A. A. Alimov:
Sustainable development and environment on the Eurasian economic space
Interview with Alimov Andrey A. – Ph.D. in History of Science, associate professor of the World Politics sub-faculty of St. Petersburg State University, Head of the Master’s Program “International Cooperation in the Field of Environment and Development”
Zakharov E. A.
The practice of integration entities in the creation and functioning of the R&D services markets as a reference point for the creation of a single market of R&D services in the EAEU
Kononenko O. V., Chudinovskih M. V.
Legal approaches for regulation of crypto-currency in the Eurasian Economic Union
Labut D. A.
The practice of the Commission on the limits of the continental shelf: the international legal analysis
Afanasjeva M. A.
The role of international organizations in cooperation of regulation of foreign investment in the sphere of development and implementation of innovation
Antonow W.
International legal aspects of the use of preventive self-defense against the emerging threat posed by the US missile defense system in Eastern Europe
Shakirova R. I.
Mixed criminal jurisdiction: analytical review of the establishment of existing hybrid tribunals and internationalized courts
Martirosyan E. G.
Features of legal regulation agricultural policy in the EU
Isaeva M. Kh.
International legal aspects against the smulling of migrants within the European Union
Martirosyan D. G.
EU migration policy and its impact on Russia:legal aspects
Guliyev I. A., Markin. A. S.
Russia-Norway transboundary fields development cooperation perspectives in the Barents Sea
Bolova A. V.
Features of the family law of Finland
Shevchenko L. I.
Concept, meaning and ways to ensure energy law and order in the Russian Federation
Kotlova A. V.
French doctrine concerning maritime delimitation in the Arctic region on the example of Denmark and Iceland
Kicha M.V.
Features of the implementation of justice in the legal systems of the states of the Middle East
Dzhandubaeva T. Z., Erofeeva K. Yu.
Legal regulation of management of forest resources of Brazil
Sorokin A. I.
Comparative legal analysis of the Institute of public trading in foreign countries. The consequences of challenging the contract concluded at auction
Veretennikov N. N., Khodeeva U. A.
The procedures for the impugnment of administrative acts in the Russian Federation and the Czech Republic:a comparative-legal analysis
Menzyuk G. A., Umitchinova B. A.
Comparative-legal analysis of reorganizing customs agencies:foreign experience and the Republic of Kazakhstan
Drobyshevskiy S. A., Rostomashvily M. N.
On the characteristics of a breaking of law and a legal responsibility
Shubin N. N.
On the cross-sectoral nature of the legal entity
Adygezalova G. E.
Legal myth as part of the legal system
Iljin I. M., Yashin V. N.
Problematic issues of development of the legal status of commissions on juvenile Affairs in municipalities
Kirillova T. A.
General characteristics of the state of linguistic norms of law:theory and practice
Kozlova I. P.
To the question of the basic principles of legal responsibility for violation of the legislation on elections in authorities
Kiseleva E. Yu.
The diversity of Protestant doctrines and their state-legal approaches to the interaction of the state and the church
Kirillova T. A.
Correlation of language and legal norms in legal translation
Tretyakov A. V.
Legal status: modern and alternative perception
Karapetyan L. A., Morozova O. G.
On actionable civil legal proceeding principles in Russia at the turn of the 19-20 centuries: stating the issue (part 1)
Lunin S. V.
On the succession of Stoglav and St. Volodymyr’s Cathedral in 1273 (1274)
Khalifaeva A. K., Shafiev M. M., Abdurakhmanov A. F.,
Asadulaev K. A., Sultanov A. R.
On the formation of substantive and procedural law on the example of Dagestan (historical and constitutional aspects)
Rybchenko A. G.
The criminal and legal regulation of elements of property crimes and responsibility for their commission in the Moscow state of the 17th century
Anufrieva Y. B.
Measures of prosecutor’s supervision over enforcement of legislation on road safety
Rogov A. C.
Executive power in Brunei
Komarova O. N.
Administrative responsibility as a measure to counter illicit drug trafficking
Keramova S. N.
Public control as a way of ensuring the rule of law in the sphere of executive power
Kucherova I. A., Kalashnikova E. B.
Customs control of goods containing intellectual property objects
Marianov A. A., Aliev A. M.
Features of administrative responsibility of minors
Nedvedskaya V. A.
The implementation of the principle of fairness in the appointment punishment on affairs about administrative offences
Nurgaleev M. S.
The problem of counterfeit medicines in Russia
Danilov N. F.
Qualification of administrative offences in the field of protection of marine biological resources associated with violation of fishing regulations
Pasechnik O. S.
On the issue of implementing regional environmental policy in the sphere of ensuring environmental safety on the example of the Republic of Crimea
Ryshkova L. V.
Ecologization of certain branches of the RF law:legal problems
Shinkarev V. V.
Contesting cadastral value land
Petrov I. V., Dementeeva I. I.
Concept and essence of pre-legal responsibility on civil legislation of the Russian Federation
Prizhennikova A. N.
Crypto currency is the object of civil rights?
Saprunov A. G., Chapurko T. M., Narushevich A. S.
Political and legal view on the problems civil-legal or criminal-legal liability on the fact of “findings”
Kudinov S. V.
Responsibility of state bodies and officials for illegal actions
Marianov A. A., Mirzaev Z. M.
The role of guardianship bodies and guardianship in the system of protection of rights minors
Aliev M. A., Huseynova L. V.
Issues of correlation of freedom of contract in Russian and foreign legislation
Gadzhiakhmedova M. N.
Historical background of the legal structure of the unified real estate complex
Senicheva V. N.
Non-commercial organizations as corporations on Russian civil law
Ulaeva N. L.
Differentiation of defects of professional medical activity at the provision of medical services as a civil legal category
Churakova E. N., Loshkarev A. V., Kuzmina A. V.
The issue of the information code of the Russian Federation
Gadzhiemenov T. B.
Joint bankruptcy of individuals
Gadzhiakhmedova M. N.
The place of the uniform real estate complex in system of objects of real estate
Zakharov V. V.
The concept of the civil law term
Ksionstik L. V., Rodionov L. A.
Invalidity of transactions made with flaw in the will
Nilov I. L.
Consumer extremism in the sphere of banking services
Fatikhova L. M.
The problems of responsibility of successors of the enterprise for the testator’s debts
Ondar Ch. A.
State institutions providing protection and defense of the right to privacy
Fatikhov R. V.
Economic partnership as form of implementation of venture activity in the Russian Federation: legal features and prospects of development
Adzhieva Z. M., Suleymanova S. A.
Civil-law problems of challenging extraordinary transactions
Gadalov G. A.
Resolution of investment disputes by domestic courts:the current practice
Iljin N. L.
Problems of making individual transactions with the object of unfinished construction
Gayfullina I. R.
Features of bankruptcy of individuals who do not carry out entrepreneurial activities
Petrova E. V.
Actual problems of the Russian pension system
Galeev A. V.
Standings after the revocation of the license of the credit institution
Prizhennikova A. N.
Blockchein and legal relations: current issues
Novikov A. S., Karitskaya A. A.
The central bank of the Russian Federation:controller vs financial market participant
Nemenova D. L.
Tax benefits provided to individuals in the tax system of the Russian Federation
Shinkarev V. V.
Non-cash monetary circulation in the system of tax payments
Dzikonskaya S. G.
Public danger of action as the basis of criminalization in international criminal law
Levashova O. V., Goricheva V. L., Ziborov M. M.
Peculiarities of the system of punishment, prepared for the performance transport crimes acting Criminal Code of the Russian Federation of 1996, and the practices of their application
Legostaev S. V.
On the issue of the role of the prosecutor in the stage of initiating a criminal case
Osadchaya N. G., Arajyan M. G.
The essence of motives as a sign of the subjective party of the crime composition
Cherkesov S. Kh.
Criminal liability for the Commission of computer crimes
Yaroshenko S. A.
Basics of organization of operational maintenance of federal vehicle road vehicles on general crimes
Balashov S. M.
The criminal-legal design of the “helpless state of the victim” and the criminal legal defencelessness
Golovastova Yu. A.
Additional backbone features of the criminal-executive law
Kulikova D. A., Vasilev D. V.
Historical and legal aspect of the development of the doctrine of forensic examination of handwriting
Kashaev N. Kh.
Practical aspects of “integration of knowledge” while conducting a comprehensive examination in the field of customs
Kosarev K. V.
To the question of establishment of the place of commission of crime, the persons serving sentence in the form of imprisonment with use of mobile devices of cellular communication
Kuzhuget T. K.
Systematization of the ways of the criminal evasion of excise taxes
Alekseeva K. M.
Concept, the essence of criminalistic diagnostics and prospects of its use in disclosure and investigation of crimes
Lonshchakova A. R.
Actual problems of use of special psycho-physiological tools in the criminal proceedings
Lysenko N. A.
Actual problems of legal linguistic assessment
Timofeeva O. V.
Legal analysis of judicial practice on the protection of rights and legitimate interests of stakeholders in the implementation of urban development
Ulendeeva N. I.
Information component of the penal correction system
Ismailov M. Ch.
Judgments as sources of law
Bodyanchuk K. V.
Origin and development of the intellectual property court in the Russian Federation
Dikova I. V.
Justice as form of realization of judicial power: respect for the principles of legality and justice
Rakishev K. Kh.
The public danger of violations of copyright and related rights in the Internet
Karpysheva Yu. O.
The Prosecutor’s office of Russia as a subject of ensure of internal national security
Timofeeva O. V., Kazankova E. V.
The role of the Prosecutor’s office in the mechanism of control over the costs of public and other employees
Kozachenko B. P., Shmaeva T. A.
The influence of advisory acts of international organizations on the Russian legislation in the sphere of human and civil rights
Ogneva E. A.
Human rights organizations in the mechanism of implementation of direct democracy: the peculiarities of legal regulation
Beglaryan K. S.
The need for international cooperation to combat crimes against humanity
Karpov I. Yu.
Enforcement in the system of counteraction to threats of national security
Pozigun V. I., SarkisyanV. G.
To the question of ensuring information security of minors in the Russian Federation
Salakhova Zh. V.
Separate aspects of counteraction to distribution of extremist materials on the internet network
Fedosov A. V., Abdrakhimova I. R.,
Sabirzyanov R. R., Mukhyarova G. F.
Improvement of the state policy in the field of industrial safety
Drokin S. M.
Religiosity as an integral part of the formation of a moral personality in the Russian folk pedagogy
Popov I. V.
Modern lecture as a form of active learning in law school
Pilipenko N. A.
Linguistic analysis of the text as a factor of formation communicative competence of the lawyer
Brynza N. S., Kinchagulova M. V.,
Khayrullina N. G., Mehrishvili L. L.
Social policy in the sphere of labor motivation of medical personnel
Mayer V. V., Kolesnik E. A.
The management of professional motivation of university students as a factor for their success
in educational activities
Kizko I. P., Garifullin A. A.
The dynamics and tendencies of the patriotic spirit development in the Russian society
Nefedova M. B., Nefedov B. I.
States and entities frequently claimed to be states. Part 1. Distinctive features of a state and characteristics of microstates
Shonin N. E., Yusupova R. R.
On the role of the language as an instrument of geopolitics (Рart 2)
Krutin D. V.
The system of public administration bodies in the sphere of providing living quarters for military mеn and their families (by the example of the Ministry of defense of the Russian Federation)
Ishtuganov N. N.
Civil society
Maksimkin K. I.
Modern theories of the origin of the state
Tolikova E. E., Zhuravlev M. S.
The directions of development of multilateral cooperation of Eurasian Economic Union states-member with the international organizations in the sphere of industrial integration
Amirkhanova L. R., Bikmetov E. Yu., Golikov S. V.
To the question of the transformation of the bureaucratic apparatus in the management of corporations
Andreyuk V. S., Ageeva O. A.
About of the organizing trips on toll roads. Analysis of the world experience and Russian practice and increase of efficiency
Gorchak M. O.
Economic and mathematical methods of measurement of labor productivity in the enterprise
Gaifullina M. M., Gilyazeva A. Kh.
Methodological approach to estimation of efficiency of purchasing activity of oil companies
Dautova T. A., Musina Yu. R.
The current state of small and medium business in the Republic of Bashkortostan
Kalmykov S. P., Karmanovich K. O.
Perspective directions of customs administration in the framework of the EAEU
Samorodova E. M., Marchenkova L. M., Ilyukhina I. B.
On account of the economic and social efficiency of functioning of state enterprises in the process
of implementing structural reforms in the public sector
Sergeeva O. Yu., Khodkovskaya Yu. V., Zakirova L. F.
Problems and ways of solving social entrepreneurship in Russia
Yuldasheva O. N., Galimullina N. A., Batyrova A. N.
Assessment work of employees in establishments of social service of the population
Galkina S. V.
Example of calculation of optimization of construction project risk management
Gaysina A. V.
Directions postformation transformation of the economy and societ
Zemlina N. S.
State analysis as a tool for gathering information to assess company’s sustainability
Muratshin T. F.
About the usage of the financial potential of Russia’s oil companies in order to provide its national state interests
Sergeeva O. Yu., Safin R. M.
Digital currencies as a tool of use in nanoeconomics
Spasskaya N. V.
Profit as a source of financing of investment activity of the enterprise
Kharisova A. Z., Gaysina A. V.
Human capital as an institutional component of the country’s competitiveness
Istamgalin R. S., Iseeva E. R.
Continuity as the characteristic of social evolution: the historic and philosophical reconstruction of the conceptual range
Popov V. V., Maksimova S. I., Lichman I. D.
Features of alternative development in the context of forecast future
Goncharov N. V.
A critical analysis of theoretical-methodological bases of some aspects of existential philosophy
Lyashenko P. V.
To the question of the conceptual grounds of utopia in medieval christian philosophy
Kozlov M. I.
The evolution of orthodox violations on social justice in the preventional period
Kolosova O. Yu.
Social information in the control system: social and philosophical analysis
Mazurenko E. A.
The impact of the public space to the aggravation of experiencing social loneliness
Sharov K. S.
«All Israel shall be saved»: a study of the Newtonian theory about the restoration of the Jews and the last age of humanity
Yashin A. N.
Historical and philosophical assessment of the role and importance of the sovereign in domestic justice
Kudashev R. K.
Patriotism as a universal idea: social-philosophical aspect
Markevich A. G., Zaripov N. A., Zaripov A. A.
Humanitarian education as a factor in the development of modern society
Kharitonov E. V., Silivanets F. V.
Incentives, resources and risks development of modern man
Galimova L. R.
Value`s bases of personality formation in the process of socialization
Goncharov V. N.
Social and anthropological doctrines about information:philosophical analysis
Gimkaeva A. D.
The evolution of the concept of «self-development of a personality»
Urakov S. A.
Main features of modern Orthodox anthropology
Chaplinskaya Ya. I.
Alienation as process of loss by the person of professionalism: sociocultural and legal aspects
Kharitonov E. V.
The dominants and determinants of social life: the experience of sociocultural analysis
Zakharov E. A.
The practice of integration entities in the creation and functioning of the R&D services markets as a reference point for the creation of a single market of R&D services in the EAEU
The article is devoted to the analysis of the approaches of the functioning of the markets for R&D services in the current integration unions in terms of the general laws of functioning, conceptual framework, educational standardization, support measures, and assesses the possibility of using international experience in the creation of a single market for R&D services in the EAEU.
Keywords: service liberalization, single services market, R&D, research work, EAEU, the Eurasian economic union, the European Union, the Organization of economic cooperation and development.
Work bibliographic list
1. Communication from the Commission — Framework for State aid for research and development and innovation, Official Journal of the European Union, C 198, 27 June 2014. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
%3AOJ.C_.2014.198.01.0001.01.ENG (data obrashhenija:12.01.2018 g.).
2. Council Regulation (EEC) No 3037/90 of 9 October 1990 on the statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (OJ No L 293, 24.10.1990, p. 1) as amended by Commission Regulation (EEC) No 761/93 of 24 March 1993 (OJ No L 83, 3.4.1993, p. 1, and
corrigendum, OJ No L 159, 11.7.1995, p. 31).
3. Directive 2005/36/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 7 September 2005 on the recognition of professional qualifications. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. –Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija:
12.01.2018 g.).
4. Directive 2006/123/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 December 2006 on services in the internal market. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 14.01.2018 g.).
5. Directive 2006/43/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 May 2006 on statutory audits of annual accounts and consolidated accounts. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 12.01.2018 g.).
6. Directive 96/71/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 1996 concerning the posting of workers in the framework of the provision of services. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: CELEX:31996L0071:en:HTML(data obrashhenija: 12.01.2018 g.).
7. Directive 98/5/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 February 1998 to facilitate practice of the profession of lawyer on a permanent basis in a Member State other than that in which the qualification was obtained. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 12.01.2018 g.).
8. International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) 2011. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 12.01.2018 g.).
9. Making Integration Work: Assessment and Recognition of Foreign Qualifications, OECD, 2017.
10. OECD (2015), Frascati Manual 2015: Guidelines for Collecting and Reporting Data on Research and Experimental Development, OECD Publishing, Paris. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija:12.01.2018 g.).
11. Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union 2012/C 326/01. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija:25.12.2017 g.).
12. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
13. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 11.01.2018 g.).
14. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 12.01.2018 g.).
Kononenko O. V., Chudinovskih M. V.
Legal approaches for regulation of crypto-currency in the Eurasian Economic Union
The article presents the results of a comparative analysis of legal approaches to the regulation of
crypto-currencies in the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union at the present stage. The authors singled out three principal approaches: conservative, liberal and moderate. The results of the research can be used to harmonize the legislation regulating circulation of crypto-currency in the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union.
Keywords: crypto-currency, blockchain, digital assets, Eurasian Economic Union, mining.
Work bibliographic list
1. Vorobej A. V. ICO kak novaja forma privlechenija kapitala // Promyshlenno-torgovoe pravo. 2017. # 10. S. 22-26.
2. Karpekina U. I., Jarosh A. S. Virtual'nye den'gi –mif ili real'nost'? // Promyshlenno-torgovoe pravo. 2017. # 10. S. 55-56.
3. Maramygin M. S., Bahtovich I. V. Kriptovaljuta, tokeny i blokchejn: realii kraudjekonomiki // Ural – XXI vek: region innovacionnogo razvitija. Materialy II Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. V 2-h tomah. Otvetstvennye za vypusk: Ja. P.Silin, E. B. Dvorjadkina. 2017. S. 238-246.
4. Chudinovskih M. V. Otvetstvennost' za sozdanie finansovyh piramid v Rossijskoj Federacii i Respublike Kazahstan // Pravo: istorija, teorija, praktika: materialy V Mezhdunar. nauch. konf. (g. Sankt-Peterburg, ijul' 2017 g.). SPb.: Svoe izdatel'stvo, 2017. S. 120-123.
Labut D. A.
The practice of the Commission on the limits of the continental shelf: the international legal analysis
The article analyzes the practice of the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf, a technical body created by the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, with the main function to consider the submissions of the coastal states regarding the outer limits of their continental shelf beyond 200 nautical miles from the baselines, including its internal documents and recommendations following the submissions of coastal states. The article analyzes the points of view of foreign and Russian authors, which, as well as the practice itself, seem to be quite contradictory. Despite the impossibility to draw any general conclusions, the correctness of the Commission’s recommendations from the international legal perspective is being questioned. The practice of the Commission has to be consistent and predictable, based on its limited legal status as a technical and scientific body.
Keywords: Commission on the limits of the continental shelf, 1982 UN Law of the Sea Convention, establishment of outer limits of the continental shelf, legal regime of continental shelf, law of the sea.
Work bibliographic list
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3. Gavrilov V. V. Pravovye problemy opredelenija granic kontinental'nogo shel'fa v Arktike // V. V. Gavrilov; interv'juery A. V. Bondarenko, M. Ju. Lukijanov // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. - # 7.– 2016. - S. 10 – 19.
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8. Cavnar A. Accountability and the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf: Deciding Who Owns the Ocean Floor // Cornell International Law Journal. - Vol. 42: Iss. 3. - Article 4. 2009. – S. 387 – 440.
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10. Elferink A. G. O. The Establishment of Outer Limits of the Continental Shelf Beyond 200 Nautical Miles by the Coastal State: The Possibilities of Other States to Have an Impact on the Process // The International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law. - Volume 24. - Issue 3, 2009. – S. 535 – 556.
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12. Golitsyn V. Continental Shelf Claims in the Arctic Ocean: A Commentary // The International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law. - 24, 2009. – S. 401–408.
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14. Jensen Ø. The Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf: Law and Legitimacy // Publications on ocean development. - Volume 77. - Brill, 2014. – 316 c.
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Afanasjeva M. A.
The role of international organizations in cooperation of regulation of foreign investment in the sphere of development and implementation of innovation
The purpose of the article is to identify the role of international organizations, including their specific forms of the activities that have an impact on regulation of the foreign investment in the innovative activity, their forms of interaction and issues arising from that interaction.
Methodology utilized in conducting the present research includes: universal scientific research methods (analysis, synthesis, analogy) and specific legal research methods (technical, theoretical and problem method, legal modelling and comparative legal analysis). The result of research is that international organizations have specific forms of their activity, but the competition among activities has been observed between international organizations. Therefore, this raises the issue of duplication and overlapping of their activities in the field of foreign investment in innovation. The author prepares proposals to solve the problem of duplication and overlapping their activities.
Keywords: international organizations, innovation, foreign investment, international cooperation, overlap.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bahin S. V. Mezhdunarodnoe i nacional'noe pravo:sootnoshenie pravovoj prirody // Sovremennoe mezhdunarodnoe pravo: teorija i praktika = Contemporary international law: theory and practice. - M.: Original-maket, 2015. - S. 79-101.
2. Brounli Ja. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo v 2-h knigah // Perevod s angl. kand. jurid. nauk S. N. Andrianova pod red. G. I. Tunkina. - M.: Progress, 1977. - Kn. 2. - 509 s.
3. Talimonchik V. P. Rezoljucii mezhdunarodnyh organizacij v pravovoj sisteme Rossii // Pravovedenie. - 2008. - # 5 (280). - S. 134-141.
4. Ivanenko V. S. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo na rubezhah XX i XXI vekov: sravnitel'nyj istoriko-teoreticheskij ocherk // Rossijskij ezhegodnik mezhdunarodnogo prava. - SPb., 2001. - 208 s.
5. Krylov N. B. Pravotvorcheskaja dejatel'nost' mezhdunarodnyh organizacij / Otv. red. I. I. Lukashuk; AN SSSR, In-t gosudarstva i prava. - M.: Nauka, 1988. - 174 c.
6. Tunkin G. I. Teorija mezhdunarodnogo prava // Pod obshh. red. L. N. Shestakova. Moskovskij gos. un-t im. M. V. Lomonosova, Juridicheskij fak. - M.: Zercalo, 2006. - 396 s.
7. Shibaeva E. A. Pravo mezhdunarodnyh organizacij:Vopr. teorii. - M.: Mezhdunar. otnoshenija, 1986. - 158 s.
8. Gallarotti G. The limits of International Organizations: Systematic Failure in the Management of International Relations // The Politics of Global Governance: International Organizations in an Independent World. London, 1997. - P. 375-414.
Antonow W.
International legal aspects of the use of preventive self-defense against the emerging threat posed by the US missile defense system in Eastern Europe
One of the main priorities of international cooperation is the maintenance of peace and security. This goal, first of all, can be realized by the refusal to deploy the objects of global missile defence systems controlled by one state. This article emphasizes that the deployment of the American missile defence system does not contribute to confidence-building among states, and thus may lead to preventive self-defence measures. They can be applied before the imminent threat, therefore, before the armed attack.
Keywords: International Security, Anti-Ballistic Missile Defense (ABM), Preventive Strike, NATO, National Security Strategy.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bartosh A. Sammit NATO v Varshave: prioritety i perspektivy razvitija al'jansa // Nezavisimoe voennoe obozrenie. - 27.05.2016.
2. Gol'cov S. D., Maleev Ju. N. Primenenie vooruzhennoj sily gosudarstvami kak mera ad hoc ot vneshnej ugrozy // Moskovskij zhurnal mezhdunarodnogo prava. - 2004. - # 3. - S. 45-58.
3. Zagajnov E. T. Uprezhdajushhaja samooborona v zapadnoj doktrine mezhdunarodnogo prava // Moskovskij zhurnal mezhdunarodnogo prava. - 2006. - # 2. - S. 29-45.
4. Kuchinskaja M. E. Politika NATO po sderzhivaniju Rossii. – [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: 28.06.2016.
5. Podberjozkin A. I., Parshkova Ju. Ju. «Ugroza Evro-PRO nacional'noj bezopasnosti Rossii» // Vestnik MGIMO Universiteta. – 2014. - # 1.
6. Farhutdinov I. Z. Preventivnaja samooborona v mezhdunarodnom prave: primenenie i zloupotreblenie // Moskovskij zhurnal mezhdunarodnogo prava. – 2016. - # 4.
7. Dinstein Y. War, aggression and self-defence. – Cambridge: Grotius Publications, 1994.
8. Terlikowski M. Tylko Rosja i Polska się zbroją. Europejskie potęgi wydają na wojsko coraz mniej, 2017. – S. 4.
Shakirova R. I.
Mixed criminal jurisdiction: analytical review of the establishment of existing hybrid tribunals and internationalized courts
In this article, the author undertakes an analytical review of the existing hybrid tribunals and internationalized courts in terms of the method of their establishment.
Keywords: hybrid tribunal, internationalized court, International Criminal Court, international criminal law.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bogdan Ivanišević. The War Crimes Chamber in Bosnia and Herzegovina: From Hybrid to Domestic Court, International center for transitional justice, 5 (2008). [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
Court-2008-English.pdf (data obrashhenija: 12.10.2017 g.).
2. Brian D. Tittemore. Khmer Rouge Crimes: The Elusive Search for Justice. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. - Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 11.10.2017 g.).
3. Etelle R. Higonnet, Restructuring Hybrid Courts: Local Empowerment and National Criminal Justice Reform 23 Arizona journal of international and comparative law, 347, 356 (2006).
4. Laura Dickinson. The Relationship Between Hybrid Courts and International Courts: The Case of Kosovo, 37 NEW ENGLAND LAW REVIEW, 1059, 1061 (2003); UNMIK, On Assignment of International Judges/ Prosecutors and/or Change of Venue, U.N. Doc. UNMIK/REG/2000/64 (Dec.
15, 2000). [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 12.10.2017 g.).
5. Param-Preet Singh. Looking for Justice: The War Crimes Chamber in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Human rights watch, 2 (2006). [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 11.10.2017 g.).
6. Rüdiger Wolfrum. International Administration in Post-Conflict Situiations by the United Nations and other International Actors, 9 Max Planck Yearbook of United Nations law 649 (2005). [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija:
10.10.2017 g.).
7. Suzannah Linton. Cambodia, East Timor and Sierra Leone:Experiments in International Justice, 12 CRIMINAL LAW FORUM, 185, 188 (2001).
8. Param-Preet Singh. Looking for Justice: The War Crimes Chamber in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Human RIGHTS WATCH, 2 (2006).
Martirosyan E. G.
Features of legal regulation agricultural policy in the EU
This article examines the peculiarities of the legal regulation of agrarian policy in the European Union. Stages of formation of agrarian policy in the European Union are considered, definition of agrarian policy is given.
Keywords: agrarian policy, European Union, farmers, quotas, subsidies, innovations, agriculture, production, economy.
Work bibliographic list
1. Obshhaja agrarnaja politika Evrosojuza do 2020 g. //Jekonomika sel'skogo hozjajstva Rossii. - 2011. - # 2.- S. 68-73.
2. Rjabinec O. Proverka kachestva produktov pitanija. Administrativnye spory // Administrativnoe pravo. 2017. - # 3. - S. 67-74.
3. Jurkenajte N. Reforma edinoj agrarnoj politiki Evropejskogo sojuza na period posle 2013 goda // Jekonomika sel'skohozjajstvennyh i pererabatyvajushhih predprijatij. - 2012. - # 3. - S. 26-30.
4. Kruss V. I. Dialektika konstitucionalizacii i vzaimodejstvie pravovyh sistem v kontekste globalizacii //Rossijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. - 2014. - # 5. - S. 26-38.
5. Selivanova K. A. Agrarnaja klasterizacija kak instrument importozameshhenija: jekologo-pravovoj aspekt // Jurist. - 2016. - # 12. - S. 35-40.
6. Guljaeva T. K. Sootnoshenie «prava VTO» i nacional'nogo prava gosudarstv-chlenov: monografija. - M.:Justicinform, 2017. - 228 s.
7. Uzun V. Rossijskaja politika podderzhki sel'skogo hozjajstva i neobhodimost' ee korrektirovki posle vstuplenija v VTO // Voprosy jekonomiki. - 2012. - # 10. - S. 132-150.
8. Shirinovskaja A. S. O prave na zemlju v konstitucionnom zakonodatel'stve zarubezhnyh stran // Rossijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. - 2016. - # 5. - S. 91-100.
9. Prokudina N. V. Pravovoe regulirovanie obshhej agrarnoj politiki v Evropejskom sojuze: avtoref. dis. ... kand. jurid. nauk: 12.00.10. M., 2008. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 22.03.2018).
Isaeva M. Kh.
International legal aspects against the smulling of migrants within the European Union
The article considers the questions of the current system of combating migrant smuggling within the European Union. Underlines the extreme urgency of the problem of illegal migration, describes the basic stages of the legal consolidation of countering it at the EU level. The article analyzes the EU legislation on irregular migration, classifying it, and analyzing the prospects of EU migration legislation in the light of an increase in irregular migration into the EU.
Keywords: irregular migrants, the smuggling of migrants, human trafficking, EU, Directive EC, Protocol against the Smuggling of Migrants by Land, Sea and Air, The United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, 2000, readmission, resettlement, relocation, European Agenda on Migration.
Work bibliographic list
Work bibliographic list
1. Bekjashev D. K. Nezakonnyj vvoz migrantov po morju:mezhdunarodno-pravovye aspekty // «Lex Russica». Nauchnye trudy MGJuA. – Tom LXV. – 2006. - # 4. – S. 770-780.
2. Bekjashev D. K., Ivanov D. V. Mezhdunarodno-pravovoe regulirovanie vynuzhdennoj i trudovoj migracii:monografija. - M.: Prospekt, 2013. – 392 s.
3. Vojnikov V. V. Pravovoe regulirovanie Evropejskogo prostranstva svobody, bezopasnosti i pravosudija:monografija. – Kaliningrad, 2013. – 397 c.
4. Ivanov D. V., Bekjashev D. K. Jekologicheskaja migracija naselenija: mezhdunarodno-pravovye aspekty. – M.:Aspekt Press, 2013. - 176 s.
5. Livija protiv idei ES o specoperacii protiv sudov s migrantami. – [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: obrashhenija: 11.03.2018 g.).
6. Potemkina O. Ju. Immigracionnaja politika Evropejskogo Sojuza: problemy i perspektivy: monografija. – M.: In-t Evropy RAN: Rus. suvenir, 2010. – 130 s.
7. Protokol protiv nezakonnogo vvoza migrantov po sushe, morju i vozduhu, dopolnjajushhij Konvenciju Organizacii Ob"edinennyh Nacij protiv transnacional'noj organizovannoj prestupnosti. –[Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 10.02.2018 g.).
8. 2002/946/JHA: Council framework Decision of 28 November 2002 on the strengthening of the penal framework to prevent the facilitation of unauthorized entry, transit and residence // Official Journal L 328. –2002.05.12. – P. 1–3.
9. Council Directive 2002/90/EC of 28 November 2002 defining the facilitation of unauthorized entry, transit and residence// Official Journal L 328. – 2002.05.12. – P. 17–18.
10. Frontex Annual Risk Analysis 2017. – [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 09.02.2018 g.).
11. Regulation (EU) No 1052/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 October 2013 establishing the European Border Surveillance System(Eurosur) // Official Journal L 295. – 2013.06.11. – P. 11–26
12. Report from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council Fifth bi-annual report on the functioning of the Schengen area 1 November 2013–30 April 2014. Brussels, 26.5.2014 COM(2014) 292 final. – [Jelektronnyj resurs]. - Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 09.02.2018 g.).
Martirosyan D. G.
EU migration policy and its impact on Russia:legal aspects
This article discusses the migration policy of the European Union and its impact on Russia. The models of migration relations regulation are identified based on the degree of consolidation (codification) of acts. The article considers the statutes regulating the migration sphere in the European Union: the Immigration act, the act on borders, citizenship and immigration, identifies and analyzes their distinctive features.
With respect to the legislation of the Russian Federation on migration suggested: clearly define the powers of Federal bodies and bodies of state power of subjects of the Russian Federation; to carry out the harmonization of migration legislation is to adopt a single immigration law.
Keywords: migration, European Union, law, regulatory legal act, immigration, migrant, law, code, powers, citizenship.
Work bibliographic list
1. Andrichenko L. V. Migracionnoe zakonodatel'stvo v sisteme rossijskogo zakonodatel'stva // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. - 2018. - # 3. - S. 5-16.
2. Andrichenko L. V. Problemy sistematizacii migracionnogo zakonodatel'stva // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. - 2014. - # 12. - S. 5-15.
3. Krivenkova M. V. Juridicheskie osnovanija mezhdunarodno-pravovoj otvetstvennosti gosudarstv v sfere vynuzhdennoj migracii // Migracionnoe pravo. -2017. - # 2. - S. 6-9.
4. Maklakov V. V. Konstitucii zarubezhnyh gosudarstv:Uchebnoe posobie. 5-e izd. - M.: Volters Kluver, 2006.
5. Malyshev E. A. Gosudarstvennoe upravlenie v sfere vneshnej trudovoj migracii: teorija i praktika: monografija. - M.: Justicinform, 2017. - 240 s.
6. Mishunina A. A. Prinimajushhee obshhestvo i migranty: pravovye praktiki jekonomicheskoj i social'no-kul'turnoj adaptacii v sovremennyh uslovijah //Rossijskaja justicija. - 2017. - # 9. - S. 13-16.
7. Smirnova E. S. Institut grazhdanstva: statichnost' ili perspektivy nacional'nogo i mezhdunarodno-pravovogo regulirovanija // Konstitucionnoe i municipal'noe pravo. - 2015. - # 1. - S. 24-30.
8. Chugunova S. V. Regulirovanie legal'noj trudovoj migracii iz tret'ih stran po pravu ES: Dis. ... kand.jurid. nauk. - M., 2012.
9. Borders, Citizenship and Immigration Act 2009 // Nacional'nyj arhiv Pravitel'stva Soedinennogo Korolevstva Velikobritanii i Severnoj Irlandii (ofic. sajt). [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 23.03.2018).
Guliyev I. A., Markin A. S.
Russia-Norway transboundary fields development cooperation perspectives in the Barents Sea
The article is devoted to the analysis of the current International Treaty between the Russian
Federation and the Kingdom of Norway On Maritime delimitation and cooperation in the Barents Sea and the Arctic ocean", 2010, Russia-Norway transboundary fields development cooperation prospects, as well as international legal and other aspects that affect the Russian- Norwegian relations in the Barents Sea.
Keywords: Barents Sea, transboundary field, the Arctic, international sanctions, an international
Treaty between the Russian Federation and the Kingdom of Norway on Maritime delimitation and
cooperation in the Barents Sea and the Arctic ocean 2010&.
Work bibliographic list
1. Mezhdunarodnyj dogovor mezhdu Rossijskoj Federaciej i Korolevstvom Norvegii «O razgranichenii morskih prostranstv i sotrudnichestve v Barencevom more i Severnom Ledovitom okeane» 2010 g.
2. Soglashenie mezhdu Rossijskoj Federaciej i Azerbajdzhanskoj Respublikoj o razgranichenii sopredel'nyh uchastkov dna Kaspijskogo morja 2002 g.
3. Guliev I. A. Jenergeticheskaja politika neftegazovyh kompanij Rossii v novejshih uslovijah vvedenija sankcij // Vestnik NGUJeU. - 2015. - # 2. - S. 283-290.
4. Guliev I. A., Ruzakova V. I. Znachenie uglevodorodnyh resursov Arktiki dlja jenergeticheskoj bezopasnosti Rossii // Gosudarstvennoe upravlenie. Jelektronnyj vestnik. - 2015. - # 49. - S. 75-90.
5. Kravchenko S. A., Salygin V. I. Riski magistral'nogo nefteprovodnogo transporta: vostrebovannost' opyta SShA i ES po upravleniju imi // Upravlenie riskom. - 2015. - # 3 (75). - S. 41-48.
6. Markin A. S. Mezhdunarodno-pravovoe regulirovanie promyshlennoj bezopasnosti // Nauka v sovremennom informacionnom obshhestve VIII. Vol. I. - North Charleston, SC, USA. 2016. - P. 209-216.
7. Markin A. S. Mehanizmy uregulirovanija sporov v sfere razrabotki i jekspluatacii transgranichnyh mestorozhdenij v ramkah soglashenija mezhdu Velikobritaniej i Norvegiej // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. - 2016. - # 2 (93). - S. 88-90.
8. Mehdiev Je. T., Guliev I. A. Analiz tehnologii posledovatel'noj perekachki po truboprovodam nefti i nefteproduktov, primenjaemoj v vedushhih stranah Evropy // Jekonomika i predprinimatel'stvo. - 2016.- # 10-2 (75-2). - S. 679-684.
9. Salygin V. I. Mezhdunarodnoe jenergeticheskoe sotrudnichestvo – zalog ustojchivogo razvitija TJeK //Akademija jenergetiki. - 2006. - # 2 (10).
10. Salygin V. I. Osobennosti osvoenija Arkticheskih neftegazovyh resursov v kontekste ustojchivogo razvitija // Nauka v sovremennom obshhestve. Materialy V mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. - 2015.
11. Salygin V. I. Problemy sovremennoj jenergetiki v kontekste ustojchivogo razvitija // Nauka v sovremennom informacionnom obshhestve. Materialy VII mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. n.-i. c. «Akademicheskij». - 2015. - S. 161-165.
12. Salygin V. I. Jenergeticheskaja strategija Rossii. Puti realizacii // Burenie i neft'. - 2006. - # 1.
13. Salygin V. I., Guliev I. A., Hubaeva A. O. Bar'era na puti k ustojchivomu razvitiju v Arktike // Nauka v sovremennom informacionnom obshhestve VII Vol. 1 North Charleston, SC, USA. - 2015. - P. 171-174.
14. Salygin V. I., Safarjan A. V. Jenergeticheskie problemy v mirovoj politike // V knige: Sovremennye mezhdunarodnye otnoshenija i mirovaja politika Torkunov A. V., Mel'vil' A. Ju. i dr. uchebnik dlja vuzov. –M., 2004. - S. 381-407.
15. Uchenija «Arktika 2011». [Jelektronnyj resurs]. –Rezhim dostupa:
Bolova A. V.
Features of the family law of Finland
The article deals with the system of family law in Finland, its features are singled out, special
attention is paid to the legal issues of concluding and dissolving marriage, as well as family mediation
Keywords: family, family law, juvenile justice, Scandinavia, Finland.
Work bibliographic list
1. Konoshenko N. V. Mediacija v semejnom prave // Vestnik MIJeP. 2015. # 6. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 09.03.2018).
2. Cinchenko G. M. Juvenal'naja justicija: riski vnedrenija // Upravlencheskoe konsul'tirovanie. 2015. # 8(80). S. 114-127.
3. Finlex. Portal zakonodatel'stva Finljandii. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
Shevchenko L. I.
Concept, meaning and ways to ensure energy law and order in the Russian Federation
Russia's energy strategy as one of the main components of the state energy policy includes the creation of a favorable economic environment for the functioning of the fuel and energy complex, including tariff, customs, antimonopoly regulation, the introduction of technical regulations, national standards and norms that enhance the stability, manageability and energy efficiency of the economy, environmental energy security, improving the efficiency of state property management in nnom sector. Implementation of these tasks is impossible without the establishment of the rule of law in the fuel and energy sector.
Keywords: energy security, energy law and order, public law and order, content of energy law and order.
Kotlova A. V.
French doctrine concerning maritime delimitation in the Arctic region on the example
of Denmark and Iceland
In 2016, France presented its National Arctic Exploration Programme, identifying its interests and priorities in Arctic region. The Programme defines France as a polar state and a leading Arctic actor. Indeed, France participates actively in Arctic Council working groups.
The strategic interests of France in the Arctic region are the study of climate change and its consequences, the safety of maritime transport, the promotion of the EU to the Arctic Council. In addition, French scientists of international law have made a significant contribution to the generalization of existing international practices concerning maritime delimitation. This article focuses on French legal doctrine of maritime delimitation in the Arctic taking the example of Denmark and Iceland.
Keywords: international law, the Arctic, the Arctic States, the Arctic Council.
Work bibliographic list
1. Arkticheskij region: Problemy mezhdunarodnogo sotrudnichestva: Hrestomatija v 3 tomah / Ros. Sovet po mezhd. Delam [pod obshh. red. I. S. Ivanova]. M.:Aspekt Press, 2013.
2. Vylegzhanin A. N., Ivanov G. G., Dudykina I. P. Poljarnyj kodeks (ocenki i kommentarii v zarubezhnyh pravovyh istochnikah) // Moskovskij zhurnal mezhdunarodnogo prava. 2015;(4). S. 43-60.
3. Rubinskij Ju. I. Strategija Francii v Arktike //Arkticheskij region: Problemy mezhdunarodnogo sotrudnichestva: Hrestomatija v 3 tomah / Ros. sovet po mezhd. delam [pod obshh. red. I. S. Ivanova]. M.: Aspekt Press, 2013. T. 1. S. 217-230.
4. Georges Labrecque. A qui l’Arctique?: droit international des frontiers maritime. Edition Yvons Blais, une division de Thomas Reuters Canada Limitee, 2012.
Kicha M.V.
Features of the implementation of justice in the legal systems of the states of the Middle East
The article examines the peculiarities of the administration of justice in the legal systems of the states of the Middle East. The author pays special attention to the historical development of procedural Islamic law and the current state of court proceedings in the states of the region under consideration.
Keywords: Middle East, the form of law, the legal system, the legal family, the Muslim law, judicial system, the judge.
Work bibliographic list
1. Minniahmetov R. A. Shiitskie koncepcii pravosudija v islamskom prave // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. – 2013. – # 12 (67). – S. 87-89.
2. Ahmed R. Narratives of Islamic Legal Theory. – Oxford: Oxford Academ, 2012. – 220 p.
3. Al-Azmeh. Islamic Law. – London: Taylor & Francis, 2013. – 217 p.
4. Hallaq, Wael B. An Introduction to Islamic Law. –Cambridge: Cambridge Academ, 2009. – 200 p.
5. Shabana A. Custom in Islamic Law and Legal Theory. –New York: Springer, 2011. – 262 p.
Dzhandubaeva T. Z., Erofeeva K. Yu.
Legal regulation of management of forest resources of Brazil
The article is devoted to the consideration of the regulation of management of forest resources of Brazil. The main regulatory and legal acts regulating the management of environmental resources and forestry in Brazil have been singled out. A short analysis is given of the Forest Code of 2012, taking into account the possible optimization and inconsistencies of the normative act with rational forest management and preservation of the natural environment. The CAR system is characterized with the aim of collecting, storing and providing an integrated database with information on the environmental situation in the states of Brazil.
Keywords: Forest Code, Brazil, deforestation, forestry, forest protection, environment.
Work bibliographic list
1. Petrov V., Filinova I. Lesa Brazilii: upravlenie i zakonodatel'nye osnovy // LesPromInform. 2015. # 8.
2. Carla Cristina Jesus dos Santos, Rafaela Aparecida,Renato Borges de Assis “Histórico e conceitos do Código Florestal de 1965» publocado em 06/2017. [Jelektronnyj resurs].– Rezhim dostupa:
3. Lei nº 12.651, de 25 de maio de 2012 Código florestal(2012). [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
4. STF retoma julgamento sobre Código Florestal 22 22 de fevereiro de 2018. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
5. WWF “Brazil’s new Forest Code: A guide for decisionmakers in supply chains and governments”_ 2016.[Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
Sorokin A. I.
