennosti v krugoverti protivorechij// Novaja pravovaja mysl'. 2005. # 3.
5. Tarhov V. A. Sobstvennost' i pravo sobstvennosti. 3-e izd., dop. M.: Jurist, 2007.
6. Trauinn Je. Jekonomicheskoe povedenie i instituty. M.: Delo, 2001.
Papulov A. G.
The concept of the method of civil rights protection
The article considers the law science approaches to the concept of the method of civil rights protection. The author's definition of “method of civil rights protection” is suggested on the basis of formulated characteristics.
The article considers the law science approaches to the concept of the method of civil rights protection. The author's definition of “method of civil rights protection” is suggested on the basis of formulated characteristics.
Keywords: civil rights, the method of civil rights protection.
Work bibliographic list
1. Andreev Ju. N. Mehanizm grazhdansko-pravovoj zashhity. M.: Norma, Infra-M, 2010. 464 s. Dostup iz SPS «Konsul'tant pljus».
Work bibliographic list
1. Andreev Ju. N. Mehanizm grazhdansko-pravovoj zashhity. M.: Norma, Infra-M, 2010. 464 s. Dostup iz SPS «Konsul'tant pljus».
2. Bolgova V. V. Formy zashhity sub"ektivnogo prava: avtoref. dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. Ufa, 2000.
3. Braginskij M. I., Vitrjanskij V. V. Dogovornoe pravo. Obshhie polozhenija. 3-e izd., stereotipnoe. M.: Statut, 2001. Kn. 1. Dostup iz SPS «Konsul'tant pljus».
4. Vershinin A. P. Vybor sposoba zashhity grazhdanskih prav. SPb., 2000.
5. Gongalo B. M., Illarionova T. I., Pletnjova V. A. Grazhdanskoe pravo. M.: NORMA, 2001.
6. Grazhdanskoe pravo: uchebnik: v 3 t. T. 1 / pod red. A. P. Sergeeva. M.: RG-Press, 2012.
7. Grazhdanskoe pravo: Uchebnikv V 3 t. T. 1 / pod red. A. P. Sergeeva, Ju. K. Tolstogo. M.: TK Velbi, Prospekt, 2003.
8. Dvigun M. A. Priznanie nedejstvitel'nym akta gosudarstvennogo organa ili mestnogo samoupravlenija kak sposob zashhity grazhdanskih prav: Dis. … kand.jurid. nauk. Abakan, 2008.
9. Zhivihina I. B. Grazhdansko-pravovye problemy ohrany i zashhity prava sobstvennosti: avtoref. diss…kand. jurid. nauk. M., 2007.
10. Zykova I. V. O pravovoj prirode zashhity grazhdanskih prav //Arbitrazhnyj i grazhdanskij process. 2010. # 1.
11. Karhalev D. N. Sootnoshenie mer zashhity i mer otvetstvennosti: dis. … kand. jurid. nauk: Ekaterinburg, 2003.
12. Korabljova M. S. Grazhdansko-pravovye sposoby zashhity prav predprinimatelej: avtoref. diss… kand. jurid. nauk. M., 2002.
13. Kravchenko A. A. K voprosu o ponjatii sposoba zashhity grazhdanskih prav // Advokat. 2014. # 7.
14. Mal'ko A. V. Pravovye sredstva: voprosy teorii i praktiki // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. # 8.
15. Mengliev Sh. M. Zashhita imushhestvennyh prav grazhdan. Dushanbe: INFON, 1989.
16. Muratova D. A. Pravovaja priroda sposoba zashhity grazhdanskih prav // Rossijskaja justicija. 2009. # 4.
17. Ozhegov S. I. Slovar' russkogo jazyka / Pod red. N. Ju. Shvedovoj. M., 1983.
18. Petrushkin V. A. Aktual'nye problemy pravovoj modeli sistemy oborota nedvizhimosti: monografija / nauch. red. V. V. Vitrjanskij. M.: Statut, 2014. 285s.
19. Puginskij B. I. Grazhdansko-pravovye sredstva v hozjajstvennyh otnoshenijah. M.: Jurid. liter., 1984.
20. Rozhkova M. A. Primenenie v kommercheskom oborote mirovoj sdelki // SPS Konsul'tantPljus. 2004.
21. Rozhkova M. A. Sredstva i sposoby pravovoj zashhity storon kommercheskogo spora. M.: Volters Kluver, 2006.
22. Rossijskoe grazhdanskoe pravo: v 2-h t. T.1 / otv. red. E. A. Suhanov. M.: Statut, 2010.
23. Stojakin G. A. Mery zashhity v sovetskom grazhdanskom prave: avtoref. dis. … kand. jurid. nauk: Sverdlovsk, 1973.
24. Jurchenko O. O. Pravo na zashhitu i sposoby zashhity ohranjaemogo zakonom interesa v grazhdanskom prave. Tver', 2004.
Rustamov P. A.
Problems of civil rights in Russia and abroad
The article discusses issues related to the problems of civil law in Russia and abroad, many of which dealt with the organization of legal support of corporate activities in the system of civil relations.
The article discusses issues related to the problems of civil law in Russia and abroad, many of which dealt with the organization of legal support of corporate activities in the system of civil relations.
The purpose of writing this article is to reveal the peculiarities and problems of civil law in Russia and abroad. The research method is normative-logical research method.
Keywords: civil law in Russia and in the countries of common law, civil legal relations, of the Corporation.
Work bibliographic list
1. Postanovlenie Prezidiuma VAS RF ot 24.04.2012 # 16404/11 po delu # A40- 21127/11-98-184 // Vestnik VAS RF. 2012. # 10. Spravochno-pravovaja sistema «Konsul'tantPljus».
Work bibliographic list
1. Postanovlenie Prezidiuma VAS RF ot 24.04.2012 # 16404/11 po delu # A40- 21127/11-98-184 // Vestnik VAS RF. 2012. # 10. Spravochno-pravovaja sistema «Konsul'tantPljus».
2. Beljaeva A. N. Doktrina «snjatija korporativnoj vuali» v Velikobritanii: proishozhdenie i primenenie // Juridicheskaja nauka i praktika. 2016. T. 12. # 3.
3. Dzhillis Dzh., Barta P., Leblan R. Struktura protiv funkcii: jevoljucija korporativnogo upravlenija (na primere SShA) // Problemy upravlenija v social'nyh sistemah. 2015.
4. Kabanova V. B. Reguljativnye novacii v sfere korporativnogo upravlenija v Rossii // Jekonomika i socium. 2016. # 5-1 (24). S. 866-869.
5. Kashanina T. V. Korporativnoe (vnutrifirmennoe) pravo. M.: Norma, 2006. 320 s.
6. Kashanina T. V. Hozjajstvennye tovarishhestva i obshhestva: pravovoe regulirovanie vnutrifirmennoj dejatel'nosti. Uchebnik. M.: Infra-M, Kodeks, 1995.
7. Amoako-Adu B, Smith B.F. 1995. Outside financial directors and corporate governance. In: Daniels R. J., Mork R. (eds.). Corporate Decision Making in Canada. University of Calgary Press: Calgary; 413.
8. Cadbury, Sir Adrian. [1933] 1993. Highlights of the proposals of the Committee on financial aspects of corporate governance. In: Prentice D. D., Holland P. R.J. (eds.).
9. Dalton C., Dalton D. 2005. Boards of directors: Utilising empirical evidence in developing practical prescriptions.British Journal of Management 16 (Supplement 1): 92.
10. Marc T. Moore «A Temple Built on Faulty Foundations»: Piercing the Corporate Veil and the Legacy of Salomonv Salomon // Journal of Business Law. 2006. P. 180–203.
11. Petrodel Resources Ltd v Prest [2013] UKSC 34. R. 27-29.
12. Salomon v A Salomon & Co Ltd [1897] AC 22.
13. The Report of the National Commission on Fraudulent Accounting Reportins. 1987. The Committee of Sponsoring Organizations. Washington, D. C.
Malkerov V. B.
Some problems of development of science of labour law
The paper analyzes the problem of the relevance of the scientific works in the field of labour law.
The paper analyzes the problem of the relevance of the scientific works in the field of labour law.
The author pays attention to possible ways of improvement of organization of scientific activity in law that would increase the level of relevance of the research.
Keywords: legal science, legal science labour law, the relevance of the study.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ivanov S. A. Krizis sovetskogo trudovogo prava // Sovetskoe gosudarstvo i pravo. 1990. # 7. S. 39-47.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ivanov S. A. Krizis sovetskogo trudovogo prava // Sovetskoe gosudarstvo i pravo. 1990. # 7. S. 39-47.
2. Hrustalev B. F. Trudovaja pravosub"ektnost' kooperativnyh predprijatij // Pravovedenie. 1991. # 3. S. 34-43.
3. Bugrov L. Ju. Problemy svobody truda v trudovom prave Rossii. Perm', 1992.
4. Vlasenko N. A. V krizise juridicheskoj nauki vo mnogom vinovaty sami uchenye // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2017. # 9. S. 12-14.
Mokhorov D. A., Demidov V. P.
Some problems of labor migration in the conditions of development of the modern russian state
The authors studied the characteristic moments peculiar to migration processes occurring in the
The authors studied the characteristic moments peculiar to migration processes occurring in the
territory of the CIS. Priorities for migration management are outlined. The leading trends are reflected in the course of the flow of labor from neighboring states to the Russian Federation. Some ways of overcoming ineffectiveness to approaches of legal impact on labor migration procedures existing at the time of the former USSR are suggested. The criteria for the differentiation of relations to the legal status of labor migrants and the situation of Russian citizens in the sphere of labor activity are formulated.
Keywords: labor migration, foreign citizens, legal status, labor restrictions, confirmation of the right to work.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ermolina M. A., Kagarmanova A. I., Matveeva E. V., Nozdrunov A. V., Obojmova N. T. Social'no-gumanitarnye problemy sovremennosti: politika, socium, kul'tura. Krasnojarsk, 2012. – Tom 2. – S. 218-220.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ermolina M. A., Kagarmanova A. I., Matveeva E. V., Nozdrunov A. V., Obojmova N. T. Social'no-gumanitarnye problemy sovremennosti: politika, socium, kul'tura. Krasnojarsk, 2012. – Tom 2. – S. 218-220.
2. Ivanov Ju. V., Shandalov I. Ju. Migracija v Rossii i stranah SNG (jekonomicheskie problemy) // Problemy sovremennoj jekonomiki. – 2014. – #4. – S. 380-397.
3. Mohorov D. A., Demidov V. P. Upravlenie chelovecheskimi resursami v uslovijah sozdanija innovacionnogo jekonomicheskogo prostranstva Rossii // Problemy jekonomiki i upravlenija v torgovle i promyshlennosti. – 2015. – # 3 (11). – S. 99-101.
4. Mohorova A. Ju., Mohorov D. A. Pravovye aspekty konfliktologii // Problemy jekonomiki i upravlenija v torgovle i promyshlennosti. – 2013. – # 3. – S. 96-99.
5. Farhutdinov I. Z. Migracionnyj izlom Evrazii// Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. – 2017. – # 2(105). – S. 8-9.
Shchennikov V. A.
Some problems category financial liability in the Russian labor law
The article discusses the theoretical issues associated with liability of the employer for illegal
The article discusses the theoretical issues associated with liability of the employer for illegal
deprivation of the worker of possibility to work.
Keywords: employment law, liability, employee, employer.
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon ot 30 ijunja 2006 g. # 90-FZ «O vnesenii izmenenij v Trudovoj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii, priznanii ne dejstvujushhimi na territorii Rossijskoj Federacii nekotoryh normativnyh pravovyh aktov SSSR i utrativshimi silu nekotoryh zakonodatel'nyh aktov (polozhenij zakonodatel'nyh aktov) Rossijskoj Federacii».
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon ot 30 ijunja 2006 g. # 90-FZ «O vnesenii izmenenij v Trudovoj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii, priznanii ne dejstvujushhimi na territorii Rossijskoj Federacii nekotoryh normativnyh pravovyh aktov SSSR i utrativshimi silu nekotoryh zakonodatel'nyh aktov (polozhenij zakonodatel'nyh aktov) Rossijskoj Federacii».
2. Bednjakova N. V. Pravovye problemy material'noj otvetstvennosti rabotodatelja: Dis. … kand. jurid.nauk: 12.00.05. M., 2006.
3. Dejch N. I. Funkcii trudovogo prava: Avtoref. dis.… kand. jurid. nauk: 12.00.05. Tomsk, 2006.
4. Savin S. V. Material'naja otvetstvennost' rabotodatelja v uslovijah rynochnoj jekonomiki: Dis. … kand.jurid. nauk: 12.00.05. M., 2008.
Bayramov V. M., Bayramov S. V.
Professional standards in the field of physical culture and sports: controller-manager
Sources of legal regulation of professional standards of the controller-manager. The basic requirements of the professional standard of the controller-manager to the candidates. A comparison of the requirements of the professional standard of different qualifications of the controller-manager. Relevant proposals on the establishment of the state register of organizations conducting training for controllermanagers and register themselves.
Sources of legal regulation of professional standards of the controller-manager. The basic requirements of the professional standard of the controller-manager to the candidates. A comparison of the requirements of the professional standard of different qualifications of the controller-manager. Relevant proposals on the establishment of the state register of organizations conducting training for controllermanagers and register themselves.
Keywords: controller-Manager, legal regulation of professional standards, professional standard controller-Manager.
Work bibliographic list
1. «Kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ob administrativnyh pravonarushenijah» ot 30.12.2001 # 195-FZ (red. ot 07.06.2017) (s izm. i dop., vstup. v silu s 01.07.2017)// «Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF», 07.01.2002, N 1 (ch. 1), st. 1.
Work bibliographic list
1. «Kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ob administrativnyh pravonarushenijah» ot 30.12.2001 # 195-FZ (red. ot 07.06.2017) (s izm. i dop., vstup. v silu s 01.07.2017)// «Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF», 07.01.2002, N 1 (ch. 1), st. 1.
2. Postanovlenie Pravitel'stva RF ot 27.06.2016 #584 «Ob osobennostjah primenenija professional'nyh standartov v chasti trebovanij, objazatel'nyh dlja primenenija gosudarstvennymi vnebjudzhetnymi fondami Rossijskoj Federacii, gosudarstvennymi
ili municipal'nymi uchrezhdenijami, gosudarstvennymi ili municipal'nymi unitarnymi predprijatijami, a takzhe gosudarstvennymi korporacijami, gosudarstvennymi kompanijami i hozjajstvennymi obshhestvami, bolee pjatidesjati procentov akcij (dolej) v ustavnom kapitale kotoryh nahoditsja v gosudarstvennoj sobstvennosti ili municipal'noj sobstvennosti» // «Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF», 04.07.2016, # 27 (chast' III), st. 4484
3. Prikaz Mintruda Rossii ot 13.04.2017 # 357n «Ob utverzhdenii professional'nogo standarta «Kontroler-rasporjaditel'» (Zaregistrirovano v Minjuste Rossii 04.05.2017 # 46605) // Oficial'nyj internet-portal pravovoj informacii. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:, 05.05.2017
4. Prikaz Minsporta Rossii ot 13.04.2017 # 346 «Ob utverzhdenii porjadka prohozhdenija special'noj podgotovki fizicheskimi licami, zhelajushhimi osushhestvljat' dejatel'nost' v kachestve kontrolerov-rasporjaditelej» (Zaregistrirovano v Minjuste Rossii 10.05.2017 # 46655) // Oficial'nyj internet-portal pravovoj informacii. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:, 11.05.2017
Bagautdinov B. V.
Features of supervision over the activities of credit institutions
The article is devoted to the basics of supervision over the activity of credit organizations in modern Russia. The weaknesses of the banking supervision process in Russia are disclosed and the aspects of its improvement are covered in the near future.
The article is devoted to the basics of supervision over the activity of credit organizations in modern Russia. The weaknesses of the banking supervision process in Russia are disclosed and the aspects of its improvement are covered in the near future.
Keywords: banks, credit organizations, supervision, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, banking system, revocation of licenses.
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon ot 02.12.1990 N 395-1 (red. ot 31.12.2017) «O bankah i bankovskoj dejatel'nosti» //Oficial'nyj internet-portal pravovoj informacii. – [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:, (data obrashhenija: 31.12.2017 g.). N0001201712310004. – St. 23.
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon ot 02.12.1990 N 395-1 (red. ot 31.12.2017) «O bankah i bankovskoj dejatel'nosti» //Oficial'nyj internet-portal pravovoj informacii. – [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:, (data obrashhenija: 31.12.2017 g.). N0001201712310004. – St. 23.
2. Federal'nyj zakon ot 10 ijulja 2002 g. N 86-FZ «O Central'nom banke Rossijskoj Federacii(Banke Rossii)» // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. –2017. – #50. – St. 73.
3. Ukazanie Banka Rossii ot 15 nojabrja 2013 g. # 3111-U «O porjadke napravlenija Bankom Rossii akcioneru(uchastniku) kreditnoj organizacii predpisanija i akta ob otmene predpisanija» // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. – 2017. – # 51. – St. 5.
4. Informacija po kreditnym organizacijam. –[Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija:25.12.2017 g.).
5. Informacija po kreditnym organizacijam. – [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:, svobodnyj (data obrashhenija: 25.12.2017 g.).
6. Informacija po kreditnym organizacijam. – [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: http: //, svobodnyj (data obrashhenija: 25.12.2017 g.).
7. Guznov A. G., Rozhdestvenskaja T. Je. Publichno-pravovoe regulirovanie finansovogo rynka v Rossijskoj Federacii: monografija. – M.: Izdatel'stvo Jurajt, 2017. — S. 304.
8. Linnikov A. S. Pravovoe regulirovanie bankovskoj dejatel'nosti i bankovskij nadzor v Evropejskom sojuze / A. S. Linnikov. – M.: Statut, 2009. – C. 197.
9. Malov G. A. Kreditnye organizacii na srochnom rynke. Voprosy pravovogo regulirovanija: monografija.– M.: Izdatel'stvo Justicinform, 2017 – S. 14.
10. Tarasenko O. A. Predprinimatel'skaja dejatel'nost' sub"ektov bankovskoj sistemy Rossii: monografija.– M.: Izdatel'stvo Prospekt, 2016 – S. 124.
Korobova A. P., Azarkhin A. V., Kuzmina A. V.
To the question of financial responsibility in the system of legal liability
This article argues for recognition of financial and legal responsibility of an independent kind (subspecies) the legal liability institution, outside the administrative responsibility.
This article argues for recognition of financial and legal responsibility of an independent kind (subspecies) the legal liability institution, outside the administrative responsibility.
Keywords: legal liability, interbranch Institute of law, types of legal responsibility, financial responsibility, administrative responsibility, a subspecies of responsibility.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bazylev B. T. Juridicheskaja otvetstvennost'. Krasnojarsk, 1985.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bazylev B. T. Juridicheskaja otvetstvennost'. Krasnojarsk, 1985.
2. Batyrov S. E. Finansovo-pravovaja otvetstvennost'.Avtoref. dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. M., 2003.
3. Zhuravleva O. O. Finansovaja otvetstvennost' v sisteme juridicheskoj otvetstvennosti // Finansovoe pravo. 2004. # 4.
4. Lipinskij D. A. Problemy juridicheskoj otvetstvennosti / pod red. R. L. Hachaturova. 2-e izd. perera. i dopoln. M., 2004.
5. Mal'ko A. V., Lipinskij D. A., Stankin A. N. Obzor «Kruglogo stola» na temu «Razrabotka proekta koncepcii pravovoj politiki v sfere juridicheskoj otvetstvennosti» // Vektor nauki TGU. Serija: Juridicheskie nauki. 2014. # 1 (16).
6. Mel'cova A. Je., Berg N. A. Finansovaja otvetstvennost' kak samostojatel'nyj vid juridicheskoj otvetstvennosti // Molodoj uchenyj. 2017. # 48. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 08.01.2018 g.).
7. Miroshnik S. V. Finansovo-pravovaja otvetstvennost' kak institut finansovogo prava // Sovremennaja teorija finansovogo prava: nauchnye i prakticheskie aspekty razvitija institutov obshhej chasti finansovogo prava: Materialy mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii (Moskva, 25 – 26 marta 2011 g.). M., RAP, 2012.
8. Razgil'dieva M. B. Nalogovaja otvetstvennost' v sisteme juridicheskoj otvetstvennosti // Pravovedenie. 2002. # 5.
9. Satarova N. A. Finansovaja otvetstvennost': Tezisy dokladov mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. Saratov, 2003.
10. Serdjukova N. V. Finansovo-pravovaja otvetstvennost' po bjudzhetnomu zakonodatel'stvu // Finansovoe pravo. 2004. # 5.
11. Stepanova V. V. Finansovo-pravovaja otvetstvennost'– samostojatel'nyj vid juridicheskoj otvetstvennosti. Tol'jatinskij gosuniversitet. Tol'jatti, 2014.
Proshin V. M.
Features of preventive work on tax crimes
To determine the direction of applying preventive efforts to prevent tax crime the author suggests taking into account the fact that the movement of a person (participant in a crime, witness, victim) to a criminal event is a process of vital activity in the global equilibrium environment of his dwelling, conditioned by circumstances conducive to the commission of a crime, the formation of which is accompanied by socio-historical and natural processes of interaction, mutual influence, mutual relations, interpenetration and changes in living and nonliving matter in the environment. Therefore, the results of the physical, biological, chemical, psychological and social processes of interaction between living and non-living matter, the birth of circumstances that contribute to the commission of tax crimes, should be the objects of application of the efforts of preventive work.
To determine the direction of applying preventive efforts to prevent tax crime the author suggests taking into account the fact that the movement of a person (participant in a crime, witness, victim) to a criminal event is a process of vital activity in the global equilibrium environment of his dwelling, conditioned by circumstances conducive to the commission of a crime, the formation of which is accompanied by socio-historical and natural processes of interaction, mutual influence, mutual relations, interpenetration and changes in living and nonliving matter in the environment. Therefore, the results of the physical, biological, chemical, psychological and social processes of interaction between living and non-living matter, the birth of circumstances that contribute to the commission of tax crimes, should be the objects of application of the efforts of preventive work.
Key words: prevention of tax crimes, preventing the commission of crimes, circumstances conducive to the commission of a crime.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ugolovno-processual'nyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii. 18.12.2001. # 174-FZ.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ugolovno-processual'nyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii. 18.12.2001. # 174-FZ.
2. Ugolovnyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii. 13.06.1996g.# 63-FZ.
3. Agureeva O. V. Koncepcii sovremennogo estestvoznanija. Kratkij kurs. M.: Okej-kniga, 2009.
4. Dubnishheva T. Ja. Koncepcii sovremennogo estestvoznanija. M.: Akademija, 2009.
5. Kriminologija: uchebnoe posobie / pod red. N. F. Kuznecovoj. M.: Prospekt, 2007.
6. Rybalov L. B., Sadohin A. P. Koncepcija sovremennogo estestvoznanija. – M.: Juniti-Dana, 2009.
Zatsepin A. M., Filippova O. V.
Delimitation of extortion from robbery, robbery and arbitrariness
Extortion is a crime that is closely adjacent to the theft of another's property; it has a number of features that bring it closer to the two crimes – robbery and robbery. Delimitation of extortion from these crimes is certainly one of the most important and complex issues.
Extortion is a crime that is closely adjacent to the theft of another's property; it has a number of features that bring it closer to the two crimes – robbery and robbery. Delimitation of extortion from these crimes is certainly one of the most important and complex issues.
Keywords: robbery, assault, arbitrariness, a criminal offence, the qualification of the offence.
Work bibliographic list
1. Konstitucija Rossijskoj Federacii ot 12.12.1993 g. //Rossijskaja gazeta ot 21 janvarja 2013 goda.
Work bibliographic list
1. Konstitucija Rossijskoj Federacii ot 12.12.1993 g. //Rossijskaja gazeta ot 21 janvarja 2013 goda.
2. Ugolovnyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii: Federal'nyj zakon ot 13.06.1996 N 63-FZ (prinjat GD FS RF 24.05.1996, red. ot 24.11.2014) // Rossijskaja gazeta ot 30 ijulja 2014 goda.
3. Kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ob administrativnyh pravonarushenijah: Federal'nyj zakon ot 20.12.2001 # 195-FZ // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. 1998. #17. St.2010.
4. Obzor sudebnoj praktiki po ugolovnym delam za III kvartal 2012 goda // Bjulleten' Verhovnogo Suda Rossijskoj Federacii. Spravochno-pravovaja sistema«Konsul'tant Pljus», 2015. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:, svobodnyj.
5. Bojcov A. I. Prestuplenija protiv sobstvennosti.SPb.: Juridicheskij centr Press, 2012. 206 s.
6. Borzenkov G. Priznaki hishhenija v sostave vymogatel'stva // Zakonnost'. 2013. # 4.
7. Varankina Ju. Problemy kvalifikacii prestuplenij, sovershaemyh iz korystnoj ili inoj lichnoj zainteresovannosti // Ugolovnoe pravo. 2013.# 6. S. 7-13.
8. Vlasova I. V. K voprosu ob ugolovno-pravovoj prirode vymogatel'stva // Rossijskij sledovatel'. 2012. N 23. S. 24-26.
9. Gauhman L. D. Ob"ekt prestuplenija: Lekcija. M., 2012. 167 s.
10. Karpushin M. P., Kurljandskij V. I. Ugolovnaja otvetstvennost' i sostav prestuplenija. M., 2014. 244s.
11. Kommentarij k Ugolovnomu kodeksu Rossijskoj Federacii» (postatejnyj. 4-e izdanie, ispravlennoe, pererabotannoe i dopolnennoe / pod red. A.I. Chuchaeva. M: «KONTRAKT», 2013. 524 s.
12. Kommentarij k Ugolovnomu kodeksu Rossijskoj Federacii» (postatejnyj) / pod red. A. V. Brilliantova. M.: «Prospekt», 2014. 635 s.
13. Kommentarij k ugolovnomu kodeksu Rossijskoj Federacii (postatejnyj). Izdanie 8-e, dopolnennoe i ispravlennoe / otv. red. V. M. Lebedev. M.: Jurajt-Iz-dat, 2014. 649 s.
14. Konstantinov V. Rejderstvo - ne moshennichestvo // Zakonnost'. 2013. # 1. S. 10-11.
15. Minskaja V. S. Voprosy kvalifikacii vymogatel'stva // Gosudarstvo i pravo. 2012. # 2. S. 28-30.
16. Naumov A. V. Rossijskoe ugolovnoe pravo: Kurs lekcij. Tom 1. Obshhaja chast'. M., 2015. 526 s.
17. Naumov A. V. Problemy kodifikacii rossijskogo ugolovnogo zakonodatel'stva: novyj Ugolovnyj kodeks ili novaja redakcija Kodeksa? // Ugolovnoe pravo. 2014. 4. S. 25-26.
Zaynullinа Z. F.
Features of the qualification of smuggling, stipulated by art. 200.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation by an official using his official position
The article is devoted to the research of features of the qualification of smuggling stipulated by Art. 200.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, by an official, permanently, temporarily, or by special power carrying out the functions of a representative of power and fulfilling organisational-administrative or administrative-economic functions in state agencies, agencies of local self-governed authorities, state and municipal institutions, state corporations, and also in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other forces and military formations of the Russian Federation.The authors draw attention to the possibility of criminal prosecution under Russian law for the qualified smuggling of customs officers of other states including members of the Eurasian Economic Union.
The article is devoted to the research of features of the qualification of smuggling stipulated by Art. 200.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, by an official, permanently, temporarily, or by special power carrying out the functions of a representative of power and fulfilling organisational-administrative or administrative-economic functions in state agencies, agencies of local self-governed authorities, state and municipal institutions, state corporations, and also in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other forces and military formations of the Russian Federation.The authors draw attention to the possibility of criminal prosecution under Russian law for the qualified smuggling of customs officers of other states including members of the Eurasian Economic Union.
Keywords: smuggling, an official, official position, abuse of power, exceeding official authority, qualification of smuggling, functions of an official.
