Persona Grata
Matskevich I.M.
A good lawyer must be!

Theory of Stateand Law
Yumadilov B.G.
The elements of legal policy

The Euroasian integration
Moiseev E.G.
International egal bases of economic cooperation of the states within the limits of the CIS
Abdulloev F.
Mishalchenko J.V.
About perfection of activiti of the commonwealth of independent states economic court
Jaryshev S.N.
The customs union as the basis of uniform economic space of EvrAzEs

The right of the CIS countries
Auanasova A.M.
Sulejmenov A.M.
The constitutional reforms of sovereign Kazakhstan: from history and development experience
Ibragimov Z.I.
The constitutional reforms as the new stage of modernization of the Kazakhstan society
Manukyan M.A.
Definition of concept «investor» in investment contracts of republic Armenia: questions of application of the theory of the control

Nationa lsafety
Pjatiletov V.V.
Modern legal base of safety of the Russian federation subject at threats of technogenic character and terrorist displays (On the example of the Samara region)

History of political and legaldoctrines
Utyashev M.M.
Jean Pol Marat about human rights and the civil freedom

The suffrage
Ilyin N.JU.
Referendum as democracy institute in the Russian and European validity Criminallaw
Trunov I.L.
Harm caused by the by the official of the Russian Federation ministry of internal affairs (the Evsjukov`s case)
Kruglikov L.L.
About kinds of differentiation of punishability «On the Vertical» and some questions of responsibility for illegalacts
Vinnik S.V.
About necessity of the account of the subjective party at qualification of the crimes made at excess of limits of necessary defense

Criminaltrialand criminalistics
Kuchin O.S.
About some aspects of the legal regulation of carrying out of preliminary check of materials and initiation of criminal cases about crimes in sphere of illegal circulation of precious metals and jewels
Latypov U.A.
Features of the criminally- procedurial status of participants of the international helt at investigation of criminal cases

The international investment law
Guseva O.
Globalism and Regionalism in foreign investment ( international legal aspects )

Civil law, civil procedural right
Rozhkova M.A.
Legal category procedural legal relations In the Russian doctrine of civil process

Family law
Bahtiarov I.P.
The stepmother, the stepfather, the stepson and the stepdaughter as subjects of family legal relation

Business and law
Nyrova N.N.
Myths of the hong of the Hong Kong Companies

Law and policy
Ahund-zade G.G.
About international geopolitical and geoeconomic processes in the Caspian region in the XXI-st century beginning

Personal opinion
Artyukov Yu.G
The CIS - Сommunity of independent citizens

Ragulin А.V.
Actual problems criminal and criminally-procedural law: Review of materials of the international scientifically-practical conference «Actual problems of perfection of the Russian legislation and law application» (Ufa, April 2009)



Information about scientific measures
Theory of State and Law
Yumadilov B.G.
The elements of legal policy
The elements of legal policy
This article is devoted to clarify the question of the structure, elements of legal policy. The study examined the object of our interest in the analysis and in the syn­thesis of the nature of legal policy.
Keywords: legal policy, the elements of legal policy, the theory of State and Law.
Work bibliographic list
1.Apel' A.L., Gun'ko V.A. Pravovye osnovy dejatel'nosti fe1. deral'nyh nalogovyh organov. – SPb.: Piter, 2002.
2.Arhipov S.I. Sub"ekt prava. – SPb.: Izd-vo R.Arslanova: 2. Juridicheskij centr Press, 2004.
3.Benetton F. Vvedenie v politicheskuju nauku: Per. s fr. – 3. M.: Ves' Mir, 2002.
4.Bogatyrev F.O. Interes v grazhdanskom prave // Zhurnal 4. rossijskogo prava. – 2002. – # 2.
5.Golubcov V.T. K voprosu o vlijanii chastnogo interesa na 5. predmet i metod grazhdanskogo prava // Vestnik Permskogo universiteta. – 2003. – Vyp. 3.
6.Gosudarstvo, obshhestvo, lichnost': problemy sovmestimos-6. ti / Pod obshh. red. R.A.Romashova, N.S.Nizhnik. – M.: Jurist', 2005.
7.Grevcov Ju.V. K probleme pravovogo regulirovanija // Pra7. vovedenie. – 1981. – # 1.
8.Demidov A.I. Uchenie o politike: filosofskie osnovan-8. ija. – M.: Norma, 2001.
9.Korkunov N.M. Lekcii po obshhej teorii prava. – Kn. 1. Po9. njatie prava. – M., 1914.
10.Kumanin E.V. Juridicheskaja politika i razvitie prava v 10. uslovijah zrelogo socializma // Sovetskoe gosudarstvo i pravo. – M., 1983.
11.Kurbatov A.Ja. Sochetanie chastnyh i publichnyh interesov 11. pri pravovom regulirovanii predprinimatel'skoj dejatel'nosti. – M., 2001.
12.Lektorskij V.A. Jepistemologija klassicheskaja i neklassi12. cheskaja. – M.: Jeditorial URSS, 2001.
13.Mal'ko A.V., Subochev V.V. Zakonnye interesy kak pravovaja 13. kategorija. – SPb.: Juridicheskij Centr Press, 2004.
14.Melihova I.A. Social'nyj interes, pravovoj interes, 14. sub"ektivnoe pravo: Problema sootnoshenija ponjatij // Stanovlenie i razvitie nauchnyh shkol prava v gosudarstvennyh universitetah Rossii. – Ch. 4. – SPb.: SPbGU, 1999.
15.Mihajlov S.V. Kategorija interesa v rossijskom grazhdan15. skom prave. – M., 2002.
16.Muhaev R.T. Pravovye osnovy Rossijskogo gosudarstva. – 16. M.: JuNITI-DANA, 2007.
17.Pershin M.V. Chastno-pravovoj interes: ponjatie, pravo17. obrazovanie, realizacija: Avtoref. dis. ... kand. jurid. nauk. – N.Novgorod, 2004.
18.Politologija / Otv. red. V.D.Perevalov. – M.: Norma, 1999. 18.
19.Pugachev V.P., Solov'ev A.I. Vvedenie v politologiju. – M.: 19. Aspekt Press, 1998.
20.Saidov A.H., Kashinskaja L.F. Nacional'naja bezopasnost' 20. i nacional'nye interesy: vzaimosvjazi i vzaimodejstvie // Zhurnal Rossijskogo prava. – 2005. – # 12.
21.Sociologija prava: Uchebnik / V.M.Syryh, V.N.Zenkov, 21. V.V.Galzyrin i dr. – M.: Juridicheskij Dom «Justicinform», 2004.
22.Trubeckoj E.N. Lekcii po jenciklopedii prava. – 22.M., 1909.
23.Filosofskij jenciklopedicheskij slovar' / Red.: 23. S.S.Averincev, Je.A.Arab-Ogly, L.F.Il'ichev i dr. – 2-e izd. – M.: Sov. jenciklopedija, 1989.
24.Fogel"son Ju. Konstrukcii «interes» i «risk» v Grazhdan24. skom kodekse // Hozjajstvo i pravo. – 2003. – # 6.
25.Chernobel' G.T. Pravo kak mera social'nogo blaga // Zhur25. nal Rossijskogo prava. – 2006. – # 6.
26.Chirkin V.E. Sovremennoe gosudarstvo. – M.: Mezhdunarod26. nye otnoshenija, 2001.
27.Shajkenov N.A. Pravovoe obespechenie interesov lichnos-27. ti. – Sverdlovsk: Izd-vo Ural'skogo un-ta, 1990.