Comparative legal analysis of the Institute of public trading in foreign countries. The consequences of challenging the contract concluded at auction
The article contains a relatively legal analysis of the Institute of public trading in the performance of foreign States, such as USA, Germany and Finland. The author not only introduces the description of the trade process in a particular state, but also eliminates the conditions and consequences of the recognition of public trade.
Keywords: enforcement proceedings, property, public bidding, invalidity of transactions, invalidity of bidding.
Work bibliographic list
1. Artem'eva Ju. A. Ispolnitel'noe proizvodstvo v SShA // Voprosy rossijskogo i mezhdunarodnogo prava. 2011. # 3. S. 121-134.
2. Batychko V. T. Ispolnitel'noe proizvodstvo v zarubezhnyh stranah // Izvestija Juzhnogo federal'nogo universiteta. Tehnicheskie nauki. 2008. # 10.S. 99-105.
3. Zakonodatel'stvo ob ispolnitel'nom proizvodstve v Federativnoj Respublike Germanii // Bjulleten' Federal'noj sluzhby sudebnyh pristavov.2010. # 4. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. - Rezhim dostupa:
4. Puzikov R. V., Gasanova D. P. Publichnye torgi kak mehanizm realizacii arestovannogo imushhestva // Vestnik Tambovskogo universiteta. Serija Politicheskie nauki i pravo. Tambov, 2016. T. 2. Vyp. 4 (8). S. 79-88.
5. Lackmann Rolf. Zwangsvollstreckungsrecht: mit Grundzugen des Insolvenzrechtes. 6., uberbearb. Aufl. Munchen: Vahlen, 2003.
Veretennikov N. N., Khodeeva U. A.
The procedures for the impugnment of administrative acts in the Russian Federation and the Czech Republic: a comparative-legal analysis
In this article authors review the procedures for the impugnment of administrative acts in the Russian Federation and the Czech Republic including the specific features of certain types of
administrative acts and the organization of the court system in the context of delineating jurisdictional cases of impugnment individual and normative administrative act.
Keywords: administrative adjudication, individual administrative act, normative administrative act, judicial review, the Russian Federation, the Czech Republic.
Work bibliographic list
1. Evloev I. M. Sovershenstvovanie sudebnogo normo-kontrolja i ego perspektivy v svete ob"edinenija vysshih sudov // Rossijskij sud'ja. 2014. # 7. S. 41-44.
2. Zelencov A. B. Administrativnaja justicija. Obshhaja chast'. Teorija sudebnogo administrativnogo prava: ucheb. posobie dlja studentov vuzov, obuchajushhihsja po special'nosti «Jurisprudencija». M.: JuNITI-DA-NA, 2015. 399 s.
3. Kommentarij k Kodeksu administrativnogo sudoproizvodstva Rossijskoj Federacii (postatejnyj, nauchno-prakticheskij) / pod red. V. V. Jarkova. M.: Statut, 2016. 1295 s.
4. Potěšil L. Forms of Public Administration Activity in the Czech Republic and Protection of the Rights of Individuals// Administrative Law and Science in the European Context. Szczecin, 2017.
5. Potěšil L. Administrative Justice in the Czech Republic– changes and expectations // Central European Forum on Law and Administration. Judicial Protection of Individual Rights in Central European Countries – Current Experience and Trends. 2017. P. 98-106.
6. Skulova S. Judicial review of administrative discretion in the Czech Republic in the view of development, including the europeisation effect // Časopis pro právní vědu a
praxi. 2016. Č. 3. P. 289-297.
Menzyuk G. A., Umitchinova B. A.
Comparative-legal analysis of reorganizing customs agencies: foreign experience and the Republic of Kazakhstan
The article is aimed at researching the transformation process of customs agencies in foreign countries by means of analyzing the models of customs agencies’ integration with other state authorities. The article also describes the process of reorganizing customs and taxation agencies of the Republic of Kazakhstan into the single revenue bodies together with its work efficiency analysis. The work determines the tendencies of reorganizing and developing the revenue bodies of country-members of Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU).
Keywords: customs agencies, revenue bodies, models of customs agencies reorganization, customs management of foreign countries,
Work bibliographic list
1. Bojkova M. V. Zarubezhnyj opyt tamozhennogo administrirovanija. Monografija. – M.: RIO Rossijskoj tamozhennoj akademii, 2017. – 130 s.
2. Bocharova Ju. V. Problemy i perspektivy vzaimodejstvija tamozhennyh i nalogovyh organov Rossijskoj Federacii // Tamozhennoe delo i vneshnejekonomicheskaja dejatel'nost' kompanij. - [Jelektronnyj resurs].– Rezhim dostupa:
3. Kobzar'-Frolova M. N. Organizacija tamozhennogo kontrolja v Kanade // Vestnik Nizhegorodskogo universiteta im. N. I. Lobachevskogo. - 2016. - #4.– S. 119-122.
4. Kunicyn D. V. Obzor otdel'nyh harakteristik nalogovyh organov zarubezhnyh stran // Sibirskaja finansovaja shkola. - 2004. - # 3. – S. 74-77.
5. Pogodina I. V., Moshnov V. A. Opyt tamozhennogo administrirovanija v zarubezhnyh stranah // Tehnologija tekstil'noj promyshlennosti. - 2014. - # 4 (352).– S. 146-149.
6. Prem'er-Ministr RK podverg kritike rabotu nalogovyh i tamozhennyh organov strany v chasti avtomatizacii processov. - [Jelektronnyj resurs] – Rezhim dostupa:
7. Chevers A. Opredelenie tamozhennyh funkcij v uslovijah jekonomicheskoj integracii i globalizacii// Tamozhennyj nauchnyj zhurnal TAMOZhNJa. - 2013.- # 2. – S. 123-134.
8. Sheredeko E. V. Sovremennoe sostojanie organov nalogovogo administrirovanija Velikobritanii // Nalogi i nalogooblozhenie. - 2008. - # 7.
9. Shulatova I. S. Zarubezhnyj opyt formirovanija i organizacii edinogo organa po voprosam fiskal'noj i tamozhennoj politiki // Vestnik VGU. Serija:Pravo, 2014. - # 3. – S. 108-120.
10. HM Revenue and Customs official website. - [Jelektronnyj resurs] – Rezhim dostupa:
Drobyshevskiy S. A., Rostomashvily M. N.
On the characteristics of a breaking of law and a legal responsibility
The breaking of law is usually defined as an guilty illegal act of a person capable to answer for
such behavior and this act causes or may cause a harm to society, state, persons. Mentioned act is
considered as a reason of legal responsibility.
It is so seems only under a certain condition. Such act is committed by the minority of a people in
a politically organized society.
When mentioned acts are done by the majority of this people a legal responsibility does not follow. And if the breaking of law is thought as a necessary reason this case is also characterized by the absence of the breaking of law.
The breaking of law does not always cause a harm to the society, state, persons. It is so only from the point of view of sovereign power when it establishes legal responsibility for definite acts. And such acts are declared by the sovereign as breakings of law.
Keywords: breaking of law, legal responsibility, sovereign power.
Work bibliographic list
1. Drobyshevskij S. A. Istorija politicheskih i pravovyh uchenij: osnovnye klassicheskie idei. - M.: Norma, 2015.
2. Morozova L. A. Teorija gosudarstva i prava. - M.:«Jurist», 2003.
3. Easton D. A Framework for Political Analysis. - Chicago:The University of Chicago Press, 1979.
4. Hoebel E. A. The law of primitive man. - Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1954.
5. Watkin T. G. The Nature of Law. - Amsterdam, N.Y., Oxford, 1980.
Shubin N. N.
On the cross-sectoral nature of the legal entity
The article deals with the issue of the legal nature of the legal entity in terms of the branch belonging to this institution. The subject of consideration is the problem of determining whether a category of a legal entity belongs exclusively to civil law or recognizing the intersectoral nature of the institution. The existing classification of legal entities in Russian law, the historical foundations of the civil and intersectoral approaches to legal entities, the analysis of the use of a legal entity in public-law relations are reviewed. The article considers the possibility of determining common characteristics for all legal entities, as well as the necessity to separate legal entities into private and public entities.
Keywords: legal entity, public law, intersectoral nature, civil law institution.
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon ot 03.07.2016 # 236-FZ (red. ot 29.12.2017) «O publichno-pravovyh kompanijah v Rossijskoj Federacii».
2. Avilov G. E., Suhanov E. A. Juridicheskie lica v sovremennom rossijskom grazhdanskom prave // Vestnik grazhdanskogo prava. 2006. # 1. S. 9.
3. Annenkov K. N. Sistema russkogo grazhdanskogo prava. Tom I. Vvedenie i Obshhaja chast' (izdanie 3-e, vnov' peresmotrennoe i dopolnennoe). S.-Peterburg: Tipografija M. M. Stasjulevicha, 1910. 680 s.
4. Baranenkov V. V. Grazhdansko-pravovaja lichnost' organov gosudarstvennoj vlasti (k voprosu o juridicheskih licah publichnogo prava) // Gosudarstvennaja vlast' i mestnoe samoupravlenie. 2007. # 6. S. 3-6.
5. Vedel' Zh. Administrativnoe pravo Francii. M.:Progress, 1972. 512 s.
6. Ivanov A. A. Ponjatie «imushhestvennye otnoshenija» i problemy nalogovogo prava // Vestnik VAS RF. 2009. # 1. S. 76-83.
7. Kozlova N. V. Ponjatie i sushhnost' juridicheskogo lica. Ocherk istorii i teorii: Uchebnoe posobie. M.:Statut, 2003. 318 s.
8. Muromcev S. A. Grazhdanskoe pravo Drevnego Rima: Lekcii. M., 1883. 733 s.
9. Sanfilippo Ch. Kurs rimskogo chastnogo prava: uchebnik / Chezare Sanfilipo; [per. s ital. I. I. Mahan'kova ] ; pod obshh. red. D. V. Dozhdeva. M.: Norma, 2008.
464 s.
10. Suhanov E. A. Sravnitel'noe korporativnoe pravo.M.: Statut, 2014. 456 s.
11. Chirkin V. E. Juridicheskoe lico publichnogo prava.M.: NORMA, 2007. 352 s.
12. Jastrebov O. A. Problema otraslevoj prinadlezhnosti juridicheskogo lica v rossijskom pravovedenii// Juridicheskij mir. 2010. # 4. S. 42-46.
Adygezalova G. E.
Legal myth as part of the legal system
The article considers the notion of a social myth in modern society, the views of scientists on the political and legal myth. The myth of law is explored as part of a legal ideology, which, in turn, is one of the content elements of the legal system that form the basis for the classification of legal systems. The myth of law is especially pronounced in the critical periods of the development of the state, when it performs stabilizing and integrative functions. As an example, we consider the myth expressed in the proclamation of the principle of revolutionary legitimacy.
Keywords: legal myth, legal system, mythology, legal ideology, the principle of law, the principle of legality, revolutionary sense of justice.
Work bibliographic list
1. Isaev I. A. Mifologemy zakona. Pravo i literatura. M.: Prospekt, 2016.
2. Isaev I. A. Politicheskij mif i nasilie // Istorija gosudarstva i prava. 2017. # 4. S. 30-38.
3. Kassirer Je. Opyt o cheloveke. M.: Gardarika, 1998. S. 524. 4. Komarov S. A. Obshhaja teorija gosudarstva i prava: uchebnik. 4-e izd., pererab. i dopoln. M.: Jurajt, 1998. S. 464-465.
5. Osakve K. Sravnitel'noe pravovedenie v shemah: Obshhaja i Osobennaja chasti: ucheb.-prakt. posobie. M.:Delo, 2000. S. 39.
6. Rozin V. M. Genezis prava: metodologicheskij i kul'turologicheskij analiz. M.: NOTABENE Media Trejd Kompanija, 2003.
7. Shmitt K. Leviafan v uchenii o gosudarstve Tomasa Gobbsa. SPbGU: Izd-vo «Vladimir Dal'», 2006.
Iljin I. M., Yashin V. N.
Problematic issues of development of the legal status of commissions on juvenile Affairs in municipalities
The article reveals the peculiarities of the functioning of commissions on juvenile Affairs and protection of their rights, created at the local (municipal) level. Federal law "on the basics of the system of prevention of child neglect and juvenile delinquency", Federal law "on General principles of organization of local self-government in the Russian Federation", administrative Code and other normative acts in this field of social relations", relevant scientific papers. Revealed contradictions related to the establishment and operation of such commissions, the proposals to overcome the existing legal contradictions.
Keywords: commissions on juvenile Affairs, law, state, local self-government bodies, powers, legal status, administrative offenses.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ukaz Prezidiuma VS RSFSR ot 03.06.1967 «Ob utverzhdenii Polozhenija o komissijah po delam nesovershennoletnih» // Vedomosti VS RSFSR. - 1967. - # 23. - St. 536.
2. Federal'nyj zakon ot 24.06.1999 # 120-FZ (red. ot 07.06.2017) «Ob osnovah sistemy profilaktiki beznadzornosti i pravonarushenij nesovershennoletnih» //SPS Konsul'tantPljus (data obrashhenija: 06. 02.2018 g.).
3. Zakon Krasnodarskogo kraja ot 14.12.2006 # 1144-KZ(red. ot 22.02.2017) «O nadelenii organov mestnogo samoupravlenija municipal'nyh obrazovanij Krasnodarskogo kraja otdel'nymi gosudarstvennymi polnomochijami po obrazovaniju i organizacii dejatel'nosti administrativnyh komissij» // SPS Konsul'tantPljus (data obrashhenija: 06. 02.2018 g.).
4. Harseeva V. L., Grigor'eva A. G., Strel'cov S. G., Uporov I. V. Preduprezhdenie prestupnosti sredi nesovershennoletnih v sovetskom gosudarstve (1917-1991gg.). - Krasnodar, 2014.
5. Uporov I. V. Razvitie instituta mestnogo samoupravlenija v novejshej Rossii: osnovnye tendencii i problemy nesbyvshihsja nadezhd // Istoricheskaja i social'no-obrazovatel'naja zhizn'. - 2015. - # 1. - S. 163-168.
6. Uporov I. V., Starkov O. V. Municipal'noe pravo Rossijskoj Federacii. - Moskva, 2015.
7. Cheremuhina Ju. A. Osnovy organizacii dejatel'nosti komissij po delam nesovershennoletnih i zashhite ih prav // Zakonnost'. - 2004. - # 2. S. 33-38.
8. Haritonov I. K., Verstov V. V. Pravovoe regulirovanie dejatel'nosti podrazdelenij po delam nesovershennoletnih po profilaktike pravonarushenij nesovershennoletnih//Obshhestvo i pravo. - 2014. - # 4 (50). - S. 244-248.
Kirillova T. A.
General characteristics of the state of linguistic norms of law: theory and practice
In the course of the analysis of observance and state of linguistic norms in law it is possible to draw a conclusion on compliance of legal norms for the level of the legal state. This article provides a brief description of the legal language, as well as the basic requirements for the legal norm in the context of language rules and requirements.
Keywords: language norms, legal norms, value and respect the language and law, legal language.
Work bibliographic list
1. Voroncova, Ju. A., Horoshko E. Ju. Pravovoj status jazyka / Uchebnoe posobie dlja kursantov i slushatelej vuzov MVD. – Belgorod, 2008.
2. Golev N. D. Juridicheskij aspekt jazyka v lingvisticheskom osveshhenii / Jurislingvistika-1. Problemy i perspektivy. – Barnaul, 1999.
3. Kovkel' N. F. Osnovnye jelementy struktury pravovogo jazyka // «Vestnik Permskogo universiteta. Juridicheskie nauki». – 2013. – # 4.
4. Mal'cev G. V. Ponimanie prava. Podhody i problemy. – M., 1999.
5. Rajanov F.M. Grazhdanskoe obshhestvo i pravovoe gosudarstvo – sut' vsej sovremennoj teorii obshhestvennogo razvitija // Pravove gosudarstvo: teorija i praktika. – 2015. – # 1 (39).
6. Rajanov F. M. Filosofija prava: diskursivnyj analiz i novye vyvody / Monografija. – M., Jurlitinform, 2017.
7. Cherdancev A. F. Logiko-jazykovye fenomeny v jurisprudencii: monografija. — M.: Norma: INFRA-M, 2012.
Kozlova I. P.
To the question of the basic principles of legal responsibility for violation of the legislation on elections in authorities
In this article the author forms the concept of principles of legal responsibility for violation of legislation in the authorities.Theprinciple sof legal responsibility and specific features relating to legal responsibility for violating the legislation on elections to the authorities was investigated.
They are due, in the author's opinion, to the importance of the electoral sphere, within the framework of which the right to participate in the formation of authoritiesand in their activities is exercised through the election of a candidate capable of pursuing a policy in the interests of the population of the country.
Keywords: legal responsibility, principles of legal responsibility, elections to authorities, electoral sphere, offenses in the electoral sphere.
Work bibliographic list
1. Baranov V. M. Teorija juridicheskoj otvetstvennosti.N. Novgorod, 1998.
2. Ivanov A. A. Princip zakonnosti juridicheskoj otvetstvennosti. Avtoref. dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. Kazan', 2011. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
(data obrashhenija: 02.02.2018 g.).
3. Ishakov A. D. Juridicheskaja otvetstvennost' za narushenija norm izbiratel'nogo prava Rossijskoj Federacii. Avtoref. na soisk… kand. jurid. nauk. Kazan',2003.
4. Kashkina E. V. Gumanizm kak princip juridicheskoj otvetstvennosti po rossijskomu zakonodatel'stvu:Avtoref. dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. M., 2003.
5. Kozlova O. A. Spravedlivost' kak princip juridicheskoj otvetstvennosti. Avtoref. dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. M., 2005. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 20.02.2018 g.).
6. Kondrashev A. A. Izbiratel'no-pravovaja otvetstvennost' v rossijskom konstitucionnom prave // Aktual'nye problemy rossijskogo prava. 2016. # 6 (67).
7. Lipinskij D. A. Obshhaja teorija juridicheskoj otvetstvennosti. Avtoref. dis. … dokt. jurid. nauk. Saratov, 2004.
8. Lipinskij D. A. Vinovnost' dejanija – obshhij princip juridicheskoj otvetstvennosti // Zakonnost'.2015. # 4.
9. Matejkovich M. S. Zashhita izbiratel'nyh prav grazhdan v Rossijskoj Federacii. M., 2003.
10. Raguzina O. V. Gumanizm i spravedlivost' juridicheskoj otvetstvennosti v publichnom i chastnom prave:Dis. na soisk. uch. step. … kand. jurid. nauk. Saratov,2001.
11. Orlov D. V. Institut juridicheskoj otvetstvennosti za izbiratel'nye pravonarushenija v sovremennoj Rossii. N. Novgorod, 2007.
12. Pomogalov A. V. Neotvratimost' juridicheskoj otvetstvennosti kak princip zakonnosti. Avtoref. dis. …kand. jurid. nauk. M., 2007.
13. Rabko T. A. Procedura i osnovanija dlja priznanija rezul'tatov vyborov nedejstvitel'nymi nuzhdajutsja v detal'noj reglamentacii // Pravo i politika. 2000. # 12.
14. Rasskazov L. P. Teorija gosudarstva i prava. Uchebnik. M., 2015.
15. Romashov R. A. Teorija gosudarstva i prava. SPb., 2006.
16. Sabitov T. R. O principe neotvratimosti v rossijskom ugolovnom zakonodatel'stve // Vestnik tomskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta. 2006. Vyp. 11 (62). Serija: Gumanitarnye nauki (Jurisprudencija).
17. Sobachevskaja Ju. A. Tipy i osobennosti konstitucionno-pravovoj otvetstvennosti za narushenija izbiratel'nogo zakonodatel'stva // Gosudarstvennaja vlast' i mestnoe samoupravlenie. 2011. # 1.
18. Struzhak E. P. Pravovoj status kandidatov v vybornye organy, na vybornye municipal'nye i gosudarstvennye dolzhnosti Rossijskoj Federacii. Dis. Na soisk. uch. step. kand. jurid. nauk. Tjumen', 2003.
Kiseleva E. Yu.
The diversity of Protestant doctrines and their state-legal approaches to the interaction of the state and the church
This article analyzes state-legal views of Protestant denominations, such as Anglicanism, Baptism, Mennonism. Their specific features of relations to the state and authority are indicated. Attention is paid to the disclosure of the particularities of the doctrines of Anglicanism, Baptism and Mennonism.
Keywords: Protestantism, state, church, Anglicanism, Baptism, Mennonism.
Work bibliographic list
1. Znosko-Borovskij M. Sravnitel'noe bogoslovie. Pravoslavie, rimo-katolichestvo, protestantizm i sektanstvo. M.: Izdatel'stvo «Artos-Media», 2003. 256 s.
2. Il'inyh N. I. O sovremennom mennonitstve. M.:«Znanie», 1968. 32 s.
3. Kozlov M. Anglikanstvo. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 12.08.2012 g.).
4. Mitrohin L. N. Baptizm: istorija i sovremennost' (filosofsko-social'nye ocherki). SPb.: RHTI, 1997. 480 s.
5. Nadol'skij R. V. Baptizm v proshlom i nastojashhem.Mn.: Belarus', 1987. 62 s.
6. Revunkova N. Protestantizm. [Jelektronnyj resurs].– Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 15.07.2014 g.).
Kirillova T. A.
Correlation of language and legal norms in legal translation
In the course of legal relations, the translation process solves not only the issue of transferring
information from one entity to another, which does not have the necessary knowledge of the language, but also the question of the correctness of the interpretation of legal norms, which are set out in such a language. In this paper we consider the characteristics of legal translation,
taking into account the requirements of language and law.
Keywords: legal translation, language norms in law, legal language, normative regulation, international translation.
Work bibliographic list
1. Rekomendacija JuNESKO o juridicheskoj ohrane prav perevodchikov i perevodov i prakticheskih sredstvah po uluchsheniju polozhenija perevodchikov, prinjata 22 nojabrja 1976 goda na XIX General'noj konferencii JuNESKO v g. Najrobi (Kenija) // Jelektronnyj fond pravovoj dokumentacii. - [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: index-142713.html.
2. Rossijskaja Federacija. Konstitucija (1993). Konstitucija Rossijskoj Federacii: prinjata vsenarodnym golosovaniem 12 dekabrja 1993 // Rossijskaja Gazeta. –1993. – # 237.
3. Kovkel' N. F. Osnovnye jelementy struktury pravovogo jazyka // Vestnik Permskogo universiteta. Juridicheskie nauki – 2013. – # 4.
4. Riks D. Pravila pravovogo perevoda. - [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
5. Cherdancev A. F. Logiko-jazykovye fenomeny v jurisprudencii: monografija. — M.: Norma: INFRA-M, 2012.
6. Sheberstova T. B. Juridicheskie i lingvisticheskie aspekty perevoda anglijskoj juridicheskoj terminologii // Mezhvuzovskij sbornik nauchnyh trudov. Ivanovo, 2004. - [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
Tretyakov A. V.
Legal status: modern and alternative perception
The article, in fact, offers a rather nontrivial view of the long-known concepts: "status", "legal status". Here we give a fairly detailed description of how the existing "state of things", with the study of the available information on these categories in modern authors, and show moments of alternative information about the researcher's vision of the essence of the concepts of "status" and "legal status".
The purpose of the article: to acquaint practitioners and legal theorists with those, according to the researcher, the existing gaps in the study of the categories of "status" and "legal status" as one of the most "mysterious values" in the domestic theory of law, which are quite complex in perception.
Keywords: status, legal status, legal regime, regime, perception.
Work bibliographic list
1. Administrativnoe pravo: uchebnik / Bahrah D. N., Rossinskij B. V., Starilov Ju. N. – 3-e izd., peresmotr. i dop. – M.: Norma, 2008. – 816 s.
2. Beljaeva G. S. Pravovoj rezhim: obshheteoreticheskoe issledovanie: dis. … dokt. jurid. nauk: 12.00.01 . –Kursk: Jugo – zapadnyj gos. universitet, 2013. – 407 s.
3. Bocharov N. N. Pravovoj rezhim zemel'nogo uchastka kak ob"ekta prava sobstvennosti: dis…kand. jurid.nauk: 12.00.03 . – Rjazan': FGBOU VPO «Rjazanskij universitet im. Esenina», 2014. – 196 s.
4. Valeev R. M., Kurdjukov G. I. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo. Osobennaja chast': uchebnik dlja VUZov / sostavitel':S. N. Kozhevnikov, 2010. – M.: Statut. – 624 s.
5. Isakov V. B. Mehanizm pravovogo regulirovanija i pravovye rezhimy // Problemy teorii gosudarstva i prava: uchebnik / pod obshh. red. S.S. Alekseeva. – M.:Jurid. lit., 1987. – S. 245-268.
6. Kozhevnikov S. N. Gosudarstvo i pravo: kratkij slovar' terminov i raz"jasnenij po pravovedeniju. – N.Novgorod: Izd-vo FGOU VPO «VGAVT», 2009. – 363 s.
7. Matuzov N. I., Mal'ko A. V. Pravovye rezhimy: voprosy teorii i praktiki] //Izvestija vuzov. Pravovedenie.– 1996. – # 1. – C. 16 – 29.
8. Tret'jakov A.V. Ideja «koncepcii integrativnyh postroenij»: perspektivy izuchenija i primenenija metafizicheskih smyslov i «universal'noj aksiomy pervoosnovy ponjatija», na primere «rezhimnyhhnkategorij» //Materialy: II mezhdunarodnoj konferencii: «Global Science and Innovation». («Global'naja nauka i innovacii») Institut Strategicheskih Issledovanij (Chikago, SShA).–2014. 21–22 maja, t.1.– S. 156–162.
9. Tret'jakov A. V. Integrativnye postroenija «jadra struktury» otdel'nyh javlenij na primerah postroenija «jadra struktury» javlenij «rezhim» i juridicheskie «rezhimnye kategorii» // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. – M., MGJuA, 2014. – # 5. – S. 93 – 98.
10. Tret'jakov A. V Integrativnye principy nachal osnov postroenija sovremennyh konceptual'nyh baz, na primere konceptual'noj bazy «teorii rezhimov» //Vestnik grazhdanskogo processa. – M.: Statut, 2014. –# 1. - S.176 – 187.
11. Tret'jakov A. V. Kategorija «grazhdansko-pravovoj rezhim» kak chastnoe projavlenie obshhenauchnoj kategorii «rezhim»: magisterskaja dissertacija: 12.00.03: zashhita 28.08.12 // Kazanskij (Privolzhskij) Federal'nyj universitet. – Kazan'. – 2012. 93 s.
12. Tret'jakov A. V. Mnogogrannye javlenija juridicheskoj nauki: pervoprichiny pojavlenija «koncepcii integrativnyh postroenij» kak popytki reshenija problemy odnoznachnosti cherez issledovanie metafizicheskih smyslov javlenij //Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. – M., MGJuA, 2014. – #8. – S.131–137.
13. Tret'jakov A. V. Odnoznachnost' vosprijatija: fundamental'nost' problemy i vozmozhnyj put' ejo reshenija, na primere javlenija «rezhim» v pravovoj srede //Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. – M., MGJuA, 2016.– #5. - S.96 –101.
14. Tret'jakov A. V. Javlenie «rezhim» kak predposylka sovremennogo tolkovanija novogo ponjatija: «rezhim-nye kategorii» //Vestnik grazhdanskogo processa. –M.: Statut, 2013. – # 6. - S.212-234.
15. Tret'jakov A. V. Otechestvennaja teorija pravovyh rezhimov: «belye pjatna» istorii izuchenija // Vestnik jekonomiki, prava i sociologii. – Kazan', JeKO, 2017.– #3. - S. 163 – 170.__
Karapetyan L. A., Morozova O. G.
On actionable civil legal proceeding principles in Russia at the turn of the 19-20 centuries:stating the issue (part 1)
The article provides the analysis of closely connected optionality, contentiousness and initiative
principles of litigators and judicial court during civil legal proceeding. The following principles have a continuous history and deep cultural basis. They are foundational in modern civil legislation and therefore require detailed research in historical and legal aspects.
Keywords: civil legal proceeding, lawsuit, claimer, defendant, legal defense, legal judgment.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ustav grazhdanskogo sudoproizvodstva // Svod Zakonov Rossijskoj imperii. T. XVI. SPb., 1912.
2. Voronov A. F. Grazhdanskij process: jevoljucija disozitivnosti. M., 2007.
3. Gessen I. V. Sudebnaja reforma. SPb., 1905.
4. Kutafin O. E., Lebedev V. M., Semigin G. Ju. Sudebnaja
vlast' v Rossii. Istorija. Dokumenty. T. 3. M., 2003.
Lunin S. V.
On the succession of Stoglav and St. Volodymyr’s Cathedral in 1273 (1274)
The article raises the problem of interrelations between the decisions of two Church councils – St.
Volodymyr's Cathedral in 1273 (1274) and the Cathedral in 1551 (stoglavy). Based on the analysis of modern scientific literature identified current problematic issues of the study of the text of the decisions of both councils, disclosing the evolution trends of the conciliar decisions is based on analysis of the Cathedral of sentences and the Chronicles.
Keywords: collegiate penalty, Canon law, ancient law, Stoglav.
Work bibliographic list
1. Gajdenko P. I. Sobor 1273(4) goda v svete cerkovno-politicheskoj situacii na Rusi: neskol'ko zamechanij o nesostojavshejsja kanonicheskoj reforme mitropolita Kirilla // Vestnik Russkoj hristianskoj gumanitarnoj akademii. 2014. T. 15. Vyp. 4. S. 229-239.
2. Galimov T. R. Mesto kievskogo mitropolita v cerkovno-ordynskih otnoshenijah: 1237-1281 gg.: Avtoref. diss. … kand. ist. nauk. Izhevsk, 2017.
3. Golubinskij E. E. Istorija russkoj cerkvi. T. 2, 1-japol. M., 1900.
4. Karamzin N. M. Istorija gosudarstva rossijskogo. T.4. M., 1992.
5. Klibanov A. I. Reformacionnye dvizhenija v Rossii v XIV – pervoj polovine XVI v. M., 1960.
6. Kolobanov V. A. K voprosu ob uchastii Serapiona Vladimirskogo v sobornyh «dejanijah» 1274 g. // Trudy Otdela drevnerusskoj literatury. M.-L., 1960. T. 16. S. 442-445.
7. Kolobanov V. A. O Serapione Vladimirskom kak vozmozhnom avtore «Pouchenija k popom» // Trudy Otdela drevnerusskoj literatury. M.-L., 1958. T. 14. S. 159-162.
8. Letopisnyj sbornik, imenuemyj Patriarsheju ili Nikonovskoju letopis'ju // Polnoe sobranie russkih letopisej. T. 12. SPb., 1901.
9. Lushnikov A. A. Pravila Vladimirskogo sobora 1274 g. o pravoslavnom duhovenstve i jazychestvo na Rusi vo vtoroj polovine XIII v. // Novoe slovo v nauke i praktike: gipotezy i aprobacija rezul'tatov issledovanij. 2014. # 9. S. 11-17.
10. Makarij (Bulgakov), mitr. Istorija russkoj cerkvi.T. 3. M., 1995.
11. Nasonov A. N. «Russkaja zemlja» i obrazovanie territorii drevnerusskogo gosudarstva: Istoriko-geograficheskie issledovanie. Mongoly i Rus': istorija tatarskoj politiki na Rusi. SPb.: Nauka, 2006.
12. Opredelenija vladimirskogo sobora, izlozhennye v gramote mitropolita Kirilla II // Russkaja istoricheskaja biblioteka, izdavaemaja Arheograficheskoj komissiej. T. VI. SPb., 1880. St. 83-102.
13. Ospennikov Ju. V. Reshenija soborov v russkom srednevekovom prave (XI-XVI vv.) // Istorija gosudarstva i prava. 2012. # 8. S. 9-13.
14. Ospennikov Ju. V. Sobornye prigovory kak istochnik russkogo prava (XI-XVI vv.) // Pravo i obrazovanie. 2012. # 5. S. 154-161
15. Pechnikov M. V. K izucheniju sobornyh pravil 1273 g. //Drevnjaja Rus'. Voprosy medievistiki. 2009. # 4. S. 97-107.
16. Sistema istochnikov russkogo prava X-XVIII vv. / El'chaninova O. Ju., Ospennikov Ju. V., Romashov R. A., Jutjaeva L. E.; pod obshh. red. Ju. V. Ospennikova. Samara, 2014.
17. Sobornoe opredelenie o nevzimanii so svjashhennosluzhitelej mzdy za hirotoniju 1503 g. // Akty, sobrannye v bibliotekah i arhivah Rossijskoj imperii Arheograficheskoj komissiej imperatorskoj akademii nauk. SPb., 1836. T. 1. # 382. S. 484-485.
18. Sokolov P. P. Russkij arhierej iz Vizantii i pravo ego naznachenija do nachala HV v. K., 1913.
19. Stoglav // Rossijskoe zakonodatel'stvo X-XX vekov. T. 2. M., 1985.
20. Tolstoj N. I. Ocherki slavjanskogo jazychestva. M., 2003.
21. Shhapov Ja. N. Vizantijskoe i juzhnoslavjanskoe pravovoe nasledie na Rusi v XI-XIII v. M., 1978.
Khalifaeva A. K., Shafiev M. M., Abdurakhmanov A. F.,
Asadulaev K. A., Sultanov A. R.
On the formation of substantive and procedural law on the example of Dagestan (historical
and constitutional aspects)
In the article, the evolution of the principles of the judicial process in the Dagestan region in the second half of the XIX century is being better understood. The authors draw attention to changes in the system of principles of legal proceedings, as this is a vast material for study, and in every source and study that are used in this work, there was a vision of the authors of the problem. The Shari'a influence on this paradigm of the problem is shown in a special way.
The article notes that in the late XIX century, the order of conducting criminal and civil cases in the district of verbal courts had some advanced principles, namely: a clear separation of procedures for dealing with civil and criminal cases, the right to bring proceedings by law enforcement agencies, the introduction of a lawsuit the following innovations: writing agenda, the receipt of the writ, the pledge and guarantee institution, select the attorney general.
Keywords: principles of litigation, adat, sharia, Islamic law.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ampleeva T. Ju. Po zakonu russkomu. Istorija ugolovnogo sudoproizvodstva Drevnej Rusi: Monografija. - M.: Juridicheskij institut MIITa, 2005.
- 228 s. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija:
2. Gamzaeva G. Sh. Genezis politicheskih otnoshenij Rossii i Dagestana na primere mestnyh feodal'nyh vladenij v konce XVIII v. // Nauchno-metodicheskij jelektronnyj zhurnal koncept. - 2015. - T. 13. - S. 1461-1465.
3. Gevork'jan D. P. Sozdanie i dejatel'nost' rossijskojadministracii v Dagestane (1860–1917): Dis. … kand.
ist. nauk. - Mahachkala, 1999. - 210 s.
4. Materialy dlja istorii upravlenija Dagestanskoj oblast'ju // Dagestanskij sbornik. - Temir-Han-Shura, 1902. - Vyp. 1. Otd. 2. S. 1-417.
5. Nechaeva L. A. Jevoljucija principa glasnosti sudoproizvodstva v Rossii i zarubezhnyh gosudarstvah //Vestnik MIJeP. - 2014. - # 3 (16). [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
i-zarubezhnyh-gosudarstvah (data obrashhenija:08.03.2018).
6. Polnoe sobranie zakonov Rossijskoj imperii. -SPb., 1830-1881.
7. Rasskazov L. P. K voprosu o vhozhdenii Severnogo Kavkaza v Rossiju. Osobennosti zarozhdenija i funkcionirovanija musul'manskogo prava na Severnom Kavkaze // Nauchnyj zhurnal KubGAU - Scientific Journal of KubSAU. 2015, # 111. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija:08.03.2018).
8. Rejnke N. M. Gorskie i narodnye sudy Kavkazskogo kraja. - SPb., 1912. - 71 s.
9. Sotnikov Andrej Aleksandrovich Osobennosti nachal'nogo jetapa reformirovanija sudebnoj sistemy v Dagestanskoj oblasti i Zakatal'skom okruge v pervoj polovine XIX veka. (po materialam sovremennyh issledovanij) // Servis v Rossii i za rubezhom. 2013. - # 4. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 08.03.2018).
10. Sulejmanov B. B. Administrativno-politicheskoe upravlenie Dagestana vo vtoroj polovine XIX v.: Dis.… kand. ist. nauk. - Mahachkala, 1998. - 189 s.
11. Sjukijajnen L. R. Sovmestim li shariat s sovremennym rossijskim pravom? // Pravo. Zhurnal Vysshej shkoly jekonomiki. - 2014. - # 3. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: obrashhenija: 08.03.2018).
12. Halifaeva A. K. Istorija gosudarstva i prava Dagestana. - Mahachkala, 2016.
13. Halifaeva A. K. Unikal'nye osobennosti gosudarstva i prava Dagestana: istorija i sovremennost' //Gosudarstvo i pravo. – 2016. - # 9. - S. 102-105.
14. Hashhina Je. Je. Osobennosti formirovanija i principy rozysknogo tipa sudebnogo processa: teoretiko-pravovoj aspekt // Aktual'nye problemy rossijskogo prava. - 2015. - # 10. [Jelektronnyj resurs].– Rezhim dostupa: (data
obrashhenija: 08.03.2018).
Rybchenko A. G.
The criminal and legal regulation of elements of property crimes and responsibility for their commission in the Moscow state of the 17th century
The author deals with the problem of the development of criminal law as a legal basis for counteracting property relation crimes in Russia of the 17th century.
Keywords: Moscow State, theft, brigandage, robbery, fraud, 1649 Council Code.
Work bibliographic list
1. Vladimirskij-Budanov M. F. Obzor istorii russkogo prava. Kiev, 1905.
2. Man'kov A. G. Zakonodatel'stvo Rossii vtoroj poloviny HVII v. SPb., 1998.
3. Man'kov A. G. Sobornoe ulozhenie 1649 g. – kodeks feodal'nogo prava. M., 1986.
4. Rjabchenko A. G., Gish M. R. Nakazanija, svjazannye s lisheniem svobod, v sisteme gosudarstvennyh mer protivodejstvija prestupnosti v Rossii vo vtoroj polovine XVII v.: pravovoe regulirovanie i primenenie//Obshhestvo i pravo.2011.# 3. S. 13-16.
5. Rjabchenko A. G., Gish M. R. Ugolovno-pravovoe regulirovanie sostavov prestuplenij protiv gosudarstva i otvetstvennosti za ih sovershenie v samoderzhavnoj Rossii XVII vv. // Vestnik Krasnodarskogo universiteta MVD Rossii. 2012. # 1 (15). S. 22-26.
6. Sergeevich V. I. Lekcii i issledovanija po drevnej istorii russkogo prava. SPb., 1903.
7. Sizikov M. I. Istorija gosudarstva i prava Rossii s HVII do nachala HIH veka. M.: Infra-M, 1998.
8. Sobornoe ulozhenie 1649 g. Tekst i kommentarii /Pod red. A. G. Man'kova. M., 1990.
9. Tal'berg D. Nasil'stvennoe pohishhenie imushhestva po russkomu pravu. SPb., 1880.
Anufrieva Y.B.
Measures of prosecutor’s supervision over enforcement of legislation on road safety
The article considers some issues related to the provision of road safety and role of prosecutors –
as the body that ensures the implementation of laws on road safety of the Russian Federation
Keywords: the Prosecutor, security, traffic, law.
Work bibliographic list
1. Konstitucija Rossijskoj Federacii (prinjata vsenarodnym golosovanie 12.12.1993) (s uchetom popravok vnesennyh Zakonami RF o popravkah k Konstitucii RF ot 30.12.2008 #6-FKZ, ot 30.12.2008 # 7-FKZ, ot 05.02.2014 #2-FKZ, ot 21.03.2014 #6-FKZ, ot 21.07.2014, #-FKZ) // Sobranie zakonodatel'stv RF», 26.01.2009, #4, st. 445.
2. Kodeks ob administrativnyh pravonarushenijah Rossijskoj Federacii ot 30.12.2001 # 195-FZ (red. ot 05.02.2018) // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF, 07.01.2002, # 1 (ch. 1), st. 1.
3. Grazhdanskij processual'nyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii» ot 14.11.2002 # 138-FZ (red. ot 07.03.2018) /«Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF», 18.11.2002, # 46, st. 4532.
4. Federal'nyj zakon ot 08.11.2007 N 257-FZ (red. ot 05.12.2017) «Ob avtomobil'nyh dorogah i o dorozhnoj dejatel'nosti v Rossijskoj Federacii i o vnesenii izmenenij v otdel'nye zakonodatel'nye akty Rossijskoj Federacii» // «Sobranie zakonodatel'stva
RF», 12.11.2007, # 46, st. 5553.
5. Postanovlenie Pravitel'stva RF ot 23.10.1993 # 1090 (red. ot 13.02.2018) «O Pravilah dorozhnogo dvizhenija» (vmeste s «Osnovnymi polozhenijami po dopusku transportnyh sredstv k jekspluatacii i objazannosti dolzhnostnyh lic po obespecheniju bezopasnosti do-
rozhnogo dvizhenija») // «Sobranie aktov Prezidenta i Pravitel'stva RF», 22.11.1993, # 47, st. 4531
6. Prikaz Genprokuratury Rossii ot 07.12.2007 # 195 (red. ot 21.06.2016) «Ob organizacii prokurorskogo nadzora za ispolneniem zakonov, sobljudeniem prav i svobod cheloveka i grazhdanina» / pervonachal'nyj tekst dokumenta opublikovan v izdanii «Zakon-
nost'». 2008. # 3.
7. Prikaz Genprokuratury RF ot 10.09.2008 # 182 (red. ot 22.04.2011) «Ob organizacii raboty po vzaimodejstviju s obshhestvennost'ju, raz"jasneniju zakonodatel'stva i pravovomu prosveshheniju» / Pervonachal'nyj tekst dokumenta opublikovan v izdanii
«Zakonnost'». 2008. # 10.
8. Global'nyj plan osushhestvlenija Desjatiletija dejstvij po obespecheniju bezopasnosti dorozhnogo dvizhenija 2011-2020 godov (rezoljucija General'noj Assamblei Organizacii Ob"edinennyh Nacij ot 10 maja 2010 goda # 64/255).
Rogov A. C.
Executive power in Brunei
The constitutional framework and the Executive structure of Brunei are of scientific interest. The article examines the features of the organization and activities of the Central authorities in Brunei, the system of legal norms governing the Executive power. The analysis of the personal composition of the Cabinet of Ministers is given in the article . The concept of MELAYU-ISLAM-BERAJA ("Malay Islamic monarchy"), which is the official ideology of the country since 1990, can be traced in the work.
Keywords: Brunei, Constitution of Brunei, Sultan of Brunei, New cabinet of ministers, Prime Minister, Crown Prince, Constitutional appointments, Attorney General, State Mufti, Auditor General.
Work bibliographic list
1. Nikitin A. N., Rogov A. C. Gosudarstvenno – pravovoj institut chrezvychajnogo polozhenija v Brunee. Vestnik tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Pravo. 2016. #3 (21). S. 70.
2. Nikitin A.N., Rogov A.C. Istorija formirovanija Konstitucii – put' k nezavisimosti gosudarstva Brunej Darussalam // Istorija gosudarstva i prava. 2017. # 3. S. 40.
3. Osnovy konstitucionnogo stroja stran ASEAN / Ja. L. Vanjushin, M. V. Dockevich; Ministerstvo vnutrennih del RF, Tjumenskij institut povyshenija kvalifikacii sotrudnikov. Ucheb. izd. Tjumen', 2013. S. 131-133.