Work bibliographic list
Work bibliographic list
1. Postanovlenie Plenuma Verhovnogo Suda Rossijskoj Federacii ot 16.10.2009 # 19 «O sudebnoj praktike po delam o zloupotreblenii dolzhnostnymi polnomochijami i o prevyshenii dolzhnostnyh polnomochij» // Bjulleten' Verhovnogo Suda RF. – 2009.– # 12.
2. Postanovlenie Plenuma Verhovnogo suda Rossijskoj Federaciiot 09.07.2013 # 24 «O sudebnoj praktike po delam o vzjatochnichestve i ob inyh korrupcionnyh prestuplenijah» // Rossijskaja gazeta. – 2013. – 17 ijulja.
3. Klepickij I. A. Sistema hozjajstvennyh prestuplenij. – M., 2005. – S. 485.
4. Volzhenkin B. V. Prestuplenija v sfere jekonomicheskoj dejatel'nosti. – SPb., 2007. – S. 562.
5. Postanovlenie Pravitel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii ot 27.04.2001 # 322 «Ob utverzhdenii Polozhenija o provedenii jekspertizy i kontrolja za vyvozom kul'turnyh cennostej» // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. – 2001. – # 19. – St. 1938.
Gadjeva A. A., Balachova A. D.
Responsibility for assault: a critical assessment of the latest changes
The article analyses the issues of criminal responsibility for the beating, provides a critical appraisal of recent amendments, the practice of their application. Proves the fallacy of the position of the legislator in relation to the beatings and predicts the possible negative impacts of liberalization of criminal responsibility for the crime. Invited to return to the previous version of crimes of beating, and the problems associated with domestic violence to solve a social control and protection of the population.
The article analyses the issues of criminal responsibility for the beating, provides a critical appraisal of recent amendments, the practice of their application. Proves the fallacy of the position of the legislator in relation to the beatings and predicts the possible negative impacts of liberalization of criminal responsibility for the crime. Invited to return to the previous version of crimes of beating, and the problems associated with domestic violence to solve a social control and protection of the population.
Keywords: assault, health, decriminalization of beatings, domestic violence, administrative collateral estoppels.
Work bibliographic list
1. «Shlepki Mizulinoj»: k chemu privedet dekriminalizacija nasilija v sem'e. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 2.12.2017 g.).
Work bibliographic list
1. «Shlepki Mizulinoj»: k chemu privedet dekriminalizacija nasilija v sem'e. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 2.12.2017 g.).
2. Gurov A. Nastalo li vremja? // JeZh-Jurist. 2016. # 10.
3. Krylova N. E. Gumanizacija ugolovnogo zakonodatel'stva prodolzhaetsja? Analiz proektov federal'nyh zakonov, odobrennyh Plenumom Verhovnogo Suda RF 31 ijulja 2015 g. // Zakon. 2015. # 8. S. 90-107.
4. MVD RF: ot semejnyh poboev v osnovnom stradajut zhenshhiny. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 2.12.2017 g.).
5. Oficial'nye statisticheskie dannye MVD RF.[Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: https://mvd.rf/Deljatelnost/statistics (data obrashhenija: 2.12.2017 g.).
6. Prokuratura oblasti raz"jasnjaet polozhenija ob obratnoj sile ugolovnogo zakona. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: obrashhenija: 2.12.2017 g.).
7. Udarit' nel'zja sudit': mnenija za i protiv dekriminalizacii semejnyh poboev. [Jelektronnyj resurs].– Rezhim dostupa: obrashhenija: 2.12.2017 g.).
Levashova O. V., Goricheva V. L.
Forms and methods of social prevention of juvenile delinquency
Prevention of juvenile crime is a priority social policy areas of the state. It includes various forms
Prevention of juvenile crime is a priority social policy areas of the state. It includes various forms
and methods of social prevention, through which are identified and eliminated the circumstances and conditions leading to the Commission of offences that are considered in the article.
Keywords: prevention of juvenile delinquency, child neglect, juvenile delinquency.
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon ot 24 ijunja 1999 g. # 120-FZ «Ob osnovah sistemy profilaktiki beznadzornosti i pravonarushenij nesovershennoletnih» // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii. –1999. – # 26. – St. 3177.
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon ot 24 ijunja 1999 g. # 120-FZ «Ob osnovah sistemy profilaktiki beznadzornosti i pravonarushenij nesovershennoletnih» // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii. –1999. – # 26. – St. 3177.
2. Eleckij gorodskoj sud Lipeckoj oblasti. –[Jelektronnyj resurs] – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 12.12.2017 g.).
3. Zasedanie komissii po delam nesovershennoletnih i zashhite ih prav goroda El'ca. – [Jelektronnyj resurs] –Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 12.12.2017 g.).
4. Zasedanie komissii po delam nesovershennoletnih i zashhite ih prav goroda El'ca. – [Jelektronnyj resurs]. –Rezhim dostupa:
po-delam-nesovershennoletnih-i-zaschite-ihprav-goroda-eltsa/ (data obrashhenija: 12.12.2017 g.).
5. Nacional'naja premija grazhdanskaja iniciativa. –[Jelektronnyj resurs] – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 12.12.2017 g.).
6. Romanova L. L., Vechkanova O. F. Cocial'naja profi-laktika kak tehnologija social'noj raboty s nesovershennoletnimi pravonarushiteljami // Vestnik Amurskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Serija:Gumanitarnye nauki. – 2014. – # 64. – S. 111.
7. Habarova E. V., Poljanskih E. A. Osnovnye napravlenija social'noj raboty s nesovershennoletnimi pravonarushiteljami // V sbornike: Formy i metody social'noj raboty v razlichnyh sferah zhiznedejatel'nosti. Materialy IV Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-
prakticheskoj konferencii, posvjashhennoj 10-letiju otkrytija pervogo v Burjatii kabineta mediko-social'noj pomoshhi v poliklinicheskom zvene. Vostochno-Sibirskij gosudarstvennyj universitet tehnologij i upravlenija. – 2015. – S. 349.
Magomedov M. I.
Guilt in crimes in the sphere of currency treatment, provided for by art. 193, 193.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation
In this article mens rea of the crimes provided by articles 193 and 193.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation is considered.
In this article mens rea of the crimes provided by articles 193 and 193.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation is considered.
The relevance to the matter is given by active development of currency regulation in the Russian Federation in the conditions of economic instability and need of counteraction and control of offenses in the economic area. The issue of strict liability in the criminal law is also considered.
Keywords: currency offences, mens rea, strict liability.
Work bibliographic list
1. «Kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ob administrativnyh pravonarushenijah» ot 30.12.2001 # 195-FZ (red. ot 07.02.2017) (s izm. i dop., vstup. v silu s 01.03.2017)// «Rossijskaja gazeta». # 256. 31.12.2001.
Work bibliographic list
1. «Kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ob administrativnyh pravonarushenijah» ot 30.12.2001 # 195-FZ (red. ot 07.02.2017) (s izm. i dop., vstup. v silu s 01.03.2017)// «Rossijskaja gazeta». # 256. 31.12.2001.
2. «Ugolovnyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii» ot 13.06.1996 # 63-FZ (red. ot 19.12.2016) // «Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF». 17.06.1996. # 25. st. 2954.
3. Federal'nyj zakon ot 10.12.2003 # 173-FZ (red. ot 03.07.2016) «O valjutnom regulirovanii i valjutnom kontrole»// «Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF». 15.12.2003. # 50. st. 4859.
4. Abanokov S. K. Stat'ja 193 Ugolovnogo kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii: spornye voprosy teorii i praktiki // Istoricheskie, filosofskie, politicheskie, juridicheskie nauki, kul'turologija i iskusstvovedenie. Voprosy teorii i praktiki. 2011. #6-2. S. 10-13.
5. Kravec Ju. P. Usilenie otvetstvennosti za novye prestuplenija v sfere nezakonnyh finansovyh operacij // Vestnik Nizhegorodskogo universiteta im. N. I. Lobachevskogo. 2014. # 3-2. S. 114-121.
Yanovskiy R. S.
Yanovskiy R. S.
Legal regulation of additional checking of crime report
The stage of initiation of a criminal case is provided for in criminal proceedings to determine in a particular situation the presence of signs of a crime that indicate the need for further investigation within the framework of an initiated criminal case. The procedural activity in the said stage can be repeated, and repeatedly, within the framework of the so-called "additional verification", which has not received the proper legislative regulation. The article deals with topical issues of theory and practice of additional consideration of a report on a crime.
The stage of initiation of a criminal case is provided for in criminal proceedings to determine in a particular situation the presence of signs of a crime that indicate the need for further investigation within the framework of an initiated criminal case. The procedural activity in the said stage can be repeated, and repeatedly, within the framework of the so-called "additional verification", which has not received the proper legislative regulation. The article deals with topical issues of theory and practice of additional consideration of a report on a crime.
Keywords: pre-trial proceedings, the stage of initiation of criminal proceedings, pre-investigation checks, additional verification, grounds, grounds for initiating criminal proceedings.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ugolovno-processual'nyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ot 18 dekabrja 2001 goda # 174-FZ s izmenenijami.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ugolovno-processual'nyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ot 18 dekabrja 2001 goda # 174-FZ s izmenenijami.
2. Opredelenie Konstitucionnogo Suda RF ot 16.05.2007 # 374-O-O «Ob otkaze v prinjatii k rassmotreniju zhaloby grazhdanki Beljusovoj G. N. na narushenie ee konstitucionnyh prav chast'ju shestoj stat'i 148 Ugolovno-processual'nogo kodeksa Ros-
sijskoj Federacii».
3. Materialy proverki soobshhenija o prestuplenii # 583 pr/01-15 ot 08.08.2015 po zajavleniju F. v otnoshenii sotrudnikov policii // Arhiv sledstvennogo otdela po g. Petropavlovsku-Kamchatskomu sledstvennogo upravlenija Sledstvennogo komiteta RF po Kamchatskomu kraju.
4. Materialy proverki soobshhenija o prestuplenii #633 pr/01-15 ot 03.09.2015 po zajavleniju A. po faktu ne vyplaty zarabotnoj platy // Arhiv sledstvennogo otdela po g. Petropavlovsku-Kamchatskomu sledstvennogo upravlenija Sledstvennogo komiteta RF po Kamchatskomu kraju.
5. Delo # 22k-322/2017 po zhalobe T. // Arhiv Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskogo gorodskogo suda.
6. Varpahovskaja E. M. Stadija vozbuzhdenija ugolovnogo dela: Problemy pravovogo regulirovanija i primenenija. Metodicheskie rekomendacii. Irkutsk, 2005.
7. Sergeev A. B., Ovchinnikova O. V. Vozmozhnost' dokazyvanija v stadii vozbuzhdenija ugolovnogo dela //Ugolovnyj process. 2009. # 20. S.15-17.
Gichibekov M. S.
To the question about the subject of crime
The article is devoted to such criminal law Institute as «The subject of the crime». Criminal law analysis and synthesis of scientific works in criminal law theory have shown that in the theory of criminal law had not yet formed a unified approach to the definition of this notion. This is due to the fact that criminal law is not disclosed some of the concepts that are relevant to the subject of crime. The author examines some directions of perfection of criminal legislation on the subject of crime.
The article is devoted to such criminal law Institute as «The subject of the crime». Criminal law analysis and synthesis of scientific works in criminal law theory have shown that in the theory of criminal law had not yet formed a unified approach to the definition of this notion. This is due to the fact that criminal law is not disclosed some of the concepts that are relevant to the subject of crime. The author examines some directions of perfection of criminal legislation on the subject of crime.
Keywords: the subject of the crime, the identity of the offender, the age of criminal responsibility, a natural person, a legal person.
Work bibliographic list
1. Astemirov Z. A., Zijadova D. Z. K voprosu o kriminologicheskom aspekte obosnovanija ugolovnoj otvetstvennosti // Probely v rossijskom zakonodatel'stve. – 2012. – # 6. – S. 160-162.
Work bibliographic list
1. Astemirov Z. A., Zijadova D. Z. K voprosu o kriminologicheskom aspekte obosnovanija ugolovnoj otvetstvennosti // Probely v rossijskom zakonodatel'stve. – 2012. – # 6. – S. 160-162.
2. Zijadova D. Z., Shapiev S .M. Ugolovnoe pravo: Obshhaja chast': Uchebnoe posobie. – Mahachkala: Laboratorija ugolovno-pravovyh i kriminologicheskih issledovanij DGU, 2017.
3. Zhukovskij V. I. Sub"ekt prestuplenija v ugolovnom prave Rossii: Avtoref. dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. –Stavropol', 2002.
4. Ismailova P. U. Protivodejstvie zagrjazneniju atmosfery: ugolovno-pravoj i kriminologicheskij analiz: Dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. – M., 2009.
5. Mirovskij Je. L. Kriminologicheskoe issledovanie social'no-otklonjajushhegosja povedenija nesovershennoletnih i obespechenie ih bezopasnosti ot kriminal'nogo vlijanija i vovlechenija v prestupnuju dejatel'nost': Avtoref. dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. – M.,
6. Privalov A. V. K voprosu o profilaktike jekstremistskoj dejatel'nosti juridicheskih lic // Biznes v zakone. – 2008. – # 3. – S. 2-4.
Gadjeva A. A., Magomedov M. I.
Problems of improving criminal liability for kidnapping: regional aspects
This article discusses the crime of kidnapping, there are difficulties in the application of criminal liability for kidnapping against a special victim – bride. For all its negativity the custom of abduction of brides continues to exist in the Caucasus, despite his ban, including Sharia.
This article discusses the crime of kidnapping, there are difficulties in the application of criminal liability for kidnapping against a special victim – bride. For all its negativity the custom of abduction of brides continues to exist in the Caucasus, despite his ban, including Sharia.
Therefore, this problem remains urgent and requires your permission. The work concluded that the perpetrator of the abduction of the bride in the absence of the actions of the perpetrator characteristics of the other crime must be released, subject to the conclusion of the act of reconciliation and subsequent marriage.
Keywords: kidnapping, bride kidnapping, the practice of abduction, release of liability.
Work bibliographic list
1. Dugin A. E. Nekotorye osobennosti pohishhenij zhenshhin s cel'ju vstuplenija v brak // Rossijskij sud'ja. 2003. # 5.
Work bibliographic list
1. Dugin A. E. Nekotorye osobennosti pohishhenij zhenshhin s cel'ju vstuplenija v brak // Rossijskij sud'ja. 2003. # 5.
2. Kameneva A. N. Diskussionnye voprosy otvetstvennosti za iznasilovanie po ugolovnomu zakonodatel'stvu Rossijskoj Federacii i ugolovnym zakonodatel'stvam zarubezhnyh gosudarstv: avtoref. dis. ...kand. jurid. nauk. M., 2009.
3. Obzor sudebnoj praktiki verhovnogo suda Rossijskoj Federacii. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 2.12.2017 g.).
4. Rossijskoj Federacii i ugolovnym zakonodatel'stvam zarubezhnyh gosudarstv: avtoref. dis. ... kand.jurid. nauk. M., 2009.
5. Serdjukova E. V. Pohishhenie zhenshhin na territorii Dagestana: istoriko-pravovoj aspekt // Izvestija Dagestanskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta. Obshhestvennye i gumanitarnye nauki. 2012. S. 86-87.
6. Sostojanie prestupnosti. Arhivnye dannye s 2009 g po 2016 g. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 2.12.2017 g.).
7. Ugolovnye dela # 1-457; # 1-856 // Arhiv Sovetskogo rajonnogo suda g. Mahachkaly za 2016-2017 g.
Fasolya P. V.
The use of the institute of community service in criminal law of foreign countries
The article is about the issues of sentencing and execution of community service as the punishment alternative to imprisonment in criminal law of foreign countries. The author of the article revealed the meaning and significance of community service, requirements for the convicted person, the conditions preventing the execution this criminal-legal measures of influence for criminals in some countries. The author also raises the question of the creation of optimal conditions of execution of community service and decent treatment of the convicted person from the officials.
The article is about the issues of sentencing and execution of community service as the punishment alternative to imprisonment in criminal law of foreign countries. The author of the article revealed the meaning and significance of community service, requirements for the convicted person, the conditions preventing the execution this criminal-legal measures of influence for criminals in some countries. The author also raises the question of the creation of optimal conditions of execution of community service and decent treatment of the convicted person from the officials.
Keywords: community service, punishments without isolation from society, alternative penalties, criminal penalties, criminal-legal measures of influence, forced labour, suspended sentence, probation, foreign criminal law.
Work bibliographic list
1. Abaturov A. I., Korovin A. A. Sluzhba probacii: zarubezhnyj opyt. Monografija. Kirov: Spektr-Print,2013. 175 s.
Work bibliographic list
1. Abaturov A. I., Korovin A. A. Sluzhba probacii: zarubezhnyj opyt. Monografija. Kirov: Spektr-Print,2013. 175 s.
2. Dodonov V. N. Sravnitel'noe ugolovnoe pravo. Monografija. Obshhaja chast'. M.: Jurlitinform, 2009. 448 s.
3. Malinovskij A. A. Sravnitel'noe ugolovnoe pravo. Uchebnik. M.: Jurlitinform, 2014. 446 s.
4. Pertli V. A. Primenenie ugolovno-pravovyh mer bez izoljacii ot obshhestva: istoricheskij opyt i sovremennost'. Monografija. M.: Izdatel'stvo Mezhdunarodnogo juridicheskogo instituta, 2010. 200 s.
5. Potapov A. M. Ispolnenie nakazanij, ne svjazannyh s izoljaciej osuzhdjonnyh ot obshhestva, v Rossii i zarubezhnyh stranah. Monografija. Vologda: VIPJe FSIN Rossii, 2015. 230 s.
6. Ugolovnoe zakonodatel'stvo zarubezhnyh stran (Anglii, SShA, Francii, Germanii, Japonii). Sbornik zakonodatel'nyh materialov. M.: Izdatel'stvo «ZER-CALO», 1999. 352 s.
7. Ugolovnyj kodeks Ispanii. M.: Izd-vo «ZERCALO», 1998. 218 s.
8. Ugolovnyj kodeks Francii (s izm. i dop. na 1 janvarja 2002 g.). SPb.: Jurid. centr Press, 2002. 648 s.
Agasieva A. R.
On the concept of a suspect in the criminal process of Russia
In the article, the author identified gaps in Russian criminal procedural legislation regarding the concept of a suspect, which is given in a narrow, formal legal sense of the word. In the Russian criminal process, the consolidation of the concept of "suspect" is closely related to the determination of his place among other participants in criminal procedural activity, as well as the grounds for his appearance in the process. Among scientists and practitioners, it is the issues that are connected with the notion of a suspect that created the main discussion on the problems of the institution of the suspect.
In the article, the author identified gaps in Russian criminal procedural legislation regarding the concept of a suspect, which is given in a narrow, formal legal sense of the word. In the Russian criminal process, the consolidation of the concept of "suspect" is closely related to the determination of his place among other participants in criminal procedural activity, as well as the grounds for his appearance in the process. Among scientists and practitioners, it is the issues that are connected with the notion of a suspect that created the main discussion on the problems of the institution of the suspect.
Keywords: suspect, suspicion, detained on suspicion, participants in criminal proceedings.
Work bibliographic list
1. Dacieva H. G. Institut podozrevaemogo v mehanizme ugolovnogo presledovanija // Probely v rossijskom zakonodatel'stve. 2013. # 3.
Work bibliographic list
1. Dacieva H. G. Institut podozrevaemogo v mehanizme ugolovnogo presledovanija // Probely v rossijskom zakonodatel'stve. 2013. # 3.
2. Zemljanicin E. I. Persona podozrevaemogo v ugolovnom sudoproizvodstve: istoriko-pravovoj aspekt// Nauchnyj vestnik Omskoj akademii MVD Rossii.2013. # 1.
3. Kruglikov A. P. Ugolovnyj process: uchebnik dlja bakalavrov. M.: Norma, 2015.
4. Lupinskaja P. A. Ugolovno-processual'noe pravo Rossijskoj Federacii: uchebnik / otv. red. P. A. Lupinskaja. M.: Norma: INFRA-M, 2010.
Ivanova S. V., Burasheva D. K.
Psychology and pedagogical conditions of correction and resocialization of convicts as means
of their future socialization
This article examines the process of re-socialization of prisoners in places of deprivation of liberty.
This article examines the process of re-socialization of prisoners in places of deprivation of liberty.
It introduces and describes the author's model of re-socialization, taking into account individualnye
features of the convict.
Keywords: resocialization, identity of the convict, methods of influence on the personality, correction model.
Work bibliographic list
1. Rasporjazhenie Pravitel'stva RF ot 23.12.2016 N 2808-r «Ob utverzhdenii Koncepcii federal'noj celevoj programmy «Razvitie ugolovno-ispolnitel'noj sistemy (2017-2025 gody)» // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. 2017. # 2 (Chast' II). St. 413.
Work bibliographic list
1. Rasporjazhenie Pravitel'stva RF ot 23.12.2016 N 2808-r «Ob utverzhdenii Koncepcii federal'noj celevoj programmy «Razvitie ugolovno-ispolnitel'noj sistemy (2017-2025 gody)» // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. 2017. # 2 (Chast' II). St. 413.
2. «Koncepcija vospitatel'noj raboty s osuzhdennymi v uslovijah reformirovanija ugolovno-ispolnitel'noj sistemy» (utv. Minjustom RF 20.04.2000) // Vedomosti ugolovno-ispolnitel'noj sistemy. # 3. 2000.
Korobova I. N., Davydova I. A.
Control over the activities of institutions and bodies executing punishment: problems of legal regulation
As the legal guarantees of legality in administrative activity of the institutions and bodies executing
As the legal guarantees of legality in administrative activity of the institutions and bodies executing
punishment, we can consider various types of control and supervision. Currently created and operates an extensive system of control over the activities of institutions and bodies executing punishment, however, in the legal regulation of this activity there are a number of problems. The article formulates proposals for the elimination of the existing legislation conflicts in the field of control and supervision, and analyses the position on the revision of the relevant Chapter of the penal code.
Keywords: legal guarantees of legality control, the subjects of control over the activities of institutions and bodies executing punishment, improving supervision, conflict of law, problems of legal regulation, new forms of control.
Work bibliographic list
1. Zubarev S. M. O nekotoryh aspektah sovershenstvovanija pravovogo regulirovanija gosudarstvennogo kontrolja za dejatel'nost'ju uchrezhdenij i organov, ispolnjajushhih ugolovnye nakazanija // Ugolovno-ispolnitel'noe pravo. 2016. # 3. S. 9-13.
Work bibliographic list
1. Zubarev S. M. O nekotoryh aspektah sovershenstvovanija pravovogo regulirovanija gosudarstvennogo kontrolja za dejatel'nost'ju uchrezhdenij i organov, ispolnjajushhih ugolovnye nakazanija // Ugolovno-ispolnitel'noe pravo. 2016. # 3. S. 9-13.
2. Kollizii zakonodatel'stva Rossii (kratkij nauchnyj kommentarij): monografija / A. P. Skiba i dr.; pod red. A. A. Krymova. – 2-e izd., ispr. i dop. Rjazan': Akademija FSIN Rossii, 2016. 206 s.
3. Obshhaja chast' novogo Ugolovno-ispolnitel'nogo kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii: itogi i obosnovanija teoreticheskogo modelirovanija / pod red. d.ju.n., professora V. I. Seliverstova. M.: ID «Jurisprudencija», 2017.
4. Pravovoe regulirovanie kontrolja za dejatel'nost'ju uchrezhdenij i organov, ispolnjajushhih nakazanija: monografija / I. A. Davydova i dr. Rjazan': Akademija FSIN Rossii, 2017. 141 s.
Strigin M. Yu.
The conditions for the deferment of serving the punishment for the addict
The article looks at the existing views on the nature of the delay in serving a sentence for patients with drug addiction. The main conditions for such a delay are analyzed. The notion of "postponement of serving a sentence" and the main directions of its implementation are disclosed. The possibility of granting the considered type of deferral to persons who committed other crimes, in addition to the stipulated part 1, is considered. Art. 228, part 1. Art. 231, art. 233 of the Criminal Code. The question of the possibility of providing convicts in parts 2 or 3 of Art. 228 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation postponement in accordance with Art. 82.1 of the Criminal Code. It is pointed out that the number of crimes related to the sale of narcotic drugs is steadily growing, as well as the number of drug addicts, which requires the use of alternative punishments for criminal law measures. The existing contradictions in the current legislation have been identified and recommendations for its improvement have been proposed in terms of granting a delay in serving the sentence to drug addicts with a broader list of convicts for drug offenses.
The article looks at the existing views on the nature of the delay in serving a sentence for patients with drug addiction. The main conditions for such a delay are analyzed. The notion of "postponement of serving a sentence" and the main directions of its implementation are disclosed. The possibility of granting the considered type of deferral to persons who committed other crimes, in addition to the stipulated part 1, is considered. Art. 228, part 1. Art. 231, art. 233 of the Criminal Code. The question of the possibility of providing convicts in parts 2 or 3 of Art. 228 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation postponement in accordance with Art. 82.1 of the Criminal Code. It is pointed out that the number of crimes related to the sale of narcotic drugs is steadily growing, as well as the number of drug addicts, which requires the use of alternative punishments for criminal law measures. The existing contradictions in the current legislation have been identified and recommendations for its improvement have been proposed in terms of granting a delay in serving the sentence to drug addicts with a broader list of convicts for drug offenses.
Keywords: deferment of serving a sentence, patients with drug addiction, prevention, correction of convicts, relapse, committing a crime for the first time.
Work bibliographic list
1. Postanovlenie Plenuma Verhovnogo Suda Rossijskoj Federacii ot 22 dekabrja 2015 goda # 58 (v red. ot 29.11.2016) «O praktike naznachenija sudami Rossijskoj Federacii ugolovnogo nakazanija» // Bjulleten' Verhovnogo Suda Rossijskoj Federacii. 2016. # 2. S. 17-29.
Work bibliographic list
1. Postanovlenie Plenuma Verhovnogo Suda Rossijskoj Federacii ot 22 dekabrja 2015 goda # 58 (v red. ot 29.11.2016) «O praktike naznachenija sudami Rossijskoj Federacii ugolovnogo nakazanija» // Bjulleten' Verhovnogo Suda Rossijskoj Federacii. 2016. # 2. S. 17-29.
2. Gal'perin I. M. Nakazanie: social'nye funkcii, praktika primenenija. M., 1983.
3. Daniljan R. S., Mikaeljan S. A. Osvobozhdenie ot nakazanija v svjazi s bolezn'ju: problemy teorii i praktiki // Rossijskij sud'ja. 2012. # 11. S. 7-9.
4. Pershutov A. G. dejatel'nost' suda, svjazannaja s primeneniem otsrochki ispolnenija prigovora. Irkutsk,1991.
5. Saadjan S. G. Otsrochka otbyvanija nakazanija: istoricheskoe razvitie, pravovaja priroda, zakonodatel'naja reglamentacija: avtoref. … kand. jurid. nauk. Krasnodar: Juzhnyj federal'nyj universitet, 2016.
6. Sysoev R. A. O sushhnosti instituta otsrochki otbyvanija nakazanija bol'nym narkomaniej // Vestnik instituta: prestuplenie, nakazanie, ispravlenie. 2015.# 1(29). S. 7-10.
7. Tepljashin P. V., Lukin R. S. Problemy reabilitacii lic, bol'nyh narkomaniej, otbyvajushhih lishenie svobody v lechebnyh ispravitel'nyh uchrezhdenijah (na primere LIU-37 OIK-40 Glavnogo upravlenija FSIN Rossii po Krasnojarskomu kraju) // Vestnik Sibirskogo juridicheskogo instituta FSKN Rossii. 2016. # 3. S. 26-31.
Baychorova F. Kh.
Criminological characteristics of the situative type of the personality of women-crimes
The personality of female criminals has characteristic features, the study of which makes it possible to choose the most appropriate measures for correction, individual educational work and effective prevention, as well as for timely correction of the personality characterized by antisocial behavior, but not yet on the path of crime. The author, having conducted a criminological study of the personality of female criminals, came to differentiation into the criminogenic and situational types of this individual. This article is devoted to the analysis of the situational type of personality of female criminals.
