Educational Law
A. Muhamet-Irekle
Legal education is the formation of citizens

Agrarian Law
A.P. Anisimov
On some problems in the delineation of state ownership of land

Criminal Law. Criminology. Criminal Law executive
V.V. Fefelov
Necessary Defense: Criminal Legal and Criminological Aspects

Criminal procedure and criminalistics
V.G. Bespalko
Criminal Procedural competence of customs authorities of the Russian Federation and the problem of its expansion in the light of the spiritual security

Public international Law
I.C. Lyalina
The legal status of the Parliamentary Assembly of States - members of the Collective Security Treaty Organization
F.E. Khatam-zadeh
International law qualification of the crime of piracy as a type of the international terrorism

European Law
U.A. Hamova
Cooperation in the field of tourism the European Community (EU) and the Swiss Confederation

Investment Law
M.Sh. Magomedov
Some aspects of the legal consequences of restriction for foreign investments in strategic sectors of Russian economy
N.V. Morozova
Foreign investment activity: the legal doctrine and international arbitration
A.V. Sipun
Constitutional-Legal Methodes of Regulation Foreign Investments in Russia

Insurance law
R.I. Kayumov
Insurance of foreign investments: private law aspects of legal regulation

Legal analysis
N.I. Karpova
The Law «On Autonomous Institutions»: problems and ways of implementation

Book review
I.Z. Farkhutdinov
Review of a monograph Usenko Е.Т. «Essays on the theory of international law»
Z.M. Fatkudinov
Review of the book Farkhutdinova I.Z. and Trapeznikova V.A. “Investment Law: Hands-on training manual”

A.C. Kotov
The right of foreign investment in Azerbaijan, Germany, Kazakhstan and Russia. Review of the international scientific-practical conference «The legal aspects of investment treaty»

Memory to I.I. Lukashuk

Information about authors
Educational Law
A. Muhamet-Irekle
Legal education is the formation of citizens
In Russia, changed the social and political order. This led to social problems in the Russian society. Scientists are trying to understand the causes and to propose solutions. Many people in Russia would like to see their country prosperous Power. Natural wealth is plentiful but wisely order can not. Few citizens who sees Russia as a revival of intellectual development - development through the revival of the Russian Education.
Keywords: education, law education, law teaching
Work bibliographic list
1. Kapica S.P. V nashih universitetah dedy prepodajut vnukam // Moskovskie novosti. 2006. # 19. 26 maja.
2. Kerimov D.A. O budushhem otechestvennoj juridicheskoj nauki i obrazovanija // Globalizacionnye processy v sfere prava: problemy pravovogo razvitija v Rossii i SNG: Mater. nauch.-prakt. konf. (19-20 aprelja 2001 g., Moskva). M., 2001. S. 24.
3. Iering R. Duh rimskogo prava na razlichnyh stupenjah ego razvitija. Ch. 1. Per. s 3-go, ispr. nem. izd. SPb., 1875. S. 281.
4. Morhat P.M. Vzaimodejstvie pravovyh i moral'nyh norm v sfere gosudarstvennoj sluzhby Rossii: Avtoref. dis. … kand. jurid. nauk: 12.00.01 / M.: RAGS, 2003. S. 9.
5. Mamardashvili M.K. Kantianskie variacii. M., 1997. S. 57, 58, 61, 180.
6. Istorija politicheskih i pravovyh uchenij. Uchebnik / Pod red. O.Je. Lejsta. M., 2000. S. 91.
7. Nersesjanc V.S. Jurisprudencija. Vvedenie v kurs obshhej teorii prava i gosudarstva. S. 5; Protasov V.N. Teorija prava i gosudarstva: Posobie dlja podgotovki k jekzamenu. M.: Jurajt-Izdat, 2002. S. 69;
8. Martyshin O.V. Teorija gosudarstva i prava v postsovetskoe desjatiletie. Nekotorye itogi // Pravo i politika. 200. # 7. S. 6-15.
9. Teorija gosudarstva i prava: Uchebnoe posobie. Konspekt lekcij v shemah i opredelenijah / Pod red. doc. L.V. Smirnova. S. 2, 20.
10. Mamardashvili M.K. Kantianskie variacii. M., 1997. S. 15-16.
11. Gulyga A.V. Kant. 4-e izd., ispr. i dop. M., 2005. (ZhZL). S. 81-82.
12. Iering R. Bor'ba za pravo / Per. S.I. Ershova s 13-go nem. izd. M., 1991.
13. Chicherin B.N. Vstupitel'naja lekcija po gosudarstvennomu pravu, chitannaja v Moskovskom Universitete 28 oktjabrja 1861 g. // Chicherin B.N. Neskol'ko sovremennyh voprosov / Vstup. st. A.S. Senina. M., 2002. S. 31.
14. Muhamet-Irekle A. Pravo – nauka svobody (k 10-letiju vyhoda «Pravo – matematika svobody» akad. RAN V.S. Nersesjanca) // Pravo i politika. 2007. # 1. S. 26-34.
15. Glinoeckij N.P. Istoricheskij ocherk Nikolaevskoj akademii General'nogo shtaba.