The Euroasian integration
Moiseev E.G.
International egal bases of economic cooperation of the states within the limits of the CIS
Economics is one of the most important spheres of the cooperation carried out within the framework of the Commonwealth of Independent States. This top priority direction of the interaction between the states- CIS members is that of paramount importance in the Concept of the Further Development of the CIS, which was adopted by the Council of the Heads of the CIS states in 2007.
In 2008 the Council of the Heads of the Governments of the CIS states adopted the Strategy on the CIS Eco­nomic Development for the period up to 2020. The purpose of the Strategy is giving an additional impulse to the economic interaction of the states-CIS member, providing sustainable development, economic security, raising the population’s prosperity and quality of life on the basis of improving the ability of the CIS states’ national economics to compete and strengthening their positions in the world economic system.
The states-CIS members have recently embarked on the realization of the first stage of the Strategy for the 2009- 2011 period. The plan was approved by the Council of the Heads of the Governments of the CIS states in May 2009.
Keywords: Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), cooperation in the economic sphere, Strategy on the CIS Economic Development for the period up to 2020.
Work bibliographic list

1.Dron' A. Strategija jekonomicheskogo razvitija SNG i pro¬blemy obespechenija konkurentnoj sredy v stranah Sodruzhestva. Vystuplenie na Mezhdunarodnoj konferencii pod jegidoj BRIK «Problemy razvitija konkurencii v stranah BRIK i zadachi ih antimonopol'nyh vedomstv». Ijul' 2009 g. // <>.
2. Lebedev S.N. SNG – territorija real'nogo sotrudnichestva // Mezhdunarodnaja zhizn'. – 2009. – № 2–3.

The Euroasian integration
Abdulloev F.,
Mishalchenko J.V.
In article some problem questions of the Commonwealth of Independent States` Economic Court reforming are considered: judicial activity of Economic Court of the CIS, creation of the International centre on settlement of disputes at Economic Court of the CIS, international legal aspects of modification of the Agreement between the CIS and the Euroasian economic community about per­formance by Economic Court of the CIS of Court of the Euroasian economic com­munity functions.
Keywords: the Commonwealth of Independent States, Economic Court of the Commonwealth of Independent States, the Euroasian economic community.

The Euroasian integration

Yarishev S.N.
The article is devoted to the legal essence of the institute of Custom Union (CU) in the process of its formation and elaboration of basic elements of Uniform Economic Space (UES). Main attention is devoted to the Custom Union (CU) of the Euro - Asian economic community (EuroAsEC) with the short analyses of the corresponding experience within the European Union and CIS. The situation is examined when not all the members of CU participate in the World Trade Organization (VTO) as well as the situation when numerous legal acts for governing the CU contradict each other.
Keywords: integration, international economic law, uniform economic space, Euro - Asian economic community, custom union, over nationality, state sovereignty, custom territory, custom duty, World Trade Organization
Work bibliographic list
1.Voroncova N.A. Pravovye osnovy stanovlenija i funkcio¬nirovanija mezhgosudarstvennogo mehanizma integracionnyh pro¬cessov v Evrazijskom jekonomicheskom soobshhestve: Avtoref. dis. ... d-ra jurid. nauk. – M.: MGIMO, 2004.
2.Kovalev A.A. Mezhdunarodnoe jekonomicheskoe pravo i pra¬vovoe regulirovanie mezhdunarodnoj jekonomicheskoj dejatel'no¬sti. – M.: Nauchnaja kniga, 2007.
3.Lavut A.A. Razvitie regional'noj integracii v Zapadnom polusharii // Integracija v Zapadnom polusharii i Rossija. – M.: URSS, 2004.
4.Nasibov N.N. Perspektivy formirovanija edinogo jeko¬nomicheskogo prostranstva // Social'nye i gumanitarnye nauki: Prilozhenie k zhurnalu «Vestnik Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo otkrytogo universiteta». – Vyp. 11. – M., 2006.
5.Skurko E.V. K voprosu o formirovanii edinogo jekonomi¬cheskogo prostranstva Respubliki Belarus', Respubliki Kazah¬stan, Rossijskoj Federacii i Ukrainy // MZhMP. – 1994. – # 4.
6.Strezhneva M.V. Obshhee evropejskoe jekonomicheskoe pro¬6. stranstvo // Evropejskie strany SNG: mesto v «Bol'shoj Evro-
pe». – M.: Mezhdunarodnye otnoshenija, 1995.
7.Shumilov V.M. Mezhdunarodnoe jekonomicheskoe pravo v 7. jepohu globalizacii. – M., 2003.
The right of the CIS countries
Auanasova A.M.
Sulejmenov A.M.
The constitutional reforms of sovereign Kazakhstan: from history and development experience
In article questions of realisation of the constitutional transformations and initiatives of the first President of Kazakhstan, being a uniform series of measures on democracy strengthening, the state strengthening, creation of additional political conditions for long-term stable development of Kazakhstan are investigated.
Keywords: the Constitution, the President of Kazakhstan, the constitutional transformations, political parties.
Work bibliographic list
1. Zhumagulov B. Jeto byl unikal'nyj god v nashej istorii //  Litera. – 2007. – 28 dekabrja.
2. Nazarbaev N.A. Kazahstanskij put'. – Karaganda, 2006.