The personality of female criminals has characteristic features, the study of which makes it possible to choose the most appropriate measures for correction, individual educational work and effective prevention, as well as for timely correction of the personality characterized by antisocial behavior, but not yet on the path of crime. The author, having conducted a criminological study of the personality of female criminals, came to differentiation into the criminogenic and situational types of this individual. This article is devoted to the analysis of the situational type of personality of female criminals.
Keywords: criminal woman, criminal personality, criminal woman's personality, situational personality type, conflict situation.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bajchorova F. H. Zhenskaja prestupnost'. Tendencii. Viktimologicheskij aspekt. Monografija. M., 2015.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bajchorova F. H. Zhenskaja prestupnost'. Tendencii. Viktimologicheskij aspekt. Monografija. M., 2015.
2. Kudrjavcev V. N. Pravo i povedenie. M.: Jurid. litra, 1978.
3. Luneev V. V. Sistemnyj podhod k izucheniju motivacii prestupnogo povedenija. – V kn.: Voprosy bor'by s prestupnost'ju. M.: Jurid. lit-ra, 1980, vyp. 33.
4. Rubinshtejn S. L. Bytie i soznanie. M.: Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1957.
5. Filimonov V. D. Obshhestvennaja opasnost' lichnosti prestupnika. Tomsk, 1970.
Vinogradov A. A.
Especially the disclosure of the stolen car in hot pursuit
The article deals with the issues of disclosure of the theft of the car in hot pursuit. The article
The article deals with the issues of disclosure of the theft of the car in hot pursuit. The article
analyses the peculiarities of creation and functioning of various types of investigative and operational groups. Proposed for creation of a specialized investigation group upon the opening of car thefts on a regular basis.
Keywords: Detection of crime, car theft, disclosure of the theft of the car in hot pursuit, is investigative-task force.
Work bibliographic list
1. Belkin R. S. Kurs kriminalistiki: v 3-h t. T. 3. – M.,Jurist", 1997. – 480 c.
Work bibliographic list
1. Belkin R. S. Kurs kriminalistiki: v 3-h t. T. 3. – M.,Jurist", 1997. – 480 c.
2. Dejstvija sotrudnikov policii pri raskrytii prestuplenij po «gorjachim sledam»: uchebno-metodicheskoe posobie / Ju. N. Grishin, G. P. Afon'kin, T. V. Astishina, E. V. Markelova. – Domodedovo: VIPK MVD Rossii, 2015. – 68 s.
Voevodina I. V.
Urgent investigative actions in the legislation of Russia and the Russian Federation: a retrospective comparative legal study
In this article the author reveals the importance and role of emergency consequences at the pre-trial stages of criminal proceedings, covers the history of the origin and development of the Institute of urgent investigative actions in the criminal procedure law.
In this article the author reveals the importance and role of emergency consequences at the pre-trial stages of criminal proceedings, covers the history of the origin and development of the Institute of urgent investigative actions in the criminal procedure law.
Keywords: urgent investigative actions, the history of the question, inquiry, evidence, the system of investigative actions.
Work bibliographic list
1. Vdovcev P. V. Neotlozhnye sledstvennye dejstvija v rossijskom ugolovnom processe: voprosy teorii, praktiki i zakonodatel'nogo regulirovanija: avto-ref. dis. kand. jurid. nauk. Ekaterinburg, 2011.
Work bibliographic list
1. Vdovcev P. V. Neotlozhnye sledstvennye dejstvija v rossijskom ugolovnom processe: voprosy teorii, praktiki i zakonodatel'nogo regulirovanija: avto-ref. dis. kand. jurid. nauk. Ekaterinburg, 2011.
2. Esina A. S., Arestova E. N. Doznanie v organah vnutrennih del. M., 2003.
3. Kalinovskij K. B. Koncepcija ugolovno-processual'nyh dejstvij v neotlozhnoj situacii i problemy ee realizacii v Ugolovno-processual'nom kodekse Rossijskoj Federacii // Pjat'desjat let kafedre ugolovnogo processa UrGJuA (SJuI): Materialy Mezhdunar. nauch.-prakt. konf., g. Ekaterinburg, 27-28 janv. 2005 g.: V 2 ch. Ekaterinburg, 2005. Ch. 1. S. 387-393.
4. Kruglikov A. P. Nachalo predvaritel'nogo sledstvija organom doznanija kak forma ego vzaimodejstvija so sledovatelem // Ugolovnoe pravo. 2005. # 3. S. 88.
5. Kuz'menko N. K. Sistematizacija neotlozhnyh sledstvennyh dejstvij pri raskrytii i rassledovanij prestuplenij. Kiev, 1981
6. Kuklin V. I. Neotlozhnye sledstvennye dejstvija. Kazan', 1967.
7. Lukovnikov G. D. Organy doznanija v sisteme dosudebnogo proizvodstva po ugolovnym delam: avtoref. dis.… kand. jurid. nauk. M., 1999.
8. Mereckij N. E. Konceptual'nye problemy metodologii rassledovanija prestuplenij // Pravovaja real'nost' v fokuse juridicheskoj nauki i universitetskogo prosveshhenija: materialy mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii Dal'nevost. unta 2009 g. Vladivostok S. 160-162.
9. Petuhovskij A. A., Shuruhnov N. G. Dokazyvanie v ugolovnom sudoproizvodstve, vidy i porjadok proizvodstva sledstvennyh dejstvij (po UPK RF 2001 g.).M.-Tula, 2002.
10. Rossijskoe zakonodatel'stvo H-HH vekov. V devjati tomah, Pod obshhej redakciej doktora juridicheskih nauk, professora O. I. Chistjakova. Sudebnaja reforma. Tom 8. M., 1991.
11. Savel'ev Ju. Ju. O svoevremennosti provedenija neotlozhnyh sledstvennyh dejstvij // Zakon i pravo. 2007. # 7.
12. Semencov V. A. Sistema sledstvennyh dejstvij Rossii: istorija i sovremennost' // Vestnik OGU. 2005. # 3. S. 1.
13. Sigalov L. E. Teorija i praktika neotlozhnyh sledstvennyh dejstvij: dis. ... kand. jurid. nauk. Sverdlovsk, 1969/
14. Solov'ev A. B. Sledstvennye dejstvija na pervonachal'nom jetape rassledovanija. M., 1995.
15. Sopneva E. V. O neotlozhnyh sledstvennyh dejstvijah v ugolovnom processe // Ugolovnoe sudoproizvodstvo. 2008. # 3.
16. Utkin M. S. Sootnoshenie pervonachal'nyh, posledujushhih i neotlozhnyh sledstvennyh dejstvij // Raskrytie prestuplenij i preduprezhdenie pravonarushenij. Omsk, 1979.
17. Shuruhnov N. G. Klassifikacija sledstvennyh dejstvij, predusmotrennyh Ugolovno-processual'nym kodeksom Rossijskoj Federacii // Aktual'nye problemy sovremennogo ugolovnogo processa Rossii. Samara: Izdatel'stvo «Samarskij universitet», 2010. S. 258-264.
Bondar A. G.
Problematic issues in the field of detection of crimes and offences for suppression of illegal gambling activities
In daily activities and in the performance of combat missions in a stable growth of corruption and economic crimes, employees of economic security and anti-corruption departments have to deal with problems for which the legislator needs to remove the legal vacuum that allows criminal elements to commit crimes with impunity.
In daily activities and in the performance of combat missions in a stable growth of corruption and economic crimes, employees of economic security and anti-corruption departments have to deal with problems for which the legislator needs to remove the legal vacuum that allows criminal elements to commit crimes with impunity.
Keywords: legal regulation of illegal activities in gambling out of gambling zones, economy, economic offences, liability, and economic security.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ugolovnyj kodeks RF ot 13 ijunja 1996 g. # 63-FZ v redakcii ot 29.07.2017.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ugolovnyj kodeks RF ot 13 ijunja 1996 g. # 63-FZ v redakcii ot 29.07.2017.
2. Federal'nyj zakon ot 29.12.2006 # 244-FZ «O gosudarstvennom regulirovanii dejatel'nosti po organizacii i provedeniju azartnyh igr i o vnesenii izmenenij v nekotorye zakonodatel'nye akty Rossijskoj Federacii».
3. Gutieva I. G. Problemy rassledovanija prestuplenij v sfere jekonomicheskoj dejatel'nosti // Sbornik materialov XXXVI Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. Pod obshhej redakciej S. S.Chernova. - 2017.
4. Kumysheva M. K. Sistemnyj podhod k problemam nacional'noj bezopasnosti // Chernye dyry v Rossijskom zakonodatel'stve. - 2017. - # 1.
5. Tatarov L. A. Dopustimost' dokazatel'stv v kontekste ih ugolovno-processual'noj ocenki // Zakon i pravo. - 2014. - # 7.
6. Chattaev A. R. Korrupcionnyj sled jekonomicheskih prestuplenij v korporativnoj sfere // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. - 2017. - # 3 (106).
Radzabadieva M. G.
About criminalistic characteristics of tax crimes
In the article the author reveals the concept of criminalistic characteristics of tax crimes, also examines some elements of the criminalistics characteristics of tax crimes (place, time, method of committing tax crimes, the identity of the offender) and conditions conducive to the commission of tax crimes.
In the article the author reveals the concept of criminalistic characteristics of tax crimes, also examines some elements of the criminalistics characteristics of tax crimes (place, time, method of committing tax crimes, the identity of the offender) and conditions conducive to the commission of tax crimes.
Keywords: forensic characteristics of tax crimes, tax evasion, method of committing tax crimes, place of committing a tax crime.
Work bibliographic list
1. Artjomenko D. A. Razvitie metodicheskogo obespechenija vzimanija nalogov // Jekonomicheskij vestnik. Rostov-na-Donu. T 8. # 3. 2010.
Work bibliographic list
1. Artjomenko D. A. Razvitie metodicheskogo obespechenija vzimanija nalogov // Jekonomicheskij vestnik. Rostov-na-Donu. T 8. # 3. 2010.
2. Lutoshkin G. Ju., Lutoshkina T. V. Metodika raskrytija i rassledovanija nalogovyh prestuplenij: metodicheskie rekomendacii. SPb., 2012.
3. Nalogovyj kodeks RF. Chast' 1. M.: INFA*NORMA,2000.
4. Nalogovyj kodeks RF. Chast' 2. M.: INFA*NORMA,2000.
5. Solov'ev I. N. Realizacija ugolovnoj politiki Rossii v sfere nalogovyh prestuplenij: problemy i perspektivy dis. … dokt. jurid. nauk. M.:. RGB, 2005.
Tatarinov R. A.
About problems of application of article 5 of the Federal law of 12.08.1995 No. 144-FZ “About operational search activity”, in part destruction of the phonograms and other materials received as a result of listening of telephone and other negotiations of persons at fight against corruption crimes
Article is devoted to consideration of problematic issues of implementation of operational search activity during the work with the phonograms and other materials received as a result of listening of telephone and other negotiations of persons concerning which criminal case was not brought, but corruption actions were documented. The current version of article 5 of the Federal law of 12.08.1995 No. 144-FZ "About operational search activity" limits to time frames work of quick employees with materials of listening of telephone negotiations, than creates obstacles on disclosure of the lasting and continued crimes of corruption orientation. Does not affect the fate of the materials received at removal of information from technical communication channels. And also creates difficulties for the investigator and his head on tracking and observance of terms of selection of materials for destruction. In this regard, article 5 of the Federal law of 12.08.1995 No. 144-FZ "About operational search activity" demands introduction of corresponding changes.
Article is devoted to consideration of problematic issues of implementation of operational search activity during the work with the phonograms and other materials received as a result of listening of telephone and other negotiations of persons concerning which criminal case was not brought, but corruption actions were documented. The current version of article 5 of the Federal law of 12.08.1995 No. 144-FZ "About operational search activity" limits to time frames work of quick employees with materials of listening of telephone negotiations, than creates obstacles on disclosure of the lasting and continued crimes of corruption orientation. Does not affect the fate of the materials received at removal of information from technical communication channels. And also creates difficulties for the investigator and his head on tracking and observance of terms of selection of materials for destruction. In this regard, article 5 of the Federal law of 12.08.1995 No. 144-FZ "About operational search activity" demands introduction of corresponding changes.
Keywords: operational search activity, operatively-search actions, listening of telephone negotiations, removing information from technical communication channels, business of operational accounting, corruption crimes.
Work bibliographic list
1. Zheleznjak N. S. O nekotoryh aspektah zakonotvorchestva v operativno-rozysknoj dejatel'nosti // V sbornike: Aktual'nye voprosy organizacii i pravovogo regulirovanija dejatel'nosti operativnyh podrazdelenij MVD Rossii (posvjashhaetsja pamjati professora D. V. Rivmana) Materialy regional'noj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. 2016. S. 158-163.
Work bibliographic list
1. Zheleznjak N. S. O nekotoryh aspektah zakonotvorchestva v operativno-rozysknoj dejatel'nosti // V sbornike: Aktual'nye voprosy organizacii i pravovogo regulirovanija dejatel'nosti operativnyh podrazdelenij MVD Rossii (posvjashhaetsja pamjati professora D. V. Rivmana) Materialy regional'noj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. 2016. S. 158-163.
2. Lugovik V. F. Operativno-razysknoj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii (avtorskij proekt Federal'nogo zakona) // Juridicheskaja nauka i pravoohranitel'naja praktika. 2015. # 1 (31). S. 109-135.
3. Omelin V. N. Problemy sovershenstvovanija zakonodatel'nogo regulirovanija operativno-rozysknoj dejatel'nosti // Altajskij juridicheskij vestnik. 2017. # 18. S. 124-128.
Adelgildina M. Z.
The investigator and a psychologist – procedural and non-procedural interactions during the investigation of crimes involving minors
In the article, certain types of special knowledge of a psychologist are considered, the use of which is advisable both in the course of investigating crimes committed by minors and in carrying out further preventive measures when organizing individual accompaniment with adolescents «in conflict with the law». The questions of procedural and non-procedural forms of applying special knowledge of a psychologist are covered. The statistics of juvenile delinquency in the Republic of Bashkortostan for 6 months of 2017 are reflected.
In the article, certain types of special knowledge of a psychologist are considered, the use of which is advisable both in the course of investigating crimes committed by minors and in carrying out further preventive measures when organizing individual accompaniment with adolescents «in conflict with the law». The questions of procedural and non-procedural forms of applying special knowledge of a psychologist are covered. The statistics of juvenile delinquency in the Republic of Bashkortostan for 6 months of 2017 are reflected.
Keywords: juvenile delinquency, adolescent crime, special knowledge, teacher, psychologist, competent persons.
Work bibliographic list
1. Belousov A. D., Popov I. A. Psihologicheskie aspekty profilakticheskogo vozdejstvija sledovatelja, doznavatelja na nesovershennoletnih v processe rassledovanija sovershennyh imi prestuplenij: uchebno-metodicheskoe posobie. M.: FGKU «VNII MVD Rossii». 2013. 48 s.
Work bibliographic list
1. Belousov A. D., Popov I. A. Psihologicheskie aspekty profilakticheskogo vozdejstvija sledovatelja, doznavatelja na nesovershennoletnih v processe rassledovanija sovershennyh imi prestuplenij: uchebno-metodicheskoe posobie. M.: FGKU «VNII MVD Rossii». 2013. 48 s.
2. Makarenko I. A. Obespechenie prav i zakonnyh interesov nesovershennoletnego obvinjaemogo v processe rassledovanija ugolovnogo dela // Lex Russica. 2015. # 8. S. 58–69.
3. Ratinov A. R. Sudebnaja psihologija dlja sledovatelej. Izd. 2-e. M.: Jurlitinform, 2001. 352 s.
4. Saharov A. Vozrastnye osobennosti psihiki nesvershennoletnih pravonarushitelej // Socialisticheskaja zakonnost'. 1965. # 6. S. 13-16.
5. Selina E. V. Primenenie special'nyh poznanij v ugolovnom processe. M.: Jurlitinform, 2002. 144 s.
6. Shejfer S. A. Sledstvennye dejstvija. Sistema i processual'naja forma. M.: Jurlitinform, 2001. 208 s.
7. Shutemova T. V. O perspektivah razvitija kriminalistiki // Kriminalistika – proshloe, nastojashhee, budushhee: dostizhenija i perspektivy razvitija: materialy Mezhdunarodnoj nauch.-prakt. konferencii, priurochennoj k 60-letiju obrazovanija sluzhby kriminalistiki (Moskva, 16 oktjabrja 2014 g.). M., 2014. S. 112-116.
Bagautdinova A. I.
Criminalistic characteristics of murders committed by juveniles with special cruelty
The purpose of the article is to study the criminalistic characteristics of murders committed by minors with particular cruelty. In most cases, such murders are committed in a group, with a lot of injuries and strikes, in the state of alcohol or drug intoxication.
The purpose of the article is to study the criminalistic characteristics of murders committed by minors with particular cruelty. In most cases, such murders are committed in a group, with a lot of injuries and strikes, in the state of alcohol or drug intoxication.
The significance of the forensic characteristics of homicides with particular cruelty committed by minors will facilitate the disclosure of such crimes in «hot pursuit», and will also increase the effectiveness of the investigation of such dangerous and serious crimes.
Keywords: juvenile offenders, murder, committed with particular cruelty, crime characteristics, gang crime, the identity of the offender.
Work bibliographic list
1. Analiz izuchennyh ugolovnyh del v Verhovnom Sude Respubliki Bashkortostan.
Work bibliographic list
1. Analiz izuchennyh ugolovnyh del v Verhovnom Sude Respubliki Bashkortostan.
2. Analiz izuchennyh ugolovnyh del v Verhovnom Sude Respubliki Tatarstan.
3. Kanevskij L. L. Kriminalisticheskie problemy rassledovanija i profilaktiki prestuplenij nesovershennoletnih. Krasnojarsk: izd-vo Krasnojar. universiteta, 1991.
4. Makarenko I. A. Kriminalisticheskoe uchenie o lichnosti nesovershennoletnego obvinjaemogo. Avtoref.diss… d. jurid. nauk. Saratov, 2006.
5. Makarenko I. A., Jeksarhopulo A. A. Kriminalistika: uchebnik dlja bakalavriata. M.: Jurlitinform,2014.
6. Miljukov S. F. Rossijskaja ugolovnaja politika: permanentnaja revoljucija // Sovremennaja ugolovnaja politika. Materialy VII RKUP (31 maja – 1 ijunja 2012g.). M.: Prospekt, 2012. S. 160 – 164.
7. Statisticheskie dannye o sostojanii prestupnosti v Rossijskoj Federacii. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 13.01.2018 g.).
Davletov A. I.
Features of carrying out a search in the investigation of extremist crimes
This article examines the issues of conducting a search in the investigation of extremist crimes. The author discusses the tactical features of investigative actions aimed at collection and use of the material displayed evidentiary and other forensically relevant information.
This article examines the issues of conducting a search in the investigation of extremist crimes. The author discusses the tactical features of investigative actions aimed at collection and use of the material displayed evidentiary and other forensically relevant information.
Keywords: crimes of an extremist nature the extremist materials, investigations, tactical features, search.
Work bibliographic list
1. Baev O. Ja. Taktika ugolovnogo presledovanija i professional'noj zashhity ot nego. Sledstvennaja taktika: nauchno-prakticheskoe posobie. M., 2003.
Work bibliographic list
1. Baev O. Ja. Taktika ugolovnogo presledovanija i professional'noj zashhity ot nego. Sledstvennaja taktika: nauchno-prakticheskoe posobie. M., 2003.
2. Vardanjan A. V. Taktiko-psihologicheskie osnovy proizvodstva obyska. Dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. Volgograd, 2008.
3. Voronovich N. K. Informacionnyj jekstremizm v global'noj komp'juternoj seti Internet // Obshhestvo i pravo. 2012. # 1.
4. Meshherjakov V. A. Prestuplenija v sfere komp'juternoj informacii: osnovy teorii i praktiki rassledovanija. Voronezh: Izd-vo Voronezhskogo gosuniversiteta, 2002.
5. Pogodin I. V. Pokazanija uchastnikov processa – special'nye sredstva dokazyvanija po delam jekstremistskoj napravlennosti // SPS «Konsul'tantPljus».2016.
6. Shejfer S. A. Sledstvennye dejstvija. Osnovanija, processual'nyj porjadok i dokazatel'stvennoe znachenie. M., 2004.
Globa M. V.
On the structure of the judicial legal position
The article is devoted to examination of the structure of legal positions of the superior courts
The article is devoted to examination of the structure of legal positions of the superior courts
of Russia (judicial legal positions). The author analyzes doctrinal approaches of the leading legal
scholars to the concept of the structure of judicial legal positions. The main purpose of the article is to demonstrate author’s approach to the structure of judicial legal positions.
Keywords: judicial legal position, the superior courts of Russia, structure of judicial legal position, elements of judicial legal position.
Work bibliographic list
1. Alekseev S. S. Obshhaja teorija prava. T. 2., M., 1982.
Work bibliographic list
1. Alekseev S. S. Obshhaja teorija prava. T. 2., M., 1982.
2. David R. Osnovnye pravovye sistemy sovremennosti. Perevod s francuzskogo doktora juridicheskih nauk professora V. A. Tumanova. M.: Progress, 1988.
3. Bol'shoj jenciklopedicheskij slovar'. M.: Bol'shaja Rossijskaja jenciklopedija; Spb.: Noriant, 1997.
4. Sadovskij V. N. Princip sistemnosti, sistemnyj podhod i obshhaja teorija sistem // Sistemnye issledovanija: Ezhegodnik. M., 1978.
5. Taranovskij F. V. Jenciklopedija prava. SPb., 2001.
6. Filosofskij jenciklopedicheskij slovar'. Infra-M., 1983.
7. Donoghue (or McAlister) v Stevenson, [1932] All ER Rep1; [1932] AC 562; House of Lords.
Marchenko S. V.
The expressive impact of laws logic in the speeches of trial orators
In this article the author presents how the use of laws of logic in the speeches of judicial speakers becomes an effective working center. Analyzing the judicial speeches of Russian lawyers, the author considers it possible to conclude that the logical foundations of the texts spoken in the court can help the speaker create a special expressiveness of the speech and also encourage the listeners to come to the conclusion which their speaker brings them to. Indeed, the outcome of the speech largely depends on how skillfully the judicial speaker builds logical evidence, how he uses the methods of argumentation. Using an example of the texts of court speeches by V.D. Spasovich,
In this article the author presents how the use of laws of logic in the speeches of judicial speakers becomes an effective working center. Analyzing the judicial speeches of Russian lawyers, the author considers it possible to conclude that the logical foundations of the texts spoken in the court can help the speaker create a special expressiveness of the speech and also encourage the listeners to come to the conclusion which their speaker brings them to. Indeed, the outcome of the speech largely depends on how skillfully the judicial speaker builds logical evidence, how he uses the methods of argumentation. Using an example of the texts of court speeches by V.D. Spasovich,
the author proves that even language means that create an abstract, colorless, logical presentation can exert an expressive influence on the judicial audience.
Keywords: laws of logic, logical judicial speech, expressiveness of judicial speech, Russian judicial speakers.
Work bibliographic list
1. Marchenko S. V. Jekspressivnye sredstva sudebnoj rechi: monografija. Samara: Samarskij juridicheskij institut FSIN Rossii, 2008. 112 s.
Work bibliographic list
1. Marchenko S. V. Jekspressivnye sredstva sudebnoj rechi: monografija. Samara: Samarskij juridicheskij institut FSIN Rossii, 2008. 112 s.
2. Marchenko S. V. Jekspressivnye sredstva jazyka i literaturnye prijomy v rechi sudebnyh oratorov XIX veka// Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2017. # 4 (107). S.123-124.
3. Marchenko S. V., Marchenko D. Je. Metodologicheskie osnovy sudebnogo krasnorechija // Na peresechenii jazykov i kul'tur. Aktual'nye voprosy gumanitarnogo znanija: Nauchno-metodicheskij zhurnal. 2016. # 1 (7). S. 86-89.
4. Sergeich P. iskusstvo rechi na sude. Tula: Avtograf, 2000. 438 s.
5. Sudebnye rechi izvestnyh russkih juristov / Sost. E. M. Vorozhejkin. M.: Gosjurizdat, 1958. 520 s.
Podusovskaya V. V.
«Competition of claims» for the protection of property rights
The article deals with the actual problem of choosing a certain way of protecting violated civil rights, taking into account the prevailing opinion in the legal science and practice on the existence of competition between certain kinds of suits. The analysis of the conditioning, vindication and restitution obligations is carried out. The conclusion is made that there is no competition between the requirements for vindication, restitution and recovery of unjust enrichment, the corresponding justifications are given, taking into account the differences in the legal nature of the occurrence, subject composition, objects and conditions for meeting these requirements. To investigate this issue of competition lawsuits, the norms of the current legislation and jurisprudence concerning the issues of vindication, restitution and conditioning were considered.
The article deals with the actual problem of choosing a certain way of protecting violated civil rights, taking into account the prevailing opinion in the legal science and practice on the existence of competition between certain kinds of suits. The analysis of the conditioning, vindication and restitution obligations is carried out. The conclusion is made that there is no competition between the requirements for vindication, restitution and recovery of unjust enrichment, the corresponding justifications are given, taking into account the differences in the legal nature of the occurrence, subject composition, objects and conditions for meeting these requirements. To investigate this issue of competition lawsuits, the norms of the current legislation and jurisprudence concerning the issues of vindication, restitution and conditioning were considered.
Keywords: competition of claims, legal nature of claims, vindication lawsuit, restitution, recovery of unjust enrichment.
Work bibliographic list
1. Belov V. A. Grazhdanskoe pravo: Obshhaja i Osobennaja chasti: uchebnik. M.: Centr JurInfoR, 2003. 960 s.
Work bibliographic list
1. Belov V. A. Grazhdanskoe pravo: Obshhaja i Osobennaja chasti: uchebnik. M.: Centr JurInfoR, 2003. 960 s.
2. Karhalev D. N. Kondikcija v grazhdanskom prave //Grazhdanskoe pravo. 2015. # 6. S. 33-36.
3. Sinicyn S. A. Restitucionnye pravootnoshenija:ponjatie, soderzhanie, problemy klassifikacii //Jurist. 2015. # 19. S. 32-39.
4. Hvostov V. M. Sistema rimskogo prava: Uchebnik. M.,1996. 314 s.
5. Tuzov D. O. Restitucija i restitucionnye pravootnoshenija v grazhdanskom prave Rossii // Civilisticheskie issledovanija. Vyp. 1. M.: Statut, 2004. 244 s.
Shalamova I. A.
Realization of the rights of citizens to an equitable proceeding
The article studies the problem of occurrence of disputes of individuals who deem their rights to have been violated due to improper notification on court proceedings. It also analyses the existing practice to consider individuals’ appeals to judicial authorities for protection of their right for a fair trial in terms of application of mechanisms providing for enforcement of judgments of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR). Based on statistical data and judicial decisions following court examination of such cases, the author exemplifies the enforcement by individuals of their right for a fair public trial as special preventive measures aimed to remedy the violation of the law of procedure. The research also expresses the author’s viewpoint on the changes introduced to procedural laws and regulations to the extent of enhancement of mechanisms and service of legal process as general measures stipulated for prevention of repeated violation of civil rights.
The article studies the problem of occurrence of disputes of individuals who deem their rights to have been violated due to improper notification on court proceedings. It also analyses the existing practice to consider individuals’ appeals to judicial authorities for protection of their right for a fair trial in terms of application of mechanisms providing for enforcement of judgments of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR). Based on statistical data and judicial decisions following court examination of such cases, the author exemplifies the enforcement by individuals of their right for a fair public trial as special preventive measures aimed to remedy the violation of the law of procedure. The research also expresses the author’s viewpoint on the changes introduced to procedural laws and regulations to the extent of enhancement of mechanisms and service of legal process as general measures stipulated for prevention of repeated violation of civil rights.
Keywords: right to relief in court, proper service of process, evidences, the institution of judgments review, enforcement of court orders, changes to procedural laws and regulations.
Work bibliographic list
1. «Konvencija o zashhite prav cheloveka i osnovnyh svobod» // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF». 08.01.2001. # 2.St. 163.