4. Pogadaev V. Brunej. Kratkij spravochnik. Russkomalajskij (brunejskij) razgovornik. Moskva, 2015. Kljuch. S. 10-13.
5. Rogov A. C. Realizacija konstitucionnogo zakonodatel'stva vo vnutrennej politike Bruneja // Voprosy rossijskogo i mezhdunarodnogo prava. 2017. Tom 7. #7A. S. 154-164.
6. Rossijskaja Gazeta. Federal'nyj vypusk # 7238 (72). 5 aprelja 2017 g. S. 10.
7. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: aspx.
8. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
9. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: Bulletin on October 23. His Majesty reshufflesCabinet. R. 1.
10. Constitution of Brunei Darussalam (Amendment) Proclamation, 2004, 29 th. September, 2004. Brunei Darussalam Government Gazette. S65/04.
11. Constitutional matters I Constitution of Brunei Darussalam, printed by the Government Printing Department, Prime Ministers Office, November 2008. R. 51.
Komarova O. N.
Administrative responsibility as a measure to counter illicit drug trafficking
The article deals with the current problem of efficiency and sufficiency of administrative and legal measures to counter illicit drug trafficking. For improvement of the administrative and legal mechanism in fight against drugs modification of the legislation concerning development at consumers of drugs of motivation, to passing of a complex of actions allowing to be cured of drug dependence and to become the full – fledged, socially-useful citizen of society is offered.
Keywords: drug, drug user, marcoprofanarte, administrative responsibility, illegal drug trafficking, legal and administrative regulations.
Work bibliographic list
1. Administrativnaja otvetstvennost': uchebnik / A. B. Agapov. - 4-e izd., pererab. i dop. - M.: Izd.-vo Jurajt, 2011.
2. Bahrah D. N. Administrativnaja otvetstvennost' grazhdan SSSR. - Sverdlovsk, 1998.
3. Bahrah D. N., Renov Je. V. i dr. Administrativnaja otvetstvennost' (chast' obshhaja): Uchebnoe posobie. - Ekaterinburg, 2004. - S. 11-12.
4. Gazizov D. A. Administrativno-pravovye osnovy preduprezhdenija i presechenija miliciej pravonarushenij v sfere oborota narkoticheskih sredstv:dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. - Omsk: Omskij juridicheskij institut MVD RF, 1999.
5. Federal'nyj zakon ot 08 janv. 1998 g. # 3-FZ «O narkoticheskih sredstvah i psihotropnyh veshhestvah» // Sobr. Zakonodatel'stva Ros. Federacii.- 1998. - # 2. - st.219.
6. Federal'nyj zakon ot 25 nojab. 2013 g. # 313-FZ «O vnesenii izmenenij v otdel'nye zakonodatel'nye akty Rossijskoj Federacii» // Sobr. Zakonodatel'stva Ros. Federacii. - 2013. - # 48. - st.6161.
Keramova S. N.
Public control as a way of ensuring the rule of law in the sphere of executive power
The article discusses the legal basis of public control as a way to ensure the rule of law in the Executive branch. The author analyzes the norms of the Federal law № 212-FZ dated July 21, 2014 "on the foundations of public control in the Russian Federation", as well as certain provisions of the draft Federal law "on amendments to the Federal law "on the foundations of public control in the Russian Federation".
Perspective ways of perfection of forms of public control for the purpose of strengthening of influence on its results are defined. The research resulted in the formulation of conclusions and proposals on improvement of the administrative legislation regulating the methods of providing
of legality in the sphere of Executive power.
Keywords: public control, legality, Executive power, public administration, forms of public control, theory of administrative law.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ob osnovah obshhestvennogo kontrolja v Rossijskoj Federacii: feder. zakon Ros. Federacii ot 21 ijulja 2014 g. # 212-FZ: v red. ot 29 dek. 2017. Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy «Konsul'tantPljus».
2. Administrativnoe pravo: uchebnik. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 13.02.2018).
3. Grechina L. A. Administrativnoe pravo RF: kurs lekcij; uchebnoe posobie. M.: RG-Press, 2015.
4. Gribb V. V. Aktual'nye problemy normativnogo zakreplenija sistemy sub"ektov obshhestvennogo kontrolja v Rossijskoj Federacii // Konstitucionnoe i municipal'noe pravo. 2016. # 1. S. 13–16.
5. Zubarev S. M. Sovershenstvovanie pravovogo regulirovanija obshhestvennogo kontrolja // Lex Russica. 2017. # 4 (125). S. 145-154. S. 146.
6. Klimova O. V., Zdorovceva A. A. Obshhestvennyj kontrol' kak jelement konstitucionno-pravovogo obespechenija dejatel'nosti organov ispolnitel'noj vlasti //Uspehi sovremennoj nauki. 2017. T. 6. # 1. S. 67−73.
7. Meshherjakov G. V. Rol' obshhestvennogo kontrolja v povyshenii jeffektivnosti dejatel'nosti organov ispolnitel'noj vlasti //. Upravlencheskoe konsul'tirovanie. 2016. # 12 (96). S. 43−48.
8. Miller R. O. Institut obshhestvennogo kontrolja v Rossijskoj Federacii // Reformy i pravo. 2016. # 1. S. 3−6.
9. Semenova K. A., Aleksandrov O. G. Institucionalizacija obshhestvennyh sovetov pri federal'nyh organah ispolnitel'noj vlasti rf kak mehanizma obshhestvennogo kontrolja // gumanitarnye i obshhestvennye nauki: aktual'nye voprosy: sb. st. III mezhdunar. nauch.-prakt. konf.. 2017. S. 43−48.
10. Shuruhnova D. N., Bondar' E. O. Obshhestvennyj kontrol' za dejatel'nost'ju ispolnitel'nyh organov gosudarstvennoj vlasti sub"ekta RF // Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta MVD Rossii. 2017. # 5. S. 26−28.
Kucherova I. A., Kalashnikova E. B.
Customs control of goods containing intellectual property objects
This article examines the customs regulation and control of objects of intellectual property.
Keywords: intellectual property, civil law, private international law, customs control, counterfeit products, administrative legal mechanism, administrative and legal protection.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ukaz Prezidenta RF ot 09.03.2004 g. # 314 «O sisteme i strukture federal'nyh organov ispolnitel'noj vlasti» (s izm. na 22 ijunja 2010 goda) // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii. - 2004. - # 11. - St. 945.
2. Bek V. A., Shishmakov B. T. Tamozhennyj kontrol' v sfere torgovli ob"ektami intellektual'noj sobstvennosti: [monografija]; Federal'noe agentstvo po obrazovaniju, Gos. obrazovatel'noe uchrezhdenie vyssh. prof. obrazovanija «Tihookeansij gos. un-t»,
Avtonomnaja nekommercheskaja org. vyssh. prof. obrazovanija Centrosojuza Rossijskoj Federacii «Rossijskij un-t kooperacii, Dal'nevostochnyj fil. -Habarovsk Izd-vo TOGU, 2009.
3. Ershov A. D., Evdokimov A. I., Dolja A. N. Teorija i metodologija formirovanija «servisnoj tamozhni»: monografija. - SPb.: RIO SPb. filiala RTA, 2005. – 121 s.
4. Luk'janchikova E. N. Vina kak uslovie privlechenija k grazhdansko-pravovoj otvetstvennosti za narushenija intellektual'nyh prav. Dissertacija na soiskanie uchenoj stepeni kandidata juridicheskih nauk. - SPb., 2014. - 182 s.
5. Markina O. V. Sovershenstvovanie servisnoj funkcii tamozhennoj sluzhby kak prioritetnoe napravlenie ee razvitija // Uchenye zapiski SPb. im. V. B. Bobkova filiala RTA. - 2007
6. Novikov A. B. Koncepcija «servisnoj tamozhni» v sisteme administrativnoj reformy v Rossijskoj Federacii» // Zakonodatel'stvo i jekonomika. - 2006. - # 10.
7. Trunina E. V. Tamozhennyj kontrol': teorija, problemy, praktika // Tamozhennoe delo. - 2015. - # 3.
Marianov A. A., Aliev A. M.
Features of administrative responsibility of minors
The article deals with the problem aspects of the administrative responsibility of minors. The
author investigates the peculiarities of the administrative and legal status of minors, and also reveals the educational character of administrative responsibility.
Keywords: administrative responsibility, minors, administrative norms, administrative offense, legal status.
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon ot 21 ijulja 2011 g. # 253-FZ «O vnesenii izmenenij v otdel'nye zakonodatel'nye akty Rossijskoj Federacii v chasti usilenija mer po predotvrashheniju prodazhi nesovershennoletnim alkogol'noj produkcii» // Rossijskaja gazeta. 2011. #
161. 26 ijulja.
2. Kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ob administrativnyh pravonarushenijah» ot 30.12.2001 # 195-FZ (red. ot 09.03.2017) // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. 07.01.2002. # 1 (ch. 1). St. 1.
3. Punkt 3 Postanovlenija Plenuma Verhovnogo Suda Rossijskoj Federacii ot 24 marta 2005 g. # 5 «O nekotoryh voprosah, voznikajushhih u sudov pri primenenii Kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii ob administrativnyh pravonarushenijah» // Bjulleten' VS RF.
2005. # 6.
4. Ul'janov A. Ju. Nadzor za ispolneniem zakonodatel'stva ob oborote alkogol'noj produkcii // Zakonnost'. 2016. # 1. S. 35-37.
5. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 20.02.2018 g.).
Nedvedskaya V. A.
The implementation of the principle of fairness in the appointment punishment on affairs about administrative offences
Тhe article reveals the point of view of various scientists and administratively to the notion of "justice" and the implementation of this principle in the rules of the Russian code of administrative offences. In addition, the article discusses the use of the judges of the said principle in the appointment of administrative punishment. The author concludes about the necessity of amending the Russian Code of administrative offences with the purpose of legislative consolidation of the principle of fairness.
Keywords: the principle of justice, administrative punishment, judgment, justice.
Work bibliographic list
1. Administrativnoe pravo Rossii: uchebnik / pod V. Ja. Kikot', P. I. Kononov, I. Kiljashanov. 5-e izd., pererab. i dop. M., 2012. 759 s.
2. Aristotel'. Sochinenija v chetyreh tomah. Tom 4 / pe-rev. i red. A. I. Dovatura. M.: Mysl', 1983. 830 s.
3. Veretennikov N. N. Porjadok obzhalovanija sudebnyh postanovlenij i reshenij po delam ob administrativnyh pravonarushenijah // Rossijskoe pravosudie. 2014. # 10 (102). S. 62 – 67.
4. Vitruk N. V. Obshhaja teorija juridicheskoj otvetstvennosti: Monografija. M.: Izd-vo RAP, 2008. 309 s.
5. Davidovich V. E. Social'naja spravedlivost': ideal i princip dejatel'nosti. M.: Polit. lit., 1989. 313 s.
6. Kommentarij k Kodeksu Rossijskoj Federacii ob administrativnyh pravonarushenijah (postatejnyj)/ red. A. G. Avdejko, S. N. Antonov, I. L. Bachilo; pod obshh. red. N. G. Salishhevoj. 7-e izd. M.: Prospekt, 2011. 1296 s.
7. Koni A. F. Nravstvennye nachala v ugolovnom processe. T.4. M.: Gosjurizdat, 1967. 319 s.
8. Platon. Gosudarstvo. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: URL:// (data obrashhenija: 29.01.2018 g.).
9. Poslanie Prezidenta Rossijskoj Federacii Federal'nomu Sobraniju ot 1 dekabrja 2016 g. // Parlamentskaja gazeta. 2016. # 45.
10. Postanovlenie Konstitucionnogo Suda RF ot 14.02.2013 # 4-P «Po delu o proverke konstitucionnosti Federal'nogo zakona «O vnesenii izmenenij v Kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ob administrativnyh pravonarushenijah i Federal'nyj zakon «O sobranijah, mitingah, demonstracijah, shestvijah i piketirovanijah» v svjazi s zaprosom gruppy deputatov Gosudarstvennoj Dumy i zhaloboj grazhdanina Je.V. Savenko» // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. 2013. # 8. St. 868.
11. Sbornik nauchnyh statej III Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii «Aktual'nye problemy predprinimatel'skogo i korporativnogo prava v Rossii i za rubezhom» (25 aprelja 2016g., g. Moskva)/ pod obshh. red. S. D. Mogilevskogo, M. A. Egorovoj.
RANHiGS pri Prezidente RF, Juridicheskij fakul'tet im. M. M. Speranskogo. 463 s.
12. Ciceron. Izbrannye sochinenija. M.: Hudozhestvennaja literatura, 1975. 456 s.
13. Juridicheskij jenciklopedicheskij slovar' / red. V. N. Dodonov, O. G. Rumjancev. M.: Infra-M, 1997. 377 s.
Nurgaleev M. S.
The problem of counterfeit medicines in Russia
Тhe fight against counterfeiting is quite a complex and multifaceted task. In its decision involved the Executive authorities, law enforcement bodies, public organizations and consumers of goods. However, the end result of their activities to prevent counterfeiting is based on the provision of legislative acts of the Russian Federation on legal protection and protection of violated intellectual property rights and sanctions to prosecute for these violations.
Keywords: medicines, counterfeit products, manufacture, fight against counterfeit drugs.
Work bibliographic list
1. Vorokosova A. A. Sovremennoe sostojanie problemy fal'sifikacii lekarstvennyh sredstv i mery po protivodejstviju jetomu javleniju, prinimaemye v Rossii. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
2. Kak otlichit' poddel'nye lekarstva. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: http://kachestvo.rf/informatory/articles/134/show.
3. Kontrafaktnye lekarstvennye sredstva. [Jelektronyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
4. Problema fal'sifikacii lekarstvennyh preparatov v Rossii. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
5. Rasprostranenie kontrafaktnoj produkcii v Rossii. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
Danilov N. F.
Qualification of administrative offences in the field of protection of marine biological resources associated with violation of fishing regulations
The article describes the General conditions and the approximate sequence of actions for the qualification of offences in the field of marine biological resources protection. When correlating the objective side of the crime and the composition of the offense provided by a specific legal norm, it is proposed to take into account the ways of presenting the legal norm in the article of the law and optional features.
Attention is drawn to the effect of administrative law in time and circumstances excluding the proceedings on administrative offenses as conditions affecting the qualification.
Keywords: administrative law, blanket fashion, wine, qualifications, subject of the offense, the objective aspect, the optional sign.
Work bibliographic list
1. Kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ob administrativnyh pravonarushenijah. - M.: JeKSMO, 2015.
2. Kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ob administrativnyh pravonarushenijah. Postatejnyj nauchno-prakticheskij kommentarij (pod obshh. red. d-ra jurid. nauk, professora B. V. Rossinskogo). - «Bibliotechka RG», 2014.
3. Administrativnoe pravo Rossijskoj Federacii:uchebnik / kollektiv avtorov; pod. red. A. V. Melehina. - M.: JuSTICIJa, 2016. - 616 s.
4. Administrativnoe pravo Rossijskoj Federacii:uchebnik dlja akademicheskogo bakalavriata /Ju. I. Migachev, L. L. Popov, S. V. Tihomirov; pod. red. L.L. Popova. - 4-e izd., pererab. i dop. - M.: Izdatel'stvo Jurajt, 2016 g. – 396 s. Administrativnoe pravo:
Uchebnoe posobie / Chetverikov V. S. - 4-e izd., pererab. i dop. - M.: RIOR: INFRA-M., 2016.
5. Administrativnoe pravo: Uchebnik / B. V. Rossinskij, Ju. N. Starilov. 4-e izd., pererab. i dop. - M.:Norma, 2009. - 928 s.
6. Administrativnoe pravo: Uchebnik / M. B. Smolenkij. Izd. 2-e., ispr. i dop. – Rostov n/D.: Feniks, 2008. - 312 s.
7. Guev A. N. Kommentarij k Kodeksu ob administrativnyh pravonarushenijah. - Special'no dlja sistemy GARANT, 2010.
Pasechnik O. S.
On the issue of implementing regional environmental policy in the sphere of ensuring environmental safety on the example of the Republic of Crimea
The article considers some aspects of the implementation of regional environmental policy in the sphere of ensuring environmental safety by the example of the Republic of Crimea on the basis of research and analysis of theoretical and legislative means for the provision of environmental policy.
Key words: regional environmental policy, environmental safety, favorable environment, the Republic of Crimea, legal support, ecologically significant activity.
Work bibliographic list
1. «Konstitucija Rossijskoj Federacii» (prinjata vsenarodnym golosovaniem 12.12.1993) // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. – 2014. – # 31. – St. 4398.
2. Ukaz Prezidenta RF ot 19 aprelja 2017 g. # 176 «O strategii jekologicheskoj bezopasnosti Rossijskoj Federacii na period do 2025» // Oficial'nyj Sajt kompanii «Konsul'tantPljus». [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
3. Ukaz Prezidenta Rossijskoj Federacii ot 31 dekabrja 2015 g. # 683 «O Strategii nacional'noj bezopasnosti Rossijskoj Federacii»// Oficial'nyj Sajt kompanii «Konsul'tantPljus». [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim
cons_doc_LAW_191669/ (data obrashhenija: 25.03.2018).
4. Federal'nyj zakon ot 28ijunja 2014 g. # 172-FZ «O strategicheskom planirovanii v Rossijskoj Federacii» // Oficial'nyj Sajt kompanii «Konsul'tant-Pljus». [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim (data obrashhenija: 25.03.2018).
5. Ezhegodnyj doklad o sostojanii i ohrane okruzhajushhej sredy na territorii Respubliki Krym v 2016 godu Minprirody Kryma prizyvaet k zashhite i ohrane vodnyh resursov // Oficial'nyj Sajt Minprirody Respubliki Krym. [Jelektronnyj resurs] – Rezhim dostupa:
6. Zhochkina I. A. Regional'noe gosudarstvennoe jekologicheskoe upravlenija: koncepcija sovremennogo mehanizma pravovogo regulirovanija: Avtoref. diss. .kand. jurid. nauk. 12.00.06. – M., 2016. – 45 c.
7. Nacional'nye proekty: ot stabilizacii - k razvitiju. Otkliki i kommentarii. 21 janvarja 2017 god //Oficial'nyj Sajt Minprirody Respubliki Krym.[Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
8. Prezident V. V. Putin i D. A. Medvedev ob jekologicheskoj bezopasnosti Rossii. 2013 god. [Jelektronnyj resurs] – Rezhim dostupa:
Ryshkova L. V.
Ecologization of certain branches of the RF law:legal problems
The article considers some aspects of the implementation of the requirements of environmental legislation in the state's environmental policy, as well as in related branches of law on the basis of research and analysis of general theoretical and legislative provisions of the system of Russian legislation.
Keywords: public interest, environmental policy, environmental protection, land law, urban legislation.
Work bibliographic list
1. Gradostroitel'nyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ot 29.12.2004 # 190-FZ // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF.- 2005.- # 1 (chast' 1).- st. 16.
2. Zemel'nyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ot 25 oktjabrja 2001 g. # 136-FZ: // Sobr. zakonodatel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii. – 2001. — # 44.– st. 4147.
3. O Strategii jekologicheskoj bezopasnosti Rossijskoj Federacii na period do 2025 goda: Ukaz Prezidenta RF ot 19.04.2017 # 176 // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. - 2017. - # 17.- st. 2546.
4. O strategicheskom planirovanii v Rossijskoj Federacii: Federal'nyj zakon ot 28.06.2014 # 172-FZ // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. - 2014.- # 26 (chast' I).-s t. 3378.
5. Ob ohrane okruzhajushhej sredy: Federal'nyj zakon ot 10.01.2002 # 7-FZ // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. - 2002. - # 2. - st. 133.
6. O Klimaticheskoj doktrine Rossijskoj Federacii: Rasporjazhenie Prezidenta RF ot 17.12.2009 # 861-rp // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. - 2009. - # 51. - st. 6305.
7. Ob utverzhdenii Strategii sohranenija redkih i nahodjashhihsja pod ugrozoj ischeznovenija vidov zhivotnyh, rastenij i gribov v Rossijskoj Federacii: Rasporjazhenie Pravitel'stva RF ot 17.02.2014 # 212-r //Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. - 2014. - # 9. - st. 927.
8. Ob Jekologicheskoj doktrine Rossijskoj Federacii: Rasporjazhenie Pravitel'stva RF ot 31.08.2002 # 1225-r // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF.- 2002.- # 36.- st. 3510.
9. Konceptual'nye osnovy formirovanie sistemy dokumentov strategicheskogo planirovanija regional'nogo razvitija: Ministerstvo jekonomicheskogo razvitija RF. // Ofic. sajt. [Jelektronnyj resurs].– Rezhim dostupa:
10. Vasil'eva M. I. Publichnye interesy v jekologicheskom prave. Teorija i praktika pravovogo regulirovanija: Avtoreferat dissertacii na soiskanie uchenoj stepeni doktora juridicheskih nauk. Special'nost' 12.00.06 - Prirodoresursnoe pravo; Agrarnoe pravo; Jekologicheskoe pravo. − M., 2003. − 44 s.
Shinkarev V. V.
Contesting cadastral value land
The article discusses the mechanism of contesting the value of the land, stages, procedures
and possible consequences in case of disagreement with the value determined by the competent
authorities, as well as the grounds for the review of such results and the procedure for use in case of change of the cadastral value of land.
Keywords: cadastral value, the revision of the results of the cadastral value, the judicial procedure for challenging.
Work bibliographic list
1. Zemel'nyj kodeks RF.
2. Kodeks administrativnogo sudoproizvodstva RF.
3. Federal'nyj zakon ot 29 ijulja 1998 g. # 135-FZ «Ob ocenochnoj dejatel'nosti v Rossijskoj Federacii».
4. Postanovlenie Plenuma Verhovnogo Suda RF ot 30.06.2015 # 28 «O nekotoryh voprosah, voznikajushhih pri rassmotrenii sudami del ob osparivanii rezul'tatov opredelenija kadastrovoj stoimosti ob"ektov nedvizhimosti».
Petrov I. V., Dementeeva I. I.
Concept and essence of pre-legal responsibility on civil legislation of the Russian Federation
The article considers changes in the norms of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation regulating
legal relations arising in the negotiation process when concluding a contract, questions of liability in case of violation of the interests of the parties at the pre-contract stage.
Keywords: agreement, conclusion of contract, responsibility, negotiations, pre-contractual relations, offense, losses.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bogdanov V. V. Grazhdansko-pravovaja otvetstvennost' v preddogovornyh otnoshenijah // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. - 2010. - # 2.
2. Komarickij V. S. Pravovoe regulirovanie preddogovornoj otvetstvennosti po zakonodatel'stvu Rossijskoj Federacii: dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. - M.‚2016.
3. Kucher A. N. Teorija i praktika preddogovornogo jetapa: juridicheskij aspekt. - M.: Statut‚ 2005.
4. Fovark-Kosson B. Peregovory o zakljuchenii i peresmotre dogovora: francuzskaja perspektiva // Vestnik VAS RF. - 2013. - # 2.
Prizhennikova A. N.
Crypto currency is the object of civil rights?
The article examines the crypto currency from the point of view of civil legal relations, analyzes
the draft federal law "On digital financial assets", suggests options to integrate bitcoin into the existing legal system.
Keywords: сrypto currency, block, civil rights, money, smart contract.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bel'skij K. S. K voprosu o ponjatii denezhnoj sistemy Rossijskoj Federacii // Finansovoe pravo. 2005. # 8. S. 3-6 // SPS «Konsul'tant Pljus».
2. Bondarenko D. D. Virtual'nye valjuty: sushhnost' i bor'ba s ih ispol'zovaniem v prestupnyh celjah (na primere SShA) // SPS «Konsul'tant Pljus».
3. Genkin A. S. Planeta Web-deneg. M., 2003. S. 256 //SPS «Konsul'tant Pljus».
4. Grazhdanskoe pravo: ucheb. Ch. 1 / pod red. A. P. Sergeeva, Ju. K. Tolstogo.
5. Kuznecov V. A., Jakubov A. V. O podhodah v mezhdunarodnom regulirovanii kriptovaljut (BITCOIN) v otdel'nyh inostrannyh jurisdikcijah // Den'gi i kredit. 2016. # 3. S. 20-29 // SPS «Konsul'tant Pljus».
6. Ovsejko S. Juridicheskaja priroda jelektronnyh deneg // Jurist. 2007. # 9. S. 30-37 // SPS «Konsul'tant Pljus».
7. Perov V. A. Kriptovaljuta kak ob"ekt grazhdanskogo prava // Grazhdanskoe pravo. 2017. # 5. S. 8. // SPS«Konsul'tant Pljus».
8. Savel'ev A. I. Nekotorye pravovye aspekty ispol'zovanija smart-kontraktov i blokchejn-tehnologij po rossijskomu pravu // Zakon. 2017. # 5 // SPS “Konsul'tant Pljus».
9. Strasti po bitkoinu: chem opasna samaja dorogaja valjuta v mire. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:http: // (data obrashhenija: 14.03.2018 g.).
10. Act to Amend Parts of the Bank Act and Other Acts in Order to Correspond with Changes in the Environment Made by Information and Communications Technologies, Act No. 62 of 2016, KANPO, Extra No. 123 (June 3, 2016).
11. Application of FinCEN’s Regulations to Persons Administering, Exchanging, or Using Virtual Currencies, FIN-2013-G001, Issued: March 18, 2013.
Saprunov A. G., Chapurko T. M., Narushevich A. S.
Political and legal view on the problems civil-legal or criminal-legal liability on the fact of “findings”
The authors note that civil law and criminal law, being one of the main branches of the Russian legal system, differently define the concept of responsibility for the "find". In the article the definitions are given and their common and distinctive features and problems are considered.
Keywords: find, forgotten thing, theft, civil liability, criminal liability.
Work bibliographic list
1. Grazhdanskij kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii (chast' 1):Federal'nyj zakon ot 30 nojabrja 1994 goda # 51-FZ (s izm i dop 2017 gola) // Rossijskaja gazeta. 1994. 3 dek.
2. Grazhdanskij kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii (chast' 2): Federal'nyj zakon ot 26 janvarja 1996g. # 14-FZ (s izm i dop 2017g) // Rossijskaja gazeta. 1996. 30 janv.
3. Ugolovnyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii: Federal'nyj zakon ot 13 ijunja 1996 goda # 63-FZ (s imz i dop 2017 g.) // Rossijskaja gazeta. 1996. 15 ijunja.
4. Postanovlenie Prezidiuma Rostovskogo oblastnogo suda ot 09.07.2015 # 44U-1312015 // Konsul'tant Pljus spravochnaja pravovaja sistema. – [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 15.02.2018 g.).
5. Postanovlenie Plenuma Verhovnogo Suda RF «O sudebnoj praktike po delam o krazhe, grabezhe i razboe» ot 27 dekabrja 2002 goda (s izm. i dop. 6.02.2007g., 23.12.2010g., 3.03.2015g., 24.05.2016g., 16.05.2017g. // Rossijskaja gazeta. 2002. 31.12.
6. Kassacionnoe opredelenie Verhovnogo Suda Rossijskoj Federacii ot 19.04.2017g. # 75-UD17-2 // Konsul'tant Pljus spravochnaja pravovaja sistema. – [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 13.03.2018 g.).
7. Tokovyj slovar' inostrannyh slov v russkom jazyke.- Smolensk: Rusich, 2001.
8. Shershenevich G. F. Uchebnik russkogo grazhdanskogo prava (po izdaniju 1907g.). - M.: Firma «SPARK», 1995.
Kudinov S. V.
Responsibility of state bodies and officials for illegal actions
The article deals with the peculiarities of the responsibility of state authorities and officials to entrepreneurs on the basis of the peculiarities of engaging entrepreneurs in entrepreneurial activities.
Keywords: entrepreneurship, responsibility, state bodies, officials, illegal actions or inaction.
Work bibliographic list
1. Konstitucija Rossijskoj Federacii. (prinjata vsenarodnym golosovaniem 12.12.1993) (s uchetom popravok, vnesennyh Zakonami RF o popravkah k Konstitucii RF ot 30.12.2008 # 6-FKZ, ot 30.12.2008 # 7-FKZ, ot 05.02.2014 # 2-FKZ, ot 21.07.2014 # 11-FKZ). [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: Jelektronnaja baza «Konsul'tant»: (data obrashhenija: 12.02.2018 g.).
2. Arbitrazhnyj processual'nyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii” ot 24.07.2002 # 95-FZ (red. ot 28.12.2017).
3. Grazhdanskij kodeks RF (chast' chetvertaja) ot 18.12.2006 g. # 230-FZ (v red. ot 23.07.2013) // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. 2006. # 52 (1 ch.).
4. Grazhdanskij processual'nyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii) # 138-FZ ot 14.11.2002 (red. ot 28.12.2017).
5. Danilec A. V. Maloe predprinimatel'stvo, stanovoj hrebet «srednego klassa» strany // Geopoliticheskij monitoring Rossii. Vyp. 12 SPb., 2017.
6. Kun A. P. Vozmeshhenie vreda, prichinennogo grazhdaninu aktami vlasti: Avtoref. dis. kand. jurid. nauk. L., 1984. 18 s.
7. Maskaeva I. I. Problemy vozmeshhenija vreda, kotoryj prichenen dejstviem ili bezdejstviem ili resheniem gosudarstvennyh organov i ih dolzhnostnyh lic v oblasti administrativnogo processa. KiberLeninka. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
Marianov A. A., Mirzaev Z. M.
The role of guardianship bodies and guardianship in the system of protection of rights minors
The article is devoted to the activity of the guardianship and trusteeship bodies for the protection
of the rights of the child.
Keywords: guardianship and trusteeship bodies, legal status, functions, powers, protection of
children's rights, family.
Work bibliographic list
1. Grazhdanskij kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii (chast' pervaja) ot 30 nojabrja 1994 g. # 51-FZ (v red. ot 27.12.2009) // SZ RF. 1994. # 32. St. 3301.
2. Semejnyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ot 29.12.1995 # 223-FZ (red. ot 23.12.2010 # 386-FZ) // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. 1996. # 1. St. 16.
3. Federal'nyj zakon ot 24.04.2008 # 48-FZ «Ob opeke i popechitel'stve» // SZ RF. 2008. # 17. St. 1755.
4. Egorova O. A. Realizacija zhilishhnyh prav rebenka:problemy teorii i praktiki: Avtoref. dis. ... kand. jurid. nauk. M., 2008. S. 11.
5. Postanovlenie Evropejskogo suda po pravam cheloveka ot 18 aprelja 2013 g. «Delo «Ageevy (Ageyevy) protiv Rossijskoj Federacii» (zhaloba # 7075/10), p. 123 // Bjulleten' Evropejskogo suda po pravam cheloveka. 2014.
Aliev M. A., Huseynova L. V.
Issues of correlation of freedom of contract in Russian and foreign legislation
In this article, we consider the essence and normative-legal consolidation of the principle of
freedom of contract, as well as its manifestation in some countries. An attempt is made to compare and analyze the freedom of the treaty in Anglo-American law and in various states, namely France, Germany, Ukraine and the Republic of Yemen.
Keywords: Treaty, freedom of contract, contractual law of foreign states, restriction of freedom of contract, elements of freedom of contract.
Work bibliographic list
1. Al'-Shhabuti Noval' Saiv Muhammad. Svoboda dogovora po grazhdanskomu zakonodatel'stvu Jemenskoj Respubliki: avtoreferat. M., 2002. S. 2-3.
2. Braginskij M. I., Vitrjanskij V. V. Dogovornoe pravo: Obshhie polozhenija. M.: Statut, 2003 // SPS «Konsul'tant pljus».
3. Volos A. A. Svoboda dogovora v prave zarubezhnyh gosudarstv: nekotorye aspekty // Aktual'nye problemy juridicheskoj nauki i praktiki. # 3 (10). 2014.
4. Kaminskaja E. I. Svoboda dogovora v Francuzskom grazhdanskom kodekse: Osobennosti juridicheskoj tehniki i sistemnogo podhoda // Zhurnal zarubezhnogo zakonodatel'stva i sravnitel'nogo pravovedenija. # 6. 2014. S. 1026.
5. Karapetov A. G., Savel'ev A. I. Svoboda dogovora i ee predely: V 2 t. M., 2012. T. 1. Teoreticheskie, istoricheskie i politiko-pravovye osnovanija principa svobody dogovora i ego ogranichenij // SPS «Konsul'tant pljus».
Gadzhiakhmedova M. N.
Historical background of the legal structure of the unified real estate complex
The scientific article is devoted to such a legal structure as a single immovable complex. The author considers how domestic law historically came to recognize the totality of movable and immovable things in a certain connection with each other, a single real thing in the form in which it is presented now as a new object of civil rights – a United real estate complex.
Keywords: unified real estate complex, movable and immovable property, the company, registration rights, civil turnover of real estate.
Work bibliographic list
1. Sobranie zakonodatel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii. 2013. # 27. St. 3434.
2. Averchenko N. N. Pravovoj rezhim slozhnyh veshhej:Avtoref. dis. ... kand. jurid. nauk. SPb., 2005.
3. Vedomosti SND i VS SSSR. 1991. # 26. St. 733.
4. Dimitriev M. A. Kompleksy nedvizhimogo imushhestva kak ob"ekty grazhdanskih prav: avtoreferat dis.… kand. jurid. nauk. Ekaterinburg, 2011.
5. Druzhinina Ju. F. Edinyj nedvizhimyj kompleks-vozvrat k starym idejam // Vestnik Kemerovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. 2015. # 2-2 (62).
6. Kodifikacija rossijskogo grazhdanskogo prava. Ekaterinburg, 2003.
7. Mejer D. I. Russkoe grazhdanskoe pravo. M.: Statut,2003.
8. Rimskoe chastnoe pravo. Uchebnik / Pod red. I. B. Novickogo, I. B. Pereterskogo. M.: Jurist, 2004.
9. Sergeev A. P. Ob"ekty grazhdanskih prav // Grazhdanskoe pravo. Uchebnik. Pod red. A. P. Sergeeva, Ju. K. Tolstogo. Izd. 6-e per. i dop. T. I. M.: Prospekt, 2004.
10. Sinajskij V. I. Russkoe grazhdanskoe pravo. M.: Statut, 2002.
11. Jelektronnyj resurs. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 11.03.2018 g.).
Senicheva V. N.
Non-commercial organizations as corporations on Russian civil law
The article examines the peculiarities of the legal status of non-profit corporate organizations, analyzes the norms of civil legislation that determine the basis for the legal regulation of the activities of non-profit corporations, as well as doctrinal approaches to studying the problems of the legal status of these entities. Particular attention is paid to the civil-law status of non-profit organizations, the relationship between the concepts of «entrepreneurial» and «income-generating activities».
Keywords: non-profit organization, corporation, entrepreneurial activity, income-generating activity.
Work bibliographic list
1. Grazhdanskij kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii (chast' pervaja): Feder. zakon ot 30.11.1994 # 51-FZ (red. ot 29.12.2017) // Sobr. zakonodatel'stva Ros. Federacii.– 1994. – # 32. – St. 3301.
2. Koncepcija razvitija grazhdanskogo zakonodatel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii (odobrena resheniem Soveta pri Prezidente Rossijskoj Federacii po kodifikacii i sovershenstvovaniju grazhdanskogo zakonodatel'stva ot 07.10.2009) // Vestnik VAS RF. – 2009. –# 11.
3. O nekommercheskih organizacijah: Feder. zakon # 7-FZ ot 12.01.1996 g. // Rossijskaja gazeta. – 1996. – 24 janvarja. – # 14.
4. O primenenii sudami nekotoryh polozhenij razdela I chasti pervoj Grazhdanskogo kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii: Postanovlenie Plenuma Verhovnogo Suda RF ot 23 ijunja 2015 g. # 25 // Rossijskaja gazeta. – # 140. – 30.06.2015.
5. Sesjavin E. A. Ponjatija «nekommercheskaja organizacija», «social'no-orientirovannaja nekommercheskaja organizacija» i «tretij sektor» v Rossii // Fundamental'nye prikladnye issledovanija v sovremennom mire. Materialy IX Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii.
6. Sojfer T. V. Jekonomicheskaja dejatel'nost' nekommercheskih organizacij i ee grazhdansko-pravovoe obespechenie // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. – 2016. – # 1. – S. 22-30.
Ulaeva N. L.
Differentiation of defects of professional medical activity at the provision of medical services as a civil legal category
The article substantiates the main groups of defects in professional activity and their impact on the onset of civil liability in the framework of rendering medical services as a civil law category in Russia.
Keywords: medical services, defects of professional medical activity, accident – "casus", medical (medical) mistakes, tort, innocent, contractual and tort liability, compensation for damages.
Work bibliographic list
1. Grazhdanskij Kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii. Chasti pervaja, vtoraja, tret'ja, chetvertaja (tekst Kodeksa privoditsja po sostojaniju na 01.02.2018 g.). M.: Omega-L, 2018. 622 s.
2. Ugolovnyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ot 13.06.1996 # 63-FZ (red. ot 31.12.2017 # 501-FZ) // SZ RF. 1996. # 25. St. 2954; 2017. # 31. St. 4799.
3. Zakon Rossijskoj Federacii ot 07.02.1992 # 2300-1 (red. ot 01.05.2017 # 88-FZ) «O zashhite prav potrebitelej» // VSND RF i VS RF. 1992. # 15. St. 766; SZ RF. 2017. # 18. St. 2665.
4. Ulaeva N. L. Sushhnost' i specifika grazhdansko-pravovoj otvetstvennosti v sfere okazanija medicinskih uslug // Aktual'nye problemy razvitija grazhdanskogo prava i processa na sovremennom jetape:materialy II Vserossijskoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii, 12 fevralja 2015 g. Krasnodar: Krasnodarskij universitet MVD Rossii, 2015. S. 274.
5. Tihomirov A. V. Vred ot vrachebnyh dejstvij (jatrogennyj delikt) // Zdravoohranenie. 2000. # 11. S.149-164.
6. Ulaeva N. L. Dogovor vozmezdnogo okazanija medicinskih uslug v Rossii: uchebnoe posobie. Krasnodar:Krasnodarskij universitet MVD Rossii, 2015.
Churakova E. N., Loshkarev A. V., Kuzmina A. V.
The issue of the information code of the Russian Federation
In the article on the basis of multifaceted approaches to the question of codification of legal material in the information right and the appropriateness of the sectoral code, authors express their
point of view for the Information Code of the Russian Federation.
Keywords: information law, information code, legislation, codification, digital economy, information and legal space.
Work bibliographic list
1. Borisov A. B. Bol'shoj juridicheskij slovar'. M.:Knizhnyj mir, 2010. 848 s.
2. Zherebin V. S. Problemy pravovoj konfliktologii:Dis. ... dokt. jurid. nauk. N. Novgorod, 2001.
3. Koncepcija Informacionnogo kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii / Pod red. I. L. Bachilo. M.: IGP RAN; Kanon ROOI «Reabilitacija», 2014. 192 s.
4. Levenchuk A. I. Utrom Koncepcija s principami, vecherom informacionnyj kodeks. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 05.02.2018).
5. Morozov A. V., Poljakova T. A., Filatova L. V. Jetapy i problemy formirovanija edinogo informacionno-pravovogo prostranstva Rossii // Informacionnoe pravo. 2012. # 1. S. 3-6.
6. Poljakova T. A. Infoforum 2018. 1-2 fevralja 2018. Moskva. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 05.02.2018).
7. Rihter A. G. Chinovniki pishut informacionnyj kodeks. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 06.02.2018).
8. Talapina Je. V. Modernizacija gosudarstvennogo upravlenija v informacionnom obshhestve: informacionno-pravovoe issledovanie: Dis. … dokt jurid. nauk. M., 2015.
9. Travnikov N. O. Osnovnye jetapy stanovlenija prav lichnosti v informacionnoj sfere // Sovremennoe pravo. 2016. # 2. S. 43-47.
10. Chebotareva A. A. Teoretiko-pravovye problemy zakonodatel'nogo obespechenija informacionnyh prav i svobod // Juridicheskij mir. 2015. # 1. S. 49-53.
11. Chebotareva A. A. Teoretiko-pravovye problemy zakonodatel'nogo obespechenija informacionnyh prav i svobod. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 06.02.2018).
Gadzhiemenov T. B.
Joint bankruptcy of individuals
The article deals with issues related to the peculiarities of bankruptcy of subjects of the joint property regime. The emphasis is on theoretical problems. The existing legal regulation is analyzed, and ways of development of the legislation in the investigated legal relations are offered.
Keywords: Bankruptcy, complicity in the bankruptcy, jointly acquired property of the spouses, joint bankruptcy of the spouses.
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon ot 26.10.2002 # 127-FZ (red. ot 07.03.2018) «O nesostojatel'nosti (bankrotstve)» // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. 28.10.2002. # 43. St. 4190.
2. Arbitrazhnyj processual'nyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ot 24.07.2002 # 95-FZ (red. ot 28.12.2017) // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. 29.07.2002. # 30. St. 3012.
3. Grazhdanskij kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii (chast' pervaja) ot 30.11.1994 # 51-FZ (red. ot 29.12.2017) //Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. 05.12.1994. # 32. St.3301.
4. Semejnyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ot 29.12.1995 # 223-FZ (red. ot 29.12.2017) // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. 01.01.1996. # 1. St. 16.
5. Opredelenie Arbitrazhnogo suda Zabajkal'skogo kraja ot 15.01.2016 po delu # A78-15512/2015. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
6. Opredelenie AS Zabajkal'skogo kraja ot 02.12.2016 po delu # A78-15833/2016. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. –Rezhim dostupa:
7. Opredelenie AS Irkutskoj oblasti ot 07.11.2016 po delu # A19-7507/2016. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
8. Opredelenie AS Irkutskoj oblasti ot 21.11.2016 po delu # A19-9333/2016. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
9. Opredelenie AS Nizhegorodskoj oblasti ot 07.12.2016 po delu # A43-28280/2016. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
10. Opredelenie AS Nizhegorodskoj oblasti ot 07.12.2016 po delu # A43-28280/2016. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
11. Postanovlenie Devjatogo arbitrazhnogo apelljacionnogo suda ot 16.05.2016 po delu # A40-36201/16.[Jelektronnyj resurs] – Rezhim dostupa:
12. Postanovlenie Plenuma VAS RF ot 30.06.2011 # 51 (red. ot 06.06.2014) «O rassmotrenii del o bankrotstve individual'nyh predprinimatelej». [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
13. Reshenie Arbitrazhnogo suda Novosibirskoj oblasti ot 09.11.2015 po delu # A45-20897/2015. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
14. Amelin A. Sovmestnoe bankrotstvo suprugov: aktual'nye problemy // Hozjajstvo i pravo. 2018. # 1 (492). S. 106-112.
15. Astafurov A. Ju. Osobennosti pravovogo regulirovanija imushhestvennyh i processual'nyh prav suprugov pri bankrotstve odnogo iz nih // Arbitrazhnyj i grazhdanskij process. 2017. # 11. S. 41-44.
16. Volgina O. A., Hisamova R. V. Sovmestnoe bankrotstvo suprugov v Rossii: kak osushhestvit' ego na praktike i kakaja ot jetogo pol'za // Zakon. 2017. # 2. S. 65-74.
17. Edinyj Federal'nyj reestr svedenij o bankrotstve. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
18. Zemljanova O. A., Storozheva A. N. Semejnoe bankrotstvo kak sposob uregulirovanija spora, po voprosam realizacii sovmestno nazhitogo imushhestva // V sbornike: Novoe slovo v nauke i praktike. Sbornik statej po materialam III mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. 2017. S. 85-89.
19. Kanukova I. S. Bankrotstvo fizicheskih lic – suprugov // V sbornike: Issledovanie razlichnyh napravlenij sovremennoj nauki. Materialy XXI Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. V 2-h chastjah. 2017. S. 327-328.
20. Kapranova T. S. Realizacija sovmestno nazhitogo imushhestva suprugov v procedure bankrotstva grazhdanina // Leningradskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2017. # 3 (49). S. 125-135.
