
Persona Grata
The Euroasian patent system – the legal tool of innovative economy. Interview to the president of the Euroasian patent department A.N.Grigoriev

Constitutional Law
O.H. Namsaraeva
Constitutional court of republic Buryatia in the system of public authorities

Educational Law
E.S. Kananykina
Resources of educational law in northern law system

The right to social protection
N.V. Zaharenkov
Formation of the state’s youth policy in the transformation

P.N. Birjukov
Political parties in Slovenia: Creation and financing

Human rights
O.V. Mozgovoy
Concept and essence of private life of the person at the present stage of development of a society and the legislation

Public international law
R.F. Mamedov
R.S. Abiev
International legal principles of the implementation economic sovereignty of the Azerbaijan republic
O.Y. Motorova Collision regulation as a prerequisite and reference priority of international legal norms. Collision regulation in the evolution of the legal system Russian Federation

International investment law
El-Khadi Hamed (translation N.V. Morozova)
Recent trends and key issues on international investment agreements
E.R. Bozieva
Common and especially in American and European models of bilateral investment agreements
V.N. Lisitsa
The development of international legal regulation of the foreign investments

The Law of International Organizations
N.Y. Silkina
Legal status of the international non-government organization « WORLD WIDE FUND FOR NATURE »

European Law
Y.V. Movchan
The political and legal aspects of the integration process in the European Union

Private international law
M.A. Manukyan
Determination of the law applicable to the legal responsibility of the parent company of a transnational corporation (TNC) for the obligations of its subsidiaries

Legal Practice
M. A. Granat
Widespread cases of infringement of the rights of citizens from the side of unfair participants of the market of the real estate (The review on Tolyatti for 2008)

Book review
D.A. Pashentsev
Civil legal regulation of market social services. Review of a monograph AV Barkova «Tsivilisticheskaya concept legal regulation of social market ». M.: IG «Lawyer», 2008
I.Z. Farkhutdinov
«Based on international law ...». Review the book: Public international law: training. / LP Anufrieva, KA Bekyashev, EG Moiseev, VV Ustinov [and others]; TOB. Ed. KA Bekyashev. - 5 th ed., revised. and add. - Moscow: Prospect, 2008. - 1008 p.

Aphorisms to Professor Z.M. Fatkudinov

Information for authors

Information about authors

Constitutional Law
O.H. Namsaraeva
Constitutional court of republic Buryatia in the system of public authorities
The present article defines the place and the role of Constitutional Court of Republic of Buryatia in system of Public Authorities of Buryatia. Important value is given to the question of the reciprocal relation with other agencies of State power of Republic of Buryatia, taking into account the principle of division of sovereignty of power, which considers not only the autonomy and independence of legislative (representative) agency of State power of Region, President, Administration and Judicial authority of Republic, but also their unity and cooperation. Special attention is paid to the problems of reciprocity of Public Authorities of Republic of Buryatia with Constitutional Court of Republic based on the decisions made by Court on complaints and application of Public Authorities.
Key words: Republic of Buryatia, Constitutional Court of Republic of Buryatia, agencies of State power
Work bibliographic list
1. Budaev K.A. O stanovlenii i razvitii pravovyh osnov konstitucionnoj justicii v sub"ektah Rossijskoj Federacii // Mezhdunarodnyj konstitucionalizm. – 2006. – # 1.
2. Gavrjusov Ju.V. Problemy stanovlenija konstitucionnoj justicii v sub"ektah RF. – Syktyvkar, 2005.
3. Goshuljak V.V., Hovrina L.I., Gevorkjan T.I. Konstitucionnoe pravosudie v sub"ektah Rossijskoj Federacii. – M.: Al'fa-M, 2006.
4. Ivajlovskij D.A. Gosudarstvennost', konstitucionno-pravovoj status respublik v sostave Rossijskoj Federacii i puti sovershenstvovanija na sovremennom jetape (na primere Respubliki Burjatija). – Ulan-Udje, 2006.
5. Krjazhkov V.A. Regional'naja konstitucionnaja justicija: polozhenie del i sovershenstvovanie pravovyh osnov funkcionirovanija // Konstitucionnye osnovy sudebnoj vlasti: Materialy Vserossijskoj nauchnoj konferencii. – M., 2003.
6. Kuz'min V.A., Kirova E.V. Kommentarij k Federal'nomu zakonu ot 17 janvarja 1992 g. # 2202-1 «O Prokurature Rossijskoj Federacii» // SPS «Konsul'tantPljus», 2007.
7. Kuzjaev Ju.A. O nekotoryh problemah regional'noj konstitucionnoj justicii // Konstitucionnoe pravosudie v RF: pravovoe regulirovanie, opyt, perspektivy: Materialy Vserossijskoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. – Kazan', 2005.
8. Suhacheva V.V. Konstitucionnoe pravosudie v Respublike Karelija: znachenie, pravovoe regulirovanie i problemy realizacii // Konstitucionnaja (ustavnaja) justicija v sub"ektah Rossijskoj Federacii: koncepcija i problemy realizacii: Vtoraja ezhegodnaja nauchno-prakticheskaja konferencija «Pravo i politika–2005». – SPb., 2005.
9. Hamnuev Ju.G. Teoretiko-pravovye osnovy formirovanija konstitucionnogo zakonodatel'stva sub"ektov Rossijskoj Federacii (na primere Respubliki Burjatija). – Ulan-Udje, 2006.