Work bibliographic list
1. «Konvencija o zashhite prav cheloveka i osnovnyh svobod» // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF». 08.01.2001. # 2.St. 163.
Tsyganova T. A.
The role of the Court of the Russian Federation in the legal policy of the state
The place of legal policy in the system of state policy, their legal interrelation is determined. The theoretical and methodological bases of the legal policy at the present stage are analyzed. The goals, forms and levels of implementation of legal policy have been studied.
The place of legal policy in the system of state policy, their legal interrelation is determined. The theoretical and methodological bases of the legal policy at the present stage are analyzed. The goals, forms and levels of implementation of legal policy have been studied.
The effectiveness of the implementation of the judiciary at the present stage is estimated. The role of the court in the mechanism of legal regulation and the problem aspects of the implementation of its functions are defined.
Keywords: national policy, legal policy, public safety, the form of implementation, justice, the court of the Russian Federation, the judiciary.
Work bibliographic list
1. Stat'ja 37 Federal'nogo konstitucionnogo zakona ot 7 fevralja 2011 g. # 1-FKZ «O sudah obshhej jurisdikcii v Rossijskoj Federacii». (Konsul'tant Pljus)
Work bibliographic list
1. Stat'ja 37 Federal'nogo konstitucionnogo zakona ot 7 fevralja 2011 g. # 1-FKZ «O sudah obshhej jurisdikcii v Rossijskoj Federacii». (Konsul'tant Pljus)
2. Guk P. A. Sudebnoe normotvorchestvo v Rossii: istoricheskie i teoreticheskie aspekty // Materialy I Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii 2014g. RPA. MinJust. M., 2015.
3. Guljakov A. D., Guk P. A. Sudebnaja praktika i sudebnaja politika: formy vlijanija na zakonotvorchestvo. M.: Izd. «Jurlitinform». M., 2013.
4. Ivannikov I. A. «Problemy gosudarstva i prava Rossii nachala HHI veka». Rostov: izd-vo Rostovskogo Universiteta, 2003.
5. Isakov N. V. Pravovaja politika sovremennoj Rossii: problemy teorii i praktiki Dissertacija dokt. jurid. nauk: (12.00.01). M.: RGB, 2005 (Jelektronnyj resurs. Iz fondov Rossijskoj Gosudarstvennoj Biblioteki)
6. Kistjakovskij B. A. Real'nost' ob"ektivnogo mira.Filosofija i sociologija prava. S.-Pb., 1998.
7. Kudrjavcev V. N. Pravo i povedenie. M.: Juridicheskaja literatura, 1978.
8. Mal'ko A. V. Uchebno-metodicheskij kompleks «Pravovaja politika: osnovy teorii i praktiki». M., 2015.
9. Mal'ko A. V., Matuzov N. I. Rossijskaja pravovaja politika: Kurs lekcij. M.: Norma, 2003.
10. Marks K., Jengel's F. Izbrannye proizvedenija. M.:Gospolitizdat, 1955. T. II.
11. Rybakov O. Ju., Tihonov S. V. Metodicheskie problemy formirovanija teorii pravovoj politiki //Pravovedenie. 2010. # 1.
12. Tiunova L. B. Sistemnye svjazi pravovoj dejstvitel'nosti: Metodologija i teorija. SPb., 1991.
13. Shundikov K. V. «Pravovaja politika v sfere obespechenija pozharnoj bezopasnosti, grazhdanskoj oborony, chrezvychajnyh situacij i likvidacii posledstvij stihijnyh bedstvij // Gosudarstvo i pravo. Obzor kruglogo stola. 2015. # 6. S. 116-123.
Burenkova E. A.
Procedural hurdles in the decision-making system qualification collegiums of judges
The relevance of the selected topic is due to the fact that the issue of consideration and decision-making on the fact of bringing judges to disciplinary responsibility, involves a comprehensive study of the most controversial problems associated with the implementation of the right to judicial protection and problems of access to justice, which are one of the most topical issues of modern Russian reality.
The relevance of the selected topic is due to the fact that the issue of consideration and decision-making on the fact of bringing judges to disciplinary responsibility, involves a comprehensive study of the most controversial problems associated with the implementation of the right to judicial protection and problems of access to justice, which are one of the most topical issues of modern Russian reality.
Keywords: Qualification Collegium of judges, the judicial system, the responsibility of a judge, procedural hurdles, disciplinary offence, disciplinary proceedings, access to justice, access to court.
Work bibliographic list
1. Anishina V. I. Sudebnaja vlast' v sovremennoj Rossii: konstitucionno-pravovaja model' i problemy ee sovershenstvovanija // Rossijskoe pravosudie. 2012. # 8. S. 23-27.
Work bibliographic list
1. Anishina V. I. Sudebnaja vlast' v sovremennoj Rossii: konstitucionno-pravovaja model' i problemy ee sovershenstvovanija // Rossijskoe pravosudie. 2012. # 8. S. 23-27.
2. Kleandrov M. I. Interesnye struktury i instituty sudejskogo soobshhestva v mezhdunarodnom i zarubezhnom izmerenijah // Rossijskij sud'ja. 2013. # 7. S. 37-40.
3. Kleandrov M. I. O konstitucionnoj sushhnosti kvalifikacionnyh kollegij sudej // Kvalifikacionnye kollegii sudej: vchera, segodnja, zavtra: Sb. st. M.:Vysshaja kvalifikacionnaja kollegija sudej RF, 2012. S. 70-71.
4. Kleandrov M. I. Otvetstvennost' sud'i. M.: Norma;INFRA-M, 2011. 576 s.
5. Mashkina T. Sud'ja nezavisim, no ego reshenija podkontrol'ny (princip glasnosti v dejatel'nosti kvalifikacionnyh kollegij sudej // Rossijskaja justicija. 2003. # 11.
6. Modernizacija statusa sud'i: sovremennye mezhdunarodnye podhody / Otv. red. T. N. Neshataeva. M.: Nor-ma; Infra-M, 2011. 336 s.
Vlasov D. A.
On the effectiveness of measures to combat corruption crimes
The article is devoted to the analysis of problems related to corruption violations and the ineffectiveness of anti-corruption monitoring in the Russian Federation. A point of view is voiced about tightening criminal measures to counteract corruption, difficulties in applying operative-search legislation, and the need to repeal article 304 of the Criminal Code.
The article is devoted to the analysis of problems related to corruption violations and the ineffectiveness of anti-corruption monitoring in the Russian Federation. A point of view is voiced about tightening criminal measures to counteract corruption, difficulties in applying operative-search legislation, and the need to repeal article 304 of the Criminal Code.
Keywords: "corruption", "provocation of a bribe", "anti-corruption monitoring".
Work bibliographic list
1. Ob osnovnyh napravlenijah sovershenstvovanija sistemy gosudarstvennogo upravlenija: Ukaz Prezidenta Rossijskoj Federacii ot 7 maja 2012 goda # 601 // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. – 2012. –# 19. – St. 2338.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ob osnovnyh napravlenijah sovershenstvovanija sistemy gosudarstvennogo upravlenija: Ukaz Prezidenta Rossijskoj Federacii ot 7 maja 2012 goda # 601 // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. – 2012. –# 19. – St. 2338.
2. O protivodejstvii korrupcii: Federal'nyj zakon 25 dekabrja 2008 goda # 273-FZ // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. – 2008. – # 52 (ch.1).
3. O protivodejstvii korrupcii v organah gosudarstvennoj vlasti Pskovskoj oblasti i organah mestnogo samoupravlenija: Zakon Pskovskoj oblasti ot 17.07.2008 # 784–oz (red. ot 08.10.2015) // Pskovskaja pravda. – 2008. – # 188-189.
4. O protivodejstvii korrupcii v Respublike Saha (Jakutija): Zakon Respubliki Saha (Jakutija) ot 19.02.2009 668–Z # 227–IV (red. ot 26.03.2015) // Jakutskie vedomosti. – 2009. – # 19.
5. O protivodejstvii korrupcii v Respublike Krym: Zakon Respubliki Krym ot 22.07.2014 # 36–ZRK (red. ot 15.12.2014) // Krymskie izvestija. – 2014. – # 152 (5563).
6. O vnesenii izmenenij v otdel'nye Zakony Hanty–Mansijskogo avtonomnogo okruga – Jugry v svjazi s prinjatiem Federal'nogo zakona «O protivodejstvii korrupcii: Zakon Hanty–Mansijskogo avtonomnogo okruga – Jugry ot 30.03.2009 # 19–oz (red. ot 25.06.2015) // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva Hanty–Mansijskogo avtonomnogo okruga–Jugry. – 2009. – # 3 (chast' II). – St. 166.
7. O protivodejstvii korrupcii v Vologodskoj oblasti: Zakon Vologodskoj oblasti ot 09.07.2009 # 2054–OZ (red. ot 25.12.2013) // Krasnyj Sever. –2009. – # 80.
8. O protivodejstvii korrupcii vo Vladimirskoj oblasti: Zakon Vladimirskoj oblasti ot 10.11.2008 # 181–OZ (red. ot 07.04.2015) // Vladimirskie vedomosti. – 2008. – # 267.
9. Gauhman L. D. Korrupcija i korrupcionnoe prestuplenie. Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy «Konsul'tantPljus».
10. Ivanova A. A. Korrupcija: nekotorye problemy protivodejstvija // Aktual'nye problemy jekonomiki i prava. – 2016. – T. 10. – # 4. – S. 18-26.
11. Ivanova V. G. Antikorrupcionnyj monitoring kak pravovaja kategorija regional'nogo antikorrupcionnogo zakonodatel'stva: ponjatie, soderzhanie i znachenie // NB: Administrativnoe pravo i praktika administrirovanija. — 2016. – # 1. – S.48-76.
12. Latov Ju. V. Korrupcija v sisteme ugroz nacional'noj bezopasnosti Rossii // Aktual'nye problemy jekonomiki i prava. – 2015. – # 1 (33). – S. 46–53.
13. Materialy nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii, posvjashhennoj problemam bor'by s prestupnost'ju (Moskva, dekabr' 2000 g.). – M., 2001. – S. 5-6.
14. Miljukov S. F., Nikulenko A. V. Provokacija v bor'be s korrupciej: dialekticheskoe protivorechie i puti vyhoda iz nego // Aktual'nye problemy jekonomiki i prava. – 2016. – T. 10. # 4. – S. 45-53.
15. Ovchinskij A. S. Informacija i operativno-rozysknaja dejatel'nost'. – M., 2002. – S. 71.
16. Romanovskij G. B. Problemy protivodejstvija korrupcii: pravo i kriminologija // Nauka. Obshhestvo. Gosudarstvo. – 2015. – T. Z. # 4 (12). – S. 1-6.
17. Smirnov F. F. Projavlenie korrupcionnyh riskov v dejatel'nosti gosudarstvennyh organov //Srednerusskij vestnik obshhestvennyh nauk. –2017. – To m 12. # 1. – S. 165-172.
18. Habrieva T. Ja. Aktual'nye problemy ukreplenija pravoporjadka i protivodejstvija korrupcii v uslovijah evrazijskoj integracii // Zhurnal zarubezhnogo zakonodatel'stva i sravnitel'nogo pravovedenija.– 2016. – # 4. – S. 5-12.
19. Habrieva T. Ja. Nauchno-pravovye problemy protivodejstvija korrupcii // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava.2012. # 7. S. 7–14.
20. Hodzhaliev S. A. Ponjatie, znachenie i soderzhanie antikorrupcionnogo monitoringa // Molodoj uchenyj.— 2015. — #22. — S. 633-636.
21. Cvetanov S. S. K voprosu o sovershenstvovanii ugolovno-pravovyh mer protivodejstvija korrupcii v sfere razmeshhenija zakazov dlja gosudarstvennyh i municipal'nyh nuzhd // Vestnik TGU. – 2010. – Vypusk 4 (84). – S. 348-351.
Belotserkovich D. V., Banina V. S.
Legal analysis of the regional legislation of the far eastern federal district regulating the procedure of anti-corruption expertise
In this article, a legal analysis of Federal Law No. 172-FZ of July 17, 2009 "On anti-corruption expertise of normative legal acts and draft normative legal acts", as well as a comparative analysis of regional legislation of the subjects of the Russian Federation within the Far Eastern Federal District, anti-corruption expertise in the territory of the district, as a result of which, it was concluded that there are gaps in the legislation of this area. In addition, in order to eliminate the identified legal gaps in federal and regional legislation, possible ways of improving legislation regulating the procedure for carrying out anti-corruption expertise of normative legal acts and draft normative legal acts are highlighted.
In this article, a legal analysis of Federal Law No. 172-FZ of July 17, 2009 "On anti-corruption expertise of normative legal acts and draft normative legal acts", as well as a comparative analysis of regional legislation of the subjects of the Russian Federation within the Far Eastern Federal District, anti-corruption expertise in the territory of the district, as a result of which, it was concluded that there are gaps in the legislation of this area. In addition, in order to eliminate the identified legal gaps in federal and regional legislation, possible ways of improving legislation regulating the procedure for carrying out anti-corruption expertise of normative legal acts and draft normative legal acts are highlighted.
Keywords: anti-corruption expertise, normative legal act, draft regulatory legal act, law-making activity, subjects of the Russian Federation, regional lawmaking.
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon ot 17.07.2009 # 172-FZ (red. ot 21.10.2013) «Ob antikorrupcionnoj jekspertize normativnyh pravovyh aktov i proektov normativnyh pravovyh aktov» // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. 2009. # 29.
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon ot 17.07.2009 # 172-FZ (red. ot 21.10.2013) «Ob antikorrupcionnoj jekspertize normativnyh pravovyh aktov i proektov normativnyh pravovyh aktov» // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. 2009. # 29.
2. Kodeks o normativnyh pravovyh aktah Chukotskogo avtonomnogo okruga ot 24.02.2009 # 25-OZ (red. ot 05.09.2017) // Vedomosti. 2009. # 8/3 (386/3).
3. Postanovlenie Pravitel'stva Respubliki Saha (Jakutija) ot 23.06.2009 # 258 (red. ot 09.01.2017) «Ob utverzhdenii Porjadka provedenija antikorrupcionnoj jekspertizy normativnyh pravovyh aktov, prinjatyh Pravitel'stvom Respubliki Saha (Jakutija) i inymi ispolnitel'nymi organami gosudarstvennoj vlasti Respubliki Saha (Jakutija), a takzhe ih proektov» // Jakutskie vedomosti. 2009. # 39.
4. Model'nyj zakon prinjat v g. Sankt-Peterburge 15.11.2003 Postanovleniem 22-15 na 22-om plenarnom zasedanii Mezhparlamentskoj Assamblei gosudarstv-uchastnikov SNG «Osnovy zakonodatel'stva ob antikorrupcionnoj politike» // Informacionnyj bjulleten'. Mezhparlamentskaja Assambleja gosudarstv-uchastnikov Sodruzhestva Nezavisimyh Gosudarstv. 2004. # 33.
5. Federal'nyj zakon ot 17.01.1992 # 2202-1-FZ (red. ot 31.12.2017) «O prokurature Rossijskoj Federacii» //Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. 1995. # 47.
6. Prikaz Ministerstva justicii Rossijskoj Federacii ot 01.04.2010 # 77 (red. ot 30.09.2015) «Ob organizacii raboty po provedeniju antikorrupcionnoj jekspertizy normativnyh pravovyh aktov sub"ektov Rossijskoj Federacii i ustavov municipal'nyh obrazovanij» // Rossijskaja gazeta. 2010. # 84.
7. Postanovlenie Sahalinskoj oblastnoj Dumy ot 07.05.2009 # 2/8/236-5 (red. ot 22.04.2010) «O provedenii v Sahalinskoj oblastnoj Dume antikorrupcionnoj jekspertizy zakonov, inyh normativnyh pravovyh aktov i ih proektov: // Gubernskie vedomosti.
2009. # 150 (2230).
8. Postanovlenie gubernatora Evrejskoj avtonomnoj oblasti ot 04.12.2009 # 276 (red. ot 10.10.2017) «O realizacii Federal'nogo zakona ot 17.07.2009 # 172-FZ «Ob antikorrupcionnoj jekspertize normativnyh pravovyh aktov i proektov normativnyh pravovyh aktov» // Birobidzhanershtern. 2009. # 88.
9. Postanovlenie Pravitel'stva Habarovskogo kraja ot 04.08.2009 # 234-pr (red. ot 05.12.2016) «Ob antikorrupcionnoj jekspertize normativnyh pravovyh aktov Gubernatora i Pravitel'stva Habarovskogo kraja i ih proektov: postanovlenie Pravitel'stva Habarovskogo kraja ot 04.08.2009 # 234-pr.
10. Postanovlenie Pravitel'stva Amurskoj oblasti ot 10.08.2009 # 338 (red. ot 05.10.2015) «Ob utverzhdenii Pravil provedenija jekspertizy normativnyh pravovyh aktov oblasti (proektov normativnyh pravovyh aktov oblasti) v celjah vyjavlenija v nih polozhenij, sposobstvujushhih sozdaniju uslovij dlja projavlenija korrupcii» // Oficial'nyj internet-portal pravovoj informacii. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim
dostupa: 2015.
11. Postanovlenie Pravitel'stva RF ot 26.02.2010 # 96(red. ot 10.07.2017) «Ob antikorrupcionnoj jekspertize normativnyh pravovyh aktov i proektov normativnyh pravovyh aktov» // Rossijskaja gazeta. 2010. # 46.
12. Postanovlenie Pravitel'stva Kamchatskogo kraja ot 18.05.2010 # 228-P (red. ot 23.09.2014) «Ob utverzhdenii Polozhenija o porjadke provedenija antikorrupcionnoj jekspertizy normativnyh pravovyh aktov i proektov normativnyh pravovyh aktov ispolnitel'nyh organov gosudarstvennoj vlasti Kamchatskogo kraja // Oficial'nye Vedomosti. 2010. # 105-106.
13. Postanovlenie Pravitel'stva Magadanskoj oblasti ot 13.02.2014 # 105-pp «O Porjadke provedenija antikorrupcionnoj jekspertizy normativnyh pravovyh aktov Magadanskoj oblasti i proektov normativnyh pravovyh aktov Magadanskoj oblasti» // Magadanskaja pravda. 2014. # 12 (20664).
14. Postanovlenie Gubernatora Primorskogo kraja ot 09.02.2017 N 5-pg «Ob obespechenii provedenija nezavisimoj antikorrupcionnoj jekspertizy normativnyh pravovyh aktov Gubernatora Primorskogo kraja, Administracii Primorskogo kraja, organov ispolnitel'noj vlasti Primorskogo kraja i ih proektov»// Primorskaja gazeta, specvypusk. 2017. # 17 (1355).
15. Minjust Rossii – Gosudarstvennyj reestr nezavisimyh jekspertov, poluchivshih akkreditaciju na provedenie antikorrupcionnoj jekspertizy normativnyh pravovyh aktov i proektov normativnyh pravovyh aktov v sluchajah, predusmotrennyh zakonodatel'stvom Rossijskoj Federacii // Oficial'nyj internet-portal pravovoj informacii. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 18.01.2018 g.).
Sheriev A. M.
The role of the prosecutor’s office for the coordination of activities of subjects of combating extremism and terrorism (in the example of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic)
The article analyzes the issues of combating extremism and terrorism in the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic the subjects of prevention, as well as the activities of the prosecutor's office for the coordination of activity of subjects of prevention in combating extremism and terrorism.
The article analyzes the issues of combating extremism and terrorism in the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic the subjects of prevention, as well as the activities of the prosecutor's office for the coordination of activity of subjects of prevention in combating extremism and terrorism.
Keywords: prosecutor, extremism, terrorism, surveillance, control, resistance, cooperation, prevention actors.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ukaz Prezidenta Rossijskoj Federacii ot 23.03.1995 # 310 «O merah po obespecheniju soglasovannyh dejstvij organov gosudarstvennoj vlasti v bor'be s projavlenijami fashizma i inyh form politicheskogo jekstremizma v Rossijskoj Federacii».
Work bibliographic list
1. Ukaz Prezidenta Rossijskoj Federacii ot 23.03.1995 # 310 «O merah po obespecheniju soglasovannyh dejstvij organov gosudarstvennoj vlasti v bor'be s projavlenijami fashizma i inyh form politicheskogo jekstremizma v Rossijskoj Federacii».
2. Ugolovnyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii.
3. Federal'nyj zakon Rossijskoj Federacii «O protivodejstvii jekstremistskoj dejatel'nosti» ot 25 ijulja 2002 goda N 114-FZ.
4. Prikaz General'nogo prokurora Rossijskoj Federacii ot 19.11.2009 # 362 «Ob organizacii prokurorskogo nadzora za ispolneniem zakonodatel'stva o protivodejstvii jekstremistskoj dejatel'nosti».
5. Prikaz General'nogo prokurora Rossijskoj Federacii ot 22.10.2009 # 339 «Ob organizacii prokurorskogo nadzora za ispolneniem zakonodatel'stva o protivodejstvii terrorizmu».
6. Sovmestnoe Rasporjazhenie ot 16.12.2008 General'noj prokuratury Rossijskoj Federacii # 270/27r,MVD Rossii # 1/9789 i FSB Rossii # 38 «O sovershenstvovanii raboty po preduprezhdeniju i presecheniju dejatel'nosti obshhestvennyh i religioznyh
ob"edinenij po rasprostraneniju idej nacional'noj rozni i religioznogo jekstremizma.
7. Spravka Prokuratury Kabardino-Balkarskoj Respubliki «O sostojanii zakonnosti i rezul'tatah protivodejstvija terrorizmu i jekstremistskoj dejatel'nosti v Kabardino-Balkarskoj Respublike v 2015 godu (v sravnenii s 2014 godom)».
8. Ukazanie General'nogo prokurora Rossijskoj Federacii ot 05.12.2007 # 193/27 «O porjadke napravlenija v Federal'nuju sluzhbu po finansovomu monitoringu svedenij po voprosam protivodejstvija finansirovaniju jekstremistskoj i terroristicheskoj dejatel'nosti.
9. Agapov P. V., Borisov S. V. i dr. Jekstremizm: strategija protivodejstvija i prokurorskij nadzor: monografija / Akad. Gen. prokuratury Ros. Federacii. M.,2015. 467 s.
10. Materialy informacionno-analiticheskoj zapiski Akademii General'noj prokuratury Rossijskoj Federacii «Protivodejstvie jekstremistskoj dejatel'nosti i terrorizmu» za 2015 god.
11. Chattaev A. R. K voprosu o novyh formah organizovannoj prestupnosti kak real'noj ugroze nacional'noj bezopasnosti Rossii // «Chernye dyry» v Rossijskom Zakonodatel'stve. # 4. 2016.
12. Sheriev A. M. Mezhdunarodnoe sotrudnichestvo po protivodejstviju jekstremizmu: harakternye priznaki, principy i formy protivodejstvija. Aktual'nye voprosy modernizacii rossijskogo obrazovanija. Materialy Mezhdunarodnogo jelektronnogo Simpoziuma. 2015 g. Izdatel'stvo: Avtonomnaja nekommercheskaja obrazovatel'naja organizacija «Mahachkalinskij centr povyshenija kvalifikacii» (Mahachkala).
Aripshev A. M.
The danger of extremism for the society
This article considers extremism from the perspective of its influence on society and society. The main negative consequences for society are highlighted.
This article considers extremism from the perspective of its influence on society and society. The main negative consequences for society are highlighted.
Keywords: society, extremism, youth extremism.
Work bibliographic list
1. Birjukov V. V. Eshhe raz ob jekstremizme // Advokat. 2006. # 12.
Work bibliographic list
1. Birjukov V. V. Eshhe raz ob jekstremizme // Advokat. 2006. # 12.
2. Nikitina E. M. Aktual'nye problemy ohrany prav detstva v sovremennoj Rossii, puti reshenija jetih problem // Voprosy juvenal'noj justicii. 2007. # 2. S. 31-36.
3. Parygin B. D. Osnovy social'no-psihologicheskoj teorii». M.: Mysl', 1971. 351 c.
Izotova A. N.
Certain issues of ensuring the secrecy of communication
The article is devoted to definition of the insuring of the secrecy of communication by analyzing
The article is devoted to definition of the insuring of the secrecy of communication by analyzing
the constitutional and legal norms on privacy of correspondence, telephone conversations, Telegraph and other communications, the provisions of special legislation governing the privacy of communications, and materials of judicial practice.
Keywords: the secrecy of communication, privacy of correspondence, privacy of telephone calls and other messages.
Work bibliographic list
1. Konstitucionnoe pravo: universitetskij kurs: uchebnik: v 2 t. / pod red. A. I. Kazannika, A. N. Kostjukova. M.: Prospekt, 2015. T. 2. 528 s.
Work bibliographic list
1. Konstitucionnoe pravo: universitetskij kurs: uchebnik: v 2 t. / pod red. A. I. Kazannika, A. N. Kostjukova. M.: Prospekt, 2015. T. 2. 528 s.
2. Tereshhenko L. K. Otdel'nye voprosy, voznikajushhie v sudebnoj praktike pri primenenii norm o tajne svjazi // Kommentarij sudebnoj praktiki / otv. red. K. B. Jaroshenko. M.: Institut zakonodatel'stva i sravnitel'nogo pravovedenija pri Pravitel'stve RF, INFRA-M, 2016. Vyp. 21. S. 145-153.
3. Chechetin A. Ogranichenie tajny svjazi // Zakonnost'. 2005. # 7. S. 38-40.
Golubchikov S. V., Novikov V. K., Baranova A. V.
Legal framework for the protection of sensitive information
Examines the legal protection of information of a confidential nature. Given the list of information of a confidential nature in different areas of life, and how to protect the confidentiality of information, the rights and obligations of worker and employer for the protection of the confidentiality of information in the organization.
Examines the legal protection of information of a confidential nature. Given the list of information of a confidential nature in different areas of life, and how to protect the confidentiality of information, the rights and obligations of worker and employer for the protection of the confidentiality of information in the organization.
Keywords: commercial secrets, confidentiality of information, protecting the confidentiality of information, protection of confidential information.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ukaz Prezidenta Rossijskoj Federacii ot 6 marta 1997 goda # 188 «Ob utverzhdenii perechnja svedenij konfidencial'nogo haraktera».
Work bibliographic list
1. Ukaz Prezidenta Rossijskoj Federacii ot 6 marta 1997 goda # 188 «Ob utverzhdenii perechnja svedenij konfidencial'nogo haraktera».
2. Federal'nyj zakon ot 29 ijulja 2004 goda # 98-FZ «O
3. Federal'nyj zakon ot 20 aprelja 1995 g. # 45-FZ «O gosudarstvennoj zashhite sudej, dolzhnostnyh lic pravoohranitel'nyh i kontrolirujushhih organov».
4. Federal'nyj zakon ot 20 avgusta 2004 g. #119-FZ «O gosudarstvennoj zashhite poterpevshih, svidetelej i inyh uchastnikov ugolovnogo sudoproizvodstva».
5. Federal'nyj zakon ot 2 oktjabrja 2007 g. # 229-FZ «Ob ispolnitel'nom proizvodstve».
6. V.K. Novikov, S.V. Golubchikov. Organizacionno-pravovye osnovy informacionnoj bezopasnosti (zashhity informacii). Uchebnoe posobie. – M.: Gorjachaja linija – Telekom, 2017. – 220 s.
Mayorov V. I., Polyakova S. V.
Creation of the threatening situation as the risk of safety of road traffic participants
Creation of a threatening situation in the process of road traffic is considered in the context of a risk-oriented approach. The threatening situation does not always lead to an accident but always precedes its commission and it is a sign of the objective side of the offense that determines its social danger. The creation of a threatening situation is a safety risk for road traffic participants. The article reveals the key aspects of creating a threatening situation in road traffic, which is an integral part of the road accident mechanism. The factors influencing the creation of the threatening situation (risk factors) are determined. Proposals on dealing these factors have been developed to minimize the risk of creating a threatening situation and improving the safety of road traffic participants.