Agrarian Law
A.P. Anisimov
On some problems in the delineation of state ownership of land
Legal regulation of differentiation of all forms of public land ownership in the Russian Constitution, the RF Civil code and other federal laws and subordinate legislation was inconsistent and spacing until the year of 2001. The ukase of the president of the Russian Federation dtd. December 16, 1993 put the beginning of the differentiation of public land ownership. Legal federal regulation of land of the regions of the Russian Federation was absent for a long time. Deficiency of legal regulation of land relation on the federal level brought about enactment by the regions of the Russian Federation of their laws delimiting state and municipal lands. Legislative bodies of the regions of the Russian Federation tried to solve the problem of detailed differentiation of land ownership by several means. Some regions of the Russian Federation didn’t try to delimit rights in land. In some regions of the Russian Federation the detailed differentiation of state lands was fulfilled on the basis of separate contracts and treaties with the Government of the Russian Federation. Some regions of the Russian Federation declared all the state lands (i.e. not transferred into private ownership) as property of the regions of the Russian Federation with the further apportionment of certain part of the lands to the property of municipalities. The end of the procedure delimiting state land ownership and registration of correspondent public units property rights will involve significant legal consequences: each public unit will dispose of land belonging to it only namely will determine the terms and the size of rental, will transfer the land into the gratuitous time possession, will sell lands to natural and legal persons, will change land category and so on.
Keywords: state property, land ownership, state lands, lands of municipalities 12
Work bibliographic list
1. Karamysheva O.V. Puti razvitija zemel'nogo zakonodatel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii (materialy «kruglogo stola») // Gosudarstvo i pravo. – 1999. – # 1. – S. 57-58.
2. Prohorova N.A. Pravo gosudarstvennoj sobstvennosti na zemlju v Rossijskoj Federacii: Avtoref. diss. … kand. jurid. nauk. – M., 2006. - S. 9.
3. Boltanova E.S. Prava na zemel'nye uchastki: teorija, zakonodatel'stvo i praktika ego primenenija. – Rostov-na Donu, 2006. - S. 128.
4. Arsjuhin E. Hvatit kromsat' // Rossijskaja gazeta. – 2006. – 21 aprelja. 5. Prohorova N.A. Soderzhanie prava gosudarstvennoj sobstvennosti na zemlju po Zemel'nomu kodeksu RF // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. – 2003. - # 8 / Spravochnaja pravovaja sistema «Garant». Versija ot 10 nojabrja 2007 g.

Criminal Law. Criminology. Criminal Law executive
V.V. Fefelov
Necessary Defense: Criminal Legal and Criminological Aspects
The article states the author’s opinion on the necessary defense as one of the circumstances, expelling the criminal action from the viewpoint of criminal law and criminology. The signs and conditions of legality of the necessary defense relevant both to assault and protection have been revealed. Proceeding from the above, one can draw the following conclusions: Necessary defense is a lawful defense against a real, available, socially unlawful infringement by means of causing harm to the infringer with the purpose of repulsing the given infringement, if there was no exceeding of the limits of the necessary defense. The exceeding of the limits of the necessary defense is admitted as the commission of such intentional acts which aim at the defense and do not obviously correspond to the character and extent of the social danger of the infringement. The excess of the defense is a deliberate causing serious harm to the infringer, obviously disproportionate to the character and danger of the infringement or obviously not corresponding to the situation of the defense. The exceeding of the limits of the admissible harm in the necessary defense should be considered as a deliberate, unnecessary causing by the defending individual a serious harm in the defense against the infringement which does not present a great social danger. When defining the lawfulness of the necessary defense or the exceeding of its limits, one must take into consideration: the character of the extent of the social danger of infringement, the correlation of both the infringer’s and defender’s strength, the conditions surrounding the infringement and defense.
Keywords: circumstances, expelling the criminal action, necessary defense, limits of the necessary defense, exceeding of the limits of the necessary defense
Work bibliographic list
1. Merkur'ev V. V. Neobhodimaja oborona: ugolovno-pravovye i kriminologicheskie aspekty. Avtoref. diss... kand. jur. nauk. Rjazan', 1998.
2. Ozhegov S.I. Slovar' russkogo jazyka.\Pod red. N.Ju. Shvedovoj.-12-e izd., stereotip.-M.: Rus.jaz., 1978.-S. 1584.
3. Ozhegov S.I. Slovar' russkogo jazyka.\Pod red. N.Ju. Shvedovoj.-12-e izd., stereotip.-M.: Rus.jaz., 1978.- S. 501.

Criminal procedure and criminalistics
V.G. Bespalko
Criminal Procedural competence of customs authorities of the Russian Federation and the problem of its expansion in the light of the spiritual security
This article presents the research in field of the most actual issues in protection of national spiritual riches. The author analyses juridical basis of this kind of State security protection, such as RF Criminal Code, RF Procedural Criminal Code, Federal Statute “On security”, RF National Security Conception. Noting substantial role of customs bodies and officials in the field of protection of national spiritual riches, the author points out the main line of juridical-organizational modernization of this activity.
Keywords: customs bodies, criminal – law defence, spiritual riches
Work bibliographic list
1. Vedomosti RF. 1992. # 15. St. 769; 1993. # 2. St. 77; Rossijskaja gazeta. 14 janvarja 1994 g. # 11; SZ RF. 2002. # 30. St. 3033.
2. Podrobnee o ponjatii i sisteme tamozhennyh prestuplenij sm.: Aleksandrova N.S., Vitvickaja S.S., Vitvickij A.A. Tamozhennye prestuplenija (kriminologicheskie i ugolovno-pravovye aspekty): Ucheb. posobie. SPb.: S-Peterburb. filial Rossijskoj tamozhennoj akademii, 2003; Bespal'ko V.G. K voprosu o ponjatii tamozhennyh prestuplenij // Sbornik statej po problemam pravoohranitel'noj dejatel'nosti «Poisk». Vyp. 5. M.: RIO Rossijskoj tamozhennoj akademii, 2005. S. 47-74; Mihajlov V.I., Fedorov A.V. Tamozhennye prestuplenija: Ugolovno-pravovoj analiz i obshhie voprosy operativno-rozysknoj dejatel'nosti. SPb.: Izd-vo «Juridicheskij centr Press», 1999 i dr.
3. Potapov V.Ja. Ocenka i prognoz opasnostej i ugroz sovremennoj Rossii // Pravo i bezopasnost'. 2003. # 3-4. S. 30-36.
4. Rossijskaja gazeta. 28 sentjabrja 2000 g. # 187.
5. Sm., naprimer: Shevkopljas E.M. Problema duhovnoj religioznoj bezopasnosti // Obshhestvo i religija: Materialy Omskogo mezhregional'nogo seminara. Omsk: Omsk. pedagogich. un-t, 1997; Diakon Andrej Hvylja-Olinter. Problemy duhovnoj bezopasnosti obshhestva i lichnosti v missionerskoj dejatel'nosti Russkoj Pravoslavnoj Cerkvi // Belgorodskaja Pravoslavnaja Duhovnaja seminarija – Missionerskoe obozrenie. 2002. # 12 i dr.
6. Borisov A.M. Gosudarstvo i religija: aspekt voprosa gosudarstvennoj bezopasnosti // Pravo i bezopasnost'. 2003. # 3-4. S. 60.
7. Podrobnee o soderzhanii ponjatija «duhovnaja bezopasnost'» sm.: Bespal'ko V.G. Duhovnaja bezopasnost' kak ob"ekt ugolovno-pravovoj ohrany // Pravo i bezopasnost'. 2006. # 3-4; Viktorov A.Sh. Duhovnaja bezopasnost' rossijskoj civilizacii: Teoretiko-metodologicheskie aspekty. M.: MAKS Press, 2005; Goncharuk S.I. Jetnicheskoe i patrioticheskoe soznanie: K voprosu o duhovnoj bezopasnosti Rossii. M.: MAKS Press, 2002; Chizhik P.I. Duhovnaja bezopasnost' rossijskogo obshhestva kak faktor voennoj bezopasnosti gosudarstva: Dis. … d-ra filos. nauk. M., 2000; Shevkopljas E.M. Problema ugolovno-pravovoj zashhity duhovnoj bezopasnosti // Nauchnyj vestnik Omskogo juridicheskogo in-ta MVD Rossii. 1997. # 2 i dr
Public international Law
I.C. Lyalina
The legal status of the Parliamentary Assembly of States - members of the Collective Security Treaty Organization
In 2006 a decision was taken to create a Parliamentary Assembly of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (“CSTO”) as a body of interparliamentary co-operation. The problems of legal status of the Parliamentary Assembly of CSTO include the following: first of all, constituent documents of CSTO does not provide for creation of the body of interparliamentary co-operation; second, the decision on creation of the Parliamentary Assembly of CSTO was taken by the Members of the Council of Interparliamentary Assembly of the CIS States-Members of CSTO whereas to be legitimate a decision of such sort must be taken at least by the highest legislative bodies of the Member States of CSTO and not by the parliamentary delegations of a formally distinct body of another international organisation; third, provisional regulation on the Parliamentary Assembly of CSTO is not well developed, many important issues were not reflected in it. As of now the legal status of the Parliamentary Assembly of CSTO remains highly unclear. It appears to be a prototype of a body of interparliamentary co-operation of Member States of CSTO which may transform from a certain not legally provided structure of the CIS Interparliamentary Assembly into a really important tool of achieving the purposes of the CSTO.
Keywords: Collective Security Treaty Organization, Parliamentary Assembly of the CSTO, interparliamentary co-operation