Educational Law
E.S. Kananykina
Resources of educational law in northern law system
Denmark, Norway, Finland and Sweden are among the most technologically advanced countries in the world. It is not surprising, therefore, to find sophisticated online systems offering extensive access to legal information in each country. This article briefly traces the development of legal system in Denmark, Norway, Finland and Sweden, which consist of legislation, from the Constitution to regular Acts of Parliament, Presidential (Crown) Decrees, Government Decrees, Ministry Decrees and various other types of subordinate regulation, is print in the Statute Book. In addition, it provides a country by country overview of the legal databases and guides to legal resources of education that are currently available. It should be noted that, while Denmark and Sweden are members of the European Union, this article does not cover the databases in either country specifically devoted to European Union law. Appendices at the end of the article contain separate tables listing the major legislative history, statutory, administrative, and case law sources for each country. The tables identify the Internet databases that provide access to a particular legal source.
Key words: the educational system in the northern law, the system of education in Scandinavia region, lifelong learning.
Work bibliographic list
1. Antonov A. N. Shvecija: protivorechivye processy razvitija. – M., 1977.
2. Bagreeva E.G., Bargeeva E.V. Social'no-psihologicheskie osobennosti sistemy obrazovanija v Norvegii // Mir obrazovanija – obrazovanie v mire. – 2002. – # 2.
3. Gradobitova L.D. Danija: nekotorye aspekty social'no-jekonomicheskogo razvitija // Social'noe obrazovanie. – 1990. – # 12.
4. Derjabin Ju.S. Finljandija – odna iz mirovyh liderov v obrazovanii // Pedagogika. – 2004. – # 4.
5. Djunai A. Narodnoe zakonodatel'stvo Shvecii. – M., 1906.
6. Lugovskaja I. R. Sistema obrazovanija v Irlandii // Pedagogika. – 2003. – # 10.
7. Oittinen R.H. Stoletie narodnoj shkoly v Finljandii // Sovetskaja pedagogika. – 1996. – # 11.
8. Saidov A.H. Sravnitel'noe pravovedenie i juridicheskaja geografija mira. – M., 1993.
9. Sokolov E. M. Differenciacija obrazovanija v shkolah Skandinavskih stran // Sovetskaja pedagogika. – 1963. – # 4.
10. Shishov S.E. Mehanizmy kontrolja i ocenki jeffektivnosti dejatel'nosti v sistemah obrazovanija evropejskih stran // Standarty monitoringa v obrazovanii. – 1999. – # 3.
11. Askling B., Foss–Fridlizius R. Lifelong learning in Swedish Universities a familiar policy in the new meanings // European Journal of education. – 2001. – Vol. 36. – # 3.
12. Askling B., Foss–Fridlizius. R. LLL & Higher Education: the Swedish case // European Journal of education. – 2000. – Vol. 35. – # 3.
13. Brandt E. Policies for Lifelong Learning and for Higher Education in Norway: correspondence or contradiction? // European Journal of education. – 2000. – Vol. 35. – # 3.
14. Gomard B. Civil law, Common law, Scandinavian law // Scandinavian Studies of law. – 1968. – Vol. 5.
15. Holtta S. From Ivory Towers to Regional Networks in Finnish Higher Education // European Journal of education. – 2000. – Vol. 35. – # 4.
16. Kivinen O., Hedman J. From a Loan–Based to a Grant–Based Student Support System: the Finnish experience // European Journal of education. – 2000. – Vol. 35. – # 1.
17. Lodrup P. Norway – sources of law // International Encyclopedia of Comparative law. – 1973. – Vol. 1.
18. Skodvin O. The reorganization of non–university higher education in Norway: problems and potentials. Tertiary Ed. & Mgt. –1997. – # 3 (4).

