Niels Blokker:
Law of international organizations in the 21st century: features of research and teaching
Dementjev A. A., Mikheeva V. I.
Tariff preferences in the EAEU
Mirzaev F. S.
Correlation of the principles of uti possidetis and self-determination in International Law
Shugurov M. V.
Eurasian technology platforms and intellectual property:prospects of digital transformation
Tarakanova Ya. V.
The concept and characteristics of sanitary and phytosanitary measures in the WTO
Banis P. A.
Internationally wrongful act in cyberspace as a violation of the principle of non-use of force
Mishalchenko Yu. V., Dmitriev M. D., Kodintsev A. Ya.
Implementation election rights through electronic voting in European Union and Russian Federation
Falkina T. Yu., Vorotnikova M. V., Isakova I. V.
Fundamentals of the legal status of an individual in the European Union
Martirosyan D. G.
Legal regulation of migration policy in the EU
Smbatyan A. S.
What are the prospects of the panel report with respect to legality of zeroing under the Anti-dumping agreement to stand on appeal?
Tran T. T. D
The responses of international arbitration institutions to COVID-19 pandemic
Mansour Mohammad
Features of legal regulation of registration and protection of trademark rights in the Arab Republic of Egypt
Rybin M. V., Guliev I. A., Lobov D. S.
The need for state support for the participation of oil and gas corporations in the formation of the venture market
Vrazhnov A. S., Sabiev S. Sh.
Current state and prospects of development of institutes of civil society in Russia .
Piskunova O. V.
Legal technique as a special legal means of ensuring the implementation of legal norms
Orlov M. A.
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on digitalization and automation in the Russian legal system
Shadrin V. V.
Stability of the state: legal view and Russian specifics
Evseeva O. V.
Execution of self-mutilating, painful and dishonoring punishments in the Russian Empire (16th -19th centuries)
Konareva I. A.
The concept of judicial power in the teachings of M. M. Speransky
Kulik A. S.
Solonevich’s socio-political views and their manifestations in the realities of the historical and political development of Russia
Loginov S. N., Kharaev A. A.
Modern understanding of legal progress in Russian legal science in the works of V.S. Nersesyants, L. Fuller and I.A. Pokrovsky
Kuskashev D. V.
Features of the evolution of the organizational and legal structure of urban self-government of the Yenisei province at the end of the 19th century
Musaeva A. G.
The emergence of state formations and formalization system of the law of peoples of Dagestan from ancient times until the second half of the nineteenth century
Saidova M. Z.
“Cold” demographic war in university courses in Modern history
Salmina S. Yu.
Organizational and legal formation of the prosecutor’s office during the NEP years
Yakovlev N. M.
Recovery of civil rights of Nikiforov V. V., a public activist of Yakutia, an institutor of progressive movement “Local Yakuts Unity” for Yakutia self-determination
Kulik A. S.
Monarchy and republic as two forms of government in relation to Russia and their advantages and disadvantages in the views of Ivan Lukyanovich Solonevich
Ustinov A. N., Yakimova E. M., Shapochansky V. N.
Securing the right to stable national currency: the practice of the USSR in the late 80s - early 90s of the 20th century
Khabibullina G. R.
On the issue of additional powers of constitutional and charter courts
Erboev M. N.
Features of the central bodies of state power of the Tajik people in the pre-Soviet period: constitutional and legal aspect
Suleymanov S. G.
On the issue of limiting ideological diversity:theory and practice .
Veretennikov N. N., Vetrova E. S.
On the constitutionality of certain provisions of section V of the Russian Federation Сode on Administrative Offenses
Kornienko O. V.
On some features of administrative responsibility under Article 19.29 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses
Pozdnyakova T. S.
Problems of providing pro bono legal assistance by lawyers during the period of restrictions associated with the Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID-19) in the Russian Federation using the example of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug – Ugra
Tsyndrya V. N., Yuzvak S. A.
On the question of the stages of the process of shaping the state policy of the Russian Federation
in the field of administrative penalties
Khaletskaya V. V., Belotserkovets D. V.
Conflict of interest as one of the problems arising in the implementation of the competition for vacant positions in the Central office of the Federal Tax Service and its solutions
Batmunkh Buzhinlham
The main directions of increasing the efficiency of the public security police in Mongolia
Leonova E. V., Morgunova N. V.
Violations of the legislation on the contract system allowed in the field of conclusion of a municipal contract in the sphere of procurement of goods, works and services
Abdulvagapov V. R.
The notion of entrepreneurs’ guilt as subjects of economic activity
Ananjeva E. O., Ivliev P. V.
Microtransport vehicles and their civil status
Glebova E. V.
Improving the institutions of representation and power of attorney in the light of the interaction
of civil and criminal law
Ivliev P. V., Koshelyuk B. E.
Unscheduled inspections of Rospotrebnadzor initiated by mass media reports
Zamalieva G. Kh.
Protection of the rights of construction participants in the Russian Federation: genesis and development prospects
Komissarov A. V., Mogilevskiy G. A.
Modern legal frameworks for compensating for moral harm in Russian law and law enforcement (judicial) practice
Mambetov M. M., Odegnal E. A.
Apartment building as an object of civil and housing rights .
Neverov V. I.
Actual problems of the division of common property in the law enforcement practice of the Russian Federation and ways to resolve It
Novikov A. V., Slabkaya D. N.
Intellectual performance insurance
Kirsanov V. O.
Guarantees of the implementation of the procedural rights of the main participants in the civil process in the field of electronic justice. Practical problems
Koval M. I.
Paid provision of services and features of their application in the penal system
Sudakova O. V.
Sources of legal regulation of the contract of carriage by rail
Trubina V. A.
Human embryo: legal regime and new achievements in biotechnology
Chupikina A. F.
Legal personality of robots and the social state: some questions
Chursina A. S.
The doctrine of estoppel in Russian civil law: legal basis and history of provision
Esendirov A. V.
Theoretical Problems of the Directors’ Liability Insurance and Their Reflection in Judicial Practice
Fan J.
Structure and innovation of China’s foreign investment law
Kirsanov V. O., Kulakov M. P.
General provisions of procedural guarantees of the rights of persons participating in the case in the field of electronic justice
Shtepa T. V.
Comprehensive legal characterization of fee-for educational services agreements
Neznamov A. V.
On the impact of digital technologies on the civil procedure legislation
Sarankina Yu. A.
Theoretical and legal analysis of the concept and essence of office and labor legal relationship in the internal affairs
Zhadobina N. N.
Public councils under financial institutions of state power and local self-government as a form of citizen participation in the financial activities of the state and municipalities
Matveeva E. Yu.
The insurance contract as a contract of adhesion
Khomenko A. M.
“Soft law” as a method of regulating international financial relations
Grudnov D. V.
On the first practice of normative consolidation of initiative budgeting in the Russian Federation
Aliev Sh. I., Alieva Z. M.
Tax control in the UK as a source of borrowing international experience and increasing the efficiency of tax control mechanisms in Russi
Evtushenko K. A., Azarkhin A. V.
System of legislation of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees
Kazakova N. V.
Environmental legal problems of the Russian oil and gas complex
Aliev Sh. I., Kakhrumanova Sh. A., Chaptieva Z. Sh.
Purpose as a sign of the subjective part of the crime provided by Art. 202 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, its criminal significance
Askarova A. R., Yusupova S. I.
Some questions regarding counteraction to recidivism
Bidova B. B.
National interests and their reflection in the criminal law system
Brashnina о. а.
The evolution of norms about the criminal liability for theft of weapons in the pre-revolutionary period in Russia
Gazizov T. I.
Actual problems in identifying a crime under Article 174 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation
Gutieva I. G.
The concept and types of malpractice
Komarova L. V.
The legislative evolution of the circumstances mitigating punishment
Payzulaeva B. A., Abdurakhmanova M. S., Alieva U. T.
Specific features of criminal responsibility for violation of copyright and related rights related to the use of the Internet
Sokolova T. S., Khakimova E. R.
On the prevention of crimes against the person in the Russian Federation
Shamaev A. M., Bondar A. G.
Personal characteristics and behavioral component of the suspect as indirect evidence of his guilt
in committing fraudulent actions
Shaganova O. М.
A teacher of an educational organization of higher education, as a subject of receiving a bribe or petty bribery: an analysis of theory and law enforcement practice
Yaroslavskiy M. A.
Some issues of regulation of reasonable risk in foreign legal systems
Jumshudyan H. G.
Age of the subject in bringing to justice for hooliganism in the Criminal Code of Armenia and Russia (comparable analysis)
Ivleva A. A.
To the question about subjective and objective signs of the composition of the crime provided by Article 110 of the Сriminal Сode of the Russian Federation (incitement to suicide)
Shukshina T. A.
To the question of the subject of tax evasion in Germany
Niftalieva I. A.
Selected problems in the implementation of the principle of fairness in sentencing
Avlasevich I. A., Nazarov A. D.
Digitalization in the Prosecutor’s office
Babkina E. V., Nikitin D. A., Kolodovskiy A. A.
On the features of the detention of women in custody in pre-trial detention centers of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia
Garanzha A. Yu.
The problems of exams by Russian regular court of the defense’s plea of entrapment
Zaytseva E. V.
Criminal procedure and organizational aspects of investigation of crimes in the credit and financial sphere
Zapivalov D. A., Fedoseev K. V.
The need for the prosecutor to participate in criminal proceedings
Kangezov M. R., Lobova S. A.
Legal regulation of the use of electronic documents in the criminal process in Russia .
Kuzmin S. V., Vasiljev D. V.
Criminal procedural and criminalistic peculiarities of arresting securities
Milikova A. V., Peskovatskova A. V.
Form of expression of criminal procedure acts preliminary investigation bodies
Osodoeva N. V., Tsyretorov A. I.
Some problems of the suspect’s realization of the right to defense at the stage of initiation of a criminal case
Pankratov A. S., Sadrislamov A. K.
Counteraction to illegal traffic in narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their analogues, which are organized using cell phones and their capabilities
Shuvalov D. N.
Criminal-procedural and criminalistic features of the search during the investigation of the organization of prostitution
Belyakov A. V., Musaleva A. V.
Hidden punishments in Russian legislation
Golodov P. V.
Regional experience in rating the activities of penal enforcement inspectorates
Golubev A. G.
The obligation of the convicted person to work in the system of legal norms
Gryaznov S. A.
Features of production activities in the criminal executive system of the Russian federation
Marchenko D. E.
Service discipline in the penal system and the factors influencing on its maintenance
Marchenko S. V.
Basic methods of legal education of convicted women in Russia and abroad
Skobeleva O. O.
Features of prevention of extremism and terrorism in correctional institutions in Russia and abroad
Davydova I. A.
The legal nature of the preferential calculation of the term of punishment in the form of deprivation of liberty when offsetting the time of detention
Gauzhaeva V. A., Lifanova L. G.
The concept of explosion and its relationship with some objects of forensic explosives technology
Glazkov A. A.
Use of computer technology in the activities of an investigator
Zyryanov I. V., Osyak V. V.
The concept and characteristics of violence in the sphere of family and domestic relations
Mukhtarov D. J.
Current problems of conducting complex examinations
Kardanov A. R.
Modern methods of forensic examination in the study of micro-objects
Klimova M. I.
Using the results of the OSA for the purposes of detecting crimes under Chapter 19 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation
Kolesnikova I. E.
An abuse in the expertise of the text: linguistic and legal discourse
Mukhtarov D. J.
Problematic issues in the production of forensic examinations
Strizhchenko I. A., Egorov R. P.
Actual problems of forensic accounting examinations in the investigation of economic crimes
Suleymanov T. A., Nazarkin E. V.,
Grigorjeva O. O., Popova N. A.
Circumstances to be established during the investigation of illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances in a correctional institution
Puptseva A. V., Rezvan A. P., Pavlenko N. O.
Polygraph as a scientific and technical tool of crime investigation
Imaeva Yu. B., Fayrushina R. D.
Some aspects of crime investigation at housing and communal complex enterprises
Mungalov E. A.
Mitragyna speciosa (Kratom), the problem of forensic identification
Nazarkin E. V., Suleymanov T. A.,
Bodko S. P., Seysebaev V. K.
Possibilities of using the accounts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia when making a presentation for identification, investigative experiment and verification of evidence on the spot during the investigation of thefts from citizens’ apartments
Fayzullina A. A.
Possibilities of forensic medical examination in the investigation of arson concealed murders
Kashchaeva M. V., Marakulin D. A.
National communities as a subject of counteraction to offenses (regional aspect)
Makoeva E. R., Mazdogova Z. Z.
About some specific features of minor criminals
Shmatov V. M.
Aspects of prevention of transnational organized crime by organization of international cooperation of law enforcement bodies
Savochkina D. O., Putrenko A. N.
Problematic issues of the use of physical force by police officers
Aripshev A. M.
On the question of methods of combating terrorism
Arkhipov E. V., Pesterev N. N., Muzafin R. R.
Goals and objectives of service sports of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
Gutieva I. G., Manukyan A. R.
Main methods of administrative activity of internal affairs bodies
Zhelonkin V. V.
The role of physical education in the professional training of cadets of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
Zhurtov A. B., Ordokov M. Kh.
Topical issues in the formation of the professional culture of the employees of the internal affairs
Nikitin A. I.
_uestions of psychological state and rehabilitation of police officers after the use of firearms
Nemesh O. M.
Ways to improve the effectiveness of professional training of police officers
Noskov O. S., Vagapov T. H.
On improving the implementation of social guarantees for employees of internal affairs bodies (in terms of paying for travel to the place of treatment and vacation)
Ismailov A. E.
Protection of family rights by the forces of the internal affairs of the Russian Federation
Samigullina A. F., Podgornaya A. A.
Legal and organizational problems of interaction of internal affairs bodies with state and non-state organizations in ensuring law and order
Tlupova A. V.
Expertise of regulatory legal acts carried out by territorial departments of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation as part of regional legal monitoring (on the example of subjects of the North Caucasus Federal District)
Tomas A. V.
On the need for an integrated approach to police training in the framework of professional physical training
Filippov V. V.
Practical interaction of investigative bodies and operational divisions of internal affairs bodies in the detection and investigation of crimes
Malina M. A.
Justice of the peace and society
Khakunov A. M.
Features of criminal proceedings against minors
Fastovich G. G., Ignatenko V. A.
Information and legal policy of modern Russia in the sphere of judicial activity: current issues, prospects for development
Kolomiychenko E. V., Vitcke R. E., Sorokur N. S.
Monitoring the current state of bribery
Chernyshova L. V., Kadyrova A. I., Nurgaliev A. R.
Influence of lobbyism on formation and implementation of state policy in public and political life
Tlupova A. V., Karchaeva K. A.
Regional legislative initiative in the system of the federal legislative process
Fastovich G. G., Kudashova I. V.
Effective model of civil society and public authorities: theory and practice
Zhurtov A. B.
On the question of defining the concept of «torture» in the modern world
Aripshev A. M.
Principles of countering extremism
Dzhavadyan Yu. R., Dosakaev A. B.
Application of the RICO law in the fight against organized crime in the United States and its possible use in Russian legislation
Koblov F. Ch., Urusov Z. Kh.
On some aspects of countering terrorism
Lyuev T. Kh.
Some issues of interaction between law enforcement agencies and local self-government bodies in the field of countering extremism
Misrokov T. Z.
Information aspect of countering extremism in the Russian Federation
Urusov Z. Kh.
On the issue of countering the involvement of young people in terrorist groups
Shogenov T. M., Buraeva L. A.
Extremism-an actual threat to the national security of the Russian Federation: concept and manifestations
Girenok G. A.
The use of information and communication technology in the process of teaching foreign languages in the language lab
Guseynova T. V., Bakirova L. R., Atnagulova A. D.
Features of the use of collective numerals in business documentation of employees of internal affairs bodies
Daurov A. I.
Legal education of students in secondary vocational education
Kuchmezov R. A.
Features of the use of the case method in teaching legal disciplines
Zheleznyak A. A.
Features of adolescent conflict
Teuvazhukov A. H.
Legal awareness of students as a result of the educational process
Titova O. Z.
Psychological and pedagogical support of the educational process in penal institutions
Strizhchenko I. A., Pryakhin A. S.
Socio-psychological characteristics of a terrorist group
Baeva E. A., Turbina N. M., Abdukarimova L. G.
To the question of standardization of the internal state (municipal) financial control
Galinurova K. R.
Method for assessing the effectiveness of costs for informatization of enterprise management
Terekhov I. G., Zenkova V. G.,
Morozova A. F., Terekhova L. A.
Nomenclature of indicators of technical and economic assessment of civil objects in the digital construction environment
Korovina L. N., Myalkina A. F., Tregubova V. M.
Application of professional judgment in accounting of intangible assets of an economic entity
Krasulina O. Yu.
Globalization of socio-economic processes of Arctic fisheries
Kryukova E. V., Matsuy E. A., Тeplinskikh E. A.
Impact of innovation processes on the sustainable development of region
Lutsenko I. V.
The role of the supply department in optimizing the company’s operations
Salov A. S., Kutlumbetova D. A.,
Terekhova L. A., Volkovinskaya V. L.
Digital modeling of technical and economic assessment of reproduction of civil construction objects
Poltorykhina S. V., Ablizina N. N. Salimov L. N.
On the issue of assessing the effectiveness of territories of advanced socio-economic development
Panosyan N. M.
The main problems of supranational regulation of foreign trade of an individual member state of the integration association (on the example of the Republic of Armenia)
Terekhov I. G., Zenkova V. G.,
Morozova A. F., Volkovinskaya V. L.
Relevance of technical and economic assessment of design solutions in the context of digitalization of construction
Shingareva Ya. A.
Model and formats for conquering international tourism markets
Akbasheva D. Kh., Sharipova E. A.
Legal regulation of religious education
Kudryashev A. F., Elkhova O. I.
Current philosophical problems of modern scientific knowledge
Nazlukhanov D. V.
Formation and development of environmental ideologies: sociophilosophical analysis
Prozumentik K. V.
Human being in the conditions of late-stage capitalism:universal labor, general intellect, multitude
Rakhmatullina Z. N.
The role of the spiritual and intellectual elite in the formation of the national idea and ideology
Seregina T. N.
The city as a space of transformation
Trofimtseva S. Yu.
Ban on unauthorized access to computer information as a measure to counter cyber crime: international recommendations and criminal legislation of the cis countries
Khayrullin R. N.
Informatization and personalization as tendencies in the culture of contemporary society
Dementjev A. A., Mikheeva V. I.
Tariff preferences in the EAEU
The article examines the reasons and the need to provide tariff preferences to developing countries in modern international market relations. In addition, the authors analyze the regulatory
framework of the Eurasian Economic Union in order to establish the compliance of its provisions
with the existing universal guidelines on preferential treatment in relation to developing and least
developed states.
Keywords: preferences, preferential regime, EAEU, EU, tariff, tariff preferences, economy, developing states, least developed states.
Work bibliographic list
1. GATT 1994 g. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija:20.07.2020).
2. Dogovora o Evrazijskom jekonomicheskom sojuze 2014g. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 28.07.2020).
3. Drobot E. V. Edinaja sistema tarifnyh preferencij Evrazijskogo jekonomicheskogo sojuza: osobennosti funkcionirovanija i napravlenija razvitija //Rossijskoe predprinimatel'stvo. - 2017. - Tom 18.- # 24. - S. 3997-4020.
4. Reshenie Soveta Evrazijskoj jekonomicheskoj komissii ot 13.01.2017 # 8 «O perechne tovarov, proishodjashhih iz razvivajushhihsja stran ili iz naimenee razvityh stran, v otnoshenii kotoryh pri vvoze na tamozhennuju territoriju Evrazijskogo jekonomicheskogo sojuza predostavljajutsja tarifnye preferencii». [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 01.07.2020).
5. Soglashenie gosudarstv-chlenov EAJeS s Socialisticheskoj Respublikoj V'etnam o svobodnoj torgovle 2016 g. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 01.07.2020).
6. Shumilov V. M., Mezhdunarodnoe jekonomicheskoe pravo: uchebnik dlja vuzov / V. M. Shumilov, I. V. Gudkov, K. S. Maulenov, Ju. V. Shumilov; pod redakciej V. M. Shumilova. — 7-e izd., pererab. i dop. — Moskva: Izdatel'stvo Jurajt, 2019. — 545 s.
7. The EU’s Generalised Scheme of Preferences. Oficial'nyj sajt Evropejskoj komissii. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 20.07.2020).
8. World Economic Situationand Prospects 2020. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija:20.07.2020).
Mirzaev F. S.
Correlation of the principles of uti possidetis and self-determination in International Law
This paper researches the contemporary problems of correlation between two principles of international law, the peoples’ right to self-determination and the principle of uti possidetis. The author pays a special attention to theoretical views of the Russian and Western schools of international law, as well as a contemporary state practice. The paper also analyses the international case law and practice of international organisations with respect to the correlation of these two principles. The main methods applied by the author for the research purposes are historical, legal analysis and comparative methods. It is concluded by the author that under international law, the peoples’ right to self-determination and the principle of uti possidetis have common points of cooperation as well as collision. Whereas, in the author’s opinion, in most of cases the principle of uti possidetis serves for protection of the territorial integrity of sovereign states by limiting the exercise of the right to external self-determination (secession).
Keywords: correlation of international law principles; self-determination of peoples; uti possidetis principle; cession; separatism.
Work bibliographic list
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Shugurov M. V.
Shugurov M. V.
Eurasian technology platforms and intellectual property:prospects of digital transformation
This article deals with analyzing of activity of the Eurasian technology platforms with a view of issues closely connected with intellectual property, such as protection of objects of intellectual property, distribution of rights, rights management and protection of the intellectual property rights. The author pays an increased attention to studies of provisions of the EAEU institutional bodies’ acts where these issues are stipulated. A decisive importance is given to justification of approach in accordance of which the success of EurasianTP’s activity will depend, firstly, on harmonizing the national legal systems in the area of intellectual property and, secondly, on including of a perspective of interaction between their participants concerning intellectual property to the strategies of functioning of EurasianTPs. In the article there is conducted the thought on that the addressing direction of regional cooperation in science, technology and innovation might gain momentum as result of integration with Digital Agenda of the EAEU.
Keywords: Eurasian technology platforms, law of intellectual property, rights management, integration in science and technology, digital transformation.
Work bibliographic list
1. Arzhancev S.A., Kokuvin E.V. Evrazijskaja sel'sko-hozjajstvennaja tehnologicheskaja platforma: normativno-pravovoj aspekt // Prikladnye jekonomicheskie issledovanija. 2018. # 4. S. 39-47.
2. Vartanov A.Z., Petrov I.V., Fedash A.V. Razvitie institutov evrazijskogo tehniko-jekonomicheskogo sotrudnichestva v oblasti razvedki, dobychi i pererabotki tverdyh poleznyh iskopaemyh // Gornyj zhurnal. 2017. # 11. S. 14-17.
3. Gustap N.N. Evropejskie tehnologicheskie platformy: ponjatie, istorija sozdanija, harakteristika// Izvestija Tomskogo politehnicheskogo universiteta. 2012. T. 321. # 6. S. 56-59.
4. Doklad o dejatel'nosti Evrazijskih tehnologicheskih platform. M.: EJeK, 2018. 37 s.
5. Evrazijskaja jekonomicheskaja integracija: perspektivy razvitija i strategicheskie zadachi dlja Rossii/ otv. red. T.A. Meshkova. M.: Izdatel'skij dom Vysshej shkoly jekonomiki, 2019. 123 s.
6. Evrazijskie tehnologicheskie platformy. M.: EJeK, 2017. 36 s.
7. Inshakov O.V., Inshakova E.I. Tehnologicheskie platformy v rossijskoj nanoindustrii: problemy i perspektivy razvitija // Vestnik VolGU. Serija 3. Jekonomika. 2017. T. 10. # 3. S. 7-20.
8. Odinnadcatyj Mezhdunarodnyj forum «Innovacionnoe razvitie cherez rynok intellektual'noj sobstvennosti». Sbornik dokladov, dokumentov i materialov // Pod nauch. red. prof. V.N. Lopatina. M.: RNIIIS, 2019. 436 s.
9. Rol' intellektual'noj sobstvennosti v razvitii evrazijskoj integracii / Pod red. S.B. Alieva. M.:EJeK, 2016. 52 s.
10. Strategicheskaja programma issledovanij po biotehnologii. Evrazijskaja biotehnologicheskaja platforma (EABTP). M.: EvrazijaBio, 2016. 63 s.
Tarakanova Ya. V.
Tarakanova Ya. V.
The concept and characteristics of sanitary and phytosanitary measures in the WTO
In this article, the author identifies signs of sanitary and phytosanitary measures in the WTO rules and comes to the conclusion that these are measures of non-tariff regulation of international trade developed by the state, used to protect the life or health of people, animals or plants from actual risks of pests, diseases, harmful organisms, additives, pollutants, toxins or pathogens negative impact on them on the territory of a WTO member state. Scientific justification and proper risk assessment are prerequisites for the recognition of sanitary and phytosanitary measures by a WTO member. For the first condition, quantitative and qualitative criteria of scientific justification are taken into account, including the sufficiency and completeness of scientific data. The second condition means testing both this scientific rationale (the position must be recognized in doctrine and meet the requirements of the scientific community) and reasoning in risk assessment, which must be objective and consistent.
Keywords: sanitary and phytosanitary measures, WTO, international trade, non-tariff regulation measures, food security, WTO Agreement, scientific justification, risk assessment.
Work bibliographic list
1. Gorohov D.B., Gorohova Ju.V. Zhivotnye i rastenija- sub"ekty prava po zakonodatel'stvu Rossijskoj Federacii: konstatacija absurda ili nauchnoe otkrytie? // Advokat. - 2016. - # 11.
2. Golichenkov A.K., Ispolinov A.S., Kadysheva O.V. Jekologicheskaja sostavljajushhaja soglashenij Vsemirnoj torgovoj organizacii // Jekologicheskoe pravo.- 2014. - # 1.
3. Zhavoronkova N.G., Shpakovskij Ju.G. Pravovoe obespechenie jekologicheskoj bezopasnosti v uslovijah jekonomicheskoj integracii Rossijskoj Federacii: monografija. - M., 2017.
4. Zenkin I.V. Pravo Vsemirnoj torgovoj organizacii. - M., 2014.
5. Kashirkina A.A., Morozov A.N. Rossija, Evrazijskij jekonomicheskij sojuz i Vsemirnaja torgovaja organizacija: monografija. - M., 2014.
6. Panova A.S. Ob osobennostjah tehnicheskogo regulirovanija po pravu VTO // Biznes, Menedzhment i Pravo. - 2013. - # 1.
7. Pravo VTO: teorija i praktika primenenija: monografija / L.P. Anufrieva, V.A. Zhdanov, P.A. Kalinichenko i dr.; pod red. L.P. Anufrievoj. - M., 2016.
8. Rachkov I.V. Vsemirnaja torgovaja organizacija: pravo i instituty: uchebnoe posobie. - M., 2019.
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10. Smbatjan A.S. Klassifikacija mer kak prichiny vozniknovenija sporov VTO (chast' II) // Pravo VTO.- 2015. - # 2.
11. Smbatjan A. Primenenie sanitarnyh i fitosanitarnyh mer: obespechenie bezopasnosti i nedopushhenie protekcionizma // Korporativnyj jurist.- 2007. - # 4.
12. Fedosov Ja.K., Nikitina V.A., Norkina E.V. Mehanizmy VTO, napravlennye na ustranenie i minimizaciju netarifnyh bar'erov v torgovle sel'skohozjajstvennoj produkciej // Pravo i jekonomika.- 2017. - # 2.
13. Caplina A.A., Antonova D.Ju., Gal'ceva M.A. Podhody k ponjatiju «sanitarnaja i fitosanitarnaja mera» v prave Vsemirnoj torgovoj organizacii (VTO) i prave Evrazijskogo jekonomicheskogo sojuza (EAJeS) // Pravo i jekonomika. - 2017. - # 3.
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15. Charlotte E. Blattner Protecting Animals Within and Across Borders: Extraterritorial Jurisdiction and the Challenges of Globalization. Oxford University Press. 2019. Animal welfare.
16. International Economic Law and Governance: Essays in Honour of Mitsuo Matsushita edited by Julien Chaisse, Tsai-yu Lin. Oxford University Press, Jul 21, 2016. Law.
17. Kevin C. Kenned Resolving International Sanitary and Phytosanitary Disputes in the WTO: Lessons and Future Directions. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:h琀ps:// (data obrashhenija: 9 ijulja 2019 g.).
18. Pauwelyn J. The WTO Agreement on Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) measures as applied in the first three disputes EC – Hormones, Australia – Salmon and Japan – Varietals Journal of International Economic Law. Oxford University Press. 1999. P. 641–664.
19. Possible Object of a Complaint — Jurisdiction of Panels and the Appellate Body. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: h琀ps://琀lement_cbt_e/c5s3p1_e.htm (data obrashhenija: 9 ijulja 2019 g.).
20. Prévost M.D. Balancing Trade and Health in the SPS Agreement: The Development Dimension. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 9 ijulja 2020 g.).
21. Van den Bossche, P., Zdouc, W. The Law and Policy of the World Trade Organization: Text, Cases and Materials. Cambridge, 2017. 1122 p.
22. Vieira A.C., Thorstensen V. TBT, SPS and PS: are the wolves of protectionism disguised under sheep skin? [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:,%20SPS%20and%20PS_%20are%20the%20wolves%20of%20protectionism%20disguised%20under%20sheep%20skin.pdf (data obrashhenija: 9 ijulja 2020 g.).
Banis P. A.
Internationally wrongful act in cyberspace as a violation of the principal of non-use of force
Current article examines a possibility of qualification of an internationally wrongful act, committed with the use of cyberspace, as violation of the non-use of force or threat of use of force principle in accordance with Article 2 (4), as well as “armed attack” in the sense of Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations. It is noted that given a possibility of erroneous attribution of such an act, considering the peculiar features of the cyberspace, States ought to attribute them carefully and rely only on serious proof when considering responses.
Keywords: Attribution of responsibility, internationally wrongful act, use of force, cyberspace, law of international responsibility.
Work bibliographic list
1. Deklaracija o principah mezhdunarodnogo prava, kasajushhihsja druzhestvennyh otnoshenij i sotrudnichestva mezhdu gosudarstvami v sootvetstvii s Ustavom Organizacii Ob"edinennyh Nacij. Prinjata Rezoljuciej 2625 (XXV) General'noj Assamblei OON ot 24 oktjabrja 1970 goda. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 01.08.2020).
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5. Case Concerning Military and Paramilitary Activities in and Against Nicaragua, Merits, Summaries of Judgments, Advisory Opinions and Orders of the International Court of Justice, 1986. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 01.08.2020).
6. Case Concerning Oil Platforms, International Court of Justice, Reports of Judgments, Advisory Opinions and Orders, 2003. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija:01.08.2020).
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8. Gazula M. Cyber Warfare Conflict Analysis and Case Studies, May 2017. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 01.08.2020).
9. Ilyashevich M. V., Banis P. A. (2020) Application of Modern Technologies in Cyberspace and the International States Responsibility. In: Bogoviz A., Ragulina Y. (eds) Industry Competitiveness: Digitalization, Management, and Integration. ISCI 2019. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 115. Springer, Cham. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 08.08.2020).
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Mishalchenko Yu. V., Dmitriev M. D., Kodintsev A. Ya.
Implementation election rights through electronic voting in European Union and Russian Federation
The article discusses options for the implementation of citizens’ voting rights in the EU and Russia using electronic voting systems in terms of the «digital gap». The international legal standards of electronic voting systems are analyzed. Practical conclusions were drawn on improving the legislative framework of the EU and Russia.
Keywords: electronic voting, digital democracy, election system, EU, Russian Federation.
Work bibliographic list
1. Glaz'ev S.Ju. Informacionno-cifrovaja revoljucija // Evrazijskaja integracija: jekonomika, pravo, politika. 2018. # 1.
2. Zvorykina E.V. Perspektivy primenenija tehnologii blokchejn na vyborah v Rossii // Grazhdanin, vybory, vlast'. 2018. # 4.
3. Kersting N. Jelektronnoe golosovanie i demokratija v Evrope // Politicheskaja nauka. 2007. # 4.
4. Kirilenko V.P., Alekseev G.V. Jelektronnaja demokratija i gumanisticheskie principy // Upravlencheskoe konsul'tirovanie. 2019. # 6.
5. Potuzhnjaja M.A. Jelektronnoe golosovanie: Perspektivy pravovoj reglamentacii v Rossijskoj Federacii // Grazhdanin. Vybory. Vlast'. 2019. # 3 (13).
6. Titovskaja A.V. Jelektronnoe tajnoe golosovanie v Rossii i za rubezhom: sravnitel'no-pravovoj analiz // Juridicheskaja nauka. 2012. # 4.
7. Chimarov N.S. Pravovye standarty novyh tehnologij golosovanija v izbiratel'nom processe Jestonskoj respubliki // Upravlencheskoe konsul'tirovanie. 2015. # 5.
Falkina T. Yu., Vorotnikova M. V., Isakova I. V.
Fundamentals of the legal status of an individual in the European Union
The article analyzes the foundations of the legal status of an individual in the European Union.
The normative legal regulation of this sphere is revealed. The main institutions are analyzed within the framework of determining the foundations of the legal status of an individual in the European Union. The features of the legal nature of personality status are shown.
Keywords: rights, freedoms and duties of the individual, legal nature, law, European Convention
on Human Rights, European Union.
Work bibliographic list
1. Dogovor o Evropejskom Sojuze (novaja redakcija).[Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
2. Dogovor o funkcionirovanii Evropejskogo Sojuza(novaja redakcija). [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
3. Dorenko K. S. Sovremennaja social'naja politika stran Evropejskogo Sojuza: problemy i perspektivy razvitija // Juridicheskaja nauka. – 2017. – # 3. – S. 171.
4. Zaplatina T. S. Aktualizacija svobody lichnosti na samoopredelenie v prave na trudovuju mobil'nost' i vzaimnoe priznanie professional'nyh kvalifikacij v Evropejskom Sojuze // Aktual'nye problemy rossijskogo prava. – 2019. – # 2. – S. 168.
5. Iksanov I. S. Evropejskoe pravo: ucheb. posobie. —M.: INFRA-M, 2019. — 182 s. [Jelektronnyj resurs].– Rezhim dostupa:
product/995610 (data obrashhenija: 21.07.2020). – S. 76.
6. Makuev R. H. Pravovoe polozhenie lichnosti i institut grazhdanstva Evropejskogo Sojuza // Vestnik gosudarstvennogo i municipal'nogo upravlenija. –2016. – # 2 (21). – S. 111-114.
7. Makuev R. H. Pravovoe polozhenie lichnosti i institut grazhdanstva Evropejskogo Sojuza // Pravovoe gosudarstvo. Vestnik gosudarstvennogo i municipal'nogo upravlenija. – 2016. – # 2.
8. Hartija Evropejskogo Sojuza ob osnovnyh pravah.[Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
9. Jentin L. M. Evropejskoe pravo. Osnovy integracionnogo prava Evropejskogo Sojuza i Evrazijskogo jekonomicheskogo sojuza: uchebnik / ruk. avt. kol. i otv. red.L. M. Jentin, M. L. Jentin. — M.: Norma: INFRA-M, 2020. – 528 s. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 21.07.2020). – S. 309.
Martirosyan D. G.
Legal regulation of migration policy in the EU
The article presents an analysis of the legal regulation of migration policy and migration processes in the European Union. The relevance of the studied issues is confirmed by the following aspects: the European Union is faced with new problems stemming from general globalization and the expansion of cooperation between states. One of these problems is the strengthening of migratory movements. The effectiveness of the immigration policy of the European Union has a significant impact on the consolidation of society throughout Europe. When immigrants make up a significant part of the population, their participation in society becomes critically important. Successful integration of migrants into the host society is crucial to maximize the opportunities provided by legal migration and to realize the potential that immigration has for the development of the European Union.
Keywords: migration policy, migration processes, convention, declaration, migrant, law, directive, regulation.
Work bibliographic list
1. Magomedova D. M., Bijgishieva D. Sh. Voprosy regulirovanija migracii v stranah Evropejskogo Sojuza // Zakon i pravo. - 2019. - # 2. - S. 124-126.
2. C-528/11: Zuheyr Frayeh Halaf v. Darzhavna agentsia za bezhantsite pri Ministerskia savet // Published in the electronic Reports of Cases (Court Reports general).[Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 11.04.2020).
3. Consolidated version of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union // Official Journal. - 2010. - R. 83.
4. Convention determining the State responsible for examining applications for asylum lodged in one of the Member States of the European Communities – Dublin Convention. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 12.03. 2020).
5. Dublin Regulation on international protection applications. European Implementation Assessment.[Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: of access: 20.05.2020).
6. Eurostat Statistics Explained. Asylum quarterly report.[Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 12.03. 2020).
7. Regulation (EC) No 562/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 March 2006 establishing a Community Code on the rules governing the movement of persons across borders (Schengen Borders Code). [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 12.03.2020).
8. Regulation (EU) No 604/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 June 2013. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 12.03.2020).
9. The 1951 Refugee Convention. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 12.03.2020).
Smbatyan A. S.
What are the prospects of the panel report with respect to legality of zeroing under the Anti-dumping agreement to stand on appeal?
In the US – Anti-Dumping Measures Applying Differentiated Pricing Methodology dispute (DS534) the Panel concluded that the US zeroing methodology in calculating the dumping margin on softwood lumber from Canada did not violate the WTO Anti-Dumping Agreement. This decision blew up the public opinion. Canada filed an appeal, in which it asserts that by departing from interpretations established in previous disputes the Panel has erred in law.
Keywords: the World Trade Organization, dispute, precedent, the Anti-Dumping Agreement, zeroing, “cogent reasons”.
Work bibliographic list
1. Smbatjan A. S. Tolkovanie i primenenie pravil Vsemirnoj torgovoj organizacii. - M., INFRA-M, 2017. - 448 s.
2. Edwin Vermulst The WTO Anti-Dumping Agreement:A Commentary. - Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006. - 263 r.
Tran T. T. D
The responses of international arbitration institutions to COVID-19 pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic is a global health crisis with no clear end. It caused one of the most significant contractions in the global economy and negatively impacted almost every business sector. The arbitration proceedings, both domestic and international, have not escaped from these effects. Therefore, they are forced to adapt to the exceptional circumstances of the pandemic quickly. Critically, this has resulted in the promotion and adoption of electronic case management tools and the promulgation of many protocols and guidelines related to these new procedures. This article outlines how leading arbitration institutions have adapted their operations and institutional rules to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic. On that basis, this article gives the evaluation of those responses to lead a new direction for international arbitration after COVID 19.
Keywords: COVID-19 pandemic, arbitration proceedings, arbitration rules, arbitration award, arbitrator, virtual hearing, video references, emergency arbitrator.
Work bibliographic list
1. Arbitrazhnyj institut Torgovoj palaty Stokgol'ma, Novosti, 16 aprelja 2020 goda.
2. Vil'ske. S., vlijanie COVID-19 na mezhdunarodnyj arbitrazh-ikota ili povorotnyj moment? (29 maja 2020 goda). Sovremennyj Aziatskij Arbitrazhnyj Zhurnal, Tom. 13, # 1, S. 7-44, maj 2020 g., dostupno po adresu SSRN: [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
3. Virtual'nye slushanija, AAA-ICDR. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 22 maja 2020 goda).
4. Kontrol'nyj spisok po provedeniju slushanij vo vremena COVID-19, VIAC. [Jelektronnyj resurs].– Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 10 sentjabrja 2020 goda).
5. MEZhDUNARODNYJ KAMERNYJ KOM., Rukovodjashhaja zapiska ICC o vozmozhnyh merah, napravlennyh na smjagchenie posledstvij pandemii COVID-19, 22 (2020). [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
guidance-note-possiblemeasures-mitigating- effectscovid-19-english.pdf.
6. Obnovlenie LCIA uslugi: COVID-19, (18 marta 2020 goda). [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: update-covid-19.aspx.
7. Platforma SCC, dostupnaja dlja special'nyh arbitrazhnyh razbiratel'stv po vsemu miru, SCC (Apr.23, 2020). [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:https://
8. Ross. Je., 19 let: uchastniki dela SIAC deljatsja uspehom virtual'nogo slushanija, Gjeri (23 aprelja 2020 goda). [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: success-ofvirtual-hearing.
9. Ross. Je., Koronavirus: Kakoe Vlijanie? Global'nyj Arbitrazhnyj Obzor (7 marta 2020 goda).[Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
10. Rukovodjashhie principy HKIAC dlja virtual'nyh slushanij, HKIAC (2020). [Jelektronnyj resurs]. –Rezhim dostupa: /ck_filebro.wser/HKIAC%20Guidelines%20for%20Virtual%20Hearings_0.pdf.
11. CIETAC zapuskaet rukovodjashhie principy po aktivnomu i nadlezhashhemu arbitrazhnomu razbiratel'stvu vo vremja pandemii COVID-19 (Trail), CIETAC (28 aprelja 2020 goda). [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: p?m=Article&a=show&id=16919&l=en.
12. CIETAC Launches Guidelines on Proceeding with Arbitration Actively and Properly During the COVID-19 Pandemic (Trail), CIETAC (Apr. 28, 2020). [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: p?m=Article&a=show&id=16919&l=en.
Mansour Mohammad
Features of legal regulation of registration and protection of trademark rights in the Arab Republic of Egypt
The article deals with issues related to the regime of legal protection of a trademark in the Arab Republic of Egypt (hereinafter referred to as Egypt) on the basis of a comparative approach to the analysis of international legal regulations recognized by the state in this area in relation to the norms of national legislation in the field of intellectual property and legal protection of means of individualization of subjects of property turnover. In particular, the author concludes that the Egyptian legislator has created a complete system for the protection of intellectual property rights, and although this system is not optimal, it is still undergoing changes and modernization in an attempt to achieve an optimal structure for the protection of intellectual property objects, and thus minimize violations and violations of such rights.
Keywords: legislation of the Arab Republic of Egypt, legislation of the Arab States, national legal regime for the protection of means of individualization, international legal agreements, patent law, legal protection of intellectual property, trademark (trademark).
Work bibliographic list
1. Zakon ob ohrane intellektual'noj sobstvennosti v Egipte # 82 ot 2002 goda. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. –Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 25.07.2020).
2. Ahmed Abd Alhadi zhurnal Sed'moj Den'. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
3. Zashhita vashej torgovoj marki i avtorskih prav v Egipte. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
4bbf-80dd-01d935ac3064 (data obrashhenija: 28.07.2020)
4. Odincov S.V., Mansur M. Osobennosti pravovogo regulirovanija registracii i ohrany prav na torgovuju marku v OAJe // Sovremennoe pravo. 2019. # 10. S. 128-134. DOI 10.25799/NI.2019.51.50.002.
5. Registracija tovarnyh znakov v Egipte. /[Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija:26.07.2020).
6. Sudebnye procedury i strategii: Egipet: prichiny iska. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: obrashhenija: 27.07.2020).
7. Dr. Hassan El Badrawi (2004-06-04). «Role of the Judiciary in the Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights» (PDF) in Advisory Committee on Enforcement: Second Session.WIPO/ACE/2/6, Geneva: World Intellectual Property Organization. (data obrashhenija: 23.07.2020).
8. Dr. Hassan El Badrawi (2004-12-01). «The Egyptian Intellectual Property Law: Main Features and Compatibility with International Standards» (PDF) in WIPO National Training Workshop on Intellectual Property for Diplomats. WIPO/IP/DIPL/CAI/04/2, Cairo:World Intellectual Property Organization. (data obrashhenija: 27.07.2020).
9. Yasser OMAR AMINE, «Le droit international privé du droit d’auteur en Égypte : à la croisée des chemins», Revue Critique de Droit International Privé, janvier-mars 2013/1, pp. 75-100 (data obrashhenija: 24.07.2020).
10. Yasser OMARAMINE, «Abrogeonsl’article 148 duCode égyptiendelapropriété intellectuelle (droitdetraductione tdroitd’auteuren Égypte)», Communication – commerce électronique. Nov 2011. # 11. Alerte 88. P. 2.
Rybin M. V., Guliev I. A., Lobov D. S.
The need for state support for the participation of oil and gas corporations in the formation of the venture market
International experience has shown that for a long time, oil and gas corporations have been actively using venture investment tools to implement long-term high-risk innovative projects. This approach allows you to reveal the entrepreneurial potential of startups, a small sector of the economy in the development of high-tech solutions. Despite this, the practice of venture investment is very rarely carried out by domestic oil and gas corporations. A high level of awareness of the need for scientific and technological development does not lead to management decisions in the field of financing innovations. Given the initial role of the state in the formation of the Russian venture capital market and the high tax pressure on corporations, it is expected to develop new government measures to support oil and gas companies with state participation in order to increase the share of venture capital.
Keywords: venture investment, innovative development, oil and gas industry.
Work bibliographic list
1. Guliev I. A., Mehdiev Je. T. Analiz porjadka dostupa ob"ektov neftedobychi i neftepererabotki k sistemam truboprovodnogo transporta nefti i nefteproduktov v Velikobritanii // Internet-zhurnal Naukovedenie. - 2016. - T. 8. - # 5 (36). - S. 16.
2. Nikulina O. V., Miroshnichenko O. V. Sravnitel'nyj analiz osobennostej finansirovanija innovacionnoj dejatel'nosti kompanij neftegazovogo kompleksa v mirovoj jekonomike // Finansovaja analitika: problemy i reshenija. - 2016. - # 32 (314).
- S. 23-39.
3. Guliev I. A., Mekhdiev E. T. The role of fuel and energy sector in the eurasian economic community integration process // International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy. - 2017. - T. 7. - # 2. - S. 72-75.
Vrazhnov A. S., Sabiev S. Sh.
Current state and prospects of development of institutes of civil society in Russia
In the scientific literature there are many publications on the concept, meaning and types of institutions of civil society. However in these works, the focus is on doctrinal topics, and specific associations of people and their derivatives, existing in the Russian Federation, as a rule, remain outside the scope of research. Based on the research of a number of scientists, materials of journalists and personal practical experience, the following conclusions are made: the fundamental institutions of civil society in the Russian Federation are nonprofit organizations, the media, associations of researchers, as well as various forms of social activity focused on the implementation of human and civil rights and freedoms; in the future, the institutions of civil society will partly change and strengthen their influence on the power structures.
Keywords: civil society, institute of civil society, associations of people, non-profit organizations, mass media, associations of researchers, forms of social activity.
Work bibliographic list
1. Avak'jan S.A. Konstitucionnoe pravo Rossii: ucheb.kurs: v 2 t. T. 1. M., 2007. 719 s.
2. Andreeva N. Ne mogu postupit'sja principami //Sovetskaja Rossija. 1988. 13 marta. # 60. S. 3.
3. Beloljubskaja G.S. Jevoljucija predstavlenij o grazhdanskom obshhestve v istorii politicheskoj mysli// Vestnik Severo-Vostochnogo federal'nogo universiteta im. M.K. Ammosova. Serija: Istorija, Politologija, Pravo. 2016. # 1. S. 29-38.
4. Bojarskih A.V. Jetapy stanovlenija teoreticheskih koncepcij grazhdanskogo obshhestva // Administrativnoe i municipal'noe pravo. 2012. # 1. S. 12-18.
5. Vershinin A.A. Stanovlenie grazhdanskogo obshhestva na Zapade: istorija i osmyslenie // Kontury global'nyh transformacij: politika, jekonomika, pravo. 2014. # 2. S.51-60.
6. Vrazhnov A.S. Pravovoj nigilizm – estestvennoe sostojanie sovremennogo rossijskogo obshhestva //Grazhdanskoe obshhestvo v Rossii i za rubezhom. 2018. # 2. S. 42-44.
7. Vorob'jova Ju.Ju. Religioznye organizacii kak institut grazhdanskogo obshhestva: osobennosti pravovogo statusa // Administrativnoe i municipal'noe pravo. 2015. # 8. S. 865-871.
8. Galkina E.V. Grazhdanskie forumy kak forma razvitija grazhdanskogo obshhestva v sovremennoj Rossii // Vestnik Stavropol'skogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. 2006. # 44. S. 212-219.
9. Grudcyna L.Ju., Petrov S.M. Grazhdanskoe obshhestvo, narod i vlast': konceptual'noe ponimanie i rossijskaja specifika // Gosudarstvo i pravo. 2012. # 6. S. 5-15.
10. Grudcyna L.Ju., Dmitriev Ju.A. Instituty grazhdanskogo obshhestva v policejskom gosudarstve: osobennosti rossijskogo simbioza // Gosudarstvo i pravo. 2011. # 5. S. 17-23.
11. Grudcyna L.Ju. Svoboda lichnosti i grazhdanskoe obshhestvo v Rossii // Uchenye trudy Rossijskoj Akademii advokatury i notariata. 2011. # 1. S. 56-62.
12. Grudcyna L.Ju. Soderzhanie i klassifikacija institutov grazhdanskogo obshhestva v Rossii // Sovremennoe pravo. 2007. # 12-1. S. 21-28.
13. Domanov V.G. Istoricheskie formy sushhestvovanija grazhdanskogo obshhestva // Filosofija prava. 2008. # 6 (31). S. 64-68.