Public international Law
F.E. Khatam-zadeh
International law qualification of the crime of piracy as a type of the international terrorism
Violence in the sea is one of the grave breaches of the international law of sea and international criminal law. These offences are belonged to piracy, hijacking ships and etc. crimes. Piracy is one of the oldest crimes in international law. The history of the crime of piracy goes to the times of establishment of shipping. In international law piracy is considered as hostis humani generis and it is named “uncommon crimes” by some author’s. In the presented article piracy and other similar acts were investigated as type of international terrorism committed violence acts in the sea and it is attempted to give their qualification in international law.
Keywords: piracy, international terrorism, crime
Work bibliographic list
1. Oppengejm L. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo. M., 1949. T. I. S. 179.
2. Slovar' mezhdunarodnogo morskogo prava. M.: Mezhd. otn., 1986. S. 182.
3. Modzhorjan L.A. Terrorizm na more. M.: 1987. s.4-7
4. Gasymov N.V. Mezhdunarodnye principy sotrudnichestva gosudarstv v bor'be s prestupnost'ju // «Rossijskij sledovatel'», 2002, N 6. S. 21-23
5. Demidenko V.V., Pruss V.M., Shemjakin A.N. Piratstvo, terrorizm, moshennichestvo na more. Odessa. AO Bahva, 1997. 144 s
6. Danilenko G.M. Kodifikacija morskogo prava i mezhdunarodnyj obychaj // Dejatel'nost' gosudarstv v Mirovom okeane (mezhdunarodno-pravovye aspekty). M.: IGPAN SSSR. 1985. S. 113
7. Romashev Ju.S., Korbut L.V. Nezakonnyj oborot narkotikov na more i bor'by s nim // Organizovannaja prestupnost', terrorizm i korrupcija: Kriminologicheskij ezhekvartal'nyj al'manah. M.: Jurist". 2003. Vyp. 4. S. 53-56
8. Kabatenko L. Presledovanie sudov v more // Morskoj flot 1994. # 3/4. S. 19
9. Ivanov G.G. Mezhdunarodnaja morskaja organizacija. M.: Transport, 1944. S. 116
10. Ganjushkina E.B, Shirmanov V.S. Vooruzhennye napadenija na suda v portah i na more, dejatel'nost' IMO po bor'be s nezakonnymi aktami, morskoe moshennichestvo, nezakonnaja transportirovka narkotikov // Jekspress-informacija, serija «Tehnologija morskih perevozok i morskie porty», Mortehinformreklama / Departament morskogo transporta, 1995. Vyp. 5(251)-6(252).
11. Galenskaja L.N. Mezhdunarodnaja bor'ba s prestupnost'ju. M.: Mezhd. otn., 1972. S. 84
12. Romashev Ju.S. Bor'ba s prestuplenijami mezhdunarodnogo haraktera, sovershaemymi na more (terrorizm, piratstvo, nezakonnyj oborot narkotikov i drugie prestuplenija) /. M.: RosKonsul't, 2001.s.34-38.

