
Ragulin A.V.
Contradictions between the legislation on legal profession and the criminal procedure legislation of Russia regarding a regulation of professional privileges of the advocate-defender and their overcoming
Zaborovsky V.V.
Legal analysis of certain aspects of the right to counsel lawyer request

Tillabayev M.A., Hamdamova F.U.
Extraterritorial obligations of states under international human rights law in the context of international development cooperation

Martyshkin V.N.
Christian idea about court and justice
Skitovich V.V., Sedelnik V.V.
The question of implementation by a judicial precedent in the legal system of the Republic of Belarus
Hasanov F.Z.
To the question of counteraction of corruption in the health care sphere

Ragulin A.V.
Contradictions between the legislation on legal profession and the criminal procedure legislation of Russia regarding a regulation of professional privileges of the advocate-defender and their overcoming
Purpose: Identification of collisions between the legislation on legal profession and the criminal procedure legislation of Russia on the questions connected with a regulation of professional privileges of the advocate-defender and their overcoming.
Methodology: Formal-legal method and method of theoretical modeling were used.
Results: The author formulated offers on permission of collisions between the legislation on legal profession and the criminal procedure legislation of Russia in relation to such professional privileges of the advocate-defender as the right for direct participation in proof process, the right for involvement of the expert, the right for free meetings with the principal, the right to fix information containing in materials of criminal case, the right to make other actions which are not contradicting the legislation, etc. The basic rule of overcoming of collisions between the legislation on legal profession and the criminal procedure legislation of Russia according to which it need to be guided by the provision on a priority of standards of the legislation on legal profession is formulated.
Novelty/originality/value: Article possesses high scientific value and has the practical importance as is one of the first attempts to consider a question of overcoming of collisions between the legislation on legal profession and the criminal procedure legislation of Russia.
Keywords: legal profession, criminal procedure, legislation, collisions, overcoming of collisions, professional privileges of the advocate-defender.
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Zaborovsky V.V.
Legal analysis of certain aspects of the right to counsel lawyer request
 Conduct an analysis of the legal nature of a lawyer request to investigate the practical aspects concerning the implementation of this law, in particular with respect to the procedure of its filing and timing of the response to the inquiry counsel, as well as to analyze the conditions that impede the realization of their right to counsel.
Methodology: The authors used legalistic method based on the consistency and comprehensiveness of its holding.
Results: In article the concludes that the right to request a lawyer is one of its most important rights, without which it becomes more difficult or even impossible to provide a lawyer ceases to qualified legal assistance. The author notes that, unfortunately, the new Law of Ukraine «On Advocacy Activities» does not solve all problems associated with full implementation of the right to counsel of his inquiry. Platoon is also that such a state of things pulls the inability to perform at a high level lawyers of their functions to represent and protect the interests of their clients.
Novelty/originality/value: Article possesses the some important scientific value and practical significance, because it contains a comprehensive study of the legal nature of lawyers’ request as necessary for the implementation of the rights of a lawyer of their professional activities, and explores the practical aspects of the implementation of this law.
Keywords: lawyer, legal aid, lawyer request a warrant lawyer, attorney secrets.
References (transliterated)
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7. Ragulin A.V. Problemy reglamentacii i prakticheskoj realizacii prava advokata-zashhitnika na zapros svedenij, neobhodimyh dlja okazanija juridicheskoj pomoshhi // Obrazovanie i pravo. – 2012. – № 9 (37). – S. 187–202.
Tillabayev M.A., Hamdamova F.U.
Extraterritorial obligations of states under international human rights law in the context of international development cooperation
 Research of the extraterritorial obligations of states under international human rights law, their characteristic and the main tendencies of their development.
Methodology: Formally legal and comparative analysis of the relevant international human rights documents and legal doctrine.
Results: The article provides detailed analysis of nature and scope of extraterritorial human rights obligations of states. To this end, it refers to the relevant provisions of the International Covenant on Economical, social and cultural rights, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, Convention on the rights of person with disabilities as well as soft law sources such as Maastricht Principles and Limburg Principles. International human rights law implies that states shall provide implementation of human rights not only within their own territory but also outside their territory. It is emphasized that without international assistance «the full realization of human rights will remain unfulfilled aspiration in many countries. It means states have extraterritorial obligations under human rights law. To be more precise, the obligation of international cooperation, in particular, development cooperation, implies, on the one hand, the obligation of developed states to provide assistance to developing states, on the other hand, the obligation of developing states to seek and to accept assistance suggested. To conclude, International development cooperation is a part of international cooperation and extraterritorial obligations are a part of obligations within international development cooperation. Analysis of different views with regard to the issue and provides that extraterritorial human rights obligations are not only implied by human rights documents but directly derived from legally binding international documents such as UN Charter and the Declaration on principles of friendly relations and cooperation among states.
