Historical experience
Ragulin A.V.
Stages of formation of institute of professional rights of the advocate-defenderin Russia and their general characteristic
Sibirtsev G.I.
Theoretical bases of independence of protective legal activity within criminal procedure
Birjukov P.N.
Farkhutdinov I. Z.
Carl Haushofer and Richard Zorge on the role of “Great Japan” in global politics
Farkhutdinov I.Z.
Dr. Sorge as an agent of the Comintern
Farkhutdinov I. Z.
Current political processes in the Maghreb in the context of Eurasian geopolitics. a look from the present and future of North africa from the Kingdom of Morocco
Historical experience
Ragulin A.V.
Stages of formation of institute of professional rights of the advocate-defender in Russia and their general characteristic
Research of history of formation of institute of professional rights of advocate-defender in Russia for allocation of stages, their characteristic and the main tendencies of their development.
Methodology: Historical-legal and formally-legal method was used.
Results: In article the main stages of development of institute of professional rights of advocate-defender in Russia are allocated and their characteristic is given: stage of origin of institute of the rights of defender in Russia (XVV–1864); stage of an institutionalization of the rights of the defender in the legislation of imperial Russia (1864–1917); stage of elimination of jury legal profession and creation of institute of defenders (1917–1922); stage of an institutionalization of the rights of advocate-defender in the Soviet legislation (1922–1956); stage of expansion of the rights of the advocate-defender in the Soviet legislation (1956–1991); Post-Soviet stage of development of the rights of the advocate-defender (1993–2001) ; the present stage (2001 – to the present). It is established that between stages there is a certain continuity, thus the volume of the rights gradually extended, and the corresponding precepts of law, were improved depending on increase of level of democratization of the Russian state and society and increase of the status of advocacy profession. Thus, existence of so-called counter reforms of professional rights of advocates, as a rule, following entered expansion owing to which volume of professional rights of advocates defender possibility of their practical realization was narrowed or limited took place. It is established that development of institute of professional rights of the advocate-defender is caused by development of institute of procedural rights of persons protected by it, and also the tendency of expansion of professional rights of the advocate-defender at the expense of improvement of the status professional rights included in provisions of the act, regulating bases of the organization and advocacy profession activity is revealed.
Novelty/originality/value: Article possesses the high scientific value as is one of the first attempts to consider history of development of Russia advocacy profession through a prism of evolution of institute of professional rights of the advocate-defender.
Keywords: advocacy profession history, advocate-defender, professional rights of advocate.
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Sibirtsev G.I.
Theoretical bases of independence of protective legal activity within criminal procedure
Theoretical justification of the content of the principle of independence of advocate activity in criminal trial.
Methodology: The author applied a formal-legal method and a method of theoretical modeling.
Results: The author comes to a conclusion that independence represents lack of third-party influence or impact on activity of any subject, however thus notes that, proceeding from sense of Art. 5 of Federal Law «About Judicial System of the Russian Federation», the legislator divides determination of independence and independence, without considering them as the identical. The author specifies that independence is perceived by the legislator as lack of any influence of the third parties on actions of the advocate, and independence of the advocate should be understood as ability to act in legal relationship directly on its own behalf, and also to bear disciplinary, civil, and equally administrative and criminal liability for the actions which are carried out by it within rendering the qualified legal aid.
Novelty/originality/value: Independence is considered as the backbone legal principle, and also as the most important element of a modern sociocultural paradigm. Article has the high scientific value as contains author’s generalizations possessing novelty and conclusions which can be used in scientific and practical activities at justification and disclosure of the content of the principle of independence of legal profession and advocate activity.
Keywords: independence of advocate activity, principle of competitiveness of criminal procedure, legal profession theory, theory of criminal procedure, lawyer, attorney, counsel, barrister, advocate, advocacy, legal profession, bar.
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Birjukov P.N.
To a question of possibility of reduction by court of the amount of compensation for violation of the rights for the trademark
The analysis of practice of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation about decrease in the amount of compensation for violations of intellectual property rights.
Methodology: The author used a formal-legal method and a method of studying of materials of lawsuits.
Results: In article the conclusion that the amount of compensation has to be reasonable is drawn, and the purpose of application of this measure of responsibility is restoration of a property status of the owner. The basis of institute of compensation consists in ensuring compensation of property losses of the owner in the simplified order – without proof of the size of losses. It is noted that a natural limit of application of institute of compensation is the exit of the specific owner out of limits of purpose of this competence, namely acquisition owing to a hypothetical offense of the property benefits which were not and could not be lost by it owing to offense commission. The offense from one person cannot be considered as lawfully established basis of enrichment of other person (owner). At the same time it is noted that the court at the corresponding justification is not deprived of opportunity to collect a compensation amount for violation of the rights for the trademark in a smaller size in comparison with the declared requirement.
Novelty/originality/value: Article has a certain scientific value and the important practical importance as contains author’s generalizations and the conclusions allowing systemically considering legal positions of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation on possibility of reduction of the amount of compensation for violation of the rights for the trademark.
Keywords: intellectual property, trademark, compensation, amount of compensation.
3. Biryukov P.N. Pravo intellektual#noy sobstvennosti: Uchebnik dlya bakalavrov. – M.: Yurayt, 2014. – Gl. 3.
4. Popov A.V. K voprosu ob osnovnykh etapakh razvitiya franchayzinga // Obrazovanie i pravo. – 2013. – № 1 (41). – S. 173.
5. Popov A.V. K voprosu o predmete dogovora kom-mercheskoy kontsessii // Obrazovanie i pravo. – 2012. – № 8 (36). – S. 26.
Farkhutdinov I. Z.