The right of the CIS countries
Ibragimov Zh.I.
In article the constitutional initiatives of the President - as the factor of the further development of democracy are considered. The constitutional Reforms
initiated by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan demand from an education system mobility. The author considers historical side political modernization of the state.
Keywords: President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the constitution, the reform tradition, the state power.

The right of the CIS countries
Manukian M.A.
After the collapse of the USSR Republic of Armenia concluded numerous bilateral investment treaties which on the base of national treatment and most-favoured-nation provide a proper investment climate for the activities of foreign persons in the territory of Armenia and of Armenian persons in the territory of respective foreign states. In the article, it is analyzed peculiarities of determination of the notion “investor” in the investment treaties of Armenia, which in each treaty is defined in a specific way. In many investment treaties in defining the notion “investor” additional criterions are used, such as along with the incorporation in accordance with the laws of contracting state the criterion of seat of legal person in the territory of that contracting party is used. In the article, a special consideration is given to the problems of application of control theory. In the investment treaties of Armenia, concluded with 22 different states, control theory is not used, whereas in the treaties with 8 different states it was incorporated. Author concludes that control theory is not used as a criterion for the determination of the personal law of the company, but with this mechanism a unique “piercing the corporate veil” is applied in order to elucidate the “nationality” of the shareholders or owners of the company.
Keywords: investment treaty; investor; control theory.
Work bibliographic list
1.Amoco Cadiz, 2 Lloyds Rep. 304 [1984].1.
2.Delaume G.R. American-French Private International Law. – 2.  2 ed. – New York, 1961.
3.Rammeloo S. Corporations in Private International law. A 3. European perspective. – Oxford University Press, 2001.
4.Sedelmayer v Russian Federation, Award; Ad hoc arbitration 4. rules; Investment Claims, IIC 106 (1998) 7 July 1998. – Oxford University Press, 2008.
5.Auhatov A.Ja. Opredelenie primenimogo k juridicheskim 5. licam prava: Sravnitel'nyj analiz prava RF, FRG i ES: Avto¬ref. dis. ... kand. jurid. nauk. − Kazan', 2005.
6.Kadysheva O.V. Nacional'nost' juridicheskih lic v mezh¬6. dunarodnom chastnom prave: Dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. − M., 2002.
7.Manukjan M.A. Ponjatie lichnogo zakona juridicheskogo lica 7. (lex societatis) i kriterii ego opredelenija // Moskovskij Zhurnal Mezhdunarodnogo Prava. – 2009. – # 1.

Pjatiletov V.V.
Modern legal base of safety of the Russian federation subject at threats of technogenic character and terrorist displays (On the example of the Samara region)
Regulation of relations in the field of the prevention and liquidation of emergency situations is carried out in federal public authorities, in subjects of the Russian Federation, in municipal bodies local and at level of the enterprises (organizations). Legal acts can be arranged by priority in the following sequence: the international contracts (conventions) ratified by Duma; the Constitution of the Russian Federation; Federal laws of the Russian Federation; decrees of the President of the Russian Federation; the governmental orders of the Russian Federation; technical regulations; national standards; acts of the federal ministries.
The rules of law providing activity and mutual relations of federal public authorities, municipal bodies, legal bodies, public associations and citizens in various conditions (both in daily, and in extreme — at performance of rescue and other urgent works on liquidation of negative consequences of technological failures and natural disasters) affect almost all branches of law: constitutional, civil, administrative, labour, criminal, etc.
In the conditions of a transition period economic mechanisms should be a kernel of system of maintenance man-caused safety requirements. In used legal base system of mechanisms of economic influence in area of prevention and liquidations of emergency situations (the sanction, insurance, taxes, privileges, trust funds) is weakly applied that is serious omission.
Keywords: prevention and liquidation of emergency situations, legal acts, federal public authorities, man-caused safety requirements, branches of law.
Work bibliographic list
1.Kompleksnoe obespechenie bezopasnosti v sub"ekte Ros¬sijskoj Federacii: Kurs lekcij / Pod red. V.M.Miroshnichenko.– SPb.: Izd-vo Politehnicheskogo universiteta, 2006.
2.Mastrjukov B.S. Bezopasnost' v chrezvychajnyh situacijah: Ucheb. dlja stud. vyssh. ucheb. zavedenij. – 3-e izd., pererab. i
dop. – M.: Izdatel'skij centr «Akademija», 2006.
3.Metodicheskoe posobie po podgotovke rukovoditelej sub"¬ektov Rossijskoj Federacii i organov mestnogo samoupravlenija v oblasti zashhity naselenija i territorij ot chrezvychajnyh si¬tuacij / V.A.Puchkov [i dr.]. – M.: CSI GZ MChS Rossii, 2005.
4.Osnovy zashhity naselenija i territorij v krizisnyh si¬tuacijah / Pod obshh. red. Ju.L.Vorob'eva; MChS Rossii. – M.: Delo¬voj jekspress, 2006.
5.Pravovaja osnova obespechenija nacional'noj bezopasnosti  Rossijskoj Federacii: Monografija / Ju.I.Avdeev, S.V.Alenkin, V.V.Aleshin i dr.; Pod red. prof. A.V.Opaleva. – M.: JuNITI-DANA, 2004.

History of political and legal doctrines
Utyashev M.M.
Jean Pol Marat about human rights and the civil freedom
The paper analyzes the works of Jean Paul Marat and his views despotism, democracy, human rights and civil liberties.
Keywords: political and legal doctrines, J.P. Marat, human rights and civil liberties.
The suffrage
Ilyin N.JU.
Referendum as democracy institute in the Russian and European validity
The article is devoted to some questions of theory and practice of carrying out the referendums as an instrument of state governing. Some examples that are given into the text were taken from the experience of European states connected with the conduct of referendum. Some prove is also offered for the necessity of the use of this experience in Russian modern realities. The attention was given to the problems of sharing responsibility of the state for the results of the policy adopted with the referendum with the society.
Keywords: referendum, state administration, responsible power.
Criminal law
Trunov I.L.
The article based on analysis of international law and Russian legal norms and a sensational criminal case against the Interior Ministry Major D.V.Evsukov problem issues of compensation for damages caused by officials are considered.
Keywords: injury caused by the officials, the obligations of the injury, compensation for harm.

