Right of country CIS
N.V. Zakharenkov
Theory and History of Law and State
A.J. Beloded
Customary Law
T.I. Selina
The main approaches in studies of custom lаw in our native science
Agricultural Law
V.E. Lukjanenko
French contract law and the codification of Russian agricultural Legislation
Environmental Law
T. Guseinov
Actual problems of international legal protection of atmosphere
Criminal Law, criminology, criminal law enforcement
V.V. Fefelov
Physical and Mental Coercion as the Circumstance Excluding Criminality
Investment Law
V.A. Trapeznikov
Investment relations and Investment Activity (Private Legal Aspects)
Customs Law
M.A. Alpeeva
Information Law
A.L. Kozik, K.A. Berezovskiy
The Influence of Р2Р network on the international law
Public international law
Ju. N. Maleev
International air law is on the top of change
Mahniboroda I.M.
Procedural Rights and Duties of States as Participants of International Adjudication
European Law
O.V. Guseva
Capital flow in European Union (contract and legal aspects)
Law of Armed Conflict
Z.F. Fataliev
The notion of war crimes and its characteristic features
Book review
International Law of Foreign Investment
Advokatologiya and teaching on occupational protection in criminal cases in the Russian legal science
Aphorisms to Professor Z.M. Fatkudinov
Information about authors
Information for authors
N.V. Zakharenkov
Legal positions of the Economic court of CIS in interpretation of the Commonwealth acts stating social-legal guarantees of citizens
Theory and History of Law and State
A.J. Beloded
Legal aspects of territorial autonomies in Russian Empire
Customary Law
T.I. Selina
The main approaches in studies of custom lаw in our native science
Agricultural Law
V.E. Lukjanenko
French contract law and the codification of Russian agricultural Legislation
Environmental Law
T. Guseinov
Actual problems of international legal protection of atmosphere
Criminal Law, criminology, criminal law enforcement
V.V. Fefelov
Physical and Mental Coercion as the Circumstance Excluding Criminality
Investment Law
V.A. Trapeznikov
The legal contents of investment activity and relations under the legislation of the Russian Federation
A.O. Furaev Investment relations and Investment Activity (Private Legal Aspects)
Customs Law
M.A. Alpeeva
On international regulation of counteraction to extremism and its place in RF Customs bodies activities
Information Law
A.L. Kozik, K.A. Berezovskiy
The Influence of Р2Р network on the international law
Public international law
Ju. N. Maleev
International air law is on the top of change
Mahniboroda I.M.
Procedural Rights and Duties of States as Participants of International Adjudication
European Law
O.V. Guseva
Capital flow in European Union (contract and legal aspects)
Law of Armed Conflict
Z.F. Fataliev
The notion of war crimes and its characteristic features
Book review
International Law of Foreign Investment
Advokatologiya and teaching on occupational protection in criminal cases in the Russian legal science
Aphorisms to Professor Z.M. Fatkudinov
Information about authors
The announcement of the conference «Actual problems of improving Russian legislation and law enforcement »
Information for authors
Right of country CIS
N.V. Zakharenkov
Work bibliographic list
Theory and History of Law and State
A.J. Beloded
Legal aspects of territorial autonomies in Russian Empire
Work bibliographic list
Customary Law
T.I. Selina
The main approaches in studies of custom lаw in our native science
Agricultural Law
V.E. Lukjanenko
French contract law and the codification of Russian agricultural Legislation
Work bibliographic list
Environmental Law
T. Guseinov
Actual problems of international legal protection of atmosphere
Work bibliographic list
Criminal Law, criminology, criminal law enforcement
V.V. Fefelov
Physical and Mental Coercion as the Circumstance Excluding Criminality
Work bibliographic list
Investment Law
V.A. Trapeznikov
The legal contents of investment activity and relations under the legislation of the Russian Federation
Work bibliographic list
Investment Law
A.O. Furaev
Investment relations and Investment Activity (Private Legal Aspects)
N.V. Zakharenkov
Legal positions of the Economic court of CIS in interpretation of the Commonwealth acts stating social-legal guarantees of citizens
Disputes between the states-participants of CIS about circumstances accepted by them within the limits, are considered by Economic Court of CIS, which is specially created for economic intergovernmental settlements. Besides it Economic Court carry out commentary of application of deeds of CIS. Like this Economic Court of CIS were considered matters of commentary of applications of Agreements between states of CIS about social and legal guarantees of military men and members of their families; about an order of a provision of pensions about an order of state insurance of military men; about mutual acceptance of rights on compensation of the harm, caused to workers by a mutilation or occupational disease, connected with execution of labour duties by them; about provision with dwelling premises of military men and members of their families in the states of CIS. In the present article legal positions of Economic Court of CIS are investigated on the basis of decisions of Court, so long as in them keep guideline of ap-plication of law for bodies of management of states-participants of the Commonwealth. Economic Court of CIS, thanking of the commentary competence, promotes formation of Russian law, so long as his decisions in correspondence with Constitution of Russian Federation, are part of legal system of Russia.
Key words: CIS, Economic Court, provision of pensions, state insurance, military men Work bibliographic list
1. Barkovskij I. A. Pravotvorcheskaja dejatel'nost' Sodruzhestva Nezavisimyh Gosudarstv. Minsk: Dikta, 2007.
2. Bibikov V. Sud da delo//Rossijskaja gazeta # 157 ot 11 marta 2004 g.
3. Bulahov, D. Pravovoj fundament Sodruzhestva v zerkale statistiki// Justicija Belarusi. 2003. # 3.
4. Grineva A.V. Ponjatie i vidy sudebnyh pravovyh pozicij (voprosy teorii). Avtoreferat diss. na soiskanie uchenoj stepeni kandidata juridicheskih nauk, M., 2008.