14. Kiseleva A.M. Mestnoe soobshhestvo kak osnova formirovanija grazhdanskogo obshhestva v Rossii // Vestnik Omskogo universiteta. Ser. Jekonomika. 2007. # 1. S. 64-68.
15. Lagutkin A.V., Grudcyna L.Ju., Trubnikov V.I. Formirovanie grazhdanskogo obshhestva v Rossii: konceptual'nyj aspekt // Sovremennoe pravo. 2013. # 5. S. 11-16.
16. Mal'ko A.V., Strus' K.A. Pravovye osnovy formirovanija grazhdanskogo obshhestva v sovremennoj Rossii (obzor materialov Vserossijskogo nauchno-prakticheskogo «kruglogo stola») // Gosudarstvo i pravo. 2011. # 9. S. 112-121.
17. Matuzov N.I., Mal'ko A.V. Teorija gosudarstva i prava: ucheb. M., 2011. 528 s.
18. Nikitina E.E. Institualizacija grazhdanskogo obshhestva v Rossii: istoriko-teoreticheskij aspekt //Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. 2017. # 2. S. 30-41.
19. Nikitina E.E. Razvitie idei grazhdanskogo obshhestva v trudah rossijskih pravovedov konca XIX – nachala XX v. // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. 2017. # 3. S. 29-40.
20. Nikitina E.E. Sistema institutov grazhdanskogo obshhestva v Rossii: konstitucionno-pravovoj aspekt //Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. 2017. # 6. S. 37-49.
21. Tihomirov Ju.A. Grazhdanskoe obshhestvo v fokuse prava // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. 2013. # 10. S. 35-45.
22. Usvatov I.S. K voprosu o strukture grazhdanskogo obshhestva: opredelenie ponjatija instituta grazhdanskogo obshhestva // Probely v rossijskom zakonodatel'stve. 2009. # 4. S. 82-84.
23. Sheverdjaev S.N. Potencial sredstv massovoj informacii kak instituta obshhestvennogo antikorrupcionnogo kontrolja // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. 2017. # 9. S. 142-150.
24. Vrazhnov A.S., Sabiev S.Sh. Civil Society Institutions in Russia: Current Status and Future Development //Journal of Environmental Treatment Techniques, 2019,Vol. 7, Issue 4: 537-541.
Piskunova O. V.
Legal technique as a special legal means of ensuring the implementation of legal norms
The article deals with theoretical and legal and practical aspects of legal technology as a means of ensuring the implementation of legal norms. Legal technology accompanies a legal norm at different stages of the legal regulation mechanism-from the development to the adoption of normative legal acts. At the same time, practice shows that not enough attention is paid to techniques and rules of legal technique, which negatively affects the quality of adopted acts, and, consequently, the level of their implementation. The author comes to the conclusion that in modern conditions in the process of law-making, the technical elaboration of a normative act is not the only condition for ensuring its implementation, and other factors must be taken into account.
Keywords: legal technique, implementation of law, legal means, law-making, law enforcement.
Work bibliographic list
1. Borisov V.V. O svjazi pravoporjadka i pravovyh otnoshenij // Voprosy teorii gosudarstva i prava. Aktual'nye problemy teorii socialisticheskogo gosudarstva i prava. Saratov, 1983.
2. Zakonodatel'naja tehnika: nauchno-prakticheskoe posobie / Pod red. Ju.A. Tihomirova. M., 2000.
3. Kashanina T.V. Juridicheskaja tehnika: uchebnik. M., 2007.
4. Miroshenko K.A. Tehniko-pravovye aspekty soderzhanija i struktury normativnyh aktov // Analiticheskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2011. # 2. S. 31.
Orlov M. A.
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on digitalization and automation in the Russian legal system
Automation processes are increasingly embracing the legal system of Russia. As of 2020, automation and digitalization has partially covered the Russian judicial system and is widely used in the process of bringing to administrative responsibility. It is planned to introduce automation processes in lawmaking, including the federal level. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic boils down to accelerating the mechanisms already laid down in the legal system through digitalization and automation. At the same time, some areas of legal regulation were not ready for a rapid transition to the digital space.
Keywords: legal regulation, automation, digitalization, digital transformation, law enforcement, COVID-19 pandemic.
Work bibliographic list
1. Baltrushevich Ju. V. i dr. KOIB: istorija sozdanija i primenenija: sbornik materialov / Central'naja izbiratel'naja komis. Rossijskoj Federacii. Moskva: CIK Rossijskoj Federacii, 2014. S. 169.
2. Bahaev A.Ju. Sistema «Big Data» i Sistema Ask Nds-2 kak innovacii v sisteme nalogooblozhenija RF. Potencial rossijskoj jekonomiki i innovacionnye puti ego realizacii // Materialy mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii studentov i aspirantov. Finansovyj universitet pri Pravitel'stve RF, Omskij filial. 2016. S. 22-24.
3. Kalinichenko P.A. Cravnitel'nyj analiz sistem jelektronnogo pravosudija v grazhdanskom i arbitrazhnom processe rossijskoj federacii // Zhurnal «Alleja nauki». # 6 (33). Izdatel'skij centr«Quantum», 2019. S. 617-621.
4. Mel'nichuk M.A., Kocurba S.S. Problemy cifrovizacii naselenija v sovremennyh uslovijah // Sbornik statej XXIX mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii, chast' II Moskva: «Nauchno-izdatel'skij centr «Aktual'nost'.RF», 2020. C. 137-140.
5. Chernogor N.N., Zaloilo M.V. Metamorfozy prava i vyzovy juridicheskoj nauke v uslovijah pandemii koronavirusa // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. 2020. # 7. S. 5-26.
Shadrin V. V.
Stability of the state: legal view and Russian specifics
The article is attempting to define and characterize the stability of the state from the point of view of legal science, noting the problematic aspects of the studied topic on the example of Russia. According to the author, the current understanding of state stability in science and practice should change. The stability of the state should be based on the depersonalization of power, the rotation in power and the stability of the legal system.
Keywords: stability of the state, rotation in power, personification of power, institution of successor, stability of the legal system.
1. Zakljuchenie Konstitucionnogo Suda RF ot 16.03.2020 # 1-Z «O sootvetstvii polozhenijam glav 1, 2 i 9 Konstitucii Rossijskoj Federacii ne vstupivshih v silu polozhenij Zakona Rossijskoj Federacii o popravke k Konstitucii Rossijskoj Federacii «O sovershenstvovanii regulirovanija otdel'nyh voprosov organizacii i funkcionirovanija publichnoj vlasti», a takzhe o sootvetstvii Konstitucii Rossijskoj Federacii porjadka vstuplenija v silu stat'i 1 dannogo Zakona v svjazi s zaprosom Prezidenta Rossijskoj Federacii» // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF, 23.03.2020, # 12, st. 1855.
2. Bol'shoj latinsko-russkij slovar'. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 10.08.2020).
3. V. Putin: Stabil'nost' – vazhnejshee uslovie razvitija strany. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 11.08.2020).
4. Guljaeva A.G. Institut preemnika kak model' vosproizvodstva vlasti v sovremennoj Rossii // Vestnik Permskogo universiteta. Politologija. – 2010.– # 3 (11). – S. 66.
5. Kitaev S.V. Problema politicheskoj stabil'nosti i ustojchivogo razvitija rossijskogo gosudarstva// Nauchnyj vestnik Volgogradskogo filiala RAN-HiGS. Serija: Politologija i sociologija. – 2017. –# 2. – S. 38.
6. Kljushkin E.A., Krasnickaja A.V. Vzaimosvjaz' kachestv lichnosti glavy gosudarstva i stabil'nosti gosudarstva // Nauchnoe obespechenie agropromyshlennogo kompleksa: sbornik statej po materialam konferencii. – 2017. – S. 756.
7. Kolotilin A.V. Stabil'nost' pravovoj i politicheskoj sistemy sovremennoj Rossii kak kardinal'nyj faktor vozrozhdenija i razvitija gosudarstva //Jekonomika i jekologicheskij menedzhment. – 2012. –# 2. – S. 202.
8. Krasnov M.A. Na puti k depersonifikacii rossijskoj vlasti: izmenenie statusa glavy gosudarstva // Politicheskaja konceptologija. – 2016. – # 4. – S. 92-94.
9. N. Patrushev ne dopustit «oranzhevoj revoljucii» v Rossii. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 11.08.2020).
10. Novaja filosofskaja jenciklopedija. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – rezhim dostupa: obrashhenija: 10.08.2020).
11. Protiv principa smenjaemosti vlasti. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija:25.08.2020).
12. Putin: sejchas vazhnee stabil'nost', a ne smenjaemost' vlasti. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 11.08.2020).
13. Romanovich N.A. K voprosu o personifikacii vlasti v Rossii // Vlast'. – 2009. – # 9. – S. 13.
14. Sociologicheskij jenciklopedicheskij slovar'. –M.: Izdatel'skaja gruppa INFRA-M – NORMA, 1998.
15. Hjejvud Je. Politologija. – M.: JuNITI-DANA, 2005.
16. Chaplin N.Ju. O sootnoshenii ponjatij «ustojchivost'», «stabil'nost'», «bezopasnost'» v kontekste issledovanija ustojchivosti gosudarstva // Vestnik mezhdunarodnogo juridicheskogo instituta. – 2017. –# 1 (60). – S. 111.
Evseeva O. V.
Execution of self-mutilating, painful and dishonoring punishments in the Russian Empire (16th -19th centuries)
The article is devoted to the analysis of the process of execution of non-custodial sentences in the framework of the historical approach.
The author considers the execution of corporal punishment in the Russian Empire. On the basis of legal sources, historical milestones and features of corporal punishment in the Russian Empire are determined.
Keywords: execution of sentences, physical punishment, branding, gauntlets, batogi, tearing away, execution.
Work bibliographic list
1. Dopolnenija k aktam istoricheskim, sobrannye i izdannye arheograficheskoj komissiej: V 12-ti t. S ukaz. – SPb., 1846-1872. T. 7: 1676-1681 / Pod. red. N.Kalachova. – SPb.: Tip. Jeduarda Praca, 1859.
2. Zhitie protopopa Avvakuma, im samim napisannoe / Pod red. N.S. Tihonravova – Sankt-Peterburg:Izd. D. E. Kozhanchikova, 1861 (obl. 1862).
3. Polnoe sobranie zakonov Rossijskoj Imperii. 1649-1825 gg. V 50 t. T. 2. / Pod red. M.M. Speranskogo.– SPb.: Izdatel'stvo: Tip. II Otdelenija Sobstvennoj Ego Imperatorskogo Velichestva Kanceljarii, 1830.
4. Polnoe sobranie zakonov Rossijskoj Imperii. 1649-1825 gg. V 50 t. T. 3. / Pod red. M.M. Speranskogo.– SPb.: Izdatel'stvo: Tip. II Otdelenija Sobstvennoj Ego Imperatorskogo Velichestva Kanceljarii, 1830.
5. Polnoe sobranie zakonov Rossijskoj Imperii. 1649-1825 gg. V 50 t. T. 26. / Pod red. M.M. Speranskogo. – SPb.: Izdatel'stvo: Tip. II Otdelenija Sobstvennoj Ego Imperatorskogo Velichestva Kanceljarii, 1830.
6. Polnoe sobranie zakonov Rossijskoj Imperii. 1649-1825 gg. V 50 t. T. 38. / Pod red. M.M. Speranskogo. – SPb.: Izdatel'stvo: Tip. II Otdelenija Sobstvennoj Ego Imperatorskogo Velichestva Kanceljarii, 1830.
7. Polnoe sobranie zakonov Rossijskoj Imperii. 1649-1825 gg. V 50 t. T. 25. / Pod red. M.M. Speranskogo. – SPb.: Izdatel'stvo: Tip. II Otdelenija Sobstvennoj Ego Imperatorskogo Velichestva Kanceljarii, 1830.
8. Sergievskij N.D. Nakazanija v russkom prave XVII veka. – SPb.: Izdanie knizhnogo magazina A.F. Cinzerlinga, Tipografija Ministerstva putej soobshhenija (A. Benke), 1887.
Konareva I. A.
The concept of judicial power in the teachings of M. M. Speransky
Тhe paper considers the positions reflected by one of the brightest and most active statesmen and reformers of the early 19th century M. M. Speransky in relation to the concept of the judiciary, its place and role in management, ways of influence on society, presents the division of powers and establishes the order of interaction between the Emperor and the judiciary. The author analyzes the position of the thinker on the relationship of law and the concept of morality, considered the admissibility, and the criteria for the use of procedural activities of these two forms of regulation of human behavior. This article presents the author’s position on the system of views of M. M. Speransky, his ideological positions on the development of the judicial system.
Keywords: M. M. Speransky, development of judicial system, court, sovereign power, separation of powers.
Work bibliographic list
1. Dovnar-Zapol'skij M. V. Politicheskie idealy M. M. Speranskogo. – M.: izdanie tovarishhestva I. D. Sytina, 1905. – 72 s.
2. Kaljagin V. A. Politicheskie vzgljady M. M. Speranskogo. – Saratov: izdatel'stvo Saratovskogo universiteta, 1973. – 49 s.
3. Olimpieva I. V. Stanovlenie sistemy podgotovki kadrov dlja Ministerstva justicii v Imperatorskom uchilishhe pravovedenija. // Izvestija Jugo-Zapadnogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Serija «Istorija i pravo». – 2016. – # 4. – S. 14-19.
4. Sovremennye zarubezhnye issledovanija russkoj pravovoj mysli XIX veka. Referativnyj sbornik. Vyp. 1/ Otv. red. N. N. Razumovich; Sost. i red.: Ju. S. Pivovarov. - M.: Izd-vo INION AN SSSR, 1982. – 260 s.
5. Speranskij M. M. O korennyh zakonah gosudarstva. –M.: JeKSMO, 2015. – 536 s.
6. Speranskij M. M. Porjadok i ego sledstvie v gosudarstve // V pamjat' grafa M. M. Speranskogo. 1772-1872. –SPb., 1872: izdanie Imperatorskoj publichnoj biblioteki. – 856 s.
7. Timoshina E. V. Rukopisnoe nasledie M. M. Speranskogo kak istochnik issledovanija ego pravovogo mirovozzrenija // Pravovedenie. – 2001. – # 3. – S. 220-224.
8. Tomsinov V. A. Svetilo rossijskoj bjurokratii. Istoricheskij portret M. M. Speranskogo. – 5-e izd, obnovlennoe i dopolnennoe. – M.: IKD «Zercalo-M», 2013. – 476 s.
9. Chibirjaev S. A. Velikij russkij reformator. Zhizn', dejatel'nost', politicheskie vzgljady M. M. Speranskogo. – M.: Nauka, 1989. – 219 s.
Kulik A. S.
Solonevich’s socio-political views and their manifestations in the realities of the historical and political development of Russia
The article analyzes some important aspects of the organization of state power in connection with the implementation of monarchical rule on the territory of our country. The socio-historical foundations of the presence of a monarchical system in the state are compared with the peculiarities of the historical, national and cultural development of the multimillion Russian people. The similarities and differences in the exercise of power in various social systems that have existed in Russia during different periods of history are revealed. The author analyzes the positive and negative sides of Solonevich’s views in relation to the specific historical circumstances of Russian society.
Keywords: Solonevich, monarchism, the Russian state, elite, “staff captains”.
1. Asonov N. V. Razvitie idei samoderzhavija v politicheskoj mysli russkogo zarubezh'ja // Sociologija vlasti. – 2009. – # 3. – [Jelektronnyj resurs].– Rezhim dostupa:
zarubezhya (data obrashhenija: 12.08.2020).
2. Atmachev S.I. Sushhnost' i organizacija verhovnoj vlasti v konservativnoj mysli russkoj jemigracii: dissertacija ... kandidata juridicheskih nauk:12.00.01. – Stavropol', 1999. – 184 s.
3. Beljaev A.E. I. L. Solonevich o grjadushhej Rossii // Vektory blagopoluchija: jekonomika i socium. – 2015. – # 1(16). – [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: obrashhenija: 08.08.2020).
4. Dendiberja A. A. Rol' idejnogo techenija konservatizma v formirovanii sovremennogo gosudarstva //Filosofija prava. – 2015. – # 3 (70). – [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
sovremennogo-gosudarstva (data obrashhenija: 12.08.2020).
5. Zakirov M.B. Proshloe i budushhee rossijskoj gosudarstvennosti v teorii narodnoj monarhii I.L. Solonevicha // Nauchnye vedomosti Belgorodskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Serija: Istorija. Politologija. – 2013. – #8 (151). – [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: obrashhenija: 12.08.2020).
6. Omel'chenko N. A. «Russkij opyt»: k voprosu o metodologicheskih podhodah i problemah izuchenija rossijskoj gosudarstvennosti // PolitBook. – 2015. – #
3. – [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 12.08.2020).
7. Solonevich I.L. Narodnaja monarhija. - M.: Jeksmo, 2003. - 608 s.
8. Solonevich I.L. Russkij put' // Solonevich I.L. Vsja vlast' – russkim mozgam! Sbornik statej. – SPb., 2003.
9. Tushkanov I.V. Politiko-pravovoe uchenie I.L. Solonevicha: dissertacija ... kandidata juridicheskih nauk: 12.00.01. - Volgograd, 2005. – 194 s.
Loginov S. N., Kharaev A. A.
Modern understanding of legal progress in Russian legal science in the works of V.S. Nersesyants, L. Fuller and I.A. Pokrovsky
This paper focuses on the thorough analysis of aspects of legal progress, as well as on the key stages of social and legal development identified by such authors as V.S. Nersesyants, L. Fuller and I.A. Pokrovsky. Special attention is paid to their general idea, namely, the sources of development of society, human inclinations that contribute to and hinder legal progress, and the perfect legal structure of society. In particular, the paper will point out the advantages and disadvantages of certain provisions, opinions, and this concept.
Keywords: legal progress, sources of development of society, criterion of legal progress, legal ideal, legal freedom, perfect legal structure of society.
Work bibliographic list
1. Avak'jan S.A. Konstitucionnyj leksikon: Gosudarstvenno-pravovoj terminologicheskij slovar'. M.:Justicinform. 2015. 348 s.
2. Vedeneev Ju.A. Jurisprudencija v jepohu peremen:predmet i struktura discipliny // Lex Russica. 2020. # 1. S. 88-118.
3. Kodan S.V. V.S. Nersesjanc o sootnoshenii prava i zakona // Rossijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. # 1.2019. S. 152-157.
4. Nersesjanc V.S. Pravovaja politika i sovershenstvovanie zakonodatel'stva: teoretiko-metodologicheskie problemy // Aktual'nye problemy sovershenstvovanija rossijskogo zakonodatel'stva na sovremennom jetape: materialy Vseros. nauch.-prakt. konf. (4-5 nojabrja 2003 goda). M.: RPA MJu RF, 2003. S. 3-7.
5. Nersesjanc V.S. Filosofija prava: Uchebnik. 2-e izd.,pererab. i dop. M.: Norma, 2006. 256 s.
6. Pokrovskij I.A. Osnovnye problemy grazhdanskogo prava. Petrograd, izdanie juridicheskogo knizhnogo sklada «Pravo», tipografija «Pravda», 1917 g.// SPS Garant.
7. Fuller L.L. Moral' prava. Per. s angl. T. Danilovoj / pod red. A. Kurjaeva. M.: IRISJeN, 2007. 308 s.
8. Haraev A.A. K voprosu primenenija i realizacii politiki gosudarstva v sfere protivodejstvija prestuplenijam terroristicheskoj napravlennosti// Materialy VI Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii «Sovremennye problemy ugolovnoj politiki». V 2-h tomah. Krasnodar, 2015.
Kuskashev D. V.
Features of the evolution of the organizational and legal structure of urban self-government of the Yenisei province at the end of the 19th century
The article examines the features of the development of the organizational and legal structure of urban self-government on the territory of the Yenisei province at the end of the 19th century, following the results of the implementation of the municipal counter-reform of Emperor Alexander III. The results of municipal elections in changing the social-estate structure of city councils and administrations are considered. Conclusions are drawn regarding the factors that influenced this process in comparison with the post-reform period.
The problems of the functioning of the organizational and legal structure of the city self-government of the Yenisei province in the period under study are revealed.
Keywords: absenteeism, vowels, mayor, voters, municipal counter-reform, qualification.
Work bibliographic list
1. Enisej. 1898. # 23-24. S. 4, 3.
2. Enisejskie gubernskie vedomosti. 1895. # 49. S. 6.
3. Kuskashev D.V. Problemy osushhestvlenija kontrreformy gorodskogo samoupravlenija 1892 g. v Enisejskoj gubernii // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2020. # 7. S. 122.
4. Nardova V.A. Samoderzhavie i gorodskie dumy v Rossii v konce XIX – nach. XX vv. SPb.: «Nauka», 1994. 157 s.
5. Nemchinov V.I. Gorodskoe samoupravlenie po dejstvujushhemu russkomu zakonodatel'stvu. Gorodovoe polozhenie 11 ijunja 1892 g. S poslednimi dopolnenijami i izmenenijami po Prodolzhenijam 1906, 1908, 1909 i 1910 gg., s prilozhenijami k «Gorodovo-
mu polozheniju», vazhnejshimi raz"jasnenijami Pravitel'stvujushhego Senata i izvlechenijami iz drugih uzakonenij, otnosjashhihsja k «Gorodovomu polozhniju». M.: Izd. V.M. Sablina, tipo-litogr. t-va I.N. Kushnerova, 1912. 396 s.
6. Pamjatnaja knizhka Enisejskoj gubernii na 1903 g. Krasnojarsk: Enisejskaja gubernskaja tipografija, 1903.
7. GAIO, f. 25, op. 27, d. 640, ll. 10-11.
8. GAIO, f. 25, op. 27, d. 640, ll. 1-2, 27.
9. GAIO, f. 70, op. 2, d. 822, ll. 5-8.
10. GAKK, f. 595, op. 1, d. 5279, ll. 15-24, 54-66, 95-100.
11. GAKK, f. 595, op. 18, d. 466, ll. 166-167, 187, 196.
12. GAKK, f. 628, op. 1, d. 79, l. 12.
Musaeva A. G.
The emergence of state formations and formalization system of the law of peoples of Dagestan from ancient times until the second half of the nineteenth century
The article provides a brief overview of the problems of the emergence and development of state entities and the formation of the system of law of the peoples of Dagestan from ancient times to the second half of the 19th century. In particular, the article deals with the issues of the emergence of state entities and the design of the system of law of the peoples of Dagestan, which was considered in their scientific works by major Caucasian scholars as since the annexation of the peoples of the North Caucasus, in particular Dagestan to Russia in the middle of the 19th century.
In their works, they track issues related to the problems of both the emergence of the first state formations in the territory under consideration, and the process of forming a unique adat-legal system of law among the peoples under consideration. Much attention is paid to the “Kanlichestvo” institute - the custom of blood revenge and its transformation under the influence of Sharia.
The topic and questions raised by the author in the article are quite relevant. For example, over the past decades in the post-Soviet space, all sorts of negative forces have been trying to bring false and non-traditional values into the public consciousness, distorting the established order of relations between representatives of various ethnic, national groups and religious trends for centuries. Such destructive forces appear in society that promote the policy of separatism, and the idea of permanent-age-old confrontation between the Islamic and Christian worlds, as well as interethnic conflicts, is given as an explanation.
In this article, the author makes an attempt to reject these false ideas and views, using historical and legal material to prove and explain the true nature of these relations on the territory of Dagestan.
The author pays special attention to the period of formation and development of the Arab - Muslim law of the peoples of Dagestan, as well as the state and legal institutions of Dagestan of the 19th century, developing partly under the influence of Russia, due to the similar nature of many processes. They are associated with a re-evaluation of traditional views on the relations between the peoples of Russia and the Caucasus, as well as with a well-known Western and Eastern ideological and economic expansion that threatens the integrity of Dagestan as a subject of the Russian Federation.
The national policy pursued by the center, especially during the Soviet period of history, resulted in the most negative consequences of the post-Soviet period. The negative policy of the Stalinist era, in particular, carried out on the territory of Dagestan without taking into account the interests and desires of the local population, the peculiarities of the centuries-old way of life in the territory, eventually almost caused interethnic conflicts in the region itself, and the aggravation of relations with fraternal neighboring peoples. And only understanding and following the path of studying the experience of the state and legal history of the peoples of the Caucasus helps to truly understand the events taking place on its territory, their scientific and political forecasting. The study of this experience based on the correct
methodology can be useful in adjusting the regional and national state policy of Russia in the Caucasus, and in particular Dagestan.
Keywords: Caucasus, Dagestan, Kanli, state, law, Adat, Sharia, Islam, Muslim civilization.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bekishieva S.R. Pravovye sistemy Severnogo Kavkaza. Problemy razvitija v sovremennyh uslovijah //Zakon i pravo. 2011. # 1.
2. Bekishieva S.R., Jah'jaeva A.T. Jekonomicheskij faktor v razvitii pravovoj sistemy Rossii // Zakon i pravo.2016. # 5.
3. Komarov A.V. Adaty i sudoproizvodstvo po nim// Sbornik svedenij o kavkazskih gorcah. Tiflis,1861. Vyp. I.
4. Leontovich F.I. Adaty kavkazskih gorcev. Materialy po obychnomu pravu Severnogo i Vostochnogo Kavkaza. Vyp. 1/2. Odessa, 1882.
5. Magomedov R.M. Semejnye adaty narodov Dagestana// Narody Dagestana. # 2010. # 6.
6. Magomedova Z.A. Gazimagomedov S.H. Kudali. Istoricheskij ocherk // V sb. Dagestanskie svjatyni. Sostavitel' Shihsaidov A.R. Mahachkala, 2008.
7. Magomedova Z.A. Istoricheskie svedenija serediny XIXveka v pis'mah naibov Dagestana // Istoricheskaja i social'no-obrazovatel'naja mysl'. 2014. T. 6. # 5.
8. Mamedov K.R. Musul'manskoe pravo: osnovnye cherty i osobennosti. Penza, 2017.
9. Halifaeva A.K. Dzhalilov Sh.N. Krovnaja mest' kak institut obychnogo prava v Dagestane // Jurist: Pravoved. 2010. # 1.
10. Halifaeva A.K. Mesto adata i shariata v pravovoj sisteme Dagestana v XIX veke // V sb. Mezhdunarodnye juridicheskie chtenija. Omsk, 2005.
Saidova M. Z.
“Cold” demographic war in university courses in Modern history
After the end of World War II, the historical law of the “nearest opposition” worked once again, according to which, after achieving a common goal (victory over Nazi Germany), irreconcilable conflicts arose between the former allies over further actions. During the Cold War, Western politicians paid great attention to the indoctrination of the young Soviet generation, fooling around, imposing other people’s values and attitudes. This article attempts to trace the history of the “cold” demographic war that unfolded in the second half of the 20th century and its reflection in the university courses in Modern History.
Keywords: cold war, demographic war, USSR, indoctrination, sabotage, alcoholism, “golden billion”, Modern history.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bagdasarjan V.Je. Vpervye jeta model' poluchila aprobaciju v fashizme. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: obrashhenija: 23.05.2020).
2. Batjuk V.I. Holodnaja vojna mezhdu SShA i SSSR (1945-1991). Ocherki istorii. M.,2018. 336 s.
3. Bashlachev V. A. Demografija: russkij proryv. Nezavisimoe issledovanie. M., 2006. 192 s.
4. Istorija Otechestva v dokumentah, 1917-1993 gg. Ch. 4-ja / sost.: Koloskov A.G., Gevurkova E.A., Cvetkova G.A. M., 1995. 22 s.
5. Kara-Murza S.G. Koncepcija «zolotogo milliar-da» i Novyj mirovoj porjadok. Jelektronnaja kni-ga. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 23.05.2020).
6. Poljakov Ju.A., Zhiromskaja V. B., Aralovec N.A. «Demograficheskoe jeho» vojny / Sb. Vojna i obshhestvo, 1941-1945. Kn. 2. M., 2004. S. 232-264.
7. Saidova M.Z. Istoricheskaja demografija. Mahachkala, 2018. 150 s.
8. Filippov I. F. Zapiski o «Tret'em rejhe». M., 1970. 248 s.
9. Holodnaja vojna. Bol'shaja rossijskaja jenciklopedija / Egorova N. I. M., 2017. 582 s.
Salmina S. Yu.
Organizational and legal formation of the prosecutor’s office during the NEP years
The article is devoted to the problems of the organizational formation of the prosecutor’s office in the Soviet period. The source base of the research is made up of archival documents and materials from periodicals of those years. The transition to a new economic policy required the establishment of strict supervision of the implementation of the rule of law throughout the country. In this regard, the Soviet leadership decided to create a prosecutor’s office and issued normative legal acts regulating the organization and activities of the newly created state institution. In the process of organizing the prosecutor’s office, problems arose of interaction with the population, with representatives of the Party and Soviet authorities in the field. At the same time, human rights practice, legal assistance to the population, cultural and educational work, and campaigns to eliminate illiteracy initiated by the prosecutor’s office became widespread. In the first half of the 1920s, the main directions of the prosecutor’s office began to take shape, the main forms and methods of its work, which were further developed in the subsequent period of time.
Keywords: new economic politics, People’s Commissariat of Justice, prosecutor’s office, province, state institute.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ezhenedel'nik sovetskoj justicii. - 1922. - # 28. - S. 12.
2. Istorija sovetskoj prokuratury v vazhnejshih dokumentah / Pod red. K. A. Mokicheva. – M.: Gosudarstvennoe izdatel'stvo juridicheskoj literatury, 1952. – S. 14.
3. Kravcov B. V. Iz istorii prokuratury Rossijskoj Federacii // Socialisticheskaja zakonnost'. - 1975.- # 1. - S. 89.
4. Ob"edinennyj gosudarstvennyj arhiv Cheljabinskoj oblasti. - F.R-1. - Op. 1. - D. 7. - L. 35.
5. Palkin K. Pervye shagi // Socialisticheskaja zakonnost'. - 1971. - # 9. - S. 40.
6. Tatarkin D. F. Pervye shagi // Socialisticheskaja zakonnost'. - 1971. -# 9. - S. 35..
Yakovlev N. M.
Recovery of civil rights of Nikiforov V. V., a public activist of Yakutia, an institutor of progressive movement “Local Yakuts Unity” for Yakutia self-determination
The article reveals the human rights work of Soviet military prosecutors to restore the good name of the victim of political repression V.V. Nikiforov, an active fighter for self-determination in pre-revolutionary Yakutia, who, with an objective attitude towards him from the Tsar’s prosecutors and judges, avoided lengthy imprisonment.
Keywords: prosecutors, human rights, Yakutia self-determination, Nikiforov V.V.
Work bibliographic list
1. Zvjagincev A.G., Orlov Ju.G. Pod sen'ju russkogo orla. Rossijskie prokurory. Vtoraja polovina XIX- nachalo XX v. - M., 1996.
2. Istorija Rossii. - M., 1996.
3. Mal'kova A.M. Vasilij Nikiforov. - Jakutsk, 1994.
4. Otchet o sudebnom zasedanii po delu «Sojuza inorodcev jakutov» //Gazeta «Jakutskij kraj». - Jakutsk, 1907. S 16 sentjabrja po 8 nojabrja.
5. Arhiv UFSB RF po RS(Ja), f. 2, d. 4207-r, t.2, l. 336-338.
Kulik A. S.
Monarchy and republic as two forms of government in relation to Russia and their advantages and disadvantages in the views of Ivan Lukyanovich Solonevich
In this work, the fundamental ideas of I.L. Solonevich on the acceptability of the monarchy as a form of state power in the vastness of the Russian state and points out those concepts of parliamentarism that are incompatible with Russian political reality as a negative option for the development of our state in the 20th century and in the future. To substantiate the conceptual provisions of monarchical acceptability as the most adequate form for Russia, he explores the negative processes and phenomena that accompanied the establishment of a parliamentary form of government in England in the 17th century, in France in the 18th century and in Germany in the 20th century. At the same time, convincing arguments are made that changes from a monarchical form of government to a republican one are inevitably accompanied by a sharp explosion of contradictions in all strata of society and very often leads to the establishment of dictatorial regimes on the territory of specific states, which sharply negatively affects all facets of the political, economic, social, spiritual life of the masses.
Keywords: Solonevich, monarchical government, parliamentary republic, dictators, continuity in the development of state forms of government.
1. Atmachev S.I. Sushhnost' i organizacija verhovnoj vlasti v konservativnoj mysli russkoj jemigracii. - Dissertacija na soiskanie uchenoj stepeni kandidata juridicheskih nauk. - Stavropol', 1999. - 184 s.
2. Ivannikov I.A. Problema jevoljucii formy rossijskogo gosudarstva v istorii russkoj politiko-pravovoj mysli vtoroj poloviny XIX — serediny XX vekov. - Dissertacija na soiskanie uchenoj stepeni doktora juridicheskih nauk. - Rostov-na-Donu,
2000. - 463 s.
3. Zakirov M.B. Proshloe i budushhee rossijskoj gosudarstvennosti v teorii narodnoj monarhii I. L. Solonevicha // Nauchnye vedomosti Belgorodskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Serija: Istorija. Politologija. - 2013. - # 8 (151). [Jelektronnyj resurs].
– Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 12.08.2020).
4. Kerimov A.D. O porokah demokratii // Grazhdanin i pravo. - 2003. - # 3.- S. 38-45.
5. Solonevich I.L. Narodnaja monarhija. - M.: Jeksmo, 2003. - 608 s.
6. Solonevich I.L. Rossija i gitlerizm // Veche. - 1995. - # 55. - S. 240-255.
7. Tushkanov I.V. I.L. Solonevich i ego uchenie o gosudarstve i prave // Vestnik Mezhdunarodnogo «Instituta upravlenija». - 2005. - # 7-9. - S. 42 -46.
8. Cherepica V.N. Istoricheskaja dominanta v politicheskom uchenii I.L. Solonevicha // Ivan Solonevich- ideolog Narodnoj Monarhii: Materialy I konferencii. - SPb.: Rossijskij Imperskij Sojuz-Orden: Redakcija gazety «Monarhist"», 2004. - S. 35-36
Ustinov A. N., Yakimova E. M., Shapochansky V. N.
Securing the right to stable national currency: the practice of the USSR in the late 80s - early 90s 20th century
The most commonly used way for the state to control the economy is the control of the state over monetary policy. The article explores the experience of implementing state policy regarding national currency of the USSR in the late 80 - early 90 XX century. It was concluded that the state policy of the late USSR had the task of reducing inflation by destroying citizens’ savings as a result of monetary reform, on the other, it was aimed at reducing the budget deficit at the expense of citizens– by planned price increases by 3 times, that is, by creating planned inflation.
Keywords: right for steady national currency, currency, public policy, monetary policy, human
rights, devaluation of national currency.
1. Bykov S.S., Gushhina I.V., Medik I.N. Razvitie jekonomicheskogo pojasa novogo shelkovogo puti cherez garmonizaciju nalogovoj nagruzki na faktory proizvodstva v Rossii i Kitae: razrabotka metodiki sravnenija // Izvestija Bajkal'skogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. 2018. T. 28. # 1. S. 94-104.
2. Zuhurov B.N., Samsonov V.A. Ot kriminal'nogo proshlogo v progressivnoe budushhee // Problemy obespechenija nacional'noj bezopasnosti v kontekste izmenenija geopoliticheskoj situacii: materialy mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. Irkutsk, 2017. S. 61-67.
3. Nikerov D.M., Hohlova O.M. Prestuplenija v sfere vysokih tehnologij v sovremennoj Rossii // Vestnik Vostochno-Sibirskogo instituta Ministerstva vnutrennih del Rossii. 2019. # 2 (89). S. 82-93.
4. Sanina L.V. Rejtingi ocenki predprinimatel'skogo klimata: mezhdunarodnyj opyt // Izvestija Irkutskoj gosudarstvennoj jekonomicheskoj akademii (Bajkal'skij gosudarstvennyj universitet jekonomiki i prava). 2014. # 5. S. 12.
5. Ustinov A.N. Pravo na ustojchivuju nacional'nuju valjutu v sisteme prav i svobod cheloveka i grazhdanina // Akademicheskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2018. # 2 (72). S. 57-62.
6. Chuksina V. V., Bondarenko O. V. Prava cheloveka v kontekste politiko-pravovoj turbulentnosti //Izvestija Bajkal'skogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. 2017. T. 27. # 2. S. 218-230.
Khabibullina G. R.
On the issue of additional powers of constitutional and charter courts
The article analyzes the practice of a regional body of specialized judicial constitutional review to interpret the powers established by the constitution and the law on constitutional (charter) justice.
Keywords: constitutional court, competence, authority.
Work bibliographic list
1. Konstitucionnyj zakon Respubliki Severnaja Osetija – Alanija ot 15 ijunja 2001 goda # 17-RZ «O Konstitucionnom Sude Respubliki Severnaja Osetija– Alanija» // Severnaja Osetija. 5 ijulja 2001. # 127.
2. Konstitucionnyj zakon Respubliki Ingushetija ot 28 dekabrja 2001 goda # 10-RKZ «O Konstitucionnom Sude Respubliki Ingushetija» // Ingushetija. 16 janvarja 2002. # 5.
3. Postanovlenie Konstitucionnogo Suda Respubliki Tatarstan ot 5 ijulja 2004 goda # 13-P «Po delu o proverke konstitucionnosti punkta 1.1 razdela 1 Polozhenija o primenenii vekselej Pravitel'stva Respubliki Tatarstan, utverzhdennogo postanovleniem Kabineta Ministrov Respubliki Tatarstan ot 15 ijulja 1994 goda # 336 «O vvedenii v hozjajstvennyj oborot vekselej Pravitel'stva Respubliki Tatarstan», v svjazi s zhaloboj obshhestva s ogranichennoj otvetstvennost'ju «Nauchno-proizvodstvennoe predprijatie» «IJa» // Respublik Tatarstan. 16 ijulja 2004. # 143.
4. Postanovlenija Konstitucionnogo Suda Respubliki Tatarstan ot 27 maja 2016 goda # 68-P «Po delu o proverke konstitucionnosti otdel'nyh norm Polozhenija o porjadke obrashhenija za kompensaciej chasti roditel'skoj platy za prismotr i uhod za rebenkom v obrazovatel'nyh organizacijah, realizujushhih obrazovatel'nuju programmu doshkol'nogo obrazovanija, i porjadke ee vyplaty, utverzhdennogo postanovleniem Kabineta Ministrov Respubliki Tatarstan ot 18 janvarja 2007 goda # 9 «O kompensacii chasti roditel'skoj platy za prismotr i uhod za rebenkom v obrazovatel'nyh organizacijah, realizujushhih obrazovatel'nuju programmu doshkol'nogo obrazovanija» (v redakcii postanovlenija Kabineta Ministrov Respubliki Tatarstan ot 21 maja 2014 goda # 338), v svjazi s zhaloboj grazhdanki L.V. Kirjushinoj». [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: http:// pub_608878.docx.
5. Gravina A.A. Pravovaja reglamentacija organizacii i dejatel'nosti sudov sub"ektov Rossijskoj Federacii // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. 2014. # 6. S. 85.
6. Terehov M.V. K voprosu o modeli razgranichenija vlastnyh polnomochij v federal'nyh gosudarstvah:zarubezhnyj opyt // Sovremennoe pravo. 2011. # 6.
7. Hudolej K.M. Kompetencija konstitucionnyh (ustavnyh) sudov sub"ektov RF // Vestnik Perm. Un-ta. Jurid. nauki. 2014. # 2 (24). S. 55.
8. Jeriashvili N.D., Belonovskij V.N., Saudahanov M.V. O sootnoshenii ponjatij «Konstitucionnyj kontrol'» i «konstitucionnyj nadzor» v konstitucionnoj praktike Rossii // Vestnik Moskovskogo un-ta MVD Rossii. 2013. # 7. S. 139.
Erboev M. N.
Features of the central bodies of state power of the Tajik people in the pre-Soviet period: constitutional and legal aspect
The article is devoted to the history of the formation and development of state authorities of the Tajik people. In the course of the study, various stages of the control systems of the Tajik people were studied from the time of the Samanids rule up to the Soviet period.
Despite the fact that the Samanids did not have their own Constitution, they were guided by the norms of the Koran, Sunnah and legal customs, on the basis of which the executive authorities were formed. The times of the rule of the Russian Empire in Central Asia on the basis of the first Constitution were also considered, issues related to the system of executive authorities on the territory of modern Tajikistan were studied.
Keywords: executive power, government body, state power, imperial law, council of state, general imperial legislative acts.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bobohonov M. Istorija Rossii v period kapitalizma. (na tadzh. jaz.). – Dushanbe, Maorif, 1996.
2. Buriev I.B. Istorija gosudarstva i prava Tadzhikistana. T. 1, ch. 1-4 (ot drevnejshih vremen do nachala HH veka). – Dushanbe, 2016, – 352 s.
3. Buriev I.B. Istochniki prava islamskogo perioda Tadzhikskoj gosudarstvennosti: teorija i praktika.– Dushanbe, 2017. – 224 s.
4. Buriev.I.B. Stanovlenie i razvitie institutov gosudarstvennosti na territorii Tadzhikstana (dosovetskij period): dis. d.ju.n. – M., 2009. - 323 s.
5. Istorija tadzhikskogo naroda. Pozdnij feodalizm (XVII v. – 1917 g.) t. 2 / pod red. Iskandarov B.I., i Muhtorov A.M. – M., 1964. – 365 s.
6. Karpenkova T.V. Institut general-gubernatorstva kak forma upravlenija mnogonacional'nymi okrainami (na primere Turkestanskogo kraja Rossijskoj imperii) // Vestnik Mezhdunarodnogo instituta jekonomiki i prava. – 2016. – # 1 (22). – S. 105.
7. Konstitucija Rossijskoj imperii – 23 aprelja 1906 goda.
8. Krasnjakov N.I. Sredneaziatskie vassal'no-zavisimye hanstva v namestnicheskom upravlenii imperskoj Rossii // Genesis: istoricheskie issledovanija.– 2018. – # 1. – S. 28-45.
9. Lisicyna N.N. Rasshirenie Rossijskoj imperii v Central'noj Azii i vosprijatie russkih i Rossii naseleniem Turkestana (vtoraja polovina XIX v.) //Lokus: ljudi, obshhestvo, kul'tury, smysly. – 2014. –# 2. – S. 29.
10. Madzhidzoda D.Z., Boboeva N.I., Guk A.I. Samanidskoe gosudarstvo: nekotorye voprosy organizacii gosudarstvennoj vlasti (dargoh) i centralizovannogo gosudarstvennogo upravlenija (divany) // Mir politiki i sociologii. – 2015. – # 11. – S. 65-81.
11. Polnoe sobiranie Zakonov Rossijskoj Imperii –3. T. 6. # 3814. – S. 414-419.
12. RGIA. NSB. Otchet po revizii Turkestanskogo kraja, proizvedennyj po Vysochajshemu poveleniju senatorom gofmejsterom grafom K.K. Palenom. Kraevoe upravlenie. – SPb., 1910 – S. 232.
13. Teorija gosudarstva i prava: uchebnik / V. D. Perevalov. - 3-e izd., pererab. i dop. – M..: Norma, 2008. – 496 s.
14. Urazaev Sh.Z. Turkestanskaja ASSR i ee gosudarstvenno-pravovye osobennosti. – Tashkent: Gosizdat UZ SSR, 1958. – 155 s.
15. Hakimov Sh.K. Konstitucionnoe razvitie Tadzhikistana: retrospektiva i perspektiva. – Dushanbe, Irfon, 2007. – 412 s.
16. Shodiev I.R. Razvitie sudebnoj sistemy v tadzhikistane (vtoroj polovina XIX – nachalo XXI vv): dis. k.ju.n. – Dushanbe, 2010. – 176 s.
Suleymanov S. G.
On the issue of limiting ideological diversity:theory and practice
The author analyzes the content and correlation of two constitutional and legal categories:ideological diversity and restriction of rights and freedoms.
The article examines the decisions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation and the European Court of Human Rights in order to establish a balance between the analyzed constitutional categories.
Keywords: ideology, ideological diversity, political pluralism, restriction of rights and freedoms, constitutional justice.
Work bibliographic list
1. Konstitucija RF. - M., 2020.
2. Po delu o proverke konstitucionnosti otdel'nyh polozhenij Federal'nogo zakona «Ob osnovnyh garantijah izbiratel'nyh prav i prava na uchastie v referendume grazhdan RF [Jelektronnyj resurs]: postanovlenie KS RF ot 30 oktjabrja 2003 g. # 15 // SPS «Konsul'tanatPljus» (data obrashhenija: 10.05.2020).
3. Po delu o proverke konstitucionnosti chasti vtoroj stat'i 392 Grazhdanskogo processual'nogo kodeksa RF [Jelektronnyj resurs]: postanovlenii KS RF ot 26 fevralja 2010 g. # 4-P // SPS «Konsul'tanatPljus» (data obrashhenija: 17.05.2020).
4. Ankin D.V. Ideologija / pod red. V.E. Kemerova // Sovr. filos. slovar'. 2-e izd. - London, 1998.
5. Gadzhiev G. A. Rynochnaja jekonomika v reshenijah Konstitucionnogo Suda RF // Ros. justicija. - 2001. - # 6.
6. Kovachev D. A. Konstitucionnyj princip: ego ponjatie, real'nost' i jeffektivnost' // Zhurn. ros. prava. - 1997. - # 9.
7. Avak'jan S.A. Ni odna strana ne mozhet zhit' bez ideologii // Rossijskaja Federacija segodnja. - 2009.- # 6.
8. Ivanova S.Ju. Nacional'naja ideja v kul'ture sovremennoj Rossii // Juridicheskij mir. - 2006. - # 12.
9. Isaeva K.M. K voprosu o soderzhanii konstitucionnogo principa ideologicheskogo mnogoobrazija //Juridicheskij vestnik Dagestanskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. - 2012. - # 4.
10. Kononov K.A. Ideologicheskoe mnogoobrazie kak institut rossijskogo konstitucionnogo prava: dis. …kand. jurid. nauk. - M., 2009.
11. Kutafin O.E. Rossijskij konstitucionalizm. - M.:Norma, 2008.
12. Pirbudagova D.Sh., Isaeva K.M. Ideologicheskoe mnogoobrazie kak osnova konstitucionnogo stroja Rossijskoj Federacii. - Izd-vo DGU, 2017.
Veretennikov N. N., Vetrova E. S.
On the constitutionality of certain provisions of section V of the Russian Federation Сode on Administrative Offenses
In the article, the author cites and analyzes some of the legal positions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, reflecting the principle of separation of powers in the Russian Federation. Based on these positions, some provisions of section V of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, imposing the appeal of the execution of the decision on an administrative offense on the judiciary, were considered. The author notes that by imposing on the judge the obligation to enforce the decision in the case of an administrative offense, the legislator has fundamental constitutional principle of the separation of powers-the delimitation of powers of the executive, legislative and judicial branches.
Keywords: the principle of separation of powers, appeal to the execution of a resolution, an administrative offense case.
1. Postanovlenie Konstitucionnogo Suda RF ot 29.05.1998 g. # 16-P «Po delu o proverke konstitucionnosti chasti 4 stat'i 28 Zakona Respubliki Komi «O gosudarstvennoj sluzhbe Respubliki Komi».
2. Postanovlenie Konstitucionnogo Suda RF ot 18.01.1996 g. # 2-P «Po delu o proverke konstitucionnosti rjada polozhenij Ustava (Osnovnogo Zakona) Altajskogo kraja».
3. Agapov A.B. Publichnoe imushhestvo // Administrativnoe pravo i process. 2019. # 7. S. 28 - 34.
4. Bezrukov A.V. Konstitucionno-pravovye aspekty osushhestvlenija zakonodatel'noj vlasti po obespecheniju pravoporjadka v Rossii: monografija. M.: Justicinform, 2015. 188 s.
5. Derho D.S. Status sudej v Rossijskoj Federacii// SPS Konsul'tantPljus. 2020.
6. Osipjan B.A. Konstitucionno-sudebnoe razreshenie sporov o kompetencii // «Rossijskaja justicija». 2008. # 2. S. 2-6.
7. Salishheva N.G., Jakimov A.Ju. Struktura proizvodstva po delam ob administrativnyh pravonarushenijah (stadii peresmotra dela i ispolnenija reshenija po delu) // Administrativnoe pravo i process. 2016. # 6. S. 44-53.
Kornienko O. V.
On some features of administrative responsibility under Article 19.29 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses
Using the example of judicial practice, the opinions of scientists investigating the problem of bringing to administrative responsibility for violation of anti-corruption legislation, in terms of non-fulfillment by the employer when recruiting a citizen who replaced the position of the state (municipal) service, within the time limit established by law, inform the representative of the employer (employer) on the conclusion with such a citizen of a labor or civil law contract for the performance of work (provision of services); the circumstances excluding the unlawfulness of the act are analyzed.
Keywords: state, municipal employee, administrative responsibility, positions of state and municipal service included in the list, the objective side, the subjective side of an administrative offense, anti-corruption.
Work bibliographic list
1. Brezhnev O. V. Osobennosti primenenija mer po protivodejstviju korrupcii v svete reshenij Konstitucionnogo Suda Rossijskoj Federacii// Rossijskaja justicija. 2019. # 7.