European Law
U.A. Hamova
Cooperation in the field of tourism the European Community (EU) and the Swiss Confederation
This article deals with topical issue - EU cooperation with third State - Switzerland. The emphasis is put on cooperation in tourism field. The author explores the development of EU-Switzerland relationship, draws important practical and theoretical conclusions. Interest to Switzerland is due to its isolated status: Switzerland is in the «heart» of the EU, but not a member of the European Union. Switzerland, until recently, did not participate in the Schengen Agreement, which significantly complicates the traveling within Europe. The history of cooperation between the EU and Switzerland began in the 1970’s, when the first agreements were signed. They affected only sales of selected products. The EU and Switzerland opted for bilateral sectoral agreements, which consisted of several agreements package. A special place in the negotiating process of the EU-Switzerland held the accession of Switzerland to the Schengen and Dublin agreements. The entry of Switzerland in the «Schengen area» would greatly facilitate the movement of tourists in Europe, providing new opportunities. In addition to economic benefits in terms of tourism development, Switzerland, gains access to the Schengen Information System. However, accession to the Schengen Agreement means the opening of the borders and limiting powers of Swiss cantons. Finally, on 19 May 2004, at the Summit of the EU-Switzerland agreement «on the accession of Switzerland to the Schengen and Dublin agreements» was signed. Thus, cooperation between the EU and Switzerland is developing steadily, taking more and more profound: from free trade to the creation of «common security». It is clear that despite the absence of a bilateral agreement on tourism cooperation between the EU and Switzerland is moving towards the formation of «total tourist space».
Keywords: cooperation in tourism field, European Union, Switzerland, Schengen agreement, Dublin agreement, total tourist space
Work bibliographic list
1. Denisjuk V., Opyt dvustoronnih soglashenij Shvejcarija-ES i vyvody dlja evropejskih stran SNG // Obshhestvo i jekonomika, 2003 #1. S. 185-194
2. Sm. Naprimer: Additional Agreement to the Agreement concerning products of the clock and watch industry between the European Economic Community and its Member States and the Swiss Confederation Additional Agreement to the Agreement concerning products of the clock and watch industry between the European Economic Community and its Member States and the Swiss Confederation, OJ L118 of 30/04/1974, p.11.
3. Petrov I. Ocherki istorii Shvejcarii. – Ekaterinburg: Korporacija tipografij «Cirkon», - 2006. – S.758.
4. Denisjuk V., Opyt dvustoronnih soglashenij Shvejcarija-ES i vyvody dlja evropejskih stran SNG // Obshhestvo i jekonomika, 2003 #1. S. 170-173
5. Petrov I. Ocherki istorii Shvejcarii. – Ekaterinburg: Korporacija tipografij «Cirkon», - 2006. – S.760.
6. Petrov I. Ocherki istorii Shvejcarii. – Ekaterinburg: Korporacija tipografij «Cirkon», - 2006. – S.773.
Investment Law
M.Sh. Magomedov
Some aspects of the legal consequences of restriction for foreign investments in strategic sectors of Russian economy
As we know the principle of sovereign equality belongs to the basis of contemporary International Law. According to this principle each state has the inherent right to prescribe the rules which should regulate the foreign investments on its territory. And one of these rules may be the rule to restrict the foreign investments to be made in the strategic sectors of national economy. 7/V/2008 is the date when the Federal Act (FA) of Russia on the order to carry out the foreign investments in legal entities which have the strategic significance for maintenance of defense and security of the State entered into force. This article is intended to investigate not entire but some legal consequences of just mentioned FA of Russia. The main research dedicates to the questions of exterritorial effect of FA norms and the qualification of the application of these norms as expropriation of foreign investments. According to author’s estimations it will be very difficult to apply some norms of FA to the investment contract in the situation in which the non-Russian law is applicable to such a contract and the parties to the contract agreed the international arbitration to be competent. Author offers to lawmaker to take into consideration certain ideas which are expressed in this article to amend the provisions of FA.
Keywords: foreign investments, restrict the foreign investments, strategic sectors of national economy expropriation of foreign investments
Work bibliographic list
1. Cassese A. International law. Oxford University Press. Second edition. 2005. P. 49. Analogichnuju poziciju sm.: International law: norms, actors, process: a problem-oriented approach / Jeffrey L. Dunoff, Steven R. Ratner, David Wippman. – 2nd ed. Aspen Publishers, Inc. a Wolters Kluwer business. 2006. P. 355-356.
2. Karro D., Zhjujar P. Mezhdunarodnoe jekonomicheskoe pravo. – Serebrennikov V. P., Shumilov V. M., perevod na russkij jazyk. M. Mezhdunarodnye otnoshenija. 2002. S. 350; analogichnoe mnenie vyskazyvaetsja i v rossijskoj juridicheskoj literature, sm., naprimer: Vel'jaminov G. M. Mezhdunarodnoe jekonomicheskoe pravo i process (Akademicheskij kurs). – M. Volters Kluver, 2004. S. 359.
3. Sm., naprimer: Brownlie I. Principles of Public International Law. Fifth edition. Oxford University Press. 1998. P. 14-15; Karro D., Zhjujar P. Mezhdunarodnoe jekonomicheskoe pravo. – Serebrennikov V. P., Shumilov V. M., perevod na russkij jazyk. M. Mezhdunarodnye otnoshenija. 2002. S. 351-352. Rezoljucija 1803 podrobno issledovana sm.: Farhutdinov I. Z. Mezhdunarodnoe investicionnoe pravo: teorija i praktika primenenija. M.: Volters Kluver, 2005. S. 122-132.
4. Boguslavskij M. M. Mezhdunarodnoe chastnoe pravo. – 5-e izd. M.: Jurist", 2006. S. 231.
5. Em V. S. Osushhestvlenie grazhdanskih prav i ispolnenie objazannostej // Grazhdanskoe pravo: V 4 t. Tom I. / Otv. red. E. A. Suhanov. – M. Volters Kluver, 2005. S. 537.
6. Shitkina I. S. Holdingi: pravovoe regulirovanie i korporativnoe upravlenie: nauchno-prakticheskoe izdanie. – M. Volters Kluver, 2006. S. 160.
7. Shitkina I. S. Holdingi: pravovoe regulirovanie i korporativnoe upravlenie: nauchno-prakticheskoe izdanie. – M. Volters Kluver, 2006. S. 164.
8. Kulagina E. V. Priobretenie nasledstva // Grazhdanskoe pravo: V 4 t. Tom II. / Otv. red. E. A. Suhanov. – M. Volters Kluver, 2005. S. 242.
9. Krupko S. I. Investicionnye spory mezhdu gosudarstvom i inostrannym investorom: Uchebno-prakticheskoe posobie. – M.: Izdatel'stvo BEK. 2002. S. 139.Inogda vyskazyvaetsja mnenie, chto avtonomija voli – jeto princip, priznannyj civilizovannymi nacijami, po smyslu st. 38(1.c) Statuta MS OON. Sm.: Bar Ch. Internetionales Privatrecht. Munchen: Bd. 1. Allgemeine Lehren. 1987. S. 305.
10. V juridicheskoj literature vyskazyvaetsja mnenie, chto “dejstvitel'nost' dogovora ili odnogo iz ego uslovij v sootvetstvii s odnoj pravovoj sistemoj i ego nedejstvitel'nost' v sootvetstvii s drugoj, takzhe harakternoj dlja jetogo dogovora, ispol'zuetsja kak argument v pol'zu togo, chto storony namerevalis' podchinit' dogovor pravovoj sisteme, kotoraja priznaet ego dejstvitel'nym”. Sm.: Bendevskij T. Mezhdunarodnoe chastnoe pravo / perevod s makedonskogo Klejn S. Ju.; otv. red. Suhanov E. A. – M.: Statut. 2005. S. 330. Primery sudebnoj praktiki i argumentacii v ee pol'zu sm.: Kanashevskij V. A. Vneshnejekonomicheskie sdelki: material'no-pravovoe i kollizionnoe regulirovanie. M.: Volters Kluver, 2008. S. 162-163; Jaffey A. Introduction to the Conflict of Law. London. Butterworth&Co (Publishers) Ltd. 1988. P. 136-137.
11. Evropejskij sud po pravam cheloveka. Izbrannye reshenija: T. 2. M., 2000. S. 59, 64-65, 74.
12. Em V. S. Nedejstvitel'nost' sdelok // Grazhdanskoe pravo: V 4 t. Tom I. / Otv. red. E. A. Suhanov. – M. Volters Kluver, 2005.
13. Ob ispol'zovanii razlichnoj terminologii v otnoshenii dannyh norm sm.: Koh H. Magnus U. Vinkler fon Morenfel's P. Mezhdunarodnoe chastnoe pravo i sravnitel'noe pravovedenie. M.: Mezhdunarodnye otnoshenija. 2003. S. 151; Kudashkin V. V. Aktual'nye voprosy mezhdunarodnogo chastnogo prava. – M.: Volters Kluver. 2004. S. 28.
14. Jaffey A. Introduction to the Conflict of Law. London. Butterworth&Co (Publishers) Ltd. 1988. P. 156, 160.
15. Chukwumerue O. Choice of Law in International Commercial Arbitration, Quorum Books. Westport. 1994. P. 185-186.
16. Sm.: Jayme E. The Rome Convention on the Law Applicable to Contractual Obligations (1980) / In Sarcevic (ed.) International Contracts and Conflict of Laws, London. Graham and Trotman. 1990. P. 46-47.
17. O sporah SShA i Evropejskogo Sojuza po dannomu povodu sm.: Vel'jaminov G. M. Mezhdunarodnoe jekonomicheskoe pravo i process (Akademicheskij kurs). – M. Volters Kluver, 2004. S. 100-101; Malcolm N. Shaw QC. International Law. Fifth edition. Cambridge University Press. 2003. P. 611-620; Torremans P. Extraterritorial Application of EC and US Competition Law. 21 European Law Review. 1996. P. 280.
18. Sm.: Lukashuk I. I. Pravo mezhdunarodnoj otvetstvennosti. – M.: Volters Kluver, 2004.
19. Formal'no prichinoj zapreta posluzhili sobytija v Pol'she v nachale 80h gg. i uchastie SSSR v jetih sobytijah. No kak predstavljaetsja, SShA opasalis', chto takim obrazom strany Evropy mogut popast' v zavisimost' ot postavok jenergonositelej iz SSSR. Sm.: Sornarajah M. The International Law on Foreign Investment. P. 175. V svjazi s jetim takzhe sm.: Lowe A. V. International Law Issues Arising in the Pipeline Dispute: The British Position // German Yearbook of International Law. 1984. # 27. P. 54.
20. Obstojatel'stva dela opisany sm.: Labin D. K. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo po zashhite i pooshhreniju inostrannyh investicij. – M.: Volters Kluver, 2008. S. 74-75.
21. Krupko S. I. Investicionnye spory mezhdu gosudarstvom i inostrannym investorom: Uchebno-prakticheskoe posobie. – M.: Izdatel'stvo BEK. 2002. S. 101.
22. Vel'jaminov G. M. Mezhdunarodnoe jekonomicheskoe pravo i process (Akademicheskij kurs). – M. Volters Kluver, 2004. S. 424.
23. Petrochilos G. Procedural Law in International Arbitration. Oxford University Press, New York. 2004. P. 248.
24. Definicija “jekspropriacija” imeet razlichnoe soderzhanie v DID. Krupko S. I. Investicionnye spory mezhdu gosudarstvom i inostrannym investorom: Uchebno-prakticheskoe posobie. – M.: Izdatel'stvo BEK. 2002. S. 49; Farhutdinov I. Z. Mezhdunarodnoe investicionnoe pravo: teorija i praktika primenenija. M.: Volters Kluver, 2005. S. 261-267.
25. Krupko S. I. Investicionnye spory mezhdu gosudarstvom i inostrannym investorom: Uchebno-prakticheskoe posobie. – M.: Izdatel'stvo BEK. 2002. S. 52. Akty gosudarstva ob jekspropriacii chastnoj sobstvennosti obladajut jeksterritorial'nym dejstviem. Sm.: Lunc L. A. Mezhdunarodnoe chastnoe pravo. Osobennaja chast'. M., 1963. S. 86-102.
26. Karro D., Zhjujar P. Mezhdunarodnoe jekonomicheskoe pravo. – Serebrennikov V. P., Shumilov V. M., perevod na russkij jazyk. M. Mezhdunarodnye otnoshenija. 2002. S. 431.
27. O principah kompensacii podrobno sm.: Krupko S. I. Investicionnye spory mezhdu gosudarstvom i inostrannym investorom: Uchebno-prakticheskoe posobie. – M.: Izdatel'stvo BEK. 2002. S. 55-67; Farhutdinov I.Z. Mezhdunarodnoe investicionnoe pravo: teorija i praktika primenenija. M.: Volters Kluver, 2005. S. 270-283.
28. Sm.: Dedusenko A. S. Mezhdunarodnoe torgovoe pravo: ponjatie, principy i osnovnye instituty. dis… kand. jurid. nauk: 12.00.10. – Rostov n/D: RGB. 2007. S. 69-79.
29. Doklad na Tret'ju mezhdunarodnuju konferenciju “Jenergeticheskij dialog Rossija – ES: gazovyj aspekt” – “Investicii v jenergeticheskij sektor Rossii i Evropy: perspektivy razvitija i vozmozhnye prepjatstvija”. 20.05.2008., Berlin.
30. Teorija i praktika ustanovlenija kontrolja odnogo JuL nad drugim podrobno issleduetsja sm.: Fedchuk V. D. De facto zavisimost' de jure nezavisimyh juridicheskih lic: proniknovenie za korporativnyj zanaves v prave vedushhih zarubezhnyh stran. – M.: Volters Kluver. 2008; Shitkina I. S. Holdingi: pravovoe regulirovanie i korporativnoe upravlenie: nauchno-prakticheskoe izdanie. – M. Volters Kluver, 2006.