5. Ivanov A. Formal'noe zakonodatel'stvo vsegda mozhno obojti // Biznes # 110 (404) ot 21 ijunja 2006 g.
6. Kazhenov A. B. Razvitie i sovershenstvovanie pravovoj bazy Sodruzhestva i rol' v jetom processe Jekonomicheskogo Suda SNG // Materialy mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii, posvjashhennoj 10-letiju SNG «10 let Sodruzhestvu Nezavisimyh Gosudarstv», Minsk, 27—28 avg. 2001 g. Minsk, 2001.
7. Kirilenko V. P. Pravo Sodruzhestva Nezavisimyh Gosudarstv v sisteme mezhdunarodnogo prava / V. P. Kirilenko, Ju. V. Mishal'chenko // Moskovskij zhurnal mezhdunarodnogo prava. 2003, # 3.
8. Kleandrov M.I. Jekonomicheskoe pravosudie v Rossii: proshloe, nastojashhee, budushhee. Volters Kluver, 2006.
9. Shinkareckaja G. Sud SNG ne sudebnoe uchrezhdenie?//JeZh-Jurist, 2005, N 42.
Theory and History of Law and State
A.J. Beloded
Legal aspects of territorial autonomies in Russian Empire
Present article gives general idea about territorial structure of Russian Empire, which consisted of common political divisions (regions, districts, provinces etc.) and territories of special status, having popular ethnic groups and government. Among the territories of special status the author emphasizes importance of legal status of the Kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Finland – two territorial autonomies, so far as, in author opinion, unlike common political divisions, their main feature was high degree of self-government. Moreover, the author offers a detailed survey of the establishment of these territories, analyzes scholars’ opinion about their legal state. In addition, author states that the delegation of autonomous status to the Kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Finland was forced political step.
Key words: territorial autonomy, Russian Empire, Grand Duchy of Finland, Kingdom of Poland Work bibliographic list
1. Jellinek. Die Lehre von den Staatenverbindungen, 1881.
2. Vuolle-Apiala J. Die Entwicklung der Verfassung Finlands bis zum Regierungsantriff Nikolaus II. Heidelberg, 1912.
3. Averin M.B. Osobennosti porjadka vzaimodejstvija imperskih gosudarstvennyh uchrezhdenij i organov vlasti Velikogo Knjazhestva Finljandskogo i Carstva Pol'skogo// Problemy rossijskoj gosudarstvennosti: voprosy istorii, teorii, praktiki. Sbornik nauchnyh trudov. M. 2004.
4. Baron fon-der-Osten -Saken V. Gosudarstvenno-pravovoe polozhenie Velikogo Knjazhestva Finljandskogo v Rossijskom gosudarstve. Spb., 1910 .
5. Germanson R. Gosudarstvennoe polozhenie Finljandii. Vyp. 1, 2 S-Pb., 1892.
6. Korkunov N.M. Russkoe gosudarstvennoe pravo. Vvedenie i obshhaja chast' 5-e izd., SPb. 1904. T. 1.
7. Kutafin O.E. Rossijskaja avtonomija: monografija. M. 2006.
8. Lohvickij A. Obzor sovremennyh konstitucij: Ch.1. S.-Pb. 1862.
9. Mehelin L. K voprosu o Finljandskoj avtonomii i osnovnyh zakonah. Berlin, 1903.
10. Mehelin L. Protivorechat li prava Finljandii interesam Rossii. Gel'singfors., 1890.
11. Mehelin L. Raznoglasija po russko-finljandskim voprosam. S-Pb., 1908.
12. Tagancev N.S. Ugolovnoe pravo (obshhaja chast'). Ch.1. Tula. 2001.
13. Usjagin A.V.Politicheskoe upravlenie i ego territorial'nye aspekty: rossijskij opyt: monografija. N.Novgorod. 2005.
14. Chicherin B.N. Kurs gosudarstvennoj nauki. M. 1894. T.1. , T.3 M. 1898.
Customary Law
T.I. Selina
The main approaches in studies of custom lаw in our native science
In the article a methodological analysis of history and low researching custom low in the second half of XYII – the first half of XIX centuries is carried out. The rich bibliography given in the article is the most valuable. Because of it the author could create and use his own mental principal to comprehend such as researching directions as comparative analysis of legal systems, the «state school» of low and juridical anthropology. K.D. Kavelin’s and V.I.Sergeevich’s points of view on the problems of custom low is singled out because of new approach in culture studies and juridical anthropology.
Key words: custom law, custom, legal norms, legislation, comparative analysis of legal systems, the «state school» of law, research program, juridical anthropology, culture studies, legal thought and activities
Work bibliographic list1. Beljaev I.D. Lekcii po istorii russkogo zakonodatel'stva. M.,1879.
2. Beljaev I.D. O nasledstve bez zaveshhanija po drevnim russkim zakonam do ulozhenija carja Alekseja Mihajlovicha. M.: Univ. tip, 1858.