The right to social protection
N.V. Zaharenkov
Formation of the state’s youth policy in the transformation
In the article, based on an analysis of the basic regulations governing the implementation of youth policy are discussed problematic issues of it`s implementation in the modern Russian state.
Key words: internal politics of the state, youth policy, social protection.

P.N. Birjukov
Political parties in Slovenia: Creation and financing
The present work is based on the study of constitutional law and electoral legislation of the creation and funding of political parties in Slovenia. In the present work the issues of elections, regulation of political financing in Slovenia, the problem of accountability of political parties and polling companies, the sanctions for violations of the law on political funding are highlighted.
Key words: political parties, Slovenia, political financing, the right to vote.
Work bibliographic list
1. Birjukov P. N. Ugolovnaja otvetstvennost' juridicheskih lic za prestuplenija v sfere jekonomiki (opyt inostrannyh gosudarstv). – M., 2008.
2. Pernek F., ?kof B.: Finan?no pravo in javne Finance, splo?ni del, Pravna fakulteta. – Maribor, 1997.
3. Rupnik J., Cijan R., Grafenauer B.: Ustavno pravo, Knj. 1, Splo?ni del, Pravna 1, Splo?ni dele, Pravnafakulteta, Maribor 1996. fakulteta. – Maribor, 1996.

Human rights
O.V. Mozgovoy
Concept and essence of private life of the person at the present stage of development of a society and the legislation
Private life, being one of the basic constitutional laws of the person and the citizen, reflects aspiration of everyone to have the own world of the intimate, family, business and other interests which are not subject to the control on the part of the state, a society and separate citizens; also an interdiction on intrusions from the outside in sphere of those sides of life by which they do not wish to make by property of other persons.
Fixed in Constitutions of the Russian Federation the right on inviolability of private life being the constitutional norm and in the general form defines essence of the guaranteed right on private life, leaving an opportunity of detailed elaboration of this right in the branch legislation. Each of branches of the law (criminal, criminal - remedial, civil, civil-remedial) in which questions of protection of private life are mentioned, adjust relations on realization of the given right
Thus, the legislator precisely has not formulated definition of concept of "private life" of the person.
In given article the concept and the maintenance of private life of the person both in jurisprudence, and in sociology, philosophy, ethics is considered. In the conclusion of article the author's concept of private life necessary for increase of efficiency of its criminal - right protection is offered.
Key words: personal rights, private life, inviolability, secret.
Work bibliographic list
1. Beljaeva N.G. Pravo na neprikosnovennost' chastnoj zhizni: sootnoshenie mezhdunarodno-pravovoj i vnutrigosudarstvennoj reglamentacii: Dis. … kan. jurid. nauk. – Ekaterinburg, 2000.
2. Guliev V.E., Rudinskij F.M. Socialisticheskaja demokratija i lichnye prava. – M., 1984.
3. Dal' V.I. Slovar' zhivogo velikorusskogo jazyka: V 4 t. – M., 1965. – T. 4.
4. Zamoshkin Ju.A. Chastnaja zhizn', chastnyj interes, chastnaja sobstvennost' // Voprosy filosofii. – 1991. – # 1.
5. Kalashnikova E.E. Ugolovno-pravovoe obespechenie neprikosnovennosti informacii o chastnoj zhizni: Dis. ... kand. jurid. nauk. – M., 2001.
6. Kacalov V.P. Chastnaja zhizn' kak pravovaja kategorija. Pravo grazhdan na informaciju i zashhita neprikosnovennosti chastnoj zhizni: Sbornik nauchnyh trudov / Pod red. V.M.Baranova. – N. Novgorod: Nizhegorodskij juridicheskij institut MVD RF, 1999. – Ch. 1.
7. Kashepov V.P. Kommentarij k Konstitucii Rossijskoj Federacii / Pod red. L.A.Okun'kova. – M.: BEK, 1996.
8. Kommentarij k Konstitucii Rossijskoj Federacii / Otv. red. L.A.Okun'kov. – M., 1994.
9. Krasikov A.N. Ugolovno-pravovaja ohrana prav i svobod cheloveka v Rossii. – Saratov, 1996.
10. Lopatin V.N. Zashhita prava na neprikosnovennost' chastnoj zhizni // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. – 1999. – # 1.
11. Malein N.S. Ohrana prav lichnosti sovetskim zakonodatel'stvom. – M.: Nauka, 1985.
12. Malenina M.N. Lichnye neimushhestvennye prava grazhdan: ponjatie, osushhestvlenie, zashhita. – M.: MZ-Press, 2000.
13. Naumov A.V. Ugolovnyj zakon i prava cheloveka // Sovetskoe gosudarstvo i pravo. – 1990. – # 1.
14. Ozhegov S.I. Slovar' russkogo jazyka / Pod red. N.Ju.Shvedovoj. – 14-e izd. – M.: Rus. jaz., 1982.
15. Petruhin I.L. Lichnaja zhizn': predely vmeshatel'stva. – M.: Jurid. lit., 1989.
16. Romanovskij G.B. Pravo na neprikosnovennost' chastnoj zhizni. – M.: MZ-Press, 2001.
17. Rudinskij F.M. Teoreticheskie problemy lichnyh konstitucionnyh prav i svobod sovetskih grazhdan: Avtoref. dis. … d-ra jurid. nauk. – M., 1980.
18. Slovar' po jetike / Pod red. A.A.Gusejnova i I.S.Kona. – M., 1989.
19. Sovetskij jenciklopedicheskij slovar'. – M., 1988.
20. Stecovskij Ju.I. Pravo na svobodu i lichnuju neprikosnovennost': normy i dejstvitel'nost'. – M.: Delo, 2000.
21. Filosofija ugolovnogo prava. – SPb., 2005.
22. Jenciklopedicheskij slovar' Brokgauza i Efrona. – SPb., 1901. – T. 64.