Investment Law
N.V. Morozova
Foreign investment activity: the legal doctrine and international arbitration
International arbitration practice examined in this work and based on the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes decisions provides that the assets putting fulfilled by the private person of a state on the territory of another state may be considered as an investment subject to several conditions. In the first place it is necessary that the certain contribution should be present, and such a contribution may be carried out in different forms: money, things, services. The second criterion of the investment is time factor – some duration of the contract execution is necessary. Doctrine determines that the minimal time required for such activity is from two till five years. The third classical criterion of an investment is investor’s participation in risk of the transaction. The above-mentioned rather substantial features to be more persuasive often are corroborated by such additional criteria as contribution to the economical development of the receiving state and regular profit earning by the investor. The International Centre for Settlement of Investment Dispute practice of investment disputes consideration indicates at rather free assessment of investment feature by judges. It is presumed that investment should be executed on the basis of contracts. Recognition of a private persons expenses carried out before the correspondent investment contract conclusion as investment generally are not in use of the international arbitration practice.
Keywords: foreign investments, arbitration practice, International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes
Work bibliographic list
1. Inostrannye investicii: mirovoj opyt-praktika v Rossii. // Russko-anglijskij slovar'-spravochnik. Chast' 2. Pod red. B.G.Djakina. M. 1996. S.155.
2. Orlova E.R. Investicii. Kurs lekcij. M., 2003. S. 6-14; Deeva A.I. Investicii. Uchebnoe posobie. M., 2004, s. 11.
3. Lopatnikov L.I. Kratkij jekonomiko-matematicheskij slovar'. M., 1979. S.107-108.
4. Kejns Dzh. Obshhaja teorija zanjatosti, procenta i deneg. M., 1978. S.117.
5. Masse P. Kriterii i metody optimal'nogo opredelenija kapitalovlozhenij. M., 1971. S.27.
6. Farhutdinov I.Z. Mezhdunarodno-pravovoe regulirovanie investicionnyh otnoshenij: teorija i praktika. Disser. na soiskanie uchenoj stepeni d.ju.n. M., 2006. S. 35.