Criminal law
Кruglikov L.L.
The article describes a little investigated problem in Russian science – problem of level of legal responsibility. Legislator often uses subsidiary or alternative version of responsibility. In author’s opinion, the level of a social dangerous of activity is the ground of common legal responsibility. At this level of differentiation must be provided the succession in types of legal responsibility, the definition of distinguishing features of adjacent activities from different branches of legislation. There is another one discussion question about existence of distinction between criminal responsibility and responsibility in criminal law. In author’s opinion, the last exists side by side with criminal responsibility. In the criminal law, as independent branch of legislation, we may say about the differentiation of grounds, volume and forms (types) of criminal responsibility.
Keywords: еhe types of differentiation of responsibility, legal, common legal, branchy (branching) and inter branchy responsibility, criminal responsibility and responsibility in criminal law.
Work bibliographic list
1.«O vnesenii izmenenij v nekotorye postanovlenija Ple¬numa Verhovnogo suda Rossijskoj Federacii» # 23 ot 11 nojabrja 2008 g. // Bjulleten' Verhovnogo suda RF. – 2009. – # 1.
2.O sudebnoj praktike po delam o zashhite chesti i dostoin¬stva grazhdan, a takzhe delovoj reputacii grazhdan i juridicheskih lic // Sbornik postanovlenij Plenuma Verhovnogo suda Rossij¬skoj Federacii po ugolovnym delam. – 5-e izd. – M., 2009.
3.«O sudebnoj praktike po delam o prestuplenijah, svjazan¬nyh s narusheniem pravil dorozhnogo dvizhenija i jekspluatacii transportnyh sredstv, a takzhe ih nepravomernym zavladeniem bez celi hishhenija» # 25 ot 9 dekabrja 2008 g. // Bjulleten' Verhov¬nogo Suda RF. – 2009. – # 2.
4.Bjulleten' Verhovnogo suda RF. – 1999. – # 8.4.
5.Bjulleten' Verhovnogo suda RF. – 2007. – # 12. – S. 11.5.
6.Vasil'evskij A.V. Differenciacija ugolovnoj otvet¬6. stvennosti i nakazanija v Obshhej chasti ugolovnogo prava: Avtoref. dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. – N. Novgorod, 2000.
7.Korobeev A.I., Uss A.V., Golik Ju.V. Ugolovno-pravovaja po¬7. litika: tendencii i perspektivy. – Krasnojarsk, 1991.
8.Kratkij slovar' inostrannyh slov / Sost. S.M.Lokshi-8.
na. – M., 1978.
9.Kruglikov L.L. Voprosy differenciacii otvetstvenno¬9. sti v ugolovnom zakonodatel'stve // Realizacija principa spra¬vedlivosti v pravoprimenitel'noj dejatel'nosti organov ugolov¬noj justicii. – Jaroslavl', 1992.
10.Kruglikov L.L., Vasil'evskij A.V. Rec. na kn. Lesnievski-10. Kostarevoj T.A. Differenciacija ugolovnoj otvetstvennosti: Teorija i zakonodatel'naja praktika. – M., 1998. – 287 s. // Nor¬motvorcheskaja i pravoprimenitel'naja tehnika v ugolovnom i ugolovno-processual'nom prave. – Jaroslavl', 2000.
11.Kruglikov L.L., Kostareva T.A. Differenciacija otvet¬stvennosti kak ugolovno-pravovaja kategorija // Kategorial'nyj apparat ugolovnogo prava i processa. – Jaroslavl', 1993.
12.Kurljandskij V.I. Ugolovnaja politika, differenciacija  i individualizacija ugolovnoj otvetstvennosti // Osnovnye na¬pravlenija bor'by s prestupnost'ju. – M., 1975.
13.esnievski-Kostareva T.A. Differenciacija ugolov¬noj otvetstvennosti: Teorija i zakonodatel'naja praktika. – M.,
1998. – S. 21.
14.Lopashenko N.A. Prestuplenie v sfere jekonomicheskoj de¬jatel'nosti i administrativnoe pravonarushenie v jetoj zhe sfere: problemy sootnoshenija // Aktual'nye problemy juridicheskoj otvetstvennosti za narushenija v sfere jekonomicheskoj dejatel'¬nosti i nalogooblozhenija: Materialy vtoroj nauch.-prakt. konfe¬rencii. – Jaroslavl', 2002.
15.Mel'nikova Ju.B. Differenciacija otvetstvennosti i in¬dividualizacija nakazanija. – Krasnojarsk, 1989.
16.Mel'nikova Ju.B. Juridicheskaja otvetstvennost': sushhnost',  ponjatie, differenciacija // Differenciacija otvetstvennosti v ugolovnom prave i processe. – Jaroslavl', 1994.
17.Perch N.V. Nepoluchenie dolzhnogo kak vid imushhestven¬ nogo ushherba (na primere st. 165 UK RF): ponjatie, vlijanie na ot¬vetstvennost' i na kvalifikaciju: Avtoref. dis. … kand. jurid.
nauk. – M., 2003.
18.Sovetskij jenciklopedicheskij slovar' / Gl. red. A.M.Prohorov. – M., 1987. – S. 398.
19.Ugolovnoe pravo Rossii. Obshhaja i Osobennaja chasti / Pod  red. V.K.Dujunova. – 2-e izd. – M., 2009.
20.Ugolovnoe pravo Rossii. Chast' Osobennaja / Otv. red.  L.L.Kruglikov. – 3-e izd. – M., 2005.
Criminal law
Vinnik S.V.
The author focuses on a place of subjective side of the crimes in crimes committed with exceeding limits of necessary defense and a necessity of taking into account that side in classification of the crimes. The author also analyses crimes described by articles 108 and 114 of Russian Criminal Code and their delimitation of acts performed legally under a necessary defense. Besides that, psychological nature of one’s guilt in crimes is being analyzed. The main consequences: one’s guilt in a crime objectively takes place in crime regardless of if it was established by the legal practitioner; consideration of a subjective side for classification of the crimes committed with exceeding limits of necessary defense and covered by item 1 of section 108 and item 1 of section 114 of Russian Criminal Code, takes a great meaning because lets us to delimitate them of externally criminal but legal acts, performed by one fending acts injurious to the public obeying the rules of a necessary defense.
Keywords: exceeding limits of necessary defense, subjective side, necessary defense, psychological nature, temporary insanity.
Work bibliographic list
1.Baulin Ju.V. Ugolovno-pravovye uchenija ob obstojatel'¬stvah, iskljuchajushhih prestupnost' dejanija: Avtoref. dis. ... d-ra jurid. nauk. – Har'kov, 1991.
2.Vasil'ev Ju. Kak oboronjat'sja pri napadenii // Chelovek i 2. zakon. – 2002. – # 8.
3.Garbatovich D. Priroda viny pri prevyshenii predelov 3. neobhodimoj oborony // Ugolovnoe pravo. – 2006. – # 3.
4.Kudrjavcev V.N. Obshhaja teorija kvalifikacii prestuple¬4. nij. – 2-e izd., pererab. i dopoln. – M., 1999.
5.Kurs rossijskogo ugolovnogo prava. Obshhaja chast' / Pod  red. V.N.Kudrjavceva i A.V.Naumova. – M., 2001.
6.Magomedov A.A. Ugolovnoe pravo Rossii. Obshhaja chast'. –  M., 1996.
7.Naumov A.V. Motivy ubijstv. – Volgograd, 1969.
8.Nikolaeva Z.A. Obstojatel'stva, iskljuchajushhie prestup¬nost' dejanija: kollizii norm material'nogo i processual'nogo prava // Teorija i praktika sovershenstvovanija zakonodatel'stva na sovremennom jetape. – Ekaterinburg, 1993.
9.Popov K.I. Otvetstvennost' za prevyshenie predelov ne¬obhodimoj oborony i nekotorye instituty obshhej chasti ugolov¬nogo prava: Dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. – M., 2002.
10.Rarog A.I. Kvalifikacija prestuplenij po sub"ektivnym  priznakam. – SPb., 2003.
11.Rarog A.I. Sub"ektivnaja storona i kvalifikacija prestu¬plenij. – M., 2001. – S. 26.
12.Sinel'nikova E.V. Osobennosti dokazyvanija po delam o  prevyshenii predelov neobhodimoj oborony: Dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. – Surgut, 2005.
13.Tkachenko V.I. Prestuplenie soversheno v sostojanii af¬fekta... // Rossijskaja justicija. – 1996. – # 11.
14.Ugolovnoe pravo. Obshhaja chast' / Otv. red.: I.Ja.Kozachenko, Z.A.Neznamova. – M., 1997.
15.Ugolovnoe pravo. Obshhaja chast': Uchebnik / Pod red. M.I.Kovaleva, I.Ja.Kozachenko. – M., 1999.
16.Harazashvili B.V. Voprosy motiva povedenija prestupnika v sovetskom prave. – Tbilisi, 1963.
Criminaltrial and criminalistics
Kuchin O.S.
About some aspects of the legal regulation of carrying out of preliminary check of materials and initiation of criminal cases about crimes in sphere of illegal circulation of precious metals and jewels
The role of preliminary checking of materials about the committed crimes is important for acceptance the correct decision about the criminal case excitation. Actually in the modern criminal justice there is no the institute of preliminary checking, and the law properly do not regulate that leads to problem situations in legal practice. For this point it is necessary to make changes to the legislation.
Keywords: preliminary examination, the investigator, precious metals and natural precious stones, detention, the results of operative-search activity, the existing legislation.
Work bibliographic list
1.Abubakirov A.F., Livshic Ju.D., Ginzburg A.Ja. Problemy  perestrojki v ugolovnom sudoproizvodstve // Cel' i sredstva v ugolovnom sudoproizvodstve. – N. Novgorod, 1991.
2.Berezina L.V., Bykov V.M. Ob"jasnenija grazhdan i dolzh¬nostnyh lic v stadii vozbuzhdenija ugolovnogo dela // Vestnik kriminalistiki. – M.: Spark, 2005. – Vyp. 4 (16).
3.Butorin L.A. Processual'nye garantii prav lichnosti i prinuzhdenie v stadii vozbuzhdenija ugolovnogo dela // Problemy obespechenija socialisticheskoj zakonnosti na predvaritel'nom sledstvii. – Volgograd, 1986.
4.Vlasova N.A. Puti sovershenstvovanija form dosudebnogo  proizvodstva v ugolovnom processe // Rossijskij sledovatel'. – 2002. – # 5.
5.Vlasova N.A., Kuznecova N.A. Dokazatel'stvennoe znachenie  ob"jasnenij v ugolovnom processe // Problemy predvaritel'nogo sledstvija i doznanija. – M., 1995.
6.Vedomosti S"ezda narodnyh deputatov RSFSR i Verhovno¬go Soveta RSFSR. – 1991. – # 6. – St. 503.
7.Zazhickij V. Ob"jasnenija v ugolovnom processe // Sovet¬skaja justicija. – 1992. – # 6. – S. 8–12.
8.Zelenskij V.D. Dosledstvennye situacii v sovetskom ugo¬lovnom processe // Sledstvennaja situacija: Sbornik nauchnyh tru¬dov. – M., 1985.
9.Kriminalistika: Ucheb. dlja vysshih juridicheskih ucheb. za¬ved. / Pod red. A.G.Filippova. – 2-e izd. – M.: Spark, 2000.
10.Lepeev V.N. Problemy taktiki vozbuzhdenija ugolovnogo dela: Avtoref. dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. – Vladivostok, 2005.
11.Ponomarenkov V.A. Problemy predstavlenija i ispol'zo¬vanija dokazatel'stv v ugolovnom processe: Avtoref. dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. – Saratov, 1998.
12.Prokof'ev Ju.N. Processual'naja forma dokumentov na  stadii vozbuzhdenija ugolovnogo dela // Problemy sovetskogo gosu¬darstva i prava. – Vyp. 9–10. – Irkutsk, 1975.
13.Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. – 1995. – # 15. – St. 1269.
14.Stepanov V.V. Predvaritel'naja proverka pervichnyh mate¬rialov o prestuplenii. – Saratov, 1972.
15.Tomin V.T. Izbr. trudy / Predisl. S.P.Grishina. – SPb.,  2004.
16.Tyrin A.V., Lukichev N.A., Gromov N.A. Funkcija obvine¬nija v dosudebnoj stadii // Sledovatel'. – 2002. – # 3.
17.Filippov A.G. Jetapy rassledovanija prestuplenij kak kategorija kriminalisticheskoj metodiki // Problemy pervona¬chal'nogo jetapa rassledovanija: Sbornik nauchnyh trudov / Tash¬kentskaja vysshaja shkola MVD SSSR. – Tashkent, 1987.
18.Himicheva G.P. Dosudebnoe proizvodstvo po ugolovnym  delam: koncepcija sovershenstvovanija ugolovno-processual'noj dejatel'nosti: Monografija. – M., 2003.
19.Shalumov M.S. Ispol'zovanie materialov, sobrannyh do vozbuzhdenija ugolovnogo dela, v kachestve dokazatel'stv // Ugolov¬nyj process. – 2005. – # 3.
20.Shkapura V.K. Dokazatel'stva v proizvodstve po delam ob administrativnyh pravonarushenijah, podvedomstvennyh organam vnutrennih del: Avtoref. dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. – Kiev, 1985.