Carl Haushofer and Richard Zorge on the role of “Great Japan” in global politics
This article is a continuation of the materials published in the last ten years in Eurasian Law Journal under the heading “Eurasian geopolitics and international law”.
Richard Sorge is considered by many to be one of the most extraordinary scouts of all time. In the history of the special services of different countries there are examples of personal courage and professionalism of agents of the highest class who have changed the course of world history. But Richard Sorge, perhaps, still remains unsurpassed - it was he who actually prevented the seizure of Moscow by the Wehrmacht, and possibly the loss of the country in the Second World War. There is information that, in principle, Stalin was consciously ready to lose the capital of the USSR, he did not see any other way to raise the Soviet people to a holy war against the German occupiers. As a result of a four-month defeat after defeat, the lion part of the territories of the European part of the USSR was under occupation and the situation of the country, which had already crossed the red line, turned out to be simply catastrophic.
A lot has been written about “spy creativity” by Richard Sorge, films have been released. There are many myths associated with the activities of the Tokyo resident. Here are the main ones: “the independent manner of behavior, his independent lifestyle, excessive alcohol addiction and numerous love stories that put the Cheka leadership on guard, led his activity to a logical end. In 1941 he was arrested, and in November 1944 executed.” Moreover, if it is mentioned, it is stingy that long before the failure of the Ramsay group, Dr. Sorge had a friendly chat, “drinking tea” with Chiang Kai-shek himself, was generally recognized in the Tokyo German affair as a true activist of the Nazi party in the NSDAP Embassy of the Third Reich in Tokyo. And in April 1941 Adolf Hitler publicly announced Dr. Sorge the best journalist in Germany: "Mein freund Richard ..".
This and the rest of the more cleverly incomprehensible facts from the biography of the scout "number one" of all times and peoples is separately described in the proposed article. During the bloody repressions of 1937-1938, the Tokyo resident was to be recalled to Moscow to try as a “double agent”, if not a triple one — this is Stalin’s newly-minted apologists trying to turn into a myth that all objective memoirists admit to be true. Myth to cast a shadow on the fence? Sorge’s warning about the duration of the attack by Hitler’s Germany on the USSR was contemptuously rejected by Stalin as “from shit with cheap factories and public houses in Japan”. Today, among professionals there is a perception that the scout surrendered by and large their simple way.
“Who are you, Dr. Sorge?” — the TV series “Sorge”, which soon appears on TV as a colorfully designed masterpiece of artisticn creation, is unlikely to shed light on secret pages.
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Farkhutdinov I. Z.
Dr. Sorge as an agent of the Comintern
In the first article of this cycle, the movement described the youthful and young years, the beginning of the Japanese mission, the role of the famous German scientist Karl Haushofer in the formation of the geopolitical views of Dr. Sorge. Below the author continues to tell about his formation as a professional scientist, journalist, analyst and geopolitics. All this together helped him to become the greatest intelligence officer of the era of the Second World War. He arrived in Moscow already a Communist journalist with a strong research string. The authoritative position of Richard Sorge in the Communist International is reflected in the intensive nature of his work. The author is confident that Richard, by his origin and by his nature, was simply doomed to become a globally-minded and acting person , including on his books.
Dr. Sorge, working in Moscow as an instructor, an instructor in the International Relations Department of the Comintern, expanded the worldwide spy network of the communist movement and studied the basic rules for conducting covert operations. Richard Sorge, an excellent theorist and a strong organizer who spoke European languages, is in great demand from such prominent figures as Manuilsky, Kuusinen, Pyatnitsky, Bukharin, and others.
In the 1920s and 1940s, practically the entire Soviet intelligence network in Europe and America relied on the invisible steel network of the Comintern. And from the same place came her best scouts, the stars of this time, called “the era of the great illegals.” But Stalin prepared for the loyal soldiers of the revolution something completely different from what they deserved. They were
tortured in the dungeons of the NKVD, spread rot in the camps as class enemies ... Many thousands of Soviet intelligence corps, coming out of the bowels of the Comintern, today were called “shot by intelligence”. This article completes the story of the Chinese mission of Dr. Sorge.
Keywords: Group “Ramsay”, “Who are you, Dr. Zorge?”, Comintern Department of International Cooperation (CHI), Agnes Smedley, “Daughter of Earth”.
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Farkhutdinov I. Z.
Current political processes in the Maghreb in the context of Eurasian geopolitics. a look from the present and future of North africa from the Kingdom of Morocco
A real acquaintance with the wonderful Maghreb started from the Berber region which is southern Morocco. Thanks to my new friends, Amazighs (Berbers), during unhurried conversations I learned a lot first about the present and then about the past of their great homeland. There in Agadir the desire was born to take up the pen on this topic. A trip to fabulous Marrakesh, one of the historic capitals of the Kingdom of Morocco, further reinforced the idea of continuing the study of geopolitical processes taking place today in North Africa. From a historical point of view, the great Arab conquests, in which the distant ancestors of my interlocutors played a decisive role,
predetermined the fate of not only Western Europe, but also Eurasia as a whole. The Arab-Berber rule left an indelible mark not only in the architectural appearance, mathematical knowledge, poetry of Andalusia (that was the name of the then Spain). Practically the Moors, as the Europeans called them, redirected the course of European and Eurasian civilizations as a whole, towards the Great geographical discoveries, that expanded the ecumene to the other side of the Atlantic Ocean.
Keywords: El Maghreb, Morocco - the pearl of the Maghreb, Arab culture of Andalusia, Moors, Herodotus on the Berbers, Amazigh - white people of the desert, Russian economic diplomacy in North Africa.
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