3. Vladimirskij-Budanov M.F. Obzor istorii russkogo prava. Izd. 5-e. SPb.-Kiev: Ogloblin, 1907.
4. D'jakonov M.A. Ocherki obshhestvennogo i gosudarstvennogo stroja drevnej Rusi. Izd. 4-e, isp. i dop. SPb.: kn. sklad «Pravo», 1912.
5. Djuvernua N.L. Istochniki prava i sud v drevnej Rossii. Opyty po istorii russkogo grazhdanskogo prava N. Djuvernua. M., 1869.
6. Zagoskin N.P. Istorija prava russkogo naroda. Lekcii i issledovanija po istorii russkogo prava. T.1 Vvedenie. I. Nauka istorii russkogo prava. II. Formacija naroda i gosudarstva. Kazan', 1899.
7. Zagoskin N.P. Istorija prava Moskovskogo gosudarstva. T.1. Kazan', 1877.
8. Kavelin K.D. Vzgljad na istoricheskoe razvitie russkogo porjadka zakonnogo nasledovanija i sravnenie tepereshnego russkogo zakonodatel'stva ob jetom predmete s rimskim, francuzskim i prusskim. Spb.: tip. K.Vul'fa, 1860.
9. Kavelin K.D. Vzgljad na juridicheskij byt drevnej Rossii. // Kavelin K.D. Nash umstvennyj stroj: Stat'i po filosofii russkoj istorii i kul'tury. M.: Pravda, 1989.
10. Kalachjov N.V. O znachenii Kormchej v sisteme drevnego russkogo prava. //Chtenija v obshhestve istorii i drevnostej rossijskih pri Moskovskom universitete, 1847 (N3-4). M.: Univ. tip., 1850.
11. Mejer K.D. Russkoe grazhdanskoe pravo. T.1. Obshhaja chast'. SPb.: izd. N. Tiblena, 1861.
12. Moroshkin F. Ob Ulozhenii i posledujushhem ego razvitii. M., 1839.
13. Mrochek-Drozdovskij P.N. Istorija russkogo prava. Po lekcijam P.N.Mrochek-Drozdovskogo. M.: tip. V.A.Gatcuk (D.P.Chernyshevskij), 1892.
14. Pavlov A.S. Pervonachal'nyj slavjano-russkij Nomokanon. Kazan': Univ. tip. 1869.
15. Rozenkampf G.A. Obozrenie Kormchej knigi v istoricheskom vide. Spb.: tip. Akademii nauk, 1839.
16. Samokvasov D.Ja. Istorija russkogo prava. T.1 Nachala politicheskogo byta drevnerusskih slavjan. Vyp.1. Literatura. Istochniki. Metody uchenoj razrabotki istochnikov. Varshava: tip. M.Zemkevicha i V.Noakovskogo, 1878.
17. Sergeevich V.I. Lekcii i issledovanija po drevnej istorii russkogo prava. 4-e izd. dop. i popravl. SPb.: tip. M.M.Stasjulevicha, 1910.
18. Sergeevich V.I. Opyty issledovanija obychnogo prava.//Nabljudatel'. Zhurnal literaturnyj, politicheskij i uchenyj. Izd. pod red. A.P.Pjatkovskogo, Spb.: tip. d-ra M.A.Hana, 1882, N1.
19. Tokarev S.A. Istorija russkoj jetnografii. (Dooktjabr'skij period). M.: Nauka, 1966.
20. Filippov A.N. Istorija russkogo prava. Ch.1. Vyp. 1. M., 1905.
21. Filippov A.N. Istorija russkogo prava. Konspekt lekcij prof. A.N.Filippova. Ch. 1, Vyp.2. Jur'ev, 1906.
Agricultural Law
V.E. Lukjanenko
French contract law and the codification of Russian agricultural Legislation
In article value of the general norms about the contracts fixed in the Civil code of France, in becoming institute «agricultural contracts» the given country is opened. The author marks, that norms of the Civil code of France have formed a basis for the adaptation of some typical civil-law contractual institutes to economic conditions of an agricultural production of France. In article the analysis of norms and civil-law contracts which have been developed by lawyers and scientists specially for agricultural businessmen of France also is given. On the basis of the analysis of economic practice in agricultural business of France the author of article has formulated offers regarding codification of norms about “agricultural” (“agrarian” contracts) in Russia.
Key words: Civil code of France, agrarian law, agrarian contracts Work bibliographic list
1. Manteau Lionel. Les contrats en agriculture. Analyser, rediger, pratiquer. Paris, Editions: “Franse Agricole», 2002.
2. Beljaeva Z. S. Dogovor v sfere mezhhozjajstvennoj kooperacii. M.: Nauka, 1985.
3. Bychkova C. V. Dogovor v proizvodstvenno-jekonomicheskih svjazjah mezhdu sel'skim hozjajstvom i promyshlennost'ju. Kiev, 1980.