Criminaltrial and criminalistics
Latipov U.A.
Tne article is devoted studying of pressing questions of activity of subjects of the international criminal procedure activity on investigation of criminal cases with a foreign element.
In article features of the criminal procedure status of participants of the given process are considered. The analysis of features of an order of execution of commissions about performance of criminal procedure and other actions, volume and procedure of performance of criminal procedure in territory of the foreign state is carried out.
This point in question is studied proceeding from the thesis that feature of the criminal procedure relations regulated criminally-procedural right, that as one of subjects of criminal procedure relations the executive body (the due person), allocated with execution of one's authority always acts is.
Thus to apply a national procedural right, bodies of the foreign state cannot, as their powers should be necessarily included in the national criminal procedure legislation. An exception of the given postulate: the cases established in the international contracts. In the text of such agreements do not contain the mechanism of their realisation and are not settled by the Russian laws.
Absence of fastening of the rights and duties of representatives of foreign establishments in the criminal procedure law – a serious obstacle for their inclusion in the list of full subjects of the Russian criminal trial.
In work other blanks in the criminally-remedial legislation of Russia in a context of a considered theme of article are revealed also.
Keywords: criminal procedure activity, features of the criminally-remedial status of participants of the international help of investigation of criminal cases, inquiries on investigated criminal cases, the international community, the Council of Europe, the Commonwealth of Independent States, legal aid on criminal cases.
Work bibliographic list
1.Bilenchuk P.D., Erkenov S.E., Kofanov A.V. Transnacio¬nal'naja prestupnost': sostojanie i transformacija / Pod red. P.D.Bilenchuka. – Kiev, 1999. – S. 145.
2.Zhuk O.D. Sub"ekty ugolovnogo presledovanija po ugolovno-processual'nomu zakonodatel'stvu Rossijskoj Federacii // Za¬konodatel'stvo. – 2004. – # 5, 6.
3.Komarov S.A., Mal'ko A.V. Teorija gosudarstva i prava. –  M., 1999.
4.Ugolovno-processual'noe pravo Rossijskoj Federacii / Pod red. P.A.Lupinskoj. – M., 1999.
5.Ugolovno-processual'noe pravo Rossijskoj Federacii: Uchebnik / Otv. red. P.A.Lupinskaja. – M.: Jurist, 1998.