21. Krysanov E. R. Aktual'nye problemy pravovogo rezhima obshhej sobstvennosti suprugov // Jekonomika i socium. 2017. # 10 (41). S. 594-598.
22. Rekomendacii nauchno-konsul'tativnogo soveta pri Arbitrazhnom sude Severo-Zapadnogo okruga po itogam zasedanija 22-23 sentjabrja 2016 g. (g. Vologda).[Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
23. Ruzanova V. D. Formy vzaimodejstvija norm semejnogo i grazhdanskogo prava v regulirovanii imushhestvennyh otnoshenij mezhdu suprugami // Aktual'nye problemy rossijskogo prava. 2017. # 5 (78). S. 126-130.
24. Hljustov P. V. Sovmestnoe imushhestvo suprugov: problemy formirovanija konkursnoj massy grazhdanina-bankrota // Zakon. 2015. # 12. S. 63-72.__
Gadzhiakhmedova M. N.
The place of the uniform real estate complex in system of objects of real estate
The article deals with the concept of a single complex of real estate, its features, as well as the legal regulation of this category in civil law. The characteristic of the legal nature of a single real estate complex is given. The author considers the question of correlation of a single real estate complex as an object of civil rights with other objects of real estate involved in civil turnover as complex objects.
Keywords: unified real estate complex, movable and immovable property, the company, registration rights, civil turnover of real estate.
Work bibliographic list
1. Anisimov A. P., Narushkevich S. V., Ryzhenkov A. Ja. Imushhestvennyj kompleks kak ob"ekt grazhdanskih prav: voprosy teorii i praktiki // Zakony Rossii: opyt, analiz, praktika. 2011. # 5.
2. Belov V. A. Imushhestvennye kompleksy. Ocherk teorii i opyt dogmaticheskoj konstrukcii po rossijskomu grazhdanskomu pravu. M., 2004. S. 73 // Cit. po:Javorskaja S. A., Efremov E. N., Balashova Zh. I. Imushhestvennyj kompleks kak novyj ob"ekt grazhdanskih prav. Aktual'nye problemy grazhdanskogo prava: potrebnosti grazhdanskogo obshhestva i gosudarstva: Materialy II Vserossijskoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. Saransk, 2015.
3. Druzhinina Ju. F. O perspektivah vkljuchenija edinogo nedvizhimogo kompleksa v grazhdanskij oborot //Vestnik Omskogo universiteta. 2014. # 3 (40).
4. Kommentarij k Grazhdanskomu kodeksu RF, chasti pervoj / Pod red. T. E. Abovoj i A. Ju. Kabalkina M.:Jurajt-Izdat, 2007.
5. Kuz'mina I. D. Pravovoj rezhim zdanij i sooruzhenij kak ob"ektov nedvizhimosti: Avtoref. diss....dokt. jurid. nauk. Tomsk, 2004.
6. Lapteva A. M. Imushhestvennye kompleksy v kommercheskom oborote: Avtoref. dis. … kand. jurid. nauk.SPb., 2010.
7. Narushkevich S. V. Imushhestvennyj kompleks v grazhdanskom prave Rossii: Avtoref. dis. ... kand. jurid.nauk. Volgograd, 2006.
8. Stepanov S. A. Nedvizhimoe imushhestvo v grazhdanskom prave. M.: Statut, 2004.
9. Suhanov E. A. O ponjatii nedvizhimosti i ego vlijanii na inye grazhdansko-pravovye kategorii // Vestnik grazhdanskogo prava. 2008. # 4.
10. Hatuncev O. A. Sub"ektivnye veshhnye prava na nedvizhimosti, prochno svjazannye s zemlej // Pravo i politika. 2014. # 12.
11. Chubarov V. V. Problemy pravovogo regulirovanija nedvizhimogo imushhestva: Avtoref. dis. ... dokt. Jurid nauk. M., 2006.
Zakharov V. V.
The concept of the civil law term
The article is devoted to the category «civil law term» in civil law. In this article various approaches to definition of the «civil law term» concept are analyzed. The concept of «civil law term» is multifaceted, and as a result, it does not fully allow it to be revealed with the help of the definitions given by experts in the field of civil law.
Keywords: time, forms of manifestation of time, substantive law, procedural law, civil law term.
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon ot 21.07.2005 # 108-FZ «O Vserossijskoj sel'skohozjajstvennoj perepisi» // «Rossijskaja gazeta». # 161. 26.07.2005.
2. Federal'nyj zakon ot 17.07.1999 # 176-FZ «O pochtovoj svjazi» // «Rossijskaja gazeta». # 140-
3. Zakon RF ot 07.02.1992 # 2300-1 «O zashhite prav potrebitelej» // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. 15.01.1996. # 3. st. 140.
4. Prikaz Minfina Rossii ot 30.03.2001 # 26n «Ob utverzhdenii Polozhenija po buhgalterskomu uchetu «Uchet osnovnyh sredstv» PBU 6/01» (Zaregistrirovano v Minjuste Rossii 28.04.2001 # 2689) // SPS «Konsul'tantPljus».
5. Abramchik L. Ja., Burcev D. G. Ponjatie i klassifikacija srokov obespechenija finansovyh objazatel'stv:opyt Respubliki Belarus' i Rossijskoj Federacii// Sovremennoe pravo. 2016. # 8. S. 120-127.
6. Administrativnoe sudoproizvodstvo: Uchebnik dlja studentov vysshih uchebnyh zavedenij po napravleniju «Jurisprudencija» (specialist, bakalavr, magistr) / A. V. Absaljamov, D. B. Abushenko, S. K. Zagajnova i dr.; pod red. V. V. Jarkova. M.: Statut, 2016. 560 s.
7. Arbitrazh v SSSR. Obshhie polozhenija: Uchebnoe posobie / Otv. red. M. A. Gurvich, M. S. Fal'kovich. M., 1970.
8. Arhipov A. A. Sroki v nalogovom prave. M.: Statut,2011.
9. Badikov D. A. Grazhdansko-pravovye sroki v predprinimatel'skih otnoshenijah: Dis. ... kand. jurid. nauk: 12.00.03. M., 2005. 213 s.
10. Gadzhiev V.A. Sroki v nasledstvennom prave: Dis. ...kand. jurid. nauk. Rjazan', 2006. 191 s.
11. Grazhdanskij process: ucheb. dlja vuzov / pod red. M. K. Treushnikova. M.: Gorodec, 2008.
12. Gribanov V. I. Sroki v grazhdanskom prave. M., 1967.
13. Zhgunova A. V. Sroki v sovetskom grazhdanskom prave:Dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. Sverdlovsk, 1971. 163 s.
14. Isaeva E. V. Processual'nye sroki v grazhdanskom i arbitrazhnom processe: ucheb.-praktich. posobie. M.:Volters Kluver, 2005. 224 s.
15. Kartashov A. A. Sroki v konstitucionnom prave RF:Dis. ... kand. jurid. nauk. M., 2008. 172 s.
16. Kokova L. R. Sroki v trudovom prave: avtoref. dis. …kand. jurid. nauk. M., 2007.
17. Malikov S. V. Sroki v ugolovnom prave: Dis. ... kand.jurid. nauk. M., 2009. 215 s.
18. Maslov I. V. Pravovaja reglamentacija ugolovno-processual'nyh srokov (dosudebnoe proizvodstvo). M.:Jurlitinform, 2004. 160 s.
19. Mezhdunarodnyj standart finansovoj otchetnosti(IAS) 16 «Osnovnye sredstva» (vveden v dejstvie na territorii Rossijskoj Federacii prikazom Minfina Rossii ot 28.12.2015 # 217n) // SPS «Konsul'tantPljus».
20. Mezhdunarodnyj standart finansovoj otchetnosti (IAS) 17 «Arenda» (vveden v dejstvie na territorii Rossijskoj Federacii Prikazom Minfina Rossii ot 28.12.2015 # 217n) // SPS «Konsul'tantPljus».
21. Panova I. V. Proizvodstvo po delam ob administrativnyh pravonarushenijah: Monografija. Saratov, 1999.
22. Semejnoe pravo. Jelektronnyj uchebnik. 2010. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. –Rezhim dostupa:
23. Stahovskij D. V. O ponjatii srokov v administrativnom prave // Biznes v zakone. 2012. # 2. S.176-180.
Ksionstik L. V., Rodionov L. A.
Invalidity of transactions made with flaw in the will
The article deals with the basis of legality of civil transactions proceeding from the presumption
of conformity of will and expression of will. The vicious will is justified as a ground for invalidating the transaction.
Keywords: will, will, transaction, invalidity, Vice of will, imaginary, fictitious, delusion.
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon ot 30.11.1994 # 51-FZ Grazhdanskij kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii: (v red. ot 31.01.2016) // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. - 1996. - # 5. - St. 1110-1296.
2. Federal'nyj zakon ot 7 maja 2013 goda # 100-FZ «O vnesenii izmenenij v podrazdely 4 i 5 razdela I chasti pervoj i stat'ju 1153 chasti tret'ej Grazhdanskogo kodeksa RF» // Rossijskaja gazeta. – 2013. – 13 maja. – S. 5.
3. Federal'nyj zakon ot 08.03.2015 goda # 42-FZ «O vnesenii izmenenij v chast' pervuju Grazhdanskogo kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii! [Jelektronnyj resurs]:// Kompanija «Konsul'tantPljus».
4. Alekseev A. A. Zloupotreblenie pravom v civilisticheskom processe Rossii // Vestnik JuUrGU. Serija«Pravo». - 2017. - # 1. - S. 51–55.
5. Goloborodkina E. V. Osporimye sdelki kak vid nedejstvitel'nyh sdelok // Vestnik Bashkirskogo universiteta. - 2013. - T. 18. - # 2. - S. 587-588.
6. El'cov V. N. Nekotorye problemy praktiki primenenija norm o posledstvijah sdelki, sovershennoj s cel'ju, zavedomo protivnoj osnovam pravoporjadka ili nravstvennosti // Vestnik Tambovskogo universiteta. - 2015. - # 8 (148). - S. 140-144.
7. Sadikov O. N. Nedejstvitel'nye i nesostojavshiesja sdelki // Juridicheskij mir. 2000. # 6. S. 7-11.
Nilov I. L.
Consumer extremism in the sphere of banking services
The article deals with the actual problem of consumer extremism in the field of banking services. The relevance of the topic is due to the fact that in recent years in the legal relations associated with the receipt of banking services and arising between citizens-consumers of loans and Russian banks, consumer extremism has spread, which has long occurred in other countries. Firms in foreign countries pay huge sums on the claims of unscrupulous consumers who abuse their rights.
Keywords: consumer extremism, consumer rights, abuse of law, credit, banking, banking services, integrity, legitimate interests.
Work bibliographic list
1. Grazhdanskij kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii (chast' pervaja) ot 30.11.1994 # 51-FZ // «Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF». 05.12.1994. # 32. st.3301.
2. Federal'nyj zakon ot 30.12.2012 # 302-FZ «O vnesenii izmenenij v glavy 1, 2, 3 i 4 chasti pervoj Grazhdanskogo kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii» // «Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF». 31.12.2012. # 53 (ch. 1). st. 7627.
3. Zakon RF ot 07.02.1992 # 2300-1 «O zashhite prav potrebitelej» // «Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF».
15.01.1996. # 3. st. 140.
4. Opredelenie Konstitucionnogo suda RF ot 24 sentjabrja 2013 goda # 1252-O // SPS Konsul'tant.
5. Opredelenie Konstitucionnogo sudaRF ot 17 ijulja 2014 goda # 1808-O // SPS Konsul'tant.
6. Opredelenie Konstitucionnogo Suda RF ot 29.01.2015 # 99-O // SPS Konsul'tant.
7. Opredelenie Verhovnogo suda RF ot 03.02.2015 # 32-KG14-17// SPS Konsul'tant.
8. Postanovlenie Plenuma Vysshego Arbitrazhnogo Suda RF ot 14.03.2014 # 16 «O svobode dogovora i ee predelah»// SPS Konsul'tant.
9. Postanovlenie Prezidiuma Vysshego Arbitrazhnogo Suda RF ot 13.12.2011 # 10473/11 po delu # A07-16356/2009 // SPS Garant
10. Apelljacionnoe opredelenie Voronezhskogo oblastnogo suda ot 09.02.2016 # 33-398/2016// SPS Garant
11. Vasil'ev V. L. Juridicheskaja psihologija. SPb.: Piter, 2002.
12. Volkov A. V. Princip nedopustimosti zloupotreblenija grazhdanskimi pravami v zakonodatel'stve i sudebnoj praktike. M.: Volters Kluver, 2011.
13. Ruchkina G. F., Sarnakov I. V. Polnaja stoimost' potrebitel'skogo kredita: problemy teorii i praktiki // Bankovskoe pravo. 2013. # 4. S. 59-67.
14. Horoshavkina A. Potrebitel'! Pol'zujsja svoimi pravami // Jekonomika i zhizn'. 1999. # 12. S. 9.
15. Ceher G. Ja. Potrebitel'skij jekstremizm: priroda, formy projavlenija i mery protivodejstvija // Biznes, menedzhment i pravo. 2003. # 2. S. 115-121.
Fatikhova L. M.
The problems of responsibility of successors of the enterprise for the testator’s debts
In article is considered by the author some problems of responsibility of successors of the enterprise for the testator's debts. The characteristic of the enterprise as property complex is given. In article the basic questions of attraction of successors enterprise to the responsibility are analysed. Rules about solidary character of the responsibility of successors, terms of presentation of requirements by creditors наследодателя are considered. The analysis of positions about the responsibility with reference to the enterprise as is in more detail given to a property complex.
Keywords: responsibility, heirs, debt, creditors, inheritance, asset, liability, property, enterprise.
Work bibliographic list
1. Grazhdanskij kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ot 30 nojabrja 1994 goda # 51-FZ. Chast' pervaja (s posl. izm. I dop. ot 29 dekabrja 2017 g. # 459-FZ) // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. 1994. # 32, st. 3301.
2. Federal'nyj zakon ot 2 ijulja 2013g. # 142-FZ «O vnesenii izmenenij v podrazdel 3 razdela I chasti pervoj Grazhdanskogo kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii» //Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. 2013 # 27, st. 3434.
3. Begichev A. V. Nasledovanie po zakonu predprijatija kak imushhestvennogo kompleksa v RF: dis. ... kand.jurid. nauk. M., 2001. 181 s.
4. Begichev A. V. Teoreticheskie aspekty problemy perehoda po nasledstvu objazatel'stv sobstvennika predprijatija // Notarius. 2010. # 6. S. 11-13.
5. Blinkov O. E. Otvetstvennost' naslednikov po dolgam nasledodatelja (prakticheskie soobrazhenija) //Notarius. 2004. # 1. S. 30-37.
6. Gavrilov V. N. Otvetstvennost' naslednikov po dolgam nasledodatelja // Vestnik saratovskoj juridicheskoj gosudarstvennoj akademii. 2017. # 4 (117). S.84-88.
7. Grazhdanskoe ulozhenie Germanii. Vvod. zakon k Grazhd. ulozheniju; per. s nem.; nauch. red. A. L. Makovskij [i dr.]. M.: Volters Kluver, 2004. 816 s.
8. Gribanov A. V. Predprijatie kak imushhestvennyj kompleks (ob"ekt prava) po pravu Rossii i Germanii. M.: Infotropik Media, 2010. 600 s.
9. Kirillovyh A. A. Nasledovanie predprijatija: nekotorye problemy mehanizma nasledstvennogo pravopreemstva // Pravo i jekonomika. 2015. # 1. S. 26-32.
10. Kirillovyh A. A. Nasledstvennoe pravo: Uchebnoe posobie. M.: Knizhnyj mir, 2011. Serija «Vysshaja shkola». 192 s.
11. Korchevskaja L. I. Ob"ekty nasledstvennogo preemstva v uslovijah jekonomicheskih preobrazovanij: dis.. kand. jurid. nauk. M., 1997. 245 s.
12. Povarov Ju. S. Predprijatie kak ob"ekt grazhdanskih prav: avtoref. dis. ... kand. jurid. nauk. M., 2000. 24 s.
13. Romanov O. E. Predprijatie i inye imushhestvennye kompleksy kak ob"ekty grazhdanskih prav: avtoref. dis. ... kand. jurid. nauk. M., 2003. 29 s.
14. Stepanov S. A. Imushhestvennye kompleksy v rossijskom grazhdanskom prave. M.: NORMA, 2002. 176 s.
15. Teterin L. S. Zashhita imushhestvennyh prav naslednikov pri nasledovanii predprijatija kak imushhestvennogo kompleksa // Notarius. 2004. # 6. S. 45-47.
16. Tuzhilova-Ordanskaja E. M., Evtushenko I. N. K voprosu o nasledovanii predprijatija kak ob"ekta grazhdanskih prav // Nasledstvennoe pravo. 2012. # 2. S. 42 - 44.
17. Francuzskij grazhdanskij kodeks / nauch. red. i pre-disl. D.G. Lavrova; per. s fr. A.A. Zhukovoj, G.A. Pashkovskoj. SPb.: Juridicheskij centr Press, 2004. 1101 s.
18. Hodyreva E. A. Predprijatie kak ob"ekt nasledstvennogo pravopreemstva. M.: Norma, Infra-M, 2010. 192 s.
Ondar Ch. A.
State institutions providing protection and defense of the right to privacy
In this article, the author analyzes the legal regulation of the privacy in the international legal acts in foreign countries. The legal status of the institutions providing protection and defense of the right to privacy is also considered in this article. The author proposes to create a body dealing with issues of privacy in the conditions of the information society in the Russian Federation.
Keywords: private life, the right to privacy, privacy.
Work bibliographic list
1. Avdeev M. Ju. Zakonodatel'stvo Rossijskoj Federacii o neprikosnovennosti chastnoj zhizni: k voprosu o zaimstvovanii zarubezhnogo opyta // Evrazijskaja advokatura. – 2013. - # 2(3). – S. 67-76.
2. Avdeev M. Ju. Normativnoe soderzhanie prava na neprikosnovennost' chastnoj zhizni // Novyj juridicheskij zhurnal. – 2013. - # 1. – S. 49-54.
3. Evdokimov V. B., Telina Ju. S. Dejatel'nost' Upolnomochennogo po pravam cheloveka v Rossijskoj Federacii v oblasti zashhity konstitucionnogo prava na neprikosnovennost' chastnoj zhizni, lichnuju i semejnuju tajnu pri obrabotke personal'nyh dannyh// Gosudarstvo i pravo. – 2016. - # 9. – S. 91-94.
4. Egorova M. A., Krylov V. G., Romanov A. K. Deliktnye objazatel'stva i deliktnaja otvetstvennost' v anglijskom, nemeckom i francuzskom prave: uchebnoe posobie / otv. red. M.A. Egorova. - M.: Justicinform, 2017. - 376 s.
5. Zaman Sh. H. O ponjatii chastnoj zhizni v prave Germanii, Italii i Francii // Zakon i pravo. – 2009.- # 1. – S. 100- 101.
6. Praktika primenenija Ugolovno-processual'nogo kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii: prakticheskoe posobie: v 2 ch. / pod red. V. M. Lebedeva. 7-e izd., pererab. i dop. - M.: Jurajt, 2016. - Ch. 1. - 231 s.
7. Ukrainskij integrator zashhity personal'nyh dannyh. – [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 16.03.2018 g.).
8. Dorothy J. Glancy. The invention of the right to privacy /G. J. Dorothy //Arizona law review. – 1979. - # 1. – P. 1.– [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 16.03.2018 g.).
9. Office of the Privacy Commissioner: oficial'nyj sajt organizacii. – [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija:16.03.2018 g.).
Fatikhov R. V.
Economic partnership as form of implementation of venture activity in the Russian Federation: legal features and prospects of development
The article deals with the problem of use of new organizational legal form of legal entity economic partnership in the course of conducting venture activity by individuals and organizations in Russian Federation. The article analyzes the advantageous features of the economic partnership as a form of implementation of venture activity. The author proves the answers to questions about the legal status of economic conditionality innovation partnerships, as well as legal grounds to characterize this form as a legal entity a flexible and timely legal means to implement innovative projects.
Keywords: economic partnership, venture activity, innovative activity, enterprise risks, legal form.
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon «O hozjajstvennyh partnerstvah» ot 3 dekabrja 2011 # 380-FZ // Sobranie zakonodatel'-
stva Rossijskoj Federacii. 2011. # 49 (ch. 5). St. 7058.
2. Aliev A. T. Problemy razvitija venchurnogo predprinimatel'stva v Rossii i puti ih preodolenija //Biznes v zakone. 2013. # 6. S. 267 – 269.
3. Doncova Ju. Novaja raznovidnost' juridicheskogo lica // JeZh-Jurist-2011. # 29. S. 1-6.
4. Zinin V.L. Gosudarstvennoe regulirovanie venchurnogo finansirovanija v Rossii. M.: ZAO «IPK Pareto-Print», 2009.
5. Inshakova A. O. Pozitivnye uroki integracii pravovogo regulirovanija zashhity prav uchastnikov hozjajstvennyh obshhestv v RF i ES. M.: Jurist, 2012.
6. Kardash I. N. Gosudarstvennoe stimulirovanie venchurnyh investicij v uslovijah stanovlenija innovacionnoj jekonomiki // Jurist. 2013. # 22. S. 17-20.
7. Pojasnitel'naja zapiska k proektam federal'nyh zakonov «O hozjajstvennyh partnerstvah» i «O vnesenii izmenenij v chast' pervuju Grazhdanskogo kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii v svjazi s prinjatiem Federal'nogo zakona «O hozjajstvennyh partnerstvah». [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:$File/RџR—.rtf?OpenElement.
8. Pugachev N. S. Gosudarstvenno-chastnoe partnerstvo v innovacionnoj sfere. Aktual'nye voprosy jekonomiki i upravlenija: materialy II mezhdunar. nauch.konf. M.: Buki-Vedi, 2013. S. 52-54.
9. Rogova E. M. Venchurnyj menedzhment: uchebnoe posobie. M.: Izd. «Vysshaja shkola jekonomiki (gosudarstvennyj Universitet), 2011. 500 s.
10. Semenova Ju. A. Specifika pravovyh osnov dejatel'nosti hozjajstvennogo partnerstva // Probely v rossijskom zakonodatel'stve. Juridicheskij zhurnal.2014., # 5. S. 115-117.
11. Sergeev V. A. Osnovy innovacionnogo proektirovanija. Uchebnoe posobie / V. A. Sergeev, E. V. Kipcharskaja, D. K. Podymalo. Ul'janovsk: UlGTU, 2010. 246 s.
12. Serova O. A. Problema adaptacii hozjajstvennogo partnerstva k sisteme juridicheskih lic Rossijskoj Federacii // Pravo i biznes. Prilozhenie k zhurnalu Predprinimatel'skoe pravo. 2013. # 3. S. 18-21.
13. Serova O. A. Hozjajstvennoe partnerstvo i hozjajstvennoe tovarishhestvo: vozmozhnye puti integracii organizacionno-pravovyh form // Zakony Rossii:opyt, analiz, praktika. 2012. # 2. S. 35-39.
14. Stepanov D. I. Hozjajstvennye partnerstva v Rossii// Zakon. 2013. # 1. S. 24–25.
15. Suhanov E. A. Hozjajstvennye partnerstva v Rossii.(Kommentarii jekspertov) // Zakon. 2012. #1. S.19-27.
16. Cibenko A. Ju. Pravovoe regulirovanie dejatel'nosti hozjajstvennogo partnerstva v Rossijskoj Federacii i za rubezhom: sravnitel'no-pravovoj analiz // Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta.Serija 5. Jurisprudencija. 2014. # 4 (25). S. 150-154.
17. Cibenko A. Ju. Hozjajstvennoe partnerstvo kak organizacionno-pravovaja forma venchurnogo i innovacionnogo predprinimatel'stva (komparativnoe issledovanie): dis. ... kand. jurid. nauk. M., 2015. 208 c.__
Adzhieva Z. M., Suleymanova S. A.
Civil-law problems of challenging extraordinary transactions
The subject of the article is actual, since with the development of civil turnover the need for more complete regulation of the protection of the interests of participants in the turnover is growing. The main way to protect the interests of the Corporation and its members is the recognition of extraordinary transactions made in violation of the statutory procedure invalid. Since January 1, 2017, changes in the legal regulation of major transactions and interested party transactions have come into effect. For example, it is no longer necessary to prove losses when challenging a major transaction. Expressed reasoned opinion of the authors. In support of the legal position, an example is given from the judicial practice of the Arbitration Court of the Republic of Dagestan.
Keywords: extraordinary transactions, major transaction, interested party transaction, conscientiousness of a counterparty, invalidity of transactions, damages.
Work bibliographic list
1. Aralina E. S., Misnik L. N., Nasonova O. A. Izmenenie regulirovanija krupnyh sdelok i sdelok s zainteresovannost'ju. Kak rabotat' s novymi polozhenijami// Arbitrazhnaja praktika dlja juristov. - 2016. - # 11.- [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: http://www. (data obrashhenija: 20.03.2018).
2. Burlakov S. A. Pravovoe regulirovanie krupnyh sdelok juridicheskih lic: dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. - M.,2010. - 213 s.
3. Kuznecov A. A. Reforma krupnyh sdelok i sdelok s zainteresovannost'ju. Chto izmenilos' v regulirovanii // Arbitrazhnaja praktika dlja juristov. - 2017. -# 1. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija:18.04.2017).
4. Mihal'chuk Ju. Srok iskovoj davnosti dlja krupnoj sdelki // SPS «Konsul'tantPljus».
5. Solomatina N. N. Nekotorye problemy zakljuchenija krupnyh sdelok s hozjajstvennymi obshhestvami // Juridicheskaja rabota v kreditnoj organizacii. - 2008. - # 3.
6. Fedosova O. V. Problemy institutov krupnyh sdelok i sdelok, v sovershenii kotoryh imeetsja zainteresovannost', v obshhestvah s ogranichennoj otvetstvennost'ju. / Dissertacija na soiskanie stepeni kandidata juridicheskih nauk. - M., 2008. [Jelektronnyj resurs].– Rezhim dostupa:
7. Shestakova N. D. Nedejstvitel'nost' sdelok. - SPb.:Juridicheskij centr Press, 2001. - 306 s.
Gadalov G. A.
Resolution of investment disputes by domestic courts: the current practice
The article considers the current issues of settlement of investment disputes by national courts of the Russian Federation, including those involving foreign investors.
The author performed the analysis of the relevant case-law as well as the main problems causing the complication of the protection of the investors’ rights when applying to the national courts. The author concludes that it is necessary to find a fair balance between public and private interests and to prevent the abuse of rights by the state in its relations with investors.
Keywords: investment arbitration, investment disputes, investment disputes and foreign investors, investors’ rights protection, expropriation of foreign investment, bilateral investment treaties for the promotion and protection of foreign investments, domestic courts in investment treaty arbitration.
Work bibliographic list
1. Komarov A. S., Zabelova L. B. Pravovoe regulirovanie otnoshenij po pooshhreniju i vzaimnoj zashhite kapitalovlozhenij: Uchebnoe posobie. M.: VAVT, 2011.
2. Pravovye aspekty investicionnyh dogovorov: Sbornik statej / A. Aliev, G. Vel'jaminov, S. Krupko i dr.; pod red. A. Alieva, S. Krupko, A. Trunka. M.: Norma, 2012.
3. Farhutdinov I. Z. Dostup i zashhita inostrannyh investicij v mezhdunarodnom prave // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. 2005. # 2 (98).
4. Frolkina E. N. Razreshenie mezhdunarodnyh investicionnyh sporov v sisteme sposobov zashhity prav chastnyh investorov // Sovremennoe pravo. 2014. # 6.
5. Alvarez J. E. The Public International Law Regime Governing International Investment // The Hague Academy of International Law, 2011.
Iljin N. L.
Problems of making individual transactions with the object of unfinished construction
In the article, based on the analysis of judicial practice, the problems of committing individual transactions with the object of unfinished construction were identified and recommendations for their solution were developed.
Keywords: the object of unfinished construction, the transaction with the object of unfinished construction, construction, real estate, state registration, contract.
Work bibliographic list
1. Opredelenie Verhovnogo Suda RF ot 23.04.2001 #57V01-2 // SPS Konsul'tantPljus.
2. Postanovlenie FAS Vostochno-Sibirskogo okruga ot 22.02.2005 # AZZ-9837/04-S2-F02-410/05-S2 // SPS Konsul'tantPljus.
3. Postanovlenie FAS Zapadno-Sibirskogo okruga ot 20.03.2008 # A75-2259/2007 // SPS Konsul'tantPljus.
4. Aleshhev I. A. Sdelki s nedvizhimost'ju // Sovremennye problemy juridicheskoj nauki: sbornik nauchnyh statej. – 2015. – # 8. – S. 100-105.
5. Mel'nikov N. Sdelki s ob"ektami nezavershennogo stroitel'stva // Hozjajstvo i pravo. – 2016. – # 4. – S. 58-63.
6. Nekrest'janov D. S. Ponjatie i pravovaja priroda ob"ektov nezavershennogo stroitel'stva // Gosudarstvo i pravo. – 2017. – # 4. – S. 90-96.
7. Sergeeva N. V. Ob"ekt nezavershennogo stroitel'stva// Hozjajstvo i pravo. – 2016. – # 12. – S. 26-40.
8. Skiba P. V. Osobennosti sdelok kupli-prodazhi nedvizhimosti // Gosudarstvo i pravo. – 2016. – #9. –S. 42-51.
9. Suhanov E. A. Priobretenie i prekrashhenie prava sobstvennosti // Juridicheskaja mysl'. Nauchno-prakticheskij zhurnal. – 2016. – # 5. – S. 36-39.
10. Tarbeeva D. A., Zobnina Ju. R. Osnovnye problemy pri pokupke (prodazhe) ob"ekta nezavershennogo stroitel'stva // Molodoj uchenyj. – 2016. – # 17. – S. 225-227.
Gayfullina I. R.
Features of bankruptcy of individuals who do not carry out entrepreneurial activities
The article is devoted to the specifics of the procedure for bankruptcy of individuals who do not carry out entrepreneurial activities. The article considers the requirements and conditions necessary to declare a bankrupt individual, the positions of arbitration courts in disputes related to the bankruptcy of individuals, as well as the consequences of declaring a natural person bankrupt.
Keywords: individual, bankrupt, liabilities, creditor, default, manager, arbitration court.
Work bibliographic list
1. Grazhdanskij kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii (chast' pervaja) ot 30.11.1994 # 51-FZ (red. ot 29.12.2017) //Sobranie zakonodatel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii.– 05.12.1994. – # 32. – st. 3301.
2. Federal'nyj zakon ot 26.10.2002 # 127-FZ (red. ot 29.12.2017) «O nesostojatel'nosti (bankrotstve)» (s izm. i dop., vstup. v silu s 28.01.2018) // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. – 28.10.2002. – # 43. – st. 4190.
3. Reshenie Arbitrazhnogo suda po delu # A54-24475/2014 // SPS «Konsul'tantPljus».
4. Reshenie Arbitrazhnogo suda Permskogo kraja po delu # A48-35785/2015// SPS «Konsul'tantPljus».
5. Opredelenie Arbitrazhnogo suda Novosibirskoj oblasti ot 24.03.2016 po delu # A45-24580/2015 // SPS «Konsul'tantPljus».
6. Vlasov A. A. Arbitrazhnyj process : uchebnik i praktikum dlja akademicheskogo bakalavriata. — 6-e izd., pere-rab. i dop. — M.: Izdatel'stvo Jurajt, 2017. – 489 s.
7. Gureeva V. A. Bankrotstvo fizicheskih lic. Chast' I. Osnovnye izmenenija v zakonodatel'stve o nesostojatel'nosti // «Redakcija «Rossijskoj gazety». – 2015. – # 19. – S. 27.
8. Koraev K. B. Osnovnaja ideja zakonodatel'stva o bankrotstve grazhdanina // Rossijskaja justicija. – 2014.– # 7. – S. 10-13.
9. Negrebeckaja O. V. Bankrotstvo po iniciative grazhdanina // Zarplata. – 2015. – # 8. – S. 8-10. 40.
10. Chausskaja O. A. Grazhdanskoe pravo (Obshhaja chast'): ucheb. dlja vuzov. – M.: Justicinform, 2014. – 480 s.
11. Oficial'nyj sajt Arbitrazhnogo suda Respubliki Marij Jel. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
Petrova E. V.
Actual problems of the Russian pension system
This article presents a brief description of the Russian pension system, the institution of compulsory pension insurance, an analysis of some important actual problems in this area, and an attempt was made to find possible solutions to them.
Keywords: pension system of the Russian Federation, the Pension Fund of Russia, compulsory pension insurance, insurance pension, insurance contributions.
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon ot 15 dekabrja 2001 goda # 167-FZ «Ob objazatel'nom pensionnom strahovanii v Rossijskoj Federacii» (red. ot 28.12. 2017) // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. 17.12. 2001. # 51. st. 4832.
2. Federal'nyj zakon ot 28 dekabrja 2013 goda # 400-FZ«O strahovyh pensijah» (red. ot 07.03. 2018) // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. 30.12. 2013. # 52 (chast' I). st. 6965.
3. Federal'naja sluzhba gosudarstvennoj statistiki:oficial'nyj sajt. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
4. Federal'naja sluzhba gosudarstvennoj statistiki:oficial'nyj sajt. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
5. Otarjan A. V., Pirskaja E. V. Problemy pensionnoj sistemy RF i vozmozhnye puti ih reshenija //Molodezhnyj nauchnyj forum: Obshhestvennye i jekonomicheskie nauki: jelektr. sb. st. po mat. XVIII mezhdunarodnoj studencheskoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii # 11(18). [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
6. Teslenko M. O. Problemy i perspektivy pensionnoj reformy v Rossijskoj Federacii // Molodoj uchenyj. 2015. # 24. S. 601-604. [Jelektronnyj resurs].– Rezhim dostupa:
Galeev A. V.
Standings after the revocation of the license of the credit institution
Due to the increase in the number of revocation of licenses in credit institutions in recent years, in practice there is a wide range of related issues. This article discusses the legal possibility of deducting funds held in the account of the depositor of a credit institution from the loan agreement concluded with the same credit institution.
Keywords: credit, banks, credit organizations, insolvency, bankruptcy, coincidence of the debtor and the creditor, the revocation of the licence, the deposit insurance agency, deposit insurance agency for deposit insurance, bankruptcy estate, creditor, debtor.
Work bibliographic list
1. Grazhdanskij kodeks RF (chast' pervaja): feder. Zakon ot 30 nojabrja 1994 g. # 51-FZ // Sobr. zakonodatel'stva Ros. Federacii. 1994. # 32, S. 3301. (v red. ot 29 ijulja 2017 g.). Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy «Konsul'tantPljus».
2. O bankah i bankovskoj dejatel'nosti: feder. zakon ot 02 dekabrja 2009 g. # 395-1 // Sobr. Zakonodatel'stva Ros. Federacii. 1996. # 27. # 6, S. 492. (v red. ot 26 ijulja 2017 g.). Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy «Konsul'tantPljus».
3. O nesostojatel'nosti (bankrotstve): feder. zakon ot 26 oktjabrja 2002 g. # 127-FZ // Sobr. Zakonodatel'stva Ros. Federacii. 2002. # 43, S. 4190. (v red. ot 29 ijulja 2017 g.). Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy «Konsul'tantPljus».
4. O strahovanii vkladov fizicheskih lic v bankah Rossijskoj Federacii: feder. zakon ot 23 oktjabrja 2003g. # 177-FZ // Sobr. zakonodatel'stva Ros. Federacii. 2003. # 52 (chast' I), S. 5029. (v red. ot 29 ijulja 2017 g.). Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy «Konsul'tantPljus».
5. Ob osobennostjah osushhestvlenija kreditnoj organizaciej raschetnyh operacij posle otzyva licenzii na osushhestvlenie bankovskih operacij i o schetah, ispol'zuemyh konkursnym upravljajushhim (likvidatorom, likvidacionnoj komissiej): ukazanie Banka
Rossii ot 05 ijulja 2007 g. # 1853-U (red. ot 15.06.2017)// Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy «Konsul'tant-Pljus».
6. Opredelenie Konstitucionnogo Suda RF ot 20 nojabrja 2014 g. # 2657-O «Ob otkaze v prinjatii k rassmotreniju zhaloby grazhdanki Ostrovskoj Natal'i Borisovny na narushenie ee konstitucionnyh prav chast'ju 7 stat'i 11 Federal'nogo zakona «O straho-
vanii vkladov fizicheskih lic v bankah Rossijskoj Federacii» // Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy«Konsul'tantPljus».
7. Apelljacionnoe opredelenie Moskovskogo gorodskogo suda ot 18 aprelja 2017 g. po delu # 33-14204/2017// Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy «Konsul'tant-Pljus».
8. Apelljacionnoe opredelenie Sankt-Peterburgskogo gorodskogo suda ot 13.08.2015 # 33-12183/2015 po delu N 2-386/2015 // Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy«Konsul'tantPljus».
9. Reshenie Kalininskogo rajonnogo suda Sankt-Peterburga ot 09.02.2015 po delu # 2-386/2015. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. –Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija:01.02.2018).
10. Postanovlenie Prezidiuma VAS RF ot 20 ijunja 2013g. # 6572/12 po delu # A60-5918/2010 // Vestnik VAS RF. 2013. # 11. Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy «Konsul'tantPljus».
11. Bajbak V. V., Egorov N. D., Eliseev I. V. Grazhdanskoe pravo: ucheb.: v 3 t. T. 1 / Pod red. Tolstogo Ju. K. –M.,Prospekt, 2006. –784 s.
12. Luk'janova I. N. Sdelki, napravlennye na prekrashhenie objazatel'stv // Trudy Instituta gosudarstva i prava Rossijskoj akademii nauk. –2016. –# 5 (57).–S. 131-155.
13. Lavrinenko N. V. Zachet kak sposob prekrashhenija objazatel'stv (po materialam arbitrazhnoj praktiki FAS SZO) // Arbitrazhnye spory: Informacionnyj zhurnal. –2002. –# 1 (17). –S. 21-31.
14. Teljukina M. V. Zachet vstrechnogo odnorodnogo trebovanija. Specifika ego primenenija v konkursnom processe // Zakonodatel'stvo: Zhurnal dlja delovyh ljudej. –1999. –# 8. –S. 46-61.
15. Kalinkin A. M. Pravovye problemy prekrashhenija objazatel'stv vkladchika (zaemshhika) i banka (kreditora), nahodjashhegosja v bankrotstve, putem zacheta //Juridicheskaja rabota v kreditnoj organizacii: metodicheskij zhurnal. –2017. –# 4 (54). –S. 30-41.
16. Egorova M. A. Pravovaja priroda osnovanija prekrashhenija objazatel'stv // Zakony Rossii: Opyt; Analiz;Praktika: Ezhemesjachnyj pravovoj zhurnal. –2010. – # 12. –S. 3-13.
17. Baciev V. V. Prakticheskij kommentarij otdel'nyh polozhenij glavy 26 Grazhdanskogo kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii o prekrashhenii objazatel'stv // Arbitrazhnye spory: Informacionno-analiticheskij zhurnal. –2007. –# 4 (40). –S. 113-138.
Prizhennikova A. N.
Blockchein and legal relations: current issues
The article deals with the use of Blockchein technology in the legal field, its features, the legal
regulation of crypto-currencies in Russia and abroad, the principles of the work of smart contracts.
Keywords: Blocking of technology, crypto currency, financial technologies, smart contract, information.
Work bibliographic list
1. Savel'ev A. I. Kriptovaljuty v sisteme ob"ektov grazhdanskih prav // Zakon. 2017. # 8 // SPS «Konsul'tant Pljus».
2. Hvatik Ju. Kriptovaljuty i blokchejn glazami jurista. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: obrashhenija: 27.03. 2018 g.).
3. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:https://f o r k l o g . c o m / k o m p a n i y a - b i t f u r y - p o d p i s a l a -memorandum-o-vnedrenii-tehnolog (data obrashhenija:25.03.2018 g.).
4. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 20.03.2018 g.).
5. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 25.03.2018 g.).
6. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 16.03.2018 g.).
Novikov A. S., Karitskaya A. A.
The central bank of the Russian Federation:controller vs financial market participant
This paper analyses the economic and legal sources of nature of the Central Bank of the Russian
Federation as body of mixed competence model. On the basis of abstract economic analysis of law
is the study of particular provisions about the nature of the analyzed body. The author of the main
competence model based on the analysis of Russian and international experience. The main thesis is the premise that the competence model, the Central Bank is justified both from an economic and from a legal perspective. The results of the study can be applied in theoretical and practical vectors. Theses are formulated and prove the author are part of the global debate on the place and role competencies of Central banks in the regulation of economic processes with the participation
of private actors, especially in terms of economic and legal instability.
Keywords: Central Bank, economic analysis of law, authority, public authority, public authority, legal status, legal nature, the banking sector, competence.
Work bibliographic list
1. Andrjushin S. A., Kuznecova V. V. Central'nye banki v mirovoj jekonomike: Uchebnoe posobie; Finansovyjuniversitet pri Pravitel'stve RF. - M.: Al'fa-M:NIC Infra-M, 2012. - 320 s.
2. Bankovskoe pravo: uchebnik i praktikum / pod red. V. F. Popondopulo, D. A. Petrova. - M.: Izdatel'stvo Jurajt, 2016. - 468 s.
3. Zvonova E. A. Organizacija dejatel'nosti central'nogo banka: Uchebnik / E. A. Zvonova, V. S. Akopov i dr.;Pod red. E. A. Zvonovoj. - M.: NIC Infra-M, 2013.- 400 s.
4. Novikov A. S. Jekonomiko-pravovoj analiz prirody Central'nogo banka RF // Baltijskij gumanitarnyj zhurnal.- Tol'jatti: Poliar. - 2017 - # 2 (19). - T. 6 - S. 256-259
5. Tavasiev A. M., Tavasiev A. M. Rossijskoe bankovskoe pravo v oficial'nyh dokumentah. V 2 t. T. 1. / A. M. Tavasiev, V. D. Mehrjakov, S. N. Smirnov. - M.: Izdatel'sko-torgovaja korporacija «Dashkov i K», 2014. - 940 s
Nemenova D. L.
Tax benefits provided to individuals in the tax system of the Russian Federation
The article deals with the concept of tax benefits in the system of the domestic tax system, as well as their enforcement by taxpayersindividuals.
The author of the article considered the legal regulation of tax benefits by the example of four taxes paid by individuals: personal income tax, transport tax, land tax and property tax.
Keywords: Taxation, tax benefits, taxes, tax law, legislation on taxes, fees and insurance fees.
Work bibliographic list
1. Nalogovyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii.
2. Federal'nyj zakon ot 12 janvarja 1995 goda # 5-FZ «O veteranah».
3. Prikaz Ministerstva truda Rossijskoj Sovetskoj Federativnoj Socialisticheskoj Respubliki ot 22 nojabrja 1990 goda # 2 (v redakcii ot 11 ijulja 1991 goda, s izmenenijami ot 1 dekabrja 2015 goda) «Ob utverzhdenii Instrukcii o porjadke predostavlenii social'nyh garantij i kompensacij licam, rabotajushhim v rajonah Krajnego Severa i v mestnostjah, priravnennyh k rajonam Krajnego Severa, v sootvetstvii c dejstvujushhimi normativnymi aktami».
4. Zakon goroda Moskvy ot 3 nojabrja 2004 goda # 70 «O merah social'noj podderzhki otdel'nyh kategorij zhitelej goroda Moskvy» (v redakcii ot 14 dekabrja 2016 goda.
5. Zakon Moskovskoj oblasti ot 23 marta 2006 goda # 5/171-P «O social'noj podderzhke otdel'nyh kategorij grazhdan v Moskovskoj oblasti».
6. Pis'mo Federal'noj nalogovoj sluzhby ot 12 oktjabrja 2017 goda # BS-4-21/20636@ «O porjadke podtverzhdenija prava fizicheskogo lica na nalogovye l'goty po nalogam na imushhestvo».
