
Ragulin A.V.
The Federal Law draft «About modification of separate acts of the Russian Federation regarding ensuring the right of the advocate on collecting the data necessary for rendering a legal aid»: author’s comment and suggestions for improvement

Minyazeva T.F.
Limits of alternativeness of criminal and legal sanctions
Baturina N.A.
Problems of realization of a principle of collective leadership at revision of civil cases in a cassation and supervising order
Fomenko E.V.
Problem issues of corpus delicti legislative consolidation «mediation in bribery» in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation
Isayev P.A.
To a problem of merging of management personnel with organized crime in Russian Federation

Ragulin A.V.
The Federal Law draft «About modification of separate acts of the Russian Federation regarding ensuring the right of the advocate on collecting  the data necessary for rendering a legal aid»: author’s comment and  suggestions for improvement
Purpose: The Federal Law draft analysis «About modification of separate acts of the Russian Federation regarding ensuring the right of the advocate on collecting the data necessary for rendering a legal aid» for determination of its compliance to the legislation on lawyer activity and legal profession and possibility of achievement of the tasks set for it.
Methodology: The formal-legal method, comparative - legal method, statistical method and method of theoretical modeling were used.
Results: In work the positive assessment is given to the presented bill, and the importance of realization is proved by the advocate’s of the right for inquiry. Besides, scientific and reasonable offers on need of adjustment used in a number of offers of the bill of formulations are stated the right of the advocate for inquiry was expanded. It is also offered to exclude from the bill norm about administrative responsibility of the advocate for violation of an order of the address with information received by advocate’s inquiry as the advocate can be made responsible for similar act in a disciplinary order. In article it is also offered to realize a judicial order of permission of obtaining data at the request of the advocate when information which it requests belongs to secret especially protected by the law.
Novelty/originality/value: Article possesses high scientific value and has the practical importance as is the first attempt to consider the questions concerning the Federal Law draft about advocate’s inquiry.
Keywords: legal profession, advocate, rights of advocate, advocate’s inquiry, inquiry, advocacy.
References (transliterated)
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Minyazeva T.F.
Limits of alternativeness of criminal and legal sanctions
Purpose: Consideration of questions of limits of alternativeness of the sanctions containing in the Criminal code of the Russian Federation.
Methodology: Historical legal and formally legal methods were used.
Results: In article recommendations about establishment of reasonable limits of criminal and legal sanctions and their alternativeness are formulated. The author notes that articles about bribery contain the wide range of limits of application of the sanctions, promoting corruption manifestation and not promoting the solution of problems of crime control. The author offered to establish a penalty only as additional punishment and also it is offered to return property confiscation to system of punishments. It is offered in sanctions of articles with the maximum limit of imprisonment in ten years, to set the minimum limit in five years of imprisonment; for nonviolent plunders with aggravating circumstances to establish the maximum term of imprisonment in seven years and, respectively, the minimum – three years. Within imprisonment in sanctions other crimes it is expedient to establish a gap no more than in four – six years.
Novelty/originality/value: Article has high scientific value as in it topical issues of improvement of the criminal legislation of Russia in modern conditions are considered.
Keywords: penal law, punishment, sanctions, penalty, property confiscation, imprisonment for a certain term, alternativeness of sanctions.
References (transliterated)
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Baturina N.A.
Problems of realization of a principle of collective leadership at revision of civil cases in a cassation and supervising order
Purpose: The analysis of efficiency of realization of a principle of collective leadership at revision of civil cases in a cassation and supervising order.
Methodology: The author used a formal-legal and а comparative legal methods
Results: Considering the principle of joint consideration of civil cases through a psychology prism, the author of article draws a conclusion that the option of joint hearing of cases fixed in civil procedural legislation Russian Federation in vessels of cassation and supervising instances not fully promotes increase of efficiency of civil legal proceedings.
Novelty/originality/value: Article possesses high scientific value as is one of the first attempts to consider a question realization of a principle of collective leadership at revision of civil cases in a cassation and supervising order through a prism of psychology.
Keywords: civil process, principle of collective leadership, revision of civil cases, cassation instance, supervising instance.
References (transliterated)
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5. Neshataeva T.N. Sud i zashhita prav i svobod grazhdan Rossijskoj Federacii // Teoreticheskie i prakticheskie problemy grazhdanskogo, arbitrazhnogo processa i ispolnitel’nogo proizvodstva: Sbornik nauchnyh statej. – Krasnodar: SPb.: Juridicheskij centr Press, 2005. – S. 34–43.
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Fomenko E.V.
Problem issues of corpus delicti legislative consolidation «mediation in bribery» in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation
Purpose: Analysing the standards consolidated in Article 291¹ of the Russian Federation’s Criminal Code and developing some proposals related to its improvement.
Methodology: Historico-legal, formal legal and systemic methods of scientific cognition, description, comparison, analysis and synthesis have been used.
Outcome: The article characterises the legal nature of the notion of mediation in bribery, outlines the problems related to qualifying the mediation in bribery and proposes the ways to tackle these problems by altering some individual standards of the Russian Federation’s Criminal Code.
Novelty/Originality/Value: is in the fact that the author has analysed the legislator’s innovation consolidated in the standards of Article 291¹ of the Russian Federation’s Criminal Code, as well as provided some recommendations to be followed within the process of improving the Russian criminal legislation and law-enforcement practices in the area of regulating the standards, norms and legal relationships looked into in the work.
Keywords: mediation, bribery and mediation in a commercial graft.
References (transliterated)
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11. Fomenko E.V. Aktual’nye voprosy sovershenstvovanija dejstvujushhego zakonodatel’stva po bor’be s korrupciej i vzjatochnichestvom // Rossijskij sledovatel’. – 2013. – № 24. – S. 40–43.
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Isayev P.A.
To a problem of merging of management personnel with organized crime  in Russian Federation
Purpose: Consideration of actual problems of formation of the negative social phenomenon of criminal bureaucracy for the purpose of development of the offers directed on fight against it.
Methodology: The author applied a formal-legal method and a method of theoretical modeling.
Results: In article the main scientific approaches to a problem of an evolution of bureaucracy in more dangerous to society and the form state are analyzed, the main stages of an evolution of bureaucracy in criminal bureaucracy are characterized.
Novelty/originality/value: Article contains representing scientific and practical importance author’s generalizations and the conclusions directed on improvement of scientific ideas of criminal bureaucracy as to a negative form of deviant behavior of civil officers.
Keywords: bureaucracy, organized crime, management.
References (transliterated)
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