2. Alekseeva Ju. A. Nekotorye voprosy sobljudenija norm antikorrupcionnogo zakonodatel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii pri trudoustrojstve grazhdan, ranee zameshhavshih dolzhnosti gosudarstvennoj grazhdanskoj sluzhby // Vestnik Arbitrazhnogo suda Moskovskogo okruga. 2018. # 2.
Pozdnyakova T. S.
Problems of providing pro bono legal assistance by lawyers during the period of restrictions associated with the Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID-19) in the Russian Federation using the example of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug – Ugra
This article reveals legally significant facts about the provision of free legal assistance by lawyers as subjects of such assistanceduring the pandemic, as well as in the early period of decline in morbidity and stabilization of the Russian economy. The actual data onlegal acts are given in chronological order, due to which one can trace the connection on changing of priorities and needs of the countryduring the pandemic. The features of the gradual removal of restrictions from the subjects of providing free legal aid to help citizenswho have the right under the Constitution to receive it are revealed. The problematic “weak points”, poorly regulated both in the FederalLaw “On free legal aid” and in the law of the subject of the Russian Federation, identified during the review of theoretical material, arepresented. Gaps in the legislation of the Russian Federation on free legal aid are identified through the prism of circumstances caused by
This article reveals legally significant facts about the provision of free legal assistance by lawyers as subjects of such assistanceduring the pandemic, as well as in the early period of decline in morbidity and stabilization of the Russian economy. The actual data onlegal acts are given in chronological order, due to which one can trace the connection on changing of priorities and needs of the countryduring the pandemic. The features of the gradual removal of restrictions from the subjects of providing free legal aid to help citizenswho have the right under the Constitution to receive it are revealed. The problematic “weak points”, poorly regulated both in the FederalLaw “On free legal aid” and in the law of the subject of the Russian Federation, identified during the review of theoretical material, arepresented. Gaps in the legislation of the Russian Federation on free legal aid are identified through the prism of circumstances caused by
the pandemic. The following theoretical methods were used in writing this scientific work: analysis and synthesis; comparison; dialectics;inductive-deductive, concretization, generalizations, evidentiary, hermeneutic, grammatical literal interpretation of legal norms.
Keywords: coronavirus, (COVID-19), pandemic 2020, pro bono legal assistance, lawyers, problems.
Work bibliographic list
Work bibliographic list
1. Konstitucija RF ot 12.12.1993. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: obrashhenija: 10.09.2020 g.).
2. Ukaz Prezidenta RF ot 25.03.2020 g. # 206 «Ob ob"javlenii v RF nerabochih dnej». [Jelektronnyj resurs].– Rezhim dostupa: obrashhenija: 10.09.2020 g.).
3. Ukaz Prezidenta RF ot 02.04.2020 g. # 239 «Po obespecheniju sanitarno-jepidemiologicheskogo blagopoluchija naselenija na territorii RF v svjazi s rasprostraneniem novoj koronavirusnoj infekcii(COVID-19)». [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 10.09.2020 g.).
4. Ukaz Prezidenta RF ot 28.04.2020 g. # 294 «O prodlenii dejstvija mer po obespecheniju sanitarno-jepidemiologicheskogo blagopoluchija na territoriiRF v svjazi s rasprostraneniem novoj koronavirusnoj infekcii (COVID-19)». [Jelektronnyj resurs].
– Rezhim dostupa: obrashhenija: 10.09.2020 g.).
5. FZ «O besplatnoj juridicheskoj pomoshhi v RF» ot 21.11.2011 g., # 324-FZ. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 10.09.2020 g.).
6. Zakon HMAO-Jugry «O besplatnoj juridicheskoj pomoshhi v HMAO-Jugre» ot 16.11.2011 g. # 113-OZ.[Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 10.09.2020 g.).
7. Pis'mo Ministra Justicii, K.A. Chujchenko Vysshim dolzhnostnym licam sub"ektov Rossijskoj Federacii ot 06.04.2020 g., ob ustanovlenii porjadka raboty advokatov. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 10.09.2020 g.).
8. Pis'mo Federal'noj palaty advokatov RF Ministerstvu Justicii RF ot 02.04.2020 g. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: obrashhenija: 10.09.2020 g.).
9. Postanovlenie Gubernatora HMAO-Jugra ot 05.04.2020 g. # 28 «O merah po predotvrashheniju zavoza i rasprostranenija novoj koronavirusnoj infekcii, vyzvannoj COVID-2019, v HMAO-Jugre».[Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija:10.09.2020 g.).
10. Georgieva K. Kogda krizis ostanetsja pozadi // Finansy i razvitie. 2020. # 2 (57). S. 10.
11. Jartyh I.S. Besplatnaja juridicheskaja pomoshh': istorija, mify i real'nost' // Aktual'nye problemy rossijskogo prava. 2015. # 12 (61). S. 81.
Tsyndrya V. N., Yuzvak S. A.
On the question of the stages of the process of shaping the state policy of the Russian Federation in the field of administrative penalties
The article analyses the main approaches to determining the stages of the process of shaping the
state policy of the Russian Federation in the field of administrative penalties. Political, psychological, managerial (managerial) and legal approaches to the stage of administrative and punitive policy have been identified. The process of shaping the state policy of the Russian Federation in the field of administrative penalties is proposed to be considered in the context of the following stages: 1)initiating state policy; 2) development of state policy; 3) giving state policy legitimacy.
Keywords: administrative-punitive policy, stages of formation of state policy of the Russian Federation in the field of administrative punishments.
Work bibliographic list
1. Koncepcija novogo Kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii ob administrativnyh pravonarushenijah.[Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:,0&rnd=0.00802087887504288#019061831112247418 (data obrashhenija: 16 ijulja 2020).
2. Bolponova A. B. Analiz gosudarstvennoj politiki. Uchebno-metod. posobie. – B.: Maxprint, 2020. – 200 s.
3. Degtjarev A. A. Prinjatie politicheskih reshenij:Uchebnoe posobie. – M.: KDU, 2004. – 416 s.
4. Simonov K. V. Politicheskij analiz: Uchebnoe posobie.– M.: Logos, 2002. – S. 59.
5. Sulakshin S. S. Sovremennaja gosudarstvennaja politika i upravlenie. Kurs lekcij. ‒ M.: Direkt-Media, 2013. ‒ 386 s.
6. Sulakshin S. S., Pogorelko M. Ju., Repin I. V. Istochniki i osnovanija gosudarstvennyh politik v Rossii. Monografija. – M.: Nauchnyj jekspert, 2010. – 224 s.
7. Shabrova N. O. Sushhnost', struktura i tipologija politicheskih reshenij. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 16 ijulja 2020).
8. Jakunin V. I. Processy i mehanizmy formirovanija gosudarstvennoj politiki v sovremennom rossijskom obshhestve: avtoref. diss... d-ra polit. nauk. Mosk. gos.un-t im. M. V. Lomonosova. – M., 2007. – 38 s.
Khaletskaya V. V., Belotserkovets D. V.
Conflict of interest as one of the problems arising in the implementation of the competition for vacant positions in the Central office of the Federal tax service and its solutions
Тhis article discusses the legal basis of the competition for vacant positions in the tax authorities and the problems arising in this case. The paper presents the sequence of actions in the event of a conflict of interest in the employment of the Federal Tax Service and the possibility of reducing such.
Keywords: tax authorities, conflict of interest, state civil service, competition commission, vacant position.
1. O gosudarstvennoj grazhdanskoj sluzhbe Rossijskoj Federacii: feder. zakon ot 27.07.2004 # 79-FZ (red. ot 02.12.2019) // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. – 2004. – # 31. – St. 3215.
2. O protivodejstvii korrupcii: feder. zakon ot 25.12.2008 # 273-FZ (red. ot 26.07.2019) // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. – 2008. – # 52 (ch. 1). – St. 6228.
3. O sisteme gosudarstvennoj sluzhby Rossijskoj Federacii: feder. zakon ot 27.05.2003 # 58-FZ (red. ot 23.05.2016) // Parlamentskaja gazeta. – 2003.– # 98.
4. O primernoj forme sluzhebnogo kontrakta o prohozhdenii gosudarstvennoj grazhdanskoj sluzhby Rossijskoj Federacii i zameshhenii dolzhnosti gosudarstvennoj grazhdanskoj sluzhby Rossijskoj Federacii: ukaz Prezidenta ot 16.02.2005 #159 // Rossijskaja gazeta. – 2005. – # 34.
5. O konkurse na zameshhenie vakantnoj dolzhnosti gosudarstvennoj grazhdanskoj sluzhby Rossijskoj Federacii: ukaz Prezidenta ot 01.02.2005 #112 (red. ot 10.09.2017) // Rossijskaja gazeta. – 2005. – # 20.
6. Ob utverzhdenii edinoj metodiki provedenija konkursov na zameshhenie vakantnyh dolzhnostej gosudarstvennoj grazhdanskoj sluzhby Rossijskoj Federacii i vkljuchenie v kadrovyj rezerv gosudarstvennyh organov: post. Pravitel'stva ot 31.03.2018 # 397 // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF.– 2018. – # 16 (ch. 2). – St. 2359.
7. Ob utverzhdenii Metodiki provedenija konkursov na zameshhenie vakantnoj dolzhnosti gosudarstvennoj grazhdanskoj sluzhby Rossijskoj Federacii v Federal'noj nalogovoj sluzhbe i Porjadka i srokov raboty konkursnyh komissij dlja provedenija konkursa na zameshhenie vakantnoj dolzhnosti gosudarstvennoj grazhdanskoj sluzhby Rossijskoj Federacii v Federal'noj nalogovoj sluzhbe: prikaz FNS Rossii ot 01.06.2018 # MMV-
7-4/371@. – [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija:20.12.2019).
8. Ob utverzhdenii Porjadka uvedomlenija predstavitelja nanimatelja (rabotodatelja) federal'nymi gosudarstvennymi grazhdanskimi sluzhashhimi central'nogo apparata Federal'noj nalogovoj sluzhby, federal'nymi gosudarstvennymi grazhdanskimi sluzhashhimi territorial'nyh nalogovyh organov i rabotnikami, zameshhajushhimi otdel'nye dolzhnosti na osnovanii trudovogo dogovora v organizacijah, sozdannyh dlja vypolnenija zadach, postavlennyh pered Federal'noj nalogovoj sluzhboj, o vozniknovenii lichnoj zainteresovannosti, kotoraja privodit ili mozhet privesti k konfliktu interesov: prikaz FNS Rossii ot 07.05.2018 # MMV-7-4/250@. – [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 20.12.2019).
9. Oganesjan T.L. Gosudarstvennaja grazhdanskaja sluzhba v nalogovyh organah rossijskoj federacii //Nauchnyj vestnik juzhnogo instituta menedzhmenta. – 2018. – # 3 (23). – S. 74-77.
Batmunkh Buzhinlham
The main directions of increasing the efficiency of the public security police in Mongolia
The article highlights issues related to the general understanding of security, with the activities of the public security police, as well as considering the administrative and legal status of the Mongolian public security police. Due to the lack of an effective mechanism for the administrative and legal organization of the activities of the public security police, the author proposes a direction to increase the effectiveness of the issues identified.
Keywords: public security, public security police, Mongolia, police detail, administrative and legal status, Public security concept.
1. Demin I.V. Sushhnost' i soderzhanie ponjatij «bezopasnost'», «obshhestvennaja bezopasnost'» i «nacional'naja bezopasnost'» // Vestnik Ekaterininskogo instituta. 2009. # 1 (5). S. 29-30.
2. Odonchuluun C. Administrativnaja dejatel'nost' policii obshhestvennoj bezopasnosti // Policejskaja dejatel'nost'. 2018. # 2. S. 82-86.
3. Fomin P.P. Obshhestvennyj porjadok i obshhestvennaja bezopasnost': ponjatie i sootnoshenie // Vestnik Luganskoj akademii vnutrennih del imeni Je.A. Didorenko. 2017. # 1 (2). S. 66-77.
4. Chimid. B. Administrativnoe pravo Mongolii:uchebnik. pereeizd. Ulan Bator, 2016.
Leonova E. V., Morgunova N. V.
Violations of the legislation on the contract system allowed in the field of conclusion of a municipal contract in the sphere of procurement of goods, works and services
In this article, we raise the problem of non-fulfillment and improper fulfillment of the legislation
of the Russian Federation on the contract system in the field of concluding a municipal contract in the field of procurement of goods, works and services by officials of the customer, officials of the authorized body, officials of the authorized institution, specialized organizations and suggests ways of solving it, and also provides a detailed overview and statistics of the Office of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Khabarovsk Territory on the most common violations of the legislation on the contract system, allowed in the field of concluding a municipal contract in the field of procurement of goods, works and services.
Keywords: problem, non-performance, improper performance, legislation on the contract system, violation, administrative responsibility, administrative fine, municipal contract, procurement, official, customer, authorized body, authorized institution, specialized organization.
Abdulvagapov V. R.
The notion of entrepreneurs’ guilt as subjects of economic activity
Russian private law has always given and attaches special importance to the institution of guilt. However, despite the development of this problem, there are still many issues that require separate and careful study. In particular, in the period of rapid development of economic relations, the development of business activities, including during the pandemic, the question of the conceptual essence of the «guilt» category arises again. In this regard, this article is devoted to the study of this concept, in which the author presents his own scientific and reasonable position on the sought definition in relation to business entities, as well as attempts to develop the design of the model of «entrepreneurs’ guilt».
Keywords: civil liability, guilt, action (inaction), will, entrepreneurs, business entities, subjects of economic activity, responsibility without guilt.
Work bibliographic list
1. Grazhdanskij kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii (chasti pervaja, vtoraja, tret'ja, chetvertaja) (s izmenenijami)// SZ RF. – 1994. – # 32. – St. 3301; 1996. – # 5. – St.410; 2001. – # 49. – St. 4553; 2006. – # 52 (Chast' I). –St. 5496.
2. Postanovlenie Plenuma Verhovnogo Suda RF ot 23 ijunja 2015 # 25 «O primenenii sudami nekotoryh polozhenij razdela I chasti pervoj Grazhdanskogo kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii»// Bjulleten' Verhovnogo Suda RF.– 2015 – # 8.
3. Reshenie Arbitrazhnogo suda g. Moskvy ot 24 aprelja 2017 g. po delu # A40-207551/2016 po isku Ministerstva oborony RF k PAO «Tupolev» // Materialy sudebnoj praktiki. Sudebnye i normativnye akty RF. – [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 22.04.2020 g.).
4. Alekseev S.S. Sobranie sochinenij. V 10 t. [+ Spravoch. tom]. Tom 8. Uchebniki i uchebnye posobija:Grazhdanskoe pravo. Razdel pervyj, Obshhie polozhenija. – M.: Statut, 2010. – 480 s.
5. Braginskij M.N., Vitrjanskij V.V. Dogovornoe pravo. Kniga pervaja: Obshhie polozhenija. 3-e izd., ster.– M.: Statut, 2011. – 847 s.
6. Garamita V.V. Vina kak osnovanie grazhdansko-pravovoj otvetstvennosti: Avtoref. dis. kand.jurid. nauk. – M., 2008. – 20 s.
7. Golubcova Ju.A. Juridicheskaja konstrukcija viny v Rossijskom grazhdanskom prave: Avtoref. dis. kand. jurid. nauk. – Kazan', 2015. – 30 s.
8. Grazhdanskoe pravo. Uchebnik. Chast' I. / Pod red. prof. Ju.K. Tolstogo, A.P. Sergeeva. – M.: Izdatel'stvo TEIS, 1996. – 552 s.
9. Grazhdanskoe pravo: v 4 t. Tom I. Obshhaja chast': Uchebnik / Otv. red. prof. E.A. Suhanov. – 3-e, pererab.i dop. – M.: Volter Kluver, 2005. – 720 s. – (Serija «Klassicheskij universitetskij uchebnik»).
10. Grazhdanskoe pravo: ucheb.: v 3 t. T. 1. / E.N. Abramova, N.N. Averchenko, Ju.V. Bajgusheva [i dr.]; pod red. A.P. Sergeeva. – M.: TK Velbi, 2009. – 1008 s.
11. Psihicheskie funkcii i otnoshenija v kn.: Mjasishhev V.N. Psihologija otnoshenij. – [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: http://www.psichology. (data obrashhenija 2.04.2020 g.).
12. Puginskij B.I. Izbrannye trudy: sbornik k 75-let-nemu jubileju / B.I. Puginskij; vstupit. st. V.A. Tomsinova; sostaviteli – kollektiv prepodavatelej kafedry kommercheskogo prava i osnov pravovedenija juridicheskogo fakul'teta MGU imeni M.V.
Lomonosova. – M.: Izdatel'stvo Jurajt, 2016. – 522 s. – Serija: Antologija mysli.
13. Sovetskoe grazhdanskoe pravo: uchebnik. Tom 1. / Pod red. O.A. Krasavchikova; izdanie tret'e, ispravlen. i dopolnen. – M.: Vysshaja shkola, 1985 – S. 544.
Ananjeva E. O., Ivliev P. V.
Microtransport vehicles and their civil status
The article deals with issues related to the introduction of the definition of microtransport vehicles in civil legislation. Solutions to the problems of liability for harm with the participation of device owners. It describes the technical features of microtransports, their speed characteristics and the practice of applying and reviewing incidents involving them.
Keywords: civil legislation, vehicle, device, gyroscooter, scooter, Bicycle, services, transportation, delivery.
Work bibliographic list
1. DTP s velosipedistom: kto vinovat, chto delat', statistika i sudebnaja praktika v 2020. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 20.08.2020 goda).
2. Klimova E.V. Avarijnost' velotransporta na avtomobil'nyh dorogah RF // Evrazijskij sojuz uchenyh. 2019. # 9 (66). S. 47-50.
Glebova E. V.
Improving the institutions of representation and power of attorney in the light of the interaction of civil and criminal law
The article deals with the application of civil law institutions-representation and power of attorney as a form of its implementation in the penal system. The author presents several suggestions for improving the procedure for performing notarial functions by the heads of correctional institutions when certifying powers of attorney to persons serving sentences in places of deprivation of liberty.
Keywords: power of attorney, representation, source of legal regulation, notarial form, legal assistance.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ugolovno-ispolnitel'nyj kodeks RF // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. - 1997. - 13 janvarja. - # 2. - St. 198.
2. Apelljacionnoe opredelenie Verhovnogo suda Respubliki Komi ot 03.12.2015 po delu # 33a-6736/2015; Apelljacionnoe opredelenie Orenburgskogo oblastnogo suda ot 09.10.2014 po delu # 33-6124-2014; Apelljacionnoe opredelenie Omskogo oblastnogo suda ot 07.05.2014 po delu # 33-2778/2014; Apelljacionnoe opredelenie Moskovskogo gorodskogo suda ot 30.09.2013 po delu # 11-28964; Apelljacionnoe opredelenie Moskovskogo gorodskogo suda ot 18.12.2012 po delu # 11-25678). [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: SPS «Konsul'tant Pljus»(data obrashhenija: 22.08.2020).
3. Ob utverzhdenii Pravil vnutrennego rasporjadka ispravitel'nyh uchrezhdenij: prikaz Ministerstva justicii RF ot 16 dekabrja 2016 g. # 295. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 27 dekabrja 2016).
4. Hajdukova Je. Sh. O kvazinotarial'nyh formah sovershenija notarial'nyh dejstvij // Akad. vestn.:nauch.-analit. zhurn. Serija «Pravo». - Tjumen. gos.akad. mirovoj jekonomiki, upravlenija i prava. -2009. - # 2.
Ivliev P. V., Koshelyuk B. E.
Unscheduled inspections of Rospotrebnadzor initiated by mass media reports
The article deals with the features of conducting inspections by Rospotrebnadzor initiated by the media. Attention is focused on the time interval for conducting inspections. The problems of conducting inspections initiated by the media are analyzed. A set of measures is proposed to improve the quality of inspections initiated by the media
Keywords: mass media, principle of good faith, monitoring of requests, unscheduled inspections, inspections of Rospotrebnadzor, format of inspections.
Work bibliographic list
1. Opredelenie Verho JeS19-3455 po delu #
2. Prikaz Rospotrebna
3. Reshenie Krymskog kraja # 12-270/2019 270/2019.
Zamalieva G. Kh.
Protection of the rights of construction participants in the Russian Federation: genesis and development prospects
This paper examines the genesis and prospects for the development of protection of the rights of construction participants in the Russian Federation. The author analyzes the stages of reforming the Russian legislation regulating mechanisms for protecting the rights of citizens when purchasing housing in Russia. In the end, it is concluded that in the case of effective implementation of the rules on the compensation fund, the transition to bank financing of housing construction is not mandatory.
Keywords: collateral, developer, contract of participation in shared construction, escrow account, construction participant.
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon ot 24.07.2008 # 161-FZ (red. Ot 24.04.2020) «O sodejstvii razvitiju zhilishhnogo stroitel'stva» // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. -2008. - # 30 (ch. 2). - St. 3617.
2. Federal'nyj zakon ot 30.12.2004 # 214-FZ (red. Ot 13.07.2020) «Ob uchastii v dolevom stroitel'stve mnogokvartirnyh domov i inyh ob"ektov nedvizhimosti i o vnesenii izmenenij v nekotorye zakonodatel'nye akty Rossijskoj Federacii» // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. - 2005. - # 1 (chast' 1).- St. 40.
3. Federal'nyj zakon ot 26.10.2002 # 127-FZ (red. ot 31.07.2020) «O nesostojatel'nosti (bankrotstve)» // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. - 2002. -# 43. - St. 4190.
4. Bin'kovskaja A.A. Novye mehanizmy zashhity prav i zakonnyh interesov uchastnikov dolevogo stroitel'stva // Pravo i jekonomika. - 2019. - # 7. - S. 13-20.
5. Hamov A.Ju. Kompensacionnyj fond kak special'nyj sposob zashhity prav uchastnikov dolevogo stroitel'stva // Grazhdanskoe pravo. - 2019. - # 2. - S. 36-38.
Komissarov A. V., Mogilevskiy G. A.
Modern legal frameworks for compensating for moral harm in Russian law and law enforcement (judicial) practice
The article provides a brief analysis of the regulations governing the content and legal mechanism for compensating for moral harm in the activities of the judiciary. On this basis, the authors attempted to substantiate legislative proposals to improve law enforcement (judicial) practices.
Keywords: legal frameworks, compensation for moral harm, law enforcement, the judiciary.
1. Postanovlenie Plenuma Verhovnogo Suda RF ot 20 dekabrja 1994 g. # 10 «Nekotorye voprosy primenenija zakonodatel'stva o kompensacii moral'nogo vreda» // Spravochnaja pravovaja sistema «Konsul'tant Pljus: Sudebnaja praktika (data obrashhenija: 20.09.2020).
2. Kassacionnoe opredelenie Sudebnoj kollegii Verhovnogo Suda RF po grazhdanskim delam ot 10 ijulja 2017 g. # 24-KG17-15 // Spravochnaja pravovaja sistema «Konsul'tant Pljus: Sudebnaja praktika (data obrashhenija: 20.09.2020).
3. Obzor sudebnoj praktiki Verhovnogo Suda Rossijskoj Federacii # 2 (2019) (utv. Prezidiumom Verhovnogo Suda RF 17 ijulja 2019 g.) // Spravochnaja pravovaja sistema «Konsul'tant Pljus:Sudebnaja praktika (data obrashhenija: 20.09.2020).
4. Kirilin A.V. Problemy kompensacii moral'nogo vreda // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2018. # 12. S. 164.
5. Pokrovskij I.A. Osnovnye problemy grazhdanskogo prava. M.: Statut (v serii «Klassika rossijskoj civilistiki»), 1998. S. 143.
Mambetov M. M., Odegnal E. A.
Apartment building as an object of civil and housing rights
The article refers to an apartment building as an object of property rights. Gaps are identified in the normative consolidation of the characteristics of an apartment building as an object of civil and housing rights, as well as in the legal regulation of ownership rights to a share in the common property of an apartment building.
Keywords: apartment building, common property in an apartment building, management of common property in an apartment building, object of law.
Work bibliographic list
1. Zhilishhnyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ot 29 dekabrja 2004 g. # 188-FZ (red. ot 31.07.2020) //Rossijskaja gazeta ot 12 janvarja 2005 g. # 1.
2. Postanovlenie Pravitel'stva RF ot 28.01.2006 #47 (red. ot 24.12.2018) «Ob utverzhdenii Polozhenija o priznanii pomeshhenija zhilym pomeshheniem, zhilogo pomeshhenija neprigodnym dlja prozhivanija, mnogokvartirnogo doma avarijnym i podlezhashhim snosu ili rekonstrukcii, sadovogo doma zhilym domom i zhilogo doma sadovym domom» //Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. 2006. # 6. St. 702.
3. Kazakova E.B., Il'ina Ju.S. Vnesenie mnogokvartirnogo doma v reestr sub"ekta RF kak osnovanie dlja nachala upravlenija mnogokvartirnym domom// Universum: jekonomika i jurisprudencija. 2017.# 5 (38). S. 15-18.
4. Mishulina E.S. Mnogokvartirnyj zhiloj dom kak ob"ekt grazhdanskogo prava // Obshhestvo i pravo. 2009. # 3. S. 79-81.
5. Senchishhev V.I. Ob"ekt grazhdanskogo pravootnoshenija // Aktual'nye problemy grazhdanskogo prava / Pod red. M.I. Braginskogo. M.: Statut, 1998. S. 150.
Neverov V. I.
Actual problems of the division of common property in the law enforcement practice of the Russian Federation and ways to resolve it
Тhis article reveals and analyzes the problems of law enforcement practice in the division of common property. The basis is the provisions of current civil legislation, guidance explanations of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, Court Decisions on specific cases. The analysis reveals gaps that do not allow to resolve civil disputes on a wide range of disputes concerning the rights to shared ownership. The author suggests applying the provisions of civil law prohibiting the abuse of rights to emerging situations and provides an argument. The article notes the prospects for the development of the Institute on the prohibition of abuse of law and the need for additional guidance explanations of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation on these issues.
Keywords: common property, common shared property, division of common shared property, abuse of rights.
Work bibliographic list
1. Opredelenie Konstitucionnogo Suda RF ot 23 ijunja 2016 g. # 1291-O // Rossijskaja gazeta. - 2016. - 27 ijunja.
2. Opredelenie Sudebnoj kollegii po grazhdanskim delam Verhovnogo Suda RF ot 25 avgusta 2020 g. Grazhdanskoe delo # A40-79504/2019.
3. Postanovlenie Plenuma Verhovnogo Suda RF # 6, Plenuma VAS RF N 8 ot 1 ijulja 1996 g. «O nekotoryh voprosah, svjazannyh s primeneniem chasti pervoj Grazhdanskogo kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii» // Rossijskaja gazeta. - 1996. - 30 nojabrja.
4. Postanovlenie Plenuma Verhovnogo Suda RF ot 23.06.2015 g. # 25 «O primenenii sudami nekotoryh polozhenij razdela 1 chasti pervoj Grazhdanskogo kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii» // Bjulleten' Verhovnogo Suda RF. - 2015. - # 8.
5. Redakcija Federal'nogo zakona «O gosudarstvennoj registracii prav na nedvizhimoe imushhestvo i sdelok s nim» ot 02.06.2016 // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. -2016. - # 27 (chast' II). - St. 4248.
6. Grazhdanskoe pravo. Chast' pervaja: uchebnik / Otv. red. Mozolin V.P., Masljaev A.I. - M.: Jurist", 2008.
7. Kozlova N. Policejskij i ego banda // Rossijskaja gazeta. - 2017. - # 77. - 11 aprelja.
8. Russkaja Pravda, prostrannaja redakcija, XII vek. Rossijskoe zakonodatel'stvo H-HH vekov. V 9. t. T. 1. Pod red. M.V. Sverdlova. - M: Juridicheskaja literatura, 2004.
9. Tolstoj Ju.K. Ponjatie prava sobstvennosti // Problemy grazhdanskogo i administrativnogo prava. - L.: Izd-vo LGU, 2017.
10. Chastnoe pravo: problemy teorii i praktiki / A.Ju. Bespalov, Ju.F. Bespalov, D.V. Gordejuk i dr.; otv. red. Ju.F. Bespalov. - M.: Prospekt, 2016.
Novikov A. V., Slabkaya D. N.
Intellectual performance insurance
In our country, intellectual property insurance is a fairly new type of insurance for the insurance community, where such types of insurance as property insurance, insurance of liability for damage (OSAGO, CASCO), insurance of the risks of property loss are used to a greater extent. Intellectual property insurance is not very popular and is to some extent a “caste” market segment.
Keywords: intellectual property, insurance, copyright, insurance premium, costs, contract, exclusive rights.
Work bibliographic list
1. Grazhdanskij kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii (chast' vtoraja) // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. -08.04.2017. - # 5. - St. 410.
2. Zakon RF «Ob organizacii strahovogo dela v Rossijskoj Federacii» ot 27.11.1992 # 4015-1 (poslednjaja redakcija), internet-resurs Konsul'tant-Pljus.
3. Konvencija, uchrezhdajushhaja Vsemirnuju Organizaciju Intellektual'noj Sobstvennosti (Podpisana v Stokgol'me 14.07.1967, izmenena 02.10.1979).
4. Savina V.S. Jevoljucija koncepcii prava intellektual'noj sobstvennosti. Dis. … dokt. jurid.nauk. - M., 2019. - 384 s.
5. Us V.V. Strahovanie intellektual'noj sobstvennosti: ot teorii k praktike za 10 let // Imushhestvennye otnoshenija v RF. - 2013. - # 12 (147).- S. 86-99.
Kirsanov V. O.
Guarantees of the implementation of the procedural rights of the main participants in the civil process in the field of electronic justice. Practical problems
The article considers the guarantees of the implementation of the procedural rights of the main participants in the process in the field of electronic justice and the problems that arise in practice. The sphere of electronic justice is relevant not only in Russian, but also in the world legal reality. By expanding the legal tools for the main participants in the process, information technology contributes to the creation of a set of legal guarantees for the protection and implementation of procedural rights. At the same time, novels and dynamically developing technologies are a big challenge for the legislator, since it is a difficult task to regulate procedural legal relations.
At the moment, despite a certain experience in the functioning of electronic justice in the Russian Federation, some provisions are of a rudimentary nature, which in turn correlates with the possibility of real provision of legal guarantees of procedural rights. In this regard, the study of practical problems faced by the main participants in the process in the field of e-justice is of great theoretical and practical significance.
Keywords: e-justice, information technology, guarantees for the implementation of procedural rights, the main participant in the process, the COVID19 pandemic, transformation of rights.
Work bibliographic list
1. GPK RF (redakcija ot 05.05.2020) // «Rossijskaja gazeta». # 220. 20.11.2002.
2. Federal'nyj zakon ot 06.04.2011 # 63-FZ (red. Ot 08.06.2020) «Ob jelektronnoj podpisi» (s izm. I dop., vstup. v silu s 01.07.2020) // «Rossijskaja gazeta». # 75. 08.04.2011.
3. Opredelenie Verhovnogo Suda RF ot 11.09.17 #AKPI17-851 // SPS Konsul'tantPljus.
4. Postanovlenii Plenuma Verhovnogo Suda RF ot 26.12.2017 # 57 «O nekotoryh voprosah primenenija zakonodatel'stva, regulirujushhego ispol'zovanie
dokumentov v jelektronnom vide v dejatel'nosti sudov obshhej jurisdikcii i arbitrazhnyh sudov». //«Rossijskaja gazeta». # 297. 29.12.2017.
5. Postanovlenie Plenuma Verhovnogo Suda RF ot 09.02.2012 # 3 (red. ot 25.12.2018) «O vnesenii izmenenij v nekotorye postanovlenija Plenuma Verhovnogo Suda Rossijskoj Federacii» // «Rossijskaja gazeta». # 35. 17.02.2012.
6. Postanovlenie Prezidiuma Verhovnogo Suda RF, Prezidiuma Soveta sudej RF ot 18.03.2020 # 808 «O priostanovlenii lichnogo priema grazhdan v sudah»// SPS Konsul'tantPljus.
7. Prikaz Sudebnogo departamenta pri Verhovnom Sude RF ot 27.12.2016 # 251 (red. ot 05.11.2019) «Ob utverzhdenii Porjadka podachi v federal'nye sudy obshhej jurisdikcii dokumentov v jelektronnom vide, v tom chisle v forme jelektronnogo dokumenta»// «Bjulleten' aktov po sudebnoj sisteme». # 2. fevral', 2017.
8. Reshenie Suda po intellektual'nym pravam ot 04.04.2018 po delu # SIP-727/2017 // SPS Konsul'tantPljus.
9. Valeev D.H., Nuriev A.G. Jelektronnyj dokumento-oborot v sfere pravosudija v uslovijah cifrovoj jekonomiki // Vestnik Permskogo universiteta. Juridicheskie nauki. # 45. 2019. 594 s.
10. Reshetnjak V.I. Jelektronnoe pravosudie v grazhdanskom processe Singapura // Rossijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. # 2. 2012 99 s.
11. Sechkaruk V.S. Sovremennye problemy razvitija jelektronnogo pravosudija v Rossii i v mire // Diplomnyj proekt JeFSPbGU. 2011. 75 s.
12. GiampieroLupo, Bailey Jane. Designing and Implementing e-Justice Systems: Some Lessons Learned from EU and Canadian Examples. Laws 2014, 3, 353- 387.
13. Mathiesen K. Human Rights for the Digital Age // Journal of Mass Media Ethics. 2014. Vol. 29. Issue 1. Pp. 2–18.
14. Sethia A. Rethinking admissibility of electronic evidence// International Journal of Law and Information Technology. Vol. 24. Issue 3. 2016. Pp.229–250.
Koval M. I.
Paid provision of services and features of their application in the penal system
The article deals with the features of the legal nature of the contract for the provision of paid services and its use in the penal system. The article analyzes the problematic issues of implementing the contract in attracting convicts to work, based on practical activities. Measures are proposed to expand the application and increase its effectiveness.
Keywords: paid provision of services, contract, Civil Code of the Russian Federation, penal system, correctional institution, special agent, Federal Penitentiary Service, third-party organization, colony-settlement.
Work bibliographic list
1. Konstitucija Rossijskoj Federacii. M.: Vako, 2020.
2. Ob uchrezhdenijah i organah, ispolnjajushhih ugolovnye nakazanija v vide lishenija svobody: zakon Ros. Federacii: [ot 21 ijulja 1993 g. # 5473-1 ; po sostojaniju na 27 dek. 2019 g.] // Vedomosti Soveta narodnyh deputatov i Verhovnogo Soveta Ros. Federacii. – 1993. − # 33. − St.1316.
3. Rasporjazhenie FSIN RF ot 31.10.2009 # 313-r «O podgotovke dogovorov ob okazanii uslug po predostavleniju rabochej sily» (vmeste s «Metodicheskimi rekomendacijami po podgotovke dogovorov ob okazanii uslug po predostavleniju rabochej sily iz chisla osuzh-
dennyh pri organizacii vzaimodejstvija so storonnimi partnerami») // Vedomosti ugolovno-ispolnitel'noj sistemy. 2010. # 8.
4. Braginskij M.I. Dogovor podrjada i podobnye emu dogovory. M., 1999.
5. Ioffe O.S. Izbrannye trudy po grazhdanskomu pravu. M., 2000.
Sudakova O. V.
Sources of legal regulation of the contract of carriage by rail
The subject of this article is the sources of legal regulation of the contract of carriage by rail. Based on the analysis of the current legislation, the author identifies the features and problems of a large number of sources that regulate contractual relations in the field of railway transport. The author comes to the conclusion that such a spread of legislation, on the contrary, creates difficulties for civil law entities involved in transportation relations, especially when protecting violated rights. In addition, many of the rules of one law begin to contradict the rules of another. In this regard, the author believes that the legislation regulating rail transport requires the concentration of such rules in a more codified form.
Keywords: contract of carriage, railway transport, sources, legal regulation, passenger, cargo.
Work bibliographic list
1. Grazhdanskij kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii (chast' vtoraja) ot 26.01.1996 # 14-FZ (red. ot 27.12.2019, s izm. Ot 28.04.2020) // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. - 1996. - # 5. - St. 410.
2. Federal'nyj zakon ot 10.01.2003 # 18-FZ (red. Ot 08.06.2020) «Ustav zheleznodorozhnogo transporta Rossijskoj Federacii» // Rossijskaja gazeta. - # 8. - 2003.
3. Postanovlenie Pravitel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii ot 05.08.2009 # 643 «O gosudarstvennom regulirovanii tarifov, sborov i platy v otnoshenii rabot (uslug) sub"ektov estestvennyh monopolij v sfere zheleznodorozhnyh perevozok» // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii. - 2009. - # 32. - St. 4051.
4. Prikaz Mintransa Rossii ot 27.07.2015 # 228 (red. Ot 18.07.2017) «Ob utverzhdenii Pravil priema perevozchikom zajavok gruzootpravitelej na perevozku gruzov zheleznodorozhnym transportom» (Zaregistrirovano v Minjuste Rossii 14.12.2015 # 40075). [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa (data obrashhenija: 05.09.2020).
5. Egiazarov V. A. Transportnoe pravo: Uchebnik. - M.:Justicinform, 2016. - 736 s.
6. Enikeev R. M., Ahtjamova E. V. Problemy pravovogo regulirovanija prinjatija tovara gruzopoluchatelem po dogovoru perevozki gruza zheleznodorozhnym transportom // Nauchnyj jelektronnyj zhurnal Meridian.- 2019. - # 13 (31). - S. 153-155.
7. Kashapov A. I., Ganeev Z. Sh. Istochniki pravovogo regulirovanija dogovora perevozki gruzov zheleznodorozhnym transportom v Rossii: opredelenie, vidy, osobennosti // Teorija i praktika sovremennoj nauki. - 2018.- # 5 (35). - S. 381-386.
8. Lukash M. Ju., Asadova Zh. N. Pravovoe regulirovanie dogovora perevozki gruzov zheleznodorozhnym transportom // Vestnik Belgorodskogo juridicheskogo instituta MVD Rossii imeni I. D. Putilina. - 2019. - # 1.- S. 37-41.
9. Cherstvov A. A., Novikova S. V. Nekotorye voprosy grazhdansko-pravovogo regulirovanija dogovora perevozki gruza zheleznodorozhnym transportom // V sbornike: Grazhdanskoe zakonodatel'stvo RF: sovremennoe sostojanie, tendencii i perspektivy razvitija. ANO «NII APSP». - 2018. - S. 193-196.
Trubina V. A.
Human embryo: legal regime and new achievements in biotechnology
In the course of scientific and technological progress, new phenomena arise, requiring regulation. The development of biotechnology significantly outstrips the comprehension of new achievements from a legal perspective, whichcan lead to legal uncertaintyand violation of the rightsof the parties to emerging relationships. Recently revolutionary discoveries have been made in the field of reproductive technologies and embryology, which are aimed at improving the health and well-being of mankind, but in the absence of regulation can lead to unpredictable consequences.The importance of the interests involved, as well as the rapid pace of technological development in this area, necessitate the immediate regulation of the legal regime of the human embryo, as well as the framework and limits of scientific research in this area.
Keywords: human embryo, right to life, biotechnology, reproductive technologies.
Work bibliographic list
1. Vasil'ev G. S. Chelovecheskij biomaterial kak ob"ekt prava. // Izvestija vysshih uchebnyh zavedenij. Pravovedenie. - 2018. - # 2. - S. 308-361.
2. Druzhinina Ju. F. Pravovoj rezhim jembriona invitro// Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. - 2017. - # 12. - S. 129-139.
3. Glandin S. V. O statuse jembriona cheloveka v svete prava na uvazhenie lichnoj i semejnoj tajny v evropejskom i rossijskom prave // Zakon. - 2014. - # 4.
4. Kurilo L. F. Razvitie jembriona i nekotorye moral'no-jeticheskie problemy metodov vspomogatel'noj reprodukcii. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
5. Maleina M. N. O prave na zhizn' // Sovetskoe gosudarstvo i pravo. - 1992. - # 2. - S. 50-59.
6. Malysheva A. A. Pravo na zhizn': osobennosti pravovoj zashhity jembrionov // Rossijskij ezhegodnik Evropejskoj konvencii po pravam cheloveka. - 2017.- # 3. - C. 168-179.
7. Myzrov S. N., Nagornyj V. A. K voprosu o veshhno-pravovom statuse organov i tkanej cheloveka: differencirovannyj podhod k razresheniju problemy// Medicinskoe pravo. - 2014. - # 3. - S. 35-40.
8. Ostanina E. A. Pravo na svojo telo: rasporjazhenija v otnoshenija organov, tkanej, kletok i jembrionov s pozicii grazhdanskogo prava // Vestnik jekonomicheskogo pravosudija Rossijskoj Federacii. - 2019. - #8. - S. 156-194.
9. Perevozchikova E. V., Pankratova E. A. Konstitucionnoe pravo na zhizn' i pravovoj status jembriona// Medicinskoe pravo. - 2006. - # 2. - S. 16-22.
10. Fedoseeva N. N., Frolova E. A. Problema opredelenija pravovogo statusa jembrionov v mezhdunarodnom i rossijskom prave // Medicinskoe pravo. - 2008. -# 1.
11. Purge A. R. Pravovoe polozhenie jembrionov v sovremennom prave Rossii // Molodoj uchenyj. - 2012.- # 2. - S. 202-204.
12. Romanovskij G. B. Teoreticheskie problemy prava na zhizn': konstitucionno-pravovoe issledovanie:avtoref. dis. … d-ra. jurid. nauk: 12.00.02. - M., 2006.- 57 c.
13. Shershenevich G. F. Uchebnik russkogo grazhdanskogo prava (po izdaniju 1907 g.) / vstup. st. E. A. Suhanova.- M.: SPARK, 1995 - 556 s.
14. Dudin M. N., Sertakova O. V., Frolova E. E., Artemieva J. A., Galkina M. V. Development of methodological approaches to assessing the quality of healthcare services// Quality - Access to Success. - 2017. - Vol. 18. - # 158.- P. 71-78
15. Dudin M. N., Sertakova O. V., Frolova E. E., Katsarskiy M. I., Voikova N. A. Methodological approaches to examination of public health based on the «National health quality indicator» model // Quality - Access to Success. - 2017. - Vol. 18. - # 159. - P. 71-79.
16. Hitchcock J. Mills & ReeveLLP. What is a “human admixed embryo”? - 2018. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: h琀ps://
17. Moses L. B. The problem with alternatives: the importance of property law in regulating excised human tissue and in vitro human embryos // Persons, parts and property edited by Goold I. et Greasley K., Herring J. et al. Hart Publishing. - 2016.
18. Spivak C. National Report: The law of surrogate motherhood in the United States. - 2010. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
Chupikina A. F.
Legal personality of robots and the social state:some questions
Taking into account that legislation should be proactive, the author touches on some disturbing issues of building a social state in the development of robotics. The development of technology has led to the development of such artificial intelligence, which is also constantly being improved and this evolution should lead, according to the developers, to the superiority of artificial intelligence over the human brain. Given the dynamics of the institution of legal personality, the introduction and impact of “socialized” robots in public life, it is necessary to predict the consequences of such robotization in General – both in the legal field and in social interaction. Also, referring to the social novel of the Russian Constitution, which, according to article 75.1 “...guaranteed to protect the dignity of citizens...” asks the question: protected dignity of citizens when adjusting a robot with a human?
Keywords: personality of robots, the welfare state, citizenship.
Work bibliographic list
1. Gabov A. V., Havanova I. A. Jevoljucija robotov i pravo XXI veka // Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. - 2018. - # 435. - S. 215-233.
2. Chirkin V. E. Konstitucija i social'noe gosudarstvo v sravnitel'nom izmerenii // Trudy instituta gosudarstva i prava Rossijskoj akademii nauk.- 2008. - # 6. - S. 5.
3. Chupilkina A. F. Neobhodimost' razvitija jekologicheskogo malogo predprinimatel'stva: konstitucionno-pravovye aspekty, rol' regionov i municipalitetov // Jekologicheskoe pravo. - M.: Jurist, 2018. - # 3. - S. 20-23.
4. Juridicheskaja koncepcija robotizacii: monografija / otv. red. Ju. A. Tihomirov, S. B. Nanba. - M.:Prospekt, 2019. - 240 s.
Chursina A. S.
The doctrine of estoppel in Russian civil law:legal basis and history of provision
The paper discusses the doctrine of estoppel in Civil Law. Examination of court practice shows that in dealing with civil disputes estoppel is interpreted by many courts in a broad manner. The paper demonstrates the orientation of the doctrine of estoppel on preventing conflicting and unfair conduct of economic use actors and profiting by the party inconsistent in its behavior to the detriment of the other party, which counted in good faith and reasonably on legal situation created by the first party.
Altogether, the paper argues that at the heart of estoppel is the principle of good faith.
Key words: civil law, principle of good faith, estoppel, transaction, invalidity of a transaction, court practice.
Work bibliographic list
1. O vnesenii izmenenij v podrazdely 4 i 5 razdela I chasti pervoj i stat'ju 1153 chasti tret'ej GK RF: fed. zakon ot 07.05.2013 # 100-FZ. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. - Rezhim dostupa: SPS «Konsul'tant-Pljus».
2. O vnesenii izmenenij v chasti pervuju, vtoruju, tret'ju i chetvertuju Grazhdanskogo kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii, a takzhe otdel'nye zakonodatel'nye akty Rossijskoj Federacii: proekt fed. zakona # 47538-6. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: obrashhenija: 01.08.2020).
3. O sovershenstvovanii Grazhdanskogo kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii: ukaz prezidenta RF ot 18.07.2008 # 1108. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: SPS «Konsul'tant-Pljus».
4. Postanovlenie Arbitrazhnogo suda Vostochno-Sibirskogo okruga ot 18.08.2017 # F02-4187/2017 po delu # A78-14846/2016. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. -Rezhim dostupa: SPS «Konsul'tant-Pljus».
5. Postanovlenie Tret'ego arbitrazhnogo apelljacionnogo suda ot 09.02.2018 po delu # A33-3412/2017.[Jelektronnyj resurs]. - Rezhim dostupa: SPS«Konsul'tant-Pljus».
6. Venskaja Konvencija o prave mezhdunarodnyh dogovorov (Vena, 1969). [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: SPS «Konsul'tant-Pljus».
7. Zakljuchenie po proektu federal'nogo zakona #47538-6/4 «O vnesenii izmenenij v podrazdely 4 i 5 razdela I chasti pervoj i stat'i 1153 chasti tret'ej GK RF» (povtorno ko vtoromu chteniju).[Jelektronnyj resurs]. - Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 01.08.2020).
8. Kalamkarjan R. A., Migachev Ju. I. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo: uchebnik. - M.: Jeksmo, 2004. - 688 c.
9. Kalashnikov A. V. Sovremennoe dogovornoe pravo Velikobritanii i vlijanie na nego sudebnyh reshenij Al'freda Denninga. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. - Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 01.08.2020).
10. Chursina A. S. K voprosu stanovlenija obrazovatel'noj sistemy tradicionnyh jetnosov Enisejskogo Severa v 1920-1930-e gg. // The Newman in Foreign Policy. - 2019. - # 49-5 (93). - S. 10-12.
11. Bershadskaya S. V. Supportive social networks as driving force of educational performance // Problemy sovremennoj agrarnoj nauki. Materialy mezhdunarodnoj nauchnoj konferencii / Krasnojar. gos. agrar. un-t. - Krasnojarsk, 2018. - S. 238-240.
12. Central London Property Trust Ltd v. High Trees House Ltd. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. - Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 01.08.2020).
Esendirov A. V.
Theoretical Problems of the Directors’ Liability Insurance and Their Reflection in Judicial Practice
In the Russian Federation, liability insurance for members of the management bodies of legal entities appeared relatively recently.
The demand for this insurance product arose first of all from those business entities whose management bodies were attended by foreign directors, for which liability insurance was a natural condition of work in the organization. Due to the orientation of insurers to mainly large business, this type of insurance remains poorly researched to a certain extent. The main reason for the emergence of the need for liability insurance for members of management bodies of business entities in the Russian Federation is due to the emergence of such a form of protection of shareholders’ rights as the possibility of filing a class action claim (Article 65.2 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) and a consistent policy of the legislator to tighten liability for violation of the duties of members of management bodies of legal entities, which has been repeatedly noted by researchers. The novelty, as well as the borrowed nature of this type of insurance, entails the emergence of difficulties in resolving disputes. The author of the article analyzes a theoretical model of an obligation from a liability insurance contract using the example of one of the recent court decisions related to the liability insurance of members of the management bodies of legal entities, which has added to a relatively small judicial practice in this category of cases.
Keywords: insurance liability, directors, liability, bodies of legal entities.
Work bibliographic list
1. Zakon RF «Ob organizacii strahovogo dela v Rossijskoj Federacii» ot 27.11.1992 # 4015-1 // SPS «Konsul'tantPljus».
2. Reshenie Arbitrazhnogo suda goroda Moskvy ot 23 ijunja 2020 g. po delu # A40-334460/19-14-2357.
3. Alejnikova V.V. Otvetstvennost' rukovoditelej i strahovye mehanizmy ih zashhity. M., 2018.
4. Arhipova A. G. Kompanija hochet zastrahovat' otvetstvennost' direktora. Kakie pravovye riski pridetsja uchest' // Arbitrazhnaja praktika. 2016. # 12.