Public international law
R.F. Mamedov
R.S. Abiev
International legal principles of the implementation economic sovereignty of the Azerbaijan republic
The article deals with embodied in international law principles of realization of the economic sovereignty of the State in relation to the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Key words: sovereignty, economic sovereignty, the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Work bibliographic list
1. Baratov U. Azerbajdzhan – Kazahstan: gorizonty druzhby // Kaspij. – 2008. – 12 oktjabrja.
2. Boguslavskij M.M. Pravovye aspekty mezhdunarodnoj jekonomicheskoj bezopasnosti. XXX ezhegodnoe sobranie Sov. assoc. mezhd. prava: Tezisy dokladov. – M.: Nauka, 1987.
3. Vel'jaminov G.M. Osnovy mezhdunarodnogo jekonomicheskogo prava. – M.: Nauka, 1994.
4. Vojtovich S.A. Principy mezhdunarodno-pravovogo regulirovanija mezhgosudarstvennyh jekonomicheskih otnoshenij. – Kiev, 1988.
5. Vojtovich S.A. Suverennoe pravo gosudarstva rasporjazhat'sja prirodnymi resursami i osushhestvljat' jekonomicheskuju dejatel'nost' // Pravovede¬nie. – 1990. – # 5.
6. Kovalev A.A. Samoopredelenie i jekonomicheskaja nezavisimost' na¬rodov. – M.: Mezhdunar. otnoshenija, 1988.
7. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo v dokumentah. – M.: INFRA-M, 1997.
8. Moiseev A.A. O sootnoshenii suvereniteta i nadgosudarstvennosti v sovremennom mezhdunarodnom prave. – M.: SPARK, 2007.
9. Smyslov M.D. Pravo na razvitie. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo v sovremennom mire. – M., 1991.
10. Abi-Saab J. Souverainet? permanente sur les ressources naturelles. Droit interna-tional: Bilan et perspectives / M.Bedjaoui (Red. gen.). T. II. P. (UNESCO), 1991.
11. Burns H.W. The Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States and the Deprivation of Foreign – Owned Wealth. American Journal of International Law. – 2001. – Vol. 112. – # 3.
12. Carreau D., Flory T., Juillard P. Droit international economique. – 3-me ed. – P., 1999.
13. Jessup Ph. A modern law of nations. – N.Y., 1999.
14. Krause L., Nye J. Reflections of the economics and politics of international eco-no¬mic organizations. International Organizations. – 1995. – Vol. 29. – # 1.
15. Viraly M. La Charte des droits et devoirs economiques desEtats. Annuaire Francaise de droit international. – P., 1994.
16. Walde T.W. A Requiem for the «New International Economic Order» – the Rise and Fall of Paradigms in International Economic Law. International Legal Issues arising under the United Nations Decade of International Law (Proceedings of the Qatar International Law Conference 1994) ed. by N. Al-Nauimi, R. Meese.The Hague, 1995.