7. SPS KONSUL''TANT. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
Shinkarev V. V.
Non-cash monetary circulation in the system of tax payments
The article analyzes the content of legal norms regulating non-cash money circulation in the payment of tax by legal entities, taking into account the legal positions of the Executive and judicial authorities of the Russian Federation.
Keywords: tax, duty, non-cash tax payment, tax payment procedure.
Work bibliographic list
1. Postanovlenie FAS Central'nogo okruga ot 31 marta 2011 g. po delu N A48-696/2010.
2. Postanovlenie Konstitucionnogo suda RF ot 12 oktjabrja 1998 g. N 24-P po delu o proverke konstitucionnosti punkta 3 stat'i 11 Zakona Rossijskoj Federacii ot 27 dekabrja 1991 goda «Ob osnovah nalogovoj sistemy v Rossijskoj Federacii».
3. Krohina Ju. A. Sushhnost' nalogovoj objazannosti //Nalogovoe pravo Rossii: Uchebnik dlja vuzov / Otv. red. Ju. A. Krohina. - M., 2003.
4. Kucherjavenko N. P. Kurs nalogovogo prava: Uchebnik: V 6 t. - Har'kov, 2005. - T. 3: Uchebnik o naloge.
5. Orlov M. Ju. Desjat' lekcij o nalogovom prave Rossii: Uchebnoe posobie. - M., 2009.
6. Razgulin S.. Pravovoe regulirovanie ispolnenija objazannosti po uplate naloga // Pravovoe regulirovanie nalogooblozhenija v Rossijskoj Federacii /Otv. red. N.Ju. Hamaneva. - M., 2011.
7. Rukavishnikova I.. Metod finansovogo prava / N. I. Himicheva. 3-e izd., pererab. i dop. - M., 2011.
Dzikonskaya S. G.
Public danger of action as the basis of criminalization in international criminal law
In the article on the basis of the system analysis of the Russian monographic literature, a discussion of the issues of the theory of the public danger of an act was carried out, in refraction to the problem of criminalization in international criminal law. On the basis of statistical data and interpretation of the theoretical tradition of criminalization of acts in the Russian legal doctrine, the author justifies the conclusion about the objective nature of the social danger of the act. Based on the results of the study, the criteria for determining the public danger of an act are formulated, which make it possible to carry out its criminalization in the system of international, conventional crimes and international crimes.
Keywords: social danger, sociology of criminal law, international crimes, convention crimes, international crimes.
Work bibliographic list
1. Aktual'nye problemy kriminalizacii i dekriminalizacii obshhestvenno opasnogo dejanija. Omsk, 1980.
2. Alakaev A. M. Ponjatie prestuplenija (Formy i vidy): Dis. ... kand. jurid. nauk. M., 1992.
3. Bolee bezopasnyj mir: nasha obshhaja otvetstvennost'. Doklad Gruppy vysokogo urovnja po ugrozam, vyzovam i peremenam. Dokument OON A/59/565, 2 December 2004.
4. Durmanov N. D. Ponjatie prestuplenija. M., 1948.
5. Emel'janov V. P. Konceptual'nye aspekty issledovanija ob"ekta prestuplenija // Pravo i politika. 2002.# 10.
6. Zemljukov S.V. Prestupnyj vred. Teorija. Zakonodatel'stvo. Praktika: Avtoref. dis. ... dokt. jurid. nauk.M., 1993.
7. Karpec I. I. Prestuplenija mezhdunarodnogo haraktera. M., 1979.
8. Kudrjavcev V. N. Ob"ektivnaja storona prestuplenija.M.: GIJuL, 1960.
9. Kuznecova N. F. Prestuplenie i prestupnost'. M.,1969.
10. Lobach D. V. Mezhdunarodnyf pravoporjadok kak ob"ekt ugolovno-pravovoj ohrany v mezhdunarodnom ugolovnom prave // Mezhdunarodnoe ugolovnoe pravo i mezhdunarodnaja justicija. 2014. # 1. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: http://www.ctnter-bereg/ru
(data obrashhenija: 27.02.2018 g.).
11. Lopashenko N. A. Administrativnoj prejudicii v ugolovnom prave – net! // Vestnik Akademii General'noj prokuratury Rossijskoj Federacii. 2011.# 3 (23).
12. Ljapunov Ju. I. Obshhestvennaja opasnost' dejanija kak universal'naja kategorija sovetskogo ugolovnogo prava. M., 1989.
13. Marcev A. I. Prestuplenie kak social'noe javlenie// Aktual'nye problemy teorii bor'by s prestupnost'ju i pravoprimenitel'noj praktiki. Krasnojarsk, 1998.
14. Mezhdunarodnoe ugolovnoe pravo: uchebnoe posobie / Pod obshhej red. V. N. Kudrjavceva. M., 1999.
15. Mezhdunarodnyj narkobiznes i otmyvanie grjaznyh deneg. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 27.02.2018 g.).
16. Naumov V.A. Rossijskoe ugolovnoe pravo. Obshhaja chast': kurs lekcij. M.: BEK, 1996.
17. Rossijskoe ugolovnoe pravo. Obshhaja chast' / Pod red.V. P. Konjahina, M. L. Prohorovoj. M., 2014.
18. Sabitov R. A. Obshhestvennaja opasnost' kak kriterij kriminalizacii // Aktual'nye problemy kriminalizacii i dekriminalizacii obshhestvenno opasnogo dejanija. Omsk, 1980.
19. Sogomonov D. K. Mezhdunarodno-pravovye osnovanija kriminalizacii kontrabandy v nacional'nom ugolovnom zakonodatel'stve // Nauchnye problemy gumanitarnyh issledovanij. 2012. Vypusk # 3. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 25.02.2018 g.).
20. Solodkov I. A. Obshhestvennaja opasnost' prestuplenija i ee ugolovno-pravovoe izmerenie: Dis. … kand.jurid. nauk. Saratov, 2013.
21. Sotskov F. N. Obshhestvennaja opasnost' dejanija v ugolovnom prave Rossii: Dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. M.,2009.
22. Suncov A. E., Truncevskij Ju. V. Teoreticheskie problemy implementacii norm mezhdunarodnogo ugolovnogo prava v Rossii // Moskovskij zhurnal mezhdunarodnogo ugolovnogo prava. 1997. # 2. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 25.02.2018 g.).
23. Tobolkin P. S. Social'naja obuslovlennost' ugolovno-pravovyh norm. Sverdlovsk, 1983.
24. Ugolovnoe pravo Rossii: uchebnik dlja vuzov. Obshhaja chast' / Pod red. A. I. Ignatova, Ju. A. Krasikova. M., 2000.
25. Halitov R. K. Obshhestvennaja opasnost' kak osnovanie kriminalizacii dejanija (v kontekste kriminalizacii dejanij, obuslovlennyh administrativnoj prejudiciej). [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija:
27.02.2018 g.).
26. Shhenin R., Sulejmanov G. Narkobiznes – global'naja problema HHI veka. Mirovaja jekonomika i mezhdunarodnye otnoshenija. 2006. # 6.
Levashova O. V., Goricheva V. L., Ziborov M. M.
Peculiarities of the system of punishment, prepared for the performance transport crimes acting Criminal Code of the Russian Federation of 1996, and the practices of their application
The article deals with the problems of criminal liability for transport crimes provided for by the
criminal code and sanctions for their Commission. When considering the system of criminal penalties for transport crimes, special attention is paid to the practice of their application by the courts. The problems connected with efficiency of application of this or that type of punishment are revealed and measures for their improvement are offered.
Keywords: criminal code, transport crime, punishment system, crime.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ugolovnyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ot 13.06.1996g. # 63-FZ (v red. ot 31.12.2017 # 501-FZ) // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. – 1996. – # 25. – St. 2954.
2. O vnesenii izmenenija v stat'ju 264 Ugolovnogo kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii: Federal'nyj zakon ot13.02.2009 g. # 20-FZ // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. – 2009. – # 7. – St. 788.
3. Korobeev A. I. Transportnye prestuplenija. – SPb.: Izdatel'stvo «Juridicheskij centr Press», 2003. – 405 s.
4. Osnovnye statisticheskie pokazateli sostojanija sudimosti v Rossii za 2008-2016 gody. – [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 11.09.2017 g.).
Legostaev S. V.
On the issue of the role of the prosecutor in the stage of initiating a criminal case
The article investigates the prosecutor's procedural powers in the stage of initiating a criminal case
and their significance for the protection of citizens' rights and freedoms.
Keywords: procedural powers of the prosecutor, ensuring legality, rights and freedoms of citizens.
Work bibliographic list
1. Prikaz General'noj prokuratury RF ot 05.09.2011 # 277 «Ob organizacii prokurorskogo nadzora za ispolneniem zakonov pri prieme, registracii i razreshenii soobshhenij o prestuplenijah v organah doznanija i predvaritel'nogo sledstvija. Dostup iz
SPS «Konsul'tant Pljus».
2. Bagmet A. M. Mesto i rol' principa processual'noj samostojatel'nosti sledovatelja v ugolovnom processe // Rossijskaja justicija. 2014. # 5. S. 20-22.
3. Vystuplenie General'nogo prokurora RF Ju. Ja. Chajki na rasshirennom zasedanii kollegii Genprokuratury RF. Oficial'nyj sajt Genprokuratury RF.
4. Solov'ev A. B. Funkcii ugolovnogo presledovanija v dosudebnyh stadijah processa. Prokuratura i pravosudie v uslovijah sudebno-pravovoj reformy. M., 1997.
5. Lugovskaja I. O. Rol' prokurora v stadii vozbuzhdenija ugolovnogo dela // Molodoj uchenyj. 2016. # 11 (115).
6. Materialy 18 Ezhegodnoj konferencii Mezhdunarodnoj associacii prokurorov. M., 2015.
7. Chubykin A. V. Processual'nyj status prokurora v stadii vozbuzhdenija ugolovnogo dela: dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. M., 2014. S. 9-10.
8. Shhadrin V. S. Nadzor voennogo prokurora v stadii vozbuzhdenija ugolovnogo dela: dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. M., 2014.
Osadchaya N. G., Arajyan M. G.
The essence of motives as a sign of the subjective party of the crime composition
The article considers the legal nature of the motive as a sign of the subjective side of the crime. The authors pay special attention to various approaches to understanding the essence of the motive of the crime.
Keywords: motive, crime, crime, subjective side, criminal law.
Work bibliographic list
1. Arhiv Verhovnogo Suda RF za 1999 g.
2. Borzenko A. V. Problema celi v obshhestvennom razvitii: avtoref. dis. ... kand. jurid. nauk. M., 1987. 25 c.
3. Bjulleten' Verhovnogo Suda RF. 2000. # 11.
4. Dagel' P. S. Neostorozhnost': ugolovno-pravovye i kriminologicheskie problemy. M.: Juridicheskaja literatura, 1977. 144 c.
Cherkesov S. Kh.
Criminal liability for the Commission of computer crimes
This article discusses the articles of the criminal code of Russia on computer crimes, a small extract from the history of legislation on this phenomenon.
Keywords: criminal liability, computer crime, information security, computer information.
Work bibliographic list
1. Sjomkin S. N., Sjomkin A. N. Osnovy pravovogo obespechenija zashhity informacii. Uchebnoe posobie dlja vuzov. – M., 2008. - 238 s.: il.
Yaroshenko S. A.
Basics of organization of operational maintenance of federal vehicle road vehicles on general crimes
The article deals with criminal acts committed on highways of federal importance of general-purpose orientation, their features, persons, methods and options for effective operational support offered by the author.
Keywords: highways of federal significance, ways of committing crimes, criminal identity, criminal group, organization of operational services.
Work bibliographic list
1. Dannye Federal'noj sluzhby gosudarstvennoj registracii, kadastra i kartografii na 1 janvarja 2015 g. (vkljuchaja svedenija po g. Sevastopolju); s uchjotom dannyh Ministerstva imushhestvennyh i zemel'nyh otnoshenij Respubliki Krym o ploshhadi territorii
Respubliki Krym.).
2. Materialy GU MVD RF po Novosibirskoj oblasti. Otvet na pis'mo ot 20.10.2015 # 6/8-582 DVJuI MVD Rossii ot 04.11.2015 g. # 5/8749.
3. Pashhenko A. P. K voprosu ob istochnikah i metodah poluchenija informacii pri izuchenii i ocenke operativnoj obstanovki po linii BHSS // Pravovye i obshhestvenno-jekonomicheskie nauki i bor'ba s hishhenijami gosudarstvennogo i obshhestvennogo imushhe-
stva. 1977. Vyp. 8. S. 48.
4. Rejting regionov Rossii po obespechennosti legkovymi avtomobiljami na 1 ijulja 2016. Avtostat analiticheskoe agentstvo. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: www. /press-releases/27115.
5. Transport Rossii: informacionno-statisticheskij bjulleten' janvar'-dekabr' 2014 god. – M., 2015 g. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: www. iblock/576/stat_2014.pdf.
6. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
7. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
8. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
Balashov S. M.
The criminal-legal design of the “helpless state of the victim” and the criminal legal defencelessness
The author considers categories of criminal legislation "helpless state" and "defenseless state".
Their comparative characteristics are conducted through an assessment of the explanations of the Supreme Court of Russia, judicial practice and the theory of criminal law.
Keywords: а state of helplessness, state of defenselessness, right, Supreme Court, arbitrage practice.
Work bibliographic list
1. Postanovlenie Plenuma Verhovnogo Suda Rossijskoj Federacii «O sudebnoj praktike po delam ob ubijstve (st. 105 UK RF)» ot 27 janvarja 1999 g. # 1 //Bjulleten' Verhovnogo Suda Rossijskoj Federacii. 1999. # 3.
2. Postanovlenie Plenuma Verhovnogo Suda Rossijskoj Federacii «O sudebnoj praktike po delam o prestuplenijah protiv polovoj neprikosnovennosti i polovoj svobody lichnosti» ot 4 dekabrja 2014 g. #16 // Bjulleten' Verhovnogo Suda Rossijskoj Federacii. 2015. # 2.
3. Opredelenie Verhovnogo Suda Rossijskoj Federacii ot 29 sentjabrja 2011 g. po delu # 50-011-44 // Sudebnye i normativnye akty RF.[Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: http://s u d a c t . r u / v s r f / d o c / w C Q z O Y 7 T x U d J / ? v s r f -t x t = b e s p o m o shh n y h + b e z z a shh i t n y h & v s r f -c a s e _ d o c = & v s r f - l a w c h u n k i n f o = & v s r f - d o c _t y p e = & v s r f - d a t e _ f r o m = & v s r f - d a t e _ t o = & v s r f -judge=&_=1524370708066&snippet_pos=718#snippet(data obrashhenija: 01.01.2018 g.).
4. Prigovor Bratskogo gorodskogo suda Irkutskoj oblasti ot 12 oktjabrja 2017 g. po delu # 1-405/2017 //Sudebnye i normativnye akty RF. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:®ularcase_doc=®ular-lawchunkinfo=®ular-doc_type=1008®ular-date_from=®ular-date_to=®ular-workflow_stage=®ular-area=®ularcourt=®ular-judge=&_=1524308798777&snippet_pos=1104#snippet (data obrashhenija: 01.01.2018 g.).
5. Prigovor Privolzhskij rajonnyj sud g. Kazani (Respublika Tatarstan) ot 07 avgusta 2017 g. Po delu # 1-407/2017 // Sudebnye i normativnye akty RF. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:®ular-case_doc=®ularlawchunkinfo=®ular-doc_type=1008®ulardate_from=®ular-date_to=®ular-workflow_
stage=®ular-area=®ularcourt=®ularjudge=&_=1524330941938&snippet_pos=180#snippet(data obrashhenija: 01.01.2018 g.).
6. Bajbarin A. A. Ugolovno-pravovaja differenciacija vozrasta: avtoref. dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. Krasnodar, 2009. 27 s.
7. Davtjan D. V. Nekotorye voprosy k ponjatiju bespomoshhnogo sostojanija // Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. 2006. # 8. S. 143-146.
8. Davtjan D. V. O sootnoshenii ponjatij «bespomoshhnost'» i «bezzashhitnost'» primenitel'no k poterpevshemu ot prestuplenija // Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. 2010. # 2 (13). S.162-164.
9. Doronina E. B. Bespomoshhnoe sostojanie poterpevshego v strukture sostava ubijstva: teorija, zakon, praktika: dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. Ekaterinburg, 2004. 177 s.
10. Ivanov N. G. Ugolovnoe pravo. Obshhaja chast': uchebnik dlja bakalavrov. 2-e izd., pererab. i dop. M.: Izdatel'stvo Jurajt, 2014. 559 s.
11. Kruglikov L. L. Zhizn' cheloveka kak ob"ekt ugolovno-pravovoj ohrany (ponjatie i nekotorye voprosy kvalifikacii) // Ugolovno-pravovaja ohrana lichnosti i ee optimizacija. Nauchno-prakticheskaja konferencija, posvjashhennaja pamjati professora A. N. Krasikova (20 - 21 marta 2003 goda). Saratov: Izd-vo Sarat.gos. akad. prava, 2003. S. 43-50.
12. Naumov A. V. Rossijskoe ugolovnoe pravo. Kurs lekcij: v 3 t. T. 1. Osobennaja chast'. 4-e izd., pererab. I dop. M.: Volters Kluver, 2008. 736 s.
13. Sidorov B. V. Povedenie poterpevshih ot prestuplenija i ugolovnaja otvetstvennost'. Elabuga: ABAK-JuLDASh, 1998. 336 s.
Golovastova Yu. A.
Additional backbone features of the criminal-executive law
The article discusses additional backbone features of the criminal-executive law – objectives, tasks, functions. The paper proves that the external boundaries of the criminal-executive law are in direct dependence on the correctness and accuracy of fixing the goals and objectives of the criminal-executive law in the Criminal-Executive Code of the Russian Federation. Attention is drawn to the fact that criminalexecutive law as a branch of Russian law is in a dynamic state, development, able to change under the influence of social, political and economic factors.
Keywords: branch of criminal-executive law, goals of the criminal-executive law, goals of the criminal-executive law, the functions of the criminal-executive law, the essence of criminal-executive law.
Work bibliographic list
1. Alekseev S. S. Obshhaja teorija prava. Kurs v 2 t. T. 1.M., 1981. 360 s.
2. Alekseev S. S. Problemy teorii prava. Sverdlovsk, 1972. 396 s.
3. Alekseev S. S. Sobranie sochinenij. V 10 t. M.: Statut, 2010. T. 3. Problemy teorii prava. Kurs lekcij.781 s.
4. Bastrykina O. A. Sistemoobrazujushhie svjazi vnutrennego soderzhanija prava: avtoref. dis. … kand.jurid. nauk. Volgograd, 2005. 28 s.
5. Blagodir A. L. K voprosu o celjah i zadachah pravovogo regulirovanija otrasli prava social'nogo obespechenija // Aktual'nye problemy rossijskogo prava.2010. # 3 (16). S. 228-237.
6. Blagodir A. L. O ponjatii, svojstvah i strukture sistemy prava // Vestnik Vjatskogo gos. un-ta. # 2 (1).2011. S. 84-91.
7. Blagodir A. L. Sobstvenno-juridicheskie funkcii i ih vozdejstvie na strukturu otrasli prava social'nogo obespechenija // Shestoj Permskij kongress uchenyh-juristov (g. Perm', 16-17 oktjabrja 2015 g.): izbrannye materialy. M.: Statut, 2016. S. 59-65.
8. Bochkarev V. V. Ugolovno-ispolnitel'nye sredstva obespechenija chastno-predupreditel'noj funkcii lishenija svobody // Prikladnaja juridicheskaja psihologija. 2014. # 4. S. 175-181.
9. Brovkina A. A. Funkcii ugolovno-ispolnitel'nogo prava: Chelovek: prestuplenie i nakazanie. 2012. # 4.S. 54-56.
10. Golik Ju. V. Cel' i ee vyrazhenie v ugolovnom prave i ugolovnom zakone // Rossijskij kriminologicheskij vzgljad. # 3. 2009. S. 260-287.
11. Golovastova Ju. A. Celi, zadachi, principy ugolovno-ispolnitel'nogo prava kak osnovopolagajushhie priznaki ugolovno-ispolnitel'nyh pravootnoshenij //Gumanitarnye, social'no-jekonomicheskie i obshhestvennye nauki. 2015. # 10-1. S. 162-166.
12. Gorshenev V. M. Sposoby i organizacionnye formy pravovogo regulirovanija v socialisticheskom obshhestve. M., 1972. 258 s.
13. Grishko A. Ja. Predupreditel'naja funkcija norm ugolovno-ispolnitel'nogo prava i zakonnye interesy osuzhdennogo // Vestnik Tomskogo gos. un-ta. Pravo.2015. # 3 (17). S. 12-22.
14. Kal'noj M. I., Sandulov Ju. A. Filosofija dlja aspirantov: uchebnik. Pod red. I. I. Kal'nogo. 3-e izd.,ster. SPb.: Izd-vo «Lan'», 2003. 512 s.
15. Kirillov M. A. Social'naja obuslovlennost' normugolovno-ispolnitel'nogo prava: Dis. … dokt. jurid.nauk. M., 2002. 241 s.
16. Kirimova E. A. O sistemoobrazujushhih kriterijah prava RF // Izvestija vuzov. Pravovedenie. 2002. # 5.S. 151-165.
17. Kovalenko O. N. Zadachi i funkcional'nye vozmozhnosti ugolovnogo prava: dis. … kand. jurid. Nauk. Samara, 2012. 200 s.
18. Makarova N. A. Ohranitel'naja funkcija prava i ee realizacija v dejatel'nosti organov vnutrennih del Rossii: avtoref. dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. M., 2011.22 s.
19. Makeeva E .M. Sistema prava RF (voprosy teorii i praktiki): avtoref. dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. M., 2006.23 s.
20. Marchenko M. N. Teorija gosudarstva i prava. Uchebnik. M., 2004. 504 s.
21. Melent'ev M. P. Izbrannye trudy. Rjazan': Akademija prava i upravlenija Federal'noj sluzhby ispolnenija nakazanij, 2007. 212 s.
22. Natashev A. E. Sovetskoe ispravitel'no-trudovoe zakonodatel'stvo. M., 1975. 168 s.
23. Obshhaja chast' novogo Ugolovno-ispolnitel'nogo Kodeksa RF: itogi i obosnovanie teoreticheskogo modelirovanija / pod red. d.ju.n, professora V. I. Seliverstova. M.: ID «Jurisprudencija», 2017. 328 s.
24. Ozhegov S. I., Shvedova N. Ju. Tolkovyj slovar' russkogo jazyka: 80 000 slov i frazeologicheskih vyrazhenij. M.: AZ"", 1995. 928 s.
25. Rad'ko T. N. Metodologicheskie voprosy poznanija funkcij prava. Volgograd, 1974. 151 s.
26. Rad'ko T. N. Teorija gosudarstva i prava. Uchebnik. M.:Prospekt, 2010. 720 s.
27. Reutov V. P. Funkcional'naja priroda sistemy prava. Perm': Izd-vo Permskogo gos. Un-ta, 2002. 163 s.
28. Romashov R. A. Teorija gosudarstva i prava. SPb.: Piter, 2009. 304 s.
29. Svirin Ju. A., Sitdikova L. B. Ontologicheskaja priroda grazhdanskogo ispolnitel'nogo prava // Ispolnitel'noe pravo. M.: Jurist, 2009. # 4. S. 24-28.
30. Skiba A. P. Ispolnenie nakazanija v lechebno-profilakticheskih uchrezhdenijah: Dis. … kand. jurid. nauk.Rostov n/D., 2003. 201 s.
31. Struchkov N. A., Natashev A. E. Osnovy teorii ispravitel'no-trudovogo prava. M., 1967. 190 s.
32. Surin V. V. Soderzhanie informacionnoj ugolovno-ispolnitel'nogo prava. // Vestnik Vlad. Jurid. inta. 2017. # 2 (43). S. 179-184.
33. 33. Timohin S. Ju. Funkcii, zadachi, celi ugolovnogo prava: problemy sootnoshenija: Dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. Vladivostok, 2002. 200 s.
34. 34. Tkachenko Ju. G. Metodologicheskie voprosy teorii pravootnoshenij. M., 1980. 176 s.
35. 35. Uporov I. V. «Mertvye normy» v istorii ugolovnogo i ugolovno-ispolnitel'nogo prava Rossii //Novoe slovo v nauke: perspektivy razvitija. # 1-1 (7). 2016. S. 100-102.
36. 36. Cherdancev A. F. Teorija gosudarstva i prava. Uchebnik. M., 2002. 432 s.
37. 37. Shajhatdinov V. M. Teoreticheskie problemy sovetskogo prava social'nogo obespechenija: avtoref.dis. … na soisk. uchen. step. dokt. jurid. nauk. M., 1985.28 s.
Kulikova D. A., Vasilev D. V.
Historical and legal aspect of the development of the doctrine of forensic examination of handwriting
Тhe article deals with the history and development of handwriting research as a modern and scientifically grounded field of subject forensic expertise.
Keywords: handwriting, handwriting, handwriting expertise, history of handwriting development.
Work bibliographic list
1. Vinberg A. I. Kriminalisticheskaja jekspertiza pis'ma. - M., 1940.
2. Mancvetova A. I., Orlova V. F., Shljahov A. R. Predmet, sistema, metody i zadachi sudebnogo pocherkovedenija // Voprosy sovershenstvovanija metodiki sudebno-pocherkovedcheskoj jekspertizy. - M., 1966.
3. Markova L. V. Kriminalisticheskoe issledovanie podpisej, vypolnennyh licami ot svoego imeni s namerennym iskazheniem. – M.: VNIISJe, 1992.
4. Orlova V. F. Sudebno-pocherkovedcheskaja jekspertiza:obshhaja chast', teoreticheskie i metodicheskie osnovy, biblioteka sudebnogo jeksperta. - M., 2006.
5. Pocherkovedenie i pocherkovedcheskaja jekspertiza:uchebnik / pod red. V. V Seregina. – Volgograd: VA MVD Rossii, 2007.
6. Roshtal' A. Pocherk i harakter // Priroda i ljudi. -1910. - # 42.
7. Seregin V. V. Pocherkovedenie i pocherkovedcheskaja jekspertiza // Kurs lekcij. - Volgograd, 2002.
8. Sysoeva L. A., Pahomov A. V. Sudebno-jekspertnoe issledovanie sovremennoj podpisi. - M., 2007.
Kashaev N. Kh.
Practical aspects of “integration of knowledge” while conducting a comprehensive examination in the field of customs
The article discusses some aspects of the integration of knowledge from different fields of Sciences in the activities of the expert that allows you to improve the development of new forensic tools and methods of their implementation in expert practice.
Keywords: integration, knowledge, judicial expertise, integration expertise, comprehensive customs examination.
Work bibliographic list
1. Aminev F. G. O sovremennyh vozmozhnostjah kriminalisticheskogo issledovanija trasologicheskih ob"ektov. 2011. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija:20.09.2017).
2. Ipatko L. I., Pavlenko O. V. Aktual'nye voprosy teorii i praktiki tamozhennoj jekspertizy// Fundamental'nye issledovanija. - 2017. - # 2. - S. 135-
140. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 25.04.2018).
3. Kashaev N. H. Integracionnye processy v praktike proizvodstva sudebnyh jekspertiz // Sbornik dokladov Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii «Kriminalistika kak nauka i uchebnaja disciplina: istorija, nastojashhee i perspektivy razvitija», posvjashhennoj 35-letiju kafedry kriminalistiki Instituta prava BashGU // Pod obshh. red. I. A. Makarenko. - Ufa: RIC BashGU, 2017. - S. 178-183.
4. Kriminalistika: uchebnik / T. V. Aver'janova, R. S. Belkin, Ju. G. Koruhov, E. R. Rossinskaja. – 3-e izd., pererab. i dop. - M.: Norma: Infra-M, 2010.
5. Oficial'nyj sajt Federal'noj Tamozhennoj Sluzhby. Severo-Zapadnoe tamozhennoe upravlenie. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
642&Itemid=339 (data obrashhenija: 23.04.2018).
Kosarev K. V.
To the question of establishment of the place of commission of crime, the persons serving sentence in the form of imprisonment with use of mobile devices of cellular communication
The article is devoted to the establishment of the crime scene in the production of investigative actions and operational-search activities in correctional institutions.
Keywords: disclosure, investigation, investigative actions, correctional institutions, mobile communication means.
Work bibliographic list
1. Analiticheskie materialy MVD po Chuvashskoj respublike.
2. Lukinov A. Mesto rassledovanija telefonnogo moshennichestva // Zakonnost'. 2014. # 9. S. 43.
3. O sudebnoj praktike po delam o moshennichestve, prisvoenii i rastrate: post. Plenuma Verhovnogo Suda RF ot 27 dek. 2007 g. # 51 // Bjulleten' Verhovnogo Suda Ros. Federacii. 2008. # 2.
4. Ob opredelenii mesta proizvodstva predvaritel'nogo rassledovanija moshennichestv, sovershennyh s ispol'zovaniem telefonnoj (sotovoj) svjazi: inf. pis'mo General'noj prokuratury Ros. Federacii ot 3 dek.2015 g. # 36-11-2015 // Dokument opublikovan ne byl.
5. Tjutjunik R. N., Novopashin R. R. Peredacha soobshhenija o prestuplenii po territorial'noj podsledstvennosti kak sposob ukrytija prestuplenija // Zakonnost'. 2015. # 9. S. 34–37.
6. Franciforov Ju. V. Opredelenie mesta sovershenijatelefonnogo moshennichestva // Zakonnost'. 2016. # 2. S. 51-53.
Kuzhuget T. K.
Systematization of the ways of the criminal evasion of excise taxes
The article reveals the problems of detection and investigation of crimes related to excise evasion, attempts to reveal the mechanism of "gray schemes" specified in the address to the Federal Assembly, which in the payment of excise duties the state budget annually loses hundreds of billions of rubles. In theoretical and practical terms, this area of tax studies investigated (attempt) from the perspective of criminology. The technique aimed at effective detection and investigation of crimes of this category of criminal cases is offered. The regularity of criminal activity is revealed according to the scheme of formation of legal structure of excise: object of taxation; tax base; tax
period; tax privileges; tax rate; procedure of calculation of tax; procedure and terms of payment of tax. The carriers of criminally significant information are systematized in the following sequence: the first block of questions: information on the identity of the offender (on the nonexecutor of the tax obligation to pay excise duties) and the second block of questions: information on the situation of committing a crime associated with the formation of excise duties, where violated norms of tax legislation are admitted.
Keywords: tax, taxation, legal structure of tax, excise, systematization, investigation, tax crime.
Work bibliographic list
1. Poslanie Prezidenta RF Federal'nomu Sobraniju ot 01.12.2016 «Poslanie Prezidenta Rossijskoj Federacii Federal'nomu Sobraniju». // «Parlamentskaja gazeta». # 45. 02-08.12.2016. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
2. Prikaz Genprokuratury Rossii, FNS Rossii, SK Rossii # 286 MMV -7/2 232@ /675//50 ot 08.06.2015 g.; sajt MVD Rossii. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
3. Ahmedshin R. L. Prichiny krizisnogo sostojanija kriminalisticheskoj nauki. Pravovye problemy ukreplenija rossijskoj gosudarstvennosti. Chast' 74. Tomsk: izd-vo Tom. un-ta, 2017. 196 s.
4. Vedernikov N. T. Formy ispol'zovanija special'nyh poznanij v ugolovnom sudoproizvodstve i puti ih razvitija. Sb. statej. Tomsk, 1988.
5. Tjutin D. V. Nalogovoe pravo Rossii. M., 2009.
Alekseeva K. M.
Concept, the essence of criminalistic diagnostics and prospects of its use in disclosure and investigation of crimes
In this article, an attempt is made to analyze the concept and essence of forensic diagnostics, which should be understood as a method that effectively ensures the disclosure, as well as the investigation of crimes. In order to understand the essence of forensic diagnosis, it is necessary to proceed from the specifics of each crime, as well as the tasks that arise before law enforcement bodies in connection with the detection of signs, for them of such crimes.
Keywords: forensic diagnostics, forensic identification, disclosure of blunts, tracological diagnostics, judicial ballistic diagnostics.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ishkil'din A. I. Kriminalisticheskaja diagnostika i ee ispol'zovanie v raskrytii i rassledovanii prestuplenij. Alleja nauki. - 2017. - T. 2.- # -9. - S. 209-212.
2. Kokin A. V. O Sushhnosti kriminalisticheskoj diagnostiki i ee sootnoshenii s identifikaciej. Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta MVD Rossii. - 2009.- # 6. - S. 143-146.
3. Sibil'kova A. V. Istoricheskij analiz formirovanija teorii kriminalisticheskoj diagnostiki i puti ee dal'nejshego razvitija // Vestnik Ufimskogo juridicheskogo instituta MVD Rossii. - 2008. - # 4. -S. 62-65.
4. Sokolova O. A. Sovremennye tendencii razvitija kriminalisticheskoj diagnostiki // Vestnik jekonomicheskoj bezopasnosti. - 2016. - # 4. - S. 99-103.
5. Timchenko V. A. Klassifikacija prestupnoj dejatel'nosti jekonomicheskoj napravlennosti v celjah kriminalisticheskoj diagnostiki // Juridicheskaja nauka i praktika: Vestnik Nizhegorodskoj akademii MVD Rossii. - 2012. - # 2. - S. 123-126.
Lonshchakova A. R.
Actual problems of use of special psycho-physiological tools in the criminal proceedings
This article attempts to analyze the problems of the use of special psychophysiological tools in criminal proceedings and to formulate basic proposals on the possibility of their use in this area.
Keywords: credibility, totality of evidence, criminal procedure, polygraph, handwriting analysis personality, specialist, investigator, overcoming of counteraction to investigation.
Work bibliographic list
1. Apostolova N. N. Primenenie poligrafa v ugolovnom sudoproizvodstve // Rossijskaja justicija. 2012.# 6.
2. Belkin A. R. Dopustimost', dostovernost', processual'naja prigodnost', ili eshhe raz o roli poligrafa v ugolovnom sudoproizvodstve // Ugolovnoe sudoproizvodstvo. 2013. # 2.
3. Kitaev N. N. Psihofiziologicheskaja jekspertiza –gruboe narushenie Instrukcii o porjadke primenenija poligrafa pri oprose grazhdan // Rossijskij sledovatel'. 2007. # 6.
4. Komissarova Ja. V. Kriminalisticheskoe izuchenie lichnosti: nauchno-prakticheskoe posobie dlja magistrov. M., 2016. // SPS «Konsul'tantPljus» (data obrashhenija: 22.03.2018).
5. Lonshhakova A. R. Osobennosti ispol'zovanija sovremennyh nauchno-tehnicheskih sredstv pri proizvodstve doprosa // Aktual'nye problemy prava i gosudarstva v 21 veke. 2016.
6. Pelenicyn A. B., Soshnikov A. P. O nauchnoj obosnovannosti primenenija poligrafa // Jekspert-kriminalist. 2011 # 2 // SPS «Konsul'tantPljus» (data obrashhenija: 22.03.2018).
7. Soshnikov A. P., Pelenicyn A. B. Ocenka personala:psihologicheskie i psihofiziologicheskie metody. M., 2009.
8. Halikov A. N. Sootnoshenie kriminalisticheskih i processual'nyh zadach pri provedenii special'nyh psihofiziologicheskih issledovanij s primeneniem poligrafa // Rossijskij sledovatel'. 2016. # 4.
9. Holodnyj Ju. I. O edinom nauchno-metodicheskom podhode k primeneniju poligrafa // Juridicheskaja psihologija. 2013. # 1.
Lysenko N. A.
Actual problems of legal linguistic assessment
The article examines the main problems of legal linguistic assessment in the Russian Federation.
The author pays special attention to errors in the appointment and production of this examination.
Keywords: law, judicial system, legal linguistic assessment, civil process, criminal process, legal
Work bibliographic list
1. Galjashina E. I. Ponjatijnye osnovy sudebnoj lingvisticheskoj jekspertizy // Teorija i praktika lingvisticheskogo analiza tekstov SMI v sudebnyh jekspertizah i informacionnyh sporah. Sbornik materialov nauchno-prakticheskogo seminara, Moskva,
7-8 dekabrja 2002 g. Ch. 2 / Pod red. M. V. Gorbanevskogo.M.: Galerija, 2003. S. 48-64.
2. Ratinov A. R. Metodologicheskie voprosy juridicheskoj psihologii // Psihologicheskij zhurnal. 1983. T.4. # 4. S. 107-118.
3. Salimovskij V. A., Mehonina E. N. Tipichnye oshibki (ulovki) v nenadlezhashhej sudebno-lingvisticheskoj jekspertize // Vestnik Permskogo universiteta. Rossijskaja i zarubezhnaja filologija. 2010. Vyp. 2 (8). S. 47-52.
Timofeeva O. V.
Legal analysis of judicial practice on the protection of rights and legitimate interests of stakeholders in the implementation of urban development
The author of this article systematically analyzes the juridical practice of legal defense of concerned persons legal rights and interests in implementing urban planning, including affirmation of territorial planning and urban zoning documents, distinguished a few typical judicial approaches to the Urban planning code of Russian Federation provisions, main foundations of satisfaction and refusals of satisfactions of the concerned peoples requirements, also the author reveals legal collision and proposes some solutions of actual legal problems.
Keywords: urban planning legislation, concerned persons, legal interests, territorial planning, urban zoning, general urban plan, land use regulations, land plot, public hearings
Work bibliographic list
1. Gradostroitel'nyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii//«Rossijskaja gazeta». # 290. 30.12.2004.
2. Kodeks administrativnogo sudoproizvodstva Rossijskoj Federacii// «Rossijskaja gazeta». #
3. Federal'nyj zakon ot 03.07.2016 # 373-FZ // «Rossijskaja gazeta». # 152. 13.07.2016.
4. Golubcov V. G. Sochetanie publichnyh i chastnyh nachal v regulirovanii veshhnyh otnoshenij s uchastiem gosudarstva // Izdatel'stvo «Juridicheskij centr Press»,SPb., 2005.
5. Koncepcija chastnogo i publichnogo prava Rossii:Monografija / Pod red. V. I. Ivanova, Ju. S. Haritonovoj. M.: JuNITI-DANA; Zakon i pravo, 2013.
6. Kurbatov A. Ja. Sochetanie chastnyh i publichnyh interesov pri pravovom regulirovanii predprinimatel'skoj dejatel'nosti // Izdatel'stvo «JurInfoR»,M., 2001.
7. Peskova A. A. Balans publichnyh i chastnyh interesov pri realizacii prava na sudebnuju zashhitu municipal'noj sobstvennosti // Konstitucionnoe i municipal'noe pravo. 2010. # 10. S. 24.
8. Timofeeva O. V. O nekotoryh teoreticheskih voprosah pravovogo statusa zainteresovannyh lic v gradostroitel'nom zakonodatel'stve // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2018. # 2 (118). S. 129-131.
9. Timofeeva O. V. Obespechenie prav i zakonnyh interesov zainteresovannyh lic pri prinjatii reshenij ob osushhestvlenii dejatel'nosti po kompleksnomu i ustojchivomu razvitiju territorij // Pravovoe regulirovanie sbalansirovannogo razvitija territorij:
sbornik materialov Mezhdunarodnyh nauchno-prakticheskih konferencij «Jekologicheskaja politika:vektory sbalansirovannogo razvitija» i «Pravovoe obespechenie kompleksnogo razvitija territorij».M.: MIIGAiK, 2018. S. 307-312.
Ulendeeva N. I.
Information component of the penal correction system
This article examines the informational nature of legal relations in the prison system, distinguished features of the criminal-Executive relations in the informational nature that characterize the specifics of legal relations, describes the special nature of information activities, which regulates the criminal-Executive relations emerging in the sphere of information in connection with the implementation of information rights and freedoms and the flow of information processes in the activity on execution of criminal sanctions, the conclusion about focusing attention on the study of the functions of penal law, which are implemented in the field of dissemination and use of huge information volumes and requested in terms of the organization of the execution and serving of sentences is formulated.
Keywords: information, information, nature, legal basis, penal law, information mode, information legal relations.
Work bibliographic list
1. Agarkova A. M. Novye funkcii prava // Ocherki novejshej kameralistiki. – 2016. - # 4. – S. 71-74.
2. Bachilo I. L. Global'naja informatizacija i pravo// Fakt. Informacionno-analiticheskij zhurnal. -2000. - # 5. – S. 4-8.
3. Butuzov S. V. Informacionnaja funkcija prava. Avto-ref. dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. – SPb., 2004. – 23 s.
4. Zherebcova N. I., Maslova A. B. Primenenie informacionnyh tehnologij v dejatel'nosti pravovogo upravlenija FSIN Rossii // Informacionno-tehnicheskoe obespechenie dejatel'nosti ugolovno-ispolnitel'noj sistemy na sovremennom jetape. Sb. materialov nauchno-prakticheskogo seminara / Otv. red. A.A. Babkin. – Vologda: Vologodskij institut prava i jekonomiki FSIN, 2017. – S. 37-41.
5. Kutjakin S. A., Naphanenko I. P., Belyj A. G. Sushhnostnye aspekty realizacii celi dejatel'nosti ugolovno-ispolnitel'noj sistemy Rossii po ispravleniju osuzhdennyh // Obshhestvo i pravo. – 2017. - # 3.– S. 159-163.
6. Rad'ko T. N., Tolstik V. A. Funkcii prava. Monografija. - N. Novgorod: Nizhegorodskaja vysshaja shkola MVD RF, 1995. — 106 s.
7. Surin V. V. Informacionnaja funkcija ugolovno-ispolnitel'nogo prava // Biznes v zakone. Jekonomiko-juridicheskij zhurnal. – 2014. - # 1. – S. 64-67.
8. Tjurina N. I. Pravomernoe povedenie kak ob"ekt juridicheskogo issledovanija. Avtoref. dis. … kand.jurid. nauk. - Saratov, 2003. – 24 s.
9. Chervjakovskij A. V. Informacionnaja funkcija prava i dejatel'nost' organov vnutrennih del po ejo realizacii. Avtoref. dis. ... kand. jurid. nauk. – M., 2003.– 24 s.
Ismailov M. Ch.
Judgments as sources of law
The article examines the problem of recognition of court rulings sources of law in the Russian legal system. It argues that the legal positions contained in judgments of the constitutional and Supreme Courts of the Russian Federation as acts of judicial lawmaking are the sources of law. The legal position formulated by the Supreme courts fill in the gaps and they played to motivate other court decisions, and from this point of view, they are sources of law.
Keywords: properties of the law-making court decisions decisions of the constitutional court and the Supreme court of the Russian Federation, judicial decisions as sources of law, particularly the legal positions set out in the Decision of Plenum of the Supreme Court as sources of law.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bogdanova N. A. Konstitucionnyj Sud Rossijskoj Federacii v sisteme konstitucionnogo prava // Vestnik Konstitucionnogo Suda RF. - 1997. - # 3.
2. Gadzhiev G. A. Pravovye pozicii Konstitucionnogo Suda RF kak novyj istochnik rossijskogo grazhdanskogo prava // Zakon. - 2006. - # 11.
3. Gadzhiev G. A. Fenomen sudebnogo precedenta v Rossii // Sudebnaja praktika kak istochnik prava. - M.:Jurist", 2000.
4. Guk P. A. Sudebnyj precedent kak istochnik prava:Avtoref. dis. ... kand. jurid. nauk. - Saratov, 2002.
5. Egiazarov V. A. Transportnoe pravo: Uchebnik. - M.,2004.
6. Kachalova O. V. Funkcii suda v sovremennom rossijskom ugolovnom sudoproizvodstve // Rossijskij sud'ja. - 2014. - # 1.
7. Kechek'jan S. F. O ponjatii istochnika prava // Uchenye zapiski: trudy juridicheskogo fakul'teta. Uchenye zapiski MGU. - M., 1946. - Kn. 2.