4. Kozyr' M. I. Agrarnoe pravo Rossii: problemy stanovlenija i razvitija. M.: Pravo i gosudarstvo, 2003.
5. Lur'e S. M. , Kozyr' M. I. Dogovornye otnoshenija sel'skohozjajstvennyh predprijatij v SSSR. M., 1974.
6. Pervushin A.G. Hozjajstvennyj dogovor v dejatel'nosti predprijatij sel'skogo hozjajstva. M., 1976.
7. Semeusov V. A. Dogovory v sel'skom hozjajstve: metodologija i koncepcii. Irkutsk: Izd-vo Irkut. un-ta, 1984.
Environmental Law
T. Guseinov
Actual problems of international legal protection of atmosphere
The Article is devoted the analysis of actual problems of international legal protection of atmosphere. Questions which are exposed to legal regulation, namely air pollution, and also a consequence of this process an exhaustion of a stratospheric ozone layer and a climate change problem are defined. In each separate case research is stood on studying of an existing ecological situation, the substantial analysis of universal and regional international legal certificates in the field, on questions of their realization at national level. Features of existing problems in sphere of protection of atmosphere and a way of their permission come to light. Activity of the international organizations directed on maintenance of protection of atmosphere is exposed to the analysis. The special place is given to the analysis of the current legislation of the Azerbaijan Republic in the field of atmosphere protection.
Key words: atmosphere, air pollution, atmosphere protection Work bibliographic list
1. Dinah Shelton and Alexandre Kiss. Judicial handbook on Environmental Law. United Nations Environment Programme, 2005.
2. Gazeta «Azerbajdzhan» ot 03 sentjabrja 2002 goda, #202.
3. Gazeta «Azerbajdzhan» ot 19 fevralja 2003 g. # 39.
4. Gazeta «Azerbajdzhan» ot 21 aprelja 2002 goda, #90.
5. Mezhdunarodnoe jekologicheskoe pravo v dokumentah. Sostavitel' T.Gusejnov. Baku, 2007.
Criminal Law, criminology, criminal law enforcement
V.V. Fefelov
Physical and Mental Coercion as the Circumstance Excluding Criminality
The article states the author’s viewpoint on physical or mental coercion as one of the circumstances excluding criminality from the criminal legal and criminological points of view. The notion and signs of physical and mental coercion as well as the problems of criminal liability for such coercion are revealed.
Key words: coercion, physical and mental coercion Work bibliographic list
1.Ozhegov S.I. Slovar' russkogo jazyka. /Pod red. N.Ju. Shvedovoj.- M.: Rus.jaz., 1978.
2. Ugolovnyj kodeks RSFSR//Svod zakonov RSFSR. – M., 1988. – t.8.
Investment Law
V.A. Trapeznikov
The legal contents of investment activity and relations under the legislation of the Russian Federation
One of the most significant elements of legal regulation is the used conceptual device which, specifying essential attributes of a subject of regulation, determines borders of action of rules of law. In this connection the author researches in article such concepts as «investor», «investments», «the investment project», «the investment contract ». The author considers the investment contract, as the agreement mediating the relations of the parties, connected with realization of investment projects. Considering in clause the question on the legal nature of the investment contract, marks, that it defines mutual relations of proprietors or title owners of the means put in objects of enterprise activity, their interaction during realization of the investment project, at using it or at operation of object, in distribution of incomes of activity or operation of object, and also establishes the property right (as a rule) on object. The obligatory participant of any investment contract is the investor, that is the person which puts own, extra or involved means in the form of investments and provides their target use. Distinctive feature of the given contracts is that fact, that these contracts mediate relations on real-ization of the investment project. In clause the various points of view on concept «the investment project» are considered, legislative definitions are analyzed. The author considers the term of “investment” from positions of economic relations of the beginning of movement of the capital. Features of investment activity in building activity are in detail considered. By the author it is convincingly proved, that the key contribution of the investor to construction always is his right to building of the ground area. In the conclusion of work characteristic features of investment activity are allocated.
Key words: investor, investments, the investment project, the investment contract Work bibliographic list
1. Antipova O.M. K voprosu o ponjatii termina "investicii": semasiologicheskij i jekonomicheskij aspekt // Juridicheskij mir. 2005 N 9.
2. Antipova O.M. Pravovoe regulirovanie investicionnoj dejatel'nosti (analiz teoreticheskih i prakticheskih problem).M.: «Volters Kluver», 2007.
3. Doronina N.G. «Osobye jekonomicheskie zony» vo vneshnejekonomicheskoj dejatel'nosti//Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. 2004. #6.
4. Doronina N.G., Semiljutina N.G. Gosudarstvo i regulirovanie investicij. M.: Gorodec, 2003.
5. Investicii / Sost. U.F. Sharp, G.Dzh. Aleksander, Dzh.V. Bjejli. M., 1997.
6. Kejns Dzh. Obshhaja teorija zanjatosti, procenta i deneg /Per. s angl. N.N. Ljubimova; Pod red. L.P. Kurakova. M., 2000.
7. Majfat A.V. «Grazhdansko-pravovye konstrukcii investirovanija». M.: Izdatel'stvo: «Volters Kluver», 2006.
8. Makkonnell K.R., Brju S.L. Jekonomiks: principy, problemy i politika: V 2 t. / Per. s angl. 11-go izd. M., 1992. T. 1.
9. Ruzavin G.I. Logika i osnovy argumentacii: Uchebnik dlja vuzov. M., 2003.
10. Semiljutina N.G. Investicii i rynok finansovyh uslug: problemy zakonodatel'nogo regulirovanija // Zhurnal Rossijskogo prava. 2003. N 2.
11. Farhutdinov I.Z., Trapeznikov V.A. Investicionnoe pravo: ucheb.-prakt. posobie. – «Volters Kluver», 2006.
12. Hozjajstvennoe pravo / Pod red. V.S. Martem'janova. T. 2. M., 1994.
13. Shadrina T.V. Pravovoe regulirovanie inostrannyh investicij v Rossijskoj Federacii: Diss. kand. jurid. nauk. M., 1999.