5. Inozemcev M. I., Stepanov S. K. Institut strahovanija pravovogo titula v Rossii i SShA: sushhnost' i perspektivy razvitija // Juridicheskaja nauka. 2018. # 2.
6. Mitrichev I.A. Ponjatie imushhestvennogo strahovanija // SPS «Konsul'tantPljus».
7. Nektov A. V. Ogranichenie otvetstvennosti prodavca za peredachu tovara, obremenennogo intellektual'nymi pravami tret'ih lic // Dogovory kommercheskogo prava. Dogovor prodazhi tovarov: uchebnoe posobie dlja vuzov / pod obshh. red. V. A. Belova. M., 2020.
8. Serebrovskij V.I. Strahovanie. V kn.: Izbrannye trudy po nasledstvennomu i strahovomu pravu. M., 2003.
9. Bainbridge S. M. Corporate Directors in the United Kingdom // William & Mary Law Review Online. 2017, # 59.
10. Baker T., Griffith S.J. How the Merits matter: Directors’ and Officers’ Insurance and Securities Settlements //University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2009, # 3.
11. Clarke M. A. The Law of Liability Insurance. New York, 2017. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:!/4/14/6/4/4/2@0:0 (Accessed August 20, 2020).
12. Dobiac J. I Came, I Saw, I Underwrote: D & O Liability Insurance’s Past Underwriting Practices and Potential Future Directions // Connecticut Insurance Law Journal. 2008, # 2.
13. Graz W. D. Organhaftung und D&O – Versicherung.[Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (accessed August 15, 2020).
14. Harrington S.E., Danzon P.M. The Economics of Liability Insurance in: Dionne (eds.) 2000, Handbook of Insurance.
15. Paolini A. Lending Sub-prime and Advising on Financial Instruments from a D & O Insurance Perspective //Journal of Business Law. 2012.
16. Sieg, O. D&O-Versicherung des Managers. De Gruyert. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (accessed August 12, 2020).
17. Weterings O. R. W. D&O Insurance and Corporate Governance: Is D&O Insurance Indicative of the Quality of Corporate Governance in a Company? //Stanford Journal of Law, Business and Finance, 2019. #24. LexisNexis (accessed August 17, 2020).
Fan J.
Structure and innovation of China’s foreign investment law
China’s Foreign Investment Law, which came into force in 2020, establishes the basic framework for China’s new foreign investment legal system. The law reflects China’s serious commitments to foreign investors and the international society, and demonstrates steps that China has taken to expand its opening to the outside world. The additional Implementing Regulations refine the concrete regulations of Foreign Investment Law to form a complete legal system of foreign investment. The paper analyses the structure and innovations of China’s Foreign Investment Law, presenting useful experience and potential legal gaps to the international community.
Keywords: investment law, legal system of investment law, legislative reform.
Work bibliographic list
1. Cy Fan', Cjej Kjemin. Zakon Kitajskoj Narodnoj Respubliki ob inostrannyh investicijah // Zhurnal Shanhajskogo Universiteta Mezhdunarodnogo Biznesa i Jekonomiki. – 2019. – # 3. – S. 14. (崔凡, 蔡开明. 《中华人民共和国外商投资法》 初探 // 上海外经贸大学学报. – 2019. – #. 3. – S. 14.
2. Sun Sjaojan'. Reforma rezhima inostrannyh investicij v Kitae: ot inostrannyh investicij «Tri zakona» k pravu inostrannyh investicij // Zhurnal Shanhajskogo universiteta mezhdunarodnogo biznesa i jekonomiki. - Zhurnal vneshnej torgovli i jekonomiki // Shanhajskij universitet mezhdunarodnogo biznesa i jekonomiki. – 2019. – S. 4. – S. 6. (宋晓燕. 中国外商投资制度改革: 从外资 “三法” 到《 外商投资法》 // 上海对外经贸大学学报. – 2019. – # 4. – S. 6.)
3. San Bajchuan'. Motivacija prjamyh inostrannyh investicij i izmenenie uslovij vedenija biznesa v Kitae // Mezhdunarodnyj jekonomicheskij obzor. –2019. – # 5. – S. 41.(桑百川. 外商直接投资动机与中国营商环境变迁 // 国际经济评论. – 2019. – # 5. – S. 41.)
4. Li Chjengan. Izmenenija i perspektivy pravovoj sistemy ispol'zovanija inostrannogo kapitala za 40 let reform i otkrytija // Vsekitajskij narodnyj kongress. – C. Pravovaja sistema inostrannyh investicij. 5. – S. 50. (李成钢. 改革开放 40 年来利用外资法律制度的变迁与展望 // 中国人大. – 2019. – # 5. – S. 50.)
5. Sjuj Ibin'. Vlijanie Zakona ob inostrannyh investicijah na biznes-sredu i problemy, s kotorymi on stalkivaetsja // Narodnoe verhovenstvo prava. –2019. – # 7. – S. 16. (徐忆斌. 外商投资法对营商环境的影响及面临的问题 // 人民法治. – 2019. – #. 7. – S. 16.).
Kirsanov V. O., Kulakov M. P.
General provisions of procedural guarantees of the rights of persons participating in the case in the field of electronic justice
The article examines the theoretical aspects of the definition of procedural guarantees in the field of electronic justice. It should be noted that in the science of civil procedure there is no unity regarding the definition of the term “procedural guarantees”. In this article we will try to give the points of view of different authors regarding the content of the concept under study. It should also be noted that the recently actively developing e-justice process also significantly affects this concept. It should be recognized that many of the problems arising in the field of ensuring procedural guarantees, today remain relevant and unresolved. These issues require effective and fair legal regulation.
Keywords: electronic justice, procedural guarantees, participants in the process, arbitration process.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bogomolov A.A. Processual'nye garantii pravil'nosti i svoevremennosti rassmotrenija i razreshenija grazhdanskih del: Avtoreferat dis. ... kand.jurid. nauk. Saratov, 2004. S. 7-8.
2. Kirillov A.E. Processual'nye osnovy jelektronnogo pravosudija // «Vestnik grazhdanskogo processa». 2018. # 1.
3. Omarov M.D. Pravovoe regulirovanie informatizacii sudov obshhej jurisdikcii Rossijskoj Federacii - neobhodimoe uslovie dlja perehoda k «jelektronnomu pravosudiju» // Rossijskaja justicija. 2014. # 6. S. 54.
4. Reshetnjak V.I. Jelektronnoe pravosudie i transparentnost' sudebnoj sistemy // Jelektronnoe prilozhenie k «Rossijskomu juridicheskomu zhurnalu». 2011. # 3. S. 51-55.
Shtepa T. V.
Comprehensive legal characterization of fee-for educational services agreements
The distinctive features of contracts for the provision of services in civil law are defined and characterized, highlighting the features inherent in contracts for the provision of educational services. The degree of regulation of these contracts in civil legislation is determined.
The classification of contracts for the provision of services in civil science is considered, with the allocation of the criterion of remuneration and subjectivity. It is proved that the contract for the provision of educational services has, in addition to the civil nature, also the features of a public law contract. The attribution of these agreements to accession agreements is justified. The public nature of the educational services provided makes it possible to define contracts for such services as public, which extends to them the norms of civil legislation governing such types of contracts. It is determined that the results of educational services provided under contracts are subject to quality guarantees regulated by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, which are considered in the context of two groups: legal and contractual. Analysis of the relations regulated by the contract of compensated rendering of educational services, was allowed to come to the conclusion that he has a dual legal nature, combining features of civil law and public contract governed by the general rules of civil law on paid services, special norms of the law on education and regulations on consumer protection.
Keywords: educational services, contract for the provision of services, paid contracts, paid provision of services, payment for education, free training.
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon ot 29 dekabrja 2012 g. # 273-FZ «Ob obrazovanii».
2. Zakon Rossijskoj Federacii ot 7 fevralja 1992 g. # 2300-I «O zashhite prav potrebitelej».
3. Volchanskaja L.M. Dogovor vozmezdnogo okazanija obrazovatel'nyh uslug: pravovoe regulirovanie, ponjatie i soderzhanie // Pravovedenie. - 2002. - # 3 (242). - S. 265-270.
4. Zagorodnij S.A. Dogovor o professional'noj podgotovke v VUZe: avtoref. dis. … kand. jurid. nauk:12.00.03. - Har'kov: Harkovskij nac. un-t vnutr. del, 2007. - 20 s.
5. Zarubina M.G. Grazhdansko-pravovoe regulirovanie okazanija platnyh obrazovatel'nyh uslug // Juridicheskaja nauka. - 2017. - # 4. - S. 16-21.
6. Kokorin I.S. Predmet dogovora vozmezdnogo okazanija obrazovatel'nyh uslug: problemy ponimanija // Leningradskij juridicheskij zhurnal. - 2016. - # 2. - S. 64-71.
7. Kudrjashov I.V. Dogovor na okazanie platnyh obrazovatel'nyh uslug kak osnovanie investicij v obrazovanie // Pravo i obrazovanie. - 2008. - # 2. - S. 25-33.
8. Mirzojan A.A. Nekotorye voprosy sistematizacii dogovorov o predostavlenii uslug // Universitetskie nauchnye zapiski HUUP. - 2007. - # 4 (24). - S.229-233.
9. Motehina M.V. Uslovija dogovora vozmezdnogo okazanija obrazovatel'nyh uslug vysshego uchebnogo zavedenija, ushhemljajushhie prava potrebitelja // Sovremennoe pravo. - 2015. - # 11. - S. 73-77.
10. Muzaev R.A. Dogovor vozmezdnogo okazanija uslug kak vid objazatel'stv po okazaniju uslug v grazhdanskom prave Rossii // Jelektronnoe prilozhenie k Rossijskomu juridicheskomu zhurnalu. - 2014. - # 1.- S. 25-33.
11. Obzor sudebnoj praktiki Verhovnogo Suda Rossijskoj Federacii za I kvartal 2002 g. Utverzhden postanovleniem Prezidiuma Verhovnogo Suda Rossijskoj Federacii 10 ijulja 2002 g. // Bjulleten' Verhovnogo Suda RF. - 2002. - # 11.
12. Sitdikova L.B. Normativnaja model' dogovora na vozmezdnoe okazanie uslug // Rossijskij sud'ja. -2008. - # 1. - S. 32-34.
13. Tolochkova I.A.K voprosu ob opredelenii ponjatija dogovora ob okazanii platnyh obrazovatel'nyh uslug // Vestnik Saratovskoj gosudarstvennoj juridicheskoj akademii. - 2017. - # 4 (117). - S. 140-143.
Neznamov A. V.
On the impact of digital technologies on the civil procedure legislation
Based on the experience of the coronavirus caused digitalization of civil proceedings, the article highlights some aspects of that what kind of impact have been made by this process on the basic institutions of civil procedure. In particular, based on the current and previous experience of regulating digital technologies in civil proceedings, the author concludes that as the civil process is digitized, the structure of legislation on civil proceedings will change be the way of increasing the role of technical and organizational acts. Based on this suggestion, the author formulates a number of practical problems that will need to be solved in the very near future due to the increasing importance of technical and organizational regulation in the civil process.
Keywords: сivil proceedings, arbitral proceedings, digitalization of civil procedure, civil procedure legislation, e-filing, online court hearing.
Work bibliographic list
1. Arbitrazhnye sudy stanovjatsja tehnologichnee // 2020. 19 fevralja. [Jelektronnyj resurs].– Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 31.08.2020).
2. Afanas'ev S.F., Borisova V.F. Pravovoe regulirovanie jelektronnogo obrashhenija v sud po grazhdanskim delam: sovremennoe sostojanie i perspektivy// Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Serija 5. 2016 g. # 1 (30). S. 23-29.
3. Viljak O.I. Videokonferenc-svjaz' v arbitrazhnom processe: pravovaja priroda i problemy realizacii norm APK RF // Arbitrazhnaja praktika. M.:ZAO «Aktion-Media». 2011. # 5. S. 110-118.
4. Virusnaja revoljucija: kak pandemija izmenit nash mir // RBK. 2020. 27 marta. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. –Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 31.08.2020).
5. Glava Verhovnogo suda: Budut propisany pravila onlajn-zasedanij // Rossijskaja gazeta – Stolichnyj vypusk. # 147(8201). [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 31.08.2020).
6. Kozyrev D.E. «Jelektronnoe pravosudie» v reshenija Verhovnogo suda // 2018. 07 ijunja. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 31.08.2020).
7. «Koronavirus uskoril cifrovizaciju jekonomiki v desjatki raz» // Vedomosti. 2020. 12
aprelja. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
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8. Novikova K.S. Cifrovye novacii i jelementy jelektronnogo pravosudija v arbitrazhnom sudoproizvodstve v period rasprostranenija koronavirusnoj infekcii // Obrazovanie i pravo. 2020 # 4. S.240-244.
9. Pandemija kak katalizator cifrovoj revoljucii //Russia Today. 2020. 10 ijulja. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. –Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 31.08.2020).
10. Puchinskij V.K. Ponjatie, predmet, istochniki sovetskogo processual'nogo prava. M., 1966. 51 s.
11. Reshetnikova I.V. S vvedeniem jelektronnogo pravosudija sudoproizvodstvo perejdet na sovsem inoj uroven' razvitija // Zakon. 2013. # 2. S. 7-16.
12. Rozhkova M.A. Normativnoe regulirovanie (pravovoe, tehnicheskoe, jeticheskoe) – chto jeto takoe i kakim obrazom ego razgranichivat'? // 2020. 21 aprelja.[Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 31.08.2020).
13. Spesivov N.V., Titov A.A. Pandemija COVID-19 kak faktor «vynuzhdennoj cifrovizacii» rossijskogo ugolovnogo sudoproizvodstva // Vestnik Saratovskoj gosudarstvennoj juridicheskoj akademii. 2020. # 3 (134). S. 193-200.
14. Trunk A. Jelektronnye formy vedenija grazhdanskogo processa. Sravnitel'nyj ocherk po germanskomu i rossijskomu pravu // Rossijskij ezhegodnik grazhdanskogo i arbitrazhnogo processa. 2012. # 3. S. 241-258.
Sarankina Yu. A.
Theoretical and legal analysis of the concept and essence of office and labor legal relationship in the internal affairs
The article is devoted to the theoretical and legal analysis of the concept of “service-labor legal relations in the internal affairs bodies”, the definition of the object of service-labor legal relations in the investigated area, the allocation on the basis of the analysis of specific features of these legal relations.
Keywords: legal relationship, service and labor relations in the internal affairs bodies, external power legal relations, intra-organizational legal relations.
Work bibliographic list
1. O policii: Federal'nyj zakon ot 07.02.2011 #3-FZ (redakcija ot 06.02.2020). - [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 09.02.2020).
2. O sluzhbe v organah vnutrennih del Rossijskoj Federacii i vnesenii izmenenij v otdel'nye zakonodatel'nye akty Rossijskoj Federacii: Federal'nyj zakon ot 30.11.2011 # 342-FZ (redakcija ot 16.12.2019). - [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 09.09.2020).
3. Gusev A.V. Rossijskaja gosudarstvennaja grazhdanskaja sluzhba: problemy pravovogo regulirovanija.- Ekaterinburg, 2005. - 186 s.
4. Chikanova L.A. Pravovoe regulirovanie truda gosudarstvennyh sluzhashhih: perspektivy razvitija// Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. - 2000. - # 3. - S. 48.
5. Jusupov V.A. Teorija administrativnogo prava. -M., 1985. - S. 44.
Zhadobina N. N.
Public councils under financial institutions of state power and local self-government as a form of citizen participation in the financial activities of the state and municipalities
The article examines the issues of the activities of public councils under state and local government bodies that carry out financial activities and their role in involving citizens in solving issues of public finance management. It is noted that, despite the existence of a developed legal framework, the implementation of this form of enhancing civic engagement faces significant problems.
Keywords: citizen participation, financial activities, public councils, public finance, civil society institutions, advisory bodies.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ob utverzhdenii Koncepcii povyshenija jeffektivnosti bjudzhetnyh rashodov v 2019 - 2024 godah: rasporjazhenie Pravitel'stva RF ot 31 janvarja 2019 g.# 117-r // Sobr. zakonodatel'stva Ros. Federacii. 2019. # 6. St. 542.
2. Ob osnovah obshhestvennogo kontrolja v Rossijskoj Federacii: feder. zakon ot 21 ijulja 2014 g. # 212-FZ (red. ot 27 dekabrja 2018 g.) // Sobr. zakonodatel'stva Ros. Federacii. 2014. # 30. Ch. I. St. 4213; Ob Obshhestvennoj palate Rossijskoj Federacii: feder. zakon ot 4 aprelja 2005 g. # 32-FZ (v red. ot 05 dekabrja 2017 g.) // Sobr. zakonodatel'stva Ros. Federacii. 2005. # 5. St. 1277.
3. Ob obshhih principah organizacii i dejatel'nosti obshhestvennyh palat sub"ektov Rossijskoj Federacii: feder. zakon ot 23 ijunja 2016 g. # 183-FZ (v red. ot 05 dekabrja 2017 g.) // Sobr. zakonodatel'stva Ros. Federacii. 2016. # 26 (chast' I). St. 3852;
4. Ob Obshhestvennom sovete pri Ministerstve finansov Rossijskoj Federacii: prikaz Ministerstva finansov Rossii ot 04.09.2019 # 484. Ministerstvo finansov RF: oficial'nyj sajt. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 08.09.2020).
5. Ob obshhestvennom sovete pri Departamente finansov Hanty-Mansijskogo avtonomnogo okruga -Jugry: prikaz Departamenta finansov Hanty-Mansijskogo avtonomnogo okruga – Jugry ot 26.03.2018 # 40-o (s izm. i dop. ot 17.08.2020). Departament finansov Hanty-Mansijskogo avtonomnogo okruga – Jugry: oficial'nyj sajt. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
obshchestvennyy-sovet-pri-departamente-finansovkhanty-mansiyskogo-avtonomnogo-okruga-yugry/o f i t s i a l n y e - d o k u m e n t y / v e d o m s t v e n n y e -munitsipalnye-pravovye-akty/1079150/prikazdepartamenta-finansov-khanty-mansiyskogoavtonomnogo-okruga-yugry-ot-26-01-2015-goda-15-o(data obrashhenija: 08.09.2020).
6. O sozdanii obshhestvenno-konsul'tativnogo soveta po voprosam upravlenija municipal'nymi finansami goroda Surguta pri zamestitele glavy Administracii goroda: rasporjazhenie glavy Administracii goroda ot 12.05.2016 # 767 (s izm. na 24.04.2018). Administracija goroda Surguta: Oficial'nyj sajt. [Jelektronnyj resurs].
– Rezhim dostupa: obrashhenija: 08.09.2020).
7. Departament finansov HMAO-Jugry. Oficial'nyj sajt. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Re-
zhim dostupa: o o r d i n a t s i o n n ye - i - s o ve s h c h a t e l n ye - o r g a n y /obshchestvennyy-sovet-pri-departamente-finansovkhanty-mansiyskogo-avtonomnogo-okruga-yugry/deyatelnost/1069816/meropriyatiya-obshchestvennogokontrolya
(data obrashhenija: 08.09.2020).
Matveeva E. Yu.
The insurance contract as a contract of adhesion
Insurance contract - an agreement between the insurer and the policyholder under the terms of which the insurer assumes the obligation to compensate for damage or pay a sum of money in the event of an insured event specified in the terms of this agreement.
In the article, the author considered general issues related to the conclusion of an insurance contract, such as: the object, subject and subject of the insurance contract, mandatory conditions for conclusion and the main points included in the contract. According to article 428 of the Civil Code, a contract of accession is an agreement, the terms of which are already defined by one of the parties in standard forms. In the article, the author expresses his point of view, whether the insurance contract can be unambiguously a contract of adhesion.
Keywords: insurance contract, a contract of adhesion, an insurance contract, the object of the contract.
Work bibliographic list
1. Postanovlenie Plenuma Verhovnogo Suda RF ot 29.01.2015 # 2 «O primenenii sudami zakonodatel'stva ob objazatel'nom strahovanii grazhdanskoj otvetstvennosti vladel'cev transportnyh sredstv».
2. Kuznecova I. Ju. Interesy storon v dogovore prisoedinenija» // Vestnik Saratovskoj gosudarstvennoj juridicheskoj akademii. - 2017. - # 4 (117). - S. 97-100.
3. Holodok P. V. Primenenie zakona «O zashhite prav potrebitelej» k dogovoru strahovanija // Gumanitarnyj nauchnyj vestnik. - 2017. - # 2. - S. 7-10.[Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
4. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 1.10.2020).
5. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 1.10.2020).
6. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 1.10.2020).
Khomenko A. M.
“Soft law” as a method of regulating international financial relations
International relations are regulated both through international legal acts and treaties, and through documents that do not create legal obligations. This is due to the search by States for more loyal, less formal and flexible ways to regulate international relations. This category of documents is called “soft law” in legal practice and at the state level. Each sphere of relations in which “soft law” is applied has its own specifics. In the article, the author examines in more detail the “soft law” as a method of regulating international financial relations.
Keywords: “soft law”, regulation, international acts and agreements, domestic legislation, international financial relations.
Work bibliographic list
1. Velizhanina M. Ju. Mezhdunarodnye organizacii i «mjagkoe pravo» // Moskovskij zhurnal mezhdunarodnogo prava. - 2007. - # 2. - S. 285-297.
2. Guznov A. G. Pravovye problemy implementacii Bazelja II v Rossii // Zakonodatel'stvo. - 2008. -# 8. - S. 41-51.
3. Karro D., Zhjujar P. Mezhdunarodnoe jekonomicheskoe pravo: Uchebnik / Per. s franc.: V. P. Serebrennikova, V. M. Shumilova. - M., 2001.
4. Kashlach O. V. Normy «mjagkogo» prava: ponjatie i priznaki // Belorusskij zhurnal mezhdunarodnogo prava i mezhdunarodnyh otnoshenij. - 2006. - # 2. - S. 65.
5. Soglashenie o sozdanii uslovij na finansovyh rynkah dlja obespechenija svobodnogo dvizhenija kapitala v gosudarstvah-uchastnikah Edinogo jekonomicheskogo prostranstva ot 9 dekabrja 2010 g. // Bjulleten' mezhdunarodnyh dogovorov. - 2012. - # 11. - S. 27-30.
6. Ustav FSB. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. - Rezhim dostupa:
Grudnov D. V.
On the first practice of normative consolidation of initiative budgeting in the Russian Federation
This article discusses some of the provisions of the Federal Law of 20.07.2020 No. 236-FZ “On Amendments to the Federal Law” On General Principles of Organization of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation. “The definition of the concept of an initiative project is given, in accordance with the norms contained in the above-mentioned legislative act. The content of the initiative project and the circle of persons empowered with the authority to nominate it are determined. Methodological recommendations are given for improving the procedure for proposing initiative projects.
Keywords: budget, initiative project, budgeting, citizens, budget system.
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon ot 20.07.2020 # 236-FZ «O vnesenii izmenenij v Federal'nyj zakon «Ob obshhih principah organizacii mestnogo samoupravlenija v Rossijskoj Federacii» (v redakcii ot 20.07.2020 g.).
2. Vagin V. V., Gavrilova N. V., Shapovalova N. A. Iniciativnoe bjudzhetirovanie: mezhdunarodnyj kontekst Rossijskoj versii // Nauchno-issledovatel'skij finansovyj institut. Finansovyj zhurnal.- 2015. - # 3. - S. 117-122.
3. Grudnov D. V. Vlijanie principa sbalansirovannosti bjudzheta municipal'nogo obrazovanija na bjudzhetnyj process // Rossijskij jekonomicheskij internet-zhurnal. - 2019. - # 4. - S. 45.
4. Mironova S. M. Formy uchastija grazhdan v finansovoj dejatel'nosti gosudarstva i municipal'nyh obrazovanij i praktika ih realizacii // Vestnik Volgogradskoj akademii MVD Rossii. - 2017. - # 1.- S. 30-36.
5. Sintomer Y., Herzberg C., Röcke A., Allegretti G. 2012. Transnational Models of Citizen Participation: The Case of Participatory Budgeting. - Journal of Public Deliberation. Vol. 8. Is. 2. Art. 9. [Jelektronnyj resurs].- Rezhim dostupa:
Aliev Sh. I., Alieva Z. M.
Tax control in the UK as a source of borrowing international experience and increasing the efficiency of tax control mechanisms in Russia
Applying the successful experience of foreign countries in the field of tax control can have a positive impact on tax control in Russia. The introduction of tax control methods, which have proved their effectiveness in practice in foreign countries, is appropriate in modern conditions in Russia. tax control is a dynamic process, therefore, in order to increase the effectiveness of the control work of tax authorities, it is necessary to improve the forms of control and supervision activities and introduce new tax methods. The article analyzes the mechanism of action of the UK tax control authorities, which can act as the main source of borrowing international experience and improving the effectiveness of tax control mechanisms in Russia.
Keywords: Tax control, experience of foreign countries, UK tax control system.
Work bibliographic list
1. Dannye Practical Law [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 14.09.2020).
2. Dannye PracticalLaw - https://uk.practicallaw. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 15.09.2020).
3. Delo #TS 06967 arhiv Ministerstva Justicii Velikobritanii. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 30.08.2020).
4. Delo #TS 06990 arhiv Ministerstva Justicii Velikobritanii. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: obrashhenija: 12.09.2020).
5. Popova L.V. Nalogovye sistemy zarubezhnyh stran:uchebno-metodicheskoe posobie. — M.: Delo i Servis, 2018.
6. Dimitri B. Papadimitriou. The Distributional Effects of Government Spending and Taxation. Palgrave Macmillan (26 May 2016); Birgit Mattil.
7. OECD (2017). Tax Administration 2017: Comparative Information on OECD and Other Advanced and Emerging Economies [Jelektronnyj resurs]. OECD Publishing. Doi: 10.1787/9789264200814-en. P. 106 (data obrashhenija: 15.09.2020).
8. Revenue Law Principles and Practice. Twenty-second Edition. Lexis Nexis — UK. — 2016. — R. 43.
9. Spring Departmental report 2018 HM Revenue and Customs. — London. — 2016. — R. 10.
10. Tony Levene. The Tax Handbook 2017/18: A Complete Guide to the UK. — Tax System, — 2017. — R. 919.
Evtushenko K. A., Azarkhin A. V.
System of legislation of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees
The article discusses the concepts of systematization and systematization of Russian legislation on taxes and fees, the advantages of using such a form of systematization as codification. A brief description of the tax legislation system, which includes Federal, regional and local levels, is given. Since there are certain shortcomings and gaps in the legislation on taxes and fees at the present stage, based on the analysis of legal norms and the opinions of scientists, problematic issues in this area have been identified and recommendations for their solution have been proposed.
Keywords: legislation on taxes and fees, tax legislation, systematization, codification, incorporation, consolidation, tax code, federal taxes, regional taxes, local taxes.
Work bibliographic list
1. Nalogovyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii (chast' pervaja) ot 31.07.1998 # 146-FZ (red. ot 20.07.2020) //SZ RF. – 1998. – # 31. – St. 3824.
2. Nalogovyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii (chast' vtoraja) ot 05.08.2000 # 117-FZ (red. ot 31.07.2020) //SZ RF. – 2000. – # 32. – St. 3340.
3. Federal'nyj zakon ot 29.12.2006 # 244-FZ «O gosudarstvennom regulirovanii dejatel'nosti po organizacii i provedeniju azartnyh igr i o vnesenii izmenenij v nekotorye zakonodatel'nye akty Rossijskoj Federacii» (red. ot 27.12.2019) // SZ RF. –
2007. – # 1 (1 ch.). – St. 7.
4. Zakon RF ot 21.03.1991 # 943-1 «O nalogovyh organah Rossijskoj Federacii» (red. ot 20.07.2020)//Bjulleten' normativnyh aktov. – 1993. – # 1.
5. Zakon g. Moskvy ot 17.12.2014 # 62 «O torgovom sbore» // Oficial'nyj sajt Moskovskoj gorodskoj Dumy. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 17.08.2020).
6. Zakon Samarskoj oblasti ot 25.11.2003 # 98-GD «O naloge na imushhestvo organizacij na territorii Samarskoj oblasti» (red. ot 08.05.2020). [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:›document/945008564 (data obrashhenija: 17.08.2020).
7. Zakon Samarskoj oblasti ot 06.11.2002 # 86-GD «O transportnom naloge na territorii Samarskoj oblasti» (red. ot 08.05.2020). [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:›document/945007290 (data obrashhenija: 17.08.2020).
8. Postanovlenie Samarskoj Gorodskoj Dumy ot 24.11.2005 # 188 «Ob ustanovlenii zemel'nogo naloga» (red. ot 09.07.2020). [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:›document/945015640 (data obrashhenija: 17.08.2020).
9. Reshenie Dumy gorodskogo okruga Samara ot 24.11.2014 # 482 «O naloge na imushhestvo fizicheskih lic» (red. ot 09.11.2019). [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:›document/464015271 (data obrashhenija: 17.08.2020).
10. Alekseev S. S. Gosudarstvo i pravo. Nachal'nyj kurs. – M.: Jurid. lit., 2017. – 320 s.
11. Alferov A. V. Aktual'nye problemy reformirovanija nalogovogo zakonodatel'stva v sfere nalogooblozhenija dohodov fizicheskih lic // Aktual'nye problemy istorii, politiki i prava: sb. st. VII vseros. nauch.-prakt. konf., g. Penza, 29-30 oktjabrja 2019 g. – Penza, 2019. – S. 154-156.
12. Evsjukova E. A., Zlodeeva V. N., Rybnikova A. S. Sovremennye problemy primenenija nalogovogo zakonodatel'stva v RF // Aspirantskie tetradi: sb. nauch. st. / Voronezhskij filial RANHiGS. – Voronezh, 2018. – S. 56-60.
13. Ivanovskaja L. A. Zakonodatel'stvo Rossijskoj Federacii o nalogah i sborah: sostav i problemy sistematizacii // Otechestvennaja jurisprudencija. –2017. – # 7 (21). – S. 56-60.
14. Matuzov N. I., Mal'ko A. V. Teorija gosudarstva i prava: uchebnik dlja vuzov. – M.: Jurist", 2016. – 512 c.
Kazakova N. V.
Environmental legal problems of the Russian oil and gas complex
The article is devoted to the analysis of the current legislation governing some issues of the functioning of the Russian oil and gas complex. As a result of the study identifies the main environmental and legal problems in the operation of oil and gas facilities, shows the importance of the sphere of technical regulation in ensuring environmental safety.
Keywords: oil and gas complex, environmental safety, environmental protection, hydrocarbon raw materials, standardization.
Work bibliographic list
1. Zakon Tjumenskoj oblasti ot 23 dekabrja 2004 g. Zakon Tjumenskoj oblasti «Ob ohrane okruzhajushhej sredy v Tjumenskoj oblasti». [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
2. Kompleksnaja programma razvitija biotehnologij v Rossijskoj Federacii na period do 2020goda» (utv. Pravitel'stvom RF 24.04.2012 #1853p-P8). [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
3. Koncepcii razvitija nacional'noj sistemy standartizacii Rossijskoj Federacii na period do 2020 goda (utv. Pravitel'stvom RF 24.09.2012# 1762-r16). - SZ RF. - 2012. - St. 5485.
4. Jenergeticheskaja strategija Rossii na period do 2030 goda (utv. rasporjazheniem Pravitel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii ot 13 nojabrja 2009 g. # 1715-r2// SZ RF. - 2009. - # 48. - St. 5836.
5. Izjumov I. V., Hajrullina N. G. Pravovye osnovy gosudarstvennogo i municipal'nogo upravlenija:uchebnoe posobie. - Tjumen': TjumGNGU, 2015. - 425s.
6. Prognoz nauchno-tehnologicheskogo razvitija Rossii: 2030. Biotehnologii / pod. red. L. M. Gohberga, M. P. Kirpichnikova. - M.: Ministerstvo obrazovanija i nauki Rossijskoj Federacii, Nacional'nyj issledovatel'skij universitet «Vysshaja shkola jekonomiki», 2014. - 48 s.
7. Hajrullina N. G. Ustojchivoe social'no-politicheskoe razvitie Tjumenskoj oblasti: dinamika indikatorov // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. - 2015. - # 4 (83). - S. 194-196.
Aliev Sh. I., Kakhrumanova Sh. A., Chaptieva Z. Sh.
Purpose as a sign of the subjective part of the crime provided by Art. 202 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, its criminal significance
In this article, the author concretizes the concept of the purpose of a crime associated with abuse of power by private auditors, and analyzes the process of forming this concept in criminal law science. The functions and criminal-legal significance of the purpose of the crime provided for by Article 202 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation have been determined. Judicial practice is analyzed and a proposal is made to improve the current provision of the Criminal Code, which provides for liability for abuse of authority by a private auditor.
Keywords: the purpose of the crime provided for by Article 202 of the Criminal Code, the criminal-legal meaning of the goal, the formation of the goal, consolidation of the goal of a criminal encroachment, associated with the abuse of a private auditor, improvement of legislation.
Work bibliographic list
1. Kommentarij k Ugolovnomu kodeksu Rossijskoj Federacii (nauchno-prakticheskij) / pod red. A.I. Chuchaeva. - M.: Prospekt, 2019.
2. Kommentarij k Ugolovnomu kodeksu Rossijskoj Federacii: v 2 t. (postat.) / A.V. Brilliantov, G.D. Dolzhenkova, Je.N. Zhevlakov i dr.; pod red. A.V. Brilliantova. - 2-e izd. - M.: Prospekt, 2015. - T. 2.
3. Burov V.S. Prestuplenija protiv interesov sluzhby v kommercheskih i inyh organizacijah. Kommentarij zakonodatel'stva i spravochnye materialy. -Rostov-na-Donu: Feniks, 1997.
4. Izosimov S.V. Ugolovnoe zakonodatel'stvo ob otvetstvennosti za sluzhebnye prestuplenija, sovershaemye v kommercheskih i inyh organizacijah: istorija, sovremennost', perspektivy razvitija. -SPb: Jurid. centr Press, 2013.
5. Uchebnik ugolovnogo prava. Chast' Obshhaja / otv. red. Kalmykov P.D. - SPb., 2006.
6. Shnitenkov A.V. Otvetstvennost' za prestuplenija protiv interesov sluzhby: avtoreferat dis. ... doktora juridicheskih nauk: 12.00.08; [Mesto zashhity:Om. akad. MVD RF]. - Omsk, 2006.
Askarova A. R., Yusupova S. I.
Some questions regarding counteraction to recidivism
This scientific article contains generalized information on the cause-and-effect relationships of
the repeated commission of various crimes by citizens. This paper sets out proposals for achieving some of the goals aimed at significantly reducing the crime rate in the Russian Federation.
Key words: social danger, criminal record, socio-economic problems, education, level of legal
awareness, legal nihilism, elimination of legal illiteracy.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ugolovnyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ot 13.06.1996 # 63-FZ (red. ot 31.07.2020).
2. Askarova A. R. Nekotorye problemy deformacii nravstvennosti i soznanija cheloveka na pochve zloupotreblenija alkogolem i inymi odurmanivajushhimi veshhestvami/ A. R. Askarova // Aktual'nye problemy prava i gosudarstva v XXI veke. – 2018. – #2 – S. 66-70.
3. Sostojanie prestupnosti v Rossii za janvar' – dekabr' 2019 goda // General'naja prokuratura Rossijskoj Federacii. Glavnoe upravlenie pravovoj statistiki i informacionnyh tehnologij. – Moskva, 2019. The state of crime in Russia in January – December 2019 // General Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation. Main Department of Legal Statistics and Information Technologies. – Moscow, 2019.
4. Ugolovnoe pravo v 2 t. Tom 1. Obshhaja chast': uchebnik dlja vuzov / A. V. Naumov [i dr.]; otvetstvennyj redaktor A. V. Naumov, A. G. Kibal'nik. — 5-e izd.,pererab. i dop. — M.: Izdatel'stvo Jurajt, 2020. —410 s.
Bidova B. B.
National interests and their reflection in the criminal law system
The author analyzes the problem of ensuring national interests as a multi-level, complex and systematic process. A meaningful understanding of the fundamental category “national interest” in the context of national security is carried out. It is concluded that ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation is a complex and multi-sided process consisting of coordinated actions of national and public institutions with the assistance of civil society, aimed at detecting and anticipating threats to the security of the individual, society and the state, and fully countering them in order to protect the national interests of the country. Special attention is paid to the national security strategy of the Russian Federation. To do this, it is necessary to develop a holistic and consistent scientific approach that allows not only to formulate basic goals that describe aspects of the functioning of the established state, but also to outline priority areas for the government that cares about protecting national security.
Keywords: interest, nation, society, national interest, national security, legal system, criminal law.
Work bibliographic list
1. Kairzhanov E.K. Kategorija «interes» i ee ugolovno-pravovoe znachenie // Trudy Karagandinskoj VSh MVD SSSR. 1975. Vyp. 2. S. 42-49.
2. Gel'vecij K.A. Ob ume. M.: Gosizdat, 1938. 257 s.
3. Nikiforov B.S. Ob"ekt prestuplenija po sovetskomu ugolovnomu pravu. M.: Jurizdat, 1960. 329 s.
4. Anohin P.V. Nacional'nye interesy i prava cheloveka: sootnoshenie i prioritety: Avtoref. dis. ...kand. jurid. nauk. SPb., 2001. 22 s.
5. Skazkin B.C. Obshhaja harakteristika diplomatii i diplomaticheskih organov v XVI-XVIII vekah / Pod red.: A.A. Gromyko. M.: Izdatel'stvo Politicheskoj literatury, 1979. 766 c.
6. Tihomirov Ju.A. Publichnoe pravo: padenie i vzlety // Gosudarstvo i pravo. 1996. # 1. S. 2-9.
Brashnina О. А.
The evolution of norms about the criminal liability for theft of weapons in the pre-revolutionary period in Russia
In 2019, 26557 crimes related to illegal arms trafficking were detected in the Russian Federation, of which 1049 are theft or extortion of weapons. At the same time, the current legal acts regulating the circulation of weapons, explosives and explosive devices are undergoing changes. Thus, the analysis of the historical development of legislation on liability for illegal arms trafficking is becoming very relevant today.
The author analyzes the historical background for the development of norms on criminal liability for theft of weapons in the domesticcriminal legislation, highlights the main trends of their criminalization in the framework of property crimes, their separation into independent structures, as well as differentiation of criminal liability for theft of weapons depending on the state consolidation and regulation of the subject of the crime, as well as the level of legal technology. It is concluded that the analysis of the history of criminal responsibility for theft of weapons shows that it was not characterized by constancy and stability.
Keyword: theft, weapons, historical development, illegal arms trafficking.
Work bibliographic list
1. Velikaja Oktjabr'skaja socialisticheskaja revoljucija. Dokumenty i materialy. – M., 1959. – 350 s.
2. Kurs sovetskogo ugolovnogo prava: v 6-ti tomah:Chast' obshhaja. T. 2 / Kriger G.L., Piontkovskij A.A., Romashkin P.S. – M.: Nauka, 1971. – 516 c.
3. Novoselov G. P. Uchenie ob ob"ekte prestuplenija. Metodologicheskie aspekty. – M.: NORMA, 2001. –208 s.
4. Pirogov P. P. Osnovnye jetapy zakreplenija otvetstvennosti za prestuplenija protiv sobstvennosti po ugolovnomu zakonodatel'stvu dorevoljucionnoj Rossii // Vestnik MIJeP. – 2015. – # 3 (20). – S. 118-129.
5. Revoljucionnoe dvizhenie v Rossii posle sverzhenija samoderzhavija / Pod red. L. S. Gaponenko (otv. red.). – M.: Akad. nauk SSSR, 1957. – 857 s.
6. Rudnik V. V. Istorija razvitija zakonodatel'stva Rossii ob otvetstvennosti za pravonarushenija, svjazannye s oborotom oruzhija i boepripasov (dorevoljucionnyj period) // Jurist"-pravoved". – 2014. – # 3 (64). – S. 92-98.
7. Rossijskoe zakonodatel'stvo X-XX vekov. T. 2. 3. 4. 5. – M., 1985.
8. Russkaja Pravda (kratkaja redakcija) // Otechestvennoe zakonodatel'stvo XI-XX vekov.– Ch. 1. XI-XX veka / Pod red. O.I. Chistjakova. – M., 1999. – 210 c.
9. Soshina L. A. Istorija otechestvennogo ugolovnogo zakonodatel'stva ob otvetstvennosti za prestuplenija, svjazannye s nezakonnym oborotom oruzhija(1917-1945 gg.) // Sibirskij juridicheskij vestnik.– 2008. – # 4 (43). – S. 85-91.
10. Trostjanskij A. G. Zakonodatel'noe regulirovanie oborota oruzhija v Rossii: istorija i sovremennost'// Jelektronnyj nauchnyj zhurnal «Nauka. Obshhestvo. Gosudarstvo». – 2015. – T. 3. – # 3 (11). – S. 3. – [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: https://esj.pnzgu.
11. Ugolovnoe ulozhenie 22 marta 1903 g.: S motivami, izvlech. iz ob"jasn. zapiski Red. komis., predstavlenija Min. just. v Gos. sov. i zhurn. - osobogo soveshh., osobogo prisutstvija dep. i obshh. sobr. Gos. sov. / Izd. N.S. Taganceva. – Sankt-Peterburg: Gos. tip., 1904. – [2], II, 1122 s.
12. Ulozhenie o nakazanijah ugolovnyh i ispravitel'nyh 1885 goda: izd. N. S. Tagancevym / sost. prof. S.-Peterb. un-ta S. N. Tagancevym. - 11-e izd., peresm. I dop. – S.-Peterburg: Gos. tip., 1901. – [4], 925 s.
Gazizov T. I.
Actual problems in identifying a crime under Article 174 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation
The article reveals the problems that arise in the course of identifying such a crime in the field of economic activity as the legalization (laundering) of money and other property obtained as a result of criminal activity by another person. Attention is focused on the lack of a uniform approach in law enforcement practice to refer certain actions to legalization, as well as on the organizational problems of identifying this crime.
Keywords: legalization, proceeds from crime, detection of crimes, operational – search activities, interaction.
1. Prikaz General'noj prokuratury RF, MVD RF, FSB RF, Federal'noj sluzhby RF po kontrolju za oborotom narkotikov, Federal'noj tamozhennoj sluzhby, Sledstvennogo komiteta pri prokurature RF, Federal'noj sluzhby po finansovomu monitoringu ot 5 avgusta 2010 g. # 309/566/378/318/1460/43/207 «Ob utverzhdenii Instrukcii po organizacii informacionnogo vzaimodejstvija v sfere protivodejstvija legalizacii (otmyvaniju) denezhnyh sredstv i inogo imushhestva, poluchennyh prestupnym putem» // Vestnik Sledstvennogo komiteta pri prokurature Rossijskoj Federacii. 2010. # 3-4.
2. Postanovlenie Plenuma Verhovnogo Suda RF ot 7 ijulja 2015 g. # 32 (v red. ot 26.02.2019) «O sudebnoj praktike po delam o legalizacii (otmyvanii) denezhnyh sredstv
ili inogo imushhestva, priobretennyh prestupnym putem, i o priobretenii ili sbyte imushhestva, zavedomo dobytogo prestupnym putem» // Rossijskaja gazeta. 2015. 13 ijulja. # 151.
3. Poljakov N.V., Garmaev Ju.P. Problemy vyjavlenija i raskrytija legalizacii prestupnyh dohodov, poluchennyh on nezakonnoj bankovskoj dejatel'nosti // Vestnik Krasnodarskogo universiteta MVD Rossii. 2019. # 2 (44). S. 53.
4. Rodichev M.L., Semenov M.V., Shahmatov A.V. Vyjavlenie legalizacii narkodohodov operativnymi podrazdelenijami MVD Rossii: sovremennoe sostojanie i osnovnye problemy // Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo universiteta MVD Rossii. 2019. # 4 (84). S. 160.
5. Statisticheskij sbornik MVD RF. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: https://xn--b1aew.xn--p1ai/.
Gutieva I. G.
The concept and types of malpractice
Almost everyone faces malpractice at various stages of life. Irresponsible, careless employees can cause a lot of problems for both their clients and bosses. However, not everyone knows how to react to this, how to act and what is meant by official negligence, often confusing it with abuse of power or with malfeasance.
Keywords: malpractice, crime, punishment, types, criminal code, officials, duties, responsibility.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ugolovnyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ot 13.06.1996# 63-FZ (red. ot 31.07.2020). [Jelektronnyj resurs]. –Rezhim dostupa: SPS «Konsul'tantPljus» (data obrashhenija: 02.08.2020). - 293. - Ch. 1., 285.
2. Federal'nyj zakon «O porjadke rassmotrenija obrashhenij grazhdan Rossijskoj Federacii» ot 02.05.2006 # 59-FZ (red. ot 27.12.2018 g.). [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: SPS «Konsul'tant-Pljus» (data obrashhenija: 02.08.2020). - St. 4.
3. Zakon RF «O statuse sudej v Rossijskoj Federacii» ot 26.06.1992 # 3132-1(red. ot 31.07.2020 g.). [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: SPS «Konsul'tant-Pljus» (data obrashhenija: 02.08.2020). - St. 12.1.
Komarova L. V.
The legislative evolution of the circumstances mitigating punishment
The author considers the historical and legal analysis of the evolution of circumstances that mitigate punishment; the analysis of the history of Russian criminal legislation is presented. Special attention is paid to the legislative evolution of circumstances that mitigate punishment, since, as the author points out, public relations at various stages of historical development affect changes in criminal legislation.
Keywords: punishment, crime, legislation, mitigating circumstance, historical and legal analysis.
1. Avdeev V.A. Jetapy reglamentacii obstojatel'stv, smjagchajushhih i otjagchajushhih nakazanie, v ugolovnom prave Rossii // Izvestija IGJeA. 2006. # 2 (47). S. 91.
2. Artikul voinskij // Rossijskoe zakonodatel'stvo X - XX vekov: V 9 t. T. 4. M., 1986. S. 367-385.
3. Esakov G.A., Krylova N.E., Serebrennikova A.V. Ugolovnoe pravo zarubezhnyh stran. M., 2009.
4. Komarnickij O. L. O vozniknovenii i razvitii v rossijskom gosudarstve ugolovno-pravovyh norm:istoricheskij aspekt // Izvestija vuzov. Severo-kavkazskij region. Obshhestvennye nauki. 2017. # 4. S. 52.
5. Loba V.G. Malahova A. Russkaja pravda: obstojatel'stva smjagchajushhie i otjagchajushhie nakazanie // Vestn.Volgogr. gos. un-ta. Ser. 5, Jurisprud. 2015. # 4 (29).S. 43.
6. Nepomnjashhaja T, V. Naznachenie ugolovnogo nakazanija: teorija, praktika, perspektivy. SPb.: Jurid. Press. 2006.
7. Rukovodjashhie nachala po ugolovnomu pravu R.S.F.S.R.: Postanovlenie Narodnogo Komissariata justicii RSFSR ot 12 dekabrja 1919 goda // Konsul'tantPljus.
8. Sobornoe ulozhenie 1649 g. // Rossijskoe zakonodatel'stvo X-XX vekov. T. 2. Zakonodatel'stvo perioda obrazovanija i ukreplenija Russkogo centralizovannogo gosudarstva / Pod red. O.I. Chistjakova. M., 1985.
9. Sudebnik 1550 g. // Rossijskoe zakonodatel'stvo X-XX vekov. T. 2. Zakonodatel'stvo perioda obrazovanija i ukreplenija Russkogo centralizovannogo gosudarstva/ Pod red. O.I. Chistjakova. M., 1985. S. 101-103.
10. Ulozhenie o nakazanijah ugolovnyh i ispravitel'nyh 1845 g. // Rossijskoe zakonodatel'stvo X-XX vekov: V 9 t. T. 6. M., 1988. S. 193-209.
11. Shishkin A.A. Sravnitel'nyj istoriko-pravovoj analiz instituta smjagchajushhih obstojatel'stv v zakonodatel'stve dorevoljucionnoj Rossii // Biznes v zakone. 2011. # 2. S. 144.
Payzulaeva B. A., Abdurakhmanova M. S., Alieva U. T.
Specific features of criminal responsibility for violation of copyright and related rights related to the use of the Internet
The Internet became available to a wide range of people who, obviously, were not prepared for the fact that their copyright and related rights had moved from their usual habitats, and found their refuge in the dark corners of the Internet. The negative effect of digitalization was manifested in the formation of violations in the field of protection of copyright and related rights, the emergence of criminal encroachments in order to financially enrich criminals or gain access to private information of users, etc. The article is devoted to the study of part 1 of Article 146 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, which imposes responsibility for attribution (plagiarism), based on a general analysis of the corpus delicti, as well as topical problems of the application of this rule of law in practice.
Keywords: the crime, part 1 art. 146 of the Сriminal Сode, author, corpus delicti, appropriate authorship (plagiarism), damage, victim, a punishable offence.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ugolovnoe pravo Rossii. Obshhaja i Osobennaja chasti: uchebnik / otv. red. Ju. V. Gracheva, A. I. Chuchaev. M.: Kontrakt, 2017. 704 s.
2. Naumov A. V. Konkretizacija Konstitucionnym Sudom principa zakonnosti Ugolovnogo kodeksa RF // Ugolovnoe pravo. 2018. # 1. S. 88-94.