Public international law
O.Y. Motorova
Collision regulation as a prerequisite and reference priority of international legal norms. Collision regulation in the evolution of the legal system Russian Federation
Contemporary trends of the world social development, that quite clearly show a necessity of coordination of international rules implementation with national legislation, have set a number of complicated theoretical and practical problems. The direction choice of further development of national and international law interaction considerably depends on the efficient solution of these problems.
The existing trend towards cooperation requires a firm unified legal foundation. Apparently, rules of National and International Law can`t be concerted completely. Consequently, there is a need in legal regulations, that determine a method of collision resolving and settling. For the purpose of designation of such a method, a conception of «collision regulation» is suggested in the article. The essence of that conception was deduced from the analysis of doctrinal and normative approaches to the problem of collision; with a proviso about understanding of the concept in context of different kinds of unconformities.
For a number of countries such collision regulation has been specified by defining a priority application of international legal rules in cases of unconformity and differences arising. In Russia that method is allocated in Paragraph 4 of Clause №15 of Russian Federation Constitution, 1993. Thus, the said regulation was allocated in the capacity of general law area of law application practice for the first time in Russia.
The article argues a problem concerning lack of uniqueness of different standpoints towards constitution regulation; lawmaker's attitudes and explanations of relevant authorities are examined in the article. It is also noted how the mentioned definition influenced legal rules of specific legislation. Analysis of the role of contemporary legal rules in case of application of Constitution regulation is provided. A number of problems that still are not settled at the legislative level are noted in the article.
For a better comprehension of contemporary situation in domestic and international legal rules correlation, the article includes issues concerning the origin and development of those legal regulations, that determine method of application of different-systems rules in cases of their unconformity.
Key words: collision, collision regulation, history of collision regulation, priority rule of law, priority of international legal rules, direct application of international legal rules, conflict of laws.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bajmahanov M.T. Protivorechija v razvitii pravovoj nadstrojki pri socializme / Otv. red. S.Z.Zimanov. – Alma-Ata: Nauka KazSSR, 1972.
2. Blishhenko I.P. Mezhdunarodnoe i vnutrigosudarstvennoe pravo. – M.: Juridicheskaja literatura, 1960.
3. Butkevich V.G. Teoreticheskie osnovy vzaimodejstvija mezhdunarodnogo i vnutrigosudarstvennogo prava: Avtoref. dis. … d-ra jurid. nauk. – Kiev, 1980.
4. Vlasenko N.A. Kollizionnye normy v sovetskom prave: Dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. – Sverdlovsk, 1982.
5. Vyshinskij A.Ja. Voprosy mezhdunarodnogo prava i mezhdunarodnoj politiki. – M.: Gosudarstvennoe izdatel'stvo juridicheskoj literatury, 1949.
6. Ignatenko G.V. Kollizii mezhdunarodno-pravovyh i vnutrigosudarstvennyh norm (prichiny vozniknovenija, juridicheskaja priroda, metody uregulirovanija) // Idei mira i sotrudnichestva v sovremennom mezhdunarodnom prave: Sbornik nauchnyh trudov / AN USSR; Institut gosudarstva i prava; Otv. red. V.N.Denisov. – Kiev: Naukova dumka, 1990.
7. Kudrjavcev V.N. Obshhaja teorija kvalifikacii prestuplenij. – M.: Juridicheskaja literatura, 1972.
8. Levin D.B. Osnovnye problemy sovremennogo mezhdunarodnogo prava / Pod red. D.A.Gajdukova. – M.: Gosudarstvennoe izdatel'stvo juridicheskoj literatury, 1958.
9. Lukashuk I.I. Normy mezhdunarodnogo prava v pravovoj sisteme Rossii: Uchebno-prakticheskoe posobie. – M.: Spark, 1997.
10. Lukashuk I.I., Shinkareckaja G.G. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo. Jelementarnyj kurs: Uchebnoe posobie. – 2-e izd., pererab. i dop. – M.: Jurist", 2004.
11. Lunc L.A. Kurs mezhdunarodnogo chastnogo prava: V 3 t. – M.: Spark, 2002.
12. Lunc L.A. Mezhdunarodnoe chastnoe pravo. – M.: Juridicheskaja literatura, 1970.
13. Marochkin S.Ju. Problema jeffektivnosti norm mezhdunarodnogo prava. – Irkutsk: Izd-vo Irkutskogo un-ta, 1988.
14. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo: Uchebnik dlja vuzov / Otv. red. professor G.V.Ignatenko i professor O.I.Tiunov. – 3-e izd., pererab. i dop. – M.: Norma, 2004.
15. Mironov N.V. Sovetskoe zakonodatel'stvo i mezhdunarodnoe pravo. – M.: Mezhdunarodnye otnoshenija, 1968.
16. Mickevich A.V. Akty vysshih organov Sovetskogo gosudarstva. Juridicheskaja priroda normativnyh aktov vysshih organov gosudarstvennoj vlasti i upravlenija SSSR: Nauchnoe izdanie. – M.: Juridicheskaja literatura, 1967.
17. Neshataeva T.N. Mezhdunarodnoe chastnoe pravo i mezhdunarodnyj grazhdanskij process: Uchebnyj kurs: V 3 ch. – M.: OAO «Izdatel'skij dom "Gorodec"», 2004.
18. Neshataeva T.N. Mezhdunarodnyj grazhdanskij process: Uchebnoe posobie. – M.: Delo, 2001.
19. Postatejnyj kommentarij k Konstitucii Rossijskoj Federacii / Pod obshh. red. V.D.Karpovicha. – 2-e izd., pererab. i dop. – M.: Jurajt-M; Novaja Pravovaja kul'tura, 2002.
20. Rozenberg M.G. Mezhdunarodnyj dogovor i inostrannoe pravo v praktike Mezhdunarodnogo kommercheskogo arbitrazhnogo suda. – 2-e izd., pererab. i dop. – M.: Statut, 2000.
21. Tille A.A. Vremja, prostranstvo, zakon: dejstvie sovetskogo zakona vo vremeni i prostranstve. – M.: Juridicheskaja literatura, 1965.
22. Tjurina N.E. Pravo mezhdunarodnoj torgovli: Uchebnoe posobie. – Kazan': Centr innovacionnyh tehnologij, 2003.