Investment Law
A.O. Furaev
Investment relations and Investment Activity (Private Legal Aspects)
Investment legal relations are variety of civil legal relations which possess common indications. Author defines they as social relations connected with investments and investment activity regulated civil legal norms. In this result participants of investment relations have property and personal non-property rights and obligations. Investment Activity means investment material and unmaterial valuables into business objects and also concrete actions on realisation investments with deriving of profit purpose, achievement of positive social effect from using this subjects in future. The State(Russian Federation),its subjects and municipal formations are participants of legal relations rised in sphere of investment activity too. The Investment Climate is the most important factor of investment attraction. This complex definatation composes aggregate of political, economic, legal, administrative and some other conditions for investor’s successful activity. Favourable Investment Climate provides for reasonable conditions to business, namely:
Work bibliographic list
Customs Law
M.A. Alpeeva
On international regulation of counteraction to extremism and its place in RF Customs bodies activities
Work bibliographic list
Information Law
A.L. Kozik
K.A. Berezovskiy
The Influence of Р2Р network on the international law
Work bibliographic list
Public international law
Ju. N. Maleev
International air law is on the top of change
Work bibliographic list
Public international law
I.M. Mahniboroda
Procedural Rights and Duties of States as Participants of International Adjudication
Work bibliographic list
European Law
O.V. Guseva
Capital flow in European Union (contract and legal aspects)
Work bibliographic list
Law of Armed Conflict
Z.F. Fataliev
The notion of war crimes and its characteristic features
Work bibliographic list
1.Approaching of legal regulation to international standards;
2.Renunciation from ecsessive regulation;
3.Development common civil legislation by reduction imperative norms, development of contractual law.
Key words: investment legal relations, investment climate civil legal relationsWork bibliographic list
1. Doronina N.G.,Semiljutina N.G. Gosudarstvo i regulirovanie investicij.M.,Gorodec.2003.
2. Zhilinskij S.Je. Predprinimatel'skoe pravo (pravovaja osnova predprinimatel'skoj dejatel'nosti). M., 1999.
3. Kabatova E.V. Lizing: Pravovoe regulirovanie, praktika. M.,1998.
4. Kononova T.A. Dogovor finansovoj arendy (lizinga)//Zakonodatel'stvo.1998. #9.
5. Sosna S.A. Kocessionnye soglashenija: Teorija i praktika. M.,2002.
6. Farhutdinov I.Z. Mezhdunarodnoe investicionnoe pravo. Teorija i praktika primenenija. M.,2005.
7. Farhutdinov I.Z.,Trapeznikov V.A. Investicionnoe pravo. M.,Volters Kluver. 2006.
Customs Law
M.A. Alpeeva
On international regulation of counteraction to extremism and its place in RF Customs bodies activities
In this article author survey in brief the scopes of application of current international treaties in field of preventing, preclusion and elimination of extremism in all forms of its occurrence. Author pays special attention both to international treaties containing human rights, e.g. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination and to international treaties on elimination of extremism e.g. Shanghai Convention on Combating Terrorism, Separatism and Extremism and UN Convention for the Suppression of Financing of Terrorism. On the ground of these treaties review author gives practical recommendations to the Russian Customs bodies in the field of combating extremism.
Key words: extremism, Customs bodies, counteraction to extremism Work bibliographic list
1. Efimichev S.P., Efimichev P.S. Vseobshhaja deklaracija prav cheloveka i realizacija ee polozhenij v sfere ugolovnogo sudoproizvodstva Rossii. Zhurnal rossijskogo prava, 1999.
2. Kochoi S. I. Rasizm: ugolovno-pravovoe protivodejstvie. Monografija. – M. – TK Velbi, Izd-vo Prospekt, 2007 g.
Information Law
A.L. Kozik
K.A. Berezovskiy
The Influence of Р2Р network on the international law
Information technologies have changed the world today. They are inseparable from our life. Still yesterday we had rather harmonious system of legal regulation of public relations, at least in such areas as intellectual property protection, commerce, freedom of speech. Everywhere certain clearness and severity of legal interdictions and instructions was observed. Today the situation is other. Given article is based on a hypothesis that development of an information technology essentially alters public relations. Thus, there is inevitably “rupture” between an essence, an orientation of public relations and their legal regulation. On an example of development of the Internet and P2P networks it is clearly visible how new public relations throw down a challenge of legal regulation efficiency.
Key words: information technologies, P2P networks, international law Work bibliographic list
1. Anderson N. Nocturnal P2P transmissions account for 95 percent of Internet traffic. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. // Rezhim dostupa: . Data dostupa: 10.12.2008 g.
2. Federal Networking Council Resolution: Definition of «Internet». [Jelektronnyj resurs]. // Rezhim dostupa: Data dostupa: 12.12.2008 g.
3. Jondet N. The French Government recommends judicial moderation in P2P cases. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. // Rezhim dostupa: Data dostupa: 25.12.2008 g.
4. Matt Burke. Ellacoya Data Shows Web Traffic Overtakes Peer-to-Peer (P2P) as Largest Percentage of Bandwidth on the Network. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. // Rezhim dostupa Data dostupa: 27.12.2008 g.
5. Van Jejk N. Regulirovanie staryh cennostej v vek cifrovyh tehnologij // Spravochnik po svobode massovoj informacii v Internete. Pod redakciej Kristiana Mjollera i Arno Amuru. – Vena: OBSE, 2004.