Sokolova T. S., Khakimova E. R.
On the prevention of crimes against the person in the Russian Federation
The scientific article contains an analysis of the state and types of prevention of crimes against the person, implemented by law enforcement agencies of the internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.
Keywords: prevention, crimes against the person, beatings, other crimes of a domestic nature, interdepartmental meetings, coordination meetings of law enforcement agencies, speeches in educational organizations, labor collectives, making representations, interaction.
Work bibliographic list
1. Statistika i analitika // Sajt FKU «GIAC MVD Rossii». [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: h琀ps://xn--b1aew.xn--p1ai/mvd/structure1/Centri/Glavnij_informacionno_analiticheskij_cen. (data obrashhenija: 29.07.2020).
Shamaev A. M., Bondar A. G.
Personal characteristics and behavioral component of the suspect as indirect evidence of his guilt in committing fraudulent actions
Fraud is one of the most traditional and common types of property crimes. Despite the emergence of more and more techniques and methods of committing fraudulent actions, their essence remains the same, aimed at taking possession of other people’s property by deception and abuse of trust. This category of crime is one of the most difficult to prove, due to the need to establish evidence-based direct intent. In law enforcement practice, there has been a tendency towards an ever greater bias towards proving the direct intent of the suspect, leaving without due attention the totality of data that belongs to the category of circumstantial evidence. The article indicates areas that, along with the establishment of direct criminal intent, require appropriate investigative and operational-search study. These include a number of data that, in general, should be attributed to the criminological aspects of a crime in terms of a person’s behavioral attitude to committed acts. Not being direct evidence of the commission of unlawful acts, such established data, together with direct evidence, can form the basis for accusing a person of committing fraudulent acts.
Keyword: criminal liability, fraud, direct intent, indirect evidence, conduct, preliminary investigation, law enforcement practice.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bondar' A.G. Aktual'nye sposoby protivodejstvija sovremennomu moshennichestvu // Probely v rossijskom zakonodatel'stve. 2020. T. 13. # 3. S.201-203.
2. Nagoeva M.A. Osnovnye cherty mezhdunarodnogo terrorizma // Social'no-politicheskie nauki. 2019. #3. S. 32-34.
3. Tarchokov B.A., Shogenov T.M., Buraeva L.A. Primenenie sovremennyh navigacionnyh tehnologij v pravoohranitel'noj dejatel'nosti // Evrazijskij juridicheskih zhurnal. 2020. # 2 (141). S. 355-356.
4. Haraev A.A., Martynenko O.V. Problemy protivodejstvija prestupnosti i nekotorye puti preodolenija // Probely v rossijskom zakonodatel'stve. 2020. T. 13. # 4. S.290-293.
5. Shamaev A.M., Bondar' A.G. Protivodejstvie nezakonnomu polucheniju bytovyh subsidij // Evrazijskij juridicheskih zhurnal. 2019. # 2 (129). S. 249-250.
6. Shamaev A.M. Pravoprimenitel'nye aspekty, svjazannye s kvalifikaciej moshennicheskih dejstvij //Probely v rossijskom zakonodatel'stve. 2020. T. 13.# 3. S. 201-203.
7. Shamaev A.M. Prichiny i povody massovyh besporjadkov // V sbornike: Sovremennye tendencii v nauke, tehnike, obrazovanii. Sbornik nauchnyh trudov po materialam Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii: v 3-h chastjah. 2016. S. 171-173.
8. Shhagapsoev Z.L. Buraeva L.A. Kiberprestupnost' i kiberkonflikty v sovremennoj Rossii // Probely v rossijskom zakonodatel'stve. 2018. #3. S.48-50.
9. Jurin V. Kak ustanovit' umysel moshennika // Rossijskaja justicija. 2002. # 9. S. 58-59.
Shaganova O. М.
A teacher of an educational organization of higher education, as a subject of receiving a bribe or petty bribery: an analysis of theory and law enforcement practice
The presented article discusses the interpretation of such a concept as «organizational and administrative functions». At the same time, this concept is assessed from the point of view of the possibility of recognizing or not recognizing the subject of crimes provided for in Art. 290 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation or Art. 291.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, a teacher of an educational institution of higher education. Despite the existence of clarifications of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation regarding the named concept, there are still different opinions of scientists in the doctrine of criminal law. As a result, the author, on the basis of an analysis of scientific literature, materials of law enforcement practice and current court explanations, proposes to edit clause 4 of the PPVS of the Russian Federation No. 19 of 16.10.2009.
Keywords: taking a bribe, petty bribery, teaching staff, subject of a crime, criminal law.
1. Alimpiev S.A. Ugolovnaja otvetstvennost' za poluchenie vzjatki po rossijskomu zakonodatel'stvu: dis.... kand. jurid. nauk. – Ekaterinburg, 2010.
2. Kachina N.V. Rabotniki obrazovatel'nyh organizacij kak sub"ekty korrupcionnyh prestuplenij //Aktual'nye voprosy protivodejstvija korrupcii v sfere obrazovanija: sbornik nauchnyh statej po materialam IV Sibirskogo antikorrupcionnogo foruma (26-27 dekabrja 2018 g.) / otv. red. I.A. Damm, E.A. Akunchenko. Krasnojarsk: Sibirskij Federal'nyj universitet, 2019.
3. Malinin V.B. Prepodavatel' – ne dolzhnostnoe lico // Leningradskij juridicheskij zhurnal. –2016. – # 3.
4. Plohov S.V. Prepodavatel' kak sub"ekt dolzhnostnyh prestuplenij // Zakonnost'. – 2012. – # 4.
5. Portnova Ju.V. Dolzhnostnoe lico kak special'nyj sub"ekt prestuplenija: dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. –M., 2004.
6. Sidorov A.S. K voprosu o sudebnoj praktike po privlecheniju prepodavatelej uchebnyh zavedenij k ugolovnoj otvetstvennosti za poluchenie vzjatki //Evrazijskaja advokatura. – 2015. – # 4.
7. Urukov V.N. Javljaetsja li prepodavatel' gosudarstvennogo vuza sub"ektom prestuplenij po stat'jam 285, 290 UK RF // Juridicheskoe obrazovanie i nauka.– 2009. – # 4.
8. Chaplygina A.Ju. Korrupcija v obrazovatel'nyh uchrezhdenijah: problemy kvalifikacii dejanij //Gosudarstvennaja vlast' i mestnoe samoupravlenie.– 2011. – # 1.
9. Jani P.S. Vzjatochnichestvo: spory o soderzhanii novell ugolovnogo zakona i pozicii Verhovnogo Suda// Zakonnost'. – 2017. – # 12.
10. Jashkov S.A., E.G. Bykova Ugolovno-pravovaja ocenka dejstvij prepodavatelej, poluchajushhih vzjatki pri prieme jekzamenov (zachetov) // Rossijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. – 2015. – # 5.
Yaroslavskiy M. A.
Some issues of regulation of reasonable risk in foreign legal systems
The comparative analysis of domestic and foreign legislation, in terms of regulating such a phenomenon in criminal law as a reasonable risk, suggests that there are similar and similar elements of regulation, as well as obvious differences. In this paper, we would like to pay attention to the peculiarities of positioning a particular risky behavioral act as justified, in accordance with the criminal law and the system of legal conditions of a number of foreign countries.
Keywords: circumstances precluding criminality of the act, justified risk and its types, foreign legislation, conditions of legality.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ugolovnyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii: feder.zakon: [prinjat Gosudarstvennoj dumoj 24 maja 1996 g.
2. Rarog A. I. Sblizhenie ugolovno-pravovyh sistem v jepohu globalizacii // Vserossijskij kriminologicheskij zhurnal. - 2015. - # 3. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 03.11.2019).
3. Rybak A. Z. Sistema obstojatel'stv, iskljuchajushhih prestupnost' dejanija // JuP. - 2012. - # 3 (52).[Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 03.11.2019).
4. Shurdumov A. Ju. Obosnovannyj risk kak obstojatel'stvo, iskljuchajushhee prestupnost' dejanija: dis.… kand. jurid. nauk: 12.00.08 . - M., 2003.
5. Jaroslavskij M. A. Harakteristika psihologicheskogo aspekta obosnovannogo riska // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. - 2019. - # 3.
Jumshudyan H. G.
Age of the subject in bringing to justice for hooliganism in the Criminal Code of Armenia and Russia (comparable analysis)
The article discusses and examines the norms of the criminal code of Armenia and the Criminal code of the Russian Federation on criminal liability of minors who committed hooliganism. The author concludes that the criteria according to which the legislator sets a specific age of criminal responsibility for hooliganism are not clear, and in some cases may contradict other norms of the criminal code.
Keywords: hooliganism, age of the subject, minor, criminal liability.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ugolovnyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ot 13.06.1996g. # 63-FZ (red. ot 07.04.2020) (s izm. i dop., vstup. v silu s 12.04.2020).
2. Ugolovnyj kodeks Respubliki Armenija ot 29.04.2003 g.# 3R-528 (s izm. i dop., vstup. v silu s 23.07.2019).
3. Borovyh L. V. Problemy vozrasta v mehanizme ugolovno-pravovogo regulirovanija: avtoref. dis. … kand.jurid. nauk. - Ekaterinburg, 1993. - 23 s.
4. Gilinskij Ja. I., Miljukov S. F. S kakogo vozrasta mozhno privlech' k ugolovnoj otvetstvenosti // Vestnik Gercenovskogo universiteta. - 2012. - # 1. - S. 121-125.
5. Kozachenko I. Ja. Ugolovnoe pravo. Obshhaja chast'. - M.,2008. - 720 s.
6. Naumov A. V. Rossijskoe ugolovnoe pravo: kurs lekcij:v 2-h t. T. 1. Obshhaja chast'. - M., 2004. - 830 s.
7. Pavlov V. G. Sub"ekt prestuplenija i ugolovnaja otvetstvennost'. - SPb., 2000. – 188 s.
8. Prozumentov L. M. Problemy opredelenija vozrasta privlechenija k otvetstvennosti nesovershennoletnih v ugolovnom zakonodatel'stve Rossijskoj Federacii// Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. -2017. - # 419. - S. 202-206.
9. Sitkovskaja O. D. Psihologicheskij kommentarij k otdel'nym stat'jam Ugolovnogo kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii. - M., 2009. - 180 s.
10. Ugolovnoe pravo Rossii. Chasti Obshhaja i Osobennaja /otv. red. A. I. Rarog. - M.: Prospekt, 2013. - 494 s.
11. Ugolovnoe pravo Rossijskoj Federacii. Obshhaja chast'/ pod red. V. S. Komisarova, N. E. Krylovoj, I. M. Tjazhkovoj. - M., 2015. - 879 s.
12. Ugolovnoe pravo. Obshhaja chast' / pod red. L. V. Inogamovoj-Hegaj, A. I. Raroga, A. I. Chuchaeva. - M., 2008. - 548 s.
13. Jenciklopedija ugolovnogo prava. T. 21. Prestuplenija protiv obshhestvennoj bezopasnosti i obshhestvennogo porjadka. - SPb.: Izdanie profesora Malinina – SPB GKA, 2013. - 1072 s.
14. Dünkel F. Juvenile Justice Systems in Europe – Reform Developments between Justice, Welfare and ‘New Punitiveness’. Kriminologijos studijos. - 2014. - # 1. - S. 43–44.
15. Muncie J. The ‘Punitive Turn’ in Juvenile Justice: Cultures of Control and Rights Compliance in Western Europe and the USA. Jouth Justice 2008. - Volume 8. - Issue 2. - S. 107-121.
Ivleva A. A.
To the question about subjective and objective signs of the composition of the crime provided by Article 110 of the Сriminal Сode of the Russian Federation (suicide)
The article deals with issues related to the features of the elements of incitement to suicide (Article 110 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). In the science of criminal law, there are still discussions on the content of the objective and subjective sides of the criminal corpus delicti. The available positions of scientists are considered and the author’s position is indicated. The main disputes relate to the form of guilt in the specified crime, ways of bringing them and the need to reflect them in the dispositions of the relevant articles.
Based on the considered theoretical positions, the author justifies certain conclusions and suggestions.
Keywords: inducement to suicide, crime structure, subjective side, guilt, ways of inducing suicide.
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7. Differenciacija ugolovnoj otvetstvennosti za prestuplenija protiv zhizni po ugolovnomu pravu Rossii: avtoreferat dis. ... doktora juridicheskih nauk: 12.00.08 / [Mesto zashhity: Mosk. un-t MVD RF]. Moskva, 2007.
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9. Kommentarij k Ugolovnomu kodeksu Rossijskoj Federacii / otv. red. A.I. Rarog. M.: Jurist, 2004.
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Shukshina T. A.
To the question of the subject of tax evasion in Germany
The article examines the subject of tax evasion in Germany, namely, the concept and features of tax payment in Germany, tax classification in the doctrine of German criminal law. The author analyzes the concept of tax, fixed in §3 of the The Fiscal Code of Germany, and gives an example that helps to distinguish tax evasion from other violations of the law. The study of the experience of the German legislator is not only interesting, but also necessary for the reform of national criminal legislation, because the usage of foreign experience in combating with tax crimes allows us to formulate a set of effective national criminal and legal measures to counteract this type of crime, taking into account the specifics in Russia.
Keywords: criminal law, elements of crime, criminal liability, subject of crime, tax crime.
Work bibliographic list
1. Girjaeva V. N. 2002. Principy nalogovogo prava Germanii. (obzor) // Social'nye i gumanitarnye nauki. Otechestvennaja i zarubezhnaja literatura. Ser. 4, Gosudarstvo i pravo: Referativnyj zhurnal. – 2002.– # 1. – S. 128. – [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim
dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 07.04.2019).
2. Sumin A. M. Nalog, poshlina i sbor v germanskom prave // Nalogovyj vestnik. – 1998. – # (39) 03. – S. 84.
3. Abgabenordnung. – [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 20.08.2020).
4. Reshenie Federal'nogo Konstitucionnogo Suda ot 28.01.2014 po delu # 2BvR 1561/12 // Neue Zeitschrift für Verwaltungsrecht. – 2010. – P. 35.
5. Gehm M. H. Kompendium Steuerstrafrecht mit Steuerordnungswidrigkeiten und Verfahrensrecht. 3 Auflage. 2017. – Berlin. – P. 41.
6. Kirchhof P. Die Finanzierung des Leistungsstaates //Jura. – 1983. – P. 505, 506.
7. Rolletschke St. Steuerstrafrecht. 5. Au昀age. 2020.
Niftalieva I. A.
Selected problems in the implementation of the principle of fairness in sentencing
The article is devoted to the consideration of certain problems of the implementation of the principle of fairness in sentencing.
It is noted that the criminal law establishes a single rule for the appointment of a minimum sentence without taking into account the type of recidivism of crimes, which in turn is not consistent with the requirement of justice. The author also identifies the problem associated with the absence of such an aggravating circumstance in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation as the presence of a criminal record in the person who committed the crime.
Finally, the conclusion is drawn that the criminal law needs to be improved with regard to the implementation of the principle of fairness.
Keywords: justice, principle, implementation problems, punishment, criminal legislation, recurrence of crimes, criminal record, differentiation, criminal liability, aggravating circumstances.
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon ot 08.12.2003 # 162-FZ (red. Ot 07.12.2011) «O vnesenii izmenenij i dopolnenij v Ugolovnyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii». [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
2. Prigovor Gorodishhenskogo rajonnogo suda Volgogradskoj oblasti ot 14 avgusta 2019 g. po delu # 1-187/2019 //Baza dannyh sudebnyh aktov, sudebnyh reshenij i normativnyh dokumentov. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 02.08.2020).
3. Prigovor Kotel'nikovskogo rajonnogo suda Volgogradskoj oblasti ot 21 nojabrja 2019 g. po delu # 1-80/2019 //Baza dannyh sudebnyh aktov, sudebnyh reshenij i normativnyh dokumentov. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 02.08.2020).
4. Djadjun K.V. Problemy otvetstvennosti za recidiv prestuplenij v aspekte principov spravedlivosti i gumanizma // Rossijskij sud'ja. 2011. # 10. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
5. Mal'cev V.V. Recidivu i sudimosti – adekvatnoe vyrazhenie v ugolovnom zakone // Zakonnost'. 2011. # 7.[Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
6. Mal'cev V.V., Strilec O.V. Ugolovnyj kodeks Rossijskoj federacii: dostizhenija, problemy i perspektivy // Vestnik Volgogradskoj akademii MVD Rossii. 2013. # 4 (27)
Avlasevich I. A., Nazarov A. D.
Digitalization in the Prosecutor’s office
The presented article examines the prospects for the development of the prosecutor’s office, in
particular the digitalization of the prosecutor’s office. The most relevant directions of digitalization of prosecutor’s supervision are considered.
Keywords: prosecutor, criminal trial, pre-trial stage, prosecutor’s supervision, the role of the prosecutor, digitalization, new technologies.
Work bibliographic list
1. Prikaz General'noj prokuratury RF ot 14 sentjabrja 2017 g. # 627 “Ob utverzhdenii Koncepcii cifrovoj transformacii organov i organizacij prokuratury do 2025 goda”.
2. Belov S. D. Cifrovizacija prokurorskogo nadzora i voprosy vzaimodejstvija organov prokuratury s pravoohranitel'nymi i kontrol'no-nadzornymi organami // Zakonnost'. - 2018. - # 8. - S. 3-6.3.
3. Beljaeva I. M., Kusainova A. K., Nurgaliev B. M. Problemy vnedrenija jelektronnogo formata ugolovnogo rassledovanija v Respublike Kazahstan // Vestnik JuUrGU. Serija: Pravo. - 2018. - # 2. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
article/n/problemy-vnedreniya-elektronnogo-formataugolovnogo-rassledovaniya-v-respublike-kazahstan(data obrashhenija: 14.09.2020).
4. Ministerstvo cifrovogo razvitija svjazi i massovyh kommunikacij Rossijskoj Federacii: sajt.[Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: Tekst: jelektronnyj.
Babkina E. V., Nikitin D. A., Kolodovskiy A. A.
On the features of the detention of women in custody in pre-trial detention centers of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia
The article analyses the conditions of detention of suspects and accused of committing a crime of certain categories of women:pregnant women and women with a child under the age of three years. Features from placement in pre-trial detention centers of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia are considered. Based on the current legislation, the grounds for conducting investigative actions with them; the legal basis for placing the child in the care of close relatives; the possibility of replacing them with a preventive measure in the form of detention, with a milder one are summarized.
Keywords: а measure of criminal procedure, detention, detention, pre-trial detention centers, suspects and accused of a crime, pregnant women, women with a child under the age of three.
Work bibliographic list
1. «Ugolovnyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii» ot 13.06.1996 # 63-FZ (red. ot 27.12.2019). – [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: obrashhenija: 18.02.2020).
2. Federal'nyj zakon ot 15.07.1995 # 103-FZ (red. Ot 27.12.2019) «O soderzhanii pod strazhej podozrevaemyh i obvinjaemyh v sovershenii prestuplenij» (s izm. i dop., vstup. v silu s 27.01.2020 g.). – [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: obrashhenija: 25.02.2020).
3. Rumjancev N.V., Ovchinnikov S.N. Pravovoe regulirovanie realizacii nekotoryh prav i zakonnyh interesov lic, soderzhashhihsja pod strazhej (komparativnyj analiz) // Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta MVD Rossii. – 2019. – # 4. – S. 219-223.
4. Babkina E.V., Nikitin D.A. O nekotoryh problemah preduprezhdenija organizovannoj prestupnosti //Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. – 2015. – # 3. – S. 187-188.
5. Pravila vnutrennego rasporjadka sledstvennyh izoljatorov ugolovno-ispolnitel'noj sistemy (utv. Prikazom Minjusta RF ot 14 oktjabrja 2005 g.# 189). – [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija:25.02.2020).
6. Platoshina O.A. K voprosu o neobhodimosti sovershenstvovanija norm, regulirujushhih soderzhanie zhenshhin v sledstvennyh izoljatorah // Teorija i praktika obshhestvennogo razvitija. – 2015. – # 18.– S. 124-126.
7. Shuruhnov N.G. Sozdanie nadlezhashhih uslovij soderzhanija podozrevaemyh i obvinjaemyh v sovershenii prestuplenij pod strazhej kak sredstvo obespechenija ih prav i svobod // Social'no-politicheskie nauki. – 2018. – # 5. – S. 223-226.
Garanzha A. Yu.
The problems of exams by Russian regular court of the defense’s plea of entrapment
The article deals with the problems of exams by Russian regular court of the defense’s plea of entrapment. In view of this, the author of the article attempted to study Russian judicial practice on this issue and to identify the main problems of exams by Russian regular court of legality of operational-investigative measures in terms of the application of the criteria for assessing the legality proposed by the ECHR.
Keywords: entrapment; test purchases of drugs; operative experiment; European Court of Human Rights; Russian regular court; operational-investigative measures; operational-investigative activity; State agents.
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon «Ob operativno-rozysknoj dejatel'nosti» ot 12.08.1995 # 144-FZ (red. Ot 02.08.2019). [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 25.08.2020).
2. Prigovor Oktjabr'skogo rajonnogo suda Rostovskoj oblasti ot 21 ijunja 2019 goda po delu # 1-29/19.[Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 25.08.2020).
3. Apelljacionnoe opredelenie Sudebnoj kollegii po ugolovnym delam Verhovnogo Suda Rossijskoj Federacii ot 13.02.2019 # 41-APU19-2. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 25.08.2020).
4. Apelljacionnoe opredelenie Sudebnoj kollegii po ugolovnym delam Verhovnogo Suda Rossijskoj Federacii ot 14.02.2019 # 33-APU18-18. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 25.08.2020).
5. Nazarov A.D. Provokacii v operativno-rozysknoj dejatel'nosti. – M., 2010.
6. Nazarov A.D., Majorova L.V., Trofimik A.G., Shaginjan A.S. Fundamental'nye oshibki v ugolovnom sudoproizvodstve: monografija. – Krasnojarsk, 2019.
7. Obidin K.V. Nekotorye osobennosti pravovogo statusa lic, okazyvajushhih sodejstvie organam, osushhestvljajushhim operativno-rozysknuju dejatel'nost' // Aktual'nye problemy rossijskogo prava. 2016. # 7 [Jelektronnyj resurs] // Spravochnaja pravovaja sistema «Konsul'tantPljus». [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
(data obrashhenija: 25.08.2020).
8. Postanovlenie ESPCh ot 02.10.2012 po delu «Veselov i drugie (Veselov and Others) protiv Rossijskoj Federacii». [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 25.08.2020).
9. Postanovlenie ESPCh ot 04.11.2010 po delu «Bannikova (Bannikova) protiv Rossijskoj Federacii».[Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 25.08.2020).
10. Postanovlenie ESPCh ot 15.12.2005 po delu «Van'jan (Vanyan) protiv Rossijskoj Federacii». [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 25.08.2020).
11. Postanovlenie ESPCh ot 24.04.2014 po delu «Lagutin i drugie (Lagutin and Others) protiv Rossijskoj Federacii». [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 25.08.2020).
12. Postanovlenie ESPCh ot 26.10.2006 po delu «Hudobin (Khudobin) protiv Rossijskoj Federacii».[Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 25.08.2020).
13. Postanovlenie ESPCh ot 27.06.2019 po delu «Hasanov i drugie (Khasanov and Others) protiv Rossijskoj Federacii». [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija:25.08.2020).
Zaytseva E. V.
Criminal procedure and organizational aspects of investigation of crimes in the credit and financial sphere
The article is devoted to certain problematic issues of organization of investigation of crimes in the credit and financial sphere.
Attention is focused on the stage of initiation of a criminal case, algorithm of actions of law enforcement officers, the organization of interaction between services.
Keywords: credit and financial sphere, credit organization, cash out, the Federal service for financial monitoring.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bazhanov S. V. Sostojanie prestupnosti v kreditno-finansovoj otrasli rossijskoj jekonomiki i opyt bor'by s nej v poslednie gody // Pravo i jekonomika. - 2018. - # 9. - S. 71-75.
2. Bastrykin A. I. Dlja nas vazhno maksimal'no ispol'zovat' informacionnyj potencial Rosfin-monitoringa // Finansovaja bezopasnost'. - 2014.- # 7. - S. 8-10.
Zapivalov D. A., Fedoseev K. V.
The need for the prosecutor to participate in criminal proceedings
The article considers the need for participation of the Prosecutor in criminal proceedings. Problematic issues related to the supervision and implementation of the Prosecutor’s functions were raised. There is a need for higher control over the activities of the bodies conducting preliminary investigations. Prevention of violations of the law in the field of preliminary investigation. Protection of human and civil rights and freedoms during preliminary investigation.
Keywords: Prosecutor’s supervision, activity of preliminary investigation bodies, Prosecutor’s
Work bibliographic list
1. Konstitucija Rossijskoj Federacii (prinjata vsenarodnym golosovaniem 12.12.1993) (s izm. Ot 14.03.2020 # 11-FKZ) // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. 2014. # 31. St. 4398.
2. Ugolovno-processual'nyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii: federal'nyj zakon ot 18.12.2001 # 174-FZ (red. ot 31.07.2020) // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. 2001. # 52 (ch. I). St. 4921.
3. O prokurature Rossijskoj Federacii: Federal'nyj zakon ot 17.01.1992 # 2202-1 (red. ot 31.07.2020)// Rossijskaja gazeta. 1992. # 39.
4. Barinova E. V. Rol' prokurora na stadii predvaritel'nogo rassledovanija // Molodoj uchenyj. 2016. #11. S. 1239.
5. Vasjagina M.M. Problemy prokurorskogo nadzora za sobljudeniem zakonov organami doznanija i predvaritel'nogo sledstvija // Zakonnost' i pravoporjadok v sovremennom obshhestve. 2017. # 35. S. 99-105.
6. Doklad General'nogo prokurora RF Igorja Krasnova na rasshirennom zasedanii kollegii po itogam 2019 g. // Oficial'nyj sajt General'noj prokuratury RF. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
7. Potorykina E. Ju. Razvitie pravovogo regulirovanija processual'nogo statusa prokurora v stadii vozbuzhdenija ugolovnogo dela // Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta MVD Rossii. 2017. # 5. S. 215-218.
8. Sostojanie prestupnosti v Rossii za janvar'-dekabr' 2019 goda // Oficial'nyj sajt MVD RF. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: https://mvd.rf/folder/101762/jet/9338947/.
Kangezov M. R., Lobova S. A.
Legal regulation of the use of electronic documents in the criminal process in Russia
The article examines the legal regulation and problematic issues of the use of electronic documents in the process of criminal proceedings. The article analyzes the norms of criminal procedure legislation governing the use of digital technologies.
Keywords: criminal procedure, digital technologies, electronic document management, electronic document, electronic signature.
Work bibliographic list
1. Kangezov M.R. Jelektronnoe ugolovnoe delo na predvaritel'nom sledstvii v uslovijah razvitija cifrovyh tehnologij // Gumanitarnye, social'no-jekonomicheskie i obshhestvennye nauki. ‒ 2019. ‒ # 12. ‒ S. 218-220.
2. Kangezov M.R., Lobova S.A. Analiz praktiki primenenija zakonodatel'stva, reglamentirujushhego priem soobshhenij o prestuplenijah v uslovijah razvitija cifrovyh tehnologij v Rossijskoj federacii i respublike Kazahstan. Gumanitarnye, social'no-jekonomicheskie i obshhestvennye nauki. ‒ 2020.‒ # 5. ‒ S. 202-204.
3. Haliullina L. G. Jelektronnaja forma processual'nyh dokumentov v ugolovnom processe: problemy teorii i praktiki // Pravoporjadok: istorija, teorija, praktika. ‒ 2016. ‒ # 4. ‒ S. 73-80.
Kuzmin S. V., Vasiljev D. V.
Criminal procedural and criminalistic peculiarities of arresting securities
The article deals with the problematic issues of seizure of securities by employees of investigative departments in the investigation of criminal cases. A list of documents related to securities, their types, place and procedure for recording ownership rights has been determined.
Keywords: seizure, provision of compensation for harm, securities, types of securities, certificates, place of storage.
Milikova A. V., Peskovatskova A. V.
Form of expression of criminal procedure acts preliminary investigation bodies
The article deals with issues related to the legal nature of the procedural form of criminal procedural acts of preliminary investigation bodies. The main problems associated with the combination of compliance with strict procedural form and its impact on giving evidentiary value to acts are identified.
Keywords: form, acts, evidence, criminal proceedings, legal proceedings, documents.
Work bibliographic list
1. Aver'janova T.V. Kriminalistika: uchebnik. 4-e izd., pererab. i dop. M.: Norma: IFNRA-M, 2019.
2. Apelljacionnoe opredelenie Verhovnogo Suda Rossijskoj Federacii ot 16 oktjabrja 2014 g. po delu # 2-7/14.[Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
3. Apelljacionnoe postanovlenie Verhovnogo Suda Respubliki Saha (Jakutija) ot 30.10.2018 # # 22K-1714/2018. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
4. Ashirbekova M.T. O dvuh istinah v ugolovnom processe// Ugolovnaja justicija. 2018. # 11. S. 21.
5. Zemljanuhin A.V. Otkaz ot obvinenija v sisteme ugolovno-processual'nyh aktov: dis. … k.ju.n. Saratov, 2005.
6. Kassacionnoe opredelenie Verhovnogo Suda RF ot 17.09.2013 g. po delu # 14-013-11. [Jelektronnyj resurs].– Rezhim dostupa:
7. Ozhegov S.I., Shvedova N.Ju. Tolkovyj slovar' russkogo jazyka. M., 1999.
8. Pobedkin A.V. O cennosti processual'noj formy v uslovijah pravovogo nigilizma v Rossii // Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta MVD Rossii. 2012. # 2. S. 46.
9. Rossinskij S.B. Konceptual'nye osnovy formirovanija rezul'tatov «neverbal'nyh» sledstvennyh i sudebnyh dejstvij v dokazyvanii po ugolovnomu delu: dis.… d-ra jurid. nauk: 12.00.09. M., 2015.
10. Filippova M.A. Fiksacija fakticheskih dannyh na predvaritel'nom sledstvii // Izvestija vysshih uchebnyh zavedenij. Pravovedenie. 1975. # 1. S. 64.
11. Shishkin V.S. Dokumenty v dokazyvanii pri proizvodstve po ugolovnomu delu: dis. … kand. jurid. nauk.M., 2012.
Osodoeva N. V., Tsyretorov A. I.
Some problems of the suspect’s realization of the right to defense at the stage of initiation of a criminal case
The article examines the problems and analyzes the imperfections of the domestic criminal proceedings that make it difficult for suspects to exercise their procedural rights. According to the authors, the main problem in this area should be considered the absence in the legislation of the list of necessary procedural actions during the pre-investigation check.
Keywords: criminal proceedings, suspect, right to defense, criminal prosecution, verification
1. Opredelenie Konstitucionnogo Suda Rossijskoj Federacii ot 19 oktjabrja 2010 g. # 1357-O-O «Ob otkaze v prinjatii k rassmotreniju zhaloby gr. Arakcheeva Sergeja Vladimirovicha na narushenie ego konstitucionnyh prav ch. 1 st. 49 i ch. 3 st. 50 UPK RF» //SPS Konsul'tant Pljus.
2. Statisticheskie dannye ob osnovnyh pokazateljah dejatel'nosti organov prokuratury Rossijskoj Federacii za janvar' – dekabr' 2019 g. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. - Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija:01.08.2020).
Pankratov A. S., Sadrislamov A. K.
Counteraction to illegal traffic in narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their analogues, which are organized using cell phones and their capabilities
The article on the topic «Countering illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances
or their analogues» is relevant due to the fact that today drug addiction has become a global problem.
Until now, the world community has recognized the priority of preventive measures in countering illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances. However, at the moment, more and more countries are joining the ranks of those who legalize marijuana and are trying to extend the policy of allowing trade in these drugs and substances in order to extract economic income. Russia, on the other hand, adheres to a policy aimed at curbing demand and
reducing the supply of drugs.
Keywords: drugs, criminal code, counteraction to drug trafficking, narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, illegal traffic.
1. Ugolovnyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii: tekst s izmenenijami i dopolnenijami na 16 oktjabrja 2019 goda: [prinjat Gosudarstvennoj dumoj 24 maja 1996 goda: odobren Sovetom Federacii 5 ijunja 1996 goda]. – [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 15.09.2020).
2. Ugolovno-processual'nyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii: tekst s izmenenijami i dopolnenijami na 2 avgusta 2019 goda: [prinjat Gosudarstvennoj Dumoj 22 nojabrja 2001 goda: odobren Sovetom Federacii. 5 dekabrja 2001 goda]. – 18.12.2001 #177–FZ. – [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: http: // _ 34481/ (data obrashhenija: 15.09.2020).
3. Kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ob administrativnyh pravonarushenijah: Federal'nyj zakon ot 30 dekabrja 2001 g. # 195–FZ. – [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: http: // obrashhenija: 16.09.2020).
4. O policii: Federal'nyj zakon # 3–FZ: [prinjat Gosudarstvennoj Dumoj 28 janvarja 2011 goda. Odobren Sovetom Federacii 2 fevralja 2011goda]. – [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: //, 07.02.2011 (data obrashhenija:01.07.2020).
5. Ob operativno-rozysknoj dejatel'nosti. Federal'nyj zakon Rossijskoj Federacii ot 12 avgusta 1995 goda # 144-FZ. Prinjat. Gosudarstvennoj Dumoj. 5 ijulja 1995 goda. – [Jelektronnyj resurs].– Rezhim dostupa: http: //http: //, 07.02.2011(data obrashhenija: 16.09.2020).
6. Lapatnikov M. V., Nikolaeva T. A., Kaznina I. A. Uchebnoe posobie dlja srednego professional'nogo obrazovanija. Prestuplenija, svjazannye s nezakonnym oborotom narkotikov: M. V. Lapatnikov, T. A. Nikolaeva, I. A. Kaznina. – M.: Izdatel'stvo Jurajt, 2020. – 174 s. – (Professional'noe obrazovanie). – ISBN 978-5-534-12174-2. – Tekst:jelektronnyj // JeBS Jurajt [sajt]. – [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 21.09.2020).
Shuvalov D. N.
Criminal-procedural and criminalistic features of the search during the investigation of the organization of prostitution
This article is devoted to the preparation and production of a search during the investigation of crimes related to the organization of prostitution. The investigation of crimes related to the organization of prostitution is highly complex and is characterized by a number of features, such as the group nature of crimes, active opposition to the investigation, and the presence of persons who commit crimes of this type of corruption with law enforcement officials.
In the course of the research, the practice of conducting searches by employees of investigative divisions of internal Affairs bodies was analyzed, investigators from various regions of the Russian Federation were interviewed, scientific literature on this issue was studied, on the basis of which an algorithm for the investigator’s actions in preparing and conducting a search was developed, specific recommendations were formulated, compliance with which, according to the author, it can significantly facilitate the work of the investigator and operational staff during the investigative action and achieve the effectiveness of its implementation, with compliance with all the requirements of the criminal procedure law.
Keywords: search production, investigator, search devices, packaging material, searched object, traces of crime, fixation, desired object.
Work bibliographic list
1. Vehov V. B. Osobennosti rassledovanija prestuplenij, sovershaemyh s ispol'zovaniem sredstv jelektronno-vychislitel'noj tehniki. - Volgograd, 1998.
2. Shejfer S. A. Sobiranie dokazatel'stv v sovetskom ugolovnom processe. - Saratov, 1986.
Belyakov A. V., Musaleva A. V.
Hidden punishments in Russian legislation
This paper considers some legal consequences of bringing a person to criminal responsibility that are not provided for in the Сriminal Сode of the Russian Federation.
So, interest is the situation when the person previously serving any punishment or subjected to criminal prosecution, but not sanctioned, cannot get a job due to direct legal prohibition, which, for example, are contained in Federal legislation regulating the order of service in law enforcement.
In the article, these prohibitions are correlated with other similar restrictions, provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, principles of criminal law, and signs of punishment. This allowed us to assert that there are significant contradictions and the need to resolve them.
The study examines the position of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, as well as the opinions of a number of authors on this issue. This revealed the following. In their works, the authors highlight the legal consequences of a criminal record, without paying attention to the consequences arising from the very fact of criminal liability.
The paper substantiates the need to develop this problem and makes some suggestions for improving the current legislation.
Keywords: criminal record, punishment, prohibitions, bringing to criminal responsibility, legal consequences, criminal consequences, law enforcement officers.
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon «O vnesenii izmenenija v stat'ju 86 Ugolovnogo kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii» ot 29.06.2015 # 194-FZ (poslednjaja redakcija). [Jelektronnyj resurs] // SPS «Konsul'tant Pljus» (data obrashhenija: 24.03.2020).
2. Postanovlenie Konstitucionnogo suda Rossijskoj Federacii ot 6 ijunja 1995 g. # 7-P Po delu o proverke konstitucionnosti abzaca 2 chasti sed'moj stat'i 19 zakona RSFSR ot 18 aprelja 1991 goda «O milicii» v svjazi s zhaloboj grazhdanina V.M. Minakova. [Jelektronnyj resurs] // SPS «Konsul'tant Pljus» (data obrashhenija: 25.03.2020).
3. Opredelenie Konstitucionnogo Suda RF ot 23 ijunja 2009 g. # 1012-O-O «Ob otkaze v prinjatii k rassmotreniju zhaloby grazhdanina Haritonova Aleksandra Aleksandrovicha na narushenie ego konstitucionnyh prav chast'ju vtoroj stat'i 19 Zakona Rossijskoj Federacii «O milicii». [Jelektronnyj resurs] // SPS «Konsul'tant Pljus» (data obra-
shhenija: 25.03.2020).
4. Elinskij A.V. Neugolovno-pravovye posledstvija prezhnej sudimosti v svete reshenij Konstitucionnogo Suda RF // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. 2010. # 7. S. 78-84.
5. Gravina A.A., Hromova N.M. Institut sudimosti i ee pravovye posledstvija // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. M.: Juridicheskoe izdatel'stvo «Norma». 2015. # 5 (221). S. 84-93.
6. Kurs rossijskogo ugolovnogo prava. Obshhaja chast' /Borodin S.V., Kelina S.G., Kriger G.L., Kudrjavcev V.N., i dr.; Pod red.: Kudrjavcev V.N., Naumov A.V. M.: Spark, 2001. 767 c.
7. Sipjagina M.N. Pravovye posledstvija snjatoj ili pogashennoj sudimosti // Ugolovnoe pravo, ugolovnyj zakon: teorija i praktika: sbornik nauchnyh statej. Sankt-Peterburg: Izdatel'stvo: Sankt-Peterburgskij gosudarstvennyj jekonomicheskij universitet. 2017. S. 245-250.
Golodov P. V.
Regional experience in rating the activities of penal enforcement inspectorates
The article deals with the issues of assessing the activities of prison inspections. Based on a comparative analysis of the rating methods used in various territorial bodies of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, positive experience in establishing assessment indicators and certain shortcomings in the assessment were revealed. Based on the results of the study, conclusions and proposals are formulated to improve the methodology for rating the activities of penal enforcement inspections. Further improvement is possible by ensuring the completeness and proportionality of the estimates.
Keywords: effective enforcement of sentences, alternative punishments, criminal enforcement inspectorate, management activity, comparative rating assessment, crime prevention, promotion of law-abiding behavior, correction of convicts.
Work bibliographic list
1. Dvorjanskov I. V. Jeffektivnost' al'ternativnyh nakazanij (Kompensacionnaja model'): uchebno-metodicheskoe posobie / pod red. A. M. Nikitina. – M.:JuNITI-DANA, Zakon i pravo, 2004. – 96 s.
2. Kazak B. B., Tret'jakova A. A. K voprosu ob organizacii informacionno-analiticheskoj raboty v ugolovno-ispolnitel'nyh inspekcijah // Pravovaja kul'tura v sovremennom obshhestve: sbornik nauchnyh statej. – Mogilev, 2020. – S. 369-372.
3. Smirnova I. N., Konopleva S. O. Organizacionno-pravovoe obespechenie jeffektivnosti funkcionirovanija ugolovno-ispolnitel'nyh inspekcij //Chelovek: prestuplenie i nakazanie. – 2017. – T. 25(1-4). – # 3. – S. 328-504.
4. Tarabuev L. N. Povyshenie jeffektivnosti dejatel'nosti ugolovno-ispolnitel'nyh inspekcij v uslovijah vypolnenija planovyh pokazatelej // Aktual'nye voprosy dejatel'nosti ugolovno-ispolnitel'noj sistemy na sovremennom jetape: problemy i perspektivy: Sbornik nauchnyh trudov / Pod obshh. red. A. A. Seredina. – Vologda, 2019. – S. 146-149.
Golubev A. G.
The obligation of the convicted person to work in the system of legal norms
The article examines the regulation of the obligation of a convicted person to work by the norms of modern Russian law. First of all, the article describes the General legal norms that justify the obligation of convicted persons to work specified in the Russian penal enforcement legislation. The connection and consistency of domestic legislation with the norms of international law related to labor is shown. The conclusion is made that the legal norms provide sufficient justification for the obligation of convicted persons to work. We offer a number of recommendations on the content of educational activities, including the ideas outlined in this article. This will allow convicts to include the duty to work in their worldview.
The author applies the formal legal method and the method of logical analysis. In this article, the author opens a series of articles dealing with the regulation of the convict’s duty to work by social norms.
Keywords: the labour, the right, the obligation, the social norm, the rule of law, the legal act, the correction of the convicted person, the motivation, the educational event.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bazhenov S. V. Motivacija i stimulirovanie trudovoj dejatel'nosti // Naukovedenie: internet-zhurnal. – 2015. – T. 7. – # 4.
2. Karmova M. R. Sravnitel'nyj analiz formirovanija rynkov truda i zanjatosti Rossii i Evropejskogo Sojuza // Gumanitarij Juga Rossii. – 2016. – #4. – T. 20.
3. Minjazeva T. F. Trudovaja adaptacija osuzhdennyh //Vestnik Rossijskogo universiteta druzhby narodov. – Serija: Juridicheskie nauki. – 2009. – # 5.
Gryaznov S. A.
Features of production activities in the criminal executive system of the Russian federation
Today, a new stage in the development of the criminal Executive system is facing various tasks, the priority of which is the development of the criminal Executive system in the field of labor and professional activities. According to the model approved by the Government of the Russian Federation for the development of the criminal Executive system of the Russian Federation in the near future, it is the labor activity and professional training of convicts that is among the priority areas. It is worth noting that in most research papers, the issue related to the specifics of the development of the criminal Executive system of the Russian Federation is considered in a narrow context, namely, in relation to certain elements of the production sector of a correctional institution as a system. The importance of choosing this research topic, first of all, was determined by the lack of scientific development of the issues of the specifics of production activities in the penal system and its improvement as a factor in improving effective activities, as well as the social significance of this issue and its relevance. This article describes and analyzes the features of the production activities in the penal system of the Russian Federation, the efficiency of production activities in the penal system of the Russian Federation, as well as promising directions of development of production in the penitentiary system of the Russian Federation.
Keywords: criminal-executive system, production activities in correctional institutions, peculiarities of the production activities in the penitentiary system.
Work bibliographic list
1. Antonjan E. A. Sostojanie i perspektivy razvitija proizvodstvennoj bazy ugolovno-ispolnitel'noj sistemy // Aktual'nye problemy rossijskogo prava. - 2016. - # 10. - S. 177-180.
2. Antonjan E. A. Jeffektivnost' proizvodstvennoj dejatel'nosti ugolovno-ispolnitel'noj sistemy Rossii kak neobhodimost' pri realizacii privlechenija osuzhdennyh k trudu // Novaja nauka: teoreticheskij i prakticheskij vzgljad. - 2016. - # 1. - S. 82-87.
3. Danilov D. D. Problemy formirovanija social'no-proizvodstvennoj sistemy v ispravitel'nyh uchrezhdenijah. - Rjazan', 2008. - 132 s.
4. Kalinina G. V. Rol' planirovanija v organizacii samoobespechenija ugolovno-ispolnitel'noj sistemy // Mezhdunarodnyj penitenciarnyj zhurnal. -2018. - T. 4. - # 1. - S. 33-36.
5. Korjakin E. A. Uslovija prekrashhenija trudovyh objazannostej osuzhdennyh k lisheniju svobody // Vestnik Kuzbasskogo instituta. - 2017. - # 1 (30). - S. 67-77.
6. Makarova O. V., Milehina A. V. Specifika proizvodstvennoj dejatel'nosti v ugolovno-ispolnitel'noj sisteme // Sovremennye issledovanija social'nyh problem (jelektronnyj nauchnyj zhurnal).- 2013. - # 24. - S. 1-11.
7. Malenkova L. A., Rozhkova N. V. Planirovanie proizvodstvenno-hozjajstvennoj dejatel'nosti federal'nyh gosudarstvennyh unitarnyh predprijatij Federal'noj sluzhby ispolnenija nakazanij // Mezhdunarodnyj penitenciarnyj zhurnal. - 2017. -T. 3. - # 3. - S. 257-259.
8. Nekrasov A. P., Reznik Zh. Ja. Trudovaja zanjatost' osuzhdennyh v ispravitel'nyh uchrezhdenijah Rossii: teorija sovremennosti i perspektivy // Vestnik Samarskogo juridicheskogo instituta. - 2018. - #2 (28). - S. 73-78.
9. Neustroeva N. N. Problemy jekonomiki i organizacii proizvodstva v ispravitel'nyh uchrezhdenijah //Voprosy sovremennoj nauki i praktiki. - 2020. #1 (2). – S. 59-65.
10. Nikol'skaja Je. R. Pravovoe regulirovanie dejatel'nosti proizvodstvennogo sektora ugolovno-ispolnitel'noj sistemy na sovremennom jetape// Penitenciarnoe pravo: juridicheskaja teorija i pravoprimenitel'naja praktika. - 2015. - # 3 (5). -S. 32-36.
11. Papichev N. V. Osnovnye napravlenija sovershenstvovanija proizvodstvennoj dejatel'nosti v uslovijah reformirovanija ugolovno-ispolnitel'noj sistemy // Biznes v zakone. - 2009. - # 5. - S. 138-140.
12. Rodionov A. V. Ugolovno-ispolnitel'naja politika v sfere organizacii truda osuzhdennyh: opyt formirovanija i dal'nejshie perspektivy razvitija //Chelovek: prestuplenie i nakazanie. - 2017. - T. 25.- #2. - S. 183-188.
13. Shabanov V. B., Savastej O. M. O pravomernom regulirovanii truda osuzhdennyh k lisheniju svobody, problemy i perspektivy // Vestnik Akademii MVD Respubliki Belarus'. - 2019. - # 2 (38). - S. 162-166.
14. Shukaeva A. V. Osobennosti planirovanija proizvodstvennoj dejatel'nosti v ugolovno-ispolnitel'noj sisteme // Alleja nauki. - 2018. - T. 4. - # 5 (21).- S. 525-529.
Marchenko D. E.
Service discipline in the penal system and the factors influencing on its maintenance
The article examines the issues of discipline and legality in the penal system. The author analyzes the reasons for the offenses committed by the penal officers and the factors that influence the professional deformation of the officers.
Keywords: service discipline, reasons for violation of discipline, the penal system, public service.
1. Larceva L. R. Nravstvennye osnovy bor'by s korrupciej v ugolovno – ispolnitel'noj sisteme // Aktual'nye problemy dejatel'nosti podrazdelenij UIS.– 2017. – # 6. – S. 12-13.
2. Novikov R. V. K voprosu o podderzhanii sluzhebnoj discipliny v organah i uchrezhdenijah FSIN Rossii// Vestnik Permskogo instituta FSIN Rossii. – 2018.– # 4 (11). – S. 60-63.
3. Statisticheskaja forma otchetnosti FSIN-1 «Otchet o rezul'tatah dejatel'nosti ispravitel'nyh uchrezhdenij za 2018-2019 gg. god» //Informacionno-analiticheskij sbornik peredovogo opyta FSIN Rossii «Osnovnye pokazateli dejatel'nosti ugolovno-ispolnitel'noj sistemy FSIN Rossii» za 2018-2019gg. // Federal'naja sluzhba ispolnenija nakazanij.[Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija:23.02.2020).
4. Chebotorenko T. A., Kuznecova A. V. Pravovoe regulirovanie voprosov podderzhanija zakonnosti v ugolovno – ispolnitel'noj sisteme // Aktual'nye problemy dejatel'nosti podrazdelenij UIS. – 2018. – # 1– S. 490-493.
Marchenko S. V.
Basic methods of legal education of convicted women in Russia and abroad
This article deals with the actual methods of legal education that are used in Russia and abroad. The author emphasizes that the diverse methods of legal education are ultimately aimed at one goal - to prepare a convicted woman for resocialization.
Keywords: convicted women, legal education of convicted women, methods of education, preparation for resocialization.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bondarev A. S. Pravovaja propaganda i obuchenie- formy pravovogo vospitanija: ponjatie i sredstva vozdejstvija // Vestnik Permskogo universiteta. – 2008. – # 1 (1). – S. 4-15.
2. Zubkov A. I., Sturova M. P. Ispravitel'naja(penitenciarnaja) pedagogika: uchebnoe posobie.– Rjazan', 1993.
3. Lapshin V. E., Shahanov V. V. Pravovoe vospitanie osuzhdennyh: poisk novyh podhodov // Vestnik instituta: prestuplenie, nakazanie, ispravlenie. – 2018. – # 1 (41). – S. 13-18.