8. Kokotov A. N. O pravotvorcheskom soderzhanii reshenij Konstitucionnogo Suda Rossijskoj Federacii// Rossijskaja justicija. - 2014. - # 4.
9. Narutto S. V. Mesto Konstitucionnogo Suda Rossijskoj Federacii v sisteme organov gosudarstvennoj vlasti // Aktual'nye problemy rossijskogo prava.- 2014. - # 6.
10. Nersesjanc V. S. U rossijskih sudov net pravotvorcheskih polnomochij // Sudebnaja praktika kak istochnik prava. - M.: Jurist", 2000.
11. Problemy metodologii sistemnogo issledovanija /red. kol. I. V. Blauberg i dr. - M.: Mysl', 1970.
12. Shahraj S. M. Konstitucionnoe pravo Rossijskoj Federacii: Uchebnik dlja akademicheskogo bakalavriata i magistratury (4-e izdanie, izmenennoe i dopolnennoe). – M.: «Statut», 2017.
Bodyanchuk K. V.
Origin and development of the intellectual property court in the Russian Federation
The article is devoted to the development of the judicial system of the Russian Federation, namely
the creation of a specialized court on intellectual rights. This article examines the history of the development of the court, as well as the analysis of the court for 5 years of its activity. The author analyzes a complex of the legislative acts regulating questions of creation and activity of Court on intellectual rights.
Keywords: law, judicial system, court on intellectual rights, specialized arbitration court.
Work bibliographic list
1. Burobina E. V. O novom sude po intellektual'nym pravam // Advokatskaja praktika. - 2013. - # 1. - S. 29-32.
2. Gushhin E. S. Statisticheskij analiz i prognozirovanie razvitija rynka intellektual'noj sobstvennosti v RF: Avtoref. dis. ... kand. jekonom. nauk. - M., 2007.
3. Eliseev I. N. Sud po intellektual'nym pravam -pervyj specializirovannyj sud v arbitrazhnoj sisteme // Zakony Rossii: opyt, analiz, praktika. -2012. - # 4. - S. 88-95.
4. Korneev V. A. Kakim budet Sud po intellektual'nym pravam // Patenty i licenzii. - 2011. - # 1.
5. Rozhkova M. A. Zashhita intellektual'nyh prav: zakonodatel'nye oshibki pri opredelenii statusa i kompetencii specializirovannyh organov, razreshajushhih dela v sfere promyshlennoj sobstvennosti: uchebnoe posobie. - M.: Statut, 2016. - 286 s.
Dikova I. V.
Justice as form of realization of judicial power: respect for the principles of legality and justice
The article is devoted to a problem of respect for the principles of legality and justice in the course of justice implementation as forms of realization of judicial power. The author made an attempt on concrete examples from court practice to analyse the errors in procedure made in the course consideration of civil cases about paternity proof which can entail violation of the principles of legality and justice and pronouncement of the illegal decision.
Keywords: judicial power, justice, principle of legality, principle of justice, error in procedure.
Work bibliographic list
1. Grazhdanskij processual'nyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii [Jelektronnyj resurs]: ot 14.11.2002 #138-FZ (red. ot 28.12.2013) // Dostup iz SPS « Konsul'tant Pljus».
2. Postanovlenie Plenuma Verhovnogo Suda RF ot 25.10.1996 # 9 «O primenenii sudami Semejnogo kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii pri rassmotrenii del ob ustanovlenii otcovstva i o vzyskanii alimentov» // Bjulleten' Verhovnogo Suda Rossijskoj Federacii # 1. 1997.
3. Prikaz Minzdravsocrazvitija RF ot 12.05.2010 N 346n «Ob utverzhdenii Porjadka organizacii i proizvodstva sudebno-medicinskih jekspertiz v gosudarstvennyh sudebno-jekspertnyh uchrezhdenijah Rossijskoj Federacii» // Rossijskaja gazeta N 186. 20.08.2010.
4. Reshenie Evropejskogo Suda po delu «Kanonn protiv Francii» [Canonne v. France] ot 2 ijunja 2015 goda//Bjulleten' Evropejskogo Suda po pravam cheloveka. Rossijskoe izdanie. 2015. # 10 (160).
5. David R., Zhoffre-Spinozi K. Osnovnye pravovye sistemy sovremennosti. M., 1999.
6. Murad'jan Je. M. Sudebnoe pravo. SPb.: Izdatel'stvo R. Aslanova «Juridicheskij centr Press», 2007.
7. Tarabrin A. I. Osparivanie otcovstva: pravovye puti reshenija problemy v Rossijskoj Federacii //Semejnoe i zhilishhnoe pravo. 2014. # 6. S. 33-36.
8. Filosofskaja jenciklopedija: V 5 t. T. 5. M., 1970.
Rakishev K. Kh.
The public danger of violations of copyright and related rights in the Internet
The article considers the issue of qualifications on the objective side of the violation of copyright
and related rights, disclose the content of socially dangerous acts stipulated in the Article 198 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and the author proposes to make an addition to this article.
Keywords: Internet, information, qualification, copyrights, related rights.
Work bibliographic list
1. «Protivodejstvovat' kibergurozam» // JuG. # 11(3210). 9 fevralja 2018 g.
2. Zinin A. M., Majlis N. P. Sudebnaja jekspertiza. Uchebnik – M.: Pravo i zakon: Jurajt-Izdat, 2002. 166 s.
3. Ishhenko E. P., Egorov N.N. Kriminalistika dlja sledovatelej i doznavatelej: Nauchno-prakticheskoe posobie / pod red. General-lejtenanta justicii A. V.Anichina. M.: Juridicheskaja firma «KONTRAKT»:INFRA-M., 2013. 533 s.
Karpysheva Yu. O.
The Prosecutor’s office of Russia as a subject of ensure of internal national security
The article examines the main subjects of national security of Russia, among which the dominant role belongs to the state represented by its bodies. Special attention is paid to the place of the Prosecutor's office in the implementation of this activity, and given a conditional division "security" to "internal" and "external", focuses on the participation of prosecutors in the internal security of the country.
Key words: national security, internal security, subjects of ensuring national security, Prosecutor's office.
Work bibliographic list
1. O koordinacii dejatel'nosti pravoohranitel'nyh organov po bor'be s prestupnost'ju: ukaz Prezidenta Ros. Federacii ot 18.04.1996 # 567: v red. ot 07.12.2016 # 656 // Konsul'tantPljus. VersijaProf[Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Jelektron. dan. — M., 2016.
2. O Strategii nacional'noj bezopasnosti Rossijskoj Federacii: ukaz Prezidenta Ros. Federacii ot 31.12.2015 # 683: v red. ot 31.12.2015 # 683 // Konsul'tantPljus. VersijaProf [Jelektronnyj resurs].— Jelektron. dan. — M., 2015.
3. O Strategii jekologicheskoj bezopasnosti Rossijskoj Federacii na period do 2025 goda: ukaz Prezidenta Ros. Federacii ot 19.04.2017 # 176: v red. ot 19.04.2017 # 176 // Konsul'tantPljus. VersijaProf [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Jelektron. dan. — M., 2017.
4. O Strategii jekonomicheskoj bezopasnosti Rossijskoj Federacii na period do 2030 goda: ukaz Prezidenta Ros. Federacii ot 13.05.2017 # 208: v red. ot 13.05.2017 # 208 // Konsul'tantPljus. VersijaProf [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Jelektron. dan. — M., 2017.
5. Ob utverzhdenii Doktriny informacionnoj bezopasnosti Rossijskoj Federacii: ukaz Prezidenta Ros. Federacii ot 05.12.2016 # 646: v red. ot 05.12.2016 # 646 // Konsul'tantPljus. VersijaProf [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Jelektron. dan. — M., 2016.
6. Ob utverzhdenii Polozhenij o Sovete Bezopasnosti Rossijskoj Federacii i apparate Soveta Bezopasnosti Rossijskoj Federacii, a takzhe ob izmenenii i priznanii utrativshimi silu otdel'nyh aktov Prezidenta Rossijskoj Federacii: ukaz Prezidenta Ros. Federacii ot 07.06.2004 # 726: v red. ot 06.05.2011 # 590 // Konsul'tantPljus. VersijaProf [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Jelektron. dan. — M., 2011.
7. O bezopasnosti: zakon Ros. Federacii ot 05.03.1992 # 2446-1: utratil silu v svjazi s prinjatiem Federal'nogo zakona ot 28.12.2010 # 390-FZ, vstupivshego v silu so dnja oficial'nogo opublikovanija (opublikovan v «Rossijskoj gazete» 29.12.2010.
8. O bezopasnosti: feder. zakon Ros. Federacii ot 28.12.2010 # 390: v red. ot 05.10.2015 # 285-FZ // Konsul'tantPljus. VersijaProf [Jelektronnyj resurs].— Jelektron. dan. — M., 2015.
9. O prokurature Rossijskoj Federacii: feder. zakon Ros. Federacii ot 17.01.1992 # 2202-1: v red. ot 29.07.2017 # 283-FZ // Konsul'tantPljus. Versija-Prof [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Jelektron. dan. — M.,2017.
10. O pravotvorcheskoj dejatel'nosti organov prokuratury i uluchshenii vzaimodejstvija s zakonodatel'nymi (predstavitel'nymi) i ispolnitel'nymi organami gosudarstvennoj vlasti i organami mestnogo samoupravlenija: prikaz Gener. prokurora Ros.Federacii ot 17.09.2007 # 144: v red. ot 06.02.2013 #
56 // Konsul'tantPljus. VersijaProf [Jelektronnyj resurs]. — Jelektron. dan. — M., 2013.
11. Ashurbekov T. A. Pravovye i organizacionnye osnovy nadzornoj i inoj funkcional'noj dejatel'nosti prokuratury v sfere nacional'noj bezopasnosti:dis. ... dokt. jurid. nauk: 12.00.11 / Tofik Ashurbekovich Ashurbekov; Akademija General'noj prokuratury RF. M., 2009. 543 s.
12. Ishhenko E. P., Plotkin D. M., Batmanov A. V. Detskij suicid: nedetskie problemy kvalifikacii i profilaktiki // Biblioteka kriminalista. Nauchnyj zhurnal. 2016. # 5 (28). S. 9-20.
13. Kapinus O. S., Kardashova I. B., Rjabcev V. P. Prokuratura v sisteme obespechenija nacional'noj bezopasnosti Rossii // Vestnik Akademii General'noj prokuratury Rossijskoj Federacii. 2010. # 6. S. 12-22.
14. Kapinus O. S., Rjabcev V. P. Perspektivy razvitija pravovoj reglamentacii statusa prokuratury Rossijskoj Federacii // Vestnik Akademii General'noj prokuratury Rossijskoj Federacii. 2010. # 6. S. 19-27.
15. Karpysheva Ju. O. Dejatel'nost' prokurora v sfere obespechenija prodovol'stvennoj bezopasnosti Rossii v chasti sobljudenija zakonnosti pri ispol'zovanii zemel' sel'skohozjajstvennogo naznachenija //Vestnik stipendiatov DAAD. 2017. # 1. S. 52-58.
16. Petrova L. I., Manakova S. G. Pravo zakonodatel'noj iniciativy prokurora // Zakonnost'. 2009. # 12. S. 3-8.
17. Pirumov V. S. Metodologija kompleksnogo issledovanija problem bezopasnosti Rossii // Problemy global'noj bezopasnosti. M., 1995. S. 49-76.
18. Prokuratura v sisteme nacional'noj bezopasnosti Rossii: ucheb. posobie // O. S. Kapinus, I. B. Kardashova, V. P. Rjabcev. M., 2012. 487 s.
19. Rjabcev V. P. Razvitie teoreticheskih osnov organizacii dejatel'nosti prokuratury // Vestnik Akademii General'noj prokuratury Rossijskoj Federacii. 2013. # 2. S. 23-29.__
Timofeeva O. V., Kazankova E. V.
The role of the Prosecutor’s office in the mechanism of control over the costs of public and other employees
The article deals with the problems of combating corruption in the field of control over the costs
of public and other employees, as well as the role of the Prosecutor's office in this activity. Based on the analysis of legislation on combating corruption, the authors offered specific solutions to individual issues on the control of expenditure of these entities.
Keywords: corruption, anti-corruption, prosecution, state and other employees, control, criminal
liability, anti-corruption audit.
Work bibliographic list
1. O predstavlenii licami, zameshhajushhimi gosudarstvennye dolzhnosti Rossijskoj Federacii, i licami, zameshhajushhimi gosudarstvennye dolzhnosti gosudarstvennoj sluzhby i dolzhnosti v organah mestnogo samoupravlenija, svedenij o dohodah i imushhestve:
Ukaz Prezidenta RF ot 15 maja 1997 g. # 484 // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. - 1997. - # 20. - St. 2239.(utratil silu).
2. O kontrole za sootvetstviem rashodov lic, zameshhajushhih gosudarstvennye dolzhnosti, i inyh lic ih dohodam: Federal'nyj zakon ot 3 dekabrja 2012 g. #230-FZ // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. - 2012. - #50 (chast' IV). - St. 6953.
3. Kabanov P. A. Antikorrupcionnyj audit kak instrument protivodejstvija korrupcii: ponjatie, soderzhanie, voprosy pravovogo regulirovanija //Administrativnoe i municipal'noe pravo. - 2015.- # 7. - S. 744-753.
4. Kontrol' za rashodami gosudarstvennyh sluzhashhih:rol' prokuratury. - [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 05.02.2018 g.).
5. Otchet po forme «K» za 2016 god General'noj prokuratury RF. - [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 05.02.2018 g.).
6. Statisticheskie dannye ob osnovnyh pokazateljah dejatel'nosti organov prokuratury Rossijskoj Federacii za janvar'-dekabr' 2016 g. - [Jelektronnyj
resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: data/1162324// (data obrashhenija: 05.02.2018 g.).
7. Statisticheskie dannye ob osnovnyh pokazateljah dejatel'nosti organov prokuratury Rossijskoj Federacii za janvar'-dekabr' 2017 g. - [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 05.02.2018 g.).
Kozachenko B. P., Shmaeva T. A.
The influence of advisory acts of international organizations on the Russian legislation in the sphere of human and civil rights
The main feature of advisory acts of international organizations is that, being legally binding, they
are very often taken into account in modern Russian legislation in connection with the high legal and moral value. It should also be noted that to date, the Russian Federation lacks a full-scale mechanism for harmonizing domestic legislation and the provisions of the Advisory acts of international organizations. The choice of a particular method of borrowing (total borrowing of
legal provisions, partial; the use of blanket rules, and so on as a rule, it depends on the type and legal and technical qualities of such a recommendation, the status of the international organization that adopted it, as well as the degree of expediency of applying to such acts for the modernization of domestic legislation, and the extent to which the proposed legal model is adaptable to Russian realities.
Keywords: human rights and freedoms, advisory acts of international organizations, the Nelson Mandela Rules, implementation, transformation, harmonization.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ugolovno-ispolnitel'nyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii: feder. zakon ot 8 janv.1997 g. # 1-FZ // Sobr. zakonodatel'stva Ros. Federacii. 1997. # 2. St. 198.
2. Minimal'nye standartnye pravila Organizacii Ob"edinennyh Nacij v otnoshenii obrashhenija s zakljuchennymi (Pravila Nel'sona Mandely) (prinjaty Rezoljuciej General'noj Assamblei OON ot 17 dek. 2015 g. # 70/175). [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: obrashhenija: 10.03.2018 g.).
3. Kodeks Azerbajdzhanskoj Respubliki ob ispolnenii nakazanij (utv. Zakonom Azerbajdzhanskoj Respubliki ot 14 ijulja 2000 g. # 908-IQ). St. 122. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:> (data obrashhenija: 10.03.2018 g.).
4. Vishnjakov V. G. i dr. Pravo i mezhgosudarstvennye ob"edinenija: monografija / pod obshh. red. V. G. Vishnjakova. SPb.: Jurid. centr Press, 2003. 575 s.
5. Konstitucionnye prava i svobody cheloveka i grazhdanina v Rossijskoj Federacii: uchebnik / pod. red. O. I. Tiunova. M.: Norma, 2005. 608 s.
6. Lafitskij V. I., Tiunov O. I. i dr. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo i nacional'noe zakonodatel'stvo: monografija / otv. red. Ju.A. Tihomirov. M.: JeKSMO, 2009. 702 s.
7. Tihomirov Ju. A. Gosudarstvo: preemstvennost' i novizna. M.: Jurisprudencija, 2011. 80 s.
Ogneva E. A.
Human rights organizations in the mechanism of implementation of direct democracy: the peculiarities of legal regulation
The author notes the special role and importance of human rights organizations in the mechanism of implementation of direct democracy. The insufficiency of legal regulation of activity of human rights organizations is emphasized. Features of legal regulation of their functioning are allocated. The necessity of development of human rights organizations as a factor of development of civil society and democracy in General is noted.
Keywords: direct democracy, institutions of direct democracy, human rights organizations.
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon RF ot 19.05.1995 g. # 82-FZ (v red. ot 20.12.2017) «Ob obshhestvennyh ob"edinenijah» //Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. 22.05.1995. # 21. St.1930; Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. 25.12.2017. # 52(Chast' I). St. 7927.
2. Federal'nyj zakon RF ot 12.06.2002 g. # 67-FZ (v red. ot 05.02.2018) «Ob osnovnyh garantijah izbiratel'nyh prav i prava na uchastie v referendume grazhdan Rossijskoj Federacii» // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. 17.06.2002. # 24. St. 2253; Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. 12.02.2018. # 7. St. 961.
3. Avak'jan S. A. Konstitucionnoe pravo Rossii: uchebnyj kurs: V 2 t. M.: Jurist, 2011. T. 1.
4. Zlatopol'skij D. L. Gosudarstvennoe pravo zarubezhnyh stran Vostochnoj Evropy i Azii. M., 1999.
5. Komarova V. V. Teoreticheskie osnovy neposredstvennoj demokratii v Rossijskoj Federacii // Vestnik MGPU. Serija «Juridicheskie nauki». 2012. # 1. S. 12.
6. Kutafin O. E. Izbrannye trudy: v 7 tt. T. 7. Rossijskij konstitucionalizm. M.: Prospekt, 2011.
7. Nudnenko L. A. K voprosu o pravovom regulirovanii narodovlastija v Rossii // Gosudarstvo i pravo. 2012. # 7.
8. Rudenko V. N. Prjamaja demokratija: modeli pravlenija konstitucionno-pravovye instituty. Ekaterinburg, 2003.
9. Tihomirova L. V., Tihomirov M. Ju. Juridicheskaja jenciklopedija. Izd. 6. M., 2009.
10. Shul'ga R. Ju. Zashhita prav cheloveka nepravitel'stvennymi pravozashhitnymi organizacijami: teoreticheskie i prakticheskie aspekty. M., 2009. S. 19.
Beglaryan K. S.
The need for international cooperation to combat crimes against humanity
The relevance of the article is determined by the need for international cooperation and the elaboration of principles establishing the grounds and conditions of responsibility for particularly dangerous crimes in order to ensure a uniform international legal assessment of crimes against peace and security of mankind, since the fight against them can be effective only if international cooperation.
According to the author, due to the fact that there is an implementation of the norms on crimes of international character in the national legal systems, and the approach to this process is ambiguous (differ as the composition of the crimes included in the list, and the rules on the action in the space of responsibility) for the correct legal qualification requires clear definitions in international legal acts, unification of the conceptual apparatus, which will achieve a uniform understanding of the language and terms of all States, and to identify common approaches in law enforcement.
Keywords: crimes against humanity, international jurisdiction, interference in the internal Affairs of the state, genocide, peace and security, international cooperation.
Work bibliographic list
1. Efremova T. F. Sovremennyj tolkovyj slovar' russkogo jazyka: v 3 t. - M., 2006. - T. 1.
2. Inogamova-Hegaj L. V., Kurnosova T. I. Mezhdunarodnye «prestuplenija protiv chelovechnosti» i «prestuplenija protiv chelovechestva»: ih sootnoshenie //Obshhestvo i pravo. - 2015. - # 4 (54).
3. Kubancev S. P. Podhody k implementacii mezhdunarodno-pravovyh norm o prestuplenijah protiv mira i bezopasnosti chelovechestva v ugolovnom zakonodatel'stve nekotoryh stran – uchastnikov SNG// Obshhestvo i pravo. – 2015. - # 4 (54).
4. Novichkov V. E. Prestuplenija protiv mira i bezopasnosti chelovechestva: problemy konflikta Rossijskogo, zarubezhnogo i mezhdunarodnogo prava // Tavricheskij nauchnyj obozrevatel'. - 2016. - # 4.
5. Njurnbergskij process: sb. materialov: v 2 t. - M.,1952. - T. 1.
6. Ozhegov S. I., Shvedova N. Ju. Tolkovyj slovar' russkogo jazyka. 4-e izd., dop. - M., 1999.
7. Poljanskij N. N. Mezhdunarodnyj voennyj tribunal. - M., 1946.
8. Pravovaja politika. Pravo. Pravovaja sistema: monografija / pod red. A. V. Mal'ko. - M.: Jurlitinform,2013.
9. Rimskij statut mezhdunarodnogo ugolovnogo suda/A/CONF/183/9 ot 17.07.1998 s izm. ot 16.01.2002. (data obrashhenija: 07.12.2017).
Karpov I. Yu.
Enforcement in the system of counteraction to threats of national security
In this article we are talking about the features of enforcement in the system of counteraction to threats of national security of the Russian Federation. The author comes to the conclusion that administrative enforcement is one of the principles of security of the Russian Federation.
In addition, the author also proposes to introduce into the principles of national security of the Russian Federation the principle of publicity of the activities of state bodies of national security in the field of national security.
Keywords: threats to national security, the Russian Federation, enforcement, administrative enforcement, principles of security.
Work bibliographic list
1. O bezopasnosti: Federal'nyj zakon ot 28.12.2010 #390-FZ: po sost. na 05.10.2015 // SZ RF. – 03.01.2011.– # 1. – St. 2.
2. O Strategii nacional'noj bezopasnosti Rossijskoj Federacii: Ukaz Prezidenta RF ot 31.12.2015#683 // SZ RF. – 04.01.2016. – # 1 (Chast' II). – St. 212.
3. Kardashova I. B. O roli administrativno-pravovyh metodov v obespechenii nacional'noj bezopasnosti.– 08.11.2016. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:https://otrasli-prava-rf/article/21292 (data obrashhenija: 26.03.2018).
4. Ljahov A. V. Administrativnoe prinuzhdenie v sisteme mer obespechenija bezopasnosti // Vojska nacional'noj gvardii Rossijskoj Federacii v sisteme organov obespechenija bezopasnosti: sbornik nauchnyh statej Mezhvuzovskoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii (Novosibirsk, 06.02.2017). – Novosibirsk,2017. – S. 191-196.
5. Redkous V. M. Osobennosti administrativno-pravovogo obespechenija nacional'noj bezopasnosti v sovremennyh uslovijah // Zakon i pravo. – 2010. – # 8.– S. 108-111.
6. Sannikova S. S. Principy obespechenija nacional'noj bezopasnosti v Rossijskoj Federacii // Vestnik PAGS. – 2013. – S. 14-18.
Pozigun V. I., SarkisyanV. G.
To the question of ensuring information security of minors in the Russian Federation
In work it is mentioned difficult and, at the same time, the topic of the day devoted to a question of ensuring information security of minors attention is paid to legal regulation of this perspective, and it is noted the vital issues connected about providing children with information security.
Keywords: information security, minors, legal protection, threat of information security.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bryleva E. A. Informacionnaja bezopasnost' nesovershennoletnih kak chast' nacional'noj bezopasnosti.
2. Zelik V. A. Propaganda ideologii jekstremistskoterroristicheskoj napravlennosti sredi molodezhi kak ugroza nacional'noj bezopasnosti Rossii // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2016. # 3 (94).
3. Kapica V. S., Kapica T. A. K voprosu ob informacionnoj bezopasnosti v ramkah protivodejstvija kiberprestupnosti i terrorizmu // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2017. # 11 (114).
4. Kuznecova E. V. Pravovye mery obespechenija informacionnoj bezopasnosti nesovershennoletnih v seti Internet: rossijskij i zarubezhnyj opyt: metodologicheskie rekomendacii. M., 2016.
5. Magdilova L. V. Pravovye osnovy obespechenija informacionnoj bezopasnosti nesovershennoletnih //Juridicheskij vestnik DGU. T. 23. 2017. # 3.
6. Malahova N. V., Malysheva O. A. pravovye voprosy informacionnoj bezopasnosti v sfere zashhity nesovershennoletnih ot pobuzhdenij k suicidu // Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta MVD. 2017. # 5.
Salakhova Zh. V.
Separate aspects of counteraction to distribution of extremist materials on the internet network
In article the current problem of counteraction to distribution of extremist ideology on the wide area network the Internet is considered.
The main legal mechanisms and technologies of counteraction and also the factors promoting making of crimes of an extremist directivity on the Internet are researched.
Keywords: Internet, extremist materials, counteraction, social networks, public safety.
Work bibliographic list
1. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija 05.03.2018g.).
2. Kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ob administrativnyh pravonarushenijah ot 30.12.2001 # 195- // Parlamentskaja gazeta, 5 janvarja 2002 g.
3. Latypov V.S. Optimizacija sudebno-jekspertnoj dejatel'nosti v Rossii: ugolovno-processual'nyj aspekt// Istoricheskie, filosofskie, politicheskie i juridicheskie nauki, kul'turologija i iskusstvovedenie. Voprosy teorii i praktiki. 2015. # 2 (52). S. 121-124.
4. O protivodejstvii jekstremistskoj dejatel'nosti:federal'nyj zakon ot 25.07.2002 # 114-FZ // Rossijskaja gazeta, 30 ijulja 2002 g.
5. Ugolovnyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ot 13.06.1996 # 63-FZ // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. 1996. # 25. st. 2954.
6. Jamalitdinov A. A. Jekstremizm: ego raznovidnosti i formy // Vestnik Ufimskogo juridicheskogo instituta MVD Rossii. 2016. # 4. S.37.
Fedosov A. V., Abdrakhimova I. R.,
Sabirzyanov R. R., Mukhyarova G. F.
Improvement of the state policy in the field of industrial safety
The article analyzes the concept of improving the state policy in the field of industrial safety management, taking into account the need to stimulate innovation activity of enterprises for the period up to 2020, developed by Rostekhnadzor.
The development of a risk-oriented approach in the field of industrial safety in the Russian Federation is considered, since risk is an integral part of any enterprise and activities.
Keywords: industrial safety, risk, improvement, policy, accident, supervision.
Work bibliographic list
1. Fedosov A. V., Zakirova Z. A., Abdrahimova I. R. Perspektivy primenenija risk-orientirovannogo podhoda v oblasti promyshlennoj bezopasnosti // Neftegazovoe delo. 2018. # 1. S. 145-161.
2. Shavaleev D. A., Abdrahmanov N. H. Upravlenie promyshlennoj bezopasnost'ju ob"ektov toplivno-jenergeticheskogo kompleksa na osnove analiza i monitoringa riskov // Neftegazovoe delo. 2012. # 6. S.435-441.
Drokin S. M.
Religiosity as an integral part of the formation of a moral personality in the Russian folk pedagogy
The national pedagogics is integral a part of the general spiritual culture of the people. The analysis of sources shows that education in has closely something in common with the ideas and thoughts expressed in monuments of national pedagogics: in sayings, proverbs, fairy tales, legends, the people directly connect some legends with acts, life and activity. The pedagogical ideas of the people about formation it is moral the complete personality revealed mainly in the spirit of Christian lectures, in line with universal morals. They are characterized by humanistic orientation, at the same time reflect national peculiarities of activity of Russians and demonstrate the high pedagogical culture of the people.
Keywords: рedagogics, religiousness, folklore, moral education, morals.
Work bibliographic list
1. Antologija pedagogicheskoj mysli Drevnej Rusi i Russkogo gosudarstva XIV-XVII vv. M., 1985.
2. Dal' V. I. Poslovicy russkogo naroda. M., 1996, T. 1.
3. Domostroj. Sost.: V. V. Kolesova. M., 1990.
4. Kajsarov A. S., Glinka G. A., Rybakov B. A. Mify drev-nih slavjan. Vstup. Stat'ja A. Bazhenovoj. Saratov, 1993.
5. Marks K., Jengel's F. Soch. 2-e izd., 1958. T. 10.
6. Medynskij E. N. Istorija russkoj pedagogiki. M.,1938.
7. Miljukov P. N. Ocherki po istorii russkoj kul'tury. V 3-h tomah. T. 2, ch. 1. M., 1994.
8. Narodnye russkie skazki. Pod red. A.N. Afanas'eva.M., 1957. T. 3.
9. Sapunov B. V. Kniga V Rossii v HI-XVII vv. L.,1978.
10. Snegirev I. M. Slovar' russkih poslovic i pogovorok. N. Novgorod, 1996.
11. Tolochko P. P. Drevnjaja Rus'. Kiev, 1987.
12. Ushinskij K. D. Sobr. soch., t. 10. M.-L., 1950.
Popov I. V.
Modern lecture as a form of active learning in law school
The article discusses the transformation of modern society, which has led to the need to transform approaches to the formulation of modern University lectures. The article considers the modern forms of lectures, describes the technology of designing and conducting lectures. Special attention is paid to assessing the quality of lectures based on the fundamental design principles of this form of learning.
Emphasizes the importance of the transition to productive learning in the University by using active and interactive teaching methods and as a result, improve the quality of the educational process in general.
Keywords: higher education, learning, lecture, modern educational technology, productive learning, instructional design.
Work bibliographic list
1. Busygin A. G., Busygina T. A. Postanovka vuzovskoj lekcii i ocenka ejo kachestva: Nauchno-metodicheskoe posobie dlja prepodavatelej vuzov i zavedujushhih kafedrami / Pod red. d.p.n., prof. Busyginoj A. L. Samara: GP «Perspektiva»; Izd-vo SGPU, 2005. 32 s.
2. Vershinin B. I. Mozg i obuchenie. Metodika realizacii funkcional'nyh vozmozhnostej mozga: Uchebnoe posobie. Tomsk: Izd-vo Tomskogo politehn. un-ta, 1996.
3. Zadorina O. S. Vuzovskaja lekcija v kontekste sovremennoj situacii v obrazovanii // Pedagogicheskoe obrazovanie v Rossii. 2012. # 4. S. 121-126.
4. Kolesnikova I. A. Kommunikativnaja dejatel'nost' pedagoga: Uchebnoe posobie dlja stud. vyssh. ped. ucheb. zavedenij / Pod red. V. A. Slastenina. M., 2007.
5. Kolychev N. M., Semchenko V. V., Levkin G. G., Sosnovskaja E.V. Lekcija o lekcii: Uchebnoe posobie. Omsk:GP Omskaja oblastnaja tipografija, 2015. 152 s.
6. Popov I. V. Proektirovanie tehnologii obuchenija kursantov juridicheskogo vuza discipline «Special'naja tehnika»: Dis. … kand. ped. nauk. Samara, 2006. 219 s.
7. Oshhepkova O. V. Lekcija-vizualizacija kak aktivnaja forma obuchenija // Vestnik SJuI FSIN Rossii: Nauchno-prakticheskij zhurnal. # 1 (12). Samara, 2014. S. 94-97
8. Oshhepkova O. V. Metodika provedenija lekcii – press-konferencii i lekcii s zaplanirovannymi oshibkami // Vestnik SJuI FSIN Rossii: Nauchno-prakticheskij zhurnal. # 3 (14). Samara, 2014. S. 99-102.
Pilipenko N. A.
Linguistic analysis of the text as a factor of formation communicative competence of the lawyer
The article deals with the formation of the communicative competence of a lawyer through the linguistic analysis of the text. The text is considered as a re-writing process, which is complete.
Keywords: language and speech, text, linguistic competence, communicative competence, text structure, extralinguistic factors, legal discourse.
Work bibliographic list
1. Balova I. M., Budaeva L. A., Shherban' G. E. O nekotoryh slozhnostjah provedenija lingvisticheskoj jekspertizy po oskorbleniju v polijetnicheskih respublikah Severnogo Kavkaza // Cbornik materialov konferencii «Jazyk i pravo: aktual'nye problemy vzaimodejstvija», 2013 g. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
2. Boguslavskaja V. V. Tekst kak osnova informacionnogo obshhestva // Izvestija IUI AP. - 2004. - #1. - S. 113-114.
3. Vezhbickaja A. Jazyk. Kul'tura. Poznanie. - M., 1996.
4. Gvozdev A. N. Ocherki po stilistike russkogo jazyka.- M., 2005.
5. Gal'perin I. R. Tekst kak ob"ekt lingvisticheskogo issledovanija. - M.: Jeditorial URSS, 2004.
6. Krongauz M. A. Pristavki i glagoly v russkom jazyke:semanticheskaja grammatika. - M., 1998.
7. Lekant P. A. Sovremennyj russkij jazyk. P. A. Lekant. – M., 2001.
8. Lihachev D. S. Tekstologija na materiale russkoj literatury 10-17 vekov. - SPb., 2001.
9. Prohorov I. A. Sternin. V poiskah koncepta - 4-eizd. - M., 2011.
10. Jestetika slovesnogo tvorchestva M. M. Bahtin. – M., 1979.
Brynza N. S., Kinchagulova M. V.,
Khayrullina N. G., Mehrishvili L. L.
Social policy in the sphere of labor motivation of medical personnel
In article the role of system of labor motivation of the medical personnel in a control system of quality medical the help is proved. It is shown that a basis of continuous improvement of quality of medical care is process of continuous improvement of system of labor motivation of health workers, especially primary link. The main directions of the operating system of motivation and the relation of doctors and the average medical personnel to system of labor motivation are analysed.
Keywords: labor motivation, quality of medical care, healthcare, medical organization, staff.
Work bibliographic list
1. Akvazba E. O., Medvedev P. S. Sistema motivacii truda rabotnikov obrazovatel'noj organizacii v diskurse social'nogo upravlenija // Izvestija vysshih uchebnyh zavedenij. Sociologija. Jekonomika.Politika. 2015. # 3. S. 12-15.
2. Skifskaja A. L. Problemy realizacii novoj sistemy oplaty truda v municipal'nyh obrazovatel'nyh uchrezhdenijah // Zhurnal nauchnyh statej zdorov'e i obrazovanie v XXI veke. 2017. # 4 (19). S. 160-163.
3. Khairullina N. G. The social disposition of the inhabitants of Tyumen oblast in respect of interethnic relations in the region // Middle East Journal of Scientific Research. 2013. T. 17. # 10. S. 1443-1447.
Mayer V. V., Kolesnik E. A.
The management of professional motivation of university students as a factor for their success in educational activities
The article deals with the management of professional motivation as a system of values and goals that motivate students to successful learning; held diagnostics professional and educational motivation of students allowed to formulate a motivational complex, conditioned by personal motives of success of training, and the ability of teachers to inspire and motivate students to become a good specialist in his field.
Keywords: students, management, professional motivation, education, educational activity, knowledge, success.
Work bibliographic list
1. Gebos A. I. Psihologija poznavatel'noj aktivnosti uchashhihsja (v obuchenii). Kishinev: Shtiinca, 1975. 104 c.
2. Guzanov B. N., Krivonogova A. S. Professional'naja motivacija studentov vuza v processe integrirovannogo proizvodstvennogo obuchenija: monografija // Ekaterinburg: Izd-vo Ros. gos. prof. ped. un-ta, 2016. 223 s.
3. Kolesnik E. A. K voprosu o molodezhnoj politike v oblasti zanjatosti // Izvestija vysshih uchebnyh zavedenij «Sociologija. Jekonomika. Politika». 2015. #3 (46). S. 43-48.
4. Kolesnik E. A. K voprosu o professional'noj motivacii kak osnove uspeshnosti obuchenija studentov vuzov // Zdorov'e i obrazovanie v XXI veke. 2016. Tom
18. # 2. S. 753-756.
5. Silin A. N., Hajrullina N. G. Upravlenie personalom. Ucheb. po kadrovomu menedzhmentu dlja studentov vuzov. M., 2004.
6. Tomkin S. Motivacija studenta v modeli smeshannogo obuchenija // Vysshee obrazovanie v Rossii. M.: Moskovskij gosudarstvennyj universitet pechati imeni Ivana Fedorova. 2008. # 9. S. 116-119.
7. Upravlenie personalom organizacii: Uchebnik / Pod red. A. Ja. Kibanova. M.: INFRA-M, 1997.
Kizko I. P., Garifullin A. A.
The dynamics and tendencies of the patriotic spirit development in the Russian society
In this article, the dynamics and trends in the development of the level of patriotic sentiments of various social groups in Russian society are examined. Particular attention is paid to the study of patriotic attitudes of Russian youth. Based on the analysis of the results of sociological surveys, the correlation of patriotic moods is shown to be correlated with the economic, political and social situation in the country.
Keywords: society, state, youth, sociological survey, patriotism, patriotic mood.
Work bibliographic list
1. Vil'danov H. S., Derkach V. V. Metodologicheskie osobennosti social'nogo prognozirovanija // Vestnik UGNTU. Nauka, obrazovanie, jekonomika. Serija: Jekonomika. – 2017. – # 1 (19). – S. 132-137.
2. Vil'danov H. S. Motivacionnaja struktura povedenija cheloveka: social'no-pedagogicheskij aspekt // Sovremennye problemy nauki i obrazovanija. – 2016. – # 3.
3. Eshev M. A. Patriotizm v sovetskoj i postsovetskoj Rossii // Vlast'. – 2014. – # 5. – S. 95-99.
4. Morozova T. I. Problema formirovanija grazhdanstvennosti i patriotizma u sovremennoj molodjozhi// Nauchnye vedomosti Belgorodskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Serija: Filosofija. Sociologija. Pravo. – 2010. – S. 95-99.
5. Rezul'taty vserossijskih oprosov obshhestvennogo mnenija VCIOM. Vserossijskij centr issledovanija obshhestvennogo mnenija. – 2000, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2011, 2013, 2014, 2016. [Jelektronnyj resurs] – Rezhim dostupa:
6. Tkachenko V. V. Patrioticheskoe vospitanie molodjozhi // Vestnik Brjanskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. – Brjansk, 2011.
Nefedova M. B., Nefedov B. I.
States and entities frequently claimed to be states. Part 1. Distinctive features of a state and characteristics of microstates
Part 1 of the article considers distinctive features of a state as a political and territorial entity. Then,
from the point of view of modern approaches in international law and international judiciary practice of separate fundamental characteristics of a state (territory, permanent population, sovereignty) new features emerge. Thus, not only should the population be a stable human community that lives permanently on the state territory, but it also should not be below the minimal vital population rate that ensures its reproduction for many generations. As for the territory, firstly, a title territory, a territory that can serve as a state territory, can be only land territory, secondly, this territory should appear naturally and, thirdly, it has to be capable of sustaining the life of people (not simply for their survival) and allow for independent economic activity.
The first part of the article also analyzes in detail a notion of microstates and provides their general characteristic.
Keywords: notion of a state, characteristics of a state, state-like entities, microstates.
Work bibliographic list
1. Antonov A. I., Borisov V. A. Lekcii po demografii.– M.: Al'ma Mater, 2011. – 592 s.
2. Anufrieva L. P. Mezhdunarodnoe chastnoe pravo: V 3-h tomah. Tom 1. Obshhaja chast'. – M.: BEK, 2002. – 288 s.
3. Baburin S. N. Gosudarstvovedenie: Nauchnye trudy. –M.: JuNITI-DANA, 2010. –711 s.
4. Boguslavskij M. M. Mezhdunarodnoe chastnoe pravo.5-e izd., pererab. i dop. – M.: Jurist", 2005. – 604 s.
5. Bugaenko A. Krizis v juzhno-kitajskom more. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 10.02.2018).
6. Gavrilov V. V. Mezhdunarodnoe chastnoe pravo. Obshhaja chast'. – Vladivostok: Izd-vo Dal'nevost. un-ta, 1997.– 124 s.
7. Delovoj Ljuksemburg. Jekonomika i svjazi s Rossiej v 2000-07 gg. – M., Agentstvo Biznes-Press, INFORM-VJeS MJeRT RF, maj 2007 g. – 128 str.
8. Zhiznesposobnost' populjacij: Prirodoohrannye aspekty / Pod red. M. Sulej. Per. s angl. O. M. Lapshina. – M.: Izdatel'stvo Mir, 1989. – 224 s.
9. Ivanov R. L. Priznaki gosudarstva // Vestnik OmGU. Serija. Pravo. – 2015. – # 3 (44). – S. 6-22. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: http: // (data obrashhenija: 19.01.2018).
10. Kaveshnikov N. «Malye i vrednye»? // Mezhdunarodnye processy. Zhurnal teorii mezhdunarodnyh otnoshenij i mirovoj politiki. Tom 13. – 2015. – # 1
(40). [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 10.02.2018).
11. Kokorev R. S. Ponjatie i harakternye cherty gosudarstva kak sub"ekta mezhdunarodnogo prava // Gosudarstvo i pravo. – 2005. – # 12. – S. 71-79.
12. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo. V 2-h t. T. 1: uchebnik dlja akademicheskogo bakalavriata /pod red. A. N. Vylegzhanina. – 3-e izd., pererab i dop. – M.: Izdatel'stvoJurajt, 2015. – 290 s.
13. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo: Perevod s anglijskogo. T. 1:Polut. 1 / Oppengejm L.; Pod red.: Krylov S.B. (Predisl.); Per.: Lauterpaht G. – M.: Inostr. lit., 1948. –407 c.
14. Naj Dzhozef S., Keohejn Robert O. Transnacional'nye otnoshenija i mirovaja politika. // Teorija mezhdunarodnyh otnoshenij: Hrestomatija. / Sost.,nauch. red. i komment. P. A. Cygankov. – M.: Gardariki, 2002. – S. 152–167.
15. Rejmers N. F., Shtil'mark F. R. Osobo ohranjaemye prirodnye territorii. – M.: Mysl', 1978. – 295 s.
16. Tolstyh V. L. Reshenie arbitrazhnogo suda po delu o Juzhno-Kitajskom more ot 12 ijulja 2016 g. (Filippiny i Kitaj), mezhdunarodnaja reakcija na nego, kommentarij // // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. –# 8 (99). – 2016. – S. 47-55.
17. Dixon M. & Mc. Corquodale R. Cases and Materials on International Law. Forth Edition. –Oxford University press.2003. – P. 235-246.__
Shonin N. E., Yusupova R. R.
On the role of the language as an instrument of geopolitics (Рart 2)
The subject of this article are issues of thegravity of the availability of a common language for the
creation of a state, as well as for the protection of territorial integrity of a state. There is also pointed to the role of the Russian language in the passing of the integration problems of the Commonwealth of Independent States at the modern point. By the example of the development of the CIS is demonstrated, that the division period is passed and the integration starts a new phase, wich requires a new policy including language and culture policy.
Keywords: state, language, protection, language and culture policy, common language, integrity,
integration, commonwealth of states, national interest.
Work bibliographic list
1. Koncepcija nacional'noj bezopasnosti Rossijskoj Federacii. Utverzhdena ukazom Prezidenta Rossijskoj Federacii # 1300 ot 17 dekabrja 1997 g. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: cons_doc_LAW_17186/ (data obrashhenija: 24.01.2018 g.).
2. Koncepcija vneshnej politiki Rossijskoj Federacii (utverzhdena Prezidentom Rossijskoj Federacii V. V. Putinym 30 nojabrja 2016 g.). [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 24.01.2018 g.).
3. Strategija nacional'noj bezopasnosti Rossijskoj Federacii. Utverzhdena ukazom Prezidenta Rossijskoj Federacii ot 31 dekabrja 2015 goda # 683 «O Strategii nacional'noj bezopasnosti Rossijskoj Federacii». [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 24.01.2018 g.).