6. Grocij G. O prave vojny i mira. Tri knigi, v kotoryh ob"jasnjajutsja estestvennoe pravo i pravo narodov, a takzhe principy publichnogo prava. - M., 1956.
7. Gurkin Ju.N., Semenov Ju.A. Fajloobmennye seti P2P: osnovnye principy, protokoly, bezopasnost'. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. // Rezhim dostupa: Data dostupa: 27.12.2008 g.
8. Kozik A.L. Osobennosti mezhdunarodno-pravovyh otnoshenij// Sovremennye problemy pravovyh otnoshenij: sb. nauch. tr./ M-vo vnutren. Del Resp. Belarus', Akad. MVD. - Minsk: Akad. MVD Resp. Belarus', 2008.
9. Kozik A.L. Transgranichnost' seti Internet i svjazannye s nej problemy mezhdunarodno-pravovogo regulirovanija Internet // Problemy upravlenija. #2. 2008.
10. Kolosov V. Ugolovnaja otvetstvennost' za narushenie avtorskih prav v piringovyh setjah. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. // Rezhim dostupa: Data dostupa: 30.12.2008 g.
11. Kuchinskij V.A. Sovremennoe uchenie o pravovyh otnoshenijah / V.A. Kuchinskij – Minsk: «Integralpoligraf», 2008.
12. Malahov S.V. Grazhdansko-pravovoe regulirovanie otnoshenij v global'noj komp'juternoj seti Internet. Dis. kand. jur. nauk. - M., 2001.
13. Montesk'e Sh. O duhe zakonov //Izbrannye proizvedenija. - M., 1955.
14. Jakushev M.V. Internet i Pravo // Zakonodatel'stvo. # 1. 1997.
Public international law
Ju. N. Maleev
International air law is on the top of change
International relations concerning use of the airspace by aircraft or differently are getting more intensive and system-interchanged. Flight number of civil and state aircrafts and common aviation (busi¬ness, private aviation) and moving in the airspace of rockets spacecrafts and so on are increasing. Moreover it is getting more active in cyberspace from the side of different operators and users through electronic means which quite often negatively affects automated control means of air traffic. The significance of satellite system (GLONASS, GSP, Galileo) securing flights is increasing. These and other modern aspects of using airspace, multi-aspect and system character of such use of the airspace, put the question of forcing making out and adaptation of the Convention on air law, idea of which first appeared 25 years ago. In this Convention which must replace Chicago convention of International civil aviation dtd. 1944, the charter of the new international organization - International organization of Airspace Use must be inserted.
Key words: airspace, aircraft, air traffic management, regular and irregular flights, standards and advisable practice, commercial rights on airspace use, aircraft accident investigation, convention of International civil aviation, International Civil Aviation Organization, Convention on air law, International organization of Airspace Use Work bibliographic list
1. B?ckstiegel K.H. & Kr?mer P.M. Filling in the Gaps of the Chicago Convention: Main Features of the New Legal Framework for Aviation in the European Community // Annals of Air and Space Law. Vol. XIX (1994), Part I.
2. Cooper J.C. The Legal Status of Aircraft. Princeton. 1949.
3. De Groot J.E.C. Cabotage Liberalization in the European Community and Article 7 of the Chicago Convention// Annals of Air and Space Law. 1989. Vol. XIV.
4. Guldimann W. The Chicago Convention Revised: Possible Improvements after Fifty Years // Annals of Air and Space Law. Vol. XIX (1994), Part II.
5. Havel B.F. In Search of Open Skies: Law and Policy for a New Era in International Aviation. Kluwer Law International. 1997.
6. Henry-Couannier A. Elements creatures du droit aerien. Paris 1929.
7. Karl-Heinz Bockstiegel. Current Chalenges in the Legal Regulation of Civil Aviation.// 1995 Annals of Air and Space Law Vol. 20-21.
8. Leon P. Mendes de. Cabotage in Air Transport Regulation. Martinus Nijhoff Publishers. 1992.
9. Matte N.M. The Chicago Convention - Where From and Where To, ICAO? // Annals of Air and Space Law. Vol. XIX (1994), Part I.
10. Milde M. The Chicago Convention - are major amendments necessary or desirable 50 years later? // 1994 Annals of Air and Space Law Vol. XIX-I.
11. Nicolas Mateesco Matte. The Chicago Convention - Where From and Where To, ICAO? //1994 Annals of Air and Space Law. Vol. XIX , Part I.
12. Rocha E.V. Toward a new International Civil Aviation Convention? //1994 Annals of Air and Space Law. Vol. XIX-I
13. Rocha E.V. Toward a new International Civil Aviation Convention?// 1994 Annals of Air and Space Law. Vol. XIX-I.
14. Sheehan W.M. Air Cabotage and the Chicago Convention// Harvard Law Review. 1950. No. 63.
15. Abdurahmanova Sh.A. Perspektivy global'noj sputnikovoj sistemy upravlenija ajeronavigaciej // Vestnik Rossijskogo universiteta druzhby narodov. # 3. 2006.
16. Kolodkin R.A. Fragmentacija mezhdunarodnogo prava //Moskovskij zhurnal mezhdunarodnogo prava. 2005. # 2.
17. Maleev Ju.N. Vozdushnoe prostranstvo: osnovnye konfliktnye pozicii gosudarstv // Prostranstvo i vremja v mirovoj politike i mezhdunarodnyh otnoshenijah. – Materialy 4-go Konventa RAMI. Tom 5. M.: MGIMO – Universitet. 2007.