International investment law
El-Khadi Hamed (translation N.V. Morozova)
Recent trends and key issues on international investment agreements
International agreements for the promotion and protections of investments have become increasingly important for countries and policymakers around the world. In the absence of global investment rules, international investment agreements (IIAs) are concluded at the bilateral, regional and plurilateral levels. The universe of IIAs is becoming increasingly complex. Investment provisions are increasingly being formulated as part of agreements that encompass a broader range of issues, including notably trade in goods and services, but also intellectual property rights, competition policy, government procurement, temporary entry for business persons, transparency, the environment, and labour rights.
Keywords: international investment agreements, global investment rules, UNCTAD.

International investment law
E.R. Bozieva
Common and especially in American and European models of bilateral investment agreements
The article gives a brief history of the emergence and development of the legal security of this phenomenon, as an investment in the economies of other nations. It is noted that the current international economic and legal relations are walking different types of investment agreements. Among them are two most developed models: the American and European. The American model is characterized by the multilateral protection of the rights of American investors, as well as providing them with special legal regime. Thus, U.S. investors have an advantage over domestic investors.
In our view, the more progressive is the European model of bilateral investment agreements. It is the most flexible approach to determining the status of foreign investors and the balance based on their interests and the interests of the investment.
Key words: investment, investment agreements, bilateral investment agreements, protection of investors, foreign investors, domestic investors, the American model, European model.