Investment Law
A.V. Sipun
Constitutional-Legal Methodes of Regulation Foreign Investments in Russia
The State defines its policy of attraction of foreign investments itself. It means actions on creation and liquidation of foreign investment activity in the recipient State territory. In the system of foreign investment guarantees as far as national mechanism and international legal mechanism ensuring of normal foreign investment activity must be simultaneously. The latter makes in the process of concluding bilateral, regional and multilateral treaties. Contemporary Constitutional Law steadfast keeps undiscriminational principle in respect to foreign juridical and natural persons which obliges State mutually provide to foreign investors most-favored nation treatment. Undiscriminational principle does not allow arbitrarily unilateral limitation of foreign investor’s basic rights and demand from State compliance of International-legal standards. National Treatment more preferable for overseas businessmen. It is granted in accordance with Constitution(Article ) and Law of Foreign Investments from 1999(Article 4 -1) and also with International multilateral and bilateral agreements.
Keywords: foreign investments, attraction of foreign investments, investment guarantees
Work bibliographic list
1. Karro D., Zhjuar P. Mezhdunarodnoe jekonomicheskoe pravo. V.M.Shumilov. M., Mezhdunarodnye otnoshenija.2002. s.415.
2. Sm. podr.: Chirkin V.E.Publichnoe upravlenie.s.464-466.
3. Ushakov N.A. Rezhim naibol'shego blagoprijatstvovanija v mezhdunarodnyh otnoshenijah. M., 1995.
4. Sm.: Hartli T.K. Evropejskoe pravo. M.,2002.S. 143.
5. Boguslavskij M.M. Mezhdunarodnoe jekonomicheskoe pravo. M., 1986. S. 95 -118
6. Sm.: Zykin I.S. Vneshnejekonomicheskie operacii: pravo i praktika. M., 1994. S. 33-34.
7. Mezhdunarodnoe chastnoe pravo. 2-e izd. Pererab. i dop. / Pod red. G.K. Dmitrievoj. M., Prospekt. 2003. s. 176
8. Anufrieva L.P. Mezhdunarodnoe chastnoe pravo. M., Bek. 2002. s. 118-119
9. Boguslavskij M.M. Mezhdunarodnoe chastnoe pravo. M., Jurist". 2004. s. 86
10. Herdegen Matthias. Investitionsschutz in Latinamerika: Neuere Entwicklunger im Verfassungs- und Volkervertragsrecht // Zeitschrift fiir Veigleichende Rechtswissenschaft Archiv fur Internationales Wirtschaftsrecht. November 1995. 95. Band. S.348.
11. Makovskij A.D. Ukaz. soch. S. 39 – 41
12. Sm. napr.: Vilkov G.E. Nacionalizacija i mezhdunarodnoe pravo. M., 1962.
13. Lukashuk I.I. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo. Osobennaja chast'. M., 1997. S. 210; Shherbina M. Zashhita chastnoj sobstvennosti v mezhdunarodnom prave.// Moskovskij zhurnal mezhdunarodnogo chastnogo prava. 1999. #2. S. 3-5.
14. Dongarov L.G. Inostrannyj kapital v Rossii i SSSR. M., 1990. S.75-81; Lebedinec I.H. Iz istorii privlechenija inostrannyh investicij v Rossii. // Trudy MGJuA # 1, 1997.s.56-57.
15. Shershenevich G.F. Obshhaja teorija prava. Vyp. 2, 3, 4. M.: Izd-vo "Juridich. kolledzh MGU", 1995. T. 2. S. 11
16. Grebennikov V.V. Institut prava sobstvennosti v sisteme konstitucionno-pravovogo regulirovanija rynochnyh otnoshenij // Konstitucionnyj stroj Rossii. Vyp. III. /
17. Bondar' N.S.Ukaz soch.s.16-17.
18. Doronina N.G. Ukaz. soch.s.34.
19. Boguslavskij M.M. Mezhdunarodnoe chastnoe pravo. M., Jurist". 2004. s. 199.
20. Chekunova S.A. Pravovoe polozhenie inostrannyh investicij v Rossii // Zakonodatel'stvo i Jekonomika. -2003. - #5. - S.37.
21. Neshataeva T.N. Inostrannye investicii v RF: pravovoe regulirovanie i sudebnaja praktika // Zashhita inostrannyh investicij v RF. Dokumenty i kommentarii. Prilozhenie k zhurnalu Vestnik Vysshego arbitrazhnogo suda RF. - 2001.- #7.-S.ZZ.
22. Voznesenskaja N.N. K voprosu o pravovom regulirovanii inostrannyh investicij v Rossii // Gosudarstvo i pravo.-2001.-#6.-S.83.
23. Swarzenberger. J. Foreign Investment and International Law.L., 1969. p.279-281
24. Belov A.V. Nacionalizacija v rossijskom grazhdanskom prave: istorija i sovremennost'.// Zakonodatel'stvo. 2000. #3 s. 19-20.
25. White G. Nationalization of Foreign Property. London. 1961. P. 41-47; Shwarzenberger G. Foreign investments and international Law. London. 1969. P. 5-11
26. Farhutdinov I.Z. Mezhdunarodnoe investicionnoe pravo. Teorija i praktika primenenija. M. Volters Kluver.2005. s 225
27. Farhutdinov I.Z.Inostrannye investicii v Rossii i mezhdunarodnoe pravo.Ufa.2001.s.245.
28. Farhutdinov I.Z. Mezhdunarodnoe investicionnoe pravo: problemy prinuditel'nogo iz"jatija inostrannoj sobstvennosti // Moskovskij zhurnal mezhdunarodnogo prava. 2004. #2
29. Comenax Paul E., Kinsellan.N. Stephan. Op.cit. R.8-31
30. Dogovor k Jenergeticheskoj Hartii: put' k investicijam i torgovle dlja Vostoka i Zapada. M. 2002. S. 253-256.
31. Folsom R.H., Gordon M.U., Spangol Dzh.A. Mezhdunarodnye sdelki. Kratkij kurs. M., 1996. s. 345-349
32. Belov A.V. Ukaz. soch. s. 22
33. Comeaux Paul E., Kinsella N.Stephan. Protecting Foreign Investment Under International Law: Legal aspects political Risks. New-York. 1997. P. 7-9; Doronina N.G., Semiljutina N.G. Pravovoe regulirovanie inostrannyh investicij v Rossii. M., 1993. s.79
34. Norton M. Patrik. Nazad v budushhee: jekspropriacija i Dogovor k Jenergeticheskoj Hartii // Dogovor k Jenergeticheskoj Hartii: put' k investicijam i torgovle dlja Zapada i Vostoka, M., 2002. s. 325.
35. Comeaux Paul E., Kinsella N.Stephan. Protecting Foreign Investment Under International Law.., P.8-9.
36. Dolzen R. Indirect Expropriation of Alien Property//ICSID Review: Foreign Inwestment Law Journal. 1997. Vol.1 P. 41-65; Cpristee G.G. What is a Taking of Property under International Law. 1962. Vol.38. P.575.
37. Show M.N. International Law. 4-th. Ed. Cambrige, 1997. P.575.
38. Brownlie. Public International Law, 6th edition, 2003 at 509.
39. Higgins, The Taking of Property by the State: Recent Developments in Inter¬national Law, Recueil des Cours - Academie de Droit International, 1982, Vol. 176 at 276-77.
40. Nouvel, Les mesures equivalent a une expropriation dans la pratique recente des tribunaux arbitraux, Revue Generate du Droit International Public, 2002-1 pp. 80-102 at 89.
41. Farhutdinov I.Z. Mezhdunarodno-pravovye orientiry zarubezhnogo investirovanija//Pravo i jekonomika.#5,2008;On zhe. Inostrannye investicii: vyzov jekonomicheskomu suverenitetu // Moskovskij zhurnal mezhdunarodnogo prava. #3, 2008; On zhe. Razumnoe gosudarstvennoe vmeshatel'stvo v mezhdunarodnyj investicionnyj proekt//Materialy konferencii “Inostrannye investicii i mezhdunarodnoe chastnoe pravo ”. IZiSP pri Pravitel'stve RF.M., 2008.
42. Boguslavskij M.M. Mezhdunarodnoe chastnoe pravo. M., 1998. S. 169.
43. Sornarajha M. International Law on Foreign Investment. Cambridge. 1994. p. 124.
44. Sm.: Farhutdinov I.Z. Inostrannye investicii v Rossii i mezhdunarodnoe pravo. Ufa. 2001. S. 71-92.