The international investment law
Guseva O.
Globalism and Regionalism in foreign investment ( international legal aspects )
Development of the modern world economy is caused by two key tendencies which are in difficult, ambiguous, inconsistent interaction. The first tendency consists that there is a scale, forced process of globalization of economic activities. On the other hand, unknown growth of regional and subregional integration is in parallel observed. At the end of XX century appeared favorable conditions for acceleration of processes of regional economic cooperation. The states at the regional and subregional level have developed and have accepted a series of the agreements to some extent connected to questions of legal regulation of foreign investments. The main parts of such agreements the following: expansion of sphere of mutual trade, creation of favorable conditions for free movement of capitals, resources and labour force.
Keywords: globalization, regionalization, foreing investment, legal regulation, fusion, world economy, EC, international treaty, trade, transparent.
Work bibliographic list
1.Evropejskaja integracija, bol'shaja gumanisticheskaja Evro¬pa i kul'tura / Pod red. L.I.Gluhareva. – M., 1998.
2.Kovalev A.A. Mezhdunarodnoe jekonomicheskoe pravo i pravovoe regulirovanie mezhdunarodnoj jekonomicheskoj dejatel'¬nosti. – M., 2007.
3.Kochetov Je.G. Globalistika. – M., 2001.
4.Kochetov Je.G. Globalistika: teorija, metodologija, praktika. – M., 2002.
5.Kochetov Je.G. Osleplenie geopolitikoj. Globaliziruju¬shhijsja mir i evrazijskij kontinent u opasnoj razvilki // Bezo¬pasnost' Evrazii. – 2001. – # 4.
6.Lukashuk I.I. Globalizacija, gosudarstvo, pravo, HHI vek. – M.: Spartak, 2002;
7.Lukashuk I.I. Vzaimodejstvie mezhdunarodnogo i vnutri¬ gosudarstvennogo prava v uslovijah globalizacii // Zhurnal ros¬sijskogo prava. – 2002. – # 3.
8.Mosej G. Processy globalizacii i regionalizacii v mi¬rovoj jekonomike // Jekonomist. – 2002. – # 9.
9.Polenina S.V. i dr. Vozdejstvie globalizacii na pravo¬vuju sistemu Rossii // Gosudarstvo i pravo. – 2004. – # 3.
10.Tihomirov Ju.A. Kurs sravnitel'nogo pravovedenija. – M.: Norma, 1996.
11.Formirovanie zony svobodnoj torgovli // Jekonomika  SNG: 10 let reformirovanija i integracionnogo razvitija / Is¬polkom SNG. – M.: Finstatinform, 2001.