4. Filimonova O. V. Ugolovno-ispolnitel'noe pravo Rossii. Uchebnik i osnovnye normativnye pravovye akty / Pod red. prof. — M.: Uchebno-konsul'tacionnyj centr «JurInfoR», 2000.
Skobeleva O. O.
Features of prevention of extremism and terrorism in correctional institutions in Russia and abroad
This article examines the issues of preventive work, as well as the prevention of offenses in correctional institutions by persons convicted of crimes of a terrorist nature and extremist orientation. The article analyzes the programs of deradicalization of convicts, developed in many countries, cites their common elements and differences.
Keywords: convicted, prevention, deradicalization, terrorism.
1. Abalymov, A.V. Ob organizacii profilakticheskoj raboty po iskljucheniju negativnogo vlijanija osuzhdennyh za sovershenie prestuplenij jekstremistkoj iterroristicheskoj napravlennosti na drugih osuzhdennyh // Ugolovnoe sudoproizvodstvo: problemy teorii i praktiki. – 2017. – # 4.– S. 65.
2. Gorjainov K. K., Hromov I. L. Osobennosti operativnoj raboty v ispravitel'nyh uchrezhdenijah sredi osuzhdennyh, otbyvajushhih nakazanie za prestuplenija terroristicheskoj napravlennosti.– M.: NII FSIN Rossii, 2012.
3. Kapinus, O.S. Nauchnye podhody k protivodejstviju verbovochnoj dejatel'nosti mezhdunarodnyh terroristicheskih organizacij na territorii Rossijskoj Federacii // Protivodejstvie terrorizmu. Problemy XXI veka – COUNTER–TERRORISM. 2016. – # 1. – S. 8.
4. Rumjancev, N.V. Protivodejstvie dejatel'nosti jekstremistskih i terroristicheskih organizacij v uchrezhdenijah ugolovno–ispolnitel'noj sistemy //Penitenciarnoe pravo: juridicheskaja teorija i pravoprimenitel'naja praktika. – 2019. – # 2. – S. 114.
Davydova I. A.
The legal nature of the preferential calculation of the term of punishment in the form of deprivation of liberty when offsetting the time of detention
The article attempts to determine the legal nature of the preferential calculation of the term of criminal punishment in the form of imprisonment when counting the time of detention. The introduction of the multiplicity factor is considered as an element of the system of indefinite sentences, as part of the mechanism for compensating for inappropriate conditions of detention, and the abolition of the multiplicity factor in cases of application of certain penalties in correctional institutions is considered as an incentive norm aimed at stimulating the law-abiding behavior of convicts during the period of serving their sentence.
Keywords: preferential calculation of the term of punishment, multiplicity factors, offset of the term of detention, extension (reduction)
of the term of punishment, indefinite sentence, application of penalties, conditions of detention.
1. Opredelenie Konstitucionnogo Suda RF ot 28.05.2020 # 1303-O «Ob otkaze v prinjatii k rassmotreniju zhaloby grazhdanki Gavrilovoj Oksany Aleksandrovny na narushenie ee konstitucionnyh prav chast'ju tret'ej.1 stat'i 72 Ugolovnogo kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii». [Jelektronnyj resurs].– Rezhim dostupa:
2. Bahta A.S. Primenenie kojefficienta kratnosti pri zachete vremeni soderzhanija pod strazhej v srok otbyvanija nakazanija // Nauchnyj vestnik Omskoj akademii MVD Rossii. 2020. # 2 (77). S. 32-37.
3. Davydova I.A., Korobova I.N., Orlova A.A. Sudebnoe prodlenie sroka otbyvanija ugolovnogo nakazanija v vide lishenija svobody: zarubezhnyj opyt i vozmozhnost' vvedenija v Rossii // Juridicheskaja mysl'. 2016. # 3. S. 104-107.
4. Evropejskij sud po pravam cheloveka / delo «Evgenij Mihajlovich Shmelev i drugie (Yevgeniy Mikhaylovich Shmelev and others) protiv Rossijskoj Federacii» (Zhaloba # 41743/17 i 16 drugih zhalob) (Strasburg, 17 marta 2020 goda). [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
5. Isachenko P.A. Zakonodatel'noe regulirovanie dosrochnogo osvobozhdenija po modeli neopredelennogo prigovora v SShA (1870-1970) // Juridicheskie nauki: problemy i perspektivy: materialy III Mezhdunar. nauch. konf. (g. Kazan', maj 2015 g.). Kazan': Buk, 2015. VI. S. 136.
6. Otvety na voprosy, postupivshie iz sudov, po primeneniju polozhenij stat'i 72 UK RF (utv. Prezidiumom Verhovnogo Suda RF 31 ijulja 2019 g.) [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
7. Po proektu Federal'nogo zakona # 73983-5 «O vnesenii izmenenij v stat'ju 72 Ugolovnogo kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii»: Zakljuchenie PU Apparata GD FS RF.
8. Pojasnitel'naja zapiska k proektu Federal'nogo zakona «O vnesenii izmenenij v stat'ju 72 Ugolovnogo Kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii».
9. Rekomendacija # (99) 22 Komiteta Ministrov Soveta Evropy gosudarstvam-chlenam «O probleme perepolnenija tjurem i uvelichenija chisla lic, nahodjashhihsja pod strazhej». [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
10. Tepljashin P.V. Koncepcija “neopredelennyh” prigovorov: novyj vzgljad i nekotorye kriticheskie zamechanija // Sovremennye problemy juridicheskoj nauki i pravovogo obrazovanija: materialy mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii (Irkutsk, 7-8 oktjabrja, 2010 g.). S. 241-246.
11. Shul'gina D. D. Nedostatki novogo porjadka zacheta vremeni soderzhanija v SIZO v srok nakazanija. Neobosnovanno formal'nyj podhod zakona // Advokatskaja gazeta. 2018. 20 ijulja.
Gauzhaeva V. A., Lifanova L. G.
The concept of explosion and its relationship with some objects of forensic explosives technology
The authors of the article analyze the concept of an explosion, explosives and explosive devices
in order to understand the peculiarities of manufacturing, tactical and technical characteristics, the knowledge of which is necessary for the successful solution of problems within the framework of the inspection of the explosion site. Determine the stages of a chemical explosion as a stage of energy conversion into the energy of a highly compressed substance and the stage of expansion of a compressed substance and classifies explosives and explosive devices on various grounds.
Keywords: explosion, explosive devices, forensic means, technical and forensic support, inspection of the explosion site.
Work bibliographic list
1. Akkaeva H.A. K voprosu o merah preduprezhdenija prestuplenij terroristicheskoj napravlennosti v Rossijskoj Federacii // Probely v rossijskom zakonodatel'stve. 2019. # 2. S. 128-130.
2. Gauzhaeva V.A., Shamaev A.M. Osobennosti fiksacii i upakovki ob"ektov, obnaruzhennyh na meste vzryva // Probely v rossijskom zakonodatel'stve. 2018. # 6. S. 280-282.
3. GOST R 22.0.05-94 Bezopasnost' v chrezvychajnyh situacijah. Tehnogennye chrezvychajnye situacii. Terminy i opredelenija. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: obrashhenija: 21.02.2020).
4. GOST R 22.0.08-96 Bezopasnost' v chrezvychajnyh situacijah. Tehnogennye chrezvychajnye situacii. Vzryvy. Terminy i opredelenija. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 21.02.2020).
5. Kanokova L.Ju. Pravovoe polozhenie jeksperta i specialista v ugolovnom sudoproizvodstve // Teorija i praktika obshhestvennogo razvitija. 2015. # 10. S. 105-107.
6. Kardanov R.R. Osobennosti tehniko-kriminalisticheskogo obespechenija osmotra mesta vzryva v gorno-lesistoj mestnosti v Severo-Kavkazskom federal'nom okruge // Vestnik Vserossijskogo instituta povyshenija kvalifikacii sotrudnikov Ministerstva vnutrennih del Rossijskoj Federacii. 2019. # 2 (50). S. 48-52.
7. Kutuzov B.N. Metody velenija vzryvnyh rabot. Ch. 1. Razrushenie gornyh porod vzryvom: uchebnik dlja vuzov. M.: Gornaja kniga, 2009. 471 s.
8. Pokrovskij G. I. Vzryv i ego dejstvie. M.: Voenizdat, 1954. 56 s.
9. Slovar' osnovnyh terminov po discipline «Teorija gorenija i vzryva». [Jelektronnyj resurs].– Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 21.02.2020).
10. Shogenov T.M., Buraeva L.A. Osobennosti porazhajushhego dejstvija biologicheskih sredstv // V sbornike: Luchshaja nauchno-issledovatel'skaja rabota 2020:sbornik statej XXV Mezhdunarodnogo nauchno-issledovatel'skogo konkursa. (Penza, 30 marta 2020 g.)
/ Pod obshhej redakciej G.Ju. Guljaeva. Penza: Izdatel'stvo: «Nauka i Prosveshhenie». 2020. S. 41-43.
Glazkov A. A.
Use of computer technology in the activities of an investigator
This article discusses information technologies that can be used to influence the quality and effectiveness of information and analytical support for investigators and operational workers in the disclosure and investigation of crimes. And also the article gives a full description, advantages and disadvantages of IT-technologies used in the activities of the investigator.
Keywords: investigator, crime, IT-technologies, criminal case, optimization of activity, automated workplace, automated fingerprint identification system.
Work bibliographic list
1. Kriminalistika: uchebnik. Evgenij Petrovich Ishhenko, Aleksandr Georgievich Filippov. - M.:Vysshee obrazovanie, 2017. - 743 s.
2. Kriminalistika: uchebnik. Pod red. d.ju.n., professora V.D. Zelenskogo i d.ju.n., professora G.M. Meretukova. - SPb.: Izdatel'stvo «Juridicheskij centr», 2018. - 704 s.
3. Rodin A.F., Vehov V.B. Ispol'zovanie komp'juternyh tehnologij v dejatel'nosti sledovatelja / Pod red. B.P. Smagorinskogo. - Volgograd, 2018. - S. 107-128.
Zyryanov I. V., Osyak V. V.
The concept and characteristics of violence in the sphere of family and domestic relations
The article considers the main aspects of various forms of violent acts in the family and household sphere, examines the issues of the concept of this category, the causes and conditions that give rise to these anti-social acts. Studied the nature of domestic violence, due to its various manifestations, especially the sphere of family relations, limiting external intervention, the need for consideration of offenses, the specificity of actions of subjects of prevention in a typical situation combating domestic violence. Characteristics of these subjects are given, their activities are investigated, which are characterized by legitimate interference in a special sphere of private
life – family and everyday life; a high level of aggression in domestic conflicts, aimed at both family members and law enforcement officers.
Keywords: violence, delinquency, family and domestic relations, prevention, conflict, police officers.
1. Gajdukov A.A. O ponjatii «pravonarushenie v sfere semejno-bytovyh otnoshenij» // Vestnik Barnaul'skogo juridicheskogo instituta MVD Rossii. - 2015.- # 2 (29). - S. 98-102.
2. Domashnee nasilie v Rossii. – [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:; Doklad o rezul'tatah i osnovnyh napravlenijah dejatel'nosti Ministerstva vnutrennih del Rossijskoj Federacii. - M.: MVD Rossii,
2015. - 135 s.
3. Zabroda D.G. Mezhdunarodnye standarty dejatel'nosti policii po preduprezhdeniju nasilija v sem'e // V sb. materialov po rezul'tatam V Vserossijskoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii «Administrativno-pravovoe regulirovanie pravo-ohranitel'noj dejatel'nosti: teorija i praktika», posvjashhennoj 60-letiju doktora juridicheskih nauk, professora Viktora Vasil'evicha Denisenko, 2016. - S. 198-202.
4. Zakonoproekt # 96700121-2 ot 16.07.1996 «O predotvrashhenii nasilija v sem'e». – [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
5. Zakonoproekt # 97700685-2 ot 11.03.1997 «Ob osnovah social'no-pravovoj zashhity ot nasilija v sem'e». – [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
6. Kirillov M.A., Meshkova A.V., Panchenko P.N., Kriminologicheskaja harakteristika i preduprezhdenie prestuplenij, sovershaemyh v sostojanii narkoticheskogo op'janenija v semejno-bytovyh i dosugovyh otnoshenijah. - N. Novgorod - Cheboksary: NA MVD Rossii, NF GU - VShJe, ChKI RUK, 2010. - 250 s.
7. Rep'ev A.G. Pravovoe regulirovanie dejatel'nosti po preduprezhdeniju pravonarushenij v sfere semejno-bytovyh otnoshenij: federal'nyj i regional'nyj aspekty (na primere Altajskogo kraja) //Vestnik Kazanskogo juridicheskogo instituta MVD Rossii. - 2016. - # 4 (26). - S. 47-51.
8. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:;
9. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
Mukhtarov D. J.
Current problems of conducting complex examinations
The Article introduces research in the field of production of forensic examinations. The article explains the moral and psychological features of сommission and complex examinations. At the same time, it should be remembered that the examination is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the criminal procedure law, which emphasizes the independence and personal responsibility of each expert for the conclusion given to them, even in cases where several experts are appointed for the examination. The article suggests and describes the ways used by the head of the forensic unit in the production of research.
Keywords: expertise, signs, identification, diagnostics, psychology.
Work bibliographic list
1. Aver'janova T. V. Teoreticheskie i prikladnye aspekty ispol'zovanija special'nyh znanij v ugolovnom i grazhdanskom sudoproizvodstve. Vypusk 1: nauchno-prakticheskoe rukovodstvo. - M.: Rossijskaja akademija pravosudija, 2013.
2. Arocker L. E. Ob jetike sudebnogo jeksperta. - V kn.:Kriminalistika i sudebnaja jekspertiza. - Kiev, 1968. - Vyp. 5.
3. Vinberg A. I., Shljahov A. R. Obshhaja harakteristika metodov jekspertnogo issledovanija. - Tr. VNIISJe. - M., 1977. - Vyp. 28.
4. Elfimov P. V., Vinogradova O. P. Osobennosti provedenija i naznachenija kompleksnyh sudebnyh jekspertiz // Vestnik Ural'skogo juridicheskogo instituta MVD Rossii. – 2017. – # 2.
5. Osmotr ob"ektov: uchebnoe posobie / A. A. Kuznecov.- Omsk: Omskaja akademija MVD Rossii, 2016.
Kardanov A. R.
Modern methods of forensic examination in the study of micro-objects
This article is devoted to the issues of forensic investigation of micro-objects. In all cases, the study of micro-traces has its own characteristics, which requires special knowledge. When forming the concept of micro-traces, their specificity is taken into account – a small amount; otherwise, they do not differ significantly from macro-traces and should be used on the basis of general principles of the theory of criminology. Microparticles, reflection traces, and microorganisms are proposed and characterized in the article.
Keywords: special knowledge, expertise, traces, micro-traces, criminalistics.
1. Bankovskij Ju. O., Povreznjuk G. I. Vozmozhnosti obnaruzhenija, iz"jatija i issledovanija nekotoryh vidov mikrochastic v jekspertnoj praktike. - Alma-Ata, 1974.
2. Bershadskij E. M. Problema mikrosledov v sovremennoj kriminalistike. - V kn.: Kriminalistika i sudebnaja jekspertiza. - Kiev, 1977. - Vyp. 14.
3. Viktorova L. N. Issledovanie mikrochastic. - V kn.: Sovremennye vozmozhnosti jekspertiz veshhestvennyh dokazatel'stv. - M., 1977.
4. Vinberg A. I., Malahovskaja N. T. Sudebnaja jekspertologija (Obshheteoreticheskie i metodologicheskie problemy sudebnyh jekspertiz). - Volgograd, 1979.
5. Granovskij G. L. Sovremennoe sostojanie i puti sovershenstvovanija mikrotrasologicheskih issledovanij // V kn.: Problemy trasologicheskih issledovanij. - M., 1978. - # 35.
6. Petrov Je. V. Nekotorye voprosy jekspertizy nalozhenij // V kn. Kriminalistika i sudebnaja jekspertiza. - Kiev, 1970. - Vyp. 7.
7. Cyparskij Ja. G. Praktika ispol'zovanija mikrosledov i nevidimyh sledov orudij prestuplenija po delam ob ubijstvah. - V kn.: Voprosy bor'by s prestupnost'ju. - M., 1969.
8. Shljahov A. R. Predmet i sistema kriminalisticheskoj jekspertizy. - Tr.: VNIISJe, 1971. - Vyp. 3.
Klimova M. I.
Using the results of the OSA for the purposes of detecting crimes under Chapter 19 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation
The Article is devoted to theoretical aspects of use of results of operatively-search activity the detection and investigation of crimes committed against the constitutional rights and freedoms of man and citizen. Reviewed some important features and areas of use of results of OSA and their benefits in relation to disclosure of criminal actions under Chapter 19 of the Criminal Code.
Keywords: crime, law enforcement agencies, criminal case, operational search activity, results of operational search activity, operational search event.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ugolovnyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ot 13.06.1996 # 63-FZ // «Rossijskaja gazeta» ot 18 ijunja 1996 g.
2. Ugolovno-processual'nyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ot 18.12.2001 # 174-FZ // «Rossijskaja gazeta» ot 22 dekabrja 2001 g.
3. Federal'nyj zakon «Ob operativno-rozysknoj dejatel'nosti» ot 12.08.1995 # 144-FZ // «Rossijskaja gazeta» ot 18 avgusta 1995 g.
4. Gusev V. A. Ispol'zovanie rezul'tatov operativno-razysknoj dejatel'nosti: novye tendencii // Vestnik Volgogradskoj akademii MVD Rossii. – 2014.– # 1 (28). – S. 86-91.
5. Rossinskij S. B. Rezul'taty operativno-rozysknoj dejatel'nosti nuzhno priznat' dokazatel'stvami po ugolovnomu delu // Sudebnaja vlast' i ugolovnyj process. – 2018. – # 2. – S. 111-119.
6. Shmatov M. A., Shmatov V. M. Kontrol' i zapis' telefonnyh peregovorov kak sledstvennoe dejstvie v sootnoshenii s operativno-razysknym meroprijatiem – proslushivanie telefonnyh peregovorov// Vestnik Volgogradskoj akademii MVD Rossii. –2017. – # 1 (40). – S. 117-121.
Kolesnikova I. E.
An abuse in the expertise of the text: linguistic and legal discourse
The article examines the features of forensic expert activity in the study of abuse in order to
diagnose them, taking into account both legal and linguistic knowledge. Attention is focused on the severity of special signs of speech aggression in the product of speech activity. The statements are considered offensive if a number of conditions are met. At first, if they are directed to the offended directly. At second, it can give a generalized characterization of the personality and are expressed in an indecent form.
Keywords: an abuse, products of speech activity, a verbal aggression, forensic linguistic experiment.
Work bibliographic list
1. Baranov A.N. Lingvisticheskaja jekspertiza teksta: teorija i praktika. – M.: Flinta: Nauka, 2007. – 592 s.
2. Brinev K.I. Lingvisticheskaja jekspertiza: tipy jekspertnyh zadach i metodicheskie prezumpcii// Jurislingvistika – 9: Istina v jazyke i prave. – Mezhvuz. sb. nauchn. tr. Kemerovo; Barnaul, 2008. – S. 232-249.
3. Brinev K.I. Teoreticheskaja lingvistika i sudebnaja lingvisticheskaja jekspertiza: monografija. – Barnaul:AltGPA, 2009. – 252 s.
4. Galjashina E.I., Gorbanevskij M.V., Sternin I.A. Lingvisticheskie priznaki diffamacii v teorii i praktike sudebnyh lingvisticheskih jekspertiz // Vzgljad. Ezhekvartal'nyj analiticheskij bjulleten'. – M.: Fond zashhity glasnosti. – # 1 (6). – 2005. – S. 24-39.
5. Galjashina E.I. Lingvistika vs jekstremizma: V pomoshh' sud'jam, sledovateljam, jekspertam. – M.: Juridicheskij Mir, 2006. – 96 s.
6. Dubov I.V., Kim I.N. Rol' lingvisticheskoj jekspertizy v delah ob oskorblenii (k voprosu o dekriminalizacii oskorblenija) // Mirovozzrencheskie osnovanija kul'tury sovremennoj Rossii: sbornik nauchnyh trudov H Mezhdunar. nauchno-praktich. konferencii. FGBOU VO «Magnitogorskij gos. tehn. un-t im. G.I.Nosova». – 2019. – S. 113-120.
7. Zarezina S. N. K voprosu o provedenii sudebnoj lingvisticheskoj jekspertizy po delam ob oskorblenii //Nauchno-metod. jelektronnyj zhurnal «Koncept». – 2015.– T. 13. – S. 2656-2660.
8. Kolesnikova I.E. O nekotoryh lingvisticheskih i pravovyh diskursah sudebno-lingvisticheskoj jekspertizy teksta // Aktual'nye problemy lingvistiki i formirovanija jazykovoj kompetencii juristov v sovremennyh uslovijah: sbornik materialov Vserossijskoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii (g. Rostov-na-Donu, 22 marta 2019 g.). – Rostov/n/D: FGKOU VO RJuI MVD Rossii, 2019. – S. 67-74.
9. Melikjan V.Ju. Tipovye voprosy k jekspertu-lingvistu i predely kompetencii lingvistiki i prava // Jazyk i pravo: aktual'nye problemy vzaimodejstvija. Materialy II-oj Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii / Otv. red. V.Ju. Melikjan. – Vyp. 2. – Rostov/n/D: Donizdat, 2012. – S. 50-58.
10. Podkatilina M.L. Sudebnaja lingvisticheskaja jekspertiza po delam ob oskorblenii // Izvestija Tul'skogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Jekonomicheskie i juridicheskie nauki. – 2016. – S. 389-394.
11. Podkatilina M.L. Sudebnaja lingvisticheskaja jekspertiza jekstremistskih materialov: teoreticheskie i metodicheskie aspekty: avtoref. dis. … kand. jurid. nauk.– Moskva, 2012. – 26 c.
12. Pradid Ju.F. Aktual'nye problemy sovremennoj kriminalistiki: Materialy mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii: V 2 ch. – Simferopol':Dolja. – 2002. – Ch. 2. – S. 14-19.
13. Pylin V.V. Dekriminalizacija stat'i «oskorblenie» oslabila zashhitu chesti i dostoinstva cheloveka// Uchenye zapiski juridicheskogo fakul'teta. – 2013.– # 28 (38). – S. 59.
14. Rossinskaja E.R. Sudebnaja jekspertiza v grazhdanskom, arbitrazhnom, administrativnom i ugolovnom processe. – M.: NORMA, 2006. – 65 s.
15. Sternin I.A., Kalinkin S.V. Nekotorye voprosy ugolovno-pravovoj kvalifikacii oskorblenija // Ugolovnoe pravo. – 2011. – # 5. – S. 44–50.
16. Sternin I.A. O ponjatii «neprilichnaja forma vyskazyvanija» v lingvisticheskoj jekspertize // Voronezhskij advokat. – 2010. – # 1 (79).– S. 16-21.
17. Shherbinina Ju.V. Verbal'naja agressija. – M.: Izdatel'stvo Komkniga, 2006. – 360 s.
Mukhtarov D. J.
Problematic issues in the production of forensic examinations
Тhe article is devoted to a comprehensive study of the main features of psychological activity of persons performing Commission expertise. The appointment of a Commission examination emphasizes the need for comprehensive research and creative discussion of the results. The article is devoted to improving the use of technical means in the production of forensic examinations. The characteristic features of psychological aspects of expert activity are highlighted and described. The article discusses theoretical and practical problems of forensic examination.
Keywords: expert, psychology, investigation, investigative actions, crime.
Work bibliographic list
1. Arocker L. E. Ob jetike sudebnogo jeksperta. V kn.:Kriminalistika i sudebnaja jekspertiza. Kiev, 1968. Vyp. 5.
2. Granovskij G. L. Nekotorye voprosy psihologii i jetiki povtornyh jekspertiz. V kn.: Pravovye, organizacionnye i psihologicheskie osnovy provedenija povtornyh jekspertiz. M., 1977.
3. Kaziahmedova M.N. Rol' osmotra mesta proisshestvija v raskrytii i rassledovanii prestuplenij// V sbornike: Problemy sovershenstvovanija zakonodatel'stva. sbornik nauchnyh statej studentov juridicheskogo fakul'teta. Mahachkala, 2019. S. 48-50.
4. Pavlenko O.V., Perezhogina G.V., Tolstoluzhinskaja E.M. Problemy razgranichenija predmeta kriminalistiki i sudebnoj jekspertologii. // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2020. # 1 (140). S. 306-307.
5. Jakovlev Ja. M. Psihologicheskaja struktura jekspertnoj dejatel'nosti. Tr. VNIISJe, 1973. Vyp. 7.
Strizhchenko I. A., Egorov R. P.
Actual problems of forensic accounting examinations in the investigation of economic crimes
The article is devoted to the problems of forensic accounting examinations in the investigation of economic crimes. In the study concerns are voiced: the interaction between the investigative body and an expert-accountant in the collection phase of materials; interaction of the appointing authority, expertise and expert-accountant at the stage of asking questions; the use of computer technology in forensic accounting examinations. Based on the analysis, recommendations aimed at improving the quality of implementation of forensic accounting examinations that are relevant at the present stage are formed.
Keywords: forensic accounting expertise, economic crimes, expert, investigative authorities.
1. Droga A.A. Aktual'nye problemy proizvodstva sudebno-buhgalterskih jekspertiz na sovremennom jetape rassledovanija prestuplenij jekonomicheskoj napravlennosti // Obshhestvo i pravo. 2017. # 1 (59).S. 108-112.
2. Dunaeva V.I. Vyjavlenie jekspertnyh oshibok, voznikajushhih pri provedenii sudebno-buhgalterskoj jekspertizy // Vestnik Tul'skogo filiala FinUniversiteta, 2018.
3. Jepshtejn V.A.Sovremennye tendencii ispol'zovanija komp'juternoj tehniki pri proizvodstve jekspertiz // Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo universiteta MVD Rossii. 2016. # 4 (32).
4. Internet-resurs General'noj prokuratury Rossijskoj Federacii. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:›upload/iblock/be9/sbornik…2018.pdf.
Suleymanov T. A., Nazarkin E. V.,
Grigorjeva O. O., Popova N. A.
Circumstances to be established during the investigation of illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances in a correctional institution
Тhe article reveals the circumstances that need to be established and proved during the investigation of illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances in correctional institutions. The use of information on these elements contributes to the adoption of correct tactical decisions in the course of investigative actions, operational-regime measures, and contributes to the process of proof and successful investigation of a criminal case.
Keywords: circumstances to be established, illegal trafficking of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, criminal investigation, correctional institution.
Work bibliographic list
1. Postanovlenie Pravitel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii ot 30.06.1998 g. # 681 (red. ot 12.10.2019 g.).
2. Kissel' E.V. Obstojatel'stva, podlezhashhie ustanovleniju pri rassledovanii nezakonnogo oborota narkoticheskih sredstv v ispravitel'nyh uchrezhdenijah. Trudy Akademii upravlenija MVD Rossii. 2014. # 1 (29). S. 115-117.
3. Kosmodem'janskaja E.E. K voprosu o vozmozhnostjah dokazyvanija sub"ektivnoj storony prestuplenija pri rassledovanii nezakonnogo oborota analogov narkoticheskih sredstv ili psihotropnyh veshhestv. Vestnik Sibirskogo juridicheskogo instituta MVD Rossii. 2014. # 3 (16). S. 40-46.
4. Raskrytie, rassledovanie i preduprezhdenie prestuplenij, svjazannyh s nezakonnym oborotom narkoticheskih sredstv, sovershaemyh v ispravitel'nyh uchrezhdenijah: ucheb. posobie / (T. A. Tkachuk i dr.). Vladimir. 2018. S. 19.
Puptseva A. V., Rezvan A. P., Pavlenko N. O.
Polygraph as a scientific and technical tool crime investigation
The main task of the bodies of preliminary investigation (inquiry) is to establish the truth in a criminal case. Therefore, modern scientists (criminologists, experts, psychologists) are developing options for ensuring full and prompt disclosure and investigation of a crime. One of these methods is a psychophysiological study using a polygraph, which allows you to establish the significance of the question asked by a person by the physiological reaction of a person, which is considered in this scientific article.
Keywords: «lie detector», polygraph test, psychophysiological reaction of the interrogated person, reliability of the polygraph survey.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ivanov L. N. Aktual'nye voprosy primenenija poligrafa pri rassledovanii prestuplenij //Informacionnaja bezopasnost' v regione. - 2008. -# 2 (3).
2. Lantuh Je. V. Sovremennye vozmozhnosti i problemy proizvodstva psihofiziologicheskih jekspertiz s ispol'zovaniem poligrafa pri proizvodstve po ugolovnym delam // Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo universiteta MVD Rossii. - 2012. - # 2 (54).
3. Holodnyj Ju. I. Opros s ispol'zovaniem poligrafa i kompetencija poligrafologa // Vestnik akademii jekonomicheskoj bezopasnosti MVD Rossii. - 2009. - # 9.
Imaeva Yu. B., Fayrushina R. D.
Some aspects of crime investigation at housing and communal complex enterprises
The article considers some ways of committing crimes at the enterprises of the housing and communal complex. Based on the analysis of judicial and investigative practice, topical issues related to the planning of the initial and subsequent stages of the investigation are identified,
recommendations are given
Keywords: housing and communal complex, housing and communal services, initial stage of investigation, planning of the subsequent stage of investigation.
Work bibliographic list
1. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija:20.09.2020).
2. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 20.09.2020).
3. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: obrashhenija: 20.09.2020).
4. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: http://www. (data obrashhenija: 10.09.2020).
5. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: obrashhenija: 20.09.2020).
6. Prigovor po ugolovnomu delu # 1-3920-2017 //Arhiv gorodskogo muda g. Serov Sverdlovskoj oblasti. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: obrashhenija: 10.09.2020).
Mungalov E. A.
Mitragyna speciosa (Kratom), the problem of forensic identification
The article provides information about the plant containing narcotic drugs-Mitragina the beautiful (Mitragina speciosa), for the first time in Russian, a full-fledged botanical description of this plant is provided, and the problems of expert identification are also considered.
Keywords: kratom, mitragina speciosa, drug, plants containing narcotic drugs, forensic examination.
Work bibliographic list
1. Analysis of drug markets. Opiates, cocaine, cannabis, synthetic drugs. World drug report 2018. [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: (дата обращения: 29.07.2020).
2. Flora of Thailand – Rubiaceaea: MITRAGINA. –[Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: (дата обращения: 28.07.2020).
3. Kowalczuk A.P.; Lozak A.; Zjawiony J.K. Comprehensive methodology for identification
of kratom in police laboratories. Forensic Science International 2013; 233:238-243.
4. Kratom drug profile. – [Электронный ресурс]. –Режим доступа: (дата обращения: 28.07.2020).
5. Korthals, P.W. Observationes de Naucleis indicis. Bonnae : Typis Caroli Georgi, 1839. – [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: (дата обращения: 28.07.2020).
6. Mitragina in Flora of China. – [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: (дата обращения: 28.07.2020).
7. Raffa, R.B., ed. Kratom and Other Mitragynines. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group; 2015.
8. Ramesh, R.; Zakiah, A.G.; Sam, W.J.; Nurul, H.H.; Norfarahana, J.; Ummu, H.B.; Ting, J., Mohd, I.W.; Zakiah I. Herbal monograph methodology for identification of Mitragyna speciosa (Korth.) Havil. leaves. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 2015; 4(4): 256-262.
9. Shellard, E.J. and Lees, M.D. The Mitragyna species of Asia. V. The anatomy of the leaves of Mitragyna speciosa Korth. Planta Med 1965; 13: 280-90.
10. Shellard, E.J. and Wade, A. 1967. The morphology and anatomy of the flowers of Mitragyna ciliata Aubr. et Pellegr. and Mitragyna stipulosa (D.C.) O. Kuntze. J Pharm Pharmacol 1967; 19: 744-59.
Nazarkin E. V., Suleymanov T. A., Bodko S. P.,
Seysebaev V. K.
Possibilities of using the accounts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia when making a presentation for identification, investigative experiment and verification of evidence on the spot during the investigation of thefts from citizens’ apartments
Тhis article discusses the practical possibilities of using the complex of records of the system of forensic registration of the internal affairs bodies of Russia by an investigator when making a presentation for identification, an investigative experiment and checking testimony at the crime scene during the disclosure and investigation of criminal cases of apartment theft. Recommendations on the use of certain types of records in the preparation, conduct and results of presentation for identification, investigative experiment and verification of evidence on the spot during the investigation of thefts from citizens’ apartments are proposed.
Keywords: apartment theft, presentation for identification, investigative experiment, verification of evidence on the spot, forensic accounting.
Work bibliographic list
1. Nazarkin E.V. Ispol'zovanie uchjotov organov vnutrennih del pri raskrytii i rassledovanii kvartirnyh krazh: Monografija. Rjazanskij filial Moskovskogo instituta jekonomiki, menedzhmenta i prava. Rjazan': Pressa, 2003. 201 s.
Fayzullina A. A.
Possibilities of forensic medical examination in the investigation of arson concealed murders
If human casualties are found at the scene, a forensic medical examination is appointed to establish the cause and other circumstances of death. It is also appointed to determine the nature of the injury, if the victim is still alive. The exceptional importance of the ongoing expert research in identifying signs of murder, clarifying the circumstances of a criminal event, should be noted.
Keywords: forensic m edical examination, murder, forensic medical expert, cause of death, expert research, direction of investigation, criminal event, expert opinion.
Work bibliographic list
1. Drapezo R. G. Poluchenie uprezhdajushhej informacii pri osmotre trupa i mesta proisshestvija pri ubijstve, gde ogon' vystupaet kak orudie (sposob) sokrytija prestuplenija // Operativnik (syshhik). - # 1 (34). - 2013. - S. 23-27.
2. Zvjagin V. N., Galickaja O. I., Grigor'eva M. A. Opredelenie prizhiznennyh somaticheskih razmerov tela cheloveka pri sudebno-medicinskoj jekspertize skeletirovannyh i sozhzhennyh ostankov. - M., 2018. - 215 s.
3. Ugolovnoe delo # 5748102/2019 // Arhiv Kalininskogo rajonnogo suda g. Ufy Respubliki Bashkortostan.
Kashchaeva M. V., Marakulin D. A.
National communities as a subject of counteraction to offenses (regional aspect)
The article considers regional features of national communities as subjects of counteraction to offenses. The authors, based on their previous research, address issues of socio-cultural, socioeconomic, legal and religious adaptation of representatives of their national communities. The activities of national communities, as an effective tool in solving many issues, are not fully used by state and local authorities today.
Keywords: national communities, diasporas, subjects of prevention, persons taking part in
prevention of offences, prevention of crimes.
Work bibliographic list
1. Botvin I. V., Marakulin D. A. Regional'nye osobennosti jekstremistskoj prestupnosti (po materialam Altajskogo kraja) // Vestnik Kuzbasskogo instituta. - 2018. - # 4 (37). - S. 29-34.
2. Kashhaeva M. V., Marakulin D. A. Nacional'nye obshhiny kak faktor protivodejstvija jekstremizmu. //Sociodinamika. - 2020. - # 3. - S. 12-29.
3. Kompleksnyj analiz kriminal'noj situacii v regione: teorija, metodologija, praktika: monografija/ pod obshh. red. R. M. Abyzova. - Barnaul: BJuI MVD Rossii, 2018. - 299 s.
4. Prognozirovanie i protivodejstvie regional'noj prestupnosti (po materialam Altajskogo kraja):monografija / R. M. Abyzov, E. R. Shestopalova, P.D. Frizen, A. V. Konjaev, K. R. Abyzov, I. V. Botvin, R. A. Semenjuk, A. F. Fedorov; pod obshhej red. d-ra
jurid. nauk, prof., zasl. jurista Rossijskoj Federacii R. M. Abyzova. - Barnaul: Barnaul'skij juridicheskij institut MVD Rossii, 2019. - 152 s.
Makoeva E. R., Mazdogova Z. Z.
About some specific features of minor criminals
This article analyzes the personality of minors who have committed criminal acts through negligence, in order to classify criminological components. The authors in the article define the general criminological characteristics of the personality of a juvenile offender and come to the conclusion that it is three main groups that make up this category of criminals. The classification
is determined by the dependence on the nature of the illegal actions and the characteristics of the subjective assessment of one’s own misconduct. It is also noted that the entire complexity of considering the illegal actions of this particular category of persons and determining the criminological portrait lies in the duality of the criminal. Unambiguously, a wrongful act was committed, but the perpetrator is a minor, but! It is also a crime committed by negligence. From a scientific point of view, the characteristics of the personality of criminals committing intentional crimes are well defined in science and practice, but in relation to careless juvenile criminals, the criteria are partially formed, which determined the need to write this article.
Keywords: criminological characteristics of a person, personality of a criminal, minors, crimes committed by negligence.
1. Avrutin Ju.E. Jeffektivnost' dejatel'nosti organov vnutrennih del: Gosudarstvenno-pravovye, social'nye i organizacionnye aspekty izuchenija, ocenki, proektirovanija: dissertacija... doktora juridicheskih nauk. Sankt-Peterburg, 1998.
2. Zor'kina A.A. Neostorozhnye prestuplenija nesovershennoletnih (ugolovno-pravovoj i kriminologicheskij aspekty): dis. ... kand. jurid. nauk. Surgut, 2016. 176 s.
3. Mazdogova Z.Z. Nekotorye osobennosti individual'no-vospitatel'noj raboty v organah vnutrennih del:beseda kak osnovnaja forma vozdejstvija // Probely v rossijskom zakonodatel'stve. 2019. # 6. S. 277-279.
4. Mashekuasheva M.H., Kochesokova Z.H. Ispol'zovanie sovremennyh tehnologij dlja protivodejstvija terroristicheskim ugrozam // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2020. # 5 (144). S. 402-403.
5. Mashekuasheva M.H., Kochesokova Z.H. Professional'no-kommunikativnaja kompetentnost' sotrudnikov organov vnutrennih del // V sbornike: Luchshaja nauchnaja stat'ja. 2019. S. 57-58.
6. Hismatullina R.R., Stukolova L C. Prestupnost' nesovershennoletnih // E-Scio. 2019. # 1 (28).
Shmatov V. M.
Aspects of prevention of transnational organized crime by organization of international cooperation of law enforcement bodies
The article deals with the organization of international cooperation of law enforcement agencies in the fight against transnational organized crime.
Keywords: transnational, organized, terrorism, law enforcement agencies.
Savochkina D. O., Putrenko A. N.
Problematic issues of the use of physical force by police officers
The article deals with problematic issues of theoretical and practical nature when using physical
force by employees of internal affairs, features, limits, procedures and methods of implementation of this type of government coercion. As each situation of using physical force by employees of internal affairs is unique, the article examines the structure of the concept use of this type of coercion. The author of the article gives the main reasons of unlawfulness and low effectiveness of using physical force and ways to eliminate them
Keywords: physical force, preventive measures, government coercion, police officer, public order.
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon ot 7 fevralja 2011 g. # 3-FZ «O policii» // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF ot 14 fevralja 2011 g. # 7. St. 900.
2. Barkalov S.N. K voprosu o primenenii fizicheskoj sily sotrudnikami policii // Nauka-2020. 2017. # 270. S. 210-215.
3. Nesmelov P.V., Boldarev V.A., Hazov E.N. Osnovanija i osobennosti primenenija sotrudnikami policii fizicheskoj sily, special'nyh sredstv i ognestrel'nogo oruzhija. Pravovoe regulirovanie // Aktual'nye problemy administrativnogo prava i processa. 2017. # 3. S. 89-93.
4. Podrezov I.N. Samozashhita kak naibolee vazhnaja chast' v obuchenii sotrudnikov podrazdelenij i kursantov vuzov sistemy MVD // Sovershenstvovanie professional'noj i fizicheskoj podgotovki kursantov, slushatelej obrazovatel'nyh organizacij i sotrudnikov silovyh vedomstv: mat-ly Mezhd. nauchno-prakt. konf. V 2 t. T. I. Irkutsk:
VSI MVD Rossii, 2016. S. 235-239.
5. Slavko A.L., Vitjutnev E.E. Sovershenstvovanie processa fizicheskoj podgotovki sotrudnikov organov vnutrennih del // Vestnik Krasnodarskogo universiteta MVD Rossii. 2018. # 2 (40). S. 125-128.
6. Shevackij V.I., Stashhenko S.P. Otdel'nye administrativnoprocessual'nye aspekty primenenija special'nyh mer administrativnogo presechenija // Vestnik jekonomicheskoj bezopasnosti. 2017. # 2. S. 51-55.
7. Shhetinina N.V., Pashnin A.N. Predely pravomernosti primenenija sotrudnikami policii fizicheskoj sily, special'nyh sredstv i (ili) ognestrel'nogo oruzhija // Vestnik Ural'skogo juridicheskogo instituta MVD Rossii. 2016. # 4. S. 46-49.
Aripshev A. M.
On the question of methods of combating terrorism
Terrorism as a method of achieving goals in a political struggle with the use of physical violence and moral and psychological pressure has been known since the emergence of human civilization. However, today terrorism has become one of the most serious universal problems of the modern world, posing a significant threat to the security of all countries. Unfortunately, the Russian Federation is among the countries faced with extremely obvious reflections.
Keywords: terrorism, elimination of terrorist threats, prevention.
Work bibliographic list
1. Konstitucija Rossijskoj Federacii (prinjata vsenarodnym golosovaniem 12.12.1993 s izmenenijami, odobrennymi v hode obshherossijskogo golosovanija 01.07.2020).
2. Ugolovnyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ot 13.06.1996 # 63-FZ (red. ot 27.12.2019). [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: document/cons_doc_LAW_10699/ (data obrashhenija: 10.09.2020).
3. Federal'nyj zakon «O protivodejstvii terrorizmu» ot 25.07.2002 # 114-FZ (red. ot 23.11.2015).[Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: obrashhenija: 10.09.2020).
4. Federal'nyj zakon «O policii» ot 07.02.2011 #3-FZ (red. ot 27.12.2019) [Jelektronnyj resurs]. –Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 10.09.2020).
5. Konvencija o zashhite prav cheloveka i osnovnyh svobod (Zakljuchena v g. Rime 04.11.1950) (s izm. ot 13.05.2004).[Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 11.09.2020).
6. Vershinina D. D., Tjumenev A. V. Obespechenie kompleksnoj bezopasnosti organizacii // Teorija i praktika proektnogo obrazovanija. - 2019. - # 2 (10). - S. 21-24.
7. Litvinov V. A. Osnovy nacional'noj bezopasnosti Rossii. - M.: Lenand, 2018. - 320 c.
8. Rubcov A. M., Tjumenev A. V.Kompleksnaja informacionnaja bezopasnost' v Rossii i za rubezhom // Teorija i praktika proektnogo obrazovanija. - 2017. - #4 (4). - S. 40-44.
Arkhipov E. V., Pesterev N. N., Muzafin R. R.
Goals and objectives of service sports of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
The article gives the main goals and objectives of service-applied sports aimed at high-quality training of employees in order to improve their professional level. This article is aimed at popularizing service-applied sports among employees of law enforcement bodies.
Keywords: sports, goals and objectives, service-applied sports, physical training, performance management.
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon «O fizicheskoj kul'ture i sporte v Rossijskoj Federacii» ot 04.12.2007 # 329-FZ(v red. ot 02.08.2019). [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 13.04.2019).
2. Postanovlenie Pravitel'stva RF «Ob utverzhdenii perechnja voenno-prikladnyh i sluzhebno-prikladnyh vidov sporta i federal'nyh organov ispolnitel'noj vlasti, osushhestvljajushhih rukovodstvo razvitiem jetih vidov sporta» ot 20.08.2009 # 695. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: obrashhenija: 13.04.2019).
3. Vserossijskaja nauchno-prakticheskaja konferencija. «Sluzhebno-prikladnye vidy sporta MVD Rossii: sovremennoe sostojanie i napravlenija sovershenstvovanija», FGKO UVO UJuI MVD RF, 25.06.2020 g.
4. Kulinichev A. N., Klimenko B. A., Vorotnik A. N., Lopatin I. I. Sluzhebno-prikladnye vidy sporta kak osnova professional'nogo stanovlenija sotrudnika OVD //Vestn. Belgorod. jur. instituta MVD Rossii im. I. D. Putilina. – 2016. – # 1 (27). – S. 341.
5. Leneva Ju. B., Vorotnik A. N. Nekotorye osobennosti metodiki ognevoj podgotovki kursantov i slushatelej obrazovatel'nyh organizacij MVD Rossii k sorevnovanijam razlichnogo urovnja // Problemy pravoohranitel'noj dejatel'nosti. Belgorod. jur. institut MVD Rossii im. I. D. Putilina. – 2016. - # 4. – S. 98-102.
Gutieva I. G., Manukyan A. R.
Main methods of administrative activity of internal affairs bodies
The article discusses various ways and means of influencing the behavior and will of the object of administrative activity of the internal affairs bodies. It is particularly noted that the methods used by the internal affairs bodies in carrying out administrative activities are of great importance. The authors identify various features of the methods used by employees in the administration of administrative functions, which, in their opinion, is the main tool for achieving the goals set.
Keywords: administrative activity, methods of administrative influence, persuasion, coercion,
object, subject, preventive work.
Work bibliographic list
1. Kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ob administrativnyh pravonarushenijah ot 30.12.2001 g. # 195-FZ (red. ot 24.04.2020) // SZ RF. 2002. # 1 (ch. 1). St. 1; Oficial'nyj internet-portal pravovoj informacii. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 24.04.2020).
2. Administrativnaja dejatel'nost' organov vnutrennih del / Pod red. A.P. Koreneva. M., 2001.
3. Bahrah D.N. Administrativnoe pravo Rossii. M., 2011.
4. Bekkaria Ch. O prestuplenijah i nakazanijah / Per. s ital. Ju.M. Jumasheva. M., 2000.
5. Evtihiev I. Vidy i formy administrativnoj dejatel'nosti organov gosudarstvennogo upravlenija:dis. … dokt. jurid. nauk. M., 1948.
6. Zanina T.M. Gosudarstvennaja sluzhba v OVD: kurs lekcij. Voronezh, 2009.
Zhelonkin V. V.
The role of physical education in the professional training of cadets of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
In the presented scientific article, the role of physical education in the professional training of future employees of internal affairs bodies is studied in detail. The article provides a justification for the need to acquire new knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of physical culture and sports for their use in everyday practice and the successful implementation of modern combat tasks facing the police.
Keywords: physical education, physical training, police officer, employee training, law enforcement agencies, professional qualities.
Work bibliographic list
1. Aldoshin A. V. Sport v professional'noj fizicheskoj podgotovke sotrudnikov OVD // Nauka i praktika: zhurnal. - Orel: OrJuI MVD Rossii imeni V. V. Luk'janova. - 2014. - # 3 (60). - S. 126-129.
2. Barkalov S. N., Gerasimov I. V., Katelkin A. V. Special'naja napravlennost' fizicheskoj podgotovki sotrudnikov organov vnutrennih del: monografija /pod obshh. red. S. N. Barkalova. - Orel: OrJuI MVD Rossii, 2010. - 214 s.
3. Botvin I. V., Aksenov M. S. Roznichnaja prodazha nesovershennoletnim alkogol'noj produkcii: ugolovno-pravovoj i kriminologicheskij aspekt //Gosudarstvo i pravo v jepohu global'nyh peremen:mat-ly mezhdu-narodnoj nauchno-prakt. konf-cii. - Barnaul: BJuI MVD Rossii, 2017. - S. 191-192.
4. Osobennosti pervonachal'noj kvalifikacii i profilaktiki prestuplenij, rassmatrivaemyh uchastkovymi upolnomochennymi policii: monografija/ I. V. Botvin, O. V. Ermakova, R. A. Semenjuk, O. N. Shtab i dr. - Barnaul: Barnaul'skij jurid. in-t MVD Rossii, 2019. - 164 s.
5. Prognozirovanie i protivodejstvie regional'noj prestupnosti (po materialam Altajskogo kraja):monografija / R. M. Abyzov, E. R. Shestopalova, P. D. Frizen, A. V. Konjaev, K. R. Abyzov, I. V. Botvin, R. A. Semenjuk, A. F. Fedorov; pod obshhej red. d-ra
jurid. nauk, prof., zasl. jurista Rossijskoj Federacii R. M. Abyzova. - Barnaul: Barnaul'skij juridicheskij institut MVD Rossii, 2019. - S. 27.
Zhurtov A. B., Ordokov M. Kh.
Topical issues in the formation of the professional culture of the employees of the internal affairs
This article is devoted to a rather urgent problem - the professionalism of employees of the internal affairs bodies. To the mind of the authors, it is intended to illuminate topical issues, outline tasks and ways of their implementation, designed to improve the level of training of employees of internal affairs bodies and improve their professional culture. The authors see the novelty of the article in the critical understanding of the existing tasks and proposals for neutralizing the gaps. The issues considered in the article are relevant for practical employees of internal affairs bodies and pedagogical workers who carry out professional training of employees, and may be of interest to students in the framework of initial training and advanced training.