Insurance law
R.I. Kayumov
Insurance of foreign investments: private law aspects of legal regulation
In clause is considered the institute subrogation at insurance of foreign investments as one of the basic tools of attraction and protection of the foreign investors, operating in system of the international investment right, and also questions of application in the Russian Federation judicial immunity of the foreign states, a question of classification of noncommercial (political) risks, a question of establishment and functioning of the MIGA (the Seoul convention 1985г.), as guarantor of protection of foreign investments from political risks are analyzed. Also in clause is investigated the internally legislation of Russia adjusting questions, connected with subrogation, including is analyzed distinctions subrogation from recourse, are studied the questions directly concerning application subrogation, namely the Federal law of the Russian Federation «About foreign investments into the Russian Federation», the arbitration remedial code of the Russian Federation, the Civil code of the Russian Federation. Considering national-legal mechanisms insurances of foreign investments, the author the special attention is given to the mixed legal mechanism of insurance which includes elements of the state and private mechanism of insurance. Analyzing a problem of the state immunity, the author of clause connects the theory with practice, in particular with the sensational arrest in Switzerland of the pictures belonging a museum by Pushkin, the claim of shareholders of OJSC «Yukos» to the Government of the Russian Federation.
Keywords: subrogation, noncommercial risks, foreign investments, insurance, expropriation, state immunity
Work bibliographic list
1. Lukashuk I.I. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo. Osobennaja chast'. M., 1997. S. 207.
2. Silkin V. Kommentarij k Federal'nomu zakonu "Ob inostrannyh investicijah v Rossijskoj Federacii" / Hozjajstvo i pravo. 2000. N 2. S. 12.
3. Gubarev D.S. Priroda nekommercheskih riskov v mezhdunarodnyh investicionnyh otnoshenijah. M., 2001.
4. Gubarev D.S. Ukaz.soch. s.65
5. Doronina N.G., Semiljutina N.G. Rossijskoj zakonodatel'stvo ob inostrannyh investicijah i problema strahovanija nekommercheskih riskov inostrannyh investorov.// Pravovoe regulirovanie inostrannyh investicij v Rossii. / Otv. red. A.G.Svetlanov. M., 1995. S.116-117
6. Braginskij M.I. Dogovor strahovanija. M.: Statut, 2000. Str. 150
7. Grazhdanskoe pravo. Tom II. Polutom 2 /pod red. doktora juridicheskih nauk, professora E.A.Suhanova. /SPS «GARANT». Str. 394.
8. Chebunin A.V. Ukaz. Soch. Str. 36
9. Serebrovskij V.I. Izbrannye trudy po nasledstvennomu i strahovomu pravu. M.: Statut, 1997. Str. 548.
10. Chebunin A.V. Teoreticheskie i prakticheskie voprosy subrogacii v strahovyh otnoshenijah// Sibirskij Juridicheskij Vestnik, 2001, #4. Str. 34.
11. Grazhdanskoe pravo. Uchebnik. Chast' II / Pod red. A.P. Sergeeva, Ju.K. Tolstogo. M., 1997. Str. 526-527.
12. Boguslavskij M.M. Mezhdunarodnoe chastnoe pravo.M., Jurist".2004.s.176-177
13. Silkina I.V. Mezhdunarodno-pravovaja unifikacija instituta immuniteta gosudarstva: novye tendencii // Moskovskij zhurnal mezhdunarodnogo prava. - 2002. -#.4.
14. Boguslavskij M.M «Immunitet gosudarstva.M.,1962;Ushakov N.A. Jurisdikcionnye immunitety gosudarstv i ih sobstvennosti.M,1993; Ivanov S.I. Mezhdunarodno-pravovye aspekty immuniteta gosudarstva, ego sobstvennosti .M., 1983;
15. Blishhenko I.P., Dorija Zh. Ponjatie jekonomicheskogo suvereniteta// Pravovedenie.2003.#1.s 215
16. Silkina I.V. Lica, imejushhie pravo ssylat'sja na gosudarstvennyj immunitet: sovremennye tendencii v zarubezhnoj sudebnoj praktike: stat'ja // Moskovskij zhurnal mezhdunarodnogo prava. -2005. - #1.- 0,6 p.l.;
17. Boguslavskij M.M. Mezhdunarodnoe chastnoe pravo. M., Jurist". 2004
18. Hlestova I.O. Konvencija OON o jurisdikcionnyh immunitetah gosudarstv i ih sobstvennosti // Mezhdunarodnyj kommercheskij arbitrazh. 2005, # 4, s. 13.
19. Murphy S.D. Nonapphcabiiity of FSIA Exceptions to «Comfort Women // American Journal of International Law. 2003, Vol. 97, No 3, p. 686-688; Caplan L.M. State Immunity, Human Rights, and Jus Cogens: A Critic or the Normative Hierarchy Theory // American Journal of International Law. - 2003. - Vol. 97. - No 4. - P. 744;Bloddget M. Commercial Activity Under the Foreign Sovereign Immunity Act: Gateway to Global Business and Ethics // International Business Law Journal. 2002, No 2, p. 71-73.