Creation of a threatening situation in the process of road traffic is considered in the context of a risk-oriented approach. The threatening situation does not always lead to an accident but always precedes its commission and it is a sign of the objective side of the offense that determines its social danger. The creation of a threatening situation is a safety risk for road traffic participants. The article reveals the key aspects of creating a threatening situation in road traffic, which is an integral part of the road accident mechanism. The factors influencing the creation of the threatening situation (risk factors) are determined. Proposals on dealing these factors have been developed to minimize the risk of creating a threatening situation and improving the safety of road traffic participants.
Keywords: threatening situation, traffic accident, traffic rules, risk, risk factor, safety of road traffic participants.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bogojavlenskij S. B. Upravlenie riskom v social'no-jekonomicheskih sistemah: uchebnoe posobie. Sankt-Peterburg: Izd-vo Sankt-Peterburgskogo gos. un-ta jekonomiki i finansov, 2010. 143 s.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bogojavlenskij S. B. Upravlenie riskom v social'no-jekonomicheskih sistemah: uchebnoe posobie. Sankt-Peterburg: Izd-vo Sankt-Peterburgskogo gos. un-ta jekonomiki i finansov, 2010. 143 s.
2. Gorovenko S. V. Postroenie risk-orientirovannoj modeli obespechenija bezopasnosti v sfere dorozhnogo dvizhenija v Rossii i Kazahstane: sravnitel'no-pravovoe issledovanie // Problemy prava. 2017. # 4.S. 107-114.
3. Granskaja V. Ju., Klempe R., Randmo T. Kross-kul'turnoe sravnenie otnoshenija k bezopasnosti, ocenka riska i riskovannogo povedenija na dorogah rossijskih i norvezhskih voditelej // Vestnik SPbGU. Ser. 12. 2012. # 3. S. 121-127.
4. Zasedanie prezidiuma Gossoveta po voprosam bezopasnosti dorozhnogo dvizhenija. 14 marta 2016 goda, Jaroslavl'. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 20.12.2017 g.).
5. Kodeks Respubliki Belarus' ob administrativnyh pravonarushenijah ot 21 aprelja 2003 g. # 194-Z. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:®num=Hk0300194#load_text_none_1_(data obrashhenija: 14.12.2017 g.).
6. Kodeks Ukrainy ob administrativnyh pravonarushenijah # 8073-X ot 07.12.1984. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. –Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 14.12.2017 g.).
7. Kommentarii k zakonam RF. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 20.12.2017 g.).
8. Majorov V. I. Dorozhno-transportnye pravonarushenija kak ob"ekt mezhdisciplinarnogo issledovanija //Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2015. # 1. [Jelek-
tronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 20.12.2017 g.).
9. Majorov V. I. Upravlenie riskami v sfere dorozhnogo dvizhenija // Upravlenie social'no-jekonomicheskimi sistemami: teorija, metodologija, praktika:Monografija / Pod obshh. red. G.Ju. Guljaeva. Penza, 2017. S. 118-127.
10. Molchanov P. V. Administrativnaja politika v oblasti obespechenija bezopasnosti dorozhnogo dvizhenija:napravlenie i tendencii (po rezul'tatam sociologicheskih issledovanij) // Administrativnoe pravo i process. 2016. # 10. S. 15-21.
11. Oficial'nyj sajt Gosavtoinspekcii MVD Rossii.[Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 20.12.2017 g.).
12. Polozhenie o komissii po obespecheniju bezopasnosti dorozhnogo dvizhenija pri pravitel'stve Hanty-Mansijskogo avtonomnogo okruga – Jugry. Utverzhdeno postanovleniem Pravitel'stva Hanty-Mansijskogo avtonomnogo okruga ot 9 janvarja 2001
goda # 1-p. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 14.12.2017 g.).
13. Rossinskij B. V. Administrativnoe nakazanie v sfere dorozhnogo dvizhenija i avarijnost' na avtomobil'nom transporte // Administrativnoe pravo i process. 2014. # 5. S. 8-17.
14. Frolova E. V., Medvedeva N. V., Senicheva L. V., Bondaletov V. V. Zashhishhennost' grazhdan ot prestupnyh posjagatel'stv v sovremennoj Rossii: osnovnye tendencii i determinanty // Kriminologicheskij zhurnal Bajkal'skogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta jekonomiki i prava. 2015. # 3. T. 9. S. 525-537.
Gorovenko S. V.
Managing the risk of the incorrect first aid in traffic accident
The article analyzes the risk of incorrect provision of first aid by the driver of the vehicle. The author has substantiated that the current system of educating drivers does not respond to the mentioned risk and does not contribute to its minimization. Attention is drawn to the forming public opinion on the lack of responsibility for the improper provision of first aid to the wounded in the crash. The paper also outlines the directions of reforming the system of assessment of the fact if the students of driving schools are available to provide first aid.
The article analyzes the risk of incorrect provision of first aid by the driver of the vehicle. The author has substantiated that the current system of educating drivers does not respond to the mentioned risk and does not contribute to its minimization. Attention is drawn to the forming public opinion on the lack of responsibility for the improper provision of first aid to the wounded in the crash. The paper also outlines the directions of reforming the system of assessment of the fact if the students of driving schools are available to provide first aid.
Keywords: traffic accident, risk, risk factor, safety of road traffic participants.
Work bibliographic list
1. Majorov V. I. Upravlenie riskami v sfere dorozhnogo dvizhenija // V knige: Upravlenie social'no-jekonomicheskimi sistemami: teorija, metodologija, praktika. Monografija. Pod obshhej redakciej G. Ju. Guljaeva. Penza, 2017. S. 118-127.
Work bibliographic list
1. Majorov V. I. Upravlenie riskami v sfere dorozhnogo dvizhenija // V knige: Upravlenie social'no-jekonomicheskimi sistemami: teorija, metodologija, praktika. Monografija. Pod obshhej redakciej G. Ju. Guljaeva. Penza, 2017. S. 118-127.
2. Marchenko D. V. Problemy okazanija pervoj pomoshhi postradavshim v DTP: sovremennyj aspekt // Vestnik Vostochno-Sibirskogo instituta Ministerstva vnutrennih del Rossii. 2009. # 3 (50). S. 113-118.
3. Kozun A. V., Rozuman' I. V. Spornye voprosy kvalifikacii prestuplenij, predusmotrennyh stat'jami 264 i 125 Ugolovnogo kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii, po sovokupnosti // Rossijskij sledovatel'. 2012. # 24. S. 39-42.
4. Tokmancev D. V. O praktike naznachenija sudami ugolovnogo nakazanija za sovershenie prestuplenij, predusmotrennyh stat'ej 263 UK RF // Rossijskij sud'ja. 2016. # 6. S. 41-44.
Aripshev A. M.
Extremism as an element of terrorism
This article discusses the concepts of "extremism" and "terrorism", the similarity of these concepts, the relationship, as well as differences.
This article discusses the concepts of "extremism" and "terrorism", the similarity of these concepts, the relationship, as well as differences.
Keywords: extremism, terrorism, radicalism.
Work bibliographic list
1. Zamkovoj V., Il'chikov M. Terrorizm — global'naja problema sovremennosti. M., 1996.
Work bibliographic list
1. Zamkovoj V., Il'chikov M. Terrorizm — global'naja problema sovremennosti. M., 1996.
2. Nikonov K. O. Problemy opredelenija jekstremizma// Juridicheskij mir. 2011. # 7.
Kumysheva M. K.
The problem of motivating suicide bombers
This article highlights and describes the main psychological characteristics of the individual
This article highlights and describes the main psychological characteristics of the individual
terrorists. Views on formation of motives of suicide bombers, types of these motives are stated.
Keywords: terrorism, terrorist, suicide bomber, terrorist groups, motives of terrorist activity, suicide, integration.
Work bibliographic list
1. Mar'in M. I., Kasperovich Ju. G. Psihologicheskoe obespechenie antiterroristicheskoj dejatel'nosti. —M.: Izd. centr «Akademija», 2007.
Work bibliographic list
1. Mar'in M. I., Kasperovich Ju. G. Psihologicheskoe obespechenie antiterroristicheskoj dejatel'nosti. —M.: Izd. centr «Akademija», 2007.
2. Psihologija i psihopatologija terrorizma. Gumanitarnye strategii antiterrora / Pod red. prof. M. M.Reshetnikova. — SPb: Vostochno-Evropejskij insti-
tut psihoanaliza, 2004.
3. Sosnin V. A. Psihologija sovremennogo terrorizma:Uchebnoe posobie dlja vuzov. — M.: Forum, 2010.
4. Thostov A. Sh., Surnov K. N. Motivacija terrorista //Nacional'nyj psihologicheskij zhurnal. — 2007. —#1(2). — S. 27-32.
Romanovskaya I. V.
Psychological and legal grounds for the manifestation of aggression by employees of operational units
The article deals with the psychological and legal grounds for the manifestation of aggression by operational unit employees during their fulfilment of professional tasks. The existence of "justified aggression" in the framework of the operative’s professionally important qualities and personality traits is grounded.
The article deals with the psychological and legal grounds for the manifestation of aggression by operational unit employees during their fulfilment of professional tasks. The existence of "justified aggression" in the framework of the operative’s professionally important qualities and personality traits is grounded.
Keywords: aggression, "justified aggression", professiogram, frustration.
Work bibliographic list
1. Spirkin N. G. Soznanie i samosoznanie. – M.: Politizdat, 1972. – 303 s.
Work bibliographic list
1. Spirkin N. G. Soznanie i samosoznanie. – M.: Politizdat, 1972. – 303 s.
2. Vojskunskij A. Kommunikativnyj kontakt i sredstva ego ustanovlenija // Optimizacija rechevogo vozdejstvija. – M.: Nauka, 1990. – S. 128-152.
3. Pozij V. S., Romanovskaja I. V. Problemy professional'noj kompetentnosti sotrudnikov operativnyh podrazdelenij // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2016. – # 5 (96). – S.256-258.
Tomas A. V., Zhelonkin V. V., Vasilkova E. V.
Application of the functional all-around technology for the physical improvement of future police officers
The article examines the advantages of using functional all-around technology (crossfit) in the
The article examines the advantages of using functional all-around technology (crossfit) in the
process of training cadets and listeners of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation to improve general physical and vocational skills. The authors reveal the essence of the technique of the functional all-round, determines its subspecies, reveals the influence of the application of this technique on the functional state of the learner.
Keywords: functional all-round, crossfit, functional state, physical culture, educational process,
cadets of educational institutions of the MIA of Russia.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bolotin A. Je., Sivak A. N. Trebovanija, pred"javljaemye k vypusknikam vuzov vnutrennih vojsk MVD Rossii dlja jeffektivnogo vypolnenija sluzhebno-boevyh zadach // Uchenye zapiski universiteta imeni P. F.Lesgafta. 2012. # 10 (92). 95 s.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bolotin A. Je., Sivak A. N. Trebovanija, pred"javljaemye k vypusknikam vuzov vnutrennih vojsk MVD Rossii dlja jeffektivnogo vypolnenija sluzhebno-boevyh zadach // Uchenye zapiski universiteta imeni P. F.Lesgafta. 2012. # 10 (92). 95 s.
2. Botvin I. V. Ugolovnaja otvetstvennost' za prichinenie imushhestvennogo ushherba putem obmana ili zloupotreblenija doveriem: dis. ... kand. jurid. nauk. Omsk, 2016. 210 s.
3. Zdorov'e i fizicheskaja kul'tura: materialy Vserossijskoj zaochnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii 12–13 dekabrja 2011 g. / O.V. Anfilatova [i dr.]. Kirov:Vjatskij gosudarstvennyj gumanitarnyj universitet, 2012. 128 c.
4. Suslina I. V. Fiziologicheskie aspekty vynoslivosti v sporte: uchebnoe posobie. Volgograd: FGBOU VPO «VGAFK», 2012. 142 s.
5. Stoljarov V. I. Fundamental'nye teoreticheskie osnovy sovremennoj sistemy kompleksnogo fizicheskogo vospitanija. // Fizicheskaja kul'tura: vospitanie, obrazovanie, trenirovka. 2013. # 2. 107 s.
6. Glassman G. Crossfit: rukovodstvo k trenirovkam / per.E. Bogachev, I. Karjagin. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:, 2009.
Gedugoshev R. R.
Improvement of skills in possession of firearms by police officers
This article discusses the various types of fire required for the training of Ten D. some tips for best utilization of skills.
This article discusses the various types of fire required for the training of Ten D. some tips for best utilization of skills.
Keywords: ancestral weapons, tactics and technical training, stella.
Work bibliographic list
1. Laputina Ju. A. Ognevaja podgotovka sotrudnikov specpodrazdelenij po bor'be s terrorizmom: metod.posobie. Kiev, 1997.
Work bibliographic list
1. Laputina Ju. A. Ognevaja podgotovka sotrudnikov specpodrazdelenij po bor'be s terrorizmom: metod.posobie. Kiev, 1997.
2. Pavlov I. M. Taktika dejstvij sotrudnika policii pri ognevom kontakte na blizkoj distancii //Al'manah sovremennoj nauki i obrazovanija. 2015.# 4 (94). C. 116-118.
Golubev A. G.
Problems of teaching economy enrolled in the direction of preparation “jurisprudence”
The subject of the study are problems of organization of educational process on a subject "Economics" in a reduced the number of hours to study it in the curriculum. The purpose of writing this article is to formulate proposals for the Organization's more intense, almost directed learning on a subject "Economics". The results obtained are expressed in the description of the regularities found in the process of teaching students and cadets of the economy of training courses related to law enforcement and jurisprudence. The scope of application of the results is the teaching of economics (primarily) on the non-economic specialties students. The study leads to the following conclusions: Economy education is (or at least should be) level approach in several ways. In the course of the discipline itself "Economy" a clear need to strengthen the practical orientation, in preference to the practical seminars.
The subject of the study are problems of organization of educational process on a subject "Economics" in a reduced the number of hours to study it in the curriculum. The purpose of writing this article is to formulate proposals for the Organization's more intense, almost directed learning on a subject "Economics". The results obtained are expressed in the description of the regularities found in the process of teaching students and cadets of the economy of training courses related to law enforcement and jurisprudence. The scope of application of the results is the teaching of economics (primarily) on the non-economic specialties students. The study leads to the following conclusions: Economy education is (or at least should be) level approach in several ways. In the course of the discipline itself "Economy" a clear need to strengthen the practical orientation, in preference to the practical seminars.
Keywords: knowledge, skills, competence, student, practical lesson, model situation, learning material, level of study.
Work bibliographic list
1. Prikaz Minobrnauki Rossii ot 01.12.2016 # 1511 «Ob utverzhdenii Federal'nogo gosudarstvennogo obrazovatel'nogo standarta vysshego obrazovanija po special'nosti 40.03.01 «Jurisprudencija» (uroven' bakalavriata)» (v red. prikaza Minobrnauki Rossii
Work bibliographic list
1. Prikaz Minobrnauki Rossii ot 01.12.2016 # 1511 «Ob utverzhdenii Federal'nogo gosudarstvennogo obrazovatel'nogo standarta vysshego obrazovanija po special'nosti 40.03.01 «Jurisprudencija» (uroven' bakalavriata)» (v red. prikaza Minobrnauki Rossii
ot 13.07.2017 # 653). [Jelektronnyj resurs] // Spravochno-pravovaja sistema «Konsul'tant Pljus» (data obrashhenija: 19.11.2017).
2. But I. V. Organizacionno-pedagogicheskie uslovija lichnostno-professional'nogo stanovlenija budushhih specialistov // Molodjozh' i nauka: real'nost' i budushhee: Materialy IV Mezhdunarodnoj nauchnoprakticheskoj konferencii. – Nevinnomyssk: NIJe-
UP, 2011. – T. I. – S. 88-90.
3. Golubev A. G. Voprosy modul'nogo obuchenija kak sposoba poluchenija osuzhdjonnymi jekonomicheskogo obrazovanija // Sovremennaja nauka: teoreticheskij i prakticheskij vzgljad. Sbornik statej Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii 1 aprelja 2015 g. – Ufa: NIC «Ajeterna», 2015. – S. 29-34.
4. Hrisonidi V. A., Borovskaja L. V. Ocenka kompetentnostnogo podhoda k kachestvu podgotovki bakalavrov //Innovacionnye processy v vysshej shkole. – Krasnodar: KubGTU, 2013. – S. 138-141.
5. Buslaeva I. M. Praktiko-orientirovannyj podhod v obuchenii predprinimatel'stvu. Jelektronnaja biblioteka «Kiberleninka». [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
(data obrashhenija: 01.12.2017)
6. Pavlova L. A. Novye podhody k praktiko-orientirovannomu obucheniju v prepodavanii jekonomicheskih disciplin. Proekt «Infourok»: materialy dlja uchitelej. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 01.12.2017)
Karimov Z. Sh., Karimova G. R.
On the essence of formation of cognitive motives in the conditions of modern federal state educational standards
In the article deals with the formation of cognitive motives on the basis of universal educational
In the article deals with the formation of cognitive motives on the basis of universal educational
actions in the conditions of implementation of modern federal state educational standards.
Keywords: federal state educational standard, motive, universal educational actions.
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon ot 29.12.2012 # 273-FZ (red. ot 29.07.2017) «Ob obrazovanii v Rossijskoj Federacii» [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 12.01.2018).
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon ot 29.12.2012 # 273-FZ (red. ot 29.07.2017) «Ob obrazovanii v Rossijskoj Federacii» [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 12.01.2018).
2. Asmolov A. G. Formirovanie universal'nyh uchebnyh dejstvij v osnovnoj shkole: ot dejstvija k mysli. Sistema zadanij: posobie dlja uchitelja / [A. G. Asmolov, G. V. Burmenskaja, I. A. Volodarskaja i dr.]; pod red. A. G. Asmolova. — M.: Prosveshhenie, 2010. – S. 5-9.
3. Vil'danova V. F., Zagljadina O. N. Podgotovka bakalavrov po napravleniju «pedagogicheskoe obrazovanie» v uslovijah novyh obrazovatel'nyh standartov (na primere BGPU imeni Akmully) // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. – 2015. – # 1 (80). – S. 207-208.
4. Vil'danova V. F., Zagljadina O. N. Podgotovka magistrov po napravleniju «pedagogicheskoe obrazovanie» v uslovijah novyh obrazovatel'nyh standartov (na primere BGPU imeni Akmully) // Jekonomicheskie i gumanitarnye issledovanija regionov. – 2016. – # 6. – S. 17-19.
5. Markova A. K. Normirovanie motivacii uchenija v shkol'nom vozraste. – M. Prosveshhenie, 1983.
6. Fundamental'noe jadro soderzhanija obshhego obrazovanija / Ros. akad. nauk, Ros. akad. obrazovanija; pod red. V. V. Kozlova, A. M. Kondakova. — 4-e izd., dorab.– M.: Prosveshhenie, 2011. – S. 3-7. (Standarty vtorogo pokolenija).
7. Federal'nyj gosudarstvennyj obrazovatel'nyj standart srednego (polnogo) obshhego obrazovanija /Ministerstvo obrazovanija i nauki Ross. Federacii.[Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 12.01.2018).
Maremukov R. B.
Pedagogical workshop and its importance in the educational process of educational organizations of the MIA of Russia
Given the unstable socio-economic relations, the weak social policy pursued by the state, the reassessment of values in various spheres of public life, the role of the professional teacher is growing significantly. Already today he needs high professionalism, knowledge of the matter, rich life experience and wisdom. Successful solution of the problems solved in the process of training law enforcement officers in educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, in the opinion of the author, depends crucially on the experience of the teacher, his professional skills. The final product of his labor depends on the level of professionalism and experience.
Given the unstable socio-economic relations, the weak social policy pursued by the state, the reassessment of values in various spheres of public life, the role of the professional teacher is growing significantly. Already today he needs high professionalism, knowledge of the matter, rich life experience and wisdom. Successful solution of the problems solved in the process of training law enforcement officers in educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, in the opinion of the author, depends crucially on the experience of the teacher, his professional skills. The final product of his labor depends on the level of professionalism and experience.
Keywords: teacher, pedagogical skill, pedagogical activity, educational process, vocational training.
Work bibliographic list
1. Koblov F. Ch. K voprosu ob organizacii pedagogicheskogo issledovanija // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2017. # 10 (113). S. 303-305.
Work bibliographic list
1. Koblov F. Ch. K voprosu ob organizacii pedagogicheskogo issledovanija // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2017. # 10 (113). S. 303-305.
2. Makarenko A. S. Iz opyta raboty // Pedagog. Soch.: V 8 t. M.: Pedagogika. T. 4. S. 368-369.
Abramov S. G.
Ontological foundations of social norms and economic basis in the implementation of strategic public administration. (theoretical hypotheses of social systems development)
This article is focuses on the progress for society and possibility of using social and legal standards. The purpose of the study was to conduct a retrospective review of the global political and economic system. Furthermore, the paper discusses the progressive development of law. Solutions have been found to the problems raised by the author. In this context, the author provides the algorithm for action.
This article is focuses on the progress for society and possibility of using social and legal standards. The purpose of the study was to conduct a retrospective review of the global political and economic system. Furthermore, the paper discusses the progressive development of law. Solutions have been found to the problems raised by the author. In this context, the author provides the algorithm for action.
Keywords: progress for society. Law, Eurasian Union.
Work bibliographic list
1. Arnol'd V. I. Teorija katastrof. – 3-e izd., dop. M.:Nauka. Gl. red fiz.-mat. lit., 1990. 128 s.
Work bibliographic list
1. Arnol'd V. I. Teorija katastrof. – 3-e izd., dop. M.:Nauka. Gl. red fiz.-mat. lit., 1990. 128 s.
2. Berger P., Lukman T. Social'noe konstruirovanie real'nosti. Traktat po sociologii znanija. M.: Medium, 1995. 323 s.
3. Bzhezinskij Z. Velikaja shahmatnaja doska: gospodstvo Ameriki i ego geostrategicheskie imperativy – The grand chessboard: American primacy and its geostrategic imperatives. New York: Basic books, October 1997 / Per. s angl. O. Ju. Ural'skoj. M.: Mezhdunarodnye otnoshenija, 2010. 254 s.
4. Vallerstajn I. Posle liberalizma: Per. S angl. /Pod red. B. Ju. Kagarlickogo. M.: Editorial URSS, 2003. 256 s.
5. Vasil'ev L. S. Istorija Vostoka v 2-h t. M.: Vysshaja shkola, 1998. 307 + 310 s.
6. Gegel' G. V. F. Filosofija prava. Per. s nem.: Red. i sost. D.A. Kerimov i V.S. Nersesjanc. M.: Mysl', 1990. 524 [2] s.
7. Gilmor R. Prikladnaja teorija katastrof v 2-h tomah. Perevod s angl. M. Mir 1984g. 350+285 s.
8. Glaz'ev S. Ju. Strategija operezhajushhego razvitija Rossii v uslovijah global'nogo krizisa. M., Jekonomika, 2010. 256 s.
9. Gramshi A. Formirovanie cheloveka: zapiski o pedagogike / A. Gramshi; Sost. i predisl. K. I. Salimova. M.: Pedagogika, 1983. 224 s.
10. Knjazeva E. N., Kurdjumov S. P. Osnovanija sinergetiki: Sinergeticheskoe mirovidenie / Izd.3-e, dop.. M.: Knizhnyj dom «LIBROKOM», 2010. 236 s.
11. Kolmogorov A.N. O professii matematika. Izdanie 3-e, pererabotannoe. M.: Izd-vo Moskovskogo universiteta, 1988. 32 s.
12. Kondrat'ev N. D., Jakovec Ju. V., Abalkin L. I. Bol'shie cikly kon"junktury i teorija predvidenija. Izbrannye trudy. M.: Jekonomika, 2002. 767 s.
13. Laplas P. S. Izlozhenie sistemy mira. L., Nauka, 1982. 386 s.
14. Lenin V. I. Polnoe sobranie sochinenij. 5-e izd. T. 33. M.: Izdatel'stvo politicheskoj literatury, 1974. 742 s.
15. L'vov D.S. Jeffektivnoe upravlenie tehnicheskim razvitiem. M.: Jekonomika, 1990. 255 s.
16. Majncer K. Slozhnosistemnoe myshlenie: Materija, razum, chelovechestvo. Novyj sintez. M.: LIBROKOM, 2009. 464 s.
17. Marks K., Jengel's F. Proishozhdenie sem'i, chastnoj sobstvennosti i gosudarstva; Izbrannye proizvedenija. V 3-h t. T. 3. M.: Politizdat, 1986. 639 s.
18. Mir posle krizisa. Global'nye tendencii - 2025: menjajushhijsja mir. Doklad Nacional'nogo razvedyvatel'nogo soveta SShA. M.: Izdatel'stvo «Evropa», 2009. 188 s.
19. Nazarov A. G. Kosmizm v idee noosfery V. I. Vernadskogo // Vestnik mezhdunarodnoj akademii nauk (russkaja sekcija). 2008. # 1. Str. 73-76.
20. Nort D. K., Uollis Dzh., Vajngast B. Nasilie i social'nye porjadki. Konceptual'nye ramki dlja interpretacii pis'mennoj istorii chelovechestva. M.:Izdatel'stvo Instituta Gajdara, 2011. 480 s.
21. N'juton I. Matematicheskie nachala natural'noj filosofii. M.: Nauka, 1989. 688 s.
22. Prigozhin I., Stengers I. Porjadok iz haosa: Novyj dialog cheloveka s prirodoj: Per. s angl./ Obshh. red. V. I. Arshinova, Ju. L. Klimontovicha i Ju. V. Sachkova. M.: Progress, 1986. 432 s.
23. Puankare A. O nauke: Per. s fr. / Pod red. L. S. Pontrjagina. 2-e izd., ster. M.: Nauka. Gl. red, fiz.-mat. lit., 1990. 736 s.
24. Rogov S. M. Tradicionnye i sovremennye funkcii gosudarstva // Jekonomika i organizacija promyshlennogo proizvodstva. - 2005. # 8. - S. 26-39.
25. Stepin V. S. Problema budushhego civilizacii. Doklad na IV Rossijskom filosofskom kongresse «Filosofija i budushhee civilizacii». 2005. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
26. Stepin V. S. Samorazvivajushhiesja sistemy i filosofija sinergetiki. 2007. Materialy Mezhdunarodnoj konferencii «Put' v budushhee – nauka, global'nye problemy, mechty i nadezhdy». Institut prikladnoj matematiki im. M. V. Keldysha RAN, Moskva. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
27. Fedotova V. G. Global'nyj kapitalizm: tri velikie transformacii. M.: Kul'turnaja revoljucija, 2008. 608 s.
28. Fedotova V. G., Kolpakov V. A., Fedotova N. N. Menjajushhajasja social'nost': budushhee kapitalizma // Voprosy filosofii. 2011. # 6. S. 3-15.
29. Fromm Je. Begstvo ot svobody - Die Furcht vor der Freiheit. 1941 / Perevod G. F. Shvejnika. M.: AST, 2011. 288 s.
30. Fromm Je. Imet' ili byt'? / Per. s nem. Je. M. Teljatnikovoj. M.: AST: Astrel', 2012. 314, [6] s.
31. Jekonomicheskaja teorija: Ucheb. / M. A.Sazhina, G. G. Chibrikov; Mos. gos. univer. im. M. V. Lomonosova (MGU). 3 izd., pererab. i dop. M.: ID FORUM: INFRA-M, 2014. 608 s.
32. Global trends: paradox of progress. A publication of the National Intelligence Council. January 2017. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
33. Globalization, Security, and the Nation State: Paradigms inTransition. Edited by Ersel. Aydinli and James N. Rosenau. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2005. 282 pp.
34. James N. Rosenau. The Study of World Politics. Volume 1: Theoretical and Methodological Challenges. Routledge. Abingdon, Oxon, 2006. 320 pp.
Akimov N. A., Yashchenko V. V., Konaykov M. A.
Development of normative legal regulation of the sphere of public procurement in the Russian Federation from the position of application of best international practices
Public procurement is one of the key drivers of a state’s economy development. Their role in the
Public procurement is one of the key drivers of a state’s economy development. Their role in the
state’s effective functioning shall not be underestimated. Even more, contractual system is the state’s effective mechanism via which it reaches its’ goals and objectives and conducts policy practically in every sphere.
Keywords: public procurement, contractual system of the Russian Federation, legal framework,
world’s best practices in public procurement, World Bank.