4. Schastlivye chasov ne nabljudajut: kolichestvo urokov russkogo jazyka v shkolah ostanetsja prezhnim // doc/Rossijskoe obrazovanie.Federal'nyj portal.Moskva, 6 fevralja 2018 %5bJelektronnyj resurs%5dURL: http:/ education /25598/ (Data obrashhenija 6 fevralja 2018).Kazahstan protiv sozdanija Evrazijskogo parlamenta. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 10.05.2015 g.).
5. Kolichestvo chasov russkogo jazyka v shkolah PFO dovedeno no normativnogo sostojanija. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 6.02.2018 g.).
6. Lukashenko ne vidit neobhodimosti v edinoj valjute i politicheskoj nadstrojke v EJeS. [Jelektron-_nyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: lukashenko-vidit-neobhodimosti-edinoy-valyutepoliticheskoy-242805/ (data obrashhenija: 10.05.2015 g.).
7. Lukashenko podpisal paket dokumentov po razvitiju evrazijskoj integracii Prezident 12.04.2017| 17:46. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 24.01.2018g.).
8. Moldavskij jazyk. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 26.01.2018 g.).
9. Nazarbaev raskritikoval politizaciju Evrazijskogo jekonomicheskogo sojuza. Istochnik: IA «Novosti-Kazahstan». [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija:10.05.2015 g.).
10. Normativnye pravovye akty. Ukazy. 27 oktjabrja 2017. O perevode alfavita kazahskogo jazyka s kirillicy na latinskuju grafiku. [Jelektronnyj resurs].– Rezhim dostupa:
na-latinskuyu-grafiku (data obrashhenija:26.01.2018 g.).
11. Obruchev N. N. Osnovnye istoricheskie voprosy Rossii i nasha gotovnost' k ih resheniju // Istochnik. Dokumentyrusskoj istorii. 1994/6 (13). Prilozhenie k rossijskomu istoriko-publicisticheskomu zhurnalu «RODINA». S. 4-21.
12. Pleshakov K. V. Geopolitika v svete global'nyh peremen // Mezhdunarodnaja zhizn'. 1994. # 10. S. 32-34.
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14. Sultanmuratov Nuriddin. Vtoroe prishestvie latinicy. 03 ijulja 2017 // Zhurnal «Centr Azii». # 3 (109). [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: obrashhenija: 26.01.2018 g.).
15. Shonin N. E. «Detskie bolezni» evrazijskoj integracii. Evrazijskij molodezhnyj portal. Postedon 10.05.2015 by alexandra in Stat'i // 0 Comments. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: prettyPhoto.
Krutin D. V.
The system of public administration bodies in the sphere of providing living quarters for military mеn and their families (by the example of the Ministry of defense of the Russian Federation)
The problem of providing with premises of the military personnel since formation of the new Russian statehood was the most essential and sensitive for all military personnel. In addition to the existence of purely economic problems, shortcomings and contradictions in the activities
of the originally existing system of housing of the military increased low efficiency of public administration in this area. The reform of both the Armed forces and the military administration has created the necessary institutional and legal conditions to address these shortcomings. It is
concluded that the creation of the Department of housing within the Ministry of defense of the Russian Federation, subordinate organizations in military districts provided the necessary administrative mechanism for the implementation of the rights of military personnel to premises.
Keywords: public administration, military, housing, Ministry of defense, the Department of housing for the defense Ministry
Work bibliographic list
1. Zhilishhnyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ot 29.12.2004 # 188-FZ (red. ot 31.12.2017) (s izm. i dop., vstup. v silu s 11.01.2018). [Jelektronnyj resurs]. –Rezhim dostupa:
2. Ukaz Prezidenta RF ot 21.05.2012 # 636 (red. ot 03.04.2017) «O strukture federal'nyh organov ispolnitel'noj vlasti». [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
3. Ukaz Prezidenta RF ot 16.08.2004 # 1082 (red. ot 09.02.2018) «Voprosy Ministerstva oborony Rossijskoj Federacii». [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
4. Prikaz Ministra oborony Rossijskoj Federacii ot 30 sentjabrja 2010 g. # 1280 g. Moskva «O predostavlenii voennosluzhashhim Vooruzhennyh Sil Rossijskoj Federacii zhilyh pomeshhenij po dogovoru social'nogo najma i sluzhebnyh zhilyh pomeshhenij»: [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
5. Prikaz Ministra oborony RF ot 03.11.2010 # 1455 (red. ot 22.03.2012) «Ob upolnomochennom organe Ministerstva oborony Rossijskoj Federacii i specializirovannyh organizacijah Ministerstva oborony Rossijskoj Federacii po voprosam zhilishhnogo obespechenija v Vooruzhennyh Silah Rossijskoj Federacii». [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
6. Prikaz Ministra oborony RF ot 03.11.2010 # 1455(red. ot 22.03.2012) «Ob upolnomochennom organe Ministerstva oborony Rossijskoj Federacii i specializirovannyh organizacijah Ministerstva oborony Rossijskoj Federacii po voprosam zhilishhnogo obespechenija v Vooruzhennyh Silah Rossijskoj Federacii». [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
Ishtuganov N. N.
Civil society
In this article the questions connected with a concept of civil society, their current state and the formed tendencies of further development are considered. On the basis of the analysis the conclusion about possible ways of improvement of the taken roots representations and their uses as a vector of development of the modern states is drawn.
Object of a research is studying of the available problems of development and formation of civil society.
The purpose – search of solutions and improvement of system of development of civil society.
The subject is relevant because development of civil society, carrying out the analysis of possible ways of its development and also improvement of ideas of civil society, can influence quality development of each modern country.
Thus, after detailed studying of the concept of civil society, it is admissible to define a way of development of the state.
Keywords: civil society, constitutional state, state, right.
Work bibliographic list
1. Abdulaev M. I., Komarov S. A. Problemy teorii gosudarstva i prava / Uchebnik. – SPb.: Piter, 2014. – 576 s.
2. Matuzov N. I., Mal'ko A. V. Teorija gosudarstva i prava: uchebnik. – M.: Jurist, 2014. – 522 s.
3. P'janov N. A. Voprosy teorii i istorii gosudarstva i prava // Sib. Jur. Vestnik. – 2013. – # 3. – 147 s.
4. Teorija gosudarstva i prava / Pod red. M. N. Marchenko. – M.: Zercalo, 2014. – 648 s.
5. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
Maksimkin K. I.
Modern theories of the origin of the state
The article discusses one of the key issues of the theory of state and law associated with the diversity of modern theories of the origin of the state. Analysis of this research area is necessary to form a clear understanding of the current scientific trends in the development of this issue.
Keywords: irrigation theory, incest theory, crisis theory, dualistic theory, specialization theory, the origin of the state, the variety of forms.
Work bibliographic list
1. Vengerov A. B. Teorija gosudarstva i prava: Uchebnik dlja juridicheskih vuzov. 10-e izd. – M.: Jurisprudencija, 2014.
2. Vlasov V. I. Teorija gosudarstva i prava: Uchebnik dlja vysshih juridicheskih uchebnyh zavedenij i fakul'tetov. – Izd. 2-e. – Rostov n/D: Feniks, 2012.
3. Galeev K. R. Teorija gidravlicheskogo gosudarstva Vittfogelja i ee sovremennaja kritika// Sociologicheskoe obozrenie. – 2011. – T. 10. – # 3.
4. David R. Osnovnye pravovye sistemy sovremennosti– M.: Mezhdunarodnye otnoshenija, 2009.
Tolikova E. E., Zhuravlev M. S.
The directions of development of multilateral cooperation of Eurasian Economic Union states-member with the international organizations in the sphere of industrial integration
In article experience of the international cooperation of EEU states-member with United Nations
Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and the United Nations Conference on Trade and
Development (UNCTAD) is considered.
Experience of implementation of the international projects is analyzed; the conclusion is drawn on
effectiveness of application of the international techniques of economic integration in the territory of EEU states-member.
The theory of industrial integration is stated; the comparative analysis of approaches to processes of innovative industrial development is provided.
The specifics of cluster approach of a technique of UNIDO to industrial cooperation are defined; theoretical aspects of competitive strategy of an entry into the integrated markets of EEU are described.
The prospects of application of the international techniques of industrial integration at the territory of states-member of the Eurasian Economic Union are conceded.
Keywords: international cooperation, EEU states-member, cluster approach, industrial development.
Work bibliographic list
1. Memorandum o sotrudnichestve mezhdu Evrazijskoj jekonomicheskoj komissiej i Konferenciej Organizacii Ob"edinennyh Nacij po torgovle i razvitiju (JuNKTAD), 23 maja 2013WorldWideWeb. - [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
(data obrashhenija: 03.01.2018).
2. Proekt JuNIDO po podderzhke processov promyshlennoj integracii v stranah EvrAzJeS i vzaimodejstviju s global'noj set'ju centrov JuNIDO v Respublike Armenija, Respublike Belarus', Respublike Kazahstan, Kyrgyzskoj Respublike i Respublike Tadzhikistan / Centr mezhdunarodnogo sotrudnichestva JuNIDO v RF. - M., 2011. - 56 s.
3. Analiz urovnja promyshlennogo sotrudnichestva mezhdu stranami-chlenami Evrazijskogo jekonomicheskogo soobshhestva (EvrAzJeS) i putej ego razvitija // Centr Mezhdunarodnogo Promyshlennogo Sotrudnichestva JuNIDO v Rossijskoj Federacii. Podgotovleno pri
sodejstvii ofisov «Proekta JuNIDO po podderzhke processov promyshlennoj integracii v stranah EvrAzJeS i vzaimodejstviju s global'noj set'ju centrov JuNIDO» v Respublike Armenija, Respublike Belarus', Respublike Kazahstan, Kyrgyzskoj Respublike i Respublike Tadzhikistan, 2011. WorldWideWeb. - [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: obrashhenija: 2.03.2018).
4. Evrazijskij jekonomicheskij sojuz. Voprosy i otvety. Cifry i fakty. - M., 2014. - 216 s.
5. Oficial'nyj sajt JuNKTAD WorldWideWeb. -[Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 10.01.2018)
6. Oficial'nyj sajt JuNKTAD. - WorldWideWeb.[Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 10.01.2018).
7. Prihod'ko V. I., Pravdina N. V. Javlenie rezonansa v integracionnyh processah - Ul'janovsk: Vestnik UlG-TU, 2005. - # 4. - S. 77-78.
8. Tolikova E. Je., Zhuravlev M. S. Klasternyj podhod k innovacionnomu razvitiju gosudarstv-chlenov Evrazijskogo jekonomicheskogo sojuza // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. - 2018. - # 1 (116). - S. 358-361.
9. Shadrin A. Prioritety realizacii klasternoj politiki v Rossijskoj Federacii // Innovacii. Klastery. Strategii. – 2008. - # 1 (1). - S. 11-16.
10. Bela A. Balassa The Theory of Economic Integration. - R.D. Irwin, 1961. - 304 r.
Amirkhanova L. R., Bikmetov E. Yu., Golikov S. V.
To the question of the transformation of the bureaucratic apparatus in the management of corporations
The article represents economic and sociological analysis of the development of the corporate
model of bureaucratic management. It is argued that in the post-industrial era, with the strengthening of corporate responsibility, the growing importance of corporate knowledge and information in governance, there is a transformation of the bureaucratic model in the direction of its decentralization and democratization. It is argued that the main changes in the structure and forms of the corporation are dictated by the need to take into account the resource and information component. The proposed resource-information approach allows to increase flexibility and efficiency of management, to simplify the functioning of the corporation. To solve strategic problems, it is necessary to use an approach based on the criteria of improving the competitiveness of the socio-economic system and taking into account resource barriers, overcoming of which is associated with the creation of various associations of unique resources.
Keywords: corporation, state, management, bureaucracy, organizational management structure,
centralization and decentralization, information, knowledge, resource and information approach,
resource barriers.
Work bibliographic list
1. Al'pidovskaja M. L. Jevoljucija instituta bjurokratii v social'no-jekonomicheskoj sisteme: avtoref.dis. … dokt. jekon. nauk: 08.00.01. – M.: Fin. Akademija pri Pravitel'stve RF, 2009.
2. Amirhanova L. R. Obespechenie ustojchivosti i jekonomichnosti proizvodstvennoj dejatel'nosti predprijatija. – M.: Izd-vo MAI, 2005.
3. Ansoff I. Novaja korporativnaja strategija. Per. s angl. – SPb.: Piter Kom, 1999.
4. Bikmetov E. Ju. Organizacionnoe znanie kak faktor vosproizvodstva korporativnoj kul'tury // Social'naja politika i sociologija. – 2013. – # 5-1. – S.
5. Djurkgejm Je. O razdelenii obshhestvennogo truda. Per. s fr. i poslesl. L. B. Gofmana. – M.: Nauka, 1991.
6. Kouz R. Firma, rynok i pravo. Per. s angl. nauch. red.R. Kapeljushnikov. – M.: Delo, 1993.
7. Marks K., Jengel's F. Sochinenija. V 50 t.: T. 1. – M.: Politizdat, 1955.
8. Weber M. The Theory of Social and Economic Organization. – N. Y.: Wiley, 1964.
Andreyuk V. S., Ageeva O. A.
About of the organizing trips on toll roads. Analysis of the world experience and Russian practice and increase of efficiency
The implementation of investment projects for the construction of toll roads is possible to a greater extent when it becomes clear picture of the commercial benefits of the operation of toll roads, expressed in the amount of fare. There is a direct link between the provision of services for the organization of travel on toll roads and the profitability of toll roads.
Keywords: operator of toll roads, the operator, efficiency, service, towing of vehicles, tolls on toll roads.
Work bibliographic list
1. AVTODOR – Platnye dorogi. – [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 11.02.2018 g.).
2. Bezopasnye Dorogi RF. Proekt Minkom-svjazi RF ob informirovanii dorozhnoj situacii v gorodah i regionah RF. – [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: https://bezopasnyedo-rogi.rf / (data obrashhenija: 02.03.2018 g.).
3. Nacional'nyj Standart RF. GOSTR 56829-2015 ot 01.06.2016 g. – [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: Catalog/61/61264.shtml (data obrashhenija: 28.02.2018 g.).
4. Jarmolinskij A. I., Alekseeva E. Ju. Intellektual'nye transportnye sistemy: perspektivy primenenija zarubezhnogo opyta upravlenija dvizheniem na platnyh avtomobil'nyh dorogah // Vestnik TOGU. –2017. - # 1(44). – S. 75-80.
Gorchak M. O.
Economic and mathematical methods of measurement of labor productivity in the enterprise
Improving the accuracy and reliability of measuring productivity plays a major and important role both in assessing the current activities of enterprises and in forecasting economic development. Taking into account that in recent years, including in connection with the development of new technologies, even in industrial enterprises, the proportion of management personnel and engineering and technical workers whose work is not directly related to the material production, there was an urgent need for methods to assess the productivity of workers in this sphere and the effectiveness of their labor contribution to the development of enterprises. The article analyzes the main methods of measuring labor productivity in the enterprise, their classification is given, foreign experience in the described aspect of the problem is considered.
Keywords: economic-mathematical methods, measurement of labor productivity, normative method, multifactorial method, multicriteria method.
Work bibliographic list
1. Anikina V. V. Proizvoditel'nost' truda: ponjatie, pokazateli i metody izmerenija // Molodezh' i nauka. 2016. # 8. S. 101.
2. Bannova S. E. Primenenie sistemy izmerenija proizvoditel'nosti truda pri planirovanii dejatel'nosti organizacii // V sbornike: Tradicii i innovacii v stroitel'stve i arhitekture. Social'no-gumanitarnye i jekonomicheskie nauki sbornik
statej. Samarskij gosudarstvennyj arhitekturno-stroitel'nyj universitet. Samara, 2016. S. 219-221.
3. Budzinskaja O. V. Zarubezhnyj opyt upravlenija i izmerenija proizvoditel'nosti truda // Neft', gaz i biznes. 2015. # 5. S. 24-28.
4. Burceva T.A. Jekonometricheskaja model' regional'noj proizvoditel'nosti truda / Kaluzhskij jekonomicheskij vestnik. 2016. # 4. S. 58-63.
5. Gajduk M. A. Metody izmerenija urovnja proizvoditel'nosti truda na predprijatii // V sbornike:Problemy razvitija sovremennoj jekonomiki v uslovijah global'nyh vyzovov i transformacii jekonomicheskogo prostranstva materialy Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii studentov, aspirantov i molodyh uchenyh: v 4-h tomah. Glavnyj
redaktor A. I. Klimenko. 2015. S. 22-25.
6. Galiullin H. Ja. Metodologija postroenija dinamicheskih jekonomiko-matematicheskih modelej prognozirovanija proizvoditel'nosti truda rabochih // PSJe. 2013. # 3 (47).
7. Masych M. A., Bogomolova I. S., Zhertovskaja E. V., Zadorozhnjaja E. K. Mnogofaktornaja model' izmerenija proizvoditel'nosti truda // Inzhenernyj vestnik Dona. 2015. T. 36. # 2-2. S. 107.
8. Sajmanova O. G. Issledovanie jekonomiko-matematicheskoj zavisimosti uslovij truda i proizvoditel'nosti truda // Vestnik Samarskogo municipal'nogo instituta upravlenija. 2016. # 2. S. 96-100.
9. Shash N. N., Borodin A. I. Pokazateli i sposoby izmerenija proizvoditel'nosti truda i vozmozhnost' ih primenenija na predprijatijah // Uchenye zapiski Petrozavodskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. 2015. # 3-1 (148). S. 96-101.
Gaifullina M. M., Gilyazeva A. Kh.
Methodological approach to estimation of efficiency of purchasing activity of oil companies
The article proposes a methodology for assessing the economic efficiency of the purchasing
activity of an oil company. The integral approach to an estimation of efficiency of purchasing activity is offered. The results of the approbation of the proposed approach are exemplified by the purchase of tubing pipes by the subsidiary company of Gazprom Neft, OOO Gazpromneft-Yamal.
Keywords: purchasing activity, economic efficiency, integral indicator, oil company, tubing.
Work bibliographic list
1. Burenina I. V., Birjukova V. V., Kotov D. V., Gajfullina M. M., Gamilova D. A. Strategicheskij analiz i ocenka potenciala razvitija proizvodstva rezinovyh i plast-massovyh izdelij v Respublike Bashkortostan // Internet-zhurnal Naukovedenie. 2016. T. 8. # 1 (32). S. 31.
2. Burenina I. V., Evtushenko E. V., Kotov D. V., Gajfullina M. M., Zemcova V. D. Osnovy proizvodstvennogo menedzhmenta na predprijatijah neftepererabatyvajushhej i neftehimicheskoj promyshlennosti / Dopushheno UMO po obrazovaniju v oblasti proizvodstvennogo menedzhmenta v kachestve uchebnogo posobija dlja studentov vysshih ucheb-
nyh zavedenij, obuchajushhihsja po napravleniju podgotovki 080200 «Menedzhment». Ufa: Izd-vo UGNTU, 2016. 180 s.
3. Gajfullina M. M. Ocenka faktorov strategicheskogo razvitija neftepererabatyvajushhej i neftehimicheskoj otrasli Respubliki Bashkortostan // Vestnik jekonomiki i menedzhmenta. 2016. # 4 (5). S. 5-12.
4. Gajfullina M. M., Zemcova V. D., Ibragimova N. V. Metodicheskij podhod k ocenke jekonomicheskoj ustojchivosti neftjanoj kompanii // Intellekt. Innovacii. Investicii. 2017. # 8. S. 20-24.
5. Gajfullina M. M., Makov V. M. Ocenka riskov pri najme personala (na primere predprijatij neftegazovogo profilja) // Jekonomika i menedzhment sistem upravlenija. 2017. T. 24. # 2.1. S. 121-127.
6. Makov V. M. Ocenka riskov investicionnyh proektov neftjanoj kompanii // Vestnik jekonomiki i menedzhmenta. 2016. # 3 (4). S. 44-49.
7. Makov V. M. Risk-menedzhment na neftepererabatyvajushhem predprijatii / Neftegazopererabotka-2016:Mezhdunarodnaja nauchno-prakticheskaja konferencija(Ufa, 24 maja 2016 g.): materialy konferencii. Ufa:Izd-vo GUP INHP RB, 2016. S. 14-15.
8. Makov V. M. Upravlenie kadrovym potencialom predprijatij toplivno-jenergeticheskogo kompleksa / / Sovremennye tehnologii v neftegazovom dele – 2016: sb. trudov mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-tehnicheskoj konferencii, posvjashhennoj 60-letiju filiala v 2 t. / otv. red. V. Sh. Muhametshin. Ufa: Izd-vo UGNTU, 2016. T. 2. S. 220-225.
9. Musina D. R. Stoimostnaja ocenka poter' ot riska v proizvodstvennoj logistike neftepererabatyvajushhego zavoda// Internet-zhurnal «Naukovedenie». 2015. T. 7. # 4 (29). S. 88.
10. Safina A. A., Gajfullina M. M. Ocenka ustojchivogo razvitija malyh neftjanyh kompanij // Jelektronnyj nauchnyj zhurnal Neftegazovoe delo. 2015. # 1. S. 364-381.
11. Hamitova Je. F., Gajfullina M. M. Ocenka konkurentosposobnosti molodyh specialistov neftjanyh kompanij // Neftegazovoe delo. 2014. T. 12. # 1. S. 190-195.
12. Burenina I., Evtushenko E., Kotov D., Battalova A., Gaifullina M., Gamilova D. Integral Assessment of the Development of Russia’s Chemical Industry // 2017. V. 8,n. 5. R. 1075-1085.
Dautova T. A., Musina Yu. R.
The current state of small and medium business in the Republic of Bashkortostan
The article defines the role and importance of small and medium-sized businesses in the Republic
of Bashkortostan. Forms and mechanisms of implementation of the state support in this sphere of
activity are considered.
Keywords: small business, state business support, small business subsidies, entrepreneurship development.
Work bibliographic list
1. Gocydapctvennaja poddepzhka malogo bizneca v Poccii v 2018 gody – l'goty i cybcidii. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija:11.03.2018 g.).
2. Gizzatullina V. G., Galimullina N. A. Social'no-jekonomicheskaja znachimost' malogo predprinimatel'stva v Respublike Bashkortostan // Zhiznennyj potencial regiona: social'no-demograficheskie problemy sovremennogo obshhestva (Aitovskie chtenija). Sbornik materialov mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. 2015. S. 207-210.
3. Maloe i srednee predprinimatel'stvo v Rossii. 2017. Stat. sb./ Rosstat. M., 2017. 78 s.
4. Malyj biznes i ego rol' v rynochnoj jekonomike.[Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 9.02.2018 g.).
5. O raspredelenii v 2017 godu subsidij na gosudarstvennuju podderzhku malogo i srednego predprinimatel'stva». Rasporjazhenie pravitel'stva ot 28 janvarja 2017 goda # 129-r. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
6. Strategija razvitija malogo i srednego predprinimatel'stva v Respublike Bashkortostan na period do 2030 goda. Utverzhdenii Postanovleniem Pravitel'stva RB # 643 ot 28.12.2017 goda. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: http://www.npa.bashkortostan.
ru (data obrashhenija: 1.03.2018 g.).
7. Strategija social'no-jekonomicheskogo razvitija Respubliki Bashkortostan na period do 2030 goda.[Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 1.02.2018 g.).
Kalmykov S. P., Karmanovich K. O.
Perspective directions of customs administration in the framework of the EAEU
The article discusses the main directions of development of the customs authorities of the Russian
Federation in the framework of customs administration in the conditions of functioning of the EAEU; reveals the content of the basic rules of the new Customs code of the EAEU, fixing the further vector of improvement of customs administration.
Keywords: The customs code of the EAEU, customs administration, informational technology,
informational cooperation.
Work bibliographic list
1. Tamozhennyj kodeks Evrazijskogo jekonomicheskogo sojuza (prilozhenie # 1 k Dogovoru o Tamozhennom kodekse Evrazijskogo jekonomicheskogo sojuza).[Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 18.03.2018).
2. Gorbenko V. M., Malahova S. M. Primenenie informacionnyh tehnologij, kak odno iz napravlenij sovershenstvovanija tamozhennogo administrirovanija // Evrazijskij sojuz uchenyh. – 2015. – # 4 (13).– S. 112-115.
3. Kopij V. E., Jakovlev G. I. Sovershenstvovanie tamozhennogo administrirovanija EAJeS // Rossijskaja nauka: aktual'nye issledovanija i razrabotki: sb. nauch.statej. – Samara, 2017. – S. 49-53.
4. Sevost'janova A. E. Rol' i zadachi tamozhennogo administrirovanija na sovremennom jetape // Aktual'nye problemy jurisprudencii i puti reshenija: sb. – Omsk, 2017. – S. 114-116.
5. Oficial'nyj sajt Federal'noj tamozhennoj sluzhby Rossii [Jelektronnyj resurs] – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 18.03.2018).
Samorodova E. M., Marchenkova L. M., Ilyukhina I. B.
On account of the economic and social efficiency of functioning of state enterprises in the process of implementing structural reforms in the public sector
Structural changes in the public sector of Russia are carried out in the direction of achieving the
balance of "Development Management" – "Management of Alienation." Achieving this balance requires an assessment of the efficiency of public enterprises, which should be implemented based on the public and economic role of public sector entities.
Keywords: state enterprises, social efficiency, economic efficiency, restructuring, privatization.
Work bibliographic list
1. Zajcev A. G., Spasskaja N. V., Takmakova E. V. Vlijanie institucional'noj sredy marketingovoj dejatel'nosti na investicii i potreblenie // Upravlencheskij uchet. – 2017. – # 4. – S. 92-97.
2. Koncepcija upravlenija federal'nym imushhestvom na period do 2018 goda (versija dlja obsuzhdenija)// Rosimushhestvo: oficial'nyj sajt. - [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:!2013/privat/obsuzhdaem%20sohranenie/privatizacija%2020-11-2012.pdf.
3. Otchet o dejatel'nosti Federal'nogo agentstva po upravleniju gosudarstvennym imushhestvom za 2015 god // Rosimushhestvo: oficial'nyj sajt. – [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
4. Samorodov A. A. Rol' i znachenie gosudarstvennogo sektora v razvitii sovremennoj jekonomiki // Trudy Vol'nogo jekonomicheskogo obshhestva. – 2017. – Tom 206.– # 4. – S. 76-96.
5. Samorodova E. M., Marchenkova L. M., Kuznecova L.M. Osobennosti upravlenija predprijatijami gosudarstvennogo sektora jekonomiki: sovershenstvovanie organizacionno-jekonomicheskogo mehanizma //Rossijskoe predprinimatel'stvo. – 2017. – Tom 18.– # 12. – S. 1949-1963.
Sergeeva O. Yu., Khodkovskaya Yu. V., Zakirova L. F.
Problems and ways of solving social entrepreneurship in Russia
The article of social entrepreneurship is given in the article, the analysis of the problems arising in
the process of conducting social activity is carried out. Proposed activities to address these problems.
Keywords: social entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurship, social projects, state support.
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon «O vnesenii izmenenij v otdel'nye zakonodatel'nye akty Rossijskoj Federacii po voprosu podderzhki social'no orientirovannyh nekommercheskih organizacij» ot 05.04.2010 # 40-FZ(red. ot 27.05.2014g.) // Spravochno-pravovaja sistema «Konsul'tant-pljus». [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
2. Gurina A. V. Problemy social'nogo predprinimatel'stva v Rossii i puti ego reformirovanija // Aktual'nye problemy prava: materialy IV mezhdunar. nauch. konf. M.: Buki-Vedi, 2015. S. 91-93.
3. Tishkina E. S., Miheenko O. V. Social'noe predprinimatel'stvo v regionah Rossii // Sovremennaja nauka: perspektivy razvitija: mezhdunar. nauch.-praktich.konf. Samara, 2017. S. 34-36.
4. Grishhenko Ju. I. Tendencii razvitija social'nogo predprinimatel'stva v Rossi // Strategii biznesa. 2013. # 2. S. 72-75.
5. Zhohova V. V. Social'noe predprinimatel'stvo: koncepcija, sushhnost' i znachenie // Sovremennaja konkurencija. 2015. # 4 (52). T. 9. S. 77-100.
6. Svetun'kov S. G., Ponomarev O. B. Social'noe predprinimatel'stvo i model' zhiznennogo cikla predprinimatelja // Nauchno-tehnicheskie vedomosti Sankt-Peterburgskogo gosudarstvennogo politehnicheskogo universiteta. 2016. # 6 (256). S. 112-211.
7. Social'noe predprinimatel'stvo v Rossii i v mire:praktika i issledovanija / Otv. red. A. A. Moskovskaja, nac. issledovat. un-t «Vysshaja shkola jekonomiki». M.: Izd. dom Vysshej shkoly jekonomiki, 2011. 8. Alter S. K. (2007) Social Enterprise Typology. Virtue Ventures LLC. Nov.27 (revised vers.).
9. Mair J., Marty I. (2006) Social entrepreneurship research: A source of explanation, prediction, and delight. Journal of World Business 41.
Yuldasheva O. N., Galimullina N. A., Batyrova A. N.
Assessment work of employees in establishments of social service of the population
The purpose of the publication of this article is to use methods assessment of workers in social
services. The authors substantiate the choice of the method and suggest directions for further
Keywords: labor, labor force analysis, social service system Labor, labor force analysis, social
service system.
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon ot 28.12.2013 # 442-FZ (red. ot 05.12.2017) «Ob osnovah social'nogo obsluzhivanija grazhdan v Rossijskoj Federacii» // Konsul'tant pljus – data obrashhenija 08.03.2018 g.
2. Prikaz Ministerstva truda i social'noj zashhity Rossijskoj Federacii ot 26 aprelja 2013 goda # 167n (red. ot 20.02.2014) «Ob utverzhdenii rekomendacij po oformleniju trudovyh otnoshenij s rabotnikom gosudarstvennogo (municipal'nogo) uchrezhdenija pri vvedenii jeffektivnogo kontrakta» // Konsul'tant pljus (data obrashhenija: 08.03.2018 g.).
3. Ahmedina G. B. Mezhdisciplinarnye svjazi kak faktor povyshenija kachestva podgotovki jekonomistov// Mezhdisciplinarnyj podhod k issledovaniju jekonomiki. Materialy III Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii, posvjashhennoj 70-letiju kafedry obshhej jekonomicheskoj teorii BashGU: v 3 chastjah. 2017. S. 76-79.
4. Budrina L. V. Novaja sistema oplaty truda, osnovannaja na «jeffektivnom kontrakte» v sfere socobsluzhivanija // Social'no-gumanitarnye problemy sovremennosti. Sbornik nauchnyh trudov po materialam Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii: v 5 chastjah. Pod obshh. red. E. P. Tkachevoj;Agentstvo perspektivnyh nauchnyh issledovanij
(APNI). 2017. S. 8-16.
5. Galimullina N. A., Murugova T. I. Problemy regulirovanija truda i zarabotnoj platy // Aktual'nye problemy social'nogo, jekonomicheskogo i informacionnogo razvitija sovremennogo obshhestva. Materialy II Ezhegodnoj Vserossijskoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. Glavnyj redaktor A. I. Urazova.2017. S. 428-430.
6. Dautova T. A. Dopolnitel'noe obrazovanie kak faktor rasshirenija professional'noj kompetencii specialista // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2017. # 3 (106). S. 325-327.
7. Nazarova D. G., Poljanina O. A. Kraudsorsing v gosudarstvennom i municipal'nom upravlenii // Aktual'nye problemy social'nogo, jekonomicheskogo iinformacionnogo razvitija sovremennogo obshhestva. Materialy II Ezhegodnoj Vserossijskoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. Glavnyj redaktor A. I.Urazova. 2017. S. 455-458.
8. Rameev R. A., Juldasheva O. N. Primenenie metoda otbora personala v gosudarstvennyh uchrezhdenijah social'noj sfery na baze kompleksa HRSCANNER // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2017. # 3 (106).S. 359-360.
9. Solov'eva I. A., Gerasimova M. V., Musina D. R. Formirovanie mnogokriterial'noj modeli ocenki jeffektivnosti sistemy obuchenija i razvitija organizacii//Internet-zhurnal Naukovedenie. 2017. T. 9. # 2. S. 49.__
Galkina S. V.
Example of calculation of optimization of construction project risk management
The article describes the method of calculating the optimization of risk management of a construction project, which means the problem of economy, rationalization and optimization of resources. In this methodology the main objective is to optimize the time and financial costs for realization of the construction project. It is offered on the basis of the network schedule of implementation of the project with application of the mathematical risk assessment to make an assessment of the construction project which process is represented as separate stages.
Each stage is characterized by forecast and managed parameters (properties). The results obtained help to determine the cost and timing of the project as a whole, optimally allocate available financial resources to the stages of work, assign the actual terms of each operation separately, and then gradually monitor them in the process of work on the site.
Keywords: construction cost, network investment project, project risks.
Work bibliographic list
1. Vajsblat B. I. Matematicheskie modeli upravlenija riskom: Uchebnoe posobie. N.Novgorod: NKI, 1998.
2. Gerasimenko V. V. Cenovaja politika firmy. M.: Finstatinform, 1999.
3. Gumba H. M., Ermolaev E. E., Uvarova S. S. Cenoobrazovanie i smetnoe delo v stroitel'stve. M.: Jurajt, 2011.
4. Jaichnikov E. A., Gumba H. M. Jekonomika stroitel'nyh organizacij. M.: Centr jekonomiki i marketinga, 1998.
Gaysina A. V.
Directions postformation transformation of the economy and societ
In crisis conditions of development of Russian economy ways of involvement of initiative creative
labor activity of wide layers of the population as a necessary condition of achievement of high indicators of labor productivity and economic growth are proved.
Keywords: philosophy of shared destiny, joint and several cooperation, necessary conditions for effective development.
Work bibliographic list
1. Rakitskaja G. Ja. Politicheskaja sistema i hozjajstvennaja vlast': problemy sootvetstvija: Doklad. - M.: Institut jekonomiki RAN, 1994.
2. Shishkin A.F. Jekonomicheskaja teorija: Uchebnoe posobie. 2-e izd.: V 2-h kn. - M.: Gumanit. izd. centr VLADOS, 1996. - Kn. 2.
3. Sovremennyj slovar' inostrannyh slov. - SPb.:«Dujet», 1994.
4. Abelguzin N. R., Nusratullin V. K. Teoreticheskie problemy obespechenija jekonomicheskoj bezopasnosti v tranzitivnoj jekonomike. – Ufa: DizajnPoligraf- Servis, 2007.
5. Nusratullin V. K. O neobhodimosti obnovlenija jekonomiki i jekonomicheskoj teorii // Jekonomika i upravlenie. - 2010. - # 2.
6. Gajsina A. V., Sujundukova A. A. Kadrovyj potencial neftjanyh kompanij kak osnova jekonomicheskogo rosta // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. - 2016. - #11 (102). - S. 328-329.
Zemlina N. S.
State analysis as a tool for gathering information to assess company’s sustainability
This article reviews one of the approaches to gathering information about the state of a company and its departments, which can further be used to evaluate their sustainability. We consider the concept of “state analysis” and its importance and necessity for successful functioning of a corporate system; describe the general algorithm for state analysis, set an approach to developing the standard for company’s departments functioning through the functional model of an enterprise. We fix the parameters describing the company’s processes, studying which can provide full information about the state of a corporate system. We determine the form of fixing the standard description of processes provide the characteristics of each of the parameters, as well as recommendations and approaches to describe them in any process. The result which is obtained by using these parameters in analyzing the state of a department is determined. The approach to
identifying deviations from the standard state of current processes is described.
Work bibliographic list
Keywords: state analysis, function, resource approach, corporate system, process description, sustainability assessment.
1. Azimov Je. G., Shhukin A. N. Novyj slovar' metodicheskih terminov i ponjatij (teorija i praktika). M.:Izdatel'stvo IKAR, 2009.
2. Novaja filosofskaja jenciklopedija: V 4 tomah. Red.sovet: Stepin V. S., Gusejnov A. A., Semigin G. Ju., Ogurcov A. P. i dr. M.: Mysl', 2010. 744 s.
3. Samosudov M. V. Razvitie teorii korporativnogo vzaimodejstvija na osnove reshenija problemy ustojchivosti kompanii: dis. … dokt. jekon. nauk. M.: GUU,2011. 440 s.
4. Samosudov M. V. Teorija korporativnogo vzaimodejstvija: Uchebnoe posobie po kursu «Korporativnoe upravlenie». M., 2007. 26,5 u.p.l.
Muratshin T. F.
About the usage of the financial potential of Russia’s oil companies in order to provide its national state interests
Тhe article discloses the definition and peculiarities of financial potential of oil companies, researches objective and subjective factors influencing the potential’s condition, state control measures of oil gas branch of economy are suggested.
Keywords: financial potential of companies, oil companies, economical security, the country’s national state interests.
Work bibliographic list
1. Azarova A. I. Vlijanie faktorov razvitija neftjanoj otrasli na cenoobrazovanie nefti // Problemy ucheta i finansov. – 2012. – # 1 (5).
2. Arhipov D. N., Rebrov A. A., Hanahmedov A. S. Aktual'nye voprosy obespechenija jekonomicheskoj bezopasnosti toplivno-jenergeticheskogo kompleksa Rossii // Jurist"-Pravoved". – 2015. – # 3 (76).
3. Ahmatdinova L. H. Finansovyj potencial predprijatija: teoreticheskij aspekt. - [Jelektronnyj resurs].– Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 12.03.2018 g.).
4. Balaev A. I. Vlijanie cen na neft' i obmennogo kursa na dohody bjudzhetnoj sistemy // Finansovyj zhurnal. – 2014. – # 1.
5. Garin A. P. Teoreticheskie aspekty ocenki jekonomicheskogo potenciala predprijatija // Vestnik Cherepoveckogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. – 2012. – # 2.
6. Izrajleva O. V. Upravlenie finansovym potencialom predprijatij v sfere obsluzhivanija: monografija. - Cheljabinsk, 2007.
7. Issledovanie vlijanie ceny nefti na kurs dollara v Rossii // Jekonomika rossijskih regionov. Materialy 2 Molodezhnogo jekonomicheskogo foruma, 12-13 nojabrja 2009 goda. - Petrozavodsk. 2000.
8. Kajgorodov A. G. Jekonomicheskij potencial regiona i mehanizm ego ispol'zovanija. - Ivanovo: Izd-vo Ivanovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, 2008.
9. Kankia A. G. Finansy, denezhnoe obrashhenie i kredit// Voprosy jekonomiki i prava. – 2013. – # 12.
10. Katasonov V. Ju Investicionnyj potencial jekonomiki: mehanizm formirovanija i ispol'zovanija. -M.: Ankil, 2005.
11. Mestoev R. A. Strategija obespechenija jekonomicheskoj bezopasnosti TJeK v sovremennyh uslovijah // Sovremennye problemy nauki i obrazovanija. - 2015. - #1 (chast' 2). - [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
(data obrashhenija: 12.03.2018 g.).
12. Mochal'nikova V. N., Korostelev D. G. Povyshenie konkurentosposobnosti neftjanoj otrasli Rossii kak metod strategicheskogo razvitija // GBU «Centr perspektivnyh jekonomicheskih issledovanij» Akademii nauk Respubliki Tatatrstan. – 2013. – # 11 (108).
13. Ozhegov S. I. Slovar' russkogo jazyka. - M., 1991.
14. Popovich K. S. Teoreticheskie osnovy issledovanija finansovogo potenciala regiona // Problemy material'noj kul'tury. Jekonomicheskie nauki. – 2013.– # 1.
15. Roshhupkina V. V. Differenciacija ponjatij nalogovogo i finansovogo potenciala regiona // Uspehi sovremennogo estestvoznanija. – 2005. – # 2.
16. Sazonov S., Gaponenko Ju., Vajsbejn K. Finansovyj potencial regiona kak sostavljajushhaja jekonomicheskogo potenciala i aspekty, opredeljajushhie ego // Vestn. Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Ser. 10: Innovacionnaja dejatel'nost'. - 2014. - # 2 (11).
17. Starovojtov M. K., Fomin P. A. Osobennosti ocenki potenciala promyshlennyh predprijatij // Antikrizisnoe i vneshnee upravlenie. – 2006. – # 2.
Sergeeva O. Yu., Safin R. M.
Digital currencies as a tool of use in nanoeconomics
The article analyzes crypto currency and technology of its functioning, reveals the main advantages and disadvantages of Blockchain. Identified in the digital market are alternative crypto-currencies, the technologies of Blockchain are considered.
Keywords: Blockchain, Bitcoin, crypto-currency, altcoins, "Internet of things".
Work bibliographic list
1. Aref'eva A. S., Gogohija G. G. Perspektivy vnedrenija tehnologii blokchejn // Molodoj uchenyj. — 2017. —# 15. — S. 326-330. — [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 04.04.2018).
2. Biznes zhurnal Forbs. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
3. Informacionnyj portal vedomosti. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
4. Informacionnyj portal RBK. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
5. Kak bitkoin iz aktiva prevrashhaetsja v valjutu. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
6. Russkojazychnaja versija oficial'nogo sajta Bitcoin[Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
7. Sergeeva O. Ju. «Industrija 4.0» kak mehanizm formirovanija «Umnogo proizvodstva» // Nanotehnologii v stroitel'stve. – 2018. – Tom 10. – # 2. – S. 76-85.
8. Sergeeva O. Ju. Bitcoin kak instrument mirovoj platezhnoj sistemy // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. – 2018. – # 1 (116). – S. 378-380.
9. Sergeeva O. Ju., Galljamova D. A., Bajkova I. V. Rossijskij mediarynok v uslovijah sankcij // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. – 2017. – # 10 (113). – S. 341-342
Spasskaya N. V.
Profit as a source of financing of investment activity of the enterprise
In modern conditions of functioning of economy one of the main criteria of an assessment of success of activity of the enterprise is the sufficient level of profitability. Within the limits of this article the analysis and estimation of profit of the organization as a source of financing of investments are carried out.
Keywords: profit, profit functions, methods of profit management, investments.
Work bibliographic list
1. Berdnikov A. A. Analiz pribyli i rentabel'nosti organizacii: teoreticheskij aspekt // Molodoj uchenyj. – 2013. – # 2. – S. 111-113.
2. Zajcev A. G. Formirovanie jeffektivnoj sistemy regional'nogo marketinga na osnove metodologii institucional'noj teorii. - Monografija. – Orel, 2010.
3. Metody upravlenija pribyl'ju: materialy III mezhdunarodnoj nauchnoj konf. Chita, 2 apr. 2014 g. – Chita:Molodoj uchenyj, 2014. – S. 25-28.
4. Omarova Z. Z. Pribyl' osnovnoj finansovyj rezul'tat dejatel'nosti predprijatija. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
5. Popova N. A. Pribyl' i rentabel'nost' predprijatija // Institut jekonomiki i antikrizisnogo upravlenija. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
6. Pribyl' kak pokazatel' jeffektivnosti hozjajstvennoj dejatel'nosti predprijatija // – razborchivo o finansah. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
7. Takmakova E. Hozjajstva naselenija Orlovshhiny //Jekonomika sel'sokgo hozjajstva Rossii. – 2005. – # 4.
Kharisova A. Z., Gaysina A. V.
Human capital as an institutional component of the country’s competitiveness
This paper examines the human potential in many respects determining the level of development
of the economy, the country's competitiveness in the world arena, which is especially important and relevant today in the prevailing geopolitical and economic conditions.
Keywords: intellect, labor, human capital, competitiveness of country.
Work bibliographic list
1. Gajsina A. V., Sujundukova A. A. Kadrovyj potencial neftjanyh kompanij kak osnova jekonomicheskogo rosta strany // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal.- 2016. - # 11 (102). - S. 328-329.
2. Ministerstvo obrazovanija i nauki. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija 14.02.2018).
3. Harisova A. Z., Gajsina A. V. Povyshenie konkurentosposobnosti vuzov kak faktor rosta chelovecheskogo potenciala strany // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. - 2016. - # 3 (94). - S. 334-335.