Legal analysis
N.I. Karpova
The Law “On Autonomous Institutions»: problems and ways of implementation”
Legal foundation for the assets acquired by the autonomous organization at the expense of incomings from the correspondent activity with which the organization disposes independently to be included in the composition of the immovable and especially valuable movable property on which the right of the independent disposal is not extended is absent. Comparative analysis of the provisions of the Act “About autonomous organizations” and those of the RF Civil Code makes it possible to ascertain that all the estate belonging to the autonomous organization including the estate acquired at the expense of incomings from the correspondent activity of the organization and other incomings from off-budget sources, formally in the legal aspect may be possessed by the autonomous organization only on the operative management right. While converting budget organization to autonomous organization a number of problems may arise. It is impossible to convert budget organization into autonomous organization without its consent. Lack of fit is the insuperable obstacle for the formation of the autonomous organization. No organization has the duty to secure the constitutional right of the citizen on free education. That is duty of the governmental and/or municipal authorities. Risk of converting budget organization into autonomous organization consists in the fact that monopoly of the autonomous organization in the service market with the greater independency may result in unreasonable price increase and degradation of the services quality.
Keywords: budget organization, autonomous organization, especially valuable movable property, operative management right, school
Work bibliographic list
1. Abankina I.V., Abankina T.V., Osoveckaja N.Ja. Restrukturizacija setej i jeffektivnost' bjudzhetnogo sektora. M.: GU-VShJe, 2006. 157 s.


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