International investment law
V.N. Lisitsa
The development of international legal regulation of the foreign investments
The present work based on the analysis of international law and foreign-country literature is considered the historical development of international legal regulation of foreign investment, provided the stages of development of international law on investment activities and foreign investment, describes their characteristics.
Keywords: foreign investment, international legal regulation, investment law.
Work bibliographic list
1. Вознесенская Н.Н. Иностранные инвестиции и смешанные предприятия в странах Африки. – М., 1975.
2. Ленин В.И. Полное собрание сочинений. – М., 1973. – Т. 27. 3. Международное частное право в избранных документах / Сост. Г.Е.Вилков. – М., 1961.
4. Международное частное право: Сборник документов / Сост.: К.А.Бекяшев, А.Г.Ходаков. – М.: БЕК, 1997.
5. Правовое регулирование иностранных капиталовложений в развивающихся странах. (Страны Африки и Арабского Востока): Сборник нормативных актов / Под ред. М.И.Кулагина. – М., 1991.
6. Abs H., Shawcross H. The Proposed Convention to Protect Private Foreign Investment: a Round Table: Comment on the Draft Convention by Its Authors // Journal of Public Law. – 1960. – Vol. 9.
7. Craig P., Gr?inne de B?rca EU Law: Text, Cases, and Materials. – Oxford, 1998.
8. International Economic Law. Basic Documents. Second Edition / Edited by Ph.Kunig, N.Lau, W.Meng. – Berlin; N.Y., 1993.
9. International Investment Agreements: Key Issues / UN. Conference on Trade and Development. – N.Y.; Geneva, 2004. – Vol. 1.
10. Legal Framework for the Treatment of Foreign Direct Investment. – Washington, 1992. – Vol. II.
11. Legal Problems of International Economic Relations: 2002 Documents Supplement / Edited by J.H.Jackson, W.J.Davey, A.O.Sykes. – St. Paul, 2002.
12. OECD Code of Liberalisation of Capital Movements. – Paris, 1990.
13. OECD Draft Convention on the Protection of Foreign Property Shawcross (1967) // International Legal Materials. – 1968. – Vol. 7.
14. Sella P. Dealing with Investment Problems: the World Bank and the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes // International Control of Investment / The Dusseldorf Conference on Multinational Corporations. – N.Y.; Washington; L., 1973.
15. Shihata I. Legal Treatment of Foreign Investment: «The World Bank Guidelines». – Dordrecht; Boston; London, 1993.
16. Sornarajah M. The International Law on Foreign Investment. – Cambridge, 1994.

The Law of International Organizations
N.Y. Silkina
Legal status of the international non-government organization « WORLD WIDE FUND FOR NATURE »
World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) is an important international environmental non-government organization, working on preserving wildlife and solving global ecological problems. Organizational structure of WWF is an example of a typical international NGO. Its head office is located in Switzerland and its national organizations are opened all around the world. Funding of WWF comes from different sources in Switzerland as well as from other countries including donations from legal persons, individuals, national organizations and charities. National organization WWF-Russia was founded in 1994 . Since that time WWF has successfully carried out more than 150 field projects in 40 Russian regions.
Key words: World wide fund for nature, international non-government organization, protection of wildlife, national organizations, organizational structure, funding.

European Law
Y.V. Movchan
The political and legal aspects of the integration process in the European Union
The key political and legal aspects the EU integration process, its aims and directions, as well as the factors influenced were analyzed in this paper.
Key words: integration, integration process, European Union, enlargement of the EU, widening, deepening, broadening.
Work bibliographic list
1. Topornin B.N. Evropejskoe pravo: Uchebnik. – M.: Jurist", 1998. ,
2. Willem Frijhoff, Marijke Spies, Kees Schuyt, Ed Taverne. Dutch Culture in a European Perspective: 1950: prosperity and welfare / Uitgeverij Van Gorcum, 2004
3. Schimmelfennig F., Sedelmeier U. Theorizing EU enlargement: research focus, hypotheses, and the state of research // Journal of European Public Policy. – Vol. 9. – # 4.
4. Friedrichs, J?rg, Mihov, Jordan and Popova, Maria,Synergies and Tradeoffs in International Cooperation: Broadening, Widening, and Deepening. EIoP. – 2005. – Vol. 9. – # 13.
5. Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe // Official Journal. Series C. –2004. – Vol. 47. – # 310.
6. Treaty of Lisbon amending the Treaty on European Union and the Treaty establishing the European Community // Official Journal. Series C. – 2007. – Vol. 50. – # 306.