Civil law, civil procedural right
Rozhkova M.A.
Legal category procedural legal relations In the Russian doctrine of civil process
Article is devoted to research of legal concept of procedural legal relations that let us get rid of a number of the out-of-date views interfering development of the theory of civil process.
Keywords: procedural legal relations, procedural law, court.
Work bibliographic list
1.Alekseev S.S. Obshhaja teorija socialisticheskogo prava: Kurs lekcij: Ucheb. posob. – Vyp. 4. – Sverdlovsk, 1966. – S. 15.
2.Bol'shoj juridicheskij slovar'. – 3-e izd., dop. i pererab. /  Pod red. prof. A.Ja.Suhareva. – M.: INFRA-M, 2007
3.Barishpol'skaja T.Ju. Grazhdanskie process i procedura: Ponjatie, sluzhebnaja rol', problemy teorii i praktiki: Avto¬ref. dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. – Tomsk, 1988.
4.Vas'kovskij E.V. Uchebnik grazhdanskogo processa / Pod red. V.A.Tomsinova. – M.: Zercalo, 2003.
5.Vlasov A.A. Grazhdanskoe processual'noe pravo: Uchebnik. – M.: TK Velbi, 2003.
6.Gurvich M.A. Grazhdanskie processual'nye pravootnoshe¬nija i processual'nye dejstvija // Gurvich M.A. Izbrannye tru-
dy. – Krasnodar: Sovet. Kuban', 2006. – T. 2.
7.Grazhdanskoe pravo: V 2 t. – T. 2 / Pod red. E.A.Suhanova. –  M.: BEK, 1993.
8.Grazhdanskij process: Uchebnik / Pod red. M.S.Shakarjan. –  M.: Bylina, 1996. – S. 49;
9.Grazhdanskie processual'nye pravootnoshenija. – Saratov:  Izd-vo Saratovskogo un-ta, 1965. – S. 66;
10.Dzhalilov D.R. Grazhdanskoe processual'noe pravootno¬shenie i ego sub"ekty. – Dushanbe, 1962.
11.Eliseev N.G. Ponjatie processual'nogo pravovogo otnoshenija v rossijskom i zarubezhnom prave // Arbitrazhnyj i grazh¬danskij process. – 2006. – # 1
12.Em V.S. Kategorija objazannosti v sovetskom grazhdan¬skom prave (voprosy teorii): Dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. –
M., 1981.
13.Kurs sovetskogo grazhdanskogo processual'nogo prava:  V 2 t. – M.: Nauka, 1981. – T. 1.
14.Korkunov N.M. Lekcii po obshhej teorii prava. – SPb.,  1914. – 9-e izd.
15.Konvencija o zashhite prav cheloveka i osnovnyh svobod.  Rim, 4 nojabrja 1950 g. (s izm. ot 21 sentjabrja 1970 g., 20 dekabrja
1971 g., 1 janvarja, 6 nojabrja 1990 g., 11 maja 1994 g.). Oficial'nyj perevod na russkij jazyk // SPS «Konsul'tantPljus».
16.Ozhegov S.I. Slovar' russkogo jazyka / Pod red.  N.Ju.Shvedovoj. – M.: Russkij jazyk, 1991.
17.Osokina G.L. Grazhdanskij process: Obshhaja chast'. – M.:  Norma, 2008. – S. 57.
18.Popova Ju.A. O koncepcii sudebnogo prava v Rossii // Zametki o sovremennom grazhdanskom i arbitrazhnom processu¬al'nom prave / Pod red. M.K.Treushnikova. – M.: Gorodec, 2004. –
S. 145–153.
19.Processual'noe pravo: Jenciklopedicheskij slovar'. – M.: Norma, 2003. – S. 469.
20.Postanovlenie Evropejskogo suda po pravam cheloveka ot  7 maja 2002 g. po delu «Burdov protiv Rossii» (Burdov v. Russia), zhaloba # 59498/00.
21.Rozhkova M.A., Afanas'ev D.V. Kommentarij k informa¬21. cionnomu pis'mu Prezidiuma Vysshego Arbitrazhnogo suda Ros¬sijskoj Federacii ot 20 dekabrja 1999 g. # S1-7/SMP-1341 «Ob osnovnyh polozhenijah, primenjaemyh Evropejskim sudom po pra¬vam cheloveka pri zashhite imushhestvennyh prav i prava na pravo¬sudie» // Praktika rassmotrenija kommercheskih sporov: Analiz i kommentarii postanovlenij Plenuma i obzorov Prezidiuma Vysshego Arbitrazhnogo suda Rossijskoj Federacii. – M.: Statut, 2008. – Vyp. 5. – S. 194–244.
22.Rozhkova M.A. Sredstva i sposoby pravovoj zashhity sto¬ron kommercheskogo spora. – M.: Volters Kluver, 2006.
23.Rjazanovskij V.A. Edinstvo processa: Posob. – M.: Gorodec,  1996. – S. 15.
24.Skitovich V.V. Koncepcija sudebnogo prava: opyt kri¬ticheskogo pereosmyslenija // Problemnye voprosy grazhdan¬skogo i arbitrazhnogo processov / Pod red. L.F.Lesnickoj,
M.A.Rozhkovoj. – M.: Statut, 2008.
25.Chechot D.M. Isk i iskovye formy zashhity prava // Pravo¬ vedenie. – 1969. – # 4.
26.Chechina N.A. Grazhdanskie processual'nye otnoshenija. – L., 1962. Zejder N.B.
27.Shershenevich G.F. Nauka grazhdanskogo prava. – M.: Statut, 2003.
28.Shheglov V.N. Grazhdanskoe processual'noe pravootnoshe¬nie. – M.: Jurid. lit., 1966.
29.Shheglov V.N. Grazhdansko-processual'nye juridicheskie fakty // Doklady itogovoj nauchnoj konferencii juridicheskih fakul'tetov (dekabr' 1965 g.). – Tomsk: Izd-vo Tomskogo un-ta,
1965. – S. 95;
30.Grazhdanskij process Rossii: Uchebnik / Pod red. M.A.Vikut. – M., 2006. – S. 237–238 (avtor glavy – T.I.Evstifeeva).
31.Shheglov V.N. Ponjatie grazhdanskogo processual'nogo pra¬vootnoshenija // Doklady itogovoj nauchnoj konferencii juri¬dicheskih fakul'tetov (dekabr' 1965 g.). – Tomsk: Izd-vo Tomskogo un-ta, 1965.
32.Jukov M.K. Samostojatel'nost' norm, regulirujushhih is¬polnitel'noe proizvodstvo // Problemy sovershenstvovanija grazhdanskogo processual'nogo kodeksa RSFSR: Mezhvuzovskij sb. nauchnyh trudov. – Sverdlovsk, 1975. – Vyp. 40.