18. Maleev Ju.N. Vozdushnyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii i mezhdunarodnoe pravo. Moskovskij zhurnal mezhdunarodnogo prava. M., 1997. N4.
19. Maleev Ju.N. Mezhdunarodnoe vozdushnoe pravo: voprosy teorii i praktiki. M.: Mezhdunar. otnoshenija.1986.
20. Mezhdunarodnoe vozdushnoe pravo, kniga 1/ Pod red. A.P. Movchana. M.: Nauka. 1980.
21. Samorodova E.A. Konvencija po vozdushnomu pravu: kakoj ej byt' // Moskovskij zhurnal mezhdunarodnogo prava. 2008. # 1.
22. Samorodova E.A. Nesootvetstvie Chikagskoj konvencii 1944 goda i drugih dejstvujushhih dogovorov mezhdunarodnogo vozdushnogo prava sovremennym tendencijam v dannoj sfere - Obrazovanie. Nauka. Tvorchestvo. # 5. 2008.
23. Samorodova E.A. Obshhie zadachi Konvencii po vozdushnomu pravu // Sovremennoe pravo. M. 2007.
24. Samorodova E.A. Obshhie zadachi Konvencii po vozdushnomu pravu // Sovremennoe pravo. # 9. M., 2007.
Public international law
I.M. Mahniboroda
Procedural Rights and Duties of States as Participants of International Adjudication
In international law science the problems of international procedural law is under the serious discussion. For this reason, the issue concerning the procedural rights and duties of states as participants of international adjudication is of utmost interest. Because of the absence of codified list of states’ procedural rights and duties their study can be carried out on the basis of complex analysis of international documents regulating international adjudication, and with due regard to the practice of international adjudicating bodies. Such method of working got a result allowing the author to distinguish the following procedural rights: the right to resort to international court to settle the international dispute; the right of states to bring a matter into the particular international court or to reject to do it; the right to determine the process of international adjudication or process of international judicial trial for international crimes; the right to determine the place of international adjudication; the right to put a motion in international court; the right to present countermeasures. In this sense, the main procedural duties are the following: the duty to cooperate with the international court; the duty to abstain from any unfavorable measures having a negative influence on the course of international adjudication; the duty to bear the court costs and expenses. At the same time, the fact that the optionality of actions is peculiar to the international adjudicating process admits the existence of other procedural rights and duties of states, therefore their above-mentioned list cannot be considered as exhaustive since it can vary depending on legal nature of any international court.
Key words: International Adjudication, procedural rights of states, procedural duties of states Work bibliographic list
1. B.C.J. Loder The Permanent Court of International Justice and Compulsory Jurisdiction, 2 British Yearbook of International Law (1921-1922) 6.
2. Baker, Lynn A. Interdisciplinary Due Diligence: The Case for Common Sense in the Search for the Swing Justice, Southern California Law Review 70 (1996).
3. Benjamin H. Barton. Do Judges Systematically Favor the Interests of the Legal Profession? 59 Alabama Law Review 2 (2008).
4. Jeffrey A. Segal and Harold J. Spaeth. The Supreme Court and the Attitudinal Model Revisited. Cambridge University Press, 2002.
5. Mani V.S. International Adjudication: Procedural Aspects. Brill Archive, 1980.
6. Norman L. Hill. The Influence of Disputants over Procedure in International Courts, 21Virginia Law Review (Dec., 1934).
7. O. Spiermann. International Legal Argument in the Permanent Court of International Justice, 2005. Cambridge University Press. P. 4.
8. Pauwelyn J. The Role of Public International Law in the WTO: How Far Can We Go? American Journal of International Law (2001) Vol. 95.
9. Grazhdanskij process Rossii: Uchebnik / Pod red. M.A. Vikut. 2-e izd., pererab. i dop. M.: Jurist, 2005.
10. Degtjarev S.L. Priroda processual'nyh prav i objazannostej uchastnikov grazhdanskogo sudoproizvodstva // Rossijskij sud'ja, 2007, # 2 // Pravovaja sistema «Konsul'tant».
11. Kommentarij k Grazhdanskomu processual'nomu kodeksu Rossijskoj Federacii / Pod obshh. red. V.I. Radchenko. 2-e izd., pererab. i dop. M.: Norma, 2006.
12. Kudrjashov S.M. Razreshenie spora ex aequo et bono // Moskovskij zhurnal mezhdunarodnogo prava. 1998. # 4.
13. Malinovskij A.A. Zloupotreblenie pravom. M.: MZ-Press, 2002.
14. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo: Uchebnik dlja vuzov / G.V. Ignatenko, O.I. Tiunov. M., 2006.
15. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo: Uchebnik dlja vuzov / Shumilov V.M. M., 2007.