Private international law
M.A. Manukyan
Determination of the law applicable to the legal responsibility of the parent company of a transnational corporation (TNC) for the obligations of its subsidiaries
In this article from the perspective of private international law the situations are analyzed, where the parent company of a TNC is obliged to bear a responsibility for the obligations of its subsidiaries. The author shows, that the traditional approach is the one that every legal person in a transnational group of companies is considered as a separate legal entity and possesses separate rights and obligations (entity theory). Nevertheless, in the legal theory and practice some mechanisms are developed, which allow ignoring separate legal personality of the subsidiaries in the situations, where their legal personality is used by the parent company as a protecting tool to commit wrongdoings. Author explores the main forms of affiliation establishment, t.e. by means of an affiliation contact, such like licensing, franchising, commission and agency, and through participation of the parent company in the charter capital of its subsidiary, and gives the approaches of determination of the law applicable to them. On the basis of the foreign doctrine of private international law and numerous cases, the author develops an individual viewpoint on the issue of the determination of the applicable law in the situations, where the parent company bears a legal responsibility for the obligations of its subsidiaries.
Key words: TNC, legal responsibility, affiliation, applicable law.
Work bibliographic list
1. Лунц Л.А. Многонациональные предприятия капиталистических стран в аспекте международного частного права // Советское государство и право. – 1976. – № 5.
2. Манукян М.А. Подходы определения личного закона юридического лица (lex societatis) в законодательстве и практике разных государств // Евразийский юридический журнал. – М., 2008. – № 5 (7).
3. Манукян М.А. Юридическая ответственность головного предприятия Транснациональной корпорации по обязательствам своих дочерних компаний // Гражданин и право. – 2008. – № 12.
4. Попондопуло В.Ф. Международное коммерческое право. – М., 2006.
5. Шумилов В.М. Международное экономическое право. – 3-е изд. – Ростов н/Д, 2003.
6. Aronofsky D. Piercing the Transnational corporate veil: trends, developments, and the need for widespread adoption of enterprise analysis // North Carolina Journal of International law (10). – 1985.
7. Blumberg P.I. The Corporate Entity in an Era of Multinational Corporations // Delaware Journal of Corporate Law. – 1990 // Westlaw.
8. Blumberg P.I. The Multinational Challenge to Corporation Law. – Oxford University Press, 1993.
9. Convention on the law applicable to contractual obligations of 1980 // Official Journal of the European Communities. – 1998. – C. 27–34.
10. Davies P.L. Gower’s Principles of Modern Company Law. – 6 ed. – London, 1997.
11. Dunning J.H. International Production and the Multinational enterprise. – London, 1981.
12. Giuliano M., Lagarde P. Report on the Convention (Rome) on the law applicable to contractual obligations of 1980 // Official Journal of European Communities. – 1980. – 31 October. – P. 0001–0050.
13. Guillaume F. The law governing the companies in Swiss private international law // Yearbook of Private International law. – 2004. – Vol. VI.
14. Hansmann H., Kraakman R. Towards Unlimited Shareholder Liability for Corporate Torts // Yale Law Journal. – 1991. – May.
15. Livingston J.M. The International enterprise. – N. Y., 1975.
16. Lowendfeld A.F. International litigation and the Quest for Reasonableness: Essays in private international law. – Oxford University Press, 1996.
17. Muchlinski P.T. Multinational Enterprises and the Law. – Oxford (UK); Cambridge (USA), 1995.
18. Schmitthoff C.M. The Role of the Multinational Enterprise in an Enlarged European Community // Bathurst M.E. Legal Problems of an Enlarged European Community. – London, 1972.
19. Westbrook J.L. Theories of parent company liability and the prospects for an international settlement // Texas International Law Journal (20). – 1985.
20. Wormser I. Piercing the veil of corporate entity // Columbia Raw Review. – N. Y., 1912.

Legal Practice
M. A. Granat
Widespread cases of infringement of the rights of citizens from the side of unfair participants of the market of the real estate (The review on Tolyatti for 2008)
In the article on the basis of personal legal practice of the author in Tolyatti for 2008 the most widespread cases of infringement of the rights of citizens from unfair participants of the market of the real estate are considered. The author is in detail describes the schemes applied by unfair participants of the market of the real estate and ways of counteraction infringements of the rights of diligent sellers and buyers of real estate are offered.
Key words: the real estate, infringements of the rights of participants of the market of the real estate, the transaction with real estate


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