Family law
Bahtiarov I.P.
The stepmother, the stepfather, the stepson and the stepdaughter as subjects of family legal relation
The norms of the Family Code of the Russian Federation and the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, regulating personal non-property and property relations between a stepfather (stepmother) and a stepson (stepdaughter) are analyzed in the given article. The maintenance of the rights and duties of the specified persons, the features of their legal status in family relations are defined.
Key words: family legal relationship, stepfather, stepmother, stepson, stepdaughter.
Work bibliographic list
1.Blohina O.Ju. Semejnoe pravo: Konspekt lekcij. – Tver', 2001.
2.Vavilin E.V. Macheha i otchim kak sub"ekty semejnyh i nasledstvennyh otnoshenij // Semejnoe i zhilishhnoe pravo. –
2008. – # 3 (SPS «Konsul'tantPljus»).
3.Manankova R.P. Pojasnitel'naja zapiska k Koncepcii proekta novogo Semejnogo kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii. –
Tomsk, 2008.
4.Pchelinceva L.M. Semejnoe pravo. – M., 2004. – S. 429.
5.Tarhov V.A. Brak. Sem'ja. Rodstvo, svojstvo i ih podobie // Semejnye pravootnoshenija: voprosy teorii i praktiki. – Voro¬nezh, 2007.

Business and law
Nyrova N.N.
Myths of the hong of the Hong Kong Companies
Already more than two decades Russian companies are able to run independent business with continental China. Recently, too much offers of legal and consulting companies, offering establishing companies in Hong Kong for running business with China, has been appeared. They convince that own company in Hong Kong – is the most effective tool for going into Chinese market, for work with Chinese manufacturers and exporters. Given article explains true possibilities of Hong Kong companies, its` shortcomings and reasons of the myths` origin.
Key words: Hong Kong, Xianggang, special administrative region, Russia, Russian, China, continental, business, companies, offshore, manufacturers, exporters, shortcomings, market, Chinese, taxes.

Law and policy
Ahund-zade G.G.
About international geopolitical and geoeconomic processes in the Caspian region in the XXI-st century beginning
The international-geopolitic processes happened on boundary ХХ-ХХI of centuries and escalating role of power resources in world politics have inevitably led to revision of some traditional sights at the regions which are included in Near and Middle East. Thus, being in the center of a geopolitic break of the postsoviet area, the Caspian region, since 1990th years, became an integral part new “ the big game” in the world politics conducting by classical rules of geopolitics.
Keywords: international law, international relations, geopolitic.
Work bibliographic list
1.Abbasov Ch.M. Puti integracii Azerbajdzhana v mirovuju  jekonomiku. – Baku, 2004.
2.Abdygaliev B. Kaspijskij uzel: neft' i geopolitika // http: //www.kisi. kz// Conference /cnfl.
3.Ahmed Rashid. Novyj global'nyj neftjanoj koncern. Strategicheskaja rol' Kitaja v Central'noj Azii // International rolitik. – 1998.
4.Bljenk S. Jenergeticheskaja igra v Central'noj Azii stano¬vitsja vse bolee naprjazhennoj // EURASIANET. – 2005. – 2 sentjabrja.
5.Darabadi P.G. Geoistorija Kaspijskogo regiona i geopoli¬tika sovremennosti. – Baku, 2002.
6.Ergin D. Dobycha. Vsemirnaja istorija bor'by za neft', den'gi i vlast'. – M.: DeNovo, 1999.
7.Kasenov U. Kaspijskoe more: pravovoj status, neft' i mezhdunarodnaja bezopasnost' // Delovaja nedelja //
8.Kushkumbaev S. Vlijanie jenergorsursov na nekotorye  aspekty vnutrennej i vneshnej politiki Kazahstana // Central'¬naja Azija i Kavkaz. – 1998. – # 1.
9.Levchenko A. Kaspij: more procvetanija ili jabloko razdo¬ra?// Vozrozhdenie –HHI vek. – 1999. – # 17.
10.Litera B. Neft' i gaz v bassejne Kaspijskogo morja: sosto¬janie i perspektivy // Kavkaz & Globalizacija. – 2007. – T. 1. – S. 47.
11.Magomedov A. Bor'ba za Kaspijskuju neft' i Kaspijskij tranzit: geopoliticheskoe i regional'noe izmerenie // Central'¬naja Azija i Kavkaz. – 2005. – # 1.
12.Mozias P.M. Kitaj v regione // Evropa–Rossija: problemy  juzhnogo napravlenija. Sredizemnomor'e – Chernomor'e – Kaspij. –
M., 1999.
13.O dolgovremennoj strategii SShA v Kaspijskom regione // Zhurnal teorii i praktiki Evrazijstva. – 2003. – # 22.
14.Plugatarev I. Voennye igry na Kaspii // Nezavisimaja ga¬zeta. – 2003. – # 31 (17 fevralja).
15.Starchenkov G. Kaspijskaja neft' v regional'noj jekonomi¬ke i mirovoj politike // Central'naja Azija i Kavkaz. – 2006. – # 1.
16.Implementation of US Policy on Caspian Sea Oil Exports. US Senat Committee on Foreign Relations, 8 july 1998. – Washington:
GPO, 1998.
17..Matthews O. The Next Move is Check // Newsweek. – 2002. – 8 April.

Personal opinion
Artjukov Ju.G.
The CIS - Сommunity of independent citizens
In present article I want the attention to be focused on the reconstruction of statehood in the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States. Former soviet republics obtained the sovereignty. But can we say if they have become states? What has been changed in the regulation of ownership?
As a result of political acts of privatization citizens of the USSA had been deprived their collective ownership in real estate. Only rights to be an exclusive source of state power and protection of public and private property remained to be nation’s rights.
Only de facto rights of private ownership can transform the population of a country into the citizens of a state. Each man or woman can become de facto free only if he or she possess the ownership and there is an area over which the state has no right of control.
Keywords: CIS, right of ownership, real estate, land, economy in transition.


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