4. Harisova A. Z., Gareeva A. R. Rossija na mezhdunarodnom rynke obrazovatel'nyh uslug. Regional'naja jekonomika v kontekste sovremennosti IX: mezhvuz. sb. nauch. tr. /otv. red.: I. A. Hisamutdinov. - Ufa: Izd-vo UGNTU, 2015. - Vyp. 9. - Kn. 2. - S. 242-249.
5. Kharisova A. Z., Amirkhanova L. R., Bikmetov E. Yu., Zinnurov U. G. Management of university competitiveness based on image creating research. Journal of Business and Retail Management Research (JBRMR), Vol. 11 Issue 2 January 2017.
Istamgalin R. S., Iseeva E. R.
Continuity as the characteristic of social evolution: the historic and philosophical reconstruction of the conceptual range
The article proves the substantial originality of the notion of «preemstvennost» («continuity»),
introduced into philosophy by Soviet authors at the turn of the 1950s-1960s. The compatibility of this philosophical notion with the conceptual apparatus of the previous European philosophical tradition of studying the laws of the development of natural and social objects is substantiated by using the method of historical and philosophical reconstruction.
Work bibliographic list
Keywords: preemstvennost', continuity, development, dialectics.
1. Aristotel'. Metafizika // Sochinenija: v 4 t. M.: Mysl', 1976. T. 1.
2. Aristotel'. Meteorologika // Sochinenija: v 4 t. M.:Mysl', 1981. T. 3.
3. Aristotel'. Politika // Sochinenija: v 4 t. M.: Mysl', 1983. T. 4.
4. Aristotel'. Fizika // Sochinenija v 4 t. M.: Mysl', 1981. T. 3.
5. Gegel' G. V. F. Lekcii po filosofii istorii. SPb.:Nauka, 1993.
6. Gegel' G. V. F. Nauka logiki: v 3 t. M.: Mysl', 1970. T. 1.
7. Dal' V.I. Tolkovyj slovar' zhivogo velikorusskogo jazyka: v 4 t. 3-e ispr. i dop. izd. SPb.-M.: Izd. Tov-va M.O. Vol'f, 1907. T. III. P-R.
8. Dvoreckij I. H. Latinsko-russkij slovar'. 3-e izd., ispr. M.: Russkij jazyk, 1986.
9. Drevnegrechesko-russkij slovar' / Sost. I. H. Dvoreckij: v 2 t. M.: Gos. izd-vo inostr. i nacion. slovarej, 1958. T. II.
10. Kant I. O forme i principah chuvstvenno vosprinimaemogo i intelligibel'nogo mira // Sochinenija: v 8t. M.: Choro, 1994. T. 2.
11. Kratkij filosofskij slovar' / Pod red. M. Rozentalja, P. Judina. 3-e izd., pererab. i dop. M.: Gospolitizdat, 1951.
12. Lejbnic G. V. Dva otryvka o principe nepreryvnosti // Sochinenija: v 4 t. M.: Mysl', 1982. T. 1.
13. Slovar' russkogo jazyka XI-XVII vv. M.: Nauka, 1982.Vyp. 18.
14. Filosofskij slovar' / Pod red. M. M. Rozentalja, P. F. Judina. M.: Politizdat, 1963.
Popov V. V., Maksimova S. I., Lichman I. D.
Features of alternative development in the context of forecast future
The article examines various aspects of social and historical development concerning the future time. Priority has been given to narrowing existing alternatives to development in social processes, volatile situations and social transformations. Demonstrates the role and importance of conscious rationality in modeling and design of future prospects, evaluation and interpretation of rational human activity. It is shown that phenomenological gaps in the context of social transformations are evaluated and interpreted in relation to the time factor and specific indices on the temporal scale.
Keywords: social subject, alternatives, sustainable operations, tolerationist social transformation, segments of the future time , a social event, a time interval.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ahiezer A. S. Filosofskie osnovy social'noj kul'turnoj teorii i metodologii // Voprosy filosofii. 2000. #9. S. 12-19.
2. Bestuzhev-Lada I. V. Retroal'ternativistika v filosofii istorii .// Voprosy filosofii. 1997.# 8. S. 14-23.
3. Borodkin L. I. Istorija, al'ternativnost' i teorija haosa // Odissej. Chelovek v istorii. 2000. M., 208 s.
4. Gorbunova M. Ju. Jemocii aktorov i social'nye transformacii. // Vestnik Saratovskogo universiteta. 2012 -# 2 S. 148-151.
5. Danto A. Analiticheskaja filosofija istorii. M.,2002. 289 s.
6. Zider R. Chto takoe social'naja istorija? Razryvy i preemstvennost' v osvoenii «social'nogo» // THESIS. 1993. vyp. 1. S. 163-181.
7. Popov V. V. Logicheskie i teoreticheskie model'nye aspekty issledovanija temporal'nosti v social'nofilosofskom diskupse // Nauchnaja mysl' Kavkaza. 2006. # 1. S. 24.
8. Popov V. V., Maksimova S. I. Social'nyj sub"ekt v al'ternativah obshhestvennogo razvitija // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2017. # 3 (106). S. 384-385.
9. Popov V. V., Muzyka O. A., Timofeenko V. A., Ukolov A. O. Temporal'nost' i tranzitivnost' v istoricheskom processe // Mezhdunarodnyj zhurnal prikladnyh i fundamental'nyh issledovanij. 2016. # 7-6.S. 1110-1113.
10. Popov V. V., Muzyka O. A., Maksimenko L. V. Konceptual'nye aspekty social'noj dinamiki v kontekste interval'noj koncepcii vremeni // Mezhdunarodnyj zhurnal prikladnyh i fundamental'nyh issledovanij. 2017. # 2-1. S. 130-133.
11. Popov V. V., Shheglov B. S., Granovskaja M. V. Specifika koncepta interval v issledovanii social'nyh processov // Fundamental'nye issledovanija. 2015.# 2-4. S. 872-875.
12. Popov V. V., Muzyka O. A.Faktor temporal'nosti v kontekste bytija social'nogo sub"ekta // Mezhdunarodnyj zhurnal jeksperimental'nogo obrazovanija. 2015. # 3. S. 40.
13. Popov V. V., Muzyka O. A. Istoricheskij process:al'ternativnost' i ocenka // Mezhdunarodnyj zhurnal prikladnyh i fundamental'nyh issledovanij. 2017. # 3-1. S. 147-150.
Goncharov N. V.
A critical analysis of theoretical-methodological bases of some aspects of existential philosophy
The article presents a critical interpretation of certain epistemological structures lying in the basis of existential philosophy. First of all, the author notes the methodological and methodical inefficiency applied in the concepts of existentialist sense of phenomenological tools (M. Heidegger, K. Jaspers, M. Merlo-Ponti, J.-P. Sartre). In particular, the problem of realization (or rather not realization in principle) of phenomenological reduction as the most important methodological regulative of existential philosophy is considered. It is shown that an insoluble contradiction determine the epistemological status of existence, and attempts to "get close" to the existence, eliminerei the mediation of the causal subject of reality, through the use of phenomenological reduction, which is coordinated by the intuition presented in existential philosophy unstable speculative constructs.
Keywords: existence, consciousness, phenomenological reduction, intuition, Being for oneself, reflection, self-reflection.
Work bibliographic list
1. Gajdenko P. P. Jekzistencializm / Jelektronnaja biblioteka Instituta filosofii RAN» Novaja filosofskaja jenciklopedija». – [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 6.10.2017 g.).
2. Gegel' G. V. F. Jenciklopedija filosofskih nauk: v 3 t. / Per. s nem. B. A. Fohta / T. 3 Filosofija duha. –Moskva: AN SSSR Institut filosofii, 1956. – 371 s.
3. Merlo-Ponti M. Fenomenologija vosprijatija / per. sfr. pod red. I. S. Vdovinoj, S. L. Fokina. – Sankt-Peterburg: Juventa; Nauka, 1999. – 603 c.
4. Sartr Zh.-P. Bytie i nichto: Opyt fenomenologicheskoj filosofii / Per. s fr., predisl., primech. V. I.Koljadko. – Moskva: Respublika, 2000. – 639 s.
5. Jaspers K. Razum i jekzistencija / per. s nem. A. K. Sudakova. – Moskva: «Kanon+» ROOI «Reabilitacija»,2013. – 336 s.
Lyashenko P. V.
To the question of the conceptual grounds of utopia in medieval christian philosophy
This article is devoted to the analysis of the conceptual foundations of utopia in medieval philosophical thought. The author comes to the conclusion that the medieval philosophical-reflexive cognition of the world, asserting under the dominant influence of Christian cosmology, theocentric system of values and orientations had a contradictory impact on the process of formation and conceptualization of utopia. On the one hand, the middle ages became a key stage, which laid the foundations for the conceptual formation of utopian problems.
On the other hand, there are a number of factors hindering the development of utopian thought.
Keywords: utopia, medieval philosophy, society, man.
Work bibliographic list
1. Avgustin A. Ispoved'. - M.: Renessans, 1991. - 488 s.
2. Avgustin A. Tvorenija: V 4 t. T. 1: Ob istinnoj religii. - SPb.: Aletejja, 2000. - 742 s.
3. Averincev S. S. Porjadok kosmosa i porjadok istorii v mirovozzrenii rannego srednevekov'ja // Antichnost' i Vizantija. - M.: Nauka, 1975. - S. 260-287.
4. Antologija srednevekovoj mysli (Teologija i filosofija evropejskogo Srednevekov'ja): V 2 t. T. 1. - SPb.:RHGI, 2001. - 539 s.
5. Aujerbah Je. Mimesis. Izobrazhenie dejstvitel'nosti v zapadnoevropejskoj literature. - M.: Progress, 1976. - 556 s.
6. Ahutin A. A. Ponjatie «priroda» v Antichnosti i v Novoe Vremja («fjusis» i «natura»). - M.: Nauka, 1988. - 208 s.
7. Bernard Klervoskij Traktaty. O ljubvi k Bogu. O blagodati i svobodnom vybore. - SPb.: RHGA, 2009. -280 s.
8. Buber M. Dva obraza very. - M.: Respublika, 1995. - 464 s.
9. Ioann Skot Jeriugena. Bog, ego atributy, poznavaemost' i otnoshenie k cheloveku // Antologija mirovoj filosofii: v 4 t. T. 1: Filosofija drevnosti i srednevekov'ja. - M.: Mysl', 1969. - S. 790-794.
10. Kiselev G. K. Kak govorit' o smysle istorii // Voprosy filosofii. - 2016. - # 5. - S. 5-14.
11. Kitajskie social'nye utopii. - M.: Nauka, 1987. - 421s.
12. Ljashhenko M. N. Fenomen odinochestva v hristianskoj filosofii Srednevekov'ja // Vestnik VGU. Serija:Filosofija. - 2016. - # 4. - S. 118-124.
13. Ovsjannikov V. F. Iskusstvo i mirovye religii //Jesteticheskoe kak sovershennoe. Izbrannye raboty. -M.: Poligraf-Izdat Servis, 1995. - S. 5-199.
14. Tantlevskij I. R. «Pod myshcami vechnosti…» vosprijatie mira i soznanie istorii v kontekste drevneevrejskih predstavlenij ob «olame» i drevnegrecheskih –o porjadke «kosmosa» // Voprosy filosofii.- 2017. - # 3. - S. 16-28.
15. Florovskij G. V. Metafizicheskie predposylki utopizma // Voprosy filosofii. - 1990. - # 10. - S. 80-93.
16. Foma A. O korolevskoj vlasti k korolju Kipra, ili O pravlenii knjazej // Sociologicheskoe obozrenie. - 2016. - T. 15. - # 2. - S. 96-128.
17. Foma Akvinskij. Summa Teologii. Chast' II-I. Voprosy 49–9. - Kiev: Jel'ga, Nika-Centr, 2008. - 536 s.__
Kozlov M. I.
The evolution of orthodox violations on social justice in the preventional period
This article examines the specifics of the development of Orthodox views in the pre-revolutionary period in the context of the idea of social justice. In particular, it is noted that Russian Orthodox thinkers made a special contribution to understanding the phenomenon of social justice. In their writings they reflected the social plagues of the asserting capitalist existence in post-reform Russia and pointed to the need for an objective analysis of their causes. The article points out that many judgments of Orthodox thinkers at the turn of the 20th century.
On the issue of social justice reflected to a certain extent the real problems of social development, helping to realize that Russian citizens live in an unjust society that requires serious transformation.
Keywords: religion, christianity, Russian Orthodox Church, tradition, orthodoxy, social justice, capitalism, socialism, revolution.
Work bibliographic list
1. Berdjaev N. A. Filosofskaja istina i intelligentskaja pravda // Intelligencija. Vlast'. Narod. M.:«Nauka», 1992. 341 s.
2. Bogoslovskie trudy: Izdatel'stvo Moskovskoj Patriarhii, 1971. # 7. 266 s.
3. Dostojanie nyneshnih bogatyh ne zarabotano, a prisvoeno. Pravda. 2007. # 24. 13-14 marta.
4. Kirill, episkop Turovskoj. Slova i pouchenija // Pamjatniki drevnerussk. cerkovno-uchitel'sk. lit-ry.SPb.: Tip. Dobrodeeva, 1894. Vyp. I. S. 28-47.
5. Krasheninnikov A. Novyj vklad Cerkvi v delo mira// Zhurnal Moskovskoj patriarhii. 1950. # 8. S. 69-83.[Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija:14.02.2018 g.).
6. Luka Zhidjata, arhiepiskop Novgorodskij, Pouchenija k brat'jam // Pamjatniki drevnerussk. cerkovno-uchitel'sk. lit-ry. SPb.: Tip. Dobrodeeva, 1894. Vyp. I.
S. 8–26.
7. Osnovy sovremennoj social'noj koncepcii Russkoj Pravoslavnoj Cerkvi. M.: Izd-vo Moskovskoj Patriarhii, 2000. 124 s.
8. Radlov Je. L. Ocherki istorii russkoj filosofii. Pg., 1920. 98 s. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 10.02.2018 g.).
9. Rikkert G. Nauki o prirode i nauki o kul'ture: per. pod red. S. I. Gessena. M.: «Respublika», 1911. 262 s.[Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: k/2746/1.html (data obrashhenija: 12.02.2018 g.).
10. Svetlov P. Ja. Ideja Carstva Bozhija v ee znachen. Dlja hristiansk. mirosozercan. (Bogoslovsko-apologetich. issledov.). Sergiev Posad: tip. Sv.-Tr. Sergievoj Lavry, 1904. 472 s.
11. Solov'ev V. S. Duhovnye osnovy zhizni. // Sobr. soch. v 10 t. T. 10. 390 s.
12. Tareev M. M. Osnovy hristianstva. T. 3. Hristiansk. mirovozzren. Sergiev Posad: tip. Sv.-Tr. Lavry, 1908. 321 s.
13. Tareev M. M. Filosofija zhizni. Sergiev Posad: tip. Sv.-Tr. Lavry, 1916. 303 s.
14. Fedotov G. P. Social'noe znachenie hristianstva //Filosofsk. nauki. 1991. # 3. S. 65–71.
Kolosova O. Yu.
Social information in the control system: social and philosophical analysis
In article it is claimed that for social management it is necessary to comprehend information, to reveal her qualitative features – semantic contents and practical value. It isn't casual at all as the author considers that within theories of information semantic and her pragmatical concepts develop.
Keywords: information, information of feedback, social management, completeness of information, efficiency of information.
Work bibliographic list
1. Baklanov I. S., Jacenko A. L. Rol' social'nyh setej v processah globalizacii // Lichnost'. Kul'tura. Obshhestvo. - 2010. - T. 12. - # 4. - S. 309-315.
2. Goverdovskaja E. V. Cennostnye orientiry obnovlenija soderzhanija vysshego professional'nogo obrazovanija na Severnom Kavkaze // Prepodavatel' HHIvek. - 2008. - # 1. - S. 61-67.
3. Goncharov V. N. Sociologicheskaja informacija: sociokul'turologicheskij aspekt vtorichnogo analiza //Jekonomicheskie i gumanitarnye issledovanija regionov. - 2013. - # 4. - S. 111-116.
4. Erohin A. M. Religioznoe soznanie v kontekste obshhestvennyh otnoshenij // Gumanitarnye i social'no-jekonomicheskie nauki. - 2015. - # 2(81). - S. 18-22.
5. Kamalova O. N. Problema intuitivnogo poznanija v irracional'noj filosofii // Gumanitarnye i social'no-jekonomicheskie nauki. - 2010. - # 4. - S. 68-71.
6. Lobejko Ju., Zarubina N. Integracija obrazovanija, nauki i proizvodstva // Vysshee obrazovanie v Rossii. - 2006. - # 2. - S. 110-114.
7. Matjash T. P., Matjash D. V., Nesmejanov E. E. Aktual'ny li mysli Aristotelja o «horoshem» obshhestve»? //Gumanitarnye i social'no-jekonomicheskie nauki. -2012. - # 3. - S. 11-18.
8. Mikeeva O. A. Analiz paradigmal'nyh osnovanij sociokul'turnogo podhoda v social'nom poznanii //Nauchnaja mysl' Kavkaza. - 2009. - # 1. - S. 45-48.
Mazurenko E. A.
The impact of the public space to the aggravation of experiencing social loneliness
Тhe article is devoted to the study of the influence of changes in the public space on the aggravation of the experience of social loneliness. The author specifies the social modes of experiencing loneliness and the reasons that lead to them. The importance of loneliness for the formation of successful interpersonal communication is analyzed.
Keywords: loneliness, public space, privacy, private life, interpersonal communication, communication.
Work bibliographic list
1. Burhanov R. I. Kant o transcendentnyh osnovanijah vsemirnoj istorii. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija:
5.04.2018 g.).
2. Mamardashvili M. K. Odinochestvo – moja professija. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 4.04.2018 g.).
3. Sennet R. Padenie publichnogo cheloveka. M.: «Logos», 2002. 424 s.
4. Harash A. Vdvoem s samim soboj. Kratkoe vvedenie v psihogigienu odinochestva // Znanie-sila. 1994. # 8.S. 134-144.
5. Jalom I. Jekzistencial'naja psihoterapija. Per. s angl. / Perevod T. S. Drabkinoj // Irvin D. Yalom. Existential Psychotherapy. N.Y.: «Basic Books», 1980. M.:«Klass», 1999. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data
obrashhenija: 4.04.2018 g.).
6. Rokach A. Loneliness Then and Now: Reflections on Social and emotional alienation in everyday life // Current Psychology: Developmental. Learning. Personality. Social. Spring. 2004. Vol. 23. # 1. Rp. 24-40.
Sharov K. S.
«All Israel shall be saved»: a study of the Newtonian theory about the restoration of the Jews and the last age of humanity
In the present work, the theological and historical-political theory of Isaac Newton about the end of Jewish dispersion, return of the Jews to Palestine and creation of a new state of Israel is studied. It is found that Newton believed that the return of the Jews would beget their conversion, that is, the recognition of Jesus as the Messiah and the Son of God within Judaism, although these two moments can be significantly separated in time scale. It is noted that Newton linked the restoration of the Jewish state with the termination of Ottoman Empire.
Keywords: Newton, Newtonianism, Judaism, the Jewish nation, Israel, the Apocalypse, Armageddon, the Bible, the millennium, the millennial kingdom, aliyah.
Work bibliographic list
1. Castillejo D. The Expanding Force in Newton’s Cosmos. Madrid, 1981. 125 p.
2. Horn J. M. Thomas Newton // Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1541-1857. 1992. V. 7. Pp. 83-97.
3. Kobler F. Newton on the Restoration of the Jews // Jewish Frontier. 1943. March issue. P. 21-23.
4. Manuel F. E. The Religion of Isaac Newton. Oxford, 1974. 141 p.
5. Newton I. Further Notes to “Of the Church”. Ms. 7. Bodmer Library, Cologny, Switzerland. 1673.
6. Newton I. Miscellaneous Drafts and Fragments on Prophecy. Yahuda Ms. 7. National Library of Israel, Jerusalem, Israel. 1709.
7. Newton I. Notes on prophecies. Yahuda Ms. 8. 1715.
8. Newton I. Of the Church. Ms. 1. Bodmer Library, Cologny, Switzerland. 1670.
9. Newton I. Papers relating to chronology and ‘Theologiæ Gentilis Origines Philosophicæ’. Ms. 361(3), New College Library, Oxford, UK. 1693.
10. Newton I. Prophesies concerning Christ’s 2d coming. ASC Ms. N47 HER, James White Library, Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan, USA. 1681.
11. Newton I. Sketches, notes and outlines for “Of the Church”. Ms. Bodmer Library, Cologny, Switzerland. 1671.
12. Newton I. The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms Amended. London, 2017. 96 p.
13. Newton I. The synchronisms of the three parts of the prophetick Interpretation. Yahuda Ms. 6. 1706.
14. Newton I. Theological notes. Yahuda Ms. 5. 1703.
15. Newton I. Treatise on Church history. Yahuda Ms. 12. 1684.
16. Newton I. Treatise on Revelation. Yahuda MS 9. – 1688.
17. Newton I. Two incomplete treatises on prophecy. Keynes Ms. 5, King’s College, Cambridge, UK. 1709.
18. Newton I. Untitled treatise on Revelation. Yahuda Ms. 1. 1670.
19. Newton I. Various texts on Revelation, Solomon’s Temple and Church history. Yahuda Ms. 2. 1688.
20. Newton Th., Right rev. Dissertations on the Prophecies. London, 1746. 630 p.
21. Silver A. H. Messianic Speculation in Israel. New York, 1927. 501 p.
22. Whiston W. Of the Restoration of the Jews // Sermons and Essays upon Several Subjects. London, 1709. 746 p.
Yashin A. N.
Historical and philosophical assessment of the role and importance of the sovereign in domestic justice
The article assesses the role and significance of the Russian Sovereign (Tsar, Emperor) in approving the ideas of domestic justice, emphasizes the special meaning of the participation of the Autocrat in justice, taking into account the sacred character of power and the national-original view of the people on the Sovereign as the last resort in search of earthly Truth and the guarantor of social harmony.
Keywords: Sovereign, State, Justice, Law, Imperial Idea, Statism, Truth, Grace, Philosophy of Law.
Work bibliographic list
1. Anisimov E. V. Dyba i knut: politicheskij sysk i russkoe obshhestvo v XVIII veke. M.: Izd-vo «Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie», 1999. 720 s.
2. Voskresenskij N. A. Zakonodatel'nye akty Petra I. M. - L.: Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1945. 650 s.
3. Golikova N. B. Politicheskie processy pri Petre I. M.: Izd-vo MGU, 1957. 337 s.
4. Got'e Ju. V. Istorija oblastnogo upravlenija v Rossii ot Petra I do Ekateriny II: V 2-h t. M.: Imper. ob-vo istorii i drevnostej ros. pri Mosk. un-te, 1913. T. I. 472 s.
5. Desnickij S. E. Slovo o prichinah smertnyh kaznej po delam kriminal'nym // Juridicheskie proizvedenija progressivnyh russkih myslitelej vtoroj poloviny XVIII v. / pod red. S. A. Pokrovskogo. M.: Gosjurizdat, 1959. S. 170 – 196.
6. Dzhanshiev G. A. Jepoha velikih reform. 8-oe dopolnennoe izdanie. M.: Tipo-litografija «I. N. Kushnerev i Ko», 1900. 893 s.
7. Duhovnyj reglament 1721 goda. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 17.02.2018 g.).
8. Katkov M. N. Imperskoe slovo. M.: Zhurnal «Moskva»,2002. 512 s.
9. Meshherskij V. P. Rechi konservatora. SPb.: Tip. I lit. kn. V. Obolenskogo, 1876. 445 s.
10. Montesk'e Sh. O duhe zakonov. M.: Mysl', 1999. 674 s.
11. Moskalevich G. N. Vzgljady belorusskogo prosvetitelja Simeona Polockogo na gosudarstvo i pravosudie //Vestnik Polockogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Serija D: Jekonomicheskie i juridicheskie nauki. 2013. # 5. S. 103-109.
12. Moskovskie vedomosti. 1882. # 30.
13. Nakaz imperatricy Ekateriny II, dannyj komissii o sochinenii novogo ulozhenija / pod red. N. D. Chechulina. SPb: Tip. Imperatorskoj Akademii Nauk, 1907. 175 s.
14. Prokopovich Feofan. Pravda voli monarshej vo opredelenii naslednika derzhavy svoej ustavom derzhavnejshego Gosudarja nashego Petra Velikogo, otca Otechestva. M.: Moskovskaja tipografija, 1722. 59 s.
15. Ugolovnoe pravo Rossii. Prakticheskij kurs. 4-e izdanie pererabotannoe i dopolnennoe / pod. red. A. V. Naumova. M.: Volters Kluver, 2010. 800 s.
16. Chistjakov O. I. Rossijskoe zakonodatel'stvo X – XX vekov: V 9 t. Tom 3. Akty Zemskih soborov. M.: Juridicheskaja literatura, 1985. 512 s.__
Kudashev R. K.
Patriotism as a universal idea: social-philosophical aspect
The article substantiates the idea that Patriotic culture is not fully realized, even if the sense of its
identity, its national self-knowledge serves as the starting point of the people's existence. The main thing in patriotism is the readiness to give their lives for their Homeland and in this regard, the empirical, earthly life of man, as a value, becomes part of the spiritual life of the human race as something eternal and priceless.
Keywords: patriotism, universal idea, Patriotic culture, love for the Motherland as something priceless.
Work bibliographic list
1. L'juis K. S. Ljubov' // Voprosy filosofii. 1989. # 8.
2. Platon. Sobranie sochinenij v 4-h t.: T. 3. M.: Mysl', 1994. 654 s.
3. Solov'ev V. S. Sobr. soch. v 10 t.: t. 7.
4. Struve P. B. Patriotica.: Politika, kul'tura, religija, socializm/ sost. V. N. Zhukova i A. P. Poljakova; Vstup. st. i primech. V. N. Zhukova. M.: Respublika,
1997. 527 s.
5. Trubeckoj N. Nasledie Chingishana / Nikolaj Trubeckoj. M.: JeKSMO, 2007.
Markevich A. G., Zaripov N. A., Zaripov A. A.
Humanitarian education as a factor in the development of modern society
The need to change attitudes to humanitarian knowledge in the Russian education system is long overdue. The uncritical approach and transfer of Western practices to Russian education without taking into account the experience and achievements already accumulated gave a negative result. Humanitarian education, designed not only to teach, but also to educate, to awaken the creative potential of the younger generation, to develop thinking, to form a complete picture of the world is in a state of deep crisis. The modern system of training requires improvement not only in the teaching of Humanities, but also fundamental reforms in the entire system of training in higher education.
Humanitarian education should take its rightful place in the educational system and become one of the most important links in the formation of an active, knowledgeable, responsible and fully trained specialist and citizen.
Keywords: humanitarian knowledge, humanitarian education, natural Sciences, the latest technologies, basic human values, culture of peace, manipulation of consciousness.
Work bibliographic list
1. Zaripov A. Ja., Zaripov N. A. Identifikacija kak atribut lichnosti i uslovie ee «vstroennosti» v socium // Problemy Vostokovedenija. - 2017. - # 2. - S. 8-12.
2. Ivanova A. D., Ivanova O. V. Opyt organizacii samostojatel'noj raboty magistrov pri izuchenii kursa «Psihologija i pedagogika» // Pedagogicheskij zhurnal. - 2016. - # 5. - S. 305-314.
3. Malinovskij V. F. Rassuzhdenie o mire i vojne (1803)// Vestnik universiteta im. O. E. Kutafina (MGJuA).- 2015. - # 6. – S. 224-249.
4. Markevich A. G. Rol' gumanitarnogo obrazovanija v razvitii kul'tury mira // Resp.nauch.-praktich.konf.«Kul'tura mira na sovremennom jetape». - Ufa, 2011.- S.214-215.
5. Montegju Je. Amerikanskij obraz mysli. – M.: Nauka, 1986.
6. Rozanov V. V. Sumerki prosveshhenija. - M., 1990.
7. Jung K. Neraskrytaja samost' // Sinhronija: akazual'nyj ob"edinjajushhij princip. – M.: AST, 2010.
8. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: htth:// (data obrashhenija: 3.03.2018 g.).
Kharitonov E. V., Silivanets F. V.
Incentives, resources and risks development of modern man
The article examines the incentives, resources and risks of development of modern man and society. The author substantiates the idea that education can not only develop, but also drain a person's personality, if it is devoid of creativity. The article substantiates the idea that the incentives for the development of modern man are his focus on the formation of a humanitarian culture, which, in turn, is associated with the fight against technocratic thinking. An important incentive for the development of man and society is the transformation of man into the highest value and goal of cultural development.
The resource for the development of modern society is the person himself, who must provide "adjustment", i.e. the level of "preperception" of people. The author substantiates the idea that the risks of the development of modern society are associated with the cultural and social process itself, which is becoming more complicated. The risks become minimal when the self-determining entity itself is blurred as adequate to the General processes of spiritual development.
Keywords: incentives, resources and risks development совер6менного person, education, depletion of the human personality, creativity, humanitarian culture, the level of "pre-understanding" of people, minimum risk, self-determining subject.
Work bibliographic list
1. Jaroslavceva E. Chelovek v sovremennoj setevoj paradigme: monografija. – M.: «Kanon+» ROOI «Reabilitacija», 2011. – 352 s.
2. Raushenbah B. V. Na puti k cel'nomu racional'no-obraznomu mirovosprijatiju // O chelovechkom v cheloveke/ – M.: Politizdat, 1991. – 384 s.
3. Kemerov V. E. Vvedenie vsocial'nuju filosofiju. Uchebnoe posobie dlja gumanitarnyh vuzov. – M.:Aspekt Premm, 1996. – 215 s.
Galimova L. R.
Value`s bases of personality formation in the process of socialization
The article considers the value`s grounds in their content, which are a system that is considered as a specific mechanism of motivation for social activity, so the analysis should be conducted in terms of social interests, needs and motives, based on the allocation of certain types of personal motivation, which subsequently act as the backbone factors of socialization.
Keywords: personality, values, socialization, social activity.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bekker D. V obshhestve ob obshhestve / Moskva, Socio-Logos. Obshhestvo i sfera smysla. Vyp. 1. M.: Progress, 1991. 480 s.
2. Bergson A. Tvorcheskaja jevoljucija / Gl. 4. M.: Kuchkovo pole 2006 / Parizh. 550 s.
3. Burd'e P. Social'noe prostranstvo i simvolicheskaja vlast'. M.: Izd-vo Nachala, 1994. 288 s.
4. Sartr Zh. P. Jekzistencializm – jeto gumanizm / Sumerki bogov M.: Izd-vo politicheskoj literatury, 1989. 344 s.
5. Habermas Ju. Moral'noe soznanie i kommunikativnoe dejstvie. SPb.: Nauka, 2000. 380 s.
Goncharov V. N.
Social and anthropological doctrines about information: philosophical analysis
From all types of information to and out of the sphere of social interaction, it is really possible to investigate only those information processes which have included the person. And here, according to the author, it is important to emphasize the next moment: information processes are not actions someone over something, and communications, interaction. In information processes existence of two parties (participants of interaction) is always supposed.
Keywords: information, knowledge, information processes, person, language, communication, social development.
Work bibliographic list
1. Baklanova O. A., Baklanov I. S., Erohin A. M. Metodologicheskie konstrukty issledovanija social'nosti sovremennogo obshhestva // Istoricheskaja i social'no-obrazovatel'naja mysl'. - 2016. - T. 8. - # 3-1.- S. 95-100.
2. Bolhovskoj A. L., Goverdovskaja E. V., Ivchenko A. V. Obrazovanie v globalizirujushhemsja mire: filosofskij vzgljad // Jekonomicheskie i gumanitarnye issledovanija regionov. - 2013. - # 5. - S. 80-85.
3. Kamalova O. N., Dzhioeva D. A. Perspektivy razvitija sensornyh tehnologij i problema rasshirenija chuvstvennyh vozmozhnostej cheloveka // Severo-Vostochnyj nauchnyj zhurnal. - 2011. - # 1. - S. 37-40.
4. Kolosova O. Ju. Globalizacija kul'turnyh processov:sinergeticheskij aspekt // Gumanitarnye i social'no-jekonomicheskie nauki. - 2012. - # 2. - S. 23-26.
5. Lobejko Ju. A. Social'naja aktivnost' lichnosti v obshhestve: social'no-pedagogicheskie aspekty formirovanija // European Social Science Journal. - 2014. -# 7-2(46). - S. 282-284.
6. Luk'janov G. I. Risk i social'naja nestabil'nost' //Aktual'nye problemy sovremennoj nauki. - 2006. -# 2(28). - S. 41-43.
7. Matjash T. P., Nesmejanov E. E. Proekt modernizacii– evropejskij soblazn // Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Serija 7: Filosofija.Sociologija i social'nye tehnologii. - 2011. - # 2.- S. 57-61.
Gimkaeva A. D.
The evolution of the concept of «self-development of a personality»
The article considers the evolution of the formation "self-development" concept in the philosophical and historical aspect. Selfdevelopment of a man as a personality is one of the indicators of a successful development of society, therefore attention to this problem increases more and more every year. The article presents a brief overview of foreign and domestic concepts on the investigated problem.
The author notes a row of features inherent philosophical search of each epoch based on the analysis of the genesis of "self-development of personality».
Keywords: self-development, personality, self-improvement, self-knowledge, genesis, self-determination, self-creation.
Work bibliographic list
1. Avgustin A. Ispoved'. – M.: AST, 2006. – 440 s.
2. Avrelij M. Razmyshlenija. – Spb.: Kristall, 2003. –158 s.
3. Berdjaev N. A. O cheloveke, ego svobode i duhovnosti: – M.: Izd-vo MPSI, 1999. – 312 s.
4. Bibler V. S. Ot naukouchenija k logike kul'tury: dva filosofskih vvedenija v dvadcat' pervyj vek. – M.:Politizdat, 1991. – 413 s.
5. Veber M. Izbrannoe: Obraz obshhestva. – M.: Jurist, 1994. – 704 s.
6. Ventcel' K. N. Obshhij ocherk teorii svobodnogo vospitanija // Shijanov E.N. Gumanisticheskaja pedagogika Rossii: stanovlenie i razvitie. – M.: Narodnoe obrazovanie, 2003. – 336 s.
7. Gegel' G. V. F. Lekcii po istorii filosofii. – SPb.:Nauka, 2000. – 480 s.
8. Dynnik M. A. Dialektika Geraklita Jefesskogo. – M., 1929. – S. 207.
9. Ivanov S. P. Mir lichnosti: kontury i real'nost'.– M.: Moskovskij psihologo-social'nyj institut:Flinta, 1999. – 158 s.
10. Kagan M. S. Mir obshhenija: probl. mezhsub"ekt. otnoshenij. – M.: Politizdat, 1988. – 319 s.
11. Kant I. Sobranie sochinenij. V 6 t.– M., 1965. – T. 4.Ch.1. – 544 s.
12. Krylova N. B. Sociokul'turnyj kontekst obrazovanija / Novye cennosti obrazovanija. Soderzhanie gumanisticheskogo obrazovanija. – M.: Innovator, 1995.– Vyp. 2. – S. 67-103.
13. Ksenofont. Vospominanija o Sokrate. – M.: Nauka,1993. – 379 s.
14. Kulikova L. H. Gumanizacija obrazovanija i samorazvitija lichnosti. – Habarovsk: Izd. HGPU, 2001. – 333 s.
15. Lejbnic G.-V. Monadologija // Lejbnic G.-V. Sochinenija: v 4 t. – M.: Mysl', 1982. – T. 1. – 636 s.
16. Rozanov V. V. Religija. Filosofija. Kul'tura. – M.: Respublika, 2001. – 640 s.
17. Rubinshtejn S. L. Chelovek i mir // Problemy obshhej psihologii. – M.: Pedagogika, 1973. – S. 255-382.
18. Sen-Simon. Memuary. – M.: Progress, 1991. – 520 s.
19. Spenser G. Sobranie sochinenij: v 6 t. – SPb., 1866. –T.4. – 482 s.
20. Fejerbah L. Izbrannye filosofskie sochinenija: v 2t. – M.: Politizdat, 1955. – T. 2. – 676 s.
21. Fihte I. G. Sochinenija v 2-h tomah. – SPb.: Mifril,1993. – T. 1. – 1485 s.
22. Frankl V. Je. Doktor i dusha. – SPb.: Juventa, 1997. –286 s.
23. Cukerman G. A., Masterov B. M. Psihologija samorazvitija. – M.: Interpraks, 1995. – 283 s.__
Urakov S. A.
Main features of modern Orthodox anthropology
The article aims to consider the main features of modern Orthodox anthropology. The Orthodox
doctrine of man is analyzed. Particular attention is paid to the problems of interaction between faith and reason, Orthodoxy and philosophy in anthropology.
Keywords: orthodox anthropology, God, man, theology, philosophyа, outlook, spirituality, morality.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ioann Mejendorf, prot. Pravoslavie i sovremennyj mir. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 11.01.2018 g.).
2. Kirill (Gundjaev), mitropolit (nyne patriarh). Zdes' zarodilas' Svjataja Rus' // Zhurnal Moskovskoj patriarhii. 2002. # 2. [Jelektronnyj resurs].– Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 09.02.2018 g.).
3. Kirill (Gundjaev), patriarh. Slovo Cerkvi dolzhno nesti pravdu // Zhurnal Moskovskoj patriarhii. 2012. # 2.
4. Konstantin (Gorjanov), episkop. Religiozno-filosofskaja antropologija Viktora Nesmelova //Pravoslavnoe uchenie o cheloveke. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 01.02.2018 g.).
5. Lihachev D. S. Slovo o Pavle Florenskom // Biblioteka «Vehi». [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 15.11.2017 g.).
6. Pravoslavnaja Jenciklopedija v 27 t. / Pod red. Patriarha Moskovskogo i vseja Rusi Kirilla. M.: Izd-vo Cerkovno-nauchnyj centr «Pravoslavnaja jenciklopedija», 2000 - 2010. T. 2.
7. Filaret (Vahromeev), mitropolit. Vstupitel'noe slovo na konferencii Russkoj pravoslavnoj cerkvi «Pravoslavnoe uchenie o Cerkvi». [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 01.02.2018 g.).
8. Filaret (Vahromeev), mitropolit. Doklad na Jubilejnom Arhierejskom sobore Russkoj pravoslavnoj cerkvi. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 01.02.2018 g.).
9. Filaret (Fahromeev), mitropolit. Bogoslovie dobrososedstva. Kiev: Izdatel'stvo «Duh i Litera», 2002. 220 s.
10. Florenskij P. A., svjashh. Sobranie sochinenij. Filosofija kul'ta (opyt pravoslavnoj antropodicei) / sost. i red. igumen Andronik (Trubachev). M.: Mysl', 2004. 685 s.
11. Shaposhnikov L. E. Osnovnye techenija v russkoj pravoslavnoj mysli XIX – XXI vekov. SPb.: Izdatel'stvo Russkoj hristianskoj gumanitarnoj akademii, 2016. 441 s.
Chaplinskaya Ya. I.
Alienation as process of loss by the person of professionalism: sociocultural and legal aspects
The kaleidoscopical modern reality creates the context of "chaos" in which the professional life of a person is taking place in different situations. One of such social situations is the alienation that is the subject of this study. In modern reality, alienation is actively studied by philosophers, psychologists, sociologists, and also by jurisprudent. This is caused by the actualization of the problem of loss of a person's identity, his alienation in the modern world. The idea of alienation encompasses a model of a person's social degeneration in the course of his life cycle, based on the human loss of professionalism as a result of the emergence of alienated thought. The methodological basis of the study is philosophical reflection and a legal approach. Philosophical reflection is a process of scientific cognition based on the philosopher's creative work, the result of which is a new perception and awareness of the subject. The conclusion made on the basis of the research suggests that it is necessary to remove alienation both socially and legally, which will improve the quality of the professionalism of workers.
Keywords: alienation, professional burning out, burning out, professionalism, requirement.
Work bibliographic list
1. Antonova N. V. Problema lichnostnoj identifikacii v interpretacii sovremennogo psihoanaliza, interakcionizma i kognitivnoj psihologii // Voprosy psihologii. – 1996. – # 1. – S. 131-143
2. Potapova I. S. Istorija jekonomicheskih uchenij. – M.: MGIU, 2000. – C. 112-206.
3. Hashhenko V. A. Jekonomicheskaja identichnost' lichnosti:psihologicheskie determinanty formirovanija // Psihologicheskij zhurnal. – 2004. – Tom 25. – # 5. – S. 32-49.
4. Julina N. S. Filosofija K. Poppera mir predraspolozhennostej i aktivnost' samosti // Voprosy filosofii. – 1995. – # 10. – S. 45-57.
5. Jakovenko I. G. Identichnost' i dialog // Voprosy social'noj teorii. – 2010. – T. IV.
6. Jakovlev A. I. Polinauchnaja paradigma soznanija // Social'no-gumanitarnye znanija. – 2013. – # 5. – S. 267-281.
7. Goren P., Federico C. M. Kittilson M. P. Source Cues, Partisan Identities, and Political Value Expression [Text]// American Journal of Political Science. – 2009. – Vol. 53.– #. 4. – P. 805-820.
8. Makarenko N. I., Chaplinskaya Ya. I., Kvesko S. B., Shamrova D. P. «Burnout» as a result of emotional exhaustion in a profession: sociocultural discourse // SHS Web of Conferences. – 2016. – Vol. 28. – P. 1-4. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: http://www.shsconferences.
9. Marcia J. E. Development and Validation of ego-identity-status // Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. –# 3. – P. 551-558.
10. Yerkes R. M., Dodson J. D. The relation of strength of stimulus to rapidity of habit-formation // Journal of Comparative Neurology and Psychology. – 1908. – # 18.
Kharitonov E. V.
The dominants and determinants of social life: the experience of sociocultural analysis
The article examines the dominant and determinants of social life. The paper reveals the alienation of man, which is formed as a separation from the cultural process, from history, from space or nature. The author shows that there is a certain universal universal norm, existing within the boundaries of which he loses his human features. The article substantiates the idea that social chronotope is the dominant social life; at the same time, the spatial-temporal problems themselves refract from traditional stereotypes. It is found that the dominant social life is the idea of modernity, which has a paradoxical character. The determinant of social life is the energy of man and technology, so that the earth's space and time gradually lose their traditional characteristics. The article develops the view that today we are talking about social time, which is carried out in the mode of on-line social systems.
Keywords: dominants and determinants of social life, alienation of a person, universal universal norm, social chronotope, space-time problems, the idea of modernity, human energy and technology, social time.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ganchev P. Globalizacija civilizacii i neobhodimost' novoj formy filosofii // Voprosy filosofii. – 2007. – # 8.
2. Kemerov V. E. Vvedenie v social'nuju filosofiju. –M.: Aspekt-Press, 1996. – 215 s.
3. Kemerov V. E. Social'nyj hronotop i sovremennoe obshhestvoznanie // Izvestija Ural'skogo federal'nogo universiteta. Ser. Obshhestvennye nauki. – 2013. – # 4 (121).
4. Komarov S. V. Metafizika i fenomenologija sub"ektivnosti. Istoricheskie prolegomeny i fundamental'noj ontologii soznanija.- SPb.: Aletejja, 2007.– 736 s.
5. Shelling F. V. J. Sistema mirovyh jepoh: Mjunhenskie lekcii. 1827-1828 gg. v zapisi Jernsta Laso. –Tomsk: Izdatel'stvo «Vodolej», 1999. – 320 s.
6. Shelling F. V. J. Sochinenija v 2 t.: Per. s nem. T. 2 / Sost., red. A. V. Gulyga; primech. I.I. Levinoj i A.V. Mihajlova. – M.: Mysl', 1989. – 636 s.
International scientific and practical law journal
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