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon ot 31.12.2017 # 504-FZ «O vnesenii izmenenij v Federal'nyj zakon «O kontraktnoj sisteme v sfere zakupok tovarov, rabot, uslug dlja obespechenija gosudarstvennyh i municipal'nyh nuzhd» // SZ RF. 2018. # 1 (Chast' I). St. 88.
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon ot 31.12.2017 # 504-FZ «O vnesenii izmenenij v Federal'nyj zakon «O kontraktnoj sisteme v sfere zakupok tovarov, rabot, uslug dlja obespechenija gosudarstvennyh i municipal'nyh nuzhd» // SZ RF. 2018. # 1 (Chast' I). St. 88.
2. Federal'nyj zakon ot 01.05.2017 # 83-FZ «O vnesenii izmenenij v stat'i 30 i 34 Federal'nogo zakona «O kontraktnoj sisteme v sfere zakupok tovarov, rabot, uslug dlja obespechenija gosudarstvennyh i municipal'nyh nuzhd» // SZ RF. 2017. # 18. St. 2660.
3. Federal'nyj zakon ot 04.06.2014 # 140-FZ «O vnesenii izmenenij v Federal'nyj zakon «O kontraktnoj sisteme v sfere zakupok tovarov, rabot, uslug dlja obespechenija gosudarstvennyh i municipal'nyh nuzhd».
4. Federal'nyj zakon ot 05.04.2013 # 44-FZ «O kontraktnoj sisteme v sfere zakupok tovarov, rabot, uslug dlja obespechenija gosudarstvennyh i municipal'nyh nuzhd» // SZ RF. 2013. # 4. St. 1652.
5. Akimov N. A. Mirovoj opyt razvitija kontraktnyh sistem i ego primenenie v Rossijskoj Federacii kak uslovie ustojchivogo jekonomicheskogo razvitija // Jekonomika: vchera, segodnja, zavtra. 2017. Tom 7. # 2A.
6. Akimov N. A. Perspektivnye napravlenija razvitija kontraktnoj sistemy RF v sootvetstvii s mirovymi trendami // Innovacii i investicii. 2017. # 3.
7. Djogtev G. V., Akimov N. A., Gladilina I. P., Jashhenko V. V. Aktual'nye voprosy razvitija cifrovoj jekonomiki v sfere zakupok // Innovacii i investicii. 2017. # 11.
8. Djogtev G. V., Gladilina I. P., Jashhenko V. V. Dejstvija specialista v sfere zakupok tovarov, rabot i uslug pri vozniknovenii problemnyh situacij // Innovacii i investicii. 2017. # 5.
9. Konajkov M. A. O voprosah sootnoshenija publichno-pravovogo i chastnopravovogo aspektov v kontraktnoj sisteme v sfere zakupok // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2017. # 8.
10. Benchmarking Public Procurement 2017. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
11. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
Belocerkovich D. V., Vlasov V. A.
Problems of the institute of appeals of citizens to the public bodies of executive power and ways of their decision
The article is devoted to a fairly topical topic of modernity-the Institute of Citizens ' Appeals, as it
The article is devoted to a fairly topical topic of modernity-the Institute of Citizens ' Appeals, as it
accompanies the State throughout its historical development. The article reveals the essence of the
Institute of Citizens ' appeals to the State and municipal authorities. The importance of the Institute of Appeals is analyzed.
Keywords: policy, public administration, Contact Us, Appeals of citizens, civil society.
Work bibliographic list
1. Konstitucija Rossijskoj Federacii (prinjata vsenarodnym golosovaniem 12.12.1993) (s uchjotom popravok, vnesjonnyh Zakonami RF o popravkah k Konstitucii RF ot 30.12.2008 N 6-FKZ, ot 30.12.2008 # 7-FKZ, ot 05.02.2014 N 2-FKZ, ot 21.07.2014 # 11- FKZ) // SPS
Work bibliographic list
1. Konstitucija Rossijskoj Federacii (prinjata vsenarodnym golosovaniem 12.12.1993) (s uchjotom popravok, vnesjonnyh Zakonami RF o popravkah k Konstitucii RF ot 30.12.2008 N 6-FKZ, ot 30.12.2008 # 7-FKZ, ot 05.02.2014 N 2-FKZ, ot 21.07.2014 # 11- FKZ) // SPS
Konsul'tantPljus. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
2. Ukaz Prezidenta RF ot 17.04.2017 # 171 “O monitoringe i analize rezul'tatov rassmotrenija obrashhenij grazhdan i organizacij” // SPS Konsul'tant- Pljus. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
3. Federal'nyj zakon ot 02.05.2006 # 59-FZ (red. ot 03.11.2015) “O porjadke rassmotrenija
Obrashhenij grazhdan Rossijskoj Federacii”// SPS Konsul'tantPljus. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
4. Postanovlenie Pravitel'stva RF ot 16.08.2012 # 840 (red. ot 25.10.2017) “O porjadke podachi i rassmotrenija zhalob na reshenija i dejstvija (bezdejstvie) federal'nyh organov ispolnitel'noj vlasti i ih dolzhnostnyh lic, federal'nyh gosudarstvennyh sluzhashhih, dolzhnostnyh lic gosudarstvennyh vnebjudzhetnyh fondov Rossijskoj Federacii,
a takzhe gosudarstvennyh korporacij, kotorye v sootvetstvii s federal'nym zakonom
nadeleny polnomochijami po predostavleniju gosudarstvennyh uslug v ustanovlennoj
sfere dejatel'nosti, i ih dolzhnostnyh lic” // SPS Konsul'tantPljus. [Jelektronnyj
resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
5. Upravlenie Prezidenta po rabote s obrashhenijami grazhdan. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
Gabieva S. M., Abakarova Z. A.
The interaction of the State Duma and the legislative bodies of the Subjects of the Russian Federation
This article discusses the basic forms and directions of interaction of legislative (representative) bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. It analyses the main problems of realization of the right of legislative initiative. Suggestions on improving the effectiveness of this interaction. Concluded that the adoption of a separate law specifying the procedure for the participation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the federal legislative process.
This article discusses the basic forms and directions of interaction of legislative (representative) bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. It analyses the main problems of realization of the right of legislative initiative. Suggestions on improving the effectiveness of this interaction. Concluded that the adoption of a separate law specifying the procedure for the participation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the federal legislative process.
Keywords: the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the right of legislative initiative, representative (legislative) elections, the interaction of the Federal State.
Work bibliographic list
1. Andrichenko L. V., Chertkov A. N. Vzaimodejstvie Gosudarstvennoj Dumy i zakonodatel'nyh organov sub"ektov Rossijskoj Federacii // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. 2009. # 2 (146). S. 3-10.
Work bibliographic list
1. Andrichenko L. V., Chertkov A. N. Vzaimodejstvie Gosudarstvennoj Dumy i zakonodatel'nyh organov sub"ektov Rossijskoj Federacii // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. 2009. # 2 (146). S. 3-10.
2. Andrichenko L. V., Jurtaeva E. A. Konstitucionnye osnovy rossijskogo federalizma // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. 2013. # 6. S. 5-16.
3. Artamonov A. N. Zakonodatel'nyj process v Rossijskoj Federacii (teoreticheskie aspekty): monografija. Rostov n/D: RJuI RPA Minjusta Rossii, 2014.
4. Kirienko G. S., Brovchenko V. N. Problemy uchastija sub"ektov Rossijskoj Federacii v federal'nom zakonodatel'nom processe // Gosudarstvennaja vlast' i mestnoe samoupravlenie. 2015. # 6. S. 49-54.
5. Kravec I. A. Problemy regulirovanija procedury vnesenija konstitucionnyh popravok v svete principa federalizma // Parlamentskie procedury: problemy Rossii i zarubezhnyj opyt: materialy nauch. konf. Moskva, 21-23 marta 2002 g. / pod red. prof. S.
A. Avak'jana. M., 2003.
6. Minos'janc Ju. V. Uchastie regionov v federal'nom zakonotvorchestve kak forma konstruktivnogo sotrudnichestva v processe sozdanija federal'nyh zakonov //Biznes. Obrazovanie. Pravo. 2012. # 4 (21). S. 266-269.
7. Mirzoev M. G. Nekotorye konstitucionno-pravovye sposoby vlijanija federal'noj vlasti na formirovanie i dejatel'nost' zakonodatel'nyh (predstavitel'nyh) organov gosudarstvennoj vlasti sub"ektov Rossijskoj Federacii // Konstitucionnoe i municipal'noe pravo. 2016. # 1. S. 34-38.
8. Mullagaleeva R. R. Pravovoe regulirovanie vzaimodejstvija Gosudarstvennoj Dumy Rossijskoj Federacii s zakonodatel'nymi (predstavitel'nymi) organami sub"ektov Rossijskoj Federacii // Sovremennoe pravo. 2014. # 6. S. 16-20.
9. Musalova Z. M., Mahachev D. G. Kompetencija zakonodatel'nyh (predstavitel'nyh) organov gosudarstvennoj vlasti sub"ektov Rossijskoj Federacii // Juridicheskij vestnik DGU. 2016. # 4. S. 75-78.
10. Pirbudagova D. Sh. K voprosu o sovershenstvovanii antijekstremistskogo zakonodatel'stva v Rossijskoj Federacii i Respublike Dagestan // Juridicheskij vestnik DGU. 2014. # 3. S. 68-74.
11. Shaklein N. I. Problemy zakonotvorchestva sub"ektov federativnyh gosudarstv // Juridicheskij mir. 2008. # 11. S. 25-33.
Kichalyuk O. N., Egorov A. O.
To the question of the legal status of the authorized representative of the president of the Russian Federation in the federal district
The article analyzes the institution of plenipotentiary representatives of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal districts.
The article analyzes the institution of plenipotentiary representatives of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal districts.
The reasons of appearance of plenipotentiary representatives of the head of the state in federal
districts, as well as the problems of legal regulation of their legal status are investigated.
Keywords: plenipotentiary representative, President of the Russian Federation, federal district,
subjects of the Russian Federation.
Work bibliographic list
1. Konstitucija Rossijskoj Federacii [prinjata vsenarodnym golosovaniem 12.12.1993] [s uchetom popravok, vnesennyh Zakonami RF o popravkah k Konstitucii RF ot 30.12.2008 # 6-FKZ, ot 30.12.2008 # 7-FKZ, ot 05.02.2014 # 2-FKZ, ot 21.07.2014 # 11-FKZ] // Sobra-
Work bibliographic list
1. Konstitucija Rossijskoj Federacii [prinjata vsenarodnym golosovaniem 12.12.1993] [s uchetom popravok, vnesennyh Zakonami RF o popravkah k Konstitucii RF ot 30.12.2008 # 6-FKZ, ot 30.12.2008 # 7-FKZ, ot 05.02.2014 # 2-FKZ, ot 21.07.2014 # 11-FKZ] // Sobra-
nie zakonodatel'stva RF. 2014. # 31. St. 4398.
2. Ukaz Prezidenta RF ot 13.05.2000 g. # 849 (red. ot 28.07.2016) «O polnomochnom predstavitele Prezidenta Rossijskoj Federacii v federal'nom okruge» // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. 2000. # 20. St. 2112.
3. Postanovlenie Pravitel'stva RF ot 12.08.2000 g. # 592 «O vzaimodejstvii Pravitel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii i federal'nyh organov ispolnitel'noj vlasti s polnomochnymi predstaviteljami Prezidenta Rossijskoj Federacii v federal'nyh okrugah i sheme razmeshhenija territorial'nyh organov federal'nyh organov ispolnitel'noj vlasti» // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. 2000. # 34. St. 3473.
4. Bykova E. A. Soglasitel'nye procedury kak osobennost' polnomochij Prezidenta Rossijskoj Federacii. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: obrashhenija: 15.12.2017).
5. Gligich-Zolotarjova M. V. Pravovye osnovy federalizma. M., 2006.
6. Kichaljuk O. N., Egorov A. O. Pravovoj status polnomochnogo predstavitelja glavy gosudarstva v dorevoljucionnoj i sovremennoj Rossii: sravnitel'nyj analiz //Nauchnaja diskussija: voprosy jurisprudencii. sb. st. po materialam LVIII mezhdunar. nauch.-prakt. konf. # 2 (53). M.: Izd. «Internauka». 2017. 128 s.
7. Mazurov V. Ju. Federal'nye okruga v sisteme territorial'nogo ustrojstva Rossii: monografija. M.:OOO «Izdatel'stvo «Jelit», 2011.
8. Panov A. A. Prezident Rossijskoj Federacii kak garant gosudarstvennogo edinstva: Avtoref. dis. ...kand. jurid. nauk. M., 2008.
Lanovоy V. G.
Typology and classification of states: the concept, problems and value
In the article on the categorical level analyses of the concepts of "typology" and "classification". Formulates their criteria. The issue of typology is considered from the philosophical position of methodological approaches: genetic, functional, institutional, substantial.
In the article on the categorical level analyses of the concepts of "typology" and "classification". Formulates their criteria. The issue of typology is considered from the philosophical position of methodological approaches: genetic, functional, institutional, substantial.
Established that the construction of a typology of States requires a system-an ordered analysis, identifying the genera and species traits, social, economic patterns and their relationships. Used the politico-legal category of "state" is given its definition. Argues that classification should be considered as part of the typology, its quantitative characteristic, showing static fragments of reality. The classification applies to stable systems characterized by specific objective criteria. While the typology is applied to dynamic complex systems, and given the diversity of quantitative indicators focused on the domestic ratio typologisierung object that enables the transition from the General and abstract analysis of the object to a specific study, suggests the transition from experimental research to theoretical concepts..
Keywords: state, statehood, method, category, typology, classification, type of state.
Work bibliographic list
1. Abdullaev M. I., Komarov S. A. Problemy teorii gosudarstva i prava / Uchebnik. SPb, 2003.
Work bibliographic list
1. Abdullaev M. I., Komarov S. A. Problemy teorii gosudarstva i prava / Uchebnik. SPb, 2003.
2. Andrienkov V. G., Tolstova Ju. N. Tipologija i klassifikacija v sociologicheskih. M., 1982.
3. Bajramov F. D. Sootnoshenie funkcij gosudarstva i regional'nyh mezhgosudarstvennyh ob"edinenij (sovremennye teoretiko-pravovye problemy). M., 2004.
4. Bakaeva G. S. Sistematizacija znanij i ee rol' v nauchnom poznanii: Avtoref. dis. … kand. filos. nauk. L., 1981.
5. Bartonju V. I. Logika. Uchebnoe posobie. M., 2001.
6. Bekin A. V. Tip sovremennogo Rossijskogo gosudarstva i prava. Dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. Samara, 2009.
7. Bestuzhev-Lada I. V. Poiskovoe social'noe prognozirovanie: Perspektivnye problemy obshhestva. M.,1974.
8. Vengerov A. V. Teorija gosudarstva i prava: uchebnik dlja juridicheskih vuzov. 3-e izdanie. M., 2006.
9. Golovackaja M. V. Priemstvennost' v forme gosudarstva: Dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. Kolomna, 2003.
10. Drobyshevskij S. A. Klassicheskie teoreticheskie predstavlenija o gosudarstve, prave i politike. Krasnojarsk: Izd-vo Krasnojarsk. gos. un-ta, 1999.
11. Engibarjan R. V., Krasnov Ju. K. Teorija gosudarstva i prava: Uchebnoe posobie. M., 1999.
12. Ivin A. A., Nikiforov A. L. Slovar' po logike. M.:Tumanit, izd. Centr Vlados, 1997.
13. Il'in I. A. Obshhee uchenie o prave i gosudarstve //Il'in I. A. Sobr. soch.: v 10 t. M.: Russkaja kniga, 1994.
14. Il'in I. A. O grjadushhej Rossii. Dzhordanvill, 1991.
15. Kagan M. S. Sistemnoe rassmotrenie osnovnyh sposobov gruppirovki // Filosofskie i sociologicheskie issledovanija. L., 1977.
16. Kashanina T. V. Proishozhdenie gosudarstva i prava:Sovremennye traktovki i novye podhody. M.: Vyssh.shk., 2004.
17. Kirnos A. V. Problemy teorii gosudarstva i prava.Ch. 1. Voronezh, 2004.
18. Kol'ev A. N. Nacija i gosudarstvo. Teorija konservativnoj rekonstrukcii. M.: Logos, 2005.
19. Kondakov N. I. Logicheskij slovar'. L., 1971.
20. Korobova E. G. Vzaimootnoshenija Gosudarstva i cerkvi Rossii: problemy tipologii i periodizacii v aspekte voploshhenija idei teokratii / avtoref. dis.… kand. jurid. nauk. Tambov, 2009.
21. Korolev A. I., Lukovskaja D. I., Javich L. S. Istoricheskoe i logicheskoe v poznanii. L., 1988.
22. Kratkaja filosofskaja jenciklopedija / pod red. Gubskogo E. F., Koroblevoj G. V., Lutchenko V. A. M., 1994.
23. Lazarev V. V. Obshhaja teorija gosudarstva i prava.Uchebnik. 2-e izd. pererab. i dop. M., 1996.
24. Lazarev V. V. Lipen' S. V. Teorija gosudarstva i prava: Uchebnik dlja vuzov. 2-e izd. ispr. i dop. M., 2000.
25. Malahov V. P. Osnovy formal'noj logiki. Uchebnoe posobie dlja juristov. M., 1998.
26. Markova-Murashova S. A. Nacional'naja pravovaja sitema Rossii i tipologija pravoponimanija: Dis. …dokt. jurid. nauk. SPb., 2006.
27. Marchenko M. N. Politicheskie teorii i politicheskaja praktika v razvityh kapitalisticheskih stranah. M.: Izd-vo MGU, 1992.
28. Marchenko M. N. Problemy teorii gosudarstva i prava: Uchebnik. M., 2008.
29. Matrosova N. K. Metodologicheskij analiz tipologicheskih procedur nauchnogo issledovanija: Avtoref.dis. … kand. filos. nauk. L., 1981.
30. Matuzova N. I., Mal'ko A. V. Teorija gosudarstva i prava. M., 1997.
31. Morozov L. A. Problemy sovremennoj rossijskoj gosudarstvennosti. M.: Jurid. lit., 1998.
32. Morozova L. A. Tipologija gosudarstv // Uchebnik. Teorija gosudarstva i prava / pod red. V. K. Babaeva. M.,1999.
33. Moskvitin A. Ju. Osnovnye principy teorii tipologii i ih primenenie k analizu tipologicheskih problem v social'nom poznanii: Dis. … kand. filos. nauk. Vladivostok, 1999.
34. Ozhegov S. I. Slovar' russkogo jazyka / pod red. N. Ju.Shvedovoj. M., 1986.
35. Oksamytnyj V. V. Teorija gosudarstva i prava / Uchebnik dlja vuzov. M., 2004.
36. Rozhkova L. P. O principah tipologii gosudarstva i prava // Pravovedenie. 1975. # 2.
37. Rozhkova L. P. Principy i metody tipologii gosudarstva i prava. Saratov, 1984.
38. Rozova S. S. Klassifikacionnaja problema v sovremennoj nauke. Novosibirsk, 1986.
39. Safronova E. V. «Gosudarstvo» i «gosudarstvennost'»:problemy terminologicheskogo sootnoshenija i opredelenija // Istorija gosudarstva i prava. 2014. # 22.
40. Sorokin P. A. Sistema sociologii. M.: Astrel',2008.
41. Stepin V. S. Teoreticheskoe znanie. Struktura, istoricheskaja jevoljucija. M., 2000.
42. Sinenko Ju. S. Tipologija gosudarstva: Avtoref. dis.… kand. jurid. nauk. M., 2007.
43. Tile A. A., Shvekov G. V. Sravnitel'nyj metod v juridicheskih disciplinah. M., 1978.
44. Ushakov A. A. O ponjatii istoricheskogo tipa gosudarstva i prava // Pravovedenie. 1983. # 5.
45. Filosofskij jenciklopedicheskij slovar' / pod red.Il'icheva L. F., Fedoseeva P. N., Kovaleva S. M., Pan V. G. M., 1983.
46. Chirkin V. E. Gosudarstvovedenie. M.: Jurist", 1999.
47. Chicherin B. N. Kurs gosudarstvennoj nauki. 4.1: Obshhee gosudarstvennoe pravo. M., 1894.
Vildanov R. R., Fayzullina I. I.
The formation of the modern Russian parliament –the Federal Assembly
The article reveals the emergence in the modern Russian Federation of such an institute of power
The article reveals the emergence in the modern Russian Federation of such an institute of power
as the parliament. The authors explain the features of his appearance, the structure of the new authority, the peculiarities of the interaction of the chambers. The functions of the parliament in the Russian political system are also indicated.
Keywords: Parliament, functions of parliament, State Duma, Federation Council, Federal Assembly.
Work bibliographic list
1. FZ ot 17 dekabrja 1997 goda «O Pravitel'stve Rossijskoj Federacii» // SZ RF. 1997. # 51. St. 5712.
Work bibliographic list
1. FZ ot 17 dekabrja 1997 goda «O Pravitel'stve Rossijskoj Federacii» // SZ RF. 1997. # 51. St. 5712.
2. FZ ot 8 maja 1994 goda v redakcii ot 5 ijulja 1999 goda «O statuse chlena Soveta Federacii i statuse deputata Gosudarstvennoj Dumy Federal'nogo Sobranija Rossijskoj Federacii» SZ RF. 1999. # 28. St. 3466.
3. Avak'jan S. A. Federal'noe sobranie - parlament Rossii. M., 1999.
4. Vil'danov R. R. Teoretiko-metodologicheskie osnovy analiza roli i mesta parlamenta v politicheskoj sisteme gosudarstva // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2015. # 10.
5. Vnesennye v Gosudarstvennuju Dumu zakonoproekty o vybornosti chlenov Soveta Federacii/ Analiticheskij vestnik Soveta Federacii FS RF. 2007. # 23(340). S.19-35.
6. Evzerov R. Ja. Parlamentarizm i razdelenie vlastej v sovremennoj Rossii // ONS. 1999. # 1. S. 84.
Kravets Yu. A.
Application satellite navigation system “era-GLONASS”
The article analyses the positive and negative sides entered the Russian Federation era-system
The article analyses the positive and negative sides entered the Russian Federation era-system
GLONASS. The article concludes that the possibility of improving the system.
Keywords: satellite system "era-GLONASS, navigation, road, car, information technology.
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon ot 28.12.2013 N 395-FZ (red. ot 13.07.2015) «O Gosudarstvennoj avtomatizirovannoj informacionnoj sisteme «JeRA-GLONASS» (s izm. i dop., vstup. v silu s 01.01.2016).
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon ot 28.12.2013 N 395-FZ (red. ot 13.07.2015) «O Gosudarstvennoj avtomatizirovannoj informacionnoj sisteme «JeRA-GLONASS» (s izm. i dop., vstup. v silu s 01.01.2016).
2. Prikaz Mintransa RF ot 12.05.2005 N 45 «Ob utverzhdenii Transportnoj strategii Rossijskoj Federacii na period do 2020 goda».
3. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
4. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
5. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
6. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
7. Spravochnaja informacija: «Tamozhennyj kalendar' na I kvartal 2017 goda» (po sostojaniju na 14.03.2017)(Material podgotovlen specialistami Konsul'tant Pljus).
Tolikova E. E., Zhuravlev M. S.
Cluster approach to innovative development of Eurasian Economic Union state members
Article is devoted to topical issues of creation and development of innovative industrial clusters in the territory of EEU member states.
Article is devoted to topical issues of creation and development of innovative industrial clusters in the territory of EEU member states.
The quantitative and qualitative analysis of prerequisites of use of cluster approach to industry development is carried out.
Tools of innovative policy of member states of EEU are considered. Mechanisms of cluster development of member states of EEU are analyses. The «5-I» model of a cluster is applied to EEU member states.
Instruments of cooperation of member states of EEU in scientific and technical and innovative spheres are stated. The special attention, is given to experience of UNIDO. The key problems interfering cluster development are defined; recommendations about development of innovative industrial clusters of member states of EEU are offered.
Article contains the review of standard and legal base of innovative interactions in EEU. For the Russian Federation, Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Republic of Armenia and the Kyrgyz Republic recommendations about support to clusters are offered. The directions of cooperation and cooperation in innovative spheres of the industry are designated.
For achievement of global competitiveness of member states of EEU formation of innovative infrastructure is offered; creation of versatile cluster structures; consolidation of potential of the industry, scientific and educational centers, enterprise structures.
Keywords: innovative policy, state members of EEU, clusters.
Work bibliographic list
1. Postanovlenie Pravitel'stva RF ot 15 aprelja 2014g. # 316 «Ob utverzhdenii gosudarstvennoj programmy Rossijskoj Federacii «Jekonomicheskoe razvitie i innovacionnaja jekonomika» (s izmenenijami i dopolnenijami) // «Konsul'tantPljus» (data obrashhenija: 20.12.2017 g.).
Work bibliographic list
1. Postanovlenie Pravitel'stva RF ot 15 aprelja 2014g. # 316 «Ob utverzhdenii gosudarstvennoj programmy Rossijskoj Federacii «Jekonomicheskoe razvitie i innovacionnaja jekonomika» (s izmenenijami i dopolnenijami) // «Konsul'tantPljus» (data obrashhenija: 20.12.2017 g.).
2. «Strategija innovacionnogo razvitija Rossijskoj Federacii na period do 2020 goda». Utverzhdena rasporjazheniem Pravitel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii ot 8 dekabrja 2011 g. # 2227-r) // «Konsul'tantPljus» (data obrashhenija: 20.12.2017 g.).
3. Golovanova S. V., Avdasheva S. B., Kadochnikov S. M. Mezhfirmennaja kooperacija: analiz razvitija klasterov v Rossii // Rossijskij zhurnal menedzhmenta. 2010. T. 8. # 1. S. 41-66.
4. Svodnaja baza dannyh po klasteram Rossii. Ministerstvo jekonomicheskogo razvitija RF. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: obrashhenija: 19.12.2017 g.).
5. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: Pjatnadcataja sessija General'noj konferenciiJuNIDO. Lima, 2-6 dekabrja 2013 goda. Rezoljucija GC.15/Res.1 Limskaja deklaracija: Put' k dostizheniju vseohvatyvajushhego i ustojchivogo promyshlennogo razvitija (data obrashhenija: 22.12.2017 g.).
Gorbova I. N., Karaeva E. N., Tomilina Yu. V.
Demographic and social factors of improve of competitiveness of the region
The article discusses the collection of demographic and social factors affecting the state of socio-economic development of the region and its level of competitiveness. The analysis of statistical indicators of development of demographic and social development of the region.
The article discusses the collection of demographic and social factors affecting the state of socio-economic development of the region and its level of competitiveness. The analysis of statistical indicators of development of demographic and social development of the region.
On its basis the main problems hindering the growth of competitiveness of the region and directions of their solution.
Keywords: region, competitiveness of region, Oryol region, demographic factors, social factors.
Work bibliographic list
1. Zajcev A. G., Spasskaja N. V., Takmakova E. V. Vlijanie institucional'noj sredy marketingovoj dejatel'nosti na investicii i potreblenie // Upravlencheskij uchet. – 2017. – # 4. – S. 92-97.
Work bibliographic list
1. Zajcev A. G., Spasskaja N. V., Takmakova E. V. Vlijanie institucional'noj sredy marketingovoj dejatel'nosti na investicii i potreblenie // Upravlencheskij uchet. – 2017. – # 4. – S. 92-97.
2. Karaeva E. N., Tomilina Ju. V. Social'no-jekonomicheskie predposylki formirovanija i razvitija regional'nyh klasterov // Gumanitarnye, social'no-jekonomicheskie i obshhestvennye nauki. – 2014. – # 7. – S. 266-269.
3. Men'shhikova V. I., Harlamova T. N. Razvitie intellektual'nogo potenciala kak faktor povyshenija konkurentosposobnosti jekonomiki regiona // Social'no-jekonomicheskie javlenija i processy. – 2011. –# 5-6 (027-028). – S. 161-164.