16. Mezhdunarodnoe publichnoe pravo: Uchebnik dlja vuzov / K.A. Bekjashev. M., 2009.
17. Neshataeva T.N. Mezhdunarodnyj grazhdanskij process. M., 2001.
18. Pushmin Je.A. Mezhdunarodnyj juridicheskij process i mezhdunarodnoe pravo. Kemerovo. 1990.
European Law
O.V. Guseva
Capital flow in European Union (contract and legal aspects)
One of the leader in the transnational investments flow is the European Union. The European Union has 40% of the accumulated direct investments. In the present time there is a reason to consider triple- polar global structure of direct foreign investments: USA, European Union, Japan. Capital flow in the EU limits is the great economic instrument for connecting national economies in the common European economy. Capital flow can be considered as transfer of material (sharing, realty etc.) and money resources (credits, bonding etc.) for the purpose of arising certain right or exchanging for certain right. Free capital flow in EU law means revocation of all measures embarrassing conclusion and fulfillment of bargains connected with such transfer between residents of different countries. Close examination of the Maastricht treaty and the specification wording shows that henceforth in accordance with the European Union law the foundation and liquidation of investments carried out inside and outside of the European Union are being liberalized.
Key words: European Union, European law, capital flow, foreign investments, treaties on EU, Treaty of Rome, Maastricht treaty, Directive 2004/25/EC, national law unification. Work bibliographic list
1. Bazedov Ju. Unifikacija mezhdunarodnogo chastnogo prava v Evropejskom sojuze // Mezhdunarodnoe publichnoe i chastnoe pravo. 2003. N 3.
2. Vilkova N.G. Dogovornoe pravo v mezhdunarodnom oborote. M., 2004.
3. Doronina N.G. Unifikacija i garmonizacija prava v uslovijah mezhdunarodnoj integracii // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. 1998. N 6.
4. Evropejskoe pravo. M., Norma. Ruk. i otv. red. L.M.Jentin. 2-e izd., peresmotr. i dop. 2007.
5. Zaharov A.S. Nalogovaja politika ES: pravovye osnovy // Zakon. 2007. N
6. Zaharov A.S. Sud ES ob ogranichenijah mezhgosudarstvennogo peredvizhenija kapitala//Nalogovye spory: teorija i praktika. 2008, N 4.
7. Korovina O.P. Metody unifikacii norm v mezhdunarodnom chastnom prave: Avtoref. dis. ... kand. jurid. nauk. M., 1988.
8. Lebedev S.N. Unifikacija pravovogo regulirovanija mezhdunarodnyh hozjajstvennyh otnoshenij (nekotorye obshhie voprosy) // Juridicheskie aspekty osushhestvlenija vneshnejekonomicheskih svjazej: Trudy kafedry mezhdunarodnogo chastnogo i grazhdanskogo prava MGIMO MID. M., 1979.
9. Makovskaja A.A. Unifikacija mezhdunarodnogo chastnogo prava v ramkah Evropejskogo jekonomicheskogo soobshhestva: Dis. ... kand. jurid. nauk. M., 1992.
10. Makovskaja A.A. Unifikacija mezhdunarodnogo chastnogo prava v ramkah Evropejskogo jekonomicheskogo soobshhestva: Dis. ... kand. jurid. nauk. M., 1992.
11. Makovskij A.L. Voprosy teorii mezhdunarodno-dogovornoj unifikacii prava i sostav mezhdunarodnogo chastnogo prava. Materialy Torgovo-promyshlennoj palaty SSSR. Vyp. 34. M., 1983.
12. Pakerman G.A. Metody unifikacii prava na primere pravovogo regulirovanija inostrannyh investicij // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava, 2008, # 9.
13. Popkov V.P., Pachina T.M. Dvizhenie i vosproizvodstvo kapitala v dejatel'nosti bankov v uslovijah globalizacii // Bankovskoe pravo, 2006, # 4.
14. Stepanov D.I. Pogloshhenie, osushhestvljaemoe putem priobretenija krupnogo paketa akcij, i vytesnenie minoritarnyh akcionerov // Hozjajstvo i pravo. 2006. N 3 - 6.
15. Jumashev Ju.M.Pravovoe regulirovanie prjamyh inostrannyh kapitalovlozhenij v EJeS.M.,Nauka.1988.
Law of Armed Conflict
Z.F. Fataliev
The notion of war crimes and its characteristic features
War crimes are defined as ‘grave’ or ‘serious’ violations of the rules or customs of war – or, as it is now more commonly called, of international humanitarian law – for which individuals can be held individu¬ally responsible. In the presented article the term of ‘war crimes’ is investigated, an attempt is made to investigate the sources of war crimes and the relations of war crimes with international humanitarian law, international criminal law and international human rights law in the first part. In the second part of the article it is tried to understand the essence of war crimes by exploring the ideas of outstanding scientists in this field and provisions expressed in international documents and practice. At the end of the article it is concluded that war crimes are one of the specific crimes and they have different contextual element.
Key words: war crimes, international humanitarian law, international criminal law Work bibliographic list
1. Schabas W.A. The UN International Criminal Tribunals: The Former Yugoslavia, Rwanda and Sierra Leone. Cambridge University Press, 2006.
2. de Than Claire and Shorts Edwin. International Criminal Law and Human Rights. London, Sweet & Maxwell, 2003.
3. Schabas William A. Mens Rea and the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia. New England Law Review, 2003.
4. Werle Gerhard. V?lkerstrafrecht. Mohr Siebeck, 2007.
5. Gusejnov L.G. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo. Baku, 2002.
6. Ignatenko G.V., Tiunov O.I. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo. 3-e izdanie, Moskva, 2004.
7. Lukashuk I.I. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo. M., Wolters Kluwer, 2005.
8. Rusinova N. Narushenija mezhdunarodnogo gumanitarnogo prava: individual'naja ugolovnaja otvetstvennost' i sudebnoe presledovanie. «Jurlitinform», Moskva, 2006.
International scientific and practical law journal
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