Keywords: professional training, employees of internal affairs bodies, motivation, professionalism, communicative competence.
1. Mashekuasheva M. H., Mazdogova Z. Z. O voprose jeffektivnoj kommunikacii v ramkah reshenija professional'nyh zadach sotrudnikami organov vnutrennih del. // Probely v rossijskom zakonodatel'stve. - 2020. - # 2. - S. 181-183.
2. Mashekuasheva M. H. Aktual'nye voprosy professional'noj podgotovki sotrudnikov policii: moral'no-psihologicheskij aspekt // Probely v rossijskom zakonodatel'stve. - 2017. - # 4. - S. 254-255.
Nikitin A. I.
Questions of psychological state and rehabilitation of police officers after the use of firearms
This article covers the issues of psychological state of police officers after the use of their service firearms in the performance of official duties, the exercise of rights and powers on patrol routes and in the performance of operational tasks. Based on practical realities,
the problems on the issue of rehabilitation of police officers for psychological recovery from the consequences of the use of weapons and possible ways to eliminate them are identified.
Keywords: psychological readiness, use of weapons, psychologist, posttraumatic stress disorder, rehabilitation, art therapy.
Work bibliographic list
1. O policii: federal'nyj zakon ot 7 fevralja 2011 g. # 3.
2. Ob utverzhdenii Polozhenija ob osnovah organizacii psihologicheskoj raboty v organah vnutrennih del Rossijskoj Federacii: prikaz MVD Rossii ot 2 sentjabrja 2013 g. # 660.
3. Kadyrov R. V. Posttravmaticheskoe stressovoe rasstrojstvo (PTSD): uchebnik i praktikum dlja vuzov.– 2-e izd., pererab. i dop. – M.: Izdatel'stvo Jurajt, 2020. – 644 s.
4. Kopytin A. I. Metody art-terapii v preodolenii posledstvij travmaticheskogo stressa. – 2-e izd. —M.: Kogito-Centr, 2019. – 208 c.
Nemesh O. M.
Ways to improve the effectiveness of professional training of police officers
This article discusses the problems of development and functioning of the system of professional training of police officers; issues of improving its organizational foundations, improving the quality of regulatory support; recommendations for improving the existing system of professional training in the interests of high efficiency of law enforcement, increasing the level of readiness of police officers to solve problems that arise in the course of professional activity.
Keywords: professional training of police officers, professional education, professional education system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
1. Большаков М. С. Некоторые особенности совершенствования правового регулирования кадровой деятельности в органах внутренних дел // Государство и право. - 2017. - № 4. - С. 33.
2. Васильев В. В. Непрерывное образование в образовательных организациях МВД России: вопросы ведомственного административно-правового регулирования // Ученые записки университета им. П. Ф. Лесгафта. - 2017. - № 10. - С. 32.
3. Кузнецов А. И., Литвин Д. В. Профессиональное обучение сотрудников органов внутренних дел по профессии «Полицейский»: от подготовки к образованию // Общество и право. - 2015. - № 1. - С. 332.
4. Матвеев С. П. Организационно-правовые проблемы кадрового обеспечения органов внутренних дел // Вестник Воронежского института МВД России. - 2015. - № 4. - С. 7.
5. Селезнев В. И., Касаткина Н. В. Профессиональное обучение сотрудника полиции в современных условиях // Профессиональное образование в России и за рубежом. - 2017. - № 1. - С. 64.
6. Эрдниев А. С. Построение системы нравственного воспитания в образовательных организациях МВД России // Психопедагогика в правоохранительных органах. - 2014. - № 4. - С. 60.
Noskov O. S., Vagapov T. H.
On improving the implementation of social guarantees for employees of internal affairs bodies (in terms of paying for travel to the place of treatment and vacation)
The article points out that there is a problem in the implementation of the right to rest and recovery by employees of internal affairs bodies with many children. Proposals for amendments to the current legislation aimed at solving this problem and supporting large families of employees of internal affairs bodies are formulated.
Keywords: police officer, social guarantees, treatment, vacation, large family.
1. Zakon Rossijskoj Federacii o popravke k Konstitucii Rossijskoj Federacii ot 14.03.2020 # 1-FKZ «O sovershenstvovanii regulirovanija otdel'nyh voprosov organizacii i funkcionirovanija publichnoj vlasti». [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: SPS «Konsul'tantPljus» (data obrashhenija: 20.08.2020).
2. Zasedanie Soveta po realizacii prioritetnyh nac-proektov i demograficheskoj politike. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:» (data obrashhenija: 20.08.2020).
Ismailov A. E.
Protection of family rights by the forces of the internal affairs of the Russian Federation
The author of the article, defining the significance of family relations as a special social sphere, focuses on such an important problem of its full development as domestic violence. The article provides an analysis of this problem, provides statistics, as well as the sequence of actions taken by the authorities in strengthening control by law enforcement agencies, and in particular by the police departments. The author draws attention to the fact that the main aspects of organizing such activities are full-fledged work to prosecute violators, as well as the timeliness of preventive measures taken by police representatives.
Keywords: domestic crime, family law, the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, legislation, prevention of offenses.
1. Gnezdilova O.A. Objazatel'stva gosudarstva po zashhite ot domashnego nasilija: kommentarij k postanovleniju evropejskogo suda po pravam cheloveka po delu Volodina protiv Rossii // Mezhdunarodnoe pravosudie. 2020. # 1 (33). S. 3-10.
2. Karchaeva K.A. Profilaktika semejno-bytovyh konfliktov organami vnutrennih del RF kak vazhnejshaja social'naja zadacha. V sbornike: Nauchnye dostizhenija i otkrytija 2020. Sbornik statej XV Mezhdunarodnogo nauchno-issledovatel'skogo konkursa. 2020. S. 146-149.
3. Ovchinnikov A.I. Pravovaja politika gosudarstva i ee strategicheskie prioritety v sfere profilaktiki semejnogo nasilija // Vestnik juridicheskogo fakul'teta Juzhnogo federal'nogo universiteta. 2020. T. 7. # 1. S. 126-129.
4. Toksanova M.B. Projavlenie nasilija v sem'e kak social'naja problema // Obshhestvennaja bezopasnost', zakonnost' i pravoporjadok v III tysjacheletii. 2018.# 4-1. S. 170-178.
Samigullina A. F., Podgornaya A. A.
Legal and organizational problems of interaction of internal affairs bodies with state and non-state organizations in ensuring law and order
The article considers the types and forms of interaction of internal affairs bodies with state and non-state organizations in ensuring law and order, identifies the problems arising from such interaction and suggests ways to solve them.
Keywords: interaction, law and order, state and non-state organizations, administration, volunteers.
Work bibliographic list
1. Arslanova A.R. Kriminalisticheskaja taktika processual'nyh dejstvij pri rassmotrenii soobshhenija o prestuplenii. M., 2019.
2. Gerasimov I.F. Nekotorye problemy raskrytija prestuplenij. Sverdlovsk: Sredne-Ural'sk. knizhn. izd-vo, 1975.
3. Gutkin I.M. Pravovye voprosy vzaimodejstvija sledovatelja i organov doznanija v ugolovnom processe. M.: VSh MOOP SSSR, 1967.
4. Zhogin N.V., Fatkullin F.N. Predvaritel'noe sledstvie v sovetskom ugolovnom processe. M.:Jurid. lit., 1965. S. 61.
5. Ishhenko E.P., Toporkov A.A. Kriminalistika:uchebnik / pod red. E.P. Ishhenko. M., 2010.
6. Mal'ceva E.A., Mal'cev E.P. Ohrana obshhestvennogo porjadka i obshhestvennoj bezopasnosti pri vzaimodejstvii kazach'ih i narodnyh druzhin s pravoohranitel'nymi organami // Prestupnost' v SNG: problemy preduprezhdenija i raskrytija prestuplenij: sbornik materialov. Voronezhskij institut MVD Rossii. 2015. S. 255-257.
Tlupova A. V.
Expertise of regulatory legal acts carried out by territorial departments of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation as part of regional legal monitoring (on the example of subjects of the North Caucasus Federal District)
An important direction of the policy of any state is to ensure a high-quality regulatory and legal system. The regulatory and legal system of the Russian Federation includes two layers: federal and regional.
A necessary tool for improving the quality of regional economic indicators is regional legal monitoring, the system of which at the current stage in the Russian Federation is not developed and realized to the end. A part of the monitoring system should be the expertise carried out by the territorial departments of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation in each subject. Analysis of the data obtained as a result of the implementation of expert activities by the territorial departments of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation makes it possible to judge both the quality of the rule-making of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and the quality of the expert activity itself.
Keywords: legal expertise, anti-corruption expertise, territorial departments of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, North Caucasus Federal District, regional legal monitoring.
Work bibliographic list
1. Kamenskaja E. V. Regional'noe pravotvorchestvo v Rossijskoj Federacii (voprosy teorii). Avtoref. dis.… kand. jurid. nauk: 12.00.01 - Saratov, 2005. - 18 s.
2. Svedenija ob antikorrupcionnoj jekspertize normativnyh pravovyh aktov sub"ektov Rossijskoj Federacii, raspolozhennyh v predelah Severo-Kavkazskogo federal'nogo okruga, v 2019 godu. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 11.07.2020).
3. Svedenija o pravovoj jekspertize normativnyh pravovyh aktov sub"ektov Rossijskoj Federacii, raspolozhennyh v predelah Severo-Kavkazskogo federal'nogo okruga, v 2019 godu. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 12.07.2020).
4. Sokolova M. A. Vyjavlenie i ustranenie defektov normativnyh pravovyh aktov v mehanizme pravotvorchestva. Dis. … kand. jurid. nauk: 12.00.01 - M., 2018. - 192 s.
5. Jukov M. K. Mesto juridicheskoj tehniki v pravotvorchestve // Pravovedenie. - 1979. - # 5. - S. 45-49.
Tomas A. V.
On the need for an integrated approach to police training in the framework of professional physical training
In the framework of this study, the author notes the importance of organizing professional-applied physical training of police officers according to the integration method. The rationale for the need for such a modernization of the educational process is given, a number of tasks are revealed, the resolution of which is necessary for the police officer to successfully fulfill his professional duties. Special attention is paid to increasing the applied orientation of learning.
Keywords: integrated approach, professional physical training, police officers.
1. Ashkinazi S. M., Kochergin A. N. Puti reshenija problem integracii tehniko-takticheskoj, fizicheskoj i psihologicheskoj podgotovki voennosluzhashhih i sotrudnikov silovyh struktur k rukopashnomu boju// Aktual'nye problemy fizicheskoj i special'noj
podgotovki silovyh struktur. - 2013. - # 3. - S. 68-75.
2. Botvin I. V. Realizacija sovremennyh zakonodatel'nyh trendov v ugolovnoj politike Rossijskoj Federacii // Aktual'nye problemy bor'by s prestuplenijami i inymi pravonarushenijami. - Barnaul: BJuI MVD Rossii, 2019. - # 17-2. - S. 6-8.
3. Zheleznjak Ju. D. Integracija i sistemnost' kak faktory povyshenija jeffektivnosti fizicheskogo vospitanija, sportivnoj podgotovki, fizkul'turnogo obrazovanija // Teorija i praktika fizicheskoj kul'tury. - 2011. - # 3. - S. 24-28.
4. Kuznecov A. I. Integracija tehnologij soprjazhennogo vozdejstvija v processe fizicheskoj podgotovki kursantov vuzov MVD Rossii // Vestnik sportivnoj nauki. - 2004. - # 3. - S. 61-64.
5. Prognozirovanie i protivodejstvie regional'noj prestupnosti (po materialam Altajskogo kraja):monografija / R. M. Abyzov, E. R. Shestopalova, P. D. Frizen, A. V. Konjaev, K. R. Abyzov, I. V. Botvin, R. A. Semenjuk, A. F. Fedorov; pod obshhej red. d-ra
jurid. nauk, prof., zasl. jurista Rossijskoj Federacii R. M. Abyzova. – Barnaul: Barnaul'skij juridicheskij institut MVD Rossii, 2019. - 152 s..
Filippov V. V.
Practical interaction of investigative bodies and operational divisions of internal affairs bodies in the detection and investigation of crimes
This article discusses the features of practical interaction of preliminary investigation bodies with employees of operational divisions of internal affairs bodies in the detection and investigation of crimes. The main organizational forms of interaction, taking into account the current legislation, as well as the features and specifics of interaction at various stages of the preliminary investigation.
Keywords: interaction, investigator, assignment, investigative actions, operational officer, operational search activity, detection and investigation of crimes, investigative and operational group, criminal procedure legislation, operational support, internal affairs agencies, crime fighting.
Work bibliographic list
1. Mishanina N.V. Organy predvaritel'nogo sledstvija v ugolovno-processual'nom mehanizme gosudarstva. Dissertacija kand. jurid. nauk. SPb., 2003.
2. Priluckij G.Ju. Vzaimodejstvie organov predvaritel'nogo sledstvija i doznanija v bor'be s korystno-nasil'stvennymi prestuplenijami (pravovye, organizacionnye i taktiko-metodicheskie aspekty). Dissertacija kand. jurid. nauk.Krasnodar, 2001.
3. Shmatov M.A. Teorija operativno-rozysknoj dejatel'nosti v sisteme ugolovno-pravovyh nauk. Volgograd, 2001.
Malina M. A.
Justice of the peace and society
The article considers the main properties, features, entity characteristics of justice of the peace. The question of the participation of the population in the administration of justice in the peace courts in the historical perspective in different countries is examined and the main prerequisites for such participation in relation to the domestic legal system are determined. The English and French concepts (models) of justice of the peace are analyzed, and on this basis it is proposed to introduce public control over the validity and fairness of the decisions of the magistrate at the appellate level in the Russian criminal procedure
Keywords: justice of the peace, judicial activity, judge of the peace, legal dispute, criminal procedure, people’s assessors, justice, legal order, trust in the court, justice, conciliator judge.
Work bibliographic list
1. Golovko L. V. Genezis koncepcii mirovoj justicii na Zapade i v Rossii: ot edinstva termina k raznoobraziju institutov // Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta. Serija 11: Pravo. - 2009. - # 6. - S. 3-42.
2. Ljublinskij P. I. Vybornyj mestnyj sud. - Petrograd: Muravej, 1917. - 31 s.
3. Na smenu starogo prava. Sbornik statej po voprosam tekushhej pravovoj zhizni / Ljublinskij P.I. -Petrograd: Tipo-lit. Rumanova, 1915. - 440 c.
4. Poljanskij N. N. Mirovoj sud // Sud i prava lichnosti. Sbornik statej. - M.: Statut, RAP, 2005. - S. 200-317.
5. Rossijskoe zakonodatel'stvo X - XX vekov. T. 8 / Otv. red.: Vilenskij B.V.; Pod obshh. red.: Chistjakov O.I. -M.: Jurid. lit., 1991. - 496 c.
6. Ustav ugolovnogo sudoproizvodstva ot 20 nojabrja 1864 goda. Sajt Konstitucii Rossijskoj Federacii. – [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
7. Fojnickij I. Ja. Kurs ugolovnogo sudoproizvodstva. T. 1. - S.-Pb.: Tip. t-va «Obshhestv. pol'za», 1912. - 579 c.
Khakunov A. M.
Features of criminal proceedings against minors
The author of the article claims that the topic of features of criminal proceedings against minors is one of the most significant in criminal procedure. The importance of this topic is due to its high significance for practical activities, as well as for compliance with all legal measures in relation to minors. The author considers minors as a special subject of criminal proceedings, to which it is necessary to apply a number of features in criminal proceedings.
Keywords: juvenile, criminal proceedings, features, witness, victim, psyche, suspect, accused.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ugolovnyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ot 13.06.1996 # 63-FZ (red. ot 08.06.2020) (s izm. i dop., vstup. v silu s 27.07.2020).
2. Ugolovno-processual'nyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ot 18.12.2001 # 174-FZ (red. ot 20.07.2020)
3. Sevast'janova A. A. Nesovershennoletnij kak sub"ekt ugolovnogo processa v sovremennoj Rossii //Molodoj uchenyj. — 2017. — # 11 (145). — S. 372-375.
Fastovich G. G., Ignatenko V. A.
Information and legal policy of modern Russia in the sphere of judicial activity: current issues, prospects for development
The article deals with the main directions of state policy in the field of improving the effectiveness of the state mechanism of modern Russia on the example of research on information policy in the field of judicial power. The author comes to the conclusion that the information and legal policy of the Russian state in the field of judicial activity is aimed at increasing the level of efficiency of legal proceedings within the judicial system, as well as at the openness of the judiciary to participants in judicial processes and the entire interested society. The author analyzes the current legal acts regulating information policy in the field of domestic legal proceedings.
Keywords: judicial power, information policy, public authorities, state, efficiency, state mechanism, legal proceedings, electronic information accounting systems.
Work bibliographic list
1. O Koncepcii informacionnoj politiki sudebnoj sistemy: postanovlenie Soveta sudej RF ot 16.11.2001 # 60. //Konsul'tant-Pljus. Sudebnaja praktika».
2. «Doktrina informacionnoj bezopasnosti Rossijskoj Federacii» (utv. Ukazom Prezidenta RF ot 5 dekabrja 2016 g. # 646) //Konsul'tant-Pljus.
3. Kopylov V. A. Informacionnoe pravo. //Jurist". 2005. S. 8-9.
4. Jaroslavcev S.F., Jaroslavceva S.V. Informacionno-pravovaja politika Rossii v sfere sudebnoj dejatel'nosti: teoriticheskie osnovy i voprosy realizacii // Juridicheskaja nauka i pravoohranitel'naja praktika. 2012. #4 (22). S. 21-27.
5. Polozhenie po sozdaniju i soprovozhdeniju oficial'nyh Internet-sajtov sudov obshhej
jurisdikcii Rossijskoj Federacii: utv. postanovleniem Prezidiuma Verhovnogo Suda RF ot 24.11.2004. Dostup iz spravochno-pravovoj sistemy «Konsul'tant-Pljus. Sudebnaja praktika».
6. Fastovich G.G., Kapsargina S.A. Institute of import substitution in the agro-industrial complex of modern Russia (theoretical and legal approach) – AGRITECH-II – 2019 // IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmenatl Science. 2020. Vol. 421 (3). P. 032035. Doi:10.1088/1755-1315/421/3/032035.
7. Tepljashin I.V. Fastovich G.G. Kriterii jeffektivnosti gosudarstvennogo mehanizma: obshheteoreticheskij analiz // Obshhestvo i pravo. 2011. #4 (36). S. 43-47.
8. Shitova T.V. Sovremennye problemy sankcij v mezhdunarodnom prave // Agrarnoe i zemel'noe pravo. 2019. # 3 (171). S. 90-91.
9. Fastovich G.G. Mezhdunarodnoe regulirovanie otnoshenij v sfere ispol'zovanija i ohrany zemel' // Agrarnoe i zemel'noe pravo. 2019. # 9(177). S. 80-81.
10. Vlasov V.A. Nekotorye jekonomiko-pravovye aspekty obespechenija prodovol'stvennoj bezopasnosti v Rossijskoj Federacii // Agrarnoe i zemel'noe pravo. 2018. # 4 (160). S. 117-123.
Kolomiychenko E. V., Vitcke R. E., Sorokur N. S.
Monitoring the current state of bribery
Currently, crime research is increasingly resorting to criminological monitoring, which allows a comprehensive study of statistical indicators of bribery in order to obtain the most objective picture of the state of corruption.
Keywords: bribery, analysis of bribery, statistical data.
1. Badamshin I. D. Kriminologicheskaja ocenka sovremennogo sostojanija korrupcionnyh prestuplenij // V sbornike: Pravoohranitel'naja dejatel'nost' organov vnutrennih del v kontekste sovremennyh nauchnyh issledovanij. Materialy mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. Sostavitel' Je. H. Mamedov. - 2019. - S. 37.
2. Badamshin I. D., Savchishkina O. G. K voprosu o determinantah korrupcionnoj prestupnosti v organah vnutrennih del // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. - 2019. - # 4 (131). - S. 323.
3. Dashkova L. G. Kriminologicheskie problemy vzjatochnichestva: dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. - M., 1996. - S. 108-156.
4. Kolomijchenko E. V., Badamshin I. D., Savchishkina O. G. Nejetichnoe povedenie kak korrupcionnaja sostavljajushhaja // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. - 2020. - # 6 (145). - S. 387.
5. Prestupnost' i pravonarushenija (2014–2018): statisticheskij sbornik. - M., 2019. - S. 115.
6. Minenok M. G., Minenok D. M. Koryst'. Kriminologicheskie i ugolovno-pravovye problemy.- SPb.: Izd-vo «Juridicheskij centr – Press», 2001. - S. 57-107.
Chernyshova L. V., Kadyrova A. I., Nurgaliev A. R.
Influence of lobbyism on formation and implementation of state policy in public and political life
Each transitional stage causes new institutions, changes or ceases to exist the former; there is a formalization of institutions that were previously informal in nature. Such an institution in the political process is lobbying, which is in great demand by modern Russian society, the main purpose of which is to more fully represent personal interests in government bodies, most often legislative. The reality of today’s Russia is the increased influence on public opinion and state power by various interest groups, which determines the need to study their activities by future politicians and government officials.
Keywords: lobbying, lobbying, politics, power, interests of societies, interest groups.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ljubimov A. P. Lobbizm kak konstitucionno-pravovoj institut / In-t gosudarstva i prava RAN. - M.,1998. - 255 s.
Tlupova A. V., Karchaeva K. A.
Regional legislative initiative in the system of the federal legislative process
The Russian legislative system, including two levels, presupposes their close interaction, the influence of not only federal legislation on the regional, but also the regional on the federal.
The legislative initiative of the constituent entities of the regions makes it possible to subsequently influence the policy of the state, on the choice of solutions to federal and regional problems of the Russian Federation.
According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, regional parliaments can also act as subjects of legislative initiative in the federal legislative process. Taking into account the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the regional legislative initiative in the federal legislative process is of no small importance in the framework of the study, assessment of regional legislation, and regional legislation in general.
Keywords: lawmaking, federal legislative process, regional legislation, legislative initiative.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bezrukov A. V. Problemy korreljacii federal'nogo i regional'nogo zakonodatel'stva // Gosudarstvennaja vlast' i mestnoe samoupravlenie. - 2003.- # 6. - S. 39-41.
2. Tihomirov Ju. A. Juridicheskoe proektirovanie kriterii i oshibki // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava.– 2008. - # 2. - S. 3-9.
3. Chertkov A. N. Problemy regulirovanija sfery sovmestnogo vedenija zakonodatel'stvom sub"ektov Rossijskoj Federacii: porjadok, formy, voprosy juridicheskoj tehniki // Juridicheskij mir. - 2002.- # 7. - S. 49-54.
4. Shaklein N. I. Dinamika i kachestvo zakonotvorcheskogo processa v RF // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava.- 2008. - # 9. - S. 7-11.
Fastovich G. G., Kudashova I. V.
Effective model of civil society and public authorities:theory and practice
The article considers the main directions of civil society development in modern Russia. The effectiveness of this institution is one of the key aspects of the activities of the rule-of-law state. The author concludes that the effective functioning of civil society as a whole depends largely on the course and quality of state reforms in modern Russia. In the article, the author takes an analysis of existing regulatory legal acts and theoretical concepts.
Keywords: state mechanism, efficiency, civil society, information society, state authorities.
Work bibliographic list
1. Aleksander Dzh. Vlast', politika i grazhdanskaja sfera // Sociologicheskie issledovanija. - 2009. - # 10. - S. 3-17.
2. Bondarenko V. M. Informacionnoe obshhestvo dlja vseh – informacionnoe obshhestvo dlja kazhdogo cheloveka v otdel'nosti // Informacionnoe obshhestvo.- 2001. - #. 1. - S. 34-36.
3. Grachev V. S., Avakova O. V. Genezis i jevoljucija ponjatija grazhdanskogo obshhestva. Zarubezhnyj opyt //Zakon i pravo. - 2018. - # 10. - S. 53-55.
4. Loginova E. V., Filippov A. G. Publichnoe upravlenie v koordinatah postmoderna // Politika i obshhestvo. - 2018. - # 12. - S. 41-51.
5. Okinavskaja hartija global'nogo informacionnogo obshhestva. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
6. Tepljashin I. V. Fastovich G. G. Kriterii jeffektivnosti gosudarstvennogo mehanizma: obshheteoreticheskij analiz // Obshhestvo i pravo. - 2011. - # 4 (36). - S.43-47.
7. Fastovich G. G. Bondarenko S. V. Modernizacija sistemy vysshego obrazovanija kak faktor povyshenija jeffektivnosti dejatel'nosti gosudarstvennogo mehanizma // Pravo i gosudarstvo: teorija i praktika. -2019. - # 1 (169). - S. 29-31.
8. Fastovich G. G. Mezhdunarodnoe regulirovanie otnoshenij v sfere ispol'zovanija i ohrany zemel' //Agrarnoe i zemel'noe pravo. - 2019. - # 9 (177). - S.80-81.
9. Fastovich G. G., Kapsargina S. A. Institute of import substitution in the agro-industrial complex of modern Russia (theoretical and legal approach) – AGRITECH-II –2019 // IOP Conference Series: Earth and EnvironmenatlScience. - 2020. - Vol. 421 (3). - P. 032035. Doi: 10.1088/1755-1315/421/3/032035.
Zhurtov A. B.
On the question of defining the concept of «torture» in the modern world
In the modern world, the word “torture” is associated by many with pain, physical harm or moral suffering, while not the most positive moments in modern history pop up in their heads, such as the concentration camps of Nazi Germany during the Second World War. However, this “phenomenon” has deeper roots in the history of human development, namely, the use of such specific means of punishment to criminals, according to historical Chronicles, took place in Ancient Greece, and in the Middle Ages, torture was an integral part of the work of the Holy Inquisition. In the modern world, the use of torture is recognized as an international crime and is banned in most developed countries. In this article, the author, based on the monitoring of existing international legal acts, reveals the existing problems of regulating the prohibition of torture. In addition, the features of the interaction of these rules with the current legislation of our country are listed and disclosed in detail.
Keywords: people, international law, government, crime, torture, the act, the Convention, the subject of the crime.
1. O vnesenii izmenenij i dopolnenij v Ugolovnyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii: Federal'nyj zakon ot 08.12.2003 # 162-FZ (red. ot 07.12.2011). [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: obrashhenija: 19 aprelja 2018).
2. Bjulleten' mezhdunarodnyh dogovorov. – 2000. – #9. – S. 3-11, 19-28.
3. Konvencija protiv pytok i drugih zhestokih, beschelovechnyh ili unizhajushhih dostoinstvo vidov obrashhenija i nakazanija 1984 g. [Jelektronnyj resurs].– Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 20 ijulja 2018).
4. Zhenevskaja konvencija o zashhite grazhdanskogo naselenija vo vremja vojny (prinjata v g. Zheneve, 12 avgusta 1949 g.) / Dejstvujushhee mezhdunarodnoe pravo. T. 2. – M.: Moskovskij nezavisimyj institut mezhdunarodnogo prava, 1997. – S. 681-731.
5. Zhenevskaja konvencija ob obrashhenii s voenno-plennymi (prinjata v g. Zheneve, 12 avgusta 1949 g.) /T. 2. – M.: Moskovskij nezavisimyj institut mezhdunarodnogo prava, 1997.
Aripshev A. M.
Principles of countering extremism
The principles of combating extremism are the basis on which the ideology and policy of the Russian Federation is based, the normative and legal consolidation in the field of countering manifestations of extremist activity. The ranks of extremist organizations, whose members are actively used to pursue political interests, are rapidly growing,
Кeywords: extremism, countering extremism.
Work bibliographic list
1. Konstitucija Rossijskoj Federacii (prinjata vsenarodnym golosovaniem 12.12.1993 s izmenenijami, odobrennymi v hode obshherossijskogo golosovanija 01.07.2020)
2. Kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ob administrativnyh pravonarushenijah ot 30.12.2001 # 195-FZ (red. ot 27.12.2019). [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 11.09.2020).
3. Ugolovnyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ot 13.06.1996 # 63-FZ (red. ot 27.12.2019). [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija:11.09.2020).
4. Federal'nyj zakon «O protivodejstvii jekstremistskoj dejatel'nosti» ot 25.07.2002 # 114-FZ (red. ot 23.11.2015). [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 14.09.2020).
5. Federal'nyj zakon «O policii» ot 07.02.2011 # 3-FZ (red. ot 27.12.2019). [Jelektronnyj resurs]. –Rezhim dostupa: cons_doc_LAW_110165/ (data obrashhenija: 14.09.2020).
6. Konvencija o zashhite prav cheloveka i osnovnyh svobod (Zakljuchena v g. Rime 04.11.1950) (s izm. ot 13.05.2004). [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 12.09.2020).
7. Avak'jan S. A. Grazhdanskoe obshhestvo kak garantija politicheskogo dialoga i protivodejstvija jekstremizmu: kljuchevye konstitucionno-pravovye problemy. - M.: Justicinform, 2015. - 947 c.
8. Klejberg Ju. A. Deviantologija terrorizma i jekstremizma. Grif Rossijskoj Akademii obrazovanii. - M.: Moskovskij psihologo-social'nyj universitet (MPSU), 2016. - 919 c.
Dzhavadyan Yu. R., Dosakaev A. B.
Application of the RICO law in the fight against organized crime in the United States and its possible use in Russian legislation
The article discusses issues related to the application of the “Rico” law in the fight against organized crime in the United States, its main provisions, and their possible use in Russian legislation.
The article analyzes some of the problems faced by law enforcement officers in the investigation of crimes committed by members of the criminal organization «Cosa Nostra».
Keywords: organized crime, Rico law, American «Cosa Nostra», pre-trial agreement, criminal
community, criminal organization, beneficiary.
Work bibliographic list
1. Ugolovno-processual'nyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ot 18.12. 2001 g. # 174-FZ (red. ot 31.07.2020) //Sobranie zakonodatel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii, # 52 (I chast'), 24.12.2001, st. 4921.
2. Zakon o bor'be s organizovannoj prestupnost'ju i korrupciej. Zakon Riko. (18 Svod zakonov SShA § 1961-1968) // Mezhdunarodnaja konferencija po voprosam bor'by s prestupnost'ju i korrupciej, 23-25 aprelja 1997 goda. - M., 1997. - S. 118-122.
3. Popov V.A. RIKO: sovremennye tendencii primenenija i perspektivy // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. - 2001. - # 2. - S. 92-103.
Koblov F. Ch., Urusov Z. Kh.
On some aspects of countering terrorism
As a result of the study, the author comes to the conclusion that it is advisable to use the achievements of criminology in the fight against terrorism, related to organizational problems, by representatives of operational-search activities, forensics, and criminal law. The author believes that it is advisable to consider criminology, organization and management in conjunction with the disciplines of the legal cycle as a whole. The adopted management decisions must be specific and justified, aimed at developing new and improving the already applied measures to combat terrorism.
Keywords: terrorism, management, management decision, terrorism prevention, organization of struggle against terrorism, competent management, conducted research.
Work bibliographic list
1. Alekseev A.I., Gerasimov S.I., Suharev A.Ja. Kriminologicheskaja profilaktika: teorija, opyt, problemy. M., 2001.
2. Terrorizm i organizovannaja prestupnost': monografija / [S.A. Solodovnikov i dr.]; pod red. S.A. Solodovnikova. – 2-e izd., pererab. i dop. M.:JuNITA-DANA: Zakon i pravo, 2010. 247 s.
3. Koblov F.Ch. Jekstremizm i terrorizm kak ugroza nacional'noj bezopasnosti Rossii // Probely v Rossijskom zakonodatel'stve. Juridicheskij zhurnal. 2018. # 3. S. 338-341.
4. Jablokov N.P. Problemy operativno-razysknoj dejatel'nosti v bor'be s prestupnost'ju // Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta. Pravo. 1996. # 2.
Lyuev T. Kh.
Some issues of interaction between law enforcement agencies and local self-government bodies in the field of countering extremism
This article discusses some issues and basic principles of interaction with local authorities in relation to the functional responsibilities of divisions of territorial internal affairs bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation that are responsible for detecting, preventing, suppressing and solving crimes and offenses of extremist orientation.
Keywords: extremism, activities, interaction, police, prevention, public authorities, local self-government bodies, public organizations.
1. Ukaz Prezidenta Rossijskoj Federacii ot 26.07.2011 # 988 «O Mezhvedomstvennoj komissii po protivodejstviju jekstremizmu v Rossijskoj Federacii» (v red. Ukaza Prezidenta RF ot 17.02.2016 # 64).
2. Rol' mestnogo samoupravlenija v obespechenii ohrany obshhestvennogo porjadka. Avtoref. dis. … na soisk. uch. step. kand. jurid. nauk Gadzhieva A.Sh. Mahachkala, 2012.
3. Sal'nikov E.V. Organy mestnogo samoupravlenija kak sub"ekt protivodejstvija jekstremizmu // Gosudarstvennaja vlast' i mestnoe samoupravlenie. 2006. # 6. S.21-35.
4. Stel'mah Viktor Sergeevich Vzaimodejstvie policii s gosudarstvennymi i obshhestvennymi organizacijami po profilaktike jekstremizma // Izvestija TulGU. Jekonomicheskie i juridicheskie nauki. 2015. #3-2. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija:19.09.2020).
Misrokov T. Z.
Information aspect of countering extremism in the Russian Federation
The article examines the issues of ensuring the security of the Russian information space under conditions of destructive influence from extremist organizations. The author analyzes the problem of information counteraction to extremism, creating conditions for the safe receipt of information by Russian citizens. Attention is focused on the need to form a culture of handling information among the Russian population, the ability to check it, filter it and not succumb to manipulation by adherents of extremist ideologies.
Keywords: information security, countering extremism, culture of handling information, ideology of extremist orientation.
1. Ukaz Prezidenta RF ot 5 dekabrja 2016 g. # 646 «Ob utverzhdenii Doktriny informacionnoj bezopasnosti Rossijskoj Federacii» // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii ot 12 dekabrja 2016 g. - # 50. - St. 7074.
2. Federal'nyj zakon ot 25 ijulja 2002 g. # 114-FZ «O protivodejstvii jekstremistskoj dejatel'nosti» //Sobranie zakonodatel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii ot 29 ijulja 2002 g. - # 30. - St. 3031.
Urusov Z. Kh.
On the issue of countering the involvement of young people in terrorist groups
The author in the article examines terrorist organizations and methods of attracting recruits to their ranks. At present, this issue is very acute, as the persons attracted by terrorists are becoming younger and younger. The problem is also due to the development of remote access technologies, which complicates the process of preventing activities aimed at increasing the staffing of terrorist cells, which is becoming a separate area of activity. In addition, the inculcation of the ideology of terrorist organizations to the population is gaining momentum and, being criminal, is not afraid of the onset of punishment in relation to the persons conducting this activity.
Keywords: terrorist cell, terrorism, recruitment, recruitment methods, psychological treatment, an increase in the number of missing persons.
Work bibliographic list
1. Federal'nyj zakon «O protivodejstvii terrorizmu» ot 06.03.2006 # 35-FZ. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: SPS Konsul'tant Pljus.
2. Oficial'nyj sajt MVD RF. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: https://mvd.rf/
3. Ol'shanskij D. V. Psihologija terrorizma. - M., 2002.
4. Sokolov N. Konvejer smerti: kak molodezh' popadaet v seti «Islamskogo gosudarstva». - 10 ijunja. 2015 g. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
Shogenov T. M., Buraeva L. A.
Extremism-an actual threat to the national security of the Russian Federation: concept and manifestations
The article deals with current problems related to the spread of the ideology and practice of extremism, which are a real threat to the national security of the Russian Federation and lead to increased instability in society. The authors consider the legal definition of the term “extremism” and various interpretations of this concept given in legal sources. The article analyzes the most dangerous types of extremism and its manifestations, as well as the danger of spreading this phenomenon among young people.
Keywords: extremism, radicalism, religious hostility, intolerance, extremist crimes, youth extremism, threat to national security.
Work bibliographic list
1. O protivodejstvii jekstremistskoj dejatel'nosti: feder. zakon ot 25 ijulja 2002 g. # 114-FZ (red. ot 23.11.2015) // Ros.gaz. 2002. # 138-139.
2. Birjukov V.V. V otnoshenii izmenenij, vnesennyh v Federal'nyj zakon # 114-Fz «O protivodejstvii jekstremistkoj dejatel'nosti» // Voenno-juridicheskij zhurnal. 2007. # 12. S. 22.
3. Vlasov V.I. Jekstremizm: sushhnost', vidy, profilaktika: ucheb.-metod. posobie. M., 2003. S. 8.
4. Gauzhaeva V.A. Sushhnost' i rol' kriminalisticheskoj tehniki, kak razdela kriminalistiki v bor'be s prestupnost'ju: istorija i sovremennost' // Problemy jekonomiki i juridicheskoj praktiki. 2017. # 4. S. 138-140.
5. Dadova Z.I. Osobennosti socializacii trudnyh detej i podrostkov // Social'no-politicheskie nauki. 2020. T. 10. # 2. S. 154-157.
6. Karjagina O.V., Burov I.V. Ponjatie i sushhnost' jekstremizma: sravnitel'no-pravovoj analiz. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 20.09.2020).
7. Ministerstvo vnutrennih del Rossijskoj Federacii. Statistika i analitika. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: https://mvd.rf/Deljatelnost/statistics (data obrashhenija: 20.09.2020).
8. Nastuev Je.B. Sovokupnost' mer protivodejstvija rasprostraneniju ideologii religioznogo jekstremizma sredi molodezhi // Probely v rossijskom zakonodatel'stve. 2020. T. 13. # 4. S. 117-120.
9. Strategija protivodejstvija jekstremizmu v Rossijskoj Federacii do 2025 goda (utv. Prezidentom RF ot 28 nojab. 2014g. # Pr-2753) / Pravovaja baza. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
10. Tarchokov B.A. Biologicheskoe oruzhie kak global'naja ugroza mirovomu soobshhestvu // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2020. # 3 (142). S.342-344.
11. Shhagapsoev Z.L. Ob aktual'nyh voprosah mezhdunarodnogo sotrudnichestva v protivodejstvii projavlenijam jekstremizma i terrorizma v internet-prostranstve // Probely v rossijskom zakonodatel'stve. 2018. # 5. S. 251-254.
Girenok G. A.
The use of information and communication technology in the process of teaching foreign languages in the language lab
The article is devoted to the analysis of the possibilities of using information and communication technologies, in particular, the equipment of the language laboratory in the practice of teaching a foreign language. The author points to the modernity and effectiveness of the use of computer technologies in the educational process, while noting that the resources of the language laboratory are especially effective in teaching students communication skills. The article provides an overview of the capabilities of the Nibelung dialogue software package installed in the language laboratory of the departmental institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, examples of its use in the practice of teaching a foreign language to develop the communicative competence of students are given. Also, the author conducted a survey of cadets, which confirmed the conclusions that the use of the capabilities of the equipment of the language
laboratory significantly improves the quality of education and motivates the study of a foreign language and foreign language culture.
Keywords: information and communication technology, multimedia language lab, communicative competence, departmental institute of the FPS of Russia.
Work bibliographic list
1. Burimskaja D.V. Kompleksnoe ispol'zovanie IKT pri obuchenii inostrannomu jazyku // Budushhee rossijskogo prava: koncepty i social'nye praktiki V Moskovskij juridicheskij forum. Materialy XIV Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii (Kutafinskie chtenija). V 4-h chastjah. 2018. S. 200-202.
2. Girenok G.A., Skobeleva O.O. Metodicheskie rekomendacii po ispol'zovaniju innovacionnyh tehnologij obuchenija na zanjatijah v mul'timedijnom lingafonnom kabinete. – Samara: Samarskij juridicheskij institut FSIN Rossii, 2016. – 66 s.
3. Mel'chenkova N.V. Lingafonnyj kabinet kak sredstvo optimizacii uchebnogo processa po inostrannomu jazyku v vuze // Tradicii i innovacii v stroitel'stve i arhitekture. Jelektronnyj resurs: materialy 71-j Vserossijskoj nauchno-tehnicheskoj konferencii po itogam NIR 2013 goda. pod redakciej M.I. Bal'zannikova, N.G. Chumachenko. 2014. S. 96-97.
4. Polushkina G.F. Nauchno-metodicheskoe soprovozhdenie ispol'zovanija mul'timedijnogo lingafonnogo kabineta kak sredstva povyshenija kachestva prepodavanija //RESONANCESSCIENCEProceedingsofarticlestheinternationalscienti 昀cconference. Editors prof. V.I. Pishhik, N.G. Poteshkina, Ju.A. Medvedev. 2016. S. 247-254.
5. Selivanova E.E. Lingafonnyj kabinet – innovacii v obuchenii // Jazykovoe i kul'turnoe vzaimodejstvie v uslovijah Arkticheskogo regiona materialy Mezhdunarodnoj konferencii. Otvetstvennyj redaktor N.I. Kurganova. 2014. S. 309-314.
Guseynova T. V., Bakirova L. R., Atnagulova A. D.
Features of the use of collective numerals in business documentation of employees of internal affairs bodies
The quantitative aspect of information is an important component of business documentation.
Numerals are widely used for its transmission. Although the group of these words is not numerous, in written and oral business speech of native Russian speakers, including employees of internal affairs bodies, lawyers, mistakes are made in their use (numerals). This article discusses the features of the use of collective numerals in business speech.
Keywords: Russian language, business documentation, collective numeral, usage, selectivity.
Work bibliographic list
1. Voroncova Ju. A., Horoshko E. Ju. Tipichnye oshibki v pis'mennoj rechi sotrudnikov policii // Psihopedagogika v pravoohranitel'nyh organah. - 2018. - # 1. - S.74-77. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija:03.07.2020).
2. Golub I. B., Starodubec S. N. Stilistika russkogo jazyka i kul'tura rechi: uchebnik dlja akademicheskogo bakalavriata. - M.: Izdatel'stvo Jurajt, 2019. - 455 s.[Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 21.07.2020).
3. Dobrushina N. R., Panteleeva S. A.Sobiratel'nye chislitel'nye: kollektiv kak individualizacija mnozhestvennosti // Instrumentarij rusistiki: korpusnye podhody / pod red.: A. Mustajoki, M. V. Kopoteva, L. A. Birjulina, E. Ju. Protasovoj. - Hel'sinki, Slavica Helsingiensia, 34, 2008. - S. 107-124. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
4. Ivanova A. Ju. Russkij jazyk v delovoj dokumentacii: uchebnik i praktikum dlja vuzov. 2-e izd., pererab. i dop. - M.: Izdatel'stvo Jurajt, 2019. - 187 s.[Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 10.07.2020).
5. Kolesnikova S. M. Sovremennyj russkij jazyk. Morfologija: uchebnoe posobie dlja akademicheskogo bakalavriata. - M.: Izdatel'stvo Jurajt, 2019. - 297 s.[Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 10.07.2020).
6. Shanskij N. M., Tihonov A. N. Sovremennyj russkij jazyk: uchebnik v 3 chastjah. Ch. 2. Slovoobrazovanie. Morfologija. 2-e izd., ispr. i dop. - M.: Prosveshhenie, 1987.- 256 s.
7. Habarin M. O. Professional'naja rechevaja kul'tura sotrudnika OVD // Vestnik jekonomicheskoj bezopasnosti. - 2018. - # 3. - S. 212-216. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 04.07.2020).
8. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:'nye_chislitel'nye_kollektiv_kak_individualizacija_mnozhestvennosti(data obrashhenija: 04.07.2020).
Daurov A. I.
Legal education of students in secondary vocational education
The article studies the concept and elements of legal education of students, analyzes the modern practice of legal education in the education system. It is concluded that legal education is a complex process that embraces and involves in its course a huge number of coordinated elements and factors, as a result of which a person not only receives complete and systematized knowledge about law, legal activity, but also acquires the habit of legal behavior based on respect and strict observance of the law.
Keywords: legal education, student, law, secondary vocational education.
Work bibliographic list
1. Agranovskaja E.V. Pravovaja kul'tura i obespechenie prav lichnosti. - M.: Nauka, 1988.
2. Anan'ev B.G. Izbrannye psihologicheskie trudy:V 2-h tomah. T. 2. - M., 1980.
3. Ivanec G.I. Vzaimosvjaz' interesov s celjami, motivami i volej sub"ektov pravovogo obshhenija //Pravo i politika. - 2001. - # 7. - S. 15-19.
4. Kazakov V.N. Pravomernoe povedenie v mehanizme formirovanija pravovogo porjadka (teoretiko-pravovye problemy). Monografija. - M.: Moskovskaja, akademija MVD Rossii, 2001. - 180 s.
5. Semenov V.E. Aktual'nye problemy teorii pravosoznanija, ego cennostnyh orientirov; Stavrop. gos. un-t. - Stavropol': SGU, 2000. - 107 s.
6. Shhurkova N. E. Pedagogicheskaja tehnologija vospitanija. Pedagogika / Pod red. P.I. Pidkasistogo.- M.: Pedagogicheskoe obshhestvo Rossii. - 2003. - S. 583-597.
Kuchmezov R. A.
Features of the use of the case method in teaching legal disciplines
The article reveals the features of the application of the case method in teaching students to legal disciplines. It is concluded that the use of the “case study” method in teaching legal disciplines contributes to the acquisition of basic theoretical knowledge of the subject by students, the formation of skills for working with information, its comprehension, application in practice to solve specific problems, the development of the ability to draw conclusions, and it develops the skills of oral speech, dialogue, presentation skills, self-presentation, setting goals, choosing means, setting goals and finding ways to achieve them.
Keywords: case method, legal disciplines, student, law.
1. Verbickij A.A. Aktivnoe obuchenie v vysshej shkole: Kontekstnyj podhod. M., 1990.
2. Vinevskaja A.V. Metod kejsov v pedagogike. Rostov-na-Donu: Izd-vo: Feniks, 2015. 14 s.
3. Dolgorukov A. Metod case-study kak sovremennaja tehnologija professional'no-orientirovochnogo obuchenija. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
4. Sovremennye obrazovatel'nye tehnologii: uchebnoe posobie/kollektiv avtorov; pod. Red. N.V. Bordovskoj. 3-e izd., ster. M.: KNORUS, 2013. 89 s.
5. Hutorskoj A.V., Hutorskoj L.N. Kompetentnost' kak didakticheskoe ponjatie: soderzhanie i struktura i modeli konstruirovanija // Proektirovanie i organizacija samostojatel'noj raboty studentov v kontekste kompetentnostnogo podhoda: Mezhvuzovskij sb. nauch. tr. / Pod red. A.A. Orlova. Tula: Izd-vo Tul. gos. ped. un-ta im. L.N. Tolstogo, 2008. Vyp. 1. S. 117-137.
Zheleznyak A. A.
Features of adolescent conflict
This article examines the conflicts faced by a teenager, what impact they have on the development of a teenager, what is the cause of conflicts in adolescence, what tasks a teenager solves at this age.
Keywords: conflict, causes of conflicts, adolescence, the main tasks of adolescence, conflict-free behavior of a teenager.
1. Ganeeva A. A. Osobennosti psihicheskih sostojanij podrostkov v situacii konflikta v zavisimosti ot social'no-psihologicheskogo tipa lichnosti: monografija. – Ufa: UJuI MVD Rossii, 2013. – 111 s.
2. Leonov N. I. Psihologija konflikta: metody izuchenija konfliktov i konfliktnogo povedenija: uchebnik. – 3-e izd., pererab. i dop. – M.: Jurajt, 2020.– 264 s.
3. Hasan B. I. Konstruktivnaja psihologija konflikta: uchebnoe posobie. – 2-e izd., ster. – M.: Jurajt, 2020.– 204 s.
4. Cvetkov V. L. Psihologija konflikta. Ot teorii k praktike: uchebnoe posobie. – M.: JuNITI-DANA, 2017. – 183 c.
Teuvazhukov A. H.
Legal awareness of students as a result of the educational process
The article studies the concept of legal awareness and the problems of its formation among students. The conclusion is made that the formation of legal consciousness occurs due to legal education and upbringing of children and adolescents, the result of which will be the formation of an active civic position, the application of legal norms for the implementation and protection of rights and freedoms. It is also important to take into account the following fact: legal consciousness is one of the forms of social consciousness.
Keywords: sense of justice, legal education, student, educational process.
1. Байниязов Р. С. Правосознание и правовой менталитет в России. - Саратов, 2008.
2. Вестник Адыгейского государственного университета. Серия 1: Регионоведение: философия, история, социология, юриспруденция, политология, культурология. - 2016. - № 1-2. - С. 62.
3. Кученев А. В. Современное понимание и структура правосознания // Вестник Российского университета кооперации. - 2016. - № 12. - С. 99.
4. Лазебникова А. Ю., Иванова Л. Ф. Как создавалось современное школьное обществознание // Отечественная и зарубежная педагогика. - 2018. - № 5.- С. 100.
Titova O. Z.
Psychological and pedagogical support of the educational process in penal institutions
The article examines the psychological and pedagogical support of the educational process in penal institutions. The author considers the necessity to train prisoners serving sentences, explains the need to develop thinking skills that will help them to solve educational tasks by themselves, to be able to think logically and find solutions to various problem situations set by the teacher. The development of cognitive activity involves self-development, the desire for self-learning, which for convicts is one of the components of successful resocialization and motivation to become a law-abiding life after prison. Attention is focused on creating a psychologically comfortable atmosphere for classes and the components of pedagogical communication that activate cognitive activity are given.