4. Oficial'nyj sajt Federal'noj sluzhby gosudarstvennoj statistiki po Orlovskoj oblasti. – [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
5. Parushina N. V., Butenko I. V. Statisticheskaja ocenka differenciacii regionov Central'nogo federal'nogo okruga po urovnju demograficheskogo razvitija// Nacional'nye interesy: prioritety i bezopasnost'. – 2010. – # 3 (60). – S. 45-49.
6. Parushina N. V., Lytneva N. A. Sistema pokazatelej jekonomiki truda v upravlenii kadrovym potencialom organizacii // Vestnik OrjolGAU. – 2012. – # 2(35). – S. 131-135.
7. Poljanin A. V. Kompleksnaja ocenka konkurentnyh preimushhestv regional'nyh kompleksov Central'nogo federal'nogo okruga // Srednerusskij vestnik obshhestvennyh nauk. – 2014. – # 3 (33). – S. 259-265.
8. Spasskaja N. V. Vozmozhnosti industrializacii jekonomiki Rossii v kontekste sovremennoj regional'noj politiki // Vestnik Permskogo universiteta. Serija: Jekonomika. – 2015. – # 2 (25). – S. 89-98.
9. Takmakova E. V. Dohody naselenija kak indikator razvitija jekonomiki. // Rossijskoe predprinimatel'stvo. – 2010. – # 7-2. – S. 9-13.
Gudyreva L. V.
Effective communication technologies as instrument of increase in competitiveness of the organizations of culture and leisure
In article the main questions connected with a problem of achievement of competitiveness of the organization by use of communication technologies on the example of city cinemas Syktyvkar are considered.
In article the main questions connected with a problem of achievement of competitiveness of the organization by use of communication technologies on the example of city cinemas Syktyvkar are considered.
Keywords: communication technologies, communications, competitiveness, marketing, organizations of leisure.
Work bibliographic list
1. Terskih M. V. Proektnaja dejatel'nost' pri izuchenii kursa «social'naja reklama» (magistratura po napravleniju podgotovki «reklama i svjazi s obshhestvennost'ju») // Pedagogicheskoe obrazovanie v Rossii. 2014. # 11. S. 138-143.
Work bibliographic list
1. Terskih M. V. Proektnaja dejatel'nost' pri izuchenii kursa «social'naja reklama» (magistratura po napravleniju podgotovki «reklama i svjazi s obshhestvennost'ju») // Pedagogicheskoe obrazovanie v Rossii. 2014. # 11. S. 138-143.
2. Rodionova D. D. Vladenie informacionno-kommunikacionnymi tehnologijami kak faktor podgotovki kvalificirovannyh specialistov v sfere muzejnoj dejatel'nosti // Vestnik Altajskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta. 2015. # 22. S. 106-109.
3. Kapustina N. S., Sharova T. S. Psihologija cvetov v marketinge // Shest'desjat vos'maja vserossijskaja nauchno-tehnicheskaja konferencija studentov, magistrantov i aspirantov vysshih uchebnyh zavedenij s mezhdunarodnym uchastiem sbornik materialov kon- ferencii. 2015. S. 903-906.
4. Oficial'nyj sajt «Mori sinema». [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
5. Oficial'nyj sajt «Kronverk sinema». [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
Koreva O. V., Sinitsyna E. V.
Legal aspects of development of investment activities in the conditions of innovative development and formation of digital economy
In article need of legal regulation of the investment activities based on digital technologies is
In article need of legal regulation of the investment activities based on digital technologies is
considered. Development and the increasing popularity of digital technologies have caused a
possibility of attraction of investments on essentially new conditions. Most the states including the
Russian Federation, haven't started regulation of such mechanisms of attraction of investments yet and haven't created legal base. It affects both quality of projects, and on degree of security of investors.
Several possible approaches to legal regulation of the investment activities based on ICO technologies (Initial Coin Offerings) are offered.
Keywords: investment activities digital technologies, cryptocurrency, regulation methods.
Work bibliographic list
1. Kriptovaljuty: ponjatie i perspektivy. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 16.12.2017 g.).
Work bibliographic list
1. Kriptovaljuty: ponjatie i perspektivy. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 16.12.2017 g.).
2. O Koncepcii dolgosrochnogo social'no-jekonomicheskogo razvitija Rossijskoj Federacii na period do 2020 goda: raspor. Pravitel'stva RF ot 17.11.2008# 1662-r (red. ot 10.02.2017) // Konsul'tant pljus.[Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: http://www. (data obrashhenija: 16.12.2017 g.).
3. Pervyj opyt zapreta ICO v Kitae: prichiny, juridicheskie osobennosti, riski i posledstvija. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
pervyj-opyt-zapreta-ico-v-kitae-prichiny-yuridicheskieosobennosti-riski-i-posledstviya (data obrashhenija: 16.12.2017 g.).
4. Ponjatie ICO. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 16.12.2017 g.).
5. Ponjatie tehnologii blockchain. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 16.12.2017 g.).
6. Pravovye aspekty kriptovaljuty i ICO. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 16.12.2017 g.).
7. Juridicheskie riski ICO i pravovaja priroda tokenov. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 16.12.2017 g.).
Akchulpanov Yu. K.
Economic development of the region: theory and problems of evaluation of its level
The successful development of the Russian economy is closely linked with the level of socio-economic development of its regions.
The successful development of the Russian economy is closely linked with the level of socio-economic development of its regions.
Today, all the regions of the country face the challenges of modernizing the economy, attracting investment, launching innovative mechanisms.
The analysis of the current state of the theory of economic development is made, actual problems of regional development are revealed.
Keywords: economic development, market relations, innovation, region, indicators.
Work bibliographic list
1. Abalkin L. I. Logika jekonomicheskogo rosta. RAN, In-t jekonomiki. – M., 2002. – 228 s.
Work bibliographic list
1. Abalkin L. I. Logika jekonomicheskogo rosta. RAN, In-t jekonomiki. – M., 2002. – 228 s.
2. Akchulpanov Ju. K. Podhody k ocenke urovnja jekonomicheskogo razvitija regionov // Jekonomika i upravlenie: nauchno-prakticheskij zhurnal. – 2011. – # 6.– S. 116-119.
3. Akchulpanov Ju. K. Formirovanie instrumentarija ocenki urovnja razvitija jekonomiki regiona (na primere Respubliki Bashkortostan): dis. kand. jek. nauk. Adygejskij gos. universitet. – Majkop, 2015 [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: WWW.KONF.XPDF.
RU (Data obrashhenija: 04.01.2018).
4. Golichenko O. G. Nacional'naja innovacionnaja sistema Rossii: sostojanie i perspektivy razvitija. – M.:Nauka, 2006. – 396 s.
5. Divaeva Je., Muhamed'jarov A. Zarubezhnyj opyt formirovanija innovacionnoj sistemy v regionah //Jekonomika i upravlenie: nauchno-prakticheskij zhurnal. – 2011. – # 3. – S. 92-98.
6. Nureev R. M. Jekonomika razvitija: modeli stanovlenija rynochnoj jekonomiki. – M.: Norma, 2008. – 639 s.
7. Shumpeter J. A. Teorija jekonomicheskogo razvitija.– M.: Progress, 1982. Direktmedia Pablishing. – M.,2008. – 203 s.
Matveeva N. V.
Features of the customs procedure of customs transit at the present stage
Within the last year considerable changes concerning goods placement under customs procedure of customs transit are made to the customs legislation of the Eurasian Economic Union and the Russian Federation. In article the concept of customs procedure of customs transit and a condition of goods placement under this procedure are considered. The order of application of electronic declaration of goods, moved according to customs procedure of customs transit is characterized.
Within the last year considerable changes concerning goods placement under customs procedure of customs transit are made to the customs legislation of the Eurasian Economic Union and the Russian Federation. In article the concept of customs procedure of customs transit and a condition of goods placement under this procedure are considered. The order of application of electronic declaration of goods, moved according to customs procedure of customs transit is characterized.
Keywords: customs, goods, customs procedure, customs transit, transit declaration.
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon ot 27.11.2010 # 311-FZ O tamozhennom regulirovanii v Rossijskoj Federacii (red. ot 28.12.2017) // SPS «Konsul'tantPljus».[Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon ot 27.11.2010 # 311-FZ O tamozhennom regulirovanii v Rossijskoj Federacii (red. ot 28.12.2017) // SPS «Konsul'tantPljus».[Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
2. Dogovor o Evrazijskom jekonomicheskom sojuze (Podpisan v g. Astane 29.05.2014) (red. ot 08.05.2015) // SPS «Konsul'tantPljus». [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
3. Tamozhennyj kodeks Evrazijskogo jekonomicheskogo sojuza (prilozhenie # 1 k Dogovoru o Tamozhennom kodekse Evrazijskogo jekonomicheskogo sojuza) // SPS «Konsul'tantPljus». [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
4. Prikaz Minfina Rossii ot 30.08.2016 # 144n Ob utverzhdenii Porjadka ispol'zovanija Edinoj avtomatizirovannoj informacionnoj sistemy tamozhennyh organov pri tamozhennom kontrole, tamozhennom deklarirovanii i vypuske (otkaze v vypuske) tovarov, pomeshhaemyh pod tamozhennuju proceduru tamozhennogo tranzita, v jelektronnoj forme // SPS «Konsul'tantPljus». [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
5. Reshenie Kollegii Evrazijskoj jekonomicheskoj komissii ot 13.12.2017 # 170 O nekotoryh voprosah primenenija tamozhennoj procedury tamozhennogo tranzita // SPS «Konsul'tantPljus». [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
6. Reshenie Komissii Tamozhennogo sojuza ot 08.12.2010 # 494 Ob Instrukcii o porjadke predostavlenija i ispol'zovanija tamozhennoj deklaracii v vide jelektronnogo dokumenta // SPS «Konsul'tantPljus». [Jelektronnyj resurs]. –Rezhim dostupa:
7. Reshenie Komissii Tamozhennogo sojuza ot 17.08.2010 # 438 (red. ot 21.11.2016) O Porjadke sovershenija tamozhennymi organami tamozhennyh operacij, svjazannyh s podachej, registraciej tranzitnoj deklaracii i zaversheniem tamozhennoj procedury tamozhennogo tranzita // SPS «Konsul'tantPljus». [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: http://www.
8. Reshenie Komissii Tamozhennogo sojuza ot 18.06.2010 # 289 (red. ot 19.12.2017) O forme i porjadke zapolnenija tranzitnoj deklaracii // SPS «Konsul'tant-Pljus». [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
9. Mezhdunarodnaja konvencija ob uproshhenii i garmonizacii tamozhennyh procedur (Zakljuchena v Kioto 18.05.1973) (v red. Protokola ot 26.06.1999) // SPS«Konsul'tantPljus». [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
10. Korobkova M. N. Primenenie tehnologii jelektronnogo deklarirovanija tovarov, pomeshhaemyh pod proceduru) // Uchenye zapiski Sankt-Peterburgskogo imeni V. B. Bobkova filiala Rossijskoj tamozhennoj akademii. 2017. # 1 (61). S. 32-35.
11. Kurchavova D. A. Osobennosti osushhestvlenija tamozhennoj procedury «tamozhennyj tranzit» v EAJeS // Pravo i obshhestvo v uslovijah globalizacii: perspektivy fG razvitija: sbornik nauchnyh trudov mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. Saratov:Saratovskij social'no-jekonomicheskij institut (filial) FGBOUVO «Rossijskij jekonomicheskij universitet im. G. V. Plehanova». 2017. S. 71-74.
12. Ponter I. N., Davydova M. D. Jelektronnyj tamozhennyj tranzit: pragmatizm deklarirovanija tovarov i drugih predmetov pri peresechenii granicy Rossijskoj Federacii // Konkurentosposobnost' v global'nom mire: jekonomika, nauka, tehnologii. Kirov:OOO «Intellekt-biznes-grupp». # 1-3(28). 2017. S.50-52.
13. S 20 marta 2017 g. vvoditsja objazatel'noe jelektronnoe deklarirovanie tamozhennogo tranzita // Al'ta-Soft. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
14. Sushkova A. S., Matveeva N. V. Osobennosti jelektronnogo deklarirovanija tamozhennogo tranzita // Jekonomika, upravlenie i pravo: innovacionnoe reshenie problem: sbornik statej VIII Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. V 3 ch. Ch. 3. Penza: MCNS «Nauka i prosveshhenie». 2017. S. 158-165.
15. Federal'naja tamozhennaja sluzhba Rossii: oficial'nyj sajt [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
Maksimova K. L.
The labor market of the Far East: changes from theperspective of the creation of “Territories of rapid socio-economic development” and free port “Vladivostok”
On the basis of a comparative assessment of the labour market performance of the Far Eastern Federal district, for the period before and after the creation of areas of advancing socio-economic development and the free port of Vladivostok, the conclusions about what changes have occurred in the labour market of the region.
On the basis of a comparative assessment of the labour market performance of the Far Eastern Federal district, for the period before and after the creation of areas of advancing socio-economic development and the free port of Vladivostok, the conclusions about what changes have occurred in the labour market of the region.
Keywords: the far Eastern Federal district, the territory of advancing socio-economic development, Vladivostok, labor market, jobs, unemployment, workforce, employment, migration and natural population growth, etc.
Work bibliographic list
1. Konsul'tant Pljus. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
Work bibliographic list
1. Konsul'tant Pljus. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
2. Pravitel'stvo RF. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
3. AO «KRVD». [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:,
4. Rosstat RF. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
Ponomareva T. K., Vasiljeva Yu. P.
World oil prices and their impact on Russia’s monetary policy
In this paper the impact of oil and gas export earnings on the main parameters of monetary and
In this paper the impact of oil and gas export earnings on the main parameters of monetary and
credit policy is analyzed. Its specificity at the present stage of economic development is considered:in particular, the dependence of choosing the method of national currency rate formation on the world oil prices.
Keywords: monetary policy, price, oil, gas, currency, budget, inflation.
Work bibliographic list
1. Vasil'eva Ju. P., Nasypova D. T., Ponomareva T. K. Sankcionnaja politika i razvitie neftjanoj otrasli Rossii // Neftegazovoe delo: nauch.-tehnich. zhurnal/ UGNTU. 2016. # 3. S. 209-214.
Work bibliographic list
1. Vasil'eva Ju. P., Nasypova D. T., Ponomareva T. K. Sankcionnaja politika i razvitie neftjanoj otrasli Rossii // Neftegazovoe delo: nauch.-tehnich. zhurnal/ UGNTU. 2016. # 3. S. 209-214.
2. Vasil'eva Ju. P., Peskova D. R., Ponomareva T. K. Rol' toplivno-jenergeticheskogo sektora v razvitii nacional'noj jekonomiki // Neftegazovoe delo: nauch.-teh-nich. Zhurnal / UGNTU. 2017. T. 15. # 2. S. 209-215.
3. Kudrin A. Vlijanie dohodov ot jeksporta neftegazovyh resursov na denezhno-kreditnuju politiku Rossii // Voprosy jekonomiki. # 8. 2013. S. 4-19.
4. Oficial'nyj sajt Central'nogo Banka Rossii.[Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 10.01.2018 g.).
5. Ponomareva T. K., Vasil'eva Ju. P., Peskova D. R., Eremenko B. A., Vavilova N. T. Problemy i perspektivy jeksporta rossijskogo // Problemy sbora, podgotovki i transporta nefti i nefteproduktov: nauchn.-teh-nich. zhurnal / UGNTU. 2017. # 1. S. 161-175.
Sergeeva O. Yu.
Bitcoin as a tool of the world payment system
The article analyzes Bitcoin as a crypto currency, reveals the advantages and disadvantages of
The article analyzes Bitcoin as a crypto currency, reveals the advantages and disadvantages of
the digital currency, the existing problems and prospects for development, presents the graphical results of the study of the dynamics of the Bitcoin exchange rate. The attitude towards Bitcoin on the part of Russian business and government has been determined, prospects for the creation of the Russian virtual currency RuCoin have been considered.
Keywords: world payment system, Bitcoin, digital currency, RuCoin, Bitcoin-wallet, digital economy.
Work bibliographic list
1. Biznes zhurnal Forbs. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
Work bibliographic list
1. Biznes zhurnal Forbs. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
2. Informacionnyj portal vedomosti. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: https //
3. Informacionnyj portal RBK. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
4. Kurs bitkojna 2009 – 2014 gody. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
5. Malyshev A. E. Vozmozhnosti vnedrenija cifrovyh tehnologij pri provedenii finansovyh raschetov //Innovacionnye klastery v cifrovoj jekonomike: teorija i praktika. Trudy VIII nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii s mezhdunarodnym uchastiem. SPb., 2017. S. 169-173.
6. Russkojazychnaja versija oficial'nogo sajta Bitcoin. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
7. Sergeeva O. Ju., Hisamova A. S. Sovremennaja internet-industrija i ee vlijanie na jekonomiku // Problemy sovremennoj jekonomiki: materialy IV mezhdunar. nauch. konf. Cheljabinsk: Dva komsomol'ca, 2015. S. 74-77.
8. Sergeeva O. Ju., Galljamova D. A., Bajkova I. V. Rossijskij mediarynok v uslovijah sankcij // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2017. # 10 (113). S. 341-342.
9. Sergeeva O. Ju., Pankov A. A. Bitcoin kak sovremennyj instrument platezhnoj sistemy v cifrovoj jekonomike 21 veka. Luchshaja nauchnaja stat'ja. Sbornik statej pobeditelej VII mezhdunar. nauch. praktich. konkursa. Penza, 2017. S. 114-118.
Takmakova E. V.
Classification of social standards, norms and regulations
In the article the analysis of existing classifications of social standards, norms and normatives.
In the article the analysis of existing classifications of social standards, norms and normatives.
Presents the author's classification of types of social norms.
Keywords: social standard, social norm, social normative, types of social normative.
Work bibliographic list
1. Aseev A. G., Shkaratan O. I. Social'nye normativy i social'noe planirovanie – M.: Profizdat, 1981.
Work bibliographic list
1. Aseev A. G., Shkaratan O. I. Social'nye normativy i social'noe planirovanie – M.: Profizdat, 1981.
2. Bondareva Je. S. Social'nye standarty po trudovomu pravu i pravu social'nogo obespechenija: dis. … kand. jurid. nauk: 12.00.05. – M., 2008.
3. Gricenko N. N. Koncepcija social'nogo gosudarstva RF // Uroven' zhizni naselenija regionov Rossii. –2005. – # 8-9.
4. Markelov V. V. Formirovanie gosudarstvennyh minimal'nyh social'nyh standartov v kontekste social'no-jekonomicheskih transformacij Rossii: avtoref. dis. … kand. sociol. nauk: 22.00.03. – Saratov, 2008.
5. Standartizacija pokazatelej v sociologicheskom issledovanii. – M.: Politizdat, 1976.
6. Toshhenko Zh. T. Social'noe proektirovanie. – M.:Mysl', 1981.
Gorlova I. R., Musina D. R., Boldyrev E. S.
Improvement of procurement procedures in oil and gas enterprise
The authors developed recommendations for improving the procurement procedure. Problems of lack of competition in certain areas of procurement are identified and measures for their elimination are suggested. The practical significance of the study is that the implementation of the proposed recommendations will allow optimizing the procurement procedure.
The authors developed recommendations for improving the procurement procedure. Problems of lack of competition in certain areas of procurement are identified and measures for their elimination are suggested. The practical significance of the study is that the implementation of the proposed recommendations will allow optimizing the procurement procedure.
Keywords: procurement, tender, procedure, service.
Work bibliographic list
1. Avdeeva L. A., Bespalova E. V. K voprosu optimizacii material'no-tehnicheskogo snabzhenija stroitel'stva gazoprovodov v slozhnyh prirodno-klimaticheskih uslovijah // V sbornike «Problemy i tendencii razvitija innovacionnoj jekonomiki: mezhdunarodnyj opyt i rossijskaja praktika. Sbornik nauchnyh tru-
Work bibliographic list
1. Avdeeva L. A., Bespalova E. V. K voprosu optimizacii material'no-tehnicheskogo snabzhenija stroitel'stva gazoprovodov v slozhnyh prirodno-klimaticheskih uslovijah // V sbornike «Problemy i tendencii razvitija innovacionnoj jekonomiki: mezhdunarodnyj opyt i rossijskaja praktika. Sbornik nauchnyh tru-
dov po materialam I Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. – FGBOU VPO «Ufimskij gosudarstvennyj neftjanoj tehnicheskij universitet». 2013. S. 9-11.
2. Avdeeva L. A., Bespalova E. V. Ob osnovnyh napravlenijah povyshenija jeffektivnosti sistemy material'no-tehnicheskogo obespechenija stroitel'stva gazoprovodov (na primere OOO «Torgovyj Dom «Sahalingazkomplekt») // Kontentus. 2014. #1 (18). S. 60-69.
3. Boldyrev E. S. Metody jekonomicheskoj ocenki proektnyh reshenij // V sbornike «Novye tehnologii – neftegazovomu regionu». Materialy Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. Tjumen': Tjumenskij industrial'nyj universitet, 2016. S. 242-244.
4. Boldyrev E. S., Burenina I. V., Zaharova I. M. Uchet riskov pri ocenke investicionnyh proektov v neftegazovoj otrasli // Internet-zhurnal «Nauko-vedenie». 2016. T. 8. # 1 (32). S. 43. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
5. Gerasimova M. V., Jamilova Ja. V. Koncepcija upravlenija riskami neftegazovogo proekta// V sbornike «Rol' innovacij v transformacii sovremennoj nauki». Sbornik statej Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. Otv. red. A. A. Sukiasjan. 2016. S.42-45.
6. Grigor'ev E. A. Musina D. R. Formirovanie sistemy logisticheskogo kontrollinga na neftedobyvajushhem predprijatii // Internet-zhurnal «Naukovedenie». 2016. T. 8. # 3 (34). S. 19.
7. Zaharova I. M., Sirgalina G. T. Formirovanie jeffektivnyh proizvodstvennyh struktur neftegazovyh kompanij // «Nauka i innovacii v sovremennyh uslovijah», sbornik statej mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii: v 4 chastjah. 2017. S. 75-77.
8. Musina D. R. Analiz nalogovoj nagruzki vertikal'no integrirovannyh neftjanyh kompanij// Vestnik jekonomiki i menedzhmenta. 2016. # 1 (2). S. 130-134.
9. Musina D. R. Stoimostnaja ocenka poter' ot riska v proizvodstvennoj logistike neftepererabatyvajushhego zavoda // Internet-zhurnal «Naukovedenie». 2015. T. 7. # 4 (29). S. 88.
10. Musina D. R. Formirovanie sistemy logisticheskogo kontrollinga v burovoj kompanii// Jelektronnyj nauchnyj zhurnal «Neftegazovoe delo». 2015.#4. S. 549-563.
11. Musina D. R., Nizamova G. Z. Vlijanie makrojekonomicheskogo okruzhenija na jekonomicheskuju jeffektivnost' razrabotki shel'fovogo mestorozhdenija//Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2017. #7 (110).S. 283-284
12. Musina D. R., Sejdalin R. R. Vlijanie sistemy nalogooblozhenija na jeffektivnost' razrabotki gazovogo mestorozhdenija // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2016. # 6 (97). S. 227-229.
13. Muhametov R. R., Musina D. R. Faktory, opredeljajushhie sebestoimost' dobychi nefti. V sbornike: Innovacionnaja nauka: proshloe, nastojashhee, budushhee, sbornik statej Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii: v 5 chastjah. 2016. S. 108-111.
14. Nizamova L. R., Solov'eva I. A. Sostojanie i problemy razvitija neftegazovogo kompleksa Rossii //V sbornike «Problemy i tendencii razvitija innovacionnoj jekonomiki: mezhdunarodnyj opyt i rossijskaja praktika». Materialy IV Mezhdunarodnoj
nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. 2016. S. 160-165.
15. Nurgaleeva K. R., Tasmuhanova A. E., Musina D. R., Tasmuhanov T. A. Upravlenie riskami investicionnyh proektov neftepererabatyvajushhej promyshlennosti // Upravlenie jekonomicheskimi sistemami: jelektronnyj nauchnyj zhurnal. 2017. # 2 (96). S. 18.
16. Sirgalina G. T., Mardanov S. N. Formirovanie ishodnoj bazy dlja strategicheskogo analiza v neftjanyh kompanijah // «Materialy i metody innovacionnyh issledovanij i razrabotok», sbornik statej mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii: v 2 cha-
stjah. 2017. S. 69-71.
17. Sitdikov R. R., Musina D. R. Uchet logisticheskih riskov v planirovanii material'nyh zapasov burovogo predprijatija // Internet-zhurnal «Naukovedenie».2015. T. 7. # 3. S. 66.
18. Solov'eva I. A., Gafarova Z. R., Gerasimova M. V. Nalogovoe i tamozhenno-tarifnoe regulirovanie neftjanogo sektora: istoricheskij jekskurs i sovremennye problemy // Neftegazovoe delo. 2016. T. 14. # 2.S. 226-231.
Kamilyanova A. R.
Demographic policies: the case of the Republic of Bashkortostan
Demographic problems of the Russian Federation and the reformation of Bashkortostan determine the reproduction of the population of administrative territories, fertility, mortality, migration, have a great impact on the gender and age structure, constantly changing it. As a result of the development of trends in the natural movement of the population, the population with high proportions of older age groups will continue to be formed in the long term.The main tasks of the state in population increase policy should show to be: an increase in social fertility, the establishment costs of the conditions and formation of motivation for trastoy the number of healthy content life, increase increase the attractiveness, the content of reduced mortality, the number of citizens of all women in working age, year improving the quality of women patients ' lives migrating from chronic diseases than persons with disabilities, the level is born socially significant migration of diseases.
Demographic problems of the Russian Federation and the reformation of Bashkortostan determine the reproduction of the population of administrative territories, fertility, mortality, migration, have a great impact on the gender and age structure, constantly changing it. As a result of the development of trends in the natural movement of the population, the population with high proportions of older age groups will continue to be formed in the long term.The main tasks of the state in population increase policy should show to be: an increase in social fertility, the establishment costs of the conditions and formation of motivation for trastoy the number of healthy content life, increase increase the attractiveness, the content of reduced mortality, the number of citizens of all women in working age, year improving the quality of women patients ' lives migrating from chronic diseases than persons with disabilities, the level is born socially significant migration of diseases.
Key words: demography, labour and social policy, as the level of fertility, improving mortality, the working sexes age, the quality expect life.
Work bibliographic list
1. Koncepcija ustojchivogo razvitija sel'skih territorij RF na period do 2020 goda. Utverzhdena rasporjazheniem Pravitel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii ot 30.11.2010 # 2136-r.
Work bibliographic list
1. Koncepcija ustojchivogo razvitija sel'skih territorij RF na period do 2020 goda. Utverzhdena rasporjazheniem Pravitel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii ot 30.11.2010 # 2136-r.
2. Koncepcija demograficheskoj politiki Rossijskoj Federacii na period do 2025 goda. Utverzhdena Ukazom Prezidenta Rossijskoj Federacii ot 9 oktjabrja 2007 g. # 1351.
3. Oficial'nyj sajt Territorial'nogo organa federal'noj sluzhby gosudarstvennoj statistiki po Respublike Bashkortostan. CBSD. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. - Rezhim dostupa:
4. Oficial'nyj sajt Federal'noj sluzhby gosudarstvennoj statistiki. Demografija. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. - Rezhim dostupa:
Bondarenko V. N.
Issues and problems of contemporary Russian philosophy (article first)
This article discusses the source of the issues and problems of modern Russian philosophy, concerning the peculiarities of its formation, temporal boundaries, forms of development, determining the most significant aspects.
This article discusses the source of the issues and problems of modern Russian philosophy, concerning the peculiarities of its formation, temporal boundaries, forms of development, determining the most significant aspects.
Keywords: modern russian philosophy, formation, time limits, forms of philosophy, the structure, the system of philosophical knowledge.
Bondarenko G. V.
Bondarenko G. V.