Novelty/originality/value: Article has the high scientific value as contains author’s generalizations and conclusions, important systems for understanding and the content of the extraterritorial obligations of states under international human rights law.
Keywords: extraterritorial obligations, international cooperation and assistance, obligation to respect, protect and fulfill human rights, lack of resources, Maastricht Principles, Limburg principles, the obligation of developed states to provide assistance to developing states.
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4. Hausmann U. and RolfKünnemann R. Germany’s extraterritorial obligations. – 2006.
5. Luopajarvi K. Is there an obligation on states to accept international humanitarian assistance to internally displaced persons under international law? – Oxford university press, 2003.
6. Principles and Guidelines for a Human Rights Approach to Poverty Reduction strategies. – OHCHR, 2006.
7. Scogly S. Extra-national obligation towards economic and social rights. International Council on Human Rights Policy, 2002.
8. UNDP. International cooperation at a crossroads; aid, trade and security in an unequal world. – Human Development Report, 2005.
9. Vandenhole W. Is there a legal obligation to cooperate internationally for development. International journal on Children’s rights, 2007.
10. Maastricht principles on extraterritorial obligations of states in the area of economic, social and cultural rights.
Martyshkin V.N.
Christian idea about court and justice
Research of history of emergence and development of moral views about judges and justice, and also about interrelation of Christianity and the law.
Methodology: Author used a historical legal and formal-legal methods.
Results: In work existence of the Christian beginnings in such phenomena of modern justice as the principle of justice, a faultless image of the judge, increased requirements to professional ethics of the judge, an assessment of proofs from the point of view of their relevancy, an admissibility, reliability and sufficiency, independence of court, legality, the principle of publicity and availability of the law, legal proceedings and the judicial act, impartiality of the judge, competitiveness of the parties, establishment of effective mechanisms of controls and counterbalances in legal proceedings locates and described. Also the special attention that the Christian beginnings are found out in a postulate that the miscarriage of justice and bribery of judges involve special responsibility is paid.
Novelty/originality/value: Article possesses the high scientific value as represents one of the first scientific works in whom, taking into account conclusions of earlier conducted researches author’s conclusions and generalizations concerning history of emergence and development of moral views about judges and justice, and also about interrelation of Christianity and the law are formulated.
Keywords: Christian bases, court, justice.
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Skitovich V.V., Sedelnik V.V.
The question of implementation by a judicial precedent in the legal system of the Republic of Belarus
Рurpose: Analysis of the theoretical and enforcement aspects of the use of judicial precedent as a source of law in the Republic of Belarus.
Methodology: Authors applied a systematic and formal-legal methods, as well as the method of comparative law.
Results: Based on the analysis of historical, structural and substantial aspects and principles on the use of judicial precedent, the authors ground conclusion about the necessity of thoughtful approach to borrowing institutions of foreign law. The authors believe that all the existing problems of judicial enforcement can be successfully resolved through the realization of those opportunities that the current Belarusian legislation. The article substantiates the increase of the role of judicial interpretation given to the law enforcement practice and prospects of creation of specialized jurisdictions.
Novelty/originality/value: The article has a certain scientific novelty and practical significance as it allows to specify the doctrinal and practical aspects of the implementation of judicial precedent in modern Belarusian law.
Keywords: legal system, a normative legal act, judicial precedent, the source of law.
References (transliterated)
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Hasanov F.Z.
To the question of counteraction of corruption in the health care sphere
Consideration of the main aspects of corruption manifestations in the health care sphere.
Methodology: The author applied a formal-legal method and a method of studying of materials of criminal cases.
Results: In article it is noted that corruption in the sphere of health care constitutes the increased public danger, in this regard the state needs to concentrate the main efforts in corruption counteraction. The conclusion that corruption negatively affects development of economy and a social infrastructure is drawn. Concrete examples of corruption manifestations are reviewed.
Novelty/originality/value: Article has a certain scientific value as contains author’s conclusions and generalizations concerning definition of corruption crimes in the health care sphere.
Keywords: corruption, health care, fight, state, counteraction, law, responsibility.
References (transliterated)
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5. Interv’ju V.M. Lebedeva teleprogramme «Vesti v subbotu». 23 fevralja 2013 g.

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