Keywords: psychological and pedagogical features, motivation, teaching staff, cognitive activity, thinking skills.
1. Vyshinskaja O. A. Psihologo-pedagogicheskie osobennosti obuchenija osuzhdennyh // V sbornike:Lichnostnoe i professional'noe razvitie detej, molodezhi, vzroslyh: problemy i reshenija Sbornik statej XIII Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. Pod redakciej L.M. Mitinoj. - 2017. - S. 96.
2. Kosheleva V. O. Pravovoj i psihologo-pedagogicheskij analiz processa obuchenija osuzhdennyh v mestah lishenija svobody // V sbornike: Juridicheskaja nauka i praktika al'manah nauchnyh trudov Samarskogo juridicheskogo instituta FSIN Rossii. - 2016. - S. 133-135.
3. Rusmilenko Ju. A., Santashova L. L. Problemy professional'nogo obuchenija osuzhdennyh k lisheniju svobody // V sbornike: Ugolovnoe nakazanie v Rossii i za rubezhom: problemy naznachenija i ispolnenija sbornik materialov mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii (k 60-letiju prinjatija OON Minimal'nyh standartnyh pravil obrashhenija s zakljuchennymi). FKOU VO «Vologodskij institut prava i jekonomiki Federal'noj sluzhby ispolnenija nakazanij». - 2016.- S. 313.
4. Stroeva G. V. Obuchenie kak central'naja kategorija processa samoispravlenija osuzhdennyh:istoriko-didakticheskij aspekt // Chelovek i obrazovanie. - 2017. - # 3. - S. 155.
5. Tarasova M. I. Obuchenie osuzhdennyh v celjah ih resocializacii v obshhestve // V sbornike: Problemy pravovogo regulirovanija dejatel'nosti ugolovno-ispolnitel'noj sistemy Sbornik materialov Vserossijskoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. - 2017. - S. 80-81.
6. Shhepkina N. K. Psihologicheskie faktory uspeshnosti obuchenija osuzhdennyh v uslovijah ispravitel'noj kolonii // Psihologija obuchenija. - 2016.- # 4. - S. 110-111.
Strizhchenko I. A., Pryakhin A. S.
Socio-psychological characteristics of a terrorist group
The article considers the psychological features of various terrorist groups, their structural hierarchy, characteristics, to better identify these groups by law enforcement agencies. The author highlighted the key aspects of the socio-psychological motivations of terrorist
groups. A parallel is drawn between terrorist groups and religious sects and cults.
Keywords: psychology, terrorist group, law enforcement agencies.
Work bibliographic list
1. Beznosov D. S., Pochebut L. G. Psihologija tolpy i torizma / Pod. red. V. P. Sal'nikova. - M.: COKR MVD Rossii, 2007. - 176 s.
2. Vasil'ev V. L. Juridicheskaja psihologija. Uchebnik. -SPb.: Piter, 2009. - 609 s.
3. Statnyj V. M. Juridicheskaja psihologija. - SPb.:SPbU MVD Rossii, 2011. - 328 s.
Baeva E. A., Turbina N. M., Abdukarimova L. G.
To the question of standardization of the internal state (municipal) financial control
To improve the efficiency of the state financial control system, a lot of transformational work is underway, which involves the development of new approaches to the organization and conduct of control activities, the development of strategic audit, the implementation of largescale projects in the field of digitalization. As part of this work, the process of standardization of internal state (municipal) financial control has been started.
Keywords: budget code, accounting (budget) accounting, internal state (municipal) financial control, standards of internal state audit (control), control measures, principles of control activities.
Work bibliographic list
1. FZ «O vnesenii izmenenij v Bjudzhetnyj kodeks RF v chasti sovershenstvovanija gosudarstvennogo (municipal'nogo) finansovogo kontrolja, vnutrennego finansovogo kontrolja i vnutrennego finansovogo audita».
Galinurova K. R.
Method for assessing the effectiveness of costs for informatization of enterprise management
The article shows the relevance of the need for a correct quantitative assessment of costs for the management of informatization of the development of modern enterprises. Method of assessing the cost-effectiveness of the computerization of the management of the organization is reasoned. The proposed method includes such main stages as the assessment of unit costs for the purpose of informatization of the enterprise, the construction of economic and statistical functions of the impact of these costs on such parameters as the share in the industry market, labor productivity and the level of net profitability, the calculation of the elasticity of the functions, the definition of the integral indicator of the cost efficiency of informatization, the justification of priority areas for improving information management. The proposed method was tested on the data of LLC “Unistroy” for 2011-2018 years.
Keywords: informatization, costs of informatization management, market share, profitability, labor productivity, elasticity, information management.
Work bibliographic list
1. Programma “Cifrovaja jekonomika Rossijskoj Federacii” // Utverzhdena Rasporjazheniem Pravitel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii ot 28 ijulja 2017 g. #1632-r [Jekonomiko-pravovaja baza “Garant”]. Rezhim dostupa: svobodnyj (data obrashhenija 1.07.2019).
2. Poslanie Prezidenta Rossijskoj Federacii Federal'nomu Sobraniju 5 nojabrja 2017 g. // Rossijskaja gazeta. – 2017. – # 211. – S. 1-2
3. Barbenis Ja., Chishti S. Finteh. Putevoditel' po novejshim finansovym tehnologijam. – M.: Al'bina pablisher, 2017. – 676 s.
4. Bell D. Social'nye ramki informacionnogo obshhestva. /Novaja tehnokraticheskaja volna na Zapade.– M.: Progress, 1986. – 244 s.
5. Valitov Sh.M., Dem'janova O.V. Jeffektivnost' makrojekonomicheskoj sistemy. – M.: Jekonomika, 2011.– 189 s.
6. Galinovskij A.V. Informacionnye sistemy upravlenija kachestvom. – M.: Infra-M, 2018. – 284 s.
7. Kalubi Dzh.M. Sovershenstvovanie metodov i modelej ocenki jeffektivnosti vosproizvodstva osnovnyh fondov predprijatij jenergeticheskoj otrasli: Avtoref. dis. – Spb., 2018. – 24 s.
8. Fioktistov K.S. Ispol'zovanie teorii igr v ocenke jeffektivnosti informacionnyh tehnologij //Menedzhment i pravo. – 2019. - # 3. – S.31-34.
9. Conley J.P. Blockchain and the Economics of Cryptotokens and Initial Coin Offerings // Vanderbilt University Department of Economics Working. – 2017.– June. – P.71-74.
Terekhov I. G., Zenkova V. G.,
Morozova A. F., Terekhova L. A.
Nomenclature of indicators of technical and economic assessment of civil objects in the digital construction environment
According to the order of the President of the Russian Federation 1235 on modernization of the construction industry in the framework of digitalization of construction: it is necessary to pay priority attention to social objects, which means that for the purposes of our research, civil objects (residential buildings, public buildings and structures, administrative and household objects) should be considered first. Technical and economic assessment of such objects and structures is a qualitatively different methodological approach to the process of evaluating construction objects, due to the technical and economic features of the life cycle. The scientific community is faced with the most important task, using generally recognized methods of scientific knowledge, to modernize the methodological base to ensure an effective process of digitalization of the construction industry.
Keywords: digital construction, information model, digital model, design solution, civil objects, technical and economic assessment.
Work bibliographic list
1. Poruchenie Prezidenta RF ot 19.07.2018 g. # Pr-1235.
2. Hajrullin V. A., Drejman A. A. Ispol'zovanie statisticheskih metodov ocenki pri tehniko-jekonomicheskom obosnovanii proekta stroitel'stva //Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. - 2015. - # 12(91). - S. 329-331.
3. Hajrullin V. A., Kuznecov D. V. Problema opredelenija social'noj stavki diskonta // Internet –zhurnal «Naukovedenie». - 2015. - Tom 7. - # 4. - S. 54.
4. Hajrullin V. A., Terehov I. G., Il'jasova K. R. Faktory moral'nogo iznosa vtorogo roda pri ocenke social'nogo jeffekta pri provedenii kapital'nogo remonta zhilogo zdanija / //Internet-zhurnal «Naukovedenie». - 2015. - T. 7. - # 5 (30). - S. 103.
Korovina L. N., Myalkina A. F., Tregubova V. M.
Application of professional judgment in accounting of intangible assets of an economic entity
The article considers the possibility of applying professional judgment at various stages of the accounting procedure – in the development of accounting policy, identification of accounting objects in accordance with established criteria, documenting the facts of economic life, evaluation of accounting objects, etc.
Keywords: intangible assets, professional judgment, accounting.
1. Prikaz Minfina RF ot 27.12.2007g. # 153n «Ob utverzhdenii Polozhenija po buhgalterskomu uchetu «Uchet nematerial'nyh aktivov». PBU 14/2007.(v red. ot 16.05.2016).
2. Prikaz Minfina RF ot 06.10.2008 # 106n «Ob utverzhdenii Polozhenija po buhgalterskomu uchetu «Uchetnaja politika organizacii». PBU 1/2008. (v red. ot 07.02.2020).
3. Belozerova T.G., Lugovskoj D.V., Molodcova Ju.N. Problemy ocenki nematerial'nyh aktivov //Vestnik SamGUPS. - 2009. - # 4. - S. 14-20.
4. Korovina L.N. Primenenie professional'nogo suzhdenija pri vedenii buhgalterskogo ucheta proizvodstvennyh zapasov v kommercheskom sektore jekonomiki // Tendencii razvitija uchetno-analiticheskih procedur v sovremennoj jekonomike. -Tambov, 2019. - S. 59-72.
Krasulina O. Yu.
Globalization of socio-economic processes of arctic fisheries
With future forecasts of climate warming, the Arctic is becoming economically viable with easier access and increased biological productivity. Such forecasts are based on global and regional forecasts of climate change and largely ignore the complexities of socioecological interactions occurring on different time and world scales. In the article, the author illustrates how such global environmental, socio-economic and governance interactions can affect the development of Arctic fisheries and create uncertainty for future forecasts.
Two arctic marine systems, the Barents Sea and the Arctic Ocean, are used as the main areas of activity. In the first one, productive fishing is carried out by Norway and Russia, while the Arctic Ocean is mainly covered with sea ice. Addressing the complexity of Arctic marine systems requires expanding holistic scientific understanding along with adaptive management methods.
Keywords: Globalization, Arctic, fishing, Barents Sea, Arctic Ocean.
Work bibliographic list
1. Didenko N.I. Konceptual'nye i teoreticheskie principy novoj jekonomiki Arktiki V knige: Problemy i reshenija issledovanija i razvitija arkticheskogo prostranstva Rossii. Didenko N.I., Antipov S.K., Afonichkina E.A., Voronkina K.I., Zvjagin P.N., Il'inova A.A., Kikkas K.N., Konahina N.A., Kuzaeva A.A., Romashkina G.F., Romashkina E.S., Samochadin A.V., Sevashkin V.R., Skripnjuk D.F., Timofeev D.A., Fedoseev S.V., Cvetkov P.S. Pod red. Didenko N.I., Sankt-Peterburg, 2018. S. 7-17.
2. Krasulina O.Ju. Global'nye problemy okruzhajushhej sredy arkticheskoj zony: izvestnye pozicii i tochki zrenija uchenyh // Regional'naja jekonomika i upravlenie: jelektronnyj nauchnyj zhurnal. 2019. #3 (59). S. 12.
3. Bostock J., McAndrew B., Richards R., Jauncey K., Telfer T., Lorenzen K., Little D., Ross L., Handisyde N., Gatward I., Corner R. Aquaculture: global status and trends Philos. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B. Biol. Sci., 365 (2010). Pp. 2897-2912, 10.1098/rstb.2010.0170.
4. Cabré A., Marinov I., Leung S.Consistent global responses of marine ecosystems to future climate change across the IPCC AR5 earth system models Clim. Dyn., 45 (2015). Pp. 1253-1280, 10.1007/s00382-014-2374-3.
5. Chen X., Garcia R.J. Economic sanctions and trade diplomacy: sanction-busting strategies, market distortion and efficacy of Chinas restrictions on Norwegian salmon imports China Inf., 30 (2016). Pp. 29-57, 10.1177/0920203×15625061.
6. Cheung W.W.L., Lam V.W.Y., Sarmiento J.L., Kearney K., Watson R., Zeller D., Pauly D. Large-scale redistribution of maximum fisheries catch potential in the global ocean under climate change Glob. Chang. Biol., 16 (2010). Pp. 24-35, 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2009.01995.x.
7. Crona B.I., Van Holt T., Petersson M., Daw T.M, Buchary E. Using social-ecological syndromes to understand impacts of international seafood trade on small-scale fisheries Glob. Environ. Chang., 35 (2015). Pp. 162-175, 10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2015.07.006
8. Kintisch E., Arctic nations eye fishing ban, Science (80-.). 352 278–278. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
9. Kjesbu O.S., Bogstad B., Devine J.A., Gjøsæter H., Howell D., Ingvaldsen R.B., Nash R.D.M., Skjæraasen J.E. Synergies between climate and management for Atlantic cod fisheries at high latitudes Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 111 (2014). Pp. 3478-3483, 10.1073/pnas.1316342111.
10. Mcbride M.M., Dalpadado P., Drinkwater K.F., Godø O.R., Hobday A.J., Hollowed A.B., Kristiansen T., Murphy E.J., Ressler P.H., Subbey S., Hofmann E.E., Loeng H.Krill, climate and contrasting future scenarios for Arctic and Antarctic fisheries ICES J. Mar. Sci., 71 (2014). Pp. 1-22.
11. Melia N., Haines K., Hawkins E, Sea ice decline and 21st century trans-Arctic shipping routes, (n.d.). [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
12. Naylor R.L., Goldburg R.J., Primavera J.H., Kautsky N., Beveridge M.C., Clay J., Folke C., Lubchenco J., Mooney H., Troell M. Effect of aquaculture on world fish supplies Nature, 405 (2000). Pp. 1017-1024, 10.1038/35016500.
13. Pinsky M.L., Worm B., Fogarty M.J., Sarmiento J.L., Levin S.A. Climate velocities (80-.) Science, 341 (2013). Rp. 1239-1242.
14. Shephard G.E., Dalen K., Peldszus R., Aparício S., Beumer L., Birkeland R., Gkikas N., Kourantidou M., Ktenas P., Linde P.W., Marazzi F., Pincinato R.B.M., Radianti J., Schartmüller B., Stübner E.I., Varnajot A., Vullierme M., Zhilina I. Assessing the added value of the recent declaration on unregulated fishing for sustainable governance of the central Arctic Ocean Mar.
Policy, 66 (2016). Pp. 50-57, 10.1016/j.marpol.2016.01.013.
Kryukova E. V., Matsuy E. A., Тeplinskikh E. A.
Impact of innovation processes on the sustainable development of region
The theory of economic growth differs from the theory of sustainable development in that the second case takes into account the limited resources and the need to balance them. The considered models of «economic growth» do not take into account social, environmental and other aspects of development.
You need to talk about a sustainable economy, which implies an economic growth that is balanced with the development of innovation, wealth level, with the development of social structure and other factors.
Using the example of combining economic development with the improvement of innovative mechanisms (in particular, the mechanism of corporate governance) and the level of social development of the region, we will try to consider sustainable economic growth based on improving the quality of corporate governance, which will increase the competitiveness of the national economy as a whole.
Keywords: region, innovation, economic growth, competitiveness, balance of resources, mechanism, factors, technologies.
Work bibliographic list
1. Indikatory innovacionnoj dejatel'nosti: stat. sbornik / pod red. N. V. Gorodnikovoj, L. M. Gohberga i dr. - M.: NIUVShJe, 2015. - 320 s.
2. Porter M. Konkurencija: per. s angl. - M.: Izdatel'skij dom «Vil'jams», 2005. - 608 s.
3. Statistika innovacij v Rossii. - [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
4. Strategicheskoe upravlenie i planirovanie. -[Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
5. Strategija social'no-jekonomicheskogo razvitija do 2020 goda. - [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
Lutsenko I. V.
The role of the supply Department in optimizing the company’s operations
The Work of the entire enterprise depends on the well-coordinated and productive work of all departments. In this article, the main focus is on the organization of the supply Department as one of the key parts of the company. The main tasks of the supply Department, its role and significance in the company’s activities will be considered. The relationship with related departments as the basis for continuous production will be traced throughout the article.
Keywords: supply Department, production, OP, OS, work, tasks, quality, planning, analysis, needs, relationship.
1. Белоусова Н. А., Радюкова Я. Ю. Специфика коммерческой деятельности на промышленных предприятиях // Социально-экономические явления и процессы. - 2013. - № 4 (50). - С. 33-35.
2. Данилин В. И. Система моделей горизонтального согласования плановых решений различными подразделениями компании // Экономика и математические методы. - 2019. - Т. 55. - № 1. - С. 85-100.
3. Куропаткин М. А. Задача стимулирования сотрудников отдела снабжения// Управление большими системами: сборник трудов. - 2005. - № 10.- С. 87-97.
4. Куршакова Н. Б., Куршакова Н. С. Формирование и развитие деловых отношений на профессиональном рынке // Инновационная экономика и общество. - 2019. - № 4 (26). - С. 12-24.
5. Меркулова Н. В., Шабалина Т. А. Роль отдела снабжения в деятельности организации и мероприятия по его совершенствованию на примере АО «Елецгидроагрегат» // ModernScience. - 2019. -№ 6-2. - С. 85-88.
Salov A. S., Kutlumbetova D. A.,
Terekhova L. A., Volkovinskaya V. L.
Digital modeling of technical and economic assessment of reproduction of civil construction objects
In the context of modernization of the construction industry, according to the decree Of the government of the Russian Federation (RF) on the transition to digital modeling in construction, industry specialists are faced with the urgent task of developing and testing new, scientifically based research methods. The importance of stage techno-economic assessment study (teas) is caused by complex influence of evaluation findings on the performance of investment–construction process and subsequent operation of the facility. In the decree on digitalization of construction, it is emphasized that priority should be given to social facilities (civil construction). This study was conducted as part of the Russian Government’s strategic initiatives to develop digital models in construction and integrated digitalization of the construction industry.
Keywords: civil engineering, technical and economic assessment, digital model, digital modeling, social effect, moral wear and tear.
Work bibliographic list
1. Postanovlenie Pravitel'stva RF # 1431 ot 15.09.2020 «Ob utverzhdenii Pravil formirovanija i vedenija informacionnoj modeli ob"ekta kapital'nogo stroitel'stva».
2. Hajrullin V. A., Drejman A. A. Ispol'zovanie statisticheskih metodov ocenki pri tehniko-jekonomicheskom obosnovanii proekta stroitel'stva //Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. - 2015. - # 12(91). - S. 329-331.
3. Hajrullin V. A., Terehov I. G., Ogneva A. S. Raschet social'nogo jeffekta ot rekonstrukcii uchastka federal'noj avtomobil'noj dorogi M-5 «Ural» //Internet-zhurnal Naukovedenie. - 2013. - # 4 (17).- S. 59.
4. Hajrullin V. A., Terehov I. G., Il'jasova K. R. Faktory moral'nogo iznosa vtorogo roda pri ocenke social'nogo jeffekta pri provedenii kapital'nogo remonta zhilogo zdanija // Internet-zhurnal Naukovedenie. - 2015. - T. 7. - # 5 (30). - S. 103.
5. Hajrullin V. A. Kuznecov D. V., Gareeva Z. A. Teoreticheskoe obosnovanie velichiny kvazidenezhnogo potoka pri ocenke social'nogo jeffekta // Internet-zhurnal «Naukovedenie». - 2015. - Tom 7. - # 4.- S. 1-12.
Poltorykhina S. V., Ablizina N. N. Salimov L. N.
On the issue of assessing the effectiveness of territories of advanced socio-economic development
The article attempts to determine the criteria for evaluating the performance of residents of the territory of advanced social and economic development (TASED) and the territory as a whole, on the basis of which an analysis of the effectiveness of the functioning of TASED “Naberezhnye Chelny” was carried out. An assessment of the investment policy of state authorities carried out through such an instrument as TASED is carried out, a methodology for assessing the activities of TASED residents at different stages of their development is created. The conducted study revealed the growth reserves of both TASED as a whole and residents of the territory in particular.
Keywords: advanced development; TASED; efficiency; risks.
Work bibliographic list
1. Alpatova Je. S., Garifullina G. R., Kondjukova E. A.i dr. Svobodnye jekonomicheskie zony / pod red. Je.S. Alpatovoj. Kazan', 2008. 208 s.
2. Zausaev V. K., Burdakova G. I., Kruchak N. A. Territorii operezhajushhego razvitija: rabota nad oshibkami // JeKO. 2015. # 2. S. 76-86.
3. Kachalov R. M., Poltoryhina S. V. Analiz riska v processe funkcionirovanija territorii operezhajushhego razvitija // Materialy Vosemnadcatogo Vserossijskogo simpoziuma Strategicheskoe planirovanie i razvitie predprijatij. T. 1. CJeMI RAN M., 2017. S. 703-707.
4. Kachalov R. M., Poltoryhina S. V., Ablizina N. N. Jekonomicheskij risk v razvitii territorij operezhajushhego social'no-jekonomicheskogo razvitija //Jekonomicheskaja nauka sovremennoj Rossii. 2019. #3 (86). C. 104-119.
5. Rubcov G. G., Litvinenko A. N. Territorii operezhajushhego social'no-jekonomicheskogo razvitija v sisteme svobodnyh jekonomicheskih zon RF: realii i perspektivy // Nauchnyj zhurnal NIU ITMO. Serija Jekonomika i jekologicheskij menedzhment. 2019. # 2. S. 91-98.
6. Kakaulina M. O. Territorii operezhajushhego social'no-jekonomicheskogo razvitija: jeffektivnost' funkcionirovanija i rol' v formirovanii optimal'noj nalogovoj nagruzki // Jekonomika. Nalogi. Pravo. 2018. # 4. S. 78-89.
7. Zakljuchenie na proekt reshenija Gorodskogo Soveta «O bjudzhete municipal'nogo obrazovanija gorod Naberezhnye Chelny na 2019 g. i planovyj period 2020-2021 gg.». [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
8. Mjakisheva E. A. Metodicheskoe obespechenie strategicheskogo upravlenija territoriej operezhajushhego social'no-jekonomicheskogo razvitija: dis. … kand. jekon. nauk: 08.00.05 Perm', 2015. 194 s.
9. Doronina F. H. Integral'nyj podhod v kompleksnoj ocenke jeffektivnosti dejatel'nosti predprijatija // Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta im. S.Ju. Vitte. Serija 1: Jekonomika i upravlenie. 2017. # 1(20). S. 40-47.
Panosyan N. M.
The main problems of supranational regulation of foreign trade of an individual member state of the integration association (on the example of the Republic of Armenia)
The article examines the main problems that existed at the supranational level of regulation in foreign trade within the framework of regional economic cooperation for an individual member state, using the example of the Republic of Armenia. All aspects of the foreign trade of the Republic of Armenia have been studied in detail, both within the framework of the EAEU and outside the field of action of the Union. Recommendations are given for improving the foreign trade policy of the Republic of Armenia, and for the country’s economic development in general in the context of integration cooperation.
Keywords: EAEU, Armenia, Russia, WTO, supranational regulation of foreign trade, foreign trade, export flows.
Work bibliographic list
1. Dogovor o Evrazijskom jekonomicheskom Sojuze ot 29.05.2014 goda.
2. Islamov G.D. Vneshnetorgovaja politika gosudarstva: znachenie, celi i principy // Regional'nye problemy preobrazovanija jekonomiki. – 2015. –# 3. – S. 9-15.
3. Kamalov M.I. Teoreticheskie osnovy jeksportnogo finansirovanija // Vestnik BGJeU. – 2018. – #3. – S. 5-9.
4. Kamalov M.I. Jeksportnoe finansirovanie v mirovoj praktike: formy, ih preimushhestva i nedostatki // Vestnik BGJeU. – 2019. – # 11. – S. 43-48.
5. Klark D. Mezhdunarodnaja torgovlja i finansy: tolkovyj slovar' / pod obshh. red. D. Klarka. – SPb.: KARO; London: Lessons Professional Publishing, 2018. – 272 s.
6. Kuznecova G.V., Podbiralina G.V. Mezhdunarodnaja torgovlja tovarami i uslugami v 2 ch. Chast' 2.- 2 izd. – M.: Jurajt, 2020.
7. Luzina T. V. Zaprety i ogranichenija vneshnetorgovoj dejatel'nosti: uchebnik dlja vuzov. – M.: Izdatel'stvo Jurajt, 2020. – 142 s.
8. Meshkova A.P. Torgovoe jembargo i vozmozhnosti dlja importozameshhenija // Vestnik Omskogo universiteta. Serija «Jekonomika». – 2018. – # 4. – S. 9-17.
9. Mirovaja jekonomika v 2 ch. Chast' 1.: uchebnik dlja vuzov / R. I. Hasbulatov [i dr.]. - 2-e izd., pererab. i dop. – M.: Izdatel'stvo Jurajt, 2019. – 689 s.
Terekhov I. G., Zenkova V. G.,
Morozova A. F., Volkovinskaya V. L.
Relevance of technical and economic assessment of design solutions in the context of digitalization of construction
Construction, as a type of economic activity, is characterized by high capital intensity and a long production cycle. In conditions of limited available resources of economic entities and budget financing bodies, technical and economic assessment of project solutions is of crucial importance for ensuring the effective functioning of the national economic complex of the country. Competent technical and economic assessment of design solutions in construction will save the resource base and increase the operational reliability of buildings (structures). Currently, the regulatory framework, legislative and other documents in construction require updating in accordance with modern requirements of market management mechanisms, technologies, design and other modern digital solutions. This explains the relevance of this research - in the context of the transition to digital models of construction and the introduction of information modeling
technologies .
Keywords: digital construction, information model, digital model, design solution, space-planning solutions, design solutions.
Work bibliographic list
1. Poruchenie Prezidenta RF ot 19.07.2018 g. # Pr-1235.
2. Postanovlenie Pravitel'stva RF # 1431 ot 15.09.2020 «Ob utverzhdenii Pravil formirovanija i vedenija informacionnoj modeli ob"ekta kapital'nogo stroitel'stva».
3. Hajrullin V. A., Drejman A. A. Ispol'zovanie statisticheskih metodov ocenki pri tehniko-jekonomicheskom obosnovanii proekta stroitel'stva //Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. - 2015. - # 12(91). - S. 329-331.
4. Hajrullin V. A. Kuznecov D. V., Gareeva Z. A. Teoreticheskoe obosnovanie velichiny kvazidenezhnogo potoka pri ocenke social'nogo jeffekta // Internet-zhurnal «Naukovedenie». - 2015. - Tom 7. - # 4.- S. 1-12.
Shingareva Ya. A.
Model and formats for conquering international tourism markets
We live in a global and rapidly developing world, as well as in a world dominated by modern technologies. The service sector is beginning to take an increasing share in global GDP, as well as in the GDP of individual countries. Tourism also makes a significant contribution to this process. In this article, the author gradually examines how a tourist destination can develop its potential and attract more tourists with the help of modern technologies. The author offers a strategy and ways to develop the tourist and marketing attractiveness of a tourist destination (country, city, region). The comprehensive promotion strategy evaluates the development of a unified promotion strategy, the impact of analytics, local tourist offices and organizations, visa formalities, and air travel. The Internet, especially social networks and popular bloggers, has a huge impact on the modern tourist market. It is important to use as many tools as possible to promote your destination.
Keywords: promotion strategy, tourist destination, analytics, travel brand, network of suppliers of travel offers.
Work bibliographic list
1. Arpent'eva M. R. Geobrending v industrii turizma// Sovremennye problemy servisa i turizma. -2015. – T. 9. – #. 3.
2. Koval' E.D., Obzor issledovanij vlijanija onlajn-kontenta na povedenie potrebitelej v Rossijskoj industrii gostepriimstva i turizma na primere internet-agentstv, zanimajushhihsja bronirovaniem– 2015.
3. Komarova K. O. Fenomen jekonomiki vpechatlenija /Mezhdunarodnyj studencheskij nauchnyj vestnik. –2015. – #. 4-2. – S. 249-251.
4. Novikov V.S. Innovacii v turizme: IC «Akademija», 2007. – 208;
5. Popova E.V., Shevchenko A.A. Sistemnyj podhod k opredeleniju turizma i ego social'no-jekonomicheskoj sushhnosti v sovremennom obshhestve // Nauchnyj zhurnal KubGAU. – 2013. – # 89 (05). – [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: http://ej.kubagro.
6. Filip Kotler (Philip Kotler), Roland Berger (Roland Berger), Nil's Bikhoff (Nils Bickhoff). Strategicheskij menedzhment po Kotleru «Luchshie priemy i metody», 2015.
7. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
8. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
Akbasheva D. Kh., Sharipova E. A.
Legal regulation of religious education
The article deals with the features of legal regulation of religious education, religious education
and the Authors reveal the main trends in the development of modern religious education in the Russian Federation and the features of its legal regulation. The article focuses on the fact that the distinction between the concepts of religious education and religious training by the legislator contributes to the improvement of legal regulation in the field of religious education in the Russian Federation.
Keywords: freedom of conscience, freedom of religion, religious education, religious education
and missionary work, theology.
1. Federal'nyj zakon ot 04 maja 2011 g. # 99-FZ «O licenzirovanii otdel'nyh vidov dejatel'nosti» (s posl. izm. i dop. ot 29 ijulja 2017 g. 216-FZ) // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii. 2011 g. # 19. St. 2716.
2. Akbasheva D.H., Sharipova Je.A. Aksiologicheskie i pravovye aspekty religioznoj tolerantnosti v razvitii islamskogo teologicheskogo obrazovanija // V sbornike: Idealy i cennosti islama v obrazovatel'nom prostranstve XXI veka. Materialy X Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. 2017 g. S. 203-211.
3. Doklad Svjatejshego Patriarha Kirilla na soveshhanii rektorov duhovnyh uchebnyh zavedenij Russkoj Pravoslavnoj Cerkvi. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: http: (data obrashhenija: 18.09.2020).
4. Tadzhuddin: Islamskaja akademija v Kazani pomozhet religioznomu obrazovaniju. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 20.09.2020).
5. Federal'nyj gosudarstvennyj obrazovatel'nyj standart vysshego obrazovanija – bakalavriat po napravleniju podgotovki 48.03.01 Teologija (utverzhden prikazom Ministerstva nauki i vysshego obrazovanija Rossijskoj Federacii ot 25 avgusta 2020 goda # 1110). [Jelektronnyj resurs].– Rezhim dostupa: obrashhenija: 20.09.2020).
6. Sharipova Je.A. Konceptual'nye osnovy prepodavanija juridicheskih disciplin v ramkah podgotovki teologov / Iz opyta prepodavanija uchebnyh disciplin po obrazovatel'noj programme napravlenija podgotovki «Teologija» v sisteme vysshego obrazovanija: sovremennye tehnologii i mezhdisciplinarnye svjazi: sbornik nauchnyh statej po materialam Kruglogo stola i Nauchno- metodicheskogo seminara, posvjashhennym metodike prepodavanija disciplin na napravlenii podgotovki 48.03.01 «Teologija» (g. Ufa, 10 ijunja2016 g., 18 maja 2017 g.) / otv. red. D.H. Akbasheva. Ufa: RIC BashGU, 2018. S. 91-94.
Kudryashev A. F., Elkhova O. I.
Current philosophical problems of modern scientific knowledge
The article provides a philosophical analysis of the problems of modern science. It is noted that global problems come to the fore in terms of their importance and coverage of the population. Problems of a scientific nature among all global problems should be singled out in a special block. The authors distinguish between problems of science and problems in science. Problems of science are formulated in relation to science as an integral education and can be attributed to the philosophy of science. Problems in science are formulated within the Sciences as problems of their leading edge of development. The authors focus on the problems of the philosophy of science (its internal problems and philosophical problems of science as a certain integrity) and on the philosophical problems of individual sciences that attract attention by their special fundamental nature.
Key words: problems of science, problems in sciences, ontology of science, philosophy of science, theory of knowledge, epistemology.
Work bibliographic list
1. Kudrjashev A. F. Razvitie, jevoljucija, kojevoljucija:sootnoshenie ponjatij // Vestnik Bashkirskogo universiteta. - 2017. - T. 17. - # 1. - S. 640-644.
2. Kudrjashev A. F., Elhova O. I. Obshhenauchnaja kartina mira: staroe v novom odejanii // Vestnik Bashkirskogo universiteta. - 2013. - T. 18. - # 4.- S. 1255-1259.
3. Martynovich S. F. Problemy filosofii nauki kak konceptual'no razlichaemaja mnozhestvennost' // Izvestija Saratovskogo universiteta. Novaja serija. Serija: Filosofija. Psihologija. Pedagogika. - 2016. - T. 16. - #3. - S. 272-276.
4. Chakravartty A. A metaphysics for scientific realism. Knowing the unobservable. Cambridge; - N.Y., 2007.- 251 p.
Nazlukhanov D. V.
Formation and development of environmental ideologies: socio-philosophical analysis
The process of understanding the relationship between nature and society, the development of scientific approaches to the study of environmental problems, contributed to the fact that in the 1960s the historical trajectory of the development of environmental ideologies begins: environmentalism, eco-socialism, eco-anarchism, eco-conservatism, as well as the leading concepts of sustainable development, green capitalism and ecological modernization. Socio-philosophical analysis showed that ecological ideology, revealing itself in axiological, epistemological, socio-political aspects, is aimed at forming a positive model of eco-social relations in society, which is able to effectively solve problems of environmental safety at the global level.
Keywords: ecological ideology, environmentalism, eco-socialism, eco-anarchism, eco-conservatism.
1. Aksenova O.V. Genezis social'no-jekologicheskoj refleksii na Zapade vo vtoroj polovine XX veka // Sociologicheskie issledovanija. 2004. # 9. S. 68-76.
2. Aksenova O.V., Zubkov V.I., Ermakov D.S. i dr. Social'no-jekologicheskie problemy: nauchno-teoreticheskij poisk i napravlenija issledovanij (zaochnyj kruglyj stol) // Sociologicheskie issledovanija. 2005. # 3. S. 88-95.
3. Batishhev G.S. Chelovechnost' ili antropocentrizm? Antiteza mezhdu cennostnoj posvjashhennost'ju i gordym samodavleniem // Filosofskie nauki. 1993. # 1. S. 24.
4. Bukchin M. Rekonstrukcija obshhestva: na puti k zelenomu budushhemu. Nizhnij Novgorod: Tretij Put', 1996. 190 s.
5. Doklad Mezhdunarodnogo diskussionnogo kluba «Valdaj». Global'nye jekologicheskie ideologii: mozhno li razreshit' konflikt cheloveka i prirody? [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data
obrashhenija: 19.01.2020)
6. Kovel Dzh., Levi M. Jekosocialisticheskij manifest.M.: Svobodnoe marksistskoe izdatel'stvo, 2011. S. 5-6. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 15.09.2020).
7. Kulagina E.G. Ideologicheskie osnovanija jekologicheskoj kul'tury (na primere konservatizma) // Kazanskij pedagogicheskij zhurnal. 2015. # 4-1 (111). S. 182-186. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija 17.01.2020).
8. Kulagina E.G. Ideologicheskie osnovanija jekologicheskoj kul'tury (na primere konservatizma) // Kazanskij pedagogicheskij zhurnal. 2015. # 4-1 (111). S.186. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 17.01.2020).
9. Kuljasov I.P. Jekologicheskaja modernizacija: teoreticheskie aspekty // Zhurnal sociologii i social'noj antropologii. 2005. T. VIII. # 3. S. 100-113
10. Rovinskaja T. Amerikanskij invajronmentalizm kak politicheskaja ideologija. Mirovaja jekonomika i mezhdunarodnye otnoshenija. 2017. T. 61. # 7. S. 64-72. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: 2227-2017-61-7-64-72 (data obrashhenija: 03.03.2020).
11. Sirota N.M. Ideologija v sovremennom mire. Dictus Publishing, 2013. S. 16.
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16. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 05.09.2020)
17. Meadows D., Meadows D.H., Randers J., Behrens W.W. Limits to Growth: A Report for the Club of Rome’s Projecton the Predicament of Mankind. NY: Universe Books. 1972.
18. Mesarovic M., Pestel E. Mankind at the Turning Point: The Second Report to the Club of Rome. N. Y.: E. P. Dutton & Co.: Reader’s Digest Press, 1974. XIII. 210 p.
19. Scruton R. How to Think Seriously about the Planet: The Case for an Environmental Conservatism / R. Scruton. London: Oxford University Press, 2012.
20. Talshir G. The Political Ideology of Green Parties: From the Politics of Nature to Redefining the Nature of Politics. Palgrave Macmillan. 2002. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 11.06.2020).
Prozumentik K. V.
Human being in the conditions of late-stage capitalism:universal labor, general intellect, multitude
The article is devoted to the fundamental transformations of human existence in the situation of late capitalism. The anthropological foundations of these transformations are considered in three key aspects: human activity, social relations, and human subjectivity. Based on the theoretical and methodological resources of the postoperaist version of modern Marxism the article reveals such features of the modern era as the crisis of abstract labor and the deformation of value relations, the emergence of universal labor, the increasing share of immaterial activity and unrealized labor in the economy. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the essence of general intellect and multitude as a network of individualized subjects. All these socio-ontological phenomena, according to the hypothesis proposed in the article, are symptoms of positive trends that resist alienation.
Keywords: human being, late-stage capitalism, alienation, universal labor, general intellect, multitude, activity, value, subject, communication.
Work bibliographic list
1. Virno P. Grammatika mnozhestva: k analizu form sovremennoj zhizni / Per. s it. A. Petrovoj pod red. A. Penzina. M.: OOO «Ad Marginem Press», 2013. 176 s.
2. Gorc A. Nematerial'noe. Znanie, stoimost' i kapital / Per. s nem. i fr. M. M. Sokol'skoj. M.: Izd. dom Gos. un-ta – Vysshej shkoly jekonomiki, 2010. 208 s.
3. Dzhejmison F. Postmodernizm, ili Kul'turnaja logika pozdnego kapitalizma / per. s angl. D. Kralechkina; pod nauch red. A. Olejnikova. M.: Izd-vo Instituta Gajdara, 2019. 808 s.
4. Lukach D. K ontologii obshhestvennogo bytija. Prolegomeny: Per. s nem. Obshh. red. i vstup. st. I. S. Narskogo i M. A. Heveshi. M.: Progress, 1991. 412 s.
5. Marks K. Kapital. Kritika politicheskoj jekonomii / Marks K., Jengel's F. Soch. 2-oe izd. T. 23. M.: Gospolitizdat, 1960. 908 s.
6. Marks K. Jekonomicheskie rukopisi 1857-1859 godov (Pervonachal'nyj variant «Kapitala»). Chast' vtoraja / Marks K., Jengel's F. Soch. 2-oe izd. T. 46. Ch. II. M.: Izdatel'stvo politicheskoj literatury, 1969. 620 s.
7. Musaeljan L. A. Koncepcija istoricheskogo processa K. Marksa: chelovecheskij kontekst // Filosofija i obshhestvo. 2007. # 5. S. 64-81.
8. Orlov V. V., Vasil'eva T. S. Filosofija jekonomiki. 3-e izd., ispr. i dop. Perm': PGNIU, 2013. 267 s.
9. Hardt M., Negri A. Mnozhestvo: vojna i demokratija v jepohu imperii / Per. s angl., pod red. V. L. Inozemceva. M.: Kul'turnaja revoljucija, 2006. 559 s.
10. Lazzarato M. Immaterial Labor / Radical Thought in Italy: A Potential Politics. – Minneapolis; London:University of Minnesota Press, 2006. P. 132-146.
11. Nealon J. Post-Postmodernism, or The Cultural Logic of Just-in-time Capitalism. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2012. 241 p.
Rakhmatullina Z. N.
The role of the spiritual and intellectual elite in the formation of the national idea and ideology
The article examines the role and place of the spiritual and intellectual elite in the formation and development of the national idea and ideology, largely due to the activities of which theprocesses of modernization in society were carried out, as well as the core of the nation was preserved during periods of socio-political crises.
Keywords: spiritual and intellectual elite, intelligentsia, national idea, ideology, attitude, nation.
Work bibliographic list
1. Allahverdiev K. Nacional'naja ideja i nacional'naja ideologija v kontekste ustojchivosti jetnokul'turnoj identichnosti. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:›journal/2015/journal_rus/cac-03…03.shtm (data obrashhenija:16.o4.2020).
2. Bikbulatova A. R. Sushhnost' i formy samorealizacii nacional'noj intelligencii: social'no-filosofskij analiz: avtoreferat dis. ...kandidata filosofskih nauk: 09.00.11 Bashkir.gos. un-t. Ufa, 2001. - 21 s. [Jelektronnyj resurs].– Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija:16.o5.2020).
3. Imanaliev K. K. Nacional'naja ideja kak faktor politicheskoj konsolidacii obshhestva perehodnogo perioda: na primere Rossii i Kyrgyzstana:avtoref. dis.. kand. polit. nauk : 23.00.02 / Ros. akad. gos. sluzhby pri Prezidente RF. – M., 2002.- 26 s. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim (data obrashhenija: 16.o5.2020).
4. Karabushhenko P. L. Antropologicheskaja jelitologija (monografija) - M.; Astrahan': AstrF MOSU (ASI), 1999. - 77 s. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:›br/?b=284047&p=1 (data obrashhenija: 16.o5.2020).
5. Korovnikova N. A. Ideja, ideologija, identichnost': k opredeleniju problemnyh polej. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:›vufind/EdsRecord/edselr,edselr… (data obrashhenija: 16.o5.2020).
6. Malahov V. S. Nacionalizm kak politicheskaja ideologija: Uchebnoe posobie. – M.:KDU, 2005. - 320s.
7. Manhejm K. Ideologija i utopija // Manhejm K. Diagnoz nashego vremeni. - M.: Jurist", 1994. -700 s.
8. Spicyna T. V.Nacional'naja identichnost' v kontekste sociokul'turnogo krizisa v Rossii: Konec XIX - nachalo XX veka: dissertacija ... kand. filos. nauk: 24.00.01. - Belgorod, 2005. - 146 s. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 16.o5.2020).
9. Fromm Je. Begstvo ot svobody. - M.: ACT: ACT MOSKVA, 2006. - 571 s.
Seregina T. N.
The city as a space of transformation
The article reveals the issues of the role and importance of women’s education in changing society. The specificity of the Russian approach to this problem is noted. The economic space of the city is analyzed as a factor of transformation. Factors of gender inequality that need to be addressed are indicated. The city is presented as an economic and socio-political space that allows solving these problems. Urban socio-cultural space, influencing economic processes, forms values, norms and ideals that promote tolerant, solidary attitude and various forms of communication within the city.
Keywords: city, communication, values, economy, gender, new gender order, education.
Work bibliographic list
1. Miljukov P.N. Ocherki po istorii russkoj kul'tury. – M.: Izdatel'skaja gruppa «Progress-Kul'tura», 1994.
2. Pushkareva I.M., Pushkareva N.L. Zhenskoe uchastie v rossijskoj politicheskoj zhizni nachala HH veka(sovetskaja i postsovetskaja istoriografija) // Zhenshhina v rossijskom obshhestve. – 2007. – #2. – S. 16.
3. Rusanov I.Ju. Revoljucija i zhenskij vopros. – M.:«Vol'naja Rus'», 1917.
4. Storper M. Kljuchi ot goroda: Kak ustroeno razvitie? – M.: Strelka Press, 2018.
5. Florida R. Kreativnyj klass: ljudi, kotorye menjajut budushhee. – M.: Izdatel'skij dom «Klassika XXI», 2007.
6. Harvi D. Social'naja spravedlivost' i gorod. – M.:Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, 2018.
7. Hvostov V.M. Zhenshhina v obnovlennoj kul'ture. – M.: Prepodavatel' Moskovskogo universiteta, 1917.
8. Chelovek v megapolise: Opyt mezhdisciplinarnogo issledovanija / pod red. B.A. Revicha, O.V. Kuznecovoj. – M.: LENAND, 2019.
Trofimtseva S. Yu.
Ban on unauthorized access to computer informationas a measure to counter cyber crime: international recommendations and criminal legislation of the cis countries
The article analyzes the issues related to the criminalization of unauthorized access to computer information at the level of international recommendations of the Council of Europe and the CIS. A comparative analysis of the recommendations of the Budapest Convention on Cybercrime, recommendations of the CIS legislation and the criminal norms of the CIS states that prohibit unauthorized access to computer information is carried out.
Keywords: cybercrime, computer crimes, unauthorized access to computer information, the Budapest Convention on Cybercrime, legislation of the CIS states.
Work bibliographic list
1. Model'nyj Ugolovnyj kodeks (Rekomendatel'nyj zakonodatel'nyj akt dlja SNG). Prinjat na VII plenarnom zasedanii Mezhparlamentskoj Assamblei gosudarstv-uchastnikov SNG (postanovlenie # 7-5 ot 17.02.1996). [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim do-
stupa: (data obrashhenija: 20.07.2020).
2. Soglashenie «O sotrudnichestve gosudarstv-uchastnikov Sodruzhestva Nezavisimyh Gosudarstv v bor'be s prestuplenijami v sfere komp'juternoj informacii», Minsk, 01.06.2001. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:, ogranichennyj (data obrashhenija:11.06.2020).
3. Ugolovnyj kodeks RF ot 31.12.1995 g., stat'ja 272 (nedejstvujushhaja redakcija). [Jelektronnyj resurs]. − Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 15.08.2020).
4. Sajt Soveta Evropy (RU): Tablica podpisej i ratifikacii dogovora 185. Konvencija o komp'juternyh prestuplenijah. Status na 06.08.2020. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 06.08.2020).
5. Krimіnal'nij kodeks Ukraїni vіd 5.04. 2001 r. #2341-III. [Elektronnij resurs]. − Rezhim dostupu: zvernennja: 25.06.2020).
6. Ugolovnyj kodeks Azerbajdzhanskoj Respubliki ot 30.12.1999 g. # 787-IQ. [Jelektronnyj resurs].− Rezhim dostupa: https://www.legislationline.orgdownload-id-8305-file-Azerbaijan_Criminal_Code_am_2018_ru.pdf (data obrashhenija: 25.06.2020).
7. Ugolovnyj kodeks Gruzii ot 22.07.1999 g. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. − Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 25.06.2020).
8. Ugolovnyj kodeks Kyrgyzskoj Respubliki, 22 dekabrja 2016 g. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. − Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 25.06.2020).
9. Ugolovnyj kodeks Respubliki Armenija ot 29.04.2003 g. ZR-528 [Jelektronnyj resurs]. − Rezhim dostupa: https://www.legislationline.orgdownload-id-8237-file-Armenia_CC_am2016_ru.pdf(data obrashhenija: 25.06.2020).
10. Ugolovnyj kodeks Respubliki Belarus', 9 ijulja 1999 g. # 275-Z. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 25.06.2020).
11. Ugolovnyj kodeks Respubliki Kazahstan ot 03.07.2014 g. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. − Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 25.06.2020).
12. Ugolovnyj kodeks Respubliki Moldova ot 18.04.2002 g. Nr. 985. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. − Rezhim dostupa: https://www.legislationline.orgdownload-id-8276-file-Moldova_CC_2002_am2018_ru.pdf (data obrashhenija: 25.06.2020).
13. Ugolovnyj kodeks Respubliki Tadzhikistan ot 13.11.1998g. # 684 [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 25.06.2020).
14. Ugolovnyj kodeks Turkmenistana ot 12.06.1997 g. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. − Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 25.06.2020).
15. Convention Committee on Cybercrime ETS # 185, Budapest, 23.11.2001. [Electronic resource].− Mode access: http:// n / we b / c o n ve n t i o n s / f u l l - l i s t / - / c o n ve n t i o n s /rms/0900001680081561, free (data access: 06.06.2020).
Khayrullin R. N.
Informatization and personalization as tendencies in the culture of contemporary society
In this article attempt is made to generalize some data about the informatization process. The author considers it in the context of such stages of development of the information culture of society as the forming of the human language, the elaboration of writing system, the development of printing and, finally, the creation of universal computers. Then the information sector of the economy of modern society is being studied and conclusion is made that taking into account the individual tastes of people leads to the development of personalization mechanisms in the industry of informational products and services.
Keywords: informatization, personalization, informational culture, universal computers, interface, creation.
Work bibliographic list
1. Lorenc K. Oborotnaja storona zerkala. Opyt estestvennoj istorii chelovecheskogo poznanija // Lorenc K. Oborotnaja storona zerkala. - M.: Respublika, 1998.
2. Motul'skij R.S. Obshhee bibliotekovedenie: Uchebnoe posobie dlja vuzov. - M.: LIBEREJa, 2004.
3. Penrouz R. Novyj um korolja: O komp'juterah, myshlenii i zakonah fiziki. - M.: Editorial URSS, 2003.
4. Popper K. R. Ob"ektivnoe znanie. Jevoljucionnyj podhod. - M.: Jeditorial URSS, 2002.
5. Sokolov V. V. Srednevekovaja filosofija: Uchebnoe posobie dlja filosofskih fakul'tetov i otdelenij universitetov. - M.: Vysshaja shkola, 1979.
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