The principle of objectification of human being in the G. W. F. Hegel and Karl Marx’ theories in the light of onto-materialist conception of the world and the human being (Part 2)
The author of the article, from the point of view of the developed by him onto-materialist conception of the world and man (called by the author as "metaphysics of depth", based on the actually-philosophically transformed the anthropic principle), offers an understanding of the philosophical doctrines of Hegel and Marx about the human being-object as a theoretical basis for the practical overcoming of the position of the "metaphysics of the height", created in the New Time and absolutized the idealistic in its essence position of the beyond-human being as human-God, the perfect subject, the Creator and guarantor of the existence of society – as eternal abode of mankind, the world-empire.
The author of the article, from the point of view of the developed by him onto-materialist conception of the world and man (called by the author as "metaphysics of depth", based on the actually-philosophically transformed the anthropic principle), offers an understanding of the philosophical doctrines of Hegel and Marx about the human being-object as a theoretical basis for the practical overcoming of the position of the "metaphysics of the height", created in the New Time and absolutized the idealistic in its essence position of the beyond-human being as human-God, the perfect subject, the Creator and guarantor of the existence of society – as eternal abode of mankind, the world-empire.
Keywords: metaphysics, "the metaphysics of the depth", "metaphysics", a superhuman being, a pure reason, perfect subject, objective human being according to Hegel, objective human being according to Marx, class struggle-materialist conception of the world and the human being, the actual world, actual humanity, the actual reason, the actual Nature, the non-actual, Nature, the actual "human world," the socio-cultural formation.
Popov V. V., Muzyka O. A., Maksimova S. I.
Popov V. V., Muzyka O. A., Maksimova S. I.
Alternatively, future and social transformation
The article discusses various aspects of social development regarding the future of time. Special attention is given to alternative development in the social processes and social transformations. Shows the role of conscious rationality in the construction of future scenarios. evaluation in the context of rational human activity. Demonstrates that transitive transitions in social transformations taking into account the evaluation factor and interpretations certainly have indexes on temporal scale.
The article discusses various aspects of social development regarding the future of time. Special attention is given to alternative development in the social processes and social transformations. Shows the role of conscious rationality in the construction of future scenarios. evaluation in the context of rational human activity. Demonstrates that transitive transitions in social transformations taking into account the evaluation factor and interpretations certainly have indexes on temporal scale.
Keywords: celebrationist, alternatives , sustainable operations, social transformation, the future, social subject, a social event, inte.
Work bibliographic list
1. Artog F. Porjadok vremeni, rezhimy istorichnosti //Neprikosnovennyj zapas. - M., 2008. -#. 3. - S. 13-25.
Work bibliographic list
1. Artog F. Porjadok vremeni, rezhimy istorichnosti //Neprikosnovennyj zapas. - M., 2008. -#. 3. - S. 13-25.
2. Bestuzhev-Lada I. V. Retroal'ternativistika v filosofii istorii // Voprosy filosofii. - 1997. - # 8.- S.14-23.
3. Gorbunova M. Ju. Jemocii aktorov i social'nye transformacii // Vestnik Saratovskogo universiteta. - 2012 - # 2. - S. 148-151.
4. Danilov A. N. Perehodnoe obshhestvo: problemy sistemnoj transformacii. - Minsk, 1998. - 137 s.
5. Zaslavskaja T. I. Sovremennoe rossijskoe obshhestvo:social'nyj mehanizm transformacii // M., 2004. -400 s.
6. Popov V. V., Muzyka O. A., Timofeenko V. A. Protivorechija v kontekste perehodnyh periodov tranzitivnogo obshhestva // Mezhdunarodnyj zhurnal jeksperimental'nogo obrazovanija. - 2016. - # 7-0. - S. 111-114.
7. Popov V. V. Logicheskie i teoreticheskie model'nye aspekty issledovanija temporal'nosti v social'no-filosofskom diskupse // Nauchnaja mysl' Kavkaza. -2006. - # 1.
8. Popov V. V., Timofeenko V. A. Metodologicheskie osobennosti perioda tranzita v dogonjajushhem gosudarstve // Fundamental'nye issledovanija. - 2015. - #2-25. - S. 5743-5747.
9. Popov V. V., Muzyka O. A., Timofeenko V. A., Ukolov A. O. Temporal'nost' i tranzitivnost' v istoricheskom processe // Mezhdunarodnyj zhurnal prikladnyh i fundamental'nyh issledovanij. - 2016. - # 7-6.- S. 1110-1113.
10. Popov V. V., Lojtarenko M. V., Taranova V. A. Social'nye protivorechija i perehodnye periody:filosofsko-metodologicheskie aspekty // Mezhdunarodnyj zhurnal jeksperimental'nogo obrazovanija. - 2014. - # 8-2. - S. 42-46.
11. Popov V. V., Shheglov B. S., Granovskaja M. V. Specifika koncepta interval v issledovanii social'nyh processov // Fundamental'nye issledovanija. - 2015.- # 2-4. - S. 872-875.
12. Popov V. V., Muzyka O. A. Faktor temporal'nosti v kontekste bytija social'nogo sub"ekta // Mezhdunarodnyj zhurnal jeksperimental'nogo obrazovanija. -2015. - # 3. - S. 40.
13. Popov V. V., Muzyka O. A., Kiselev S. A. Koncepcija tranzitivnosti i transformacii obshhestva // Mezhdunarodnyj zhurnal prikladnyh i fundamental'nyh issledovanij. - 2017. - # 1-2. - S. 365-368.
Lyashchenko M. N.
The phenomenon of loneliness of human development in the modern globalizing society: trends and “the future”
The article examines, first, the tendencies of man's loneliness in the modern globalized society, and outlined his "perspective" as the dominant way of human existence. As a result, the author comes to the conclusion that loneliness is "the norm" in the minds of modern humans and does not exclude the possibility that in the future, with loneliness and to consolidate the status of the dominant way of human existence.
The article examines, first, the tendencies of man's loneliness in the modern globalized society, and outlined his "perspective" as the dominant way of human existence. As a result, the author comes to the conclusion that loneliness is "the norm" in the minds of modern humans and does not exclude the possibility that in the future, with loneliness and to consolidate the status of the dominant way of human existence.
Keywords: loneliness, globalizing society, man, "virtualization".
Work bibliographic list
1. Voronova N. I. Antropologicheskaja modal'nost' informacionno-setevoj kul'tury // Cifrovoe obshhestvo kak kul'turno-istoricheskij kontekst razvitija cheloveka: sbornik nauchnyh statej i materialov mezhdunarodnoj konferencii «Cifrovoe obshhestvo kak kul'-
Work bibliographic list
1. Voronova N. I. Antropologicheskaja modal'nost' informacionno-setevoj kul'tury // Cifrovoe obshhestvo kak kul'turno-istoricheskij kontekst razvitija cheloveka: sbornik nauchnyh statej i materialov mezhdunarodnoj konferencii «Cifrovoe obshhestvo kak kul'-
turno-istoricheskij kontekst razvitija cheloveka, 11-13 fevralja 2016, Kolomna / pod obshh. red. R.V. Ershovoj.– Kolomna: Gosudarstvennyj social'no-gumanitarnyj universitet, 2016. – S. 73-77.
2. Gert V. A. Celostnost' i sub"ektivnost' individual'nogo bytija cheloveka: diss. … dok. fil. nauk:09.00.01. – Cheljabinsk: 2016. 381 s.
3. Rogova E. E. Problemnaja oblast' odinochestva v sovremennom obshhestve // Obshhestvo: politika, jekonomika, pravo. – 2010. – #1. – S. 18-24.
4. Smirnov K. S., Korobko E. V. Antropologicheskij krizis sovremennosti v kontekste filosofii integral'nogo tradicionalizma // Vestn. Volgogr. gos. un-ta. Ser. 7, Filos. – 2011. – # 1 (13) 47. – S. 45-50.
5. Toffler Je. Shok budushhego: Per. s angl. / Je. Toffler.– M.: OOO «Izdatel'stvo ACT», 2004. – 557, [3] s.
Khaziev Z. A., Neganov F. M.
Science as an organizer of a dialogue between man and nature
The article examines how the attitude of a person, who knows the world through scientific means,
The article examines how the attitude of a person, who knows the world through scientific means,
changes to nature, beginning with ancient times. In this regard, attention is drawn to some aspects
in the activities of the social institute of science, which forms in society certain conditions for the
implementation of acts of cognition. These conditions provide an opportunity to conduct a dialogue with the world to one member of society and take this opportunity from other members of society. The authors distinguish four historically developed conditions for scientific research: knowledge, method, technology and financing; and offer a brief description of them.
Keywords: social institution, science, man, dialogue, knowledge, truth, method, technique, financing.
Work bibliographic list
1. Berger P., Lukman T. Social'noe konstruirovanie real'nosti. Traktat po sociologii znanija. – M.:«Medium», 1995. – 323 s.
Work bibliographic list
1. Berger P., Lukman T. Social'noe konstruirovanie real'nosti. Traktat po sociologii znanija. – M.:«Medium», 1995. – 323 s.
2. Dekart R. Soch. v 2 t., T.1. – M.: Mysl', 1989. – 654 s.
3. Neganov F. M., Haziev Z. A. Istiny otkrytija i istiny podtverzhdenija: sravnitel'nyj analiz // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. – 2016. – # 6.– S. 239-241.
4. Neganov F.M., Haziev Z.A. O nekotoryh prostranstvennyh aspektah mifa, tehniki i prava // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. – 2016. – #3. – S. 208-212.
5. Neganov F. M., Haziev Z. A.Ot drevnej mifologii k pravovoj sisteme gosudarstvennogo ustrojstva: filosofskie iskanija Platona // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal.– 2014. – # 12. – S. 222-228.
6. Neganov F. M., Haziev Z. A.Obosnovanie prava i nravstvennosti v filosofii Gegelja: ontologicheskij i antropologicheskij aspekty // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. – 2015. – # 1. – S. 223-225.
7. Neganov F. M., Haziev Z. A. Obrazovanie i cennosti:aksiologicheskij i pravovoj aspekty //Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. – 2014. – # 10.– S. 208-212.
8. Neganov F. M., Jarullina L. H. Nonkonformizm i podlinnost' chelovecheskogo sushhestvovanija v koncepcii Zh.-P.Sartra // Vestnik BashGU. – 2009. – # 4.– S. 1490-1493.
9. Novalis. Ucheniki v Saise // Genrih fon Ofterdin-gen. – M.: Ladomir; Nauka, 2003. – 280 s.
10. Fragmenty rannih grecheskih filosofov. Ch 1. – M.: Nauka, 1989. – 575 s.
Gazizov R. R.
The power of emptiness and simplicity as a measure of progress towards the information universe
Тhe article studies the "power" of emptiness and simplicity as a way and a certain measure of human progress to the information society. A person captured by the power of the void, shies excessive information that acts as something negative. The author shows that the power of" emptiness", which turned out to be enchanted by modernity, is due to the inertial activity of people. But the man himself, declaring his devotion to emptiness and simplicity, makes, at the same time, the subject of his contemplation a certain original being. Thus, people are distracted from external cultural forms and turns information into a metaphor. The simplicity of human relationships is associated, in turn, with a powerful stimulus transformation of socio-cultural experience.
Тhe article studies the "power" of emptiness and simplicity as a way and a certain measure of human progress to the information society. A person captured by the power of the void, shies excessive information that acts as something negative. The author shows that the power of" emptiness", which turned out to be enchanted by modernity, is due to the inertial activity of people. But the man himself, declaring his devotion to emptiness and simplicity, makes, at the same time, the subject of his contemplation a certain original being. Thus, people are distracted from external cultural forms and turns information into a metaphor. The simplicity of human relationships is associated, in turn, with a powerful stimulus transformation of socio-cultural experience.
Keywords: power of emptiness and simplicity, information universe, information, modernity, inertial activity of people, original being, metaphor, simplicity of human relations.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bloh Je. Tjubingenskoe vvedenie v filosofiju / Per. s nem. T. Ju. Bystrovoj, S. E. Vershinina, D. I. Kriushova. – Ekaterinburg: Izd-vo Ural'skogo un-ta, 1997. – 400 s.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bloh Je. Tjubingenskoe vvedenie v filosofiju / Per. s nem. T. Ju. Bystrovoj, S. E. Vershinina, D. I. Kriushova. – Ekaterinburg: Izd-vo Ural'skogo un-ta, 1997. – 400 s.
2. Kemerov V. E. Vremja social'noe i prostranstvo social'noe // Sovremennyj filosofskij slovar'. –London, 1998.
3. Maljavin V. V. Mudrost' «bezumnyh rechej». O duhovnom nasledii Chzhuan-czy // Chzhuan-czy: Daosskie kanony / Per.,, komment. V. V. Maljavina. – M.: OOO «Izdatel'stvo Astrel'»: OOO «Izdatel'stvo AST», 2002. – 432 s.
Evdokimenko M. V.
From the «pricelessness» of legal nihilism to the «value» of law
The "value" of law and legal values from the well-known Russian philosopher and jurist N. N. Alekseev point of view, who was one of the first to assess the aksiological significance of law for building civil society's mature normative and legal consciousness.
The "value" of law and legal values from the well-known Russian philosopher and jurist N. N. Alekseev point of view, who was one of the first to assess the aksiological significance of law for building civil society's mature normative and legal consciousness.
Keywords: "value" of law, legal values, legal nihilism.
Work bibliographic list
1. Alekseev N. N. Vvedenie v izuchenie prava. M.: Izd-e Moskovskoj Prosvetitel'noj komissii, 1918. 184 s.
Work bibliographic list
1. Alekseev N. N. Vvedenie v izuchenie prava. M.: Izd-e Moskovskoj Prosvetitel'noj komissii, 1918. 184 s.
2. Alekseev N. N. Obshhee uchenie o prave: kurs lekcij, prochitannyh v Tavricheskom un-te v 1918/19 g. Simferopol': Tip. E. K. Breshko-Breshkovskoj, 1919. 161 s.
3. Alekseev N. N. Osnovy filosofii prava. SPb.: Juridicheskij in-t, 1998. 256 s. (Klassiki russkoj filosofii prava).
4. Alekseev N. N. Religija, pravo i nravstvennost'. Paris: YMCA PRESS, 1930. 106 s.
5. Aristotel'. Sochinenija: V 4-h t. T. 4 / Per. s drevnegrech.; Obshh. red. A. I. Dovatura. M.: Mysl', 1984. (Filosofskoe nasledie. T. 90). S. 53-293.
6. Bol'shoj juridicheskij slovar'. Dodonov V. N., Ermakov V. D., Krylova M. A. i dr. Infra-M., 2001. 790 s.
7. Kistjakovskij B. A. V zashhitu prava (Intelligencija i pravosoznanie) // Vehi: Sbornik statej o russkoj intelligencii. M.: Pravda, 1991. S. 109-135.
8. Sabirov V. Sh., Soina O. S. Jetika i nravstvennaja zhizn' cheloveka. SPb.: DMITRIJ BULANIN, 2010. 488 s.
9. Solov'ev V. S. Opravdanie dobra. / Otv. Red. O. A. Platonov. M.: Institut russkoj civilizacii, Algoritm, 2012. 656 s.
Galimova L. R.
Activity of the subject as a manifestation of the social dynamics of identity formation
The article considers one of the main criteria that defines a positive social dynamic process of
The article considers one of the main criteria that defines a positive social dynamic process of
identity formation, which is activity- activity-such interpretation can be traced in the work.
Work bibliographic list
Work bibliographic list
Keywords: socialization, personality, activities, social dynamics.
1. Blumer G. Teorija kollektivnogo povedenija. M.: Izd-vo MGU, 1994.
1. Blumer G. Teorija kollektivnogo povedenija. M.: Izd-vo MGU, 1994.
2. Davydova E. V. Izmerenie social'nogo samochuvstvija molodezhi M.: Institut sociologii RAN, 1992.
3. Kuznecov P. S. Koncepcija social'noj adaptacii. Saratov: Izd-vo Saratovskogo universiteta. 2000.
4. Romm M. V. Adaptacija lichnosti v sociume. Novosibirsk: Nauka, 2002.
Makartetskaya Yu. A.
The problem of subjective experience
The text of the article is devoted to the consideration of one of the most urgent problems of modern
The text of the article is devoted to the consideration of one of the most urgent problems of modern
philosophy - the problem of subjective experience. The history of the formation of the relevant problems is considered, and a critical analysis of some variants of its solution is offered.
Keywords: subjective experience, phenomenal consciousness, qualia, «mind-body» problem, «hard problem of consciousness».
Work bibliographic list
1. Vasil'ev V. V. Trudnaja problema soznanija. M.: «Progress-Tradicija». 2009. 272 s.
Work bibliographic list
1. Vasil'ev V. V. Trudnaja problema soznanija. M.: «Progress-Tradicija». 2009. 272 s.
2. Ivanov D. V. Fenomenal'naja priroda soznanija. Dissertacija na soiskanie uchenoj stepeni doktora filosofskih nauk. Moskva. Kod special'nosti VAK:09.00.01. M.: IF RAN. 2016. 301 s.
3. Knjazeva E. N. Jenaktivizm: Konceptual'nyj povorot v jepistemologii // Voprosy filosofii. 2013. # 10.S. 91–104.
4. Lektorskij V. A. Javljajutsja li illjuziej predstavlenija o sub"ektivnom mire? // Sub"ektivnyj mir v kontekste vyzovov sovremennyh kognitivnyh nauk. M.: Akvilon. 2017. 234 s.
5. Nagel' T. Kakovo byt' letuchej mysh'ju? // Glaz razuma. Pod red. D. Hofshtadtera, D. Denneta. Per. s angl. M. A. Jeskinoj. Samara: Izdatel'skij dom «Bahrah-M». 2003. S. 349-360.
6. Nagumanova S. F. Materializm i soznanie. Analiz diskussii v sovremennoj analiticheskoj filosofii. Kazan': Kazanskij universitet. 2011. 222 s.
7. Chalmers D. Soznajushhij um: V poiskah fundamental'noj teorii. Per. s angl. V. V. Vasil'eva. M.: URSS; Knizhnyj dom «Librokom». 2013. 512 s.
8. Varela F. J., Thompson E., Rosch E. The Embodied Mind. Cognitive Science and Human Experience. Cambridge (MA): The MIT Press, 1991. 390 p.
9. Reid D. A., Mgombelo J. Key concepts in enactivist theory and methodology // ZDM Mathematics Education. 2015. Vol. 47. # 2. P. 171–183.
Maksimova S. I.
Social transformation, instability of development and “service state»
The article discusses various aspects of social development regarding the future of time. Special attention is given to alternative development in the social processes and social transformations. Demonstrates that transitive transitions in social transformations taking into account the evaluation factor and interpretations have indexes on temporal scale. Features of the "service state".
The article discusses various aspects of social development regarding the future of time. Special attention is given to alternative development in the social processes and social transformations. Demonstrates that transitive transitions in social transformations taking into account the evaluation factor and interpretations have indexes on temporal scale. Features of the "service state".
Keywords: alternatives , sustainable operations, social transformation, the future time social subject, a social event, interval, service state.
Work bibliographic list
1. Kozhenko Ja. V., Pashkovskij P. V. Formy i vidy gosudarstvenno-chastnogo partnerstva v uslovijah modernizacii sistemy gosudarstvennogo upravlenijav Rossijskoj Federacii // Sovremennye problemy nauki i obrazovanija. 2015. # 2-2. S. 722.
Work bibliographic list
1. Kozhenko Ja. V., Pashkovskij P. V. Formy i vidy gosudarstvenno-chastnogo partnerstva v uslovijah modernizacii sistemy gosudarstvennogo upravlenijav Rossijskoj Federacii // Sovremennye problemy nauki i obrazovanija. 2015. # 2-2. S. 722.
2. Popov V. V., Muzyka O. A., Timofeenko V. A. Protivorechija v kontekste perehodnyh periodov tranzitivnogo obshhestva // Mezhdunarodnyj zhurnal jeksperimental'nogo obrazovanija. 2016. # 7-0. S. 111-114.
3. Popov V. V.Logicheskie i teoreticheskie model'nye aspekty issledovanija temporal'nosti v social'no-filosofskom diskupse // Nauchnaja mysl' Kavkaza. 2006. # 1. S. 24.
4. Popov V. V., Timofeenko V. A. Metodologicheskie osobennosti perioda tranzita v dogonjajushhem gosudarstve // Fundamental'nye issledovanija. 2015. # 2-25. S. 5743-5747.
5. Popov V. V., Muzyka O. A., Timofeenko V. A., Ukolov A. O. Temporal'nost' i tranzitivnost' v istoricheskom processe // Mezhdunarodnyj zhurnal prikladnyh i fundamental'nyh issledovanij. 2016. # 7-6. S. 1110-1113.
6. Popov V. V., Lojtarenko M. V., Taranova V. A. Social'nye protivorechija i perehodnye periody: filosofsko-metodologicheskie aspekty // Mezhdunarodnyj zhurnal jeksperimental'nogo obrazovanija. 2014. # 8-2. S. 42-46.
7. Popov V. V., Shheglov B. S., Granovskaja M. V. Specifika koncepta interval v issledovanii social'nyh processov // Fundamental'nye issledovanija. 2015. # 2-4. S. 872-875.
8. Popov V. V., Muzyka O. A. Faktor temporal'nosti v kontekste bytija social'nogo sub"ekta // Mezhdunarodnyj zhurnal jeksperimental'nogo obrazovanija. 2015. # 3. S. 40.
9. Popov V. V., Muzyka O. A., Kiselev S. A. Koncepcija tranzitivnosti i transformacii obshhestva // Mezhdunarodnyj zhurnal prikladnyh i fundamental'nyh issledovanij. 2017. # 1-2. S. 365-368.
Spartakyan N. S.
Personality development in terms of self-identification in the surrounding community
This article is devoted to philosophical interpretation of the term individual resilience. The text reviews aspects and stages of personality development in modern society which introduce new forms of dialogue and communication to the society and all its spheres. The author analyses the impact of stressful situations on the individual, assesses the role of a lider in the society and impact on the social environment in general. The article draws summary conclusions concerning the specific factors which affect an individual in the developmental process positively, and which produce a negative impact.
This article is devoted to philosophical interpretation of the term individual resilience. The text reviews aspects and stages of personality development in modern society which introduce new forms of dialogue and communication to the society and all its spheres. The author analyses the impact of stressful situations on the individual, assesses the role of a lider in the society and impact on the social environment in general. The article draws summary conclusions concerning the specific factors which affect an individual in the developmental process positively, and which produce a negative impact.
Keywords: resilience, personality development, self-actualization in society, stress as a development incentive.
Work bibliographic list
1. Vygotskij L. S. Psihologija razvitija cheloveka. M.:Smysl. Jeksmo, 2005. 1136 s.
Work bibliographic list
1. Vygotskij L. S. Psihologija razvitija cheloveka. M.:Smysl. Jeksmo, 2005. 1136 s.
2. Grigorjan A. Pervyj, vtoroj i tretij chelovek. M.:Jazyki slavjanskoj kul'tury, 2014. 560 s.
3. Il'inskij I. M. O vospitanii zhiznesposobnyh pokolenij rossijskoj molodezhi // Gosudarstvo i deti:real'nosti Rossii. M., 1995. T. 1. S. 55-56.
4. Kabakov A. Gor'kie zametki // Neva. 2005. # 11. S. 128.
5. Maslou A. H. Novye rubezhi chelovecheskoj prirody. A. Maslou. M.: Smysl 1999. 425 s.
6. Odincova M. A. Psihologija zhiznestojkosti. Serija «Biblioteka psihologa (MPSI)». Psihologija zhiznestojkosti. [Jelektronnyj resurs]: ucheb. posobie. 2-e izd. Moskva, 2015.
7. Fominova A. N. Zhiznestojkost' lichnosti. M.: MPGU, Prometej, 2012.
Shuralev A. V.
Modern methods of resolving conflicts between state and church, science and religion in the Russian Federation
In the framework of the research activities on the problem of intra - and inter-confessional relations in modern Western Europe the author of this article focused on the effect that this problem has on the religious factor in the world and, above all, on socio-economic and political processes in the Russian Federation. The originality of this article is that the author pays special attention to modern clericalism of Russian society, indicates what are the reasons for such non-scientific public policy in the relations with the Church. And also gives the optimal methods and fundamental ways to improve relations between state and Church, science and religion in the Russian Federation. The
In the framework of the research activities on the problem of intra - and inter-confessional relations in modern Western Europe the author of this article focused on the effect that this problem has on the religious factor in the world and, above all, on socio-economic and political processes in the Russian Federation. The originality of this article is that the author pays special attention to modern clericalism of Russian society, indicates what are the reasons for such non-scientific public policy in the relations with the Church. And also gives the optimal methods and fundamental ways to improve relations between state and Church, science and religion in the Russian Federation. The
Russian Federation, the state and the Church, science and religion, atheism, secular education.
Keywords: The Russian Federation, the state and the Church, science and religion, clericalization, atheism, secular education, scientific method, relations between Church and state.
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon o svobode sovesti i o religioznyh ob"edinenijah» # 125-FZ, ot 26 sentjabrja 1997 g. / Obshhie sborniki zakonodatel'nyh aktov i kommentarii k nim. Chast' 2. Izd-vo: Rossijskaja gazeta. 2012 g. 176 s.
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon o svobode sovesti i o religioznyh ob"edinenijah» # 125-FZ, ot 26 sentjabrja 1997 g. / Obshhie sborniki zakonodatel'nyh aktov i kommentarii k nim. Chast' 2. Izd-vo: Rossijskaja gazeta. 2012 g. 176 s.
2. Beglov A. L., Vasil'eva O. Ju., Zhuravskij A. V. i dr. Russkaja pravoslavnaja cerkov' XX vek. Izd-vo: Sretenskogo monastyrja. M., 2008. 802 s.
3. Zaluzhnyj A. G. Problemy gosudarstvenno-konfessional'nyh otnoshenij v sovremennoj Rossii. M., 2004. 243 s.
4. Il'enkov Je. V. Dialektika abstraktnogo i konkretnogo v nauchno-teoreticheskom myshlenii»: «Rossijskaja politicheskaja jenciklopedija» (ROSSPJeN). Moskva; 1997. 205 s. ISBN 5-86004-080-6
5. Tazzhurizina Z.A. Iz istorii svobodomyslija. Ocherki raznyh let. M.: Akademicheskij proekt, 2017. 523 s.(Filosofskie tehnologii: Izbrannye filosofskie trudy)
6. «Formirovanie ustanovok tolerantnogo soznanija i profilaktika jekstremizma v rossijskom obshhestve (2001-2005 gg.)» - Postanovlenie Pravitel'stva RF ot 25.08.2001 g. za # 629. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
7. Shuraljov A. V. Velikaja pobeda - edinenie vlasti i naroda. / Filosofija vojny i mira. K 70-letiju Velikoj Pobedy: Materialy Vserossijskoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii «Filosofija vojny i mira. K 70-letiju Velikoj Pobedy». 28-29 aprelja
2015 goda. Moskva, Institut filosofii RAN / Redkollegija: V. N. Shevchenko (otv. redaktor), A. D. Koroljov, I. K. Liseev, L. F. Matronina, Ju. M. Hrustaljov, A. N. Chumakov. M.: Rossijskoe filosofskoe obshhestvo, OOO «SiDiPressArt», 2016. S. 148-150.
8. Shuraljov A. V. Religija i cerkov', kak novye osnovy gosudarstvennoj ideologii sovremennoj Rossii. Mezhdunarodnyj Nauchno-Issledovatel'skij zhurnal Vypusk # 9-5 (40) Chast' 5 Oktjabr'. Ekaterinburg, 2015. S. 64-68.
9. Shuraljov A. V. Rossija i mirovaja istorija. Ucheb. posobie. M., 2005. 165 s.
10. Shuraljov A. V. Hristianskaja cerkov' i novyj mirovoj porjadok. Mezhdunarodnyj nauchno-issledovatel'skij zhurnal «Sovremennyj uchenyj». Tom 2, # 1, Ijul'. Belgorod, 2017 god. S. 162-176.
Yakhin M. S.
Multi-ethnicity in terms of tolerance
The article examines aspects of the formation of the matrix of spiritual values in contemporary
The article examines aspects of the formation of the matrix of spiritual values in contemporary
Keywords: multi-ethnicity, tolerance, tolerant consciousness, ethnocentrism, multiethnic culture.
International scientific and practical law journal
Included in the VAK Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation list